Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Series I. Departmental Files
- Series II. Wyoming Post Office Files
- Series III. Committee Files
- Series IV. Environmental Files
- Series V. General Correspondence
- Series VI. Legislative Files
- Series VII. Appointment Books and Daily Schedules
- Series VIII. Speech and Trip Files
- Series IX. Campaign Files
- Series X. Assorted Senate Materials
- Series XI. Personal and Professional Files
- Series XII. Photographs, Photo Albums, Photographic Negatives, and Slides
- Series XIII. Safe Materials
- Series XIV. Audio-Visual Materials
- Series XV. Artifacts
- Series XVI. Artwork
- Names and Subjects
Gale W. McGee papers, 1916-1992
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- McGee, Gale W. (Gale William), 1915-1992
- Title
- Gale W. McGee papers
- Dates
- 1916-1992 (inclusive)Date of CollectionDate of Collection
- Quantity
- 597.33 cubic ft. (1088 boxes + artifacts + art) + 2.50 GB
- Collection Number
- 09800
- Summary
- Collection includes materials relating to McGee’s career as a U.S. senator, his work at the University of Wyoming and the Organization of American States, and his consulting firm and personal life.
- Repository
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756 - Access Restrictions
Some personal materials closed until 2025.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Gale McGee was a University of Wyoming Professor, a U.S. Senator from Wyoming (1959-1977), and the U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) (1977-1981). Born on Saint Patrick's Day, March 17, 1915, in Lincoln, Nebraska, McGee attended public schools, where he was prominent in debate. He wanted to study law, but the depression forced him to attend Nebraska Teaching College, where he graduated in 1936.
McGee taught high school from 1936 to 1939 while working toward a master's degree in history at the University of Colorado. He continued as a college instructor at Nebraska Wesleyan University, Iowa State College, and Notre Dame. In 1946, McGee received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago and accepted a position as a professor of American history at the University of Wyoming. The following year he became chairman of the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Wyoming.
Active in Democratic politics, McGee was asked to run for Congress in 1950, which McGee ultimately was convinced was not the right time. In 1955 and 1956, he took a leave of absence from the University to work as a legislative assistant to Wyoming Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney.
In 1958, McGee made his bid for the U.S. Senate and won, challenging incumbent Frank A. Barrett. McGee ran on a program of youth and new ideas, which received national attention. He served three terms in the U.S. Senate representing Wyoming, winning re-election in 1964 and 1970 until his defeat in 1976.
As Senator, McGee served on the Appropriations, Foreign Relations, Commerce, and Post Office and Civil Service committees. McGee was an internationalist, advocating for U.S. foreign aid to developing countries and fighting Communism by promoting Democratic values. Considered the leading "hawk" supporting U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, McGee frequently debated his close friend and fellow professor, Senator George McGovern (D-SD), the leading "dove," during one of the most divisive periods in our Nation's history.
Domestically, Senator McGee supported the social, environmental, and conservation programs of the "New Frontier" and "Great Society." While on the Appropriations Committee, McGee successfully directed federal aid for Wyoming's public works, public lands, as well as its agriculture, livestock, wool, and energy industries. He played a vital role in modernizing U.S. foreign aid, extending voting rights, and ending nationwide railroad and postal strikes.
Following his defeat in 1976 to Malcolm Wallop, President Carter appointed him as U.S. Ambassador to the OAS, where he was instrumental in the Senate ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty. In 1981, he established a consulting firm in Washington, D.C. Throughout his professional life, McGee was a recognized scholar of U.S. history and known as a forceful and effective orator on foreign and domestic issues.
As of 2022, McGee remains the last Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate from Wyoming. In 2007, Congress renamed the Laramie, Wyoming Post Office in his honor. McGee's biography "The Man in the Arena: The Life and Times of U.S. Senator Gale McGee," written by Rodger McDaniel, was published in 2017.
Gale W. McGee married Loraine Baker in 1939, and together, they had four children, David W., Robert M., Mary Gale, and Lori Ann. Senator McGee died on April 9, 1992, in Washington, D.C.
From T.A. Larson Preface to the Gale W. McGee Papers:
"One of Wyoming's most prominent U.S. Senators, Gale W. McGee, died in Bethesda, Maryland, April 9, 1992, at the age of 77. Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, he grew up in Norfolk, Nebraska, and attended Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne, Nebraska, the University of Colorado, and the University of Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. degree in history at Chicago. After short periods teaching at Nebraska, Wesleyan, Iowa State, and Notre Dame, he taught at the University of Wyoming, 1946-1958.
Some later speculated that McGee settled in Wyoming because his chances of getting elected to the U.S. Senate would be better there than in his native Middle West. Franklin D. Roosevelt had recently converted many of Wyoming's small population to his party.
McGee's preparation for the U.S. Senate could not have been programmed better. Blessed with a quick mind and a powerful, resonant voice, he focused early on oratory, extemporaneous speaking, and debate. He majored in American History and Foreign Relations, writing his dissertation on the Monroe Doctrine. Wyoming wanted his favorite courses and soon he was given the direction of an already popular summer Institute of International Affairs.
From the outset his classes were very popular and before long, he was on the regional Knife and Fork Clubs circuit and in demand for high school commencement addresses. Uniquely he spoke to all audiences without notes. He memorized the opening and closing sentences, and ad-libbed the four or five main parts, which followed one another logically.
In 1950 Democrats encouraged him to run for the U.S. House of Representatives, but he chose to bide his time rather than challenge a seasoned Republican after only four years in the state. The savvy senior U.S. Senator, Joseph C. O'Mahoney, took him in tow. He approved his spending a sabbatical leave (1952-1953) in the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations in New York City. Three years later O'Mahoney employed him as his legislative assistant in Washington, D.C. The university trustees reluctantly allowed McGee a leave without pay.
Republicans realized that McGee was being groomed for elective office. Yet some raised eyebrows when he filed to oppose incumbent U.S. Senator Frank A. Barrett in 1958. Barrett had lost only one election in his long career as county attorney, state legislator, four-term congressman, governor, and U.S. senator. At sixty-five, he was still vigorous and dedicated to serving conservative constituents. McGee, at forty-three, had no money and knew the Democrats could supply no more than half as much campaign funds as the GOP. Yet he defeated Barrett by a margin of 2,503 votes. Former students dominated his campaign organization. Faculty colleagues effectively answered allegations that he was a "dangerous left-wing liberal."
In the Senate, McGee's forty-minute maiden speech was delivered without notes, an unprecedented performance. He served eighteen years on the powerful Appropriations Committee and for shorter periods on other major committees. After his defeat in 1976, he served four years as Ambassador to the Organization of American States. His twenty-two years of public service spanned a very crucial period of American history.
As his department head at the University of Wyoming, I had ample opportunities to observe McGee's extraordinary self-confidence, courage, enthusiasm, wit, and civility. He was a leader in an academic freedom dispute with the Board of Trustees in 1950-1951, risking his untenured job. His great faith in democracy and his country's mission in the world inspired colleagues and students. He laced his lectures with sparkling humor. He manifested unusual civility and cooperation with political opponents. He worked smoothly with Republican Senator Cliff Hansen for Wyoming initiatives. In his Senate career, he maintained friendly relations with all five presidents, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. No senator had more concern for higher education. None spoke to as many university audiences – more than 700.
Senator McGee opposed clear-cutting in national forests and investigated environmental problems first-hand. Whether or not political opportunity attracted him to Wyoming in 1946, trout fishing definitely did. It was my good fortune to go with him on a hundred or more fishing expeditions in southeastern Wyoming before he went to the Senate. He pursued pheasants and grouse with comparable gusto, though less often. In sum, Gale W. McGee left an indelible mark on the University of Wyoming History Department, as well as on the state, the U.S. Senate and his country. His papers, now for the first time made available, are truly a tremendous bonanza for research scholars."
T. A. Larson, Professor Emeritus, University of Wyoming, May 1997
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Collection includes materials relating to McGee's career as U.S. senator, his work at the University of Wyoming and the Organization of American States, his consulting firm, and personal life. Legislative papers include departmental, committee and study-mission files, constituent correspondence, and speeches. There are also photographs, scrapbooks, campaign materials, personal correspondence, memoirs, artifacts, films, and audiotapes of interviews. Included is material related to President John F. Kennedy's visit to the University of Wyoming with McGee in 1963.
The Gale W. McGee departmental and committee papers contain correspondence with constituents and various government officials and departments. Study missions and reports are included in the papers, as are photographs. The papers give good insight into the political temperament of the people of Wyoming during the years that McGee served in the Senate, as well as a look into the functions of a Senator's office.
The correspondence with the government departments is enlightening, and the files taken as a whole show the way in which various requests and complaints are served, as well as the changing nature of government over time. These papers reflect the temperament of McGee's constituents and his responses. Scarcely a letter went unanswered, although some were answered by Flexo or Robo letters, types of form letters. Subjects range from agricultural concerns to the Vietnam War.
The committee files include correspondence between committee members and the public, reports, and study missions, and they show the legislative process of bills becoming laws. The Appropriations Committee papers illustrate how the government decides how to spend our tax dollars. These papers provided McGee with information on committee business and helped inform him to make judicious decisions. Included is a telegram from James Hoffa requesting a hearing of the Teamsters concerning the railroad and piggybacking.
The environmental files contain correspondence with constituents concerning environmental issues of the mid-1970s. McGee was involved with the environmental movement. He was concerned about air pollution, grazing policies, the expansion of the Jackson Hole Airport, the grizzly bear being designated an endangered species, strip mining and clearcutting. The papers show the interest that the people of Wyoming showed toward the changing environment.
The general correspondence files contain letters from the general public, organizations, and other public officials. These papers illustrate the feelings of the country at the time. The people showed genuine fear during the Cold War era and wanted reassurance from the government. The speech folders provide information on McGee's stances on a variety of topics, including pensions, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal.
Photographs include publicity shots and snapshots of many prominent politicians and people from around the world. There are photographs of Senator McGee posed with people and of him on his many trips. Constituents can be found both in the constituent files and Wyoming-related files. Many photographs cover the Appropriations Committee study missions in which Senator McGee participated.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Copyright InformationThe researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
Restrictions on Use
Statement on Potentially Harmful Language and Images Found in CollectionsThe American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.
Note that the AHC does not censor or alter contents of the collections as they provide context and evidence of a time, people, place, or event. Therefore, we encourage users to bring questions and concerns about descriptions in our finding aids to our attention via email or anonymous web-form. For more information, read our full statement.
Preferred Citation
Item Description, Box Number, Gale W. McGee Papers, Collection Number 09800, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Alternative Forms Available
Existence and Location of CopiesDigital reproductions of select material from this collection are available at
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection is arranged into 16 series:
- Series I. Departmental Files
- Series II. Wyoming Post Office Files
- Series III. Committee Files
- Series IV. Environmental Files
- Series V. General Correspondence
- Series VI. Legislative Files
- Series VII. Appointment Books and Daily Schedules
- Series VIII. Speech and Trip Files
- Series IX. Campaign Files
- Series X. Assorted Senate Materials
- Series XI. Personal and Professional Files
- Series XII. Photographs
- Series XIII. Safe Materials
- Series XIV. Audio-Visual Materials
- Series XV. Artifacts
- Series XVI. Artwork
Related Materials - A website created by the McGee family about Gale W. McGee's career as a University Wyoming history professor, U.S. Senator (D-Wyo), and U.S. Ambassador to the OAS.
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum - featuring Kennedy’s speeches during his visits to Wyoming; McGee’s Oral History Interview with the Library; various correspondence and photos of McGee and Kennedy related to foreign policy, political campaigns, and the rise of the John Birch Society.
LBJ Presidential Library - featuring McGee and LBJ’s White House phone calls, McGee’s Oral History Interview with the Library; LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson’s visits to Wyoming, various correspondence, and photos of McGee and LBJ related to Vietnam, political campaigns, funding for Wyoming projects.
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum - featuring various correspondence and photos of McGee and Nixon related to Vietnam, China, and the Postal Reorganization Act.
Gerald R Ford Presidential Library & Museum - featuring various correspondence and photos of McGee and Ford related to Vietnam, foreign aid, and Postal Affairs.
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum - featuring various photos and correspondence related to McGee’s nomination and service as U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States, U.S. relations with Latin American countries, and role in ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty.
AEI Archive - featuring Senator McGee participating in an AEI town hall bipartisan debate in 1972 regarding the Nixon Doctrine.
American Archive of Public Broadcasting - featuring the news program "Vietnam; Campaign Issues, Pro and Con.” McGee is cited regarding 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater's attempt to make Vietnam a campaign issue to combat the Democrats using Civil Rights as a campaign issue.
Association for Diplomatic Studies & Training - featuring Ambassador Gale McGee’s 1988 interview for The Foreign Affairs Oral History Project. McGee covered a wide range of topics including his time in the Senate, Vietnam, and the OAS.
Congressional Archives Carl Albert Center featuring Gale McGee’s senatorial campaign ads for the 1970 and 1976 elections.
C-SPAN - featuring McGee’s 1968 interview on ABC Scope series “The Vietnam War How Much Dissent;” Senators Simpson and Packwood’s Senate Floor comments on McGee’s death; and The Motor Voter ceremony. Bill Clinton's Vice President Al Gore recognized the late Senator McGee as one of the pioneers of this law with the Postcard Registration Bill in 1973.
Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library Repository, Bates College - featuring the CBS “Meet the New Senators” TV show on Freshmen Senators national broadcast in January 1959. The reporter is Neil Strauser with Senator McGee, Loraine McGee, Francis and Garton McGee, and Bob McGee.
Georgetown University Archives, Audio Archives, 60432 - featuring Senator McGee’s lecture on "The Radical Right - Moral, Political and Economic Aspects."
Hope College - featuring Ambassador McGee speaking at the 1981 Hope College Model United Nations Conference addressing the current political climates regarding Foreign Policy, Latin America, U.S. Congress, OAS, and the UN.
Iowa State University, Special Collections and University Archives - featuring Senator McGovern and Senator Gale McGee discussing the economic impact of the US Farm Bill will be on agricultural income.
Library of Congress - featuring documents, interviews, and legislation of McGee’s during his political career as a U.S. Senator and U.S Ambassador.
Miller Center, UVA - featuring various conversations and meetings of McGee related to Vietnam, foreign aid, and Postal affairs from the Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford Administrations.
Minnesota Historical Society - featuring Ambassador McGee's swearing into the OAS in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in 1977. - A wide range of articles that features Gale McGee during his career as a professor, senator, and ambassador.
Pacifica Radio Archives- featuring the 1968 Democratic Platform hearings on the dove-hawk controversy over U.S. policy in the Vietnam war.
Past Daily - featuring McGee appearing on NBC Radio panel discussion "Vietnam N' After.”
The Associated Press (AP) - featuring various clips including McGee’s comments on Freezing Pay Raises, Food prices, Angola, and the Postal Service.
The Chatham University Archives & Special Collections - featuring the Chatham University 1971 Symposium called “Where Have All the Heroes Gone?” Senator McGee lectures on Heroism and joined a panel to debate The Influence of the Media on the Making and Breaking of Heroes.
University of Illinois Broadcast Archives - featuring McGee’s speech “The Limits and Responsibilities of Dissent” at World Affairs Conference, Springfield, Illinois, March 1, 1969 Topics include extreme right and left, student uprisings, Vietnam, the assassinations of MLK and RFK, and the current political climate.
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives - featuring two lectures by Senator Gale McGee: “Teachers and Politics”(1966) which spoke on the importance that teachers at all levels of education participate in American political life and “Morality and Power: The Dilemma of Southeast Asia” (1968) addressing the situation in Vietnam.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections - featuring the 1969 Action Conference on National Priorities. The debate between Senator McGee and author Richard Barnett was entitled "What is National Security.” It covered topics including the Soviet Union, the ABM, and nuclear disarmament. The featured speaker for the event was McGee's fellow professor and colleague Senator George McGovern. | The Online Encyclopedia of Wyoming History - Scholarly articles related to McGee’s service as the Senator from Wyoming.
Office of the Historian - United States Department of State - featuring government documents and memorandum mentioning McGee’s role and influence in United States foreign policy as U.S. Senator and U.S. Ambassador.
Acquisition Information
The Gale W. McGee Papers were donated to the American Heritage Center by Senator McGee and the McGee family in installments beginning in December 1976 until 2022. The papers arrived in fair to excellent condition and in good order.
Processing Note
The collection was processed by Julie Long, Mark Shelstad, and Matt Sprinkle from 1994-1997, Roger Simon from 2018-2019, and updated by Jamie J. Greene in 2023. Machine-readable finding aid created by ByteManagers Inc. in October 2005.
Portions of the collection were digitized by Jamie J. Greene in August 2012.
Restrictions were added at folder level in Series I and Series V by Joney Wilmot in March 2015.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Departmental Files, 1959-1976Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Agriculture |
1959 |
1 | 2 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1959 |
1 | 3 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1959 |
1 | 4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1959 |
1 | 5 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1959 |
1 | 6 | Agriculture - Wool |
1959 |
1 | 7 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1959 |
1 | 8 | Banking |
1959 |
1 | 9 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1959 |
1 | 10 | Civil Defense |
1959 |
1 | 11 | Civil Rights |
1959 |
1 | 12 | Civil Service |
1959 |
1 | 13 | Commerce |
1959 |
1 | 14 | Commerce - Census |
1959 |
2 | 1 | Defense |
1959 |
2 | 2 | Defense - Air Force |
1959 |
2 | 3 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1959 |
2 | 4 | Defense - Armed Services Committee |
1959 |
2 | 5 | Defense - Army |
1959 |
2 | 6 | Defense - Military Academies |
1959 |
2 | 7 | Defense - Military Academies - Appointments – (10% Random
Sample) |
1959 |
2 | 8 | Defense - National Guard |
1959 |
2 | 9 | Defense - National Guard/Casper |
1959 |
2 | 10 | Defense - Navy |
1959 |
2 | 11 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1959 |
2 | 12 | Defense - Space |
1959 |
3 | 1 | Economics |
1959 |
3 | 2 | Economy |
1959 |
3 | 3 | Economy - Employment |
1959 |
3 | 4 | Economy - Inflation |
1959 |
3 | 5 | Economy - Inflation – (10% Random Sample) |
1959 |
3 | 6 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1959 |
3 | 7-9 | Federal Communications Commission - Booster,
TV |
1959 |
4 | 1-3 | Federal Communications Commission - Booster,
TV |
1959 |
4 | 4 | Federal Communications Commission - Booster, TV – Form
Letters (10% Random Sample) |
1959 |
4 | 5 | Federal Communications Commission - Communications
Merger |
1959 |
4 | 6 | Federal Housing Administration |
1959 |
4 | 7 | Federal Housing Administration - Warren Air Force
Base |
1959 |
4 | 8 | Federal Power Commission |
1959 |
4 | 9 | Federal Trade Commission |
1959 |
5 | 1 | Foreign Relations |
1959 |
5 | 2 | Foreign Relations – China |
1959 |
5 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Russia |
1959 |
5 | 4 | General Service Administration |
1959 |
5 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1959 |
5 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1959 |
5 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education
(S-2) |
1959 |
5 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1959 |
5 | 9 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1959 |
5 | 10 | Housing and Home Finance |
1959 |
6 | 1-2 | Interior |
1959 |
6 | 3 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1959 |
6 | 4 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1959 |
6 | 5 | Interior - Land Management |
1959 |
6 | 6 | Interior - Mines |
1959 |
6 | 7 | Interior - National Park Service |
1959 |
6 | 8 | Interior - Oil |
1959 |
7 | 1 | Interior - Public Roads |
1959 |
7 | 2-3 | Interior - Reclamation |
1959 |
7 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek |
1959 |
7 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Colorado River |
1959 |
7 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1959 |
7 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo |
1959 |
7 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee |
1959 |
7 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1959 |
8 | 1 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee |
1959 |
8 | 2 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1959 |
8 | 3 | Justice |
1959 |
8 | 4 | Justice - Immigration – (10% Random Sample) |
1959 |
8 | 5-6 | Labor |
1959 |
8 | 7 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1959 |
9 | 1 | Politics |
1959 |
9 | 2-4 | Post Office |
1959 |
9 | 5-6 | Press - Newspaper |
1959 |
9 | 7 | Press - Magazine |
1959 |
9 | 8 | Press - Radio |
1959 |
9 | 9 | Press - Television |
1959 |
10 | 1 | Public Works |
1959 |
10 | 2 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1959 |
10 | 3 | Small Business Administration |
1959 |
10 | 4 | State |
1959 |
10 | 5 | Subversive Activities Control Board |
1959 |
10 | 6 | Tennessee Valley Authority |
1959 |
10 | 7 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1959 |
10 | 8 | Treasury |
1959 |
10 | 9-10 | Treasury - Taxes |
1959 |
10 | 11 | Treasury - Taxes - Alcohol |
1959 |
10 | 12 | United Nations |
1959 |
10 | 13 | Veterans Administration |
1959 |
10 | 14-15 | Water Hearing Laramie, Wyoming – October 8,
1959 |
1959 |
11 | 1-3 | Agriculture |
1960 |
11 | 4 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1960 |
11 | 5-6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1960 |
12 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1960 |
12 | 2 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1960 |
12 | 3 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification Administration –
Telephone |
1960 |
12 | 4 | Agriculture - Soil Bank |
1960 |
12 | 5 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1960 |
12 | 6-7 | Appropriations |
1960 |
12 | 8 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1960 |
13 | 1 | Appropriations - Commerce |
1960 |
13 | 2 | Appropriations - District of Columbia |
1960 |
13 | 3 | Appropriations - Interior |
1960 |
13 | 4 | Appropriations - Post Office and Treasury |
1960 |
13 | 5 | Appropriations - Supplemental – (10% Random
Sample) |
1960 |
13 | 6 | Associated Clubs, Inc. |
1960 |
13 | 7 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1960 |
13 | 8 | Banking |
1960 |
14 | 1-2 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1960 |
14 | 3 | Civil Defense |
1960 |
14 | 4 | Civil Rights |
1960 |
14 | 5 | Civil Service |
1960 |
14 | 6 | Commerce |
1960 |
14 | 7 | Commerce - Census |
1960 |
15 | 1-2 | Defense |
1960 |
15 | 3-4 | Defense - Air Force |
1960 |
15 | 5 | Defense - Air Force - Sundance Radar Station |
1960 |
15 | 6 | Defense - Armed Services Committee |
1960 |
15 | 7 | Defense - Army |
1960 |
16 | 1 | Defense - Army - Letters from Constituents |
1960 |
16 | 2 | Defense - Coast Guard |
1960 |
16 | 3 | Defense - Dave Garroway Show |
1960 |
16 | 4-5 | Defense - Military Academies |
1960 |
16 | 6 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Bliss,
Ron |
1960 |
16 | 7 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Colyer, James
A. |
1960 |
16 | 8 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Cook,
1960 |
16 | 9 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Cummings, Barry
Boyd |
1960 |
16 | 10 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Gould, George
A. |
1960 |
16 | 11 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Hays, William
Allen |
1960 |
16 | 12 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Kousky, Richard
J. |
1960 |
16 | 13 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Krogman, Alva
Ray |
1960 |
16 | 14 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Martin, Rodney
L. |
1960 |
16 | 15 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force - Shaffer,
Michael |
1960 |
16 | 16 | Defense - Military Academies - Army - Engstrom, Melvin
G. |
1960 |
16 | 17 | Defense - Military Academies - Army - Fetsco, Peter M.
Jr. |
1960 |
16 | 18 | Defense - Military Academies - Army - Weiss, Neil
M. |
1960 |
16 | 19 | Defense - Military Academies - Merchant Marine - Clow,
Alvah R. |
1960 |
16 | 20 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Cook, Kenneth
W. |
1960 |
16 | 21 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Eichbush, Francis
D., Jr. |
1960 |
16 | 22 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Joslyn, James
K. |
1960 |
16 | 23 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Kimzey, Bruce
W. |
1960 |
16 | 24 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Moyers, John
M. |
1960 |
16 | 25 | Defense - Military Academies - Navy - Warner, Paul
R. |
1960 |
17 | 1 | Defense - National Guard |
1960 |
17 | 2 | Defense - Navy |
1960 |
17 | 3 | Education |
1960 |
17 | 4 | Education - Graduating Students |
1960 |
17 | 5 | Employment |
1960 |
17 | 6 | Employment - Job Requests – (50% Random
Sample) |
1960 |
17 | 7-8 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1960 |
17 | 9 | Federal Communications Commission |
1960 |
18 | 1-2 | Federal Communications Commission |
1960 |
18 | 3-5 | Federal Communications Commission - Boosters,
TV |
1960 |
19 | 1 | Federal Communications Commission -
Television |
1960 |
19 | 2 | Federal Housing Administration |
1960 |
19 | 3 | Federal Power Commission |
1960 |
19 | 4 | Federal Trade Commission |
1960 |
19 | 5-7 | Foreign Relations |
1960 |
19 | 8 | Foreign Relations - China |
1960 |
20 | 1 | General Service Administration |
1960 |
20 | 2-3 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1960 |
20 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1960 |
20 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - People-
to-People |
1960 |
20 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1960 |
20 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1960 |
20 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Children and Youth |
1960 |
21 | 1-2 | Interior |
1960 |
21 | 3 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1960 |
21 | 4-5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1960 |
21 | 6 | Interior - Land Management |
1960 |
22 | 1 | Interior - Mines |
1960 |
22 | 2 | Interior - National Park Service |
1960 |
22 | 3 | Interior - Public Roads |
1960 |
22 | 4 | Interior - Oil |
1960 |
22 | 5-6 | Interior - Reclamation |
1960 |
23 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation |
1960 |
23 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek Project |
1960 |
23 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Eden Project |
1960 |
23 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1960 |
23 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo Dam Project |
1960 |
23 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Missouri Basin |
1960 |
23 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton Project |
1960 |
23 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee |
1960 |
23 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Snake River |
1960 |
23 | 10-11 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado
Storage |
1960 |
23 | 12 | Interior - Reclamation - Yellowtail Dam |
1960 |
24 | 1-6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee |
1960 |
25 | 1-3 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee |
1960 |
25 | 4 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Advisory
Council |
1960 |
25 | 5 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Communications
Subcommittee |
1960 |
25 | 6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Struass
Nomination |
1960 |
25 | 7 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Summary of U.S.
Trade: Asia |
1960 |
26 | 1-2 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Surface
Transportation |
1960 |
26 | 3 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee Surface
Transportation Proceedings Proposed Passenger Train Act of 1960 |
1960 |
26 | 4 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1960 |
26 | 5 | Justice |
1960 |
26 | 6 | Justice - Immigration |
1960 |
26 | 7 | Justice - Supreme Court |
1960 |
27 | 1 | Justice - United States Court of Appeals John Randolph vs
Allis-Chalmers |
1960 |
27 | 2-5 | Labor |
1960 |
27 | 6 | Livestock |
1960 |
28 | 1 | Mutual Security Act |
1960 |
28 | 2-4 | Post Office |
1960 |
28 | 5 | Press |
1960 |
28 | 6 | Press - Magazines |
1960 |
28 | 7 | Press - Newspapers |
1960 |
28 | 8 | Press - Television |
1960 |
29 | 1 | Public Works |
1960 |
29 | 2 | Publications |
1960 |
29 | 3 | Small Business Administration |
1960 |
29 | 4 | Special Meeting on Unemployment |
1960 |
29 | 5 | State |
1960 |
29 | 6-7 | State - Antarctic Treaty |
1960 |
29 | 8 | State - Foreign Relations |
1960 |
29 | 9 | State - International Cooperation
Administration |
1960 |
29 | 10 | State - Vietnam |
1960 |
30 | 1 | Tariff Commission |
1960 |
30 | 2 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1960 |
30 | 3 | Treasury |
1960 |
30 | 4 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1960 |
30 | 5-6 | Treasury - Taxes |
1960 |
30 | 7 | Unemployment Committee |
1960 |
30 | 8-9 | Veterans Administration |
1960 |
30 | 10 | Veterans Administration - T.R. Black and Sons
Inc. |
1960 |
31 | 1-4 | Agriculture |
1961 |
31 | 5 | Agriculture - Bulletins – (10% Random Sample) |
1961 |
31 | 6 | Agriculture - Commodity Reports |
1961 |
31 | 7 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1961 |
32 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1961 |
32 | 3-4 | Agriculture - Packers and Stockyard Act |
1961 |
32 | 5 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1961 |
32 | 6 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1961 |
32 | 7 | Agriculture - Yearbooks – (10% Random Sample) |
1961 |
33 | 1 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1961 |
33 | 2 | Budget |
1961 |
33 | 3 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1961 |
33 | 4 | Civil Defense |
1961 |
33 | 5-6 | Civil Service |
1961 |
33 | 7 | Commerce |
1961 |
33 | 8 | Commerce - Census |
1961 |
34 | 1 | Defense |
1961 |
34 | 2-3 | Defense - Air Force |
1961 |
34 | 4 | Defense - Army |
1961 |
34 | 5 | Defense - Army - Constituent Letters |
1961 |
34 | 6 | Defense - National Guard |
1961 |
35 | 1 | Defense - Navy |
1961 |
35 | 2 | Defense - Navy - Constituent Letters |
1961 |
35 | 3 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1961 |
35 | 4 | Defense - Reserve Callups |
1961 |
35 | 5 | Defense - Warren Air Force Base |
1961 |
35 | 6 | Executive |
1961 |
35 | 7 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1961 |
35 | 8-10 | Federal Communications Commission |
1961 |
35 | 11 | Federal Communications Commission - Casper Hearing –
February 22, 1961 |
1961 |
36 | 1 | Federal Power Commission |
1961 |
36 | 2 | Federal Reserve |
1961 |
36 | 3 | Federal Trade Commission |
1961 |
36 | 4 | General Accounting Office |
1961 |
36 | 5 | General Service Administration |
1961 |
36 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1961 |
36 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1961 |
36 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Housing |
1961 |
36 | 9 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1961 |
36 | 10 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Aging |
1961 |
37 | 1 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1961 |
37 | 2 | Interior |
1961 |
37 | 3 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1961 |
37 | 4 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1961 |
37 | 5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1961 |
37 | 6 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Constitutional
Rights |
1961 |
37 | 7-8 | Interior - Land Management |
1961 |
38 | 1 | Interior - Mines and Minerals |
1961 |
38 | 2 | Interior - National Park Service |
1961 |
38 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service - Elk |
1961 |
38 | 4 | Interior - National Park Service - Yellowstone
Boating |
1961 |
38 | 5 | Interior - Oil |
1961 |
38 | 6 | Interior - Public Roads |
1961 |
39 | 1-3 | Interior - Reclamation |
1961 |
39 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek Project |
1961 |
39 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden Valley Project
(Farson) |
1961 |
39 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge
Project |
1961 |
39 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo Dam |
1961 |
39 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Gray Reef Dam |
1961 |
40 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation - Laprele Project |
1961 |
40 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Lyman Project |
1961 |
40 | 3-4 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton Project |
1961 |
40 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee Project |
1961 |
40 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Sheridan Flood Control Project
Big Goose Creek |
1961 |
40 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Sheridan Flood Control Project –
Constituent Letters (10% Random Sample) |
1961 |
40 | 8-9 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado
Project |
1961 |
41 | 1-2 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1961 |
41 | 3 | Justice - Immigration |
1961 |
41 | 4 | Labor |
1961 |
41 | 5 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1961 |
41 | 6 | Peace Corps |
1961 |
41 | 7 | People-to-People |
1961 |
41 | 8-9 | Post Office |
1961 |
42 | 1 | Public Health |
1961 |
42 | 2 | Public Works |
1961 |
42 | 3 | Selective Service |
1961 |
42 | 4-5 | Small Business Administration |
1961 |
42 | 6 | Small Business Administration - Weekly Staff
Reports |
1961 |
42 | 7 | State |
1961 |
42 | 8 | State - Development Loan Fund |
1961 |
43 | 1 | State - Development Loan Fund - FY61 Supplemental
Estimates |
1961 |
43 | 2-3 | State - Foreign Relations |
1961 |
43 | 4 | State - International Cooperation
Administration |
1961 |
43 | 5 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1961 |
43 | 6 | Treasury |
1961 |
43 | 7 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1961 |
44 | 1 | Treasury - Taxes |
1961 |
44 | 2 | Treasury - Taxes - Constituent Letters – (10% Random
Sample) |
1961 |
44 | 3 | United Nations |
1961 |
44 | 4 | United States Information Agency |
1961 |
44 | 5 | Veterans Administration |
1961 |
44 | 6 | Veterans Administration - Constituent Service |
1961 |
44 | 7 | Warren Air Force Base |
1961 |
45 | 1-3 | Agriculture |
1962 |
45 | 4 | Agriculture - Beans |
1962 |
45 | 5 | Agriculture - Bulletins |
1962 |
45 | 6 | Agriculture - Commodity Report |
1962 |
45 | 7 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1962 |
45 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1962 |
46 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1962 |
46 | 2 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1962 |
46 | 3 | Agriculture - Soil |
1962 |
46 | 4 | Agriculture - Soil Bank |
1962 |
46 | 5 | Agriculture - Yearbooks – (10% Random Sample) |
1962 |
46 | 6 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1962 |
46 | 7 | Budget |
1962 |
46 | 8 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1962 |
47 | 1 | Civil Defense |
1962 |
47 | 2 | Civil Rights |
1962 |
47 | 3-5 | Civil Service |
1962 |
47 | 6-8 | Commerce |
1962 |
47 | 9 | Commerce - Census |
1962 |
47 | 10 | Commerce - Public Roads |
1962 |
48 | 1 | Defense |
1962 |
48 | 2-4 | Defense - Air Force |
1962 |
48 | 5 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1962 |
48 | 6 | Defense - Army |
1962 |
49 | 1 | Defense - Army |
1962 |
49 | 2 | Defense - Army - Assistant Requests |
1962 |
49 | 3 | Defense - National Guard |
1962 |
49 | 4 | Defense - Navy |
1962 |
49 | 5 | Defense - Navy - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
1962 |
49 | 6 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1962 |
49 | 7 | Defense - Navy - Mcleod, Edward |
1962 |
49 | 8-9 | Executive |
1962 |
50 | 1 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1962 |
50 | 2-5 | Federal Communications Commission |
1962 |
50 | 6 | Federal Housing Administration |
1962 |
50 | 7 | Federal Power Commission |
1962 |
50 | 8 | Federal Trade Commission |
1962 |
50 | 9 | General Service Administration |
1962 |
51 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1962 |
51 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Federal
Housing |
1962 |
51 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Housing and Home
Finance |
1962 |
51 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1962 |
51 | 6-7 | Interior |
1962 |
52 | 1 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1962 |
52 | 2 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1962 |
52 | 3 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1962 |
52 | 4-5 | Interior - Land Management |
1962 |
52 | 6-7 | Interior - Mcintyre, John |
1962 |
53 | 1 | Interior - Mcintyre, John |
1962 |
53 | 2-3 | Interior - Mines/Oil |
1962 |
53 | 4 | Interior - National Park Service |
1962 |
53 | 5 | Interior - National Park Service - Elk
Slaughter |
1962 |
53 | 6 | Interior - News Releases |
1962 |
53 | 7 | Interior - Public Power |
1962 |
54 | 1-3 | Interior - Reclamation |
1962 |
54 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek |
1962 |
54 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Cody |
1962 |
54 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden |
1962 |
54 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1962 |
54 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo |
1962 |
54 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Lyman |
1962 |
54 | 10 | Interior - Reclamation - Missouri River |
1962 |
54 | 11 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton |
1962 |
54 | 12 | Interior - Seedskadee |
1962 |
54 | 13 | Interior - Shoshone |
1962 |
54 | 14 | Interior - Upper Colorado Water |
1962 |
55 | 1 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1962 |
55 | 2 | Justice |
1962 |
55 | 3-4 | Justice - Immigration |
1962 |
55 | 5-6 | Labor |
1962 |
55 | 7 | Labor - Right to Work |
1962 |
55 | 8 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1962 |
55 | 9-10 | Post Office |
1962 |
55 | 11 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1962 |
55 | 12 | Selective Service |
1962 |
55 | 13-14 | Small Business Administration |
1962 |
56 | 1-4 | State |
1962 |
56 | 5 | State - Agency for International Development |
1962 |
56 | 6 | State - Cuba |
1962 |
56 | 7 | State - Foreign Relations |
1962 |
56 | 8 | State - International Cooperation
Administration |
1962 |
56 | 9 | State - Passports |
1962 |
57 | 1 | State - Press |
1962 |
57 | 2 | State - Reciprocal Trade |
1962 |
57 | 3 | Supreme Court |
1962 |
57 | 4 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1962 |
57 | 5 | Treasury |
1962 |
57 | 6 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1962 |
57 | 7-8 | Treasury - Taxes |
1962 |
58 | 1-2 | Treasury - Withholding Taxes |
1962 |
58 | 3-4 | United Nations |
1962 |
58 | 5 | Veterans Administration |
1962 |
58 | 6 | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
59 | 1-4 | Agriculture |
1963 |
59 | 5 | Agriculture - Bulletins |
1963 |
59 | 6 | Agriculture - Farm Bill |
1963 |
59 | 7 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1963 |
60 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1963 |
60 | 3-4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1963 |
60 | 5 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1963 |
60 | 6 | Agriculture - Yearbooks – (10% Random Sample) |
1963 |
60 | 7-8 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1963 |
60 | 9 | Budget |
1963 |
61 | 1 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1963 |
61 | 2 | Civil Defense |
1963 |
61 | 3 | Civil Rights |
1963 |
61 | 4 | Civil Service |
1963 |
61 | 5 | Commerce |
1963 |
61 | 6 | Commerce - Area Redevelopment Administration |
1963 |
61 | 7 | Commerce - Census |
1963 |
61 | 8 | Commerce - Public Roads |
1963 |
62 | 1-2 | Defense |
1963 |
62 | 3-4 | Defense - Air Force |
1963 |
62 | 5 | Defense - Air Force - Assistant Requests |
1963 |
62 | 6 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1963 |
62 | 7 | Defense - Army |
1963 |
63 | 1-3 | Defense - Army |
1963 |
63 | 4 | Defense - National Guard |
1963 |
63 | 5-6 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1963 |
63 | 7 | Economy - Budget |
1963 |
63 | 8 | Executive |
1963 |
63 | 9 | Federal Communications Commission |
1963 |
64 | 1-3 | Federal Communications Commission |
1963 |
64 | 4 | Federal Power Commission |
1963 |
64 | 5-6 | Federal Power Commission - Rock Springs
Project |
1963 |
65 | 1 | Federal Reserve |
1963 |
65 | 2 | Federal Trade Commission |
1963 |
65 | 3 | General Services Administration |
1963 |
65 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1963 |
65 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Federal Housing
Administration |
1963 |
65 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1963 |
65 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Housing and Home
Finance |
1963 |
65 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1963 |
66 | 1-3 | Interior |
1963 |
66 | 4 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1963 |
66 | 5 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1963 |
66 | 6-7 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1963 |
67 | 1-5 | Interior - Land Management |
1963 |
67 | 6 | Interior - Mines/Minerals |
1963 |
67 | 7 | Interior - National Park Service |
1963 |
67 | 8 | Interior - National Park Service - Bighorn
Canyon |
1963 |
68 | 1 | Interior - National Parks - Elk |
1963 |
68 | 2 | Interior - Oil/Coal |
1963 |
68 | 3 | Interior - Public Power |
1963 |
68 | 4-6 | Interior - Reclamation |
1963 |
68 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek |
1963 |
68 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden |
1963 |
68 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1963 |
69 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo |
1963 |
69 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Lyman |
1963 |
69 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation - Mcgee Riverton
Project |
1963 |
69 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Missouri River Basin |
1963 |
69 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee |
1963 |
69 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Shoshone |
1963 |
69 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado River |
1963 |
69 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1963 |
69 | 10 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1963 |
69 | 11 | Justice |
1963 |
69 | 12 | Justice - Immigration |
1963 |
70 | 1 | Justice - Immigration |
1963 |
70 | 2-3 | Labor |
1963 |
70 | 4 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1963 |
70 | 5 | Peace Corps |
1963 |
70 | 6 | Post Office |
1963 |
70 | 7 | Public Office |
1963 |
70 | 8 | Rural Electrification Administration |
1963 |
70 | 9 | Securities Exchange Commission |
1963 |
70 | 10 | Selective Service |
1963 |
70 | 11 | Small Business Administration |
1963 |
71 | 1-2 | Small Business Administration |
1963 |
71 | 3-6 | State |
1963 |
71 | 7 | State - Afghanistan |
1963 |
71 | 8 | State - Agency for International Development |
1963 |
72 | 1 | State - Foreign Affairs |
1963 |
72 | 2 | State - Foreign Aid |
1963 |
72 | 3 | State - Foreign Relations |
1963 |
72 | 4 | State - Passports |
1963 |
72 | 5 | State - Press Releases |
1963 |
72 | 6 | State - Publications |
1963 |
72 | 7 | State - Yugoslavia |
1963 |
72 | 8 | Supreme Court |
1963 |
73 | 1 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1963 |
73 | 2 | Treasury |
1963 |
73 | 3-4 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1963 |
73 | 5 | Treasury - Tariff |
1963 |
73 | 6-7 | Treasury - Taxes |
1963 |
74 | 1-2 | Treasury - Taxes |
1963 |
74 | 3-4 | United Nations |
1963 |
74 | 5-6 | Veterans Administration |
1963 |
75 | 1-4 | Agriculture |
1964 |
75 | 5 | Agriculture - Bulletins |
1964 |
75 | 6 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1964 |
75 | 7 | Agriculture - Forest |
1964 |
76 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1964 |
76 | 2-3 | 2-3 Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1964 |
76 | 4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification Administration Moon
Lake |
1964 |
76 | 5 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1964 |
76 | 6 | Agriculture - Yearbooks – (10% Random Sample) |
1964 |
76 | 7 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1964 |
77 | 1 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1964 |
77 | 2 | Budget |
1964 |
77 | 3 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1964 |
77 | 4 | Civil Defense |
1964 |
77 | 5 | Civil Rights |
1964 |
77 | 6-7 | Civil Service |
1964 |
77 | 8 | Commerce |
1964 |
78 | 1 | Commerce |
1964 |
78 | 2-3 | Commerce - Area Redevelopment Administration |
1964 |
78 | 4 | Commerce - Census |
1964 |
78 | 5 | Commerce - Public Roads |
1964 |
78 | 6 | Defense |
1964 |
79 | 1 | Defense |
1964 |
79 | 2-5 | Defense - Air Force |
1964 |
79 | 6 | Defense - Air Force Procurement |
1964 |
79 | 7 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1964 |
80 | 1-3 | Defense - Army |
1964 |
80 | 4 | Defense - National Guard |
1964 |
81 | 1-2 | Defense - Navy |
1964 |
81 | 3 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1964 |
81 | 4 | Economy - Budget |
1964 |
81 | 5 | Executive |
1964 |
81 | 6 | Executive - Economic Opportunity |
1964 |
81 | 7-8 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1964 |
82 | 1-2 | Federal Communications Commission |
1964 |
82 | 3 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1964 |
82 | 4 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1964 |
82 | 5-6 | Federal Housing Administration |
1964 |
82 | 7 | Federal Power Commission |
1964 |
83 | 1-2 | Federal Power Commission |
1964 |
83 | 3-4 | Federal Power Commission - Rock Springs |
1964 |
84 | 1 | Federal Reserve |
1964 |
84 | 2 | Federal Trade Commission |
1964 |
84 | 3 | General Service Administration |
1964 |
84 | 4-6 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1964 |
84 | 7 | Health, Education And Welfare - Accelerated Public
Works |
1964 |
84 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Housing and, Home
Finance |
1964 |
84 | 9 | Health, Education And Welfare - Public Health |
1964 |
85 | 1-2 | Health, Education And Welfare - Social
Security |
1964 |
85 | 3-5 | Interior |
1964 |
85 | 6 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1964 |
85 | 7 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1964 |
85 | 8 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1964 |
86 | 1-3 | Interior - Land Management |
1964 |
86 | 4 | Interior - Mines |
1964 |
86 | 5 | Interior - National Park Service |
1964 |
86 | 6-7 | Interior - Oil/Coal |
1964 |
87 | 1-2 | Interior - Oil/Coal |
1964 |
87 | 3 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1964 |
87 | 4-5 | Interior - Public Power |
1964 |
87 | 5 | Interior - Public Works |
1964 |
87 | 6-7 | Interior - Reclamation |
1964 |
88 | 1-3 | Interior - Reclamation |
1964 |
88 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Burns Creek |
1964 |
88 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden Farson |
1964 |
88 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1964 |
88 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo |
1964 |
88 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton |
1964 |
88 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee |
1964 |
88 | 10 | Interior - Reclamation - Shoshone |
1964 |
88 | 11-12 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado River |
1964 |
89 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1964 |
89 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Yellowtail |
1964 |
89 | 3-4 | Interior - Releases |
1964 |
89 | 5 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1964 |
89 | 6 | Justice |
1964 |
89 | 7 | Justice - Immigration |
1964 |
89 | 8-9 | Labor |
1964 |
90 | 1 | Peace Corps |
1964 |
90 | 2-4 | Post Office |
1964 |
90 | 5 | Securities Exchange Commission |
1964 |
90 | 6 | Selective Service |
1964 |
90 | 7-9 | Small Business Administration |
1964 |
91 | 1-2 | Small Business Administration - Stull
Chemical |
1964 |
91 | 3-7 | State |
1964 |
92 | 1 | State - Agency For International Development |
1964 |
92 | 2-4 | State - Foreign Relations |
1964 |
92 | 5 | State - Passports |
1964 |
92 | 6 | Supreme Court |
1964 |
92 | 7 | Treasury |
1964 |
92 | 8-9 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1964 |
93 | 1 | Treasury - Tariff |
1964 |
93 | 2 | Treasury - Taxes |
1964 |
93 | 3 | United Nations |
1964 |
93 | 4-6 | Veterans Administration |
1964 |
93 | 7 | Wyoming Outdoor Leadership School |
1964 |
94 | 1-3 | Agriculture |
1965 |
94 | 4 | Agriculture - Bulletins |
1965 |
94 | 5-6 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1965 |
94 | 7-8 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1965 |
95 | 1 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1965 |
95 | 2 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1965 |
95 | 3 | Agriculture - Strawberries |
1965 |
95 | 4 | Agriculture - Sugar |
1965 |
95 | 5 | Agriculture - Wool |
1965 |
95 | 6 | Agriculture - Yearbooks – (10% Random Sample) |
1965 |
95 | 7-8 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1965 |
96 | 1 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1965 |
96 | 2 | Budget |
1965 |
96 | 3 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1965 |
96 | 4 | Civil Defense |
1965 |
96 | 5 | Civil Rights |
1965 |
96 | 6 | Civil Service |
1965 |
96 | 7 | Commerce |
1965 |
97 | 1 | Commerce - Area Redevelopment Administration |
1965 |
97 | 2 | Commerce - Census |
1965 |
97 | 3 | Commerce - Public Roads |
1965 |
97 | 4 | Commerce - Public Roads - Dayton - Kane Road |
1965 |
97 | 5 | Defense |
1965 |
97 | 6-7 | Defense - Air Force |
1965 |
98 | 1 | Defense - Air Force - Dynaelectron |
1965 |
98 | 2 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1965 |
98 | 3-5 | Defense - Army |
1965 |
98 | 6 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1965 |
98 | 7 | Defense - National Guard |
1965 |
99 | 1 | Defense - Navy |
1965 |
99 | 2 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1965 |
99 | 3 | Economic Development |
1965 |
99 | 4-6 | Economic Opportunity |
1965 |
99 | 7 | Executive |
1965 |
99 | 8 | Executive - Emergency Planning |
1965 |
100 | 1 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1965 |
100 | 2 | Federal Aviation Agency - Jackson |
1965 |
100 | 3-4 | Federal Communications Commission |
1965 |
100 | 5 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1965 |
100 | 6 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1965 |
100 | 7-8 | Federal Power Commission |
1965 |
101 | 1 | Federal Trade Commission |
1965 |
101 | 2-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1965 |
101 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Accelerated Public
Works |
1965 |
101 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1965 |
101 | 8 | Health, Education And Welfare - Social
Security |
1965 |
101 | 9 | Housing and Home Finance |
1965 |
101 | 10 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal
Housing |
1965 |
102 | 1-2 | Interior |
1965 |
102 | 3 | Interior - Coal |
1965 |
102 | 4 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1965 |
102 | 5 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1965 |
102 | 6 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1965 |
102 | 7 | Interior - Land Management |
1965 |
103 | 1-2 | Interior - Land Management |
1965 |
103 | 3 | Interior - Land Management - Cabin Sites |
1965 |
103 | 4 | Interior - Land Management - Fence Construction Diamond
Ring Ranch |
1965 |
103 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - Fencing |
1965 |
103 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Geophysical
Exploration |
1965 |
103 | 7 | Interior - Land Management - Grazing |
1965 |
103 | 8 | Interior - Mines |
1965 |
104 | 1 | Interior - Mines |
1965 |
104 | 2 | Interior - National Park Service |
1965 |
104 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service -
Yellowstone |
1965 |
104 | 4 | Interior - Oil |
1965 |
104 | 5 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1965 |
104 | 6 | Interior - Public Power |
1965 |
104 | 7-8 | Interior - Reclamation |
1965 |
105 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation - Bonneville |
1965 |
105 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden Farson |
1965 |
105 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation - Flaming Gorge |
1965 |
105 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Glendo |
1965 |
105 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton |
1965 |
105 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee |
1965 |
105 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado |
1965 |
105 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1965 |
105 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation - Yellowtail |
1965 |
105 | 10 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1965 |
105 | 11 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Railroads |
1965 |
105 | 12 | Justice |
1965 |
106 | 1-2 | Justice - Immigration |
1965 |
106 | 3 | Justice - Supreme Court |
1965 |
106 | 4-5 | Labor |
1965 |
106 | 6 | Labor - Right To Work - Out of State – (10% Random
Sample) |
1965 |
106 | 7 | Labor - Right to Work - Wyoming – (10% Random
Sample) |
1965 |
107 | 1-2 | National Food Marketing Commission |
1965 |
107 | 3-4 | Post Office |
1965 |
107 | 5 | Post Office - Railway Post Office |
1965 |
108 | 1-2 | Post Office - Railway Post Office |
1965 |
108 | 3 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1965 |
108 | 4 | Selective Service |
1965 |
108 | 5-7 | Small Business Administration |
1965 |
109 | 1 | Small Business Administration |
1965 |
109 | 2 | Small Business Administration - Sunrise Shopping
Center |
1965 |
190 | 3-6 | State |
1965 |
110 | 1-2 | State - Foreign Relations |
1965 |
110 | 3 | State - Foreign Relations - Consular Treaty |
1965 |
110 | 4-5 | State - Peace Corps |
1965 |
110 | 6 | State - Security Consular Affairs - Passports |
1965 |
110 | 7 | State - Vietnam |
1965 |
110 | 8 | Tariff Commission |
1965 |
110 | 9 | Treasury |
1965 |
111 | 1 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1965 |
111 | 2-3 | Treasury - Taxes |
1965 |
111 | 4 | United Nations |
1965 |
111 | 5-6 | Veterans Administration |
1965 |
112 | 1-4 | Veterans Administration |
1965 |
113 | 1-7 | Agriculture |
1966 |
114 | 1-2 | Agriculture |
1966 |
114 | 3 | Agriculture - Buffalo |
1966 |
114 | 4 | Agriculture - Drought |
1966 |
114 | 5-6 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1966 |
114 | 7 | Agriculture - Federal Extension Service |
1966 |
114 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1966 |
115 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1966 |
115 | 2 | Agriculture - National Advisory On Food and
Fiber |
1966 |
115 | 3 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1966 |
115 | 4 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1966 |
115 | 5 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1966 |
115 | 6 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1966 |
115 | 7 | Budget |
1966 |
115 | 8 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1966 |
116 | 1 | Civil Defense |
1966 |
116 | 2-3 | Civil Rights |
1966 |
116 | 4-5 | Civil Service |
1966 |
116 | 6 | Commerce |
1966 |
117 | 1 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1966 |
117 | 2 | Commerce - Public Roads |
1966 |
117 | 3 | Commerce - Public Roads - Cheyenne |
1966 |
117 | 4 | Commerce - Public Roads - Clarks Fork |
1966 |
117 | 5 | Commerce - Public Roads - Rock Springs |
1966 |
117 | 6 | Commerce - Public Roads - Savery - Pothook |
1966 |
117 | 7-8 | Defense |
1966 |
117 | 9 | Defense - Air Force |
1966 |
118 | 1-2 | Defense - Air Force |
1966 |
118 | 3-5 | Defense - Army |
1966 |
118 | 6 | Defense - Army Corps Of Engineers |
1966 |
119 | 1 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1966 |
119 | 2-3 | Defense - Navy |
1966 |
119 | 4 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1966 |
119 | 5 | Economy |
1966 |
119 | 6-7 | Economy - Economic Opportunity |
1966 |
120 | 1-4 | Economy - Economic Opportunity |
1966 |
120 | 5 | Economy - War on Poverty Program |
1966 |
120 | 6 | Executive |
1966 |
120 | 7 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1966 |
121 | 1 | Federal Aviation Agency - Cody |
1966 |
121 | 2-4 | Federal Communications Commission |
1966 |
121 | 5-7 | Federal Communications Commission - Catv |
1966 |
121 | 8 | Federal Deposits Insurance Corporation |
1966 |
121 | 9 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1966 |
122 | 1 | Federal Power Commission |
1966 |
122 | 2 | Federal Trade Commission |
1966 |
122 | 3 | General Service Administration |
1966 |
122 | 4-7 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1966 |
123 | 1-4 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1966 |
123 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Ruling |
1966 |
123 | 6-7 | Health, Education And Welfare - Social
Security |
1966 |
124 | 1 | Housing and Home Finance |
1966 |
124 | 2-4 | Housing and Urban Development |
1966 |
124 | 5-7 | Interior |
1966 |
124 | 8 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1966 |
125 | 1 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1966 |
125 | 2-3 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1966 |
125 | 4-5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1966 |
126 | 1-4 | Interior - Land Management |
1966 |
126 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - Fencing |
1966 |
126 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Wild Horses |
1966 |
126 | 7-8 | Interior - Mines |
1966 |
127 | 1-2 | Interior - Mines |
1966 |
127 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service |
1966 |
127 | 4 | Interior - Oil |
1966 |
127 | 5 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1966 |
127 | 6 | Interior - Public Power |
1966 |
128 | 1-2 | Interior - Reclamation |
1966 |
128 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation - Alcova |
1966 |
128 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Bonneville |
1966 |
128 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Eden Farson |
1966 |
128 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Lyman, Colorado |
1966 |
128 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Shoshoni |
1966 |
128 | 8 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado River |
1966 |
128 | 9-10 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1966 |
128 | 11 | Interior - Reclamation - Yellowtail Reservoir |
1966 |
129 | 1-2 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1966 |
129 | 3-4 | Justice |
1966 |
129 | 5 | Justice - Circuit Court Judge Appointment |
1966 |
129 | 6 | Justice - Immigration |
1966 |
129 | 7 | Labor |
1966 |
130 | 1-2 | Labor |
1966 |
130 | 3 | Labor - Airlines |
1966 |
130 | 4-6 | Labor - Right To Work - Out of State |
1966 |
131 | 1-2 | Labor - Right to Work - Wyoming – (10% Random Sample of
Dirksen Petition) |
1966 |
131 | 3 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1966 |
131 | 4-5 | National Food Commission |
1966 |
132 | 1 | National Food Commission |
1966 |
132 | 2 | National Guard |
1966 |
132 | 3-5 | Post Office |
1966 |
132 | 6 | Post Office - Railway Post Office |
1966 |
132 | 7 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1966 |
132 | 8 | Selective Service |
1966 |
133 | 1-3 | Small Business Administration |
1966 |
133 | 4 | Small Business Administration - Senate Select |
1966 |
133 | 5-7 | State |
1966 |
134 | 1-2 | State |
1966 |
134 | 3-4 | State - Agency for International Development |
1966 |
134 | 5-7 | State - Foreign Relations |
1966 |
135 | 1-4 | State - Foreign Relations |
1966 |
135 | 5 | State - Passports and Visas |
1966 |
135 | 6 | State - Peace Corps |
1966 |
135 | 7 | 1966 | |
136 | 1-4 | 1966 | |
136 | 5-7 | State - Vietnam |
1966 |
137 | 1 | State - Vietnam |
1966 |
137 | 2 | Supreme Court |
1966 |
137 | 3 | Supreme Court - Apportionment |
1966 |
137 | 4 | Transportation |
1966 |
137 | 5-7 | Treasury |
1966 |
137 | 8-9 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1966 |
138 | 1-2 | Treasury - Taxes |
1966 |
138 | 3 | United Nations |
1966 |
138 | 4 | United States Information Agency |
1966 |
138 | 5-8 | Veterans Administration |
1966 |
139 | 1-5 | Agriculture |
1967 |
140 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Bulletins |
1967 |
140 | 3 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1967 |
140 | 4 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration -
Basin |
1967 |
140 | 5 | Agriculture - Food and Marketing Commission |
1967 |
140 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1967 |
141 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1967 |
141 | 2 | 2 Agriculture - Forest Service - Bark Beetle |
1967 |
141 | 3 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Land Management
Laramie/Medicine Bow |
1967 |
141 | 4 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Washakie
Wilderness |
1967 |
141 | 5 | Agriculture - Lamb Market |
1967 |
141 | 6 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1967 |
141 | 7 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1967 |
141 | 8 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Basin |
1967 |
142 | 1 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1967 |
142 | 2 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1967 |
142 | 3 | Central Intelligence Agency |
1967 |
142 | 4 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1967 |
142 | 5 | Civil Aeronautics Board - Powell/Cody |
1967 |
142 | 6 | Civil Defense |
1967 |
142 | 7-8 | Civil Rights |
1967 |
143 | 1 | Civil Rights |
1967 |
143 | 2 | Civil Rights - Equal Opportunity Commission |
1967 |
143 | 3-5 | Civil Service |
1967 |
143 | 6-7 | Commerce |
1967 |
144 | 1 | Commerce |
1967 |
144 | 2 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1967 |
144 | 3-4 | Defense |
1967 |
144 | 5 | Defense - Air Force |
1967 |
145 | 1 | Defense - Air Force |
1967 |
145 | 2-3 | Defense - Army |
1967 |
145 | 4 | Defense - Army [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
145 | 5 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1967 |
146 | 1-2 | Defense - Army - John Lane Army Case |
1967 |
146 | 3 | Defense - National Guard |
1967 |
146 | 4-5 | Defense - Navy |
1967 |
146 | 6 | Defense - Navy/Marines |
1967 |
146 | 7 | Defense - Vietnam Film - "Why Vietnam" |
1967 |
147 | 1-5 | Economic Opportunity |
1967 |
147 | 6 | Economic Opportunity - Community Action
Programs |
1967 |
147 | 7 | Economy |
1967 |
148 | 1 | Executive |
1967 |
148 | 2-3 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1967 |
148 | 4-5 | Federal Communications Commission |
1967 |
149 | 1 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1967 |
149 | 2 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1967 |
149 | 3 | Federal Power Commission |
1967 |
149 | 4 | Federal Reserve System |
1967 |
149 | 5 | Federal Trade Commission |
1967 |
149 | 6 | General Services Administration |
1967 |
149 | 7-9 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1967 |
150 | 1 | 1 Health, Education and Welfare |
1967 |
150 | 2 | Health, Education And Welfare - Food And Drug
Administration |
1967 |
150 | 3-5 | Health, Education And Welfare - Public Health |
1967 |
150 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1967 |
151 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1967 |
151 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - World Health |
1967 |
151 | 3-4 | Housing and Urban Development |
1967 |
151 | 5 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal
Housing |
1967 |
151 | 6-8 | Interior |
1967 |
152 | 1 | Interior |
1967 |
152 | 2 | Interior - Coal to Oil |
1967 |
152 | 3-4 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1967 |
152 | 5 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1967 |
152 | 6-7 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1967 |
153 | 1-2 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1967 |
153 | 3-6 | Interior - Land Management |
1967 |
153 | 7 | Interior - Land Management - Laramie Peak/Ashenfelder
Area |
1967 |
154 | 1-2 | Interior - Mines and Minerals |
1967 |
154 | 3-5 | Interior - National Park Service |
1967 |
154 | 6 | Interior - National Park Service - Elk |
1967 |
155 | 1-2 | Interior - National Park Service - Elk |
1967 |
155 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service - Elk
Hearing |
1967 |
155 | 4 | Interior - Oil Shale |
1967 |
155 | 5 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1967 |
155 | 6 | Interior - Public Roads |
1967 |
156 | 1 | Interior - Public Roads |
1967 |
156 | 2-5 | Interior - Reclamation |
1967 |
156 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Highway 14A |
1967 |
157 | 1-2 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1967 |
157 | 3 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1967 |
157 | 4-5 | Justice |
1967 |
157 | 6 | Justice - Immigration |
1967 |
157 | 7 | Labor |
1967 |
158 | 1-2 | Labor |
1967 |
158 | 3 | Labor - Laramie Vocational Nursing |
1967 |
158 | 4 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1967 |
158 | 5 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1967 |
158 | 6 | Post Office |
1967 |
159 | 1-2 | Post Office |
1967 |
159 | 3-4 | Post Office - Railway Post Office |
1967 |
159 | 5 | Securities Exchange Commission |
1967 |
159 | 6 | Selective Service |
1967 |
160 | 1-2 | Small Business Administration |
1967 |
160 | 3 | Small Business Administration -
Jackson/Innsbruck |
1967 |
160 | 4 | Small Business Committee |
1967 |
160 | 5-7 | State |
1967 |
161 | 1-5 | State |
1967 |
162 | 1-2 | State - Consular Treaty |
1967 |
162 | 3-5 | State - Foreign Relations |
1967 |
163 | 1 | State - Foreign Relations |
1967 |
163 | 2-3 | State - Foreign Relations - Food Crisis |
1967 |
163 | 4-5 | State - Mideast |
1967 |
163 | 6 | State - Panama |
1967 |
163 | 7 | State - Peace Corps |
1967 |
163 | 8 | State - Rhodesia |
1967 |
164 | 1-6 | State – VietNam |
1967 |
165 | 1-5 | State - Vietnam |
1967 |
165 | 6 | Supreme Court |
1967 |
165 | 7 | Supreme Court - Warren Commission |
1967 |
166 | 1 | Transportation |
1967 |
166 | 2 | Treasury |
1967 |
166 | 3 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1967 |
166 | 4-5 | Treasury - Taxes |
1967 |
167 | 1 | Treasury - Taxes |
1967 |
167 | 2 | United Nations |
1967 |
167 | 3 | United States Information Agency |
1967 |
167 | 4-6 | Veterans Administration |
1967 |
167 | 7 | Youth Opportunity - Presidential Council |
1967 |
168 | 1-4 | Agriculture |
1968 |
168 | 5 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1968 |
169 | 1-3 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1968 |
169 | 4 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Ashenfelder
Area |
1968 |
169 | 5 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Bridger National
Forest |
1968 |
169 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Dubois Cold Springs
Road |
1968 |
169 | 7 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Fox Park |
1968 |
169 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Hyattville Cold Springs
Road |
1968 |
169 | 9 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Washakie
Wilderness |
1968 |
169 | 10 | Agriculture - Hunger |
1968 |
169 | 11 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1968 |
170 | 1 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1968 |
170 | 2 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1968 |
170 | 3 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1968 |
170 | 4 | Budget |
1968 |
170 | 5 | Central Intelligence Agency |
1968 |
170 | 6 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1968 |
170 | 7 | Civil Defense |
1968 |
170 | 8-9 | Civil Rights |
1968 |
171 | 1 | Civil Rights |
1968 |
171 | 2 | Civil Rights - Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission |
1968 |
171 | 3 | Civil Service |
1968 |
171 | 4 | Commerce |
1968 |
171 | 5 | Commerce - Census |
1968 |
171 | 6-8 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1968 |
172 | 1 | Commerce - Economic Development Administration -
Datel |
1968 |
172 | 2 | Commerce - Foreign Trade Zone |
1968 |
172 | 3 | Commerce - Merchant Marines |
1968 |
172 | 4-5 | Defense |
1968 |
172 | 6-7 | Defense - Air Force |
1968 |
172 | 8 | Defense - Air Force - Sundance Radar Station |
1968 |
171 | 9 | Defense - Army |
1968 |
173 | 1-2 | Defense - Army |
1968 |
173 | 3 | Defense - Army - Lujan |
1968 |
173 | 4 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1968 |
173 | 5 | Defense - National Guard |
1968 |
173 | 6-7 | Defense - Navy |
1968 |
173 | 8 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1968 |
174 | 1 | Defense - North Korea |
1968 |
174 | 2-4 | Economic Opportunity |
1968 |
174 | 5 | Economic Opportunity - Mountain States Ranch
School |
1968 |
174 | 6-7 | Economy |
1968 |
174 | 8 | Economy - Travel |
1968 |
175 | 1 | Executive |
1968 |
175 | 2-3 | Federal Aviation Administration |
1968 |
175 | 4 | Federal Communication Commission |
1968 |
175 | 5 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1968 |
175 | 6 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1968 |
175 | 7-8 | Federal Power Commission |
1968 |
175 | 9 | Federal Reserve System |
1968 |
176 | 1 | Federal Trade Commission |
1968 |
176 | 2 | General Services Administration |
1968 |
176 | 3-4 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1968 |
176 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1968 |
176 | 6-8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1968 |
177 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1968 |
177 | 2-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1968 |
177 | 4-5 | Housing and Urban Development |
1968 |
177 | 6 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1968 |
178 | 1-3 | Interior |
1968 |
178 | 4 | Interior - Antelope Herding |
1968 |
178 | 5-6 | Interior - Coal Research |
1968 |
179 | 1 | Interior - Coal Research |
1968 |
179 | 2-3 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1968 |
179 | 4 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1968 |
179 | 5-7 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1968 |
180 | 1-2 | Interior - Land Management |
1968 |
180 | 3 | Interior - Land Management - Fencing |
1968 |
180 | 4 | Interior - Land Management - Fencing - Wyoming Public
Lands Tour |
1968 |
180 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - Grazing Fees |
1968 |
180 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Section 15 - Taylor Grazing
Act |
1968 |
180 | 7 | Interior - Land Management - Wild Horses |
1968 |
180 | 8 | Interior - Mines and Minerals |
1968 |
180 | 9 | Interior - National Park Service |
1968 |
181 | 1 | Interior - National Park Service |
1968 |
181 | 2 | Interior - Public Land Law Commission |
1968 |
181 | 3 | Interior - Oil Shale |
1968 |
181 | 4 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1968 |
181 | 5 | Interior - Strip Mining Regulations |
1968 |
181 | 6 | Interior - Transmission Study 190 |
1968 |
181 | 7-8 | Interior - Reclamation |
1968 |
182 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation - Corn Creek |
1968 |
182 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Highway 14a |
1968 |
182 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation - Seedskadee Project |
1968 |
182 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1968 |
182 | 5 | Interior - Water Degradation |
1968 |
182 | 6 | Interior - Water Discount Rate |
1968 |
182 | 7-8 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1968 |
183 | 1-2 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Trains #42 and
#43 |
1968 |
183 | 3 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Union Pacific Railroad
Briefs |
1968 |
183 | 4-5 | Justice |
1968 |
183 | 6 | Justice - Immigration |
1968 |
183 | 7 | Labor |
1968 |
184 | 1 | Labor |
1968 |
184 | 2 | Mental Health |
1968 |
184 | 3 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1968 |
184 | 4 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1968 |
184 | 5-6 | National Science Foundation |
1968 |
184 | 7 | Peace Corps |
1968 |
185 | 1-5 | Post Office |
1968 |
185 | 6 | Post Office - Air Taxis |
1968 |
185 | 7 | Post Office - Odd Fellows |
1968 |
185 | 8 | Post Office - Railway Post Office |
1968 |
186 | 1 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1968 |
186 | 2 | Selective Service |
1968 |
186 | 3 | Small Business Administration |
1968 |
186 | 4-7 | State |
1968 |
187 | 1-4 | State |
1968 |
187 | 5 | State - Agency for International Development |
1968 |
188 | 1-2 | State - Agency for International Development |
1968 |
188 | 3 | State - Mideast |
1968 |
188 | 4 | State - Panama Treaty |
1968 |
188 | 5 | State - Rhodesia |
1968 |
188 | 6-8 | State - Vietnam |
1968 |
189 | 1-3 | State |
1968 |
189 | 4-6 | Supreme Court |
1968 |
190 | 1-4 | Transportation |
1968 |
190 | 5 | Transportation - Hearing Procedures |
1968 |
190 | 6 | Treasury |
1968 |
191 | 1 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1968 |
191 | 2 | Treasury - Taxes |
1968 |
191 | 3 | Treasury – Taxes – Flexo |
1968 |
191 | 4 | United Nations |
1968 |
191 | 5-6 | Veterans Administration |
1968 |
191 | 7 | Youth Opportunity |
1968 |
192 | 1-3 | Agriculture |
1969 |
192 | 4 | Agriculture - Dry Creek Irrigation |
1969 |
192 | 5 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1969 |
192 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1969 |
193 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1969 |
193 | 3 | Agriculture - Hunger |
1969 |
193 | 4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1969 |
193 | 5 | 5 Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1969 |
193 | 6 | Agriculture - Upper North Laramie River Watershed
Project |
1969 |
193 | 7 | Agriculture - Wheatland Dam |
1969 |
193 | 8 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1969 |
193 | 9 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1969 |
194 | 2 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1969 |
194 | 2 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1969 |
194 | 3 | Civil Defense |
1969 |
194 | 5 | Civil Defense |
1969 |
194 | 5 | Civil Defense |
1969 |
194 | 6 | Commerce |
1969 |
195 | 1 | Commerce - Census |
1969 |
195 | 2-4 | Defense |
1969 |
195 | 5-6 | Defense - Air Force |
1969 |
196 | 1 | Defense - Air Force |
1969 |
196 | 2-6 | Defense - Air Force |
1969 |
196 | 7 | Defense - Army Corps Of Engineers |
1969 |
197 | 1 | Defense - Merchant Marines |
1969 |
197 | 2 | Defense - National Guard |
1969 |
197 | 3-4 | Defense - Navy |
1969 |
197 | 5 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1969 |
197 | 6 | Economy |
1969 |
197 | 7 | Economy - Economic Department Administration |
1969 |
197 | 8 | Employment |
1969 |
197 | 9 | Executive |
1969 |
198 | 1 | Executive |
1969 |
198 | 2-4 | Executive - Economic Opportunity |
1969 |
198 | 5 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1969 |
198 | 6 | Federal Communications Commission |
1969 |
199 | 1-2 | Federal Communications Commission |
1969 |
199 | 3 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Federal
Reserve |
1969 |
199 | 4 | Federal Housing Administration |
1969 |
199 | 5-6 | Federal Power Commission |
1969 |
199 | 7 | Federal Trade Commission |
1969 |
199 | 8 | General Service Administration |
1969 |
200 | 1 | General Service Administration |
1969 |
200 | 2 | General Service Administration - Government Printing
Office |
1969 |
200 | 3-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1969 |
200 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1969 |
201 | 1-4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1969 |
202 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1969 |
202 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Dissent |
1969 |
202 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - Hirst,
Wilma |
1969 |
202 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - Rocky Mountain
Educational Laboratory |
1969 |
202 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - Smith,
Jack |
1969 |
202 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - Wings,
Charles |
1969 |
202 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1969 |
202 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Housing and Home
Finance |
1969 |
203 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Mental Health |
1969 |
203 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - National Foundation for
the Humanities |
1969 |
203 | 3-5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1969 |
203 | 6-7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1969 |
204 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1969 |
204 | 2-3 | Housing and Urban Development |
1969 |
204 | 4-5 | Interior |
1969 |
205 | 1-4 | Interior |
1969 |
205 | 5 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1969 |
205 | 6 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1969 |
206 | 1 | Interior - Hinkel Appointment |
1969 |
206 | 2-3 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1969 |
206 | 4-5 | Interior - Land Management |
1969 |
206 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Grazing Fees |
1969 |
206 | 7 | Interior - Land Management - Oil Rental
Leases |
1969 |
207 | 1 | Interior - Mines - Coal |
1969 |
207 | 2 | Interior - Mines - Oil/Oil Shale |
1969 |
207 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service |
1969 |
207 | 4 | Interior - National Park Service - Big Horn
Canyon |
1969 |
207 | 5 | Interior - National Park Service -
Yellowstone |
1969 |
207 | 6 | Interior - National Park Service - Yellowstone Research
Craighead |
1969 |
208 | 1 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1969 |
208 | 2-6 | Interior - Reclamation |
1969 |
209 | 1 | Interior - Roads |
1969 |
209 | 2-3 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1969 |
209 | 4 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Trains #5, #6, #42, and
#43 |
1969 |
209 | 5-6 | Justice |
1969 |
210 | 1 | Justice - Immigration and Naturalization |
1969 |
210 | 2-4 | Labor |
1969 |
210 | 5 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1969 |
211 | 1-2 | National Science Foundation |
1969 |
211 | 3 | Peace Corps |
1969 |
211 | 4 | Security Exchange Commission |
1969 |
211 | 5 | Selective Service |
1969 |
211 | 6 | Small Business Administration |
1969 |
211 | 7 | State |
1969 |
212 | 1-2 | State |
1969 |
212 | 3 | State - Agency for International Development |
1969 |
212 | 4 | State - Biafra |
1969 |
212 | 5 | State - Mideast |
1969 |
212 | 6 | State - Vietnam |
1969 |
213 | 1-3 | State - Vietnam |
1969 |
213 | 4 | State - Vietnam – Flexo |
1969 |
213 | 5 | State - Vietnam - out of State |
1969 |
213 | 6 | Supreme Court - After Hanesworth |
1969 |
214 | 1-4 | Supreme Court - Hanesworth |
1969 |
214 | 5 | Transportation |
1969 |
214 | 6 | 1 Transportation - Federal Aviation Agency |
1969 |
215 | 1-2 | 1-2 Treasury |
1969 |
215 | 3 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1969 |
215 | 4-5 | Treasury - Tax Reform |
1969 |
216 | 1-4 | Treasury - Tax Reform |
1969 |
216 | 5 | Treasury - Tax Reform – Flexo |
1969 |
216 | 6 | Treasury - Tax Reform - Oil Depletion |
1969 |
217 | 1 | Treasury - Taxes |
1969 |
217 | 2 | United Nations |
1969 |
217 | 3 | United States Information Agency |
1969 |
217 | 4-5 | United States Postal Service |
1969 |
217 | 6-7 | Veterans Administration |
1970 |
218 | 1-4 | Agriculture |
1969 |
218 | 5 | Agriculture - Conservation Program |
1970 |
218 | 6 | Agriculture - Cottonwood Watershed |
1970 |
218 | 7 | Agriculture - Farm Legislation Proposals |
1970 |
218 | 8 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1970 |
218 | 9 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1970 |
219 | 1-3 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1970 |
219 | 4 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Ashenfelder |
1970 |
219 | 5 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Boy Scout Camp |
1970 |
219 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Bridger |
1970 |
220 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Kennedy Peak |
1970 |
220 | 2 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Washakie
Wilderness |
1970 |
220 | 3 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Washington
Wildlife |
1970 |
220 | 4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1970 |
220 | 5 | Agriculture - Sheep Prices |
1970 |
220 | 6 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1970 |
220 | 7 | Agriculture - Sugar Beets |
1970 |
220 | 8 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1970 |
221 | 1 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1970 |
221 | 2-3 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1970 |
221 | 4 | Civil Defense |
1970 |
221 | 5 | Civil Rights |
1970 |
221 | 6 | Civil Rights - Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission |
1970 |
221 | 7 | Civil Service |
1970 |
221 | 8 | Commerce |
1970 |
222 | 1 | Commerce - Census |
1970 |
222 | 2 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1970 |
222 | 3 | Commerce - Merchant Marines |
1970 |
222 | 4-6 | Defense |
1970 |
223 | 1-2 | Defense - Air Force |
1970 |
223 | 3 | Defense - Air Force - Sundance Radar Station |
1970 |
223 | 4 | Defense - Air Force - Warren Air Force Base |
1970 |
223 | 5 | Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missiles |
1970 |
223 | 6-7 | Defense - Army |
1970 |
224 | 1-5 | Defense - Army |
1970 |
224 | 6 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1970 |
224 | 7 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers - Casper |
1970 |
224 | 8 | Defense - National Guard |
1970 |
225 | 1-3 | Defense - Navy |
1970 |
225 | 4 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1970 |
225 | 5 | Economy |
1970 |
225 | 6 | Economy - Inflation |
1970 |
225 | 7-8 | Executive |
1970 |
226 | 1-3 | Executive |
1970 |
226 | 4 | Executive - Budget |
1970 |
226 | 5-8 | Executive - Economic Opportunity |
1970 |
226 | 9 | Federal Aviation Administration |
1970 |
227 | 1 | Federal Aviation Administration |
1970 |
227 | 2-3 | Federal Communications Commission |
1970 |
227 | 4-5 | Federal Communications Commission - Laramie |
1970 |
227 | 6 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1970 |
227 | 7 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1970 |
227 | 8 | Federal Power Commission |
1970 |
227 | 9 | Federal Reserve Commission |
1970 |
227 | 10 | Federal Trade Commission |
1970 |
227 | 11 | General Accounting Office |
1970 |
228 | 1 | General Printing Office |
1970 |
228 | 2 | General Services Administration |
1970 |
228 | 3-7 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1970 |
229 | 1-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1970 |
230 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Busing |
1970 |
230 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1970 |
230 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education –
Dissent |
1970 |
230 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1970 |
230 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Mental Health |
1970 |
230 | 6-8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1970 |
230 | 9-10 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1970 |
231 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1970 |
231 | 3-4 | Housing and Urban Development |
1970 |
231 | 5 | Housing and Urban Development - Cheyenne |
1970 |
231 | 6 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1970 |
232 | 1-6 | Interior |
1970 |
233 | 1 | Interior |
1970 |
233 | 2 | Interior - Coal |
1970 |
233 | 3-8 | Interior - Environment |
1970 |
234 | 1 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1970 |
234 | 2 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1970 |
234 | 3-8 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1970 |
235 | 1-3 | Interior - Land Management |
1970 |
235 | 4 | Interior - Land Management - Desert Land Entries Soap
Hole |
1970 |
235 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - Grazing Fees |
1970 |
235 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Pryor Mountains |
1970 |
235 | 7 | Interior - Land Management - Red Desert |
1970 |
235 | 8 | Interior - Mines and Minerals |
1970 |
235 | 9-10 | Interior - Park Service |
1970 |
235 | 11 | Interior - Park Service - Yellowstone |
1970 |
236 | 1 | Interior - Natural Gas |
1970 |
236 | 2 | Interior - Oil |
1970 |
236 | 3-4 | Interior - Oil Import Task Force |
1970 |
236 | 5 | Interior - Oil Shale |
1970 |
236 | 6 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1970 |
236 | 7 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation - Continental Divide
Trail |
1970 |
236 | 8 | Interior - Phosphate Lands - Milliken, Si |
1970 |
237 | 1 | Interior - Public Land Law Review Commission |
1970 |
237 | 2 | Interior - Public Land Law Review Commission National
Mining and Minerals Policy |
1970 |
237 | 3 | Interior - Reclamation |
1970 |
237 | 4 | Interior - Reclamation - Laprele Dam |
1970 |
237 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Polecat Bench |
1970 |
237 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Riverton Project |
1970 |
237 | 7 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Colorado |
1970 |
237 | 8-9 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1970 |
237 | 10 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Trains #17 and
#18 |
1970 |
237 | 11 | Justice |
1970 |
238 | 1-4 | Justice |
1970 |
238 | 5-6 | Justice - Immigration |
1970 |
238 | 7-8 | Labor |
1970 |
239 | 1 | Labor |
1970 |
239 | 2 | Labor - Casper |
1970 |
239 | 3 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1970 |
239 | 4 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1970 |
239 | 5 | National Science Foundation |
1970 |
239 | 6-7 | Postal Service |
1970 |
239 | 8 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1970 |
239 | 9 | Selective Service |
1970 |
239 | 10-11 | Small Business Administration |
1970 |
240 | 1 | Small Business Administration |
1970 |
240 | 2-6 | State |
1970 |
241 | 1-3 | State |
1970 |
241 | 4 | State - Agency for International Development |
1970 |
241 | 5 | State - Anti-Cambodian Movement - out of State –
Flexo |
1970 |
241 | 6-7 | State - Anti-Cambodian Movement - Wyoming –
Flexo |
1970 |
242 | 1 | State - Biafra |
1970 |
242 | 2-6 | State - Cambodia |
1970 |
243 | 1-6 | State - Cambodia |
1970 |
244 | 1-6 | State - Cambodia |
1970 |
245 | 1-6 | State - Cambodia |
1970 |
246 | 1-2 | State - Cambodia |
1970 |
246 | 3 | State - Cambodia – Flexo |
1970 |
246 | 4 | State - Cambodia - Letters Answered – Press |
1970 |
246 | 5 | State - Cambodia - Pro - Wyoming and out of State –
Flexo |
1970 |
246 | 6 | State - Foreign Relations |
1970 |
247 | 1-6 | State - Genocide Treaty |
1970 |
248 | 1-2 | State - Genocide Treaty |
1970 |
248 | 3-7 | State - Middle East |
1970 |
249 | 1 | State - Peace Corps |
1970 |
249 | 2-4 | 1970 | |
249 | 5-7 | State - Vietnam - out of State – Unanswered |
1970 |
249 | 8 | State - Vietnam - Prisoners of War |
1970 |
250 | 1 | Supreme Court |
1970 |
250 | 2-4 | Supreme Court - Carswell |
1970 |
250 | 5 | Supreme Court - Carswell – Flexo |
1970 |
250 | 6 | Supreme Court - Douglas |
1970 |
250 | 7-8 | Transportation |
1970 |
251 | 1 | Transportation |
1970 |
251 | 2 | Transportation - Public Roads |
1970 |
251 | 3 | Transportation - Public Roads - Clark Fork |
1970 |
251 | 4 | Treasury |
1970 |
251 | 5 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1970 |
251 | 6 | Treasury - Tax Reform |
1970 |
251 | 7 | Treasury - Taxes |
1970 |
252 | 1-2 | United Nations |
1970 |
252 | 3 | United States Information Agency |
1970 |
252 | 4-6 | Veterans Administration |
1970 |
253 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1971 |
253 | 3-6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1971 |
253 | 7 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Ashenfelder |
1971 |
254 | 1-3 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clearcutting |
1971 |
254 | 4 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Teton
Corridor/Parkway |
1971 |
254 | 5 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Wilderness |
1971 |
254 | 6 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1971 |
254 | 7 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1971 |
255 | 1 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Resource Conservation
and Development |
1971 |
255 | 2 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Resource Conservation
and Development - Big Horn Basin |
1971 |
255 | 3 | Agriculture - Water |
1971 |
255 | 4-5 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1971 |
255 | 6-7 | Budget |
1971 |
256 | 1 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1971 |
256 | 2 | Civil Defense |
1971 |
256 | 3-4 | Civil Rights |
1971 |
256 | 5 | Civil Service |
1971 |
256 | 6-7 | Commerce |
1971 |
256 | 8 | Commerce - Census |
1971 |
257 | 1 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1971 |
257 | 2 | Commerce - Merchant Marines |
1971 |
257 | 3-5 | Defense |
1971 |
257 | 6 | Defense - Air Force |
1971 |
258 | 1 | Defense - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
258 | 2 | Defense - Air Force - Sundance Radar Station |
1971 |
258 | 3 | Defense - Air Force - Anti-Ballistic Missiles |
1971 |
258 | 4-7 | Defense - Army |
1971 |
259 | 1-3 | Defense - Army |
1971 |
259 | 4-5 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1971 |
260 | 1 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1971 |
260 | 2 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers - Casper |
1971 |
260 | 3 | Defense - National Guard |
1971 |
260 | 4-7 | Defense - Navy |
1971 |
260 | 8 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1971 |
261 | 1 | Economic Opportunity |
1971 |
261 | 2 | Economy |
1971 |
261 | 3 | Economy - Inflation |
1971 |
261 | 4 | Economy - Wage-Price Freeze |
1971 |
261 | 5 | Economy - Wage-Price Freeze/Teachers |
1971 |
261 | 6 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1971 |
261 | 7 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1971 |
262 | 1 | Executive |
1971 |
262 | 2 | Federal Aviation Agency |
1971 |
262 | 3 | Federal Communications Commission |
1971 |
262 | 4 | Federal Communications Commission - FM Radio |
1971 |
262 | 5 | Federal Communications Commission - Laramie |
1971 |
262 | 6 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
1971 |
262 | 7 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Jackson, Wyoming
National Bank |
1971 |
262 | 8 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1971 |
263 | 1-2 | Federal Power Commission |
1971 |
263 | 3 | Federal Power Commission - EL Paso Natural Gas
Company |
1971 |
263 | 4 | Federal Reserve |
1971 |
263 | 5-6 | Federal Trade Commission |
1971 |
263 | 7-8 | General Services Administration |
1971 |
263 | 9 | Government Operations |
1971 |
264 | 1 | Government Printing Office |
1971 |
264 | 2-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1971 |
265 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1971 |
265 | 2-5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1971 |
266 | 1-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1971 |
266 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1971 |
266 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education - Wind
River |
1971 |
266 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1971 |
267 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration - Drug Control |
1971 |
267 | 3-5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1971 |
267 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
267 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1971 |
268 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1971 |
268 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Aging |
1971 |
268 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Children |
1971 |
268 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Youth |
1971 |
268 | 6 | Housing and Urban Development |
1971 |
269 | 1-3 | Housing and Urban Development |
1971 |
269 | 4 | Housing and Urban Development - Cheyenne Model
Cities |
1971 |
269 | 5 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1971 |
270 | 1 | Immigration |
1971 |
270 | 2 | Information Advisory |
1971 |
270 | 3-8 | Interior |
1971 |
271 | 1 | Interior |
1971 |
271 | 2 | Interior - Clarks Fork Canyon |
1971 |
271 | 3-4 | Interior - Coal |
1971 |
271 | 5 | Interior - Coal Gasification |
1971 |
271 | 6-7 | Interior - Environment |
1971 |
271 | 8 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1971 |
272 | 1 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife - Predator
Control |
1971 |
272 | 2-3 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1971 |
272 | 4 | Interior - Golden Eagle – Flexo |
1971 |
272 | 5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1971 |
272 | 6 | Interior - Jackson Hole Mining Claims |
1971 |
272 | 7 | Interior - Land Management |
1971 |
272 | 8 | Interior - Land Management - Desert Lands |
1971 |
272 | 9 | Interior - Land Management - Desert Land/Soap
Hole |
1971 |
272 | 10 | Interior - Land Management - Grazing Fees |
1971 |
272 | 11 | Interior - Land Management - Wild Horses |
1971 |
273 | 1 | Interior - Mines and Minerals |
1971 |
273 | 2-3 | Interior - National Park Service |
1971 |
273 | 4 | Interior - National Park Service -
Yellowstone |
1971 |
273 | 5 | Interior - Oil |
1971 |
273 | 6 | Interior - Oil Shale |
1971 |
274 | 1 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1971 |
274 | 2-4 | Interior - Reclamation |
1971 |
274 | 5 | Interior - Reclamation - Upper Green River |
1971 |
274 | 6 | Interior - Reclamation - Water |
1971 |
274 | 7 | Interior - Trans-Alaska Pipeline |
1971 |
274 | 8 | Interior - Youth Conservation Corps Program |
1971 |
275 | 1 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1971 |
275 | 2 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Riverton/Lander Rail
Service |
1971 |
275 | 3-4 | Justice |
1971 |
275 | 5-6 | Justice - Lieutenant Calley |
1971 |
276 | 1-4 | Labor |
1971 |
276 | 5 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1971 |
277 | 1 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1971 |
277 | 2 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1971 |
277 | 3 | National Safety Council |
1971 |
277 | 4 | National Science Foundation |
1971 |
277 | 5 | Organization of American States |
1971 |
277 | 6 | Peace Corps |
1971 |
277 | 7 | Postal Service |
1971 |
277 | 8 | Public Land Law Review Commission |
1971 |
278 | 1 | Securities Exchange Commission |
1971 |
278 | 2-4 | Selective Service |
1971 |
278 | 5 | Small Business Administration |
1971 |
279 | 1-5 | State |
1971 |
280 | 1-4 | State |
1971 |
280 | 5-6 | State - Agency for International Development |
1971 |
281 | 1 | State - Cambodia |
1971 |
281 | 2 | State - Greece |
1971 |
281 | 3 | State - Laos |
1971 |
281 | 4 | State - Mideast |
1971 |
281 | 5 | State - Foreign Relations - Pakistan |
1971 |
281 | 6-7 | State - POW/MIA |
1971 |
281 | 8 | State - Southeast Asia - Withdrawal – Flexo |
1971 |
281 | 9-10 | State - Vietnam |
1971 |
282 | 1 | State - Vietnam Appropriations |
1971 |
282 | 2-3 | State - Vietnam - Wyoming |
1971 |
282 | 4 | Supreme Court - Powell and Rehnquist
Nominations |
1971 |
282 | 5-8 | Transportation |
1971 |
282 | 9 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1971 |
282 | 10 | Transportation - Truck Driver Qualifications |
1971 |
283 | 1 | Treasury |
1971 |
283 | 2-3 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1971 |
283 | 4 | Treasury - Revenue Sharing |
1971 |
283 | 5 | Treasury - Taxes |
1971 |
283 | 6 | United Nations |
1971 |
284 | 1 | United Nations |
1971 |
284 | 2 | United Nations – Flexo |
1971 |
284 | 3-7 | Veterans Administration |
1971 |
285 | 1 | Action |
1972 |
285 | 2-4 | Agriculture |
1972 |
285 | 5 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1972 |
285 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1972 |
286 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1972 |
286 | 3 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clarks Fork
Road |
1972 |
286 | 4 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clearcutting |
1972 |
286 | 5 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Glacier Wilderness
Area |
1972 |
286 | 6-8 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Roadless Areas |
1972 |
287 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Roadless Areas |
1972 |
287 | 2 | Agriculture - Meat Imports |
1972 |
287 | 3 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1972 |
287 | 4 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1972 |
287 | 5 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation - Resource Conservation
and Development |
1972 |
287 | 6 | Agriculture - Water Rights |
1972 |
287 | 7 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1972 |
287 | 8-9 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1972 |
288 | 1 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1972 |
288 | 2 | Civil Defense |
1972 |
288 | 3 | Civil Rights |
1972 |
288 | 4 | Civil Service Commission |
1972 |
288 | 5 | Commerce |
1972 |
288 | 6 | Commerce - Census |
1972 |
288 | 7 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1972 |
288 | 8-10 | Defense |
1972 |
289 | 1-2 | Defense - Air Force |
1972 |
289 | 3 | Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missiles |
1972 |
289 | 4-7 | Defense - Army |
1972 |
290 | 1-2 | Defense - Army |
1972 |
290 | 3-6 | Defense - Army Corps Of Engineers |
1972 |
291 | 1 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1972 |
291 | 2 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers - North Platte River
Basin |
1972 |
291 | 3 | Defense - National Guard |
1972 |
291 | 4 | Defense - Navy |
1972 |
291 | 5 | Defense - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
291 | 6 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1972 |
291 | 7 | Economic Opportunity |
1972 |
292 | 1-2 | Economic Opportunity |
1972 |
292 | 3 | Economy |
1972 |
292 | 4 | Economy - Wage/Price |
1972 |
292 | 5-6 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1972 |
292 | 7 | Equal Employment Opportunity |
1972 |
292 | 8 | Executive |
1972 |
293 | 1-2 | Executive |
1972 |
293 | 3 | Executive - Consumer Affairs |
1972 |
293 | 4 | Executive - Pay Board |
1972 |
293 | 5 | Executive - Price Commission |
1972 |
293 | 6 | Executive - Wage and Price |
1972 |
293 | 7 | Export - Import Bank of the United States |
1972 |
293 | 8 | Farm Credit Administration |
1972 |
293 | 9-10 | Federal Communications Commission |
1972 |
294 | 1 | Federal Communications Commission - Laramie |
1972 |
294 | 2 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1972 |
294 | 3-4 | Federal Power Commission |
1972 |
294 | 5 | Federal Reserve |
1972 |
294 | 6 | Federal Trade Commission |
1972 |
294 | 7 | Federal Trade Commission - Fair Credit Reporting
Act |
1972 |
294 | 8 | General Accounting Office |
1972 |
294 | 9 | General Services Administration |
1972 |
295 | 1 | General Services Administration |
1972 |
295 | 2 | General Services Administration - National Archives Trust
Fund Board |
1972 |
295 | 3 | Government Printing Office |
1972 |
295 | 4-7 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1972 |
295 | 7a | Health, Education and Welfare [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
295 | 8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Hill-Burton
Hospital |
1972 |
296 | 1-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1972 |
297 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1972 |
297 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1972 |
297 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education Wind River High
School |
1972 |
297 | 4-8 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug –
Administration |
1972 |
298 | 1-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug –
Administration |
1972 |
298 | 4-5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food And Drug –
Administration - Drug Abuse |
1972 |
298 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug –
Administration - Drugs on Livestock |
1972 |
298 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Public Health |
1972 |
299 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
299 | 2-4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1972 |
299 | 5 | Health, Education And Welfare - Social Security Black
Lung |
1972 |
299 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Aging |
1972 |
300 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Aging |
1972 |
300 | 3-4 | Health, Education and Welfare - White House Conference on
Youth |
1972 |
300 | 5 | Health and Social Services |
1972 |
300 | 6 | Housing and Urban Development |
1972 |
301 | 1 | Housing and Urban Development |
1972 |
301 | 2 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1972 |
301 | 3-4 | Housing and Urban Development - Model Cities |
1972 |
301 | 5 | Information Agency |
1972 |
301 | 6 | Interior |
1972 |
301 | 7 | Interior - Coal Research |
1972 |
302 | 1 | Interior - Colombia River Treaty |
1972 |
302 | 2 | Interior - Energy |
1972 |
302 | 3-4 | Interior - Environment |
1972 |
302 | 5 | Interior - Environment - Air Pollution |
1972 |
302 | 6 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1972 |
302 | 7-8 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1972 |
302 | 9 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1972 |
302 | 10 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Newsletter |
1972 |
303 | 1 | Interior - Jackson National Elk Refuge |
1972 |
303 | 2-3 | Interior - Land Management |
1972 |
303 | 4 | Interior - Land Management - Jim Bridger Thermal Electric
Generation Project |
1972 |
303 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - Red Desert |
1972 |
303 | 6 | Interior - Mines |
1972 |
303 | 7-8 | Interior - National Park Service |
1972 |
303 | 9 | Interior - National Park Service -
Yellowstone |
1972 |
303 | 10 | Interior - Oil and Gas |
1972 |
304 | 1 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1972 |
304 | 2-4 | Interior - Predator Control |
1972 |
304 | 5-6 | Interior - Reclamation |
1972 |
305 | 1 | Interior - Trans-Alaska Pipeline |
1972 |
305 | 2-5 | Interior - Water |
1972 |
305 | 6 | Interior - Water Resources Council |
1972 |
306 | 1 | Interior - Youth Conservation Corps |
1972 |
306 | 2 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1972 |
306 | 3-5 | Justice |
1972 |
306 | 6 | Justice - Immigration and Naturalization |
1972 |
306 | 7 | Justice - Supreme Court |
1972 |
307 | 1-2 | Labor |
1972 |
307 | 3 | Library of Congress |
1972 |
307 | 4 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1972 |
307 | 5 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1972 |
307 | 6 | National Science Foundation |
1972 |
307 | 7-8 | Postal Service |
1972 |
308 | 1 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1972 |
308 | 2 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1972 |
308 | 3 | Selective Service System |
1972 |
308 | 4 | Selective Service System - Amnesty |
1972 |
308 | 5-6 | Small Business Administration |
1972 |
309 | 1-5 | State |
1972 |
309 | 6 | State - Agency for International Development |
1972 |
310 | 1 | State - Agency for International Development |
1972 |
310 | 2 | State - Foreign Relations |
1972 |
310 | 3 | State - Mideast |
1972 |
310 | 4 | State - Near East Report |
1972 |
310 | 5 | State - Southeast Asia |
1972 |
310 | 6-7 | 1972 | |
311 | 1-3 | State - Vietnam |
1972 |
311 | 4 | 1972 | |
311 | 5-6 | Transportation |
1972 |
311 | 7 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1972 |
311 | 8 | Transportation - Federal Aviation Agency |
1972 |
311 | 9 | Transportation - Federal Highway
Administration |
1972 |
312 | 1 | Transportation - Railroads |
1972 |
312 | 2 | Transportation - Railroads - Amtrack |
1972 |
312 | 3 | Transportation - Wyoming Highways - Green River
Overpass |
1972 |
312 | 4-6 | Treasury |
1972 |
312 | 7 | Treasury - Customs - Casper Airport |
1972 |
312 | 8-9 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1972 |
312 | 10 | Treasury - Taxes |
1972 |
313 | 1 | United Nations |
1972 |
313 | 2a | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
313 | 2-6 | Veterans Administration |
1972 |
314 | 1 | Action |
1973 |
314 | 2-5 | Agriculture |
1973 |
314 | 6 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1973 |
314 | 7 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1973 |
315 | 1-4 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1973 |
315 | 5 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clarks Fork
Canyon |
1973 |
315 | 6 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clearcutting |
1973 |
315 | 7 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Cloud Peak Primitive
Area |
1973 |
315 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Kennedy Peak |
1973 |
315 | 9 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Savage Run Wilderness
Area |
1973 |
315 | 10 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Wilderness –
Flexo |
1973 |
316 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1973 |
316 | 3 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1973 |
316 | 4 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1973 |
316 | 5 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1973 |
316 | 6 | 1973 | |
316 | 7 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1973 |
316 | 8 | Civil Defense |
1973 |
316 | 9 | Civil Rights |
1973 |
316 | 10 | Civil Service |
1973 |
317 | 1-2 | Commerce |
1973 |
317 | 3 | Commerce - Census |
1973 |
317 | 4 | Congress - Library |
1973 |
317 | 5-7 | Defense |
1973 |
318 | 1-3 | Defense |
1973 |
318 | 4-5 | Defense - Air Force |
1973 |
318 | 6 | Defense - Army |
1973 |
319 | 1 | Defense - Army [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
319 | 2-4 | Defense - Army |
1973 |
319 | 5-6 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1973 |
320 | 1-2 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1973 |
320 | 3 | Defense - Army Reorganization |
1973 |
320 | 4 | Defense - National Guard |
1973 |
320 | 5-6 | Defense - Navy |
1973 |
320 | 7 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1973 |
320 | 7a | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
321 | 1 | Economic Stabilization Agency |
1973 |
321 | 2 | Economy |
1973 |
321 | 3-5 | Economy - Wage and Price |
1973 |
321 | 6 | Energy - Propane - Shirley Basin |
1973 |
321 | 7-8 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1973 |
321 | 9 | Environmental Protection Agency - Star Valley Swiss Cheese
Sewage Disposal System |
1973 |
321 | 10 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1973 |
322 | 1-2 | Executive |
1973 |
322 | 3 | Executive - Budget |
1973 |
322 | 4 | Executive - Consumer Affairs |
1973 |
322 | 5-6 | Executive - Economic Opportunity |
1973 |
322 | 7 | Executive - Impeachment of President - Against
Wyoming |
1973 |
323 | 1 | Executive - Impeachment of President - Against
Wyoming |
1973 |
323 | 2-3 | Executive - Impeachment of President - for -
Wyoming |
1973 |
323 | 4 | Executive - Impeachment of President - Out of
State |
1973 |
323 | 5 | Executive - Management and Budget |
1973 |
323 | 6 | Executive - Meat and Price Freeze and Rollback –
Flexo |
1973 |
324 | 1-2 | Executive - Watergate |
1973 |
324 | 3-4 | Federal Communications Commission |
1973 |
324 | 5 | Federal Power Commission |
1973 |
324 | 6 | Federal Reserve |
1973 |
324 | 7 | Federal Trade Commission |
1973 |
324 | 8-9 | General Accounting Office |
1973 |
325 | 1 | General Services Administration |
1973 |
325 | 2 | General Services Administration - National Archives and
Trust Fund Board |
1973 |
325 | 3 | Government Printing Office |
1973 |
325 | 4-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1973 |
326 | 1-5 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1973 |
326 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
326 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Hill - Burton
Information |
1973 |
327 | 1-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1973 |
328 | 1-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1973 |
328 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1973 |
328 | 5-7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1973 |
329 | 1-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1973 |
329 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration - Drug Abuse |
1973 |
330 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
330 | 2-4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1973 |
330 | 5-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security Black
Lung |
1973 |
331 | 1-6 | Housing and Urban Development |
1973 |
332 | 1 | Housing and Urban Development |
1973 |
332 | 2 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1973 |
332 | 3-4 | Housing and Urban Development - Third Year Action Plan
Cheyenne Model City |
1973 |
332 | 5 | Information Agency |
1973 |
332 | 6-8 | Interior |
1973 |
333 | 1 | Interior - Coal Research |
1973 |
333 | 2-5 | Interior - Energy |
1973 |
333 | 6 | Interior - Energy Crisis – Flexo |
1973 |
333 | 7 | Interior - Environment |
1973 |
334 | 1 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1973 |
334 | 2 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife - Predator
Control |
1973 |
334 | 3 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1973 |
334 | 4 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1973 |
334 | 5 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Wounded Knee |
1973 |
334 | 6-9 | Interior - Land Management |
1973 |
335 | 1 | Interior - Land Management - Off Road Vehicles on Federal
Land |
1973 |
335 | 2 | Interior - Mines |
1973 |
335 | 3 | Interior - National Park Service |
1973 |
335 | 4 | Interior - National Park Service -
Yellowstone |
1973 |
335 | 5-6 | Interior - Oil and Gas |
1973 |
335 | 7-8 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Fuel Shortage |
1973 |
336 | 1 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1973 |
336 | 2-3 | Interior - Propane Gas - Increased Cost –
Flexo |
1973 |
336 | 4-7 | Interior - Reclamation |
1973 |
337 | 1 | Interior - Reclamation |
1973 |
337 | 2 | Interior - Reclamation - Strip Mining |
1973 |
337 | 3 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1973 |
337 | 4-7 | Justice |
1973 |
338 | 1 | Justice - Immigration and Naturalization |
1973 |
338 | 2-3 | Labor |
1973 |
338 | 4 | Labor - Brown and Root – Robo |
1973 |
338 | 5 | Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Act |
1973 |
338 | 6 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1973 |
338 | 7 | National Credit Union Administration |
1973 |
338 | 8 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1973 |
339 | 1 | National Labor Relations Board |
1973 |
339 | 2 | National Science Foundation |
1973 |
339 | 3 | Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
1973 |
339 | 4 | Postal Service |
1973 |
339 | 5 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1973 |
339 | 6 | Selective Service |
1973 |
339 | 7 | Selective Service - Amnesty |
1973 |
339 | 8 | Small Business Administration |
1973 |
339 | 9 | Smithsonian Institution |
1973 |
339 | 10 | State |
1973 |
340 | 1-5 | State |
1973 |
340 | 6 | State - Agency for International Development |
1973 |
340 | 7 | State - China |
1973 |
340 | 8 | State - Middle East Crisis – Flexo |
1973 |
340 | 9 | State - Mideast |
1973 |
341 | 1 | State - Mideast - Israel Letters |
1973 |
341 | 2 | State - POW/MIA |
1973 |
341 | 3 | State - Vietnam |
1973 |
341 | 4 | Supreme Court |
1973 |
341 | 5 | Supreme Court - Abortion |
1973 |
341 | 6 | Transportation |
1973 |
341 | 8 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1973 |
341 | 9 | Transportation - Federal Aviation Agency |
1973 |
342 | 1-3 | Transportation - Railroads |
1973 |
342 | 4 | Transportation - Railroads - Amtrack |
1973 |
342 | 5-6 | Treasury |
1973 |
342 | 7-8 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1973 |
342 | 9 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service[closed until 2025] |
1973 |
343 | 1 | Treasury - Reports |
1973 |
343 | 2 | Treasury - Revenue Sharing |
1973 |
343 | 3 | Treasury - Taxes |
1973 |
343 | 4-5 | United Nations |
1973 |
343 | 6 | United Nations - Mcgee's American Legion Article
Responses |
1973 |
343 | 7 | Veterans Administration |
1973 |
344 | 1-2 | Veterans Administration |
1973 |
344 | 3 | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
344 | 4 | Veterans Administration - Benefit Reductions |
1973 |
344 | 5 | Veterans Administration - Pensions |
1973 |
344 | 6 | Veterans Administration - Pensions – Flexo |
1973 |
344 | 7 | Veterans Administration - Sheridan Hospital Boiler
Conversion |
1973 |
345 | 1 | Action |
1974 |
345 | 2-3 | Agriculture |
1974 |
345 | 4 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1974 |
345 | 5 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration - Gillette Low
Income Housing |
1974 |
345 | 6-7 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1974 |
345 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clarks Fork |
1974 |
345 | 9 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Clearcutting |
1974 |
345 | 10 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Cloud Peak |
1974 |
345 | 11 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Kennedy Peak |
1974 |
346 | 1 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Limestone
Quarry |
1974 |
346 | 2 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Summer Cabin Sites Fee
Increases |
1974 |
346 | 3 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Wilderness
Area |
1974 |
346 | 4 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1974 |
346 | 5-6 | Agriculture - Soil Conservation |
1974 |
346 | 7 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1974 |
346 | 8-9 | Atomic Energy Commission |
1974 |
346 | 10 | 1974 | |
346 | 11 | Bicentennial Commission |
1974 |
346 | 12 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1974 |
346 | 13 | Civil Defense |
1974 |
347 | 1 | Civil Defense |
1974 |
347 | 2 | Civil Service |
1974 |
347 | 3 | Commerce |
1974 |
347 | 4 | Commerce - Census |
1974 |
347 | 5 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1974 |
347 | 6 | Congress |
1974 |
347 | 7 | Congress - Library |
1974 |
347 | 8 | Congress - Library - Issue Briefs |
1974 |
347 | 9 | Congress - Rockefeller For Vice President |
1974 |
347 | 10 | Defense [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
348 | 1 | Defense - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
348 | 2-3 | Defense - Air Force |
1974 |
348 | 4 | Defense - Air Force - West Gate Closing |
1974 |
348 | 5-7 | Defense - Army |
1974 |
349 | 1 | Defense - Army [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
349 | 2 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1974 |
349 | 3 | Defense - Army ROTC |
1974 |
349 | 4 | Defense - National Guard |
1974 |
349 | 5-6 | Defense - Navy |
1974 |
349 | 7 | Defense - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
349 | 8 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1974 |
350 | 1 | Economy - Cost of Living - Baling Wire |
1974 |
350 | 2-3 | Economy - Cost of Living - Economic
Stabilization |
1974 |
350 | 4-5 | Economy - Cost of Living - Inflation |
1974 |
350 | 6 | Economy - Cost of Living - Livestock – Flexo |
1974 |
350 | 7 | Economy - Cost of Living - Propane |
1974 |
350 | 8 | Economy - Wage and Price |
1974 |
351 | 1 | Economy - Wage and Price |
1974 |
351 | 2 | Economy - Wage and Price – Flexo |
1974 |
351 | 3-4 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1974 |
351 | 5 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1974 |
351 | 6-7 | Executive |
1974 |
351 | 8 | Executive - Consumer Affairs |
1974 |
352 | 1-2 | Executive - Employment Opportunity |
1974 |
352 | 3 | Executive - Management and Budget |
1974 |
352 | 4 | Executive - Nixon Funds |
1974 |
352 | 5 | Executive - Nixon Immunity |
1974 |
352 | 6-7 | Executive - Nixon Impeachment |
1974 |
352 | 8 | Executive - Nixon Pardon |
1974 |
352 | 9 | Executive - Watergate |
1974 |
353 | 1 | Farm Credit Administration |
1974 |
353 | 2-3 | Federal Communications Commission |
1974 |
353 | 4 | Federal Energy Administration |
1974 |
353 | 5-6 | Federal Energy Office |
1974 |
353 | 7 | Federal Energy Office - Yellowstone National Park
Opening |
1974 |
354 | 1 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1974 |
354 | 2 | Federal Power Commission |
1974 |
354 | 3 | Federal Reserve Board |
1974 |
354 | 4 | Federal Trade Commission |
1974 |
354 | 5 | Foreign Trade Council - Export-Import Bank |
1974 |
354 | 6-8 | General Accounting Office |
1974 |
354 | 9-10 | General Services Administration |
1974 |
354 | 11 | General Services Administration - Mural |
1974 |
354 | 12 | General Services Administration - National Archives and
Trust Fund Board |
1974 |
355 | 1 | Government Printing Office |
1974 |
355 | 2-6 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1974 |
355 | 7a | Health, Education and Welfare [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
356 | 1-5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1974 |
356 | 6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education -
Debate |
1974 |
356 | 7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education Transcendental
Meditation |
1974 |
357 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1974 |
357 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
357 | 4-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1974 |
358 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1974 |
358 | 3-4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security Black
Lung |
1974 |
358 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security -
Matthews, Harold and Doris |
1974 |
358 | 6-7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Spaars
Committee |
1974 |
359 | 1-2 | Housing and Urban Development |
1974 |
359 | 3 | Housing and Urban Development - Cheyenne |
1974 |
359 | 4 | Information Agency |
1974 |
359 | 5-6 | Interior |
1974 |
359 | 7 | Interior - Coal Research |
1974 |
360 | 1 | Interior - Coal Research |
1974 |
360 | 2-6 | Interior - Energy |
1974 |
361 | 1-5 | Interior - Energy |
1974 |
361 | 6 | Interior - Energy – Flexo |
1974 |
361 | 7 | Interior - Energy - Wyoming Letters |
1974 |
362 | 1-2 | Interior - Environment |
1974 |
362 | 3 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1974 |
362 | 4 | Interior - Geological Survey |
1974 |
362 | 5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1974 |
362 | 6 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Environmental
Statement |
1974 |
362 | 7 | Interior - Land Management |
1974 |
363 | 1 | Interior - Mines |
1974 |
363 | 2 | Interior - National Park Service |
1974 |
363 | 3-6 | Interior - Oil and Gas |
1974 |
363 | 7 | Interior - Oil And Gas - Fifty-Five Miles Per Hour -Speed
Limit – Robo |
1974 |
364 | 1 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Fuel Shortage |
1974 |
364 | 2 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Gas Tax Proposal |
1974 |
364 | 3 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Gas Tax Proposal –
Robo |
1974 |
364 | 4 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1974 |
364 | 5 | Interior - Predator Control |
1974 |
364 | 6 | Interior - Predator Control – Flexo |
1974 |
364 | 7-9 | Interior - Reclamation |
1974 |
364 | 10 | Interior - Reclamation - Strip Mining |
1974 |
364 | 11 | Interior - Releases |
1974 |
365 | 1 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1974 |
365 | 2-3 | Justice |
1974 |
365 | 4 | Justice - Harrison, Dr. G. Myron |
1974 |
365 | 5-6 | Justice - Immigration And Naturalization |
1974 |
365 | 7 | Labor |
1974 |
366 | 1 | Labor |
1974 |
366 | 2 | Labor - Brown And Root – (10% Random Sample) |
1974 |
366 | 3 | Labor - Sheepherders' Regulations |
1974 |
366 | 4 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1974 |
366 | 5 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1974 |
366 | 6 | National Labor Relations Board |
1974 |
366 | 7 | National Science Foundation |
1974 |
366 | 8 | Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
1974 |
366 | 9 | Postal Service |
1974 |
366 | 10 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1974 |
366 | 11 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1974 |
366 | 12 | Selective Service |
1974 |
366 | 13 | Selective Service - Amnesty |
1974 |
367 | 1a | Small Business Administration [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
367 | 1-2 | Small Business Administration |
1974 |
367 | 3 | Smithsonian Institution |
1974 |
367 | 4-6 | State |
1974 |
368 | 1 | State - Agency for International Development |
1974 |
368 | 2 | State - China |
1974 |
368 | 3 | State - Cyprus |
1974 |
368 | 4 | State - Eagleton Amendment |
1974 |
368 | 5 | State - Mideast |
1974 |
368 | 6 | State - POW/MIA |
1974 |
368 | 7 | State - Vietnam |
1974 |
368 | 8 | Supreme Court |
1974 |
368 | 9 | Transportation |
1974 |
368 | 10 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1974 |
368 | 11 | Transportation - Federal Aviation Agency |
1974 |
369 | 1 | Transportation - Railroad |
1974 |
369 | 2-3 | Transportation - Railroad - Amtrack |
1974 |
369 | 4 | Treasury |
1974 |
369 | 5-6 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1974 |
370 | 1 | Treasury - Taxes |
1974 |
370 | 2 | Treasury - Taxes - Proposed Sur Tax – Robo |
1974 |
370 | 3 | United Nations |
1974 |
370 | 4 | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
370 | 5-6 | Veterans Administration |
1974 |
371 | 1 | Action |
1975 |
371 | 2-3 | Agriculture |
1975 |
371 | 4 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1975 |
371 | 5-6 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1975 |
371 | 7 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1975 |
372 | 1 | Agriculture - Sugar Prices |
1975 |
372 | 2 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1975 |
372 | 3-6 | Bicentennial Commission |
1975 |
373 | 1-2 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1975 |
373 | 3 | Civil Defense |
1975 |
373 | 4 | Civil Service Commission |
1975 |
373 | 5 | Commerce |
1975 |
373 | 6 | Commerce - Merchant Marine Academy |
1975 |
373 | 7 | Community Service Administration |
1975 |
373 | 8-9 | Congress - Library |
1975 |
373 | 10 | Consumer Product Safety Commission |
1975 |
374 | 1-2 | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Hand Gun
Ammunition |
1975 |
374 | 3 | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Hand Gun Ammunition –
Robo |
1975 |
374 | 4 | Consumer Product Safety Commission – Robo
Lists |
1975 |
374 | 5 | Defense |
1975 |
375 | 1-2 | Defense |
1975 |
375 | 3 | Defense - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
375 | 4-5 | Defense - Air Force |
1975 |
375 | 3-5 | Defense - Air Force |
1975 |
375 | 6 | Defense - Army |
1975 |
376 | 1-2 | Defense - Army |
1975 |
376 | 3-5 | Defense - Army [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
376 | 6 | Defense - Army - Beagles |
1975 |
376 | 7 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1975 |
377 | 1 | Defense - Military Academies |
1975 |
377 | 2 | Defense - Military Academies - Air Force |
1975 |
377 | 3 | Defense - Military Academies for 1976 |
1975 |
377 | 3a | Defense - Military Academies for 1976 [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
377 | 4 | Defense - National Guard |
1975 |
377 | 5-6 | Defense - Navy |
1975 |
377 | 7 | Defense - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
377 | 8 | Defense - Navy - Gunnell, Marty C. [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
378 | 1 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1975 |
378 | 2 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
378 | 3 | Economy |
1975 |
378 | 4 | Economy - Cost of Living |
1975 |
378 | 5-6 | Economy - Economic Stabilization Program |
1975 |
378 | 7-9 | Energy Research and Development
Administration |
1975 |
379 | 1-2 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1975 |
379 | 3 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1975 |
379 | 4 | Executive |
1975 |
379 | 5 | Executive - Management and Budget |
1975 |
379 | 6 | Export - Import Bank |
1975 |
379 | 7-8 | Federal Communications Commission |
1975 |
380 | 1 | Federal Communications Commission - KVOD vs KUAD –
Robo |
1975 |
380 | 2-7 | Federal Energy Administration |
1975 |
381 | 1-2 | Federal Energy Administration - Johnson Company
Incorporated Case |
1975 |
381 | 3 | Federal Energy Administration - Mcculloch Gas
Case |
1975 |
381 | 4-6 | Federal Energy Administration - Pasco Incorporated
Case |
1975 |
381 | 7 | Federal Energy Administration - Texaco Refinery
Casper |
1975 |
381 | 8 | Federal Power Commission |
1975 |
382 | 1 | Federal Power Commission |
1975 |
382 | 2 | Federal Reserve System |
1975 |
382 | 3-4 | Federal Trade Commission |
1975 |
382 | 5 | General Accounting Office |
1975 |
382 | 6 | General Services Administration |
1975 |
382 | 7-8 | General Services Administration - Presidential Recordings
and Material Preservation Act |
1975 |
382 | 9 | Government Printing Offices |
1975 |
383 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1975 |
383 | 3-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1975 |
384 | 1-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Education |
1975 |
384 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1975 |
384 | 5-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Health |
1975 |
385 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare - Health |
1975 |
385 | 2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
385 | 3-6 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1975 |
386 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1975 |
386 | 3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security Black
Lung |
1975 |
386 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security Earnings
Limitation – Robo |
1975 |
386 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security Pension
Plans Offset – Robo |
1975 |
386 | 6-7 | Housing and Urban Development |
1975 |
387 | 1 | Housing and Urban Development |
1975 |
387 | 2-3 | Housing and Urban Development - Laramie - Westside
Development |
1975 |
387 | 4-5 | Interior |
1975 |
388 | 1-3 | Interior |
1975 |
388 | 4-6 | Interior - Energy |
1975 |
389 | 1-6 | Interior - Energy |
1975 |
390 | 1 | Interior - Energy |
1975 |
390 | 2 | Interior - Energy Crisis |
1975 |
390 | 3 | Interior - Energy Crisis - Rationing/Taxes –
Robo |
1975 |
390 | 4 | Interior - Environment |
1975 |
390 | 5 | Interior - Environment - Strip Mining |
1975 |
390 | 6 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1975 |
390 | 7-8 | Interior - Geological Survey - Madison
Formation |
1975 |
391 | 1-4 | Interior - Hathaway, Stanley - Appointment |
1975 |
391 | 5 | Interior - Hathaway, Stanley - Secretary of the Interior -
Newsclippings |
1975 |
391 | 5 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1975 |
392 | 1 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1975 |
392 | 2 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Saint Stephens Indian
School |
1975 |
392 | 3-4 | Interior - Land Management |
1975 |
392 | 5 | Interior - Land Management - District Advisory
Board |
1975 |
392 | 6 | Interior - Land Management - Wild Horses |
1975 |
393 | 1-2 | Interior - National Park Service |
1975 |
393 | 3-5 | Interior - Oil and Gas |
1975 |
393 | 6 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Depletion |
1975 |
394 | 1 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Fifty-Five Mile per Hour Speed
Limit |
1975 |
394 | 2 | Interior - Oil and Gas - Gas Taxes |
1975 |
394 | 3 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1975 |
394 | 4-5 | Interior - Reclamation |
1975 |
394 | 6 | Interior - Sierra vs. Morton Case |
1975 |
394 | 7-9 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1975 |
395 | 1-2 | Justice |
1975 |
395 | 3-4 | Justice - Immigration and Naturalization |
1975 |
395 | 5-6 | Labor |
1975 |
396 | 1-2 | Labor |
1975 |
396 | 2a | Labor [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
396 | 3 | Labor - Amax Coal Company |
1975 |
396 | 4 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1975 |
396 | 5 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1975 |
396 | 6 | National Science Foundation |
1975 |
396 | 7 | Postal Service |
1975 |
396 | 8 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1975 |
397 | 1 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1975 |
397 | 2 | Selective Service |
1975 |
397 | 3-4 | Small Business Administration |
1975 |
397 | 5-7 | State |
1975 |
397 | 8 | State - Agency for International Development |
1975 |
397 | 9 | State - Cyprus |
1975 |
398 | 1 | State - Indochina Refugees |
1975 |
398 | 2 | State - Israel |
1975 |
398 | 3 | State - Mideast |
1975 |
398 | 4 | State - Pow/Mia |
1975 |
398 | 5-6 | State - Vietnam |
1975 |
398 | 7 | State - Vietnam Refugees – Robo |
1975 |
398 | 8-9 | Transportation |
1975 |
399 | 1-2 | Transportation |
1975 |
399 | 3 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1975 |
399 | 4 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1975 |
399 | 5-6 | Transportation - Railroads |
1975 |
399 | 7 | Transportation - Railroads - Amtrack |
1975 |
399 | 8 | Treasury |
1975 |
400 | 2-3 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1975 |
400 | 1 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
400 | 4 | Treasury - Taxes |
1975 |
400 | 5-6 | United Nations |
1975 |
400 | 7 | United Nations - United States Involvement –
Robo |
1975 |
401 | 1 | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1975 |
401 | 2-5 | Veterans Administration |
1975 |
402 | 1 | Action |
1976 |
402 | 2-3 | Agriculture |
1976 |
402 | 4 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration |
1976 |
402 | 5 | Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
402 | 6-7 | Agriculture - Forest Service |
1976 |
402 | 8 | Agriculture - Forest Service - Ryan Park
Campground |
1976 |
402 | 9 | Agriculture - Rural Electrification
Administration |
1976 |
402 | 10 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1976 |
403 | 1-6 | Bicentennial Commission |
1976 |
404 | 1 | Civil Aeronautics Board |
1976 |
404 | 2 | Civil Rights |
1976 |
404 | 3 | Civil Service Commission |
1976 |
404 | 4 | Commerce |
1976 |
404 | 5 | Commerce - Census |
1976 |
404 | 6 | Commerce - Economic Development
Administration |
1976 |
404 | 7 | Commerce - Economic Development Administration Riverton
Industrial Park |
1976 |
404 | 8-9 | Congress |
1976 |
404 | 10 | Congress - Library |
1976 |
405 | 1 | Congress - Library - Congressional Research
Service |
1976 |
405 | 2 | Defense |
1976 |
405 | 3-4 | Defense - Air Force |
1976 |
405 | 5 | Defense - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
405 | 6-7 | Defense - Army |
1976 |
406 | 1 | Defense - Army |
1976 |
406 | 2 | Defense - Army [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
406 | 3-4 | Defense - Army Corps of Engineers |
1976 |
406 | 5 | Defense - National Guard |
1976 |
406 | 6 | Defense - Navy |
1976 |
406 | 7 | Defense - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
407 | 1 | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps |
1976 |
407 | 1a | Defense - Navy/Marine Corps [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
407 | 2 | Economy |
1976 |
407 | 3 | Economy - Inflation |
1976 |
407 | 4-7 | Energy Research and Development
Administration |
1976 |
407 | 8 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1976 |
408 | 1-2 | Environmental Protection Agency |
1976 |
408 | 3 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1976 |
408 | 4 | Executive |
1976 |
408 | 5 | Executive - Central Intelligence Agency |
1976 |
408 | 6 | Executive - Community Service Administration |
1976 |
407 | 7 | Executive - Management and Budget |
1976 |
408 | 8-9 | Federal Communications Commission |
1976 |
408 | 10 | Federal Election Commission |
1976 |
408 | 11-12 | Federal Energy Administration |
1976 |
409 | 1 | Federal Energy Administration |
1976 |
409 | 2 | Federal Energy Administration - Casper
Refinery |
1976 |
409 | 3 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board |
1976 |
409 | 4-5 | Federal Power Commission |
1976 |
409 | 6 | Federal Reserve System |
1976 |
409 | 7 | Federal Trade Commission |
1976 |
409 | 8 | General Service Administration |
1976 |
409 | 9 | Government Accounting Office |
1976 |
409 | 10 | Government Printing Office |
1976 |
409 | 11 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1976 |
410 | 1 | Health, Education and Welfare |
1976 |
410 | 1a | Health, Education and Welfare[closed until 2025] |
1976 |
410 | 2-4 | Health, Education and Welfare – Education |
1976 |
410 | 2a | Health, Education and Welfare – Education [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
410 | 5 | Health, Education and Welfare - Food and Drug
Administration |
1976 |
410 | 6-7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Health |
1976 |
411 | 1-2 | Health, Education and Welfare - Health -
Diabetes |
1976 |
411 | 3-7 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
412 | 1-3 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social
Security |
1976 |
412 | 4 | Health, Education and Welfare - Social Security lack
Lung |
1976 |
412 | 5-6 | Housing and Urban Development |
1976 |
413 | 1-2 | Housing and Urban Development |
1976 |
413 | 3 | Housing and Urban Development - Federal Housing
Administration |
1976 |
413 | 4 | Housing and Urban Development - Wheatland Senior Citizens
Housing |
1976 |
413 | 5-6 | Interior |
1976 |
413 | 7-8 | Interior - Energy |
1976 |
414 | 1-5 | Interior - Energy |
1976 |
414 | 6 | Interior - Energy - Alaska and Trans-Canada
Pipelines |
1976 |
415 | 1 | Interior - Energy - Fifty-Five Mile Per Hour Speed
Limit |
1976 |
415 | 2 | Interior - Energy - Natural Gas Price
Increase |
1976 |
415 | 3-4 | Interior - Energy - Western Governors' Regional Energy
Policy Office |
1976 |
415 | 5 | Interior - Environment - Strip Mining |
1976 |
415 | 6 | Interior - Fish and Wildlife |
1976 |
415 | 7 | Interior - Geological Survey - Madison
Formation |
1976 |
415 | 8 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1976 |
416 | 1 | Interior - Indian Affairs |
1976 |
416 | 2 | Interior - Indian Affairs - Saint Stephens Indian
School |
1976 |
416 | 3-5 | Interior - Land Management |
1976 |
416 | 6 | Interior - Mines |
1976 |
416 | 7 | Interior - National Park Service |
1976 |
416 | 8 | Interior - Outdoor Recreation |
1976 |
416 | 9 | Interior - Reclamation |
1976 |
417 | 1 | Interstate Commerce Commission |
1976 |
417 | 2 | Interstate Commerce Commission - Sherman,
Jesse |
1976 |
417 | 3 | Justice |
1976 |
417 | 4-5 | Justice - Immigration and Naturalization |
1976 |
417 | 6 | Justice - Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration |
1976 |
417 | 7 | Labor |
1976 |
418 | 1-4 | Labor |
1976 |
418 | 5 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
1976 |
418 | 6 | National Foundation on the Arts and
Humanities |
1976 |
418 | 7 | National Labor Relations Board |
1976 |
418 | 8 | National Science Foundation |
1976 |
418 | 9 | Postal Service |
1976 |
419 | 1 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1976 |
419 | 2 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
1976 |
419 | 3 | Selective Service |
1976 |
419 | 4 | Small Business Administration |
1976 |
419 | 5 | Smithsonian Institution |
1976 |
419 | 6-8 | State |
1976 |
419 | 9 | State - Agency for International Development |
1976 |
420 | 1 | State - Turkey/Cyprus |
1976 |
420 | 2 | Supreme Court |
1976 |
420 | 3-4 | Transportation |
1976 |
420 | 5 | Transportation - Coast Guard |
1976 |
420 | 6 | Transportation - Federal Aviation
Administration |
1976 |
420 | 7 | Transportation - Federal Aviation Administration Jackson
Hole Airport |
1976 |
420 | 8 | Transportation - Railroads - Amtrack |
1976 |
420 | 9 | Treasury |
1976 |
420 | 9a | Treasury [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
421 | 1-3 | Treasury - Internal Revenue Service |
1976 |
421 | 4 | Treasury - Taxes |
1976 |
421 | 5 | United Nations |
1976 |
421 | 6 | United Nations – Robo |
1976 |
421 | 7 | United Nations - Genocide Letters – Robo |
1976 |
422 | 1 | United Nations - Genocide Letters – Robo |
1976 |
422 | 2 | Veterans Administration [closed until 2025] |
1976 |
422 | 3-5 | Veterans Administration |
1976 |
Series II. Wyoming Post Office Files, 1960-1970Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
423 | 1 | Post Office - Afton |
1966 |
423 | 2 | Post Office - Aladdin |
1964 |
423 | 3 | Post Office - Albany |
1961 |
423 | 4 | Post Office - Albin |
1961-1967 |
423 | 5 | Post Office - Alcova |
1962-1967 |
423 | 6 | Post Office - Altamont |
1963 |
423 | 7 | Post Office - Arapahoe |
1961-1966 |
423 | 8 | Post Office - Arminto |
1964 |
423 | 9 | Post Office - Arvada |
1966 |
423 | 10 | Post Office - Auburn |
1964 |
423 | 11 | Post Office - Baggs |
1968 |
423 | 12 | Post Office - Bairoil |
1966-1967 |
423 | 13 | Post Office - Banner |
1962-1966 |
423 | 14 | Post Office - Basin |
1961-1963 |
423 | 15 | Post Office - Beford |
1966 |
423 | 16 | Post Office - Big Horn |
1961-1962 |
423 | 17 | Post Office - Big Piney |
1963, 1967 |
423 | 18 | Post Office - Bill |
1961 |
423 | 19 | Post Office - Bitter Creek |
1962-1963 |
423 | 20 | Post Office - Bonneville |
1964 |
423 | 21 | Post Office - Bosler |
1967 |
423 | 22 | Post Office - Buffalo |
1961-1966 |
423 | 23 | Post Office - Buford |
1968 |
423 | 24 | Post Office - Burlington |
1962 |
423 | 25 | Post Office - Burns |
1961-1962 |
423 | 26 | Post Office - Byron |
1962 |
423 | 27 | Post Office - Carlile |
1964-1965 |
423 | 28 | Post Office - Carpenter |
1967-1968 |
423 | 29 | Post Office - Carter |
1967 |
423 | 30 | Post Office - Casper |
1968-1969 |
423 | 31 | Post Office - Cassa |
1961 |
423 | 32 | Post Office - Cheyenne |
1962-1968 |
424 | 1 | Post Office - Chugwater |
1961-1965 |
424 | 2 | Post Office - Clark |
1967 |
424 | 3 | Post Office - Clearmont |
1964-1967 |
424 | 4 | Post Office - Cody |
1965,1970 |
424 | 5 | Post Office - Cokeville |
1960-1961 |
424 | 6 | Post Office - Cora |
1962-1963 |
424 | 7 | Post Office - Cowley |
1964-1965 |
424 | 8 | Post Office - Deaver |
1961-1963 |
424 | 9 | Post Office - Diamondville |
1970 |
424 | 10 | Post Office - Douglas |
1963-1966 |
424 | 11 | Post Office - Dubois |
1963-1969 |
424 | 12 | Post Office - Eden |
1965 |
424 | 13 | Post Office - Edgerton |
1960-1964 |
424 | 14 | Post Office - Egbert |
1963-1966 |
424 | 15 | Post Office - Elk |
1963 |
424 | 16 | Post Office - Elkol |
1968 |
424 | 17 | Post Office - Encampment |
1966 |
424 | 18 | Post Office - Etna |
1964-1967 |
424 | 19 | Post Office - Evanston |
1965-1966 |
424 | 20 | Post Office - Evansville |
1964 |
424 | 21 | Post Office - Fairview |
1961 |
424 | 22 | Post Office - Farson |
1968-1969 |
424 | 23 | Post Office - Federal |
1961 |
424 | 24 | Post Office - Fort Bridger |
1962-1963 |
424 | 25 | Post Office - Fort Laramie |
1962-1967 |
424 | 26 | Post Office - Fort Washakie |
1968 |
424 | 27 | Post Office - Four Corners |
1963 |
424 | 28 | Post Office - Fox Park |
1961-1966 |
424 | 29 | Post Office - Frannie |
1961-1965 |
424 | 30 | Post Office - Gillette |
1963-1965 |
424 | 31 | Post Office - Glendo |
1968-1970 |
424 | 32 | Post Office - Granite Canyon |
1961 |
424 | 33 | Post Office - Grass Creek |
1967 |
424 | 34 | Post Office - Green River |
1964,1966 |
425 | 1 | Post Office - Greybull |
1963-1966 |
425 | 2 | Post Office - Guernsey |
1961-1966 |
425 | 3 | Post Office - Hamilton Dome |
1961-1962 |
425 | 4 | Post Office - Hanna |
1962-1966 |
425 | 5 | Post Office - Hartville |
1964-1967 |
425 | 6 | Post Office - Hawk Springs |
1964,1967 |
425 | 7 | Post Office - Hillsdale |
1961-1962 |
425 | 8 | Post Office - Hulett |
1961-1969 |
425 | 9 | Post Office - Huntley |
1961 |
425 | 10 | Post Office - Hyattville |
1961-1964 |
425 | 11 | Post Office - Iron Mountain |
1965 |
425 | 12 | Post Office - Jackson |
1968-1969 |
425 | 13 | Post Office - Jelm |
1964-1966 |
425 | 14 | Post Office - Jenny Lake |
1961-1962 |
425 | 15 | Post Office - Kane |
1963-1965 |
425 | 16 | Post Office - Kaycee |
1964,1966 |
425 | 17 | Post Office - Kemmerer |
1963-1967 |
425 | 18 | Post Office - Kirby |
1966 |
425 | 19 | Post Office - Labarge |
1962,1965 |
425 | 20 | Post Office - Lagrange |
1963-1964 |
425 | 21 | Post Office - Lamont |
1962-1963 |
425 | 22 | Post Office - Lander |
1962-1966 |
425 | 23 | Post Office - Laramie |
1964-1970 |
425 | 24 | Post Office - Leiter |
1961-1963 |
426 | 1 | Post Office - Linch |
1963-1966 |
426 | 2 | Post Office - Lingle |
1963-1966 |
426 | 3 | Post Office - Little America |
1963-1966 |
426 | 4 | Post Office - Lost Cabin |
1966 |
426 | 5 | Post Office - Lost Springs |
1967-1968 |
426 | 6 | Post Office - Lovell |
1961-1967 |
426 | 7 | Post Office - Lusk |
1961-1967 |
426 | 8 | Post Office - Lysite |
1966 |
426 | 9 | Post Office - Manville |
1963-1966 |
426 | 10 | Post Office - Medicine Bow |
1961-1963 |
426 | 11 | Post Office - Midwest |
1963-1965 |
426 | 12 | Post Office - Mills |
1960-1967 |
426 | 13 | Post Office - Moneta |
1968-1969 |
426 | 14 | Post Office - Moorcroft |
1962 |
426 | 15 | Post Office - Moose |
1967-1968 |
426 | 16 | Post Office - Moran |
1967-1969 |
426 | 17 | Post Office - Mountain View |
1961 |
426 | 18 | Post Office - Newcastle |
1961,1963 |
426 | 19 | Post Office - Orin |
1962 |
426 | 20 | Post Office - Orpha |
1961-1965 |
426 | 21 | Post Office - Osage |
1965-1969 |
426 | 22 | Post Office - Pahaska |
1961-1963 |
426 | 23 | Post Office - Pavillion |
1961-1963 |
426 | 24 | Post Office - Piedmont |
1967 |
426 | 25 | Post Office - Pine Bluffs |
1963 |
426 | 26 | Post Office - Pinedale |
1961-1968 |
426 | 27 | Post Office - Point Of Rocks |
1965-1966 |
426 | 28 | Post Office - Powell |
1962-1967 |
427 | 1 | Post Office - Quealy |
1962 |
427 | 2 | Post Office - Ralston |
1964,1967 |
427 | 3 | Post Office - Ranchester |
1964-1965 |
427 | 4 | Post Office - Rawlins |
1961-1967 |
427 | 5 | Post Office - Recluse |
1961 |
427 | 6 | Post Office - Riverton |
1961-1966 |
427 | 7 | Post Office - Robertson |
1963 |
427 | 8 | Post Office - Rock River |
1967-1969 |
427 | 9 | Post Office - Rock Springs |
1967-1968 |
427 | 10 | Post Office - Ryan Park |
1967 |
427 | 11 | Post Office - Saddlestrings |
1966 |
427 | 12 | Post Office - Saint Stephens |
1961-1966 |
427 | 13 | Post Office - Saratoga |
1967-1969 |
427 | 14 | Post Office - Seely |
1967 |
427 | 15 | Post Office - Seminoe |
1965 |
427 | 16 | Post Office - Shawnee |
1962 |
427 | 17 | Post Office - Sheridan |
1961-1969 |
427 | 18 | Post Office - Shoshoni |
1966-1968 |
427 | 19 | Post Office - Sinclair |
1963-1966 |
427 | 20 | Post Office - Spotted Horse |
1964 |
428 | 1 | Post Office - Story |
1964 |
428 | 2 | Post Office - Stroner |
1961-1962 |
428 | 3 | Post Office - Sundance |
1968 |
428 | 4 | Post Office - Sunrise |
1964-1967 |
428 | 5 | Post Office - Superior |
1964 |
428 | 6 | Post Office - Sussex |
1962-1963 |
428 | 7 | Post Office - Teton Village |
1965 |
428 | 8 | Post Office - Thayne |
1966 |
428 | 9 | Post Office - Thermopolis |
1963,1968 |
428 | 10 | Post Office - Tie Siding |
1963-1964 |
428 | 11 | Post Office - Torrington |
1960-1969 |
428 | 12 | Post Office - Ucross |
1962-1964 |
428 | 13 | Post Office - Upton |
1961 |
428 | 14 | Post Office - Van Tassell |
1964-1967 |
428 | 15 | Post Office - Walcott |
1966 |
428 | 16 | Post Office - Wamsutter |
1962-1963 |
428 | 17 | Post Office - Wheatland |
1967-1968 |
428 | 18 | Post Office - Wilson |
1960-1961 |
428 | 19 | Post Office - Worland |
1960-1969 |
428 | 20 | Post Office - Wolf |
1960-1961 |
428 | 21 | Post Office - Yellowstone |
1961-1962 |
428 | 22 | Post Office - Yoder |
1960-1961 |
Series III. Committee Files, 1958-1976Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
429 | 1 | Committees |
1958 |
429 | 2 | Appropriations - Far East |
1959 |
429 | 3 | Appropriations - Hong Kong |
1959 |
429 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Iran |
1959 |
429 | 7 | Appropriations - Middle East |
1959 |
429 | 8 | Appropriations |
1960 |
429 | 9 | Appropriations - Congo |
1960 |
430 | 1 | Appropriations - Guinea |
1960 |
430 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior |
1960 |
430 | 3 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1960 |
430 | 4 | Appropriations - Togo |
1960 |
430 | 5 | Appropriations - Vietnam |
1960 |
430 | 6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
1960 |
430 | 7-10 | Appropriations |
1961 |
431 | 1 | Appropriations - Africa |
1961 |
431 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1961 |
431 | 4 | Appropriations - Brazil Study Mission |
1961 |
431 | 5 | Appropriations - Defense |
1961 |
431 | 6 | Appropriations - Export Credit Guarantees |
1961 |
431 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Economic Assistance |
1961 |
432 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1961 |
432 | 2 | Appropriations - Latin America Briefing
Papers |
1961 |
432 | 3 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission
Argentina |
1961 |
432 | 4 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission -
Bolivia |
1961 |
431 | 5 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission -
Brazil |
1961 |
432 | 6-7 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission -
Chile |
1961 |
432 | 8 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission -
Paraguay |
1961 |
432 | 9 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission -
Peru |
1961 |
433 | 1 | Appropriations - Latin America Study Mission West
Indies |
1961 |
433 | 2 | Appropriations - Notices |
1961 |
433 | 3 | Appropriations - South America |
1961 |
433 | 4 | Appropriations - South America - Briefing
Book |
1961 |
433 | 5-6 | Appropriations - South America Study Mission |
1961 |
433 | 7 | Appropriations - Treasury and Post Office |
1961 |
433 | 8 | Commerce - Communications |
1961 |
433 | 9-10 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
1961 |
434 | 1-3 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
1961 |
434 | 4 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Commerce |
1961 |
434 | 5-6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce -
Communications |
1961 |
434 | 7 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Freedom of
Communications |
1961 |
434 | 8 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Notices |
1961 |
434 | 9 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface
Transportation |
1961 |
435 | 1-3 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface
Transportation |
1961 |
435 | 4 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface Transportation -
Out of State Correspondence |
1961 |
435 | 5 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface Transportation -
Piggyback |
1961 |
435 | 6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface Transportation -
Requests to Testify |
1961 |
435 | 7-8 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface Transportation -
Wyoming Correspondence |
1961 |
436 | 1-4 | Appropriations |
1962 |
436 | 5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1962 |
437 | 1 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1962 |
437 | 2 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Cheyenne Horticulture
Station |
1962 |
437 | 3 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Packers and Stockyards
Act |
1962 |
437 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Asia Trip |
1962 |
438 | 1 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Briefing Book to Far East and
Pacific Islands |
1962 |
438 | 2 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Fiji |
1962 |
438 | 3-4 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Guides |
1962 |
438 | 5 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Hong Kong |
1962 |
438 | 6 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Malaya |
1962 |
439 | 1 | Appropriations - Asia Trip - Taiwan, Taipei |
1962 |
439 | 2 | Appropriations - Commerce |
1962 |
439 | 3 | Appropriations - Defense |
1962 |
439 | 4-6 | Appropriations - District of Columbia |
1962 |
439 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Assistance |
1962 |
440 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1962 |
440 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior and Related
Agencies |
1962 |
440 | 3 | Appropriations - Labor and Health, Education and Welfare,
and Related Agencies |
1962 |
440 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Latin America Trip Papers |
1962 |
441 | 1 | Appropriations - Notices |
1962 |
441 | 2 | Appropriations - Public Welfare |
1962 |
441 | 3 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1962 |
441 | 4 | Appropriations - South America Trip |
1962 |
441 | 5 | Appropriations - Supplemental |
1962 |
441 | 6 | Appropriations - Trade and Aid |
1962 |
441 | 7 | Appropriations - Treasury - Post Office |
1962 |
441 | 8 | Commerce |
1962 |
441 | 9-11 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
1962 |
442 | 1-2 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
1962 |
442 | 3 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce -
Communications |
1962 |
442 | 4 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Notices |
1962 |
442 | 5 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - S. 320 |
1962 |
442 | 6 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce - Surface
Transportation |
1962 |
443 | 1-5 | Appropriations |
1963 |
444 | 1 | Appropriations |
1963 |
444 | 2 | Appropriations - Agency for International
Development |
1963 |
444 | 3-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1963 |
444 | 6 | Appropriations - Asia Report |
1963 |
445 | 1 | Appropriations - District of Columbia |
1963 |
445 | 2 | Appropriations - Foreign Assistance |
1963 |
445 | 3 | Appropriations - Interior |
1963 |
445 | 4 | Appropriations - Interior and Related
Agencies |
1963 |
445 | 5 | Appropriations - Notices |
1963 |
445 | 6 | Appropriations - State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary
and Related Agencies |
1963 |
445 | 7-9 | Commerce |
1963 |
446 | 1-3 | Commerce |
1963 |
446 | 4 | Commerce - Civil Aeronautics Board |
1963 |
446 | 5-7 | Commerce - Communications |
1963 |
447 | 1-3 | Commerce - Communications |
1963 |
447 | 4 | Commerce - Federal Power Commission |
1963 |
447 | 5 | Commerce - Notices |
1963 |
447 | 6 | Commerce - Railroad Settlement |
1963 |
447 | 7-8 | Commerce - Surface Transportation |
1963 |
448 | 1 | Commerce - Time Hearings - S. 1033 |
1963 |
448 | 2 | Interstate and Foreign Commerce -
Communications |
1963 |
448 | 3-7 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1963 |
449 | 1-5 | Appropriations |
1964 |
450 | 1-2 | Appropriations |
1964 |
450 | 3 | Appropriations - Agency for International
Development |
1964 |
450 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1963 |
450 | 6 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Wool Quality
Laboratory |
1961 |
451 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1964 |
451 | 2 | Appropriations - Military |
1964 |
451 | 3 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1964 |
451 | 4 | Appropriations - State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary
and Related Agencies |
1964 |
451 | 5 | Appropriations - United States Information
Agency |
1961 |
451 | 6 | Appropriations - Post Office - Treasury |
1964 |
451 | 7-8 | Commerce |
1964 |
452 | 1-5 | Commerce |
1964 |
453 | 1 | Commerce |
1964 |
453 | 2-4 | Commerce - Communications |
1964 |
453 | 5 | Commerce - Metric System Conversion - S. 1278 |
1963 |
453 | 6 | Commerce - S. 1363 |
1963 |
453 | 7 | Commerce - S. 2498 |
1964 |
454 | 1-5 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1964 |
455 | 1-3 | Appropriations |
1965 |
455 | 4-7 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1965 |
456 | 1-4 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1965 |
456 | 5 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Cheyenne Horticulture
Station |
1965 |
457 | 1 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Soil Conservation
Service |
1965 |
457 | 2 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1965 |
457 | 3-4 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1965 |
457 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Interior |
1965 |
458 | 1-5 | Appropriations - Interior |
1965 |
459 | 1-3 | Appropriations - Interior |
1965 |
459 | 4 | Appropriations - Interior and Related
Agencies |
1965 |
459 | 5 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1965 |
460 | 1 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1965 |
460 | 2 | Appropriations - State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary
and Related Agencies |
1965 |
460 | 3-5 | Commerce |
1965 |
461 | 1-3 | Commerce |
1965 |
461 | 4-6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1965 |
462 | 1-3 | Appropriations |
1966 |
462 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1966 |
463 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1966 |
463 | 3 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1965 |
463 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1964 |
464 | 1 | Appropriations - Independent Offices |
1966 |
464 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Interior |
1966 |
464 | 5 | Appropriations - Interior - Newcastle,
Wyoming |
1966 |
464 | 6-7 | Commerce |
1966 |
465 | 1 | Commerce |
1966 |
465 | 2-4 | Commerce - S. 2322 - S. 3059 |
1966 |
465 | 5 | Foreign Relations |
1966 |
466 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1966 |
467 | 1-5 | Foreign Relations |
1966 |
467 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Foreign Aid |
1966 |
468 | 1-2 | Foreign Relations - Television Comments |
1966 |
468 | 3-6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1966 |
469 | 1-4 | Appropriations |
1967 |
469 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1967 |
470 | 1-3 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1967 |
470 | 4 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Agricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Service |
1967 |
470 | 5 | Appropriations - Asia Trip Reports |
1967 |
470 | 6 | Appropriations - Asia Trip Responses |
1967 |
470 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1967 |
470 | 8 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1967 |
471 | 1 | Appropriations - Independent Offices |
1967 |
471 | 2-4 | Appropriations - Interior |
1967 |
471 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Interior - Park Roads |
1967 |
472 | 1 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1967 |
472 | 2 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1967 |
472 | 3-7 | Banking and Currency |
1967 |
473 | 1-4 | Banking and Currency |
1967 |
473 | 5 | Banking and Currency - Executive Session |
1967 |
474 | 1 | Commerce |
1967 |
474 | 2-5 | Foreign Relations |
1967 |
474 | 6-7 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1967 |
475 | 1-6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1967 |
476 | 1-4 | Appropriations |
1968 |
476 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1968 |
477 | 1-3 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1968 |
477 | 4 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Agricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Service |
1968 |
477 | 5 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Cheyenne Horticulture
station |
1968 |
477 | 6 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1968 |
477 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid - Foreign Assistance
Act |
1968 |
478 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1968 |
478 | 3 | Appropriations - Independent Offices |
1968 |
478 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Interior |
1968 |
478 | 6 | Appropriations - Interior - Indian Payments |
1968 |
478 | 7 | Appropriations - Interior - Public Works |
1968 |
478 | 8 | Appropriations - Interior - Reclamation |
1968 |
478 | 9 | Appropriations - State |
1968 |
478 | 10 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1968 |
479 | 1-3 | Banking and Currency |
1968 |
479 | 4 | Foreign Relations |
1968 |
479 | 5-6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1968 |
480 | 1-2 | Post Office and Civil Service - Retirement |
1968 |
480 | 3-4 | Appropriations |
1969 |
480 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1969 |
481 | 1 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1969 |
481 | 2 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Animal Welfare |
1969 |
481 | 3 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Cheyenne Horticulture
Station |
1969 |
481 | 4 | Appropriations - Defense |
1969 |
481 | 5-7 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1969 |
481 | 8 | Appropriations - Independent Offices |
1969 |
482 | 1-4 | Appropriations - Interior |
1969 |
482 | 5 | Appropriations - Interior - Coal |
1969 |
482 | 6 | Appropriations - Interior - Indian Affairs |
1969 |
483 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior - Reclamation |
1969 |
483 | 2-7 | Appropriations - Labor and Health, Education and
Welfare |
1969 |
484 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Labor and Health, Education and
Welfare |
1969 |
484 | 3-5 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1969 |
484 | 6 | Appropriations - State, Justice, The Judiciary and Related
Agencies |
1969 |
485 | 1 | Appropriations - State, Justice, The Judiciary and Related
Agencies |
1969 |
485 | 2 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1969 |
485 | 3 | Banking and Currency |
1969 |
485 | 4 | Committees - General |
1969 |
485 | 5-7 | Foreign Relations |
1969 |
486 | 1-5 | Foreign Relations |
1969 |
486 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1969 |
487 | 1-4 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1969 |
487 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Congratulations |
1969 |
487 | 6-7 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1969 |
488 | 1-5 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1969 |
488 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty |
1969 |
488 | 7 | Foreign Relations - Vietnam |
1969 |
489 | 1 | Government Operations |
1969 |
489 | 2-6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1969 |
489 | 7 | Post Office and Civil Service - Chairmanship |
1969 |
489 | 8 | Post Office and Civil Service - Notices |
1969 |
489 | 9 | Post Office and Civil Service - Retirement |
1969 |
490 | 1 | Appropriations |
1970 |
490 | 2-6 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1970 |
491 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Defense |
1970 |
491 | 3-6 | Appropriations - Foreign Operations |
1970 |
492 | 1 | Appropriations - Independent Offices |
1970 |
492 | 2-4 | Appropriations - Interior |
1970 |
492 | 5 | Appropriations - Interior - Big Horn Canyon |
1970 |
492 | 6 | Appropriations - Interior - Coal |
1970 |
493 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior - Coal |
1970 |
493 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior - Indian Affairs |
1970 |
493 | 3 | Appropriations - Interior - Wyoming |
1970 |
493 | 4-7 | Appropriations - Labor and Health, Education and
Welfare |
1970 |
494 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1970 |
494 | 3 | Appropriations - State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary
and Related Agencies |
1970 |
494 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1970 |
494 | 7 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic
Transport |
1970 |
495 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic
Transport |
1970 |
495 | 3 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic Transport –
Flexo |
1970 |
495 | 4 | Appropriations - Treasury, Post Office and Executive
Offices |
1970 |
495 | 5 | Committees - General |
1970 |
495 | 6-8 | Foreign Relations |
1970 |
493 | 9 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1970 |
493 | 10 | Foreign Relations - Cambodia |
1970 |
496 | 1 | Foreign Relations - Genocide Treaty |
1970 |
496 | 2 | Foreign Relations - Hearings |
1970 |
496 | 3-7 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1970 |
496 | 8 | Foreign Relations - Vietnam |
1970 |
497 | 1-5 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1970 |
497 | 6 | Post Office and Civil Service - Post Master General's
Report on Postal Bill |
1970 |
498 | 1-2 | Post Office and Civil Service - Postal
Reorganization |
1970 |
498 | 3 | Post Office and Civil Service - Postal Strike |
1970 |
498 | 4 | Post Office and Civil Service - Rubber Industry Proposed
100th Anniversary Stamp |
1970 |
498 | 5 | Appropriations |
1971 |
498 | 6 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - African Issues at the
United Nations |
1971 |
498 | 7-8 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Briefing Book Study Mission
to Africa and Middle East |
1971 |
498 | 9 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Burundi |
1971 |
499 | 1 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Ethiopia |
1971 |
499 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Itinerary and
Notes |
1971 |
499 | 4 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Newspaper
Clippings |
1971 |
499 | 5 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Nigeria |
1971 |
499 | 6-7 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Side Trip to
Israel |
1971 |
500 | 1 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Tanzania |
1971 |
500 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Tape Drafts and Original
Notes |
1971 |
500 | 4 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Tunisia |
1971 |
500 | 5 | Appropriations - Africa Trip - Zambia |
1971 |
500 | 6 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1971 |
501 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1971 |
501 | 3 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Eagles |
1971 |
501 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Eagles - Out of State
Letters |
1971 |
501 | 6 | Appropriations - Defense |
1971 |
502 | 1-3 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1971 |
502 | 4 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid - Foreign Assistance
Act |
1971 |
502 | 5 | Appropriations - Foreign Operations |
1971 |
502 | 6 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1971 |
502 | 7 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Vocational
Education |
1971 |
503 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1971 |
503 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Interior - Big Horn Canyon |
1971 |
503 | 4 | Appropriations - Interior and Related
Agencies |
1971 |
503 | 5 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1971 |
503 | 6 | Appropriations - Reclamation |
1971 |
503 | 7 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1971 |
503 | 8 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic
Transport |
1971 |
504 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic Transport –
Con |
1971 |
504 | 3 | Appropriations - Transportation - Supersonic Transport –
Pro |
1971 |
504 | 4-7 | Foreign Relations |
1971 |
505 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1971 |
506 | 1-2 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1971 |
506 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Africa Group - Johns Hopkins
University |
1971 |
506 | 4 | Foreign Relations - China |
1971 |
506 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Genocide |
1971 |
507 | 1 | Foreign Relations - Genocide – Flexo |
1971 |
507 | 2 | Foreign Relations - International Development and
Humanitarian Assistance Act |
1971 |
507 | 3 | Foreign Relations - International Security Assistance
Program |
1971 |
507 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Middle East |
1971 |
507 | 5-6 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1971 |
508 | 1-5 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1971 |
508 | 6 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1971 |
508 | 7 | Post Office and Civil Service - Wage Board Legislation –
Robo |
1971 |
509 | 1 | Appropriations |
1972 |
509 | 2 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1972 |
509 | 3 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Eagles |
1972 |
509 | 4 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Rural Environmental
Assistance Program |
1972 |
509 | 5 | Appropriations - Defense |
1972 |
509 | 6 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1972 |
509 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid – Flexo |
1972 |
509 | 8 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid/Operations - Foreign
Assistance Act |
1972 |
510 | 1 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1972 |
510 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior |
1972 |
510 | 3 | Appropriations - Interior - Big Horn Canyon |
1972 |
510 | 4 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport
Expansion |
1972 |
510 | 5 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport Expansion –
Against |
1972 |
510 | 6 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport Expansion –
Flexo |
1972 |
510 | 7 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport Expansion –
Robo |
1972 |
510 | 8 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport Expansion –
Support |
1972 |
510 | 9 | Appropriations - Peace Corps |
1972 |
510 | 10 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1972 |
510 | 11 | Appropriations - Radio Free Europe |
1972 |
510 | 12 | Appropriations - Reclamation |
1972 |
510 | 13 | Appropriations - Reclamation - Savory -
Pothook |
1972 |
511 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1972 |
512 | 1-3 | Foreign Relations |
1972 |
512 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1972 |
512 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Genocide |
1972 |
512 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1972 |
512 | 7 | Foreign Relations - S.J. Res. 241 |
1972 |
512 | 8 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1972 |
513 | 1 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1972 |
513 | 2 | Post Office and Civil Service - Federal Pay
Raises |
1972 |
513 | 3-6 | Appropriations |
1973 |
514 | 1-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1973 |
514 | 6 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Rural Environmental
Assistance Program – Robo |
1973 |
514 | 7 | Appropriations - Agriculture - Rural Environmental
Assistance Program - Rural Electrification Administration |
1973 |
515 | 1 | Appropriations - Cambodia – Flexo |
1973 |
515 | 2 | Appropriations - Civil Defense |
1973 |
515 | 3 | Appropriations - Defense |
1973 |
515 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1973 |
515 | 6 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid - Vietnam |
1973 |
515 | 7 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid - Vietnam –
Flexo |
1973 |
515 | 8 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid Conference |
1973 |
515 | 9 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1973 |
516 | 1-4 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1973 |
516 | 5 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Budget Cuts
- Student Aid and Social Services – Flexo |
1973 |
516 | 6 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Office of
Economic Opportunity |
1973 |
516 | 7 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Regional
Medical Programs |
1973 |
517 | 1 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Title VIII
- Pascal Program in Riverton, Wyoming |
1973 |
517 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Interior |
1973 |
517 | 4 | Appropriations - Interior - Big Horn Canyon |
1973 |
517 | 5 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport |
1973 |
517 | 6 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1973 |
517 | 7 | Appropriations - Public Works - Reclamation |
1973 |
517 | 8 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1973 |
518 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1973 |
519 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1973 |
520 | 1-5 | Foreign Relations |
1973 |
521 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1973 |
521 | 7 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1973 |
522 | 1-2 | Foreign Relations - Agency for International
Development |
1973 |
522 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Anglo-American Parliamentary
Conference |
3 |
522 | 4 | Foreign Relations - China |
1973 |
522 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Genocide |
1973 |
522 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Kissinger, Henry |
1973 |
522 | 7-8 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1973 |
522 | 9 | Foreign Relations - Overseas Private Investment
Corporation |
1973 |
522 | 10 | Foreign Relations - United States Information
Agency |
1973 |
523 | 1 | Foreign Relations - United States Information
Agency |
1973 |
523 | 2-3 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere
Affairs |
1973 |
523 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere Affairs
Chile |
1973 |
523 | 5 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1973 |
523 | 6 | Post Office and Civil Service - United States Postal
Service Hearing |
1973 |
524 | 1-3 | Appropriations |
1974 |
524 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1974 |
524 | 6 | Appropriations - Defense |
1974 |
525 | 1 | Appropriations - Defense |
1974 |
525 | 2 | Appropriations - Federal Buildings Fund |
1974 |
525 | 3 | Appropriations - Foreign Operations |
1974 |
525 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1974 |
526 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1974 |
526 | 3 | Appropriations - Housing and Urban
Development |
1974 |
526 | 4-6 | Appropriations - Interior |
1974 |
527 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1974 |
527 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior - Big Horn Canyon Visitors'
Center |
1974 |
527 | 3-4 | Appropriations - Interior - Grizzly Bears |
1974 |
527 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Interior - National Endowment for the
Arts |
1974 |
528 | 1 | Appropriations - Jackson Hole Airport |
1974 |
528 | 2 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1974 |
528 | 3 | Appropriations - Reclamation |
1974 |
528 | 4 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1974 |
528 | 5-7 | Foreign Relations |
1974 |
529 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1974 |
530 | 1-2 | Foreign Relations |
1974 |
530 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1974 |
530 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Cuba |
1974 |
530 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1974 |
530 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere |
1974 |
531 | 1 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere |
1974 |
531 | 2 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere -
Chile |
1974 |
531 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere -
Panama |
1974 |
531 | 4-5 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1974 |
531 | 6 | Post Office and Civil Service - Pay Raises |
1974 |
531 | 7 | Post Office and Civil Service - Postal Service
Articles |
1974 |
532 | 1-4 | Appropriations |
1975 |
532 | 5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1975 |
532 | 6 | Appropriations - Defense |
1975 |
533 | 1-3 | Appropriations - Defense |
1975 |
533 | 4 | Appropriations - Defense - Commissaries |
1975 |
533 | 5 | Appropriations - Defense - F-14 VS F-18 |
1975 |
533 | 6 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1975 |
534 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1975 |
534 | 3 | Appropriations - Foreign Operations |
1975 |
534 | 4 | Appropriations - Government Spending – Robo |
1975 |
534 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Health, Education And
Welfare |
1975 |
535 | 1-2 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1975 |
535 | 3 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare
Hill-Burton |
1975 |
535 | 4 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Hill-Burton
- Unita County Memorial Hospital |
1975 |
535 | 5 | Appropriations - Housing and Urban
Development |
1975 |
535 | 6-8 | Appropriations - Interior |
1975 |
536 | 1 | Appropriations - Interior |
1975 |
536 | 2 | Appropriations - Interior - Corn Creek |
1975 |
536 | 3 | Appropriations - Interior - Geological Survey |
1975 |
536 | 4-5 | Appropriations - Interior - Wyoming Sawmills,
Incorporated |
1975 |
536 | 6 | Appropriations - National Endowment for the
Arts |
1975 |
536 | 7-8 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1975 |
537 | 1 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1975 |
537 | 2 | Appropriations - Public Works - National Endowment for the
Arts |
1975 |
537 | 3 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1975 |
537 | 4-7 | Foreign Relations |
1975 |
538 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1975 |
539 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1975 |
540 | 1 | Foreign Relations |
1975 |
540 | 2 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1975 |
540 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Chile |
1975 |
540 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Cuba |
1975 |
540 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Farkas, Ruth 1. - Ambassador to
Luxembourg |
1975 |
540 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Flanigan, Peter M. |
1975 |
540 | 7 | Foreign Relations - Freedom House |
1975 |
540 | 8-9 | Foreign Relations - Israel |
1975 |
541 | 1 | Foreign Relations - Israel |
1975 |
541 | 2 | Foreign Relations - Israel - New York Time's
Letter |
1975 |
541 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Latin America |
1975 |
541 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Lehman, John |
1975 |
541 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Lunt, Lawrence K. |
1975 |
541 | 6-7 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1975 |
541 | 8 | Foreign Relations - Panama |
1975 |
542 | 1-2 | Foreign Relations - Panama |
1975 |
542 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Rhodesian Chrome |
1975 |
542 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere |
1975 |
542 | 5 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1975 |
542 | 6 | Post Office and Civil Service - Anderson Investigation of
Klassen |
1975 |
542 | 7-8 | Post Office and Civil Service - General Services
Administration - Casper Federal Building |
1975 |
542 | 9 | Post Office and Civil Service - Pay Raise |
1975 |
543 | 1-4 | Appropriations |
1976 |
543 | 5 | Appropriations - Agriculture |
1976 |
544 | 1-6 | Appropriations - Defense |
1976 |
545 | 1 | Appropriations - Defense |
1976 |
545 | 2-3 | Appropriations - Foreign Aid |
1976 |
545 | 4 | Appropriations - Government Spending |
1976 |
545 | 5-6 | Appropriations - Health, Education and
Welfare |
1976 |
545 | 7 | Appropriations - Health, Education and Welfare Hill-Burton
- Uinta County Memorial Hospital |
1976 |
545 | 8 | Appropriations - Housing and Urban
Development |
1976 |
546 | 1-5 | Appropriations - Interior |
1976 |
546 | 6-7 | Appropriations - Labor and Health, Education and
Welfare |
1976 |
546 | 8 | Appropriations - National Endowment for the
Arts |
1976 |
547 | 1 | Appropriations - Public Works |
1976 |
547 | 2 | Appropriations - Transportation |
1976 |
547 | 3-8 | Foreign Relations |
1976 |
548 | 1-6 | Foreign Relations |
1976 |
549 | 1-4 | Foreign Relations |
1976 |
549 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Africa |
1976 |
549 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Chile |
1976 |
549 | 7 | Foreign Relations - China |
1976 |
549 | 8 | Foreign Relations - Cuba |
1976 |
549 | 9 | Foreign Relations - Declaration of
Interdependence |
1976 |
550 | 1 | Foreign Relations - Declassified Materials –
Returned |
1976 |
550 | 2 | Foreign Relations - Freedom House |
1976 |
550 | 3 | Foreign Relations - Israel |
1976 |
550 | 4 | Foreign Relations - Latin America |
1976 |
550 | 5 | Foreign Relations - Notices |
1976 |
550 | 6 | Foreign Relations - Panama |
1976 |
550 | 7 | Foreign Relations - Rhodesia |
1976 |
550 | 8 | Foreign Relations - Western Hemisphere |
1976 |
550 | 9 | Post Office and Civil Service |
1976 |
550 | 10 | Post Office and Civil Service - Pay Raise |
1976 |
Series IV. Environmental Files, 1974-1976Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
551 | 1 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 2 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 3 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 4 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 5 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 6 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 7 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 8 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 9 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 10 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 11 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 12 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 13 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 14 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 15 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 16 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 17 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 18 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 19 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 20 | 1974-1976 | |
551 | 21 | 1974-1976 | |
552 | 1 | Environmental Correspondence – A |
1974-1976 |
552 | 2 | Environmental Correspondence – B |
1974-1976 |
552 | 3-4 | Environmental Correspondence – C |
1974-1976 |
552 | 5 | Environmental Correspondence – D |
1974-1976 |
552 | 6 | Environmental Correspondence – E |
1974-1976 |
552 | 7 | Environmental Correspondence – F |
1974-1976 |
552 | 8 | Environmental Correspondence – G |
1974-1976 |
552 | 9 | Environmental Correspondence – H |
1974-1976 |
553 | 1 | Environmental Correspondence – I |
1974-1976 |
553 | 2 | Environmental Correspondence – J |
1974-1976 |
553 | 3 | Environmental Correspondence – K |
1974-1976 |
553 | 4 | Environmental Correspondence – L |
1974-1976 |
553 | 5 | Environmental Correspondence – M |
1974-1976 |
553 | 6 | Environmental Correspondence – N |
1974-1976 |
553 | 7 | Environmental Correspondence – O |
1974-1976 |
553 | 8 | Environmental Correspondence – P |
1974-1976 |
553 | 9 | Environmental Correspondence – Q |
1974-1976 |
553 | 10 | Environmental Correspondence – R |
1974-1976 |
553 | 11 | Environmental Correspondence – S |
1974-1976 |
554 | 1 | Environmental Correspondence – T |
1974-1976 |
554 | 2 | Environmental Correspondence – U |
1974-1976 |
554 | 3 | Environmental Correspondence – V |
1974-1976 |
554 | 4-5 | Environmental Correspondence – W |
1974-1976 |
554 | 6 | Environmental Correspondence – Y |
1974-1976 |
554 | 7 | Environmental Correspondence – Z |
1974-1976 |
554 | 8-10 | Environmental Responses |
1974-1976 |
Series V. General Correspondence, 1959-1976Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
555 | 1-2 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1959 |
555 | 3 | Airlines |
1959 |
555 | 4 | Airport - Douglas, Wyoming |
1959 |
555 | 5 | Appropriations |
1959 |
555 | 6 | Autographs |
1959 |
555 | 7 | Brady inc., Thomas |
1959 |
555 | 8 | Budget |
1959 |
556 | 1 | Campaign |
1959 |
556 | 2 | Chamber of Commerce |
1959 |
556 | 3 | Citizens - Naturalized |
1959 |
556 | 4 | Condolences |
1959 |
556 | 5 | Congratulations |
1959 |
556 | 6 | Congress |
1959 |
556 | 7 | Congress - National Committee for an Effective
Congress |
1959 |
556 | 8 | Congressional Directory |
1959 |
556 | 9 | Congressional Record |
1959 |
556 | 10 | Democratic National Chairman - Butler, Paul |
1959 |
556 | 11 | Democratic National Committee |
1959 |
556 | 12 | Democrats |
1959 |
556 | 13 | Democrats - Young |
1959 |
557 | 1 | Executive Calendar |
1959 |
557 | 2 | Flexos |
1959 |
557 | 3 | Highway Commission - Yellow Stripe |
1959 |
557 | 4 | Infant Booklets |
1959 |
557 | 5-6 | Information Requests |
1959 |
557 | 7 | Invitations |
1959 |
557 | 8 | Library of Congress |
1959 |
557 | 9 | Lists |
1959 |
557 | 10 | National Defense Education Act |
1959 |
557 | 11 | Newsletter |
1959 |
558 | 1 | Office |
1959 |
558 | 2 | O'Mahoney, Senator Joseph C. |
1959 |
558 | 3-4 | Personal |
1959 |
558 | 5 | Personal - Birthday |
1959 |
558 | 6 | Personnel |
1959 |
558 | 7 | Photograph Requests |
1959 |
558 | 8 | Press - Newspapers |
1959 |
558 | 9 | Press - Radio and Television |
1959 |
558 | 10-11 | Railroads |
1959 |
559 | 1 | Recommendations |
1959 |
559 | 2 | Religion |
1959 |
559 | 3-5 | Resolutions |
1959 |
559 | 6 | Rule 22 |
1959 |
560 | 1 | Sergeant at Arms |
1959 |
560 | 2-3 | Speech Comments |
1959 |
560 | 4 | Speech Comments - Derogatory |
1959 |
560 | 5 | Stockpiling |
1959 |
560 | 6 | Sugar |
1959 |
560 | 7 | Telegrams |
1959 |
560 | 8-9 | Thanks |
1959 |
560 | 10 | Tourist |
1959 |
560 | 11 | Uranium |
1959 |
561 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1959 |
561 | 4 | Wyoming - Board of Equalization |
1959 |
561 | 5 | Wyoming - Democratic Party |
1959 |
561 | 6 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1959 |
561 | 7 | Wyoming - Legislature |
1959 |
561 | 8 | Wyoming - State Society |
1959 |
561 | 9 | Wyoming - University |
1959 |
561 | 10 | Wyoming Extension Service |
1959 |
561 | 11-13 | Wyoming Office |
1959 |
561 | 14 | Yellowstone Park |
1959 |
562 | 1-2 | Africa Trip |
1960 |
562 | 3 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1960 |
562 | 4 | Appropriations |
1960 |
562 | 5 | Autographs |
1960 |
562 | 6 | Budget |
1960 |
562 | 7-8 | Campaign |
1960 |
563 | 1 | Campaign |
1960 |
563 | 2 | Condolences |
1960 |
563 | 3 | Congratulations |
1960 |
563 | 4 | Congress |
1960 |
563 | 5 | Congressional Directory |
1960 |
563 | 6 | Congressional Record |
1960 |
563 | 7 | Davis, Joe |
1960 |
563 | 8 | Democratic National Committee |
1960 |
563 | 9 | Democrats |
1960 |
563 | 10 | Democrats - Precinct People |
1960 |
563 | 11 | Democrats - Young |
1960 |
563 | 12 | Education |
1960 |
564 | 1 | Flexos |
1960 |
564 | 2 | Inaugural |
1960 |
564 | 3-4 | Information Requests |
1960 |
564 | 5 | Invitations |
1960 |
564 | 6 | Library of Congress |
1960 |
564 | 7-8 | Lists |
1960 |
564 | 9 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1960 |
565 | 1 | National Defense Education Act |
1960 |
565 | 2-3 | Newsletter |
1960 |
565 | 4 | Office |
1960 |
565 | 5 | O'Mahoney, Senator Joseph C. |
1960 |
565 | 6 | O'Mahoney, Senator Joseph C. - Bills |
1960 |
565 | 7 | Personal |
1960 |
566 | 1-2 | Personal |
1960 |
566 | 3 | Personal - Birthday |
1960 |
566 | 4 | Personnel |
1960 |
566 | 5 | Photograph Requests |
1960 |
566 | 6 | Press |
1960 |
566 | 7 | Press - Radio and Television |
1960 |
566 | 8-9 | Railroads |
1960 |
567 | 1 | Railroad Legislation |
1960 |
567 | 2 | Recommendations |
1960 |
567 | 3 | Religion |
1960 |
567 | 4 | Resolutions |
1960 |
567 | 5 | Sergeant at Arms |
1960 |
567 | 6 | Speech Comments |
1960 |
567 | 7 | Sundance Radar Installation |
1960 |
567 | 8 | Symington, Senator Stuart |
1960 |
567 | 9-10 | Thanks |
1960 |
568 | 1 | Thomson, Representative Keith |
1960 |
568 | 2 | Thomson, Representative Keith - Bills |
1960 |
568 | 3 | Uranium |
1960 |
568 | 4-8 | Water |
1960 |
568 | 9 | Whitlock, Ira |
1960 |
568 | 10 | Whittemore, Chuck |
1960 |
569 | 1 | Wool |
1960 |
569 | 2 | Wyoming |
1960 |
569 | 3 | Wyoming - Births |
1960 |
569 | 4 | Wyoming - Board of Equalization |
1960 |
569 | 5 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1960 |
569 | 6 | Wyoming - University |
1960 |
569 | 7 | Wyoming Democratic State Central Committee |
1960 |
569 | 8 | Wyoming Office |
1960 |
570 | 1 | Wyoming State Society |
1960 |
570 | 2-5 | Yellowstone Park |
1960 |
570 | 6 | Yellowstone Park - Cody Hearing |
1960 |
570 | 7 | Yellowstone Park - Power |
1960 |
571 | 1 | Africa Trip |
1961 |
571 | 2 | Autographs |
1961 |
571 | 3 | Chamber of Commerce |
1961 |
571 | 4 | Condolences |
1961 |
571 | 5 | Congratulations |
1961 |
571 | 6-7 | Congress |
1961 |
571 | 8 | Congressional Directory |
1961 |
571 | 9 | Congressional Record |
1961 |
572 | 1-3 | Democrats |
1961 |
572 | 4 | Democrats - Young |
1961 |
572 | 5-6 | Education |
1961 |
573 | 1 | Education - Latin America |
1961 |
573 | 2-4 | Employment |
1961 |
573 | 5 | Flexos |
1961 |
573 | 6 | Harrison, William H. - Bills |
1961 |
574 | 1 | Hickey, Senator J.J. |
1961 |
574 | 2-3 | Information Requests |
1961 |
574 | 4-5 | Invitations - Speaking |
1961 |
574 | 6 | Letters of Gratification |
1961 |
574 | 7 | Library of Congress |
1961 |
574 | 8 | Line From Loraine |
1961 |
574 | 9 | Line From Loraine - Fan Mail |
1961 |
574 | 10 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1961 |
575 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 2 | Military Academies - Belin, Harry L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 3 | Military Academies - Bengston, Dick - Alternate West
Point [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 4 | Military Academies - Bosley, S.K. - Principal
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 5 | Military Academies - Burrell, S.C. - Principal
Army [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 6 | Military Academies - Carpenter, R.E. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 7 | Military Academies - Castelano, K.M. - Alternate Air and
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 8 | Military Academies - Clark, J.B. - Principal
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 9 | Military Academies - Colyer, T.J. - Principal
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 10 | Military Academies - Cooper, W.E., Jr. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 11 | Military Academies - Crofts, C.A. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 12 | Military Academies - Emond, R.L. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 13 | Military Academies - Hartwell, T.J. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 14 | Military Academies - High Examination Grades [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 15 | Military Academies - Hilgenfield, R.M. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 16 | Military Academies - Larsen, E.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 17 | Military Academies - Low Examination Grades [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 18 | Military Academies - Miller, Walter N. III - Alternate
Army [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 19 | Military Academies - Murphy, R.K. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 20 | Military Academies - Rininger, T.G. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 21 | Military Academies - Roberts, J.E. - Principal Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 22 | Military Academies - Sawyer, R.E. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 23 | Military Academies - Schilling, Terry -
Principal [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 24 | Military Academies - Terrel, Douglas - Alternate
Army [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 25 | Military Academies - Wallesen, W.W. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 26 | Military Academies - White, I.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
575 | 27 | Military Academies - Worth, R.S. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1961 |
576 | 1 | National Legislative Conference |
1961 |
576 | 2 | News Releases |
1961 |
576 | 3 | Newsletter |
1961 |
576 | 4 | Newsletter Names |
1961 |
576 | 5-7 | Office |
1961 |
576 | 8 | Peace Corps |
1961 |
576 | 9 | Personal |
1961 |
577 | 1-4 | Personal |
1961 |
577 | 5 | Personal - Birthday |
1961 |
577 | 6 | Personnel |
1961 |
578 | 1 | Photograph Requests |
1961 |
578 | 2 | Press |
1961 |
578 | 3 | Press - Magazines |
1961 |
578 | 4 | Press - Newspapers |
1961 |
578 | 5 | Press - Radio |
1961 |
578 | 6 | Press - Television |
1961 |
578 | 7-10 | Publications |
1961 |
579 | 1 | Railroads |
1961 |
579 | 2 | Recommendations |
1961 |
579 | 3 | Roll Call Votes |
1961 |
579 | 4 | Senate Summary |
1961 |
579 | 5 | Sergeant at Arms |
1961 |
579 | 6 | Speech Comments |
1961 |
579 | 7 | Speech Material and Speech Tehran and FDR |
1961 |
579 | 8-10 | Speeches |
1961 |
580 | 1 | Stamps |
1961 |
580 | 2 | Sugar |
1961 |
580 | 3 | Telegrams |
1961 |
580 | 4 | Thanks |
1961 |
580 | 5 | Wool |
1961 |
580 | 6-9 | Wyoming |
1961 |
581 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1961 |
581 | 4 | Wyoming - University |
1961 |
581 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1961 |
581 | 6 | Yellowstone Park |
1961 |
582 | 1 | Autographs |
1962 |
582 | 2 | Chamber of Commerce |
1962 |
582 | 3 | Condolences |
1962 |
582 | 4 | Congratulations |
1962 |
582 | 5-6 | Congress |
1962 |
582 | 7 | Congressional Directory |
1962 |
582 | 8 | Congressional Record |
1962 |
583 | 1 | Cook, Richard K. |
1962 |
583 | 2 | Corregidor - Battaan Memorial |
1962 |
583 | 3-6 | Democrats |
1962 |
584 | 1 | Democrats - Young |
1962 |
584 | 2 | Drake, Lawrence - Economy |
1962 |
584 | 3 | Education |
1962 |
584 | 4-6 | Employment |
1962 |
585 | 1 | Evyan Doll Collection of 100 Years of Great Lady
Fashions |
1962 |
585 | 2 | Flexos |
1962 |
585 | 3 | Harrison, William H. |
1962 |
585 | 4 | Hickey, Senator Joe |
1962 |
585 | 5-8 | Information Requests |
1962 |
585 | 9 | Information - United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) |
1962 |
586 | 1 | Information - United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (Unesco) |
1962 |
586 | 2-3 | Invitations - Speaking |
1962 |
586 | 4 | Library of Congress |
1962 |
586 | 5 | Line From Loraine |
1962 |
586 | 6 | Letters of Gratification |
1962 |
586 | 7 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1962 |
586 | 8 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 2 | Military Academies - Campbell, Douglas - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 3 | Military Academies - Carrol, P.C. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 4 | Military Academies - Christman, R.H. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 5 | Military Academies - Coombs, W.L. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 6 | Military Academies - Cooper, W.E. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 7 | Military Academies - Cunningham, J.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 8 | Military Academies - Davis, J.W. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 9 | Military Academies - Denniston, R.H. - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 10 | Military Academies - Dewey, M.J. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 11 | Military Academies - Francke, E.W. - Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 12 | Military Academies - Garrison, M.L. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 13 | Military Academies - Gaulke, G.J. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 14 | Military Academies - Green, D.E. - Alternate Air
Force[closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 15 | Military Academies - Guerrero, J.V. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 16 | Military Academies - Joslyn, J.K. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 17 | Military Academies - Kildeback, T.C. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 18 | Military Academies - Kinnison, Jon - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 19 | Military Academies - Lacroix III, A.J. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 20 | Military Academies - Logan, F.T. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 21 | Military Academies - Marker, J.T. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 22 | Military Academies - Markley, D.C. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 23 | Military Academies - Michael, E.L. - Second Alternate West
Point [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 24 | Military Academies - Morris, G.A. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 25 | Military Academies - Peasley, F.D. - Third Alternate
West [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 26 | Military Academies - Rinehart, S.C. - Principle West
Point [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 27 | Military Academies - Shaul, R.L. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 28 | Military Academies - Shephard, W.K. - Principle Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 29 | Military Academies - Smith, S.A. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 30 | Military Academies - Stevens, L.O. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 31 | Military Academies - Vehnekamp, W.R. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 32 | Military Academies - Way, R.E. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 33 | Military Academies - Williams, R.B. - First Alternate West
Point [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 34 | Military Academies - Willson, W.G. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
587 | 35 | Military Academies - Wyers, G.C. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1962 |
588 | 1 | News Releases |
1962 |
588 | 2 | Newsletter |
1962 |
588 | 3 | Nuclear Ship Savannah |
1962 |
588 | 4-6 | Office |
1962 |
588 | 7-8 | Personal |
1962 |
589 | 1-5 | Personal |
1962 |
589 | 6 | Personal - Birthday |
1962 |
589 | 7 | Personnel |
1962 |
590 | 1 | Photograph Requests |
1962 |
590 | 2 | Press |
1962 |
590 | 3 | Press - Magazines |
1962 |
590 | 4 | Press - Newspapers |
1962 |
590 | 5 | Press - Radio |
1962 |
590 | 6 | Press - Television |
1962 |
590 | 7-9 | Publications |
1962 |
590 | 10 | Railroads |
1962 |
591 | 1 | Railroads |
1962 |
591 | 2 | Recommendations |
1962 |
591 | 3 | Recommendations - Federal National Mortgage
Association |
1962 |
591 | 4 | Senate Summary |
1962 |
591 | 5 | Sergeant at Arms |
1962 |
591 | 6 | Speech Comments |
1962 |
591 | 7-9 | Speeches |
1962 |
591 | 10 | Stamps |
1962 |
592 | 1 | Sugar |
1962 |
592 | 2 | Thanks |
1962 |
592 | 3 | Time Change |
1962 |
592 | 4 | Wool |
1962 |
592 | 5-7 | Wyoming |
1962 |
593 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1962 |
593 | 4 | Wyoming - University |
1962 |
593 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1962 |
593 | 6 | Yellowstone Park |
1962 |
594 | 1 | Autographs |
1963 |
594 | 2 | Campaign |
1963 |
594 | 3 | Campaign Material |
1963 |
594 | 3a | Campaign Material [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
594 | 4 | Chamber of Commerce |
1963 |
594 | 5 | Condolences |
1963 |
594 | 6 | Congratulations |
1963 |
594 | 7 | Congress |
1963 |
594 | 8 | Congressional Record |
1963 |
594 | 9 | Cook, Richard K. |
1963 |
594 | 10 | Democratic Nations |
1963 |
594 | 11 | Democrats |
1963 |
595 | 1-3 | Democrats |
1963 |
595 | 4 | Democrats - Young |
1963 |
595 | 5 | Education |
1963 |
595 | 6 | Employment [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
595 | 7-8 | Employment |
1963 |
596 | 1 | Employment |
1963 |
596 | 2 | Far East Trip |
1963 |
596 | 3 | Flexos |
1963 |
596 | 4 | Harrison, William H. |
1963 |
596 | 5-8 | Information Requests |
1963 |
597 | 1-2 | Invitations - Speaking |
1963 |
597 | 3 | Kennedy, President John F. - Wyoming Trip |
1963 |
597 | 4 | Letters |
1963 |
597 | 5 | Letters of Gratification |
1963 |
597 | 6 | Library of Congress |
1963 |
597 | 7 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1963 |
598 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 2 | Military Academies - Applications for Merchant Marine
Academy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 3 | Military Academies - Applications for Naval
Academy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 4 | Military Academies - Applications for West
Point [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 5 | Military Academies - Bathurst, R.M. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 6 | Military Academies - Class Entering In 1964 [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 7 | Military Academies - Curtis, C.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 8 | Military Academies - Examinees [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 9 | Military Academies - Freeman, D.H., Jr. - Alternate
Army [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 10 | Military Academies - Geringer, J.E. - Alternate
Army [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 11 | Military Academies - Grove, T.K. - Merchant Marine
Academy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 12 | Military Academies - Halsey, S.E. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 13 | Military Academies - Livengood, M.C. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 14 | Military Academies - Lovelady, D.L. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 15 | Military Academies - Miller, J.A. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 16 | Military Academies - Milligan, C.A. - Army [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 17 | Military Academies - Morgan, R.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 18 | Military Academies - Ozburn, P.H. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 19 | Military Academies - Peixotto, D.E. - Principle
Army [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 20 | Military Academies - Reusser, R.R. - Principle
Army [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 21 | Military Academies - Rodgers, G.D. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 22 | Military Academies - Round, E.L. - Alternate Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 23 | Military Academies - Savage, R.L. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 24 | Military Academies - Sowada, D.F. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 25 | Military Academies - Steadman, J.E. - Principle Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 26 | Military Academies - Stransky, M.J. - Merchant
Marine [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 27 | Military Academies - Toelle, S.A. - Alternate
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 28 | Military Academies - Unsuccessful
Applications [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
598 | 29 | Military Academies - Wasson, G.C. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1963 |
599 | 1 | News Releases |
1963 |
599 | 2-3 | Newsletter |
1963 |
599 | 4 | Newsletter Names |
1963 |
599 | 5 | Nussbaum, Cecil |
1963 |
599 | 6-8 | Nut Letters |
1963 |
600 | 1-4 | Office |
1963 |
600 | 5 | Personal |
1963 |
601 | 1-6 | Personal |
1963 |
602 | 1-5 | Personal |
1963 |
602 | 6 | Personal - Birthday |
1963 |
602 | 7 | Personal - Birthdays |
1963 |
603 | 1 | Personal - Christmas Card Ideas |
1963 |
603 | 2 | Personal - Get Well Wishes |
1963 |
603 | 3 | Personal - James Webb Luncheon |
1963 |
603 | 4 | Personal - Wyoming Press Reception |
1963 |
603 | 4 | Personal - Wyoming Press Reception |
1963 |
603 | 5 | Personnel |
1963 |
603 | 6 | Photograph Requests |
1963 |
603 | 7 | Press |
1963 |
603 | 8 | Press - Magazines |
1963 |
603 | 9 | Press - Newspapers |
1963 |
603 | 10 | Press - Radio |
1963 |
603 | 11 | Press - Radio Speech - John Birch Society |
1963 |
604 | 1 | Press - Radio Speech - John Birch Society |
1963 |
604 | 2 | Press - Television |
1963 |
604 | 3 | Press Releases |
1963 |
604 | 4-5 | Publications |
1963 |
605 | 1-2 | Railroads |
1963 |
605 | 3 | Recommendations |
1963 |
605 | 4 | Senate Summary |
1963 |
605 | 5 | Sergeant at Arms |
1963 |
605 | 6 | Simpson, Senator Milward |
1963 |
605 | 7 | Simpson, Senator Milward - Congressional
Record |
1963 |
606 | 1 | Speech Comments |
1963 |
606 | 2 | Speech Material |
1963 |
606 | 3-5 | Speeches |
1963 |
606 | 6 | Sugar |
1963 |
607 | 1-2 | Thanks |
1963 |
607 | 3 | United States National Commission for United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
1963 |
607 | 4-6 | Wool |
1963 |
608 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1963 |
609 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1963 |
610 | 1 | Wyoming |
1963 |
610 | 2 | Wyoming - Morris, Esther |
1963 |
610 | 3 | Wyoming - University |
1963 |
610 | 4 | Wyoming - Western Instrument Corporation |
1963 |
610 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1963 |
610 | 6 | Yellowstone Park |
1963 |
611 | 1 | Absentee Voters |
1964 |
611 | 2 | Autographs |
1964 |
611 | 3-6 | Campaign |
1964 |
611 | 7 | Campaign - Kinney, I. Wayne |
1964 |
611 | 7a-7b | Campaign - Kinney, I. Wayne [closed until 2025] |
1964 |
611 | 8 | Campaign - Wold, John |
1964 |
612 | 1-2 | Campaign Congratulations |
1964 |
612 | 3 | Chamber of Commerce |
1964 |
612 | 4 | "Cheyenne Autumn," |
1964 |
612 | 5 | Chicago - University Intern Programs |
1964 |
612 | 6 | Condolences |
1964 |
612 | 7 | Congratulations |
1964 |
612 | 8 | Congratulations - Girl and Boy Staters |
1964 |
612 | 9 | Congress |
1964 |
613 | 1 | Congressional Record |
1964 |
613 | 2 | Cook, Richard K. |
1964 |
613 | 3-5 | Democrats |
1964 |
613 | 6 | Democrats - Young |
1964 |
613 | 7 | Education |
1964 |
614 | 1 | Education |
1964 |
614 | 2 | Election |
1964 |
614 | 3-4 | Election Congratulations |
1964 |
614 | 5-6 | Employment |
1964 |
615 | 1-3 | Employment |
1964 |
615 | 4 | Employment - Adams, Bob |
1964 |
615 | 5 | Flexos |
1964 |
615 | 6 | Harrison, William H. |
1964 |
615 | 7 | Information |
1964 |
616 | 1-2 | Information Requests |
1964 |
616 | 3-4 | Invitations - Speaking |
1964 |
616 | 5 | Johnson, Lady Bird - Land and People Trip Press
Kit |
1964 |
616 | 6 | Johnson, Lady Bird - Reception |
1964 |
616 | 7 | Letters of Gratification |
1964 |
617 | 1 | Library of Congress |
1964 |
617 | 2 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1964 |
617 | 3-4 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1964 |
617 | 5 | Military Academies - Air Force Applications [closed until 2025] |
1964 |
617 | 6 | Military Academies - Applicants [closed until 2025] |
1964 |
617 | 7 | News Releases |
1964 |
617 | 8-9 | Newsletter |
1964 |
618 | 1 | Nussbaum, Cecil |
1964 |
618 | 2-5 | Office |
1964 |
619 | 1-3 | Office |
1964 |
619 | 4 | O'Neil, Phillip F. |
1964 |
619 | 5-7 | Personal |
1964 |
620 | 1-6 | Personal |
1964 |
621 | 1-3 | Personal |
1964 |
621 | 4 | Personal - Birthday |
1964 |
621 | 5 | Personal - Birthdays |
1964 |
621 | 6 | Personal - Christmas Card Ideas |
1964 |
621 | 7 | Personal - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary |
1964 |
622 | 1 | Personnel |
1964 |
622 | 2-3 | Photograph Requests |
1964 |
622 | 4 | Press |
1964 |
622 | 5 | Press - Magazines |
1964 |
622 | 6 | Press - Newspapers |
1964 |
622 | 7 | Press - Radio |
1964 |
622 | 8 | Press - Television |
1964 |
622 | 9-10 | Publications |
1964 |
623 | 1 | Publications |
1964 |
623 | 2 | Railroads |
1964 |
623 | 3 | Recommendations |
1964 |
623 | 4 | Republican Platform |
1964 |
623 | 5-6 | Right Wing |
1964 |
624 | 1 | Senate Summary |
1964 |
624 | 2 | Sergeant at Arms |
1964 |
624 | 3 | Simpson, Senator Milward |
1964 |
624 | 4 | Simpson, Senator Milward - Congressional
Record |
1964 |
624 | 5 | Speech Comments |
1964 |
624 | 6-7 | Speeches |
1964 |
624 | 8 | Sugar |
1964 |
624 | 9-10 | Thanks |
1964 |
625 | 1 | Thanks |
1964 |
625 | 2 | Thanks - Campaign |
1964 |
625 | 3 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (Unesco) |
1964 |
625 | 4 | Wool |
1964 |
625 | 5-6 | Wyoming |
1964 |
626 | 1-6 | Wyoming |
1964 |
627 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1964 |
627 | 4 | Wyoming - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation
Service |
1964 |
627 | 5 | Wyoming - Industry Book |
1964 |
627 | 6 | Wyoming - Recreational Resources |
1964 |
627 | 7 | Wyoming - "The Spokesman," |
1964 |
627 | 8 | Wyoming - University |
1964 |
627 | 9 | Wyoming Office |
1964 |
627 | 10 | Yellowstone Park |
1964 |
628 | 1 | Autographs |
1965 |
628 | 2 | Chamber Of Commerce |
1965 |
628 | 3 | Condolences |
1965 |
628 | 4-5 | Congratulations |
1965 |
628 | 6-7 | Congress |
1965 |
628 | 8 | Congressional Record |
1965 |
628 | 9 | Cook, Richard K. |
1965 |
628 | 10 | Corregidor - Bataan Memorial Commission |
1965 |
628 | 11 | Democrats |
1965 |
629 | 1-2 | Democrats |
1965 |
629 | 3 | Democrats - Campaign |
1965 |
629 | 4 | Democrats - Young |
1965 |
629 | 5-8 | Education |
1965 |
630 | 1-7 | Employment |
1965 |
630 | 8 | Flexos |
1965 |
631 | 1 | Information Requests |
1965 |
631 | 2 | Intern Essay Entries |
1965 |
631 | 3 | Internships |
1965 |
631 | 4-5 | Invitations - Speaking |
1965 |
631 | 6 | Letters of Gratification |
1965 |
631 | 7 | Library of Congress |
1965 |
632 | 1-2 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 3 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 4 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 5 | Military Academies - Atwood, D.L. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 6 | Military Academies - Brier III, W.W. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 7 | Military Academies - Brost, T.L. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 8 | Military Academies - Cloyd, R.R. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 9 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 10 | Military Academies - Everett, A.R. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 11 | Military Academies - Fitzpatrick, F.J. - Third
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 12 | Military Academies - Fox, D.E. - First
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 13 | Military Academies - Funderburke, C.R. - First
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 14 | Military Academies - Grant, JR., J.W. – Second
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 15 | Military Academies - Hansen, R.R. - First
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 16 | Military Academies - Hutt, C.R. - Principle
Army [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 17 | Military Academies - Iverson, C.T. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 18 | Military Academies - Johnston, P.S. - Principle
Navy [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 19 | Military Academies - Kimple, L.A. - Fourth
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 20 | Military Academies - Kirby, D.D. - Principle
Army [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 21 | Military Academies - Lockhart, C.B. - Second
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 22 | Military Academies - Lowe, T.R. - Principle Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 23 | Military Academies - Mathewson, J.D. - Principle Air
Force [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 24 | Military Academies - Maxwell, T.D. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 25 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 26 | Military Academies - Nunley III, J.F. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 27 | Military Academies - Rasmussen, S.C. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 28 | Military Academies - Scriven, D.H. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 29 | Military Academies - Shafe, M.A. - Second
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 30 | Military Academies - Shook, S.V. - Fourth
Alternate [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 31 | Military Academies - Shurter, F.W. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 32 | Military Academies - Smith, P.F. - Principle
Army [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 33 | Military Academies - Suntych, N.L. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 34 | Military Academies - Triggs, R.E. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 35 | Military Academies - True, R.H. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
632 | 36 | Military Academies - Workman, W.G. [closed until 2025] |
1965 |
633 | 1 | News Releases |
1965 |
633 | 2 | Newsletter |
1965 |
633 | 3 | Nussbaum, Cecil |
1965 |
633 | 4-7 | Office |
1965 |
634 | 1-4 | Personal |
1965 |
635 | 1-4 | Personal |
1965 |
636 | 1 | Personal - Birthday |
1965 |
636 | 2 | Personal - Birthdays |
1965 |
636 | 3 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1965 |
636 | 4-6 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1965 |
636 | 7 | Personal - Inauguration |
1965 |
636 | 8 | Personnel |
1965 |
637 | 1-2 | Photograph Requests |
1965 |
637 | 3 | Press |
1965 |
637 | 4 | Press - Magazines |
1965 |
637 | 5 | Press - Newspapers |
1965 |
637 | 6 | Press - Radio |
1965 |
637 | 7 | Press - Television |
1965 |
638 | 1-6 | Publications |
1965 |
639 | 1 | Publications |
1965 |
639 | 2 | Railroads |
1965 |
639 | 3-4 | Railroads - Public Law 88-108, Award 282 |
1965 |
639 | 5-6 | Recommendations |
1965 |
639 | 7 | Right Wing |
1965 |
640 | 1 | Right Wing |
1965 |
640 | 2 | Roncalio, Congressman Teno |
1965 |
639 | 3 | Sergeant at Arms |
1965 |
639 | 4-5 | Simpson, Senator Milward |
1965 |
639 | 6 | Speech Comments |
1965 |
639 | 7 | Speech Comments - Against Mcgee's Vietnam
Stance |
1965 |
641 | 1-5 | Speech Comments - Against Mcgee's Vietnam
Stance |
1965 |
642 | 1-2 | Speech Comments - For Mcgee's Vietnam Stance |
1965 |
642 | 3 | Speech Comments - John Birch Society |
1965 |
642 | 4-6 | Speeches |
1965 |
643 | 1 | Speeches |
1965 |
643 | 2 | Speeches - Water |
1965 |
643 | 3-6 | Thanks |
1965 |
644 | 1 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (Unesco) |
1965 |
644 | 2 | University of Chicago Interns |
1965 |
644 | 3-6 | Wyoming |
1965 |
645 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1965 |
645 | 4 | Wyoming - Reports |
1965 |
645 | 5 | Wyoming - Reports - Crop and Livestock Reporting
Service |
1965 |
645 | 6 | Wyoming - Reports - Diseases |
1965 |
646 | 1-2 | Wyoming - Reports - Employment Security
Activities |
1965 |
646 | 3 | Wyoming - Reports - Highway Department |
1965 |
646 | 4 | Wyoming - University |
1965 |
646 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1965 |
647 | 1 | Autographs |
1966 |
647 | 2-3 | Campaign - Democrats |
1966 |
647 | 4 | Campaign - Republicans |
1966 |
647 | 5 | Chamber of Commerce |
1966 |
647 | 6 | Condolences |
1966 |
647 | 7 | Congratulations |
1966 |
647 | 8 | Congress |
1966 |
648 | 1 | Congress - Dodd Development |
1966 |
648 | 2 | Congressional Record |
1966 |
648 | 3 | Cook, Richard K. |
1966 |
648 | 4 | Corregidor - Bataan Memorial Commission |
1966 |
648 | 5-6 | Democrats |
1966 |
648 | 7 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1966 |
648 | 8 | Democrats - Young |
1966 |
648 | 9-10 | Education |
1966 |
649 | 1-5 | Education |
1966 |
649 | 6 | Education - Debate Topic Requests |
1966 |
650 | 1 | Education - Moore, Omar Khayyam |
1966 |
650 | 2 | Education - National Science Foundation |
1966 |
650 | 3-6 | Employment |
1966 |
651 | 1 | Employment |
1966 |
651 | 2 | Employment - Summer |
1966 |
651 | 3 | Information Requests - In State |
1966 |
651 | 4 | Information Requests - Out of State – (10% Random
Sample) |
1966 |
651 | 5 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1966 |
651 | 6 | Intern Essay Entries |
1966 |
651 | 7 | Internships |
1966 |
651 | 8-9 | Invitations - Speaking |
1966 |
652 | 1-3 | Invitations - Speaking |
1966 |
652 | 4 | Letters of Gratification |
1966 |
652 | 5 | Library of Congress |
1966 |
652 | 6 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1966 |
652 | 7 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 2 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 3 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 4 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 5 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
653 | 6 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1966 |
654 | 1 | News Releases |
1966 |
654 | 2-3 | Newsletter |
1966 |
654 | 4 | Nussbaum, Cecil |
1966 |
654 | 5-7 | Office |
1966 |
654 | 8 | Personal |
1966 |
655 | 1-6 | Personal |
1966 |
656 | 1-2 | Personal - Birthday |
1966 |
656 | 3 | Personal - Birthdays |
1966 |
656 | 4-5 | Personal - Father's Death |
1966 |
656 | 6 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1966 |
656 | 7 | Personal - Graduation Certificate Letters |
1966 |
656 | 8 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1966 |
656 | 9 | Personal - Wyoming Trip Memos |
1966 |
656 | 10 | Personnel |
1966 |
657 | 1 | Photograph Request |
1966 |
657 | 2 | Press |
1966 |
657 | 3-4 | Press - Magazines |
1966 |
657 | 5 | Press - Newspapers |
1966 |
657 | 6 | Press - Radio |
1966 |
657 | 7 | Press - Television |
1966 |
657 | 8 | Press - Television - "The Eagle and the
Dragon," |
1966 |
658 | 1-3 | Publications |
1966 |
658 | 4-5 | Railroads |
1966 |
659 | 1 | Railroads |
1966 |
659 | 2 | Railroads - Public Law 88-108 - Award 282 |
1966 |
659 | 3 | Railroads - Trains 29 And 30 |
1966 |
659 | 4-6 | Recommendations |
1966 |
659 | 7 | Right Wing |
1966 |
660 | 1-2 | Right Wing |
1966 |
660 | 3 | Right Wing Article |
1966 |
660 | 4 | Roncalio, Teno |
1966 |
661 | 1 | Sergeant at Arms |
1966 |
661 | 2 | Simpson, Senator Milward |
1966 |
661 | 3 | Speech Comments |
1966 |
661 | 4 | Speech Comments - John Birch Society - Con |
1966 |
661 | 5 | Speech Comments - John Birch Society - Pro |
1966 |
661 | 6 | Speech Comments - Vietnam - Con Mcgee |
1966 |
661 | 7 | Speech Comments - Vietnam - Pro Mcgee |
1966 |
661 | 8 | Speech Comments - Right of Dissent |
1966 |
661 | 9-10 | 1966 | |
662 | 1 | Sugar |
1966 |
662 | 2-4 | Thanks |
1966 |
662 | 5 | Warren Air Force Base |
1966 |
662 | 6 | Wool |
1966 |
662 | 7 | Wyoming |
1966 |
663 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1966 |
664 | 1-2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1966 |
664 | 3-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1966 |
665 | 1 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1966 |
665 | 2 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1966 |
665 | 3-4 | Wyoming - University |
1966 |
665 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1966 |
665 | 6 | Yellowstone Park |
1966 |
666 | 1 | Autographs |
1967 |
666 | 2 | Chambers of Commerce |
1967 |
666 | 3 | Condolences |
1967 |
666 | 4 | Congratulations |
1967 |
666 | 5-6 | Congress |
1967 |
667 | 1 | Congress - Constitutional Convention |
1967 |
667 | 2 | Congress - Federal Expenditures |
1967 |
667 | 3 | Congressional Record |
1967 |
667 | 4 | Cook, Richard K. |
1967 |
667 | 5 | Democrats |
1967 |
667 | 6 | Democrats - Senatorial Campaign Committee |
1967 |
667 | 7 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1967 |
667 | 8 | Democrats - Young |
1967 |
667 | 9 | Education |
1967 |
668 | 1-4 | Education |
1967 |
668 | 5 | Education - Debate |
1967 |
669 | 1 | Education - National Science Foundation |
1967 |
669 | 2 | Education - Title I Funds |
1967 |
669 | 3-5 | Employment |
1967 |
670 | 1 | Employment - Summer |
1967 |
670 | 2-3 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. |
1967 |
670 | 4 | Harrison, William H. |
1967 |
670 | 5-6 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1967 |
671 | 1 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1967 |
671 | 2 | Intern - India - Nair, Dr. Perry |
1967 |
671 | 3-5 | Internship Applications |
1967 |
671 | 6 | Invitations |
1967 |
672 | 1 | Invitations - Speaking |
1967 |
672 | 2 | Letters of Gratification |
1967 |
672 | 3 | Library of Congress |
1967 |
672 | 4 | Miles, Dudley D. |
1967 |
672 | 5 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 5a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 6 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 6a-6b | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 7 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 7a | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 8 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 8a | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 9 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
672 | 9a | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1967 |
673 | 1 | Newsletter |
1967 |
673 | 2 | Nussbaum, Cecil |
1967 |
673 | 3-5 | Office |
1967 |
673 | 6 | Oil |
1967 |
674 | 1 | Oil |
1967 |
674 | 2-5 | Personal |
1967 |
675 | 1-5 | Personal |
1967 |
676 | 1 | Personal - Birthday |
1967 |
676 | 2 | Personal - Birthdays |
1967 |
676 | 3 | Personal - China Film |
1967 |
676 | 4 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1967 |
676 | 5 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1967 |
676 | 6 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1967 |
676 | 7 | Personal - Senate Stew |
1967 |
676 | 8 | Personal - Wyoming Seminars |
1967 |
676 | 9 | Personnel |
1967 |
677 | 1 | Photograph Requests |
1967 |
677 | 2 | Press |
1967 |
677 | 3 | Press - Magazines |
1967 |
677 | 4 | Press - Newspapers |
1967 |
677 | 5 | Press - Radio |
1967 |
677 | 6-7 | Press - Television |
1967 |
678 | 1 | Press - Television - "Face to Face" Debate |
1967 |
678 | 2-4 | Publications |
1967 |
678 | 5 | Railroads |
1967 |
679 | 1-2 | Railroads |
1967 |
679 | 3 | Railroads - Discontinuance of Routes |
1967 |
679 | 4 | Railroads - Strike |
1967 |
680 | 1-2 | Recommendations |
1967 |
680 | 3 | Recommendations - Federal Farm Credit Board |
1967 |
680 | 4-5 | Right Wing |
1967 |
681 | 1 | Right Wing |
1967 |
681 | 2 | Senate Seminar Coffees |
1967 |
681 | 3 | Sergeant at Arms |
1967 |
681 | 4 | Speech Comments |
1967 |
681 | 5 | Speech Comments - Wool |
1967 |
681 | 6 | Speech Drafts |
1967 |
681 | 7 | Speech Possibilities |
1967 |
681 | 8 | Speeches |
1967 |
682 | 1 | Speeches |
1967 |
682 | 2 | Sugar |
1967 |
682 | 3-4 | Thanks |
1967 |
682 | 5 | Warren Air Force Base |
1967 |
682 | 6 | Wool |
1967 |
682 | 7 | Wyoming |
1967 |
683 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1967 |
684 | 1-3 | Wyoming |
1967 |
684 | 4-5 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1967 |
684 | 6 | Wyoming - Economic Education Council |
1967 |
685 | 1-3 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1967 |
685 | 4 | Wyoming - Farmers Home Administration
Attorney |
1967 |
685 | 5 | Wyoming - Federal Housing Administration |
1967 |
685 | 6 | Wyoming - Federal Housing Administration Assistant
Director |
1967 |
685 | 7 | Wyoming - Highway Commission |
1967 |
686 | 1 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1967 |
686 | 2 | Wyoming - Old South Pass Historical Preserve |
1967 |
686 | 3-4 | Wyoming - University |
1967 |
686 | 5 | Wyoming Office |
1967 |
686 | 6 | Yellowstone Park |
1967 |
687 | 1 | Autographs |
1968 |
687 | 2 | Chamber of Commerce |
1968 |
687 | 3 | Condolences |
1968 |
687 | 4 | Condolences - Get Well |
1968 |
687 | 5-6 | Congratulations |
1968 |
687 | 7 | Congress |
1968 |
687 | 8 | Congress - District of Colombia |
1968 |
687 | 9 | Congress - Electoral College Reform |
1968 |
687 | 10 | Congress - Federal Expenditures |
1968 |
688 | 1 | Congressional Record |
1968 |
688 | 2 | Cook, Richard K. |
1968 |
688 | 3 | Corregidor - Bataan Memorial |
1968 |
688 | 4 | Democratic Convention Reaction |
1967 |
688 | 5 | Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee |
1968 |
688 | 6 | Democrats |
1968 |
688 | 7 | Democrats - Rawlins |
1968 |
688 | 8 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1968 |
688 | 9 | Democrats - Wyoming |
1968 |
688 | 10 | Education |
1968 |
689 | 1-4 | Education |
1968 |
690 | 1 | Education |
1968 |
690 | 2 | Education - Debate |
1968 |
690 | 3-5 | Election |
1968 |
690 | 6 | Election - Nixon, Richard M. |
1968 |
690 | 7 | Employment |
1968 |
691 | 1 | Employment |
1968 |
691 | 2 | Employment - Summer |
1968 |
691 | 3 | Employment - United States Marshall |
1968 |
691 | 4 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. |
1968 |
691 | 5 | Harrison, William H. |
1968 |
691 | 6-7 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1968 |
691 | 8-9 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1968 |
692 | 1 | Internships |
1968 |
692 | 2-5 | Invitations - Speaking |
1968 |
692 | 3 | Kennedy, Robert F. - Assassination |
1968 |
692 | 4 | Library of Congress |
1968 |
693 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1968 |
693 | 2 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1968 |
693 | 3 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1968 |
693 | 4 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1968 |
693 | 5-6 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1968 |
694 | 1 | Newsletter |
1968 |
694 | 2-6 | Office |
1968 |
695 | 1 | Office - Chamber of Commerce |
1968 |
695 | 2 | Office - Flag Requests |
1968 |
695 | 3 | Office - Reports From Hoffman, Frank |
1968 |
695 | 4-5 | Office - Reports From Vice President |
1968 |
695 | 6 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1968 |
695 | 7-8 | Oil |
1968 |
695 | 9 | Personal |
1968 |
696 | 1-3 | Personal |
1968 |
696 | 4 | Personal - Advisory Committee - William R. Hearst Senate
Youth Program |
1968 |
696 | 5 | Personal - Birthday |
1968 |
696 | 6 | Personal - Birthdays |
1968 |
696 | 7 | Personal - Book |
1968 |
697 | 1 | Personal - Book |
1968 |
697 | 2 | Personal - Campaign of 1970 |
1968 |
697 | 3 | Personal - Christmas |
1968 |
697 | 4 | Personal - Council on Foreign Relations |
1968 |
697 | 5-6 | Personal - for Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1968 |
698 | 1-2 | Personal - for Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1968 |
698 | 3 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1968 |
698 | 4 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1968 |
698 | 5 | Personal - License Plates |
1968 |
698 | 6 | Personal - Memos |
1968 |
698 | 7 | Personal - People to People |
1968 |
698 | 8 | Personal - Wayne State College |
1968 |
698 | 9 | Personnel |
1968 |
698 | 10 | Personnel - Miles, Dudley D. |
1968 |
698 | 11 | Personnel - Nussbaum, Cecil R. |
1968 |
699 | 1 | Photograph Requests |
1968 |
699 | 2 | Press |
1968 |
699 | 3-4 | Press - Magazines |
1968 |
699 | 5 | Press - Newspapers |
1968 |
699 | 6 | Press - Newspapers - Allen, Robert S. |
1968 |
700 | 1 | Press - Radio |
1968 |
700 | 2 | Press - Radio - United Church of Christ |
1968 |
700 | 3-5 | Press - Television |
1968 |
700 | 6 | Press - Television - Against Mcgee Re: NBC
Program |
1968 |
700 | 7 | Press - Television - For Mcgee Re: NBC
Program |
1968 |
700 | 8 | Press - Television - Rusk, Dean |
1968 |
700 | 9 | Press - Television - "Today Show" Re:
Convention |
1968 |
701 | 1-4 | Publications |
1968 |
701 | 5 | Railroads |
1968 |
702 | 1 | Recommendations |
1968 |
702 | 2-3 | Right Wing |
1968 |
702 | 4 | Senate Seminar Coffees |
1968 |
702 | 5 | Speech Comments |
1968 |
702 | 6 | Speech Comments - Elections |
1968 |
702 | 7 | Speeches |
1968 |
703 | 1 | Speeches |
1968 |
703 | 2 | Speeches - Mcgee |
1968 |
703 | 3 | Speeches - Senate |
1968 |
703 | 4 | Sugar |
1968 |
703 | 5-6 | Thanks |
1968 |
704 | 1-2 | Thanks |
1968 |
704 | 3 | Thanks - Christmas |
1968 |
704 | 4-5 | Trade |
1968 |
704 | 6 | Warren Air Force Base |
1968 |
704 | 7 | Wool |
1968 |
705 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1968 |
706 | 1-2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1968 |
706 | 4-6 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1968 |
707 | 1 | Wyoming - Highway Commission |
1968 |
707 | 2 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1968 |
707 | 3 | Wyoming - Public Roads |
1968 |
707 | 4-6 | Wyoming - University |
1968 |
707 | 7 | Wyoming Natural Resource Board |
1968 |
707 | 8 | Wyoming Office |
1968 |
707 | 9 | Wyoming Water Resources Research Institute |
1968 |
707 | 10 | Yellowstone Park |
1968 |
708 | 1 | Autographs |
1968 |
708 | 2 | Birthdays |
1968 |
708 | 3 | Chamber of Commerce |
1968 |
708 | 4 | Condolences |
1968 |
708 | 5 | Condolences - Get Well |
1968 |
708 | 6 | Congratulations |
1968 |
708 | 7 | Congratulations - Announcements |
1968 |
708 | 8 | Congress |
1968 |
709 | 1 | Congress - District of Columbia |
1969 |
709 | 2 | Congress - Federal Expenditures |
1969 |
709 | 3 | Congress - Pay Raises |
1969 |
709 | 4 | Congressional Record |
1969 |
709 | 5-6 | Democrats |
1969 |
709 | 7 | Democrats - Senatorial Campaign Committee |
1969 |
710 | 1 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1969 |
710 | 2 | Democrats - Wyoming |
1969 |
710 | 3 | Employment |
1969 |
710 | 4 | Employment - Summer |
1969 |
710 | 5 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. |
1969 |
710 | 6 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1969 |
711 | 1-2 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1969 |
711 | 3-4 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1969 |
711 | 5 | Intern Application Letter |
1969 |
711 | 6 | Interns |
1969 |
712 | 1-4 | Invitations - Speaking |
1969 |
712 | 5 | Library of Congress |
1969 |
713 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 1a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 2 | Military Academies - 1971 [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 3 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 4 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 5 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 6 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
713 | 7 | Newsletter |
1969 |
713 | 8 | Newsletter - Changes After Print-Out |
1969 |
713 | 9 | Nixon, Richard M. - Inauguration |
1969 |
713 | 10-11 | Office |
1969 |
714 | 1-5 | Office |
1969 |
715 | 1 | Office |
1969 |
715 | 2 | Office - Flag Requests |
1969 |
715 | 3 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1969 |
715 | 4-6 | Personal |
1969 |
716 | 1-3 | Personal |
1969 |
716 | 4-5 | Personal - Brookings Institution |
1969 |
716 | 6 | Personal - Christmas Card Ideas |
1969 |
717 | 1 | Personal - Christmas Card Ideas |
1969 |
717 | 2 | Personal - Ditchley Foundation |
1969 |
717 | 3-4 | Personal - For Your Information And Contribution
Requests |
1969 |
717 | 5-6 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1969 |
717 | 7 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1969 |
718 | 1 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1969 |
718 | 2 | Personal - License Plates |
1969 |
718 | 3 | Personal - Memos |
1969 |
718 | 4 | Personal - Oral History Project - Johnson, Lyndon
B. |
1969 |
718 | 5 | Personal - Overseas Development Council |
1969 |
718 | 6 | Personal - People to People |
1969 |
718 | 7 | Personal - Politics |
1969 |
718 | 8 | Personal - Recipes |
1969 |
718 | 9-10 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday |
1969 |
719 | 1 | Personal - Simpson, Milward L. Professorship |
1969 |
719 | 2 | Personal - Wayne State |
1969 |
719 | 3 | Personnel |
1969 |
719 | 4 | Photograph Requests |
1969 |
719 | 5 | Press |
1969 |
719 | 6-7 | Press - Magazines |
1969 |
720 | 1 | Press - Magazines - American Legion Article |
1969 |
720 | 2 | Press - Newspapers |
1969 |
720 | 3 | Press - Newspapers - Allen, Robert S. |
1969 |
720 | 4 | Press - Radio |
1969 |
720 | 5 | Press - Television |
1969 |
720 | 6 | Press - Television - Dick Cavett Show |
1969 |
720 | 7 | Publication Requests |
1969 |
721 | 1 | Publication Requests |
1969 |
721 | 2-5 | Publications |
1969 |
722 | 1 | Publications |
1969 |
722 | 2 | Radical |
1969 |
722 | 2a | Radical [closed until 2025] |
1969 |
722 | 3] | Radical |
1969 |
722 | 4 | Railroads |
1969 |
722 | 5 | Recommendations |
1969 |
723 | 1 | Speech Comments |
1969 |
723 | 2-3 | Speeches |
1969 |
723 | 4-5 | Thanks |
1969 |
724 | 1-3 | Thanks |
1969 |
724 | 4 | Thanks - Christmas |
1969 |
724 | 5 | Thanks - to Those Leaving After Nixon |
1969 |
724 | 6 | Trade |
1969 |
725 | 1 | Trade |
1969 |
725 | 2 | Wold, John S. |
1969 |
725 | 3 | Wool |
1969 |
725 | 4-7 | Wyoming |
1969 |
726 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1969 |
727 | 1 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1969 |
727 | 2-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1969 |
728 | 1 | Wyoming - Fagan Office |
1969 |
728 | 2 | Wyoming - Federation of Rocky Mountain States |
1969 |
728 | 3 | Wyoming - Game and Fish Commission |
1969 |
728 | 4 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1969 |
728 | 5 | Wyoming - Newcomers' Coffee Seminars |
1969 |
728 | 6 | Wyoming - Public Health |
1969 |
728 | 7 | Wyoming - State Legislature |
1969 |
728 | 8 | Wyoming - Trip Memos |
1969 |
728 | 9 | 1969 | |
728 | 10 | 1969 | |
728 | 11 | Wyoming Office |
1969 |
729 | 1 | Autographs |
1970 |
729 | 2 | Birthdays |
1970 |
729 | 3-4 | Campaign |
1970 |
729 | 5 | Campaign - Advertisements |
1970 |
729 | 6 | Campaign - Brown, Richard (Dick) |
1970 |
729 | 7-8 | Campaign - Congratulations - Out of State |
1970 |
730 | 1 | Campaign - Congratulations - Wyoming |
1970 |
730 | 2 | Campaign - Contributions |
1970 |
730 | 3 | Campaign - Endorsements |
1970 |
730 | 4 | Campaign - Expenses |
1970 |
730 | 5 | Campaign - First National Bank |
1970 |
730 | 6 | Campaign - Fund Raising Groups |
1970 |
730 | 7 | Campaign - Fund Raising Ideas |
1970 |
730 | 8 | Campaign - Issues |
1970 |
730 | 9 | Campaign - Labor |
1970 |
730 | 10 | Campaign - Media |
1970 |
730 | 11 | Campaign - Opposition |
1970 |
730 | 12 | Campaign - Press |
1970 |
730 | 13 | Campaign - Primary |
1970 |
731 | 1 | Campaign - Speech Material |
1970 |
731 | 2 | Campaign - Svilar, D.P. "Mike," |
1970 |
731 | 3 | Campaign - Thanks |
1970 |
731 | 4 | Campaign - Volunteers |
1970 |
731 | 5 | Campaign - Wold, John S. |
1970 |
731 | 6 | Condolences |
1970 |
731 | 7 | Condolences - Get Well |
1970 |
731 | 8 | Congratulations |
1970 |
731 | 9 | Congratulations - Announcements |
1970 |
732 | 1 | Congress |
1970 |
732 | 2 | Congress - District of Columbia |
1970 |
732 | 3 | Congress - Federal Expenditures |
1970 |
732 | 4 | Congressional Record |
1970 |
732 | 5 | Congressional Reform |
1970 |
732 | 6-7 | Democrats |
1970 |
732 | 8 | Democrats - Senatorial Campaign Committee |
1970 |
732 | 9 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1970 |
733 | 1 | Democrats - Wyoming |
1970 |
733 | 2-3 | Employment |
1970 |
733 | 4 | Employment - Summer |
1970 |
733 | 5 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. |
1970 |
733 | 6 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. - Press Clips |
1970 |
733 | 7-9 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1970 |
734 | 1-2 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1970 |
734 | 3 | Intern Letter for 1971 |
1970 |
734 | 4 | Interns |
1970 |
734 | 5-7 | Invitations - Speaking |
1970 |
735 | 1 | Library of Congress |
1970 |
735 | 2 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 2a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 3 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 3a | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 4 | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 4a | Military Academies - Army [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 5 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 5a | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 6 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
735 | 6a | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
736 | 1 | Newsletter |
1970 |
736 | 2-5 | Office |
1970 |
737 | 1 | Office - Flag Requests |
1970 |
737 | 2 | Office - Invitations |
1970 |
737 | 3 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1970 |
737 | 4 | Office - White House Tours |
1970 |
737 | 5-8 | Personal |
1970 |
738 | 1 | Personal |
1970 |
738 | 2 | Personal - American Committee for Assistance to
Tunisia |
1970 |
738 | 3-4 | Personal - Brookings Institution |
1970 |
738 | 5 | Personal - Christmas Card Ideas |
1970 |
738 | 6 | Personal - Christmas Thanks |
1970 |
738 | 7 | Personal - Common Cause |
1970 |
738 | 8 | Personal - For Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1970 |
739 | 1 | Personal - for Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1970 |
739 | 2 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1970 |
739 | 3 | Personal - Graduation Lists |
1970 |
739 | 4-5 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1970 |
740 | 1 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1970 |
740 | 2 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1970 |
740 | 3 | Personal - Holt Committee |
1970 |
740 | 4 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1970 |
740 | 5-6 | Personal - Members of Congress for Peace Through
Law |
1970 |
740 | 7 | Personal - Memos |
1970 |
740 | 8 | Personal - People to People |
1970 |
740 | 9 | Personal - Overseas Development Council |
1970 |
740 | 10 | Personal - Recipes |
1970 |
740 | 11 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday |
1970 |
741 | 1 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthdays |
1970 |
741 | 2 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Luncheon |
1970 |
741 | 3 | Personal - Simpson, Milward L. Professorship |
1970 |
741 | 4 | Personal - Trip - Funeral of Prime Minister Bjarni
Benediktsson of Iceland |
1970 |
741 | 5 | Personal - Trip Memos |
1970 |
741 | 6 | Personal - Valedictorians and Salutatorians |
1970 |
741 | 7 | Personal - Wayne State |
1970 |
741 | 8 | Personal - Zodiac Birthday Party |
1970 |
741 | 9 | Personnel |
1970 |
741 | 10 | Photograph Requests |
1970 |
741 | 11 | Press |
1970 |
742 | 1-2 | Press - Magazines |
1970 |
742 | 3 | Press - Newspapers |
1970 |
742 | 4 | Press - Newspapers - Allen, Robert S. |
1970 |
742 | 5 | Press - Radio |
1970 |
742 | 6 | Press - Television |
1970 |
742 | 7 | Publication Requests |
1970 |
743 | 1 | Publication Requests |
1970 |
743 | 2-4 | Publications |
1970 |
744 | 1-3 | Radical |
1970 |
744 | 3a | Radical [closed until 2025] |
1970 |
744 | 4 | Radical - Left |
1970 |
744 | 5 | Radical - Right |
1970 |
744 | 6-7 | Railroads |
1970 |
745 | 1-2 | Recommendations |
1970 |
745 | 3 | Speech Comments |
1970 |
745 | 4-5 | Speeches |
1970 |
746 | 1-2 | Speeches - Mcgee |
1970 |
746 | 3-5 | Thanks |
1970 |
747 | 1-2 | Thanks |
1970 |
747 | 3 | Thanks - Trip |
1970 |
747 | 4-5 | Trade |
1970 |
748 | 1 | Volkert, David G. |
1970 |
748 | 2 | Wold, John |
1970 |
748 | 3-7 | Wyoming |
1970 |
749 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1970 |
750 | 1 | Wyoming |
1970 |
750 | 2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1970 |
750 | 3-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1970 |
751 | 1 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1970 |
751 | 2 | Wyoming - Game and Fish Commission |
1970 |
751 | 3 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1970 |
751 | 4 | Wyoming - Larutan - Terra Firma |
1970 |
751 | 5 | Wyoming - Public Health |
1970 |
751 | 6 | Wyoming - University |
1970 |
751 | 7 | Wyoming Office |
1970 |
752 | 1-3 | Agriculture |
1971 |
752 | 4 | Agriculture - Butz, Dr. Earl - Nomination as
Secretary |
1971 |
752 | 5 | Agriculture - Yearbooks |
1971 |
752 | 6 | Autographs |
1971 |
752 | 7 | Campaign - 1970 |
1971 |
753 | 1 | Campaign - 1972 |
1971 |
753 | 2 | Condolences |
1971 |
753 | 3 | Congratulations |
1971 |
753 | 4 | Congress |
1971 |
753 | 5 | Congress - American Short Line Railroad
Association |
1971 |
753 | 6 | Congress - District of Colombia |
1971 |
753 | 7 | Congressional Record |
1971 |
753 | 8 | Congressional Reform |
1971 |
754 | 1 | Democrats |
1971 |
754 | 2 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1971 |
754 | 3-4 | Employment |
1971 |
754 | 4a | Employment [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
754 | 5 | Employment - Summer |
1971 |
754 | 6 | Employment - Summer - Parks |
1971 |
754 | 7 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P. |
1971 |
754 | 8 | Information |
1971 |
754 | 9 | Information - Out of State |
1971 |
755 | 1 | Information - Wyoming |
1971 |
755 | 2 | Interns |
1971 |
755 | 3-4 | Invitations - Speaking |
1971 |
755 | 5 | Library of Congress |
1971 |
755 | 6 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 1 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 1a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 2 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 3 | Military Academies - Merchant Marines [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 4 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
756 | 5 | Newsletter |
1971 |
756 | 6 | Newsletter - "Environmental Watch," |
1971 |
756 | 7-8 | Office |
1971 |
757 | 1-2 | Office |
1971 |
757 | 3 | Office - Flag Requests |
1971 |
757 | 4 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1971 |
757 | 5 | Office - White House Tours |
1971 |
757 | 6-7 | Personal |
1971 |
758 | 1-5 | Personal |
1971 |
759 | 1-2 | Personal |
1971 |
759 | 3 | Personal - Common Cause |
1971 |
759 | 4 | Personal - Cookbook |
1971 |
759 | 5 | Personal - For Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1971 |
759 | 6 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1971 |
760 | 1 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1970 |
760 | 2 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1970 |
760 | 3 | Personal - Holiday Greetings |
1970 |
760 | 4 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1970 |
760 | 5 | Personal - Memos |
1970 |
760 | 6 | Personal - Messages |
1970 |
760 | 7 | Personal - Midwest Conference on World
Affairs |
1970 |
760 | 8 | Personal - People to People |
1970 |
760 | 9 | Personal - Recipes |
1970 |
760 | 10 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday Cards |
1970 |
761 | 1 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday Cards |
1971 |
761 | 2 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday Notes and Thank
Yous |
1971 |
761 | 3 | Personal - Swearing in Luncheon |
1971 |
761 | 4 | Personal - The Today Show - "Pentagon Papers," |
1971 |
761 | 5 | Personal - Wayne Foundation |
1971 |
761 | 6 | Personnel |
1971 |
761 | 7 | Photograph Requests |
1971 |
761 | 8-9 | Press |
1971 |
762 | 1 | Press - Magazines |
1971 |
762 | 2 | Press - Newspapers |
1971 |
762 | 3 | Press - Radio |
1971 |
762 | 4 | Press - Television |
1971 |
762 | 5-6 | Publication Requests |
1971 |
762 | 7-8 | Publications |
1971 |
763 | 1 | Publications |
1971 |
763 | 2 | Radical |
1971 |
763 | 2a | Radical [closed until 2025] |
1971 |
763 | 3 | Railroad Retirement Board |
1971 |
763 | 4 | Railroads |
1971 |
764 | 1-3 | Railroads |
1971 |
764 | 4-5 | Railroads - Amtrack |
1971 |
765 | 1-2 | Railroads - Amtrack |
1971 |
765 | 3 | Railroads - Amtrack – (Flexo) |
1971 |
765 | 4-5 | Recommendations |
1971 |
765 | 6 | Roncalio, Teno |
1971 |
765 | 7 | Roncalio, Teno - National Committee |
1971 |
766 | 1 | Speeches |
1971 |
766 | 2 | Sugar |
1971 |
766 | 3-5 | Thanks |
1971 |
766 | 6 | Volkert, David G |
1971 |
766 | 7 | Warren Air Force Base |
1971 |
766 | 8 | Wold, John |
1971 |
766 | 9 | Wyoming |
1971 |
767 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1971 |
768 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1971 |
769 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1971 |
770 | 1-2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1971 |
770 | 3-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1971 |
771 | 1 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1971 |
771 | 2 | Wyoming - Game and Fish |
1971 |
771 | 3 | Wyoming - Game and Fish - Non-Resident Hunting
Licenses |
1971 |
771 | 4 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1971 |
771 | 5 | Wyoming - Public Service Commission |
1971 |
771 | 6-7 | Wyoming - University |
1971 |
771 | 8 | Wyoming - Weed and Pest |
1971 |
771 | 9 | Wyoming - State Legislature |
1971 |
771 | 10 | Wyoming Office |
1971 |
772 | 1 | Autographs |
1972 |
772 | 2 | Condolences |
1972 |
772 | 3 | Congratulations |
1972 |
772 | 4 | Congress |
1972 |
772 | 5 | Congressional Record |
1972 |
772 | 6-7 | Democrats |
1972 |
772 | 8 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1972 |
772 | 9 | Employment |
1972 |
773 | 1 | Employment - Summer |
1972 |
773 | 2 | Employment - Summer - Parks |
1972 |
773 | 3 | Employment - Summer Interns |
1972 |
773 | 3a | Employment - Summer Interns [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
773 | 4 | Hansen, Clifford P |
1972 |
773 | 5 | Information |
1972 |
773 | 6 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1972 |
773 | 7 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1972 |
773 | 8 | Information Requests - Wyoming - Drugs, Alcohol and
Tobacco |
1972 |
774 | 1-2 | Invitations - Speaking |
1972 |
774 | 3-4 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
774 | 3a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
774 | 5 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
774 | 6 | Military Academies - Merchant Marines [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
774 | 7 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
774 | 7a | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1972 |
775 | 1 | Newsletter |
1972 |
775 | 2 | Newsletter - "Environmental Watch," |
1972 |
775 | 3-6 | Office |
1972 |
776 | 1 | Office - Flag Requests |
1972 |
776 | 2 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1972 |
776 | 3 | Office - White House Tours |
1972 |
776 | 4-6 | Personal |
1972 |
777 | 1-5 | Personal |
1972 |
778 | 1 | Personal |
1972 |
778 | 2 | Personal - Campaign |
1972 |
778 | 3 | Personal - Christmas |
1972 |
778 | 4 | Personal - Christmas Thanks |
1972 |
778 | 5 | Personal - Common Cause |
1972 |
778 | 6 | Personal - Cookbooks |
1972 |
778 | 7 | Personal - Council On Foreign Relations |
1972 |
778 | 8 | Personal - For Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1972 |
778 | 9 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1972 |
779 | 1 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1972 |
779 | 2 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1972 |
779 | 3 | Personal - Institute for American Democracy |
1972 |
779 | 4 | Personal - Messages |
1972 |
779 | 5 | Personal - People to People |
1972 |
779 | 6 | Personal - Recipes |
1972 |
779 | 7-8 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday |
1972 |
779 | 9 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthdays |
1972 |
779 | 10 | Personal - Wayne Foundation |
1972 |
779 | 11 | Personal - Wyoming Trips |
1972 |
779 | 12 | Personnel |
1972 |
779 | 13 | Photograph Requests |
1972 |
780 | 1-2 | Press |
1972 |
780 | 3 | Press - "Capital Cloakroom," |
1972 |
780 | 4 | Press - Magazines |
1972 |
780 | 5 | Press - Television |
1972 |
780 | 6-7 | Publication Requests |
1972 |
780 | 8 | Publications |
1972 |
781 | 1-2 | Publications |
1972 |
781 | 3 | Radical |
1972 |
781 | 4 | Recommendations |
1972 |
781 | 5 | Recommendations - Montgomery, Edward C |
1972 |
781 | 6 | Roncalio, Teno |
1972 |
782 | 1-2 | Speeches |
1972 |
782 | 3-5 | Thanks |
1972 |
783 | 1 | Thanks |
1972 |
783 | 2 | Variety |
1972 |
783 | 3 | Warren Air Force Base |
1972 |
783 | 4-6 | Wyoming |
1972 |
784 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1972 |
785 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1972 |
786 | 1 | Wyoming |
1972 |
786 | 2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1972 |
786 | 3-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1972 |
787 | 1 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1972 |
787 | 2 | Wyoming - Game and Fish |
1972 |
787 | 3 | Wyoming - Highway Commission |
1972 |
787 | 4 | Wyoming - Public Service Commission |
1972 |
787 | 5 | Wyoming - University |
1972 |
787 | 6 | Wyoming Office |
1972 |
788 | 1 | Autographs |
1973 |
788 | 2 | Birthdays |
1973 |
788 | 3 | Condolences |
1973 |
788 | 4 | Congratulations |
1973 |
788 | 5 | Congress |
1973 |
788 | 6 | Congressional Record |
1973 |
788 | 7-8 | Democrats |
1973 |
789 | 1 | Democrats |
1973 |
789 | 2 | Democrats -"The Spokesman," |
1973 |
789 | 3 | Employment |
1973 |
789 | 4 | Employment - Summer |
1973 |
789 | 5 | Employment - Summer - Parks |
1973 |
789 | 6 | Employment - Summer Interns |
1973 |
789 | 7 | Information |
1973 |
789 | 8 | Information - Food Chains |
1973 |
789 | 9 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1973 |
790 | 1 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1973 |
790 | 2 | Invitations - Speaking |
1973 |
790 | 3 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
790 | 4 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
790 | 5 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
790 | 6 | Military Academies - Coast Guard and Merchant
Marines [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
790 | 7 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1973 |
790 | 8 | Newsletter |
1973 |
791 | 1-5 | Office |
1973 |
792 | 1 | Office |
1973 |
792 | 2 | Office - Flag Requests |
1973 |
792 | 3 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1973 |
792 | 4 | Office - White House Tours |
1973 |
792 | 5-7 | Personal |
1973 |
793 | 1-5 | Personal |
1973 |
794 | 1-4 | Personal |
1973 |
795 | 1 | Personal |
1973 |
795 | 2-3 | Personal - Brookings Institution |
1973 |
795 | 4 | Personal - Christmas |
1973 |
795 | 5 | Personal - Christmas Thanks |
1973 |
795 | 6 | Personal - Common Cause |
1973 |
795 | 7 | Personal - Cookbooks |
1973 |
795 | 8 | Personal - Council on the Americas |
1973 |
795 | 9 | Personal - Council on Foreign Relations |
1973 |
796 | 1-2 | Personal - For Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1973 |
796 | 3-5 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1973 |
797 | 1-2 | Personal - Hall of Fame |
1973 |
797 | 3 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1973 |
797 | 4 | Personal - Members of Congress for Peace Through
Law |
1973 |
797 | 5-6 | Personal - Memos |
1973 |
798 | 1 | Personal - Messages |
1973 |
798 | 2 | Personal - People to People |
1973 |
798 | 3 | Personal - Presidential Classroom for Young
Americans |
1973 |
798 | 4 | Personal - Presidential Inauguration - Nixon, Richard
M |
1973 |
798 | 5 | Personal - Recipes |
1973 |
798 | 6-7 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday |
1973 |
798 | 8 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthdays |
1973 |
798 | 9 | Personal - Wayne State |
1973 |
799 | 1 | Personnel |
1973 |
799 | 2 | Photograph Requests |
1973 |
799 | 3 | Photographs |
1973 |
799 | 4-6 | Press |
1973 |
799 | 7 | Press - Magazines |
1973 |
799 | 8 | Press - Newspapers |
1973 |
799 | 9 | Press - Radio |
1973 |
799 | 10 | Press - Television |
1973 |
800 | 1 | Publication Requests |
1973 |
800 | 2 | Publications |
1973 |
800 | 3 | Radical |
1973 |
800 | 4-5 | Recommendations |
1973 |
800 | 6 | Roncalio, Teno |
1973 |
800 | 7 | Speech Comments |
1973 |
801 | 1 | Speeches |
1973 |
801 | 2-6 | Thanks |
1973 |
802 | 1 | Warren Air Force Base |
1973 |
802 | 2-6 | Wyoming |
1973 |
803 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1973 |
804 | 1-2 | Wyoming |
1973 |
804 | 3 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1973 |
804 | 4-5 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1973 |
805 | 1 | Wyoming - Game and Fish |
1973 |
805 | 2-3 | Wyoming - Highway Commission |
1973 |
805 | 4 | Wyoming - Public Service Commission |
1973 |
805 | 5-6 | Wyoming - University |
1973 |
805 | 7 | Wyoming Office |
1973 |
806 | 1 | Autographs |
1974 |
806 | 2 | Birthdays |
1974 |
806 | 3 | Condolences |
1974 |
806 | 4 | Congratulations |
1974 |
806 | 5 | Congratulations - New Citizens |
1974 |
806 | 6 | Congressional Record |
1974 |
806 | 7-8 | Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee |
1974 |
806 | 9 | Democrats |
1974 |
807 | 1 | Democrats |
1974 |
807 | 2 | Democrats - "The Spokesman," |
1974 |
807 | 3 | Election |
1974 |
807 | 4 | Employment |
1974 |
807 | 5 | Employment - Pages |
1974 |
807 | 6 | Employment - Summer |
1974 |
807 | 7 | Employment - Summer - Parks |
1974 |
807 | 8 | Employment - Summer Interns |
1974 |
807 | 9 | Hansen, Senator Clifford P |
1974 |
807 | 10 | Information Requests |
1974 |
807 | 11 | Information Requests - Out of State |
1974 |
807 | 12 | Information Requests - Wyoming |
1974 |
808 | 1-2 | Invitations - Speaking |
1974 |
808 | 3-4 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 3a | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 5 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 6 | Military Academies - Merchant Marines [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 7 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 8 | Military Academies - Recommendations [closed until 2025] |
1974 |
808 | 9 | Newsletter |
1974 |
808 | 10 | Office |
1974 |
809 | 1-4 | Office |
1974 |
809 | 5 | Office - Flag Requests |
1974 |
809 | 6 | Office - 4-H Citizenship Visit |
1974 |
809 | 7 | Office - Sergeant at Arms |
1974 |
809 | 8 | Office - Sheridan Senior Citizens Visit |
1974 |
809 | 9 | Office - Visits |
1974 |
809 | 10 | Office - White House Tours |
1974 |
809 | 11 | Personal |
1974 |
810 | 1-5 | Personal |
1974 |
811 | 1-4 | Personal |
1974 |
811 | 5 | Personal - Christmas |
1974 |
812 | 1 | Personal - Council on Foreign Relations |
1974 |
812 | 2 | Personal - Faught, C. Bud |
1974 |
812 | 3 | Personal - Federal Union, Incorporated |
1974 |
812 | 4-6 | Personal - for Your Information and Contribution
Requests |
1974 |
812 | 7 | Personal - Graduation Certificates |
1974 |
812 | 8 | Personal - Hearst Foundation |
1974 |
813 | 1-4 | Personal - Memos |
1974 |
813 | 5 | Personal - Messages |
1974 |
814 | 1 | Personal - People to People |
1974 |
814 | 2 | Personal - Presidential Classroom for Young
Americans |
1974 |
814 | 3 | Personal - Recipes |
1974 |
814 | 4-5 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthday Cards |
1974 |
814 | 6 | Personal - Saint Patrick's Day Birthdays |
1974 |
814 | 7 | Personal - Wayne State |
1974 |
814 | 8 | Personal - Wyoming Trips |
1974 |
814 | 9 | Personnel |
1974 |
814 | 10 | Personnel - Mccall, Richard "Dick" - Africa |
1974 |
814 | 11 | Photograph Requests |
1974 |
814 | 12-13 | Press |
1974 |
815 | 1 | Press - Magazines |
1974 |
815 | 2 | Press - Newspapers |
1974 |
815 | 3 | Press - Radio |
1974 |
815 | 4 | Press - Television |
1974 |
815 | 5 | Publication Requests |
1974 |
815 | 6-8 | Publications |
1974 |
815 | 9 | Publications - "Family Fare," |
1974 |
816 | 1 | Radical - King, Reverend David J |
1974 |
816 | 2-3 | Radical - Nut |
1974 |
816 | 4 | Radical - Right Wing |
1974 |
816 | 5 | Recommendations |
1974 |
816 | 6 | Speech Comments |
1974 |
817 | 1 | Speech Information - Energy |
1974 |
817 | 2-3 | Speeches |
1974 |
817 | 4 | Speeches - Loraine Mcgee Comments |
1974 |
817 | 5-6 | Thanks |
1974 |
818 | 1-2 | Thanks |
1974 |
818 | 3 | Thanks - Thesaurus |
1974 |
818 | 4 | Warren Air Force Base |
1974 |
818 | 5-6 | Wyoming |
1974 |
819 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1974 |
820 | 1-4 | Wyoming |
1974 |
821 | 1-5 | Wyoming |
1974 |
822 | 1 | Wyoming |
1974 |
822 | 2 | Wyoming - Agriculture |
1974 |
822 | 3 | Wyoming - Employment Security Commission |
1974 |
822 | 4 | Wyoming - Game and Fish |
1974 |
822 | 5 | Wyoming - Highway Department |
1974 |
822 | 6 | Wyoming - Public Service Commission |
1974 |
822 | 7-8 | Wyoming - University |
1974 |
822 | 9 | Wyoming Office |
1974 |
823 | Autographs |
1975 | |
823 | Birthdays |
1975 | |
823 | Condolences |
1975 | |
823 | Congratulations |
1975 | |
823 | Congratulations – New Citizens – Robo |
1975 | |
823 | Congressional Directory |
1975 | |
823 | Congressional Record |
1975 | |
823 | Democratic Conference |
1974-1975 | |
823 | Democrats |
1975 | |
823 | Election – New Hampshire Senate Race |
1975 | |
823 | Elections Includes reports from the Federal Election Commission and the Census Bureau regarding absentee registration and voting, expenditures for election administration, federal and state campaign finance laws, and state and federal legislation and judicial decisions regarding elections and election laws.
1975 | |
823 | Employment |
1975 | |
823 | Employment - Interns - 1976 |
1975 | |
823 | Employment – Summer |
1975 | |
823 | Employment – Summer Interns |
1974-1975 | |
823 | Employment – Summer – Parks |
1975 | |
823 | Clifford P. Hansen |
1975 | |
823 | Governor Ed Herschler |
1975 | |
823 | Governor Ed Herschler – Press Clippings |
1975 | |
823 | Governor Ed Herschler’s Visits to D.C. |
1975 | |
823 | Information |
1975 | |
823 | Information Requests – Out of State |
1975 | |
824 | Information Requests – Out of State |
1975 | |
824 | Information Requests – Wyoming |
1975 | |
824 | Newsletter |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Cabinet Shop |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Computer - Scorpio |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Flag Requests |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Log Check |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Personnel |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Sergeant-at-Arms |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Visits - January-May |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Visits - March-October |
1975 | |
824 | Office - Visits - October-December |
1975 | |
824 | Office - White House Tours |
1975 | |
824 | Office - January |
1975 | |
824 | Office - February |
1975 | |
824 | Office - March |
1975 | |
824 | Office - April |
1975 | |
824 | Office - May |
1975 | |
824 | Office - June |
1975 | |
824 | Office - July |
1975 | |
824 | Office - August |
1975 | |
824 | Office - September |
1975 | |
824 | Office - October |
1975 | |
824 | Office - November |
1975 | |
824 | Office - December |
1975 | |
824 | Personal - Christmas |
1975 | |
824 | Personal - Christmas Gift Listing/Thanks |
1975 | |
824 | Personal - Memos |
1975 | |
825 | Personal - Memos |
1975 | |
825 | Personal - Messages |
1975 | |
825 | Personal - Recipes |
1975 | |
825 | Personal - Thanks – Cookbooks |
1975 | |
825 | Photograph Requests |
1975 | |
825 | Photographs |
1975 | |
825 | Press |
1975 | |
825 | Press Releases |
1975 | |
825 | Press - Line from Loraine |
1975 | |
825 | Press - Magazines |
1975 | |
825 | Press - Newspapers |
1975 | |
825 | Press - Radio |
1975 | |
825 | Press - Television |
1975 | |
825 | Publication Requests |
1975 | |
826 | Publications |
1975 | |
826 | Radical – Nut |
1975 | |
826 | Recommendations |
1975 | |
826 | Robo – Auto Emission Standards re Car Prices |
1975 | |
826 | Robo – Wyoming Child Custody Case in Fremont County (Hulett) |
1975 | |
826 | Teno Roncalio |
1975 | |
826 | Speaking Invitations |
1975 | |
827 | Speaking Invitations |
1975 | |
827 | Speech Comments |
1975 | |
827 | Speeches |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks – Cookbooks |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - January/February |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - March/April |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - May/June |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - July |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - August |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - September |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - October |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - November |
1975 | |
827 | Thanks - December |
1975 | |
828 | University of Wyoming |
1975 | |
828 | Warren Airforce Base |
1975 | |
828 | Wind River Indian Education Association v. Alfred Ward |
1975 | |
828 | Wind River Indian Reservation |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Employment Security Commission |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Game and Fish |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Indian Reservation – Dry Creek Lodge Dispute |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Law Enforcement |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Rehabilitation Center – Cheyenne |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming Revenue Sharing |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – Agriculture |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – Federal Aid to New York City |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – General – January |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – General – February |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – General – March |
1975 | |
828 | Wyoming – General – April |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – May |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – June |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – July |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – August |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – September |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – October |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – November |
1975 | |
829 | Wyoming – General – December |
1975 | |
829 | Autographs |
1976 | |
829 | Birthdays |
1976 | |
829 | Campaign ’76 – Volunteers in Wyoming |
1976 | |
829 | Carter-Mondale Campaign Congressional Bulletins |
1976 | |
829 | Condolences |
1976 | |
830 | Congratulations |
1976 | |
830 | Congratulations – New Citizens |
1976 | |
830 | Congressional Directory Requests |
1976 | |
830 | Congressional Record |
1976 | |
830 | Democratic Conference |
1976 | |
830 | Democrats |
1976 | |
830 | Election/Campaign ’76 |
1976 | |
830 | Employment |
1976 | |
830 | Employment - Interns – Summer 1977 |
1976 | |
830 | Employment – Pages |
1976 | |
830 | Employment – Park Service - Summer |
1976 | |
830 | Employment – Summer |
1976 | |
830 | Employment – Summer Interns |
1975-1976 | |
830 | Clifford P. Hansen |
1976 | |
830 | Governor Ed Herschler |
1976 | |
830 | Information |
1975-1976 | |
830 | Information Requests – Out of State |
1976 | |
831 | Information Requests – Out of State |
1976 | |
831 | Information Requests – Wyoming |
1976 | |
831 | McGee County-State “Accomplishments” Record |
1975-1976 | |
831 | Military Academies [closed until 2025] |
1976 | |
831 | Military Academies - Air Force [closed until 2025] |
1976 | |
831 | Military Academies - Merchant Marines [closed until 2025] |
1976 | |
831 | Military Academies - Navy [closed until 2025] |
1976 | |
831 | Newsletter |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Cabinet Shop |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Computer |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Flag Requests |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Log Check |
1975-1976 | |
831 | Office - Personnel |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Sergeant-at-Arms |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Visits/Appointments – International Consortium of Education |
1975-1976 | |
831 | Office - Visits/Appointments – January-April |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Visits/Appointments – May-June |
1976 | |
831 | Office - Visits/Appointments – July-September |
1976 | |
832 | Office - White House Tours |
1976 | |
832 | Office - January |
1976 | |
832 | Office - February |
1976 | |
832 | Office - March |
1976 | |
832 | Office - April |
1976 | |
832 | Office - May |
1976 | |
832 | Office - June |
1976 | |
832 | Office - July |
1976 | |
832 | Office - August |
1976 | |
832 | Office - September |
1976 | |
832 | Office - October |
1976 | |
832 | Office - November/December |
1976 | |
832 | Personal – ’76 General |
1976 | |
832 | Personal – ’76 Thanks |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - Christmas |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - Christmas Cards – 1976 & earlier |
1960-1976, undated | |
832 | Personal - Messages |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - Recipes |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - Wayne State College |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - Wyoming Trips |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - July |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - August |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - September |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - October |
1976 | |
832 | Personal - November/December |
1976 | |
832 | Photograph Requests |
1976 | |
832 | Photographs |
1976 | |
832 | Political |
1976 | |
832 | Press |
1976 | |
832 | Press Releases |
1976 | |
832 | Press Releases - Governor Ed Herschler |
1976 | |
832 | Press - Line from Loraine |
1976 | |
832 | Press - Magazines |
1976 | |
832 | Press - Newspapers |
1976 | |
833 | Press - Newspapers |
1976 | |
833 | Press - Photographs |
1976 | |
833 | Press - Radio |
1976 | |
833 | Press - Television |
1976 | |
833 | Radical/Nut Letters |
1976 | |
833 | Recommendations |
1975-1976 | |
833 | Teno Roncalio |
1976 | |
833 | Speaking Invitations |
1975-1976 | |
833 | Speech Comments |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - January |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - February |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - March |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - April |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - May |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - June |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - July |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - August |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - September |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - October |
1976 | |
833 | Thanks - November |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - January/February |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - March/April |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - May |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - June |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - July |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - August |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - September |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - October |
1976 | |
834 | Thanks Sent - November/December |
1976 | |
834 | University of Wyoming |
1976 | |
834 | Warren Air Force Base |
1976 | |
834 | Wind River Indian Reservation – Saint Stephens Indian School |
1975-1976 | |
834 | Wind River Indian Reservation – Wyoming Indian High School |
1976 | |
834 | Wyoming Employment Security Commission |
1976 | |
834 | Wyoming Game and Fish |
1976 | |
834 | Wyoming Law Enforcement |
1976 | |
834 | Wyoming Office |
1976 | |
834 | Wyoming Revenue Sharing |
1975-1976 | |
834 | Wyoming – Federal Aid to New York City |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – January |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – February |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – March |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – April |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – May |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – June |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – July |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – August |
1976 | |
835 | Wyoming – General – September |
1976 | |
836 | Wyoming – General – October |
1976 | |
836 | Wyoming – General – November |
1976 | |
836 | Wyoming – Strip Mining Lands in Sheridan County (includes Gerald Moravek) |
1976 | |
836 | Wyoming – Title IV, Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965 (formerly Title III – Innovative) |
1969-1975, undated | |
836 | Wyoming – Warren Air Force Base – Access Road and Assorted Information |
1976 | |
836 | Assorted – December 1976 |
1976 |
Series VI. Legislative FilesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | |
Subseries 1. Senate, 1st Term (1959-1964) |
Box | ||
Sub-subseries 1. 86th Congress (1959-1960) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
837 | Pre-1959 (Senator-elect) |
1958 |
837 | December 1958-January 1959 |
1958-1959 |
837 | February-March |
1959 |
837 | April-May |
1959 |
837 | June-July |
1959 |
837 | August-September |
1959 |
837 | October-December |
1959 |
837 | January-February |
1960 |
837 | March-April |
1960 |
837 | May-June |
1960 |
837 | July-August |
1960 |
837 | September-October |
1960 |
837 | November-December |
1960 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
837 | S. 1 – Airport |
1958-1959 |
837 | S. 2 – Murray-Metcalf: School Aid |
1958-1960 |
838 | S. 2 – Murray-Metcalf: School Aid |
1958-1960 |
838 | S. 3 – States’ Rights |
1959 |
838 | S. 11 – Amends Clayton Act: Equal Opportunity |
1959 |
838 | S. 12 – Education Television |
1959 |
838 | S. 44 – Central Valley Project – San Luis Unit |
1959 |
838 | S. 49 – Coal research and Development Commission |
1959 |
838 | S. 50 – Admission of Hawaii |
1959 |
838 | S. 55 – Land Allotment for Crow Tribe |
1959 |
838 | S. 57 – Housing Bill |
1959 |
838 | S. 94 – Government Employees – Health and Hospitalization Insurance |
1959 |
838 | S. 144 – Rural Electrification Administration |
1959 |
838 | S. 187 – Extension of Sugar Act |
1959 |
838 | S. 226 – Railroad Retirement |
1959 |
838 | S. 404 – Star Route Carriers – Retirement System |
1959 |
838 | S. 426 – Irrigation Charges: Indian School |
1959 |
838 | S. 427 – Homestead Patents: Wilhelm Heirs |
1959 |
838 | S. 661 – Naval Petroleum to Secretary of Interior |
1959 |
838 | S. 663 – Distribution of Food to Needy |
1959 |
838 | S. 722 – Unemployment |
1959-1960 |
838 | S. 743 – Extend Coal Safety Act to Small Mines |
1959-1960 |
838 | S. 791 – Unemployment Reinsurance Grants |
1959 |
838 | S. 838 & 839 – Financing of Automobiles by Manufacturers |
1959 |
838 | S. 851 – Public Land Water Rights |
1958-1959 |
838 | S. 857 – Federal Lands to Cheyenne |
1959 |
838 | S. 910 – Payments in lieu of Taxes |
1959 |
838 | S. 943 – Weather Modification |
1959 |
838 | S. 953 – Assistance to Indians |
1959 |
838 | S. 992 – Federal-State Land Exchange |
1959 |
838 | S. 995 – ICC Regulation of Track Motorcars |
1959 |
838 | S. 996 – ICC Regulation of Railroad Safety |
1959 |
838 | S. 1023 – Waiver to Allow Donald G. Sherwood to Enlist in U.S. Army Reserve at Casper (case) |
1958-1959 |
838 | S. 1046 – Minimum Wage Bill |
1959-1960 |
838 | S. 1062 – Bank Mergers |
1959 |
838 | S. 1083 – Fair Trade |
1959 |
838 | S. 1113 – Extend Veterans’ Life Insurance |
1959 |
838 | S. 1118 – Collegiate Nurse Education Act of 1959 |
1959 |
838 | S. 1122 – Wind River Indian Lands in Trust |
1959 |
838 | S. 1123 – Wilderness Bill |
1958-1960 |
839 | S. 1123 – Wilderness Bill |
1958-1960 |
839 | S. 1125 – Alaskan Highway |
1959 |
839 | S. 1138 – To Provide Readjustment Assistance to Korean Veterans |
1959 |
839 | S. 1157 – Encourage Development of Petroleum & Coal Reserves |
1959 |
839 | S. 1211 – To Provide Auxiliary Credit to Preserve the Family-Sized Farm |
1959 |
839 | S. 1253 – Fair Trade |
1959 |
839 | S. 1314 – Railroad Employees – Retirement |
1959 |
839 | S. 1331 – Railroad Passenger Service |
1959 |
839 | S. 1353, 1354, 1355 – Railroad Transportation Diversification |
1959 |
839 | S. 1388 – Provide for the Establishment by the Secretary of the Interior of a Pacific Northwest Account |
1959 |
839 | S. 1425 – Amend Interstate Commerce Act to Protect Railroad Employees |
1959-1960 |
839 | S. 1432 – Liquor on Airlines |
1959-1961 |
839 | S. 1451 – Mutual Security Program |
1959 |
839 | S. 1472 – Eliminate Fractured Heirship on Wind River Indian Reservation |
1959-1960 |
839 | S. 1507, 1508, & 1509 – Alaska Transportation Bills |
1959 |
839 | S. 1555 – Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 |
1959 |
839 | S. 1555 – Form Letters – Flexo |
1959 |
839 | S. 1631 – To Provide of the Establishment of a Commission on Unemployment Problems |
1959 |
839 | S. 1711 – To Promote More Effective Use of U.S. Agricultural Commodities |
1959 |
839 | S. 1729 – To Establish a National Cemetery in Casper, Wyoming |
1959-1960 |
839 | S. 1730 – For the relief of the Estate of George E. Williams |
1952-1960 |
839 | S. 1751 – Place in trust lands on the Wind River Reservation |
1959-1960 |
839 | S. 1787 – Hardwood Labeling Bill |
1959 |
839 | S. 1789 – Amend Interstate Commerce Act to Insure the Adequacy of Railroad Freight-Car Supply |
1959 |
840 | S. 1801, 1886 – Communications Act of 1934 – Television |
1959 |
840 | S. 1858 – Revise, Extend, and Improve the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. § 315) |
1959 |
840 | S. 1884 – Distribution of Surplus Agricultural Supplies to the Needy |
1959 |
840 | S. 1989 – National Marketing Order – Honey |
1959 |
840 | S. 2026 – Establish Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2036 – Amend Internal Revenue Code – Dividends Received by Individuals |
1959 |
840 | S. 2038 – Amend Internal Revenue Code – Withholding Tax on Interest and Dividends |
1959 |
840 | S. 2039 – Amend Internal Revenue Code – Additional Information on Certain Returns |
1959 |
840 | S. 2040 – Amend Internal Revenue Code – Deduction of Certain Expenditures |
1959 |
840 | S. 2086 – Wildlife Disease Lab |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2145 – Relief of Constantinos G. Diapoulis |
1959 |
840 | S. 2151 – Territorial Security |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2162 – Health Benefits Programs for Government Employees |
1959 |
840 | S. 2163 – Relief of Royce C. Plume |
1948-1959 |
840 | S. 2194 – Amend Section 21 of the Second Liberty Bond Act |
1959 |
840 | S. 2205 – Amend 23 U.S.C. § 103 |
1959 |
840 | S. 2214 – For the Relief of Nicholas Ilia Tzovlas |
1959 |
840 | S. 2215 – Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954 – Support Dependency |
1953-1959 |
840 | S. 2240 – Appropriation of Funds for Federal Highway Act |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2302 – Railroad Car Safety |
1960 |
840 | S. 2303 – Communications Act of 1934 – Community Antenna Systems |
1959 |
840 | S. 2304 – Amend the National Defense Education Act of 1958 |
1958-1959 |
840 | S. 2383 – Relief of Irene D. Miller |
1953-1959 |
840 | S. 2384 – Relief of Tommy Tadayoshi Shuto |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2402 – Air Mail |
1960 |
840 | S. 2411 – To Protect the Rights of the Blind to Organize |
1957-1959 |
840 | S. 2434 – Fort Laramie National Monument |
1959-1960, undated |
840 | S. 2454 – Commemorative Medals – 100th Anniversary Pony Express |
1959 |
840 | S. 2472 – Trust Funds for the Shoshone & Arapahoe Tribes |
1959 |
840 | S. 2494 – Sugar Act |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2549 – Resources & Conservation Act of 1960 |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2643 – Construction Sites Boycotts |
1960 |
840 | S. 2675 – Amend U.S. Code Title 38 |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2692 – Advancement of Marine Sciences |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2694 – Relief of Dr. Kuoyeng Ngeh Hsieh |
1959-1960 |
840 | S. 2830 – To Amend the Library Services Act – McGee |
1960 |
840 | S. 2885 – To Establish the Office of Coal Research |
1960 |
840 | S. 2893 – To Permit Weekly Publications to Suspend Publication for Not More Than 2 Issues |
1960 |
840 | S. 2929 – Communist Disclaimer Affidavit |
1960 |
840 | S. 2982 – Relief of Eduardo Giron Rodriguez – O’Mahoney |
1960 |
840 | S. 2983 – Amend the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 – O’Mahoney |
1960 |
840 | S. 2986 – Authority of the Commissioner of Patents – O’Mahoney |
1960 |
840 | S. 3020 – Train Discontinuance Bill |
1960 |
840 | S. 3159 – Wheat Marketing Act |
1960 |
840 | S. 3171 – Television Broadcasting Stations – McGee |
1960 |
840 | S. 3290 – To Amend 23 U.S.C. § 120(a) – Indian Lands – McGee |
1960 |
840 | S. 3327 – For the Relief of Jean Goedicke |
1957-1960 |
840 | S. 3361 – Amend the Sugar Act, 1960 |
1960 |
840 | S. 3385 – Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between the East and the West |
1960 |
840 | S. 3442 – Shoshone Irrigation District |
1960 |
840 | S. 3483 – Baseball/Professional Sports Antitrust Act of 1960 |
1960 |
841 | S. 3503 – Payment of Hospital and Health Services Furnished to Aged and Retired |
1960 |
841 | S. 3555 – Manpower Act |
1960 |
841 | S. 3758 – Fair Labor Standards Act |
1960 |
841 | S. 3793 – Establish Senior Citizens Service Training Program |
1960 |
841 | Assorted |
1959-1960 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
841 | S. Con. Res. 4 – Operation of TV Boosters |
1959-1960 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 7 – American Dental Association Anniversary |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 16 – Provide for One General Expenditure Authorization Act for Each Fiscal Year |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 17 – Convention of Delegates from NATO Democracies |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 24 – Development of Educational Programs through U.N. |
1958-1960 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 52 – United Nations Charter/World Peace through the Rule of Law |
1959-1960 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 55 – Esther Morris Statue in Rotunda Temporarily |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 56 – Esther Morris Statue in Statuary Hall |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 57 – Esther Morris Proceedings and Presentation |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 69 – Concerning the Steel Strike |
1959 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 73 – Study National Fuels Policy |
1960 |
841 | S. Con. Res. 76 – Appreciation of the Role of Labor in the Economy |
1959 |
841 | Senate Document No. 76 – Mineral and Water Resources of Wyoming |
1960 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
841 | S. J. Res. 41 – International Medical Research |
1958-1959 |
841 | S. J. Res. 66 – To Provide Celebration Anniversary Regarding Land-Grant Colleges |
1959 |
841 | S. J. Res. 69 – Equal Rights |
1954-1960 |
841 | S. J. Res. 119 – Reduce Unemployment and Employ Growing Labor Force |
1959 |
841 | S. J. Res. 126 – Amendment Relating to Qualifications of Electors |
1959 |
841 | S. J. Res. 132 – Authorizing the President to Designate Pony Express Year |
1959 |
841 | S. J. Res. 150 – Deliver Water to Lands in the Third Division, Riverton Reclamation Project |
1960 |
841 | S. J. Res. 152 – Woodrow Wilson Memorial |
1960 |
841 | S. J. Res. 187 – National Wool Month – O’Mahoney |
1960 |
841 | Assorted |
1959 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
841 | S. Res. 19 – New Standing Committee: Veterans |
1958-1960 |
841 | S. Res. 48 – New Select Committee: National Water Resources |
1959 |
841 | S. Res. 78 – Consolidation of Assistance to Underdeveloped Countries |
1959 |
841 | S. Res. 94 - Connally Amendment |
1959-1960 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
841 | H.R. 10 – Keogh-Simpson Bill – Self-Employed Persons’ Retirement |
1959-1960 |
841 | H.R. 169 – Liquor on Airlines |
1959 |
841 | H.R. 2164 – Cabaret Tax |
1960 |
841 | H.R. 2260 – Draft Bill |
1959 |
841 | H.R. 3263 – Oil and Gas Leases |
1959 |
841 | H.R. 4245 – Federal Taxation of Life Insurance Companies |
1959 |
841 | H.R. 4700 – Forand Bill |
1959-1960 |
842 | H.R. 4700 – Forand Bill |
1959-1960 |
842 | H. R. 7650 – Veterans’ Pension Programs |
1959 |
842 | H.R. 8400 & Other Labor Measures |
1959-1960 |
842 | H.R. 8567 – Fort Laramie National Monument – Thompson |
1959 |
842 | H.R. 9336 – WWI Veterans’ Pension |
1960 |
842 | H.R. 9883 – Postal & Federal Employees’ Pay Raise |
1960 |
842 | H.R. 10467 – Mineral Leasing Act – Thompson |
1960 |
842 | H.R. 11390 – Appropriations – Labor – Health, Education, & Welfare |
1960 |
842 | H.R. 12580 – Medical Care – Social Security |
1960 |
842 | Assorted |
1959 |
842 | House Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
842 | H. Con. Res.113 – Development of Educational Programs through U.N. (same as S. Con. Res. 24) |
1959 |
842 | Assorted |
1959 |
Assorted |
Box | ||
842 | Electoral College |
1960 |
Yellowstone National Park – Proposal for Boating Restrictions |
Box | ||
842 | Cody Hearing |
1960 |
842 | Correspondence |
1959-1960 |
842 | Information Regarding Zoning of Portions of Yellowstone Lake, Sherman D. Jones, Manager of Boat Division of the Yellowstone Park Company |
1954-1959 |
842 | “A Report on the National Park Service Proposal for Zoning of Yellowstone Lake as related to the Yellowstone Park Company Boat Division Operation and Private Boat Owners,” |
1954-1959 |
Sub-subseries 2. 87th Congress (1961-1962) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
842 | January-March |
1961 |
842 | April-June |
1961 |
842 | July-August |
1961 |
842 | September-December |
1961 |
842 | January-February |
1962 |
842 | March-April |
1962 |
842 | May-June |
1962 |
843 | July-August |
1962 |
843 | September-December |
1962 |
843 | House |
1961-1962 |
843 | Senate Bills |
Box | ||
843 | S. 1 – Distressed Areas Bill |
1961 |
843 | S. 22 – Expand and Extend Saline Water Conservation Program Under Direction of Secretary of Interior |
1961 |
843 | S. 109 – Expand and Extend Saline Water Conservation Program Under Direction of Secretary of Interior (Anderson) |
1961 |
843 | S. 111 – Authorize Public Land States to Select Certain Public Lands in Exchange for Land Taken for Military Purposes |
1961 |
843 | S. 174 – Wilderness Bill |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 188 – Civil Service Employees Retirement |
1961 |
843 | S. 205 – Expedite Utilization of TV Transmission Facilities in Public Schools and Colleges (Magnuson) |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 207 – For Relief of Jean Goedicke |
1961 |
843 | S. 239 – Declare National Policy on Conservation, Development of Natural Resources (Engle), 1961 |
1961 |
843 | S. 320 – Motor Vehicle Carriers |
1962 |
843 | S. 349 – Provide Readjustment Assistance to Veterans Who Serve in Armed Forces between January 31, 1955, and July 1, 1963 |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 358 – Authorize Secretary of Interior to Issue Patent Conveying Lands in Powell, WY, to Shoshone Irrigation District |
1960-1961 |
843 | S. 380 – Provide for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Savery-Pot Hook Reclamation Project |
1960-1962 |
843 | S. 407 – Provide for the Establishment of U.S. Foreign Service Academy |
1960-1961 |
843 | S. 454 – Extend Provisions of National Wool Act of 1954 until March 31, 1965 |
1961 |
843 | S. 463 – Authorize Administrator of General Services to Convey Certain Lands in Wyoming to Cheyenne |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 501 – Amend Chapter 2 of U.S.C. Title 23 – Provide for System of Forest Development Roads and Trails Needed for Utilization and Protection of Lands Administered by the Forest Service |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 529 – Amend Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 – Provide for More Effective Evaluation of Fiscal Requirements of Executive Agencies |
1961 |
843 | S. 536 – Approve Order of Secretary of Interior Adjusting, Deferring, and Cancelling Irrigation Charges Against Non-Indian Owned Lands on Wind River Reservation |
1961 |
843 | S. 610 – Strengthen Domestic and Foreign Commerce of U.S. by Establishment of Office of International Travel |
1961 |
843 | S. 666 – Natural Gas Act |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 702 – Authorize Secretary of Agriculture to Exchange Certain Lands in Wyoming with Town of Afton |
1961 |
843 | S. 717 – Authorize Civil Actions for Review of Administrative Determinations – Use of Lands of U.S. in Judicial Districts – Venue of Grazing Actions |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 875 – Authorize Secretary of Agriculture to Convey to State of Wyoming Certain Real Property in Sweetwater County, Wyoming |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 876 – Provide for Tariff Import Quotas on Sheep, Lambs, Mutton, and Lamb |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 895 – Fair Labor Standards Amendment of 1961 |
1961 |
843 | S. 898 – Amend Section 35 of Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 re Disposition of Proceeds of Sales, Bonuses, Royalties, and Rentals under Such Act |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 909 – Health Insurance Benefits Act of 1961 |
1961-1962 |
843 | S. 977 – Amend Title 38 of U.S.C. to Provide 2-Year Period in which Vets May be Granted National Service Life Insurance |
1961 |
843 | S. 1021 – Authorize a Program or Federal Financial Assistance for Education |
1961-1962 |
844 | S. 1021 – Authorize a Program or Federal Financial Assistance for Education |
1961-1962 |
844 | S. 1085 – Disposal of Certain Federal Property on Minidoka Project, Idaho, Shoshone Project, Wyoming, and Yakima Project, Washington |
1961 |
844 | S. 1086 – Wiretapping |
1961-1962 |
844 | S. 1129 – Farm Labor Recruitment Act of 1961 |
1961-1962 |
844 | S. 1139 – Amend Act granting Consent of Congress to States of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming to Negotiate and Enter Compact re Little Missouri River |
1961 |
844 | S. 1145 – Transportation Rates |
1962 |
844 | S. 1197 – Railroad Transportation Rates – Correspondence |
1961 |
845 | S. 1197 – Railroad Transportation Rates – Correspondence |
1961 |
845 | S. 1215 – Iron Curtain Countries |
1961 |
845 | S. 1241 – College Academic Facilities & Scholarship Act |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1241 – College Academic Facilities & Scholarship Act - Speech |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1260 – Amend Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to Require Labeling of Certain Imported Meats, Poultry, and Fish |
1961 |
845 | S. 1322 – Chiropractors |
1962 |
845 | S. 1363 – Small Businesses – Set-Aside Directives |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1368 – Foreign Freight Forwarders |
1961 |
845 | S. 1415 – Declare National Policy on Conservation, Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources |
1961 |
845 | S. 1459 – Postal Employees – Longevity Step Increases |
1961 |
845 | S. 1467 – Amend Section 314 of Public Health Service Act of 1944 |
1961 |
845 | S. 1513 – Amend Title 23 of U.S.C. re Outdoor Advertisements |
1961 |
845 | S. 1533 – For Relief of the Douglas Oil Company of California |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1542 – Authorize Secretary of Interior to Conduct Studies of Genetics of Sport Fishes and Carry out Selective Breeding of Fishes |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1552 – Drug Industry |
1961 |
845 | S. 1559 – Provide for Production of Underground Water on the Public Lands |
1961 |
845 | S. 1562 – Amend National Defense Education Act of 1958 to Provide Financial Assistance to Public Community Colleges for Studies |
1961 |
845 | S. 1577 – Create National Weather Council – Weather Research |
1961 |
845 | S. 1629 – Provide Financial Assistance to States for Comprehensive Water Resources Planning |
1961-1962 |
845 | S. 1643 – Agriculture Bill |
1961 |
845 | S. 1666 – Amend Federal Coal Mine Safety Act to Remove Exemption with Respect to Certain Mines Employing No More Than Fourteen Individuals |
1961 |
845 | S. 1688 – Establish Department of Consumers |
1961 |
845 | S. 1703 – Amend Federal Airport Act So as To Extend Time for Making Grants under the Provisions of Such Act |
1961 |
845 | S. 1722 – Fair Trade Bill/Quality Stabilization Bill |
1961 |
846 | S. 1724 – Hardwood Labeling Bill |
1962 |
846 | S. 1729 – To Promote the Foreign Commerce of the United States and for Related Purposes |
1961 |
846 | S. 1735 – Provide for Adjusting Conditions of Competition Between Certain Domestic Industries and Foreign Industries, Wage Levels |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 1740 – Assist in Promotion of Economic Stabilization by Requiring Disclosure of Finance Charges/Truth in Lending |
1961 |
846 | S. 1910 – Provide Pilot Plant for Development of Human and Natural Resources of Indian Reservations by Incentive to Stimulate Development/Vipont Mining Company – Indian Gypsum |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 1922 – Housing Bill |
1961 |
846 | S. 1969 – Supplemental Air Carriers |
1962 |
846 | S. 1983 – Foreign Aid Bill |
1961 |
846 | S. 1991 – Vocational Education |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2000 – Provide for a Peace Corps |
1960-1962 |
846 | S. 2000 – Peace Corps – Material |
1960-1962 |
846 | S. 2000 – Peace Corps – Letters |
1960-1961 |
846 | S. 2084 – Provide for Establishment of Permanent Program of Additional Unemployment Compensation |
1961 |
846 | S. 2109 – Multi-Channel TV Receivers |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2138 – Wetlands Acquisition Program – Taxes |
1962 |
846 | S. 2153 – National Park – Michigan |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2180 – Establish a U.S. Disarmament Agency for World Peace and Security |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2184 – Communications Satellite Act of 1962 |
1962 |
846 | S. 2244 – Perfect Method of Collecting Irrigation Charges on Wind River Indian Reservation – Wyoming (Per Capita Charges) |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2245 – Amend Act Granting Consent of Congress to Negotiation of Certain Compacts by Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota |
1961 |
846 | S. 2246 – Water Resource Planning Act of 1961 |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2266 – Taxation of Stock Distributions |
1961 |
846 | S. 2303 – Provide Highway and Bridge Construction – Flaming Gorge Dam and Reservoir in Utah |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2345 – National Defense Education Act Amendment of 1961 |
1961 |
846 | S. 2361 – Reciprocity of Radio Licenses |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2363 – Civil Service Retirement Act |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2460 – Provide for Study by the Secretary of Interior of Need of Developing Pumped Storage |
1961 |
846 | S. 2526 – Amend and Extend the Provisions of the Sugar Act of 1948 |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2535 – Amend Agricultural Act of 1938 – To Establish Marketing Program for Wheat |
1961 |
846 | S. 2560 & 2764 – Interstate Commerce Act |
1961-1962 |
846 | S. 2573 – Labor Unions – Anti-Strike Law |
1962 |
846 | S. 2675 – For Relief of Yiannoula Vasiliou Tsambiras |
1962 |
846 | S. 2750 – Voting – Literacy Tests |
1962 |
847 | S. 2814 – Commercial Communications Satellite System |
1962 |
847 | S. 2815 – Cargo Carriers – Guaranteed Loans |
1962 |
847 | S. 2936 – Amend Chapter 2 of Title 23 of U.S.C. to Provide for System of Forest Development Roads and Trails |
1962 |
847 | S. 2996 – Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 |
1962 |
847 | S. 3029 – Federal Employees – Pay Raises |
1962 |
847 | S. 3043 – Immigration |
1962 |
847 | S. 3044 – Coal Carriers – Eminent Domain |
1962 |
847 | S. 3088 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1962 |
847 | S. 3097 – Railroad Anti-Merger Bill |
1962 |
847 | S. 3105 – Domestic Water Transportation |
1962 |
847 | S. 3107 – Establish in Office of Secretary of Department of Interior a Board of Public Land Appeals |
1962 |
847 | S. 3115 – Shipyards |
1962 |
847 | S. 3118 – Boat Taxation |
1962 |
847 | S. 3126 – Mass Transit |
1962 |
847 | S. 3225 – Farm Bill |
1962 |
847 | S. 3242 – National Transportation System |
1962 |
847 | S. 3243 – Transportation Companies – Exemption from Minimum Rate Regulation |
1962 |
847 | S. 3289 – Amend Title 38 of U.S.C. to Permit (1 Year) Granting of National Life Insurance to Veterans |
1962 |
847 | S. 3323 – Amend Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 |
1962 |
847 | S. 3345 – Small Business Administration Leasing Guarantee |
1962 |
847 | S. 3370 – Authorize Secretary of Agriculture to Relinquish to Wyoming Jurisdiction Over Those Lands within Medicine Bow Forest Known as Pole Mountain Reserve |
1962 |
847 | S. 3411 – Extend Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Program to Increase Rate of Federal Unemployment Tax for Year 1964 |
1962 |
847 | S. 3477 – Promote Security and Welfare of People of the U.S. by Developing Programs of University Extension Education |
1962 |
847 | S. 3479 – Relief of Certain Entrymen Owners and Assignees of Farm Units on Third Division Riverton Project |
1962 |
847 | S. 3592 – Amend Section 314 of the Public Health Service Act, Providing Greater Flexibility to States in the Use of Public Health Grants-in-Aid |
1962 |
847 | S. 3597 – Veterans – National Service Life Insurance |
1962 |
847 | S. 3615 – Mass Transportation |
1962 |
847 | S. 3649 – U.S. Flag Vessels |
1962 |
847 | S. 3710 – Establish in the Department of Agriculture an Office Known as the Office of Assistant Secretary of Forestry Resources |
1962 |
847 | S. 3748 – Authorize Administrator of General Services to Convey Certain Lands in Wyoming to the City of Cheyenne |
1962 |
847 | S. 3782 – Amend Act of September 22, 1961, Providing for the Peace Corps |
1962 |
847 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
847 | S. Con. Res. 3 – Fulbright and Smith-Mundt Acts (Education) |
1961 |
847 | S. Con. Res. 4 – Establishing Joint Committee on National Fuels Study |
1960-1961 |
847 | S. Con. Res. 6 & 16 – Congressional Adjournments |
1961 |
847 | S. Con. Res. 37 – Strengthen Authority of United Nations to Prevent War |
1960-1961 |
847 | S. Con. Res. 84 – Arrange for Viewing of Films of Mrs. Kennedy in India and Pakistan |
1962 |
847 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
847 | S. J. Res. 26 – Proposing Amendment to Constitution relating to Election of President and Vice President |
1961-1962 |
847 | S. J. Res. 77 – Establish Joint Committee on Foreign Information and Intelligence |
1961 |
847 | S. J. Res. 84 – Establish the Fourth Friday in September of Every Year as American Indian Day |
1961 |
847 | S. J. Res. 98 – Provide for the Observance of the Centennial of the Enactment of the Homestead Act |
1961-1962 |
847 | S. J. Res. 105 - Golden Eagle Protection |
1961-1962 |
847 | S. J. Res. 133 – Provide for Coinage of a Medal in Recognition of the Distinguished Services of Sam Rayburn |
1961 |
848 | S. J. Res. 136 – Determine Susceptibility of Minerals to Electrometallurgical Processes |
1961-1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 142 – Equal Rights for Women |
1961-1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 151 – Permit Secretary of Interior to Continue to Deliver Water to Third Division, Riverton Project |
1961-1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 159 – Support for Quality Stabilization Bill |
1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 159 – Support for Quality Stabilization Bill - Correspondence |
1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 168 – Cancel Unpaid Reimbursable Construction Costs of the Wind River Irrigation Project |
1961-1962 |
848 | S. J. Res. 489 - Golden Eagle Protection, |
1962 |
848 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
848 | S. Res. 113 – To Make a Study for a Determination of Policy on National Cemeteries |
1961-1962 |
848 | S. Res. 115 – To Create the Select Committee on Consumers Interests |
1961 |
848 | S. Res. 134 – Amend Standing Rules of Senate re Veterans Affairs Committee in the Senate |
1961 |
848 | S. Res. 150 – Urging Interstate Commerce Commission to Act with Extreme Caution on Applications for Approval of Railroad Mergers |
1961 |
848 | S. Res. 154 – Re Establishment of a White Fleet to Render Emergency Assistance to People of Other Nations in case of Disaster |
1961 |
848 | S. Res. 288 – Opposing Reorganization Plan Number 1 of 1962 |
1962 |
848 | S. Res. 325 – Alcoholic Beverages in the Senate |
1962 |
848 | S. Res. 361 – Authorizes Study of Equity Involved in 90 per centum Royalty on Mineral Production – Federal Lands |
1962 |
848 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
848 | H.R. 10 – Self-Employed Retirement Bill |
1961-1962 |
848 | H.R. 70 – Copyright – Jukebox Exemption |
1962 |
848 | H.R. 71 – Truth in Lending |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 613 – Pistol Registration |
1961-1962 |
848 | H.R. 640 – Lobbying – Business Deductions |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 879 – Disabled Veterans Compensation |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 1058 – Civil Service Retirement Act |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 1159 – Pacific Coast – Subsidized Shipping |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 1960 – Venue Bill |
1962 |
848 | H.R. 2010 – Mexican Farm Labor Program |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 2899 & 2900 – Taxation of Savings & Loan Associations |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 3556 – Human Animal Bill |
1961-1962 |
848 | H.R. 3745 – WWI Veterans’ Pensions |
1961-1962 |
848 | H.R. 3935 – Minimum Wage Legislation |
1961 |
848 | H.R. 4222 – Medicare |
1961-1962 |
849 | H.R. 4222 – Medicare |
1961-1962 |
849 | H.R. 4222 – Medicare – Letters in Support of McGee’s Stand Following the Bill’s Defeat |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 4510 – Feed Grain Bill |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 4783 – Coast Guard Women’s Reserve |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 4998 – Community Services Act |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 5463 – Sugar Act of 1948 |
1961-1962 |
849 | H.R. 6027 – Social Security |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 6713 – Federal Aid Highway Act of 1961 |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 6775 – Dual Rate Shipping Bill |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 7102 – Export Credit Guarantees |
1961 |
849 | H.R. 7283 – Philippine War Claims Bill |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 7445 – Appropriations for Independent Executive Agencies |
1961 |
H.R. 7851 – Defense Appropriations – Advertising |
1961 | |
849 | H.R. 7927 – Postal Rates Increase |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 8031 – All-Channel Television Sets |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 8520 – Wetlands Drainage |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 8830 – Federal Trade Commission |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 8847 – DuPont Stockholders |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 8900 – Higher Education |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 9531 – Federal Employees – Wage Increases |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 9900 – Trade Expansion Act of 1962 |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 10010 – Food & Agriculture Act of 1962 |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 10480 – Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 10541 – Vaccination Assistance Act of 1962 |
1962 |
849 | H. R. 10606 – Extend and Improve Public Assistance Services of the Social Security Act |
1962 |
849 | H.R. 10650 – Revenue Act of 1962 – Dividends & Interest Withholding Tax - Correspondence |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 10650 – Revenue Act of 1962 – Dividends & Interest Withholding Tax - Correspondence |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 10743 – Disabled Veterans’ Cost-of-Living Increase |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 10773 – Residential Occupants of Unpatented Mining Claims |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 11022 – Oil Import Control & Allocation Act of 1962 |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 11289 – Research Grants/Naval Repair Work |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 11583 – Transportation – Minimum Rate Regulation |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 11677 – Equal Pay for Women |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 11970 – Trade Expansion Act – Correspondence |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 12008 – Navy Mothers’ Club |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 12135 – Federal Highway Act of 1962 |
1962 |
850 | H.R. 12391 – Farm Bill |
1962 |
850 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
850 | House Concurrent Resolution - H. Con. Res. 360 – Communications Satellite System |
1961 |
House Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
850 | H. J. Res. 355 – Railroad Mergers |
1961 |
850 | H. J. Res. 444 – World Communist Movement |
1961 |
850 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
House Resolutions |
Box | ||
850 | H. Res. 714 – Federal Communications Commission |
1962 |
850 | Assorted |
1961-1962 |
Sub-subseries 3. 88th Congress (1963-1964) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
850 | Firearms Includes legislation, clippings, and correspondence regarding proposed restrictions on firearms in the months following the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy.
1963-1964 |
850 | Test Ban Treaty Mostly correspondence opposing ratification of the 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
1963-1964 |
851 | Test Ban Treaty Mostly correspondence opposing ratification of the 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
1963-1964 |
851 | January |
1963 |
851 | February |
1963 |
851 | March |
1963 |
851 | April |
1963 |
851 | May |
1963 |
851 | June |
1963 |
851 | July |
1963 |
851 | August |
1963 |
851 | September |
1963 |
851 | October |
1963 |
851 | November |
1963 |
851 | December |
1963 |
851 | January |
1964 |
851 | February |
1964 |
851 | March |
1964 |
852 | April |
1964 |
852 | May-June |
1964 |
852 | July |
1964 |
852 | August |
1964 |
852 | September-December |
1964 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
852 | S. 4 – Wilderness Bill |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 5 – Provide Readjustment Assistance to Vets Who Serve in Armed Forces during Induction Period |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 6 – Mass Transit |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 15 – Establish National Academy of Foreign Affairs |
1963 |
852 | S. 20 – Outdoor Recreation |
1963 |
852 | S. 35 – Amend Internal Revenue code of 1954 to Extend Head of Household Benefits of Unremarried Widows and Widowers |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 41 – Authorize Public Land States to Select Certain Public Lands in Exchange for Land Taken by U.S. for Military and Other Purposes |
1963 |
852 | S. 51 – Authorize Secretary of Agriculture to Relinquish to State of Wyoming Jurisdiction Over Lands in Medicine Bow National Forest |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 52 – Provide for Tariff Import Quotas on Sheep, Lambs, Mutton, and Lamb |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 53 – Amend Act of September 22, 1961, Providing for the Peace Corps |
1963 |
852 | S. 54 – Authorize Administrator of General Services to Convey Certain Lands in Wyoming to City of Cheyenne |
undated |
852 | S. 55 – Authorize Administrator of General Services to Convey Certain Lands (W.A.F.B.) to City of Cheyenne |
1963 |
852 | S. 56 – Provide for Construction of Savery-Pot Hook Reclamation Project |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 57 – Declare National Policy on Conservation, Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources |
1963 |
852 | S. 58 – Provide for Establishment of a National Cemetery in Wyoming |
1963 |
852 | S. 59 – Amend Section 53 of Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 re Disposition of Proceeds of Sales, Bonuses, and Royalties and Rentals |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 61 – Amend Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act re Labeling of Certain Imported Meats, Poultry, and Fish |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 68 – Air Traffic Controllers – Retirement |
1963 |
852 | S. 106 – Federal Deposit Insurance Act Increase |
1963 |
852 | S. 108 – Making Columbus Day a Legal Holiday |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 171 – Incorporate the Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation |
1963 |
852 | S. 176 – Federal Employees – Full-Annuity Retirement |
1963 |
852 | S. 189 – Civil Service Retirement Act |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 197 – For Relief of Kee Hyung Lee, His Wife, and His Son (Simpson) |
1963 |
852 | S. 283 – Amend Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 |
1963 |
852 | S. 289 – Amend Peace Corps Act to Provide for Awarding of Peace Corps Medal |
1963 |
852 | S. 332 – Futures Trading in Irish Potatoes |
1964 |
852 | S. 387 – Truth in Packaging |
1964 |
852 | S. 397 – Repeal Tax on Transfer of Silver Bullion (Church) |
1963 |
852 | S. 415 – Amend Public Laws 815 and 874, 81st Congress, to Extend for One Year Certain Expiring Provisions Thereof |
1963 |
852 | S. 432 – Accelerate, Extend, and Strengthen the Federal Air Pollution Control Program |
1963 |
852 | S. 433 – Parcel Post Packages – Size & Weight Limitations |
1963 |
852 | S. 527 - Voluntary Farm Employment Service Act |
1963 |
852 | S. 528 – Farm Labor |
1964 |
852 | S. 533 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 534 – “City of New Orleans” Bill |
1963 |
852 | S. 557 – Amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to Impose Additional Duties on Cattle, Veal, and Beef, Excess of Annual Quota (Simpson) |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 565 – For Relief of Gregorio Martin Domingo, Demetria Domingo, Marion Domingo, and Ray Domingo |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 580 – National Education Improvement Act |
1963 |
852 | S. 601 – Authorize and Direct National Land Reserve and Other Lands Administered by the Secretary of the Interior to be Managed under Principles of Multiple Use |
1963 |
852 | S. 649 – Amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act – Increase Grants for Construction (Muskie) |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 684 – Freight Forwarder Bill |
1963 |
852 | S. 690 – For the Relief of Mr. and Mrs. Pandelis Salvaris |
1963 |
852 | S. 703 – Provide for Flying American Flag over remains of U.S. Ship Utah in Honor of Men Entombed in Her Hull (Moss) |
1963 |
852 | S. 736 – Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954 – Encourage Construction of Treatment Works to Control Water and Water and Air Pollution (Ribicoff) |
1963 |
852 | S. 737 – Promote Water and Air Pollution Control by Authorizing the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to Provide Assistance to Small Businesses for Treatment (Ribicoff) |
1963 |
852 | S. 747 – Amend Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart) |
1963-1964 |
852 | S. 750 – Assist in Promotion of Economic Stabilization by Requiring Disclosure of Finance Charges in Connection with Extension of Credit |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 757 – Small Businesses – Set-Aside Directives |
1963 |
853 | S. 758 – Establish in Office of Secretary of Interior a Board of Public Land Appeals (Gruening) |
1963 |
853 | S. 770 – To Provide for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Savery-Pot Hook, Bostwick Park, and Fruitland Mesa (Simpson) |
1963 |
853 | S. 774 – Quality Stabilization Bill |
19631964 |
853 | S. 777 – Arms Control & Disarmament Act |
1963 |
853 | S. 843 – Patents – Government-Sponsored Developmental Work |
1963 |
853 | S. 859 – Establish Land and Water Conservation Fund to Assist States and Federal Agencies in Meeting Outdoor Recreation Demands (Jackson) |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 865 – Provide for Establishment of National Academy of Foreign Affairs (Symington) |
1963 |
853 | S. 880 – Provide under Social Security a Program for Payment for Hospital and Related Services for the Aged (Anderson) |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 942 – Railroad Anti-Merger Bill |
1963 |
853 | S. 944 – Provide for Presentation of a Monument to the People of Mexico by the U.S. Commemorating Independence of Mexico (Kuchel) |
1963 |
S. 963 – For Relief of Constantina (Mihas) Michia |
1963 | |
853 | S. 982 – Permitting the Secretary of the Interior to Continue to Deliver Water to Lands in the Third Division, Riverton Reclamation Project |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 991 – Civil Service Retirement Act |
1964 |
853 | S. 1020 – Direct Secretary of the Interior to Conduct a Program in 5 Areas of U.S. to Increase Usable Precipitation (Anderson) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1033 – Establish a Uniform System of Time Standards and Measurement for the United States (Magnuson) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1051 – Amend Section 314 of the Public Health Service Act by Providing Great Flexibility to States in Use of Certain Public Health Grants-in-Aid (Muskie) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1061 – Transportation – Minimum Rate Bill |
1963 |
853 | S. 1063 – Amend Interstate Commerce Act re Adequacy of National Railroad Freight Car Supply (Magnuson) |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1066 – For the relief of the E.L.K. Oil Company |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1111 – Water Resources Planning Act of 1963 |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1117 – Extend for Four Years the Commission on Civil Rights as Agency in Executive branch of Government (Hart) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1122 – Exchange of Lands Between Town of Powell and Presbyterian Retirement Facilities Corporation (Simpson) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1138 – Railroad Anti-Merger Bill |
1963 |
853 | S. 1187 – Amend Civil Service Retirement re Annuities |
1963 |
853 | S. 1238 – Amend Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 re Surplus Personal Property (Humphrey) |
1963 |
853 | S. 1249 – Hard Wood Labeling Act |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1270 – Amend Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 to Strengthen Independent Competition by Providing for Competitive Enterprise in Retail Sales of Meat (McGovern) |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1275 – State-Based Water Rights |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1296 – For the Relief of Leonard F. Rizzuto |
1962-1963 |
853 | S. 1298 – Provide Highway and Bridge Construction as Part of Flaming Gorge Dam Project |
1963 |
853 | S. 1299 – Defer Certain Operation and Maintenance Charges of the Eden-Farson Project |
1963-1964 |
853 | S. 1321 – Provide for a National Service Corps to Strengthen Community Service Programs in the U.S. (Williams) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1363 – Increase Participation by Counties in the Revenues from the National Wildlife Refuge System |
1963-1964 |
854 | S. 1378 – Authorize Administrator of General Services to Convey Lands in Wyoming to Laramie County |
1963 |
854 | S. 1481 – Provide for Establishment of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in Nebraska (Hruska) |
1963-1964 |
854 | S. 1482 – Amend Section 407 of Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 |
1963 |
854 | S. 1483 – Authorize Administrator of Administrator of General Services to Convey Lands in Wyoming to Laramie County (Simpson to) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1484 – Relief of Royce C. Plume (Simpson to) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1490 – Amend Section 407 of Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 (Ellender) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1507 – Authorize Conveyance of a Certain Tract of Land to the State of Wyoming (Simpson to) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1525 – For the Relief of Kayo Fujimoto Howard |
1963-1964 |
854 | S. 1540 – International Air-Rate Legislation |
1963 |
854 | S. 1542 – Provide for Establishment of a Program of Federal Unemployment Adjustments Benefits, etc. (McCarthy) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1566 – Consent to Upper Niobrara River Compact Between Wyoming and Nebraska (Simpson) |
1963-1964 |
854 | S. 1576 – Mental-Health Programs |
1963 |
854 | S. 1588 – Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act of 1964 |
1963 |
854 | S. 1595 – Provide Federal Assistance to National and State Committees of Political Parties in Financing of Campaigns (Neuberger) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1680 – To Establish an Office of Consumers (Kefauver) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1697 – Establish Commission on Rural Life (Hartke) |
1963 |
854 | S. 1703 – Mexican Farm Labor Bill |
1963-1964 |
854 | S. 1731 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Mostly correspondence (from both Wyoming and other states) regarding the bill. Also includes copies of the bill and the companion House bill (H.R. 7152), as well as student essays and publications that were sent to McGee.
1963-1964 |
855 | S. 1731 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Mostly correspondence (from both Wyoming and other states) regarding the bill. Also includes copies of the bill and the companion House bill (H.R. 7152), as well as student essays and publications that were sent to McGee.
1963-1964 |
856 | S. 1731 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Mostly correspondence (from both Wyoming and other states) regarding the bill. Also includes copies of the bill and the companion House bill (H.R. 7152), as well as student essays and publications that were sent to McGee.
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 1731 – Civil Rights Act of 1964 Mostly correspondence (from both Wyoming and other states) regarding the bill. Also includes copies of the bill and the companion House bill (H.R. 7152), as well as student essays and publications that were sent to McGee.
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 1732 – Eliminate Discrimination in Public Accommodations Affecting Commerce, (Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) |
1963 |
857 | S. 1777 – For the Relief of Lia Novelli |
1963 |
857 | S. 1801 – Effectuate Provision of the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Requiring Defendants in Criminal Cases be Given Speedy Trials |
1963 |
857 | S. 1802 – Protect Integrity of the Court and Jury Functions in Criminal Cases |
1963 |
857 | S. 1855 – Rural Electrification Act Loans |
1963 |
857 | S. 1901 – Provide for Allocation of Percentage of Proceeds from Lands in Teton National Park to the State of Wyoming (Simpson) |
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 1915 – Dairy Bill |
1963 |
857 | S. 1918 – WWI Veterans’ Pensions |
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 1946 – Provide for Voluntary Wheat Adjustment and Price Support Program (McGovern) |
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 1949 – Federal Regulation of Mining Regulations |
1963 |
857 | S. 1984 – Amend Mineral Leasing Act re Timely Payment of Rentals (Gruening) |
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 2028 – Rural Electric Cooperatives |
1963-1964 |
857 | S. 2035 – Reauthorize Riverton Extension Unit to Include All of the Riverton Reclamation Project Except the Muddy Ridge Area |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2038 – Establish in the Legislative Branch a Congressional Office of Science and Technology |
1963 |
858 | S. 2048 – Provide for the Establishment of Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area (Mansfield) |
1963-1965 |
858 | S. 2053 – Provide for the Acquisition of Rights-of-Way for Canals and Ditches (Bible) |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2104 – Civil Aeronautics Board |
1963 |
858 | S. 2114 – Provide for Periodic Congressional Checks of Federal Grants-in-Aid to States and Local Units of Government (Muskie) |
1963 |
858 | S. 2125 – Gold Mining Revitalization Act |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2173 – Amend the Tariff Act of 1930 and the Act of February 13, 1911, to Eliminate Provisions That Require Payment to U.S. for Overtime Services of Customs Officers and Employees |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2180 – Amend Title VII of the Public health Service Act to Extend to Qualified Schools of Optometry and Students of Optometry (Williams) |
1963 |
858 | S. 2185 – Impose Quota Limitations on Imports of Foreign Residual Fuel Oil (Randolph) |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2189 – For the Relief of Juan Miguel Apezteguia |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2203 – To Amend the Federal Coal Mine Safety Act to Provide Further Prevention of Accidents in Mines (Moss) |
1963 |
858 | S. 2274 – National Economic Conversion Commission |
1964 |
858 | S. 2307 – Amend Emergency Loan Authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to Authorize Loans Where Credit is Not Otherwise Available Because of Serios Economic Conditions (Muskie) |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2327 – Mining Leasing Act |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2341 – Appropriation of $5 Million to Carry Out the Purposes of National Cultural Center Act and Designate the National Cultural Center as the John F. Kennedy Center (Fulbright) |
1963 |
858 | S. 2379 – National Council on the Arts/National Arts Foundation |
1963-1964 |
858 | S. 2486 – Double-Time Rates for Overtime |
1964 |
858 | S. 2490 – Aid to Students in Higher Education (Hartke) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2497 – Provide for Investigation and Study to Determine Site for the Construction of Interoceanic Canal through American Isthmus (Magnuson) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2498 – Change in Payment Formula for Land Acquired by Federal Government for Wildlife Refuges |
1964 |
858 | S. 2509 – Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code to Establish a Court of Veterans’ Appeals (Hart) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2525 – Restrict Imports of Beef, Veal, and Mutton into the U.S. (Mansfield) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2549 – Amend Federal Employees’ Compensation Act to Permit Injured Employees to Utilize Services of Optometrists (Javits) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2561 – Bank Holding Company Act |
1964 |
858 | S. 2564 – Provide Reimbursement to State of Wyoming for Improvements Made on Lands in Sweetwater County |
1964 |
858 | S. 2635 – Amend Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as Amended and for Other Purposes (Morton) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2642 – Mobilize Human and Financial Resources of the Nation to Combat Poverty in the U.S.A. (McNamara) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2657 – Increase the Amount of Domestic Beet Sugar Which May Be Marketed During 1964-1965 and 1966 (Young – North Dakota) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2701 – Provide for Investigation and Determine Site for Construction of Sea Level Canal Connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans |
1964 |
S. 2719 – Victims of Alaska Earthquake |
1964 | |
858 | S. 2720 – Amend Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to Eliminate Further Waiver of Fuel Use Charges and Establish Minimum Charges for Leasing Atomic Fuel, etc. (Moss) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2726 – Amend Act Approved March 18, 1950, for Construction of Airports in or in Close Proximity to National Parks, National Monuments, or Recreation Areas |
1964 |
858 | S. 2739 – Provide Premium Compensation for Work Performed on Saturday or Sunday by Employees in Postal Field Service |
1964 |
858 | S. 2796 – Provide Strengthening and Improving National Transportation System (Magnuson) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2821 – Amend Section 8 of Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (Mansfield) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2842 – Confer Jurisdiction on U.S. District Courts to Hear and Render Judgment on Certain Claims (Scott) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2848 – Establish a Program for Federal Assistance for College and Vocational Education Loans and a Program for Federal Undergraduate Scholarships (Williams) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2915 – Provide for Transfer of Receipts of Colorado River Development Fund to Upper Colorado River Basin Fund, Commencing in 1967 (Allott) |
1964 |
858 | S. 2918 – For the Relief of Pejo Topolic |
1964 |
858 | S. 3020 – For the Relief of Leo Weiss |
1964 |
858 | S. 3021 – For the Relief of the Hanover Irrigation District of Worland |
1959-1964 |
858 | S. 3022 – For the Relief of Jadwiga Zuzanna Kobielusz |
1964 |
858 | S. 3053 – Amend Act of March 10, 1964 |
1964 |
858 | S. 3054 – Establishing the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area in Wyoming and Utah |
1964 |
858 | S. 3110 – Determine Claims of Certain Prisoners of War Permanently Disabled and Confer Jurisdiction on Court of Claims |
1964 |
858 | S. 3201 – For the Relief of Anna Maria Heiland |
1964 |
859 | Assorted |
1963-1964 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
859 | S. Con. Res. 1 – Create Joint Committee to Study Organization and Operation of Congress |
1963 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 25 – Ringing of Bells on July 4th throughout the U.S. (Ribicoff) |
1963 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 39 – Protection of Small Business Concerns in Cooperative Advertising |
1963 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 65 – Favoring Agreements with Other Nations for the Joint Exploration and Use of Space (Clark) |
1963 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 68 – Provide for Printing of AID [Agency for International Development] Report |
1963 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 72 – Re Death of King Paul of Greece |
1964 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 94 – Calling for a Moratorium on Election Predictions by Computers during 1964 Campaign (Salinger) |
1964 |
859 | S. Con. Res. 99 – Express Sense of Congress that U.N. Provide for the Self-Determination for Baltic States (Dodd) |
1964 |
859 | Assorted |
1963 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
859 | S. J. Res. 6 – Cancel Unpaid Reimbursable Construction Costs of Wind River Irrigation Project |
1963-1964 |
859 | S. J. Res. 7 – Determine the Susceptibility of Minerals to Electrometallurgical Processes |
1963 |
859 | S. J. Res. 8 – Amend Constitution relating to Election of President and Vice President |
1963-1964 |
859 | S. J. Res. 17 – Designate Lake Made by Flaming Gorge Dam as O’Mahoney Lake and Recreation Area |
1962-1963 |
859 | S. J. Res. 32 – Authorize City of Rawlins or Citizens to Remove to Rawlins Statue of Gen. John A. Rawlins from District of Columbia |
1963 |
859 | S. J. Res. 45 – Equal Rights for Women |
1963-1964 |
859 | S. J. Res. 71 – Authorize and Direct the Conduct by the F.T.C. of a Comprehensive Investigation of Chainstore Practices |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. J. Res. 71 – Authorize and Direct the Conduct by the F.T.C. of a Comprehensive Investigation of Chainstore Practices |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. J. Res. 71 – Job Applications for Commission on Food Marketing |
1964 |
860 | S. J. Res. 71 – Phil’s [Phillip O’Neal’s] File |
1964 |
860 | S. J. Res. 76 – Leif Erickson Day |
1963 |
860 | S. J. Res. 102 – Railroad-Union Dispute – Correspondence |
1963 |
860 | S. J. Res. 139 – Presidential Inability |
1964 |
860 | Assorted |
1963-1964 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
860 | S. Res. 19 – Liquor in the Senate |
1964 |
860 | S. Res. 30 – Granting Legislative Authority to Select Committee on Small Business |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. Res. 89 – Providing for Germaneness of Debate Under Certain Circumstances (Pastore) |
1963 |
860 | S. Res. 111 – Amending Rule 25 of Standing Rules re Meetings of Committees While Senate is in Session (Church) |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. Res. 120 – Amend Senate Rule 33 to Provide for Report and Question Period (Kefauver) |
1963 |
860 | S. Res. 136 – Establish a Select Committee to Study Railroad Financing (Hartke) |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. Res. 143 – Extend Congratulations to Major Cooper from U.S. Senate (Mansfield) |
1963 |
860 | S. Res. 148 – Express Sense of Senate on Banning Nuclear Tests that Contaminate Atmosphere (Dodd) |
1963 |
860 | S. Res. 176 – Veterans Affairs Committee |
1963 |
860 | S. Res. 204 – Condemning Persecution by Soviet Union of Persons Because of Their Religion (Ribicoff) |
1963-1964 |
860 | S. Res. 237 – Print as Document AID [Agency for International Development] Report, with Additional Copies |
1964 |
860 | S. Res. 248 – Providing for Hearings on Desirability of Keeping Highway 20 in Yellowstone Park Open Year-Round |
1964 |
860 | Assorted |
1963-1964 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
860 | H.R. 12 – Health Profession’s Education Assistance Act of 1963 |
1963 |
860 | H.R. 319 – Pornography and Obscene Literature |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 1159 – Criminal Investigators |
1964 |
860 | H.R. 1804 – Contracts for Carriage of Mail |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 1839 – Quotas on Importation of Beef, Veal, Lamb, and Mutton |
1964 |
860 | H.R. 1927 – Veterans’ Pension Act |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 2332 – WWI Veterans’ Pensions |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 2513 – Imports – Container Legislation |
1963 |
860 | H.R. 3000 – Federal Aid to Education |
1963 |
860 | H.R. 3846 – Land & Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 |
1964 |
860 | H.R. 4700 – Transportation |
1963 |
860 | H.R. 4856 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 4995 – Education |
1963-1964 |
860 | H.R. 4997 – Feed Grain Bill |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 5555 – Uniformed Pay Services Act of 1963 |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 6041 – Davis-Bacon Act – Fringe Benefits |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 6143 – Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 6196 – Imports |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 6237 – Support for Collecting and Publishing Historical Sources |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 7063 – Civilian Industrial Technology Appropriation |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 7194 – Copyright Jukebox exemption |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 7552 – Government Employees – Compensation Schedule |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8009 – Veterans’ Nursing Care Bill |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8070 – Public Land Law Review Commission |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8171 – Riverton Bill as Passed by the House and the Senate |
1952, 1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8195 – Mexican Farm Labor Bill |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 8200 – Fallout Shelters |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8308 – Civil Aeronautics Board |
1963 |
861 | H.R. 8363 – Revenue Act of 1964 |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 8986 – Federal Employees Pay Bill |
1963-1964 |
861 | H.R. 9416 – Knights of Pythias Coin |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 9488 – Peyote |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 9802 – Overtime Pay Penalty Act of 1964 |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 9903 – Omnibus Transportation Bill |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 11049 – Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964 |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 11272 – Livestock Products |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 11376 – Federal Excise Taxes |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 11380 – Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 |
1964 |
861 | H.R. 11865 – Social Security Amendments of 1964 |
1964 |
861 | Assorted |
1963-1964 |
861 | House Concurrent Resolution - H. Con. Res. 88 – Back-Pay for Prisoners of War |
1963 |
House Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
861 | H. J. Res. 693 – Becker Amendment/School Prayer |
1963-1964 |
861 | Assorted |
1963-1964 |
861 | House Resolutions - Assorted |
1963-1964 |
Subseries 2. Senate, 2nd Term (1965-1970) |
Box | ||
Sub-subseries 1. 89th Congress (1965-1966) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
862 | Interstate Route 266 |
1963-1965 |
862 | Metropolitan Opera House (NYC) |
1966 |
862 | December 1964-January 1965 |
1964-1965 |
862 | February |
1965 |
862 | March |
1965 |
862 | April-May |
1965 |
862 | June |
1965 |
862 | July |
1965 |
862 | August |
1965 |
862 | September-October |
1965 |
862 | November-December |
1965 |
862 | January-February |
1966 |
862 | March |
1966 |
862 | April-May |
1966 |
862 | June-July |
1966 |
862 | August-September |
1966 |
862 | October-December |
1966 |
862 | House |
1965-1966 |
862 | Senate Bills |
Box | ||
862 | Individual Senate Voting Record from January 10, 1966, to October 22, 1966 |
1966 |
862 | S. 1 – Medical Care for the Aged (Anderson) (P.L. 89-97) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 1 – Medical Care for the Aged (Anderson) (P.L. 89-97) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 2 – Amend Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 to Provide More Effective Evaluation of Fiscal Requirements of Executive Agencies (McClellan) |
1965 |
863 | S. 4 – Amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Establish Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, etc. (Muskie) (P.L. 89-234) |
1964-1966 |
863 | S. 5 – Provide Assistance for Students in Higher Education by Establishing Programs for Student Grants, etc. (Hartke) |
1965 |
863 | S. 9 – Cold War Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (Yarborough) (P.L. 89-358) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 14 – Firearms Legislation |
1965 |
863 | S. 20 – Provide Establishment of the Assateague Island National Seashore in Maryland and Virginia (Brewster) (P.L. 89-195) |
1965 |
863 | S. 21 – Water Resources Planning Act |
1965 |
863 | S. 22 – Promote More Adequate National Program of Water Research (Anderson) |
1966 |
863 | S. 23 – Direct the Secretary of the Interior to Conduct a Program in Five Areas of the U.S. to Increase Usable Precipitation (Anderson) |
1965 |
863 | S. 30 – Establish National Economic Conversion and Diversification Commission (McGovern) |
1965 |
863 | S. 48 – Federal Employees – Retirement |
1965 |
863 | S. 70 – Provide Establishment of a National Cemetery in the State of Wyoming (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 71 – Amend Act of September 22, 1961, Providing for the Peace Corps (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | For Relief of Hanover Irrigation District of Worland (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 73 – For Relief of Mr. and Mrs. Pandelis Salvaris (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 74 – For Relief of Juan Miguel Apezteguia (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 76 – For Relief of Anna Maria Heiland (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 77 – For Relief of Pejo Topolic (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 78 – For Relief of Lia Novelli (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 79 – For Relief of Leonard F. Rizzuto (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 80 – For Relief of Jadwiga Zuzanna Kobielusz (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 81 – For Relief of Constantina Mihas (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 82 – For Relief of Royce C. Plume (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 83 – Authorize the Establishment of Fossil Butte National Monument (McGee) |
1964-1966 |
863 | S. 84 – Provide Reimbursement to Wyoming for Improvements Made on Lands in Sweetwater County (McGee) |
1964-1966 |
863 | S. 85 – Amend Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act re Disposition of Proceeds of Sales, etc. (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 86 – Amend Section 407 of the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 (McGee) |
1965-1967 |
863 | S. 87 – Determine Claims of Certain Prisoners of War Permanently Disabled and Confer Jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 88 – Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to Require Labeling of Imported Meats, etc. (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 89 – Amend the Civil Service Retirement Act to Equalize Annuities in Return for Contributions of Annuitants during Service in Excess re Retirement |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 91 – Provide Premium Compensation for Work Performed on Saturday or Sunday by Employees in Postal Field Service (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 92 – Establish the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area in Utah and Wyoming (McGee) |
1964-1966 |
863 | S. 108 – Making Columbus Day a Legal Holiday (Boggs) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 111 – Provide Establishment of the National Humanities Foundation to Promote Progress Research and Scholarship in the Humanities (Gruening) |
1965 |
863 | S. 218 – Federal Power Commission |
1965 |
863 | S. 233 – Liquor on Airlines |
1965 |
863 | S. 236 – Civil Service Employees – Annuities |
1965 |
863 | S. 250 – Oregon Dunes |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 256 – Taft-Hartley Act – Right-to-Work Laws |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 283 – Amend Section 8 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (Mansfield) |
1965 |
863 | S. 290 – Protect the Integrity of the Court and Jury Functions in Criminal Cases (Morse) |
1965 |
863 | S. 291 – Effectuate Provision of the 6th Amendment of the Constitution Requiring that Defendants in Criminal Cases be Given the Right to a Speedy Trial (Morse) |
1965 |
863 | S. 293 – Establish a Public Community College and a College of Arts and Sciences in D.C. (Morse) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 306 – Amend the Clean Air Act to Require Standards for Controlling the Emission of Pollutants from Gas or Diesel Engines (Muskie) |
1964-1965 |
863 | S. 316 – Provide Establishment of the National Humanities Foundation to Promote Progress and Scholarship in the Humanities (Pell) |
1965 |
863 | S. 338 – Amend Section 615 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re Tax Treatment of Exploration Expenditures in Mining (Gruening) |
1965 |
863 | S. 339 – Provide for Establishment of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument in Nebraska (Hruska) |
1964-1965 |
863 | S. 360 – Provide for Establishment of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Jackson) |
1965 |
S. 370 – Strengthen and Improve Education Quality and Opportunities in the Nation’s Elementary and Secondary Schools (Morse) |
1965-1966 | |
863 | S. 408 – Authorize the Study of Methods of Helping to Provide Financial Assistance to Victims of Future Natural Disasters – Passed Senate |
1965 |
863 | S. 433 – To Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Sell Certain Lands in Lander, Wyoming, and for Other Purposes (Simpson) |
1965 |
863 | S. 457 – Rural Electric Cooperatives |
1965 |
863 | S. 476 – Amend Act Approved on March 18, 1950, Providing for Construction of Airports in or in Close Proximity to National Parks, etc. (Mansfield) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 491 – Establishment of Bighorn National Recreation Area (Metcalf) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 500 – Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act and for Other Purposes (Hart) |
1965 |
863 | S. 532 – Relief of Elizabeth Ann Paul (McGee) |
1965 |
863 | S. 533 – Relief of Teruko Sasaki (McGee) |
1964-1965 |
863 | S. 547 – Cigarette Advertising and Labeling Act |
1965 |
863 | S. 553 – Consent to Upper Niobrara River Compact between the States of Wyoming and Nebraska (Simpson) |
1965-1966 |
863 | S. 554 – Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs to Convey Certain Property to the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming (Simpson) |
1965 |
863 | S. 559 – Federal Cigarette Labeling Act |
1965 |
863 | S. 561 – Provide Congressional Review of Federal Grants-in-Aid, etc. (Muskie) |
1965 |
864 | S. 598 – Amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 to Provide for the Continuation of the Voluntary Wheat Certificate Program (McGovern) |
1965 |
864 | S. 600 – Higher Education Act of 1965 |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 601 – Provide Flying the American Flag over the Remains of U.S. Ship Utah in Honor of Heroic Men Entombed on December 7, 1941 (Moss) |
1965 |
864 | S. 602 – Amend the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 (Moss) |
1965 |
864 | S. 625 – Sales of Public Lands to Ranchers |
1965 |
864 | S. 662 – Encourage and Accelerate the Economic Development of the Upper Great Plains Region (McGovern) |
1957-1965 |
864 | S. 664 – Annuities for Federal Employees Engaged in Hazardous Duties |
1965 |
864 | S. 707 – Amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 re Purposes for which Surplus Personal Property May Be Donated (Burdick) |
1965 |
864 | S. 735 – Commission for Elimination of Pornographic Materials |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 774 – U.S. Adoption of the Metric System |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 811 – Establish a New Agency in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to be Designated as the Administration on Aging, etc. (McNamara) |
1965 |
864 | S. 812 – Provide for the Use of Public Works and Other Economic Programs to Aid Economically Disadvantaged Areas in the U.S. (McNamara) |
1965 |
864 | S. 822 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Public Lands in Wyoming to Clara Dozier Wire (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 832 – For Relief of Jung Soon Choi (McGee) |
1964-1966 |
864 | S. 891 – Adjust Wheat and Feed Grain Production to Establish a Cropland Retirement Program (Hickenlooper) |
1965 |
864 | S. 898 – Federal Retirement Program |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 935 – Authorize the Appropriation of Receipts to the Colorado River Development Fund for the Purpose of Making Allowances to the Hoover Dam Powerplant for Deficiencies in Firm Energy Generation (Allott) |
1965 |
864 | S. 937 – Amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to Require the Civil Aeronautics Board to Enforce the Duty Imposed on Each Carrier to Provide Adequate Services in Connection with Transportation, etc. (Brewster) |
1965 |
864 | S. 938 – Declare a National Policy on the Conservation, Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources (McGovern) |
1965 |
864 | S. 949 – To Promote Commerce and Encourage Economic Growth by Supporting State and Regional Centers to Place the Findings of Science Usefully in the Hands of American Enterprise |
1965 |
864 | S. 950 – Professional Sports Monopolies |
1965 |
864 | S. 969 – Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code to Require the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs to Give 6 Months Advance Public Notice of the Planned Closing of Facilities (Boggs) |
1965 |
864 | S. 970 – Amend the Social Security Act re Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children’s Programs, etc. (Ribicoff) |
1965 |
864 | S. 985 – Regulate Interstate and Foreign Commerce by Preventing the Use of Unfair or Deceptive Methods of Packaging or Labeling of Consumer Commodities (Hart) |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 994 – Extend Operation of the National Wool Act of 1954 (McGee) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1006 – Copyright Law |
1965 |
864 | S. 1023 – Amend Section 314 of the Public Health Service Act to Provide Greater Flexibility to the States in Use of Grants-in-Aid, etc. (Muskie) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1032 – Amend the Federal Coal Mine Safety Act to Provide for Prevention of Accidents in Mines (Moss) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1035 – Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Extend Head of Household Benefits to All Unremarried Widows and Widowers, etc. (McCarthy) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1052 – Establish an Office of Consumers, etc. (Hart) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1060 – Relief of Domingo Family (McGee) |
1965-1967 |
864 | S. 1071 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 1072 – Reauthorize the Riverton Extension Unit to Include All Riverton Reclamation Project (McGee) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1095 – Amend Title 37 of the U.S. Code to Increase Rates of Basic Pay for Members of Uniformed Services (Nelson) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1098 – Amend Section 1(14)(a) of the Interstate Commerce Act re National Freight Car Supply (Magnuson) |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 1108 – Amend Public Laws 815 and 874 of the 81st Congress to Make Permanent the Authorization for Payments under Provisions of Such Laws, etc. (Brewster) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1118 – District of Columbia Home Rule |
1965-1966 |
864 | S. 1126 – Amend the Emergency Loan Authority of the Secretary of Agriculture under Subtitle C of the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration to Authorize Loans in Areas Where Credit Is Not Otherwise Available, etc. (Muskie) |
1965 |
864 | S. 1150 – Officers-Directors of Carriers |
1965 |
864 | S. 1153 – Railroad Inspections |
1965 |
865 | S. 1203 – Internal Revenue Code – Deductibility of Educational Expenses |
1966 |
865 | S. 1211 – National Elections on the First Sunday in November |
1965 |
865 | S. 1212 – Authorize the State Department through the Agency for International Development to Encourage and Assist Colleges re Programs on Foreign Development re Research, etc., to Develop Nations (McGovern) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1249 – For Relief of Leo Weiss (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1250 – Amend Public Law 874, 81st Congress – Financial Assistance for Local Educational Agencies – re Waive Minimum Requirement for Such Assistance (McGee) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1251 – Prescribe Certain Safety Features for All Motor Vehicles Manufactured for, Sold, and Shipped in Interstate Commerce (Nelson) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1297 – Change in Metal Content of U.S. Coins |
1965 |
865 | S. 1322 – Establish the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park in the State of Maryland (Brewster) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1377 – Revitalize the American Gold Mining Industry (Gruening) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1404 – Establish Uniform Dates throughout the U.S. for the Commencing and Ending od Daylight Saving Time in States that Have It (Cotton) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1446 – Reserve Certain Public Lands for a National Wild Rivers System and Provide for Additional Public Lands, etc. (Church) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1450 – Relief of Robert L. Miller and Mildred M. Miller (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1459 – Rural Electric Cooperatives |
1965 |
865 | S. 1476 – Amend Part 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act to Give the Interstate Commerce Commission Additional Authority re Railroad Safety (McGee) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1483 – To Establish the National Foundation of the Arts and Humanities to Promote Progress and Scholarship (Pell) |
1965-1966 |
865 | S. 1525 – Vocational Rehabilitation |
1965 |
865 | S. 1555 – Extend for One Year the Date on which the National Commission on Food Marketing Shall Make a Final Report to the President (Magnuson) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1564 – Enforce the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Voting Rights Act of 1965) (Mansfield) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1590 – Provide More Adequate and Realistic Penalties for Violations of Certain Safety Statutes Administered by the Interstate Commerce Commission (McGee) |
1965 |
865 | S. 1592 – Firearms Legislation |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1592 – Firearms Legislation |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1592 – Press – TV – Comments Correspondence to McGee regarding public statements that he had made about firearms restrictions in the wake of the tower shooting that took place at the University of Texas on August 1, 1966.
1966 |
866 | S. 1596 – Civil Aviation – Overture Charges |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1613 – District of Columbia – Uninsured Motorists |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1628 – Amend the Tariff Act of 1930 and the Act of February 13, 1911, to Eliminate Provisions that Require Payment to the U.S. for Overtime Services of Customs Officers (Dominick) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1644 – Protect Civil Rights by Providing That It Shall Be a Federal Offence to Kill Any Person in Connection with His Advocacy re Civil Rights (Nelson) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1648 – Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 |
1965 |
866 | S. 1667 – Rates for Fourth-Class Mail |
1965 |
866 | S. 1668 – Postmasters – Five-Day Weeks |
1965 |
866 | S. 1676 – Population Crisis |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1698 – Bank Mergers |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1702 – Food and Agriculture Act of 1965 |
1965 |
866 | S. 1727 – Provide for Strengthening and Improving the National Transportation System (Magnuson) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1741 – Double-Time Overtime |
1965 |
866 | S. 1746 – Reauthorize the Riverton Extension Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, to Include the Entire Riverton Federal Reclamation Project (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1766 – To Amend the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961 (Aiken) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1787 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act re Disability Insurance Benefits to the Blind (Hartke) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1792 – To Provide Assistance in Training State and Local Law Enforcement Officers (Moss) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1833 – To Provide for a Pacific Medical Center in Hawaii (Inouye) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1837 – Foreign Aid |
1965 |
866 | S. 1861 – To Provide Additional Assistance for Areas Suffering a Major Disaster (Bayh) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1880 – For Relief of the Mule Creek Oil Company, Inc. (McGee) |
1965-1967 |
866 | S. 1952 – Predator Control |
1965 |
866 | S. 1969 – To Amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (Harris) |
1965 |
866 | S. 1986 – Fair Labor Standards Act – Fresh Fruits and Vegetables |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 1991 – To Provide for the Establishment of a Program of Federal Unemployment Adjustment Benefits, etc. (McCarthy) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2012 – Restrictions on Coin Collecting |
1965 |
866 | S. 2022 – Provide for the Orderly Marketing of Articles Imported into the U.S., and to Establish a Flexible Basis for the Adjustment by the U.S. Economy to Expanded Trade, etc. (Muskie) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2051 – To Clarify the Tax Status of American Indians (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 2067 – To Amend Chapter 35 Relating to War Orphans’ Educational Assistance, of Title 38 of the U.S. Code, to Increase the Assistance (Kennedy) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2080 – Amendment No. 286 – Amend 2080 to Provide for the Coinage of the United States (Moss) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2080 – Amendment No. 291 – Amend 2080 to Provide for the Coinage of the United States (Bible) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2080 – Amendment No. 292 – Amend 2080 to Provide for the Coinage of the United States (Bible) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2080 – Amendment No. 293 – Amend 2080 to Provide for the Coinage of the United States (Bible) |
1965 |
866 | S. 2084 – Highway Beautification – Outdoor Advertising |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 2104 – For the Relief of Harriet C. Chambers (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
866 | S. 2161 – National Wool Act of 1954 |
1965 |
866 | S. 2175 – Federal Pay – Hazardous-Duty Benefits |
1966 |
867 | S. 2180 – Amend the Act Entitled “An Act to Promote Safety of Employees and Travelers Upon Railroads by Limiting Hours of Service of Employees Thereon” (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2200 – To Allow the Addition of Vitamin A and Vitamin D to Non-Fat Dry Milk (Ribicoff) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2217 – Endangered Species Bill |
1966 |
867 | S. 2228 – To Correct Inequities with Respect to Compensation of Teachers under the Defense Department Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act (Hartke) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2229 – To Amend Section 203 of Public Law 480 of the 83rd Congress (McGovern) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2231 – To Establish the National Highway Traffic Safety Center to Promote Research to Provide Financial Assistance, etc. (Ribicoff) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2281 – Mining Locations for Mineral Deposits |
1965 |
867 | S. 2282 – Ecological Research and Surveys |
1965 |
867 | S. 2305 – To Amend the International Travel Act of 1961 in order to Promote Travel in the United States (Javits) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2318 – To Amend Chapter 13, Title 38, of the U.S. Code to Increase the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation to Widows and Children of Veterans (Ribicoff) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2322 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2349 – To Provide Supplemental Payment for Arapahoe Indians (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2353 – Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 |
1966 |
867 | S. 2507 & 2508 – Utility Powerlines |
1966 |
867 | S. 2516 –To Amend the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 to Provide Reimbursement of Moving Expenses of Government Employees (Tydings) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2549 – To Amend the Sherman Antitrust Act to Provide that Territorial Franchises Not be deemed a Restraint on Trade… (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2561 – National Railway Labor Policy/Florida East Coast Railway/DuPont Estate |
1966 |
867 | S. 2568 – Medical Restraint of Trade Act |
1966 |
867 | S. 2576 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1966 |
867 | S. 2594 – For the Relief of Moshe Shenfeld and His Wife, Sara Shenfeld (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2595 – To Place in Trust Status Certain Lands on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2596 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Increase the Percentage Depletion Allowance for Gold and Silver Produced in the U.S. (Bible) |
1965-1966 |
867 | S. 2658 – To Provide for a Commission to Study the Exporting of Beef from the U.S. and Ways to Increase Such Exports (Morse) |
1965 |
867 | S. 2678 – Meat Inspection Act |
1965-1966 |
S. 2693 – To Amend the Communications Act to Make Unlawful Recorded Messages via a Telephone System That Does Not Identify the Subscriber (McGee) – Correspondence In 1965, McGee proposed this legislation, which would’ve prohibited anonymous pre-recorded political messages. According to a press release from McGee’s office, he was concerned with phone messages from right-wing groups that were libelous but left those who were libeled without legal recourse because of the anonymity of the messages.
Box | ||
867 | Answers to Copies of [Carl] McIntire Letter or [Drew] Pearson |
1965-1966 |
867 | Con |
1965-1966 |
868 | Con (No Replies Needed DC) |
1966 |
868 | Hate Mail |
1966 |
868 | Pro |
1965-1966 |
868 | Right-Wing Quotables |
1965-1966 |
868 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
Drew Pearson Column - Correspondence On December 10, 1965, political columnist Drew Pearson published a column in which he stated that McGee was investigating right-wing radio and TV broadcasts.
Box | ||
868 | Con According to a note on the folder in which the correspondence was originally kept, a green checkmark on a letter indicates that McGee’s office sent a mimeographed statement to the sender.
1965 |
868 | Pro According to a note on the folder in which the correspondence was originally kept, a green checkmark on a letter indicates that McGee’s office sent a mimeographed statement to the sender.
1965 |
868 | S. 2778 – To Amend the Financial Assistance Act for Education of Low-Income Families to Provide for Orphans, etc. (Montoya) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2786 – Relating to the Carryover of Net Operating Losses of Certain Railroad Corporations (Kennedy, T.) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2820 – Meat Inspection |
1966 |
868 | S. 2843 – Size and Weight of Parcel Post Packages |
1966 |
868 | S. 2871 – To Amend Public Law 660 to Establish a National Traffic Safety Agency to Provide National Leadership… (Hartke) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2875 – To Direct the Interior Department to Perform Research That Will Increase the Yield of Water from Atmospheric Sources (Anderson) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2888 – To Ensure that Children Participating in Lunch Programs Will Be Assured of Nutritious Dairy Products (Aiken) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2911 – To Amend Section 301 of the Tariff Act of 1930, As Amended (Talmadge) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2914 – To Extend Public Law 815 for Federal Funds for School Construction in Federally Impacted Areas (Montoya) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2916 – Weather Modification Program |
1966 |
868 | S. 2921 – To Provide a Special Milk Program for Children (Proxmire) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2933 – To Promote International Trade in Agricultural Commodities, to Combat Hunger, to Further Economic Development (Ellender)/Amendment to S. 2933 by Ellender (Bartlett) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2936 – For the Relief of Maria Becerra Gestal (McGee) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2944 – Library Services and Construction Act |
1966 |
868 | S. 2947 – To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Muskie) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2962 – To Authorize the Establishment of Redwood National Park in California, to Protect Economic Assistance by Governments Affected Thereby… (Kuchel) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2974 – Manpower Resources |
1966 |
868 | S. 2992 – To Authorize Foreign Currencies to Finance Family Planning Programs in Friendly Foreign Nations, etc. (Tydings) |
1966 |
868 | S. 2993 – To Provide Financial Assistance to Agencies to Enable Them to Carry On Comprehensive Family Planning Programs (Tydings) |
1966 |
868 | S. 3005 – To Provide for a Coordinated National Safety Program and Establishment of Safety Standards for Motor Vehicles… (Mondale) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3005 – To Provide for a Coordinated National Safety Program and Establishment of Safety Standards for Motor Vehicles… (Mondale) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3008 – Public Health Services |
1966 |
869 | S. 3010 – Department of Transportation |
1966 |
869 | S. 3012 – To Provide Grants to the States for Strengthening of Adult Educational Programs (Hartke) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3034 – Water Resource Development |
1966 |
869 | S. 3046 – To Strengthen and Improve Programs of Assistance for Elementary and Secondary Schools (Morse) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3047 – To Strengthen and Improve Programs of Assistance for Institutions of Higher Education and Students Attending Them (Morse) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3053 – To Amend the Civil Service Retirement Act re Annuities of Panama Canal Ship Pilots (McGee) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3070 – Amend the Mineral Leasing Act re Limitations on Leasing of Coal Lands Imposed Upon Railroads (McGee) Also includes materials related to S. 1192, an earlier version of the bill from the 87th Congress.
1961-1966 |
869 | S. 3076 – To Extend and Amend the Library Services and Construction Act (Hill) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3094 – Relating to Inspections in Mines and Quarries to Obtain Information re Health, Safety, Accidents, Occupational Diseases… (Clark) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3101 – To Establish a U.S. Committee on Human Rights for Participation in Observance of the Year 1968 as “International Human Rights Year” (Clark) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3107 – To Provide for Comprehensive Review of National Water Resource Problems and Programs, etc. (Jackson) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3153 – National Labor Relations Act – Religious Liberty |
1966 |
869 | S. 3155 – Federal Highway Act of 1966 |
1966 |
869 | S. 3158 – Financial Institutions Supervisory Act of 1966 |
1966 |
869 | S. 3169 – To Authorize a Special Program for the Mentally Retarded, Mentally Ill, and Physically Handicapped Spouses and Children of Uniformed Service Personnel… (B. Kennedy) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3181 – Internal Revenue Code – Moving Costs of Employees |
1966 |
869 | S. 3204 – To Authorize a Separate Sleeve Insignia for Merrill’s Marauders, a Unit That Served in the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations during WWI (R. Kennedy) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3296 – Civil Rights Act of 1966 |
1966 |
869 | S. 3297 – Military Cargoes |
1966 |
869 | S. 3303 – To Authorize On-the-Job Training, On-the-Farm Training, Certain Flight Training, Education, Assistance, etc. (Yarborough) |
1966 |
869 | S. 3337 – To Amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 to Facilitate the Extension of Rural Electric Telephone Service, to Furnish Sources, etc. (Bass) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3344 –To Establish a Small Tax Division Within the Tax Court of the U.S. (Magnuson) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3408 – To Strengthen Intergovernmental Cooperation and the Administration of Grant-in-Aid Programs, etc. (Muskie) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3437 – For the Relief of Jack L. Philippot (McGee) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3494 – For the Relief of Mrs. Mary Conger (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. 3514 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide for the Establishment of a National Eye Institute in the National Institutes of Health |
1966 |
870 | S. 3550 – To Authorize a 25¢ Export Certificate on the 1967 Wheat Crop (Burdick) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3578 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Permit Medicare People the Cost of Prescription Drugs to Satisfy $50 Deductible Provisions (Douglas) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3580 – Provide Additional Assistance to Veterans Who Served in the Armed Forces During the Vietnam Era, and Other Purposes (Montoya) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3584 – To Amend Further the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended and for Other Purposes (McGee) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3651 – To Provide that the Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Commission Shall Cease to Exist on June 30, 1968 (Case) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3679 – United States Marshalls – Appointments and Promotions |
1966 |
870 | S. 3699 – To Require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to Make Separate Accounting of Farm Subsidies – Farm Income vs. Consumer Benefits (Mondale) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3720 – To Amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 to Provide Additional Sources of Financing for Rural Electrification and Rural Telephone Programs (Cooper) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3777 – Railroad Retirees – Supplemental Benefits |
1966 |
870 | S. 3822 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Consider a Petition for Reinstatement of an Oil and Gas Lease (McGee) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3848 – Legislative Reorganization Act of 1966 |
1966 |
870 | S. 3896 – To Provide for the Establishment of the National Foundation for the Social Sciences in order to Promote Research and Scholarship in Such Sciences (Harris) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. 3905 – To Establish a Program to Assist Developing Countries in Reducing the Drain from Such Countries of Professional Persons and Skilled Specialists in Cases Where They Are Needed in Their Homelands (Mondale) |
1966 |
870 | S. 3910 – To Provide for a White House Conference on Indian Affairs (Harris) |
1966 |
870 | Proposed Legislation – Joe Hickey |
1959-1965, undated |
870 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
870 | S. Con. Res. 2 – Establishing a Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress (Monroney) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 4 – Allowing the U.S. to View John F. Kennedy Film John F. Kennedy: Years of Lightning, Day of Drums (McGovern) |
1964-1965 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 17 – Express the Sense of Congress Against the Persecution of Persons by Soviet Russia Because of Religion (Ribicoff) |
1965 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 32 – Planning for Peace (Clark) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 43 – Authorizing the Printing of All Congressional Tributes to the Late Adlai E. Stevenson (Gruening) |
1965 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 51 – Baltic States – Soviet Rule |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 55 – To Express the Sense of Congress Relative to Water Problems Confronting the U.S. and Canada (Moss) |
1965 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 64 – Relative to Planning for Peace (Clark) |
1963-1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 71 – That the State of Utah be Designated as the Site for the 1972 Winter Olympic Games (Moss) |
1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 81 – Commemorating the Fifth Anniversary of the Peace Corps and Commending Past and Present Members Thereof (McCarthy) |
1966 |
870 | S. Con. Res. 88 – Providing that No Federal Agency Take Any Action to Discourage Parity Prices for Agricultural Commodities (McGovern) |
1966 |
870 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
870 | S. J. Res. 1 – Amend Constitution re Succession to Presidency and Vice Presidency – and Presidential Disability (Bayh) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. J. Res. 2 – Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress |
1965 |
870 | S. J. Res. 9 – Cancel Unpaid Reimbursable Construction Costs of Wind River Indian Irrigation Project (McGee) |
1965-1966 |
870 | S. J. Res. 11 – Proposing Amendment to Constitution of U.S. Relating to the Election of President and Vice President (McGee) |
1965 |
870 | S. J. Res. 36 – Communist Trade Expansion |
1966 |
870 | S. J. Res. 52 – Establish 4th Friday in September of Every Year as American Indian Day (Javits) |
1965 |
870 | S. J. Res. 75 – Amend Constitution Relating to Residence and Physical Presence Requirements for Voting in Presidential Elections, etc. (Williams) |
1965 |
870 | S. J. Res. 77 – Railroad Post Office Service |
1965 |
871 | S. J. Res. 85 – Proposing Amendment to Constitution Relative to Equal Rights for Men and Women (McCarthy) |
1965 |
871 | S. J. Res. 103 – State Apportionment A resolution proposed by Senator Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.) in reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court decision Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964), which held that both houses of a bicameral state legislature must be apportioned by population.
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 110 – To Authorize the President to Issue Annually Proclamations Designating Freedom Sunday and Freedom Week (Bennett) |
1965 |
871 | S. J. Res. 126 – Amendment to the Constitution Providing Four-Year Term for Members of the House of Representatives (Bayh) |
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 133 – Designate February as American History Month (Cooper) |
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 144 – To Authorize the President to Designate October 31 as National UNICEF Day (Tydings) |
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 148 – School Prayer Resolution |
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 192 – Redwood National Park |
1966 |
871 | S. J. Res. 194 – To Authorize the President to Designate October 31 of Each Year as National UNICEF Day |
1966 |
871 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
871 | S. Res. 30 – Amend Standing Rules of Senate re Select Committee on Small Business (Prouty) |
1965 |
871 | S. Res. 83 – Create Select Committee to Study Gold Production in the U.S. (Bartlett) |
1965 |
871 | S. Res. 84 – Establish Select Committee on Consumers (Javits) |
1965 |
871 | S. Res. 121 – To Provide of Murals in Senate Subways (Moss) |
1965 |
871 | S. Res. 179 – A Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (Pastore) |
1966 |
871 | S. Res. 250 – Requesting Certain Information from the National Science Foundation (Church) |
1966 |
871 | S. Res. 252 – Honoring the 82nd Birthday of Former President Harry S. Truman on May 8 (Out of Print) (Montoya) |
1966 |
871 | S. Res. 293 – Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress |
1966 |
871 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
871 | H.R. 10 – Taxes |
1966 |
871 | H.R. 77 – National Labor Relations Act |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 706 – National Railroad Adjustment Board |
1966 |
871 | H.R. 1647 – Federal Employees |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 1771 – Postmasters – Five-Day Weeks |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 2035 – Star Route Carriers – Cost-of-Living Adjustments |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 2362 – Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 3140 – Medical Research |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 3141 – Nursing Schools |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 3157 – Social Security Benefits – Railroad Employees |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 3584 – Mine Safety |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 4159 – Predator Control |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 4347 – Copyright Law |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 4421 – Transfer of Veterans Administration Land to Cheyenne, WY |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 4671 – Grand Canyon Dams |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 4822 – Rapid Transit System for D.C. |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 5392 – Indian Claims Commission |
1966 |
871 | H.R. 5401 – National Transportation System |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 5725 – Armed Services Pay Bill |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 6277 – Foreign Service Personnel |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 6675 – Medicare |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 6845 – Pay for Overseas Teachers |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 6961 – Non-Coal Mine Safety |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7009 – Pension Increase for Widows of Spanish-American War Veterans |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 7060 – Appropriations – Post Office |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7097 – Farm Bill – Wheat Certificates |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7371 – Banks/Savings & Loans |
1966 |
871 | H.R. 7715 – CATV Systems |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7969 – Tariff Schedules |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7984 – Housing Bill |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 7997 – Interstate Commerce Commission |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 8188 – Tax Exemptions for Contributions re Legislative/Judicial Reform |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 8259 – Minimum Wage and Hours Law |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 8282 – Unemployment Compensation |
1965-1966 |
871 | H.R. 8469 – Benefits for Retired Civil Servants |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 8487 – Secondary Roads – Beautification |
1965 |
871 | H.R. 8490 – Outdoor Advertising |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 8989 – Mine Safety |
1965-1966 |
872 | H.R. 9030 – Postal Legislation |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 9075 – Military Pay Raise |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 9221 – Defense Appropriations |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 9424 – Endangered Species Bill |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 9811 – Farm Bill |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 9918 – Unsatisfied Judgment Fund/Uninsured Motorists – D.C. |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 10027 – Construction Industry – Secondary Boycotts |
1965-1966 |
872 | H.R. 10049 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 10281 – Federal Employees – Salary Increases |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 10518 – Minimum Wage |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 10607 – Federal Employees – Moving Allowances |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 11135 – Domestic Beet Sugar Quota |
1965 |
872 | H.R. 11798 – Interstate Taxation Act – Wyoming State Officials |
1965-1966 |
872 | H.R. 11890 – Nursing Schools |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 12367 – Parcel Post Size and Weight Limits |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 12488 – Lab Animals – Humane Treatment |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 13103 – Internal Revenue Code – Foreign Investments in the U.S. |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 13150 – Sale of Silver Dollars/American Heart Association/American Cancer Society |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 13196 – Education and Training |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 13215 – Pensions for WWI Veterans |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 13721 – Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1966/Minimum Wage |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14000 – Federal Bank for Rural Electric Systems |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14026 – Banking/Savings & Loans |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14088 – Military and Benefits Bill of 1966 |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14122 – Salary Increases for Federal Employees |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14556 – Federal Employees – Retirement Plans |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14643 – International Education Act of 1966 |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14765 – Open Housing |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14904 – Parcel Post Size and Weight Limits |
1966 |
872 | H.R. 14904 – P.O. (REA Express) |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 14904 – P.O. (REA Express) |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 14929 – Food for Freedom Bill |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 15119 – Unemployment Compensation |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 15963 – Department of Transportation |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 16093 – Railroad Employees – Retirement Benefits |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 17188 – Railroad Employees – Retirement Benefits |
1966 |
873 | H.R. 17607 – Suspension of Investment Tax Credit |
1966 |
873 | Assorted |
1965-1966 |
873 | House Concurrent Resolution - H. Con. Res. 416 – Baltic States – Independence |
1965-1966 |
873 | House Joint Resolutions - Assorted |
1965-1966 |
873 | House Resolutions - Assorted |
1965-1966 |
Sub-subseries 2. 90th Congress (1967-1968) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
873 | December 1966-January 1967 |
1966-1967 |
873 | February-March |
1967 |
873 | April-May |
1967 |
874 | June-July |
1967 |
874 | August-September |
1967 |
874 | October |
1967 |
874 | November |
1967 |
874 | December |
1967 |
874 | January |
1968 |
874 | February |
1968 |
874 | March |
1968 |
874 | April |
1968 |
874 | May |
1968 |
874 | June |
1968 |
874 | Summer Recess |
1968 |
874 | August-October |
1968 |
874 | November-December |
1968 |
874 | House |
1967-1968 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
874 | S. 1 – Firearms Bill (Dodd) |
1967-1968 |
875 | S. 1 – Firearms Bill (Dodd) |
1967-1968 |
Gun Control Legislation |
Box | ||
875 | Gun Legislation Letters Given a Personal Reply |
1968 |
875 | Gun Legislation Petitions and Other Unanswerable Wyoming Letters |
1968 |
875 | Out of State Anti-Gun Legislation Letters |
1968 |
875 | Out of State Pro-Gun Legislation Letters |
1968 |
875 | Wyoming Letters Answered by Flexo |
1968 |
876 | Wyoming Letters Answered by Flexo |
1968 |
876 | Wyoming Anti-Gun Legislation Letters Answered by Newsletter – 7-16-68 |
1968 |
876 | Wyoming Pro-Gun Legislation Letters Answered by Newsletter – 7-16-68 |
1968 |
876 | Assorted |
1968 |
876 | S. 5 – Truth in Lending (Proxmire) |
1967-1968 |
876 | S. 8 – National Labor Relations Act – Farmers |
1967-1968 |
876 | S. 9 – Readjustment Benefits for Veterans of the Vietnam Conflict (Yarborough) |
1967 |
876 | S. 16 – Assistance to Veterans in the Armed Forces during Vietnam (Montoya) |
1967 |
877 | S. 17 – Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Montoya) |
1967 |
877 | S. 18 – To Establish a Small Tax Division within the Tax Court of the U.S. (Magnuson) |
1967 |
877 | S. 20 – Review National Water Resource Problems and Programs (Jackson) |
1967 |
877 | S. 23 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior Disposition of Geothermal Steam Resources (Bible) |
undated |
877 | S. 25 – Great Salt Lake Monument |
1967 |
877 | S. 35 – Amend IRS Code of 1954 to Extend Head-of-Household to Unremarried Widows and Widowers… (McCarthy) |
undated |
877 | S. 49 – Revitalize the American Gold Mining Industry (Gruening) |
1967 |
877 | S. 109 – Agricultural Producers Marketing Act |
1967 |
877 | S. 119 – To Reserve Public Lands for a National Wild Rivers System, and for Other Purposes (Church) |
1965-1968 |
877 | S. 218 – Extend Postage Rates to Volunteer Fire Companies (Boggs) |
undated |
877 | S. 222 – To Ensure that Public Buildings Financed with Federal Funds Are Accessible to the Handicapped (Bartlett) |
1967 |
877 | S. 236 – Amend the Government Employees Training Act (Bartlett) |
1967 |
877 | S. 260 – Medical Restraint of Trade Act |
1967 |
877 | S. 271 – Federal Employees – Life Insurance |
1967 |
877 | S. 275 – Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act |
1967 |
877 | S. 278 – Reclassify Certain Positions in the Postal Field Service (Brewster) |
1967 |
877 | S. 325 – Amend the Public Health Service Act – National Eye Institute (Hill) |
1967 |
877 | S. 341 – Postal Employees – Labor Management |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 350 – Establish a National Cemetery for Wyoming (McGee) |
undated |
877 | S. 351 – Authorize Establishment of Fossil Butte National Monument (McGee) |
undated |
877 | S. 355 – Legislative Reorganization Act of 1967 |
1967 |
877 | S. 356 – Michigan National Bank Branches |
1968 |
877 | S. 438 – Provide Assistance for Major Disaster Areas (Bayh) |
undated |
877 | S. 442 – Amend Public Law 874, 81st Congress – Financial Assistance for Local Educational Agencies in Federally Impacted Areas (McGee) |
1967 |
877 | S. 443 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior re Reinstatement of Oil and Gas Leases (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 444 – Establish Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area (McGee) |
1965-1968 |
877 | S. 479 – Flagpole Erection on Hulk of the USS Utah in Pearl Harbor (Moss) |
undated |
877 | S. 483 – VA Hospital Closings re Advance Public Notice of Closings, etc. (Boggs) |
1965-1967 |
877 | S. 495 – Relief of Mary Conger (McGee) |
1967 |
877 | S. 496 – Relief of Bing Hung Leo (McGee) |
1966-1968 |
877 | S. 497 – Relief of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller (McGee) |
1966-1968 |
877 | S. 498 – Determine Claims of Certain Disabled Prisoners of War (McGee) |
1967 |
877 | S. 504 – To Amend the Communications Act to Make Unlawful Recorded Messages via Telephone System That Does Not Identify the Subscriber (McGee) |
1965-1967 |
877 | S. 505 – For Relief of Hanover Irrigation District of Worland (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 506 – Relief of Leonard F. Rizzuto |
undated |
877 | S. 507 – Amend Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act re Disposition of Proceeds of Sales, etc. (McGee) |
1965-1967 |
877 | S. 514 – To Establish Redwood National Park (Metcalf) |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 521 – Civil Service – Retirement Benefits |
1967 |
877 | S. 522 – Establish a National Mining and Minerals Policy (Allott) |
1967 |
877 | S. 525 – To Amend Section 4554 of Title 39, U.S. Code, to Extend the Postage Rate for Books to Certain Matters Mailed with Such Books |
1965-1968 |
877 | S. 526 – Amend Part 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act to Give the Interstate Commerce Commission Additional Authority re Railroad Safety (McGee) |
undated |
877 | S. 527 – Provide More Adequate and Realistic Penalties for Violations of Certain Safety Statutes Administered by the Interstate Commerce Commission (McGee) |
1967 |
877 | S. 528 – To Place in Trust Status Certain Lands on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 560 – Federal Housing Administration-Insured Mortgages |
1967 |
877 | S. 597 – Copyright Law |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 599 – Inclusion of Accredited Service for Computing Civil Service Annuity (Brewster) |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 611 – 200 BEV Accelerator – Weston, Illinois |
1967 |
877 | S. 612 – To Regulate Imports of Milk and Dairy Products, and for Other Purposes (Proxmire) |
1967 |
877 | S. 670 – Reauthorize the Riverton Extension Unit (McGee), undated |
undated |
877 | S. 681 – To Promote Replacement and Expansion of U.S. Non-Subsidized Merchant and Fishing Fleets (Bartlett) |
1967 |
877 | S. 696 – Provide Supplemental Financing for Rural Electric Cooperatives and Rural Telephone Borrowers (Cooper/Mondale) |
1967 |
877 | S. 698 – Establish the Intergovernmental Corporation Act of 1968 |
1967-1968 |
877 | S. 699 – To Strengthen Intergovernmental Cooperation and the Administration of Grant-in-Aid Programs… (Muskie) |
1967 |
877 | S. 751 – Motor Common Carriers of Property – Through Routes and Joint Rates |
1967 |
877 | S. 755 – Motor Common Carriers of Property – Pooling Arrangements |
1967 |
877 | S. 759 – Sick Leave |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 796 – Clarification of Tax Status of Income Derived by American Indians from Trust Property (McGee) |
1967 |
878 | S. 810 – Provide for a White House Conference on Indian Affairs (Harris) |
1967 |
878 | S. 824 – Local Law Officers Education and Equipment Act… (Tydings) |
1967 |
878 | S. 829 – Eliminate Reduction in Disability Insurance Benefits for Those Receiving Compensation Benefits (Clark) |
1966-1967 |
878 | S. 836 – Creation of National Foundation for the Social Sciences (Harris) |
undated |
878 | S. 843 – Full Opportunity Act of 1967 (Mondale) |
undated |
878 | S. 844 – Civil Service Retirement Annuities |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 854 – Postal Employees – Pay Increase |
1967 |
878 | S. 876 – Repeal the Act That Prohibits the Bureau of Indian Affairs Funds to be Used for the Education of Indian Children in Sectarian Institutions (Bartlett, Gruening) |
1967 |
878 | S. 884 – To Authorize Reimbursement to the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund (Allott) |
1967 |
878 | S. 886 – To Redesignate the Department of the Interior as the Department of Natural Resources and Transfer Certain Agencies… (Moss) |
1967 |
878 | S. 889 – Designate the San Rafael Wilderness, Los Padres National Forest, in the State of California (Kuchel), 1967--S. 923 – Reducing Maximum Permissible Hours that Railroad Employees May Work from 16 to 12 Hours (Bartlett) |
1967 |
878 | S. 917 – Safe Streets and Crime Control Bill |
1968 |
878 | S. 923 – Reducing Maximum Permissible Hours that Railroad Employees May Work from 16 to 12 Hours (Bartlett) |
1967 |
878 | S. 937 – Military – Retirement Pay |
1967 |
878 | S. 945 – Federal Magistrates Act to Rename, Overhaul, and Upgrade the U.S. Commissioner System (Tydings) |
1967 |
878 | S. 961 – For the Relief of Teruko Sasaki (McGee) |
undated |
878 | S. 1004 – Central Arizona Project (Grand Canyon) |
1966-1968 |
878 | S. 1028 – County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Office Employees |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1035 – Government Employees |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1043 – Provide the Issuance of Stamp Commemorating the Territorial Centennial of Wyoming in 1969 (Hansen) |
1967 |
878 | S. 1044 – To Provide a Stamp Commemorating the Work of Esther Hobart Morris’s Role in Women’s Suffrage in Wyoming (Hansen) |
1967 |
878 | S. 1049 – “Common Varieties” of Minerals |
1967 |
878 | S. 1068 – To Amend Section 613 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Allott) |
1967 |
878 | S. 1084 & 1085 – Credit Unions – Payroll Deductions for Federal Employees |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1125 – Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
878 | S. 1125 – Amendment 307 – To Allow a Minimum Annual Allotment of $ 100,000 to Each State for Handicapped Education |
1967 |
878 | S. 1131 – Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
878 | S. 1149 – Packers and Stockyards Act |
1967 |
878 | S. 1155 – Export-Import Bank Act Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
878 | S. 1160 – Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 |
1967 |
878 | S. 1166 – National Gas Pipeline Act |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1217 – Uniform Monday Holidays |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1263 – To Give Recognition to the Fair Campaign Practices Committee (Kuchel) |
1967 |
878 | S. 1264 – Amend Foreign Policy Assistance re Support to Friendly Foreign Nations Concerning Family Planning Programs (Fulbright) |
1967 |
878 | S. 1277 – U.S. Deputy Marshals – Pay and Promotions |
1967 |
878 | S. 1294 – Postal Employees – Salaries |
1967 |
878 | S. 1301 – Organization of American States |
1967 |
878 | S. 1306 – Authorize Banks to Deal in Municipal Revenue Bonds |
1967 |
878 | S. 1308 – Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1312 – Newspapers – Exemption from Anti-Trust Laws |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1314 – Domestic Water Carriers – Mixing Rule |
1967 |
878 | S. 1321 – North Cascades National Park – Mining |
1967 |
878 | S. 1322 – To Require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to Make a Separate Accounting of Funds that Stabilize Farm Incomes (Mondale) |
1966-1967 |
878 | S. 1324 – Polecat Bench Irrigation Project |
1967-1968 |
878 | S. 1375 – Relating to the Renewal of Star Route Carrier Contracts Affected by the Service Contract Act of 1965 (Randolph) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1401 – To Amend the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965 |
1968 |
879 | S. 1429 – To Provide a Study to Recommend a Plan to Meet the Future Water Needs of the Western U.S. (Moss) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1432 – Selective Service |
1967 |
879 | S. 1446 – Orderly Marketing Bill to Establish a Flexible Basis for the American Economy to Adjust to Expanded Trade (Muskie) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1484 – Small Business Crime Protection Insurance Corporation – Riots |
1967-1968 |
879 | S. 1487 – Strikes at Sites of Construction Projects |
1967-1968 |
879 | S. 1489 – Federal Employees – Pay Bill |
1967 |
879 | S. 1502 – To Provide Assistance to Students Pursuing Higher Education in Law Enforcement (Ribicoff) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1504 – Supplement the Rural Water Facilities Act (Aiken) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1507 – Federal Firefighters |
1967 |
879 | S. 1508 – To Provide a Comprehensive Program for the Care and Control of Alcoholism (Javits) |
1967 |
879 | S. 1542 – Savings and Loan Holding Bill |
1967-1958 |
879 | S. 1551 – To Permit a Compact Between the Several States re Taxation of Multi-State Taxpayers (Magnuson) |
1967-1968 |
879 | S. 1588 To Revise the Quota-Control System on the Importation of Meat and Meat Products (Hruska) |
1967-1968 |
879 | S. 1592 – National Home Ownership Foundation Act |
1967 |
879 | S. 1599 – Door-to-Door Sales Act |
1968 |
879 | S. 1627 – For the Relief of Mary Knezovich (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
879 | S. 1659 – Mutual Fund Bill |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1661 – To Amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act re the Availability of Nursing Homes and Alternative Services… (Moss) |
1967 |
880 | S. 1676 – To Provide for Reorganizations of the Department of State and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Gruening) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1681 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act for Insurance to the Blind with Six Quarters of Coverage (Hartke) |
1967 |
880 | S. 1687 – Natural Gas Act of 1938 |
1967 |
880 | S. 1700 – To Amend the Adult Education Act of 1966 to Provide an Allotment of $ 100,000 in Each State (Bible) |
1967 |
880 | S. 1717 – To Amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to Declare Excess Land… (Proxmire) |
undated |
880 | S. 1719 – Amend the Internal Revenue Code re Employees of Public Hospitals with Respect to Certain Pensions, etc. (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1726 – To Amend the Antidumping Act, 1921 (Hartke) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1736 – College-Industry Cooperative Education Programs… |
1967 |
880 | S. 1789 – To Authorize Demonstration Projects to Help Young Adult Criminal Offenders Through VISTA and the Teacher Corps (Kennedy-NY) |
1967 |
880 | S. 1796 – Imposes Quotas on the Importation of Manmade or Natural Articles of Textile Fibers (Hollings) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1826 – 1967 Natural Resources Conservation Act |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 1856 – Tariff Schedules – Minks |
1967 |
880 | S. 1862 – Small Business Administration |
1967 |
880 | S. 1872 – Foreign Assistance Act of 1967 |
1967 |
880 | S. 1880 – Election Reform |
1967 |
880 | S. 1877 – Armed Forces – Retirement Pay |
1967 |
880 | S. 1927 – Workmen’s Compensation Benefits for Uranium Mine Workers (Metcalf) |
1967 |
880 | S. 1975 – Importation of Extra Long Staple Cotton |
1968 |
880 | S. 1985 – National Flood Insurance Act of 1967 (Williams) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2061 – National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act |
1968 |
880 | S. 2067 – Protection of Public Health from Radiation Emissions (Bartlett) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2088 – Provide Incentives for the Creation by Private Industry of Additional Employment Opportunities for Residents of Urban Poverty Areas (Kennedy-NY) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2098 Amendment – Supplement Teacher Corps Interns with Volunteer Teaching Assistants (Nelson, Gaylord) |
1968 |
880 | S. 2116 – Reorganization and Management of the Executive Branch (Ribicoff) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2122 – Scenic Development and Beautification of the Federal-Aid Highway Systems (Magnuson) |
1965-1967 |
880 | S. 2134 – Job-Producing Industrial and Commercial Establishments in Rural Areas (Pearson) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2147 – Wholesale Meat Act of 1967 (Montoya) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2171 – Subversive Activities Control Act Amendments |
1967 |
880 | S. 2202 – Broadcasting of Liquor Advertisements |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2221 – Relief of Nedja Budisavljvich (Moss for McGee) |
undated |
880 | S. 2226 – Cattle Industry Trade Conference Act |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2268 – Fair Credit Advertising Act (Magnuson) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2303 – Wage Board Reform Bill |
1967 |
880 | S. 2332 – Legislative Quota on Oil Imports |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2333 – Benefits for Employees of Postal Field Service |
1967 |
880 | S. 2377 – Extend and Improve Federal-State Unemployment Compensation |
1967 |
880 | S. 2388 – Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
880 | S. 2507 – Franchises |
1967 |
880 | S. 2515 – Redwood National Forest |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2516 – Amendment to Prescribe Penalties for Certain Acts of Violence or Intimidation, etc. |
1968 |
880 | S. 2524 – To Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (Kennedy-MA) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2537 – Iron and Steel Orderly Trade Act |
1968 |
880 | S. 2553 – To Modify the Operation of the Kortes Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Wyoming, for Fishery Conservation (Hansen) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2565 – Farm and Ranch Loans |
1967 |
880 | S. 2568 – Medical Expenses |
1967 |
880 | S. 2600 – Internal Revenue Code – Evaluation of Decedents’ Estates |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2613 – Amend the Internal Revenue Code re Farming Losses Incurred by Persons Who Are Not Bona Fide Farmers (Metcalf) |
1967-1968 |
880 | S. 2614 – Dental Care Program for Dependents of Active-Duty Members of the Uniformed Services (R. Kennedy) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2645 – Authorize One-Time Per Capita Payment to the Arapaho Tribe (Hansen) |
1967 |
880 | S. 2648 – Authorize Veterans’ Affairs to Pay the Cost of a Serviceman’s Life Insurance During the Time that He Is in the Vietnam Combat Zone (Burdick) |
1967 |
881 | S. 2658 – Vehicle Weight and Width Limitations on Interstate System (Magnuson) |
1967-1968 |
881 | S. 2670 – Washakie Wilderness |
undated |
881 | S. 2700 – Fair Housing Administration and Veterans Affairs Loan Rates |
1968 |
881 | S. 2743 – Provide for Orderly Establishment of Reserves in Wheat, etc. (Moroney) |
1967-1968 |
881 | S. 2864 – Occupational Safety and Health Act |
1968 |
881 | S. 2871 – To Amend the National School Lunch Act to Expand Food Service Programs for Children (Montoya) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2892 – Amend the Social Security Act Relating to Public Assistance (Harris) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2893 – Amend the Social Security Act – Program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Kennedy-NY) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2907 – Amend the International Travel Act to Promote Travel in the United States (Javits) |
1965-1968 |
881 | S. 2910 – Provide Incentives to Veterans to Take Public-Service Jobs in Areas of Poverty (Kennedy, Ed) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2911 – Make Vocational Training Available to Veterans on Part- and Full-Time Basis (Kennedy, Ed) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2932 – To Amend Poultry Products Inspection Act for Cooperation with State Agencies (Ellender) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2935 – Amend the Social Security Act – Definition of Term “Disability” (Metcalf) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2936 – Amend the Social Security Act – Health Insurance Benefits (Coverage of Certain Drugs) (Montoya) |
undated |
881 | S. 2938 – Extend Provisions of Manpower Development Training Act of 1962 (Clark) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2940 – Amend the Small Business Act – Increased Eligibility and Utilization of the Disaster Loan Program (Sparkman) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2951 – Fish and Wildlife |
1968 |
881 | S. 2959 – Public Funds Bill |
1968 |
881 | S. 2973 – Provide for the Orderly Marketing of Agricultural Commodities (Mondale) |
1968 |
881 | S. 2988 – Internal Security Act of 1968 |
1968 |
881 | S. 3028 – National Insurance Development Corporation |
1968 |
881 | S. 3029 – Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 |
1968 |
881 | S. 3097 – Defense Production Act |
1968 |
881 | S. 3133 – Dividend Rate Control Extension Bill |
1968 |
881 | S. 3149 – Amend the Labor Relations Act of 1947 (Yarborough) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3150 – Application of Credits Toward Payment for the Deaver Irrigation District (Hansen) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3157 – Establish the Potomac National River in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia (Brewster) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3170 – Municipal Bonds – Tax Exemptions |
1968 |
881 | S. 3184 – U.S. Marshals |
1968 |
881 | S. 3276 – Federal Employees – Retirement |
1968 |
881 | S. 3345 – For the Relief of Technical Sergeant James W. Alderman (McGee) |
1961-1968 |
881 | S. 3400 – General Education Assistance Act of 1968 |
1968 |
881 | S. 3418 – Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968 |
1968 |
881 | S. 3426 – Establish Safety Standards for Railroad Equipment (Magnuson) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3465 – Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act |
1968 |
881 | S. 3483 – Federal Employees – Union Membership |
1968 |
881 | S. 3497 – Housing |
1968 |
881 | S. 3590 – Agricultural Act of 1968 |
1968 |
881 | S. 3633 – State Firearms Control Assistance Act |
1968 |
881 | S. 3640 – Study the Executive Branch and Make Recommendations on Changes (Ribicoff) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3641 – Airports – Federal Assistance |
1968 |
881 | S. 3693 – For the Relief of Arlie A. Delano (McGee) |
undated |
881 | S. 3745 – Provide Opportunities for Youth to Serve in Policy-Making Positions (Harris) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3977 – For the Relief of Certain Individuals – Basque Sheepherders (Dominick) |
undated |
881 | S. 3987 Amendment – To Amend the Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968 (Burdick) |
1968 |
881 | S. 3991 – For the Relief of Ho Chi Leung (McGee) |
undated |
881 | S. 4192 – Revise Laws Relating to the Transportation of Mail – Personal |
1968 |
881 | Assorted |
1967-1968 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
882 | S. Con. Res. 11 – National American Indians and Alaska Natives Policy Resolution (McGovern) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. Con. Res. 13 – Atlantic Union Delegation |
1967 |
882 | S. Con. Res. 21 – Bid for the International Ski Federation to Hold the 1970 World Ski Championships at Jackson Hole Ski Area (Hansen) |
1967 |
882 | S. Con. Res. 25 - Rail Transportation |
1967 |
882 | S. Con. Res. 47 – Support of U.N. Peacekeeping and Peacemaking |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. Con. Res. 52 – International Education Year in 1970 (Ribicoff) |
1967 |
882 | Assorted |
1967-1968 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
882 | S. J. Res. 1 – School Prayer |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 1 – Flexo |
1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 4 – Designate Week of May 1, 1967 National Asthma Week (Dominick) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 8 – Reduce Voting Age from 21 to 18 (Mansfield) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 21 – Proposing Amendment to Constitution of U.S. Relating to the Election of President and Vice President (McGee) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 26 – Designate February as American History Month (Cooper) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 29 – Aid Provision to Combat Hunger, etc., in India and Other Developing Countries (McGee) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 50 – Authorizing the President to Proclaim April 9, 1967, as Bataan-Corregidor Day as a Tribute to American and Philippine Soldiers… (Scott) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 54 – Provides for Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (McCarthy) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 56 – To Authorize October 31 as National UNICEF Day (Hart) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 80 – Providing Voter Representation from D.C. in Congress (Bayh) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 81 – Railroads – Compulsory Arbitration |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 93 – Gold Medal to Widow of Walt Disney (Murphy) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 94 – Creating a Joint Commission to Investigate Crime (Moss) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 97 – Establishing a Joint Commission on Civil Strife (Harris) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 120 – Create a Special Commission on Trades and Tariffs (Brooke) |
1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 127 – National Jewish Hospital Save Your Breath Month (Dominick) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 137 – Private Employers Have an Opportunity to Help Veterans by Giving Them Priority Jobs (Kennedy, Ed) |
1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 140 – One Sunday a Year as Freedom Sunday, the Week Following as Freedom Week (Bennett) |
1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 145 – To Establish a Commission on Health Science and Society (Mondale) |
1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 147 – Establish a Commission to Consider the Implications of New Developments in Medicine (Mondale) |
1968 |
882 | S. J. Res. 148 – School Prayer |
1966-1967 |
882 | S. J. Res. 164 – Commemorating Yellowstone National Park Centennial (Jackson) |
undated |
882 | S. J. Res. 186 – Designating February as American History Month (Boggs) |
1968 |
882 | Assorted |
1967-1968 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
882 | S. Res. 6 – Filibuster |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 8 – Create Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Dirksen) |
1967-1968 |
882 | S. Res. 9 – Film Classification Committee |
1968 |
882 | S. Res. 13 – Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs |
1968 |
882 | S. Res. 30 – Legislative Authority to Select Committee on Small Business (Prouty) |
undated |
882 | S. Res. 68 – Establish a Select Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (Muskie) |
undated |
882 | S. Res. 99 – Authorize Printing of the Document “Study Mission to Central and Southeast Asia,” (McGee) |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 112 – Censure of Senator Thomas Dodd |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 123 – Expressing the Sense of the Senate re Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefits Not Be Subject to Income Tax (Dirksen) |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 143 – Stable and Durable Peace in the Middle East, etc. (Symington) |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 155 – Nuclear Desalting Plants to Provide Fresh Water for the Middle East |
1967 |
882 | S. Res. 281 – Establish a Select Committee on Hunger and Human Needs (McGovern) |
1968 |
882 | S. Res. 290 – Small Business Administration to Make a Study of Aid for Businesses to Conform to the Wholesome Meat Act (Bible) |
1968 |
882 | Assorted |
1967-1968 |
882 | General Resolutions - Assorted |
1967-1968 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
882 | H.R. 2 – Reserve Forces Bill of Rights and Vitalization Act |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 99 – Postal Rates |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 100 – Situs Picketing Bill |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 1171 – Veterans – Funeral Benefits |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 1400 – Rural Electric Associations |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 2158 – Interstate Taxation Act |
1968 |
882 | H.R. 2508 – Congressional Redistricting |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 2516 – Civil Rights – Fair Housing |
1968 |
882 | H.R. 2561 – Secretaries of Federal Judges – Retirement Benefits |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 2767 – Internal Revenue Code |
1968 |
882 | H.R. 4706 – Railroad Retirement Act |
1967-1968 |
882 | H.R. 5037 – Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Assistance Act of 1967 |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 5710 – Social Security |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 6418 – Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 6694 – Tariffs on Mink Pelts |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 6950 – Investment Tax Credit Bill |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 7135 – Copper Imports |
1968 |
882 | H.R. 7819 – Elementary and Secondary Education Act Amendments of 1967 |
1967 |
882 | H.R. 7977 – Postal Revenue and Federal Salary Act |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 7977 – Postal Revenue and Federal Salary Act |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 8547 – Armed Services – Extension of Service for Duration of Any War |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 9510 – Securities and Exchange Commission Mutual Fund Bill |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 10030 – Petroleum Jobbers – Excise Taxes |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 10196 – Funds for School Districts |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 10345 – State Justice Appropriations/Subversive Activities Control Board |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 10477 – Veterans Housing Bill |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 10509 – Agriculture Appropriations |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 10595 – Banks/Lotteries |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 10677 – Honey Imports |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 10738 – Prohibition on Building U.S. Navy Ships in Foreign Yards |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 11089 – Federal Employees – Life Insurance Program |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 11459 – Special Security Police Force – Bureau of Engraving and Printing |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 11601 – Consumer Credit |
1 968 |
883 | H.R. 11641 – Public Works Appropriations |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 11837 – Food and Drug Act – Food Supplements |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 12080 – Social Security Amendments of 1967 |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 12080 – Amendments |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 12144 – Wholesale Meat Act |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 12555 – Veterans’ Pensions |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 13096 – Nursing Schools |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 13118 – Federal Savings Associations |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 13718 – Federal Savings Institutions |
1967-1968 |
883 | H.R. 13893 – Foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill |
1967 |
883 | H.R. 14635 – Social Security – Veterans’ Pensions |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 15399 – Supplemental Appropriations – Summer Jobs/Head Start |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 15414 – Tax Bill |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 16363 – Poultry Inspection Bill |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 16456 – Federal Employees – Retirement |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 17023 – Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 17134 – Federal Aid Highway Act of 1968 |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 17268 – Extension of Defense Production Act |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 17324 – Renegotiation Amendments Act of 1968 |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 17989 – Housing Bill |
1968 |
883 | H.R. 18252 – Veterans’ Pensions – Income Questionnaire |
1968 |
884 | Assorted |
1967-1968 |
884 | House Concurrent Resolutions - Assorted |
1967 |
884 | House Joint Resolutions - Assorted |
1967-1968 |
House Resolutions |
Box | ||
884 | H. Res. 888 – Appropriations – Federal Agencies |
1967 |
884 | Assorted |
1968 |
Sub-subseries 3. 91th Congress (1969-1970) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
884 | D.C. Representation – League of Women Voters Flexo |
1970 |
884 | Election Reform |
1963-1970 |
884 | Gun Control |
1969-1970 |
884 | Population |
1970 |
884 | Veterans Affairs |
1970 |
884 | January |
1969 |
884 | February |
1969 |
884 | March |
1969 |
884 | April |
1969 |
884 | Summer Recess |
1969 |
884 | May-June |
1969 |
884 | July |
1969 |
884 | August |
1969 |
885 | September |
1969 |
885 | October |
1969 |
885 | November |
1969 |
885 | December |
1969 |
885 | January |
1970 |
885 | February |
1970 |
885 | March |
1970 |
885 | April |
1970 |
885 | May |
1970 |
885 | June |
1970 |
885 | July |
1970 |
885 | November-December |
1970 |
885 | House – Veterans Affairs |
1969 |
885 | House |
1969-1970 |
Letters of Introduction to Proposed Legislation |
Box | ||
885 | January |
1969 |
885 | February |
1969 |
885 | March |
1969 |
885 | April-May |
1969 |
886 | June-July |
1969 |
886 | August-September |
1969 |
886 | October |
1969 |
886 | November-December |
1969 |
886 | January |
1970 |
886 | February |
1970 |
886 | March |
1970 |
886 | April |
1970 |
886 | May |
1970 |
886 | June |
1969 |
886 | July |
1970 |
886 | August |
1969 |
886 | September |
1969 |
886 | October |
1969 |
886 | November |
1969 |
886 | December |
1969 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
Anti-Ballistic Missile System – Appropriations |
Box | ||
886 | Letters – Anti |
1969 |
886 | Letters – Pro |
1969 |
887 | S. 1 – Provide for Uniform Treatment of Persons Displaced by Federal Programs (Muskie) |
1968-1969 |
887 | S. 5 – To Declare Full Opportunity for All Americans as a National Policy (Mondale) |
1967-1969 |
887 | S. 7 – Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Muskie) |
1969 |
887 | S. 8 – National Labor Relations Act – Agricultural Employees |
1969 |
887 | S. 11 – To Reinforce the Federal System by Strengthening Personnel Resources of State and Local Governments (Muskie) |
1968-1969 |
887 | S. 12 – Internal Security Act |
1969-1970 |
887 | S. 14 – To Establish a Commission on Afro-American History and Culture (Scott) |
1968-1969 |
887 | S. 15 – Encourage the Development of New Job-Creating Industries in Rural Areas (Pearson) |
1969 |
887 | S. 18 – To Exempt the National Park Service from Certain Employee Limitations (Montoya) |
1969 |
887 | S. 20 – Extend to Volunteer Fire Companies the Rates of Postage on 2nd- and 3rd-Class Mail (Boggs) |
1966-1969 |
887 | S. 27 – Glen Canyon National Recreation Area |
1970 |
887 | S. 28 – Clarify the Relationship of Interests of the U.S. and the States in the Use of Waters of Certain Streams (Moss) |
1969 |
887 | S. 30 – Organized Crime Control Act of 1969 |
1970 |
887 | S. 35 – Extend Head-of-Household Benefits to Unremarried Widows and Widowers (McCarthy) |
1969 |
887 | S. 38 – Consent to the Upper Niobrara River Compact between Wyoming and Nebraska (Hansen) |
1967-1969 |
887 | S. 43 – Amend the Soil Conservation Act to Extend the Great Plains Conservation Program (McGovern) |
1968-1969 |
887 | S. 88 – Artificial Organ, Transplantation, and Technological Development Act of 1969 (Jackson) |
1969 |
887 | S. 364 – Uniformed Servicemen’s Retirement Pay Equalization Act |
1969 |
887 | S. 368 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Dispose of Geothermal Steam and Geothermal Resources (Bible) |
1967-1970 |
887 | S. 406 – To Permit the Rotation of Certain Property If Its Remaining Shelf Life is Too Short (Proxmire) |
1967-1969 |
887 | S. 413 – Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Give Aid for the Suppression of Fires in Rural Areas (Montoya) |
1967-1969 |
887 | S. 414 – To Subject Interest Income on Loans from the Agricultural Insurance Fund to Income Taxes (Montoya) |
1969 |
887 | S. 427 – Relief of Ho Chi Leung (McGee) |
1967-1970 |
887 | S. 428 – Relief of Arlie Delano (McGee) |
1969 |
887 | S. 430 – Relief of Leonard Rizzuto (McGee) |
1965-1969 |
887 | S. 434 – Reauthorize the Riverton Extension Unit, Missouri River Basin Project (Hansen) |
1969-1971 |
887 | S. 434 – 1968 File of S. 670 |
1968 |
887 | S. 434 – 1967 and 1968 File of S. 670 |
1967 |
887 | S. 434 – Part of 1956 Files – S. 887 |
1953-1956 |
887 | S. 438 – Civil Service Retirement Act |
1969-1970 |
887 | S. 472 – Amend the Social Security Act to Increase the Amount That One Can Earn Without Deductions (Bayh) |
1969 |
887 | S. 500 – Limit the Farming Deduction to Offset Non-Farm Income |
1968-1970 |
887 | S. 508 – Establish the National Foundation for Social Sciences (Harris) |
1966-1969 |
887 | S. 516 – Shoshone Tribe – Land Judgments |
1970 |
887 | S. 543 – Copyright Revision Bill |
1969 |
887 | S. 548 – For the Relief of Hon Ming Au Yeung (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 549 – For Relief of Kwok Yuen Wong (McGee) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 550 – For Relief of Lai Chung (McGee) |
1967-1969 |
888 | S. 551 – For Relief of Ming Yeh Lee (McGee) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 552 – For Relief of Ah Shyh Wang (McGee) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 553 – For Relief of Chan Kwun Po, (McGee) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 554 – For Relief of Ping Cheung Kan (McGee) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 555 – For Relief of Yau Chan (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 556 – Payment of Judgment in Favor of the Shoshone Tribe (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 578 – Firefighter Hazardous Pay Bill |
1969 |
888 | S. 583 – Fly American Flag Over the U.S.S. Utah (Moss) |
1966-1969 |
888 | S. 605 – For the Relief of Certain Individuals – Basque Sheepherders (Dominick) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 607 – Intergovernmental Utilities Consumers Council Act |
1969 |
888 | S. 719 – Establish a National Mining and Minerals Policy (Allott) |
1969 |
888 | S. 721 – Safeguard Consumer in the Issuance of Unsolicited Credit Cards (Proxmire) |
1968-1970 |
888 | S. 723 – Give the Interstate Commerce Commission Authority re Railroad Safety (McGee) |
1967-1969 |
888 | S. 724 – Provide More Adequate Penalties for Violations of Property Statutes (McGee) |
1967-1970 |
888 | S. 740 – Establish the Interagency Committee on Mexican-American Affairs (Montoya) |
1969 |
888 | S. 763 – Include the Costs of Outpatient Drugs under Medicare (Montoya) |
1968-1969 |
888 | S. 782 – To Protect Civilian Employees of the Executive Branch of the Government to Prevent Invasions of Privacy (Ervin) |
1966-1970 |
888 | S. 811 – Require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to Make a Separate Accounting of Funds Requested for the Department Agriculture (Mondale) |
1969 |
888 | S. 812 – Provide for the Orderly Marketing of Agricultural Commodities (Mondale) |
1969 |
888 | S. 816 – Provide for Payment by Handler Assessments of the Administrative Costs of the Department of Agriculture |
1969 |
888 | S. 819 – Exempt Those Who Are 65 and Over from Paying Entrance, User, or Admission Fees for Outdoor Recreation Areas (Cannon) |
1969 |
888 | S. 823 – Protect Consumers from Arbitrary and Malicious Credit Information |
1969 |
888 | S. 845 – Change the Definition of “Ammunition” in the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968 |
1969 |
888 | S. 912 – Florrisant Fossil Beds National Monument |
1969 |
888 | S. 951 – Relief of Chuk Wong Lee (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1026 – Air Traffic Controllers |
1969 |
888 | S. 1032 – Amend the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 (Williams) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1033 – To Improve Education by Giving States Money for Community Colleges (Williams) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1054 – Increase Personal Deductions to $1000 (Montoya) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1072 – Appalachian Regional Development Act (Randolph) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1076 – Establish the Youth Conservation Corps in the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture (Byrd) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1090 – Regional Development Act of 1969 (Muskie) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1092 – Wholesome Fish and Fishery Products Act of 1969 (Hart) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1132 – Amend the Social Security Act to Redefine the Term “Disability” (Metcalf) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1151 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Develop Programs to Control Fish Diseases (Moss) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1190 – Children with Learning Disabilities Act of 1969 |
1969 |
888 | S. 1198 – Multi-State Tax Compact (Magnuson) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1208 – Provide for a Yearly Checkup for Social Security Recipients (Dodd) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1209 – Amend the Social Security Act for Coverage to Those Not Admitted to a Hospital (Bayh) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1279 – Provide Former Prisoners of War with V.A. Treatment (Montoya) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1285 – Establish a National Economic Conversion Commission (McGovern) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1290 – To Incorporate the College Benefit System of America (McClellan) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1291 – Provide for an Expanded Legal Services Program Within the Office of Economic Opportunity (Mondale) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1365 – National Labor Relations Act |
1969 |
888 | S. 1368 – Promote Health and Safety in the Construction Industry (Williams) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1369 – Joint Management of Product-Promotion Funds |
1970 |
888 | S. 1424 – Packaged Consumer Commodities – Unit Retail Price |
1970 |
888 | S. 1446 – Establish a Department of Natural Resources (Moss) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1462 – Provide for Orderly Marketing of Imports (Muskie) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1520 – Newspaper Preservation Bill |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1523 – Relief of Michael Tzoros (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1524 – Relief of Vincenzo Venosi (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1525 – Relief of Yu Shu Chan (also known as Chin Fang) (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1575 – Regulation of Trade in Drugs Act |
1969 |
888 | S. 1583 – Appointments and Promotions in the Post Office Department to be Made Without Political Considerations (Fong) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1614 – Relief of Hang Kwun Sze (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1615 – Relief of On Cheong Wu (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1616 – Relief of Yam Kam Yeung (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1617 – Relief of Shing-Leong Ho (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1618 – Relief of Lin Chau Siu (McGee) |
1969 |
888 | S. 1653 – Interstate Commerce Commission – Freight Damage |
1970 |
888 | S. 1684 – Provide an Additional Source of Funds for the Rural Telephone Program (McGovern) |
1969-1970 |
888 | S. 1685 – Provide Assistance for Areas Suffering a Major Disaster (Bayh) |
1967-1969 |
888 | S. 1750 – Assist Small Businesses in Complying with Federal and State Laws (Bible) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1770 – Authorize the Payment of Expenses Relating to the Recruitment of Federal Employees (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1771 – Provide Certain Benefits to Employees in the Postal Field Service (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1772 – Provide that the Federal Government Pays ½ of the Cost of Health Insurance for Federal Employees (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1781 – Eliminate the Reduction in Disability Benefits for Those Receiving Workmen’s Compensation (Byrd) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1788 – Remove the Financial Barriers to a Post-Secondary Education (Mondale) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1790 – Provide for a Great Plains Conservation Program (Composite Bill) (Young) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1795 – To Permit Amortization of the Costs of Pollution Abatement Equipment Over a 3-Year period (Ribicoff) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1801 – Federal Medical Evaluations Board |
1969 |
889 | S. 1814 – Public Ownership of D.C. Transit (Tydings) |
1970 |
889 | S. 1816 – Establish the National Council on Drug Abuse Control |
1969 |
889 | S. 1830 – Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1969 |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 1832 – Timber Supply Act of 1969 |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 1872 – Repeal the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 (Inouye) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1896 – Include Dental, Eye, and Hearing Care Under the Social Security Act (Hartke) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1927 – Relief of Stylianos Contaxis (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 1928 – Relief of Joao Periera (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 1933 – Providing for Comprehensive Federal Railroad Safety Measures (Hartke) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1938 – Promote Safety on Railroads by Limiting the Hours of Service of Employees (Hartke) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1952 – Establish the Office of Executive Management for the President (Bayh) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1955 – Relief of Lydia Ann Barot (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1959 – Repeal Provisions Limiting the Number of Children for Federal Payments (Harris) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1960 – Improve Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Harris) |
1969 |
889 | S. 1997 – Alcoholism Care and Control Act of 1969 (Javits) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2004 – Renewals of Broadcasting Licenses |
1969 |
889 | S. 2014 – Food Stamp Reform Act of 1969 (McGovern) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2060 – Headstart Child Development Act of 1969 (Mondale) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2079 – Cattle Industry Trade Conference Act (Sparkman) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2087 – Correct Inequities Relating to Civil Service Retirement Benefits (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2108 – Expand Family Planning Services of the Federal Government (Tydings) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2143 – To Promote Travel in the United States (Javits) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2147 – Consider Children in Federal Housing as Federally Connected for Educational Assistance (Eagleton) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2165 – Enable U.S. Citizens Who Change Residences to Vote in Presidential Elections (Kennedy) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2190 – Require the Secretary of Agriculture to Report to Congress Information Relating to the Import and Export of Agricultural Commodities |
1967-1970 |
889 | S. 2193 – Work-Safety Standards |
1970 |
889 | S. 2202 – Amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 to Provide an Additional Source of Financing for the Rural Telephone Program (Dole) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2203 – Farm Labor Bill |
1970 |
889 | S. 2224 – Investment Company Amendments of 1969 |
1969 |
889 | S. 2236 – Federal Insurance Guaranty Corporation Act |
1970-1971 |
889 | S. 2277 – Emergency Tax on Excess War Profits as an Alternative to a Surtax (McGovern) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2306 – International Livestock Quarantine Station Act |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2315 – Golden Eagle Program |
1970 |
889 | S. 2323 – Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Reinstate an Oil and Gas Lease (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2324 – Repeal the Reporting Requirement Relating to the Government Employees Training Act of 1958 (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2325 – Provide for Additional Supergrades in Civil Service (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2326 – Revise the Civil Service Retirement System (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2347 – Foreign Aid Assistance Act of 1969 |
1969 |
889 | S. 2347 – Amendment No. 225 – Assist the World in Economic Development (Nelson) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2367 – Provide for the Continuation of Programs Under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (Javits) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2453 – Equal Opportunity Employment Commission |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2460 – Provide for Improved Employee-Management Relations (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2486 – Provide Grants to Wyoming to Seal Abandoned Coal Mines (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2499 – Regulation of Minimum Rates of Interest by Federally Supervised Banks (McIntyre) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2517 – Foods and Additives |
1969 |
889 | S. 2518 – Liberalize Disabilities Insurance for the Blind (Hartke) |
1969-1970 |
889 | S. 2546 – Military Procurement |
1969 |
889 | S. 2548 – School Lunch Bill |
1970 |
889 | S. 2584 – Permit Donations to States for Establishing Museums (McGee) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2636 – Apply the Vocational Education Act to Those Preparing to be Volunteer Firemen (Boggs) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2641 – Amend Section 613 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Allott) |
1969 |
889 | S. 2645 – Tax Reform Bill |
1969 |
889 | S. 2658 – Entitle WWI Veterans to the Same Pension as Spanish-American War Veterans (Yarborough) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 2696 – Export Expansion and Regulation Act of 1969 |
1969 |
890 | S. 2718 – Modify Ammunition Recordkeeping Requirements (Bennett) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 2750 – Railroad Passenger Train Service – Federal Assistance |
1970 |
890 | S. 2754 – Amend the Civil Service Retirement (McGee) |
1969 |
890 | S. 2804 – Relating to Taxation of Multi-State Taxpayers (Magnuson) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 2847 – Develop a Prototype Desalting Plant in Israel (Nelson) |
1969 |
890 | S. 2864 – Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969 |
1969 |
890 | S. 2890 – Permit Some Active Duty Training to Count as Active Duty (Church) |
1969 |
890 | S. 2893 – Relating to the Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data (Moss) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 2917 – Coal Mine Safety (Williams) |
1969 |
890 | S. 2939 – Provide for the Modernization of Railroad-Passenger Equipment (Tydings) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 2988 – Amend the United States Code re Civil Service Retirement for Air-Traffic Controllers (Hartke) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3016 – Office of Economic Opportunity |
1969 |
890 | S. 3035 – Amend Title II of the Social Security Act (Hartke) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3068 – Agriculture Stabilization Act of 1969 (McGovern) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3072 – Develop Low-Emission Motor Vehicles to Protect the Public (Magnuson) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3108 – Airport and Airways Development Act of 1969 |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3113 – Provide for a Separate Session of Congress Each Year (Magnuson) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3130 – Establish a Visiting Scientist and Scholar Program for the Federal Government (McGee) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3151 – Education to Enhance Environmental Quality and Keep Ecological Balance (Byrd) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3180 – Adjust Salaries of Judges in the Government of the District of Columbia (McGee) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3201 – Consumer Protection Act of 1970 |
1970 |
890 | S. 3202 – Revise the Immigration and Nationality Act (Kennedy) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3223 –Alleviation of Freight Car Shortages (Magnuson) |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3246 – Controlled Dangerous Substances Act of 1969 |
1969-1970 |
890 | S. 3248 – Quiet Title Against the Federal Government (Church) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3253 – Name the Federal Office Building in Chicago the Everett Dirksen Building (Percy) |
1969 |
890 | S. 3287 – Merchant Marine Act |
1970 |
890 | S. 3322 – Require That the Appointment of Census Employees Be based on Examinations (McGee) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3323 – Prevent the Postmaster General from Labeling Firearms (McGee) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3354 – National Land Use Policy of 1970 (Jackson) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3356 – Require the Secretary of Agriculture to Make Advance Payments under the feed Grain Program (Mondale) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3396 – Make Certain Technical Changes in the Law re Postal Service (McGee) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3397 – Accept Checks for Postal Charges and Services (McGee) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3410 – National Environmental Laboratory Act of 1970 (Baker) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3441 – Establish Bridger National Recreation Area (McGee) |
1970-1971 |
890 | S. 3445 – Choctaw Tribe |
1970 |
890 | S. 3484 – Marine Environment and Pollution Control Act of 1970 (Nelson) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3503 – Reduce Mortgage-Interest Rates for Middle-Income Families (Proxmire) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3526 – Emergency Public Interest Act of 1970 |
1970 |
890 | S. 3546 – National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970 (Muskie) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3560 – Lower the Minimum Voting Age (Cook) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3566 – Establish a Council on American Minority History and Culture (Scott) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3592 – Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act (Curtis) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3598 – Authorize Federal Assistance for Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation Development (Aiken) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3602 – Preserve and Protect the Confidentiality of First-Class Mail (McGee) |
1970 |
890 | S. 3613 – Improve the Postal Service and Reorganize the Post Office Department (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3619 – Provide Comprehensive Disaster Assistance (Bayh) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3624 – Provide Assistance in the Purchase of Mobile Homes in Rural Areas (Hollings) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3637 – Campaign Spending |
1970 |
891 | S. 3650 – Laws re Explosives – Amendment No. 728 (Schweiker) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3677 – Establish an Independent Agency to Develop and Enforce Federal Environmental Quality Standards (Muskie) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3687 – National Water Quality Standards Act of 1970 (Muskie) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3690 – To Increase the Pay of Federal Employees (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3697 – Clean Lakes Act of 1970 (Mondale) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3723 – Textile Quotas (McIntyre) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3753 – Postal Employees Benefits Act (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3842 – Improve and Modernize the Postal Service (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3853 – Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act (Hughes) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3860 – Clarify the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Scott) |
1969-1970 |
891 | S. 3867 – Employment and Training Opportunities Act of 1970 |
1970 |
891 | S. 3875 – Transport Freight from the Department of Defense in General Purpose Federal Boxcars (Pearson) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3941 – Lead Paint Poisoning Penalties Act of 1970 (Schweiker) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3942 – Health Inspection of Livestock Imported into the U.S. (Mansfield) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3958 – Adjust the Pay of Federal Employees (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3959 – Provide Retirement Benefits for Air Traffic Controllers (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 3984 – Establish the American Indian Development Bank to Assist in the Economic Development of Tribes (McGovern) |
1970 |
891 | S. 4092 – Establish a Commission on Fuels and Energy (Randolph) |
1970 |
891 | S. 4227 – Equitable Pay Rates for Prevailing Rate Employees of the Government (McGee) |
1970 |
891 | S. 4260 – Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970 (Randolph) |
1970 |
891 | S. 4358 – National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970 |
1970 |
891 | Assorted |
1969-1970 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
891 | S. Con. Res. 3 – Relief of Persons Affected by the Nigerian Civil War (Pearson) |
1969 |
891 | S. Con. Res. 27 – Abandoned American Fighting Men |
1969 |
891 | S. Con. Res. 32 – Provide for the Secretary of Transportation to Study Rail Transportation of Mail and Passengers (Allott) |
1968-1969 |
891 | S. Con. Res. 34 – Defining the Role that the U.S. Should Play in Fulfilling in Its Responsibility to the American Indian (McGovern) |
1969 |
891 | S. Con. Res. 37 – Prisoners of War |
1969 |
891 | S. Con. Res. 62 – Designate May 1 as an Appeal for International Justice for American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia (Dole) |
1970 |
891 | Assorted |
1969 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
891 | S. J. Res. 1 – An Amendment to the Constitution to Provide for the Direct Popular Election of the President and Vice-President (Cooper) |
1970 |
891 | S. J. Res. 5 – Create Joint Committee to Investigate Crime (Moss) |
1970 |
891 | S. J. Res. 7 – Amend Constitution to Permit 18-Year-Olds to Vote (Randolph) |
1969-1970 |
891 | S. J. Res. 22 – Designate 1969 as “John Wesley Powell Centennial Year” (Moss) |
1969 |
891 | S. J. Res. 23 – To Determine Susceptibility of Minerals to Electrometallurgical Processes (McGee) |
1967-1969 |
891 | S. J. Res. 29 – Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Yellowstone National Park (Bible) |
1968-1970 |
892 | S. J. Res. 47 – Create the National Advisory Commission on Health Science and Society (Mondale) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 56 – Constitutional Amendment re Congressional Representation for D.C. (Bayh) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 61 – Amend the Constitution to Provide Equal Rights for Women (McCarthy) |
1969-1970 |
892 | S. J. Res. 108 – Study Underground Nuclear Detonations and Seismic Disturbances (Gravel) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 147 – Extend Voting Rights to 18-Year-Olds (Randolph) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 154 – January as “National Blood Donor” Month (Eagleton) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 158 – Mint-Clad Silverless Dollars of Eisenhower |
1969-1970 |
892 | S. J. Res. 163 – Continuing Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations (Montoya) |
1969 |
892 | S. J. Res. 207 – Establish a Joint Commission on the Environment (Muskie) |
1970 |
892 | S. J. Res. 218 – Establish Annual “Day of Bread” and “Harvest Festival Week” (Dole) |
1970 |
892 | S. J. Res. 226 – Proclaim National Multiple Sclerosis Society Annual Hope Chest Appeal Weeks (Murphy) |
1970 |
892 | Assorted |
1969-1970 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
892 | S. Res. 30 – Provide Legislative Authority for the Select Committee on Small Business (Prouty) |
1967-1970 |
892 | S. Res. 37 – “U.S. Senator’s March is the Official Song of the Senate (McGee) Includes a small reel of magnetic tape labeled “Proposed Anthem – March for the U.S. Senate c/o U.S. Senator Gale McGee. Original Music by Carrol M. Butts, Box 298, Torrington, Wyoming.”
1969-1970 |
892 | S. Res. 63 – Authorize Post Office Committee to Make Certain Investigations (McGee) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 68 – Authorize Funding for the Select Committee on Nutrition |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 78 – Establish the Select Committee on Technology and the Human Environment (Muskie) |
1967-1969 |
S. Res. 85 – Congressional Authority/Foreign Power The Vietnam-era resolution, introduced by Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR), stated that “a national commitment by the United States to a foreign power necessarily and exclusively results from affirmative action taken by the executive and legislative branches of the United States Government through means of a treaty, convention, or other legislative instrumentality specifically intended to give effect to such a commitment.” The Foreign Relations Committee voted in favor of the resolution; McGee was the only member of the committee to vote against the resolution.
Box | ||
892 | Letters |
1969 |
892 | Press |
1969 |
892 | Statements, Drafts, and Reports |
1969 |
892 | Assorted |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 176 – Provide for the Small Business Administration to Conduct a Pilot Study of Small Businesses that Need Modification (Bible) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 183 – In Opposition to the Closing of Job Corps Centers (Cranston) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 194 – In Opposition to Changes in the Job Corps Program (Cranston) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 211 – Agee with the U.S.S.R. to Limit Strategic Weapons (Brooke) |
1969-1970 |
892 | S. Res. 223 – Establish a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area in All States (Stevens) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 271 – Peace in Vietnam (Dole) |
1969-1970 |
892 | S. Res. 280 – Senate Support for Nixon’s Vietnam Peace Efforts (Scott) |
1969 |
892 | S. Res. 359 – Select Committee on Equal Educational Opportunity (Mondale) |
1970 |
892 | S. Res. 375 – Honor Captain R.M. Wilbur and Co-Pilot J.E. Hartley for Heroism (Gurney) |
1970 |
892 | S. Res. 387 – Sense of the Senate Relative to Supreme Court Nominations (Cranston) |
1970 |
892 | S. Res. 388 – Relative to the Mission and Safety of Apollo 13 Astronauts (Murphy) |
1970 |
892 | S. Res. 399 – Create a World Environmental Institute (Magnuson) |
1970 |
892 | S. Res. 486 – Relating to the Joint Army-Air Force Effort to Liberate American POWs Held Captive by North Vietnam (Dole), 1970 |
1970 |
892 | Assorted |
1969-1970 |
General Resolutions |
Box | ||
892 | October 1968-February 1969 |
1968-1969 |
892 | March-April |
1969 |
892 | May-August |
1969 |
893 | September-December |
1969 |
893 | January-March |
1970 |
893 | May-August |
1970 |
893 | September-December |
1970 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
893 | H.R. 2 – Federal Credit Union Act |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 514 – Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 1040 – Railroad Retirement Act – Annuities |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 1180 – Labeling of Food Supplements |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 4239 – Quota – Imported Lamb Meats |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 4706 – Railroad Retirement Act – Annuities |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 6543 – Cigarette Advertising |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 6778 – One-Bank Holding Companies |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 11607 – Railroad Retirement Act – Annuities |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 11870 – Vehicle Weight and Width on Interstate Highways |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 12284 – Federal Trade Commission Act – Imitation Antique Glassware |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13000 – Federal Employees – Pay Raises |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 13111 – Education |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13270 – Tax Reform Act of 1969 |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13270 – Amendment No. 254 (Moss) |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13270 – Amendment No. 321 – Business and Farmer Exemption (Miller) |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13270 – Amendment No. 326 – Small Business Exemption (Hartke) |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13270 – Amendment No. 332 – Non-Partisan Activities by Certain Organizations (Yarborough) |
1969 |
893 | H.R. 13300 – Railroad Retirement Act – Supplemental Annuities |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 14465 – Aviation Facilities Expansion Act of 1969 |
1969-1970 |
893 | H.R. 14705 – Employment Security Amendments of 1970 |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15310 – Taxation – Gross Income – Interest from “Thrift Institutions,” |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15424 – Maritime Bill |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15628 – Foreign Military Sales Act – Amendment No. 746 (Jackson) |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15733 – Railroad Retirement Act – Increase in Benefits |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15737 – Preservation of Predatory Animals |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 15911 – Veterans’ Pensions |
1970-1971 |
893 | H.R. 16311 – Family Assistance Plan |
1970-1971 |
893 | H.R. 16311 - Amendment No. 582 (McGovern) |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 16785 – Occupational Safety and Health Act |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 16907 – Federal Surplus Property Bill |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 16916 – Appropriations – Office of Education – Amendment No. 642 (Eagleton) |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 16920 – Textile Quota Bill |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 17123 – Military Procurement Bill |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 17255 – National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970 |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 17399 – Second Supplemental Appropriations – Amendment No. 702 (Mondale) |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 17399 – Amendment No. 703 (Mondale) |
1970 |
893 | H.R. 17399 – Amendment No. 704 (Mondale) |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 17550 – Social Security Act |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 17755 – Transportation |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 18124 – Railroad Retirement Annuities |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 18214 – Consumer Protection Act of 1970 |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 18546 – Agricultural Act of 1970 |
1970 |
894 | H.R. 18970 – Foreign Trade |
1969-1970 |
894 | H.R. 18970 – Foreign Trade |
1969-1970 |
894 | Assorted |
1969-1970 |
894 | House Concurrent Resolutions - Assorted |
1969-1970 |
House Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
894 | H. J. Res. 264 – Equal Rights Amendment |
1970 |
894 | H. J. Res. 584 – Supplemental Appropriations – Commodity Credit Corporation |
1969 |
894 | House Resolution - H. Res. 17 – Juvenile Delinquency |
1970 |
Assorted |
Box | ||
894 | Correspondence |
1970 |
Clement Haynsworth Nomination On August 21, 1969, President Richard Nixon nominated Clement Haynsworth, a judge on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, to succeed Justice Abe Fortas on the United States Supreme Court. The nomination was controversial, and McGee received many letters supporting the nomination. On November 21, 1969, the nomination was defeated (55-45), with McGee voting against it.
Box | ||
894 | Letters – Anti |
1969 |
894 | Letters – Pro |
1969 |
895 | Invitations |
1969 |
Subseries 3. Senate, 3rd Term (1971-1976) |
Box | ||
Sub-subseries 1. 92nd Congress (1971-1972) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
895 | January-February |
1971 |
895 | March-April |
1971 |
895 | May-June |
1971 |
895 | July-September |
1971 |
895 | October-December |
1971 |
895 | January |
1972 |
895 | February |
1972 |
895 | March-April |
1972 |
895 | May |
1972 |
895 | June |
1972 |
895 | July-August |
1972 |
895 | September-October |
1972 |
895 | November-December |
1972 |
Legislation Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R-WY) |
Box | ||
895 | Senate Bills |
1971 |
896 | Senate Bills |
1971-1972 |
896 | Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
1971 |
896 | Senate Joint Resolutions |
1971-1972 |
896 | Senate Resolutions |
1971-1972 |
Letters of Introduction to Proposed Legislation |
Box | ||
896 | January |
1971 |
896 | February |
1971 |
896 | March |
1971 |
896 | April |
1971 |
896 | May |
1971 |
896 | June |
1971 |
896 | July |
1971 |
896 | August-September |
1971 |
896 | October |
1971 |
896 | November |
1971 |
896 | December |
1971 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
896 | Anti-Busing Legislation |
1972 |
897 | Fair Labor Standards Act |
1972 |
897 | Gun Control Legislation |
1971-1972 |
897 | Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 |
1972 |
897 | Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 – Wyoming – Flexo |
1972 |
897 | Tax-Credit Legislation |
1972 |
897 | S. 3 – Health Security Act of 1971 (Kennedy) |
1971-1972 |
897 | S. 5 – To Promote the Public Welfare (Mondale) |
1971 |
897 | S. 10 – To Establish a National Policy re the Revitalization of Rural and Economically Distressed Areas (McClellan) |
1971-1972 |
897 | S. 28 – To Clarify the Relationship of Interests of the U.S. and the States in the Use of Waters of Certain Streams (Moss) |
1971 |
897 | S. 32 – National Science Policy and Priorities Act of 1972 (Kennedy) |
1971-1972 |
897 | S. 34 – Conquest of Cancer Act (Kennedy) |
1971 |
897 | S. 34 – Flexo – Wyoming |
1971 |
897 | S. 34 – Wyoming |
1971 |
897 | S. 35 – Native Claims Settlement Act (Jackson) |
1971-1972 |
897 | S. 121 – To Amend the Water Resources Research Act of 1964 |
1971 |
897 | S. 122 – To Amend the Natural Gas Act of 1938 |
1971 |
897 | S. 123 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Modify the Operation of the Kortes Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Wyoming (Hansen) |
1971 |
897 | S. 124 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Construct, Operate, and Maintain the Polecat Beach Area (Hansen) |
1971-1972 |
897 | S. 125 – To Authorize the Sale of Certain Lands Under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture (Hansen) |
1971 |
897 | S. 127 – To Designate the Gros Ventre Wilderness, Teton National Forest, in Wyoming (Hansen) |
1971 |
897 | S. 128 – To Authorize the Issuance of a Special Postage Stamp for the 100th Anniversary of Yellowstone Park (Hansen) |
1971 |
897 | S. 131 – To Provide for the Conveyance of U.S. Real Property to Washakie County, Wyoming (Worland Post Office) (McGee) |
1969-1971 |
898 | S. 137 – To Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Public Lands in Wyoming to the Occupants of the Land (Lakeview Estates) (Hansen) |
1968-1971 |
898 | S. 138 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Water Rights to the State of Wyoming (Hansen) |
1968-1971 |
898 | S. 139 – For the Relief of Anka Zdunic (Hansen) |
1968-1972 |
898 | S. 141 – Fossil Butte National Monument (Hansen) |
1967-1973 |
898 | S. 142 – To Amend the Gun Control Act of 1968 to Permit the Interstate Transportation of Guns for Sporting and Target Competitions (Mansfield) |
1970-1971 |
898 | S. 143 – To Amend the U.S. Code re Grazing Fees of Public Lands (McGee and Hansen) |
1969-1971 |
898 | S. 144 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code re Ammunition Recordkeeping Requirements (McGee) |
1969-1972 |
898 | S. 164 – To Amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 |
1971 |
898 | S. 166 – To Designate the Stratified Primitive Area as a Part of the Washakie Wilderness (Hansen) |
1967-1972 |
898 | S. 216 – To Permit Suits to be Brought Against the U.S. to Adjudicate Disputed Land Titles (Church) |
1971 |
898 | S. 315 – Re the Fixing of Prevailing Rates for Wage Employees of the U.S. Government (McGee) |
1971 |
898 | S. 325 – To Amend Chapter 73 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code re Survivor Benefit Plan |
1971-1972 |
898 | S. 346 – Rural Job Development Act (Aiken) |
1971 |
898 | S. 376 – Vietnam Disengagement Act of 1971 |
1971 |
898 | S. 377 – Military Retirement Pay Computation Bill |
1971-1972 |
898 | S. 382 – Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 |
1971 |
898 | S. 391 – To Amend Section 306 of the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act |
1971 |
898 | S. 545 – Comprehensive Community College Act of 1971 (Williams) |
1971 |
898 | S. 560 – Emergency Public Interest Protection Act of 1971 |
1971-1972 |
898 | S. 571 – To Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act re the Importation of Meat and Meat Products (Pearson) |
1971 |
898 | S. 575 – Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1971 (Randolph) |
1971 |
898 | S. 581 – Export-Import Bank Bill |
1971 |
898 | S. 582 – National Coastal and Estuarine Zone Management Act of 1971 (Hollings) |
1971 |
898 | S. 592 – To Repeal the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 (Inouye) |
1971 |
898 | S. 630 – Strip Mining Reclamation Act of 1972 |
1972 |
898 | S. 630 – Flexo |
1972 |
898 | S. 632 – National Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1972 |
1972 |
898 | S. 637 – To Amend the Natural Gas Act re Rates and Charges (Tower) |
1971 |
898 | S. 652 – Fair Credit Billing Act |
1971-1972 |
898 | S. 659 – Higher Education Amendments of 1971 |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 674 – To Amend the Controlled Substances Act (Eagleton) |
1971 |
899 | S. 680 – General Revenue Sharing Act of 1971 (Baker) |
1971 |
899 | S. 681 – State Environmental Center Act of 1971 (Bellmon) |
1971 |
899 | S. 691 – For the Relief of Vassiliki Spanos (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 692 – For the Relief of Ferdl Fettig (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 717 – To Establish the Hells Canyon Snake National River in the States of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and for Other Purposes (Packwood) |
1971 |
899 | S. 725 – Determine Claims of Certain Prisoners of War Who Are Permanently Disabled (McGee) |
1967-1971 |
899 | S. 726 – National Agriculture Bargaining Act (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 727 – National Agricultural Marketing Act (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 782 – Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act…Candy Containing Alcohol Flavoring Extracts – Wyoming Letters |
1971 |
899 | S. 832 – Railway Labor Act |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 895 – Speedy Trial Act of 1971 (Ervin) |
1971 |
899 | S. 907 – To Consent to the Interstate Environment Compact (McClellan) |
1971 |
899 | S. 921 – Public Domain Lands Organic Act of 1971 |
1971 |
899 | S. 934 – Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1971 |
1971 |
899 | S. 936 – To Amend the Social Security Act |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 945 – No-Fault Automobile Insurance |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 950 – To Amend the Gun Control Act of 1968 (Dominick) |
1971 |
899 | S. 963 – To Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Cooperate with and Furnish Financial Assistance to States and Other Public Bodies and Organizations… (Montoya) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1017 – Clean Lakes Act of 1971 (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1018 – To Amend the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1920 (Hansen) |
1971 |
899 | S.1026 – To Amend the Small Reclamation Project Act (Moss) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1030 – Vocational Rehabilitation Act |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1035 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Bayh) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1064 – Youth Participation Act of 1971 (Harris) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1085 – To Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act (Hansen) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1113 – National Environmental Laboratory Act of 1971 (Baker) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1116 – To Require the Protection, Management, and Control of Wild, Free-Roaming Horses and Burros on Public Lands (Jackson) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1120 – To Provide for the Disposition of the Judgment in Favor of the Shoshone Tribe in Indian Claims Commission Dockets (Hansen) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1172 – To Exempt U.S. Citizens Who Are 65 or Older from Paying Entrance Fees in Certain Recreation Areas (Cannon) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1173 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act (Metcalf) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1177 – Consumer Protection Agency Act of 1971 |
1972 |
899 | S. 1204 – To Amend Section 8332 of Title 5, U.S. Code, to Allow Certain Service to be Credited for Purposes of Civil Service Retirement (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1237 – To Provide Federal Assistance of Private Medical Care Facilities Damaged or Destroyed by a Major Disaster (Tunney) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1245 – To Amend the Act of June 27, 1960, re the Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data (Moss) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1277 – To Support the Price of Manufacturing Milk at Not Less Than 85 Per Centum of Parity for the Marketing Year of 1971-1972 (Nelson) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1300 – To Amend the Agriculture Act of 1949 (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1305 – National Legal Services Corporation Act (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1315 – Ocean Mammal Protection Act |
1971 |
899 | S. 1335 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act (Hartke) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1358 – For the Relief of Sotirios Spanos (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1376 – Title XX of the Social Security Act – Catastrophic Health Insurance Program (Long) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1404 – Rhodesia – Economic Sanctions |
1971 |
899 | S. 1424 – To Amend Chapter 89 of Title 5, U.S. Code, to Provide Improved Health Benefits for Federal Employees (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1428 – To Amend Title 18 of the U.S. Code by Adding a New Chapter 404 to Establish an Institute for Continuing Studies of Juvenile Justice (Percy) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1437 – Airport and Airway Development and Revenue Acts Amendments of 1971 |
1971 |
899 | S. 1438 – To Protect the Civilian Employees of the Executive Branch of the Government (Ervin) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1478 – Toxic Substances Control Act of 1972 |
1972 |
899 | S. 1483 – Farm Credit Act of 1971 (Talmadge) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1485 – Department of Education Act (Ribicoff) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1486 – To Establish an Antitrust Review and Revision Commission (Javits) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1512 – To Amend the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to Provide for a Comprehensive Child Development Program in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Mondale) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1528 – Wholesome Fish and Fishery Products Act of 1971 (Hart) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1557 – School Desegregation |
1971 |
899 | S. 1592 – To Establish a Commission to Investigate and Study the Practice Clearcutting of Timber Resources of the U.S. on Federal Lands (McGee) |
1971-1972 |
899 | S. 1614 – Nurse Education Act of 1971 (Javits) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1636 – To Establish a Federal Wage System for Fixing and Adjusting the Pay of Certain Employees of the Government (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1639 – To Provide an Additional Period of Time for Review of the Basic National Rail Passenger System (McGee) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1681 – To Liberalize Eligibility for Cost-of-Living Increases in Civil-Service Retirement Annuities (Fong) |
1971 |
899 | S. 1682 – To Amend Title 5, U.S. Code, to Establish and Govern the Federal Executive Service, and for Other Purposes (Fong) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1699 – National Environmental Act of 1971 (Magnuson) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1729 – Fast Freight Systems Transportation Act of 1971 (Magnuson) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1734 – Forest Lands Restoration and Protection Act |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1773 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 (McGovern) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1810 – For the Relief of Dorothy G. McCarty (McGee) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1811 – For the Relief of Erma P. Curry and Margaret Hamilton (McGee) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1819 – To Amend the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies of 1970 (Baker) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1821 – U.S.-Certified Air Carriers |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1828 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act so as to Promote the Public Health…To Conquer Cancer (Dominick) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1846 – To Establish a Coal Gasification Development Corporation, and for Other Purposes (Jackson) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1861 – A Bill to Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (Stafford) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1875 – Federal Appropriations Reform Act (Magnuson) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1883 – Interstate Taxation Act (Magnuson) |
1972 |
900 | S. 1893 – Golden Eagle Passport program |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 1904 – To Amend Title 5, U.S. Code, re Air-Traffic Controllers (McGee) |
1971 |
900 | S. 1994 – To Adjust the Pay of the Police Forces at Washington and Dulles Airports (McGee) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2007 – Omnibus Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1971 |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2028 – Re the Administration of Grazing Districts (Allott) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2040 – To Make the Provisions of the Vocational Education Act of 1963 Applicable to Individuals Preparing to be Volunteer Firemen (Boggs) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2052 – National Cemeteries Act of 1971 |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2093 – To Protect Producers’ Incomes When Rebuilding Reserve Stocks of Wheat or Feed Grains (McGovern) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2135 – To Amend Title V of the Social Security Act… (Kennedy) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2161 – Veterans’ Education and Training Assistance Act of 1971 (Hartke) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2185 – To Carry Out the Recommendations of the Presidential Task Force on Women’s Rights and Responsibilities, and for Other Purposes (Bayh) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2193 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Reimburse the Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes of the Wind River Reservation for Tribal Funds (Hansen) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2214 – To Amend Title 39, U.S. Code, to Clarify Certain Provisions of the Postal Reorganization Act (McGee) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2223 – To Amend the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, and for Other purposes (Humphrey) |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2258 – Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Acceleration Act (Griffin) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2266 – Amendment to Require the Public Printer to Furnish Recycled Material for the Use of the Senate and the House of Representatives (Moss) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2308 – To Authorize Emergency Loan Guarantees to Major Business Enterprises/Lockheed Guaranteed Loan Bill (Sparkman) |
1971 |
900 | S. 2362 – Surface Transportation Act |
1971-1972 |
900 | S. 2382 – To Provide Overtime Pay for Intermittent and Part-Time General Schedule Employees Who Work More in Excess of 40 Hours in a Workweek |
1971 |
900 | S. 2401 – National Land Use Policy |
1972 |
900 | S. 2404 – To Amend the Natural Gas Act (Magnuson) Includes 3 volumes of transcripts of hearings held by the Senate Commerce Committee.
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2416 – To Authorize the Establishment and Carrying Out of a National Indian Education Program and the Establishment of Local Indian School Boards (Montoya) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2454 – To Amend the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970 to Expand the YCC Pilot Program, and for Other Purposes (Jackson) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2465 – To Establish the Everglades-Big Cypress National Recreation Area in Florida, and for Other Purposes (Chiles) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2473 – To Amend the Land and Water Fund Act of 1965 so as to Authorize the Development of Indoor Facilities in Areas (Burdick) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2482 – Indian Education Act of 1971 (Pell) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2497 – Vietnam Children’s Care Agency |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2504 – Social Security Act – Dietetic and Nutritional Services |
1971 |
901 | S. 2506 – Randolph-Sheppard Act for the Blind Amendments |
1971 |
901 | S. 2507 – A Bill to Amend the Gun Control Act of 1968 (Dominick) |
1972 |
901 | S. 2515 – Equal Employment Opportunities Enforcement Act of 1971 |
1971 |
901 | S. 2523 – To Provide That the Federal Government Shall Assume the Risks of Its Fidelity Losses (McGee) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2547 – For the Protection of the Bald and Golden Eagles (McGee) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2571 – Rural Development and Population Dispersion Act of 1971 (McGovern) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2579 – Ocean Mammal Protection Act |
1972 |
901 | S. 2592 – Foreign Trade and Investment Act of 1972 |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2648 – Strategic Storable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1971 (Humphrey) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2652 – District of Columbia Home Rules |
1971 |
901 | S. 2676 – National Sickle Cell Anemia Prevention Act (Tunney) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2712 – Economic Stabilization Act |
1971 |
901 | S. 2724 – Comprehensive Indian Education Act of 1971 (Jackson) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2729 – Strategic Storable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1971 (Humphrey) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2764 – Fish Disease Control Act (Moss) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2770 – Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2813 – Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments Act of 1971 (Tower) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2828 – To Amend Sections 9 and 11 of the Clayton Act, as Amended, to Provide for the Continuance of the Family Farm and to Prevent Monopoly (Nelson) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2858 – For the Relief of Juan Leo DeHerrera (McGee) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2871 – Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1972 |
1972 |
901 | S. 2891 – A Bill to Extend and Amend the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 (Cranston) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2895 – Egg Industry Adjustment Act |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 2896 – To Amend Chapter 83 of Title 5, U.S. Code, re Adopted Children (McGee) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2944 – To Amend Section 112 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Buckley) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2945 – To Amend Title 10 of the U.S. Code to Permit Appointment by the President of certain Additional Persons to the Service Academies (McGee) |
1971 |
901 | S. 2956 – To Make Rules Governing the Use of the U.S. Armed Forces in the Absence of a Declaration of War by Congress (McGee) |
1969-1972 |
901 | S. 2981 – Rural Development Act of 1972 (Aiken) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 3052 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Designate the Beartooth Highway, Montana and Wyoming, as the James E. Murray Memorial Parkway (Metcalf) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3056 – To Amend the Revenue Act of 1971 (Dominick) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3065 – To Designate the Ashenfelder Wilderness, Medicine Bow National Forest, in Wyoming (McGee) |
1971-1972 |
901 | S. 3070 – WWI Veterans’ Pensions |
1972 |
901 | S. 3080 – To Amend the Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, and for Other Purposes (Kennedy) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3121 – To Extend the Commission on Civil Rights for 5 Years, to Expand the Jurisdiction of the Commission to Include Discrimination Because of Sex… (Hart) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3123 – To Impose a Statutory Limit on Expenditures and Net Lending During Fiscal Year 1973 (Roth) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3127 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act… (Mondale) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3133 – To Amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to Provide That Under Certain Circumstances, Exclusive Territorial Arrangements Shall Not Be Unlawful (Eastland) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3142 – To Authorize the Secretary of State to Furnish Assistance for the Resettlement of Soviet Jewish Refugees in Israel (Muskie) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3148 – Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1972 (Bayh) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3156 – Architect-Engineer Selection Bill |
1972 |
901 | S. 3157 – Indian Self-Determination Act of 1972 (Mansfield) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3159 - To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Establish the John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Memorial Parkway, and for Other Purposes (Hansen) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3187 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act so as to Provide for the Prevention and Control of Venereal Disease (Javits) |
1972 |
901 | S. 3193 – Office of Economic Opportunity |
1972 |
901 | S. 3232 – Transportation Crisis Prevention Act |
1972 |
902 | S. 3276 – Wheat and Wheat Foods Research, Education, and Promotion Act (Dole) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3314 – To Amend the Agriculture Act of 1949 (Burdick) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3319 – To Provide Equitable Wage Adjustments for Certain Prevailing Rate Employees of the Government (Fong) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3357 – To Provide Price Support for Milk at Not Less Than 85% of the Parity Price Therefor (Mondale) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3390 – (Amend.) A Bill to Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and for other Purposes (Scott) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3393 – To Amend Title XVII of the Social Security Act to Provide Financial Assistance to Individuals Suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease… (Cook) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3404 – Oil and Heating Fuel Imports |
1972 |
902 | S. 3419 – Food, Drug, and Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 (McGee) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3432 – To Establish a Department of Health (Ribicoff) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3462 – Rural Development Act of 1972 |
1972 |
902 | S. 3507 – To Establish a National Policy and Develop a National Program for the Management, Use, Protection, and Development of the Land and Water Resources of the Nation’s Coastal Zones… |
1972 |
902 | S. 3514 – Menominee Restoration Act (Proxmire) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3526 – To Provide Authorizations for Certain Agencies Conducting the Foreign Relations of the United States |
1971-1972 |
902 | S. 3526 – McGee Amendment # 1172 |
1972 |
902 | S. 3538 – To Amend the Controlled Substances Act to Require Identification by the Manufacturer of Each Schedule II Dosage Unit Produced (Bayh) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3539 – To Amend the Controlled Substances Act to Move Certain Barbiturates from Schedule III of the Act to Schedule Ii (Bayh) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3598 – Retirement Income Security for Employees Act of 1972 |
1972 |
902 | S. 3614 – To Provide Financial Assistance to the States for Improved Educational Services for Handicapped Children (Williams) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3639 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 to Authorize the Use of Food Stamps by Elderly Persons to Purchase Meals… (Cranston) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3657 – Tax Reform |
1972 |
902 | S. 3726 – (Amend.) To Extend and Amend the Export Administration Act of 1969… (McGee) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3759 – Bill of Rights for the Mentally Retarded (Javits) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3779 – Elementary and Secondary Education Assistance Act of 1972 (Mondale) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3788 – To Facilitate the Incorporation of the Reclamation Townsite of Page, Arizona, Glen Canyon Unit, Colorado River Storage Project, as a Municipality Under the Laws of the State of Arizona (Moss) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3802 – To Promote Commerce and Establish a Council on Energy Policy in the Executive Office of the President (Hollings) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3848 – To Correct Inequities Resulting from the Exclusion from Entitlement to Severance Pay of Employees… (McGee) |
1972 |
902 | S. 3939 – Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1972 |
1972 |
902 | S. 3939 – Flexo |
1972 |
902 | S. 3970 – Consumer Protection Agency |
1971-1972 |
902 | S. 3980 – For the Relief of William Allen and Marie Allen, His Wife, Rock Springs, Wyoming (Moss) |
1972 |
902 | S. 4021 – Indian Art and Cultural Center Act (Hansen) |
1972 |
902 | S. 7892 – Candy Containing Alcohol Flavoring Extracts |
1971 |
902 | Assorted |
1971-1972 |
903 | Assorted |
1970-1972 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
903 | S. Con. Res. 6 – To Express the Sense of Congress re Certain Activities of Public Health Service Hospitals and Outpatient Clinics (Kennedy) |
1971 |
903 | S. Con. Res. 53 – To Express the Sense of Congress that the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment Consider the International Economic and Social Consequences (Williams) |
1971-1972 |
903 | S. Con. Res. 89 – In Behalf of Prisoners of War and Those Missing in Action (Thurmond) |
1972 |
903 | Assorted |
1971 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
903 | S. J. Res. 4 – To Authorize the President to Proclaim the Period of April 19, 1971 - April 23, 1971 as “School Bus Safety Week” (Javits) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 7 – To Amend the Constitution to Permit 18-Year-Olds to Vote in All Elections |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 8 – Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution re Equal Rights for Men and Women (Bayh) |
1971-1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 10 – To Authorize the President to Designate the Period Beginning March 21, 1971, as “National Week of Concern for Prisoners of War/Missing in Action” (Brock) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 11 – To Authorize the President to Proclaim the Week of April 19, 1971, as “Students Week Against Drug Abuse” (Hatfield) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 15 – Designating the Third week of April of Each Year as “Earth Week” (Nelson) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 17 – Concerning the Creation of a Joint Committee on the Environment (Mansfield) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 29 – To Provide for the Designation of the Calendar Week Beginning on May 30 and Ending on June 5 as “National Peace Corps Week” (Scott) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 34 – Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution re the Offering of Prayer in Public Schools and Public Buildings (Scott) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 75 – National Advisory Commission on Health Science and Society Resolution (Mondale) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 79 – Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution re Equal Rights for Men and Women (Hartke) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 88 – Authorizing Additional Appropriations to the Secretary of Transportation for Intercity Rail Passenger Service (Taft) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 108 – To Declare a U.S. Policy for Achieving Population Stabilization by Voluntary Means (Cranston) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 115 – Moratorium on Killing of Whales and Dolphins |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 117 – To Declare National Hunting and Fishing Day (McIntyre) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 125 – To Issue a Proclamation Calling for a “Day of Bread” and “Harvest Festival” (Dole) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 126 – To Proclaim the Month of January of Each Year as “National Volunteer Blood Donor Month” (Eagleton) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 158 – To Declare May 6, 1972, as “Clean Up America Day” and to Urge the Participation of All Americans (Weicker) |
1971 |
903 | S. J. Res. 169 – To Pay Tribute to Law Enforcement Officers of This Country on Law Day – May 1, 1972 (Hollings) |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 177 – Relating to the Publication of Economic and Social Statistics for Spanish-Speaking Americans (Humphrey) |
1971-1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 180 – To Authorize the President to Issue Annually a Proclamation Designating the Month of May in Each Year as “National Arthritis Month” (Roth) |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 187 – West Coast Dock Strike |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 189 – “National Week of Concern for Prisoners of War/Missing in Action,” 1972 |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 215 – Propose an Amendment to the Constitution re the Nomination of Individuals for the Election of President and Vice President (Mansfield) |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 217 – To Create an Atlantic Union Delegation (McGee) |
1971-1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 236 – To Authorize and Request the President to Proclaim the Week Beginning October 15, 1972, as “National Drug Abuse Prevention Week” (Hruska) |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 241 – To Approve an Interim Agreement Between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (Jackson) |
1972 |
903 | S. J. Res. 245 – Authorizing the President to Designate the Calendar Month of September 1972 as “National Voter Registration Month” (Randolph) |
1972 |
903 | Assorted |
1971-1972 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
903 | S. Res. 9 – Amending Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate re Limitation of Debate |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 12 – To Establish at Least One Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area in Each State (Stevens) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 38 – Resolution re Select Committee on Small Business (Small) |
1971-1972 |
903 | S. Res. 58 – Relating to the Release of Certain Funds Involving Public Works That Were Placed in Budgetary Reserve by the President (Harris) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 64 – To Urge the President to Take Necessary Measures to Prevent Heroin from Being Imported into the United States (Hartke) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 120 – Relating to Regulations Issued Under the Food Stamp Act of 1964 (McGovern) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 129 – To Authorize the Printing as a Senate Document of a Report Entitled “Study Mission to Central and East Africa” (McGee) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 177 – Calling for the Shipment of Phantom F-4 Aircraft to Israel in Order to Maintain the Arms Balance in the Middle East (Scott) |
1971 |
903 | S. Res. 221 – Northern Ireland Crisis |
1972 |
903 | S. Res. 272 – Expressing the Sense of the Senate re the Continued Support of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (Percy) |
1972 |
903 | S. Res. 358 – Expressing the Sense of the Senate on the Tragic Killing of Israeli Olympic Team Members at the 20th Olympiad at Munich (Mansfield) |
1972 |
903 | Assorted |
1971-1972 |
General Resolutions |
Box | ||
903 | January-April |
1971 |
903 | May-September |
1971 |
903 | October-December |
1971 |
903 | January-May |
1972 |
903 | June-December |
1972 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
903 | H.R. 1 – Welfare Reform |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 1 – Welfare Reform |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 2323 – Food Supplements Amendments |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 3143 – Railroad Retirement Act – Annuities |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 3595 – Railroad Labor Act – Labor Disputes |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 3650 – WWI Veterans’ Pensions |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 5060 – Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 5821 – Protection of Hawks and Owls |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 6084 – Co-Operative Fire Protection Program |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 6444 – Railroad Retirement Annuities |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 6482 – Strip Mining Reclamation Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 6531 – Selective Service Extension Bill |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 6784 – Law-Enforcement Officers – Income Tax |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 6936 – Credit Unions |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 6962 – Department of Community Development Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 7211 – Public Land Policy Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 7248 – Higher Education Act |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 8065 – Providing for the Retirement of Railroad Employees at Age 55 with 30 Years of Service |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 8630 – Nursing Training Act |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 8687 – Military Procurement Authorization Bill |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 8866 – Sugar Act Amendments of 1971 |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 9212 – Black Lung Extension Bill |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 9961 – Federal Credit Unions – Provisional Share Insurance |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 9993 – Debt Collection – Use of Telephones |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 10607 – Armed Forces Survivor Benefit Plan |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 10670 – Survivors Benefit Plan |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 10729 – Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972 (Flexo) |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 10880 – Veterans’ Health Care Expansion Act of 1972 |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 10947 – Revenue Act of 1971 |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 11357 – National Labor Relations Act – Hospital Employees |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 11417 – Rail Passenger Service Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 11441 – Writs of Habeas Corpus in Federal Courts |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 11589 – Passenger Ship Bill |
1971-1972 |
904 | H.R. 12018 – Broadcast License Renewals |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 12068 – Occupational Safety and Health Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 13152 – Predator Control Program |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 13324 – Maritime Authorization Bill |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 13915 – Equal Educational Opportunities Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 13918 – Corporation for Public Broadcasting |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 13925 – Older Americans Act |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 14370 – State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 14896 – An Act to Amend the National School Lunch Act (Humphrey) |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 15390 – (Amend.) An Act to Provide for a Four-Month Extension of the Present Temporary Level in the Public Debt Limitation (Church) |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 15417 – Labor/Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations |
1972 |
904 | H.R. 15911 – Veteran’s Pension Benefits |
1971 |
904 | H.R. 19814 – Railroad Retirement Act |
1971 |
904 | Assorted |
1971-1972 |
905 | Assorted |
1971-1972 |
905 | House Concurrent Resolutions - Assorted |
1971 |
House Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
905 | H. J. Res. 191 – Prayer in Public Schools |
1971 |
905 | H. J. Res. 208 – Equal Rights Amendment |
1971-1972 |
905 | Assorted |
1971 |
905 | Assorted - Correspondence |
1971, undated |
Sub-subseries 2. 93rd Congress (1973-1974) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
905 | Flexo To Lander Area Senior Citizens |
1974 |
905 | Prayer in Schools, Holidays, and Postal Rates – Flexo |
1974 |
905 | Public Financing of Elections |
1974 |
905 | Wyoming Opposition to Publicly Censuring the Astronauts for Reading from the Bible |
1973 |
905 | January-February |
1973 |
905 | March-April |
1973 |
905 | May-June |
1973 |
905 | July |
1973 |
905 | August |
1973 |
905 | September-October |
1973 |
905 | November-December |
1973 |
905 | January |
1974 |
905 | February |
1974 |
905 | March |
1974 |
906 | April |
1974 |
906 | May |
1974 |
906 | June-July |
1974 |
906 | August |
1974 |
906 | September |
1974 |
906 | October-December |
1974 |
Legislation Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R-WY) |
Box | ||
906 | Senate Bills |
1973 |
906 | Senate Joint Resolutions |
1973 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
906 | Abortion |
1974 |
906 | Amendments to Bills Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by McGee |
1974 |
906 | Buckley Amendment to the Education Bill |
1974 |
906 | Cloture Vote on Public Financing Campaign Bill – Robo |
1974 |
Diabetes |
Box | ||
906 | Proposed Legislation for the Defeat, Destruction, Damnation, and Demise of Diabetes |
1972-1973 |
906 | Letters |
1972-19731973 |
906 | S. 2830 – National Diabetes Research and Education Act |
1972-1974 |
906 | S. 2830 – (S. 648) Diabetes Bill (McGee) |
1973-1975 |
907 | Transcript of Proceedings Before the Health Subcommittee – “Problems of Diabetes” – February 26, 1973 |
1973 |
907 | Genocide Treaty |
1974 |
907 | Gun Control Legislation |
1973 |
907 | McGee Bills for the Senior Citizens – List Through July 12, 1974 |
1974 |
907 | S. 3 – Health Security Act (Kennedy) |
1973-1974 |
907 | S. 4 – Retirement Security for Employees Act (Williams) |
1973 |
907 | S. 6 – Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Williams) |
1973 |
907 | S. 7 – Rehabilitation Act of 1972 |
1973 |
907 | S. 28 – To Clarify the Relationship of Interests of the U.S. and the States in the Use of the Waters of Certain Streams (Moss) |
1973 |
907 | S. 31 – Authorizing the Secretary of Defense to Utilize the Department of Defense Resources for Providing Medical Emergency Transportation Services to Civilians (Hollings) |
1973 |
907 | S. 32 – National Science Policy and Priorities Act of 1973 (Kennedy) |
1973 |
907 | S. 49 – Veterans’ Cemetery Bill |
1973 |
907 | S. 50 – Older Americans Comprehensive Services Amendments of 1972 (Eagleton) |
1972-1973 |
907 | S. 59 – Veterans’ Health Care Act of 1973 |
1973 |
907 | S. 174 – To Provide for Coverage of Certain Drugs Under Medicare (Montoya) |
1973 |
907 | S. 176 – World War I Pension Act of 1973 (Thurmond) |
1973-1974 |
907 | S. 196 – Relating to the Rehabilitation of Areas Damaged by Deleterious Mining Practices, and for Other Purposes (Hansen and McGee) |
undated |
907 | S. 197 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Construct, Operate, and Maintain the Polecat Bench Area of the Shoshone Extensions Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Wyoming, and for Other Purposes (Hansen and McGee) |
undated |
907 | S. 219 – For the Relief of Robert L. Miller and Mildred M. Miller (McGee) |
1973 |
907 | S. 220 – To Authorize Certain Conveyances of Land (McGee) |
1969-1973 |
907 | S. 221 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Lands in the State of Wyoming (McGee) |
1973 |
907 | S. 222 – To Establish the Women’s Hall of Fame Study Commission (McGee and Hansen) |
1969-1973 |
907 | S. 223 – To Amend Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 re the Disposition of the Proceeds of Sales, Bonuses, Royalties, and Rentals Under the Act (McGee and Hansen) |
1971-1973 |
907 | S. 224 & 257 – To Provide for the Establishment of a National Cemetery in Wyoming (McGee and Hansen) |
1969-1975 |
907 | S. 264 – For the Relief of William Allen and Marie Allen, His Wife, Rock Springs, Wyoming (Moss) |
1973 |
907 | S. 268 – Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1973 (Jackson) |
1973-1974 |
907 | S. 275 – To Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code Increasing Income Limitations Relating to Payment of Disability and Death Pension, and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (Hartke) |
1973 |
907 | S. 316 – To Further the Purposes of the Wilderness Act of 1964 by Designating Certain Lands for Inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System (Jackson) |
1973-1974 |
907 | S. 335 – Community School Center Development Act (Church) |
1973 |
907 | S. 345 – For the Relief of Nedja Budisavljvich (McGee) |
undated |
907 | S. 346 – For the Relief of Miss Teruko Sasaki (McGee) |
undated |
907 | S. 347 – For the Relief of Reva J. Cullen (McGee) |
undated |
907 | S. 348 – For the Relief of Lester L. Stiteler (McGee) |
1973 |
907 | S. 349 – To Amend Chapter 90 of Title 5, U.S. Code, to Provide Improved Health Benefits for Federal Employees (McGee) |
1973 |
907 | S. 350 – To Amend Title 5, U.S. Code, Relating to the Permissible Activity of Governmental Employees in Political Elections, and for Other Purposes (McGee) |
1973 |
907 | S. 351 – Federal Employee Labor-Management Act of 1973 (McGee), 1973--S. 352 – Voter Registration Act (McGee), 1971-1973--S. 373 – To Insure the Separation of Federal Powers and to Project the Legislative Function by Requiring the President to Notify the Congress Whenever He Impounds Funds or Authorizes the Impounding of Funds, and to Provide a Procedure Under Which the Senate and the House of Representatives May Approve the President’s Action or Require the President to Cease Such Action (Ervin) |
1972-1973 |
907 | S. 352 – Voter Registration Act (McGee) |
1971-1973 |
908 | S. 354 – National No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance Act |
1973-1974 |
908 | S. 372 – Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1973 |
1973 |
908 | S. 373 – To Insure the Separation of Federal Powers and to Project the Legislative Function by Requiring the President to Notify the Congress Whenever He Impounds Funds or Authorizes the Impounding of Funds, and to Provide a Procedure Under Which the Senate and the House of Representatives May Approve the President’s Action or Require the President to Cease Such Action (Ervin) |
1972-1973 |
908 | S. 394 – To Amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, As Amended, to Reaffirm That Such Funds Made Available for Each Fiscal Year to Carry Out the Programs Provided for in The Act Be Fully Obligated in That Year, and for other Purposes (Humphrey) |
1973 |
908 | S. 400 – To Amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 so as to Permit Donations of Surplus Property to Public Museums (Hansen) |
1973-1974 |
908 | S. 411 – To Amend Title 39, U.S. Code, re the Postal Service, and for Other Purposes (McGee) |
1973-1974 |
908 | S. 423 – To Establish a Department of Health (Ribicoff) |
1973 |
908 | S. 424 – National Resource Lands Management Act |
1974 |
908 | S. 425 – Strip Mining Legislation |
1973-1974 |
908 | S. 425 – Strip Mining Legislation - Flexo |
1973 |
908 | S. 502 – To Authorize Appropriations for the Construction of Certain Highways in Accordance with Title 23 of the U.S. Code (Hansen and McGee) |
1973 |
908 | S. 514 – To Amend the Act of June 27, 1960 (74 Stat. 220), re the Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data (Moss) |
1973 |
908 | S. 516 – To Amend Title VI of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to Provide for a 4-Year Term for the Appointment of the Director of the F.B.I. (Byrd) |
1973 |
908 | S. 517 – Farm Bill |
1973 |
908 | S. 518 – To Provide That Appointments to the Offices of Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shall Be Subject to Confirmation by the Senate (Ervin) |
1973 |
908 | S. 548 – To Provide Price Support for Milk at Not Less Than 85% of the Parity Price Therefor (Humphrey) |
1973 |
908 | S. 571 – To Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act to Require that Imported Meat and Meat Food Products Mad in Whole or in Part of Imported Meat be Labeled “Imported” at All Stages of Distribution until Delivery to the Ultimate Consumer (Hansen) |
1973 |
908 | S. 580 – To Amend Title 18 of the U.S. Code by Adding a New Chapter 404 to Establish an Institute for Continuing Studies of Juvenile Justice (Percy) |
1973 |
908 | S. 607 – To Amend the Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, and for Other Purposes (Kennedy) |
1973 |
908 | S. 609 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re .22 Caliber Ammunition Recordkeeping Requirements (McGee) |
undated |
908 | S. 610 – To Revise the Pay Structure of the Police Forces of the Washington National Airport and Dulles International Airport (McGee) |
1973 |
908 | S. 623 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Reimburse the Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes of the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming for Tribal Funds That Have Been Used for the Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Wind River Irrigation Project, Wyoming (Hansen and McGee) |
1973 |
908 | S. 628 – Annuity Reduction |
1973-1974 |
908 | S. 645 – Runaway Youth Act (Bayh) |
1973 |
908 | S. 647 – National Public Employee Merit System and Representation Act of 1973 (McGee) |
1972-1973 |
908 | S. 648 – National Diabetes Act of 1973 (McGee) |
1973 |
908 | S. 650 – To Extend to All Unmarried Individuals the Full Tax Benefits of Income Splitting Now Enjoyed by Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns (Packwood) |
1973 |
908 | S. 653 – To Insure the Separation of Powers by Prohibiting the Impoundment of Funds from the Highway Trust Fund That Have Been Apportioned and Appropriated (Bellmon) |
1973 |
908 | S. 707 – Consumer Protection |
1974 |
908 | S. 740 – To Extend the Program for Health Services for Domestic Agricultural Migrant Workers (Williams) |
1973 |
908 | S. 754 – Speedy Trial Act of 1973 (Ervin) |
1973 |
908 | S. 762 – To Authorize Recomputation at Age 60 of the Retired Pay of Members and Former Members of the Uniformed Services Whose Retired Pay is Computed on the Basis of Pay Scales in Effect Before January 1, 1972 (Hartke) |
1973 |
908 | S. 775 – Research on Aging Act of 1972 (Eagleton) |
1973 |
908 | S. 783 – To Establish the Everglades-Big Cypress National Recreation Area in Florida (Chiles) |
1973 |
908 | S. 794 – Exemption of Non-Profit Hospitals from the National Labor Relations Act |
1973 |
908 | S. 795 – National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act |
1973 |
908 | S. 798 – Community Supervision and Services Act (Burdick) |
1973 |
908 | S. 804 – To Amend the Small Business Act to Consolidate and Expand the Coverage of Certain Provisions Authorizing Assistance to Small Business Concerns in Financing Structural, Operational, or Other Changes to Meet Standards Required Pursuant to federal or State Laws (Bible) |
1973 |
908 | S. 821 – Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1973 (Bayh) |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 822 – To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 to Provide That Licenses for the Operation of a Broadcasting Station Shall Be issued for a Term Not to Exceed 5 Years (Hansen and McGee) |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 839 – To Repeal Section 127 of Title 23 of the U.S. Code/Interstate System of the Federal Highway Act (Hansen and McGee) |
1973 |
909 | S. 861 – To Allow an Income Tax Deduction for Repair or Improvement of a Taxpayer’s Residence (Moss) |
1973 |
909 | S. 868 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act to Permit the Payment of Benefits to a Married Couple on the Basis of Their Combined Earnings Record When That Method of Computation Produces a Higher Combined Benefit (Williams) |
1973 |
909 | S. 869 – To Amend the Social Security Amendments of 1972 to Provide for Recomputation of Benefits Under Title II of the Social Security Act in the Case of Certain Individuals (Williams) |
1973 |
909 | S. 882 – To Amend Section 355 of Title 38, U.S. Code, re the Authority of the Administration of Veterans’ Affairs to Readjust the Schedule of Ratings for the Disabilities of Veterans (Hartke) |
1973 |
909 | S. 904 – Truth in Food Labeling Act (Williams) |
1973 |
909 | S. 909 – To Amend the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 to Permit Donations of Surplus Supplies and Equipment to State and Local Public Recreation Agencies (Hollings) |
1973 |
909 | S. 919 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Permit Certain Individuals, Who Have Attained Age 60 But Not Age 65 and Who Are Entitled to Widow’s or Widower’s Insurance Benefits or Are the Wives of Husbands of Persons Entitled to Hospital Insurance Benefits, To Obtain, in Consideration of the Payment of Insurance Premiums, Coverage Under the Insurance Programs Established by That Title (Gurney) |
1973 |
909 | S. 950 – Family Farm Antitrust Act of 1973 (Nelson) |
1973 |
909 | S. 978 – To Amend the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to Provide That Under Certain Circumstances, Exclusive Territorial Arrangements Shall Not Be Deemed Unlawful (Eastland) |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 984 – Dangerous Drug Identification Act of 1973 (Bayh) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1017 – Indian Self-Determination and Education Reform Act |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1033 – Log Export Bill |
1973 |
909 | S. 1076 – Veterans’ Administration Accountability Act of 1973 (Hartke) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1081 – Trans-Alaska Pipeline |
1973 |
909 | S. 1098 – Small Business Tax Simplification and Reform Act of 1973 (Bible) |
1972-1974 |
909 | S. 1107 – To Permit Immediate Retirement of Certain Federal Employees (McGee) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1109 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide That the Designation of Payments to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Be Made on the Front Page of the Taxpayer’s Income Tax Return Form (Mondale) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1123 – To Amend Title 5, U.S. Code, to Provide for the Reclassification of Positions of Deputy U.S. Marshal (Moss) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1125 – Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Hughes) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1128 – Newsman’s Privilege Act of 1973 (Ervin) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1133 – Wildlife Restoration Fund |
1974 |
909 | S. 1136 – Public Health Act |
1973 |
909 | S. 1147 – Occupational Safety and Health Act |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1149 – Rolling Stock Utilization and Financing Act of 1973 (Magnuson) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1179 – Comprehensive Private Pension Security Act |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1196 – To Establish an Antitrust Review and Revision Commission (Javits) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1220 – To Limit the Authority of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to Impose, by Regulations, Certain Additional Restrictions Upon the Availability and Use of Federal Funds Authorized for Social Services Under the Public Assistance Programs Established by the Social Security Act (Mondale) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1261 – To Facilitate the Incorporation of the Reclamation Townsite of Page, Arizona, Glen Canyon Unit, Colorado River Storage Project, as a Municipality Under the Laws of the State of Arizona (Moss) |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1283 – National Energy Research and Development Policy Act of 1973 (Jackson) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1285 – To Prohibit the Inspection of Farmers’ Income Tax Returns by the Department of Agriculture for the Purpose of Gathering Data for Statistical Purposes (McGovern) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1296 – Grand Canyon National Park |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1314 – Congressional Free Speech Act of 1973 (Ervin) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1326 – Hemophilia Act of 1973 (Williams) |
1973-1974 |
909 | S. 1361 – Copyright Law Revision |
1974 |
909 | S. 1401 – Capital Punishment |
1974 |
909 | S. 1443 – To Authorize the Furnishing of Defense Articles and Services to Foreign Countries (McGee) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1473 – To Amend the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 to Provide for a Research Program re Earthquakes (Cranston) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1474 – Earthquake Prediction Act of 1973 (Cranston) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1475 – Rural Job and Business Development Tax Act of 1973 (Pearson) |
1973 |
909 | S. 1539 – To Amend and Extend Certain Acts re Elementary and Secondary Education Programs (Hansen) |
1974 |
910 | S. 1541 – Budget Reform Bill |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1559 – Job Training and Community Services Act of 1973 |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1566 – Hawaii and United States Pacific Islands Surface Commerce Act of 1974 |
1974 |
910 | S. 1570 – Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 |
1973 |
910 | S. 1572 – To Provide Equity in the Feed Grain Set-Aside Program by Allowing Participants in Plan B to Switch to Plan A (Dole) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1648 – Federal Appropriations Reform Act (Magnuson) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1664 – To Prohibit Any Material to be Enclosed with Any Social Security Check That Contains, the Name, Signature, or Title of Any Federal Officer Other Than the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (Church) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1687 – Menominee Restoration Act (Proxmire) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1688 – Federal Employees – Privacy Rights |
1973 |
910 | S. 1698 – Rural Development Act Amendments of 1973 (Humphrey) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1708 – Family Planning Services and Population Research Amendments of 1973 (Cranston) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1724 – Bilingual Courts Act (Tunney) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1725 – New Flexo to Answer Joint Telegram from Mayors and City Officials re Minimum-Wage Opposition |
1973 |
910 | S. 1730 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide Physician’s Services in Physician-Shortage Areas Through the Establishment of a Physicians’ Community Service Program (Ribicoff) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1739 – Inclusive Tour Charters |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1743 – Better Communities Act |
1973 |
910 | S. 1765 – Parole Reorganization and Reform Act of 1973 (Bayh) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1769 – Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act |
1973 |
910 | S. 1807 – Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act of 1973 (Tunney) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1812 – To Improve the Coordination of Federal Reporting Services (McIntyre) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1828 – To Require the President to Appoint, with the Advice of the Senate, the Head of the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration, Department of the Interior (Byrd) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1844 – American Folklife Preservation Act (Abourezk) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1845 – Drug Abuse Education Extension Act of 1973 (Bayh) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1861 – Minimum Wage |
1973 |
910 | S. 1865 – Environmental Centers Act of 1973 (Bellmon) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1868 – Rhodesian Chrome |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1871 – To Amend the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1972 (Jackson) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1888 – Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 |
1973 |
910 | S. 1914 – Board for International Broadcasting Act of 1973 (Percy) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 1918 – Intergovernmental Audit Act of 1973 (Burdick) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1919 – Interstate Shipment of State-Inspected Meat Products |
1973 |
910 | S. 1989 – To Amend Section 225 of the Federal Salary Act of 1967 re Certain Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries (McGee) |
1973 |
910 | S. 1991 – To Amend Section 613(c)(4)(F) of the Internal Revenue Code (Hansen) |
1973 |
910 | S. 2005 – To Provide for Adequate Reserves of Certain Agricultural Commodities (Humphrey) |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 2008 – National Workman’s Compensation Standards Act |
1974 |
910 | S. 2024 – Indian Economic Development and Employment Act of 1973 (McGovern) |
1973 |
910 | S. 2026 – To Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Humphrey) |
1973 |
910 | S. 2062 – Prohibit the Introduction into Interstate Commerce of Nonreturnable Beverage Containers |
1973-1974 |
910 | S. 2094 – To Amend the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 (McGovern) |
1973 |
910 | S. 2101 – Fair Credit Billing Act |
1973 |
910 | S. 2117 – Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments of 1973 (Williams) |
undated |
911 | S. 2176 – National Fuels and Energy Conservation Act of 1973 (Jackson) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2190 – Emergency Rural Housing Act of 1973 (Abourezk) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2238 – Presidential Campaign Financing Act of 1973 (Mondale) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2241 – To Provide Famine and Disaster Relief to the Countries of the African Sahel (Humphrey) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2296 – National Forest Environmental Management Act of 1973 (Humphrey) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2318 – Freedom from Surveillance Act of 1973 (Ervin) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2327 – Relating to Acquiring of Certain Narcotics by Force, Violence, or Intimidation (Church) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2335 – To Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Brooke) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2351 – To Prohibit Sex Discrimination by Educational Institutions Whose Primary Purpose is the Training of Individuals for the Military Services (Hathaway) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2354 – African Development Fund Act (Humphrey) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2359 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act so as to Liberalize the Conditions Governing Eligibility of Blind Persons to Receive Disability Insurance Benefits Thereunder (Hartke) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2365 – Omnibus Sports Bill |
1973 |
911 | S. 2397 – To Provide for a 7% Increase in Social Security Benefits Beginning with Benefits Payable for the Month of January 1974 (Church) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2414 – Elementary and Secondary Education Assistance Act of 1973 (Mondale) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2424 – Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute |
1974 |
911 | S. 2445 – Combined Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance-Income Tax Reporting Amendments of 1973 (McIntyre) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2449 – Mortgages |
1973 |
911 | S. 2454 – To Assure an Adequate Flow of Consumer Savings into the Home-Finance Market by Establishing Rate Ceilings on Time Deposits of Less than $100,000 (Humphrey) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2488 – To Amend Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965 re the Nutrition Program for the Elderly to Provide Authorization of Appropriations (Kennedy) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2506 – Federal Oil and Gas Corporation |
1973 |
911 | S. 2510 – Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act of 1973 (McGee) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2513 – Catastrophic Health Insurance and Medical Assistance Reform Act (Long) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2521 – To Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to Provide Disaster Relief to the Drought-Stricken Sahel, to Relieve the Flood Damage in Pakistan, and Provide Reconstruction Assistance to Nicaragua (Humphrey) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2528 – Social Services Amendments of 1973 (Mondale) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2532 – Electrical Energy Conservation Act (Moss) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2589 – National Emergency Energy Act of 1973 |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2611 – Independent Special Prosecutor Act of 1973 (Bayh) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2619 – To Provide for Access to All Duly Licensed Psychologists and Optometrists Without Prior Referral in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (McGee) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2620 – To Establish a Commission Investigate and Study the Practice of Clearcutting of Timber Resources of the U.S. on Federal Lands (McGee) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2640 – Deposit Insurance |
1974 |
911 | S. 2652 – Coal Conversion Act of 1974 |
1974 |
911 | S. 2661 – To Amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 so as to Authorize the Development of Indoor Recreation Facilities in Certain Areas (Burdick) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2665 – To Provide for Participation by the U.S. in the International Development Association (Javits) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2673 – To Ensure That the Compensation and Other Emoluments Attached to the Office of Attorney General Are Those That Were in Effect on January 1, 1969 (McGee) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2686 – Legal Services Corporation Act |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2690 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act… (Muskie) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2695 – Home Health Services Act of 1973 (Church) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2711 – To Allow an Additional Income Exemption for a Taxpayer or His Spouse Who is Deaf or Deaf-Blind (Inouye) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2744 – Federal Government Energy Research and Development Administration |
1974 |
911 | S. 2747 – Minimum Wage |
1974 |
911 | S. 2757 – To Prevent Windfall Profits by Automobile Insurance Companies During Any Period When the Casualty Rates of Such Companies Are Reduced as a Result of an Official Action in Connection with the Energy Crisis (Eagleton) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2767 – Rail Services Act of 1973 |
1973 |
911 | S. 2770 – Military Pay – Medical Officers |
1974 |
911 | S. 2782 – Energy Information Act (Nelson) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2784 – Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act |
1974 |
911 | S. 2786 – To Amend Chapter 34 of Title 38, U.S. Code, to Increase from 36 to 48 Months the Maximum Period of Educational Assistance To Which An Eligible Veteran May Become Entitled Under the Chapter, and to Extend from 8 to 15 Years the Period Within Which An Eligible Veteran Must Complete His Program of Education Under the Chapter After His Discharge from Military Service (Percy) |
1973 |
911 | S. 2789 – To Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code in Order to Increase the Rates of Educational- Assistance Allowances (McGovern) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2801 – Food Supplement Amendment of 1973 (Proxmire) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2854 – National Arthritis Act (Cranston) |
1973-1974 |
911 | S. 2868 – Older Americans Tax Counseling Assistance Act (Church) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2880 – Food and Fiber Production Incentive Act of 1974 (McGovern) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2912 – Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act of 1974 (Humphrey) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2932 – To Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code to Provide That Veterans’ Pension and Compensation Will Not Be Reduced as a Result of Certain Increases in Monthly Social-Security Benefits (Montoya) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2938 – Indian Health Care Improvement Act (Jackson) |
1974 |
911 | S. 2941 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Provide for Coverage Under Part B of Medicare for Routine Papanicolaou Tests for the Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer (Bayh) |
1974 |
912 | S. 2986 – Cost of Living Act of 1974 (Muskie) |
1974 |
912 | S. 2994 – National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974 |
1973-1975 |
912 | S. 3044 – Campaign Finance Reform |
1974 |
912 | S. 3049 – To Provide a Unified System of Pay Adjustment for Civilian Officers and Employees of the U.S. Government (McGee) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3056 – To Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Amend Retroactively Regulations of the Department of Agriculture Pertaining to the Computation of Price-Support Payments Under the National Wool Act of 1954 in order to Insure the Equitable Treatment of Ranchers and Farmers (Haskell) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3064 – Relating to the Payment of Travel Expenses for Persons Traveling to and from Veterans’ Administration Facilities (Abourezk) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3066 – Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 – Amendment No. 1003 (Montoya) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3096 – To Amend the Small Business Act to Provide for Loans to Small Business Concerns Affected by the Energy Shortage (Cranston) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3143 – Social Security Administration Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3154 – Comprehensive Medicare Reform Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3164 – Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3203 – Non-Profit Hospitals – National Labor Relations Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3223 – To Expand the Glendo Unit of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Program to Provide for the Rehabilitation of a Road Relocated by the Bureau of Reclamation in the Vicinity of Glendo Dam and Reservoir, Platte County, Wyoming (McGee) |
1974-1975 |
912 | S. 3227 – Model Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1974 (Mondale) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3234 – Solar Energy Research Act of 1974 (Public Law No. 93-473) (Humphrey) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3235 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 to Provide for the Administration of Food-Stamp Programs on Indian Reservations (Young) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3240 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3267 – Standby Energy Emergency Authorities Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3277 – Energy and Resources Recovery Act of 1974 (Domenici) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3280 – Public Health Service Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3293 – To Authorize the Atomic Energy Commission in Consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency to Enter into Cooperative Agreements with Certain States to Contain and Render Harmless Uranium Mill Tailings (Domenici) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3305 – National Huntington’s Disease Control Act (Clark) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3311 – To Provide for the Use of Simplified Procedures in the Procurement of Property and Services by the Government Where the Amount Involved Does Not Exceed $10,000 (Chiles) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3317 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re .22 Caliber Ammunition Recordkeeping Requirements (McGee) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3330 – To Amend Title of the U.S. Code to Provide Severance Pay for Regular Enlisted Members of the U.S. Armed Services with 5 Or More Years of Continuous Active Service, Who Are Involuntarily Released from Active Duty (Hartke) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3352 – To Provide for Continued Monitoring of the Economy (Muskie) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3383 – To Amend Title 38 of the U.S. Code in order to Provide Service Pension to Certain Veterans of WWI and Pension to the Widows of Such Veterans (McGovern) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3386 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act to Increase the Increment in Old-Age Benefits Payable to Individuals Who Delay Their Retirement Beyond Age 65 (Fong) |
1973-1974 |
912 | S. 3394 – To Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 – Gorgas Memorial (McGee) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3398 – To Amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to Provide a 10-Year Delimiting Period for the Pursuit of Educational Programs by Veterans, Wives, and Widows (Hartke) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3403 – To Amend the Act of August 31, 1922, to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Diseases and Parasites Harmful to Honeybees (Dole) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3451 – Mobile Housing for Agricultural Workers |
1974 |
912 | S. 3458 – To Amend the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 and the Food Stamp Act of 1964 (McGovern) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3481 – International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3500 – Amateur Athletics Act of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3525 – To Amend Public Law No. 88-482, an Act of August 22, 1964 (Curtis) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3548 – To Establish the Harry S. Truman Memorial Scholarships (Symington) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3558 – For the Relief of John Bruce Dodds (McGee) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3561 – To Provide Procedural Rights for Federal Employees Subject to Proposed Adverse Actions (McGee) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3570 – Congressional Youth Political Participation Act (Montoya) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3585 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3605 – To Provide Emergency Assistance to Persons in the Cattle Raising Business (Montoya) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3612 – Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3641 – To Amend the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 to Extend the Authorization for a 2-Year Period (Montoya) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3649 – Social Security Recipients Fairness Act of 1974 (Pell) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3657 – Tax Policy Review Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 3657 – Flexos |
1974 |
912 | S. 3674 – Health and Sanitation Inspections of Imported Livestock Products (Abourezk) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3680 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Exclude from Gross Income the Amount of Certain Cancellations of Indebtedness Under Student-Loan Programs (Tunney) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3686 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Exclude from Gross Income the Amount of Certain Cancellations of Indebtedness Under Student-Loan Programs (Beall) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3798 – Economic Opportunity and Community Partnership Act of 1974 (Javits) |
1973-1974 |
912 | S. 3900 – Cost of Living Task Force Act of 1974 (Bentsen) |
1974 |
912 | S. 3911 – To Establish a Commission on Federal Paperwork |
1974 |
912 | S. 3917 – Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3934 – Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | S. 3935 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Prohibit Disclosures of Tax Returns Without the Taxpayer’s Consent |
1974 |
912 | S. 3952 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Provide for Checks Lost, Stolen, etc. |
1974 |
912 | S. 3982 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Restrict the Authority for Inspection of Tax Returns and the Disclosure of Information Contained in Them |
1974 |
912 | S. 3985 – To Prohibit Interstate Transport of Dogs for Fighting |
1974 |
912 | S. 3998 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act for Lister Hill Scholarships |
1974 |
912 | S. 4040 – Veterans’ and Survivors’ Pension Adjustment Act of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | S. 4060 – To Amend Section 206 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
1974 |
912 | S. 4092 – For the Relief of Edward N. Deutschmann |
1974 |
912 | S. 4093 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Freeze Medicare Deductibles |
1974 |
912 | S. 4197 – To Authorize U.S. Payments to the United Nations for Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East |
1974 |
912 | S. 4238 – To Prohibit the Shipment in Interstate Commerce of Dogs for Fighting, Sport, Wagering, or Entertainment |
1974 |
912 | S. 4239 – International Disaster Relief Act of 1974 |
1974 |
912 | Assorted |
1973-1974 |
913 | Assorted |
1973-1974 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
913 | S. Con. Res. 11 – To Express a National Policy re Support of the U.S. Fishing Industry (Eastland) |
1973 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 12 – Office of Economic Opportunity (Javits) |
1973 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 50 – Expressing the Sense of the Congress Favoring a World Food Conference and U.S. Participation Therein (Javits) |
1973-1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 60 – Declaring the Existence of a Shortage of Crude Oil, Residual Fuel Oil, and Refined Petroleum Products (Roth) |
1973 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 63 – Relating to Unaccounted-For Personnel Captured, Killed, and Missing During the Indochina Conflict (Percy) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 65 – Right to Peace Resolution (Packwood) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 66 – Release of Simas Kudirka from Soviet Prison |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 78 – To Express the Sense of Congress re Negotiations for a New Panama Canal Treaty (McGee) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 78 – Asking For its Support – Robo – 4/22/74 |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 88 – Relative to National Economic Emergency (Nelson) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 92 – United States Customs Service (Humphrey) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 104 – Relating to the Availability of Unleaded Gasoline and Related Equipment (Bible) |
1974 |
913 | S. Con. Res. 113 – World Food Shortage |
1974 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
913 | S. J. Res. 2 – Designating April 9 Through 13 as “Earth Week 1973” (Nelson) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 6 – To Establish the Tule Elk National Wildlife Refuge (Cranston) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 21 – To Create an Atlantic Union Delegation (McGee) |
1973-1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 71 – National Advisory Commission on Health Science and Society Resolution (Mondale) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 80 – National Arthritis Month (Roth) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 95 – Relating to the Taking of the 1974 Census of Agriculture (Humphrey) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 158 – To Set Aside EPA Regulations Under Section 206 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Randolph) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 159 – Walk a Mile for Your Health Day (Proxmire) |
1973 |
913 | S. J. Res. 173 – To Appoint a National Commission for the Control of Epilepsy (Dominick) |
1973-1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 188 – To Authorize the President to Declare by Proclamation Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn an Honorary Citizen of the U.S. (Helms) |
1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 196 – Designating April 21 Through 28 as “Earth Week 1974” (Nelson) |
1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 202 – Designating the Premises Occupied by the Chief of Naval Operations as the Official Residence of the Vice President, Effective Upon the Termination of the Service of the Incumbent Chief of Naval Operations (Scott) |
1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 203 – National Arthritis Month (Roth) |
1974 |
913 | S. J. Res. 224 – March of Dimes Birth Defects Prevention Month (Montoya) |
1974 |
913 | Assorted |
1974 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
913 | S. Res. 38 – Relative to the Select Committee on Small Business (Stevens) |
1973-1974 |
913 | S. Res. 52 – Relating to Expenditures by the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service (McGee) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 61 – Authorizing the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service to Conduct Open Public Hearings into the Conduct of the Postal Service (McGee) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 67 – Calling on the President to Promote Negotiations for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (Kennedy) |
1973-1974 |
913 | S. Res. 109 – Requesting the U.S. Attorney General-Designate to Take Actions Insuring the Independence of the Special Prosecutor to be Appointed in Connection with the Investigation of Illegal Activities Arising Out of the 1972 Presidential Election (Stevenson) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 124 – To Urge the President to Submit Recommendations to the Congress for Legislation to Improve the Medicare Program (Church) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 143 – Establishing a Limitation on Expenditures by the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service for the Procurement of Consultants (McGee) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 189 – To Urge the Continued Transfer to Israel of Phantom Aircraft and Other Equipment (Humphrey) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 200 – Relating to the National Security of the United States (Humphrey) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 222 – To Authorize a National Ocean Policy Study (Magnuson) |
1973 |
913 | S. Res. 264 – To Provide for Additional Expenses for the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service (McGee) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 279 – Expressing the Sense of the Senate re the Washington Energy Conference (Javits) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 293 – To Disapprove Pay Recommendations of the President re Rates of Pay for Members of Congress (McGee) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 302 – On the River Blindness Rehabilitation Program for the Sahelian Countries of Africa (Brooke) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 324 – Relating to the Condemnation of Terrorist Acts (Humphrey) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 329 – Relating to U.S. Participation in an International Effort to Reduce the Risk of Famine and Lessen Human Suffering (Humphrey) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 339 – Kissinger Resolution (Allen) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 340 – International Wheat Agreement |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 340 (1974) & 136 (1971) – Requesting a Negotiating Conference on the Price of Wheat |
1971-1974 |
913 | S. Res. 341 – Reimposition of Quotas on Meat Imports (Pearson) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 347 – Tourism in the United States (Inouye) |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 448 – Negotiation of a Final Treaty Based on the Vladivostok Agreement |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 450 – Override of Presidential Deferral of Housing and Urban Development 701 Funds |
1974 |
913 | S. Res. 451 – Disapproval of Deferral of Housing and Urban Development 701 Funds |
1974 |
913 | Assorted |
1973-1974 |
913 | General Resolutions |
1973-1974 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
913 | H.R. 69 – Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1974 |
1974 |
913 | H.R. 636 – Charitable Contributions as Tax Deductions |
1974 |
913 | H.R. 643 – To Limit the Marketing of Certain Vitamins and Food Supplements |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 790 – Truth-in-Lending Act – Agricultural Loans |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 3153 – Social Work Training Grant Money – Educational Institutions |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 3153 – Amendment No. 701 (Church) |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 3174 – National Forest Lands |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 4200 – Pension Reform Bill |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 5777 – To Protect Hobbyists Against the Reproduction or Manufacture of Certain Hobby Items and to Provide Additional Protections for American Hobbyists – Amendment No. 450 (Tower) |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 5823 & S. 1916 – Elementary and Secondary Education – Flexo – Wyoming – Opposition |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 6767 – To Promote the Development of an Open, Nondiscriminatory, and Fair World Economic System, to Stimulate the Economic Growth of the U.S., and to Provide the President with Additional Negotiating Authority Therefor (Jackson) |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 7130 (Public Law. No. 93-344) – Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1973 |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 7200 – Railroad Retirement – Flexo |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 7224 – National Biomedical Research Fellowship |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 7445 – To Amend the Renegotiation Act of 1951 (McGovern) |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 8193 – Energy Transportation Act of 1974 |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 8217 – To Exempt from Duty Certain Equipment and Repairs for Vessels Operated by or for Any Agency of the U.S. When the Entries Were Made in Connection with Vessels Arriving Before January 5, 1971 (Cook) |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 9286 – Appropriations for the Procurement of Aircraft, Missiles, Naval Vessels, Tracked Combat Vessels, Torpedoes, and Other Weapons (Hartke) |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 9474 – Veterans’ Retirement Benefits |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 10294 – Land Use and Policy Planning Assistance Act |
1973-1974 |
914 | H.R. 10337 – Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 10710 – To Promote the Development of an Open, Nondiscriminatory, and Fair World Economic System, to Stimulate the Economic Growth of the U.S. (Mondale) |
1974-1975 |
914 | H.R. 11104 – Financing of Federal Election Campaigns |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 11537 – Federal Lands – Conservation and Rehabilitation Programs |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 11575 – Defense Appropriations Bill |
1973 |
914 | H.R. 12464 – Office of Economic Opportunity |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 12471 – Freedom of Information Act Amendments |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 12628 – Veterans’ Education and Rehabilitation Amendments of 1974 |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 12628 – And Flexo |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 12993 – To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 for Licenses to be Issued for 4 Years |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 13117 – Carriers – Size and Weight Limitations |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 14225 – Vocational Rehabilitation Act |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 14434 – An Act Making Appropriations for Energy Research and Development Activities of Certain Departments, Independent Executive Agencies, Bureau Offices, and Commissions for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1975 (Byrd) |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 14462 – Oil and Gas Energy Tax Act of 1974 |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 14832 – Debt-Ceiling Bill |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 15301 – Railroad Retirement Bill |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 15435 – Internal Revenue Code – Federal Estate Tax Exemption |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 15580 – Labor-Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations Bill |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 16204 – National Health Policy, Planning, and Resources Development Act |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 16900 – Supplemental Appropriations Bill |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 16901 – Department of Agriculture-Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriations Bill |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 16994 – $500 Interest – Tax Exemption – Flexo Included |
1974 |
914 | H.R. 17488 – Tax Reform Bill |
1974 |
914 | Assorted |
1973-1974 |
915 | Assorted |
1973-1974 |
915 | House Joint Resolutions - Assorted |
1973-1974 |
915 | House Resolution - H. Res. 1064 – Balanced-Budget Amendment |
1974 |
Assorted |
Box | ||
915 | Correspondence |
1973 |
915 | Press Releases |
1973 |
Sub-subseries 3. 94th Congress (1975-1976) |
Box | ||
General Legislation |
Box | ||
915 | Abortion |
1975-1976 |
915 | Belco Petroleum Corporation |
1976 |
Clean Air Act Amendments |
Box | ||
915 | 1975, undated | |
915 | January-April |
1976 |
915 | May |
1976 |
915 | June |
1976 |
915 | July-October |
1976 |
915 | Clean Air Act Amendments and Other Letters |
1976 |
915 | Diabetes |
1976 |
915 | Domestic International Sales Corporation Provisions in Federal Tax Laws |
1976 |
915 | Domestic International Sales Corporation Provisions in Federal Tax Laws – ROBO – Other Letters |
1975 |
Energy |
Box | ||
915 | January-April |
1976 |
915 | May |
1976 |
915 | June |
1976 |
916 | July |
1976 |
916 | August |
1976 |
916 | September-October |
1976 |
916 | Food Stamps - ROBO |
1975 |
916 | Food Stamps |
1976 |
Gun Control |
Box | ||
916 | 1968-1973 | |
916 | February-May |
1975 |
916 | June-August |
1975 |
916 | September-November |
1975 |
916 | December |
1975 |
916 | January-February |
1976 |
916 | March |
1976 |
916 | April |
1976 |
916 | May-July |
1976 |
917 | August-October |
1976 |
917 | Right to Work |
1976 |
917 | Right to Work and Other Letters - ROBO |
1976 |
917 | January-February |
1975 |
917 | March-April |
1975 |
917 | May |
1975 |
917 | June |
1975 |
917 | July |
1975 |
917 | August |
1975 |
917 | September |
1975 |
917 | October-November |
1975 |
917 | December |
1975 |
917 | January |
1976 |
917 | February |
1976 |
917 | March |
1976 |
918 | April |
1976 |
918 | May |
1976 |
918 | June |
1976 |
918 | July |
1976 |
918 | August |
1976 |
918 | September |
1976 |
918 | October |
1976 |
918 | November-December |
1976 |
918 | Legislation Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R-WY) |
1974-1975 |
918 | Legislation Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by Representative Teno Roncalio (D-WY) |
1975 |
918 | Letters Co-Signed by McGee |
1975-1976 |
Senate Bills |
Box | ||
918 | Amendments to Bills Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by McGee |
1975-1976 |
918 | Disabled Veterans – Cost-of-Living Increases – ROBO and Other Letters |
1976 |
918 | S. 1 – Criminal Justice Reform Act |
1975-1976 |
918 | S. 3 – To Create a National System of Health Security |
1975-1976 |
918 | S. 5 – Federal Government in the Sunshine Act |
1975 |
918 | S. 6 – To Provide Financial Assistance to the States for Improved Educational Services for Handicapped Children |
1975 |
919 | S. 13 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 |
1975 |
919 | S. 18 – To Amend the Act of August 31, 1922, to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Diseases and Parasites Harmful to Honeybees |
1975 |
919 | S. 19 – To Amend Title XVI of the Social Security Act so as to Provide for the Referral of Blind or Disabled Children |
1975 |
919 | S. 20 – To Amend Section 206 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Authorize Reimbursement for the Construction of Certain Sewage Treatment Works |
1974-1975 |
919 | S. 22 – Copyright Law |
1975-1976 |
919 | S. 28 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide a Credit Against Tax, or a Deduction, for Energy-Conserving Residential Expenditures |
1975 |
919 | S. 32 – To Establish a Framework for the Formulation of National Policy and Priorities for Science and Technology |
1975 |
919 | S. 33 – To Establish a Moratorium on Federal Coal Leasing |
1975-1976 |
919 | S. 50 – Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act |
1976 |
919 | S. 66 – Health Services and Nurses Training Act |
1975 |
919 | S. 80 – To Prevent the Estate Tax Law from Requiring the Destruction of Open Lands and Historic Places |
1975 |
919 | S. 89 – To Provide That Income from Entertainment Activities Held in Conjunction with a Public Fair Shall Not Affect Tax Exemption |
1975 |
919 | S. 93 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide That a Married Individual Who Files a Separate Return Shall Be Taxed at the Same Rate as An Unmarried Individual |
1975 |
919 | S. 110 – To Amend Chapter 13 of Title 38, U.S. Code, to Make Eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Widows of Veterans Who Die of Non-Service-Connected Causes |
1975 |
919 | S. 111 – To Authorize Widows of Certain Former Members of the Armed Forces to Use the Services and Facilities of Post Exchanges and Commissaries |
1975 |
919 | S. 123 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Provide for Clinical Psychologists’ Services |
1975-1976 |
919 | S. 143 – To Prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission from Restricting the Sale or Manufacture of Firearms or Ammunition |
1975 |
919 | S. 150 – To Construct an Indian Art and Cultural Center in Riverton, WY |
1972-1975 |
919 | S. 151 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Construct, Operate, and Maintain the Polecat Bench Area of the Shoshone Extension Unit, Pick-Sloan Basin Program |
1970-1976 |
919 | S. 158 – Scenic River Bill |
1976 |
919 | S. 191 – Relating to the Rehabilitation of Areas Damaged by Deleterious Mining Practices |
1973-1975 |
919 | S. 193 – To Prohibit the Shipment in Interstate Commerce of Dogs Intended to be Used to Fight Other Dogs for Purposes of Sport, Wagering, or Entertainment |
1974-1975 |
919 | S. 199 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Restrict the Authority for Inspection of Tax Returns and the Disclosure of Information Contained Therein |
1975 |
919 | S. 200 – Consumer Protection Act |
1975 |
919 | S. 207 – For the Relief of Reva J. Cullen |
1970-1975 |
919 | S. 208 – For the Relief of Robert L. Miller and Mildred M. Miller |
1969-1975 |
919 | S. 210 – To Amend Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 re Disposition of Sales, etc. |
1971-1975 |
919 | S. 211 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re .22 Caliber Ammunition Recordkeeping Requirements |
1973-1975 |
919 | S. 212 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Convey Certain Lands in Wyoming |
1966-1975 |
919 | S. 227 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code to Encourage the Continuation of Family Farms |
1975 |
919 | S. 232 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide That the Tax on the Amounts Paid for Communication Services Shall Not Apply to the Amount of State and Local Taxes Paid for Such Services |
1975 |
919 | S. 288 – To Amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 so as to Authorize the Development of Indoor Recreation Facilities in Certain Areas |
1975 |
919 | S. 289 – For the Relief of Miss Teruko Sasaki |
1967-1975 |
920 | S. 290 – For the Relief of Nedja Budisavljvich |
1967-1975 |
920 | S. 323 – Fair Marketing of Petroleum Products Act – ROBO |
1975 |
920 | S. 334 – To Prohibit Sex Discrimination by Educational Institutions Whose Primary Purpose is the Training of Individuals for the Military Service of the U.S. |
1975 |
920 | S. 354 – No-Fault Automobile Insurance |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 357 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act to Increase to $4,800 the Amount of Outside Earnings Permitted Each Year Without Deductions from Benefits Thereunder |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 372 – To Restore to Federal Civilian Employees Their Rights to Participate, as Private Citizens, in the Political Life of the Nation |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 388 – Social Security Administration Act |
1975 |
920 | S. 390 – To Provide a Program of Income Tax Counseling for Elderly Individuals |
1975 |
920 | S. 391 – Coal Leasing Act Amendments |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 410 – To Repeal the Earnings Limit of the Social Security Act for All Workers Age 65 and Over |
1975 |
920 | S. 411 – Appropriations |
1975 |
920 | S. 422 – Youth Camp Safety Act |
1975 |
920 | S. 422/H.R. 466 – Youth Camp Safety Act - ROBO |
1976 |
920 | S. 445 – To Assure That an Individual or Family Whose Income Is Increased by Reason of a General Increase in Monthly Social Security Will Not Suffer a Loss of Certain Federal Programs |
1975 |
920 | S. 490 – To Amend Section 111(a) of Title 38, U.S. Code, re Payment of Travel Expenses for Persons Traveling to and from Veterans’ Administration Facilities |
1975 |
920 | S. 495 – Watergate Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
920 | S. 506 – To Amend the Water Resources Planning Act to Extend the Authority for Financial Assistance to the States for Water Resources Planning |
1975 |
920 | S. 507 – National Resource Lands Management Act |
1976 |
920 | S. 507 – Amendment 1392 – Amendment for Management, Protection, and Development of National Resource Lands |
1976 |
920 | S. 513 – To Improve Stabilization of Farm Prices and Incomes, and to Provide for Improved Management of Certain Agricultural Commodities During Times of Shortage |
1975 |
920 | S. 521 – Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments |
1976 |
920 | S. 522 – To Implement the Federal Responsibility for the Care and Education of Indian People by Improving the Services and Facilities of Federal Indian Health Programs and Encouraging Maximum Participation of Indians in Such Programs |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 525 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Freeze Medicare Deductibles |
1975 |
920 | S. 532 – To Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Amend Retroactively Regulations of the Department of Agriculture re Price Support Payments Under the National Wool Act of 1954 |
1975 |
920 | S. 548 – To Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to Include a Definition of Food Supplements |
1975 |
920 | S. 562 – To Provide International Disaster Relief Assistance |
1975 |
920 | S. 565 – To Amend Title 28, U.S. Code, to Provide More Effectively for Bilingual Proceedings in All U.S. District Courts |
1975 |
920 | S. 588 – To Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act to Require That Imported Meats be Labeled as “Imported,” |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 592 – For the Relief of Carlos Quinonez, Maria Quinonez, Valentine Quinonez, and Julian Quinonez |
1975 |
920 | S. 621 – Petroleum Price Increase Limitation Act of 1975 |
1975 |
920 | S. 622 – Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
920 | S. 624 – To Prohibit Any Change in the Status of Any Member of the Uniformed Services Who Is in a Missing Status Under Chapter 10 of Title 37, U.S. Code, until the Provisions of the Paris Peace Accord Have Been Fully Complied With |
1975 |
920 | S. 625 – Emergency Unemployment Health Benefits Act of 1975 |
1975 |
920 | S. 626 – To Provide for Services to Children and Their Families |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 626 – To Provide for Services to Children and Their Families |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 641 – Consumer Food Act of 1976 |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 644 – Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvements Act |
1975 |
921 | S. 658 – To Prevent Famine by Increasing World Food Production Through the Development of Land-Grant-Type Universities in Agriculturally Developing Nations |
1975 |
921 | S. 659 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Provide Improvements in the Program Relating to the Diagnosis, Screening, and Referral of Child Health and Maternal Conditions |
1975 |
921 | S. 666 – To Provide an Income-Tax Credit for Savings for the Payment of Postsecondary Educational Expenses |
1975 |
921 | S. 676 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Enter into Contracts for the Development of the Additional Areas of the Heart Mountain Irrigation District |
1975 |
921 | S. 681 – To Allow the Use of Certain Funds Authorized to be Appropriated for Expenditure from the Highway Trust Fund Without Matching State or Local Funds |
1975 |
921 | S. 692 – Natural Gas Production and Conservation Act of 1975 |
1975 |
921 | S. 692 – Amendment 920 |
1975 |
921 | S. 771 – To Assist Certain Employees of the U.S. in Finding Other Employment in the Civil Service |
1975 |
921 | S. 772 – Beef Research and Consumer Information Act |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 776 – Toxic Substance Control Act |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 811 – To Amend the Horse Protection Act of 1970 to Better Effectuate Its Purposes |
1975 |
921 | S. 824 – To Provide for the Use of Certain Funds to Promote Scholarly, Cultural, and Artistic Activities Between Japan and the U.S. |
1975 |
921 | S. 828 – Lewis and Clark Salt Cairn |
1975 |
921 | S. 829 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act to Increase Increments in Old-Age Benefits Payable to Individuals Who Delay Retirement Beyond Age 65 |
1975 |
921 | S. 846 – Military Aid to Turkey |
1975 |
921 | S. 850 – To Amend the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Acts in order to Extend and Revise School Lunch and Child Nutrition |
1975 |
921 | S. 853 – Small-Timber Sales |
1975 |
921 | S. 858 – Cemeteries for Veterans |
1972-1975 |
921 | S. 861 – To Amend Section 4 of the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 |
1975 |
921 | S. 880 – To Amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to Provide Service Pension to Certain Veterans of WWI and Pension to the Widows of Such Veterans |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 883 – To Amend the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 to Provide the U.S. with the Flexibility with which to Participate in the Efforts to Alleviate the Suffering of Hunger and Malnutrition |
1975 |
921 | S. 920 – Military Procurement Authorization Act |
1975 |
921 | S. 935 – To Terminate the Embargo Against Trade between the U.S. and Cuba |
1975 |
921 | S. 961 – U.S. Fisheries |
1975-1976 |
921 | S. 962 – To Amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to Establish a Community Service Employment Program for Older Americans |
1975 |
921 | S. 963 – Ban on the Use of Diethylstilbestrol in Food-Producing Animals |
1975 |
921 | S. 969 – Veterans Education and Employment Assistance Act of 1976 |
1976 |
921 | S. 976 – To Exempt Range Sheep Industry Mobile Housing from Regulations Affecting Permanent Housing for Agricultural Workers |
1975 |
921 | S. 984 – Land Resource Planning Assistance Act |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 985 – Social Security Recipients Fairness Act of 1975 |
1975 |
922 | S. 988 – Heart, Lung, Blood, Blood Vessel, and Research Training Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 997 – To Amend the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act to Require the Disclosure by Retail Distributors of Retail Unit Prices of Consumer Commodities |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1000 – To Amend the Consumer Product Safety Act to Improve the Consumer Product Safety Commission to Authorize New Appropriations |
1975 |
922 | S. 1009 – To Amend Title 13, U.S. Code, to Require the Compilation of Current Data on Total Population Between Censuses, and to Require the Use of That Data in the Administration of Federal Laws in Which Population is a Factor |
1975 |
922 | S. 1111 – Copyright Laws – Royalties to Recording Artists and Record Companies |
1975 |
922 | S. 1136 – To Authorize Appropriations for Increased Investigation and Prosecution by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice of Unfair Methods of Competition, Restraints of Trade, and Other Violations of the Antitrust Laws |
1975 |
922 | S. 1174 – Major Reductions in Earthquakes in the U.S. – Amend National Science Foundation Act of 1950 to Provide Research for Such Information |
1975 |
922 | S. 1177 – Voter Registration Act – Postcard Registration |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1183 – To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act so as to Liberalize the Conditions Governing Eligibility of Blind Persons to Receive Disability Insurance Benefits |
1975 |
922 | S. 1189 – To Amend the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 to Establish a Regional Impact and Development Assistance Program |
1975 |
922 | S. 1191 – To Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide for Additional Medical Scholarships to be Known as Lister Hill Scholarships |
1975 |
922 | S. 1216 – To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
1975 |
922 | S. 1223 – Humane Capturing of Animals and Birds |
1976 |
922 | S. 1261 – Diagnostic X-Rays – Safeguards |
1975 |
922 | S. 1267 – Financial Institutions Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1279 – Voting Rights Extension Act |
1975 |
922 | S. 1281 – Home Mortgage Disclosure Act |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1284 – Antitrust Improvements Act |
1976 |
922 | S. 1285 – To Provide for Payments to Compensate County Governments for the Tax Immunity of Federal Lands Within Their Boundaries |
1975 |
922 | S. 1293 – To Establish the Charles Russell National Wildlife Range, the Charles Sheldon National Wildlife Range, and the Kofa National Wildlife Range as part of National Wildlife Refuge System |
1975 |
922 | S. 1302 – To Promote Safety and Health in the Mining Industry |
1973-1976 |
922 | S. 1344 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Exclude from Gross Income the Amount of Certain Cancellations of Indebtedness Under Student Loan Programs |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1350 – To Provide Additional Humanitarian Assistance for South Vietnam and Cambodia for Fiscal Year 1975 |
1975 |
922 | S. 1360 – To Provide Humanitarian Assistance Authorizations for South Vietnam and Cambodia for Fiscal Year 1975 |
1975 |
922 | S. 1362 – To Amend Title 37, U.S. Code, to Provide Incentives for Lawyers to Enter and Remain in the Armed Forces |
1975 |
922 | S. 1406 – To Amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to Provide that Veterans’ Pensions and Compensation Will Not Be Reduced as a Result of Certain Increases in Monthly Social Security Benefits |
1975 |
922 | S. 1454 – To Revise and Extend the Public Health Services Act |
1975 |
922 | S. 1458 – To Amend the Clayton Act to Provide for Additional Regulation of Certain Anticompetitive Developments in the Agriculture Industry |
1975 |
922 | S. 1475 – To Amend the Federal Credit Union Act to Improve Efficiency |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1479 – Construction Sites – Secondary Boycotts |
1975 |
922 | S. 1482 – To Carry Out a Coordinated Agricultural Energy Research Program Through the State Agricultural Experiment Stations |
1975 |
922 | S. 1504 – To Provide for Coverage of Certain Drugs Under Medicare |
1975 |
922 | S. 1507 – To Establish the Per Annum Full-Scale Payment for Certain Personnel of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans’ Administration |
1975 |
922 | S. 1541 – To Provide Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Cambodia for Fiscal Year 1975 |
1975 |
922 | S. 1587 – Public Works Employment Act of 1975 |
1975 |
922 | S. 1614 – To Require Federally Related Health Care Facilities to Test Infants for Certain Diseases |
1975 |
922 | S. 1617 – To Clarify the Authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to Control and Eradicate Plant Pests |
1975 |
922 | S. 1618 – To Provide for the Establishment of an American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress |
1975 |
922 | S. 1619 – To Extend and Revise Programs for Sickle-Cell Anemia |
1975 |
922 | S. 1624 – Free Flow of Wine in Interstate Commerce |
1976 |
922 | S. 1625 – To Extend and Revise the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1627 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act |
1975 |
922 | S. 1654 – To Amend the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 |
1975 |
922 | S. 1662 – Food Stamps |
1975 |
922 | S. 1664 – To Amend the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act |
1975 |
922 | S. 1681 – Cosmetic Safety Amendments and Other Letters – ROBO |
1976 |
922 | S. 1692 – Food and Drug Administration - Regulation of Food Supplements and Vitamins |
1975 |
922 | S. 1711 – Special Pay Incentives for Personnel of the Veterans’ Administration |
1975 |
922 | S. 1724 – To Amend the Rural Development Act of 1972 (Public Law. No. 92-419) |
1975 |
922 | S. 1736 – To Incorporate the National Ski Patrol System, Incorporated |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1776 – Valley Forge National Historic Park in Pennsylvania |
1975-1976 |
922 | S. 1795 – To Amend the Employment Act of 1946 by Providing for the Development and Adoption of a Balanced Economic Growth Plan |
1975 |
922 | S. 1804 – Tax-Exempt Status to Government Educational Loan Waiver Programs |
1975 |
922 | S. 1843 – Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill/Navigable Waters |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 1843 – Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill/Navigable Waters |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 1849 – Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act |
1975 |
923 | S. 1877 – To Provide Duty-Free Entry of Binder Twine and Baler Twine Made of Manmade Fibers |
1975 |
923 | S. 1883 – Automobile Fuel Economy and Research and Development Act of 1975 |
1975 |
923 | S. 1906 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act – Nursing Salary Cost Differential |
1975 |
923 | S. 1923 – To Amend “An Act to Require Protection, Management, and Control of Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros on Public Lands,” |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 1962 – To Amend the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 |
1975 |
923 | S. 1969 – To Authorize Recomputation at Age 60 of the Retired Pay of Members and Former Members of the Uniformed Services Whose Retired Pay is Computed on the Basis of Pay Scales in Effect Before 1/1/72 |
1975 |
923 | S. 1994 – Training of Coal Technicians in Community Colleges |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2007 – Internal Revenue Code – Job Opportunities |
1975 |
923 | S. 2020 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Authorize Payment Under the Supplementary Medical Insurance Program for Optometric and Medical Vision Care |
1975 |
923 | S. 2035 – Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act of 1976 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2088 – To Prohibit the Use of Dogs by the Department of Defense for Research, Testing, Development, or Evaluation of Radioactive, Chemical, or Biological Warfare Agents |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2110 – To Amend the Controlled Substances Act so as to Make Unlawful the Robbery of a Controlled Substance from a Registered Pharmacy |
1975 |
923 | S. 2111 – To Amend the U.N. Participation Act of 1945 to Halt the Importation of Rhodesian Chrome |
1975 |
923 | S. 2122 – To Assure That Any Program for Gas Rationing Will Take into Account Public Transportation Availability |
1975 |
923 | S. 2134 – Internal Revenue Code – State Legislators – Tax Deductions for Living Expenses |
1975 |
923 | S. 2150 – Solid Waste Utilization Act of 1976 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2156 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Consolidate the Wages by Employers for Income Tax Withholding |
1975 |
923 | S. 2180 – To Amend Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 to Revise the Allocation Formula Under That Title |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2212 – Crime Control Act of 1976 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2224 – Rural Manpower Service Act of 1975 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2229 – National Women’s Conference/International Women’s Year 1975 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2230 – Lifting of Embargo on Arms to Turkey |
1975 |
923 | S. 2246 – To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 Renewal of Broadcasting Licenses |
1975 |
923 | S. 2250 – Family Research Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2260 – Rice Production Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2271 – Owner-Operator Truckers – Exemption from Interstate Commerce Act |
1976 |
923 | S. 2278 – Civil Rights Attorneys’ Fees Bill |
1976 |
923 | S. 2299 – Emergency Petroleum Allocation Extension Act of 1975 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2304 – Federal Banking Agencies |
1976 |
923 | S. 2310 – Emergency Natural Gas Allocation Legislation |
1975 |
923 | S. 2327 – To Suspend Sections, 4, 6, and 7 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2335 – To Regulate Commerce by Providing Franchisors with Certain Remedies to Assure Fairness |
1975 |
923 | S. 2367 – For the Relief of William Allen and Marie Allen, Rock Springs, Wyoming |
1975 |
923 | S. 2387 – Petroleum Industry Competition Act of 1976 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2389 – To Amend Title I of the Employment Retirement Security Act of 1974 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2394 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Increase the Estate Tax Exemption |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2404 – Public Entertainment Activities – Tax Exemptions |
1975 |
923 | S. 2428 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 – Retirement Plans |
1975 |
923 | S. 2446 – To Amend the Social Security Act to Freeze Medicare Deductibles |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2465 – Kemp Jobs Creation Act |
1976 |
923 | S. 2471 – Payments to be Made to State or Local Governments by the Secretary of the Interior |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2475 – To Modify the Distribution Requirements of Private Foundations Under Section 4942 of the Internal Revenue Code |
1976 |
923 | S. 2477 – Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1976 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2498 – Small Business Act Amendments of 1975 |
1975 |
923 | S. 2541 – To Provide for the Establishment of Model Programs for Displaced Homemakers |
19751976- |
923 | S. 2568 – Price-Anderson Nuclear Insurance and Indemnity Act |
1975 |
923 | S. 2578 – To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Make Financial Assistance Available to Agricultural Producers Who Suffer Losses re Quarantine of Livestock Because of Toxic Chemicals |
1975 |
923 | S. 2598 – To Require That Imported Meats and Meat Food Products Be Labeled as “Imported,” |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2635 – To Modify the Pension Program for Veterans of the Mexican Border Period, WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam Era and Their Survivors |
1975-1976 |
923 | S. 2636 – To Amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to Promote the Care and Treatment of Veterans in State Veterans’ Homes |
1975 |
923 | S. 2657 – Education Amendments of 1975 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2662 – International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1975 |
1976 |
923 | S. 2679 – To Establish a Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe |
1975-1976 |
924 | S. 2708 – To Designate the Tom Fitzpatrick Wilderness, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming |
1975-1976 |
924 | S. 2710 – Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments |
1976 |
924 | S. 2711 – Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1975 |
1975 |
924 | S. 2715 – Administrative Procedures Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 2718 – Rail Services Act of 1975 |
1975 |
924 | S. 2742 – To Dedicate the Chesapeake and Ohio National Historical Park to Justice William O. Douglas |
1975 |
924 | S. 2802 – Food Industry Antitrust Reports Act of 1975 |
1975 |
924 | S. 2812 – Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 |
1975 |
924 | S. 2819 – Small Business Estate and Gift Tax Reform Act |
1975-1976 |
924 | S. 2832 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re Lobbying by Certain Types of Exempt Organizations |
1976 |
924 | S. 2844 – Postal Reorganization Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2853 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 to Ensure a Proper Level of Accountability by Food Vendors |
1976 |
924 | S. 2854 – To Provide That the First Sale of Crude Oil Produced from Stripper Wells Be Exempt from Price Controls |
1976 |
924 | S. 2872 – Federal Energy Administration Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 2875 – Federal Estate Tax |
1976 |
924 | S. 2881 – To Amend the Education Amendments of 1972 to Provide that Boys State, Boys Nation, Girls State, and Girls Nation Conferences Conducted by the American Legion Shall Not Be Subject to Title IX of the Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 2910 – National Diabetes Advisory Board Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 2925 – Government Economy and Spending Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2926 – National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2932 – Energy Conservation Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2936 – To Amend Part B of Title XI of the Social Security Act - Optometrists |
1976 |
924 | S. 2950 – Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2952 – To Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 |
1976 |
924 | S. 2988 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 re Charitable Contributions by Members of the Civil Air Patrol |
1976 |
924 | S. 3004 – Federal Food Marketing Appraisal Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3015 – Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3036 – To Amend Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to Authorize Payment Under Medicare for Services by Chiropractors |
1976 |
924 | S. 3037 – Wastewater Treatment Construction |
1976 |
924 | S. 3045 – To Establish a National Commission on Food Production, Processing, Marketing, and Pricing |
1976 |
924 | S. 3055 – Grain Inspection Reform Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 3065 – Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments |
1976 |
924 | S. 3071 – To Provide for Determination of Grazing Fees |
1976 |
924 | S. 3079 – Unionization of Military Personnel |
1976 |
924 | S. 3084 – Export Administration Act Amendments |
1976 |
924 | S. 3105 – Energy Research and Development Administration Authorization Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 3136 – National Food Stamp Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3145 – Energy Conservation Research and Development Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3149 – Toxic Substances Control Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 3176 – Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3183 – Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3192 – Consumer Communications Reform Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3197 – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3201 – Public Works Employment Act |
1976 |
924 | S. 3219 – Clean Air Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3227 – Solar Energy Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3239 – Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3254 – To Encourage Travel in the U.S. |
1976 |
924 | S. 3263 – To Provide for Consideration of the Comparative Productive Potential of Irrigable Lands in Determining Non-Excess Acreages under Federal Reclamation Laws |
1976 |
924 | S. 3421 – To Amend the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) – Soft-Drink Franchises |
1975-1976 |
924 | S. 3422 – Natural Gas Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3441 – Congressional Cemetery |
1976 |
924 | S. 3476 – To Establish the George W. Norris Home National Historic Site in Nebraska |
1976 |
924 | S. 3585 – National Meals-on-Wheels Act of 1976 |
1976 |
924 | S. 3661 – To Amend Medicare and Medicaid Provisions re Rural Health Care Facilities |
1976 |
924 | S. 3674 – Wold Tract, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming |
1970-1976 |
925 | S. 3674 – Wold Tract, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming |
1970-1976 |
925 | S. 3675 – To Provide Relief to Certain Persons Owning Land Adjacent to Public Lands Within the Medicine Bow National Forest and Near the Community of Mountain Home, Wyoming |
1976 |
925 | S. 3688 – To Amend Title 13, U.S. Code, to Provide for a Mid-Decade Census of Population |
1976 |
925 | S. 3823 – Water Resources Development Act of 1976 |
1976 |
925 | Assorted |
1975-1976 |
Senate Concurrent Resolutions |
Box | ||
925 | S. Con. Res. 2 – To Disapprove a 5% Ceiling on Social Security Cost-of-Living Increases |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 11 – To Express as a National Policy That All Citizens Have the Right to Live and Work in a Barrier-Free Environment |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 18 – Referring to the Conduct of Monetary Policy |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 24 – To Express Opposition to the Proposed Curtailment of Benefits Under Medicare |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 28 – To Authorize the Joint Committee on the Library to Procure a Bronze Bust or Statue of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Have It Placed in the Capitol |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 66 – To Express Regard for the World Food Crisis |
1975-1976 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 69 – Nuclear Reduction, Testing, and Non-Proliferation |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 70 – Expansion of Thanksgiving to “Thankful Giving,” |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 73 – Reassessment of the United States’ Participation in the United Nations General Assembly |
1975 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 86 – Out-of-Pocket Payments by Medicare Beneficiaries |
1976 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 93 – Supporting the Brussels Conference on Soviet Jewry |
1976 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 105 – Italy in NATO |
1976 |
925 | S. Con. Res. 109 – Veterans’ Administration Budget – ROBO |
1976 |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Box | ||
925 | S. J. Res. 8 – To Authorize the President to Designate March of Each Year as “Youth Art Month,” |
1973-1976 |
925 | S. J. Res. 20 – To Authorize the Establishment of the Tule Elk National Wildlife Refuge |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 54 – Designating April 17, 1975, as “National Food Day,” |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 57 – To Authorize and Request the President to Proclaim the Month of May 1975 as “National Car Care Month,” |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 65 – To Authorize and Request the President to Call a White House Conference on Women in 1976 |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 76 – National Beta Sigma Phi Week |
1975-1976 |
925 | S. J. Res. 101 – Designating the Week in November That Includes Thanksgiving to be Called “National Family Week,” |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 105 – Food Assistance to be Provided to Countries Designated by the United Nations as “Most Seriously Affected,” |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 131 – To Establish a Joint Congressional Task Force on Federal Small Business Impact |
1975 |
925 | S. J. Res. 163 – To Proclaim May 9-15, 1976, as “National Small Business Week,” |
1976 |
925 | S. J. Res. 165 – To Designate April 8, 1976, as “National Food Day,” |
1976 |
Senate Resolutions |
Box | ||
925 | S. Res. 4 – Cloture |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 20 – Revised Version of the Vladivostok Resolution |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 23 – Disapproving the Proposed Deferral of Budget Authority to Carry Out the Comprehensive Planning Grants Program Under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 33 – To Urge a Meeting of Hemispheric Finance Ministers |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 52 – Authorizing Expenditures by the Post Office and Civil Service Committee |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 92 – Provide for Investigations and Studies in Those Areas Where Differences in Treatment or Application Exist on the Basis of Sex |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 99 – To Protect the Tunas and Other Species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 100 – Discrimination in International Commerce |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 104 – Provide Legislative Authority for the Senate Small Business Committee |
1975-1976 |
925 | S. Res. 126 – Endorsing the Continued Presence of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the West |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 144 – Restoration of the Status of Amateur Athlete for the Late Jim Thorpe |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 163 – Calling on the President to Promote Negotiations for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 232 – For the National Park Service to Carry Out the Terms of Public Law No. 89-249/Bicentennial |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 235 – Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Should Withdraw Its Proposed Consolidated Procedural Rules for Administration and Enforcement |
1975-1976 |
925 | S. Res. 288 – Relating to the United Nations and Zionism |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 291 – Regulation of Pay Cable |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 306 – Designation of an Expert on Long-Range Tax Simplification and Tax Reform for Small Business |
1975 |
925 | S. Res. 353 – Honoring Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. |
1976 |
925 | S. Res. 381 – 50th Anniversary of American Commercial Aviation |
1976 |
925 | S. Res. 390 – Favoring Humanitarian Assistance to Guatemala |
1976 |
925 | S. Res. 430 – Measures or Actions Against Cuba |
1976 |
925 | S. Res. 436 – Support for the New U.S. Policy Toward Africa |
1976 |
926 | S. Res. 450 – Disapproval of Energy Action No. 2 re a Smaller Refiner Entitlement Purchase Exemption |
1976 |
926 | S. Res. 474 – Waiving the Provisions of Section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 re H.R. 8603 |
1976 |
926 | S. Res. 524 – Regarding the Terrorist Attack at Istanbul Airport |
1976 |
926 | S. Res. 525 – Designate the Extension of the Senate Office Building Presently Under Construction as the “Philip A. Hart Office Building,” |
1976 |
926 | S. Res. 553 – Honoring Mike Mansfield |
1976 |
House Bills |
Box | ||
926 | H.R. 25 – Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1975 – ROBO |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 46 – Safety Standards in Youth Camps – ROBO Included |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 71 – WWII Veterans – Medical Benefits |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 244 – Cable Television |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 366 – Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Act of 1976 |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 1863 – Coal Slurry Pipeline Act |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 1867 – Interstate Highway System – Weight Restrictions for Vehicles |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 2166 – Tax Reduction Act of 1975 |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 3035 – Interest on Public Funds Deposited in Demand Accounts |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 3510 – Land Use and Resource Conservation Act |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 4222 – National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act Amendments of 1975 |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 4369 – Clean Air Act |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 4481 – Emergency Employment Appropriation Act of 1975 |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 4716 – Railroad Unemployment Compensation Benefits |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 5005 – Energy Conservation and Conversion Act of 1975 |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 5247 – Public Works Employment Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 5900/S. 1479 – Secondary Boycott – ROBO and Correspondence |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 5900 – Continuing File |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 5901 – Education Appropriations Act |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 6860 – Energy Conservation and Conversion Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 7656 – Beef Research and Information Act |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 8069 – Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations – Bill and ROBO |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 8069 – Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations for Gorgas Memorial Institute |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 8070 – Appropriations – National Science Foundation |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 8410 – Packers and Stockyards Act |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 8532 – Antitrust Improvements Act |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 8603 – Postal Reorganization Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 8631 – Price-Anderson Nuclear Insurance and Indemnity Act |
1975 |
926 | H.R. 8650 – Energy Conservation in Buildings Act |
1976 |
926 | H.R. 9005 – International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1975 |
1975-1976 |
926 | H.R. 9152 – Federal Surplus Property Program |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 9464 – Natural Gas Bill |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 9576 – Termination of G.I. Education Bill |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 9771 – Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 9803 – Emergency Child Day Care Bill |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 9924 – International Women’s Year Commission |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 10130 – Increase in Minimum Wage |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 10210 – Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976 |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 10394 – Federal Assistance to State-Supported Veterans’ Homes |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 10612 – Tax Reform |
1975-1976 |
927 | H.R. 10760 – Black Lung Benefits Reform Act |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 12112 – Loan Guarantees to Synthetic Fuel Facilities |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 12203 – Omnibus Foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 12365 – Elimination of Jurisdiction of U.S. Courts in Cases Involving Racial Discrimination in Assignments of Students to Public Schools |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 12838 – Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Affairs Act of 1976 |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 13172 – Supplemental Appropriations Bill – Prohibition on Research Funding re “Effects of Marijuana on Human Sexual Responding,” |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 13367 – State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 14232 – Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations Bill |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 14232 – Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations – Hyde Amendment – ROBO |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 14451 – Federal Property and Administration Services Act, 1976 |
1976 |
927 | H.R. 15301 – Railroad Retirement Act/Licensed Nurses – Medicare/Medicaid |
1975-1976 |
927 | Assorted |
1975-1976 |
Box | ||
Subseries 4. Legislative and Congressional Record Index Includes annotations regarding specific parts of the Congressional Record (e.g., “National Liberation Front – 2/8/68 – p. S1157 – Star editorial on NLF’s claims for its Tet Offensive”) and specific legislation (e.g., for S. 2524 (10/11/1967): “To Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, to Committee on the Judiciary – Kennedy remarks p. 14628”).
Box | ||
928 | 1967-1970 | |
929 | 1969-1970 | |
930 | 1971-1972 | |
931 | 1973-1974 | |
932 | 1975-1976 |
Series VII. Appointment Books and Daily Schedules, 1959-1990Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
1022 | Appointment Books |
1959-1969 |
1023 | Appointment Books |
1970-1980 |
1024 | Daily Schedules |
1965-1967, 1977-1990 |
Series VIII. Speech and Trip Files, 1955-1991Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
933 | February 3, 1959 – School of International Relations – MIT – Boston |
1958-1959 |
933 | February 12-14, 1959 – (1) Lincoln Day Dinner – The Catholic Club - Norwalk, Connecticut - 2/12/59; (2) Florida Citizenship Clearing House – Lakeland, Florida - 2/13/59; (3) Israel Bond - Miami, Florida – 2/14/59 |
1959 |
933 | February 19, 1959 – U.S. Senate Inaugural Speech |
1959 |
933 | February 20-21, 1959 – Little United Nations Assembly – Kansas State College – Manhattan, Kansas |
1959 |
933 | February 28, 1959 – (1) Jane Jefferson Club and Foreign Policy Seminar - Boulder and Fort Collins, Coloorado; (2) Laramie, Cheyenne, and Casper, Wyoming |
1959 |
933 | March 13, 1959 – Common Carrier Conference – New Orleans, Louisiana |
1959 |
933 | March 17, 1959 – Hibernian Society – Charleston, South Carolina |
1957-1959 |
933 | April 1-7, 1959 – Market Development Conference of Agricultural Attaches – U.S. Department of Agriculture – Bogota, Colombia |
1959 |
933 | April 10-11, 1959 – American Academy of Political and Social Science (Appropriations Committee) – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Canceled |
1959 |
933 | April 12-16, 1959 – Appropriations Committee – Puerto Rico |
1958-1959 |
933 | April 16, 1959 – National Knitted Outer Wear Association – Waldorf-Astoria – New York City |
1946-1959 |
933 | April 18, 1959 – Illinois Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. – Springfield, Illinois |
1959 |
933 | April 25-26, 1959 – Wyoming State Democratic Convention – Casper, Wyoming |
1959 |
933 | May 2, 1959 – Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet – Tuscarawas County Democratic Party – New Philadelphia, Ohio |
1959 |
933 | May 3, 1959 – National YWCA Seminar Speaker (Mildred Persinger) - D.C. |
1959 |
933 | May 15, 1959 – Nebraska Schoolmasters Club – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1959 |
933 | May 16, 1959 – Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention West Virginia – Clarksburg, West Virginia |
1959 |
933 | May 23, 1959 - Greater Boston Regional Convention – Massachusetts Democratic Women on Wheels – Statler-Hilton – Boston |
1959 |
933 | June 2, 1959 – Norfolk Junior College – Norfolk, Virginia – Commencement Address |
1959 |
933 | June 10, 1959 – Campaign Meeting – United [Combined] Jewish Appeal – Chicago |
1959 |
933 | June 11-14, 1959 – (1) Rural Electric Association – Afton, Wyoming – 6/11/59; (2) Chamber of Commerce – Rock Springs, Wyoming – 6/12/59; (3) Wyoming Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs – Evanston, Wyoming – 6/13/59; (4) State Park Day – Thermopolis, Wyoming – 6/14/59 |
1959 |
933 | June 24, 1959 – National Association of State Agencies for Surplus Property Convention – Jackson, Wyoming |
1959 |
933 | June 26, 1959 – Yellowstone County Democratic Club – Billings, Montana |
1959 |
933 | July 11, 1959 – KMOX-TV Panel Discussion – “Is the U.S. Losing the Cold War to Communism?” - St. Louis, Missouri |
1959 |
933 | August 8, 1959 – Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina State Rally – Durham, North Carolina |
933 | September 7, 1959 – Wyoming State Rural Electric Association Annual Meeting – Jackson, Wyoming |
1959 |
933 | September 10-12, 1959 – American Historical Association Pacific Coast Branch Meeting – Salt Lake City, Utah – Canceled |
1959 |
933 | September 19, 1959 – Democratic County Meeting – Williamsport, Pennsylvania |
1959 |
933 | September 22-29, 1959 – (1) Jane Jefferson Club of Albany County – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Dollars for Democrats – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Young Democrats State Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming – Wyoming Trip |
1959 |
933 | October 2, 1959 – General Federation of Women’s Clubs Meeting on International Affairs – Statler – Washington, D.C. |
1959 |
933 | October 2, 1959 – Young Democrats of North Carolina – Ashville, North Carolina |
1959 |
933 | October 8, 1959 – Select Committee on National Water Resources – Laramie, Wyoming |
1959 |
933 | October 11-12, 1959 – United Jewish Appeal – Los Angeles, California |
1959 |
933 | October 18, 1959 – Dedication – Lincoln Head Summit – Laramie, Wyoming |
1960 |
933 | October 19-31, 1959 – Associated Clubs Speaking Tour |
1959 |
933 | October 24, 1959 – National Education Association – Department of Rural Education Luncheon – Seattle, Washington |
1959 |
933 | October 26, 1959 – American Association for the United Nations – Luncheon Speech – Seattle, Washington |
1959 |
933 | November 4, 1959 – League of Women Voters – St. Louis, Missouri |
1959 |
933 | November 4, 1959 – KMOX-TV Show “Close-Up” – St. Louis, Missouri |
1959 |
933 | November 5, 1959 – Nebraska Aeronautics Department – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1959 |
933 | November 5-6, 1959 – South Dakota Education Association Speeches – Aberdeen and Spearfish, South Dakota |
1959-1960 |
933 | November 9 - December 14, 1959 – Appropriations Committee – Pacific Area Defense Installation Inspection Tour |
1959 |
933 | January 11, 1960 – U.S. Economic Aid for South Asia – Council on Foreign Relations – New York |
1959 |
933 | January 16-17, 1960 – (1) Jewish Appeal – Palm Springs, California; (2) Milwaukee Junior Chamber of Commerce - Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
1960 |
933 | January 29, 1960 – Greater Fort Lauderdale Democratic Club – Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
1960 |
933 | February 1, 1960 – Lecture – Montana State College – Bozeman, Montana |
1960 |
933 | February 1-4, 1960 – (1) Sheridan Chamber of Commerce – Sheridan, Wyoming; (2) Riverton Valley Electric Association – Riverton, Wyoming; (3) Worland Kiwanis Club – Worland, Wyoming; (4) Lovell Community Open Meeting – Lovell, Wyoming; (5) Riverton Junior Chamber of Commerce – Riverton, Wyoming |
1960 |
933 | February 11, 1960 – North Carolina Conference on World Affairs – Chapel Hill, North Carolina |
1960 |
933 | March 6, 1960 – New York Universalist Church – New York City |
1960 |
933 | March 11, 1960 – Maryville College Lecture – Maryville, Tennessee |
1959-1960 |
933 | March 19, 1960 – Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Dance – Baltimore, Maryland |
1960 |
933 | March 27, 1960 – Jewish Appeal – Bakersfield, California |
1960 |
933 | March 28, 1960 – North Platte Faculty Dinner – North Platte, Nebraska |
1959-1960 |
933 | April 4, 1960 – Florida Citizenship Clearing House Annual Conference – Tallahassee, Florida |
1960 |
933 | April 7, 1960 – Intercollegiate Conference on Government – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Canceled |
1960 |
934 | April 8, 1960 – University of Notre Dame – Notre Dame, Indiana – Canceled |
1960 |
934 | April 19, 1960 – Pan American Day Speech – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1960 |
934 | April 25, 1960 – Keynote – 1960 Mock Political Convention – University of Washington – Seattle |
1960 |
934 | May 1, 1960 – Jewish Appeal – Cheyenne |
1960 |
934 | May 2, 1960 – Keynote – 1960 Mock Democratic Convention – St. Joseph’s College – Collegeville, Indiana |
1960 |
934 | May 5, 1960 – Institute for Education by Radio-Television – Ohio State University – Columbus, Ohio |
1960 |
934 | May 5, 1960 – Education-Business Day – Allentown, Pennsylvania |
1960 |
934 | May 7, 1960 – Toastmasters International Club District Convention – Thermopolis, Wyoming |
1960 |
934 | May 7, 1960 – State Democratic Convention – Thermopolis, Wyoming |
1960 |
934 | May 15, 1960 – Jewish Appeal – Colorado Springs, Colorado |
1960 |
934 | May 20, 1960 – Eastchester Democratic Dinner Meeting – Eastchester, Tuckahoe, New York |
1960 |
934 | May 21, 1960 – McGovern-Herseth Appreciation Dinner – Huron, South Dakota |
1960 |
934 | May 23-24, 1960 – Commencement Addresses – Dubois and Superior, Wyoming |
1960 |
934 | May 28, 1960 – Colorado Young Democrat Convention Banquet – Shirley-Savoy – Denver, Colorado |
1960 |
934 | May 28-29, 1960 – Bilderberg Meeting – Burgenstock, Switzerland |
1960 |
934 | July 11, 1960 – Democratic National Convention – Los Angeles, California |
1960 |
934 | August 4, 1960 – Democratic Victory Dinner – Albuquerque, New Mexico |
1960 |
934 | August 22, 1960 – Western Resources Conference – University of Colorado – Boulder, Colorado – Canceled |
1960 |
934 | September 3-5, 12, 1960 – (1) Young Democratic Clubs of Wyoming State Convention – Rock Springs, Wyoming – 9/3-5/60; (2) Democratic Meeting – Jewish – Denver, Colorado – 9/12/60 |
1960 |
934 | September 20, 1960 – War College Lecture – Washington, D.C. |
1960 |
934 | September 22, 1960 – Trip to Billings, Montana, to Join Kennedy Plane…Speech in Salt Lake City, Utah |
1960 |
934 | October 4, 1960 – Illinois Association of Secondary School Principals – University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois |
1960 |
934 | October 6, 1960 – Wyoming Education Association – Wyoming State Teachers Convention – Casper, Wyoming (Also Oil Meeting?) |
1960 |
934 | October 7, 1960 – Democratic Fundraising Dinner – Gooding, Idaho |
1960 |
934 | October 8-12, 1960 – Wyoming Democratic Meetings – Newcastle, Gillette, Buffalo, Upton, Laramie |
1960 |
934 | October 19 & 21, 1960 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Speaking Tour |
1960 |
934 | October 24 & 26, 1960 – Florida and Texas Political – Also Norfolk, Nebraska – Past Editorials and World We Want |
1960 |
934 | October 25, 1960 – 50th Anniversary – Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne – Wayne, Nebraska |
1960 |
934 | October 27, 1960 – Superintendents of Schools for the State of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1960 |
934 | October 28, 1960 – Oklahoma Secondary School Principals Association and College Teachers Department – University of Oklahoma – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1960 |
934 | November 3, 4, 6, & 7, 1960 – Democratic Presidential Campaign Speeches: (1) Wyoming -11/3, 4, & 7/60; (2) Illinois – Greek-Americans – 11/6/60 |
1960 |
934 | November 28 - December 22, 1960 – Interstate Commerce Committee – Subcommittee on Africa (Herman Flicker) |
1960-1961 |
934 | December 21-23, 1960 – Flight Schedule |
1960 |
Assorted |
Box | ||
934 | Correspondence |
1959-1960 |
934 | Invitations |
1959-1960 |
934 | January 10, 1961 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Columbia, South Carolina |
1960-1961 |
934 | January 28, 1961 – Education Conference – South Carolina Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs – Columbia, South Carolina |
1960-1961 |
934 | February 5, 1961 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Clearwater, Florida |
1960-1961 |
934 | February 23-25, 1961 – Community Leaders Conference – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming, 1961 |
1961 |
934 | February 24, 1961 – American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education – Chicago |
1960-1961 |
934 | March 18, 1961 – Testimonial for S. [Stewart Lee?] Udall – Phoenix, Arizona |
1961 |
934 | March 25, 1961 – Frontier Banquet – Democrats – Battle Creek, Michigan |
1961 |
934 | March 26, 1961 – (1) American Association of School Administrators – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 3/26/61; (2) Greek Independence Day – D.C. – 3/26/61 |
1961 |
934 | April 6, 1961 – United Nations Model Assembly – Founder’s Day – Adams State College – Alamosa, Colorado |
1961 |
934 | April 7, 1961 – Civil War Centennial – Concordia College – Moorhead, Minnesota |
1960-1961 |
934 | April 8-10, 1961 – (1) Surface Transportation Subcommittee Hearings “Piggyback – Cheyenne – 4/10/61; (2) Jefferson-Jackson Day – Rawlins, Wyoming – 4/8/61; (3) League of Women Voters – Laramie, Wyoming – 4/10/61 |
1961 |
934 | April 18-19, 1961 – Grinnell College Political Lectureship – Grinnell, Iowa – Canceled 4/14/61 |
1960-1961 |
934 | April 27-28, 1961 – (1) Gray Reef Dedication – 4/27-28/61; (2) Missile Base Inspection – 4/28/61; (3) Wyoming Geological Association Luncheon – Casper, Wyoming – 4/28/61 |
1961 |
934 | May 1, 1961 – Florida Citizenship Clearing House Annual Banquet – Tallahassee, Florida |
1961 |
934 | May 4, 1961 – Political Conference – Regis College – Denver, Colorado |
1961 |
934 | May 19-20, 1961 – (1) Jefferson-Jackson Fundraising – Lewiston, Idaho – 5/19/61; (2) Jefferson-Jackson – Great Falls, Montana – 5/20/61 |
1961 |
934 | May 21-24, 1961 – High School Commencements: (1) Cowley – 5/22/61; (2) Shoshoni – 5/23/61; (3) Deaver – 5/24/61; Laramie Airport Dedication – 5/21/61; Shoshoni County Meeting – 5/23/61 |
1961 |
934 | May 27, 1961 – Commencement Address – Marjorie Webster Junior College – Rock Creek Parks Estates, D.C. |
1961 |
934 | June 2-4, 1961 – Annual Convention – Massachusetts Department of Jewish War Veterans – Plymouth, Massachusetts |
1961 |
934 | June 22, 1961 – National Associations of Student Councils Conference – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1960-1961 |
934 | June 24, 1961 – 14th Congressional District Democratic Organization Dinner – Detroit, Michigan |
1961 |
934 | July 4, 1961 – University of Wisconsin – Summer Conference on World Tensions and Education – Madison, Wisconsin |
1960-1961 |
934 | July 13, 1961 – Department of Classroom Teachers National Convention – Glassboro State College – Glassboro, New Jersey |
1961 |
934 | July 17, 1961 – Monroe County Democratic Committee Meeting – Rochester, New York |
1961 |
934 | September 21, 1961 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Waterloo, Iowa |
1961 |
935 | September 22 - October 14, 1961 – Wyoming Commitments |
1961 |
935 | October 13, 1961 – First District Education Association Convention – Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky – Canceled |
1961 |
935 | October 19, 1961 – Maryland State Teachers’ Association Convention – Baltimore, Maryland |
1961 |
935 | October 19 & 22, 1961 – (1) U.S. Army War College – Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania – 10/19/61 (Canceled 9/19/61 – Rescheduled 10/19/61); (2) World Affairs Assembly – Presbyterian Church – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 10/22/61 |
1961 |
935 | October 19 - November 10, 1961 – Wyoming Commitments – Eden, Casper, Torrington, Laramie, Cheyenne |
1955-1961 |
935 | October 20, 1961 – Rock River Division, Illinois Education Association – Check Received |
1961 |
935 | October 26-27, 1961 – Nebraska State Education Association – Grand Island and Lincoln, Nebraska |
1961 |
935 | October 28, 1961 – Mike N. Manatos Testimonial – Salt Lake City, Utah |
1961 |
935 | November 6-9, 1961 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Sacramento, Van Nuys, and Beverly Hills, California, and Reno, Nevada |
1961 |
935 | November 20, 1921 – Israel Bond Appeal – Hamilton Hotel – Chicago, Illinois |
1961 |
Speech Comments |
Box | ||
935 | FDR Correspondence regarding McGee’s response to the National Republican Committee, which had said (according to an AP article) that President Roosevelt “had sold out free peoples to the Communists in his 1943 conferences in Teheren and Cairo.”
1961 |
John Birch Society |
Box | ||
935 | Against – Flexo |
1961 |
935 | Against/Impeach Earl Warren – Flexo |
1961 |
935 | Answers to Answers Correspondence that McGee received following his responses to correspondence that he received concerning the John Birch Society.
1961 |
935 | Congressional Record Correspondence that McGee received in response to comments that he made in the Congressional Record about the John Birch Society.
1961 |
"Open End" In 1961, McGee appeared on the TV show “Open End,” which was hosted by David Susskind, and discussed the John Birch Society. In response, he received correspondence both against and in favor of his comments.
Box | ||
935 | Against |
1961 |
935 | For |
1961 |
935 | Phoenix, Arizona Correspondence that McGee received in response to comments that he made about the John Birch Society while in Phoenix, Arizona.
1961 |
935 | Assorted Includes correspondence, clippings, and publications.
1955-1961 |
936 | Assorted Includes correspondence, clippings, and publications.
1955-1961 |
936 | Assorted - Incoming Correspondence – Railroad Bills |
1961 |
936 | January 9, 1962 – Traffic Club of St. Louis – St. Louis, Missouri |
1961-1962 |
936 | February 3, 1962 – Volusia County Democratic Club Annual Meeting – Daytona Beach, Florida |
1962 |
936 | February 7 & 8, 1962 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – New Iberia and Shreveport, Louisiana |
1962 |
936 | February 17-21, 1962 – (1) Lovell Armory Dedication; (2) Cheyenne re Travel Service; (3) Cheyenne Diocese 75th Anniversary |
1962 |
936 | March 7, 1962 – National Security Seminar – Casper, Wyoming |
1962 |
936 | March 9 & 10, 1962 – (1) Southwest Oklahoma Education Association – Altus, Oklahoma; (2) Florida Presbyterian College – Artist-Lecturer Series |
1962 |
936 | March 16, 1962 – St. Clair County Teachers’ Institute – East St. Louis, Illinois |
1962 |
936 | March 25, 1962 – Annual Meeting – Department of Elementary School Principals – Detroit, Michigan |
1961-1962 |
936 | April 3, 1962 – 1962 Carolina Symposium – Chapel Hill, North Carolina |
1961-1962 |
936 | April 14, 1962 – Model United Nations Conference – University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, Minnesota |
1962 |
936 | April 24-30, 1962 – (1) Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs, Colorado; (2) Illinois Association of Student Councils – Chicago; (3) Model Congress – Manhattan, Kansas; (3) FDR- Truman Dinner – Topeka, Kansas; Gridiron – South Bend, Indiana |
1962 |
936 | May 10-13, 1962 – (1) Wubben Hall Dedication – Grand Junction, Colorado; (2) Wyoming Democratic State Convention |
1962 |
936 | May 18-25, 1962 – (1) Armed Forces Day – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Billings Democrats – Billings, Montana; (3) Wyoming Commencements and Democrats |
1961-1962 |
936 | June 1 & 3, 1962 – Commencement Addresses: (1) State Teachers College and University of North Dakota – Valley City and Grand Forks, North Dakota |
1962 |
936 | June 16, 1962 – Collegiate Council for the United Nations – Bronxville, New York |
1962 |
936 | June 18-21, 1962 – (1) Cleveland Democratic Dinner – Buffalo, New York; (2) Laramie Post Office Dedication; (3) International Affairs Program – University of Wyoming |
1962 |
936 | June 26, 1962 – Electronics Industries Association Convention – Hotel New Yorker – New York |
1962 |
936 | July 17, 1962 – YMCA Young Adult Assembly – Association Island, Lake Ontario, New York – Canceled |
1962 |
936 | August 22, 1962 – National War College – Fort McNair, D.C. |
1962 |
936 | August 28, 1962 – South Bend Public Schools Pre-Session – Washington High Auditorium – South Bend, Indiana |
1962 |
936 | September 6, 1962 – U.S. Army War College – Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania |
1962 |
936 | September 13, 1962 – Utah Conference on Higher Education – University of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah |
1962 |
936 | September 22-23, 1962 – (1) New Hampshire Democratic State Convention – Manchester, New Hampshire; (2) Israel Bond Appeal – Hamilton, Ontario, Canada |
1962 |
936 | September 28-29, 1962 – Congressional Delegation – Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
1962 |
936 | October 6-19, 1962 – (1) Wyoming PTA Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming; (2) Journalism Weekend – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) Young Democratic Clubs of Wyoming – Casper, Wyoming; (4) Lander/Riverton; (5) 58th Annual Meeting – Northwestern Division, Illinois Education Association – Rockford, Illinois |
1962 |
936 | October 24 - November 6, 1962 – (1) “Meet the Professor” – New York – 10/24/62; (2) Nebraska State Education Association – 10/25-26; (3) Wyoming Campaign – 10/29/62-11/6/62 |
1962 |
936 | November 9, 1962 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Louisville, Kentucky – Canceled |
1962 |
937 | November 12-16, 1962 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – San Angelo, and Pampa, Texas, Farmington, New Mexico, Santa Maria, California, and Salem, Oregon |
1962 |
937 | November 19 - December 21, 1962 – Appropriations Committee Study Mission – Far East and Southeast Asia |
1962 |
937 | January 4-7, 1963 – State Democratic Central Committee Meeting – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1962-1963 |
937 | January 8, 1963 – Catawba Valley Executive Club – Hickory, North Carolina |
1962-1963 |
937 | January 16, 1963 – Council on Foreign Relations – New York City |
1963 |
937 | January 21-25, 1963 – Casper – Riverton – Lander (Cheyenne) |
1962-1963 |
937 | February 21-26, 1963 – (1) Lyceum Program – State Teachers College – Kirkville, Missouri; (2) Wyoming – Laramie Area; (3) Rocky Mountain Farmers Union – Denver, Colorado |
1963 |
937 | March 18-25, 1963 – Wyoming Trip, including Salt Lake City, Evanston, Kemmerer, Green River, and Rock Springs |
1963 |
937 | March 29 - April 4, 1963 – (1) Cheyenne Workshop; (2) Wyoming Space and Nuclear Age Week; (3) Private Truck Council of America – Chicago, Illinois |
1963 |
937 | April 18-21, 1963 – (1) Rawlins Chamber of Commerce; (2) Savory-Pot Hook Project Hearing Area Meetings – Baggs, Wyoming |
1963 |
937 | May 1-4 – (1) Wyoming Health Conference – Sheridan; (2) California Conference on Higher Education – Burlingame, California; (3) Reserve Officers Association – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Wyoming Trucking Association – Cheyenne |
1962-1963 |
937 | May 23-June 2, 1963 – (1) Forest Range and Watershed Laboratory Dedication - Laramie; (2) Veterans of WWI State Convention – Powell, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Conservation Association – Jackson, Wyoming; (4) Mills Post Office – Mills, Wyoming; (5) Evansville Memorial Service – Evansville, Wyoming; (5) Wyoming Federation of Postal Clerks State Convention – Sheridan, Wyoming; (6) Committee on Political Education Area Conference – Denver, Colorado |
1963 |
937 | June 7 & 8, 1963 – (1) Wyoming Stock Growers Association Meeting – Casper; (2) Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary State Meeting – Cheyenne |
1963 |
937 | June 14, 1963 – Wyoming Trip (Wyoming Broadcasters, Uranium and Minerals Symposium, Wyoming Nurses Association, Fraternal of Eagles, Wyoming Association of Municipalities, Moss Dinner, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, Democratic Central Committee) |
1963 |
937 | June 26, 1963 – National Association of Secretaries of State Teachers Associations – Jack Tar Hotel – Lansing, Michigan |
1963 |
937 | July 17-18, 1963 – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
1963 |
937 | July 24, 1963 – Western Farm Economics Association Annual Meeting – University of Wyoming – Canceled |
1963 |
937 | July 26, 1963 – International Association of Machinists Convention – Cosmopolitan Hotel – Denver, Colorado |
1963 |
937 | July 31-August 6, 1963 – Wyoming – Filming re Campaign |
1963 |
937 | September 12, 1963 – Lincoln Central Labor Union – Machinists Union – Lincoln, Nebraska – Canceled, 1963 |
1963 |
937 | September 14-21, 1963 – (1) Senator Stephen M. Young Appreciation Day – Cleveland, Ohio; (2) Deaver, Wyoming, Post Office; (3) Western Instrument Corp. – Worland; (4) Wyoming State Rural Electric Association – Jackson, Wyoming; (5) Western States Democratic Conference – Salt Lake City, Utah; (6) Senator Clair Engle Appreciation – Canceled, 1963 |
1963 |
937 | September 25-29, 1963 – (1) JFK Visit – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming State AFL/CIO – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (3) Laramie Democrats Dinner |
1963 |
937 | November 3-10, 1963 – Democratic County Dinners – Torrington, Wheatland, Riverton, Buff, Lovell, Cheyenne, and Thermopolis, Wyoming |
1963 |
937 | November 16-22, 1963 – Wyoming Trip – Fundraising County Dinners – Powell, Worland, Sunrise, Gillette, Newcastle, Casper, and Sheridan |
1963 |
937 | November 23, 25, & 26, 1963 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Ephrata, Washington, Palm Springs, California, and Modesto, California – Canceled |
1963 |
937 | December 2-11, 1963 – Wyoming Trip – Fundraising Dinners – Evanston, Kemmerer, Afton, Jackson, Pinedale, Rock Springs, Rawlins, Laramie, Lusk, Douglas – Canceled |
1963 |
937 | December 9, 1963 – Mid-West Electric Consumers Association – Denver, Colorado |
1963 |
937 | January 30, 1964 - National Young Democratic Clubs of America Convention – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1963-1964 |
937 | February 13-17, 1964 – (1) National Livestock Feeders Association – St. Louis, Missouri; (2) Laramie; (3) Rocky Mountain Farmers Union – Cheyenne |
1964 |
937 | March 3-10, 1964 – (1) Air Force Academy Board of Visitors – Riverton/Lander; (2) Committee on Political Education Area Meeting – Pocatello; (3) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association – Dallas |
1964 |
937 | March 18-21, 1964 – (1) National Farmers Union – St. Paul, Minnesota; (2) University of Oklahoma Seminar – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; (3) Oregon Education Association – Portland, Oregon; (4) Steelworkers – Canton, Ohio |
1964 |
937 | April 2-11, 1964 – Wyoming – Jackson Hole Ski Project, Riverton Farmers Union Co-Op, Casper Area, Grinnell College |
1964 |
937 | April 25, 1964 – City of Hope – Labor Unions – Americana Hotel – New York City--4/30/64-5/2/64 – (1) Federation of State and County Employees – Denver; (2) Illinois Association of Student Councils – Chicago, Illinois; (3) Kansas State Teachers Association – Kansas City, Kansas |
1964 |
937 | April 30 - May 2, 1964 – (1) Federation of State and County Employees – Denver; (2) Illinois Association of Student Councils – Chicago, Illinois; (3) Kansas State Teachers Association – Kansas City, Kansas |
1964 |
937 | May 8-10, 1964 – (1) Wyoming State Democratic Convention – Rock Springs; (2) Wyoming State Association of Letter Carriers Annual Convention – Sheridan; (3) State Labor Meeting – Casper |
1963-1964 |
937 | May 22-31, 1964 – Wyoming Commitments |
1964 |
938 | June 5, 1964 – (1) Wyoming Stock Growers Association Annual Convention – Torrington; Laramie Bank Dedication; (3) Kemmerer Junior Chamber of Commerce Banquet |
1964 |
938 | June 19, 1964 – Livestock Marketing Congress Reception – Richmond, Virginia – Canceled |
1964 |
938 | July 7-12, 1964 – Cheyenne (Filing), Wheatland, Worland, Thermopolis, and Sheridan, Wyoming |
1964 |
938 | July 18, 1964 – Annual Meeting of the Green River Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation – Owensboro, Kentucky |
1964 |
938 | August 14-17, 1964 – (1) Lady Bird Johnson’s Visit to Jackson, Wyoming – (2) Flaming Gorge Recreation Area Dedication |
1964 |
938 | August 24-31, 1964 – (1) Democratic National Convention – Atlantic City, New Jersey – 8/24-27/64; (2) World’s Fair – New York City – 8/28-31/64 |
1964 |
938 | September 7-19, 1964 – Campaign Schedule – Wyoming Trip |
1964 |
938 | September 28 - October 6, 1964 – Campaign Schedule – Wyoming Trip |
1964 |
938 | October 10–November 3, 1964 – Campaign Schedule – Wyoming Trip |
1964 |
938 | December 10-13, 1964 – John Theodore Fey Inauguration – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming |
1964 |
938 | December 26, 1964 – Jamaica |
1964 |
Assorted |
Box | ||
938 | 1964 Campaign Coffee and Dinner Lists – Miscellaneous |
1964 |
938 | Campaign Dates and Schedules |
1964 |
938 | Campaign – LBJ and/or Lady Bird Wyoming Visits Includes a copy of a memo to McGee from Bill Moyers, who was then special assistant to President Johnson.
1964 |
938 | County Dinner Lists |
1964 |
938 | County Fact Sheets |
1963-1964 |
938 | January 9, 1965 – Democratic Central Committee Meeting – Cheyenne |
1964-1965 |
938 | January 27, 1965 – Mobil Oil Company Meeting – New York City |
1965 |
938 | February 8, 1965 – Hubert H. Humphrey Dinner – Cheyenne |
1965 |
938 | February 17, 1965 – Vietnam Speech |
1965 |
938 | March 12, 1965 – (1) Vietnam – University of Wyoming Assembly; (2) Northwest Regional Department of Classroom Teachers Convention – Rawlins |
1964-1965 |
938 | March 14, 1965 – National Association of Tobacco Distributors – Chicago, Illinois |
1965 |
938 | March 20, 1965 – Israel Bonds – B’nai Emunah – Skokie, Illinois |
1965 |
938 | April 1-3, 1965 – (1) National Commission on Food Marketing Field Hearings – Cheyenne – 4/1-3/65; (2) State Young Democrats Convention – Casper – 4/3/65 |
1965 |
938 | April 6, 1965 – Fund for the Republic – Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions – Gotham Hotel – New York City |
1965 |
938 | April 16 & 18, 1965 – (1) Wayne State College Commencement – 4/16/65; (2) Ft. Lewis College Commencement – Durango, Colorado – 4/18/65--22-24 – National Commission on Food Marketing Hearings – Fort Worth, Texas,16 & 18 – (1) Wayne State College Commencement – 4/16/65; (2) Ft. Lewis College Commencement – Durango, Colorado – 4/18/65 |
1965 |
938 | April 22-24, 1965 – National Commission on Food Marketing Hearings – Fort Worth, Texas |
1965 |
938 | May 6, 1965 – National Association of Wool Manufacturers – Waldorf-Astoria – New York City |
1965 |
938 | May 13, 1965 – Albion College Freedom Forum – Albion, Michigan |
1965 |
938 | May 16-18, 1965 – (1) National Association of Postal Supervisors Convention – Estes Park, Colorado; (2) Phi Delta Kappa Spring Banquet – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) Wild River Hearings – Green River, Wyoming; (4) Guernsey-Sunrise High School Commencement – Guernsey, Wyoming |
1965 |
938 | May 24-26, 1965 – (1) Pavillion Commencement – Pavillion, Wyoming; (2) Dubois High School Commencement – Dubois, Wyoming – Canceled |
1965 |
938 | June 3-7, 1965 – (1) Casper College Commencement – Casper, Wyoming; (2) University of Wyoming Commencement – Honorary Doctor of Laws Received – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) National Commission on Food Marketing Hearings – Omaha, Nebraska |
1965 |
938 | June 15, 1965 – (1) Cheyenne Federal Building Dedication – 6/14/65; (2) B’nai B’rith Dinner – Dallas, TX |
1965 |
938 | July 7-10, 1965 – (1) Fresno State College – Fresno, California; (2) Food Marketing Commission Hearings – San Francisco; (3) 75th Anniversary Statehood Celebration – Cheyenne |
938 | August 4 - September 5, 1965 – (1) International Exhibition of Transport and Communications – Munich; (2) Convention on Transit Trade of Land-Locked States – Geneva |
938 | September 11, 1965 – Orange County Democratic Committee Annual Dinner – Orange County, New York |
1965 |
939 | September 15-18, 1965 – (1) Sioux City Bankers Meeting – Sioux City, Iowa; (2) Wyoming Peace Officers Association – Rawlins, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Central Democratic Committee Meeting – Casper, Wyoming; (4) Southeast Asia Symposium – Racine, Wisconsin |
1965 |
939 | September 28, 1965 – Lincoln Central Labor Union Banquet – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1965 |
939 | October 7 & 8, 1965 – (1) Northwest Missouri Teachers Association – Maryville, Missouri; (2) Warrensburg, Missouri; (3) Kirksville, Missouri; (4) People-to-People National Conference – Kansas City, Missouri |
1965 |
939 | October 13-16, 1965 – (1) Ball State Teachers College – Muncie, Indiana; (2) National Association of Postmasters – Omaha, Nebraska; (3) Wyoming Journalism – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Post Office Dedication – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1965 |
939 | October 20, 1965 – St. Joseph’s College Convocation and University of Pennsylvania Students – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1965 |
939 | October 27 - November 7, 1965 – (1) New Mexico Education Association – Albuquerque; (2) Israel Bonds – Long Beach, California; (3) Kansas State Teachers Association – Wichita and Topeka, Kansas |
1965 |
939 | November 12-13, 1965 – Wyoming-West Point Football – West Point, New York |
1965 |
939 | November 15, 1965 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Huntsville Country Club – Huntsville, Alabama |
1965 |
939 | November 21-22, 1965 – (1) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois – 11/21/65; (2) "Lecture-In” on Vietnam – Allegheny College – Meadville, Pennsylvania – 11/22/65 |
1965 |
939 | November 26 - December 2, 1965 – (1) Northwest Community College Lyceum – Powell, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service State Meeting – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Israel Bonds – Los Angeles, California |
1965 |
939 | December 8, 1965 – Brown University Convocation – Providence, Rhode Island |
1965 |
939 | December 12, 1965 – Israel Bonds – Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation – Chicago, Illinois |
1965 |
939 | January 8, 1966 – Anti-Defamation League Appeal – Chicago, Illinois – Canceled |
1965 |
939 | January 11, 1966 – Lectures – Georgetown University – Washington, D.C. |
1965-1966 |
939 | January 19-23, 1966 – (1) Black Hills Resources Public Meeting – Newcastle, Wyoming; (2) National Security Seminar – Cheyenne; (3) Democratic Central Committee Meeting – Casper |
1965-1966 |
939 | January 28-31, 1966 – Anti-Defamation League National Commission Meeting – New York City |
1965-1966 |
939 | February 12, 1966 – National Parkinson Foundation – Bob Hope Benefit Dinner – Deauville Hotel – Miami, Florida |
1965-1966 |
939 | March 12-17, 1966 – (1) National Farmers Union Convention – Denver, Colorado; (2) New York State Council of Machinists – Utica, New York; (3) Eastern Illinois University – Charleston, Illinois |
1966 |
939 | March 22-28, 1966 – (1) Western Forest Industries Association – Palm Springs, California; (2) Anti-Defamation League – Westchester and Long Island, New York |
1966 |
939 | March 28 - April 7, 1966 – Study Mission – Foreign Relations – Southeast Asia – Vietnam |
1965-1966 |
939 | April 16, 1966 – Machinists International – East St. Louis, Missouri |
1966 |
939 | May 1 & 2, 1966 – (1) Law Day – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; (2) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois; (3) St. John Church – New York City |
1966 |
939 | May 7, 1966 – National Committee for Civic Responsibility – Cleveland, Ohio |
1966 |
939 | May 12-22, 1966 – (1) Democratic Central Committee – King County Convention Dinner – Seattle; (2) Democratic State Convention – Sheridan, Wyoming; (3) Commencements – Big Horn, Huntley, Albin, and Rock River |
1966 |
939 | May 24-25, 1966 – (1) World Affairs Council of Inland Southern California – Riverside, California – 5/24/66; (2) Rawlins High School Commencement – 5/24-25/66 |
1966 |
939 | June 2-5, 1966 – (1) Phelan Funeral; (2) Sheridan College Commencement – Sheridan, Wyoming; (3) Norfolk |
1966 |
939 | June 19, 1966 – Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois |
1966 |
939 | June 26, 1966 – Israel Bonds – Kansas City, Missouri |
1966 |
939 | June 29 - July 3, 1966 – Presidential Delegation – Guatemala |
1963-1966 |
939 | July 6, 1966 – Anatomy of Protest – Oregon State University – Corvallis, Oregon |
1966 |
939 | July 16, 1966 – California Machinists Non-Partisan Political League – Fresno, California |
1966 |
939 | August 7, 1966 – Anti-Defamation League Brunch – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
1966 |
939 | August 19 & 20, 1966 – (1) Commencement – Adams State College – Alamosa, Colorado; (2) Israel Bonds – Waukegan, Illinois |
1966 |
939 | August 23, 1966 – Teacher Workshop – University of Nebraska – Grand Island, Nebraska |
1966 |
939 | August 27, 1966 – Indiana Democratic Editorial Association – French Lick, Indiana |
1966 |
939 | September 8, 1966 – Metromedia – “The Eagle and Dragon” [TV Program] re red China – New York City |
1966 |
939 | September 14-18, 1966 – (1) Wyoming 100th Trip; (2) Christen USS Puget Sound; (3) United Nations Association of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah; (4) California Teachers Association, Northern Section – Squaw Valley, California |
1966 |
939 | September 25, 1966 – Ted Kennedy Wyoming Visit |
1966 |
940 | September 27, 1966 – (1) Independent Natural Gas Association of America Annual Meeting – Hot Springs, Virginia; (2) Robert Nathan Appreciation Dinner – Anti-Defamation League – Washington Hilton – D.C. |
1966 |
940 | October 2-3, 1966 – Vietnam Seminar – Hanover College – Hanover, Indiana |
1966 |
940 | October 5, 1966 – Patrons’ Day Dinner – Stark County Democratic Executive Committee – Canton, Ohio |
1966 |
940 | October 9, 1966 – Israel Bonds – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1966 |
940 | October 19-27, 1966 – (1) Anti-Defamation League – Lake Success, New York; (2) Minnesota Education Association State Convention – Minneapolis, Minnesota; (3) B’nai B’rith – New York City; (4) Robert F. Kennedy Visit – Casper, Wyoming; (5) Ralph Harding Campaign Speech – Idaho |
1966 |
940 | October 29, 1966 – Joe Resnick Testimonial Dinner – Kingston, New York |
1966 |
940 | November 3-6, 1966 – Wyoming Campaign Trip – Worland, Thermopolis, Casper, Cheyenne, Rock Springs, Torrington |
1966 |
940 | November 13-16, 1966 – (1) Anti-Defamation League Torch of Liberty Award – Denver, Colorado; (2) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Bremerton, Washington, and Lodi, California |
1966 |
940 | November 17, 1966 – Earl Wright Endowed Lectures – Shippensburg College – Shippensburg, Pennsylvania |
1966 |
940 | November 19-21, 1966 – Israel Bonds – Sacramento and San Diego; (2) University of Denver Lecture – Government – Denver, Colorado |
1966 |
940 | November 28 - December 1, 1966 – McGee Congressional Delegation – Pakistan and Afghanistan |
1966 |
940 | December 23, 1966 - January 2, 1967 – McGee Family to Puerto Rico and St. John Island |
940 | January 7-9, 1967 – Wyoming Central Democratic Committee Meeting – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1967 |
940 | January 10, 1967- Kansas State College – Contemporary Issues Lecture Series – “American Policy in Vietnam” – Pittsburg, Kansas |
1966-1967 |
940 | February 10-13, 1967 – Lincoln Birthday Recess – New York City |
1967 |
940 | February 18-19, 1967 – (1) Western Meatpackers Association – San Francisco, California – 2/18/67; (2) Canadian TV Broadcast “Sunday Show” – Toronto, Canada – 2/19/67 |
1967 |
940 | February 21, 1967 – University of Illinois – Morgenthau Debate – Urbana, Illinois |
1966-1967 |
940 | February 26 - March 1, 1967 – (1) Church of the Holy Communion – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (2) Kiwanis Club – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (3) Associated Students of the University of Wyoming Assembly – Laramie, Wyoming (4) American Association of University Women Speech – Casper, Wyoming; (5) Young People Seminars |
1967 |
940 | March 7, 1967 – Cooperative Marketing Association (Farm Union) – Kansas City, Missouri |
1967 |
940 | March 11, 1967 – Interior Appropriations Subcommittee - Appropriations Hearings – Elk Program – Casper, Wyoming |
1967 |
940 | March 28-29, 1967 – (1) Florida State University – Tallahassee and Tiger Bay, Florida; (2) Tiger Bay – 4th Annual Meeting – Miami, Florida |
1967 |
940 | April 5, 1967 – Inland Empire Education Association – Spokane, Illinois |
1967 |
940 | April 10, 1967 – DePauw University – McGovern Debate – Greencastle, Indiana |
1967 |
940 | April 14-19, 1967 – (1) Gillette Jaycees – Gillette, Wyoming; (2) Salary Rally – Wyoming State Association of Letter Carriers – Casper; (3) League of Women Voters; (4) Commencement – Wayne State Teachers College – Wayne, Nebraska; (5) Conference on World Affairs - Kearney State College – Kearney, Nebraska |
1967 |
940 | April 24, 1967 – Knox College – Galesburg, Illinois |
1967 |
940 | April 25, 1967 - King’s College – Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania |
1966-1967 |
940 | April 28-29, 1967 – (1) Kiskiminetas Springs School – Saltsburg, Pennsylvania; (2) Parents’ Committee – Allegheny College - Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1966-1967 |
940 | May 2, 1967 – Educational Conference – Shop Stewards – Allied Educational Foundation – American Hotel – New York City |
1967 |
940 | May 9, 1967 – American Public Power Association Annual Conference – Denver Hilton Hotel – Denver, Colorado – Canceled |
1967 |
940 | May 13, 1967 – Young Democratic Clubs of Iowa State Convention – Des Moines, Iowa |
1967 |
940 | May 17-21, 1967 – (1) Commencements – Mountain View High School, Pavillion High School, and Shoshoni High School, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Federation of Postal Clerks – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Casper Seminars – Evanston, Casper, and Riverton, Wyoming |
1967 |
940 | May 24-27, 1967 – (1) Commencements – Medicine Bow, Lusk; (2) Seminars – Rawlins and Cheyenne (two) |
1967 |
940 | May 28-29, 1967 – (1) Commencement – Eastern Kentucky University – Richmond, Kentucky – 5/29/67; (2) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois – 5/28/67 |
1967 |
940 | June 3, 1967 – Commencement – Weber State College – Ogden, Utah |
1967 |
940 | June 7, 1967 – Mass Rally – Milwaukee Jewish Council – Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
1967 |
940 | June 17, 1967 – State Convention – Wyoming Firemen’s Association – Newcastle, Wyoming – Canceled |
1967 |
940 | June 20, 1967 – Luncheon Meeting – Foreign Policy Association – Waldorf – New York City |
1967 |
940 | June 21, 1967 – B’nai B’rith Dinner Honoring Charles B. Thornton – Americana – New York City |
1966-1967 |
940 | July 5, 1967 – Northern Illinois University re Foreign Policy (Harry Walker) – DeKalb, Illinois |
1967 |
940 | July 28 - August 19, 1967 – Wyoming Family Trip |
1967 |
940 | August 20, 1967 – Bay Area Men’s Council of B’nai B’rith – San Francisco, California |
1967 |
940 | August 29, 1967 – International Water Quality Symposium – Conrad-Hilton Hotel – Chicago, Illinois |
1967 |
940 | September 9-10, 1967 – (1) Farband Labor Zionist Order Annual Convention – Highland Mills, New York; (2) Cleveland Steer Roast – Cleveland, Ohio |
1967 |
940 | September 14-18, 1967 – (1) Wyoming State AFL-CIO Convention and Highway 20 Association Appearance– Casper, Wyoming – 9/14-17/67; (2) Whitewater Forum – Wisconsin State University – Whitewater, Wisconsin – 9/18/67 |
1967 |
940 | September 23, 1967 – Nebraska Historical Society Banquet – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1967 |
940 | September 29 & 30, 1967 – (1) Stark County Teachers Association – Canton, Ohio; (2) Treagle Train |
1967 |
940 | October 7, 1967 – “Spectrum on Vietnam” – University of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah |
1967 |
940 | October 12, 1967 – Annual Meeting – Young Presidents’ Organization – St. Louis, Missouri |
1967 |
940 | October 17, 1967 – Anti-Defamation League Appeal Honoring Thomas W. McMahon, Jr. – New York Hilton – New York City |
1967 |
940 | October 18, 1967 – Democratic Dinner – Democratic County Committee of Fayette County – Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
1967 |
940 | October 19, 1967 – Associated Collegiate Press Convention – Conrad-Hilton – Chicago, Illinois |
1967 |
940 | October 21, 1967 – Parents’ Committee – Allegheny College – Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1967 |
940 | October 24 & 25, 1967 – (1) Anti-Defamation League Appeal – Chicago, Illinois; (2) Cincinnati Council on World Affairs Conference – Cincinnati, Ohio |
1967 |
940 | October 27, 1967 – West Virginia State College – Institute, West Virginia |
1966-1967 |
940 | November 3-6, 1967 – Torrington Area (Birds) |
1967 |
940 | November 15-22, 1967 – (1) First Christian Church Family Night – Tulsa, Oklahoma; (2) Brigham Young University Democrats – Provo, Utah; (3) Wyoming Wool Growers Association Convention – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (4) Western Wyoming Community College – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (5) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Palm Springs, California, and Birmingham, Alabama; (6) University of Chicago Roundtable – Chicago, Illinois |
1967 |
941 | November 28 & 29, 1967 - (1) Immaculata College and Bux-Mont In-Service Program – Immaculata and Willow Grove, Pennsylvania |
1967 |
941 | November 30 - December 3, 1967 – (1) Dedication – Senior Citizens’ Home – Casper – Canceled; (2) John Tunney Dinners – Riverdale and Palm Springs, California; (3) McGovern Debate – University of Notre Dame – Notre Dame, Indiana |
1966-1967 |
941 | December 5, 1967 – Council on Foreign Relations Discussion Group – McGeorge Bundy? (George Ball) – New York City |
1967 |
941 | December 10, 1967 – 1968 Democratic Salute to the Empire State (RFK) – Plaza Hotel – New York City |
1967 |
941 | December 12, 1967 – Davis & Elkins College – Elkins, West Virginia – Canceled re Weather 12/11/67 |
1967 |
941 | December 14, 1967 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Church Chautauqua at Evangel College – Springfield, Missouri – Canceled 12/14/67 |
1967 |
941 | December 23, 1967 - January 2, 1968 – McGee Family to Puerto Rico and St. John – Also Sugar Bowl – New Orleans, Louisiana |
1967 |
941 | January 8, 1968 – Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner Meeting (Sen. William B. Spong (D-Va.)) – Portsmouth, Virginia |
1967-1968 |
941 | January 18-21, 1968 – (1) Worland Chamber of Commerce Dinner – “Washakie County Man of the Year” to Charles W. Gentry - Worland, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Press Association Annual Meeting – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Democratic Central Committee Meeting – Laramie, Wyoming |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 7-8, 1968 – (1) Council on Foreign Relations – New York City – 2/7/68; (2) Davis & Elkins College – Elkins, West Virginia – 2/8/68 |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 10, 1968 – UPI International Editors Convention – Dallas, Texas |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 13, 1968 – University of California – Berkeley and Stanford |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 19-20, 1968 – Williamsburg Student Burgesses – Williamsburg, Virginia |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 23-24, 1968 – (1) Vietnam Dialogue Series – University of Ohio – Athens, Ohio; (2) Allegheny Parents’ Committee – Allegheny College – Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1967-1968 |
941 | February 28 - March 3, 1968 - (1) Buffalo County Democratic Central Committee – Kearney, Nebraska; (2) Mrs. McGee’s [McGee’s mother] 80th Birthday – Norfolk, Nebraska |
1968 |
941 | March 16, 1968 – Cincinnati Council on World Affairs – Cincinnati, Ohio |
1967-1968 |
941 | March 20, 1968 – Western Maryland College – Westminster, Maryland |
1966-1968 |
941 | March 23, 1968 – Indiana Gridiron Banquet – Indianapolis, Indiana |
1968 |
941 | March 28-29, 1968 – (1) Indiana University of Pennsylvania Forum on Vietnam – Indiana, Pennsylvania; (2) World Affairs Conference – Sterling, Illinois |
1968 |
941 | April 2, 1968 – Mankato State College – Mankato, Minnesota |
1967-1968 |
941 | April 6-7, 1968 – (1) “Teachers in Politics” Rally – Indiana State Teachers Association – Indianapolis, Indiana; (2) Worland Bank Dedication – Worland, Wyoming; (3) Canyon Village Senior Citizen Housing Groundbreaking – Thermopolis, Wyoming |
1968 |
941 | April 9-10, 1968 – (1) West Virginia University – Morgantown, West Virginia – Canceled; (2) Fort Hays State College – Hays, Kansas |
1968 |
941 | April 17, 1968 – West Virginia University – Morgantown, West Virginia |
1967-1968 |
941 | April 25-28, 1968 – (1) Student Assembly Lecture and Inauguration of President William D. Carlson – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Reserve Officers Association – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) National Affairs Program – Vietnam – Gonzaga University – Spokane, Washington; (4) 1968 Mock Political Convention – Washington State University – Pullman, Washington |
1968 |
941 | April 30, 1968 – Minnesota Inter-College Symposium – Minneapolis, Minnesota |
1968 |
941 | May 2, 1968 – Politics in the Electronic Age – Tennessee State University – Johnson City, Tennessee |
1968 |
941 | May 4-5, 1968 – (1) University of North Dakota – Grand Forks, North Dakota; (2) Latter Carriers Convention – Sheridan, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Association of Municipalities with HUD Secretary Robert Weaver – Casper, Wyoming |
1968 |
941 | May 8, 1968 – Mock Political Convention – West Liberty State College – West Liberty, West Virginia |
1968 |
941 | May 9-11, 1968 – Symposium on Freedom of Speech – University of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah; (2) Wyoming State Democratic Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming |
1968 |
941 | May 14, 1968 – Rochester Democratic Fundraising – Rochester, New York |
1968 |
941 | May 16, 1968 – Men’s Club of Temple Beth-El – Great Neck, New York |
1968 |
941 | May 19-23, 1968 – Wyoming Commencements and Honor Assemblies: (1) Union Presbyterian Church – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Cody; (3) Powell; (4) Thermopolis; (5) Midwest; (6) Newcastle |
1967-1968 |
941 | May 27 - June 1, 1968 – Wyoming Commencements – Pinedale and Midwest – 5/27 & 28/68; Virginia Beach – 5/30/68-6/1/68 |
1968 |
941 | June 7-8, 1968 – (1) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy – Boston, Massachusetts; (2) Wyoming Broadcasters Convention – Casper, Wyoming – Canceled re RFK Death; (3) RFK Funeral |
1964-1968 |
941 | June 14, 1968 – Citizens for Hubert H. Humphrey – Bristol, Tennessee |
1968 |
941 | June 20-24, 1968 – (1) Northwest Missouri State College – Maryville – 6/20/68; (2) American Legionnaires and University of Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy Commencement – Cheyenne and Laramie – 6/21-22/68; Delegates – Cheyenne, Laramie, Lusk, Riverton, Wheatland |
1968 |
941 | June 27, 1968 – National Association of Student Councils – National Convention – Fort Worth, Texas |
1968 |
941 | July 3, 1968 – National Education Association Convention – Dallas, Texas |
1968 |
941 | July 19-22, 1968 – (1) Hampton Institute – African Studies – Hampton, Virginia – 7/19/68; (2) Virginia Beach – 7/20-22/68 |
1968 |
941 | August 3-11, 1968 – (1) McGee Family to California; (2) Denver Jane Jefferson Democratic Club of Colorado – Denver, Colorado; (3) Wyatt Family Reunion |
1968 |
941 | August 12, 1968 – Conference and Exposition on Education and Training – American Management Association – New York Hilton Hotel – New York City |
1968 |
941 | August 26-30, 1968 – 1968 Democratic National Convention – Amphitheater – Chicago, Illinois |
1968 |
941 | September 7, 1968 – Iowa Democratic Women’s Workshop – Des Moines, Iowa – Loraine McGee |
1968 |
941 | September 13-15, 1968 – (1) Douglas County Fundraising – Omaha, Nebraska; (2) University of Wyoming v. Nebraska – Football and Accompanying – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1968 |
941 | September 28, 1968 – St. Louis Democratic Workshop – St. Louis, Missouri |
1968 |
941 | October 2, 1968 – Democratic Fundraising for Mike Moroney (D-OK) – Tulsa Club – Tulsa, Oklahoma |
1968 |
941 | October 5, 1968 – Youngstown Democratic Fundraising – Youngstown, Ohio |
1968 |
941 | October 10, 1968 – Marymount College Political Forum – Tarrytown, New York |
1968 |
941 | October 17-19, 1968 – Book Parties and Laramie/Cheyenne Rallies |
1968 |
941 | October 21, 1968 – Democratic Fundraising Rally – Atlanta, Georgia – 10/14/68 – Canceled – Rescheduled 10/21/68 |
1968 |
941 | October 25 - November 5, 1968 – Rawlins, Muskie Visit, Sheridan, Riverton, Casper, Cheyenne, Wyoming – Book Parties – Torrington, Wyoming |
1968 |
941 | November 7-8, 1968 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Springfield, Missouri; (2) Wichita Chamber of Commerce with Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) – Wichita, Kansas |
1968 |
942 | November 11-12, 1968 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Fayetteville and Hickory, North Carolina |
1968 |
942 | November 15-19, 1968 – (1) Girl Scout Center Dedication – Ten Sleep, Wyoming; (2) Casper Book Party – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Pheasants |
1968 |
942 | November 24, 1968 – Anti-Defamation League Appeal – Beverly Hills Hotel – Los Angeles, California |
1968 |
942 | December 3-9, 1968 – (1) People-to-People – Miami, Florida; (2) Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Convention – Greeley, Colorado; (3) Soil and Water Conservation Convention – Cody, Wyoming; (4) University of Wyoming Assembly – Laramie, Wyoming; (5) Small Business Administration Lunch; (6) Joseph C. O’Mahoney Building Dedication; (7) Missile Inspection |
1968 |
942 | December 21-31, 1968 – McGee Family to St. John, Virgin Islands |
1968 |
942 | January 4, 1969 – North Carolina Young Democrats Convention – Asheville, North Carolina |
1968-1969 |
942 | January 10-15, 1969 – (1) Lexington – Pheasant Hunting; (2) Wyoming Legislature Opening – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (3) Lander Chamber of Commerce Farm and Ranch Dinner – Lander, Wyoming |
1968-1969 |
942 | January 30 - February 8, 1969 – (1) Ditchley Conference – Oxfordshire, England; (2) State Department and United States Information Agency Activities – London and Brussels; (3) Vietnam Talks – Paris |
1968-1969 |
942 | February 13, 1969 – Claremont Men’s College – Claremont, California |
1968-1969 |
942 | February 19 & 20, 1969 – Lyceum Series – Duchess County Community College – Poughkeepsie, New York |
1969 |
942 | February 22, 1969 – Symposium on Student Dissent – Creighton University – Omaha, Nebraska |
1969 |
942 | March 1, 1969 – World Affairs Conference of Central Illinois – Springfield, Illinois |
1969 |
942 | March 5-9, 1969 – (1) Nebraska Wesleyan University Convocation – Lincoln, Nebraska; (2) Farmers Union Central Exchange – St. Paul, Minnesota; (3) World Affairs Conference – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (4) Cheyenne Catholic Men’s Communion Breakfast – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1969 |
942 | March 14, 1969 – St. Clair County Teachers’ Institute – Ainad Temple – East St. Louis, Illinois |
1969 |
942 | March 23-29, 1969 – (1) Cheyenne East High School – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Education Association Convention – Casper, Wyoming (3) Coffees – Wheatland, Gillette, Newcastle, and Lusk |
1969 |
942 | April 9, 1969 – University of Ohio – Chillicothe, Ohio |
1969 |
942 | April 15 & 16, 1969 – (1) University of Northern Iowa – Cedar Falls, Iowa; (2) University of San Diego – San Diego, California |
1969 |
942 | April 25-26, 1969 – (1) Silver Symposia – National Science Teachers Association – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming State Employees Association Annual Meeting – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Young Democrats State Convention – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1967-1969 |
942 | May 1-4, 1969 – (1) Bishop Consecration, Law Day, Junior Chamber of Commerce Dinner – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Eastern Wyoming College and Hi Rise/Ribbon Cutting – Torrington and Casper, Wyoming; (3) Association of Letter Carriers – Douglas, Wyoming; (4) Israel Bonds, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1969 |
942 | May 8, 1969 – Israel Bonds – Anshe Emet Synagogue – Chicago, Illinois |
1969 |
942 | May 9-12, 1969 – (1) Golden Spike Centennial – Promontory Point, Utah; (2) Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming; (3) American Association of School Administrators – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1969 |
942 | May 17, 1969 – Public Affairs Forum – State University of New York – Albany, New York |
1969 |
942 | May 20 - June 1, 1969 – (1) Wyoming Commencements: Morton, Meeteetse, Lyman, Kelly Walsh, Northwest Community College; (2) Wyoming Postal Clerks – Riverton, Wyoming; (3) Star Carriers – Lander, Wyoming; (4) Buffalo Bill Museum – Cody, Wyoming; (5) JFK Memorial Dinner – Democratic Party of Adams County – Adams County, Colorado; (6) John Wesley Powell Centennial Address – Green River, Wyoming |
1969 |
942 | June 7 & 8, 1969 – (1) B’nai B’rith 125th Anniversary Dinner – New Orleans, Louisiana; (2) Seton Hall Commencement – South Orange, New Jersey |
1969 |
942 | June 10-13, 1969 – (1) Civitan Youth Citizenship Seminar – Colorado Springs; (2) Wyoming Stock Growers Convention – Newcastle, Wyoming; (3) McGee 30th Wedding Anniversary – Casper, Wyoming; (4) Local #369 – National Federation of Federal Employees – Fort Washakie at Lander, Wyoming; (5) Wyoming Association of Student Councils – Dubois, Wyoming; (6) Veterans of Foreign Wars State Convention – Riverton, Wyoming |
1969 |
942 | June 16, 1969 – Robert’s [McGee’s son] Graduation – McGee Honorary Degree – Allegheny College – Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1969 |
942 | June 18, 1969 – American Federation of Musicians National Convention – Stardust Hotel – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1969 |
942 | June 21, 1969 – National Association of Internal Revenue Service Employees – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1969 |
942 | June 26-29, 1969 – (1) American Legion Convention – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (2) Coal Camp Reunion – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (3) Rock Springs/Green River Coffee-Seminars |
1969 |
942 | July 1, 1969 – Committee on Political Education Area Meeting – Cosmopolitan Hotel – Denver, Colorado |
1969 |
942 | July 12, 1969 – Committee on Political Education Area Leadership Meeting – Atlanta, Georgia |
1969 |
942 | July 29, 1969 – International Studies Institute – Westminster College – New Wilmington, Pennsylvania |
1969 |
942 | August 8, 1969 – Calhoon MEBA Marine Engineering School Graduation Exercises – Baltimore, Maryland |
1969 |
943 | August 13-30, 1969 – August Recess: Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Pinedale, DuNoir, Riverton, Casper, Laramie, and Cheyenne |
1969 |
943 | September 1, 1969 – National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Convention – Arlington Hotel – Hot Springs, Arkansas |
1969 |
943 | September 8, 1969 – Dick Cavett Show – New York City |
1969 |
943 | September 12, 1969 – Oil/Gas Meeting – Houston, Texas |
1969 |
943 | September 17-20, 1969 – (1) National Association of Internal Revenue Service Employees Convention – Las Vegas, Nevada; (2) Sheridan Federal Employees Banquet – Sheridan, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming AFL-CIO Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming; (4) Wyoming v. Arizona Game – Laramie, Wyoming; (5) Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs, Colorado |
1969 |
943 | September 25-27, 1969 – (1) Casper Federal Executives Council – Casper, Wyoming; (2) Journalism Weekend – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming State Shooting Association – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1969 |
943 | September 30, 1969 – Maritime Trades Department Convention – Atlantic City, New Jersey |
1969 |
943 | October 3, 1969 – U.S. Steel Regional Meeting – Birmingham, Alabama |
1969 |
943 | October 11, 1969 – Teachers’ In-Training Workshop – Pennsylvania Education Association – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania |
1969 |
943 | October 15, 1969 – Vietnam Moratorium- Earlham College – Richmond, Indiana |
1969 |
943 | October 17-19, 1969 – (1) National Newspapers Association – Denver, Colorado; (2) American Association of University Women – Casper; (3) Arms Control Symposium – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; (4) Vietnam and Troop Withdrawal – The Advocate – D.C.; (5) Treagle Activities |
1969 |
943 | October 20, 1969 – Cornell Forum – Ithaca, New York |
1969 |
943 | October 22-26, 1969 – (1) Columbia Basin College – Pasco, Washington; (2) University of Wyoming Homecoming – Laramie, Wyoming |
1969 |
943 | October 31 - November 4, 1969 – County Dinners: Goshen, Laramie, latte, Torrington, Cheyenne, Wheatfield |
1969 |
943 | November 6, 1969 – American Jewish Committee Award Dinner – Pierre Hotel – New York City |
1969 |
943 | November 14, 1969 – (1) Laramie County Community College – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) VA Hospital Visit – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1969 |
943 | November 18, 1969 – Elmo Roper Meeting (Averell Harriman Residence) – New York City |
1969 |
943 | November 22-23, 1969 – (1) Machinists International – Nashville, Tennessee; (2) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois |
1969 |
943 | December 5-6, 1969 – (1) President Inauguration – John J. Pershing College – Beatrice, Nebraska; (2) Lancaster County Democrats Dinner – Lincoln, Nebraska; (3) Wyoming Outfitters Association – Dubois, Wyoming – Canceled 12/4/69 re Tax Bill Votes 12/5-6/69 |
1969 |
943 | December 14, 1969 – Anti-Defamation League Human Relations Award Honoring Bernard H. Trager – Wilton, Connecticut |
1969 |
943 | December 20-31, 1969 – McGee Family to St. John, Virgin Islands |
1969 |
943 | January 3-16, 1970 – (1) Japanese Wrestling Team – Lovell, Wyoming; (2) County Dinners; (3) College Entrance Exam Board |
1969-1970 |
943 | January 23-24, 1970 – American Federation of Government Employees in Honor of Sen. Frank E. Moss (D-UT) – Salt Lake City, Utah – Canceled |
1969-1970 |
943 | February 7-12, 1970 – (1) American Federation of Government Employees – Kansas City, Missouri; (2) Associated Clubs, Inc.: Plainview, Lubbock, and Salado, Texas, and Roswell, New Mexico |
1969-1970 |
943 | February 14, 1970 – Labor Seminar – Scranton, Pennsylvania |
1970 |
943 | February 17, 1970 – American Association of School Administrators – Atlantic, New Jersey – Canceled |
1969-1970 |
943 | February 20-24, 1970 – County Dinners and Wyoming Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention – Gillette, Worland, Newcastle, and Douglas, Wyoming |
1970 |
943 | March 6, 1970 – Seth Baker/Paul Miller Meetings – Los Angeles, California |
1970 |
943 | March 16, 1970 – Oregon Education Association – Portland, Oregon |
1970 |
943 | March 23, 1970 – Fort Lauderdale Forum – Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
1969-1970 |
943 | March 26, 1970 – Virginia Polytechnic Institute – Blacksburg, Virginia |
1970 |
943 | April 2, 1970 – Association of Old Crows (Missile Electronic Warfare Technical Area) – Las Cruces, New Mexico – Canceled 4/2/70 |
1967-1970 |
943 | April 4-5, 1970 – (1) International Association of Machinists – New York City; (2) Independent Phone Association – New Orleans, Louisiana |
1970 |
943 | April 9, 1970 – Virginia Military Institute – Military-Industrial Symposium – Lexington, Virginia – Canceled 4/7/70 |
1970 |
943 | April 10-14, 1970 – (1) Muskie Visit – Rock Springs, Wyoming; (2) Sheridan Post Office and Chamber of Commerce – Sheridan, Wyoming; (3) University of Wyoming – Associated Students of the University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Flag presentation – McCormick Junior High School – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1970 |
943 | April 16-21, 1970 – (1) Annual Dinner – Amen Corner – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; (2) Washington Education Association – Seattle, Washington; (3) Western States Democratic Conference – Salt Lake City, Utah; (4) Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization Convention – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1970 |
943 | April 28, 1970 – Committee on Political Education Area Conference – New Albany Hotel – Denver, Colorado |
1970 |
943 | May 4, 1970 – Jim Ryan/Ted Granik Reception – New York City |
1970 |
943 | May 6, 1970 – Rabbi Ehrenfeld/Max Stern Reception – New York City |
1970 |
943 | May 8-10, 1970 – (1) Democratic State Convention – Casper, Wyoming; (2) Knights of Columbus – Rawlins, Wyoming; (3) Colorado-Wyoming Branch, National Association of Postal Supervisors – Pueblo, Colorado |
1970 |
943 | May 11, 1970 – United Jewish Appeal – Temple Israel Center – White Plains, New York |
1970 |
943 | May 16-20, 1970 – (1) Wyoming Outdoor Coordinating Council Annual Meeting – Casper, Wyoming; (2) Driver Training Range – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Land Man’s Group – Casper, Wyoming; (4) Commencements: Burlington, Bairoil, and Kaycee |
1970 |
943 | May 26-29, 1970 – Commencements: Thermopolis and Sheridan, Wyoming, Colby, Kansas, and Powell-Cody Area, Wyoming |
1969-1970 |
943 | June 6, 1970 – Cincinnati Civic Forum – Civic Center – Cincinnati, Ohio |
1970 |
943 | June 7-9, 1970 – (1) Metropolitan State College and Civitan Youth Seminar – Denver, Colorado; (2) Boys’ State Program – American Legion – Douglas, Wyoming; (3) Wyoming Stockgrowers Association Convention – Sheridan, Wyoming |
1970 |
943 | June 14, 1970 – Commencement – Mount Union College – Alliance, Ohio |
1969-1970 |
943 | June 16, 1970 – National Association of Retire Civil Employees Annual Meeting – Sheraton Hotel – Buffalo, New York |
1970 |
943 | July 8, 1970 – (1) Wyoming Filing Date; (2) American Sheep Producers Council Meeting – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1970 |
944 | July 16, 1970 – Funeral – Premier Bjarni Benediktsson – Reykjavik, Iceland |
1970 |
944 | July 20, 1970 – National Postal Union Annual Convention – St. Paul, Minnesota |
1970 |
944 | August 6-18, 1970 – Wyoming Trip: (1) Primary; (2) American Federation of Government Employees – Denver, Colorado – 8/10/70; (3) National Star Route Letter Carriers – Denver; (4) Bridger Wilderness Hearings – Pinedale High School – Pinedale, Wyoming; (5) Wyant Family Reunion – Grand Island, Nebraska |
1970 |
944 | August 20, 1970 – National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees Convention – Triangle Hotel – Norfolk, Virginia |
1970 |
944 | September 9, 1970 – Air War College Class of 1971 – Maxwell Air Force Base |
1970 |
944 | November 20 & 22, 1970 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Fort Worth, Texas; (2) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois |
1970 |
944 | December 2-7, 1970 – (1) Federal Housing Administration National Council; (2) Wyoming Outfitters Association – Cody, Wyoming; (3) Federal Building Dedication – Casper, Wyoming |
1970 |
944 | December 13, 1970 – Israel Bonds – Temple Beth-El – Chicago, Illinois |
1970 |
944 | December 18, 1970 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Huntsville, Alabama |
1970 |
944 | March 12-13, 1971 – “Wars of National Liberation” – National Strategy Information Center – Airlie House – Warrenton, Virginia |
1971 |
944 | March 18, 1971 – Conference on the Indian Ocean Area – Center for Strategic and International Studies – Georgetown – Statler Hilton Hotel – D.C. |
1970-1971 |
944 | March 20-22, 1971 – Advanced Management Research International Symposium – Waldorf Hotel – New York City; (2) New England Zionist Leadership Conference – Boston, Massachusetts |
1970-1971 |
944 | April 6 & 7, 1971 – Chicago Council on Foreign Relations – Prudential Auditorium – Chicago, Illinois |
1970-1971 |
944 | April 9-18, 1971 – (1) Everglades National Park – Homestead, Florida; (2) Southern Council on International Public Affairs – Atlanta, Georgia; (3) Israel Bonds – Providence, Rhode Island |
1970-1971 |
944 | May 4-5, 1971 – (1) Pillars of American Freedom Conference – San Diego, California – 5/4/71; (2) Kent State Memoriam – Idaho State University – Pocatello, Idaho – 5/5/71 |
1971 |
944 | May 14, 1971 – Community Forum – Machinists International – Springfield, Illinois |
1971 |
944 | May 17 - June 1, 1971 – (1) Sheridan American Association of University Women – Sheridan College – Sheridan, Wyoming; (2) Commencements: Dayton, Wheatland, Deaver-Frannie, Douglas, Fort Washakie; (3) Anglo-American Conference on Africa – Jackson Hole, Wyoming; (4) LBJ Library Dedication – Austin, Texas |
1971 |
944 | May 28 - June 1, 1971 – Anglo-American Conference on Africa – McGee, Chairman/Host – Jackson Hole, Wyoming |
1970-1971 |
944 | June 10-13, 1971 – (1) “What’s My Line?” – New York City; (2) Anti-Defamation League – Temple Israel – Great Neck, New York |
1971 |
944 | June 16, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Temple Adath Israel – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Canceled |
1971 |
944 | June 22, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Jewish Community Center – Harrison, New York |
1971 |
944 | June 27, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Shaarei Tikvah Congregation – Chicago, Illinois |
1971 |
944 | July 24, 1971 – Alabama State Convention – American Federation of Government Employees – Birmingham, Alabama |
1971 |
944 | August 12 - September 2, 1971 – (1) Pacific Northwest re Clearcutting – Washington; (2) National Rural Letter Carriers Association – Portland, Oregon; (3) Wyoming (MG) |
1971 |
944 | September 10-12, 1971 – Edmund Muskie Roundtable Discussions – Kennebunkport, Maine |
1971 |
944 | September 24-25, 1971 – (1) Denver Audubon Society – Denver, Colorado; (2) Wyoming State AFL-CIO Convention – Casper, Wyoming |
1971 |
944 | October 4, 1971 – Generating Station Dedication – Hoosier Energy – Petersburg, Indiana |
1971 |
944 | October 14-17, 1971 – (1) Western Historical Association – Honoring Al Larson – Santa Fe, New Mexico; (2) Wyoming Treagle Weekend; (3) Israel Bonds – Richmond, Virginia |
1971 |
944 | October 29-31, 1971 – China Conference – National Strategy Information Center – Commodore Hotel – New York City |
1971 |
944 | November 4-8, 1971 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Executive Dinner – Mason City, Iowa; (2) Pheasants – Torrington, Wyoming |
1971 |
944 | November 12, 1971 – (1) Labor Conference on Civil Rights – Chicago Federation of Labor – Chicago – Illinois; (2) “The Limits of U.S. Intervention” Debate – McGee v. Rep. Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. (R-CA) – University of Illinois Extension in International Affairs – Chicago |
1971 |
944 | November 21, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Springfield, Massachusetts |
1971 |
944 | December 4 & 5, 1971 – (1) Israel Bonds – Brooklyn, New York; (2) Anti-Defamation League – Buffalo, New York |
1971 |
945 | December 7, 1971 – Rural Electric Association Annual Convention – Denver Hilton Hotel – Denver, Colorado |
1971 |
945 | December 8, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Medical Division Dinner – Detroit, Michigan |
1971 |
945 | December 11-12, 1971 – (1) Teno Roncalio Appreciation Dinner – Hitching Post – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) B’nai B’rith Sylvan Lang Dinner – San Antonio, Texas |
1971 |
945 | December 18, 1971 – Local No. 1214, United Steelworkers – South Chicago, Illinois |
1971 |
945 | December 19, 1971 – Israel Bonds – Portland, Maine |
1971 |
945 | December 23, 1971 - January 2, 1972 – McGee Family to St. John, Virgin Islands |
1971 |
945 | January 11-16, 1972 – (1) Hunting – Nebraska; (2) Wyoming Democratic Central Committee Meeting – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1971-1972 |
945 | January 22, 1972 – Anti-Defamation League Inaugural Appeal Dinner – Towers Hotel – West Palm Beach, Florida |
1972 |
945 | February 1, 1972 – GSA Properties Meeting (Loraine) – New York City |
1972 |
945 | February 3-13, 1972 – Wehrkunde Conference – Munich, Germany |
1970-1972 |
945 | February 13, 1972 – Israel Bonds – New York State Appeal – Scarsdale, New York |
1972 |
945 | February 18, 1972 – Land Improvement Contractors of America National Convention – Phoenix, Arizona |
1972 |
945 | February 27, 1972 – Israel Bonds – Congregation Beth-El – Camden, New Jersey |
1972 |
945 | February 27 - March 2, 1972 – (1) Mrs. Sr. Birthday – Omaha, Nebraska – Canceled; (2) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association – Las Vegas, Nevada; (3) National Farmers Union Convention – Houston, Texas |
1972 |
945 | April 14-18, 1972 - (1) Western Wyoming College Politics Program – Green River, Rock Springs, and Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association – Cheyenne, Wyoming; Rocky Mountain Collegiate Press – Fort Collins, Colorado – 4/15/72 |
1971-1972 |
945 | April 29, 1972 – Law Day – Wake Forest Law School – Winston-Salem, North Carolina |
1972 |
945 | April 30 - May 7, 1972 – Anglo-American Conference on Africa – Isle of Jersey |
1972 |
945 | May 11, 1972 – E.T. Klassen Birth Observance – “21” – New York City |
1972 |
945 | May 12-13, 1972 – Wyoming Democratic Convention – Cheyenne |
1972 |
945 | May 17-24, 1972 – (1) Commencements: Upton, Dubois, Buffalo; (2) Casper Committee on Foreign Relations – Casper, Wyoming; (3) Natrona County Women’s Democratic Club – Casper, Wyoming; (4) Wyoming Postal Workers Union Convention – Rawlins, Wyoming |
1971-1972 |
945 | June 3, 1972 – Virginia Commonwealth University Commencement – Richmond, Virginia |
1972 |
945 | June 25-29, 1972 – Wyoming Stock Growers Association 100th Anniversary – McGee Intro for Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz – Cheyenne, Wyoming (Ranch – Dubois) |
1972 |
945 | July 9-13, 1972 – Democratic National Convention – Miami Beach, Florida |
1972 |
945 | August 5, 1972 – World Affairs Conference – Greater Cincinnati Council on World Affairs – Cincinnati, Ohio |
1972 |
945 | August 9 - September 6, 1972 – (1) National Association of Postal Supervisors – Phoenix, Arizona; (2) National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association – Kansas City, Missouri; (3) Wyant Family Reunion – Grand Island, Nebraska; (4) American Postal Workers Union – New Orleans, Louisiana; (5) American Federation of Government Employees – Hollywood Beach, Florida; (6) Lazy G |
1972 |
945 | September 15, 1972 – National Federation of Federal Employees – Flagship-Rochester Hotel – Rochester, New York |
1972 |
945 | September 23, 1972 – (1) Silver Anniversary National Convention – Retreads, Inc. – Colorado Springs, Colorado; (2) Briefing – Offut Air Force Base – Omaha, Nebraska |
1972 |
945 | October 5, 1972 – National League of Postmasters Convention – Buffalo, New York |
1972 |
945 | October 13, 1972 – Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) Testimonial – Parkersburg, West Virginia |
1972 |
945 | October 21 - November 7, 1972 – Wyoming Rallies: (1) Rock Springs – 10/26/72; (2) Riverton – 10/31/72; (3) Casper – 11/2/72; (4) Rawlins – 11/3/72; (5) Torrington – 11/5/72 – Duration: 10/21/72-11/7/72 |
1972 |
945 | November 13, 1972 – Environmental Workshop/Seminar – Equity Research Associates – Delmonico Hotel – New York City |
1972 |
945 | November 17 & 19, 1972 – (1) American-European Relations Conference – American Bar Association – Valley Forge, Pennsylvania – 11/17/72; (2) Anti-Defamation League 59th Anniversary Dinner – Waldorf-Astoria Hotel – New York City – 11/19/72 |
1972 |
945 | December 9, 1972 – Anti-Defamation League Awards Dinner – Atlanta, Georgia |
1972 |
945 | December 15, 1972 – Institute of Strategic Study – University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1972 |
945 | December 22-31, 1972 – McGee Family – Virgin Islands, St. John |
1972 |
945 | January 29, 1973 – Girl Scouts Property Meeting – New York City |
1973 |
945 | February 1-2, 1973 – (1) UNA University/USA Biennial Convention – Hotel Roosevelt – New York City; (2) National Association of Secretaries of State – Sonesta Hotel – New Orleans, Louisiana |
1972-1973 |
945 | February 11-14, 1973 – (1) United Nations Appreciation Dinner – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Manchester College Public Speaker Series – North Manchester, Indiana; (3) Anti-Defamation League Honor Luncheon – New York City |
1973 |
945 | February 16-19, 1973 – (1) North Dakota Rural Electric Co-Ops State Meeting – Bismarck, North Dakota; (2) AFL-CIO Convention – Miami, Florida |
1973 |
945 | March 10, 1973 – St. Louis County Rural Electric – Webster Grove, Missouri |
1973 |
945 | March 28, 1973 – Anti-Defamation League – Palmer House – Chicago, Illinois |
1973 |
945 | April 4-8, 1973 – Foreign Relations Committee – US-Canadian Inter-Parliamentary Group – D.C. and White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia |
1972-1973 |
945 | April 19-27, 1973 – (1) Inspection/Combustion Power – Menlo Park, California; (2) Bulk Mail Plant – Oakland, California; (3) Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs, Colorado; (4) Wyoming Retail Merchants Association – Cheyenne; (4) Lazy G |
1973 |
946 | May 3, 1973 – Western Carolina University Symposium on Africa – Cullowhee, North Carolina |
1972-1973 |
946 | May 5 & 6, 1973 – (1) Maxwell Air Force Base Commencement – Montgomery, Alabama; (2) Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Award – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1973 |
946 | May 7, 1973 – Israel Bonds – Detroit, Michigan |
1973 |
946 | May 12, 1973 – American Federation of Government Employees Annual Civil Service Banquet – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1973 |
946 | May 17-30, 1973 – (1) Commencements: Ten Sleep, Central Wyoming College – Riverton, Midwest, Moorcroft, Jackson; (2) Lazy G; (3) Ivinson Hospital Dedication – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Girls State Luncheon – American Legion – Laramie, Wyoming; (5) Association of Postal Supervisors – Denver, Colorado |
1973 |
946 | June 15-17, 1973 – (1) Anglo-American Parliamentary Conference on Africa – Sugar Loaf, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; (2) Fort Kearney 125th Anniversary Celebration – Minden, Nebraska; (3) Nebraska Rural Letter Carriers Association Banquet – Norfolk, Nebraska |
1973 |
946 | June 24, 1973 – Israel Bonds Labor Dinner – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
1973 |
946 | June 30 - July 16, 1973 – Official White House Delegation Visit to the People’s Republic of China |
1972-1973 |
946 | August 4 - September 4, 1973 – August Recess: (1) Lazy G; (2) LBJ Stamp Ceremony – Austin, Texas – 8/27/73 |
1973 |
946 | September 10, 1973 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Columbus Executives Club – Columbus, Georgia |
1973 |
946 | September 13, 1973 – Pennsylvania Conference on Land Policy – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania |
1973 |
946 | September 20, 1973 – Maryland Classified Employees Association – Ocean City, Maryland |
1973 |
946 | October 4-7, 1973 – (1) United Nations Permanent Representatives Dinner – Metropolitan Museum of Art – New York City; (2) Nigerian President/Gown Dinner – Waldorf Astoria Hotel – New York City |
1973 |
946 | October 12-22, 1973 – (1) Lazy G; (2) Agricultural Publishers Association Annual Convention – Denver, Colorado; (3) Airline Employees District # 141 – Machinists and Aerospace Workers – Convention – Denver, Colorado; (4) Colorado Diabetes Association – Denver, Colorado; (5) University of Wyoming v. Colorado State University – Laramie, Wyoming; (6) United Nations Day – Dallas, Texas |
1973 |
946 | October 24, 1973 – United Nations Day – Scranton, Pennsylvania |
1973 |
946 | October 27, 1973 – Israel Bonds – Strelitz Dinner – Norfolk, Virginia |
1973 |
946 | October 30 - November 6, 1973 – (1) Desk & Derrick Club of Casper – Casper, Wyoming; (2) Casper College – Casper, Wyoming; (3) University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Pheasants; (5) Torrington Chamber of Commerce – Torrington, Wyoming |
1973 |
946 | November 12, 1973 – National Association of States Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Annual Meeting – Denver, Colorado |
1973 |
946 | November 14, 1973 – New England Diabetes Association Colonnade – Boston, Massachusetts |
1973 |
946 | November 20, 1973 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Cleveland Country Club – Greensville, Mississippi |
1973 |
946 | November 28 - December 4, 1973 – (1) Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois; (2) “Morality in Foreign Policy” Series – University of Tulsa – Tulsa, Oklahoma; (3) Founders for Diabetic Research – Los Angeles, California; (4) Rocky Mountain Farmers Union – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (5) “The Value of Forensics” – University of Northern Michigan – Marquette, Michigan |
1973 |
946 | December 9, 1973 – Israel Bonds – Congregation Adath Israel – Trenton, New Jersey |
1973 |
946 | January 7-20, 1974 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Minot, North Dakota; (2) Wyoming – Cody Through Cheyenne; (3) Lexington, Nebraska; (4) Rocky Mountain Farmers Union – Rapid City, South Dakota |
1973-1974 |
946 | January 20, 1974 – Israel Bonds – Congregation Adath Jerusalem – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1973-1974 |
946 | February 7-11, 1974 – (1) United Nations Seminar – La Coquelle Club – Palm Beach, Florida; (2) Panama with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger re Signing Ceremony |
1974 |
946 | February 12-18, 1974 – (1) Evanston, Wyoming; (2) Kemmerer, Wyoming; (3) Rock Springs, Wyoming; (4) Dinner Honoring Senator Alan Bible (D-NV) – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1974 |
946 | February 21-24, 1974 – Organization of American States Foreign Ministers Conference with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger – Mexico City, Mexico |
1973-1974 |
946 | March 20, 1974 – (1) National Council for United States-China Trade – San Francisco, California; (2) Greater San Francisco Chamber of Commerce – San Francisco, California |
1973-1974 |
946 | March 28, 1974 – Western Dairy Conference – Broadmoor Hotel – Colorado Springs, Colorado |
1973-1974 |
946 | April 2-17, 1974 – (1) Harry S. Truman Lecture Series – Missouri Conference on History – Central State Missouri University – Warrensburg, Missouri; (2) Lazy G – Easter Pre-Recess; (3) Nebraska Funeral Directors Association Annual Convention – Lincoln, Nebraska |
1973-1974 |
946 | April 17-20, 1974 – Organization of American States Foreign Ministers Conference – D.C. and Atlanta, Georgia |
1974 |
946 | May 3-5, 1974 – (1) Kentucky Derby – Louisville, Kentucky; (2) American Society for Technion – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1974 |
946 | May 8, 1974 – Israel Bonds – Packaging and Container Division – Chicago, Illinois |
1974 |
947 | May 10-12, 1974 – Wyoming Democratic Convention – Laramie |
1974 |
947 | May 16-27, 1974 – (1) Commencements: Hulett and Sundance, Wyoming; (2) Dubois Pony Express Banquet – Dubois, Wyoming |
1974 |
947 | June 4-14, 1974 – (1) Anglo-American Conference on Africa – Torquay, England; (2) Commencement – Pierce College – Athens, Greece; (3) McGee Wing – Beth Jacob Teachers Training Institute – Jerusalem, Israel |
1973-1974 |
947 | June 15, 1974 – Dr. Charles H. Best Award – American Diabetes Association – Atlanta, Georgia |
1974 |
947 | June 29 - July 9, 1974 – Fourth of July Recess: (1) Lazy G – 6/30/74-7/9/74; (2) Zionist Organization of America – New York City – 6/29/74 |
1974 |
947 | August 10 - September 10, 1974 – (1) Wyant Family Reunion – Vail, Colorado; (2) Lazy G; (3) Wyoming Medical Society – Jackson Lake Lodge – Moran, Wyoming; (4) American Federation of Government Employees – Boston, Massachusetts; (5) National Association of Postmasters of the US – Seattle, Washington; (6) National Federation of Federal Employees – Miami, Florida |
1974 |
947 | September 20-21, 1974 – Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Seminar – University of Wyoming/University of Texas – Austin, Texas |
1974 |
947 | September 27-30, 1974 – (1) Wyoming Optometric Association – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming State AFL-CIO Convention – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (3) Israel Bonds – Temple on the Heights – Cleveland, Ohio |
1974 |
947 | October 11 - November 5, 1974 – (1) Lazy G; (2) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Fort Wayne, Indiana; (3) Magazine Publishers Association – West Palm Beach, Florida; (4) National Council Social Security Management Associations – San Francisco, California; (5) Wyoming Democratic Rallies |
1974 |
947 | November 13-16, 1974 – United Nations Congressional Seminar – United Nations – Biltmore Hotel – New York City |
1974 |
947 | November 19, 1974 – (1) Gold Medal Awards Luncheon – Air Line Pilots Association – Crown Center – Kansas City, Missouri |
1974 |
947 | December 5-8, 1974 – (1) Democratic Mini-Convention – Kansas City, Missouri; (2) Western Suburbs Israel Bonds – Chicago, Illinois |
1974 |
947 | January 3, 1975 – (1) Edgar J. Herschler Inaugural (Governor) – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Omaha, Nebraska; (3) Norfolk, Nebraska; (4) San Diego, California |
1974-1975 |
947 | February 2-4, 1975 – (1) Democratic Women’s Club Luncheon – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Laramie High School Civics Seminar – Laramie, Wyoming – Canceled; (3) League of Women Voters – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Wyoming Association of Broadcasters – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Soil Conservation Award – National Association of Conservation Districts – Denver, Colorado |
1974-1975 |
947 | March 15, 1975 – Tri-State Machinists Conference – Marriott Inn – Cincinnati, Ohio |
1975 |
947 | March 22 - April 6, 1975 – Little America/California - (1) United States Postal Service Supervisors – San Francisco; (2) Prom, Banquet, and Dance – Rock River High School – Medicine Bow and Laramie, Wyoming |
1975 |
947 | April 10-13, 1975 – United Nations Congressional Seminar on American Foreign Policy – Hilton Head, South Carolina |
1974-1975 |
947 | April 24-26, 1975 – United States-Canadian Interparliamentary Group – Quebec City, Canada |
1975 |
947 | May 3, 1975 – American Federation of Government Employees – Annual Local Banquet – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1975 |
947 | May 16 - June 7, 1975 – (1) Wyoming Commencements; (2) National Council of United States Magistrates Conference – Colorado Springs, Colorado; (3) University of Texas at Dallas Commencement – Dallas, Texas; (4) Pacific International Livestock Exposition – Portland, Oregon; (5) Norfolk’s Chautauqua – Norfolk, Nebraska |
1975 |
947 | June 24 - July 7, 1975 – (1) United Transportation Union – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Latin American Advisory Committee – Westinghouse Electric Corporation – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; (3) Dubois Bicentennial Celebration – Dubois, Wyoming (4) Hearings re Casper Post Office – Casper, Wyoming – 6/25/75 |
947 | July 31 - September 4, 1975 – Wyoming August Recess (Including Filming et al): (1) American Agriculture Economics Association – Columbus, Ohio; (2) Hadassah Annual National Convention – San Francisco, California |
1975 |
947 | September 1-12, 1975 – Congressional Advisory Group for the 7th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly – McGee as Chairman of the Delegation |
1975 |
947 | September 12-13, 1975 – (1) Treagle Train – Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming State AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention – Casper, Wyoming |
1975 |
947 | September 18-20, 1975 – Governor’s Team – One-Shot Antelope Hunt – Lander, Wyoming |
1975 |
947 | September 26 & 27, 1975 – (1) Wyoming High School Press Association – Riverton, Wyoming; (2) University of Wyoming Homecoming – Laramie, Wyoming – Canceled (David Surgery) |
1975 |
947 | September 29-30, 1975 – (1) National Association of Postmasters of the US Convention – Miami, Florida; (2) 30th GA/HK Functions – Canceled |
1975 |
947 | October 3-4, 1975 – Keynote Address – Seminar “Where Have All the Heroes Gone?” – Chatham College – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
1975 |
947 | October 6, 1975 – Tom Lantos – Gary Ratner Reception – Chicago, Illinois |
1975 |
947 | October 9-26, 1975 – (1) American Die-Casting Institute – Chicago, Illinois; (2) Dubois; (3) Reception with Business Leaders – Robert R. Herring – Houston, Texas; (4) McGee Appreciation Dinner – Cheyenne; (5) University of Wyoming; (5) Democratic Dates (Rawlins, Casper, Cheyenne) |
1975 |
948 | October 30 - November 4, 1975 – (1) Air Force Academy – Board of Visitors – Colorado Springs, Colorado; (2) Pheasants – Torrington, Wyoming |
1975 |
948 | November 13-18, 1975 – (1) United Nations Congressional Seminar – New York City; (2) Lantos Reception/Dinner – New York City; (3) Dinner with Ronald D. Saypol – New York City; (3) Luncheon re Winchester Conveyance to the Buffalo Bill Museum – “21” – New York City |
1975 |
948 | November 22-25, 1975 – (1) Wyoming Woolgrowers Association – Casper; (2) T.A. Larson Retirement Dinner – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) “Book Burning”/1947 Textbook Inquisition Panel – University of Wyoming – Laramie, Wyoming |
1975 |
948 | November 29 - December 3, 1975 – (1) Lantos Receptions – San Francisco and Los Angeles, California; (20 American Jewish Committee – Beverly Hilton Hotel – Beverly Hills, California; (3) National Jewish Fund – New York City – 12/3/75 |
1975 |
948 | December 13-15, 1975 – (1) Democratic Central Committee – Cheyenne; (2) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Laguna Hills, California – Canceled – Senate Session and Airline Strike |
1975 |
948 | January 15-25, 1976 – (1) Santa Barbara; (2) Sheridan – Including Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions; (3) Sheridan Visitor Center – Sheridan, Wyoming; (4) American Federation of Government Employees – Sheridan, Wyoming; (5) National Jewish Fund – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; (6) Davis Reception |
1975-1976 |
948 | January 29 - February 1, 1976 – 17th Canadian-US Interparliamentary Conference – Key Biscayne, Florida |
1975-1976 |
948 | February 4, 1976 – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to the University of Wyoming – Laramie |
1976 |
948 | February 9, 1976 – Dean Harold M. Williams (UCLA) Breakfast and John Stevens Luncheon – Los Angeles, California |
1976 |
948 | February 28 - March 5, 1976 – (1) Mrs. Sr. Birthday Celebration – Norfolk, Nebraska; (2) Bighorn Basin – Wyoming; (3) Winter Technical Meeting – Soil Conservation Society of America – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (4) Wheatland, Wyoming |
1975-1976 |
948 | March 23-27, 1976 – (1) “29” Club – New York City; (2) Jackson, Pinedale, Kemmerer, Green River, and Rock Springs, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | March 30, 1976 – Direct Marketing Day ’76 – New York Hilton – New York City |
1976 |
948 | April 1, 1976 – Committee on Political Education Area Meeting – Hilton Hotel – Denver, Colorado |
1976 |
948 | April 7, 1976 – United Jewish Appeal – Temple Beth Sholom of Roslyn – Roslyn, New York |
1976 |
948 | April 11-14, 1976 – (1) Governor’s Youth Conference – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Service Clubs: Cheyenne, Gillette, Newcastle, Torrington, and Lusk, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | April 20-26, 1976 – (1) Lor Birth; (2) Maxwell Rabb Reception – New York City; (3) Rawlins High School Addition/Natatorium Dedication; (4) Partners; (5) Israel Bonds – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; (6) Dr. Maurice Sage Reception – New York City; (7) Clayton Junior College – Morrow, Georgia |
1975-1976 |
948 | April 29 - May 2, 1976 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Jacksonville, Florida; (2) Senator Frank E. Moss (D-UT) Appreciation – Salt Lake City, Utah; (3) Israel Bonds – Detroit, Michigan |
1976 |
948 | May 7-9, 1976 – (1) Laramie Chamber of Commerce Luncheon – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Democratic State Convention – Rock Springs, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | May 12, 1976 – (1) Irving Harris Luncheon – Chicago, Illinois; (2) Israel Bonds/Brandeis Corporation – Omaha, Nebraska |
1976 |
948 | May 14 - June 6, 1976 – (1) Conference – Kent State University – Kent, Ohio; (2) Wyoming Commencements; (3) Israel Bonds – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (4) American Federation of Government Employees Banquet – Denver, Colorado; (5) Lazy G |
1975-1976 |
948 | May 27 - June 6, 1976 – (1) Lazy G – Dubois, Wyoming; (2) Wyoming Lions Clubs State Convention – Laramie, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | June 10-13, 1976 – (1) National Association of Postmasters – Sheridan, Wyoming – Phone Call; (2) Veterans of Foreign Wars – Cody, Wyoming; (3) Fraternal Order of Eagles – Laramie, Wyoming; (4) Yeshiva Gedolah-Zichron Moshe High School – South Fallsburg, New York |
1976 |
948 | June 23-24, 1976 – Canadian-US Interparliamentary Bicentennial – Book Presentation – D.C. |
1976 |
948 | July 3-17, 1976 – (1) Moorcroft Bicentennial Celebration Picnic – Moorcroft, Wyoming; (2) Winchester Gun Museum Collection Dedication – Buffalo Bill Museum – Cody, Wyoming; (3) Harold and Verda Saupe to Lazy G; (4) Douglas, Wyoming; (5) Mills Post Office – Casper, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | July 30 - August 1, 1976 – (1) McGee Reelection Announcement Luncheon – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Wheatland Post Office Dedication – Wheatland, Wyoming |
1976 |
948 | August 7, 1976 – United Transportation Union Region 2 Seminar/Meeting – Baltimore Hilton – Baltimore, Maryland |
1976 |
948 | August 10-23, 1976 – (1) National Association of Rural Letter Carriers – Birmingham, Alabama; (2) National Association of Letter Carriers – Houston, Texas; (3) National Association of Postal Supervisors – St. Louis, Missouri – Canceled re H.R. 8603 (Lazy G) |
1976 |
948 | August 31 - September 11, 1976 – (1) National Association of Postmasters of the US Annual Convention – Minneapolis, Minnesota; (2) Lazy G; (3) Treagle Train/University of Wyoming Football Game – Laramie |
1976 |
948 | December 3-12, 1976 - Santa Barbara (Holdings’) and Norfolk via Omaha |
1976 |
948 | December 14, 1976 – American Society for Technion Annual Dinner – Eden Roc Hotel – Miami Beach, Florida |
1976 |
948 | February 11-13, 1977 – New York |
1977 |
948 | March 1, 1977 – Legal/Regulatory Environment Session – Harvard University – Boston, Massachusetts |
1976-1977 |
948 | March 5-8, 1977 – Lazy G |
1977 |
948 | March 23, 1977 – Council of the Americas and Council on Foreign Relations – New York City |
1977 |
948 | April 7-12, 1977 – Wyoming Trip: Lazy G and Cheyenne |
1977 |
948 | April 30, 1977 – Alpha Mu Gamma – Casper College – Casper, Wyoming |
1976-1977 |
948 | May 13-31, 1977 – (1) Wyoming Commencements: Jeffrey City, Casper College, Kemmerer, and St. Stephens (Award); (2) Lazy G |
1977 |
948 | June 4, 1977 – Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies – Monterey, California |
1977 |
948 | June 14-24, 1977 – VII/Organization of American States General Assembly – Grenada |
1977 |
948 | June 30 - July 9, 1977 – Lazy G |
1977 |
948 | July 29 - September 11, 1977 – Lazy G |
1977 |
948 | September 17-25, 1977 – Lazy G |
1977 |
948 | October 5, 1977 – Secretary of State Cyrus Vance Reception – United Nations General Assembly – New York City |
1977 |
949 | October 7-10, 1977 – (1) Norfolk, Nebraska; (2) Foreign Policy Association – Wingspread – Racine, Wisconsin |
1977 |
949 | October 21-25, 1977 – (1) Citibank Luncheon – New York City; (2) Little Forum – Bronxville, New York; (3) Robert E. White Hearing – D.C.; (4) US-Caribbean Conference – Overland Park, Kansas |
1977 |
949 | October 29 - November 7, 1977 – Lazy G and Torrington, Wyoming (Pheasants) |
1977 |
949 | November 10-11, 1977 – (1) Propeller Club – New York City; (2) West Suburban Executive Club – Chicago, Illinois; (3) Editors – Chicago, Illinois; (4) Chicago City Club – Chicago, Illinois |
1977 |
949 | November 15, 1977 – Conference on Congress and the Presidency – Lyndon Baines Johnson Library Austin, Texas – Canceled |
1977 |
949 | November 19, 1977 – Panama Canal Treaties Symposium – Western New England College – Springfield, Massachusetts |
1977 |
949 | December 1-7, 1977 – (1) Lazy G; (2) WBIR-TV – Knoxville; (3) Adult Education Council – Chattanooga, Tennessee |
1977 |
949 | January 14, 1978 – Government Access Forum on Panama Canal Treaties – Town Meeting Debate with General Dan Graham – Springfield, Massachusetts |
1977-1978 |
949 | January 16-18, 1978 – Panama Canal Town Meeting – University of Arkansas at Little Rock – Little Rock, Arkansas; (2) Debate with Senator Strom Thurmond – The Citadel – Charleston, South Carolina |
1977-1978 |
949 | February 6-13, 1978 – (1) Denver Bar Association – Cosmopolitan Hotel – Denver, Colorado; (2) Wyoming re Panama – Laramie, Cheyenne, and Casper; (3) Omaha Executive Club – Omaha, Nebraska; (4) Mid-America Committee – Chicago, Illinois |
1978 |
949 | March 1-6, 1978 – (1) Colorado State University – Fort Collins, Colorado; (2) Santa Barbara Rotary and Yacht Club – Santa Barbara, California (Reno/Salt Lake City Canceled This Time) |
1978 |
949 | March 8, 1978 – Inaugural Ceremonies – Trade Fair of the Americas with Mrs. Rosalynn Carter – Miami, Florida |
1978 |
949 | March 20, 1978 – Rocky Mountain College – Billings, Montana |
1978 |
949 | March 22-26, 1978 – (1) Brigham Young University – Provo, Utah; (2) Salt Lake City, Utah; (3) Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1978 |
949 | March 28, 1978 – Sam Rayburn Public Affairs Symposium – East State Texas University – Commerce, Texas |
1977-1979 |
949 | April 14-15, 1978 – Quad-Cities World Affairs Conference – University of Illinois – Moline, Illinois |
1977-1978 |
949 | April 26 - May 6, 1978 - (1) Mankato State University – Mankato, Minnesota; (2) Lazy G; (3) Nucleus Club – Tucson, Arizona; (3) Air Force Academy Education Conference – Colorado |
1978 |
949 | May 11, 1978 – World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
1978 |
949 | May 19-30, 1978 – Lazy G (Including Paul McGough Visit) |
1978 |
949 | July 1-10, 1978 – Lazy G (David 1st Trip) |
1978 |
949 | July 28 - August 13, 1978 – (1) Lazy G – Dubois, Wyoming; (2) Wyant Family Reunion – Norfolk, Nebraska |
1978 |
949 | August 19 - September 4, 1978 – Lazy G (Including R. Bartlett Visit) |
1978 |
949 | October 2, 1978 – Secretary of State Cyrus Vance Luncheon – Latin/Caribbean Foreign Ministers – United States Mission to the United Nations |
1978 |
949 | October 4-14, 1978 – (1) Lazy G (with Harold and Velda Saupe); (2) Colorado Bar Association Convention – Colorado Springs, Colorado |
1978 |
949 | October 20-23, 1978 – United Nations Association of the USA/Organization of American States Appearances: Tampa Bay Area, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota, Florida (Including Klassen Visit) |
1978 |
949 | November 1-6, 1978 – (1) United Nations Association of the United States of America – Tulsa and Oklahoma City Chapters – 11/1-2/78; (2) Pheasants – Torrington, Wyoming – 11/1-6/78 |
1978 |
949 | November 28 - December 6, 1978 – (1) Manhattan State University – Manhattan, Kansas; (2) Lazy G (Riverton, Wyoming/Pheasants) |
1978 |
949 | January 15, 1979 – Center for Inter-American Relations – New York City |
1978-1979 |
949 | February 4-6, 1979 – Conference on US-Mexican Relations – American Enterprise Institute – Houston, Texas (February 5) |
1978-1979 |
949 | March 7-14, 1979 – Arizona State University (Tempe, Arizona) and Mesa College (Mesa, Arizona) per FMC (including Dean McGees) |
1977-1979 |
1025 | March 30 - April 2, 1979 – (1) Princeton University Seminar (per Buss) – Princeton, New Jersey – 3/30/79; (2) New York – 4/1-2/79 |
1979 |
949 | April 16-19, 1979 – Russin Statue Dedication/Pan American Week and Countries’ Orientation – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and Port au Prince, Haiti |
1978-1979 |
1025 | April 22-25, 1979 – Former Members of Congress Lectures: (1) Assumption College – Worchester, Massachusetts; (2) Iberian-Pan-American Art Exhibit and Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut |
1978-1979 |
1025 | May 18-20, 1979 – Commencement – Northeast Technical Community College – Norfolk, Nebraska |
1978-1979, undated |
1025 | June 26 - July 9, 1979 – (1) SALT II – Cheyenne, Wyoming; (2) Lazy G (David) |
1979 |
1025 | August 2 - September 6, 1979 – (1) Lazy G; (2) University of Wyoming |
1979 |
1025 | October 3, 1979 – Secretary Vance Reception for Latin/Caribbean Foreign Ministers to the United Nations General Assembly – U.S. Mission to the United Nations |
1979 |
1025 | October 7-12, 1979 – (1) Lazy G – 10/7-11/79; (2) Health Care Professionals Course – Diabetes – Denver, Colorado |
1979-1980, undated |
1025 | October 22-31, 1979 – Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States – La Paz, Bolivia |
1978-1979 |
1025 | November 15-20, 1979 – (1) Investiture – President of Northern Arizona University – Flagstaff, Arizona (2) World Affairs Class – University of Kansas – Lawrence, Kansas |
1979-1980 |
1025 | December 6, 1979 – Former Members of Congress (for Moss) – Denison University – Granville, Ohio |
1979 |
1025 | January 5-15, 1980 – (1) Santa Barbara (Holding) – Santa Barbara, California; (2) SCOPE/Stanford Committee on Political Education – Stanford, California |
1979-1980 |
1025 | January 31 - February 1, 1980 – Foreign Policy Seminar – Innovative Management of the Naval Air Systems Command – Hunt Valley Inn – Cockeysville, Maryland |
1980 |
1025 | February 26 - March 3, 1980 – (1) Former Members of Congress – Randolph-Macon College – Ashland, Virginia; (2) Alabama State University – Montgomery, Alabama; (3) World of Concrete – Las Vegas, Nevada |
1978-1980 |
1025 | March 18-19, 1980 – Virginia Military Institute and George Marshall Foundation – Former Members of Congress – Lexington, Virginia |
1980 |
1025 | April 9-11, 1980 – Stanley Foundation Conference on U.S.-Mexico International Issues – Belmont Center – Elkridge, Maryland (near Baltimore) |
1980 |
1025 | April 28 - May 19, 1980 – (1) College of the Sequoias - Visalia, California; Lazy G; University of Wyoming Commencement, Laramie, Wyoming – 5/1-19/80; (2) University of Arkansas – 4/28/80-5/1/80 – Canceled |
1980 |
1025 | June 27 - July 7, 1980 – (1) Robert A. Taft Institute of Government Seminar – Laramie, Wyoming; (2) Cash Carroll Appreciation Dinner – Laramie, Wyoming; (3) Lazy G – David and Lori |
1980 |
1025 | August 1 - September 3, 1980 – (1) Lazy G (R. McGees – Alex Clark-No); (2) Wyant Reunion – Norfolk, Nebraska – 8/9-10/80 – Canceled |
1980 |
1025 | September 29, 1980 – Muskie Reception/Loraine Luncheon at U.S. Mission to the United Nations |
1980 |
1025 | September 30 - October 13, 1980 – (1) Bank of America Management “Capstone” Program – Norfolk/Monterey, California; (2) Lazy G |
1980 |
1025 | October 23, 1980 – Toledo Foreign Policy Association – Hillcrest Hotel (Shlaudeman) – Toledo, Ohio |
1980 |
1025 | December 5, 1980 – Orientation Visit – Foreign Policy Research Institute – University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1980 |
1025 | December 8, 1980 – Management Innovations/Naval Air System – Maryland Inn – Annapolis, Maryland |
1980 |
1025 | March 10-13, 1981 – Hope College – Holland, Michigan – Sponsored by Former Members of Congress |
1980-1981 |
1025 | April 5-8, 1981 – Former Members of Congress – St. Mary’s College – Notre Dame, Indiana |
1981, undated |
1025 | April 18-24, 1981 – Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements – OPANAL Meeting – Mexico City, Mexico |
1980-1981, undated |
1025 | May 18-19, 1981 – Former Members of Congress Annual Meeting (Functions in Department of State) |
1981 |
1025 | May 20 - June 7, 1981 – (1) Former Members of Congress Wingspread Seminar (Johnson Foundation – Near Milwaukee; (2) Lazy G |
1979-1981, undated |
1025 | June 27 - July 6, 1981 – (1) University of Wyoming “Milward Simpson Lecture” Series – 6/29; (2) Lazy G (David Visit) |
1979-1981, undated |
1025 | August 4, 1981 – International Platform Association (for Ben Franklin/Associated Clubs) |
1969, 1980-1981, undated |
1025 | August 5 - September 4, 1981 – Lazy G (Including Saupes – Steckel?) |
1981, undated |
1025 | September 8-27, 1981 – Former Members of Congress International Communication Agency Trip |
1980-1981, undated |
1025 | September 9-16, 1981 – Argentina and Brazil |
1981, undated |
1025 | October 16, 1981 – New York |
1981 |
1025 | October 23-25, 1981 – Carousel Ball – Children’s Diabetes Foundation – Denver, Colorado |
1981 |
1025 | November 6-11, 1981 – (1) University of Nebraska; (2) Pheasants (Dean); (3) Mrs. Sr. |
1981, undated |
1025 | November 12-13, 1981 – University of New Orleans (McGovern) |
1981 |
1025 | November 15-20, 1981 – Diplomat in Residence – University of South Carolina – Columbia, South Carolina |
1981, undated |
949 | April 13, 1982 – Honors Assembly – Phi Beta Kappa – Arizona State University – Flagstaff, Arizona |
1982 |
949 | April 26, 1982 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – “Responsibilities of World Power” – Indiana University of Pennsylvania – Indiana, Pennsylvania |
1982 |
949 | April 30, 1982 – “Today Show” – Canadian Broadcasting Company – Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 7:30 a.m. |
1982 |
950 | May 4-8, 1982 – (1) Alabama State University – Montgomery, Alabama; (2) Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama; (3) American Bar Association Dinner Honoring Dean Rusk – Athens, Georgia |
1982 |
950 | May 14 - June 1, 1982 – (1) Commencement – University of Texas at Tyler – 5/15/82; (2) Lazy G – 5/14/82-6/1/82 |
1982 |
950 | June 26 - July 10, 1982 – Lazy G (With David) |
1982 |
950 | July 31 - September 7, 1982 – (1) Lazy G – Including Strannigan 25th – 7/31/82-9/7/82; (2) Fagan Statewide Reception – Casper, Wyoming – 8/14/82; (3) A. Clark – 8/18/82 |
1982 |
950 | October 15-16, 1982 – University of Virginia School of Law Symposium re Falkland Islands – Charlottesville, Virginia |
1982 |
950 | October 18-21, 1982 – FMC – University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, Arkansas |
1980-1983 |
950 | November 10 & 11, 1982 – Gerald R. Ford Library Foreign Policy Conference – Ann Arbor, Michigan |
1982 |
950 | February 21, 1983 – Miller Center of Public Affairs – University of Virginia – Charlottesville, Virginia |
1982-1983 |
950 | June 25 - July 17, 1983 – (1) Lazy G (With David); (2) University of Denver Board of Advisors Meeting |
1983 |
950 | July 31 - September 6, 1983 – Lazy G (Mike Leons) |
1983 |
950 | October 1-10, 1983 – (1) FMC and Board Meeting – Wayne State College – Wayne, Nebraska; (2) Norfolk, Nebraska, Sheldon, Iowa, and David City, Nebraska |
1983 |
950 | November 13-22, 1983 – (1) FMC – University of Nevada – Las Vegas; (2) Naval Postgraduate School Board – Monterey, California; (3) Athearn Chair Lecture – University of Colorado, Boulder – Boulder, Colorado |
1983 |
950 | February 26-28, 1984 – (1) Former Members of Congress Program – Guilford College – Greensboro, North Carolina; (2) Reynolds Tobacco |
1983-1984 |
950 | March 2, 1984 – Public Affairs-50 – American University – D.C. |
1983-1984 |
950 | April 19-24, 1984 – University of Texas at Dallas (Including Kevin Visit with Alex Clark) – Richardson, Texas |
1984 |
950 | May 15, 1984 – Former Members of Congress Program – New York Area Public Affairs Professions Lunch (Hill and Knowlton, New York City) |
1984 |
950 | May 17-18, 1984 – Lazy G – David-Hospital |
1984 |
950 | June 25 - July 18, 1984 – Lazy G (With David) – Jerry Spence |
1984 |
950 | August 9 - September 5 or 6, 1984 – Lazy G (via Laramie) – Including D McGees (1 Week) |
1984 |
950 | September 20 - October 2, 1984 – (1) Lazy G (With Mosses); (2) Salt Lake City; (3) Wyoming Democrats – Cheyenne – 9/28/84; (4) Graduate School of International Studies – University of Denver – Denver, Colorado |
1984 |
950 | September 28, 1984 – Democratic Speech – Cheyenne Fundraiser (Hitching Post) |
1984 |
950 | October 8-15, 1984 – Former Members of Congress Program – University of Michigan-Flint – Flint, Michigan |
1984 |
950 | November 25-28, 1984 – Annual Meeting – Council of American Ambassadors (Thanksgiving) – New York City |
1984 |
950 | December 3-10, 1984 – Board of Advisors – Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, California) and Area (Frisco) – Bartletts? |
1984-1985 |
950 | April 1, 1985 – US Foreign Policy – University of Miami- Miami, Florida |
1983-1985 |
950 | April 27 - May 14, 1985 – Former Members of Congress Program – Sponsored (US Information Agency) re Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil |
1985 |
950 | May 16-29, 1985 – Lazy G (Final EAL/GUG Passport) |
1985 |
950 | June 29 - July 13, 1985 – Wyoming – Lazy G – David |
1985 |
950 | August 7 - September 3, 1985 – Lazy G |
1985 |
950 | November 4-26, 1985 – Indochinese Refugee Panel (Trip to Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, etc.) |
1985-1986 |
951 | November 4-26, 1985 – Indochinese Refugee Panel (Trip to Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, etc.) |
1985-1986 |
951 | December 5 & 6, 1985 – Naval Postgraduate School Annual Meeting – Monterey, California |
1985-1986 |
951 | February 12-19, 1986 – (1) Associated Clubs, Inc. – Bonneville Knife and Fork – Salt Lake City – 2/13/86; (2) Arizona |
1985-1986 |
951 | March 13-14, 1986 – Alliance for Progress Conference – Center for Advanced Studies of the Americas – D.C. |
1986 |
951 | March 31 - April 3, 1986 – Former Members of Congress – Washington College – Chestertown, Maryland |
1986 |
951 | April 23-29, 1986 – Associated Clubs, Inc. – Salt Lake City and Lake Powell with Moss-Vandervort – Utah |
1986 |
951 | May 17 - June 2, 1986 – Lazy G (Kevin-Birthday) and Pinedale High School Commencement – Wyoming |
1986 |
951 | June 4, 1986 – Refugee Resettlement in the Heartland of America – St. Louis, Missouri |
1986 |
951 | June 26 - July 10, 1986 – Lazy G (David) |
1986 |
951 | July 30 - September 6, 1986 – (1) Lazy G (Kirk/Scott) – 7/30-86/8/13/86; (2) Lori et al – 8/13/86-9/1/86; (3) Trip |
1986 |
951 | October 16-20, 1986 – (1) Wayne State College Board of Trustees and 50th Reunion – Wayne, Nebraska; (2) University of Denver Advisory Board – Denver, Colorado – Resigned 1987 |
1986 |
951 | March 5-8, 1987 – Tribute to Jack Rosenthal/University of Wyoming Chair (McGee et al) – Laramie, Wyoming |
1987 |
951 | March 6, 1987 – Jack and Elaine Rosenthal Dinner re McGee/Larson/Steckel Scholarship – Laramie, Wyoming |
1987 |
951 | March 27-28, 1987 – Former Members of Congress – Japanese Parliamentarians – Burns Center – Columbia, South Carolina |
1987 |
951 | May 13-30, 1987 – (1) Naval Postgraduate School Annual Meeting – Monterey, California; (2) Lazy G |
1987 |
951 | June 25 - July 11, 1987 – Lazy G (David) |
1987 |
951 | July 31 - September 11?, 1987 – Wyoming Trip (Including Ted/Phyllis Moss) |
1987 |
951 | September 29, 1987 – Presidential Lecture Series - 1987-1988 – Mercy College – Dobbs Ferry, New York |
1985-1987 |
951 | November 7-17 (18?), 1987 – Moss-McGee Cruise |
1987 |
951 | April 17-20, 1988 – (1) Midwest Conference on World Affairs – 4/17/20/88; (2) Kearney, Nebraska – 4/19 & 20/88 |
1988 |
951 | May 19 - June 1, 1988 – Wyoming Trip (Lazy G) |
1988-1989 |
951 | June 18 - July 9, 1988 – Lazy G – David Trip (MG Return/DC) |
1988 |
951 | August 3 - September 8, 1988 – Lazy G (Kirk/Scott Visit; Possibly Mosses – No) |
1988 |
951 | April 16 - May 11, 1989 – Moss-McGee Cruise – Caribbean (Another Folder at Home?) |
1989 |
951 | July 31 - August 30, 1989 – Lazy G (Kirk¿Scott arriving 8/19 to 30th) (Fagans 8/15) |
1989 |
951 | May 2-6, 1990 – 25-Year Celebration – Lyndon Baines Johnson Library – Austin, Texas – Canceled-Flu |
1989-1990 |
951 | May 17-22, 1990 – University of Wyoming Commencement and McGee Papers Meeting – Laramie, Wyoming |
1990 |
951 | June 22 - July 13, 1990 – Lazy G (David Trip) |
1990 |
951 | July 25 - August 30, 1990 – Wyoming – Lazy G (With Taboo) |
1990 |
951 | June 20 - July 12, 1991 – Lazy G with David |
1991 |
951 | Assorted |
Box | ||
951 | Africa |
1969, 1981 |
951 | Background Materials – Miscellaneous |
1960, undated |
951 | Bilderberg Meeting – Burgenstock, Switzerland – 1960 |
1959-1969, undated |
952 | China - McGee Trip |
1973-1974 |
952 | Commencement – McGee Notes |
1966-1974, undated |
952 | “Decision-Making in U.S. Foreign Policy,” United States Information Agency |
1987 |
952 | “Freedom Is Not Free,” |
1975-1979, undated |
952 | McGee Speeches – General – Drafts and Completed Forms – Miscellaneous Subjects |
1960-1967, undated |
952 | Miscellaneous Groups |
1961-1967, undated |
952 | Natural Resources – Water |
undated |
952 | Organization of American States – McGee Reference Info OAS |
1976-1980, undated |
952 | Organization of American States – McGee Speech Notes |
1974-1981, undated |
952 | Political Speeches |
1957-1972, undated |
952 | Possible Lectures/Latin America re Week at University of South Carolina – 11/16-20/81 |
1981, undated |
952 | Speaking – Completed (Local; No Folder) – 1984 |
1984 |
952 | Speaking – Completed Invites (Local; No Folder) – 1983 |
1983 |
952 | Speaking – Contacts/Possible - 1983 |
1983 |
952 | Speaking – Contacts or Possible – 1984 & 1985 |
1982-1987 |
952 | Speaking – Local (Or No Folder) – Completed – 1985 |
1985 |
952 | Speaking – McGee Outlines/Notes (Chron File as Used; File That Order) |
1979-1982, undated |
952 | Speaking – Pending/Possible – 1983-1984 |
1983-1984 |
952 | Speaking Commitments – Accepted – No Folders – 1990 |
1991 |
952 | Speaking Invites – Accepted and Possible (Including Press, TV, etc.) (No Speech Folders) – 1982 |
1982-1983 |
952 | Specific Interest Groups – Wyoming |
1961-1975, undated |
952 | Speech Folder Trip Statements – 1/29/73-2/7-11/74 |
1973-1974 |
953 | Speech Folder Trip Statements – 2/12-18/74-5/3/75 |
1974-1975 |
953 | Speech Folder Trip Statements – 5/16/75-6/7/75-12/13/75 |
1975 |
953 | Speech Material – Commencement Notes – Pre-Senate |
1945-1948, 1960-1969, undated |
953 | Speech Material – Irish |
undated |
953 | Speech Material – Maiden Speech |
1958-1961, undated |
953 | Speech Material – United Nations |
1957-1975, undated |
953 | Speech Material re National Purpose – “Whither America?” – Truth or Consequences |
1960-1973, undated |
953 | Speeches – Accepted/Completed – No Trip Folder – 1986-1987 |
1985-1987 |
953 | Speeches – Accepted; Completed (No Trip Folder) – 1987-1989 |
1985-1989 |
953 | Speeches – Possible Contact, Declined – 1986 |
1986-1987 |
953 | Speeches – Possible Contact; Declines – 1987-1989 |
1987-1989 |
953 | To File |
1976-1981, undated |
953 | TV and Reform – Chicago Convention |
1968-1969 |
Series IX. Campaign Files, 1943-1977Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
1958 Campaign |
Box | ||
Frank A. Barrett Barrett was the Republican incumbent against whom McGee ran in the 1958 election.
Box | ||
954 | Voting Record |
1943-1960, undated |
954 | Assorted Includes clippings and correspondence.
1957-1958 |
Correspondence |
Box | ||
Incoming |
Box | ||
954 | Congratulations - Election |
Box | ||
954 | Members of Congress |
1958 |
954 | Telegrams – Out-of-State |
1958 |
954 | Telegrams - Wyoming |
1958 |
954 | A-C |
1958 |
954 | D-G |
1958 |
954 | H-K |
1958 |
954 | L-N |
1958 |
954 | O-S |
1958 |
954 | T-Z |
1958 |
954 | Congratulations – Democratic Nomination |
1958 |
954 | Jack R. Gage Correspondence from Gage, who was governor of Wyoming from 1961 to 1963, to McGee.
1957-1958 |
954 | Pre-Election and Congratulations |
1958, undated |
960 | Telegrams |
1958 |
954 | Thanks to… |
1958 |
954 | To Be Answered by McGee |
1958 |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | ||
954 | Campaign Contributions from McGee |
1957 |
954 | Requests for McGee Materials |
1957-1958, undated |
954 | General – A-Mc |
1956-1957 |
954 | General – M-Z |
1955-1957 |
Invitations |
Box | ||
954 | Pre-Election – Out-of-State |
1958 |
954 | Pre-Election – Wyoming – Town - Individual |
1957-1958 |
954 | Post-Election |
1958 |
954 | Outgoing - Thanks |
1956-1958, undated |
Democrats |
Box | ||
954 | Senatorial Campaign Committee Includes a publication titled “A Necrology of United States Senators.”
1957-1961 |
954 | Wyoming |
1954-1958, undated |
954 | Wyoming – State Central Committee |
1957-1958 |
Job Applications |
Box | ||
Other |
Box | ||
954 | A-M |
1957-1958 |
954 | N-Z |
1958 |
Wyoming |
Box | ||
954 | A-M |
1958 |
954 | N-Z |
1958 |
McGee - Personal |
Box | ||
954 | Appointments, Requests from McGee |
1956-1958 |
954 | Incoming Correspondence – University of Wyoming |
1956-1958, undated |
954 | Economics/Political Includes clippings and a 1955 document regarding hearings of a congressional subcommittee on low-income families.
1955-1958, undated |
955 | Miscellaneous Press, Photos, etc. – Pre-1958 Includes clippings and program fliers from multiple Wyoming churches.
1956-1958, undated |
955 | Assorted Includes correspondence and notes.
1956-1958 |
Press and Media Activity |
Box | ||
955 | Announcement Includes speech notes, correspondence, and campaign materials from the Democratic National Committee.
1957-1958, undated |
955 | Campaign Clippings |
1957-1958 |
955 | Campaign Publicity |
1958, undated |
955 | Campaign Publicity – “McGee for One,” |
1958 |
960 | Clippings |
1952-1958 |
955 | Clippings – University of Wyoming and Pre-1958 |
1950-1958, undated |
955 | June 5 Press Release Also includes clippings regarding McGee’s candidacy.
1955-1958, undated |
955 | News Lists |
1956-1958, undated |
955 | Political Ads – 1958 |
1958-1959, undated |
955 | Press |
1957-1959, undated |
955 | Press Releases |
1957-1958, undated |
960 | Press Releases Includes a handwritten draft.
1958 |
955 | Radio and TV |
1957-1958, undated |
955 | Speeches – Mechanics Includes speech notes and press releases.
undated |
955 | Assorted Includes notes, correspondence, fliers, press releases, and a document titled “A Survey of the Present Political Climate in Wyoming,” from Elmo Roper and Associates.
1957-1958, undated |
General |
Box | ||
1026 | Campaign Contributions to McGee |
1957-1958, undated |
955 | “The Campaigner,” A newsletter published by the McGee for Senator Club.
1958-1961 |
955 | Hepburn T. Armstrong Armstrong ran in the 1958 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate.
1956-1958, undated |
955 | Christmas Card Lists Includes the following notation: “Not completed due to no cards. Names crossed out sent cards from other lists.” Also includes McGee Club purchase orders.
undated |
955 | Clubs and Organizations |
1958, undated |
955 | Election Reports – 1958 |
1958, undated |
955 | Election Returns – 1958 |
1958 |
955 | “Gale McGee – Youth- Ability-Leadership” Campaign Cards |
1958 |
955 | Information for Campaign |
1956-1958, undated |
1026 | Ledger Includes entries for “O’Callaghan for Congress” and “McGee for Senate – Foundation Pledges.”
undated |
955 | Mailing Lists |
1957-1958, undated |
955 | McGee Announcement for US Senate Run Includes correspondence, mailing lists, and a clipping.
1955-1958 |
960 | McGee Campaign Posters |
undated |
960 | “McGee for Me” Bumper Stickers |
undated |
956 | Notes for Campaign Speeches |
1958, undated |
956 | Joseph C. O’Mahoney, – To – From – About Includes correspondence.
1956-1958 |
1026 | Personal Campaign Contributions |
1958-1961, undated |
960 | Photographs |
undated |
960 | Programs – Casper Desk and Derrick Club Industry Appreciation Dinner/ Wyoming Press Annual Midwinter Convention For the former, McGee spoke on “Capitalism: America’s Secret Weapon”; for the latter, McGee spoke on “Russia’s Dilemma.”
1957 |
1026 | Reports and Receipts Expenditures |
1958, undated |
956 | Republicans Includes notes, correspondence, clippings, and publications.
1954-1960, undated |
956 | Rural Electric Cooperative Association |
1949-1958, undated |
956 | Schedules |
1957, undated |
956 | Social Dates – Appointments |
1958 |
956 | Keith Thomson – Voting Record |
1955-1960 |
956 | Vona Folder – Various Years Documents regarding constituency concerns and requests.
1952-1964, undated |
1026 | Wyoming Progress Committee |
1958-1964, undated |
956 | Assorted Includes clippings, speech notes, and incoming correspondence.
1958, undated |
956 | Assorted Clippings and Publications |
1955-1960 |
956 | Assorted Political Two documents: (1) “People Who Actively Helped Dudley”; and (2) “Hickey for Senator Committee.”
undated |
1964 Campaign |
Box | ||
Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Campaign Contributions |
Box | ||
956 | 1963-1964, undated |
956 | 1964-1966, undated |
956 | 1964-1968, undated |
McGee – Personal |
Box | ||
956 | Appreciation Dinner – Cheyenne – 7/13/63 |
1963, undated |
956 | Appreciation Dinner – Miles File – 88th Congress, 1st Session (1963) |
1963, undated |
956 | Shriver Round-Up – 7/21/63 - 88th Congress, 1st Session (1963) |
1963-1964, undated |
956 | Shriver Round-Up – Lists – 7/21/63 - 88th Congress, 1st Session (1963) |
1963-1964, undated |
General |
Box | ||
956 | Campaign Publicity |
1964, undated |
956 | Contributions – 1962 |
1962, undated |
957 | Council for a Livable World – Receipts |
1963-1964 |
957 | Finkelstein Dinner and/or Lou Stein – New York City – 6/29/64 |
1964, undated |
957 | Carl Freeman/Bob Nathan Lunch-Dinner – 9/22/64 |
1964 |
957 | Historians for McGee (Water Johnson) |
1964 |
957 | Eleanor Israel-Gerald Wagner/McGee Reception – Pell Home – 8/18/64 |
1964, undated |
957 | Old TV Script |
1963, undated |
957 | Presidential Inauguration |
1964-1965, undated |
1026 | Wyoming Fundraising Dinners – Sheridan, Lusk, Douglas, Evanston, Kemmerer, Jackson, Pinedale, Rock Springs, Rawlins, Laramie – 1/10-19/64 |
1963-1964, undated |
957 | Assorted Includes clippings, notes, correspondence, and lists of campaign contributors.
1963-1973, undated |
1970 Campaign |
Box | ||
Press and Media Activity |
Box | ||
957 | Anti-McGee Ad |
1970 |
957 | Clippings (McGee Handouts) |
1968-1970, undated |
957 | Clippings |
1970, undated |
957 | Clippings |
1970-1971 |
General |
Box | ||
1026 | Campaign Commitments – Afton, Kemmerer, Mountain View Area, Green River, Rock Springs – 9/29/70-10/3/70 |
1970, undated |
1026 | Campaign Commitments - Laramie, Jackson, Lander, Dubois, JCity, Casper, Guernsey, Snrs, Wheatland, Newcastle, Gillette, Buffalo, Sheridan – 9/13-27/70 |
1970, undated |
1026 | Campaign Commitments – Riverton, Sheridan, Cheyenne, Evanston, Rawlins, Laramie, Casper, Rock Springs, Lovell Area – 10/20/70-11/3/70 |
1969-1970, undated |
1026 | Campaign Commitments – Thermopolis, Shoshoni, Worland, Lovell, Greybull, Cody, Casper, Rawlins, Albin, Laramie – 10/6-20/70 |
1970, undated |
957 | Theodore Granik/James Ryan Reception – New York City – 5/5/70 |
1970 |
957 | “Help” – Jewish |
1967-1976, undated |
957 | Memos and Letters to the Editor |
1970, undated |
957 | Money (Possible Help) |
1970-1975, undated |
957 | Personal – Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
1970 |
957 | John Wold – Ads, Handouts, Clippings, General Wold was McGee’s Republican opponent in the 1970 Senate race.
1970, undated |
957 | Assorted Includes correspondence and clippings.
1968-1976, undated |
1976 Campaign |
Box | ||
Campaign Finance |
Box | ||
957 | Contributions |
1963-1976 |
957 | Contributions |
1976 |
957 | McGee for Senate Receipts – Miscellaneous – Other |
1976 |
957 | McGee for Senate Receipts – Miscellaneous – Other and Wyoming |
1976 |
958 | McGee for Senate Receipts – Miscellaneous – Other and Wyoming |
1976 |
958 | McGee for Senate Receipts – Miscellaneous – Wyoming |
1976 |
958 | St. Patrick’s Day Fundraising – Watergate – 3/27/75 and 3/17/76 |
1975-1976 |
Incoming Correspondence |
Box | ||
958 | Condolences on Election – Wyoming |
1976-1977 |
958 | 1976-1977 | |
Lists |
Box | ||
958 | Weddings, Anniversaries, and Congratulations |
1972-1973 |
958 | Weddings, Anniversaries, and Congratulations |
1974 |
958 | Weddings, Anniversaries, Congratulations, and “To Be Added to the Newsletter,” |
1975-1976 |
958 | Weddings, Anniversaries, Congratulations, and “To Be Added to the Newsletter,” |
1976 |
Receptions |
Box | ||
958 | Collis Chandler Reception – Denver Club Building – Denver, Colorado – 7/31/75 |
1975-1976 |
958 | Jack and Ruth Ellbogen Reception – Casper, Wyoming – 7/15/76 |
1976 |
958 | McGee Reception – R.R. Herring – Petroleum Club – Houston, Texas – 10/21/75 |
1975-1976 |
958 | Gary P. Ratner Reception (Per Tom Lantos Arrangements) – Chicago, Illinois – 10/6/75 |
1975-1976 |
958 | Receptions (Per Tom Lantos Arrangements) – New York City (Jerry Stern, Carl Glick, et al) – 11/17/75 |
1975-1976 |
958 | Receptions (per Tom Lantos Arrangements) – San Francisco and Los Angeles, California (John McAllister, Jacobs, Williams) – 11/29/75-12/1/75 |
1975-1976 |
General |
Box | ||
958 | Akiba Ehrenfeld (Max Stern, Jack Saltz) – No Function |
1976 |
958 | Irving Harris – Luncheon – Standard Club – Chicago, Illinois – 5/12/76 |
1976 |
958 | Joe Lipsey Efforts (per Frank N. Hoffman) – 10/6/75 |
1975-1976 |
958 | McGee Dinner – Cheyenne – Beginning Lists – 9/75 |
1975, undated |
958 | “The McGee Record – 1959-1976,” |
undated |
958 | Maxwell Rabb-Pete Kriendler (Eli Jacobs/John Roosevelt) at Harmonie Club and “21” – 4/21/76 |
1976 |
958 | “Record Votes of Senator Gale McGee – 93rd Congress, 1st Session – 94th Congress, 2nd Session – 1973-1976,” |
undated |
958 | St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon – 1975 |
1975 |
958 | St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon – 1976 |
1976 |
959 | Harold A. Williams Breakfast-John A. Stevens Luncheon – Los Angeles, California – 2/9/76, 1976 |
1975-1976 |
959 | Assorted Includes correspondence and notes.
1973-1976, undated |
959 | Assorted Includes correspondence, fundraising documents, a speech draft, clippings, and a publication from the U.S. Department of Defense titled “The Federal Voting Assistance Program.”
1975 |
959 | Assorted Includes correspondence, notes, and clippings.
1976, undated |
Series X. Assorted Senate Materials, 1949-1977Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
Internships |
Box | ||
960A | McGee Senate Internship – 1963 |
1963, undated |
960A | McGee Senate Internship – 1964 |
1964, undated |
960A | McGee Senate Internship Information – 1963 |
1963, undated |
960A | McGee Senate Internship Non-Winners – 1963 |
1963, undated |
960A | McGee Senate Internship Winners – 1963 |
1963, undated |
Press and Media Activity |
Box | ||
960A | Clippings |
1949, 1976, undated |
960A | Clippings – President John F. Kennedy in Wyoming |
1963 |
960A | Press Releases |
1969 |
960A | Press Releases |
1970 |
960A | Press Releases |
1971 |
960A | Press Releases |
1972 |
960A | Press Releases |
1973 |
960A | Press Releases |
1974 |
Scrapbooks |
Box | ||
962 | 1958 | |
1010 | 1958 Senate Race (no cover or binding) |
1958 |
963 | January-November 1959 |
1959 |
963 | January 1960-December 1961 |
1960-1961 |
964 | “United Nations Command – Eighth United States Army,” Photos from McGee’s December 1962 visit.
1962 |
1011 | February-June 1965 |
1965 |
1012 | January-November 1967 |
1967 |
965 | January-May 1969 |
1969 |
965 | May-December 1969 |
1969 |
966 | December 1969-February 1970 |
1969-1970 |
967 | January-April 1970 No cover.
1970 |
967 | April-December 1970 |
1970 |
968 | July-August 1970 |
1970 |
968 | August-September 1970 |
1970 |
969 | September-October 1970 |
1970 |
969 | October-November 1970 |
1970 |
966 | November 1970 |
1970 |
970 | January-June 1971 |
1971 |
970 | June-December 1971 |
1971 |
971 | January-December 1972 |
1972 |
972 | January-December 1973 |
1973 |
973 | January-December 1974 |
1974 |
1013 | January-June 1975 |
1975 |
1014 | June-December 1975 |
1975 |
1015 | January-March 1976 |
1976 |
1016 | April-July 1976 |
1976 |
1017 | August-September 1976 |
1976 |
1018 | August-October 1976 |
1976 |
1019 | October-November 1976 |
1976 |
1020 | October-November 1976 |
1976 |
964 | Photos No cover.
undated |
General |
Box | ||
960A | Invitations |
1964-1973 |
960A | Presidential Campaign – Democratic Primary |
1960 |
960A | “The Reporter” Magazine – David McGee – 3/9/67 |
1967-1968 |
960A | “Senator Gale McGee’s Environmental Watch,” |
1971-1972 |
960A | Stencil-Produced Output – 1975 |
1975 |
960A | Assorted Includes correspondence and clippings.
1958-1962, undated |
961 | Assorted Includes correspondence and clippings.
1958-1962, undated |
1021 | Assorted Photocopies of documents requested by Scott McGee from the LBJ Library and Museum--mostly correspondence between Gale McGee and LBJ. Also includes press releases and remarks by Vice-President LBJ at a testimonial dinner in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for McGee. The requests and photocopies were made in 2008; the date range of the original documents is 1958-1969.
1958-1969 |
961 | Assorted Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, certificates, copies of “Line from Loraine,” from McGee’s wife, and “Africa and the United Nations,” from B’nai B’rith Women.
1959-1977, undated |
961 | Assorted Includes receipts, guest lists, and payment forms for the Democratic National Committee’s 1961 dinner in celebration of President John F. Kennedy’s birthday dinner.
1961, undated |
961 | Assorted Includes photographs, receipts, and handwritten notes.
1963, undated |
Series XI. Personal and Professional FilesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | ||
Box | |||
Pre-Senate: |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | |||
974 | Book Reviews and Professional Papers |
1947-1950, undated | |
974 | Job Positions |
1947-1950, undated | |
974 | Political Also includes several publications: (1) “The 1954 Democratic Fact Book”; (2) “A Campaign Guide to Political Publicity”; (3) “1949 Wyoming Official Directory and 1948 Election Returns”; and (4) “Political Issues and the Vote – November, 1952.”
1954-1958, undated | |
974 | Speeches |
1956-1958 | |
974 | 1948-1955 | ||
974 | Also includes receipts, a press release regarding a speech by McGee, materials related to the Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission, a 1957 issue of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and a petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court—the case dealt with the Federal Tort Claims Act, and Teno Roncalio was the attorney for the petitioner. |
1953-1961, undated | |
974 | 1955-1958, undated | ||
974 | 1956-1957, undated | ||
Council on Foreign Relations |
Box | |||
974 | Africa |
1953-1957, undated | |
974 | First Meeting |
1953, undated | |
974 | McGee Paper “Problems of U.S.-Soviet Relations in the East’ – 2/18/53 |
1953-1958 | |
974 | McGee Report on U.S.-Soviet Relations |
1951-1953, undated | |
974 | Military Aspects of U.S. Foreign Policy |
1952-1953, undated | |
974 | Notes from Meetings |
1952-1953, undated | |
974 | Psychological Warfare Conference |
1953, undated | |
974 | Soviet Union – Study Group |
1953, undated | |
974 | Working Papers |
1952 | |
Graduate Studies |
Box | |||
974 | America as a World Power, 1898-1941 Includes class notes, a rough draft of McGee’s paper “Offers of Alliance: 1900-1920,”and a clipping of an article titled “Churchill Offers British-American Alliance.”
1941-1943 | |
974 | American Policy in the Pacific – University of Colorado - Class Notes |
1938 | |
975 | “British-American Alliance – Study Handbook – Statistical Abstract – National Debate Service,” 8“Library – Senior High School – Kearney, Nebraska” is stamped on the front.
1938 | |
975 | Diplomatic History of the United States, 1786-1898 |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances,” |
1947 | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” - Hardbound Copy |
1947 | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Bibliography |
1947, undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Carbon Copy |
1947 | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter I |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter II |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter II – First Draft |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter III |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter IV |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter V |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter VI |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter VI Also includes a handwritten abstract of the dissertation.
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter VII |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter VIII |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter IX |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter X |
undated | |
975 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter XI |
undated | |
976 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Chapter XI |
undated | |
976 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Drafts and Notes |
1945-1947, undated | |
976 | Dissertation “The Founding Fathers and Entangling Alliances” – Research Note Cards |
undated | |
976 | EDUC 160 – Teaching the Social Studies – Class Notes |
1938 | |
976 | HIST 153 – Civil War and Reconstruction – Class Notes |
1939 | |
976 | HIST 171 – United States History, 1492-1789 – Syllabus |
1932 | |
976 | HIST 231 – Problems in British Imperial History – Class Notes Also includes a rough draft of a research paper and an outline re pre-war alliances.
1937 | |
976 | HIST 231 – Problems in British Imperial History – Problems, Significant Quotations, and Outlines McGee addressed “A Survey of the Economic Aspects of the American Revolution.”
1937 | |
976 | HIST 235 – British Administration – McGee Paper “Some British Economic Aspects of the American Stamp Act,” Three copies—one copy includes a handwritten draft.
1938 | |
976 | HIST 235 – British Administration – Problems, Significant Quotations, and Outlines McGee addressed “Some British Economic Aspects of the American Stamp Act.”
1938 | |
976 | HIST 238 – Expansion of Europe |
undated | |
977 | HIST 248 – Seminar in Modern Colonization Class notes, a research paper, a diagram of the British Cabinet, and an outline of the administration.
1937 | |
977 | HIST 248 – Seminar in Modern Colonization – Problems, Significant Quotations, and Outlines McGee addressed “The Colonial Policy of France in North America.”
undated | |
977 | HIST 253A, B – Constitutional History of the United States, 1776-1860 – Class Notes |
1939 | |
977 | HIST 261 – Bibliography and Research Methods in American History – Class Notes Also includes an exam from HIST 302 (Historical Method) as an insert.
1938-1941 | |
977 | HIST 261 - McGee Paper “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence,” Three copies.
1938 | |
977 | HIST 281 – United States History, 1789-1865 – Syllabus, 1937 |
977 | HIST 291 – Survey of U.S. History, 1865-1905 – Notes Also includes a list of books on reserve.
undated | |
977 | HIST 291 – United States History, 1865-1938 – Syllabus |
1939 | |
977 | HIST 297 – The Nations of Latin America – Syllabus and Lessons Also includes notes, exam questions, a letter to McGee (who was in Nebraska) from a C.F. Huth at the University of Chicago, and a draft of a letter from McGee to Huth.
1942 | |
977 | HIST 374 – Puritanism in Colonial New England – Notes |
1945 | |
977 | HIST 375 – Constitutional History of the United States, 1607-1800 – Notes Also includes an exam and summaries of books and articles.
1941 | |
977 | HIST 376 – Constitutional History of the United States, 1815-1885 – Notes Also includes an exam.
1945 | |
977 | HIST 384 – The Old South, 1607-1820 – Notes |
1945 | |
977 | HIST 385 – History of the Lower South, 1815-1850 – Notes Also includes a reading report by McGee.
1940 | |
977 | HIST 387 – McGee Paper “Newspaper Opinion and the Trial of Andrew Johnson,” |
undated | |
977 | HIST 387 – McGee Paper “Newspaper Opinion and the Trial of Andrew Johnson” – Research Notes |
undated | |
977 | HIST 387 – McGee Paper “The Civil War as Interpreted by Recent Historians,” Three copies, a rough draft, class notes, and research notes.
1941, undated | |
977 | HIST 388 – Reconstruction North and South Includes notes, exam questions, and book summaries.
undated | |
977 | HIST 391 – History of the United States, 1865-1898 – McGee Paper “The Social Studies Teacher and the War,” Also includes notes and a list of books on reserve.
undated | |
977 | HIST 391 – History of the United States, 1865-1898 – McGee Paper “A Survey of Foreign Efforts to Ally with the United States, 1865-1898 Four copies.
1940 | |
977 | HIST 392 – History of the U.S., 1898-1943 – McGee Paper “A History of the Anglo-French-American Alliance of 1919,” Includes a page of handwritten notes as an insert.
1942 | |
977 | HIST 392 – History of the U.S., 1898-1943 – Notes Also includes a list of books on reserve.
undated | |
977 | HIST 395 – McGee Paper “Offers of Alliance to the United States by Powers Outside the Western Hemisphere, 1900-1920 Two copies. One copy includes a page of handwritten notes as an insert.,
1941 | |
977 | HIST 396 – History of Latin America – Colonial Period – Notes |
1945 | |
977 | HIST 397 – Latin America – National Period – Notes |
1946 | |
977 | HIST 399 – Hispanic America – The National Period: Mexico and the Nations of the Caribbean – Class Notes and Book Notes |
undated | |
977 | HIST 409 – Historiography – Notes |
1945 | |
977 | McGee Paper “French Colonial Policy in North America,” |
1937 | |
977 | McGee Paper "Historiography of the Monroe Doctrine,” |
undated | |
977 | McGee Paper "Historiography of the Monroe Doctrine” – Rough Draft and Outline of Class Speech |
undated | |
977 | McGee Paper “A Survey of the Economic Aspects of the American Revolution,” |
1937 | |
978 | McGee Thesis “The Economic Effects of the Stamp Act on England” – Carbon of First Draft |
undated | |
978 | McGee Thesis “The Economic Effects of the Stamp Act on England” – First Longhand Draft |
undated | |
978 | McGee Thesis “The Economic Effects of the Stamp Act on England” – Rough Draft |
undated | |
978 | “One Thousand Questions on United States History,” by William T. Hutchinson Includes inserts of 3 pages of handwritten notes.
1938 | |
978 | POLI SCI 373 – Contemporary Diplomatic Problems – Class Notes Also includes a reading list and a rough draft of a paper titled “The Relation of Public Opinion to the New Deal Policy of Aiding the Allies,” 1940
1940 | |
978 | POLI SCI 373 – Contemporary Diplomatic Problems – McGee Paper “The Relation of Public Opinion to the Administration Policy of Aiding the Allies,” |
1940 | |
Personal |
Box | |||
978 | Article “A China Policy for the United States,” |
1953-1955, undated | |
978 | Article “Co-Existence: Not Whether but What Kind,” |
1953-1954 | |
978 | Article “The American Hunger for Sudden Performance,” |
1953-1955, undated | |
978 | Article “What Next in Moscow?” Also includes a copy of McGee’s article “The American Hunger for Sudden Performance.”
1954, undated | |
978 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
1941-1958, undated | |
978 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
1956-1958, undated | |
978 | Cultural Travel Council – Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
1954-1958, undated | |
978 | “Delivering a University Lecture,” |
undated | |
978 | Eisenhower Administration |
1953, undated | |
978 | Historical Perspective |
1949, undated | |
978 | Institute of International Affairs – “The Struggle for Men’s Minds,” |
1950-1951, undated | |
978 | International Trade |
1947, undated | |
978 | Isolationism |
1948-1951, undated | |
978 | Thomas Jefferson |
1941-1950, undated | |
978 | Korean War |
1950-1952, undated | |
978 | Lincoln Address |
1939-1949, undated | |
978 | Miss Liberty – 1950 |
1950, undated | |
978 | Politics Includes clippings related to Senator Joe McCarthy and the “Red Scare” and correspondence.
1944-1953, undated | |
978 | Press Association – History and Hysteria |
1947-1953, undated | |
978 | Professional Articles Mostly correspondence regarding McGee’s article “A China Policy for the United States.”
1954, undated | |
978 | Protection as Free Trade |
1946-1948, undated | |
979 | Selective Service |
1940-1944, undated | |
979 | Speech “The Good News from Foggy Bottom,” |
1947-1951, undated | |
979 | Speech Materials Includes 4 issues of “The Speakers Library Magazine.”
1938-1941 | |
979 | Speech Materials |
1952-1953, undated | |
979 | Speech Materials – Titles and Concretes |
1940-1942, undated | |
979 | Speech Thoughts |
1953-1954, undated | |
979 | Speeches |
1939, undated | |
979 | Speeches and Addresses |
1950-1955, undated | |
979 | U.S. Foreign Policy – State Department |
1945-1948, undated | |
979 | U.S. Foreign Policy – World War II |
1944-1945, undated | |
979 | George Washington |
1947-1950, undated | |
979 | Writing – Phrases |
undated | |
Soviet Union |
Box | |||
979 | Appeasement |
1951-1952, undated | |
979 | Balance of Power |
undated | |
979 | Clippings Also includes handwritten and typewritten notes.
1950-1952, undated | |
979 | Co-Existence |
1949-1953, undated | |
979 | Eastern Europe |
1953, undated | |
979 | Inside Russia |
1950-1956, undated | |
979 | “Inside Russia” Articles Includes newspaper articles by McGee and wife Loraine regarding their trip to Russia in the summer of 1956.
1956-1958 | |
979 | “Inside Russia” Notes |
1956-1957, undated | |
979 | Issues |
undated | |
979 | Malenkov Regime |
1953, undated | |
979 | Manuscript – The Problem |
undated | |
979 | Manuscript – War – Introduction |
undated | |
979 | More Tolerable Co-Existence – Possible Article |
1952-1953, undated | |
979 | Negotiating with the Soviet Union |
1953, undated | |
979 | Russian Attitudes and Motives |
1949-1953, undated | |
979 | Seminar – Russia |
1944-1957, undated | |
979 | Seminar – Russia |
1955-1957, undated | |
979 | Soviet Mistakes |
undated | |
979 | Soviet Pledges Kept |
undated | |
979 | Soviet Policy |
1950-1953, undated | |
979 | Soviet Policy – Changes |
1956, undated | |
979 | A Visit to the Soviet Union |
1956, undated | |
979 | War – Likely |
1952-1954, undated | |
979 | War – Not Likely |
1950, undated | |
University of Wyoming |
Box | |||
979 | Book Proposal – Dissertation – For Houghton-Mifflin Preface and table of contents.
1947 | |
979 | Community Leaders Conference on International Affairs |
1955-1960, undated | |
980 | Community Leaders Conference on International Affairs |
1959-1960, undated | |
980 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Students |
1946-1955, undated | |
980 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Students |
1956-1958, undated | |
980 | European Travel Seminar – Credit |
1954, undated | |
980 | The Graduate School |
1956-1958, undated | |
980 | History Department – McGee Absence from Campus |
1955-1957, 1993, undated | |
980 | HIST 341B |
1946-1953, undated | |
980 | HIST 341C – General Survey of United States History |
1944, undated | |
980 | HIST 341C & 643C |
undated | |
980 | HIST 341F |
1947, undated | |
980 | HIST 341F & 341G – General Survey of United States History |
1955, undated | |
980 | HIST 570A – Latin America |
1947-1948, undated | |
980 | HIST 570B – Latin America – National Period |
1944-1948, undated | |
980 | HIST 570C – Latin America in Western Politics |
1943-1948, undated | |
980 | HIST 643A |
1947-1948, undated | |
980 | HIST 643B |
1945-1948, undated | |
980 | HIST 643C |
undated | |
980 | HIST 646C – Foreign Relations |
1935-1937, undated | |
980 | HIST 646C – Foreign Relations |
1948-1953, undated | |
980 | HIST 646F – Diplomatic History of the United States |
1934, 1957, undated | |
980 | HIST 647A – Seminar |
undated | |
981 | “The Monroe Doctrine – A Stopgap Measure,” An article published by McGee in the September 1951 issue of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review.
1951, undated | |
981 | “The Monroe Doctrine – A Stopgap Measure” – Handwritten Draft |
undated | |
981 | Résumé |
undated | |
981 | Eleanor Roosevelt Luncheon |
1954, undated | |
981 | Speech Jokes - Concretes |
1940-1950, undated | |
981 | Textbook Investigation 1947-1948, 1986-1987, undated
Includes a copy of a 1986 paper on the investigation written by a Maryland high-school sophomore. | |
981 | United Nations – The United States in |
1949-1954, undated | |
981 | United Nations Conference Includes the following note on the original folder: “Contains Eleanor Roosevelt Letter Dated 10/8/54 and Supporting Correspondence re her UW Visit 10/1/54.”
1953-1955, undated | |
981 | Assorted Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, two papers by McGee (“The American Hunger for Sudden Performance” and “A China Policy for the United States”), and a document titled “The Committee on Education of Women Reports to the Central Committee and Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts.”
1952-1957, undated | |
981 | Assorted History Classes |
1944-1949, undated | |
981 | Assorted Manuscripts Includes “The Founding Fathers and the Balance of Power,” “The Monroe Doctrine: Almost an Entangling Alliance,” “American Foreign Policy: Its Progress and Achievements – ‘Walking Forward into the Past,’” “George Washington and the North Atlantic Pact,” and “The Founding Fathers and Europe’s Balance of Power.”
1947, undated | |
981 | Assorted Photographs |
1957, undated | |
981 | Assorted Speeches Includes speeches by Senator Francis Case (R-SD), Rep. John W. McCormack (D-MA), Mike Mansfield (D-MT), Richard H. Davis, Pitirim A. Sorokin, John R. Deane, and Edmund Stevens.
1951-1952, undated | |
University of Wyoming – Institute of International Affairs |
Box | |||
981 | Africa |
1956-1957, undated | |
981 | Annual Reports |
1949-1954, undated | |
981 | Brochure |
1949-1955, undated | |
981 | Brochure |
1955-1958, undated | |
981 | Carnegie Corporation |
1954-1955, undated | |
981 | Clippings and Photographs Most of the clippings are related to Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech on the University of Wyoming campus.
1954, undated | |
981 | Community Leaders Conference in International Affairs – 2/20-22/58 |
1954-1959, undated | |
981 | Conferences – Publicity for Speakers |
1950-1956, undated | |
981 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Henry Kissinger |
1956-1958, undated | |
981 | Fellowships |
1956 | |
981 | Past Summer Institutes – Publicity, Information, and Programs |
1950-1961, undated | |
981 | Publicity |
1955, undated | |
981 | Scholarships – Applications Approved, but Grants Later Rejected by Scholarship Recipients |
1956, undated | |
982 | Selection Letters for Summer Program |
1958 | |
982 | Special Report |
1958 | |
982 | Summer Program – Evaluations |
1956-1957 | |
982 | Tear Sheets – 1954 Preliminary Bulletin – Copy 1955 PB Due 10/22/54 |
1952-1954 | |
982 | Wyoming Legislators Dinner |
1955, undated | |
982 | Assorted |
1949-1958, undated | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
982 |
The Age of Jackson by Arthur Schlesinger – Notes |
undated | |
982 | Aims and Goals – United States |
undated | |
982 | American Public Opinion |
1953, undated | |
982 | Associated Clubs, Inc. |
1949-1958 | |
982 | Associated Clubs, Inc. – Outgoing Correspondence |
1957-1958 | |
982 | Chiang Kai-shek’s Troops |
1953, undated | |
982 | China |
1953, undated | |
982 | China Embargo and Blockade |
1953, undated | |
982 | China in the United Nations and Recognition |
1953, undated | |
Clippings In a small, brown notebook. Includes articles by David McGee, who was then a student at University High School.
1956-1959, undated | ||
982 | The Colonial Period – Notes |
undated | |
982 | Colonial West – Notes |
undated | |
982 | Crusade for Freedom, Inc. |
1956 | |
982 | Fishing Trip |
1951, undated | |
982 | Eastern Europe Courses – Syllabi For 2 courses at New York University.
undated | |
982 |
The Emergence of Modern America by Allan Nevins – Notes |
undated | |
982 | Far East – Possible Article |
1953, undated | |
982 | Formosa |
1952, undated | |
982 | General Ideas |
undated | |
982 | Germany |
1952-1953, undated | |
982 |
Hamilton Fish by Allan Nevins – Notes |
undated | |
982 | India |
1935, undated | |
982 |
The Irrepressible Conflict, 1850-1865 by A.C. Cole – Notes |
undated | |
982 | Kearney High School Debate Clippings McGee is listed as the coach in some of the clippings.
1938-1940 | |
982 | Leave of Absence – Joseph C. O’Mahoney |
1950-1955, undated | |
982 | Leave of Absence – Joseph C. O’Mahoney – University of Wyoming Contracts |
1944-1958, undated | |
982 | Legislative Assistant – Joseph C. O’Mahoney |
1955-1956, undated | |
982 | Legislative Assistant – Joseph C. O’Mahoney – Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
1955-1956, undated | |
982 | McGee Articles |
1950, undated | |
982 |
The Mississippi Valley in British Politics by Clarence Walworth Alvord – Notes |
undated | |
982 | "Nebraska Social Studies Bulletin," McGee is listed as an editor on some of the issues. Also includes a 1942 monograph by McGee titled “Union Now.”
1938-1941, undated | |
982 | Nebraska Wesleyan Debate Clippings McGee is listed as the coach in some of the clippings.
1940-1941 | |
982 | "New Policy” – Far East |
undated | |
982 |
New Viewpoints in American History by Arthur Schlesinger – Notes |
undated | |
983 | Oration – “Forgotten Men/War Baby” – Nebraska State Teachers College – 12/13/35 |
1935 | |
983 | Oration – “The International Mind,” Includes a telegram from F.C. Seamster (listed in Patterson’s American Educational Dictionary (volume 29, 1932) as a high-school principal in Norfolk, Nebraska) congratulating McGee on winning an oratorical contest.
1934, undated | |
983 | Oration – “War Baby” – Wayne State Teachers College |
1935-1936 | |
983 |
Origins of the American Revolution by John Chester Miller – Notes |
undated | |
983 | Parliamentary Law |
undated | |
983 | Parliamentary Law – Lectures Includes a class roll, final exam, and notes.
1941, undated | |
983 | Positive Foreign Policy |
1952, undated | |
983 | Professional Life Certificates - Nebraska State Teachers College Two certificates – one for McGee, and one for Loraine.
1938 | |
983 | Radio Speech – Lectures – Nebraska Wesleyan |
undated | |
983 | Restaurant Bill Possibly from McGee's trip to the Soviet Union.
1956 | |
1007 | Scrapbook |
1939-1954 | |
1007 | Scrapbook (no cover) |
1957-1958 | |
983 | Speech Composition |
1943, undated | |
983 | Speech Fundamentals |
undated | |
983 | Teaching Certificates and Contracts |
1933-1943 | |
983 | Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission |
1956-1958, undated | |
983 | Wartime Conferences |
1949-1953, undated | |
983 | World Government? |
1949-1951 | |
983 | Writings |
undated | |
Senate: |
Box | |||
Joseph C. O’Mahoney – Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | |||
983 | Personal |
1960 | |
Retirement |
Box | |||
983 | Senators |
1960 | |
983 | 1958-1961, undated | ||
Personal |
Box | |||
983 | Christmas Cards |
1976 | |
984 | Christmas Cards |
1976 | |
984 | Incoming Correspondence – Election Loss – Condolences – Out-of-State |
1976 | |
Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | |||
984 | 1974 - Thanks re Atlanta |
1974, undated | |
984 | 1975 |
Box | |||
984 | January |
984 | February Also includes an issue of “Rural Electrification” magazine with an article on McGee winning a conservation award.
984 | March |
984 | April |
984 | May |
984 | June |
984 | July |
984 | August |
984 | September |
984 | October |
984 | November |
984 | December |
1976 |
Box | |||
984 | Congressional Cookbooks – Thanks |
984 | St. Patrick’s Day Birthday Note (Carbon/Returns) |
984 | January |
984 | February |
984 | March |
984 | April |
984 | May |
984 | June-July |
984 | Election Loss – Comments |
1976-1977 | |
984 | Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge |
1976 | |
984 | Hall of Fame for Great Americans |
1976, undated | |
Invitations |
Box | |||
985 | United Nations Seminar – 4/10-14/75 |
1975 | |
985 | 1975 | ||
985 | 1976 | ||
985 | Members of Congress for Peace Through Law |
1976 | |
United Nations – 27th General Assembly – September 19-December 23, 1972 McGee represented the United States as part of a four-member delegation.
Box | |||
985 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Senate and General Assembly |
1972 | |
985 | Delegation Circulars |
1972 | |
985 | Fifth Committee re 25 Per Cent Assessment |
1972, undated | |
985 | First Committee (Political) – Special Political Committee re Apartheid Resolution/UNRA |
1963-1972, undated | |
985 | Invitations |
1972, undated | |
985 | Orders of the Day |
1972 | |
985 | Personal Includes correspondence, publications, and a baggage-damage report.
1971-1972, undated | |
985 | Personal Includes correspondence.
1972-1973, undated | |
985 | Photographs |
1972 | |
985 | Press Releases and McGee Statements |
1972, undated | |
985 | Assorted Includes schedules, correspondence, organizational charts, and publications.
1969-1972, undated | |
985 | Assorted Includes schedules, correspondence, organizational charts, and publications.
1969-1972, undated | |
985 | Assorted Includes press releases, clippings, publications, and correspondence.
1970-1972, undated | |
985 | Assorted Includes correspondence, clippings, and publications.
1972-1973, undated | |
985 | Assorted Includes correspondence, clippings, and publications.
1972-1973, undated | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
985 | All Wyoming Trips |
1969-1976, undated | |
986 | Center for Strategic and International Studies |
undated | |
986 | Chinese Postcards (blank) |
undated | |
986 | Christmas Observance – New York City – 12/26-29/74 |
1974 | |
986 | Clippings Newspaper sections covering several events, including White House weddings, the assasination of Robert F. Kennedy, and the resignation of Richard Nixon.
1966-1974 | |
986 | Clippings – Articles by McGee and Loraine Includes a photocopy of a 2003 letter to McGee’s son Robert regarding an article by McGee and Loraine.
1956, 1971-1976, 2003, undated | |
1007 | Clippings – Ladybird Johnson’s “Land and People” Trip – 8/14-17/1964 A spiral-bound publication.
1964 | |
986 | Clippings - Ladybird Johnson’s Trips to Wyoming |
1964-1965 | |
986 | Clubs & Organizations – Loudly & Dame, Inc., & Harry Walker |
1965-1966 | |
986 | Council on Foreign Relations |
1975-1976 | |
986 | FBI File - McGee |
1956-1966 | |
986 | Foreign Policy List Development |
1964-1972, undated | |
986 | Gale McGee Appreciation Dinner – Program – Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1963 | |
986 | “Gale McGee’s Senate Summary,” Also includes a mailing list for McGee’s newsletter, a December 1975 list of University of Wyoming candidates for bachelor’s degrees, St. Patrick’s Day cards, a memo from Warren Christopher re McGee’s swearing-in as Organization of American States ambassador, and a copy of Robert McGee’s remarks made in 1992 at the American Heritage Center.
1961-1977, 1992, undated | |
986 | Graduation Certificates |
1975 | |
986 | Edward D. Haffey – Wet Lease Program |
1962-1970, undated | |
986 | Handwritten List “Reproduced Film,” |
undated | |
986 | Hearst Foundation |
1975-1976 | |
986 | International Management & Development Institute |
1976 | |
986 | Invitation - White House Wedding of Lynda Bird Johnson and Charles Robb |
1967 | |
986 | Issues Research (e.g., Strauss Nomination, Credibility in Government) |
1959-1975, undated | |
986 | Lists, Fundraisers |
1975, undated | |
986 | McGee Appreciation Dinner – Cheyenne (DC File – 88th Congress, 1st Session (1963)) |
1963-1964, undated | |
986 | McGee Campaign Materials Includes a “Viva McGee – Mexican-Americans for McGee” bumper sticker.
1958-1970, undated | |
986 | McGee Cheyenne Dinner – 10/75 |
1975, undated | |
986 | McGee Congressional Record – 88th Congress, 2nd Session – January 1964 |
1964 | |
986 | McGee Congressional Record – 89th Congress, 1st Session – January 1965 |
1965 | |
986 | McGee Congressional Record – 89th Congress, 2nd Session – January 1966 |
1966 | |
987 | McGee Congressional Record – 89th Congress, 2nd Session – January 1966 |
1966 | |
987 | McGee Floor Speeches from Congressional Record – 87th Congress, 1st Session – 1961 |
1961, undated | |
987 | McGee Remarks from Congressional Record – 90th Congress, 1st Session – January 1967 |
1967-1968, undated | |
987 | McGee Speeches from Congressional Record – 87th Congress, 2nd Session – 1962 |
1962, undated | |
987 | McGee Speeches from Congressional Record – 88th Congress, 1st Session – 1963 |
1963, undated | |
987 | McGee Speeches from Congressional Record – 90th Congress, 2nd Session – January 1968 |
1968, undated | |
987 | Memos |
1972-1976 | |
987 | Memos |
1976 | |
988 | Memos |
1976 | |
988 | Miscellaneous in a blue folder from the Ethiopian Tourist Organization. Includes press releases, notes, and speeches on politics—mostly on women and politics.
1960-1973, undated | |
988 | Miscellaneous Includes a copy of the 1965 Presidential Inauguration program, a copy of Senate Document No. 17 – “Study Mission to Central and Southeast Asia” (1967), a copy of “China Diary” by Arthur C. Deck, executive editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, and clippings.
1965-1974, undated | |
988 | Miscellaneous Office Accounts – Daily Schedule |
1975 | |
988 | Motion Picture “Eight of the Alliance,” |
1963, undated | |
988 | “Norfolk [Nebraska] Y’s Men,” Includes a handwritten inscription: “To Gale McGee – From Dale Myers – 9/24/74.”
1931, 1974 | |
988 | Office Schedules |
1976 | |
988 | Overseas Trips Memorabilia Includes “Serengeti National Park: A Guide,” “A Preface to Angkor,” a menu from a Copenhagen restaurant, two items from the Nikko Kanaya Hotel in Japan, and two sets of blank postcards.
1961-1970, undated | |
988 | Post Office and Civil Service Committee – Estb. USPS (Act) |
1967-1977, undated | |
988 | Trip Memos |
1976 | |
988 | Trip Memos – Wyoming Trip – 2/28/76-3/6/76 – Big Horn Basin and Cheyenne |
1976 | |
988 | United Nations Seminar |
1973-1976, undated | |
988 | U.S. Senate Race – Wyoming – 1976 Clippings.
1976 | |
988 | Vice Presidential Campaign Debate/Mondale-Dole Transcript |
1976 | |
988 | Watergate Reception – 11:30 am-1:30 pm – 3/17/75 |
1975, undated | |
988 | Bill Wolfson (Luncheons, etc.) (212-344-5210) |
1974-1975, undated | |
988 | Wyoming Senate Seats – History – Committee Chairmanships – Wyoming Congressmen |
1968, undated | |
Post-Senate: |
Box | |||
1977 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming |
Box | |||
988 | Announcements – Change of Personnel and Addresses |
1977 | |
988 | St. Patrick’s Day Cards Received |
1977 | |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
988 | Christmas |
1977 | |
988 | Felicitations |
1977 | |
988 | Post-Senate Correspondence/Requests – Non-Wyoming |
1976-1977 | |
988 | Recommendations |
1976-1977 | |
988 | St. Patrick’s Birthday for Greetings/Gifts – Thanks |
1976-1977, undated | |
988 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous |
1976-1977 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
989 | Birthday Note – Additions/Deletions |
1975-1977 | |
989 | Condolences Includes a program for at the funeral of William Thomas Hutchinson, an historian who taught at the University of Chicago, where McGee earned his Ph.D.
1976-1977 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
989 | American Council on Germany |
1976-1977 | |
989 | American Ditchley Foundation |
1977 | |
989 | Associated Clubs, Inc. (Benjamin Franklin) |
1977 | |
989 | Council on Foreign Relations |
1977 | |
989 | Federal Union, Inc. |
1977-1978 | |
989 | Freedom House |
1977 | |
989 | International Management & Development Institute |
1976-1977 | |
Organization of American States |
Box | |||
989 | Employment/Bios |
1977 | |
989 | Nomination – Comments |
1977-1978 | |
989 | Nomination – Transcript of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings |
1977 | |
989 | Press Releases and Congratulations to McGee on Appointment as Ambassador |
1977 | |
989 | Senate Foreign Relations Committee – General Information |
1968-1977 | |
989 | Senate Hearings |
1977 | |
989 | Overseas Development Council |
1977 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
989 | Clippings |
1977 | |
989 | Congressional Salary Increase |
1977 | |
989 | Correspondence to Liz Strannigan (McGee’s assistant) |
1977, undated | |
989 | Press-TV-Media |
1976-1977 | |
1008 | Scrapbook – October 1976 - March 1977 |
1976-1977 | |
989 | Senate, General – Personalities – Appointments Includes correspondence to and from U.S. Senators, clippings, and a copy of the transcript of Senate hearings on Senate Resolution 36, a proposed Senate code of conduct.
1976-1977 | |
989 | Speaking Engagements – Press Releases |
1977 | |
989 | Speaking Invitations |
1977 | |
989 | State Department – General Information – Clippings – Personalities/Policy/UN Includes clippings and a copy of an address to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Robert McNamara (then president of the World Bank) on “the Population Problem.”
1976-1977 | |
989 | Washington Area, General – Personalities Includes clippings, a publication by the Washington International Business Report titled “The Carter Administration and International Business Policy,” and a copy of remarks made by the ambassador of Iran at Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri).
1977 | |
990 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous (Especially Clippings) |
1977 | |
1978 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming |
Box | |||
990 | Invitation |
1978 | |
990 | St. Patrick’s Day Cards Received |
1978 | |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
990 | Condolences |
1978 | |
990 | Employment/Bios |
1978 | |
990 | Felicitations |
1978 | |
990 | Post-Senate Requests, Correspondence – Non-Wyoming |
1978 | |
990 | St. Patrick’s Birthday |
1978 | |
990 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous |
1978 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
990 | St. Patrick’s Day Note/Reply to Greeting Note – ONLY |
1978 | |
990 | A-K |
1978 | |
990 | L-Z |
1978 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
990 | American Council on Germany |
1978 | |
990 | Board Membership – Former Members of Congress (Joined 10/6/78) |
1978 | |
990 | Council on Foreign Relations |
1978 | |
990 | Federal Union, Inc. |
1978 | |
990 | Foreign Policy Association |
1978 | |
990 | Freedom House |
1978 | |
990 | International Management & Development Institute |
1978 | |
Organization of American States |
Box | |||
990 | Articles by Ambassador McGee |
1976-1978, undated | |
990 | Invitations |
1978 | |
991 | Invitations |
1978 | |
991 | Assorted Includes Spanish-language documents.
1978 | |
991 | Overseas Development Council |
1978 | |
991 | Assorted – Including Associated Clubs |
1954, 1967-1978 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
991 | Personal Includes correspondence, clippings, and materials published by the Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver.
1978 | |
991 | Press-TV-Media |
1978 | |
1008 | Scrapbook – March 1977 - February 1978 |
1977-1978 | |
1979 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
991 | Congressional Correspondence, Election Congratulations and Responses, and Other Miscellaneous |
1978-1979 | |
991 | Employment/Bios |
1979-1980 | |
991 | Felicitations/Greetings |
1979 | |
991 | Post-Senate Requests, Correspondence – Non-Wyoming |
1979 | |
991 | St. Patrick’s Birthday |
1979 | |
991 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous |
1979 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
991 | Invitation - McGee Fortieth Wedding Anniversary |
1979 | |
991 | St. Patrick’s Birthday Note |
1979 | |
991 | A-K |
1979 | |
991 | L-Z |
1979 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
991 | American Ditchley Foundation |
1979 | |
991 | Council on Foreign Relations |
1979 | |
991 | Federal Union, Inc. |
1979 | |
991 | Freedom House |
1978-1979 | |
Organization of American States |
Box | |||
992 | Invitations |
1979 | |
992 | Mail Log |
1977-1979 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
992 | Clipping - Political Ads |
1979 | |
992 | Personal Includes correspondence, clippings, materials published by the Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, and a newsletter from the History Department at the University of Chicago.
1979 | |
1009 | Scrapbook – February 1978 - December 1979 |
1978-1979 | |
1980 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
992 | Incoming - St. Patrick’s Birthday – Greetings Received |
1980 | |
992 | Incoming - St. Patrick’s Birthday – Greetings Received |
1980 | |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
992 | Post-Senate Correspondence, Requests – Non- Wyoming |
1980 | |
992 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous |
1980 | |
992 | Outgoing - St. Patrick’s Birthday – Note Sent/Extra Copies |
1980 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
992 | American Council on Germany |
1978-1980 | |
992 | Council on Foreign Relations |
1980, undated | |
992 | International Management & Development Institute |
1979-1980 | |
Organization of American States |
Box | |||
992 | Chauffeur, Travel, OAS Programs, etc. |
1980 | |
992 | Mail Log |
1980 | |
992 | Overseas Development Council |
1979-1980 | |
992 | Woodrow Wilson Center |
1980 | |
992 | State Department |
1978-1980, undated | |
1981 |
Box | |||
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | |||
992 | A-E |
1980-1981 | |
992 | F-K |
1980-1981 | |
992 | L-R |
1980-1981 | |
992 | S-Z |
1980-1981 | |
Gale W. McGee Associates |
Box | |||
992 | Press/Contact |
1981, undated | |
992 | Release Announcement |
1981, undated | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
992 | Board Membership - Former Members of Congress |
1979-1981, undated | |
992 | Organization of American States - McGee File |
1977-1981 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
992 | Earl Holding |
1979-1981, undated | |
992 | Loraine McGee – White House Conference on Aging/Technical Committee |
1980-1981 | |
992 | Miscellaneous Includes clippings, correspondence, and a booklet commemorating the 1980 reunion of the Kearney (Nebraska) High School class of 1940.
1980-1981 | |
992 | Miscellaneous – Photographs/OAS/Other Includes photos, notes, and correspondence.
1980-1981, undated | |
993 | Personal Includes McGee’s valedictory speech at an OAS Farewell Luncheon, correspondence, and clippings.
1979-1981 | |
993 | Press-TV-Media |
1978-1981, undated | |
993 | Reagan Inaugural |
1980-1981 | |
1982 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
993 | Miscellaneous |
1982, undated | |
993 | Miscellaneous – Wyoming |
1981-1982, undated | |
993 | Thanks to McGee |
1980-1982 | |
993 | Wyoming – Invitations |
1982 | |
993 | Wyoming – Invitations – Fagan Reception for McGees – Casper- 8/14/82 |
1982 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
993 | A-E |
1982 | |
993 | F-I |
1982 | |
993 | J-M |
1982 | |
993 | N-R |
1982 | |
993 | S-V |
1982 | |
993 | W-Z |
1982 | |
Gale W. McGee Associates |
Box | |||
993 | Correspondence |
1982 | |
993 | Miscellaneous and Philip Buchen Material |
1981-1982, undated | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
993 | American Political Foundation (George Agree) |
1981-1982, undated | |
993 | Associated Clubs – Speaking Contracts |
1981-1982 | |
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
993 | Former Members of Congress |
Box | |||
993 | Hugh Scott Column Program |
1982 | |
993 | Miscellaneous (Including Meeting Schedules) |
1982, undated | |
993 | National Bank of Washington – Including Information re Ag and Relative Requests/Castilla |
1981-1982, undated | |
International Club |
Box | |||
993 | Invitations |
1980-1982 | |
993 | Nuclear Dilemmas – Muskie-Ikle – 6/28/82 |
1981-1982, undated | |
993 | Nuclear Program |
1980-1982, undated | |
993 | Assorted |
1982 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
993 | Office – Miscellaneous |
1959, 1978-1982, undated | |
993 | Office – Miscellaneous |
1982 | |
993 | Political – Invitations (Fundraisers, Democratic Party, etc.) |
1982 | |
993 | Political – Miscellaneous – Includes OAS Ambassador Action re Reagan Replacement |
1980-1982 | |
1009 | Scrapbook – November 1979 - April 1982 |
1979-1982 | |
993 | Teno Roncalio |
1958, 1977-1982, undated | |
993 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, handwritten notes, and a 1982 issue of Annals of Wyoming.
1972-1982, undated | |
993 | Wyoming – Political |
1979-1982, undated | |
1983 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
993 | Incoming and Outgoing - Wyoming – Gale W. McGee Scholarship Fund (Jack Rosenthal) |
1982-1983 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
993 | Speaking Contacts – A-Z (Special Solicitation) |
1983 | |
993 | A-E |
1983 | |
993 | F-I |
1983 | |
993 | J-M |
1983 | |
993 | N-R |
1983 | |
993 | S-V |
1983 | |
993 | W-Z |
1983 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
993 | Associated Clubs |
1982-1983 | |
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
993 | American University College of Public and International Affairs – Advisor |
1982-1983 | |
993 | Former Members of Congress – Invitations (Board Meetings) |
1983, undated | |
993 | Meridian House International |
1982-1983 | |
993 | Meridian House International – Donation Drive |
1983, undated | |
993 | Miscellaneous |
1983 | |
994 | Naval Postgraduate School – Monterey, California (Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, Jr.) – 2/21/83-12/31/84 |
1983 | |
994 | Social Science Foundation – University of Denver |
1982-1983, undated | |
994 | International Club – Law of Sea Panel – 6/9/83 (McGee to Moderate; Canceled re Lori Wedding Commitments) |
1982-1983, undated | |
Organization of American States |
Box | |||
994 | Advisory Board |
1983 | |
994 | Public Advisory Board – McGee Membership (First Meeting 7/13/82) |
1982-1983, undated | |
994 | Assorted |
1981-1983 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
994 | Gale W. McGee Associates – Correspondence |
1983 | |
994 | Moss, McGee and Bellmon – Miscellaneous – Includes National Association for Homecare |
1982-1983 | |
994 | Political – Miscellaneous A letter to McGee and Loraine from Pamela C. Harriman.
1983 | |
994 | Wyoming – Eric Biddle Papers to the University of Wyoming |
1983, undated | |
1984 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
994 | Wyoming – Invitations |
1984 | |
994 | 1984 | ||
Outgoing |
Box | |||
994 | A-E |
1984 | |
994 | F-I |
1984 | |
994 | J-M |
1984 | |
994 | N-R |
1984 | |
994 | S-V |
1984 | |
994 | W-Z |
1984 | |
Gale W. McGee Associates |
Box | |||
994 | Employment |
1984, undated | |
994 | Miscellaneous |
1981-1984, undated | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
994 | Associated Clubs |
1982-1984 | |
994 | Board Memberships |
Box | |||
994 | The Americas Institute (Stedman) – 8/17/83 |
1983-1984, undated | |
994 | Council of American Ambassadors |
1983-1984 | |
994 | Former Members of Congress – Advisory Board |
1982-1984, undated | |
994 | Foundation for Hospice and Homecare (Honorary/Frank E. Moss) |
1984, undated | |
994 | Meridian House International – Fundraising Campaign – McGee Chairman |
1984, undated | |
994 | Miscellaneous |
1984 | |
994 | National Bank of Washington - International Advisory Board |
1982-1984, undated | |
994 | Social Science Foundation – University of Denver |
1983-1984 | |
994 | Wayne State Foundation |
1984 | |
994 | International Club |
1983-1984 | |
994 | Organization of American States – Advisory Board |
1984 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
994 | Edward J. Derwinski |
1982-1984, undated | |
994 | DuNoir Unit of Shoshone National Forest Wilderness Proposals |
1973-1984, undated | |
994 | Moss, McGee and Bellmon |
1984 | |
994 | Political – Fundraising Invitations |
1984 | |
994 | Political – Miscellaneous Includes clippings, correspondence, and a document titled “Analysis of RJ Reynolds PAC and Related PACs.”
1984 | |
994 | Political – Pat O’Connor re Mondale for President |
1983-1984, undated | |
994 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, and handwritten notes.
1982-1984, undated | |
994 | Wyoming – Political |
1982-1984, undated | |
1985 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
994 | Incoming and Outgoing - Thanks – To/From McGee |
1985 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
994 | A-E |
1985 | |
994 | F-I |
1985 | |
994 | J-M |
1985 | |
994 | N-R |
1985 | |
994 | S-V |
1985 | |
994 | W-Z |
1985 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
994 | Associated Clubs – “The Good News of Damnation” Call |
1985 | |
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
994 | American University College of Public and International Affairs – Advisor |
1983-1985, undated | |
994 | Committee for the Study of Diplomacy (Smith Simpson) |
1982-1985 | |
994 | Council of American Ambassadors – McGee – Board of Directors Re-Elect – 2 Years |
1985 | |
994 | Former Members of Congress (Invitations Elsewhere) |
1984-1985, undated | |
994 | Meridian House International |
1984-1985 | |
995 | Meridian House International – Advisory and/or Executive Committee |
1985, undated | |
995 | National Bank of Washington/International Advisory Board |
1984-1985 | |
995 | Naval Postgraduate School – Monterey, California – Reappointed for 2 Years – 5/85-87 |
1985 | |
995 | Social Science Foundation – University of Denver |
1985 | |
995 | Wayne State Foundation |
1985 | |
995 | Center for Democracy – Anne Howard |
1985, undated | |
995 | International Club (Dobrinsky Invitation) |
1982-1985 | |
995 | Organization of American States – Advisory Board |
1985, undated | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
995 | Department of State – Briefing Book – Indochinese Refugee Panel Loraine McGee’s name is on the cover. Includes the following inserts: (1) a memo to McGee re his absentee record for the 94th Congress, 2nd Session (1976); an itinerary of McGee’s schedule for September and October 1976; (3) a 1985 press release from the Department of State re an Indochinese Refugee Panel (McGee is listed as a panel member); and (4) a contact list for the Indochinese Refugee Panel.
1976-1985 | |
995 | Gale W. McGee Associates - Employment |
1985 | |
995 | Political – Fundraising Invitations |
1985 | |
995 | Presidential Commission for the German-American Tricentennial – McGee Appointed by President Reagan to the Commission |
1983-1985 | |
995 | “The Responsibilities of World Power” – Speech – University of Miami – 1985 |
1985-1987, undated | |
1009 | Scrapbook “Happy 70th Birthday to Gale W. McGee – with fond memories and good wishes – March 17, 1985.” Includes photos, birthday cards, and letters to McGee.
1958, 1977-1985, undated | |
995 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, and “United States and the Third World: Proposal for Development of a Media Presentation,” from the departments of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Wyoming.
1983-1985, undated | |
995 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence and clippings.
1984-1985 | |
995 | Wyoming – Political |
1983-1985 | |
1986 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
995 | Incoming - Contributions |
1986 | |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
995 | Thanks – To/From McGee |
1986 | |
995 | Wyoming – Invitations |
1986 | |
995 | 1985-1986 | ||
Outgoing |
Box | |||
995 | A-E |
1986 | |
995 | F-I |
1986 | |
995 | J-M |
1986 | |
995 | N-R |
1986 | |
995 | S-V |
1986 | |
995 | W-Z |
1986 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
995 | American Educational Trust (Foreign Policy Committee) – Paul Findley/McCloskey (10/86) |
1986 | |
American League for Exports and Security Assistance, Inc. |
Box | |||
995 | Annual Meeting – 12/4/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Board and Luncheon Meeting – 2/27/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Contract |
1986, undated | |
995 | Correspondence – Chronological Copies (Filed by Date – Not Subject) |
1986 | |
995 | Executive Committee – 10/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Executive Committee Meeting – 4/16/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Executive Committee Meetings – 6/5/86 and 11/13/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Executive Committee Meeting – 7/17/86 – United Tech Offices |
1986 | |
995 | Executive Committee Meeting – 9/17/86 (USA Today) – Northrop |
1986 | |
995 | Interests – 10/86 |
1985-1986, undated | |
995 | McGee as President |
1986, undated | |
995 | Meeting Notices |
1986 | |
995 | Meetings – 1/22/86 |
1986, undated | |
995 | Miscellaneous |
1986 | |
995 | Presidential Announcement and Acknowledgments of Same |
1986, undated | |
995 | Saudi Arms Sales |
1986, undated | |
995 | Working Folder – Ongoing Information |
1986, undated | |
995 | Assorted |
1985-1986, undated | |
996 | Bartlett Group – Committee for a Single 6-Year Presidential Term (McGee Member of Committee) |
1983-1986, undated | |
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
996 | Council of American Ambassadors |
1986 | |
Former Members of Congress |
Box | |||
996 | Board Meetings/Notices |
1986 | |
996 | Board of Directors – 6/19/86 |
1985-1986 | |
996 | Board of Directors Meeting – 4/17/86 |
1986 | |
996 | Invitations/Miscellaneous |
1985-1986 | |
996 | Miscellaneous/Invitations |
1982-1986, undated | |
996 | Hill & Knowlton – International Advisory |
1986, undated | |
996 | International Club of Washington, Inc. |
1985-1986, undated | |
996 | Meridian House International |
1986 | |
996 | Social Science Foundation – University of Denver – Retired 10/86 |
1986 | |
996 | Wayne State Foundation – Resignation Effective 11/86 |
1986, undated | |
Defense Policy Advisory Committee on Trade - NATO Subcommittee |
Box | |||
996 | 3/27/86 |
1986 | |
996 | 11/6/86 |
1986 | |
996 | 11/6/86 |
1986 | |
996 | International Club – 9/19/86 |
1985-1986 | |
996 | Trade Expansion Act of 1986 |
1986 | |
996 | Assorted |
1986, undated | |
996 | International Club (Including Board Membership) |
1985-1986 | |
996 | United States-New Zealand Council |
1986 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
996 | Gale W. McGee Associates – Miscellaneous |
1986, undated | |
996 | Office – Miscellaneous |
1986, undated | |
996 | Political – Fundraising Invitations |
1986 | |
996 | University of Wyoming (Rosenthal-McGee Chair, Library – Chamberlain) |
1985-1986 | |
996 | University of Wyoming – Friends of the American Heritage Center (Joe Watt et al.) |
1984-1986, undated | |
996 | White House in Crisis re Arms Control Act (Also SALT II) |
1986 | |
996 | Wyoming – Political |
1986 | |
1987 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
996 | Invitations – Wyoming – University of Wyoming |
1984-1987 | |
996 | Thanks – To/From McGee |
1987 | |
996 | Outgoing - A-E |
1987 | |
Gale W. McGee Associates |
Box | |||
996 | Employment |
1986-1987 | |
996 | Miscellaneous |
1987 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
American League for Exports and Security Assistance, Inc. |
Box | |||
996 | Arms Control – Wrap-Up |
1986-1987 | |
996 | Arms Export Control Act |
1986-1987, undated | |
996 | Associated Clubs |
1984-1987, undated | |
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
996 | American University College of Public and International Affairs – Advisor |
1986-1987 | |
996 | Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs |
1986-1987, undated | |
996 | Council of American Ambassadors |
1987 | |
997 | Former Members of Congress |
1986-1987, undated | |
997 | Foundation for Hospice and Homecare (Honorary/Frank E. Moss) |
1985-1987, undated | |
997 | International Club of Washington, Inc. – Resigned 3/11/87 |
1986-1987, undated | |
997 | Meridian House International |
1987 | |
997 | Naval Postgraduate School – Monterey, California – Reappointed for 2 Years – 5/85-87 |
1985-1987 | |
997 | National Democratic Club (Joined 1986 via American League for Exports and Security Assistance, Inc.) |
1986-1987 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
997 | Press |
1961-1963, 1978-1987, undated | |
997 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, and handwritten notes.
1985-1987, undated | |
997 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, and a 1987 “Legislative Analysis,” published by the Wyoming Outdoor Council.
1987, undated | |
997 | Wyoming – Political |
1987, undated | |
997 | Wyoming – University of Wyoming Textbook Controversy (Tina Clark) |
1940-1941, 1951-1987, undated | |
1988 |
Box | |||
Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | |||
997 | F-I |
1987-1988 | |
997 | J-M |
1987-1988 | |
997 | N-R |
1987-1988 | |
997 | S-V |
1987-1988 | |
997 | W-Z |
1987-1988 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
997 | Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs |
1986-1988, undated | |
997 | Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs |
1986-1988, undated | |
997 | Miscellaneous (All Others Not Listed) |
1987-1988 | |
997 | Assorted – Including National Democratic Club |
1986-1988 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
997 | Gale W. McGee Associates – Employment Requests |
1987-1988, undated | |
997 | Political – Fundraising Invitations |
1987-1988 | |
1989 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
997 | Invitations – Wyoming – University of Wyoming |
1988-1989 | |
997 | Miscellaneous |
1986-1989 | |
997 | Thanks – To/From McGee |
1988-1989 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
997 | A-E |
1988-1989 | |
997 | F-I |
1988-1989 | |
997 | J-M |
1988-1989 | |
997 | N-R |
1988-1989 | |
997 | S-V |
1988-1989 | |
997 | W-Z |
1988-1989 | |
Gale W. McGee Associates |
Box | |||
997 | Miscellaneous |
1985-1989, undated | |
997 | Miscellaneous |
1987-1989, undated | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
997 | Council of American Ambassadors |
1988-1989 | |
997 | Former Members of Congress – Invitations |
1988-1989, undated | |
997 | Meridian House International – Board Term Ended 1989 |
1982-1989 | |
997 | Mexico-United States Institute (Effective 11/87) – Daniel James, President |
1987-1989 | |
997 | Miscellaneous (All Others Not Listed Individually) (Also Includes American University) |
1988-1989 | |
997 | National Graduate University and the College of Democracy (Hugh Scott) – Walter Boek |
1984-1989, undated | |
997 | Assorted |
1988-1989 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
998 | Political – Fundraising Invitations – Also Democratic National Convention |
1988-1989 | |
998 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence and clippings.
1987-1989, undated | |
998 | Wyoming – Political |
1987-1989, undated | |
1990 |
Box | |||
998 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence – Invitations – Wyoming |
1990 | |
Organizations - Board Memberships |
Box | |||
998 | College of Democracy |
1990, undated | |
998 | Mexico-United States Institute |
1989-1990 | |
998 | National Bank of Washington |
1981-1990 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
998 | 50th Anniversary – R McGee Home |
1989-1990, undated | |
998 | Office Miscellaneous |
1989-1990, undated | |
998 | Political – Bush Administration |
1989-1990 | |
998 | Political – Miscellaneous One document – “Carter/Mondale Alumni Newsletter.”
1990 | |
1991 |
Box | |||
Correspondence |
Box | |||
998 | Incoming - Miscellaneous |
1989-1991 | |
Incoming and Outgoing |
Box | |||
998 | Miscellaneous |
1990-1991 | |
998 | Thanks – To/From McGee |
1990-1991 | |
Outgoing |
Box | |||
998 | A-E |
1990-1991 | |
998 | F-I |
1990-1991 | |
998 | J-M |
1990-1991 | |
998 | N-R |
1990-1991 | |
998 | S-V |
1990-1991 | |
998 | W-Z |
1990-1991 | |
Organizations |
Box | |||
Board Memberships |
Box | |||
998 | Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs, 1987-1991 |
998 | Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs, 1987-1991 |
998 | Former Members of Congress |
1989-1991 | |
998 | Assorted |
1988-1991 | |
Assorted |
Box | |||
998 | Henry Kissinger |
1974-1991, undated | |
998 | Political – Fundraising Invitations |
1990-1991 | |
998 | University of Wyoming |
1981-1991, undated | |
998 | Wyoming – Miscellaneous Includes correspondence, clippings, and a copy of the “1990 Past Shooters’ Directory,” published by the Past Shooters’ Club (Lander, Wyoming).
1989-1991 | |
1992-1993 |
Box | |||
998 | Organizations – Board Membership – Council of American Ambassadors |
1989-1992 | |
998 | Wyoming – Political |
1989-1993, undated | |
Assorted Notes and Topics: |
Box | |||
998 | 1988 Elections and Organization of American States |
1975-1988, undated | |
998 | Africa |
1961-1989, undated | |
998 | Agriculture/Farm Problems |
1962-1975 | |
998 | Alliance for Progress |
1962-1967 | |
998 | Assorted Congressional Record Remarks |
1966-1968, undated | |
998 | Assorted Incidentals |
1971, undated | |
999 | Assorted McGee Bills (Use) – July 1965 to October 1973 |
1965-1973, undated | |
999 | Assorted Tic Points – Memoirs |
1959-1976, undated | |
999 | Assorted Topics and Tic Points |
1989-1991, undated | |
999 | Basic Outline re U.S. Foreign Policy – 1960s-1970s |
1959-1977, 1987-1990, undated | |
999 | Brazil and the Amazon |
1989 | |
999 | George Bush – President |
1970, 1989-1990, undated | |
999 | The Changing Congress (80s-90s), 1963-1972 |
1985-1989, undated | |
999 | The Changing Senate |
1962, 1980-1989, undated | |
999 | The Changing Senate – Speeches and Notes |
1983-1986, undated | |
999 | The Changing Senate – Working Notes (Post-2/84) (Jan. OPM) |
1976-1986, undated | |
999 | China |
1959-1975, 1989 | |
999 | China Policy |
1974-1989 | |
999 | China Trip – 6/30/73-7/16/73 |
1985, undated | |
999 | Civil Services Reform Act – 1/27/64 |
1964-1972 | |
999 | Clearcutting |
1971 | |
999 | Colorado River Basin |
1961 | |
999 | Commencement Address – University of Wyoming – 1990 – Also Use for Memoirs |
1988 | |
999 | Commencement Addresses |
1968, undated | |
999 | Commerce Committee and Broadcasters Regulations |
1962, undated | |
999 | The Committee System |
1967-1968, 1985-1990, undated | |
999 | Congressional Delegation Files |
1959-1978, 1989, undated | |
999 | Congressional Delegation Speech Outlines |
1960, 1982, undated | |
999 | Congressional Record Indices |
1955-1960, 1971-1972, undated | |
999 | Cuba and Castro |
1961-1975, 1987-1988, undated | |
999 | Diabetes Also includes clippings on foreign policy and McGee’s announcement, in the Congressional Record, of the birth of a grandson.
1973-1979, undated | |
999 | John Foster Dulles – War or Peace – Eisenhower – Lewis Strauss Hearings |
1950, 1969, 1988, undated | |
999 | Education and Excellence in Our Society |
1962, undated | |
999 | FDR and World War II – New Deal – For Memoirs |
1984, undated | |
999 | Federal Pay Scales Increases – Also FDIC |
1973-1974, undated | |
999 | Food Marketing – Investigating Price Monopoly Practices of Chain Stores |
1964 | |
999 | Food Marketing Commission |
1963-1976 | |
999 | Footnotes to History – JFK Compared with LBJ |
1959-1969, 1983-1985, undated | |
999 | Foreign Policy – WWII and Statement by McGee |
1961, undated | |
999 | Forests |
1960-1973, 1988-1989 | |
999 | Former Students |
undated | |
999 | Joe B. Frantz – McGee Oral History – Partial – 2/10/69 |
1969, undated | |
999 | Guatemala |
1976 | |
999 | Handwritten Notes In 14 pocket secretaries.
undated | |
999 | Hatch Act – Proposals to Change |
1976 | |
999 | Health – Medicare and Medicaid |
1971-1975 | |
999 | Health Insurance – Socialized Medicine and Scare Tactics |
1962 | |
999 | Hearing Process |
1984-1988, undated | |
999 | Human Rights |
1972-1975 | |
999 | Humor/Other Speech Possibilities and Memoirs |
1960-1961, 1974-1989, undated | |
999 | Indians |
1967-1973 | |
999 | International Management and Development Institute |
1979-1990, undated | |
999 | Irangate (Reagan) |
1986-1987, undated | |
999 | Irrigation in the West |
1972-1975 | |
999 | Israel |
1972-1976 | |
999 | Japan |
1975, 1990 | |
999 | Japan – WWII – Atomic Bomb – 8/6/45 |
1967-1970, 1985 | |
1000 | JFK |
1960-1964, 1985-1991, undated | |
1000 | JFK Library Info Sent to McGee (Note: McGee Has Extracted All Information Wanted for McGee Memoirs/File Information Only) |
1960-1963, 1988-1989 | |
1000 | John Birch Society |
1960-1976, undated | |
1000 | Kennedy – Civil Rights Act |
1981-1984 | |
1000 | Robert F. Kennedy |
1962-1975, 1987, undated | |
1000 | Labor |
1962-1973 | |
1000 | Latin America |
1974-1989, undated | |
1000 | LBJ |
1980, 1990 | |
1000 | LBJ – Personal Recollections – For Memoir |
1962-1988, undated | |
1000 | LBJ – Tic Points |
1985-1988, undated | |
1000 | LBJ and Education – Social Reform – 1960s |
1959, 1984 | |
1000 | “A Line from Loraine,” |
1961-1966 | |
1000 | Livestock |
1974, undated | |
1000 | Maiden Speech – U.S. Senate – 2/19/59 |
1959-1976 | |
1000 | March of Dimes |
1974 | |
McGee Family donations to the AHC: |
2022 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | 1973 the wagon wheel project and correspondence - Gale McGee |
undated |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | Gale McGee papers category org chart |
2022 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | McGee family donation list |
2022 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | Image: AHC site_Gale McGee headshot |
2022 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | Gale McGee bio for AHC site |
2022 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_002 | Gale McGee papers project - McGee family donation update |
2022 |
Box | |||
1000 | McGee and Former Colleagues |
1960-1990, undated | |
1000 | McGee and Former Colleagues |
1961-1989, undated | |
1000 | McGee (Memoirs) and Organization of American States |
1962-1989, undated | |
1000 | McGee and Personalities |
1962-1974, undated | |
1000 | McGee and Scoop Jackson |
1967 | |
1000 | McGee Memoirs – Vietnam – Part I |
1962-1971, 1991, undated | |
1000 | McGee Memoirs – Vietnam – Part II |
1961-1975, 1985-1991 | |
1000 | Memoir Notes |
undated | |
1000 | Memoirs – Odds and Ends – Notes |
1972, 1989-1990 | |
1000 | Memoirs – Postal Reorganization or Related |
1965-1976, 1988, undated | |
1000 | Memoirs – Random General Tic Points |
1976, undated | |
1000 | Memoirs – University of Wyoming or Wyoming |
1961, 1976-1990, undated | |
1000 | Military Schools |
1975 | |
1000 | Mining – Coal |
1968-1975 | |
1000 | Miscellaneous Includes the following in a manila envelope: (1) copies of “A Line from Loraine”; (2)a clipping regarding McGee’s mother’s 80th birthday; and (3) remarks by Maude Tutt at the 1950 Wyant family reunion in Norfolk, Nebraska.
1950, 1961-1968, undated | |
1000 | Miscellaneous – Committee-Related |
1962-1991, undated | |
1000 | Muskie Speech – Council on Foreign Relations |
1982, undated | |
1000 | National Parks |
1970-1975 | |
1000 | NATO |
1981 | |
1000 | Negroes and Race re Vietnam |
1968 | |
1000 | Nicaragua |
1976-1987, undated | |
1000 | Nixon |
1968-1988, undated | |
1001 | Nixon – 1973-1976 – Incidental Legislation |
1973-1976 | |
1001 | Odds and Ends/Memoirs |
1963, undated | |
1001 | Odds and Ends – McGee Bills in the Senate |
1962-1975 | |
1001 | Joseph C. O’Mahoney |
1959-1963, 1974-1975, 1991 | |
1001 | Organization of American States – Panama |
1986-1987, undated | |
1001 | Panama Canal |
1962-1989, undated | |
1001 | Panama Canal and After |
1969-1978, undated | |
1001 | Peace Corps |
1961-1971, undated | |
1001 | Pentagon and National Defense – Pearl Harbor |
1963, 1985 | |
1001 | Pentagon Papers |
1971 | |
1001 | Persian Gulf |
1985-1991, undated | |
1001 | Political Speeches |
1957-1963, 1983-1988, undated | |
1001 | Post Card Voter Registration – 3/72 |
1971-1975, 1993 | |
1001 | Post Card Voter Registration – Post Office Committee |
1972-1975, undated | |
1001 | Postal |
1974-1976 | |
1001 | Predator Control |
1971 | |
1001 | Presidency |
1972 | |
1001 | President and the Senate in Foreign Policy |
1970, 1983-1991, undated | |
1001 | President Nixon |
1969-1973, undated | |
1001 | Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty |
1971-1972 | |
1001 | Reagan |
1981-1989, undated | |
1001 | Right-Wing, Hate Mail, Birchers |
1960-1973, 1984-1989, undated | |
1001 | Riots of 1968 |
1968, 1988 | |
1001 | Senate and Executive: Foreign Policy – Outlines Only (This Folder) |
1982-1990, undated | |
1001 | Senate Recess |
1961-1962, undated | |
1001 | Senate Retirement System |
undated | |
1001 | Howard E. Shuman re LBJ – “First Among Equals” Book |
1990 | |
1001 | Southeast Asia |
1973-1975, 1989, undated | |
1001 | Southeast Asia – 1960s |
1963-1969, 1988 | |
1001 | Speaking (McGee Notes/Outlines) – President and the Senate and Foreign Policy (OPM/Churchill et al.) |
1981-1983, undated | |
1001 | Speech Outlines – All Subjects |
1971-1991, undated | |
1001 | State Department – Refugees |
1962-1972, 1986-1989, undated | |
1001 | Adlai Stevenson (Book Excerpts) – 1950s |
1965, undated | |
1001 | Lewis Strauss Hearings – Senate Commerce Committee |
1974, 1987, undated | |
1001 | Lewis Strauss Hearings – McGee Statements (McGee Opposed) |
1959, undated | |
1001 | Student-Essays Contests |
1962-1970 | |
1001 | Student Loyalty Oaths and Riots |
1960 | |
1001 | Supergrades (New) |
1969-1974 | |
1001 | “Teachers in Politics” Program |
1968 | |
1001 | Television |
1960-1968, 1986 | |
1001 | Truman Years |
1988 | |
1001 | Truman Years |
1991, undated | |
1001 | Typed Random Memoir Notes – McGee Congressional Delegations, etc. |
1985-1988, undated | |
1001 | United Nations |
1961-1976, 1990, undated | |
1001 | U.S. and Inter-American Development Bank (Organization of States) |
1962-1975, 1987 | |
1002 | U.S. and Latin America |
1982-1989, undated | |
1002 | U.S. Foreign Policy – The Balance of Power – 1941 to 1990s |
1975, undated | |
1002 | U.S. Foreign Policy – Dean Rusk and “Freedom’s Case” – 1962 |
1961-1963, 1972, 1989-1990, undated | |
1002 | U.S. Senate – Hearing Process (Churchill Lectures – OPM) |
1982-1986, undated | |
1002 | U.S. Senate – Script for Memoirs |
1961-1970, 1985-1991, undated | |
1002 | U.S. Senators |
1959-1975, 1985-1989, undated | |
1002 | U.S. v. USSR |
1961-1974, 1984-1990, undated | |
1002 | USSR – Gorbachev |
1959-1967, 1989-1990, undated | |
1002 | Veterans Administration |
1970-1976 | |
1002 | Vietnam – 1966 |
1966, 1991 | |
1002 | Vietnam – 1966-1968 |
1962-1973 | |
1002 | Vietnam – 1967 |
1962-1967, 1984 | |
1002 | Vietnam - Executive Power and Foreign Policy |
1961-1971, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - Robert F. Kennedy |
1968-1969 | |
1002 | Vietnam - Last |
1967-1968, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam – Robert McNamara |
1962-1975, 1984-1990 | |
1002 | Vietnam - Miscellaneous |
1965-1969, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - National Liberation Front |
1966-1968, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - Paris Peace Talks |
1968 | |
1002 | Vietnam - Press Coverage |
1967-1968, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - Progress in Vietnam |
1966-1968, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - Riots/Students and/or Dissent |
1967-1969, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam - What JFK Would Have Done |
1967 | |
1002 | Vietnam – Where to Now? |
1967-1973, undated | |
1002 | Vietnam, China, and the U.S. – Southeast Asia – For Memoirs |
1959-1970, 1984-1989, undated | |
1002 | Voice of America |
1962 | |
1002 | Voter Registration Act – 1971 |
1971-1972 | |
1002 | War Powers – October 1972 |
1970-1972 | |
1002 | Washington, D.C. |
1968-1976 | |
1003 | Western Hemisphere – Central and South America |
1981-1988, undated | |
1003 | World War II and Aftermath – George Marshall – McGee Tribute to Eisenhower |
1969, 1982 | |
1003 | Wyoming – Oil Shale Deposits |
1964, 1970-1976 | |
1003 | Wyoming |
1959-1985 | |
1003 | Wyoming |
1959-1975, 1989, undated | |
1003 | Wyoming |
1959-1989 | |
1003 | Assorted Includes copies of incoming correspondence and clippings and excerpts from books regarding LBJ.
1961-1965, 1988, undated | |
"The Responsibilities of World Power": (1968) |
Box | |||
1003 | Book Photocopy |
1968 | |
1003 | Correspondence |
1968-1975 | |
Final Draft |
Box | |||
1003 | Chapter I – "Vietnam in Perspective," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter II – "Good News from Foggy Bottom," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter III – "The Critical Balance of Asia," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter IV – "The Far East Policy of the United States," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter V – "The Geneva Conference – 1954," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter VI – "Vietnam After Geneva – 1954-1968," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter VII – "Vietnam: Right Place, Right Time," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter VIII – "Dissent in Perspective," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter IX – "The Credibility Gap," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter X – "The Incredibility Gap," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XI – "The Arrogance of Dissent," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XII – "Brickbats from the Campus," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XIII – "Dissent: From the Campus to the Capitol," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XIV – "Executive Power and Foreign Policy," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XV – "God and War in Vietnam," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XVI – "Vietnam: Setting the Record Straight," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter XVII – "Where Do We Go From Here?" |
undated | |
1003 | Index |
undated | |
1003 | Preface (And Inserts for Galley Pages) |
1968, undated | |
1003 | Hardcover Two copies. One is inscribed in the front: "To Mother - With deep affection - Gale - Sept. 16, 1968."
1968 | |
1003 | Mailing Lists |
1968, undated | |
Manuscript Chapters and Research |
Box | |||
1003 | Chapter 2/I – "Vietnam in Perspective," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter 2/II – "Good News from Foggy Bottom," |
undated | |
1003 | Chapter III – "The Critical Balance of Asia," |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter IV – "The Far East Policy of the U.S.," |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter V – "Geneva Conference – 1954," |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter VII – "Vietnam: Right Place – Right Time," |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter VIII – "Dissent in Perspective," |
1967, undated | |
1004 | Chapter IX – "Credibility Gap," 1965-1967 |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter IX – "Credibility Gap," 1967 |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter X – "Incredibility Gap," 1967-1968 |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter XIII – "Dissent: From the Campus to the Capitol," |
undated | |
1004 | Chapter XIV – "Executive Power and Foreign Policy," |
1968, undated | |
1004 | Chapter XV – "God and War in Vietnam," |
1967-1968 | |
1004 | Chapter XVI – "Vietnam: Setting the Record Straight," |
1967-1968, undated | |
1004 | Chapter XVII – "Where Do We Go From Here?" |
1967, undated | |
1004 | Suggested Chapter – "Brickbats from the Campus (Q-A on Vietnam)," |
undated | |
1004 | Suggested Chapter XI – "Arrogance of Dissent," 1968 |
undated | |
Reference Materials |
Box | |||
1004 | Book Description or Jacket – Order of Chapters |
1968, undated | |
1004 | Book Outlines (Only File Copy: Do Not Remove) |
1966-1967, undated | |
1004 | The Changing Climate of Eastern Asia Since the American Build-Up |
1967-1968, undated | |
1004 | China Containment |
1967-1968, undated | |
1004 | Domino Theory |
1967 | |
1004 | Isolationism |
1968 | |
1004 | Korea – Parallel |
1967, undated | |
1004 | Liberalism |
1967-1968 | |
1004 | Miscellaneous Information – Names, Contacts, etc. re Book |
undated | |
1004 | Miscellaneous Quotes |
1966-1968, undated | |
1004 | Pueblo Incident |
1968, undated | |
1004 | Suggested Chapter (or Section) – "Intellectuals in Foreign Policy," |
1967, undated | |
1004 | Suggested Section – "Isolationism" (and Chapter Suggested Order) |
1967-1968, undated | |
1004 | Why Vietnam? |
1960-1968, undated | |
1004 | "Why Vietnam?" (Excerpts from Frank N. Trager) |
undated | |
1004 | Reviews |
1967-1969, undated | |
1004 | Trade Paperback |
1968 | |
1004 | Assorted – Betty’s File (General Publ.) Includes reviews, correspondence, and McGee’s outline for the book.
1947, 1961-1969, undated | |
1004 | Assorted Includes a copy of McGee’s contract for the book with publisher The National Press Inc. and correspondence.
1967-1968, 1979, undated | |
Oral Histories, Obituaries, Tributes, and Eulogies: |
Box | |||
1005 | Congressional Record – Remarks by Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) re McGee’s Death |
1992 | |
1005 | Congressional Record – Remarks by Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) re McGee’s Death |
1992 | |
1005 | “Conversation with the Honorable Gale McGee” – American Enterprise Institute |
1978 | |
1005 | Eulogies |
1992 | |
1005 | Interviews/Oral Histories |
1978-1990, undated | |
1005 | “Lorraine B. McGee – 1915-2006: An Appreciation” by Robert M. McGee |
2006 | |
1005 | Mailer - Gale McGee Research Papers Fund - American Heritage Center |
undated | |
1005 | Obituaries |
1992 | |
1005 | “Oral History Interview with Gale W. McGee” – Former Members of Congress |
1979 | |
1005 | “Oral History Project: Ambassador Gale McGee” – Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs |
1988 | |
1006 | Packet Numbers 1-7 – McGee Obituaries, Articles, Letters, and Tributes |
1992 | |
1009 | Plaque – University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences – Outstanding Former Faculty Posthumously awarded to McGee.
1998 | |
1006 | Tributes and Articles |
1992 |
Series XII. Photographs, Photo Albums, Photographic Negatives, and Slides, 1916-1988Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | |||
Photographs: |
Box | Folder | ||
1A | 1 | Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee |
1971-1975 |
1A | 3 | Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Eagle
Hearings |
1971 |
1A | 4 | American University Commencement |
June 1967 |
1A | 5 | Awards Given to McGee |
1974-1976, undated |
1A | 6 | Awards to Groups and Individuals |
1960-1976 |
1A | 7 | Betty Crocker/Homemakers of Tomorrow |
1964-1969, undated |
1A | 8 | Boy Scouts |
1962-1966, undated |
1A | 9 | Boy's Nation/State |
1967-1974, undated |
1A | 10 | Buildings, Dams, Etc. |
1940, 1967, undated |
1A | 11-12 | Campaign |
1957-1973, undated |
1A | 13 | Campaign |
1969-1970 |
2A | 1 | Campaign (August 1975) |
1975 |
2A | 3-4 | Cheyenne Dinner/Buffalo Barbecue |
1963 |
2A | 5 | Church |
1971-1975 |
2A | 6 | Commerce Committee |
1963 |
23A | 1 | Congressional - Individual or Group |
1956-1968, undated |
3A | 1-6 | Congressional - Individual or Group |
1959-1976, undated |
3A | 7 | Constituents |
1960-1974, undated |
4A | 1 | Constituents |
1976 |
4A | 3 | Democrats |
undated |
4A | 4 | Democrats |
1962-1972 |
4A | 5 | Electrification/Rural Dallas (March 1964) |
1964 |
4A | 6 | Executive Branch |
1962-1968 |
4A | 7 | Executive Branch |
1969-1973 |
5A | 1 | Executive Branch |
1974-1975 |
25A | Family Cards Postcards and Christmas cards with photos of McGee and family members.
undated | |
Folder | |||
5A | 3 | Farm/Agricultural Group Connected |
1964-1975, undated |
5A | 4 | Foreign Affairs – Africa, Appropriations Study Mission
January 26-February 26, 1971 |
1971 |
5A | 5 | Foreign Affairs – China, Appropriations Study
Mission |
1973 |
5A | 6 | Foreign Affairs – China, Appropriations Study Mission
slides |
1973 |
5A | 7-8 | Foreign Affairs – Corregidor December 7, 1962 |
1962 |
5A | 9 | Foreign Affairs – Dakar, Republic of Senegal December 20,
1960 |
1960 |
5A | 10 | Foreign Affairs – Greece |
1974 |
5A | 11 | Foreign Affairs – Guatemala – Inauguration of President
Montegro |
1966 |
6A | 1-2 | Foreign Affairs – Israel |
1962-1975 |
6A | 4-5 | Foreign Affairs – Mexico City |
1974 |
6A | 6 | Foreign Affairs – Miscellaneous Foreign
Affairs |
1965-1976, undated |
6A | 7-8 | Foreign Affairs – National Leaders (Foreign) |
1961-1975, undated |
7A | 1-2 | Foreign Affairs – South America |
1961 |
7A | 3-4 | Foreign Affairs – South America, Appropriations Study
Mission – November 26-December 21, 1961 |
1961 |
7A | 5 | Foreign Affairs – South America – labeled-reject, November
26-December 21, 1961 |
1961 |
7A | 6 | Foreign Affairs – South America – miscellaneous
descriptions, November 26-December 21, 1961 |
1962 |
7A | 7 | Foreign Affairs – South Korea, Malaysia, et. al. –
November 18-December 21, 1962 |
1962 |
7A | 8 | Foreign Affairs – Southeast Asia, Appropriations Study,
Mission-Afghanistan, Iran, Burma, Iraq – November 21-December 21,
1966 |
1966 |
8A | 1-2 | Foreign Affairs – Southeast Asia, Appropriations Study,
Mission-Afghanistan, Iran, Burma, Iraq – November 21-December 21,
1966 |
1966 |
8A | 3-4 | Foreign Affairs – Southeast Asia, Appropriations Study,
Mission-India – November 21-December 21, 1966 |
1966 |
8A | 5-6 | Foreign Affairs – Southeast Asia, Appropriations Study,
Mission-Nepal – November 21-December 21, 1966 |
1966 |
8A | 7-8 | Foreign Affairs – Southeast Asia, Appropriations Study,
Mission-West Pakistan – November 21-December 21, 1966 |
1966 |
8A | 9 | Foreign Affairs – United Nations |
1972-1973, undated |
9A | 1 | Foreign Affairs – Vietnam – November 18-December 18,
1962 |
1962 |
9A | 2 | Foreign Affairs – Vietnam |
1966 |
9A | 3 | 1966 | |
9A | 4 | 1966 | |
10A | 1 | Foreign Affairs – 4-H Delegations |
1970-1976 |
10A | 2 | Future Farmers of America |
1974-1976 |
10A | 3 | Girl Scout Center-Ten Sleep |
1968 |
10A | 4 | Girls' Nation State |
1968-1975 |
23A | 2 | Groups |
1932, undated |
10A | 5 | Groups - Identified |
1962-1976, undated |
10A | 6 | Groups - Identified |
1976 |
10A | 7 | Groups - Unidentified |
1965-1971 |
10A | 8 | Groups - Unidentified |
undated |
10A | 10 | Hansen, Clifford Dinner |
1975 |
10A | 11 | Hathaway, Stan - Secretary of the Interior |
1975 |
10A | 12 | Hearst, William Randolf - Winners |
1966-1975 |
10A | 13 | Hoosier Station Dedication – Hoosier Energy Division
Petersburg,Indiana-October 4, 1971 |
1971 |
11A | 1 | Indian Events |
1960-1971 |
23A | 3 | Individuals |
1960-1970 |
11A | 3 | Individuals - Identified |
undated |
11A | 4 | Individuals with Groups-Identified |
1968-1970 |
11A | 5 | Individuals - Unidentified |
1966-1976 |
11A | 6 | Interior Department |
1962-1964 |
23A | 4 | JFK Visit to Wyoming |
1963 |
11A | 7 | Johnson, Lady Bird in Montana with Indians |
1964 |
11A | 8 | Johnson, Lady Bird in Wyoming-Jackson Hole |
1965 |
11A | 9 | Johnson, Lady Bird in Wyoming and Montana |
1964 |
24A | Johnson, Lyndon B. Inscription from LBJ: "To Gale McGee – With high regard from his friend Lyndon B. Johnson."
undated | |
Folder | |||
12A | 1 | 1965-1968 | |
12A | 3 | 1963 | |
12A | 4 | Labor Connected/Speaking Appearances |
undated |
25A | T.A. Larson |
undated | |
Folder | |||
12A | 5 | March of Dimes and Cystic Fibrosis |
1959-1975 |
13A | 1 | McGee |
ca. 1916, 1932, 1959 |
23A | 5 | McGee |
1958-1959 |
13A | 2 | McGee |
1964-1974 |
13A | 3 | McGee |
1974, undated |
25A | McGee |
undated | |
Folder | |||
14A | 8 | McGee, Loraine |
1964-1974 |
24A | McGee and Four Unidentified People |
undated | |
Folder | |||
14A | 5 | 1939, 1959, 1963-1975 | |
14A | 6 | McGee and Loraine McGee |
1965-1974 |
24A | McGee and Edmund Muskie - Cheyenne |
1968 | |
25A | McGee and Others – Overseas |
undated | |
24A | McGee, George Schultz, and Others One man is holding a document titled “Report of the Indochinese Refugee Panel 1986.”
1986 | |
24A | McGee and Others - Matted Collage of Four Photos (1) McGee with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Israel (December 1959); (2) McGee with Vietnamese Prime Minister Ngo Dhiem, Vietnam (December 1959); (3) McGee with West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, West Germany (May 1960); and (4) McGee with Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines (November 1963).
1959-1963 | |
Folder | |||
13A | 4 | McGee with Individuals and Groups |
1963-1967 |
13A | 5 | McGee with Individuals and Groups |
1964-1975 |
14A | 1 | McGee - Family |
1950, 1965 |
14A | 2 | McGee - Family |
1969-1975 |
14A | 3 | McGee - Family |
1968,n.d |
12A | 6 | 1944, 1950s-1960s | |
12A | 7 | McGee - Miscellaneous - Alone |
undated |
12A | 8 | 1964-1969 | |
12A | 9 | McGee - Miscellaneous - Alone |
1970s |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM Celebrities |
1960-1974 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM Foreign Trips |
1959-1973 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM JFK |
1958-1963 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM OAS (Organization of American States) |
1977-1986 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM Personal |
1949-1975 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM Senate |
1958-1976 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM Staff |
1959-1962 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee - GWM White House |
1955-1975 |
15A | 1 | Military |
1962-1976 |
15A | 2 | Military – Cuba and other places |
1960-1962 |
15A | 4 | Military Academy Appointees |
1975, undated |
15A | 5 | Military-Department of Navy – U.S. Submarine Base, New
London, Connecticut |
1961 |
15A | 6 | Mine? Demo (Dowell) |
undated |
15A | 7-9 | Missile/Nuclear Related |
1960, 1962-1963 |
23A | 8 | Officers' Quarters, Old Bedlam, Fort Laramie |
undated |
24A | Official Delegation to China Includes President Richard Nixon and McGee.
1973 | |
Folder | |||
15A | 10 | Organization of American States |
1977-1980 |
25A | Organization of American States General Assembly – La Paz, Bolivia – Also Pictures of Military Coup While We Were There Also includes 2 color photographs from 1966 and 29 undated B&W photographs.
1979 | |
Folder | |||
23A | 6 | Portraits of F.E. Warren, John Kendrick |
undated |
16A | 1-2 | Post Office/Civil Service and Related Organizations –
American Federation of Government Employees, American Postal Workers
Union |
1967-1975 |
16A | 3 | Presidential Scholars |
1966-1975 |
16A | 4 | Press People |
1959-1974 |
16A | 6-7 | Prominents - Including Entertainers |
1963-1973 |
16A | 8 | Queens - Cherry Blossom, Indian, Etc. |
1966-1974 |
17A | 1 |
The Responsibilities of World Power - Book Party – July,
1966 |
1966 |
17A | 3 | Rock Springs Committee Hearing |
1960 |
17A | 4 | Senate Hearings on Satellite Communications |
1961 |
17A | 5 | Ski Trip |
undated |
17A | 6 | Slides |
1961-1975 |
17A | 7 | Speaking Appearances - Identified |
1963-1968 |
17A | 8 | Speaking Appearances - Unidentified |
1961-1967, undated |
17A | 9 | Spencer's Mountain Filming |
1963 |
18A | 1-3 | Staff |
1967-1976 |
18A | 4 | Staff-Interns |
1967-1976 |
18A | 6 | State Department |
1966 |
18A | 7-8 | Student Groups |
1960-1976 |
18A | 9 | Student Groups |
1967-1969 |
19A | 1 | Touring - Sunlight Basin Area |
1960s |
19A | 2-4 | Unidentified |
undated (1960s?) |
19A | 5 | Unidentified |
undated (1970s?) |
19A | 6 | United Nations |
1972 |
19A | 7 | University of Wyoming |
1951, 1968, undated |
20A | 1 | Veterans of Foreign Wars |
1963-1975 |
20A | 2 | Warren Air Force Base (Cheyenne) |
undated |
20A | 3 | Water Symposium Chicago – August 27-30, 1967 – White
House, Lbj and Nixon |
1967 |
20A | 4 | Wyoming Bankers Groups |
1968-1970 |
20A | 5 | Wyoming Connected |
1961-1962 |
20A | 6 | Wyoming Connected |
1959-1968 |
20A | 7 | Wyoming Connected |
1971-1976 |
20A | 8 | Wyoming Connected |
1974 |
21A | 1 | Wyoming Connected – January-February |
1975 |
21A | 2 | Wyoming Connected – March |
1975 |
21A | 3 | Wyoming Connected – April |
1975 |
21A | 4 | Wyoming Connected – September-December |
1975 |
21A | 5 | Wyoming Connected |
1975 |
21A | 6 | Wyoming Connected – with press captions |
1975 |
21A | 7 | Wyoming Connected-Contact Sheets |
1975 |
22A | 2 | Wyoming Connected – Casper Hi-Rise Dedication |
undated |
22A | 3 | Wyoming Connected – Miscellaneous
Events-Casper |
1970 |
22A | 4 | Wyoming Democrats |
undated |
22A | 5 | Wyoming Editors Washington Visit – McGee
Reception |
undated |
22A | 6 | Wyoming Industry |
1961-1968 |
22A | 8 | Wyoming Office |
1969-1970 |
22A | 9 | Wyoming - Scenic and Wildlife |
undated |
22A | 10 | Wyoming - Wildlife |
undated |
22A | 11 | Youth Science Connected |
1975-1978 |
23A | 7 | White House - Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon |
1962-1973 |
25A | Assorted - Captioned Includes the following:
1934, 1956-1988, undated | |
25A | Assorted Includes the following:
1955-1986, undated | |
25A | Assorted Includes photos of Loraine, McGee and Loraine, McGee and Edmund Muskie, McGee and LBJ, McGee and Alan Simpson, and McGee and President Jimmy Carter, as well as a business card from Brazilian diplomat João Clemente Baena Soares.
1959-1977, undated | |
Photo Albums: |
Box | |||
30A | "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard," Photos taken at christening ceremonies for the Destroyer Tender Puget Sound. Also included is a clipping, a copy of the program for the christening, and a letter to McGee from Floyd B. Schultz, rear admiral, U.S. Navy.
1966 | |
"United States Senate" |
Box | |||
27A | "1966," Includes photos of McGee with Jimmy Durante and Henry Fonda, photos from Ladybird Johnson’s 1964 visit to Wyoming, and a 1956 clipping regarding the retirement of F.L. Nussbaum from the UW History Department.
1956-1973, undated | |
27A | "1967," Includes a photo of McGee with Frank Sinatra and a photo of McGee with producer Robert Arthur on the set of the 1968 film “Hellfighters,” part of which was filmed in Wyoming.
1964-1971 | |
27A | "1969," Includes a 1939 photo of McGee and wife Loraine.
1939, 1969-1976, undated | |
27A | "1971," |
1959, undated | |
27A | "1972," |
1971-1975, undated | |
27A | "1973," Includes photos of the McGee Wing of the Beth Jacob Teachers Training Institute in Jerusalem, Israel.
1974-1975, undated | |
27A | "1975," Includes photos from Henry Kissinger’s 1976 visit to the UW campus.
1975-1978, undated | |
28A | Green cover. Includes photos of different parts of Wyoming, a copy of a 1964 invitation from McGee regarding a reception for Ladybird Johnson in Wyoming, and a copy of nine points that were “part of “ attorney Gordon Dean’s philosophy of constructive living”—Dean had written them down on the back of an envelope. A few photos have corresponding negatives attached to their backs. |
1946-1976, undated | |
30A | Green cover. Includes photos taken at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in South America and the Philippines. |
1949-1963, undated | |
29A | Blue cover. Includes a clipping regarding McGee’s 1958 election to the Senate. |
1954-1976, undated | |
29A | Green cover. Includes includes a photo of Senator Alan Bible (D-NV) signed to McGee and a photo of McGee’s daughter Mary, then a freshman at the University of Wyoming. |
1959-1975, undated | |
28A | Blue cover. |
1959-1976, undated | |
30A | Blue cover. Includes photos of McGee with JFK, a signed photo of William Rogers, secretary of state under Nixon, and photos from the 1973 U.S. Delegation to China. |
1961-1976, undated | |
28A | Blue cover. |
1961, 1978-1981, undated | |
30A | Green cover. Includes photos from JFK’s 1962 visit to Wyoming. |
1962-1971, undated | |
28A | Green cover. Mostly signed photos from U.S. senators. |
1963, undated | |
28A | Green cover. Mostly signed photos from U.S. senators. |
1963, undated | |
29A | Blue cover. Photos from Ladybird Johnson’s visit to Grand Teton National Park. |
1964 | |
29A | Green cover. Includes photos of
1972-1977 | |
29A | Red cover. Photos from the LBJ Stamp Dedication Ceremony. |
1973 | |
29A | Blue cover. |
1973, undated | |
29A | Brown cover. Inscribed “May we merit to celebrate many more of our birthdays together. With blessings for the heartwarming treat, Your Dean [Schecter].” |
1977 | |
28A | Brown cover. |
1977-1978, undated | |
29A | Green cover. Mostly photos of McGee at the United Nations. |
undated | |
30A | Green cover. Includes two photos of Mcgee with LBJ, one of McGee with Willie Brandt, one of Mcgee at the Berlin Wall, one of McGee in Cuba, and one of McGee in Korea. |
undated | |
Photographic Negatives: |
Box | Folder | ||
1A | 2 | Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee |
1975 |
2A | 2 | Campaign - August 1975 |
1975 |
5A | 2 | Executive Branch |
undated |
6A | 3 | Foreign Affairs – Israel |
1974 |
10A | 9 | Groups - Unidentified |
1970, undated |
11A | 2 | Indian Events |
1965? |
12A | 2 | Johnson, Lyndon with McGee |
undated |
14A | 7 | McGee and Loraine McGee |
1966-1975 |
24A | McGee and Loraine McGee "Lori McGee" is printed on the back.
undated | |
Folder | |||
14A | 4 | McGee - Family Also includes slides.
1964-1975 |
12A | 10 | McGee - Miscellaneous - Alone |
undated |
15A | 3 | Military – Cuba |
1962 |
16A | 5 | Press Reception - Wilson |
undated |
17A | 2 |
Responsibilities of World Power - Book Party |
1968 |
18A | 5 | Staff/Interns |
1974, undated |
19A | 8 | University of Wyoming |
1962-1963? |
4A | 2 | Various Constituents Also includes contact sheets.
ca. 1958-1976 |
20A | 9 | Wyoming Connected |
1974 |
21A | 8 | Wyoming Connected Also includes contact sheets.
1975 |
22A | 1 | Wyoming Connected |
undated |
22A | 7 | Wyoming Industry |
1961-1964 |
25A | Assorted - B&W Includes the following:
1959-1976, undated | |
Slides: |
Box | |||
26A | Asian Trip – Nepal and ? (Peoples Drug Stores Box – 27 slides) In an envelope--the box in the envelope is labeled "Luci Wedding - 8/6/66."
1967 | |
26A | Argentina (Rollei Box – 26 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Assorted South America (Rollei Box – 25 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Barbados (Rollei Box – 22 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Asian Trip – Nepal and ? (Peoples Drug Stores Box – 27 slides) In an envelope--the box in the envelope is labeled "Luci Wedding - 8/6/66."
1967 | |
26A | Best Scenes – Hong Kong and Kowloon (Color Slide Box - 20 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Bolivia (Rollei Box – 28 slides) |
1961 | |
26A | Bolivia (Rollei Box – 29 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil (Rollei Box – 27 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil (Rollei Box – 28 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil (Rollei Box – 29 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil - Amazon (Rollei Box – 26 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil – Amazon (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil – Iguazu Falls (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil – Northeast (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Brazil - Northeast (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Chile (Rollei Box – 28 slides) |
1961 | |
26A | In Trees – On Street (Kodak Box – 25 slides) |
1975 | |
26A | Manhattan (20 slides) |
1963 | |
26A | McGee at Oil Derrick (Kodak Box – 27 slides) |
1975 | |
26A | McGee at the U.S. Capitol (Kodak Box – 17 slides) Also includes some photographic negatives.
1970 | |
26A | McGee – Assorted (Kodak Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Native Americans (Kodachrome Box – 16) |
1962 | |
26A | Outdoors (Peoples Drug Stores Box – 17 slides) |
1967 | |
26A | Paraguay (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Peru (Rollei Box – 30 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Senator McGee (Kodak Box – 5 large-format slides) |
undated | |
26A | South Pacific – Not Full (Rollei Box – 13 slides) |
undated | |
26A | South Pacific (Rollei Box – 28 slides) |
undated | |
26A | South Pacific (Rollei Box – 29 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Soviet Union (Kodak Box – 51 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Students Sitting – Man on Street – Brown/Gold Street (Kodak Box – 26 slides) |
1975 | |
26A | Tiger Balm Garden (Color Slide Box - 20 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Tiger Balm Garden (Color Slide Box - 20 slides) |
undated | |
26A | Venezuela (Rollei Box – 27 slides) |
1961 | |
26A | Venezuela (Rollei Box – 29 slides) |
undated | |
26A | With J. Morris at Ranch – Closeups (Kodak Box – 32 slides) |
1975 | |
26A | Assorted (8 slides) |
1963, undated |
Series XIII. Safe Materials, 1922-1975Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Envelope | Folder | ||
1B | 1 | Bush, George – Letters, Christmas card, Initialed business
cards |
1971-1974 |
1B | 2 | Carter, Jimmy – Letter |
1973 |
1B | 3 | Chavez, Cesar – Letter |
1972 |
1B | 4 | Dole, Bob and Humphrey, Hubert – Letter |
1971 |
1B | 5 | Donahue, Phil – Signature |
1965 |
1B | 6 | Ford, Gerald – Letters |
1975 |
1B | 7 | Ford, Tennessee Ernie – Letter |
1970 |
1B | 8 | Funflaufend Mark (German bank note) |
1922 |
1B | 9 | Greene, Lorne – Letter |
1963 |
Box | |||
5B |
A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov A hardcover Russian-language copy of the Russian novel (first published in 1840) with a written inscription from “Vladimir.” The publication date of the edition of the novel is 1938; the inscription is undated.
1938, undated | |
Envelope | Folder | ||
2B | 10 | Johnson, Lyndon B. – Flight Certificate |
1966 |
2B | 11 | Johnson, Lyndon B. |
1958-1961, 1964-1968, 1970 |
2B | 12-13 | Johnson, Lyndon B. – Photographs, Signed |
1966, undated |
3B | 14 | Kennedy, John F. – Letters |
1958-1960 |
3B | 15 | Laine, Frankie – Letter |
1970 |
3B | 16 | Musial, Stan – Letter |
1965 |
3B | 17 | Nixon, Richard – Letters |
1959, 1968, 1970 |
3B | 18 | Peck, Gregory – Letter |
1968 |
3B | 19 | Ross, Nellie Tayloe – Letters |
1959, 1964, 1968, 1971 |
3B | 20 | Stamps – Cachets |
1968-1969 |
3B | 20 | Stamps – First Day Issues |
1972-1973 |
3B | 20 | Stamps – First Day Issue of Moon Landing with Richard Nixon
Signature |
1969-1970 |
3B | 21 | Truman, Harry S. |
1960, 1966-1967, 1971 |
3B | 22 | Wayne, John – Letters |
1968 |
4B | 23 | Abraham Lincoln – Photograph and Autograph |
undated |
Series XIV. Audio-Visual Materials, 1955-1974Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries 1.: Reel Audio Tapes (1/4") |
Box | |||
1D | "How to get Information from Russia" - Dr. McGee at South
Georgia College - 10/23/55
7" reel
1955 | |
1D | "Sunday Sermon" - Dr. McGee - 3/24/57
7" reel
1957 | |
1D | "Dr. McGee defends Labor after Attacks Against Union
Corruption" - 9/1/57
5" reel, 7.5ips
1957 | |
1D | "Travel to Red China" History Behind the
Headlines - 9/27/57
5" reel
1957 | |
1D | "Bi-Partisan Foreign Policy" History Behind the
Headlines - 11/24/57
5" reel
1957 | |
1D | "Right to Work Laws" History Behind the
Headlines - 1/12/58
5" reel
1958 | |
1D | "Guests: Dr. John Noble, Dr. Kelin Keller" History
Behind the Headlines
7" reel
undated | |
1D | "Hate Clubs of the Air" - 4/22/58
7" reel, 7.5ips
1958 | |
1D | "College News Conference" Senator McGee - ABC
TV - 5/3/59
7" reel, 7.5ips
1959 | |
1D | "C & O News Summary" Discussion of Strauss as Sec.
of Commerce - 6/10/59
5" reel, 7.5ips
1959 | |
1D | "Wells Motors - Lincoln Head Dedication" - 10/18/59
6" reel
1959 | |
1D | "Youth Wants to Know" - 6/3/60
7" reel
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Alan Bible" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 30 sec. - 15 reels
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Frank Moss" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 40 sec. - 14 reels
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Henry Jackson" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 13 reels
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Howard Cannon" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 34 sec. - 15 reels
1960 | |
24D | Senator Mike Monroney - 9/8/60
3" reels - 30 sec. - 15 reels
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Quentin Burdick" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 30 sec. - 15 reels
1960 | |
24D | "Senator Vance Hartke" - 9/8/60
3" reels - 34 sec. - 14 reels
1960 | |
1D | "The Cancer of Communism"/"War or Peace" - Dr. Walter
Judd, William Strube - 4/15/61
7" reel
1961 | |
1D | "The Voice of America" Air Show to Latin
America - 12/27/61
7" reel
1961 | |
24D | "McGee" – 1/28/62
5" reel - 14 min. 34 sec.
1962 | |
1D | "Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner - Manchester,
NH" - 9/22/62
7" reel
1962 | |
1D | "Senator McGee on Remarks about Wyoming Radio Stations
by Marquis Childs" - 4/18/63
5" reel
1963 | |
1D | "Al Binchard - Hugh Fine Interview" - 5/13/63
7" reel
1963 | |
24D | "McGee" - 7/30/63 3" reel - 3 min. 20 sec.
1963 | |
1D | 1963 | ||
1D | "The Independent American - On State of the Union by
President Johnson" - 1/17/64
7" reel, 7.5ips
1964 | |
1D | "Dr. Carl McIntire, Twentieth Century Reformation Hour" - Falls Church, VA - 1/21/64
7" reel, 7.5ips
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee with McGovern" - 3/24/64
5" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee" - 4/22/64
5" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Educational Material Council for Livable World" - 5/1/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee with Kansas State Teachers Association" - Topeka, KS - 5/2/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Light and Life Hour" Program #1025 - Winona Lake, IN = 6/7/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Light and Life Hour" Program #1027 - Winona Lake, IN - 6/21/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "REA Speech" - Owensboro, KY - 7/18/64
7" reel, 7.5ips
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee: Gabes-Minuteman Talk" - Owensboro, KY - 7/18/64
7" reel, 7.5ips
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee: Green River RECC Annual Meeting" - Owensboro, KY - 7/18/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Light and Life Hour" Program #1037 - Winona Lake, IN - 8/30/64
7" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee, Spots 1-4" - 9/4/64
5" reel, 7.5ips
1964 | |
24D | "McGee" - 10/8/64 3" reel
1964 | |
1D | "Senator McGee" - 10/8/64
3" reel
1964 | |
1D | "U.S. Congress" - 3/3/65
7" reel
1965 | |
1D | "U.S. Congress" - 3/3/65
7" reel
1965 | |
1D | "Senator McGee with Teno Roncalio" - 3/24/65
5" reel
1965 | |
1D | "Ask Betty Furness" - CBS Radio Network - 3/29-30/65
5" reel
1965 | |
1D | "Ft. Lewis College Commencement" - Durango, CO - 4/65
7" reel, 3.75ips
1965 | |
1D | "Washington Interviews" - UPI Audio - 5/65
7" reel
1965 | |
1D | "Radical Right" - Senator McGee at Georgetown University - 6/65
7" reel
1965 | |
2D | "Guest Book - with Senator McGee and Gil Haar" - KMS - Fresno, California - 7/7/65
5" reel
1965 | |
2D | "Shades of Rip Van Winkle" - NW MO Teachers Association - Maryville, MO - 10/7/65
7" reel
1965 | |
24D | “From KOWB Radio” - Laramie, Wyoming 3" reel
1966 | |
24D | "McGee" – 1/24/67
4" reel - 3 min. 35 sec.
1967 | |
24D | "McGee – 4 Spots: #1 – 37 sec.; #2 – 1 min. 23 sec.; #3 – 1 min.; #4 – 42 sec." - 2/16/67
4" reel
1967 | |
2D | "U.S. Congress" - McGee speaks to Marines at Quantico, VA - 4/21/67
7" reel
1967 | |
2D | "U.S. Congress" McGee Speaks to Marines at Quantico, VA - 4/21/67
7" reel
1967 | |
2D | "Senator McGee at Knox College" - 4/24/67
7" reel
1967 | |
2D | "Senator McGee with Methodist Student Foundation" - Greencastle, IN - 5/13/67 |
1967 | |
2D | "Youth Wants to Know" - 6/1/67
7" reel
1967 | |
2D | "Commencement at Weber College" - 6/3/67
7" reel, 3.75ips
1967 | |
2D | "Vietnam" - Dr. L.B. Morgan - 6/25/67
7" reel, 3.75ips
1967 | |
2D | "State - Aid - Summer Interns" - 7/13/67
7" reel, 3.75ips
1967 | |
2D | "Vietnam and the Perspective of Change" Whitewater Forum
(No. 2) - 9/18/67
7" reel
1967 | |
24D | 11/9/67
4" reel
1967 | |
24D | 11/23/67
4" reel - 4 min. 25 sec.
1967 | |
2D | "McGee/Thurmon" - 3/30/68
7" reel
1968 | |
2D | "Williamsburg Student Burgesses" - Reel 1 - 2/19/68
7" reel
1968 | |
2D | "Williamsburg Student Burgesses" - Reel 2 - 2/19/68
7" reel
1968 | |
2D | "Senator McGee - Part 2" - 3/19/68
7" reel
1968 | |
2D | "Senator McGee Speech at UND" - 5/4/68
7" reel, 3.75ips
1968 | |
2D | "Comment" - Republican National Committee News 6/12/68
5" reel
1968 | |
2D | "Opinion Washington" - 12/17/68
7" reel
1968 | |
24D | "McGee" - 1/9/69 3" reel
1969 | |
2D | "Always --- ---- Force in South Vietnam" Lecture and
Questions - 2/13/69
7" reel
1969 | |
2D | "Stephen Geer - Interview with Senator
Fulbright" - 4/21/69
7" reel
1969 | |
2D | "From the Classroom to the Far East" - McGee Lecture at
USAF Academy - 9/19/69
7" reel, 7.5ips
1969 | |
24D | "McGee" - 10/2/69 3" reel
1969 | |
2D | "Mountain Bell Commercials" - 2/70
5" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 3/19/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 3/20/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 3/24/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 3/26/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 4/2/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee - #1 – Carswell – 2 min. 10 sec.; #2 – Pay Raise – 1 min. 31 sec.; #3 – Domino Theory – 50 sec.; #4 – Gun Control – 2 min. 5 sec." - 4/4/70
4" reel
1970 | |
2D | "Washington Education Association - Pulse Banquet" - Seattle, WA - 4/17/70
5" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 4/23/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 5/4/70 3" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee – #1 – 51 sec.; #2 – 47 sec.; #3 – 1 min. 33 sec.; #4 – 1 min. 3 sec." - 6/1/70
4" reel
1970 | |
2D | "Radio Interview with Senator McGee" - 6/24/70
5" reel, 3.75ips
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" - 6/25/70 3" reel - 1 min. 37 sec.
1970 | |
2D | "Capitol Cloakroom" - CBS Radio - 8/5/70
7" reel, 7.5ips
1970 | |
24D | KYCN – 8/7/70
4" reel - 3 min. 10 sec.
1970 | |
24D | "McGee" – 8/12/70
4" reel - 6 min. 5 sec.
1970 | |
24D | "McGee – 5 Spots" - 8/15/70
4" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee – #1 – 1 min. 5 sec.; #2 – 1 min. 41 sec.; #3 – 58 sec.; #4 – 1 min. 46 sec." - 8/27/70
4" reel
1970 | |
2D | "McGee/Wold Debate in Thermopolis, WY" - KTHE Radio - 9/25/70
7" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee – #1 – 2 min.; #2 – 1 min. 36 sec.; #3 – 1 min. 32 sec.; #4 – 1 min. 23 sec." - 9/28/70
4" reel
1970 | |
24D | "McGee – #1 – 1 min.; #2 – 1 min. 30 sec." - 10/5/70
4" reel
1970 | |
2D | "The Senate and Foreign Policy" - George Aiken/Gale McGee
5" reel, 3.75ips
1971 | |
2D | "Voting for 18 Year Olds" - 3/11/71
3" reel
March 11, 1971 | |
2D | "Senator McGee's Speech--Indian Ocean" - Part 1 - 3/18/71
7" reel
1971 | |
2D | "Senator McGee's Q & A - Indian Ocean" Part 2 - 3/18/71
7" reel
1971 | |
2D | "Senator McGee - Railpax" - 3/25/71
3" reel
1971 | |
2D | "Senator McGee" - 3/29/71
3" reel
1971 | |
2D | "The Senate and Foreign Policy: Rhetoric vs. Reality" - 4/6/71
7" reel, 3.75ips
1971 | |
2D | "Senator McGee" - 4/8/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | "Pillars of Freedom" - 5/4/71
7" reel
1971 | |
2D | 6/3/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 6/3/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 6/24/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 7/15/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 7/30/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 8/6/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 8/6/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 9/16/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 9/25/71
4" reel
1971 | |
2D | 9/30/71
4" reel
1971 | |
3D | 10/14/71
4" reel
1971 | |
3D | 11/11/71
4" reel
1971 | |
3D | 11/18/71
4" reel
1971 | |
3D | 12/2/71
4" reel
1971 | |
3D | 1/28/72
4" reel
1972 | |
3D | 2/3/72
4" reel
1972 | |
3D | 2/3/72
4" reel
1972 | |
3D | 2/3/72
4" reel
1972 | |
3D | 3/9/72
4" reel
1972 | |
3D | "The Making of U.S. Foreign Policy" - ABA Interdoc
Conference Valley Forge - 11/72
7" reel, 7.5ips
1972 | |
3D | "Senator McGee" - 11/20/72
5" reel
1972 | |
3D | "National Farmers Organization #16-18" - 2/5/73
5" reel
1973 | |
3D | "KYCN Listeners Against HR-6168" - 4/8/73
7" reel, 3.75ips
1973 | |
3D | "Voice of America" - Public Information Officers
Corporation - 2/4/74
7" reel
1974 | |
3D | "Interview with Senator McGee" - KCMW-FM/Central MO State
University - 4/6/74
7" reel, 7.5ips
1974 | |
3D | "4th Harry S. Truman Lecture - Senator McGee" - Central MO
State University - 4/6/74
7" reel, 3.75ips
1974 | |
Subseries 2.: Undated Reel Audio Tapes (1/4") |
Box | |||
3D | "Analysis of how Khruhchev got to Power,"
5" reel
undated | |
24D | “Anne for Aug I,”
3" reel
undated | |
3D | "The Challenge of International Communism"
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "Communism Through the 70s" #2
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "Congressional Comment" - Senator McGee
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Dr. McGee - Radio Moscow,"
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "Duncan and Schonbrun Protest Vietnam,"
5" reel
undated | |
3D | "Duncan and Schonbrun Protest Vietnam,"
5" reel
undated | |
3D | "Existence Right Now,"
3" reel
undated | |
3D | "The Extremist to the Right/The So Called Right to
Work/Protecting the Housewife from High Prices,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Extremists and the Schools" - U.S. Senator Gale
7" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Hoosier Energy" Dedication Speech by Hartke and
7" reel
undated | |
24D | "McGee,"
3" reel - “6/[illegible]/[illegible]”
undated | |
24D | "McGee and Senator Ralph Yarborough" – 7/20
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "McGee dub - Ambassador Murphy,"
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "McGee Press Conference, Speech and
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "McGee Speech,"
7" reel
undated | |
3D | "National Commission Food Marketing (with Betty
7" reel
undated | |
24D | “1-2-3 McGee for Me,”
3" reel
undated | |
3D | "P.O. Union Pay 'ditty,"
5" reel
undated | |
3D | "Queen of Battle/Wyoming,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Representative Wold R-WY,"
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "Representative Wold R-WY,"
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "Representative Wold R-WY,"
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "Salt Lake City Meeting - AFGE (January
7" reel
undated | |
24D | “Sen. McGee,”
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "Senator Gale McGee Interviewed by Richard
5" reel
undated | |
3D | "Senator Hansen R-WY,"
4" reel
undated | |
3D | "Senator Hansen R-WY,"
4" reel
1969; undated | |
3D | "Senator Hansen R-WY,"
4" reel
1969; undated | |
3D | "Senator McGee 60 sec. Radio Spots 1-10,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Senator McGee 60 sec. Radio Spots 1-10,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Senator McGee Spots 1-19,"
7" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Senator McGee 30 sec. Radio Spots 1-7,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Senator McGee 30 sec. Radio Spots 1-7,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Teno Roncalio,"
5" reel
undated | |
3D | "Walt Teas,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "The War We Must Wage and Win" - U.W. President Humphrey -
Wyoming Crusade for Freedom,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "The War We Must Wage and Win" - U.W. President Humphrey -
Wyoming Crusade for Freedom,"
5" reel, 7.5ips
undated | |
3D | "Your University Speaks,"
7" reel
undated | |
Subseries 3.: Unidentified Reel Audio Tapes (1/4") |
Box | |||
24D |
1 3" reel - addressed to Mr. Gary H. Holbrook, Speech Department, Southern Oregon College, Ashland, Oregon, from McGee
4D |
1 3" reel
24D |
2 3" reels
4D |
2 4" reels
24D |
8 4" reels
4D |
6 5" reels
4D |
2 6" reels
4D |
11 7" reels
Subseries 4.: FI-Cord 101 Tapes |
Box | |||
4D | American Embassy Kabul |
undated | |
4D | India |
undated | |
4D | Indonesia |
undated | |
4D | Iran and Afgan |
undated | |
4D | Nepal, India (completed 1/8/67) |
1967 | |
4D | Siam, Indonesia (completed 1/8/67) |
1967 | |
4D | Biak Island (completed 1/9/67) |
1967 | |
4D | unlabeled |
undated | |
4D | unlabeled (completed 1/9/67) |
1967 | |
4D | unlabeled (completed 1/10/67) |
1967 | |
Subseries 5.: Cassettes |
Box | |||
4D | "Address by McGee to International Police Academy -
2/15/73," |
1973 | |
24D | "Banquet at King David Hotel – Jerusalem – 12/74 – Airport – Press & TV Interview – Reception at School Assembly – Lori’s Birthday Party – 5/11-14/74," |
1974 | |
4D | "Conference Luncheon with Gale McGee -
1972," |
1972 | |
4D | "Conversations at Burundi, Bujumbura, Goma, Ethiopia,
Tape #4
undated | |
4D | "Conversations at Mt. Kenya, Ngorongoro, Serengeti,
Nairobi, etc.,"
Tape #3
undated | |
4D | "Coversations with Sadat, Israeli Schools,
Tape #5
undated | |
4D | "McGee at Fresno Airport; WAINO Peterson; College of the
Sequoias - 11/30/73," |
1973 | |
4D | "McGee at National Postal Forum (Washington D.C.) -
10/2/73," |
1973 | |
4D | "McGee at RMFU Convention - 12/3/73," |
1973 | |
4D | "Mission Children at Zambia, Botswana, Tanzania,
Zanzibar, etc.,"
Tape #2
undated | |
4D | "Morality in Foreign Policy" - University of Tulsa -
11/29/73 |
1973 | |
4D | "Nigeria Through Piper Memorial Hospital in
Tape #1
undated | |
4D | "Senator McGee and Senator Hansen (Saratoga) - August
31," |
undated | |
4D | "Senator McGee (Saratoga) KTWO Coverage," |
undated | |
4D | "Speech by McGee to National Rural Letter Carriers
Convention (NE) - 6/17/73," |
1973 | |
4D | "Tom Bell - Speech - KRAE - 5/1/71," |
1971 | |
4D | "United States Leadership of the Free World" - Gale
McGee - 1/13/72 |
1972 | |
Subseries 6.: "Meet The Professor" |
Box | |||
7D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, soundtrack and print, on
1962 | |
7D |
10 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, 3 soundtrack and 7 print
segments, 3 on cores
1962 | |
7D |
8 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segments w/sound, 7 on
1962 | |
7D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segment w/sound, on core
1962 | |
7D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segment w/sound, on core
1962 | |
7D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1962 | |
7D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
1962 | |
7D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, b&w, w/sound, on
1962 | |
7D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, rehearsal print w/sound, on
1962 | |
8D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, on cores
1962 | |
8D |
7 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segments and soundtracks, 4
on cores
1962 | |
8D |
3 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative segments and
soundtracks, 1 on core
1962 | |
8D |
5 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segments and soundtracks, 3
on cores
1962 | |
8D |
15 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segments and soundtracks, 3
on cores
1962 | |
8D |
6 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, segments and soundtracks, on
1962 | |
Subseries 7.: "Programs Filmed in the Senate Recording Studio" |
Box | |||
14D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1959 | |
14D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1960 | |
14D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1961 | |
14D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1962 | |
14D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1963 | |
14D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1964 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1965 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1966 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1967 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1969 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
1970 | |
15D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
1971 | |
16D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on core
1972 | |
16D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
16D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
16D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
16D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
16D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
17D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
18D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
19D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
19D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
19D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
19D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
19D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
20D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
20D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
20D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
20D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
20D |
2 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on
undated | |
20D |
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, w/sound, on core
undated | |
Subseries 8.: Assorted Film |
Box | |||
27D | "Acapulco – April 1957 – The Savannah – 1962," 8mm film
1957-1962 | |
"Africa" |
Box | |||
26D | "1 – Kapanga," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "2 – Zambia to Zanzibar," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "3 – Mount Kilimanjaro to Ethiopia," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "4 – Egypt to Tunisia," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "5 – General Leftovers," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "Airstrip and Strike Forces," 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
9D | "All America Wants to Know - Is Castroism Endangering
Latin America?" - Reader's Digest
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
1962 | |
26D | "American University Commencement – 1966?" 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
26D | "Anti-Guerilla Camp in Thailand – Beginning of Village Area in Northeastern Thailand," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "Arrival at Chu Lai," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "Arrival Biltmore – 6/28/66-7/2/66," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
1966 | |
26D | "Arrival in Chichi – Chichi Marketplace," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "Baltimore," Super 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
27D | "Bangkok - Vietnam," 8mm film
undated | |
26D | "Beach," Super 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
12D | "Boys Nation,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
26D | "China," 8mm film - 4 reels
undated | |
27D | "Congo," 8mm film
1960 | |
27D | "Delhi – Nazareth," 8mm film
undated | |
13D | "Dominican Republic with Jack H. Vaughn,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
21D | "Eight of the Alliance" - Reel 2 - U.S. Naval Mission to
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
25D | "Eight of the Alliance" - Reels 1 and 2 Two copies of each reel - 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel.
undated | |
27D | "Elgin Base – 1962 – Cuba – October 1962," 8mm film
1962 | |
26D | "End of Ag. Mission – Bien Hoa," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "End of Lake – Wreath-Laying Ceremony," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "End of Market Area – Approach to Lake," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "End of Saigon Trip," 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
26D | "End of Trip," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "End of Vung Tau – Beginning of Cam Ranh Bay," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
"Europe" |
Box | |||
27D | "1 – Laramie through England," 8mm film
1954 | |
27D | "2 – Holland – Belgium – Germany to Rothenburg," 8mm film
1954 | |
27D | "3 – Rothenburg – Weissenberg – Munich – Salzburg – Cortina – Venice – Florence," 8mm film
1954 | |
27D | "4 – Rome – Sorrento – Pompeii – Pisa – Genoa – Paris," 8mm film
1954 | |
26D | "Family Shots from Fall through Snow in February – Beginning of Vietnam Trip," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
5D | "First Federal Presents" Featuring Senator McGee - WCKT
Miami - 2/15/59
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
1959 | |
13D | "1st Gun Show,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
13D | "Food Marketing,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
27D | "4½ - Angkor Wat," 8mm film
1962 | |
6D | "Gale McGee - 6/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
27D | "Gores 1959 – Near East," 8mm film
1959 | |
6D | "How Sure are You?" - American Diabetes Association with
Gale McGee
1 film in 1 can, w/script in box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on
1961 | |
27D | "Hunting – 1953," 8mm film
1953 | |
27D | "India 4," 8mm film
undated | |
9D | "JFK Message to McGee Dinner - 7/7/63,"
3 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, print & sound on cores,
release print on reel
1963 | |
21D | "John Wold/Gale McGee - U.S. Senate Race Debate -
University of Wyoming Campus,"
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel
1970 | |
12D | "Liberal vs. Conservative,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or core
undated | |
21D | "1) Mail Bag, 2) with Senator Mondale, 3) Presidential
Scholars, 4) Food Marketing, 5) Vietnam in Perspective, 6) Vietnam in
Perspective, 7) Cattle,"
7 films in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or core
undated | |
6D | "McGee,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
11D | "McGee,"
2 films in 2 boxes, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on cores
undated | |
12D | "McGee,"
3 films in 3 boxes, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, 2 on cores
undated | |
5D | "McGee and Senator JFK,"
1 film in 1 can, 16m, b&w, w/sound, on core
1958 | |
6D | "McGee & Shriver - Peace Corps - 8/29/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
6D | "McGee Caucuses - MM Missile Base at
Cheyenne - 6/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
22D | "1) McGee/Day Interview, 2) Senator Yarborough, 3) Wild
Rivers, 4) Wild Rivers, 4) Liberal vs. Conservative, 5) McGee, 6) Upper Great
Plains, 7) McGee, 8) Dominican Republic, 9) McGee, 10) Oil Import Program, 11)
Business, 12) General, 13) Vietnam, 14) Vietnam, 15) Vietnam Mail, 16)
Unidentified Audio Tape (on core),"
16 films in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or core
undated | |
9D | "McGee Dinner,"
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, negative, no sound, on
1963 | |
6D | "McGee Discusses Role of University of Wyoming in the
Joint ICA-UW Program in Afghanistan - 8/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
5D | "McGee - Hickey TV show (1st show) - 1/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
12D | "McGee Primary Election,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or core
undated | |
11D | "McGee - Roncalio Joint Report,"
2 films in 2 boxes, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on cores
undated | |
9D | "McGee with Jack Anderson - 1/64,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1964 | |
9D | "McGee with R. Sargent Shriver - 9/62,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or core
1962 | |
11D | "McGee with Senator O'Mahoney,"
2 films in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, 1 on core
undated | |
5D | "Meet the New Senators" - Parts 1 & 2 - CBS
Television - 1/11/59
2 films in 2 cans, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reels
1959 | |
21D | "Miscellaneous 30 and 60 second spots,"
20 films in 20 boxes, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reels
undated | |
22D | "Miscellaneous 30 second spots,"
42 films in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reels
undated | |
27D | "Near East 2," 8mm film
undated | |
26D | "New York to Moscow," Super 8mm film
undated | |
26D | "Northeastern Thailand – Shots of Embassy – Bangkok," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "Office," 8mm film in white box
undated | |
26D | "Office?" 8mm film in white box
undated | |
26D | "Office – mid 60s," 8mm film in white box
undated | |
12D | "Opening China - outtake,"
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
"Pacific" |
Box | |||
27D | "1 – Hawaii – Tahiti," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "2 – Samoa – Fiji – New Guinea," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "3 – Bali – Djakarta – Singapore," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "4 – Malaya – Cambodia," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "5 – Vietnam – Lao – Corregidor," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "6 – Hong Kong – Taiwan – Quemoy – Okinawa," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "7 – Japan," 8mm film
1962 | |
27D | "8 - Korea," 8mm film
1962 | |
9D | "President Kennedy's Conservation Trip - 9/24-28/63,"
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel - includes copy
of speech
1963 | |
12D | "Presidential Scholars,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
10D | "Putting Ideas to Work in Chemicals" - FMC
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
27D | "Reel I – Zambia through Manyara and Ngorongoro," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
27D | "Reel II – Leaving Ngorongoro to Lions Serengeti," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
27D | "Reel III – End Ndutu to Safari Club," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
27D | "Reel IV – Treetops and Parc Albert," Super 8mm film
1970 | |
26D | "Return to Saigon," 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
26D | "Saigon," 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
26D | "Saigon," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "Saigon – Bien Hoa," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
12D | "Senate Youth Program,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
5D | "Senator Gale McGee & Senator John
Kennedy," - 4/60
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, w/sound, on core
1960 | |
5D | "Senator Kennedy & Whitaker"
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
13D | "Senator McGee,"
2 films in 2 boxes, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
12D | "Senator McGee - TV Documentary,"
2 films in 2 cans, 16mm, color, w/sound, on reels
undated | |
13D | "Senator McGee and Bill Grove TV
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
13D | "Senator McGee and J. Edward Day,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
11D | "Senator McGee and Senator Humphrey,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
11D | "Senator McGee with James E. Webb, NASA Space Program -
at Riverton,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
13D | "Senator McGee with Randolph Hearst Program
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
6D | "Senator McGee with Sec. of Int. Stu Udall as Guest"
Wilderness Bill and Transmission Grid - 8/61,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
1961 | |
5D | "Senator McGee with Senator Kennedy (in
2 films in 2 boxes, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, no reel or
undated | |
"South America" |
Box | |||
26D | "1 – Peru," 8mm film
1961 | |
26D | "2 – Bolivia, Chile, Argentina," 8mm film
1961 | |
26D | "3 – Paraguay, Brazil, Iguazu Rio," 8mm film
1961 | |
26D | "4 – Brazil, Belo, Brasilia, Recife," 8mm film. Includes the following note in the film canister: "At the beginning of the film during a visit in Belo Horizonte, there is a shot of Senator McGee and Senator Frank Moss of Utah visiting with a group of Brazilian teachers standing in front of the hotel. The import of it is that those teachers arose at dawn in order to greet us there before our early departure for the opportunity of saying “thank you” to someone official from the United States for having made possible their study in the United States in teachers’ colleges that prepared them for their teaching service in Brazil. / At the end of the reel the last section was filmed in Recife in the northeast corner of Brazil, and somewhere among the Recife shots near the end of them (after you get through the fishermen and the bikinis) is a shot of McGee and a Brazilian geologist as they stood on the balcony of the hotel. The geologist may be identified by the fact that he wears no hat, has dark hair, and wears heavy glasses. The point of this Brazilian geologist was that he was a former student of McGee’s at the University of Wyoming a number of years ago. He was an exchange student from Brazil studying in the University’s expert Department of Geology."
1961 | |
26D | "5 – Northeast Brazil, Amazonia," 8mm film
1961 | |
26D | "6 – Amazonia, British Guiana, Barbados," 8mm film
1961 | |
9D | "Spencer's Mountain Dedication,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, no sound, on reel
1963 | |
26D | "Stalingrad to Prague," 8mm film
1956 | |
10D | "This is Gale McGee" (3 copies)
3 films in 3 cans, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reels
1964 | |
10D | "This is Gale McGee,"
16 films in 16 boxes, 16mm, b&w, segments, w/sound, on
1964 | |
26D | "25th Division – Arrival at Tau Nin," 8mm film in Peoples Drugstore box
undated | |
26D | "2 Berlins," 8mm film
1956 | |
9D | "Vice President Johnson Addresses McGee
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
26D | "Victoria and VC Camp," 8mm film in Kodachrome box
undated | |
27D | "Vietnam and Hong Kong," 8mm film
undated | |
10D | "Vietnam Debate" - 1968 Democratic National Convention in
Chicago - CBS Television - 8/28/68
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
1968 | |
13D | "Vietnam Mail,"
1 film in 1 box, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on core
undated | |
"West Africa" |
Box | |||
27D | "2," 8mm film
1960 | |
27D | "4," 8mm film
1960 | |
10D | "What's the Story" - Lawmakers in Seattle for U. of
Washington's Centennial Convocation
1 film in 1 can, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reel
undated | |
"World ’66" |
Box | |||
27D | "1 – Majora – Istanbul – Baghdad – Tehran – Afghanistan," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "2 – Pakistan," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "3 – India," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "4 – Ladakh – Nepal," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "5 – Burma – Chiang Mai," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "6 – Djakarta – Bangkok – Sarawa? – Borneo," 8mm film
1966 | |
27D | "7 – Indonesia," 8mm film
1966 | |
26D | Illegible labels 2 films, 8mm, in Peoples Drugstore boxes
undated | |
22D | Unlabeled
10 films, 16mm, b&w, w/sound, on reels
undated | |
26D | Unlabeled or illegible labels 5 films, 8mm, in Kodachrome boxes
undated | |
26D | Unlabeled or illegible labels 5 films, Super 8mm, in Kodachrome boxes
undated | |
Subseries 9.: Voicewriter Discs (Radio and TV Recordings) |
Box | |||
23D | undated | ||
23D | 8/29/61
McGee & R. Sargent Shriver
1961 | |
23D | 3/27/62
McGee & Gov. Adlai Stevenson
1962 | |
23D | 6/12/62 |
1962 | |
23D | 8/15/62
McGee & Howard Peterson plus President Kennedy inserts
1962 | |
23D | 8/31/62 |
1962 | |
23D | 2/21/67
2 Discs
1967 | |
23D | 4/21/67
2 Discs
1967 | |
23D | 4/24/67
2 Discs
1967 | |
23D | "Whitewater Forum" - 9/19/67
2 Discs
1967 | |
23D | "Nebraska" - 9/28/67
2 Discs
1967 | |
23D | 6/4/71 |
1971 | |
23D | 11/24/71 |
1971 | |
23D | 12/2/71 |
1971 | |
23D | 4/7/72 |
1972 | |
23D | 7/18/72 |
1972 | |
23D | 2/21/73 |
1973 | |
23D | 6/1/73 |
1973 | |
23D | 12/12/73 |
1973 | |
23D | 3/29/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 9/13/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 9/19/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 9/26/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 10/4/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 10/10/74 |
1974 | |
23D | 11/27/74 |
1974 | |
Subseries 10.: Phonograph Records |
Box | |||
23D | “The Honorable Gale W. McGee, United States Senator – Capitol Cloakroom – November 1964 – The CBS Radio Network,”
12" record, 33.3rpm
1964 | |
23D | "The Honorable Gale W. McGee, United States Senator,
Capitol Cloakroom" - CBS Radio - 7/65
12" record, 33.3rpm
1965 | |
23D | "Old Man Atom/Iron Horse" - Ozie Waters - Columbine
Records - Central City, CO
7" record, 45rpm
undated | |
23D | "U.S. Senators March" (#22601) by Carrol M.
10" record, 33.3rpm
undated | |
Subseries 11.: 45 RPM Recordings |
Box | |||
23D | "At Your Door" and "Crazy Over You" by Jim Cox and the
Outlaws |
undated | |
23D | "Here Comes the Freedom Train," sung by Porter Wagoner and
Dolly Parton - Words and music by Stephen Lemberg - Featuring Chet
Akins |
undated | |
23D | "It Takes More Than One" and "Little Man" by Leo
Pevsner |
undated | |
23D | "Keep Your Chin Up, Soldier" and "I Can't Live it Down" by
Ray Godfrey - Words and music by John Carroll and Gertrude Feith |
undated | |
23D | King Hussein of Jordan |
1971-1972 | |
23D | "A Letter to Nixon" by John Purvis |
undated | |
23D | McGee speech circa 1958/1959 Found in a 1969 "speeches" folder.
undated | |
23D | "Mister Democrat" from Vincent Records |
1968 | |
23D | "A Nation's Prayer" and "Some Day," |
undated | |
23D | "Pathmark Energy Song" by the Newark Boys
Chorus |
undated | |
23D | "Rewriting the National Anthem" by Albert Brooks |
undated | |
23D | "Selling Yourself, Making Sure Your Listeners Follow You" - The Academy of Creative Salesmanship of the National
Association of Tobacco Distributors - Introductory Record |
1966 | |
23D | "The Star Spangled Banner" - Frank Caruso
arrangement |
undated | |
23D | "There's a Boat Leaving Everyday" from Nico
Records |
undated | |
23D | Voice of America Broadcast |
1971 | |
23D | "Welfare Cadillac" and "Keep Off My Grass" by Guy Drake - From
Royal American Records |
undated | |
Subseries 12.: VHS Tapes |
Box | |||
24D | Announcements of McGee’s death on 2 Wyoming (Casper and Cheyenne) newscasts |
1992 | |
Subseries 13.: Digital Audio Files |
Box | Folder | ||
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | John F. Kennedy (JFK) University of Wyoming speech |
September 25, 1963 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee campaign jingle |
1964 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | "Night Call" radio show (McGee appears on show to discuss character assassination) |
December 17, 1965 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | Larry Wakefield's "Free For All" Casper radio show (McGee discusses campaign, foreign and domestic issues, Vietnam) |
July 10, 1970 |
Subseries 14.: Digital Video Files |
Box | Folder | ||
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee speaks at 1964 Democratic National Convention (DNC)(no sound) |
August 24, 1964 |
Digital | ahcdm_09800_001 | McGee's 1968 Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech |
August 28, 1968 |
Series XV. Artifacts, 1958-1976Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries 1.: Ashtrays |
Box | Item | ||
2C | 1 | OEO ceramic ashtray "With best wishes from Sargent
1968 |
2C | 2 | Industrial College and Armed Forces ceramic
ashtray |
2C | 3 | General Motors 201-A Diesel Engine glass
ashtray |
Subseries 2.: Certificates |
Box | Item | ||
1C | 1 | Award in recognition of the distinguished service and
generous contributions of Gale W. McGee in helping insure the success of the
Twenty Fifth Annual National Associationof Student Councils' 1961 Conference in
Oklahoma City |
1C | 2 | Appreciation for being the guest speaker at the Rotary
Club of Laramie, Wyoming on |
February 23, 1961 |
1C | 3 | Honorary Member of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of
Commerce |
1969 |
1C | 4 | Invited Member of the Sheridan County Chamber of
Commerce |
1969-1970 |
1C | 5 | Membership in Omicron Delta Kappa |
April 17, 1972 |
1C | 6 | Honorary Membership in Phi Delta Kappa, Beta Mu Chapter,
University of Wyoming |
May 16, 1965 |
1C | 7 | Completion of the Wool and Lamb Short
Course |
July 29 to August 1, 1957 |
1C | 8 | College of Agriculture conferred the Degree of Doctor of
Wyoming Lore |
September 24, 1954 |
1C | 9 | Nebraska State Teachers College at Wayne commending Gale
W. McGee, Class of 1936, for distinguished public service, loyalty to alma
mater and for achievements bringing high credit to the alumni
family |
October 25, 1960 |
Subseries 3.: Flags |
Box | Item | ||
3C | 1 | Four small flags with wooden base, 1 United States flag,
1 Wyoming State flag, 1 Bicentennial flag, 1 CFC flag |
3C | 2 | Two small flags, 1 United States and 1 Bicentennial flag
with black wooden base |
3C | 3 | 1 Bicentennial Banner |
1975 |
3C | 4 | "Young GOPs for McGee" banner |
1958 |
Subseries 4.: Folk Art |
Box | Item | ||
2C | 1 | Papier mache replicas of two main characters, the good
king and his wife, in Kathakali, the most popular folk art of Kerala,
India |
2C | 2 | Wyoming Cowboy (Pistol Pete) plaster statue with
1972 |
2C | 3 | Metal donkey head by Hobie |
1976 |
Subseries 5.: Medals |
Box | Item | ||
3C | 1 | 1974 United Nations Peace Medal in pendant-charm
form |
3C | 2 | 1976 Commemorative Medal in bronze in recognition of
McGee's support to the Bicentennial Operation Alert |
3C | 3 | State Agricultural Experiment Stations Centennial medal,
1875-1975, with Wyoming 1891-1975 on the reverse |
Subseries 6.: Paperweights |
Box | Item | ||
2C | 1 | Brass paper weight of the U.S.S. Bainbridge, the world's
first nuclear powered frigate |
1962 |
2C | 2 | Fossiled bone paper weight |
2C | 3 | Lucite enclosed |
2C | 4 | Coin engraved with the lamb lying with the lion and
inscribed "Blessed are the Peace-Makers." |
2C | 5 | Egg-timer from 1961 National 4-H Conference Washington,
D.C. |
2C | 6 | Dried flowers entitled "Plant a Flower in Vast
Wasteland," from the National Cable Television Association |
2C | 7 | Pen holder with rock samples |
2C | 8 | Three Wyoming Bucking Broncos in pyramid
shapes |
2C | 9 | Coin commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
Arthritis Foundation |
2C | 10 | Arm and Hammer commemorating the first sodium
bicarbonate produced west of the Mississippi River |
2C | 11 | Japanese commemorative stamp issued in observance of the
first nuclear reactor for the Far East, designed and built for the Japan Atomic
Energy Research Institute by Atomics International |
2C | 12 | General Dynamic Electric Boat Division-USS Glenard P.
Lipscomb-Keel Laid |
June 5, 1971 |
2C | 13 | March of Dimes twenty-fifth anniversary citation to
McGee |
2C | 14 | Kaiser Steel raw material samples of coal, iron ore and
limestone |
2C | 15 | Lone Star Gas Company's samples from Bertha Rogers No.1,
the world's deepest well |
2C | 16 | United States and Wyoming emblems |
2C | 17 | United States Wheat Produces Congressional
Breakfast |
1969 |
Subseries 7.: Petroleum Samples |
Box | Item | ||
2C | 1 | Project Coed, Office of Coal Research, FMC Corporation;
char, oil and gasoline products from the Pilot plant using western
coal |
June 1971 |
Subseries 8.: Plaques |
Box | Item | ||
1C | 1 | "The Penalty of Leadership,: presented by the Department
of Mass-Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. to McGee |
June 4, 1961 |
1C | 2 | Distinguished Service Award from the Partners of the
Americas |
1974 |
1C | 3 | Distinguished Service Award, 1975 from the
1C | 4 | National Association of Postal Vehicle Contractors
Plaque for outstanding service to the American people |
May 9, 1974 |
1C | 5 | Presidential Malacanang, Manila plaque of Appreciation
awarded to McGee as a member of the Corregidor-Bataan Memorial
Commission |
June 22, 1968 |
Subseries 9.: Replicas |
Box | Item | ||
2C | 1 | Telestar on wood base |
July 10, 1962 |
Subseries 10.: Rocks |
Box | Item | ||
3C | 1 | Agatized wood, 50,000,000-60,000,000 years old from
Casper, Wyoming |
3C | 2 | Black jade and tremolite |
3C | 3 | Dinosaur gastrolith pin from Como Bluff given by Rock
River friends |
3C | 4 | Geode pendant |
3C | 5 | Green stone, meta-basalt rock with the resemblance of a
donkey head |
3C | 6 | Israel stone mosaic spelling "Shalom," given to Mrs.
McGee from Chava Schecter |
3C | 7 | Painted stone of night landscape, signed "A present for
our Senator from the children of Bondurant." |
3C | 8 | Silicified eocene limestone, commonly called turritella
agate from the Knights of Columbus |
Subseries 11.: Miscellaneous |
Box | Item | ||
3C | 1 | Golden railroad spike
B.L.E. Div. #103
1869-1969 |
3C | 2 | Set of seven buttons, recasted in pewter, from original
found at Revolutionary Redoubts near West Point, from Time
Magazine |
3C | 3 | Desk ornament of Thanks, presented by the Wyoming 75th
Anniversary Commission to Senator Gale McGee |
3C | 4 | Sterling Demitasse spoon with Wyoming insignia,
presented by the Girls Nation Delegate, Cindy Saunders |
1974 |
3C | 5 | 1973 Canadian mint coins, presented to McGee,
Co-Chairman of the Fifteenth Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary
Meeting |
3C | 6 | Copy of "An Eloquent Plea for Action," an address given
by Lyndon Baines Johnson before a joint session of congress |
3C | 7 | Vinyl paper holder folder with "Ministry of National
Defense, Republic of China," printed in Chinese and in English, from McGee's
1962 Asia Trip |
November 27,1963 |
3C | 8 | "W" horseshoe nail necklace |
3C | 9 | McGee campaign buttons, tie tacks, matches
from |
1958, 1976 |
Bust of McGee, by Robert Russin |
1958 |
Series XVI. Artwork, undatedReturn to Top
Description | Dates |
1 Oil Painting of United States Senator Joseph
O'Mahoney |
1 Oil Painting of United States Senator Gale
McGee |
1 Water Color Painting of United States Senator Gale
McGee |
1 Map of the History and Romance of Wyoming |
1 Water Color Sketch of Conestoga Wagons |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Agriculture
- Agriculture and state
- Air -- Pollution -- United States
- Airports -- Wyoming -- Jackson Hole
- Banks and banking -- United States
- Civil service -- United States
- Coal -- Research -- West (U.S.)
- College teaching -- Wyoming
- District of Columbia -- Appropriations and expenditures
- Economic assistance, American
- Genocide -- United States
- Grazing -- United States
- Gun control -- United States
- Indians of North America
- Indians of North America -- Government relations
- International trade
- Interstate commerce -- United States
- Logging -- United States
- Mines and mineral resources -- United States
- National parks and reserves -- United States
- Pensions -- United States
- Petroleum -- West (U.S.)
- Political campaigns
- Postal service -- Postmasters -- Wyoming
- Postal service -- Wyoming
- Postal service -- United States
- Public health -- United States
- Public housing -- United States
- Public lands
- Public schools -- United States
- Rationing -- United States
- Reclamation of land -- West (U.S.)
- Rural electrification -- West (U.S.)
- Soil conservation -- West (U.S.)
- Speed limits -- United States
- Supersonic transport planes
- Transportation -- United States
- Veterans -- United States
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Cambodia
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Foreign public opinion, American
- Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Prisoners and prisons
- Water resources development -- United States
- Watergate Affair, 1972-1974
Personal Names
- Church, Frank
- Fong, Hiram, 1907-
- Ford, Gerald R., 1913-
- Hansen, Clifford P. (Clifford Peter), 1912-
- Harrison, William Henry, 1896-1990
- Hebard, Grace Raymond, 1861-1936
- Hickey, J. J. (Joseph John)
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973
- Kennedy, Edward Moore, 1932-
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
- Kissinger, Henry, 1923-
- McGee family
- McGee, Loraine
- Moss, Frank E., 1911-
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-
- O'Mahoney, Joseph C. (Joseph Christopher), 1884-1962
- Roncalio, Teno, 1916-
- Simpson, Milward L., 1897-
- Udall, Morris K.
Corporate Names
- Democratic National Committee (U.S.)
- John Birch Society
- Organization of American States
- Peace Corps (U.S.)
- Unesco
- United Nations
- United States. Congress. Senate
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations.United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
- United States. Federal Communications Commission
- United States. Food and Drug Administration
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- United States. Social Security Administration
- University of Wyoming
- Young Democratic Clubs of America
Geographical Names
- Asia, Southeastern
- F.E. Warren Air Force Base (Wyo.)
- South America
- United States -- Commerce
- United States -- Defenses
- United States -- Appropriations and expenditures
- United States -- Armed forces
- United States -- Foreign relations -- 1945-1989
- United States -- Foreign relations -- 1969-1974
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Treaties
- United States -- Military policy
- United States -- Politics and government
- United States -- Public lands
- United States -- Public works
- Wyoming -- Buildings, structures, etc
- Wyoming -- History -- 1919-1945
- Wyoming -- History -- 1946-
- Wyoming -- Politics and government
- Yellowstone National Park