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Independent Media Center World Trade Organization video recordings and log books, 1999
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Independent Media Center
- Title
- Independent Media Center World Trade Organization video recordings and log books
- Dates
- 1999 (inclusive)19991999
- Quantity
- 15.09 cubic feet (13 boxes) including approximately 268 BetaSP videocassettes, 2 Log Books, 89 MiniDV videocassettes, 1 DAT audiocassette, 2 DVCam videocassettes, 42 VHS videocassettes
- Collection Number
- PH2020-008
- Summary
- Video recordings and logbooks created by filmmakers and activists during the 1999 protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle, Washington
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Closed until processed.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Independent Media Center is an international network of journalists that report on political and social issues. It was founded during the Seattle anti-WTO protests in 1999, employing an open publishing and democratic media process that allows anybody to contribute.
Historical BackgroundReturn to Top
In November 1999, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference was held in Seattle. It was intended to be the launch of a new millennial round of trade negotiations. Concerns over economic globalization prompted a series of large-scale protests with 400,000 people filling the streets of the city, representing an array of causes, from labor to the environment. During the nearly nine month mobilization in 1999, local and national non-governmental groups representing a variety of interests determined how to publicize the threat posed by the WTO and how to frame their messages to attract the attention of the public, the media and the WTO itself. The lengthy and often contentious mobilization process led to a six-week period immediately preceding the protests during which activists prepared themselves and the public with public teach-ins, training, and debates.
On November 30, 1999, first day of the ministerial meetings, thousands of largely peaceful protesters blocked delegates’ entrance to the opening plenary session. According to press reports, Seattle police in riot gear responded by releasing volleys of tear gas and pepper spray at 10:00 am and continued to do so throughout the day. The police eased up when the 20,000-member labor march reached the downtown core from the Seattle Center, where a large rally had been held. WTO officials cancelled the opening ceremonies. At a time difficult to verify after the fact, Mayor Paul Schell declared a civil emergency, ordering streets to be cleared by 7:00 pm and imposing a curfew on a large area of downtown, from Yesler Way to Denny Way and from Interstate 5 to Elliott Bay. Word of the curfew reached people on the streets at about 4:00 pm. Some dispersed, but others remained and were herded out of downtown by police firing tear gas and pepper spray. At approximately 10:00 pm the State Patrol reinforced the police. Scattered vandalism and looting of several downtown businesses had occurred during the day.
Early the following day, Wednesday, December 1, Seattle police established a ‘demonstration-free zone’ around the WTO meeting site at the Seattle Convention and Trade Center. They severely restricted access to the area, but protests continued. The ministerial meeting was shut down for five hours that day. Governor Gary Locke sent additional State Patrol troopers and two National Guard units to relieve and assist the Seattle police. Clashes between protesters and police spilled over in the evening to Capitol Hill, east of downtown. By then the focus had shifted somewhat, away from the WTO and towards the police response to the protests. Several hundred protesters were arrested, and other protesters demonstrated outside the King County Jail.
The following day the Mayor’s Office reduced the size of what it called a ‘limited curfew zone’ to the area bounded by Fourth Avenue, Pine Street, Boren Avenue, Seneca Street, and Interstate 5. Some protests were staged on Friday, especially inside the convention center. protesters demonstrated outside the King County jail again on Friday evening. Eventually charges were dropped against most of the over 400 people arrested.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Video recordings and logbooks created by filmmakers and activists during the 1999 protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle, Washington. The video recordings from the Independent Media Center (IMC) collection offer a unique perspective into a historic moment that brought together grassroots activists, labor leaders, environmentalists, farmers, anarchists, and artists who made history and shaped social justice movements around the world.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Status of creator's copyrights is unknown; restrictions may exist on copying, quotation, or publication. Users are responsible for researching copyright status before use.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Acquisition Information
Donated by Jill Freidberg, 2020.
Custodial History
IMC co-founder Jill Freidberg became the caretaker of over 300 hours of videotape. She stored crates of BetacamSP, DV, Hi8 and VHS videotapes in her home for 20 years before deciding to gift them to the UW Libraries, Special Collections in 2020.
Related Materials
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
VideotapesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | 1 | First day of WTO
protests Banner drop on Interstate 5, camera directly across from banner,
on other side of Interstate 5. The mother of one of the banner hang activists
wants to stay close to the edge but police try to make her leave. Police pull
climbers up and over guardrail.
Videographer: Dana Wilson
Original: 1 videocassette (14 min., 25 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 001,
UWID: 001
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 2 | Protest at The Gap store in
downtown Seattle Woman on top of van leads "Rise Up" song outside Seattle Central
Community College. Man on top of van announces that they are going to march to
the Gap. Cheering protesters tear an ad off the side of a King County Metro
bus. Cameraperson talks to Maria Tomchik. Seattle Police guard the Gap while
protesters chant about Gap sweatshops. Kevin Danaher on megaphone talking about
why they're protesting The Gap. protester holds up long stick with Gap clothing
burning on the stick.
Videographer: Mike McCormick
Original: 1 videocassette (22 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 002A, UWID: 002
November 29, 1999? |
1 | 3 | March on Capitol Hill to protest
The Gap Performance in park outside Seattle Central College. Puppet
choreography. Young man with backpack and microphone leads group of activists
in chants that coordinate with art on banners. Audience sitting on steps
outside Broadway Performance Hall clapping. March comes down Broadway, filling
street, with steelworkers in the front carrying snake puppets that say
"Provoked to Strike." March stops in front of GAP on Broadway as protesters
enter the store, before the march returns to SCCC.
Videographer: Mike McCormick
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 32 min., 53 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig:
002B, UWID: 003
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 4 | Banner Hang I-5 Protesters supporting the activists participating in the banner
hang. Hula hoopers and Radical Cheerleaders in rain. Long shot of police trying
to remove woman from the edge of the wall above I-5. She is the mother of one
of the banner hang activists seen on tape 001_001. protesters and radical
cheerleaders march north along wall above I-5. Armored vehicle comes down
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min., 40 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 005, UWID:
November 27, 1999 |
1 | 5 | Jeff Pearson interviews Vandana
Shiva inside United Methodist Church Jeff is wearing an Independent Media Center press badge.
Videographer: Mary Jones and Jeff Pearson
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min., 15 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 007,
UWID: 005
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 6 | Arriving in Seattle for WTO
protests People (in Colorado?) getting ready to get in a van to drive to
Seattle. Van on the side of the road. protesters purchasing gas masks along the
way. Interview at Corner Produce in Pike Place Market, with market employee.
Interview inside Left Bank Books with bookstore employee about what they expect
from protests. Police arrive above I-5. Radical Cheerleaders do chants on
street above I-5 banner hang. Reverse shot of spectators on overpass, downtown
Seattle in the distance.
Videographer: Brian Jones
Original: 1 videocassette (32 min., 15 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 009,
UWID: 006
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 7 | Activities the day before the
WTO protests begin in Seattle Outside squat at 4 am. Daytime UW Red Square student and faculty
rally. Footage has date and time stamp on it. Margaret Levi speaks. Matt Spark,
professor of Canadian Studies at UW speaks. March through campus in the rain.
Interview with marcher. Street theater in Red Square. Student speakers.
Videographer: Colin Carlton
Original: 1 videocassette (35 min., 35 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 012,
UWID: 007
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 8 | First day of WTO
protests From I-5, banner drop from crane. Arrests and chanting outside
convention center. Mounted police and cyclone fencing around intersection.
March goes past FAO Schwarz. Interviews with marchers. Teachers and students
from Nova High School explain how and why they're participating in the
protests. Street theater, people in costumes playing drums and dancing in the
streets. Radical Cheerleaders. Street party at Westlake Center. March fills the
intersection at 3rd Ave. and Pine St., French farm activist Jose Bove speaks
from on top of bus. Amy Goodman is below the van recording audio. Riot police
lining parking lot at 2nd Ave. and Pine St. Interview with Dan Merkle.
Videographer: Brian Jones
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 0 min., 40 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig:
013, UWID: 008
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 9 |
Street theater and interviews on
November 29th, 1999 Nova Highschool students street theater downtown. Joe Szwaja
(NOVA teacher) leads "WTO Fashion Show." Shirley Morrison, Raging Granny,
sings. Korean activists and musicians in street, march down 5th Avenue with
NOVA kids leading, giant USWA steelworkers banner on the side of a truck
opposing the WTO. Interview with Seattle City Councilmember Nick Licata.
Interview conducted by Craig Hymson. Explains how WTO Ministerial ended up in
Seattle. Discusses freedom of assembly. March blocks intersection at 3rd and
Pine. In the middle of the intersection, Jose Bove and other farmers from VIA
Campesina (including farmers from Poland) talk to the press.
Videographer: Ed Mays
Original: 1 videocassette (50 min., 54 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 015,
UWID: 009
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 10 | Scenes from WTO protests in
downtown Seattle Early morning at 6th Ave. and Olive St. Students from Lewis and
Clark College link arms and chant. Van heads up street playing music and
announcing that another march just left from Seattle Central Community College.
Group initiates lockdown at 7th Ave. and Stewart St. Interviews with locked
down protesters. protesters roll dumpsters into street. Police use batons to
push protesters out of the 4th Avenue. One protester stands in front of King
County Metro bus. IWW blockade at 4th Ave. and Pike St. Police move in with
batons and protesters sit down. Police throw protester down in street, jabbing
protesters with batons.
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (54 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 034, UWID: 010
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 11 | Nightime 11/29/1999 Teamsters truck parked on Occidental. Interview with
steelworkers from NM, CO, UT. Interview with Steve Williamson from Local 174
Teamsters. Interview with Mineko Hasegawa, freshman at Garfield High School and
daughter of Bob Hasegawa. Interview by 1st Avenue South with Bobby Davis
talking about challenges of being homeless in Seattle. protesters outside King
Dome and exhibition center where WTO delegates are attending a party. 11/30,
young woman describes the "seige tower" they buit in Eugene. Another angle of
the arrest recorded on #34. Cops attempt to get protester into cop car but he
goes limp. Locked down protesters in middle of Pike St., near Sheraton. Black
Bloc moves dumpsters into the street.
Videographer: Colin Carlton
Original: 1 videocassette (49 min., 12 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 036, UWID:
November 29, 1999 - November 30, 1999 |
1 | 12 | WTO protests, early
morning protesters arms linked, sit down in front of riot police.
Radical Cheerleaders lead cheers. State patrol car attempts to drive through
protester blockade. UW Law Students debate with delegate while blocking him
from passing. protesters locked together at 8th Ave. and Seneca St.
Videographer: Vernon Belanger
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 037, UWID: 012
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 13 | Early morning WTO
protests Infernal Noise Brigade marches and plays down Boren and turns
downtown at Olive. SPD arrive, start directing traffic but allow protesters to
continue blocking Boren. March comes down Olive St. headed downtown. Clown nose
protesters with arms linked chant at bus tunnel entrance. Delegates outside
Paramount. Dance party in the street at 8th Ave. and Pine St. Ben White talks
about coalitions forming in the streets, emergence of civil society and
fundamental shift of power. Celia Alario on a walkie talkie.
Videographer: Jason Reep
Original: 1 videocassette (24 min., 27 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 038,
UWID: 013
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 14 | Pre-march activities at WTO
protests Costumed marchers head west on Pine street, students from NOVA
highschool among them. March pauses at 7th and Pine. Joe Szwaja with NOVA
highschool street theater. Downtown streets full of marchers. Speakers on a
stage near convention center, Brian Derdowski, Paul Wellstone, Tom Goldtooth,
and Vandana Shiva.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min., 44 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 042A,
UWID: 014
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 15 | International Interfaith Service
to Break the Chains of Global Debt partial coverage Partial coverage of Interfaith service inside First United
Methodist Church. Sweet Honey in the Rock performs "This Little Light of Mine"
and "I Shall Not Be Moved". Native American, Unitarian, Muslim, Buddhist,
Baha'i, Hindu, and Christian leaders take turns on stage.
Videographer: Daniel Kosmal
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 042B, UWID: 015
November 29, 1999 |
1 | 16 | Various scenes from November
30th WTO protests People of Color march arrives downtown. Procession with
Community Coalition for Environmental Justice banner. Yalonda Sinde carrying
banner. Locked down protesters, with arms in concrete tubes, at 4th and
University, in circle. Filipino delegation marches through 4th and Union
intersection. Interview with independent media activist from Berkeley.
protesters face off with SPD officers in riot gear at 3rd and Union. Group of
masked anarchists walks towards camera. Infernal Noise Brigade in Westlake
Park. Ruben Solis speaks on megaphone.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 28 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 043A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 17 | Various Scenes from morning of
November 30th Seattle WTO protests Afternoon of November 29, chaos and spoken word in front of
Niketown. Interview with protester from Makah Nation. Morning of November 30,
procession marches towards Paramount. Teamsters Truck honks horn. All turtle
costume protesters blocking street near Paramount, delegates trying to get
through. Street theater in intersection. Infernal Noise Brigade. SPD on
megaphone issues dispersal order.
Videographer: Rahul Gupta
Original: 1 videocassette (25 min., 28 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 043A-1,
UWID: 017
Between November 29, 1999 and November 30, 1999 |
1 | 18 | Various scenes from November
30th, 1999, WTO protests, part two Continuation of Tape #16 (43A). Labor march heads south on 4th
Avenue. Anti-fascist marching band in the march. Bird's eye view of giant
condom that says "WTO Practice Safe Trade Greenpeace." March enters
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (24 min., 15 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 043B, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 19 | Various Scenes from morning of
November 30th, 1999, Seattle WTO protests Part Two Continuation of tape 43A. SPD issues dispersal order. Delegates
having their photos taken in front of protesters and police. Police in riot
gear push protesters back. protesters sit down. Riot police on armored vehicle
point rubber bullet guns and tear gas guns at crowd, 6th and Union. Officer
launches teargas canister into seated crowd of protesters.
Videographer: Rahul Gupta
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min., 5 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 043B-1,
UWID: 019
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 20 | WTO protest activities in
downtown Seattle on November 30th Early morning downtown. UW Law Students form human chain at 8th
and Seneca. Conversation between police and protesters. protesters roll metal
garbage barrels down street towards bulldozers. protesters use dumpster to
block street. NGOs in suits try to get through blockade. At 6th and University,
man in suit debates with protesters. People fleeing teargas on 6th Avenue,
crowd boos as cops let delegates through at 6th and Pine.
Videographer: Headwaters Action Video Collective (HAVC)
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 044, UWID: 020
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 21 | Interviews with participants in
Steelworkers rally, December 1st, 1999, at Pier 62 Interview with protesters at Steelworkers rally on waterfront.
Interview with steelworker talking about how WTO affects labor. Steelworkers in
blue ponchos at Pier 62 listening to rally speakers. Woman in white poncho from
Building Trades Union, International Brotherhood of Painters and Building
Trades. Interview with steelworker holding big white steelworkers blimp.
Interview with Mark Taylor Canfield.
Videographer: Brian Jones
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 58 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 047,
UWID: 021
December 1, 1999 |
1 | 22 | Scenes from WTO protests, night
of November 29th and the morning of November 30th November 29th, 1999. Nightime in front of First United Methodist
Church. Interview with protester named Bob Burton about trade and media
coverage. Interview with Israeli activist named Roni Armon with Green Action
and People's Global Action. Key Arena at Seattle Center. Ani Defranco on stage
with band Seize the Day. Morning, November 30th, 1999. Human chain in a circle
in the rain at 6th and University. Interview with protester (Daniel Kosmal).
Human chain around locked down protesters, Rochelle Gause among them.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 047A, UWID:
November 29, 1999 - November 30, 1999 |
1 | 23 | Lockdown scenes and interviews at
6th and University, November 30th Beginning of this tape overlaps with last 4 minutes of previous
tape, Tape #23 (47A). Locked down protester talks about why she is locked down.
Interview with protester from Arcata, calling himself "Compost".
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min., 43 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 047B,
UWID: 023
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 24 | Lockdown scenes and interviews at
6th and University, November 30th, Part Two Continuation of Tape 047B. Locked down protesters on the ground
surrounded by circle of singing protesters at 6th and University. Delegates
push through protesters at NW corner of 6th and University. Interview with one
of the protesters. Black Bloc links arms at NE corner of 6th and
Videographer: Brian Jones
Original: 1 videocassette (6 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 047C, UWID: 024
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 25 | Lockdown scenes and interviews
at 6th and University, November 30th, Part Three Delegates debating with protesters at 6th and University.
Interview with anarchist protester on stairs above 6th and University.
protesters seated in front of police horses. Infernal Noise Brigade goes by.
Armored vehicle shooting rubber bullets and pepper spray. protester jumps on
armored vehicle and is beaten by police. Teargas canisters fired directly into
crowd. protesters, including elderly women, recovering from teargas. John
Sellers in foreground. People running down University away from teargas. At
Rainier Square on 4th, protesters start drumming and dancing in front of
Videographer: Whispered Media?
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 047D, UWID: 025
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 26 | Police and protester
confrontations at 6th and University, on November 30th People play percussion on overturned dumpsters in the
intersection. protesters are seated in intersection. Teargas released on front
of seated protesters. Woman lays on back while medics pour water over face.
Interview with photographer Ian Edelstein, talks about rubber bullets.
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 051A, UWID: 026
November 30, 1999 |
1 | 27 | Police and protester
confrontations at 6th and University, on November 30th, Part Two Continuation of tape 51A. Medics assist seated protesters who
were pepper sprayed. Police leave 6th and University. Crowd cheers. People roll
dumpster into street and up 4th Avenue.
Videographer: Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 051B, UWID: 027
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 28 | Direct action and police response
at 6th and University in Seattle Seated and dancing protesters in street. Police throw tear gas
into seated protesters. Press and protesters struggle to get away from gas.
Police advance into intersection banging batons on shields. Locked down
protesters remain in intersection. Cops use pepper spray on them repeatedly.
Tear gas cloud envelops protesters who are locked down. Raise fists cheering
after gas passes. Police charge protesters in front of Hilton.
Videographer: Daniel Kosmal
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 39 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 052A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 29 | Direct action and police
response at 6th and University Part Two Continuation of tape 28 (52A). Police attack seated protesters.
Street medics try to clear protesters' faces and eyes of pepper spray. North on
6th Avenue, clouds of teargas. Armored vehicle blocking University street
freeway ramp. Locked down protesters are still locked together. State patrol
car pulls up to locked down protesters. Steelworkers and Infernal Noise Brigade
come up 6th Avenue.
Videographer: Daniel Kosmal
Original: 1 videocassette (29 min., 56 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 052B, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 30 |
Preparing for protests in 420
Denny space. Interviews with protesters practicing with chains and lockdown
cylinders. Map showing different blockade sectors in downtown. Interview with
protester from Connecticut. Describes process of forming affinity group and
preparing for arrest. Affinity groups walk down Denny. Interview with protester
who is going to take part in lockdown. Arrive at Pine (or Pike) and Boren and
block traffic. March from SCCC arrives. Riot police walk up Pike towards Boren.
KL Shannon between protesters and police.
Videographer: Mark and Josh of Paper Tiger Television (PPTV)
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 20 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 053A,
UWID: 030
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 31 |
WTO Protest Scenes on Boren,
November 30th Continuation of tape 30 (53A). Locked down protesters at Pike
and Boren sing. Interview with the locked down protesters about their strategy
for blockading city. Interview with KL Shannon. Police try to get through
protester blockade on Pike. protester locked at top of tripod in Pine and Boren
intersection. Delegates try and fail to get through.
Videographer: Mark and Josh of Paper Tiger Television (PPTV)
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min., 25 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 053B,
UWID: 031
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 32 | WTO protest scenes from the
morning of November 30th Interview with masked protester (Betty) locked down on Boren.
View down Boren of Pine and Pike blocked. protesters crouched in intersection
next to riot cop with pepper spray. Cop car with "Fuck Cops" graffiti. Infernal
Noise Brigade at 4th and Union. Interview with woman who witnessed lockdowns
and unprovoked police violence.
Videographer: Mark and Josh of Paper Tiger Television (PPTV)
Original: 1 videocassette (18 min., 52 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 054, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 33 | WTO Protest Scenes between Pike
Place Market and Paramount, morning of November 30th At intersection of Western Ave and Virginia Street, street
theater and singing. Interview with Market employee, supports protests. March
starts south on Pike Place, John Goodman carries Steelworkers banner. Interview
with protesters in march, a woman and a protester named Rahul. Interview with
Brad Bartlett, legal observer from National Lawyer's Guild. Interview with
Harold Lindy in march. Buy Bye Santas marching near Paramount. Teamsters 174
truck sets up sound system across from Paramount. Delegates push past
protesters on Pine and 8th Avenue. Jonathan Lawson in human chain. Company of
Prophets dance troupe in intersection of 7th and Pine while Jason Reep films
them. Delegates debates with protesters in human chain.
Videographer: Jeff Hall?
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: 057, UWID: 033
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 34 | Duplicate of first half of
057_33 protesters singing Christmas carols with altered protest lyrics
inside a King County metro bus. Interview with Pike Place Market employee. Taxi
driver in his cab blowing whistle, says he's with the protesters. Company of
Prophets spoken word and hip hop on Pike or Pine. protesters debate with
delegates on Pike.
Videographer: Jeff Hall?
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 3 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 057A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 35 | Duplicate of second half of
057_33 Jonathan Lawson in line of linked protesters. Kevin Danaher
hands out stickers to linked protesters. Dancers with Company of Prophets dance
in the middle of 7th and Pine. Delegates try to push through human chains.
protester holding child interviewed, talks about his frustration with the media
Videographer: Jeff Hall?
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 057B, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 36 | WTO protest scenes between Boren
and 6th on Pike and Pine, November 30th Interview with protester in front of Vons. Man with megaphone
preaches about Jesus. protesters on top of King County Metro bus in front of
Paramount. protester suspended from a wooden tripod blocking the street at
Boren and Pine. Man in suit tries to get through line of protesters at Boren
and Pike towards downtown on Pike, KL Shannon intervenes, man doesn't get
Videographer: Jeff Hall?
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min., 50 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 057C,
UWID: 036
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 37 | Student participation in WTO
protests Students chanting in front of Broadway Performance Hall and
SCCC. Intersection of Broadway and Pine in the background. Student march
departs heading north on Broadway. Construction workers raise fists and peace
signs as students pass on Olive. March passes through Olive and Denny and heads
down Denny. Many protesters seated and linked together in front of Sheraton.
Videographer: Robin Pawlak
Original: 1 videocassette (25 min., 39 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 058, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 38 | Confrontation between WTO
protesters and police at Boren and Pine, November 30th Boren Ave. and Pine St. Police yell at protester. When
protesters refuse to move, police drive motorcycles over protesters who are
chained together.
Videographer: Jino Choi
Original: 1 videocassette (3 min., 30 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 059, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 39 | Street activity in downtown
Seattle Dance party with Company of Prophets in the middle of the
intersection outside the Roosevelt Hotel (7th and Pine?). Fire
breather/spinner. Interview with delegates from Cote d'Ivoire. Direct Action
group has a meeting. Large (student?) march heads up Denny (?). MEChA marches
chanting in Spanish under monorail tracks. Student march arrives at Mural
Amphitheatre Seattle Center. Rice Baker-Yeboah speaks.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (32 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 061A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 40 | Student rally at Seattle Center
during WTO protests Student rally at Seattle Center Mural Amphitheatre. Rice
Baker-Yeboah on megaphone. MEChA students in face masks talk about Zapatista
movement. Students from Bay Area are with the Third Eye Movement. UW student
rep speaks. Lydia Cabasco on the mic. Labor march through downtown, passes
Westlake Center and Nordstrom. Indigenous Women's Network banner.
Videographer: Summer Thomas
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 3 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 061B,
UWID: 040
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 41 | Footage of protester and police
interaction Woman with bleeding injury next to eye is attended to by medics.
Riot cop pushes Rustin Thompson out of the street. Medics caring for seated
protesters who were pepper sprayed.
Videographer: Nate Baker
Original: 1 videocassette (4 min., 59 sec.): DV ; Orig: 062, UWID: 041
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 42 | WTO protests at Union
Square protesters expressing anger at riot police for gassing them.
Students wearing UW Law school sweatshirts in intersection. Riot police appear
to retreat. protesters take intersection and cheer. protesters block delegates
in front of the Sheraton. protesters follow Infernal Noise Brigade in front of
600 University (One Union Square). Long line of protesters with arms linked
block delegates at 4th and University or Union (?). David Solnit tries to
reason with police at 200 Union Square, gets pushed with baton. Gary Graham
Hughes takes photos. protesters seated in front of police horses in front of 2
Union Square.
Videographer:Nate Baker
Original: 1 videocassette (28 min., 28 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 063,
UWID: 042
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 43 | Protest scenes at 6th and Union
during WTO protests in Seattle Human chain in front of Sheraton. Interview with 11-year-old who
is skipping school for protests. David Solnit instructs people with asthma or
contact lenses to move to the back. Interview with protester who was shot in
the leg with rubber bullets. Medics helping protesters. Black Bloc argues with
protester protecting windows. Interviews with protesters who are locked down at
6th and University. Korean protesters and drummers move through 6th and
University. protester from London calls police behavior outrageous. Interview
with public defenders working as legal observers with National Lawyers Guild.
Infernal Noise Brigade member talks about getting gassed. Interview with an
attorney who works downtown. Interview with Metro driver. Young woman protester
talks to King County Sheriff officers blocking protesters. Interview with David
Taylor from Direct Action Network.
Videographer: Alex Blasdel
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 23 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 065, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 44 | From marches to riots on November
30th Interview with black women talking about importance of women of
color coming together at WTO protests. Large crowd singing at 5th and Pine.
Kristine Wong in the crowd. Labor march moves past Westlake Center, heading
east on Pike. Dee Dee Rainbow (died 2013) in march. Han Shan (Direct Action
Network) is negotiating with police officer outside Sheraton. Teargas at corner
of 4th and Pike. Infernal Noise Brigade arrives marching east on Pike.
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (47 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 067, UWID: 044
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 45 | WTO student marches on University
Students marching south on 3rd. Crowd gathers at 3rd and
University, heads up University. protesters circle up and lock together in the
intersection of 4th and University (?). Teargas seen at 4th and Union, 4th and
Pike. Riot cop announces labor march's location, encourages protesters to join
the march. Interview with three young women who are locked down. Another march
(maybe students from UW?) passes around 4th and University blockade. Concussion
grenades and clouds of teargas down 4th Avenue.
Videographer: Sam
Original: 1 videocassette (25 min., 16 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 068,
UWID: 045
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 46 | Various protests scenes morning
of November 30th Early morning protesters gather at Seattle Central Community
College. Footage at Boren and Pike blockade. King County Metro bus blocks Pine
west of Boren. Cops negotiate with protesters to get their cars past the
blockade. Activist named War Cry is in the group negotiating with police.
Topless women protesters head up Pike past Paramount.
Videographer: David Potter
Original: 1 videocassette (55 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 075, UWID: 046
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 47 | WTO protest scenes in downtown
Seattle on the afternoon of November 30th Crowd of protesters at 6th and Pine in front of Sheraton Hotel.
Two blocks of protesters blocking 5th Avenue. Street medics treating protesters
outside Independent Media Center for teargas and pepper spray. Young woman has
huge impact wound on her forehead. Inside IMC. Seated protesters in
intersection of 4th and University. Woman reads Seattle Times' front page to
crowd, announces cancelling of WTO meeting. Man in suit talks with press.
protesters and drummers march on 6th Avenue. Errol Maitland records audio. Riot
police in front of Independent Media Center.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 04 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 076A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 48 | Untitled Nighttime on 3rd Avenue between Union and University, in front
of the Independent Media Center. Row of riot police (National Guard or King
County Sheriff?). Camera movement very jerky. Tear gas starts and camera moves
inside Independent Media Center. protester in basement of IMC talks about
medics helping to remove contact lenses from his eyes after he was gassed.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (6 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 076B, UWID: 048
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 49 | Morning to night on November
30th in downtown Seattle Boren and Pike. Human chain blocks Pike. protesters debate with
delegate on Pike. Human chain in front of hotel at Pine and 8th. Insect
costumes rolling inflatable globes up and down Pine. At dusk, dumpsters
overturned in the intersection at 4th and Union. Rice Baker-Yeboah on
megaphone, instructing people on what to say to delegates. Teargas fired in
front of Niketown. Concussion grenades.
Videographer: Emmeline Hedenburg
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 077, UWID: 049
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 50 | Interviews and protest scenes
from WTO protests in Seattle Interviews with Brian Derdowski and Richard Conlin, also with
protesters. Protest scenes downtown.
Videographer: Ed Mays
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 078, UWID: 050
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 51 | December 1st arrests at WTO
protests Part One Activists cleaning graffiti, protesters assemble and sit down at
intersection of 6th and Pike. Amy Kratz as legal observer, Stephanie Guilloud,
Hop Hopkins, Lydia Cabasco in crowd. David Solnit on megaphone encourages crowd
to keep protesting non-violently. Crowd of protesters pushed into Westlake
Square by police. Arrests begin in Westlake Square. Arrestees taken to King
County metro buses.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 080A, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 52 | December 1st arrests at WTO
protests Part Two Westlake arrests. Dana Schuerholz is arrested. John Sellers,
Direct Action Network, interviewed by press, debates with police officer.
Asante Riverwind aka "Osprey" from Direct Action Network interviewed, then
arrested. Hop Hopkins arrested.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 10 sec.) : Betacam SP ; Orig: 080B,
UWID: 052
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 53 |
December 1st arrests at WTO
protests Selects Partial duplicate of 08A-051. People cleaning graffiti downtown.
Seen in crowd: Amy Kratz as legal observer, Stephanie Guilloud, Hop Hopkins,
Lydia Cabasco. Asante Riverwind at Westlake Park asking protesters to remain
non-violent as armored vehicles surround Westlake Park. David Solnit
encouraging people to remain non-violent.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears
Original: 1 videocassette (05 min., 18 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 080C,
UWID: 053
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 54 | December 1st WTO protests in
Seattle Part One In the early morning of December 1st, 1999, protesters
challenge the newly instated "No Protest Zone" and return to downtown Seattle.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (01 hr., 04 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 081A,
UWID: 054
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 55 | December 1st WTO protests in
Seattle Part Two Ongoing arrests at Westlake Park on the morning of December 1st,
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (22 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 081B, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 56 |
Seattle, King County, and WA
State reps discuss exclusion of local governments from trade negotiations,
November, 1999 People in business attire sitting around in a circle indoors
discussing exclusion of local governments in trade negotiations.
Videographer: Ed Mays
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 084, UWID: 056
November, 1999 |
2 | 57 | protesters challenge martial law
in downtown Seattle on December 1st Police, protesters, and news media at Westlake park. Interview
with protester, compares violence of protests to violence of WTO. March from
Westlake Park into Pike street at 4th avenue, south on 4th Avenue, weaves
through downtown along 3rd, 4th, and 5th Avenue. Interview with forest activist
from Vancouver, BC.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (22 min., 51 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 085,
UWID: 057
December 1, 1999 |
2 | 58 | Labor march and protest scenes
in downtown Seattle on November, 30th Interview with protesters at 4th and Pike,"Bio Girl" and
Jennifer. Labor march passes. Inside Town Hall, event is WTO Debate by The
International Forum on Globalization, The Nation Institute, Public Citizen,
& The Progress Project Present with Ralph Nader, Center for the Study of
Responsible Law Public Citizen; John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies;
and Dr. Vandana Shiva: Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
as the Anti-Globalization participants and Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia
University; Scott Miller, Proctor & Gamble; and David Aaron: Undersecretary
of Commerce for International Trade as the pro-globalization participants.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (32 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 085A, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
2 | 59 | Arrests and interviews at
Westlake Park, during WTO protests, on December 1st Interview with protesters Morgan Dunn, John Sellers, other
protesters. John Sellers talks to media. Interview with protester named
Jennifer Young talking about her experience.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 085B, UWID: 059
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 60 | Duplicate of 085_057 Duplicate of 085_057
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 085C, UWID: 060
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 61 | WTO protest scenes in and near
Sheraton Hotel on November 30th Protests and arrests inside/outside Sheraton Hotel. Cameraperson
conversation with Norm Stamper.
Videographer: Paul Richmond
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min., 12 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 086;
UWID: 061
November 30, 1999 |
3 | 62 | Direct Action at 8th and
Seneca Direct action lockdown at Convention Center.
Videographer: Christopher Zimmerman
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 39 sec.) : Betacam SP ; Orig: 089A,
UWID: 062
November 30, 1999 |
3 | 63 | Direct Action at 8th and Seneca
Part Two Direct action lockdown at Convention Center.
Videographer: Christopher Zimmerman
Original: 1 videocassette (21 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 089B, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
3 | 64 | Direct Action at 8th and Seneca
Part Three Direct action lockdown at Convention Center.
Videographer: Christopher Zimmerman
Original: 1 videocassette (11 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 089C, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
3 | 65 | Police violence on the afternoon
of December 1st Police violence downtown.
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 093, UWID: 065
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 66 | Scenes from WTO protest on
December 1st Steelworkers rally, police violence downtown.
Videographer: Jane Jarlsberg
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 15 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 095A,
UWID: 066
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 67 | Interviews about police violence
on December 1st Interviews with student organizers, labor members, about
protests and police violence.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette (28 min., 47 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 097A,
UWID: 067
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 68 | Duplicate of 097A_67 Duplicate of 097A_67
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 097B, UWID: 068
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 69 | Arriving Seattle, marches, Part
One Interviews with student organizers about police violence.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 99A, UWID: 069
November 28, 1999 |
3 | 70 | Arriving Seattle, marches, Part
Two Arriving Seattle, marches.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 99B, UWID: 070
November 28, 1999 |
3 | 71 | Marching band, grocery store
B-roll Marching band, grocery store B-roll.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 99C, UWID: 071
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 72 | Police attack on protesters
downtown Police attack on protesters downtown.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 100A, UWID: 072
December 1, 1999 |
3 | 73 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 100B, UWID: 073
? |
3 | 74 | Speeches by farmers Speeches by farmers.
Videographer: Sparks
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 102, UWID: 074
? |
3 | 75 |
Live broadcast of Democracy Now
during WTO protests with Victor Menotti as guest Hosts Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez with guests Victor Menotti
and Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund Rep, Patti Goldman.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 104, UWID: 075
December 2, 1999 |
3 | 76 | International Panel of Farmers
during WTO protests Farmers Day; press conference, speakers include Anne Schwartz
from Washington Tilth, Jose Bove, Keith Dittrich (President, American Corn
Growers Association), Rafael Alegria Via Campesina, Dena Hoff (Northern Plains
Resource Council), Warren MacDonald (Capilano Pacific small boat fisherman),
Rafael Mariano (Phillipine Peasant Movement KMP), Denise O'Brien (co-founder,
Women Food and Agriculture Network WFAN).
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 1 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 105, UWID:
December 2, 1999 |
3 | 77 | Capitol Hill march March on Capitol Hill, led by Rice Baker Yeboah, winds through
Videographer: John Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 108A, UWID:
December 2, 1999 |
3 | 78 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 108B, UWID: 078
? |
3 | 79 | At King County Jail Jail solidarity at King County Jail.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 109A, UWID: 079
? |
3 | 80 | Sunset outside King County
Jail Helicopters in sky over King County Jail at dusk, large crowd in
front of King County Jail on 5th Avenue
Videographer: Storm Waters
Original: 1 videocassette (05 min., 30 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 109B,
UWID: 080
December 2, 1999 |
3 | 81 | Untitled "nerve gas used; call from jail"
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: 111. UWID: 081
? |
3 | 82 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 113, UWID: 082
? |
3 | 83 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 116A, UWID: 083
? |
3 | 84 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 117A, UWID: 084
? |
3 | 85 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 117B, UWID: 085
? |
3 | 86 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 117C, UWID: 086
? |
3 | 87 | Interviews Interviews.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 120, UWID: 087
? |
3 | 88 | Changing America
episode Episode of "Changing America" in Seattle, working with other
independent media to cover the WTO protests.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (28 min., 30 sec.): DVCAM ; Orig: 211, UWID:
? |
3 | 89 | Interviews about Jubilee
2000 Interview with Bronwyn Mauldin, volunteer with Ustawi, and Hanna
Petros founding member of Jubilee 2000 NW Coalition. Both describe purpose of
Jubilee 2000 and need to forgive debt.
Videographer: Daniel Hannah
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 57 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 500,
UWID: 089
November 28, 1999 |
3 | 90 | People's Global Action caravan
arrives in Seattle for 1999 WTO protests People's Global Action (PGA) caravan arrives from NYC. Activists
from India, Israel, Panama, Bolivia, England, Germany, Canada. USWA (United
Steelworkers of America), Indigenous representative from Panama (Kuna Youth
Movement), Green Action from Israel. Denis Moynihan from Direct Action Network
Media Collective.
Videographer: Mark Richards
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min., 26 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 501,
UWID: 090
November 29, 1999 |
3 | 91 | Interview with Peter
Fugazzotto Interview with Peter Fugazzotto from Sea Turtle Restoration
Project, at Independent Media Center (1415 3rd Ave), in downtown Seattle.
Sounds like Mary Travers is conducting the interview.
Videographer: Mark Richards
Original: 1 videocassette (8 min., 56 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 502, UWID:
November 28, 1999 |
3 | 92 |
Street Theater and Music on Sunny
Day before WTO protests People drumming outside Seattle Central Community College
(SCCC), with street theater and puppets. United Steelworkers of America (USWA)
puppets. Radical Cheerleaders lead march north on Broadway. Infernal Noise
Brigade passes camera. White people doing African dance and drumming.
Videographer: Mark Dworkin
Original: 1 videocassette (16 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 503, UWID: 092
November 28, 1999 |
4 | 93 | Marchers and puppets
downtown Sunset on marchers and puppets downtown, marching towards Boren
(on Pike or Pine). Bicycle cops. Armored vehicles with police riding on
outside. Armored vehicle drives by with Space Needle in background at sunset.
Police on horseback circling on Pine.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears (Jonathan Stanton)
Original: 1 videocassette (8 min., 51 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 505, UWID:
November 29, 1999 |
3 | 94 | Protest crowd and police officers
on Pike Very low sound. Protest crowd in downtown street (Pike) at
sundown. Crowd starts walking east on Pike. Police officers on horseback in
amongst marchers. SWAT tank rolls by with police on outside.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (3 min., 45 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 505-1,
UWID: 094
November 29, 1999 |
3 | 95 |
Banner Hang at WTO
Protests Rainforest Action Network activists hang a banner from a crane
in South Lake Union. Banner says "Democracy-> WTO<-" Space Needle in
Videographer: Mark Richards
Original: 1 videocassette (4 min., 50 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 506, UWID:
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 96 | Filipino Community Center
meeting People's Assembly meeting inside Filipino Community Center,
Raging Grannies take the stage. Interview (through interpreter) with Kwon Mi
Young, representative of Korean Women Farmer's Association in Korea.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (55 min., 30 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 507,
UWID: 096
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 97 | Interviews with labor activists
during 1999 WTO protests in Seattle Indoors labor event. Interviews with labor leaders and
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (8 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 508, UWID: 097
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 98 | Interviews with labor activists
during 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, Part Two Indoors labor event. Speakers. Interviews with participants,
including David Reid from United Steelworkers of America, while he's wearing an
Earth First button.
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 1 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 509, UWID:
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 99 | Interviews with labor
activists Interview with Paul Wellstone in front of Steelworkers table.
Interview with Maxine Waters. Lori Wallach at podium with United Steelworkers
of America logo. George Becker, USWA president, introduces Thea Lee of the
AFL-CIO. Charles Kernighan documents labor abuses in Latin America and Asia.
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min., 30 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 510,
UWID: 099
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 100 |
Arts and Culture preparations for
1999 WTO protests Interview with Dan Spalding in front of 420 Denny. Daniel Lang
interview about use of puppets. Max Dejarnette and Eve Griggs interview outside
420 Denny. Eve mentions Evergreen State College class called "Political Economy
and Social Movements." Interview with Jason Adams from Seattle Tenants Union
and IWW. Slow motion Asun Suntonio Bandanaz spoken word. Hip hop artist named
Spiral performs. Hop Hopkins MC mentions Community Coalition for Environmental
Justice. Summer and Brenna do spoken word together.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Sara Zia and Ginger B)
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 5 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 511A,
UWID: 100
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 101 |
Arts and Culture preparations for
1999 WTO Protests Part Two Spoken word performances at Alibi Room (Summer and Brenna,
Jourdan Imani Keith, Gabriel Teodros). Hop Hopkins MCs. Interview with Gabriel
Teodros outside Alibi Room in Post Alley. Interview with Asun Suntonio
Bandanaz. Five Hundred Years Collective. Asun beatboxes.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Sara Zia and Ginger B)
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min., 9 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 511B,
UWID: 101
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 102 | Interview with Rony
Armon Interview with Rony Armon from People's Global Action. Craig
Hymson from Independent Media records interview. Rony is from Green Action.
Interview with Michael Charder from London Reclaim the Streets and People's
Global Action. Interview starts again on 512B.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Josh, Jessica, and Linda)
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 512A, UWID:
November 28, 1999 |
4 | 103 | Interview with Michael
Charder Interview with Michael Charder from London Reclaim the Streets
and People's Global Action.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Josh, Jessica, and Linda)
Original: 1 videocassette (22 min., 23 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 512B,
UWID: 103
November 28, 1999 |
4 | 104 | Scenes before march on November
29th, Seattle Interview with steelworkers. NO AUDIO. Outside First Methodist
Church (Fifth and Marion location). Columbia Tower in background.
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (18 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 513, UWID: 104
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 105 |
Live broadcast of Democracy Now
with guest Vandana Shiva Live broadcast of Democracy Now from Seattle at First Methodist
Church with Amy Goodman, Norman Stockwell, and Vandana Shiva. Amy reports about
activists who squatted in abandoned building in downtown Seattle, Radical
Cheerleaders, and banner hang over Interstate 5. Lori Wallach. Walden
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Sara Zia and Ginger B)
Original: 1 videocassette (13 min., 5 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 514A,
UWID: 105
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 106 | Live broadcast of Democracy Now
from Seattle at First Methodist Church Live broadcast of Democracy Now from Seattle at First Methodist
Church. Amy Goodman. Norman Stockwell. Vandana Shiva. Lori Wallach. Walden
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Sara Zia and Ginger B)
Original: 1 videocassette (28 min., 35 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 514B,
UWID: 106
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 107 | Banner drop from
crane Pre-dawn at the base of the crane. Can see the banner drop,
activists on the top of the crane. Press person for banner drop names banner
drop activists. John Sellers, Ruckus Society, and Harold, Ian Burke, Shannon,
with Rainforest Action Network. Support activists on freeway overpass above
crane describes mechanics of banner drop. Banner starts to drop. Space Needle
in the background. Interviews about direct action as a tactic.
Videographer: Stephanie Higgins
Original: 1 videocassette (34 min., 6 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 515, UWID:
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 108 | Scenes of downtown Seattle before
WTO protests, 1999 Rainy shots of Pike Place Market and market sign. Salmon and
produce at market vendors. Large ships in Elliott Bay. Ferry passes cranes. Pan
of Harbor Island to ferry terminal. Skyline from Victor Steinbruck Park. Shot
of Kingdome and Mariner's Stadium from Victor Steinbruck park overlooking
viaduct. Skyline from 3rd and Pine. WTO promotional signs and GAP sign in one
shot. Holiday car and pedestrian traffic downtown. "Time To Shop" sign in Old
Navy window.
Videographer: Scott Kildall and Will Luo of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (12 min., 23 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 516,
UWID: 108
November 27, 1999 |
4 | 109 | Duplicate of BetaSP
516_108 Duplicate of Tape 108 (BetaSP 516).
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: 516, UWID: 109
? |
4 | 110 | Steelworkers from Kaiser Aluminum
Louisiana talk about strike and lockout Judith LeBlanc interviews workers from Kaiser Aluminum (New
Orleans) at First Methodist Church. Kaiser workers describe strike and lock
out. Kaiser plant is in Gramercy, Louisiana. One worker explains that scabs
blew up part of the plant. Corresponds to Tape 104 (MiniDV 513).
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (16 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 517, UWID: 110
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 111 | Protests, marches, and banner
hang, November 28 Capitol Hill march and rally. Sign for street theater in front
of Broadway Performance Hall. Activists from South Asia and Switzerland talking
outside 420 space. Inside the takeover of abandoned building at 914 Virginia
St., near Terry Avenue. Night shots of cops arriving at the base of the crane
as activists scale crane. Dawn shots of banner-hang activists on top and
lowering themselves from crane.
Videographer: Jeff Dardozzi
Original: 1 videocassette (23 min., 28 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 519,
UWID: 111
November 28, 1999 |
4 | 112 | Police and protesters after
Turtle March Police and protesters after turtle march.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 521, UWID: 112
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 113 | Interviews Interviews inside 420 Denny.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 531A, UWID: 113
? |
4 | 114 | Interview, Comet
Tavern Interview with bartender inside Comet Tavern
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 531B, UWID: 114
? |
4 | 115 | Scenes from arrests and marches,
November 29, Seattle Before dawn, filming from bus ride on I-5 into Seattle. Full
moon. Early morning traffic under I-5. Arrests being made in front of
Convention Center. Elderly white-haired man is led away in handcuffs. March
passes Sheraton on 6th. Lots of marchers in turtle costumes. March passes the
Roosevelt Hotel.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears (Jonathan Stanton)
Original: 1 videocassette (21 min., 45 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 540,
UWID: 115
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 116 | Interviews, human chain, reclaim
the streets. Interviews, human chain, reclaim the streets.
Videographer: Theresa Gorman
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 542, UWID: 116
November 29, 1999 |
4 | 117 | Lockdowns and
protests Lockdowns and protests.
Videographer: Mary Jones
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 548, UWID: 117
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 118 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 550A, UWID: 118
? |
5 | 119 | Lockdowns Lockdowns.
Videographer: Mike Kavanaugh
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 552, UWID: 119
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 120 | Direct action and labor
rally Direct action and labor rally.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears (Jonathan Stanton)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 554, UWID: 120
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 121 | Speakers at Memorial Stadium,
Seattle, November 30th, Part Two Labor rally at Memorial Stadium. National Union of Mine Workers
representative from South Africa speaks. Linda Chavez Thompson introduces
George Becker USWA. Executive Director of Sierra Club, Carl Pope speaks.
President of UNITE, Jay Mazur. Italian Union representative speaks. Irish union
representative speaks. Leroy Trotman, Barbados Workers Union president. Another
South African union representative speaks. Luis Anderson, Latin American and
Caribbean union representative. Malaysian labor rights speaker. Steve Yokich,
President United Auto Workers (died 2002). Gerry McEntee of AFSCME speaks.
Public Citizen director, Lori Wallach.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (56 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 555, UWID: 121
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 122 | Speakers at Memorial Stadium,
Seattle, November 30th, Part Three Labor rally at Memorial Stadium. President of the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Brian McWilliams. Ed Fire, President of
International Union of Electrical Workers, IUE (died 2015) speaks about General
Electric using WTO to lower wages. Wei Jingsheng, Chinese human rights activist
speaks through interpreter. Transport Workers Union (TWU) president Sonny Hall,
mechanic and bus driver from NYC. Ken Georgetti, Canadian Labor Council, talks
about how protesters are getting teargassed downtown while elites eat filet
mignon. Vandana Shiva. Duane Woerth president Airline Pilots Association.
Indian representative of World Fish Harvesters org. Teamsters President, James
Phillip Hoffa speaks. Student activists from United Students Against Sweatshops
(USAS). John Sweeney, President AFL-CIO. Sweet Honey in the Rock on stage backs
up chants.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (58 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 556, UWID: 122
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 123 | Scenes from rally at Memorial
Stadium, Seattle, November 30th United Farmworkers of America banners and members at Memorial
Stadium. Memorial Stadium crowds chant "ILWU" and wave signs. Ron Judd, King
County Labor Council, announces start of rally and march. Michael Franti in the
crowd. Space Needle and sun over crowd. Interview with Sheet Metal Workers
Local 66 worker.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 557, UWID: 123
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 124 | Speakers at Memorial Stadium,
Seattle, November 30th, Part One Sweet Honey and the Rock on stage at Memorial Stadium. Another
angle on labor rally that corresponds to tape #s 556 and 555. Mention of the
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Student Strike in Mexico City.
Speaker Amparo Reyes works in a maquiladora near US Border, interpreted by Juan
Jose Bocanegra.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 1 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 558, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 125 | protester interview Interview with protester shot with rubber bullet.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 559, UWID: 125
? |
4 | 126 | Lockdown, blocking
traffic Lockdown, blocking traffic.
Videographer: Robert Zweifel
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 560, UWID: 126
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 127 | Direct Action and Police
Response. Two tape numbers in one 90 minute BetacamSP. Direct Action and
police response.
Videographer: Tracy and Will
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: 561 and 562, UWID: 127
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 128 | Protests and marching on
Pike Dawn looking over Victor Steinbruck Park and Elliott Bay. March
heads through the market, singing. March arrives at 4th Ave. and Pike St. March
continues towards police, east on Pike St. March heads north on 6th Avenue.
Steelworkers lead march now heading west on Pine St. March stops in front of
police line at 8th Ave. and Pine St. Company of Prophets drumming and spoken
word in march. protesters link arms and block alley between 7th and 6th Avenues
on Union St. protesters all the way down Pike St. to Pike Place Market sign.
Videographer: Tracy and Will
Original: 1 videocassette (44 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 561, UWID: 128
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 129 | protesters, lockdowns, and police
action on Pike Close-up of riot police officer holding firearm marked LETHAL.
Delegates across the street from Gameworks store discussing how no one can get
in. Delegates fail to get in at Sheraton and head back up Pike St. SPD
instructs protesters to go westbound on Pike St. and south on 6th Ave. Spraying
pepper spray on protesters blocking alley next to Gameworks. Amy Goodman,
recording audio. Medics care for protester who was sprayed in face. Teargas
clouds above downtown street (Pine?). protesters locked at base of
Videographer: Tracy and Will
Original: 1 videocassette (50 min., 55 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 562, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 130 | Direct Action footage and labor
rally Two tapes copied to one 90 minute BetacamSP. Direct Action
footage and labor rally.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV and Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 563 and 572, UWID: 130
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 131 | Black Bloc Black Bloc moves through intersection at Pine St. and 6th Ave.
(?). protesters walking west on Virginia St. under monorail tracks. Boarding up
broken windows at Swissa Jewelers on 5th Ave. Anarchy flag on top of Loehmann's
marquee. Black Bloc heads north on 3rd Ave. between Union St. and Pike St.
Videographer: Tracy and Will
Original: 1 videocassette (7 min., 45 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 563, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 132 | Lockdowns, delegates turned away,
police violence Lockdowns, delegates turned away, police violence.
Videographer: Holly Taylor
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 564, UWID: 132
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 133 | Police requests, riot police
march War Cry explains that police want to move their vehicles through
the blockade and she wants to know what the people who are locked down want to
do. Riot police march up Boren Ave. Footage skips to Dec 1st in Belltown at
dusk. Riot police march up 1st Ave. Footage cuts to nighttime at King County
Jail, woman on megaphone, announces rally leaving from Labor Temple at noon on
Videographer: Whispered Media?
Original: 1 videocassette (13 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 565, UWID: 133
Between November 30, 1999 and December 1, 1999 |
4 | 134 | Labor March Labor March.
Videographer: Mark Dworkin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 566, UWID: 133
November 30, 1999 |
4 | 135 | Live broadcast of Democracy
Now Live broadcast of Democracy Now.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 567, UWID: 135
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 136 | Downtown marches and
interviews Interview with Nancy Tracy, 70 year old woman. Interview with
Ismail from Ivory Coast who thinks protests are right thing to do. Interview
with Canadian protesters holding Canadian flag. Labor march turns corner in
front of Ben Bridge Jeweler. Ironworkers Local 29 banner passes. Interview with
Eileen Nelson. Jeff Shuey from Santa Cruz explains that the police are trying
to control an uncontrollable situation. Labor March stops on front of Niketown,
protesters are on top of Niketown marquee, dismantling sign. Interview with
Jessie Herbert from Olympia.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 568, UWID: 136
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 137 | Interviews, lockdowns, street
parties Interviews, lockdowns, street parties.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 568A, UWID: 137
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 138 | Interviews, lockdowns, street
parties Interviews, lockdowns, street parties.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 568B, UWID: 138
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 139 | Interviews, lockdowns, street
parties Interviews, lockdowns, street parties.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 568C, UWID: 139
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 140 | Marches and street parties and
direct action Marches and street parties and direct action.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 569, UWID: 140
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 141 | Untitled Labor march comes into downtown, fills intersection at 8th or
9th Avenues and Pike St. Allen Schauffler gets ready to do report from
downtown. Michael Moore talks to people in labor march. Crowd is stopped in
front of Paramount. Kaiser Rally at Memorial Stadium or Key Arena? David Foster
talks about George Hurwitz, 15th month of Kaiser Aluminum strike. Introduces
George Becker, USWA president. Introduces John Sweeney, AFL-CIO president.
Linda Chavez Thompson, AFL-CIO vice-president. Judith LeBlanc interviews John
Sweeney with George Becker behind him. Jim Hightower on stage. Rebel Voices
Videographer: Erich Strom of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (52 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 572, UWID: 141
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 142 | Scenes and interviews from labor
march, November 30th, Seattle Labor march arrives at 5th Ave and Stewart St. Ron Judd on
megaphone. March heads north on 5th Ave. Verlene Wilder and Ron Judd as
marshals. March returns to Memorial Stadium. Vaughn Oakley interviewed. Latino
family interviewed. Participated in march to protest child labor and NAFTA and
WTO. More interviews with march participants.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (37 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 577, UWID: 142
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 143 | Interviews with participants in
a labor rally on November 30th Judith LeBlanc conducts interviews with labor leaders at
Memorial Stadium. James Hoffa, president of Teamsters. Interview with
representative of South African Miners. Francisco Munoz, metalworker from
Michoacan, Mexico. Interpreted by Juan Jose Bocanegra. Interview with woman
from Dominican Republic representing women who work in sweatshops in Santo
Domingo. Interview with woman representing workers from Colombia. Interview
with Martin Rodriguez from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
in Mexico City, from the university's teachers union. Ron Judd wearing Marshal
hat, leads head of march. Head of the march (John Sweeney, George Becker, Linda
Chavez Thompson, James Hoffa, and others) pauses.
Videographer: Craig Wilson of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (57 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 578, UWID: 143
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 144 | Selects from Headwaters Action
Video Collective HAVC Selects from Headwaters Action Video Collective (HAVC).
Interviews, inside 420 Denny Way.
Videographer: James Ficklin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 579, UWID: 144
? |
5 | 145 | Direct action and street
parties. Direct action and street parties.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 580A, UWID: 145
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 146 | Direct action and street
parties Direct action and street parties.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 580B, UWID: 146
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 147 | Police attack Independent Media
Center Police attack Independent Media Center.
Videographer: Kay Rudin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 580C, UWID: 147
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 148 | Lockdowns 4th and
Pike Lockdowns at 4th Ave. and Pike St.
Videographer: Michael Hans
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 583, UWID: 148
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 149 | Labor rally and march Labor rally and march.
Videographer: Michael Hans
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 584, UWID: 149
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 150 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 588, UWID: 150
? |
5 | 151 | Interview with witness of Victor
Menotti's arrest Interview with witness of Victor Menotti's arrest.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: 603, UWID: 151
? |
5 | 152 | Duplicate of 603-151 Duplicate of 603-151
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: 603, UWID: 152
? |
5 | 153 | Arrests and interviews at
Westlake Center Arrests and interviews at Westlake Center.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 701A, UWID: 153
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 154 | Arrests and interviews at
Westlake Center Arrests and interviews at Westlake Center.
Videographer: Jen Domeier (Jen Stone)
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 701B, UWID: 154
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 155 | Sandpoint prisoners Sandpoint prisoners.
Videographer: Mary Jones
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 709A, UWID: 155
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 156 | Sandpoint prisoners Sandpoint prisoners.
Videographer: Mary Jones
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 709B, UWID: 156
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 157 | Labor march downtown Labor march downtown.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 710, UWID: 157
November 30, 1999 |
5 | 158 | March to the
waterfront Riot police putting on gas masks and helmets. National Lawyers
Guild legal observer talks to press. Sasha Magee interviews Australian delegate
about protests. KL Shannon high fives marchers. IBEW Local 46 sign on IBEW
building. Speakers outside IBEW building tell assembled crowd that they'll
march to Pier 62 where George Becker (president of United Steelworkers of
America) will join them. March heads down Clay St.(?) towards waterfront,
arrives at Pier 62. Rally MC Robby Stern, president Washington State Labor
Council, leads "POWER TO THE PEOPLE" chant. Anne Feeney plays guitar and sings.
David Taylor of Direct Action Network speaks about labor and student coalition.
Anne Feeney sings song about civil disobedience. Labor officials and
politicians do symbolic steel dumping into Elliott Bay.
Videographer: Erich Strom of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (58 min.) : MiniDV; Orig: IMC710, UWID: 158
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 159 | David Bonior speaks at rally on
Seattle waterfront during 1999 WTO protests Labor rally in the rain. David Bonior (Michigan Democrat House
of Representatives) speaks. Mentions labor actions on Seattle Waterfront. Rally
crowd leaves rally and marches.
Videographer: Erich Strom of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (7 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 711, UWID: 159
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 160 | Labor interviews and
marches Three tape numbers on one 90 minute Betacam SP. Labor interviews
and marches.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 711, 715, and 718, UWID:
? |
5 | 161 | Steelworkers march and
rally Steelworkers march and rally.
Videographer: Mary Motyka
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 712, UWID: 161
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 162 | Interviews with protesters who
were chased by police Interviews with protesters who were chased by police. Outside
(or at) United Methodist Church.
Videographer: Marie Poland
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 714, UWID: 162
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 163 | Arrests outside of Labor Temple
on December 1st, during WTO protests in Seattle Jonathan Rosenblum and Ron Judd standing in the street.
Interview with man who describes what happened downtown after steelworker
rally. Riot Police and Metro buses waiting for arrests to begin. Interview with
Ron Judd - describes rally at Pier 62 and police response to protesters
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (12 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 715, UWID: 163
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 164 | Untitled Inside IBEW hall in Belltown. March departs headed to
waterfront. Crowd descends Broad Street towards waterfront. Steelworker rally
at Pier 62. Interviews with people attending steelworker rally at Pier 62.
Earth First member talks about Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the
Environment formed between Earth First and Steelworkers. Woman in crowd talks
about property damage the day before and asserts that the people who engaged in
property damage were not protesters. Interview with Jeff Engels of ILW at Pier
62. Man from Paul Robeson Society interviewed in crowd. Native fisherman talks
about price for fish dropping. Speakers on stage. Anne Feeney plays music.
March heads to Pike Hill Climb. Interview with King County Councilmember Brian
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (59 min., 37 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 718, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 165 | Interviews with
protesters Interviews with protesters downtown and lower Queen Anne.
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 721, UWID: 165
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 166 | Steelworkers Rally at pier,
police action downtown Steelworkers rally at pier. Police attack protesters
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 722A, UWID: 166
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 167 | Steelworkers Rally at pier,
police action downtown Steelworkers rally at pier. Police attack protesters
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 722B, UWID: 167
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 168 | Steelworkers Rally at pier,
police action downtown Steelworkers rally at pier. Police attack protesters
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 722C, UWID: 168
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 169 | Steelworkers Rally at pier,
police action downtown Steelworkers rally at pier. Police attack protesters
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 723A, UWID: 169
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 170 | Steelworkers Rally at pier,
police action downtown Steelworkers rally at pier. Police attack protesters
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 723B, UWID: 170
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 171 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 728A, UWID: 171
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 172 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 728B, UWID: 172
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 173 | Duplicate of Mini-DV 729-174
Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 729, UWID: 173
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 174 | Arrests and Independent Media on
the night of November 30th Inside Independent Media Center, Francine Harris explains
curfew, shows the "no protest zone" on the map. Interview with David Duffy from
Washington, D.C., describes experience heading into downtown after the
steelworker rally, getting teargassed. Rows of buses with protesters on them at
Sandpoint Naval Base. Interviews with legal team at Sandpoint but no audio.
Inside buses, detainees dancing. People getting loaded off of buses. KOMO4
reporting from Sandpoint. People attempt to bring water and bagels to detainees
on buses, pushed back by police.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min., 30 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 729,
UWID: 174
December 1, 1999 |
5 | 175 | Inside Independent Media
Center Inside Independent Media Center. Duplicate?
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 729A, UWID: 175
? |
5 | 176 | Inside Independent Media
Center Inside Independent Media Center. Duplicate?
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 729B, UWID: 176
? |
5 | 177 | Scenes from protests, interviews
with protesters protesters prevent people from entering Roosevelt Hotel.
Interview with woman who went to Pike Place Market to get food for people who
are locked down and they gave her free food. Woman from Direct Action Network
announces that curfew has been moved to 5pm and that people need to clear out.
Conversation in the street with someone (Adams? and Angelo Sacerdote) from
Independent Media Center video collective. Interview with young man from
Cleveland who decided to come to Seattle instead of going back to college. Next
day, inside Indigenous People's Forum inside Seattle University's Piggott
Videographer: Josh Morsell
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 57 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 730,
UWID: 177
Between November 30, 1999 and December 2, 1999 |
6 | 178 | Protests, action on
Broadway Driving north on Broadway, past crowd at Broadway and Pine.
Brian Derdowski tries to get people to calm down and get on the sidewalk.
Interviews with Capitol Hill residents. David Frogg talks about indigenous
people's forum. Drumming and dancing on Pine between Broadway and 10th. Brian
Derdowski chats with protesters about keeping the street open. Interview with
woman about how peaceful protesters are trying to have reasonable conversations
with police and getting gassed. She describes how Black Bloc provoked the
Videographer: Josh Morsell
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min., 15 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 731, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 179 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 734A, UWID: 179
? |
6 | 180 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 734B, UWID: 180
? |
6 | 181 | Todd Still WTO Broadway, Phil
Early Dec 1st Todd Still WTO Broadway, Phil Early Dec 1st
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: 735, UWID: 181
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 182 | Interaction with police, December
1, Seattle Following riot police towards Belltown on 2nd Avenue. Large
crowd of protesters corralled by police at 2nd and Clay? protesters sit down on
sidewalk. Officer tells media to move to one side. Asks independent media for
press credentials. Tells independent media without credentials to sit down.
Officer tells everyone to cross street and join seated protesters. Man tells
camera that he was just walking home.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min., 51 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 736,
UWID: 182
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 183 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 738, UWID: 183
? |
6 | 184 | Police lines and scenes outside
King County Jail Ralph Nader inside Independent Media Center. Large numbers of
riot police line intersection downtown. Woman in trench coats standing in front
of police line holding a sign that says "New World Order." Outside King County
Jail, daytime, large crowd.
Videographer: Robin Pawlak
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 742, UWID: 184
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 185 | Street theater, scenes inside
IMC, marches Street theater called "Victoria's Dirty Little Secret" at
Company of Prophets van. Police in front of Niketown. Interview with Tibetan
activist. Native drumming and singing on Teamsters truck. Inside Independent
Media Center. Windows being boarded up. Burnt out dumpsters on 4th Avenue.
Errol Maitland inside Independent Media Center talking about being angry and
shutting it down. Footage cuts to December 2nd. Topless women in march with
slogans written on skin. March heads south on 3rd Avenue.
Videographer: Mark Read
Original: 1 videocassette (29 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 747, UWID: 185
November 30, 1999 - December 2, 1999 |
6 | 186 |
Jail solidarity at WTO
protests On 6th Avenue, Larry Gossett in front of King County Jail on the
mic. Human chain goes all the way down Jefferson St. Interview with woman from
Tibet who has lived in Seattle since 1993. Brian Derdowski walks through crowd
outside jail. Interview with a Dec. 1 Capitol Hill protester. Rows of
protesters sit in front of jail, doing a "repeat after me". Interview with
Larry Gossett in front of locked down protesters.
Videographer: Jonathan Two Bears? (Jonathan Stanton?)
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 749, UWID: 186
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 187 | Press conference with Han Shan,
Celia Alario, Mike Dolan and David Taylor Press conference with Han Shan, Celia Alario, Mike Dolan and
David Taylor.
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 752A, UWID:
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 188 | Press Conference Press conference, possibly at Seattle Central Community College.
David Taylor of Direct Action Network describes police attacks on protesters on
December 1st. Jennifer Whitney and Kirk Murphy talk about street medics,
protester injuries, police use of gas, weapons, and pepper spray. Rice
Baker-Yeboah talks about students as children and how they are being attacked
in the street and have been targeted for arrest. Shannon Wright from Rainforest
Action Network just released from jail, describes arrest. Christine Thelen,
peasant farmer from Loursace, France. She speaks in French with an interpreter.
Han Shan concludes press conference.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 30 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 752B,
UWID: 188
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 189 | Interview with anti-genetic
engineering protesters Interview with anti-genetic engineering protesters outside
Videographer: Angelo Sacerdote
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 755, UWID: 189
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 190 | Delegates in hotel
bar Interview with WTO delegate inside a hotel bar (Roosevelt?).
Hotel security tells delegates that it is not safe outside and that they have 5
minutes to leave. Security recommends that people stay put. Opening session of
ministerial has been postponed. Interview with Bhutanese delegate and other
delegates while they're waiting in lobby/bar.
Videographer: Brandon DeCuir
Original: 1 videocassette (29 min., 39 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 758,
UWID: 190
? |
6 | 191 | Interviews with WTO
delegates Inside hotel bar/lobby, interviews with WTO delegates. Interview
with French-speaking delegate. Bangladeshi delegates come outside and applaud
protests on 6th Avenue between University St. and Union St. Interview with Don
Johnston Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD).
Videographer: Brandon DeCuir
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 759, UWID: 191
November 30, 1999 |
6 | 192 | March through "No Protest
Zone" Interview outside Labor Temple with man who talks about debt
cancellation and then impact of Third World Debt. March heads south on 1st
Avenue, native drummers. Sasha Magee and Eric Galatas marching and chanting.
March turns up Union St. towards 4th Avenue. Camera person clarifies that the
march is now entering the No Protest Zone. Ron Judd and Bob Hasegawa discuss
march route, encourages people to keep moving.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV (Sara and Josh)
Original: 1 videocassette (8 min., 19 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 760, UWID:
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 193 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: 760, UWID: 193
? |
6 | 194 | Interviews at ILWU Local 19
hall, after WTO protests in 1999 3440 East Marginal Way. Interviews in the ILWU hall. Rick
Johnson drives forklifts and semis. Juan Delpozo from Local 10 in San
Francisco. Interviews with various men in the ILWU hall. Outside of ILWU
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 1 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 761, UWID:
? |
6 | 195 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 761A, UWID: 195
? |
6 | 196 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 761B, UWID: 196
? |
6 | 197 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 765, UWID: 197
? |
6 | 198 | Scenes from WTO protests on
December 3rd, in Seattle Recording off TV, King 5 news coverage of City Councilman McIver
being attacked by police at 8th Ave. and Seneca St. on night of Wednesday,
December 1st. Large march heads south on 2nd Avenue. View of march from rooftop
on 2nd Ave between Pine and Pike.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (14 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 766, UWID: 198
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 199 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 766 and 769, UWID: 199
? |
6 | 200 | Untitled Farmers March down Denny Way? Marching through Pike Place Market
towards Victor Steinbruck Park. Interview with small farmer from Carnation, WA.
Interview with cattle rancher representing Northern Plains Resource Council
from Montana. Interview with Glen Johnson, farmer from Mt. Vernon, WA.
Interview with State Patrol downtown. Nighttime rally in front of Seattle
Central Community College. Gregory Lewis on megaphone. Inside Roy Street
Independent Media Center, person sleeps on the floor of an edit suite. Adams
and Mark from Whispered Media are editing a segment about the Global Free
Logging Agreement.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 768A, UWID:
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 201 | Behind the scenes at Independent
Media Center Inside Roy Street Independent Media Center house. Michael
Eisenmenger and Noel Rabinowitz are editing. Jacquie Soohen and Sasha Magee are
editing. Interview with Jacquie. Michael Eisenmenger copying and logging tapes.
Judith LeBlanc says they're heading to the docks to interview longshoremen.
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette (10 min., 20 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 768B,
UWID: 201
December 2, 1999 |
6 | 202 | Rally in front of Labor
Temple Drumming and dancing. Crowd gathered for rally in front of Labor
Temple in Belltown. Speakers from Teamsters Truck stage. Dancing in front of
Labor Temple. Verlene Wilder (Jones) on the Teamsters Truck stage.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 769, UWID: 202
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 203 | Untitled Interviews with marchers. Native drummers and singers in middle
of march. Interviews with marchers. Sound truck in front of IBEW building at
end of the march. Verlene Wilder (Verlene Jones Davis, died in 2018) speaking
from sound truck. Ruben Solis interprets for Spanish-language speakers on sound
truck. Carol from International Indian Treaty Council interviewed and talks
about coalition-building during protests. Interview with Bob Hasegawa,
Teamsters 174.
Videographer: Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (56 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 769, UWID: 203
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 204 | Morning scenes inside ILWU Local
19 hall during week of WTO protests Men play cards and mill around at 7am in the ILWU hall. Inside
hall, laborers line up for job calls. Man leans against cigarette vending
machine. Interview with ILWU (Judith LeBlanc conducts interview).
Videographer: Erich Strom of Changing America
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min., 36 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 770, UWID:
? |
6 | 205 |
Last day of WTO protests in
Seattle Reverend Jeffrey from New Hope Baptist speaks. Rice
Baker-Yeboah on Teamsters Truck on megaphone. Interview with Tom Goldtooth,
National Coordinator of Indigenous Environmental Network. Interview with Hannah
Petros from Ethiopia in the march. Interview with Raging Grannies. Interview
with longshoreman.
Videographer: Sasha Magee
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 771, UWID: 205
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 206 | Downtown 12/1/1999 Downtown.
Videographer: Francine Kavanaugh
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 772A, UWID: 206
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 207 | Scenes from waterfront, Pike
Place Interview with steelworkers in front of IBEW hall. Talks about
Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, founded by Earth First and
Steelworkers. March heads down to waterfront and along waterfront to Pier 62.
Coast Guard surveils march and rally from boat. Large crowd ascends Pike Place
Market hillclimb. Another large crowd goes south on 3rd Avenue. Crowd responds
to gas and pepper spray on 3rd Avenue. Market security guard leads injured
woman down hill. Crowd walks down into market on Virginia St. and heads towards
Victor Steinbruck Park.
Videographer: Francine Kavanaugh of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (21 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 772B, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 208 | Police Activity protesters south of Pike Place Market. Riot cops in a row in
front of Public Market sign. Cops drag a man to the ground in front of the
Green Tortoise Hostel. Next day outside Seattle Central Community College,
protester holding banner shouts about curfew and right to assemble.
Videographer: Francine Kavanaugh of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (18 min., 5 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 772C,
UWID: 208
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 209 | Interviews inside convention
center Inside the convention center. Interview with representative from
Sierra Club. Interview with convention sound guy who says that delegates from
developing countries are really mad about "green room" policy. Delegates
milling in lobby, clamor to get into working session.
Videographer: Paul Richmond
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 783, UWID: 209
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 210 | Interviews with protesters
outside Westin Hotel protesters outside Westin Hotel. Gregory Lewis makes
announcement to protesters outside Westin. Interview with student from Seattle
Central Community College talks about organizing they did with area high
schools to march on the 30th and work they did to educate SCCC students about
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 784, UWID: 210
December 4, 1999 |
6 | 211 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: 784, UWID: 211
December 4, 1999 |
6 | 212 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: 787, UWID: 212
? |
6 | 213 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: 787, UWID: 213
? |
6 | 214 |
Police attack independent media
center during WTO protests Riot police advance down Pike St., fire concussion grenades and
teargas towards 3rd Ave. People are streaming into the Independent Media Center
(IMC). Amy Goodman on phone behind police line, talks on phone and holds audio
recorder. Armored vehicle approaches behind police line. Errol Maitland
recording audio. Denis Moynihan is on the phone filing a report. Jimmy Mateson
(Media Island) making announcements. Kari Lerum in bandana. Jeff Perlstein
listening and making announcements about who can and can't exit building.
Sheriff removes a man from the IMC for ai. Stephan Smith sings original song
about WTO protests.
Videographer: Richard Alejandro of Video Active
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 38 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 800A,
UWID: 214
November 30, 1999 |
6 | 215 | Continuation from Tape 800A
Continuation from tape 800A; Stephan Smith singing at night,
Kingdome in the background.
Videographer: Richard Alejandro of Video Active
Original: 1 videocassette (3 min., 51 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 800B, UWID:
? |
6 | 216 | Indymedia interviews at
IMC Motorcycle cops drive past Westlake Center. Men repairing glass
windows downtown. Manse Jacobi (co-founder of Indymedia) interviewed at
Independent Media Center about media democracy and media coverage of Gulf War.
Shots inside Independent Media Center. Jade Paget-Seekins is editing audio.
Describes Indymedia process, how new and exciting it is that anyone can post to
the internet via Indymedia.
Videographer: Richard Alejandro of Video Active
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 51 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 801A, UWID:
? |
6 | 217 | Scenes from downtown, December
1 Outside Independent Media Center and Bruno's Pizza. Interview
with Eric Galatas about Direct Action Media Network and Free Speech TV, inside
Independent Media Center. Scenes from downtown. Crowd in front of Rainier
Building. United Farmworkers of America flags. Jeff Engels (ILWU) on megaphone
directing protesters to continue down 4th Avenue.
Videographer: Richard Alejandro of Video Active
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 801B, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
6 | 218 | King County Jail and IMC scenes,
December 3 Outside King County Jail, call and response announcements.
Mention of actions that Rainforest Action Network, Pacific Environment Resource
Center, and Friends of the Earth got into WTO ministerial with a banner. Global
Exchange also held up a banner. Map inside second Independent Media Center
location shows where mass arrests have happened. Noel Rabinowitz edits footage
from N30. In another room of that IMC location Michael Eisenmenger (Paper Tiger
TV) sleeps.
Videographer: Richard Alejandro of Video Active
Original: 1 videocassette (6 min., 5 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 802A, UWID:
December 3, 1999 |
6 | 219 | Interviews outside King County
Jail, December 4 Outside King County Jail, interview with Nathaniel Hastings who
was arrested between Denny Way and Broad St. on 1st Ave. Interview with
Mitchell Cohen from Red Balloon Collective and Green Party New York. Interview
with Hal Nation from Teamsters talking about historic coming together of
different sectors. Yasmeen (young girl) describes experience on November 30th
in a large float.
Videographer: Theresa Gorman
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 904A, UWID:
December 4, 1999 |
7 | 220 | Untitled Pat Close and Gloria Lund are seated outside King County Jail.
Pat says her son has been released but they're staying to support the others
are who still in jail. Alan Wilson, from Sacramento, has been counseling
protesters having trouble with anxiety and trauma. Katya Komisaruk announces
that Mark Sidran has refused to make a "reasonable deal" regarding the people
who are in jail. West African woman (Auretha) describes experience being
teargassed on November 30th. Dana Schuerholz (journalist from Independent Media
Center) gets on the mic.
Videographer: Theresa Gorman
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 904B, UWID: 220
December 4, 1999 |
7 | 221 | March through downtown, music and
speeches in front of King County Jail Eritrean worker from Teamsters 174 in front of King County Jail.
Small nighttime march through downtown. Sharon Delgado does a call and repeat
description of her experience at the protests and why she participated. Back in
front of King County Jail. Woman who just got out of jail addresses crowd in
front of the jail.
Videographer: C. Symmank
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 58 sec.): Hi-8 ; Orig: 905, UWID:
December 4, 1999 |
7 | 222 | Speeches and announcements from
King County Jail Outside King County Jail. Mark Taylor Canfield on megaphone
introduces Tom Hayden from Chicago Seven. Music and chants. Katya Komisaruk
gets on megaphone, updates on negotiations and jail releases. Sonya from Direct
Action Network reports from Westin Hotel where ten people are locked down and
200 people are dancing in the street. Another activist announces that they
invited city council to come to the jail. Brian Derdowski is present.
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 911A, UWID: 222
December 3, 1999 |
7 | 223 | Speeches and announcements from
King County Jail Outside King County Jail. Various announcements on megaphone.
Mitchell Cohen compares WTO protests to Chicago '68. Mark Taylor Canfield reads
a "Give Us Back Our City" letter demanding that the mayor lift the martial law
and curfew in Seattle. Speakers reference IMC's role. Rice Baker-Yeboah leads
crowd in affirmation.
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 911B, UWID: 223
December 3, 1999 |
7 | 224 | Release of prisoners from King
County Jail Call and response announcement outside King County Jail at night
that some prisoners will be released. Metro bus pulls into the back of King
County Jail. Prisoners exit jail.
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): MiniDV; Orig: 912A, UWID: 224
December 4, 1999 |
7 | 225 | Speeches from released prisoners
outside King County Jail Outside King County Jail. Speeches from released prisoners.
Videographer: Brian Foley
Original: 1 videocassette (27 min., 54 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: 912B, UWID:
? |
7 | 226 | Police activity on
Pike Outside 420 Denny Way. Dawn march through Pike Place Market then
heads east on Pike St. Company of Prophets van in the march, blasts dance music
and chants over sound system. Early morning gathering of protesters at Sheraton
Hotel on 6th Ave. and Pike St. Infernal Noise Brigade and Steelworkers march
past with David Solnit on 6th Avenue. Riot police move west towards crowd on
Pike St. with pepper spray. Riot cop on top of armored vehicle with rubber
bullet gun. Protesters dressed as Santa in the crowd. Armored vehicle moves in,
pepper spray, rubber bullets into crowd.
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 4 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2000XA,
UWID: 226
November 30, 1999 |
7 | 227 | Protests and police response,
November 30 Crowd on 6th Avenue between Union St. and Pike St. booing
police, delegates. SPD on megaphone asks crowd to move or they will use
chemical agents. Teargas cloud envelopes 6th Avenue and police. Enormous crowd
at 6th Ave. and Pike St. Filipino delegation chanting in Tagalog. Korean
drummers in front of FAO Schwarz. Labor march on 5th Ave. and Pike St.
Steelworkers pass Westlake Center.
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2000XB, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
7 | 228 | Protester and riot police stand
off Protester and riot police stand off at 8th Ave. and Lenora St.
on the morning of Dec 1st. Riot police tackle and then release John Seller.
David Solnit issues suggestions on the megaphone to people who don't want to
get arrested. Hop Hopkins and other members of the Brown Collective lead chants
and songs as protesters block 8th Avenue. At corner of Pike Tower on 6th Ave.
and Pike St., riot police assemble.
Videographer: Tashia Hales
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2002XA, 228
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 229 | Arrests at Westlake
Center Riot police and mounted police surround Westlake Center.
Detained protesters loaded onto King County Metro bus. Police have to carry
protesters draped over batons because they refuse to cooperate. Dana Schuerholz
(journalist with WTO press credentials) is arrested.
Videographer: Tashia Hales
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2002XB, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 230 | Arrests continue in Westlake
Center Arrests continue in Westlake Center.
Videographer: Tashia Hales
Original: 1 videocassette (14 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2002XC, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 231 | Arrests at Westlake Center,
protests at 6th Ave Arrests at Westlake Center. Crowd grows and continues north on
3rd Avenue. Crowd chants and heads north on 5th Avenue under monorail tracks.
At 6th Ave. and Pike St., KL Shannon encourages protesters to sit down. Large
crowd seated at 6th Ave. and Pike St. chanting. SPD issues dispersal order,
protesters stay seated. Riot police push protesters north on 6th Avenue,
stomping their boots.
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 6 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2003XA,
UWID: 231
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 232 | March with unions along
waterfront, December 1 Protesters march through 3rd Ave and Spring St. Radical
Cheerleaders with no shirts, paint on their bodies says "WTO Kiss My Ass."
Marching north on 2nd Ave. Speakers invite everyone to march to Clay Street to
join union activists there. Speaker calls for general strike until National
Guard is withdrawn from Seattle. Steelworker gets on megaphone, calls for
nonviolence. March stops in front of IBEW Local 46 in Belltown, numbers grow as
unions fold in. Goes south along waterfront. Coast Guard boats offshore.
Steelworkers floating steel in Elliott Bay.
Videographer: Tashia Hales
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 2004XA, UWID: 232
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 233 | Police action downtown, December
1 NO SOUND. Raft of sneakers dumped in Elliott Bay. Crowd
assembled at Pier 62 for Steelworkers Rally. Downtown, large crowd on Virginia
St.? Teargas at 3rd and Pine St. King County Metro bus pulls through cloud of
teargas. Row of riot police and armored vehicles at 2nd and Pike St. Police on
horseback and teargas at 1st Ave. and Pike St. Mounted police and riot police
push crowds north on 2nd Ave. from Pine St.
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min., 6 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2004XB,
UWID: 233
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 234 | Press Conference, December
2 Han Shan, of the Ruckus Society, starts conference. There were
Direct Action Network meetings with mayor's office and SPD, who disregarded
their promises for legal observers, and disregarded rights for arrestees.
Introduces Celia Alario. She reads statement from Kevin Bundy of volunteer
legal team citing violations of human and civil rights. She talks about Victor
Menotti of the International Forum on Globalization. Randy Hayes of Rainforest
Action Network declares victory. Laden Tatong of Students for a Free Tibet
Videographer: Tashia Hales?
Original: 1 videocassette (32 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 2005XA, UWID:
December 2, 1999 |
7 | 235 | Press Conference, December
1 Press Conference. Jennifer Whitney of Direct Action Medical Team
describes work medics have done during protests. Kirk Murphy, physician and
academic at UCLA, also a street medic at protests, describes chemical weapons
being used on protesters. Jennifer Whitney reports having treated many with
asthma who were trapped in tear gas. Rice Baker-Yeboah represents student
groups. Shannon Wright, of the Rainforest Action Network, just released from
jail, describes experience being arrested and in jail.
Videographer: Tashia Hales
Original: 1 videocassette (28 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 2005XB, UWID: 235
December 1, 1999 |
7 | 236 | Student reactions to protest
(edited production) Edited segment. Interviews with students at Ballard High,
classroom discussion about police response. Students express opinions in favor
of police response and against protests. Footage of protests and police
response and activities inside the Independent Media Center. Amy Kratz (legal
team) interviews protesters about police response, inside Independent Media
Center. Legal observers comment on police response juxtaposed with police
abuses. Full credits at end.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (17 min.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 3000, UWID:
? |
7 | 237 | Deface the Nation Set up for Deface the Nation. Jeff Pearson talks about people in
jail. Dispatch activities, directing people to media stations, communicating
with reporters in the field. Duplicate of WM8 (359).
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (4 min., 18 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 3001,
UWID: 237
? |
7 | 238 | Protest scenes Protesters and riot police in front of Ben Bridge Jeweler.
Burning dumpster. Protesters seated in the middle of the intersection.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (2 min., 32 sec.): Betacam SP ; Orig: 3002,
UWID: 238
? |
8 | 239 | Interviews with Michael Franti
and Krist Novoselic, during 1999 WTO protests in Seattle Michael Franti on stage at The Showbox. Dan Merkle and Michael
Franti in a discussion with owner of the Showbox (?) about whether or not to
continue or postpone the show. Filming the TV screen: King 5 coverage of
7pm-dawn curfew and property damage. Shots of Paul Schell and mention of
Senator Patty Murray and Governor Locke. Michael Franti being interviewed by
Steve Mack. Interview with Krist Novoselic (bassist for Nirvana).
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (37 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 3003, UWID: 239
November 30, 1999 |
8 | 240 | Spoken word event in basement of
Alibi Room Basement of Alibi Room, spoken word event. Hop Hopkins mentions
People of Color Against AIDS Network (POCAAN) and Community Coalition for
Environmental Justice (CCEJ). Introduces 500 Years Collective. Asun Suntonio
Bandanaz and Gabriel Teodros perform. Hop Hopkins introduces Rice Baker-Yeboah,
who recites poetry. Victoria from Washington, D.C. talks about WTO. Young woman
sings and performs spoken word. Hop talks about CCEJ's work in South Seattle.
Rashidi Omari and other hip hop artists from Company of Prophets from Oakland
perform. 500 Years joins in with them.
Videographer: Big Noise Films?
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: 3004, UWID:
? |
7 | 241 | IMF/World Bank protests in
D.C. Protests in Washington, D.C. against IMF/World Bank in April
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: A15, UWID: 241
April 2000 |
8 | 242 | Mass arrests at IMF/World Bank
protests in Washington, DC, in April, 2000 Seated protesters and row of police in street. Police arrest
protesters. Police officer tells cameraman Rick Rowley his Indymedia press pass
isn't good enough for press access. More arrested protesters loaded onto
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (36 min., 32 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: A15, UWID:
April 15, 2000 |
7 | 243 | Protest and march footage at
Kaiser Aluminum in April 2000 Protest and march footage at Kaiser Aluminum in April 2000.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: A16 and A17, UWID: 243
April 2000 |
8 | 244 | Protest scenes in Washington DC,
morning of April 16th, 2000 protesters walking through Washington, DC in pre-dawn, young
protester identifies himself as an anarchist. Young woman with megaphone
describes plan for marching through the city. protesters interviewed. Native
Americans marching and drumming join blockade, Dana Schuerholz taking photos
behind Native American drummers.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (41 min., 45 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: A16-1, UWID:
April 16, 2000 |
8 | 245 | Black Bloc protests at IMF/World
Bank protests on April 15th, 2000 Protester interviews and actions in street. Revolutionary
Anti-Capitalist Bloc banner carried down street. Masked protester carrying
banner explains what Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc is. David Taylor,
Direct Action Network, provides information to protesters. Native American
marchers drumming. Interview with Black Bloc member about media's attempt to
divide Black Bloc from other protesters.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (37 min., 10 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: A16-2, UWID:
April 15, 2000 |
8 | 246 | Protest scenes in Washington DC
on April 16th, 2000 Protest scenes. Street medics aid people affected by tear gas.
protester named Lex Bhagat, from Troy, New York, being held against car by
plain clothed police explains what happened. Metropolitan police deploy pepper
spray, tackle protester. Cameraperson, Rick Rowley, gets sprayed with pepper
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: A17, UWID: 246
April 16, 2000 |
8 | 247 | Protest in March in Washington
D.C. April 2000 Jim Page in march. Interview with Chris Burnett with DC
Independent Media Center describing how his Independent Media Center press pass
was taken away by police officer.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: A17, UWID: 247
April 2000 |
8 | 248 | Downtown police activity and
interviews, November 29 Mounted police and motorcycle police on University and Seneca
between 5th and 6th (?) blocking freeway on ramps. Riot police protecting Old
Navy. Jubilee 2000 Coalition march south on 5th Avenue. Daraka Larimore-Hall,
with Young Democratic Socialists of America, is interviewed by Jacquie Soohen.
Driving through downtown at night, camera passes Lusty Lady, "The Nude World
Order" and "WTOhhhhh" on marquis.
Videographer: Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (29 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: BN01, UWID: 248
November 29, 1999 |
7 | 249 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for content.
May be duplicate of 248.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN01, UWID: 249
? |
8 | 250 | Interview with Jello
Biafra Interview with Jello Biafra. Talks about WTO protests, media,
corporations, protest tactics.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (25 min. 29 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: BN02, UWID:
November 28, 1999 |
7 | 251 | "Rosalinda" on label "Rosalinda" on label
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN05, UWID: 251
? |
7 | 252 | Interview with John
Kohlsaat Interview with John Kohlsaat.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN06, UWID: 252
? |
8 | 253 | John Kohlsaat interview
supplemental Camera original. Corresponds to BetaSP BN6 interview with John
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: BN06, UWID: 253
February 1, 2000 |
7 | 254 | Interview with Verlene (Wilder)
Jones Interview with Verlene (Wilder) Jones (deceased).
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN07, UWID: 254
? |
8 | 255 |
Part Two of Interview with
Verlene Wilder Part Two of Interview with Verlene Wilder
Videographer: Jill Friedberg
Original: 1 videocassette (32 min., 2 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: BN07, UWID:
February 11, 2000 |
7 | 256 | Interview with Noam
Chomsky Interview with Noam Chomsky.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN08, UWID: 256
? |
7 | 257 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN09, UWID: 257
? |
7 | 258 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN10, UWID: 258
? |
7 | 259 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN11A, UWID: 259
? |
8 | 260 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN11B, UWID: 260
? |
8 | 261 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN13A, UWID: 261
? |
8 | 262 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BN13B, UWID: 262
? |
8 | 263 | Interview with David
Solnit Interview with David Solnit.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (59 min., 6 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: BN14, UWID:
February 1, 2000 |
8 | 264 | Duplicate of BN14 263 Interview
with David Solnit Duplicate of BN14 263 Interview with David Solnit.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (54 min., 46 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: BN15, UWID:
? |
8 | 265 | Press Conference during IMF/World
Bank protests in Washington DC, April 16th, 2000 Robert Weissman, Co-Director Essential Action, speaks about
mobilizations against IMF/World Bank in DC. Njoki Njehu, Director of 50 Years
is Enough Network, speaks about need for debt cancellation by IMF and World
Bank. Steve Kretzmann, Mobilization for Global Justice, talks about importance
of protests. Dr Mark Weisbrot, co-director Center for Economic Policy and
Research, speaks about the record of the IMF and World Bank causing economic
destruction in Asia, Russia, and Brazil with high interest rates. Johah Gokova,
director Ecumenical Support Services Zimbabwe and Chair of Zimbabwe Coalition
on Debt and Development, talks about impact of IMF and World Bank policies in
Zimbabwe. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins explain why they're there, respond to
questions about protest tactics and police behavior.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette (31 min., 13 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: BN16. UWID:
April 16, 2000 |
8 | 266 | Interview with Mexican and
Colombian Indigenous Women Interview with Mexican and Colombian Indigenous women.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BROLL-IMC_A, UWID: 266
? |
8 | 267 | Interview with Lydia
Cabasco Interview with Lydia Cabasco.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: BROLL-IMC_B, UWID: 267
February 11, 2000 |
8 | 268 | Interview with Lydia
Cabasco Interview with Lydia Cabasco.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: BROLL-IMC_B, UWID: 268
February 11, 2000 |
8 | 269 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Fran1, UWID: 269
? |
8 | 270 | Music of voiceover recorded by
Michael Franti of Spearhead Music of voiceover recorded by Michael Franti of Spearhead.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 digital audio tape ; Orig: Franti_n30, UWID: 270
? |
8 | 271 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: James Ficklin
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: HAVC1, UWID: 271
? |
8 | 272 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: James Ficklin
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: HAVC2, UWID: 272
? |
8 | 273 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: James Ficklin
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: HAVC3, UWID: 273
? |
8 | 274 | Interview with Hop Hopkins
Tape 1 of 4; duplicate of JF10, interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop1, UWID: 274
? |
8 | 275 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop1, UWID: 275
? |
8 | 276 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Tape 2 of 4; duplicate of JF10, interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop2, UWID: 276
? |
8 | 277 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins. Interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop2, UWID: 277
? |
8 | 278 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins MiniDV corresponds to Hi-8 and Betacam SP tapes of interview
with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (43 min., 22 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: Hop2, UWID:
February 1, 2000 |
8 | 279 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Tape 3 of 4; duplicate of JF10, interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop3, UWID: 279
? |
8 | 280 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins. Tape 4 of 4; duplicate of JF10, interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Hop4, UWID: 280
? |
8 | 281 | Benefit for the Independent Media
Center Benefit for the Independent Media Center. Sheri Herndon
introduces the Independent Media Center as a "people's newsroom." Introduces
Jim Page. Sings a song about Bill Gates called "My Own Private Zanadu." Artis
the Spoonman. Pete Knutson in the crowd. Jeff Perlstein asks crowd to support
by volunteering at the Independent Media Center during the week of protests.
Introduces Bob Seigel. Jeff Perlstein introduces Larry Shaw. Introduces Norman
Solomon. Dan Merkle talks about the mainstream media ignoring the substantive
issues that people are raising in Seattle. Dan introduces founders of
Independent Media Center who raise their hands, Jeff Perlstein, Jill Freidberg,
Sheri Herndon, Bruce Welty. Band called River Roots.
Videographer: Big Noise Films?
Original: 1 videocassette (44 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: IMCB1, UWID: 281
? |
8 | 282 | Benefit event for IMC People dancing at benefit event for Independent Media Center.
Jello Biafra speaks: "We can't hate the media. We have to become the media."
Dan Merkle speaks about WTO policy and process.
Videographer: Big Noise Films?
Original: 1 videocassette (45 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: IMCB2, UWID: 282
? |
8 | 283 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Jeff, UWID: 283
? |
8 | 284 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: jeff2, UWID: 284
? |
8 | 285 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: jeff2, UWID: 295
? |
8 | 286 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: jeff3, UWID: 286
? |
8 | 287 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: jeff4, UWID: 287
? |
8 | 288 | Either footage from Jeff Taylor,
or interview of Jeff Engels Either footage from Jeff Taylor (signed deed of gift) or
interview of Jeff Engels, shot by Jill Freidberg (signed deed of gift).
Videographer: Jeff Taylor or Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: jeff5, UWID: 288
? |
8 | 289 | Protest and march footage at
Kaiser Aluminum in April 2000 Protest and march footage at Kaiser Aluminum in April 2000.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF1, UWID: 289
April 2000 |
8 | 290 | Interview with Charles
Derber Interview with Charles Derber.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF2, UWID: 290
? |
11 | 291 | Part One Interview with Charles
Derber Interview with Charles Derber. Camera original duplicate of
Betacam SP JF2.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF2_A, UWID: 291
April 1, 2000 |
11 | 292 | Part Two Interview with Charles
Derber Interview with Charles Derber. Camera original duplicate of
Betacam SP JF2.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF2_B, UWID: 292
? |
8 | 293 | Interview with Juan Jose
Bocanegra Interview with Juan Jose Bocanegra, Human Services Council.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF3, UWID: 293
March 31, 2000 |
11 | 294 | Interview with Juan Jose
Bocanegra Discussion about organizing that led up to the WTO protests,
experiences of people of color in that organizing and during the protests,
impressions of the WTO protests, and relationship of WTO protests to other
anti-globalization movements in the world, including the Zapatistas and the
UNAM student strike in Mexico City.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (59 min., 50 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: JF3, UWID:
? |
8 | 295 | Interview with David
Solnit Interview with David Solnit.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF4, UWID: 295
? |
9 | 296 | Interviews with Yolanda Sinde
(Allen) and Kristine Wong Interviews with Yalonda Sinde (Allen) and Kristine Wong, both
from Community Coalition for Environmental Justice.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF5, UWID: 296
? |
11 | 297 | Interviews with Kristine Wong and
Yalonda Sinde Kristine and Yalonda were organizers with Seattle-based CCEJ,
Community Coalition for Environmental Justice. Interview includes discussion of
organizing that led up to the WTO protests, experiences of people of color
during the protests, impressions of media coverage of protests, personal
experiences during protests, and lessons learned from protests.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF5, UWID: 297
February 8, 2000 |
8 | 298 | Interview with Elaine
Bernard Interview with Elaine Bernard.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF6, UWID: 298
? |
11 | 299 | Interview with Elaine Bernard,
part two Interview with Elaine Bernard. MiniDV camera original duplicate
of Betacam SP JF6.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF6_A, UWID: 299
April 1, 2000 |
9 | 300 | Interview with War
Cry Interview with War Cry.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF7, UWID: 300
? |
11 | 301 | Part One Interview with Priya
Reddy, aka War Cry Discusses personal experience during WTO protests, diversity of
protest tactics, lessons from protests, importance of protests.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 0 min., 30 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: JF7,
UWID: 301
March 28, 2000 |
11 | 302 | Part Two Interview with Priya
Reddy, aka War Cry Discusses personal experience during WTO protests, diversity of
protest tactics, lessons from protests, importance of protests.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (18 min., 32 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: JF7, UWID:
March 28, 2000 |
9 | 303 | Interview with Vandana
Shiva Interview with Vandana Shiva.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF8, UWID: 303
? |
9 | 304 | Interview with Rice Baker
Yeboah Interview with Rice Baker-Yeboah.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF9, UWID: 304
? |
11 | 305 | Part One Interview with Rice
Baker Yeboah Interview with Rice Baker-Yeboah. Camera original duplicate of
Betacam SP JF9. Discusses role in the WTO protests, organizing leading up to
the protests, lessons learned from the protests, reasons for the protests.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF9_A, UWID: 305
? |
9 | 306 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Interview with Hop Hopkins.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF10, UWID: 306
? |
11 | 307 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Camera original of interview with Hop Hopkins, duplicate of
Betacam SP and MiniDV versions of same interview. Discusses organizing that led
up to the WTO protests, personal experience during the protests, experience
being arrested and being in jail, challenges encountered during protests,
lessons learned from protests.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: JF10, UWID: 307
? |
11 | 308 | Interview with Hop
Hopkins Interview with Hop Hopkins. MiniDV duplicate of Hi-8 JF10.
Discusses organizing that led up to the WTO protests, personal experience
during the protests, experience being arrested and being in jail, challenges
encountered during protests, lessons learned from protests.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: JF10_A, UWID: 308
? |
11 | 309 | Interview with Jeff
Engels Interview with Jeff Engels about 1999 WTO Protests.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (55 min.) : MiniDV ; Orig: JF11, UWID: 309
? |
9 | 310 | Interview with Ron
Judd Interview with Ron Judd.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF12, UWID: 310
? |
9 | 311 |
Interview with Bob
Hasegawa Interview with Bob Hasegawa.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: JF13, UWID: 311
? |
11 | 312 |
Street theater at WTO protests
Street theater. People carrying coffins in Pioneer Square.
Artist DK Pan in the procession. Procession arrives in front of the Paramount.
King County Metro buses surround entrance to the Paramount, protesters are
standing on top of the buses. Footage changes from black and white to color.
Speakers on microphone inside Teamsters truck at 8th Ave. and Pine St.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 7 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Kate01, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 313 |
Downtown scenes from Seattle WTO
protests on November 30th Security guard stands in front of broken window at Washington
Mutual. Butoh dancers from funeral procession in front of the Teamsters Truck
at 8th Ave and Pine St. Police and delegates in front of Paramount. Michael
Moore asks police to let him into the Paramount. Indigenous drummers in front
of Pande Cameron store, Tom Goldtooth from Indigenous Environmental Network is
among them. Nighttime, riot police march down Union St. towards 2nd Ave. Rick
Rowley asks police if people are under arrest, explains that the IMC is a press
center. Negotiations between police and representative from IMC. Devin
Theriot-Orr and Greg Ruggiero step out for a moment.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette (50 min., 47 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Kate02, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 314 |
WTO protest scenes the evening of
December 3rd Rick Rowley on walkie talkie calls IMC dispatch as "Video 1."
Protesters are seated in the middle of 4th Ave. and Union St. waiting for
police to give them a path to King County Jail. Katya Komisaruk does repeat
after me on megaphone to make a plan with the protesters outside the jail.
Tells crowd they need to meet in small groups to help make a plan for
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette (30 min., 4 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Kate03, UWID:
December 3, 1999 |
11 | 315 |
Pike Place Market to Belltown;
WTO Protests on December 1st Inside Pike Place Market. Protesters are sitting. Armored
vehicles and riot police assemble at 1st Ave. and Pike St. Nighttime, people
running east on Virginia St. towards 3rd Ave. Protesters and police stand off
at 3rd Ave and Pine St. Amy Goodman, holding microphone, is pushed back by riot
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette (58 min., 54 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Kate04, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 316 |
Police attack Capitol Hill and
aftermath Nighttime on December 1st. Large crowd in front of Broadway
Performance Hall. Brian Derdowski talks to a few people. Kate Kunath on
Broadway talks about teargas and explosions. Next day, morning of December 2nd.
Press interview with Bob Greenberg from Direct Action Network Legal Team
talking about arraignments for people who were arrested. Believes that cops
were targeting people they believed to be leaders, medics, trainers,
coordinators. Interview with French-speaking delegate from Democratic Republic
of Congo. Human chain in large circle around King County Jail.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette (49 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: Kate05, UWID: 316
Between December 1, 1999 and December 2, 1999 |
11 | 317 | Inside Alibi Room Unidentified people hanging out at bar. Outside the King County
Jail at night in the rain. protesters gather under tarps. Nancy Egan.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Kate06, UWID: 317
? |
9 | 318 | Street theater at WTO
protests Duplicate of MiniDV Kate01.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate1, UWID: 318
? |
9 | 319 | Downtown scenes from Seattle WTO
protests on November 30th Duplicate of MiniDV Kate02.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate2, UWID: 319
? |
9 | 320 | WTO protest scenes the evening of
December 3rd, 2000 Duplicate of MiniDV Kate03.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate3, UWID: 320
? |
9 | 321 | Pike Place Market to Belltown;
WTO Protests on December 1st Duplicate of MiniDV Kate04.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate4, UWID: 321
? |
9 | 322 | Police attack Capitol Hill and
aftermath Duplicate of MiniDV Kate05.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate5, UWID: 322
? |
9 | 323 | Inside Alibi Room Duplicate of MiniDV Kate06.
Videographer: Kate Kunath
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Kate6, UWID: 323
? |
9 | 324 | "WTO protest" Edited
segment? "WTO protest" Edited segment?
Videographer: Real TV?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: KOV01, UWID: 324
? |
9 | 325 | Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark
Read Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark Read? Both have signed deeds of
Videographer: Mark Dworkin or Mark Read?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark2, UWID: 325
? |
9 | 326 | Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark
Read Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark Read? Both have signed deeds of
Videographer: Mark Dworkin or Mark Read?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark2, UWID: 326
? |
9 | 327 | Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark
Read Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark Read? Both have signed deeds of
Videographer: Mark Dworkin or Mark Read?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark3, UWID: 327
? |
9 | 328 | Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark
Read Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark Read? Both have signed deeds of
Videographer: Mark Dworkin or Mark Read?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark4, UWID: 328
? |
10 | 329 | Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark
Read Footage by Mark Dworkin or Mark Read? Both have signed deeds of
Videographer: Mark Dworkin or Mark Read?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark5, UWID: 329
? |
9 | 330 | Labor Rally/March, Dec. 3,
Seattle Labor Rally/March, Dec. 3, 1999 Seattle
Videographer: Mark Dworkin
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Mark6, UWID: 330
December 3, 1999 |
9 | 331 | Selected footage from Mark
Motyka Selected footage from Mark Motyka.
Videographer: Mark Motyka
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Motyka1, UWID: 331
? |
11 | 332 | Part One Interview with Nancy
Egan Part One Interview with Nancy Egan about her experience
participating in, and getting arrested at, the WTO protests in Seattle, in
1999. Interviewed by Kate Kunath.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Nancy1, UWID: 332
? |
11 | 333 | Part Two Interview with Nancy
Egan Part Two Interview with Nancy Egan about her experience
participating in, and getting arrested at, the WTO protests in Seattle, in
1999. Interviewed by Kate Kunath.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Nancy2, UWID: 333
? |
9 | 334 | People's Assembly
Conference People's Assembly Conference.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: PA, UWID: 334
Between November 28, 1999 and November 30, 1999 |
10 | 335 | NAFTA B-roll "B-roll NAFTA"
Videographer: Paper Tiger TV
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: PTTV_01, UWID: 335
? |
10 | 336 | Tape one of two interview with
Ricardo Ortega Interview with Ricardo Ortega. Tape 1 of 2.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Ricardo1, UWID: 336
? |
10 | 337 | Tape two of two interview with
Ricardo Ortega Interview with Ricardo Ortega. Tape 2 of 2.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Ricardo2, UWID: 337
? |
11 | 338 | Interview with Ricardo
Ortega Camera original. Corresponds to BetaSP copies Ricardo1 and
Ricardo2. Interview in Spanish with Ricardo Ortega about WTO protests in 1999;
why such a diverse spectrum of people came to protest the WTO, what happened,
and what it means. Interview conducted by Jill Freidberg and Rick Rowley.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Ricardo Ortega, UWID: 338
? |
11 | 339 | Part Two: Interview with Rice
Baker Yeboah Camera original. Interview with Rice Baker-Yeboah. Corresponds
to JF9_A. Discusses role in the WTO protests, organizing leading up to the
protests, lessons learned from the protests, reasons for the protests
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Rice2, UWID: 339
2000 |
11 | 340 | Episode One Showdown in
Seattle Edited half-hour episodes of Independent Media Center coverage
of protests from 11/29/1999 - 12/4/1999. Episodes consist of segments produced
by various participating video collectives including Paper Tiger TV, Deep Dish
TV, Changing America, Sleeping Giant, Big Noise Films, Headwaters Video Action,
and Whispered Media.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Showdown1, UWID: 340
Between November 29, 1999 and December 4, 1999 |
11 | 341 | Episode Two Showdown in
Seattle Edited half-hour episodes of Independent Media Center coverage
of protests from 11/29/1999 - 12/4/1999. Episodes consist of segments produced
by various participating video collectives including Paper Tiger TV, Deep Dish
TV, Changing America, Sleeping Giant, Big Noise Films, Headwaters Video Action,
and Whispered Media.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Showdown2, UWID: 341
Between November 29, 1999 and December 4, 1999 |
11 | 342 | Episode Three Showdown in
Seattle Edited half-hour episodes of Independent Media Center coverage
of protests from 11/29/1999 - 12/4/1999. Episodes consist of segments produced
by various participating video collectives including Paper Tiger TV, Deep Dish
TV, Changing America, Sleeping Giant, Big Noise Films, Headwaters Video Action,
and Whispered Media.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Showdown3, UWID: 342
Between November 29, 1999 and December 4, 1999 |
11 | 343 | Statement from witness of Victor
Menotti's arrest Statement from Peter Myhre, who witnessed Victor Menotti's
arrest. Statement recorded inside Independent Media Center at 1415 3rd Avenue.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Showdown4, UWID: 343
Between November 29, 1999 and December 4, 1999 |
11 | 344 | Episode Five Showdown in
Seattle Edited half-hour episodes of Independent Media Center coverage
of protests from 11/29/1999 - 12/4/1999. Episodes consist of segments produced
by various participating video collectives including Paper Tiger TV, Deep Dish
TV, Changing America, Sleeping Giant, Big Noise Films, Headwaters Video Action,
and Whispered Media.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Showdown5, UWID: 344
Between November 29, 1999 and December 4, 1999 |
10 | 345 | Tape 1 of 4 interview with Tammy
Bang Luu Interview with Tammy Bang Luu. Tape 1 of 4.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Tammy1, UWID: 345
? |
11 | 346 | Tammy Bang Lu Part 1 Camera original. Part One: Interview with Tammy Bang Lu about
her participation in the WTO protests. Interview conducted by Rick Rowley.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (55 min., 14 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Tammy1, UWID:
? |
10 | 347 | Tape 2 of 4 interview with Tammy
Bang Luu Interview with Tammy Bang Luu. Tape 2 of 4.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Tammy2, UWID: 347
? |
11 | 348 | Tammy Bang Luu Part 2 Camera original. Part Two: Interview with Tammy Bang Lu.
Interview conducted by Rick Rowley
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (48 min., 29 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Tammy2, UWID:
? |
10 | 349 | Tape 3 of 4 interview with Tammy
Bang Luu Interview with Tammy Bang Luu. Tape 3 of 4.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Tammy3, UWID: 349
? |
10 | 350 | Tape 4 of 4 interview with Tammy
Bang Luu Interview with Tammy Bang Luu. Tape 4 of 4.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Tammy4, UWID: 350
? |
11 | 351 |
Outside the Sheraton Hotel during
the 1999 WTO protests, on November 30th Early morning November 30th, marchers downtown heading east on
Pike St. Start chaining themselves to platform. Police arrives in front of
Sheraton. protesters link arms and block sidewalk so delegates can't get past.
Argument between delegate and protester when delegate tries to push his way
through. Armored vehicle approaches blockade, fires pepper spray and rubber
bullets. Blockade does not clear. Infernal Noise Brigade is in march.
Protesters offering first aid instructions.
Videographer: Jeff Taylor of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM1, UWID:
November 30th, 1999 |
11 | 352 | Police riot at 6th and Union
during WTO protest Protesters around mounted police at intersection of 7th Ave. and
Pike St. Cops tells protesters that horses will step on them. Delegates line up
to enter convention center. Large march passes. Interviews. Interview with
union activist. Delegates inside building, smoking cigarettes, looking down at
protests. Interview with protester who describes different blockades in
different intersections. Han Shan encourages people to hold their ground in the
intersection. Rows of protesters link arms to block 6th Ave. and hold the line
despite pepper spray and rubber bullets. Delegates and protesters affected.
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM2, UWID:
Between November 29th, 1999 and November 30th, 1999 |
11 | 353 | Police action at Sheraton and
protest scenes, November 30th Delegates push past crowd and rush into the Sheraton. Line of
protesters with arms linked in front of Sheraton. Crowd boos as delegates are
escorted behind police lines. David Solnit issues request for medics at the
front of the line. More teargas. David Solnit on megaphone announces that the
people in the middle of the intersection are locked down and cannot move.
Inside Independent Media Center, Eric Galatas (Free Speech TV) talks about not
getting any sleep. Daniel Hannah in the background. Dance party in the street
(Pine St. and 7th Ave.). Labor march starts to pass by.
Videographer: Jeff Taylor of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM3, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 354 | Downtown scenes from Seattle WTO
protests on November 30th Duplicate of (camera original) MiniDV Kate02
Videographer: Videographer: Jeff Taylor of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (50 min., 47 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM4, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 355 | Police attack protestors in
downtown Seattle on December 1st, 1999 Armored vehicles with riot police riding on the outside head
south on 2nd Avenue, pass through 2nd Ave. and Pike St. Pier 62 interviews at
Steelworkers Rally. Interview with protesters at 2nd Ave. and Virginia St., in
front of the Poor Italian Café. Interview with legal team walking south on 3rd
Ave., they're with the Direct Action Network. Riot police advance, pointing
teargas guns directly at legal observers and media. KIRO reporter calls in
report at corner of 2nd Ave. and Pine St. protesters argue with KIRO 7 reporter
about making generalizations about protesters.
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM4B, UWID:
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 356 | Interviews with protesters,
December 1st Late afternoon/evening. Interviews on 2nd Ave, at Pike St. Legal
observer from National Lawyers Guild talks about having been pepper sprayed
directly in the face. John Hull, Seattle resident talks about police response
and getting trapped in teargas. Inside car recording radio broadcast from KUOW,
talking about police response downtown. Arvid Hokanson reports. Interview with
Joan Norman from California, inside 420 Denny Way. Interview with Jean Peters
from California in 420 Denny Way space. In car, recording radio broadcast
(Studio X Pirate Radio?) then switches to Pacifica coverage of protests.
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (45 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM5, UWID: 356
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 357 | Marches and scenes of police
action, November 30th Labor march passes. Large POC delegation passes. Tibetan
protesters do street theater in front of Paramount. Infernal Noise Brigade goes
by 520 Pike Tower. Dan Merkle in the middle of street says what is happening
today is pent up frustration and anger towards corporations. IMC volunteer,
Colin Carlton (electrician) says that Channel 7 announced that the city is
imposing martial law and a 7pm curfew. Walking up 3rd Avenue, protester
describes police activity to clear streets. Police running down 4th Avenue at
dawn. Seattle police officers march in with batons. Diouf Elhadgi (Senegalese
delegate) says that he admires the protesters and the police.
Videographer: Jeff Taylor of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM6, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 358 | Police attack protesters downtown
Seattle, November 30th Continuation of tape WM2. At next intersection (6th Ave. and
University St.) police attack seated protesters. Police and protester stand off
at 5th Ave. and University St. Cop car with flat tire. Jeffrey Stonehill talks
about labor march that is about to start. Medics care for young woman who was
pepper sprayed in the face. Seattle firefighter (Captain Larson) came down to
make sure people who were locked to fences weren't getting injured. Guy in suit
argues with protesters at Freeway Park. Calls protesters selfish.
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (1 hr., 2 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM7, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 359 |
Downtown scenes and independent
media during WTO protests Inside Independent Media Center. Ted Lockery interviews someone.
Angelo Sacerdote leads camera down into basement of IMC to a live studio
recording of "Deface the Nation." Upstairs in IMC, Errol Maitland talks about
being mistreated by police based on his race. Media dispatcher (Alana Cini)
says "Media 5" reports 300 people at the jail and that the WTO delegates may
not have an agreement by the end of the ministerial. Interaction with National
Guard. Jump to December 20th. Inside a large event space in San Francisco. Art
and Revolution Collective (Allie Star?) describes planning and organizing
strategy for November 30th. Jason Mark with Global Exchange. Jai Singh(?) from
Ruckus Society talks about Ruckus Society's role in training activists ahead of
time in direct action tactics.
Videographer: Jeff Taylor of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (51 min., 55 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM8, UWID:
December 3, 1999 and December 20, 1999 |
11 | 360 | Speeches and march organizing,
downtown Seattle Large march heads up (south) 4th Avenue. Altercation between
police and protesters at front of march. Footage jumps to December 2nd, 4 am,
riot police blocking Pine St. at 12th Ave. in front of East Precinct. Next
morning, banners and puppets at Seattle Central Community College. Rice
Baker-Yeboah speaks. Speakers from Just Act from Bay Area, represents the
largest youth of color contingent at the protests. Raj and Anita. Shots of
newspapers. James Chambers interviewed about police attack on Capitol Hill on
Dec 1st. Shots of posters.
Videographer: A. Mark Liiv of Whispered Media
Original: 1 videocassette (38 min.): MiniDV ; Orig: WM9, UWID: 360
November 30, 1999 and December 2, 1999 |
10 | 361 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 361
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 362 | Big Noise Films Selects from
April 14th, 2000, in Washington DC Indoors in a conference room, the network organizer for Just
Act, addresses crowd about people coming to D.C. from around the country.
Introduces Malachi Garza, education coordinator Just Act. Different people
share ideas and thoughts about WTO protests and IMF/World Bank protests and
role of people of color in these protests. Jai Ching Chen speaks about
importance of building a movement. Malachi Garza talks about importance of
international solidarity and organizing with poor people. Protester scenes.
Sadiqa Yancey of the Next Movement talks about impact of IMF and World Bank on
people of color in the U.S. Gloria DuBissette talks about her program, DC
Gentle East.
Videographer: Big Noise Films
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Added, UWID: 362
April 14, 2000 |
11 | 363 | ACE Peoples Assembly Interview with Ace Saturay, People's Assembly Seattle. Interview
conducted by Jill Freidberg
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (58 min., 49 sec.): MiniDV ; Orig: Added, UWID:
February 18, 2000 |
11 | 364 | Various news coverage of WTO
protests Jill Freidberg and Rick Rowley recording placeholder narration
for "This is What Democracy Looks Like" documentary. Newspaper headlines about
WTO protests. KOMO 4 News coverage about WTO talks collapsing during protests,
WTO protests continuing and WTO meetings being declared a failure. ACORN
protest against predatory lending and foreclosures
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (20 min., 03 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: Added, UWID:
? |
10 | 365 | Indigenous Peoples Indigenous Peoples.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 365
? |
10 | 366 | Media 2 Media 2.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 366
? |
11 | 367 | Newspaper Start Unidentified woman reads newspaper headlines about WTO protests
while drinking coffee, sitting at desk.
Videographer: Jill Freidberg
Original: 1 videocassette (04 min., 03 sec.) : MiniDV ; Orig: Added, UWID:
? |
10 | 368 | Philippine Labor
Master Philippine Labor Master
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Added
? |
10 | 369 | Police Brutality 1 Police Brutality 1.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 369
? |
10 | 370 | Police Brutality 2 Police Brutality 2
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 370
? |
11 | 371 | RIP WTO N30 Protests against WTO.
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette (18 min., 15 sec.): DVCAM ; Orig: Added, UWID:
November 30, 1999 |
10 | 372 | Television Tape Television Tape
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 372
? |
10 | 373 | "This is What Democracy Looks
Like" Westlake Park Dec. 1, 1999
Videographer: EOAIM
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 373
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 374 | Unmarked Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : MiniDV ; Orig: Added, UWID: 374
? |
11 | 375 | Unmarked Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: Unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Hi-8 ; Orig: Added, UWID: 375
? |
10 | 376 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_1, UWID: 376
November 30, 1999 |
10 | 377 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_2, UWID: 377
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 378 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_3, UWID: 378
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 379 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_4, UWID: 379
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 380 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_5, UWID: 380
December 2, 1999 |
10 | 381 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_6, UWID: 381
December 3, 1999 |
10 | 382 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_7, UWID: 382
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 383 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_8, UWID: 383
November 30, 1999 |
10 | 384 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_9, UWID: 384
November 29, 1999 |
10 | 385 | KOMO4 coverage recorded from
TV KOMO4 and Channel 9 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KOMO4
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH4_10, UWID: 385
November 29, 1999 |
10 | 386 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV morning of 12/3/1999.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_1, UWID: 386
December 3, 1999 |
10 | 387 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_2, UWID: 387
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 388 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_3, UWID: 388
November 29, 1999 |
10 | 389 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_4, UWID: 389
November 30, 1999 |
10 | 390 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_5, UWID: 390
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 391 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage and Channel 16 coverage recorded from TV the
night of 12/1/1999.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_6, UWID: 391
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 392 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_7, UWID: 392
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 393 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV night of 12/2/1999
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_8, UWID: 393
December 2, 1999 |
10 | 394 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV the morning of 12/1/1999
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_9, UWID: 394
December 1, 1999 |
10 | 395 | King 5 coverage recorded from
TV KING5 coverage recorded from TV.
Videographer: KING5
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH5_10, UWID: 395
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 396 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV afternoon of 12/1/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_1, UWID: 396
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 397 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 11/30/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_2, UWID: 397
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 398 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 12/1/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_3, UWID: 398
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 399 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 12/1/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_4, UWID: 399
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 400 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 12/2/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_5, UWID: 400
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 401 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV morning of 12/1/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_6, UWID: 401
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 402 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV the morning of 12/2/1999.
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_7, UWID: 402
December 2, 1999 |
11 | 403 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV morning of 12/1/1999
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_8, UWID: 403
December 1, 1999 |
11 | 404 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 11/30/1999
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_9, UWID: 404
November 30, 1999 |
11 | 405 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 11/29/1999
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_10, UWID: 405
November 29, 1999 |
11 | 406 | KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV
KIRO7 coverage recorded from TV 12/2/1999
Videographer: KIRO7
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: CH7_11, UWID: 406
December 2, 1999 |
12 | 407 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 407
undated |
12 | 408 | Untitled Label information missing. Tape has not been viewed for
Videographer: unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 408
undated |
12 | 409 | Moving Images WTO
footage WTO footage from Moving Images in Seattle, WA. Tape is also
labeled with the name Mark Dworkin.
Videographer: Moving Images
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 409
undated |
12 | 410 | KIRO- Seattle Battle KIRO Seattle Battle tape B. Tape also labeled Mark Dworkin.
Videographer: unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 410
undated |
12 | 411 | KIRO- Seattle Battle KIRO Seattle Battle tape A. Tape also labeled Mark Dworkin.
Videographer: unknown
Original: 1 videocassette : VHS ; Orig: Added, UWID: 410
undated |
12 | 412 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 11, Food + Ag, Jose Bove, March/ Rally
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 412
undated |
12 | 413 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 12, Food + Ag rally, Vandana bite,
Contention ext., Police, Billboards, Labor Rally
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 413
undated |
12 | 414 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 13, Labor Rally and March, Friday.
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 414
undated |
12 | 415 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 10, Food + Ag., Nader, Asian women,
Elizabeth, Jean Bakole, Anne Schwartz
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 415
undated |
12 | 416 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 9, Patent forum, Nader, Food + Ag., Day
`12-2, Vandana, Walden Bello, Nelson, Women
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 416
undated |
12 | 417 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 8, Patent forum, Nader
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 417
undated |
12 | 418 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 7, Patent forum, Tewolde, Vickie, Nader
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 418
undated |
12 | 419 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original Label: WTO 6, Patent forum, Others, Tewolde
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 419
December 1, 1999 |
12 | 420 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 5, Labor march, some from Westlake
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 420
November 30, 1999 |
12 | 421 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original Label: WTO 4, DAN demos, Labor demos, Space Needle
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 421
November 30, 1999 |
12 | 422 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 3, Jubilee 2000 speeches and crowd
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 422
undated |
12 | 423 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 2, Jubilee 2000, SW Honey, Prayers
Videographer: ?
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 423
November 29, 1999 |
12 | 424 | Rain Shadow Video
footage Original label: WTO 1, Rally/ March, Sunday, Banner, Hightower,
Videographer: Rain Shadow Video
Original: 1 videocassette : Betacam SP ; Orig: Added, UWID: 424
November 28, 1999 |
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