Centennial Oral History Project Oral Histories, 1982-1988

Overview of the Collection

Washington State University.
Centennial Oral History Project Oral Histories
1982-1988 (inclusive)
11 Linear feet of shelf space, (22 Boxes)
Collection Number
Archives 202 (collection)
Interviews and records from Washington State University Centennial Oral History Project.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Washington State University Centennial Oral History Project (COHP) was formally established with a $5,000 grant from the WSU Foundation in 1983. From this beginning, COHP coordinator Linda Lilles initiated a network of volunteer interviewers and interviewees from the various facets of the University community, including alumni, retirees, faculty, staff, and administration of long standing. Since the initial grant, the Office of Centennial Planning and the History Department have funded the COHP, with the bulk of the program under the leadership of Keith Williams. Coordinator from August, 1983 to November, 1987, Williams built up the collection to include 150 interviews with as many as 80 volunteers.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The COHP operates under a "unit history" format whereby each university department or unit has been asked to participate so that a balanced collective history emerges. Forty-five departments/units are represented in the collection. An important emphasis of COHP in addition to departmental/unit histories has been the 25 Golden Grad interviews, undertaken from 1984 to 1987, during the 50th anniversary alumni celebrations held each spring. By the end of the Centennial Oral History Project in June, 1988, 174 interviews have been processed and transcribed. This is a significant feat, as the Oral History Office has no interviewing staff and relies soley upon volunteers to conduct the interviews. The resulting interviews have been made available to Centennial historians and any others who wish to research or just reminisce.

Each interview in the first series has been transcribed, but due to budget constraints, most of them have not been edited. If in doubt on a name or years, consult Campus Directories or Catalogs in Holland Library. Also, remember that these interviews are informal conversations where errors in grammar sometimes occur. The description outlines basic information--the interviewer, interviewee, number of tapes, interview date, Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC) location, any additional material filed with the originals, and a brief sketch of topics discussed during the interview.

An index to departments and subjects exists in print form at WSU Libraries: Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections. In addition to information presented here, the print index also contains a subject index and a university department index.

During digitization of these in 2013, it was realized that a 1970 History of WSU's Physics Program roundtable was included in the Golden Grads cassettes in box 21; its provenance is unknown but it is speculated that it might have come as supporting material to Dr. Band's interview (Box 1).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

The majority of the audio recordings from this collection have been digitized and can be found online in the WSU Oral Histories Project Digital Collection.

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Centennial Oral History Project Oral Histories, 1982-1988 (Archives 202)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is divided into three series. The main series (Box 1-20) consists of one-on-one interviews. The second series lists the Golden Grad interviews- group interviews with returning alumni (Box 21). The final series (Box 22) contains all relevant paperwork.

Acquisition Information

This collection is a compilation of the accessions: UA 84-33, UA 84-37, UA 85-05, UA 85-08, UA 85-12, UA 85-16, UA 85-27, UA 85-28, UA 85-45, UA 86-02, UA 87-17, UA 87-30.

An interview, with James Elder, was discovered in another collection in 2011 and moved to this one.

Processing Note

This collection was partially processed in May of 1986 by Barbara Kovarik Gahl. The Centennial Oral History Project Index was compiled in 1988 by Sara Addis Colbert and Christine Hadlow.

Separated Materials

One additional Centennial Oral History was completed too late to be included, and is now held separately as the Centennial Oral History Interview with Charles Byron "CB" Jones, 1990 October 31 (CT 23)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: One-on-one Interviews Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Ackley, William B. Horticulture - Chair
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
3 tapes
Development of landscape architecture program at WSU. Washington state's wine grape industry. Horticulture Department's relationship with neighboring states and provinces. Horticulture department at Johnson Hall. Cooperation with USDA. Responsibilities as chairman. Research stations. Changes in the department over the years. Foreign work and cooperation. Extension programs.
Photograph of Ackley, 1985. Resume. Ackley's Recollections and 5 pages of notes used for the interview.
March 15, 1985
Adams, Janet Alumni - Education, 1976
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Family members who are WSU graduates. Personal background. Student experiences at WSU - work, studies, activities, classes, professors, equipment, and facilities. Campus and social life in the early 1970s. Comments on research and teaching assistants. Campus health care. Religious activities of the early 1970s.
Family tree.
July 16, 1986
Adams, Mark F. Division of Industrial Research
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC, 1938-51. Professional career at WSU, 1942-74. Personal research at WSU. Shift in research and teaching duties. Relationship between the Division of Industrial Research and the College of Engineering. Administration of, and attitude toward Division of Industrial Research. Early days in Pullman. Materials donated to WSU archives. Personal interests.
September 5, 1986
Adams, Ruth Alumni - Music/Education, 1941. Faculty Wife - Mark F. Adams, Division of Industrial Research
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC, 1936-41. Early years in Pullman. Impressions of WSC. Marriage to Mark F. Adams, Professor of Chemistry. Founding of Montessori School in Pullman, 1969. Montessori theory of education. Activities with faculty wives. Mark F. Adam's consulting work. Personal interests.
September 5, 1986
Anderson, Gilmore Engineering - Foundry and Wood Products Lab
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Work at WSU Foundry, 1943-1950 - facilities, supervisors, work with light alloy metals, and crew. Employment with foundry at the Division of Industrial Research. Extensive discussion on various projects the foundry undertook. Work with Hydraulics Department. Work on developing hop dryer. Closure of foundry. Employment with Wood Products Lab - crew, supervisors, graduate students, facilities, salaries and promotions, and departmental social activities. Extensive discussion on Wood Products Lab's projects. Chairs of Engineering. Physical development of campus.
June 9, 1987
Backus, Donald Alumni - Agricultural Engineering, 1952
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Pine Manor, a male residence hall - social events, house mother, fellow hallmates. Student life and favorite instructors. A typical day.
Photocopy page of Pine Manor residents, including Backus.
June 3, 1987
Bailey, Roy and Wanda Animal Science - Farm Manager
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Roy's career, 1924-72 (manager of Farm Services, 1944-72). Locations of various buildings on campus. Bailey's work with Clydesdale horses and blacksmithing. Locations of plots of farm land near campus. Colleagues over the years.
Paper entitled "Recollections of WSU" by Roy Bailey. Copies of photos about cutting wheat, Clydesdales, sunflowers, and Bailey's retirement party. Photos of Roy and Wanda Bailey, and photo of Roy with Rod Bertramson.
February 20, 1985
Band, William Physics - Chair
Park, James L. and George E. Duvall (interviewer)
1 tapes
Recollections of Physics department since 1949. Band's chairmanship, 1958-67. WSU administration. Importance of teaching.
Autobiography and a March, 1967 WSU Invited Address entitled "Shocks in Physics and in Society." Paper by Alfred B. Butler, Physics, entitled "Some History of the WSU Physics Department."
April 25, 1985
Bartuska, Tom J. Architecture
Graham, Channell (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Undergraduate and graduate career at the University of Illinois. Travelling scholarship to Europe, 1958 - worked at a United Nations Association work camp in Austria building houses for refugees. WSU career, 1963 to present. Architecture department - size, faculty, courses, and facilities. Cooperative program. Outstanding students. 1970 Fulbright and sabbatical to Afghanistan and its positive affect on his career.
November 26, 1985
Bearse, Gordon Animal Science - Poultry Science, Puyallup Experiment Station
Rasmussen, Lowell W. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Biography of Bearse. Professional career at WSU, 1929-72. Poultry industry problems and research programs. Colleagues and their work. Communication of research findings to industry groups, producers, and other researchers. Personal service to scientific community and local area.
Biographical sketch. News release from WWREC about Bearse's retirement.
May 1, 1984
Bement, Kenyon T. Alumni - Business Administration, 1934
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student days at WSC -fraternities, teachers, "Yell King" activities, student attitudes, and classmates.
May 14, 1987
Bennett, Edward M. (#1) History
Hadlow, Robert (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1961-present. History department - students, courses, faculty, and facilities. Focus of departmental change, 1961-85. Praise for WSU's graduate program. Social atmosphere of Pullman. Personal hobbies. Private and professional associations and activities. Athletics at WSU. Student protests of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Administrative response to students. Violence on WSU campus. Mascots and student identity. Salary inequities. Performance of three WSU administrations.
Curriculum vita.
October 30, 1985
Bennett, Edward M. (#2) History
Hall, David (interviewer)
2 tapes
Professional career at WSU, 1961-present. History department - courses, work load, research, faculty, character of department, and students. Experience as Faculty Athletic Representative to the Pacific 10 Athletic Conference. Importance of athletics in generating alumni financial support and identification. Why Bennett came to WSU and reasons for staying.
July 22, 1986
Benzel, Brian Alumni - Business Administration, 1970
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student days at WSU - student politics, student attitudes, and experiences as Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) President.
February 8, 1988
Bertramson, B. Rodney Agronomy and Soils - Chair
Ehlers, Melvin R. (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1949-85. Highlights in Agronomy program. Agronomy Department - faculty, cooperation with other departments, extension, and chairs. Arrival at WSU and living in Pullman. Relationships with state and regional associations and USDA. Professional societies. Tenure as department chairman. Philosophy on departmental administration. Mission of a land-grant university. Professionalism. Program for observing teaching. Land and facilities supervision. Teaching loads. Tribute to Ag. teachers. Turbulent times of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
6 articles by Bertramson. Bibliography on professional agronomists. Four photos of Bertramson - 1945,1952,1970, and 1984.
December 30, 1985
Betts, Attie L. Electrical Engineering
Knox, R. F. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. World War II. WSU career, 1955-1978. Growth of Engineering Department and faculty. Development of honors and PhD programs. Academic cooperation with other Pacific Northwest electrical engineering departments. Colleagues. Outstanding students. WSU administration under President C. C. French.
April 21, 1985
Bhatia, Vishnu N. Office of International Education and Honors Program - Director. Pharmacy
Slind, Marvin (interviewer)
1 tapes
Early years of International Programs Office. Establishment of study abroad and exchange programs. Directors of International Programs. Professional career at WSU, 1952-present. Changes in personnel and focus of International Programs. Administration's support. Creation of International Programs Development Office. Bhatia's guidelines for establishing study abroad programs. Rewarding aspects of experience with International Programs. Creation of Language Center.
Biographical data.
March 26, 1986
Bobb, Bernard History
Hall, David (interviewer)
1 tapes
Professional career at WSU, 1949-1980. Early years of the Political Science and History department - course load, extension programs, research interests, and split of the department. Publications and dissertation background. Colleagues. Impressions of chairmen and WSU presidents. Effects of McCarthy era on department and campus. Campus unrest of the 1960s and 1970s. Effect of Chicano Studies on Mexican history. Changes from Resident Instructional Staff to Senate. Financial conditions and status of department and faculty. Pullman. History department (academic quality, publication standards, pay, Latin American historians, and grad students). Retirement. Current Latin American events. Lack of objectivity in history.
July 11, 1986
Bonn, Art and Marge Alumni - Entomology, 1925 (A.B.); English, 1924 (M.B.)
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student days at WSU - teachers, fraternities and sororities, social activities, library, classmates, fashions, and campus grounds.
December 12, 1986
Boyington, Alfred Music
Spicer, Randall (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. How Boyington came to WSU. Career, 1933-1973. WWII, and graduate school at the University of Michigan. Colleagues. Agony Hall (old music building). Music facilities. Performing days and undergraduate years at Julliard. Outstanding students. "Tall Indians" organization at WSU.
April 27, 1983
Brain, George Education - Dean
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1965-1983. Establishment of the the Department of Education, 1964. Evolution of Home Economics and Agricultural Education. Basic Education Act. Contributions of WSU's Education department to the state. Distribution of Education graduates from Washington universities and colleges. New thrusts: industrial technology, and expanding international market in education. Impressions of being a Dean.
Memorandum from Dean Zeno Katterle indicating merger of the two Physical Education departments with the College of Education and the establishment of the Department of Education. Newspaper article on Brain's resignation from Education Deanship.
May 10, 1983
Breakey, Nettie C. (Esselbaugh) Food Sciences and Human Nutrition
Hard, Margaret (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional WSU career, 1946-1956. Nutrition classes, graduate students, and curriculum in related sciences. Impressions of the Palouse country. College of Home Economics - faculty, research facilities, and research. Social activities. Professional salaries. Travel. Relationship with Home Economics Extension staff.
Copy from "Who's Who of American Women" & "American Men of Science." List of professional publications. 2 reprints co-authored by Breakey: "Nutritional Status of -Ten Family Groups in WA. St.," & "Effect of Nutritional Education on Food Habits."
April 4, 1988
Bucklin, Robert Alumni - 1925
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Reminiscences of Bucklin's father, Robert Eden Bucklin, a WSC alumnus. Impressions of WSU Presidents.
December 12, 1986
Bundy, Murray W. English - Chair
Elder, James H. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1928-56. Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Extensive discussion on President and Mrs. Compton and the Compton administration. Beaver Creek Camp Association. Responsibilities of department chairman. Early days of the English department.
June 16, 1984
Bushaw, Donald Mathematics
DeTemple, Duane (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Campus and math department as an undergraduate, 1943-1949. Campus changes over the years. Influential professors. Graduate experience at Princeton. Professional career at WSU, 1952-present. Math department in the 1950s - colleagues, curriculum, etc. Students over the years. Pure and applied mathematics. Changes in teaching math, and new directions. Professional organizations and research interests. Comparisons of various administrations/administrators. Affiliated departments - astronomy and computer science. Doctor of Arts program.
May 14, 1986
Buss, Irven 0. Zoology
Jonas, Robert J. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1948-73. Early years of Wildlife Biology. Personal research (elephants). Wildlife Biology program - graduate students, faculty, and zoology chairs. WSU's administration in relation to Wildlife Biology. Principles of Wildlife Conservation class.
Paper on history of Wildlife Biology program by Buss entitled, "Status, Needs, and a Proposed Program for Wildlife Biology at Washington State University." No date.
September 18, 1985
Calbick, Chester J. Physics
Donaldson, E.E. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student career at WSU, 1921-25. Work at Bell Labs, 1925-68, including electron diffraction, electron microscopes, Calbick-Davisson formula, early television, et cetera. Senior research physicist with WSU after retirement from Bell Labs, 1973-present.
January 27, 1985
Caraher, Joe Alumni Association
Caraher, Pat (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Establishment of alumni clubs in and out of Washington. Alumni meetings and gathering support. Changes in responsibilities of Alumni Association (AA). AA's relationship with the President and Board of Regents. Principles in early AA and Cougar Club. Alumni leadership scholarship program and alumni achievement award. Student involvement in AA. Caraher's feelings of establishing an alumni house on campus. Golden Grad reunions. New directions Caraher believes AA should take.
July 5, 1983
Chisolm, Florence and Marshall Alumni - Mathematics, 1927 (F.C); 1928 (M.C.)
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Student days at WSC - professors, Greek versus dormitory living, clothing fashions, social activities, and classmates.
January 17, 1987
Coleman, Dorothea Physical Education
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
1 tapes
WSU career, 1948-1974. Supporter of women's unlimited dribble basketball. Eligibility of women in athletics. Restrictions in athletics. Involvement with volleyball. Officiating. Physical Education department - colleagues, courses, and students. Personal background. Concerns for teaching competency - teacher education standards in Physical Education program. Committee work on maintaining attendence requirement in P.E. courses. Contributions to P.E. department. Committee service. Sexism and maintaining University standards.
September 9, 1983
Cook, Dorothy Education
Grunewald, Marjorie B. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1949-1973. Philosophy of education. Computers. Attraction of, and life at WSU. Fine Arts and Education departments. Sabbatical in Mexico. Artistic goals for children. The "Art Shop." Pullman schools. Workshops and extension classes. WSU's changing curriculum. Inspirational teachers. WWII years.
June 15, 1983
Coonrad, Dan Animal Science
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Animal Science student, 1958-63. Career with WSU Animal Science Department, 1967-present. History and uses of the Old Beef Barn. Colleagues. Discussion of manure lagoons, and silage and hay making. Future of the beef industry. Cross breeding of cattle.
Copies of photographs about rope halter tying class, 1959; Coonrad with grand champion bull, 1960. 2 photos of Coonrad at Old Beef Barn, 1985.
February 12, 1985
Cosgriffe, Harry Adult and Continuing Education
Long, James (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Masters of Adult and Continuing Education Program (MACE) - adult learning course, program planning course. Transition from Masters of Extension Program to MACE program. Development of a regional association of adult educators (Northwest Adult Education Association). Future of adult education.Reflections on career at WSU as extension administrator, professor in the MACE, and as international developer.
May 30, 1985
Cossalman, Gertrude Education - Administrative Assistant
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1942-1976. Early years of the Education department. Professors. College Hall. History of teacher certification. Job description and evolution of duties up to Administrative Assistant. Recollections of and relations with students. Establishment of the department and Cleveland Hall. Colleagues. Relations with the rest of the university. Support services for the faculty. Problems with the program. State Office of Education. Dean/chairman split of authority. Student teaching program. Teacher quality.
February 3, 1984
Crawford, William Education
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1954-72. Junior colleges and their separation from public schools. Early years of the Education department. Influence of Education department on Washington's community colleges. Current issues in education, especially in community colleges. Comparison of junior colleges and universities. Crawford's retirement.
Obituaries from local papers, March 26, 1983.
March 23, 1982
Deeter, Isaac (Ike) Physical Education - Alumni, 1928. Boxing Coach
Tidrick, K.A. (Andy) (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student experiences - Sigma Nu fraternity, social events, and athletics. Boxing experiences - Golden Gloves. Job at Potlatch, 1929. WSU professional career as boxing coach, 1931-1967. Amateur and college leagues, notable boxers, and memorable bouts. Navy Pre-flight program during WWII. Demise of boxing program. Intramural and instructional boxing. Colleagues and anecdotes. Family. WSU administrations. Student athletes. Retirement activities.
June 23, 1984
Deutsch, Lenna Baird Bacteriology - Alumni, 1926. Instructor. Faculty Wife - Herman Deutsch, History
Nakata, Herb (interviewer)
1 tapes
Circumstances bringing Deutsch to WSC. Student years at WSC, 1922-1926. Anecdote on diptheria scare. Graduate student experiences, 1928-1929. Experiences as an instructor, 1929. Relationship between Bacteriology professor, Dr. Victor Burke and History professor, Dr. Deutsch. Marriage to Dr. Herman Deutsch, 1930. Bacteriology department - facilities, students, faculty. Presentation of Sigma Alpha Omicron pin to H.M. Nakata. Social life and codes on WSC campus.
June 6, 1984
Dils, Eugene W. Dean of Students, Alumni
Fry, Richard B. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Dils' student days at WSC in the (?)1930s - organizations (Theta Nu Epsilon, TNE), social rules, teachers, clothing fashions, classmates, and student politics.Noel: Reminiscences of Buck Bailey and WSU baseball. Norman: Perceptions of college athletics today.
Tape and transcript also contains short interviews with WSU alumni, Bob Noel and Stanley Norman.
May 12, 1987
Dingle, Richard W. Forestry and Range Management
Harris, Grant (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1953-1983. Forestry department - facilities, faculty, courses, memorable students, and the Forestry Nursery. Types of trees grown on campus and their uses. Clark-McNary Act. Accreditation. Women in the Forestry Program. Dingle's experiences with the Indonesian Agricultural Education Project, 1981. Evaluation of WSU's Forestry Program.
April 15, 1986
Dykstra, Henry Alumni - Animal Science (Dairy Science), 1926
Ehlers, Mel (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Hand milking cows. Education in the early decades of the 20th century. Student life and layout of campus in the early 1920s. Importance of agriculture. Professional recognition and Dykstra's honors. Dairies in the Soviet Union. Artificial insemination and Bang's disease.
October 4, 1986
Eastlick, Herbert L. Zoology - Chair
Jonas, Robert J. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1940-73. Zoology department - research, equipment, facilities, curriculum, and faculty. Eastlick's chairmanship, 1947-1965. Mentions various faculty and deans he worked with. Five year sabbatical. Students and classes, 1940-70s. Recognition of Eastlick's research. Eastlick's philosophy of academics.
October 22, 1985
Eckblad, Inez Home Economics - Food Science & Human Nutrition. Extension
Hard, Margaret M. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1946-1967. Responsibilities of a land-grant university. Extension programs. World-wide recognition of Extension programs. Professional conferences. Changes in Extension Services to fit changing demands of the public. Colleagues Eckblad worked with in Home Economics and Agriculture.
Published bulletins and other types of educational information which might be on file with Cooperative Extension Services, WSU.
December 4, 1986
Ehlers, Melvin R. Animal Science - Dairy Science
Bertramson, Rodney B. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Recollections of Dairy Science Department. Ehlers' Biography. Professional career at WSU, 1953-82. Dairy Science merger with Poultry and Animal Science. Dairy herds at WSU and the dairy industry. The continuing role of a land-grant university.
Photograph of Ehlers, January 1985.
January 17, 1985
Enberg, Mary Lou Physical Education. Alumni, 1950. Professor
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Women's Recreation Association. WSU - campus, enrollment, and strengths. Davis Residence Hall. Athletics - facilities, games, clubs, and Crimson W. Restrictions on women on campus. Student activities and alcohol use. Influx of WWII veterans - housing, social changes, and competition. WSU professional career, 1960-1983. Physical Education Department - faculty and faculty committees. Merger of Men's and Women's departments - good and bad points.
June 27, 1983
Entenmann, Felix Alumni - Agronomy and Soils, 1951
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background and work as an agronomist with the Army. Agronomy graduate, B.S. and M.S., 1946-51. Agronomist with Cooperative Extension in Washington, Whitman County. Problems the Extension faced (stripe rust). Cooperation with WSU Agronomy department. Work with peas and lentils. Erosion research and soil conservation. Future for the soil in Whitman County. Training of extension agents. Role of agents in the future.
Photograph of Entenmann, 1985. Notes used in the interview.
March 14, 1985
Fitch, William and Alice Alumni - English/Journalism, 1950 (W.F.); 1949 (A.F.)
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Education at WSC versus education at UW. Student days at WSC - teachers, social rules, fraternities and sororities, veterans as students, clothing fashions, student politics, classmates, and social activies.
December 13, 1986
French, C. Clement President Emeritus
Helton, Harold (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal biography. French's philosophy of administration. Administrative duties prior to WSU. Describes first visit to Pullman in 1952. Professional career at WSU, 1952-66. His role in creating the Council of Presidents of Washington Colleges and Universities and in creating Evergreen State College. French's philosophy and goals for administering WSU. Growth of college programs and of the campus. Restoration of WSU to the Pacific-10 Athletic Conference.
May 18, 1983
Frykman, George History
Hall, David (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1950-1987. History department - classes and faculty. Personal research and Publications. Professional activities. Split between History and Political Science departments. Effects of McCarthy era on WSU.
July 21, 1986
Gannon, Gertrude Bryan Alumni. Daughter of President E. A. Bryan
Lilles, Linda Scott (interviewer)
8 tapes
Personal background-- Pullman and Boise. Exctensive selections on her father, President E.A. Bryan. Friends on Maple Street. Flood of 1910, Pullman. Prohibition. Deans of Women, White and Annie Fertig. President Bryan's political philosophy. Senator McCroskey. Dedication of Bryan Hall. President Bryan's death. The President's House. Contribution of WSU to the nation. World War II years. Marriages and career work. Husband, Senator George Gannon.
Article about the Fortnightly Club. Unpublished Clarence Daniel Martin Papers, 1896-1954, with inventory and index. Unpublished Enoch Albert Bryan Papers, 1893-1916, with inventory.
June 29, 1983
Gibson, Weldon B. "Hoot" WSU Foundation. Alumni - Business Administration, 1938
Stimson, William (interviewer)
4 tapes
Student days at WSU during the late 1930s - classes, buildings, social life, professors, and classmates. Theta Nu Epsilon (TNE), a secret campus political organization in the Greek system. Gibson's business activities as a student. Student body elections. Student Strike, 1936. Football. Graduate school at Stanford.
January 5, 1987
Goldsworthy, Harry E. Department[Unit:Alumni - Business Administration, 1939 (?)
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Student days at WSC in the 1930s - fraternities, student politics (Theta Nu Epsilon, a secret greek political organization), classmates, and teachers. Extensive discussion on the Student Strike of 1936. Change in social attitudes among students. President of student body.
May 21, 1987
Gordon, Carol Physical Education
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1962-1982. Women's Physical Education Department - faculty, curriculum, coed activities, facilities, enrollment, and graduate programs. Teaching versus coaching. Pre-Physical Therapy Program. Title 9 and its impact on WSU's Physical Education program.
June 14, 1983
Greenaway, Donald Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
5 tapes
Changes in the restaurant industry since 1950. Changes in functions of corporate lodging and food service organizations since 1950. Trends influencing hospitality industry's future. Changes in hospitality education - courses. Personal background. WSU career, 1947-1951, and as Westin Distinguished Professor at WSU, 1983-1985. WSU's Hotel and Restaurant Administration Program - students, field trips, courses, and faculty. Changes at WSU since the 1940s - buildings, as an agricultural institution, faculty, administration, professionalism. Describes various major hotel and restaurant companies and their corporate officials. Advice to students entering the hospitality industry.
Photograph of D. Greenaway, 1960. Copy of "Who's Who" entry, 1984-1985. Resume of business and professional experiences. Copy of entry on Northwood Institute, Midland, Michigan, from "Ohles and Ohles Private Colleges and Universities."
January 31, 1986
Greenaway, Louise Faculty Wife - Donald Greenaway, Hotel and Restaurant Administration.English instructor
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
2 tapes
Impressions of WSU and Pullman. Professional WSU career, 1947-1948 in the English department - students, classes, and faculty. College social life. Impressions of being a faculty wife. Housing and living conditions in Pullman. Relationship between WSU and Pullman. Women faculty members. Veterans on campus.
February 3, 1986
Greenfield, Eugene W. and Louise Division of Industrial Research - Director.Electrical Engineering
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
2 tapes
Professional career at WSU, 1958-73. Industrial Engineering Research Division (later called Engineering Research Division) at WSU. Greenfield's research (electric acoustics). Development of Engineering college. Personal biography. Greenfield's particular field of interest. Retirement activities. Recollections of Pullman and WSU. Louise Greenfield's work with acoustic sonograms.
December 30, 1986
Gunsul, Richard "Brooks" Alumni - Architecture, 1952
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student days at WSC - campus housing, teachers, social activities, G.I.'s as students, and classmates. Hiring WSU Architecture graduates. Personal background.
May 4, 1987
Hanson, Tom Student, 1965-66
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student life at WSU - classes, teaching methods, typical day, entertainment, ROTC, dormitories, cafeterias, and Orton Hall. Professional career in transit business. Training needed in a service industry. Comments on April, 1987 Federal Transportation Act's impact on Washington State.
Hanson's business card as well as those of others in the transit business.
Apri129, 1987
Harrington, Albert H. Agricultural Economics - Chair
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
5 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1946-1983. Agricultural Economics department - courses, students, teaching methods, integrated courses, and chairmen. Chairmanship and Acting Chairmanships. Reinstatement and Scholarship Committee chores, 1948-1968. Harrington's goals and ambitions at WSU. Personal research. Participation in extension programs. Differences in operation of research programs and the extension programs. Role of Ag. Econ. in the development of the Columbia Basin. Agriculture and government. Role of a land-grant university, its president, and its students.
2 Photographs of Harrington, 1968 (Teaching Award), and 1986. An article by Harrington and Bertramson. Teaching diagram. Retirement seminar presentation by Harrington.
April 3, 1986
Hein, Mel Alumni - Physical Education, 1931(?)
Fry, Richard B. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Football at WSC - 1931 Rose Bowl game, Coach Hollingberry, train trips, league coaches, teams played, teammates, game strategies, and memorable games. Student days at WSC, late 1920s, early 1930s - teachers, fraternities, and meeting Florence, his future wife. Professional football career. Coaching career. Football honors. Other professional football players. Football theory.
June 8, 1987
Herdering, Judy Student Health Services
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Impressions of Student Health Center (SHC) upon arrival in 1958. Organization of SHC. Medical Technician Department at SHC. Reminiscences of WSU students. Current concerns of patients - sex, drugs, alcohol. Work with handicapped students. Family. Impressions of Pullman. Experiences as a sorority advisor. Advice to medical technician students. Rewards of career at WSU.
April 29, 1987
Hicks, Maynard Communications
Hamm, Richard (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1937-72. Early work load. News Bureau. Student participation in newswriting. WSU administrations from Bryan to Terrell. Growth during the Compton years. Arson story. Helen Compton. Student unrest in the late 1960s, early 1970s. Butch, the live cougar mascot. Growth and changes of News Bureau. Relationship with the Athletic Department from 1937 to 1983. Relationship with Student Publications, as advisor.
Several newspaper articles by and about M. Hicks. News releases. A 16 page history of the College News Bureau. Hicks' tenure academic rank.
August 12, 1983
Hill, Alberta D. Home Economics - Dean
Hard, Margaret M. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Education and career before coming to WSU. Career at WSU, 1969-83. Dean, 1975. Reasons for coming to WSU. Facilities and programs within the College of Home Economics. Composition of student body and faculty. Relationship between Home Ec. and Agriculture. Professional societies. Philosophy of Home Ec. over the years and development of various programs at WSU. Internships and field experience. 75th anniversary of the Home Ec. program at WSU. The program's influence upon the state. Merger of the Colleges of Home Ec. and Agriculture.
Several newspaper articles; letter on international programs; commemorative address, 1967, by Matsuyo Yamamoto; American Home Economics Association article; 75-year history of the department; and Margaret M. Hard's vita.
March 29, 1984
Hinrichs, Bob Alumni - Animal Science, 1954
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who are WSU graduates. Student experiences at WSU - studies, fraternities, ROTC, married life on campus, financing education, equipment, student-teacher relationships, social activities, and classes. Agricultural consulting work overseas. Comments on foreign countries, foreign trade and embargoes. Relationship with the Athletic department. Physical development of the campus. Impact of WSU on business in Pullman.
Family tree.
June 19, 1986
Hinrichs, Max Alumni - Agriculture, 1925
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student experiences at WSU - financing education, expenses, and ROTC. Influence of WSU throughout life. Reflections on WSU and its people. Comments on fraternity houses, especially Alpha Gamma Rho. Family members who are WSU graduates. Farming of seed-plants in the Palouse. Comments about national politics and their affects on the Palouse.
Family tree.
July 28, 1986
Hinrichs, Phil Alumni - Agricultural Economics, 1979
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student experiences at WSU - studies, athletics, financing his education, faculty, work, scholarships, and tutors. Business relationship with WSU. Professional baseball career. Relationship and affect of WSU on Hinrichs' rape seed business.
Family tree.
July 17, 1986
Hix, Clarence L. Administration - Finance. Alumni - Civil Engineering, 1909
Knight, Margot H. (interviewer)
6 tapes
Personal biography. Early life in Spokane. Student days at WSC, 1905-09. Summer work with Milwaukee and Great Northern Railroads. Taught physics and math at Pullman High School, 1909-11. Professional career at WSC and WSU, 1911-57 (teacher and business administrator). Military influence on campus during WWI and WWII. Hix's religious activities. Recalls various Regents. Anecdotes. Colleagues over the years, especially William Kruegal, E.O. Holland, and Wilson Compton.
Summary of student & professional career at WSU. Several newspaper articles about Hix. Paper about WSU by George Frykman, Professor of History.
July 16, 1980
Hodgson, A. Scott Animal Science - Dairy Science. Alumni, 1950. WWREC-Puyallup
Ehlers, Melvin H. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Impressions of Pullman and WSU. Dairy Science Department - students and faculty. Student experiences at WSU and the judging team. Work as Junior Dairy Husbandman for WSU. Professional career at Western Washington Research and Extension Center (WWREC) in Puyallup (formerly Western Washington Experiment Station, WWES), 1951-1971. Early history of WWES. Research at WWES and WWREC.
Faculty resume
November 8, 1986
Hume, Richard History - Chair
Hall, David (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1968-present. History department - faculty, classes, enrollment patterns, curriculum, World Civilization course, teaching vs. research, administration's perception of History department, undergraduate and graduate students, effect of Public History program on the department, teaching assistant stipends, student non-politicism, foreign student recruitment, and the budget's effect on morale. Personal research. Chairmanship and goals. Campus unrest of the 1970s.
July 23, 1986
Jacobsen, Marion Home Economics - Food Science & Human Nutrition
Hard, Margaret (interviewer)
1 tapes
Professional career at WSU, 1956-75. Changing philosophy of the Home Economics College. Research emphasis and results. Cooperation with Agriculture, Poultry Science, and Dairy Science departments, as well as cooperative extension and the USDA. Development of the Food Science department. Teaching innovations in Food Science. Loss of community feeling among Home Economics staff with the merger with the College of Agriculture.
December 3, 1986
Jacquot, Harley D. Agronomy and Soils
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Dry farming and Grand Coulee Dam. Superintendent of WSU's Lind project, 1937-47. Much discussion on research - nitrogen fertilizer. Discussion of the McGregor Corporation and his work there. Future of farming and the soil. Jacquot's wheat variety, "Jacmar."
Paper by Jacquot on his professional recollections. Photograph of Jacquot, 1985. Harley Jacquot's obituary, February 17, 1987.
February 8, 1985
Johnson, Barbara WSU Libraries
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
2 tapes
Family background. Foreign Language degree (WSU, 1939-1943). Parent's floral shop and lunch counter in Pullman (Neill's). Classes and entrance tests at WSU. Growth of WSU. Sigma Kappa social events. World War Two. Extensive discussion on Library work. Library career at WSU, 1967-present. Holland Library, 1950 to present.
November 13, 1986
Johnson, Mary Physical Education. Faculty Wife - Claudius O. Johnson
Kiessling, Karen (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background and education. WSU professional career, 1923-1924, and 1927-1929. Women's Physical Education Department - facilities and courses. Faculty salaries, "nepotism" clause, and social life and rules. President E.O. Holland. Anecdote on scheduled Will Rogers/Claudius O. Johnson debate. Student Strike of 1936. Husband's (C.O. Johnson) education and career, chair of the Political Science and History Department. Claudius' Fulbright assignments and travels. Health care in Pullman. Mary's colleagues. Edward R. Murrow. Women's clubs, especially the Fortnightly Club.
Article from the Pullman Herald, "AAUW Pays Tribute to Mary M. Johnson," February 8, 1984.
December 16, 1983
Jones, Marguerite Alumni - Speech & Education, 1960
Jones, Barbara S. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Speech and Education curriculum. Typical day at WSU. Social life and student life. Duncan Dunn.
March 16, 1985
Just, Amanda Music
Spicer, Randall (interviewer)
1 tapes
Biography of Just. Professional career at WSU, 1938-72. Retirement and community service. Memorable students of Just.
September 13, 1983
Keene, Phillip E. University Architect
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Job description.History of campus buildings, golf course, and parking. The future - "The Campus Scheme."
Photograph, vita, and postion description.
April 19, 1985
Klopfer, Jean M. Home Economics - Clothing, Interior Design, and Textiles
Perry, Mignon (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1950-62, 1968-present. Changes within Interior Design/Home Economics Department. Interior Design Department - Foundation of Interior Design Research accreditation, professional organizations, curriculum. Merger of Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics in 1980. Research/teaching balance. Klopfer's involvement on campus and on committees. Professional research.
Vita. Pamphlet for 75th anniversary of College of Home Economics, WSU, 1978.
August 15, 1985
Klossner, Erich and Alma Alumni - Foreign Languages, 1918. US Postal Service, campus branch
Widman, Mary (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC - tuition, campus grounds, extra-curricular activities, athletics, curriculum, enrollment, fraternities, buildings, professors, social activities, and fashions. Pullman community. Alma Klossner's personal background. WSU presidents. Career with the U.S. Postal Service in Pullman and on WSU campus. Retirement.
Notebook of letters, newspaper articles, and photos concerning the destruction of Ferry Hall. Folder with newspaper articles and photographs about the Flood of 1910, and a report, "Chronological Record of Pullman Business Since 1902."
February 3, 1987
Kottke, Frank Economics
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Professional WSU career, 1961-1979. Economics department - undergraduate and graduate students. WSU committees Kottke served on. Student unrest of the 1960s and its impact on WSU. Research. Career with the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D. C. WSU Library system.
May 27, 1987
Kreizinger, Everett J. Adult and Continuing Education
Cosgriffe, Harry A. and Liebel, Lester N. (interviewer)
1 tapes
TELEPHONE INTERVIEW. WSU career, retired in 1969. Masters of Extension program. Colleagues. Students, courses, agricultural extension. Cooperation with other departments - Sociology, Home Economics, Anthropology, etc.Ag. Extension as a minor - resistance from other departments and the graduate school.
March 5, 1985
Krueger, Hanna WSU Libraries - Head of Humanities Library
Vyhnanek, Lou (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1953-1970. Location of library. Head of Technical Services. Organization of Holland Library. Head of basic college library. How a library operates - collection development, faculty relations, divisional setup. Impressions of library administration. Impressions of faculty status for librarians. Value of M.L.S. degree for librarianship as a profession. Role in writing Washington State College Library Handbooks, in instruction activities, and in library automation. Changes at WSU Libraries. Accomplishments and disappointments.
Summary of training and experience. Four page description of library situation from G. Donald Smith, March 11, 1949. Memo from G. Donald Smith on reorganization of Holland Library, February 11, 1952.
March 14, 1986
Landerholm, Helen Alumni - Education, 1922
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Campus life - rules, boarding homes, social life (entertainment and dating), classmates, and religious life. Family background. Husband, Ed Landerholm. Clothing and hair fashions. Household chores. Family members (past, present, and future) who attended WSU.
June 23, 1987
Landis, Paul Sociology, Rural Sociology, Dean of Graduate School
Miller, Isabel (interviewer)
15 tapes
#1) Family background. Sociology Department. Published works. WSU career, 1935-. Previous teaching and job experiences. #2) Soc. Dep't. - colleagues, students, social work program, development of the Rural Soc. Dep't. Government project works. Public attitudes toward soc. Family life in Pullman. Great Depression and westward migration to Washington. Research. #3) Soc. Dep't. - colleagues, course load. Holland administration. Landis' deanship - Graduate School. Compton admn. Resignation from deanship. Compton's real estate developments. #4) Real estate, cont'd. Colleagues. Changed atmosphere on campus during & after WWII. Student Strike, 1936. Veterans as students. Gov't programs during Depression. Compton's demise. Pullman community. Landis' real estate development. #5) Landis' real estate, cont'd. Graduate exams. Graduate faculty. His deanship. Graduate language requirement. Committee system within departments. Work with Farm Home Administration (FHA) during WWII. #6) FHA, cont'd. Effects of WWII on campus. Landis' real estate development. Landis' college employment. WSU career. #7 & #8) Landis' sabbaticals around the world, esp. Africa. #9) Sabbaticals. His achievement drive. Much on family and background. #10) Family & background. #11) Family & background. Hunting trips. His diet. Landis' children. #12) His children and grandchildren. #13) Children, grandchildren. Relationship between Pullman and WSU. Much on his real estate developments & role in building Pullman. Corrections & insertions by Landis. His declining health. #14) Landis' declining health and attitude toward it. Reflects on life's rewards and his failures. Reflects on his wife, Bess. Family members and their health. Graduate School. Sociology Department - facilities. Retirement. #15) Landis' teaching career. Reflects on Bess, his marriage, and fatherhood.
March 1, 1984
Law, Alvin G. Agronomy and Soils
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Impressions of WSU, 1941-79. Courses Law taught. Origins and work of Washington State Crop Improvement Association. Facilities. Observations of Law on bridging gap between academics and agricultural industries. Various faculty and ag. extension staff. Role of a land-grant university. Seed and turf research at WSU. Work as Vice Chairman of Agronomy and Soils. Collegiate Crops Judging, participants and coaches. Law's outlook on foreign service. Law's views on consulting as a professional agronomist. Law's reflections on his experiences.
Journal article about Law. Photo of Law teaching, 1960. Photo of Alvin and Roberta Law, 1985. Photo of Law and Bertramson, 1985.
August 14, 19857
Lawrence, John M. Institute of Biological Chemistry
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1948-81. Ag. Chemistry department (later named Institute of Biological Chemistry) - faculty, chairmen, and facilities. Shift in departmental research emphasis from nutrition and foods to plant biochemistry. Formation of Biological chemistry. Members at outlying stations. Retirement work with Department of Agronomy and Soils. Hobbies and recreation. Retrospection of life at WSU and Pullman.
November 20, 1985
Lincoln, Keith Alumni - Physical Education, 1961. Assistant Football Coach
Fry, Dick (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Football at WSU. Professional football with the San Diego Chargers. Coaching at different levels-high school, college, professional. Teammates and outstanding players at WSU and San Diego. Sid Gillman, Charger coach. [Lincoln was a WSU student from 1957 to 1961. He returned to WSU as an assistant football coach, 1971 to 1973. Lincoln then transfered to the Alumni Center in 1973, and currently is the Director - though not discussed in the interview].
January 30, 1986
Littlewood, Robert A. Anthropology
Dahl, Kathleen (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Sociology%Anthropology Department - faculty, locations, tensions, and unity. Anthropology boom of the 1960s. Faculty government and problems with French and Terrell administrations. Salaries and economics of WSU. Future needs of the program and the university.
February 6, 1986
Liu Maoling Electrical Engineering
Knox, R. Frank (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background - born and raised in China, and experiences in a tuberculosis sanitarium. Immigration problems. WSU career, 1958-1969. Electrical Engineering department and faculty. Locations of EE, math, and architecture departments, and the development of laboratories. Administrative personnel. Graduate students and secretaries. Retirement.
November 19, 1984
Loreen, C. Oscar Vocational Agriculture
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Recollections of Vocational Agriculture, 1920-80. Loreen's biography. Development of young farmer education. Origins and development of FFA. Dedicated Washington Vo-Ag teachers. Locations of the Vocational Agriculture department on the WSU campus. FFA annual convention. Loreen's philosophy of Vocational Agriculture extention training.
Loreen's 1980 paper for a Future Farmers of America convention on agricultural education entitled "An Association of Long Standing: Washington State University and the FFA."
January 15, 1985
Manring, Betty H. Alumni - Liberal Arts, 1932
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal and family background. 1932 Los Angeles Olympics and Hollywood. The Depression. Social life on campus. Campus housing. Courses and faculty. Emphasis on proper etiquette. WSU YWCA. Extension Service and 4-H. Manring's children's education and careers.
Family tree of WSU graduates.
July 31, 1986
Matsen, Joseph Alumni - Business Administration, 1949
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC - changed atmosphere on campus following WWII, dormitory living, and student politics. Development of Wilson Compton Union Building.
December 12, 1986
Mauss, Armand Sociology
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
5 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1969-present. Sociology department - students, graduate courses, grants, facilities, research, department of Rural Sociology, and faculty. Attitude toward administration and campus service. Professional activities. Teaching versus research. Theory of teaching. Personal research. Student unrest of the 1960s. Programs - Urban Research Center, Alcohol Studies, and Religious Studies.
May 28, 1987
McCloskey, Gordon Education
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Biography of McCloskey. Professional career at WSU, 1947-74. Philosophy of land-grant colleges. Student strike, circa 1970. Development of the Department of Education since 1947. WSU's role in state education. Friendship with Carl Sandburg and McCloskey's poetry. Issues facing educators today.
March 16, 1982
McDonough, Ellen WSU Food Services
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
2 tapes
McDonough's early life with sister Caroline Cooper, head of Duplicating and Mailing. Student career at WSC and WSU, 1935-82. Professional associations. Advantages and disadvantages of being a registered dietician. Changes on campus over the years. Retirement activities. Recollections of life as a child in eastern Oregon mining communities.
November 27, 1984
McNeil, Charles Zoology
Jonas, Robert J. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1946-76. Courses taught by McNeil. Zoology department - research, faculty, chairs, facilities, G.I. students. WSU administration - quarter system, tenure, curriculum committee. Entomology's separation from Zoology.
September 16, 1985
Migaki, James Education
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Undergraduate years, 1949-1951. Professional career at WSU, 1967-present. Stimson Hall and YMCA. Experiences in ROTC. Experiences as a Japanese-American during WWII. Development of Asian-American program at WSU and Affirmative Action. Graduate years at WSU. Physical changes on campus over the years. Student life. Influential professors. Teaching in Spokane - first Asian-American to teach there.
February 9, 1984
Moree, Ray Zoology - Alumni, 1937. Professor
Jonas, R. J. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student experiences and memorable faculty at WSU, 1934-1937. WSU professional career, 1942-1977. Zoology department - courses, facilities, and research. Formation of the Entomology department. General reminiscences.
February 11, 1986
Morrison, Dennis Administration - Executive Assistant to President
Fry, Richard (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Journalism career. Professional career at WSU, 1947-85. Initial impressions of Pullman. Experience as Editor, Office of Publications. Experience as member of Agriculture Advisory Board. Working under C. Clement French. Importance of intercollegiate athletics to WSU's image. Change from college to university. Washington governors. President Compton's attitude toward salary increases. Experiences as presidential assistant to Glenn Terrell. Student unrest of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Change in student attitudes. Media reporting of student unrest.
May 19, 1986
Muse, Raymond (#1) History - Chair
Hall, David (interviewer)
2 tapes
Professional career at WSU, 1948-1979. Relationship between Political Science and History departments. The History department from 1955 to the '60s. Balance between teaching and research. Impressions of WSU students. Reminiscences of colleagues. Opinions of WSU presidents Muse worked under.
July 7, 1986
Muse, Raymond (#2) History - Chair
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal biography. Served as first chairman of the History department, 1956-79. Service on various university committees. Muse's opinions of presidents he worked under. Muse's colleagues.
July 14, 1986
Neill, Marion Alumni - Home Economics, 1936
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Student days at WSC - Student Strike of 1936, social rules, classmates, teachers, housemothers, dress codes, job, and sororities. Home Economics department.
January 21, 1987
Neill, Thomas C. Alumni - Mechanical Engineering, 1938
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Neill Hall. Neill family in Pullman. Entrance requirements at WSC in 1934. College living expenses. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Memorable classes and professors. Student strike, 1936. Business in Pullman.
Family tree of WSU graduates.
November 7,1986
Nelson, C. Emil Agronomy and Soils
Rasmussen, Lowell W. (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU's Irrigated Agricultural Research and Extension Center (IAREC) in Prosser, WA, 1937-71. Agronomist for USDA Bureau of Plant Industry, Prosser, 1942-57. Extensive account of research activities, equipment, and facilities at IAREC. Relationship between Prosser station and the Agronomy department and faculty. Description of research farms. Nelson's feelings about his experiences and his views on research and farming.
Biographical sketch by Nelson.
April 25, 1984
Nelson, Helen S. Faculty Wife - James C. Nelson, Economics
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
1 tapes
Wife of WSU Economics Professor Emeritus, James C. Nelson. Impressions of WSC. Bob Jeffrey's school bus route. Family recreation on campus. Clubs. Education classes. Experiences teaching Social Studies and Language Arts, 1962-64, at Lincoln Middle School, and History, 1966-74, at Pullman High School. Model United Nations Assembly program and High School Bowl. Experiences as a faculty wife. Faculty Wives Association. Campus issues. Travels.
February 13, 1986
Nelson, James C. Economics
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
6 tapes
Extensive personal background. Professional WSU career, 1947-1974. Reasons for coming to WSU. Development of Transportation Economics courses. Establishment of PhD program in Economics, 1959-1960. Obtaining library resources. Development of Public Utility Economics courses. Economics department - students, faculty, graduate students, and courses. Personal research, deregulation, and publications. Federal government's role in transportation.
Nelson's entry in Who's Who in America. Letter from Vice Provost to Nelsons, commending his service to WSU; and from Brookings Institution lauding the Nelsons. Two reviews of Nelson's book, "Regulation and Competition in Transportation. Curriculum vita.
November 15, 1985
Northrup, Catherine Dean of Women. Associate Dean of Students
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Government Nursery School Project. Montevista schools until 1937. World War II. WSU career, 1956-1972. WSU and women students. Associated Women Students. Residence Halls. Rules and Regulations. Duties and involvements of the Dean of Women. Sexual Information Resource Center (SIRC). Student unrest of the late 1960s, early 1970s.Changes over the years regarding women's opportunities. Professional organizations.
Personnel sheet. Five articles from local papers on her retirement - originals and copies. Dean of Women and Associate Dean of Students Annual Report, July l, 1971-June 30, 1972.
September 8, 1983
Oden, DuAnn Alumni - Physical Education, 1971
Jones, Barbara (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Physical Education curriculum. Student Health. Intercollegiate volleyball (1968-71) and basketball (1968-70). Streit-Perham residence hall. Influence of WSU on Oden's life.
March 10, 1985
Osburn, Orren E. Electrical Engineering
Seamans, David A. (interviewer)
4 tapes
Personal background. Professional WSU career, 1922-1961. Electrical Engineering department - faculty, facilities, courses, equipment, and students. Depression years at WSC. Professional and community service - Academic Standards Committee, Boy Scouts, etc. WWII years at WSC. Retirement.
Photograph of a DC motor tested by Osburn at General Electric. Citation of service and recognition to Osburn from the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Spokane Section. May 18, 1956.
May 2, 1984
Ostrom, T.G. Mathematics - Chair
DeTemple, Duane (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1960-1981. Mathematics department - teaching loads, hiring faculty, students, graduate students, class size, facilities, classes, departmental library, and grants. Perceptions of WSU and its administrations. Shift to a research-oriented university. Professional travelling experiences. Chairmanship.
June 3, 1986
Pence, William B. WSU Fire Department - Chief
Bennett, S. Randal (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1947-75. Changes at WSU Fire Department during Pence's career. Recounts student unrest in late 1960s, early 1970s. Social activities at the Fire Department. Fire alarm systems on campus. Retirement activities.
September 12, 1985
Perry, Mignon Home Economics - Clothing, Interior Design, and Textiles - Chair
Klopfer, Jean M. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1958-1985. Chair, 1959-80. Changes within Clothing and Textiles department - students, emphasis on retailing, field trips, faculty, curriculum. Museum work. Off-campus graduate programs. Committee involvement. Changes within departmental structure and those involved. Home Economic's relationship with administration. Professional organizations. Perry's research and travel.
Mignon Perry's vita.
August 15, 1985
Petragallo, Roy Alumni - 1930s
Stimson, William (interviewer)
1 tapes
Boxing at WSC in the 1930s - training, coach (Ike Deeter), teammates, and memorable fights and meets.
January 18, 1987
Poe, Albert Donald Architecture
Graham, Channell (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Architecture employment prior to WSU. Professional WSU career, 1958-1983. Architecture department - faculty, research, and degree program. Sabbaticals. Chairmanship. Development of Construction Management Program. Professional organizations. Retirement.
February 5, 1986
Pratt, George W. Student, 1930s. WSU Custodian
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC during the 1930s - dormitories, tuition, teachers, buildings, enrollment, classes and class size, social activities, distinguished visitors, and traditions. Work with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Depression. Work as custodian at Wilson Compton Union Building. Organizations. Retirement.
Photograph of George Pratt
April 26, 19871
Pratt, Marjorie WSU Food Services
Backus, Janice (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Growing up in Pullman. Campus and summer school at WSC in 1933. Career at WSC as cook and supervisor, 1955-1980.
Marjorie's Recipe Magic cookbook, 1974.
May 19, 1987
Rademacher, Peter Alumni - Animal Husbandry, 1953
Schnaitter, Allene (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSU - professors, work with grounds keeper, boxing, academic work, roommates, athletics, and coaches. Marriage. Experience attending Castle Heights Military Academy. Volunteer work. Employment with Kiefer-McNeill Company. Recounts his participation in 1956 Olympics. Amateur boxing career. Return to WSU for Hall of Fame presentation and celebrations. Wife, Margaret, and their marriage. Extensive discussion of professional boxing career. Philosophy on work.
Article, "Pete Rademacher." Chapter from uncited book, "Pete Rademacher: The Impossible Fight." Nominee information for WSU Athletic Hall of Fame. P.R. packet made by Rademacher about himself - articles, photos, and brochure on life & career.
April 13, 1987
Rasmussen, Lowell W. Agronomy and Soils
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
3 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1948-75. Research and colleagues at WSU. Development of Experimental Design course. Weed and herbicides program. Organized communication with farmers. Regional weed researchers. Career as Assistant Director of Agriculture Experiment Station, 1956-75. Creation of commodity commissions and their benefits. The role & requirements of an Ag. Research Director. Regional research programs and the USDA. Relationship with State Dept. of Ag. and other agencies. Foreign service and WSU international development programs. Tribute to extension services. Outlook from 38 years at WSU. Family and social recollections.
Vita and two photographs.
November 9, 1985
Sandberg, Robert Administration - Executive Assistant to President. Alumni
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Student days at WSC during the 1930s - housing and teachers. WSU career years, 1947-1952. Story about WSU presidency being offered to Edward R. Murrow. Wilson Compton administration - moving WSU to Spokane, Compton's demise. Development of Wilson Compton Union Building.
May 22, 1987
Schnaitter, Allene WSU Libraries - Director
Vyhnanek, Lou (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Director of WSU Libraries, 1976-1984. Condition of WSU Libraries in 1976. Her administration and management style. Physical changes of the libraries. Budget crisis and WSU administration. Automation of the libraries. Role of departmental libraries. Schnaitter's reasons for stepping down because of University pressure. Current position as Coordinator of Library Development. Accomplishments and disappointments as Director.
November 14, 1985
Schwartze, Chester D. Horticulture - Alumni, PhD 1935. WWAREC-Puyallup
Rasmussen, Lowell W. (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Student at WSU, 1920-1924 (BA Agriculture), 1932-1935 (PhD Horticulture). Professional career at WSU, retired 1969. Western Washington Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Puyallup. Research - berry breeding, preservation of fruits and vegetables by freezing, and berry harvesting. Future of berry production in Washington. Cooperation with Washington Horticultural Association.
Biographical sketch
April 30, 1984
Scott, David M. Architecture - Alumni, 1953. Professor and Chair
Graham, Channell (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. First impressions of WSC. Student days at WSC - professors and classmates. Professional career as an architect. Graduate school at M.I.T. Professional career at WSU, 1960-. Chair, 1966-1976. Teaching methods. Definition of architecture. Purpose of the university.
Vita. Video tape of interview.
February 4, 198
Shaw, C. Gardner Plant Pathology - Chair
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
5 tapes
Personal background. World War II experiences. WSU career, 1947-1983. Beaver Creek Camp development. Sabbaticals and research. Publications. Plant Pathology Department - colleagues. Experiences becoming chair and running the department. College of Agriculture administration. Grants and working with undergraduate and graduate students. Financial aid and teaching assistantships. Shaw's family. Department locations. WSU overseas projects. Recounts heart attack. Experiences as advisor of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Shaw's contributions to his field and to WSU. Travels. Work in New Zealand and India. Professional conferences. Much on his participation in WSU's Pakistan and Jordan projects. Retirement.
November 23, 1987
Smith, Elizabeth (Liz) Alumni - Physical Education and Health, 1937
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC - impressions, work with Dr. Helen G. Smith, fees, classes, social activities, intramurals, campus grounds, and buildings. Student Strike, 1936. Professional training and career in physical therapy.
September 10, 1983
Smith, Floyd Alumni - Agriculture, 1913
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Student days at WSC - boxing coach (Fred "Doc" Bohler), ROTC, Lake DePuddle, fraternities (ATO), professors, classmates, buildings, traditions, campus grounds, organizations, and clothing fashions.Personal background.
List of Alpha Tau Omega members and their pictures, including F.R. Smith.
April 10, 1987
Smith, G. Donald WSU Libraries - Director
Vyhnanek, Louis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1946-1976. Library situation upon arrival. Holland Library. Efforts and opposition to centralization of departmental libraries. Smith's directorship of the libraries. Library training. Collection development and computerization of library.
June 21, 1985
Smith, Helen G. Physical Education - Chair
Washburn, Joanne (interviewer)
2 tapes
Biography of Smith. Professional career at WSU, 1925-61. Chair, Department of Physical Education for Women. Smith Gym dedication and evolution of building plans. Department courses, activities, and faculty. Professional associations.
Retirement article.
September 8, 1983
Snow, Marian Neill Alumni - Foreign Languages, 1934
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who are WSU graduates. Student days at WSC - fees and finances, jobs, sororities, courses, student attitudes, social activities, traditions, and graduation. Snow's husband, a 1933 WSC graduate. Health care facilities. Effect of the Depression on students. Relationship between WSU and Pullman.
Family tree.
August 15, 1986
Stone, Linda S. Anthropology - Alumni. Professor
Dahl, Kathleen A. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. WSU career, 1981-present. Undergraduate years at WSU in the 1960s. Women in anthropology. Changes in student attitudes. The Anthropology department's attitude. Colleagues. Anthropology's relationship with Administration. International Development Program. Relationship with students. Faculty salaries and morale. Reputation of WSU's Anthropology department. Changes (and lack of) in Pullman. Stone's goals for the Department.
February 7, 1986
Strait, Leland C. Agriculture
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal biography. Work on Indian reservations. Professional career at WSU, 1956-76 as County Extension Agent in Indian Affairs under WSC; conference and short courses coordinator for College of Agriculture; and Assistant Director of Resident Instruction for College of Agriculture. Evaluation of short courses. Advising students. The future of the College of Agriculture. Retirement activities.
Photograph of Leland and Freda Strait, June, 1979.
January 15, 1985
Stratton, David H. History - Chair
Hall, David (interviewer)
2 tapes
FIRST MINUTES OF TAPE INAUDIBLE - STATIC. WSU career, 1962-present. Courses taught. Personal research. Publications. Professional activities. American Studies Program. Chairmanship and goals. History department - declining enrollment, early impressions, faculty, financial crisis, and undergraduate, graduate, and foreign students. Teaching versus research dilemma.
November 12, 1986
Sunnell, Agnes Home Economics - Extension
Hard, Margaret (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Academic and professional career at WSU, 1942-58. Research and extension work in Tacoma, King County, and Yakima. Extensive discussion on work and life in West Pakistan, 1954-56 (a WSU international development program). Colleagues at WSU. Comments on WSU's support and enthusiasm shown towards her work.
December 6, 1986
Thompson, Albert Foreign Languages and Division of Humanities - Dean
Elder, James (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career at WSU, 1930-1964. Reasons for coming to WSC. Administrative policies of four WSU Presidents. Post-WWII development - enrollment and physical expansion of the campus. Experiences as chairman of Humanities and Dean of College of Arts and Sciences. Retirement. Buildings on WSU campus.
Report entitled "The Checkered Career of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures," by A. Thompson
May 2, 1985
Thonney, Larry Pullman business - Photography and Dairy Farming
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Impressions of WSU. Experiences at WSU - selling milk to dairy on campus, social life - 1945-1948, students, private dairy in Troy Hall, photographic work on campus, dances, student attitudes, 4-H, and FFA. Effects of WWII on campus and farm life. Relationship and affect of WSU on local business. Attitude toward education. Religious activities of late 1940s. Family members who are WSU graduates. Impressions of WSU's future.
Family tree.
June 17, 1986
Thonney, Phyllis Alumni - General Studies, 1988 (Began 1946, returned 1985)
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who are WSU graduates. Impressions of WSU. Impact of VWVII veterans on WSU campus. Student experiences at WSU - classes, living conditions, social activities, student/teacher relationships, rules, work, and volunteer work. Married couples and student housing.Campus health care, 1946-1948. Building changes at WSU. Returning as a student in 1985. Differences between student community and Pullman community.
Family tree.
July 28, 1986
Thoney, Steven Alumni - Agricultural Education, 1975. MA, Animal Science,1978
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who are WSU graduates. Reasons for choosing WSU. Requirements for agriculture. Attitude toward WSU. Reasons for choosing major. Student experiences at WSU - classes, a typical day, wife, grades, fraternities, professors, and social and religious activities. Thoughts on studying and impact of courses on career. Drug use on campus. Professional career as orchardist in Prosser. Support of Greek system. Cougar athletics. Current contact with WSU. Political support for WSU. Needs of the state. National issues during the 1970s.
Family tree.
October 4, 1986
Thonney, Walter Pullman business - farming
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Grade school and high school experiences in Pullman. Experiences as an Army nurse on WSU campus during the Flu Epidemic of 1918. Army service.
Family tree.
July 27, 1986
Tjomsland, Arnold C. Education
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
2 tapes
Biography of Tjomsland. Work with State Office of Public Instruction, 1950-1960. Capital Outlay Program for Washington. Design and construction of schools in the state. Professional career at WSU, 1960-1979. Department of Education. Retirement and work outside of the United States. Outstanding issues in education today.
May 27, 1982
Urdal, Lloyd Education - Chair
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background and education. WSU career, 1955-83. First chair of Education department, 1964. Education program - heavy loads, chair duties, growth, transition to department, growth of specialty areas, and minority programs. Current problems in education and adult education. Pluses and minuses of chairmanship. Planning and building of Cleveland Hall and the Education Library. Faculty cooperation and social activities. Retirement.
February 9, 1984
Vatnsdal, Mildred Mathematics Alumni, 1924. Instructor. Faculty Wife - J.R. Vatnsdal, Mathematics
DeTemple, Duane (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Student days at WSC - athletics, buildings/facilities, professors, majors, and sororities.Professional career as high school teacher and coach. Personal background on Vatnsdal's husband, J. Russell Vatnsdal, a professor of Mathematics at WSU. Mildred Vatnsdal's professional career at WSU, 1930-1932. Mathematics department - teaching loads, chairmen, association with the College of Engineering. Taught Air Corps students during WWII. Establishment of retirement program at WSU.
June 3, 1986
Vogel, Orville A. Agronomy and Soils, USDA
Rasmussen, Lowell (interviewer)
3 tapes
Wheat variety and disease research. WSU career, 1931-76. Cooperation with WSU. Team research. Cooperation and support from farmers and wheat organizations. Technology improvements for wheat research. Federal and state colleagues. Problems with the program. Importance of WSU's contributions to the region, and importance of endowments to WSU. The Vogel Fund for the support of research and graduate students. Western Wheat Quality Laboratory.
March 28, 1984
Waterman, Albert D. Education
Grunewald, Marjorie (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Career at WSU, 1952-77. Early days at WSU and colleagues. Work with professional organizations. Problems and projects dealt with - selection of superintendents, school projections (Kellogg Project in the Columbia Basin), and school district policies. Changes in school administration. Education curriculum at WSU. Discussion of Comparative Education Society tour of Eastern-bloc countries. Department's outreach to public schools. Current and future issues in education. Education department fishing trips.
Vita (missing page 1).
June 23, 1982
Webster, Dorothy Alumni - Mathematics & Education, 1927
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who have graduated from WSU. Student days at WSC - finances, dining hall rules, athletics, social life, buildings, fashions, dormitory living, and classes.
Family tree.
August 18, 1986
Webster, Emma Lou Alumni - Home Economics, 1930
Thonney, Phyllis (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Family members who are WSU graduates. Student days at WSU - classes, job, dormitory living, graduation, finances, equipment, typical day, dining hall, and athletics.
Family tree.
August 18, 1986
Weller, Harry Architecture
Lilles, Linda (interviewer)
8 tapes
Personal biography. Student days at WSC, 1919-23. Professional career at WSC and WSU, 1928-66. Discussion of the Architecture department, including curriculum, faculty, enrollment, architectural engineering degree, and the split between the University Architect's Office and the Department of Architectural Engineering in 1946. Also, design, construction, location, and use of various buildings on campus. Work with architects, 1923-28. The Great Depression and WWII years at WSC. Weller's teaching style. Professional organizations. Issues in architecture today. Retirement activities. Mission of a land-grant university.
Several newspaper articles, photocopies of WSU buildings and architectural drawings, and Weller family history. Also, M.A.S.C. container list for Harry Charles Weller collection.
May 31, 1983
Wells, Donald A. #1 Philosophy - Chair
Elder, James H. (interviewer)
1 tapes
Personal background. Professional WSU career, 1948-1969. Establishment of the Philosophy department and its expansion. McCarthyism in the Pacific Northwest. Events leading up to President Wilson Compton's resignation. Change in election of department chairs. Composition of the Philosophy department. Reaction to Wells' opposition to the Vietnam War. Teaching at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle. Account of Wilson Compton's aquisition of Priest Lake property, known as Beaver Creek Camp Association.
July 25, 1985
Wells, Donald A. #2 Philosophy - Chair
Brown, Barbara (interviewer)
1 tapes
Philosophy department - faculty, facilities, graduate program, and chairmanship. McCarthyism and WSU. Development of the Philosophy department during the 1950s.
August 19, 1987
Wysong, Mary History - Administrative Assistant
Hall, David (interviewer)
1 tapes
Professional career at WSU beginning in 1942, then intermittently. Then, returned in 1970 as secretary to the History department. Retired in 1988. Impressions of the History department. Other History department secretaries. Graduate students. Faculty. Personal background. Chairmen.
November 7, 1986
Yothers, Robert A. Alumni - Political Science, 1930s
Stimson, William (interviewer)
2 tapes
Extensive discussion on Student Strike of 1936 and Yothers' role in it as chairman.
December 11, 1986
Young, Leonard W. Agriculture - Experiment Stations
Bertramson, B. Rodney (interviewer)
2 tapes
Personal background. Professional career and duties, 1936-67. Recollections of early WSU campus. Administrative processes, 1930s and 1940s. Young's publication, "75th Anniversary of Washington Agricultural Experiment Stations History." Dean Edward Johnson's administration. President Compton's ideas. President Holland's administration. Student Strike of 1936. Johnson Hall. World War II years. Columbia Basin development. Colleagues. Unity of the various agricultural units. Experiment stations.
Two photos of Young and Bertramson.
April 22, 1985

Series 2: Golden Grad Interviews Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Keith P. Jones, William A. and Edith Steward Hooper, Guy P. Miller
Anne Freeman (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
E. L. Steinke, Gustav and Jessica C. Bliesner, Virginia Harger, Elizabeth B. Hartup
Marjorie Grunewald (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Shirley Greening Morgan, Roy T. Olson, Paul F. Schedler, Wilma Ingle Hill
Anne Freeman (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Theodore S. Borg, Tobey Leonard Henrichsen, Catherine Diener Simpson
Richard Hamm (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Irwin A. Davis, Lindsay Kinney, John E. Fowler, Fritz Vawter
Richard Hamm (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Wilbur D. Simons, Zylda Elliot, Evelyn K. Hickman, Robert Emerson, Claude Irwin
Andy Tidrick (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Jervis D. Swannack, Edward M. Gaines, Robert G. Evans
Andy Tidrick (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Kenyon T. Bement, H. DeWayne Kreager, John W. Kelly, Loran P. Richey
David L. Hood (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Dorothy Lois Smith-Kenney, Carville E. and Dorothy H. Sparks
Margery Sharkey (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Bernadine Du Bois, Cliff M. Irvin, Ruth Klumb, Donald W. Stevenson, Helen A. Minkler
Margery Sharkey (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Mary Ena Hall Link, M. C. "Mel" Hougan, William H. Munson, Marie Trupp Krieger
David L. Hood (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Bernice Snyder, Erva S. Mosher, Oswald Gates
Marjorie Grunewald (interviewer)
May 31, 1984
Walter P. and Enis Wallace
Lisa M. Donaldson (interviewer)
May 8, 1985
Lester and Clair Winter
Lisa Donaldson (interviewer)
May 10, 1985
Elinore Crowley Coogan
William E. Brandt (interviewer)
May 10, 1985
Donald E. Coogan and Wendell H. Clark
David Seamans (interviewer)
May 10, 1985
L. Gordon (father) and Larry G. Soderholm
B. Rodney Bertramson (interviewer)
May 10, 1985
Harvey H. Olsen
B. Rodney Bertramson (interviewer)
April 28, 1986
John B. Kinney and Richard O. Moss
David Seamans (interviewer)
May 8, 1986
Mary "Peg" Hoenack, Dorothy Flynn, Ella A. Frantsen
William E. Brandt (interviewer)
May 8, l986
Rolf B. Jorgensen
Grant A. Harris (interviewer)
May 8, 1986
Lawrence Giles
Marjorie Grunewald (interviewer)
May 8, 1986
Harry E. Goldsworthy
Terrence G. Popravak, Jr. (interviewer)
May 8,1986
Harold and Evelyn Miller
B. Rodney Bertramson (interviewer)
May 9, 1986
Kay Bell and Garry M. Cameron
Rod Commons (interviewer)
May 7, 1987
Roundtable: History of WSU Physics Program. Professors Band, Barker, Butler, Riggins

Series 3: PaperworkReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
3: Paperwork relating to interviews.