Honorary Degrees Committee Records, 1977-1985

Overview of the Collection

Peterson, Hazel Clara, 1927-2023
Honorary Degrees Committee Records
1977-1985 (inclusive)
0.5 cubic feet
Collection Number
UG 165
Documents and photos from 1977-1985 related to honorary degrees. The documents include from biographies, letters, committee procedure, and committee decisions.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection includes documents ranging from 1977-1985 pertaining to the Honorary Degree Committee's procedure, preferences, and makeup. There are also approved and non-approved nominations, biographies that were part of submissions, and letters.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Hazel C. Peterson, Ph.D. chaired the Honorary Degrees Committee at the University of Idaho. A life long educator, she earned her masters at the University of Oregon, and her Ph.D. at Ohio State University. She retired from the U of I as Professor Emerita of Physical Education in 1987 "completing thirty-eight years of a teaching-service career in health and physical education."

Also in 1987, she received a National Honor Award from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. She has served the university as a member of the Graduate Council and University Curriculum Committee and has been a member of the executive board of the College of Education. She has also served as adviser to the Women's Recreation Association and Intramural Program for Women. Peterson was presented the Library Faculty Award for the 1981-1982 school year and is a recipient of Western Washington State University's Outstanding Teacher Award. A voting representative of the Board of Governors for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, she is also a member of the National Association of Physical Educat1_on in Higt,er Education, the North American Society for 51 Sport History and the International Association of Physical Education and Sports for Girls and Women.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The University of Idaho began awarding honorary degrees in 1935. The nomination process for honorary degrees is confidential. Nominations can be submitted by any person or organization but must be reviewed (or submitted) by an academic department. The criteria prefer individuals who have made a significant contribution to the State of Idaho, are residents or University of Idaho alumni, achieved scholarly distinction, or have performed exemplary public service. Historically, recipients have included senators, businesspeople, and former professors. To be considered for an honorary degree, individuals must submit a biography or a curriculum vitae with a list of their accomplishments and contributions before a given date.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

FOR DOCUMENTS: Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Processing Note

Duplicates were deaccessioned.

Related Materials

PG 002 University of Idaho Student Organizations Collection

Acquisition Information

oMaterials transferred by Hazel Peterson from Honorary Degree Committee in 1985 (UA 1985-17).


The 92nd Commencement at the University of Idaho program; Hazel Clara Peterson obituary, Statesman Journal .

4930 - Honorary Degrees.

Honorary Degrees and President's Medallion.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I: DocumentsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Warnick and Pules Files (many copies)
16 items : Faculty handbook; Ora Pate Steward Files; Jan Pyle; Tomas Tomasson Nomination; degree meeting minutes; Jess Rhodes request; Victor I. Myers biographical review; annual reports
1 2
Old Non-Approved Nominations (check with others of same date)
16 items : Biography of Albert A. Monnett; biography of James Halley; Vitae of James Halley; Recommendations for James Halley; James Meyer; Staff Meeting Minutes' Paul Jackson Kramer biography; Keneth A. Dick Recommendations; Dr. Fosum Recommendations
1 3
Hon Degree Committee Minutes and Procedure
14 items : Minute papers; procedure papers; employee handbook;
1 4
Thomas, Andrew
1 items : Group of letters regarding Thomas Andrew; D.W. Fitzsimmons; C.G. d 'Easum; Dean McQuillen
1 5
Hon Degree Committee
37 items : bullet point history; honorary degree criteria; minutes papers; biographical review Victor I. Myers; lined paper notes on Joe Albertson; faculty registers for 1981, 1982, 1983; lined paper notes on Albertson; inner office memos for meetings; register deadlines; Gilbert Grosvenor; letter to Maynard E. Miller; Hazel Peterson; Pete Haggart; Dorothy Zakrajsek; Richard Warner
1 6
2 items : Letters to Captain Ben Ferguson; D.W. Fitzsimmons; Paul Blanton
1 7
Luntey Discussion
3 items : Eugene Furgeson; Frank Zarb; William Billingsly; Edmund Pratt; Dudley C. Mecum
1 8
John Evans
28 items : Governor John Evans biography; letters from Gibbs about John Evans; John Corlett; vitae; honorary degree award letter from Gibb to Warner
1 9
Registers and Memos
7 items : Recommendation letters; application notes; Governor Evans; Dr. Richard Gibb; Professor Barnes; Dr. Randy Byers;
1 10
Honor Degree Recs
11 items : Recommended changes to staff book; Richard Gibb; Staff handbook revision; memo; bundle of printed letters; teaching excellence award William Cronon and Alan Liu
1 11
Accession Information
3 items : Initial accession papers; Organized information papers

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

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