Power family photograph collection., 1872-1945

Overview of the Collection

Power, Charles B., 1868-1953
Power family photograph collection.
1872-1945 (inclusive)
13 boxes
1215 photographic prints (includes 1 album with 200 photographic prints, 12 oversized prints, 1 framed print, 6 engravings, and 4 tintypes)
35 nitrate film negatives
Collection Number
Lot 006
Thomas C. Power (1829-1923) came to Montana Territory in 1866 and established a successful mercantile and transportation network in and around Fort Benton serving miners, military posts, Indian tribes of the region, and local residents. In partnership with others he developed a transportation network of steamboats along the Upper Missouri as well as overland stage and freight routes. He moved his corporate headquarters to Helena in 1878 and had an interest in politics that paralleled his diverse business career. He was elected Montana's first senator, and during his six-year stay from 1890-1895 in Washington D.C., collected portraits of colleagues and officials with whom he worked "on the Hill." His only son, Charles Benton Power, Sr. (1868-1953) inherited his father's interests and pursued a variety of business enterprises including real estate, mining, ranching, logging, oil exploration, and mercantile operations throughout the state and region. The collection includes photographs of many of the business interests, including steamboats on the Missouri, as well as portraits of family, friends and social events enjoyed by extended family.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Thomas C. Power was born in Dubuque, Iowa, May 22, 1829, the son of Irish immigrants, Michael Walsh Power and Catherine McLeer Power. He was raised on the family farm near Dubuque. The eldest of four children, Power worked on the farm while completing basic education courses offered in area schools. In his teens, Power attended Sissinawa Mound College, in Wisconsin, where he studied science and engineering. After three years of college course work, but without graduating, he returned to Iowa and taught in rural schools near Peru, Iowa, during the years 1858-1860. In 1860, Thomas Power accepted a job with a survey party for the federal government and spent the next four years surveying for government and private firms in the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas and eastern Montana. In 1865, he settled in Nebraska, first working as a carpenter, and, in 1865, he became a minor partner in a wholesale merchandising firm supplying several frontier areas.

This investment, and his familiarity with the West, led him, in the following year, to locate at Fort Benton, Montana, head of navigation on the Upper Missouri. With the stock of goods he brought with him, he opened a general mercantile firm in the spring of 1867. His younger brother, John Walsh Power (1844-1901), followed later that spring with more inventory, and Power's initial company, T. C. Power and Brother, was formed.

T. C. Power's firm was ideally located. It traded with residents of the locality, the military garrison, and Indian tribes of the region. As head of navigation on the Missouri, Fort Benton also offered unique advantages of supply and served as the hub of a freighting network to the towns and camps of the isolated Territory. Power rapidly exploited his situation and, in 1868, began supplementary overland freighting operations while expanding the range and quantity of his merchandise.

T. C. Power and Brother and the other large Fort Benton firm, I. G. Baker and Company, dominated trade and freighting on the northern plains by the mid 1870's. A significant portion of the business of these firms was in the fur and hide trade with Indians of the region and other hunters, an involvement that coincided with the period of slaughter of the northern buffalo herd. The hide trade, and, later, buffalo bones made up many of the down river cargos in the 1870's and early 1880's.

The rapid expansion of the Power and Baker firms caused them to invest in the construction of the river steamer "Benton", to supply goods for their operations and to carry gold, silver, hides, and other products down river. This investment, in 1874, resulted in the formation of the Fort Benton Transportation Company. In subsequent years other steamboats were built or purchased to expand this facet of the trade. In the late 1870's, Power purchased Baker's interest in the steamer line and continued its expansion until the firm dominated the Upper Missouri commerce in the years remaining before railroads reached the region and effectively ended river transportation. As an adjunct to his steamer and freighting interests, Power, in 1879, formed the first of several stagecoach lines which served much of northern and central Montana and, eventually, linked with the transcontinental Northern Pacific Railroad at Billings.

While retaining his investments in the Fort Benton area, in 1878, T. C. Power settled permanently in Helena, by then Territorial capital, and later State capital, and rapidly emerging as the focus of Montana's finance and trade. Having centered his business interests at Helena, Power became active in the capital's economic, political, and social life. He maintained several commercial firms, built and operated the American National Bank, and speculated in real estate and regional mining companies.

T. C. Power's entrepreneurial interests were extremely broad. He founded or invested in over ninety-five companies in the course of his active career. During the period 1880-1920, in addition to major interests in merchandising and transportation, he invested in cattle and sheep ranching; real estate throughout the northwest; lumbering; coal mining; electric power generation; hotels; automobile distributing; military and reservation supply; agricultural implement sales; banking; grain milling; municipal water supply; metals mining; oil; and irrigation.

In addition to the T. C. Power Company with headquarters in the Power Block in Helena, companies in which Power invested included the Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company in Fergus County, organized as the Judith Cattle Company in the summer of 1878 by T. C. Power and Brother, J.H. Knight, and H.P. Brooks; T. C. Power and Brother Lumber; Power Mercantile; Power Motor Car Company in Helena, Montana; the Sun River Stock and Land Company; the N.S. Ranch; Crown Butte Ranch; the PN Ranch with G.R. Norris; Escallier Sheep Company; Power Implement Company in Bozeman, Montana; Power-Morgan Company in Choteau, Montana; Power-Wilson Company Garage; Belgrade Company, Ltd.; and the Trident Store Company.

An interest in politics paralleled Power's diverse business career. A lifelong Republican, he was an active supporter of the Territorial and State party, as well as contributing to and involving himself in national party affairs. He served as a delegate to the abortive 1884 Constitutional Convention, but chose not to run for the 1889 Convention which resulted in Montana's statehood. Power was defeated in the first state gubernatorial election, in 1889, by Joseph K. Toole, the Democratic candidate.

In 1890, Power was selected by the divided First State Legislative Assembly as one of four senators, two from each party, to fill Montana's two seats in the nation's upper house. Power and the other Republican chosen, Wilbur Fisk Sanders, were seated by the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate over the bitter opposition of the Democratic contenders. Power's service in the Senate, 1890-1895, was creditable, with concentration on the State's major interests: the free coinage of silver; irrigation; the disposal of the public domain; and the wool tariff. T. C. Power's one term in the Senate ended his active involvement in politics.

Thomas C. Power married Mary G. (Molly) Flanagan at Dubuque, Iowa, in 1867, just prior to traveling to Montana. The couple had one son, Charles Benton Power. Mary Flanagan Power died in 1920. T. C. Power, still in active control of his varied financial interests, died at Helena, Montana, March 16, 1923.

In addition to Thomas C. Power and John Walsh Power, Michael Walsh Power and Catherine McLeer Power had two daughters who also moved to Montana from their native Iowa. Their older daughter, Sarah Power (1848-1935), remained unmarried. Their younger daughter, Josephine Power (1856-1904), married Thomas L. Martin. Josephine Power Martin and Thomas L. Martin had one son, Leo Martin, born in 1888. He became a Jesuit priest. John Walsh Power married Nellie T. Kelly in 1883. They had one son, John Merlin Power (1888-1940). His mother died in 1888 and his father in 1901. John Merlin Power was raised by Aunt Sarah Power, T. C. Power's sister. She also raised Leo Martin after his parents died.

Charles Benton Power, Sr. was born at Dubuque, Iowa, November 9, 1868. His early life was spent at Fort Benton, Montana, center of his father's financial interests. He moved to Helena with his family in 1878. There he completed his early education in the public schools. In 1888, C. B. Power received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Georgetown College, Washington, D.C., and later completed a supplemental Bachelors degree and a law degree at Columbia University, in 1891 and 1893.

C. B. Power returned to Helena, Montana, after completion of his education and entered the practice of law. He joined his father, in 1895, in the management of the Power business interests in Montana and the northwest. As an educated and handsome single gentleman, C. B. Power was active and popular in Helena society. In 1923, after his father's death, Power succeeded to ownership and operation of the remaining firms. During his business career, C. B. Power's interests remained primarily in merchandising and real estate, but he also invested in oil, hotels, agriculture and mining.

C. B. Power married Mabel Lamey Larson, niece of Margaret Moran Larson, in 1902. Mabel Agnes Lamey was adopted by Peter Larson (1849-1907) and his wife, Margaret Moran Larson (circa 1860-1924). C. B. Power and Mabel Larson Power had three children: Margaret Mary (1903-1954), who married twice and became the Countess of Carrick; Charles Benton, Jr., (1906-1931) also a graduate of Georgetown College; and Jane Elizabeth (1911-1988). Jane Power married Thomas D. Tobin in 1939. The couple had three children, Judith, Benton, and Jane.

Mabel Power died in 1918. In 1944, C. B. Power was remarried to Pauline Ely. He died in Helena, November 15, 1953, and Pauline died in 1971. Jane Power Tobin died in Helena in 1988.

Residences occupied by The T. C. Power family in Helena include 106 Benton, 432 Dearborn and 604 Harrison. The C. B. Power family resided at 309 N. Ewing, 642 Dearborn, later occupied by the Jane Power Tobin family.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The photographs in the Power family photograph collection cover a broad range of interests and activities, spanning the years 1872-1945. The photograph collection represents not only some of the business investments and properties; it also documents family, friends and social life in Montana at the turn of the century.

The photographs are arranged by subject, beginning with the family in alphabetical order, each file also sorted chronologically. Subjects following Power family include Power connected Business Enterprises, Ranches, and Residences. General topics include Animals, Children, Cities and Towns, Forts and Fortifications, Groups, Houses, Indians of North America, Landscapes, Portraits of Men, Mining, Monuments and Memorials, Recreation, Transportation, U.S. Senators, Universities and Colleges, Portraits of Women, and Yellowstone National Park.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Many of the photographs in this collection are attributed to specific photographers or photographic studios and lists of these photographers and/or studios follow. However, numerous photographs are unattributed and are not listed.

Photographs in the collection are the work of the following Montana photographers:

Maud Davis Baker, Helena (4 photographs)

Barry (1 photograph)

R.H. Beckwith, Helena (4 photographs)

Bundy & Train, Helena (3 photographs)

S.J. Culbertson, Helena (2 photographs)

W.H. Culver, Benton (1 photograph)

W.H. Culver, Lewistown (2 photographs)

Dan Dutro, Fort Benton (1 photograph)

M.A. Eckert, Helena (1 photograph)

Eklund, Havre and Benton (6 photographs)

Hildore C. Eklund, Great Falls (4 photographs)

Great Falls Photo & View Company (3 photographs)

Grigsby, Livingston (1 photograph)

Haynes & White, Helena (1 photograph)

Jansrud, Helena (1 photograph)

Jorud, Helena (4 photographs)

Keller, Helena (1 photograph)

Lawson, Helena (6 photographs)

Lowry, Helena (2 photographs)

R.A. McKay (1 photograph)

J.W. Meiers, (1 photograph)

J.W. Moriarty, Helena (5 photographs)

Murr & Company, Great Falls (3 photographs)

Edward M. Reinig, Helena (13 photographs)

C. Owen Smithers, Butte (1 photograph)

Sproule & Keller, Helena (1 photograph)

Sunbeam, Helena (3 photographs)

Taylor, Helena (10 photographs)

W.H. Taylor, Helena (1 photograph)

Titter Studio, Great Falls (1 photograph)

Photographs in the collection are the work of the following non-Montana photographers:

Alwan & Co., NY (3 photographs)

Anderson, NY (2 photographs)

H. Anlon, Worcester (1 photograph)

Baumann, New York (1 photograph)

C.M. Bell, Washington, D.C. (88 photographs)

J.H. Bilbrough, Dubuque, Iowa (3 photographs)

Bowdoin, Washington, D.C. (2 photographs)

Brady, Washington, D.C. (1 photograph)

Bushnell, San Francisco (1 photograph)

Campbell Studio, New York (4 photographs)

Coulter (1 photograph)

Dana, NY (4 photographs)

G.W. Davis, Washington, D.C. (1 photograph)

De Strelecki, NY (1 photograph)

W.H. DeGraff, Bismarck, ND (1 photograph)

W.H. Degraff, Washburn, ND (1 photograph)

A.E. Dumble, Rochester, NY (1 photograph)

Elander, Chicago (1 photograph)

Elite Studio, Iowa City, Iowa (1 photograph)

The Falk Studio (3 photographs)

Filson & Son, Steubenville, O. (1 photograph)

F.B. Fiske, Fort Yates, ND (28 photographs)

C.M. Gilbert, Washington, D.C. (1 photograph)

Hanlon, Worcester (1 photograph)

Harrison, Chicago (1 photograph)

Haynes, St. Paul (1 photograph)

Heiller, Washington, D.C. (2 photographs)

Histed (3 photographs)

Holland & Roberts, Boston (1 photograph)

Holmboe, Bismarck (5 photographs)

George S. Hoyt, Louisville, KY (5 photographs)

Johnson, Salt Lake (1 photograph)

Johnson Bros., Washington, D.C. (1 photograph)

Johnson, Georgetown, D.C. (1 photograph)

L.D. Judkins, Bismarck, D.T. (1 photograph)

Kelley, NY (1 photograph)

A.C. Killius, (7 photographs)

W.G.C. Kimball, Concord, NH (1 photograph)

Kirkland, Cheyenne, WY (1 photograph)

A. Liebert, Paris (1 photograph)

Long's Studio, Seattle (1 photograph)

Loryea, Spokane (1 photograph)

Henri Mannes, Paris (1 photograph)

Moreno & Loper, NY (1 photograph)

Morrison, Chicago (1 photograph)

Morse, San Francisco (1 photograph)

Mosher, Chicago (1 photograph)

Mould Studio, Dubuque, Iowa (1 photograph)

Milt Mumslow, (1 photograph)

The Northland Studios, Chicago (1 photograph)

O'Neil, New Bedford, Mass. (1 photograph)

Pach Bro's., NY (2 photographs)

Charles Parker, Washington, D.C. (24 photographs)

Parkinson's, NY (1 photograph)

Philips Studio (1 photograph)

Edgar E. Phipps, NY (1 photograph)

Photographie Modern, Trouville (1 photograph)

J. Pienaar (1 photograph)

Pirie MacDonald, NY (1 photograph)

A.H. Poole & Co., Waterford (2 photographs)

Raymond & Stafford, Minneapolis (1 photograph)

Rice, Washington, D.C. (1 photograph)

Ricordo (1 photograph)

Rider & Barnard, Chicago (1 photograph)

Dave Risk, Kansas City, Missouri (1 photograph)

H. Rocher, Chicago (2 photographs)

Root, Chicago (2 photographs)

Roots Gallery, Dubuque, Iowa (3 photographs)

Ryder, Syracuse, NY (1 photograph)

Sarony, NY (3 photographs)

Schutz (1 photograph)

Sours, Denver (1 photograph)

Stein & Roesch, Chicago (1 photograph)

T.M. Swem, St. Paul (1 photograph)

Thomas & McLain, Cascade, Iowa (1 photograph)

D.P. Thompson, Kansas City (1 photograph)

Varney, Chicago (2 photographs)

Veeder, Albany, NY (1 photograph)

Richard Walzl, Baltimore (1 photograph)

G. Edwin Williams, Los Angeles (1 photograph)

E.G. Williams & Bro., NY (1 engraving)

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Power family photograph collection. Lot 007. [Box and folder number]. Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The photographs are arranged by subject and organized into the following 23 subject-based series: Series I. Power Family, Series II. Flanagan Family, Series III. Larson Family, Series IV. Power Family Business Enterprises, Series V. Power Family Ranches, Series VI. Power Family Residences, Series VII. Animals, Series VIII. Children, Series IX. Cities and Towns, Series X. Forts and Fortifications, Series XI. Groups, Series XII. Houses, Series XIII. Indians of North America, Series XIV. Landscapes, Series XV. Men, Series XVI. Mining, Series XVII. Monuments and Memorials, Series XVIII. Recreation, Series IXX. Transportation, Series XX. U.S. Senators, Series XXI. Universities and Colleges, Series XXII. Women, Series XXIII. Yellowstone National Park.

Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Processing Note

The photographs were transferred from the Archives, MC 55, in two separate transfers, accessions PAc 76-42 and PAc 77-71; and from MC 55a, in two separate transfers, accessions PAc 89-44, and PAc 2003-15. Three duplicate photographs of Power family members were also donated in PAc 89-112. These five accessions were combined to form this collection.

The collection was reprocessed by Jennifer Jeffries Thompson in 2006.

Separated Materials

26 photographs were transferred and stored with previously cataloged images:

Charles A. Lindbergh in Helena, 1927 (940-220), John X. Beidler (940-844), Birdseye view of Belgrade, MT (940-970 to 971, 2 different views), John B. Brondel (941-245), J. Schuyler Crosby (941-642), Col. W. W. Delacy (941-931), Anton M. Holter, 1910 (942-824), Martin Maginnis (943-724), Martin Maginnis (943-726), Fellows D. Pease (944-301), Charles B. Power, Sr., Steve Carpenter, Norman B. Holter, R. Lee Word, and Clarence J. Kinna (944-178), Charles B. Power, Sr., 1888 (944-431), John W. Power, engraving (944-432), Thomas C. Power and son (944-433), Thomas C. Power (944-436), Sen. Walsh, C. B. Power and others at Rock Art (945-496), Sen. Walsh, C. B. Power and Jane Power (945-500), Scene of the Great Judith Basin murder (948-744), T. C. Power residence (954-011), T. C. Power residence (954-014), T. C. Power residence (954-015), Montana Club Annual Dinner, December 30, 1911 (M900-175), Pioneers of Bannock City (PAc 74-100), Nathaniel Ford driving floral-decorated carriage (PAc 74-104.241GP [Oversize]), Presentation of flag at St. Helena Cathedral (PAc 74-104.359GP [Oversize]), Wilder Post Office (PAc 94-13.31), Men in automobile (PAc 94-13.115), Men in front of log saloon (PAc 94-13.120), Tree planting ceremony at Home of the Good Shepherd, Helena (PAc 94-34.2), Norman B. Holter (Lot 3, bx. 3, fl. 4), and Edwin O. Holter (Lot 3, bx. 1, fl. 17).

2 undated prints of an all-male dinner function at the Montana Club were transferred to the Jorud Collection

2 cased images were transferred to the cased image collection:

Unidentified portrait of a man wearing bow tie, vest, and jacket (C-989-004, ambrotype), and Unidentified portrait of a man with mustache (C-989-005, daguerreotype).

68 stereographs, including views of steamboats and T. C. Power buildings, the majority by F. Jay Haynes, were transferred to the stereograph collection.

2 postcards transferred to the postcard collection: views of the Van Orsdel Methodist Episcopal Church in Havre, and the St. Helena Cathedral.

Related Materials

See the Thomas Charles Power papers, 1868-1950, MC 55, and Charles Benton Power papers, 1868-1970, MC 55a, for related materials. Biographical information was taken from MC 55 biography, personal interviews, and MHS library research including biographical reference books, county histories, and vertical files.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Power FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 / 1
Celia McNulty (portrait of Celia, 1st cousin of Thomas C. Power)
1 / 2
Catherine W. McLeer Power (portrait of Catherine, wife of Michael Walsh Power)
Charles Benton Power, Sr. (framed tinted portrait of C. B. Power, Sr. as a young boy)
circa 1873
1 / 3
Charles Benton Power, Sr. (including portrait as a child, [circa 1873]; portraits, 1888 and [1898]; C. B. Power driving a carriage with black coachman, Nathaniel Ford, sitting in back, [circa 1898])
circa 1873; 1888; 1898
1 / 4
Charles Benton Power, Sr. (portraits of C. B. Power)
1917; 1925; circa 1930
Charles Benton Power, Sr. (standing alongside garden of dahlias)
circa 1935
1 / 5
Charles Benton Power, Sr. (with Mick, the bulldog in yard of Power residence, 642 Dearborn, [circa1935]; with Gin Rickey, a collie-wolf dog, and Dewey Smith at Rock Creek Lodge, 1944; Dewey Smith, 1944)
circa 1935; 1944
1 / 6
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (group portraits of C. B. Power, John Merlin Power and Leo Martin who are all cousins, 1896; and same group with dog, Chief, 1896)
1 / 7
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes C. B. Power, Sr., Margaret, and Mabel Power on steps and in yard of the Larson residence, 304 N. Ewing)
circa 1905
1 / 8
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes C. B. Power, Mabel Power, Mrs. J.W. Stewart, Miss Margaret Stewart, photographs taken by D. E. Hares; group view on a promenade; also of a bullfight in San Sebastian, Spain, Easter Sunday)
1 / 9 - 1 / 10
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (trip to San Sebastian, Spain, included C. B. Power, Mabel Power, Mrs. J. W. Stewart, Miss Margaret Stewart, photographs taken by D. E. Hares; and of bullfight, Easter Sunday)
1 / 11
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes C. B. Power, Mabel Larson Power, and their children, Margaret and Jane Power, Sarah Power, Whitney Smith, Gordon Lamey, landscape around and including Rock Creek Lodge)
circa 1914
1 / 12
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes Charles B. Power, Sr. and Mabel Larson Power in Costa Rica)
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes Margaret Power, C. B. Power, Jane Power, C. B. Power, Helen Kessler, boys playing, views of Dearborn residence, Rock Creek Lodge, Gates of the Mountains, perhaps Dempsey-Gibbons fight, and Block P Mine in Hughesville) [200 photographs]
circa 1920-1930
1 / 13
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes C. B. Power, Sr., Jane Power, Howard Bourman, and Rose Netange (family maid) fishing at Rock Creek reservoir)
1 / 14
Charles Benton Power, Sr. family (includes Benton Power, C. B. Power, Jane Power, John M. Power, his sons Jack and Tom Power, and others including Thomas J. Walsh at Rock Creek Lodge, 1926; views of Rock Creek Lodge, 1926)
Charles Benton Power, Sr. with others (group of men and women in front of church doors in New York)
circa 1890
2 / 1
Charles Benton Power, Sr. with others (includes Mrs. Van Buren Holmes, N.B. Holter, C. B. Power, Rolla Watson eating and drinking)
circa 1896
2 / 2
Charles Benton Power, Sr. with Others (includes Ray Church, Bill Ferguson, David Hilger, Nicholas Hilger, J. Fox King, J.H. Marlow, C. B. Power, John M. Power, Charles Stewart and others at Gates of the Mountains, 1926; Governor Roy E. Ayers, A. Beardsley, Jack Dempsey, and C. B. Power, 1940)
1926; 1940
2 / 3
Charles Benton Power, Jr. (portraits)
circa 1909; 1910; 1918; circa 1924; 1925
2 / 4
Charles Benton Power, Jr. family (portrait of Benton with an unidentified woman, probably his nursemaid, [circa 1909]; portraits of Benton with Margaret Power each wearing bib overalls and holding buckets and shovels, [circa 1909]; outdoor photograph of Benton and Jane Power with Billy Bach, 1917; portraits of Benton and Jane Power, [circa 1918])
circa 1909; 1917; circa 1918
2 / 5
Jane Power (includes portraits of Jane, [1911]; portrait and proofs, 1913)
1911; 1913
2 / 6
Jane Power (includes Miss Peoples holding Jane, [circa 1911]; Jane in wheelbarrow, on side walk, and sitting on ground, [circa 1912])
1911; 1912
2 / 7
Jane Power (includes Jane in carriage, with toys, with friends and governess on steps or on walk in front of residence, probably on North Ewing)
circa 1912
2 / 8
Jane Power (includes portrait of Jane reading a book, [circa 1918]; portraits of Jane wearing lace-cape dress and locket, and same view tinted, [1918]; views of Jane around Dearborn Street residence, on horseback, and in front of garage behind Dearborn Street residence, [circa 1919]; in front of garage,1925)
circa 1918-1919; 1925
2 / 9
Jane Power (includes Jane with her dog "Mick", 1925; with her father, C. B. Power, 1925; and of her Irish Setter dog, undated)
undated; 1925
2 / 10
Jane Power (includes portraits)
undated; circa 1932; 1936
2 / 11
Jane Power Tobin family (Jane Power Tobin with her children, Judith and Benton)
2 / 12
John Merlin Power (portraits of J.M. Power, son of J.W. Power, 1890; with dog, 1896)
1890; 1896
2 / 13
John Merlin Power with Others (J. M. Power with Leo Martin, 1905; Power wearing angora chaps with G. W. Fields, Sr. of the PN Outfit at Judith Landing [circa 1910]; and with son [John "Jack" Power, circa 1916]; group portrait of men, including John M. Power, standing in front of Montana Oil Company tanks, 1918)
1905; circa 1910; circa 1916; 1918
2 / 14
John Walsh Power (portrait of J. W. Power, T. C. Power's brother)
circa 1890
2 / 15
Josephine Power Martin (portrait of Josephine, T. C. Power's youngest sister, [circa 1880]; group view of Josephine with her son Leo Martin, John Merlin Power, son of John Walsh Power, and Sarah Power, T. C. Power's other sister, 1896)
circa 1880; 1896
2 / 16
Leo Thomas Martin (portrait of Leo, son of Josephine Power Martin)
2 / 17
Tom [Martin] (portrait; married to Josephine Power Martin)
Mabel Lamey Larson (portrait as a young girl with long, dark hair)
circa 1890
2 / 18
Mabel Lamey Larson Power (portraits of Mabel, wife of C. B. Power, Sr., seated in chair with foot resting on pillow, and Mabel standing in long, dress coat, 1909; portraits of Mabel with pearl choker, 1909; portraits of Mabel wearing string of pearls, [circa 1912])
1909; circa 1912
2 / 19
Mabel Lamey Larson Power family (includes group portrait of Mabel with her brother, Gordon Lamey, and her sister, Sadie Lamey)
circa 1885
2 / 20
Mabel Lamey Larson Power with Others (includes portrait of Mabel with Lewis Babcock, [circa 1887]; with an unidentified woman with hat, [circa 1898]; and with Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Porter, and others in automobile in California, 1912)
circa 1887; circa 1898; 1912
2 / 21
Mabel Lamey Larson Power with Others (view of Mabel with Helen Kessler and Benton Power at Rock Creek Lodge, 1917; Mabel with group on lawn and of Mabel alone on the same occasion; taken by her daughter, Margaret, the last photograph of Mabel before her death, May 1918
1917; 1918 May
3 / 1
Margaret Mary Power (portraits of Margaret, daughter of C. B. and Mabel Power, 1904; views of Margaret indoors, on front porch with others, and in baby carriage, [1904])
3 / 2
Margaret Mary Power (includes Margaret in backyard and playing in sand)
3 / 3
Margaret Mary Power (portrait of Margaret with ermine muff, [1907]; three similar portraits of Margaret with short hair, one of which she is reading a book, [1908]; Margaret on the beach with Bessie who was Aunt Margaret's maid, and another unidentified woman, 1910; portrait with Bessie, [1909]; and Margaret on her pony "Buster" at Ewing Street residence, circa 1912)
1907-1910; 1912
3 / 4
Margaret Mary Power (portrait of Margaret with long hair, [1917]; "Chink", Margaret's Chow dog, in backyard of Dearborn Avenue residence, 1925; Margaret standing in front of striped awning, [1930])
1917; 1925; 1930
3 / 5
Mary (Molly) Flanagan Power (includes portraits of Mary, Mrs. T. C. Power, [circa 1872] and 1919)
circa 1872; 1919
3 / 6
Sarah E. Power (portraits of Sarah, T. C. Power's sister,1905; group portrait including Sarah, Mary Power, and other women, in yard alongside the [Broadwater Hotel, circa 1910])
1905; circa 1910
3 / 7
Thomas C. Power (includes portraits, [circa 1872], 1895; engravings for Joaquin Miller's History, [circa 1895]; T. C. Power in top hat, 1894; T. C. Power in derby hat, [circa 1905])
circa 1872; 1894; 1895; circa 1905
3 / 8
Power family (group view includes Mary Flanagan Power (Mrs. T. C. Power), Margaret Power, Sarah Power seated in horse-drawn, floral-decorated carriage; driven by black coachman, Nathaniel Ford)
circa 1908
3 / 9
Power family (family picnic includes T. C. Power, Mary Flanagan Power, C. B. Power and Mabel Larson Power, Margaret Power, Benton Power, Sarah Power, T. L. Martin)
circa 1909
3 / 10
Power family (family picnic includes T. C. Power, Mary Flanagan Power, C. B. Power and Mabel Larson Power, Margaret Power, Benton Power, Sarah Power, T. L. Martin on a picnic)
circa 1909
3 / 11
Power family (includes T. C. Power with his grandchildren, Benton Power, [1909]; with Benton and Jane Power at Rock Creek Lodge, [1913])
1909; 1913

Series II:  Flanagan FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
3 / 12
Flanagan family (includes Mary Flanagan, mother of Mrs. T. C. Power, undated); Grace Flanagan, [circa 1910]
undated; circa 1910
3 / 13
Flanagan - McNamara family (portraits of Kate Flanagan McNamara, Letty Flanagan McNamara, Michael McNamara, and [unknown first name] McNamara)

Series III:  Larson FamilyReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
3 / 14
Margaret Moran Larson (includes portraits of Margaret, Mrs. Peter Larson and adoptive mother of Mabel Larson Power, with roses, [circa 1905]; with hat and fur-trimmed jacket, [circa 1910]; and with others at tea in Paris, [circa 1912])
circa 1905; circa 1910; circa 1912
Moran Larson (portrait of Margaret in elegant gown)
circa 1905
3 / 15
General J. W. "Jack" Stewart (portrait of Jack, Mabel Larson Power's brother-in-law who was married to Mabel's sister, Elizabeth; standing in uniform with long boots and walking stick)
3 / 16
Margaret Mary Stewart (portrait of Margaret, niece of Mabel Larson Power, in white, ruffled dress)
circa 1900
3 / 17
Peter Larson (studio portrait)
circa 1900

Series IV:  Power Family Business EnterprisesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
4 / 1
Carriages (includes view of two Weisenhorn carriages, Fort Benton, with Union Hotel in background)
circa 1890
4 / 2
Garages (exterior views of Pondera Valley Auto Company Garage/Power-Wilson Company Garage, Conrad, [circa 1918]; and T. C. Power Motor Company Garage, Helena, with cars lined up outside, [circa 1920])
circa 1918; circa 1920
4 / 3
Hardware and Implement Companies (interior and exterior views of Belgrade Company, Ltd. including dry goods, grocery, hardware & office departments; exterior view Belgrade Company cottages, [all circa 1913]; views of Belgrade Tile Works showing rows of tile culverts, 1912; interior view of Power Implement Company, Bozeman, 1916; and exterior view of Power-Morgan Co. showing flatbed truck, Choteau, undated)
undated; 1912; circa 1913; 1926
4 / 4
Lumber Companies (exterior view of Local Lumber Co., Chinook, showing stacks of lumber, horse-drawn wagons, undated; exterior views of Boorman Mercantile Co., Collins, the dry lumber building, office with horse-drawn wagons outside, [1910]; exterior view of T. C. Power & Bro. Lumber, Fort Benton, [l907-1915]; exterior views of office, warehouse, and dry shed of Holter-Boorman Lumber. Co., Great Falls, with men and wagons posing in front of buildings, [1907-1915]; exterior of Boorman-Power Lumber & Implement Co., [perhaps Vaughn] showing dry shed and another building with horse-drawn implements outside, undated; exterior views of stacked lumber, Boorman Lumber Co., place and date not known)
undated; 1907-1915
4 / 5
Mercantile Companies (includes exterior view of Bogy Mercantile Company, a brick building dated 1900, Chinook; plows, wagon wheels stored at side of building, undated; interior view of Bogy's, Chinook, showing rows of food items and other merchandise, and sign "Winter Rye for Sale", 1912; exterior view of Power Mercantile Co., Lewistown, [circa 1915]; interior view of Power Mercantile Co., Lewistown, showing millinery and bolt cloth, [circa 1915]; interior of Trident Store, Trident, showing men behind counter and a little girl; stocked shelves of canned goods, undated; interior of Judith Basin Mercantile Company, Utica, showing dry goods, 1909)
undated; 1900; 1909; 1912; circa 1915
4 / 6
Offices (T. C. Power Company including "Old Power Company Office" with T. L. Martin and E. F. Cameron, [circa 1915]; Power Building and Annex in Helena, 1915; Steamboat Block, [circa 1915]; building in Minneapolis owned by T. C. Power, [circa 1925])
circa 1915; circa 1925
4 / 7
Power's Nurseries (includes President Cosgrove and others visiting the nursery and planting a tree in Waterford [state unknown])
Steamboat "Benton", Fort Benton Transportation Company (opposite landing at Fort Benton, pulling across river to landing; first boat built by T. C. Power & Bro. at Pittsburgh)
circa 1878
4 / 8
Steamboats (includes "Benton" ways in Bismarck, ND, [circa 1890], and at Fort Yates, ND, 1911; photograph of a painting of the "Benton"; Benton Packet Company's "Deapolis" on Missouri River, [circa 1907]; and "Expansion" at Standing Rock Agency, [circa 1907], and at Washburn Landing,1907)
circa 1890; circa 1907; 1911
4 / 9
Steamboats (includes Benton Packet Company's "Frayne" with steam shovel on barge, 1911; "Frayne" on ways at Washburn, ND, [circa 1904-1910]; "Gros Ventre" at Standing Rock Indian Agency, 1909; on ways of Bismarck, ND, 1910; and launching of Block P "Gros Ventre" on Benton Packet Company ways at Bismarck, ND, [circa 1904-1910]; Block P's "Helena" beneath railroad bridge as train is crossing, Bismarck, ND, [circa 1885]; photograph of a painting of "Benton" passing Citadel Rock; "O.K." docking probably at Judith Landing near the PN Ranch, 1907; and "T. C. Power" at wharf, [circa 1885])
circa 1885; 1904-1911
Steamboat "Scarab", Benton Packet Company (profile of ship in river with American flag, men in pilot house, and men on deck)
4 / 10
Steamboats (includes multiple steamboats on ways or in water; Fort Benton Transportation Company "Rosebud", "Eclipse", "Missouri", and others near railroad bridge, Bismarck, ND, [1883-1887]; Benton Transportation Company "Bismarck" and unidentified boat unloading at Fort Yates, N.D., [1885-1904]; Benton Packet Company boats "Weston" in river, "Expansion", "Washburn" and "Frayne" on ways at Washburn, N.D., [circa 1904-1910]; Benton Packet Company, "Deapolis", "Washburn", "Benton", "Frayne", "Gros Ventre", "Expansion" on ways in winter near railroad bridge, Bismarck, N.D., 1914; Benton Packet Company boats "Washburn", "Frayne", "Benton" unloading at Washburn, N.D.,[1904-1915])
1883-1887; 1904-1915

Series V:  Power Family RanchesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
5 / 1
Crown Butte Ranch (exterior of log cabin with chairs on porch)
5 / 2
Escallier Ranch [Escallier Sheep Company, Cascade] (includes views of sheep and scenery)
5 / 3
Lepley Ranch (includes barn, outbuildings, log corral, and two men walking)
5 / 4
N.S. Ranch [Sun River Stock & Land Co.] (includes groomed Aberdeen Angus Cattle, ranch buildings, and landscapes showing Square Butte)
5 / 5
[N.S. Ranch] Sun River Stock and Land Co. (includes Aberdeen Angus cattle owned by T. C. and C.B Power and of unidentified ranch hands)
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, panoramic view showing confluence of Judith and Missouri Rivers
5 / 6
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, Judith Landing (includes view of ranch, cattle fence across river, chuck wagon, picketed horses, hand-pulled passenger ferry; C. B. Power with Bill Deaton in an automobile, all undated; all-white horses with riders perhaps including Bill Deaton)
5 / 7
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, Judith Landing (includes views of Judith River showing washed out head gate, irrigation ditches under construction; ranch site near the Judith River)
circa 1910
5 / 8
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, Judith Landing (includes views of livestock, ranch buildings at a distance, tents and river views, [circa 1910]; cowboys herding cattle, post-1918)
circa 1910; post-1918
5 / 9
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, Judith Landing (includes views of the [former John Murphy] cattle ranch, "79", purchased by Power-Norris; dike, flood ditch, meadow, Belgard and Dry Creek)
5 / 10
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, Judith Landing (includes views of ranch buildings and house, original warehouse, and cattle)
5 / 11
Power-Norris Ranch, Judith Mercantile and Cattle Company, near Crooked Creek (includes C. B. Power and G.R. Norris resting on ground near wagon; PN outfit, wagon and tents)
5 / 12
Stanley Ranch [perhaps Hughesville] (includes view of Billy Williamson on a horse in front of log structure)
5 / 13
Sunnyside Ranch, Sun River Stock and Land Co., Sun River (includes views of ranch house and of Sun River)
5 / 14
Unidentified ranch land (includes road leading to ranch buildings; grazing land; moonlight view of water; cowboys herding cattle)

Series VI:  Power Family ResidencesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 1
Charles Benton Power, Sr. residence (Rock Creek Lodge)
6 / 2
Charles Benton Power, Sr. residence (642 Dearborn, Helena, featuring snow-covered yard, woman with small dog, undated; 642 Dearborn, Helena, in snow taken by Benton Power shortly before his death in 1932)
T. C. Power residence (604 Harrison, Helena, featuring young trees in boulevard, dirt street, trolley car rails, and neighboring house)
6 / 3
T. C. Power residences (includes 106 Benton Ave.; 604 Harrison Ave. taken from Power St. side featuring young girl with umbrella; 604 Harrison Ave. residence and carriage house, taken from Power Street side)

Series VII:  AnimalsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 4
Elk (includes herd of approximately 25 elk in front of rocky outcropping)
Large fish (mounted Tarpon or Silver King with unidentified man standing alongside with rod and reel in hand)

Series VIII:  ChildrenReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 5
Barry Holliday (Barry, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holliday, riding a tricycle and posing in yard)
6 / 6
Unidentified (studio portraits of boy leaning on wicker chair; and of girl with wide-brimmed hat and flowers)

Series IX:  Cities and TownsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 7
Bismarck, North Dakota (exterior view of a bank built in 1882; photograph taken after an earthquake)
6 / 8
Fort Benton, Montana (includes documentation of damage to "rip-rap" along the Missouri after flood and also showing some of the buildings facing the river)
6 / 9
Fort Benton, Montana (includes exterior of old Catholic Church; buildings facing the river; and bluffs opposite the town)
6 / 10
Great Falls, Montana ("winterless winter", straw hat parade showing women in bathing suits on a float; governor's reception committee consisting of F.A. Fligman, Byron Yates, and C. B. Power in lead car)
6 / 11
Helena, Montana (interior view of Sacred Heart Cathedral decorated for the wedding of C. B. Power and Mabel Larson, 1902; St. Helena School classroom with Jane Power and classmates, spring, 1922; views of Broadwater Hotel in snow, 1932; Vigilante Parade in Helena with model of Kentucky Derby winner "Spokane", 1938)
1902; 1922; 1932; 1938
6 / 12
Meaderville, Montana (interior view of Rocky Mountain Café showing bar, back bar, and spittoons)
6 / 13
Rocky Point, Montana (view showing log buildings, saloon; stacked wood, wagon boxes, ox teams and wagons; men wearing military tunics and mosquito netting; body of water)
circa 1885
6 / 14
St. Ignatius, Montana (interior of the Church of St. Ignatius, by J.W. Meiers)
6 / 15
Wolf Creek, Montana and Unidentified Location (exterior view of Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus showing parked car in foreground and crowd of people outside of church, [1917]; Tulip Mayflower float and pilgrims, unidentified location, post-1918)
1917; post-1918

Series X:  Forts and FortificationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 16
Fort Abraham Lincoln, North Dakota (birds eye view of fort and nearby water landing)
6 / 17
Fort Benton, Montana (includes bastion and remains of other buildings)

Series XI:  GroupsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 18
Group (group of men and women in front of building, I. G. Baker and U.S. Present Wilson identified)
circa 1914
6 / 19
Pioneers' Meeting (includes Jimmy Austin, I.P. Baker, C. B. Power, Sr., Randall Reid, Grand Union Hotel, fort, and stage coach loaded with passengers including Gov. J. E. Erickson, Col. James T. Stanford, Dave Hilger, C. B. Power, and Miss May Flanagan at Fort Benton)
1926 July
6 / 20
Social Gatherings (includes large group outdoors, no date; interior portrait of (back row, l-r) Steve Carpenter, Edwin O. Holter, Norman B. Holter; (front row, l-r) May Franklin, Bella Sharp, Ella Blaine, undated; tintype of three couples, men wearing ladies' hats, may include May Franklin and Edwin Holter, no date; M. Boggs, E.C. Boom, Florence Burke, J.L. Ming, at Picnic Canyon, Gates of the Mountains, 1895)
undated; 1895
Unidentified Group (women in formal dress and men, some in uniform, seated at a dining table in a large, mirrored room)
circa 1920

Series XII:  HousesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 21
Urban House (includes two-story white frame house with shutters and yard; oiling can and toy on step)

Series XIII:  Indians of North AmericaReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
6 / 22
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota (includes man on bucking white horse, 1910; Sioux dancers, [post-1918]; rodeo rider Moses White, undated; and other rodeo events, [post-1918]; men herding cattle by moonlight; [post-1918]; funeral procession of George Halsey, 1923; by F. B. Fiske)
undated; 1910; post-1918; 1923
6 / 23
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota (McLaughlin Fair views of bronc rider; by F. B. Fiske)
6 / 24
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota (includes views of parade and Sioux dancers at Standing Rock Fair, [post-1918]; novelty (foot) race, [post-1918]; and howling coyote, undated; by F. B Fiske)
undated; post-1918
6 / 25
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota (views of rodeo riders including Gilland on bareback; Ironeyes on rearing horse; J. Bear, bareback rider on white horse; and pony race; by F.B. Fiske)
post 1918
6 / 26
Fort Yates, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota (views of wrestling and boxing events showing competitors, spectators, and officials in an outdoor, informal arena; by F. B. Fiske)
6 / 27
Red Tomahawk (includes portrait of Sioux chief Red Tomahawk with feathered headdress on a calendar on mount, 1924; group photograph including Red Tomahawk, Col. Foster, North Dakota Governor Walter Maddock, Major General Charles P. Summerall, and Francis Zane, 1928)
1924; 1928

Series XIV:  LandscapesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
7 / 1
Cascade Range, Washington (includes Mt. Baker Lodge and Mt. Baker; Table Mountain; Mt. Shukstrom; Mt. Storm King; Solduc Woods and Solduc Burn; The Pillars, Sekia; boat coming into Bellingham)
1924 June/July
7 / 2
Hay Stack Butte (near Augusta)
7 / 3
Little Missouri (includes open plains, river cuts identified as "Little Mo", automobile and dirt road; antelope in distance; house, outbuildings, stacked wood and gate belonging to W. H. Hanson; taken by Frayne Baker of North Dakota)
7 / 4
Little Missouri (includes fence posts, range land, badlands, rocky outcroppings, river identified as "Little Mo."; taken by Frayne Baker of North Dakota)
Mission Range (snow capped peaks)
7 / 5
Rock Art (near Rock Creek Lodge)
circa 1920
7 / 6
Sun River Area (Sun River U.S. Government Petroleum Reserve and detailed descriptions)

Series XV:  MenReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
7 / 7
W. Amory, 1880; A. H. Beattie, undated; [P.B.] Bird, undated; James F. Blaine, undated; Steve Carpenter, undated; Steve Carpenter with Clarence J. Kinna, undated
undated; 1880
7 / 8
Rt. Rev. Monsignor Victor Day (includes view of Victoria Falls, Rhodesia, and Taj Mahal)
7 / 9
William Dixon, Jr., undated; Thomas P. Fenlon, 1916; W. K. Flowerree, undated; Edwin O. Holter, 1887; Norman B. Holter, 1891; Andy Johnson, a Missouri River steamboat captain, undated; signed portrait of Conrad Kohrs, no date)
undated; 1887; 1891; 1916
7 / 10
Charles A. Lindbergh (includes Mayor Percy Witmer and Lindy in motorcade in Helena)
7 / 11
Gov. Alf M. Landon with his father, John M. Landon, no date; Harry S. Lehr, 1893; William H. Lyon, undated; J. C. Marr, 1912; Augustus MacDonald, 1890; Len McCullough, undated; Franklyn Nichols, a black corpsman, [circa 1945])
undated; 1890; 1893; 1912; circa 1945
7 / 12
George M. Rand, undated; "Rex" from St. Louis, no date; Louis P. Sanders, [circa 1897]; P.E. Studebaker, undated; W.D. Symmes of the Power Mercantile Co. in Lewistown, undated; John Thorburn, undated; James Grover Tougas, undated
undated; circa 1897
7 / 13
W. G. Veazey, [circa 1890]; Bruce Wallace, undated; Rolla B. Watson, 1891; Portus B.Weare, undated; Frank G. Welsh, undated; Fred West sitting on hood of ambulance, [circa 1917]; S. A. Willis, undated
undated; circa 1890; 1891; circa 1917
7 / 14
Robert Lee Word (includes portrait with polka-dot tie, 1888; front view with stick pin in tie, undated; profile in tuxedo, 1890; Word with two women, probably [Belle] Word and another sister, undated)
undated; 1888; 1890
8 / 1
Men - Unidentified Portraits- Military (includes man with long-belted tunic, sash, boots and gloves, possibly Civil War era, taken by a Bloomington, Illinois, photographer; portraits of WWI-era soldiers, one wearing a hat)
8 / 2
Men - Unidentified Portraits - Montana (Montana pioneer wearing Deer Lodge Pioneer badge, [1913]; man inspecting a ledger in a store, [circa 1900]; older man sitting in front of ivy-covered door, undated; unidentified portraits by Helena photographers, undated)
undated; circa 1900; 1913
8 / 3
Men - Unidentified Portraits (man with top hat; man with heavy chain and watch fob; man with mustache; Catholic clergyman; man with white mustache; man on deck of ferry or steamboat)
8 / 4
Groups (left to right, G. Stuart, W. F. Sanders, [?] Steel, J. R. Sweeney, undated; W. LeGrand Cannon, T. Noyes, J. L. Ming, 1891; W. LeGrand Cannon, J.L. Ming, 1891; All-Industry Montana Poultry School featuring Homer Huntington, Arthur Todd, Dave Ross, Harry Johnson
undated; 1891
8 / 5
Unidentified Groups (includes Catholic clergy in front of a church, undated; men on porch of log structure, Beaver Creek, 1904)
undated; 1904

Series XVI:  MiningReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
8 / 6
Block P Mining Company (includes views of mine, buildings, ore car and other equipment, men; located in Hughesville, Montana)
circa 1920s
8 / 7
Block P Mining Company (includes office, concentrating mill, and pigs; some views in winter; located in Hughesville, Montana)
circa 1920s
8 / 8
Tunnels, trestle, and cuts (includes cuts named Andersen, Summit, Maliff, Milam, and Udberg; shows equipment resembling a steam shovel and construction)
8 / 9
Unidentified (dismantled buildings in snow)

Series XVII:  Monuments and MemorialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
8 / 10
Captain John Mullan Trail, 1853-1855 (postcard of monument, location unknown, circa 1916)
1853-1855; circa 1916

Series XVIII:  RecreationReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
8 / 11
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private rail car excursion; includes Amelia "Amy" Lieber and Louise Lieber)
circa 1900
8 / 12
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private rail car excursion; includes 2 black attendants, Amelia "Amy" and Louise Lieber, Richard Austin Harlow and Josephine Maud Barnaby Harlow, Mrs. Floyd Jones, tent, train, and tracks)
circa 1900
9 / 1
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private rail car excursion; includes group fishing dressed in hip boots and swimming suits, hats and gear; rail car, tent and stream)
circa 1900
9 / 2
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private rail car excursion, includes group fishing, dressed in hip boots and swimming suits, hats and gear; rail car, tent and stream)
circa 1900
9 / 3
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private rail car excursion; includes group on horseback playing polo, and rail car)
circa 1900
9 / 4
Rail car excursion C. B. Power, Sr. with friends on a private railcar excursion; includes group target shooting; rail car and tent)
circa 1900

Series IXX:  Transportation Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 5
Freight wagons (loaded tandem wagons pulled by three horse teams alongside warehouse; imprint on back "George S. Hoyt, Louisville, KY")
9 / 6
Wagons and automobiles (horse-driven wagons and automobiles fording river in winter)
9 / 7
S.S. City of New York (photograph of painting of ship crossing the Atlantic; T. C. Power, family and friends, crossed in this ship in 1889)

Series XX:  U.S. SenatorsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
9 / 8
Portraits (includes Nelson W. Aldrich; J. B. Allen; William B. Allison; B. Bate; James H. Berry; Joseph C. S. Blackburn; C. S. Brice; Matthew C. Butler; Isaac Bassett; Henry W. Blair; R. Blodgett)
10 / 1
Portraits (includes D. Coffery; W. Call; J. Camden; J. Cameron; J. Carey, J. Carlisle; L. Casey; W. Chandler; F. Cockrell; R. Coke; A. Colquitt; S. Cullom)
10 / 2
Portraits (includes J. Daniel; C. Davis; H. Dowes; N. Dixon; J. Dolph; F. Dubois; G. Edmunds; W. Everts; C. Farwell; C. Faulkner; C. Felton; W. Frye)
10 / 3
Portraits (includes J. Gallinger; J. George; C. Gibson; J. Gordon; A. Gorman; G. Gray)
10 / 4
Portraits (includes E. Hale; W. Hampton; H. Hansbrough; I. Harris; President Benjamin Harrison; J. Hawley; G. Hearst; A. Higgins; D. Hill; F. Hiscock; G. Hoar; E. Hunton)
10 / 5
Portraits (includes J. Ingalls; J. Irby; James K. Jones; John P. Jones; J. Kyle)
10 / 6
Portraits (includes C. Manderson; J. McMillan; J. McPherson; R. Mills; J. Mitchell, J. Morgan, J. Morrill; Levi P. Morton, Vice-President)
10 / 7
Portraits (includes A. S. Paddock; J. Palmer; S. Pasco; H. B. Payne; W. Peffer; B. W. Perkins; R. Pettigrew; O. Platt; R. Proctor; J. Pugh; M. Quay; M. Ransom)
11 / 1
Portraits (includes W. Sanders; P. Sawyer; J. Sherman; George Shoup; J. Spooner; W. Squire; L. Stanford; W. Stewart; F. Stockbridge)
11 / 2
Portraits (includes H. Teller; D. Turpie; Z. Vance; G. Vest; W. Vilas; D. Voorhees)
11 / 3
Portraits (includes E. Walthall; F. Warren; W. Washburn; E. White, J. Wilson, E. Wolcott)

Series XXI:  Universities and Colleges Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
11 / 4
Georgetown College (group portraits including C. B. Power, A.J. Donlan, Monsignor Spratt, Father Clark, and other classmates at Georgetown College, 1888; and of Georgetown College, [circa 1888])
circa 1888
11 / 5
Georgetown College (portraits of C. B. Power's classmates at Georgetown College including T. V. Bolan; Harry Butler; William Dwyer; Erin Dahlgren; Father Donlan; Thomas C. Fitzpatrick)
11 / 6
Georgetown College (portraits of C. B. Power's classmates at Georgetown College including Daniel J. Gravy; James Gray; John Junghasse; George Kearney; J. W. Kearny, Jr.; (unknown first name) Singleton; A. Masters McDonell; D. J. McLaughlin; James P. Montgomery; W. P. D. Moross)
11 / 7
Georgetown College (portraits of C. B. Power's classmates at Georgetown College including A. E. Shoemaker; Maurice Spratt; tintype of James Taylor and James Gray; James Taylor; tintype of 3 unidentified classmates)
Georgetown College (includes group of Georgetown College class of 1929 with Charles Benton Power, Jr., 1925)

Series XXII:  WomenReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
12 / 1
Helen M. Ashby, undated; Miss Batchelor, undated; Louise Blaine (Haymarket Theatre of Chicago; photographed by Morrison), undated; "Carrie" with kid gloves and flowered hat, undated; Helen P. Clarke, undated; Isabelle Cory, 1890, 1892, undated
undated; 1890; 1892
12 / 2
Frankie DeBois (portraits of Frankie with plumed hat, 1897; seated on fur-draped chair, undated); Josie C. Fox, undated; May Franklin,1893
undated; 1893; 1897
12 / 3
May Hoit, 1892, 1892, 1896; Maud Van Buren Holmes, [circa 1894]; Clara Holter, undated; Mathilde Kessler (includes portrait of Mathilde with fur muff and plumed hat, 1900; portraits of Mathilde wearing large locket, no date)
undated; 1892; circa 1894; 1896; 1900
12 / 4
Mrs. Leighton, undated; Blythe McCormick (includes Blythe with horse "Kentuck", undated; with two-wheeled cart pulled by "Baby Doll", no date; with pony "Pete" in lot with surrounding stables, undated); Augusta Warner Miller, 1890; Addie Morton Murphy wearing feathered hat, 1898, and wearing boa, no date; Frances Murphy, undated, and Frances Murphy (Tait) with daughter holding doll, in hammock, and dog alongside, undated)
undated; 1890; 1898
12 / 5
Sadie Sutton, undated; Anne B. Thompson, 1888; Ella Blaine Thompson (includes portrait with plumed hat, 1895; seated in ornate chair, [circa 1898]; with daughter Alice, [circa 1898] and 1902)
undated; 1888; 1895; circa 1898; 1902
12 / 6
Gwenllian M. Vaughan-Rhys (includes Gwen in baby carriage, 1927; Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan-Rhys, 1927; Trevor Vaughan-Rhys, dog and coal sign, 1927; Gwen, 1938 and 1945)
1927; 1938; 1945
12 / 7
Julia Veazey, undated; [Belle] Word, undated; Lucille and Winifred Wyard, 1890
undated; 1890
12 / 8
Women - unidentified portraits by Helena photographers (includes portrait of two women with flowered hats by Bundy and Train, 1888; portraits by Lawson, 1888, undated; by Taylor, undated; woman in ornate wicker chair by Sproule and Keller, undated)
undated; 1888
12 / 9
Women - unidentified portraits by photographers from New York, Washington, and Wyoming (woman with crucifix necklace, Campbell Studio, New York, [circa 1920]; portrait of woman with fur hat, Husted Studio, New York, 1903; older woman with child, Lockwood & Gamsby, Spokane, Washington, undated; portrait by Kirkland of Cheyenne, Wyoming, undated)
undated; 1903; circa 1920
12 / 10
Women - unidentified portraits and photographers (tintype of women with fans; woman with parasol; tinted photograph of woman in checkered suit wearing a hat; two women with hats)

Series XXIII:  Yellowstone National ParkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
13 / 1
Yellowstone National Park - Tourists (includes Frances and Caroline Thornton, Lt. and Mrs. Hickman, Mrs. Forbes, Wade Forbes, William Holliday, Dr. Ruick; and C. B. Power; also shows stagecoach and wooden road at Golden Gate, picnic lunch at Will Dixon's Camp, Devil's Punch Bowl, and Minerva Terrace)
13 / 2
Yellowstone National Park - Tourists (includes Frances and Caroline Thornton, Lt. and Mrs. Hickman, Mrs. Forbes, Wade Forbes, Wm. Holliday, Dr. Ruick, Frances Murphy, and C. B. Power; also shows tourists on donkeys with building in background at Mammoth Hot Springs, stagecoach with passengers, carriage in front of erupting geyser, group at Yellowstone Lake)
13 / 3
Yellowstone National Park - Views (includes buffalo, bear, Minute Man Geyser, Virginia Cascades, and Yellowstone River)
13 / 4
Yellowstone National Park - Views (includes Fall of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone River, Liberty's Cap, Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, Fire Hole River)