Shirl O. Graham Papers, 1951-1976

Overview of the Collection

Graham, Shirl O.
Shirl O. Graham Papers
1951-1976 (inclusive)
7 containers., (3.5 linear feet of shelf space.), (1200 items.)
Collection Number
Cage 343
Notes and correspondence, relating to research in plant pathology; also, lecture materials for graduate and undergraduate courses.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Shirl O. Graham was born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1918 and remained there until graduating in botany from the University of Nebraska in 1941. After serving as an Army officer in the South Pacific, Graham worked with the Washington State Department of Agriculture in Olympia and Prosser from 1948 to 1950, and then entered the WSU Plant Pathology department's graduate program as a Research Assistant in 1951. On completing his doctorate in 1954, he was hired as an Assistant Professor and rose to Professor in 1968, serving in that rank until his death in 1976. Dr. Graham taught all levels of Plant Pathology courses, and conducted research in various biochemical aspects of plant diseases especially the fungus disease anthracnose, bean viruses, and fruit tree nutrition disorders. He was credited with being co-discoverer of an anti-viral antibiotic, phytoactin.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Research and laboratory notes, seminar papers, lecture notes and course materials, correspondence, and slides, concerning research and instructional activities.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 343, Shirl O. Graham Papers. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The papers were arranged by topic, roughly divided between materials related to teaching and those related to research. At certain points the two areas overlap--as in graduate research seminars--in such cases the research function was considered primary, and seminar papers filed with corresponding research files. The final arrangement preserves this original order by dividing the papers into two series according to their instructional or research function.

Series I is further divided into subseries for graduate and undergraduate course materials; Series II is divided into three subseries -- numbered and named research projects, materials related to anthracnose research, and other research topics. The original titles of folders have been preserved; untitled folders have been titled in brackets according to their main subject.

Acquisition Information

The teaching and research files of the Professor of Plant Pathology, Shirl O. Graham, were donated to the Washington State University Libraries by the Plant Pathology Department in February, 1977 (UA 77-5).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series 1: Instructional MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Series 1.1: Undergraduate Course Materials
Box Folder
1 1
Shirl Graham (Plant Path.) [Notes on journal articles relating to P.P. 206]
1 2
[Typescript of lab manual for P.P. 106-206]
1 3
[Dittoed schedules and general information re P.P. 329]
1 4
Virus and etc. [Course materials re P.P. 429, 417]
1 5
[P.P. 429 lab technique dittos, lecture notes]
1 6
[P.P. 429 lab technique and lecture dittos]
1 7
[P.P. 429] Dittos. 1) Calibration of the Microscope, 2) Preparation of microscopic mounts.
1 8
Drawings and Camera Lucida [re P.P. 429]
1 9
Culture Exercise II P.P. 429
1 10
A Host Range Study of the Pathenogenicity of Some of Anthracnose Spp. on Foliage Plants by Ellen Walter [P.P. 429 report]
Jan. 28, 1959
1 11
Laboratory Equivalents and Standards Reference [Book] S.O. Graham Personal Copy [re P.P. 429]
2 12
[Ms. and ditto lecture notes and handouts, P.P. 529]
2 13
[P.P. 529 Exam File]
2 14
Establishing Donor Plants by Culture Cutting Lecture [re P.P. 417; article, ditto, ms. notes]
Series 1.2: Graduate Course Materials
Box Folder
2 15
Notes for Virology Course [notes, articles, papers, corr. re development of P.P. 511]
2 16
Plant Virology [P.P. 511 course materials]
2 17
[P.P. 511 Group lab reports]
3 18
[6 student lab report books, P.P. 511]
1966; 1968
3 19
[P.P. 511 lab exercise masters]
3 20
Nature of Virus Infectivity [notes and masters re P.P. 511]
3 21
Slide Series on Virus Symptoms [list]
3 22
Origin of Plant Viruses [ditto and revision for P.P. 511]
3 23
[Plant Virus Serology: re P.P. 511, Fractions, No. 1]
3 24
[lecture and lab outline, P.P. 512]
3 25
[eight P.P. 515 seminar papers]
3 26
P.P. 535 Physiology and Genetics of Parasitism [proposal and course outline]
3 27
Amino Acids and Peptides as Dipolar Ions, Instructor's Copy
3 28
Beutler's 1 Shop Development
3 29
Freeze Drying
3 30
Finagle's Laws [humorous explanation of scientific method]

Series 2: Research MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Series 2.1: Named or Numbered Research Projects
Box Folder
4 31
[three P.P. 515 Seminar papers by Shirl Graham]
4 32
Project 253
4 33
Project 1448
4 34
Phytoactin Project
4 35
Veronal Ppt. Fractionalization by Dialysis and Ion Exchange [re Phytoactin Project]
4 36
Ozette Project [w/slides]
4 37
Arsenic Study
4 38
Endogone Soybeans [re Project 0204]
Series 2.2: Anthracnose Related Papers
Box Folder
5 39
Colletotrichum Variability
5 40
[P.P. 515 paper Taxonomic Considerations of Smut Fungi Yerkes]
5 40
[P.P. 515 paper The Species of the Genus Colletotrichum Cda, ms. Trans from German]
5 41
CHo4 Factors on Anthracnose
5 42
Introduction [to Strobel thesis, folder 43?]
5 43
Physiologically Induced Morphologic and Pathogenic Variations of Some Glomerella Cingulata Isolates [WSU doctoral thesis in Plant Pathology by James W. Strobel]
Series 2.3: Other Research Papers
Box Folder
5 44
Growth Regulator Determinations
6 45
Organelle Concept
6 46
[excerpted articles on host-pathogen interaction]
7 47
Bean Mosiac Virus Material
7 48
Cranberry Pathogen Isolates and Growth on Media
7 49
[excerpts and notes on viral structure]
7 50
Germination Inducer Study
7 51
Stock Cultures
7 52
Media Studies--setal responses thereto
7 53
Differential Media Study Notes and Lit. Review
7 54
Differential Media
7 55
Extract Additive Studies -- tables
7 56
Temperature Studies
7 57
Misc. Studies
7 58
Pathogenicity and Inoculation Trials
7 59
[chapter outline of book on Glomerella Cingulata]
7 60
Plant Pathology Lecture Outlines by Dr. B. H. Davis, Dept. Plant Path. Rutgers U.
Jan. 1940