James D. LeCron papers, 1878-1959

Overview of the Collection

LeCron, James D.
James D. LeCron papers
1878-1959 (inclusive)
6.03 cubic feet (14 boxes)
Collection Number
James D. LeCron (1885-1961) was the assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, as well as the Administrator of the Surplus Marketing Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This collection contains his schoolwork, manuscripts he wrote during his journalist career, LeCron’s research into his family history and his genealogy, photographs, and glass and nitrate negatives. Also included are his personal diaries and diaries of some of his family members, and some of his personal correspondence.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

James D. LeCron (1885-1961) was the assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, as well as the Administrator of the Surplus Marketing Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. James graduated from Northwestern University, and prior to working for the federal government, he was a newspaperman in Des Moines, Iowa. LeCron and his family briefly lived in Laramie, Wyoming between 1908 and 1912. He joined the Department of Agriculture in 1934, as the assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture. LeCron was appointed as the Administrator of the Surplus Marketing Administration in 1941. He later resigned from his position in protest in 1943, accusing the State Department of blocking efforts to increase crops in Latin America.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains the papers of James D. LeCron. Included are his schoolwork, manuscripts he wrote during his journalist career, LeCron’s research into his family history and his genealogy, photographs, and glass and nitrate negatives of photographs. The negatives are mostly of his time and travel through Wyoming and the west. Also included are his personal diaries and diaries of some of his family members, and some of his personal correspondence.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright Information

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The American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.

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Preferred Citation

Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.

Alternative Forms Available

Digital reproductions of select material from this collection are available at http://digitalcollections.uwyo.edu/luna/servlet/uwydbuwy~4~4.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Related Materials

Columbia Center for Oral History, Reminiscences of James D. LeCron, 1953.

Acquisition Information

The collection was received from Mrs. Eugene E. Jurs in 1966 and 1972.

Processing Note

This collection was processed by Brittany Heye in September of 2024.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Correspondence 1904-1951, undated
2 Correspondence - John J. LeCron 1878-1879, 1922
2 Correspondence - Letters from Dade LeCron to John J. LeCron 1882-1900
2 Correspondence - Letters from James D. LeCron to his parents (from age 8) 1892-1935
2 Correspondence - Letters from John J. LeCron (and family) to James D. LeCron 1928-1932
2 Correspondence - Letters from Simon LeCron (father of John J. LeCron) to his son 1891-1902
2 Correspondence - To James D. LeCron from John J. LeCron (father) (transcript) 1934
11 Correspondence - To or From James D. LeCron from famous individuals (Woodrow Wilson, William Bryan Jennings, and Nelson A. Rockefeller) 1904-1943
3 Diary, author unknown 1885
3 Diary pages, author unknown 1930
3 Diaries of Harriet Frazer 1935-1940
4,6 Diary - James D. LeCron 1901-1908
4 Travel Diary - James D. LeCron 1930-1931
4-6 Diaries (photocopies and/or transcripts) 1885-1936
6 Diaries - Harriet Frazer (transcripts) 1935-1942
6 Diaries - Unidentified undated
6 Address Before PTA Meeting, November 4, George Washington University undated
6 Address Book undated
6 Artifacts - Money undated
8 Artifacts - Campaign Buttons (Presidential)- 9 in small container undated
6 Family History - Frazer Family (photocopy - poor) undated
6 Family History - John James LeCron undated
6 Family History - Simon LeCron undated
6 Family History Notes undated
12 Family History Research (leather file folders) undated
7 Genealogical Research undated
7 James D. LeCron Appointment as Assistant Administrator of the SMA press release September 24, 1941
7 James D. LeCron Calendar May 1916
7 James D. LeCron Classwork - Essay (photocopy) 1899
7 LeCron Family Tree undated
7-8 LeCron Family History Records undated
8 Manuscript - "The Brownies" by James D. LeCron undated
8 Manuscript - "The Clammer of the Gates" by James D. LeCron March 21, 1921
8 Manuscript - "Facades and Facts or Myths by Which We Live" by James D. LeCron January 15, 1959
8 Manuscript - "Let's Talk About Art" by James D. LeCron January 19, 1956
8 Manuscript - Miscellaneous handwritten works (photocopies) undated
8 Manuscript - "My Country, Right or Wrong" by James D. LeCron undated
8 Manuscript - "The Old Order Changeth" by James D. LeCron 1918
8 Manuscript - "This Changing World" by James D. LeCron February 4, 1954
8 Manuscript - "Was Malthus Right?" by James D. LeCron October 23, 1952
8 Manuscript - Memoir November 8, 1954
9 Miscellaneous undated
9 Newspaper Clippings undated
9 Northwestern University Commencement Book June 16, 1958
13 Northwestern University Scrapbook undated
9 Notes written by James S. Frazer undated
9 Notebook of Mary F. (Dade) LeCron, wife of John J. LeCron (transcript) undated
13 Pencil Sketch - Photograph of James D. LeCron "To James LeCron from Lubonin P. Saponoff as a reminder of pleasant days at beautiful St. Paul, A.M." May 18, 1931
9 Photographs - family and family graveyard undated
9 Photograph - James D. LeCron undated
9 Poems and Short Stories (photocopies) undated
9 Poetry undated
9 Schoolwork - James D. LeCron 1893-1907, undated
9 Speech written by Harriet Frazer undated
9 Shaving Straight Edge Razors (6) - gifted from Mrs. L. LeCron undated
10 Glass Negatives - Band in Warsaw Decoration Day Parade 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Boat House, Evanston, Illinois undated
10 Glass Negatives - Calf along Sheridan - Large Stop undated
10 Glass Negatives - Camel Riders in Lincoln Park undated
10 Glass Negatives - Charles O. Merica (2) undated
10 Glass Negatives - Chicago River undated
10 Glass Negatives - Court House at Warsaw, Indiana July 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Creek at Hubbard's - 7 miles north of Evanston undated
10 Glass Negatives - Creeks in Ravine north of Evanston (2) undated
10 Glass Negatives - Deserted House 1/2 mile east of Miles Center, Indiana undated
10 Glass Negatives - Evanston Fire Patrol returning from fire undated
10 Glass Negatives - Ferris Wheel from the West 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Flowers (2) 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Fred, Harry, Frank and Tracy McCracken 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Harry McCracken undated
10 Glass Negatives - Haunted House near Evanston undated
10 Glass Negatives - Interior of Laramie Home 1910
10 Glass Negatives - Ludlow's Creek undated
10 Glass Negatives - McCracken House 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Mrs. Hardy and Francis Hardy (2) 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Nickle plated Fire Engine at Evanston, Illinois undated
10 Glass Negatives - Our House in Cheyenne, WY (2) 1912
10 Glass Negatives - Pan American Express - Court of Fountains and Grounds undated
10 Glass Negatives - Pan American Express - Ethnology Building undated
10 Glass Negatives - Pan American Express - Government Building undated
10 Glass Negatives - Pasture and Clouds at Grandma's House undated
10 Glass Negatives - Peterson's Pony Gardens undated
10 Glass Negatives - Picnickers eating on Mr. Leedy's Farm undated
10 Glass Negatives - Picnickers in Grout near Yarnell's Landing - Eagle Lake undated
10 Glass Negatives - Picnickers near Yarnell's Landing - Eagle Lake undated
10 Glass Negatives - Practicing for Salute in Decoration Day Parade, Warsaw 1900
10 Glass Negatives - R. Bowman along Chicago River 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Railroad train near Winona undated
10 Glass Negatives - Revenue Cutter moral in Sham Battle off Lincoln Park 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Revenue Naval off Lincoln Park in Sham Battle undated
10 Glass Negatives - Scene south from Grandma's House undated
10 Glass Negatives - Set - up for my grammar school graduation undated
10 Glass Negatives - The woods of Chicago 1900
10 Glass Negatives - Top of Medicine Bow peak 1908
10 Glass Negatives - unidentified (58) undated
10 Glass Negatives - Verne Cook on cow at Warsaw undated
10 Glass Negatives - Wyoming (14) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Billy undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Black Rock Meadows undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Camp at Indian School undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Camp at mouth of Hoback Canyon undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Capital Building, Cheyenne, WY 1912
14 Nitrate Negatives - Cheyey's House (5) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Down River from Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Eaton's Dudes undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Emerald Pool undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Entering Fall River Basin undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Falls of Lewis River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Firehole River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Fish Creek Ranch (2) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - From top of Mt. Washburn undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - From Undine Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Gibbon Falls (2) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Gibbon River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Grand Canyon and Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Hoback River (2) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Jackson Lake undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - James D. LeCron and "trip with the Prices" (47) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - James D. LeCron in Hoback Canyon undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Jim and Jim undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Kepler Cascade in Firehole River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Lippy undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Mac Glashan on porch of his house undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Mac Glashan's House undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Major and Ross undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Moose Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Moudy's Children (2) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Mouth of Hoback undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Mrs. J.M. Carey (7) November 1926
14 Nitrate Negatives - Mt. Moran (2) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Old Camp near Thumb August 5, 1912
14 Nitrate Negatives - Old Faithful undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Red Grade - Wind River below undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Ross and packs in Hoback Canyon undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Ross Cooking undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Ross in Hoback Canyon undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Ross Throwing Diamond undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - School at Dubois undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Seebohm's House (4) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Shoshone Lake undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Snake River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Tetons and Snake River undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Tower Creek undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Tower Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Tugwater Pass (6) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - unidentified (13) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Yellowstone Falls undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Yellowstone Great Falls (7) undated
14 Nitrate Negatives - Yellowstone Lake undated