Special Righteousness Committee collection, 1980-2002

Overview of the Collection

Special Righteousness Committee (Portland, Or.)
Special Righteousness Committee collection
1980-2002 (inclusive)
1 cubic foot, (1 document case, 1 flat box, and 1 oversize folder)
Collection Number
Mss 2988-20
Materials created by an Oregon organization opposed to the Oregon Citizens Alliance and the anti-gay Measure 9 in 1992, including humorous political art work. Also includes materials related to the Radical Faeries and other organizations.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
Telephone: 503-306-5240
Fax: 503-219-2040
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Special Righteousness Committee came about in opposition to the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) and their 1992 Oregon Ballot Measure 9. This measure would have amended the Oregon state constitution to define homosexuality as "abnormal" and "wrong," and would have prevented any protections of lesbian and gay citizens under state laws. The Special Righteousness Committee -- whose name was derived from the OCA's slogan "no special rights" -- used humor and elaborately illustrated graphics to lampoon the OCA initiative. The group facetiously supported additional constitutional amendments based on admonishments within the biblical book of Leviticus, such as "No special rights for oyster eaters."

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection includes: illustrated certificates, original artworks, newsletters and brochures, signs and posters, graphic art booklets, excerpts from the 1992 Oregon Voter's Pamphlet, State of Oregon Statewide Initiative Petition forms, and materials documenting the Oregon Citizens Alliance and Lon Mabon. The collection also includes "Lon Mabon Cut Out Dolls" illustrated by Vaughn Frick. Also included are a small quantity of materials related to the Radical Faeries of the Pacific Northwest.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Oregon Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library prior to any use of reproductions. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use of reproductions may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright holders.

Preferred Citation

Special Righteousness Committee collection, Mss 2988-20, Oregon Historical Society Davies Family Research Library

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged in two series:

  • Series A: Special Righteousness Committee materials
  • Series B: Radical Faeries and other related materials

Custodial History

Materials were found at a garage sale in Portland, Oregon, by George Nicola of the Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, and donated to the Oregon Historical Society.

Acquisition Information

Acquired June 2013, Library Accession 27956

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series A:  Special Righteousness Committee MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1992 Voter's Pamphlet Text
Page 95 of the Official 1992 General Voters' Pamphlet as supplied to Oregon voters. Special Righteousness Committee paid for a statement in support of Ballot Measure 9. Text uses a literal interpretation of the biblical book of Leviticus in order to point out the hypocrisy of the OCA-sponsored ballot initiative. "[The state] promotes oyster-eating by licensing seafood restaurants..." etc.
Constitutional Amendment Petition Signature Sheet
Statewide Initiative Petition sheets "authorized and paid for by Special Righteousness Committee" in support of a constitutional amendment. "Summary: Amends Oregon Constitution. Declares eating certain foods (including shrimp, lobster, clams, rabbit, pork, rare steak and chocolate ants), crossbreeding cattle, wearing clothing of more than one fabric, shaving beards, adultery without punishment of death, cursing one's parents without punishment of death 'abnormal, unnatural, perverse, immoral and generally disgusting conduct.'"
Indulgence Poster
Original artwork and colored copies of Special Righteousness Committee posters presented to financial supporters.
The Laws of Ritual Holiness from Leviticus
Handout quoting select verses from the biblical book of Leviticus, admonishing against various dietary, social, and sexual practices.
circa 1992
License to Discriminate
Illustrated certificates with a space for entering the bearer's name. "This license certifies that [____] has hereby been granted the special right to discriminate against O.C.A. members on the basis of his/her sincere and deeply held moral belief that these people are repugnant hypocrites."
circa 1992
Lon Mabon Cut Out Doll
Original sketches, color artwork, and illustrations for satirical paper doll & costumes lampooning Lon Mabon. Also includes a follow up costume after Mabon was imprisoned for contempt of court. "Concept: M. Dennis Moore and Vaughn Frick. Copyright 2000 by Family Alliance of GOD (FAG)."
2000, 2002
Oversize Folder
No Special Rights Sign
Cardboard sign: "No Special Rights For Oyster Eaters!"
circa 1992
Quotations from Chairman Mabon (2002)
Compiled by M. Dennis Moore. A stapled handout documenting the OCA, Lon Mabon, Ballot Measure 9, and the parodies created by Special Righteousness Committee in response.
RIGHTEOUS "X" Goes to Hell
Graphic novel-style brochures, illustrated by Vaughn Frick. Small, staple-bound handouts and an enlargement copy.
RIGHTEOUS "X" Goes to Hell Flats
Printer's flats for front & back cover of booklet distributed by Special Righteousness Committee.
Poster in response to Republican "pollution credits" concept. "[____] is hereby granted a credit of five thousand (5,000) sin units, equivalent to burning, for one year, in the Lake of Fire!" By Priscilla Normal.
SRC Booth Board
Cardboard display featuring copies of news articles about various efforts sponsored by Special Righteousness Committee.
circa 1992
Surrender Oyster-Eaters! (1992)
Two-sided handout "authorized by Special Righteousness Committee" elaborating on their efforts to promote additional constitutional amendments based on admonishments contained within the biblical book of Leviticus.

Series BRadical Faeries and other related materialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Radical Faerie Party Invitations
Invitations to a 1984 Pride Party and a 1985 Rocky Horror Picture Show party at a private home in SE Portland.
Radical Faerie Publications (1984-1987)
Assorted brochures related to Radical Faeries in the Pacific Northwest.
  • FaeryLand News (Vol. 1, No. 1): June 24, 1984 (San Francisco);
  • The Faerie Home Companion (premier edition): circa 1987 (Seattle);
  • Faerie Home Companion (Vol. 1, Issue 3): circa 1987 (Seattle);
  • Directory - West Coast Faerie Symposium & Tea Dance, undated, cover only (Wolf Creek);
  • Nomenus (No. 2): June 1985 (San Francisco);
  • Handout from Equal Time Newspaper (circa 1986).
Somebody's Place Poster
Poster for a bar in SW Portland. "Celebrating the end of our 1st year, 1 March '80".