Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Series I. Correspondence
- Series II. Administrative Records
- Series III. Financial Records
- Series IV. Brand, Roundup, Inspection and Shipping Records
- Series V. Wyoming Cow-Belles' Records and Correspondence
- Series VI. Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association
- Series VII. WSGA Photographs
- Series VIII. Cheyenne Club Records
- Series IX. Johnson County Invasion Records
- Series X. Thomas Sturgis Papers
- Series XI. Russell Thorp Papers
- Series XII. American National Cattlemen's Association Records
- Series XIII. Miscellaneous Documents
- Series XIV. Oversize Materials
- Series XV. Cow Country Magazine
- Series XVI. Periodicals
- Series XVII. Safe Material and Artifacts
- Series XVIII. Historical Photographs
- Series XIX. History Materials
- Accretion, 00014-2007-08-09
- Additional Container Lists
- Names and Subjects
Wyoming Stock Growers Association records, 1857-2022
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Wyoming Stock Growers Association
- Title
- Wyoming Stock Growers Association records
- Dates
- 1857-2022 (inclusive)Date of CollectionDate of Collection
- Quantity
- 197.34 cubic ft. (311 boxes) + 9 folders + artifacts
- Collection Number
- 00014
- Summary
- Records of this association concerned with brand inspections, health and sanitary concerns, freight rates, fencing and other public domain issues associated with the cattle industry in Wyoming.
- Repository
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756 - Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Stock Association of Laramie County was organized in Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, in 1872 to combat cattle rustlers operating in the area. By 1879, it had been renamed the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and was involved in a broad range of activities, including managing roundups, conducting brand inspections, and dealing with health and sanitary concerns, freight rates, and fencing and other public domain issues. The Association was instrumental in the development of Wyoming livestock and rangeland laws beginning in the 1880s and was closely involved in the Johnson County War of 1892. A women's auxiliary, Wyoming's Cow-Belles, was organized in 1940 and a youth group, the Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association, was founded in 1954.
The Wyoming Stock Growers Association traces its origin to 1872 when five cattlemen met in a livery stable in Cheyenne to organize a vigilance committee to cope with rustlers operating in the area. This meeting was the beginning of the Stock Association of Laramie County.
The open range system made it difficult for a rancher to watch over his cattle and, consequently, encouraged rustling. In 1875 the Stock Association members agreed to assess themselves to pay detectives to discourage rustlers. The following year Association members approached the Laramie County Commissioners with a request for assistance with the payment of stock detectives. The Commissioners granted them $150 a month for two months. The Association appointed a committee in 1877 to engage detectives to work on behalf of Association members.
In 1879 the organization's name was changed to the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and an executive committee was appointed to supervise inspectors, oversee Association business and represent the Association in the state legislature. The Association invited other stock associations to join in "one compact organization" to "enforce the stock laws of Wyoming Territory." The response to this invitation was quickly accepted by stock associations in Wyoming and surrounding states, and for many years the Wyoming Stock Growers Association was the primary source of protection for the interests and property of cattlemen in the region.
Providing leadership in cattle industry, the Association dealt with roundups, inspections, health and sanitary concerns, freight rates, fencing and other public domain issues, as well as rustling. The Association persuaded the Territorial Legislature of 1882 to empower the Governor to appoint a State Veterinarian and to institute stock laws which would prevent the introduction of disease on Wyoming ranges. In addition, during the presidency of John B. Kendrick who appointed the first historical committee, the Association began collecting historical data and artifacts related to the accomplishments of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and the development of the western cattle industry.
Blizzards during the winter of 1886-1887 resulted in overwhelming losses of cattle which drove many of the large cattle operations into bankruptcy. This hard winter, combined with the economic depression of 1886, wrought sweeping and permanent changes in the western cattle industry and drastically reduced the Association's membership. Despite overwhelming obstacles, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association managed to remain intact and to continue to work tirelessly on behalf of its members.
The Johnson County Invasion of 1892 had a devastating impact on the Association. Under the leadership of W. C. Irvine the Association was able to recover and gradually increase its membership and expand its influence.
The Association was recognized by the federal government, during the 1920s, as an official marketing agency under the Packers and Stock Yards Administration. President J. Elmer Brock and Executive Secretary and Chief Inspector Russell B. Thorp provided the leadership which kept the Association afloat during the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was during this period that the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and the Wyoming Wool Growers set aside past animosities and aligned to address the common problems of taxation, shipping rates, and public domain issues. In 1937 the Association worked to unify brand inspection agencies, livestock exchanges, and independent commission firms and arrive at a uniform system to enforce brand inspection rules and agreements.
During the 1940s the Association, on behalf of its membership, strongly opposed the "Jackson Hole Seizure" or creation of the Grand Teton National Park. The Association also worked to encourage the application of principles of the Taylor Grazing Act to parts of public domain under the control of the Forest Service and supported legislation to permit all grazing lands except national parks, monuments, and timber lands to be returned to private ownership.
In more recent years the Wyoming Stock Growers Association has worked cooperatively with the Forest Service for range improvement and the establishment of multiple use objectives. Although methods have changed, rustling continues to be a problem, and the Association continues to work to apprehend and prosecute cattle thieves. The Wyoming Cow Belles, an auxiliary of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, have provided invaluable service in the promotion of the beef industry. Currently, the Wyoming Stock Growers Association continues its work in the promotion of legislation beneficial to the cattle industry and the protection of its members' interests and property.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
WSGA materials include correspondence (1870-1944); administrative records including minutes, legal documents, correspondence, membership records, committee records, and annual convention records (1874-1985); financial records (1874-1982); brand books, roundup records and inspection and shipping records (1868-1978); Wyoming's Cow-Belles records and correspondence (1940-1972); Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association records (1954-1973); WSGA publications including the periodical "Cow Country"; photographs (1857-1981); an oil painting commemorating the founding of the WSGA; and artifacts.
Papers of two WSGA executive secretaries, Thomas Sturgis (1881-1898) and Russell Thorp (1860-1968), contain correspondence, photographs, subject files, scrapbooks, speeches and miscellaneous other materials.
Collection also includes Cheyenne Club correspondence, membership records, financial records and other materials (1880-1947); Johnson County War materials, including correspondence, articles, and journals (1891-1939); American National Cattlemen's Association materials, chiefly printed (1905-1974); and subject files related to the western livestock industry and Wyoming and western history; and periodicals related to the livestock industry.
The Wyoming Stock Growers Association Collection 1858-1987 includes correspondence, financial records, photographs, news clippings, subject and research files, administrative records, inspection and shipping records, maps, posters, periodicals and artifacts related to the activities of the Association and the history of the western cattle industry.
The correspondence files are an especially valuable historical resource for understanding many of the social, economic and political factors which influenced the development of the livestock industry in Wyoming and other western states. The inspectors' monthly reports for 1886-1887 in Series IV give a vivid and exciting description of the dangers and difficulties encountered by WSGA inspectors and stock detectives who worked to protect the property interests of WSGA members. The business of the Association was of such great importance to its members that I.H. Pratt wrote from Port Said, Egypt, to give his proxy to William C. Irvine rather than miss the opportunity to vote on issues of importance to the Association. This letter may be found in Series I, Subseries II.
The brand books and brand registry in Series IV are useful for tracing the history and ownership of particular brands. The brand book belonging to Mike Shonsey contains interesting notes about the death of the famous guide and mountain man Jim Bridger.
The records from the legendary Cheyenne Club provide a unique perspective on the lifestyles and activities of many of Wyoming's wealthy "Cattle Barons." The supply orders and account books verify that the Club's members enjoyed luxuries and a life of sumptuous elegance which would have astonished the average plains rancher.
Subject files contained in Series XIII provide a wealth of information on a variety of topics including blacklists, stock detectives, cattle thieves, outlaws, pioneers, blizzards, historic trails and sites, stock raising, cowboy lore, public domain, and ranches.
Three small collections, the Thomas Sturgis Papers, the Russell Thorp Papers, and the Jerry Whitman Papers, have great relevance to the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and have been integrated into the collection. Thomas Sturgis and Russell Thorp both held the office of Executive Secretary in the Association and were notable for the scope of their dedication and service to the Association and the live stock industry. The Whitman Papers contain photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence and legal documents belonging to Russell Thorp, as well as some artifacts and miscellaneous documents dealing with the Cheyenne and Black Hills Stage Line owned and operated by Thorp's father.
Information in the collection regarding the Johnson County Invasion and the Tom Horn case is sparse. The information available in the collection on these topics may be located in Series IX and Series XIII.
In a more contemporary vein, the proceedings of the WSGA Annual Convention and the articles in Cow Country magazine document issues of interest and concern to members of the cattle industry throughout the twentieth century.
This collection is of value to historians, ranchers, members of the live stock industry, and students of western Americana.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Copyright InformationThe researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
Restrictions on Use
Statement on Potentially Harmful Language and Images Found in CollectionsThe American Heritage Center aspires to approach all areas of our work in ways that are respectful to those who create, use, and are represented in our collections. For a variety of reasons, however, users may encounter offensive or harmful language or images in some of our finding aids, catalogs, and collection materials.
Note that the AHC does not censor or alter contents of the collections as they provide context and evidence of a time, people, place, or event. Therefore, we encourage users to bring questions and concerns about descriptions in our finding aids to our attention via email or anonymous web-form. For more information, read our full statement.
Preferred Citation
Item Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Alternative Forms Available
Existence and Location of CopiesDigital reproductions of select material from this collection are available at
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Related Materials
There are no known other archival collections created by the Wyoming Stock Growers Association at the date of processing.
Acquisition Information
The Wyoming Stock Growers Association Records were given to the American Heritage Center by Wyoming Stock Growers Association Executive Secretary Russell B. Thorp in 1944, with additional material being donated in later years. Although most of the documents are in good condition, some of the letterbooks are fragile and faded. Whenever possible original folder titles have been retained. The material has been arranged chronologically within each series. The Russell Thorp Papers, the Thomas Sturgis Papers and the Jerry Whitman Papers have been integrated into the Wyoming Stock Growers Association Collection because of the direct association of their material with the Wyoming Stock Growers Association. Both Thomas Sturgis and Russell Thorp served as executive secretary of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and Thorp also acted as chief inspector. The Thorp and Whitman papers make up a separate series as do the Sturgis papers. Four cubic feet of printed material have been separated from the collection, and twelve cubic feet of books were transferred to the rare books library.
Processing Note
The collection was processed by Carol Lee Bowers in September 1994. Addendums were added by D. Claudia Thompson in January 2001 and November 2016. Additional material was added from 2007-2022.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Correspondence, 1870-1944Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Letterpress copybooks and correspondence pertaining to the cattle industry in Wyoming and surrounding states.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Outgoing Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Index to the WSGA Letterbooks |
1881-1923 |
1 | 2 | Volume 1 |
1881-1882 |
1 | 3 | Volume 2 |
1882-1883 |
1 | 4 | Volume 3 |
1883-1884 |
1 | 5 | Volume 4 |
1884-1885 |
1 | 6 | Volume 5 |
1885 |
2 | 1 | Volume 6 |
1885-1886 |
2 | 2 | Volume 7 |
1886-1887 |
2 | 3 | Volume 8 |
1887 |
2 | 4 | volume 9 |
1887-1888 |
3 | 1 | Volume 10 |
1888-1890 |
3 | 2 | Volume 11 |
1891-1893 |
3 | 3 | Volume 12 |
1893-1894 |
3 | 4 | Volume 13 |
1894 |
4 | 1 | Volume 14 |
1894-1895 |
4 | 2 | Volume 15 |
1895 |
4 | 3 | Volume 16 |
1895-1896 |
4 | 4 | Volume 17 |
1896-1897 |
5 | 1 | Volume 18 |
1897 |
5 | 2 | Volume 19 |
1897-1898 |
5 | 3 | Volume 20 |
1898 |
5 | 4 | Volume 21 |
1898-1899 |
6 | 1 | Volume 22 |
1899-1900 |
6 | 2 | Volume 23 |
1900-1902 |
6 | 3 | Volume 24 |
1902-1903 |
6 | 4 | Volume 25 |
1903 |
7 | 1 | Volume 26 |
1903-1904 |
7 | 2 | Volume 27 |
1904-1905 |
7 | 3 | Volume 28 |
1905 |
7 | 4 | Volume 29 |
1905-1906 |
8 | 1 | Volume 30 |
1906 |
8 | 2 | Volume 31 |
1906-1907 |
8 | 3 | Volume 32 |
1907 |
8 | 4 | Volume 33 |
1907-1908 |
9 | 1 | Volume 34 |
1908 |
9 | 2 | Volume 35 |
1908-1909 |
9 | 3 | Volume 36 |
1909 |
9 | 4 | Volume 37 |
1909-1910 |
10 | 1 | Volume 38 |
1910 |
10 | 2 | Volume 39 |
1910 |
10 | 3 | Volume 40 |
1910 |
10 | 4 | Volume 41 |
1910-1911 |
11 | 1 | Volume 42 |
1911 |
11 | 2 | Volume 43A |
1911 |
11 | 3 | Volume 43B |
1911 |
11 | 4 | Volume 44 |
1911-1912 |
12 | 1 | Volume 45 |
1912 |
12 | 2 | Volume 46 |
1912 |
12 | 3 | Volume 47 |
1912-1913 |
12 | 4 | Volume 48 |
1912 |
13 | 1 | Volume 49 |
1913-1914 |
13 | 2 | Volume 50 |
1914 |
13 | 3 | Volume 51 |
1914-1916 |
13 | 4 | Volume 52 |
1916-1917 |
14 | 1 | Volume 53 |
1917-1918 |
14 | 2 | Volume 54 |
1918 |
14 | 3 | Volume 55 |
1919 |
14 | 4 | Volume 56 |
1919 |
14 | 5 | Volume 57 |
1919 |
15 | 1 | Volume 58 |
1919 |
15 | 2 | Volume 59 |
1919-1920 |
15 | 3 | Volume 60 |
1920 |
15 | 4 | Volume 61 |
1920-1922 |
15 | 5 | Volume 62 |
1922-1923 |
Subseries II.: Incoming Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
16 | 1 | Correspondence |
1880-1889 |
16 | 2 | Correspondence A-L |
1881 |
16 | 3 | Correspondence M-W |
1881 |
16 | 4 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1882 |
16 | 5 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 1 |
1882 |
16 | 6 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1882 |
16 | 7 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 2 |
1882 |
17 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1883 |
17 | 2 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 1 |
1883 |
17 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1883 |
17 | 4 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 2 |
1883 |
17 | 5 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1884 |
18 | 1 | Correspondence M-Z, Vol. 1 |
1884 |
18 | 2 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1884 |
18 | 3 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1884 |
18 | 4 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1884 |
18 | 5 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 3 |
1884 |
19 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 4 |
1884 |
19 | 2 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 4 |
1884 |
19 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1885 |
19 | 4 | Correspondence M-S, Vol. 1 |
1885 |
19 | 5 | Correspondence T-Z, Vol. 1 |
1885 |
20 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1885 |
20 | 2 | Correspondence M-Z, Vol. 2 |
1885 |
20 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1885 |
20 | 4 | Correspondence M-Z, Vol. 3 |
1885 |
21 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 4 |
1885 |
21 | 2 | Correspondence M-Z, Vol. 4 |
1885 |
21 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1886 |
21 | 4 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 1 |
1886 |
22 | 1 | Correspondence A-F, Vol. 2 |
1886 |
22 | 2 | Correspondence G-L, Vol. 2 |
1886 |
22 | 3 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1886 |
22 | 4 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 3 |
1886 |
22 | 5 | Correspondence H-M, Vol. 3 |
1886 |
22 | 6 | Correspondence N-Y, Vol. 3 |
1886 |
23 | 1 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 4 |
1886 |
23 | 2 | Correspondence H-Q, Vol. 4 |
1886 |
23 | 3 | Correspondence R-Y, Vol. 4 |
1886 |
23 | 4 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 1 |
1887 |
23 | 5 | Correspondence H-Y, Vol. 1 |
1887 |
24 | 1 | Correspondence A-I, Vol. 2 |
1887 |
24 | 2 | Correspondence J-W, Vol. 2 |
1887 |
24 | 3 | Correspondence A-H, Vol. 3 |
1887 |
24 | 4 | Correspondence J-Z, Vol. 3 |
1887 |
25 | 1 | Correspondence A-H, Vol. 4 |
1887 |
25 | 2 | Correspondence I-R, Vol. 4 |
1887 |
25 | 3 | Correspondence S-Z, Vol. 4 |
1887 |
25 | 4 | Correspondence A-M, Vol. 1 |
1888 |
25 | 5 | Correspondence N-Y, Vol. 1 |
1888 |
25 | 6 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1888 |
25 | 7 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1888 |
26 | 1 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 3 |
1888 |
26 | 2 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 4 |
1888 |
26 | 3 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 1 |
1889 |
26 | 4 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1889 |
26 | 5 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1889 |
26 | 6 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1889 |
26 | 7 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 3 |
1889 |
27 | 1 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 4 |
1889 |
27 | 2 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1890 |
27 | 3 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 1 |
1890 |
27 | 4 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 |
1891 |
27 | 5 | Correspondence A-Z |
1891-1895 |
27 | 6 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 |
1892 |
27 | 7 | Correspondence A-K, Vol. 1 |
1893 |
28 | 1 | Correspondence M-S, Vol. 1 |
1893 |
28 | 2 | Correspondence T-W, Vol. 1 |
1893 |
28 | 3 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 2 |
1893 |
28 | 4 | Correspondence H-O, Vol. 2 |
1893 |
28 | 5 | Correspondence P-Y, Vol. 2 |
1893 |
29 | 1 | Correspondence A-Q, Vol. 3 |
1893 |
29 | 2 | Correspondence R-W, Vol. 3 |
1893 |
29 | 3 | Correspondence A-F, Vol. 4 |
1893 |
29 | 4 | Correspondence G-S, Vol. 4 |
1893 |
29 | 5 | Correspondence T-W, Vol. 5 |
1893 |
29 | 6 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 5 |
1893 |
30 | 1 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 1 |
1894 |
30 | 2 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1894 |
30 | 3 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 2 |
1894 |
30 | 4 | Correspondence A-C, Vol. 3 |
1894 |
30 | 5 | Correspondence D-M, Vol. 3 |
1894 |
31 | 1 | Correspondence N-W, Vol. 3 |
1894 |
31 | 2 | Correspondence A-W, Vol. 1 |
1895 |
31 | 3 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 2 |
1895 |
31 | 4 | Correspondence H-R, Vol. 2 |
1895 |
31 | 5 | Correspondence S-W, Vol. 2 |
1895 |
32 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1895 |
32 | 2 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 3 |
1895 |
32 | 3 | Correspondence A-F, Vol. 4 |
1895 |
32 | 4 | Correspondence G-P, Vol. 4 |
1895 |
32 | 5 | Correspondence R-W, Vol. 4 |
1895 |
33 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1895-1896 |
33 | 2 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 1 |
1895-1896 |
33 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1896 |
33 | 4 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1896 |
33 | 5 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1896 |
34 | 1 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 3 |
1896 |
34 | 2 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 4 |
1896 |
34 | 3 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 4 |
1896 |
34 | 4 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1897 |
34 | 5 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 1 |
1897 |
35 | 1 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1897 |
35 | 2 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 2 |
1897 |
35 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 3 |
1897 |
35 | 4 | Correspondence M-W, Vol. 3 |
1897 |
35 | 5 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 4 |
1897 |
36 | 1 | Correspondence H-O, Vol. 4 |
1897 |
36 | 2 | Correspondence P-W, Vol. 4 |
1897 |
36 | 3 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 1 |
1898 |
36 | 4 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 1 |
1898 |
36 | 5 | Correspondence A-G, Vol. 2 |
1898 |
37 | 1 | Correspondence H-P, Vol. 2 |
1898 |
37 | 2 | Correspondence Q-W, Vol. 2 |
1898 |
37 | 3 | Correspondence A-C, Vol. 3 |
1898 |
37 | 4 | Correspondence D-O, Vol. 3 |
1898 |
37 | 5 | Correspondence P-Y, Vol. 3 |
1898 |
38 | 1 | Correspondence A-I, Vol. 1 |
1899 |
38 | 2 | Correspondence J-S, Vol. 1 |
1899 |
38 | 3 | Correspondence T-Y, Vol. 1 |
1899 |
38 | 4 | Correspondence A-L, Vol. 2 |
1899-1900 |
38 | 5 | Correspondence M-Y, Vol. 2 |
1899-1900 |
39 | 1 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (1 of 3) |
1901-1906 |
39 | 2 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (2 of 3) |
1901-1906 |
39 | 3 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (3 of 3) |
1901-1906 |
39 | 4 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (1 of 3) |
1907-1914 |
39 | 5 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (2 of 3) |
1907-1914 |
40 | 1 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (3 of 3) |
1907-1914 |
40 | 2 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (1 of 3) |
1915-1917 |
40 | 3 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (2 of 3) |
1915-1917 |
40 | 4 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (3 of 3) |
1915-1917 |
40 | 5 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 |
1918-1919 |
41 | 1 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (1 of 3) |
1918-1921 |
41 | 2 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (2 of 3) |
1918-1921 |
41 | 3 | Correspondence A-Z, Vol. 1 (3 of 3) |
1918-1921 |
Subseries III.: Miscellaneous Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
41 | 4 | Correspondence: Wm. C. (Billy) Irvine |
1870-1918 |
41 | 5 | Correspondence Re: Dues and Inspections |
1880 |
41 | 6 | Correspondence Re: WSGA Dues for Assessment of 1893 |
1893 |
41 | 7 | Correspondence Re: Joe Lefors |
1895-1912 |
41 | 8 | Correspondence and Photographs Re: Walter Palmer |
1905-1944 |
42 | 1 | Correspondence Re: WSGAs Members and Friends |
1915-1923 |
42 | 2 | Correspondence: Elmer Brock To Russell Thorp |
1933 |
42 | 3 | Correspondence Re: Trade Agreements, Import Duties, Packing and Marketing
Plans |
1933-1934 |
42 | 4 | Correspondence: J. Elmer Brock |
1937 |
42 | 5 | Correspondence: W. P. Ricketts |
1938-1958 |
42 | 6 | General Correspondence |
1940-1950 |
42 | 7 | General Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1941-1949 |
42 | 8 | General Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1941-1949 |
42 | 9 | Correspondence Re: Future Farmers |
1944 |
Series II. Administrative Records, 1873-1885Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Record books, minutes, legal documents, correspondence, membership records, convention proceedings, news clippings, reports, certificates, photographs, and bylaws pertaining to the daily business and annual conventions of the WSGA.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Administrative Record Books |
Box | Folder | ||
43 | 1 | Laramie County Stock Association Minute Book |
1873-1883 |
43 | 2 | Membership Book |
Membership Book |
43 | 3 | Executive Committee Minute Book and Membership List – Original of
membership list in safe |
1873-1885 |
43 | 4 | WSGA Applications for Membership |
1883-1886 |
43 | 5 | WSGA Record Book |
1884-1885 |
44 | 1 | Report on Quarantine Stations at Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia
and Baltimore |
1885 |
44 | 2 | WSGA Report of Cattle Killed on Union Pacific Railroad |
1885-1887 |
45 | 1 | WSGA Applications for Membership |
1885-1889 |
45 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minute Book |
1885-1911 |
45 | 3 | New Memberships and Renewals Journal |
1928-1932 |
45 | 4 | WSGA Membership Book |
1930 |
45 | 5 | WSGA Guest Book |
1945-1960 |
Subseries II.: Miscellaneous Administrative Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
46 | 1 | WSGA By-Laws |
undated |
46 | 2 | undated | |
46 | 3 | n.d. | |
46 | 4 | 1873-1884 | |
46 | 5 | WSGA History-Miscellaneous Documents |
1873-1917 |
46 | 6 | 1873-1977 | |
46 | 7 | 1873-1989 | |
46 | 8 | 1874-1945 | |
46 | 9 | 1876-1878 | |
46 | 10 | WSGA Forms, Circulars, Notices |
1881-1888 |
46 | 11 | WSGA By-Laws and Resolutions |
1881-1946 |
46 | 12 | 1881-1946 | |
46 | 13 | 1884 | |
46 | 14 | WSGA Certificate of Incorporation |
1884-1912 |
46 | 15 | Members' Agreements: A-B |
1887 |
46 | 16 | Members' Agreements: C-K |
1887 |
47 | 1 | Members' Agreements: L-W |
1887 |
47 | 2 | Smith, J.S. and Collins, J.W.-Claim for Strays |
1888-1889 |
47 | 3 | WSGA Committee on Proxies: Annual Reports and Correspondence |
1888-1891 |
47 | 4 | WSGA Members' Agreements |
1889 |
47 | 5 | Property In Hands of Inspectors |
1891 |
47 | 6 | WSGA Reports of The Secretary and Treasurer |
1894 |
47 | 7 | Claim of Siegel Campion Live Stock Commission Co. |
1923 |
47 | 8 | WSGA History-Miscellaneous Articles |
1931-1948 |
47 | 9 | WSGA Renewal of Franchise |
1934 |
47 | 10 | WSGA Presentation of Historical Documents To University of
Wyoming |
1939-1944 |
47 | 11 | Live Stock Associations-Miscellaneous Documents |
1941-1949 |
47 | 12 | WSGA Bulletin Re: Supreme Court Decision |
1942 |
47 | 13 | Miscellaneous Administrative Correspondence, Contracts, Articles and
Photos |
1942-1971 |
47 | 14 | WSGA War Bond Effort |
1943 |
47 | 15 | WSGA By-Laws |
1946 |
47 | 16 | WSGA By-Laws |
1946-1974 |
48 | 1 | Wyoming Wool Growers Association Annual Convention Programs |
1952-1955 |
48 | 2 | American National Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention
Programs |
1952-1958 |
48 | 3 | WSGA Committee for Paint Brands on Sheep |
1955-1956 |
48 | 4 | "Eat More Beef" Signs Committee |
1956-1958 |
48 | 5 | WSGA Membership List |
1957 |
48 | 6 | Western Resource Information Foundation |
1962-1968 |
48 | 7 | WSGA By-Laws |
1966 |
48 | 8 | Miscellaneous Correspondence, Articles, Reports and Bulletins |
1971-1984 |
48 | 9 | WSGA Centennial (1872-1972) Guest Book |
1972 |
48 | 10 | The Newcomen Society In North America-Dinner Meetings Held In
Cheyenne |
1978 |
48 | 11 | WSGA History |
1982 |
48 | 12 | WSGA List of Deceased Members |
1982-1983 |
48 | 13 | WSGA Officers' Meeting Agenda |
1982 |
48 | 14 | National Cattlemen's Association Reorganization |
1983 |
48 | 15 | Coen V. Wyoming Stock Growers Association, Et Al.,-Correspondence and Legal
Documents |
1984-1985 |
Subseries III.: WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
Box | Folder | ||
49 | 1 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1930-1935 |
49 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1935-1939 |
49 | 3 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1940-1945 |
49 | 4 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1945 |
49 | 5 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1946 |
49 | 6 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1947 |
49 | 7 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1947-1948 |
49 | 8 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1948 |
49 | 9 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1949 |
49 | 10 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1949 |
50 | 1 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1950 |
50 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1950 |
50 | 3 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes and Reports |
1951 |
50 | 4 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1951 |
50 | 5 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1952 |
50 | 6 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1952 |
50 | 7 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1953 |
50 | 8 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1953 |
50 | 9 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1954 |
50 | 10 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes and Reports |
1954 |
50 | 11 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1955 |
50 | 12 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1955 |
50 | 13 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1956 |
51 | 1 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1956 |
51 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1957 |
51 | 3 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1957 |
51 | 4 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1958 |
51 | 5 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1958 |
51 | 6 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1959 |
51 | 7 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1959 |
51 | 8 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1960 |
51 | 9 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1961 |
51 | 10 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1962 |
51 | 11 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1963 |
51 | 12 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1964 |
51 | 13 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1964 |
51 | 14 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1965 |
51 | 15 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1966 |
51 | 16 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1967 |
51 | 17 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1967 |
51 | 18 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1967 |
51 | 19 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1968 |
51 | 20 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1969 |
52 | 1 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1969 |
52 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1970 |
52 | 3 | WSGA Executive Committee Attendance and Membership |
1969-1987 |
52 | 4 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1971 |
52 | 5 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1971 |
52 | 6 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1972 |
52 | 7 | WSGA Executive Committee Meeting-Proceedings, Correspondence, Reports,
Resolutions |
1972 |
52 | 8 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1973 |
52 | 9 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1973 |
52 | 10 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1974 |
52 | 11 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1974 |
52 | 12 | WSGA Executive Committee Meeting-Correspondence, Agendas, Appointments,
Brochures |
1974 |
53 | 1 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1975 |
53 | 2 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1976 |
53 | 3 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1976 |
53 | 4 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1977 |
53 | 5 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1977 |
53 | 6 | WSGA Executive Committee Minutes |
1984 |
53 | 7 | WSGA Executive Committee Meeting--Mid-Year Minutes |
1985 |
Subseries IV.: Standing Committee Records |
Box | Folder | ||
54 | 1 | WSGA American National Cattlemen's Association Advisory
Committee |
1975-1979 |
54 | 2 | WSGA Auditing Committee |
1950-1958 |
54 | 3 | WSGA Auditing Committee |
1950-1958 |
54 | 4 | WSGA Auditing Committee |
1953-1962 |
54 | 5 | WSGA Beef Promotion Committee (1 of 2) |
v |
54 | 6 | WSGA Beef Promotion Committee (2 of 2) |
1956-1958 |
54 | 7 | WSGA Brand and Theft Committee |
1941-1949 |
54 | 8 | WSGA Brand and Theft Committee |
1947-1958 |
54 | 9 | WSGA Brand and Theft Committee |
1947-1964 |
55 | 1 | WSGA Brand, Theft and Inspection Committee (1 of 2) |
1962-1979 |
55 | 2 | WSGA Brand, Theft and Inspection Committee (2 of 2) |
1962-1979 |
55 | 3 | WSGA Centennial Committee |
1970-1972 |
55 | 4 | WSGA Committee To Study Proposed Live Stock Range Station |
1955-1956 |
55 | 5 | WSGA Condolence Committee |
1951-1953 |
55 | 6 | WSGA Condolence Committee |
1951-1969 |
55 | 7 | WSGA Environment and Private Land Use Committee |
1975-1978 |
55 | 8 | WSGA Finance Committee (1 of 2) |
1970-1982 |
55 | 9 | WSGA Finance Committee (2 of 2) |
1970-1982 |
56 | 1 | WSGA Forest Advisory Committee (1 of 2) |
1947-1951 |
56 | 2 | WSGA Forest Advisory Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1951 |
56 | 3 | WSGA Forest Advisory Committee (1 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
56 | 4 | WSGA Forest Advisory Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
56 | 5 | WSGA Forest Advisory and Public Lands Committee (1 of 2) |
1959-1978 |
56 | 6 | WSGA Forest Advisory and Public Lands Committee (2 of 2) |
1959-1978 |
56 | 7 | Forest Lands-Committee Report and Resolutions--5 Year Period |
1971-1985 |
57 | 1 | Forest Advisory and Public Lands Committee |
1972-1975 |
57 | 2 | WSGA Future Conventions Committee |
1969-1970 |
57 | 3 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee |
1947-1948 |
57 | 4 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee (1 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
57 | 5 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
57 | 6 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee |
1949-1952 |
57 | 7 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee |
1959-1961 |
57 | 8 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee (1 of 2) |
1962-1979 |
58 | 1 | WSGA Game and Wildlife Committee (2 of 2) |
1962-1979 |
58 | 2 | WSGA Highway Committee |
1957-1958 |
58 | 3 | WSGA Historical Committee |
1955-1958 |
58 | 4 | WSGA Historical Committee |
1955-1958 |
58 | 5 | WSGA Historical Committee (1 of 2) |
1955-1975 |
58 | 6 | WSGA Historical Committee (2 of 2) |
1955-1975 |
58 | 7 | WSGA Industry and Private Lands Committee (1 of 2) |
1974-1976 |
58 | 8 | WSGA Industry and Private Lands Committee (2 of 2) |
1974-1976 |
58 | 9 | WSGA Legislative Committee |
1956-1957 |
59 | 1 | WSGA Legislative Committee |
1960 |
59 | 2 | WSGA Legislative Committee |
1969-1978 |
59 | 3 | WSGA Live Stock Health and Sanitation Committee |
1958-1961 |
59 | 4 | WSGA Live Stock Health and Sanitation Committee (1 of 2) |
1962-1978 |
59 | 5 | WSGA Live Stock Health and Sanitation Committee (2 of 2) |
1962-1978 |
59 | 6 | WSGA Live Stock Research Committee |
1976-1979 |
59 | 7 | WSGA Marketing and Sales Committee (1 of 3) |
1967-1979 |
59 | 8 | WSGA Marketing and Sales Committee (2 of 3) |
1967-1979 |
59 | 9 | WSGA Marketing and Sales Committee (3 of 3) |
1967-1979 |
60 | 1 | WSGA Marketing Committee Minutes |
1969 |
60 | 2 | WSGA Membership Committee |
1963-1977 |
60 | 3 | WSGA Minerals Committee |
1951-1955 |
60 | 4 | WSGA Minerals and Mining Committee |
1951-1958 |
60 | 5 | WSGA Minerals and Mining Committee |
1957-1958 |
60 | 6 | WSGA Minerals and Mining Committee |
1957-1958 |
60 | 7 | WSGA Nominating Committee |
1951 |
60 | 8 | WSGA Nominating Committee |
1951-1957 |
60 | 9 | WSGA Nominating Committee |
1951-1957 |
60 | 10 | WSGA Nominating Committee |
1957-1959 |
60 | 11 | WSGA Nominating Committee |
1960-1974 |
60 | 12 | WSGA Officers' Meeting Minutes |
1974 |
60 | 13 | WSGA Officers' Meeting |
1982 |
61 | 1 | WSGA Predator Control Committee |
1971-1985 |
61 | 2 | WSGA Predator Control Committee |
1974-1978 |
61 | 3 | WSGA President's Council |
1970-1985 |
61 | 4 | WSGA President's Council |
1977-1981 |
61 | 5 | WSGA Public Lands Committee (1 of 2) |
1944-1949 |
61 | 6 | WSGA Public Lands Committee (2 of 2) |
1944-1949 |
61 | 7 | WSGA Public Lands Committee |
1947-1959 |
62 | 1 | WSGA Public Lands Committee |
1947-1966 |
62 | 2 | WSGA Public Lands Committee |
1947-1963 |
62 | 3 | WSGA Public Lands Committee (1 of 3) |
1966-1977 |
62 | 4 | WSGA Public Lands Committee (2 of 3) |
1966-1977 |
62 | 5 | WSGA Public Lands Committee (3 of 3) |
1966-1977 |
62 | 6 | WSGA (State) and Public Lands Committee |
1967-1978 |
62 | 7 | WSGA Public Relations Committee |
1948-1951 |
62 | 8 | WSGA Public Relations Committee |
1948-1951 |
62 | 9 | WSGA Public Relations Committee |
1948-1957 |
63 | 1 | WSGA (Communications) and Public Relations Committee |
1969-1979 |
63 | 2 | WSGA (Publicity) and Public Relations Committee |
1970-1973 |
63 | 3 | WSGA Range Improvement Advisory Committee |
1960 |
63 | 4 | WSGA Research Committee |
1956-1961 |
63 | 5 | WSGA Research Committee (1 of 2) |
1973 |
63 | 6 | WSGA Research Committee (2 of 2) |
1973 |
63 | 7 | WSGA Resolutions |
undated |
63 | 8 | WSGA Resolutions |
circa 1888 |
63 | 9 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (1 of 2) |
1942-1951 |
63 | 10 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (2 of 2) |
1942-1951 |
63 | 11 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (1 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
64 | 1 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
64 | 2 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (1 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
64 | 3 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1958 |
64 | 4 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (1 of 2) |
v |
64 | 5 | WSGA Resolutions Committee (2 of 2) |
1947-1966 |
64 | 6 | WSGA Resolutions |
1947-1968 |
64 | 7 | Convention Resolutions Adopted 1948-1953 In Regard To Hoof and Mouth
Disease |
1948-1953 |
64 | 8 | WSGA Resolutions Committee |
1961-1985 |
64 | 9 | WSGA Resolutions |
1982 |
65 | 1 | WSGA Resolutions |
undated |
65 | 2 | WSGA Resolutions by Committee |
1976-1979 |
65 | 3 | WSGA Resolutions by Committee |
1976-1979 |
65 | 4 | WSGA Resolutions by Committee |
1976-1979 |
65 | 5 | WSGA Resolutions |
1982 |
65 | 6 | WSGA Salaries and Finance Committee |
1956-1968 |
65 | 7 | WSGA Tax Committee |
1955-1964 |
65 | 8 | WSGA Tax Committee |
1956-1958 |
65 | 9 | WSGA Tax Committee |
1956-1958 |
65 | 10 | WSGA Tax Committee |
1964-1971 |
65 | 11 | WSGA Tax Committee |
1970-1973 |
65 | 12 | WSGA Tax Committee (1 of 2) |
1972-1975 |
66 | 1 | WSGA Tax Committee (2 of 2) |
1972-1975 |
66 | 2 | WSGA Transportation and Labor Committee (1 of 2) |
1946-1978 |
66 | 3 | WSGA Transportation and Labor Committee (2 of 2) |
1946-1978 |
66 | 4 | WSGA Transportation and Marketing Committee |
1956-1960 |
66 | 5 | WSGA Transportation and Labor Committee (1 of 2) |
1971-1984 |
66 | 6 | WSGA Transportation and Labor Committee (2 of 2) |
1971-1984 |
67 | 1 | WSGA Water and Water Rights Committee |
1962-1975 |
67 | 2 | WSGA Water and Water Rights Committee |
1971-1985 |
67 | 3 | WSGA Weed and Pest Control Committee-Proposed Legislation |
1964-1973 |
67 | 4 | WSGA Weed and Pest Control Committee |
1971-1973 |
Subseries V.: Mid-Year and Special Meeting Records |
Box | Folder | ||
68 | 1 | WSGA Mid-Year Meeting |
1973 |
68 | 2 | WSGA Mid-Year Meeting |
1974 |
68 | 3 | WSGA Mid-Year Meeting |
1975 |
68 | 4 | WSGA Special Meeting Minutes-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1975 |
68 | 5 | WSGA Special Meeting on Beef Referendum Aboard The S.S. Monarch
Sun |
1976 |
68 | 6 | WSGA Special Meeting Minutes-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
1977 |
68 | 7 | WSGA Mid-Year Meeting--Committee Reports and Resolutions |
1982 |
Subseries VI.: Annual Convention Records |
Box | Folder | ||
68 | 8 | WSGA Annual Convention: Addresses, Membership Lists |
circa 1910 |
68 | 9 | WSGA Annual Convention: Secretary's and Treasurer's Reports |
1911 |
68 | 10 | WSGA Annual Convention: Address by John B. Kendrick, Reports, Member's
Badge |
1912 |
68 | 11 | WSGA Annual Convention: Program, Correspondence, Reports |
1913 |
68 | 12 | WSGA Annual Convention: Invitations, Addresses, Reports |
1914 |
68 | 13 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings (6 Copies), Programs,
Reports |
1915 |
68 | 14 | WSGA Annual Convention Proceedings (3 Copies) |
1915 |
68 | 15 | WSGA Annual Convention: Program, Report, Membership List |
1916 |
68 | 16 | WSGA Annual Convention: Reports, Protests, Correspondence,
Resolutions |
1917 |
69 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Resolutions, Reports, Membership Application List,
Program |
1918 |
69 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Reports, Correspondence, Resolutions,
Programs |
1919 |
69 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Reports, Correspondence |
1920 |
69 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Resolutions, Reports, Minutes of Executive
Committee, Membership Application Roster |
1921 |
69 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Speeches, Reports, Membership Roster |
1922 |
69 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1923 |
69 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings, Reports, Membership Application
List |
1923 |
69 | 8 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1924 |
69 | 9 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1924 |
69 | 10 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1925 |
69 | 11 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1925 |
69 | 12 | WSGA Annual Convention: Itemized Expenses, Address |
1926 |
69 | 13 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1927 |
69 | 14 | WSGA Annual Convention: Speeches by Senator John B. Kendrick and WSGA
President J.L. Jordan |
1927 |
69 | 15 | WSGA Annual Convention: Members' Register, Bulletin, Reports |
1928 |
70 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1928 |
70 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1928 |
70 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Reports, Minutes, Bulletins, Addresses, Membership
Lists |
1929 |
70 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Members' Register, Reports, Correspondence,
Programs, Bulletins, Addresses |
1930 |
70 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1930 |
70 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1930 |
70 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention: Minutes, Addresses, Reports, Members'
Register |
1931 |
71 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention Programs |
1931 |
71 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1932 |
71 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Programs, Badges, Bulletins,
Resolutions |
1932 |
71 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1933 |
71 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Programs, Attendance, Registers, Addresses,
Proxies, Resolutions |
1933 |
71 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1934 |
71 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention: Resolutions, Program, Proxies, News Articles,
Addresses, Reports, Minutes |
1934 |
71 | 8 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1935 |
72 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Minutes, Addresses, Correspondence, Proxies,
Programs, Badges |
1935 |
72 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Badge, Program, Ticket Book |
1936 |
72 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1936 |
72 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1936 |
72 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Resolutions, Proxies, Programs, Badges |
1937 |
72 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proxies, Badges, Resolutions, Programs,
Correspondence |
1938 |
72 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention:Proceedings |
1939 |
72 | 8 | WSGA Annual Conventions: Correspondence, Brochures, Programs and
Documents |
1939-1983 |
73 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1940 |
73 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1941 |
73 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1942 |
73 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1943 |
73 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1944 |
74 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Proceedings |
1945 |
74 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Program |
1946 |
74 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention Proceedings: Diamond Jubilee Convention, 75th
Anniversary |
1947 |
74 | 4 | WSGA Annual Conventions: Miscellaneous Programs and Tickets |
1953-1958 |
74 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1953 |
74 | 6 | 1954 | |
74 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes and Resolutions |
1955 |
74 | 8 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1956 |
74 | 9 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1957 |
74 | 10 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1958 |
74 | 11 | WSGA Annual Convention Programs |
1959-1985 |
74 | 12 | WSGA Annual Convention: Program, Correspondence, Notes (1 of
2) |
1961 |
74 | 13 | WSGA Annual Convention: Program, Correspondence, Notes (2 of
2) |
1961 |
75 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1964 |
75 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1964 |
75 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Miscellaneous Records |
1965 |
75 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Programs |
1965 |
75 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Reports and Addresses |
1966 |
75 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Records, Program, Proceedings (1 of
2) |
1966 |
75 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence and Records (2 of 2) |
1966 |
75 | 8 | WSGA Annual Convention: Agendas, Programs, Correspondence (1 of
2) |
1966-1967 |
75 | 9 | WSGA Annual Convention: Agendas, Programs, Correspondence (2 of
2) |
1966-1967 |
76 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Records, Correspondence, Notes (1 of 2)
1968 |
76 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Records, Correspondence, Notes (2 of
2) |
1968 |
76 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Notes, Receipts, Correspondence, Agendas,
Programs |
1968 |
76 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1969 |
76 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Program (1 of 2) |
1969 |
76 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1969 |
76 | 7 | WSGA Annual Convention: News Clippings, Correspondence |
1970 |
77 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1970 |
77 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence |
1971 |
77 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Centennial Celebration Acceptances |
1971-1972 |
77 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Programs and Ticket Books for Wsga Centennial
Convention |
1972 |
77 | 5 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention: Correspondence |
1972 |
77 | 6 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention: Correspondence, Notes, Records (1 of
3) |
1972 |
77 | 7 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention: Correspondence, Notes, Records (2 of
3) |
1972 |
77 | 8 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention: Corresondence, Notes, Records (3 of 3)
1972 |
78 | 1 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention Minutes |
1972 |
78 | 2 | WSGA Annual (Centennial) Convention: Programs |
1972 |
78 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Programs, Agendas, Pamphlets,
Notes, Proceedings, Reports (1 of 2) |
1973 |
78 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Programs, Agendas, Notes,
Proceedings, Reports (2 of 2) |
1973 |
78 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Minutes and Photographs |
1973 |
78 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Records and Correspondence |
1974 |
79 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention: Minutes and Proceedings |
1974 |
79 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Records and Correspondence |
1975 |
79 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1975 |
79 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1976 |
79 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Proceedings, Resolutions, Programs
(1 of 2) |
1977 |
79 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence, Proceedings, Resolutions, Programs
(2 of 2) |
1977 |
80 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes |
1977 |
80 | 2 | WSGA Annual Convention: Articles and Correspondence |
1982 |
80 | 3 | WSGA Annual Convention: Standing Committee Reports Adopted |
1982 |
80 | 4 | WSGA Annual Convention: Correspondence |
1982 |
80 | 5 | WSGA Annual Convention: Articles, Notes, Correspondence,
Agendas |
1983 |
80 | 6 | WSGA Annual Convention Minutes and Wsga Executive Committee
Minutes |
1985 |
Subseries VII.: News Clippings |
Box | Folder | ||
81 | 1 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1910 |
81 | 2 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1912 |
81 | 3 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1913 |
81 | 4 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1914 |
81 | 5 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1915 |
81 | 6 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1916 |
81 | 7 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1917 |
81 | 8 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1918 |
81 | 9 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1919 |
81 | 10 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1921 |
81 | 11 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1922 |
81 | 12 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1923 |
81 | 13 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1925 |
81 | 14 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1928 |
81 | 15 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1930 |
81 | 16 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1930-1940 |
81 | 17 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1931-1932 |
81 | 18 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1933 |
81 | 19 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1934 |
81 | 20 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1935 |
81 | 21 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1936 |
81 | 22 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1937 |
81 | 23 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1938 |
81 | 24 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1939 |
81 | 25 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1940 |
81 | 26 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1941 |
81 | 27 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1942 |
81 | 28 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1943 |
81 | 29 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1944 |
81 | 30 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1947 |
81 | 31 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1948 |
81 | 32 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings, Badges, and Miscellaneous
Documents |
1949 |
81 | 33 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings, Badge, Miscellaneous
Documents |
1950 |
81 | 34 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1951 |
81 | 35 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1963 |
81 | 36 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1977 |
81 | 37 | WSGA Annual Meeting: News Clippings |
1983 |
82 | 1 | WSGA Annual Convention Scrapbook |
1937-1938 |
Subseries VIII.: Annual Convention Proceedings |
Box | Folder | ||
82 | 2 | Proceedings of Annual Meetings |
1884-1889 |
82 | 3 | Proceedings of Annual Meetings |
1900-1909 |
82 | 4 | Proceedings of Annual Meetings |
1910-1914 |
82 | 5 | Proceedings of Annual Meetings |
1916-1919 |
82 | 6 | Proceedings of Annual Meetings |
1920-1926 |
82 | 7 | Proceedings of Grazing Fee Conference |
1927 |
82 | 8 | Proceedings of Annual Meeting |
1929 |
83 | 1 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Meeting |
1931 |
83 | 2 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Meeting |
1932 |
83 | 3 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Meeting |
1933 |
84 | 4 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Convention |
1934 |
83 | 5 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Convention |
1935 |
83 | 6 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Convention |
1936 |
83 | 7 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Convention |
1937 |
83 | 8 | WSGA Proceedings of Annual Convention |
1938 |
84 | 1 | WSGA 74th Annual Convention |
1946 |
84 | 2 | WSGA 76th Annual Convention |
1948 |
84 | 3 | WSGA 77th Annual Convention |
1949 |
84 | 4 | WSGA 78th Annual Convention |
1950 |
84 | 5 | WSGA 79th Annual Convention |
1951 |
84 | 6 | WSGA 80th Annual Convention |
1952 |
84 | 7 | WSGA 81st Annual Convention |
1953 |
85 | 1 | WSGA 82nd Annual Convention |
1954 |
85 | 2 | WSGA 83rd Annual Convention |
1955 |
85 | 3 | WSGA 84th Annual Convention |
1956 |
85 | 4 | WSGA 85th Annual Convention |
1957 |
85 | 5 | WSGA 86th Annual Convention |
1958 |
86 | 1 | WSGA 87th Annual Convention |
1959 |
86 | 2 | WSGA 88th Annual Convention |
1960 |
86 | 3 | WSGA 89th Annual Convention |
1961 |
86 | 4 | WSGA 90th Annual Convention |
1962 |
86 | 5 | WSGA 91st Annual Convention |
1963 |
87 | 1 | WSGA 92nd Annual Convention |
1964 |
87 | 2 | WSGA 93rd Annual Convention |
1965 |
87 | 3 | WSGA 94th Annual Convention |
1966 |
87 | 4 | WSGA 95th Annual Convention |
1967 |
87 | 5 | WSGA 96th Annual Convention |
1968 |
Series III. Financial Records, 1874-1982Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Correspondence, legal documents, reports, record books, financial statements and banking records which document the financial dealings of the WSGA in its day to day operations and on behalf of its members.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Miscellaneous Financial Records |
Box | Folder | ||
88 | 1 | Telephone Contract and Advertising Bills |
1874-1888 |
88 | 2 | Vouchers and Receipts |
1874-188 |
88 | 3 | WSGA Annual Reports |
1875-1882 |
88 | 4 | WSGA Office Expense Account Book |
1884 |
88 | 5 | WSGA Assessments |
1884-1899 |
88 | 6 | Membership Assessments, 1885 and Assessment Vote, 1887 |
1885-1887 |
88 | 7 | WSGA Bills and Receipts |
1884-1885 |
88 | 8 | WSGA Bills and Receipts |
1884-1885 |
88 | 9 | Financial Records: Receipts, Bills of Sale, Statements, Banks
Drafts |
1886 |
89 | 1 | Financial Records: Receipts, Bills of Sale, Statements, Bank Drafts,
Commissions |
1886 |
89 | 2 | Financial Records: Bill of Sale, Receipts, Bills, Vouchers, Claims, Water
License |
1887-1888 |
89 | 3 | Financial Records: Bills of Sale, Claims, Vouchers, Receipts |
1889 |
89 | 4 | Financial Records: Bills, Receipts |
1889 |
89 | 5 | Lease: Union Stock Yards Co. of Omaha to Board of Live Stock Commissioners
of Wyoming |
1895 |
90 | 1 | Audit of Wsga Accounts |
1896-1915 |
90 | 2 | WSGA Audit: Official Report of the State Examiner |
1896-1915 |
90 | 3 | WSGA Bills and Receipts |
1899-1900 |
90 | 4 | Bonds of Indemnity for Lost Checks |
1910-1913 |
90 | 5 | Bonds for Deposit of Funds in Bank |
1912 |
90 | 6 | State Examiner: Report of Financial Condition of Wyoming Stock Growers
Association From April 1, 1896 to March 1 1915 |
1916 |
90 | 7 | Proof of Claim: Johnson County Bank, Buffalo, Wyoming |
1924-1925 |
90 | 8 | List of WSGA Treasury Certificates |
1933-1935 |
90 | 9 | News Clippings |
1947-1949 |
90 | 10 | Advertising Estray Lists |
1948-1976 |
90 | 11 | State Examiner: Correspondence and Documents Re: WSGA Audit |
1950-1952 |
90 | 12 | WSGA Inspection Account Receipt Books |
1956-1957 |
91 | 1 | Financial Records: Bills Paid |
1961-1962 |
91 | 2 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board: Monthly Financial Statements |
1961-1972 |
91 | 3 | Estray List and Miscellaneous Estray and Inspection Documents |
1963-1973 |
91 | 4 | U.S. Forest Service: Average Costs Per Annum From Grazing Fee
Study |
CA. 1967 |
91 | 5 | Estrays Paid--A-F |
1967 |
92 | 1 | Estrays Paid--G-M |
1967 |
92 | 2 | Estrays Paid--O-W |
1967 |
92 | 3 | Estrays Paid--A-F |
1968 |
92 | 4 | Estrays Paid--G-L |
1968 |
92 | 5 | Estrays Paid--Mc-W |
1968 |
92 | 6 | Estrays Paid |
1969 |
93 | 1 | Miscellaneous Financial Records: Inspection Account |
1971-1972 |
93 | 2 | Estray Lists, Receipts and Miscellaneous Documents |
1972-1976 |
93 | 3 | Financial Records: Invoices, Vouchers, Receipts,
Correspondence |
1973-1975 |
93 | 4 | Notes and Correspondence Re: Estray Payments |
1977-1979 |
93 | 5 | Estrays Paid |
1981-1982 |
Subseries II.: Banking Records |
Box | Folder | ||
94 | 1 | WSGA Bank Book |
1882 |
94 | 2 | WSGA Bank Book |
1882-1885 |
94 | 3 | WSGA Bank Book |
1885-1886 |
94 | 4 | WSGA Bank Book |
1886-1887 |
94 | 5 | WSGA Bank Book |
1887-1890 |
94 | 6 | WSGA Bank Book |
1888 |
94 | 7 | Bank Book of T.B. Adams, Treasurer |
1888 |
94 | 8 | WSGA Bank Book |
1890-1897 |
94 | 9 | WSGA Bank Book |
1897-1898 |
94 | 10 | WSGA Bank Book |
1898-1901 |
94 | 11 | WSGA Bank Book |
1901-1905 |
94 | 12 | WSGA Bank Book |
1905-1909 |
94 | 13 | WSGA Bank Book |
1909-1912 |
94 | 14 | Laramie Co. Stock Association Warant Book |
1874-1881 |
94 | 15 | WSGA Receipt Book |
1880-1881 |
94 | 16 | Sturgis Goodell and Co. and Sturgis and Lane Receipt Book |
1880-1884 |
94 | 17 | WSGA Entrance Fee Receipt Book |
1884-1885 |
94 | 19 | WSGA Entrance Fee Receipt Book |
1885-1893 |
95 | 1 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1881-1883 |
95 | 2 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1883-1885 |
95 | 3 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1885 |
95 | 4 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1885-1886 |
95 | 5 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1886-1887 |
95 | 6 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1887 |
95 | 7 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1887-1888 |
95 | 8 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1888-1889 |
95 | 9 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1889-1893 |
95 | 10 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1893 |
95 | 11 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1893-1894 |
95 | 12 | WSGA Check Stubs |
1894-1895 |
95 | 13 | WSGA Check Book and Check Register |
1977 |
96 | 1 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1885-1885 |
96 | 2 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1886 |
96 | 3 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1887 |
96 | 4 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1888 |
96 | 5 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1888 |
97 | 1 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1889-1893 |
97 | 2 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 3 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 4 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 5 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 6 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 7 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 8 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 9 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 10 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 11 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 12 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 13 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 14 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893 |
97 | 15 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1893-1894 |
97 | 16 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 17 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 18 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 19 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 20 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 21 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 22 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 23 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 24 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 25 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 26 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 27 | Cancelled Vouchers |
1894 |
97 | 28 | Cancelled Voucher Lists |
1894-1900 |
Subseries III.: Cash Books |
Box | Folder | ||
98 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1893-1897 |
98 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-Miscellaneous Markets |
1893-1898 |
99 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1897-1900 |
99 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-Miscellaneous Markets |
1898-1906 |
100 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1900-1905 |
100 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1905-1908 |
101 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-Miscellaneous Markets |
1906-1911 |
101 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1908-1910 |
102 | 1 | WSGA Estray Cash Book |
1909-1911 |
102 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1910-1911 |
103 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1911-1913 |
103 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-Miscellaneous Markets |
1911-1919 |
104 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-South Omaha |
1913-1916 |
104 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-Omaha Market |
1916-1918 |
105 | 1 | WSGA Cash Book-Omaha Market |
1918-1921 |
105 | 2 | WSGA Inspection Cash Book |
1919-1920 |
106 | 1 | WSGA Inspection Cash Book |
1920-1923 |
106 | 2 | WSGA Cash Book-Omaha Market |
1921-1923 |
106 | 3 | WSGA Daily Cash Book |
1926-1932 |
106 | 4 | WSGA Cash Book-Omaha Market |
1932-1933 |
Subseries IV.: Dues and Assessments Journals |
Box | Folder | ||
107 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments |
1885-1886 |
107 | 2 | WSGA Dues Receipt Book |
1886-1888 |
107 | 3 | WSGA Asessment Receipt Book |
1886-1889 |
107 | 4 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1893 |
108 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1894 |
108 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1895 |
109 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1896 |
109 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1897 |
110 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1898 |
110 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1899 |
111 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1900 |
111 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1901 |
112 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1902 |
112 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1903 |
112 | 3 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1904 |
113 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1905 |
113 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1906 |
114 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1907 |
114 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1908 |
115 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1909 |
115 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1910 |
115 | 3 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1911 |
116 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1912 |
116 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1913 |
117 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1914 |
117 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1915 |
118 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1916 |
118 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1917 |
119 | 1 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1918 |
119 | 2 | WSGA Dues and Assessments Journal |
1919 |
120 | 1 | WSGA Membership Assessments |
1919-1920 |
120 | 2 | WSGA Journal of Fees Paid by Commission Firms |
1924-1926 |
Subseries V.: Journals |
Box | Folder | ||
120 | 3 | WSGA Journal and Membership List |
1881-1886 |
120 | 4 | WSGA Journal |
1881-1897 |
121 | 1 | WSGA Journal |
1881-1889 |
121 | 2 | WSGA Journal |
1884-1890 |
121 | 3 | WSGA Journal and Day Book |
1886-1890 |
121 | 4 | WSGA Journal and Membership List |
1886-1896 |
122 | 1 | WSGA Journal |
1886-1895 |
122 | 2 | WSGA Journal |
1897-1908 |
122 | 3 | WSGA Journal |
1906-1914 |
123 | 1 | WSGA Journal |
1908-1912 |
123 | 2 | WSGA Journal |
1912-1922 |
123 | 3 | WSGA Journal |
1914-1919 |
123 | 4 | WSGA Journal |
1919-1926 |
123 | 5 | WSGA Journal |
1922-1931 |
123 | 6 | WSGA Journal |
1953-1968 |
123 | 7 | WSGA Journal |
1968-1980 |
Subseries VI.: Ledgers |
Box | Folder | ||
124 | 1 | WSGA Ledger |
1880-1890 |
124 | 2 | WSGA Ledger |
1886-1891 |
125 | 1 | WSGA Ledger |
1897-1906 |
125 | 2 | WSGA Ledger |
1907-1908 |
Subseries VII.: Miscellaneous Record Books |
Box | Folder | ||
125 | 3 | WSGA Roundup Foremen's, Inspectors' and Miscellaneous Expense Accounts
Record Book |
1886-1887 |
125 | 4 | WSGA Record Book |
1886-1889 |
125 | 5 | WSGA Estray Fund Record Book |
1890-1891 |
125 | 6 | WSGA Estray Record Book |
1923-1932 |
125 | 7 | WSGA Estray Record Book |
1932-1936 |
Payroll Journals | |||
Box | Folder | ||
126 | 1 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1931-1938 |
126 | 2 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1938-1941 |
126 | 3 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1941-1944 |
126 | 4 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1944-1947 |
126 | 5 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1947-1950 |
126 | 6 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1950-1952 |
126 | 7 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1952-1954 |
126 | 8 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1955-1957 |
126 | 9 | WSGA Payroll Journal |
1958-1959 |
Subseries IX.: Financial Statements and Inspection Accounts |
Box | Folder | ||
127 | 1 | WSGA Inspection Account Book |
1956-1962 |
127 | 2 | WSGA Inspection Receipt Ledger |
1959-1962 |
128 | 1 | WSGA Inspection Account Book |
1956-1962 |
128 | 2 | WSGA Inspection Receipt Ledger |
1959-1962 |
129 | 1 | WSGA Inspection Receipt Ledger |
1970-1971 |
Series IV. Brand, Roundup, Inspection and Shipping Records, 1868-1978Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Brand histories, correspondence, articles, brand books of WSGA, WSGA inspectors and other stock associations, brand registries, roundup lists, foremen's bonds, maverick books, bills of sale for mavericks, notices of estrays, inspectors' record books, legal documents, estray indexes, reports and shipping report books which document the management, movement and sale of cattle belonging to members of the WSGA.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Brand Histories |
Box | Folder | ||
130 | 1 | Brands |
130 | 2 | Brand List Agnes Wright Spring |
undated |
130 | 3 | Brands-Histories and Correspondence |
1868-1949 |
130 | 3 | Brands-Histories and Miscellaneous Correspondence |
1873-1940 |
130 | 4 | Conflicting Brands and Marks-Report of Mark and Brand
Inspectors |
1878 |
130 | 5 | Brands, Registration of |
1882-1889 |
130 | 6 | Negative From 1884 Brand Book |
1884 |
130 | 7 | Negative From 1884 Brand Book |
1884 |
130 | 8 | Branding-Miscellaneous Articles |
1884-1940 |
130 | 9 | Mcclure's Magazine-Article on the Branding of Cattle, "The Heraldry of the
Plains," Alice MacGowan |
1894 |
130 | 10 | Brands-Historical Clippings and Correspondence |
1927-1958 |
130 | 11 | "An Aspect of the Public Control of the Cattle Industry," Dorothea
Merrill. |
1938 |
130 | 12 | "Brands"-A Pamphlet by A.E. Roedel |
1938 |
130 | 13 | Early Brands Recorded in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado,
Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, The Dakotas, California and Nevada |
1938 |
130 | 14 | Brand Histories, Articles, Correspondence |
1938-1942 |
130 | 15 | Branding and Brands |
1942 |
Subseries II.: Brand Books |
Subsubseries I.: WSGA Brand Books |
Box | Folder | ||
131 | 1 | 1873-1880 | |
131 | 2 | First Brand Book (2 Copies) |
1873-1880 |
131 | 3 | 1881-1882 | |
131 | 4 | 1882 | |
131 | 5 | WSGA First Brand Book (Reproduction) |
1882 |
131 | 6 | WSGA First Brand Book (Reproduction) |
1882 |
131 | 7 | WSGA First Brand Book (Reproduction) |
1882 |
131 | 8 | WSGA First Brand Book (Reproduction) |
1882 |
131 | 9 | WSGA Brand Book |
1883 |
131 | 10 | WSGA Brand Book |
1883 |
131 | 11 | WSGA Brand Book |
1883 |
131 | 12 | 1883 | |
131 | 13 | 1884 | |
131 | 14 | 1885 | |
131 | 15 | 1885 | |
131 | 16 | 1887 | |
131 | 17 | 1890 | |
132 | 1 | 1899 | |
132 | 2 | 1900 | |
132 | 3 | 1901 | |
132 | 4 | 1902 | |
132 | 5 | 1903 | |
132 | 6 | 1903-1905 | |
133 | 1 | 1904 | |
133 | 2 | 1905 | |
133 | 3 | 1906 | |
133 | 4 | 1907 | |
133 | 5 | 1908 | |
133 | 6 | 1912 | |
133 | 7 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1912 |
133 | 8 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1912 |
133 | 9 | 1916 | |
133 | 10 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1916 |
133 | 11 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1916 |
133 | 12 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1916 |
133 | 13 | 1916 | |
133 | 14 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1916 |
134 | 1 | 1917 | |
134 | 2 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1917 |
134 | 3 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1917 |
134 | 4 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1917 |
134 | 5 | 1919 | |
134 | 6 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1919 |
134 | 7 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1919 |
134 | 8 | 1920 | |
134 | 9 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1920 |
134 | 10 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1920 |
134 | 11 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1920 |
134 | 12 | 1920 | |
134 | 13 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1920 |
134 | 14 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1920 |
134 | 15 | 1922 | |
134 | 16 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement |
1922 |
134 | 17 | 1927 | |
134 | 18 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1927 |
134 | 19 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1927 |
134 | 20 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1927 |
134 | 21 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1927 |
135 | 1 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1936 |
135 | 2 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1936 |
135 | 3 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1936 |
135 | 4 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1936 |
135 | 5 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1936 |
135 | 6 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1936 |
135 | 7 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1936 |
135 | 8 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1936 |
135 | 9 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1936 |
135 | 10 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #3 |
1936 |
135 | 11 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #3 |
1936 |
135 | 12 | Wyoming Brand Book, Supplement #4 |
1936 |
135 | 13 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1946 |
135 | 14 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1946 |
135 | 15 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1946 |
135 | 16 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1946 |
135 | 17 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1946 |
135 | 18 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1946-1948 |
135 | 19 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1946-1948 |
135 | 20 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1946-1948 |
135 | 21 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1946-1948 |
135 | 22 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1948-1950 |
135 | 23 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1948-1950 |
135 | 24 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1948-1950 |
135 | 25 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #3 |
1950-1952 |
135 | 26 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #3 |
1950-1952 |
135 | 27 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #3 |
1950-1952 |
135 | 28 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #4 |
1952-1954 |
135 | 29 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #4 |
1952-1954 |
135 | 30 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #4 |
1952-1954 |
136 | 1 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1956 |
136 | 2 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1956 |
136 | 3 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1956 |
136 | 4 | Wyoming Brand Book |
1956 |
136 | 5 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1956-1958 |
136 | 6 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1956-1958 |
136 | 7 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1958-1960 |
136 | 8 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1958-1960 |
136 | 9 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1958-1960 |
136 | 10 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #2 |
1958-1960 |
136 | 11 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #3 |
1960-1962 |
136 | 12 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #4 |
1962-1964 |
136 | 13 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #4 |
1963-1964 |
136 | 14 | Wyoming State Brand Book, Official Supplement #1 |
1966-1968 |
Subsubseries II.: Miscellaneous Wyoming Brand Books |
Box | Folder | ||
137 | 1 | Brand Book of Big Piney Live Stock Association |
undated |
137 | 2 | Brand Book Belonging to Byron Foote, Buffalo, WY |
undated |
137 | 3 | Brand Book of Jackson's Hole Cattle and Horse Association |
undated |
137 | 4 | Brand Book |
ca. 1880 |
137 | 5 | By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Sheridan Co. Live Stock Association
(2 Copies) |
ca. 1892 |
137 | 6 | Little Gem Brand Book, Vol. 1 |
1900 |
137 | 7 | Constitution, By-Laws and Brand Book of the Converse County
Cattlegrowers' Association |
1903 |
137 | 8 | Constitution, By-Laws and Brand Book of the Converse County
Cattlegrowers' Association |
1903 |
137 | 9 | Brand Book of Converse County Cattle Growers Association (Book Belonged
to B. F. Davis.) |
1909 |
137 | 10 | Brand Book of Converse County Cattlegrowers' Association |
1909 |
137 | 11 | Stockmen's Gazetteer of Wyoming |
1909 |
137 | 12 | Constitution, by-Laws and Brand Book of the Albany County Cattle and
Horse Growers Association |
1910 |
137 | 13 | Laramie County Cattle and Horse Growers Association Brand
Book |
1911 |
137 | 14 | State Brands Recorded In Johnson County, Compiled by Edwin W.
Burritt |
1912 |
137 | 15 | Albany County Cattle and Horse Growers Association Brand
Book |
1912 |
137 | 16 | Albany County Cattle and Horse Growers Association Brand
Book |
1912 |
137 | 17 | Albany Co. Cattle and Horse Growers Association Brand Book |
1912 |
137 | 18 | Wind River Live Stock Growers Association Brand Book |
1912 |
137 | 19 | Official Brand Book of the State of Wyoming (Book Belonged to Carl
Dolling) |
1927-1932 |
137 | 20 | Official Brand Book of the State of Wyoming (Book Belonged to Walt
Harrison) |
1927-1932 |
Subsubseries III.: Inspectors' Brand Books |
Box | Folder | ||
138 | 1 | Brand Book of WSGA Inspector Tait |
undated |
138 | 2 | WSGA Brand Book of Inspector Claude L. Talbot |
1923 |
139 | 1 | WSGA Brand Book of Inspector W. W. McVicker |
1927-1936 |
139 | 2 | WSGA Brand Book of Inspector W. W. McVicker |
ca. 1929 |
Subsubseries IV.: Miscellaneous State Brand Books |
Box | Folder | ||
140 | 1 | The California Brand Book |
1919 |
140 | 2 | Brand Book of Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas and Southern Brands
Compiled by WSGA Brand Inspector Frank Brainard |
undated |
140 | 3 | Colorado Brand Book for Kansas City Stock Yards |
ca. 1893 |
140 | 4 | Brand Book of Uncompahgre Valley Cattle and Horse Grower Association
(Book Belonged to B. F. Davis) |
1917 |
140 | 5 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1918 |
140 | 6 | Register of Brands by Boulder County Stock Growers Association (Book
Belonged to B. F. Davis) |
1920 |
140 | 7 | Colorado Brand Book |
1928 |
140 | 8 | Colorado Brand Book |
1928 |
140 | 9 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1928-1931 |
140 | 10 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1928-1931 |
140 | 11 | Colorado Brand Book |
1938 |
140 | 12 | Colorado Brand Book |
1938 |
140 | 13 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1938-1942 |
140 | 14 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #1 |
1938-1942 |
140 | 15 | Colorado Brand Book, Supplement #2 |
1958-1959 |
140 | 16 | Idaho Brand Record Supplement |
1952 |
140 | 17 | The Kansas Brand Book |
1943 |
140 | 18 | The Kansas Brand Book |
1946 |
140 | 19 | Official Brand Book of the State of Nebraska |
1928 |
140 | 20 | Nebraska Brand Book |
1934 |
140 | 21 | Nebraska Brand Book |
1939 |
140 | 22 | Nebraska Brand Book |
1939 |
141 | 1 | Nebraska Brand Book Supplement #1 |
1939-1940 |
141 | 2 | Nebraska Brand Book Supplement #1 |
1939-1940 |
141 | 3 | Nebraska Brand Book Supplement #1 |
1939-1940 |
141 | 4 | Nebraska Brand Book Supplement |
1939-1941 |
141 | 5 | Nebraska Brand Book Supplement |
1944 |
141 | 6 | Nebraska Brand Book |
1948 |
141 | 7 | Nebraska Brand Book |
1953 |
141 | 8 | Nevada Brand Book Supplement |
1946-1949 |
141 | 9 | New Mexico Brand Book |
1934 |
141 | 10 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1937 |
141 | 11 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1937 |
141 | 12 | South Dakota Brand Book Supplement |
1940 |
141 | 13 | South Dakota Brand Book Supplement |
1940 |
141 | 14 | South Dakota Brand Book Supplement |
1940 |
141 | 15 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1943 |
141 | 16 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1943 |
142 | 1 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1950 |
142 | 2 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1950 |
142 | 3 | South Dakota Brand Book |
1966 |
142 | 4 | The Texas Stock Directory |
1865 |
142 | 5 | Utah Brand Book |
1932 |
142 | 6 | Utah Brand Book |
1934 |
142 | 7 | Official Brand Book, State of Utah |
1940-1941 |
142 | 8 | Utah Brand Book Supplement |
1952-1953 |
Subseries III.: Roundup Records |
Subsubseries I.: Roundups: Correspondence and Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
143 | 1 | 1875-1894 | |
143 | 2 | 1879-1951 | |
143 | 3 | 1881-1909 | |
143 | 4 | 1883-1887 | |
143 | 5 | Roundup Foremen's Bonds |
1884 |
143 | 6 | Roundup Foremen's Bonds |
1885 |
143 | 7 | Roundup Foremen's Bonds |
1886 |
143 | 8 | Roundup Foremen's Bonds |
1887 |
Subsubseries II.: Maverick Books |
Spring 1884 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
144 | 1 | District 3, E.M. Tucker, Foreman; Thomas Mcshane, Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 2 | District 4, T. J. Snow, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 3 | District 17, Henry G. Williams, Foreman; Charles Carter,
Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 4 | District 18, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 5 | District 18, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman; P. Dufran,
Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 6 | District 18, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman; P. Dufran Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 7 | District 19, H. C. Covington, Foreman; J. Greub, Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 8 | District 20, Peter Mccolloch, Foreman; John Gleaver,
Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 9 | District 20, Peter Mccolloch, Foreman; John Gleaver,
Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 10 | District 21, Thomas J. Turner, Foreman; John Gatlin,
Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 11 | District 22, Jules Lamoreaux, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 12 | District 23, David H. Reynolds, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 13 | District 24, George R. Colwell, Foreman; J. Price, Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 14 | District 25, Frank Kelly Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 15 | District 25, John F. Wilcox, Foreman; Frank Kelly, Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 16 | District 26, W. H. Weaver, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 17 | District 29, J. D. Alford, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 18 | District 30, W. H. Wyman, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 19 | District 32, A. W. Smith, Foreman |
1884 |
Subsubseries III.: Maverick Books |
Fall 1884 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
144 | 20 | District 1, James T. Preston, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 21 | District 3, Edward M. Tucker, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 22 | District 4, H. V. Beeson, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 23 | District 5, James C. Shaw, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 24 | District 13, W. H. Wyman, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 25 | District 14, Thomas Traweek, Foreman; J. H. Ford, Assistant |
1884 |
144 | 26 | District 15, Lee Moore, Foreman |
1884 |
144 | 27 | District 17, H. G. Williams, Foreman; Charles Carter,
Assistant |
1884 |
145 | 1 | District 18, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman |
1884 |
145 | 2 | District 19, H. C. Covington, Foreman |
1884 |
145 | 3 | District 20, John B. Gleaver, Assistant Foreman |
1884 |
145 | 4 | District 24, George R. Caldwell, Foreman; Jacob Price,
Assistant |
1884 |
Subsubseries IV.: Maverick Books |
Spring 1885 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
145 | 5 | District 2, Wm. H. Ashley, Foreman; S. J. Robb, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 6 | District 3, E. N. Tucker, Foreman; Chris Streaks, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 7 | District 4, J. M. Jester, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 8 | District 14, Chris Stortz, Foreman: Jos. Morris, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 9 | District 15, Thomas Traweek, Foreman; Jack Burdg, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 10 | District 18, Herbert Cupples, Foreman (Little Powder) |
1885 |
145 | 11 | District 18, A. B. Lane, Foreman (Belle Fourche) |
1885 |
145 | 12 | District 19, Lou Zane, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 13 | District 21, W. J. Clarke, Foreman; Clay Covington,
Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 14 | District 21, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman; F. H. Laberteaux,
Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 15 | District 22, A. L. Daggett, Foreman; J. B. Gleaver,
Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 16 | District 22, J. B. Gleaver, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 17 | District 25, John La Jeunesse, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 18 | District 26, George Vance, Foreman; Milo Burke, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 19 | District 27, Jacob Price Foreman; Angus Mcdonald, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 20 | District 27, Jacob Price, Foreman; Angus Mcdonald, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 21 | District 29, W. H. Weaver, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 22 | District 30, H. H. Bernard, Foreman; Sam Johnson, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 23 | District 32, J. D. Alford, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 24 | District 33, W. H. Wyman, Foreman; Byron Sessions, Assistant |
1885 |
145 | 25 | District 34, Charles Rader, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 26 | District 35, Z. Gillette, Foreman |
1885 |
145 | 27 | District 36, John Ellett, Foreman |
1885 |
Subsubseries V.: Maverick Books |
Fall 1885 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
146 | 1 | District 1, James Presto, Foreman; Wm. Booker, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 2 | District 3, E. M. Tucker, Foreman; Chris Streaks, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 3 | District 4, J. M. Jester, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 4 | District 15, Thomas Traweek, Foreman; Jack Burdg, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 5 | District 17, D. H. Andrews, Foreman; J. B. More, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 6 | District 18, A. B. Lane, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 7 | District 18, Herbert Cupples, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 8 | District 19, Lou Zane, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 9 | District 20, J. M. Cook, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 10 | District 21, C. W. Morgareidge, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 11 | District 22, A. L. Daggett, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 12 | District 22, J. B. Gleaver, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 13 | District 23, John C. Gatlin, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 14 | District 24, R. H. Hall, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 15 | District 24, Henry Farlow, Foreman; John Werlen, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 16 | District 26, George Vance, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 17 | District 27, Jacob Price, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 18 | District 27, John C. Gatlin, Assistant Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 19 | District 28, Ed Rochefort, Foreman; John Wilcox, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 20 | District 28, Ed Rochefort, Foreman; John Wilcox, Assistant |
1885 |
146 | 21 | District 30, H. H. Bernard, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 22 | District 33, W. H. Wyman, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 23 | District 34, George English, Foreman |
1885 |
146 | 24 | District Unknown, Wm. Ashley, Foreman; S. J. Robb, Assistant |
1885 |
Subsubseries VI.: Maverick Books |
Spring 1886 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
147 | 1 | District 3, Chris Streaks, Foreman; George Spendiff,
Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 2 | District 4, J. M. Jester, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 3 | District 5, Jas. C. Shaw, Foreman; R. Rhodes, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 4 | District 6, Wm. Hinens, Foreman; Alex Cox, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 5 | District 14, S. B. Coffee, Foreman; F. S. Lusk, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 6 | District 15, Jack Burdg, Foreman; W. A. Crawford, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 7 | District 16, F. S. Lusk, Foreman (John Evans Acted As Foreman); J. B.
Crawford, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 8 | District 16, J. B. Crawford, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 9 | District 17, Frank Merrill, Foreman; Lee Moore, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 10 | District 18, A. B. Lane, Foreman; Robert Russell, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 11 | District 19, H. G. Williams, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 12 | District 20, J.M. Cook, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 13 | District 21, F. H. Laberteaux, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 14 | District 22, J. B. Gleaver, Foreman; Peter Mccollough,
Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 15 | District 23, C. Rynaeson, Foreman; John C. Gatlin, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 16 | District 26, Tom Turner, Foreman; John F. Pierce, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 17 | District 26, (#2) Tom Turner, Foreman; John F. Pierce,
Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 18 | District 27, Jacob Price, Foreman; C. Avant, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 19 | District 28, J. F. Wilcox, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 20 | District 30, H. H. Barnard, Foreman; Sam Johnson, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 21 | District 32, J. D. Alford, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 22 | District 34, George English, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 23 | District 35, J. Gillette, Foreman |
1886 |
147 | 24 | District 36, J.E. Ellett, Foreman; A. W. Smith, Assistant |
1886 |
147 | 25 | District 38, George W. Wright, Foreman |
1886 |
Subsubseries VII.: Maverick Books |
Fall 1886 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
148 | 1 | District 1, WM Booker, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 2 | District 2, Wm H. Ashley, Foreman; S. J. Robb, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 3 | District 4, Q. T. Penick, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 4 | District 5, J. C. Shaw, Foreman; R. Rhodes, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 5 | District 14, S. B. Coffee, Foreman; F. S. Lusk, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 6 | District 16, J. B. Crawford, Foreman; John Kendrick,
Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 7 | District 16, F. S. Lusk, Foreman; J.B. Crawford, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 8 | District 18, A. B. Lane, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 9 | District 18, A. B. Lane, Foreman; Robert Russell, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 10 | District 21, F. H. Laberteaux, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 11 | District 22, J. B. Gleaver, Foreman; Peter Mccollough,
Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 12 | District 23, W. C. Rynaeson, Foreman; John C. Gatlin,
Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 13 | District 28, J. F. Wilcox, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 14 | District 29, W. H. Weaver, Foreman; Wilson Rankin, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 15 | District 30, H.H. Barnard, Foreman; Sam Johnson, Assistant |
1886 |
148 | 16 | District 32, J. D. Alford, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 17 | District 35, Z. Gillette, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 18 | District 36, J. D. Ellett, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 19 | District 38, George W. Wright, Foreman |
1886 |
148 | 20 | Secretary's Book for Sale of Mavericks |
1886 |
Subsubseries VIII.: Maverick Books |
Spring 1887 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
148 | 21 | District 3, Chris Streaks, Foreman; George Spenddiff,
Assistant |
1887 |
148 | 22 | District 4, A. S. Connolly, Foreman; Amos Spaugh, Assistant |
1887 |
148 | 23 | District 5, J. C. Shaw, Foreman |
1887 |
148 | 24 | District 15, Jas. B. Crawford, Foreman; C. E. Spaugh,
Assistant |
1887 |
148 | 25 | District 15, Jas. B. Crawford, Foreman; C. E. Spaugh,
Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 1 | District 17, A. B. Lane, Foreman; Robert Russell, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 2 | District 19, Henry G. Williams, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 3 | District 20, J. M. Cook, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 4 | District 20, J. M. Cook, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 5 | District 21, Frank Laberteaux, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 6 | District 23, John C. Gatlin, Foreman; Milo Burke, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 7 | District 23, John C. Gatlin, Foreman; Milo Burke, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 8 | District 26, Monroe Shindoll, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 9 | District 28, J. F. Wilcox, Foreman; E. L. Swazey, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 10 | District 29, W. H. Weaver, Foreman; Wilson Rankin, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 11 | District 29, W. H. Weaver, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 12 | District 33, Billy Carlis, Foreman (North); Byron Sessions, Foreman
(South) |
1887 |
149 | 13 | District 35, A. L. Alexander, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 14 | District 38, George W. Wright, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 15 | District 39, Craig Sollinger, Foreman; Joseph Cline,
Assistant |
1887 |
Subsubseries IX.: Maverick Books |
Fall 1887 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
149 | 16 | District 1, Wm. Booker, Foreman; D. Arnold, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 17 | District 6, Wm. Hines, Foreman; Alex Cox, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 18 | District 6, Wm. Hines, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 19 | District 17, Frank Merrill,Foreman; Lee Moore, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 20 | District 21, Frank Laberteaux |
1887 |
149 | 21 | District 22, John B. Gleaver, Foreman; John Dyer, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 22 | District 26, Monroe Shindoll, Foreman |
1887 |
149 | 23 | District 28, J. F. Wilcox, Foreman; E. L. Swazey, Assistant |
1887 |
149 | 24 | District Unknown, A. S. Connolly, Foreman; Amos Spaugh,
Assistant |
1887 |
Subsubseries X.: Maverick Books, Spring 1888 |
Box | Folder | ||
149 | 25 | District 36, Joe Black, Foreman; A. W. Smith, Assistant |
1887 |
150 | 1 | Maverick Book Directory |
1885-1888 |
Subsubseries XI.: Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale and Miscellaneous Roundup
Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
150 | 2 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups 1-19 |
1884 |
150 | 3 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups
20-32 |
1884 |
150 | 4 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups 1-20 |
1885 |
150 | 5 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups
21-38 |
1885 |
150 | 6 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups 1-21 |
1886 |
150 | 7 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups
22-37 |
1886 |
150 | 8 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups 1-21 |
1887 |
150 | 9 | Roundup Foremen's Bills of Sale for Mavericks--Roundups
22-39 |
1887 |
150 | 10 | Record Book Belonging to Charles Carter, Johnson Co.,
Wyoming |
1884-1887 |
150 | 11 | Record Book of Mike Shonsey |
1892 |
150 | 12 | Hide Inspection Certificate Book |
undated |
150 | 13 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1880-1882 |
150 | 14 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1883 |
150 | 15 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1884 |
150 | 16 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1885 |
150 | 17 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1886 |
150 | 18 | Inspector's Notices of Estrays |
1887-1889 |
Subseries IV.: Inspection and Shipping Records |
Subsubseries I.: Brand Inspector's Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
151 | 1 | 1896-1909 | |
151 | 2 | 1900-1931 | |
151 | 3 | 1902-1911 | |
151 | 4 | 1902-1911 | |
151 | 5 | 1911-1913 | |
151 | 6 | 1911-1919 | |
152 | 1 | 1912-1920 | |
152 | 2 | 1913-1921 | |
152 | 3 | 1914-1916 | |
152 | 4 | 1914-1917 | |
152 | 5 | 1917 | |
153 | 1 | 1917-1920 | |
153 | 2 | 1918-1920 | |
153 | 3 | 1884-1936 | |
Subsubseries II.: Miscellaneous Correspondence and Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
153 | 4 | 1891-1898 | |
153 | 5 | 1895-1936 | |
153 | 6 | Franklin, Stephen-Compensation Claim |
1925-1926 |
153 | 7 | Brand Inspectors-Articles |
1932-1942 |
153 | 8 | Minutes of Special Meeting Held at Scottsbluff (Nebraska) Relative to
Brand Inspection Services |
1936 |
153 | 9 | Brand Inspectors (Clippings) |
1949 |
153 | 10 | WSGA Rules and Regulations Governing Market Brand Inspection |
1956 |
153 | 11 | Brand Inspector's Tallies and Miscellaneous Documents |
1967-1978 |
Subsubseries III.: Inspection Agreements and Legal Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
154 | 1 | Quarantine Stock Yards Contracts, Leases, Correspondence and
Miscellaneous Documents |
1885-1889 |
154 | 2 | Inspection Agreements, Resolutions, and Correspondence |
1937-1956 |
154 | 3 | Inspection Agreements, Correspondence and Legal Documents |
1937-1966 |
154 | 4 | Inspection Agreements and Correspondence |
1939-1943 |
154 | 5 | Inspection Agreements and Correspondence |
1940-1943 |
Subsubseries IV.: Live Stock and Sanitary Board Rules and Reports |
Box | Folder | ||
155 | 1 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Rules Governing Sales Rings |
undated |
155 | 2 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 1 |
1964-1970 |
155 | 3 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 3 |
1964-1969 |
155 | 4 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 2 |
1964-1970 |
155 | 5 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 5 |
1966-1967 |
155 | 6 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 6 |
1967-1969 |
155 | 7 | Live Stock and Sanitary Board-Report on Examination of WSGA Brand
Inspectors, District 7 |
1968-1970 |
Subsubseries V.: Inspectors' Estray Record Books |
Box | Folder | ||
156 | 1 | WSGA Brand Inspector's Journal |
1926-1945 |
156 | 2 | WSGA Index to Estray Inspection-All Markets |
1931 |
156 | 3 | WSGA Index to Estray Inspection-Omaha |
1932-1933 |
156 | 4 | WSGA Estray Book-Omaha, Nebraska |
1933-1947 |
157 | 1 | Brand Inspector's Estray Journal |
1936-1946 |
157 | 2 | WSGA Index-Sales Rings |
1942-1943 |
157 | 3 | WSGA Index to Estray Inspections-Omaha |
1942-1943 |
157 | 4 | WSGA Index to Estray Inspections-Miscellaneous Markets |
1942-1958 |
157 | 5 | WSGA Estray Book |
1946-1953 |
157 | 6 | WSGA Index to Estray Inspections-Omaha, Nebraska |
1947-1961 |
Subsubseries VI.: Inspectors' Monthly Reports |
Box | Folder | ||
158 | 1 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports |
1886-1887 |
158 | 2 | WSGA Inspectors' Estray Lists |
1931-1955 |
158 | 3 | WSGA Monthly Inspection Record-All Markets |
1952-1953 |
158 | 4 | WSGA Monthly Inspection Record-All Markets |
1955-1956 |
158 | 5 | WSGA Inspectors' Estray Lists |
1956-1971 |
158 | 6 | WSGA Monthly Inspection Record |
1958-1959 |
158 | 7 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Belle Fourche, South Dakota |
1958-1967 |
158 | 8 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Gering, Nebraska |
1965-1972 |
159 | 1 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Billings, Montana (1 of 2) |
1965-1975 |
159 | 2 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Billings, Montana (2 of 2) |
1965-1975 |
159 | 3 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Edgemont, South Dakota |
1965-1975 |
159 | 4 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-St. Onge, South Dakota |
1965-1975 |
159 | 5 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Rapid City, South Dakota |
1965-1976 |
159 | 6 | WSGA Inspectors' Monthly Reports-Sturgis, South Dakota |
1965-1976 |
159 | 7 | WSGA Inspector's Monthly Reports-Miscellaneous Markets |
1976-1978 |
Subsubseries VII.: Inspectors' Annual Reports |
Box | Folder | ||
160 | 1 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Omaha |
1893-1933 |
160 | 2 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Chicago |
1895-1933 |
160 | 3 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Sioux City |
1899-1933 |
160 | 4 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Denver |
1900-1933 |
160 | 5 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Omaha for Nebraska and South
Dakota |
1901-1928 |
160 | 6 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-Grand Island, Kansas City, Ogden and
Miscellaneous Markets |
1902-1933 |
160 | 7 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-All Markets |
1934-1938 |
161 | 1 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports-All Markets |
1939-1941 |
161 | 2 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports |
1942-1944 |
161 | 3 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports |
1950-1951 |
161 | 4 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports |
1951-1952 |
161 | 5 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports |
1952-1953 |
161 | 6 | WSGA Inspectors' Annual Reports |
1953-1954 |
Subsubseries VIII.: Brand Inspectors' Reports of Shipment |
Box | Folder | ||
162 | 1 | Brand Inspectors' Reports for Laramie Co. and Miscellaneous
Articles |
1874-1942 |
162 | 2 | Brand Inspectors' Reports and Miscellaneous Correspondence |
1879-1939 |
162 | 3 | Brand Inspectors' Reports on Cattle |
1883-1886 |
162 | 4 | Brands and Inspection Reports on Horses, Estrays |
1886-1887 |
162 | 5 | Brand Inspectors' Reports of Shipment |
1896 |
162 | 6 | Brand Inspectors' Reports of Shipment |
1896 |
162 | 7 | Brand Inspectors' Reports of Shipment |
1896 |
162 | 8 | Brand Inspectors' Reports of Shipment |
1896-1897 |
162 | 9 | Report of Earl W. Carpenter, Inspector In Charge, Denver,
Co. |
1948-1949 |
Subsubseries IX.: Inspectors' Shipping Report Books |
Box | Folder | ||
163 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1879-1881 |
163 | 2 | Inspectors' Reports of Cattle Killed on Railroad |
1881 |
164 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1882-1883 |
164 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1882-1884 |
165 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1884 |
165 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1884-1885 |
166 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1885 |
166 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1885 |
167 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1885-1886 |
167 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1886 |
168 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1886 |
168 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1887 |
169 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1887-1888 |
169 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1888 |
170 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1888-1889 |
170 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1888-1891 |
171 | 1 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1888-1892 |
171 | 2 | Inspectors' Shipping Report Book |
1889-1900 |
Subseries V.: WSGA Brand Registry |
Box | Folder | ||
172 | 1 | Brand Registry-"A" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 2 | Brand Registry-"A" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 3 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 4 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 5 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 6 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
172 | 7 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 1 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 2 | Brand Registry-"B" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 3 | Brand Registry-"C" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 4 | Brand Registry-"C" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 5 | Brand Registry-"C" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 6 | Brand Registry-"C" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 7 | Brand Registry-"C" |
1936-1962 |
173 | 8 | Brand Registry-"D" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 1 | Brand Registry-"D" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 2 | Brand Registry-"D" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 3 | Brand Registry-"E" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 4 | Brand Registry-"E" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 5 | Brand Registry-"F" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 6 | Brand Registry-"F" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 7 | Brand Registry-"F" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 8 | Brand Registry-"G" |
1936-1962 |
174 | 9 | Brand Registry-"G" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 1 | Brand Registry-"G" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 2 | Brand Registry-"H" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 3 | Brand Registry-"H" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 4 | Brand Registry-"H" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 5 | Brand Registry-"H" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 6 | Brand Registry-"H" |
1936-1962 |
175 | 7 | Brand Registry-"I" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 1 | Brand Registry-"J" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 2 | Brand Registry-"J" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 3 | Brand Registry-"K" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 4 | Brand Registry-"K" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 5 | Brand Registry-"L" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 6 | Brand Registry-"L" |
1936-1962 |
176 | 7 | Brand Registry-"L" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 1 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 2 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 3 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 4 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 4 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 5 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 6 | Brand Registry-"M" |
1936-1962 |
177 | 7 | Brand Registry-"N" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 1 | Brand Registry-"O" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 2 | Brand Registry-"P" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 3 | Brand Registry-"P" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 4 | Brand Registry-"P" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 5 | Brand Registry-"Q" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 6 | Brand Registry-"R" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 7 | Brand Registry-"R" |
1936-1962 |
178 | 8 | Brand Registry-"R" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 1 | Brand Registry-"R" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 2 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 3 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 4 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 5 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 6 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 7 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
179 | 8 | Brand Registry-"S" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 1 | Brand Registry-"T" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 2 | Brand Registry-"T" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 3 | Brand Registry-"T" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 4 | Brand Registry-"U" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 5 | Brand Registry-"V" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 6 | Brand Registry-"W" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 7 | Brand Registry-"W" |
1936-1962 |
180 | 8 | Brand Registry-"W" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 1 | Brand Registry-"W" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 2 | Brand Registry-"W" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 3 | Brand Registry-"X" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 4 | Brand Registry-"Y" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 5 | Brand Registry-"Z" |
1936-1962 |
181 | 6 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
181 | 7 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
181 | 8 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
181 | 9 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
181 | 10 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
182 | 1 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
182 | 2 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
182 | 3 | Brand Registry-"MISC." |
1936-1962 |
Series V. Wyoming Cow-Belles' Records and Correspondence, 1882-1972Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Correspondence, photographs, banking records, scrapbooks and membership records which document the history and activities of the Wyoming Cow Belles.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Correspondence and Miscellaneous Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
183 | 1 | Sheridan Co. Cow-belles' Banquet Photographs |
undated |
183 | 2 | First Brand Book (Reproduction) |
1882 |
183 | 3 | Cow-Belles' Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1940-1949 |
183 | 4 | Cow-Belles' Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1940-1949 |
13 | 5 | History of the Sheridan Co. Cow-belles |
1940-1970 |
183 | 6 | Cow-Belles--News Articles |
1942-1941 |
183 | 7 | Wyoming Cow-Belles' Program |
1950 |
183 | 8 | Cow-Belles' Correspondence |
1950-1966 |
Subseries II.: Banking and Financial Records |
Box | Folder | ||
183 | 9 | Cow-Belles' Check Stubs |
1946-1970 |
184 | 1 | Cow-belles' Banking--Mrs. Joe Watt |
1946-1947 |
184 | 2 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Goldie Graham |
1947-1948 |
184 | 3 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Archie Sanford |
1948-1949 |
184 | 4 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Durward Jones |
1949-1950 |
184 | 5 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Ray Brown |
1950-1951 |
184 | 6 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. George Cross |
1951-1952 |
184 | 7 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Elizabeth Johnson |
1952-1953 |
184 | 8 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Don Jewett |
1953-1954 |
184 | 9 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. W. J. Brown |
1954-1955 |
184 | 10 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Inez Mill |
1955-1956 |
184 | 11 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Holly Hunt |
1956-1957 |
184 | 12 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Stan Sanford |
1957-1958 |
184 | 13 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Ardith Van Deburg |
1958-1959 |
184 | 14 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Elaine Barton |
1959-1960 |
184 | 15 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. Carl Jorgensen |
1960-1961 |
184 | 16 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Ruby Dover |
1961-1962 |
185 | 1 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Mrs. L. W. Jordan |
1962-1963 |
185 | 2 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Maxine Kellogg |
1963-1964 |
185 | 3 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Alma Pearson |
1964-1965 |
185 | 4 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Myra Holmes |
1965-1966 |
185 | 5 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Doris Floyd |
1966-1967 |
185 | 6 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Clara Miller |
1967-1968 |
185 | 7 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Nedalyn Wilhelm |
1968-1969 |
185 | 8 | Cow-Belles' Banking--Laural S. Kreuger |
1969-1970 |
Subseries III.: Membership Records |
Box | Folder | ||
186 | 1 | Cow-Belles' Membership Cards |
undated |
Subseries IV.: Scrapbooks and Miscellaneous Materials |
Box | Folder | ||
187 | 1 | Cow-Belles' Scrapbook |
1940-1960 |
187 | 2 | Cow-Belles' Treasurer's Book |
1940-1972 |
187 | 3 | Seventy Years Cow Country by Agnes Wright Spring, Donated to Cow-Belles by
Mrs. Dugald Whitaker |
1942 |
187 | 4 | Cow-Belles' Scrapbook |
1961-1965 |
Series VI. Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association, 1954-1973Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Constitution, minute books, membership records, financial records and reports which document the activities of the Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
188 | 1 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association Constitution |
undated |
188 | 2 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association-Minute Books, Reports, Membership
Lists, and Miscellaneous Documents |
1954-1972 |
188 | 3 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association Bank Statements |
1954-1973 |
188 | 4 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association Correspondence and Miscellaneous
Documents |
1955-1970 |
188 | 5 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association-Check and Receipt Books |
1955-1971 |
188 | 6 | Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association Membership Lists |
1967-1973 |
Series VII. WSGA Photographs, 1857-1981Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Miscellaneous Photographs |
Box | Folder | ||
189 | 1 | Awards |
undated |
189 | 2 | Brand Inspectors |
undated |
189 | 3 | Charles D. Carey, Chairman, Executive Committee |
undated |
189 | 4 | Cattle, Bulls, Calves, Horses |
undated |
189 | 5 | Commercial and Historic Structures |
undated |
189 | 6 | Conventions and Meetings (People Identified) |
undated |
189 | 7 | Dr. G. H. Good, State Veterinarian |
undated |
189 | 8 | undated | |
189 | 9 | Governor Ed Herschler |
undated |
189 | 10 | Thomas Hunter, Attorney |
undated |
189 | 11 | Landscapes and Miscellaneous Photographs |
undated |
189 | 12 | WSGA Members and Others (Allen-Butler) |
undated |
189 | 13 | WSGA Members and Others (Campbell- Guymon) |
undated |
189 | 14 | WSGA Members and Others (Hamilton-Long) |
undated |
189 | 15 | WSGA Members and Others (Mactier-0'Mahoney |
undated |
189 | 16 | WSGA Members and Others (Palmer-Swan) |
undated |
189 | 17 | WSGA Members and Others (Taggart-Yose) |
undated |
189 | 18 | Miscellaneous Photographs |
undated |
190 | 1 | W. E. Mullen, Attorney |
undated |
190 | 2 | Parade Floats |
undated |
190 | 3 | Dr. D. H. Port, State Veterinarian, 1927-1944 |
undated |
190 | 4 | Prizes and Promotional Items |
undated |
190 | 5 | Promotional, Cartoons |
undated |
190 | 6 | Dean Prosser, WSGA President |
undated |
190 | 7 | Ranch Life, Ranch Scenery and Wyoming Scenery |
undated |
190 | 8 | E. V. Robertson |
undated |
190 | 9 | Seaport Meat Packing Tour |
undated |
190 | 10 | Standing Groups |
undated |
190 | 11 | Hugh Stemler, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1953-1955 |
undated |
190 | 12 | Stock Growing Industry (1 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 13 | Stock Growing Industry (2 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 14 | Stock Growing Industry (3 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 15 | Joseph Sullivan, Attorney |
undated |
190 | 16 | Unidentified People |
undated |
190 | 17 | Unidentified Men (1 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 18 | Unidentified Men (2 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 19 | Unidentified Men (3 of 3) |
undated |
190 | 20 | Unidentified Women |
undated |
190 | 21 | Justice Willis Van Devanter, Attorney |
undated |
190 | 22 | Workshops and Events |
undated |
190 | 23 | WSGA Banquets and Activities (1 of 2) |
undated |
191 | 1 | WSGA Banquets and Activities (2 of 2) |
undated |
191 | 2 | WSGA Beef Pot at State Fair |
undated |
191 | 3 | WSGA Beef Promotion Exhibit |
undated |
191 | 4 | WSGA Conventions (1 of 3) |
undated |
191 | 5 | WSGA Conventions (2 of 3) |
undated |
191 | 6 | WSGA Conventions (3 of 3) |
undated |
191 | 7 | Cow-Belles |
undated |
191 | 8 | Youth Awards |
undated |
191 | 9 | Portraits of Officers and Executive Members |
1857-1947 |
191 | 10 | Members and Others |
1884-ca.1970 |
191 | 11 | Conventions, Personalities |
1938-1952 |
191 | 12 | Fred E. Warren, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1935-1945 |
1942 |
191 | 13 | 1953-1955 | |
191 | 14 | Conventions, Personalities, Future Farmers of America |
1953-1955 |
192 | 1 | Conventions, Personalities, Future Farmers of America |
1956-1959 |
192 | 2 | Cow-Belles |
1957-1987 |
192 | 3 | Conventions and Members-Miscellaneous Photographs |
ca. 1960 |
192 | 4 | Rawlins Convention, American Hereford Association |
1960 |
192 | 5 | Conventions, University of Wyoming Stock Growers Room, Future Farmers of
America |
1960-1963 |
192 | 6 | Convention, American Hereford Association, Future Farmers of
America |
1964-1965 |
192 | 7 | Convention Photographs and Miscellaneous Papers |
1965 |
192 | 8 | Wyoming State Fairs and 4-H |
1965-1966 |
192 | 9 | Convention Photographs |
1967 |
192 | 10 | Rawlins Convention, National Western Stock Show, Field Day at Flitner
Ranch |
1967-1971 |
192 | 11 | Rawlins Convention, Field Day at Flitner Ranch |
1967-1971 |
192 | 12 | Convention Photographs (1 of 2) |
ca. 1969 |
193 | 1 | Convention Photographs (2 of 2) |
ca. 1969 |
193 | 2 | Frontier Parade (Cross Photos) |
1972 |
193 | 3 | WSGA Centennial Year (1 of 3) |
1972 |
193 | 4 | WSGA Centennial Year (2 of 3) |
1972 |
193 | 5 | WSGA Centennial Year (3 of 3) |
1972 |
193 | 6 | Conventions, Workshops, Future Farmers of America |
1973-1977 |
193 | 7 | U. S. Bicentennial |
1976 |
193 | 8 | Wyoming Tour, Conventions |
1978-1981 |
193 | 9 | Wyoming Tour, Conventions, Future Farmers of America |
1978-1981 |
193 | 10 | Conventions |
1982-1985 |
Subseries II.: Oversize Photographs |
Box | Folder | ||
194 | 1 | Durant Fire Company |
1886 |
194 | 2 | Johnson County Invaders |
1892 |
194 | 3 | Ft. Steele-Encampment Stage Line |
1903 |
194 | 4 | "Nine Wolves with One Shot", Tom Dodge and Mother Wolf Killed on 96 Ranch,
Albany County |
1908 |
194 | 5 | Prize Steer Owned by Bannatyne Bros., Collins, Montana |
1909 |
194 | 6 | President Theodore Roosevelt and Party of Wyoming Dignitaries on Ride from
Laramie to Cheyenne |
1910 |
194 | 7 | Steers Owned by William Stevenson, Granite Canyon, Wyoming |
1916 |
194 | 8 | WSGA Executive Officers |
1942-1949 |
194 | 9 | Estrays Recovered by Inspector Earl Carpenter at Denver, Co |
1947 |
Series VIII. Cheyenne Club Records, 1880-1947Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. By-laws, correspondence, membership records, supply orders, articles and financial records which document the establishment of the Cheyenne Club and the activities of it members.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Articles, By-laws and Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
195 | 1 | Correspondence (Transcribed) |
1880-1883 |
195 | 2 | Correspondence (Transcribed) |
1880-1883 |
195 | 3 | Articles and Correspondence |
1880-1936 |
195 | 4 | Correspondence |
1881-1892 |
195 | 5 | Correspondence, Supply Orders, Price Lists and Catalogs |
1881-1892 |
195 | 6 | By-Laws |
1888 |
195 | 7 | Correspondence |
1888-1892 |
195 | 8 | Miscellaneous Correspondence and Price Lists |
1888-1892 |
195 | 9 | Articles by Agnes Wright Spring |
1947 |
196 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Letterpress Book |
1880-1884 |
Subseries II.: Miscellaneous Records |
Box | Folder | ||
196 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Minute Book |
1880-1888 |
196 | 3 | Cheyenne Club Membership Roster |
1881-1897 |
196 | 4 | Cheyenne Club Minute Book |
1890-1903 |
196 | 5 | Cheyenne Club Record Book |
1893-1902 |
197 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Members' Ledger |
1882-1884 |
197 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Members' Ledger |
1885-1886 |
198 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Visitors Register |
1886 |
Subseries III.: Financial Records |
Box | Folder | ||
198 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Cash Book |
1881-1887 |
199 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Cash Book |
1881-1887 |
199 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Cash Book |
1881-1893 |
200 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Cash Book |
1894-1903 |
200 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Cash Book |
1916-1920 |
201 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1881-1883 |
201 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1883-1884 |
202 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1884-1885 |
202 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1885-1886 |
203 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1886-1888 |
203 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1889-1893 |
204 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1893-1898 |
204 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Journal |
1907-1909 |
205 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Ledger |
1881-1883 |
205 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Ledger |
1883-1885 |
206 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Ledger |
1890-1895 |
207 | 1 | Cheyenne Club Ledger |
1902 |
207 | 2 | Cheyenne Club Ledger |
1903-1907 |
Series IX. Johnson County Invasion Records, 1891-1939Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Articles, correspondence and journals which document the causes and events of the 1892 cattlemen's invasion of Johnson County, Wyoming.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
208 | 1 | 1891-1945 | |
208 | 2 | 1892 | |
208 | 3 | 1892 | |
208 | 4 | 1892 | |
208 | 5 | 1892 | |
208 | 6 | 1892-1893 | |
208 | 7 | 1892-1922 | |
208 | 8 | Johnson Co. War-Papers of Charles Bingham Penrose and Thesis by Lois Van
Valkenburgh |
1892-1939 |
Series X. Thomas Sturgis Papers, 1881-1898Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. General correspondence regarding the business and personal affairs of Thomas Sturgis during and after his tenure as executive secretary of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association. A testimonial album presented to Thomas Sturgis by Association members in appreciation for his years of service is also included in this series. Transcripts of the correspondence from 1881 to 1883 is also available.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: General Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
209 | 1 | General Correspondence |
1881 |
209 | 2 | General Correspondence |
1882 |
209 | 3 | General Correspondence |
1883 |
209 | 4 | General Correspondence |
1884 |
209 | 5 | General Correspondence |
1885 |
209 | 6 | General Correspondence |
1886 |
209 | 7 | General Correspondence |
1887 |
209 | 8 | General Correspondence |
1888 |
209 | 9 | General Correspondence |
1889 |
209 | 10 | General Correspondence |
1896-1897 |
209 | 11 | General Correspondence |
1897-1898 |
209 | 12-13 | General Correspondence -- Transcripts |
1881-1883 |
Subseries II.: Miscellaneous Artifacts |
Box | Folder | ||
210 | 1 | Testimonial Album |
1876-1885 |
Series XI. Russell Thorp Papers, 1860-1968Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Photographs, personal papers, correspondence, speeches, articles, historical research files, certificates, scrapbooks, record books and artifacts which document Russell Thorp's family history and career as Wyoming Stock Growers Association Executive Secretary and Chief Inspector.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Personal Papers and Photographs |
Box | Folder | ||
211 | 1 | Miscellaneous Photographs |
1860-1954 |
211 | 2 | Miscellaneous Personal Papers and Articles |
1865-1963 |
211 | 3 | Personal and Family Papers |
1867-1965 |
211 | 4 | Family Photographs |
1895-1960 |
211 | 5 | Photograph of Anna Yost |
1897 |
211 | 6 | Family Portraits and Miscellaneous Photographs |
1897-1960 |
211 | 7 | Correspondence and Personal Papers |
1897-1960 |
Subseries II.: General Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
212 | 1 | General Correspondence |
undated |
212 | 2 | General Correspondence |
1878 |
212 | 3 | Correspondence Re: Johnson Co. War |
1892 |
212 | 4 | General Correspondence |
1915 |
212 | 5 | General Correspondence |
1932-1938 |
212 | 6 | General Correspondence |
1940-1948 |
212 | 7 | General Correspondence |
1942-1972 |
212 | 8 | General Correspondence |
1949 |
212 | 9 | General Correspondence |
1950 |
212 | 10 | General Correspondence |
1951 |
212 | 11 | General Correspondence |
1952-1959 |
212 | 12 | General Correspondence |
1960-1964 |
Subseries III.: Miscellaneous Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
213 | 1 | Correspondence and Legal Documents Re: Cattle Industry |
1912-1960 |
213 | 2 | Correspondence Russell Thorp to Elmer J. Brock |
1933-1949 |
213 | 3 | Correspondence Re: F. W. Lefrentz and Swan Land and Cattle
Company |
1942-1946 |
213 | 4 | Correspondence Re: Harry (Rosey) Card |
1947 |
213 | 5 | Correspondence Re: Texas Trail Monument |
1948 |
213 | 6 | Correspondence Re: Pony Express Monument |
1948 |
213 | 7 | Correspondence Re: Johnson Co. War |
1948-1954 |
213 | 8 | Correspondence: Russell Thorp to Dick J. Nelson |
1949 |
213 | 9 | Correspondence Re: Brands and Cattle Industry |
1958 |
Subseries IV.: Speeches and Addresses |
Box | Folder | ||
213 | 10 | Speeches and Addresses |
1899-1957 |
213 | 11 | Speeches and Addresses |
1931-1961 |
213 | 12 | Speeches |
1940-1958 |
213 | 13 | Speeches and Addresses |
1940-1962 |
213 | 14 | Addresses Before Historical Societies |
1942-1962 |
213 | 15 | Presentation of WSGA Archives to University of Wyoming (Articles,
Proceedings, Correspondence) |
1944-1945 |
213 | 16 | American Pioneer Trails Association |
1945-1951 |
Subseries V.: Historical Research and Subject Files |
Box | Folder | ||
214 | 1 | A Condensed Story of the Black Hills Stage and Express |
undated |
214 | 2 | Brands and Branding |
undated |
214 | 3 | The Greatest Livestock Movement of all Time |
undated |
214 | 4 | Poetry |
undated |
214 | 5 | The Range Lands of Wyoming |
undated |
214 | 6 | Raw Hide Buttes |
undated |
214 | 7 | "Sheridan Pioneer Recalls How Justice was Meted Out Here When Town was
Young" |
undated |
214 | 8 | Wicked Past of Lusk, Wyoming Revealed Through Ancient Clippings Read by
Thorp |
undated |
214 | 9 | Meetings |
1883-1859 |
214 | 10 | Ranchmen |
1886 |
214 | 11 | Texas Experience |
1900 |
214 | 12 | If You Don't Pray Before You Eat, You Won't Steal |
1904 |
214 | 13 | Miscellaneous |
1912-1962 |
214 | 14 | Cost Figures for Running Cattle In Montana and Wyoming |
1920-1923 |
214 | 15 | Origin of the American National Live Stock Association and the U. S. Bureau
of Animal Husbandry |
1938 |
214 | 16 | News Clippings |
1938-1973 |
214 | 17 | Photograph of Cheyenne Indians |
1942 |
214 | 18 | Tape Worms in the Body Politic |
1942 |
214 | 19 | Hell Bent for--Where? |
1943 |
214 | 20 | What Price Past Glory? |
1943 |
214 | 21 | Will Planning Take the Place of Free Enterprise? |
1943 |
214 | 22 | Magazines |
1944-1966 |
214 | 23 | Dead Man's Trail |
1945 |
214 | 24 | "Regulations Under the Packers and Stockyards Act as Amended"-USDA War Food
Administration |
1945 |
214 | 25 | Raw Hide Buttes, Running Water and Hat Creek |
1948 |
214 | 26 | Resolution Adopted at the Sixtieth Annual Convention of the American
National Cattlemen's Association |
1957 |
214 | 27 | The Horse |
1959 |
214 | 28 | Inflation |
1959 |
214 | 29 | Journal |
1960 |
Subseries VI.: Certificates, Scrapbooks, and Miscellaneous Record Books |
Box | Folder | ||
215 | 1 | Cheyenne-Black Hills Stage Scrapbook |
1868-1960 |
215 | 2 | Marriage Certificate of Russell Thorp and Josie C. Brooks; Certificate to
Practice Law Issued to A. H. Vosburgh by Supreme Court of Colorado; Miscellaneous
Certificates Belonging to Russell Thorp |
1874 |
215 | 3 | Russell Thorp Family Scrapbook |
1898-1941 |
215 | 4 | Russell Thorp Scouting Diary-Dubois, WY to Jackson's Hole, WY |
1906 |
215 | 5 | Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star |
1921 |
215 | 6 | Traveler's Expense Book |
1930 |
215 | 7 | Memorial Record Book for Russell Brooks Thorp |
1968 |
Series XII. American National Cattlemen's Association Records, 1905-1974Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Pamphlets, by-laws, resolutions, addresses, reports, programs, proceedings, and a commemorative album which document the activities of the American
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Miscellaneous Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
216 | 1 | Amended Constitution and By-Laws of the National Live Stock Association of
the United States |
1905 |
216 | 2 | Pamphlet: Legislation Needed by Live Stock Industry |
1905 |
216 | 3 | Resolutions Adopted at Annual Conventions of American Live Stock
Association |
1909-1922 |
216 | 4 | Address By H. A. Jastro, President, American National Live Stock
Association |
1914 |
216 | 5 | Pamphlet: "Some Features of Concentration: (an Address by E. L. Burke at
17th Annual Convention of American National Live Stock Association |
1914 |
216 | 6 | Pamphlet: "Marketing Live Stock" |
1916 |
216 | 7 | Pamphlet: "Marketing Live Stock" |
1917 |
216 | 8 | Pamphlet: "A Live Stock Policy for Washington", an Address by Mr. A. E.
Ricqles |
1918 |
216 | 9 | Report of Market Committee of the American National Live Stock
Association |
1918 |
216 | 10 | Programs of American National Live Stock Association Annual
Conventions |
1918-1919 |
216 | 11 | Addresses by the Honorable John B. Kendrick |
1918-1920 |
216 | 12 | Resolutions Adopted at the Annual Conventions of the American Live Stock
Association |
1923-1933 |
216 | 13 | Pamphlet: the American National Live Stock Association |
1931 |
216 | 14 | Resolutions Adopted at the Live Stock Conference Held at Denver,
Colorado |
1933 |
216 | 15 | Article: "Origin of the American National Live Stock Association and the
United States Bureau of Animal Industry" by Russell Thorp |
1938 |
Subseries II.: American National Cattlemen's Association Proceedings |
Box | Folder | ||
217 | 1 | Proceedings |
1899 |
217 | 2 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1899 |
217 | 3 | Proceedings |
1900 |
217 | 4 | Proceedings |
1901 |
217 | 5 | Proceedings |
1902 |
217 | 6 | Proceedings |
1903 |
217 | 7 | Proceedings |
1905 |
217 | 8 | Proceedings |
1906 |
217 | 9 | Proceedings |
1907 |
217 | 10 | Proceedings |
1908 |
217 | 11 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1908 |
217 | 12 | Proceedings |
1909 |
217 | 13 | Proceedings |
1914 |
217 | 14 | Proceedings |
1915 |
217 | 15 | Proceedings |
1916 |
217 | 16 | Proceedings |
1917 |
217 | 17 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1917 |
217 | 18 | Proceedings |
1919 |
218 | 1 | Proceedings |
1920 |
218 | 2 | Proceedings |
1921 |
218 | 3 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1921 |
218 | 4 | Proceedings |
1922 |
218 | 5 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1922 |
218 | 6 | Proceedings |
1923 |
218 | 7 | Proceedings |
1924 |
218 | 8 | Proceedings |
Proceedings |
218 | 9 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1925 |
218 | 10 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1925 |
218 | 11 | Proceedings |
1926 |
218 | 12 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1926 |
218 | 13 | Proceedings |
1927 |
218 | 14 | Proceedings |
1928 |
218 | 15 | Proceedings |
1929 |
218 | 16 | Proceedings |
1930 |
218 | 17 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1930 |
218 | 18 | Proceedings |
1931 |
218 | 19 | Proceedings (Duplicate) |
1931 |
Subseries III.: Commemorative Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
219 | 1 | Commemorative Album Presented to the American National Cattlemen's
Association by Ralston Purina Company |
1974 |
Series XIII. Miscellaneous Documents, 1868-1987Return to Top
Subseries I subject files are arranged alphabetically in subsubseries by topic and chronologically within each topical division. Material in other subseries is arranged chronologically. Subject files, articles, news clippings, booklets, manuscripts, pamphlets, scrapbooks, prints, artifacts and an audio tape which document topics and events of interest and significance to the live stock industry and the history of Wyoming and the West.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Subject Files |
Subsubseries I.: Blacklists |
Box | Folder | ||
220 | 1 | WSGA Blacklist |
1885 |
220 | 2 | Blacklist Petitions for Reinstatement from W. M. Nichols, Frank Gore, and
C. H. Young |
1885 |
Subsubseries II.: Blizzards |
Box | Folder | ||
220 | 3 | Blizzard of '49-Newspaper Clippings |
1949 |
220 | 4 | Blizzard of '49-Photographs |
1949 |
220 | 5 | Blizzard of '49-Wyoming Emergency Relief Board-Miscellaneous
Documents |
1949 |
220 | 6 | Blizzard of '49-Wyoming's "Operation Snowbound" Report (Original
Data) |
1949 |
220 | 7 | Report of Wyoming's "Operation Snowbound" |
1949 |
220 | 8 | Blizzard of '49-Pamphlet: "The Winter of 1948-49 in the Great
Plains" |
1950 |
Subsubseries III.: Cattle Industry |
Box | Folder | ||
220 | 9 | Article: "Control Losses from Poisonous Plants", by O. A.
Beath |
undated |
220 | 10 | Live Stock News-Cheyenne Leader Articles |
1868-1869 |
220 | 11 | Live Stock News -Cheyenne Sun Articles |
1877-1880 |
220 | 12 | Live Stock News-Cheyenne Daily Leader Articles |
1881 |
220 | 13 | Live Stock News-Cheyenne Daily Leader Articles |
1882 |
221 | 1 | Live Stock News-Cheyenne Democratic Leader Articles |
1884-1887 |
221 | 2 | Live Stock News-Cheyenne Sun Articles |
1888-1889 |
221 | 3 | Catalogs and Articles on Cattle |
1900-1949 |
221 | 4 | Article: "Historical Writer Insists Columbus Brought First Cattle on his
Second Voyage in 1493" |
1940 |
221 | 5 | Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Livestock Grazing On National
Resource Lands |
1974 |
Subsubseries IV.: Cattle Trails |
Box | Folder | ||
221 | 6 | Cattle Trails (Articles, Correspondence and Photographs) |
1864-1969 |
221 | 7 | Texas Trail and Texas Monument- Articles, Correspondence and
Photographs |
1876-1948 |
221 | 8 | Oregon Stock Trail-Articles and Correspondence |
1879-1948 |
221 | 9 | Bozeman Trail-Articles |
1937 |
221 | 10/ | Chisholm Trail-Articles and Correspondence |
1939-1941 |
Subsubseries V.: Cowboys |
Box | Folder | ||
221 | 11 | Cowboy Equipment-Correspondence, Articles and Brochures |
1898-1939 |
221 | 12 | Cowboys-Poetry and Music |
1933-1943 |
221 | 13 | Cowboys-Short Stories by G. E. Lemmon |
1934 |
221 | 14 | The Cowboy: his Contribution to Our American Heritage |
1978 |
Subsubseries VI.: Droughts |
Box | Folder | ||
222 | 1 | Report: "The 1934 Drought Relief Sheep and Goat Purchase Program" by
Harry Petrie, Chief Cattle and Sheep Section |
1934 |
222 | 2 | Report: "Cattle Purchases by Agricultural Adjustment Administration from
Drought Areas June 1934 to February 1935: by Harry Petrie, Chief Cattle and Sheep
Section |
1935 |
222 | 3 | Wyoming Drought-Correspondence |
1952-1953 |
Subsubseries VII.: Stock Detectives and Inspectors |
Box | Folder | ||
222 | 4 | Turtle's Detective Agency |
1883 |
222 | 5 | Detective Reports |
1883-1935 |
222 | 6 | Detectives-Miscellaneous Articles |
1887-1945 |
222 | 7 | "A Fight In the Hole-in-the-Wall" as Told by Joe Lefors to Agnes Wright
Spring |
1897-1949 |
Subsubseries VIII.: Forts |
Box | Folder | ||
222 | 8 | Brief Histories of Forts Laramie, Bridger, and F. E. Warren |
1928-1938 |
222 | 9 | Forts-Articles |
1937-1946 |
Subsubseries IX.: Miscellaneous Historical Material |
Box | Folder | ||
222 | 10 | WSGA Brand History |
undated |
222 | 11 | Cheyenne, Wyoming |
undated |
222 | 12 | "The Jersey Lilly" |
undated |
222 | 13 | Trailblazers of Trade and Transportation: Capt. Wm. Benning" |
undated |
223 | 1 | Indians |
1883-1948 |
223 | 2 | Information Re: Painting Presented to Thomas Sturgis by Cattlemen,
October 15, 1884 |
1884-1942 |
223 | 3 | Address by Thomas Sturgis |
1885 |
223 | 4 | Miscellaneous Booklets and Menus |
1885-1950 |
223 | 5 | The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine |
1888 |
223 | 6 | Constitution and by-Laws of the Albany Co. Cattle and Horse Growers
Association |
1910 |
223 | 7 | Pamphlets: "Lawyer, Pioneer, Lecturer, Author-Judge V. H. Stone" and "a
Few Hobbies" by Judge V. H. Stone |
ca. 1926 |
223 | 8 | WSGA Members-Miscellaneous Articles |
1931-1946 |
223 | 9 | Obituaries for WSGA Members |
1936-1946 |
223 | 10 | WSGA Miscellaneous Historical Articles |
1937-1951 |
223 | 11 | Lynching of Diamond L. Slim, 1903-Clipping |
1939 |
223 | 12 | Names and Language Used in the Cattle Industry |
1939 |
223 | 13 | News Clippings-Miscellaneous Topics |
1939-1946 |
223 | 14 | Casement, Don-Speech on the Quarter Horse, Correspondence,
Photograph |
1941 |
223 | 15 | Seventy Years-A Panoramic History of the Wyoming Stock Growers
Association by Agnes Wright Spring |
1942 |
223 | 16 | Railroad Maps and Advertisements |
1943 |
223 | 17 | Presentation of WSGA Rare Archives to University of
Wyoming-Clipping |
1944 |
223 | 18 | Father Desmet Monument-Vandalism Report |
1948 |
223 | 19 | "Round-up of Historical Mavericks" |
1948-1949 |
223 | 20 | "The Two Bar Round-Up and its Famous Round-Up Cook" by George
MacDougall |
1957 |
223 | 21 | 90 Years Cow Country by Kathryn Gress |
1963 |
223 | 22 | Moreton Frewen House-Correspondence, Floor Plan and
Photographs |
1974 |
223 | 23 | Meier, Curtis-Obituary |
1982 |
Subsubseries X.: Live Stock Diseases and Stock Raising |
Box | Folder | ||
224 | 1 | Live Stock Diseases and Stock Raising |
1881-1885 |
224 | 2 | Live Stock Diseases-Pamphlets and Reports |
1885-1894 |
224 | 3 | Live Stock Diseases |
1885-1947 |
224 | 4 | Live Stock Diseases-Pamphlets and Reports |
1901-1939 |
224 | 5 | Modern Beef Cattle Breeding and Ranching Methods |
ca. 1947 |
224 | 6 | Wyoming "Cow Country" Feeder Directory |
1969 |
Subsubseries XI.: Live Stock Industry History |
Box | Folder | ||
224 | 7 | Live Stock Industry History-Miscellaneous Articles |
1875-1942 |
224 | 8 | Live Stock Industry-Booklets and Reports |
1884-1942 |
225 | 1 | "History of the Wyoming Cattle Industry" by Gertrude
Knollenberg |
1938 |
225 | 2 | Live Stock Production-Miscellaneous Documents |
1939-1946 |
225 | 3 | Live Stock Industry Clippings |
1941-1944 |
225 | 4 | Montana Stock Grower |
1984 |
225 | 5 | Miscellaneous News Clippings |
1986-1987 |
Subsubseries XII.: Pioneers |
Box | Folder | ||
225 | 6 | Cummings, David Charles-Pioneer |
1856-1934 |
225 | 7 | WSGA Members and Pioneers-Articles and Correspondence |
1964-1946 |
225 | 8 | Parker, Henry-Wagon Master-Miscellaneous Orders and
Correspondence |
1868-1942 |
225 | 9 | Oldtimers-Articles and Correspondence |
1878-1953 |
225 | 10 | Van Tassell, Louise Swan-Autograph Books (2); Marriage Certificate and
Miscellaneous Correspondence |
1880-1942 |
225 | 11 | Spaugh, A. A.-Correspondence, Biography and Miscellaneous
Documents |
1882-1943 |
225 | 12 | Swan, Edward |
1884-1943 |
225 | 13 | Durbin, John H. and Thomas, F.-Pioneers-Correspondence; State Round-up
Districts 1904 |
1885-1941 |
225 | 14 | Barrow, M. C. |
1887 |
226 | 1 | Shaw, James C. |
1887-1943 |
226 | 2 | Nichols, Guy H.; Swan, Wyoming Merchant-Cash Book and
Correspondence |
1888-1942 |
226 | 3 | Coble, John C. |
1890 |
226 | 4 | Story, Nelson |
1891-1945 |
226 | 5 | Faddis, Robert M. |
1893-1930 |
226 | 6 | Whitcomb, E. W. |
1894-1940 |
226 | 7 | Spear, Willis |
1899-1937 |
226 | 8 | Pickett, William D.-Pamphlet |
1904 |
226 | 9 | Walters, C. N. |
1907 |
226 | 10 | Kendrick, John B. |
1911-1934 |
223 | 11 | Condict, Winthrop |
1911-1935 |
226 | 12 | Geddes, Fred W. |
1913-1935 |
226 | 13 | Pioneer Association-List of Pioneers Attending First Meeting at Wyoming
State Fair, 1914 |
1914-1940 |
226 | 14 | Atkinson, Jesse L. |
1922 |
226 | 15 | Hunton, John |
1922 |
226 | 16 | Mcgee, T. H. |
1922 |
226 | 17 | Cody, Wm. F. |
1924 |
226 | 18 | Reel, A. H. and Mitchell, George |
1925-1938 |
226 | 19 | Hesse, Fred G. S.-Article |
1929 |
226 | 20 | Hesse, Fred G. S. |
1929-1934 |
226 | 21 | Clay, John-Miscellaneous Articles |
1929-1936 |
226 | 22 | Cross, George H. |
1933 |
226 | 23 | Brooks, B. B. |
1934-1939 |
226 | 24 | Lemmon, G. E.-stories |
1934-1945 |
226 | 25 | Stringer, Sam |
1935-1936 |
226 | 26 | Shonsey, Mike G. |
1937-1939 |
226 | 27 | Palmer, Walter |
1938 |
226 | 28 | Rainsford, George D. |
1938 |
226 | 29 | Beckwith, Ashael C. and Quinn, A. V. |
1939 |
226 | 30 | Wilson, Thomas P. |
1939 |
227 | 1 | Casement, J. S. |
1939-1940 |
227 | 2 | Pioneers-Articles |
1939-1943 |
227 | 3 | Ricketts, Wm. P. |
1939-1944 |
227 | 4 | Pioneers-Article: "Camp Clarke Day is Pioneers Day" |
1941 |
227 | 5 | Thorp, Russell SR. |
1943-1947 |
227 | 6 | Story, Nelson |
1945 |
227 | 7 | American Pioneer Trails Assn. |
1945-1946 |
227 | 8 | Kohrs, Conrad |
1948 |
227 | 9 | Myers, Charles Albert and John |
1948 |
227 | 10 | Pioneers |
1948 |
227 | 11 | Pioneer Cattlemen-Clippings |
1948 |
227 | 12 | Robertson, E. V.-Clipping |
1948 |
227 | 13 | Stevicks, Harry |
1948 |
227 | 14 | Wallis, Bert and Ollie-Article |
1948 |
227 | 15 | Whitaker, Dugald R. |
1948 |
227 | 16 | Benton, Frank |
1949 |
227 | 17 | Draper, Jake-Article |
1949 |
Subsubseries XIII.: Public Domain |
Box | Folder | ||
227 | 18 | Fencing |
1869-1941 |
227 | 19 | Grazing |
1875-1947 |
227 | 20 | Railroad Advertisements |
1877 |
227 | 21 | Public Domain-Miscellaneous Articles and Correspondence |
1879-1942 |
227 | 22 | Instructions Relative to Entries Under the Homestead, Pre-Emption and
Timber Culture Laws-General Land Office |
1883 |
227 | 23 | Cattle Ranges of the Southwest by H. L. Bentley (Pamphlet) |
1898 |
227 | 24 | Stockmen Should Study Both Sides of the Question by Joseph M. Carey
(Pamphlet) |
1908 |
227 | 25 | Administration and Use of Public Lands, Part 3-Senate Committee on Public
Lands Hearings |
1941 |
227 | 26 | Administration and Use of Public Lands, Part 4-Senate Committee on Public
Lands Hearings |
1941 |
227 | 27 | Administration and Use of Public Lands, Part 5-Senate Committee on Public
Lands Hearings |
1942 |
228 | 1 | Administration and Use of Public Lands, Part 6-Senate Committee on Public
Lands Hearings |
1943 |
228 | 2 | Public Lands |
1947-1953 |
228 | 3 | Report of Committee on Public Lands House of Representatives Report No.
2456 |
1948 |
228 | 4 | Public Domain-Clippings |
1948-1949 |
Subsubseries XIV.: Public Relations |
Box | Folder | ||
228 | 5 | Press Releases-Cheyenne Daily Leader |
1869-1979 |
228 | 6 | Press Releases-Cheyenne Daily Leader |
1880-1992 |
228 | 7 | Press Releases-Cheyenne Sun and Cheyenne Daily Leader |
1889-1891 |
228 | 8 | Press Releases-The Natrona Tribune |
1891-1893 |
228 | 9 | Public Relations Articles |
1945-1950 |
Subsubseries XV.: Ranches and Cattle Outfits |
Box | Folder | ||
229 | 1 | Ranches |
1875-1948 |
229 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings |
1877-1948 |
229 | 3 | Warren Livestock Co. |
1878 |
229 | 4 | Swan Land and Cattle Co. |
1879-1943 |
229 | 5 | Swan Land and Cattle Co. |
1879-1947 |
229 | 6 | Ranching-Miscellaneous Documents |
1883-1943 |
229 | 7 | Ione Land and Cattle Co.-Miscellaneous Documents |
1885-1888 |
229 | 8 | Douglas-Willan Sartoris Co. |
1885-1942 |
229 | 9 | Land Claims |
1886 |
229 | 10 | Sturgis, Thomas-Article: "The Western Ranchman and his
Mission" |
1886 |
229 | 11 | Article: "The Greatest Horse Race on Record" by Alan Gordon |
1908 |
229 | 12 | Ranches-Article: "The l-7 Ranches" |
1943 |
Subsubseries XVI.: Cattle Thieves and Outlaws |
Box | Folder | ||
229 | 13 | Thieves and Cattle Rustlers-Correspondence and Miscellaneous
Documents |
1878-1938 |
229 | 14 | Henderson, George B.-Expense Accounts and Correspondence |
1884-1887 |
229 | 15 | Thieves and Rustlers: Teton Jackson |
1885-1942 |
229 | 16 | Smith, James l. and Waite, W. E.-Correspondence Re: Hamlin Murder and
Bohannon Case |
1886 |
229 | 17 | Double Murder-S. Morris Waln and C. N. Strong |
1888-1936 |
229 | 18 | Outlaws |
1889-1946 |
229 | 19 | Thieves and Rustlers-News Clippings |
1895-1948 |
229 | 20 | Thievery and Holdups-Clippings |
1936-1942 |
Subsubseries XVII.: State of Wyoming |
Box | Folder | ||
230 | 1 | Evolution of the Great Seal of Wyoming |
undated |
230 | 2 | Wyoming-50th Anniversary of Statehood-Articles |
1875-1943 |
230 | 3 | Twenty-Sixth Session of the Legislative Assembly of Utah
Territory-Proceedings of Joint Session and Programme of Entertainment |
1884 |
230 | 4 | Report of the Governor of Wyoming to the Secretary of the
Interior |
1886 |
230 | 5 | Hopkins, Dr. J. D.-Special Report of the Territorial
Veterinarian |
1887 |
230 | 6 | Hopkins, James D.-Sixth Annual Report of the Territorial
Veterinarian |
1887 |
230 | 7 | Report of the Governor of Wyoming to the Secretary of the
Interior |
1887 |
230 | 8 | House Journal of Tenth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of
Wyoming |
1888 |
230 | 9 | 1889 | |
230 | 10 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1889 |
230 | 11 | Territorial Engineer-Second Annual Report |
1889 |
230 | 12 | Wyoming Resources To Homeseekers and Investors |
1889 |
x230 | 13 | Annual Report of the Territorial Geologist |
1890 |
230 | 14 | Carey, Hon. Joseph M.-Speech and Argument Re: Admission of Wyoming as a
State |
1890 |
230 | 15 | Rules of House of Representatives |
1890 |
230 | 16 | Act Providing for a Board of Livestock Commissioners |
1891 |
230 | 17 | Biennial Report of the Attorney General of Wyoming |
1891-1892 |
230 | 18 | State Treasurer-Annual Report |
1892 |
230 | 19 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1892 |
230 | 20 | Board of Live Stock Commissioners-Reports |
1892-1924 |
230 | 21 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1893 |
230 | 22 | Biennial Report of the Attorney General of Wyoming |
1893-1894 |
Box | Folder | ||
231 | 1 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1895 |
231 | 2 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1897 |
231 | 3 | State Auditor-Annual Report |
1898 |
231 | 4 | State Treasurer-Annual Report |
1894 |
231 | 5 | State of Wyoming-Booklet Re: State Resources |
1898 |
231 | 6 | Davis, B. F.-Biennial Report of the State Veterinarian |
1913-1914 |
231 | 7 | Proposed Bill-State Board of Live Stock Commissioners |
1918 |
231 | 8 | Live Stock Laws and Regulations of Wyoming |
1921 |
231 | 9 | Wyoming Stock Laws- Abstracts |
1926 |
231 | 10 | State Geologist-Circular No. 5 Re: Oil and Gas Production |
1929 |
231 | 11 | The Historical Landmark Commission of Wyoming-Biennial Reports |
1929-1945 |
231 | 12 | Cheyenne Frontier Days-Souvenir Booklet |
1930 |
231 | 13 | News Releases and Bulletins |
1930-1950 |
231 | 14 | "Economic Facts: Wyoming's Land Tax" by A. F. Vass |
1931 |
231 | 15 | Cheyenne Frontier Days-Souvenir Booklet |
1932 |
231 | 16 | Cheyenne Frontier Days-Souvenir Booklet |
1935 |
231 | 17 | Jeffers, W. M.-Testimonial |
1937 |
231 | 18 | Annals of Wyoming-July |
1940 |
231 | 19 | Annals of Wyoming-October |
1940 |
231 | 20 | The Wyoming Pioneer |
1940-1942 |
232 | 1 | Annals of Wyoming-April |
1941 |
232 | 2 | Annals of Wyoming-July |
1942 |
232 | 3 | Annals of Wyoming-October |
1942 |
232 | 4 | Annals of Wyoming-April |
1943 |
232 | 5 | Testimony Before the Forest Advisory Board for Medicine Bow
Forest |
1945 |
232 | 6 | Proposal-Cloud Peak Wilderness |
1974 |
Subsubseries XVIII.: Miscellaneous Articles |
Box | Folder | ||
232 | 7 | Miscellaneous Documents |
1931-1947 |
232 | 8 | National Affairs-Articles |
1935-1943 |
232 | 9 | National Affairs-Clippings |
1965-1941 |
232 | 10 | National Affairs-Clippings |
1936-1942 |
232 | 11 | Census of Manufactures: U. S. Dept. of Commerce |
1947 |
Subseries II.: Booklets, Manuscripts, and Pamphlets |
Box | Folder | ||
232 | 12 | Railroad Man's Magazine |
1918 |
232 | 13 | Rawhide Rawlins Stories by Charles M. Russell |
1921 |
232 | 14 | "Roosevelt in the Bunkhouse" by William Chapin Deming |
1926 |
232 | 15 | "The Frontier-A Magazine of the Northwest" |
1927 |
232 | 16 | "Cattle Trails of the Old West" by Col. Jack Potter |
1935 |
233 | 1 | "Molly Whiteface-the Tale of a Cow" by Bruce Mccolloch |
1935 |
233 | 2 | "Frontier and Midland" |
1938 |
233 | 3 | "Historic Phases of the Sheep Industry in Wyoming" by Col. Edwin N.
Wentworth |
1940 |
233 | 4 | "Pitching Horses and Panthers" by J. Frank Dobie |
1940 |
233 | 5 | Resolutions Adopted at the American National Live Stock Association
Conventions |
1940-1952 |
233 | 6 | Brock, J. Elmer-Diary of South American Journey |
1941 |
233 | 7 | "Eastward Sheep Drives From California and Oregon" by Edward N. Wentworth
and "Sheep Trailing from Oregon to Wyoming" by Hartman K. Evans |
1942 |
233 | 8 | Seventy Years by Agnes Wright Spring (Original Copy) |
1942 |
233 | 9 | "Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest" by J. Frank
Dobie |
1943 |
233 | 10 | "Welcome to Wyoming"-National Geographic Magazine, Also "Grass Makes
Wyoming Fat" |
1945 |
233 | 11 | "Do Rattlesnakes Swallow Their Young?" By J. Frank Dobie |
1946 |
233 | 12 | "The Fence Cutters" by Wayne Gard |
1947 |
233 | 13 | "Pioneering on the Cheyenne River" |
1947 |
233 | 14 | "Your New Meat Cookbook" By National Live Stock and Meat Board |
1947-1948 |
233 | 15 | Radioisotopes in National Trace Element Studies |
1948 |
233 | 16 | "The McIntyre Ranch-A Brief History" By William H. McIntyre |
1949 |
233 | 17 | "A Practical Guide on the Care of Small Animals for Medical
Research |
1949 |
234 | 1 | Cow Country Cavalcade By Maurice Frink (Original Manuscript) |
1954 |
234 | 2 | Manuscript: The Cattle Industry by Charles W. Towne and Edward N.
Wentworth, Pages 1-100 |
1955 |
234 | 3 | The Cattle Industry, Pages 101-200 |
1955 |
234 | 4 | The Cattle Industry, Pages 201-300 |
1955 |
234 | 5 | The Cattle Industry, Pages 301-400 |
1955 |
234 | 6 | The Cattle Industry, Pages 401-Index |
1955 |
234 | 7 | "The 1955 Old Time Ranch Tour" |
1955 |
234 | 8 | "Competition Between Cattle and Game on Elk Winter Range" |
1961 |
234 | 9 | Historic Trails Management Plan |
1984 |
234 | 10 | Report of Halibut Bycatch Work Group |
1992 |
Subseries III.: Scrapbooks, Prints and Miscellaneous Artifacts |
Box | Folder | ||
235 | 1 | Charles Russell Prints |
undated |
236 | 1 | Shipping Tags From Frewen Bros. General Merchandise, Powder River,
Wy |
undated |
236 | 2 | Testimonial Album to the Honorable Thomas Sturgis |
1884 |
236 | 3 | WSGA Scrapbook |
1937-1938 |
236 | 4 | The Pony Express: Stories of Pioneers and Old Trails |
1945 |
237 | 1 | WSGA Biographical/Subject Index, A-Q |
undated |
238 | 1 | WSGA Biographical/Subject Index, R-Z |
undated |
285 | 1 | Scrapbook |
1890-1895 |
285 | 2 | Scrapbook -- Transcripts |
1890-1895 |
286 | 1 | Scrapbook -- Amos Barber (Johnson County War) |
1892-1893 |
Folder | |||
1 | Three "Guardian of the Grasslands" Commemorative Decanters |
1972 | |
1 | Audio Tape: "The Future of the Range Cattle Business: by Dr. C. Wayne Cook,
Head Range Sciences, C.S.U. |
1974 |
Series XIV. Oversize Materials, 1870-1986Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Posters, certificates, maps, roundup lists, financial records, estray reports, articles, newspapers and scrapbooks pertaining to the livestock industry and the activities of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Cattle Industry Documents and Posters |
Box | Folder | ||
239 | 1 | Map: H. B. Kelly's Land Claims on Chugwater Creek, Laramie County, Wyoming
Territory |
undated |
239 | 2 | Brand Inspectors' Original Commissions |
1883-1889 |
239 | 3 | Copy of Telegram from Thomas Sturgis, WSGA Secretary, Reporting Horse Theft
from Snyder and Jones, Chugwater Ranchers |
1885 |
239 | 4 | Wsga Membership Certificate for National Cattle Growers of
America |
1885 |
239 | 5 | Posters (6): Golden Anniversary Celebration of the Famous Ow and "77"
Roundup of 1884 |
1934 |
239 | 6 | Posters (2): R. "Happy Jack" Allen for Sheriff |
ca. 1934 |
239 | 7 | WSGA Monthly Inspection Record-All Markets |
1952-1953 |
Subseries II.: Cattle Industry Articles |
Box | Folder | ||
240 | 1 | Article: "The Heraldry of the Plains" By J. Frank Dobie |
1930 |
240 | 2 | Article: "Big Nose George and the '41' Ranch" by Edward
Burnett |
1930 |
240 | 3 | Article: "The Hamburger Bonanza" by Alva Johnston |
1935 |
240 | 4 | Article: "The Last Frontier: The Biography of Ad Spaugh, Cowman" As Told to
Frazier Hunt |
1935 |
240 | 5 | Swan, Edward-Pony Express Courier |
1943-1944 |
240 | 6 | Article: "How to Live 70 Miles From Town" By Helena Huntington
Smith |
1944 |
240 | 7 | Article: "The Cow-Belles of Wyoming" By Katharine Best and Katharine
Hillyer |
1950 |
240 | 8 | Article: "Life Visits Some Oldtime Cowboys: Range Veterans Swap
Stories" |
1951 |
Newspapers | |||
Box | Folder | ||
241 | 1 | Omaha Tribune |
1870 |
241 | 2 | Evanston Daily Age |
1875 |
241 | 3 | Corinne Daily Reporter |
1878 |
241 | 4 | The Rowdy West |
1886 |
241 | 5 | The Edgemont Express |
1897 |
241 | 6 | The Newcastle News Journal |
1897 |
241 | 7 | World-Herald: "Omahans Who Catch Cattle Rustlers" |
1932 |
241 | 8 | Denver Daily Record Stockman: "Cheyenne Throbs as American National Meet
Opens" |
1938 |
241 | 9 | Wyoming State Tribune: "Canada Seeks U. S. Beef Market" |
1938 |
241 | 10 | Wyoming State Tribune: "Delegates Throng Cheyenne as Stock Convention
Opens" |
1938 |
241 | 11 | The Wyoming Eagle: "Stock Association Chief Raps Labor" |
1938 |
241 | 12 | Wyoming State Tribune: "Stockmen Resolve to Oppose Tariff Cuts and Increase
in Freight Rates" |
1938 |
241 | 13 | The Denver Post: Frontier Days Special. "Now Let 'Er Buck In
1950" |
1949 |
241 | 14 | Wyoming State Tribune: "Blizzard of '49" and "Operation
Haylift" |
1949 |
241 | 15 | Wyoming State Tribune and Wyoming Eagle: "Two Bar Among Great Ranches of
the West" |
1960 |
241 | 16 | The Lusk Herald: Diamond Jubilee Edition |
1961 |
Subseries IV.: Special Edition Newspapers |
Box | Folder | ||
242 | 1 | Sheridan Press: Official Program for Wyoming Stock Growers
Association |
1936 |
242 | 2 | The Wyoming Eagle: "Stockmen Hit Pleas to Lift Import
Barriers" |
1938 |
242 | 3 | News Letter Journal: Newcastle, Wyoming 50th Anniversary
Edition |
1939 |
242 | 4 | The Harrison (Nebraska) Sun: Diamond Jubilee Edition |
1961 |
242 | 5 | Wyoming Tribune Eagle: Wsga Centennial Commemorative Edition |
1972 |
242 | 6 | The Lusk Herald: Salute to Ranchers |
1986 |
Subseries V.: Roundup Lists |
Box | Folder | ||
243 | 1 | Wyoming Roundup Lists |
1881,1884,1889 |
243 | 2 | Wyoming Roundup Lists (4) |
1884 |
243 | 3 | Wyoming Roundup Lists |
1889,1891 |
243 | 4 | Wyoming Roundup List |
1899 |
243 | 5 | Wyoming Roundup List |
1900 |
243 | 6 | Wyoming Roundup List |
1902 |
243 | 7 | Wyoming Roundup List |
1902-1903 |
Subseries VI.: Scrapbook |
Box | Folder | ||
244 | 1 | WSGA Scrapbook |
1904-1950 |
Subseries VII.: Miscellaneous Documents |
Box | Folder | ||
245 | 1 | Poster: Pledge of Support and Congratulations to Wm. M. Jeffers, President
of U.P.R.R. |
undated |
245 | 2 | Nathaniel R. Davis-Discharge Certificate From United States Navy (1865) and
Colorado Land Claim Certificate No. 4499 (1890) |
1865-1890 |
245 | 3 | Expense Statements of G. B. Henderson to WSGA |
1884-1885 |
245 | 4 | Inspector's Estray Reports, South Omaha Market (3) |
1893 |
245 | 5 | Posters (2): WSGA 45th Annual Convention |
1917 |
245 | 6 | Article: "Lower Prices Cut Value of Livestock Production Highlights in
Cattle Industry Told by Kendrick" |
1930 |
245 | 7 | Address by WSGA President Whitaker Before Annual WSGA
Convention |
1934 |
245 | 8 | Articles: Cheyenne, Wyo. History - Cheyenne Club, Stockgrowers Bank, Early
Days |
1936-1958 |
245 | 9 | Articles: Lusk, Wyo. History - Murders, Herald |
1936-1956 |
245 | 10 | Article: "John Bull in the Cattle Kingdom" |
1948 |
245 | 11 | WSGA Inspection Receipt Ledger Sheets |
1956-1959 |
Subseries VIII.: Oversize Maps and Newspapers |
Box | Folder | ||
246 | 1-2 | Miscellaneous Oversize Newspapers |
1870-1897, 1930-1961 |
246 | 3 | Posters (2): S. Morris Waln Murder, Carbon County, Wyoming
Territory |
1888 |
246 | 4 | List of Unknown Estrays |
1901-1919 |
246 | 5 | Maps: Lewis and Clark 1804-1806, Cattle Trails of 1874, Short Grass Ranch
Map, Etc. |
1945-1956, undated |
Series XV. Cow Country Magazine, 1930-1984Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Advertising orders, correspondence, copy, official bulletins, monthly magazines, ad layouts, photographic cuts, promotional banners and copies of competitive periodicals from Cow Country, the official bulletin of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Advertising, Correspondence and Copy |
Box | Folder | ||
247 | 1 | Advertising |
1952-1955 |
247 | 2 | Advertising Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1953-1954 |
247 | 3 | Advertising Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1953-1954 |
247 | 4 | Advertising Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1953-1955 |
247 | 5 | Advertising Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1953-1955 |
247 | 6 | Advertising Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1954-1955 |
247 | 7 | Advertising Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1954-1955 |
247 | 8 | Correspondence |
1956 |
247 | 9 | Advertising Correspondence |
1957-1958 |
247 | 10 | Advertising Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1958-1959 |
247 | 11 | Advertising Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1958-1959 |
247 | 12 | Advertising Orders and Correspondence |
1958-1960 |
247 | 13 | Copy-January |
1961 |
247 | 14 | Copy-February |
1961 |
247 | 15 | Copy-March |
1961 |
247 | 16 | Copy-April |
1961 |
247 | 17 | Advertising Orders and Correspondence |
1962 |
248 | 1 | Advertising Orders and Correspondence |
1963 |
248 | 2 | Advertising Orders and Correspondence |
1963-1964 |
248 | 3 | Guardian of the Grasslands-Correspondence, Agreements, Printed
Material |
1970 |
248 | 4 | Advertising Receipts |
1971-1972 |
Subseries II.: Official Bulletins and Cow Country Magazine |
Box | Folder | ||
248 | 5 | Official Bulletins |
1930-1933 |
248 | 6 | Official Bulletins |
1930 |
248 | 7 | Official Bulletins |
1931 |
248 | 8 | Official Bulletins |
1932 |
248 | 9 | Official Bulletins |
1933-1936 |
248 | 10 | Official Bulletins, vol. 61 (duplicates) |
1933-1934 |
248 | 11 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 62 |
1934-1935 |
248 | 12 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 63 |
1935-1936 |
248 | 13 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 64 |
1935-1936 |
248 | 14 | Official Bulletins, Vols. 63-64 (Duplicates) |
1936-1937 |
248 | 15 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 64 |
1936-1937 |
248 | 16 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 64 (Duplicates) |
1936-1937 |
248 | 17 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 65 |
1937-1938 |
248 | 18 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 65 (Duplicates) |
1937-1938 |
248 | 19 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 66 |
1938-1939 |
248 | 20 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 66 (Duplicates) |
1938-1939 |
248 | 21 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 67, No. 1 |
1939 |
249 | 1 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 67 |
1939-1940 |
249 | 2 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 67 (Duplicates) |
1939-1940 |
249 | 3 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 67 |
1939-1940 |
249 | 4 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 67 (Duplicates) |
1940 |
249 | 5 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 68 |
1940-1941 |
249 | 6 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 68 (Duplicates) |
1940-1941 |
249 | 7 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 69 |
1941-1942 |
249 | 8 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 69 (Duplicates) |
1941-1942 |
249 | 9 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 70 |
1942-1943 |
249 | 10 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 70 |
1942-1943 |
249 | 11 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 71 |
1943-1944 |
249 | 12 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 71 (Duplicates) |
1943-1944 |
249 | 13 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 72 |
1944-1945 |
249 | 14 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 72 (Duplicates) |
1944-1945 |
249 | 15 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 73 |
1945-1946 |
249 | 16 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 73 |
1945-1946 |
249 | 17 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 73 (Duplicates) |
1945-1946 |
250 | 1 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 74 |
1946-1947 |
250 | 2 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 74 (Duplicates) |
1946-1947 |
250 | 3 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 75 |
1947-1948 |
250 | 4 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 75 (Duplicates) |
1947-1948 |
250 | 5 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 76 |
1948-1949 |
250 | 6 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 76 (Duplicates) |
1948-1949 |
250 | 7 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 77 |
1949-1950 |
250 | 8 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 77 (Duplicates) |
1949-1950 |
250 | 9 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 77 |
1949 |
250 | 10 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 77 |
1950 |
250 | 11 | Official Bulletins, Vol. 78 |
1950 |
250 | 12 | Cow Country-Official Magazine of the WSGA-First Issue in New Format-Vol.
78, No. 4, Oct. 15, 1950 |
1950-1951 |
250 | 13 | Cow Country-October/December |
1950 |
250 | 14 | Cow Country-January/December |
1951 |
250 | 15 | Cow Country-February/December |
1952 |
250 | 16 | Cow Country-January/February; April/ December |
1953 |
250 | 17 | Cow Country-January/December |
1954 |
250 | 18 | Cow Country-January/June |
1955 |
250 | 19 | Cow Country-July/December |
1955 |
251 | 1 | Cow Country-January/June |
1956 |
251 | 2 | Cow Country-July/December |
1956 |
251 | 3 | Cow Country Special |
1956-1963 |
251 | 4 | Cow Country-January/June |
1957 |
251 | 5 | Cow Country-July/December |
1957 |
251 | 6 | Cow Country-January/June |
1958 |
251 | 7 | Cow Country-July/December |
1958 |
251 | 8 | Cow Country-January/June |
1959 |
251 | 9 | Cow Country-July/December |
1959 |
251 | 10 | Cow Country-January/June; December |
1960 |
251 | 11 | Cow Country-July/December |
1961 |
251 | 12 | Cow Country-January/June |
1962 |
251 | 13 | Cow Country-December |
1982 |
251 | 14 | Cow Country-January/February; April/May |
1983 |
251 | 15 | Cow Country-July/August |
1984 |
Subseries III.: Competitive and Complementary Periodicals |
Box | Folder | ||
251 | 16 | The Cattleman, Vol. V., No. 10 |
1919 |
251 | 17 | The Wyoming Pioneer, Vol. I, Nos. 3,6 |
1941 |
251 | 18 | Cow Country Economist |
1942-1943 |
251 | 19 | American Cattle Producer: The National Livestock Monthly |
1945-1952 |
251 | 20 | The Horseman |
1952 |
251 | 21 | Wyoming Hereford Ranch Catalogue and Brochure |
1976 |
251 | 22 | Annals of Wyoming, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Fall) |
1980 |
251 | 23 | Rangelands, Vol. 6, No. 4 (August) |
1980 |
Subseries IV.: Bound Cow Country Series |
Box | Folder | ||
252 | 1 | Cow Country |
1950-1952 |
252 | 2 | Cow Country |
1952-1954 |
252 | 3 | Cow Country (Duplicate) |
1952-1954 |
252 | 4 | Cow Country |
1954-1956 |
252 | 5 | Cow Country |
1956-1958 |
252 | 6 | Cow Country |
1958-1960 |
252 | 7 | Cow Country |
1960-1962 |
Subseries V.: Miscellaneous Cow Country Materials |
Box | Folder | ||
253 | 1 | Printers Photographic "Cut" Blocks |
undated |
254 | 1 | Miscellaneous Cow Country Documents |
1955 |
254 | 2 | Cow Country Ad Layouts |
1960 |
254 | 3 | The Jackson Hole Guide |
1961 |
252 | 4 | Cow Country Advertising Journal |
1970-1971 |
254 | 5 | Cow Country Advertising Journal |
1970-1971 |
Folder | |||
1 | Cow Country Promotional Banner |
undated |
Series XVI. Periodicals, 1858-1950Return to Top
Arranged chronologically. Herd books, market reports, and periodical publications containing news of interest to members of the livestock industry are contained in this series.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: American Hereford Record |
Box | Folder | ||
255 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. I |
1880 |
255 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. II |
1882 |
255 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. III |
1884 |
255 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. IV |
1885 |
255 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. V |
1886 |
255 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VI |
1886 |
255 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VII |
1887 |
255 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VIII |
1888 |
255 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. IX |
1889 |
255 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. X |
1890 |
255 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XI |
1891 |
256 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XII |
1892 |
256 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XII |
1893 |
256 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIV |
1895 |
256 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XV |
1896 |
256 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVI |
1897 |
256 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVII |
1898 |
256 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVIII |
1898 |
256 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIX |
1899 |
256 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XX |
1899 |
256 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXI |
1900 |
257 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXII |
1900 |
257 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXIII |
1901 |
257 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXIV |
1902 |
257 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXV |
1903 |
257 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVI |
1904 |
257 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVII |
1905 |
257 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVIII |
1906 |
257 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXIX |
1907 |
257 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXX |
1907 |
257 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXI |
1908 |
257 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXII |
1909 |
257 | 12 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXIII |
1910 |
258 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXIV |
1911 |
258 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXV |
1911 |
258 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXVI |
1912 |
258 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXVII |
1913 |
258 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXVIII |
1913 |
258 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXXIX |
1913-1914 |
258 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. Xl |
1914 |
258 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XII |
1914-1915 |
258 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIII |
1915 |
258 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIIII |
1915-1916 |
258 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIIV |
1916 |
259 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XLV |
1916-1917 |
259 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XLVI |
1917 |
259 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XLVII |
1917 |
259 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XLVIII |
1917-1918 |
259 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XLIX |
1918 |
259 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. L |
1918 |
259 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 51 |
1918 |
259 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 52 |
1918-1919 |
259 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 53 |
1919 |
259 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 54 |
1919 |
260 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 55 |
1919 |
260 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 56 |
1919-1920 |
260 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 57 |
1920 |
260 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 58 |
1920 |
260 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 59 |
1920 |
260 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 60 |
1920-1921 |
260 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 61 |
1921 |
260 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 62 |
1921-1922 |
260 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 63 |
1922 |
260 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 64 |
1922-1923 |
261 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 65 |
1923 |
261 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 66 |
1923-1924 |
261 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 67 |
1924 |
261 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 68 |
1924-1925 |
261 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 69 |
1925 |
261 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 70 |
1925-1926 |
261 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 71 |
1926-1927 |
261 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 72 |
1927 |
261 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 73 |
1927-1928 |
261 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 74 |
1928 |
261 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 75 |
1928-1929 |
261 | 12 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 76 |
1929 |
261 | 13 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 77 |
1929-1930 |
261 | 14 | American Hereford Record, Vol. 78 |
1930 |
262 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. I & II (Duplicates) |
1899 |
262 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. III (Duplicate) |
1884 |
262 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. IV (Duplicate) |
1885 |
262 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. V (Duplicate) |
1886 |
262 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VI (Duplicate) |
1886 |
262 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VII (Duplicate) |
1887 |
262 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. VIII (Duplicate) |
1888 |
262 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. IX (Duplicate) |
1889 |
262 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. X (Duplicate) |
1890 |
262 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XI (Duplicate) |
1891 |
262 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XII (Duplicate) |
1892 |
262 | 12 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIII (Duplicate) |
1893 |
263 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIV (Duplicate) |
1895 |
263 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XV (Duplicate) |
1896 |
263 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVI (Duplicate) |
1897 |
263 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVII (Duplicate) |
1898 |
263 | 5 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XVIII (Duplicate) |
1898 |
263 | 6 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XIX (Duplicate) |
1899 |
263 | 7 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XX (Duplicate) |
1899 |
263 | 8 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXI (Duplicate) |
1900 |
263 | 9 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXII (Duplicate) |
1900 |
263 | 10 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXIII (Duplicate) |
1901 |
263 | 11 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXIV (Duplicate) |
1902 |
264 | 1 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXV (Duplicate) |
1904 |
264 | 2 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVI (Duplicate) |
1904 |
264 | 3 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVII (Duplicate) |
1905 |
264 | 4 | American Hereford Record, Vol. XXVIII (Duplicate) |
1907 |
Subseries II.: The Breeder's Gazette |
Box | Folder | ||
264 | 5 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 11 |
1887 |
264 | 6 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 12 |
1887 |
264 | 7 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 13 |
1888 |
264 | 8 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 14 |
1888 |
265 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 15 |
1889 |
265 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 16 |
1889 |
265 | 3 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 17 |
1890 |
265 | 4 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 18 |
1890 |
265 | 5 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 19 |
1891 |
265 | 6 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 10 |
1891 |
265 | 7 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 21-22 (Incomplete) |
1892 |
266 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 23 |
1893 |
266 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 24 |
1893 |
266 | 3 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 25 |
1894 |
266 | 4 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 26 |
1894 |
266 | 5 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 27 |
1895 |
266 | 6 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 28 |
1896 |
266 | 7 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 29 |
1896 |
267 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 30 |
1896 |
267 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 31 |
1897 |
267 | 3 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 32 |
1897 |
267 | 4 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 33 |
1898 |
267 | 5 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 34 |
1898 |
267 | 6 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 35 |
1899 |
267 | 7 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 36 |
1899 |
268 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 37 |
1900 |
268 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 38 |
1900 |
268 | 3 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 39 |
1901 |
268 | 4 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 40 |
1901 |
269 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 41 |
1902 |
269 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 42 |
1902 |
269 | 3 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 53 |
1908 |
270 | 1 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 54 |
1908 |
270 | 2 | Breeder's Gazette, Vol. 55 |
1909 |
Subseries III.: The Cattleman |
Box | Folder | ||
271 | 1 | The Cattleman, Vol. XVI |
1929-1930 |
271 | 2 | The Cattleman, Vol. XVII |
1930-1931 |
271 | 3 | The Cattleman, Vol. XVIII |
1931-1932 |
271 | 4 | The Cattleman, Vol. XIX |
1932-1933 |
271 | 5 | The Cattleman, Vol. XX |
1933-1934 |
271 | 6 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXI |
1934-1935 |
271 | 7 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXII |
1935-1936 |
272 | 1 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXIII |
1936-1937 |
272 | 2 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXIV |
1937-1938 |
272 | 3 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXV |
1938-1939 |
272 | 4 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXVI |
1939-1940 |
272 | 5 | The Cattleman, Vol. XXIX |
1942-1943 |
Subseries IV.: Live Stock Markets |
Box | Folder | ||
273 | 1 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 33 |
1923 |
273 | 2 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 35 |
1925 |
273 | 3 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 36 |
1926 |
273 | 4 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 37 |
1927 |
273 | 5 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 39 |
1929 |
273 | 6 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 40 |
1930 |
273 | 7 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 41 |
1931 |
273 | 8 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 42 |
1932 |
273 | 9 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 43 |
1933 |
273 | 10 | Live Stock Markets, Vol. 45 |
1935 |
Subseries V.: Herd Book of Hereford Cattle |
Box | Folder | ||
274 | 1 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vols. I & II |
1862 |
274 | 2 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. III |
1858 |
274 | 3 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. IV |
1859 |
274 | 4 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. V |
1862 |
274 | 5 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. VI |
1865 |
274 | 6 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. VII |
1869 |
274 | 7 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. VIII |
1872 |
274 | 8 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. IX |
1876 |
274 | 9 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. X |
1879 |
274 | 10 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XI |
1880 |
274 | 11 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XII |
1881 |
274 | 12 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XIII |
1882 |
274 | 13 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XIV |
1883 |
274 | 14 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XV, Part 1 |
1884 |
274 | 15 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XV, Part 2 |
1884 |
274 | 16 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XVI, Part 1 |
1885 |
274 | 17 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XVI, Part 2 |
1885 |
274 | 18 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XVII |
1886 |
274 | 19 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XVIII |
1887 |
274 | 20 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XIX |
1888 |
274 | 21 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XX |
1889 |
274 | 22 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXI |
1891 |
274 | 23 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXII |
1891 |
274 | 24 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXIII |
1892 |
274 | 25 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vols. XXIV |
1893 |
274 | 26 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXV |
1894 |
275 | 1 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXVI |
1895 |
275 | 2 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXVII |
1896 |
275 | 3 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXVIII |
1897 |
275 | 4 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXII |
1901 |
275 | 5 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXIII |
1902 |
275 | 6 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXIV |
1903 |
275 | 7 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXV |
1904 |
275 | 8 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXVI |
1905 |
275 | 9 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXVII |
1906 |
275 | 10 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXVIII |
1907 |
275 | 11 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XXXIX |
1908 |
275 | 12 | Herd Book of Hereford Cattle, Vol. XL |
1909 |
Subseries VI.: Weekly Live Stock Report |
Box | Folder | ||
276 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 4 |
1894 |
276 | 2 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 5 |
1895 |
276 | 3 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 7 |
1897 |
276 | 4 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 8 |
1898 |
276 | 5 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 9 |
1899 |
276 | 6 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 10 |
1900 |
276 | 7 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 11 |
1901 |
276 | 7 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 11 |
1901 |
276 | 8 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 12 |
1902 |
277 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 13 |
1903 |
277 | 2 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 14 |
1904 |
277 | 3 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 15 |
1905 |
277 | 4 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 16 |
1906 |
277 | 5 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 17 |
1907 |
278 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 18 |
1908 |
278 | 2 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 19 |
1909 |
278 | 3 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 20 |
1910 |
278 | 4 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 21 |
1911 |
278 | 5 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 22 |
1912 |
279 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 23 |
1913 |
279 | 2 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 23 (Duplicate) |
1913 |
279 | 3 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 24 |
1914 |
279 | 4 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 24 (Duplicate) |
1914 |
279 | 5 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 25 |
1915 |
280 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 26 |
1916 |
280 | 2 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 27 |
1917 |
280 | 3 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 28 |
1918 |
280 | 4 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 28 (Duplicate) |
1918 |
280 | 5 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 29 |
1919 |
280 | 6 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 30 |
1920 |
281 | 1 | Weekly Live Stock Report, Vol. 31 |
1921 |
Subseries VII.: Western Livestock Journal |
Box | Folder | ||
281 | 2 | Western Livestock Journal |
1941 |
281 | 3 | Western Livestock Journal |
1942 |
281 | 4 | Western Livestock Journal |
1942 |
282 | 1 | Western Livestock Journal |
1944 |
282 | 2 | Western Livestock Journal |
1945 |
282 | 3 | Western Livestock Journal |
1946 |
283 | 1 | Western Livestock Journal |
1947 |
283 | 2 | Western Livestock Journal |
1948 |
284 | 1 | Western Livestock Journal |
1949 |
284 | 2 | Western Livestock Journal |
1950 |
Series XVII. Safe Material and ArtifactsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Safe Material
The following material has been placed in the safe.
Envelope | |||
1 | undated | ||
2 | 1885 | ||
3 | List of Members, By-Laws, and Reports |
1876-1894 | |
4 | 1888 | ||
5 | 1901 | ||
6 | 1883-1938 | ||
7 | Book: Banditti of the Plains |
1894 | |
Box | |||
304 | Book: Cowboy Stuff, poems by F.W. Lafrentz, illustrations by Henry Ziegler (also includes "An Address..on the occasion of the dedication of the Lafrentz-Poole Dormitory at Lincoln Memorial University", photographs of the dormitory, 2 typscript poems, and 2 loose engravings) |
1928 | |
Subseries II.: Artifacts
The following material is in artifact storage.
Item | |||
1 | Oval Portrait of Russell Thorp's Mother, Josie C. Thorp |
1860 | |
2 | Wide Gold Wedding Band, Engraved "Josie to Russell 1875" |
1875 | |
3 | Narrow Gold Wedding Band |
undated | |
4 | Gold Coin Watch Fob, Back Engraved "R Thorp-Wyoming State Fair
Commission" |
1908 | |
5 | Battle of Gettysburg Medal, 1863-1893 |
1893 | |
6 | ANCA Medal Inscribed "Presented to Russell Thorp for Service to the
Industry-American National Cattlemen's Association" |
undated | |
7 | 75th Anniversary Pin |
1947 |
Series XVIII. Historical Photographs, 1868-1964Return to Top
When the Wyoming Stock Growers Association Records were organized in 1994 some of the material which had been first received by the American Heritage Center was located in vertical files. This material was not included in the 1994 finding aid. An attempt has now been made to repatriate the material from the vertical files back to the collection. However, due to the size and complexity of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association records, no attempt has been made at this time to interfile this older material with the rest of the collection.
The photographs in this section primarily consist of prints which were received from the WSGA prior to 1953. They were, therefore, received before the photographs listed in the main finding aid. They were organized topically, but it is unknown whether they were so organized by the WSGA office or by the American Heritage Center archivist. All of the photographs were assigned the number 38, but the significance of this number is unknown. This was followed by a letter and number combination: B1, C1, C4, C7, C10, C13, C16, E1, E2, J1, M1, O1, O2, P1, R1, R4, R5, S1, S4, and T1. The meaning of these codes can be inferred by the content of the photographs: B1 seems to refer to brands, C7 to cowboys, E1 and E2 to employees, J1 to Johnson County War, etc. In the finding aid, I have tried to follow this system generally, but not strictly. I have not been able to discern the difference between R1, R4, and R5, for instance, so I have lumped all these photographs together under Ranches and Roundups. I have also created sections for individual photographers who produced and sold their cowboy and ranch life images commercially. This was done for the convenience of researchers, since these images are often widely available elsewhere, but are often not attributed to the photographer.
Some of the photographs are grouped according to the person or family who originally donated them to the WSGA. This is the case with the Crain and Sturgis photographs. The Russell Thorp collection, however, is more complicated. Thorp was a WSGA officer and, apparently, curator of the photographs when they were in WSGA hands. At one time material received by the American Heritage Center from Russell Thorp was assigned a different number (#128). However, it was determined that Thorp's donations and the WSGA records so overlapped that it made sense to absorb the Thorp collection into the larger WSGA collection. That is also the case with these photographs. Most seem logically to belong to the topical sub-groups, and so they have been placed there. A few, which are personal to Thorp and the Thorp family, comprise a separate sub-group called the Russell Thorp photographs.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 1 | Partial Listing of Photographs: Copy of letter and list of photographs from
Wyoming Stock Growers Association suggesting original organization of the historic
photo collection |
ca. 1953 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 2 | Artist, Hoffman (?), Freight wagons in mountains, photograph of a
painting |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Jackson, William Henry, "Hat Creek Stage Station, Cheyenne-Black
Hills Stage & Express Line, 1877," photograph of a sketch |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Jackson, William Henry, "Second Division, Cheyenne-Black Hills
Stage & Express Line, 1876," photograph of a sketch |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, James, Will, "The Pioneer Aviator," 1926, print |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Kowalski, "The Leader of the Wolf Pack," photograph of a framed
painting. The painting was presented to Thomas Sturgis by the WSGA |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Metzler, I.T., "On Guard," original ink sketch |
1938 |
287 | 2 | Artist, Ottmann, J., "Group of Hereford Cattle," photograph of a
lithograph. Cattle owned by Alexander Swan |
1875 |
287 | 2 | Artist, Russell, Charles M., seven postcard reproductions |
1904, 1907, undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Russell, Charles M., "The Virginian Starting Off On His Honeymoon,"
reproduction of an etching |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist, Stern, Alexander, etching of Abraham Lincoln with birthplace and
capitol building |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist unknown, "Charles D. Carey," etching |
undated |
287 | 2 | Artist unknown, "The Round-up - Cutting Out Cattle," photograph of an
engraving from Strahorn's Handbook of
1877 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 3 | Hide used as evidence in misuse of brands |
1884 |
287 | 3 | Paper negatives of sheet 28 (front and back) from WSGA Brand Book, (2
items) |
1884 |
287 | 3 | Russell Thorp with collection of old branding irons in Cheyenne office of
1942 |
287 | 3 | Russell Thorp holding an original L F connected branding iron. The brand
belonged to J.W. Iliff |
1942 |
287 | 3 | Russell Thorp and historical relics in Cheyenne office of WSGA |
1942 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 4 | Dan Hanson, member ex. committee WSGA, "front footing" a horse, Hat Creek
(photo by Margaret Brock Hanson) |
1944 |
287 | 4 | Dan Hanson showing position to brace against and throw a 1300 lb. horse
(photo by Maragaret Brock Hanson) |
1944 |
287 | 4 | Senator Kendrick's O W condemned cattle shot during government drought
relief (photo by Winifred Reeder) |
Oct. 1934 |
287 | 4 | Steer sold by Wood Bros., weight 1030 at $6.50 (post card) |
June 16, 1911 |
287 | 4 | Texas longhorn steer, Kerrville, Texas (from L.A. Schreiner, Chas.
Schreiner Bank) |
undated |
287 | 4 | Texas longhorns, Buffalo Bill Roundup, North Platte, Nebr. (post
card) |
undated |
287 | 4 | Texas steers in Wyoming |
1880s |
287 | 4 | Trailing herd out of Jackson Hole, Wyo., for shipment to market, loading at
Victor, Idaho, UPRR |
1920 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 5 | Texas Trail monument erected on old trail crossing of the Belle Fourche
River near Moorcroft |
Aug. 1935 |
287 | 5 | Dedication of Texas Trail monument, LaGrange, Wyo., John C. Thompson,
speaker |
July 4, 1940 |
287 | 5 | Harry Houseman, old time cowboy, at Texas Trail monument, LaGrange,
Wyo |
July, 1940 |
287 | 5 | Dedication of Texas Trail marker on National Highway 20, Lusk, Wyo., 12 men
(photo by Stimson) |
August 15, 1940 |
287 | 5 | Russell Thorp delivering dedicatory address with Hans Gautsche, Texas Trail
monument, Lusk (photo by Stimson) (2 copies) |
August 15, 1940 |
287 | 5 | Texas Trail marker dedicated at Lusk, Wyoming |
August 15, 1940 |
287 | 5 | Texas Trail monument east of Lusk, 3 miles; Hans Gautsche and another
man |
August 15, 1940 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 6 | Menu, the G C C Outfit to the Punchers of the WSGA Brand, at the Plains
Roadhouse |
April 7, 1914 |
287 | 6 | Menu, the D B C Outfit, Cowpunchers of the WSGA Brand at the LaBonte Bunk,
Douglas, Wyoming |
April 16, 1915 |
287 | 6 | Attendees at the annual convention, Sheridan |
June 4-5, 1929 |
287 | 6 | Robert D. Carey, Russell Thorp, C.L. Talbot at Lander |
June 1932 |
287 | 6 | Fourteen men at Lander convention (most identified) |
June 1932 |
287 | 6 | Seven inspectors at 61st annual convention, Laramie (identified) (2
items) |
June 7, 1933 |
287 | 6 | Twelve people at annual convention, Laramie (identified) (2
items) |
1933 |
287 | 6 | Eleven people at annual convention, Laramie |
1933 |
287 | 6 | Old time cowpunchers, Laramie (19 men, most identified) |
1933 |
287 | 6 | Officers, American National Live Stock Convention, Cheyenne |
1938 |
287 | 6 | Wyoming people attending American National Live Stock Convention, Ft.
Worth |
1941 |
194 | 10 | Executive Committee of American National Live Stock Association, Cheyenne,
Wyo. (Oversize) |
1937 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 7 | Roy Robinson, Shockey Hall, Newt Abbott, Bartlett Richards, Wm. H. Ashby,
John Harris. Reprint of original by C.D. Kirkland (Cheyenne, Wyo.) with text added.
Also copy with text cropped out |
1882 |
287 | 7 | Wyoming: Walter E. Palmer, George Humphreys, Roy Manning, on horseback.
Reprint from damaged negative |
1885 |
287 | 7 | Employees of the Ogalalla Land and Cattle Co., taken at Ogalalla, Nebraska.
Ten riders (most identified) |
1886 |
287 | 7 | Horse and rider, "Bob Irvine on Paddy." |
1897 |
287 | 7 | Manville, Wyoming. Eleven riders (identified) |
1903 |
287 | 7 | Tom Weadick on horse before house |
ca. 1906 |
287 | 7 | Tom Weadick on horse, inscribed to Russell Thorp |
ca. 1906 |
287 | 7 | Manville, Wyoming: Neal Hart, Ted Eutsler, Tom Weadick, Harry Austin, Earl
Parker, Tex Tipton |
1910 |
287 | 7 | "One of the few real old time cowboys (John Kirkpatrick) in action." Rider
roping cow, by F.J. Hiscock (Cody, Wyo.) |
ca. 1938 |
287 | 7 | Neal Hart, inscribed to Russell Thorp (2 items) |
undated |
287 | 7 | Fifteen riders (identified), "deputised Col. Pritchard
scouts." |
undated |
Cowboys' Equipment |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 8 | undated | |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 9 | Thomas B. Adams |
1886 |
287 | 9 | Myrna F. Agee, Cheyenne office |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 9 | Myrna Agee, assistant secretary |
ca. 1942 |
287 | 9 | R.A. Bacon, inspector, Sioux City |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 9 | Perry Black, inspector, North Portland |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 9 | N.K. Boswell, 1836-1921 |
undated |
287 | 9 | N.K. Boswell on Old George (horse) on street in Laramie, border detective
for many years with cattlemen's association, first sheriff of Albany
County |
undated |
287 | 9 | N.K. Boswell of Laramie, Wyo., head of the stock detectives employed by the
WSGA; on horse in corral |
undated |
287 | 9 | Frank Brainard, inspector, 1884-1927 |
undated |
287 | 9 | Sam Brownell, inspector, Sioux Falls |
1942 |
287 | 9 | Frank Canton, 1849-1927, deputy chief of WSGA detective force |
undated |
287 | 9 | Earl W. Carpenter, inspector, Denver |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 9 | Earl W. Carpenter, inspector, Denver (2 items) |
1932 |
287 | 9 | Mary J. Carpenter, librarian |
ca. 1942 |
287 | 9 | Frank Christian, assistant inspector, Omaha |
ca. 1942 |
287 | 9 | Lee Dull, assistant inspector, Omaha |
1942 |
287 | 9 | John Egan, inspector, Chicago |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 9 | Fred Eubank, inspector, Kansas City |
ca. 1932 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 10 | Walt Harrison, inspector, Grand Island |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 10 | George Lamareux, inspector, St. Paul |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 10 | W.C. Lykins (1848-1921), first livestock detective for the association,
1877-1880 (1 original copy, 1 reprint) |
undated |
287 | 10 | W.W. McVicker, inspector, Ogden |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 10 | W.W. McVicker, inspector in charge, Omaha |
1942 |
287 | 10 | W.W. McVicker on horseback, taken at Golden Spike Days Parade,
Omaha |
April 28, 1939 |
287 | 10 | Ben Morrison, livestock detective 1879-1888 |
undated |
287 | 10 | John R. Murphy, inspector in charge, Sioux City |
1942 |
287 | 10 | John Redmond, inspector, Omaha |
1942 |
287 | 10 | Harry Robison, inspector in charge, Omaha |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 10 | Charles Shannon, inspector, Rapid City |
1942 |
287 | 10 | Charles Shannon and grandson |
1940 |
287 | 10 | John J. Smith, inspector, Idaho Falls |
1942 |
287 | 10 | Agnes Wright Spring, historian |
1942 |
287 | 10 | Bud Stout, assistant inspector, Sioux City |
1942 |
287 | 10 | W.E. Sutter, inspector, Billings |
1942 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 11 | Tom Tait, inspector, St. Joseph |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 11 | C.L. Talbot (1885-1931), inspector, Omaha (3 items) |
undated |
287 | 11 | Russell Thorp, secretary (2 items) |
undated |
287 | 11 | Russell Thorp, secretary-chief inspector (photo by Clarks,
Cheyenne) |
ca. 1930 |
287 | 11 | Russell Thorp, secretary |
1932 |
287 | 11 | Russell Thorp, secretary-chief inspector |
1942 |
287 | 11 | Inspectors' office (Omaha?): John Robb, Stanley Hazel, Steve Franklin,
Claude L. Talbot, George Carley |
ca. 1911 |
287 | 11 | C.L. Talbot, chief inspector, Omaha; B.H. Graham, inspector, Sioux City;
Alice Smith, secretary, Cheyenne; Frank Brainard, inspector, Chicago |
1915 |
287 | 11 | Inspectors' office in the Live Stock Exchange Building (Omaha?): C.L.
Talbot, R.A. Bacon, C. Dale Talbot, George Christensen, Henry S. Lee, Harry R.
Robison, Clyde Rogers, Charles C. Covington, William W. McVicker, Bud Stout, Ray
Casteel, Pat Robison |
ca. July 30, 1926 |
287 | 11 | "Our Inspectors, 1932." John Egan, Earl Carpenter, Tom Tait, W.W. McVicker,
R.A. Bacon, H.R. Robinson [Robison], Fred Eubank, Myrna Agee, Perry Black, George
Lamareux, Walt Harrison |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 11 | F.E. Mollin, secretary, American National Live Stock Association; Russell
Thorp, secretary-chief inspector [WSGA] |
1937 |
287 | 11 | W.E. Sutter, Jack Murphy, R.A. Bacon, on horseback, Sioux City |
Sept. 1937 |
287 | 11 | Myrna Agee, Mary Ohlund, J. Elmer Brock, Russell Thorp |
June 1940 |
287 | 11 | E.A. Logan, Mr. Boots (detective) at dedication of Woodruff Cabin site
marker near Thermopolis, Wyo |
Sept. 1941 |
287 | 11 | W.W. McVicker, John Smith, on horseback |
1964 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 12 | W.L. Kuykendall, 1st secretary, 1873-1875 |
undated |
287 | 12 | Thomas Sturgis, 2nd secretary, 1876-1887 |
undated |
287 | 12 | Thomas B. Adams, 3rd secretary, 1888-1890 |
undated |
287 | 12 | H.B. Ijams, 4th secretary, 1891-1895 |
undated |
287 | 12 | Alice Smith, 5th secretary, 1896-1921 |
undated |
287 | 12 | B.F. Davis, 6th secretary, 1922 |
undated |
287 | 12 | Russell Thorp, 8th secretary, 1930-1934 |
1943 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 13 | Cheyenne Club |
1888 |
287 | 13 | Bridge where Ranger Jones was killed in Dec. 1891. Photograph of sketch
from A.L. Brock |
ca. 1942 |
287 | 13 | Fireplace after cabin burned at Kaycee, Nolan's Ranch |
undated |
287 | 13 | "The Invaders," Johnson County Cattle War, taken at Fort D.A. Russell, May
4, 1892 (Stimson copy from an original by Kirkland) |
1938 |
287 | 13 | Nick Ray's burned body in casket (3 copies) |
ca. 1892 |
287 | 13 |
Wyoming Derrick Extra, Casper, May 3,
1892 |
undated |
Johnson County War - Barber Scrapbook |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 14 | Photographs of selected pages of Amos Barber's scrapbook |
undated |
Johnson County War - Barber Scrapbook Illustrations |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 15 | A Wyoming Ranch |
undated |
287 | 15 | Scene of the cattlemen and rustlers' war |
undated |
287 | 15 | Map of T A Ranch |
undated |
287 | 15 | One of the cowboys |
undated |
287 | 15 | The Cattleman |
undated |
287 | 15 | The tiresome march |
undated |
287 | 15 | How the "rustler" catches his game |
undated |
287 | 15 | United States troops after the rustlers |
undated |
287 | 15 | Taking Jim wounded to Buffalo |
undated |
287 | 15 | In the bowling alley |
undated |
287 | 15 | Seat of the war/Seat of the cattle war (3 items) |
undated |
287 | 15 | Jim promising the Herald correspondent shelter |
undated |
287 | 15 | Attack on the ranch |
undated |
287 | 15 | Major F.E. Wolcott |
undated |
287 | 15 | Captain W.C. Irvine |
undated |
287 | 15 | Lieutenant F.O. De Billier |
undated |
287 | 15 | Jim Dudley |
undated |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 16 | Baker (Jim) cabin, dedication at Cheyenne |
1936 |
287 | 16 | Buffalo bull |
undated |
287 | 16 | Buffalo cow and calf |
1938 |
287 | 16 | Buffalo grazing, North Montana prairies between Yellowstone and Missouri
Rivers (photo by Huffman) |
1880 |
287 | 16 | Buffalo hunting, "After the Buffalo Run," North Montana (photo by
Huffman) |
1879 |
287 | 16 | Buffalo skinners at work, "Taking the Monster's Robe", North Montana (photo
by Huffman) |
Jan. 1882 |
287 | 16 | Buffalo, Wyoming, looking south on Main Street, emigrant
trains |
1880s |
287 | 16 | Camp Carlin, Wyoming, U.S. packers, Thomas Moore, Chief Packer |
1896 |
287 | 16 | Cheyenne Frontier Days, cowboys rescue stage, Frontier Park, Cheyenne,
Wyoming (color postcard) |
undated |
287 | 16 | Cheyenne Frontier Days, cow girl's race (color postcard) |
undated |
287 | 16 | Dubois, Wyoming, exterior of Branding Iron Bar (postcard) |
undated |
287 | 16 | Dubois, Wyoming, interior of Branding Iron Bar (postcard) |
undated |
287 | 16 | Encampment, Wyoming, exterior of South Paw Saloon (postcard) |
early 1890s |
287 | 16 | Encampment, Wyoming, interior of South Paw Saloon (postcard) |
early 1890s |
287 | 16 | Encampment (or Saratoga), Wyoming, interior of an early day
saloon |
undated |
287 | 16 | Gillette, Wyoming, east side Gillette Avenue (postcard) |
ca. 1909 |
287 | 16 | Independence Rock |
undated |
287 | 16 | Miles City, Montana, Main Street (photo by Huffman) |
1880 |
287 | 16 | Miles City, Montana, on Northern Pacific RR from top of hotel |
1884 |
287 | 16 | Newcastle, Wyoming, street scene, circus day (postcard) |
ca. 1910 |
287 | 16 | Promontory, Utah, driving of golden spike (copy from original) |
1868 |
287 | 16 | Roosevelt and party at side entrance of Inter Ocean Hotel |
1903 |
287 | 16 | Sod ranch house and windmill near Hershey, Nebraska (postcard) |
undated |
287 | 16 | Wagon Box Fight, August 2, 1867, monument near Story, Wyoming
(postcard) |
ca. 1937 |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 17 | Col. A.T. Babbitt, 5th president (1original, 1 copy print) |
1889 |
287 | 17 | M.V. Boughton, 1st president, 1873-1875 |
undated |
287 | 17 | A.L. Brock, chairman |
1942 |
287 | 17 | J. Elmer Brock, Lander |
1931 |
287 | 17 | J. Elmer Brock, 13th president, 1930-1932 |
1942 |
287 | 17 | Gov. B.B. Brooks, at site of Woodruff Cabin near Thermopolis,
Wyo |
1941 |
287 | 17 | Hon. B.B. Brooks |
1942 |
287 | 17 | Charles D. Carey, chairman, executive committee |
ca. 1932 |
287 | 17 | Joseph M. Carey, 4th president, 1883-1888 |
undated |
287 | 17 | Robert D. Carey, 9th president, 1914-1917 |
undated |
287 | 17 | John Clay, Jr., 6th president, 1890-1895 |
undated |
287 | 17 | William F. (Buffalo Bill) Cody, member executive committee,
1902-1903 |
undated |
287 | 17 | William F. (Buffalo Bill) Cody, member executive committee, 1905-1906;
"Ready for Boots and Saddles" (photo by Walker, Cheyenne, 1 copy print, 1 detail of
print) |
undated |
Box | Folder | ||
287 | 18 | George A. Cross, 17th president, 1943-1945, on steps of ranch home near
Dubois, Wyo. (photo by J.A. Shaw, Dubois) |
1943 |
287 | 18 | George A. Cross and horse (5 items, photos by J.A. Shaw,
Dubois) |
1943 |
287 | 18 | Mrs. George A. Cross, vice president, Wyoming Cow-Belles, on horseback
(photo by J.A. Shaw, Dubois) |
1943 |
287 | 18 | Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cross, with horses (2 items, photos by J.A. Shaw,
Dubois) |
1943 |
287 | 18 | George A. Cross and sons, Albert W. and George H |
1932 |
287 | 18 | George H. Cross, chairman, historical committee, Braehead Ranch, Douglas,
Wyo. (photo by Lainson, Denver, 1 original, 1 copy print) |
1931 |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 1 | N.R. Davis, 3rd president, 1882 |
undated |
288 | 1 | Andrew H. Gilchrist, vice president, 1882-1884; member, executive
committee, 1885-1886 (photo by Kirkland, Cheyenne) |
undated |
288 | 1 | G.B. Goodell, member, executive committee, 1889-1890 |
undated |
288 | 1 | R.H. Hall, member, executive committee, 1886-1887, 1891-1894 |
1940 |
288 | 1 | Robert Hall at dedication of Sacajawea marker |
1941 |
288 | 1 | Thomas Hunter, trustee, 1922-1934, WSGA attorney |
ca. 1942 |
288 | 1 | Sam C. Hyatt, 15th president, 1936-1939 |
ca. 1942 |
288 | 1 | William C. Irvine, 7th president, 1896-1911 |
undated |
288 | 1 | John L. Jordan, 12th president, 1921-1929 |
undated |
288 | 1 | John B. Kendrick, on horseback (with 2 page letter of description from
Manville Kendrick, Jan. 23, 1963) |
ca. 1895 |
288 | 1 | John B. Kendrick, 8th president, 1912-1913 |
undated |
288 | 1 | George B. (Bear George) McClellan, member, executive committee,
1899-1924 |
1931 |
288 | 1 | Bert McGee, member, executive committee, 1937-1942 |
undated |
288 | 1 | George Mitchell, treasurer, 1925-1931 |
undated |
288 | 1 | Charles A. Myers, 16th president, 1940-1942 |
ca. 1942 |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 2 | Bryan Patrick, member, executive committee, 1938-1942 |
1942 |
288 | 2 | James C. Shaw, 10th president, 1918-1919 |
undated |
288 | 2 | A.H. Swan, 2nd president, 1876-1881(2 items) |
undated |
288 | 2 | Russell Thorp, chief inspector, member, executive committee,
1927 |
1931 |
288 | 2 | J.C. Underwood, 11th president, 1920 |
undated |
288 | 2 | R.S. Van Tassell, member, executive committee, 1885-1887; trustee,
1906-1930 (2 items) |
undated |
288 | 2 | Luke Voorhees, member, executive committee, 1915-1916; came to Wyoming in
the 1850s |
1914 |
288 | 2 | U.S. Senator Francis E. Warren, compiled 1st brand book, 1882 |
undated |
288 | 2 | Fred E. Warren, chairman, executive committee, 1935-1942 |
undated |
288 | 2 | E.W. Whitcomb, vice president, 1896-1900; came to Wyoming in the
1850s |
1914 |
288 | 2 | Dugald R. Whitaker, 14th president, 1932-1935 |
undated |
288 | 2 | Grave of Dugald R. Whitaker, Cheyenne, Wyoming |
1936 |
288 | 2 | Eugene B. Willson, historical committee, 1931(1 original, 1 copy
print) |
1900 |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 3 | Officers, 1932: Charles D. Carey, Dugald R. Whitaker, J. Elmer Brock,
George Mitchell, Russell Thorp |
1932 |
288 | 3 | Past Officers, presidents and secretaries to 1929 |
ca. 1932 |
288 | 3 | Oda Mason and George A. Cross at convention, Lusk, Wyo |
1943 |
288 | 3 | Past presidents, WSGA: Clarence Gardner (1947-1949), Elmer Brock
(1930-1932), Sam C. Hyatt (1936-1938) |
ca. 1950 |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 4 | Amos Walker Barber |
undated |
288 | 4 | Amos Walker Barber at the time he was physician at Fort Fetterman (2
items) |
undated |
288 | 4 | Calamity Jane (Canary, Martha Jane) |
undated |
288 | 4 | William F. Cody and Cy Compton |
1907 |
288 | 4 | William W. Corlett of the law firm of Corlett, Lacey &
Riner |
undated |
288 | 4 | Thomas F. Durbin |
undated |
288 | 4 | Charles A. Guernsey (2 items) |
Aug. 1880, undated |
288 | 4 | William P. "Missou" Hines (with retouched copy print) |
undated |
288 | 4 | Percy Hoyt (2 items) |
June 1927, undated |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 5 | Joe LeFors, detective and inspector |
undated |
288 | 5 | N.G. Maynard |
undated |
288 | 5 | William E. Mullen, former attorney general for the State of
Wyoming |
undated |
288 | 5 | H.D. Port |
1942 |
288 | 5 | Mack Radcliffe |
July 25, 1934 |
288 | 5 | George C. Rafter, Episcopal clergyman, Cheyenne |
undated |
288 | 5 | Noah Reader, one of the first white settlers on Snake River |
undated |
288 | 5 | Joseph Robidoux (postcard) |
undated |
288 | 5 | Willis Van Devanter, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United
States |
undated |
288 | 5 | Louise Swan Van Tassell (2 items) |
undated |
288 | 5 | Jared Whitman |
1884 |
288 | 5 | George L. Willson |
undated |
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 6 | ca. 1880s | |
288 | 6 | 1885 | |
288 | 6 | Apr. 8, 1914 | |
288 | 6 | Sept. 1914 | |
288 | 6 | 1914 | |
288 | 6 | 1914 | |
288 | 6 | 1936 | |
288 | 6 | July 1940 | |
288 | 6 | Aug. 1940 | |
288 | 6 | ca. 1914 | |
194 | 11 | Sept. 1949 | |
288 | 6 | undated | |
Photographers, Charles Belden
All photographs in this folder were taken by Charles Belden (1887- ), Pitchfork,
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 7 | Branding calves on the range |
1935 |
288 | 7 | A busy day in the range country (branding scene) |
undated |
288 | 7 | Front-footing a horse |
undated |
288 | 7 | Pitchfork Ranch, branding |
undated |
288 | 7 | Pitchfork Ranch, cattle |
undated |
288 | 7 | Pitchfork Ranch, horses |
undated |
288 | 7 | Pitchfork Ranch, turning out the saddle horses |
undated |
Photographers, W.J. Carpenter
All photographs in this folder were taken by W.J. Carpenter, Telluride, Colo.
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 8 | undated | |
Photographers, O.S. Goff
All photographs in this folder were taken by O.S. Goff (1843-1917), Sheridan,
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 9 | ca. 1890 | |
Photographers, L.A. Huffman
All photographs in this folder were taken by L.A. Huffman ( -1931), Miles City,
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 10 | Swimming a herd, N bar crossing Powder River (no. 229) |
1888 |
288 | 10 | XIT Roundup cook, Mexican John, making pies (no. 246) |
undated |
288 | 10 | The nighthawk in his nest (no. 257) |
undated |
Photographers, C.D. Kirkland
All photographs in these folders were taken by C.D. Kirkland (1851-1926), Cheyenne,
Wyo. Most of the prints were previously bound into an album donated to the WSGA by
Helen Sturgis. The order of the album has been preserved.
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 11 | Cow Pony, no. 16 (2 copies, 1 identifies the horse as belonging to George
Rainsford) |
undated |
288 | 11 | Group of Cowboys, no. 13 |
undated |
288 | 11 | Cow Boy and Pony, no. 5 |
undated |
288 | 11 | no title, horse cavvy between tent and chuckwagon (1 original, 1copy
print) |
undated |
288 | 11 | no title, roundup cook's camp with chuckwagon |
undated |
288 | 11 | no title, roundup scene, cowboys in front, cattle herd behind |
undated |
288 | 12 | General View of Round Up, no. 9 |
undated |
288 | 12 | no title, cowboy on rearing horse |
undated |
288 | 12 | Cow Boy's Sport. "Riding a Yearling," no. 12 |
undated |
288 | 12 | Cow Boys, no. 24 |
undated |
288 | 12 | Roping a Calf for Dinner, no. 17 |
undated |
288 | 12 | Dinner on Round Up, no. 10 (1 original, 1 copy print) |
undated |
288 | 13 | Dinner on Hunton Creek. no. 15 |
undated |
288 | 13 | After Dinner, no. 8 (1 original, 1 copy print) |
undated |
288 | 13 | Ready for "Cutting Out," no. 11 |
undated |
288 | 13 | Roping and Cutting Out, no. 18 |
undated |
288 | 13 | Roping a Calf, no. 23 |
undated |
288 | 13 | no title, branding scene |
undated |
288 | 14 | Branding, no. 26 (2 copies, 1 identifies location as Hat Creek Ranch,
Harrison, Nebraska) |
undated |
288 | 14 | Calf Branding, no. 19 |
undated |
288 | 14 | Supper on Round Up No. 1, no.1 |
undated |
288 | 14 | no title, horse cavvy by water |
undated |
288 | 14 | Cow Boy and Pony, no. 2 (1 original, 1 copy print) |
undated |
288 | 14 | Hereford Calves, no. 4 |
undated |
288 | 14 | Branding on the Prairie, no. 51 |
undated |
Photographers, F.M. Sherman
All photographs in this folder were taken by F.M. Sherman.
Box | Folder | ||
288 | 15 | Branding |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Branding a Horse |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Bread & Cactus |
1903 |
288 | 15 | A Busy Cook |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Cowboy Biscuit |
1903 |
288 | 15 | A Cowboy's Dressing Room |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Cowboy's Moving Van |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Craps |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Famous Hugo Cooks |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Good Bye, Come Again (Roosevelt) |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Hungry Cow Boys |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Our Spurs |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Pres. Roosevelt's Cowboy Breakfast |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Ready to Round Up |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Saddling a Broncho |
1903 |
288 | 15 | A Typical Cow Boy |
1903 |
288 | 15 | Writing Home To... |
1903 |
Photographers, J.E. Stimson
All photographs in this folder were taken by J.E. Stimson (1870-1952), Cheyenne,
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 1 | A bunch of modern Herefords, Wyoming |
1938 |
289 | 1 | Early day roundup: saddle horse cavvy (no. 5038) |
undated |
289 | 1 | Dinner on roundup (17 men, all identified) (nos. 1218-1219) |
1898 |
Photographers, W.G. Walker
All photographs in this folder are marked "W.G. Walker, Cheyenne, Wyo." Walker (d.
1942) bought the studio of C.D. Kirkland in 1899 and continued as a photographer in
Cheyenne until 1936. In addition to taking photographs himself, Walker re-issued
prints from Kirkland's negatives under his own name.
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 2 | Calf Branding, no. 35 |
undated |
289 | 2 | Cutting Out, no. 69; Al Bowie, manager of the Two bar (Swan), cutting out
cows and calves in the 80s |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | Dinner on Round Up, no. 10; a mess wagon in the days of dutch ovens and no
tents in the 1880s |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | Ginning, no. 32; roundup in the '80s |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | Group of Cowboys, no 42; a group of cow punchers on no. 1 roundup in the
early 80s |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | Horse Herd, no. 37; the cavy, taken in the 80s |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | Inspecting the Brand, no. 47 |
undated |
289 | 2 | The Mess Wagon, no. 25; P O Boice-Arbuckle roundup near Cheyenne, Wyo.
1880s, noon at the mess wagon |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 2 | The Mess Wagon, Making Pies, no. 67 |
undated |
289 | 2 | Roping Ponies, no. 68; the remuda, catching fresh horses in the
80s |
ca. 1880s |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 3 | Brock Co. roundup on North Fork of Powder River, J. Elmer Brock on
horse |
ca. 1912 |
289 | 3 | Bug outfit, Judge Carter, Fort Bridger, roundup on Smith's
Fork |
1886 |
289 | 3 | Double dishpan, Frank Ball Sr., branding in the open west of David (2
items) |
1937 |
289 | 3 | Douglas-Willan Co. home ranch (Millbrook Ranch) |
1887 |
289 | 3 | Douglas-Willan-Sartoris Co. corrals on home ranch; slaughter house with
wheel |
undated |
289 | 3 | Elliott (Jack) Ranch roundup, Chalk Bluffs, Colo. (7 items) |
1916 |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 4 | Farthing (Harry) ranch, views of Harry Farthing cattle, Horse Creek and
Iron Mountains Districts (3 views with 2 copies each) |
undated |
289 | 4 | Gebhard (Otto) ranch, views of the Otto Gebhard (Brush Creek) Ranch,
Encampment, Wyo. (16 items) |
undated |
289 | 4 | Gilchrist(?) ranch; stone ranch house on Happy Jack Road, photo presented
by Mary Richardson, close friend of Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist, in 1935 (photo by
Walker) |
undated |
289 | 4 | Goose Egg Ranch at Bessemer Bend on North Platte River, taken by D.W.
Greenburg (5 items) |
July 19, 1925 |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 5 | Hepp (Chris) ranch below Fetterman monument, ox trains |
undated |
194 | 12-13 | L 7 Roundup (2 items) (Oversize) |
1883 |
289 | 5 | Merrill Ranch home, near site of Woodruff Cabin, near Thermopolis,
Wyo |
1941 |
289 | 5 | O W Ranch (Converse Cattle Co.); group of men outside O W Ranch buildings,
Hat Creek, Wyoming; 2 men boxing, 5 men with musical instruments (1 original, 1 copy
with men numbered; see also oversize) |
1883 |
194 | 14 | O W Ranch scene (Oversize) |
1883 |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 6 | Pine Tree Horse Ranch, Wyoming Territory (photo by Dalgleish Bros. of
Buffalo) |
undated |
289 | 6 | Pitchfork Ranch branding scenes, George Merrill branding, photos by Otto
Franc, presented by Mrs. George Merrill in 1937 (3 items) |
1894, 1904, 1905 |
289 | 6 | Pitchfork Ranch roundup |
1894 |
289 | 6 | Pitchfork Ranch roundup horses (photo by Otto Franc) |
1894 |
289 | 6 | Pitchfork Ranch roundup wagons going over the divide to Coon Creek on the
old Fort Bridger Trail; B N, Pitchfork and Bug wagons |
1889 |
289 | 6 | P K chuckwagon on the roundup, west of Sheridan |
undated |
289 | 6 | P K roundup outfit breaking camp (photo by Goff) |
early 1890s |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 7 | T 7 boys eating dinner, Alex Mashek, cook, near Gillette, Wyo |
1895 |
289 | 7 | Two Bar (Swan Ranch) cowboys: Jim Mallory, Henry Melton, Scotty Nelson, Leo
Sheldon, Ed Held, Charley Irwin, Billy Wilde, Jim Sloan, Johnnie Robb, Dick
Barnette, Harry Robb, Lorenzo French |
1901 |
289 | 7 | Western Union Beef Co.'s horse outfit, Lusk, Wyo. (photo by W.K.
Brewster) |
undated |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 8 | Big Piney "pool" roundup, riders identified (2 copies) |
1897 |
289 | 8 | Branding Calves on the Open Range (color postcard) |
1906 |
289 | 8 | Branding scene, taken at Big Bend of Kirkby Creek by Capt. Cooksley, riders
identified (2 copies) |
1887 |
289 | 8 | Cattle (Hereford) against line of barbed wire fence, facing
camera |
undated |
289 | 8 | Cattle roundup at foot of hill with child on horse in foreground; from
Arthur Center, San Diego, Calif |
ca. 1950s |
289 | 8 | Horses, two wagons, five riders |
undated |
289 | 8 | Roundup camp scene, Laramie Plains (Medicine Bow Station?) |
ca. 1880s |
289 | 8 | Roundup camp scene, Merino, Wyo. (now Upton) |
Sept. 1896 |
289 | 8 | Roundup Chuck Wagon, North Platte, Nebr. (postcard) |
undated |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 9 | Myrna Agee, assistant secretary, looking up files in WSGA
vault |
ca. 1930s |
289 | 9 | Altered brand, close-up of cow's flank shaved to expose brand |
undated |
289 | 9 | Altered brand, close-up of cow shaved to expose brand |
Sept. 13, 1943 |
289 | 9 | Altered brands, views of Hendrickson cattle showing altered or added
brands, by Millard F. Lund (8 items with 1 duplicate) |
Apr.-Oct. 1954 |
289 | 9 | Sheriff George Carroll (Laramie County) in his office on phone |
undated |
289 | 9 | Butch Cassidy and his gang, photographed in Texas; with explanation of how
they worked over circle K brand of Ora Haley |
ca. 1890s |
289 | 9 | Conference on cattle rustling (rubber tired rustling): Fred E. Warren,
Russell Thorp, Capt. George Smith (Wyoming Highway Patrol), George Carroll (sheriff
of Laramie County) (2 copies) |
1938 |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 10 | Cow with questionable brand: Earl W. Carpenter uncovering brand, cow with
brand exposed, Carpenter and cow (3 items) |
1932 |
289 | 10 | At Denver stockyards, inspectors check each shipment, brand and bill of
sale (Earl W. Carpenter on horse) (2 items) |
1939 |
289 | 10 | Brand inspectors conferring on brands (2 copies) |
1939 |
289 | 10 | Inspector Earl W. Carpenter checking Wyoming brand records (2
items) |
1939 |
289 | 10 | Inspector Earl W. Carpenter preparing to photograph questionable brands (3
289 | 10 | Inspector Earl Carpenter and Russell Thorp discuss a doubtful
brand |
1939 |
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 11 | Guard with truckload of purebred cattle |
ca. 1930s |
289 | 11 | Hugh McPhee, deputy sheriff and livestock inspector, of Laramie County,
clipping off hair to examine brand |
undated |
289 | 11 | Reward notice nailed on fence post |
undated |
289 | 11 | Perry A. Shope, justice of peace, Platte County, reads complaint to Goertz
(2 items) |
undated |
289 | 11 | Tally sheet of brand inspector showing result of careful examination of the
underside of the hides after cattle were slaughtered (includes explanation of the
theft and discovery) |
1923 |
289 | 11 | Russell Thorp demonstrating detection of altered brand: close-up of
questionable brands, after slaughter view of hair side of hide, after slaughter view
of flesh side of hide with explanation of theft and discovery (3 items, 3
duplicates) |
ca. 1940s |
289 | 11 | Con Wager, Asa Moore, and Big Ed Wilson hung on October 18, 1868 by
vigilantes in Laramie (copy print) |
undated |
Seventy Years Cow Country
Photographs gathered for use in Seventy Years Cow
Country, a history of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association by Agnes Wright
Spring, 1943 (many photographs listed under other headings were also used in this
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 12 | 1884 | |
289 | 12 | undated | |
289 | 12 | undated | |
289 | 12 | 1937 | |
289 | 12 | 1937 | |
289 | 12 | 1884-1913 | |
289 | 12 | ca. 1930s | |
289 | 12 | 1934 | |
289 | 13 |
Printer's proofs of photographs which were used in Seventy Years Cow Country, by Agnes Wright Spring (35 pages) |
1943 |
Harry E. Crain Collection
Photographs donated to the WSGA by Harry E. Crain, Nov. 29, 1938.
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 14 | Hat Creek Post Office, with John Mornos, Sol Tuckerman, William (Baldy)
Lewis |
1883 |
289 | 14 | Cross A Ranch on Lance Creek, J. Howard Ford, owner (1 original, 1 copy
print) |
1883 |
289 | 14 | O W Ranch, riding herd (1 original, 2 copy prints) |
undated |
289 | 14 | Roundup on Norman Creek (1 original, 2 copy prints) |
1884 |
289 | 14 | Roundup on Old Woman Creek |
1884 |
Mrs. Ed L. Patrick Collection
Photographs donated to the WSGA by Mrs. Ed L. Patrick.
Box | Folder | ||
289 | 15 | undated | |
Sturgis Family Collection: Personal, portraits and hunting
Photographs donated to the WSGA by Helen Sturgis, daughter of Thomas Sturgis (see
also Photographers, C.D. Kirkland).
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 1 | Thomas Sturgis, when he was appointed fire commissioner of NYC |
1902 |
290 | 1 | Cheyenne Club silver vase |
undated |
290 | 1 | Punch bowl presented to Thomas Sturgis by WSGA |
ca. 1884 |
290 | 1 | Stocks Millar and Weir on horseback at house (quarter circle L)
ranch |
1885 |
290 | 1 | Robert F. Perkins, Natl. Bowditch, H.S.B.: "The swells of the Fairview
Hotel" (photo by Kirkland) |
undated |
290 | 1 | Cheyenne, "Heap No Good." |
1885 |
290 | 1 | Untitled, Indians on horseback in front of house ranch |
undated |
290 | 1 | One of Gordon Goodell's horses |
undated |
290 | 1 | Ready for a hunt |
Oct. 1884 |
290 | 1 | Near (quarter circle L) ranch just in from a day's air |
1884 |
290 | 1 | After a day's ride, Percival Roberts and W. Brooks |
1884 |
290 | 1 | Untitled, three men (Percival Roberts, W. Brooks and unknown) on
horseback |
1884 |
290 | 1 | On prairie 30 mi from Cheyenne |
Oct. 1884 |
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 2 | Sturgis and Lane, Cherry Creek ranch |
undated |
290 | 2 | Kitchen, grub-house and bunk house, House ranch, just returned from Miles
City |
1884 |
290 | 2 | Interior of House ranch (3 items) |
1884 |
290 | 2 | The "Pitchfork" ranch, North American Cattle Co. (same building as House
ranch) |
undated |
290 | 2 | Birdseye view of upper ranch, looking towards Squaw Creek (North American
Cattle Co. ranch) (2 copies) |
1884 |
290 | 2 | Bunch of horses, corral and boys in foreground, looking north from upper
ranch |
1884 |
290 | 2 | Cowboys and roan colts, upper ranch |
1884 |
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 3 | Branding scene, North American Cattle Co., Little Powder River (2
copies) |
1884 |
290 | 3 | Branding scene, Little Powder River |
1884 |
290 | 3 | North American Cattle Co. horse herd, looking up creek from near lower
ranch (2 copies) |
1884 |
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 4 | General spring roundup, Horse Creek (quarter circle L brand) (2 original
copies, 2 copy prints) |
May 1885 |
290 | 4 | Outfit (beef) just after lunch at mouth of Horse Creek, ready to start (1
original, 1 copy print) |
Sept. 1885 |
290 | 4 | Spring roundup at upper ranch (quarter circle L) (2 copies) |
May 25, 1885 |
290 | 4 | Roundup scene (quarter circle L) |
1885 |
290 | 4 | (Quarter circle L) beef herd, Horse Creek, on road to market, 900 head (2
original copies, 1copy print) |
Sept. 1885 |
290 | 4 | Beeves, last of the drove on road to market |
1885 |
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 5 | Fort Laramie and Laramie Peak in distance, Lieut. Hardin's team in
foreground |
1884 |
290 | 5 | Untitled, three men standing in gulch (no. 64) |
ca. 1885 |
290 | 5 | Badland brakes of Wild Cat Creek (no. 66) |
1885 |
290 | 5 | Gulch near upper ranch, curious burnt rock, brilliant red color (no.
72) |
1885 |
290 | 5 | Burning coal bed, Whitetail Creek, 4 miles from ranch (no. 81) |
290 | 5 | Untitled, two saddled horses in gulch (no. 84) |
ca. 1885 |
290 | 5 | Burning coal bed, Whitetail Creek, 4 miles from house ranch (no.
89) |
1885 |
290 | 5 | Coal vein in gulch approach to upper ranch (no. 96) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Brakes of Horse Creek, buckboard team in foreground, 5 miles below ranch
(no. 97) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Scene on Horse Creek, four miles below ranch, cottonwoods (no.
98) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Curious soft sandstone rocks, brakes of Horse Creek near upper meadow (no.
99) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Dead cottonwood trees in bottom of Wild Cat Creek, near mouth of Horse
Creek (no. 100) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Coal vein in washout, brakes of Horse Creek (no. 105) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Curious burnt rock near upper ranch (no. 108) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Red topped butte at head of Horse Creek (no. 111) |
1885 |
290 | 6 | Elevator and cattle yards, Neligh, Nebraska |
1887 |
Russell Thorp Collection
Photographs regarding Russell Thorp and Thorp family donated to the WSGA by Russell
Thorp Jr.
Box | Folder | ||
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp Sr., Charles Meeks, stage driver, Henry Chase, stage agent at
Raw Hide Buttes; tintype taken at World's Fair, San Francisco |
ca. 1890s |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp's mother, copy print of an oval locket photo |
undated |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp, standing in front of log ranch house, hand
colored |
undated |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp and historical relics in Cheyenne office of WSGA |
1942 |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp demonstrating techniques for holding reins while driving a
stage coach (4 items) |
undated |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp with whip used by his father on Cheyenne-Deadwood stage
line |
undated |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp and Clifford Hansen holding harness bells |
undated |
290 | 7 | 1840 stage coach, restored |
undated |
290 | 7 | Russell Thorp driving stage coach with passengers John Hunton, Harry Hynds,
Helen Cook Strube, Tom Black; Memorial Day, Lusk, Wyoming |
1927 |
290 | 7 | Christmas card with photo of stage coach, "My last concord stage,
four-horse team, heads up with pride, reined in action." |
undated |
290 | 7 | Christmas card with photo of unveiling of Mother Featherlegs monument,
Lusk, Wyoming |
May 17, 1964 |
290 | 7 | Thorp's ranch on Rawhide Creek, Wyo |
ca. 1893 |
290 | 7 | Ella Throckmorton, worked for the Thorp family thirty years |
undated |
290 | 7 | "Cow pony," calf suckling mare |
undated |
Series XIX. History Materials, 1873-1980Return to Top
When the Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) Records were organized in 1994 some of the material which had been received by the American Heritage Center was located in vertical files. This material was not included in the 1994 finding aid. An attempt has now been made to repatriate the material from the vertical files back to the collection. However, due to the size and complexity of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association Records, no attempt has been made at this time to interfile this material with the rest of the collection, except in the case of oversize materials, which have been placed in Boxes 245 and 246.
The materials in this section were primarily received between 1949 and 1964. They are similar in nature to the Miscellaneous Documents listed in the main finding aid, having been apparently collected by the WSGA office to illustrate Wyoming history in general and the cattle industry in particular. Some items, which were originally accessioned under the name of Russell Thorp as Accession Number 128, have been integrated with this material. It seems probable that Thorp initiated the collecting of much of this historical material, and that he intended it all to be a part of the WSGA record. The documents are arranged as they were in the vertical files of the American Heritage Center in two series: biographical and subject. There is little evidence to indicate their original arrangement by the WSGA.
The documents consist of both printed and unpublished materials and include correspondence, manuscripts, news clippings, pamphlets, etc. containing reminiscences of and about residents and conditions in Wyoming and the West primarily before the turn of the twentieth century.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Subseries I.: Biographical |
1873-1964 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
291 | 1 | Benton, W.G. |
1941 |
291 | 2 | Boughton, M.V. |
undated |
291 | 3 | Brock, J. Elmer |
1933-1954 |
291 | 4 | Bronson, Edgar Beecher |
undated |
291 | 5 | Brooks, Bryant B. |
1939 |
291 | 6 | Burritt, Charles H. |
1961 |
291 | 7 | Calamity Jane |
undated |
291 | 8 | Canton, Frank M. |
1935-1937, undated |
291 | 9 | Card, Harry (Rosey) |
1947 |
291 | 10 | Coffee, C.F. |
1873-1934 |
291 | 11 | Collins, J.S. |
undated |
291 | 12 | Cooper, Thomas |
undated |
291 | 13 | Dahlman, James C. (James Murray) |
undated |
291 | 14 | Douglas, W.O. |
1961 |
291 | 15 | Ford, Lee M. |
1952-1954 |
291 | 16 | Hickok, Wild Bill |
1937 |
291 | 17 | Horn, Tom |
undated |
291 | 18 | Huidekoper, Wallis |
1955-1956 |
291 | 19 | Hunton, John |
1959-1961 |
291 | 20 | Huston, A.H. |
1915 |
291 | 21 | Hyatt, Sam C. |
1954 |
291 | 22 | Iliff, John W. |
undated |
291 | 23 | Irvine, William C. |
1956-1964 |
291 | 24 | Kendrick, John B. |
ca. 1951, undated |
291 | 25 | Lafrentz, F.W. |
1943 |
291 | 26 | Lusk, Frank S. |
1924-1956 |
291 | 27 | Lykins, W.C. |
undated |
291 | 28 | May, Boone |
undated |
291 | 29 | McIntosh, Robert |
1887-1906 |
291 | 30 | Miller, A.L. |
undated |
291 | 31 | Moore, Lee |
1958 |
291 | 32 | Myers, Charles A. |
ca. 1952 |
291 | 33 | Nelson, Dick J. |
1954 |
291 | 34 | Oelrichs, Harry |
undated |
291 | 35 | Old Mother Featherlegs (Charlotte Shephard) |
1951 |
291 | 36 | Owens, John |
undated |
291 | 37 | Palmer, Walter E. |
1941-1947 |
291 | 38 | Parrott, Big Nose George |
undated |
291 | 39 | Purdy, Ikua |
1908, 1945 |
291 | 40 | Reel, A.H. (Heck) |
1958 |
291 | 41 | Reynolds, Phin W. |
undated |
291 | 42 | Russell, Charles M. |
1937-1958 |
291 | 43 | Shonsey, Mike |
1961-1962 |
291 | 44 | Snyder, A.B. (Pinnacle Jake) |
1948 |
291 | 45 | Spaugh, Addison A. |
1949-1958 |
291 | 46 | Spring, Agnes Wright |
undated |
291 | 47 | Storey, Ed |
1958 |
291 | 48 | Swan, Alexander Hamilton |
1946-1950 |
291 | 49 | Thorp, Russell Jr. |
1938-1959 |
291 | 50 | Thorp, Russell Jr. – News clippings |
1943-1959 |
291 | 51 | Thorp, Russell Sr. (Mr. and Mrs.) |
1880-1881 |
291 | 52 | Vass, A.F. |
1961 |
291 | 53 | Wellman, George |
1937-1943 |
291 | 54 | Wilson, Elijah N. (Uncle Nick) |
1948 |
291 | 55 | Wright, William B. |
1937-1952 |
Subseries II.: Subject |
1875-1980 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
292 | 1 | American National Cattlemen's Association |
1954 |
292 | 2 | American National Livestock Association |
1938 |
292 | 3 | Barbed Wire |
1958 |
292 | 4 | Blizzard of 1949 |
1949-1950 |
292 | Book: "Commemorating 150 Years of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, 1872-2022" |
2022 | |
Folder | |||
292 | 5 | Bull Durham Tobacco |
undated |
292 | 6 | Cattle |
1954-1963 |
292 | 7 | Cattle – Africa |
1951 |
292 | 8 | Cattle – Brand Inspection |
1954-1959 |
292 | 9 | Cattle – Brands |
ca. 1944 |
292 | 10 | Cattle – Brands – Wyoming |
1935-1958 |
292 | 11 | Cattle – Company – Sanford |
1956 |
292 | 12 | Cattle – Company – Searight |
ca. 1880 |
292 | 13-14 | Cattle – Industry – Wyoming |
1945, undated |
292 | 15 | Cattle – Roundup of 1885 |
1936-1958 |
292 | 16 | Cattle – Rustling |
1936-1958 |
292 | 17 | Cattle – Trail – Chisholm |
1958 |
292 | 18 | Cattle – Trail – Oregon to Wyoming - Correspondence, etc. re:
monuments |
1942, 1948 |
292 | 19 | Cattle – Trail – Texas - Correspondence, etc. re: monuments |
1930-1949 |
292 | 20 | Colorado – Manhattan Mining District |
1887 |
292 | 21 | Cowboys |
1949 |
292 | 22 | Detectives |
undated |
292 | 23 | Explorers |
1930 |
292 | 24 | Fort Robinson (Nebraska) |
1942 |
292 | 25 | Historical Markers |
1949 |
292 | 26 | Horses |
1948, 1961 |
292 | 27 | Johnson County War |
1958-1962 |
292 | 28 | Montana Stockgrowers Association |
1945 |
292 | 29 | National Cowboy Hall of Fame |
1957-1958 |
292 | 30 | Office of Price Administration |
1944 |
292 | 31 | Pony Express - William Henry Jackson map |
undated |
292 | 32 | Public Land Policy |
1946-1947 |
292 | 33 | Ranch – HF Bar |
undated |
292 | 34 | Ranch – Two Bar |
1957-1960 |
292 | 35 | Saddle – Visalia |
ca. 1951 |
292 | 36 | Stage Line – Cheyenne-Deadwood |
1938-1960 |
293 | 1 | Wyoming – Carbon County |
1959 |
293 | 2 | Wyoming – Cheyenne |
1942-1960 |
293 | 3 | Wyoming – Evanston, 1876 |
1964 |
293 | 4 | Wyoming – History |
1951 |
293 | 5 | Wyoming – Lusk |
1928-1957 |
293 | 6 | Wyoming Pioneer Association - Pioneers who attended 1st meeting, Douglas,
1914 |
1957 |
293 | 7 | Wyoming Stock Growers Association – Original Documents |
1875-1944 |
293 | 8 | Wyoming Stock Growers Association – Publications & Business
Documents |
1930-1980 |
293 | 9 | Wyoming Stock Growers Association – Membership Lists, 1874-1880,
1942 |
undated |
293 | 10 | Wyoming Stock Growers Association – Thorp Material |
1944-1958 |
293 | 11 | Wyoming Water Resources |
1956 |
294 | Newspapers - Primarily historical editions: Denver, Douglas, Guernsey,
Lusk, Newcastle, Sidney |
1879-1936 | |
Sub-series III. Index Cards
Alphabetized 3X5" cards containing information about people and subjects relevant to
the WSGA. Includes organization officers with terms of office and bibliographic
Box | |||
296-298 | A-Z |
undated |
Accretion, 00014-2007-08-09 Return to Top
This material was received after the guide was created. It has been boxed and briefly listed but has not been integrated with the preceding papers.
Container(s) | Description |
Box | |
295 | Correspondence, newspaper clippings and a book, "The Cheyenne and Black Hills
Stage and Express 1876-1887" by Agnes Wright Spring, 1945. |
Additional Container ListsReturn to Top
The American Heritage Center is in the process of converting its older container lists to a more accessible format. This link is to an older version of a container list.
Description |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Animal industry--Law and legislation.
- Cattle brands--West (U.S.)
- Cattle brands--Wyoming.
- Cattle breeders--Wyoming.
- Cattle stealing--West (U.S.)
- Cattle stealing--Wyoming.
- Cattle trade--West (U.S.)
- Cattle trade--Wyoming.
- Cattle--Government policy.
- Cattle--Marketing.
- Johnson County War, 1892.
- Livestock--Marketing.
- Public lands--Wyoming.
- Range management--Law and legislation.
- Range policy--West (U.S.)
- Range policy--Wyoming.
- Veterinary public health.
Personal Names
Corporate Names
- American National Cattlemen's Association.
- Cheyenne Club.
- Junior Wyoming Stock Growers Association.
- Wyoming's Cow-Belles.
Geographical Names
- West (U.S.) -- History
- Wyoming--History--1890-1918.
- Wyoming--History--1919-1945.
- Wyoming--History--1946-
- Wyoming--History--To 1889.
- Wyoming--Politics and government.
Form or Genre Terms
Titles within the Collection
- Cow country.