Werner Lenggenhager photograph collection, 1950-1984

Overview of the Collection

Lenggenhager, Werner
Werner Lenggenhager photograph collection
1950-1984 (inclusive)
35 linear feet, (73 boxes)
Collection Number
Over 30,000 photographs taken by Werner Lenggenhager depicting Seattle and Washington State.
Seattle Public Library, Special Collections
1000 Fourth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104-1109
Telephone: 206-386-4636
Access Restrictions

Collection is open and available for use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Werner Lenggenhager (1899-1988) was a Swiss immigrant, a Boeing employee, and a hobby photographer who made it his life's work to create a photographic record of Seattle's architecture, monuments, and scenery. Over the course of his life, Lenggenhager gave nearly 30,000 prints of his photographs to The Seattle Public Library. His photographs appeared in two books authored by Lucile Saunders McDonald: The Look of Old Time Washington (1971) and Where the Washingtonians Lived: Interesting Homes and the People Who Built and Lived in Them (1972).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection documents scenes throughout Seattle including significant events such as the 1962 World's Fair and Seafair celebrations, prominent buildings throughout the city, street views, and architectural details. Lenggenhager also traveled extensively throughout Washington State and documented his travels with photographs of historical monuments and memorials. Over 4800 of the photographs in this collection are available online through our digital collections.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright has been assigned to The Seattle Public Library by the Lenggenhager family.

Preferred Citation

[ITEM DESCRIPTION], Werner Lenggenhager photograph collection. Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Correspondence, indexes and other paperwork are arranged alphabetically by material type at the start of the collection. Photographs are arranged alphabetically in their original order according to the subjects assigned by the photographer.

Separated Materials

Some of Lenggenhager's photographs can also be found in our Seattle Historical Photograph Collection and Northwest Photograph Collection.

Processing Note

Acknowledgement of Harmful Content
The Seattle Public Library Special Collections Department is committed to creating an inclusive archive that documents the history of our diverse communities in a respectful manner. Our collections include historic materials that may contain images and outdated language which can be harmful due to issues such as racism, colonialism, sexism and homophobia. This content can provide important insight into the creator and context of the historic materials but can also reveal hurtful biases and prejudices.

We may decide to use or retain harmful language in our description when the terms have been used by the creator(s) of the materials to describe themselves or their community; when we have reused description created by the donor; when we have transcribed information directly from the materials; and when using national standards such as Library of Congress Subject Headings, which allow for standardized searching and retrieval of records. When including language from the original material in our finding aids or descriptions, we will indicate that this material comes directly from the original item by putting the language in quotes or prefacing it with a note that says the description is transcribed from the item or provided by the creator.

We will continually review our finding aids to identify harmful language and encourage you to contact us at specialcollections@spl.org if you find language that causes concern.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Papers and CorrespondenceReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1A 1
Biography of Werner Lenggenhager, 2013
1A 2
Copyright information
1A 3
Art in Switzerland, Correspondence and Indexes, 1950s
1A 4
Correspondence between Lenggenhager and Library, 1950s
1A 5
Correspondence between Lenggenhager and Library, 1960s
1A 6
Correspondence between Lenggenhager and Library, 1970s
1A 7
Correspondence between Lenggenhager and Library, 1980-1987
1A 8
Historical Markers and Monuments – U.S. Presidents, 1964
1A 9
Index to Photographs

PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1A 10
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
Apartment Houses
1 5
Apartment Houses
1 6
1 7
1 8
Architecture - Decoration and Ornament
1 9
Architecture - Decoration and Ornament
1 10
Architecture - Decoration and Ornament
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
Art in Public Places
2 6
2 7
Barclay Girls
2 8
2 9
2 10
2 11
Boats - Coast guard
2 12
Boats - Excursion
3 1
Boats - Ferries
3 2
Boats - Ferries
3 3
Boats - Ferries
3 4
Boats - Fireboats
3 5
Boats - Fireboats
3 6
Boats - Fishing
3 7
Boats - Freighters
3 8
Boats - Freighters
3 9
Boats - Parades
3 10
Boats - Passenger
3 11
Boats - Passenger
4 1
Boats - Sailing
4 2
Boats - Sailing
4 3
Boats - Steamboats
4 4
Boats - Sternwheels
4 5
Boats - Tugboats
4 6
Boats - Warships
4 7
Boats - Wawona
4 8
Bridges - Seattle
4 9
Bridges - Seattle
5 1
Buildings - Architects Offices
5 2
Buildings - Banks
5 3
Buildings - Banks
5 4
Buildings - Banks - Bank of California
5 5
Buildings - Banks - People's National Bank
5 6
Buildings - Banks - Rainier Bank
5 7
Buildings - Banks - Rainier Bank
5 8
Buildings - Banks - Seattle First National Bank
5 9
Buildings - Banks - Seattle First National Bank
6 1
Buildings - Business - General
6 2
Buildings - Business - A-D
6 3
Buildings - Business - A-D
6 4
Buildings - Business - A-D
6 5
Buildings - Business - E-H
6 6
Buildings - Business - E-H
7 1
Buildings - Business - Frederick and Nelson
7 2
Buildings - Business - I-L
7 3
Buildings - Business - I-L
7 4
Buildings - Business - M
7 5
Buildings - Business - M
7 6
Buildings - Business - N
7 7
Buildings - Business - N
7 8
Buildings - Business - Norton Building
7 9
Buildings - Business - Northern Life Building
7 10
Buildings - Business - O
7 11
Buildings - Business - O
8 1
Buildings - Business - P
8 2
Buildings - Business - Pacific Northwest Bell
8 3
Buildings - Business - Smith Tower
8 4
Buildings - Business - Q-S
8 5
Buildings - Business - T-Z
8 6
Buildings - Business - T-Z
8 7
Buildings - Business - T-Z
9 1
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Municipal
9 2
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Safety
9 3
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Post Office
9 4
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - King County Library
9 5
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Federal
9 6
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Light
9 7
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Fire
9 8
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Auditorium
9 9
Buildings - Civic, State and Federal - Civic, State, Federal
10 1
Buildings - Garages
10 2
Buildings - Industrial
10 3
Buildings - Mortuaries
10 4
Buildings - Newspapers
10 5
Buildings - Old Age Homes
10 6
Buildings - Radio and TV Stations
10 7
Buildings - Restaurants - A-L
10 8
Buildings - Restaurants - A-L
10 9
Buildings - Restaurants - M-Z
10 10
Buildings - Restaurants - M-Z
10 11
Buildings - Shopping Centers
10 12
Buildings - Theatres - Moving and Legitimate
10 13
Buildings - Theatres
11 1
Canada - British Columbia - Nanaimo
11 2
Canada - British Columbia - Peace Arch Park
11 3
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 4
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 5
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 6
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 7
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 8
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 9
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver
11 10
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver - Fountains
11 11
Canada - British Columbia - Vancouver - Stanley Park
11 12
Canada - British Columbia - Victoria
12 1
12 2
12 3
12 4
Charitable Societies
12 5
12 6
13 1
Churches - A-C
13 2
Churches - D-I
13 3
Churches - J-R
13 4
Churches - S
13 5
Churches - St James Cathedral
14 1
Churches - T
14 2
Churches - Trinity
14 3
Churches - U-Z
14 4
Cigar Store Indians
14 5
14 6
14 7
14 8
15 1
Colleges and Universities
15 2
Colleges and Universities - Seattle Pacific
15 3
Colleges and Universities - Seattle University
15 4
Colleges and Universities - University of Washington
15 5
Colleges and Universities - University of Washington
15 6
Colleges and Universities - University of Washington
15 7
15 8
15 9
Daybreak Star
15 10
16A 1
Expositions - Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
16A 2
Expositions - Century 21
16A 3
Expositions - Century 21 - African Pavilion
16A 4
Expositions - Century 21 - Alaska Pavilion
16A 5
Expositions - Century 21 - Arizona Pavilion
16A 6
Expositions - Century 21 - Art
16A 7
Expositions - Century 21 - Art - Exhibits
16A 8
Expositions - Century 21 - Band - Exhibits
16A 9
Expositions - Century 21 - Bell Telephone - Exhibits
16A 10
Expositions - Century 21 - Berlin - Exhibits
16A 11
Expositions - Century 21 - Brazilian - Exhibits
16A 12
Expositions - Century 21 - Br - Exhibits
16A 13
Expositions - Century 21 - Canadian - Exhibits
16A 14
Expositions - Century 21 - Canadian - Exhibits
16A 15
Expositions - Century 21 - Commerce - Exhibits
16A 16
Expositions - Century 21 - Chinese - Exhibits
16B 17
Expositions - Century 21 - Christian - Exhibits
16B 18
Expositions - Century 21 - Christian - Exhibits
16B 19
Expositions - Century 21 - Coliseum - Exhibits
16B 20
Expositions - Century 21 - Concessions
16B 21
Expositions - Century 21 - Construction
16B 22
Expositions - Century 21 - Crowds
17A 1
Expositions - Century 21 - Danish Pavilion
17A 2
Expositions - Century 21 - Demolition
17A 3
Expositions - Century 21 - Dollar - Exhibits
17A 4
Expositions - Century 21 - European Community
17A 5
Expositions - Century 21 - Northwest Design
17A 6
Expositions - Century 21 - Fashion
17A 7
Expositions - Century 21 - Food
17A 8
Expositions - Century 21 - Ford Motor Company
17A 9
Expositions - Century 21 - Foreign Commerce
17A 10
Expositions - Century 21 - Forestry
17A 11
Expositions - Century 21 - French
17A 12
Expositions - Century 21 - Gas
17A 13
Expositions - Century 21 - Gates
17A 14
Expositions - Century 21 - Gayway
17B 15
Expositions - Century 21 - General Electric
17B 16
Expositions - Century 21 - Hall of Industry
17B 17
Expositions - Century 21 - Hawaiian Pavilion
17B 18
Expositions - Century 21 - House of Living Light
17B 19
Expositions - Century 21 - House of Immediate Future
17B 20
Expositions - Century 21 - IBM
17B 21
Expositions - Century 21 - India
17B 22
Expositions - Century 21 - Information
17B 23
Expositions - Century 21 - International Bureau
17B 24
Expositions - Century 21 - International Mall
17B 25
Expositions - Century 21 - Interiors
17B 26
Expositions - Century 21 - Japanese Pavilion
18A 1
Expositions - Century 21 - Japanese Village
18A 2
Expositions - Century 21 - Korean Pavilion
18A 3
Expositions - Century 21 - Landscaping
18A 4
Expositions - Century 21 - Library
18A 5
Expositions - Century 21 - Lumber
18A 6
Expositions - Century 21 - Mexican
18A 7
Expositions - Century 21 - Nalley's
18A 8
Expositions - Century 21 - NASA
18A 9
Expositions - Century 21 - Day Ceremonies
18A 10
Expositions - Century 21 - Oregon
18A 11
Expositions - Century 21 - Peace
18A 12
Expositions - Century 21 - Philippine
18A 13
Expositions - Century 21 - Plaza of the States
18A 14
Expositions - Century 21 - Port of Seattle
18B 15
Expositions - Century 21 - Post Office
18B 16
Expositions - Century 21 - Rand McNally
18B 17
Expositions - Century 21 - San Marina
18B 18
Expositions - Century 21 - National Bank
18B 19
Expositions - Century 21 - Science
18B 20
Expositions - Century 21 - Show Street
18B 21
Expositions - Century 21 - Shows
18B 22
Expositions - Century 21 - Spanish Village
18B 23
Expositions - Century 21 - Standard Oil
18B 24
Expositions - Century 21 - Street Furniture
18B 25
Expositions - Century 21 - Swedish Pavilion
19A 1
Expositions - Century 21 - Transportation
19A 2
Expositions - Century 21 - Transportation
19A 3
Expositions - Century 21 - United Arab Republic
19A 4
Expositions - Century 21 - United Nations
19A 5
Expositions - Century 21 - Views
19A 6
Expositions - Century 21 - Views - Night
19A 7
Expositions - Century 21 - Washington State Electric Power
19A 8
Expositions - Century 21 - Washington State Exhibit
19A 9
Expositions - Century 21 - Yugoslavian Pavilion
19B 10
Fat Tuesday
19B 11
Fences and Walls
19B 12
19B 13
19B 14
Fire Festival
19B 15
First Hill
19B 16
19B 17
19B 18
Fountains - Naramore Fountain
20 1
Fountains - Public Library
20 2
Fountains - Seattle Center
20 3
Fountains - Seattle Center
20 4
Fountains - Northwest Design
20 5
Fountains - International
20 6
Fountains - International
20 7
Fountains - Science Center
20 8
Fountains - Westlake Square
20 9
20 10
21 1
Freeways and Highways - Interstate
21 2
Freeways and Highways - Construction N of Denny
21 3
Freeways and Highways - Construction N of Denny
21 4
Freeways and Highways - Demolition
21 5
Freeways and Parks
21 6
21 7
21 8
21 9
Germany - 1973
21 10
Germany - Munich
21 11
21 12
21 13
History Elections - Elections
21 14
Hitching Post
22 1
22 2
22 3
Holland - Street Organs
22 4
Hospitals and Clinics
22 5
Hospitals and Clinics – Children's Orthopedic Hospital
22 6
Hotels and Motels - A-C
22 7
Hotels and Motels - D-I
23 1
Hotels and Motels - D-I
23 2
Hotels and Motels - J-P
23 3
Hotels and Motels - Q-Z
23 4
Hotels and Motels - Q-Z
24 1
24 2
Houses - General
24 3
Houses - by architect
24 4
Houses - by name of owner A-H
24 5
Houses - by name of owner I-P
24 6
Houses - by name of owner Q-Z
24 7
Houses - by architect - Storey, Ellsworth
24 8
Houses - Log
24 9
Houses - Row Houses
24 10
Housing Projects
24 11
Indian Center
24 12
Insignia and Flags
24 13
International District
24 14
International Friendship Grove
25 1
Klondike Festival
25 2
Lakes - Green Lake
25 3
Lakes - Lake Union
25 4
Lakes - Lake Washington
25 5
25 6
Manners and Customs - Street Musicians
25 7
25 8
25 9
25 10
26 1
Monuments and Memorials - General
26 2
Monuments and Memorials - General
26 3
Monuments and Memorials - Doughboys
26 4
Monuments and Memorials - Chief Seattle
26 5
26 6
26 7
27 1
Museums (Small) and Art Galleries
27 2
Museums - Burke Memorial Museum
27 3
Museums - Frye Museum
27 4
Museums - Henry Museum
27 5
Museums - MOHAI Museum
27 6
Museums - MOHAI Museum
28 1
Museums - Seattle Art Museum
28 2
Museums - Washington State Museum
28 3
Museums - Wing Luke Asian Museum
28 4
New Zealand
28 5
Night Views
28 6
28 7
Parades - 1940s
28 8
Parades - 1954
28 9
Parades - 1955
28 10
Parades - 1956
28 11
Parades - 1957
28 12
Parades - 1958
28 13
Parades - 1959
28 14
Parades - 1963
28 15
Parades - 1967
28 16
Parades - 1968
29 1
Parades - 1970
29 2
Parades - 1970
29 3
Parks - A-L
29 4
Parks - A-L
29 5
Parks - M-Z
29 6
Parks - M-Z
29 7
Parks - Beaches
29 8
Pedestrian Overpass
30 1
Pike Place Market
30 2
Pike Place Market
30 3
Pike Place Redevelopment
30 4
Pike Place Street Fair
30 5
Pioneer Place - (includes Totem Pole)
31 1
Pioneer Place
31 2
32 1
Police - Mounted
32 2
Pollution - Air and water
32 3
Portage Bay
32 4
32 5
32 6
32 7
32 8
Public Library - Central Library - Demolition
32 9
Public Library - Central Library - Exterior
32 10
Public Library - Central Library - Interior
32 11
Public Library - Central Library - Interior - Art and Music Department
32 12
Public Library - Central Library - 1957-1960
32 13
Public Library - Central Library - Art Works
32 14
Public Library - Central Library - Construction
32 15
Public Library - Central Library - Events
33 1
Public Library - Central Library - Exterior
33 2
Public Library - Central Library - Interior
33 3
Public Library - Central Library - Interior - Art Department
33 4
Public Library - Central Library - Interior - Art Department
33 5
Public Library - Central Library - Interior - Department
33 6
Public Library - Central Library - Plantings
33 7
Public Library - Bookmobiles
33 8
Public Library - Branches
33 9
Public Library - Branches, Yesler Branch
33 10
Public Library - Stations
34 1
Railroad Stations
34 2
Railroad Stations
34 3
Salmon Bay
34 4
Salvation Army
34 5
34 6
School Buildings
34 7
34 8
34 9
35 1
Seafair - 1954
35 2
Seafair - 1955
35 3
Seafair - 1956
35 4
Seafair - 1957
35 5
Seafair - 1958
35 6
Seafair - 1959
35 7
Seafair - 1960
35 8
Seafair - 1961
35 9
Seafair - 1962
35 10
Seafair - 1964
35 11
Seafair - 1965
35 12
Seafair - 1966
35 13
Seafair - 1967
35 14
Seafair - 1970
35 15
Seafair - 1971
35 16
Seafair - 1972
35 17
Seafair - 1973
35 18
Seafair - 1974
36A 1
Seattle Center - General I
36A 2
Seattle Center - General II
36A 3
Seattle Center - Before April , I
36A 4
Seattle Center - Before April , II
36A 5
Seattle Center - Arena
36A 6
Seattle Center - Art
36A 7
Seattle Center - Art Museum Pavilion
36B 8
Seattle Center - City Garage
36B 9
Seattle Center - Coliseum
36B 10
Seattle Center - Concessions
37 1
Seattle Center - Events - 1964-1969
37 2
Seattle Center - Events - 1970-1974
37 3
Seattle Center - Events - 1975-1979
37 4
Seattle Center - Events - 1980-1981
37 5
Seattle Center - Exhibition Hall
37 6
Seattle Center - Fire Service Historical Museum
37 7
Seattle Center - Flag Plaza Pavilion
37 8
Seattle Center - Food Circus
38 1
Seattle Center - Fun Forest
38 2
Seattle Center - Hall of Industry
38 3
Seattle Center - Japanese Temple Bell
38 4
Seattle Center - Hofbrau House
38 5
Seattle Center - Museum of Flight
38 6
Seattle Center - Nile Temple
38 7
Seattle Center - Nordic Festival
38 8
Seattle Center - Northwest Craft Center
38 9
Seattle Center - Opera House
38 10
Seattle Center - Playhouse
38 11
Seattle Center - Plaza of the States
38 12
Seattle Center - Presidential Mall
38 13
Seattle Center - Restaurants
38 14
Seattle Center - Science Center - General Views
39 1
Seattle Center - Science Center - Exhibits
39 2
Seattle Center - Science Center - General Views
39 3
Seattle Center - Science Center - Long House
39 4
Seattle Center - Science Center - Space Needle I
39 5
Seattle Center - Science Center - Space Needle II
39 6
Seattle Center - Tenth Anniversary -
39 7
Seattle Center - Transportation
39 8
Seattle Center - Views
39 9
Seattle Center - World's Fair Museum
40 1
Seattle Center - Before Century 21 21
41 1
Sex Customs
41 2
Show Windows
41 3
41 4
41 5
41 6
Skid Road
41 7
41 8
41 9
41 10
42 1
42 2
Stadium -
42 3
42 4
Street Fair
42 5
Street Furniture
43 1
Streets - 98101
43 2
Streets - 98101 - 1st Ave
43 3
Streets - 98101 - Western Ave
43 4
Streets - 98101 - 1st Ave
43 5
Streets - 98101 - 2nd Ave
43 6
Streets - 98101 - 3rd Ave
43 7
Streets - 98101 - 4th Ave
43 8
Streets - 98101 - 5th Ave
43 9
Streets - 98103 - 6th Ave
43 10
Streets - 98103
43 11
Streets - 98104
44 1
Streets - 98104 - 1st Ave
44 2
Streets - 98104 - 2nd Ave
44 3
Streets - 98104 - 3rd Ave
44 4
Streets - 98104 - 4th Ave
44 5
Streets - 98104 - 5th Ave
44 6
Streets - 98105
44 7
Streets - 98106
44 8
Streets - 98107
44 9
Streets - 98109
44 10
Streets - 98121
44 11
Streets - 98122
44 12
Streets - 98118
44 13
Streets - 98125
44 14
Streets - 98126
44 15
Streets - 98134
44 16
Streets - 98166
44 17
Streets - 98199
44 18
Streets - Pavements
44 19
Switzerland - I
44 20
Switzerland - II
45 1
Switzerland - 1973
45 2
Switzerland - 1977
45 3
Switzerland - Architecture - 1973
45 4
Switzerland - Architecture
45 5
Switzerland - Architecture
46 1
Switzerland - Bridges
46 2
Switzerland - Sculpture I
46 3
Switzerland - Sculpture II
46 4
Switzerland - Sculpture
46 5
46 6
Totem Poles
46 7
Transportation I
46 8
Transportation II
46 9
46 10
46 11
Union Bay
47 1
United States - California - Los Angeles
47 2
United States - California - Los Angeles
47 3
United States - California - San Francisco
47 4
United States - California - San Francisco
47 5
United States - Idaho
47 6
United States - Idaho
47 7
United States - Idaho
47 8
United States - Illinois
47 9
United States - Louisiana
47 10
United States - Minnesota
47 11
United States - New York
47 12
United States - Oregon
47 13
United States - Oregon - Astoria
47 14
United States - Oregon - Bonneville
47 15
United States - Oregon - Bridges
47 16
United States - Oregon - Oregon City
48 1
United States - Oregon - Portland I
48 2
United States - Oregon - Portland II
48 3
United States - Oregon - Portland II
48 4
United States - Oregon - Centennial
48 5
United States - Oregon - Salem
48 6
United States - Oregon - Seaside
48 7
United States - Oregon - The Dalles
48 8
United States - Pennsylvania
48 9
United States - Texas
48 10
United States - Washington, D C
48 11
United States - Washington - A
48 12
United States - Washington - Aberdeen
48 13
United States - Washington - Airports
48 14
United States - Washington - Alderton
48 15
United States - Washington - Alpental
48 16
United States - Washington - Alpha
49 1
United States - Washington - Alta Lake State Park
49 2
United States - Washington - Anacortes
49 3
United States - Washington - Appleton
49 4
United States - Washington - Arlington
49 5
United States - Washington - Architecture - Stone Buildings
49 6
United States - Washington - Asotin
49 7
United States - Washington - Auburn
49 8
United States - Washington - B
49 9
United States - Washington - Bandstands
49 10
United States - Washington - Bainbridge Island
49 11
United States - Washington - Barns
49 12
United States - Washington - Bay Center
49 13
United States - Washington - Bayne
49 14
United States - Washington - Bayview State Park
49 15
United States - Washington - Beacon Rock State Park
49 16
United States - Washington - Belfair State Park
49 17
United States - Washington - Bellevue
50 1
United States - Washington - Bellingham
50 2
United States - Washington - Bellingham
50 3
United States - Washington - Bickelton
50 4
United States - Washington - Binger
50 5
United States - Washington - Birch Bay State Park
50 6
United States - Washington - Black Diamond
50 7
United States - Washington - Blaine
50 8
United States - Washington - Boat Races
50 9
United States - Washington - Bagachiel State Park
50 10
United States - Washington - Bonneville Dam
50 11
United States - Washington - Bothell
50 12
United States - Washington - Boundary Dam
50 13
United States - Washington - Canyon Dam
50 14
United States - Washington - Bremerton
50 15
United States - Washington - Brewster
50 16
United States - Washington - Brewster Flat
50 17
United States - Washington - Bridgeport
50 18
United States - Washington - Bridges
51 1
United States - Washington - Bridges - Covered
51 2
United States - Washington - Bridges - Covered
51 3
United States - Washington - Brooks Memorial Park
51 4
United States - Washington - Buckley
51 5
United States - Washington - Bush Pacific
51 6
United States - Washington - C
51 7
United States - Washington - Camas
51 8
United States - Washington - Camino Island
51 9
United States - Washington - Camino Island State Park
51 10
United States - Washington - Carnation
51 11
United States - Washington - Carnation Farm
51 12
United States - Washington - Cashmere
51 13
United States - Washington - Cathlamet
51 14
United States - Washington - Cemeteries
51 15
United States - Washington - Chehalis
51 16
United States - Washington - Colton
51 17
United States - Washington - Centralia
52 1
United States - Washington - Chelan
52 2
United States - Washington - Cheney
52 3
United States - Washington - Chesaw
52 4
United States - Washington - Chewelah
52 5
United States - Washington - Chief Joseph Dam
52 6
United States - Washington - Chuckanut Drive
52 7
United States - Washington - Chuckanut Gardens
52 8
United States - Washington - Churches
52 9
United States - Washington - Cigar Store Indians
52 10
United States - Washington - Claquato
52 11
United States - Washington - Clarkston
52 12
United States - Washington - Clear Lake
52 13
United States - Washington - Cle Elum
52 14
United States - Washington - Cleveland
52 15
United States - Washington - Coast (Pacific)
52 16
United States - Washington - Colfax
52 17
United States - Washington - Columbia River I
52 18
United States - Washington - Columbia River II
52 19
United States - Washington - Columbia River III
53 1
United States - Washington - Colville
53 2
United States - Washington - Conconcully
53 3
United States - Washington - Conconully State Park
53 4
United States - Washington - Concrete
53 5
United States - Washington - Connell Prairie
53 6
United States - Washington - Coulee Dam (City)
53 7
United States - Washington - Crawford Cave State Park
53 8
United States - Washington - Crystal Mountain
53 9
United States - Washington - Cumberland
53 10
United States - Washington - Curlew State Park
53 11
United States - Washington - Curtis
53 12
United States - Washington - D-E
53 13
United States - Washington - D-E
53 14
United States - Washington - Dalles Dam
53 15
United States - Washington - Darrington
53 16
United States - Washington - Davenport
53 17
United States - Washington - Dayton
53 18
United States - Washington - Deception Pass State Park
53 19
United States - Washington - Denison
53 20
United States - Washington - Des Moines
53 21
United States - Washington - Discovery Bay
53 22
United States - Washington - Donovan State Park
53 23
United States - Washington - Dry Falls State Park
53 24
United States - Washington - Dungeness
53 25
United States - Washington - Du Pont
53 26
United States - Washington - East Wenatchee
53 27
United States - Washington - Easton
54 1
United States - Washington - Eastern I
54 2
United States - Washington - Eastern II
54 3
United States - Washington - Eastern II
54 4
United States - Washington - Eastern - Yakima River Canyon
54 5
United States - Washington - Eatonville
54 6
United States - Washington - Edmonds
54 7
United States - Washington - Ellensburg
54 8
United States - Washington - Ellsworth
54 9
United States - Washington - Entiat
54 10
United States - Washington - Enumclaw
54 11
United States - Washington - Ephrata
54 12
United States - Washington - Eureka
54 13
United States - Washington - Everett
54 14
United States - Washington - F-G-H
55 1
United States - Washington - F-G-H
55 2
United States - Washington - Fall City
55 3
United States - Washington - Federal Way
55 4
United States - Washington - Federation Forest
55 5
United States - Washington - Fences
55 6
United States - Washington - Ferndale
55 7
United States - Washington - Field's Spring State Park
55 8
United States - Washington - Figureheads
55 9
United States - Washington - Forks
55 10
United States - Washington - Four Lakes
55 11
United States - Washington - Fort Canby
55 12
United States - Washington - Fort Canby State Park
55 13
United States - Washington - Fort Casey (Whidbey Island)
55 14
United States - Washington - Fort Casey State Park
55 15
United States - Washington - Fort Columbia
55 16
United States - Washington - Fort Columbia State Park
55 17
United States - Washington - Fort Ebey
55 18
United States - Washington - Fort Flagler State Park
55 19
United States - Washington - Fort Lewis
55 20
United States - Washington - Fort Nisqually
55 21
United States - Washington - Fort Okanogan
55 22
United States - Washington - Fort Rains
55 23
United States - Washington - Fort Simcoe
55 24
United States - Washington - Fort Spokane
55 25
United States - Washington - Fort Vancouver
55 26
United States - Washington - Fort Walla Walla
56 1
United States - Washington - Fort Ward
56 2
United States - Washington - Fort Worden
56 3
United States - Washington - Fox Island
56 4
United States - Washington - George
56 5
United States - Washington - Gig Harbor
56 6
United States - Washington - Ginko Petrified Forest
56 7
United States - Washington - Goldendale
56 8
United States - Washington - Grand Coulee (City)
56 9
United States - Washington - Grand Coulee Dam
56 10
United States - Washington - Grand Mound
56 11
United States - Washington - Granite Falls
56 12
United States - Washington - Green River Gorge
56 13
United States - Washington - Guemes Island
56 14
United States - Washington - Hadlock
56 15
United States - Washington - Havillah
56 16
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Forts, Trading Posts and Blockhouses
56 17
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Governors
56 18
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Indians
56 19
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Roads
57 1
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Indians - Seattle and Tacoma
57 2
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Men and Their Doings
57 3
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Presidents
57 4
United States - Washington - Historical Markers and Monuments - Religion
57 5
United States - Washington - Hood Canal
57 6
United States - Washington - Hoodsport
57 7
United States - Washington - Hoquiam
57 8
United States - Washington - Horsethief Lake State Park
57 9
United States - Washington - I-J-K
57 10
United States - Washington - I-J-K
58 1
United States - Washington - Ice Harbor Dam
58 2
United States - Washington - Illahee State Park
58 3
United States - Washington - Independence
58 4
United States - Washington - Index
58 5
United States - Washington - Issaquah
58 6
United States - Washington - John Day Dam
58 7
United States - Washington - Kamiak Butte State Park
58 8
United States - Washington - Kelso
58 9
United States - Washington - Kent
58 10
United States - Washington - Kettle Falls
58 11
United States - Washington - Kingston
58 12
United States - Washington - Kirkland
58 13
United States - Washington - Kitsap Memorial State Park
58 14
United States - Washington - Klickitat
58 15
United States - Washington - Kopachuck State Park
58 16
United States - Washington - L I
58 17
United States - Washington - L II
58 18
United States - Washington - La Connor
58 19
United States - Washington - Lamont
58 20
United States - Washington - La Push
58 21
United States - Washington - Lacey
58 22
United States - Washington - Lake Chelan State Park
58 23
United States - Washington - Lake Easton State Park
58 24
United States - Washington - Lake Pearygin State Park
58 25
United States - Washington - Lake Sammamish State Park
58 26
United States - Washington - Lake Stevens
58 27
United States - Washington - Lake Sylvia State Park
58 28
United States - Washington - Lake Wenatchee State Park
58 29
United States - Washington - Lakes I
58 30
United States - Washington - Lakes II
59 1
United States - Washington - Lakes III
59 2
United States - Washington - Larrabee State Park
59 3
United States - Washington - Leadbetter State Park
59 4
United States - Washington - Leavenworth
59 5
United States - Washington - Lester
59 6
United States - Washington - Lewis and Clark State Park
59 7
United States - Washington - Lewis and Clark Trail
59 8
United States - Washington - Liberty
59 9
United States - Washington - Lighthouses
59 10
United States - Washington - Log Cabins
59 11
United States - Washington - Long Beach
59 12
United States - Washington - Longview
59 13
United States - Washington - Loomis
59 14
United States - Washington - Lummi Island
59 15
United States - Washington - Lyman
59 16
United States - Washington - Lyon's Ferry
59 17
United States - Washington - M I
59 18
United States - Washington - M II
59 19
United States - Washington - Mabton
59 20
United States - Washington - Mary's Corner
59 21
United States - Washington - Maryhill
59 22
United States - Washington - Marysville
59 23
United States - Washington - Mayfield Dam
59 24
United States - Washington - MedicalLake
59 25
United States - Washington - Medina
60 1
United States - Washington - Merry-go-rounds
60 2
United States - Washington - Metaline Falls
60 3
United States - Washington - Millersylavania State Park
60 4
United States - Washington - Mt Rainier National Park I
60 5
United States - Washington - Mt Rainier National Park II
60 6
United States - Washington - Missions
60 7
United States - Washington - Missions - Whitman
60 8
United States - Washington - Moclips
60 9
United States - Washington - Molson
60 10
United States - Washington - Monroe
60 11
United States - Washington - Monte Cristo
60 12
United States - Washington - Montesano
60 13
United States - Washington - Moran State Park
60 14
United States - Washington - Morton
60 15
United States - Washington - Moses Lake
60 16
United States - Washington - Mossy Rock Dam
60 17
United States - Washington - Mount Baker
60 18
United States - Washington - Mountains
61 1
United States - Washington - Mt Hope
61 2
United States - Washington - Mt Pilchuck State Park
61 3
United States - Washington - Mt Spokane State Park
61 4
United States - Washington - Mount Vernon
61 5
United States - Washington - Mountlake Terrace
61 6
United States - Washington - Mukilteo
61 7
United States - Washington - Mullan Road
61 8
United States - Washington - Murals
61 9
United States - Washington - N
61 10
United States - Washington - Naches
61 11
United States - Washington - Neah Bay
61 12
United States - Washington - Newport
61 13
United States - Washington - Nisqually Flats
61 14
United States - Washington - Nooksack
61 15
United States - Washington - North Bend
61 16
United States - Washington - North Cascades Highway
61 17
United States - Washington - O-P I
61 18
United States - Washington - O-P II
61 19
United States - Washington - Oakesdale
61 20
United States - Washington - Oakville
61 21
United States - Washington - Ocean Shores
61 22
United States - Washington - Okanogan
61 23
United States - Washington - Old For Townsend State park
61 24
United States - Washington - Olympia
62 1
United States - Washington - Olympia - Capitol Building and Grounds
62 2
United States - Washington - Olympia - Capitol Building and Grounds
62 3
United States - Washington - Olympia - Capitol Historical Museum I
62 4
United States - Washington - Olympia - Capitol Historical Museum II
62 5
United States - Washington - Olympia - Governor's Mansion
62 6
United States - Washington - Olympia - Houses
62 7
United States - Washington - Olympia - State Library
62 8
United States - Washington - Olympic National Park
62 9
United States - Washington - Omak
62 10
United States - Washington - Onalaska
62 11
United States - Washington - Orcas Island
62 12
United States - Washington - Orondo
62 13
United States - Washington - Oroville
62 14
United States - Washington - Orting
62 15
United States - Washington - Osoyoos Lake State Park
62 16
United States - Washington - O'Sullivan Dam
62 17
United States - Washington - Othello
62 18
United States - Washington - Oysterville
62 19
United States - Washington - Ozette
63 1
United States - Washington - Pacific Beach
63 2
United States - Washington - Palouse Falls State Park
63 3
United States - Washington - Parkland
63 4
United States - Washington - Parks
63 5
United States - Washington - Pasco
63 6
United States - Washington - Passes I
63 7
United States - Washington - Passes II
63 8
United States - Washington - PassesIII
63 9
United States - Washington - Pateros
63 10
United States - Washington - Pe Ell
63 11
United States - Washington - Peace Arch State Park
63 12
United States - Washington - Pend Oreille State Park
63 13
United States - Washington - Penrose Point
63 14
United States - Washington - Peola
63 15
United States - Washington - Petroglyphs
63 16
United States - Washington - Pipestone Canyon
63 17
United States - Washington - Point Fosdick
63 18
United States - Washington - Point Grenville
63 19
United States - Washington - Point Roberts
63 20
United States - Washington - Port Angeles
63 21
United States - Washington - Port Gamble
63 22
United States - Washington - Port Ludlow
63 23
United States - Washington - Port Orchard
63 24
United States - Washington - Pomeroy
64 1
United States - Washington - Port Townsend
64 2
United States - Washington - Port Townsend - Buildings
64 3
United States - Washington - Port Townsend - Buildings
64 4
United States - Washington - Port Townsend - Homes
64 5
United States - Washington - Port Townsend - Plaques
64 6
United States - Washington - Port Townsend State Park
64 7
United States - Washington - Portraits
64 8
United States - Washington - Pothole Reservoir
64 9
United States - Washington - Poulsbo
64 10
United States - Washington - Priest Rapids Dam
64 11
United States - Washington - Prosser
64 12
United States - Washington - Puget Island
64 13
United States - Washington - Puget Sound
64 14
United States - Washington - Pullman
64 15
United States - Washington - Pumps
64 16
United States - Washington - Puyallup
64 17
United States - Washington - Q-R
64 18
United States - Washington - Queets
64 19
United States - Washington - Quincy
64 20
United States - Washington - Railroads
65 1
United States - Washington - Rain Forest
65 2
United States - Washington - Rainbow Falls
65 3
United States - Washington - Ravensdale
65 4
United States - Washington - Raymond
65 5
United States - Washington - Redmond
65 6
United States - Washington - Redondo
65 7
United States - Washington - Renton
65 8
United States - Washington - Republic
65 9
United States - Washington - Reservations - General
65 10
United States - Washington - Reservations - Colville
65 11
United States - Washington - Reservations - Lummi
65 12
United States - Washington - Reservations - Tulalip
65 13
United States - Washington - Richland
65 14
United States - Washington - Ritzville
65 15
United States - Washington - Rivers
65 16
United States - Washington - Riverside
65 17
United States - Washington - Riverside State Park
65 18
United States - Washington - Rock Island
65 19
United States - Washington - Rockford State Park
65 20
United States - Washington - Rocky Reach Dam
65 21
United States - Washington - Ronald
65 22
United States - Washington - Roosevelt
65 23
United States - Washington - Rosalia
65 24
United States - Washington - Roslyn
65 25
United States - Washington - Roy
66 1
United States - Washington - S
66 2
United States - Washington - Saltwater State Park
66 3
United States - Washington - Sacajawea State Park
66 4
United States - Washington - San Juan Island I
66 5
United States - Washington - San Juan Island II
66 6
United States - Washington - Sappho
66 7
United States - Washington - Schafer State Park
66 8
United States - Washington - Seabeck
66 9
United States - Washington - Seaquest State Park
66 10
United States - Washington - Sedro Wooley
66 11
United States - Washington - Sekiu
66 12
United States - Washington - Selah
66 13
United States - Washington - Sequim Bay State Park
66 14
United States - Washington - Shelton
66 15
United States - Washington - Silvana
66 16
United States - Washington - Silverton
66 17
United States - Washington - Skagit Power Project
66 18
United States - Washington - Skamokawa
66 19
United States - Washington - Skykomish
66 20
United States - Washington - Snohomish
66 21
United States - Washington - Snake River Canyon - South (by boat)
67 1
United States - Washington - Snake River Canyon - South (by road)
67 2
United States - Washington - Snake River Canyon - West (by road)
67 3
United States - Washington - Snoqualmie
67 4
United States - Washington - Snoqualmie Falls
67 5
United States - Washington - Soap Lake
67 6
United States - Washington - South Bend
67 7
United States - Washington - Spokane I
67 8
United States - Washington - Spokane II
67 9
United States - Washington - Spokane III
67 10
United States - Washington - Spokane IV
67 11
United States - Washington - Spokane - Expo' I
67 12
United States - Washington - Spokane - Expo' II
67 13
United States - Washington - Spokane - Expo' Artworks
67 14
United States - Washington - Sprague
68 1
United States - Washington - Squillchuck State Park
68 2
United States - Washington - Stanwood
68 3
United States - Washington - Steamboat Rock State Park
68 4
United States - Washington - Steilacoom
68 5
United States - Washington - Steptoe
68 6
United States - Washington - Steptoe Battlefield
68 7
United States - Washington - Steptoe Butte State Park
68 8
United States - Washington - Stevenson
68 9
United States - Washington - Sumas
68 10
United States - Washington - Summer Falls
68 11
United States - Washington - Sumner
68 12
United States - Washington - Sundials
68 13
United States - Washington - Sun Lakes Estate Park
68 14
United States - Washington - Sunnydale
68 15
United States - Washington - Suquamish
68 16
United States - Washington - T-U
68 17
United States - Washington - Tacoma - General
68 18
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Buildings I
68 19
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Buildings II
68 20
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Buildings
68 21
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Houses
68 22
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Murals
68 23
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Museums and Art Galleries
68 24
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Parks
69 1
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Plaques
69 2
United States - Washington - Tacoma - Waterfront
69 3
United States - Washington - Tatoosh Island
69 4
United States - Washington - Tekoa
69 5
United States - Washington - Tenino
69 6
United States - Washington - Tiger
69 7
United States - Washington - Toledo
69 8
United States - Washington - Tonasket
69 9
United States - Washington - Toppenish
69 10
United States - Washington - Toroda
69 11
United States - Washington - Totem Poles
69 12
United States - Washington - Transportation
69 13
United States - Washington - Trout Lake
69 14
United States - Washington - Tumwater
69 15
United States - Washington - Tumwater Falls
69 16
United States - Washington - Twanoh State park
69 17
United States - Washington - Twin Harbors State Park
69 18
United States - Washington - Twisp
69 19
United States - Washington - Underwood
69 20
United States - Washington - Union
69 21
United States - Washington - Union Gap
69 22
United States - Washington - Uniontown
69 23
United States - Washington - University District
69 24
United States - Washington - University Plaza
69 25
United States - Washington - Urban Renewal
69 26
United States - Washington - V
69 27
United States - Washington - Vancouver
69 28
United States - Washington - Vashon Island
69 29
United States - Washington - Victory Square
70 1
United States - Washington - Views - I
70 2
United States - Washington - Views - II
70 3
United States - Washington - Views - III
70 4
United States - Washington - Views - IV
70 5
United States - Washington - Views - V
70 6
United States - Washington - Views - Long Range
70 7
United States - Washington - Views - Night
70 8
United States - Washington - Views - Skyline
70 9
United States - Washington - Views - Skyline and Viewpoints
71 1
United States - Washington - W
71 2
United States - Washington - Waitsburg
71 3
United States - Washington - Walla Walla
71 4
United States - Washington - Wallula
71 5
United States - Washington - Wallula State Park
71 6
United States - Wallpapers
71 7
United States - Washington - Wanapum Dam
71 8
United States - Washington - Wapato
71 9
United States - Washington - Washugall
71 10
United States - Washington - Washtucna
71 11
United States - Washington - Waterfront
71 12
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Drydocks
71 13
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Duwamish Waterway
71 14
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Elliot Bay
71 15
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Elliot Bay
71 16
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Elliot Bay
71 17
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Elliot Bay I
71 18
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Elliot Bay II
71 19
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Freight handling
71 20
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Harbor Island
71 21
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Parks
72 1
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Piers
72 2
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Shops and Restaurants
72 3
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Shilshole Bay
72 4
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Smith Cove
72 5
United States - Washington - Waterfront - Views
72 6
United States - Washington - Water Supply
72 7
United States - Washington - Waterville
72 8
United States - Washington - Waterwheels
72 9
United States - Washington - Waverly
72 10
United States - Washington - Weathervanes
72 11
United States - Washington - Welcome
72 12
United States - Washington - Wells Dam
72 13
United States - Washington - Wenatchee
72 14
United States - Washington - Wenbery State Park
72 15
United States - Washington - West Seattle
72 16
United States - Washington - Western
72 17
United States - Washington - Westport
73 1
United States - Washington - Westlake Mall
73 2
United States - Washington - Whidbey Island I
73 3
United States - Washington - Whidbey Island II
73 4
United States - Washington - White Salmon River Valley
73 5
United States - Washington - Wickersham
73 6
United States - Washington - Wilkeson
73 7
United States - Washington - Willapa
73 8
United States - Washington - Willard
73 9
United States - Washington - Wilson Creek
73 10
United States - Washington - Windmills
73 11
United States - Washington - Winlock
73 12
United States - Washington - Winthrop
73 13
United States - Washington - Wishram
73 14
United States - Washington - Woodinville
73 15
United States - Washington - Yakima
73 16
United States - Washington - Yelm
73 17
United States - Washington - Zoo
73 18
United States - Washington - Zoo
73 19
United States - Washington - Zoo - Children's Zoo

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Architecture--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Buildings--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • Photograph collections--Washington (State)--Seattle

Personal Names

  • Lenggenhager, Werner

Geographical Names

  • Seattle (Wash.)--Pictorial works