University of Utah Archives photograph collection, 1890s-1980s

Overview of the Collection

University of Utah
University of Utah Archives photograph collection
1890s-1980s (inclusive)
250,000 photographs approximately
Collection Number
The University of Utah Archives photograph collection was collected by various departments and colleges of the University since the 1890s.
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT

Telephone: 8015818863
Access Restrictions

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged.   Materials must be used on-site.   Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The following history is from the UTAH HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA article on the University of Utah, by Dr. Gregory C. Thompson:

Originally named the University of Deseret, the University of Utah is the oldest state university west of the Missouri River. Founded in Salt Lake City on 28 February 1850, the school's first term-for men only-in November of 1850. The second term was opened to both women and men. At the end of the third term in 1852, classes were discontinued because of lack of funds.

The University was partially reopened primarily as a business school in 1867, and reestablished completely by 1869. The University was housed several places in Salt Lake City until 1884, at which time the school moved to the site of West High School. The first official commencement was held in 1886 when ten normal and two bachelor degrees were conferred. By 1900 enrollment had grown to 400 students, and B.A. and B.S. degrees were offered in classical, scientific, and normal programs.

The institution's name was changed from the University of Deseret to the University of Utah in 1894, and Congress granted sixty acres of Fort Douglas land on the east bench to the school. Classes opened on this site 1 October 1900.

Thirty-two more acres of land from Fort Douglas were annexed to the campus in 1904, and during the 1920s new classrooms and an athletic stadium were constructed. Programs established the early part of the twentieth century included authorizing masters degrees, opening a two-year medical school, organizing an extension division, and establishing a law school.

During World War I, a Department of Military Science and Tactics was developed. Military drill was compulsory for able male students and women had to participate in some form of war- preparedness work. The student army training corp was organized and regular ROTC instruction began. Enrollment increased from 1,029 in 1918, to 1,638 in 1920, and continued to increase from 2,910 in 1922, to 3,600 in 1932.

In the 1930s, sixty-one additional acres from Fort Douglas were deeded to the university. New buildings included a field house and central library, partially constructed with Public Works Administration funds. The Great Depression of the 1930s saw budget cuts of as much as fifty percent. Faculty and staff salaries were reduced, and normal advancements in rank and salary were eliminated. Needy students secured assistance from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the State Emergency Administration. A placement bureau was organized to serve employers and graduating students.

Professional courses in social work were introduced in the 1930s which led to the establishment of the Graduate School of Social Work. The advanced training of nurses developed in the School of Education until the establishment of the College of Nursing. Freshman and sophomore years were separated into lower division devoted primarily to general education. Specialization was required in the upper division junior and senior years.

The Experiment Station of the School of Mines, the Biological Survey of Utah, the Geological Survey of Utah, and the Bureau of Economic and Business Research were organized. A full-scale graduate curriculum was obtained by the mid-1940s. The College of Medicine, now a four-year school, graduated its first class in 1944.

During World War II, all first-year civilian males were required to take a course in military science and tactics. Courses on the economics and philosophy of war were taught, and the physical education requirements were increased to meet the demands of military programs. A four-quarter schedule of classes was adopted to facilitate training doctors, engineers, and technicians for the military services.

The years following World War II saw classes scheduled from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.; temporary buildings renovated for dormitories, classrooms, and offices; new faculty hired; and the further acquisition of Fort Douglas land. Schools were converted into colleges and new colleges were created. Improvements in curriculum, faculty, and facilities were made to meet the accreditation standards of the various professions. Interdisciplinary programs gave rise to institutes and centers.

The first football and track teams were organized in 1892, and the first paid coach hired in 1900. Besides football and track, early athletics included tennis, basketball, field hockey, and skiing. Intramural teams in 1990 number more than seventy, and there are clubs for rugby, lacrosse, ski racing, and other team sports. Intercollegiate teams compete in Division I of the NCAA. In men's and women's skiing and in women's gymnastics, the university's teams have won national championships. In football, basketball, tennis, and swimming, the regular placement of teams at first or second place in conference ratings has come to be expected, and nationally ranked teams are occasionally fielded.

In 1963 the Legislature funded a program a new construction, and for many years the campus was constantly under construction. Today, there are 225 buildings on the 1,500-acre campus. Enrollment increased from 11,515 in 1960, to 14,364 in 1983, to 23,500 students in 1990.

The University of Utah's regular and auxiliary faculty are among the nation's most prolific researchers. The University has research connections worldwide and ranks among the top twenty-five American colleges and universities in funded research. In 1970 the University acquired land immediately adjacent to the campus and developed a research park, which in 1990 houses fifty-seven companies many of which grew out of faculty research.

Degrees are offered in sixty-four undergraduate and ninety graduate-level subjects as well as more than fifty teaching major and minors. There is currently a teaching faculty of 1,355 members, with a large support staff. Present-day campus organizations include orchestras, bands, jazz combos, an opera ensemble, and several choral, chamber, dance, and theatre groups. The Pioneer Memorial Theatre Company; a professional equity company; Utah Museum of Fine Arts; Museum of Natural History; and the state Arboretum are located on campus. The University also has a public television and radio stations and operates a state instructional television channel. It remains an important and vital state institution as Utah prepares to enter the twenty-first century.

Dr. Gregory C. Thompson

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The University of Utah Archives photograph collection has been compiled from a variety of sources: donations from the various colleges, schools, and departments; from private individuals; from the Utonian yearbooks; and other sources. It consists of approximately 250,000 images representing most photographic formats. Items are still being added to the collection on a regular basis. The inventories describe only the processed portion of the University of Utah Archives Photographs collection. There are many other images that have not yet been processed, and more are added on a regular basis. For unprocessed photographs, please contact the Multimedia Archivist. Although the University of Utah holds copyright on most items, some are commercially produced and the University does not claim copyright. Permission is required to use any of the photographs in this collection. The photographs range from wall-sized mounted photographs to large framed photos to standard color and black and white prints, transparencies, and negatives. Also included are glass slides and negatives and digital scans.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection.   An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects).   For further information, please review the J.   Willard Marriott Library’s Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.

Preferred Citation

Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number.   Special Collections, J.   Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The University of Utah Archives photograph collection has its own arrangement system, consisting of five categories:

A-Faculty (formal portraits of present and former faculty/staff)

A (Informal faculty, staff and administration)

B (Buildings and grounds of the University of Utah)

C (Student activities and general campus life)

D (Informal; departments, colleges and schools)

A-faculty-staff consists of portraits of University of Utah faculty and staff. This category is constantly growing, making a comprehensive list difficult. If the person in question has been part of the administration or primary faculty at the University of Utah, the portrait(s) should be in this category. The faculty/staff photographs are organized alphabetically by last name. The other four categories: A-Administration; B-Buildings and grounds; C-Campus Life; and D-Departments. These catefories are arranged alphabetically by subject heading and then chronologically within those subject headings. Each subject heading represents at least one folder of photographs in an appropriate box.

Processing Note

Processed by Sarah Morton in 2005.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
University of Utah faculty portraits
  • Aaron, [?]--1 item
  • Aaron, [?]--1 item
  • Aaron, Richard--18 items, Law 1968--2 negatives
  • Aaron, Richard--1 item--Above
  • Abbey, Edward--1 item
  • Abbott, Joseph T.--5 items, 1950--5 negatives
  • Aber, William M.--2 items, Ancient Languages, 1890-1994
  • Abildskov, J.A.--2 items
  • Abravenel, Maurice--12 items, 1953--12 negatives
  • Accurso, A.--1 item--3 negatives
  • Acland, James H.--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Adams, Arvil--13 items, Economics--3 negatives
  • Adams, George A.--10 items--8 negatives
  • Adams, Romona S.--52 items, Dean Student Affairs, 1973--12
  • negatives
  • Adamson, George--9 items, Speech and Debate, 1949--6 negatives
  • Adamson, Jack--13 items, 1971--2 negatives
  • Adamson, Jack H.--38 items, English, 1956, 1963, and later--10 negatives
  • Adix, Shauna--39 items, Womens Resource Center, 1973--20 negatives
  • Adix, La Vern--28 items, Theater, 1949, 1962, 1973--16 negatives
  • Adkins, Arthur--2 items, Education, 1959--2 negatives
  • Adorns, David--8 items, 1955--8 negatives
  • Aeschbacker, William--13 items, 1966--12 negatives
  • Aiken, Richard C.--2 items, Chemical Engineering
  • Aikins, Clyde M.--1 item, Anthropology--1 negative
  • Ajax, E.T.--3 items--2 negatives
  • Albertson, Carl--0 items--4 negatives
  • Alger, Ned--2 items, Assistant Football Coach, 1967--1 negative
  • Algermission, S.T.--8 items, 1960--8 negatives
  • Alland, Wesley--0 items--1 negative
  • Allen, Anita May--0 items--1 negatives
  • Allen, Robert--0 items--2 negatives
  • Alley, C.L.--1 item, English, 1956--1 negative
  • Alley, Charles--11 items, Electrical Engineering, 1960--2 negatives
  • Allison, Charles W.--3 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Allred, [?]--2 items, Chemistry
  • Allred, Zella--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Altman, Irwin--24 items, Psychology-Chairman--2 negatives
  • Alway, Robert H.--4 items, 1948--6 negatives
  • Amembal, Sudhir P.--3 items, Instructor,Business Accounting
  • Andersen, Jerry--23 items, 1967--2 negatives
  • Anderson, Andrew E.--12 items, 1964--12 negatives
  • Anderson, Bernard--8 items, 1959--8 negatives
  • Anderson, Clair L.--3 items, 1949--3 negatives
  • Anderson, Dee F.--2 items
  • Anderson, Don--1 item, Communications
  • Anderson, Edward P.--5 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Anderson, George--2 items, 1949--2 negatives
  • Anderson Isabelle T.--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Anderson, Jerry R.--8 items, Academic Vice-President
  • Anderson, John A.--5 items, Head of Pediatrics Dept., 1943-1949,1949--4 negatives
  • Anderson, Larry--13 items, Fuels Engineering, 1965--6 negatives
  • Anderson, Norman J.--1 item, 1967--1 negative
  • Anderson, Orson L.--4 items, 1950--7 negatives
  • Anderson, Robert--14 items, Anthropology, 1959--12 negatives
  • Anderson, Robert--17 items, Anthropology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Anderson, Terry--12 items, Metallurgy, 1965--12 negatives
  • Andrade, Joseph--7 items, Materials Science, 1969--12 negatives
  • Andrews, Daniel K.--1 item, 1949--4 negatives
  • Angleman, Sidney--36 items, English, 1927-1971, Associate Dean of College of Letters and Science Director of General Education, 1940 ,1949, 1960, 1964, 1968--27 negatives
  • Appleby, Peter C.--38 items, Philosophy, 1967, 1972--24 negatives
  • Archibald, Robert--12 items, Union Building, 1966--12 negatives
  • Anmaki, Ron--12 items, Asian American Center, 1975--10 negatives
  • Armstrong, Ike--5 items, Athletics Dept--5 negatives
  • Armstrong, Marvin D.--4 items, Bio-Chemistry, 1949--4 negatives
  • Arnoldson, Torild Washington--2 items, Modern Languages-Chairman
  • Arnoud, Bene--1 item, Ballet
  • Atiya, Aziz S.--28 items, History, 1958--10 negatives
  • Atwood, Kenneth W.--16 items, Electrical Engineering, 1965--6 negatives
  • Atwood, Ken--3 items, 1959
  • Austin, Myrtle--18 items, English, Dean of Women--25 negatives
  • Austin, Myrtle--15 items, English, Dean of Women
  • Babcock, Maud May--2 items, Theater
  • Bachtold, John G.--6 items, Bacteriology, 1955--8 negatives
  • Baer, [?]--30 items, Chemical Engineering, 1975--10 negatives
  • Bagley, Ron--19 items, Business 1972, 1974--24 negatives
  • Bailey, Affrey D.--4 items, 1970--1 negative
  • Bailey, Fuller B.--8 items, Medicine, 1951--8 negatives
  • Bailey, N.P.--7 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1966--12 negatives
  • Bailey, Roger--17 items, Architecture, 1949,1961--18 negatives
  • Bair, Bruce--40 items, Business, 1969--3 negatives
  • Bair, Jan N.--1 item, Pharmacy--3 negatives
  • Bair, Jan--28 items, Pharmacy, 1968
  • Baird, [?]--1 item
  • Baird, Bruce Free--3 items, Management, Dean of Business, 1963, 1970, 1975--18 negatives
  • Baker, Anita--1 item--14 negatives
  • Baker, [?]--1 item
  • Baker, Anita--32 items, History, 1972, 1971--Above
  • Baker, Ralph D.--9 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1949, 1959, 1967--17 negatives
  • Ballif, John L.--8 items, Languages, Dean of Men, 1930-1950--2 negatives
  • Ballinger, Carter M.--1 item, Anesthesiology
  • Balsan, Daniel--18 items, 1964--2 negatives
  • Balsley, Howard--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Bamberger, Clarence--2 items, Member, Board of Regents--1 negative
  • Bane, Laverne C.--8 items, 1949, 1961--24 negatives
  • Banham, Paul--22 items, Music, 1961--2 negatives
  • Banham, Paul--1 item, 1974--Above
  • Barker, James--3 items, Languages--3 negatives
  • Barkin, Steve--13 items, Business, 1974--8 negatives
  • Barlow, [?]--1 item, Psychology
  • Barnes, William P.--5 items--6 negatives
  • Barnett, Andrea--15 items, 1962--2 negatives
  • Barnett, John R.--3 items, Continuing Education, 1965--3 negatives
  • Barnhardt, Bill--1 item, Assistant Director of Admissions--no negatives
  • Barrett, John H.--10 items, Mathematics, 1959--10 negatives
  • Barton, Donald K.--4 items, Languages 1949--4 negatives
  • Barton, James R.--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Battin, Margaret P.--1 item
  • Bauerlein, T.C.--0 items, Medicine, 1951--6 negatives
  • Baugh, Donald Brum--30 items, Education, 1975--12 negatives
  • Beal, Owen F.--0 items--4 negatives
  • Beal, Thomas A.--1 item
  • Bean, Lee Lawrence--4 items, Sociology, Chairman of Department, 1974--2 negatives
  • Beard, George V.--2 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Bearnson, Dorothy--6 items, Art, 1949, 1959, 1975--12 negatives
  • Bearnson, J.B.--4 items, Economics and Business, 1948--8 negatives
  • Beatty, Lamond--2 items, Education and Administration, 1972--8 negatives
  • Bebb, Ernest--46 items, Dir. Union, 1970--14 negatives
  • Bedford, Ruth--12 items, Library, 1966--12 negatives
  • Beegle, Dorothy--6 items, 1948--6 negatives
  • Beeley, Arthur--17 items, Social Work-Dean, Sociology and Anthropology Department Chairman--8 negatives
  • Behle, William H.--4 items, Zoology, 1949--5 negatives
  • Beier, E.--17 items, Psychology, 1968--1 negative
  • Beier, Ernest--28 items, Psychology, 1975, 1973--Above
  • Beightal, Robert W.--4 items, Instructor, Biopharmaceutical Sciences
  • Belle, Wm D.--12 items, Art Organs, 1975--10 negatives
  • Benavides, Ricardo--2 items, Languages, 1962--8 negatives
  • Bennett, David--25 items, Philosophy, 1961, 1971--20 negatives
  • Bennett, Don--1 item
  • Bennett, Wallace--4 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Bennion, Adam S.--2 items
  • Bennion, Lowell--4 items, Institute of Religion--2 negatives
  • Bennion, Milton--5 items, Education--5 negatives
  • Bentley, Harold W.--20 items, Dean of Summer School, Extension Division Director, 1959, 1960, 1969--11 negatives
  • Bentley, Harold W.--14 items, Dean of summer School, Extension Division Director, 1959, 1960, 1969--11 negatives
  • Bentley, Joe--18 items, Educational Psychology, 1967--2 negatives
  • Benton, Cornelia--12 items, 1958--12 negatives
  • Bentrude, Wesley--10 items, Chemistry, 1965--3 negatives
  • Bentrude, [?]--2 items, Chemistry--Above
  • Bercham, Richard--18 items, Languages, 1975--2 negatives
  • Berg, Joseph W.--10 items, 1955--12 negatives
  • Berger, Franz Rosen--17 items, Physics, 1967--12 negatives
  • Berger, Patricia J.--1 item, Professor of Biology
  • Bergeson, Haven--3 items, Honors Program
  • Berman, Harry--6 items, Medicine, 1951--6 negatives
  • Bernhisel, John M.--1 item
  • Berrett, Paul O.--2 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Bestor, Charles--1 item
  • Biesele, F.C.--6 items, Mathematics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Bilger, Annetta--11 items, Nursing, 1961--10 negatives
  • Billings, [?]--5 items--2 negatives
  • Binkley, F.--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Birk, W.A.--3 items, Music--3 negatives
  • Bitner, Helen--8 items, 1949--9 negatives
  • Blackwell, Geneva--1 item
  • Blaesser, Willard W.--12 items, Educational Psychology--18 negatives
  • Blair, Larry M.--0 items--11 negatives
  • Blake, Harold A.--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Blaser, Leon--26 items, Finance, 1971--12 negatives
  • Blass, Bill--1 item
  • Bletson, Charlene--1 item, Theater
  • Bliss, Eugene--1 item, Professor of Psychiatry
  • Bliss, Robert L.--36 items, Architecture, 1974--9 negatives
  • Bluhm, Harry--5 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Bode, Don--11 items, 1967--12 negatives
  • Bodenheimer, Edgar--15 items, Law, 1949, 1962--14 negatives
  • Boehm, Robert--19 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1971--12 negatives
  • Boggs, Kathi--1 item, Counseling Center
  • Bohne, [?]--1 item
  • Boll, Steven--1 item, Associate Professor of Computer Science--no neatives
  • Bond, Alfred T.--1 item, Manual Training and Physical Culture,1896-1897
  • Bonner, [?]--1 item, Chemistry, 1955
  • Booth, Louis--27 items, 1967--27 negatives
  • Booth, Louis--12 items, 1969--Above
  • Booth, Louis--20 items, Music--Above
  • Boothe, Margaret--43 items, Library, 1971--12 negatives
  • Borg, Grant--6 items, English, 1949--8 negatives
  • Borison, Herbert T.--1 item, Pharmacology
  • Born, David--2 items, Psychology
  • Bosma, James F.--11 items, Pediatric Department Chairman, 1949, 1955--12 negatives
  • Boss, Richard--12 items, Library, 1965--12 negatives
  • Bosso, John--14 items, Pharmacy, 1975--8 negatives
  • Boswell, John--1 item, High School Services
  • Bouck, Ron--11 items, High School Services, 1967--12 negatives
  • Bowers, John--2 items, Medicine, 1954--2 negatives
  • Bown, M. Duane--3 items, Psychology, 1951--4 negatives
  • Bowner, Jill--10 items, Physics, 1974--6 negatives
  • Boyce, [?]--3 items, Law
  • Boyd, Richard H.--5 items, Material Science Engineering
  • Bradford, B. Blain--23 items, Business Manager, 1971--13 negatives
  • Bradford, Harold R.--8 items, Metallurgical Engineering, 1949,1963--6 negatives
  • Bradley, Rulon--1 item, Public Relations, 1960--2 negatives
  • Bradshaw, Afton B.--1 item
  • Brady, Maybell--2 items, Housing, 1960--2 negatives
  • Bragg, David G.--1 item, Professor of Medicine
  • Branch, C.H. Hardin--2 items, Psychiatry Chairman, 1949
  • Brandle, Curt--1 item
  • Braza, Gerald--2 items, Health Science, 1975--2 negatives
  • Brechenridge, [?]--1 item
  • Brendsel, Leland--4 items, Finance--12 negatives
  • Brewer, W.R.--4 items, Pharmacy, 19484 negatives
  • Brewster, Ghiselin--0 items--1 negative
  • Brickey, Frank--2 items, 1948--2 negatives
  • Brightwell, Thomas P.--1 item
  • Brimhall, Lila--2 items, Speech and Drama, 1949--2 negatives
  • Brinegar, W.V.--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Brizee, Kenneth--1 item, Anatomy, 1940
  • Broadbent, Thomas L.--3 items, 1948--3 negatives
  • Brodbeck, Dewey--2 items, Theater
  • Bronson, Alice O.--2 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Brooke, Wallace S.--6 items, Medical Staff, 1951--6 negatives
  • Broom, Arthur D.--1 item, Pharmacy
  • Brotherhood, Amelia--1 item, Geometry, Psychology, English, Botany, Latin and Drawing, 19th Century
  • Brown, Arthur D.--2 items, Utah Coordinating Council, 1960--1 negative
  • Brown, Blain--11 items, 1958--12 negatives
  • Brown, Dean--1 item, Graduate School of Social Work
  • Brown, Edwin--2 items, Social Work
  • Brown, Elfrieda F.--5 items, Home Economics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Brown, Louise B. (See also Louise Browning-Maiden name)--5 items, Sociology, 1958--10 negatives
  • Brown, Mary D.--4 items, Management, 1949--4 negatives
  • Brown, Moroni H.--8 items, Psychology, 1949, 1964--7 negatives
  • Brown, Wayne--29 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1965--12 negatives
  • Brown, Dr. Wayne S.--1 item--Above
  • Brown, William H.--10 items, Psychiatry, 1959--10 negatives
  • Browning, Louise (See also Louise Brown-Married name)--6 items, Sociology, 1949--8 negatives
  • Browning, Stephen--2 items--2 negatives
  • Brubaker, Joseph J.--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Brumbaugh, Donald--4 items--3 negatives
  • Brundage, Erven--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Brunvand, Jan Harold--1 item, English--2 negatives
  • Bryan, Julien--1 item
  • Bryner, Chifford--39 items, Civil Engineering, 1965--2 negatives
  • Bryner, Clifford G.--4 items, Civil Engineering, 1948--4 negatives
  • Bryner, Cliff--13 items, Civil Engineering, 1962--1 negative
  • Buchanan, Fred--36 items, Educational Administration, 1973--12 negatives
  • Buck, Adrienne--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Buck, J. James--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Buckwalter, Morris--8 items, Athletics, 1960--8 negatives
  • Bud, Jack--11 items, Athletic Director
  • Bud, Jack--4 items, 1971
  • Bud, Jack--3 items, Athletic Director, 1972
  • Buffmire, Judy--39 items, Special Education, 1971, 1975--24 negatives
  • Buiton, John R.--1 item
  • Bullough, Ben--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Burchard, John E.--2 items, 1964
  • Burdett, Beth--13 items, English, 1965--2 negatives
  • Burdett, Walter--1 item, Medicine, Surgery
  • Burke, William J.--16 items, Chemistry--16 negatives
  • Burnett, Ken--6 items, 1969--8 negatives
  • Burns, Betsy--1 item, Associate Professor of Geography--no negatives
  • Burt, Ada L.--2 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Burtenshaw, Claude--1 item, Carbon College--2 negatives
  • Burton, Sarah--2 items, Library, 1948--4 negatives
  • Burrup, Percy E.--1 item
  • Buterbough, James G.--Department Chairman, Education and Learning Resources
  • Butler, Tim--2 items, Health
  • Byrne, David--22 items, Educational Administration, 1972--10 negatives
  • Byrne, Gerald J.--20 items, Materials Science, 1967--12 negatives
  • Cabe, Walter W.--Associate Instructor, Family and Comm Medicine
  • Cagle, Frederick W.--23 items, Chemistry, 1960, 1970, 1975--14 negatives
  • Cahoon, Lynn E.--1 item, Football, 1950--1 negative
  • Calden, Grant--7 items--4 negatives
  • Call, C.B.--0 items--2 negatives
  • Call, Vern--0 items--2 negatives
  • Callaghan, Eugene--2 items, Research Professor of Mineralogy, 1969
  • Callis, Helmut G.--20 items, History, 1930, 1948, 1959--11 negatives
  • Callis, Helmut--34 items, 1960--2 negatives
  • Callister, A. Cyril--4 items, Medicine, 1951--6 negatives
  • Callister, Claire--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Camp, Floyd C. (Capt)--4 items, Professor and Head of Department of Naval Science, 1949--6 negatives
  • Campbell, Estel F.--no items, 1948--2 negatives
  • Campbell, Jack--11 items, Utah Geography and Mining Survey, 1971--8 negatives
  • Campbell, Hal--5 items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Campbell, Kenneth F.--2 items, 1950--2 negatives
  • Campbell, R. (Col)--1 item
  • Campbell, Rex--14 items, 1967--1 negative
  • Campbell, Roard F.--2 items, Faculty, 1948--4 negatives
  • Campbell, Ron--8 items, Navy, 1960--8 negatives
  • Campbell, Tim--18 items, Finance, 1974--10 negatives
  • Canals, Walter--2 items, 1966--1 negative
  • Canning, Ray--16 items, 1959--4 negatives
  • Cannon, Anthon S.--3 items, Sociology and Social Work--5 negatives
  • Cannon, Georgious--4 items, 1953--4 negatives
  • Cannon, Laurence O.--1 item, Mathematics, 1964--1 negatives
  • Cannon, Lila--12 items--12 negatives
  • Capecchi, [?]--1 item
  • Caravalgia, Angelo--8 items, Art, 1959--2 negatives
  • Careless, George--1 item, Music--1 negative
  • Carlson, Jack--14 items, 1953--15 negatives
  • Carlson, John S.--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Carlston, Herald--12 items, Director of Placement Bureau--no negatives
  • Carlston, Peter L.--2 items, Physical Education, Health and Recreation, 1948--2 negatives
  • Carnes, William H.--1 item, Pathology Chairman, 1956
  • Carruth, Max L.--29 items, Sociology, 1951, 1974--13 negatives
  • Carter, George--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Carter, Harold S.--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Carter, Marcine--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Carter, Mitchel M.--2 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Carter, Richard--6 items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Cartwright, George E.--2 items, Medicine
  • Carvalho, Gerald--75 items, Business, 1969, 1970--24 negatives
  • Cary, Elizabeth R.--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Case, James H.--3 items, Professor of Mathematics
  • Casper, Kent--8 items, Languages, 1960--8 negatives
  • Castellion, Alan--9 items, 1965--12 negatives
  • Castle, C. Hilmon--6 items, Medical Education, 1963--7 negatives
  • Castleton, Kenneth--7 items, Medicine--1 negative
  • Cathey, William--7 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Catmull, Joseph--5 items, Speech, 1949--4 negatives
  • Catron, Don--11 items, 1958--10 negatives
  • Cave, Alfred--3 items, History, 1965--4 negatives
  • Chacon, S.J.--10 items, Dean of Student Office, 1972--10 negatives
  • Chamberlain, E.C.--2 items, 1963--4 negatives
  • Chamberlain, Ralph--4 items, Emeritus, 1948--6 negatives
  • Chamberlind, Richard E.--8 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Chapman, Edward--4 items, English, 1949--4 negatives
  • Chappel, Neil--no items, 1951--2 negatives
  • Charnov, Eric Lee--1 item
  • Chas, Pitt Dr.--23 items, Metallurgy, 1965
  • Chatlain, Diane--4 items, 1954--4 negatives
  • Cheeves, Ann--no items, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Work
  • Chen, M.C.--no items, Chemistry, 1951--2 negatives
  • Cherners, Martin--30 items, Psychology, 1970--12 negatives
  • Chiago, Bob--17 items, Ethnic Studies, 1973--10 negatives
  • Chinn, Phllip--28 items, Special Education, 1970,1973--24 negatives
  • Chock, Gordon--1 item, Football, 1950--1 negative
  • Christensen, Bruce L.--5 items, KUED-KUER, P135
  • Christensen, Carl J.--21 items, Dean of School of Mines, Director of Cooperative Research, Chemistry, Ceramics and Metallurgy--20 negatives
  • Christensen, David--no items--2 negatives
  • Christensen, Don--1 item, 1951--6 negatives
  • Christensen, Morris--5 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949--5 negatives
  • Christensen, Opal--5 items, Management, 1949--4 negatives
  • Christensen, Willam F.--35 items, Ballet--23 negatives
  • Christensen, William--8 items, Purchasing Agent, 1951--5 negatives
  • Christensen, William--21 items, Purchasing, 1962--2 negatives
  • Christensen, William L.--4 items, Purchasing Agent, 1951--4 negatives
  • Christensen, William R.--1 item, Radiology Chairman, 1952
  • Christiansen, E.--3 items--2 negatives
  • Christiansen, E.B.--88 items, Chemical Engineering, 1968-- negatives
  • Christiansen, Francis W.--no items, 1951--4 negatives
  • Christiensen, Paul--no items, 1951--2 negatives
  • Chupyk, Dan--23 items, Languages, 1975--10 negatives
  • Church, John--1 item, 1949--2 negatives
  • Clapp, Edwin R.--6 items, English Chairman, 1947--8 negatives
  • Clark, A.D.--20 items, Management, 1967--3 negatives
  • Clark, Melvin E. (Lt. Col. USAF)--13 items, Air Sciences, 1960--12
  • Clark, Norman--1 item, 1964--1 negative
  • Clarke, Lori--8 items, English, 1971--1 negative
  • Clary, Rick--6 items, Director, University Marching Band-- negatives
  • Clawson, Douglas R.--4 items, Marketing, 1949--4 negatives
  • Clayton, James--7 items, History--3 negatives
  • Clayton, James--24 items, History, 1976--2 negatives
  • Clayton, Phyllis--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Clegg, Will--4 items, 1966--4 negatives
  • Cline, Victor--64 items, Psychology, 1972--26 negatives
  • Clive, Joseph--4 items, Music, 1949--4 negatives
  • Cluff, Dr. Leighton E.--1 item
  • Clyde, Calvin--8 items, Civil Engineering, 1958--6 negatives
  • Clyde, Calvin--6 items, Law, 1958
  • Cohen, Mendel--29 items, Philosophy, 1969, 1971--24 negatives
  • Cohen, Richard M.--1 item, Materials Science Engineering--negatives
  • Cohn, Burton--19 items, Financial V.P., 1970--12 negatives
  • Cole, Hubert (Col)--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Cole, James--3 items, Education, 1950--4 negatives
  • Cole, James--14 items, 1963--3 negatives
  • Cole, Nyla J.--4 items, Psychiatry, 1975
  • Collette, [?]--1 item, Sociology
  • Collins, Genevieve--3 items, 1948--3 negatives
  • Collins, Tom--20 items, Anthropology, 1971--12 negatives
  • Collins, T.--2 items, Metallurgical Engineering, 1959--2 negatives
  • Compton, Lane--no items--2 negatives
  • Conaty, Joseph--6 items, Instructor, Sociology
  • Condie, Richard--20 items, Music, 1937-1957--16 negatives
  • Cone, John--4 items, Mining Engineering
  • Cook, Kenneth--1 item, 1966
  • Cook, Melvin--7 items, Metallurgy, 1961
  • Cook, Melvin--1 item, Metallurgy--9 negatives
  • Cooley, Clyde--3 items, 1975--1 negative
  • Cooley, Dr. Everett--21 items, Western Americana Library, 1959--14 negatives
  • Coombs, Frank--26 items, History, 1970--12 negatives
  • Cope, William--6 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1948--4 negatives
  • Copley, C. Bryant--1 item
  • Coray, George Q.--1 item, Sociology, Economics, Director of Library, 1892--2 negatives
  • Cornwall, Carol--6 items, 1948--6 negatives
  • Cortes, Ramiro--1 item, Music Composer
  • Cosgriff, Walter--1 item, Member, Board of Regents
  • Cottam, Walter--25 items, Biology--12 negatives
  • Couch, Sherman (Pete)--8 items, Physical Education, Track Coach (also Geophysics)--2 negatives
  • Cowles, Le Roy (See: A-Presidents-Cowles)--President of University 1941-1945, Education, General Education--no negatives
  • Cowley, Au'Deane--8 items, Social Work, 1972--8 negatives
  • Cox, Eldon--36 items, Business Manager, 1974--14 negatives
  • Cox, Eldon--2 items, Business Manager, 1969--same as above
  • Cox, Geraldine--3 items, 1948--3 negatives
  • Cox, Le Roy--1 item, Member, Board of Regents, 1953--2 negatives
  • Crabtree, Norma--9 items, English, 1960--10 negatives
  • Cracroft, Paul--38 items, Alumni, Journalism, 1966--27 negatives
  • Cracroft, Paul--4 items, 1956, 1963--same as above
  • Crampton, C.G.--34 items, History--14 negatives
  • Crampton, Gregory--17 items, History, 1968--12 negatives
  • Crampton, Helen--1 item
  • Crawford, Arthur--15 items, Director, Geological Survey, Law--11 negatives
  • Crawley, Stan--30 items, Architecture, 1970--12 negatives
  • Crawley, S.L.--4 items, Psychology, 1950--4 negatives
  • Crawley, Stanley--24 items, 1958, 1967--24 negatives
  • Creer, Leland H.--18 items, History, Chairman, 1948-1960--18 negatives
  • Creer, Rex--4 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Crocker, Afton--6 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Croft, David James--5 items, Associate Professor, Management
  • Croft, Jim--22 items, Business Management, 1970--12 negatives
  • Crooks, E. Ellen--40 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Crooks, Ellen--9 items, Education--8 negatives
  • Crookston, Burns--1 item, 1960--8 negatives
  • Cross, Bud--3 items, Vice Presidents Office, 1965--2 negatives
  • Croxfall, Nanon--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Cruz, L.A. Santa--16 items, Social Work, 1972--7 negatives
  • Cuellar, Orlando--20 items, Biology, 1974--3 negatives
  • Culp, Reed C.--1 item, Member, Board of Regents, 1955
  • Cummings, Byron--2 items, Ancient Languages and Literature, Athletic Council, 1894-1910, 1909
  • Cummings, Richard--13 items--12 negatives
  • Cundick, Robert--no items--4 negatives
  • Cunningham, T.A.--20 items, Music, 1973--12 negatives
  • Curtice, Jack--4 items, Football Coach--4 negatives
  • Curtis, Louis--4 items, Bacteriology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Cutler, Harold--5 items, Banking and Finance--4 negatives
  • Cutler, Juan--27 items, Material Science, 1975--5 negatives
  • Cutler, Juan--23 items, Ceramic Engineering, Materials Science--26 negatives
  • Cutler, Thomas R. (See Oversized)--1 item, 19th Century
  • Cutler, Virginia--7 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Cvellar, Hector--23 items, Biology, 1974--8 negatives
  • Daines, [?]--1 item
  • Dalgliesh, Harold--7 items, Emeriti, 1972--4 negatives
  • Dalgliesh, Harold--8 items, History, 1948, 1960, 1967--10 negatives
  • Dalgliesh, Katharine--36 items, Social Work, 1973, 1962--13 negatives
  • Dalgliesh, William--8 items, Naval Science, 1964--8 negatives
  • Dalley, James--21 items, Electrical Engineering, 1958, 1960--20 negatives
  • Daniels, Tom--17 items, Alumni Association, 1969--12 negatives
  • Davenport, Horace--9 items, Physiology--8 negatives
  • Davern, Cedric--2 items, Dean, College of Medicine
  • David, Morton--6 items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Davidson, Raymond--13 items, Electrical Engineering, 1958--10 negatives
  • Davis, Allen--12 items, Medicine, 1964--13 negatives
  • Davis, Allen--6 items
  • Davis, Allan--18 items, Mathematics, 1971
  • Davis, Allan--12 items, Mathematics, 1971
  • Davis, Bernice--5 items, 1948--6 negatives
  • Davis, France--2 items
  • Davis, Francis--6 items, Education, 1948--4 negatives
  • Davis, Julian--15 items, 1965--12 negatives
  • Davis, Julian--14 items, Director, Res. Halls, 1972--10 negatives
  • Davis, Manguenite--6 items, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Work
  • Davis, Milton L.--2 items, Director, Media Services
  • Davis, Ted E.--5 items, Financial Vice-President--3 negatives
  • Day, Ann--5 items, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts
  • Day, Dan--14 items, 1965--1 negatives
  • Day, William--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Daynes, Terry--36 items, Accounting, 1973--12 negatives
  • Dea, Kay--9 items, Social Work, 1962--2 negatives
  • Decker, Patricia--4 items, 1941--4 negatives
  • Decker, Webster--24 items, Business, 1968--4 negatives
  • De Ford, John William--1 item, Associate Professor of Physics
  • De la Casa, Enrigue--5 items, Languages, 1949--4 negatives
  • De la Casa, Moria-Luisa--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • De l'Orme, Alfred Andre'--2 items, Music and French, 1880-1890
  • De Mars, Theodore--4 items, Educational Administration, 1949--4 negatives
  • De Mars, [?]--24 items, Education, 1962--2 negatives
  • De Nevers, Noel--26 items, Chemical Engineering, 1973--12 negatives
  • De Nevers, Noel--19 items, Chemical Engineering, 1966--14 negatives
  • De Nevers, Noel H.--4 items, Chemical Engineering
  • De Vries, [?]--1 item, Mechanical Engineering
  • Den Blacker, Kae--2 items, Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Den Bleyker, Katharin--8 items, Social Work, 1960--8 negatives
  • Den Bleyker, Katharin--17 items, Social Work, 1958, 1960--12 negatives
  • Dennis, John--17 items, 1967--12 negatives
  • Densley, Hilton--3 items, 1949--3 negatives
  • Derby, Dick--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Despain, Merland--no items, 1949--2 negatives
  • Desserich, Kaytherin--2 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Detmer, Dr. Don E.--4 items, V.P. Health Sciences
  • Deverall, Le Mar--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Devries, Larry--21 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1966--8 negatives
  • Dewitt, Paul--2 items, 1969--1 negative
  • Dewsnup, Maurine--7 items, 1962--1 negative
  • Dibble, Charles--34 items, Anthropology, 1948, 1960, 1964, 1968--17 negatives
  • Dibble, George--27 items, Art, 1956, 1970--62 negatives
  • Dibble, George--17 items, Art, 1949--7 negatives
  • Dibble, Gus--22 items, Art, 1966
  • Dick, Gale--35 items, Physics, 1973--10 negatives
  • Dick, Gale--27 items, Biology, Physics--2 negatives
  • Dickman, Sherman--8 items, Biological Chemistry, 1948--6 negatives
  • Dickson, Don--34 items--12 negatives
  • Didisheim, Paul--4 items, Medicine, 1958--8 negatives
  • Diefendorf, A.--16 items, Civil Engineering--16 negatives
  • Dierman, Frederick--11 items, Naval Science, 1961--8 negatives
  • Dippel, A. Louis--1 item, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ditlensed, Ove--35 items, Civil Engineering, 1974--10 negatives
  • Divett, Robert--8 items--4 negatives
  • Dixon, John--57 items, Ex. Vice President, 1970--13 negatives
  • Dixon, John--6 items, General Surgery
  • Djobadze, W.--16 items, 1959--12 negatives
  • DoBelle, William--4 items--1 negative
  • Dobson, Carolyn--10 items, 1949--7 negatives
  • Dodd, David--31 items, Psych, 1968--12 negatives
  • Donahoo, [?]--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Donner, Morton--22 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Dooley, James--1 item, Minority Student Counselor
  • Doran, Ray--41 items, 1966--20 negatives
  • Dougherty, Jean--6 items, Pathology, 1948--4 negatives
  • Dougherty, Thomas F.--11 items, Anatomy, 1961--7 negatives
  • Doyle, Allan--16 items, Business Accountant, 1975--8 negatives
  • Drew, Chiff--32 items, Special Education, 1974--12 negatives
  • Drew, Don--22 items, Special Education, 1975--10 negatives
  • Driggs, Frank M.--1 item, Deaf Mute School, 19th Century
  • Driscoll, Anne M.--5 items, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies
  • Duane, Jim--17 items, Educational Administration, 1971, 1975--34 negatives
  • Due, John--no items, Economics, 1948--2 negatives
  • Dunford, Elizabeth--4 items--4 negatives
  • Dunford, L.C.--3 items--2 negatives
  • Dunlop, [?]--8 items--4 negatives
  • Durfee, Jim--1 item, Graduate School, Social Work, 1972--12 negatives
  • Durham, G. Homer--101 items, Academic Vice President, 1974--33 negatives
  • Durham, Lowell--56 items, Music, Dean of Fine Arts, 1975--32 negatives
  • Durney, Carl--22 items, Electrical Engineering, 1967--2 negatives
  • Durrant, Stephen--28 items, Zoology--21 negatives
  • Dyer, Boyd--2 items
  • Dykstra, Daniel--13 items, Law, Dean, Academic Vice President--5 negatives
  • Dykstra, Daniel--17 items, Law, Dean, Academic Vice President--8 negatives
  • Eardley, Armand--30 items, Geology, Mines-Dean--23 negatives
  • East, Tom--2 items, Music, 1967--2 negatives
  • Eastman, Dan--no items--4 negatives
  • Ebb, Kenneth--7 items, 1967--1 negative
  • Eble, Kenneth--10 items, English--1 negative
  • Eccles, Spencer S.--1 item, Member, Board of Regents, 1948
  • Eck, Sherwood--4 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Eckhoff, David W.--1 item, Chairman and Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
  • Ed, Read--19 items, Education, 1974--12 negatives
  • Eddington, Don--16 items, Division of Art Organs, 1975--8 negatives
  • Edison, George--5 items, Student Health Service--4 negatives
  • Edmunds, George--19 items, Biology, 1975, 1973--11 negatives
  • Edmunds, George--26 items, Zoology and Entomology, 1949, 1959--12 negatives
  • Edwards, Charles--15 items, Physiology, 1959--12 negatives
  • Edwards, Dan--38 items, Social Work, 1971, 1975--17 negatives
  • Edwards, Margie E.--3 items, Graduate Social Work, 1975--5 negatives
  • Edwards, William--3 items, Business Administration--1 negative
  • Egan, [?]--1 item
  • Eichwald, Ernst J.--14 item, Pathology--10 negatives
  • Einhorn, Irving--8 items, 1970--4 negatives
  • Einhorn, [?]--2 items
  • Ek, Mathew--4 items, 1949--5 negatives
  • Elder, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Elggren, Allen--17 items, Business Accountant, 1975--10 negatives
  • Elsasser, Walter--2 items, Physics
  • Elsey, Philip--6 items, Research Engineer, 1949--4 negatives
  • Elwyn, Richard A.--5 items, Anesthesiology, 1963--2 negatives
  • Emery, Alfred (See: A-Presidents-Emery)--16 items, Law, Dean, University President, 1971--16 negatives
  • Emery, Willis--4 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Ence, Lilian--25 items, Presidents Office, 1974--8 negatives
  • Engar, Keith--43 items, Theater, 1967, 1959--21 negatives
  • Epstien, William Warren--2 items, Chemistry
  • Eraman, Robert--35 items, Special Education, 1971--13 negatives
  • Erickson, Ephriam--3 items, Philosophy--2 negatives
  • Erickson, Martin--5 items, Educational Psychology--4 negatives
  • Erickson, Max--7 items, Mineralogy, 1949--4 negatives
  • Erickson, Max--19 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Esplin, Don--21 items, Pharmacology--14 negatives
  • Esqueda, Carlos--26 items, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1973, 1975--10 negatives
  • Euler, Robert--5 items, Anthropology, 1964--12 negatives
  • Evans, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Evans, Burtis R.--33 items, Alumni President, 1967--4 negatives
  • Evans, David--28 items, Computer Science, 1967--3 negatives
  • Evans, Frederick--7 items, Biology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Evans, Jerry--12 items, DW of Art Organization, 1975--10 negatives
  • Evans, Richard--2 items, Member, Board of Regents--1 negatives
  • Evans, Ruth--6 items, 1963--4 negatives
  • Evans, W. Kent--4 items, Supt. of Buildings and Grounds--6
  • negatives
  • Ewers, Jim--56 items, Physical Education, 1970, 1973--20 negatives
  • Eyring, Edward--49 items, Chemistry, 1972--20 negatives
  • Eyring, Dean Henry--32 items, 1962--8 negatives
  • Eyring, Henry--24 items, Chemistry, Dean of Graduate School--23 negatives
  • Eyring, Henry--52 items, Chemistry, Dean of Graduate School, 1975--10 negatives
  • Eyring, Henry--28 items, Chemistry, Dean of Graduate School--20
  • negatives
  • Eyring, Dr.--3 items--2 negatives
  • Eyring, Henry--2 items--6 negatives
  • Eyzaquirre, [?]--2 items, 1975--1 negative
  • Eyzaguirre, Carlos E.--15 items, Medicine, 1961--2 negatives
  • Ezell, Annette--4 items, Acting Dean, Nursing
  • Facer, Elden--21 items, Business, 1949, 1961--6 negatives
  • Faerber, LeRoy--17 items, Accounting, 1971--12 negatives
  • Fairbanks, Arvard--19 items, Dean, Fine Arts--21 negatives
  • Farley, Bill--1 item--2 negatives
  • Farly, Owen W.--14 items, Social Work, 1962--8 negatives
  • Farnsworth, Gilbert--12 items, 1957--12 negatives
  • Farr, Lowell--6 items, Assistant Professor, Music--17 negatives
  • Farrer, Kenneth--11 items, Educational Administration, 1949--8 negatives
  • Fassel, Jim--4 items, Head Football Coach--4 negatives
  • Fassell, W. Martin--4 items, 1950
  • Faules, Don F.--18 items, Speech, 1969--12 negatives
  • Faust, Augustus--44 items, Education, 1971--6 negatives
  • Faust, Augustus--27 items, Education--54 negatives
  • Fawcett, Harold--1 item
  • Fawler, William--12 items, Music, 1962--2 negatives
  • Fawley, Paul--32 items, Educational Administration, 1962--14 negatives
  • Felker, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Fenning, Con--5 items, Physiology, 1948--4 negatives
  • Ferguson, Clair--26 items, Business Marketing, 1972--16 negatives
  • Ferrin, C. Arnold, Jr.--2 items, Director of Athletics
  • Ficks, David B.--1 item, Psychology, 1965--1 negative
  • Fiedler, Heinz--2 items, Mathematics, (Visiting Professor)--1 negative
  • Fielding, R. Kent--11 items, Social Work, 1960--9 negatives
  • Finkle, Bryan--1 item, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Toxicology
  • Finley, Robert--5 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Firmage, Edward--2 items, Law
  • Fisher, A.L.--34 items, Geography, 1974, 1960--16 negatives
  • Fisher, Scott--32 items, Housing, 1963--2 negatives
  • Fitzgerald, G.D.--1 item, Professor to Russia--12 negatives
  • Fitzpatrick, Frances (Capt)--13 items, Naval Sciences, 1960--10 negatives
  • Fitzpatrick, Thomas M.--1 item, Athletics, 1918-1925
  • Fitzpatrick, W. Knox--2 items, Medicine, Surgery
  • Flanders, H. Edward--12 items, Metallurgy, 1949--11 negatives
  • Flandro, Gary--2 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1968
  • Flaska, Francis--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Flathers, Donald--18 items, Naval Science--10 negatives
  • Fletcher, Alan--9 items, Civil Engineering, 1966--2 negatives
  • Fletcher, James--7 items, 8th President, University of Utah--1 negative
  • Fletcher, James E.--48 items, Speech Department--no negative
  • Flint, Leland B.--2 items, Member, Board of Regents--1 negative
  • Florez, John--26 item, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, 1974--8 negatives
  • Flowers, Seville--14 items, Botany, 1949, 1960--10 negatives
  • Floyd, Richard C.--4 items, Psychology, 1966--2 negatives
  • Flynn, John--1 item
  • Folland, Harold--21 items, English, 1969--9 negatives
  • Folland, Helen--48 items, Music, 1953, 1964, 1969--20 negatives
  • Follis, Richard--1 item, Pathology
  • Foole, H.L.--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Fordham, Jefferson B.--14 items, Law, 1970--1 negative
  • Forrest, Charles Dorsey--3 items, Marketing, 1964--2 negatives
  • Foster, Bill--1 item, Basketball Coach
  • Fowler, William--11 items, Music--6 negatives
  • Fox, Dr. Robert L.--3 items
  • Frank, C. Gordon--1 item
  • Frankel, Gonel--3 items
  • Franklin, Michael Roger--1 item, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Toxicology
  • Frazer, Mabel--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Freber, Arthur--9 items, Music, 1949--3 negatives
  • Frederick, Ariel--5 items, Education, 1948--4 negatives
  • Frederickson, Ron--7 items, Public Relations, 1966--1 negative
  • Freston, Cy--2 items, 1974--2 negatives
  • Frobes, Virginia--12 items, Dean of Women--3 negatives
  • Frost, Henry--18 items, Sociology, 1949, 1960--8 negatives
  • Fruedenberger, Clay--2 items, Anatomy, Dean, College of Medicine, 1941-1942
  • Fueldsted, Boyd L.--42 items, Economics, 1970--14 negatives
  • Fuerstenan, Maurice--1 item, Metallurgy, 1967--1 negative
  • Fuhriman, Addie--no items, Educational Psychology, 1969--12 negatives
  • Fujimoto, George--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Full, Roy--3 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Fuller, George--2 items, Economics
  • Fuller, George--14 items, Economics, 1961, 1967--4 negatives
  • Fulhriman, Addie--25 items, Educational Psychology, 1969
  • Fusco, Luigi--1 item, Languages
  • Futriell, Jean--67 items, Chemistry, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1974--38 negatives
  • Gabyrsh, Andrew--9 items, Metallurgy, 19638 negatives
  • Gaham, [?]--29 items, 1974--2 negatives
  • Gahin, Frank--9 items, Business, 1975--6 negatives
  • Gallant, Richard--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Gandebring, Olav--8 items, 1972--4 negatives
  • Gander, James--14 items--2 negatives
  • Gandhi, Om P.--2 items, Electrical Engineering
  • Gannon, Russell--2 items, Stewart School
  • Garcia, V.P.--1 item
  • Gardaea, President--44 items--46 negatives
  • Gardiner, Harvey--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Gardner, [?]--1 item
  • Gardner, President--12 items, 1975
  • Gardner, David--2 items, President, University of Utah--no negatives
  • Gardner, D. David--24 items, 1973--5 negatives
  • Gardner, E.J.--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Gardner, Fern--1 item, Director of Women's Athletics
  • Gardner, Pete D.--4 items
  • Gardner, Jack--4 items, Basketball Coach
  • Gardner, James H.--2 items, Finance, 1975
  • Gardner, Reed M. (See also Warner, Homer)--1 item, Biophysics--no negatives
  • Gardner, Wallace--26 items, Business, 1970--12 negatives
  • Garff, Royal L.--9 items, Speech, 1951, 1963--6 negatives
  • Garlington, Jack--30 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Garrett, Hulda--7 items, Home Economics, 1950--4 negatives
  • Garrett, Leon--17 items, Secretary, Board of Regents, Comptroller--8 negatives
  • Garwin, Richard--1 item, Frontiers of Science
  • Gascoigne, Harold E.--4 items
  • Gastle, Chas--18 items, 1972--6 negatives
  • Gaston, William T.--3 items
  • Gaufin, Arden--6 items, Zoology and Entomology, 1948--5 negatives
  • Gebhardt, Louis--5 items, Bacteriology, 1948--2 negatives
  • Gebhardt, Louis--5 items, 1961--4 negatives
  • Gee, Gordon--1 item
  • Geerlings, J. Dr.--35 items, History, 1962--8 negatives
  • Geerlings, Jacob--13 items, History and Modern Languages, Dean of Faculty, 1948--7 negatives
  • Gelfand, Donna M.--1 item
  • George, Samuel E.--1 item, School of Medicine
  • Geosdesky, Vasyl--14 items, 1959--8 negatives
  • Gerloch, Larry--8 items, History, 1974--8 negatives
  • Gesteland, Raymond--5 items, Biology
  • Ghiselin, Brewster--19 items, English, 1961--10 negatives
  • Ghiselin, Brewster--42 items, Emeritus English, 1975--22 negatives
  • Ghiselin, Michael--2 items, Biology
  • Giannelli, Tony--16 items, Assistant Dean of Students, 1973--10 negatives
  • Gibb, [?]--1 item
  • Gibb, James W.--18 items, Pharmacology, 1967--8 negatives
  • Gibb, James W.--19 items, Pharmacology, 1975--12 negatives
  • Gibbons, Norman--1 item--1 negative
  • Gibbons, Norman--16 items, Director of Admissions, 1975--2 negatives
  • Gibbs, Peter--33 items, Physics, 1971--14 negatives
  • Gibbs, Peter--17 items--10 negatives
  • Gibson, [?]--1 item, Anthropology, 1957--1 negative
  • Gibson, Mrs. J.L.--2 items, Member, Board of Regents, 1957
  • Gibson, James--1 item, Mathematics, Dean of Arts and Sciences--no negatives
  • Gibson, Roy--1 item, Assistant, Professor, Communication
  • Giddings, Calvin--84 items, Chemistry, 1967, 1970, 1964, 1973--27 negatives
  • Gilbert, Raymond--1 item, 1949--6 negatives
  • Gilbert, Ward--12 items--4 negatives
  • Giles, Thomas--2 items, Music--2 negatives
  • Gillespi, Bettye--11 items, 1974--9 negatives
  • Gilmore, [?] (Capt.)--1 item, ROTC
  • Gilmore, Addie--10 items, Home Economics, Nursery School--5 negatives
  • Gilmore, Joan--10 items, Library, 1950--4 negatives
  • Gimelstob, Gerry--1 item, Assistant Basketball Coach--no negative
  • Ginat, Joseph--2 items--1 negative
  • Gisler, [?]--7 items--4 negatives
  • Gittins, Alvin--73 items, Art, 1948, 1964, 1961--41 negatives
  • Glad, Blaine--10 items, 1963--8 negatives
  • Glaser, Leslie--25 items, Mathematics, 1969--14 negatives
  • Glasgow, [?]--2 items
  • Gleason, Herbert--1 item, Sociology, 1971--1 negative
  • Glenn, David--20 items, Business Finance, 1975--3 negatives
  • Glenn, James--1 item, Serpentologist at Zoo
  • Glenne, Bard--3 items
  • Glidden, Horace--15 items, Civil Engineering, 1964--10 negatives
  • Glover, Fred--2 items
  • Gnemi, Walter P.--1 item, Vice President, Administrative Services
  • Goats, Wallace--no items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Gohin, Fikry--2 items, Business, 1970
  • Goldschmied, Fabio--13 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1966--8 negatives
  • Goldthorpe, Harold--4 items, Biological Chemistry, 1948--4 negatives
  • Goode, Harry--49 items, Geology, 1975, 1964--14 negatives
  • Goodman, Louis S.--39 items, Medical School, 1965--12 negatives
  • Goodman, Louis--9 items, Pharmacology--4 negatives
  • Goodwin, Jonathan H.--19 items, Geological and Geophysics Science, 1970--8 negatives
  • Gordon, Oakley--35 items, 1966--2 negatives
  • Gordon, Oakley--10 items--4 negatives
  • Gordon, Ronald--1 item
  • Gordon, R.S.--27 items, Ceramic Engineering, 1965--2 negatives
  • Goss, Peter--24 items--10 negatives
  • Gowans, Charles--1 item
  • Grant, Calder--18 items--2 negatives
  • Grant, C.W.--9 items, 1957--8 negatives
  • Grant, Claude--11 items--7 negatives
  • Grant, David--13 items, Chemistry, 1971--5 negatives
  • Grant, David M.--4 items, Chemistry, 1954--2 negatives
  • Granzin, Kent--16 items, Business Marketing, 1975--10 negatives
  • Grassi, Robert--1 item--1 negative
  • Gray, [?]--1 item, Social Work
  • Gray, Bill--6 items, Biology
  • Gray, Donald--1 item
  • Gray, Robert M.--4 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Gray, Robert--14 items, Sociology, 1975--8 negatives
  • Greaves, H.S.--16 items--10 negatives
  • Greaves, Halbert--16 items, Speech, 1970--12 negatives
  • Greaves, Halbert--4 items, Speech, 1949, 1970--4 negatives
  • Green, Mark--1 item, Business
  • Green, Maxine--9 items, Education, 1962--2 negatives
  • Greenfield, [?]--1 item
  • Greenhalgh, Marlin--6 items, 1950--5 negatives
  • Gregor, Gary--2 items, Psychology, 1968--2 negatives
  • Gregory, Ronald--7 items, 1948--8 negatives
  • Gregory, Steven K.--6 items, Assistant Professor, Architecture
  • Gresseth, Gerald K.--8 items, Languages, 1963--2 negatives
  • Griffiths, Kenneth--22 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1960,1975--12 negatives
  • Griffiths, Kenneth--8 items, 1958--8 negatives
  • Grikscheit, Gary--7 items, Business, 1972--1 negative
  • Grikscheit, Gary--1 item, Marketing
  • Groom, Dan--1 item, Physics
  • Grosscup, Gordon--3 items, 1962--2 negatives
  • Grover, Roscoe--1 item
  • Grover, Wells--4 items, Business, 1969--3 negatives
  • Grundmann, Albert W.--16 items, Zoology, 1966--2 negatives
  • Grundmann, Albert--20 items, Biology, 1975--10 negatives
  • Grundmann, Albert--5 items, Zoology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Guillory, Laura Smith--1 item, Research Assistant Physics--no negatives
  • Guilory, William A.--2 items, Chemistry
  • Guliard, [?]--1 item
  • Gunn, Francis--1 item, Pathology
  • Gunsfossen, Peter--60 items, Assistant Dean of Men, 1970--12 negatives
  • Gurney, Theodore R.--2 items
  • Guosdetsky, Vasyl--37 items, Geography, 1968--12 negatives
  • Guosdetsky, Vasyl--11 items, Geography--4 negatives
  • Gustafson, Arner--3 items, Physical Education, 1967--3 negatives
  • Gwillian, Robert--3 items, 1972--2 negatives
  • Haanstab, Paul--16 items, Philosophy, 1972--10 negatives
  • Hadley, [?]--1 item, Chemistry
  • Hadlock, Alton--11 items, Educational Administration, 1961--6 negatives
  • Hagen, Fred--15 items, Philosophy, 1970--12 negatives
  • Hagen, Fred--10 items, Philosophy, 1973--10 negatives
  • Hagerman, Rita--10 items, Elementary Education, 1948--4 negatives
  • Haggerty, Sandra--2 items, Journalism
  • Haglund, Elizabeth--42 items, P.R., 1972, 1971--16 negatives
  • Haglund, Richard--2 items--8 negatives
  • Hague, Don--21 items, Museum, 1973--2 negatives
  • Hague, Donald--4 items, Curator, Museum of Natural History
  • Hahn, Walter--9 items, 1969--2 negatives
  • Hahn, Walter--31 items, Education, Scholastic Probation--20 negatives
  • Haines, Lewis--9 items, Director, Residence Halls--4 negatives
  • Hair, Mary Jane--16 items, Library Science--7 negatives
  • Hales, J.R.--20 items, 1961--4 negatives
  • Hales, Russ--no items, 1975--19 negatives
  • Hales, Vern--11 items, Meteorology, 1949--6 negatives
  • Halgren, Joseph--11 items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Halpin, Andrew W.--1 item, Director, Bureau of Educational Research
  • Hamilton, J. Hugh--9 items, Director, Utah Engineering Experiment
  • Station--4 negatives
  • Hamm, Randall--10 items, Chemistry--5 negatives
  • Hammiball, Gus--20 items, Library, 1975--8 negatives
  • Hammond, Ruth--6 items, Elementary Education, 1950--4 negatives
  • Hammond, P.C.--3 items--
  • Hammond, Seymour--26 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1972--16 negatives
  • Hammond, Seymour--17 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1972--14 negatives
  • Hammons, S.B.--5 items, Electrical Engineering, 1973--2 negatives
  • Hampel, John S.--1 item
  • Hancock, Joel--1 item, Languages, Spanish
  • Handlan, Ray--1 item, 1967--2 negatives
  • Hanks, George D.--3 items, 1963--4 negatives
  • Hanks, J. Whitney--36 items, Economics, 1949, 1962--6 negatives
  • Hanly, Will--2 items
  • Hann, Dr. Walter--12 items, 1962--6 negatives
  • Hanna, Sami A.--1 item, Assistant in Arabic
  • Hanna, Samm--57 items, Languages, 1972--6 negatives
  • Hanni, Kenneth S.--23 items, Business, 1972--12 negatives
  • Hanniball, Gus--1 item
  • Hansen, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Hansen, Gene--2 items, State Technical Service, 1966--2 negatives
  • Hansen, Joyce--1 item, Staff--2 negatives
  • Hansen, Paul J.--9 items, 1962--2 negatives
  • Hansen, Roger G.--no items, 1949--8 negatives
  • Hansen, Wm W. (Capt)--4 items, 1970--1 negative
  • Hanson, Gregg--2 items, Band
  • Hanson, Marvin--20 items, 1967--2 negatives
  • Hanson, Roger K.--9 items, Library, 1973--1 negative
  • Harding, [?]--1 item
  • Hardy, Milton Henry--1 item, 19th Century
  • Harline, Osmond--36 items, Director, Bureau of Economics, 1958--22 negatives
  • Harmer, Earl--9 items, Education, 1970--8 negatives
  • Harmer, Earl--no items, 1960--22 negatives
  • Harmon, Paul--17 items, Business, 1972--12 negatives
  • Harmon, Paul--15 items, 1968--12 negatives
  • Harmon, Paul--16 items, 1964--13 negatives
  • Harper, Don--13 items, 1959--3 negatives
  • Harris, [?]--1 item
  • Harris, Frank--26 items, Physics, 1973--12 negatives
  • Harris, Frank--19 items, 1949, 1961--13 negatives
  • Harris, Frank--7 items, Chemistry--3 negatives
  • Harris, Joel Mark--1 item, Chemistry
  • Harris, Jon--2 items, Hospital Administration
  • Harris, L. Dale--5 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949--4 negatives
  • Harris, L. Dale--38 items, Electrical Engineering, 1964--2 negatives
  • Harris, Marilyn--8 items, Sec. Civil, Ewg, 1974--4 negatives
  • Harris, Mary--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Harris, Robert Taylor--1 item, 1949--4 negatives
  • Harry, Sue--27 items, Education, 1974--8 negatives
  • Harry, Sue--6 items, Education, 1963--2 negatives
  • Hart, Darrell--3 items, Educational Psychology, 1973--4 negatives
  • Hart, Darrell--3 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Hartline, Haldan Keffer--1 item, Physiology, 1959
  • Hartman, [?]--2 items, Psychology
  • Harvey, Rodney B.--2 items, Physiology
  • Harvey, Steward--24 items, 1964
  • Harward, Leland K.--1 item, Registrar
  • Hashimoto, Edward--7 items, Anatomy, 1949--5 negatives
  • Hattox, Beulah Fay--2 items, Home Economics, 1961
  • Haubrich, Vernon--5 items, Education--9 negatives
  • Haupt, Floyd--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hawkes, Clara--2 items, Elementary Education, 1950--4 negatives
  • Hawkes, H. Bowman--12 items, Geography--5 negatives
  • Hawkes, H. Bowman--26 items, 1959--3 negatives
  • Hawkins, Clarence J.--6 items, Elementary Education, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hawks, J. Whitney--13 items--3 negatives
  • Hawn, Walter--1 item
  • Haws, Kay M.--1 item, Division of Continuing Education, 1969--1 negative
  • Haws, Virgil--9 items, Biology--9 negatives
  • Haycock, Obed C.--18 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949, 1961--14 negatives
  • Hayes, Elizabeth--10 items, Physical Education, 1950--5 negatives
  • Hayes, Jullius--2 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Haynes, Dorothy--1 item, 1950--21 negatives
  • Haynes, W. Stewart--5 items, 1949--5 negatives
  • Hearn, G.E. (Lt. Comd)--4 items, NROTC, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hecht, Hans--1 item, Medicine
  • Heck, Gordon--7 items, Architecture, 1953--4 negatives
  • Heimann, Phila--8 items, Languages, 1950--4 negatives
  • Heiner, Dean--1947--1 negative
  • Heiney, Donald--1 item, English, 1960--2 negatives
  • Helbliwg, Robert--27 items, Languages, 1975--7 negatives
  • Helbling, Robert--14 items
  • Helbling, Robert--6 items--2 negatives
  • Helfey, Madeleine--6 items, Special Educations, 1958--3 negatives
  • Hencley, Stephen--51 items, Dean of Education, 1967--5 negatives
  • Hencley, Stephen P.--1 item
  • Henderson, Helen R.--18 items, 1958--1 negative
  • Henegar, Afton--51 items, 1967--4 negatives
  • Henrigues, Anna--5 items, Mathamatics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Henschen, Keith--8 items, Health, 1976--2 negatives
  • Henschen, Keith (See also Butler, Tim)--2 items, Health
  • Henson, Richard--3 items, Philosophy, 1961--4 negatives
  • Hepworth, Dean--19 items, Social Work, 1973--7 negatives
  • Hepworth, Dean--16 items, 1967--12 negatives
  • Hepworth, J.--4 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Hepworth, James--15 items, Languages, 1950, 1968--7 negatives
  • Hepworth, Loel T.--22 items, Music, Jazz Band Director, 1968--4 negatives
  • Herron, Larry--2 items, 1968--1 negative
  • Hershfield, David--17 items, Economics, 1970--8 negatives
  • Herzberg, Fred--5 items, Business, 1972--1 negative
  • Herzberg, Frederick--16 items, Business Management, 1975--1 negative
  • Hess, Marrin--3 items, Physical Education Coach--4 negatives
  • Hess, Marina--19 items, Athletics, 1964--6 negatives
  • Hess, O.--9 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Hess, Odean--5 items, Elementary Education, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hess, William H.--2 items
  • Heston, Lilla--1 item
  • Hewitt, W.F.--20 items, 1961--3 negatives
  • Hewley, James H.--1 item
  • Heywood, Ida--17 items, Home Economics, 1950, 1960--12 negatives
  • Higbee, Martin--34 items, Pharmacy, 1977--2 negatives
  • Higgins, George A.--15 items, Personnel, 1972--12 negatives
  • Higgins, George--4 items, Law
  • Hildebrandt, T.H.--2 items, Mathematics, 1962--2 negatives
  • Hill, Donald R.--7 items, Research Instructor, Surgery
  • Hill, George Richard--0 items, Fuels Engineering, 1963--2 negatives
  • Hill, George--87 items, Fields Engineering, Mines Dean, Fuels Technology, 1963--10 negatives
  • Hill, Ida Stewart--1 item
  • Hillard, [?]--4 items--4 negatives
  • Hills, Lewis S. (See Oversized)--0 items, 19th Century--no negatives
  • Hilton, Zola--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hinckley, Robert--1 item
  • Hiner, L. David Dean--25 items, Pharmacy, 1962--7 negatives
  • Hiner, L. David--15 items, Pharmacy Dean, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1963-- 23 negatives
  • Hincley, [?]--1 item, Education Dean
  • Hintze, F.F.--1 item
  • Hirth, [?]--1 item, Snake Research
  • Hirth, Harold--21 items, Biology, 1970--2 negatives
  • Hixon, Ray--11 items, Budget, 1968--12 negatives
  • Hixson, Ray--26 items, 1971--12 negatives
  • Hochman, Benjamin--4 items, Genetics, 1963--4 negatives
  • Hode, Wayne--13 items, Law, 1967--12 negatives
  • Hodgdon, F.B.--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Hodges, Rachel--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Hodson, Paul--52 items, Vice President, 1970--8 negatives
  • Hodson, Paul--10 items, Vice President--10 negatives
  • Hodson, Paul--28 items, Vice President--18 negatives
  • Hoebel, E. Adamson--18 items, Dean, University College, 1949, 1952,1954--10 negatives
  • Hoebel, E. Adamson--1 item, Dean, University College, 1952--4 negatives
  • Hog, Cadd--4 items, Education, 1973--2 negatives
  • Hogan, Mervin--17 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1949--8 negatives
  • Hollstein, Milton--15 items, 1962--3 negatives
  • Hollstern, M.C.--1 item
  • Holman, Frank--no items, Law, 1949--1 negative
  • Holmstrom, Emil G.--1 item, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Holt, Grant--15 items, Executive Secretary of the Institute of Industrial Relations, 1947--4 negatives
  • Hoopes, Lorenze--1 item
  • Hopkins, Brooke--1 item
  • Horan, Gene--14 items, Business Finance, 1974--7 negatives
  • Horsfall, T. Owen--20 items, Mathematics, Director, Extension Service, Director, Utah Museum of Fine Arts--7 negatives
  • Horton, Walter--6 items, Chemistry, 1949--4 negatives
  • Howard, Orson--1 item, Natural History and Literature, 1880s
  • Howard, Wayne--8 items, Football Coach-0-no negatives
  • Howe, Fisher--5 items, Law, 1965--4 negatives
  • Howe, Louise Hill (See also Louise Hill Mallonee)--3 items, Speech--1 negative
  • Howe, Madge--19 items, Languages, 1967, 1949--15 negatives
  • Howlett, Rev. G. Edward--Episcopal Chaplain, University of Utah--1 negative
  • Hrabosky, Joseph--4 items, 1947--3 negatives
  • Hrebenar, Ron--16 items, Political Science, 1975--10 negatives
  • Hubbard, Lester--16 items, 1955--9 negatives
  • Hubbard, Tom--1 item, Personnel
  • Huchman, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Huefner, Robert--37 items, Political Science, 1972--12 negatives
  • Hughs, Charles--1 item, Professor
  • Hughs, Maria--4 items, Elementary Education, 1949--4 negatives
  • Hull, Robert--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Hulme, Harold--4 items, Obstetrics and Gynecology--4 negatives
  • Humphries, Dona May--5 items, Physical Education, Health, 1950--6 negatives
  • Hunt, Carlton--1 item, Physiology, 1957
  • Hunt, Jay--1 item, 1950--2 negatives
  • Hunt, O.N.--4 items, Health, 1963
  • Hunter, [?]--1 item
  • Hunter, O.N. Dr.--14 items, 1962--2 negatives
  • Huntsman, Blaine--41 items, Business, 1969--15 negatives
  • Huntsman, Blaine--3 items, Business
  • Hutchings, Legene--no items, Music, 1954--2 negatives
  • Hurd, Carroll--no items, Political Science--1 negative
  • Hygh, Earl--2 items, Physics, 1964--2 negatives
  • Hymus, Leonard--1 item, 1949--2 negatives
  • Ingram, Dennis--2 items, Law
  • Isaksen, Henry--no items, 1949--2 negatives
  • Isom, Terry--15 items, Business, 1975--8 negatives
  • Itayim, [?]--1 item, Middle East Center
  • Iwamoto, K.--2 items--2 negatives
  • Jabush, Dr.--5 items--2 negatives
  • Jabusch, David--40 items, Speech, 1965--2 negatives
  • Jack, Bud--no items, Athletic Director, 1971, 1972--4 negatives
  • Jack, Mc Donald--9 items--4 negatives
  • Jacobs, C. Edward--7 items, Geophysics, 1948--4 negatives
  • Jacobs, Dick--8 items, 1963--4 negatives
  • Jacobs, Harold--1 item
  • Jacobs, Horace--6 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Jacobs, Michael--1 item, Health
  • Jacobsen, Gene--14 items--1 negative
  • Jacobsen, Gene--17 items, Assistant Dean of Education--17 negatives
  • Jacobsen, Joseph--1 item, Turkish, Center for Intercultural Studies
  • Jacobsen, Ted--31 items, Special Events Center, 1975--12 negatives
  • Jacobsen, Ted--1 item
  • Jacobsen, Virginia--2 items, 1960--4 negatives
  • Jacox, Gordon--2 items, Business, 1971--2 negatives
  • Jager, Blair--6 items, Medicine, 1949--4 negatives
  • James, Robert--10 items, 1960--8 negatives
  • Janssen, Richard--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Jarcho, Leonard W.--1 item, Medicine
  • Jarrett, James--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Jarvis, Boyer--14 items, 1960--10 negatives
  • Jawzen, Fred--2 items, Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Jee, [?]--2 items
  • Jee, Dr. Webster--13 items, Professor of Anatomy, 1962--2 egatives
  • Jenike, Andrew--11 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1958--8 negatives
  • Jenkins, James--18 items, Business Finance, 1975--2 negatives
  • Jennings, Dr. J.D.--26 items, 1962--7 negatives
  • Jennings, Jesse--9 items, Anthropology--3 negatives
  • Jensen, A. Ladru--26 items, Law, 1949, 1964--19 negatives
  • Jensen, Bruce--2 items, Planning, 1973--10 negatives
  • Jensen, Bruce--7 items, Planning and Construction, 1960, 1967, 1971--14 negatives
  • Jensen, Bruce--25 items, Planning and Construction, 1960, 1967, 1971--14 negatives
  • Jensen, Douglas--4 items, Director of Union, 1964--4 negatives
  • Jensen, Gordon--2 items
  • Jensen, Mead--1 item, Geology, 1968--1 negative
  • Jex, Frank--2 items, Educational Psychology, 1973--2 negatives
  • Jex, Frank--11 items, Educational Psychology--9 negatives
  • Johannesen, Lucile--6 items, Nursing, 1953--4 negatives
  • Johannsen, Grant (See Albert Shepard)--0 items
  • Johnson, Arthur--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Johnson, Arthur--27 items, Accounting, 1965--5 negatives
  • Johnson C.C.--1 item, Medicine
  • Johnson, Darralo--29 items, Interior Auditor, 1960--12 negatives
  • Johnson, F. Arlo--10 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1971--4 negatives
  • Johnson, Frank--26 items, 1963--1 negatives
  • Johnson, Frank--12 items, 1960--8 negatives
  • Johnson, Fred C. (Lt Col.)--8 items, AFROTC, Air Sciences, 1958--2 negatives
  • Johnson, Greg--20 items, Hyper Athletic, 1975--10 negatives
  • Johnson, I.H.--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Johnson, M.K.--8 items--4 negatives
  • Johnson, Margaret--2 items, 1970--1 negative
  • Johnson, Morris--2 items, Architecture, 1966--2 negatives
  • Johnson, Owen--13 items, Ceramic Engineering, 1965--1 negative
  • Johnson, Richard--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Johnson, Wynn--27 items, Finance, 1971--12 negatives
  • Johnston, Eric A.--1 item
  • Johnston, J.A.--1 item, Business
  • Johnston, Richard--2 items
  • Jonas, Frank--17 items, Political Science, 1949, 1950--15 negatives
  • Jones, [?]--2 items
  • Jones, C.E. Dr.--25 items, 1962--3 negatives
  • Jones, C.E.--30 items, Languages, 1970--12 negatives
  • Jones, Dan--6 items, Geology, 1961--9 negatives
  • Jones, Dan E.--1 item, Political Science, 1967--3 negatives
  • Jones, David--38 items, Theater and Ballet, 1965
  • Jones, David--12 items, Theater and Ballet, 1965
  • Jones, David E.--1 item
  • Jones, E. Davis--17 items, Theater, 1975--10 negatives
  • Jones, Maurice--9 items, Elementary Education, Directing Teacher, Stewart School, 1949--4 negatives
  • Jones, Russell--3 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Jones, Ruth--1 item, Associate Dean, College of Humanities
  • Jones, Ruth--7 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Jordan, William--1 item, Anesthesiology
  • Jorgensen, B. Lou Ann--2 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Jorgensen, Gary--7 items, Physical and Medical Rehab, 1971--12 negatives
  • Jorgensen, Gary--1 item
  • Jorgensen, Jerry--16 items, Management, 1960--12 negatives
  • Jorgensen, Jerry--17 items, Management, 1972--10 negatives
  • Kaatari, George--2 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Kadesch, Robert R.--17 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Kadesch, Robert--2 items, Physics
  • Kadish, Sanford--3 items, Law, 1958--2 negatives
  • Kaiser, I.H.--2 items, County Hospital, 1960--2 negatives
  • Kaliser, Bruce--3 items, Utah Geological Survey, 1968--3 negatives
  • Kandel, Phoebe M. (See Oversize)--0 items, Nursing, 1941-1943
  • Kane, Rosalie--2 items, Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Kao, Mrs.--12 items, Library, 1963--8 negatives
  • Kao, Dr. Kung--13 items, Meteorology, 1961--1 negative
  • Kao, Dr.--40 items, Meteorology, 1975--2 negatives
  • Kao, Dr.--Meteorology, 1965--3 negatives
  • Kao, Dr.--13 items, Meteorology, 1963--1 negative
  • Kao, S.K.--2 items
  • Kass, Thomas B.--1 item
  • Kasteler, Josephine--20 items, 1970--12 negatives
  • Kay, Paul--31 items, Geography, 1977--2 negatives
  • Keeler, Phillip--2 items, Ballet, 1965--1 negative
  • Kegle, Tom--5 items, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology-no negatives
  • Keithlez, Karen--2 items, Law
  • Kelly, James--21 items, Languages, 1970--12 negatives
  • Kelley, Vincent--6 items, Pediatrics, 1950--4 negatives
  • Kelson, Keith--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Ken, Walter--1 item, Athletic Council Chairman, 1924-1945, 1936--no negatives
  • Kent, William--7 items, Philosophy, 1953--6 negatives
  • Kerr, Walter--8 items, Languages, 1949--5 negatives
  • Kerr, William J.--1 item, Mathematics, 1890's
  • Kesler, Mack--7 items, Civil Engineering, 1949--4 negatives
  • Kesner, P. Ray--4 items, Psychology, 1971--14 negatives
  • Kesner, Raymond--4 items, Psychology--1 negative
  • Ketchum, Warren--1 item
  • Keufel, Jack--2 items, Physics--1 negative
  • Keyes, Robert--4 items, Metallurgy, 1963--1 negative
  • Keysor, John--2 items, Games Director, Union Building, 1956--2 negatives
  • Kich, Grover S.--no items, 1962, 1966--3 negatives
  • Kilroy, H.H.--4 items, 1951--4 negatives
  • Kimball, Clayton--28 items, Physical Plant, 1966--12 negatives
  • Kimball, L. Kent--3 items, 1968--2 negatives
  • Kimball, Spencer--28 items, Law, Dean--25 negatives
  • Kimmel, Joe R.--6 items, Pediatrics and Biology, 1960--2 negatives
  • King, James W.--19 items, Geography, 1964--2 negatives
  • King, Imogene--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • King, Lonnie--6 items, Air Sciences, AFROTC, 1958--2 negatives
  • King, Thomas--33 items, Provost, 1970--16 negatives
  • King, Thomas--4 items, Academic Vice President, Medicine--1 negative
  • King, Thomas Hunt--2 items
  • Kingsbury, Joseph (See A-Presidents-Kingsbury)--President, University of Utah--2 negatives
  • Kingsmith, Phil--1 item
  • Kiov, Dr. Kuo-Nan--3 items, Professor, Meteorology
  • Kirkham, Elbert--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Kirkpatrick, Leonard--17 items, Librarian--19 negatives
  • Kistler, Samuel--14 items, Engineering--9 negatives
  • Klass, D. Morris--33 items, Social Work, 1971--12 negatives
  • Knlowlton, Clark--14 items, 1969--12 negatives
  • Knoepfler, Peter--5 items, Psychiatry, 1965--4 negatives
  • Knowlton, Clark S.--3 items, Professor, Sociology
  • Kolf, William--2 items, Artificial Organs
  • Kolff, S. Wm.--4 items--1 negative
  • Kofoed, Dean C.--6 items, Food Service, 1963, 1967--2 negatives
  • Kogan, Fred--1 item, Pharmacology
  • Kohlbecker, Eugene--3 items, Mathematics--1 negative
  • Kolbezen, Martin--1 item, 1949--2 negatives
  • Komkov, Wadim--6 items, Mechanical Engineering
  • Korner, Ija--no items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Kozlovsky, Vladimir--1 item
  • Kranes, David A.--1 item
  • Kratz, Paul--2 items, Military Science, 1967--2 negatives
  • Kraus, Richard--5 items, English, 1962--2 negatives
  • Kreuter, Marshall--17 items, Health, Recreation, Physical Education, 1971--4 negatives
  • Kreuter, Marshall--9 items, Health Science, 1975--2 negatives
  • Kreuter, Marshall--3 items, Health
  • Kreutzer, Richard--3 items, Military Science
  • Krone, May T.--1 item
  • Kuby, Stephen--18 items, Biochemistry, Metabolic Lab, Medical Center, 1975--10 negatives
  • Kueffel, Jack--no items, Physics--8 negatives
  • Kuhlman, Ruth--1 item--1 negative
  • Kulkarni, Harmant--6 items, English
  • La Chapelle, Edward--1 item, Meteorology
  • Lad, Francis R.--4 items, Assistant Professor, Economics
  • Lafeure, George--6 items, Biology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Lathy, M.E.--10 items, Pediatrics--2 negatives
  • Lahey, M. Eugene--9 items, Pediatrics, 1958, 1964--4 negatives
  • Lambert, Rick--19 items, Social Work, 1973--8 negatives
  • Landau, Elliot--32 items, Education, 1971--12 negatives
  • Landau, Elliot--26 items, Elementary Education, 1955, 1960, 1967 17 negatives
  • Landau, Elliot--24 items, Elementary Education, 1955, 1960, 1967--11 negatives
  • Lander, Toni--3 items, Professor, Ballet
  • Landesman, Bruce--32 items, 1968--2 negatives
  • Landesman, Bruce--2 items
  • Landward, Dr. John--15 items, 1963--4 negatives
  • Landward, John--5 items, Educational Psychology
  • Langburg, Dave--no items, 1953--4 negatives
  • Lange, Ramon--5 items, Medicine, 1960--2 negatives
  • Lapray, J. Anthony--25 items, Special Education, 1970--13 negatives
  • Larenzi, Paul--2 items, 1964--2 negatives
  • Larsen, Annie Fay--5 items, Medical Library--2 negatives
  • Larsen, Don--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Larsen, JoAnn--22 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1971--12 negatives
  • Latimer, Frederick--5 items, History--2 negatives
  • Lattman, Laurence--21 items, Dean, College of Mines and Minerals, Academic Affairs-2 negatives
  • Lauderdale, Linda--7 items, Home Economics, 1964--4 negatives
  • Lazowski, [?]--1 item
  • Leake, Lewis--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Leary, William Henry--13 items, Dean, Law, 1915-1924, Athletic Council, 1916-1924--4 negatives
  • Lease, Ronald--57 items, Business, Finance, 1973, 1975--20 negatives
  • Lee, Glenn Richard--1 item, Dean, College of Medicine
  • Lees, C. Lowell--15 items, Theater--6 negatives
  • Legler, John--33 items, Biology, 1971--16 negatives
  • Legler, John--18 items, Zoology--7 negatives
  • Lehtinen, Mariene--1 item, Sociology, Death Penalty--
  • Leigh, R.W.--2 item, 1963--2 negatives
  • Leininger, Madeleine--2 items, Dean, Nursing
  • Lemmon, George--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Lerche, Charles--9 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Lerner, Henry--1 item, Radiology
  • Leuders, Edward--2 items, English
  • Lewis, Arthur--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Lewis, B. Roland--6 items, English, 1949--5 negatives
  • Lewis, John--12 items, Metallurgy, 1949, 1959--7 negatives
  • Lewis, Larry--20 items, Mathematics, 1973--10 negatives
  • Leymaster, Glenn--10 items, Preventive Medicine, Director, University Health Service, 1949, 1950--4 negatives
  • Light, Christopher--20 items, Finance, 1971--12 negatives
  • Lindsay, Barbara--2 items, Languages
  • Lindsay, Richard--30 items, Comm. Deu., 1975--12 negatives
  • Lindsay, Richard P.--1 item
  • Linford, Leon--8 items, 1948--5 negatives
  • Linford, Preston--11 items, Civil Engineering--8 negatives
  • Linton, Marigold L.--7 items, Professor, Psychology
  • Lipman, Arthur G.--1 item, Pharmacy
  • Little, Rebecca E.--1 item, 19th Century
  • Littlefield, Garnett--8 items, Civil Engineering, 1948--4 negatives
  • Lloyd, Glenna--15 items, Business Accounting, 1975--10 negatives
  • Lockhart, [?]--2 items, Law
  • Lockhart, William--1 item
  • Loeb, [?]--3 items
  • Loehning, Robert--3 items, Anesthesiology
  • Loewe, Walter--6 items, Pharmacology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Logan, Don--16 items, Special Education, 1970--12 negatives
  • Loos, William--2 items, Director, Government Relations
  • Lord, James L.--27 items, 1965--4 negatives
  • Lords, James--2 items, Biology
  • Lorentzen--6 items, Management, 1949--4 negatives
  • Lovant, Tom--1 item, Athletics, Football Coach
  • Loveland, E.H.--3 items, Music--3 negatives
  • Lowe, Mary G.--35 items, Home Economics--25 negatives
  • Luckey, Eleanore--1 item
  • Lucki, Emil--6 items, History, 1949, 1959--6 negatives
  • Lueders, Edward--58 items, English, 1971--16 negatives
  • Lund, Anthon H.--1 item, 19th Century
  • Lund, Thomas Alan--1 item
  • Lundberg, Horace--10 items, Social Work, 1959--3 negatives
  • Lundgren, Mrs. R.H.--8 items--2 negatives
  • Lupher, Lucretia--6 items, Home Economics, 1962--2 negatives
  • Luty, Fritz--19 items, Physics, 1975--10 negatives
  • Luty, Fritz--2 items, Physics
  • Lyman, Donald--5 items, Materials Science--1 negative
  • Lyman, Dowe--50 items, Materials Science, 1975--10 negatives
  • Lytle, Juan--5 items, Biology, 1963, 1970--4 negatives
  • MacCready, [?]--1 item
  • MacDiamid, W.--1 item
  • Mackay, Donald--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • MacLachlan, William D.(Lt)--2 items, Aerospace, 1969--1 negative
  • Macquin, Hazel--5 items, Dean, Nursing--3 negatives
  • Macquin, Hazelle--3 items, Nursing, 1954
  • Macrliven, Hugh--9 items, 1949--8 negatives
  • Maddock, Joseph--5 items, Athletics
  • Madsen, Brigham--9 items, 1966--1 negative
  • Madsen, Evan--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Madsen, James H.--1 item, Geology, 1976
  • Maeser, Karl--1 item
  • Maginnis, David--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Magleby, F.L.--20 items, Professor, 1962--5 negatives
  • Magleby, Frank--14 items, Social Work, 1958--8 negatives
  • Mahmoudi, Jalil--19 items, Languages, 1973--7 negatives
  • Mahmoud, Jalil--18 items, 1967--10 negatives
  • Mahoney, J.R.--17 items, Business, 1965--12 negatives
  • Mainwaring, Cathryn--19 items, Nursing, 1962--2 negatives
  • Mainwaring, Cathryn--3 items, Nursing
  • Majado, Gwen--2 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1975--1 negative
  • Makinson, David--13 items, Education--8 negatives
  • Mallonee, Louise Hill Howe--3 items, 1966--12 negatives
  • Malm, Lloyd--7 items, Chemistry--5 negatives
  • Malouf, Phelon--45 items, 1964--10 negatives
  • Malouf, Phelon--18 items, Educational Psychology, 1975--7 negatives
  • Malouf, Phelon--7 items, Educational Psychology, 1949, 1959--6 negatives
  • Malouf, Roberta E.--1 item
  • Manchester, P.W.--1 item
  • Mangum, Garth--33 items, Business, 1969--2 negatives
  • Mangum, Garth--1 item, Human Resource Institute
  • Mano, M. Ronald--18 items, Accounting, 1973--10 negatives
  • Manoquin, Hector--1 item
  • Manwell, Clyde--11 items, Biology, 1959--7 negatives
  • Mar, James--1 item, English, 1968--2 negatives
  • Marcus, Stanley--6 items, Bacteriology, 1949--5 negatives
  • Margetts, Ralph--1 item--6 negatives
  • Marigold, Linton--21 items, Psychology, 1975--12 negatives
  • Marion, Ed--18 items, Dean, 1975--8 negatives
  • Marion, Ed--1 item
  • Markovich, G.M.(Maj)--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Marks, Bruce--3 items, Professor, Ballet
  • Marsell, Ray--20 items, Geology, 1949, 1960--12 negatives
  • Marsh, Jim--1 item, Athletics, Basketball
  • Marshall, George M.--1 item
  • Marshall, H.L.--9 items, Public Health, Preventive Medicine--4 negatives
  • Martin--Dr.--1 item
  • Martin, Clearance--24 items, Pat. and Pro. Div., 1968--7 negatives
  • Marwedel, Wilford--7 items, 1961--1 negative
  • Mason, Earl--27 items, Civil Engineering, 1964--12 negatives
  • Mason, Robert G.--31 items, 1967--2 negatives
  • Mason, Robert--7 items, Pharmacy--5 negatives
  • Mass, Bernice--3 items, Health, Physical Education, 1959
  • Mathews, Milton--17 items, Marketing, 1967--2 negatives
  • Mathews, Milton--6 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Matson, G. Albin--11 items, Unacademic Personnel, 1958--8 negatives
  • Maw, Herbert B. (Governor)--4 items, Speech, Law, Dean of Men, 1928-1930
  • Maxfield, David--6 items, Sculpture, 1953--4 negatives
  • Maxwell, Neal--25 items, Vice President--15 negatives
  • Maxwell, Neal--16 items, Vice President--10 negatives
  • Mayer, Herbert--4 items, 1950--6 negatives
  • Mayfield, James B.--25 items, Political Science, 1971--8 negatives
  • Mayfield, James--5 items, 1969--1 negative
  • Mayhen, Don--48 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1970--2 negatives
  • Mayhen, Donald--4 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Mayron, Edward--1 item, Dean, Fine Arts
  • Mazor, Lester--2 items, Law, 1967--1 negative
  • McAllister, Delos--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • McCarry, Leon--2 items, State Board H.E., 1975--7 negatives
  • McClay, James--1 item, 1949--2 negatives
  • McCleary, L. Loyd A.--1 item
  • McCleary, L. Loyd--29 items, Education, 1970--12 negatives
  • McClintock, D.H. (Capt.)--16 items, Naval Science--4 negatives
  • McCloskey, James--1 item, Medicinal Chemistry
  • McCracker, [?]--1 item
  • McCrany, Robert (Maj)--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • McCullough, John Martin--1 item
  • McDonald, Jack--24 items, Continued Education, 1965--3 negatives
  • McDonald, Keith L.--6 items, Physics, 1962--6 negatives
  • McDonald, Stephen--10 items, 1963--8 negatives
  • McGhie, Robert Lindsay--1 item, English, 1897
  • McGrath, J.H.--11 items, Education, 1967--8 negatives
  • McGuire, Vincent E.--2 items
  • McKay, Alice--9 items, Social Work, 1949--6 negatives
  • McKay, L.R.--17 items, Languages, 1960, 1963--10 negatives
  • McKay, Llewelyn--6 items, Languages, 1949--4 negatives
  • McKay, Richard--15 items, 1950, 1953--12 negatives
  • McKay, Ted--15 items, Financial Vice President, 1974--8 negatives
  • McKean, Frank--17 items, Administration, Director of Admissions, 1964--16 negatives
  • McKendrick, John--2 items, 1950--2 negatives
  • McKibben, William--8 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • McLachlan, Dan--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • McLaughlin, Samuel--11 items, Education, 1956--7 negatives
  • McLennan, Charles--1 item, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1944-1947
  • McMahon, D. James--16 items, Pharmacy, 1965--2 negatives
  • McMahon, James D.--2 items, Pharmaceutics
  • McMurrin, Sterring M.--15 items, Academic Vice President--2 negatives
  • McMurrin, Sterling--14 items, History, Dean of Graduate Students, 1960--9 negatives
  • McNulty, Irving--20 items, 1949, 1959, 1979--14 negatives
  • McNulty, Irving--21 items, 1961--2 negatives
  • McNulty, Irving--4 items, 1961
  • McPhee, William--17 items, Social Work, 1960--10 negatives
  • McPhie, Walter--6 items--3 negatives
  • McPhie, Walter--12 items, Education, 1975--2 negatives
  • McShane, Orrice--5 items, Member, Board of Regents, 1953--4 negatives
  • Meadows, Zeek--2 items
  • Means, Bill--5 items, 1954--4 negatives
  • Mecham, Garth D.--2 items, Social Work, 1975--2 negatives
  • Mecham, Garth--4 items, 1970--1 negative
  • Mecham, L. Ralph--16 items, Vice President, 1966--9 negatives
  • Mechan, M.J.--31 items, Speech, 1962--2 negatives
  • Meek, Bill--3 items, Athletics, Football Coach--1 negative
  • Mehringer, Peter--3 items, Anthropology, 1970--3 negatives
  • Melendez, Mario--23 items, Checano Mobile Institute, 1973--12 negatives
  • Melendez, Mike--2 items, Chicano Student Advisor
  • Meler, Gil--13 items, Social Work, 1973--5 negatives
  • Merches, Marcile--8 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Merrig, Donald--2 items--10 negatives
  • Merrill, Joseph F.--2 items, Mines Engineering, Athletic Council Chairman, 1905-1916, 1905
  • Merrill, Reed M.--17 items, Counceling, 1962--3 negative
  • Metcalf, Frank--1 item, Principal of Deaf Mute School, 1896
  • Metalions, Nikos--1 item
  • Meux, Milton--15 items, Educational Psychology, 1967--2 negatives
  • Mgli, Ruth--4 items--2 negatives
  • Michelsen, David--4 items, English, 1972--2 negatives
  • Michl, [?]--3 items, Chemistry
  • Mielziner, [?]--1 item, Set Designer
  • Mikkelsen, Norma--19 items, University Press, 1975--7 negatives
  • Miklowitz, [?]--1 item
  • Miletich, John--16 items, Languages, 1975--9 negatives
  • Miller, David--27 items, History, 1973--8 negatives
  • Miller, David--20 items, History, 1949, 1950, 1961, 1964, 1977--11 negatives
  • Miller, David--23 items, History, 1949, 1950, 1961, 1964--11
  • negatives
  • Miller, Elbert--14 items, Geography--4 negatives
  • Miller, Gerald--14 items, Ceramic Engineering, 1965--1 negative
  • Miller, Gordon--16 items, Business, 1970--7 negatives
  • Miller, Gordon--17 items, Accounting, 1950, 1958--8 negatives
  • Miller, Gordon--12 items, Accounting--1950, 1958--8 negatives
  • Miller, Jan--13 items--1 negative
  • Miller, Ken--16 items, Marketing, 1975--6 negatives
  • Miller, Paul--13 items, Business, 1972--2 negatives
  • Miller, Ray--11 items--1 negative
  • Miller, Reid--2 items, Speech, Hearing, 1961--1 negative
  • Miller, William--3 items, 1950--2 negatives
  • Miller, [?]--1 item
  • Minden, Carl S.--1 item, Corporate Adviser, Business
  • Minoui, Mostaba--6 items, Languages, 1967--6 negatives
  • Mitchell, Albert--11 items, 1948, 1953--9 negatives
  • Mladejovsky, Mike--12 items, Division of Art Organs, 1975--10
  • negatives
  • Moe, Edward--4 items--4 negatives
  • Moffitt, J. Weldon--4 items, Extension Division, 1962--2 negatives
  • Mohr, Ray (Capt)--1 item, 1947
  • Mommsen, [?]--1 item
  • Mommsen, Kent--21 items, Sociology, 1970--3 negatives
  • Money, Mark--52 items, Res. Park, 1972, 1973--23 negatives
  • Money, Mark--17 items, 1965--12 negatives
  • Monson, Charles--16 items, 1958--12 negatives
  • Monson, Chas--8 items, 1973--2 negatives
  • Monson, Chas--31 items, 1964--6 negatives
  • Montellano, De B. Ortez--20 items, Chicano Studies, 1973--10 negatives
  • Montgomery, Dale--11 items, Educational Media, 1971--5 negatives
  • Montgomery, Henry--1 item, 1891--1 negative
  • Moody, [?]--1 item, Medicine
  • Moon, Charles--4 items, Architecture, 1950--4 negatives
  • Moore, Harold--33 items, 1967--2 negatives
  • Moore, Harold--15 items, English, Creative Writing, 1950--4 negatives
  • Morales, Elizabeth, 1 item
  • Morety, William--10 items, Medicine, Surgery, 1949--3 negatives
  • Morgan, [?]--4 items, 1950's--4 negatives
  • Morgan, Elmo--16 items, Business, Vice President, 1958--12 negatives
  • Morgan, Gertrude--9 items, 1950, 1955--6 negatives
  • Morgan, Vernon--36 items, Social Work, 1973--7 negatives
  • Morgan, Vernon B.--2 items, School of Social Work, 1975--1 negative
  • Morris, [?]--1 item, Law
  • Morris, Merva--2 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Morrison, James Kent--3 items, Political Science
  • Morrow, Carolyn--1 item, Languages, 1960's
  • Mortensen, A. Russell--2 items, History
  • Morton, James--19 items, Education, 1966--12 negatives
  • Morton, James--23 items, Education, 1971--8 negatives
  • Moss, Bernice--24 items, 1951, 1943, 1960--25 negatives
  • Moss, Bernie--21 items, Health, Physical Education and Resources, 1972--8 negatives
  • Moss, Fenton--2 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1975--1 negative
  • Moss, Stanley D.--1 item, College of Nursing
  • Mostofi, [?]--20 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Mostofi, K.--8 items, 1965--4 negatives
  • Mostofi, K.O.--18 items--4 negatives
  • Mostofi, Khosrow--16 items, Middle East Center, 1975--2 negatives
  • Mote, Seibert--10 items, Manager, Auxiliary Enterprises--12 negatives
  • Mott, Clarence--8 items, Physiology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Mott, Clinton--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Moya, Ben--1 item
  • Mueller, Raymond--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Mulaik, Dorothea--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Mulaik, Stanley--14 items, Zoology, 1949, 1958--16 negatives
  • Mulder, Wm.--33 items, 1959--8 negatives
  • Mulder, Wm.--28 items, English, 1975--10 negatives
  • Mulder, William--25 items, English, 1949, 1960's-1970's--4 negatives
  • Muler, [?]--1 item
  • Muller, John A.--1 item, English
  • Murphy, Joseph--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Murray, Roberta--3 items, Speech, Hearing, 1964--2 negatives
  • Mutmansky, San--6 items, Mining and Geological Engineering, 1970--12 negatives
  • Myerhoff, Donne--3 items, 1953--3 negatives
  • Myers, Horace (Comdr)--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nadauld, Stephen--17 items, Business, Finance, 1970--8 negatives
  • Nash, Wm. V.--28 items, 1964--3 negatives
  • Navarro, Armando--28 items, Political Science, 1975--8 negatives
  • Neal, William Dalton--1 item, Geology and Mineralogy, 1893-1896, Curator, Museum of Natural History, 1894-1896, Age 28
  • Neff, Andrew Love--no items, History, 1919-1936--1 negative
  • Neff, Sherman--3 items, Eng, 1949--3 negatives
  • Negus, Norman--2 items, Biological Research, 1974
  • Neilson, John Marlow--20 items, Music--14 negatives
  • Neilson, John Marlow--14 items, Music--14 negatives
  • Neilson, N.P.--15 items, Physical Education, Health, 1949, 1958--8 negatives
  • Nellermoe, Don--12 items, Management, 1965--12 negatives
  • Nelson, Carla Fern--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nelson, Claron--16 items, 1961--8 negatives
  • Nelson, Claron--7 items, Economics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nelson, Craig--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Nelson, Don--2 items, Medicine--4 negatives
  • Nelson, Don Harry--1 item, Metabolism, Medical Center
  • Nelson, El Roy--5 items, Ca., 1949--4 negatives
  • Nelson, Esther--1 item, Librarian, 1899--1 negative
  • Nelson, Frank and Donna--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Nelson, John Marlow--1 item, Music
  • Nelson, Joseph--2 items, 1951--2 negatives
  • Nelson, La Jean--2 items, 1953--7 negatives
  • Nelson, Roger--13 items, Business, 1972--6 negatives
  • Nelson, Roger--14 items, Management, 1957, 1962--14 negatives
  • Nelson, Russell--2 items, Medicine--
  • Nelson, Tom--10 items, 1960--8 negatives
  • Nelson, Tom--12 items, Accounting, 1972--8 negatives
  • Nemir, Alma--11 items, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Staff Physician, 1950, 1961, 1970--11 negatives
  • Ness, Carmen--2 items
  • Nett, Edward (Col)--4 items, Air ROTC, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nettleship, Arthur--2 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1960--2 negatives
  • Newbold, Robert--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Newby, William--10 items--4 negatives
  • Newell, [?]--1 item
  • Newell, Jack--39 items, Dean, Student Affairs, 1975--14 negatives
  • Newmann, Richard--2 items, Assistant Admissions Officer, 1959--2 negatives
  • Nibbly, Reid--14 items, Music--6 negatives
  • Nichols, Paul S.--8 items, Bacteriology--6 negatives
  • Nichols, [?]--1 item
  • Nickerson, Mark--2 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nickols, Bill--10 items, Bookstore--8 negatives
  • Nielsen, Elaine--1 item, High School Services--27 negatives
  • Nielsen, Lewis--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nielsen, L.T.--19 items, Biology, 1975--7 negatives
  • Nielson, Byron--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Nielson, Einar--1 negative
  • Nielson, Dr. L.T.--23 items, Zoology, 1963--2 negatives
  • Nielson, Marlow--30 items, Music, 1975--7 negatives
  • Noall, Albert--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Nordquist, Edward--15 items, 1960--8 negatives
  • Nowdquist, Edwin C.--26 items, Civil Engineering, 1972--14 negatives
  • Noreen, Tempest--5 items, 1972--4 negatives
  • Norton, Joseph--4 items, Registrar, 1965--5 negatives
  • Norwood, Mary--4 items, Academic Advising, 1972--7 negatives
  • Nugent, Charles--2 items, Medicine, 1959--2 negatives
  • Nutall, Hubert--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Nutly, Irving--1 item, Biology
  • Nutting, Wm C. Dr.--11 items, Educations, 1962--2 negatives
  • Obegg, Taylor--5 items, Exo Station, 1974--6 negatives
  • Oberer, Wlter--7 items, Dean of Law
  • Oblad, Alex G.--23 items--12 negatives
  • O'Conner, Dan--no items, Dev. Office, 1971--6 negatives
  • O'Conner, J. William--1 item, Board of Regents--1 negative
  • O'Connor, William--1 item, Chairman, Board of Regents
  • O'Dea, Thomas--4 items, Sociology--3 negatives
  • Odiorne, S. George--69 items, Dean, College of Business, 1969--9 negatives
  • Odiorne, George S.--10 items, Dean, Business--8 negatives
  • Ogburn, William F.--1 item, Sociology
  • Ogilvie, [?]--1 item, Medicine
  • Ogunbi, Olandeinde--1 item
  • Ojala, Jeanne--38 items, History, 1972--8 negatives
  • Olivera, Baldomero--1 item, Biology
  • Olpin, A. Ray--16 items, President, Emeritus, 1974--6 negatives
  • Olpin, A. Ray--40 items, President, University of Utah--35 negatives
  • Olpin, Mrs. A. Ray--8 items, 1949, 1958--20 negatives
  • Olpin, Owen--4 items--1 negative
  • Olpin, Owen--3 items, Law
  • Olpin, Owen C.--28 items, Law, 1973--8 negatives
  • Olpin, Robert--18 items, Art, Architecture, 1975--8 negatives
  • Olsen, Leland M.--23 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1968--4 negatives
  • Olson, Ferron--13 items, Metallurgy, 1965--12 negatives
  • O'Neil, Floyd A.--18 items, Western History Center, 1968--2 negatives
  • O'Neill, Frank J.--2 items
  • Openshaw, Byron--1 item, Program Manager, KUED--2 negatives
  • Orr, Jack--8 items, 1948--9 negatives
  • Ortiz, Alfonso A.--2 items
  • Orton, Don--21 items, Dean, Education--11 negatives
  • Osborn, Anne G.--1 item, Radiology
  • Osborne, George--6 items, Pharmacy, 1949--4 negatives
  • O'Toole, Brian--3 items, Housing, 1970--3 negatives
  • Ott, Layton--2 items, Accounting, 1966--2 negatives
  • Otto, Herbert--1 item, Social Work--1 negative
  • Pacanowsky, [?]--1 item
  • Pack, Alvin--8 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Pack, Frederick--4 items, Geology, Mineralogy--2 negatives
  • Painter, John--17 items, Business, 1972--12 negatives
  • Painter, John--15 items, Marketing, 1967--12 negatives
  • Palmatier, Larry--34 items, Education Graduate School, 1972--28 negatives
  • Palmquist, L.C.--1 item, 1959--1 negative
  • Pappas, James--7 items, Educational Psychology, 1972--13 negatives
  • Pappas, John--14 items, Educational Psychology Counseling Center
  • Pariseau, William--3 items, Mining
  • Park, John R. (See A-Presidents-Park)--0 items
  • Parker, Eugene N.--1 item
  • Parker, Seymour--2 items, Anthropology
  • Parlin, Ransom--6 items, Chemistry, 1948, 1957--5 negatives
  • Parmelee, Theron--13 items, Physical Education, Director of Student Affairs--4 negatives
  • Parmley, Thomas--22 items, Physics, 1948, 1965--16 negatives
  • Parratt, J. Easton--1 item
  • Parry, [?]--2 items, Chemistry
  • Parry, T. Wm--17 items, Mining and Geological Engineering, 1971--12 negatives
  • Parsons, Mike--12 items, 1967--12 negatives
  • Parsons, Mike--23 items, Educational Administration, 1971--12 negatives
  • Partridge, Wm--20 items, V.P. Research--10 negatives
  • Partridge, William--3 items
  • Patton, Michael--15 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Patton, Michael--2 items, Dean of Students
  • Patton, Mike--13 items, Educational Psychology, 1975--2 negatives
  • Paxman, Gordon--15 items, Ballet, 1963--2 negatives
  • Paxton, Roger--21 items, History, 1971--12 negatives
  • Payne, Gerald--1 item, Medicine
  • Pearson, Cyril--3 items, Director of Development, 1959--2 negatives
  • Pederson, Jean--1 item, Mathematics--1 negative
  • Peel, Roy--8 items, Political Science--8 negatives
  • Peery, Jos.--24 items, 1968--12 negatives
  • Peery, Joseph--19 items, Economics, 1959--18 negatives
  • Peese, Sherry--15 items, Social Work, 1973--8 negatives
  • Pehrson, [?]--1 item, Mathematics
  • Pendergast, David--2 items, 1960--2 negatives
  • Pendleton, Robert--27 items, 1965--2 negatives
  • Pendleton, William--5 items, Biology
  • Penner, Helen--2 items, Home Economics, 1967--2 negatives
  • Pennington, C.W.--6 items, Geography, 1961--2 negatives
  • Pennock, A. John--4 items, Continued Education--1 negative
  • Perl, Edward--1 item
  • Perry, David--1 item, Educational Administration, 1974
  • Perry, Jessie--9 items, Music, 1960--8 negatives
  • Perry, Jessie--6 items, Music, 1949--4 negatives
  • Persch, Freda--1 item, 1950--6 negatives
  • Pershing, David--2 items
  • Peters, David--1 item, 1948--2 negatives
  • Petersen, [?]--1 item, Pharmacy
  • Petersen, Betty--3 items, Registrars Office--4 negatives
  • Petersen, Robert Virgil--1 item, Pharmacy
  • Peterson, Alan--5 items, Hinckley Institute, 1969--5 negatives
  • Peterson, Donna--22 items, Modern Dance, 1970--12 negatives
  • Peterson, Gertrude--37 items, Business, 1970--12 negatives
  • Peterson, Marcus--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Peterson, V. Robert--30 items, Pharmacy, 1963--2 negatives
  • Peterson, Roy--7 items, Purchasing, 1962--2 negatives
  • Peterson, Vadal--7 items, Basketball, 1948--4 negatives
  • Peterson, William--6 items, Music, 1949--4 negatives
  • Peterson, William Demar--1 item, Director, Media Services, 1975--no negatives
  • Pettit, Dr.--19 items, 1962--2 negatives
  • Pettit, Lynne--18 items, Home Economics--13 negatives
  • Philips, Dorothy Jane--8 items, 1948--6 negatives
  • Philips, Jane--3 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Phillips, Paul J.--1 item, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Piano, Della Dr.--15 items, 1962--8 negatives
  • Picard, Dane--2 items, Geology
  • Pierce, Frank--1 item, 19th Century
  • Pierson, George--3 items, 1949
  • Pieron, George--no items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Pimm, Jerry--2 items, Basketball Coach
  • Pingree, David--3 items, Management, 1966--2 negatives
  • Piro, Henry Whitney--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Pitt, Dr. Charles,--2 items, Copper Processes Researcher
  • Pitt, Dr. Chas--Metallurgy, 1965--4 negatives
  • Pitt, Rayleigh--3 items, Civil Engineering--3 negatives
  • Plichta, Mark R.--11 items, Assistant Professor, Materials Science
  • Plummer, Gail--6 items, Speech--2 negatives
  • Polglase, W.J.--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Pollock, Carl--2 items, Management, 1965--2 negatives
  • Pomeroy, Roy--1 item, Law
  • Poncelet, Eugene--8 items, 1949--8 negatives
  • Porter, Elbert--6 items, Sculpture, 1948--4 negatives
  • Poulson, Ernest L.--23 items, Continued Education, 1964--2 negatives
  • Poulson, Ernest--1 item
  • Poulter, Charles Dale--4 items, Chemistry
  • Pozzi, Craig--5 items, Instructor, Architecture
  • Prater, Barbara--5 items, Nursing--4 negatives
  • Pratt, Richard--11 items, Finance--3 negatives
  • Price, Philip--10 items, Medicine, Surgery, 1948--4 negatives
  • Price, Richard--13 items, Physics, 1973--12 negatives
  • Probstein, [?]--1 item
  • Proctor, Stewart--30 items, Psychology, 1968, 1972--14 negatives
  • Prokasy, Wm--41 items, Psychology, 1973--6 negatives
  • Prokasy, William--13 items, 1967--12 negatives
  • Provost, Leo--10 items, Education, 1949--1 negative
  • Quader, [?]--2 items
  • Quellar, Orlando--1 item
  • Quinn, Barbara (See Kenneth Brizee)--0 items
  • Quinn, Elton--5 items, Chemistry, 1949--4 negatives
  • Quinn, Mildred--14 items, 1958--2 negatives
  • Quinn, Mildred--4 items, Nursing
  • Rabe, Fred--8 items, Botany, 1960--8 negatives
  • Ragsdale, Ronald--2 item, Chemistry
  • Rainville, L.L. (Lt.)--1 item, Naval Science
  • Rallison, [?]--1 item, Pediatrics
  • Ram, Simon--1 item
  • Ramquist, Ray--12 items, Educational Media--12 negatives
  • Rand, James F.--4 items, Director, Small Business Management
  • Randall, Clyde--15 items, Business--12 negatives
  • Randall, Harry B. (Major NROTC)--1 item, Naval Science
  • Randall, N. Dr.--8 items, 1965--2 negatives
  • Randall, Reed--16 items--3 negatives
  • Randle, Paul--11 items, Business, 1969--12 negatives
  • Randoll, Rud--8 items, Business--2 negatives
  • Raskin, [?]--2 items, Psychology
  • Raskin, David--39 items, Psychology, 1968--12 negatives
  • Rasmussen, Awtome--18 items, DCE, Art, 1974--10 negatives
  • Rasmusssen, Jewell--10 items, 1970--4 negatives
  • Rasmussen, Jewell--21 items, Economics, 1950--18 negatives
  • Rawlins, Joseph L.--1 item, Mathematics, 19th Century
  • Read, Edwin--19 items, Education, 1966--12 negatives
  • Read, Edwin A.--4 items, Professor, Educational Administration
  • Read, Waldemer--10 items, Philosophy, 1960, 1949--13 negatives
  • Read, P. Waldemer--23 items, Philosophy, 1971--12 negatives
  • Read, Waldemer--7 items
  • Rechsteiner, [?]--2 items, Biology
  • Redd, Marion--8 items, Speech--6 negatives
  • Redford, H.E.D.--1 items, Theater
  • Ree, T. Alexis--24 items, Chemistry, 1972--12 negatives
  • Ree, Alexis--10 items, Chemistry, 1973--4 negatives
  • Ree, Alexis--23 items, Chemistry, 1957, 1962, 1969--20 negatives
  • Reed, D. Keith--6 items, Mathematics
  • Reed, Margaret--19 items, Philosophy, 1973--12 negatives
  • Reed, Robert M.--1 item, KUED
  • Reed, T.M.--18 items, Philosophy, 1971--12 negatives
  • Reed, Thomas--2 items, Philosophy, 1967--11 negatives
  • Reeder, C.A.--2 items, Registrar, 1966--3 negatives
  • Reemtsma, Keith--1 item, Medicine, 1969
  • Rees, Don (and Wife)--3 items, Zoology, 1957--13 negatives
  • Rees, Don--11 items, Zoology--14 negatives
  • Rees, Ralph--3 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Reich, Hans--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Reynolds, Frederick William--1 item
  • Rich, Edith--32 items, Library, 1966--2 negatives
  • Rich, Edith--10 items, Library Science--4 negatives
  • Rich, Emily--11 items--9 negatives
  • Rich, Grover S.--26 items, Professor, 1962, 1966
  • Rich, Grover--23 items--23 negatives
  • Richards, Oliver--19 items, Bio-Chemistry, 1967--3 negatives
  • Richardson, Bill--1 item
  • Richardson, Reed--20 items, Business, 1972--7 negatives
  • Richardson, Reed--12 items, Industrial Relations--12 negatives
  • Richardson, Reed--10 items, Industrial Relations--10 negatives
  • Ridges, Cherry--1 item, Fraternity Advisor, 1973
  • Rigby, Afton--8 items, Home Economics, 1964--12 negatives
  • Rigby, Avard--9 items, Principal, Stewart School--8 negatives
  • Ririe, Shirley--11 items, Dancer, 1969--2 negatives
  • Ririe, Shirley--29 items, Dance, 1966--9 negatives
  • Ritting, Lorry--1 item
  • Ritzma, Howard--1 item, 1967--1 negative
  • Rivera, [?]--1 item--1 negative
  • Rivera, Orlando--28 items, Assistant Academic Vice President, 1974--8 negatives
  • Rivero, Luis Lorenzo--4 items, 1970--1 negative
  • Rizza, Salvo--2 items, 1963--2 negatives
  • Robbins, A.F.--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Roberts, David--3 items, Social Work, 1958--1 negative
  • Robertson, Leon--32 items, Academic and Financial Planning, 1975--10 negatives
  • Robertson, Leon--29 items, Budget, 1968--12 negatives
  • Robertson, Leroy--9 items--1 negative
  • Robertson, Leroy--14 items, Music, 1950--14 negatives
  • Robertson, Wanda--24 items, Education, 1962, 1967, 1949--20 negatives
  • Robinson, Frank R.--3 items, Station Manager, KUER
  • Robinson, Irene--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Robinson, O. Preston--9 items, Marketing--4 negatives
  • Robison, Richard--20 items, Geology, 1974--8 negatives
  • Robison, A. Richard--24 items, Geology, 1963--2 negatives
  • Robison, Alice--7 items, Education, Librarian, Stewart School, 1948--4 negatives
  • Robson, Thayne--7 items--4 negatives
  • Roche, Ruth--2 items
  • Rock, Jim--6 items--1 negative
  • Rockwood, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Rockwood, Linn--36 items, Recreation, 1970--12 negatives
  • Roe, Bryce--3 items, 1951--4 negatives
  • Roedder, Edwin--5 items, Mineralogy, 1950--4 negatives
  • Rogan, F.E.--2 items, 1957--6 negatives
  • Rogers, Lewis, M.--26 items, 1960--3 negatives
  • Rogers, Thomas--4 items, Languages, 1967--3 negatives
  • Roll, David--15 items, Pharmacy, 1967--2 negatives
  • Roll, David B.--3 items, Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy-no negatives
  • Roper, Don Edward--4 items, Professor, Economics
  • Rordaine, [?]--6 items, Dean, Nursing, 1954--5 negatives
  • Rose, Dave--2 items, 1967--1 negative
  • Rose, Willie Lee--1 item
  • Ross, [?]--1 item, English
  • Rossi, Hugo--1 item
  • Ross, Ron--1 item, Ballet
  • Rowley, Rodney--2 items, Speech, 1967--2 negatives
  • Rumel, William Ray--1 item, Medicine, Surgery--
  • Runzler, William T.--1 item
  • Rushing, Benny R.--1 item, Mathematics
  • Rushing, Benny T.--40 items, Mathematics, 1970--12 negatives
  • Russ, Moursitsen--14 items
  • Russon, Allien--3 items, Mgos--1 negatives
  • Russon, Allien--9 items, Management--7 negatives
  • Rutherford, [?] (Col)--1 item
  • Ryan, Norman W. Dr.-29 items, Chemical Engineering, 1975
  • Ryan, Norman--12 items, Chemical Engineering--18 negatives
  • Rytting, Lorry--14 items, Journalism, 1972--10 negatives
  • Salasar, Leonard--no items, Administrative Assistant, 1972--12 negatives
  • Salt, Dale Dr.--23 items, Chemical Engineering, 1964--8 negatives
  • Salvatone, Joseph--5 items, 1956--4 negatives
  • Samuels, Leo--13 items, Bio-Chemistry--7 negatives
  • Samuelson, Cecil--26 items, Educational Psychology, 1964--2 negatives
  • Sanderson, James--28 items, Financial Aids, 1971--7 negatives
  • Sanderson, J.R.--5 items--4 negatives
  • Sandquist, Gary--1 item
  • Sanginetti, E. Frank--9 items, Director, Museum of Fine Arts
  • Sanks, Robert--7 items, Civil Engineering, 1948, 1958--9 negatives
  • Sargent, David--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Sargent, Ray--14 items, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, 1958--10 negatives
  • Sasin, [?]--1 item
  • Sayers, George--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Scammon, Debra--32 items, Business Marketing, 1975--12 negatives
  • Schell, Margaret--16 items, Zoology, 1949, 1964--16 negatives
  • Schick, Franz--14 items, Political Science, 1949, 1953--8 negatives
  • Schick, Franz--18 items, Political Science, 1958, 1962--20 negatives
  • Schick, Franz--8 items, Political Science--16 negatives
  • Schittman, Donald--1 item, Pharmacy, 1953--2 negatives
  • Schleckman, Karl--2 items, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, 1948--1 negative
  • Schmid, Thomas M.--1 item, Library Acquisitions, With Incunabulum Purchase
  • Schmid, [?]--1 item
  • Schneider, Hyrum--1 item--4 negatives
  • Schroder, L.D.--1 item
  • Scott, Ruth--22 items, Political Science, 1975--2 negatives
  • Seader, J.D.--28 items, Chemical Engineering, 1966--2 negatives
  • Seader, J.D.--1 item
  • Seager, Scott--4 items, 1949--5 negatives
  • Secor, Glenn--2 items, Civil Engineering, 1967
  • Segarra, Ramon--1 item, Dance
  • Selby, Carol--6 items, Library Science, 1949--6 negatives
  • Seneca, Martin--1 item
  • Sevcovic, Lorraine--1 item, College of Nursing
  • Sexauer, Norman--2 items, Mathematics--1 negative
  • Seybold, C. Calvin--4 items--1 negative
  • Seybolt, John--23 items, Business Management, 1974--8 negatives
  • Shand, David--13 items, Music, 1949--10 negatives
  • Sharpe, K. Louis--23 items, Marketing, 1971--12 negatives
  • Shaw, David--11 items, Psychology, 1973--8 negatives
  • Shaw, J. Frank--4 items--1 negative
  • Shaw, Frank--1 item
  • Shaw, Roy--19 items--12 negatives
  • Shaw, Roy--22 items, 1963, 1957--22 negatives
  • Shea, Michael--1 item, Director, Campus Recreation
  • Shealey, Edward M.--2 items, Law Faculty, 1946
  • Sheehy, John--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Sheets, Boyd--23 items, Director, Speech and Hearing Clinic, 1949,
  • 1956--18 negatives
  • Sheets, Marion--2 items, Library Science
  • Shenon, Philip--6 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Shepard, Albert--4 items, Music, 1949--4 negatives
  • Shepard, Albert and Johannsen, Grant--1 item, Music, 1951--2 negatives
  • Sheppard, Wayne--7 items, Safety, 1971--12 negatives
  • Sherwood, Gordon--9 items, NROTC, 1949--7 negatives
  • Shneow,[?]--1item
  • Shores, Karen--26 items, Ballet, 1966--4 negatives
  • Short, Clarice--35 items, English, 1965--24 negatives
  • Short, Clarice--13 items, 1949, English--8 negatives
  • Short, Clarice--10 items, English--8 negatives
  • Shuey, Ralph--24 items, Geophysics, 1967--2 negatives
  • Shumway, Gary--2 items, Social Work--1 negative
  • Shumway, Gene--24 items, Social Work, 1975--9 negatives
  • Shumway, Dr. Gene--3 items, Social Work, 1973--2 negatives
  • Sibley, Willis--12 items, 1958--12 negatives
  • Sieg, Tom--25 items, Development, 1968--3 negatives
  • Sievers, Allen--20 items, Economics, 1970--13 negatives
  • Sievers, Allen--1 item, Economics
  • Sillars, Malcolm--30 items, Humanities, 1974--10 negatives
  • Sillars, Malcolm--2 items
  • Simmons, [?]--1 item, Chemistry
  • Simmons, Robert--2 items--2 negatives
  • Simone, Anthony--16 items, 1958--12 negatives
  • Simone, Anthony--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Skidmore, Rex--27 items, Graduate School of Social Work, 1975--13 negatives
  • Skidmore, Rex--6 items, Social Work--6 negatives
  • Skidmore, Rex--16 items, Social Work, 1949
  • Skidmore, Royina--7 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Skolnick, Mark--3 items, Biophysics
  • Slager, Wm--39 items, English, 1973--10 negatives
  • Slager, William--13 items, English--15 negatives
  • Sloane, Howard--18 items, Educational Research, 1972--12 negatives
  • Sloane, Howard--11 items, Educational Psychology, 1967, 1948--14 negatives
  • Sloane, R.L.--5 items, 1948
  • Smart, M. Neff--2 items, Journalism
  • Smart, William--1 item
  • Smedley, Delbert--8 items, 1949, 1954--8 negatives
  • Smeeding, Timothy M.--1 item, Economics
  • Smith, [?]--1 item
  • Smith, [?]--1 item
  • Smith, [?]--1 item
  • Smith, [?]--1 item, Sociology
  • Smith, David--1 item, English
  • Smith, Dasil--7 items, Education, 1949--4 negatives
  • Smith, Earl Jay--4 items, Director of Conferences and Institutes
  • Smith, Edward--25 items, Architecture, 1970--12 negatives
  • Smith, Elmer--1 item, Anthropology, 1949--1 negative
  • Smith, Elmer--6 items, Anthropology, 1949--4 negatives
  • Smith, Emil--5 items, Biological Chemistry, Medicine, Physiology--4 negatives
  • Smith, F.M.--2 items, Mathematics--1 negative
  • Smith, Gary--2 items, Languages
  • Smith, Gordon--11 items, Controller, 1971--11 negatives
  • Smith, Lillian--21 items, Education, 1966--2 negatives
  • Smith, Lillian--3 items, Education
  • Smith, Marion--4 items, Mathematics
  • Smith, Marvin--3 items, 1961--2 negatives
  • Smith, Phillip--36 items, Sociology, 1970--12 negatives
  • Smith, Richard--1 item, Medicine
  • Smith, Robert--4 items, Naval Science
  • Smith, Major Robert A.--16 items, 1958--10 negatives
  • Smith, Robert B.--30 items, Geophysics, 1969--8 negatives
  • Smith, Robert Edward--6 items, Economics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Smith, Samuel--6 items, Mathematics, 1949--5 negatives
  • Smith, Ted--16 items, Social Work, 1962--2 negatives
  • Smith, Tony--1 item, Art
  • Smith, Veon--11 items, 1962--4 negatives
  • Smith, Veon--6 items, Social Work--4 negatives
  • Smurthwaite, Ulna--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Sneed, W.--1 item, Indian Services, 1967--3 negatives
  • Snell, Earl--19 items, Management Business, 1974--12 negatives
  • Snow, Dorothy--13 items, English, 1950, 1956--12 negatives
  • Snow, Rebecca--5 items, Education, Stewart School, 1949--5 negatives
  • Snow, Robert Gardner--1 item, College of Health
  • Snow, R.J.--48 items, Presidents Office (Political Science), 1974--10 negatives
  • Snyder, Clifford--1 item, Plastic Surgery
  • Snyder, Georgia--36 items, Social Work, 1962, 1958--14 negatives
  • Snyder, Georgia--4 items, Sociology, 1958
  • Snyder, Hyrum--1 item, Geology
  • Sobcheck, Tom--17 items, English, 1967--12 negatives
  • Socknat, James--1 item, Economics
  • Somogyvary, Frank--1 item, Physical Education, Fencing, 1956--8 negatives
  • Sorenson, A. Garth--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Sorenson, Ann--1 item, Nursing
  • Sorenson, Marian--3 items, Music, 1950--3 negatives
  • Sorenson, Parry--18 items, 1975--8 negatives
  • Sorenson, Parry--5 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Sorenson, Parry--11 items, Public Relations--8 negatives
  • Sosin, Howard (or Abraham)--1 item, Computer Science, 1969--1 negative
  • Southwick, Paul--3 items, Medicine, 1951--2 negatives
  • Southwick, Phyllis--1 item, Social Work
  • Spencer, Orson--6 items, Chancellor of University of Deseret--4 negatives
  • Spencer, Ralph--no items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Spicer, [?]--1 item, Chemistry
  • Spicer, D. Leonard--28 items, Chemistry, 1970--12 negatives
  • Spikes, John--20 items, Biology, 1973--10 negatives
  • Spikes, D. John--36 items, 1961--10 negatives
  • Spikes, John--9 items, Biology--3 negatives
  • Spilman, Mignonette--6 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Squire, Wilbur--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Squires, John L.--5 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Squires, John--4 items--2 negatives
  • Staffanson, Forrest--1 item
  • Stang, [?]--1 item, Chemistry
  • Statton, [?]--1 item, Chemistry
  • Statton, Wm.--26 items, Mechanical Engineering, 1970--12 negatives
  • Steensma, Robert--5 items, English, 1972--2 negatives
  • Steensma, Robert--29 items, English, 1971--12 negatives
  • Stein, Eleanor--2 items, Social Work, 1962--2 negatives
  • Stenchever, M.--1 item, Medicine
  • Stensaas, Larry--1 item
  • Stensaas, Suzanne S.--5 items, Assistant Professor, Anatomy
  • Stephans, Fayette--8 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Stephens, Evans--1 item, Principal of Music Department, 19th Century
  • Stephenson, Robert--7 items, E.E., 1973--4 negatives
  • Stephenson, Robert--7 items, Electrical Engineering, 1949--4 negatives
  • Steudman, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Stevens, Deon--17 items, Education, 1969--12 negatives
  • Stevens, Hazel--2 items
  • Stevenson, Robert--24 items, Electrical Engineering, 1964--4 negatives
  • Steward, Julian--no items--2 negatives
  • Stewart, C.C.--1 item, Education
  • Stewart, D.--no items--1 negative
  • Stewart, Elizabeth--2 items, Psychology, 1959--2 negatives
  • Stewart, Elmo--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Stewart, Leconte--3 items, Art--2 negatives
  • Stewart, Sam--1 item, Business Finance, 1977--1 negative
  • Stewart, William Milton--1 item, Principal of Normal Department, 19th Century--1 negative
  • Stillings, Eugene--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Stockham, Thomas--22 items, Computer Science, 1969--12 negatives
  • Stockham, Thomas--5 items, Computer Science
  • Stokes, Dr. Wm--40 items, Geology, 1965--11 negatives
  • Stokes, William--21 items, Geology, 1950, 1955--12 negatives
  • Stoll, Forrest--65 items, 1957--2 negatives
  • Stone, Blair--17 items, Educational Psychology, 1975--6 negatives
  • Stone, Blair J.--24 items, Educational Psychology, 1965--8 negatives
  • Stone, David--no items, Law, 1949--4 negatives
  • Stoumbis, George--22 items, Education, 1968--24 negatives
  • Stover, Clarence--1 item--1 negative
  • Stowe, Carlton--1 item, Utah Geological Survey, 1970--12 negatives
  • Streadback and Son--28 items, 1962--6 negatives
  • Streadbeck, Arval--5 items, Languages, 1950--4 negatives
  • Streadbeck, Dr. A.--6 items, 1968--2 negatives
  • Strien, Van--16 items, 1965--2 negatives
  • Stringham, Bronson--5 items, Mineralogy, 1940--4 negatives
  • Strong, Cline--2 items, Law
  • Stucki, Dr. Roland--28 items, Management, 1961, 1962--6 negatives
  • Stucki, Roland--5 items, Management, 1948--4 negatives
  • Sturgess, Irene--23 items, 1964--2 negatives
  • Sturgess, Philip--30 items--12 negatives
  • Sturgess, Phillip--7 items, History--4 negatives
  • Sudbury, Fred--2 items--2 negatives
  • Sagihara, James--5 items, Chemistry--5 negatives
  • Sullivan, John Joseph--1 item, College of Nursing
  • Summerhays, [?]--6 items, Athletics Coach--4 negatives
  • Sutherland, E.R.--1 item, 19th Century
  • Svendsen, James--20 items, Languages, 1970--12 negatives
  • Swenson, James R.--1 item, Medicine
  • Swenson, Robert--2 items, Law--1 negative
  • Swenson, Robert--26 items, Law, 1962
  • Swigart, J. Irvin--11 items, Physics, 1948--4 negatives
  • Swigart, J.I.--60 items, Physics, 1964--3 negatives
  • Swinyard, Chester--5 items, Anatomy, 1948--4 negatives
  • Swinyard, Ewart--25 items, Pharmacy, 1961--11 negatives
  • Swinyard, Ewart--7 items, Pharmacy, 1948--6 negatives
  • Swinyard, Ewart--7 items, Pharmacy
  • Symko, Orest George--2 items, Physics
  • Taborsky, [?}--19 items, Library, 1968--5 negatives
  • Tadscott, Bangs--26 items, 1966--3 negatives
  • Talmage, James E. (See A-Presidents-Talmage)--0 items, President of University--3 negative
  • Tanner, Annie Clark--no items--2 negatives
  • Tanner, Olbert--12 items, Philosophy--9 negatives
  • Tanner, O.C.--36 items, 1965--13 negatives
  • Tanner, Virginia--2 items, Dance
  • Taylor, A. LeRoy--7 items, Electrical Engineering--5 negatives
  • Taylor, Calvin--57 items, 1964--7 negatives
  • Taylor, Calvin--32 items, Psychology, 1973--12 negatives
  • Taylor, Calvin--9 items--1 negative
  • Taylor, Calvin--14 items, 1949, 1961--14 negatives
  • Taylor, Chip--1 item
  • Taylor, Heber--9 items, Social Work, 1949, 1959--6 negatives
  • Taylor, Joe--5 items, Mathematics--4 negatives
  • Taylor, Joseph--15 items, Mathematics, 1974--8 negatives
  • Taylor, Sandra C.--1 item, History
  • Tayson, Carmen Brooks--no items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Telly, Charles--5 items, Business Management, 1970--12 negatives
  • Tempest, Norinne--15 items, 1956--2 negatives
  • Tempest, Norrine--10 items, 1949, Home Study and Ext Div.--8 negatives
  • Terhune, Richard H.--1 item, 19th Century
  • Thackery, Milton--2 item, Social Work, 1975--3 negatives
  • Thackery, Milton--5 items, Social Work, 1962--8 negatives
  • Thackery, Milton--9 items, 1949, Social Work--5 negatives
  • Thatcher, Moses--1 item, 19th Century
  • Thatcher, Roy--3 items, Member, Board of Regents, 1935-1947
  • Thode, E. Wayne--26 items, Law, 1973--6 negatives
  • Thode, Wayne--3 items, Law
  • Thomas, George (See A-Presidents-Thomas)--0 items, President of University--2 negatives
  • Thomas, M. Ray--2 items, Education
  • Thomas, Richard--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Thomas, Wanda--22 items, 1961, 1964--3 negatives
  • Thomas, Wanda Clayton--1 item
  • Thomason, James--6 items, Medicine, 1948--4 negatives
  • Thompson, Aylmer--2 items, Meteorology, 1958--16 negatives
  • Thompson, Douglas--8 items, Economics, 1949, 1959--5 negatives
  • Thompson, Gregory--2 items, American West Center--2 negatives
  • Thompson, Ralph--5 items, Library
  • Thompson, Ralph--9 items, Library Director--4 negatives
  • Thompson, Richard--14 items, History, 1975--8 negatives
  • Thomson, Ralph--15 items, 1957--2 negatives
  • Thomson, Sandra--31 items, History, 1971--16 negatives
  • Thomson, Sandra--7 items, History, 1971--4 negatives
  • Thomson, Will--35 items, History, 1971--13 negatives
  • Thorne, Charles--4 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Thorp, Bert--7 items, Zoology, 1965--4 negatives
  • Thorp, Rowland--1 item
  • Threet, Richard--2 items, Geology, 1959--2 negatives
  • Thurman, Sam--16 items, Law, 1975--10 negatives
  • Thurman, Samuel--53 items, Dean of Law School, 1964--10 negatives
  • Thurman, Samuel--8 items, Law
  • Tief, Leon--1 item
  • Tiemeger, Christian--2 items, Assistant Professor Music--no negatives
  • Tikoff, Gerasim--2 items
  • Tiller, Veronica E.--4 items, Assistant Professor, History
  • Tobler, Gilbert--1 item
  • Toman, James--6 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Tompson, Richard S.--1 item, History
  • Topham, Sanford--22 items, Biophysics, 1970--12 negatives
  • Toronto, [?]--1 item
  • Toronto, Joseph--4 items, Vice President, Mathematics, 1875--1 negative
  • Toronto, Lamont--4 items, Board of Regents--4 negatives
  • Tougas, Rolland--2 items, Psychology--1 negative
  • Townsend, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Townsend, LeRoy--2 items, Medicinal Chemistry Research Park
  • Trantwein, Wolfgang--1 item, Medicine, 1961--1 negative
  • Traver, Jimmy--6 items, 1969--4 negatives
  • Traver, J.L.--22 items, Continued Education, 1966--12 negatives
  • Travers, Robert--6 items, Educational Psychology--2 negatives
  • Traynor, Roger--1 item
  • Treshow, Michael--13 items, Botany--8 negatives
  • Treshow, Michael--1 item, Biology
  • Treshow, Mike--25 items, Biological Science, 1969--12 negatives
  • Treshow, Mike--16 items, Biology, 1975--10 negatives
  • Tribe, Howard--1 item, Medical Photography
  • Trotter, Virginia--3 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Tsagaris, Theofilos John--1 item
  • Tucker, [?]--1 item
  • Tuckett, Henry A.--1 item, 19th Century
  • Tuedtnes, John--24 items, Int. Culture Center, 1970--12 negatives
  • Tugman, Orin--3 items, Physics
  • Tully, George--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Tyler, A. Lomont--12 items, Chemical Engineering, 1970--12 negatives
  • Tyler, Earl John--6 items, 1953--4 negatives
  • Tyler, F.H.--4 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Tyler, Frank--8 items, Medicine, 1948--5 negatives
  • Tyler, Lamont--10 items, Chemical Engineering, 1977--2 negatives
  • Tyler, S. Lyman--15 items, History, American West Center--3 negatives
  • Uhl, Charles--18 items, Psychology, 1970--8 negatives
  • Unk, Jwap--2 items, 1967--2 negatives
  • Uusenback--5 items--4 negatives
  • Ussachevsky, Vladimir--8 items, Music, 1974--4 negatives
  • Ussachevsky, Vladimir--1 item, Music
  • Van Alstyne, Arvo--14 items, Faculty, Law School, Commissioner for Higher Education, 1983--6 negatives
  • Van Cott, Lucy May--2 items
  • Van Drimmelen, Robert--3 items, Education--2 negatives
  • Van Norman, Richard W.--2 items, Biology, 1963--6 negatives
  • Van Sant, Genee--18 items, Nursing--12 negatives
  • Van Wagoner, Wayne T.--14 items, Civil Engineering, 1970--8 negatives
  • Varley, C. Ray--2 items
  • Velick, Sidney F.--1 item, Biological Chemistry
  • Vernadakis, Antonia--3 items, Anatomy, 1961--2 negatives
  • Vernon, E.--5 items, 1974--2 negatives
  • Vernon, Evelyn--2 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Vernon, Glenn M.--2 items, Sociology
  • Vernon, John--5 items, English, 1970--12 negatives
  • Viant, William J.--1 item, Computer Science
  • Vickery, Robert--16 items, 1962--8 negatives
  • Vickery, Robert--1 item, Genetics and Cytology, 1956
  • Virginia, Janner--4 items--1 negative
  • Vlasenko, Ludmila--4 items, Languages--1 negative
  • Voigt, [?]--1 item
  • Voigt, Milton--41 items, English, 1971--14 negatives
  • Voigt, Milton--17 items, English, 1964--12 negatives
  • Volberding, Eleanor--8 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Volkman, Bock W.--4 items, Mathematics--2 negatives
  • Von Schmidt, A. Wolff--14 items, Languages, 1970--12 negatives
  • Voss, Arthur H. (Capt)--1 item, 1947
  • Vrooman, John--1 item, Economics, 1984
  • Wadsworth, Milton--17 items, Metallurgical Engineering, 1962, 1949, 1978--14 negatives
  • Wadsworth, Milton--58 items, Metallurgical Engineering, 1972--10 negatives
  • Wagner, Fredrick R.--7 items, Mechanical Engineering--1 negative
  • Wahlquist, John T.--6 items, Dean of Education--3 negatives
  • Wahrhaftig, Austin--29 items, 1964--9 negatives
  • Wahrhaftig, Austin--6 items, Chemistry, 1949--4 negatives
  • Waibler, Paul--7 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Walker, Dilworth--12 items, Dean of Business, 1945, 1954--12 negatives
  • Walker, Dilworth--9 items, Dean of Business--4 negatives
  • Walker, Don--9 items, English, 1949--4 negatives
  • Walker, Don D.--5 items, Professor, English
  • Walker, Don D.--37 items, 1967--8 negatives
  • Walker, John--15 items, Physiology, 1970--12 negatives
  • Walker, Margaret--5 items, Marketing, 1950--6 negatives
  • Walker, Raymond--4 items, Education, 1950--4 negatives
  • Walker, Richard--14 items, 1956--8 negatives
  • Wallen, Norman E.--2 items, Professor, Educational Psychology, 1962--2 negatives
  • Walling, Cheves--29 items, Chemistry, 1970--9 negatives
  • Walling, Cheves--3 items, Chemistry
  • Wang, Chin Asien--4 items, Chemistry--2 negatives
  • Wang, K.C.--1 item, Anesthesiology
  • Ward, Bruce J.--6 items, Professor, BioEngineering
  • Ward, B. Delbert--26 items, Architecture, 1964--12 negatives
  • Ward, George--2 items
  • Ward, H. Stanley--50 items, Geophysics, 1969--13 negatives
  • Ward, Stanley H.--1 item, Geology and Geophysics
  • Ward, Stanley--5 items, Geography
  • Warmuth, Francis--8 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Warner, Homer--3 items, Biophysics
  • Warnock, Robert--2 items, Zoology--2 negatives
  • Wartenberg, G.H. Schmidt--1 item, 1889
  • Watanale, [?]--1 item, Pharmacy
  • Watts, Ardean--22 items, Music, 1975--6 negatives
  • Watts, Ardean--2 items, Music
  • Watts, Maurice--1 item, Utah National Guard
  • Weaver, E.E.--9 items, 1961--8 negatives
  • Weaver, Ellsworth--13 items, Political Science, 1949, 1963--4 negatives
  • Webb, Henry J.--20 items, English, 1964--12 negatives
  • Webb, Henry--8 items, English, 1950--4 negatives
  • Weight, Newell--9 items--2 negatives
  • Weight, Newell--24 items, Music, 1968--12 negatives
  • Weihe, Willard--1 item, 1888
  • Welborn, Gay--6 items, Director, Food Services--6 negatives
  • Welch, Jay--32 items, Music, 1957--17 negatives
  • Welch, Jay--20 items, Music--1 negative
  • Welch, Jay--9 items, Music--2 negatives
  • Welcher, Louis--5 items, Assistant Professor, Music
  • Welcher, Max--22 items, Registration Office, 1975--2 negatives
  • Welker, Max--1971
  • Wells, Daniel (Commander)--4 items, Naval Science--2 negatives
  • West, Barbara--18 items, 1960--6 negatives
  • West, Brent--no items, Dev. Office, 1971--6 negatives
  • Whear, James--19 items, Social Work. 1973, 1975--13 negatives
  • Wheeler, Sara (or Lora) Jeanne--6 items, 1949
  • Whelan, James A.--24 items, Mineralogy, 1965, 1958--20 negatives
  • Whisner, William--4 items, 1966--1 negative
  • Whisner, William N.--24 items, Philosophy, 1971--12 negatives
  • Whitaker, John M.--2 items, 1890's
  • White, [?]--1 item
  • White, Dr. B.J.--16 items, 1962--8 negatives
  • White, Melvin--3 items, 1974--2 negatives
  • Whitehead, Calvert W.--3 items
  • Whitehead, Clark--23 items, Personnel, 1971--12 negatives
  • Whitehead, Keneth--no items, 1956--2 negatives
  • Whitehouse, Hayden (Maj)--4 items, 1950--4 negatives
  • Whitelock, Kenley--5 items, Music, 1950--4 negatives
  • Whitely, Joseph--1 item, 19th Century
  • Widtsoe, John A. (See A-Presidents-Widtsoe)--President of University--1 negative
  • Widtsoe, Rose--1 item, Home Economics, 1923
  • Wiens, Delbert--1 item
  • Wiest, Jerry--2 items, 1960--2 negatives
  • Wiest, Walter--2 items, Biochemistry, 1959--2 negatives
  • Wiist, Bill--4 items, Health Science, 1975--2 negatives
  • Wilcox, C.F.--1 item, Medicine, Class of 1880, Age 39
  • Wilcox, Calvin H.--1 item, Mathematics
  • Wilkens, [?]--1 item
  • Willey, Juan R.--1 item, 1952
  • Willey, Roy--7 items, Education, 1949--7 negatives
  • Williams, Edgar--12 items, Business Management, 1975--10 negatives
  • Williams, Floyd--4 items, 1949, 1947--4 negatives
  • Williams, George--76 items, Physics, 1967, 1974, 1975--34 negatives
  • Williams, George--1 item
  • Williams, J.D.--25 items, Political Science--8 negatives
  • Williams, J.D.--14 items, Political Science--8 negatives
  • Williams, J.D.--34 items, Political Science, 1975--16 negatives
  • Williams, J.D.--13 items, Political Science--8 negatives
  • Williams, John K.--2 items, 1964--2 negatives
  • Williams, Max--1 item
  • Willigan, J. Dennis--2 items, Sociology
  • Willson, John--4 items, Mining, 1949--3 negatives
  • Wilson, John--15 items, Modern Dance, 1974--10 negatives
  • Wilson, John--17 items, Dance, 1968--16 negatives
  • Wilson, John R.--64 items, Mining and Geological Engineering, 1964,1969, 1975--30 negatives
  • Wilson, L. Keith--10 items, Bureau of Community Division, 1960, 1966--5 negatives
  • Wilson, O. Meridith--11 items--12 negatives
  • Wilson, Quintus--11 items, Journalism, 1949, 1959--6 negatives
  • Wilson, Raymond--1 item, Geology
  • Windt, Peter--1 item, Philosophy
  • Windt, Peter Y.--22 items, 1968--12 negatives
  • Wintrobe, Maxwell--1 item--1 negative
  • Wintrobe, Maxwell--5 items, Medicine
  • Wintrobe, Maxwell M.--3 items
  • Wiser, Wendell H.--7 items, Mining and Fuels Engineering
  • Withycombe, Jeraldine--2 items, Home Economics, 1967--3 negatives
  • Wixom, Wilma--3 items, Nursing--2 negatives
  • Wolf, C.S.--4 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Wolf, Harold--2 items, Music--2 negatives
  • Wolf, Harold H.--4 items, Dean, College of Pharmacy
  • Wolf, James Dr.--16 items, Mathematics, 1962--6 negatives
  • Wolfe, James--5 items, Mathematics, 1949--4 negatives
  • Wolfgramm, Harold--2 items, 1965--2 negatives
  • Wolking, Henry--1 item
  • Wong, Kuang C.--4 items, Medicine
  • Wood, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Wood, Calvin--2 items, Physics--1 negative
  • Wood, Ednah--2 items, Registrars Office, 1966--2 negatives
  • Wood, Neal E.--8 items, Civil Engineering, 1949--4 negatives
  • Woodbury, Angus--3 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Woodbury, Dixon--8 items--2 negatives
  • Woodbury, Dixon--7 items, Pharmacy, 1949--4 negatives
  • Woodbury, Joann--32 items, Dance, 1966--12 negatives
  • Woodbury, Joanne--9 items, 1959--2 negatives
  • Woodbury, Joan--2 items, Dance--8 negatives
  • Woodbury, Lowell--5 items, 1949--6 negatives
  • Wooden, John--1 item
  • Woodland, Shelah--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • Woodruff, Asahel--37 items, Emeriti Education, 1973--8 negatives
  • Woodruff, Asahel--18 items, Dean, College of Education--17 negatives
  • Woodruff, Douglas--7 items, Director, University Union--1 negative
  • Wooley, Jim--25 items, Business, 1969--8 negatives
  • Woolf, William--11 items, Director, Buildings and Grounds--7 negatives
  • Woolley, [?]--1 item
  • Woolley, Arthur--6 items, Board of Regents--3 negatives
  • Woolley, Jed--10 items, Civil Engineering, 1956--8 negatives
  • Woolley, Roscoe--16 items, Upper Air Resources, 1967--9 negatives
  • Woolley, Roscoe--10 items, Engineering Exp. Station, 1948--7 negatives
  • Woord, Bill--4 items--4 negatives
  • Wormuth, Francis--3 items, Political Science--1 negative
  • Wormuth, Francis--18 items, Political Science, 1973--8 negatives
  • Worthington, Roland--2 items, Educational Psychology, 1969--2 negatives
  • Wright, Byron--2 items, 1973--1 negative
  • Wright, Ernest--4 items, Social Work, 1951--4 negatives
  • Wright, Jack--1 item, Psychology--1 negative
  • Wullstein, L.H.--16 items, Botany, 1967--8 negatives
  • Wullstein, Leroy Hugh--1 item, Biology
  • Wylie, Clarence--11 items, Mathematics, 1949--8 negatives
  • Wyler, Paul--18 items, Languages, 1948, 1967--16 negatives
  • Yerrington, Beverly--5 items, 1949--4 negatives
  • York, (Capt)--1 item, 1947
  • Young, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Young, Elmer--20 items, Business, 1972--12 negatives
  • Young, Elmer--19 items, Accounting, 1949, 1959--11 negatives
  • Young, Joseph Don Carlos--1 item, 19th Century
  • Young, Mrs. Heber S.--1 item, 1903
  • Young, Levi Edgar--1 item
  • Young, Richard--16 items, Law, 1970--8 negatives
  • Young, Richard--7 items, Dean, Medicine, 1948--4 negatives
  • Yu, Jason--1 item, Civil Engineering
  • Zaida, M.M.--2 items, History Department--4 negatives
  • Zake, Bruce--23 items, Student Affairs, 1973--8 negatives
  • Zautra, [?]--1 item
  • Zdundowski, Wilford--4 items, Meteorology--1 negative
  • Zeidner, F. Robert--2 items--1 negative
  • Zelig, Tibor--no items--7 negatives
  • Zenger, [?]--5 items--4 negatives
  • Zillman, [?]--1 item
  • Zinger, Bruce--2 items--2 negatives
  • Zimmerman, Michael D.--1 item, Law
  • Ziter, Fred--3 items, Medicine
  • Zucker, Louis--16 items, English, 1949, 1958--15 negatives
  • Zwolinski, Bruno--5 items, 1948--4 negatives
  • Accounting Office
  • Advancement of Learning-1946-1961
  • Alumni Association-1950's
  • Founder's Day Programs 1949-1952
  • Alumni Association-1960's
  • Reception for Virginia Tanner's Dance Class-1962
  • College of Medicine Luncheon and Tour-1963
  • College of Medicine Symposium-1963
  • College of Medicine Alumni Banquet-1964
  • College of Medicine Alumni Day-1965
  • Alumni Association-1970's
  • Banquet-1972
  • Telefund-1973
  • Alumni Association Bay Area Alumni Chapter
  • Alumni Association Class Reunions
  • Alumni Association Emeritus Club
  • Alumni Association Iron Lung
  • Alumni Association-Music
  • Alumni Association-Undated and Unidentified
  • Alumni Association-Awards Given by
  • American University of Rome
  • Appointments Board
  • Buildings and Grounds-see B-Plant Operations
  • Campus Police
  • Chancellors
  • Chicano Science Program
  • Colleges and Universities-Out of State
  • Colleges and Universities-Utah
  • Conferences, Conventions, Workshops
  • Counseling Center
  • Education Administration
  • Ethiopian Program
  • Faculty-Breakfast
  • Faculty-Banquets and dinners
  • Faculty-Groups, 1900-1949
  • Faculty-Groups, 1950-1960
  • Faculty-Groups, Identified and Undated
  • Faculty-Groups, Unidentified and Undated
  • Faculty-Visiting
  • Faculty-Unidentified
  • Financial Aids and Scholarships
  • Hinckley Institute
  • Indian Community Action Project
  • Indian Community Action Project
  • Makah Tribe-Washington-Sandra Johnson-ICAP Director
  • Indian Community Action Project
  • Swinomish Tribe-Juanita Sabota-ICAP Director
  • Indian Community Action Project
  • Tulalip Tribe-Al Hemdahl-ICAP Director
  • Institutional Council
  • International Relations Institute
  • Iran Project
  • National Advisory Council
  • Placement Center
  • Presidents-LeRoy Cowles (1941-1945)
  • Presidents-Alfred C. Emery (1971-1973)
  • Presidents-Alfred C. Emery-Installation
  • Presidents-James C. Fletcher (1964-1971)
  • Presidents-James C. Fletcher-Family
  • Presidents-James C. Fletcher-Inauguration
  • Presidents-David P. Gardner (1973-1983)
  • Presidents-A. Ray Olpin (1946-1964)
  • Presidents-A. Ray Olpin-Family
  • Presidents-A. Ray Olpin-Inauguration
  • Presidents-A. Ray Olpin-Residence
  • Presidents-Joseph T. Kingsbury (1892-1897)
  • Presidents-John R. Park (1869-1892)
  • Presidents-Chase Nebeker Peterson (1983-1989)
  • Presidents-James E. Talmage (1894-1897)
  • Presidents-George Thomas (1921-1941)
  • Presidents-John A. Widtsoe (1916-1921)
  • Presidents-Gittins Sketches
  • Presidents-Gittins Paintings
  • Public Hearing
  • Public Relations
  • Regents
  • Regents (board of)
  • Rocky Mountain Assoc. of Deans and Directors of Summer School
  • Snowbird Summer Arts Festival
  • Southwest Regional Resource Center
  • Staff
  • Student Affairs
  • Teacher Education Program
  • Testing Center
  • Union Program council
  • University of Deseret
  • University Relations Vice President-Spaceport
  • University Press
  • University Symbols
  • Veterans Administrations and Military Affairs
  • Visiting Dignitaries
  • Women's Resource Center
  • World Affairs Institute
Buildings and Grounds
  • Alumni House (old)
  • Alumni House (new)
  • Alumni House (new/construction)
  • Annex
  • Annex (Bldg 105) 1948
  • Anthropology (Temporary Bldg 411)
  • Applied Research Building
  • Applied Research Building (Bldg 021) 1902
  • Applied Research Building (Interior)
  • Arboretum
  • Arboretum-See also Greenhouse and Red Butte Gardens
  • Architecture (old)
  • Army Property, building on
  • Art and Architecture (old)
  • Art and Architecture (old) 1955
  • Art and Architecture Building (New) (Bldg 036-037)
  • Art and Architecture Building (New)
  • Art and Architecture Building Interior
  • Athletics and Marching Band (Bldg 435), 1947
  • Austin Hall (exterior)
  • Austin Hall (exterior) (Bldg 081), 1962-1967
  • Austin Hall (interior) (Bldg 081)
  • Ballet Studio-See Voice and Opera
  • Balif Hall-Cafeteria
  • Ballif Hall (exterior)
  • Ballif Hall (exterior) (Bldg 055), 1955
  • Balif Hall-Groundbreaking
  • Ballif Hall (interior)
  • Ballif Hall (interior) (Bldg 055)
  • Benchmark Plaza 2000
  • Bennion Hall
  • Bennion Hall exterior
  • Bennion Hall exterior (Bldg 065), 1959
  • Bennion Hall-Construction
  • Bennion Hall-Interior
  • Biology
  • Biology (Temporary) (Bldg 428), 231
  • Biology (exterior) (Bldg 084), 1969
  • Biology (interior)
  • Biology-Construction
  • Biology Utilities
  • Bookstore-New
  • Bookstore-New (Bldg 067), 1962
  • Bookstore-New-Blueprints
  • Bookstore-New/Expansion 1975
  • Bookstore-New/Expansion 1975 Groundbreaking
  • Bookstore-New/Expansion 1976
  • Bookstore-New/Expansion (Exterior)
  • Bookstore-New (Interior)
  • Bookstore-New (Interior) 1980-2000
  • Bookstore-Old Exterior
  • Bookstore-Old Interior
  • Bookstore-Park Building
  • Bridger Hall
  • Brockbank Bicentennial Park
  • Browning, William C. Mineral Sciences building
  • Browning, William C. Mineral Sciences (Bldg 011), 1971
  • Bruce Spruce
  • Business
  • Business Building: Classroom (Bldg 074), 1964, Business Office (Kendall Garff Bldg 075) 1964, Business Lecture (Mark Green Bldg 076) 1966
  • Business Blueprints
  • Business (Construction)
  • Business Exterior
  • Business (Interior)
  • Business Building-Roof
  • Cafeteria (old)-see Performing Arts Building
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1920-29
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1930-39
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1940-49
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1950-54
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1955-1959
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1955-1959: 1959
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1960
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1960: 1960-61 Transparencies
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1961
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1962
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1963
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1964
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1964 (1965)
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1966
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1967
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1968-69
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1970-79
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1980-1989: 1980
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1980-89
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1989
  • Campus-Aerial Views-1990-99
  • Campus-Aerial Views-2000-09
  • Campus-Aerial Views-Infrared
  • Campus Christian Center
  • Campus Planning
  • Campus Planning, 1960-1969
  • Campus Planning, 1970-1979
  • Campus Planning, 1980-1989
  • Campus Planning, Bell Tower Plans
  • Campus-Scenes-1900-1919
  • Campus-Scenes-1920-29
  • Campus-Scenes-1930-39
  • Campus-Scenes-1940-49
  • Campus-Scenes-1940-49 Transparencies by Barton J Howell
  • Campus-Scenes-1940-49 Photographers Van Porter, Jack white
  • Campus-Scenes-1950-59
  • Campus-Scenes-1960-69
  • Campus-Scenes-1970
  • Campus-Scenes-1971
  • Campus-Scenes-1972
  • Campus-Scenes-1973
  • Campus-Scenes-1974
  • Campus-Scenes-1975
  • Campus-Scenes-1976
  • Campus-Scenes-1977
  • Campus-Scenes-1978
  • Campus-Scenes-1979
  • Campus-Scenes-1970-79
  • Campus-Scenes-1970-79 Winter
  • Campus-Scenes-1980-89
  • Campus-Scenes-1980
  • Campus-Scenes-1981
  • Campus-Scenes-1982
  • Campus-Scenes-1983
  • Campus-Scenes-1984
  • Campus-Scenes-1985
  • Campus-Scenes-1986
  • Campus-Scenes-1987
  • Campus-Scenes-1988
  • Campus-Scenes-1989
  • Campus-Scenes-1990-1999
  • Campus-Scenes-2000-2009
  • Campus Scenes Fall
  • Campus Scenes (night)
  • Campus Signs
  • Campus Signs (entrance)
  • Campus Signs (kiosks)
  • Campus-Vicinity
  • Campus-Vicinity, Little Dell Reservoir
  • Campus-Vicinity, Salt Lake City
  • Campus-Vicinity, Unidentified
  • Campus-Vicinity, Utah Scenery
  • Campus-Vicinity, Wasatch Reservoir
  • Cancer Research Building
  • Cancer Research Building (Bldg 531), 1951-1961
  • Cancer Research-Construction
  • Cancer Research-Construction (Bldg 531), 1951, 1956
  • Cancer Research-Groundbreaking
  • Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute-see Nora Eccles
  • Carlson Hall
  • Carlson Hall (Bldg 031), 1938
  • Carlson Hall Interior
  • Center for Language and Intercultural Studies
  • Chapel Glen, 2000
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry (Bldg 085), 1968
  • Chemistry-Construction
  • Chemistry Bldg-Henry Eyring’s exhibit Dedication
  • Chemistry-Interior
  • Chimney
  • Circle-1900-1940
  • Circle-1940-1970
  • Circle-1955
  • Circle-1970-1989
  • Circle-1990-1999
  • Civil Engineering-See Military Science
  • Communications-see LeRoy E. Cowles building
  • Communications Laboratory (Bldg 122), 1948
  • Cottam Gulch
  • Council House 1869
  • Cowles Building
  • Cowles Building (Bldg 013), 1901
  • Cowles Building Interior
  • Credit Union
  • Credit Union-Construction and Plans
  • Cummings Field
  • Cummings Field 1902-1913
  • Dance Building (Gymnasium)
  • Dance Building (Gymnasium) (Bldg 015), 1906
  • Data Processing center
  • Deseret Museum Building
  • Doulas Hall
  • Eccles Broadcast Center
  • Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
  • Eccles Institute of Human Genetics-Interior
  • Eccles Institute of Human Genetics-Groundbreaking
  • Eccles Institute of Human Genetics-Tour
  • Eccles 2002 Legacy Bridge 2001
  • Eccles 2002 Legacy Bridge-Dedication December 5, 2001
  • Eccles Medical Sciences Library (Bldg 089), 1972
  • Eccles Medical Sciences Library-Dedication 1970
  • Eccles Medical Sciences Library-Interior
  • Eccles Tennis Center
  • Emery Building
  • Emery Building (Bldg 008), 1901 (original Normal Building)
  • Emery Building Interior
  • Emery Building-Naming Ceremony
  • Emery Building-Renovation 1982
  • Energy/Mineral Research Complex-See also mines and Engineering
  • Energy/Mineral Research Complex (Interior)
  • Engineering-see Physics
  • Engineering Mall
  • Engineering/Mines Classroom Building (EMCB)
  • Entrance Gate
  • Entrance Signs
  • Eyring Building-See Chemistry
  • Family and Community Medicine-see Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute
  • Fieldhouse (Einar Nielson) (Bldg 029), 1939
  • Fieldhouse (Einar Nielson)
  • Fieldhouse-Construction
  • Fieldhouse-Exhibits
  • Fieldhouse-Interior
  • Fire Station
  • Fire Station (Bldg 061), 1975
  • James C. Fletcher Building-Physics
  • James C. Fletcher Building-Asbestos Clean-up
  • James C. Fletcher Building-Construction
  • James C. Fletcher Building-Interior
  • James C. Fletcher Building-Naming Ceremony
  • Flooding
  • Flooding November 27, 1962
  • Flooding June 1967
  • Flooding 1980-1981
  • Forge Shop
  • Fort Douglas
  • Fort Douglas-Aerial
  • Fort Douglas (Fort Hospital)
  • Fountains-Entrance Fountain
  • Fountains-Tanner (Marriott Library Plaza)
  • Fountains-Tanner (Marriott Library Plaza) 1970
  • Fountains-Union
  • Fountains-Union 1986
  • Fraternity Houses
  • Fraternity Houses Sigma Chi
  • Gardner Hall
  • Gardner Hall (Bldg 003), 1931
  • Gardner Hall-Construction
  • Gardner Hall-Interior
  • Gardner Hall-Naming Ceremony October 25, 1980
  • Gardner Hall-Renovation
  • Garff Building-See Business
  • Gateway Heights 2000
  • Gazebo 1946
  • Genetics Lab (Temporary)
  • Geniva Dormitory 1946
  • Genetics Lab (Temporary)
  • Geography (Temporary)
  • Geology Building-See Performing Arts Building
  • Gittens Portraits
  • Golf Course
  • Golf Shop
  • Granite Boulders
  • Granite Boulders September 17, 1970
  • Greene, Mark Building-See Business
  • Greenhouse 1936-See also B Arboretum (Bldg 018), 1936-1982
  • Greenhouse 1936-includes destruction in 1982
  • Greenhouse-1952
  • Gymnasium-See Dance building
  • Gymnastics Training Center-womens
  • Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (Bldg 100) 1948
  • Hazardous Waste Facility
  • HPER (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)-Construction
  • HPER-Construction (interior)
  • HPER-Exterior
  • HPER-Exterior (Bldg 091-094), 1969
  • HPER-Flooding
  • HPER-Highway
  • HPER-Interior
  • HPER-Renovation
  • HPER-Soccer Field
  • Health Service
  • Health Service (Bldg 044), 1945
  • Health Service (Ground Breaking)
  • Heating Plant
  • Heating Plant (Bldg 069), 1963
  • Heating Plant-Construction
  • Heating Plant-Old- See also Voice and Opera (Bldg 002)
  • Heating Plant-Old interior
  • Heritage Center 2000
  • Home Economics-see Alfred C. Emery Building
  • Hudnut, Richard P., Art Gallery-See Park Building
  • Huntsman Cancer Institute
  • Huntsman Cancer Institute-Plans
  • Huntsman Cancer Institute-Tour
  • Huntsman Center-See Special Events Center
  • Hydraulics Laboratory
  • Institute of Religion, L.D.S.-South Campus Drive
  • Institute of Religion, L.D.S.-University Street
  • Interiors-Unidentified
  • Kennecott Research Center
  • Kennecott Research Center (Bldg 372), 1953
  • Kennel
  • Kingsbury Hall
  • Kingsbury Hall (Bldg 004), 1929
  • Kingsbury Hall-Dressing Room
  • Kingsbury Hall-Interior
  • Kingsbury Hall-Joseph Smith Legacy Gallery
  • Kingsbury Hall-Wall of Recognition
  • Language and Communications (LNCO)
  • Language and Communications (LNCO) 1994
  • Language and Communications (LNCO)-Interior
  • Law-Blueprints
  • Law Building
  • Law Building (Bldg 073), 1964
  • Law Building-Construction
  • Law Building-Interior
  • Law Library
  • Law Library-Construction
  • Law Library-Interior
  • Library (old)-see LeRoy E. Cowles Building
  • Library/Union Mall
  • Library Warehouse
  • Life Sciences
  • Life Sciences (Bldg 007) 1920
  • Life Sciences-Construction 1930
  • Life Sciences-Interior
  • Manholes
  • Married Student Housing-See also University Village
  • Married Student Housing-Interior
  • Marriott Center for Dance
  • Marriott Center for Dance-Construction
  • Marriott Center for Dance-Dedication
  • Marriott Center for Dance-Interior
  • Marriott Center for Dance-Plans
  • Marriott Library 1994-2005
  • Marriott Library (construction)
  • Marriott Library (construction) 1967
  • Marriott Library (construction) 1975
  • Marriott Library (construction) 1994
  • Marriott Library (construction) 1994-Model
  • Marriott Library (dedication)
  • Marriott Library (exterior)
  • Marriot (events)
  • Marriott Library (groundbreaking)
  • Marriott Library (interior)
  • Marriott Library (Naming)
  • Marriott Library (Plaza)
  • Math Tutorial and Communications Lab (Bldg 129)
  • Mathematics-see LeRoy E. Cowles building
  • Mechanical Engineering-see Applied Research Building
  • Medical Center
  • Medical Center (Bldg 521), 1965
  • Medical Center-1950s (Bldgs 453 and 459)
  • Medical Center-construction
  • Medical Center-construction 1959
  • Medical Center-construction, interior
  • Medical Center-cornerstone ceremony
  • Medical Center-dedication October 16, 1966
  • Medical Center-groundbreaking
  • Medical Center-Interior
  • Medical Center-Interior, Art Gallery
  • Medical Center-models and plans
  • Medical Center-rehabilitation center construction
  • Medical Center-rehabilitation center construction 1960
  • Medical Center-Research Unit Addition Construction
  • Medical Library
  • Medical Towers
  • Medical Towers-Interior
  • Medicine-see Life Sciences
  • Men's Hall
  • Merrill Engineering Building
  • Merrill Engineering Building (Bldg 064), 1959
  • Merrill Engineering Building-construction
  • Merrill Engineering Building-construction 1985
  • Merrill Engineering Building-dedication
  • Merrill Engineering Building-Interior
  • Merrill Engineering Building-Models/Plans
  • Merrill Engineering Building-Park Lot
  • Metabolic Laboratory-see Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute
  • Metallurgy Bldg (Also see Military Science) 1904-1910
  • Meteorology (temporary) (Bldg 402), 1947
  • Microbiology Research (Bldg 511), 1940
  • Military Science
  • Military Science-ROTC (See also Metallurgy Bldg and ROTC-Old) (Bldg 023), 1904
  • Mines and Engineering
  • Mines and Engineering (See also Energy and Mineral Research Complex) (Bldg 56-60), 1939
  • Mines Building
  • Mines Building (Bldg 024), 1927
  • Moran Eye Center
  • Museum Building-see James E. Talmage Building
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Museum of Fine Arts (old) (Bldg 036), 1971
  • Museum of Fine Arts-New (UMFA) 2001
  • Museum of Natural History-see Thomas, George S. Building
  • Music Hall-see David P. Gardner Hall or Voice and Opera Bldg
  • Naval Science
  • Naval Science (Bldg 043), 1945
  • Naval Science-Groundbreaking November 23, 1945
  • Newman Center
  • Normal Building-see Emery Bldg or Ballet West
  • Nursing (Bldg 088), 1969
  • Nursing-Construction August 2, 1967
  • Nursing-Interior
  • Nursing (temporary)
  • Observatory (old)-See also D. Astronomy
  • Observatory (new)
  • Off-Campus Learning Bountiful
  • Off-Campus Learning Davis
  • Off-Campus Learning Murray
  • Off-Campus Learning Park City
  • Off-Campus Learning Park City-Interior
  • Off-Campus Learning Sandy
  • Olpin Union Building
  • Olpin Union Building (Bldg 053), 1957
  • Olpin Union Building-Bowling Alley
  • Olpin Union Building-construction
  • Olpin Union Building-dedication
  • Olpin Union Building-drawings
  • Olpin Union Building-food service
  • Olpin Union Building-food services remodeling
  • Olpin Union Building-food services remodeling, 1982-83
  • Olpin Union Building-food service staff
  • Olpin Union Building-Free Speech Area
  • Olpin Union Building-groundbreaking
  • Olpin Union Building-information counter
  • Olpin Union Building-information counter collapse
  • Olpin Union Building-interior
  • Olpin Union Building-Parking Lot
  • Olpin Union Building-temporary ballroom cafeteria
  • Olympic Cauldron 2002
  • Olympic Village
  • Olympic Village February-March 2002
  • Olympic Village January-March 2002
  • Ore Dressing Laboratory
  • Ore Dressing Laboratory (Bldg 042), 1946
  • Orson Spencer Hall
  • Orson Spencer Hall (Bldg 054), 1955
  • Orson Spencer Hall-construction
  • Orson Spencer Hall-Dedication
  • Orson Spencer Hall-Floorplan
  • Orson Spencer Hall-groundbreaking
  • Orson Spencer Hall-interior
  • Orson Spencer Hall-Statue Fountain
  • Ouray Hall (Bldg 218)
  • Outdoor Recreation (Bldg 420), 1947
  • Pack House
  • Park Building-Construction 1913
  • Park Building-1914-39
  • Park Building-1914-39 (Bldg 001), 1914
  • Park Building-1940-49
  • Park Building-1950-59
  • Park Building-1960-69
  • Park Building-1970-79
  • Park Building-1980-89
  • Park Building-1990-99
  • Park Building 2000-
  • Park Building-interior (including Hudnut Art Gallery)
  • Park Building-murals
  • Park Building-Park statue
  • Park Building-undated
  • Parking Lots
  • Performing Arts Building
  • Pharmacy-L.S. Skaggs Pharmacy Building
  • Physical Science-see John A. Widtsoe Building
  • Physics Building
  • Physics Building (Bldg 1010), 1930
  • Physics Building (New)-See Fletcher Bldg 1967
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater (Bldg 066), 1962
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater-construction
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater-Dedication October 9, 1962
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater-Interior
  • Pioneer Memorial Theater- Sculpture Dedication March 3, 1962
  • Plant Operations
  • Plants and Trees
  • Plants and Trees 1948
  • Plants and Trees-Tree Damage 1983-1984
  • Playbox-See Voice and Opera Bldg
  • Power Plant (old)
  • Prehistoric Animals-Models 1960,1989
  • Presidents House (Rosenbladt) - 1987
  • Presidents House (Rosenbladt) - Interior
  • Presidents House (Peterson) 1983-1989
  • Primary Children’s Medical Center
  • Purchasing Department Building
  • R.O.T.C. (old)-see also Military Science
  • Red Butte Gardens
  • Red Butte Gardens-Plans
  • Repertory Dance Studio (Bldg 509), 1948
  • Research Park
  • Research Park-Tour
  • Reservoir 1956
  • Rice Stadium
  • Rice Stadium (Bldg 032), 1927
  • Rice Stadium 1981-1982
  • Rice Stadium 1990-2003
  • Rice Stadium-1982 construction
  • Rice Stadium-1997 construction
  • Rice Stadium-Expansion Plans
  • Rice Stadium-flooding June 11, 1970
  • Roads
  • Roads 1970s-1990s
  • Rostrum
  • Sage Point 2000
  • Scene Shops
  • Shoreline Ridge 2000
  • Sill Home Living Center
  • Sill Home Living Center (Bldg 051), 1950
  • Sill Home Living Center-Groundbreaking
  • Sill Home Living Center-Interior
  • Skaggs Pharmacy Building
  • Skaggs Pharmacy Building (Bldg 082), 1967
  • Skaggs Pharmacy Building-construction
  • Skaggs Pharmacy Building-dedication
  • Skaggs Pharmacy Building-interior
  • Social and Behavioral Science
  • Social and Behavioral Science
  • Social and Behavioral Science (Bldg 025), 1971
  • Social and Behavioral Science-interior
  • Social and Behavioral Science-Olympic Wrap 2002
  • Social Work (Bldg 027), 1970
  • Social Work-Interior
  • Solar Research Laboratory
  • Sorority Houses
  • Special Events Center
  • Special Events Center (Bldg 090), 1969
  • Special Events Center-construction
  • Special Events Center-flooding
  • Special Events Center-interior
  • Special Events Center-Repairs
  • Spencer Hall-See Orson Spencer Hall
  • Stables
  • Stables-Destruction, March 1969
  • Stadium Village
  • Stadium Village 1946-1960
  • Stadium Village-Construction Dec 26, 1946
  • Stadium Village-Interior
  • Stadium Village-Fire
  • State Health Department Building
  • Stewart Building
  • Stewart Building (Bldg 006), 1920
  • Stewart Building-Interior 1956
  • Student Apartments-see Married Student Housing
  • Student Services Building
  • Student Services Building 1983-1989
  • Student Services Building-Interior
  • Student Services Building-Construction
  • Student Services Building-Construction (Truck Roll-over)
  • Student Services/Park Building-Connections
  • Student Union-see A. Ray Olpin Union and David P. Gardner Building
  • Substations
  • Talmage Building
  • Talmage Building-Interior
  • Talmage Building-Naming Ceremony
  • Temporary Building
  • Temporary Building-Interior
  • Tennis Center (George S. Eccles)
  • Tennis Courts
  • Thomas Building
  • Thomas Building (Bldg 005), 1935
  • Thomas Building-exhibits
  • Thomas Building-interior
  • Thomas Library-see George Thomas Building
  • TRAX 2001
  • "U"
  • "U" 1907-see also "C" Whitewashing the "U"
  • Uintah Hall (Men’s Dorms) 1957
  • Unidentified
  • Union Academy Building
  • Union Building (old)-see David P. Gardner Hall or A. Ray Olpin Union
  • University Guest House 1999
  • University of Deseret 1900
  • University Services Building
  • University Services- Constructions 1976
  • University Village
  • University Village-South (Bldgs 723-745) 1960, North (Bldgs 746-759 1971), East (Bldgs 761-774), 1971
  • University Village – Interior – See also Married Student Housing Interior
  • Urban Treehouse
  • U.S. Bureau of Mines-see Mines and Engineering
  • U.S. Geological Survey-see Military Science
  • Ute Brave
  • Ute Brave Installation
  • Van Cott Hall
  • Van Cott Hall (Bldg 068) 1962
  • Van Cott Hall Interior
  • Voice and Opera Building 1901 (Bldg 002)
  • Voice and Opera Building – Heating Plant 1901 (Bldg 002)
  • Wasatch Hall
  • Water Plant Extension
  • Water Plant Extension 1967 (also see High Temp Water Plant)
  • Water Tank 1964
  • West or Normal Building 1891
  • Wheel Chair Access
  • Widtsoe Building
  • Widtsoe Building John A
  • Widtsoe Building John A (Bldg 009) 1901
  • Widtsoe Building Interior
Campus Life
  • AWS March, 1947-June 1948
  • Activities 1900-1920
  • Activities 1940-1949
  • Activities 1950-1959
  • Activities 1960-1969
  • Activities 1960-1969-President’s Reception September 1961
  • Activities 1970-1979
  • Activities 1980-1989
  • Activities 1990-1999
  • Activities-Greek
  • Activities-Greek 1948-1960
  • Alcohol and Drug Center
  • Animals of Campus
  • Arbor Day
  • Artists and Speakers-A
  • Artists and Speakers-B
  • Artists and Speakers-C
  • Artists and Speakers-D
  • Artists and Speakers-E
  • Artists and Speakers-F
  • Artists and Speakers-G
  • Artists and Speakers-H
  • Artists and Speakers-J
  • Artists and Speakers-K
  • Artists and Speakers-L
  • Artists and Speakers-M
  • Artists and Speakers-N
  • Artists and Speakers-O
  • Artists and Speakers-P
  • Artists and Speakers-P Octavio Paz
  • Artists and Speakers-R
  • Artists and Speakers-R Rockefeller
  • Artists and Speakers-S
  • Artists and Speakers-T
  • Artists and Speakers-U
  • Artists and Speakers-V
  • Artists and Speakers-W
  • Artists and Speakers-unidentified
  • Assemblies
  • Assemblies 1955
  • ASUU (Also See Student Government)
  • ASUU-Administration Softball Game
  • ASUU-Leadershape
  • ASUU-Presidents
  • Awards 1940s
  • Awards 2001 (Park Building)
  • Baseball Games
  • Basketball Games-1940-1949
  • Basketball Games-1950-1959
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Arizona and Arizona State
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, B.Y.U.
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Colorado State Rams
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Denver
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Freshman
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Hawaii
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, LA State
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Miami of Ohio
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Montana
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Montana State
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, NCAA Playoffs
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Ohio State
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Oklahoma and Tulsa
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Oregon State
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, San Francisco and Stanford
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Utah State
  • Basketball  Games-1950-1969, Washington State and Wyoming
  • Basketball Games-1950-1969, Wichita
  • Basketball Games-1970-1979
  • Basketball Games-1970-1979-BYU
  • Basketball Games-1980-1989
  • Basketball Games-1980-1989-BYU
  • Basketball Games-1980-1989-Colorado State
  • Basketball Games-1980-1989-Lobos
  • Basketball Games-1980-1989-New Mexico
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999-BYU
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999-Hawaii
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999-New Mexico
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999-San Diego State
  • Basketball Games-1990-1999-Utep
  • Basketball Games-Cheering Fans
  • Basketball Games-Women’s, 1970-1979
  • Basketball Games-Women’s
  • Basketball Games-Women’s, 1970-1999
  • Beehive Club 1945-1948
  • Bennion Center/Community Service
  • Bennion Center/Community Service August 1993
  • Bennion Center-Staff Irene Fisher, Interns
  • Bicentennial 1976
  • Biking
  • Black Awareness Week-1983, 1989
  • Book Sale (Marriott Library)
  • Buddhist Festival 1987
  • Cafeteria Scenes
  • Cafeteria Scenes (For Union Cafeteria See “Olpin Union-Food Service”)
  • Campus Chest
  • Campus Christian Center
  • Campus Scenes 1900-1939
  • Campus Scenes 1940-1959
  • Campus Scenes 1960-1969
  • Campus Scenes 1970-1979
  • Campus Scenes 1980-1989
  • Campus Scenes 1990-1999
  • Campus Scenes 2000-2009
  • Campus Scenes-Olpin Union
  • Campus Scenes-Union
  • Career Information Center
  • Centennial Week 1950
  • Charities (March of Dines and World Service Student Fund) 1947, 1948
  • Cheerleaders
  • Chronicle
  • Class Portraits
  • Class Portraits College of Law, Physical Therapy 1970s
  • Classroom Scenes, 1960-1969 (see also Specific Departments)
  • Classroom Scenes, 1900-1969
  • Classroom Scenes, 1900-1969
  • Classroom Scenes, 1970-1979
  • Classroom Scenes, 1970-1979 (see also Specific Departments)
  • Classroom Scenes, 1980-1989
  • Classroom Scenes, 1990-1999
  • Clean-up Project, 1971
  • Commencement, 1920-1939
  • Commencement, 1940-1949
  • Commencement, 1945
  • Commencement, 1946
  • Commencement, 1947
  • Commencement, 1948
  • Commencement, 1949
  • Commencement, 1950-59
  • Commencement, 1950
  • Commencement, 1951
  • Commencement, 1952
  • Commencement, 1953
  • Commencement, 1954
  • Commencement, 1955
  • Commencement, 1956
  • Commencement, 1957
  • Commencement, 1958
  • Commencement, 1959
  • Commencement, 1960-1969
  • Commencement, 1960
  • Commencement, 1961
  • Commencement, 1962
  • Commencement, 1964
  • Commencement, 1965
  • Commencement, 1966
  • Commencement, 1967
  • Commencement, 1968
  • Commencement, 1969
  • Commencement, 1970
  • Commencement, 1971
  • Commencement, 1972
  • Commencement, 1973
  • Commencement, 1974
  • Commencement, 1975
  • Commencement, 1975-1980
  • Commencement, 1977
  • Commencement, 1978
  • Commencement, 1979
  • Commencement, 1970-1979
  • Commencement, 1980-1989
  • Commencement, 1980
  • Commencement, 1982
  • Commencement, 1983
  • Commencement, 1984
  • Commencement, 1985
  • Commencement, 1986
  • Commencement, 1987
  • Commencement, 1988
  • Commencement, 1989
  • Commencement, 1990-1999
  • Commencement, 2000
  • Commencement, 2003
  • Commencement, College of Medicine
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1946
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1963
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1964
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1965
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1966
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1967
  • Commencement, College of Medicine-1969
  • Commencement-Prison 1975
  • Committees
  • Committees 1946-1949 (ASUU Christmas Week, Founder’s Day, Freshman, Student Participation, U Days, Veteran’s)
  • Computer Fair 1989
  • Counseling Center
  • Cwean 1947
  • Dances
  • Dances 1945-Junior Prom, New Year’s Dance negatives only
  • Dances 1946-Junior Prom, Panhellenic Dance, Military Prom, Barn Dance, Thanksgiving Dance, ASUU Dance, New years Dance negatives only
  • Dances 1947-Junior Prom, AWS Dance, Military Prom, Freshman Dance, Sweater Dance negatives only
  • Dances 1948-Junior Prom, Valentines Dance, Freshman “Hades” Dance, AWS, Matinee Dance, “Spider and the Fly” Dance, “Bunny Huddle” Dance, Halloween/Homecoming, “Chop Chop Hop” Dance, Sadie Hawkins negatives only
  • Dances 1949-Freshman Dance, Junior Prom, Dance Baby-Sitting Service, Matinee Dance, Spring Dance, Military rom, Navy Dance, Square dance, Candyland, Bombshell, Spinster’s Spree negatives only
  • Dances 1950s-Clean-Up Dance, U Days Outdoor Dance, Matinee Dance, Pharmacy Dinner-Dance, New Year’s 1957 negatives only
  • Dances Sigma Pi
  • Dances for Utonian
  • Day-care Centers 1999
  • Debate
  • Debate 1949-1953
  • Demonstrations
  • Dorm Life
  • Dorm Life-Austin Hall
  • Dorm Life-Ballif Hall
  • Dorm Life-Carlson Hall
  • Dorm Life-Central Hall
  • Dorm Life-Douglas Hall
  • Dorm Life-Men's Dorms
  • Dorm Life-Men's Hall
  • Dorm Life-Ouray Hall
  • Dorm Life-Resident Advisors 1977, 1978
  • Dorm Life-Sage Point 2001
  • Dorm Life-Van Cott Hall
  • Dorm Life-Wasatch Hall
  • Drill Teams
  • Elections
  • Elections 1948-1953
  • Engineering Society
  • Ethnic Students Association
  • Eyring Footrace
  • Eyring Footrace 1958
  • Family Literacy Center
  • Fashion Shows
  • Festival of Arts
  • Festival of Arts 1980
  • Festival of Arts 1979
  • Football Games-1900-1929
  • Football Games-1930-1939
  • Football Games-1940-1949
  • Football Games-1950-1959
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Air Force
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Arizona
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Army
  • Football Games-1950-1959, B.Y.U.
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Colorado State
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Denver
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Montana
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Red and White
  • Football Games-1950-1959, Wyoming
  • Football Games-1952, Thanksgiving Day Game
  • Football Games-1953, Colorado A+M (Homecoming)
  • Football Games-1953, Wyoming
  • Football Games-1955, B.Y.U.
  • Football Games-1956, Colorado
  • Football Games-1956, B.Y.U.
  • Football Games-1956, Denver
  • Football Games-1956, Idaho
  • Football Games-1956, Montana
  • Football Games-1956, Utah State
  • Football Games-1957, BYU October 12, 1957
  • Football Games-1957, Colorado
  • Football Games-1957, Colorado November 2, 1957
  • Football Games-1957, Red and White
  • Football Games-1958, BYU
  • Football Games-1958, Idaho
  • Football Games-1958, Montana
  • Football Games-1958, Utah State
  • Football Games-1959
  • Football Games-1960
  • Football Games-1960, Utah State
  • Football Games-1960-1969
  • Football Games-1960-1969-transparenices
  • Football Games-1960-1969, BYU
  • Football Games-1960-1969, Colorado State
  • Football Games-1960-1969, Utah State
  • Football Games-1960, Denver
  • Football Games-1963, Colorado State
  • Football Games-1963, Wyoming
  • Football Games-1964, Liberty Bowl
  • Football Games-1973
  • Football Games-1970-1979
  • Football Games-1975
  • Football Games-1976
  • Football Games-1978
  • Football Games-1980
  • Football Games-1980-1989
  • Football Games-1982
  • Football Games-1983
  • Football Games-1984
  • Football Games-1985
  • Football Games-1986
  • Football Games-1987
  • Football Games-1988-Homecoming
  • Football Games-1989
  • Football Games-1990-1999
  • Football Games-1990
  • Football Games-1990-BYU
  • Football Games-1991
  • Football Games-1992
  • Football Games-1993
  • Football Games-1994
  • Football Games-1994-BYU
  • Football Games-1995
  • Football Games-1998
  • Football Games-2000-2009
  • Football Games-Streaker 1987
  • Football Games-Cheering Fans
  • Football Games-1980-1989
  • Football Games-Ute Thunder
  • Founders Day
  • Fraternities
  • Freshman Orientation
  • Freshman Week
  • Freshman Week 1058, 1959
  • Freshman Week-Bar-B-Q (woo he-haw!)
  • Freshman Week-Dances
  • Freshman Week-Mud Races
  • Freshman Week-President Reception 1957
  • Freshman Week-Scrubbing the Seal
  • Freshman Week-Varsity Show
  • Glee Clubs
  • Holiday Lectures Series-December, 1964
  • Holiday Lecture Series- Faraday Lecture, December, 1989
  • Homecoming
  • Homecoming 1980-1989
  • Homecoming 1976-1981
  • Homecoming 1945-1960
  • Homecoming-Displays
  • Homecoming-Displays-1950-1965
  • Homecoming-Displays-1947-1949
  • Homecoming-Displays-1952
  • Homecoming-Displays-1953
  • Homecoming-Displays-1954
  • Homecoming-Displays-1955
  • Homecoming-Displays-1956
  • Homecoming-Displays-1957
  • Homecoming-Displays-1958
  • Homecoming-Displays-1960
  • Homecoming-Displays-1963
  • Homecoming-Displays-1964
  • Homecoming-Parades
  • Homecoming-Parades 1945-1959
  • Homecoming-Queens
  • Homecoming-Queens 1945-1960
  • Homecoming-Skits and Quartets
  • Honoraries
  • Indian Awareness Days, 1972
  • Indian Awareness Week
  • Institute of Religion-LDS
  • Intercollegiate Knights
  • Intercollegiate Knights 1946-1953
  • Intramurals
  • Intramurals horse shoe, tennis, softball, racquetball, basketball soccer, football
  • Intramurals boxing, volleyball, tennis, softball
  • Intramurals Soccer, baseball, football, volleyball
  • KUTE
  • Laboratory Scenes
  • Mayfest
  • Mayfest 1979-1985
  • Melon Mess
  • Melon Mess 1957
  • Model United Nations
  • Model United Nations 1956 (Eleanor Roosevelt, Keynote Speaker)
  • Model United Nations 1962-1958
  • Model United Nations 1947-1958
  • Mortar Board 1945-1948
  • NAACP Meeting
  • National Collegiate Athletic Associations National Youth Sports Program 1993-1995
  • Newsbreak
  • Olympics-2002 Winters Games
  • Organizations
  • Pep Rallies
  • Physically Disabled Students
  • Plazafest
  • Posters on the Hill January, 2001
  • Program Council Olpin Union
  • Publications 1945-1951
  • Recreation
  • Recreation Bowling, Ping Pong…
  • Recreation Camping
  • Recreation 1950
  • Recreation-Skiing
  • Red Butte Garden Summer Concerts
  • Red Cross
  • Red Cross 1946-1949
  • Registration
  • Residence Halls
  • Royalty
  • Royalty 1945-1954
  • Royalty 1940-1959
  • Royalty 1960 transparencies
  • Snow Carnival
  • Snow Carnival 1989
  • Songfest
  • Songfest May 8, 1959
  • Sororities
  • Sororities 1945-1953
  • Sororities Alpha Chi Omega
  • Special Olympics
  • Spurs
  • Spurs 1946-1953
  • Spurs 1950-1960
  • Student/Faculty Interaction
  • Student Government
  • Student Government 1959
  • Student Memorials
  • Students, 1900-1919
  • Students, 1920-1929
  • Students, 1930-1939
  • Students, 1940-1949
  • Students, 1950-1959
  • Students, 1960-1969
  • Students, 1970-1979
  • Students, 1970
  • Students, 1971
  • Students, 1972
  • Students, 1973
  • Students, 1974
  • Students, 1975
  • Students, 1976
  • Students, 1977
  • Students, 1978
  • Students, 1979
  • Students, 1980
  • Students, 1980-1985
  • Students, 1986-1989
  • Students, 1987
  • Students, 1990-1999
  • Students, Group Portraits
  • Students-Married
  • Students-Married and Families 1980s
  • Students, Non-Traditional
  • Students-Portraits, 1890-1919
  • Students-Portraits, 1929-1939
  • Students-Portraits, 1940-1959
  • Students-Portraits, 1960-1979
  • Students-Portraits, 1980-1989
  • Students-Portraits, 1990-2009
  • Students in Line
  • Tanner Lecture
  • Traffic
  • U Days 1957
  • U Year for Action 1973
  • Utonian 1945-1949
  • Utonian
  • Utonian Advertisements 1960
  • Utonian Staff
  • Veteran’s Day 2001
  • WRA Carnival (Women's Recreation Association)
  • WRA Carnival 1956-1957
  • WRA-Officer 1945-1949
  • West-Side Initiative 2002
  • Western National first Camp Meeting 1989
  • Whitewashing the "U", 1907-1949
  • Whitewashing the "U", 1950-1959
  • Whitewashing the "U", 1960-2000
  • Academic Advising
  • Air Force
  • Air Force September 1976
  • Anthropology
  • Architecture
  • Architecture-National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards August 1977
  • Architecture-Architecture and Engineer Guide
  • Art
  • Art, 1890-1939
  • Art, 1940-1959
  • Art, 1960-1969
  • Art, 1970-1979
  • Art, 1980-1989
  • Art, 1990-1999
  • Art-Statuary
  • Astronomy
  • Athletics-Athletic Council and Administration
  • Athletics-Athletic Council 1946-1947
  • Athletics-Baseball
  • Athletics-Baseball 1948
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1909-1929
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1930-1939
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1940-1949
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1940-1949, Individual Players
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1950-1959
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1960-1969
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1970-1979
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1980-1989
  • Athletics-Basketball 1990-1999
  • Athletics-Basketball, 1980-1989, Women's
  • Athletics-Basketball, Women’s
  • Athletics-Basketball (Wall of Fame)
  • Athletics-Boxing
  • Athletics-Coaches
  • Athletics-Coaches McBride and Majerus, Fassel
  • Athletics-Cross country
  • Athletics-Football, 1892-1899
  • Athletics-Football, 1900-1909
  • Athletics-Football, 1910-1919
  • Athletics-Football, 1920-1929
  • Athletics-Football, 1930-1939
  • Athletics-Football, 1935
  • Athletics-Football, 1936
  • Athletics-Football, 1937
  • Athletics-Football, 1938
  • Athletics-Football, 1939
  • Athletics-Football, 1940-1949
  • Athletics-Football, 1950-1957
  • Athletics-Football, 1950-1959
  • Athletics-Football, 1952-1953
  • Athletics-Football, 1960-1969
  • Athletics-Football, 1970-1979
  • Athletics-Football, 1980
  • Athletics-Football, 1980-1985
  • Athletics-Football, 1980-1989
  • Athletics-Football, Centennial
  • Athletics-Football Signs
  • Athletics-Golf
  • Athletics-Golf 1949-1959
  • Athletics-Gymnastics Men’s
  • Athletics-Gymnastics Women’s
  • Athletics-Gymnastics Women’s 1980s
  • Athletics-Hockey 1945
  • Athletics-Miscellaneous
  • Athletics-Newspaper Cartoons, 1896-1906
  • Athletics-Newspaper Photos, 1900-1909
  • Athletics-Polo
  • Athletics-Skiing--moved to P0372
  • Athletics-Softball
  • Athletics- Soccer
  • Athletics-Swimming
  • Athletics-Synchronized Swimming
  • Athletics-Tennis
  • Athletics-Tennis 1957 NCAA Tournament
  • Athletics-Track, 1900-1909
  • Athletics-Track, 1910-1919
  • Athletics-Track, 1920-1929
  • Athletics-Track, 1930-1939
  • Athletics-Track, 1933-1934
  • Athletics-Track, 1940-1949
  • Athletics-Track, 1950-1959
  • Athletics-Track, 1960-1969
  • Athletics-Track, 1970-1979
  • Athletics-Track (Including Cross Country), 1980-1989
  • Athletics-Volleyball
  • Athletics-Weightlifting
  • Athletics-Women's Sports (1900)
  • Athletics-Wrestling
  • Auto Class
  • Ballet
  • Ballet-Ballet West
  • Biology
  • Biology (1900's)
  • Biology (1980s)
  • Biology (1976s)
  • Biophysics and Bioengineering
  • Black Studies
  • Blacksmithing Class
  • Botany
  • Business
  • Business – Staff Grad Student Office 1977
  • Business – Staff Secretaries and Office Workers
  • Campus Mail
  • Campus Planning
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry 1980s
  • Chemistry-See Cold Fusion
  • Chemistry-Hansen Planetarium
  • Children's Dance
  • Cold Fusion
  • Cold Fusion 1989
  • Cold Fusion 1990
  • Communications
  • Communication (Communique)
  • Communication -Alumni
  • Computer Center
  • Computer Science
  • Continuing Education
  • Continuing Education 1920s
  • Continuing Education-Summer Arts
  • Continuing Education-Summer Arts (Snowbird)
  • Correspondence Studies 1976
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Education 1950s
  • Education 1980s
  • Education 1970-1979
  • Education 1980-1989
  • Education-Faculty
  • Educational Administration
  • Educational Psychology
  • Engineering
  • Engineering Luncheon January 1978
  • Engineering-Chemical
  • Engineering-Civil
  • Engineering-Civil-Faculty Fall, 1976
  • Engineering-Design
  • Engineering-Electrical
  • Engineering-Experiment Station
  • Engineering-Faculty Dr. Don Lyman
  • Engineering-Fuels
  • Engineering-Material Science
  • Engineering-Mechanical
  • Engineering-Mining
  • English
  • English 1996
  • Family and Consumer Studies
  • Family and Consumer Studies-Home Living
  • Family and Consumer Studies-Nursery School
  • Film Studies
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Fort Douglas Museum
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Gerontology-Staff 1978
  • Groundskeepers
  • Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1890-1929
  • Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1930-1969
  • Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1970-1979
  • Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1980-1989
  • (College of) Health
  • Health
  • Health Screening Center
  • Health Service
  • History
  • Home Economics-see Family and Consumer Studies
  • Honors
  • Instructional Media
  • Journalism
  • Journalism-Awards Banquet
  • Journalism-News Photographs
  • Journalism-Visiting Students
  • 8-12-D-
  • KUED
  • KUED-Staff
  • KUER
  • Languages
  • Languages-Russian Class
  • Law
  • Law-Library, Park Building, 1904-1963
  • Law-Library, Park Building, 1963-1982
  • Law-Library, Law Building
  • Law-Speakers
  • Liberal Education
  • Libraries-Cowles Building (original)
  • Libraries-Faculty and Staff
  • Libraries-Giant Globes
  • Libraries-Marriott
  • Libraries-Marriott-Exhibits
  • Libraries-Park Building
  • Libraries-Presentations
  • Libraries-Special Collections
  • Libraries-Special Collections 1992
  • Libraries-Special Collections 1991, 1996
  • Libraries-Thomas Library
  • Maintenance Crew
  • Manual Training
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Technology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • Medicine-Administration
  • Medicine-Anesthesiology
  • Medicine-Arthritis Research
  • Medicine-Artificial Heart research
  • Medicine-Artificial Limb Research
  • Medicine-Artificial Organ Research
  • Medicine-Children’s Health Center
  • Medicine-Cancer Research
  • Medicine-Dentistry
  • Medicine-Faculty
  • Medicine-Forensics
  • Medicine-Genetics
  • Medicine-Hospital
  • Medicine-Marshall Dinner
  • Medicine-Meetings and Conferences
  • Medicine-Mock Disaster
  • Medicine-Move to University Hospital
  • Medicine-Neurology
  • Medicine-Optometry
  • Medicine - Orthopedics
  • Medicine-Pathology
  • Medicine-Pediatrics
  • Medicine-Physical therapy
  • Medicine-Poison control
  • Medicine-Postgraduate Program
  • Medicine-Presentations
  • Medicine-Psychiatry
  • Medicine-Public Relations
  • Medicine-Radiobiology
  • Medicine-Rehabilitation
  • Medicine-Research
  • Medicine- Sports Medicine
  • Medicine-Students
  • Medicine-Surgery
  • Medicine-Visiting Professors and Lecturers
  • Medicine-Visiting Professors and Lecturers-Sir George Pickering Visit
  • Metallurgy
  • Meteorology
  • Middle East Center
  • Military, pre 1900
  • Military-1900-1939
  • Military-1940-1949
  • Military-1950-1969
  • Military-1970-1979
  • Military-1980-1989
  • Mines
  • Modern Dance
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Museum of Fine Arts-Egyptian Coptic Exhibit, May 1961
  • Museum of Natural History
  • Music-1900-1929
  • Music-1940-1949
  • Music-1950-1959
  • Music-1960-1969
  • Music-1970-1979
  • Music-1980-1989
  • Music-1990-2009
  • Music-Marching Band
  • Music-Orchestra
  • Music, Pep Band
  • Music-Undated
  • Music-Utah Symphony and Related groups
  • Naval Science
  • Neuroscience
  • Normal School
  • Nursing
  • Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy, Staff
  • Pharmacology-Biomedical
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Physics-Cosmic Ray Research
  • Physics, Faculty
  • Planning and Construction
  • Political Science
  • Political Science, Staff
  • Political Science, Students
  • Psychology
  • Records Center
  • Recreation and Leisure
  • Research Administration
  • Research Park
  • Social Work and Sociology
  • Social Work, 1980-1989
  • Social Work, Faculty
  • Sociology
  • Sociology, Faculty
  • Special Education
  • Speech
  • Theater --moved to P2270
  • Undergraduate Studies
  • University Press
  • Utah Traffic Lab
  • Zoology

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Corporate Names

  • University of Utah--Faculty--Photographs
  • University of Utah--History--Photographs

Form or Genre Terms

  • Photographic prints
  • Photographic prints--Color
  • Portrait photographs