Hal Riegger papers, 1981-1986

Overview of the Collection

Riegger, Hal, 1921-
Hal Riegger papers
1981-1986 (inclusive)
1 cubic feet
Collection Number
MG 183
Research files, including newspaper and journal articles, maps, correspondence, oral history tapes and transcripts, and photographs, pertaining to Riegger's book, The Camas Prairie: Idaho's railroad on stilts (1986).
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Hal Riegger earned his B.S. and M.A. degrees at the New York State College of Ceramics and Ohio State University. He taught ceramics for a number of years, and wrote three books on the subject.

His interest in trains dates back to his childhood and a set of Lionel O gauge trains formerly belonging to his aunt. He has been active in the field of rail history and model railroading. He is a member of the NMRA and has served on its standards committee. He was involved with the founding of Ntrak, the N scale modular system. He lives in the Sierra foothills of California.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photocopies of newspaper and journal articles, maps, correspondence, oral history tapes and transcripts, and a large collection of photographs dealing with the Camas Prairie Railroad, one of America's most scenic and fascinating railroads. With headquarters in Lewiston, one line ran northwest to Ayer, Washington, while one of the three Idaho lines went to Grangeville, another to Stites, both east and south of Lewiston, while the fourth line ran east and north to Headquarters.

Although the research material in this record group contains photocopies of material dating back to 1879, it was collected between 1981 and 1986.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Photographer, "Title," date. Collection name, object ID. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Alternative Forms Available

Some of the materials in this collection were digitized and made into the Hal Riegger Papers, 1981-1986.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The majority of the material in this record group was in labelled folders or envelopes; while these headings were preserved, a series order was imposed during processing.

The first series contains background material on the railroad and includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, illustrative items such as time tables, and annual reports, journal articles, maps of Northern Pacific lands (the parent company of the Camas Prairie), track laying records and a souvenir of a 1960 passenger excursion from Lewiston to Grangeville.

The second series contains a large number of photographs of trains, engines, and bridges. These are arranged alphabetically by the collector. Some collectors have only their own photographs, while others added photographs of other collectors to their own collections. For this reason there is a small amount of duplication in the folders. Some folders also contain correspondence concerning the identification of photographs. Many of the photographs are copies. Photographs used in the book are identified on the verso with the chapter and photograph number within the chapter, e.g. 2-12 is chapter 2, the 12th photograph.

The final series contains permits allowing Riegger on railroad property, track profiles, and tapes of oral history interviews with retired Camas Prairie employees; transcripts of these tapes are also included.

Acquisition Information

The research materials for his book The Camas Prairie: Idaho's Railroad on Stilts (Edmonds, Washington, Pacific Fast Mail, 1986), were donated to the University of Idaho Library by Hal Riegger in May 1987 (MA 1987-19).

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I:  Background Material, 1879-1986Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
45 items
1 2
Newspaper clippings
18 items
1 3
Illustrative/background material
24 items
1 4-5
Journal and other articles
42 items
1 6
Maps of Northern Pacific lands
32 items
circa 1900-1984
1 7
Track laying records, Northern Pacific Railroad
1 item
1 8
2 items

Series II:  Photographs, 1902-1984Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 9
Herb Banks
13 items
1 10
A.E. Bennett
15 items
1 11
Ken Brovald
37 items
1 12
Al Butler
13 items
1 13
Bruce Butler
13 items
1 14
Camas Prairie Railroad
36 items
1 15-16
Earl Cash
57 items
1 17
Bill Clem (Movie: Breakheart Pass)
6 items
1 18
Gruber-Potlatch Collection
27 items
1 19
Phil Hastings
33 items
1 20
Dick Herman: Army Corps of Engineers
10 items
1 21
Dale Johnson
4 items
circa 1910
1 22
Lewiston Tribune Photocopies
18 items
1 23
Wally Meckstroth collection
7 items
1 24
Jim Morefield
10 items
1 25
Ron Nixon
49 items
1 26
Maynard Rikerd
32 items
1 27
Irvin Sullivan
3 items
1 28-29
Todd Sullivan
39 items
1 30-31
Everett Watson
10 items
1 32
Will Whittaker
11 items
1 33
Winchester Museum
33 items
1 34
Dan Wayt
15 items

Series III:  Other Items, 1968-1983Return to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 35
Permits to be on railroad property
3 items
1 36
Track profiles
2 items
1 37-38
Oral history tapes and transcripts
14 items

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Corporate Names

Geographical Names