Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Claude and Catherine Simpson Papers, circa 1900-1988
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Simpson, Claude and Catherine
- Title
- Claude and Catherine Simpson Papers
- Dates
- circa 1900-1988 (inclusive)19001988
- Quantity
- 5 cubic feet
- Collection Number
- MG 115 (collection)
- Summary
- Correspondence, taped interviews, and photographs used for the Simpson's books on Priest Lake, Idaho history, North of the Narrows and Panhandle Personalities.
- Repository
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845 - Access Restrictions
The collection is open to the public. Researchers must use the collection in accordance with the policies of the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives.
- Languages
- This collection is in English.
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Claude Lewis Simpson was born in Colton, Washington on December 15, 1906. He received a B.A. degree from Eastern Washington University and a B. Ed. and a M.A. degree from Washington State University (WSU). He taught eight years in public schools in Washington. In 1943, he was appointed Specialist in School Services at WSU. He was appointed the first Director of Admissions at WSU in 1946. In 1953 he became Registrar and Editor of the University Catalog. He was a founding member of the Priest Lake Coalition, Inc. He died in Spokane, Washington, in November 1999.
Catherine Diener Simpson was born near Wilbur, Washington. She attended grade schools in Alberta (Canada) and Washington. She is a graduate of Newport High School, Newport, Washington. She received a teaching certificate from Eastern Washington University and a B.A. degree from Washington State University. She taught grade school in Washington, Alaska, and New South Wales (Australia). During World War II she was secretary to the Dean of Men at WSU. For fourteen years she was Director of the Pullman Private Kindergarten and for three years was Kindergarten Coordinator for the Pullman Public Schools.
Claude and Catherine married on June 13, 1936. They had three children: Jack Simpson, Charles Simpson, and Peggy Simpson Yates, who preceded her father in death.
Claude and Catherine Simpson co-authored two books published by the University of Idaho Press entitled North of the Narrows: Men and Women of the Upper Priest Lake Country, Idaho (1981) and Panhandle Personalities: Biographies from the Idaho Panhandle (1984).
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The research material of Claude and Catherine Simpson for their book about Priest Lake entitled North of the Narrows is contained in three archival file boxes which occupy approximately three linear feet of shelf space. They were donated to the University of Idaho Library by the Simpsons in October 1982.
The items in the collection include research notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, several drafts of the manuscript and many photographs. Also included are 14 cassette tapes of interviews with six families closely associated with Priest Lake and 25 cassette recordings which were made in connection with Mr. Simpson's current project, a book to be entitled "Panhandle Personalities," which he hopes to complete in 1983. The photographs in the collection include many of the illustrations in North of the Narrows as well as related photographs which were not used.
The final series contains 15 notebook diaries (1943-1962) and five photograph albums which belonged to Warren P. Upham, a Forest Service timber cruiser in the Priest Lake region.
The contents of this archival group are related in more detail in the following Description of Series.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Claude and Catherine Simpson Papers, MG 115. Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Maintaining a regard for provenance, the basic research materials were left in their original order, i.e., the material in Series I is in alphabetical order, the printer's copy of the manuscript in Series II is in publication order. The remaining material in Series II has been arranged according to the type of material, e.g., correspondence, notes, clippings, reviews.
The first 113 photographs were numbered in accordance with the "figure" numbers in the book, therefore if no picture is available for a particular illustration the number has not been used. The remaining photographs were arranged by subject and numbered consecutively from 114 to 317. There are some prints and negatives which were not identified or did not relate to the Priest Lake area; these were left uncataloged and were placed at the end of the numbered photographs.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Research Notes and Early Drafts Return to Top
This series consists of 43 folders arranged in alphabetical order. The folders contain research notes, newspaper clippings, transcripts of interviews, and correspondence. Listed below are the folder headings with a brief description of the contents of each. The file cards for this series contain a more detailed list of the contents of each folder.
Description | Dates |
Allen, Harriet: Two letters about W.W.
Slee |
Allen-A-Dale: Typed copies of two letters
from Myrtle Allen to friends, both written in 1962, and two drafts of
the chapter on Allen-A-Dale |
Angstadt, Aunt Belle: Manuscript notes,
photocopies of several articles on Belle's murder of Jack Burnette, and
two drafts of the Belle Angstadt chapter |
Band Story: Brief history of the Priest
River Band, typescript of a chapter of the book, later deleted, and a
note dealing with Nell Shipman's relationship with the band |
Beardmore, Charles W. Notes on the fire
screen belonging to Vivienne Beardmore McAlexander (see photo #213a,b)
several newspaper articles on the Beardmore family, and two drafts of
the Beardmore chapter |
Bears: Notes, newspaper clippings and
drafts of the Bear Stories chapter |
Beaver Creek Camp Association:
Correspondence, newspaper articles, notes on the history of BCCA and
drafts of the chapter |
Beaver Creek Ranger Station: Notes on
Warren Upham, draft of a letter to Mrs. Upham, and drafts of the BCRS
chapter |
Boats: Newspaper clippings, miscellaneous
holograph notes, and two drafts of the chapter dealing with boats on
Priest Lake |
Branyan, Harold: Correspondence and
information about him |
Chase, Pete: Miscellaneous notes from
various sources and two drafts of the chapter |
Cougar Gus: Miscellaneous notes and the
holograph draft of the chapter |
Diener, Hank: Transcript of an interview
with Diener about forest fires |
Dogs and Donkeys: Miscellaneous notes from
various sources |
Duffill Family: Correspondence from family
members, notes of an interview with George and Mary Duffill, and two
drafts of the chapter |
Elkins, Ike, Sue, and Jan: notes of a 1977
interview with the Elkins and two drafts of the chapter |
Fish: newspaper clippings, correspondence
from Karl C. Paulson of the Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, and two drafts
of the chapter |
Forest Lodge: Transcript of an Interview
with Madlyn Byars Gillis and two drafts of the Forest Lodge chapter
Geisinger Story: Transcript of an
interview with Fern Geisinger, correspondence with her (which includes
her recipe for Hawaiian Belle Pie which was mentioned in the book) and
two drafts of the chapter |
Hagman, Art: Letter from family members
and two drafts of the chapter on the Resort |
Hungate Family: Notes on the family,
letters from family members, information on the forest fires of 1926,
and two drafts of the chapter |
Hurst, Rose: Newspaper clippings
correspondence from Laura Hurst, transcript of a 1972 interview with
Rose Hurst and two drafts of the chapter |
Introduction and Preface: Notes on the
history of the Priest Lake area, articles on Priest River and the
Kaniksu National Forest, article on the geology of the Priest Lake area,
and several drafts of both the introduction and the preface |
Jacky, Martha Ahrens: Letters, notes on
the family, and two drafts of the chapter |
Klockmann, A.K.: newspaper article
entitled "'The A.K. Klockmann Diary" and notes on Klockmann's grizzly
bear story |
Libby, John: Letter from Dean Stevens
Markham, Capt.: Several letters from Elsie
Markham Calvert, notes on the Markham family, and two drafts of the
chapter |
Martin, Ada Mae: Transcript of a 1977
interview and two drafts of the chapter |
Mines: Miscellaneous notes from various
sources and two drafts of the chapter |
Moulton, Dad: Copy of Claude Simpson's
article on Dad Moulton published in Incredible Idaho,
Winter 1977-78, Miscellaneous notes, and three drafts of the chapter
Nordman/Hagar: Miscellaneous notes and a
newspaper article |
Overmyer, Dorothy Winslow: Correspondence,
transcript of a 1978 interview, and two drafts of the chapter
Shipman, Nell - Articles: Nina Shipman's
book How to Become an Actor in Television Commercials,
articles on Lloyd T. Peters (Nell's cameraman), an article on Barry
Shipman (her son), copy of an article on Nell submitted to
Incredible Idaho, nine newspaper and magazine
articles on Nell Shipman |
Shipman, Nell - Correspondence: Letters to
or from R. Hungate, R.P. Peterson, Lloyd Peters, Samuel K. Rubin, Tom
Fulbright, William T. Leonard, Rene & Jack (no last name given), and
Barry Shipman |
Shipman, Nell - Dedication: Notes on Nell,
Barry, and Nina Shipman, agenda and schedule for the dedication
ceremonies, correspondence, and copies of several speeches and tributes
Shipman, Nell - Notes: Notes taken from
the Priest River Times, Nell's biography and other
sources, and two drafts of "The Shipman Saga" |
Six Shooter Jack: Miscellaneous research
notes, holograph draft of an article "The Kerr Sisters & Six Shooter
Jack", and two drafts of the chapter |
Smith, Perl (Resort): Two drafts of the
chapter |
Stevens, Kathy: Miscellaneous notes,
obituary notice, letter from John W. Libby, and two drafts of the
chapter |
Sylvia Gumaer Burwell: Aerial view of
Trapper Creek Subdivision, transcripts of two interviews correspondence
from Sylvia and Don Gumaer, six letters to Joe Gumaer from Jack Ruhle,
and two drafts of the chapter |
1932-1933 |
Upper Priest Land Deal: Map showing the
area involved, two 1965 congressional reports and a copy of Public Law
89-34 to extend the boundaries of the Kaniksu National Forest, and
records of land transfers |
Wheatley, Idaho: Photocopy of the 1908
homestead certificate of Cecil H, Wheatley, two letters from Bob
Wheatley, copy of Cecil Wheatley's death certificate, correspondence
from the Wheatley family, newspaper article on C.H. Wheatley, and two
drafts of the chapter on Wheatley, Idaho |
White, Bob: Copy of a portion of a 1977
interview |
Series II. Final Draft and Other Publication Material Return to Top
The first part of this series consists of a photocopy of the final typescript which includes corrections and notes for placement of the illustrations, and a copy of both the first and second printings of the book. Correspondence with the University Press of Idaho and other miscellaneous correspondence, several newspaper clippings, notes, and autographs and reviews comprise the second part.
Description | Dates |
Printer's Copy of the Manuscript (each
chapter is in a separate folder) |
Preface. 4 p. |
Introduction. 4 p. |
Forest Lodge. 13 p. |
Boats. 6 p. |
Capt. Markham - Master Boat Builder
and Pilot. 4 p. |
Allen-A-Dale. 4 p. |
Rose Hurst - In the Shadow of Chimney
Rock. 24 p. Mines. 7 p. |
Charles W. Beardmore. 2 p.
The Priest River Band's Big blow. 5 p.
(Deleted before publication) Aunt Belle Angstadt. 7 p. |
Tall Bear Tales. 10 p. |
The Duffill Duo and Daddy. 14 p.
Pete Chase. 7 p. |
The Geisinger Story - An Incredible
Epic. 26 p. |
Beaver Creek Ranger Station. 20 p.
Huntate Relates Firefighting
Experiences During Huge Fire of 1926. 5 p. |
Fish, Folly, Facts, and Man's
Foolishness. 7 p. |
The Elkins. 15 p. |
Dorothy Winslow Overmyer. 7 p.
The Shipman Saga. 30 p. |
Sylvia. 15 p. |
Wheatley, Idaho - The Town That Almost
Was. 6 p. |
Edward "Dad" Moulton -
Man-About-Priest-Lake- 4 p. |
Six Shooter Jack. 3 p. |
Matchless Ada Mae Martin. 9 p.
Martha Ahrens Jacky. 2 p. |
The Hungates. 7 p. |
Kathleen Stevens. 7 p. |
Cougar Gus. 5 p. |
Pioneer Arthur Hagman. 3 p.
Hagman's Resort. 2 p. |
Perl Smith Resort. 1 p. |
Beaver Creek Camp Association, Inc. 20
p. |
North of the Narrows; Men and Women
of the Upper Priest Lake Country, Idaho. - by Claude and
Catherine Simpson. (Moscow, University Press of Idaho) 305 p.
The book was first printed in May, a corrected version appeared in
1981 |
Correspondence - University Press of Idaho
Lists for picture placement
Typescript of the Index |
Set-up for "About the Authors"
Style guidelines used by the
University Press |
List of Revisions for the second
printing |
Correspondence with Earl Larrison and
others |
1979-1981 |
Correspondence - Miscellaneous
Correspondence - University Press of Idaho
These letters deal with the possible publication of the book, the
publication of articles on Priest Lake, and Forest Service work on the
Thorofare. A list of correspondents and dates of letters follows.
Association for the Humanities in
Idaho |
1979 |
Bonner County Historical Society, Inc. |
1977, 1980 |
Caxton Printers |
1978, 1980 |
Church, Senator Frank |
1973 |
High Country (Editor) |
undated |
Idaho Yesterdays
(Editor) |
undated |
Incredible Idaho
(Editor) |
1978 |
Idaho. Bureau of Mines |
1978 |
Idaho. State Historical Society |
1978, 1979 |
Idaho. State Library |
1978 |
Moratto, Michael J. (US Forest
Service) |
1979 |
North Idaho College, Library |
1978 |
US Library of Congress. Copyright
Office |
1980 |
University of Idaho, Library |
1978, 1981 |
Ye Galleon Press |
1978 |
FI TO SE Miscellaneous Clippings:
There are nine clippings which deal with upper Priest Lake and
Kaniksu State Park |
Miscellaneous Notes: Notes dealing
with Priest Lake personalities or incidents; Lists of people
interviewed for "Panhandle Personalities;" Beaver Creek Camp
Association membership list, August 1977; Typescript copy of a
history of Colton, Washington written by Clarence Gowell in 1888,
and printed in Colton News March 2 & 9, 1933
North of the Narrows - Autographs:
Several newspaper articles dealing with autograph parties; Lists of
people to whom the book was sent and also some of the inscriptions
North of the Narrows - Reviews &
Criticisms: Notes of a critics' meeting, 1979; Notes of critics'
comments, August 1979; Letter asking Harry Nelson to review the book
and a copy of his review; Review published in Golden Days
Reporter, July-August 1981 |
Series III. Photographs and Tape Recordings Return to Top
The photographs in this collection consist of original prints, copies of originals, and negatives; there are also a few slides. Some prints are black and white, others are colored. The file cards prepared as an index to the photographs give a detailed description of the physical nature of the items.
The first two folders contain some of the pictures used as illustrations in North of the Narrows--these are numbered to agree with the figure numbers in the book, which accounts for the missing numbers in the following list. The remaining photographs were arranged by subject, e.g., people, animals, Shipman Point Dedication, etc., and numbered consecutively from 114 to 317. There are some pictures in the collection which have no apparent relationship to the book or the Priest Lake area, these have not been cataloged.
The cassette tapes are in two groups, the first are the interviews for North of the Narrows, the second those for Claude Simpson's projected book "Panhandle Personalities." In addition to the interviews there are also six tapes of old Edison records.
Description | Dates |
A Numerical List of Photographs
1: Aerial view of the U.S.-Canadian
Boarder 17 miles north of Priest Lake |
3: Samuel Tilden Byars |
4: Grace Byars |
5: Madlyn Byars |
6: Forest Lodge |
1935 |
7: Group sitting on the steps of Forest
Lodge |
1915 |
8: Forest Lodge |
1921 |
9: Steamboat W.W. Slee leaving Canoe
Point |
1915 |
15: George Watson and son True standing by
the launch Swastika |
16: Ruins of steamboat Tyee II in Mosquito
bay |
1977 |
21: Front view of Andy Coolin's mine cabin |
1978 |
22: Rear view of Andy Coolin's mine cabin |
1978 |
23: Nickleplate Mine location, Nordman,
Idaho |
1977 |
25: Beardmore horse-drawn stage |
1912 |
26: Beardmore auto-stage advertisement
27: Al Piper |
1960 |
28: Mary Duffill on top of the Lone Star
Ranch Rock |
1924 |
29: Catherine Yates on Lone Star Ranch
Rock |
1978 |
30: Mary Duffill and Aunt Belle Angstadt |
1924 |
32: Catherine Yates in front of main cabin
at Gregory Farm |
1978 |
33: Standpipe for Lone Star Ranch |
1978 |
34: George Duffill |
1920 |
35: William "Daddy" Duffill |
36: Mary Duffill with her foot on the
launch '"Papoose" |
37: Mary Duffill driving a dog team |
1923 |
38: Bill Donaldson driving piling for his
houseboat |
39: Mary Duffill Donaldson standing in
snow |
1933 |
40: Daddy Duffill's wood pile |
1921 |
41: Madlyn Byars and Mary Duffill as Huck
Finn and Tom Sawyer |
1923 |
42: Mary Duffill and Madlyn Byars as "'The
Gladiators" |
1921 |
43: Pete Chase and Frank Algren
46: Pete Chase loading ore on his dock
47: Elmer Stone setting a trap on Chase
Lake |
60: Mules waiting to be loaded
61: Mules loaded with equipment for an air
strip runway |
1939 |
62: Group in doorway of original cabin on
Lookout Mountain |
1977 |
65: New Lookout Mountain cabin built in
1966-1967 |
1977 |
66: Julie Turnbull standing by a Jeep |
1977 |
69: Green Bonnet Lookout |
71: Wash house and boiler room at Old
beaver Creek Ranger Station |
1970s |
74: Beaver Creek Ranger Station, Ranger's
cabin |
1930 |
76: Couple looking at the day's catch of
cutthroat trout |
1933 |
77: Day's catch of cutthroats caught on a
dry fly |
1950 |
79: Two men holding a string of fish |
1920's |
80: Aerial view of the mouth of the
Thorofare |
1978 |
81: Drift Inn, Priest Lake, Idaho |
1978 |
82: Nell Shipman and Dot Overmyer by a
tent in the snow |
1923 |
83: Nell Shipman and others on a sled |
1923 |
84: Nell Shipman and others standing
outside of a log cabin |
1923 |
85: Nell Shipman, Dot Overmyer and Ralph
(the leading man) |
1923 |
86: Nell Shipman and others on location
near Lion Creek |
1923 |
87: Cabins at Lionhead Lodge |
1923 |
90: Remains of Lionhead Movie Camp privy |
1966 |
92: Invitation to the dedication of
Shipman Point |
1977 |
97: Bell Shipman |
1920's |
107: Edward "Dad" Moulton |
108: Edward "Dad" Moulton and his dog |
1905 |
110: Bill Jacky and Clark Miller's
amphibian device with player piano on board |
1977 |
111: Elmer Berg's cabin |
1978 |
113: Ora Ludeman, "Old Man Chief", Elmer
Berg, and Stanley Spurgeon |
1930 |
114: Mountain goats at a salt lick
115: Mountain goats |
116: Mountain goat on porch of a lookout
117: Mountain goat in doorway of the first
cabin on Lookout Mountain |
1930 |
118: Pack horses in Beaver Creek Corral
119: B. Markham packing a mule |
1921 |
120: Stanley Spurgeon with pack mules |
1932 |
121: Pack string crossing mouth of Upper
Priest River |
1932 |
122: Mules on a barge |
1932 |
123: Pack string in front of Beaver Creek
Ranger Station |
1932 |
124: Pack string being fed at a stable
125: Mary Duffill with pack mules |
1932 |
126: Horses pulling a load of logs
127: Pack animals |
128: Horses and riders |
129: Pet llama |
130: Bear cubs in a tree |
131: Fawn in the grass |
132: Deer foraging in the snow, Priest Lake
area |
1938 |
133: Dog team hauling freight |
134: Mary Duffill with one of Nell
Shipman's dog teams |
1923 |
135: Man sitting in a rowboat |
136: Sam and Madlyn Byars in a canoe
137: The Byars' fleet across the Thorofare
from Forest Lodge |
1923 |
138: Sam Byars' motor launch "Papoose" |
1920's |
139: Byars' fleet towing Shaffer's camp up
the Thorofare |
140: Two rowboats on Priest Lake
141: Ivan Painter in a Can't Sink-um boat
142: Girl sitting in a motor boat
143: Al Piper's cabin on the Thorofare |
1966 |
144: Prater Ranch |
145: Nordman, Idaho |
1921 |
146: Harmony House, Cedar Creek Landing
Bayview, ID |
147: Forest Lodge |
148: Homestead House, Reeder Creek Road |
1978 |
149: Nordman School |
1916 |
150: Front view of Andy Coolin's mine cabin |
1978 |
151: Snow covered trapper's cabin |
1935 |
152: Original Nordman post office
153: Seven photograph of the remains of the
buildings on the Gregory Farm, Bear Creek, Priest Lake Id |
1978 |
154: Remains of a hay mower and buzz saw
frame, Gregory Farm |
155-160: Views of the Beaver Creek Ranger
Station |
161: Beaver Creek Ranger Station sign
hanging from a post |
162: View of unidentified barnyard
163: Lone Star Ranch Rook |
1978 |
164: Belle Angstadt's tombstone, Priest
River Cemetery |
1978 |
165: Boulder Lookout |
1925 |
166: Blacktail Mountain Lookout |
1932 |
167: Coolin Ranger Station |
1934 |
168: Hughes Ridge Lookout |
169: Green Bonnet Lookout |
1935 |
170: Catherine Simpson in doorway of
original cabin on Lookout Mountain |
1977 |
171: Lookout Mountain's new lookout |
1977 |
172: Forest Service lookout |
173: Forest Service lookout |
174: Sundance Mountain fire viewed: from
Elkins' Resort |
1967 |
175: Two couples with a string of fish
176: Couple admiring large catch of fish |
1933 |
177: Couple with beaver pelts, a fox, and
string of fish |
1935 |
178: Dogs guarding bodies of two cougars |
1934 |
179: Mary Duffill with her "winter's meat" |
1933 |
180: Two men with rifles on a houseboat
181: William "Daddy" Duffill |
182: Duffill family |
183: Daddy Duffill with daughter-in-law
Beulah and her two children |
184: Madlyn Byars outside of Forest Lodge
185: Mary Duffill and Madlyn Byars on steps
of Forest Lodge |
1928 |
186: Group on steps of Forest Lodge |
1915 |
187: Two couples of a wooden raft |
1920's |
188: Barry Shipman as a child wearing
snowshoes |
1923 |
189: Leonard Paul and Mary Duffill in front
of his store in Coolin |
1922 |
190: Ike Daugherty |
191: Lavina Geisinger with her pet fox
Jinny |
1925 |
192: Lavina and Al Geisinger |
193: Fern and Earl Geisinger |
1926 |
194: Mary Duffill and friend on horseback |
1932 |
195: Elmer Berg's tombstone |
1978 |
196: Catherine and Charlotte Diener in
bathing suits |
1933 |
197: Mildred and Henry Diener |
1933 |
198: Group sitting on log pile at Beaver
Creek Ranger Station |
1933 |
199: Several men on dock having just
returned from a successful hunting trip |
200: Four fire fighters from Beaver Creek
Ranger Station |
1930's |
201: Stanley Spurgeon in front of Elmer
Berg's cabin |
202: George Yacorzynski |
1929 |
203: Coyle Bowman, Pete Chase, Frank Brown
"Snider", Fern and Earl Gieisinger |
204: Rose and Harry Myer |
1977 |
205: Sylvia Gumaer Burwell |
1978 |
206: Hallie Griswold |
207: Group, including the Simpsons, on
Lookout Mountain |
1978 |
208: Bob White and Claude Simpson |
1977 |
209: Jesse and Dorothy Underwood
210: Man standing on a porch |
211: Two men by a log building |
212: Two unidentified men |
213: Fireplace screen depicting Bonner
County animals on one side and Kalispell Indians on the other |
1977 |
214: Three black and white views of a
diorama of Priest Lake animals in Leonard Paul's store Coolin, Idaho |
1977 |
215: Nine color photographs of the above
diorama |
1978 |
216: View looking east from the mouth of
Bear Creek |
1978 |
217: Mouth of Bear Creek |
1978 |
218: Original dam at Outlet, Priest Lake |
1978 |
219: Swamp land at Bear Creek |
1978 |
220: Bear Creek |
1978 |
221: Remains of a dock north of Bear Creek |
1978 |
222: Footbridge over Lion Creek
223: View of Priest Lake from top of
Lookout Mountain |
224: Winter scene, taken on north side of
Lookout Mountain |
1933 |
225: Mary Duffill standing under
snow-covered trees on Lookout Mountain |
1933 |
226: Snow-covered trees near top of Lookout
Mountain |
1933 |
227: Shipman Point, Priest Lake |
1977 |
228: Shipman Point snowing the remains of
Tyee II |
1977 |
229: Lion Creek |
1977 |
230: Cabins on Priest Lake |
231: Priest Lake |
232: Rock pile and logs to build Blacktail
Mountain lookout |
1929 |
233: Camping on the shore of Priest Lake
234-238: Priest Lake as seen from Coolin |
December 1953 |
239: Coolin, Idaho, taken from in front of
Leonard Paul's store |
December 1953 |
240: Leonard Paul's store |
1953 |
241: Houses in Coolin with snow piled on
the roofs |
1953 |
242: Jimmy Hodge shoveling snow |
1953 |
243: Clare and Harold Branyan standing in
the snow |
1953 |
244: Leonard Paul's house in Coolin |
1953 |
245: Handy's hotel, Coolin, Idaho |
1953 |
246: Jane Branyan |
1953 |
247: Clare Branyan |
1953 |
248: Snow plow removing snow from main
street in Priest River |
1953 |
249: Priest River as seen from a window in
the Lorraine Hotel |
1953 |
250: Main street of Priest River |
1953 |
251: Priest River seen from the Lorraine
Hotel |
1953 |
252: Harold and Clare Branyan in the lobby
of the Lorraine Hotel |
1953 |
253: Car damaged by tornado |
August 6, 1976 |
254: Aerial view of Navigation Ranger Camp
Ground the day after the tornado |
August 7, 1976 |
255: Chimney rook |
1978 |
256: Aerial view of Priest Lake from the
East |
257-258: Aerial view of mountains above Priest
Lake |
259: Aerial view of the mouth of Priest
River |
260-261: Aerial view of Priest Lake
262-263: Drift fence at the Thorofare |
1966 |
264-270: Two photographs of Nell Shipman, the
others are views of Lionhead movie camp |
1923 |
271: Shipman Points, Priest Lake, Idaho |
1978 |
272: Site of cameraman's house, Lionhead
Movie Camp |
1966 |
273-301: Pictures taken at the dedication of
Shipman Point |
August 31, 1977 |
302: Martha Jacky with her daughter and two
granddaughters in front of her cabin |
1977 |
303: Jacky and Bennett cabins, Canoe Point |
1977 |
304: Amphibian device used by Bill Jacky
and Clark Miller to move furniture from Tulie Bay |
1977 |
305: Ice house on the Kerr homestead |
1977 |
306 a-d: Evinrude Motor B-18265 |
1978 |
306 e-f: Evinrude Motor (Pat. 1911) |
1978 |
307: Five views of Caille 5 HP - 5 speed
motor |
1978 |
308: Ice saw and tongs |
1978 |
309-310: Two signs for Seneacquoteen Cemetery |
1978 |
311: Capt. Melvin C. Markham's tombstone in
Seneacquoteen Cemetery |
1978 |
312: Pile driver that built the first drift
fence at the mouth of the Thorofare |
313: Dad Duffill's bear trap |
314: Stone cover to Beaver Creek Ranger
Station hydraulic ram |
1977 |
315: Trillium growing at Beaver Creek Camp |
1978 |
316: Two pairs of White boots |
1977 |
317: Tree hewed out of a tree stump by
Harry Marshall, Jr. |
Interviews for North of the Narrows
Diener, Henry 2 tapes
undated |
Duffill George and Mary 3 tapes
undated |
Elkins, Sue, Ike, and Jan 1 tape
undated |
Geisinger, Fern 3 tapes
undated |
Gillis Madlyn Byars 2 tapes
June 16, 1978 |
Hurst, Rose 3 tapes
1972 |
Interviews for "Panhandle Personalities"
Allen, Harriet 1 tape
undated |
Croy, Paul 2 tapes
April 22. 1981 |
Fiedler, Earl and Inez 1 tape
February 11, 1981 |
Grindle, Frank 1 tape
February 1, 1981 |
Grindle, Roxy 2 tapes
undated |
Griswold, Hallie 1 tape
May 6, 1980 |
Hartman, Herrick 1 tape
March 3, 1981 |
Hawley Joe 1 tape
December 13, 1980 |
Jones, Agnes and Carl 1 tape
March 3, 1981 |
Joyce, Fuller 2 tapes
undated |
Kileen, Pat and Elizabeth 1 tape
undated |
Kileen, Pat 1 tape
undated |
Mann, Jesse 1 tape
November 24, 1981 |
Randall, Marg 1 tape
December 20, 1980 |
Sudnokovich, John "Snick" 2 tapes
January 19, 1981 |
Whetsler, Bill and Marguerite 4 tapes
February 6, 1981 |
White, Lee 2 tapes
February 19, 1981 |
Series IV. Warren P. Upham Material Return to Top
Warren P. "Uppy" Upham came to Priest Lake from Maine about 1932. He worked as a Forest Service timber cruiser from the summer of 1932 until some time in the 1950's when he retired to La Jolla, California. The diaries and photograph albums in this series were given to Claude Simpson by Mrs. Upham in 1980.
The 15 diaries span the years 1943-1962 and contain daily notes on his activities, cruising notes, and records of car repairs
There are five photograph albums containing approximately 723 snap shots. The earlier ones were taken on a trip from New England to the West Coast in 1926 and the later ones on a trip to Alaska in 1946. There are pictures of Priest Lake, a log drive on the Clearwater, some of Montana, the Jasper Highway in Canada, and the American Southwest. Some albums have poetic captions to the pictures, some no captions at all. .The file cards for this series give a general description of the contents of each album.
Addendum Return to Top
In September 2007 Laura Guedes processed and added 2.0 c.f. of materials to this manuscript group. These materials were donated to the University of Idaho Library by the Simpsons on four occasions between 1984 and 1987. The materials in these four accessions were combined and have become an addendum to Manuscript Group 115. All materials in this section are classified into the four Series established in the previous inventory. They are conditioned in boxes 4 and 5.
All the photographs are identified and numbered consecutively, following the order of the photographs identified in the previous inventory, from 318 to 662. The negatives have been listed but not numbered.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Research Notes and Early
Contains folders with materials and photographs related to the
individuals interviewed for the book Panhandle
Personalities (box 4) along with interviews of other persons
(box 5). The folders are organized in alphabetical order.
Box | Folder | ||
4 | 1 | Panhandle Personalities – Allen
(Harriet Klein Allen): Transcript and draft of the interview,
research notes, and photographs |
1928-1984 |
318: Harriet Allen holding a quirt
(Feb. 1984) |
319: First marina at Coolin. Granddad
J. B. Slee |
320: Harriet and Clyde Allen (Aug.
1981) |
321: Cooking out. Two men and a
dog |
322: W. W. Slee under construction.
Coolin, ID 1902-1903 |
323: Harriet and “Misty” (1928)
4 | 2 | Panhandle Personalities – Bennett
(Lloyd): Transcript and draft of the interview, correspondence,
research notes, and photograph |
1961-1983 |
324: Jerry, Rob and John Bennett. Le
Roy Sooper. Mother Hilma, dad [1961] |
4 | 3 | Panhandle Personalities – Borleske
(Raymond Vincent “Nig”): Transcript and draft of the interview, a
letter, and newspaper clippings |
1983 |
4 | 4 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Transcript and draft of the interview |
1983 |
4 | 5 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Letters to his Aunts |
1927-1929 |
4 | 6 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Letters and newspaper clippings sent to the
Sympsons from 1979 to 1984 |
1979-1984 |
4 | 7 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Four postcards of Priest Lake (color, pub. by
Leonard Paul, Priest Lake, ID) and photos sent to the Sympsons from
1979 to 1984 |
1928-1983 |
325: Branyan and “Flower” at home
(color, Dec. 1981) |
326: Branyan and “Molly” at home
(color, 1983) |
327: Branyan and his crop of black
walnuts (color, Dec. 1981) |
328: Branyan in front of a pile of wood
(color, Sep. 1979) |
329: Branyan on a Sunday evening
(color, Feb. 24, 1980) |
330: Wife Clara E. Branyan, John H.
Branyan, and daughter Jane E. Branyan (color, May
1964) |
331: John Harold Branyan, mother Katie
Moyer Branyan, and father John Thomas Branyan (color, May
1964) |
332: Teachers at Elmer Bergs Camp on
vacation (summer 1930) “Bath pics appeared in Priest River Times
7/12/84” |
333: Teachers at Elmer Bergs Camp
(summer 1930) |
334: Teachers at Elmer Bergs Camp,
going up Thorofare (summer 1930) |
335: Hugh’s Meadows. Pictured are son
and father, David Peer and father, Red-, from Newport, WA, on
their way to Lime Creek (summer 1930) |
336: Telephone line (pictured are
Branyan and Leslie Twist)(spring 1930) |
337: Telephone line. Leslie Twist up
tree (spring 1930) |
338: Aunt Elizabeth (Lizzie)
(1950?) |
339: Russell Branyan at Big Hole with
dog “Stubby” at Geisinger (Jan. 1930) |
340: “Stubby” and a sled made by Cougar
Gus, at Geisinger homestead (1928) |
341: Dad and Stubby near the boat
“Swastika” at Big Hole |
342: “Tyee I” Capt. Markham’s first
boat |
343: A boat |
344: “Tyee I” at Beaver Creek dock,
built by Capt. Markham (1925) |
345: “Tyee” built by the Northern
Navigation Co. |
346: Our house in Marysville (Jan.
1953) |
347: Fern and Earls home in Boise
(1953) |
348: Springhouse. My distillery
(1930’s) |
349: Dalkena Camp on Caribou Creek
(summer 1929) |
350: Beardmore Camp 11 on Caribou
Creek |
351: Camp on Caribou Creek (summer
1929) |
352: Dalkena camp on Caribou Creek.
Pictured are Lew and Bill Whestler. (summer 1929) |
353: White pine logs |
354: Gas. Donkey being moved. Pictured
are Frank Horn, Guss Johnson |
355: Earl Calborn (1929) |
356: Reeder Bay, Priest Lake (postcard
by Ross Hall) |
357: The Thorofare, Priest Lake
(postcard by Ross Hall) |
358: Byers Hotel sight, 1956 (2 copies,
Mar. 31, 1979) |
359: The Tyee at Coolin, Dec. 1953
(copy, Mar. 31, 1979) |
360: Dad [John Thomas Branyan] and
“Stubby,” 1929 (copy, undated) |
361: Earl Geisinger and myself at
Geisinger’s Auction house, July 1956 (copy, Mar. 31,
1979) |
362: Bob White and Pete Chase (copy,
undated) |
363: Myself (copy, undated) |
364: [Debris], 1956 (copy,
undated) |
365: Not identified (copy,
undated) |
366: Beardmore Camp 11 (copy,
undated) |
367: Geisinger’s Farm (copy,
undated) |
368: Myself and old “Oley,” a
government pack string horse, summer 1929 (copy,
undated) |
369: Dad [John Thomas Branyan] (copy,
undated) |
370: Float house at Big Hole, fall 1928
(copy, undated) |
371: Bro. Russ and my father at the
float house (copy, undated) |
372: Russell at the float house (copy,
undated) |
373: Branyan at the float house (copy,
undated) |
374: A car and horses, 1924? (copy,
undated) |
375: Elmer Colburn and myself, 1929?
(copy, undated) |
376: Dad and Russell at the Scully’s
cabin on Thanksgiving day, [1929] (copy, undated)(See ph.
399) |
377: Ed Elliott taking a boom to the
outlet on Priest Lake for cutting loose (copy color, Aug.
1982) |
378: A 10,000,000 board feet jam (copy,
Aug. 1982) |
379: Madeline Byars and Bill Whetsler,
mid 1920’s (copy, Aug. 1982) |
380: Russell Branyan at Big Hole with
dog “Stubby” at Geisinger and a little bit of the Swastika boat,
1929 (copy, undated) (See Ph. 339) |
381: Telephone line (pictured are
Branyan and Leslie Twist), spring 1930 (copy, undated) (See Ph.
336) |
4 | 8 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Letters sent to the Simpsons from 1985 to
1987 and photographs |
1942-1987 |
382: Beardmore’s camp 11. Pictured are
Wallace Dolittle, Tom Weir, Jim Garrison and wife, 1928 (copy,
undated) (This photo is attached to a letter from July
1987?) |
383: Branyan drinking rum
(1942) |
384: Russ and mother (summer 1953)
(This photo is attached to a letter from Apr. 18, 1987 and needs
conservation) |
385: Russ (color, 1987?) (This photo is
attached to a letter from Apr. 18, 1987 and needs
conservation) |
4 | 9 | Panhandle Personalities – Branyan
(Mountain Man Harold): Photos sent to the Sympsons from 1985 to
1987 |
1928-1987 |
386: Ready to go to Nordman for mail,
[winter 1929] (copy, June 1987) |
387: Jane in bed, Coolin ID (Dec.
1953) |
388: A bear (copy, undated) |
389-390: Geisinger’s auction house, Boise
ID (Dec. 1953) |
391: Scully’s cabin [1929] |
392: Janie and old “Paint”
(1946) |
393: Earl and Fern Geisinger’s house in
Boise ID (Dec. 1953) |
394: Clara and Jane in lobby Lorraine
Hotel (Dec. 1953) |
395: Bro. Russ and Wise (Nov. 14,
1947) |
396: Cougar Gus and a bear that he
caught, Apr. 1929 (copy, undated) |
397: Russ caught a deer, Oct. 1929?
(copy, undated) |
398: Upper Big Lake (July
1956) |
399: Bird hunting (posing with game),
fall 1929 (copy, June 1987) |
400: Dad and Russell at the Scully’s
cabin on Thanksgiving day (1929) |
401: A goat, 1929 (copy,
undated) |
402: A bear on Shaffer pole road
[1929?] |
403: Branyan, Bob White, “Stub,” and
“Bootsie” moving empties on one of Cougar Gus handmade sleds,
Feb. 1930 (copy, June 1987) |
404: Lime Creek Camp cooking out, 1929
(copy, June 1987) |
405: Branyan, Bob White, “Stub,” and
“Bootsie” packing empties, Feb 1930 (copy, undated) |
406: Russ packed the deer to Big Hole,
fall 1928. Pictured are Tom Branyan, Bob White, Russell Branyan,
and W. Stub. (copy, June 1987) |
407: Jackson’s Peak near the Canadian
border (summer 1930) |
408: Last haul of the empties, Feb.
1930? (copy, Jun. 1987) |
409: Jane E., Clara, Harold, dad J. T.,
mother Katie, and Clara’s sister Edna on Christmas (color,
1960-1963?) |
410: Jane walking the dogs at Coolin,
ID (Dec. 1953) |
411: Jane by the springhouse on Perry
Co. (1945) |
412: Earl and Fern Geisinger’s house in
Boise ID (Dec. 1953) |
413: Dad about 80 years old (summer
1960?) |
414: Cougar Gus Johnson (spring
1929) |
415: A bear at Shaffer’s pole (fall
1928) |
416: Ready to go to Nordman for mail
(spring 1930) |
417: Geo. Watson, Bob White, and
“Bootsie” three weeks before the sheriff raided upper lake
(spring 1930) |
418: Branyan and his nephew E. A.
Branyan at the Gaileys Cemetery (color, May 1985) |
4 | 10 | Panhandle Personalities - Chronic
(Ryder): Transcript and draft of the interview, a letter, and three
strips of 35mm color negatives |
1981?-1983 |
4 | 11 | Panhandle Personalities – Croy (Paul):
Transcript and draft of the interview, correspondence, research
notes, one strip of 35mm negatives, and photographs |
1981-1984 |
419: Paul Croy, 1968 (Copies 1 and 2 of
3, undated) |
4 | 12 | Panhandle Personalities – Eddy (Agnes
Gayton Presnell and Leslie Eugene): Transcript and draft of the
interview, correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, five
strips of negatives, and photographs |
1982-1983 |
420: Claude Simpson and Agnes Eddy in
London (color, Feb. 1983) |
421: Catherine Simpson and Agnes Eddy
in London (color, Feb. 1983) |
422: Leslie Eddy. Pic from UI Gem
(copy, undated) |
423: Byron King Presnell. “Fatty”
“Pretzel” (copy, undated) |
424: Les Eddy pitcher (copy,
undated) |
4 | 13 | Panhandle Personalities – Fiedler
(Earl): Transcript and draft of the interview, draft of a letter,
and research notes |
1980-1981 |
4 | 14 | Panhandle Personalities – Grindle
(Frank and Nora “Roxy” Seymour Rock): Transcript and draft of the
interview, correspondence, research notes, and photographs |
1978-1981 |
425-426: Frank and Roxy mailbox |
427-428: Frank and Roxy mailbox (color,
Oct. 1980) |
4 | 15 | Panhandle Personalities – Griswold
(Hallie): Transcript and draft of the interview |
1980-1981 |
4 | 16 | Panhandle Personalities – Hawley (Joe
and Donna): Transcript and draft of the interview, research notes,
newspaper clippings, brochures from The International Sled Dog
Racing Association (undated), two strips of 35mm color negatives,
and photographs |
1980-1983 |
429-432: Donna and her sled dog “Mazie”
(color, undated) |
4 | 17 | Panhandle Personalities – Heitman
(Herrick): Transcript and draft of the interview, correspondence,
and research notes |
1981, 1985 |
4 | 18 | Panhandle Personalities – Jones (Agnes
Smith): Transcript and draft of the interview, research notes, and
newspaper clippings |
1981 |
4 | 19 | Panhandle Personalities – Joyce
(Fuller) Transcript and draft of the interview, research notes,
newspaper clipping, one strip of 35mm color negatives, and a
photograph |
1980 |
433: Fuller Joyce (color, Dec.
1980) |
4 | 20 | Panhandle Personalities – The
Killeens: Transcript and draft of the interview, correspondence,
research notes, newspaper clippings, map of Sidney (Australia), and
brochures about dams |
1980 |
4 | 21 | Panhandle Personalities – Mann Bros.
Orchestra (and Dance Band): Transcript and draft of the interview, a
letter, research notes, newspaper clippings, and photographs |
1920's-1983 |
434: “Wonder Musicians. Left to right:
Dudley Wilson, Winn Coe, Rastus Rush, Hayden Mann, Jesse Mann,
Bill (William) Fenderson, ‘Slates’ Burrell Wilson” (By Sussman
MPLS.) |
435: The musicians kneeling on the
floor in front of the table with musical instruments (By Sussman
MPLS.) |
436: The musicians standing in two rows
behind the table with musical instruments (By Sussman
MPLS.) |
437: With other musicians (By Hearts
and Fists Weaver Productions) |
4 | 22 | Panhandle Personalities – Mann Bros.
Orchestra (G. B. “Slates” Wilson): Transcript and draft of the
interview, correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, and
photographs |
1927-1983 |
438: Dorothy Kemp (1927) |
439: “Compliments of the Gray Family
Ruth, Madge, Leonard, Jennie, Dolly, Maisie” (On postcard, Kyle,
Winnipeg, Canada) |
4 | 23 | Panhandle Personalities – Mann Bros.
Orchestra (From G. B. “Slates” Wilson Collection): Research notes,
newspaper clippings, a copy of the “Winter Garden Dancing Academy”
(Montana, vol. 1, n. 3, Mar. 28, 1925), a copy of the program of the
Ascher’s Chateau Theatre (first jubilee week) |
1925 |
4 | 24 | Panhandle Personalities – Meyers (Rose
Chermak): Transcript and draft of the interview, a newspaper
clipping, and photographs |
1977-1983 |
440: Reeder Bay in front of Rose and
Harry Meyers’ home (July 1977) |
441: Rose and her husband Harry Meyer
at their home on Reeder Bay (July 1977) |
442: Rose C. Meyers |
443-444: Rose C. Meyers (Sep.
1983) |
438: Dorothy Kemp (1927) |
4 | 25 | Panhandle Personalities – The Parsons:
Transcript and draft of the interview, research notes, and a
newspaper clipping |
1981-1984 |
4 | 26 | Panhandle Personalities – Randall
(Marg): Transcript and draft of the interview, and photographs |
1980-1984 |
445: Marg Calfee Randall (color, Jan.
1981) |
446: Marg Calfee Randall and her pet
deer, 1920’s (Copies 1 of 2, Feb 1984) |
447: The Warren homestead cabin in
Coolin, ID (copy, undated) |
4 | 27 | Panhandle Personalities – Samuelson
(Don): Transcript and draft of the interview, postcards, brochures,
and photographs |
448: Governor Don Samuelson at his desk
in his office |
449: Governor Don Samuelson standing
between the Idaho and the American flag in his
office |
450-451: Governor Don Samuelson |
4 | 28 | Panhandle Personalities – Shea (James
E. “Jimmy”): Transcript and draft of the interview and research
notes |
4 | 29 | Panhandle Personalities – Sudnikovich
(John “Snick”): Transcript and draft of the interview, and research
notes |
4 | 30 | Panhandle Personalities – Upham
(Warren “Uppie”) Transcript and draft of the interview, research
notes, and a Christmas card |
4 | 31 | Panhandle Personalities – Upham
(Warren “Uppie”) Transcript and draft of the interview,
correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, Upham’s Alpha
Tau Omega Fraternity, Maine Beta upsilon Chapter card (May 10,
1916), one 35mm negative frame and photographs |
452: “Cap ‘n’ Tyne Laird” (postcard,
undated) |
453: “Heckman of Heckmans”
(Mar.1957) |
454: Uppie washing his car (May
1957) |
455: Uppie and his canoe (color,
undated) |
456: Uppie holding a cougar on his
shoulders (postcard, undated) |
457: Uppie’s poem “I put my heart to
school” (copy, undated) |
458: Uppie and canoe in [...] Creek
Rapids (copy, undated) |
459: Cougar Gus shack at Mosquito Bay
(copy, undated) |
460: Uppie and his cat (color,
undated) |
4 | 32 | Panhandle Personalities – Cleveland
(President) and Bethmann (Frieda): Transcript and draft of the
interview, correspondence, research notes, newspaper clippings, five
strips of 35mm negatives, and photographs |
461: The Bethmann mansion, 1932 (Copies
1, 2, and 3 of 4) |
462: Frieda Bethmann, 1932 (Copies 1, 2
and 3 of 4) |
463-465: [Site of the Bethmann mansion at
the Pardee railroad siding on the Clearwater River] (Feb.
1984) |
466-468: [Site of the Bethmann mansion at
the Pardee railroad siding on the Clearwater River] (Sep.
1983) |
469-471: Peak of the knoll at the Pardee
railroad where the Bethmann mansion was (color, Sep.
1983) |
4 | 33 | Panhandle Personalities – Whetsler
(William and Marguerite): Transcript and draft of the interview,
correspondence, research notes, leaflet with the song “Know and Grow
With Idaho,” by Marguerite Whetsler (1959), three strips of 35mm
color negatives, and photographs |
472: Bill Whetsler (copy ,
undated) |
473: Bill Whetsler and other crew
members (Copy 1 of 2 , undated) |
474: “A log jam – an oil painting by
Bill Whetsler,” 1948 (Copy 1 of 2 color, undated) |
475: Breaking a log jam on Priest River
(copy , Feb. 1984) |
4 | 34 | Panhandle Personalities – White
(Leland): Transcript and draft of the interview, and photographs
476: Ana Painter, Hilda Krouse and Lee
White (color, July 23, 1983) |
477: Curt McEwan and [Lee White]
(clipped photo, color, July 23, 1983) |
478: Leland White (Feb.
1984) |
479-481: Group (copy, undated) |
5 | 1 | Grambo (Ernest S.):
Letters |
1981-1982 |
5 | 2 | Houghton (Gil): Letters and a
postcard |
1983 |
5 | 3 | Painter (Ivan): Notes |
1981 |
5 | 4 | Rule (Jack): Typed copies of letters
from 1932-1933 and notes |
198_ |
5 | 5 | Saccomano (Anson) (empty
folder) |
5 | 6 | Schafer (Mary): Notes and newspaper
clipping |
[1981] |
5 | 7 | Shipman: Correspondence and a
photograph |
1985-1988 |
482: Barry Shipman, Catherine and
Claude Simpson (color, undated) Attached to a letter from Barry
Shipman, 4-5-88) |
5 | 8 | Shipman-Trusky: Newspaper clippings,
letter, publications from Boise State University, including the
program of the Nell Shipman Silent Festival (Jan.-Mar.
1987) |
1984-1987 |
5 | 9 | Shipman-Trusky: Correspondence and
newspaper clipping about Nell Shipman |
1986-1987 |
5 | 10 | Simpson (Alfred “Al” G.): Transcript
of interview |
1980 |
5 | 11 | Sam Sourdough: Letter |
1981 |
5 | 12 | Stejer (Richard): Draft of a
letter |
1977 |
5 | 13 | Stone: Correspondence, notes, and
photographs |
1977-1982 |
483: Nordman, Idaho in 1921 (copy, Jul.
1978) |
484: Lumber transport in 1921 (copy,
Jul. 1978) |
485: Elmer Stone (Barney’s dad) and his
crew of timber cruisers during the winter of 1912-13 (2 copies,
July 1978) |
486: One of Barney Stone’s pack strings
(copy, July 1978) |
487: One of Barney Stone’s pack strings
going up to Horton Ridge (copy, July 1978) |
488: The lead of a 20-mule pack string
carrying cable for a main line Clonkey-cable in Marble Creek,
1925 (copy, July 1978) |
489: The tail of a 20-mule pack string
carrying cable for a main line Clonkey-cable in Marble Creek,
1925 (copy, July 1978) |
490: Barney Stone packing into Hunt’s
Peak, 1931 (copy, July 1978) |
491: A pack string of Barney Stone
(copy, July 1978) |
492: Barney Stone’s horse “Del” (copy,
July 1978) |
493: Barney Stone packing, 1929 (copy,
Jul. 1978) |
494: Bobby Connars pack string (copy,
July 1978) |
495: Barney Stone packing a pack mule
(copy, July 1978) |
496: Barney Stone pack string on Hughes
Meadow, 1941 (copy, July 1978) |
497: Marshall Stone (Barney Stone’s
uncle) (copy, July 1978) |
498: Elmer Stone’s log cabin (copy,
July 1978) |
499-501: Goats (July 1978) |
Final Draft and Other Publication
Contains two drafts of the book Panhandle Personalities,
correspondence with the University of Idaho Press and notes related to
the publication of the book. In addition, it contains the selected
photographs for the books Panhandle Personalities and
North of the Narrows. These photographs are organized
according to the order in which they appear in the books. Additional
materials related to the publication of the books are in folders
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 14-17 | [Spring] 1984 draft |
5 | 18-21 | [Summer] 1984 draft |
5 | 22 | Panhandle Personalities: Notes and a
photograph |
502: Claude Simpson at retirement (2
photos, 1970) |
5 | 23 | Panhandle Personalities: Progress
Record |
1984 |
5 | 24 | Panhandle Personalities: One frame of
4 x 5 inch black and white negative of the cover of the book, two
pen and ink sketches by Fuller Joyce, and photographs. Photos (Pages
1-182) |
1905?-1982 |
503: Capt. Walter Watford
Slee |
504: The W. W. Slee under construction
(1902-1905) |
505: Harriet Kelin Allen,
(1977) |
506: Harriet Allen holding a quirt
(Feb. 1984) |
507: Lloyd Bennett with son and
grandsons, (July 29, 1961) |
508: Fly fisherman, Lloyd Bennett,
(July 1962) |
509: Lloyd Bennett celebrating his 85th
birthday, undated (color, 1975) |
510: Branyan in his kitchen (color,
undated) |
511: Branyan and his pets (color, Feb.
24,1980) |
512: Ryder Chronic, (color, June
1981) |
513: Paul Croy, on “Babe,” 1926 (copy,
undated) |
419: Paul Croy, 1968 (copy 3 of 3,
undated) |
514: Catherine Simpson and Agnes Eddy
(color, 1982) |
515: Earl and Inez Fiedler (color,
1980) |
516: Frank Grindle and guests
(1982) |
517: Hallie Griswold (July
1978) |
518: Donna Hawley and her sled dog
(color, undated) |
519: Herrick Heitman (color,
undated) |
520: Masterpiece in full sail (color,
undated) |
521: The Master’s Masterpiece (color,
undated) |
522: Fuller Joyce (color, Dec.
1980) |
523: Elizabeth and Patrick Killeen
(Apr. 1980) |
5 | 25 | Panhandle Personalities: Photographs
(Pages 183-360). Prints of illustrations on pages 189 and 190 (Not
included are the two photos showed on page 266) |
1900?-198_ |
524: Slats Wilson (color,
undated) |
525: “Wonder Musicians. Left to right:
Dudley Wilson, Winn Coe, Rastus Rush, Hayden Mann, Jesse Mann,
Bill (William) Fenderson, ‘Slates’ Burrell Wilson” (By Sussman
MPLS, undated) |
526: The musicians standing in two rows
behind the table with musical instruments (By Sussman MPLS,
undated) |
527: Mann Bros. Orchestra (By Sussman
528: The “bunch” that made the entire
Pantages Circuit |
529: Rose Chermak Meyers (color,
1983) |
446: Marg Calfee Randall and her pet
deer, 1920’s (Copy 2 of 2, Feb. 1984) |
530: The Warren homestead cabin,
1923-1930 (copy, undated) |
531: Wirt Calfee, 1923-1930 (copy,
undated) |
532: Marg Calfee Randall (color, Jan.
1981) |
533: Don Samuelson (color, July
1984) |
534: Governor Don Samuelson and Idaho’s
First Lady |
535: Jimmy and Nellie Shea (color,
undated) |
536: John “Snick” Sudnikovich (color,
Jan. 1981) |
537: Upham as a boy (By Mushet, Los
Angeles, undated) |
538: Warren Pratt Upham’s
headstone |
539: Nell Shipmann |
461: The Bethmann mansion, 1932 (Copy 4
of 4, undated) |
462: Frieda Bethmann, 1932 (Copy 4 of
4, undated) |
473: Bill Whetsler and other crew
members (Copy 2 of 2, undated) |
540: Marguerite Whetsler (color,
1983) |
541: The Dinky, by Bill Whetsler (copy
color, undated) |
474: “A log jam – an oil painting by
Bill Whetsler,” 1948 (Copy 2 of 2 color, undated) |
477: Lee White [and Curt McEwan]
(clipped photo, color, July 23, 1983) |
5 | 26 | Panhandle Personalities: Miscellaneous
and photographs |
1922-1984 |
542-544: Claude and Catherine Simpson
(color, July 1984) |
5 | 27 | North of the Narrows: Photographs
(Fig. 1-27) |
1932-1978 |
545: United States-Canadian
border |
546: Fishing in the old days (color,
1950’s) |
547: Samuel Tilden Byars (copy, June
1978) |
548: Grace Byars (copy, June
1978) |
549: Madlyn Byars (copy, June
1978) |
550: Forest Lodge, Aug. 10, 1935 (copy,
undated) |
551: Forest Lodge, 1915 (copy, June
1978) |
552: Forest Lodge, 1921 (copy, June
1978) |
553: Steamer “W. W. Slee,” 1915 (copy,
undated) |
554: Capt. Markham’s “Tyee,” built in
1925 (1932) |
555: Northern Navigation Co. “Tyee,”
built in 1945 |
556: The Kaniksu |
557: The “Papoose” (1934) |
558: The “Swastika” |
559: Tyee, built in 1945 (copy, July
1978) |
560: Capt. Markham’s company sign
(color Aug. 1978) |
561: Mary Rutherford in Allen-a-Dale
cabin, 1961 (copy, May 1978) |
562: Rose Hurst (color,
1965) |
563: Laura Hurst (color, July
1977) |
564: Front view of Andy Coolin’s mine
cabin (color, 1978) |
565: Rear view of Andy Coolin’s mine
cabin (color, undated) |
566: Nickleplate Mine |
567: Old timers |
568: Beardmore Stage Line, 1911-1912
(copy, undated) |
569: A White truck (copy, July
1978) |
570: Al Piper (copy, July
1978) |
5 | 28 | North of the Narrows: Photographs
(Fig. 28-57. Not included is Figure 44) |
1932-1978 |
571: Mary Duffill, Lone Star Ranch
rock, 1924 (copy, July 1978) |
572: Catherine Diener Yates, Lone Star
Ranch rock (color, 1978) |
573: Mary Duffill and Aunt Belle
Angstadt, 1924 (copy, July 1978) |
574: Looking west from the Lone Star
Ranch rock (color, 1978) |
575: Catherine Yates in front of the
Gregory farm (color, 1978) |
576: Stand pipe (color,
1978) |
577: George Duffill, 1920 (copy, June
1978) |
578: Daddy Duffill, 1927 (copy, June
1978) |
579: Mary Duffill with her foot on
Papoose (copy, June 1978) |
580: Mary Duffill driving one of Nell
Shipman’s dog teams, 1923 (copy, June 1978) |
581: Bill Donaldson (copy, July
1978) |
582: Mary Duffill Donaldson, Forest
Lodge, Feb. 1933 (copy, June 1978) |
583: Daddy Duffill’s woodpile (copy,
June 1978) |
584: Madlyn Byars and Mary Duffill,
1923 (copy, June 1978) |
585: The Gladiators, 1921 (copy, July
1978) |
586: Pete Chase and Frank Algren (copy,
July 1978) |
587: Branyan’s dog “Stub” |
588: Pete Chase loading ore on his
dock, 1924 (copy, July 1978) |
589: Elmer Stone stting a trap (copy,
July 1978) |
590: Lavina Geisinger, 1925 (copy,
undated) |
591: Ike Daugherty |
592: Earl Geisinger and pet horse
“Charlie,” 1925 (copy, undated) |
593: Alfred Geisinger, 1925 (copy,
undated) |
594: George Ducommun
(1886-1938) |
595: The Geisinger home
(1928) |
596: The Geisinger chicken house, 1956
(copy, undated) |
597: “Old Jerry,” a deer, “Stubby,” and
H. Branyan’s father, Oct. 1929 (copy, Mar. 31, 1979) |
598: The Geisinger home, 1956 (copy,
undated) |
5 | 29 | North of the Narrows: Photographs
(Fig. 58-86. Not included is Figure 82) |
1920's-1978 |
599: Launch, “Papoose,” barge, and pack
string (1931-1935) |
600: Stan Spurgeon’s pack string
(1932) |
601: Mules waiting to be loaded, 1938
(copy, July 1978) |
602: Gas lanterns and equipment for air
strip runway, 1939 (copy, July 1978) |
603: Original cabin, Lookout Mountain
(1977) |
604: Hand-powered windlass,
(1930) |
605: Mountain goats, (Aug. 26,
1932) |
606: State of Idaho’s Lookout Mountain
cabin (summer 1977) |
607: Julie Turnbull (Aug.
1977) |
608: Plowboy Mountain lookout cabin
(1929) |
609: Tent camp lookout station
(1932) |
610: Green Bonnet Lookout (copy, July
1978) |
611: Hank Diener (1930) |
612: Wash house and shower room build
in 1914 (copy, 1978) |
613: Les Eddy and a friend
(1931) |
614: Ernest Grambo, Stan Spurgeon,
Kenneth Nelson, Graydon Winslow, Mark Hurd, Ora Ludeman, Herman
Walker, William Blake (1930) |
615: Ranger’s cabin (1930) |
616: A boathouse (1930) |
617: Cutthroats, 1933 (copy, June
1978) |
618: Cutthroats caught on a dry fly,
1950’s (copy, July 1978) |
619: Winter catch of fish, 1925 (copy,
undated) |
620: Char and cuts in the 1920’s(copy,
June 1978) |
621: Airview of the mouth of Thorofare
(July 1978) |
622: The Jan Smith Drift Inn (By Kyle
M. Walker, Coeur d’Alene, ID, 1962) |
623: Nell Shipman at Lionhead Movie
Camp (copy, undated) |
624: Nell Shipman at Lionhead Movie
Camp (copy, undated) |
625: Lead man Ralph, Dot Overmyer, and
Nell Shipman (copy, undated) |
626: Nell Shipman on location near Lion
Creek (copy, undated) |
5 | 30 | North of the Narrows: Photographs
(Fig. 87-114. Not included are Figures 90 and 100) |
1907-1978 |
627: Shipman cabins at Lionhead Lodge,
1923? (copy, June 1978) |
628: Daddy Duffill in midst of animal
cages (1924) |
629: The Priest River Band |
630: Don Bremer, Joe Walker, and Mrs.
Walker (color, Aug. 31, 1977) |
631: Coolin schoolhouse. Barry Shipman
and Loui Turner, 1923-25 (color, Aug. 1977) |
632: Beulah Shipman (color, Aug.
1977) |
633: Nina Shipman Bremer, Shipman Point
Dedication, Aug. 31, 1977 (1977) |
634: Shipman Dedication display (color,
Aug. 31, 1977) |
635: The “Gal from God’s Country.”
(June 1978) |
636: Mrs. C. H. Wheatley and children
(1907) |
637: Lean-to, Wheatley, Idaho
(1904) |
638: First building erected at Whetley,
(postcard by CYRO, 1905) |
639: Last of the “S. S. Banshee,” (Aug.
6, 1916) |
640: Edward “Dad” Moulton (copy,
undated) |
641: “Dad” Moulton in front of his
cabin (copy, undated) |
642: Martha Jacky and family (Sep.
1977) |
643: Bill Jacky and Clark Miller’s
amphibian (1977) |
644: Elmer Berg’s original cabin (copy,
July 1978) |
645: Hank standing in front of Elmer
Berg’s cabin (1934) |
646: Elmer Berg and Stan Spurgeon, 1934
(copy, June 1978) |
647: Madlyn Byars Gillis, son John,
Elmer Berg, 1933 (copy, June 1978) |
5 | 31 | North of the Narrows: Miscellaneous,
three strips of 35mm color negatives, slide of Fig. 2, and
photographs |
1920's-1980 |
648: Ranger’s cabin, Beaver Creek
Ranger Station, 1930 (copy, Jun. 1978) (See photo
603) |
649: Forest Lodge, 1914 (copy, Jun.
1978) |
650: Beaver Creek Ranger Station (late
1920’s or early 1930’s) |
651-654: Claude and Catherine Simpson
(color, Mar. 1980) |
Photographs and Tape
Contains tape recordings and unidentified negatives and photographs.
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 32 | Thirteen tape recordings |
5 | 33 | Unidentified negatives and two
photographs |
655-656: Unidentified couple (color,
undated) |
Warren P. Upham Material
Contains six photographs that appear to belong to the albums in box 3.
They have Upham’s handwritten captions for the photographs and residues
of the black pages of the album to which they were glued.
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 34 | Warren P. Upham:
Photographs |
657: Forest of Indian Creek |
658: A Lake |
659: A Dog |
660: Timberline |
661: Jack Montgomery. Bellefont.
Pennsylvania. “Monty.” Mosquito Bay (Sep., 1922) |
660: Trees |
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