Robert I. Nesmith photographs, 1942-1944

Overview of the Collection

Nesmith, Robert I., 1891-1972.
Robert I. Nesmith photographs
1942-1944 (inclusive)
923 safety film negatives
66 photographic prints (2 contact prints, 17 8x10 prints, 47 M oversize prints)
Collection Number
Lot 019
The Victory Labor Management Committees of Anaconda, Butte, and Great Falls published a biweekly newspaper during World War II entitled Copper Commando. The photographs in this collection were taken by Robert I. Nesmith and used in the publication from its first issue in 1942 through 1944. The images document the operations of mills, plants, smelters, and refineries owned by the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and illustrate the daily work of individuals.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Additional Reference Guides

An in-house Excel inventory lists the issues of Copper Commando in which the images appeared.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

At the recommendation of the U.S. War Department’s War Production Board, the Victory Labor Management Committees of Anaconda, Butte, and Great Falls coordinated their efforts to roll out the first issue of Copper Commando in August 1942. The War Production Board selected Robert Newcomb of New York City to develop and head the publication. He was soon joined by associate editor Marg Sammons, who later became co-editor with Newcomb (June 1943). The Labor Management Committees filled their editorial boards (from Anaconda, Butte, and Great Falls) with ACM management and representatives from AFL and CIO unions.

A biweekly newspaper in magazine format, Copper Commando was to be an appealing, pictorial publication that would communicate the importance of metal production to the war effort. Human interest stories and images detailed the activities of Anaconda Copper Mining Company workers as well as housewives, schoolchildren, and others contributing to the cause. A number of pieces illustrated the wartime uses for copper and zinc and explained how Montana metals were helping to win the war. Copper Commando was distributed to the employees of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company in Anaconda, Great Falls, and Butte, to former employees serving in the military, and to union organization headquarters. The publication ran until the War Production Board was disbanded in November 1945.

Robert I. Nesmith (1891-1972) was head of R. I. Nesmith & Associates, a photography firm in New York City, when he began work for Copper Commando. He worked as chief photographer for the paper from its first issue until the beginning of 1944.

Robert Newcomb and Marg Sammons later married and formed the Chicago-based communications consulting firm Newcomb and Sammons. Following his work for Copper Commando, Nesmith became the owner of The Foul Anchor, a Rye, New York, bookstore dedicated to treasure hunting books.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains photographs used in the publication Copper Commando from 1942-1945 (bulk 1942-1943). It includes images taken by Nesmith during his tenure as chief photographer. These images document the day-to-day operations workers at the Anaconda smelter (252 images), Butte mines (371 images), Great Falls electrolytic zinc plant and copper refinery (229 images), Rocker lumber mill (30 images), East Helena slag treating plant (28 images), and American Brass Company in Connecticut (13 images). They illustrate the process of metal production from mining ore through concentrating, roasting, smelting, converting, and electrolytic refining.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

Robert I. Nesmith photographs. Lot 019. (Item number.) Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This finding aid contains item-level descriptions for each image. The photographs are ordered according to Nesmith’s numbering system and labeled with his titles, followed by information from Copper Commando image captions for those images that appear in the publication. Photographs numbered 1-824 were taken in 1942, photographs 825-994 were taken in January, 1943, and photographs 994-1111 were taken in April, 1943.

Acquisition Information

The bulk of the photographs were donated by Robert I. Nesmith in September, 1960. Approximately 26 of the images were accessioned under PAc 88-91.


Copper commando: The official newspaper of the Victory Labor-Management Production Committees at Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls . Butte, 1942-1945.

Related Materials

Historical information was taken from Copper Commando, newspaper articles published in the Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.), and the Anaconda Copper Mining Company records (MC 169).

See PAc 93-61 for images taken by Al Gusdorf during his tenure as chief photographer for Copper Commando (40 photographs, 1944-1945). See also Anaconda Copper Mining Company photographs in PAc 82-62 and PAc 85-32.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following list is ordered numerically according to Robert Nesmith's list. Each number is preceded by a character that indicates where the photograph was taken: A = Anaconda, B = Butte, F = Great Falls, H = East Helena, R = Rocker, and W = Waterbury, CT. Note: images 1271-1281 were not numbered by Nesmith and have been assigned numbers.

Description Dates
A 1a : "Anaconda stack" 1942
B 1b : "Leonard hoist houses" (Similar to view in Sept 19, 1942 issue) 1942
B 2 : "Panel board cutting" (Bob Nelson, Chester Nankervis and Bill Hoskins trimming a trouble-indicating panel) 1942
B 3 : "Leonard hoist" 1942
B 4 : "John Bird and motor" (John Bird finishing assembly on a 1800hp D.C. motor) 1942
B 5 : "Hand on switch" 1942
B 6 : "Leonard headframe - Issue #1" 1942
B 8 : "Machinist working on hoist brake" (Bob Stuart tightening a hoist) 1942
B 9 : "Headframe - angle up" 1942
B 10 : "Hand on switch" 1942
B 11 : "Leonard headframe" 1942
B 12 : "Machinist working on hoist brake" (Bob Stuart) 1942
B 13 : "View from idler tower " (Leonard Mine) 1942
B 14 : "What you can see from the headframe - Issue #1" (view from Leonard Mine headframe of Meaderville, Butte, Montana) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 15 : "Headframe Leonard" 1942
B 17 : "Leonard Cons (Construction) crew Standing Mat Korsund, foreman; Clarence Morris; Tom Arthur; Al Plate; Leslie Williams; Bert Fellows; Roy Farnham Cons Supt, Seated Knute Plate; Herman Carver - Issue #1" 1942
B 18 : "Scene at base of Leonard frame safety sign - Issue #1" (sign reads "Safety First - The Time for Safety is All the Time") 1942
B 20 : "Dick Watson climbs every headframe and idler tower daily - Issue #1" 1942
B 21 : "Dick Watson diff view Watson" (Similar to 20) 1942
B 22 : "Silhouette Roy Farnham and headframe" 1942
A 24 : "Tom Murray and workman" 1942
B 25 : "Les, Tom Murray, workman, and Newcomb in miner's clothes Mt. Con" (sign reads "This Mine Has Worked __ Days Without A Lost Time Accident") 1942
B 26 : "Mt. Con Miners on sheets - Issue #1" 1942
A 27 : "Guard on hill (pistol)" 1942
A 28 : "Arsenic worker" 1942
A 29 : "Office boys on bridge stack rear" 1942
A 30 : "Looking into furnace" 1942
A 32 : "Arsenic worker" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 33 : "Arsenic worker" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 34 : "Arsenic worker" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 35 : "Arsenic worker" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 36 : "Arsenic worker" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 37 : "Arsenic worker" 1942
A 38 : "Arsenic worker - Full length best" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 39 : "Stack worker" 1942
A 40 : "Stack worker and stack" 1942
A 41 : "Older timers at lunch" 1942
B 43 : "Miners on sheets Mt. Con" 1942
B 44 : "Miners on sheets Mt. Con" 1942
B 45 : "2 miners Mt. Con Tom McColgan, left - Issue #1" 1942
B 46 : "2 miners Mt. Con Knightly, left " (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 47 : "Miner Alvin Daulton Mt. Con - Issue #1" 1942
B 48 : "Miner Mt. Con" 1942
B 49 : "Miners in cage about to go down - Issue #1" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 50 : "Miners in cage about to go down - different - Issue #1" 1942
A 51 : "Freight cars on hill" (View of concentrator yard with shipment of ore from Anselmo) 1942
A 52 : "Freight cars on overhead trestle" 1942
A 53 : "Stack" 1942
A 54a : (Men in line for "Group 1" - buying war bonds) 1942
A 54b : (Similar to 54A) 1942
A 54c : "Mike Lescantz and ladle - Issue #1 " 1942
A 55 : "Ore cars on hill" (Brakeman Bill Bowling on car) 1942
A 56 : "Silhouette of brakeman" (Bill Bowling) 1942
A 57 : "Ore cars (long shot)" (Brakeman Bill Bowling on car) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 58 : "Butte from hotel" (View from Finlen Hotel) 1942
B 59 : "Scrapper" (Shoveling dirt) 1942
B 60 : "Fred Schmooke and Phil Larson setting up" (Setting up drifter to drill) (Also M oversize vintage print and 8x10 vintage print) 1942
B 61 : "Fred Schmooke drilling with drifter - Issue #1" 1942
B 65 : "Mucker - Issue #1" 1942
B 67 : "Clarence Rodgers on car" 1942
B 69 : "Mine boss with sign Steward" (sign reads "To Seward") 1942
B 71 : "Miner working timbers" 1942
B 73 : "Mine boss (portrait)" 1942
B 74 : "Clarence Rodgers (close up)" 1942
B 75 : "New cooler 4100" 1942
B 76 : "Miners on sheets Mt. Con" 1942
B 77 : "Miners on sheets Mt. Con" 1942
B 78 : "Miners on sheets Mt. Con" 1942
B 79 : "Safety sign" (sign reads "Think 'Safety' Practice" some union notices visible) 1942
B 80 : "Men in room at table" 1942
B 81 : "Sign 73 EMPLOYEES ABSENT" (sign reads "73 Employees Were Absent From War Production Yesterday!, Were You One of Them?") 1942
B 85 : "Intake on cooler 4100" 1942
B 86 : "Looking over lamps" (see 1088-1090) 1942
B 87 : "Bit shop tempering " 1942
B 88 : "Bit shop sorting" (George Berryman) 1942
B 89 : "Bit shop grinding" (Bill Whalen gauging bits) 1942
B 90 : "Miners turning over lamps" (see 1088-1090) 1942
B 91 : "Lowering equipment Mt. Con" 1942
B 93 : "Lowering equipment Mt. Con" (Similar to 91) 1942
A 94 : "Putting in new machinery" (Lowering scoop) 1942
A 95 : "Putting in new machinery" (Lowering scoop) 1942
A 96 : "Putting in new machinery" (Scoop coming down) (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 97 : "Putting in new machinery" (Scoop coming down) 1942
A 98 : "Putting in new machinery" (Lowered scoop) 1942
A 99 : "Three electricians" 1942
A 100 : "Lowering new machinery Flotation Department" (Lowering scoop) 1942
A 101 : "Lowering new machinery Flotation Department" (Lowering scoop) 1942
A 102 : "Lowering new machinery Flotation Department" (Lowering scoop) 1942
A 103 : "Swan Lundgren-Flotation Dept - Issue #1" 1942
A 104 : "New machinery Flotation Department" (Akins classifier) 1942
A 105 : "Welder" (Tom Murphy, spot welder) 1942
A 106 : "Two carpenters" 1942
A 107 : "Tie Lee Issue #1" 1942
A 108 : "Ladle in smelter Issue #1" 1942
A 109 : "Ladle in smelter Issue #1" 1942
A 110 : "Group of guards" 1942
A 111 : "Men leaving work" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 112 : "Dick Jenkins on old convertor Issue #1" 1942
R 114 : "Timber at Mt. Con" (Pile of tunnel posts and tunnel caps) 1942
R 115 : "Timber at Mt. Con" (Pile of three-inch lagging) 1942
R 116 : "Timber at Mt. Con" (Men working with pile of three-inch lagging) 1942
R 117 : "Logs for mill" 1942
R 118 : "Logs for mill" 1942
R 119 : "Taking wire off car of logs" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
R 120 : "Taking logs from car" 1942
R 121 : "Taking logs from car" (Verne Bennet and Walter Richter) 1942
B 122 : "Timber at Mt. Con ?" 1942
R 123 : "Taking wire off car of logs" (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
R 124 : "Big saw" (Bill Konvich at cutoff saw) 1942
R 125 : "Big saw" (Howard Albright and Al Stewart with stull) 1942
B 126 : "Two guards" 1942
B 127 : "One guard" 1942
B 128 : "Guard (portrait) WE ARE AT WAR" (sign reads "Notice! We Are At War!…We Need Your Cooperation") (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
R 129 : "Guard and auto" 1942
R 130 : "Guard auto and dog" 1942
F 131 : "Guard - VISITORS ARE NOT ADMITTED- sign" 1942
A 132 : "Head guard-men going to work" 1942
B 133 : "Guard checking workmen at Leonard" (signs read "Have Your Passes Ready" and "No Admittance Except on Business") 1942
F 134 : "Three guards at Gatehouse" 1942
B 135 : "Soldiers playing piano" 1942
B 136 : "Soldiers reading" 1942
B 137 : "Soldiers and little girls" (Roy Freeland talking to Peggy Ann, Sandra Lee, and Jean Lenette) 1942
B 138 : "Soldiers and WAC" (women in American Women's Volunteer Service (AWVS)) 1942
B 139 : "Women War Workers" 1942
B 140 : "Soldier and girl" (Soldier sitting with Lexie Hoyem, whose dad, "Red" Hoyem, is a miner at the Emma) 1942
B 141 : "Soldiers playing checkers" (women in American Women's Volunteer Service (AWVS)) 1942
A 142a : (Workers in locker room) 1942
F 142b : "Cathodes on car Issue #1" 1942
F 143 : "Worker Coca Cola bottle" 1942
F 144 : "Cathodes on cars" 1942
F 145 : "Unloading wire bars" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 146 : "Wire bars" 1942
F 147 : "Pile of wire bars" 1942
F 148 : "Cathodes on cars" 1942
F 149 : "Taking cathodes from tanks" 1942
F 150 : "Newcomb interviewing Anode Worker" (John Epperson interviewed) 1942
F 151 : "Crane operator Bill Doles Issue #1" 1942
F 152 : "Taking old anodes from tank" 1942
F 153 : "Cathodes going into rinse" 1942
F 154 : "Lloyd Snodgrass Crane Chaser - lowering anodes into tank - Issue #1" 1942
F 155 : "Cathodes coming from rinse" 1942
F 156 : "Crane operator"(August (Gus) Tuss) 1942
F 157 : "Anodes coming from rack car" 1942
F 158 : "Anodes coming from rack car" 1942
F 159 : "Peter Sulantica stripping copper from stripping sheets Issue #1" 1942
F 160 : "John Woodahl-cathodes dropping to freight cars Issue #1" 1942
F 161 : "Unloading anodes from freight car" (Mike Cupurdia and Gene Marianetti) 1942
F 162 : "Foreman" (Mike Cupurdia ) 1942
F 163 : "Ed Lassila helping to put anodes in freight car Issue #1" 1942
F 164 : "Ed Lassila helping to put anodes in freight car Issue #1-Cover" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 165 : "Taking anodes from box car" (Gene Marianetti greets the visitor) 1942
F 166 : "E. S. Bardswell and stack" 1942
F 167 : "Gatehouse" 1942
F 168 : "Gatehouse" (Similar to 167, men on ladders on gatehouse) 1942
F 169 : "Train anodes arriving " 1942
F 170 : "Control Board Anode Dept" (Harry Egan and Jack Havelick) 1942
F 171 : "Plant from across river" 1942
F 172 : "Plant from across river" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 173 : "Plant from across river" 1942
F 174 : "Unloading copper after refining" (Nick Platisha, George Osterman pouring copper into molds) 1942
F 175 : "Unloading copper after refining" 1942
F 176 : "Martin Earner casting operator - Issue #1" 1942
F 177 : "Close up of copper molding" 1942
F 178 : "Two men casting copper" (Copper coming our of bath after cooling) 1942
F 179 : "One man casting copper (exhibit)" 1942
F 180 : "Train cathodes" 1942
R 181 : "Larsen building ladder" 1942
R 182 : "Old timer at lunch" 1942
R 183 : "General view of mill" 1942
R 184 : "Silhouette of boiler house" 1942
R 185 : "Superintendent and foreman" 1942
R 186 : "Unloading timber" 1942
R 187 : "Superintendent (portrait)" 1942
R 188 : "Hand saw-electric" 1942
R 189 : "Saw filer" (Chester Dawson centering a 58" saw on a gumming machine) 1942
R 190 : "Hand saw-electric" 1942
R 191 : "Superintendent and machinist with model" 1942
R 192 : "Band-saw filer" (Chester Dawson swedging and shaping a 4" resaw blade) 1942
R 193 : "Loading timber into cars" (Loading frame posts) 1942
R 194 : "Unloading timber (horizontal)" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
R 195 : "Sawing logs" (Guido Cassangranda and Sid Humber with framing machine) 1942
R 196 : "Saw operator" (Sid Humber) 1942
R 197 : "Loading timber into cars (upright)" 1942
B 198 : "Miner putting idea into suggestion box-Leonard" 1942
B 199 : "Loading ore into cars" 1942
B 200 : "Scrap iron" 1942
B 201 : "Ore train" (Ore leaves Butte for Anaconda) 1942
B 202 : "Two painters" (Archie Currie and Bill Fordmeir) 1942
B 203 : "Ore train - Issue #2" (Ore in cars on way to smelter) 1942
B 204 : "Rigger-Idler Tower" (View from ground - worker on tower) 1942
B 205 : "Statue of Marcus Daly" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 206a : "View of Butte from Big Butte" 1942
B 206b : "Fire Filler Chief" 1942
B 207 : "Butte from School of Mines" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 208 : "Stack and wires" 1942
A 209 : "Coming to work and stack" (Also M oversize vintage print and 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 210 : "Coming to work and stack off trolley" 1942
A 211 : "Coming to work and stack" 1942
A 212 : "Getting off trolleys" 1942
A 213 : "Thunder over Anaconda" (Headframe and stack in distance) 1942
A 214 : "Thunder over Anaconda" (Headframe and stack in distance) 1942
A 215 : "Dust workers (close-up)" 1942
B 217 : "Two fire fillers with oxygen helmets" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 219 : "F. F. Nozzelmen" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 221 : "F. F. Nozzelmen" 1942
B 222 : "Rear of panel board-Leonard" (Chester Nankervis at panel board) 1942
B 223 : "Front of panel board - Leonard" (Bill Hoskins and Art Boyer at panel board) 1942
B 224 : "Front of panel board - Leonard" 1942
B 225 : "Filling Panel Board Paint-Leonard" (Earl Doney, junior drafting engineer) 1942
F 226 : "Flag" 1942
B 227 : "Ventilation-engineer Mt. Con" 1942
B 228 : "Ex-jockey-janitor" (Rufo Narvaez with broom) 1942
B 229 : "Poet and three miners" (Joe Babich, Jack Cleary, Tubie Johnson, and Dennis Shea) 1942
B 230 : "Poet at desk" (Tubie Johnson) 1942
F 231 : "Frank Curry - Issue #1" (sign reads "No Admittance - Stationary Clerk") 1942
F 232 : "Engine" 1942
F 233 : "President Union-at desk (incorrect)" ((John Epperson checking copper castings)) 1942
F 234 : "Hoisting copper castings" 1942
F 235 : "Loading copper into box cars" 1942
F 236 : "Flag - Issue #1" 1942
F 237 : "Stack from across river (upright)" 1942
B 238 : "Mines from hotel window" (from Finlen Hotel, looking northeast at mines) 1942
B 239 : "Mines from hotel window - different view" (from Finlen Hotel) 1942
B 244 : "Gaffney in potatoes" 1942
B 245 : "Gaffney, wife, dog, garden in foreground" 1942
F 246a : "Office girls in garden" 1942
F 246b : "Office girls in garden" 1942
F 248 : "Ike Moe in cab" (The oldest engineer in the Northwest) 1942
F 249a : "Wire and Cable" (Ray Harpine and Gordon Jones removing coil from spool) 1942
F 249b : "Ike Moe in boiler" 1942
F 250 : "Ike Moe and foreman" (Rinaldo Petrini is foreman) 1942
B 251 : "Editorial Staff" (L to R, Back Row: John McLeod, C.I.O., Butte; Tom Murray, C.I.O., Anaconda; Denis McCarthy, C.I.O., Butte; John Boardman, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Butte; Herbert Donaldson, A.F.L., Great Falls; E. S. Bardwell, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Great Falls; Gordon Dial, C.I.O., Great Falls; Front Row: A. P. Ashton, Ashton Engraving Company; Joe Marrick, A.F.L., Anaconda; Robert Newcomb, Robert Newcomb, Inc., New York City; B. S. Morrow, Anaconda Copper Mining Company; John F. Bird, A.F.L., Butte.) 1942
B 267 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Safety First) 1942
B 268 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" 1942
B 269 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" 1942
B 271 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Describing the operations of loading ore from a chute) 1942
B 272 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Underground haulage motor) 1942
B 273 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" 1942
B 274 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Jimmy Doran exhibits a grade stick) 1942
B 275 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Demonstrating how a mechanical loader "mucks out a round") 1942
B 276 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Drilling a vertical hole in a stope) 1942
B 277 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Visitors shown the use and care of explosives) 1942
B 278 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (How the drifter drills holes) 1942
B 279 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" 1942
B 280 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Jim stresses the importance of safety) 1942
B 281 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (How timber is transported on the trucks underground ) 1942
B 282 : "Penn (Pennsylvania Mine) School" (Doors control the movement of the fresh air in the mine) 1942
B 283 : "Bit Shop" 1942
B 284 : "Bit Shop" (Similar to 287) 1942
B 286 : "Bit Shop" 1942
B 287 : "Bit Shop" (Bud Robert at the bit-forging machine) 1942
B 288 : "Bit Shop" (Bud Robert cleaning down pile of bits for wheeling and milling machine) 1942
B 289 : "Bit Shop" (Peter Boyle) 1942
B 291 : "Bit Shop" (Overview of Butte) 1942
B 292 : "Bit Shop" 1942
B 293 : "Bit Shop" (Edgar Tyack gauging bits) 1942
B 294 : "Bit Shop" (Sam Samson heating round bars before going to the bit forging machine) 1942
B 295 : "Bit Shop" (Sam Samson? with round bars) 1942
B 296 : "Bit Shop" (Jim Seymour in bit shop gauging reground bits) 1942
B 297 : "Bit Shop" (Pile of 1 3/8" steel rods from which drill bits are made) 1942
B 298 : "Bit Shop" 1942
B 299 : "Bit Shop" (Cutting edges of hot bits are placed in a shallow water pan for cooling) 1942
B 300 : "Bit Shop" (Bits treated in molten lead bath before going to cyanide salt furnace ) 1942
B 301 : "Bit Shop" (Mike Harrington working with bits at cyanide salt furnace) 1942
B 302 : "Bit Shop" (Similar to 302) 1942
B 303 : "Bit Shop" (John Harrington puts bits into molten lead) 1942
B 304 : "Bit Shop" (Sam James and Mike Harrington, John Harrington, and Ed Foley at tempering furnace) 1942
B 305: "Bit Shop" 1942
B 306 : "Bit Shop" 1942
B 307 : "Bit Shop" (Pat Bayliff at bit milling machine) 1942
B 308 : "Bit Shop" (Jim Marr with tray of reground bits) 1942
B 309 : "Bit Shop" (Tim O'Leary shovels the finished bits into storage bins) 1942
B 310 : "Bit Shop" (Sam Samson heating round bars) 1942
B 312 : "Bit Shop" (Tom Murphy busy at bit regrinding) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 313a : "Bit Shop " (Man with wheelbarrow full of bits) 1942
B 313b : "Bit Shop" (Bit-carrier) 1942
B 313c : "Bit Shop " (Bit attached to shank) 1942
A 315 : "Pattern Shop" (Steve Schmitz) 1942
A 316 : "Pattern Shop" (Steve Schmitz) 1942
A 317 : "Pattern Shop" (Henry Sutcliffe, patternmaker) 1942
A 318 : "Pattern Shop" (Henry Sutcliffe, patternmaker) 1942
A 319: "Pattern Shop" (Gus Sbragia with gear pattern) 1942
A 320 : "Pattern Shop" (Gus Sbragia with gear pattern) (Also M oversize vintage print and 8x10 vintage print) 1942
A 321 : "Pattern Shop" (Vince Matelich, patternmaker helper, using bandsaw) 1942
A 322 : "Deer Lodge Salvage Company" 1942
A 323 : "Deer Lodge Salvage Company" 1942
A 324 : "Deer Lodge Salvage Company" (Sam Blair (l) and Henry Hansen) 1942
A 325 : "Scrap Iron at Foundry" (D. J. William and Ed Sieton) 1942
A 326: "Scrap Iron at Foundry" 1942
A 327 : "Scrap Iron at Foundry" 1942
A 328 : "Scrap Iron at Foundry" 1942
A 329 : "Scrap Iron at Foundry" 1942
A 330 : "Scrap Iron at Foundry" 1942
A 331 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" (pouring copper into cast) 1942
A 332 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" (pouring copper into cast) 1942
A 333 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" 1942
A 334 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" 1942
A 335 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" 1942
A 336 : "Ball Castings at Foundry" (Ray McCallon and Wilbur McCommas preparing grinding balls) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 337 : "Pouring metal at foundry" 1942
A 338 : "Pouring metal at foundry" (Peter Curley, molder apprentice) 1942
A 339 : "Pouring metal at foundry" (George Chabala pouring liners) 1942
A 340 : "Pouring metal at foundry" (August Vidro) 1942
A 341 : "Pouring metal at foundry" 1942
A 342a : "Machine shop at Foundry " (Bill Spaun welding) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 342b : "Machine shop at Foundry " (similar to 342A) 1942
A 343 : "Machine shop at Foundry" 1942
A 344 : "Machine shop at Foundry" (Frank McDonald touching heat absorber and Frank Petrovcic holding chain) 1942
A 345a : "Machine shop at Foundry " (John Gregory) 1942
A 345b : "Machine shop at Foundry " 1942
A 346 : "Machine shop at Foundry" 1942
A 347 : "Machine shop at Foundry" (Don Lucier cleaning a valve pot) 1942
A 348 : "Machine shop at Foundry" (Tom Grimshaw) 1942
A 349 : "Machine shop at Foundry" (Alex Smith with bed engine lathe) 1942
A 350 : "Machine shop at Foundry" (Forging a bail hanger) 1942
A 351 : "Inquiring photographer" (Tim Tracy, craneman) 1942
A 352a : "Inquiring photographer" (Tim Tracy, craneman) 1942
A 352b : "Inquiring photographer " (Tim Tracy, craneman) 1942
A 353 : "Inquiring photographer" (Bob Glynn) 1942
A 354a : "Inquiring photographer" 1942
A 354b : "Inquiring photographer " 1942
A 355 : "Inquiring photographer" (Jack Murphy) 1942
A 356 : "New Converter" 1942
A 357 : "New Converter" 1942
A 358 : "New Converter" (Molten metal into ladle) 1942
A 359 : "New Converter" (Similar to 358) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 360 : "New Converter" (Ladle empties metal on next step to casters) 1942
A 361 : "New Converter" (Similar to 363) 1942
A 362 : "New Converter" (Similar to 363) 1942
A 363 : "New Converter" (Turntable) 1942
A 364 : "New Converter" (Overview of anode casting ) 1942
A 365 : "New Converter" (Gust Hehn and Gust Victor Peterson spraying molds) 1942
A 366 : "New Converter" (Gust Hehn and Gust Victor Peterson spraying molds) 1942
A 367 : "New Converter" (Similar to 368) 1942
A 368 : "New Converter" (Ted Sawyer, pourer) 1942
A 369 : "New Converter" (Molten metal in mold) 1942
A 370 : "New Converter" (Molten metal in mold) 1942
A 371 : "New Converter" (Joe Messer cooling anodes on turntable) 1942
A 372 : "New Converter" (Joe Messer, lifter) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 373 : "New Converter" (Jesse Brown and Harold Munkres dipping anode into bosh tank) 1942
A 374 : "New Converter" (Dipping anode into bosh tank) 1942
A 375 : "New Converter" 1942
A 376 : "New Converter" (Crane dips to catch hardened anode) 1942
A 377 : "New Converter" (Howard Barlow and Jesse Brown lowering anode into bosh tank) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 378 : "New Converter" (Anode dumped into bath for cooling) 1942
A 379 : "New Converter" (Anodes going to Great Falls) 1942
A 380 : "New Converter" (Harold Barlow and Dale Sandress weigh anodes) 1942
A 381 : "New Converter" (Anodes lowered to the floor) 1942
A 395 : "Anaconda Stack" 1942
A 396 : "Anaconda Stack" 1942
A 397 : "Anaconda Stack" 1942
A 398 : "Anaconda Stack" 1942
A 399 : "Anaconda Stack" 1942
F 414 : "Zinc Roasting" (Fume being unloaded from a car; Bob Koleff at left and Ed Jette at right) 1942
F 415 : "Zinc Roasting" (Joe Slanina blowing concentrate from bottom of bin) 1942
F 416 : "Zinc Roasting" (Frank Bates and Walter Koenig unloading concentrate) 1942
F 417 : "Zinc Roasting" 1942
F 418 : "Zinc Roasting" (Charlie Larson cleaning one of the furnaces) 1942
F 419 : "Zinc Roasting" (Charlie Larson cleaning one of the furnaces) 1942
F 420 : "Zinc Roasting" (Changing rakes on a roaster arm) 1942
F 421 : "Zinc Roasting" (Anton Lunner cleaning a feed pipe to the calcine coolers) 1942
F 422 : "Zinc Roasting" (George Grecich tramming calcine) 1942
F 423 : "Wire and Cable" (Pat Boland spraying copper coils) 1942
F 424 : "Wire and Cable" (Coils lifted from the bath) 1942
F 425 : "Wire and Cable" (Del Gaines dips coils into water) 1942
F 426 : "Wire and Cable" (Del Gaines taking coils off after their trip to the furnace) 1942
F 427 : "Wire and Cable" (Barney Barnett straightens end of round coil) 1942
F 428 : "Wire and Cable" (Barney Barnett looking at the flattened coil) 1942
F 430 : "Wire and Cable" (Gordon Jones examines coil) 1942
F 431 : "Wire and Cable" (Malcolm Henry welds rods together as Lavelle Anderson feeds them to him) 1942
F 432 : "Wire and Cable" (Stranding machine) 1942
F 433 : "Wire and Cable" (Walt Matthews operating a twisting machine) 1942
F 434 : "Wire and Cable" (Stranding machine) 1942
F 435 : "Wire and Cable" (Lavelle Anderson, Ed Olgardt, Lyle Pellett, and Buck Stevens) 1942
F 436 : "Wire and Cable" (Ed Olgardt with stranding machine) 1942
F 437 : "Wire and Cable" (Lyle Pellett takes a look at the drum) 1942
F 438 : "Wire and Cable" (Iazz Keenan and Carl Briggs beside cable drums) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 439 : "Wire and Cable" (Cable rolls) 1942
F 454 : "Gus Schoenfeld" (Herb Donaldson talking over job with Gus) 1942
F 455 : "Gus Schoenfeld" (Gus with an armature rewinding job) 1942
F 456 : "Welder" 1942
F 457 : "Welder" 1942
F 458 : "Electrical Construction" (Silvio Tinelli hooks up control panel) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 459 : "Electrical Construction" (Silvio Tinelli hooks up control panel) 1942
F 460 : "Electrical Construction" (Percy Cox wiring control panel) 1942
F 461 : "Electrical Construction" (Earl Weber and Dick Hurst) 1942
F 462 : "Electrical Construction" (Ted Jordan and Rodger Dunlop, electricians hooking up a conduit) 1942
F 463 : "Electrical Construction" (F. W. Larson seated and C. W. Kisselburg painting) 1942
F 464 : "Electrical Construction" 1942
F 465 : "Electrical Construction" (Rudy Polich and Ray Stanich pulling wire into junction box) 1942
B 473 : "Night Shots" (Downtown Butte at night) 1942
B 475 : "Scenics" (Headframe and buildings in distance) 1942
B 476 : "Scenics" (Street scene, Butte) 1942
B 477 : "Scenics" (Older buildings along dirt road near Butte) 1942
B 478 : "Scenics" (Headframe and power house in distance) 1942
B 479 : "Scenics" (Similar to 477) 1942
B 480 : "Scenics" (Overview of town ) 1942
B 481 : "Scenics" (View southwest from near the Walkerville area ) 1942
B 482 : "Scenics " (View of Park St. from current location of Berkeley Pit, Butte ) 1942
B 511 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" 1942
B 512 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Tom Oxley with Ed Springer, swamper for shaft crew; Bill William, shaft boss; and H. M. Courtney of the Research Department) 1942
B 513 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Tom Oxley ringing shaft bell to descend) (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
B 514 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Jet Ward (L) and Claude Crabtree (R) drilling) 1942
B 515 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Similar to 514) 1942
B 517 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Jet Ward pulling steel from the holes; Claude Crabtree holding jackhammer; Tom Oxley "sizing it up") 1942
B 518 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Similar to 517) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 520 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 521 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Jet Ward, John Boer, and Claude Crabtree prepping primers for blasting) 1942
B 522 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (New level being started (with John Boer and Bob Seadin)) 1942
B 524 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Similar to 522) 1942
B 525 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" 1942
B 526 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Arthur Thomas setting the valves preparing to start pumping) 1942
B 527 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Arthur Thomas at the centrifugal pumps) 1942
B 529 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Jim O'Neil, pump boss at the Leonard Mine, is looking over the pumps on the Leonard 2800 ft. level with Kenneth Chisholm, the operator) 1942
B 530 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Similar to 529) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 531 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" 1942
B 532 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Hale Strock, foreman of all operations at the Leonard Mine) 1942
B 533 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Tom Oxley, assistant foreman of the Leonard mine) 1942
B 534 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Bill Willman, a shaft boss at the Leonard) 1942
B 535 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Similar to 536) 1942
B 536 : "Shaft Sinking Station Cutting at Leonard (Mine)" (Shift bosses making up their books during the lunch hours) 1942
B 537 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (High-Ore Precipitating Plant overview) 1942
B 538 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" 1942
B 540 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Walter Stanton, Guedo Palagi, Louis Blaskovich, and Quelfo Bonetto) 1942
B 543 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Maurice Holland and Frank Hutson sweeping the flumes) 1942
B 544 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 545 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" 1942
B 547 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Henry Porter with horses) 1942
B 554 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Ore car and locomotive) 1942
B 555 : "Precipitation (Henry Porter and Rowe)" (Ore cars) 1942
B 558 : "Surveying" (Surveyors climbing hill) 1942
B 559 : "Surveying" (Surveyor climbing hill) 1942
B 560 : "Surveying" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 561 : "Surveying" 1942
B 563 : "Surveying" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 564 : "Surveying" 1942
B 565 : "Surveying" (Similar to 566) 1942
B 566 : "Surveying" (Dave Piper and Gus McLeod surveying the "Richest Hill on Earth") 1942
B 568 : "Surveying" (Similar to 566) (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1942
B 570 : "Surveying" (Overview of Butte) 1942
B 571 : "Surveying" (Overview with headframe) 1942
B 572 : "Surveying" (Overview of Butte) 1942
B 573 : "Surveying" (Overview of Butte) 1942
B 574 : "Surveying" (Overview of Butte) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 576 : "Surveying" (Overview of Butte) 1942
B 579 : "Surveying" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 580 : "Surveying" 1942
B 582 : "Surveying" (Fred Strandberg setting up) 1942
B 583 : "Surveying" (Similar to 582) 1942
B 584 : "Surveying" 1942
B 585 : "Surveying" (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 587 : "Surveying" (Bob Gale is measuring a flat back stull stope contract) 1942
B 589 : "Surveying" (Bob Gale measuring) 1942
B 590 : "Surveying" (Bob Gale measuring) 1942
B 592 : "Surveying" (Bob Gale measuring a rill stope contract with tape and "rillometer") 1942
B 593 : "Surveying" 1942
B 594 : "Surveying" (Charles McMullen operating a blueprinting machine) 1942
B 595 : "Surveying" (Similar to 594) 1942
B 596 : "Surveying" (George Holloway using a pantograph) 1942
B 598 : "Surveying" (Similar to 599) 1942
B 599 : "Surveying" (Claude Yerkes working with department maps) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 600 : "Surveying" (William D. McLaughlin working on a mine stope book) 1942
B 601 : "Surveying" (Fred Stranberg looking over a map and William D. McLaughlin working on a mine stope book) 1942
B 602 : "Surveying" (Fred Annala and Henry Johnson indexing ledgers, Toby Worcester checking a stope book) 1942
B 603 : "Surveying" (West wing of the Mining Engineering Department) 1942
B 604 : "Surveying" (Cliff Clifton platting surveys) 1942
B 605 : "Surveying" (Jim Holbert and Bob Corbett platting stopes) 1942
B 606 : "Surveying" (Victor Martin, Arne Mattila and John Van Cleve checking calculations) 1942
B 607 : "Surveying" (Evan Gustafson pulling map from file) 1942
B 608 : "Surveying" (Clint Peck putting away stope book) 1942
B 609 : "Explosives" (Accessories for blasting) 1942
B 610 : "Explosives" (Similar to 609) 1942
B 611 : "Explosives" (How the fuse is cut for proper firing) 1942
B 612 : "Explosives" (Bunch of fuse ends being cut) 1942
B 613 : "Explosives" (Jet Ward, John Boer, and Claude Crabtree prepping primers for blasting) 1942
B 614 : "Explosives" (Spitter being ignited) 1942
B 615 : "Explosives" (How the bunch is started from the spitter) 1942
B 616 : "Explosives" (One bunch igniting another) 1942
B 618 : "Geological (Explosives)" (Bunching fuses together) 1942
B 619b : "Geological" (Robert Lacy and Charles Goddard) 1942
B 619a : "Geological " (Robert Lacy and Charles Goddard mapping outcrop just west of Butte) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
B 620 : "Geological" (Similar to 619A) 1942
B 621 : "Geological" 1942
B 622 : "Geological" (Measuring outcrop) 1942
B 623 : "Geological" (Measuring outcrop) 1942
B 625 : "Geological" (Charles Goddard examining a vein outcrop of the Tzarena Mine west of Butte) 1942
B 628 : "Geological" (Gerld Thomson taking a sample) (Also M oversize vintage print and 8x10 vintage print) 1942
B 629 : "Geological" (Main office of the Geological Department) 1942
B 631 : "Geological" (Don Podesta posting underground notes to the permanent office records) 1942
B 632 : "Geological" (Virgil Chamberlain posting underground notes on a fifty scale geological plan map) 1942
B 633 : "Geological" (Harry Colvin, Charlie Potter, Chief Sampler George Vivian, Bill King, and Earl Williams in the chief sampler's office) 1942
B 634 : "Geological" (Chester Steele, Murl Gidel, and Ed Shea looking at a Butte District plan map) 1942
B 635 : "Manganese" (Ore carts) 1942
B 636 : "Manganese" (Ore carts) 1942
B 637 : "Manganese" (Ore carts) 1942
B 638 : "Manganese" (Ore carts) 1942
A 642 : "Ore unloading" (Ore train) 1942
A 643 : "Ore unloading" (Ore car) 1942
A 645 : "Ore unloading" (Fred Anderson records weight on scales as cars pass) 1942
A 647 : "Ore unloading" (Fred Anderson records weight on scales as cars pass) 1942
A 648 : "Ore unloading" (Unidentified worker in front of tipple) 1942
A 649 : "Ore unloading" (Tipple without a car in it) 1942
A 651 : "Ore unloading" (Ore cars from Butte, waiting beyond the tipple at Anaconda) 1942
A 652 : "Ore unloading" (Ore cars from Butte, waiting beyond the tipple at Anaconda) 1942
A 653 : "Ore unloading" (Car in tipple being turned over) 1942
A 654 : "Ore unloading" (Similar to 653) 1942
A 655 : "Ore unloading" 1942
A 656 : "Ore crushing process" (George Snell and George Barnes pick wood from ore as it passes) 1942
A 657a : "Ore crushing process" (Ore on conveyor) 1942
A 657b : (View of stack and buildings)(Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
A 658 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 659 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 660 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 661 : "Ore crushing process" (Tom Simkins cleaning the hopper of a crusher) 1942
A 662 : "Ore crushing process" (Dan Haasakker watching the sample cutter charging a sample cut) 1942
A 664 : "Ore crushing process" (James Judge prepares samples) 1942
A 665 : "Ore crushing process" (Ted Bachman watches the ore on the conveyor) 1942
A 666 : "Ore crushing process" (Similar to 668) 1942
A 668 : "Ore crushing process" (Ore) 1942
A 669 : "Ore crushing process" (Moving machinery) 1942
A 670 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 671a : "Ore crushing process " (Molten slag pouring out of converter into ladle) 1942
A 671b : "Ore crushing process" (A Tyler Ty-rock screen) 1942
A 672 : "Ore crushing process" (Akins classifiers) 1942
A 673 : "Ore crushing process" (Classifier, view from above) 1942
A 674 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 675 : "Ore crushing process" 1942
A 676 : "Ore crushing process" (B. C. Grady taking a density of the classifier overflow) 1942
A 677 : "Ore crushing process" (Similar to 677) 1942
A 678 : "Flotation" (Similar to 679) 1942
A 679 : "Flotation" (Merle Stone adjusting Agitair) 1942
A 680 : "Flotation" 1942
A 681 : "Flotation" (Froth from Agitair) 1942
A 682 : "Flotation" 1942
A 683 : "Through roasting" 1942
A 684 : "Through roasting" (Settling tank) 1942
A 685 : "Through roasting" (Fritz Frederickson greasing the idler on the conveyor belt) 1942
A 686 : "Through roasting" 1942
A 687 : "Through roasting" (Water pipings and reservoir which supply the water to the water cooled rabble arms of the roaster) 1942
A 688 : "Through roasting" 1942
A 689 : "Through roasting" 1942
A 691 : "Through roasting" (Clinton Rice "blowing down" the furnace feed bins of the copper roaster) 1942
A 692 : "Through roasting" (Azo Morni, head repairman) 1942
A 693 : "Through roasting" (Matt Fortun cleaning the blades of the rabble arms) 1942
A 694 : "Through roasting" 1942
A 695 : "Through roasting" (Cars into which the calcine is discharged from the hopper) 1942
A 696 : "Ore Furnaces" (Frank Hart looking into furnace to see if it needs charging) 1942
A 697 : "Ore Furnaces" (Similar to 698) 1942
A 698 : "Ore Furnaces" (Edward Walsh adjusting the gas burners on the burner end of the furnace) 1942
A 699 : "Ore Furnaces" (Splash of molten slag) 1942
A 701 : "Ore Furnaces" (Molten slag) 1942
A 702 : "Ore Furnaces" (Pouring ladle) 1942
A 703 : "Ore Furnaces" (Ladle with slag) 1942
A 704 : "Ore Furnaces" 1942
A 705 : "Ore Furnaces" (Joe Straniere tapping out the matte) 1942
A 706 : "Ore Furnaces" (Ladle pouring) 1942
A 707 : "Ore Furnaces" (Similar to 706) 1942
A 708 : "Ore Furnaces" (Molten slag pouring out of converter into ladle) 1942
A 709 : "Stack and Mountains" (Washoe Smelter and mountains) 1942
A 710 : "Stack and Mountains" (Silhouette of stack) 1942
B 714 : "Red Cross - Issue #8" (Jim Doull victim of Butte Chapter Red Cross class) (8x10 vintage print) 1942
F 715 : "Boiler Shop" (Welding a pipe) 1942
F 716 : "Boiler Shop" (John Jacobs and Frank Morrison; Frank hand welding a pipe) 1942
F 717 : "Boiler Shop" (Harold Montte driving a rivet) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 719 : "Boiler Shop" (Zeph Nadeau retrieving tools) 1942
F 720 : "Boiler Shop" 1942
F 721 : "Boiler Shop" (Art Villeniuve burning off loose rivets) 1942
F 722 : "Boiler Shop" 1942
F 724 : "Boiler Shop" (Fred Schmauch and Harold Montec punching holes in an "I" steel beam) 1942
F 725 : "Boiler Shop" (Harold Montte and Harry Bloom driving rivets in a drier) 1942
F 726 : "Boiler Shop" (Art Raunig putting a sheet of steel in a bending machine) 1942
F 727 : "Boiler Shop" (Lawrence Voytoski and Carl Dusko bending steel into a right angle) 1942
F 728 : "Boiler Shop" 1942
F 729 : "Boiler Shop" (Fred Schmauch heating rivets to by redriven in a tire) 1942
F 730 : "Boiler Shop" (Otto Schmidt and George Czifro laying out jobs on plates of steel) 1942
F 731a : "Boiler Shop " (Jesse Tapp and Charles Meyers looking at a blueprint) 1942
F 731b : "Boiler Shop" (Walter Pancich and Herb Green operating a bending roll machine) 1942
F 732 : "Exterior of Zinc Concentrate Plant" 1942
F 733 : "Silhouette Stack" 1942
F 734 : "Drafting Department and Soldier" 1942
F 735a : "Civilian Defense" (Man giving presentation) 1942
F 735b : "Civilian Defense" (Similar to 735a) 1942
F 736 : "Everybody loves Schultz " (Gloves and hat floating in tank) 1942
F 738 : "Zinc Processing" 1942
F 739 : "Zinc Processing" 1942
F 740 : "Zinc Processing" (H. W. Lindner and C. C. Spohn watching the operation of a newly installed classifier) 1942
F 741 : "Zinc Processing" (Sandy material separated from the Neutral Leach Discharge) 1942
F 742 : "Zinc Processing" (Sandy material separated from the Neutral Leach Discharge) 1942
F 743 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 744 : "Zinc Electrolysis" (Man spraying cathodes) 1942
F 745 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 746 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 747 : "Zinc Electrolysis" (Stacking cathodes) 1942
F 748 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 749 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 750 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 751 : "Zinc Electrolysis" (Stacks of cathodes ) 1942
F 752 : "Zinc Electrolysis" 1942
F 753 : "Zinc Dust" (Louis Knaup operating the charging crane) 1942
F 754 : "Zinc Dust" (Joe McElroy and Charlie Klimas charging the furnace with zinc cathodes) 1942
F 755 : "Zinc Dust" 1942
F 756 : "Zinc Dust" 1942
F 757 : "Zinc Dust" 1942
F 759 : "Zinc Dust" 1942
F 760 : "Zinc Dust" (John (Sandy) Sanderson adding zinc dust to a purification tank) 1942
F 761 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 762 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 763 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 764 : "Zinc Misc" (Neutral Leach tank) 1942
F 765 : "Zinc Misc" (Neutral Leach tank) 1942
F 766 : "Zinc Misc" (Conrad Jorgenson adjusting a scraper) 1942
F 767 : "Zinc Misc" (Leach tanks) 1942
F 768 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 769 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 770 : "Zinc Misc" (Ed Farrell looking at an Acid Dorr) 1942
F 771 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 772 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 773 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 774 : "Zinc Misc" (Jim Lind) 1942
F 775 : "Zinc Misc" (Jim Lind measuring a sample ) 1942
F 776 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 777 : "Zinc Misc" 1942
F 778 : "Zinc Filters" (Carl Stimac turning on a Shriver press) 1942
F 779 : "Zinc Filters" (Rolland Reed washing a press) 1942
F 780 : "Zinc Filters" 1942
F 781 : "Zinc Filters" (Gary L. Holbrook adjusts spigot on a Shriver process (part of the zinc leaching process)) 1942
F 782 : "Zinc Filters" (Dumping residue from press) 1942
F 783 : "Zinc Filters" (Harold Britt and Bill Linn dumping residue from press) 1942
F 784 : "Zinc Filters" (Joe Roberts opening a valve) 1942
F 785 : "Zinc Casting" 1942
F 786 : "Zinc Casting" (Similar to 787) 1942
F 787 : "Zinc Casting" (Alvin Nash controls the poured zinc with a counterweight) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1942
F 788 : "Zinc Casting" (Alvin Nash pouring zinc) 1942
F 789 : "Zinc Casting" (Bill Cosgriff, scalemaster, and Bill Treweek, weigher) 1942
F 790 : "Zinc Casting" (Lee Akers operating the "iron horse") 1942
F 791 : "Zinc Casting" 1942
F 792 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" (Weighing bars) 1942
F 793 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" 1942
F 794 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" 1942
F 795 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" (Pouring cadmium into mold) 1942
F 796 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" (Overview of cadmium work area) 1942
F 797 : "Rare Minerals (Cadmium Indium)" 1942
F 798 : "Construction" (Rail cars, flue system visible) 1942
F 799 : "Construction" (Rail cars, flue system visible) 1942
F 800 : "Construction" (Flue system) 1942
F 801 : "Construction" (Flue system) 1942
A 825 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Lloyd Gililland planing down bricks used in the converters) 1943
A 826 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Tom Walton cutting gears and key ways) 1943
A 828 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Ernie Gaskell and Bob Clucas installing a motor on a locomotive wheel) 1943
A 829 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (John Thill and John Gutcheck assembling a Root blower from the zinc concentrator) 1943
A 830 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Worker inspecting drill bits) 1943
A 831 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Jim Dorsey machining a centrifugal pump) 1943
A 833 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Marg Sammons with machine shop worker) 1943
A 834 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Neil Sheehan and John Harrington looking at a blueprint) 1943
A 835 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Tom Barry with Al Campbell) 1943
A 836 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" 1943
A 837 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Boiler Shop - John Knez, Don Hoenstine and Johnnie Mehelic marking off a sheet for an Oliver filter) 1943
A 838 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Boiler Shop - George Hedge marking off plates for the peat pipe of the Reverberator) 1943
A 839 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Boiler Shop - George Burton, tin smith, looking on while Steve Knez welds) 1943
A 840 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Similar to 839) 1943
A 841 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Jim Summers punching holes in steel) 1943
A 842 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (John Casey, superintendent, and Andrew Lacey, shop foreman, look over plan) 1943
A 843 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Jim McCollom and Sid McCallum discuss a welding job) 1943
A 844 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Welder) 1943
A 845 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Henry Hanson cutting angle iron lugs with an angle iron shears) 1943
A 846 : "Machine Shops, Welders etc Anaconda" (Emmett Kennah and John Morris supervising unloading of train beams (Henry Lague operates crane)) 1943
A 848 : "Concentrator Rolls" 1943
A 849 : "Ball Mill" 1943
A 850 : "Gen View Ball Mill East" 1943
A 851 : "Gen View Ball Mill East" 1943
B 863 : "Geology in Steward Ernest Thurlow 4000 ft." (Ernest Thurlow taking the bearings of the course of a drift with a Burton compass) 1943
B 864 : "Geology in Steward Ernest Thurlow 4000 ft." (Similar to 866) 1943
B 866 : "Geology in Steward Ernest Thurlow 4000 ft." (Ernest Thurlow taking the dip of the vein) 1943
B 867 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso and Jack Sultzer greasing the drilling machine) 1943
B 868 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso and Jack Sultzer watching the drilling machine) 1943
B 869 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" 1943
B 870 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso and Jack Sultzer pulling rods) 1943
B 871 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso and Jack Sultzer pulling rods) 1943
B 872 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso and Jack Sultzer unscrewing rods) 1943
B 873 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Don McAllister, drill boss, inspecting the core) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1943
B 875 : "Diamond Drilling...High Ore" (Jim Kalcso replacing the diamond bit on the core barrel) 1943
B 876 : "Pumps High Ore Pumpman 3400 George Murr, Cameron Air Pump 150 gal per min, Deane Electric 300 Gal per min" 1943
F 886 : "Leonard Skog Personality story AGATES" (Holding box of agates - for "Paging Hobby Lobby") 1943
F 898 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Jim Smith, superintendent of the Furnace Refinery) 1943
F 899 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Zinc slabs dropped into the furnace) 1943
F 900 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" 1943
F 901 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" 1943
F 902 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" 1943
F 903 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Zinc slabs dropped into the furnace) 1943
F 904 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Cathodes lifted with crane into furnace) 1943
F 905 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Zinc slabs dropped into the furnace) 1943
F 906 : "Gilding metal story Part 1 Charging furnace" (Zinc slabs dropped into the furnace) 1943
F 908 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Elmer Bovan blowing out an empty mold) 1943
F 909 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Walt Schneider preparing a mold) 1943
F 910 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Workers preparing molds) 1943
F 911 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Overview of room) 1943
F 912 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Larry Brady poking out a runner box) 1943
F 913 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 914 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 915 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Harry Prescott and Larry Brady pouring) 1943
F 916 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 917 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 919 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 920 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 921 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" 1943
F 922 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Hot wedge cakes transferred to the floor for inspection) 1943
F 924 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Bill Bogh and Arnold Venetz lower cakes into box cars) 1943
F 925 : "Gilding metal story Part 2 Casting wheel gilding metal" (Mike Dolack with finishing touches) 1943
B 945 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Bill Kent on dynamite truck being handed box by Bill Thomas; Kermit Shifty driving) 1943
B 946 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (similar to 945) 1943
B 948 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (similar to 945) 1943
B 949 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Dynamite truck with full load) 1943
B 950 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Dynamite truck with full load) 1943
B 951 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Bill Kent flagging truck across crossing) 1943
B 952 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Truck with boxes secured ) 1943
B 953 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Sam Patterson crimping blast caps into fuses) 1943
B 954 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Sam Patterson showing fuse ends) 1943
B 955 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (James Rowe and Bill Kent unloading dynamite) 1943
B 957 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Unloading dynamite) 1943
B 958 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Harry Martyn and James Nichols waiting for cage) 1943
B 959 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (James Nichols and Joe Kranjac caging the loaded crates to be sent underground) 1943
B 960 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Bill Markunis hand tramming powder crate to powder house) 1943
B 961 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Bill Markunis unloading the powder to pack into a magazine) 1943
B 963 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Bill Markunis measuring powder for William Vann's blast) 1943
B 965 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Stuart Mayo taking down his bar and machine) 1943
B 966 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Stuart Mayo starts to load drilled holes) 1943
B 968 : "Explosive story Warehouse to Anselmo Rosie Smith Supt. Story from William Duckham Safety Dept" (Stuart Mayo spacing his fuses ready to cut) 1943
B 969 : "Timber in yard Anselmo in snow" (Stope posts being unloaded at Mt. Con) 1943
B 970 : "Timber in yard Anselmo in snow" 1943
B 971 : "Track men Ernest Bates with axe and Andy Kukish track bar with Joe Trudgeon Shift boss and Bill Duckham foreground Anselmo" 1943
B 973 : "Ventilating men Angelo Favero front James Ball back" 1943
B 975 : "Ventilating men Angelo Favero front James Ball back" 1943
B 977 : "Timber unloading in snow Anselmo" (Caps, girts, ties, wedges, and regular three-inch lagging being unloaded) 1943
B 978 : "Timber unloading in snow Anselmo" (Sill caps, chute braces, and girts) 1943
F 984 : "Burning out casting oven 2 men Newk has names" 1943
F 985 : "Steve Antonich burning out hole in casting oven with oxygen torch" 1943
B 997 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 999 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1000 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1001 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1002 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1003 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1004 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1005 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1006 : "Calyx Drilling Belmont" 1943
B 1009 : "Rock drilling" 1943
B 1012 : "Rock drilling" (Joe Blank and Leon Wayment operating a "Jumbo" drill carriage) 1943
B 1013 : "Rock drilling" 1943
B 1015 : "Rock drilling" (Olaf Stuhaef using a reverse feed drifter mounted on a bar) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1943
B 1017 : "Rock drilling" 1943
B 1018 : "Rock drilling" 1943
B 1022 : "Timber unloading and coming into Carpenter shop" 1943
B 1023 : "Timber unloading and coming into Carpenter shop" (Stulls and chute lagging being unloaded) 1943
B 1024 : "Timber going into skip Tramway" (Stringers being lowered into mines by Tom Albright and Tony Kronitz) 1943
B 1025 : "Timber going into skip Tramway" (Stope posts and sill posts being unloaded) 1943
B 1026 : "Timber coming off at Station underground" 1943
B 1027 : "Timber coming off at Station underground" (Henry Reed unloading stope posts from the cage) 1943
B 1030 : "Timbering at Stope Tramway" (Harvey Wallace completing a staging) 1943
B 1032 : "Timbering at Stope Tramway" (Similar to 1033) 1943
B 1033 : "Timbering at Stope Tramway" (Putting a cap on a post) 1943
B 1036 : "Timbering at Stope Tramway" (Harvey Wallace lagging a set) 1943
B 1038 : "Timber story Stulls over drill Belmont" 1943
B 1039 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Two ambulances and a truck) 1943
B 1040 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Dan Crowley transferring oxygen from storage cylinders) 1943
B 1041 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Charles Goforth, instructor, and class with breathing apparatus: Percy Pholman, Jr., Ben Binge, Harvey Bradley, Tom Regan, Otto Shepherd, and Robert Gruhler) 1943
B 1042 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Percy Pholman as the subject of an iron lung demonstration - the respiration valve is regulated by Dan Crowley; Charles Goforth and James Ryan observe) 1943
B 1043 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Breathing apparatus) 1943
B 1044 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Ben Binge wearing the MSA one hour, Dan Crowley wearing the Paul two hour, and Bill Ryan wearing the Everready one-half hour apparatus) 1943
B 1045 : "ACM Rescue Station #2 at Tramway (Mine)" (Similar to 1044) 1943
B 1046 : "New underground tool shop Tramway (Mine)" (Al Radmelich exchaning tools with George Olsen, nipper at the Tramway) 1943
B 1047 : "New underground tool shop Tramway (Mine)" 1943
B 1049 : "New underground tool shop Tramway (Mine)" (William Trudeau, assistant foreman, talking to Al Radmelich as George Olsen stocks his tool locker) 1943
B 1051 : "Electrical shop " (John Bradford, Kenneth Rohrer, and Clarence Wasley, armature winders) 1943
B 1052 : "Electrical shop " (Motor generator that charges batteries for underground locomotives) (Also 8x10 vintage print) 1943
B 1053 : "Electrical shop " (Joseph Dodds rewinding a 200hp stator) (Also M oversize vintage print) 1943
B 1054 : "Electrical shop " (John Bradford rewinding the locomotive armature) 1943
B 1055 : "Radio shop" (Leonard Davies, head of repair for the radio department) 1943
B 1056 : "Mechanical shop " (Overview of small lathe division of Machine Shop showing three electric lathes, a milling machine, a grinder, and two shapers) 1943
B 1057 : "Mechanical shop" (J. S. (Sid) Carkeet turning a discharge plug for a Butte hoist compressor on a lathe) 1943
B 1058 : "Mechanical shop" (Robert (Bobbie) Dwight machining bushings for mechanical loaders) 1943
B 1060 : "Mechanical shop" (Tom Mitchell fixing a timber hoist) 1943
B 1061 : "Mechanical shop" (Harold Haman drilling a draw bar for the mine cage) 1943
B 1062 : "Mechanical shop" (George Berry and Charlie Christman unloading blowers of a hi-speed fan) 1943
B 1063 : "Mechanical shop" (Jimmie Bonner turning the underground locomotive wheels) 1943
B 1064 : "Mechanical shop" (Hilton (Frog) Des Roches and James Hawkesworth working on timber hoists) 1943
B 1065 : "Mechanical shop" (Charlie Christmas working with Hi-Speed fans) 1943
B 1066 : "Mechanical shop" (John Dennehy slotting) 1943
B 1067 : "Mechanical shop (goes with electrical)" 1943
B 1068 : "Mechanical shop" (Tony Jovick drilling holes in the end frame for a mine locomotive) 1943
B 1069 : "Mechanical shop" (Eric (Irish) Stalberg planing latch switches used in underground tramming) 1943
B 1071 : "Mechanical shop" (Anton Malesich lifting a tram motor wheel by a crane) 1943
B 1073 : "Mechanical shop" (Similar to 1074) 1943
B 1074 : "Mechanical shop" (Harry Fluent, Al Heimbach, Con Dennehy, and Tom McKiernan overhauling a Granby mine truck) 1943
B 1075 : "Mechanical shop" (Similar to 1076) 1943
B 1076 : "Mechanical shop" (Ted Backstron working on a centrifugal pump unit for the Mountain Con Mine) 1943
B 1077 : "Mechanical shop" (Frank McHugh and Dick Haake testing a 700hp motor for the High Ore Mine's centrifugal pumps) 1943
B 1078 : "Mechanical shop" (John Bronson and Arthur Perry overhauling a mine mechanical loader) 1943
B 1079 : "Mechanical shop" (Tom Kelly, Tom Johnson, and John White working the tool room) 1943
B 1080 : "Mechanical shop" (George Rogers, J. P. Dowling, and Bill McGowan) 1943
B 1081 : "Battery Shop " (Overview of main battery room) 1943
B 1082 : "Battery Shop " (Dennis O'Connell and Joe Thompson completing the switchboard) 1943
B 1083 : "Battery Shop " 1943
B 1084 : "Battery Shop " 1943
B 1085 : "Battery Shop " (Harry Dunstan dipping a battery) 1943
B 1086 : "Battery Shop " (Bill Ray stamping batteries) 1943
B 1087 : "Battery Shop " (Walter Cannon repairing an ampere-hour meter used for controlling the amount of charge in a battery on the locomotive) 1943
B 1088 : "Lamp shop" (Walter Backus repairing a battery) 1943
B 1089 : "Lamp shop " (Walter Backus with a partly dissembled head lamp without cover) 1943
B 1091 : "Exterior mechanical shops" 1943
B 1092 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Bill Page testing a water tube) 1943
B 1093 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Howard Pascoe repairing a drifter CP 60) 1943
B 1094 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Benjamin Ham examining parts removed from a drifter) 1943
B 1095 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Similar to 1094) 1943
B 1096 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Frank Pirnat testing out a stopper) 1943
B 1097 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Final Brandis putting cup leathers on the feed piston of a stopper) 1943
B 1099 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Frances Dowling placing a repaired machine in a rack) 1943
B 1101 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" 1943
B 1102 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Frances Dowling, Howard Pascoe, Bill Stats, Final Brandis, and Frank Pirnat) 1943
B 1103 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Emmett Murphy and Benjamin Ham checking a record) 1943
B 1104 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Bill Stats getting parts from Emmett Murphy, shopkeeper) 1943
B 1105 : "Central Rock Drill Repair Shop" (Similar to 1104) 1943
B 1106 : "Editorial Board Meeting" 1943
B 1107 : "Editorial Board Meeting" 1943
B 1108 : "Editorial Board Meeting" (Margaret Hocking and Marg Sammons) 1943
B 1109 : "Editorial Board Meeting" (Butte Editorial Board) 1943
B 1111 : "Editorial Board Meeting" (John Bird of the AFL, Denis McCarthy of the CIO, and Ed Renouard of the Anaconda Company) 1943
F 1132 : "Grant paints stack" (Dave Grant)
F 1133 : "Carpenter Shop" (Wal Mathews, pattern maker)
F 1134 : "Carpenter Shop" (Johnnie Peters using a speedmatic saw)
F 1135 : "Carpenter Shop"
F 1136 : "Carpenter Shop"
F 1137 : "Carpenter Shop"
F 1138 : "Carpenter Shop" (George DeHaan gumming out a cut-out saw)
F 1139 : "Carpenter Shop" (Bill Blannin and Jack Miller making boxes for a trap)
F 1140 : "Carpenter Shop"
F 1141 : "Timekeepers"
F 1142 : "Fire drill and protection" (Dick Whittall)
F 1143 : "Fire drill and protection"
F 1144 : "Fire drill and protection" (Ab Gray, Ray Lipton, and Hank Miller handling a hose)
F 1145 : "Fire drill and protection"
F 1146 : "Fire drill and protection"
F 1151 : "Buckets and trams" (Similar to 1155)
F 1152 : "Buckets and trams"
F 1153 : "Buckets and trams"
F 1154 : "Buckets and trams"
F 1155 : "Buckets and trams"
H 1159 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1160 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (View similar to 1161)
H 1161 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (Flue system looking toward bag house)
H 1162 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (Flue system with power house in foreground)
H 1163 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1164 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (View of East Helena Slag Treating Plant)
H 1165 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1166 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (Cooling tubes - part of the flue system)
H 1167 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1168 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (Bag house and cooling tubes)
H 1169 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (View similar to 1168)
H 1170 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1171 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors" (Slag pile)
H 1172 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1173 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1174 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1175 : "East Helena Plant - Exteriors"
H 1176 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1177 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1178 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1180 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1181 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1182 : "East Helena Plant - Interiors"
H 1183 : "East Helena Plant - Personalities" (John Krizmanish and Art McDonnell unloading coal)
H 1185 : "East Helena Plant - Personalities" (Joe La Liberty)
H 1187 : "East Helena Plant - Personalities"
H 1190 : "AS&R (American Smelting and Refining) Plant"
H 1191 : "ASAS&R (American Smelting and Refining) Plant"
F 1195 : "Great Northern Story" (Locomotive)
F 1196 : "Great Northern Story" (Overhead view of cars containing ore?)
F 1197 : "Great Northern Story" (Overhead view of cars containing ore?)
A 1198 : "Food" (Platter Chatter column - Mrs. John Donovan cooking )
A 1199 : "Food Glynn Family" (Platter Chatter column - Mrs. Joan Glynn and children eating at table)
A 1204 : "Purchasing Dept and Warehouse" (Tom O'Dea filling a requisition for cap screws)
A 1205 : "Power House" (Also M oversize vintage print)
A 1206 : "Power House"
A 1208 : "Power House"
A 1209 : "Power House"
A 1210 : "Power House"
A 1228 : "Vanadium" (Vern Cameron cleaning around the vacuum system for the Moore filters)
A 1229 : "Vanadium" (Filtrate being pumped to the tanks)
A 1231 : "Vanadium" (Sacks of red cake)
A 1232 : "Vanadium"
A 1233 : "Vanadium" (Clif Foster checking to see if red cake is dry enough for sacking)
A 1234 : "Vanadium"
A 1235 : "Vanadium"
A 1236 : "Vanadium"
A 1237 : "Phosphate" (Louie Peterson at the agitators)
A 1238 : "Phosphate" (R. C. Pickett keeps the machine operating)
A 1241 : "Phosphate" (Similar to 1253)
A 1242 : "Phosphate" (Harold Hamel, Walter Hubbard, Paul Loberg, and Gerald Palm sacking, stitching, and weighing fertilizer)
A 1243 : "Phosphate" (Tommy Sneberger, foreman of phosphate loading, showing off prize fertilizer, "Victory Garden Fertilizer")
A 1244 : "Phosphate" (Bagging Treble superphosphate)
A 1245 : "Phosphate" (Billy Leonard stacking bags)
A 1246 : "Phosphate" (Tommy Sneberger and Clarence Tow inspecting bags)
A 1247 : "Phosphate" (John Rosenleaf operating crane)
A 1248 : "Phosphate"
A 1249 : "Phosphate" (Monty Jenkins taking a sample of raw superphosphate)
A 1250 : "Phosphate" (Nick Tobin oiling furnace)
A 1251 : "Phosphate" (Superphosphate on conveyor)
A 1252 : "Phosphate" (Carl Harris watching the solution level in the evaporators)
A 1253 : "Phosphate (Vanadium)" (Gordon Olson checking Vanadium tanks)
A 1254 : "Phosphate"
A 1255 : "Phosphate" (Bob Farthing starting rock into the mixer)
A 1256 : "Phosphate" (Similar to 1249)
A 1257 : "Phosphate"
F 1258 : "Boss at Wire Mill (made in 1942)"
W 1c : (Wire bars from Great Falls to be converted into commutator copper)
W 39b : (American Brass Company) (Also M oversize vintage print)
W 134b : (French tubing) (Also M oversize vintage print)
W 1271 : (Basket-weave wire braiding)
W 1272 : (Basket-weave wire braiding)
W 1273 : (Reduced casting coming through a pair of break-down rolls)
W 1274 : (French tubing)
W 1275 : (Castings moving along a rolling conveyor)
W 1276 : (Tubes after they’ve been annealed and pickled)
W 1277 : (Copper cable)
W 1278 : (Large drum that reads "Anaconda" on flatbed truck)
W 1279 : (Worker inventories wire)
W 1280 : (Lifting copper cable from tank)
B 1281 : (Minute man burgee at Anselmo Mine) (8x10 vintage print) 1942