Ernest Henley papers, 1947-2012

Overview of the Collection

Henley, Ernest M.
Ernest Henley papers
1947-2012 (inclusive)
10.25 cubic feet (11 boxes)
Collection Number
6217 (Accession No. 6217-001)
Papers of a professor of physics at the University of Washington
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
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Box 352900
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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Ernest M. Henley was born in Germany on June 10, 1924. He earned his B.E.E. in electrical engineering from the City College of New York in 1944. From 1944 to 1946, he served in the U.S. Navy, decommissioning and repairing electrical equipment on ships. He worked at the Airborne Instruments Laboratory as an electrical engineer from 1946 to 1948. Between 1950 and 1951 he worked at Stanford University, and received a Ph.D. in Physics from UC Berkeley in 1952. From 1952 to 1954, he was a Jewett Fellow and lecturer at Columbia University. In 1954, Dr. Henley accepted a faculty position at the University of Washington where he remained for the rest of his career. He was promoted to associate professor in 1957 and full professor in 1961. Henley served as chair of the UW Faculty Senate from 1971 to 1972, as chair of the Department of Physics from 1973 to 1976, and as dean of the College of Arts & Sciences from 1979 to 1987. He helped create the UW Institute for Nuclear Theory and served as its inaugural director from 1990 to 1991. Henley became a professor emeritus in 1995.

Henley’s work largely focused on three types of symmetry: time-reversal, whether forces are the same forward and backward in time; parity, whether a force or interaction is the same as its mirror image; and isospin, how forces and masses of the particles vary with their charges. Experiments suggested by Henley and performed by colleagues at the UW Nuclear Physics Laboratory — now the Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics — revealed new details about symmetries, and uncovered conditions when subatomic particles deviated from symmetry. His theories and ideas helped scientists assemble the Standard Model of particle physics.

Henley also wrote five books on physics. Outside of the office, he was a supporter of the UW’s Transition Program and Early Entrance Program at the Robinson Center for Young Scholars, and taught physics there for almost two decades until he retired at age 90. Henley also played the piano and supported the arts. He was a founding board member of the UW World Series, now the Meany Center for the Performing Arts.

Ernest Henley died on March 27, 2017, at age 92.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Papers of Ernest Henley, professor of Physics at the University of Washington. Materials relating to Henley's work in the University of Washington Physics department include published articles, lecture and other notes, class lists, student papers, exams, problems sets, course evaluations, recommendations, and grades. Materials relating to Henley's involvement with various organizations, including the American Physical Society, the China-US Physics Examination and Application Program, and support for science in former Soviet countries. Henley's correspondence also includes letters sent to foreign leaders on imprisoned physicists, his trips abroad, and experiences visiting other colleges and universities. Materials relating to Henley's work in University of Washington leadership includes reports, especially around student protests, delegations to DC to lobby for peace, and the closure of the Contemporary Dance program. Materials relating to his work in theoretical physics include notes, diagrams, images, projector transparencies, and photographs, as well as corrections and correspondence pertaining to Henley's own publications. Other materials include magazines, newsletters, newspapers, and card lists of books and student advisees.

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Restrictions on Use

Copyrights retained by creator. Contact University of Washington Libraries Special Collections for details.

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Acquisition Information

Received from Katie Hennessey, UW Dept. of Physics.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1 Lectures on Strong Coupling Meson Theory, given by Prof. Gregor Wentzel (1954); Some Recent Work in Meson Theory by G C Wick (1955); "High Energy Phenomena and Meson Theories" by F P Feynman (1951) 1951-1955
1 "On Angular Momentum" by J. Schwinger 1952
1 "Quarks, Leptons, Guage Interactions and Chirality" Seven lecutres given by R. E. Marshak 1986
1 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Graduate Summer School in Physics, Nuclear Forces, Prof. R. E. Peierls; Invariance Principles by G C Wick 1957
1 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Lecutres given at MIT in 1953/4 by Victor F. Weisskopf 1962
1 Quantum Electrodynamics Part 1, A. I. Akhiezer and V. B. Berestetsky 1953
1 "Tables of the Racah Coefficients" 1954
1 Neutron Physics: A Revision of I. Halpern's Notes on E. Fermi's Lectures in 1945; Serber Says- About High Energy Processes and Nuclear Forces (1947); Electronmagnetic Properties of Nuclei by EJ Kelly (1952) 1945-1952
1 "Tables of Identical-Particle Fractional Parentage Coefficients" by B F Bayman and Alexander Lande 1965
1 Nuclear Physics Notes: Models: Collective Model by A Bohr (1954); Collective Motions by M Moshinsky (1956?); Shell Theory by B Stech (1956) 1954-1956
1 "Tables of Transformation Brackets" by T A Brody and M Moshinsky 1960
1 "Quantum Electrodynamics" by W Thirring, English Edition, (1958) 1958
1 "A Table of Wigner 9j Coefficients for Integral and Half-Integral Values of the Parameters" by K Smith and J W Stevenson 1957
1 Serber Says- About Mesotrons (1947?); Quantum Electrodynaimics and Meson Theory by R P Feynman (1950); Comments on Quantum Electrodynamics by Tomonaga (1956); Meson Theory by R Serber (1951) 1947-1956
1 "The Wigner-Eckart Theorem: A Brief Program in Quantum Mechanics" by Ben Green, jr. 1967
1 "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" by F J Dyson 1951
1 "Tables of Penetrabilities for Charged Particle Reaction" by H Feshback, M M Shapiro, V F Weisskopf 1953
2 Quantization of Nonline AR Scalar Meson Theory 1952
2 Accelerator Report by Henley, Schmidt 1956
2 Notes for Speeches, Talks 1953-1971
2 Names and Addresses of Participants of Summer Institute 1962
2 Publications and Curriculum Vitae of Henley undated
2 Meson Notes 1952
2 Notes: Meson Spectrum- Calculations II 1952
2 Sympsium to Celebrate the Sixtieth Birthday of T D Lee and to Commemorate the Thirtieth Anniversary of Parity Nonconservation (brochure and notes) 1986
2 Renormalization: Neutral Scalar and Pair Theory 1953-1954
2 Robert E Marshak: Tributes to his Memory (booklet) 1993
2 Compound Nucleus: Lowering of Barrier 1953
2 "Causes of Student Unrest" (report and clippings from the Univeristy of Washington in response to student protests) 1968
2 "Goals and Tactics of Student Protest" (report and clippigngs from the University of Washington in response to student protests) 1968
2 Feinberg- Thesis: Multiple Meson Production 1957
2 Materials Relating to Campus Disruption at the University of Washington 1968-1969
2 Dash: Death Certificate, Images, Correspondence, Book Sections 2010-2011
2 Mark III plans and drawings by B Harrison 1973
2 UW World Series Revenue and Expense Summary 2011-2012
2 Newspaper Front Sections: New York Times and Seattle Times 2012 July 5
2 Publications: The Universe vol 1, no 4 (2013); Symmetry, Dimensions of Particle Physics (2014); China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (1991) 1991-2014
2 Newspaper Section: The New York Times: Science Times 2012
2 Printed Image: Person climbing through snow undated
2 Physics Planning Committee (PPC) 1991-1993
2 "Calculation of Alpha-Helium Scattering Phase Shifts" by David K McDaniels 1958
2 Work with T D Lee on Neutral Scalar 1971
2 Los Alamos Agreements 1963-1978
2 Los Alamos Agreements and Documents 1977-1993
2 The National Register of Prominent Americans and International Notables Membership Card and Letter 1978
2 Chairman's Remarks to the University Senate 1971
2 Physics 121B Course Evaluations 1993
2 Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics 1962
2 In Honor of Rudolf Peierls (two copies, one longer one shorter) 1997
2 China-US Physics Examination and Application Program 1980-1985
2 The American Physical Society- documents pertaining to the crisis of science in former-Soviet countries approximately 1992
2 Lecture Series in Nuclear Physics 1947
2 Bulletin of the American Physical Society, (Series II, vo I, no 8; vol 30, no 8) 1955-1956
2 International Congress on Theoretical Physics 1957
2 Design Considerations for Magnetic Spectrometers by J F Streib 1960
2 Articles, Reports, and Correspondence around aid to science in former-Soviet countries approximately 1993
2 Correspondence about corrections for Henley's book 1962-1964
2 Designs, Plans, and Photographs for devices in a lab undated
2 Drawings, Photographs, and Negatives of Machines and Devices undated
3 Nuclear Physics: A Course Given by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago 1950
3 T D Lee Publications: Elementary Particles and Weak Interactions (1957); Conservation Laws in Weak Interactions (1957); Weak Interactions (1957); History of Weak Interactions (1971); Remarks on the [delta and other symbols equal 1/2] Rule in Non-Leptonic 1957-1971
3 Nordita Publications no 137 1963
3 General Field Theory: Articles approximately 1950s-1960s
3 "The Electron and the Nucleus: On the one hundredth anniversary of the electron discovery", by Laurie M Brown undated
3 Photographs of Machines and Devices undated
3 Documents around the Cold War on Campus, Loaylty Oaths, and Un-American activities at the University of Washington 1998
3 Correspondence, especially on an exchange trip to the Soviety Union approximately 1975-1977
3 University of Washington Delegation to DC, and other events promoting peace approximately 1970
3 Correspondence and Financial Records on delegations from the UW to DC to lobby for peace approximately 1970
3 UW Delegation to DC clippings, correspondence, press releases, and bank satements approximately 1970
3 Correspondence and notes around Occidental College visit 1960-1961
3 Correspondence and Publications on visiting Colleges/Universities 1961-1962
3 Oppenheimer Affair and the Canwell Committee: Correspondence, Publications, Clippings, Newspaper Articles, Articles, and Transparencies approximately 1950s-1997
3 International Conference on Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Publicity: Correspondence and Clippings 1956
3 International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Notes and Documents 1956
3 March 4th Protests, Events 1969
3 Visiting Scientist Program, Correspondence and reports 1962-1963
3 Visiting Scientist Program, especially St Mary's College 1961
3 Transparencies undated
3 Book Correspondence approximately 1959-1961
3 Metal to Nonmetallic Brazing by C S Pearsall and P K Zingeser 1949
3 Airbourne Instruments Notes 1946-1948
3 Correspondence with Prof Bogdan Povh 1981 December 21
3 Correspondence, especially report on trip to China 1983
3 Images, Plans, Diagrams, and Notes undated
3 Correspondence, Memorandum of Agreement, and Programs approximately 1971-1999
3 Correspondence approximately 1951-1997
4 Correspondence approximately 1969-1996
4 Newsletters from various physics groups 1990-1995
4 John Simon Guggenheim Memoral Foundation: Reports of the President and the Treasurer 1993
4 Hadron Physics 1964
4 The Jessie and John Danz Lectures (booklet) undated
4 Mutual Agreements with Publishers 1964
4 Photographs, Plans, and Correspondence 1967-1975
4 Notes about Prof S Marshak 1993
4 Correspondence, Reports, Booklets, and Articles from the University of Washington, especially around student research 1994
4 Documents from Henley's tenure as Dean of the College of Arts and Science 1980-1986
4 Documents pertaining to Ronald Geballe approximately 1998
4 Quarks for Pedestrians by Harry J Lipkin undated
4 CUSPEA Record Booklet 1986-1988
5 Correspondence 1965-1993
5 Leave Application 1976
5 Henley Curriculum Vitae undated
5 "Into the Second Century: The University of Washington 1961-1986", by Jane Sanders 1987
5 Clippings approximately 1980
5 Summaries of Outside Professional and Public Activities, Biographies and Bibliographies of Henley for the University of Washington 1953-1998
5 Nuclear Pol. In the Atom approximately 1973
6 Correspondence 1954-2007
6 Life Magazine 1958 February 10
6 CUSPEA Record Booklet 1985
6 Photograph (of Henley?) undated
6 Documents pertaining to the Bethe Symposium 1995
6 China- PRC (Correspondence) 1979-1980
6 "The Quarks and Captain Ahab, Or: The Universe as Artefact" by Sir Denys H Wilkinson 1977
6 Correspondence, Clippings, Notes, Consultant Agreement, Contact Information, and Participation Award (Junior Sceince & Humanitarian Sympoisum) 1960-2012
6 Notes: TD and Exact [symbol] Scatt, [symbols] Scatt and Renorm (?) 1953-1954
6 The American Physical Society- Senior Personel Committee reports and memos 1992
6 American Institute of Physics- Executive Committee Meeting 1993
6 Nuclear Physics fundraise (includes information on awards and correspondence) 1984-1985
6 Clippings and Articles 1969
6 IRS Forms and Instructions 1968
6 Notebooks from trip to China (?) 1977-1983
6 Physics and Applied Physics at Tsing Hua University 1977
6 Documents pertaining to Fellowships 1963
6 Application for Fellowship 1963
6 Documents and Reports on the Contemporary Dance Program at the University of Washington approximately 1972
6 Summary of Heley's Doctoral Disseration 1952
6 International Congress on Theoretical Physics (booklet) 1956
6 Lecture notes: Physics 568 1956-1958
6 Lecture notes: Physics 486 1966-1967
6 Lecture notes: Physics 367, 486, 487 undated
6 Student Grades, Physics 513 undated
6 Lecture Notes: Physics 219 1956-1957
6 American Physical Society Permission Forms 2007
7 Nuclear Physics Book 1968-1969
7 Lecture Notes: Shell Model, Optical Model, Slow Reactions, Statistical Model 1968
7 Lecture Notes: Physics 118, 513, 514, 515 1974
7 Physics Lecture Demonstrations, University of Washington 1989
7 Cartoon images undated
7 Clippings undated
7 List of the Nobel Prize Winners 1966
7 Ad for textbook: Collge Physical Science undated
7 Physics Courses Final Exams and Problem Sets 1969-1970
7 Weak Interactions 1972-1973
7 Reading Notes for Physics 578 undated
7 Lecture Notes: Physics 571, 570 1957-1958
7 Lecture Notes: Physics 558, 559 1965
7 Notes, Correspondence, and Class Lists from Physics 528 1999
7 The Necessity of Fission Power by H A Bethe 1976
7 Notes and Transparencies from Physics 122 1993
7 Exams, Class Lists, Grades, and Correspondence from Physics 122 1978
7 Appendix B: Multipole Expansion of the Electromagnetic Field undated
7 Book Corrections 1991-1995
7 Correspondence and Agreements with Publisher 2001-2005
7 Solutions (for book problems?) undated
7 Notes and a Problem Set from Physics 578 undated
7 Scattering Theory, Physics 566 (Includes assignments) 1956-1957
7 Physics 422 Exams, including class list with grades 1989
7 Notes: Physics 578 1970
7 Lecture Notes: Nuclear Physics undated
7 Physics 422 Exams, Class Lists, and Notes 1995
7 Lecture Notes: The Electromagnetic Field 1965
7 Physics 558 Problem Sets, Notes, and Class List 1966-1967
8 Physics 121-123 Problems and Exams 1962-1978
8 Problem Sets- Physics 483 (?) undated
8 Physics 558, 559- Corrections, Notes, and Problem Sets undated
8 Physics 517, 518, 519- Outline, Class List, Notes, and Problem Sets 1969-1972
8 Final Exam Schedule, Department of Physics Schedule of Courses, Course Notes, and Problem Sets 1976-1979
8 Course Notes, Problem Sets, and Exams 1970-1971
8 Statistical Aspects of the Nucleus, Conference Notes 1955
8 Lecture Series in Nuclear Physics 1947
8 Supplement of the Progress of Theoretical Physics, The Physical Society of Japan, numbers 1-3, 7, 11 1955-1959
8 Physics 560: Theoretical Nuceal Physics (Notes) 1955
8 Group Theory and Spectroscopy by Giulio Racah 1951
8 Physics 527, 528 Class List, Student Papers, and Notes 1992
8 Physics 524: Thermodynamics (Notes) 1954-1957
8 Notebook with notes undated
8 Physics Course Notes and Problem Sets 1970-1978
8 Physics 524, Extra Problem Sets, etc undated
8 Physics 517 Problem Sets 1969
8 Physics 517- notes and class list 1968
8 Physics 561 1955
8 Physics Courses: Notes, Class Lists, and Questions 1972
9 Physics 122 1962
9 Physics 558- From Notes for Books with H F 1966-1967
9 "Own Notes" undated
9 Physics 578: Notes, Assignments, and Class List 1967
9 University of Washington Class Record 1960-1961
9 [pi]-Meson Production by Protons on Nuclei, Thesis by Henley 1952
9 Nuclear Physics Program Plan 1985
9 Articles by Henley, Diagrams, "International Congress on Theoretical Physics" 1951-1964
9 Class Lists and Grades 1962-1964
10 "Masters for all tables but 6" undated
10 Images, mostly transparencies undated
11 Cards with book titles listed, organized into "at school", "at home", "on loan", and "at home b&k" undated
11 Cards listing advisees undated

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Authors
  • Physicists--Washington (State)--Seattle
  • University Archives/Faculty Papers (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Henley, Ernest M.--Archives

Corporate Names

  • University of Washington. Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
  • University of Washington. Department of Physics--History--Sources

Other Creators

  • Corporate Names
    • University of Washington. University Archives