Homer Jackson Dana Papers, 1910-1968

Overview of the Collection

Dana, Homer J. (Homer Jackson), 1890-1970
Homer Jackson Dana Papers
1910-1968 (inclusive)
65.5 Linear feet of shelf space, (131 Boxes)
Collection Number
Cage 299 (collection)
The papers of Homer Jackson Dana include correspondence, reports, drafts, notes, drawings, photographs and recordings relative to his work as a research engineer at Washington State University, to his private engineering practice and to his personal affairs.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Born at Topeka, Kansas on January 1, 1890, Homer Dana came to the State of Washington with his parents in the early years of the 20th Century. His family homesteaded in central Washington for a time, then moved to the city of Pullman in 1911, where Dana entered the State College of Washington (now Washington State University). He completed a Bachelor's degree in engineering in 1915 and a Master's degree in 1917. For a brief time he was an instructor at the State College, leaving to go into private engineering practice. In the early 1920's Dana returned to WSU and completed a second Master's degree. He was again employed by the College, first as a consulting engineer, and, after 1924, as a research engineer. While the post of research engineer was his major assignment from 1924 until his retirement in 1960, he also taught classes on occasion, participated in the education of graduate students, and served as administrative head of the Engineering Experiment Station after 1945. He was placed on the State College faculty roster in the late 1940's and was designated Professor Emeritus at his retirement.

Although holding teaching and administrative posts, Dana's major work was research. He conceived his research post to be a generalized and wide-ranging assignment and consequently involved himself in work that was often far removed from his "specialty" of instrumentation and electricity. His initial major experimental project was actually a civil engineering problem, consisting of an attempt to determine the effect of heavy automobile traffic on roads and highways. Beginning with the construction of an instrument to measure the "washboard" effect, the project involved the construction and maintenance of highways as well as the construction of automobiles. The tests on roads that Dana carried out for several years in the late 1920's attracted considerable attention and the results were drawn upon by engineers throughout the United States, in Europe and in Asia.

After the completion of the highway tests, Dana concentrated on building fruit-handling equipment and developed a fruit-washing machine and various fruit-testing devices. These fruit-handling projects led him into engineering problems associated with fruit storage, especially refrigeration. He continued this line of investigation for several years in the 1930's while also working on related problems of heat transfer and storage. The heating and refrigeration projects were combined with electrical experimentation in Dana's major research of the late 1930's, a number of experiments known as the Mason City Project. This project was sponsored by the Washington State Planning Council and was connected with the Grand Coulee Dam development. Basically, it involved an attempt to determine the amount of electricity that a community would consume for heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, lighting, and power.

The Mason City Project, operated for the U.S. Government and having economic planning connotations, had been largely inspired as a reaction to the Great Depression. When recovery from this depression began in the late 1930's, Dana's work took on a different character. As demand from industry increased, he began developing specific processes and products for industrial applications. During this period he developed the "torque screw pole tester," a device for non-destructive testing of highline power transmission poles. At about the same time he began a series of studies on the problem of radio transmission to and from aircraft. This research was begun in cooperation with United Air Lines, but after the United States entered World War II, the project was transferred to the Army Air Corps. The basic problem that Dana attempted to solve in the radio experiments involved the suppression of static created by the "corona" of electrical charges built up around a moving aircraft. After much measurement to determine the nature of the corona, Dana eventually devised his "block and squirter system," a device that effected a considerable reduction of the corona effect.

Although the corona project was not quite finished, the Air Corps dropped it in the research cut-backs that accompanied the end of the war. In spite of this setback Dana saw the project through to completion using WSU facilities. The project also served as the lead-in to his next major project, likewise an aircraft communications problem and a defense-sponsored research effort. This project, carried out in the late 1940's and early 1950's, began as an attempt to develop a new aircraft communication system based on the broadcast of "facsimile" signals. This system, a combination of television and photocopy, proved to be of limited use, but in developing it Dana became involved in the "new" field of duplicating papers. He eventually developed his own "Fax" paper, one of the ancestors of later well-known photocopy paper.

The defense-inspired Fax paper project was but one of many experimental projects undertaken by Dana in response to the great demand for engineering services that faced him after World War II. At this time he found himself working on a number of major projects simultaneously, partly because he had become the administrator of the Engineering Experiment Station, in addition to being the major researcher. He once more attacked a number of problems associated with heating and refrigeration, improved his pole tester, carried out follow-up experiments on aircraft communication, and developed an aircraft warning light system for high voltage electric transmission cables and broadcasting towers. In addition he did considerable work on instrumentation, working on meters for the measure of "emotional stress," an attempt at improvement of the so-called "lie detectors."

The various research projects undertaken by Dana over the years produced a number of patentable devices and processes. In order that these might be available for industrial and commercial use, Dana joined other inventors in the Pullman area for the incorporation of the Washington State Research Foundation. This organization arranged for patent assignment and licenses of the inventions produced by a number of WSU researchers. Dana served as a manager of this organization for many years, and many of its records are included in this collection.

Dana was the author of a prodigious number of published articles, reports and technical bulletins. No small quantity of these were published as Bulletins of the WSU Engineering Experiment Station, while others were presented at professional meetings, or were the subject of publications on engineering and science. He was also often called upon to present information concerning his work at professional conferences and public meetings.

Homer Dana continued to be active after his retirement, at the age of 70 in 1960. His activities were increasingly curtailed by failing health after 1965, although he retained his interest in engineering research and continued to work on ideas for research projects. He died on December 17, 1970 at Spokane, Washington.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The papers of Homer Jackson Dana include correspondence, reports, drafts, notes, drawings, photographs and recordings relative to his work as a research engineer at Washington State University, to his private engineering practice and to his personal affairs. Papers which emanate from Dana's position with the Washington State University Engineering Experiment Station from 1920 to 1960 constitute the major portion of the collection. These papers document Dana's research, experimentation and invention in the fields of communications, electricity, facsimile transmission, highways, lie detectors, heating and refrigeration. The papers also contain Dana's personal correspondence, diaries and business records from the time he was a student, ca. 1910-1915, to his retirement years in the 1960s. In addition, the collection includes some records of the Washington State Research Foundation (1937-1960), an organization founded by Dana and others for the patenting and commercial development of inventions of the Washington State University staff.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Homer Jackson Dana Papers, 1910-1968 (Cage 299)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The papers are arranged in eight series and further divided into several chronological and subject sub-series. The arrangement within the sub-series is one of alphabetically ordered folders. Each folder is numbered with a decimal figure which indicates the series and sub-series to which it belongs, as well as indicating its sequential location within the sub-series. The system preserves the main outlines of Dana's arrangement (his papers were separated in several locations) and permitted expansion as additional materials were received. Although primarily useful in the inventorying and arrangement phases of the processing of the papers, its utility as an aid to searching the collection called for its retention.

Three basic approaches to searching the collection have been provided. A series description outlines the broad subdivisions within the papers. A container list of folder headings provides more descriptive detail. The complexity and size of the total collection have necessitated the creation of an additional approach to the material. An index of the folder entries provides the major means of searching the papers. Although not an index of the papers, per se, merely an index of the key words of the folder headings, it unites in one alphabetical sequence materials located at diverse places throughout the collection. The index refers the researcher to the container number which contains the appropriate folder or folders. This may be used in two ways. First, as an index to the container list and secondly as a direct method of access to the papers. The key words which comprise the index entries appear readily upon examination of the container and its contents.

The additional papers of Homer Dana are arranged separately from the eight series previously described in the published register. Within this additional series, the papers are placed in an alphabetical sequence of subject folders. Each folder has been assigned a series and folder number which indicates its theoretical position among the main body of the papers. This integrates the additional material into the series arrangement described in the register.

Acquisition Information

The papers were received by the Washington State University Library from 1971 through 1974. The papers were acquired from the College of Engineering, Lucile Davis Dana and the executors of Dana's estate. Additional papers of Homer J. Dana were found among the records of the Washington State University College of Engineering in April 1975. These papers were transferred to the WSU Library, and in June 1975 they were added to this collection.

Processing Note

Lawrence Stark processed this collection, completing the project in 1975.

Related Materials

Homer Jackson Dana Catalog and Brochure Collection, 1915-1950 (Cage 88)

A Historical Sketch Describing the Growth of the Generation and Use of Electricity in Pullman and the Inland Empire Typescrypt, 1958 February 11 (Cage 1817) (Cage 1817)


Abandoned Chrysler 97
Abrams Electric Theory 1
Ace Ice Company 90
Acoustics 1, 23
Acquisitions 23
Adams, Mark F. 23, 39
Address Book 113
Advertising Sign 85, 86
Advisory Board (College of Engineering) 23
Advisory Services 16, 17
Aero-Correspondence 1
Aero-Tables 1
Agricultural Experiment Station 1
Agricultural Machinery 5, 20, 87, 88
Ahmed, Kazi 30
Air Conditioning 1, 79
Air Ducts 3
Air Filter 75
Air Force 23, 37, 40, 97
Air Force Property Donations 23, 37
Air Pollution 24
Airplane Crashes 114
Airway Signal Co. 77
Alaska Water System 24
Albrook, R.L. 24
Alloys 1, 9
Aluminum 23, 24, 39, 47
American Elin Corporation 24
American Institute of Electrical Engineers 45, 97
American Society of Refrigeration Engineers 1, 24, 97
Amplifer Couplers 75
Amplifiers 1
Animated Sign 85, 86
Annual Meetings (Research Foundation) 48, 50, 51
Annual Reports 46
Annuity 97
Annunciators 17
Anti-Submarine 36
Apple Picker 24
Apple Plants 90
Application F, Employment Data 1, 27, 37
Archaeology ill Army 1
Arctic Cold Storage Co. 82
Articles 25
Articles of Incorporation (Research Foundation) 50
Assignments 39, 40, 50-52
Athens Club 97
Atom (Bomb) 25, 75
Atomic Radiation 33
Attenuation 1
Automatic Control Valves 80
Automobile Accidents 33, 94-96
Automobile Club 1
Automobile Starter 18
Automobiles 1
Aviation 1, 114
Bachelor of Science Thesis 115
Bakelite 25
Bakke, Noel 1, 80
Baldwin-Dunn Collision 95
Balistics Research 25
Band Saws 1
Bank 97
Barlow, H.W. 25
Barn Rewiring (WSU) 1
Barnard, Monroe 75
Barnet House 75
Bearings 25
Beer Insulation 31
Benton County Electric System 91
Berry Freezing 1
Beta Electric Company 25
Bifilar Suspension 19
Big Timber, Montana, Auto Accident 95
Billings, Montana 94
Birds 35
Black Light 75
Block & Squirter System 47, 71
Blue Ribbon Growers 82, 97
Board of Regents 2
Boeing Airplane Company 2, 43, 45
Bohler Gym 23, 39
Bolometer 25
Bonneville Power Administration 2, 25, 43
Books & Magazines 2
Brown-Bovari Company 26
Brown Instruments 2
Bryne, Brendan P. 26
Budget 2, 26
Bug Counter 26
Bulletins 2, 6-9, 11, 19, 21
Bureau of Roads 39
Bureau of Ships 37
By-Laws (Research Foundation) 50
Cable 2, 26
Cable Reel 26
Calibration Data 2
California Trip 97
Camera Items 97
Campus Lightswitch 26
Caproni Art Galleries 38
Car 97
Car Cooling 26
Car Costs 2
Car Insurance 97
Car Seismograph 2
Carburetors 2
Cardiograph 26
Carpenter, H.V. 7
Cashmere, Wa. (Refrigeration) 80, 81
Catenary Light 25, 32, 54, 55, 76, 77
Cathode Rays 2, 26
Cement & Concrete Data 2
Centennial Mills Company 90
Certificates 99
Chandler-Brynes Collision 95
Charity Organizations 2
Cheese Knife 26
Cheese Ripening Process 48, 51
Chelan County Meter Tests 90
Chelan County Electrical System 91
Chelan Crop Duster Accident 95
Chelan, Wa. (Refrigeration) 79
Chewelah, Wa. 90
Chicago, New York, Washington & Dayton Trip, 1954 43
Chicago, New York & Washington D.C. Trip, 1948 45
Chicago, New York, Washington, Dayton and Omaha Trip, 1950 44
Chicago Trip, 1948 45
Chicago Trip, 1951 44, 45
Chicago Trip, 1954 43
Chicago Trip, 1957 43
Chicago Trip 75
Civil Aeronautics Administration 2
Civil Defense 97
Civil Service Personnel 75
Clark County Electrical System 91
Clark County Public Utility District 26
Clark, Howard F. 26
Classroom Materials 112
Clippings 2
Clock 2, 75, oversize
Codd Truck Wheel 2
Code Material 26
Coil Spools 26
Cold Lab 26, 39
Cold Storage 1, 3, 5, 6, 15, 20, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33, 39, 64, 65, 79-82, oversize
College Contract Laws 3
College Property 3
Colleges & Universities 3
Columbia Basin 97
Columbia Crossing, (BPA) Trip, 1952 43
Columbia Electric Manufacturing Company 26
Columbia Milling Company 81
Columbus, Dayton, St. Louis Urbana Trip, 1953 44
Commencement 3, 26
Committee of 25 26
Committees 2, 8, 26, 32
Compton, Wilson 108
Computer 27, 36, 75
Computer Center (WSU) 27
Compressors 3
Condensers 3
Connell, Wa. Truck Accident 94
Consultations 16, 17, 20, 75-96
Conventions 40, 43-45
Cooperative Research Projects 46
Cooperative Research Report 16
Corona Suppression 2, 11, 14, 18, 21, 22, 33, 47, 67-73, 86, 114, 115
Corrosion 3
Cottages 3
Cottonwood, Idaho, Auto Accident 95
Counters 3
Couplers 75
Cowlitz County Electrical System 91
Craine, Lloyd B. 25, 38
Cramer, Eugene 47
Crimson Circle 97
Crystal Transducers 27
Dana and Thornton, Contractors 89
Dana-Baird Collision 95
Dana, Blanche (Williams) 98, 99
Dana Family 98, 99, 116-119
Dana Hall 40, 128
Dana, Harry 99
Dana, Homer Jackson 1, 38, 41, 42, 47, 50, 97-113, 116-119
Dana, Lucile Davis 38, 98-106, 116-119
Dana, Luther 99
Dana, Marshall 37
Dana Stump Puller Company 87, 88, oversize
Davis, Arthur W. 49
Day Light Recording Paper 30
Defense Contracts 23, 24, 26, 29, 32, 36, 58-62, 67-73
Defense Plans 3
Defense Report, 1940 46
Design Short Course 27
Designs, Misc. 3
Desk Top 75
Diaries 112, 113
Diplomas 99
Division of Industrial Research (WSU) 3, 27
Doerner, Henry 47-49, 51, 52
Dormitories 3, 17
Doutre, R.L. 80
Draft, 1918 99
Drills 40
Drop Sign 85, 86
Drumheller, J.L. 88
Dryer 3
Ducts 3
Dumont Oscillators 75
Dust Laying Chemicals 3
Dwinnel Bros. Orchards 81
Dwo, Jon 27
Early Birds 99
Economics of Using Rough Roads 4
Egg Candling 27
Elasticity Tester 4
Electric Blanket 75
Electric Heat 7
Electric Ironing 76
Electric Meter Tests 2, 5, 22, 90-93
Electrical Construction Regulations 4
Electrostatic Air Filter 75
Electrostatic Seed Cleaner 40
Emeriti 99
Emotional Stress Meter 56, 57, 76, 115
Energy in Autos 114
Engineering College Research Association 15
Engineering Experiment Station (WSU) 2, 5, 18, 29, 38, 41, 42, 46
Engineering Reports 4, 46, 90-93
Engineering Societies 4
Engineering Tests (Misc.) 76
Engineers' Council on Professional Development Accreditation Committee 27
Engines 4
Englund, James S. 38
Entiat, Wa. (Refrigeration) 81
Ephrata, Wa. 27
Equipment 4
Estimates 4
Evans, Victor 87, 88
Expense Account 40, 43, 45
Expenses 4
Experiment Stations 4
Experimental Projects Reports 46
Explosions Report 90
Explosives 33
Extension Service 4
Extensometer 4
Facsimile Broadcast 23, 30, 38, 58-62, 76
Facsimile Paper 23, 30, 38, 46, 58-62, 76
Facsimile Paper Final Report 46
Faculty (WSU) 5
Fan Cooling Inquiries 5
Farm Appliances Inc. 99
Farm Freezing Plant 114, 115
Farm Problems 5
Fatigue Machine 76
Fellowships 5
Field House 17
Filters 5, 75, 76
Financial Records Papers 99, 100
Finch, W.G.H. 38
Fire Alarm Systems 76
Fisher Laboratories 5
Flashlight 76
Flay, Roy B. 38
Flight Log 76
Flight Schedules 1
Flip Sign 85, 86
Flow Meters 5
Flue Gas Temperature 5
Flying Discs 38
Flying Schools 5
Food Lockers 6
Ford Tractor Upset Case 96
Foreign Contracts 5
Foreign Patents 51, 52, 87
Fortner, Otis 47
Fosterite 28
Foundry 76
Franklin County Electrical System 91
Fraternities 12, 20, 28, 30, 35, 39, 100, 101, 125
Fraternity Advisor 100, 101
Freezing 6, 26, 31, 37, 114, 115
French, C. Clement 108
Frequency Curves 28
Frozen Logs 31
Fruit House Snapshots 6
Fruit Packing Storage 6, 24, 79-82
Fruit Storage Survey, 1927-28 6, 80, 81
Fruit Washer 12, 18, 63
Fruit Washing Bulletins 6
Fruitamins 28, 29, oversize
Fuel Research 6
Fuller-Morris Cold Storage Plant 80
Furnace 6, 19, 78
Garrard Phonograph 101
Gas Engines 4, 7
General Correspondence 3, 41, 42, 103-106
General Electric Company 7
General Electric Furnace 78
General Electric Student Award 29
Geophysical Year 30, 76
Geophysics 7
Giant Clock 2, 75, oversize
Geiger Counters 76
Gilbertson, Lyle 47
Glyco Products 7
Golding, Norman S. 48, 50, 51
Goodwin, Polly 51
Graduate School 39
Graduate Students 29, 39
Graduate Thesis Forms 7
Grand Coulee Dam 3, 127
Grant County Electrical System 92
Graphite 7
Greenfield, Eugene W. 38
Groves, Kermit 47
Gymnasium 7
Hallam, Robert 86
Hand Dryer 3
Harbeson-Walker Heat Tests 29
Harris, Dwight 47-49, 51, 52
Harrison Whey Project 29
Havana and Mission (Spokane) Accidents 95
Hay, Wa. Auto Accident 95
Hazlet, Stewart 29
Hearing Devices 7
Heat Calculations Report, 1922 (WSU) 46
Heat Loss Report, 1922 (WSU) 46
Heat Pump 7, 34, 36, 40, 64, 65, 73, 74, 76, 114, 115
Heat Tests 30, 34, 39
Heating 6, 7, 19, 20, 34, 36, 37, 40, 64, 65, 73, 74, 76, 114, 115
Hicks Chemical Company 101
High School Reunion 101
High Voltage Laboratory 29, 37
Highway Department 47
Highway Research Board 8
Highway Research Bulletin 8
Highway Taxes 8
Highway Tests 7, 8, 16, 20-22, 29, 34, 38, 39, 90, 115
Highways 2-5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16-18, 20-22, 34-39, 84, 90, 115
Historical Sketch of Electricity in the Inland Empire 114
Hit Counter 29
Holland, Ernest O. 8, 108
Holt, Edward K. 23, 39
Home Economics Building 17
Hooper Case (Accident) 96
Hospital 17, 101
Hospital Floor 29
Hot Springs, Ark. Trip, 1957 44
Hotel Lighting 9
House Designs 101
Housing Committee 8
Houston Trip, 1951 44
Houston, Washington and New York Trip, 1951 44
Howard, W.E. 88
Humidity 8
Hypersil 76
I-Lab 8
I-Power 8
Ice and Frost Research 38
Icing Tests 25, 30, 77
Ideas 76
Ikstrums, Janis 30
Impulse Testing 30
Income Taxes 99, 100
Indianapolis, Indiana, Police Department 86
Industrial Research Questionnaire 30
Institute of Technology 30, 41, 42
Insulation 8, 24, 31, 34
Insurance 8, 9, 102
Inter-Fraternity Council 30
International Geophysical Year 30, 76
Interphones 9
Invention Ideas 38, 76
Inventions 9, 30
Investments 19, 99, 100
Ironrite 76
Job (at WSU) 102
Journals 112, 113
K-Factor 30
Kaiser Aluminum 30
Kenney Economy Hydraulic Company 88
KHQ Neon Light 30
Kimble Harvester Wreck 94
King Size Speedometer 36, 86
Klemgard, Neal 30
Klickitat County Electrical System 92
Komen, Peter Jr. 30
Kreager, Frank 28, 29
Kunkel-Beck Case 94
KWSC 14, 128
Lancaster and Allwine 87
Land Grant College Association Meeting, 1952 44
Land Grant College Reports 9
Lathe 17, 76
Laundry Study 35
Lawns 9
Leaves-of-absence 9
Lee, O.W. 38, 48, 53
Leica Camera 77
Lenses 76
Letters from Students 9
Library 9
Licenses and Rules 9
Lie Detector 56, 57, 76, 115
Light Distribution 9
Light Metals Foundry 76
Light Meter 30
Liquid Air 31
Liquid Metal Switch Proposal 31
Logged-Off Land 102
Los Angeles Trip, 1955 45
MacCartney Case 102
McCulloch, Ernest 52
Machinery 9
Magazine Recorder 79
Magnesium Alloy Metals 9
Magnetics 31
Magnetite 31
Magnets 11, 25, 31
Mailing Lists 9, 32
Maintenance and Expansion 9
March, Clement 48
Marshall, James 47
Martensen, Roger 86
Mason City 10, 22, 64, 65
Master of Science Thesis 115
Mechanical Engineer Degree Thesis 115
Medford Ice and Cold Storage Company 82
Meetings 10, 44
Megger Ground Tester 7
Memoranda 32
Merit Rating 32
Metal Shielding 47
Metalograph 10
Metals 9-11, 32
Meyers Falls, Wa. 10, 77, 90
Microphones 10
Middleton, Ohio 86
Military Engineer 102
Milk Tester 52
Milk Testing Process 48, 50-52
Milliammeter 37
Minicorder 77, 79
Mining 11
Minneapolis Trip, 1947 45
Miscellaneous Notes 11, 89
Miscellaneous Correspondence 103-106
Missile Site "D" 90
Moe, Ernest 88
Monel Metal 11
Montana Trip 40
Morris-Fuller Cold Storage Plant 80
Moscow, Idaho, Auto Accident 94
Motors 11, 85, 86
Movie Subjects 32
Municipal Power Ownership 11
Nail Magnet 11
Nail Picker 11
Name Changes (Research Foundation) 50, 51
National Defense Research Committee 11
National Economy League 11
National Electronics Conference 38, 43
NICAP (National Investigatory Committee on Aerial Phenomena) 111
National Resources Planning Board 11
National Science Foundation 32
National Youth Administration 11
Nation's Traffic 11
Navy 12, 37
Neilson, Herluf 47
New York Trip, 1954 44
Nickel 11
Nilson, Thelma 11
Noise Meter 77
Northwest Electric Light and Power Association 32, 38, 107
Northwest Magnesite Company 48
Northwest Science Association 11, 38, 43, 45
Northwestern Automobile Association 11
Nuxoll Truck Accident 95
Oakesdale Pea Growers 32
Odell Cold Storage Plant 82
Office of Naval Research 32, 38
Office of Scientific Research
Office of Naval Research, and Development - Army 72, 73
Office of Scientific Research and Development - United States Navy 12
Oil Burners 12
Oil Filled Transformers 25, 115
Oil Tanks 77
Oil Treatment of Roads 12
Okanogan Growers' Union 82
Omak Fruit Growers 82
Orders (Army) 72, 73
Ore Concentration 47
Oroville (Refrigeration) 79
Osborne Electric Company 32, 54, 55, 77
Oscillators 75, 77
Oscillograph 12
Oscilloscope 12
Osipovich, A.A. 77
Othello Auto Case 94
Outside Consulting Service 38
Outside Work 32
Oyster Shucking 32
Papers 78
Patent Assignment Blanks 39, 40, 47
Patents 9, 12, 23, 47-53, 78, 79, 87, 88
Pavement Scaling 7
Pea Tester 12, 32
Pear Hardness Tester 74, 78
Pending Contracts 32
Penetrometer 12
Perham Fruit Company 12
Personal 1
Personal Data (HJD) 107
Personnel Blanks 39
Petroglyphs 111
Peshastin, Wa. (Refrigeration) 80, 81
Phi Kappa Phi 39
Phi Kappa Tau 12, 39, 100, 101, 125
Phonograph 12, 77, 78, 101
Photo-Electric Cell 12
Photometer 12
Pickling and Cleaning Metals 32
Pipe Covering 12
Pipe Thawers 12
Planning 10-12, 22, 64, 65
Plastics 13, 32, 39
Pole Tester 47, 66
Pole Tests 32, 90
Police Investigations 33
Police Science Project 38
Policy Statement (Research Foundation) 51
Polishing Metals 47
Polygraph 56, 57, 76, 115
Pontiac-Triumph Collision 94
Pooh Bahs 39, 125
Popular Science 13
Porcelain 13
Portland, Oregon (Accident) 94
Portland Trip, 1950 43
Portland Trip, 1953 45
Portland Trip, 1956 45
Portland Trip 107
Position Survey 107
Positions and Inquiries 107
Powell Residence 78
Power Plant (WSU) 13
Power Pyramiding 13
Power Tests 24
Power Transmission 20, 25, 26
Precipitation Static 2, 11, 14, 18, 21, 22, 47, 67-73
Precipitron Air Filter 75
Pre-History of North America 111
Presidential Selection Committee 26
President's Committees (1945) 32
President's Office (WSU) 11, 108
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company 90
Price vs. Larabee Accident 96
Primer Test 33
Producer-Gas Engine 7
Professional Meetings (1951) 43
Program Development 33
Progress Reports 46
Projects 13, 33, 38
Proposals 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40
Psychometric Chart 13
Public Address System (WSU) 3, 13, 23, 33, 39, 89
Publications 13, 40, 78
Pulitz Associates 78
Pullman, Wa. 14, 78
Pumps 14, 78
Puzzle Solutions 108
Pyrometer 14
Quackenbush, E.B. 88
Questionnaire 30
Quotations (Prices) 14, 39, 86
Radiation 33
Radiation Counter 78
Radiation Monitoring Committee for Washington 33
Radio 5, 14, 18, 22, 33, 40, 47, 67-73, 78, 108
Radio Audience Evaluation Device (RAED) 78
Radio Defense 14
Radio Guild 108
Radio Licenses and Rules 9, 14, 108
Radio Operators License 108
Radio Propagation Facilities 33
Radio Receiver (1930) 78
Radio Tubes 14
RAED (Radio Audience Evaluation Device) 78
Railroad Refrigerators 26
Real Estate 108
Recommendations 14
Recorder 14, 15, 39, 79
Recording Discs 15
Recording Meters 33, 39
Recording Needles 15
Redlich, Otto 23, 39, 47
Refrigeration 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 15, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33, 37, 39, 64, 65, 79-82, oversize
Refrigeration Manual 33
Relays 15
Remote Control Units 15
Reports 15, 46, 90-93
Reports of Special Tests 39
Requisitions and Orders 15
Resazurin Test 48, 50, 51
Research and Its Opportunity 16
Research Committee (WSU) 39
Research Corporation 50-52
Research Council (WSU) 15
Research Explorations, 1957 34
Research Foundation 16, 47-53
Research Grants 39
Research Inquiries 16
Research Policy 34
Research Proposals 39
Research Reporter 15, 34
Residence (703 Linden) 109, oversize
Resin 28
R.F. Voltmeter 23, 34, 39
R.F. Wattmeter 39
Rho Epsilon 109
Rimmel, W.L. 81
Roads 2-5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16-18, 20-22, 34-36, 38, 39, 90, 115
Roehman, Ludwig 39
Rogue River Orchards 82
Roof Ice 82
Roofing 16
Rope 16
Rotating Standard (Watthour Meter) 82
Roto-tiller 82
Roughometer 2, 16, 34, 90
Rounds, Fred G. 16
Rules and Regulations 34
Rumen Tester 34
Runestones 111
Safety Conference of Governor Wallgren 17
St. Vincent de Paul (Charity) Salvage Bureau, Spokane 34
Salesmanship 109
Savings and Loan Association of Pullman 16
Saws 1, 16
Schenectady Mission 71
Schlictig, Ralph 34
Scholarship 17
Schwindiman Truck Crash 94
Science Show 34
Scoreboard Clock 2, 16, 75, oversize
Sears, Roebuck and Company 16
Seattle and San Francisco Trip 40
Seattle Trip, 1950 43
Seattle Trip, 1958 45
Seattle Trip, 1959 43
Security Clearance 34, 37
Seed Cleaner 40
Selective Service 17
Seniors and Advanced Students 16
Services 16, 17
Shepard, W.B. 1
Shering Bridge Tests 85
Shipman, H.C. 87,88
Shock Absorbers 17
Shoe Size Computer 83, 84
Shoo-Bird 35
Short Wave Radio 14
Sigma Xi 35
Sign 85, 86
Signal Systems 17
Siren 78
Sketches 17
Skin Temperature Recorder 39
The Slave Unit 114
Slide Rule 17
Snake River range (kitchen) fire 96
Social Security 109
Solar Heat 40
Soldering 17, 86
Sons of the American Revolution 39, 109
Soot Blower 17
Sorority House Plan 86
Sound Apparatus Company 17
Sound Equipment 17
South Bend Lathe 17
Space Program 86
Space Study 35
Spanish Swindle 109
Specifications 1, 3, 7, 17, 18, 75
Speech Analyzer 35
Speeches 18, 25, 35, 36, 109-111
Speed Indicator 35
Speed Recorder 18
Speedometer 36, 86
Spit for Fireplace 86
Spokane Air Force 40
Spokane and Portland Trip, 1954 44
Spokane Radio Company 18
Spokane Trip 45
Sponsor Explorations 36
Spray and Spray Control 18
Spray Application 47
Springs 25
Spruce Splitter 87, 88
Staff 18, 32, 36
Staff Strike of, 1943 110
Standard Fruits 80
Starters 18
State Planning Council 11, 12, 22
Static 2, 11, 14, 18, 21, 22, 33, 67-73, 86
Steam Bath 86
Steam Line Report, 1922 (WSU) 46
Steam Pipe Report, 1921 (WSU) 46
Steel Equipment 18
Steptoe Canyon Powerline Accident 95
Stevens County Electrical System 92
Stevens County Light and Power Company 90, oversize
Stimson Hall 19
Stocks 19, 99, 199
Stokers 19
Stonehenge 36
Stored Heat 7, 34, 36, 40, 73, 74, 76, 114, 115
Strategic Air Command 39
Strobel Accident 95
Strobocom 36
Stucco 19
Student Help 36
Student Notes of H.J. Dana 110
Student Strike of, 1936 110
Students 9, 19, 26, 27, 29, 30
Stump Puller 87, 88, oversize
Subcontracting 36
Submarine Detection 36
Subscriptions 111
Subversive Oath 110
Subway to Troy Hall 18, 19
Summer Work 36
Sunlight Meter 27
Sunnyslope (Refrigeration) 80
Supersonic Energy 24
Supersonic Focusing 40
Supersonic Mixing 36
Surgical Stitcher 88
Surveys 3, 15, 30, 80, 81
Suspension (bifilar) 19
Swing Saw 19
Switchboards 19
Switching Circuits 36
Sylvania Corporation 14
Symons Block Tests (Spokane) 2, 22
Tachometer 20
Tales of a Civilian Flying in Large Military Aircraft 115
Tank Seal 36
Tape Recorder 36, 79
Tau Beta Phi 20
Taylor, Harcourt 81
Teaching Materials 112
Tech Building Dedication 40
Technical Colloquim 20
Technical Data (Misc.) 36
Teenycorder 79
Telegrams 20
Telephone Toll Lines 89
Television 20
Television Tower Lights 54, 55, 76, 77
Temperature Control 20
Theatre Lighting 20
Thermal Tests 30, 31, 39
Thermocouples 20
These Wonders I Have Seen 114
Theses 115
Three-Phase Power 90
Tickler Files 20
Tilden Company 40
Time Sheets 20, 36
Tire Tester 20
Tire Wear Tests 20
Toastmasters 36, 111
Todd Hall 40
Tonasket, Wa. (Refrigeration) 79
Tone Production and Quality 20
Tractors 20
Traffic Counter 3, 20, 35, 36, 47
Transformers 20, 25, 40, 90-93
Transits 20
Transportation Data 21
Travel 40, 43-45
Treasure Finding 37
Trees and Lumber 21
Tricks 111
Trips 40, 43-45, 75, 89, 97
Truck Wheel 2
Unidentified Flying Objects 111
Unifine Flour 37
Union Electric Company 51
United Air Lines 21
United Nations Flag 37
Universal Laboratory Meter 18, 19
Vacuum Cleaner 21
Vacuum Tube Milliammeter 37
Vacuum Tubes 14
Vancouver, Seattle and Tacoma Trip 40
Van Doren Hall Theatre 20
Van Hooser-Thatch Case 94
Veterinary Science Climatic Room 37
Vibration 40
Victory Square Heating 37
Viking 111
Visitors 37
Voltmeters 21
Walla Walla Auto Case 95
Walla Walla Trip, 1949 40
Wallgren, Monrad 17
Warm Air Furnace 6
Washboard Roads 2, 16, 21, 22, 34, 90
Washington Area Defense Council 31
Washington, D.C. Trip, 1948 43
Washington, D.C. Trip, 1951 44
Washington, D.C. Trip, 1954 44
Washington Emergency Relief Association 22
Washington Fruit and Produce Company 82
Washington Society of Professional Engineers 33
Washington State Planning Council 11, 12, 22
Washington Water Power Company 22, 37, 90-93
Washington Water Power Company Equipment Tests 92, 93
Water Heaters 22
Water Pollution 37
Water Resources Conference 37
Water Wheels 90, oversize
Watt Meter Tests 22
Weak Sulfite Wash Water Treatment 37
Weary, A.C. 88
Weather Strip 37
Webster Recorder 79
Wedel Company, Inc. 22
Welding 22
Wells, Greek 37
Wenatchee, Wa. (Refrigeration) 79-82
Wenoka (Refrigeration) 22, 80
Western Electric Company 14
Western Milling Company 90
Westinghouse Electric Company 22
Westvaco Chlorine Process 49
Wheat 22
Wheel Chair Patent 37
Who's Who in America 40
Wilkins Arctic Expedition 22
Williams, Merle 111
Wills 111
Wire Recorder 79
Wiring 22
Wittmer, O.W. 88
Woodworker 111
Works Progress Administration 22
Worm Gear Reducer 22
Wright Field 22, 40
Wright-Wrenchy Collision 94
X-Ray 37, 39
Yakima Refrigeration 81
York Ice Manufacturing Company 22
Zero-Lab 37

^ Return to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: Subjects, 1920-1960Return to Top

Correspondence, professional engineering notes, records, and reports divided into three chronological sub-series of which two overlap because of a dual filing system.

Subseries 1.1: circa 1924-circa 1947

Subseries 1.2: circa 1947-circa 1960

Subseries 1.3: circa 1945-circa 1950

Container(s) Description
Subseries 1.1:1924-1947
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Personal to, 1937
1 3
Aero - correspondence
1 4
Abrams Electric Theory
1 5
1 6
Aero - tables
1 7
Agricultural Experiment Station
1 8
Air Conditioning
1 9
Air Conditioning correspondence
1 10
1 11
American Society of Refrigeration Engineers
1 12
1 13
Applications and Employment Data
1 14
1 15
1 16
Application, Shephard, W.B.
1 17
Automobile Club
1 17.1
1 18
Bakke, Noel (Refrigeration)
1 19
Band Saws
1 20
Barn, Cows (WSU rewiring)
1 21
Barn, Dairy (WSU rewiring)
1 22
Berry Freezing
2 23
Bonneville (Power Administration)
2 24
Bonneville Refrigeration Project
2 25
Board of Regents
2 26
2 27
Books and Magazines
2 28
Brown Instruments
2 29
Budget, Biennial, Experiment Station
2 30
Bulletin Assignment Costs
2 31
2 32
Civil Aeronautics Administration
2 33
Cables (Static Control)
2 34
Calibration Data (Electric meters, Symons Block, Spokane)
2 35
2 36
Car Costs
2 37
Car Seismograph
2 38
Cathode Ray
2 39
Cement and Concrete Data
2 40
Charity Organizations
2 41
2 42
Clock, Blueprints(Scoreboard)
2 43
Clock, Bulletins(Scoreboard)
2 44
Clock, Correspondence(Scoreboard)
2 45
Clock, Drawings(Scoreboard)
2 45.1
Codd Truck Wheel
3 46
Cold Storage Survey, 1941
3 47
Cold Storage
3 48
Cold Storage Survey, 1928
3 49
College Property
3 50
Colleges and Universities
3 51
College Contract Laws
3 52
Commencement Plans
3 53
Condensers (Radio)
3 54
3 55-56
Compton, Wilson
3 57
Correspondence, General
3 58
3 59
Cottages, Blueprints
3 60
Coulee Dam
3 61
Counters (Traffic counter)
3 62
College Courses
3 62.1
Designs, Misc.
3 63
Defense Plans
3 64
Dormitory, New Women's (Specifications), 1927
3 65
Dryer, Hand
3 66
Ducts, Air
3 67
Dust Laying Chemicals
3 68
Division of Industrial Research (WSU)
4 69
Economics of Using Rough Roads
4 70
Electrical Construction; State Regulations
4 71
Engineering Reports (Misc.)
4 72
Engineering Reports (WSC)
4 73
Equipment, General
4 74
4 74.1
4 75
Experiment Stations, Correspondence
4 76
Extension Service
4 77
Extensometer (Elasticity Tester)
4 78
Engineering Societies
4 79
Engineering Data
4 79.1
5 80
Experiment Station
5 81
Faculty Matters
5 82
Faculty Notices
5 83
Fan Cooling Inquiries
5 84
Farm Problems (Agricultural Machinery)
5 85
5 86
5 87
Fisher Laboratories. (Radio)
5 88
Flow Meters (Electric)
5 89
Flue Gas Temperature
5 90
Flying Schools
5 91
Foreign Contacts (Roads)
6 92
Food Lockers
6 93
6 94
Fruit House Snapshots
6 95
Fruit Packing and Storage
6 96
Fruit Packing Plants (Survey)
6 97
Fruit Storage Correspondence, 1927-1928
6 98
Fruit Washing Bulletins
6 99
Fuel Research
6 100
Furnace, Warm Air
7 101
(Producer)-Gas Engine, H. Carpenter
7 101.1
Gas Engines
7 102
General Electric Company
7 103
7 104
7 105
Geophysics, Megger Ground Tester
7 106
Glyco Products
7 107
Graduate Thesis Form
7 108
7 109
Gym, New 1927, Specs.
7 110
Hearing Devices
7 111
7 112
Electric Heat (Heat Pump)
7 113
Heating Cost Comparisons
7 114
Heating Bulletins
7 115
Highway Correspondence
7 116
Highway Data, General
7 117
Highway Pavement Scaling
8 118
Highway Research Board
8 119
Highway Bulletin #17
8 120
Highway-Economics of Transportation
8 121
Highway Research Bulletin
8 122
Highway Tests from, 1926
8 123
Highway Tests, 1924-1925
8 124
Highway Taxes
8 125
Holland, Ernest O.
8 126
Housing Committee
8 127
8 128
I-Power Indicators
8 129
I-Lab Instrument
8 130
Insulation Methods (Refrigeration)
8 131
Insurance (A-0)
9 132
Insurance (P-Z)
9 133
9 134
Inventions (Patent Information)
9 135
Land Grant College Reports
9 136
9 137
Leaves of Absence
9 138
Student Letters
9 139
9 140
Licenses and Rules (Radio)
9 141
Light Distribution
9 142
Hotel Lighting
9 143
Magnesium Alloy Metals
9 143.1
9 144
Current Mailing List of Bulletins
9 145
Mailing Lists
9 146
Maintenance and Expansion
10 147-152
Mason City
10 153-154
10 155
10 156
10 157
10 158
Meyers Falls (Water Wheels)
10 159
10 160-161
11 162
Mining (State Planning Council)
11 163
11 164
Monel Metal
11 165
11 166
Municipal Power Ownership
11 167
Nail Magnet Bulletins
11 168
Nail Magnet Corres.
11 169
Nail Magnet Data
11 170
Nail Picker Clippings
11 171
Nilson, Thelma (Personal)
11 172
National Defense Research Committee (Static)
11 173
National Economy League
11 174
National Resources Planning Board
11 175
Nation's Traffic
11 176
11 177
Northwest Science Association
11 178
Northwestern Automobile Association
11 179
National Youth Administration
11 180
President's Office (WSU)
12 181
Office of Scientific Research and Development U.S. Navy
12 182
Oil Burners-Fuels
12 183
Oil Treatment (Roads)
12 184
12 185
12 186
12 187
Penotrometer (Pea Tester)
12 188
Perham Fruit Company (Washer)
12 189
Phi Kappa Tau
12 190
12 191
Photo-electric Cell
12 192
12 193
Pipe-covering, Correspondence
12 194
Pipe Covering, Data
12 195
Pipe Covering, Quotations
12 196
Pipe Thawers
12 197
Planning (State Planning Council)
12 198
Planning Problem Folder
13 199
13 200
13 201
Popular Science
13 202
Power Plant Meter (Records WSU)
13 203
Power Plant, misc. (WSU)
13 204
Power Pyramiding
13 205
13 206
Psychometric Chart
13 207-213
Public Address System, WSU
13 214
14 215
Pullman, Washington (Map of Elevations)
14 216
14 217
14 218
Quotations (Prices)
14 219
Quotations-Forbes Supply
14 220
Radio Correspondence
14 221
Radio Data
14 222
Radio Defense
14 223
Radio Notes
14 224
14 225
Radio Noise Meter
14 226
Radio and Radio Materials
14 227
Radio Regulations
14 228
Radio-Short Wave
14 229
Radio Static
14 230
Radio Static Correspondence
14 231
Radio Tubes, Arcturus
14 232
Radio Tubes, General
14 233
Radio Tubes, Sylvania
14 234
Vacuum Tubes
14 235
Radio Tubes, Western Electric
14 235.1
14 236
Recorders (Sound and Data)
15 237
Recording Discs
15 238
Recording Machines
15 239
Recording Needles
15 240
Refrigeration Corres., 1940
15 241
Refrigeration-Cold Storage Survey
15 242
Refrigeration Corres., 1928-1929
15 243
15 244
Remote Control Units
15 244.1
15 245
Requisitions and orders
15 246
(Engineering College) Research Association
15 247
Research Reports
15 248
Research Council WSU Committee
16 249
Research Foundation
16 250
Research Inquiries
16 251
Research and Its Opportunities
16 252
Cooperative Research Report (Research Foundation)
16 253
16 254
Rope, Manila, etc.
16 255
Rope, Wire Tackle
16 256
ROTC (Rope Strength Article)
16 257
Roughometer, Corres.
16 258
Roughometer, Data and Corres.
16 259
Roughometer Tests Corres.
16 260
Rounds, Fred G.
16 261
Savings and Loan Ass'n. of Pullman
16 261.1
16 262
16 263
Scoreboard, New Gym
16 264
Sears Roebuck and Co. (Roads)
16 265
Senior and Advanced Students
16 266
Services-advisory Consultations
17 267
Services (Consultations)
17 268
Shock Absorber Correspondence (Roads)
17 269
Shock Absorbers (Roads)
17 270
Signal Systems (WSU Dorms, Annunciators)
17 271
Slide Rule
17 272
17 273
Selective Service
17 274
Safety Conference with Governor Wallgren
17 274.1
17 275
Soldering and Tinning
17 276
Soot Blower
17 277
Sound Apparatus Company
17 278
Sound Equipment, Misc.
17 279
South Bend Lathe
17 280
Specifications (Campus Projects)
17 281
Specifications-Field House
17 282-283
Specifications-Home Ec. Building
17 284
Specifications, Hospital
17 285
Specifications, Hospital Pipeline
17 286
Specifications, Hospital Signal System
18 287
Specifications, Shops and Buildings
18 288
Specifications-Subway to Troy Hall
18 289
Specifications, New Women's Dormitory
18 290
Speeches, Talking points
18 291-292
Spokane Radio Company
18 293
Speed Recorder
18 294
Spray and Spray Control Fruit Washer
18 295
Staff (Experiment Station)
18 296
Standard Instrument (Universal Standard Lab Meter)
18 297
18 298
Static Control
18 299
Static Control Data
18 300
Static Control Corres.
18 301
Steel Equipment
19 302
Stimson Hall (Lights)
19 303
Stocks (Investments)
19 304
Stoker, Boilers
19 305
Stoker, Commercial Bulletins
19 306
Stoker, Coal Consumption
19 307
Stoker, Correspondence
19 308
Stoker, Data
19 309
Stoker, Efficiency
19 310
Stoker, Manufacture
19 311
Stoker-S.A. Smith Oil
19 312
Stoker Tests
19 313
Underfeed Stokers
19 314
19 315
19 316
Subways, Troy Hall
19 317
Suspension, bifilar (Lab Meter)
19 318
Swing Saw
19 319
20 320
20 321
Tau Beta Pi
20 322
Technical Colloquium
20 323
20 324
20 325
Temperature Control (Thermostats)
20 326
Tests, Commercial, Experiment Station Consultations
20 327
Theatre, Van Doren Lighting
20 328
20 329
Tickler Files (Press Photos)
20 330
Time Sheets
20 331
Tire Tester (Roads)
20 332
Tire Wear Tests (Roads)
20 333
Tone Production and Quality
20 334
Tractors (Agricultural)
20 335
Traffic Counter, 1938
20 336
Traffic Counter Patent
20 337
20 338
20 339
Transmission (of electric power)
21 340
Transportation Data (Roads)
21 341
Trees and Lumber
21 342
United Air Lines (Static)
21 343
Vacuum Cleaner
21 344
21 345
Washboard Agimeter
21 346
Washboard Bulletin, 1930
21 347
Washboard Correspondence
21 348
Washboard Data, General
21 349
Washboard Data, 1929
21 350
Washboard Data, 1927-1928
21 351
Washboard Data, 1926
21 352
Washboard Gravel Roads, County Engineer
21 353
Washboard MSS #19
22 354
Washboard, Race Track
22 355
Washboard Tests, Logs
22 356
Washboard Tests, Coop. State Highway Department, 1929
22 357-358
Washington State Planning Council
22 359
Washington State Planning Council WSC Projects
22 360
Washington Water Power Company
22 361
Water Heaters
22 362
Watt Meters, Symons Block Tests
22 363
Wedel Company, Inc. (Components)
22 364
22 365
22 366
Washington Emergency Relief Ass'n. (WERA)
22 367
Westinghouse Electric Co.
22 368
22 369
Wilkins Arctic Expedition (Radio)
22 370
22 371
Worm Gear Reducer
22 372
Works Progress Administration
22 373
Wright Field (Static)
22 374
York Ice Manufacturing Co. (Refrigeration)
Subseries 1.2: 1947-1960
Box Folder
23 1
Acoustic Treatment of Gym
23 2-3
Adams-Redlich-Holt Aluminum
23 4-14
Advisory Board, (College of Engineering)
23 15
Air Force, Misc.
23 16
Air Force, R.F. Voltmeter
23 17
Air Force, Bailment Contract, jet engine
23 18
Air Force, acquisitions, Property & Equipment
23 19
Air Force, Consulting Proposal (Data Transmission)
24 20-21
Air Pollution
24 22
Air Pollutant Recorder
24 23
Air Pollution, Servo
24 24
Air Pollution Recorder
24 25
Alaska Water System, (Defense Contract Proposal)
24 26
Alaska Water System
24 27
Albrook, R.L.
24 28
American Elin Corp. (Power Tests)
24 29
Aluminum Foil Insulation
24 30
Aluminum (Adams-Redlich Holt)
24 31
Application of Supersonic Energy
24 32-34
American Society of Refrigeration Engineers
24 35
Apple Packing
25 36-38
Apple Picking
25 39
Appointment, Interim (Lloyd B. Craine)
25 40
25 41
Atom (Speech)
25 42
Bakelite, Plastics
25 43
Ballistics Research Proposal
25 44
Barlow, H.W. (Reports)
25 45
Bearings, Magnets & Springs
25 46
Beta Electric Co. (Oil filled Transformers)
25 47-56
Bonneville Power Administration
25 57
26 58
Bug Counter
26 59-60
26 61
Brown-Bovari Co. (Transformers)
26 62
Bryne, Brendon P.
26 63
Cable (Electric Transmission)
26 64
Cable Reel
26 65
Car Cooling (Railroad Refrigeration)
26 66
26 67
Cathode Rays (Defense Research Proposal)
26 68
Campus Light Switch
26 69
(Electric) Cheese Knife
26 70
Clarke, Howard F.
26 71
Clark County Public Utility District
26 72
Code Material
26 73
Coil Spools (Transformers)
26 74
Cold Lab Tests
26 75
Cold Lab
26 76
Columbia Electric Manufacturing Company (Proposal)
26 77-78
26 79
Commencement (Committee)
26 80
Committee of (Presidential Selection WSU)
27 81
Computer Center (WSU)
27 82-86
27 87-89
Division of Industrial Research-WSU
27 90
Crystal Transducers
27 91
Design Short Course
27 92
Dwo, Jon
27 93
Electronic Egg Candling
27 94
Employment Applications, 1957-1960
27 95
Engineer's Council on Professional Development Accreditation Comm.
27 96
Ephrata, Wa. (Sunlight Meter)
28 97-98
Engineering Experiment Station
28 99
Fosterite (A Resin)
28 100
28 101
Frequency Curves
28 102.1
28 102.2
Fruitamins-Design Data
28 102.3
Fruitamins-In Re: Estate of Frank Kreager
28 102.4
28 102.5
28 102.6
Fruitamins-Research Proposal
28 102.7
Fruitamins-Plant Design
28 102.8
28 102.9
28 102.1
Fruitamins-Fruit Peeler
28 102.11
28 102.12
28 102.13
Fruitamins-Plant and Process
28 102.14
Fruitamins-Patent and Administration
29 102.15
29 102.16
Fruitamins-Martenson Plan
29 102.17
Fruitamins-G.A. Brown
29 102.18
Fruitamins-"What They Say
29 102.19
Fruitamins-Cost, Budget, Process & Misc.
29 102.2
29 102.21
Fruitamins-Kreager Income Tax
29 102.22
Fruitamins-M. Kreager
29 102.23
Fruitamins-Kreager Sun Dryer
29 102.24
Fruitamins-Sales and Selling
29 102.25
Fruitamins-Letters to Prospects
29 103
Graduate Students
29 104
General Electric Student Award
29 105
Harbeson-Walker (Heat Tests)
29 106
Harrison Whey Project
29 107
Hazlet, Stewart
29 108-109
High Voltage Laboratory
29 110
Highway Tests
29 111
Hit Counter (Restricted)
29 112
Hospital Floor
30 113-115
Icing Tests
30 116
Ikstrums, Janis
30 117
Impulse Testing
30 118
Industrial Research Inland Empire
30 119-120
Industrial Research Questionnaire
30 121-122
International Geo physical Year
30 123
Institute of Technology (College of Engineering)
30 124-125
Interfraternity Council
30 126
Invention, Evidence of
30 127-132
K-Factor (Heat Tests)
30 133
Kaiser Aluminum Co.
30 134
Kazi Ahmed
30 135
KHQ Neon Light
30 136
Klemguard, Neal
30 137
Komen, Peter, Jr.
30 138
Light Meter
30 139
(Day) Light Recording Paper (Fax)
31 140-141
Liquid Air
31 142
Liquid Metal Switch Proposal
31 143
Frozen Logs and Beer Insulation
31 144
Low Temperature Lab
31 145
Magnet Wire
31 146
Magnetic Iron Research
31 147
Outline of Magnetic Proposal
31 148
Magnetic Core Data
31 149
Notes on Magnetics
31 150
Magnets, Permanent
31 151
Magnetics-Washington Area Defense Council
31 152
Magnetic Shielding
31 153
32 154
32 155
Merit Rating
32 156
Movie Subjects
32 157
National Science Foundation
32 158
Northwest Electric Light and Power Ass'n.
32 159
Oakesdale Pea Growers
32 160-162
Office of Naval Research Proposals
32 163
Osborne Electric Company (Catenary Light)
32 164
Outside Work (by College Staff)
32 165
Oyster Shucking
32 166
Pea Tester
32 167
Pending Contracts
32 168
Permanent Mailing Lists
32 169
Pickling and Cleaning Metals
32 170
32 171
Pole Tests
32 172
President's Committees, 1945
33 173
Primer Tests (Explosives)
33 174
Police Investigations (Accident)
33 175
(Washington Society of) Professional Engineers
33 176
Program Development
33 177-180
Projects and Proposals
33 181-187
Public Address System (WSU)
33 188
Radiation (Monitoring Committee for Washington)
33 189
Radiation (Atomic)
33 190
Radio Static 1954
33 191
Radio Propagation Facilities (Research Proposal)
33 192
Recording Meters
33 193
Refrigeration Manual
33 194
Refrigeration (Tech. Building)
34 195
Research Explorations, 1957
34 196
Research Reporter
34 197
Research Policy
34 198
R.F. Voltmeter (Air Force)
34 199
Roughometer tests
34 200
Rules and Regulations
34 201
Rumen Tester
34 202
St. Vincent (de Paul) Salvage Bureau Heat and Thermal Tests
34 203
Schlictig, Ralph (Stored Heat and Pump)
34 204
Schlictig, Ralph Personnel
34 205
Science Show
34 206-208
Security Clearance
35 209-211
35 212
Sickleave (and Misc.)
35 213
Sigma Xi
35 214
Space Study (for Home Laundry)
35 215
Speech Analyzer
35 216-217
35 218-219
Speed Indicator (Traffic Counter)
35 219.1
A Combination Two-Way Traffic Counter and Speed Recorder
36 220
Speedometer, Police Patrol
36 221
Sponsor Explorations (Proposals)
36 222
Staff Compensation
36 223
Stonehenge (Maryhill)
36 224
36 225
Student Help
36 226
36 227
Submarine Detecting (Proposal)
36 228
Submarine Detection
36 229
36 230
Summer Work, 1950
36 231
Summer Work, 1958
36 232
Supersonic Mixing
36 233
Switching Circuits (Computers)
36 234
Switching Circuits (Proposal)
36 235
Tank Seal (Heat Pump)
36 236
Tank Recorder
36 237
Technical Data (Misc.)
36 238
Time Sheets
36 239
36 240-244
Traffic Counter
37 245
Treasure Finding
37 246
Unifine Flour
37 247
United Nations Flag
37 248
United States Air Force (Security InformationRestricted)
37 249
United States Air Force (Property Donation)
37 250
United States Navy, Bureau of Ships
37 251
Vacuum Tube Milliammeter
37 252
Veterinary Science Weather Room (WSU)
37 253
Victory Square Heating
37 254
37 255
WSC High Voltage Lab
37 256-259
Washington Water Power Company
37 260
Weather Strip
37 261
Weak Sulphite Wash Water Treatment (Water Pollution)
37 262
Water Resources Conference (Marshall Dana)
37 263
Wells, Greek - Patent Attorney
37 264
Work Applications
37 265
Wheel Chair Patent
37 266-267
37 268
Zero Lab (Refrigeration)
Subseries 1.3: 1945-1950
Box Folder
38 1
Dana, Homer, J., (Misc. Personal)
38 2
Craine, Lloyd B.
38 3
Dana, Lucile
38 4-4.1
Englund, James S.
38 5
Engineering Experiment Station
38 6
Finch, W.G.H.
38 7
Fax (Facsimile Paper, Invention)
38 8
Flying Discs
38 9
Flay, Roy B.
38 10
Greenfield, Eugene W.
38 11
Ice & Frost Research (Roads)
38 12
Caproni Art Galleries
38 13
Invention Ideas
38 14
Lee, O.W. - Patent Attorney
38 15
National Electronics Conference, 1948
38 16
National Electronics Conference, 1950
38 17
Northwest Electric Light and Power Association
38 18
Northwest Scientific Association
38 19
Outside Consulting Service
38 20
Office of Navy Research Proposal
38 21
Police Science Report
38 22
39 23
39 24
Phi Kappa Phi
39 25
United States Bureau of Roads Projects
39 26
Patent Assignment Blanks
39 27
Personnel Blanks
39 28
Pooh Bahs (Social Club)
39 29
Public Address System
39 30
Public Address System (Bohler Gym)
39 31
Phi Kappa Tau
39 32
Quotations (Prices)
39 32.1
Roehman, Ludwig
39 33
39 34
Recorder (Tape)
39 33
Redlich-Adams-Holt Aluminum Process
39 36
Refrigeration (Cold Lab)
39 37
Research Proposals
39 38
R.F. Voltmeter
39 39
Recording Meters
39 40
Research Grants
39 41
R.F. Wattmeter
39 42
Reports of Special Tests (Heat)
39 43
Research Committee (WSU)
39 44
39 45
39 46
Graduate Students
39 47
39 48
Graduate School
39 49
Strategic Air Command
39 50
Sons of the American Revolution
39 51
Skin Temperature Recorder
40 52
Seed Cleaner, Electrostatic
40 53
Solar Heat
40 54
Special Reports
40 55
Spokane Air Force Proposal (Static)
40 56
Supersonic Focusing
40 57
40 58
Drills, Tilden Company
40 59
40 60
Expense Account
40 61
Todd Hall (P.A. System)
40 62
Transformer, High-voltage
40 63
Tech Building Dedication (Dana Hall)
40 64
Trip, Montana Meeting
40 65
Trip, Walla Walla 1949
40 66
Trip, Seattle, San Francisco
40 67
Trip, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma
40 68
40 69
Wright Field (Static Proposal)
40 70
Who's Who (in America)
40 71
Patent Assignment Agreement

Series 2: Professional Correspondence and Activities, 1947-1960Return to Top

Correspondence re: WSU Engineering Experiment Station and professional meetings and conventions.

Subseries 2.1: Correspondence, circa 1947-circa 1960

Subseries 2.2: Professional meetings, conventions and trips, 1947-1959

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 2.1: Correspondence, circa 1947-circa 1960
Box Folder
41 1
Professional Correspondence
41 2
Professional Correspondence
42 3
Professional Correspondence
42 4
Professional Correspondence
42 5
Misc. Professional Correspondence
Subseries 2.2: Professional meetings, conventions and trips
Box Folder
43 1
Trip, Boeing
43 2-3
Trip, National Electronics Conference
43 4
Trip, National Electronics Conference
43 5
Trip, Portland
43 6
Trip, Chicago, New York, Washington and Dayton
43 7
Trip, National Electronics Conference
43 8
Trip, Boeing
43 9
Trip, Chicago
43 10
Trip, Boeing
43 11
43 12
Trip, Seattle
43 13
Trip, Northwest Science Association
43 14
Professional Meetings
43 15
Travel and Expense Vouchers
43 16
Trip, Seattle
43 17
Trip, Chicago
43 18
Trip, Washington D.C.
43 19
Trip, Columbia Crossing (BPA)
44 20
Trip, Chicago, New York, Washington, Dayton and Omaha
44 21
Trip, Washington D.C.
44 22
Trip, Land Grant Association Meeting
44 23
Trip, Washington D.C.
44 24
Trip, Spokane and Portland
44 25
Trip, New York
44 26
Trip, Houston
44 27
Trip, Los Angeles
44 28
Trip, Los Angeles
44 29
Trip, Hot Springs, Arkansas
44 30
Trip, Houston, Washington and New York
44 31
Trip, Chicago
44 32
Trip, Columbus, Dayton, St. Louis and Urbana
45 33
Trip, Chicago
45 34
Trip, Northwest Science Association
45 35
Trip, Portland
45 36
Monthly Travel Expenses
45 37
Trip, Minneapolis
45 38
Trip, Chicago
45 39
Travel Vouchers
45 40
Trip, Seattle
45 41
Trip, Portland
45 42
Trip, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
45 43
Trip, Boeing
45 44
Trip, Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C.
45 45
Trip, Spokane

Series 3: Reports, 1922-1958Return to Top

Formal administrative and engineering reports of the WSU Engineering Experiment Station.

Subseries 3.1: Annual and progress reports, 1922-1958

Subseries 3.2: Engineering reports, 1922-1951

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 3.1: Annual and progress reports, 1922-1958
Box Folder
46 1
Administrative Report
46 2
46 3
46 4
46 5
46 6
46 7
46 8
Subseries 3.2: Engineering reports
Box Folder
46 1
Steam Pipe Report (WSU)
46 2
Heat Loss Report (WSU)
46 3
Steam Line Report (WSU)
46 4
Heat Calculation Report (WSU)
46 5
Experimental Projects Report
46 6
Experimental Projects Report
46 7
Experimental Projects Report
46 8
U-Factor Report
46 9
Progress Reports
46 10
Progress Reports
46 11
Progress Reports
46 12
Final Report Fascimile Paper
46 13
An Outline for a National Defense Program for the Engineering Experiment Station of the State College of Washington
46 14
Outline of Cooperative Research Projects, October

Series 4: Washington State Research Foundation, 1937-1960Return to Top

Correspondence, certificates, notes, memoranda, legal documents and other working papers of the Foundation during the years that Dana was the principal record keeper.

Subseries 4.1: Case files on major patents

Subseries 4.2: Correspondence file

Subseries 4.3: Subject files re: organization, meetings, and activities in licensing and assigning patents

Subseries 4.4: Papers of Attorney O.W. Lee, rep. of the Foundation

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 4.1: Case files on major patents
Box Folder
47 1
Highway Dept., Dana Traffic Counter
47 2
Leaching Aluminiferous Material with Sulphric Acid, Otto Redlich
47 3
Dana Method, Reducing Radio Interference in Aircraft
47 4
Dana and Clark Traffic Counter
47 5
47 6
Kermit Groves-James Marshall Spray Applications
47 7
Herluf Neilson-Eugene Cramer Metal Shielding Process
47 8
Henry Doerner-Dwight Harris Process of Concentrating Ores
47 9
Lyle Gilbertson, Otis Fortner Process of Electric Polishing of Metals
47 10
Inquiry Letters on Torque Screw Pole Tester
47 11
Dana Method of Testing Wooden Poles
47 12
Pole Tester Corres.
47 13
Sample Contracts, Assignments etc.
Subseries 4.2: Correspondence file
Box Folder
48 1
Correspondence, Executive Council
48 2
Foundation Correspondence B
48 3
Foundation Correspondence C
48 4
Foundation Correspondence D
48 5
Foundation Correspondence F
48 6
Foundation Correspondence G
48 7
Norman S. Golding method for test of bacteria count in milk
48 8-10
Norman S. Golding cheese process
48 11
Foundation Correspondence H
48 12
Foundation Correspondence J
48 13
Foundation Correspondence L
48 14
Foundation Correspondence Mc
48 15
Lee, O.W. - Patent Attorney
48 16
Meetings and Minutes
48 17
Information from H. Doerner
48 18
Northwest Magnesite Company (Doerner Harris Process)
48 19
Clement March Case, Alumina Process Patent Assignment
49 20
49 21
News Articles
49 22
Foundation Correspondence N and K
49 23
President (WSU)
49 24
Foundation Correspondence P
49 25
Doerner-Harris Process Memo
49 26
49 27
Proposed Construction, Doerner-Harris Process
49 28
Arthur W. Davis on Doerner-Harris Process
49 29
Misc. Correspondence
49 30
Westvaco Chlorine Process
49 31
Pole Tester Charts
49 32
Research Foundation Annual Report 1952
49 33
Research Foundation, Reports
49 34
Foundation Correspondence R
49 35
Foundation Correspondence S
49 36
Foundation Correspondence WY
49 37
Extra (Carbon) Copies of Correspondence
Subseries 4.3: Subject files re: organization, meetings, and activities in licensing and assigning patents
Box Folder
50 1
Local Purchase Orders (Misc. Papers)
50 2
WSC Research Foundation; Pole Tester Contract
50 3
Foundation Change-of-name
50 4
Income Tax
50 5
Dana Patent Cases
50 6
Research Corporation (New York)
50 7
Resazurin Assignment (Golding to Research Corp.)
50 8
Foundation Correspondence
50 9
Research Corporation (New York)
50 10
Research Foundation 1948-1949
50 11
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
50 12
Board Meeting, 1948
50 13
Research Foundation, General
51 14
Research Foundation, General
51 15
Assignment of Patents
51 16
N.S. Golding, Resazurin Milk Test
51 17
Union Electric Co. (Catenary Light)
51 18
Patents (Reports of Attorneys)
51 19
Polly Goodwin, Dairy Herd Computer Copyright
51 20
Patent Assignment and License Arrangement
51 21
Annual Meeting 1948
51 22
Annual Meeting 1949
51 23
Contracts for Assignments
51 24
Foundation President's File
51 25
Foundation General (Name Change)
51 26
Patents Granted (Golding; Doerner)
51 27
Licensing Contracts
51 28
Policy Statement
51 29
Patent Certificates
52 30
Patents, Canadian
52 31
Patent Application Reports
52 32
Process for Concentrating Ores Patent Application
52 33
Ernest McCulloch Milk Tester
52 34
Doerner-Harris Patent
52 35
Contract with Commercial Firm for McCulloch Milk Tester
52 36
Pole Tester Budget Conference
52 37-38
Research Foundation, Notes
Subseries 4.4: Papers of Attorney O.W. Lee, representative of the Foundation
Box Folder
53 1-7
O.W. Lee Correspondence

Series 5: Projects, 1931-1960Return to Top

Correspondence, notes, records, and drawings of Dana's principal engineering research projects

Subseries 5.1: Aviation warning light (catenary light), 1950-1960

Subseries 5.2: Emotional stress meter (lie detector), 1955-1959

Subseries 5.3: Facsimile (Fax) paper, 1948-1954

Subseries 5.4: Fruit washer, 1931-1934

Subseries 5.5: Mason City Project, 1936-1939

Subseries 5.6: Torque screw pole tester, 1938-1955

Subseries 5.7: Corona static supression in aircraft, 1938-1949

Subseries 5.8: Thermal and heating projects, 1938-1960

Subseries 5.9: Pear hardness tester, circa 1937

Container(s) Description
Subseries 5.1: Aviation warning light (catenary light), 1950-1960
Box Folder
54-55 1-30
Aviation Warning Light (Catenary Light)
Subseries 5.2: Emotional stress meter (lie detector), 1955-1959
Box Folder
56-57 1-33
Emotional Stress Meter (Lie Detector)
Subseries 5.3: Facsimile (Fax) paper, 1948-1954
Box Folder
58-62 1-51
Facsimile Paper and Broadcast (Fax)
Subseries 5.4: Fruit washer, 1931-1934
Box Folder
63 1-3
Fruit Washer
Subseries 5.5: Mason City Project, 1936-1939
Box Folder
64-65 1-18
Mason City Project
Subseries 5.6: Torque screw pole tester, 1938-1955
Box Folder
66 1-9
Torque Screw Pole Tester
Subseries 5.7: Corona static supression in aircraft, 1938-1949
Box Folder
67 1-14
Static-Notes and Short Reports
67 15-18
68 19-26
69 27-30
70 31-37
Static-Notes and Correspondence
70 38
Static-Generating Voltmeter
70 39
Static-Regulated Matter
70 40
Static-Flight Data
70 41
Static-ZKE Generator
70 42
Static-Circuits 42
70 43
71 44
71 45
Static-Pullman Mission
71 46
71 47
Static-OA Reports Nos. 15 and 17
71 48
Static-High Frequency Generator
71 49
Static-Manuscript Notes
71 50
Static-Dana Operations Analyst
71 51
Static-Transportation Schedules and Orders
71 52
Static-To Do List
71 53
Static-Tube Data
71 54
Static-Curves and Data
71 55
Static-Engine Tests Data
71 56-57
Static-Log Sheets
71 58
Static-Time Sheets
71 59
Static-Conference Notes
71 60
Static-Schenectady Mission
71 61
Static-Block and Squirter
72 62
Static-OSRD Directives
72 63
Static-OSRD, Starr
72 64
Static-OSRD, Misc.
72 65
Static-OSRD, Murray 1
72 66
Static-OSRD, Murray 11
73 67
Static-OSRD, Army
73 68
Static-OSRD, Misc.
73 69
Static, Misc.
Subseries 5.8: Thermal and heating projects, 1938-1960
Box Folder
73 1-13
Thermal and Heating Projects
74 14-25
Thermal and Heating Projects
Subseries 5.9: Pear hardness tester, circa 1937
Box Folder
74 1-3
Pear Hardness Tester

Series 6: Private Engineering Consultations and Enterprises, 1920-1968Return to Top

Papers relating to engineering research wholly or partially separate from projects undertaken at the Engineering Experiment Station.

Subseries 6.1: Correspondence, notes, records and drawings, circa 1920-1968

Subseries 6.2: Engineering consultation reports, 1925-1941

Subseries 6.3: Automobile accident consultation reports, 1960-1968

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 6.1: Correspondence, notes, records and drawings, 1920-1968
Box Folder
75 1
Air Filter, Electro static
75 2
Air Filter, Precipitron
75 3
Amplifier Couplers
75 3.1
75 3.2
Barnard, Monroe
75 3.3
Barnet House
75 4
Bed Blanket Circuits
75 5
Black Light
75 6
Chicago Trip
75 6.1
Civil Service Personnel
75 7-8
Clock (Scoreboard)
75 9-9.1
75 9.2
Desk Top
75 9.3
Dumont Oscillators
75 10
Specifications for bids
76 11-13
Emotional Stress Meter
76 14
Facsimile Paper
76 15
Engineering Tests (Misc.)
76 15.1
Engineering Data (Misc.)
76 16
Fatigue Machine
76 17
76 18
Fire Alarm Systems
76 18.1
76 19
Flight Log
76 20-20.1
Geiger Counter
76 20.2
Geophysical Year
76 21
Heat Pumps
76 21.1
76 21.2
House Heating
76 22
Ideas and Inventions
76 22.1
76 23
76 24-25
76 26
Lathe Gears
76 26.1
76 26.2
Lie Detector
76 26.3
Light Metals Foundry
76 27
Lights, TV Transmitter
76 28
Lights, TV New Proposal
77 29
Lights, Airway Signal Company
77 30
Lights, TV Tower Lights
77 31
Lights, Osborne Electric Company
77 32-33
Lights, Catenary Light
77 34
Lights, Icing Tests
77 34.1
Lights, Pictures
77 34.2
Lights, Airway Signal Corp.
77 34.3
Lights, Warning Light
77 34.4
Lights, Neon Tube
77 34.5
Lights, Movie
77 34.6
Lights, Transformer
77 35
Leica Camera
77 35.1
Meters (Watthour)
77 35.2
Meyers Falls
77 35.3
77 35.4
Multiple Data Recording
77 35.5
Noise Meter
77 36
Oil Tanks
77 37
77 38
Oscillators, Phono
77 38.1
Osipovich, A.A.
78 39
78 39.1
78 40
78 41-42
Pear Tester
78 43
Phono Circuit
78 43.1
78 44-45
Powell Residence, Furnace
78 46
Pullman Siren
78 47
78 48
RAED (Radio Audience Evaluation Device)
78 49
RAED, Pulitz Associates
78 50
RAED, Evidence of Invention
78 51
Radio Circuits
78 51.1
Radio Receiver
78 51.2
Radiation Counter
79 52
79 53
79 54
79 55
79 56
79 57
79 58
Recordex-Block Diagram
79 59
79 60
Recorder, Magazine-patents
79 61
Recorder, Magazine
79 62
Refrigeration-Old Refrigeration Plans
79 63
79 64
Refrigeration-Air Conditioning Unit
79 65
79 66
Refrigeration-Air Conditioning
79 67
79 68
Refrigeration-Wenatchee Survey
79 69
79 70
79 71
79 72
80 73
80 74
80 75
Refrigeration-Calculations, Peshastin
80 76
Refrigeration-R.L. Doutre
80 77
80 78
Refrigeration-Monitor Sunnyslope
80 79
Refrigeration-Noel Bakke, Standard Fruits
80 80
80 81
Refrigeration-Wenatchee, Final Plans
80 82-83
80 84
80 85
Refrigeration-Dow Building, Wenatchee
80 86
Refrigeration-Van Divort
80 87
Refrigeration, Valves, Automatic Control
80 88
Refrigeration-Morris Fuller
80 89
Refrigeration-Survey, 1927-1928
81 90-91
Refrigeration-Survey, 1927-1928
81 92
Refrigeration-W.L. Rimmel
81 93
Refrigeration-Columbia Milling Company
81 94
Refrigeration-Dwinnel Brothers Orchards
81 95
Refrigeration-Domestic Refrigeration
81 96
Refrigeration-Machinery Data
81 97
81 98
81 99
Refrigeration-Harcourt Taylor, Yakima
81 100
81 101
81 102
82 103
Refrigeration-Arctic Cold Storage Company, Spokane
82 104
Refrigeration-Letters, 1935
82 105
82 106
Refrigeration-Okanogan Growers' Union
82 106.1
Refrigeration-Okanogon Growers' Union, 1939
82 107
82 108
Refrigeration-Misc. Correspondence
82 109
Refrigeration, Medford Ice and Cold Storage Company
82 109.1
Refrigeration-Washington Fruit and Produce Co.
82 109.2
Refrigeration-Addition to the Odell Plant, 1946
82 109.3
Refrigeration-Rogue River Orchards, 1947
82 109.4
Refrigeration-Omak Fruit Growers
82 109.5
Refrigeration-Blue Ribbon Growers
82 110
Research Institute 1957
82 111
Research Institute Recommendations
82 112
82 113
Roof Ice
82 114
Rotating Standard (Watthour Meter)
82 115
83 115.1
Shoe Size Computer .3
84 114
Shoe Size Computer
85 115.2
Shering Bridge Tests
85 116
Sign, Accounts
85 117
Sign, Gears-Letters
85 118
Sign, Motors
85 119
Sign, Haydon Motors
85 120-121
Sign, Motor Design
86 122
Sign, Animated Sign
86 123
Sign, Drop Sign Patent
86 124
Sign, Dana-Martenson Contract
86 125
Sign, Flip Sign Quotes
86 126
Sign, Hankscraft Motors
86 127
Sign, Motor Windings
86 128
Sign, Motors
86 128.1
Sign, Gears
86 128.2
Sign, Martenson
86 128.3
Sign, Pricer-Motors
86 128.4
Sign, Plastics
86 129
Soldering Gun
86 130
Sorority House Plan
86 131
Space Program, Bob Hallam
86 132
Speedometer, Indianapolis
86 133
Speedometer, Middleton, Ohio
86 134
Speedometer, Speed Indicator
86 134.1
Speedometer, General
86 134.2
Speedometer, Radio Story
86 135
Spit for Fireplace
86 136
Static Manuscript
86 137
Steam Bath
87 138
Stump Puller, Dana Stump Puller Company
87 139
Stump Puller, Adams County Land
87 140
Stump Puller, Citations and Notes
87 141
Stump Puller, Foreign Patents
87 142
Stump Puller, Patents
87 143
Stump Puller, Lancaster and Allwine
87 144
Stump Puller, H.C. Shipman
87 145
Stump Puller, Victor Evans
87 146
Stump Puller, Misc.
88 146.1
Stump Puller, Kenny Economic Hydraulic Company
88 146.2
Stump Puller, Kenny Information
88 146.3
Stump Puller, Patent Information
88 146.4-5
Stump Puller, Victor Evans
88 146.6
Stump Puller, Patent News
88 146.7
Stump Puller, Advertising
88 146.8
Stump Puller, Spruce Splitter
88 146.9
Stump Puller, Designs
88 146.1
Stump Puller, Dana Stump Puller Company
88 146.11
Stump Puller, Stump Puller Literature
88 146.12
Stump Puller, Sale of Stump Pullers
88 146.13
Stump Puller, Letters
88 146.14
Stump Puller, A.C. Weary
88 146.15
Stump Puller, H.C. Shipman
88 146.16
Stump Puller, Ernest Moe
88 146.17
Stump Puller, E.B. Quackenbush
88 146.18
Stump Puller, J.L. Drumheller
88 146.19
Stump Puller, W.E. Howard
88 146.2
Stump Puller, O.W. Wittmer
88 147
Surgical Stitcher
88 148
Technical Data (Misc. Jobs)
88 148.1
Telemetering Data
89 149
Telephone Toll Lines
89 150-152
89 153-154
Misc. Notes
89 155
Washington Water Power Co. Stevens County, 1948
89 156
WSU Public Address System Contractor's Bids, Dana and Thornton, circa 1923
Subseries 6.2: Engineering consultation reports, 1925-1941
Box Folder
90 1
Reports of Electrical Tests for the City of Chewelah
90 2
Investigations of Premature Explosions
90 3
Oregon-Washington Report on Roughometer Tests
90 4
Report on Electrical Tests for Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Athena, Ore.
90 5
Report on Electrical Test for Western Milling Co. Pendleton, Ore.
90 6
Report on Tests of Power Meters at Western Milling Co. and Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
90 7
Report on a Test for the Overall Efficiency of the 3-Phase Power Supply a t Centennial Mills Company Spokane, Wash.
90 8
Report on the Calibration of Water Wheels of the Stevens County Light and Power Co. at Meyers Falls, Wash.
90 9
Report on Special Transformer Tests for the Washington Water Power Company
90 10
Reports on the Tests of the Condition of Poles to Determine Their Remaining Useful Life
90 11
Report on Motor Tests at Missile Site D
90 12
Report on Meters and Transformers in Chelan County
90 13
Transformers and Meters of the Washington Water Power Co.
90 14
Report 1, Study of a Plan to Convert 3-Story Apple Plants
90 15
Ace Ice Co., Plant Report
91 16
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Benton County
91 17-20
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Chelan County
91 21
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Clark County
91 22
Report of WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Cowlitz County
91 23
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Franklin County.
92 24
Report of WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Grant County
92 25
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Klickitat County
92 26-28
Report on WWP Co. Meters and Transformers in Stevens County
92 29
92 30
Reports on Equipment Tests for WWP Co.
93 31-32
Reports on Equipment Tests for WWP Co.
Subseries 6.3: Automobile accident consultation reports, 1960-1968
Box Folder
94 1
Kunkle-Beck Case, Billings
94 2
Van Hooper-Thatch Case, Portland
94 3
Unnamed Parties, Moscow
94 4
Washington Water Power Co. Truck, Pullman
94 5
Pontiac-Triumph Crash, Moscow
94 6
Kimble Harvester Wreck, Pullman
94 7
Wright-Wrenchy Collision, Othello
94 8
Schwindiman Truck Case, Connell
95 9
Chandler-Brynes Collision, Walla Walla
95 10
Strobel Case, Big Timber, Montana
95 11
Nuxoll Truck Case, Cotton wood, Idaho
95 12
Baldwin-Dunn Collision, Hay
95 13
Dana-Baird Collision, Colfax
95 14
Pile-up at Havana and Mission, Spokane
95 15
Dana Accidents
95 16
Dana Accident, Spokane
95 17
Notes on Auto Cases
95 18
Chelan Crop Duster
95 19
Powerline Case, Steptoe Canyon
96 20
Snake River Range (kitchen) Fire
96 21
Hooper Case
96 22
Ford Tractor Upset Case (Price vs. Larabee)

Series 7: Personal and Family Papers, 1910-1968Return to Top

Correspondence, diaries and journals, manuscripts, articles, speeches, photographs and recordings re: family matters, hobbies such as photography and recordings, and other interests.

Subseries 7.1: Correspondence, circa 1914-1968

Subseries 7.2: Classroom teaching, circa 1923

Subseries 7.3: Diaries and journals, 1919-1967

Subseries 7.4: Manuscripts of articles and speeches circa 1930-circa 1960

Subseries 7.5: Photographs of Dana and family, engineering projects, Washington State University and vicinity, circa 1910-1960

Subseries 7.6: Recordings, chiefly of Dana's addresses, circa 1941-1957

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 7.1: Correspondence, circa 1914-1968
Box Folder
97 1
Abandoned Chrysler
97 2
Air Force
97 3
Air Force T.O.
97 4
Air Force Consultant
97 5
American Society of Refrigeration Engineers
97 5.1
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
97 6
97 6.1
Athens Club
97 7
Bank Business 1920
97 8
97 9
Bills and Receipts
97 10
Blue Ribbon Growers
97 11
Camera Items
97 12
97 13-14
Car Insurance
97 15
California Trip
97 16
Civil Defense
97 17
Columbia Basin
97 18
97 19
Crimson Circle
98 20-22
Dana Family Corres.
98 23
Dana Business
98 24
Dana, Blanche (Williams)
99 25
Dana, Blanche (Williams)
99 26
Dana, Harry
99 27
Dana, Luther
99 28
Dana, Homer - publicity
99 29
Diplomas, Certificates, Registry Cards, etc.
99 30
Draft 1918
99 31
Early Birds
99 32
99 33-34
Farm Appliances, Inc.
99 35-36
Financial Papers
100 37-39
Financial Papers
100 40
Fraternity Advisor
101 41-43
Fraternity Advisor
101 44
101 45
Garrard Phonograph
101 46
101 47
Hicks Chemical Company
101 48
High School Reunion
101 49
House Designs
101 50
101 51
Income Taxes
102 52-54
Income Taxes
102 55
102 56-57
102 58-59
102 60
102 61
Logged-off land
102 62
MacCartney Case
102 63
Military Engineer
103 64-67
Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence
104 68-71
Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence
105 72-76
Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence
106 77-78
Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence
106 79-81
107 82
Northwest Electric Light and Power Association
107 83
Operation (Surgery) Insurance
107 84
107 85
107 86
Personal Data
107 87
Positions and Inquiries
107 88
Position Survey
107 89
Portland Trip
108 90
President (WSU) Office
108 91
Professional Engineers
108 92
Puzzle Solutions
108 93
Radio Guild
108 94
Radio Operator's License
108 95
Real Estate
109 96
Residence (703 Linden)
109 97
Rho Epsilon
109 98
109 99
Sons of the American Revolution
109 100
Social Security
109 101
Spanish Swindle
109 102
Speeches, 1946
110 103-104
Speeches and papers
110 105
Staff Strike of 1943
110 106
Student Strike of 1936
110 107
Student Notes of Homer Dana
110 108
Subversive Oath
111 109
111 110
111 110.1
111 111
Unidentified Flying Objects (NICAP)
111 112-113
Viking, Runestones, Petroglyphs, Prehistory
111 114
111 115
Williams, Merle
111 116
112 117
Ledger Book (Dana Records)
Subseries 7.2: Classroom teaching, circa 1923
Box Folder
112 1
Classroom Teaching Materials
Subseries 7.3: Diaries and journals, circa 1919-1967
Box Folder
112 1
112 2
112 3
112 4
113 5
113 6
113 7
113 8
113 9
113 10
113 11
113 12
113 13
113 14
113 15
113 16
113 17
113 18
113 19
113 20
113 21
Washington D.C. Notes
113 22
Odd Notes
113 23
Odd Notes
113 24-25
Address Book
113 26-29
Subseries 7.4: Manuscripts of articles and speeches, circa 1930-1960
Box Folder
114 1
The Slave Unit MSS
114 2
Energy in Autos HISS
114 3
Electrical Heat Storage at Bonneville MSS
114 4
Farm Freezing Unit MSS
114 7.1
Plant MSS
114 5
Airplane Crashes MSS
114 6
Heat Storage in Domestic Use MSS
114 7
Electric Heat at Grand Coulee Dam MSS
114 8
Corona Discharge at High Altitudes MSS
114 9
Effect of Air Speed on Precipitation Charging MSS
114 10
Historic Sketch of Electricity in the Inland Empire MSS
114 11
These Wonders I Have Seen MSS
115 12
Emotional Stress Meter MSS
115 13
Warning Light MSS
115 14
Corona Discharge MSS
115 15
Oil Filled Transformers MSS
115 16
Manuscripts of Highway Tests Reports MSS
115 17
Heat Storage MSS
115 18
How to Build the Farm Freezing Plant MSS
115 19
Home Heating MSS
115 20
Highway Studies MSS
115 21
Miscellaneous MSS Material
115 22
B.S. and M.S. Theses
115 23
Tales of a Civilian Flying in Large Military Aircraft
115 24
M.E. Thesis
Subseries 7.5: Photographs of Dana and family, engineering projects, Washington State University and vicinity, circa 1910-1960
Box Folder
116 1-4
Dana, Family etc.
117 5-5.1
Dana, Family etc.
118 5.2-5.5
Dana, Family etc.
119 5.6-5.7
Dana, Family etc.
120 6-8
Engineer Projects
121 8.1-8.3
Engineer Projects
122 8.4-8.5
Engineer Projects
123 8.6-8.8
Engineer Projects
124 9-10.1
WSU and Pullman
125 11
Phi Kappa Tau
125 12
Pooh Bahs
125 13
Unidentified Persons
125 14
Scenes, Objects, Bldgs.
126 15-16
Scenes, Objects, etc.
127 16.1-16.3
Scenes, Objects, etc.
127 17
Grand Coulee Dam
Subseries 7.6: Recordings, chiefly of Dana's addresses, 1941-1957
Box Folder
128 1
Carpenter Hall Dedication (Wire Recording)
128 2
Dana Hall Dedication, 1960 (Tape Recording)
128 3
The Wheel That Turns, Address (Tape Recording)
128 4
KWSC College Radio 35th Anniversary: Part I (Tape Recording)
128 5
KWSC College Radio 35th Anniversary: Part II (Tape Recording)

Series 8: Drawings and Blueprints, 1920-1940Return to Top

Original drawings and blueprint copies of several of Dana's mechanical and electrical designs.

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
O.S. 1
Stump Puller Drawings and Blueprints
O.S. 2
Refrigeration Drawings and Blueprints
O.S. 3
Scoreboard Clock Drawings and Blueprints
O.S. 4
Stevens County Light and Power Company Water Wheel Charts
O.S. 5
Residential Building Drawings and Blueprints
O.S. 6
Misc. Drawings and Blueprints

Series 9: AdditionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
129 1
Air Pollution Recorder
Would properly be placed in Series
129 2
American Red Cross (Flood)
Would properly be placed in Series
129 3
Bonding Agent for Concrete Blocks
Would properly be placed in Series
129 4
Carpenter Hall Dedication
Would properly be placed in Series
129 5
Catenary Light
Would properly be placed in Series 5.1.31
129 6
Compton, Wilson
Would properly be placed in Series 7.1.18
129 7
Cold Lab Designs
Would properly be placed in Series
129 8
Corona (Static)
Would properly be placed in Series 5.7.70
129 9
Would properly be placed in Series
130 10
Emotional Stress Meter
Would properly be placed in Series 5.2.34
130 11
Expenses, (Lab and time slip)
Would properly be placed in Series
130 12
Fax Paper
Would properly be placed in Series 5.3.52
130 13
Would properly be placed in Series
130 14
House Heating
Would properly be placed in Series
130 15
High Voltage Mobile Lab.
Would properly be placed in Series
131 16
K-Factor Hot Plate
Would properly be placed in Series 5.8.28
131 17
Merit Rating
Would properly be placed in Series
131 18
Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence
Would properly be placed in Series 7.1.79
131 19
Miscellaneous Professional Correspondence
Would properly be placed in Series 2.1.6
131 20
Would properly be placed in Series 7.5.18
circa 1914-1965
131 21
Research Proposals
Would properly be placed in Series
131 22
Stump Puller, Pumps
Would properly be placed in Series
131 23
Sunlight Study
Would properly be placed in Series
131 24
Torque Screw Pole Tester
Would properly be placed in Series 5.6.10
131 25
Transformers, new oil filled type
Would properly be placed in Series
131 26
Voice Compression
Would properly be placed in Series
131 27
Report-Woodbox and Planer Shavings as Insulation
Would properly be placed in Series 6.2.33
131 28
Would properly be placed in Series