Fish Industry publications, 1936-1980

Overview of the Collection

Fish Industry publications
1936-1980 (inclusive)
1 linear foot
Collection Number
XOE_CPNWS0151fishindustry (collection)
This collection contains publications on various fishery topics such as food storage and transportation, common ocean fishes, marine baits, and optimum sustainable yield.
Western Washington University, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies
Goltz-Murray Archives Building
808 25th St.
Bellingham, WA
Telephone: (360) 650-7534
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains publications on various fishery topics dating from 1936 to 1980. Topics covered include food storage and transportation, common ocean fishes, marine baits, and optimum sustainable yield.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Fish Industry publications, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA 98225-9123.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Processing Note

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Acquisition Information

Acquisition information is unknown.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
1/1 State of World Fisheries: Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations 1968
1/2 Freeze Drying Food 1961
1/3 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Annual Report 1958
1/4 The Fishing Industry in the U.S.S.R. Moskva 1959
1/5 Some Working Methods in Refrigeration on Long-Range Fishing Trawlers 1959
1/6 Keys to the Fishes of Washington, Oregon, and Closely Adjoining Regions 1936
1/7 White Fish Identification Guide, Compiled by Richard S. Lee 1979
1/8 Demersal Fish Resources of the Eastern Bering Sea Spring 1976
1/9 Optimum Sustainable Yield as a Concept in Fisheries Management 1975
1/10 Japanese Fisheries Overseas Technical Cooperation 1967
1/11 223 Tested Methods of Handling Everyday Food Plant Problems Undated
1/12 Department of Fisheries: Biological Report 1950
1/13 Inshore Fishes of California by John L. Baxter 1961
1/14 Offshore Fishes of California by John E. Fitch 1958
1/15 Annual Report: Department of Fish and Game, State of Alaska 1959
1/16 Common Ocean Fishes of the California Coast by Phil M. Roedel 1953
1/17 The California Oyster Industry by Elinore M. Barrett 1963
1/18 California Abalones Family Haliotidae by Keith W. Cox 1962
1/19 Common Marine Bivalves of California by John E. Fitch 1953
1/20 Storage and Transport of Fish in Refrigerated Sea Water by S.W. Roach and J.S.M. Harrison 1961
1/21 NOAA Technical Report NMFS by Adam A. Sokoloski 1973
1/22 Sewage Treatment Plant Design 1959
1/23 Food Refrigeration Process 1950
1/24 West Coast Fisheries Problems 1967 November 9
1/25 Black Cod Boom or Bust! Seminar Proceedings 1980
1/26 Fishery Facts on Sanitation: Fresh and Salt 1967-1982
1/27 Nutritive Value of Fish and Shellfish Undated
1/28 Freezing of Fish Undated
1/29 Marine Baits of California 1964
1/30 Atlantic Fish/Poissons Atlantiques 1972