UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: I Made Bandem field recordings (Bali), 1974

Overview of the Collection

Bandem, I Made
UW Ethnomusicology Archives audio recordings: I Made Bandem field recordings (Bali)
4 items  :  OT - 4 reels (7 1/2 ips, full-track, 7"); EC - 1 reel (3 3/4 ips, full-track, 7"); WD - 4 compact discs (digital, stereo); Duration: 2:41:45
Collection Number
Recorded in Kayumas village, Bali, 10/14/74 (tapes 1-2) and in Denpasar, Bali, 10/11/74 (tapes 3-4)
University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives
University of Washington
Ethnomusicology Archives
Box 353450
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065430974
Access Restrictions



Historical NoteReturn to Top

I Made Bandem is a dancer, artist, ethnomusicologist, and educator from Bali, Indonesia. He earned a MA in dance from UCLA and a PhD in ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University. During his academic career, he served as director of the Indonesian College of Arts in Denpasar for sixteen years and also served as Rector of the Institut Seni Indonesia. Most recently, he is a professor of dance and music at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.

I Wayan Suweca (c.1950-) is a musician from Bali, Indonesia. He is famous for his playing of the Bailnese gamelan. In the 1980s, he founded the Sekar Jaya gamelan ensemble in Berkeley, California along with his students Michael Tenzer and Rachel Ann Cooper. He has taught at a variety of schools around the world, including the National Arts Academy of Indonesia and the Universite de Montreal in Canada, and has recorded more than thirty CDs.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Contents: Gender Wayang (reels 1-2); Angklung (reels 3-4).

Recorded with Nagra III.

Original archive entry sheets contained the following additional information: 74-21.1-2 OT lists performers as "the Suwecas group" and collector as "Suwecas Oct. 14, 1974"; 74-21.3-4 OT notes that "Suwecas has names of pieces."

Regarding the Gender Wayang tapes (reels 1-2): James and Annette Kippen consulted I Wayan Suweca about this recording in January 2011: it features his father I Wayan Konolan, I Wayan Suweca himself, and two "uncles" (probably close friends). Suweca went as a visiting artist to Brown University in 1974 at Bonnie Wade's request, and this tape of gender pieces was made to send them as a demonstration of his knowledge. It was recorded by I Made Bandem [did he record the Angklung tapes (reels 3-4) also?].

Note: The "EC" tape was originally accessioned as 74-12.1 EC (mistakenly?); it contains the same material as 74-21.1 and 74-21.2 OT and was re-labeled 74-21.1 EC 11/2008; note written on EC tape box: "Gender Wayang - The Suweca family group recorded in Denpasar, Bali, Kayumas village, October 14 1974."; duration of EC = 1:28:22.

Durations: OTs = 45:27, 43:25, 35:35, 37:12; EC = 1:28:22; WDs = 75:53, 12:33, 35:54, 37:25 (total = 2:41:45)

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
1974021-0001: Gender Wayang (beg.)
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Contents: 1 – Pakang Raras (3:35)2 – Cerukcuk Punyah (4:31)3 – Rebong (8:06)4 – Sekar Sungsang (6:15)5 – Alas Harum (6:05)6 – Selendro (8:38)7 – Dalang Ngidih Nasi (4:08)8 – Dongkang Menek Biyu (2:15)9 – Sudamala (1:29)10 – Tulang Lindung (7:15)11 – Sekar Gendot (6:07)12 – Bendu Semara (5:11)13 – Cecek Megelut (5:09)14 – Sekar Gendot (6:55)(More information needed to complete catalog record.)
1974021-0002: Gender Wayang (concl.)
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Contents: 1 – Cangak Merengang (6:10)2 – Mesem (6:13)(More information needed to complete catalog record.)
1974021-0003: Angklung (beg.)
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Recorded in Denpasar, Bali.(More information needed to complete catalog record.)
1974021-0004: Angklung (concl.)
1 optical media : CD - unpublished
Recorded in Denpasar, Bali.(More information needed to complete catalog record.)

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Balinese--Asia--Southeast Asia
  • Ethnomusicology

Geographical Names

  • Oceania

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Konolan, I Wayan (performer)
    • Suweca, I Wayan, 1956- (performer)