Horse Heaven Hills Study Group Records, 1930-1972

Overview of the Collection

Horse Heaven Hills Study Group Records
1930-1972 (inclusive)
2 linear feet, ( 2 containers)
Collection Number
Archives 253
Collection includes reports, charts, drawings, maps and raw data concerning irrigation and power plant plans in the Horse Heaven Hills region of Washington State.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

The Collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The crescent-shaped Horse Heaven Hills region covers more than 600,000 acres, running about 60 miles long, from east to west, and about 22 miles wide, from north to south. Arching from the Wallula Gap to Kiona and to Wood Gulch near Roosevelt, the area has been mapped and remapped since 1904. Since then, various plans have been proposed to develop the land for irrigation purposes because a large share of the farm land in Benton and Klickitat counties lies in this region. About 1917, for instance, a plan called for diverting the Klickitat River to the area, but was dropped when the U.S. Indian Agency decided to use the water on the reservation. A later plan called for building a dam for the Columbia River at the Umatilla Rapids and use the power for pumping onto the Horse Heaven Hills area, but that proposal eventually died.

In 1969, the residents and landowners in the area organized a committee to consider Horse Heaven Hills agricultural development and entered a contract with the Agricultural Research Center of Washington State University to study the potential for such development and the impact that development would make. In 1970, the Horse Heaven Hills Study Group, composed mostly of representatives of the College of Agriculture at WSU, completed a study for the committee. The final report concluded that the bulk of the irrigable area would need a development involving some kind of canal system, and it also discussed the possibility of a storage reservoir at Paterson Ridge to be used as a cooling pond for a nuclear power plant to supply electricity to the region. The study group concluded that in general, irrigation development in the entire region would likely not be financially possible, but it did indicate the feasibility was great enough in a more limited portion of area to warrant further analysis.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Records consist chiefly of reports, charts, raw data, and drawings and maps concerned with irrigation and power plant plans for the Horse Heaven Hills area of Benton County, Washington.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The arrangement is in order of receipt.

Acquisition Information

Records from the Horse Heaven Hills Study Group were transferred to the Washington State University Libraries in 1989 (UA89-26).

Processing Note

The records were processed by Kevlin Haire in 2002.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Cost estimates for pump, canals, pipelines
1 2 Horse Heaven report appendices December 1970
1 3 Profile of Toppenish Creek dam site Jan. 28, 1954
1 4 Profile of Satus Creek dam site Feb. 26, 1954
1 5 "Mass Curve of Irrigation Water Use and Storage in Satus Creek Storage Reservoir," Sept. 3, 1953
1 6 Report on diversion of Klickitat River March 7, 1930
1 7 Correspondence by John H. Lynch
1 8 Precipitation data
1 9 Temperature data for Kennewick, Mottinger, Sixprong, 1899-1967
1 10 Horse Heaven feasibility report - preliminary March 10, 1970
1 11 Horse Heaven feasibility report June 17, 1970
1 12 Yakima Valley irrigation potential reports
1 13 Paterson Ridge power plant schematic layout May 14, 1970
1 14 Paterson Ridge cooling pond schematic layout May 8, 1970
1 16 Paterson Ridge cooling pond for 4,000 MW nuclear plant schematic layout May 8, 1970
1 17 Paterson Ridge dam for elevation 440' cooling pond schematic layout May 8, 1970
1 18 Paterson Ridge and Rock Creek location map May 8, 1970
1 19 Rock Creek reservoir location map May 8, 1970
1 20 Area, capacity and cost diagrams for Paterson Ridge reservoir site
1 21 Cost diagrams re: Alder Creek reservoir, figures 1-236 1970
1 22 Appendix 2-A: Assessment of probable salinity and drainage reclamation needs upon irrigation development, with laboratory data tables
1 23 Appendix 3-B: Irrigation facilities for Horse Heaven Hills
1 24 Cost diagrams for canals 1970
1 25 Paterson Ridge reservoir and vicinity from USGS report May 8, 1970
1 26 HASP-II job statistics Nov. 14, 1972
1 27 Budgets for representative crops in Horse Heaven Hills area
1 28 Tuscarora pump-generating plant cross section May 8, 1970
1 29 Paterson Ridge modified USGS scheme May 8, 1970
1 30 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation bid abstracts, 1964-66, with introductory letter received March 15, 1968
1 31 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation contracts for farmer repayments of capital costs of irrigation projects, 1947-63, with introductory letter of April 13, 1963
1 32 Report on construction to divert water from Klickitat River Sept. 1, 1941
1 33 Engineering and hydrologic data 1951-54 (with maps)
1 34 Cost data for pumping plant, canals
1 35 HASP-II job statistics May 31, 1971
2 36 Cost data for pumping plants, canals, etc., in Horse Heaven area (2 folders)
2 37 "Transient Response of a Layered, Sloping Soil to Natural Rainfall ...: Experimental Results," by A.S. Rogowski, E.T. Engman and E.L. Jacoby February 1974
2 38 Horse Heaven Hills study, binder 1
(2 folders)
December 1970
2 39 Horse Heaven irrigation study (3 folders)
2 40 Cost data for Alder Creek reservoir, canals, etc.
2 41 Consumptive use calculations for areas of eastern Oregon, Washington
2 42 Climate, cost and geographic data for irrigation in Yakima area (2 folders)
2 43 Main computer program for Yakima Model
2 44 Interim report on hydrologic substudy of Yakima River Basin study July 1972
2 45 Progress report on forest resources for Yakima River project, by David Wooldridge and John Fox July 21, 1972
2 46 Summary on water quality models for Yakima River Basin July 1972
2 47 Interim report on fisheries, 1971-72 by Milo C. Bell July 1972
2 48 Economic studies of the Yakima River Basin
2 49 "An Analytical Model for Water Evaluation in a River Basin," by Norman K. Whittlesay, April 1972 (with tables and map)
2 50 Operation and maintenance equipment and procedures index June 1960
2 51 Yuma Mesa Irrigation and Drainage District water regulations 1963
2 52 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Instruction Series 230, Jan. 10, 1957 (with notes)
2 53 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation irrigation repayment contract Sept. 1, 1950
2 54 Benefit-cost evaluations for water or related land-use projects, supplement 1 to feasibility studies, May 31, 1963 (State Department)
2 55 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation construction cost trends report January 1968
2 56 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Appendix A to Series 150 Estimating Reclamation Instructions Nov. 2, 1959
2 57 Correspondence by W.E. Rawlings March 20, 1968
2 58 Unit price computation sheets for CB-EHC feasibility study 1962-65 (with graphs)
2 59 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Estimating Instructions, Nov. 7, 1958 (power plants)
2 60 Klickitat main canal and dams data
2 61 Bickleton area canals, siphons, bridges data
2 62 Klickitat Valley canals, siphons, bridges data
2 63 Columbia River areas and all major pumping plants data
2 64 Research reviews and data (4 folders)
2 65 Oversized maps and ink and pen drawings of power plant, cooling pond and irrigation plans, for Paterson Ridge, Glade Creek, Klickitat and Yakima valleys and other parts of the Horse Heaven Hills area (6 folders; stored Over Size)