Warm Valley Historical Project Records, 1961-2001

Overview of the Collection

Warm Valley Historical Project
Warm Valley Historical Project Records
1961-2001 (inclusive)
1986-1991 (bulk)
2.38 cubic ft. (2 record boxes, 1 F17 box)
Collection Number
Historical examination from the Eastern Shoshone perspective of the boarding school experience at Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming and of major cultural transitions resulting from the early reservation system through recorded and transcribed oral history interviews.
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756
Access Restrictions

Access to the oral histories, transcripts, and other related materials in this collection requires written permission from the president of the Chief Washakie Foundation. Contact James Trosper at jtrosper@uwyo.edu for current information regarding whom to address correspondence and emails to.

The creation of the EAD-version of this finding aid was made possible through a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Warm Valley Historical Project, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, was conducted in coordination with the Shoshone Episcopal Mission. The project sought oral histories regarding Wind River Indian Reservation life during the early 1900s. Dr. Sharon M. Kahin of Dubois, Wyoming, Dr. Anne Slater, and other research assistants interviewed tribal members who had resided at the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming during that time. Some of the interviews were conducted in order to gather information related to certain historic photo images, slides of which are included in the collection. Interviews for the project were conducted in 1990-1991. The project also catalogued and indexed or transcribed interviews completed in 1986-1987 for the Valley of Three Worlds Project. Research material focused on turn-of-the-century reservation life, Indian experience with the Great Depression, boarding schools, traditional crafts and therapies, employment opportunities, reservation ranching, dude ranching, farming, language use, etc. Though the project focused on Eastern Shoshone perspectives and memories, interviews were also conducted with Arapaho tribal members and several interviews from the Valley of Three Worlds Project included non-Indian prospectors, business owners, and teachers.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Warm Valley Historical Project collection includes the application submitted for the National Endowment for the Humanities grant describing the project and the resumes of its project directors. The bulk of the collection is the cassette tapes of interviews with tribal members and interview transcripts, notes, and short biographies on many of the individuals. Dr. Sharon Kahin, project director, and Dr. Anne Slater conducted most of the interviews. There are also exhibit catalogs for the two traveling photo exhibits produced by the project as well as a selection of slides. It is unclear whether the slides go along entirely with the photo exhibit or if they were all used to gather information as described in the history section above. The project also assembled and indexed data collected from the earlier Valley of Three Worlds Project. Many interviews from that project were conducted by Susan Crazy Thunder and others and were indexed by Dr. Kahin.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright Information

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Restrictions on Use

Statement on Potentially Harmful Language and Images Found in Collections

The American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.

Note that the AHC does not censor or alter contents of the collections as they provide context and evidence of a time, people, place, or event. Therefore, we encourage users to bring questions and concerns about descriptions in our finding aids to our attention via email or anonymous web-form. For more information, read our full statement.

Preferred Citation

Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Warm Valley Historical Project records, 1961-2001, Collection Number 11457, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Related Materials

There are no other known archival collections related to the Warm Valley Historical Project at the date of processing.

Acquisition Information

The Episcopal Church. Diocese of Wyoming donated the Warm Valley Historical Project records to the American Heritage Center in one shipment, received in September 2005.

Processing Note

The collection was processed by Paula Renaud and Ronda Frazier in December 2005.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series I.:  Administrative RecordsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH ) Application
Requested grant period April 1992–January 1993
September 4, 1991
1 2
Correspondence and Resumes
1 3
List of interviewees for the Valley of Three Worlds Project
May, 30, 2001

Series II.:  Interview TranscriptsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 4
Lucy Bonatsie (Shoshone) (b. circa 1911); Interview dates:
Creators: Sharon Kahin and Anne Slater with Ralphelita Stump and Sara Wiles Subjects: Great Depression, circa 1917 boarding school experience, hunting, farming, police, edible and medicinal plants, Sun Dance, Shoemaker’s dude ranch, gardening, beadwork, eating utensils, tourists, runaways, discipline, recreation, language use, also chores and training in trades and crafts at the school. Wagon transportation, reservation roads. Includes partial transcript of interview with Tommy Brown (Arapaho) (b. 1908) on similar subjects; Interview date: March 20, 1991 Includes partial transcript of interview with Josie Calhoun (Arapaho?) (b. 1904) on similar subjects; Interview date: January 24, 1991. Additional Subjects: childhood, grandparent parents, midwife Includes partial transcript of interview with Eva Enos (Shoshone) (b. 1914) on similar subjects; Interview dates: January 25, 1991, March 13, 1991. Additional Subjects: Boarding school, St. Michael’s, “Gravy High,” Rapid City Indian School, beadwork, cradle boards Includes partial transcript of interview with Eva Enos, Sidney and Alice Freese on similar subjects; Interview dates: January 29, 1991, March 14, 1991 Includes partial transcript of interview with Ben Friday, Sr. (Arapaho) (b. 1905) on similar subjects; Interview date: March 14, 1991 Includes partial transcript of interview with Chris and Caroline Goggles (Arapaho); Interview date: March 04, 1991 Includes partial transcript of interview with Vida Haukass (Shoshone) (b. October 01, 1929); Interview date: January 24, 1991
November 15, 1986, January 08, 1991
1 5
Tommy Brown (Arapaho) (b. December 28, 1908); Interview date:
Creators: Sharon Kahin with Sara Wiles Subjects: St. Stephen’s school, language, discipline, traders, farming
March 20, 1991
1 6
Josie Calhoun (Shoshone) (b. circa 1906); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Ft. Washakie school, ‘Countryman School’ (outside Crowheart), other schools
January 24, 1991
1 7
Pete and Mrs. Davis (Chippewa) (Pete b. 1902); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Working for the Fort Washakie School, selling school produce, school closure and selling off stock, horse round-ups, vocational school (Haskell), bootlegging, prejudice, tipis and Lander rodeo, merchants and traders
January 25, 1991
1 8
Eva [Felter] Enos (Arapaho) (b. circa 1915); Interview dates:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: January 25, 1991: St. Michael’s boarding school, Fort Washakie Government School, language, gardening, “boss farmers,” compares Rapid City school to Ft. Washakie Subjects: March 13, 1991: Childhood toys, activities and work. Teacher’s aide, tourism, dances and camping, Great Depression survival strategies, WPA, sewing projects, cannery, soap making, and rations. Medicine men and peyote, alcoholism and smoking, California shipyards during WWII, tar paper shacks, wall tents as fire hazard, shade lodges.
January 25, 1991, March 13, 1991
1 9
Frank Enos
1 10
Sidney and Alice Freese (non-Indian Lander residents); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Changes in Sun Dance, parades in Lander, tourists, Lander rodeos with reenactments, boycott of Riverton merchants, dude ranching, Indian/non-Indian relations, cabin burning
January 29, 1991
1 11
Ben Friday Sr. (Arapaho) (b. circa 1904); Interview date:
Creators: Sharon Kahin with Sarah Wiles Subjects: Fort Washakie Government school, language at schools, discipline
April 14, 1991
1 12
Chris (b. October 28, 1924) and Caroline (b. April 03, 1930) Goggles (Arapaho) with Bernadette Oberly (Shoshone); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Boarding school for girls at St. Michael’s Mission, living arrangements, language, chores, uniforms. School in Lander, basketball, teenage pregnancy, alcohol, gender issues, extension programs, 4H, mattress factory, gardening, medical ailments (trachoma and tuberculosis, lice and nits, cod liver oil). Bible study, disciplinarians from WWI, learning military drills, hunting, CC and WPA projects, cannery at Arapahoe, government farming projects during the Depression, Drum and Bugle corps
March 04, 1991
1 13
Vida [Brant] Haukaas (Shoshone) (b. October 01, 1929); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Orphans, “Robert’s Mission,” Shoshone Episcopal Girl’s School, classes and bible study, language issues, uniforms, cod liver oil, Christmas, missionary gifts
January 24, 1991
1 14
Arnold (Arapaho) and Margaret Headley with Bernadette Oberly (Shoshone); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Tribal origins and language, boarding school: Cheyenne and Sioux at school, basketball, punishment, etc. Tomahawk, Blackbird, and Buffalo Calves Lodges (and others), tattooing, language immersion camps, work as maintenance man at St. Stephens, Arapaho Council, CC camps, WAC, making butter and cheese, Hot Springs. Headley family history (Roaring Bull – fought Custer)
April 14, 1991
1 15
Lillian Hereford (Shoshone) (b. September 14, 1924); Interview dates:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: February 04, 1991:Medical ailments (including whooping cough and trachoma) and therapies, traditional Indian medicine and psychotherapies, alcoholism = “sick in the heart”. Dude ranching. Washakie school: farming taught at school, Christmas at school, Agric. Teacher, mental abuse, intertribal prejudice, runaways, language barrier. “Good Citizen Cash Store,” Ft. Washakie day school, beadwork, arts and crafts and the Depression, “plague” (tick fever – prairie dogs), Government Issue goods, GI branding, prejudicial treatment in Lander. Subjects: February 09, 1991: AIM at Wind River, “FI” brand on furniture, traditional foods, pemmican, drugs, diabetes, Public Health, Tudi Roberts, Indian games described: gambling, “basket game” “Squaw game” etc. Native American Church, Sun Dances, language barriers, family life, dance halls, thanksgiving, Great Depression: gardening, knitting, CCC camps, beadwork. Explanation of symbols: Water Bird and Thunder birds, family designs, colors and personality, beading for the church
February 04, 1991, February 09, 1991
1 16
Lou Meeks
Handwritten notes of interview – no biographical information, no information on interview dates, creator, or subjects
1 17
Val Norman (?) (b. February 15, ?); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Boarding school, day school: farming, military discipline, drill teams of ex-Calvary troopers, runaways, “block house” as discipline, army issue, medical issues (trachoma, TB), language barriers, gardening, homesickness, kindergarten, making beds, long term effects, police and school disciplinarians. Dances, holidays, losing traditions, powwows
February 02, 1991
1 18
Lizzie Panzetanga (Shoshone?) (b. 1923); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Christmas at Robert’s Mission, class schedules, Rev. Robert’s family, layout of the mission, uniforms. Visits to the hot springs, living in a wall-tent, language, alcohol
February 04, 1991
1 19
Dorothy [Sirrell] Peche (Shoshone) (b. 1911) and Zedora Enos (Shoshone); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Ft. Washakie Government school, bullying, language problems, drills, sex, dormitories, “jail,” Cheyenne students, lice, cutting hair, sewing uniforms, government issue clothing, medical issues and therapies (trachoma, menstrual problems), discipline (whipping students), Depression conditions, hunting and trapping, tent camps, CCC, square dances, dance halls
March 08, 1991
1 20
Alberta Roberts (Shoshone) (b. 1929); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Robert’s Mission and government school: church on Mondays, home on weekends, language, cutting hair, Christmas, food, fresh milk, bathing, cod liver oil, polishing shoes, gardens, Countryman School, uniforms. Public school at Mill Creek, 4th of July in Lander, Martel’s Store, selling beadwork for CCC project, irrigation work, tourists at Sun Dance, transportation by buggy
February 02, 1991
1 21
Dolly [Snyder] Rowan (Shoshone) (b. circa 1910); Interview date:
Creators: Sharon Kahin with Bernadette Oberly (Shoshone) Subjects: Robert’s Mission: farming, classes and subjects, dormitory, bathing, chores, lice, language. Compares government school at Ft. Washakie and Indian Schools in Oregon.
Spring 1992
1 22
Hazel and Joe Sage (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: St. Michael’s Episcopal School: living arrangements, school farm and chores, house mothers, sewing, carpentry, school store, military drill, uniforms, recreation, gardens, language. Early reservation housing, Great Depression, WPA work (both men and women), employment through St. Michael’s, beadwork, hunting during Depression. (Duplicate transcript included.)
April 22, 1991
1 23
Julia [Aragon] Smith (incomplete) (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Subjects: WPA, captured children
February 23, 1991
1 24
Bea [Meyers] Snyder (Shoshone) (b. September 30, 1939); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Subjects: Robert’s Mission, Christmas, uniforms, bus, government school, Countryman School, family history
April 01, 1991
1 25
Daisey [Ballard] St. Clair (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Barbara Sage Subjects: Family history, pow wows, traditional social dances, ‘squaw’ saddles, horse races, 4th of July in Lander, rabbit skin blankets, ‘Tunison’ money, Robert’s Mission, cattle ranching
not noted
1 26
Darwin St. Clair (Shoshone) (b. August 04, 1933); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Government school, farming and dairy, language at school, CCC and WPA, roads and parks, trading, ranching, Flandreau
February 12, 1991
1 27
Edgar and Pansy St. Clair (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creators: Sharon Kahin with Zedora Enos Subjects: Discipline at government boarding school, student death, new names, Ft. Washakie Day School, St. Michaels, Haskell, school cemetery
June 30, 1991
1 28
Pansy [Hill] St. Clair (Shoshone) (b. 1935); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin ? Anne Slater ? Subjects: Robert’s Mission, Christmas, chores, sewing and darning, gathering eggs, language, only child from family sent to school: feeling like an outsider, foods, cod liver oil, sleeping arrangements, clothing. Indian stories, winter songs, grandparent’s roles, water, travel, selling moccasins, Sun Dances, intermarriage, brandings, community safety. Compare mission to government school
January 02, 1991
1 29
Winnie [Welsh]> St. Clair (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Subjects: St. Michael’s Mission, canvas dresses, learning English, chores, milking, family history. Father ranched for Rev. Roberts, cutting ice from the river, food, gardens, cooking, loom work. Rapid City Indian school. Ft. Washakie Government School. Social dances, J.K. Moore’s store, changes on the reservation, hospital work, Indian/non-Indian relations
January 09, 1991
1 30
Marjorie Tillman (Shoshone) (b. 1920); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Robert’s Mission, daily prayers, self-supporting, chores, food, living in a wall tent. Government school, “Gravy High”, chores, food. Working in a hospital, tanning hides, beadwork for WPA. Quilts, dances, boarding school to day school changes.
January 07, 1991
1 31
Verna and Bill Thunder (Arapaho?) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin with Bernadette Oberly (Shoshone) Subjects: Lander High School, St. Michaels, self-supporting, speaking ‘Indian’, paddle-line punishment, uniforms and clothing, vocational skills, lice, kerosene treatments, cottage and dorm system, matrons and disciplinarians, glaucoma, other tribes, May Day, story-tellers at school, raising hogs, food and cod liver oil, embroidery. Community hall, Great Depression
April 15, 1991
1 32
Orlean Ute (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Subjects: Childbirth, menstrual huts, Robert’s Mission school, clothing, cutting hair/braid, language, hunting, drying vegetables. Chores at home, raising hogs, traditional foods, farming, helping neighbors
February 23, 1991
1 33
Angeline Wagon (incomplete) (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Subjects: Nanny Barney (maternal grandmother), Tunnison money, farming, government school, dorm-life, sewing and beadwork
February 23, 1991
1 34
Nellie Washakie (non-Indian married to Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Tim McCoy, husband’s experience transferring from traditional home to school, life in a tent, drying squash and meat, dances, Sun Dance, Women’s dance, Indian medicines, horsetail grass, dirt from a mole hill. Drugs, alcohol, ‘sorcery and witchcraft.’ Teen suicide, language and religion prohibitions, problems with per capita payments
January 10, 1991
1 35
Marie Washakie (Shoshone) (b. 1910); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Family history, Josie Trahill (mother’s maiden name), childhood deaths, pneumonia, tick fever. Police, government school, chores, raising a garden, runaways, punishment, school calendar, Indian employees, boy’s jobs, calisthenics, sports, uniforms, food. Life in a frame tent, cleaning at the Agency (job), selling beadwork for money, berry picking, traditional foods, harvesting, preparing, medicinal plants. Gamblers, squaw games, hand games
January 19, 1991
1 36
Star Weed (Shoshone) (b. 1919); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Subjects: Speech written for the government school when he was on the board, read by Sharon Kahin. Robert’s Mission, history of the reservation, family history, Yellow Hands vision, Native American Church, working as a council member. Government school, language, clothes. War Dance, Wolf Dance, Sun Dance. Drying beef. Tourists. Community dances and dance hall. Sham battles. Togowotee. Much of Mr. Weed’s interview pertains to identifying and describing photographs that were taken by Chittim around 1896. (These images are in the collection of the Dubois Museum.)
November 1992

Series III.:  Exhibit CatalogsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 37
Exhibit I Catalog: Through the Eyes of Tsutukwanah: A Photographic History of the Reservation Shoshone, 1868-1945
1 38
Exhibit II Catalog: From Trout Creek to Gravy High: The Boarding School Experience at Wind River
(also includes draft and DVD of the exhibit)

Series IV.:  Interviews Recorded on Cassette TapesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Aragon Smith, Julia
one cassette
February 23, 1991
Bonatsie, Lucy
two cassettes
January 08, 1991
Brown, Tommy
one cassette
March 20, 1991
Calhoun, Josie
one cassette
January 24, 1991
Davis, Pete
one cassette
January 25, 1991
Enos, Eva
two cassettes each
January 25, 1991, March 13, 1991
Freese, Sidney and Alice
two cassettes
January 29, 1991
Friday, Ben
one cassette
April 14, 1991
Goggles, Chris and Caroline
two cassettes
March 04, 1991
Haukaas, Vida
one cassette
January 24, 1991
Headley, Arnold
one cassette
April 14, 1991
Headley, Margaret
one cassette
April 14, 1991
Hereford, Lillian
two cassettes each
February 04, 1991, February 09, 1991
Moss, Paul
one cassette
March 20, 1991
Norman, Val
two cassettes
February 02, 1991
Panzetangua, Lizzie
one cassette
February 04, 1991
Peche, Dorothy
two cassettes
March 07, 1991
Roberts, Alberta
one cassette
February 02, 1991
Rowan, Dolly
one cassette
January 10, 1991
Sage, Joe and Hazel
two cassettes
April 22, 1991
Snyder, Belverda (Bea)
one cassette
April 01, 1991
St. Clair, Daisy
one cassette
St. Clair, Darwin
one cassette
February 12, 1991
St. Clair, Edgar
one cassette
June 30, 1991
St. Clair, Pansy
one cassette each
January 07, 1991, January 09, 1991
St. Clair, Winnie (“photos”)
four cassettes in all
Fall 1990, December 06, 1990, January 09, 1991
Thunder, Verna and Bill
one cassette
April 15, 1991
Tillman, Ethel
two cassettes
January 30, 1991
Tillman, Marjorie
one cassette
January 27, 1991
Ute, Orlean
one cassette
February 23, 1991
Wagon, Angeline
one cassette
February 23, 1991
Wagon, Suzette
two cassettes
November 01, 1990
Washakie, Marie
two cassettes
January 19, 1991
Washakie, Nellie
two cassettes
January 10, 1991
Weed, Herman and Ina
one cassette
January 07, 1991
Weed, Star
four cassettes
November 15, 1992

Series V.:  Valley of Three Worlds ProjectReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Arapaho Stories (Tapes 10, 11, 19):
Box Folder
3 1
Transcript of Tape #10; Date recorded:
Speakers: Gabriel Warren, Ben Friday, Sr., Ralph W. Antelope Translator: Helen Cedartree 1987 English transcription: not noted Subjects: Songs, stories of Arapaho women taken captive by Utes, story of Thunder Gun, Fort Fetterman fight
circa June 13, 1974
3 1
Transcript of Tape #11; Date recorded:
Speaker: Mae Cleveland Translator: Helen Cedartree 1987 English transcription: Sara Hunter-Wiles 1987 Subjects: Night legends and stories, The Apostle’s creed and Lord’s Prayer, blood clot boy, etc.
3 1
Transcript of Tape #19; Date recorded:
Speakers: Josephine Brown, Inez Oldman, Frances Brown, Frances and Eva C’Hair, Margaret Spoonhunt Translator: Helen Cedartree 1987 English transcription: Sara Hunter-Wiles 1987 Subjects: Arapaho legends (comb bag, stick bouncing game); opinions of Wyoming Indian High School
September 26, 1974
Box Folder
3 2
Vernon (Arapaho) and Adeline (Shoshone) Armour (V.A. b. circa 1912; A.A. b. circa 1922); Interview date:
Creator: Chester Pingree, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 30, 1987
3 3
Vernon Armour (Arapaho) (b. circa 1912); Interview date:
Creator: Chester Pingree, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 30, 1987
3 4
Philip Bear (Arapaho) (b. January 14, 1920)
Biography form
3 5
Mary Behan (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Mary Ann Duran S. Kahin index of interview
December 10, 1986
3 6
Mary Kate Behan (Arapaho) (b. December 08, 1925); Interview date:
Creator: Burnett WhitePlume S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
February 26, 1987
3 7
Behan, Marie (Arapaho) (b. August 05, 1930)
Biography form
3 8
Agnes Bell (Arapaho) (b. September 18, 1893); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
May 11, 1987
3 9
Anthony Bell (Arapaho) (b. June 10, 1913); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 10, 1987
3 10
Vincent Bell (Arapaho) (b. November 15, 1919); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
May 15, 1987
3 11
Lucy Bonatsie and Raphaelita Stump (Shoshone) (b. circa 1911); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 15, 1986
3 12
Donna Jean Boyle (non-Indian) (b. October 11, 1930); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Bryant S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 12, 1987
3 13
Nannie [Ute] Brown (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview
April 10, 1987
3 14
Margaret [Bear] Brown (Arapaho) (b. May 30, 1923)
Biography form
3 15
Charles Bryant (non-Indian) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Bryant Subjects: Water issues. S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 29, 1987
3 16
Fred Bryson (Arapaho) (b. May 21, 1901); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 10, 1987
3 17
Florence [Freeman] Burgess (b. not given)
Biography form
3 18
Bud Burnaugh (Northern Cheyenne, listed as Shoshone) (b. circa 1900); Interview date:
Creator: Loren Jost S. Kahin index of interview
March 23, 1987
3 19
Esther [Collins] Chamberlin (Mixed) (b. 1899); Interview date:
Creator: Bob Peck S. Kahin index of interview
August 25, 1976
3 20
Marie [Washakie] Chavez (Shoshone) (b. August 06, 1910); Interview date:
Creator: Zedora Enos S. Kahin index of interview
December 19, 1986
3 21
Velma [St. Clair] Chavez (Shoshone) (b. May 05, 1930)
Biography form
3 22
Mary [Goggles] Cleveland (Arapaho); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 09, 1987
3 23
Isaac Coando (Shoshone) (b. circa 1915); Interview date:
Creator: Chester Pingree, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview
March 20, 1987
3 24
Tinnie Coando (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin handwritten draft index of interview
June 01, 1987
3 25
Flora [Goodman] Dewey (Arapaho) (b. November 21, 1910)
Biography form
3 26
Elizur “Wilbur” Dewey (Arapaho) (b. April 04, 1934)
Biography form
3 27
Mark Dewey (Arapaho) (b. May 10, 1931); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 06, 1987
3 28
Estelle [Friday] Dodge (Arapaho) (b. April 07, 1932)
Biography form
3 29
Susanna [Moss] Behan Dress (Arapaho) (b. June 07, 1903); Interview date:
Creator: Mary Ann Durn S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
December 05, 1986
3 30
Charles Raymond Gambler (Arapaho) (b. December 14, 1930); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 06, 1987
3 31
Dorothy [Whiteplume] Gambler (Arapaho) (b. August 03, 1935)
Biography form
3 32
Ben George (Bulgarian prospector) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 19, 1986
3 33
Emma Goggles (Arapaho) (b. March 15, 1916); Interview date:
Creator: Mary Ann Duran S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 14, 1986
3 34
Joseph Goggles, Jr. (Arapaho) (b. March 05, 1914)
Biography form
3 35
Jeri Greeves (b. not given)
Empty folder
3 36
Mike Guilford (non-Indian?) (b. circa 1908); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin notes from interview that was not recorded
Fall 1986
3 37
Millie [Hill] Guina (Shoshone) (b. October 20, 1912); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 16, 1986
3 38
Bob Harris (Shoshone) (b. circa 1911); Interview date:
Creator: Dian Troyer S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 26, 1987
3 39
Dolores Jean [Winchester] Haslam (non-Indian) (b. July 26, 1939); Interview date:
Creator: Barbara Sage S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 13, 1987
3 40
Arnold Headley (Arapaho) (b. March 08, 1922); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 11, 1987
3 41
Viola [Wesaw] Hill “Mary Barney” (Shoshone) (b. March 01, 1906); Interview date:
Creator: Kassel Weeks Translator: Leola Nagitsy Full transcript of interview, biography form
November 1986
3 42
Floyd Hungary (Arapaho) (b. August 09, 1927); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Handwritten index of interview, biography form Bad tape
June 17, 1987
3 43
Burton Hutchinson, Sr. (Arapaho) (b. May 15, 1929); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 13, 1987
3 44
Irene [Tillman] Jarvis Quina (Shoshone) (b. March 16, 1923); Interview date:
Creator: Kassel Weeks S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 12, 1986
3 45
George Jenkins (Arapaho?) (b. September 09, 1912)
Biography form
3 46
Henry Jensin (non-Indian) (b. May 04, 1909); Interview date:
Creator: Loren Jost S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 21, 1986
3 47
Lawrence “Ab” Large (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Carmen Hurtado S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
January 06, 1987
3 48
James E. Large, Sr. (Shoshone) (b. April 23, 1917)
Biography form
3 49
Cecil “Slim” Lawrence (non-Indian) (b. 1899); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Handwritten notes of interview, biography form
November 1986
3 50
David Love (non-Indian) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Loren Jost S. Kahin index of interview Public program
April 03, 1987
3 51
Louise [Blackburn] Lujan (Arapaho) (b. February 11, 1928); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Handwritten index of interview, biography form
May 29, 1987
3 52
Bill Marion (non-Indian) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Esther Mockler S. Kahin index of interview For radio program: Fremont County early history
June 21, 1961
3 52
Bill Marion (non-Indian) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Esther Mockler S. Kahin index of interview For radio program “Listen Ladies” discussing Ed Young
3 53
Lucille [Calhoun] McAdams (Shoshone?) (b. March 16, 1932)
Biography form
3 54
Frank L. Meade (Cherokee) (b. March 04, 1936); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Poor quality Xerox of handwritten index of interview, biography form
May 29, 1987
3 55
Harriet McIntosh (non-Indian) (b. 1914); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 12, 1986
3 56
Lowell Morfeld (and Florence [Harrison] Freeman) (non-Indian); Interview dates:
Creator: Sharon Bryant Handwritten index of interviews (Morfeld’s incomplete); biography form on Morfeld
April 12, 1987, April 19, 1987
3 57
Paul Moss (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creators: Sharon Kahin and Sarah Wiles Transcription of interview (probably belongs with WVHP files)
Spring 1992
3 58
Paul Moss (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Burnette Whiteplume Handwritten index of interview
February 19, 1987
3 59
Elizabeth [Washakie] Nagoshoah (Shoshone?) (b. May 01, 1915)
Biography form
3 60
Ellis Newell (non-Indian) (b. 1920); Interview date:
Creator: Fred Stratton, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview
July 31, 1976
3 61
Dutch Knipper (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
June 03, 1983
3 62
Doris [Antelope] Oldman (Arapaho) (b. October 05, 1936); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 04, 1987
3 63
Inez [Yellow Calf ] Oldman (Arapaho) (b. May 17, 1903); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Poor copy of handwritten index of interview, biography form
May 21, 1987
3 64
Walter “Jesse” Oldman (Arapaho) (b. July 30, 1914)
Biography form
3 65
John Baptiste Oldman (Arapaho) (b. May 06, 1922); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
March 31, 1987
3 66
Joseph Oldman (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview
March 31, 1987
3 67
Thomas Oldman, Sr. (Arapaho) (b. December 14, 1925); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 01, 1987
3 68
Emil O’Neal (b. March 19, 1924)
Biography form
3 69
Dorothy Owen, Sr. (Married to a Tribal Member) (b. May 23, 1932 ?); Interview date:
Creator: Burnett Whiteplume Biography forms
May 29, 1987
3 70
Chester Pingree, Sr. (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Chester Pingree, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview
March 21, 1987
3 71
Irene [Hill] Pingree (Shoshone) (b. 1931); Interview date:
Creator: Kassel Weeks S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 17, 1986
3 72
Mary [White Antelope] Piper (Arapaho) (b. June 01, 1914 ?); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
May 11, 1987
3 73
Pius Moss (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Mary Ann Duran S. Kahin index of interview
3 74
Ernest L. Posey (Shoshone) (b. October 22, 1919); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview (handwritten), biography form
June 16, 1987
3 75
Edlore Quiver (b. March 26, 1933); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Biography form
June 18, 1987
Radio Programs:
Box Folder
3 76
Index of oral history presentations by Henry Hudson, Archie Ferris, Blanche Schroer, and J.K. Moore, Jr.
Indexed by Sharon Kahin
circa 1950s
3 76
Index of oral history presentation by members of the Fremont County Pioneer Association given
Indexed by Sharon Kahin
October 13, 1953
3 76
Ed Young “Listen Ladies,” KUVE Radio, Lander
3 76
Excerpt from 1961 Radio interview by Esther Mockler with Jules Farlow
Box Folder
3 77
Gordon Read (b. 1912); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
February 03, 1987
3 78
Burnett Hugh Ridgley (Arapaho) (b. 1931); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview
April 03, 1987
3 79
Mary Louise Roberts (b. June 30, 1925)
Biography form
3 80
Lovina Robson (b. December 20, 1890); Interview date:
Creator: Loren Jost S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
November 25, 1986
3 81
Cleone Thunder (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Interviewed by Deborah Thunder Transcript of interview, transcribed by Gail Bell, edited by Sherry Johnson, S. Kahin index of interview
January 19, 1987
3 82
Mr. And Mrs. E.R. Schamber; Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview, biography form, Mellette County history, clippings
November 23, 1986
3 83
Blanche Schroer (b. 1907); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
December 10, 1986
3 84
Bob and Ora Seipt; Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Reconstructed interview from handwritten notes
March 25, 1987
3 85
Alice Shoemaker (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Barbara Shoemaker S. Kahin index of interview
April 01, 1987
3 86
Ina Smith (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Bob Peck S. Kahin index of interview
February 12, 1974
3 87
Daisy St. Clair (Shoshone/Bannock) (b. June 18, 1906); Interview date:
Creator: Barbara Sage S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
May 03, 1987
3 88
Martha Leclair Stagner (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Bob Peck S. Kahin index of interview
January 29, 1974
3 89
Raphaelita Stump (Shoshone) (b. November 1911); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 15, 1986
3 90
Fritz and Tiny Stevens; Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 10, 1986
3 91
Ernest Sun Rhodes, Sr. (Arapaho) (b. June 27, 1914); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
February 19, 1987
3 92
Estelle [Duran] Sun Rhodes (Arapaho) (b. September 23, 1932); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 30, 1987
3 93
Robert Sun Rhodes (Arapaho) (b. February 12, 1912); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 07, 1987
3 94
Victoria [Warren] Sun Rhodes (Arapaho) (b. March 09, 1918); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
February 19, 1987
3 95
Charles Thayer, Sr. (b. December 31, 1905); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Biography form
June 01, 1987
3 96
Ethel Thompson (non-Indian); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin Transcript of interview, transcribed by Gail Bell and Sherry Johnson
November 11, 1986
3 97
Bessie Tidzump (b. June 20, 1916); Interview date:
Creator: Carmen Hurtado S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
January 06, 1987
3 98
Ethel G. [Wesaw] Tillman (Shoshone) (b. September 23, 1904); Interview date:
Creator: Kassel Weeks Transcription and translation of oral interview by Irene Pingree, S. Kahin index of interview
November 13, 1986
3 99
Martha [Headley] Tyler (b. February 21, 1919); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Biography form
May 15, 1987
3 100
Suzette Wagon (Shoshone) (b. not given); Interview dates:
Creators: Anne Slater and Chester Pingree, Jr. S. Kahin index of interview and transcript of interview
March 26, 1987, November 01, 1990
3 101
Francis E. Warren (non-Indian) (b. not given); Interview date:
Conducted by Helen M. Taylor for the Fremont C. Historical Society Index of a tape by Mrs. Art E. Jones reading an article on Frances E. Warren and providing miscellaneous stories of early Riverton relating to Fenimore Chatterton Indexed by S. Kahin
March 10, 1981
3 102
Janet Warren (Arapaho) (b. April 22, 1907); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview and biography form
March 11, 1987
3 103
John A. Warren, Sr. (b. February 13, 1930); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Biography form
May 14, 1987
3 104
Daisy Watt (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Bob Peck S. Kahin index of interview
January 24, 1974
3 105
Ina and Herman Weed (Shoshone); Interview date:
Creator: Anne Slater Transcript of interview, S. Kahin index of interview, biography forms
January 07, 1991
3 106
Mildred Weeks (b. June 23, 1923); Interview date:
Creator: Kassel Weeks Biography form
November 18, 1986
3 107
Blondell Whitehead and Irene Pecoraro; Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 12, 1986
3 108
Ernest Whiteman, Jr. (Arapaho) (b. November 13, 1924); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 20, 1987
3 109
Felix Whiteman (b. November 18, 1921); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder Biography form
June 08, 1987
3 110
Mary Ann Welch Whiteman (b. May 21, 1934); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 07, 1987
3 111
Jake Whiteplume (Arapaho) (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Burnett Whiteplume S. Kahin index of interview
March 07, 1987
3 112
Martha Williamson (b. not given); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
November 25, 1986
3 113
Clina Willow (Arapaho) (b. July 13, 1919); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 30, 1987
3 114
Richard Albert Willow (Arapaho) (b. March 24, 1911); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
May 12, 1987
3 115
Hazel Winchester (b. October 29, 1912); Interview date:
Creator: Barbara Sage S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 28, 1987
3 116
Felix Wolf (Arapaho) (b. 1917); Interview date:
Creator: Sharon Kahin S. Kahin index of interview
April 10, 1987
3 117
Mary Wolfrang (Arapaho) (b. June 25, 1925); Interview date:
Creator: Susan Crazy Thunder S. Kahin index of interview, biography form
April 06, 1987

Series VI.:  SlidesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Photographic Images, Wind River Indian Reservation

Additional Container ListsReturn to Top

The American Heritage Center is in the process of converting its older container lists to a more accessible format. This link is to an older version of a container list.

Container(s) Description

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Boarding schools.
  • Indian children--Assimilation (Sociology).
  • Off-reservation boarding schools.

Personal Names

  • Roberts, John, 1853-1949.

Corporate Names

  • Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation.
  • Eastern Bands of Shoshoni Indians.
  • Fort Washakie Government Boarding School.
  • Shoshone Episcopal Mission (Fort Washakie, Wyo.)
  • St. Michael's Mission (Ethete, Wyo.)
  • St. Stephen's Mission (Saint Stephens, Wyo.)
  • Valley of Three Worlds Project.

Geographical Names

  • Fremont County (Wyo.)
  • Wind River Indian Reservation (Wyo.)
  • Wyoming--History--1890-1918.
  • Wyoming--History--1919-1945.

Form or Genre Terms

  • Oral histories.

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Aragon Smith, Julia; Shoshone.
    • Bonatsie, Lucy; Shoshone, b. circa 1911.
    • Brown, Tommy; Arapaho, b. 1908.
    • Calhoun, Josie; Shoshone, b. circa 1906.
    • Davis, Pete; Chippewa, b. 1902.
    • Enos, Eva; Arapaho, b. circa 1915.
    • Enos, Zedora; Shoshone.
    • Freese, Alice; non-Indian.
    • Freese, Sidney; non-Indian.
    • Friday, Ben; Arapaho, b. circa 1904.
    • Goggles, Caroline; Arapaho, b. 1930.
    • Goggles, Chris; Arapaho, b. 1924.
    • Haukaas, Vida; Shoshone, b. 1929.
    • Headley, Arnold; Arapaho.
    • Headley, Margaret.
    • Hereford, Lillian; Shoshone, b. 1924.
    • Kahin, Sharon.
    • Moss, Paul.
    • Norman, Val.
    • Panzetangua, Lizzie, b. 1923.
    • Peche, Dorothy; Shoshone, b. 1911.
    • Roberts, Alberta; Shoshone, b. 1929.
    • Rowan, Dolly; Shoshone, b. circa 1910.
    • Sage, Hazel; Arapaho.
    • Sage, Joe; Arapaho.
    • Snyder, Bea; Shoshone, b. 1939.
    • St. Clair, Daisy; Shoshone.
    • St. Clair, Darwin; Shoshone, b. 1933.
    • St. Clair, Edgar; Shoshone.
    • St. Clair, Pansy; Shoshone, b. 1935.
    • St. Clair, Winnie; Arapaho.
    • Thunder, Bill.
    • Thunder, Verna.
    • Tillman, Ethel.
    • Tillman, Marjorie; Shoshone, b. 1920.
    • Ute, Orlean; Shoshone.
    • Wagon, Angeline; Shoshone.
    • Wagon, Suzette.
    • Washakie, Marie; Shoshone, b. 1910.
    • Washakie, Nellie; non-Indian.
    • Weed, Herman.
    • Weed, Ina.
    • Weed, Star; Shoshone, b. 1919.