Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
- Content Description
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Series 1: Correspondence
- Series II: Correspondence
- Series III: Correspondence
- Series IV: Correspondence
- Series V: Correspondence
- Series VI: Correspondence
- Series VII: Correspondence
- Series VIII: Correspondence
- Series IX: Correspondence
- Series X: Correspondence
- Series XI: Correspondence
- Series XII: Correspondence
- Names and Subjects
President's Office (Gibb) records, 1977-1989
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- President's Office (Gibb)
- Title
- President's Office (Gibb) records
- Dates
- 1977-1989 (inclusive)19771989
- Quantity
- 45 cubic feet
- Collection Number
- UG 041, UG041 (collection)
- Summary
- Correspondence, reports, and speeches relating to the administration of the University of Idaho.
- Repository
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845 - Access Restrictions
Contents of folders identified by the President's Office as confidential files, usually of a personnel nature, were placed in sealed envelopes. For access to this information written permission must be obtained from the President's Office. These individual folders are marked "**CONFIDENTIAL**" below. Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives for more information.
- Languages
- Undetermined
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Records of University of Idaho President Richard Dean Gibb span the years 1977 to 1989. While this is primarily a correspondence file, it also contains speeches, photocopies of articles, and minutes and reports of university committees and academic departments. Some of the records from the offices of vice presidents Thomas Richardson and Robert Coonrod, and executive assistant Terry Armstrong, are interfiled with Gibb's correspondence. The recommendations for honorary degrees which were transferred to the library earlier were reintegrated into the records.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
FOR DOCUMENTS Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
In processing this record group the original order of the material was maintained. Material was arranged chronologically by fiscal year, then alphabetically. Each year contains two subsections; the first has all general material, the second is arranged by college or school.
Changes in office staff resulted in changed in filing practices. Beginning in 1980 all ROTC files are together rather than alphabetical by military branch. In 1985 associations and committees were filed by name rather than under the broader heading "Associations" and "Committees."
Frequently the clerks in the President's office used acronyms on folder labels. In the following inventory most of these are spelled out, the exceptions are: ASUI (Associated Students University of Idaho); WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education); IMAGE (Institute for Molecular and Agricultural Genetic Engineering); INEL (Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory); JFAC (Joint Financial Affairs Committee of the Idaho Legislature); WAMI ( Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho Medical Education Program); WOI (Washington, Oregon, Idaho Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine). Acronyms used in conjunction with reports of committees are: AAUP (Association of University Professors); AFT (American Federation of Teachers); and SBOE (State Board of Education). KUID and KUOI are university radio stations, the first being the National Public Radio affiliate, the second the student run station.
By discarding duplicate copies of mimeographed material, transferring publications to other collections, and combining less bulky folders, the collection was reduced by 19.5 cubic feet.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series 1: Correspondence, 1977-1978Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Academic Vice-President Position
31 items : Papers
1978 |
1 | 2 | 1: Administrative Hearing Board
6 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 3 | Admissions; Director of Admissions
34 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 4 | Advisory Councils for Colleges
12 items : Papers
1977 |
1 | 5 | Affirmative Action; Affirmative Action Committee
49 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 6 | Agency for International Development
6 items : Papers
1978 |
1 | 7 | Alumni Office
32 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 8 | American Association of University Professors; American Association of University Women, American Federation of Teachers
18 items : Papers
1977 |
1 | 9 | Antenna (Placement of); Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges; Associated Western Universities
11 items : Papers, Newspapers
1977-1978 |
1 | 10 | Athletics
49 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 11 | Athletic Director Position
30 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 12 | Attorney; Auditorium
6 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 13 | Ballet Folk
2 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 14 | Big Sky Conference; Big Sky Presidents' Council
31 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 15 | Bookstore; Borah Foundation
9 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 16 | Budget
55 items : Papers, Translucent Pages
1976-1978 |
1 | 17 | Budget
44 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
1 | 18 | Budget
14 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
1 | 19 | Budget
25 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
1 | 20 | Budget
28 items : Papers
1977-1980 |
1 | 21 | Budget: Salary data - Gibb
3 items : Papers
1978 |
1 | 22 | Budget: Operating Budget FY80
100 items : Papers, Newspapers
1977-1980 |
1 | 23 | Business Development Center
2 items : Papers
1977 |
1 | 24 | Carter, Sherman F (Special)
9 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
1 | 25 | Classified Staff
8 items : Papers
1977 |
1 | 26 | Cochran, David E
5 items : Papers
1977 |
1 | 27 | Commencement
30 items : Papers, Envelopes
1978 |
1 | 28 | Computer Center
13 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 29 | Consulting Policy
7 items : Papers
1978 |
1 | 30 | Continuing Education
39 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 31 | Consortium for International Development; Conrod letters for Dr. Gibb; Coordinator of Research Position; Curriculum in planning
24 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
1 | 32 | Danforth Foundation; Dean's Retreat
8 items : Papers
1977 |
2 | 33 | Educational Opportunity Center Grant; Electron Microscope Center, Engineering Complex
10 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 34 | Faculty
14 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 35 | Faculty at Large; Faculty salaries
32 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 36 | Faculty Secretary
33 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 37 | Financial Affairs
32 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 38 | Financial Affairs
35 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 39 | Financial Affairs
33 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 40 | Five Year plan - Dr. Hartung
9 items : Papers
1975-1977 |
2 | 41 | Foundation
19 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 42 | Hecla-Bunker Hill; Honoraries; Honorary degrees; Honors Program
15 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
2 | 43 | Idaho, State of
21 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 44 | Idaho Association for the Humanities; Idaho Council on Economic Education; Idaho Forest Industries
11 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 45 | Idaho Governor
9 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 46 | Idaho Human Rights Commission
16 items : Papers
1978 |
2 | 47 | Idaho Legislature
16 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 48 | Idaho Mining Association
2 items : Papers
1977 |
2 | 49 | Idaho State Board of Education
24 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 50 | Idaho State Board of Education
38 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 51 | Idaho State Personnel Conference
10 items : Papers
1978 |
2 | 52 | Inauguration
71 items : Papers
1977 |
2 | 53 | Inauguration
69 items : Papers, Newspapers
1977 |
2 | 54 | INEL; Inventory
15 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 55 | Institutions
23 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
2 | 56 | Boise State University, Idaho State University, Lewis-Clark State College; College of St. Gertrude; Washington State University
45 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
2 | 57 | Air Force ROTC and Contract with the University of Idaho
77 items : Papers
1945-1978 |
2 | 58 | Army ROTC and Contract with the University of Idaho
38 items : Papers
1953-1978 |
3 | 59 | Navy ROTC and Contract with the University of Idaho
42 items : Papers
1945-1978 |
3 | 60 | W.K. Kellogg Foundation
7 items : Papers
1977 |
3 | 61 | Learning Resource Center; Legislative School (Chamber of Commerce); Longevity - LWOP credit; Library
16 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 62 | Libyan proposal and training
23 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
3 | 63 | Management Information Services
25 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 64 | McCroskey, Bert; Membership in enclosed organizations
19 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
3 | 65 | Miscellaneous
90 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 66 | Miscellaneous
55 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 67 | Miscellaneous
55 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 68 | Moscow, City of; Moscow Chamber of Commerce; University Museum
13 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 69 | NASPA: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
22 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 70 | NASULGC: National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
73 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 71 | National Merit scholarships; Native American Development Center
6 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 72 | NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association
15 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 73 | News Bureau; NICHE: North Idaho Consortium for Health Education; Northwest Scientific Association
14 items : Paper
1977-1978 |
3 | 74 | Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
36 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
3 | 75 | Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
9 items : Papers
1977 |
3 | 76 | Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
44 items : Papers
1976-1977 |
3 | 77 | Palouse Hills Farm Museum; Physical Plant
20 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 78 | Program Review
2 items : Papers
1976 |
3 | 79 | Program Review Board
13 items : Papers
1976-1977 |
3 | 80 | Prospects
10 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 81 | Recommendations
95 items : Papers
1976-1977 |
3 | 82 | Recommendations
43 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
3 | 83 | Regents
40 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 84 | Regents: Curriculum Committee
18 items : Papers
1978 |
4 | 85 | Regents: Curriculum Committee
25 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 86 | Regents: Presidents' Council
16 items : Papers
1977 |
4 | 87 | Registrar
16 items : Papers
1977 |
4 | 88 | Reports on University Status
11 items : Papers
1977 |
4 | 89 | Research, Coordinator of
32 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers, Booklets
1975-1978 |
4 | 90 | Associate coordinator of research position; Research Council
12 items : Papers
1975-1978 |
4 | 91 | Research Foundation
17 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 92 | Retreat; Richardson (Personal); Sea Grant Association; Staff Affairs
30 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 93 | Student Administrative Services
26 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 94 | Student Evaluation of Faculty
2 items : Papers
1977 |
4 | 95 | Suggestion Box
69 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 96 | Summer Session
9 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 97 | Taylor Ranch; Technical assistance program; Theophilus award
3 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 98 | Title IX
76 items : Papers, Newspapers
1976 |
4 | 99 | Title IX
11 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 100 | Tuition and fees; United States Government; Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Buckley Amendment
14 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 101 | University Relations and Development
27 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 102 | University Year for Action
26 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
4 | 103 | Vandal Boosters; Veterans' Affairs
13 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 104 | WAMI
18 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
4 | 105 | WICHE: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
42 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
4 | 106 | Women's Caucus
3 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 107 | Agriculture, College of
19 items : Papers
1978 |
5 | 108 | Agriculture, College of
37 items : Papers, Newspapers
1977 |
5 | 109 | Agriculture, College of
24 items : Papers, Booklets
1977 |
5 | 110 | Agriculture, College of: Experiment Station; Small Animal Laboratory
11 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 111 | Business and Economics, College of
28 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 112 | Business and Economics, College of: Dean Search
54 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 113 | Engineering, College of
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 114 | Engineering, College of
17 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 115 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
34 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 116 | General Studies; Graduate School; Associate graduate dean position; Graduate dean search; Graduate program review
26 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 117 | Interdisciplinary Studies; Public Utilities Executives Course
7 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 118 | Education, College of; Physical Education, Vocational Education
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 119 | Law, College of
24 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
5 | 120 | Law, College of: Dean search
99 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 121 | Letters and Science, College of
12 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 122 | Art and Architecture; Biological Sciences, Chemistry; School of Communications
36 items : Papers
1978 |
5 | 123 | English; Foreign Languages
28 items : Papers, Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 124 | History; Home Economics; Mathematics; Music
49 items : Papers
1976-1978 |
5 | 125 | Physics, Political Science; Psychology; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
26 items : Papers
1978 |
5 | 126 | Library
8 items : Papers
1977 |
5 | 127 | Mines, College of
2 items : Booklets
1977-1978 |
5 | 128 | Mines, College of
20 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
5 | 129 | Mines, College of
11 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 130 | Veterinary Medicine
17 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 131 | Veterinary Medicine
12 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 132 | Veterinary Medicine
34 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 133 | Background Information: Affirmative action
1 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 134 | Background Information: Aspects of salary administration; Computer Center and Systems Development
2 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 135 | Background Information: Physical Plant needs and situation
1 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 136 | Background Information: Student fees and charges; Student Union operations
1 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 137 | Background Information: U of I Foundation
1 items : Papers
1977 |
6 | 138 | Thanks - gifts/monies/receipts
118 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 139 | Correspondence: Athletic director/coach position
10 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 140 | Correspondence: Board of Regents/Milt Small
36 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 141 | Correspondence: Campus problems
25 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 142 | Correspondence: Football Coach
55 items : Papers, Newspapers
1977-1978 |
6 | 143 | Correspondence: Gibb - President elect; Meetings
64 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 144 | Correspondence: Legislators
42 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 145 | Correspondence: Letters of Recommendations
56 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 146 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous
88 items : Papers, Photographs, Newspapers
1977-1978 |
6 | 147 | Correspondence: On Campus
62 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 148 | Correspondence: Personal
86 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 149 | Correspondence: Regrets; Thanks
104 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 150 | Departmental Visits
31 items : Papers
1978 |
6 | 151 | Gibb - Travel
66 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 152 | College of Business; Football coach; Graduate programs
16 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 153 | Miscellaneous
10 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 154 | NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association
10 items : Papers
1977-1978 |
6 | 155 | Personnel
15 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers, Newspapers
1978 |
6 | 156 | Personnel: Graduate Dean
38 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1978 |
6 | 157 | Research Profile
2 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1977 |
Series II: Correspondence, 1978-1979Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
7 | 158 | Administrative Council meetings; Administrative intern; Administrative Procedures Act
18 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 159 | Admissions Office
12 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 160 | Affirmative Action; Affirmative Action Committee
29 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 161 | Air Force ROTC; Alcohol policy and problems
9 items : Papers
1978 |
7 | 162 | Alumni Office
38 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 163 | American Association of University Professors; American Association of University Women; American Federation of Teachers
6 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 164 | Annual report; Argonaut; Armstrong, Terry; Army
33 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 165 | ASUI; Associated Western Universities
26 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 166 | Athletics
31 items : Papers, Booklets
1978-1979 |
7 | 167 | Attorney, University; Ballet Folk
15 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 168 | Big Sky Conference
16 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 169 | Board of Regents Briefs and Correspondence
25 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 170 | Board of Regents Meetings
19 items : Papers
1978 |
7 | 171 | Board of Regents Meetings
29 items : Papers
1978 |
7 | 172 | Board of Regents Meetings
24 items : Papers
1979 |
7 | 173 | Boise State University
5 items : Papers
1978 |
7 | 174 | Budget Office
8 items : Papers
1978 |
7 | 175 | Budgets
10 items : Papers
1978-1980 |
7 | 176 | Budgets: Salary Data
22 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1979 |
7 | 177 | Budget Reduction Exercise
8 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 178 | Business Manager; Campus News; Campus Planning Committee; Carcinogen Ad Hoc Committee
21 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 179 | Classified Staff
17 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 180 | Commencement; Committees, University; Complaints, Computer Center
9 items : Papers, Booklets
1978 |
7 | 181 | Consortium for International Development; Continuing Education, Controller's Office
15 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 182 | Correspondence, Campus and Personal; Danforth Foundation
24 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 183 | Educational Office Personnel Association
8 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 184 | Exempt Staff Salary Equity Study
51 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
7 | 185 | Faculty; Faculty Affairs, Faculty Appeals
10 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 186 | Faculty Council
35 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 187 | Faculty load survey; Faculty meetings, Faculty policies
11 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 188 | Faculty Secretary
32 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 189 | Fees, Faculty and staff
17 items : Papers
1979 |
7 | 190 | Financial Affairs
52 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 191 | Financial Vice President
28 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
7 | 192 | Football; Forestry (Cooperative agreement with U.S. Forest Service)
6 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 193 | Foundation, University of Idaho
26 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 194 | Foundation, University of Idaho
19 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 195 | Dr. Ferguson
22 items : Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
8 | 196 | Governor's budget; Grade inflation
5 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 197 | Grant Proposals
2 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 198 | Gravatt, Mark K
4 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1979 |
8 | 199 | Grievances, Staff
38 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 200 | Handicapped students; Hecla-Bunker Hill; Holidays; Honors program
19 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 201 | Honorary Degrees
26 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 202 | Idaho, State of; Budget, Policy planning and coordination; Council of Economic Education; Forestry Council; Health and welfare; Governor
15 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 203 | Idaho Human Rights Commission
17 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 204 | Idaho State Board of Education
42 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 205 | Idaho State Board of Education
15 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 206 | Idaho State Board of Education
1 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 207 | Idaho State University; Idaho Statesman; Idahonian; 1% initiative; Institutional memberships; Institutional Service Inventory
32 items : Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
8 | 208 | Kellogg Foundation; Kibbie Dome
13 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 209 | Kiilsgaard, Carl; KUID
11 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 210 | Lawsuits
7 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 211 | Legislative Session
12 items : Papers
1979 |
8 | 212 | Legislators: General and Correspondence
72 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 213 | Lewiston Morning Tribune; Management Information Services
17 items : Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
8 | 214 | Martin trust
12 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 215 | McKinney, Dave
2 items : Papers
1979 |
8 | 216 | Meetings - Gibb
45 items : Papers
1979 |
8 | 217 | Meetings - Gibb
26 items : Papers
1978 |
8 | 218 | Miscellaneous
54 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 219 | Miscellaneous correspondence
75 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
8 | 220 | Moscow, City of; Moscow Chamber of Commerce; Museum
7 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 221 | Native American Development Center; Navy; National Collegiate Athletic Association
19 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 222 | News Bureau; North Idaho College; Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
24 items : Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
8 | 223 | Palouse Empire Mall; Palouse Hills Farm Museum; Parking; Parking appeals
29 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 224 | Permanent Building Fund Council; Personnel; Physical Plant; Physical Plant director search
34 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 225 | Placement Center; Positions, Policy for filling vacant
20 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
8 | 226 | Recommendations
39 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 227 | Reduction in Force
47 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 228 | Regents; Registrar's office
18 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 229 | Regrets
30 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 230 | Remodeling; Reorganization; Research Foundation
9 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 231 | Residency/Tuition waivers
16 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 232 | Retired faculty; Retirement programs
33 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 233 | Safety and Security; Security chief search; Space Committee
12 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 234 | Student and Administrative Services
51 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 235 | Student Advisory Services
11 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 236 | Student Counseling; Student evaluation of teachers
3 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 237 | Student Fee Increases
17 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 238 | Student Financial Aids
14 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 239 | Student Health Center
9 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 240 | Suggestion box; Summer session
47 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 241 | Thanks/Gifts/Monies/Receipts
125 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 242 | Thanks - Correspondence
47 items : Photographs, Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
9 | 243 | Title IX
28 items : Papers, Booklets
1978-1979 |
9 | 244 | Title IX; Title XII; U.S. Government
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1978-1979 |
9 | 245 | University meeting (faculty and staff); University Relations and Development; University Year for Action
27 items : Papers, Newspapers
1978-1979 |
9 | 246 | Vandal Boosters; Vandal logo; Varsity center; Veterans Affairs
24 items : Papers, Booklets
1978-1979 |
9 | 247 | Vice Presidents, memos to; Vice President for Student and University Relations search
22 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 248 | WAMI; Washington State University
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1978-1979 |
9 | 249 | WICHE
9 items : Papers
1979 |
9 | 250 | Wittbecker, Alan
31 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
9 | 251 | Women's Caucus; WOI
20 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 252 | Agriculture, College of
36 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 253 | Agriculture, College of: Agricultural Consulting Council; Sandpoint Station closure
29 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 254 | Business and Economics, College of
14 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 255 | Business and Economics, College of: Dean search
31 items : Papers
1978 |
9 | 256 | Education, College of
18 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 257 | Engineering, College of; Dean search
10 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
9 | 258 | Forestry, Wildlife & Range Management, College of; Water Resources Institute
19 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 259 | Graduate School; Dean search
21 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 260 | Law, College of
11 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 261 | Letters and Science: College of; Art and Architecture, Biological Sciences
22 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 262 | Letters and Science: Chemistry; Communications; English; History; Philosophy; Political Science; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
20 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 263 | Mines, College of
18 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
10 | 264 | Veterinary Science/Veterinary Medicine
13 items : Papers
1978-1979 |
Series III: Correspondence, 1979-1980Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
10 | 265 | Academic Affairs
10 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 266 | Administrative Council; Administrative Hearing Board
15 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 267 | Admissions Office; Affirmative Action; Agee, William; Air Force ROTC (cooperative with WSU)
29 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 268 | Alumni Office
54 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 269 | Argonaut, Army ROTC; ASUI
37 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 270 | Associations
27 items : Miscellaneous; American Association of University Women; American Council on Education; American Federation of Teachers; Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges; Agency for International Development; Associated Western Universities; Council for Advancement and Support of Education; Consortium for International Development; National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
1979-1980 |
10 | 271 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
20 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 272 | National Collegiate Athletic Association; Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
17 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 273 | Athletics
75 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 274 | Attorney, University; Audits; Ballet Folk; Baseball
23 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 275 | Big Sky Conference
49 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 276 | Boise State University, Bookstore; Borah Symposium
11 items : Papers, Negatives, Photographs
1979-1980 |
10 | 277 | Budget Office; Budgets FY80; FY81; FY82; 100% exercise
24 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 278 | Budget Office: Governor's Budget; Miscellaneous
23 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 279 | Business Manager; Calendar
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 280 | Campus News; Campus recreation; Campus upkeep; Church, Frank; Classified Position Review Board
26 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 281 | Committees: Campus Planning; Curriculum; Exempt Staff Salary Equity; Facilities Use; Faculty Affairs
18 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 282 | Committees: Futures Committee
30 items : Papers, Newspapers
1980 |
10 | 283 | Committees: Miscellaneous; Nuclear Preparedness; Space Allocation
23 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 284 | Committees: Student Retention; Tri-semesters ad hoc
42 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 285 | Computer Center; Context; Continuing Education
17 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 286 | Controller's Office; Danforth Foundation; Davis, A.D.; Day Care Center
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 287 | Dean's Council
41 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 288 | Development
78 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 289 | Distinguished Faculty Awards; Duplicating; Earth Day; East End Facility; Energy Conservation Plant; "Evolution" letters
38 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 290 | Facilities Planning
10 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 291 | Faculty Council; Faculty meetings; Faculty Salary Equity Committee; Faculty Secretary
26 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 292 | Financial Affairs
55 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 293 | Foreign correspondence; Foreign students
16 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
10 | 294 | Gay convention; Gem of the Mountains; Governor's office; Greek Advisory Services
34 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 295 | Grievances: Faculty; Staff
7 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 296 | Handicapped students; Hecla-Bunker Hill
14 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 297 | High School/Junior College Relations
26 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 298A | Honorary Degrees
99 items : Photographs, Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 298B | Honorary Degrees
80 items : Photographs, Negatives, Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 298C | Honorary Degrees
86 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
11 | 299 | Housing Office
45 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 300 | Howard Foundation; Human Rights Commission
14 items : Papers, Newspapers
1979-1980 |
11 | 301 | Idaho: State of; Forestry Industries Council; Research Foundation; Scholarship luncheon; Idaho State University
33 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 303 | INTERSEC: Intermountain Science Experience Center; Invitations to hold annual meetings; Job inquiries
9 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 304 | Kellogg Foundation; Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; Kibbie, Bill; Kresge Foundation; KUID
45 items : Papers, Newspapers
1979-1980 |
11 | 305 | Lawsuits; Legislative Fiscal Office; Legislative meetings
19 items : Papers
1978-1980 |
11 | 306 | Legislature
31 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 307 | Lewis-Clark State College; Lewiston Morning Tribune; Library; Living Groups
31 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 308 | Martin Trust; Mills/Terteling 10/2/79 Boise Function
15 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 309 | Minority Program
19 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 310 | MIS: Management Information Services
9 items : Papers
1978-1980 |
11 | 311 | Miscellaneous
121 items : Papers, Newspapers
1979-1980 |
11 | 312 | Miscellaneous information from meetings/speeches
67 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
11 | 313 | Moscow, City of
20 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 314 | Museum, Palouse Hills Farm
12 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 315 | National Science Foundation; Native American Development Center; Navy ROTC
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 316 | New Student Orientation; News Bureau, North Idaho College
29 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 317 | O'Connor, Jack
17 items : Papers
1977-1979 |
11 | 318 | Parents weekend; Parking
17 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 319 | Personal - R.D. Gibb; Personnel Office; Personnel matters
27 items : Papers
1978-1980 |
11 | 320 | Physical Plant; Placement Center; Promotion and tenure
39 items : Papers, Newspapers
1979-1980 |
11 | 321 | Reciprocity, Washington/Idaho
7 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 322 | Recommendations - R.D. Gibb
41 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 323 | Regents - Correspondence
17 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 324 | Registrar's office; Retired faculty
19 items : Papers, Newspapers
1979-1980 |
11 | 325 | Safety
30 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 326 | Salaries/Data; Security
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 327 | State Board of Education
52 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
11 | 328 | State Board of Education
1 items : Booklets
1979 |
12 | 329 | Student Advisory Services
38 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 330 | Student-Athlete credits; Student counseling
26 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 331 | Student evaluation of teaching; Student fees
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 332 | Student Financial Aid
34 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 333 | Student Health Center
54 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 334 | Student Services; Student Union
35 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 335 | Suggestion box; Summer session
21 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 336 | Taylor Ranch; Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
93 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 337 | Title IX; Title XII
7 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 338 | Transit proposal
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 339 | Universities - Miscellaneous; University of Idaho Foundation
30 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 340 | University Information; Director Search
51 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 341 | University Year for Action; Vandal Boosters; Veterans' Advisor; Vietnam Plaque
13 items : Papers
1989-1990 |
12 | 342 | WAMI, 1979
6 items : Papers, Booklets
1979 |
12 | 343 | Washington State University; WICHE
24 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 344 | Wills/Trusts; WOI
8 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 345 | Women's Caucus; Women's Center
13 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
12 | 346 | Agriculture: College of; Consulting Council; Dean search; Extension
46 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 347 | Business and Economics: College of; Business Development and Research Center
47 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 348 | Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science: College of; Water Resources Institute
24 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 349 | Education; Physical Education
23 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 350 | Engineering: College of; Dean search
12 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 351 | Graduate School
6 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 352 | Law, College of
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 353 | Letters and Science: College of; Art and Architecture; Biological Sciences
33 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 354 | Chemistry; Communications; English; Foreign Languages; General Studies
15 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 355 | History; Home Economics; Mathematics; Music; Philosophy
18 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 356 | Physics; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
12 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
12 | 357 | Mines, College of
29 items : Papers, Booklets
1979-1980 |
12 | 358 | Veterinary Science/Veterinary Medicine
22 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
Series IV: Correspondence, 1980-1981Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
12 | 359 | Academic Affairs; Administrative Council; Administrative Hearing Board
11 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
12 | 360 | Admissions Office
12 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
12 | 361 | Affirmative Action
7 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
12 | 362 | Alumni Office
58 items : Papers, Newspapers
1980-1981 |
12 | 363 | Argonaut; ASUI
34 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 364 | Associations
35 items : Papers: American Association of University Professors; American Association of University Women; American Council on Education; American Federation of Teachers; Agency for International Development; Associated Western Universities
1980-1981 |
13 | 365 | Council for Advancement and Support of Education; Consortium for International Development
12 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 366 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 367 | National Collegiate Athletic Association; Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 368 | Assistant Academic Vice President
4 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 369 | Athletics
82 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
13 | 370 | Audits
3 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
13 | 371 | Auxiliary Enterprises
7 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 372 | Ballet Folk
2 items : Papers
1980 |
13 | 373 | Big Sky Conference
38 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 374 | Boise State University; Bookstore; Borah Symposium
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
13 | 375 | Budget Office; Budgets FY80-81
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 376 | Budgets FY81-82
15 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
13 | 377 | Budgets FY82-83
9 items : Papers
1980-1983 |
13 | 378 | Governor's Budget
17 items : Papers
1980 |
13 | 379 | Budgets, Miscellaneous
6 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 380 | Campus upkeep; Capital improvement; China trip - R.D. Gibb
28 items : Papers
1979-1980 |
13 | 381 | Committees: Campus planning
53 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 382 | Curriculum; Exempt Staff Salary Equity; Faculty Affairs
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 383 | Futures
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 384 | Miscellaneous
13 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 385 | Nuclear Preparedness
10 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
13 | 386 | Space Allocation
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 387 | Student Retention
5 items : Papers
1980 |
13 | 388 | Computer Center
4 items : Papers
1980 |
13 | 389 | Context; Continuing Education; Controller's Office
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 390 | Core curriculum; David, A.D.
17 items : Papers
1980 |
13 | 391 | Day Care Center
3 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 392 | Deans Council
46 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 393 | Development; East end facility
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 394 | Education Office Personnel Association; Energy conservation plan
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 395 | Facility planning; Faculty Council; Faculty meetings
42 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 396 | Facility Secretary
25 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 397 | Financial Affairs
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
13 | 398 | Foreign correspondence; Foreign students
3 items : Papers
1980 |
14 | 399 | Foundation, University
31 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
14 | 400 | Gem of the Mountains; Governor's Office
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 401 | Grievances - Faculty; Handicapped students; Hecla-Bunker Hill
11 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 402 | High School/Junior College Relations; Honoraries
29 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 403 | Honorary Degrees
68 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 404 | Housing Office; Human Rights Commission
28 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 405 | Idaho: State of; Council on Economic Education; Forest Industries Council
6 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 406 | Idaho Research Foundation
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 407 | Idaho Scholarship Luncheon; Idaho State University
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 408 | Image Awareness Workshops
37 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 409 | International programs
10 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
14 | 410 | Inventory - President's Office; Invitations to hold national meetings
6 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 411 | Job Inquiries
12 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 412 | Kellogg Foundation
6 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 413 | Kibbie Activity Center; Kibbie, Bill
25 items : Papers, Photographs, Booklets
1980-1981 |
14 | 414 | KUID; KUOI
26 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 415 | Lawsuits
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 416 | Legislative Fiscal Office; Legislative meetings
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 417 | Legislature
22 items : Papers
1981 |
14 | 418 | Lewis-Clark State College; Lewiston Morning Tribune
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 419 | Library
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 420 | Living Groups
49 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 421 | Martin Trust/Institute; Minority programs
25 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 422 | MIS: Management Information Services
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
14 | 423 | Miscellaneous
95 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981 |
14 | 424 | Miscellaneous, 1980-1981
115 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 425 | Moscow, City of; Mt. St. Helens (ash fallout)
31 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 426 | Museum, Palouse Hills Farm; Native American Development Center
5 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 427 | New Student Orientation; News Bureau
18 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 428 | Non-traditional student grant
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 429 | Parents' Weekend; Parking; Pay schedule change
19 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 430 | Personal - RDG; Personnel matters; Personnel Office
20 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 431 | Physical Plant
7 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 432 | Placement Center
31 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 433 | Recommendations - RDG
14 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
14 | 434 | Reduction in Force/Financial Exigency
8 items : Papers
1981 |
14 | 435 | Regents: Biographical data, undated
8 items : Papers
undated |
14 | 436 | Regents: Correspondence
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 437 | Registrar's Office
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 438 | Resources Management Institute
42 items : Papers
1981 |
15 | 439 | Retirement statistics; Retired Faculty Association
14 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 440 | Risk/Safety/Security; ROTC Programs
29 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 441 | Salaries/Data
10 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 442 | State Board of Education
31 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 443 | State Board of Education
17 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 444 | State Board of Education
26 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 445 | State Board of Education
19 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 446 | State Board of Education
21 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 447 | Student Advisory Services
60 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 448 | Student Counseling; Student fees
15 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 449 | Student Financial Aids
45 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 450 | Student Health Center; Student Health Services Advisory
23 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 451 | Student rights/ conduct, etc.; Student Services
23 items : Papers
1976-1980 |
15 | 452 | Student Union
52 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 453 | Suggestion Box
71 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 454 | Summer session; Taylor ranch
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 455 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
147 items : Papers, Negatives
1980-1981 |
15 | 456 | Transit proposal; United Way
5 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 457 | Universities, miscellaneous
10 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 458 | University information; University Place, Idaho Falls
32 items : Papers, Newspapers
1980-1981 |
15 | 459 | Vandal Boosters
9 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 460 | WAMI
7 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
15 | 461 | Washington State University; Water Resources Institute
6 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 462 | WICHE
31 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
15 | 463 | Wills/Trusts; WOI; Women's Center
13 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
16 | 464 | Agriculture, College
31 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
16 | 465 | Agricultural Consulting Council; Dean search
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 466 | Agricultural Extension; Agriculture reduction
41 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 467 | Agriculture reduction: Appeals
52 items : Papers
1981 |
16 | 468 | Art and Architecture, College of
21 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 469 | Business and Economics, College of; Business Development and Research Center
27 items : Papers, Booklets
1980-1981 |
16 | 470 | Education, College of
40 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 471 | Education, College of: Physical Education
11 items : Papers
1979-1981 |
16 | 472 | Engineering, College of
16 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 473 | Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, College of
36 items : Papers, Newspapers
1980-1981 |
16 | 474 | Graduate School
8 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 475 | Law, College of
14 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 476 | Letters and Science, College of
25 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 477 | Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Communications; English
28 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 478 | Foreign Languages; General Studies; Home Economics; Music
12 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 479 | Psychology, Political Science; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
25 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 480 | Mines, College of
15 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 481 | Veterinary Science/Veterinary Medicine
21 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
Series V: Correspondence, 1981-1982Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
16 | 482 | Academic Affairs; Administrative Hearing Board
13 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 483 | Admissions Office/Registrar
18 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 484 | Alcohol Awareness
28 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
16 | 485 | Alumni: Alumni Office
42 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 486 | American Festival Ballet
3 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 487 | Associations
10 items : Papers, Booklets: American Association of University Professors; American Association of University Women; Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
1981-1982 |
16 | 488 | American Council on Education; Associated Western Universities; Consortium for International Development
10 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 489 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; National Collegiate Athletic Association; Northwest Association of Schools
12 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 490 | ASUI; Argonaut
24 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 491 | Athletics/Intramurals
133 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 492 | Athletic Study Committee
17 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 493 | Audits
4 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 494 | Auxiliary services
11 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 495 | Big Sky Conference
32 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 496 | Boise State University; Borah Symposium; Budget Office; Budget FY81-82
18 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
16 | 497 | Campus planning
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1981 |
16 | 498 | Campus upkeep
2 items : Papers
1982 |
17 | 499 | Committees: Curriculum; Faculty Affairs; Miscellaneous; Nuclear Preparedness
28 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 500 | Committees: Space Allocation; Student Health Services Advisory; Student Retention
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
17 | 501 | Compliance agreements; Computer Center; Context; Continuing Education; Controller's Office; Day Care Center
20 items : Papers
1974-1982 |
17 | 502 | Deans' Council
59 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 503 | Development; East end facility
17 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 504 | Education Office Personnel Association; Energy Conservation Plan
3 items : Papers
1981 |
17 | 505 | Facility Planning
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1982 |
17 | 506 | Faculty Council
33 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 507 | Faculty Meetings; Faculty Secretary
34 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 508 | Federal Regulations Task Force; Ferguson, Capt. Ben (art gift)
23 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 509 | Financial Affairs
54 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1982 |
17 | 510 | Foundation , UI
35 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
17 | 511 | Governor's Office; Handicapped Students; Hecla-Bunker Hill
37 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1982 |
17 | 512 | High School/Junior College Relations
13 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 513 | Honorary Degrees
55 items : Papers, Photographs
1982 |
17 | 514 | Honoraries; Honors Program
14 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 515 | Housing Office
46 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
17 | 516 | Human Rights Commission
1 items : Papers
1981 |
17 | 517 | Idaho, State of
12 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 518 | Idaho Council on Economic Education; Idaho Forest Industries Council; Idaho Research Foundation; Idaho Scholarship Luncheon
33 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 519 | Image Awareness Workshops
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
17 | 520 | Institute for Resource Management
60 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 521 | institute for Resource Management
29 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1982 |
17 | 522 | Inventory, President's Office; Job inquiries; Kellogg Foundation
17 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 523 | Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center
38 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 524 | KUID; KUOI
15 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
17 | 525 | Lawsuits
24 items : Papers
1979-1982 |
17 | 526 | Learning Skills Center
49 items : Papers, Booklets
1982 |
17 | 527 | Legislative Fiscal Office; Legislative meetings; Legislature
46 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 528 | Lewis-Clark State College; Library
8 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 529 | Living Groups
23 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 530 | Management Information Services
13 items : Papers
1980-1981 |
18 | 531 | Minority Program
6 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 532 | Miscellaneous
80 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1982 |
18 | 533 | Miscellaneous
112 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 534 | Moscow, City of; Native American Development Center; New Student Orientation; News Bureau; North Idaho College
29 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 535 | Parking; Pay schedule changes; Personal - RDG
22 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 536 | Personnel matters; Personnel Office
17 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 537 | Physical Plant; Placement Center
28 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 538 | Recommendations - RDG
16 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 539 | Regents, Correspondence; Retired Faculty Association; ROTC
14 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 540 | Safety/Risk Management/Security
33 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 541 | Salaries/Data
14 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1982 |
18 | 542 | Special Board Meeting, June 22
30 items : Papers
1982 |
18 | 543 | State Board of Education
27 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 544 | State Board of Education
30 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 545 | State Board of Education
26 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 546 | State Board of Education
40 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 547 | Student Advisory Services
53 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 548 | Student Counseling Center
17 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 549 | Student Financial Aids
29 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 550 | Student Health Center; Student rights/conduct, etc.; Student Services
15 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 551 | Student Union
48 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 552 | Suggestion Box
49 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 553 | Summer session
5 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 554 | Task Force on Higher Education
11 items : Papers, Booklets
1982 |
18 | 555 | Taylor Ranch
21 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 556 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
147 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
18 | 557 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
116 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 558 | Truman Scholarship; Universities, Miscellaneous
8 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
19 | 559 | University Development Council
19 items : Papers
1982 |
19 | 560 | University Information; Vandal Boosters
23 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 561 | WAMI; Water Resources Institute
7 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 562 | WICHE; Women's Center
35 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
19 | 563 | Agriculture, College of
45 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 564 | Agriculture, College of: Agricultural Consulting Council; Agricultural Extension; Agricultural Reductions; Alpha Zeta Zipper
18 items : Papers
1978-1981 |
19 | 565 | Art and Architecture, College of
14 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 566 | Business and Economics, College of
22 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 567 | Business and Economics, College of: Business Development and Research Center
8 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
19 | 568 | Education, College of; Physical Education
26 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 569 | Engineering, College of; Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science, College of 1981-1982
34 items : Booklets, Photographs, Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 570 | Graduate School; Law, College of
24 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 571 | Letters and Science, College of
11 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 572 | Biological Sciences
6 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1982 |
19 | 573 | Chemistry; Communications; English; Foreign Languages
10 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 574 | History; Home Economics; Mathematics, Music
16 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 575 | Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
13 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 576 | Mines, College of
11 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
19 | 577 | Veterinary Medicine/WOI
14 items : Papers
1981-1982 |
Series VI: Correspondence, 1982-1983Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
19 | 578 | Academic Affairs; Administrative Hearing Board
18 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 579 | Accreditation visit, 1984; Administrative Council; Administrative Hearing Board, 1982-1983
8 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 580 | Admissions Office/Registrar
23 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 581 | Admissions, Special
7 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 582 | Affirmative Action
36 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 583 | Alcohol Awareness Program; Alumni Office
47 items : Papers, Newspapers
1982-1983 |
19 | 584 | American Festival Ballet; Appeals
6 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 585 | Argonaut; ASUI
26 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 586 | Associations
15 items : Papers, Booklets: American Association of University Women; American Council on Education; Agency for International Development; Associated Western Universities
1982-1983 |
19 | 587 | Council for Advancement and Support of Education; Consortium for International Development; Idaho Crop Improvement Association
23 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 588 | Miscellaneous
22 items : Papers: Miscellaneous; National Association of Student Personnel Administrators; National Association of State Universities and Land Grand Colleges; National Collegiate Athletic Association
1982-1983 |
19 | 589 | Assistant Academic Vice President; Athletics/Intramurals
34 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 590 | Audits
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
19 | 591 | Auxiliary Enterprises
9 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
19 | 592 | Big Sky Conference
34 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
20 | 593 | Boise State University; Borah Symposium
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 594 | Budget Office; May cutbacks
19 items : Papers
1982 |
20 | 595 | Budgets, FY82-83
14 items : Papers
1981-1983 |
20 | 596 | Budgets, FY82-83
26 items : Papers
1981-1983 |
20 | 597 | Budgets, FY83-84
28 items : Papers
1982-1984 |
20 | 598 | Budgets, FY83-84
20 items : Papers
1982-1984 |
20 | 599 | Budgets, FY83-84
1 items : Papers
1982-1984 |
20 | 600 | Budgets, FY83-84
9 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1984 |
20 | 601 | Campus Planning
3 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 602 | Committees: Classified Position Review Board; Curriculum; Facilities Use; Faculty Affairs; Miscellaneous
38 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 603 | Committees: Nuclear Preparedness; Space Allocation; Student Health Advisory Services
12 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 604 | Commencement - Miscellaneous
31 items : Papers, Booklets
1983 |
20 | 605 | Computer Center; Continuing Education; Controller's Office
10 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 606 | Deans' Council
8 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 607 | East End Facility; Education Office Personnel Association; Facility Planning
13 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 608 | Faculty Council; Faculty Meetings
40 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 609 | Faculty Salary Equity Committee; Faculty Secretary
33 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 610 | Financial Affairs
46 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
20 | 611 | Foreign correspondence
1 items : Papers
1983 |
20 | 612 | Foundation, U of I
31 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 613 | Foundation, U of I
24 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 614 | Governor's Office
9 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 615 | Grievances, Faculty; Handicapped students
20 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 616 | Hecla-Bunker Hill; High School/Junior College Relations
22 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 617 | Honorary Degrees
99 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
20 | 618 | Honoraries; Honors Program
10 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 619 | Housing Office
29 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 620 | Idaho: State of; Council on Economic Education; Forest Industries Research Council; Research Foundation; Idaho State University
19 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 621 | Image Awareness Workshops; Institute for Resource Management
31 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 622 | International programs; Inventory - President's office; Invitations to hold annual meetings; Job inquiries
16 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
20 | 623 | Kellogg Foundation; Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; KUID; KUOI
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
21 | 624 | Lawsuits; Learning Skills Center
16 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 625 | Legislative Fiscal Office; Legislative Meetings; Legislature
30 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 626 | Lewis-Clark State College; Library; Life Science Building addition; Living groups
13 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 627 | Management Information Services
22 items : Photographs, Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 628 | Martin Institute; Minority program
3 items : Papers
1983 |
21 | 629 | Miscellaneous
91 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 630 | Moscow, City of; Mountain West Athletic Conference
16 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 631 | Native American Development Center; News Bureau; Noise; North Idaho College
34 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
21 | 632 | Office of Special Projects; Outstanding Senior; Parents' Weekend; Parking
32 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 633 | Personal - RDG
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 634 | Personnel matters; Personnel Office
32 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 635 | Physical Plant; Placement Center
29 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 636 | Position Control/Review Board
44 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 637 | Recommendations: RDG; TA
47 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 638 | Reduction in force/Financial exigency
47 items : Papers
1982 |
21 | 639 | Regents, Correspondence
20 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 640 | Retirees Association; Retirement statistics; Rodeo
19 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 641 | Role and Mission process
25 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 642 | Role and Mission process
35 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 643 | ROTC; Safety/Risk management/Security; Salaries/Data
31 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 644 | Silver & Gold Day '83 (Philip Habib)
70 items : Papers
1983 |
21 | 645 | Special Board Meeting
12 items : Papers
1982 |
21 | 646 | State Board of Education
31 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 647 | State Board of Education
37 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 648 | State Board of Education
30 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 649 | Student Advisory Services
30 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
21 | 650 | Student Counseling Center; Student fees
12 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 651 | Student Financial Aid
55 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
21 | 652 | Student Health Center; Student rights/conduct/etc.; Student Services; Student Union
30 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 653 | Suggestion box; Summer session
51 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 654 | Task force on Higher Education
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 655 | Task force on Higher Education
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 656 | Task force on Higher Education
19 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 657 | Task force on Higher Education
7 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 658 | Task force on Higher Education
3 items : Booklet
1982-1983 |
22 | 659 | Taylor Ranch
7 items : Papers
1982 |
22 | 660 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
136 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 661 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
156 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 662 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
139 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 663 | Truman Scholarship; United Way
9 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 664 | Universities, Miscellaneous; University Development Council; University Information
18 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 665 | WAMI; Washington State University; Who's who Among Students
6 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 666 | WICHE, 1982-1983
41 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
22 | 667 | Women in the Curriculum Study; Women's Center; Work-study
27 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
22 | 668 | Agriculture, College of
20 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 669 | Agricultural Extension
6 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 670 | Agricultural Reductions
30 items : Papers
1982 |
Box | Folder | ||
22 | 671 | Home Economics
3 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 672 | Art and Architecture, College of
10 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 673 | Business and Economics, College of
24 items : Papers, Newspapers
1982-1983 |
22 | 674 | Business and Economics, College of: Business Development and Research Center
3 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
22 | 675 | Education, College of; Physical Education
29 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
22 | 676 | Engineering, College of; Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science, College of
23 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 677 | Graduate School; Law, College of
16 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 678 | Letters and Science, College of: Biological Sciences; Communications; English
16 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 679 | Foreign Languages; Mathematics; Music
7 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 680 | Psychology; Political Science; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 681 | Mines, College of
9 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
22 | 682 | Veterinary Science/WOI
11 items : Papers
1982-1983 |
Series VII: Correspondence, 1983-1984Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
23 | 683 | Academic Affairs; Administrative salaries
26 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 684 | Admissions Office/Registrar; Affirmative Action; 504 compliance agreement; Title IX compliance agreement
14 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 685 | AFT survey responses
36 items : Papers
1984 |
23 | 686 | Alumni Office; American Festival Ballet
6 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 687 | Associations
20 items : Papers: Agency for International Development; Miscellaneous, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; National Collegiate Athletic Association
1983-1984 |
23 | 688 | Athletics; Boise State University
35 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 689 | Big Sky Conference
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1984 |
23 | 690 | Budgets; Budgets FY84-85
14 items : Papers
1984 |
23 | 691 | China Visit
28 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 692 | College Bowl; Commencement
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1984 |
23 | 693 | Committees: Arboretum Steering; Blue Ribbon
49 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 694 | Committees: Faculty Affairs; Grievance; Miscellaneous; Pre-registration
37 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 695 | Continuing Education; Council on Educational Cooperation
10 items : Papers
1983 |
23 | 696 | Faculty Council; Faculty meetings
33 items : Papers, Newspapers
1983-1984 |
23 | 697 | Faculty Secretary
23 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 698 | Financial Affairs; Financial exigency/reduction in force
30 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 699 | Foreign correspondence; Foreign students
13 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 700 | Foundation and Development
11 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 701 | Governor's Office; Governor's Task Force on education
15 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 702 | Grievance, Faculty and staff
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1984 |
23 | 703 | Handicapped students: High School/Junior College Relations
19 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 704 | Honorary degrees; Housing Office
12 items : Negatives, Photographs, Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 705 | Idaho Research Foundation; Idaho State University
19 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 706 | Idaho, the University (magazine)
14 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 707 | International Programs
20 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 708 | Institute for Resource Management
17 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 709 | Inventory - President's Office; JFAC visit
11 items : Papers
1983 |
23 | 710 | KUID; KUOI; Lawsuits
8 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 711 | Legislature; Miscellaneous; Moscow, City of
24 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 712 | North Idaho College; Parking
7 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 713 | Personal: RDG; TA
51 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 714 | Reciprocity; Regents, Board of
39 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 715 | Retirement Statistics
1 items : Papers
1983 |
23 | 716 | Role and mission
42 items : Papers
1983 |
23 | 717 | Safety/Risk Management/Security; Special Services
7 items : Papers, Booklets
1982-1983 |
23 | 718 | State Board of Education
21 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 719 | Student Counseling Center; Student Financial Aid
28 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 720 | Student rights/conduct/etc.; Student Services; Student Union
11 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 721 | Suggestion Box
21 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
23 | 722 | Task Force on Higher Education
44 items : Papers
1983 |
23 | 723 | Task Force on Higher Education
11 items : Papers
1983 |
24 | 724 | Taylor Ranch
2 items : Papers
1983 |
24 | 725 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
142 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 726 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
202 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 727 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
274 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 728 | Truman Scholarship; 25 year group
5 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 729 | University Centennial
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1984 |
24 | 730 | Vandal Boosters; WAMI
10 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 731 | WICHE
21 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
24 | 732 | Agriculture, College of; Home Economics; Art and Architecture, College of
16 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 733 | Business and Economics, College of; Business Development and Research Center
14 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 734 | Education, College of; Health, Physical Education, Recreation
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1984 |
24 | 735 | Engineering, College of
3 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 736 | Forestry, Wildlife and Range Science, College of
36 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 737 | Law, College of
12 items : Papers
1984 |
24 | 738 | Letters and Science, College of; Biological Sciences; Communication, Foreign Languages
12 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 739 | Letters and Science, College of; Music; Political Science; Theatre Arts
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1984 |
24 | 740 | Mines, College of
20 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
24 | 741 | Veterinary Science/WOI
41 items : Papers
1983-1984 |
Series VIII: Correspondence, 1984-1985Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
24 | 742 | Academic Affairs
54 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 743 | Accreditation Committee
9 items : Papers
1984 |
24 | 744 | Accreditation Visit
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1984 |
24 | 745 | Accreditation Visit
2 items : Papers, Booklets
1984 |
24 | 746 | Accreditation Visit
24 items : Papers
1984 |
24 | 747 | Accreditation Visit
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1984 |
24 | 748 | Administrative Council
4 items : Papers
1984 |
24 | 749 | Admissions Office/Registrar
15 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 750 | Affirmative Action
18 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 751 | Alumni Office
42 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 752 | Alumni Office
41 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
24 | 753 | Argonaut; ASUI
25 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
24 | 754 | Associations
19 items : Papers: Miscellaneous; American Association of University Professors; Associated Western Universities; Consortium on International Development
1984-1985 |
24 | 755 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
12 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 756 | National Collegiate Athletic Association
11 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
24 | 757 | Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
5 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 758 | Assistant Academic Vice President
6 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 759 | Athletics
60 items : Papers, Photograph
1984-1985 |
25 | 760 | Big Sky Conference
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 761 | Boise Center, Boise State University; Bookstore; Borah Symposium
10 items : Photographs, Negatives, Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 762 | Budget Office; Budget 84 (TA)
9 items : Papers, Booklets
1983-1985 |
25 | 763 | Budgets FY84-85
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 764 | Budgets FY85-86
23 items : Papers
1984-1986 |
25 | 765 | Child Development Committee; Classified Position Review Board; College Bowl
24 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 766 | Committees: Miscellaneous
9 items : Papers
1985 |
25 | 767 | AAUP Censure Committee
16 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 768 | AAUP Censure Committee
10 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 769 | Arboretum Steering; Auditorium Planning; Campus Planning
6 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 770 | Commencement - Miscellaneous; Constitutional Review
38 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 771 | Curriculum
3 items : Papers, Booklets
1985 |
25 | 772 | Elderhostel
12 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 773 | Facilities Use; Faculty Affairs; Juntura; Nuclear Preparedness
11 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 774 | Space Allocation
8 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 775 | Student Health Services Advisory
3 items : Papers
1985 |
25 | 776 | Computer Center; Continuing Education; Controller's Office
7 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 777 | Deans' Council
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 778 | Vice President for Development and University Relations
17 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 779 | Division of Instructional Media Services; Facility Planning, Faculty Council; Faculty Development Center
31 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 780 | Faculty Meetings
13 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 781 | Faculty salary equity; Faculty Secretary
40 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 782 | Financial Affairs
50 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 783 | Financial Affairs
16 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
25 | 784 | Financial Affairs
5 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 785 | Financial Affairs
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
25 | 786 | Foreign Correspondence
2 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 787 | Foundation and Development
27 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
26 | 788 | Foundation and Development
30 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
26 | 789 | Gem of the Mountains; Government Relations; Governor's Office
13 items : Papers, Newspapers
1984-1985 |
26 | 790 | Graduate School; Handicapped Students
11 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 791 | High School/Junior College Relations
48 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 792 | Honorary Degrees
23 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
26 | 793 | Honorary Degrees
2 items : Book, Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 794 | Honoraries; Honors Program; Housing Office
19 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 795 | Human Rights Commission
18 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 796 | Idaho, State of; Idaho Quests; Idaho Research Foundation; Idaho State University; Idaho, the University
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
26 | 797 | International Programs
33 items : Negatives, Photographs, Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 798 | International Programs
46 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 799 | Inventory - President's Office; Job inquiries; Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; KUID
25 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 800 | Lawsuits
24 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 801 | Lawsuits
14 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 802 | Learning Resource Center; Legislative Fiscal Office; Legislative meetings
8 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 803 | Legislature
20 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 804 | Lewiston Morning Tribune; Library; Marketing Higher Education; Management Information Systems
16 items : Papers
1984 |
26 | 805 | Miscellaneous
63 items : Papers, Newspapers
1984-1985 |
26 | 806 | Miscellaneous
50 items : Papers, Newspapers
1984-1985 |
26 | 807 | Miscellaneous
28 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 808 | Moscow, City of
4 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
26 | 809 | Mountain West Athletic Conference
20 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
27 | 810 | New Student Orientation; News Bureau, Nuclear Protection Plan
32 items : Papers
1984 |
27 | 811 | Parking
15 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 812 | Personal, TA
157 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 813 | Personnel Office; Personnel matters
28 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 814 | Physical Plant; Placement Center
34 items : Papers, Cassette
1984-1985 |
27 | 815 | Position Control; Publications; Reciprocity
46 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 816 | Regents, Board of
59 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 817 | Regents, Board of
36 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 818 | Research
13 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 819 | Retirement statistics; ROTC; Safety/Risk management/Security
14 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 820 | Salaries/Data
4 items : Papers, Booklet
1984-1985 |
27 | 821 | Scholarships
16 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 822 | Searches: Centennial Coordinator; Dean College of Education, Director, Facility Planning
27 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 823 | Searches: Dean, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Science; Director, High-school/Junior College Relations; Coordinator, Research Development Center; Psychologist, Student Counseling Center
66 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985 |
27 | 824 | Spanish American Memorial Statue; Special Services
23 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 825 | Student Advisory Services
42 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 826 | State Board of Education
22 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 827 | State Board of Education
22 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 828 | State Board of Education
25 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 829 | State Board of Education
26 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 830 | Student Counseling
11 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
27 | 831 | Student Financial Aid
62 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 832 | Student Health Center; Student Leadership Development Fund; Student Union
8 items : Papers
1984 |
28 | 833 | Suggestion box; Summer session; Taylor Ranch
35 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 834 | Ten Year Plan
12 items : Papers, Booklet
1984 |
28 | 835 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
136 items : Papers
1984 |
28 | 836 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
64 items : Papers
1984 |
28 | 837 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
42 items : Papers
1985 |
28 | 838 | Thanks/Acknowledgement
80 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 839 | Thanks/Acknowledgement
110 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 840 | Thanks/Acknowledgement
99 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 841 | Truman, Scholarship; Twenty-five Year Group; UI Federal Credit Union
8 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 842 | University Centennial
41 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 843 | University Centennial
33 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 844 | University Centennial
17 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 845 | United Way; University Place (Idaho Falls); UI Retirees; Vandal Booster
22 items : Papers, Booklet
1984-1985 |
28 | 846 | WAMI
32 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 847 | WICHE
28 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 848 | Washington State University; Women's Center
5 items : Papers, Newspapers
1984-1985 |
28 | 849 | Recommendations: RDG; TA
62 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 850 | Regrets
90 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
28 | 851 | Agriculture, College of
39 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 852 | Agriculture, College of: Agricultural Consulting Council; Agricultural Extension; Agricultural Reduction
12 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 853 | Art and Architecture, College of
12 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 854 | Business and Economics, College of
15 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 855 | Business and Economics, College of: Business Development and Research Center
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
28 | 856 | Education, College of
12 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
28 | 857 | Education, College of: Health, Physical Education, Recreation
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1984-1985 |
28 | 858 | Engineering, College of
29 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
29 | 859 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
63 items : Papers, Photographs, Newspapers
1984 |
29 | 860 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
1 items : Booklet
1984 |
29 | 861 | Graduate School; Law College of
17 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
29 | 862 | Letters and Science: College of; Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, General Studies
21 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
29 | 863 | History; Home Economics, Mathematics, Music
20 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
29 | 864 | Political Science; Physics, Psychology; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
19 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
29 | 865 | Mines, College of
12 items : Papers
1985 |
29 | 866 | Veterinary Science/WOI
25 items : Papers
1984-1985 |
Series IX: Correspondence, 1985-1986Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
29 | 867 | AAUP Censure Committee
5 items : Papers
1985 |
29 | 868 | Academic Affairs
13 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 869 | Ad Hoc Committee on Higher Education
3 items : Papers
1985 |
29 | 870 | Administration Auditorium Gala
2 items : Papers
1986 |
29 | 871 | Admissions Office/Registrar
15 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 872 | Affirmative Action; AIDS; Alcohol Awareness Program
8 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 873 | Alumni Office
55 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
29 | 874 | Arboretum Steering Committee; Argonaut; Associate Deans Meeting
17 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
29 | 875 | ASUI
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
29 | 876 | Athletics
61 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 877 | Big Sky Conference
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
29 | 878 | Boise Center; Boise State University; Bookstore, Borah Symposium
14 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 879 | Budget Office
3 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 880 | Budgets FY85-86
16 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 881 | Budgets FY86-87
30 items : Papers
1985-1987 |
29 | 882 | Campus Planning Committee
15 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 883 | Centennial Commission/Planning
16 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 884 | Centennial Commission/Planning
30 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 885 | Consortium for International Development; College Board
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 886 | Commencement - Miscellaneous; Committees - Miscellaneous
32 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 887 | Computer Center, Constitution Review Committee; Continuing Education
37 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 888 | Control Data; Controller's Office; Convocation and Performing Arts Center; Curriculum
8 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
29 | 889 | Deans' Council; Dean's Retreat
30 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 890 | Vice President for Development and University Relations
17 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 891 | Divestiture Issue (South Africa); Division of Instructional Media
1 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985-1986 |
29 | 892 | Elderhostel; Employee Benefits Committee; Facilities Planning
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 893 | Faculty Council; Faculty Development Center
29 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 894 | Faculty Meetings; Faculty Secretary
30 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 895 | Financial Affairs
25 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 896 | Financial Affairs
25 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 897 | Financial Affairs
20 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
30 | 898 | Financial Affairs
27 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
30 | 899 | Foreign Correspondence
1 items : Papers
1986 |
30 | 900 | Foundation and Development
50 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 901 | Fraternities/Sororities; Gem of the Mountains; Goals and Objectives FY87
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 902 | Governor's Office; Governor's Superconducting Super Collider Task Force
23 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 903 | Graue Scholars Program; Hampton, Lionel
13 items : Papers
1985 |
30 | 904 | High School/Junior College Relations
27 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 905 | High School/Junior College Relations
19 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 906 | Honors Program
25 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
30 | 907 | Honorary Degrees
46 items : Negatives, Photographs, Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 908 | Honorary Degrees
3 items : Papers, Booklets
1986 |
30 | 909 | Housing Office
20 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 910 | Human Rights Commission; IBM Seminar
6 items : Papers
1985 |
30 | 911 | Idaho Economic Recovery Act
11 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 912 | Idaho Quest; Idaho Research Foundation; Idaho State University
18 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 913 | Idaho, the University; IMAGE
7 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 914 | Income Grid Audit Liability 9/24/85
29 items : Papers
1985 |
30 | 915 | International Programs; International Trade and Development
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
30 | 916 | Internship candidates; Inventory - President's Office; Job inquiries
17 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 917 | Kappa Alpha Theta, Kellogg National Fellowship
13 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 918 | Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; KUID
20 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 919 | Lawsuits; Learning Resource Center
13 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 920 | Legislature
14 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
30 | 921 | Library; Management Information Systems; Marketing Higher Education
6 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 922 | Miscellaneous
75 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
31 | 923 | Micron Technology; Moscow, City of
4 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 924 | Mountain West Athletic Conference
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
31 | 925 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; National Collegiate Athletic Association
37 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
31 | 926 | National Center for Higher Education Management Systems; Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges; National Science Foundation
8 items : Papers
1986 |
31 | 927 | News Bureau
11 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 928 | Northwest Accreditation Report
10 items : Papers
1985 |
31 | 929 | Notes - Miscellaneous; Parents' Weekend
5 items : Papers
1986 |
31 | 930 | Parking
31 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 931 | Personal, RDG
19 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 932 | Personnel matters; Personnel Office
30 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 933 | Position Control
42 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 934 | President's Report; Pumpkin Seed Scholarship
24 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 935 | Recommendations: RDG; TA
56 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 936 | Reduction in force/Financial exigency
27 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 937 | Regrets; Research
60 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
31 | 938 | ROTC
26 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 939 | Safety/Risk Management; Scholarships
19 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 940 | Searches: Media Relations Manager; Assistant Director Financial Aid; Author - Pictorial History; WAMI Director
11 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 941 | Self Evaluation - RDG
6 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986 |
31 | 942 | Seickmann, Everett, Appeal
2 items : Papers
1986 |
31 | 943 | Space Allocation; Special Services
10 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 944 | Staff Affairs Committee
17 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 945 | State Board of Education
56 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
31 | 946 | State Board of Education
33 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
31 | 947 | Statewide Plan (Higher Education)
6 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 948 | Student Advisory Services; Student Counseling Center
49 items : Papers, Newspapers
1985-1986 |
31 | 949 | Student Financial Aid
52 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
31 | 950 | Student Health Center; Student Miscellaneous; Student Union
32 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
32 | 951 | Suggestion box; Summer session; Task Force on Higher Education
20 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 952 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
37 items : Papers
1985 |
32 | 953 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
127 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 954 | Thanks/Gifts/Receipts
117 items : Papers
1986 |
32 | 955 | Thanks/Acknowledgements
88 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 956 | Town Hall Meetings; Truman Scholarship; Twenty-five year group
14 items : Papers, Photographs
1985-1986 |
32 | 957 | United Way; University Center Facility; UI Retirees Association; University Place, Idaho Falls
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 958 | U of I Press; Upward Bound Program, Vandal Boosters; Veterans Affairs
10 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
32 | 959 | Vice President George Bush; WAMI, Washington State University
8 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 960 | WICHE
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
32 | 961 | Wildlife Management Institute
25 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
32 | 962 | Agriculture, College of
60 items : Photographs, Negatives, Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 963 | Agriculture, College of: Agricultural Consulting Council; Dean Search; Agricultural Extension
34 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 964 | Art and Architecture, College of
6 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
Box | Folder | ||
32 | 965 | Business and Economics, College of; Business Development and Research Center
21 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 966 | Education: College of; Health, Physical Education, Recreation
18 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 967 | Engineering, College of
30 items : Papers, Booklets
1985-1986 |
32 | 968 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences; Below cost timber sales
55 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 969 | Graduate School; Law, College of
22 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 970 | Letters and Science: College of; Biological Science; Chemistry, Communications
27 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 971 | Foreign Languages; History; Home Economics; Mathematics; Music
24 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 972 | Physics; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 973 | Mines, College of
9 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 974 | Veterinary Science/WOI
10 items : Papers
1985-1986 |
32 | 975 | Vice President Academic Affairs Candidates
72 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1984 |
Series X: Correspondence, 1986-1987Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
32 | 976 | Academic Appeals Procedure; Academic Affairs
26 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
32 | 977 | Admissions/Registrar
23 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
32 | 978 | Affirmative Action
43 items : Paper
1986-1987 |
32 | 979 | AIDS Awareness Program; Alcohol Awareness Program
4 items : Papers, Booklets
1986 |
32 | 980 | Alumni
53 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
32 | 981 | Articulation Policy; Asbestos Program
20 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
32 | 982 | Assessment, Outcome, and Cautions
7 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 982.5 | Assessment, Outcome, and Cautions
37 items : Papers, Booklets
1987 |
33 | 983 | Associate Deans' Meeting; Associated Western Universities
28 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 984 | Athletics
58 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
33 | 985 | ASUI
74 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 986 | Big Sky Conference
13 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 987 | Big Sky Conference
12 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 988 | Boiler, Wood fired; Boise State University; Bookstore; Borah Symposium
21 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 989 | Budget Office; 1986 Budget file
17 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 990 | Budgets FY86-87
4 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 991 | Budgets FY87-88
41 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 992 | Budgets FY1989
1 items : Papers
1987-1989 |
33 | 993 | Campus Planning Committee
14 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 994 | Centennial Planning
37 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 995 | Chamber of Commerce Board (TA)
10 items : Papers
1987 |
33 | 996 | Child Care Center; Coeur d'Alene Center; College Board
47 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
33 | 997 | Commencement - Miscellaneous
25 items : Papers, Photograph, Booklets
1986-1987 |
33 | 998 | Computer Services and Stores; Consortium for International Development; Controller's Office
16 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 999 | Cost Containment, Ad Hoc Committee
21 items : Papers
1986 |
33 | 1000 | Counseling Center, Student
12 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1001 | Deans' Council; Division of Instructional Media Services
37 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1002 | Drug Testing Study and Committee
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
33 | 1003 | Elderhostel
7 items : Papers
1986 |
33 | 1004 | Engineering plan, State
27 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1005 | Enrollment statistics, U of I
32 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1006 | EPSCoR; Facility Planning; Faculty
19 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1007 | Faculty Council
42 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
33 | 1008 | Faculty Secretary
43 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1009 | Financial Affairs Office
32 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1010 | Risk Management/Safety/Security
42 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1011 | Auditorium Sound System Project; Auxiliary Planning; Trust and Investment Office
7 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1012 | Financial Aids, Student
50 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1013 | Financial Aids, Student
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
34 | 1014 | Financial Aids, Student
34 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1015 | Financial Exigency: General; Committee
31 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1016 | Finance and Development Office
30 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1017 | Finance and Development Office
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
34 | 1018 | Finance and Development Office
25 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1019 | Foundation and Development Office
72 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1020 | Gem of the Mountains; General Faculty Meetings
19 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1021 | Gifts Receipting
73 items : Papers
1986 |
34 | 1022 | Gifts Receipting
101 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1023 | Gifts Receipting
96 items : Papers
1987 |
34 | 1024 | Goals and Objectives; Governor's Office
20 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1025 | Graduate Program; Graue Scholarship
5 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1026 | Hampton Gala; Lionel Hampton
53 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
34 | 1027 | Health Service Advisory Committee; Health Services, Student
2 items : Papers
1987 |
34 | 1028 | High School/Junior College Relations
78 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1029 | Honorary Degrees
18 items : Papers, Negatives, Photographs
1986-1987 |
34 | 1030 | Honorary Degrees
2 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1031 | Honors Program
29 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
34 | 1032 | Housing and Food Service; Idaho Falls Center (IFCHE)
26 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1033 | Idaho Research Foundation
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
35 | 1034 | Idaho State University; Idaho, the University
13 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1035 | IMAGE
3 items : Papers, Booklets
1987 |
35 | 1036 | Inland Northwest Economic Summit
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
35 | 1037 | International Programs; International Trade and Development Office; Inventory - President's Office
16 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
35 | 1038 | JFAC visit
9 items : Papers
1987 |
35 | 1039 | Joint Board Meeting/WSU-UI
27 items : Papers
1987 |
35 | 1040 | Kappa Alpha Theta; Kellogg National Fellowship Program
10 items : Papers
1986 |
35 | 1041 | Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center
17 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1042 | Leadership Conference, U of I; Learning Resource Center
16 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1043 | Legal issues; Legislative Council Committee; Legislature
17 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1044 | Lewis-Clark State College; Library; Management Information Services
12 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1045 | Miscellaneous
59 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1046 | Miscellaneous
42 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers, Newspapers, Photographs
1986-1987 |
35 | 1047 | Miscellaneous: Long Range Plan: Goal #1 Study Committee
22 items : Papers
1986 |
35 | 1048 | Moscow, City of; Moscow Hospital Association
17 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1049 | Mountain West Athletic Conference
10 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1050 | National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
8 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1051 | National Collegiate Athletic Association
23 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1052 | National Technological University
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
35 | 1053 | News Bureau; Northwest Academic Planning Council
10 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1054 | Nuclear Protection Plan; Parents' Weekend
6 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1055 | Parking
44 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1056 | Personnel; Physical Plant
39 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1057 | Placement Center
18 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1058 | President's Report; Presidential Awards for Excellence; Public Affairs; Pumpkin Seed Scholarship; Reciprocity
45 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1059 | Recommendations, RDG
24 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1060 | Recommendations, RDG
21 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1061 | Recommendations, TA
58 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1062 | Regrets
48 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
35 | 1063 | Remodeling President's Office
28 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
35 | 1064 | Research & Development Conference
32 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
35 | 1065 | Ricks College Presidential Inauguration
8 items : Papers
1986 |
36 | 1066 | ROTC; Scholarships
42 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
36 | 1067 | Searches: Academic History
25 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
undated |
36 | 1068 | Searches: Associate Vice President for Research; University Relations Director, Women's' Center Director; IMAGE Director
23 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1069 | Searches: Agriculture Dean; Mines Dean; Library Dean
35 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1070 | Searches: High School Relations Director; Kibbie Center Manager; Intramural and Campus Recreation Director; Miscellaneous search notifications
26 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1071 | Searches: Boise Center Director
13 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1987 |
36 | 1072 | Space Allocation Committee; Special Services; Staff Affairs Committee
29 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1073 | State Board of Education
25 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1074 | State Board of Education
40 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1075 | State Board of Education
53 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1076 | Student Advisory Services
55 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1077 | Student Advisory Services
24 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1078 | Surveys and Questionnaires
26 items : Papers
1986-1988 |
36 | 1079 | Suggestion box; Summer session
17 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1080 | Thanks and acknowledgments
60 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1081 | Town Hall Meetings
18 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1082 | Travel requests (out of state)
11 items : Papers
1987 |
36 | 1083 | Truman Scholarship; Twenty-five year group; UI Retirees Association; United Way
16 items : Papers, Photographs
1986-1987 |
36 | 1084 | University Committee on General Education; University Council of Water Resources
5 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
36 | 1085 | Vandal Boosters; Veterans Affairs
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
36 | 1086 | Vowels, Patricia - Land
5 items : Papers, Photographs
1987 |
36 | 1087 | Washington State University; WICHE
6 items : Papers
1986 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
36 | 1088 | Agriculture, College of
53 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1089 | Agriculture, College of: Agricultural Consulting Council; Agricultural Extension
13 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
36 | 1090 | Art and Architecture, College of; Business and Economics, College of; Center for Business Development and Research
28 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
37 | 1091 | Education, College of; Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
37 | 1092 | Engineering, College of
18 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1093 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
29 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1094 | Graduate School; Law, College of
15 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1095 | Letters and Science, College of
17 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
37 | 1096 | Biological Sciences
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1981-1986 |
37 | 1097 | Chemistry; Communications; English; History
12 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1098 | Mathematics; Music; Physics; Theatre Arts
24 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1099 | Mines, College of
15 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
37 | 1100 | WAMI; WOI
27 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
Series XI: Correspondence, 1987-1988Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
37 | 1101 | AAUP Censure Committee
98 items : Papers, Newspapers
1981-1988 |
37 | 1102 | American Association of University Women; Academic Appeals
4 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1103 | Academic Affairs
23 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1104 | Administrative Council; Admissions/Registrar
15 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1105 | Affirmative Action
24 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1106 | AIDS Issue
20 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
37 | 1107 | AIDS Issue
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
37 | 1108 | Alcohol Awareness Program
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
37 | 1109 | Alumni
41 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1110 | American Council on Education; Arboretum; Argonaut; Associate Deans' meeting
17 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1111 | Associated Western Universities
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
37 | 1112 | ASUI
27 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1113 | Athletics
40 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
37 | 1114 | Base Deficiency Equity
34 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1115 | Big Sky Conference
20 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1116 | Boise Centennial Office; Boise State University
14 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1117 | Bookstore
21 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
37 | 1118 | Bookstore
19 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1119 | Borah Symposium; Budget Office
5 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1120 | Budgets FY89
28 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1121 | Budgets FY89
1 items : Papers
1987 |
38 | 1122 | Budgets FY89-90
12 items : Papers
1987-1989 |
38 | 1123 | Burlington Northern Awards
18 items : Papers
1988 |
38 | 1124 | Business and Economics centennial; Cable TV system on campus; Campus Planning Committee
28 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1125 | Centennial Planning
58 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1988 |
38 | 1126 | Centennial Announcement
43 items : Papers
1987 |
38 | 1127 | Campaign Presentations
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1987 |
38 | 1128 | Chamber of Commerce; Child Care Center; Coeur d'Alene Center; College Board
21 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1129 | Commencement - Miscellaneous
11 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1130 | Computer Services and Stores; Consortium for International Development; Continuing Education
25 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1131 | Controller's Office; Counseling Center, Student
15 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1132 | Deans' Council
19 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1133 | Disaster Board, Latah County; Division of Instructional Media Services
14 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1134 | Drug Testing Study
8 items : Papers, Booklets
1987 |
38 | 1135 | Economic Development Committee
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1136 | Elderhostel
2 items : Papers
1987 |
38 | 1137 | Engineering, Statewide
28 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1138 | Enrollment statistics
43 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1139 | Facility Planning
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1140 | Faculty
12 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1141 | Faculty Council; Faculty Secretary
36 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1142 | Finance and Development
27 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1143 | Financial Affairs: General; Trust and Investment Office
19 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
38 | 1144 | Financial Affairs: Risk Management/Safety/Security
22 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1145 | Auxiliary Planning
4 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1146 | Financial Aids, Student
31 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1147 | Financial Aids, Student
29 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
38 | 1148 | Financial Aids, Student
36 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
39 | 1149 | Formula funding (SBOE)
10 items : Papers
1985-1987 |
39 | 1150 | Foundation and Development
38 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1151 | Foundation and Development
23 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1152 | Founders Day Celebration
70 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1153 | Gifts Receipting, Thanks
89 items : Papers
1987 |
39 | 1154 | Gifts Receipting, Thanks
107 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1155 | Gifts Receipting, Thanks
99 items : Papers
1988 |
39 | 1156 | Gem of the Mountains; General Faculty Meetings; Goals and Objectives; Governor's Office
25 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1157 | Hampton, Lionel, honorary degree; Health Services, Student
17 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1158 | Honorary Degrees
21 items : Papers, Negatives, Photographs
1987-1988 |
39 | 1159 | Honors Convocation; Honors Program
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1988 |
39 | 1160 | Housing and Food Service
55 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
39 | 1161 | Human Assurance Committee; Idaho Council on Economic Education
12 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1162 | Idaho Falls Center for Higher Education
9 items : Papers
1988 |
39 | 1163 | Idaho Research Foundation
17 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1164 | Idaho Research Foundation
25 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1165 | Idaho Rhodes Scholar Committee; Idaho State University
28 items : Papers, Photographs, Booklets
1987-1988 |
39 | 1166 | Idaho the University; IMAGE; Institutional Review Board
13 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1167 | International Programs; International Trade and Development
26 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1168 | Inventory, President's Office; Jazz Festival
22 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1169 | Kellogg National Fellowship Program; Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; KUID
22 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1170 | Learning Resource Center; Legal issues
8 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1171 | Legislative Summit (Idaho/Washington); Legislature
14 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1172 | Library; Living Learning Campus Environment Committee
11 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
39 | 1173 | Management Information Services; McKinney farewell dinner
22 items : Papers
1987 |
39 | 1174 | Miscellaneous
66 items : Papers, Newspapers
1987 |
39 | 1175 | Miscellaneous
49 items : Papers
1987 |
39 | 1176 | Miscellaneous
81 items : Papers
1988 |
40 | 1177 | Momentum '87; Moscow, City of
24 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1178 | Mountain West Athletic Conference
16 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
40 | 1179 | NASA site visit; National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
16 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1180 | National Collegiate Athletic Association
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
40 | 1181 | National Technological University; New Student Services
60 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
40 | 1182 | News Bureau; Nuclear Protection Plan
19 items : Papers, Newspapers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1183 | Parking
40 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1184 | Personnel
11 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1185 | Physical Plant; Placement Center
23 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1186 | Position Control
40 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1187 | Presidential Search; President's Council
48 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1188 | President's Report; Public Affairs
14 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1189 | Recommendations: RDG; TA
61 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1190 | Regrets
42 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1191 | Research and Development
22 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
40 | 1192 | ROTC
18 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1193 | Scholarships, Miscellaneous
14 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1194 | Searches: Assistant Director Alumni Association; Vice President Financial Affairs; WAMI Director
54 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1986-1988 |
40 | 1195 | Searches: Personnel Director; Athletic Director
49 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1196 | Space Allocation Committee; Special Services; Staff Affairs Committee
8 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1197 | State Board of Education
47 items : Papers
1987 |
40 | 1198 | State Board of Education
42 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1199 | State Board of Education
42 items : Papers
1988 |
40 | 1200 | State Board of Education
32 items : Papers
1988 |
40 | 1201 | Student Advisory Services
86 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1202 | Student Services Budget FY88; Student Union; Suggestion box; Summer session
15 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
40 | 1203 | Superconducting Super Collider
34 items : Papers
1986-1987 |
41 | 1204 | Telecommunications Council; Thanks/Acknowledgments
50 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1205 | Truman Scholarship; Twenty five year group; UI Retirees Association; United Way
23 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1206 | University Relations and Development; US West Research Center Site Selection
14 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
41 | 1207 | Vandal Boosters; Veterans Affairs; Vice President for Finance
25 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1208 | Washington State University; Water Resources UI Council; WICHE
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
41 | 1209 | Agriculture: College of; Consulting Council; Extension
43 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
41 | 1210 | Art and Architecture, College of
7 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1211 | Business and Economics, College of
35 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
41 | 1212 | Education: College of; Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
20 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
41 | 1213 | Engineering, College of
8 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1214 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
25 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1988 |
41 | 1215 | Graduate School; Law, College of
7 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1216 | Letters and Science: College of; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Communication; English; Foreign Languages
16 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1217 | Music
22 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1218 | Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Theatre Arts
17 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1219 | Mines, College of; WAMI
10 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
41 | 1220 | WOI/Veterinary Medicine
25 items : Papers
1987-1988 |
Series XII: Correspondence, 1988-1989Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries A: General |
Box | Folder | ||
41 | 1221 | AAUP Censure Committee
41 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1222 | Academic Affairs
27 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1223 | Admissions/Registrar
3 items : Papers
1989 |
41 | 1224 | Affirmative Action
36 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1225 | AIDS issue; Alcohol Awareness Program
9 items : Papers, Newspapers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1226 | Alumni; Alumni-in-Residence Program
60 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
41 | 1227 | Aquaculture Program
31 items : Papers, Booklets
1986-1989 |
41 | 1228 | Arboretum; Argonaut; Assessment/Outcome
15 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1229 | Associate Director for Human Resources
6 items : Papers
1989 |
41 | 1230 | Associated Western Universities
4 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1231 | ASUI
30 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
41 | 1232 | ASUI
25 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1233 | Athletics
42 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1234 | Audit Reports FY89
7 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1235 | Audit Reports FY89
5 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1236 | Big Sky Conference
11 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1237 | Boise Center; Boise State University
9 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1238 | Bookstore; Borah Symposium
6 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1239 | Budget Office; Budgets FY88-89
6 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1240 | Budget FY89-90
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1990 |
42 | 1241 | Budget FY90-91
6 items : Papers
1989-1991 |
42 | 1242 | Burlington Northern Awards; Business Technology Incubator
13 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1243 | Cable TV System; Campus Planning Committee; Campus Steering Committee
12 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1244 | Centennial
52 items : Papers, Newspapers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1245 | Academic History
7 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1246 | Campaign Presentations
33 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1247 | Time Capsule
6 items : Papers
1987-1989 |
42 | 1248 | Tree Planting
52 items : Papers
1988 |
42 | 1249 | Child Care Center; Classified Position Review Board; Coeur d'Alene Center
9 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1250 | Commencement: Centennial; Miscellaneous
64 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1251 | Communications (News Bureau); Computer Services and Stores; Consortium for International Development; Controller's Office
23 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1252 | Counseling Center; Deans' Council; Disaster Board, Latah County
17 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1253 | Division of Instructional Media Services
5 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1254 | Drug Testing Study; Drug Testing Program (Athletics); Economic Development Committee; Elderhostel; Engineering - Statewide
21 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1255 | Enrollment - UI
45 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1256 | Facility Planning
6 items : Papers
1988 |
42 | 1257 | Faculty: General; Council; Development Center; Secretary's Office
25 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1258 | Finance Office
1 items : Papers
1988 |
42 | 1259 | Financial Affairs
30 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
42 | 1260 | Auxiliary Services
7 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1261 | Risk Management/Safety/Security; Trust and Investment Office
23 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
42 | 1262 | Financial Aid, Student
44 items : Papers, Booklets
1988 |
42 | 1263 | Financial Aid, Student
31 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1264 | Financial Aid, Student
23 items : Papers
1989 |
43 | 1265 | Financial Aid, Automation
21 items : Papers
1988 |
43 | 1266 | Foundation
55 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
43 | 1267 | Founders Day
67 items : Papers
1989 |
43 | 1268 | Gem Communities Program; General Faculty Meetings
8 items : Papers
1988 |
43 | 1269 | Gifts Receipting/Thanks
90 items : Papers
1988 |
43 | 1270 | Gifts Receipting/Thanks
116 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1271 | Gifts Receipting/Thanks
114 items : Papers
1989 |
43 | 1272 | Golf Course Board; Governor's Office
21 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1273 | Habib, Philip - Dinner; Health Services, Student
16 items : Papers
1988 |
43 | 1274 | Honorary Degrees
16 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
43 | 1275 | Honorary Degrees
2 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
43 | 1276 | Honors Convention; Honors Program
16 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
43 | 1277 | Housing and Food Service
33 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1278 | Housing and Food Service
23 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1279 | Idaho Falls Center; Idaho State University
10 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1280 | Idaho Research Foundation
39 items : Papers, Booklets
1987-1989 |
43 | 1281 | Idaho the University; IMAGE
3 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1282 | International Programs; International Trade and Development
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
43 | 1283 | Inventory, President's Office
7 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1284 | Japanese delegation visit, January 1989
48 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1285 | Japanese delegation visit, January 1989
1 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1286 | Kellogg National Fellowship Program; Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center; Legal issues; Legislature
16 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1287 | Lewis-Clark State College; Library; Living Learning Campus Committee
13 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1288 | Management Information Services
9 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
43 | 1289 | Micron Technology, Inc.
18 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1290 | Miscellaneous
95 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1291 | Moscow, City of; NASA; National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
28 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
44 | 1292 | National Collegiate Athletic Association; National Science Foundation, National Science Teachers Association
24 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
44 | 1293 | New Student Services
44 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1294 | Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle); Parents Weekend
7 items : Papers, Booklets
1989 |
44 | 1295 | Parking
32 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
44 | 1296 | Personal - RDG
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1989 |
44 | 1297 | Personnel
21 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1298 | Physical Plant
19 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1299 | Placement Center
11 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1300 | Position Control
40 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1301 | Presidents' Council
24 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1302 | President's Report
2 items : Booklets
1987-1988 |
44 | 1303 | Recommendations: RDG; TA
47 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1304 | Regents Dinner
22 items : Papers
1988 |
44 | 1305 | Regrets
63 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1306 | Research and Development
6 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1307 | Retirement function, RDG
68 items : Papers
1989 |
44 | 1308 | Rhodes Scholarship
18 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1309 | ROTC; Scholarships - Miscellaneous
22 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1310 | Searches: Dean Art and Architecture; Assistant Director of Housing; Director of Purchasing; Director Residence Life
21 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1311 | Searches: Dean Letters and Science
45 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1312 | Searches: Assistant Director New Student Services; Miscellaneous
12 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1313 | Searches: President University of Idaho
20 items : **CONFIDENTIAL** Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1314 | Space Allocation Committee; Special Projects; Special Services; Staff Affairs Committee
29 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
44 | 1315 | State Board of Education
22 items : Papers
1988 |
44 | 1316 | State Board of Education
55 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1317 | Student Advisory Services: General; Disability Center; Foreign Students; Minority Students; Orientation
40 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
44 | 1318 | Student Advisory Services: Greeks; Residence Halls
46 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1319 | Complaint
22 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1320 | Student Union
5 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1321 | Suggestion box; Summer session; Thanks and acknowledgments
72 items : Papers, Newspapers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1322 | Truman Scholarship Program; Twenty five year group; UI Retirees Association; United Way; University Relations and Development
39 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1323 | Vandal Boosters; Veterans Affairs; Washington State University; Water Resources Council; WICHE; Women's Center
20 items : Papers, Newspapers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
Subseries B: College |
Box | Folder | ||
45 | 1324 | Agriculture: College of; Consulting Council; Extension
30 items : Papers, Negatives, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1325 | Art and Architecture, College of
6 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1326 | Student Advisory Services: Business and Economics, College of
18 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1327 | Business and Economics, College of: Business Development and Research
11 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1328 | Education: College of; Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
11 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1329 | Engineering, College of
15 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1330 | Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences, College of
27 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1331 | Graduate Studies; Law, College of
12 items : Papers
1988-1989 |
45 | 1332 | Letters and Science: College of; Biological Science; Chemistry; English; Foreign Languages; History; Mathematics
13 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1333 | Music
16 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1334 | Political Science; Sociology/Anthropology; Theatre Arts
6 items : Papers
1988 |
45 | 1335 | Mines, College of
23 items : Papers, Booklets
1988-1989 |
45 | 1336 | WAMI; WOI/Veterinary Science
14 items : Papers
1988-1989 |