Cora Jane Lawrence papers, 1900-1973

Overview of the Collection

Lawrence, Cora Jane, 1925-
Cora Jane Lawrence papers
1900-1973 (inclusive)
3.08 linear feet
Collection Number
Tape recorded interview, transcript and other papers gathered by a nurse and history of nursing scholar in the course of research for a dissertation in nursing
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Cora Jane Lawrence, born 1925, was a nurse and scholar of the history of nursing. Lawrence's dissertation (1972) on the history of the University of Washington School of Nursing, was titled "University Education for Nursing in Seattle, 1912-1950: An Inside Story of the University of Washington School."

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Papers and oral history interviews gathered by Lawrence in researching her dissertation on the history of the School of Nursing.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Consult the restrictions governing reproduction and use for each of the accessions listed below.

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Organized into 2 accessions.

  • Accession No. 1711-001, Cora Jane Lawrence papers, 1969-1973
  • Accession No. 1711-004, Cora Jane Lawrence papers, 1900-1973

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 1711-001: Cora Jane Lawrence papers, 1969-1973Return to Top

.58 linear feet

Scope and Content: Tape-recorded interviews, transcripts, record book, minutes, report, memo, ephemera.

Includes records of the U.W. School of Nursing, and the American Nurses' Association, plus transcripts of interviews by Cora Lawrence with Elizabeth S. Soule, Harriet Smith, Mary Stickels Tachudin, Henrietta Loughran, Bethesda Buchanan Beals, Kathleen M. Leahy, Katherine J. Hoffman, and Virginia Olcott. Cora Lawrence gathered these materials in the course of her research for a dissertation in nursing.

Restrictions on Access: Access restricted: For terms of access, contact Special Collections

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Cora Lawrence, Seattle, 7/20/1970.

Accession No. 1711-004: Cora Jane Lawrence papers, 1900-1973Return to Top

2.5 linear feet

Scope and Content: Correspondence, oral interview transcripts and notes, miscellaneous collected documents, dissertation draft and notes.

These papers were gathered by Lawrence in researching her dissertation on the history of the School of Nursing.

Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.

Restrictions on Use: Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Acquisition Info: Donated by Cora Lawrence, 8/31/1982.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1 1711-004
Extra Pages of Illustrations
Scope and Content: Four deans, West Coast University Schools; half page photos, graduation 1931 or 1933, Soule, Leahy and Olcott in hoods; and 1938 (?) photo of the faculty for Alumna Christmas greeting, ESS photo; 12 copies of each except one of four deans
1 1711-004
Reading Notes for Schmidt Dissertation
1 1711-004
University of Washington School of Nursing 1931-1961
Scope and Content: Betty Pearson paper for Madsen. Betty was one of Lawrence's encouragers. She used Cowley's Taxonomy of Higher Education as her organizing framework and compared the school in its setting at these two times
1 1711-004
Index to Faculty File Contents
Scope and Content: Notes from "University of Washington Bulletins" - Lawrence had students help check every volume of the University Bulletins from 1912-1950. It is from these sources that changes in courses, faculty, etc. were learned. Pages, volumes, and years are carefully documented
1 1711-004
UW Bulletin Notes
1 1711-004
Notebooks 1 and 2
Scope and Content: One: Research log on dissertation from August 5, 1969 to November 25, 1969. Perhaps some useful tips in people seen, etc. Two: Research log, November 29, 1969 to June 3, 1970; main data collection period
1 1711-004
Notebooks 3 and 4
Scope and Content: Three: Kathleen Leahy tape in 1970 - includes information on archives equipment used, plans for the interviews in San Francisco and notes in case the tape did not work. Four: Mrs. Soule interviews 7 through 13 - these are post oral history; during the time Lawrence was putting the final touches on these stories; often called her about some detail and saw her occasionally until her death, Dates are July 22, 1970 until February 20, 1972, date of her death
1 1711-004
Soule Original
Scope and Content: Elizabeth Sterling Soule original oral histories without editing, includes index
1 1711-004
Faculty File to 1950
Scope and Content: Faculty file from beginning of School of Nursing Education to 1950 (index to contents in separate folder); compiled from University Bulletins, and other sources with all information that could be found on the person
1 1711-004
Microfilms: Mildred S. Schmidt
Scope and Content: "Factors Which Have Led to or Deterred the Establishment of Associate Degree Programs in Nursing in Community Junior Colleges," Columbia University Ed. D. 1965
1 1711-004
Microfilms: Kenneth H. Toepfer
Scope and Content: "James Earl Russell and the Rise of Teachers College 1895-1915" Columbia University 1966. This is important because Suzzallo came from this environment to Washington in 1915. It gives the ethos out of which he came, could be useful to Suzzallo, Education and Nursing historical research
1 1711-004
Bibliography Cards
Scope and Content: Used by typist for final dissertation, annotated in spots, in 4"x6" brown expandable card file
1 1711-004
Indexes to Storage Retrieval Cabinet
1 1711-004
Indexes - Work Plans
1 1711-004
1 1711-004
Tables - Chronology
Scope and Content: Data entries - used for dissertation proposal as Soule biography and later for dissertation; helped to begin to look at chronology and whether there were holes; did not use after a certain stage but inspired Lawrence's thought process
1 1711-004
Interview Indexes and Miscellaneous Interviews
Scope and Content: Record of dates, etc. for all oral histories
1 1711-004
Scope and Content: Elizabeth Sterling Soule - notes, questions to ask
1 1711-004
Talk Over with Mrs. Soule
1 1711-004
Evelyn Burke Interview
Scope and Content: Suggested archival policies for School of Nursing
1 1711-004
Soule: "What Should a School of Nursing Give to it Students?"
1 1711-004
Soule: "Vocational Guidance as a Means of Professional Development"
1 1711-004
Henrietta Adams Loughran correspondence
1 1711-004
Loughran oral history
1 1711-004
Loughran interviews
1 1711-004
Loughran vitae
1 1711-004
Mrs. James H. Buchanen
Scope and Content: Original and unedited. This lady was Executive Secretary of Washington State TB Association with Elizabeth Sterling Soule; preceded ESS connection with University of Washington. She has a sharp memory, was a bit older than other interviewees, and proved to be a very helpful resource. This organization published a periodical which was used to corroborate things she said, she proved generally reliable
1 1711-004
Florence Gray
Scope and Content: Notes for talks with her, what to tell her, what to ask her
1 1711-004
Kathleen Leahy - Bibliography and vitae
1 1711-004
Leahy - Correspondence
1 1711-004
Leahy - Interview With
April 17, 1970
1 1711-004
Negatives and Prints for Publisher
Scope and Content: Negatives, plates, and prints from dissertation in case of publication; folder includes Organizational Chart University - Harborview 1931 in Appendix from the art shop of Tom Stebbins, School of Medicine illustrator, Chief; original drawing and copies
2 1711-004
1970, undated
2 1711-004
Olcott, Virginia - Notes
2 1711-004
Scope and Content: Mary Tschudin - Biography and one small oral history
2 1711-004
Rockefeller Foundation Correspondence
2 1711-004
Rockefeller Foundation Documents
Scope and Content: February 1935 plan for grant - neat example of an early grant proposal by Elizabeth Sterling Soule to Miss Mary Beard of Rockefeller Foundation; about one inch of thickness in folder and includes correspondence between them, reports of the progress as the moneys were spent; includes City of Seattle Epidologist's report of his plan for the nursing course as presented to Mrs. Soule for Nursing Ed. 104 in 1936; also correspondence with PH Commissioner from the City
2 1711-004
Coldwell Letter to McGee
1940, 1943, 1970
2 1711-004
Course in P.H. Work
2 1711-004
Intensive Pre-Nursing
2 1711-004
Graduate Nurses Institute - Announcement
2 1711-004
Clippings - Olcott Papers
2 1711-004
Report - Rockefeller Foundation Fellow Leahy Carbon
2 1711-004
UW Nursing Bulletin 159
September 1922
2 1711-004
Biography of E. Hall by Adams
2 1711-004
Directory and Yearbook, W.S.G.N.A.
Scope and Content: Includes all three nursing organizations: League, PHN, and Nurses Association
2 1711-004
Letter Annie Goodrich to Elizabeth Soule
July 31, 1928
2 1711-004
Four Public Health Directors
Scope and Content: Photo and text surrounding; one of photos in final dissertation
October 1929
2 1711-004
Soule "A Short History of the School"
2 1711-004
"A Short History of University of Washington School of Nursing"
October 5, 1949
2 1711-004
Elizabeth Sterling Soule Transcript
2 1711-004
Letter of William H. Walsh, Medical Consultant on Harborview
2 1711-004
Henrietta Adams Loughran articles, Nursing Outlook, on Soule
2 1711-004
Leahy Transcript
2 1711-004
Adams Transcript
2 1711-004
Olcott Transcript
2 1711-004
Tschudin Transcript and Vitae
2 1711-004
Hoffman Transcript and Vitae
2 1711-004
Patterson Transcript and Vitae
2 1711-004
Sr. John Gabriel Transcript
2 1711-004
Xerox from Howard File
Scope and Content: Curriculum changes, University of Washington School of Nursing
2 1711-004
Xerox from School of Nursing Bulletins, University of Washington
2 1711-004
Harborview - University Agreement
2 1711-004
Reprints and Xerox Copies
2 1711-004
Documents 31-34
Scope and Content: Reprints of articles by Leahy on Harborview Program, Norther State Program by Soule, Selection and Preparation of the Grad. Nurse by Soule, Tentative Standards for Schools of Nursing Seeking Connection with a College of University Comte Nsg. Ed. NLNE from a survey done by Dept. Nsg. TC, July 1931 AJN (above all AJN too). Adams article University Contrib. to Nursing Ed. "Modern Hospital," XLII
2 1711-004
Documents 35+
Scope and Content: 41st Annual Convention NLNE. June 3-8 1935, letter Stewart-Soule 1935 Soule Building University School reprint 1938, AJN, FSS Annual Report to Sieg 1938, "Elnora Thomson" ESS Biog. Sketches, NLNE n.d. She was the dean at Oregon, photo of the 4 PHN deans, ESS admired and loved her. ESS paper "Resources and 7th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, May 9-11, 1940. ESS "Organizational Patterns Found in a Collegiate School" outline showing how she developed a talk, maybe spoke from this? Also "Trends in Progress in Nursing Education in College and Universities" and "Placement ans Status of the School of Nursing in the College or University," all at similar stages of outline plus her handwritten notes; Other Speeches and Reports on Harborview carbon and ditto reports by Soule's assistants Adams, Leahy,and Olcott incorporated into her University Annual Report of the School, a proposal for the Evelyn Hall Fund, memorial fund for the school
1935, 1940
2 1711-004
Documents of the 1940s
Scope and Content: "News About Nursing" from AJN XL, includes group photo Soule and faculty; Gray "University of Washington NW Pioneer" "Trained Nurse" and write up HSB organization and autonomy; Ruby Hult "WasState Jr. Nsg.," "Legend for Nurses - ESS career"; including picture of 1921 PH nurses' institute. 48 presidents of University and MD reviews "The Brown Report" Raymond B. Allen; Letter from Allen to ESS on KJH LOA for Ph.D. Nov. for Winter 1947 and appointments and switches it meant Va. Felton took KJH's place at Harborview, Gray to Drs. to replace her and Myrtle Lee Floyd to replace Gray, was a University Fellow; excerpt from Kraabel thesis on development. Basic Bacc. org. chart Univ.; Leahy AJN, June 1947 "Reorganizing a University School" independent and prof. autonomy and equal. This was coauthored with Lillian Patterson: includes different organizational chart from above; "The Wash. Alumnus" 1930: 5, Jan. 1940 ESS Alumnus Dignatus Award 1st woman to receive after 19 years of work at Wash.; 1969 NLN Report Comte Self-Eval for NLN; 1949 Biennial Report U of W. Bulletin No. 44; NLNE; 1949 Biennial Report U of W Bulletin No. 44; NLNE Niog. Sketches 1937? ESS by Leahy; Letter to ESS from Fred L. Adair, M.D. Chairman; The American Committee on Maternal Welfare, Inc. thanking her for article written for "The Mother" (never could find this article nor did ESS recall)
2 1711-004
Virginia Olcott Papers
Scope and Content: Includes a history of the first 50 years of the University of Washington School of Nursing for a banquet
October 12, 1968
2 1711-004
University Catalogues
Scope and Content: Xeroxes from Minnesota, Indiana, Oregon, and Cincinnati
2 1711-004
Rough Notes from Interviews
Scope and Content: Notes of short interviews before or after oral history interviews, short meetings with people. Also handwritten oral history type transcripts from ESS tape on her 80th birthday banquet, Saturday, October 10, 1964. Brief index on front and 1/4 inch of handwritten pages on yellow paper. As Lawrence recalls this was done before she decided to try oral history as a method. This is all raw data, and is not in archives. Includes some Leahy stuff on history of hospitals, knew MacEachern and a bit on medical education and hospital administration in early days
2 1711-004
Nursing Degrees and Certification
2 1711-004
Oral History
Scope and Content: Bibliography notes and annotated bibliography, from 1967-1971, the basis of her study and a short article she wrote for use with subjects; short paper she wrote and published bibliography from OH Assn. and their goals and guidelines
2 1711-004
ACSN "Minutes of Meeting 1935"
Scope and Content: Content suggestions on Membership standards look similar to UW Present including AWG Howell, Titus, Stewart, Sr. Olivia, Burgess min. incl. AWG resignation Nov.; letter Elnora Thomson to ESS May 1935 cannot go to Cleveland about above ACSN business sites concern of strength of "our stance" due to AWG resignation and Burgess chmn
2 1711-004
Why File - ???s
Scope and Content: Articles, clippings on School of Nursing History and related to it since its writing. Correspondence Virginia Olcott critique of dissertation - some suggestions ex post facto. One sheet left in Why File - one of Rockefeller's giving $9,000 to nursing and $350,000 to Fisheries for Friday Harbor etc.
2 1711-004
To Be Done
2 1711-004
Dissertation Raw Data
Scope and Content: Raw Data Individuals, important ones divided out first individuals, less important files under alphabetical groups; Raw Data Misc. topic headings pre-1950 from the 1920s, from the 1930s, from the 1940s; Alphabetical File - blue index cards A-Z, filed by author all periodicals, books, source from documents which were used at all, most of this is outside the formal bibliography of the dissertation; Hurry file - misc. efforts to corroborate oral history, interesting leads that were just filed for lack of time and lack of direct relevance to research questions. Those not pertaining to dissertation deleted 1982
3 1711-004
Dissertation Topical Raw Data
Scope and Content: Raw Data - topical, main topic headings; Introduction - the topics mentioned in introduction of dissertation as possible factors to be found in the body - arranged by topic; Nursing Education at Washington - within University; Organizations - National and Washington State by organization; University of Washington; Nursing contributions to the University of Washington; Junior Colleges; Universities outside Washington - used in next to last chapter; Conclusion - sketch for raw ideas, on IBM cards handy when disease struck

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)

Personal Names

  • Lawrence, Cora Jane, 1925- --Archives

Corporate Names

  • Rockefeller Foundation
  • University of Washington. School of Nursing

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Buchanan, Mrs. James H (interviewee)
    • Burke, A. Evelyn (interviewee)
    • Gray, Florence (interviewee)
    • Leahy, Kathleen M (inverviewee)
    • Loughran, Henrietta Adams, 1898-1980 (interviewee)
    • Soule, Elizabeth Sterling (interviewee)
    • Tschudin, Mary (interviewee)