Hamley & Co. photographs and business ephemera, 1883-1997

Overview of the Collection

Hamley & Company
Hamley & Co. photographs and business ephemera
1883-1997 (inclusive)
3.29 cubic feet, (7 letter document cases, 1 slim letter document case, 1 flat box (10x13), 1 flat box (13x16))
Collection Number
Coll 1037
Collection consists of documents and photographs relating to the Hamley & Co. saddlery of Pendleton, Oregon; the Pendleton Round-Up; and the Hamley family. Brothers J. J. Hamley and Henry Hamley founded the company as a leather and saddle shop in 1883, operating in South Dakota and Iowa before moving to a permanent location in Pendleton in 1905, and then expanding the business's offerings to include tack, boots, clothing, blankets, and other goods. In 1910, the family contributed to the organization and founding of the Pendleton Round-Up, and remained closely involved in the annual event thereafter.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
Telephone: 503-306-5240
Fax: 503-219-2040
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Additional Reference Guides

A detailed inventory of collection materials is available from library staff. This inventory provides additional descriptive information about collection items, including some image descriptions and context and special order information such as customer names and product details.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Brothers J. J. Hamley and Henry Hamley founded Hamley & Co. as a leather and saddle shop in 1883. They first operated in South Dakota and Iowa before moving the business to a permanent location in Pendleton, Oregon, in 1905. After moving to Oregon, Hamley & Co. expanded beyond saddlery, offering tack, boots, clothing, blankets, and other Western-style goods. In 1910, J. J. Hamley contributed to the organizing, founding, and directing of the Pendleton Round-Up, and Hamley & Co. has remained closely involved in the annual rodeo ever since, most notably providing prize saddles to event winners. The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation purchased the Hamley brand and properties in 2019.

Sources: Collection materials; "About Hamley Western Store & Saddle Shop" (originally accessed August 30, 2024; archived page accessed March 11, 2025), https://web.archive.org/web/20240804012549/https://hamley.com/western-store/

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Pendleton Round-Up has been held in Pendleton, Oregon, since 1910. It features rodeo events including bronc riding, calf and steer roping, barrel racing, and bull-riding. The Round-Up also includes a parade and, since 1916, the Happy Canyon night show, which highlights traditional Native life and culture, the arrival of Euro-American emigrants, and development after their arrival. Members of the Umatilla, Cayuse, and Walla Walla tribes (now the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation), along with Native people from other tribes throughout the Northwest, have participated in the Round-Up from the inception of the event.

Sources: "Pendleton Round-Up," by William F. Willingham, Oregon Encyclopedia, accessed August 30, 2024, https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/pendleton_round_up/

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection is composed of photographs and business ephemera relating to the Hamley & Co. saddlery in Pendleton, Oregon; the Pendleton Round-Up; and the Hamley family. Photographs in the collection consist of 1,029 photographic prints, 453 negatives, and 1 tintype. Many of the photographs depict Hamley & Co. shop scenes; employees, including Lester and J. J. Hamley; and Hamley & Co. products including bridles, belts, kits, and saddles. Some of the saddles pictured are trophy saddles awarded as prizes for rodeo events, and the owner or winner is named when known. Other images depict the extended Hamley family, Pendleton parades and festivals, and Pendleton Round-Up events. Notable people represented in the collection include Hoot Gibson, Yakima Canutt, Norman Cowan, Burel Mulkey, Ike Rude, King Merritt, Pete Knight, and Toots Mansfield. Many of the photographs are stamped by Dave Hamley and may have been used by Hamley & Co. for documentation or promotion of the company's goods.

Also included in the collection are Hamley & Co. shop catalogs, record books, and business documents, as well as articles about the company; Hamley family personal documents, including handwritten letters and investment certificates; and Pendleton Round-Up programs and cowboy ephemera.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Hamley and Co. photographs and business ephemera, Coll 1037, Oregon Historical Society Research Library.

Restrictions on Use

The Oregon Historical Society owns the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from copyright owners.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Collection is arranged in nine series:

  • Series 1: Product catalogs
  • Series 2: Record books
  • Series 3: Hamley business and family documents
  • Series 4: Pendleton Round-Up programs and ephemera
  • Series 5: Western and cowboy ephemera
  • Series 6: Hamley & Co. shop and employee photographs
  • Series 7: Hamley & Co. product photographs
  • Series 8: Community and rodeo scene photographs
  • Series 9: Hamley family photographs

Acquisition Information

Gift of Joseph J. Sherwood, December 2023 (RL2023-087) and January 2024 (RL2024-002).

Preservation Note

Researcher access to negatives in the collection is limited for preservation purposes. To inquire about viewing the negatives, contact library staff.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1:  Product catalogs, 1909-1966Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Hamley and McFatridge Company catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 1
1 2
Hamley & Co. catalog issue 2
1 3
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 3
1 4
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 10
1 5
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 12
1 6
Hamley's Saddles DeLuxe - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 14
1 7
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 15
1 8
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 22
1 9
Hamley Saddles - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 25
1 10
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 26
1 11
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 27
2 1
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalogs issues 28, 29
2 2
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issues 32, 35, 36
2 3
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issues 38, 39, 40
2 4
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issues 41, 47
1941; 1947
2 5
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 50-51
2 6
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 53
3 1
Hamley's Cowboy Catalog - Hamley & Co. catalog issue 73
3 2
Hamley & Co. catalog extras, order kits, and seasonal editions

Series 2:  Record books, 1906-1957Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 3
Hamley & Co. Order Book
3 4
Hamley & Co. Employee Contact Book
3 5
J. J. Hamley Expense and Receipts Book

Series 3:  Hamley business and family documents, 1903-1996Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
3 6
Hamley Family Personal Documents
3 7
Hamley & Co. Business Documents
3 8
Published Articles about Hamley & Co.
4 1
Hamley & Co. Mailers, Flyers, and Order Forms

Series 4:  Pendleton Round-Up programs and ephemera, 1930-1997Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
4 2
Pendleton Round-Up Grand Stand Box Certificate
1937 April 19
4 3
Pendleton Round-Up 'Let 'er Buck' Programs
4 4
Pendleton Round-Up 'Let 'er Buck' Programs
4 5
Pendleton Round-Up 'Let 'er Buck' Programs
4 6
Pendleton Round-Up 'Let 'er Buck' Programs
5 1
Pendleton Round-Up 'Let 'er Buck' Programs
5 2
Pendleton Round-Up Silver Jubilee program; Pendleton Round-Up Special Supplement, "Westward Ho"
1934; 1936
8 1
Pendleton Round-Up Souvenir Program - oversize
5 3
Pendleton Round-Up Souvenir Programs
5 4
Happy Canyon Souvenir Programs

Series 5:  Western and cowboy ephemera, 1911-1963Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 5
Western and Cowboy Literature
5 6
Hamley & Co. and Pendleton Round-Up memorabilia
8 2
East Oregonian special publication, "Century Old Umatilla County"
circa 1962

Series 6:  Hamley & Co. shop and employee photographs, 1884-1980Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 7-9
Hamley & Co. Shop and Employee prints
8 3
Hamley & Co. Shop and Employee prints - oversize
6 8
Hamley & Co. prints with corresponding negatives
10 N136-N149
Hamley & Co. Shop and Employee negatives

Series 7:  Hamley & Co. product photographs, 1910-1983Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6 1-2
Hamley & Co. Saddles and Tack prints
8 4
Hamley & Co. Saddles and Tack prints - oversize
6 3
Hamley & Co. Leather Golf Bag promotional prints
9 N003-N091
Hamley & Co. Saddles and Tack negatives
10 N092-N135
Hamley & Co. Saddles and Tack negatives

Series 8:  Community and rodeo scene photographs, 1912-1970Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6 4-6
Community and Rodeo Scene prints
9 N001-N002
Community and Rodeo Scene negatives

Series 9:  Hamley family photographs, 1883-1956Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
6 7
Hamley Family prints
7 1-2
Hamley Family albums
circa 1890-1929
8 5
Hamley Family prints - oversize
10 N150-N154
Hamley Family negatives