David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, 1916-2006

Overview of the Collection

French, David H. (David Heath), 1918-
David H. and Kathrine S. French papers
1916-2006 (inclusive)
100.78 cubic feet (110 boxes)
Collection Number
Papers of David H. French and Kathrine S. French, mainly covering their lives' work with the Warm Springs Indian Reservation
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Access to portions of the collection is restricted. Contact University of Washington Libraries Special Collections for details

Records are stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Anthropologists David Heath and Kathrine Story French were well-known for their decades-long fieldwork with the Warm Springs Indian Reservation community in Central Oregon. David was born in Bend, Oregon, on May 21, 1918, to parents Delbert and Evelyn Fatland French. He attended Reed College for three years before transferring to complete his B.A. at Pomona College. He received his M.A. one year later from the Claremont Graduate School, and his Ph.D. from Columbia after conducting his fieldwork at Isleta Pueblo in the Southwest.

Kathrine Story French was born in Champaign, Illinois, to parents Russell and Gertrude Story on June 5, 1922. She first met David at Pomona College, where she received her B.A. in philosophy and anthropology in 1942. She also earned her Ph.D. from Columbia University. Following their marriage in 1943, both David and Kathrine worked as relocation advisors and community analysts with the War Relocation Authority at Colorado River Relocation Center in Poston, Arizona, from 1943 to 1946. David then joined the faculty at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, where he worked from 1947 until his retirement in 1988. He also held visiting appointments at Columbia, the University of Washington, and Harvard. Kathrine served on the faculty of Oregon Health Sciences University from 1959 to 1980, and was an adjunct member of the Reed College anthropology department from 1980 until her death.

Throughout their time working with the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, the Frenches’ work developed separate, although overlapping, foci. David concentrated on linguistics and ethnobotany, particularly of the Warm Springs Sahaptin and Wasco Chinookan groups. Kathrine focused on the social ceremonialism and social organization of the two groups. Although their most intensive fieldwork was conducted between 1949 and 1956 (and with the help of many of their Reed College anthropology students), they both continued their research and writing about the peoples of Warm Springs throughout their careers, and maintained frequent contact with a number of families in the community.

In 1988, David received the American Anthropological Association’s Distinguished Service Award. He died of a heart attack on February 12, 1994. Kathrine died of pneumonia on June 14, 2006.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The French Papers consist primarily of correspondence, manuscripts, field notes, research files, teaching materials, reports, subject files, census data, publications, a bibliography, lantern slides and card files.

These papers contain a large body of personal and professional correspondence and published and unpublished manuscripts (as well as related notes and drafts) on topics spanning the linguistics, ethnobotany, contact history, social organization, and ceremonialism (to name only a few) of Wasco-Wishram and Sahaptin people.

The papers of David H. French also contain data and correspondence related to botany and, to some extent, ethnobotany. These focus on the plant family Umbelliferae (now named Apiaceae), in which he had special expertise: a new species of the genus Lomatium, whose members were important food and medicinal plants for Northwest Native peoples, bears his name (Lomatium frenchii).

Some of David French's long career at Reed College is also documented in this collection, including teaching materials, correspondence, and memoranda with Reed students and administration.

David and Kathrine French's years working for the War Relocation Authority (WRA) at the Colorado River Relocation Center in Poston, Arizona, generated an interesting collection of correspondence, reports, census data, subject files and other materials documenting the experience of Japanese-American internees in the camp.

The papers of Kathrine S. French include a rich body of materials from her undergraduate and graduate education at Pomona College and Columbia University, respectively. Some highlights are lecture notes from courses with Morris Opler, Ralph Linton, Ruth Benedict, and others; material from her work on race relations in Portland in 1948-1950 for the League of Women Voters and for the State of Oregon Fair Employment Practices Division; and materials from her work in medical anthropology at Oregon Health Sciences University.

Also included are the primary field data (including audiotape recordings) from Kathrine French's 1984-1988 research on Warm Springs ceremonialism, and the records of her contract ethnography work with Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc. (AINW) during the 1990s-2000s. Included also is a body of personal correspondence, most of it dating from the years after David's death (1994-2006).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Some restrictions exist on copying, quotation or publication. Contact Repository for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Organized into 3 accessions.

  • Accession No. 5496-001, David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, 1943-2006
  • Accession No. 5496-002, David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, 1916, 1942-1946, 1980s-1990s
  • Accession No. 5496-003, David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, circa 1943-1956

Preservation Note

Records are stored offsite; advance notice required for use.

Acquisition Information

Source: Kathrine Story French Trust, 2007-2008

Processing Note

Minimally processed.

Separated Materials

A nearly complete run of Spilyay Tymoo (1976-2006), a publication from Warm Springs, Oregon, was removed from accession 5496-002 and transferred to Serials for separate cataloging.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
Series I: Papers of David H. and Kathrine S. French
Subseries A: Personal Documents
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 5496-001
Wedding announcement and clipping
1/2 5496-001
“Misc DF & KF activities” [file of clippings about DF, KF]
1/3 5496-001
Personal documents, misc
1/4 5496-001
“Old photos” (copies and scans)
1/5 5496-001
Games invented by DF, KF
Subseries B: Personal Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
1/6 5496-001
1946, 1953
1/7-8 5496-001
1/9 5496-001
Fennell, Betty Jo
1/10 5496-001
French, Evelyn & Delbert (DF’s parents)
1/11-12 5496-001
French, Robert & Lois (DF’s brother)
1/13 5496-001
Grambs, Jean
1/14 5496-001
Guyer, Vida
1/15 5496-001
Reynolds, Carl & Mary
1/16 5496-001
Smith, M. Brewster (and family)
Subseries C: Organizations, Conferences, Membership
Box/Folder Accession
1/17 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, misc
1/18 5496-001
2nd Annual Pacific Linguistics Conference, Eugene, OR
November 1986
1/19 5496-001
Pendleton Indian Education Conference
1/20 5496-001
Salish Conference, Portland
August 1982
1/21 5496-001
Salish Conference, Seattle
August 1983
1/22 5496-001
Portland Anthropologists, meeting minutes and corresp.
1/23 5496-001
2nd Northwest Anthropological Conference (NWAC), Portland
1/24 5496-001
3rd NWAC, Seattle
1/25 5496-001
4th NWAC, Portland (Reed)
1/26 5496-001
5th NWAC, Eugene
1/27 5496-001
9th NWAC, Eugene
1/28 5496-001
10th NWAC, Portland (Reed)
1/29 5496-001
11th NWAC, Pullman
1/30 5496-001
12th NWAC, Portland (Portland State College)
1/31 5496-001
16th NWAC, Portland (Reed)
1/32 5496-001
17th NWAC, Pullman
1/33 5496-001
22nd NWAC, Victoria, BC
1/34 5496-001
27th NWAC, Corvallis
1/35 5496-001
34th NWAC, Portland (PSU)
1/36 5496-001
44th NWAC, Missoula
1/37 5496-001
NWAC, correspondence with R Sprague
Subseries D: Correspondence, General and Professional
Box/Folder Accession
2/1 5496-001
2/2 5496-001
Adams, Barbara*
2/3 5496-001
2/4 5496-001
Bahr, Donald M.*[Harvard 1960-61]
2/5 5496-001
Barker, Ty
2/6 5496-001
Barnes, R. H.*
2/7 5496-001
Benedict, Ruth
2/8 5496-001
Bilderback, Carolyn
2/9 5496-001
Brant, Charles
2/10 5496-001
Brightman, Robert A.,*† correspondence
2/11 5496-001
Brightman, Robert A., writings
2/12 5496-001
Brissonnet, Lydie,* dissertation
2/13 5496-001
Brissonnet, Lydie, correspondence
2/14 5496-001
2/15 5496-001
Camp, Jena,* correspondence
2/16 5496-001
Camp, Jena, correspondence
2/17 5496-001
Cancian, Francesca*
2/18 5496-001
Codere, Helen
2/19 5496-001
Cole, Glen*
2/20 5496-001
Colson, Elizabeth
3/1 5496-001
Conklin, Harold C., correspondence
3/2 5496-001
Conklin, Harold C., writings
3/3 5496-001
3/4 5496-001
3/5 5496-001
Ebihara [=Gelfand], May,* correspondence
3/6 5496-001
Ebihara, May, writings
3/7 5496-001
Endicott, Kirk*
3/8 5496-001
Epling, Jud*
3/9 5496-001
3/10 5496-001
Faubion, James D.*†
3/11 5496-001
Fernea, Robert and Elizabeth*
3/12 5496-001
Fiedler, Kurt*
3/13 5496-001
Fogelson, Raymond D., correspondence
3/14 5496-001
Fogelson, Raymond D., writings
3/15 5496-001
Foster, Stephen W.*
3/16 5496-001
Fowler, Nancy J.*
3/17 5496-001
Freeman, Sarah*
3/18 5496-001
3/19 5496-001
3/20 5496-001
Hanchett, Suzanne* [= Regelson], correspondence, writings
3/21 5496-001
Hanchett, Suzanne, correspondence, writings
3/22 5496-001
Harper, Edward B.* [SEE ALSO Research, Warm Springs Res.]
3/23 5496-001
Haviland, John B.†
3/24 5496-001
Honchar, Pat*
3/25 5496-001
Hotchkiss, John*
4/1 5496-001
4/2 5496-001
4/3 5496-001
Jolly, Howard D.†
4/4 5496-001
Jones, Bart*
4/5 5496-001
4/6 5496-001
Kelly, Gail M.*† [SEE ALSO Research, Warm Springs Res.]
4/7 5496-001
Kurtz, Ronald
4/8-9 5496-001
4/10 5496-001
Landar, Herbert
4/11 5496-001
Leaf, Murray*
4/12 5496-001
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
4/13-14 5496-001
4/15 5496-001
Mahar, J. Michael* [SEE ALSO Research, Warm Springs Res.]
4/16 5496-001
Mason, Rachel*
4/17 5496-001
Maybury-Lewis, David and Pia
4/18 5496-001
Modjeska, Charles*
4/20 5496-001
4/21 5496-001
Needham, Rodney, correspondence
4/22 5496-001
Needham, Rodney, writings
4/23 5496-001
4/24 5496-001
Opler, Marvin K., correspondence
4/25 5496-001
Opler, Marvin K., Southern Ute Acculturation paper
4/26 5496-001
Opler, Morris E.
4/27 5496-001
Owen, M. Gordon*
5/1 5496-001
5/2 5496-001
Pataki, Kerry†
5/3 5496-001
Peters, Karl Michael*
5/4 5496-001
Pock, John C.†
5/5 5496-001
Pope, Richard K.,* corresp., writings [SEE ALSO Research, WS Res.]
5/6 5496-001
Price, Thomas*
5/7 5496-001
Purcell, Trevor†
5/8 5496-001
5/9-10 5496-001
5/11 5496-001
Roth, Christopher*
5/12 5496-001
5/13 5496-001
Sajovic, Majda*
5/14 5496-001
Sather, Cliff*†
5/15 5496-001
Schneider, David M.
5/16 5496-001
Scott, Kytja [= Voeller]* [SEE ALSO Research, Warm Springs Res.]
5/17 5496-001
Segal, Robert A.†
5/18 5496-001
Sibley, Will*
5/19 5496-001
Siemens, Stephen*
5/20 5496-001
Singer, Milton
5/21 5496-001
Smith, Allan
5/22 5496-001
Snyder, Gary*
5/23 5496-001
Snyder, Sally
6/1 5496-001
Spicer, Edward H.
6/2-3 5496-001
Stefflre, Volney
6/4 5496-001
Steveson, Linda*
6/5 5496-001
6/6 5496-001
Sufian, Jane*
6/7 5496-001
Sutter, Noel*
6/8 5496-001
6/9 5496-001
6/10 5496-001
Verdery, Katherine*
6/11 5496-001
6/12 5496-001
Vogt, Evon Z.
6/13-14 5496-001
6/15 5496-001
Subseries E: Research
Sub-Subseries i: Japanese Americans: Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, AZ, 1943-46
Box/Folder Accession
7/1 5496-001
WRA Handbook-Welfare & Relocation (green Accopress binder)
7/2 5496-001
Family Welfare Orientation Program (green Accopress binder) [SEE Papers of KSF,Writings, 1944]
7/3 5496-001
Autobiographies [organized by evacuation sites];Grade 11-12, 1942-43 (manila envelope)
7/4 5496-001
Daily Office Log, 1 April – 31 December 1943 (manila envelope)
7/5 5496-001
"Biography, 7th-10th Grade,Unit II”
7/6 5496-001
"Biography, 11th-12th Grade, Unit II”
7/7 5496-001
7/8 5496-001
"Autobiography- Misc."
7/9 5496-001
"Population: Issei, Nisei, Sansei, Kibei”
7/10 5496-001
7/11 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, A-F [empty]
7/12 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records,G-H
7/13 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, I-J
7/14 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, K
7/15 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records,L-M
7/16 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, N-R
7/17 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, S
7/18 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records, T
7/19 5496-001
Family Welfare Case Records,U-Z
Sub-Subseries ii: Kathrine and David French Manuscript Materials
Box/Folder Accession
8/1 5496-001
Community Analyst Final Report: outlines, notes,correspondence (includes copies of Charles Wisdom’s outline for his finalnarrative report on Rohrer [Arkansas]; outline of “The Social Organization of aRelocation Center – Gila River Project” by Gordon Brown
8/1 5496-001
Manuscript in preparation: Poston: An American Concentration Camp, by K.S. French and D.H.French.
8/2 5496-001
Poston…, outlines, chronological notes
8/3 5496-001
Poston…, typescript drafts of miscellaneous sections, documents,notes
8/4 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…, “Intake,Estab[lishment]”
8/5 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…, “Cotton, Camou[flage],Trust F[unds]”
8/6 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Block, Family,Individual”
8/7 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Non-Community Government Organization”
8/8 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Recreationevents”
8/9 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Orientation”
8/10 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Community Government Organization”
8/11 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…, “Community Protection, etc.”
8/12 5496-001
(greenbinder): Poston…, “Economics”
8/13 5496-001
(green binder): Poston…,“Education, Language, Acculturation”
8/14 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…,“Community Gov’t History”
8/15 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…,“Misc.”
8/16 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…, “Segregation”
8/17 5496-001
(brown binder): Poston…, “JACL Registration”
8/18 5496-001
(green binder):Poston…, [no label: contents organized by tabs— “Bl[ock] Mgrs”; “UnitAd[ministrators]”; “Councils”]
8/19-20 5496-001
unlabeled; misc. sections of the ms.
8/21 5496-001
(in “hold-fast file”): WRA Bibliography of Japanese in America
8/22 5496-001
(black binder): Poston…, “Unit I After theStrike”
8/23 5496-001
(black clasped binder): “Evac & Resettlement”[printed materials]
8/24 5496-001
(black clasped binder): “JA’s Gen” [printedmaterials]
8/25 5496-001
8/25 (black clasped binder): “Misc WRA Pubs” [printed materials]
Sub-Subseries iii: Poston Correspondence and Printed Materials
Box Accession
9 5496-001
D. French Poston correspondence, 1943-46 (includes letters to DF’s parents, Carl Reynolds, Charlotte Opler, Carol [Creedon?])
9 5496-001
D. & K. French Poston correspondence with co-workers and others (includes DF correspondence with E. Spicer, KF letter to G. Bateson
9 5496-001
9 February 1945, correspondence with co-workers in Poston office)
9 5496-001
D. & K. French Poston correspondence with Japanese American evacuees and former evacuees
9 5496-001
F“Japanese Americans 1980’s etc.” (correspondence, printed materials)
9 5496-001
Newsclippings re Japanese Americans
9 5496-001
Trek (Central Utah Relocation Center, Topaz, UT), Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1942
9 5496-001
Trek (Central Utah Relocation Center, Topaz, UT), Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1943
9 5496-001
Trek (Central Utah Relocation Center, Topaz, UT), Vol. 1, No. 3, June 1943
9 5496-001
Nisei In Uniform. Dept of Interior, War Relocation Agency, 1943
9 5496-001
Adams, Ansel. 1944. Born Free and Equal: Photographs of the Loyal Japanese
9 5496-001
Americans at Manzanar Relocation Center, Inyo County, California. New York: US Camera.
9 5496-001
Nisei Vue [magazine]. First Issue, Spring 1948.
9 5496-001
Scene: The Pictorial Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 9, January 1951 (Chicago).
9 5496-001
Applied Anthropology, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Oct-Nov-Dec 1942).WRA Publications
9 5496-001
Wartime Exile: the Exclusion of the Japanese Americans from the West Coast
9 5496-001
Administrative Highlights of the WRA Program
9 5496-001
The Wartime Handling of Evacuee Property
9 5496-001
Token Shipment. The Story of America’s War Refugee Center.
9 5496-001
Legal and Constitutional Phases of the WRA Program
9 5496-001
The Relocation ProgramThe Evacuated People: A Quantitative Description
9 5496-001
People in Motion: The Postwar Adjustment of the Evacuated Japanese Americans
9 5496-001
Community Government in War Relocation Centers (by Solon T. Kimball)
9 5496-001
Impounded People: Japanese Americans in the Relocation Centers (by E. H. Spicer, K. Luomala, A.T. Hansen, and M.K. Opler)
Sub-Subseries iv: Indians of the Northwest, correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
10/1 5496-001
Amoss, Pamela, correspondence
10/2 5496-001
Anastasio, Angelo, correspondence
10/3 5496-001
Anastasio, Angelo, “Ethnohistory of the Spokane Indians,” 1956
10/4 5496-001
10/5 5496-001
Benson, Robert L., correspondence
10/6 5496-001
Benson, Robert L., corresp.
10/7 5496-001
Benson, Robert L., corresp.
10/8 5496-001
Bigelow, Charles, correspondence, writings, misc materials
10/9 5496-001
Boise, Margaret, corresp
10/10 5496-001
Boyd, Robert, corresp
10/11 5496-001
Florendo, Alice, corresp
10/12 5496-001
10/13 5496-001
Hajda [=Phillips], Yvonne, corresp
10/14 5496-001
Hajda, Yvonne, misc. writings
10/15 5496-001
Hajda, Yvonne, writings, W. Oregon kinship
10/16 5496-001
Hajda, Yvonne, writings, Kalapuya MA Thesis
10/17 5496-001
Helliwell, Richard, correspondence. Writings
10/18 5496-001
Hunn, Eugene S., correspondence
10/19 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Utilitarian factor…” drafts
10/20 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, Sahaptin ethnobiology, birds (with bats)
10/21 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “EH’s Sahaptin gazetteer, 6/91”
10/22 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “EH – Plants known and used by Northwest Indians”
10/23 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Relative contribution of men and women…”
10/24 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Mobility as a limiting factor…”
10/25 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Ethnoecology in three phases…”
10/26 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Sahaptin plant terms…”
10/27 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., “Hunn’s NSF Progress Report, 6/80”
June 1980
10/28 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “Sahaptin – bird terms”
10/29 5496-001
Hunn, E.S., writings, “UW Press – Nch’i Wana”
11/1 5496-001
Hunn, E. S., writings, “Sahaptin animal terms”
11/2 5496-001
“E. Hunn’s Ethnobotany/Ethnobiology raw data”
11/3 5496-001
(brown binder) Hunn, E.S., “Plateau Indian place names”
11/4 5496-001
Hunn, E. S,. writings, misc.
11/5 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/6 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/7 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/8 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/9 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/10 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., correspondence
11/11 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., [book proposal with C. Bigelow, q.v.]
11/12 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., Harvard teaching materials
11/13 5496-001
D.H. Hymes bibliography
11/14 5496-001
Hymes. Dell H., writings
approximately 1950s
11/15 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., writings
approximately 1960s
11/16 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., writings
approximately 1970s
11/17 5496-001
Hymes, Dell H., writings
approximately 1980s
12/1 5496-001
Hymes, Virginia D., writings, Warm Springs Sahaptin Word List, 1973
12/2 5496-001
Hymes, Virginia D., writings, “Warm Springs Sahaptin narrative analysis”
12/3 5496-001
Hymes, Virginia D., writings, “A Sahaptin narrative device,”
12/4 5496-001
Hymes, Virginia D., writings, “Some features of Warm Springs Sahaptin,”
12/5 5496-001
Hymes, Virginia D., writings, “Verse analysis as heuristic,”
12/6 5496-001
Jacobs, Melville and Elizabeth, correspondence
12/7 5496-001
Johnson, Samuel, [PhD dissertation on Chinook Jargon]
12/8 5496-001
Kahclamat, Philip, correspondence
12/9 5496-001
Kalama, Viola, correspondence
12/10 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, correspondence
12/11 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, misc. writings
12/12 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, writings, “Pluralization in Upper Chehalis”
12/13 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, writings, “The source of the Upper Chehalis reflexive”
12/14 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, writings, “Columbian (Salish) C2 reduplication”
12/15 5496-001
Kinkade, M. Dale, writings, “Interior Salish particles”
12/16 5496-001
Kover, Eleanor, correspondence
12/17 5496-001
Leonard, Deni, correspondence
12/18 5496-001
McInturff (née Brunoe), Madeline, correspondence
12/19 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., correspondence
12/20 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., correspondence
12/21 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., correspondence
12/22 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., correspondence
12/23 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., writings, BA thesis
12/24 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., writings, MA thesis
12/25 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., writings, misc
12/26 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., writings, misc
12/27 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., writings, IJAL
12/28 5496-001
Moore, Robert E., misc fieldnotes and notes on Kiksht
12/29 5496-001
Morrison [=Millstein], Henry, correspondence
12/30 5496-001
Paget, Harry C., correspondence
12/31 5496-001
Pepper, Floy, writings
12/32 5496-001
Roth, Christopher, correspondence and writings
12/33 5496-001
Rigsby, Bruce, correspondence
12/34 5496-001
Rigsby, Bruce, writings, Sahaptin grammar
12/35 5496-001
Rude, Noel, correspondence and writings
12/36 5496-001
Seaburg, Bill, correspondence
13/1 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, correspondence
13/2 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, curriculum vitae and clipping about
13/3 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, Language in Culture course materials (Univ of Chicago)
13/4 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Chinookans of the Lower Columbia,” HNAI, drafts, notes
13/5 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, misc
13/6 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “On two California roots for ‘two’,”
13/7 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Dialectal developments in Chinookan ‘tense’ systems …,”
13/8 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Hierarchy of features and ergativity,”
13/9 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Deixis and deducibility in a Wasco-Wishram passive of evidence,”
13/10 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “The limits of awareness”
13/12 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Person, number, gender in Chinook,”
13/13 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “The culture of language in Chinookan narrative texts…,”
13/14 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “An exhaustive lexicon of Wasco-Wishram…” transcript, notes
13/15 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Wasco-Wishram lexical derivational processes vs. word-internal syntax,”
13/16 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “Relative motivation in Wasco-Wishram sound symbolism…,”
13/17 5496-001
Silverstein, Michael, writings, “The secret life of texts,”
13/18 5496-001
Stern, Theodore, correspondence
13/19 5496-001
Stern, Theodore, correspondence and writings
13/20 5496-001
Stern, Theodore, Klamath ms.
13/21 5496-001
Suttles, Wayne, correspondence and writings
13/22 5496-001
Thomas, Jeanne, correspondence
13/23 5496-001
Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Terry, correspondence
13/24 5496-001
Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Terry, correspondence
13/25 5496-001
Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Terry, writings
13/26 5496-001
Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Terry, writings, “Salishan and the Northwest”
13/27 5496-001
Toepel, Kathryn, correspondence and writings
13/28 5496-001
Turner, Nancy J., et al., Thompson Indian Ethnobotany
13/29 5496-001
Turner, Nancy J., et al., Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville
13/30 5496-001
Walker, Deward E., Jr., correspondence
13/31 5496-001
Warm Springs Reservation, misc correspondence
13/32 5496-001
Winthrop, Robert, correspondence and writings
13/33 5496-001
Zenk, Henry, Kalapuya ethnobiology MA Thesis
13/34 5496-001
Zenk, Henry, writings, misc.
Sub-Subseries v: Warm Springs Indian Reservation (Oregon): ethnohistorical documents
Box/Folder Accession
14/1 5496-001
(large white 3-ring binder) Field Matron’s Record Book, 1921-22
14/2 5496-001
(large blue 3-ring binder) Cliff, Thelma Drake. 1942. A History of the Warm Springs Reservation, 1855-1900
14/3 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) Censuses
14/4 5496-001
(black 3-ring binder) Charts [genealogies of WS people]
14/5 5496-001
(green accopress binder) US National Archives, 1965 (1981), BIA Preliminary Inventories
14/6 5496-001
WS Population & census
14/7 5496-001
Excerpts from Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs “in process”
14/8 5496-001
WS Res – 1880 Census – Masters
14/9 5496-001
WS Res – Misc. historical material to be sorted
14/10 5496-001
Commissioner of Indian Affairs carbons
14/11 5496-001
WS Res – 1884 Census – Notes
Sub-Subseries vi: Warm Springs Indian Reservation: language teaching materials
Restrictions on Access: Restricted
Box/Folder Accession
15/1 5496-001
(red 3-ring binder) WS Sahaptin, 1990. How to Read and Write in \Sahaptin & Grammar [Warm Springs Culture & Heritage Dept]
15/2 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) Warm Springs [Sahaptin] to English [word list] [Warm Springs Culture & Heritage Dept]. 1990.
15/3 5496-001
(red 3-ring binder) English to Warm Springs [Sahaptin] [word list] [Warm Springs Culture & Heritage Dept]. 1990.
15/4 5496-001
Wasco Dictionary Project (H. Millstein, Warm Springs Culture & Heritage Dept.). 1997.
15/5-7 5496-001
An Introduction to Saying and Writing Wasco Words. By Dell Hymes. (Working copy. Not for publication in any form.)
15/8 5496-001
Some Stories of the Warm Springs Reservation, as told in Wasco by Hiram Smith; Notes on Wasco Sounds and letters. [Dell Hymes, 8/68]
15/9 5496-001
History of Wasco Language. No author [Dell Hymes]. Two copies.
15/10 5496-001
[Pronunciation guide for Warm Springs Sahaptin]; “Dialogues in Warm Springs Sahaptin.” [No author, date, or source info.]
15/11 5496-001
Dictionary of the Moses-Columbia language. Compiled by Dale Kinkade.
15/12 5496-001
(black 3-ring binder) V[irginia] Hymes / Sahaptin Stories / H. Suppah
15/13 5496-001
(black 3-ring binder) V Hymes / Sahaptin Stories
15/14 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) V Hymes / Sahaptin Word List / 1976
Sub-Subseries vii: Warm Springs Indian Reservation: the “Warm Springs Project,” 1950-1955
Box/Folder Accession
16/1 5496-001
Warm Springs Project, SSRC application materials, correspondence, etc
16/2 5496-001
Warm Springs Project, American Philosophical Society application materials, correspondence, etc.
16/3 5496-001
Warm Springs Project, Wenner Gren Foundation, application materials, correspondence, etc.
16/4 5496-001
Warm Springs Project, correspondence with E. B. Harper
16/5 5496-001
Warm Springs Project, misc correspondence
Sub-Subseries viii: Warm Springs Sahaptins: Fieldnotes
Box/Folder Accession
16/6 5496-001
WS Res - Consultants (6/93)
16/7 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Sahaptin fieldnotes [master copy], 1952-55
16/8 5496-001
WSS MYTH - in process, etc (16/8 WSS MYTH – in process, etc.
16/9 5496-001
WS Sahap. AT on culture history- history (16/9 WS Sahap. AT on culture history
16/10 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Sahaptin fieldnotes [master copy], 1952-55
16/11 5496-001
WS Res material – origs. – safety copies - completed (16/11 WS Res material – origs. – safety copies – completed
16/12 5496-001
L Winishut funeral 12/89- funeral (16/12 L Winishut funeral 12/89
16/13 5496-001
WS Sahap photos [postcards of AT]- AT (16/13 WS Sahap photos [postcards of AT]
16/14 5496-001
WS Res - Women’s roles (16/14 WS Res – Women’s roles
16/15 5496-001
WS Res – notes (carbons) - notes (carbons) – 1984
16/16 5496-001
Sahaptin residence, 19th c[entury] – KSF – NWAC - KSF – NWAC (16/16 Sahaptin residence, 19th c[entury] – KSF – NWAC – 3/80
16/17 5496-001
Warm Spr Sahap - ethnobiology (16/17 Warm Spr Sahap – ethnobiology
16/18 5496-001
WS Res - birds (16/18 WS Res – birds
16/19 5496-001
Sahaptin - fish (16/19 Sahaptin – fish
16/20 5496-001
Imikawaspshwa- Imikawaspshwa (16/20 Imikawaspshwa
16/21 5496-001
Washat, root, berry feasts- feasts (16/21 Washat, root, berry feasts
16/22 5496-001
Trial of Lutuwash- Lutuwash (16/22 Trial of Lutuwash
16/23 5496-001
WS Sahaptin, Lang[uage] and myth fragments- fragments (16/23 WS Sahaptin, Lang[uage] and myth fragments
16/24 5496-001
Proofreading done. Corrections in process.- process (16/24 Proofreading done. Corrections in process.
16/25 5496-001
Myths & Tales (Y[vonne] P[hillip]’s copies of Wasco & Sahaptin stories; Returned to Frenches later)- later (Y[vonne] P[hillip]’s copies of Wasco & Sahaptin stories; Returned to Frenches later)
16/26 5496-001
WS Legal- Legal (16/26 WS Legal
16/27 5496-001
J. R. Wallace’s data- data (16/27 J. R. Wallace’s data
16/28 5496-001
Dick Pope’s data- data (16/28 Dick Pope’s data
16/29 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Sahaptin fieldnotes [master copy], 1952-55
16/30 5496-001
Proofreading- Proofreading (16/30 Proofreading
16/31 5496-001
Paget- Paget (16/31 Paget
16/32 5496-001
Kinship field notes. Copied by KF - pass on to DF (16/32 Kinship field notes. Copied by KF – pass on to DF
16/33 5496-001
WS Sahap medical terminology- terminology (16/33 WS Sahap medical terminology
16/34 5496-001
WS Sahap - general, unsorted, in process (16/34 WS Sahap – general, unsorted, in process
16/35 5496-001
Manuscript carbons- carbons (16/35 Manuscript carbons
16/36 5496-001
WS Res notes - in process (16/36 WS Res notes – in process
16/37 5496-001
WS Sahap – ms etc. - mostly (?) Washat
16/38 5496-001
Safety copies for filing- filing (16/38 Safety copies for filing
16/39 5496-001
WS Sahap - safety copies (2)
16/40 5496-001
WS Sahap & Res. - religion (16/40 WS Sahap & Res. – religion
16/41 5496-001
WS Sahap, WS Res - broadly social (16/41 WS Sahap, WS Res – broadly social
16/42 5496-001
WS work - dups of applics, etc (16/42 WS work – dups of applics, etc.
16/43 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Sahaptin fieldnotes [master copy], 1952-55
16/44 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Sahaptin fieldnotes [master copy], 1952-55
Sub-Subseries ix : Warm Springs Reservation: Wasco-Wishram (Chinookan) field materials
Box Accession
17/1 5496-001
(black accopress binder) Wasco-Wishram Fieldnotes, 1955-57
17/2 5496-001
Florendo, Alice, correspondence, 1955
17/3 5496-001
Wasco myth materials (incl Cosminski, Hymes)
17/4 5496-001
Wasco myths
17/5 5496-001
Wasco genealogy
17/6 5496-001
Chinookan language [letter to DF from Dell Hymes, 21 July 1954; Notes in the hand of Michael Silverstein, dated 9/76]
17/7 5496-001
W-W historical originals
17/8 5496-001
W-W kinship data, mostly fr[om] D[ell] H[ymes]
17/9 5496-001
W-W DH domain lists
17/10 5496-001
Upper Chinookan Culture History III
17/11 5496-001
Kelly, G[ail] notes
17/12 5496-001
Adams, B[arbara] Cascade ms.
17/13 5496-001
Wasco – broadly social
17/14 5496-001
Curtis & others – notes – historical
17/15 5496-001
Upper Chinookan Culture History II
17/16 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram language
17/17 5496-001
Upper Chinookan Culture History
17/18 5496-001
Wasco – birds
17/19 5496-001
Chinookan dictionary project, final report (+ Sahaptin)
17/20 5496-001
Westerly Chinookan, etc. Y[vonne] H[ajda], M[ichael] S[ilverstein] activities
17/21 5496-001
Chinookan M Silverstein items – origs
17/22 5496-001
W-W dict[ionary] – computer related matters
17/23 5496-001
W-W ling notes KF & YH, 1988, 1989
17/24 5496-001
Hymes Chinook teaching materials
17/25 5496-001
W/W/C dict – grammatical/instrumental
17/26 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram place names ms.
17/27-17/28 5496-001
D[aniel] Lee’s vocab
17/29 5496-001
D Lee’s vocab, copy 2, annotated
17/30 5496-001
Wasco ethnobot. – ms.
17/31 5496-001
WWC (Spicer vol) – prelim ms. for circ.
17/32 5496-001
Cosminsky – WW mythology
17/33 5496-001
Dyk – Wishram grammar
17/34 5496-001
Silverstein, M. Penutian the grammatical dimensions of Sapir’s hypothesis (Harvard University BA Thesis, Linguistics, 1965. Mimeo.)
Sub-Subseries x: DF & KF fieldnotes
Box Accession
18 5496-001
WS Sahaptin 3” x 5” slip files (in shoeboxes)
18 5496-001
Shoebox 1: WSS – Language, Religion, Myths, Annual Events, misc tribes
18 5496-001
Shoebox 2: W.S. Sahap. Notes unsorted or not crossreferenced
18 5496-001
Shoebox 3:W.S. Sahap., W.S. Res., Broadly social
18 5496-001
W. S, Sahap. Language notes
19 5496-001
Shoebox 1: W.S. Sahap. Notes, unprocessesed in chronological order
19 5496-001
Shoebox 2: W. S. Sahap Notes Box I – General
19 5496-001
Shoebox 3: W.S. Sahap Plant Notes, I
19 5496-001
Shoebox 4: W.S. Sahap Plant Notes, II
20 5496-001
Shoebox 1: WSS Plant Notes, III
20 5496-001
Shoebox 2: [Warm Springs Paiute ethnobotany]
20 5496-001
Shoebox 3: [Misc Chinookan lexical slips]
20 5496-001
Shoebox 5: Basin Shoshoneans, Gr. NW History, WS Res., NW Inds, WS Sahap,W-W unsorted
21 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram (Chinookan) Shoebox 1: Wasco-Wishram Notes, Geographic Linguistic – plant vocab, etc.
21 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram (Chinookan) Shoebox 2: Wasco – Broadly social
21 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram (Chinookan) Shoebox 3: Wasco-Wishram language notes, 1
21 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram (Chinookan) Shoebox 4: Wasco-Wishram language notes, 2
22 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 1: [Bibliography, linguistic notes, Wasco-Wishram, Sahaptin]
22 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 2: [Ethnozoology, ethnobotany, Wasco-Wishram, Sahaptin]
22 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 3: [Northwest Indians, notes, misc tribes including Wasco-Wishram]
22 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 4: Proj W, names of places & tribes [Wasco-Wishram, Cascades]
23 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 1: Wasco-Wishram Notes - Box 1 – General
23 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 2: Plants in process [mostly WS Sahaptin]
23 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 3: [Wasco, Wishram, Cascades, general vocab]
23 5496-001
WS Reservation Shoebox 4: [Misc., some Warm Springs Sahaptin notes & queries]
Sub-Subseries xi: Paiute field materials of Edward B. Harper
Box Accession
24 5496-001
Harper Materials, with full archival inventory by KSF, 1985
25 5496-001
Harper Materials
Sub-Subseries xii: DF & KF manuscripts in preparation
Box Accession
26 5496-001
Wasco Ethnobotany, Sahaptin Ethnobotany
26/1 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) Wasco Ethnobotany ms. Holograph ms.
26/2 5496-001
(purple 3-ring binder) Wasco Ethnobotany typescript, shoebox file of circa 1000 3” x 5” slips: Wasco-Wishram Notes – Ethnobotany, I, shoebox file of circa 1000 3” x 5” slips: Wasco-Wishram Notes – Ethnobotany, II
26/3 5496-001
Coyotes and Huckleberries, The Ethnobotany of the Warm Springs Reservation, by Kathrine S French and Susan E Harless, book proposal (4 Dec 2001), correspondence, etc.
26/4 5496-001
WSR Plants – word lists
26/5 5496-001
(purple 3-ring binder) “Some Wasco-Wishram Terms Dealing with Plants,” unpaginated printout of ms., four versions, 1988, 1989, 1999
26/6 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) [Warm Springs Sahaptin Ethnobotany, “Book 1”]
26/7 5496-001
(brown leatherette 3-ring binder) [Warm Springs Sahaptin Ethnobotany, “Book 2”]
26/8 5496-001
(aqua blue accopress binder) [Warm Springs Sahaptin Ethnobotany, Typescript]
28/1 5496-001
(black 3-ring binder) [Wasco-Wishram kinship and social organization]
28/2 5496-001
(black leatherette 3-ring binder), labeled on spine “D French Misc mss. re WS Res.” [Warm Springs Sahaptin ethnography]
28/3 5496-001
(black vinyl 3-ring binder] [Misc WSR—xeroxes of Harper Paiute notes, Sahaptin vocab., some genealogies, etc.]
28/4 5496-001
(blue 3-ring binder) [WS Res ceremonialism] (SEE KSF, Writings, 1955)
28/5 5496-001
(purple 3-ring binder) “Anthropologists” [related to slide show and bibliography of biographies of anthropologists, q.v.]
28/6 5496-001
(green hanging file) Genealogy
28/7 5496-001
Ceremonies, Edited for gifts or deposit [KSF]
28/8 5496-001
Duplicate notes (not YH) [KSF]
28/9 5496-001
Y[vonne] H[ajda] paper 1987 [KSF]
28/10 5496-001
C[ulture] & H[eritage] Certificate – KF
28/11 5496-001
(square cardboard box) Historical documents – Oregon City, Grand Ronde, The Dalles, etc.
28/12 5496-001
C[ommissioner of] I[ndian] A[ffairs] R[eports] – (Originals)
28/13 5496-001
Period III, IV carbons
28/14 5496-001
WS Res – misc notes for KF to look at and refile
28/15 5496-001
[W.S.] Curtis – safety copies
28/16 5496-001
[Lewis & Clark journals]
28/17 5496-001
Lewis & Clark Exped.
30-31 5496-001
Manuscripts in preparation: Wasco-Wishram lexicon (hard copies)
32 5496-001
Modern Northwest Indians. 1958-1963 [Popular book based on photographs taken on the Yakima Reservation and elsewhere in the region by J.W. Thompson; planned, some sections completed] (annotations in files by Yvonne Phillips, Cal Cottrell, Philip Kahclamat, and possibly others).
32/1 5496-001
Book outlines, notes
32/2 5496-001
article on JWT from Seattle Times, 12 Feb 1954
32/3 5496-001
misc. materials
32/4 5496-001
newsclippings about NW Indians (1948-58), sorted into categories, outline
32/5 5496-001
Correspondence with JWT and University of Washington Press
32 5496-001
One box of slides, marked “Misc JWT slides 1302-1358”; Two large boxes of JWT photographic prints; Three large looseleaf notebooks with photographs and draft captions on facing pp.
33/1 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Yakima I (Better)
33/2 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: SW Washington – Bay Center, Chehalis
33/3 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Celilo
33/4 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Umatilla, Pendleton
33/5 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Yakima II (Worser)
33/6 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Rock Creek
33/7 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Yakima – not used
33/8 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Northeast Washington
33/9 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Off-Reservation Ceremonies; also Visitors From Afar
33/10 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Wishram-Wasco
33/11 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Nespelim
33/12 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Tulalip
33/13 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Spokane Reservation Wellpinit
33/14 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Makah
33/15 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: [JWT pricelist]
33/16 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: [misc notes]
33/17 5496-001
Additional newsclippings [all folders as originally labeled]
33/18 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Indians & Govt
33/19 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Pre-history, American
33/20 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Celilo (Falls); Dalles (Dam)
33/21 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Swinomish; La Conner
33/22 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: NW History
33/23 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Idaho
33/24 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Nez Perce
33/25 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: General NW Indians
33/26 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Western Oregon
33/27 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Chemawa
33/28 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Yakima
33/29 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Prehistory - NW
33/30 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: California
33/31 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Plateau – Great Basin
33/32 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Eskimo, Yukon-Mackenzie
33/33 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Southwest
33/34 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Southeast
33/35 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Woodlands
33/36 5496-001
Additional JWT prints, clippings, photographs: Mexico, C. & S. America
33/37 5496-001
Clippings – NW Indians – Temp. Indians of the Northwest, Indians in Portland
33/38 5496-001
(box) Indians of Portland, M. Ebihara & G. Kelly field materials, 1955
33/39 5496-001
Indians of Portland: C. Cottrell interviews, other materials, 1959
33/40 5496-001
Ford Foundation
Sub-Subseries xiii: DF Warm Springs Plant collection data
Box/Folder Accession
27/1 5496-001
D French WS Plant collection notes
27/2 5496-001
Plant collection Alpha/Accession
27/3 5496-001
Umbel keys, etc. – US, Eastern 2/3
27/4 5496-001
Umbellifers – Gr[eater] N.W., keys etc.
27/5 5496-001
Umbel keys, etc. – Gr[eat] Basin
27/6 5496-001
Plant, but list (e.g., sent to Lincoln Constance)
27/7 5496-001
Umbel Research
27/8 5496-001
Lomatium dissectum – DF’s mss.
27/9 5496-001
L. marginatum, etc., complex
27/10 5496-001
Umbellifers sent to Lincoln Constance, 9/80
27/11 5496-001
Hunn’s 1978 file sheets
27/12 5496-001
Yakima, etc., E Hunn’s Umbellifers
27/13 5496-001
M. Mathias, list of economically useful Umbellifers
27/14 5496-001
Umbels – misc data
15 5496-001
Northwest Ethnobotany bibliog..
27/16 5496-001
(hanging file) DF’s plant collecting diaries
27/17 5496-001
27/18 5496-001
Plant Collecting Notes
27/19 5496-001
(white 3-ring binder) David French – Plants at the Museum at Warm Springs
27/20 5496-001
(grey 3-ring binder) Plant Collection List transcribed by M Ettinger
27/21 5496-001
(large blue 3-ring binder) David H French Plant Collecting Notebook
Sub-Subseries xiv: Misc Warm Springs and other NW Indian materials
Box/Folder Accession
29/1 5496-001
The Tomahawk [early Warm Springs newspaper], 1953
29/2 5496-001
H Matson interview with G La Vatta, 18 May 1949
29/3 5496-001
Wasco-Wishram-Cascades, list of coinsultants and researchers
29/4 5496-001
“A Little Boy and His Grandmother” narrated by ASF on 30 January 1953. Holograph ms. (Kiiksht and English), 7 pp.; “Coyote at Celilo Falls,” told by Linton Winishut, June 1, 1973 to David and Kathrine French in their home. Typescript, 4 pp. Untitled myth fragment, told by Linton Winishut to David French and Charles Bigelow at DF’s house, Portland, 1 June 1986. English. Holograph ms., 4 pp.
29/5 5496-001
Population data – WS Res (much from R Boyd, 8/17/91)
29/6 5496-001
WS Res, NW Indians, misc literature
29/7 5496-001
DF/KF correspondence with Warm Springs people, mostly post 1978
29/8 5496-001
Maps, Columbia R., etc.
29/9 5496-001
[E.S.] Curtis on Chinook, Klikitat
29/10 5496-001
Indians – NW – health
29/11 5496-001
Indians – not NW – health
29/12 5496-001
Medicine – Folk, comparative
29/13 5496-001
Religion & medicine
29/14 5496-001
1979 WS Health Plan
29/15 5496-001
Jim Cook, D. Gregory project, 8/80
29/16 5496-001
WS Res – Drug Program Proposal – 1978
29/17 5496-001
WS Health Survey form
29/18 5496-001
WS Res – Comp Health Plan – 1979
29/19-20 5496-001
misc ethnohistorical data (carbons)
29/21 5496-001
Notes – reclaim
29/22 5496-001
KSF – naming patterns on WS Res (1880 Census)
29/23 5496-001
Indian intellectuals – P Kahclamat – corresp 1980s
29/24 5496-001
W-W L Smith data – KF & YH
29/25 5496-001
Thompson, G – C & H Meeting
29/26 5496-001
Larry George – Celilo (transcribed and edited by Virginia Hymes)
29/27 5496-001
[loose material] – Proceedings of Salish Conferences
68 5496-001
Ruth Hansen papers and research materials
68 5496-001
Language/Glossary materials, including correspondence
68 5496-001
Ethnobotany materials, including correspondence and drafts and NSF applications
69 5496-001
Anthropologist Biographies
72-74 5496-001
Subseries F: Writings and Reprints
Box Accession
34 5496-001
1955 The Warm Springs Indian community: will it be destroyed? The American Indian 7(2): 3-17.
34 5496-001
1960 A sketch of Warm Springs Indian life. In Report on the Warm Springs Research Project (Norman McKown, Project Director). Corvallis, OR. Oregon State University, 59 pp. Typescript, drafts, correspondence.
34 5496-001
1961a Review of The Structure of Twana Culture with Comparative Notes on the Structure of Yurok Culture, by W. W. Elmendorf and A. L. Kroeber. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 52(4). 162-163. Typescript, correspondence.
34 5496-001
1961b Oregon Indians. Portland, Oregon Historical Society. Abstract, correspondence.
34 5496-001
1964 Review of Samuel A. Stouffer, Social Research to Test Ideas: Selected Writings of Samuel A. Stouffer. American Anthropologist 66(4). 965-966. Correspondence, notes, typescript, materials consulted.
34 5496-001
1980 Warm Springs Medicinal Plants: A Summary. Ms.
34 5496-001
1987 Review of Naming Systems. 1980 Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, edited by Elizabeth Tooker; Harold C. Conklin, symposium organizer. Language in Society 16(1). 130-132. Typescript, correspondence.
34 5496-001
1991 Misconceptions about Indians. In The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, and The State’s Native Peoples Today. Caroline M. Buan and Richard Lewis, eds., pp. 55-57. Portland, Oregon.
34 5496-001
1993 Review of Nch’i-Wana, “The Big River”: Mid-Columbia Indians and Their Land, by Eugene S. Hunn, with James Selam and Family. University of Washington Press. Oregon Historical Quarterly 93(3), 315-317. Correspondence, typescript, notes.
34 5496-001
1996 Personal names. In Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 17, Languages (Ives Goddard, volume editor), pp. 200-221. Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution. [16 Folders, much loose material; = “Project N”]
34 5496-001
1998 Wasco, Wishram, and Cascades. In Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 17, Plateau (Deward E. Walker, Jr., volume editor), pp. 360-377. Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution. [Folders, loose material; = “Project W]
34 5496-001
2003 Misconceptions about Indians. In The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, and The State’s Native Peoples Today. Caroline M. Buan and Richard Lewis, eds., pp. xx-xx. Portland, Oregon,
Series II: Papers of David H. French
Subseries A: Personal Documents
Box/Folder Accession
35/1 5496-001
DHF birth certificate; birth certificates of Delbert Ransom French (father) and Evelyn Fatland French (mother); DRF and EFF’s marriage license; DRF’s Honorable Discharge; misc. deeds and titles
35/2 5496-001
35/3 5496-001
Who’s Who, etc.
35/4 5496-001
US Selective Service (documents, correspondence, 1942-46)
35/5 5496-001
Family info
35/6 5496-001
French, Delbert R. (father), Reed BA Thesis, 1915, typescript
35/7 5496-001
Session at annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, “Language, Culture, and Ethnosemantics: A Mélange Honoring David H. French,” 20 November 1987, Chicago, IL (R. Brightman and R. Moore, organizers) – correspondence, etc.
35/8 5496-001
National Museum of the American Indian, Honor Wall, certificate, 2005
35/9 5496-001
“Persons” [mainly obituaries]
Subseries B: Personal Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
35/10 5496-001
Personal correspondence, misc.
35/11 5496-001
Robinson, W. Frank (1946-49; 1987-88)
35/12 5496-001
Sander, Cyril
35/13 5496-001
Wells, Bob
Subseries C: Education
Box/Folder Accession
35/14 5496-001
Transcripts, test results, etc.
35/15 5496-001
Reed, Columbia admissions documents and related
35/16 5496-001
Pomona College, Anth C100B (M. E. Opler), 1938 or 1939: Exams, lecture notes; “Bibliography for Anthropology” [labeled “from ME Opler, approx. 1939”]; DF essays: “The Employment of Time and the Degree of Subsidization in a Maya Village, Chan Kom” (7 pp. t
35/17 5496-001
Columbia University, ca. 1940, misc lecture notes
35/18 5496-001
Columbia University, “Anthropological Psychology” (A. Kardiner (?)], lecture notes, misc materials; DF essay, “Resumé and Discussion of Radin’s Primitive Man as Philosopher,” 6 pp. ts., nd.
Subseries D: Employment
Box/Folder Accession
35/19 5496-001
United Pueblos Agency, 1942-43, US Civil Service documents, correspondence; WRA, 1943-46, official documents, correspondence
35/20 5496-001
[Reed College:] “DF’s old job offers” (correspondence, various dates)
35/21 5496-001
Reed College: annual continuation forms and other correspondence with the Office of the President of Reed College, 1947-1962
35/22 5496-001
Reed College: annual continuation forms and other correspondence with the Office of the President of Reed College, 1962-1987
35/23 5496-001
Columbia University, 1954-55, correspondence
35/24 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, Center for Cognitive Studies, correspondence
35/25 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, correspondence
35/26 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, teaching materials
35/27 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, Soc Rel 252, Seminar in Ethnoscience, teaching materials
35/28 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, Soc Rel 252, Seminar in Ethnoscience, student papers
35/29 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, Soc Rel 118, Cultural Ecology, teaching materials
35/30 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, Soc Rel 118, Cultural Ecology, student papers
35/31 5496-001
Harvard University, 1960-61, papers, unsorted
35/32 5496-001
Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS), 1967-68, correspondence and misc. materials
35/33 5496-001
CASBS, 1967-68, Fellows
Subseries E: Organizations, Conferences, Seminars
Box/Folder Accession
36/1 5496-001
(Proposed) Social Analysis Service for the State of Oregon [opinion research]; correspondence, January 1949, with John A. Rademaker, Joel Berreman, O. Fred Hoffman; misc. documents [nb Rademaker, French, Hoffman all former Community Analysts in WRA Japane
36/2 5496-001
Community organizations, Portland, 1949-51; correspondence re DF public speaking engagements, etc.
36/3 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Executive Board, 1965-68, correspondence, memoranda, etc.
36/4 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Executive Board, 1965-68 correspondence, memoranda, etc.
36/5 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Executive Board, 1965-68 correspondence, memoranda, etc.
36/6 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Executive Board, 1965-68 correspondence, memoranda, etc.
36/7 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Executive Board, 1965-68 correspondence, memoranda, etc.
36/8 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Publication Committee, 1967-68, correspondence
36/9 5496-001
American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, 1974
36/10 5496-001
American Folklore Society, Annual Meeting, Portland, 1974 (DF on Local Arrangements Committee)
36/11 5496-001
American Society for Pharmacognosy, Annual Meeting, June 1965
36/12 5496-001
American Society for Pharmacognosy, general correspondence
36/13 5496-001
Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1952, correspondence and misc materials
36/14 5496-001
International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, 1960 (SEE Papers of DF, Writings)
36/15 5496-001
Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Northwestern University, 1951
36/16 5496-001
Ford Foundation Public Affairs Grant, Reed College, 1958, corresp.
36/17 5496-001
Oregon Historical Society
36/18 5496-001
Seattle Anthropological Society, announcements, 1958-61
36/19 5496-001
Society for Economic Botany
36/20 5496-001
Society for Economic Botany
36/21 5496-001
Society for Economic Botany, membership list, 1961
36/22 5496-001
Society for Economic Botany, Fourth Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, 1963
37/1 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, A
37/2 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, B
37/3 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Brehm, Bert G.†
37/4 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Brehm, Bert G.†
37/5 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Bye, Robert A., writings
37/6 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, C
37/7 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Chambers, Kenton
37/8 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Compton, Brian D.
37/9 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Constance, Lincoln
37/10 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Constance, Lincoln
37/11 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Constance, Lincoln, writings
37/12 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Cox, Rachel*
37/13 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Cronquist, Arthur
37/14 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, D
37/15 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, E
37/16 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, F
37/17 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, G
37/18 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, H
37/19 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Hitchcock, C. Leo
37/20 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Irvine, F. R.
37/21 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, I-J-K
37/22 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, L
37/23 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, M
37/24 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Mathias, Mildred
37/25 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Meilleur, Brien
37/26 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, N
37/27 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Neva, Arnold
37/28 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Ornduff, Robert* (SEE ALSO Papers of DF & KF, Correspondence, Gen; Papers of DF, Writings, 1958b, 1960b)
37/29 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, O
37/30 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, P
37/31 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, France, Pandraud, M.
37/32 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Q-R
37/33 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, S
37/34 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Sciuchetti, Leo
37/35 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), OSU Screening (w/Sciuchetti) – Species list (SEE ALSO Papers of DF, Writings, 1964, 1967a)
37/36 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Schlessman, Mark
37/37 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Schultes, Richard Evans
37/38 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, T
37/39 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, Turner, Nancy J.
37/40 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, U-V
37/41 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, W
37/42 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, general correspondence, X-Y-Z
37/43 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Mt Hood, Columbia River Gorge, plant lists by others
37/44 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Europe
37/45 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, correspondence, unknown
38/1 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, clippings, general
38/2 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, clippings, general
38/3 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, clippings, Pacific Northwest
38/4 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, clippings, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), general
38/5 5496-001
(Ethno-) Botany, clippings, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), Psoralens, Ammi, dermatitis
38/6 5496-001
Native Plant Society, Oregon, newsletters
38/7 5496-001
Botany, clippings, specific Families, Families 01-51
38/8 5496-001
Botany, clippings, specific Families, Families 52-227
38/9 5496-001
Botany, clippings, specific Families, Families 229-280
38/10 5496-001
Botany, clippings, biochemistry, etc.
38/11 5496-001
Rare/Endangered plants – Newsletters, etc.
Subseries F: Grant Applications
Box/Folder Accession
38/12 5496-001
National Science Foundation, 1957
38/13 5496-001
Guggenheim Foundation, 1959
38/14 5496-001
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Grant # RG-7722, 1960-63
38/15 5496-001
NIH, Grant # 11287-01, 1963-64
38/16 5496-001
NIH, Grant # 11287-02, 1964-66
38/17 5496-001
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 1981, “Ethnographic Units of a Chinookan Dictionary”
38/18 5496-001
NEH, 1990, “Wasco-Wishram Dictionary”
Subseries G: Writings and Reprints
Box/Folder Accession
38/19 5496-001
1948 Factionalism in Isleta Pueblo. American Ethnological Society, Monograph No. 14 [=DHF’s PhD dissertation, Dept of Anthropology, Columbia Univ.], correspondence with Ruth Benedict and others.
38/20 5496-001
1945-53 [DF ms. fragments: (1) [On the absence of witchcraft among Northwest Indians (in response to K. Scott’s BA Thesis)], ca. Dec 1951, 4 pp., ts.; (2) [On socialization to gender roles], notes taken “prob. by R. Fernea,” dated 4 May 1953, 1 p. ts.; (3
38/21 5496-001
1950 The ethnography of Oregon. The influence of cultural differences on the health of children and youth. Presented to meeting of Governor’s Committee on Children and Youth. 25 pp., typescript and holograph ms. (co-authored with Dorothy O. Johansen).
38/22 5496-001
1952 Shamanism on the Warm Springs Reservation. Paper presented at the 1st Northwest Anthropological Conference (Abstract, 1 p. ts.). Abstract.
38/23 5496-001
1953 Developing cultural understanding through language study: a report of the MLA Interdisciplinary Seminar in Language and Culture. MLA Publications 68(5): 1196-1218 (co-authored with Roger Brown and others). Correspondence, minutes of meetings, mimeo v
38/24 5496-001
1954 Pamispamis, a system of verbal magic on the Columbia Plateau. Holograph ms. in pencil, 43 pp., dated 12/54; fieldnotes, 24 pp. ts. (various consultants); Sebeok, T. “The Structure and Content of Cheremis Charms,” offprint from Anthropos, 1953.
38/25 5496-001
1955a The concept of culture-bondage. New York Academy of Sciences: Transactions, Series II, 17(4): 339-345. Two offprints of article, two copies of Transactions; two early drafts (one with marginalia from M. Brewster Smith and others), ts.; correspondenc
38/26 5496-001
1955a The concept of culture-bondage. Notes, drafts
38/27 5496-001
1955a The concept of culture-bondage. Tabulations of responses to French/Epling survey
38/28 5496-001
1955a The concept of culture-bondage. “Culture boundness - Self-study program – Responses and their scores”
38/29 5496-001
1955a The concept of culture-bondage. Reed College Self-Study (Ford Foundation), 1953 (various materials)
38/30 5496-001
French/Epling survey: blank forms and completed surveys [OVERSIZE]
39/1 5496-001
1957a An exploration of Wasco ethnoscience. American Philosophical Society Year Book 1956: 224-226. Reprint
39/2 5496-001
1957b Aboriginal control of huckleberry yield in the Northwest. Paper presented at 56th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Chicago. Typescript, 7 pp. [Published in Robert Boyd (ed.), Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwes
39/3 5496-001
1958a Cultural matrices of Chinookan non-casual language. IJAL 24(4): 258-263. Drafts, typescripts, correspondence (incl with D Hymes, C Voegelin), notes, materials consulted.
39/4 5496-001
1958b Notable plants of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon. Leaflets of Western Botany 8(9): 217-220 (with Robert Ornduff). Offprint, ribbon copy, notes, correspondence.
39/5 5496-001
1959a Review of M. Jacobs, Clackamas Chinook Texts, I. Journal of American Folklore 72(284): 193-194. Typescript, correspondence.
39/6 5496-001
1959b Review of Martha Ferguson McKeown, Come to Our Salmon Feast. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 50(4): 161. Offprint, typescript, correspondence.
39/7 5496-001
1959c An anthropological rogues’ gallery [slide show]. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Santa Monica, CA, and on other occasions. Abstract, correspondence, notes, materials consulted; SEE SLIDES. [Later entitled “Photog
39/8 5496-001
1960a Typo-sororo-graphical incest: a caution. American Anthropologist 62(5): 878-879. Offprint, typescript, correspondence.
39/9 5496-001
1960b Distributional notes on plants of the Warm Springs area, Oregon. Madroño 15(8): 225-231 (with Robert Ornduff). Typescript, correspondence, notes.
39/10 5496-001
1960d Review of Theodora Kroeber, The Inland Whale. Journal of American Folklore 73(287): 82-83. Typescript, correspondence.
1960e Review of Edith V.A. Murphey, Indian Uses of Native Plants. Economic Botany 14(2): 164-165.
39/11 5496-001
1960f Review of Elizabeth D. Jacobs, Nehalem Tillamook Tales. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 51(4): 182-183. Typescript, correspondence.
39/12 5496-001
1960g Review of Dorothy Lee, Freedom and Culture. American Anthropologist 62(6): 1067-1068. Notes, drafts.
39/13 5496-001
1960h Types of organization and change among North American Indians.
Paper presented at 34th International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, 1960, in symposium Evolucion y Transformaciones de los Pueblos Indigenas desde la Conquista. Offprint, abstrac
39/14 5496-001
1960i Taxonomic and other conceptual processes [aka Types of native taxonomic processes]. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis, MN, November 1960. Typescript, 10 pp., notes, correspondence.
39/15 5496-001
1961a Wasco-Wishram. In E. Spicer (ed.), Perspectives in American Indian Culture Change, pp. 337-430. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [= “PROJECT A”]. SSRC Seminar correspondence, 1956-57.
39/16 5496-001
1961a Wasco-Wishram. Mimeo draft of DF paper.
39/17 5496-001
1961a Wasco-Wishram. “Critiques.” Written comments from E. Spicer
(10 June 1958 letter, ts., 3 pp.); from Reed students (Oscanyan III, Philip Moloso, Jerry Suttles, Carol Erickson, Patty Leary, Bill Hodge, Vivian Tomlinson, F[reddy] Gross, unidentifie
39/18 5496-001
1961a Wasco-Wishram. Working draft
39/19 5496-001
1961a Wasco-Wishram. Drafts, notes
39/20 5496-001
SSRC Seminar, paper by E. Vogt (mimeo draft).
39/21 5496-001
SSRC Seminar, paper by E. Dozier (mimeo draft).
39/22-24 5496-001
SSRC Seminar, misc.
39/25 5496-001
1961b Review of Frank Mahony, et al., Yam Cultivation in the Trust Territory. Economic Botany 15(2): 181-182. Typescript, corresp.
39/26 5496-001
1961c Review of Melville Jacobs, The People Are Coming Soon: Analyses of Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales. Journal of American Folklore 74(293): 277-278.
39/27 5496-001
1961d Anthropology, ethnoscience, and cognition. Talk given in Colloquium series, Center for Cognitive Studies, Harvard, 11 May 1961. Typescript and holograph ms., 38 pp.
39/28 5496-001
1962a Ambiguity and irrelevancy in factional conflict. In M. Sherif (ed.), Intergroup Relations and Leadership: Approaches and Research in Industrial, Ethnic, Cultural and Political Areas, pp. 232-243. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Typescript, mimeo, not
39/29 5496-001
1962b Review of F.R. Kluckhohn and F.L. Strodtbeck, Variations in Value Orientations. American Anthropologist 64(4): 850-851. Offprint, typescript, notes, correspondence.
39/30 5496-001
1962c When is an Indian? Paper presented at 61st Annual Meeting of AAA, Chicago, 15-18 November 1962, for symposium on “Contemporary Reservation Systems.” Typescript, 18 pp., notes, correspondence.
40/1 5496-001
1962d Anthropological interpretations of similarities and differences. Paper presented at SSRC Conference on the History of Anthropology, 13-14 April 1962. Typescript, 15 pp., correspondence, drafts.
40/2 5496-001
1962d Anthropological interpretations..., presentation at CASBS, 1967; presentation notes on 3”x5”s; copy of typescript with copious annotations by Richard A. “Red” Watson.
40/3 5496-001
1962d Anthropological interpretations...., materials consulted.
40/4 5496-001
SSRC Conference on the History of Anthropology, papers by others.
40/5 5496-001
SSRC Conference on the History of Anthropology, papers by others.
40/6 5496-001
SSRC Conference on the History of Anthropology, papers by others.
40/7 5496-001
1962e Biographies of anthropologists: a preliminary listing of books and pamphlets [annotated bibliography]. Mimeographed typescript, 17 pp., dated June 1962. Notes, correspondence. [SEE Papers of DF & KF]
40/8 5496-001
1963a The relationship of anthropology to studies in perception and cognition. In S. Koch (ed.), Psychology: A Study of A Science, vol. 6. New York: McGraw-Hill. Offprint, bound typescript, correspondence.
40/9 5496-001
1963b The role of anthropologist in the methodology of teaching. In D. Mandelbaum, G. Lasker, and E. Albert (eds.), The Teaching of Anthropology, pp. pp. 171-178. AAA Memoir 94. Offprint, correspondence, drafts, notes.
40/10 5496-001
1963b The role of anthropologist ..., correspondence, drafts, notes.
40/11 5496-001
1964b Differential utilization of the Umbelliferae by Northwest Indians. Paper presented at Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany, Chapel Hill, NC, 23 March 1964. Holograph ms., 7 pp., notes, conference program.
40/12 5496-001
1965 Ethnobotany of the Pacific Northwest Indians. Economic Botany 19(4): 378-382. Offprint, typescript, correspondence.
40/13 5496-001
1967a Phytochemical investigations of the leaves of Chimaphila umbellata var. occidentalis. Lloydia 30(1): 78-83. (With Kirti Sheth, Philip Catalfomo, and Leo A. Sciuchetti.) Offprint, mimeo notes.
40/14 5496-001
1967b Bibliography of California Indian Ethnobotany. Typescript, drafts, correspondence (co-authored with Jane Larson).
40/15 5496-001
1968 Goldenweiser, Alexander A. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. David L. Sills, ed. Vol. 6, pp. 196-197. New York: Macmillan Company and The Free Press. Offprints, drafts.
40/16 5496-001
1968 Goldenweiser, Alexander A., correspondence.
40/17 5496-001
1971 Ethnobotany of the Umbelliferae. In V.H. Heywood (ed.), The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae, pp. 385-412. London: Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press. (Supplement 1 to the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,
40/18 5496-001
1971 Ethnobotany of the Umbelliferae. Page proofs, drafts, notes.
40/19 5496-001
1971 Ethnobotany of the Umbelliferae. Species lists.
40/20 5496-001
1971 Ethnobotany of the Umbelliferae. Ribbon copy.
40/21 5496-001
1971 Ethnobotany of the Umbelliferae. Drafts.
40/22 5496-001
1976. Some other aspects of ethnobotany: saliency and diffuseness. Paper presented at 75th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, 20 November 1976, for symposium on “Cognitive Systems in their Material and Behavioral Co
40/23 5496-001
1978 Sahaptin color terms. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 12(1):37 (with Eugene Hunn). Abstract, notes, drafts, correspondence, materials consulted.
40/24 5496-001
1979 The Columbia-Fraser Plateau: a little-known part of the world. Paper presented at Northwest Anthropological Conference, Eugene, OR, 1979. Holograph ms.,16 pp., notes.
40/25 5496-001
1980a The Columbia-Fraser Plateau: a little-known part of the world [abstract]. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 14(2): 150.
40/26 5496-001
1980b Neglected aspects of North American ethnobotany. Paper presented at “Botany 80” conference, Vancouver, BC, 11-16 July 1980. Ribbon copy, correspondence, notes.
40/27 5496-001
1980b Neglected aspects ..., drafts (labeled “Proj 80 – Grunge, etc.”)
40/28 5496-001
1981a Neglected aspects of North American ethnobotany. Canadian Journal of Botany/Journal canadien de botanique 59(11): 2326-2330. Offprints, typescript, drafts, notes, correspondence.
41/1 5496-001
1981b Lomatium: A key resource for Columbia Plateau native subsistence. Northwest Science 55(2): 87-94 (co-authored with Eugene S. Hunn). Offprints, notes.
41/2 5496-001
1981b Lomatium ..., correspondence, drafts, notes.
41/3 5496-001
1981c [Invited comment on “Revisionist Anthropology: Aboriginal North America” by Alice Kehoe]. Current Anthropology 22(5): 512. Xerox, typescript, correspondence.
41/4 5496-001
1981d Claims of legitimacy and charges of illegitimacy: symptoms of contested authority [= “Proj L”]. Paper presented at 80th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, 4 December 1981 (co-authored with with Thomas S. Abler). Dra
41/5 5496-001
1981d Claims of legitimacy ..., correspondence.
41/6 5496-001
1981d Claims of legitimacy ..., misc. drafts.
41/7 5496-001
1981d Claims of legitimacy ..., materials consulted.
41/8 5496-001
Pueblo factionalism conference, UC-Santa Cruz
41/9 5496-001
1982 Wasco-Wishram noun pluralization. Working Paper for 17th International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, Portland State University, 9-11 August 1982 (co-authored with Nancy J. Fowler). Ribbon copy, drafts, notes.
41/10 5496-001
1984 Alternatives to taxonomic hierarchy: the Sahaptin case. Journal of Ethnobiology 4(1): 73-92 (co-authored with Eugene S. Hunn). Offprints, typescript, correspondence, notes.
41/11 5496-001
1985 Zebras along the Columbia River: Imaginary Wasco-Wishram names for real animals. International Journal of American Linguistics 51(4): 410-412. Offprints, typescript, drafts, notes, correspondence.
41/12 5496-001
1987b Diversity of healing on the Warm Springs Reservation. Paper presented to National Council of Clinical Directors Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 11 August 1987. 13 pp., holograph ms., correspondence.
41/13 5496-001
1991a Gary Snyder and Reed College. In Gary Snyder: Dimensions of a Life, edited by John Halper. Sierra Club Books. Drafts, notes.
41/14 5496-001
1991a Gary Snyder and Reed College, correspondence.
41/15 5496-001
1991b Goldenweiser, Alexander A. In International Dictionary of Anthropologists, Christopher Winters, Editorial Coordinator. Chicago: LARG (Library-Anthropological Resource Group). Proof sheets, drafts, correspondence, materials consulted.
41/16 5496-001
1998a Western Columbia River Sahaptins.1991, 1993 drafts
41/17 5496-001
1998a Western Columbia River Sahaptins.1997 drafts
41/18 5496-001
1998a Western Columbia River Sahaptins. Maps, illustrations, bibliographies.
41/19 5496-001
1998b Ethnobiology and Subsistence. In Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 17, Plateau (Deward E. Walker, Jr., volume editor), pp. 525-545. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution. With Eugene S. Hunn and Nancy J. Turner.
41/20 5496-001
1999 Aboriginal control of huckleberry yield in the Northwest. In Robert Boyd (ed.), Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest, pp. 31-35. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1999 [= 1957b above]
Series III: Papers of Kathrine S. French
Subseries A: Personal Documents
Box/Folder Accession
42/1 5496-001
Birth certificate
42/2-3 5496-001
42/4 5496-001
Who’s Who, etc.
42/5 5496-001
Insurance KF
42/6 5496-001
Juvenilia, misc. personal docs.
42/7 5496-001
letters to and from Russell M Story (father)
42/8 5496-001
Story, Russell M, clippings
42/9 5496-001
letters to Gertrude A Story (mother), 1946
42/10 5496-001
letters to Gertrude A Story, 1960
42/11 5496-001
letters to Gertrude A Story, 1966
42/12 5496-001
letters to Gertrude A Story, 1968
42/13 5496-001
Gertrude A Story reminiscence of Russell M Story, 1963
42/14 5496-001
Story, McCulloch, Anderson families genealogy info
42/15 5496-001
Christmas card lists, 1990s-2000s
42/16 5496-001
“Persons” (clippings and obituaries, mostly 1990s-2000s)
Subseries B: Personal Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
42/17 5496-001
Anderson, A. B., Sr. (KSF’s maternal uncle)
42/18 5496-001
Bradshaw, Pat
42/19 5496-001
Cronyn, Lori
42/20 5496-001
Cronyn, Marshall W.
42/21 5496-001
Ide, W. Carter
42/22 5496-001
Janssen, Kathy [née Reynolds] and Larry
42/23 5496-001
Kittinger, F
42/24-25 5496-001
Millen, Jane (KSF’s cousin [FaSisDa])
42/26 5496-001
Miller, Mary
42/27 5496-001
Miller, Virginia
42/28 5496-001
Mordy, Brooke and Wendell
42/29 5496-001
Reynolds, Rebecca and family
42/30 5496-001
Reynolds, Charles and Christine and family
Subseries C: General and Professional Correspondence
Box/Folder Accession
43/1 5496-001
43/2 5496-001
43/3 5496-001
Baker, Beth
43/4 5496-001
43/5 5496-001
43/6 5496-001
43/7 5496-001
43/8 5496-001
43/9 5496-001
Gilsen, Leland
43/10 5496-001
43/11 5496-001
Hirabayashi, Lane
43/12 5496-001
43/13 5496-001
43/14 5496-001
43/15 5496-001
43/16 5496-001
43/17 5496-001
Naito, Bill
43/18 5496-001
43/19 5496-001
Ornduff, Robert (SEE ALSO Papers of DF, Ethnobotany)
43/20 5496-001
Orso, Evelyn
43/21 5496-001
43/22 5496-001
Pope, Betty
43/23 5496-001
43/24 5496-001
Ramsey, Jarold
43/25 5496-001
43/26 5496-001
43/27 5496-001
43/28 5496-001
43/29 5496-001
Subseries D: Education
Box/Folder Accession
43/30 5496-001
Transcripts, graduation announcements, clippings, etc
43/31 5496-001
Pomona College, 1938-41; Columbia University, 1942-46.
43/32 5496-001
Pomona College, 1938-39, English A1a, b: Firelight [prose composition]. English A1b, October 7, 1938, 4 pp., ts.; Song Magic [poem], English A1b, Mr Strathmann, February 13, 1939, 1 p., ts; Fog [poem], English A1b, Dr Lincoln, May 1, 1939. 1 p., ts.
43/33 5496-001
Pomona College, 1939-40, English B21, Composition: Blue Velvet. Prose Composition No. 27. English B21. 3 pp., ts.; Dust [prose composition]. 3 pp., ts.
43/34 5496-001
Pomona College, 1940-41, Philosophy 124, Types of Ethical Theory: Hunting for the Black Hat. 16 pp., ts. [two copies, one with professor’s annotations]; Common Denominators of Ethics. 26 pp., ts. [two copies, one with professor’s annotations].
43/35 5496-001
Pomona College, Summer Session 1939 OR 1940-41, Anthropology S100A, Man and Culture [Summer 1939], AND/OR Soc 101a., b., Man and Culture [1940-41]. Lecture notes; Outline of Culture Through the Neolithic. December 6, 1940. 4 pp., ts.; The Inca Area, 5 pp.
43/36 5496-001
Claremont Colleges, Summer Session, 1941, Soc 103, Social Control: An Anthropological Approach to Political and Legal Institutions (E. A. Hoebel): syllabus, lecture notes
43/37 5496-001
Claremont Colleges, Summer Session, 1941, Anth C100a., b., Man in Culture (M.E. Opler), syllabi, lecture notes; [The “I am” cult (paper for unk. course and instructor)]. 4 pp., ts
43/38 5496-001
Columbia University, Winter 1942-43, Anth 161, Anthropology and Contemporary Problems (R. Benedict) [lecture notes]
43/39 5496-001
Columbia University, Winter 1942-43, Anth U151, Time Perspective and Anthropological Theory (G. Weltfish) [lecture notes]
43/40 5496-001
Columbia University, Winter 1942-43, Anth 301, Psychological Analysis of Culture (A. Kardiner [?]) [lecture notes] || 40: Columbia University, Winter-Spring 1942-43, Anth 163-164, Acculturation Studies (M.W. Smith) [lecture notes]
43/41 5496-001
Columbia University, Spring 1943, Anth 104, Social Organization of Primitive Peoples [Melanesia] (R. Benedict) [lecture notes]
43/42 5496-001
Columbia University, Spring 1943, Anth 116, Primitive Peoples of Madagascar (R. Linton), [lecture notes]
43/43 5496-001
Columbia University, Spring 1943, Anth 152, Method and Result in merican Archaeology (unk., poss. G. Willey) [lecture notes]
43/44 5496-001
Columbia University, Primitive Music (G. Herzog), reading list, lecture notes; misc. other Columbia lecture notes
43/45 5496-001
Reed College, 1957-58, Math 11, Real Numbers (J. Roberts) [notes, problem sets]
43/46 5496-001
Reed College, 1957-58, Math 11, Real Numbers (J. Roberts), mimeographed textbook
43/47 5496-001
Reed College, Fall 1958, Math 22, Algebra (unk.) [notes, problem sets]
Subseries E: Employment
Box/Folder Accession
43/48 5496-001
War Relocation Authority (Poston), 1944-46. Correspondence, application forms, other official documents. [SEE ALSO Papers of DF&KF]
43/49 5496-001
Civil Rights Ordinance, Portland, 1949-50. Printed and mimeo materials.
43/50 5496-001
Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Intergroup Relations (Portland), 1949. Correspondence; Report of Subcommittee, 11 May 1949; Transcript of Hearings Held 5 July 1949 (41 pp., mimeo).
43/51 5496-001
State of Oregon Fair Employment Practices Administration (FEPA), 1948-51. Correspondence, press clippings, official documents.
43/52 5496-001
State of Oregon Fair Employment Practices Administration (FEPA), 1948-51. KSF materials.
43/53 5496-001
State of Oregon Fair Employment Practices Administration (FEPA), 1948-1951. Printed and mimeo materials.
43/54-56 5496-001
Newsclippings on race relations, 1946-51
43/57 5496-001
League of Women Voters (Portland), 1950-53. KSF mss.“Congressional Hearings and Individual Justice,” 14 pp. (var. pg.), ts. (two versions); “[On censorship.] Report given to Individual Liberties Committee, Fall [19]53,” 33 pp. types
43/58 5496-001
League of Women Voters (Portland), 1950-53. Printed materials, 1950
44/1 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Application, correspondence.
44/2 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Anth 207/8/9, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1952-54). Syllabi, teaching materials.
44/3 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Anth 208, Peoples of the Pacific (1951-52).
44/4 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Anth 301/2/3, Primitive Society (1955-56).
44/5 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Anth 451(G), Cultural Dynamics (1955-56)
44/6 5496-001
Portland State College, Portland Extension Center, 1952-57. Anth 316, Peoples of the World (1956-57)
44/7 5496-001
Boston, 1960-61, correspondence.
44/8 5496-001
Reed College, 1981; 2005.
44/9 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Conference on Anthropology and Medicine, Arden House, Nov 17-20 1961, correspondence, notes, printed materials
44/10 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School C[erebral] P[alsy] – journal and notes – carbon
44/11 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School CFP - carbons
44/12 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School American Sociological Association Meeting, 1958; program and notes
44/13 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Asher, P
44/14 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Battered child
44/15 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Books ordered
44/16 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Cystic fibrosis—correspondence
44/17 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Epilepsy
44/18 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Faculty Report of Service to Institution
44/19 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Folk Healthways
44/20 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Genetics
44/21 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Kochendoerfer
44/22 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Language Development Study
44/23 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical Anthropologists – Roster of Anthropologists, Physicians, and others who have special interests in medical anthropology, 1968
44/24 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical Anthropology – Committee on Anthropology and Medical Education
44/25 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical Anthropologists
44/26 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical Anthropologists, International Roster of 1968
44/27 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical School Retirement, Insurance
44/28 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School OPC – Clinic Evaluation Study
44/29 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Medical Sociology newsletter
44/30 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Murray, Roberta
44/31 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School [Interview transcripts, 1958] (manila envelope)
44/32 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Miscellaneous Duplicate Codes (binder)
44/33 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School 1959 Registrations (binder)
44/34 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Prediction of Follow-up (binder)
44/35 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School Project neonates (Alphabetical), as of 3/1/67 [binder]
44/36 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School [Sociodemographic data on prenatal care study participants] (binder)
44/37 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School 1960-61 Analysis
44/38 5496-001
University of Oregon Medical School 1961-62 Check list
45/1 5496-001
OHSU Arthritis
45/2 5496-001
OHSU Handedness
45/3 5496-001
OHSU Kinship
45/4 5496-001
OHSU Chronic disease—misc
45/5 5496-001
OHSU Cystic fibrosis—Notes & Bib.
45/6 5496-001
OHSU Cerebral palsy
45/7 5496-001
OHSU Medical care—general
45/8 5496-001
OHSU Medical care—Oregon
45/9 5496-001
OHSU Medicine—misc
45/10 5496-001
OHSU SES, Race, and Achievement
45/11 5496-001
OHSU Myrianthopoulos [SEE KSF, Writings, 1968]
45/12 5496-001
OHSU OPC Continuation grant proposal
45/13 5496-001
OHSU Parent Child services—research proposal, 1970
45/14 5496-001
OHSU PRB—Consultant
45/15 5496-001
OHSU Shipkowitz, Rosalie [SEE KSF, Writings, 1962]
45/16 5496-001
OHSU Society for Applied Anthropology
45/17 5496-001
OHSU Special Education – Timberline Conference August 1970
45/18 5496-001
OHSU Travel – Staff
45/19 5496-001
OHSU Weiner, Frieda, MD
45/20 5496-001
OHSU Pre-Columbian medicine – Weisman collection
45/21 5496-001
OHSU Research contract regulations
45/22 5496-001
OHSU Russell Sage Foundation
45/23 5496-001
OHSU Hyaline membrane
45/24 5496-001
OHSU Cystic fibrosis
45/25 5496-001
OHSU Population, migration, etc.
45/26 5496-001
OHSU Folk medicine, US
45/27 5496-001
OHSU Non-Western medicine
45/28 5496-001
OHSU Nutrition
45/29 5496-001
OHSU Paleopathology
45/30 5496-001
OHSU Psoriasis
45/31 5496-001
OHSU Epidemiology
45/32 5496-001
OHSU Burke, JP – PhD
45/33 5496-001
OHSU “Maternal and Child Health” Nursing Education Session, 2/26/59
45/34 5496-001
OHSU Duplicate notes
45/35 5496-001
OHSU Diagnosis of disease among the Subanun
45/36 5496-001
OHSU Gerontology seminar 1973
45/37 5496-001
OHSU Mental retardation 1971
45/38 5496-001
45/39 5496-001
OHSU Conference on Medicine & Anthropology, Arden House, 11/61
45/40 5496-001
OHSU Medical information questionnaire
45/41 5496-001
OHSU Mental Retardation Session
45/42 5496-001
OHSU Mental Retardation Seminar lecture notes, 12/65
45/43 5496-001
OHSU Mental Retardation
45/44 5496-001
OHSU Multilingualism
45/45 5496-001
OHSU Committee on Anthropology & Pediatrics
45/46 5496-001
OHSU Personnel – Interviews
45/47 5496-001
OHSU Nursing – Student papers (1960)
45/48 5496-001
OHSU Shipkowitz interview transcripts [SEE KSF, Writings, 1962]
45/49 5496-001
(Green binder) OHSU Prenatal care
45/50 5496-001
(Blue binder) OHSU Cystic fibrosis
45/51 5496-001
(Small blue binder) OHSU Reading survey disc file
45/52 5496-001
(Small blue binder) OHSU Reading survey frequency distributions, means, SD’s
46/1 5496-001
Pre-Natal Care Study
46/2 5496-001
Prenatal care Data Sheets—coding scheme
46/3 5496-001
Prenatal care data sheets
46/4 5496-001
Prenatal care data sheets
46/5 5496-001
Prenatal care data sheets
46/6 5496-001
Prenatal care data sheets
46/7 5496-001
Prenatal care data sheets
Subseries F: Organizations
Box/Folder Accession
46/8 5496-001
American Ethnological Society, Correspondence 1960-61
46/9 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, forms
46/10 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Executive Board internal correspondence
46/11 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Publications list
46/12 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Executive Board, minutes of meetings
46/13 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Executive Board, minutes of meetings, 1974-
46/14 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, transfer of M & EJ RF
46/15 5496-001
Board 4/15/89
46/16 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, 1975, KSF
46/17 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, 1977, KSF
46/18 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, 1980, KSF
46/19 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, 1990
46/20 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, 1991
46/21 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Depositors, University of Washington Archives
46/22 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, New EB Member, 1982
46/23 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Policies and procedures 1987-88
46/24 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, Annual Financial Report, Whatcom Museum
46/25 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds, KSF expenses
46/26 5496-001
Jacobs Research Funds Board, misc
46/27 5496-001
Send to UW Manuscripts Division
Subseries G: Research
Sub-Subseries i: Japanese Americans: Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, AZ, 1943-46 [See also Papers of DF & KSF]
Box/Folder Accession
46/28 5496-001
KSF plan for PhD dissertation on Poston community: correspondence with W.D. Strong and others
46/29 5496-001
Grant application: Viking Fund, 1948; application materials, correspondence
46/30 5496-001
Grant application: SSRC, 1948; application materials, correspondence with Ruth Benedict and others
46/31 5496-001
[Demographics of Poston community] (“KF projects in a statistics course from Stewart at Reed about 1948. Kept for use with Poston materials.”)
Sub-Subseries ii: Portland Gypsies, misc.
Box/Folder Accession
46/32 5496-001
Portland Gypsies: ethnographic fieldnotes, 1951
46/33 5496-001
Portland Gypsies: newsclippings
46/34 5496-001
Jury duty, 1957: notes
46/35 5496-001
[Chicano bilingualism project, 1972 (with Yvonne Hajda)]. Draft of grant proposal, correspondence, bibliography.
Sub-Subseries iii: Warm Springs Indian Reservation ceremonialism, 1952-55 (See also Papers of DF & KF, Research; Papers of KSF, Writings, 1955)
Box/Folder Accession
47/1 5496-001
AAUW, grant application, 1952
Sub-Subseries iv: Re-study of Warm Springs ceremonial segmentation, in collaboration with Yvonne Hajda, 1984- (SEE ALSO Papers of KSF, Writings, 1979)
Scope and Content: Also see audiotapes below
Box/Folder Accession
47/2 5496-001
Wenner Gren Foundation, grant application, 1984
47/3 5496-001
Correspondence with Warm Springs Tribal Committees
47/4 5496-001
47/5 5496-001
NSF, grant application, 1984
47/6 5496-001
APS, grant application, 1984
47/7 5496-001
Early drafts – PUS, etc.
47/8 5496-001
WS Res – Rough Drafts – destroy – Proj S
47/9 5496-001
Jacobs Research Fund, grant application, 1984
47/10 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], 1984 and before (dark blue looseleaf binder)
47/11 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], 1984, 1985 (light blue looseleaf binder)
47/12 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], 1985 (green looseleaf binder)
47/13 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], 1986 and tape log (brown looseleaf binder)
47/14 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], 1987 – (black looseleaf binder)
47/15 5496-001
[Fieldnotes], Funeral of Linton Winishut (1906-1989), 11-13 December 1989, K & DF notes
The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon: Language Workshop, June 23-25, 2003 (Portland State University and Warm Springs, OR).
Box/Folder Accession
47/16 5496-001
Notes, correspondence, printed materials
Sub-Subseries v: Archaeological Investigations Northwest (AINW): Mt Hood National Forest (MHNF) project, 1991-1995 (“not really sorted”)
Box/Folder Accession
48/1 5496-001
48/2 5496-001
MHNF, Timberline Meeting, July 11-12, 1991
48/3 5496-001
MHNF study – maps
48/4 5496-001
MHNF study – Interview guide
48/5 5496-001
MHNF study – Interviews – transcripts and notes
48/6 5496-001
48/7 5496-001
Receipts & notes
48/8 5496-001
MHNF Report 4/1/95
48/9 5496-001
MHNF – Place names
48/10 5496-001
MHNF – Draft report 1/95
48/11 5496-001
MHNF – Draft report 12/31
48/12 5496-001
MHNF Report – drafts
48/13 5496-001
MHNF – drafts
48/14 5496-001
Notes of meetings
48/15 5496-001
MHNF – references
48/16 5496-001
MHNF Study – research notes
48/17 5496-001
MHNF Study – 1991 – Correspondence
48/18 5496-001
MHNF Study – 1991 – Proposals, contracts, etc.
48/19 5496-001
Magic Mile Report 5/91
48/20 5496-001
MHNF map index
48/21 5496-001
Formatting, etc.
Sub-Subseries vi: AINW, Pelton/Round Butte (P/RB) Hydroelectric dam project (“not really sorted”)
Box/Folder Accession
48/22 5496-001
P/RB TCP basic data
48/23 5496-001
P/RB Draft documents
48/24 5496-001
Maps (engineering) Pelton/RB Proj – Deschutes, Metolius
48/25 5496-001
P/RB – Personnel, plans
48/26 5496-001
P/RB – notes
48/27 5496-001
48/28 5496-001
P/RB Metolius draft
48/29 5496-001
P/RB – TCP Report (draft)
48/30 5496-001
Paiute – Burns overview
48/31 5496-001
P/RB Data
48/32 5496-001
P/RB Reports
48/33 5496-001
P/RB – 1/97 Cultural Resources Workshop
48/34 5496-001
P/RB Contract matters
48/35 5496-001
48/36 5496-001
P/RB – Botanical ref.
48/37 5496-001
Rock features
48/38 5496-001
P/RB – clippings
48/39 5496-001
P/RB – maps
48/40 5496-001
P/RB – correspondence
48/41 5496-001
Inventory and Preliminary Evaluation of Developed Recreation Facilities, Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, FERC No 2030. Chuck Everett, EDAW, Inc, March 1998, for Portland General Electric.
48/42 5496-001
Interim Report of 1997 Cultural Resources Studies, Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, FERC No 2030 (SEE KSF, Writings, 1997).
48/43 5496-001
Recreational Uses of Lake Billy Chinook and Lake Simtustus: 1997 Survey Results. Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, FERC 2030. Prepared by Troy Hall, Bo Shelby, March 1998.
49/1 5496-001
Final Technical Report of Cultural Resources Study, Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project … FERC 2030. Richard M. Pettigrew, Editor. Volume I: Project Overview …
49/2 5496-001
Pelton-Round Butte Report. First Stage Consultation Document. Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation Oregon (CTWSRO), Warm Springs Power Enterprises.
49/3 5496-001
Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive and Culturally Sensitive Plant Surveys. Final Report. Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, FERC 2030…. Prepared for PGE by Jim Keany, Margaret Clancy, EDAW, Inc., and Scott Sundberg, PhD, Oregon State University.
49/4 5496-001
P/RB Interviewe instructions
Sub-Subseries vii: AINW, Willamette Falls project
Box/Folder Accession
49/5 5496-001
WF/C[lackamas]R[iver] materials – relations to both
49/6 5496-001
Willamette Falls project – interviews 1-15, transcripts
49/7 5496-001
Willamette Falls project – interviews 16-33, transcripts
49/8 5496-001
Willamette Falls project – misc docs
49/9 5496-001
Willamette Falls Hydroelectric Project FERC 2233: Research for the Identification and Evaluation of Traditional Cultural Properties. May 30, 2003. AINW Report No. 249.
49 5496-001
[WF project, misc memos and drafts – unsorted loose material]
Sub-Subseries viii: Other AINW Projects
Box/Folder Accession
49/10 5496-001
Bull Run project– report
49/11 5496-001
Bull Run project– maps
49/12 5496-001
Bull Run project– notes and newsclippings
49/13 5496-001
Potholes Reservoir project – notes, newsclippings
49/14 5496-001
Potholes Reservoir project report
49/15 5496-001
Potholes Reservoir project data
49/16 5496-001
Potholes Reservoir project draft: An Ethnographic Overview of the Potholes Reservoir Study Area of Central Washington. Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, July 1, 1999. AINW Report No. 171.
49/17 5496-001
Potholes Reservoir project: An Ethnographic Overview of the Potholes Reservoir Study Area of Central Washington. Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, July 10, 2000. AINW Report No. 171.
50 5496-001
AINW, Clackamas River project (FERC 2195), for PGE
Scope and Content: Report drafts, interivews, and much unsorted, loose material
50/1 5496-001
Lampreys project interviews
50/2 5496-001
Lampreys project other studies
50/3 5496-001
Lampreys project newsclippings, photographs
50/4 5496-001
Lampreys project drafts of report
50 5496-001
AINW, Cascade Locks project [drafts, notes, correspondence, maps; unsorted loose material]
50 5496-001
Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Cascade Locks Resort and Casino Project, Cascade Locks, Oregon, April 27, 2006. Report No. 1644.
50 5496-001
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon (CTWSRO), Portland Harbor, 2003 [unsorted loose material]
50 5496-001
Cultural Resources – Misc [unsorted loose and bound material]
50/5 5496-001
Census (return to D. Ellis)
50/6 5496-001
Pelican Butte project – newsclippings
50/7 5496-001
Pelican Butte project – notes, report
Subseries H: Writings and Reprints
Box/Folder Accession
51/1 5496-001
1942 The Common Elements and Diversities in the Value Systems of Three Contrasting Cultures. BA Honors Thesis, Anthropology, Pomona College, 132 pp., ts.
51/2 5496-001
1943 What to read about the USSR: General bibliography. New York: the East and West Association. [Unsigned carbon of typescript, 26 pp. + front matter].
51/3 5496-001
n.d. [ca. 1943]. [On Sikh marriage practices]. 13 pp., ts.
51/4 5496-001
1944a Some International Aspects of the Komagata Moru Affair. Unpublished ms. (with Marian W. Smith). 18 pp., ts.
51/5 5496-001
1944b Text of a talk given at a conference on world peace sponsored by the Pomona Valley Council of Church Women, November 3, 1944 [“The people of Poston…”]. Typescript, 6 pp., dated November 1, 1944.
51/6 5496-001
1948 Prejudice [Letter to the Editor]. The Oregonian, 22 November 1948, p. 13. Clipping, original typescript letter, correspondence.
51/7 5496-001
1954 The story of Susan Papalut. 7 pp. ts.; 6 pp. holograph ms.; Susan Papalut and Donald McKay: Tales in Two Literatures. Abstract, corresp., 1976. The Story of Susan Papalut as told by Lucy Miller to Kathrine French, 22 pp., typescript, 1954. Fieldnotes
51/8 5496-001
1955 Culture segments and variation in contemporary social ceremonialism on the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon. PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University. Typescript and notes in looseleaf binder
51/9 5496-001
[1955 PhD dissertation, correspondence]
51/10 5496-001
1957 Warm Springs bilateral structures—kindreds? Paper presented at 56th Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, December 1957. Typescript, notes.
51/11 5496-001
1958a The meaning of long-term illness to the community. Paper presented at the Sadie Orr Dunbar Workshop, July 14, 1958, University of Oregon Medical School. Typescript, 7 pp., drafts, conference program.
51/12 5496-001
1958b Can epileptics get well? Paper prepared for Epilepsy Speaks, bulletin of the Epilepsy League of Oregon, Inc. Typescript, 3 pp., corresp.
51/13 5496-001
1960b Review of Nehalem Tillamook Tales, recorded by Elizabeth Derr Jacobs, edited by Melville Jacobs. American Anthropologist 62(4): 703-704. Typescript, correspondence.
51/14 5496-001
1962 Research interviewers in a medical setting: Roles and social systems. Human Organization 21(3): 219-224. Offprints, correspondence, ts., notes.
51/15 5496-001
1963a Ceremonial segmentation. In [Actes de] Vie Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Paris, 30 juillet-6 aout, 1960. Tome II, Ethnologie (premier volume), pp. 101-104. Offprints, printed abstract, ts., notes.
51/16 5496-001
1963b The natural history of decisions to seek medical care. Paper presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 21-24 November 1963 (with Rosalie Shipkowitz). Abstract, drafts, notes.
51/17 5496-001
1963b The natural history of decisions…. Carbon ts. of interviews.
51/18 5496-001
1964 The prediction of loss in the population of a longitudinal study (with James Steele).
51/19 5496-001
1965a Review of Eliot Freidson (ed.), The Hospital in Modern Society. American Anthropologist 67(1): 193-194.
51/20 5496-001
1965b Some Socioeconomic Characterizations of the Oregon (and National) Collaborative Study Populations. OHSU, dittoed, 23 pp.
51/21 5496-001
1967 Child-centered versus adult-centered concepts of society; or, Who’s in charge here anyhow? Typescript, 15 pp., drafts, notes.
51/22 5496-001
1968 An application of the US Bureau of the Census Socioeconomic Index to a large, diversified patient population. Social Science and Medicine 2(3): 283-299 (with N. C. Myrianthopoulos). Offprint.
51/23 5496-001
1975a [Comment on “In honor of Sol Tax: A discussion of Action Anthropology’]. Current Anthropology 16(4): 526.
51/24 5496-001
1979 Chinookan/Sahaptin contrasts at Warm Springs in 1880. Paper presented at 32nd Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference, Eugene, OR, March 1979. Typescript, notes.
51/25 5496-001
1980a 19th century Warm Springs Sahaptin households: Evidence from an 1880 census. Paper presented at 33rd Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference, Bellingham, WA, March, 1980.
51/26 5496-001
1981 The uses of first names; or “Just ask for Janice.” Paper presented at 80th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 4 December 1981. Abstract, ribbon copy, typescript(s).
51/27 5496-001
1981 The uses of first names…. Notes, drafts.
51/28 5496-001
1981 The uses of first names…. Newsclippings, materials consulted.
51/29 5496-001
1981 The uses of first names…. Correspondence.
51/30 5496-001
1981 The uses of first names…. Sources.
51/31 5496-001
1986 The Day My Grandson Died, November 22, 1985, by Lucinda Smith and Kathrine S. French [narration by Lucinda Smith, 12 January 1985]. Drafts, notes.
51/32 5496-001
1995 An Ethnographic Study of the Mt Hood National Forest, Oregon. Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc. Report No. 86, Portland, OR. Submitted to Mt Hood National Forest, Gresham, Oregon. Contract No. 53-0467-1-04016 (co-authored with Yvonna Hajd
51 5496-001
1997a. Pelton Round Butte Relicensing Project Literature Review for Traditional Cultural Properties. Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc., Report No. 128, Portland, OR. Submitted to EDAW, Seattle, WA, and Portland General Electric, Portland. FILE
51 5496-001
1997b. Traditional Cultural Properties Study. In Interim Report of 1997 Cultural Resources Studies Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2030, edited by Richard M. Pettigrew, pp. 5.1-5.15. Prepared for Portland General Electric Company, Portla
51 5496-001
1997c Indian trading at Warm Springs [revision of Ch IV of K.S. French 1955, above]. Drafts, notes, materials consulted.
51/33 5496-001
1998 Introduction. In Susan E. Harless (ed.), Native Arts of the Columbia Plateau: the Doris Swayze Bounds Collection, pp. xiii-xv. Bend, Oregon: The High Desert Museum; Seattle and London: University of Washington Press. Typescript, correspondence, misc.
51 5496-001
1998a. Ethnography and Ethnohistory (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda and David V. Ellis). In Project Overview, vol. 1. Final Technical Report of Cultural Resources Studies Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, edited by Richard M. Pettigrew. Archaeologi
51 5496-001
1998b. Traditional Cultural Properties Study (co-authored with David V. Ellis and Yvonne Hajda). In Project Overview, vol. 1, Final Technical Report of Cultural Resources Studies Pelton-Round Butte Hydroelectric Project, edited by Richard M. Pettigrew. Ar
51 5496-001
2000 Bull Run Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 477) Literature Review for Identification of Traditional Cultural Properties (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda and David V. Ellis). Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc. Letter Report No. 347. Prepared fo
51 5496-001
2001 A Study of Four Possible Cultural Places in the Pelton Round Butte Traditional Cultural Properties (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda and David V. Ellis). Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc. Letter Report No. 528. Prepared for Portland General
51 5496-001
2003a Clackamas River Hydroelectric Projects Research for Identification of Traditional Cultural Properties (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda and David V. Ellis). Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc. Report No. 1084. Prepared for Portland General El
51/34 5496-001
2003b. Misconceptions about Indians. In The First Oregonians: An Illustrated Collection of Essays on Traditional Lifeways, Federal-Indian Relations, And The State’s Native Peoples Today. Caroline M. Buan and Richard Lewis, eds., pp. xx-xx. Portland, Orego
51/35-37 5496-001
2003b. Misconceptions about Indians. Drafts, notes, correspondence, etc.
51 5496-001
2004 Willamette Falls Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2233, Research for the Identification and Evaluation of Traditional Cultural Properties. Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc., Report No. 249 (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda and David V. Ellis).
51 5496-001
2005 Oregon Indians and Oregon Lampreys (co-authored with Yvonne Hajda). DRAFT. Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc., Report No 1448. Prepared for Portland General Electric Company, Portland, OR. FILED WITH Papers of KSF, AINW, Lampreys, above.
51 5496-001
2006. Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Cascade Locks Resort and Casino Project, Cascade Locks, Oregon (co-authored with David V. Ellis, Todd Ogle, Yvonne Hajda, Jason M. Allen, Judith A. Chapman, and Elizabeth J. O’Brien). DRAFT. Archaeological I
Series IV: Photographs and Media
Box Accession
52 5496-001
(shoebox): Photographs of Anthropologists – card index to slides, negatives; approx 200 photographs
52 5496-001
(cigar box): Photographs of Anthropologists; approx 200 photographs
52 5496-001
(cigar box): France (approx 300 photos)
52 5496-001
(square box): Prints, Warm Springs Reservation (approx 300 prints)
52 5496-001
(shoebox): Plant collecting trips, personal, etc. (approx 200 prints)
52 5496-001
(cigar box): J. W. Thompson slides
52 5496-001
(cigar box): Cats, Stapelia, art, personal, etc.
52 5496-001
(cigar box): Trip West, 1955; Albuquerque, 1956
52 5496-001
Film in canister: Return to the River by Harry Paget
52 5496-001
Small canister: SE Asia – Pacific negs for slides
52 5496-001
Small canister: Negs, KF & unidentified
53 5496-001
(archival): Warm Springs Reservation Ethnographic photos; negatives # 491203 – 51084 (approx 400)
53 5496-001
WS Ethnographic photographs, negatives # 510815 – 520322 (approx 400)
53 5496-001
WS Ethnographic photographs, negatives # 520411 – 520821 (approx 400)
53 5496-001
WS Ethnographic photographs, negatives # 520905 – 530907 (approx 400)
53 5496-001
(expandable file): approx 200 negatives and a few prints
53 5496-001
ES Curtis photograph of Daniel Katchia: negative and print
54 5496-001
Wooden case containing approx 1,000 color Ektachrome slides of Warm Springs Res in four metal boxes
Scope and Content: Slides numbered 200-1118
55 5496-001
(shoe box): Card index to Warm Springs slides
55 5496-001
(shoebox): Card index to slides
55 5496-001
(shoebox): misc negatives “Northwest,” “Eskimo,” etc. (approx 350)
55 5496-001
(various packages): miscellaneous photographs
56 5496-001
KSF computer disks and audiocassette tapes from 1984-87 WS Res fieldwork
57 5496-001
KF/DF fieldwork diaries
57 5496-001
KF/DF testimony in Enola Hill case (1993), related material
Series V: Card Files
Box Accession
58 5496-001
Card file: General works, Theory, Aspects of Culture, Physical Anthropology
58 5496-001
Card file: Psychology, Mythology Bibliog.
58 5496-001
Card file: Sociology, Political Science, etc.; also very general bibliography
58 5496-001
Card file: History of Anthropology; Also: Social Anthro, etc.
59 5496-001
Card file: Anthro 420 notes; Linguistics notes
59 5496-001
Card file: Anthropology, general, notes
59 5496-001
Card file: Soc & Anthro 210 notes
59 5496-001
Card file: American Indian notes; Anthro 370 Bibliog
60 5496-001
Card file: American Indians – specific areas
60 5496-001
Card file: Eastern US; Mexico, Central & South America Bib
60 5496-001
Card file: Notes: Plains, Eastern, Pomo, Eskimo, Mexico, Central, South America
60 5496-001
Card file: Indians, NW and adjacent areas, Bibliog.
61 5496-001
Card file: Linguistics I
61 5496-001
Card file: Linguistics II
61 5496-001
Card file: [miscellaneous bibliography]
61 5496-001
Card file: France, Europe misc
62 5496-001
Card file: Ethnoscience bib., I
62 5496-001
Card file: Ethnoscience bib., II
62 5496-001
Card file: Ethnoscience bib., III
62 5496-001
Card file: Ethnoscience bib., IV
62 5496-001
Card file: Ethnoscience bib., V
62 5496-001
Card file: [misc notes & bibliography]
63 5496-001
Card file: California & other, ethnobotany
63 5496-001
Card file: Ethnobotany in process
63 5496-001
Card file: Misc notes & bib
63 5496-001
Card file: Misc bib & notes
64 5496-001
Card file: Books ordered for Reed library
64 5496-001
Card file: Books ordered for Reed library
64 5496-001
Card file: Desk stuff
64 5496-001
Card file: Misc stuff
64 5496-001
Card file: DF’s cartoons (small box)
65 5496-001
Card file: Biographies of Anthropologists
65 5496-001
Card file: Silly & misc
65 5496-001
Card file: Bib misc
65 5496-001
Card file: Misc (small blue box)
65 5496-001
Card file: Social Anthropology
65 5496-001
Card file: Biographies of Anthropologists (small box)
66 5496-001
Card file: Misc bib., notes, incl some Wasco-Wishram data
66 5496-001
Card file: Reed library (wooden box)
66 5496-001
Card file: Misc anthropology bib
66 5496-001
Card file: Bibliography and info on DF students
Restrictions on Access: Restricted
67 5496-001
Card file: Misc., some WS Res data (blue)
67 5496-001
Card file: Wasco-Wishram ethnobotany data (red)
67 5496-001
Card file: France – ethnobotany (2 small boxes)
67 5496-001
Card file: D French & R Ornduff plant collection data
67 5496-001
Card file: Silly & misc
67 5496-001
Card file: Bibliography: Medical Anthropology (4 shoeboxes)
70-71 5496-001
Card Files
75 5496-001
Card File: Native American Names index
76 5496-001
Card File: Bibliographies
77 5496-001
Card Files

Accession No. 5496-002: David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, 1916, 1942-1946, 1980s-1990s (bulk 1942-1946)Return to Top

21.44 cubic feet (22 boxes)
Arrangement: Arranged as received.

Scope and Content: Materials include reports, subject files, files relating to units or blocks, census data, correspondence, publications, and research card files collected by and/or created by David and Kathrine French during their work at the Colorado River Relocation Center in Poston, Arizona. A small amount of material relates to other research topics: 2 card files on "Athabaskan Mythology," and an audio recording.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Some material stored offsite; advance notice is required for use.

Acquisition Info: Source: Kathrine Story French Trust, Spring 2008

Container(s) Description
Series I: Colorado River Relocation Center in Poston, Arizona
Box/Folder Accession
1/1 5496-002
1/2 5496-002
Aliens and internment
1/3 5496-002
Appointed staff
1/4 5496-002
Appointed staff minutes
1/5 5496-002
Camouflage trust fund
1/6 5496-002
Armed 600
1/7 5496-002
Trust fund dividend, March, April
1/8 5496-002
1/9 5496-002
Clothing allowance
1/10 5496-002
1/11 5496-002
Community activities
1/12 5496-002
Community management
1/13 5496-002
Cooperative enterprises
1/14 5496-002
Construction furnishings
1/15 5496-002
Block 14 population data #2
1/16 5496-002
Block 14 population data #2
1/17 5496-002
Block 14 population data #1
1/18 5496-002
Block 14 records #3
1/19 5496-002
Block 14 log
1/20 5496-002
Block 16 log
1/21 5496-002
Block 16 records
1/22 5496-002
Daily, yearly routings; personality
1/23 5496-002
Deaths and funerals
1/24 5496-002
Detention-inclusion clearance
1/25 5496-002
Block 3 log (destroy)
1/26 5496-002
Block 5 records
1/27 5496-002
Block 6 records
1/28 5496-002
Block 6 daily log
1/29 5496-002
Block 13 misc. to be noted
1/30 5496-002
Block 13 records
1/31 5496-002
Block 3 records
2/1 5496-002
Block summaries
2/2 5496-002
District reports 3, 13, 14
2/3 5496-002
Block 2 records
2/4 5496-002
Block 3 population data #2
2/5 5496-002
Block 3 population data
2/6 5496-002
Economics (see also food, employment, co-operative enterprises)
2/7 5496-002
2/8 5496-002
Adult education – vocational training
2/9 5496-002
Finance committee, etc.
2/10 5496-002
Finances – liquidation
2/11 5496-002
Block 14 records #1
2/12 5496-002
Block 14 records #2
2/13 5496-002
Block 14 records #2
2/14 5496-002
2/15 5496-002
2/16 5496-002
Garbage and trash
2/17 5496-002
General – Unit II
2/18 5496-002
General – Unit II
2/19 5496-002
Poston – health
2/20 5496-002
2/21 5496-002
Health – politics
2/22 5496-002
Holidays/Special events
2/23 5496-002
Housing (see also housing cases)
2/24 5496-002
Information publications
2/25 5496-002
Intake – early days
2/26 5496-002
2/27 5496-002
Japanese language data
2/28 5496-002
2/29 5496-002
Legal division
2/30 5496-002
2/31 5496-002
Maintenance – electricity, water
2/32 5496-002
Mess hall closing
2/33 5496-002
2/34 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
2/35 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club- Unit I
2/36 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
3/1 5496-002
Manpower Commission - Labor
3/2 5496-002
Labor and manpower
3/3 5496-002
Planning Board
3/4 5496-002
Labor Relations Board
3/5 5496-002
Outgoing mail – Brb
3/6 5496-002
Labor Relations Board – cases 1-20
3/7 5496-002
Labor Relations Board – cases 61-
3/8 5496-002
Incoming mail – Manpower Commission
3/9 5496-002
Directory Poston, Arizona Unit No. 1 A-N
3/10 5496-002
Directory Poston, Arizona Unit No. 1 N-Z
3/11 5496-002
Colo. Quarterly Census as of midnight March 31, 1944 A-M
3/12 5496-002
Colo. Quarterly Census as of midnight March 31, 1944 M-T
3/13 5496-002
Colo. Quarterly Census as of midnight March 31, 1944 T-Z
3/14 5496-002
Relocated evacuees correspondence
3/15 5496-002
Correspondence – Block manager supervisor
3/16 5496-002
Housing cases
3/17 5496-002
General correspondence
3/18 5496-002
Block manager’s II meeting minutes
3/19 5496-002
Block managers, III
3/20 5496-002
Block managers, Unit II
3/21 5496-002
Block manager’s meeting minutes, Unit I
3/22 5496-002
Block manager election results, resignations
3/23 5496-002
Block manager examination, letters of recommendation
3/24 5496-002
Block manager’s meetings, Unit I
3/25 5496-002
Block government
3/26 5496-002
Block managers, incidents, etc.
3/27 5496-002
Block janitors and sanitation
3/28 5496-002
Block gardeners
4/1 5496-002
4/2 5496-002
4/3 5496-002
4/4 5496-002
Employment evacuee
4/5 5496-002
Used or not needed
4/6 5496-002
Block managers, Unit I, unsorted
4/7 5496-002
Block manager’s minutes, Unit 3
4/8 5496-002
Block managers Unit III
4/9 5496-002
4/10 5496-002
Block fund records
4/11 5496-002
[loose materials]
4/12 5496-002
Unit III block manager’s meetings
4/13 5496-002
Block managers minutes Unit III
4/14 5496-002
Block manager’s minutes Unit III
4/15 5496-002
Block manager Unit II minutes
4/16 5496-002
[loose material]
4/17 5496-002
Block manager’s minutes Unit 3
4/18 5496-002
Block managers Unit I
4/19 5496-002
Block managers Unit I
4/20 5496-002
Unit III block manager’s meetings
4/21 5496-002
Block manager’s meeting minutes Unit II
4/22 5496-002
Unit II council minutes
4/23 5496-002
4/24 5496-002
Directory Unit II, Poston Arizona
4/25 5496-002
Directory Unit III
4/26 5496-002
Block carpenters and construction
5/1 5496-002
Block 37 files
5/2 5496-002
Block 37 log
5/3 5496-002
Block 26 log
5/4 5496-002
Block 27 records
5/5 5496-002
[loose material]
5/6 5496-002
Block 28 log
5/7 5496-002
Block 28 records
5/8 5496-002
Block 31 records
5/9 5496-002
Block 18 records
5/10 5496-002
Block 19 records
5/11 5496-002
Block 21
5/12 5496-002
Block 21 log
5/13 5496-002
Block 21 records
5/14 5496-002
Block 36 records
5/15 5496-002
Block 17 log
5/16 5496-002
Block 17 log
5/17 5496-002
Block 17 log
5/18 5496-002
Block 17 records
5/19 5496-002
Block managers system, unsorted
5/20 5496-002
5/21 5496-002
Block 19 log
5/22 5496-002
Block 19 log
6/1 5496-002
Block 19 log
6/2 5496-002
6/3 5496-002
WRM – post-exclusion
6/4 5496-002
Relocation – Bur., social research
6/5 5496-002
Center closure
6/6 5496-002
6/7 5496-002
To be filed
6/8 5496-002
To be returned to Big Bridges Collection
6/9 5496-002
Miscellaneous Buddhist publications
6/10 5496-002
Miscellaneous Buddhist publications
6/11 5496-002
Poston – relocation
6/12 5496-002
Relocation – evacuee participation
6/13 5496-002
6/14 5496-002
Relocation – West Coast #2
6/15 5496-002
Relocation – policies and procedures
6/16 5496-002
Returns to evacuated area
6/17 5496-002
Relocation – General unsorted
6/18 5496-002
Relocation – East
6/19 5496-002
Poston – post-exclusion
6/20 5496-002
Relocation – WSST
6/21 5496-002
Final report – Relocation Division, Colorado River Relocation Center
6/22 5496-002
Block 31 log
6/23 5496-002
Block 35 records
7/1 5496-002
Block 13 log
7/2 5496-002
Block 13 log
7/3 5496-002
Block managers
7/4 5496-002
Block managers
7/5 5496-002
Community government – overall
7/6 5496-002
Miscellaneous meetings
7/7 5496-002
Community government – overall
7/8 5496-002
Community government – histories of
7/9 5496-002
Community Council
7/10 5496-002
Community government
7/11 5496-002
Community government – organization
7/12 5496-002
7/13 5496-002
Community Council minutes
7/14 5496-002
Unit administration
7/15 5496-002
Community government – Unit I
7/16 5496-002
Community government – Unit III
7/17 5496-002
Community government – Unit III
7/18 5496-002
Unit III Council minutes
7/19 5496-002
Elections, etc. Unit I
7/20 5496-002
Elections, etc. Unit II
7/21 5496-002
Elections, etc. Unit III
7/22 5496-002
Executive board, Unit I
7/23 5496-002
Community Council Unit I
7/24 5496-002
Unit I – community government history KF&DF
7/25 5496-002
Unit I – Local Council
7/26 5496-002
Organization Commission
7/27 5496-002
Community Council Advisory Board
7/28 5496-002
Community Council Public Health Committee
7/29 5496-002
Community government – Unit I
7/30 5496-002
Community government – Unit II
8/1 5496-002
Community government – Unit II
8/2 5496-002
Community government – Unit II
8/3 5496-002
Local Council minutes
8/4 5496-002
8/5 5496-002
Selective Service – 2
8/6 5496-002
Selective Service – 1
8/7 5496-002
8/8 5496-002
8/9 5496-002
8/10 5496-002
8/11 5496-002
Renunciation of citizenship
8/12 5496-002
Rest Home
8/13 5496-002
8/14 5496-002
8/15 5496-002
Poston – segregation
8/16 5496-002
8/17 5496-002
Segregation- statistics
8/18 5496-002
Spanish-Swiss Consuls and Embassies
8/19 5496-002
Registration – loyalty
8/20 5496-002
Registration lists
8/21 5496-002
Volunteer work
8/22 5496-002
Welfare orientation course
8/23 5496-002
“The Material and Social Life of the Eskimo”
8/24 5496-002
Untitled paper (The Material/Cultural Life of Eskimo)
8/25 5496-002
El Chaparral – Poston High School Year Book
8/26 5496-002
Expatriation – Repatriation (+Internment)
8/27 5496-002
8/28 5496-002
8/29 5496-002
Finances – Evacuee
8/30 5496-002
Unit III Council minutes
9/1 5496-002
Unit III Council minutes
9/2 5496-002
Unit III Council minutes
9/3 5496-002
Executive Board- Unit II
9/4 5496-002
9/5 5496-002
Manpower- Labor Unit III
9/6 5496-002
Cases 5 & 11 Labor Relations Board
9/7 5496-002
Labor Relations Board cases
9/8 5496-002
Incoming memos
9/9 5496-002
Labor Relations Board cases
9/10 5496-002
Labor Relation Board cases 41-60
9/11 5496-002
Unit I Block manager’s meeting
9/12 5496-002
Block Manager’s minutes Unit I
9/13 5496-002
Unit Administration, Block Managers system
9/14 5496-002
[Japanese title]
9/15 5496-002
Labor Relations Board cases 21-40
9/16 5496-002
Block Manager’s minutes- Unit I
9/17 5496-002
Unit I- Block Manager meetings
9/18 5496-002
Manpower-Labor Unit II
9/19 5496-002
Manpower Commission
9/20 5496-002
Manpower Conference
9/21 5496-002
Manpower Commission Conference
9/22 5496-002
Manpower Commission minutes
9/23 5496-002
Block 209 log
9/24 5496-002
Block 211 records
9/25 5496-002
Block 211 log
9/26 5496-002
Block 211 log
9/27 5496-002
Block 214 log and records
9/28 5496-002
Block 215 log
9/29 5496-002
Block 207 log and records
9/30 5496-002
Block 208 records and log
9/31 5496-002
Block 209 log
10 5496-002
Poston Chronicle, January 1943-May 1945
11 5496-002
Poston Chronicle, June 1945-October 1945
11 5496-002
Press Bulletin, May 1942-December 1942
11 5496-002
Supplement to Minutes, Japanese American Citizen League, Special Emergency Conference
12/1 5496-002
Block 220 records
12/2 5496-002
Block 221 records and log
12/3 5496-002
Block 211 log (1-2)
12/4 5496-002
Block 211 log (2-2)
12/5 5496-002
Block 215 records
12/6 5496-002
Block 215 log
12/7 5496-002
Block 215 log
12/8 5496-002
Block 219 records
12/9 5496-002
Block 220 log
12/10 5496-002
Block 221 log
12/11 5496-002
Daily News Digest
12/12 5496-002
Daily News Digest
12/13 5496-002
WRA- relocation, East Coast (1-2)
12/14 5496-002
WRA- relocation, East Coast (2-2)
12/15 5496-002
WRA- relocation, West Coast
12/16 5496-002
“The Characteristics of the Population”
12/17 5496-002
Daily News Digest
12/18 5496-002
Gila River Data
12/19 5496-002
Tule Lake
12/20 5496-002
Heart Mountain- Manazar Minidoka
12/21 5496-002
The World Outside
12/22 5496-002
Daily News Digest
12/23 5496-002
Poston Relocation
12/24 5496-002
WRA- relocation
12/25 5496-002
[Loose material]
12/26 5496-002
WRA Weekly Press Review
12/27 5496-002
WRA Weekly Press Review
13/1 5496-002
WRA Weekly Press Review
13/2 5496-002
WRA Weekly Press Review
13/3 5496-002
WRA Weekly Press Review
13/4 5496-002
Various Publications
13/5 5496-002
Various Publications
13/6 5496-002
Various Publications
13/7 5496-002
WRA Information Digest
13/8 5496-002
WRA Information Digest
13/9 5496-002
Clippings, Favorable Clippings
13/10 5496-002
WRA Information Digest
13/11 5496-002
WRA Daily Press Review
13/12 5496-002
Leave Clearance Hearings- Unit III
13/13 5496-002
DSS-304-A, Unit III (5.5 Regis)
13/14 5496-002
Social Control- general
13/15 5496-002
Internal Security
13/16 5496-002
Internal Security case reports
13/17 5496-002
Social control- cases Unit I
13/18 5496-002
Social control cases Unit II
13/19 5496-002
Block 43 records (1-2)
13/20 5496-002
Block 43 records (2-2)
13/21 5496-002
Block 44 records
14/1 5496-002
Block 38 log
14/2 5496-002
Block 38 records
14/3 5496-002
Block 39 records
14/4 5496-002
Block 42 records
14/5 5496-002
Leave Clearance Hearings- Unit III
14/6 5496-002
Block 37 log (1-2)
14/7 5496-002
Block 37 log (2-2)
14/8 5496-002
Block 45 log
14/9 5496-002
Block 45 records
14/10 5496-002
Block 45 records
14/11 5496-002
Block 45 log
14/12 5496-002
Social control cases- Unit III (1-2)
14/13 5496-002
Social control cases- Unit III (2-2)
14/14 5496-002
Social control
14/15 5496-002
Mixed marriage- general
14/16 5496-002
Marriage and family- general
14/17 5496-002
[Loose material]
14/18 5496-002
Block 46 records
14/19 5496-002
Block 46 diary or log
14/20 5496-002
Block 53 log
14/21 5496-002
Block 54
14/22 5496-002
Block 54 log
14/23 5496-002
Block 59
14/24 5496-002
Block 59 log
15/1 5496-002
Block 54 data
15/2 5496-002
Block 59 records
15/3 5496-002
Block 59 data
15/4 5496-002
Block 59 records
15/5 5496-002
Block 211 log
15/6 5496-002
Block 209 records
15/7 5496-002
Block 60 records (1-2)
15/8 5496-002
Block 60 records (2-2)
15/9 5496-002
Block 209 log (1-2)
15/10 5496-002
Block 209 log (2-2)
15/11 5496-002
15/12 5496-002
Used data
15/13 5496-002
15/14 5496-002
Correspondence- Evacuees
15/15 5496-002
Evacuee Correspondence
15/16 5496-002
Community Analysis- miscellaneous
15/17 5496-002
Community Analysis reports
15/18 5496-002
Community Analysis conference
15/19 5496-002
Bureau of Sociological Research- reports
15/20 5496-002
Community Analysis- weekly summaries
15/21 5496-002
15/22 5496-002
Project Analysis Series (1-2)
15/23 5496-002
Project Analysis Series (2-2)
15/24 5496-002
Poston Community Analysis reports (1-3)
15/25 5496-002
Poston Community Analysis reports (2-3)
15/26 5496-002
Poston Community Analysis reports (3-3)
16/1 5496-002
16/2 5496-002
Organization Charts
16/3 5496-002
Other Centers 2
16/4 5496-002
16/5 5496-002
16/6 5496-002
Community Analysis final report
16/7 5496-002
16/8 5496-002
Community Analysis notes, letters, block study
16/9 5496-002
Community Analysis “Poston Reactions to the Announcement of the Closure Dates for all Centers”
16/10 5496-002
Community Analysis “Source Book for Poston Opinions on Relocation, December 1943 to July 1944”
16/11 5496-002
Community Analysis “The Japanese from the Coachelia Valley”
16/12 5496-002
16/13 5496-002
16/14 5496-002
Physical Environment
16/15 5496-002
Policy- WRA vs. Indian Service
16/16 5496-002
16/17 5496-002
Pre-evacuation address
16/18 5496-002
Pre-evacuation residence
16/19 5496-002
Public Assistance
16/20 5496-002
Race Relations
16/21 5496-002
16/22 5496-002
16/23 5496-002
Recreation Community Activities (1-2)
16/24 5496-002
Recreation Community Activities (2-2)
16/25 5496-002
Recreation- Japanese
16/26 5496-002
Red Cross
16/27 5496-002
16/28 5496-002
[Loose Material]
16/29 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
16/30 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
16/31 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
16/32 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
16/33 5496-002
Block 227 Log (1-2)
17/1 5496-002
Block 227 log (2-2)
17/2 5496-002
Block 227 log (1-2)
17/3 5496-002
Block 227 log (2-2)
17/4 5496-002
Block 226 records
17/5 5496-002
Block 222 log (1-2)
17/6 5496-002
Block 222 log (2-2)
17/7 5496-002
Block 222 records and log
17/8 5496-002
Unit II reports
17/9 5496-002
Unit III reports
17/10 5496-002
Reports- Unit I Administration monthly & weekly
17/11 5496-002
Community Gout- monthly reports
17/12 5496-002
Project Director’s reports
17/13 5496-002
Poston final reports (non-Community Analysis)
17/14 5496-002
Final report- Education section, Colorado River Relocation Center
17/15 5496-002
General + reports (1-2)
17/16 5496-002
General + reports (2-2)
17/17 5496-002
Worksheets & reference material, correspondence, clippings
17/18 5496-002
Relocation- weekly telegraphic reports
17/19 5496-002
Reports- Daily Evacuee Population Summary- by individual
17/20 5496-002
Partial copies- pp missing
17/21 5496-002
Chronological tables for report
17/22 5496-002
“The Characteristics of the Project Population”
17/23 5496-002
“The Facts about the War Relocation Authority”
17/24 5496-002
“The Truth about Relocation”
17/25 5496-002
“Supplementary Statement by Mr. D.S. Meyer Before the Sub-Committee of the Military Affairs Committee of the US Senate”
17/26 5496-002
“Racism and Reason” D.S. Meyer
17/27 5496-002
“The Relocation Program” D.S. Meyer
17/28 5496-002
“One Thousandth of the Nation” D.S. Meyer
17/29 5496-002
“Relocation Problems and Policies” D.S. Meyer
17/30 5496-002
“Japanese Americans in Relocation Centers”
17/31 5496-002
Department of the Interior, WRA, Semi-Annual report
17/32 5496-002
“Relocation Communities for Wartime Evacuees” WRA
17/33 5496-002
Semi-annual report, WRA
17/34 5496-002
Quarterly Report, WRA
17/35 5496-002
Second Quarterly Report, WRA
17/36 5496-002
First Quarterly Report, WRA
17/37 5496-002
[Poston Poetry Club]
18/1 5496-002
WRA- Hostel information
18/2 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
18/3 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
18/4 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
18/5 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
18/6 5496-002
Poston Poetry Club
18/7 5496-002
18/8 5496-002
18/9 5496-002
WRA- Relocation policies and procedures
18/10 5496-002
18/11 5496-002
WRA- Segregation
18/12 5496-002
18/13 5496-002
Duplicates (for C.C.?) (1-2)
18/14 5496-002
Duplicates (for C.C?) (2-2)
18/15 5496-002
Community Analysis reports
18/16 5496-002
For Claremont? K read, D not (1-2)
18/17 5496-002
For Claremont? K read, D not (2-2)
18/18 5496-002
Block 307 log
18/19 5496-002
Block 307 records
18/20 5496-002
Block 305 records
18/21 5496-002
Block 307 log (1-2)
18/22 5496-002
Block 307 log (2-2)
18/23 5496-002
18/24 5496-002
WRA centers- miscellaneous
19/1 5496-002
Block 303 log (1-2)
19/2 5496-002
Block 303 log (2-2)
19/3 5496-002
Block records- 305, 308, 328
19/4 5496-002
Block 305 log
19/5 5496-002
Block 308 records
19/6 5496-002
Block 309 log
19/7 5496-002
Block 309 records
19/8 5496-002
Block 316 records
19/9 5496-002
Block 317 log
19/10 5496-002
Block 318 records (1-2)
19/11 5496-002
Block 318 records (2-2)
19/12 5496-002
Block 322 records
19/13 5496-002
Daily log of Block 322
19/14 5496-002
Block 323 Manager’s daily log (1-2)
19/15 5496-002
Block 323 Manager’s daily log (2-2)
19/16 5496-002
Block 328 daily log
19/17 5496-002
Block 325 records
19/18 5496-002
Block 326 log
19/19 5496-002
Block 326 records
19/20 5496-002
Block 328 records
19/21 5496-002
Block 327 log & data (R)
19/22 5496-002
Block 328 log
19/23 5496-002
Block 329 log
20/1 5496-002
Block 329 log
20/2 5496-002
Block 329 records
20/3 5496-002
Block 330 records
20/4 5496-002
Block 330 log
20/5 5496-002
20 5496-002
Index Card Files: Poston General
20 5496-002
Index Card Files: Poston History-Political
20 5496-002
Index Card Files: Poston Social
20 5496-002
Index Card Files: Poston Block file
22 5496-002
Oversize Maps and Graphs
Series II: Native American and Miscellaneous
Box Accession
21 5496-002
Athabaskan Mythology (2)
21 5496-002
Audio recording.
21 5496-002

Accession No. 5496-003: David H. and Kathrine S. French papers, circa 1943-1956Return to Top

2.17 cubic feet (9 boxes)

Scope and Content: Bibliography and notes card files on Russia/USSR, Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Eurasia, as well as lantern slides.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Some restrictions exist on copying, quotation, or publication. Contact Special Collections for details.

Acquisition Info: Transferred from Special Collections at Reed College Library, 2014-11-14