Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Kerr family collection, 1816-1968
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Kerr family.
- Title
- Kerr family collection
- Dates
- 1816-1968 (inclusive)18161968
- Quantity
- 7.92 cubic feet : 3,669 photographs in 9 boxes and 1 oversize box, 2,405 photographic negatives in 11 boxes, and papers and diaries in 2 boxes
- Collection Number
- Coll 74
- Summary
- This collection contains photographs, papers, and diaries pertaining to the Peter and Laurie King Kerr family and the Thomas and Mabel Macleay Kerr family of Portland, Oregon. The bulk of the photographs were taken at Peter Kerr's Elk Rock estate in Portland and on various family trips. The diaries and papers include Peter Kerr's diaries, a scrapbook, a letterpress copybook and a diary and letters by Mrs. Lucretia Colton.
- Repository
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
Telephone: 503-306-5240
Fax: 503-219-2040 - Access Restrictions
The collection is open to the public. However, the negatives in this collection are stored offsite and are not available for research use. Researchers must instead use the photographic prints that the Oregon Historical Society has made from these negatives. Consult a Reference Librarian for more information,
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Peter Kerr, prominent Oregon grain exporter, businessman, and civic leader, was born in Newton Stewart, Scotland in 1861, the son of Thomas and Anne Dewar Kerr. After working as a young man in London for the grain exporting firm of Dewar and Webb, owned in part by his uncle, James C. Dewar, he traveled throughout the world as an agent of the company. He finally settled in Portland in 1889, working as a commission agent until 1894, when he partnered with William S. Sibson to form Sibson & Kerr shipping agents. In 1899, he established his own grain exporting business with his brother Thomas Kerr (1865-1926) and Patrick B. Gifford, called Kerr Gifford & Co. The three partners lived in "Cliff Cottage," on the Elk Rock estate on Military Lane in the Dunthorpe area south of Portland (also known as Rivera and Abernethy Heights), where they entertained with golf and tennis parties and chronicled their activities in scrapbooks and photographs.
In 1905, Peter purchased the estate, and in 1916 he built a large house to replace Cliff Cottage. He planted an extensive garden, the design for which he had begun in 1897, and these gardens are now open to the public. The house itself, designed by Ellis Lawrence, became the seat of the Episcopal Diocese in 1958 and is now known as the Bishop's Close. The Kerrs also had a beach house on the Oregon coast at Gearhart, designed by architect Pietro Belluschi in the mid-1940s.
Peter Kerr was married to Laurie King (1877-1959) in 1905, and the couple had two daughters: Anne (1906-2001), married in 1933 to Sir James McDonald, British consul in Oregon; and Jane, who married John W. S. Platt in 1939. Peter Kerr died in 1957 at the age of 95.
Thomas Kerr was married to Mabel Macleay (1876-1973), daughter of prominent Portland businessman Donald Macleay (1834-1897), in 1900. The couple lived at High Hatch on Military Lane in the Dunthorpe area south of Portland. They had three sons: Donald Macleay (1907-1945), Thomas, Jr. (Tommy) (1910-1982), and George A. D. (1914-2004). Mabel Macleay and Laurie King were lifelong friends, and their families, including Mabel's brother Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874) and Laurie's mother, Laura Dodge King, traveled and spent much of their leisure time together.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The collection consists primarily of photographs and diaries pertaining to the families of Peter and Laurie King Kerr and Thomas and Mabel Macleay Kerr, both of Portland, Oregon. The bulk of the photographs were taken at Peter Kerr's Elk Rock estate in Portland and on various family trips. Subjects include Peter and Laurie's two daughters, Anne Kerr McDonald and Jane Kerr Platt, as well as Thomas and Mabel's three sons, Donald, Thomas, and George. Included are photographs from Peter and Laurie King Kerr's honeymoon in Arizona, California, and Mexico; family trips to England and Scotland to visit Peter and Thomas Kerr's father and siblings, as well as to Gearhart and Ecola on the Oregon coast; social events, including golf and tennis, at Peter Kerr's Elk Rock estate; and photographs of the grounds and gardens at Elk Rock. Four photograph albums belonging to Anne Kerr McDonald are included. Many of the photographs were probably taken by Peter Kerr; photographs in some of the albums were taken or collected by Anne Kerr McDonald. Other types of photographs included in the collection are ambrotypes, autochromes, cabinet cards, cartes de visite, and tintypes.
Also included are the negatives for most of the prints. File copies of the original photographic negatives were made by Oregon Historical Society staff in 2007 and added to this collection. Not all of the photographs in this collection have original negatives.
Many of Peter Kerr's family and friends are identified on the photographs by their nicknames: "Tom" refers to Peter's brother Thomas (1865-1926), while "Tommy" refers to Tom's son (1910-1982). Peter's brother David (1874-1945) is referred to as "Davie," while Davie's son is called "Dukin" (1918-1941). "George" is Peter's brother George (1867-1918), while "Geordie" is Tom's son George (1814-2004). Peter refers to his brother James as "Jamie" in his diaries.
The diaries and papers include Peter Kerr's diaries from 1876-1894; "The Veracious Chronicles of the Cliff Cottage Club," a scrapbook kept by Peter Kerr with drawings, photographs, clippings, and daily entries from 1897-1905; Peter Kerr's birth certificate; and Peter Kerr's letterpress copybook for 1898-1906. Additional materials include a diary and letters by Mrs. Lucretia Colton, the great-grandmother of Lady Anne Kerr McDonald.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Oregon Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library prior to any use of reproductions. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use of reproductions may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright holders.
Preferred Citation
Kerr family collection, Coll 74, Oregon Historical Society Research Library
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection is arranged in three series:
- Series A: Photographs, circa 1840-1954
- Subseries 1: Portraits, circa 1840-1954
- Subseries 2: Elk Rock, circa 1897-1950
- Subseries 3: Gearhart and northern Oregon coast, circa 1897-1949
- Subseries 4: Family travels, circa 1895-1940
- Subseries 5: Other photographs, circa 1894-1930
- Subseries 6: Negatives
- Series B: General papers, 1816-1968
- Series C: Diaries and notebooks of Peter Kerr, 1876-1894
Acquisition Information
Library accession no. 26084
Processing Note
File copies of the original photographic negatives in this collection were made by Oregon Historical Society staff in 2007 and added to the collection.
Related Materials
The Oregon Historical Society Research Library also contains the following materials related to this collection:
Peter Kerr correspondence and records, Microfilm 68
Peter and Thomas Kerr family photograph collection, Org. Lot 443
Oral history interviews with Lady Anne Kerr McDonald, SR 1070
Biographical and genealogical information about the Kerr and Macleay families in "Vertical File : Biography - Kerr, Peter" and "Vertical File : Biography - Macleay, Donald."
In addition, artifacts from the Kerr family were donated to the the Artifact Collections of the Oregon Historical Society in 1968.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.
Series A: Photographs, circa 1840-1954Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subseries 1: Portraits 1,128 items
This series contains photographs of Kerr family members and
This subseries is divided into two groupings (Individual
portraits and Group portraits) and arranged alphabetically by subject.
1840-1954 | |
Individuals |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Ayer, Mrs. W. B. |
circa 1897-1900 |
1/2 | Ching Ben Yen
Ching Bwn Yen was the Kerr family's Chinese cook at Cliff
1897-1905 |
1/3 | Dewar, James C. |
circa 1989-1901 |
1/4 | DuFlan, Pierre F. |
circa 1900 |
1/5 | Flanders, Carrie |
circa 1900-1915 |
1/6 | Flanders, Louise |
circa 1897-1905 |
1/7 | Fransioli, P. J. |
circa 1900-1905 |
1/8 | Gifford, Patrick B. |
circa 1890-1905 |
1/8A | Hall, Clementine Lewis |
circa 1900-1905 |
1/9 | Honeyman, Nan Wood (1881-1970) |
circa 1897-1915 |
1/10 | Kerr, Andrew (1869-1951) |
circa 1900-1939 |
1/11 | Kerr, Anne Dewar (1831-1892) |
circa 1850 |
1/12 | Kerr, David (1874-1945) |
circa 1897-1920 |
1/13 | Kerr, Donald (1907-1945) |
1907-1908 |
1/14 | Kerr, Flora McNeill |
1906 |
1/15 | Kerr, George (1867-1918) |
circa 1900 |
1/16 | Kerr, James (1860-1934) |
1902 |
1/17 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) Hand-colored tintypes and cartes de
circa 1878-1883 |
1/18 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) |
circa 1897-1905 |
1/19 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) |
circa 1906-1920 |
1/20 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) |
circa 1921-1930 |
1/21 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) and dog
Cree |
circa 1921-1930 |
1/22 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) |
circa 1938-1942 |
1/23 | Kerr, Mabel Macleay (1876-1973) |
circa 1897-1905 |
1/24 | Kerr, Milly Fraser
"Milly" may also be spelled "Millie."
circa 1902 |
1/25-1/26 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
circa 1897-1905 |
1/27 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
circa 1906-1915 |
1/28 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
circa 1918-1926 |
1/29 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
circa 1931-1939 |
1/30 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
circa 1946-1954 |
1/31 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) |
undated |
1/32 | Kerr, Thomas, Sr. (1830-1916) |
undated |
1/33 | Kerr, Thomas (1865-1926) |
circa 1897-1905 |
1/34 | King, Henry |
circa 1885-1890 |
1/35 | King, Henry W. |
circa 1895 |
1/36 | King, Laura Dodge |
circa 1905-1930 |
1/37 | King, Mary B. |
circa 1893 |
1/38 | King, Ned |
circa 1895 |
1/39 | King family members (unidentified) |
circa 1840-1895 |
1/40 | Ladd, Charles Elliot (1857-1920) |
circa 1897 |
1/41 | Lewis, Clementine Freeman Couch
(1838-1914) |
circa 1905-1914 |
1/42 | Lewis, Gertrude Gordon McClintock (d.
1945) |
circa 1928 |
1/43 | Mackay, W. B. |
circa 1898-1901 |
1/44 | Mackenzie, Jean |
circa 1897-1900 |
1/45 | Macleay, Roderick Lachlan (b. 1874) |
circa 1897-1920 |
1/46 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
1906 |
1/47-1/49 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
1907 |
2/1-2/2 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
1908 |
2/3 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
circa 1909-1912 |
2/4 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
circa 1913-1914 |
2/5 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) |
circa 1915-1929 |
2/6 | McDonald, James, Sir (1899-1989) |
circa 1920-1925 |
2/7 | McDonald, Laurie (later Meigs) (b. 1934) |
circa 1937-1939 |
2/8 | Platt, David |
1944 |
2/9 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) |
1908 |
2/10 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) |
circa 1910-1914 |
2/11 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) |
circa 1915-1923 |
2/12 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989)
Includes photographs of Jane's dog, Cree.
circa 1925-1939 |
2/13 | Platt, John W. S. |
1939 |
2/14 | Sibson, Alice (later Winslow) |
circa 1897-1900 |
2/15 | Sibson, William S. |
circa 1897-1900 |
2/16 | Wheeler, F. G. |
circa 1897-1900 |
2/17 | Willis, A. B. |
circa 1987-1905 |
2/18 | Wilson, George |
circa 1899-1905 |
2/19 | Winslow, Chauncey |
circa 1900-1910 |
2/20 | Wood, Charles Erskine Scott (C. E. S.)
(1852-1944) |
circa 1897-1944 |
2/21 | Wood, James McI. |
circa 1897-1905 |
2/22-2/23 | Unidentified children |
circa 1897-1935 |
2/24-2/25 | Unidentified men |
circa 1897-1925 |
2/26 | Unidentified women |
circa 1897-1940 |
9/1 | Unidentified cased portraits
Includes cased tintypes and ambrotypes of two unidentified
men, an unidentified woman, and an unidentified child.
circa 1850-1885 |
Groups |
Box/Folder | ||
2/27 | Dewar, James C. and others
Includes photographs of Edith Evans Dewar, Patrick B.
Gifford, and W. B. Mackay.
circa 1898-1901 |
2/28 | Flanders, Carrie and Louise with others |
circa 1897-1905 |
2/29 | Gifford, Patrick B. and others
See also 2/32.
Includes photographs of J. C. Flanders, P. J. Fransioli,
Charles Elliot Ladd (1857-1920), W. B. Mackay, Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b.
1874), A. B. Willis, and James McI. Wood.
circa 1897-1905 |
2/30 | Honeyman, Nan Wood (1881-1970) and
others |
circa 1900-1905 |
2/31 | Kerr, Andrew (1869-1951) and Anne Kerr McDonald
(1906-2001) |
1907 |
2/32 | Kerr, David (1874-1945) and Patrick B.
Gifford |
circa 1885 |
2/33 | Kerr, James (1860-1934) and Milly (or Millie) Fraser
Kerr with others
Includes a photograph of Milly with Louise Flanders.
circa 1902 |
2/34-2/37 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) with daughters Anne
Kerr McDonald (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989) |
circa 1906-1939 |
2/38 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) and Laura Dodge
Includes a photograph of them with Cicero Hunt Lewis
circa 1911-1920 |
2/39 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) with Mabel Macleay
Kerr (1876-1973) |
circa 1900 |
2/40 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959), Thomas Kerr
(1865-1926), and Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973) with Kerr children
Includes photographs of Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945),
Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1908-1911 |
3/1, 23/1 | Kerr, Laurie King (1877-1959) with other friends and
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus Walter J. Burns, Pierre DuFlan, Carrie Flanders, Louise Flanders,
Patrick B. Gifford, Clementine Lewis Hall, Nan Wood Honeyman (1881-1970),
Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874), W. B. Mackay, Sir James McDonald
(1899-1989), Alice Sibson, Gordon Voorhies, and C. J. Williamson and
circa 1890-1915 |
3/2 | Kerr, Mabel Macleay (1876-1973) and
Includes photographs of Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945) and
Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982).
circa 1906-1910 |
3/3 | Kerr, Mabel Macleay (1876-1973) and Louise
Flanders |
circa 1899-1905 |
3/4 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) with parents and
Includes a photograph of Andrew Kerr (1869-1951), Anne Dewar
Kerr, David Kerr (1874-1945), George Kerr (1867-1918), James Kerr (1860-1934),
Jane Chrystal Kerr (b. 1863), Mary Kerr (1872-1952), Peter Kerr (1861-1957),
Thomas Kerr, Sr. (1830-1916), and Thomas Kerr (1865-1926). Note that one of the
sons is missing from the photograph, but identification of the missing son is
circa 1884 |
3/5 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) with a group of men,
probably in Britain
Includes photographs of J. Moore and Major Bridges Webb.
circa 1885 |
3/6 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) with his
Includes photographs of Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982), Anne
Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1906-1918 |
3/7 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) and Laurie King Kerr
(1877-1959) |
circa 1905-1954 |
3/8 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1959), Laurie King Kerr
(1877-1959) with their children
Includes photographs of Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001) and
Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1916-1920 |
3/9 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) and Laurie King Kerr
(1877-1959) with others
Includes photographs of Andrew Kerr (1869-1951), Thomas Kerr
(1865-1926), Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874).
circa 1915-1941 |
3/10 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) and Thomas Kerr
(1865-1926) |
circa 1897-1900 |
3/11 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) and Thomas Kerr (1865-1926)
with friends
Includes photographs of Patrick B. Gifford, Charles Elliot
Ladd (1857-1920), W. B. Mackay, and Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874).
circa 1897-1905 |
3/12 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) with Anne Kerr McDonald
(1906-2001), Sir James McDonald (1899-1989), and unidentified
people |
circa 1932 |
3/13 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) with other family and
Includes photographs of Andrew Kerr (1869-1951), Edith Evans
Dewar Kerr, James Kerr, J. C. Flanders, Patrick B. Gifford, Roderick Lachlan
Macleay (b. 1874), Alice Sibson, and James McI. Wood.
circa 1897-1905 |
3/14 | Kerr, Peter (1861-1957) 80th birthday
Includes a photograph of [Mrs.] Ainsworth, [Miss] Failing,
Carrie Flanders, Louise Flanders, M. Wills Gilbert, Clementine Lewis Hall,
Andrew Kerr (1869-1951), George A. D. Kerr (1914-2004), Katherine D. Kerr,
Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982), Cicero Hunt Lewis
(1875-1952), Gertrude Gordon McClintock Lewis (d. 1945), Sally Lewis, Anne Kerr
McDonald (1906-2001), Sir James McDonald (1899-1989), Neil Malarkey, Sue
Malarkey, G. Martin, Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989), and John W. S. Platt.
1941 October 29 |
3/14A | Kerr, Thomas (1830-1916) with unidentified
people |
undated |
3/15 | Kerr, Thomas (1865-1926) with children and
Includes photographs of Donald Macleay Kerr (1914-2004),
Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982), Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr
Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1910 |
3/16 | Kerr, Thomas (1865-1926) with other family and
Includes photographs of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Patrick B.
Gifford, Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945), Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874),
Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1897-1925 |
3/17 | Kerr, Thomas (1865-1926) and Mabel Macleay Kerr
(1876-1973) with family and friends
Includes photographs of Louise Flanders, Clementine Lewis
Hall, Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945), Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Peter Kerr
(1861-1959), Cicero Hunt Lewis (1875-1952), Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001).
circa 1900-1914 |
3/18 | Kerr, Thomas children
Includes photographs of Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945),
Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982), and possibly Faber Lewis.
circa 1912-1925 |
3/19 | King, Laura Dodge and unidentified woman Hand-colored tintype.
circa 1860-1865 |
3/20 | Lewis, Cicero Hunt (1875-1952) and
Includes photographs of Gertrude Gordon McClintock Lewis (d.
1945) and Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001).
circa 1905-1912 |
3/21 | Mackenzie, Barbara, Jean, and Ronald |
circa 1897-1905 |
3/22 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Matilda Anderson
(nursemaid) |
1906-1907 |
3/23 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) |
1908 |
3/24 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) |
circa 1909-1910 |
3/25 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) |
circa 1911-1920 |
3/26 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) |
circa 1925-1930 |
3/27 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001), Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) with nursemaids
Includes photographs of Matilda Anderson (nursemaid).
circa 1906-1908 |
3/28 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) with Thomas Kerr children
Includes photographs of Donald Macleay Kerr (1907-1945),
George A. D. Kerr (1914-2004), Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982).
circa 1908-1925 |
3/29 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Jane Kerr Platt
(1908-1989) with other family and friends |
circa 1911-1925 |
3/30 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) and Sir James
McDonald (1899-1989) with family and friends
Includes photographs of Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982).
circa 1932 |
3/31 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) at ship christening
for the HMS "Atheling"
Includes photographs of Sir James McDonald (1899-1989) and
Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
1943 May |
3/32 | McDonald, Anne Kerr (1906-2001) with
Includes photographs of David and Nan Wood Honeyman's
(1881-1970) daughter, Nancy.
circa 1907-1930 |
3/33 | McGill, William and John Sproat |
circa 1897-1905 |
3/34 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) and Matilda Anderson
For other photographs Jane Kerr Platt with her sister, Anner
Kerr McDonald, dating from 1908-1930, see 3/23-3/27.
1908 |
3/35 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) with Donald Macleay
Kerr (1907-1945), Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982), and unidentified
people |
circa 1920 |
3/36 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) and David
Platt |
circa 1940-1945 |
3/37 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) with John W. S. Platt
at Belluschi House |
1941 |
3/38 | Platt, Jane Kerr (1908-1989) and unidentified
people |
circa 1920-1925 |
3/39 | Sibson, William S. and Mary Rogers
Sibson |
circa 1897-1900 |
3/40 | Wood, Charles Erskine Scott (C. E. S.) (1852-1944)
and two girls, possibly his daughters |
circa 1900 |
3/41 | Unidentified men |
circa 1897-1930 |
3/42 | Unidentified women |
circa 1897-1915 |
3/43 | Unidentified families |
circa 1897-1930 |
3/44 | Unidentified mixed groups |
circa 1890-1925 |
Subseries 2: Elk Rock 590 images
The Elk Rock subseries contains photographs of the houses (Cliff
Cottage and the mansion) and grounds (including gardens and tennis courts) at
the Kerr family's property at Elk Rock. In addition, activities and social
events at Elk Rock and the surrounding neighborhood of Military Lane and Elk
Rock Island are included.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
1897-1950 | |
Box/Folder | ||
4/1 | Cars at Elk Rock
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr's 45hp, 6 cylinder Pierce
Great Arrow.
circa 1920-1925 |
4/2 | Children's activities at Elk Rock
Includes photographs of Peter's daughters and Thomas' sons,
plus Clifford A. Nichols, Delia F. Nichols, Emily Nichols, John Randolph
Nichols, and Wirt Minor Nichols.
circa 1908-1918 |
4/3 | Cliff Cottage golf
Includes photographs of James C. Dewar, Louise Flanders,
Patrick B. Gifford, Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Thomas Kerr (1865-1926),
Alice Sibson, and James McI. Wood.
circa 1897-1905 |
4/4-4/7 | Cliff Cottage grounds
Elk Rock grounds prior to the construction of the house which
became Bishop's Close in 1958 and the demolition of the original house known as
Cliff Cottage.
circa 1897-1916 |
4/8 | Cliff Cottage house |
circa 1897-1914 |
4/9 | Cliff Cottage interiors
Photographs of Christmas decorations inside Cliff Cottage.
circa 1907 |
4/10-4/12 | Elk Rock grounds |
circa 1917-1950 |
4/13-4/14 | Elk Rock house (which became Bishop's Close in
1958) |
circa 1917-1941 |
4/15 | Elk Rock Island, Willamette River
Includes photographs of Patrick B. Gifford, Laurie King Kerr
(1877-1959), Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Peter Kerr (1861-1957), the
sternwheeler "George Burton," and views of the city of Milwaukie from the
Willamette River.
circa 1897-1915 |
4/16 | Excavation and construction of new home (which became
Bishop's Close in 1958)
Includes photographs of Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and
Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989), and a watercolor rendering of the house by the
architect Ellis Lawrence.
circa 1915-1917 |
4/17 | High Hatch (Tom and Mabel Kerr's Military Lane
The house was purchased from Portland architect William M.
Whidden. Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family members plus
William M. Whidden.
circa 1910-1920 |
4/18 | Jane Kerr and John W. S. Platt wedding at Elk
Photographs of the interior of the Elk Rock house.
1939 April 29 |
4/19 | Military Lane neighbors and homes
Includes photographs of Cicero Hunt Lewis (1875-1952) and his
house, the Sibson-Corbett house, and William Whidden.
circa 1897-1915 |
4/20 | "Nallow" Neighborhood event
Includes photographs of a Military Lane event.
circa 1925 |
4/21 | Pets at Elk Rock
Includes photographs of dogs Cree, Glinnie, and Nib.
undated |
4/22 | Social events at Cliff Cottage
Includes photographs of the Great Garden Party of 1905 and
other events. Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family members
plus Walter Burnes, Pierre DuFlan, Carrie Flanders, J. C. Flanders, Louise
Flanders, Patrick B. Gifford, Nan Wood Honeyman (1881-1970), W. B. Mackay,
Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874), Patsy Nichols, Gordon Voorhies, C. J.
Williamson, Mrs. Williamson, and A. B. Willis.
circa 1897-1905 |
5/1 | Swimming at Elk Rock
Includes photographs of Peter's daughters and Thomas's
circa 1918-1920 |
5/2-5/3, 23/2 | Tennis at Elk Rock
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus Carrie Flanders, Patrick B. Gifford, and Roderick Lachlan Macleay
(b. 1874).
circa 1897-1925 |
5/4 | Views of Milwaukie from Elk Rock |
circa 1897-1920 |
Subseries 3: Gearhart and northern Oregon coast 218 images
This subseries contains photographs of Kerr family outings to
Gearhart and Ecola on the northern Oregon coast. Peter Kerr had a beach house
built at Gearhart in the 1940s.
Arranged chronologically.
1897-1949 | |
Box/Folder | ||
5/6 |
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus members of the Effinger, Failing, and Lewis family, Carrie and
Louise Flanders, Clementine Lewis Hall, members of the Lewis family, Major
Webb, Ernest Webb, Miss Violet Webb, and Erskine Wood. Includes photographs of
Robert Livingstone's "Drumtochty Cottage."
circa 1897-1915 |
5/7 |
Photographs taken during the summer of 1908. Includes
photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family members plus Laura Dodge King,
Major Webb, Ernest Webb, and Miss Violet Webb.
1908 |
5/8 |
Photographs taken during the summer of 1909. Includes
photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family members plus David Honeyman,
Nan Wood Honeyman (1881-1970), Nancy Honeyman, Laura Dodge King.
1909 |
5/9 |
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus Laura Dodge King.
circa 1912 |
5/10 |
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus Laura Dodge King.
circa 1918-1920 |
5/11 |
circa 1921-1930 |
5/12 |
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
circa 1931-1940 |
5/13 |
Includes photographs of Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959) and Peter
Kerr (1861-1957), as well as the of Kerr family beach house in Gearhart,
designed by architect Pietro Belluschi in the mid-1940s.
circa 1940-1949 |
Subseries 4: Family travels 1702 images
This subseries contains photographs of various travels taken by
the Kerr family, many of which included their extended family and friends.
Trips include visits to Peter's parents and siblings in England and Scotland,
as well as Peter and Laurie Kerr's 1905 honeymoon in California and Mexico.
Also included are Anne Kerr McDonald's travel photograph albums, which contain
photographs of travels to Europe and various United States locations.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
circa 1895-1940 | |
Box/Folder | ||
5/14 | Beach camp (unidentified locations)
Includes photographs of Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Anne
Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1914-1920 |
5/15 | California (general)
Includes photographs of Louise Flanders and Mabel Macleay Kerr
(1876-1973). Includes a photograph of the "Potter Art Gallery."
circa 1900-1915 |
5/19 | California (general)
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
circa 1920-1925 |
5/16-5/17 | California--Del Monte
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members and Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874).
circa 1905 |
5/18 | California--Monterey
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
circa 1905 |
6/1 | England
Includes photographs of Constance (Connie) Dewar, Edith Evans
Dewar, James C. Dewar, James Evan Dewar, Jean Dewar, Margaret Dewar, and Peter
Kerr (1861-1959).
circa 1896-1907 |
6/2 | England
Includes photographs of James C. Dewar, David Kerr
(1874-1945), Jack Kerr, James Kerr (1860-1934), James Kerr (Jr.), Jean Kerr,
Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Marjorie Kerr, Milly (or Millie) Fraser Kerr,
Peter Kerr (1861-1957), Tim Kerr, Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr
Platt (1908-1989). Includes photographs of James and Milly (or Millie) Fraser
Kerr's residence "Lowick's," Freya Stark's former house.
circa 1925 |
6/3-6/5 | England
June and July, 1925. Includes photographs of James C. Dewar,
David (Dukin) Kerr (1918-1941), Ada Kerr, Jack Kerr, James Kerr (1860-1934),
Jean Kerr, Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Mary Kerr (1872-1952), Milly (or
Millie) Fraser Kerr, Patrick Kerr, Peter Kerr (1861-1957), Tim Kerr, Anne Kerr
McDonald (1906-2001), and Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
1925 June-July |
6/6 | Great Britain
Includes photographs of Constance Dewar, Dorothy Dewar, Edith
Evans Dewar, James C. Dewar, James Evan Dewar, Jean Dewar, Margaret Dewar, and
Peter Dewar.
circa 1907 |
6/8 | New York City |
circa 1907 |
6/9 | Oregon--Agness and Southern Oregon Coast
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr family members.
circa 1925-1930 |
6/10 | Oregon--Cloud Cap Inn
Includes photographs of Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959) and Peter
Kerr (1861-1957).
circa 1920-1929 |
6/11 | Oregon--Eastern
Includes photographs of Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001) and
Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989).
circa 1925 |
6/12 | Oregon--Meadow Lake
Includes photographs of Louise Flanders, Clementine Lewis
Hall, Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Peter Kerr (1861-1957).
circa 1910-1915 |
6/13 | Oregon--Metolius River area
Possibly on Erskine Wood's property. Includes photographs of
Peter Kerr family members and Gertrude Gordon McClintock Lewis (d. 1945).
circa 1925 |
6/14 | Oregon--Southwest
Includes photographs of Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959).
circa 1905-1920 |
6/15 | Peter and Laurie King Kerr honeymoon--Arizona and
California |
1905 |
6/16 | Peter and Laurie King Kerr
honeymoon--Mexico |
1905 |
6/17 | Scotland (general)
Includes photographs of Flora Kerr, George Kerr (1867-1918),
James Kerr (1860-1934), Jane Chrystal Kerr (b. 1863), Laurie King Kerr
(1877-1959), Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Mary Kerr (1872-1952), Milly (or
Millie) Fraser Kerr, Peter Kerr (1861-1957), Thomas Kerr, Sr. (1830-1916),
Thomas Kerr (1865-1926), and Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001).
circa 1906-1907 |
6/18 | Scotland--Newton Stewart
Includes photographs of George Kerr (1867-1918), Marjorie
Kerr, Jack Kerr, and Thomas Kerr, Sr. (1830-1916).
circa 1896-1906 |
6/19 | Scotland--Newton Stewart
Includes photographs of Peter and Thomas Kerr siblings and
wives and daughters plus James C. Dewar. Includes photographs of "Creeview,"
Thomas Kerr, Sr.'s retirement house.
circa 1907 |
7/3 | Scotland--Newton Stewart
Includes photographs of the grave markers of Anne Dewar Kerr
(1831-1892), George Kerr (1867-1918), and Thomas Kerr, Sr. (1830-1916).
1925 |
7/1-72 | Scotland
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr family members plus Ada
Kerr, David Kerr (1874-1945), David (Dukin) Kerr (1918-1941), Jack Kerr, James
Kerr (1860-1934), Jane Chrystal Kerr (b. 1863), Jean Kerr, Mary Kerr
(1872-1952), Milly (or Millie) Fraser Kerr, Patrick Kerr, Tim Kerr.
1925 |
7/4 | Ship travel
Includes photographs of Laurie King Kerr (1877-1959), Mabel
Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Thomas Kerr (1865-1926), and Roderick Lachlan Macleay
(b. 1874).
circa 1907-1926 |
6/7 | Washington--Mt. Rainier National Park
Includes photographs of Gertrude Gordon McClintock Lewis (d.
circa 1925 |
7/9 | Washington--Seaview trip
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family
members plus Patrick B. Gifford, Louise Flanders, David C. Lewis, and Roderick
Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874). See Org. Lot 443 for identification of this
circa 1895-1905 |
7/5 | Unidentified locations
Includes photographs of Peter Kerr family members plus Cicero
Hunt Lewis (1875-1952), Gertrude Gordon McClintock Lewis (d. 1945), and Mrs.
circa 1915-1940 |
7/6 | Album 74-1: Anne Kerr McDonald family photograph
Includes photographs of travels in Canada, as well as
photographs of Peter Kerr and Thomas Kerr family members, extended family, and
friends. Photographs are not labeled.
circa 1915-1930 |
7/7 | Album 74-2: Anne Kerr McDonald photograph
Includes photographs of Anne Kerr McDonald (1906-2001) and
Jane Kerr Platt (1908-1989) on their trips to Cap Martin, France, various
locations in Italy, and to Newton Stewart, Scotland in 1929. It appears that
they joined some of their cousins -- the children of James Kerr (1860-1934) and
Milly (or Millie) Fraser Kerr -- in Italy. Many photographs are labeled.
1929 |
7/8 | Album 74-3: Anne Kerr McDonald photograph
Includes photographs travels to England, as well as Peter Kerr
and Thomas Kerr family members, including extended family. Includes photographs
of a "haymow." Photographs are not labeled.
circa 1925-1926 |
8/1 | Album 74-4: Anne Kerr McDonald photograph
Includes photographs of travels in Switzerland, France,
England, Wales, Victoria, B. C., California, Oregon, Guatemala, Washington, D.
C., West Virginia, and Bermuda. Some of these photographs may have been
acquired without travel to the location indicated. Includes photographs of Elk
Rock and early photographs of Anne Kerr McDonald's (1906-2001) daughter, Laurie
McDonald (later Meigs) (b. 1934). Most album pages are labeled.
circa 1930-1937 |
Subseries 5: Other photographs 231 images
This subseries contains photographs not included within the
scope of the other subseries.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
circa 1894-1930 | |
Box/Folder | ||
8/2 | Arlington Club
Includes photographs of Tom Davis, George Good, Fred V.
Holman, Thomas Kerr (1865-1926), Herman Camp Leonard, Ion Lewis, Major McNeill,
Dave Nethill (sp?), D. F. Paxton, C. J. Reed, Preston C. Smith, and Count
circa 1897-1900 |
8/3 | Laurie King Kerr, Peter Kerr and Girl Scout excursion
on Sandy River |
circa 1925-1930 |
8/4 | Kerr business
Includes photographs of Patrick B. Gifford, Captain John
Grondahl, Andrew Kerr (1869-1951), Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Peter Kerr
(1861-1957), Thomas Kerr, Jr. (1910-1982). Includes photographs of the
re-christening of the "S. S. Peter Kerr" on March 10, 1923.
circa 1920-1929 |
8/5 | Portland flood
Includes photographs of flooded downtown Portland streets and
a man diving off the Skidmore Fountain.
1894 |
8/6 | Quarantine tent
Possibly the tent in which Tom Kerr was quarantined when he
had typhoid. Includes photographs of Mabel Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Thomas
Kerr (1865-1926), and Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b. 1874).
circa 1900-1905 |
8/7 | Scotland--Grave marker and sketch of house
Includes a photograph of a grave marker with the initials "PD"
and "MD" (possibly the Dewar family) and a colored sketch of Andrew Kerr's
(1869-1951) house "Red Top."
circa 1920-1929 |
8/8 | Sibson & Kerr business
Includes photographs of Patrick B. Gifford, Peter Kerr
(1861-1957), Thomas Kerr (1865-1926), Richard Koehler, "Uncle Mat" Sibson, and
William S. Sibson. May include photographs from Kerr Gifford & Co.
circa 1894-1900 |
8/9 | Waverly Country Club
Now spelled "Waverley." Includes photographs of N. E. Ayer,
Percy Blyth, Jonathan Bourne, J. Scott Brooke, Patrick B. Gifford, Mabel
Macleay Kerr (1876-1973), Thomas Kerr (1865-1926), Roderick Lachlan Macleay (b.
1874), Jules Spadone (sp?), Carl Specher (sp?), F. G. Wheeler, William Whidden,
and J. D. Wilcox.
circa 1897-1905 |
8/9-8/10 | Unidentified locations |
undated |
8/11 | Autochrome photographs--Unidentified
gardens |
undated |
Subseries 6: Negatives 2405 negatives
RESTRICTION: Negatives in this collection are stored offsite and
may not be used by researchers. Prints have been made from all negatives and
are available for researchers in this collection; researchers must use the
prints for reference purposes instead of the negatives. Please consult a
Reference Librarian for more information.
Negatives were numbered by Oregon Historical Society staff for
matching and retrieval purposes. Please note that negative numbers 125, 423,
434-443, and 574 were skipped in the numbering scheme.
Box | ||
10 | Negatives 1-240
Negative number 125 was skipped.
11 | Negatives 241-520
Negative numbers 423 and 434-443 were skipped.
12 | Negatives 521-737
Negative number 574 was skipped.
13 | Negatives 738-942 |
14 | Negatives 943-1156 |
15 | Negatives 1157-1346 |
16 | Negatives 1347-1591 |
17 | Negatives 1592-1815 |
18 | Negatives 1816-2036 |
19 | Negatives 2037-2260 |
20 | Negatives 2261-2418 |
Series B: General Papers, 1816-1968Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
21/1 | Diary and letters (hand written copies) of Mrs. Lucretia
Colton, and explanatory letter
Lucretia Colton was the great-grandmother of Lady Anne Kerr
McDonald. The letter from Helen Schroeder to Lady McDonald, 1958, explains the
1816-1817, 1958 |
21/2 | Diary (hand written copy) relating to Lucretia
Colton |
1816 |
22/1 |
The education of children by
Michael Seigneur de Montaigne (published book) |
1891 |
21/3 | Laurie King (Kerr) clippings |
1905; 1958 |
21/4 | Marriage of Peter Kerr and Laurie King--Documents and
clippings |
1905 |
21/5 | McDonald children's baptismal certificates |
1935-1941 |
21/6 | Peter Kerr birth certificates |
1861 |
21/7 | Poems and songs in the hand of Peter Kerr (bound
notebook) |
undated |
22/2 | Prayer book of Peter Kerr |
1888 |
21/7A | Receipt for photographic supplies purchased by Peter
Kerr |
1909 |
21/8 | Stationery of Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc. |
undated |
21/9 | "The veracious chronicles of the Cliff Cottage
Scrapbook and diary kept by Peter Kerr, with drawings,
photographs, clippings, and daily entries. Includes an original sketch by
Charles Erskine Scott (C. E. S.) Wood (1852-1944).
1897-1905 |
21/10 | General papers
Includes list of Kerr family artifacts donated to the Oregon
Historical Society in 1968 by Lady Anne McDonald.
1839-1968 |
21/11 | Peter Kerr letterpress copybook |
1898-1906 |
21/13 | Land records |
1891-1930 |
21/14 | Land records |
1943-1954 |
Series C: Diaries of Peter Kerr, 1876-1894Return to Top
All items are diaries unless otherwise noted
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
22/3 | 1876-1877 | |
22/4 | 1877 August 11-November 12 | |
22/5 | 1878 | |
22/6 | 1879 | |
22/7 | 1880 | |
22/8 | Holiday diary |
1880 |
22/9 | 1881 | |
22/10 | Holiday diary |
1881 |
22/11 | Holiday diary |
1882 |
22/12 | "Christmas holidays" diary |
1882-1883 |
22/13 | 1883 | |
22/14 | Holiday diary |
1883 |
22/15 | 1884 | |
22/16 | 1885 | |
22/17 | Holiday diary |
1885 |
22/18 | 1886 | |
22/19 | Holiday diary |
1886 August 13-September 9 |
22/20 | Notebook |
1886 |
22/21 | 1887 | |
22/22 | 1888 | |
21/12 | Diary of a vacation (may not be Peter Kerr) |
1888 August 1-September 3 |
22/23 | 1889 | |
22/24 | 1890 | |
22/25 | 1891 | |
22/26 | 1892 | |
22/27 | 1893 | |
22/28 | 1894 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Voyages and travels--Europe--Photographs.
- Voyages and travels--United States--Photographs.
Personal Names
- Colton, Lucretia.
- Kerr, Donald Macleay, 1907-1945--Photographs.
- Kerr, Laurie King, 1877-1959--Photographs.
- Kerr, Laurie King, 1877-1959.
- Kerr, Peter--Homes and haunts--Oregon--Portland--Photographs.
- Kerr, Peter--Photographs.
- Kerr, Peter.
- Kerr, Mabel Macleay--Photographs.
- Kerr, Thomas, 1865-1926--Homes and haunts--Oregon--Portland--Photographs.
- Kerr, Thomas, 1865-1926--Photographs.
- Kerr, Thomas, 1910-1982--Photographs.
- McDonald, Anne Kerr, 1906-2001--Photographs.
- McDonald, James, 1899-1989--Photographs.
- Platt, Jane Kerr, 1908-1989--Photographs.
- Platt, John W. S.--Photographs.
Corporate Names
- Kerr, Gifford & Co., Inc.
- Arlington Club of Portland, Oregon.
- Sibson & Kerr
- Waverley Country Club (Portland, Or.).
Family Names
- Kerr family--Photographs.
- McDonald family--Photographs.
- McDonald family.
Geographical Names
- Dunthorpe (Portland, Or.)--Photographs.
- Gearhart (Or.)--Photographs.
- Pacific Coast (Or.)--Photographs.
Form or Genre Terms
- Ambrotypes.
- Autochromes.
- Cabinet photographs.
- Cartes de visite.
- Diaries.
- Film negatives.
- Letterpress copybooks.
- Letters (correspondence).
- Photographic prints.
- Scrapbooks.
- Tintypes.
Other Creators
Personal Names
- Colton, Lucretia. (creator)
- Kerr, Peter, photographer. (creator)
- Kerr, Peter. (creator)
- McDonald, Anne Kerr, photographer. (creator)