Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary Records, 1972-2007

Overview of the Collection

Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary
Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary Records
1972-2007 (inclusive)
1977-1991 (bulk)
3.0 cubic feet
Collection Number
MG 430
Records of the Sigma Lambda Alpha (Honor Society, Landscape Architecture), including its constitution and bylaws and correspondence with chapters of several universities.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. Researchers must use the collection in accordance with the policies of the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives.

This collection is in English.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The idea of the honor society, which is exclusively devoted to students in landscape architecture, was developed in 1976 by CELA president, Professor R.E. Toth. The honor society of Sigma Lambda Alpha was later established by the Executive Board and officers of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Incorporated (CELA) in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 24, 1977.

CELA president, Professor Michael R. Hodges at Michigan State University, asked William H. Snyder of the University of Idaho to be the society’s first executive secretary and to start a task force to form the honor society. The honor society was furthered by the desire to continue a precedent set by the earlier but short-lived local honor society of landscape architecture, urban planning, and allied arts, Beta Alpha Sigma at Michigan State University in the 1960s. The society was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in the state of Michigan on April 11, 1989. As of 2011, there are 55 collegiate chapters that have received charters, as well as the Alpha Founders Chapter for distinguished and founding members.

Sigma Lambda Alpha is a specialized national honor society that promotes, recognizes and rewards scholarly leadership and character as well as provides professional education and preparation for the career of landscape architecture. The motto of Sigma Lambda Alpha has been, “scholar, architect of the land, embraces the whole of nature and art” and also, “fit mankind to the earth and the earth to mankind.” Membership is open to persons who have demonstrated achievement in the profession of landscape architecture in association with a program or unit of a school, department or college of a university. Sigma Lambda Alpha has the distinction to be the only national honor society in North America that exclusively recognizes scholarship in landscape architecture.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The records of the Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary span the years 1977 to 2007, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1977 to 1991.

Included in the records are original and subsequent by-laws and constitutions; CELA annual conference material; collegiate chapter petitions; drawings of emblems; drawings and artwork, printing masters; certificates; letterhead stationary; correspondence to distinguished members; national correspondence between chapters and headquarters; bank statements; receipts and invoices.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary Records, MG 430. Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Most of the records were in labeled file folders when received; original folder headings were maintained as much as possible. However, records that had no apparent grouping were refoldered, organized and integrated into existing folders. Records within each file folder are arranged in chronological order.

Box 1 contains records of Sigma Lambda Alpha’s constitution and bylaws, meeting minutes, pamphlets, handbooks, distinguished membership lists, CELA annual conference material and letter correspondence. Box 2 follows with more correspondence and financial information including bank statements, mutual fund statements, invoices and order forms. In addition to boxes 1-2, there are two document case boxes (boxes 3-4), which contain individual university chapter correspondence arranged alphabetically by the university’s name. Last, an oversize box (box 5) contains print masters and Sigma Lambda Alpha artwork, photographs, etc.

Acquisition Information

The records of the Sigma Lambda Alpha Honorary were transferred to the University of Idaho Library by William H. Snyder in 2000 and 2002 and by John C. Billing in 2002 and 2008.

Processing Note

Jenny Johnson processed the records in July-August 2008.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Archive Information undated
1 2 Copyright 1977-1979
1 3 Early History and Preliminary Development 1977
1 4-5 Bylaws and Constitution 1980-1990
1 6 Sample Invitation for Membership Letters 1978-1981
1 7 Initiation Procedures 1981
1 8 Enrollment Forms 1985-1986
1 9 Club Fact Sheet, Enrollment Numbers, Officer list, etc. 1978-1988
1 10 SLA Annual Meeting Minutes 1982-1987
1 11 Annual Meeting of Association of College Honor Societies 1983-1989
1 12 Annual Meeting Info. of Association of College Honor Societies 1986
1 13 Annual Interim Reports 1984-1992
1 14 Scholarships and Awards 1979-1990
1 15 Petition Chapter Forms 1986
1 16 Honorary Membership 1980
1 17 Honorary Speeches 1979-1980
1 18 Pamphlets, Handbooks, Newsletters 1977-1995
1 19 Club Certificates, Articles, Pamphlets 1980-2000
1 20 Newsletter Articles 1978
1 21 Non-Club Posters, Certificate Examples 1983-1987
1 22 Letterhead, Stationary, Address Sheets undated
1 23 Official Key Pin, Publications 1977-1986
1 24 Ornamental 1978-1980
1 25 Distinguished Members undated
1 26 Distinguished Members List 1979-1989
1 27-29 Distinguished Members Correspondence 1979-1992
1 30 Beta Members 1972-1987
1 31 Donald W. Girouard Correspondence 1982-1983
1 32 Gerald L. Smith Correspondence 1982-1985
1 33 Land Magazine Correspondence 1981-1982
1 34 Governors Correspondence 1980-1987
1 35 Association of College Honor Societies Correspondence 1981-1992
1 36-45 Letter Correspondence 1981-1992
2 1 Correspondence, Handbook 1996-1997
2 2-3 Correspondence 2000-2002
2 4 Correspondence, ACHS Handbook 2002-2003
2 5-7 Correspondence, Business 2003-2006
2 8 Correspondence, Articles 2006-2007
2 9 J.O. Pollack Invoices and Correspondence 1979
2 10 Herf Jones Correspondence 1979-1982
2 11 Jewelry Order Forms 1979-1987
2 12 Jewelry Order Correspondence 1978-1988
2 13 IRS, Exemption, Tax Negotiation 1983-1988
2 14 Financial Papers and Invoices 1979-1981
2 15-22 Receipts, Checks, Bank Statements 1981-1986
2 23 Mutual of Omaha Funds, Correspondence 1981-1987
2 24 Financial Information, Scholarships 1995-1996
2 25 Membership Statistics, Tax Info. 1997-1998
2 26 Chapter Statistics, Membership stats., etc. 1998-1999
2 27 Financial, Correspondence, etc. 1999-2000
3 1 Arizona State University 1987-1991
3 2 Auburn University 1985-1991
3 3 Ball State University (TAU) 1978-1986
3 4 California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo) 1978-1985
3 5 California Polytechnic State University (Pomona) 1979-1985
3 6 Iowa State University 1983
3 7 Kansas State University 1983-1985
3 8 Louisiana State University 1978-1987
3 9 Michigan State University 1977-1985
3 10 Morgan State University (Baltimore) 1982-1987
3 11 New York State College of agriculture and Life Sciences 1981-1986
3 12 Ohio State University 1979-1983
3 13 Oklahoma State University 1984-1987
3 14 Pennsylvania State University 1979-1987
3 15 Purdue University 1979-1987
3 16 Rutgers University 1981-1986
4 1 State University of New York 1979-1987
4 2 Texas A and M University 1978-1987
4 3 Texas Tech University 1979-1985
4 4 University of Arizona 1978-1984
4 5 University of California, Davis 1980-1987
4 6 University of Florida 1980-1987
4 7 University of Georgia 1980-1987
4 8 University Guelph, Itami undated
4 9 University of Idaho 1984-1990
4 10 University of Illinois 1982-1987
4 11 University of Kentucky 1982
4 12 University of Minnesota 1979-1986
4 13 University of Texas 1987
4 14 University of Virginia 1979-1980
4 15 University of Washington 1979-1981
4 16 University of Wisconsin 1980-1987
4 17 Utah State University 1979-1987
4 18 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1982-1987
4 19 Washington State University 1980-1987
4 20 West Virginia University 1983-1987
5 Print masters, SLA artwork, photographs, etc. undated