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General images
- 1: Autographed image of Holly Cook of Bountiful striking a pose on the ice. Note: at age 19, Cook was the first skater from Utah to go to Nationals. She placed third in the World's competition held in Nova Scotia, 1991.
- 2: Committee for the 1984 National Figure Skating Championships held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Note: this was the first National held in Utah. Top row: Ida Tateoka (Chair), Connie Dobson, Melinda Fowler (Co-chair for the Junior League of Women), unidentified, and unidentified. Bottom row: Rus Pack, unidentified, Don Moyer, unidentified, Jim Larkin, and Jack Searle.
- 3: Autographed image of Audrey Palnty skating at Hygeia Note: Palnty was one of Utah's first professional iceskaters.
- 4: Autographed image of Sonja Henie iceskating, pre 1940s
- 5: Portrait of an Ida Tateoka
- 6: Portrait and article about world-class iceskating judge Ida Tateoka
- 7: Large group of people gathered in Budapest for the announcement that Salt Lake City had received the Olympic bid for 2002, 1995.
- 8: Suzy Brasner, First place, Tiffany Taylor (?), Second place, and Joline Linscholten, Third place, standing on the champions stand. Photo by William L. Udell of California.
- 9: Precision, Utah's first figure skating club at the 1985 Pacific Coast Championship in San Diego, CA.
- 10: Doree Ann Tateoka, unidentified, Cheryl Ford, and ? Bagley on iceskates
- 11: Scott Hamilton giving flowers to Ida Tateoka at the Delta Center, January 1996
- 12: Utahns coming home from Budapest after the announcement that Salt Lake would host the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, June 1995.
- 13: Grace Moore, unidentified, Nancy Muir, Kathleen Kelly, unidentified, and Ida Tateoka eating dinner at the Kelly home, April 1996.
- 14: Judges, including Kathleen Flarity, Rick Perez and Ida Tateoka, at the Cave of the Winds, August 1999
- 15: Utahns coming home from Budapest after the announcement that Salt Lake would host the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, June 1995.
- 16: Ida Tateoka with an unidentified young girl
- 17-18: Ida Tateoka and an unidentified young girl with pilots in a cockpit
- 19: Utah Figure Skating Club, Louis Hogan (Hygeia Rink Manager), Doctor Wittich, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Fenton, Helen Fenton, Isabell Ray, L. Larsen (Rink Manager before Hogan), Mrs. Sampson, Bob Hauk, Ida Tateoka, Jeannie Sampson, Ray Herzog, Joyce Phillips, Susan Woodruff, ? Herzog, Carolyn Sampson, Annette Kennedy, Marlene Berdl and others, 1950-1951
- 20: Susan Woodruff, Audrey Palnty and Ida Tateoka. Note: Woodruff and Tateoka were the first to take tests in Colorado Springs, and Palnty turned pro.
- 21: Marlene Berrell, Annette Kennedy, Susan Woodruff, Carolyn Sampson, Ida Tateoka, Bob Hauk, Audrey Palnty (teacher), taking tests in Colorado, Springs
- 22: Carolyn Sampson, Marlene Berrell, Annette Kennedy, Susan Woodruff, Bob Hauk, and Ida Tateoka at Broadmore, April 1951
- 23-24: Susan Woodruff and Ida Tateoka at Broadmore, April 1951
- 25: Ida Tateoka, Audrey Palnty and Susan Woodruff at Broadmore, April 1951
- 26: Unidentified, Mrs. Woodruff, Mr. Woodruff, Ida Tateoka, and Janet Woodruff at Sun Valley, 1951
- 27: Ida Tateoka iceskating at Hygeia, 1950
- 28: Ida Tateoka, Susan Woodruff and Janet Woodruff at Sun Valley, 1951
- 29-30: Bob Houk and Ida Tateoka iceskating, 1950
- 31: Susan Woodruff, Audrey Palnty, Mrs. Woodruff, and Ida Tateoka at Broadmore, 1951
- 32: Dr. Whytock and Ray Herzog on iceskates at Hygeia, 1951
- 33: Carolyn Sampson and Bob Hauk at Hygeia, 1951
- 34: Ida Tateoka iceskating at Hygeia, 1951
- 35: Judges JoAnne Harvey, Jane Kimball, Marjean Langley, and Ida Tateoka, 1959
- 36: Ida Tateoka receiving a trophy from Wally Anderson after a dancing on ice competition, 1962
- 37: Doree Ann Tateoka, Mark and Lynn on iceskates at Hygeia, 1962
- 38: Skaters from Salt Lake, Dolores Mann, Marvin Mann, Jane Kimball, Ida Tateoka, Dr. Snow, Carolyn Sampson, and Mr. Frank Kennedy (founder of the Utah Figure Skating Club) at Sun Valley, August 1962
- 39: Ida Tateoka demonstrating a movement to Kathy Brasher and small children, 1965
- 40: Doree Ann Tateoka, ? Bagley, unidentified, and Cheryl Ford posed for a portrait at Hygeia, 1967. Note: Holgan, the Hygeia ice rink Manager.
- 41: Doree Ann Tateoka
- 42: Louise and Ida Tateoka showing a schedule including 99 dance tests, 1966
- 43: Ida Tateoka and Dennis Sveum, 1966
- 44: Suzy Croft iceskating, 1972
- 45: Doree Ann Tateoka and Kim holding trophies, 1969
- 46: Doree Ann Tateoka on skates, 1971
- 47: Stenchever, Kathy Brasher, Cherril Ford, and Doree Ann Tateoka at the Hygeia iceskating rink, 1971
- 48: Judge School at Aspen, 1971
- 49-50: Large group of young iceskaters, October 1972, 1974
- 51-53: Ida Tateoka, Shirra C. and other women gathered at the lookout at St. Gervais, France, 1978
- 54: Janet Allen, Shirra, and ? at the lookout at St. Gervais, 1978
- 55: Women gathered at the lookout at St. Gervais, 1978
- 56: Ida Tateoka with Jane and Brooks Stewart at St. Gervais, 1978
- 57: Ida Tateoka at St. Gervais, 1978
- 58: Janet Allen, Brooks Stewart and Jane Stewart at St. Gervais, 1978
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General images
- 1: Janet Allen at St. Gervais or Obersdorf
- 2: Travelers waiting for a bus to Obersdorf
- 3-6: The valley of St. Gervais
- 7-9: The cows coming home through the streets of Obersdorf
- 10-14: Mt. Blanc in Obersdorf
- 15-18: Ennia Challenge Cup winners in Holland, 1979
- 19: Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1979
- 20: Parent of skaters in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1979
- 21-22: Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1979
- 23-25: "The team" at Prague, Czechoslovakia
- 26-30: Sites in Prague, 1979
- 31-32: Team on bus in Prague
- 33-34: Team in a cathedral, Prague, 1979
- 35-37: Ida Tateoka and others in Kobe, Japan, 1981
- 38: Paul Wylie, Joanie Burns and Don Laws
- 39: Ida Tateoka and Peter Caruthers in Kobe, Japan, 1981
- 40: Marie DeDimerico and Burt Lancon in Japan
- 41: Ida Tateoka and Joanie at a party in Japan
- 42: Prince Takeda and Ida Tateoka, 1981
- 43: Ida Tateoka and Lucy Brennan standing next to flowers in Japan
- 44: Paul Wylie and Marie DeDimerico in Japan
- 45: Lisa Spitz and Kity Caruthers
- 46: Mr. Gregory with an unidentified Japanese competitor
- 47: Rooftop view of Kobe, Japan
- 48: Two young Japanese iceskaters
- 49-50: Joseph Sabechek (who took third place at the Sarajevo Olympics) and others standing at the back of a bus and near a house
- 51-55: Ida Tateoka's cousin Washio's family in Kobe, Japan, 1981
- 56: Burt Lancom and Marie DeDimerico, 1982
- 57: Iceskating judges at a Vail Competition, 1982
- 58: Team dinner in Zograb, Yugoslavia, 1983 (Team leader Mr. McIntire)
- 59: ? McIntire, Roslyn Sumner and Ramona McIntire, 1984 Olympic group
- 60-61: Team dinner in Zograb, Yugoslavia, 1983 (Team leader Mr. McIntire)
- 62-65: Competitors standing on an awards platform at Zograb, Yugoslavia, 1983
- 66: Ida Tateoka, Elaine and Janet with others in Prague, November 1982
- 67: Top: Ida Tateoka, Elaine Demore, Janet Allen, and unidentified; Bottom: competitors; eating a "Western" meal at the Jr. World's, December 1984
- 68: Ida Tateoka standing in the hallway outside her dorm, 1982
- 69: U.S. Figure Skating team for the 1984 Nationals
- 70: Scott Hamilton with an unidentified man
- 71: Mr. McIntire, Scott Hamilton, Roslyn, Eve, and another unidentified figure skater
- 72: Scott Hamilton standing on an awards platform
- 73: Unidentified figure skating champions
- 74-80: Views of Sarajevo during the Olympics, 1984
- 81: George, Ricky, Bud, and Bud's wife eating
- 82-85: 1984 Olympic Awards ceremony
- 86-87: Jan, Eli, George, Joanie, Claud, and Ida Tateoka dining during the 1984 Olympics
- 88: Scott Hamilton showing off his Olympic medal
- 89: Scott Hamilton and Ida Tateoka
- 90-95: Chieko, Seiko, Iwao, and Harumi Washio with Ida Tateoka in Kobe, Japan, 1985
- 96: Brian, Kathleen, mother, and Deru Ann, December 1985
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General images
- 1-3: Ida Tateoka and others at an airport, 1986
- 4: Group of judges standing in front of the USA Olympics rings, 1985
- 5: Ida Tateoka in London, 1987
- 6: Janet, Ida Tateoka and Jo Laruless, 1985
- 7-9: Eli, Ida Tateoka and Dorothy Burkeholder at Sun Valley, 1985
- 10: Barbara Meeks and Ida Tateoka, 1985
- 11: Jack, Eli, Ed and wife, and Ida Tateoka in Sun Valley, 1985
- 12-19: U.S. team on their way to Sarajevo for the Junior Worlds, 1988
- 20-22: Doree Ann Tateoka's team the Peppermint Supremes at the airport
- 23-30: Dr McQueens Sports Medicine class, 1986-1987
- 31: Bill Brennan, Ida Tateoka and Linda at Nationals, 1986
- 32: Bill Brennan and Gale at Nationals, 1986
- 33: Jacky and Lucy at Nationals, 1986
- 34: Ron, Jim, Chuck Diely and wife at Nationals, 1986
- 35: Connie and Hugh C. at Nationals, 1986
- 36: Eilene, unidentified and Elaine at Nationals, 1986
- 37: Joe, Ben, Mary Linda, and Oscar at Nationals, 1986
- 38: Gale, Pat and Junko at Nationals, 1986
- 39: Holly at Nationals, 1986
- 40: Jerrod, Kristy and Rudy at Nationals, 1986
- 41: Jeff and Benz at Nationals, 1986
- 42: Monkey on roller skates
- 43: Ruth Ann Burge and Mrs. Marron at Nationals, 1986
- 44: Mrs. Gomez, Doree and Mrs. Thomas at Nationals, 1986
- 45: Doree and JoAnne at Nationals, 1986
- 46: Doree and Ida Tateoka at Nationals, 1986
- 47: Harlan Burge, unidentified and Ida Tateoka at Nationals, 1986
- 48: Jo D. at Nationals, 1986
- 49: Iceskaters assembled at Nationals, 1986
- 50: Ida and Junko at Nationals, 1986
- 51-52: Ida Tateoka and another woman riding on a dog sled in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1987
- 53-54: Marilyn Whilan, Ida Tateoka and Pat Smart in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1987
- 55-57: Ida Tateoka and another woman riding on a dog sled in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1987
- 58: Joanie, Ida and Roy standing next to a car in Australia during the Junior World's, 1988
- 59: Ida Tateoka holding a koala bear
- 60-61: Kristy and Rudy on the stand at the Junior World's, 1988
- 62-63: Todd Eldridge on the stand at the Junior World's, 1988
- 64: Kristy and Rudy on the stand at the Junior World's, 1988
- 65: Rudy and Kristy thanking the organizing committee at the Junior World's, 1988
- 66: Todd Eldridge thanking the organizing committee at the Junior World's, 1988
- 67: Rudy and Kristy thanking the organizing committee at the Junior World's, 1988
- 68: U.S. at the celebration party, 1988
- 69: "Off hours for team leader"
- 70: Young iceskaters eating at the hotel
- 71: Kristy and Rudy, 1988
- 72: Kris Kjausgard, Kristy, Rudy, and Jim
- 73: Kristy and Rudy at Jr. Worlds, 1988
- 74-75: Young iceskaters at the Jr. Worlds celebration party
- 76-81: Olive, Joanie, Ida and others in Sydney, Australia
- 82: Ida Tateoka holding a koala bear
- 83-84: Museum in New Zealand
- 85: New Zealand harbor filled with boats
- 86: Kiwi bird
- 87: Joanie and Jack looking at the New Zealand countryside
- 88-89: Views of New Zealand
- 90: Ida with unidentified others in New Zealand
- 91-94: Zoo in New Zealand
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General images
- 1-4: New Zealand countryside
- 5-6: New Zealand performers
- 7: Ida with an unidentified woman at a hot pot
- 8: New Zealand hot pots blowing steam
- 9: Peg Faulkner and Ida Tateoka with two judges from England at a restaurant in St. Gervais, 1988
- 10: Peg Faulkner, Ron (just passed the World Exam), and Ida Tateoka in St. Gervais, 1988
- 11: Ida, Peg, Chip, Ron and Carol eating dinner in Obersdorf
- 12: Ida Tateoka and Peg Faulkner in Obersdorf, 1988
- 13: Kenna Bailey and John Denton, competitors at St. Gervais and Obersdorf, 1988
- 14: Tonia Kwiatkowski competing in St. Gervais and Obersdorf, 1988
- 15-16: Scenery at Obersdorf
- 17: Olympic Bid City, Iowa, 1989
- 18-19: Ida Tateoka with unidentified women
- 20-22: People at the Olympic Bid City of Iowa where Salt Lake City was chosen as the U.S. city for the Olympics in 1998 or 2002.
- 23-24: Jean and husband traveling down the Seine River in Paris, 1989
- 25-26: Seine River, Paris, 1989
- 27-29: Views of Paris during the World Cup, 1989
- 30-38: Painting by Monet
- 39: Looking down the Seine River, Paris, 1989
- 40: Painting by Monet
- 41: Faculty at the Judges School at Sun Valley, Left to Right: Margaret Ann, Connie, Hugh C., Joanie, Gale, Ida and unidentified, May 1989
- 42: Judges school at Sun Valley, 1989
- 43-44: Faculty at the Judges School at Sun Valley, Left to Right: Margaret Ann, Connie, Hugh C., Joanie, Gale, Ida and unidentified, May 1989
- 45-46: Group at the International Special Olympic Games held in Reno, Nevada, 1989
- 47: Judges at the International Special Olympic Games held in Reno, Nevada, 1989. Left to Right: Virginia Mount, Shiria Kensworthy, Monique Petis, Janet Allen, Linda Leaves, Joan Gruber, Beth Graham, Liz Clark, Paula Naughton, Margaret Berazowski, Carve Ludlow, Ida Tateoka, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver
- 48: Awards ceremony at the Special Olympics, 1989
- 49: Joan Larkin, referee
- 50: Jill St. John and Jo Aruar, guest performers
- 51-56: Holly Cook's welcome home party after the 1990 World's Championships
- 57: Jill Trenary 1990 World's Champion
- 58: Holly Cook, third place at the World Championships
- 59: Judges from Canada and Czechoslovakia
- 60: Judges from Germany
- 61: Jarrod and Liz
- 62: Jarrod, Ida Tateoka, and Liz at the 1990 World Championships
- 63-65: Exhibition after the World Championships, 1990
- 66: Unidentified group touring Nova Scotia, 1990
- 67: Nova Scotia lighthouse
- 68: Fort at Nova Scotia
- 69-70: Sites in Nova Scotia, 1990
- 71-72: Munich, Germany
- 73: Pat French on a train in Munich
- 74: View of Munich from a train
- 75-78: Sites and diagrams of concentration camps in Germany
- 79: Susan, Marge, Virginia, and Ida eating dessert
- 80: Joanie
- 81: Virginia eating a pretzel and drinking beer
- 82: Lucille Morgan holding a camera
- 83-85: A party in the "cellar"
- 86: Lucille Morgan, Liz, Dan, and Pat at a party in the "cellar"
- 87-89: Governing Council meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, 1992
- 90: Emily Hall on skates at Halloween, 1992
- 91: Ida Tateoka eating at Wissahicken, 1992
- 92: Michael Verlie, Ida Tateoka and Jeannie Miley, 1991
- 93: Tom, Mary Jane and Marge at Nationals in Phoenix, 1993
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General images
- 1: Leola, Tom and Ida in Phoenix for Nationals, 1993
- 2-3: Awards podium at Nationals, 1993
- 4: Unidentified cathedral
- 5: Special Olympics Winter Games 1993 banner
- 6: Myrna, Liz and Tatiana
- 7: Chip, Christa and Christiane at Salisbury, Austria
- 8-10: Judges dinner at the Special Olympics 1993 in Austria
- 11-15: Ida Tateoka and others at the Special Olympics 1993 in Austria
- 16: Liz Clark and Myrna Hussy in Austria for the Special Olympics
- 17: Ida Tateoka and Myrna Hussy
- 18: Myrna Hussy and her daughter
- 19: Liz Clark and Ida Tateoka in Austria, 1993
- 20-22: Tod Bromley, Ida Tateoka, Beth Graham, and JoAnne Harvey at a competition in Las Vegas, 1994
- 23: Ida Tateoka and Rose Kanger in Casper, WY, March 1995
- 24-26: Westminster Abbey in Birmingham, England, March 1995
- 27-36: Sites around London, 1995
- 37-39: Elvis Stojko, first, Todd Eldridge, second, and Phillip Candeloro, third receiving their medals at Worlds in Birmingham, 1995
- 40-41: Birmingham, England, March 1995
- 42: Paul Wylie and Ida Tateoka, May 1995
- 43-45: Sites around Budapest, 1995
- 46-48: Salt Lake City display in Budapest, 1995
- 49: Governor Leavitt and Cynthia Ruiz in Budapest, 1995
- 50: Cynthia Ruiz, Mayor Coradini, and unidentified man in Budapest, 1995
- 51: Cynthia Ruiz and Tom Welch in Budapest, 1995
- 52-55: Cynthia Ruiz and others at a horse farm in Budapest, 1995
- 56-59: Kermit, Kathy and other members of the Olympic Bid Delegation in Budapest, 1995
- 60: Teenage competition winners at Budapest, 1995
- 61: Cynthia Ruiz and Governor Leavitt
- 62: Teenage competition winners at Budapest, 1995
- 63: Cynthia Ruiz and Tom Welch
- 64-67: Betty Todd, Teresa Fisher, Joyce Butchart, Kathy Flarhaty, Ida Tateoka and others at the OTC in Colorado Springs during the National Collegiate competition
- 68-71: Lauren, Teresa Fisher, Joyce Butchart, and Ida Tateoka touring interesting sites near Colorado Springs, August 1995
- 72-75: Teresa Fisher and skaters at Seven Falls in Colorado Springs, August 1995
- 76-78: Sites near Colorado Springs, 1995
- 79-82: Teresa Fisher, Joyce Butchart, Ida Tateoka, and Lauren at the summit of Pike's Peak, 1995
- 83: Ida Tateoka and Karen Tobin at the Colorado Springs Invitational, September 1995
- 84: Ida Tateoka and an unidentified woman at the Colorado Springs Invitational, September 1995
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Cottonwood Heights Synchronized Figure Skating Club
- 1: Sugar on Ice figure skating group at the 1987 Pacific Coast Precision Championships
- 2: 1990-1991 Blades in Motion. Left to Right: Joi Matsukawa, Sibel Bird, Darlene Hirschi, Tiffany Conde, Audrey McCLure, Daricie Poulsen, Alicia Pond, Michele Matteson, Tricia Smith, Emily Boyd, Pilarr Parkinson, Heather Hunt, and Crista Lym. Not pictured: Laurie Fukushima, Kathy Jacobsen, Melanie Messinger, and Nancy Grogan (coach).
- 3: 1998-1999 Ice Angelzz. Back Row, Left to Right: Margaret Schreck (coach), Meghan Miller, Aleha Hansen, Tamara Fisher, Leanne Cluff, Heather Hoggan. Second Row, Left to Right: Sara Davis, Lorianne Burns, Kelly Dalebout. Third row, Left to Right: Jordan Smith, Heather Garner, Natalie Deesing, Katie Loyola, Melissa Palmer. Front row, Left to Right: Heather Miller, Tiffany Earl, Karianne Burns, Jamie Wilner, Lauryn Roth. Not pictured: Sarah Teitt and Erika Fischer (coach).
- 4: 1999-2000 Juvenile Ice Angelzz. Back row, Left to Right: Gabrielle Korpas, Teresa Griffiths, Karen Lee, Ivy Cecy, Chelsea Yamashiro, Heather Miller. Middle row, Left to Right: Darcie Poulsen (coach), Heather Hoggan (assistant coach), Tiffany Earl, Jessica Fredrickson, Sarah Beecher, Margaret Schreck (coach), Erika Fischer (coach). Front row, Left to Right: Holly Smith, Alice Zhou, Jamie Wilner, Breanna Zehnder, Lauryn Roth, Lauren Bacon, Megan Retallick, Samantha Drysdale.
- 5: 1999-2000 Junior Ice Angelzz. Back row, Left to Right: Alyssa Johnson, Melissa Palmer, Sarah Teitt, Tamara Fisher, Meghan Miller, Leanne Cluff. Middle row, Left to Right: Margaret Schreck (coach), Heather Hoggan, Angie Bastian, Natalie Deesing, Kelly Dalebout, Rachel Johnson, Erika Fischer (coach). Front row, Left to Right: Katie Loyola, Jordan Smith, Danielle Bacon, Emily Fowden, Heather Garner, Cindee Harrison, Mirella Johnson, Kaitlin Butler. Not pictured: Lindsay Clark.
- 6: 2000-2001 Youth Introductory Ice Angelzz. Back row, Left to Right: Erika Fischer (coach), Sarah Merrill, Allison Lee, Berkeley Johnson, Callie Thackeray, Margaret Schreck (coach), Darcie Poulsen (coach). Front row, Left to Right: Emily Wells, Olivia Davidson, Holly Smith, Ellie Williams, Caitlin Ellis, Shannen Breen, Erin Orchard.
- 7: 2000-2001 Intermediate Ice Angelzz. Back row, Left to Right: Gabrielle Korpas, Heather Miller, Karen Lee, Farah Mokrani, Katie Loyala, Ivy Cecy, Charlene Mills. Middle row, Left to Right: Darcie Poulsen (coach), Sarah Beecher, Julie Kravchenko, Chelsea Yamashiro, Teresa Griffiths, Jessica Fredrickson, Tiffany Earl. Front row, Left to Right: Erika Fischer (coach), Alice Zhou, Lauren Bacon, Megan Retallick, Kathy Fang, Margaret Schreck (coach).
- 8: 2000-2001 Senior Ice Angelzz. Back row, Left to Right: Alyssa Johnson, Leanne Cluff, Tamara Fisher, Heather Hoggan, Meghan Miller, Aleha Larsen. Middle row, Left to Right: Darcie Poulsen (coach), Mirella Johnson, Heather Garner, Lindsay Clark, Angela Bastian, Emily Fowden, Cindee Harrison. Front row, Left to Right: Erika Fischer (coach), Danielle Bacon, Melissa Palmer, Kelly Dalebout, Haley Smith, Margaret Schreck (coach).
- 9: 2001-2002 Ice Angelzz
- Youth Introductory Team: Kierstyn Barnes, Taylor Cook, Kirtley Hopkinson, Margaret Johnson, Sandra Kushnir, Britta Olsen, Jamie Reynolds, Kelsey Tomljenovich.
- Teen Introductory Team: Kelly Drabik, Anthony Johnson, Lindsey Johnson, Ellie Karamati, Molly Mostert, Iris Popescu, Jamie Privett, Rianne Robbins, Alexandra Surut.
- Preliminary Team: Monique Balazs, Kelsey Barnes, Shannen Breen, Olivia Davidson, Caitlin Ellis, Angie Fishler, Ashlee Kendall, Allison Lee, Nan Nan Li, Sarah Miller, Erin Orchard, Holly Smith, Callie Rose Thackeray, Emily Wells, Ellie Williams.
- Intermediate Team: Lauren Bacon, Sarah Beecker, Ivy Cecy, Tiffany Earl, Kathy Famg, Jessica Fredrickson, Teresa Griffiths, Berkeley Johnson, Chandel Johnson, Chelsie Johnson, Julie Kravchenko, Karen Lee, Benjamin Matthews, Heather Miller, Charlene Mills, Farah Mokrani, Mishella Morrical, Megan Retallick, Sabrina Tsao, Alysha Willden, Chelsea Yamashiro, Alice Zhou.
- Senior Team: Danielle Bacon, Angela Bastian, Lindsay Clark, Leanne Cluff, Kelly Dalebout, Tamara Fisher, Emily Fowden, Erin Fritz, Adrianne Hansen, Alicia Hoffing, Alyssa Johnson, Katie Loyala, Meghan Miller, Melissa Palmer, Haley Smith, Jordan Smith, Willow Withy.
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Ice Skating
- 1: 1st Junior World Championship - March 1976: 1st place winner - Suzie Brasher - US (Cottonwood Club, Salt Lake); 2nd place winner - Garnet Ostermire - Germany; 3rd place winner - Tracey Solomons - Great Brittain
- 2: Posed portrait of Suzie Brasher. Photo used in Centrals program for November of 1976. Picture taken in September 1976