N. A. Forsyth stereographs, circa 1901 - circa 1911

Overview of the Collection

Forsyth, N. A. (Norman A.), 1869-1949
N. A. Forsyth stereographs
circa 1901 - circa 1911 (inclusive)
564 stereographs
Collection Number
ST 001
N. A. Forsyth was a photographer who operated a studio out of Butte, Montana, from 1904-1930, working for Underwood and Underwood and later Keystone View Company. This collection consists of over 500 stereograph views with Forsyth's imprint captured between circa 1901 and circa 1911 and includes scenic views of Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks; Butte, Montana; and family groups of Montana Indian tribes.
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Norman A. Forsyth was born on February 10, 1869 in Syracuse, New York. Adopted as an infant, his family moved to Plainview, Nebraska, in 1870. Forsyth attended Wesleyan University in Lincoln, Nebraska and while in school, Forsyth began selling stereo cards and viewers door-to-door for Underwood and Underwood, an early producer and distributor of stereographic views.

Shortly after graduating from college in 1901, Forsyth headed west to Yellowstone National Park to work for the Shaw and Powell transportation company. Attracted by the park’s scenic beauty, Forsyth decided to continue working as a tour guide and stage driver in Yellowstone for five more summers. Forsyth purchased a stereo camera and captured Yellowstone views which he then sold to Underwood and Underwood.

By 1902, Forsyth had relocated to Butte, Montana, and he began operating a photographic studio there in 1904 as the sole agent for Underwood and Underwood in Montana, selling views under his imprint as well. Forsyth captured stereo views of Butte city life and of copper mining and smelting at Butte and Anaconda.

Forsyth developed a close friendship with Charles M. Russell, and both followed the last buffalo roundup in Montana. The two were guests of a group of Canadian peace officers who assisted in driving 800 head of bison purchased from Michel Pablo of Ronan, Montana, north to Canada. Forsyth captured stereographic views and Russell painted numerous pieces over three summers of the roundup (1906-1908).

Forsyth visited and photographed the Morrison Cave (today the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park) between 1902 and 1911. He also made a number of trips to Northwest Montana to photograph Glacier National Park and family groups of Montana Indians (ca. 1906 - ca. 1908). In 1911, Forsyth attended the Montana State Fair and took many pictures of the event and its main attraction, aviator Cromwell Dixon and his flight across the Continental Divide.

In the early 1920s, Underwood and Underwood sold their stereograph business to the Keystone View Company and Forsyth transferred his operation to Keystone. In 1930, Forsyth moved to Dillon, Montana, and he continued to work for the Keystone Company until 1947, when he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. N. A. Forsyth passed away in his sleep on December 15, 1949.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of 564 stereographs taken by N. A. Forsyth from circa 1901 to circa 1911. The views capture Montana locations that Forsyth visited primarily between the years 1906 and 1909. The bulk of the images are of Butte, Montana (including street scenes, Columbia Gardens, and mining), Glacier National Park, the activities of the 1906-1908 Bison roundup, family groups of Montana Indian tribes (including the Flathead, Cree, Crow, and Blackfeet), and Indian dances and ceremonies including the Sun Dance, Choosing Dance and Grass Dance of the Blackfeet tribe and the Crow Fair. Other subjects include Anaconda, Montana; farms and ranching; lumber; the 1908 Missoula, Montana, flood; Cromwell Dixon and the 1911 Montana the Montana State Fair; Morrison Cave, and Yellowstone National Park.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Photograph Archives collections and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Photograph Archives before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in its collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation

N. A. Forsyth stereographs. ST 001. Item number. Montana Historical Society Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The stereographs are arranged into subject series and then ordered alphabetically by Forsyth's titles and numbered accordingly. The original series were retained as much as possible. Some of the original series titles from Forsyth's boxes were as follows: Wild Buffaloes through the Stereoscope; Butte Montana through the Stereoscope; Glacier Park through the Stereoscope; Yellowstone Park; The Blackfeet through the Stereoscope; The Flathead through the Stereoscope; Morrison Cave through the Stereoscope; Montana; Montana Indians through the Stereoscope; State Fair 1911, Cromwell Dixon, Aviator – Historical Views.

Acquisition Information

Acquisition information available upon request.

Processing Note

For those acquisitions after 1973, this collection consists of stereographs accessioned under PAc 79-9, PAc 84-20, PAc 86-24, PAc 89-76, PAc 91-38, PAc 93-58, PAc 2007-23, PAc 2007-29, PAc 2007-53, PAc 2008-12, PAc 2008-43, PAc 2008-86, PAc 2008-103, and PAc 2012-5.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Anaconda (Mont.) - Smelting and refiningReturn to Top

001: Arsenic in Big Flue Washoe Smelter
002: Blast Furnace at Washoe Smelter., A
003: Concentrating Tables, Washoe Smelter, Montana
004: Converters at Washoe Smelter, Anaconda
005: Furnace Room, Washoe Smelter, Montana
006: Hot Stuff, Molten Copper, Washoe Smelters
007: Molten Copper, Washoe Smelters.
008: Pouring off the Slag from the Copper, Washoe Smelter.
009: Running Copper into Moulds Washoe Smelter
010: Throw Back Your Head and Look Straight Up the Washoe Smelter's Stack (300 Feet), Anaconda, Mont.
011: Tons of Copper ready for the Market, Washoe Smelters
012: View in the Big Washoe Smelters, Anaconda.

Series II:  ApplesReturn to Top

013: Apples Ready to Pick, Missoula County.
014: McIntosh Red Apples, Missoula County.
015: Montana is the Land of the McIntosh Red.

Series III:  BisonReturn to Top

Description Dates
017: After the Swim, Herd of Wild Buffaloes, Mont.
018: Another Buffalo Wanted for the Car.
019: Bringing in a Bunch to Load.
020: Buffalo Breaking Out of Crate.
021: Buffalo Bull Taking a Mud Bath.
022: Buffalo Calf Six Months Old., A
023: Buffalo Escaping from Wagon.
024: Buffalo is Good on the Turn., A
025: Buffalo Refuses to Be Unloaded.
026: Buffaloes Roll Like a Horse.
027: C. M. Russell, the Cowboy Artist.
028: Center Horse Gets Chased by Mad Bull.
029: Clear the Way! The Buffaloes Are Coming
030: "A Close Call" Copyright Painting By Russell.
031: Conquered at Last, Leaving Their Range Forever.
032: Danger Ahead for the Horses.
033: Don't Get Too Close, He Is Mad.
034: Evening Scene Among the Wild Buffaloes., An
035: Fine Pair in the World's Finest Buffalo Herd., A
036: Good-Bye, Uncle Sam, I Am a Subject of the King.
037: Great-Grandmother of the Herd., The
038: Hauling Buffaloes Over a Bad Road.
039: In Camp With C. M. Russell at Buffalo Round-up.
040: It Takes a Good Horse to Keep Up.
041: King of American Wild Animals., The
042: Last Buffalo Chase in America.
043: M. Pablo and a Few of His Buffalo Wagons.
044: M. Pablo on His Famous Buffalo Ranch.
045: M. Pablo, the Buffalo King.
046: Making a Last and Fierce Struggle for Freedom.
047: Monarchs of the Plains.
048: Monster Buffaloes Estimated to Weigh 2,000 Pounds.
049: Mr. Pablo's Buffalo Punchers.
050: Noble Animals, Longing for the Days That Are Past.
051: Old Stub Horns, Thought to be 30 Years of Age.
052: Please Let Me Out, I want to Go Back.
053: Prize Head Worth at Least $1,500., A
054: Protesting With All His Mighty Strength.
055: She Nearly Got Him That Time.
056: Subdued Prisoners Waiting for Their Exile.
057: Unloading Buffaloes at Ravalli Yards.
058: Very Mad Little Buffalo., A
059: Where Forsyth Lost His Camera and Nearly His Life.
060: Wild Buffaloes Shedding Their Winter Coats.
061: Wild Buffaloes Swimming Pend d'Oreille River.
062: Wild Buffaloes Swimming Pend d'Oreille River.
063: Worth Three and Four Thousand Dollars a Head.
064: Yards at Ravalli Made Famous by the Buffaloes.
065: Yards at Ravalli Made Famous by the Buffaloes.

Series IV:  Butte (Mont.)Return to Top

Description Dates
Subseries I: City life
068: At the 9 Mile House, Butte.
069: Broadway, Butte, Mont.
070: Caribou Bill's Famous Dog Team, Butte.
071: Cor. Park and Main, Butte, Mont.
072: Cousin Jack Race Horses
073: Crowds of Butte Miners at The Courthouse October 22,1903
074: Elk's Parade, Butte, Mont.
075: Federal Building, Butte, Mont., The
076: Funeral of Father Callahan and Sacred Heart Church
077: Great Day in Butte, Miners' Union Day., A
078: Hennessy's Big Store, Butte, Montana.
079: Hundreds of Miners in Union Day Parade, Butte, Mont.
080: Interior of St. Patrick's Church, Butte, Mont.
081: Labor Day, Butte, Mont.
082: Last Sad Rites of Father Callahan, Butte, Mont.
083: Looking East on Broadway from Library Building, Butte.
084: Looking East on Park Street, Butte, Mont.
085: Looking East on Park Street, Butte, Mont.
086: Looking North on Main Street, Butte, Montana
087: Looking North on Main Street from Park Street, Butte,
088: Looking North on Main Street from Park Street, Butte.
089: Looking South on Main St., Butte
090: Looking South on Main Street, Butte, Montana
091: Looking South to Snow Clad Mountains
092: Looking West on Granite Street from Main Street, Butte.
093: Main Street, Butte, Mont.
094: Mont. Reg. Welcome Home, Butte City, Montana
095: One of the Pretty Homes of Butte, Montana
096: Parade
097: Park Street, Butte, Mont.
098: [President Taft visits Montana]
099: Printers in Parade, Labor Day, Butte, Mont.
100: Richest Hill on Earth, Butte, Mont., The
101: Sacred Heart Church, Butte, Montana
102: St. James Hospital, Butte, Mont.
103: St. Patrick's Cemetery
104: Snow-Clad Rockies from Butte, Mont.
105: Snow-Clad Rockies from Nine Mile House, Butte.
106: Thousands of Miners in Parade, Miners' Union Day, Butte.
107: View of Butte from Lovers' Roost., A
108: Young Prospectors, Butte.
560: Montana Indians Celebrating in Butte.
562: In the Heart of the Rockies, Nine-Mile House, Butte
Subseries II: Columbia Gardens
109: Among the Charms, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
110: Arbor Day at the Columbia Gardens.
111: At Columbia Gardens, Butte.
112: At Columbia Gardens, Butte.
113: Balloon Ascension at the Columbia Gardens
114: Beautiful Floral Designs, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
115: Beautiful Floral Designs, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
116: Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
117: Conservatory, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont., The
118: Famous Boston and Montana Band, Columbia Gardens., The
119: Famous Boston and Montana Band, Columbia Gardens, The
120: Free Pansies, Children's Day, Columbia Gardens
121: General View, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Montana
122: Graceful Swans, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont., The
123: Grand Stairway, Columbia Gardens, The
124: Happy Childhood, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
125: Happy Childhood, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
126: Happy Childhood, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
127: Miners' Drilling Contest, Columbia Gardens
128: Mother and Baby Elk, Columbia Gardens, Butte.
129: Mountain Lion, Columbia Gardens, Butte.
130: One of the Elk at Columbia Gardens, Butte.
131: Picnic Grounds, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
132: Picnic Grounds, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
133: Picnic Grounds, Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
134: Rocky Mountain Goats, Columbia Gardens, Butte.
135: Roller Coaster, Columbia Gardens., The
136: Specimens, Columbia Gardens.
137: "Take My Picture, Mister," Columbia Gardens.
138: Throngs of People at Columbia Gardens, Butte, Mont.
Subseries III: Mines and mining
139: After the Blast, 1900 level Stewart Mine.
140: Air Compressors, Never Sweat Mine, Butte, Mont.
141: Bringing in the Copper Ore
142: Bringing in the Copper Ore, Senator Clark's Stewart Mine.
143: Coming Off Shift, Cora Mine, Butte.
144: Coming Off Shift, High Ore Mine
145: Convertors, Butte and Boston Smelters, Butte, Mont.
146: Drills at Work 1900 feet under Butte.
147: 800 Feet Under Butte.
148: Electric Pump, 1,200 feet Under Ground
149: Engineers Changing Shift on Monster Hoist, High Ore Mine.
150: Few of Butte's Mines., A
151: Great Steel Hoist, Original Mine, Butte, Mont., The
152: Great Steel Hoist, Original Mine, Butte, Mont., The
153: Huge Air Compressors, Butte, Montana
154: In One of Senator Clark's Great Copper Mines, Butte.
155: Kilgallan Family and Visitors, 1500 Station, Stewart Mine.
156: Loading Ore Car from Chute in one of Butte's Great Mines
157: Loading Ore Car from Chute in one of Butte's Great Mines
158: Looking East over a Few of Butte's Mines
159: Machine Drill Used in Butte's Great Mines.
160: Mammoth Air Compressors, Leonard Mine, Butte.
161: Mammoth Air Compressors, Original Mine
162: Miners Ready to go down Original Mine, Butte.
163: Mule Train on 1100 foot level, Rarus Mine, Butte.
164: One of the Great Engines Used in Butte's Mines.
165: One of the Great Engines Used in Butte's Mines.
166: Pushing Loaded Ore Car to Station, West Stewart Mine,
167: Pushing Loaded Ore Car to Station, West Stewart Mine, Butte
168: Ready to Blast, 1900 feet under the Butte Postoffice.
169: Ready to Blast, West Stewart Mine, Butte.
170: Richest Hill on Earth, Butte, Mont., The
171: Station at 1600 level in Original Mine, Butte
172: [Steam locomotive pulling ore train.]
173: Stuff That Made Butte Famous-Copper Ore., The
174: Stuff That Made Butte Famous-Copper Ore., The
175: Train Load of Ore for Washoe Smelter.
176: View of the Butte Mines from N.P. R. R.
177: Where Many Miners Toil, Butte, Mont.
563: Train Load of Copper Ore Going to Washoe Smelters
564: Powerful Hoisting Engine, West Stewart Mine, Butte

Series V:  Farming and ranchingReturn to Top

178: Barley Makes 90 Bushels per Acre in Montana.
179: Cattle Round-Up in the Flathead Valley, Mont., A
557: At a Fall Round-Up in Montana.
180: Drive Three Miles Long, Bitter Root Stock Farm., A
181: Hay Crop in the Gallatin Valley, Montana., A
182: Hoisting Water for Irrigation, Montana.
183: Horses Thrive on Montana Bunch Grass.
184: Montana Holds the World's Record on Yield of Oats.
185: Sugar Beet Factory, Billings, Montana.
186: Sugar Beet Factory, Billings, Montana.
187: "Sweet Bunch of Daisies." Wild in Montana.
188: There Are Plenty of Ditches Like This in Montana.
189: Thousand Tons of Hay, Gallatin Valley, Montana., A
190: View from the State Agricultural College, Bozeman., A
191: View on a Cattle Range in Montana.
192: Wheat in Montana Beats the World for Yield and Quality.
193: Wheat in the Shock, Ravalli County, Montana.
194: Where Wheat Makes 50 Bushels per Acre, Bitter Root Valley.

Series VI:  Flathead ValleyReturn to Top

195: Flathead Valley and Mission Range., The
196: Mirror View of the Mission Mountains, Montana.
197: Pastoral Scene in the Flathead Valley, Mont., A
198: Pastoral Scene in the Flathead Valley, Mont., A
199: Pretty Islands of the Flathead Lake, Mont.
200: Rapids at Outlet of Flathead Lake.
201: Scene on Flathead Lake, Montana., A
202: View on the Pend d'Oreille River, Mont., A
203: Wild Horse Island, Flathead Lake.

Series VII:  Glacier National ParkReturn to Top

Description Dates
205: Among the Highest Peaks of Glacier Park.
206: At the Foot of Lake McDonald.
207: August Day at Grinnell Glacier., An
208: August Day in Glacier Park., An
209: Avalanche Falls, (5,000 feet) Glacier Park.
210: Avalanche Falls, (5,000 feet) Glacier Park.
211: Beautiful Lake McDonald from Head of Lake.
212: Blackfoot Glacier Country, Lake McDonald, Mont.
213: Boating on Pretty Lake McDonald.
214: Breaking Camp, Lake McDonald.
215: Cascades of Red Eagle Creek, Glacier Park.
216: "The Cataract Leaps in Glory."
217: Chaney Glacier, from Continental Divide.
218: Citadel Mountain, Lake McDonald, Mont.
219: Dangerous Resting Place, Blackfoot Glacier, A
220: Dining Room Scene in Glacier National Park., A
221: East Wall of Avalanche Basin, Glacier Park.
222: Fairy Glen, Glacier Park, Mont., The
223: Fairy Glen, Lake McDonald, The
224: Fairy Glen, Lake McDonald, The
225: Falls 5,000 Feet High, Lake McDonald.
226: Fathomless Cleft in the Ice., A
227: Fine Trout Stream, Lake McDonald., A
228: Giant Cedars in Glacier National Park.
229: Glacier Lake, 1 Mile Straight Down., A
230: Glacier Party, Lake McDonald., A
231: Good Place for Trout, McDonald Falls., A
232: Gould Mountain from Boston Lake.
233: Grinnell Glacier Basin, Glacier Park.
234: Gun Sight Peak from Upper St. Mary's Lake.
235: Gunsight Lake, Glacier Park.
236: Gunsight Lake, Northern Montana.
237: Gunsight Peak in August, Glacier Park.
238: Happy Tourists Exploring the Glacier
239: Haunted Lake, Near Canadian Boundary.
240: Heaven's Peak, from Sperry Glacier.
241: Heaven's Peak Reflected in Avalanche Lake.
242: Hole in the Wall Falls, Kintla Region, G.N.P.
243: Home of the Big Horn Sheep., The
244: Huckle Berry Camp, Glacier Park
245: Huckleberry Camp, Lake McDonald.
246: Huge Cleft in the Mountain, G.N.P., A
247: Huge Crevasse in Sperry Glacier, Mont., A
248: Iceberg Lake, Glacier National Park.
249: Iceberg Lake in July, Glacier Park.
250: Inspiring View from a Dizzy Height., An
251: July Among the Snow-Clad Peaks of Glacier Park.
252: July Day at Snow Line, Glacier Park., A
253: Lake McDonald, Eleven Miles Long, Glacier Park.
254: Lake McDonald, the Glory of Montana.
255: Lamb of the Big Horn Sheep, Captured in Glacier Park.
256: Lily Pad Lake, Glacier Park.
257: Looking Down on Avalanche Lake.
258: Looking North Over Foot of Sperry Glacier.
259: Looking North Over Swift Current Pass, G.N.P.
260: Looking West From Sperry Glacier, Glacier Park.
261: Mammoth Ice Fields, Glacier Park, Montana.
262: McDermott Lake, Glacier National Park, Mont.
263: Middle Flathead River, Glacier Park.
558: Middle Flathead River, Lake McDonald.
264: Mirror View in Avalanche Lake., A
265: Mirror View in St. Mary's Lake., A
266: Morning Scene at Two Medicine Lake, G.N.P., A
267: Mt. Edward, from Glacier Trail.
268: Mt. Jackson and Lake Louise
269: Mt. Jackson, 10,000 Feet Above Sea Level.
270: Mt. McDonald, the Matterhorn of America.
271: Mt. McDonald, the Matterhorn of America.
272: Ocean of Ice, Blackfoot Glacier., An
273: On the Trail, Glacier National Park.
274: On the Trail to Iceberg Lake, Glacier Park.
275: One of the Great Glaciers in Glacier Park.
276: One of the Pretty Chalets in Glacier Park.
277: Pretty Summer Resort on Lake McDonald., A
278: Red Eagle Lake, Looking West.
279: St. Mary's Lake From Narrows, G.N.P.
280: St. Mary's Lake from Outlet.
281: Scientists Exploring Glacier Park, Montana.
282: Storm on Blackfoot Mountain, Glacier Park., A
283: View Among the Giant Cedars of Lake McDonald., A
284: View in Paradise Canyon, Glacier Park
285: View in Paradise Canyon, Glacier Park
286: View of Avalanche Gorge, Glacier Park., A
287: View of Lake McDonald from the Outlet., A
288: View on Beautiful Bowman Lake., A
289: Wall 5,000 Feet High, Lake McDonald., A
290: Where Bloom the Water Lilies, Lake McDonald.
291: Where Scream the Eagles, Glacier Park.

Series VIII:  Great Falls of the Missouri RiverReturn to Top

292: Great Falls of the Missouri, Cascade County, Montana.
293: Looking Up 506 Feet, Great Falls, Montana.
294: Rainbow Falls, on the Missouri River, Montana.
295: Rainbow Falls, on the Missouri River, Montana.

Series IX:  Indians of North AmericaReturn to Top

Description Dates
Subseries I: No tribal identification
296: Ride in the White Man's Stink Wagon., A
Subseries II: Blackfeet
297: Bear Chief, a Fine Blackfeet Type.
298: Black Bear Making Speech at Sun Dance Ceremony.
299: Blackfeet Chiefs Telling Stories
300: Blackfeet Gathering for Sun Dance
301: Blackfeet Lodge Where Sun Dance is Held.
302: Blackfeet Warriors Ready for Sun Dance.
303: Camp of the Blackfeet Indians., A
304: "Choosing Dance" of the Blackfeet., The
305: "Choosing Dance" of the Blackfeet., The
306: Gifts for the Sun, Blackfeet Sun Dance
307: Grass Dance in Full Swing., The
308: Grass Dance of the Blackfeet., The
309: Great Pow-Wow of the Blackfeet, A
310: Handsome Blackfeet Girls.
311: Helen F. Sanders Taking Notes at Sun Dance.
312: Little Dog, Chief of the Blackfeet.
313: Medicine Woman Praying to the Sun.
314: Mr. and Mrs. Left Hand (Blackfeet).
315: Mr. Wild Gun and Family (Blackfeet)
316: On the War Path, but Not Dangerous.
317: Overland Limited Arriving at Blackfeet Dance.
318: Overland Limited Arriving at Blackfeet Dance.
319: Painted Lodges of the Blackfeet.
320: Putting Up a Tepee, Medicine Pipe on Tripod.
321: Short Rest at Choosing Dance., A
322: Short Rest at the Choosing Dance., A
323: Smoking Pipe of Peace at Grass Dance.
324: Some of the Pretty Blackfeet Maidens.
325: Sun Worshipers Preparing for Sun Dance.
326: Sun Worshipers Preparing for Sun Dance.
327: Travois, a Mode of Travel., The
328: Using the White Man's Sewing Machine.
329: Watching Ceremony of Raising Sun Lodge.
Subseries III: Cheyenne
330: Cheyenne Girls in Their Pretty Costumes.
331: Mr. and Mrs. White Moon, Cheyennes.
Subseries IV: Cree
332: Camp of Cree Indians, Northern Montana, A
333: Cree Women Roasting a Dog.
334: Rocky Boy, Chief of the Crees.
335: Woman Over 100 Years Old., A
Subseries V: Crow
336: Beautiful Walk, Crow Agency, Montana., A
337: Business Men's Committee, Crow Fair.
338: Crow Indian Girls in Their Elk Teeth Dresses.
339: Crow Indians at the Annual Fair, Montana.
340: Crow Lodge with Decorations., A
341: Crow Warriors on Their Fine Horses.
342-1: Curley, Sole Survivor of Custer Massacre.
342-2: Curley, Sole Survivor of Custer Massacre.
343: Good Types of Crow Indians, Crow Agency.
344: Grand Parade, Crow Indian Fair., The
345: Indians Coming to Crow Fair, Crow Agency.
346: Orchestra and Crow Indian Dance., The
347: Picturesque Figure at Crow Indian Fair., A
348: Plenty Coos, Chief of the Crows.
349: Scalp Dance, Crow Agency, Montana., The
350: Valuable Elk Teeth Dresses.
351: Valuable Elk Teeth Dresses of the Crows.
Subseries VI: Flathead
352: Bashful Maidens of the Reservation.
353: Beautiful Buckskin Dress., A
354: Carrying the Tom-Tom to the Dance.
355: Chief Charlot and Family, Flathead Reserve.
356: Chief Moise and His Family.
357: Duncan McDonald and Wife, Flatheads.
358: Duncan McDonald on His War Horse.
359: Fine Indian Type, Flathead Reservation., A
360: Fine Turnout, Flathead Reserve., A
361: Flathead Babe in Its Cradle-board., A
362: Four Little Indian Braves, Flathead Reserve.
363: Great Chief Charlot, Flathead Reservation., The
364: Great Chief Charlot, Flathead Reservation., The
365: Group of Flatheads Watching Dance.
366: Hi-Yi Hi-Yi, Flathead War Dance.
367: In the Shade of the Old Tepee.
368: Indian Encampment on the Flathead.
369: Indian Mothers and Their Babes.
370: Joe La Moose in His Fine Costume.
371: Kai-Kai-She, Grand Old Man of the Flatheads.
372: Kitten and the Coyote, The
373: Kitten and the Coyote, Flathead Reservation., The
374: Large Group at Flathead Dance., A
375: Large Group at Squaw Dance, A
376: MacDonald Lake, Flathead Reservation.
377: Magpie Family., The
378: Moise, Head Chief of the Flatheads.
379: Nearing the End of a Noble Life, Chief Louison.
380: "No Like Picture Taken," Flathead Reservation.
381: Pretty Little Indian Girls on Their Gentle Ponies.
382: Pride of the Family, Flathead Reservation., The
383: Real American and the Simple Life., The
384: Sampson of the Flathead., The
385: Scene at the Flathead War Dance., A
386: Snake Dance, Flathead Reservation, Mont., The
559: Chief Moise in Snake Dance
387: Squaw Dance, Arlee, Montana, July 4th., The
388: Squaws Dancing the Dance of Victory.
389: St. Ignatius Mission for the Indians, Founded 1850, The
390: Starting Supper, Flathead Reservation
391: Three Braves at the Dance.
392: Very Fine Costume, A
393: Well Dressed Group on the Flathead., A
394: Women Use Fine Saddles., The
Subseries VII: Kootenai
395: "Going Up." Kootenai Sun Dance at Camas.
396: Kootenai Family of Western Montana., A
397: Kootenai's Raising Sun Dance Lodge, Camas.
398: Medicine Men at Sun Dance, Camas, Montana.
399: Medicine Men at Sun Dance, Camas, Montana.
Subseries VIII: Nez Perce
400: Nes Perce Indian and Tepee., A
401: Nes Perce Indian on His War Horse., A
Subseries IX: Sioux
402: Sioux Mother and Daughter., A

Series X:  Lumber and lumberingReturn to Top

Description Dates
403: Few Million Feet of Lumber, Hamilton, Montana., A
404: Great Log Jam of the Blackfoot, 1908., The
405: Log Jam Looking North, from Center.
406: Part of Great Log Jam, Bonner, Montana, 1908.
407: Saw Logs at Bonner Mills, Montana.
408: Washing Saw Logs, Lincoln County, Montana.

Series XI:  Missoula (Mont.)Return to Top

Description Dates
Subseries I: Flood
409: At Sunset, June 7, 1908, the Worst Was Over.
410: Common Sight on the Railroads in 1908., A
411: Greenough Property Damaged by the Rattlesnake
412: Havoc Wrought by Rattlesnake Creek.
413: Little Shaky, But it Fills the Gap., A
414: Little Shaky, But it Fills the Gap., A
415: Little Shaky, But it Fills the Gap., A
416: Mad Waters of the Missoula at Bonner
417: Main Channel of River is Here After Flood.
418: Missoula from Sentinel Mountain No. 3
419: Missoula Power House and Dam, June 6, 1908.
420: Missoula Power House and Dam, June 6, 1908.
421: Missoula River from Mix's Store, Before Flood.
422: No Wonder the Lights Went Out in Missoula
423: Raging River at the Power House., The
424: Risky Business, but There Was No Other Way.
425: River Highest Ever Known, June 6, 1908.
426: Sad Predicament, Sunday, June 7, 1908., A
427: Trying to Save St. Paul Grade, June 5, 1908.
428: Wrecked and Ruined by the Flood.
Subseries II: Parades
561: Higgins Avenue, Missoula, Montana.

Series XII:  Montana - GeneralReturn to Top

429: [Camping in Montana.]
430: Christmas Day in the Rockies.
431: "Down on the Farm" in Montana.
432: Effects of Erosion in Bad Lands of Eastern Montana.
433: Flowing Well of Hot Water, Sanders County, Montana., A
434: Flowing Well Used for Irrigation, Sanders County, Montana
435: German Singers at Sweet Pea Carnival.
436: Glacial Deposit Carved by Erosion, Dawson County, Mont.
437: Making Cider, Ravalli, Montana.
438: Montana Capitol Building, Helena., The
439: Pretty Home of Mrs. Marcus Daly, Bitter Root Valley., The
440: Ranch Home, Beaverhead Co., Montana., A
441: Snow-Clad Rockies from Nine Mile House, Butte.
442: Typical Scene in Old Montana., A
443: View in Prickly Pear Canyon, Montana, A
444: View on a Cattle Range in Montana.
445: [Wagon on Forest Road.]
446: Wild Cat, or Bob Cat, Montana.

Series XIII:  Montana - PeopleReturn to Top

447: Prof. Ely Ready for His Flight Over Butte, Mont.
448: Prof. Ely Soaring Toward Continental Divide, Butte.

Series XIV:  Montana State FairReturn to Top

Description Dates
Subseries I: General events and exhibitions
449: Blooded Cattle at Montana State Fair
450: Blooded Horses, Montana State Fair.
451: Blooded Horses, Montana State Fair.
452: Deer Lodge County Exhibit, Montana State Fair, 1911
453: Full Blood Herefords, Montana State Fair.
454: Hampshire Hogs at the Montana State Fair
455: Prize-Winning Sheep "Bill Taft," Montana State Fair
456: Thoroughbred Herefords, Montana State Fair
457: Thoroughbred Horses, Montana State Fair.
Subseries II: Cromwell Dixon
458: Cromwell Dixon at Montana State Fair, 1911
459: Cromwell Dixon, Greatest of Aviators, Helena, 1911
460: Cromwell Dixon, Killed at Spokane, Oct 2, 1911, Age 19
461: Dixon in His Wonderful Spiral Glide, Helena, Mont.
462: Dixon Starting on His Famous Trip Across the Rockies
463: Dixon Starting on One of His Marvelous Flights
464: Dixon's Thrilling Flights at Helena, Mont., September, 1911
465: Great Birdboy, Cromwell Dixon, The
466: Great Birdboy, Cromwell Dixon, The
467: Look Up and See Cromwell Dixon Straight Overhead

Series XV:  Morrison CaveReturn to Top

469: Altar, 600 Feet Down, in Morrison Cave., The
470: Art Gallery, Showing The Twins., The
471: Art Gallery, Showing The Twins., The
472: Beautiful Alcove in Morrison Cave., A
473: Beautiful Stalactites, Morrison Cave, Montana
474: Bridal Chamber, Morrison Cave., The
475: Brownies' Battlefield., The
476: Casket, 600 Feet Underground., The
477: Cathedral Not Made With Hands., A
478: Decorations, in the Bridal Chamber, Morrison Cave.
479: End, 1000 Feet Below Surface., The
480: Entrance to Ghost Chamber.
481: Entrance to Morrison Cave.
482: Entrance to Morrison Cave.
483: Entrance to Morrison Cave, Montana., The
484: Fallen Pillar, 12 Feet in Circumference.
485: Falls, 700 Feet Below Surface., The
486: Fat Man's Misery, Morrison Cave.
487: Fortress, Morrison Cave., The
488: Fountain, Morrison Cave, Montana., The
489: Furnace, Morrison Cave., The
490: Gate Of Paradise, Morrison Cave., The
491: Geo. Morrison First Entered Cave By This Rope.
492: Giant's Tooth, Morrison Cave., The
493: Good Sisters Visit Morrison Cave., The
494: Good Sisters Visit the Wonderful Cave., The
495: Grand Cathedral, Morrison Cave.
496: In the Cathedral, Showing Pillars 30 Feet High.
497: Jefferson River from Cave Entrance.
498: Jefferson River from Cave Entrance.
499: Jefferson River From Trail To Cave.
500: Lime Cliffs at Morrison Cave, Montana
501: Lime Cliffs at Morrison Cave, Montana
502: Lime Spur, Where Cave is Located.
503: Lunch Time in Morrison Cave.
504: Natural Bridge, Morrison Cave., The
505: Neptune's Palace, Morrison Cave.
506: Neptune's Palace, Morrison's Cave.
507: Organ Room, in the Great Morrison Cavern., The
508: Petrified Waterfalls., The
509: Sculptured By The Ages.
510: Sculptured By The Ages.
511: Seniors From Montana School Of Mines.
512: Spring Of Ice Water, Morrison Cave.
513: Stairs, 200 Feet Below Surface, Morrison Cave.
514: Trail Up to Morrison Cave, Montana, The
515: Trail Up to Morrison Cave, Montana, The
516: View in the Organ Room, A
517: West Gallatin Mountains From Cave Entrance.
518: Witches Den, Morrison Cave., The
519: Wonderful Works of Nature, Morrison Cave

Series XII:  Yellowstone National ParkReturn to Top

520: Antelope Feeding in Yellowstone Park.
521: Beautiful Jupiter Terrace, Y.N.P., The
522: Bighorn Sheep and Blacktail Deer in Yellowstone.
523: Castle Geyser Playing, Y.N.P.
524: Columns of Volcanic Rock.
525: Concrete Bridge over Yellowstone River
526: Electric Peak and Entrance to Yellowstone
527: Fort Yellowstone from Hot Spring Formations.
528: Gardiner River and Eagle Nest Rock, Y.N.P.
529: Golden Gate, Yellowstone Park.
530: Grand Canyon from Artist's Point., The
531: Grand Geyser Playing 200 Feet High, The
532: Great Fountain Geyser Fixing to Play.
533: Great Fountain Geyser in Action.
534: Grotto Geyser Cone, Upper Geyser Basin
535: Hymen Terrace, Yellowstone Park., The
536: July Day on Yellowstone Lake, A
537: Keppler Cascades, Y.N.P.
538: Lake Paint Pots, West Thumb.
539: Lone Star Geyser, Y.N.P.
540: Lone Star Geyser, Y.N.P.
541: Lower Falls from Red Rock., The
542: Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, 360 Feet.
543: Oblong Geyser and Fire Hole River.
544: Old Faithful Hotel, Upper Geyser Basin.
545: Old Faithful, the Most Perfect Geyser on Earth.
546: Pulpit Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.
547: Road Through Hoodoo Rocks.
548: Road Through Hoodoo Rocks, Y. N. P.
549: Shaw and Powell Camp, Y.N.P.
550: Sponge Geyser, Y.N.P., The
551: Thousands of Elk Make Their Home in the Park.
552: Upper Falls of the Yellowstone, 112 Feet.
553: View from the Top of Mt. Washburn, Y. N. P., A
554: Wonderful Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs.
555: Yellowstone Lake, Looking South
556: Young Elk in Yellowstone Park., A