Charles Milton Buchanan papers, 1897-1914

Overview of the Collection

Buchanan, Charles Milton, 1868-1920
Charles Milton Buchanan papers
1897-1914 (inclusive)
3 microfilm reels : positive
Collection Number
3907 (Accession No. 3907-001)
Papers pf a physician, government agent, school superintendent on Tulalip Indian Reservation
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

Open to all users.

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Physician, government agent, school superintendent on Tulalip Indian Reservation.

Charles Buchanan (1868-1920) was born in Alexandria, Virginia. Soon after finishing his medical education, he accepted a position as resident physician on the Tulalip Indian Reservation (near Everett, Washington) in 1894. Buchanan remained at Tulalip until his death. During his years at Tulalip, he assumed additional duties as the government reduced the number of agents on the reservation. He became superintendent of the school and the reservation and also became agent for neighboring reservations such as Swinomish, Lummi and Suquamish. Buchanan was a sympathetic defender of the Indians in his charge. He attempted to protect them and their lands from outside incursions. He organized courts on the reservation with Indian judges and policemen who were effective in most cases.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Microfilmed correspondence, writings, speech, scrapbooks, photographs, clippings, subject series; 1897-1914, no date.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Creator's literary rights retained. Contact repository for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The Charles Buchanan papers were sorted by Manuscripts staff prior to microfilming. The bulk of the papers consist of Buchanan's writings, which have been alphabetized by title. In addition to the writins, a number of documents were found among Buchanan's papers which relate to an investigation he conducted into the murder of David Te'use, whom Buchanan had appointed judge, treated as a subject series.

Three scrapbooks comprsed primarily of newspaper clippings were included among the Buchanan papers. Only selected pages from two of these scrapbooks were filmed. The unfilmed scrapbook consists primariy of clippings from Seattle newspapers. From the two other scrapbooks, pamphlets and clippings of writings by Buchanan and articles about the Tulalip Reservation were selected for filming. Also excluded from the microflim were duplicate copies and published material.

The papers in this accession consist primarily of Buchanan's private papers and research. Records from Buchanan's administration at the Tulalip Reservation may be found in the records of the Bureau of Indian Affairds (Record Group 75) at the Nationl Archives and Records Administration, Seattle Branch.

Custodial History

The Charles Buchanan papers were loaned to the University of Washington Libraries for microfilming in 1987 by Nancy L. August.

Acquisition Information

Received 12/1/1987

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1 Biographical Features undated
1 Incoming Letters: Anderson, Ada Woodruff 1903
1 Incoming Letters: Conover, C. T., Crawford & Conover 1909
1 Incoming Letters: Field Columbian Museum, Chicago (George A Dorsey) undated
1 Incoming Letters: Shaw, George C 1909, undated
1 Outgoing Letters 1909-1922
1 General Correspondence: The Macmillan Company Publishers 1913
1 General Correspondence: St. Louis Courier of Medicine 1899
1 Writings: Aboriginial Art undated
1 Writings: Aeneas undated
1 Writings: Big Ignace undated
1 Writings: A Dissertation upon the Snohomish Indian Language undated
1 Writings: Father Pierre (scheme for a book) undated
1 Writings: History of a Science undated
1 Writings: The Indian: His Present Status and His Probably Future undated
1 Writings: Indian Legends undated
1 Writings: Indian Totem Legends undated
1 Writings: Lessons on Indian Grammar undated
1 Writings: Moses undated
1 Writings: Pickett and His Men undated
1 Writings: The Race undated
1 Writings: Reverend Father Eugene Casimir Charouse, OMI and an unnamed mansucript on Father Charouse undated
1 Writings: Seattle: A Poem undated
1 Writings (published short stories): The Potlatch of Pulkode undated
1 Writings (published short stories): The Last Journey of Eenath undated
1 Writings (published short stories): The Vengeance of Sub-oh-lit-zah undated
1 Writings: Sign Language undated
1 Writings: Some Fugitive Thoughts and Reflections upon Indian Medical Practice, Customs, Beliefs, Superstitions, etc., among the Indians of Puget Sound undated
1 Writings: Some Medical Customs, Ideas, Beliefs and Practices of the Snohomish Indians (published) undated
1 Writings: Some Phases of Religious Beliefs among Puget Sound Indians undated
1 Writings: Stories from the Sdoh-hohbsh and Other Sources undated
2 Writings: Suggestion (for a story) undated
2 Writings: Tulalip Agency and School undated
2 Writings: Untitled, on Puget Sound Indians and US Government undated
2 Writings: The Vengeance of Sub-oh-lit-zah: or the Quest of Blood- see Short Stories undated
2 Writings: Fragments- Indian Customs and Practices undated
2 Writings: Notes undated
2 Speech
An Address in Chionook delivered at the launching of the Steamer Suquamish, Seattle, Washington, April 23rd, 1914 (includes English translation)
2 Writings of Others: Powell, J W Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 1880; completed by Rev. Myron Eells with Squakson dialect of the Nisqually tribe, Washington, 1878 1897
2 Writings of Others: Miscellaneous undated
2 Publication- The North American Indian- 1926 Year Book 1926
2 Photographs undated
2 Clippings undated
2 Subject Series: Trial for the murder of David Te'use- notes of witness' accounts, testimony 1900
2 Subject Series: Lea family genealogy (Anne Lea Buchanan) undated
3 Scrapbooks- selected pages undated