Austin E. Griffiths papers, 1891-1952

Overview of the Collection

Griffiths, Austin E. (Austin Edwards), 1863-1952
Austin E. Griffiths papers
1891-1952 (inclusive)
11.73 cubic feet (25 boxes )
1 microfilm reel
Collection Number
Papers of a lawyer, civic leader, and politician of Seattle, Washington.
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The papers are open to all users.

Request at UW

Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Austin Edward Griffiths was born in Worcester, England, in 1863 and was raised by foster parents Philip and Ann Priday, who emigrated to Nebraska in 1872. After graduating from the University of Michigan, Griffiths moved to the Washington Territory in 1889 and began practicing law in Grays Harbor before moving to Seattle in 1897. Throughout his adult life, Griffiths was active in public affairs both in Seattle and in Washington State. He served on the Seattle City Council from 1910 to 1913 and 1934 to 1937, ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 1913-1914, was appointed chief of police in 1914, served as superior court judge from 1921 to 1929, and was elected twice to the Seattle School Board (1929-1930, 1931-1934).

Griffiths's faith in collective programs for social advancement led to his involvement in numerous civic and charitable causes. As founder, in 1908, of the Seattle Playground Association, Griffiths became known as the "Father of Seattle Playgrounds" for his successful efforts to establish parks and recreation centers throughout the city. He subsequently became identified with the National Playground Association and helped popularize the playground movement nationwide. He was an active member of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, serving as a trustee and member of many committees. Griffiths also held leadership positions in the Young Men's Christian Association, the Seattle Charity Organization Society, and the Cascade Tunnel Association.

Griffiths's concern for progressive causes also was reflected in his political activities. An important voice in Progressive Republican affairs in Washington State, he supported Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose campaign in 1912 and later joined with Harold Ickes and other Progressive Republicans to lobby for the United States's participation in the League of Nations. In later life, Griffiths was a prolific writer and commentator on national and international affairs, authoring a column entitled "Free Lance" in the Washington Weekly Review. He published several articles on police and reform and was a member of the International Law Association.

For further biographical information see Griffiths's autobiography, Great Faith, in the Speeches and Writing series in this collection. A copy is also available in the University of Washington Special Collections Pacific Northwest Collection.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Correspondence, speeches and writings, financial records, clippings, scrapbooks, and ephemera of Griffiths, a Seattle attorney and Progressive Republican politician, 1891-1952 (bulk 1904-1920). The collection also includes one reel of microfilm containing an unpublished manuscript and other materials. Major correspondents include John P. Hartman, J.A. Hutcheson, Mark A. Matthews, Miles Poindexter, the Charity Organization Society of Seattle, Grays Harbor Commercial Company, the International Law Association, Merrill and Ring Lumber Company, the Metropolitan Building Company, the Northwestern Lumber Company, the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association, the Playground and Recreation Association of America, Polson Logging Company, the First Presbyterian Church (Seattle), the Russell Sage Foundation, the Young Men's Christian Association (Seattle), and a number of Seattle mayors.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The creator's literary rights have been transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arranged in two accessions:

  • Accession No. 3119-001, Austin E. Griffiths papers, 1891-1952
  • Accession No. 3119-003, Austin E. Griffiths papers, 1949

The following index lists correspondents in the Incoming correspondence series of Accession No. 3119-001.

References are to box/folder numbers.

Abel, W. H. 1/31, 3/2
Aberdeen, Treasurer 3A/26
Ad Club, Seattle 6/1
Adams, B. E., Jr 8/6
Adams, E. J. 4/27
Adams, J. C. 3/2
Addams, Jane 10/25
Adler (Jacob) and Company, New York 1/3, 1/15
Aetna Indemnity Company. Hartford, Connecticut (see also: Aetna Life Insurance Company) 3/2, 3A/1
Aetna Life Insurance Company, (1915 on) Hartford, Connecticut (see also: Aetna Indemnity Company) 8/6, 9/6
Agnew, W. L. 4/8
Ahson, Gertrude H. 4/8
Ainslie (George R.) -Boyd Company 3/2, 3/28, 3A/1, 3A/26
Air Defense League, Washington, Seattle 10/25
Al-Kai Club 7/20
Alaska, Treasurer 10/25
Alaska Marble Mountain Company 4/27
Alexander, Joseph B. 1/31
Alki Women's Improvement Club 6/1
Allen, Arn. S. (see: YMCA-Seattle)
Allen, Jay C. 4/27
Allen, W. D. 6/1
Allmond, Charles H. 3/28
Allsop, Agnes L. 1/15
Aloha Lumber Company 8/22
Alta Lumber Company, Portland 4/27, 6/1
Altruistic Association, Seattle 4/27
American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 4/8, 4/27, 6/1, 6/22, 8/22, 9/6
American Asiatic Association 8/18
American Association for International Conciliation 4/27, 8/22, 9/6
American Association for Labor Legislation 6/22, 7/20, 8/6, 8/22, 9/6, 10/8
American Broadcasting Company, Washington, D.C 10/25
American City 4/27, 8/22
American City Bureau 6/22
American Civic Alliance 3A/26
American Civil Liberties Union 10/25
American Civil Liberties Union, Seattle 10/8
American Committee for Armenian-Syrian Relief (Name changed in 1919 to American Committee for Relief in the Near East) 8/22
American Committee for Relief in the Near East (Formerly American Committee for Armenian-Syrian Relief) 9/6
American Forestry Association 6/22
American Humane Association 4/27
American Institute of Architects, Washington 3/2, 3A/26, 9/6
American Law Book Company, New York 3/2
American Legion 9/6
American Lutheran Survey 8/6
American Mortgage and Building Company, Seattle 6/1, 6/22
American National Bank, Kansas City, Missouri 1/15
American Paper Company, Seattle 3A-26
American Protective League, Minute Men Division, Seattle 8/22, 9/6
American Social Hygiene Association 9/6
American Surety Company of New York, San Francisco 1/31
Amphion Society of Seattle 6/22
Anderson, A. J. 1/31
Anderson, E. B. 3/2, 4/28
Anderson, Emil J. 3/2, 3A/1, 4/8
Anderson, G. 7/20
Anderson, J. A. 9/6
Anderson, Victor 9/6
Anderson, W. A. (see: Concrete Pipe and Construction Company)
Anderson (W. H.) Company 1/31
Andrews, E. B. 2/14, 6/1
Andrews, Luella W. 2/14
Anger, Henry A. 3/2
Ankeny, [?] 1/3
Annen, Louis J. 8/6
Anspungh, F. L. 1/31
Anti-Saloon League 4/28
Anti-Tuberculosis Committee, King County 9/6
Apostolic Institute 3/2, 4/8, 6/1
Arcade Multigraphers and Stenographers, Seattle 7/20
Argus 6/22, 7/20, 8/6
Ariss, Campbell and Gault, Merchandise Broker, Vancouver, B. C 4/8, 4/28
Armstrong, R. A. 4/8
Armen, Louis J. 7/20
Arnell, John 4/28
Arney, William 4/28, 6/1
Arnold, D. H. 1/3
Arnold, Gerna, 10/8
Arnold, Thurman (see: United States Justice Department)
Arntson, Anthony M. 2/14, 6/22
Aronson, D. 6/1
Aronson, George 6/22
Arrow, J. 4/28
Arrowsmith, M. 1/31, 2/14, 3/2, 3/28, 4/8, 6/1, 8/22
Arrowsmith, Risley 3/28
Art Marble Company, Seattle 3A/1
Ashton, James M. 3/2, 3A/1, 4/8, 4/28
Associated Charities of San Francisco 3A/26
Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, Maryland 3/2, 3A/1, 4/28
Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, Washington 3A/1
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, Chicago 3/2
Atkins, Frank R. 3A/26
Atkinson (J.M.E.) and Company 2/14, 3/28, 3A/1
Atkinson, Will 6/1
Augustine (J. W.) and Kyer 3A/26, 4/28
Augustine, M. B. 7/20
Austin, A. D. 1/3
Austin, W. C. 4/28
Austria-Hungary Consulate, San Francisco 1/15
Austrian Peace Society (see: Präsidium der Österreichischen Friedensgesellschaft)
Automobile 2/14
Automobile Club of Seattle 6/1
Baeder, Louis 6/2
Bagley (A. E.) and Company, Los Angeles 6/23
Bailey, Arnos Judson, 7/20
Bailey (C. P.) and Sons Company 10/9
Bailey, George H. 6/23
Bainter and Sloan, Real Estate Brokers, Prince Rupert, B. C. 6/2
Baker, George R. 1/32
Baldwin, Roger (see: American Civil Liberties Union)
Balfour, Guthrie and Company 8/23
Balivet, Henri P. 3A/2, 7/20, 8/23
Balivet, P. 2/15
Ballard, City Attorney 1/3
Ballinger, Richard A. (see: Seattle mayor)
Ballinger (R. A.), Ronald, Battle, and Tennant 3A/27
Balmaine, J. 7/20
Bancroft-Whitney Company, law book publishers, San Francisco 1/3,1/16, 1/32, 2/15, 4/29
Bank of California, Seattle 4/9, 4/29, 6/2, 6/23, 7/20, 8/7, 9/7, 10/9
Baptists, First Baptist Church 3A/2
Baptists, Tabernacle Baptist Church 7/20
Bardon, Thomas H. 2/15
Barker, Frank N. 1/30
Barnard (George D.) and Company 1/16
Barne, Joseph 4/29
Barnes (Pierre) and Company 7/20
Barr, Mrs 1/32
Bartell Drug Company, Incorporated 3/3
Bary, Joseph 6/23
Bates, (Mrs.) J.W 1/30, 6/23
Bates, M.H 4/29
Bates (Charles O.), Peer, and Peterson 4/9
Bateson (George A.) and Company 3/28
Baty, T. (see also: International Law Association) 8/23, 10/9
Bausett, Jennie Jordan 4/29
Bausman (Frederick) and Kelleher 1/16
Baxter, Chauncey L. 4/9
Bayne, Margaret W. 4/29
Beacon Hill Improvement Club 4/29, 6/2
Beals, Walter B. 3/3, 3/22, 3/28, 3A/2, 4/29
Beam, Frank 9/7, 10/9
Beaux Arts Society 6/2
Bebb, William B. 4/29, 7/21
Bebro's Mercantile Agency 2/15
Beck, Hazel 4/29
Beck, W.T 1/32, 3/1, 3/3, 3/28, 3A/2, 4/29
Beck, (Mrs.) W.W 3A/2
Becker (Arnold) and Company 1/16
Beckman, Victor H. 3/3, 8/23
Beckwith, S. R. 4/29
Bedford, Charles 3/28
Beebe, Albert H. 3/3, 3A/2, 3A/27, 6/23
Beebe, Orville E. 7/21
Beeks, William T. 4/29
Begg, George F. 3A/2
Belgium Vice Consul, Seattle 7/21
Bell, [?] 3/28
Bell, A.L 2/15
Bell, J. 3/28
Bell Shingle Company 3A/27
Bender-Moss Company, Incorporated 8/7
Benson, H.K 8/18
Bentley, M.P 2/15
Benton County Treasurer 6/2
Bergh, A. 3/3
Bergman, Harry L. 9/7
Bernard, Charles F.C 6/2
Bert, Fred W., Jr 6/23
Best (Charles S.) and Company, Seattle 4/29, 6/2, 6/23, 7/21
Bethlehem, [?] 6/2
Bickford, Nathan 1/32
Bignold, Nigel R. 8/23
Billings Club 6/23
Bissett, C.P 6/23, 7/21
Black (Alfred L.) and Black 6/2
Black, J.C 10/26
Blackwell (James E.) and Baker 6/2, 6/23
Blatchley, A.H 4/29
Blattner, F.S 1/3
Blethen, Alden J. (see: Times Printing Company, Seattle)
Block, Louis 2/15
Bogardus Testing Laboratories 6/2
Boggess, Robert L. 7/21, 9/7
Bohannon, E.F 1/32
Bohlke, H.C 9/7
Boner, W.H. (see: Simpson Lumber Company)
Bonney-Watson Company 3/28
Borden, D.W.L 1/32
Borzone, Frank 6/23
Boseh, M.L. Roeper 7/21
Boston Embossing and Tape Company 1/16
Bostwick, Harrison 1/32, 10/9
Bothell National Farm Loan Association 8/23
Bothwell, James (see also: Bothwell and Crockett) 1/32, 3/28
Bothwell (James) and Crockett (O.W.) Company, Incorporated (see also: Bothwell, James) 6/2, 8/23
Bothwell, William J. 6/23
Bouillon (A.U.) Club (see also: Phelps, Byron) 4/9
Bowden, Edmund 9/7
Bowden (Edmund), Gazzam and Arnold 7/21
Bowdoin College Football Association 6/23
Bowen, A.L 4/29
Bowen, B.A 6/23
Boy Scouts of America 4/29
Boy Scouts of America, Seattle Council 4/9, 10/9
Boyd, Clara W. 1/32
Boyer, Harvey K. 9/7
Boyer, Joseph A. 1/32
Boyle, Harley J. 6/2
Boynton, Charles C. 1/32
Boys' Club, San Francisco, Columbia Park 4/9
Bradford, John 10/26
Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1/32, 2/15
Brainerd, Erastus (see also: Seattle Post-Intelligencer) 7/21, 9/7
Braucher, Howard (see also: Playground Association of America) 10/26
Brents, Thomas H. 2/15
Breston and Bell 1/3
Bridges, J.B. (see also: Bridges and Bruener) 3/3, 3/22
Bridges (J.B.) and Bruener, Aberdeen 4/9, 4/30, 6/2, 7/21
Bridges, Samuel D. 3/3
Brinker (William H.) and Jones 1/2
Brinkley, Charles A. 8/7
British American Association, Washington 9/7
British American War Relief Association 10/26
British Californian 6/23
British Columbia, Assessor and Collector 10/9
British Columbia, Victoria, County Court 1/16
British Museum, Printed Books Department 10/26
British War Mission 8/23
Broderick (Henry), Incorporated, Real Estate, Seattle 8/7
Brooks, G.L 6/2
Brotherhood League Club, Seattle 4/30, 6/2, 6/23, 8/7
Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Western North Dakota 1/2
Brott (H.W.) and Copsey 4/9
Brower, H.G 9/7
Brown, Arthur C. 6/2
Brown, F.L 1/32
Brown, Frank A. (see: Breston and Bell)
Brown, G.M 3A/27
Brown, L. Frank 6/23
Brown, Walter S. 1/32
Brownell, Ado M.J 7/21
Brownell, Francis H. 1/3
Bruce, Malcolm 3A/2
Bruce, Sarah C. 3A/27, 4/30
Bruce, S.M. (see: Fairchild and Bruce)
Bruce, (Mrs.) W.W 3A/2
Brunton, D. W. 10/26
Bryan, J. W. 7/21
Bryan, James 8/23
Buchanon, H.D 4/30
Buddress, A.W 1/16
Buffalo Health Department 8/18
Building Employees Protective and Benevolent Association 6/23
Building Managers Association, Seattle 4/30
Building Trades Council, Seattle 4/30, 6/23
Bull Brothers, Incorporated 4/30, 8/18
Bullitt, William P. 10/26
Bunn, C.W 3/3
Burke, Thomas (see also: Burke (Thomas), Shepard and McGilvra; Chamber of Commerce, Seattle) 3A/2, 3A/27, 4/9, 4/30, 6/2, 7/21
Burke (Thomas), Shepard and McGilvra 1/3
Burlew (Fred E.) and Coyne 1/16
Burnham, Royal E. 3A/27
Burns (William J.) International Detective Agency, Incorporated 8/7
Burnside, Nellie M. 7/21
Burrington-Case Company 7/21
Burroughs Adding Machine Company 3A/2
Business Chronicle of the Pacific Northwest 9/7, 10/26
Business Property Security Company 4/30, 6/23
Bussell, C.B 4/30
Butchart, W.H 6/23
Byers, Horace G. (see: Washington University Chemistry Department)
Byers, Joseph P. (see also: National Conference of Charities and Correction) 1/32
Byrne, L. R. (see: Mason County Attorney)
Cabot, R. M. 5/1
Cadbury, R. 10/27
Cain, Harry P. 10/27
Calhoun, William M. (see: Calhoun (William M.) , Denny and Ewing, Incorporated)
Calhoun (William M.), Denny and Ewing, Incorporated 1/17, 1/33, 3A/3, 3A/27, 4/10, 5/1, 6/3, 6/24, 8/7
California, Alameda County, Probation Office 3A/27
California, Napa County. Clerk 1/4
California, State Library 3A/3
California, University, Berkeley, Agriculture College 10/9
California, University, Berkeley, Summer Session Dean 6/3
Callvert, S.A. (see also: Washington. Public Lands Department) 1/4
Calvert, G.L 3A/3
Calvert Realty Company 3A/27
Cameron, M. 10/9
Cameron, R.J 1/4, 1/17
Camp-Te Roller Manufacturers Agency 6/3
Campbell, Edgar F. 3/1, 3/4, 8/9
Candidates' League, Seattle 7/22
Cann, (Mrs.) Samuel N. 1/4, 1/17
Carey (Charles H.) and Kerr 3A/27, 5/1
Carey, E. J. 2/16
Carlberg, Aug[ust?] 9/8
Carleton College Library 9/8
Carlson, C.J 6/3
Carnahan, J.S. (see: Carnahan and Van Hoorebeke)
Carnahan (James S.) and Griffith 3/29
Carnahan (J.S.) and Van Hoorebeke 1/33
Carnegie Trust Company 3/29
Carr, Anna H. 6/24
Carr, Jas. W. (see: Peters and Carr)
Carroll, H.W 6/3
Carson, R.F 10/27
Carstens, Henry (see: Carstens and Earles, Incorporated)
Carstens (Henry) and Earles, Incorporated 1/33, 3A/3
Carter, A.E 8/24
Catholic Northwest Progress 5/1
Catholics, Saint James Cathedral, Seattle 10/9
Catholics, Saint John's Church, Ketchikan 1/33, 2/16
Caulkins, E. Dana 10/9
Cavanaugh's Band 8/1
Central Council of Social Agencies of Seattle 6/3, 6/24, 7/22, 8/7
Central Labor Council, Seattle 3A/27, 7/22, 10/9
Central Law Journal Company, Saint Louis 1/33, 3/4
Central National Bank of Battle Creek 5/1
Centralia Chronicle 1/33
Century History Company 3/29
Chadwick, H.A. (see: Argus)
Chadwick, S.J 2/16
Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland 4/10
Chamber of Commerce, Columbus 9/8
Chamber of Commerce, Greenwood 6/3
Chamber of Commerce, Humboldt. California (see also: Wilson, Rufus R.) 6/3, 6/24
Chamber of Commerce, Portland 10/27
Chamber of Commerce, Seattle 1/33, 2/15, 3/1, 3/4, 3/22, 3/29, 3A/3, 3A/27, 3A/28, 4/10, 5/1, 6/24, 7/22, 8/7, 8/24, 9/8, 10/9, 10/27
Chamber of Commerce, Spokane 10/27
Chamberlain, G.H 5/1
Chandler, Frederic B. 6/24
Chapin, Herman 7/22
Chapman, John 1/17
Chapman, W.O. (see also: Pierce County. Superior Court) 8/24
Charities 1/33, 2/16, 4/10
Charities Endorsement Committee 5/1
Charities and The Commons (see also: Charities) 3/22, 3/29, 3A/3, 3A/28
Charities Bureau, Chicago 1/33
Charity Organization Society, Lincoln, Nebraska 1/33
Charity Organization Society, Seattle 1/30, 1/33, 3/5, 3/29, 3A/3, 3A/28, 4/10, 5/1, 6/3, 6/24, 7/22
Chehalis County Superior Court 2/16, 3/5, 3/22, 5/1, 6/3, 6/24, 7/22, 8/7
Chehalis County Vidette (see also: Weekly Vidette) 1/33, 2/16
Chelan County Sheriff 1/4, 1/17, 3 A/28
Chester's League of Nations 9/9
Chevalier (F.) Company, Incorporated 1/17
Chevalier, George F. (see: Chevalier (F.) Company, Incorporated)
Chicago Municipal Reference Library 9/9
Chicago Park Commission 5/1
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company 3/5
Chicago Daily News 10/27
Chicago Great Western Railway 3/5
Chicago, Indiana and Southern Railroad Company 3/5
Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company 3/5, 3A/28, 5/1
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company 3/5
Chilberg, J. E. (see: Scandinavian American Bank)
Chilberg Agency 3A/4
Child Conference for Research and Welfare 3/29
Child Welfare Commission, Milwaukee 5/1
Children's Aid Association 3A/28
Children's Home Society of Washington 1/33, 2/16, 3/5, 3A/4, 3A/28, 5/1, 6/3
Childs, R.W 7/22
Chinn (R.E. and E.B.) Brothers 3/5
Chisholm, William 1/33
Christian, Walter (see: Sullivan (P. C.) and Christian)
Christian Endeavor Convention, Seattle,1907 3/5
Christian Home 3A/4
[ ]
Church, Ira E. 8/24
Church of the Holy Communion, New York 3A/4
Churchill, Arthur M. 5/1
Cicero, Dona E. 1/4
Cigar Makers' International Union of America, Local 188 5/2
Citizens' Fourth of July Celebration 5/2
Citizens National Bank, Des Moines, Iowa 1/4
Citizens' National Committee for the Purpose of Bringing about the Calling of a Third International Peace Conference at the Hague 7/22
Citizens' Press Bureau, Edmonton, Alberta 6/25
City Car Line League 5/2, 6/25
Civic Forum of Seattle 5/2
Civic League, Massachusetts 3A/4
Civil Service News 8/7
Civil Service Supply Association Limited 1/33
Clallam County Sheriff 1/18
Clallam County Superior Court 1/4, 1/18
Clark, [?] 1/18
Clallam County Treasurer 1/18
Clallam County Abstract Company 9/9
Clapf, J.W 10/27
Clark, A.C. (see also: Keeley Institute) 1/33, 5/2
Clark, Charles Upson 10/9
Clark, George 1/18
Clark, Irving M. 6/25
Clark, Mott 3A/4, 3A/28
Clarke, R. W. (see: Grants Pass New Water, Light and Power Company)
Clark, W. L. 1/33, 3/5
Clark, Willard W. 5/2
Claypool, Charles E. 9/9
Claypool, Dorothy R. 1/33
Clemens (W.J.) and O'Bryan 1/18
Clemons, C.H 3/5
Cleveland, (Mrs.) V. 2/16
Cleveland, V.C 4/10
Clifton, J.E 6/25
Cline Lumber Company 6/25
Clise, J. W. 1/33
Closson, C. C. 6/3, 6/25
Clough, Harry B. 6/25
Coast Printing Service, Incorporated 6/25
Coffman, N. B. (see: League to Enforce Peace, Washington)
Cohran, Ellen 1/33
Colby, Bainbridge (see: United States State Department)
Colcord, Samuel 9/9, 10/10
Cole, Irving T. 6/25
Coleman, Frederic Abernathy 3/29, 7/22
Coleman, J. Covington 8/24
Coleman, N. B. 1/33, 6/3, 10/10
Coleman and Fogarty 3/29
Coles, Francis 7/22
Colfax National Bank 2/16
College Inn, Incorporated 5/2
Collins, John P. 1/18, 5/2
Collis, E. G. (see: Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Western North Dakota)
Collyer, Samuel 3A/28, 6/25
Colman (J.M.) Company 7/22
Colorado and Southern Railway Company 3/5
Colorado Midland Railway Company 3/5
Columbia Brewing Company 1/4
Columbus, Ohio. Department of Public Service. Municipal Reduction Plant 6/25
Coman, Ed. T. 8/24, 10/10
Commercial Club, Duwamish Valley 6/25
Commercial Club, Kirkland 3A/4
Commercial Club, Rainier Valley 6/25
Commercial Club, Renton 6/3
Commercial Club, Seattle 3/22, 3A/4, 5/2, 6/3, 6/25, 8/7
Commercial Collection Company, Minneapolis 1/2
Committee for American Private Enterprise 10/27
Committee of Forty-Eight 9/9, 10/10
Committee of Unemployed, Seattle (see: Unemployed League, Seattle; see: Powles, J. B)
Commonwealth, Seattle 1/33
Commonwealth Club, Tacoma 9/9
Commonwealth Insurance Agency 3A/4
Commonwealth Title Trust Company 3/5
Company "A" Auxiliary 8/24
Concrete Pipe and Construction Company 1/33
Condray, W. F. 5/2
Consdon, George Clinton 3/5, 3A/4, 4/10, 10/27
Congregationalists, First Congregational Church, Los Angeles 3A/28
Congregationalists, First Congregational Church, San Diego 3A/28
Congregationalists, Pilgrim Congregational Church 6/25
Congregationalists, Queen Anne Congregational Church 6/3, 6/25
Connecticut, New London County Superior Court 3/5
Conner, R. L. 1/4
Connor, Thomas 3A/4
Consolidated Fuel Company 9/9
Constitutional Publications, Incorporated 10/27
Continental, Incorporated 10/27
Cooke and Byrne 8/7
Cooks' and Assistants' Local Number 33 6/25
Cooley, George R. 6/25
Cooley and Horan 1/4
Cooney, Neil 8/7
Cooper, F. W. (see also: "The Welsh") 1/4, 1/18
Cooper, Mrs. Isaac 1/33
Co-operative Mercantile Company 8/24
Coragby, Albert M. 3A/4
Corcoran, William 6/25
Corliss, C.W 3A/4
Coryell, George 9/9
Coryell, G.K 6/3
Cosgrove, S.G., and Russell 1/4
Cotterill, George F. (see also: Seattle mayor) 1/4
Cotterill (George F.) and Whitworth 1/33
Courtney, A.A 3/5, 6/3
Covington, L. J. 5/2
Cowen, Charles 6/25
Cox, H. R. (see: Pierce County. Superintendent of Schools)
Craig, J. C. 5/2
Cramer (A.H.) and Company 3A/28
Craven (A.J.) and Greene 5/2, 6/3, 6/25
Crawford, L.C 5/2
Creagh, Arthur R. (see: Creagh (Arthur R.) and Bayfield)
Creagh (Arthur R.) and Bayfield 2/16
Credit Reform Association, London 3A/4
Creel, T. M. 7/22
Crist, W. E. 4/10
Crites (J.R.) and Romaine 1/18
Cross' (A. Emerson) Law Office 5/2, 6/3
Cross, J.C 1/33, 2/16
Cross-France Company 8/7
Crouch, Charles R. 3/5
Crow, Herman D. 7/22
Crumley, (Mrs.) William 1/33
Cull, James O. 1/4, 1/18
Culp, D.D 7/22
Culver Military Academy 1/33, 2/16, 3/5, 3/22, 3/29, 3A/4, 3A/28
Culver Summer Naval School 1/33, 3A/4, 3A/28
Cunningham, Patrick K. 1/33
Current Literature Publishing Company 3/5, 3A/4, 3A/28
Currie, Elizabeth 5/2
Curry, Edd 5/2
Curtis, Frank I. (see: Bruce, Sarah C.)
Curtis, Henry S. (see: Playground Association of America)
Curtis (Asahel) Photo Company, Seattle 1/18
Cushman, Francis W. 3A/5
Dabney, F. 9/10
Daily Bulletin (Seattle) 9/10
Daily Journal of Commerce 10/28
Daily Produce News (Seattle) 8/25
Daisy, W. 8/25
Dale, M. 8/25
Daniel, John W. 1/19
Daniels, Josephus (see: United States Navy Department)
Danson and Huneke, Spokane (see also: Danson and Williams; Danson, Williams and Danson) 1/5, 1/19
Danson (R. J.) and Williams, Spokane (see also: Danson and Huneke; Danson, Williams and Danson) 5/3
Danson (R. J.), Williams and Danson, Spokane (see also: Danson and Williams; Danson and Huneke) 6/4, 6/26
Darby, W. T. 3/30
Davies, D. Thomas 5/3
Davies, David 1/34
Davies, J.W 1/34
Davies, Joseph E. 10/28
Davies, R.C 3A/6
Davis, Elmer (see: American Broadcasting Company)
Davis (John) and Company, Realtors, Seattle 2/17, 8/8, 8/25, 9/10, 10/11, 10/28
Davis (John) and Struve Bond Company 6/26
Davis, Larry 9/10
Daulton, F. M. (see: Daulton Carpet Company)
Daulton Carpet Company 1/34
Dawson, William Sherman 1/34, 2/17, 3/6, 3/30, 3A/6, 4/11, 5/3, 6/26, 8/25
Day, Martha A. 5/3, 8/25, 9/10
Day, W. W. 2/17
DeBeck, David 6/26
DeLong, W. W. 5/3, 6/26
De Montis, Myrtle 8/25, 9/10
DeRoy, Irvin E. 6/26
Delaney, Thomas R. (see: Seattle Police)
Democratic Party National Committee 9/10
Democratic Party, Washington, Central Committee 4/11, 6/26, 8/18
Democratic Party, Washington, Democratic League 7/23
Democratic Party, Washington, Executive Committee 9/10
Democratic Party, Washington, King County, Central Committee 8/18
Democratic Party, Washington, King County, Democratic Club 6/26
Democratic Party, Wilson Progressive Campaign Committee 8/18
Denmark, Vice Consul, Seattle 7/23
Dennis, J. H. 6/4
Denny-Renton Clay and Coal Company, Seattle 6/4, 6/26, 7/23
Denver and Rio Grande Railroad System 3/6
Detroit Public Library 9/10
Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Company 8/25
Dilling (George W.) and Company 3A/29
Dinsmore, Jay (see also: Dinsmore-Sams Company, Olympia) 3A/6, 3A/29, 5/3
Dinsmore (Jay) - Sams Company, Olympia 6/4
Dodds, E. G. 5/3
Dodds, Olivia B. 9/10
Doi, Tomozo 9/10
Dolph, Mallory, Simon and Gearin 3/6
Dominy (H. E.) and Company 8/8
Donworth, George 9/10
Dorffel (George) and Lewis 1/34
Dorr (Charles W.) and Hadley, Seattle 6/4, 6/26
Douglas, [?] 1/34
Douglas (Charles A.), Leckie and Thompson 3/6
Douglas, Edwin S. 6/4, 6/26
Douglas, J. F. (see also: Douglas (J. F.) and) Douglas (James H.); Douglas, Lane, and Douglas 2/17, 6/26
Douglas (J. F.) and Douglas (James H.) (see also: Douglas, Lane, and Douglas) 1/34
Douglas (J. F.), Lane and Douglas (James H.) (see also: Douglas, J. F.; Douglas and Douglas) 3/6, 3/30, 3A/6, 6/4
Douglas, Mrs 2/17
Douglas, R. W. 9/10
Douglas County Superior Court 2/17
Douglass (Benjamin, Jr.) and Minton 1/5
Douglass Light Company 3A/29
Dow, Lorenzo 6/4
Downer, Frank 7/23
Doyle, C. W. 10/11
Doyle, E. M. 1/2
Doyle, John W. 1/19
Dresbach, Arthur C. 3A/6, 3A/29
Driggers, G. H. 2/17
Duff, E.E 6/27
Duluth Board of Public Welfare 6/27
Dun (R. G.) and Company 1/5, 1/19
Dunbar, A. O. 6/27
Dunbar, O. L. 6/4
Dunning, Louise M. 6/4
Durkin, Margaret E. 4/11
Durland Trust Company 6/27
Dye, Harry W. 3/6, 3A/6, 4/11, 6/4, 7/23
Dysart (George) and Ellsbury, Centralia 3/6, 3A/6, 3A/29
Eardley, B. A. (see: Pacific Improvement Company's Water Works)
Easterday, Joseph Holt 1/19
Eastern Manufacturers' Agents and Brokers 3/6
Eastman, David P. 6/4
Eaton, C. E. 6/4
Eaton, W. L. 8/25
Edgewood Cedar Shingle Company, Port Angeles 1/5
Edwards, Arthur and Lucy 9/11
Edwards, Lucy 9/11
Edwards, Stuart A. 9/11
Egerer, J. B. 3/6
Ehrenfeld, R. A. 8/8
Eilers Music House 5/4
Eisner, Milton S. 1/19
Elder, C. S. 7/23
Electrical Workers, International Brotherhood of Stone Webster Strike Committee 6/27
Elliott (John J.) Company 10/12
Elliott, M. R. 1/35
Elliott, T. C. 8/18
Ellis, Everett C 5/4
Ellis (Overton G.) and Fletcher, Tacoma 1/19
Ellsworth, E. E. 6/27
Elmeryreen, O. G. 5/4
Elmendorf (Frederic E.) and Elmendorf 4/11
Elwell, Will T. 6/27
Embree, Benton 2/17, 6/27, 8/18, 9/11
Emerson, [?] 5/4
Emerson, George H. (see: Northwestern Lumber Company, Hoquiam; Wishkah Boom Company)
Emerson, W. H. (see also: Hubbard (O. P.), Beeman and Hume, Nome) 1/19
Empire State Surety Company 3/30
Enslow, Charles A. 6/27
Episcopalians, Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 3A/6, 6/16, 6/27
Epworth Leagues, 8th International Convention, Seattle, 1909 3/30
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States 6/27
Erby, F. W. 6/27
Erickson (Oliver T.) -Wyman Company 3/30, 5/4
Erskine (R.C.) and Company 4/11, 5/4, 6/4, 6/27, 8/8
Ernst, A.B 4/11
Ernst Hardware and Plumbing Company, Incorporated, heating and ventilating engineers, Seattle 3A/6
Esary, Mabel D. 3/30, 3A/6, 5/4, 6/4, 8/8, 8/25, 9/11, 10/12
Esary (T.A.) and Son 1/35
Eunson, Andrew (see: Honeyman and McBride)
Evans, Frederic F. 7/23
Evans, J. 1/35
Evans, R. 1/35
Everest, Ralph L. 6/27
Everett, Attorney 5/4
Ewing, Henry Clark 3/30
Exchange National Bank of Spokane 8/25
Eyman and Company Public Securities 6/4
Ezra, (Mrs.) 9/11
Fagan, Charles 8/26, 9/12, 10/13
Fairbanks, Morse and Company 3/7
Fairchild (H.A.) and Bruce 3/7
Fairhaven, Bank of 1/6
Falconer, Jacob Alexander 5/5
Falconi, M. 1/20
Fales (J.W.) and Company 1/20
Farmell, M.L 1/36
Farmer, A.W 6/28
Farmers' Grain Association, Benedict, Nebraska 8/9, 8/26, 9/12, 10/13
Farmers State Bank, Polk, Nebraska 9/12, 10/13
Farrell (Charles H.), Kane and Stratton 5/5
Farrer, Charles M. 6/28
Father and Son Week, Seattle, Executive Committee (1919) 9/12
Faust, G.W 2/18
Fawley, E.W 9/12
Federated Improvement Club of the 14th Ward, Seattle 6/28
Federation of Women's Clubs, Seattle 2/18, 3/7, 5/5
Felger, W.W 3A/7
Fellener, J.N 2/18
Fellows, Charles 10/13
Felt, Eva E. 10/13
Ferguson, H.B 6/28
Ferguson, Homer 10/29
Ferguson, James 8/9
Ferry, Pierre P. 3A/7
Ferry (W. Mont.[sic]) -Baker Lumber Company 1/20
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Whalley (John A.) and Company, General Agents, Seattle 1/20
Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company 1/36, 3A/7, 4/12, 6/28, 8/26
Fielde, Adele M. 6/5, 6/28, 7/24
Fillio, U.H 6/28
Fink, Edward 1/36
Finley (J.M.) Advertising 9/12
First Evangelistic Regiment of Washington, Seattle 4/12, 5/5, 6/28, 7/24
First National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa 1/6
First National Bank, Grants Pass, Oregon 6/28
First National Bank, Hoquiam 2/18
First National Bank, York, Nebraska 4/12
First National Bank of Southern Oregon 3/7
Fisher, Linnie I. 9/12
Fitzgerald, C.B 5/5
Flack, M.E 10/13
Flagg (A.E.) and Bennett 6/28
Fleet, A.F. (see: Culver Military Academy)
Fleet, R.H 7/24
Fleet Reception Committee, Seattle 9/12
Fleischner, Mayer and Company dry goods, Portland 1/20
Fletcher, Donald 3A/30
Fletcher, E. F. 6/28
Fletcher, John D. (see: Ellis (Overton G.) and Fletcher)
Flewelling, A.L., land and timber, Seattle 3/7
Flint, Frank P. 5/5
Folsom, Hinman D. 3/7
Forbes, Burt J. 1/6
Forbes, F. L. 7/24
Ford Motor Company 6/28
Forester (Ed W.) and Company 3/7
Fortiner, Walter S. 1/36
Foss, J. E. 5/5
Foster, Addison G. 1/36, 2/18
Foster, Howard E. 1/6, 5/5
Foster, Walter F. 6/5
Foster and Kleiser Company 10/13
Fowler, C.E. (see also: Seattle. Park Board) 6/28
Fowler, H.D 10/13
Fox, E.H 2/18
Fox Mining Company 1/36, 2/18, 3/23
France, C.J. (see also: France and Helsell) (see also: American Civil Liberties) Union 3A/30, 8/9
France (C.J.) and Helsell 6/5, 6/28, 7/24
France, Consulate, Seattle 7/24
Frank (Nathan H.) and Mansfield 1/36, 3A/7
Franklin, U.S 1/36
Fraser, A.E 7/24
Frater, A.W 6/5
Frater, Archibald B. (see also: American Bar Association, Washington; Boy Scouts) 4/12
Fraternal Aid Association, Seattle Council Number 116 6/28
Frazier, Minnie B. 5/5
Frazier, S.R 5/5
Frederick and Nelson, Seattle 8/26
Fredlender, C.M 9/12
Freeman, Bertha 6/28
Freeman, Miller 5/5
Fremont State Bank 3A/30, 6/28
French, Leslie E. 8/26
Frent, W.W 9/12
Freser, R. 3A/30
Friend, J.E 10/13
Frisk, Louis 9/12
Frunk, E.P 9/12
Frye and Company, beef and pork packers, Seattle 6/5
Fuller, Fred H. 1/36
Fuller Publishing Company 6/28
Fuller's Press Clipping Bureau 6/28
Fullerton, James 6/5
Fulton Commission Company 10/13
Fulton, C.W. and G.C 6/5
Funk, Frank H. 9/12
Funk, George H. 6/5
Gaines, William A. 8/26
Galbraith (James E.), Bacon and Company 3/7, 8/26
Gallinger, Robert O. 7/24, 8/9
Gantenbein (C.U.) and Veazie 2/18
Gardner, Agnes 8/9
Garelulk, Agnes 3A/7
Garesche, Mimi H. 5/6
Garrecht (Francis A.) and Dunphy 1/6
Garretson (Ellis Lewis) and Masterson 5/6
Garvey, J.C 5/6, 7/1
Gateway Printing Company 5/6
Gauabrant, Alice M. 3/30
Gay, H.S 1/6, 1/20
Gay, Wilson R. 3A/7
Geere, William 3/7, 3/30, 3A/7, 4/12, 5/6, 7/1
General Fire Prevention Bureau, Seattle 7/24
Gerard (E.E.) - Fillio Company, Incorporated (see: Fillio, U. H.)
German Publication Society 7/1
German Savings and Loan Society 5/6, 6/6, 7/1
Germany, Consulate, Seattle 7/24
Gilbert, C.F 2/18, 4/12, 8/9
Gilbert, Edward A. 9/13
Gilbert, Ella M. 3/30, 4/12, 5/6, 7/1, 8/26, 9/13
Gilchrist, [?] 7/1
Gilkey (Norman) and Honeywell (see: Centralia Chronicle)
Gill (Hiram C.), Hoyt and Frye 1/20
Gillett, E.F 1/37, 2/18
Gilman, D.H 5/6
Goble, Arthur E. 3/30
Goble, Harry 3/30
Godfrey, J.R. (see: Commercial Collection Company. Minneapolis)
Godmon (M.M.) and Embree 3A/30
Goethe, C.M 8/26
Goldstone Brothers 1/6
Goodwin, L.M 8/26, 9/13
Goodwin Real Estate Company, Incorporated 5/6
Gorham, William H. 3/7
Gorham and Sutthoff Company (see also: Lutke Manufacturing Company) 2/18
Gose (M.F.) and Kuykendall 1/37, 2/18
Gough (W. Bennett) and Best 3A/30, 4/12
Gould and Champney 5/6
Grady, W.D 1/6
Graham, John (see also: Graham and Myers) 2/18, 5/6, 6/6
Graham (John) and Myers (see also: Graham, John) 3/7, 3A/7
Graham (Robert F.) and Lowrie 3A/7
Grand Union Tea Company 10/13
Grangers' Supply House 10/13
Grant County, Auditor 10/13
Grant County, Treasurer 9/13
Grant County Title Abstract Company 10/13, 10/29
Grants Pass New Water, Light and Power Company 1/20
Graves (Carroll B.) and Murphy 3/30
Gray, L.H. (see: Brotherhood League Club, Seattle)
Gray (L.H.) and Company 2/19
Grays Harbor, Treasurer 6/6
Grays Harbor Abstract Company 6/6
Grays Harbor Commercial Company 1/38, 2/18, 3/1, 3/8, 3/23, 3/30, 3A/8, 3A/30, 4/12, 5/6, 6/6, 7/1, 7/24, 8/9
Grays Harbor County, Treasurer 9/13
Gray's Harbor Lumber Company 3/8
Grays Harbor Tug Boat Company 3A/8, 3A/30
Great Britain, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 9/13, 10/13
Great Britain, Consulate, Seattle 4/12
Great Northern Railway Company, Saint Paul 3/8, 3A/8, 5/6
Green (Judge) 8/9
Green, Harry B. 6/6
Green, Lester 8/26
Green, Thomas 3/30, 3A/8, 3A/30
Greene, Elizabeth 9/13
Greene, George E. 3/8, 3A/8, 7/2, 7/24
Greene, Herbert 10/29
Greene, Roger S. (see also: Griffiths (Austin E.) for Mayor Club) 1/37, 3/8, 3A/30, 4/12, 5/6, 6/6, 8/26, 9/13
Greene, William A. 5/6, 7/2
Gregory, Ira O. 7/2, 8/9, 10/13
Gregory, Jos. W. 10/29
Grew, Joseph (see: United States, State Department)
Griffin, C. E. (see: Tacoma, Police Court)
Griffin (E.M.) and Company 1/20
Griffith, Frank S. 6/6
Griffith, Franklin T. 10/29
Griffith, Horace Farnham 5/6
Griffiths, Austin E., Junior 9/14
Griffiths (Austin E.) Campaign Committee 7/24
Griffiths (Austin E.) for Mayor Club 4/12
Griffiths, Burke 5/6, 6/6, 7/2, 8/9, 8/27, 10/13
Griffiths, Ella 2/16, 3/8, 7/24, 8/27, 9/14
Griffiths, R. 10/13
Griffiths, Samuel 1/38
Griffiths, Theodore 8/27
Griffiths, Thomas 7/24, 8/9, 9/14, 10/13
Griffiths, Thomas E. and Alice 2/16, 7/24, 8/9, 8/27, 9/14
Griffiths, Veronica 9/14
Grinsfelder (W.S.) Company 1/6
Grote-Rankin Company 5/6
Groundwater, Frank 1/38
Guaranty Abstract and Title Company 3A/8
Guardians of Liberty, Pacific States, Seattle Court Number 7 7/24
Gue, George A. 8/27
Guil, E.H 9/14
Guiterman Brothers 5/6
Gulick, Walter Vose (see also: Playground Association of America) 3A/30
Haas, A.F 5/7
Habecker, John J. 2/20
Hadley, Hiram E. 8/28
Hadley, Lindley H. 8/23
Hadley (Lin. H.), Hadley and Abbott 3B/1
Hagman, Reuben J. 4/1
Haight, James A. 6/7, 8/28
Haight (James A.) Club (see: Haight, James A.)
Hall, John F. 7/3, 7/25
Hamblet, Joseph 10/30
Hamilton, Henrietta 3A/9
Hamilton and Hamilton 4/1
Hamilton and McNeill 8/28
Hamlin, P.D 7/3
Hammer, Lee 3B/1
Hanford, Cornelius Holgate 3A/9
Hanford, H. Day (see: Seattle Electric Company)
Hansen, George N. 10/14
Hanson, N.G 7/25, 8/10
Hanson, Ole 4/1
Hapgoods, Incorporated 2/1
Hardman, Morris 2/20
Harmon, William E. 5/7
Harper's Magazine 10/30
Harris, Frank W. 7/3, 10/30
Harris (Robert W.), Bull Hannington and Mason 6/7, 7/3, 8/10
Harris, Wm. H. 1/30, 2/20, 16/7
Harrison (M.C.) and Company 1/21
Harrison, W.A 7/3
Harrison, W.H ½, 1/7
Hart, B.F 7/3
Hart, Joseph K. (see: Washington, University)
Hart, Louis F. (see: Washington, Governor)
Hartge, Charles H. 9/15
Hartman, John P. 3/9, 3/24, 3A/9, 3B/1, 4/13, 5/7, 6/7, 7/3, 8/28
Hartz, (Mrs.) B.H 6/7
Harvard University, Law School 10/30
Harvard University, Municipal Government Research Bureau (see also: School for Social Workers, Boston) 7/3
Hastings (H.H.A.) and Stedman 6/7, 8/28
Hatch, George C. 1/7, 1/21
Hawthorne, J.M 5/7, 7/3, 8/28, 9/15
Hayden (Elmer M.) and Langhorne 3A/9, 3B/1, 6/7
Hayden, William H. 3B/1
Hayes (H.A.) and Hayes 2/1
Hayes, J.M 2/20
Hays, Will H. (see: Republican Party, National Committee)
Hayter, Richard 5/7
Hayward, Mrs 6/7
Heath, Sidney Moor 2/1, 2/20, 4/13, 7/25
Hedbloom, A.B 10/14
Heislop, Robert 2/20
Hemmeon, J.A.M 7/3
Hendron, Carroll 1/21, 5/7, 7/25
Hengst, Theodore D. 5/7
Herr, Bayley, Wilson and Smith 5/7
Herrick, Samuel 8/10
Hesketh, Robert (see also: Seattle, City Council; Seattle, Mayor) 5/7, 6/7, 7/3, 7/25
Hewen, H.W.B 2/1
Hickerson, J.B 5/7
Higano, H. 10/30
Higday, [?] 6/7
Hill, Alfred G. 3A/9
Hill, G.A 7/3
Hill, Mary A. 3B/1
Hiram House, Cleveland 10/14
Hirth (Frank J.) and Blackwood A/13
Hitchcock and Armstrong 3A/9
Hobart, R.W 2/1
Hodgdon, C.W 2/1, 2/20, 6/7
Hodge, Edward B. (see: Presbyterians, Board of Education, United States)
Hodge, Robert T. 7/25
Hoffman, J.M 1/7
Hogan, John C. 2/20, 3/9
Hogan (John) and Adams 3B/1
Hoiby, L.K 6/7
Holloway, A.B 7/25
Holmes, William E. 7/3
Holmes Plumbing Company, Incorporated 6/7
Holt, H.A 8/28
Holt, N.A 9/15, 10/14
Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, Portland 6/7
Honeymoon and McBride 2/1
Hood Canal Association 7/3
Hoover, E.M 5/7
Hoover, Herbert 10/30
Hoover, J.E 3A/9, 3B/1, 8/10
Hoover, J. Edgar (see: United States, Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Hoquiam Lumber and Shingle Company (see also: Lytle, R.F.; Lytle Logging and Mercantile Company) 2/1, 2/20
Horseless Age 2/20
Horsfall, Frank L. 5/7
Horton (Dexter) and Company, Seattle 2/20, 3/9, 3A/9
Horton (Dexter) National Bank 7/3, 8/28
Horton (Dexter) Trust and Savings Bank 6/7
Hotel Saint Francis 3A/9
Houston, Andrew and Mrs. (see also: Farmers Grain Association) 6/7, 8/28, 9/15, 10/14, 10/30
Houston, J.D 2/1, 3B/1, 8/10, 8/28, 10/14
Houston, Lottie M. 10/14
Howard, A.E 3A/9
Howard, (Mr. and Mrs.) Y.S 8/10
Howard, (Mrs.) M.J 5/7
Howe, Louis M. (see: United States, President)
Howie, John 1/7, 1/21
Hubbard (O.P.), Beeman, and Hume, Nome 1/7
Huggins, N.W 4/13, 6/8
Huggins (N.W.) and Maxwell 3B/1
Hughes (E.C.), McMicken, Dovell and Ramsay 3B/1
Hughes, Gertrude 9/15
Hulbert, Dwight 6/8
Hulbert, Robert A. 1/21
Hulbert, W.M 7/3
Hull, [?] /3
Humboldt (California) Promotion and Development Committee (see: Chamber of Commerce, Humboldt)
Hume (W.T.) and Beeman (see: Hubbard (O.P.), Beeman and Hume)
Humphrey, John 6/8
Humphrey, William E. 3A/9
Humphrey (William E.) Congressional Club 4/13
Humphries, John E. 2/21
Huneke, William A. 10/30
Hunsicker, Mrs 4/13
Hunt, Thomas Francis 10/14
Huston (R.J.) - Walters Land Company, Incorporated 4/1
Hutcheson, Austin E. 7/25, 10/14
Hutcheson, J.A 2/1, 2/21, 3/9, 3A/10, 3B/1, 5/7, 6/8, 7/3, 8/28, 10/14
Hutcheson, Sena G. 10/14
Hutchinson (W.B.) Company 6/8
Hutton, H.W 3A/10, 4/1
Hyde, Arthur P.S 8/28
Ickes, Harold L. (see also: Republican Party, National Committee; U. S. Interior Department, Secretary) 9/15, 10/14, 10/30
Iler, A.C 1/21
Illinois, Bureau County, Circuit Court 3/8
Illinois, State Department 6/8
Improved Order of Red Men, Mohawk Tribe Number 90, 7/25
Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Company 3/9
Ingraham, E.S 3A/10
Instantaneous Alarm Company 5/7, 7/3
Interbay Improvement Club 5/7
Inter-Denominational Union Evangelistic Meetings, Executive Campaign Committee 2/21
The Interior 2/1, 3A/10
International Correspondence Schools 3B/1
International Law Association (see also: Baty, T.) 2/1, 3/9, 4/1, 4/13, 5/7, 6/8, 7/3, 7/25, 8/10, 8/19, 8/29, 9/15, 10/14, 10/30
International Mercantile Marine Lines 7/25
Interurban Railway Advertising Company 7/3
Iron Trail 3/10
Irwin, Mason 3/9, 7/25
Island County, Auditor 2/21, 3B/1
Island County, Clerk 3B/1, 4/1
Iverson, Peter 8/19, 9/15
Jackson, Frank C. 9/16
Jackson Realty and Loan Company 4/14
Jacobs, Joseph R. 7/4, 8/19
James, S.D 1/8
Jamieson, Pete (see: Seattle Bar)
Japanese-American Courier 10/31
Jellett (J.H.) and Meyerstein 1/8, 1/22
Jenkins, Thomas (see: Catholics, Saint John's Church)
Jews, Temple de Hirsch, Seattle 3A/22
Jobes, C.L. (see: American National Bank, Kansas City, Missouri)
John, [W.?] G. 7/4
Johnsen, Olaf 1/8
Johnson, Albert 8/30
Johnson, C.P 2/22
Johnson, E. Ben 8/30
Johnson (A.L.) and Company 6/9
Johnson and Prince 5/8
Johnston (D.S.) and Company 1/22
Johnston, Lee 8/30, 9/16
Johnston, Robert 7/4
Jones, Charlotte F. 5/8, 6/9
Jones, (Mrs.) J.A 3A/11
Jones, J.C 4/14
Jones, J. Will 7/4
Jones, Richard Saxe (see: Brinker (William H.) and Jones (Richard Saxe); League to Enforce Peace, Washington) 9/16
Jones, R.V. (see: Pacific Coast Machinery Company)
Jones, R.W.W 3A/11
Jones, W. Meakin 9/16
Jones, Wesley L. 3A/11, 8/30, 9/16
Jordan, J. Eugene 10/15
Judson, Katharine B. 3B/2
Jurey, John S. 5/8
Justice, J. R. (see: Griffiths (Austin E.) Campaign Committee; Justice Stationery Company)
Justice Stationery Company 5/8, 6/9
Justice-to-the-Mountain Committee, Tacoma (see: Thompson, Walter J.)
Kalispell Lumber Company 3A/11
Kane, Thomas (see: Washington. University, President)
Kangur, Hans 10/15
Kansas City, Missouri, Mayor 5/8
Kansas City, Missouri, Public Welfare Bureau 8/11
Kaske, H.F., Lumber Company 1/8
Kasson, L.J 5/8, 6/9
Keckonen, Victor 5/8
Keefe, James H. 7/25, 8/19, 8/30, 9/16, 10/15
Keeley Institute 1/22
Keen Brothers 3A/11
Keeran, John A. 3A/11
Kelleher, John R. 7/4
Keller, J.H 2/22
Keller, W.K 7/4
Keller and Indiana Consolidated Smelting Company 3A/11, 3B/2
Kelley, Philip F. (see: Kelley (P.F.) - Clarke Company)
Kelley (P.F.) - Clarke Company 1/22
Kellogg, Arthur P. (see: Survey)
Kellogg, J.Y.C 7/4, 8/11, 8/30
Kellogg, Timothy 6/9
Kemp, Fred (see also: Ludington and Kemp) 6/9, 7/4
Kenburthson, E.Y 6/9
Kennan, H.L. (see: Spokane County, Superior Court)
Kennedy, J.T 7/26
Kenney (Samuel and Jessie) Home 4/1, 5/8, 6/9
Kerny [?], A.S 4/14
Kenyon (George C.) and Son 3A/11, 7/26
Kerr (Jus. A.) and McCord 1/8, 5/8, 10/15
Kerry, A.S. (see: Kerry Mill Company)
Kerry Mill Company 2/2, 3/10
Keystone Men's Club 8/11
Kimball, (Mrs.) G. Hyde 1/8
King, Albert E. 3/10
King, Alice E. (see also: King, George E.) 1/8
King, George E. (see also: King, Alice E.) 1/8, 1/22
King, Gertrude E. 4/14
King, Henry B. 4/14, 5/8, 6/9, 7/4
King County, Auditor 7/4
King County, Clerk 8/11
King County, Commissioners, Board of 8/30
King County, Game Warden 5/8
King County, Right of Way Agent 8/30
King County, Sheriff 1/8, 1/22
King County, Treasurer 2/22, 3/10, 4/1
King County Bolo Club 5/8
King County Fair Association 6/9
King County Humane Society 6/9, 7/4
King County Progressive League (see also: France, C.J.)
King County Progressive Republican League 5/8
Kinnear, (G.) Company 10/31
Kirk, Mary A. 1/22
Kirk, Peter 1/9
Kirkland, Mayor 6/9
Kirkland State Bank 10/15
Kirschberg, Julius J. (see: Kirschberg, M.E., and Company)
Kirschberg, M.E., and Company 1/9, 1/22
Kirstein, F. 1/9
Kitsap County, Auditor 10/15
Kitsap County, Sheriff 1/22
Kitsap County, Superior Court 1/22, 3/10, 3B/1, 4/1
Kittitas Land Company, Incorporated 6/9
Klaus, Charles B. 6/9
Klenk, John 7/4
Klenk, Mary C 7/4, 7/26, 8/11, 8/30, 9/16, 10/15
Knickerbocker Hotel 5/8
Knox, Frank (see: Chicago Daily News)
Knox, W.O 7/26
Koch, Samuel (see: Jews, Temple de Hirsch)
Kohn, Leo 6/9, 7/26
Koll, James P. 3A/11
Kolner, D. 4/14
Kraber, G.L. (see: Pacific Commercial Bureau)
Kreglinger, George 6/9
Kroenert (A.J.) Brothers 1/9, 2/2
Kuroiwa, Manji 10/31
Kurtz, Louise L. 3B/2
LaGrave, C.A 8/31, 9/17
Ladd, Mary A. 2/23
Lake Washington Telephone Company 8/31
Lamb, Frank H. (see: Lamb (Frank H.) Timber Company)
Lamb (Frank H.) Timber Company 2/3
Lamb, John 4/15
Lambuth, B.L 7/27
Lamont, Thomas 10/32
Landes, H.M 9/17
Landes, Henry (see: Washington, University)
Landin, Edward G. (see: Methodists, Fremont Southwest Methodist Episcopal Church)
Landon, Daniel 5/9, 9/17
Lang, W.H 2/3
Langlie, Arthur B. (see: Washington, Governor)
Larsen, Lorin 7/5, 7/27
Larson, C.A 10/16
Larson [?], W.W 7/27
Larson Lumber Company 3/11
Latimer, N H. (see: Horton (Dexter) National Bank)
Laurence, J.E 2/23
Lawler, James T. 7/5
Lawrence Survey 5/9
Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company 1/10, 2/3, 2/23, 3/11, 3/12, 3B/3, 4/15
Laxton, Elizabeth 1/23
League of Kansas Municipalities 8/31
League of Nations Association 10/32
League of Nations Union 9/17
League of Pacific Northwest Municipalities 6/10, 7/5, 7/27
League of Washington Municipalities 6/10, 7/5, 7/27
League to Enforce Peace 8/31, 9/17, 10/16
League to Enforce Peace, Los Angeles County 9/17
League to Enforce Peace, Washington 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 8/18
Lee, Clint W. 6/10
Lee, James (see: Lee's Pharmacy) 7/5
Lee, John A. (see: New Westminster, B.C. Mayor)
Lee, Joseph 3A/12, 3B/3, 4/2, 4/15, 5/9
Lee's Pharmacy 1/23
Leonard, Adna Wright (see: Methodists, First Methodist Episcopal Church)
Levy, J.W 7/27
Levy, Lewis 1/23
Lewis County, Superior Court 3B/3
Lewis County Abstract Company 3/11
Lewis, Edna 9/20, 10/16
Lewis (E.H.) Lumber Company 3/11
Lewis (F.S.) , M.D 1/23
Lewis, James Hamiton 2/3, 2/23, 9/20
Lewis, L.D 9/20
Lewis and Wiley, Incorporated 3B/3, 6/10
Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum Counties, Superior Court 2/23
Library Association, Portland 8/12
Lichtenberg, Benjamin (see: Adler (Jacob) and Company)
Lichtenberg, J.L 1/2, 1/23
Lichtenberg, L.G.W 1/10
Life 10/32
Lighthouse for the Blind, Incorporated 8/31
Lincoln Brothers 5/9
Lincoln University Endowment Association 5/9
Lindsey, Benjamin B. 2/23, 7/5
Lippy, Thomas S. (see also: Men and Religion Forward Movement, YMCA) 5/9
Liscom, C. 10/32
Lister, Ernest (see also: Washington, Governor) 6/10
Littell (C.E.) Company 3A/12
Little, James R. 7/27
Liverpool, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board 5/9
Lofton, Adolf 8/12
London Assurance Corporation 2/3
Long, William G. 10/32
Longfellow Improvement Club 2/3
Lord, Albert B. 5/9, 7/5, 8/31
Los Angeles, Mayor 5/9
Los Angeles, Playground Department 3B/3, 4/15
Los Angeles, Police Department 7/5
Love, James G. 5/9
Lowman and Hanford Company 8/12
Lowry, Anna Douglas 10/16
Lowrey, Dale Douglas 4/2
Lowrie, William B. 4/2
Lowry Investment Company 8/12
Lowry, R.G. (see: Nicholasville High School, Kentucky)
Ludington (R.S.) and Kemp 3B/3, 4/2, 4/15, 5/9, 6/10,
Lull, Herbert G. (see: Washington, University)
Lumber Manufacturers' Agency 3/11
Lumber Manufacturers' Joint Committee 3/11, 3A/12
Lumbermen's Credit Association 3A/12
Lutke, R. (see: Lutke Manufacturing Company)
Lutke (R.) Manufacturing Company (see also: Gorham and Sutthoff Company) 2/3
Lycan, Edward 2/23
Lyman, John Grant 7/5
Lyng (R.T.) and Rix 8/31
Lyons, Maude D. 8/31, 10/16
Lyter (Marcus M.) and Folsom 7/5
Lytle Logging and Mercantile Company 2/23
Lytle, R.F. (see also: Hoquiam Lumber and Shingle Company, Lytle Logging and Mercantile Company) 2/23
McAllaster, E. 6/10
McAllaster, Ralph C. 5/9
McCabe, Ernest 3A/13
McCarthy (Joseph) , Edge and Clelond 7/5
McCarthy (Joseph) , Edge and Davis 8/19
McCarthy, H.E 7/5
McCauslond, C.L 6/10
McClelland, P.H 9/21
McClinton, James G. (see also: McClinton (James G.) and McClinton) 1/10
McClinton (James G.) and McClinton 1/24
McCloud, Richard 1/10
McClure (Henry F.) and McClure 3A/13
McConaghey, Albert 3A/13
McCormick, Ruth (Mrs. Medill) (see: Republican, Women's National Executive Committee)
MacDonald, [?] 8/12
MacDonald, Marvin 1/24
McDonald (J.L.) Company 5/9
MacDougall, Anna 5/8
MacDougall, Cara A. 3/11, 3A/13, 3B/3, 4/2, 4/15, 5/9
MacDougall, J.E. (see: Chehalis County Vidette;Weekly Vidette ; MacDougall, Cara A.)
McDowall, J.K 8/32, 9/21
McGill, Oscar H. (see: Methodists, Industrial Movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church)
McGregor (Duncan) and Elliott 3A/13
Mclntyre, Charles M. 10/16
McKee, Ruth Karr (see: Washington, Defense Council)
McLaven, F.R 3A/13
McLaughlin, Frank 1/10
McLean, Henry Alberts 5/9
McLenan, D.J 7/27
McMahan, M.R 4/15, 5/9, 6/10, 7/5
MacMahon, Thomas Byron 7/5
McMurray, Edwin T. 5/9
McNeill, A.C 8/32
MacPherson, George W. 6/10
McQuesten, E.S 2/3
Machias Mill Company, Incorporated 8/33
Mackey, Russell 7/27
Madrid Palace Hotel (Spain) 7/6
Madrona Heights Improvement Club 7/27
Magnolia Bluff-Interbay Tax Payers Club 7/6
Magnuson, Warren G. 10/32
Major, C.W 2/24
Maloney, P S. 3/12
Manhattan Club, Incorporated 7/27
Manion, Martin 8/33
Manitoba, Neglected Children Superintendent 3A/14
Manufacturers' Association of Seattle 5/10
Market Extension Club 7/6
Markham Shingle Company 3/12
Marquardt, W.L. (see: Pritchard and Marquardt)
Marsden, Edward 3A/14, 4/2
Marsh, Benjamin C. (see: New York Congestion Committee)
Marshall, George C. (see: United States. Army Department)
Marslow, Edith 3B/3
Martell, Lydia 7/6
Martiguy, [?] 7/6
Martin, Albert D. 3/12
Martin, C.S 10/32
Martin, H.A 9/21
Martin, Harrison B. 2/24
Martin, J.E 7/6
Martin, (Mrs.) Jesse E. 5/10, 7/27
Marvin (Charles E.) and Sons Company 3B/3
Mason County, Attorney 2/24
Mason County, Auditor 2/24
Mason County, Superior Court 2/24
Mason County, Treasurer 6/11
Masterson, Edwin F. 5/10
Matthews, G.H 2/3, 3/12, 3A/14, 3B/3, 4/16, 8/12
Matthews, Mark A. (see also: Presbyterians, First Presbyterian Church; Inter-Denominational Union Evangelistic Meetings, Executive Campaign Committee; Christian Endeavor Convention, Seattle; First Evangelistic Regiment of Washington) 2/3, 2/24, 3B/3, 4/2, 7/6, 7/27, 8/33, 10/17
Matthews, Rose 2/3
Mattison, R.H 7/6
Maurer, E. 1/10, 1/24
Maxwell, C.F 7/6, 7/27
Mayo, J.L 7/27
Meade, Thomas A. 5/10
Meany, Edmond S.(see also: Washington Historical Quarterly) 10/17
Melville, Dave 6/11, 7/6
Memorial Auditorium Association 8/33, 9/21, 10/17
Men and Religion Forward Movement, Seattle Committee of One Hundred 6/11, 7/6
Mendenhall, Edward 1/24
Mercantile Agency (see also: Dun, R.G., and Company) 1/2, 1/10, 1/24
Mercantile Bank, Seattle 5/10, 6/11, 7/28
Merchants Fire Association, Washington 1/30
Merrick (Louis A.) and Mills 3A/14
Merrill, R.D. (see: Merrill and Ring Lumber Company)
Merrill (R.D.) and Ring Logging Company 2/24, 3/12, 3A/14, 3B/3, 4/2, 4/16, 5/10, 6/11, 7/6
Merrill-Ring-Bliss Company 3B/3
Merriman, M.H 7/28
Metcalf, Ralph 3B/4
Methodists, Central Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma 3B/4
Methodists, First Memorial M.E. Church, Seattle 7/6
Methodists, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle 6/11, 7/28
Methodists, Fremont Southwest Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle 7/28
Methodists, Industrial Movement In The Methodist Episcopal Church 5/10, 6/11
Methodists, Madison Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle 3B/4
Metropolitan Bank, Seattle 4/16, 7/28
Metropolitan Building Company 3/12, 3/24, 3A/14, 3B/4, 4/2, 4/16, 5/10, 6/11, 7/6, 8/19
Metropolitan Business College 10/17
Metropolitan Press, Incorporated 2/3
Metropolitan Theatre 7/6
Metropolitan Tire Company 10/17
Metzenbaum, Walter 8/19
Meyer, Hubert W. 5/10
Meyers, H.H 10/32
Meyers, Herbert W. 6/11, 7/6, 7/28, 8/12
Michigan Central Railroad Company 3/12, 3/24
Michigan Lumber Company 2/24
Michigan State Normal College, Women's Gymnasium 6/11
Michigan University, Alumni Association, Seattle 6/11, 7/7, 7/28, 8/12, 8/33, 4/15
Michigan University, Students' Christian Association 7/7
Milay, L.A 4/16, 5/10
Miles, Bradford 8/33
Miller, Eleanor P. 1/2
Miller, John F. (see also: Seattle, Mayor) 8/33, 9/21
Miller, John W. 1/24
Mills, Joseph 8/12
Milwaukee, Mayor 5/10
Minard (E.L.) and Company 7/7
Miner-Echo Publishing Company 10/17
Mineral Lake Lumber Company 3/12
Ministerial Association, Seattle 2/3
Minneapolis, Mayor 5/10
Minnesota, Ramsey County, Abstract Clerk 3B/4
Minton, Francis L. (see: Douglass (Benjamin, Junior) and Minton)
Mires (Austin) and Worner 1/24
Mirror 4/16
Missionary Centenary, Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle 9/21
Missouri Pacific Railway Company 3/12
Mitchell, John R. 8/34
Mohn (J.E.) and Sons 8/34
Monchalin, M. 10/17
Monroe, Maud A. 3B/4, 4/2
Montclair Military Academy 3/12
Montesano, Schools, Superintendent 6/11
Montesano State Bank 2/24
Montgomery, Annie 2/24, 3/12
Montgomery, Frank A. 4/16, 5/10, 6/11, 7/7
Montgomery, John 3/12, 4/2
Mooney Propaganda Committee 8/34
Moore (Charles C.) and Company, Engineers 7/7
Moore, Dwight S. 7/7, 8/34
Moore, H. Alvin 10/17
Moore, O.C. (see: Poindexter and Moore)
Moore, Thomas (see: Moore Investment Company)
Moore Investment Company 1/24
Moran Brothers Company 3/24
More, S.B 3B/4
Morgan (F.L.) and Brewer 3/24, 3A/14, 3B/4, 4/16, 5/11, 6/11, 7/7
Morgan, George G. 4/16
Morison, Henry A. 7/7
Morley, W.K 2/24
Morris, H.M 6/11, 7/7, 7/28
Morris (Will H.), Southard and Shipley 5/11
Morrison, J.R 7/7
Morse, Wayne L (see: Oregon, University, Law School)
Moses Lake Apple and Alfalfa Land, real estate 8/34
Mote, D.A 10/17
Mothers' Jewels Home, York, Nebraska 7/28
Motoyoshi, M. 10/32
Mount Holyoke College 10/32
Mountain View Goat Ranch 10/17
Moving Picture and Projecting Machine Operators' Union, Local #154 5/11
Muirhead, J.C 7/28
Mullen, D.H 2/3, 10/17
Mumford, William 5/11
Mundy, E.F 6/11
Municipal League, National Office 2/3, 4/2, 4/16, 6/11, 7/7, 7/28, 8/12, 8/34, 9/21
Municipal League, Seattle (see also: France, C.J.; National Municipal League) 4/16, 5/11, 6/11, 7/7, 8/12, 8/34, 9/21, 10/17
Municipal Plans League, Seattle 3B/4
Murphine, Thomas F. 8/19
Mutual Laundry Company 8/34
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York 2/3, 2/24, 3/12, 3A/14, 3B/4, 5/11, 7/7, 7/28, 8/12, 9/21
Myer, Herbert W. 4/16
Myers (S.A.) Land Agency 9/21, 10/17
Nagle, Millie M. 3A/15
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 9/22
National Association of Cotton Manufacturers 8/35
National Bank of Commerce, Seattle 3A/15, 4/17, 8/35
National Child Labor Committee 3/13, 3A/15, 4/17, 5/12, 7/8
National City Company 9/22
National Civil Service Reform League 9/22
National Committee on Prison Labor 7/8
National Conference for Social Welfare, Washington 10/18
National Conference of Charities and Correction (see also: Charities 1920--Name Change to National Conference for Social Welfare) 2/4, 2/25, 7/8, 7/29, 8/13
National Conference of Charities and Correction, Maryland 3/13
National Conference of Charities and Correction, Northwestern Conference 5/12
National Conference of Charities and Correction, Oregon 2/4
National Conference of Charities and Correction, Washington 8/13,2/4, 3A/15, 4/17,
National Conservation Association 4/17
National Economic League 7/8
National Farm Loan Associations 10/33
National Geographic Society 5/12, 6/12, 7/8, 9/22
National Grocery Company 3B/5
National Lumber and Box Company 3/13
National Municipal Review (see also: Municipal League, National Office) 7/8, 8/13, 8/35
National Recreation Association (see also: Playground and Recreation Association of America) 10/33
National Short Ballot Organization (see also: Short Ballot Organization; France, C. J.) 7/8, 7/29, 8/13
National Surety Company 7/8
Near East Relief 10/18
Nebraska, University, Nebraska Legislative Reference Bureau 8/35, 9/22
Neesox, Charles 2/4
Neill (Thomas) and Hill 2/25
Nelson, Nels (Mrs.) 9/22
Nelson, Y.O 8/35
New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company 10/18
New Republic 9/22, 10/18
New Westminster, B.C. Mayor 6/12
New York (City), Municipal Reference Library 8/13
New York (City), Police Department 7/29
New York (City), Public Charities Department 5/12
New York (City), Public Works Commission 5/12
New York Central Lines 3/25
New York Congestion Committee 6/12
New York Conservatory of Music 2/4
New York Herald Tribune 10/33
New York Hippodrome 3A/15
New York Life Insurance Company 2/4, 2/25, 3A/15, 8/13
New York Lunch, Seattle 8/13
New York, University, Albany 9/22
Newell, A.B. (see also: Kirkland Mayor) 3/13, 3A/15
Newman, Anthony M. 3/13, 3B/5, 8/35
Newman (Thomas G.) and Howard 3/13, 3A/15
Nicholasville High School, Kentucky 2/4
Nichols, Ralph D. 5/12, 7/9
Nichols, Sam H. (see: Washington. Department of State. Secretary.)
Nicosia, Fred, Junior 8/35, 9/22, 10/18
Nims, Matt H. 4/18
Nims, Revel 3B/5, 4/18
Nolan, Anna M. 8/35, 9/22, 10/18
Nolen, John, 7/29
Non-Smokers' Protective League of America 6/12
Nonpartisan Leader 10/18
Norfolk Fire Insurance Corporation 5/12
Norman, Franklin C. 3A/15
Norris, I.F 8/35
Norris Safe and Lock Company 7/29
North American Investment Company 2/25
North Broadway Hill Improvement Club 2/4, 2/25
North End Progressive Club 7/9
Northern Life Insurance Company 3A/15, 7/9
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Port Townsend 3/13, 3/25
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Saint Paul 3/13, 3A/15, 7/29, 8/13
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Seattle 2/4, 2/25, 3A/15, 3B/5, 7/9, 7/29, 8/13
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Tacoma 3/13, 3A/15
Northwest Shingle Manufacturers Club, Bellingham 3/14
Northwest Trust and Safe Deposit Company 2/5, 2/25, 3/14, 3A/16, 3B/5, 4/3, 4/18, 5/13, 6/12, 7/9, 7/29, 10/18
Northwestern Lumber Company, Hoquiam (see also: Wishkah Boom Company; Grays Harbor Commercial Company) 1/24, 2/5, 2/26, 3/14, 3/25, 3A/16, 3B/5, 5/13, 6/12
Northwestern Mutual Fire Association , 3A/16
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 2/5, 2/26, 3B/5, 4/3, 4/18, 5/13, 7/9, 7/29, 8/13
Northwestern National Bank 8/35
Northwestern National Insurance Company 8/13
Northwestern Shoe Company 2/26
Northwestern Steamship Company 3A/16
Nylander, J. 7/9
Oberndoerfer, Helming 2/5
O'Brien, Edward D. 6/12
Odd Fellows, Independent Order of, New Castle 2/26
Odenkirk, Charles 2/26
Office and Laboratory, Seattle 3B/5
Oliver, Arthur 2/5, 2/26, 3B/5
Oliver, Mary Edwards 2/5, 3B/5, 9/22, 10/18
Olmstead, Frank 8/13
Olson, John 7/29
Omaha, Comptroller 5/13
O'Neil, Nellie 5/13
O'Phelan, John I. 9/22
Oregon, University, Law School 10/33
Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufacturers' Association 3/14
Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company 3/14, 3A/16
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company 3/14
Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company 7/9
Organized Moral Forces, Olympia 3A/16
Orient-Occident Club of Seattle 5/13, 7/9
Oriental Land and Improvement Company 8/35, 9/22, 10/18
Osborne, [?] 2/5
Osborne (E.S.), Tremper and Company, Incorporated 3/14, 5/13
Osterburg, A. 10/18
Ostling, [?] 9/22
Over-Seas Club, Seattle 9/22
Pacific Abstract Company 7/10
Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs 4/19, 5/14, 7/10
Pacific Coast Coal Company 4/19
Pacific Coast Company 1/11
Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association 2/16, 3/15, 3/25, 3A/17, 5/14
Pacific Coast Machinery Company 1/25
Pacific Commercial Bureau 2/6
Pacific County. Superior Court (see: Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum Counties Superior Court)
Pacific Export and Import Company 3/15
Pacific Improvement Company 6/13
Pacific Improvement Company's Water Works 1/25
Pacific Lumber Trade Journal 3/25
Pacific National Bank of Tacoma 6/13
Pacific Northwest Rose Society 7/30
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company 5/14, 7/10, 7/30
Paddock, W. F. 7/10
Painter, D. 10/34
Palestine Restoration Fund Association, Seattle 10/19
Palmer, A.C 2/6
Palmer (Edward P.) and Askren 6/13
Palmer, James M. 3/15
Palmer, R. M. 7/30
Palmerton-Harvey Grain Company 3B/6
Palmerton Leasure Company, Incorporated, Seattle 3B/6
Panama-Pacific International Exposition 4/19, 7/10, 7/30
Parker, [?].M 7/30
Parker, C. L. 7/10
Parker, Jno. M. 8/20
Parrott (Henry W.) and Griswold 3/15
Parry, Will H. 8/14
Parry Investment Company 2/6, 2/27
Parsons, Benjamin (see: Ministerial Association, Seattle)
Parsons, Mary I. 9/23, 10/19
Parsons, (Mrs.) Reginald H. 3B/6
Passow (Charles) and Sons 1/25
Paul, C. C. 9/23
Paul, Frank A. 4/19, 5/14, 6/13, 7/30
Pearsall, Dan 6/13
Pease, Charles G. (see: Non-Smokers' Protective League of America)
Peierls (L.) and Company 1/25
Pemberton (William H.) and Sather 3A/17
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company 2/6
Perkins, Chas. F. 6/13
Perkins, George W. (see also: YMCA) 9/23
Perkins (W.D.) and Company 7/10
Peter, John W. (see also: Ballard City Attorney) 5/14
Peter (W.H.) and Company 2/6
Peterkin, G. Shearmon 4/3, 7/10
Peters (Walter D.) and Carr 3B/6, 4/3
Pettit and Son 2/62
Phelps, Byron (see also: Bouillon (A. V. Club) and Seattle Independent Municipal League) 4./ 19, 5/14
Phelps (Harry E.) and Watrous 9/23
Philbrick, Ralph L. 1/30, 2/27, 5/14
Philips (Calvin) and Company 4/19, 7/10
Phillips, J. W. 6/13
Phillips U. S. Detective Agency 3B/6
Pierce County Auditor 1/25, 3B/6
Pierce County Sheriff 1/25
Pierce County Superintendent of Schools 5/14
Pierce County Superior Court (see also: Chapman, W. O.) 1/25, 2/27, 3B/6, 5/14
Piles, Samuel Henry (see also: Pacific Coast Company; Piles, Donworth and Howe) 2/27, 3A/17
Piles (Samuel H.), Donworth and Howe 1/11
Pinchot, Gifford (see also: National Conservation Association; Republican Party National Committee) 9/1, 9/23, 10/34
Pinkerton and Company 7/30
Pioneer-Home Insurance Association 2/27
Pioneer Loan and Investment Company 7/30
Pioneer Rent and Collection Company, Incorporated 2/6, 7/10
Pixley, M. M. 10/34
Platt, Margaret B. (see: Women's Christian Temperance Union, Western Washington)
Platt and Platt (see also: Grays Harbor Commercial Company) 3B/6
Playground and Recreation Association of America (see also: Playground Association of America; National Recreation Association) 6/13, 7/10, 7/30, 8/14, 9/1, 9/23, 10/19
Playground and Recreation Association of America, Community Service 9/24, 10/19
Playground and Recreation Association of America, Community Service, Seattle 10/20
Playground and Recreation Association of America, Northwestern States Institute 5/15
Playground and Recreation Association of America, Seattle (see also: Playground Association of America, Seattle for pre-1912 ) 6/13, 7/10, 7/30,
Playground and Recreation Association of America. War Camp Community Service 9/1, 9/24, 9/25, 10/20
Playground Association of America (see also: Sage (Russell) Foundation) 3/15, 3A/17, 3B/6, 4/3, 4/19, 5/15
Playground Association of America, California 5/15
Playground Association of America, Chicago 3B/6, 5/15
Playground Association of America, Missoula 5/15
Playground Association of America, Seattle (see also: Playground and Recreation Association of America, Seattle for correspondence after 1912) 5/15
Playgrounds Association of Philadelphia 3A/17
Plymouth Men's Club 4/19
Poe, C.K 5/16
Poindexter, Miles C. (see also: Hirth and Blackwood) 4/20, 5/16, 6/14, 7/30, 8/14, 9/2, 9/25, 10/20
Poindexter (Miles) and Moore, 4/20, 5/16
Poindexter Republican Club, 4/20
Polson, Alex (see also: Polson Logging Company) 3/15, 4/3, 4/20, 8/20
Polson Logging Company 2/6, 2/27, 3A/18, 4/20, 5/16, 6/14, 7/11, 8/14, 10/20
Pomrenk, Julius 8/14
Pope and Talbot, San Francisco 3B/7, 4/3, 4/20, 5/16
Popple and Knowles Company 9/26
Port Angeles Attorney 1/11, 1/25
Port Ludlow Public Schools 9/26
Port Townsend Southern Railroad Company 3A/18
Porteguese, R. 1/25
Portland Finance Department 7/11
Portland, port 10/34
Portland Open Air Sanatorium 9/26
Poston (A.H.) and Shields (see also: Shields (J.H.) Lumber Company) 2/6
Potts, Ralph Bushnell 10/34
Power, Frederick C. (see also: Power and Meeker) 2/6, 2/27, 7/30
Power (Frederick C.) and Meeker, 3/16, 3A/18, 3B/7, 4/3, 4/20, 6/14, 7/11
Powles, J.B. (see also: Unemployed League, Seattle) 8/14
Prante, Katie 3/15
Prantz, R.M 3B/7
Prasidium der Osterreichischen Friedensgesellschaft 9/26
Pratt, Hiram A. 6/14
Pratt, O.C 2/27
Pratt, Wallace A. 10/34
Pratt, William H. 5/16
Presbyterian Brotherhood, Seattle 3/15, 3B/7
Presbyterians, Board of Education. United States 2/6, 2/28
Presbyterians, College Board, New York (City) 3A/18
Presbyterians, First Presbyterian Church, Seattle 2/6, 2/28, 3/15, 3/25, 3A/18, 3B/7, 4/20, 5/16, 6/14, 7/11, 9/2, 9/26, 10/20, 10/34
Presbyterians, First Presbyterian Church, Sociological Society, Seattle 2/6, 2/28, 3A/18
Presbyterians, Foreign Missions 2/28
Presbyterians, Lake Union Presbyterian Church, Seattle 7/11
Presbyterians, University Presbyterian Church, Seattle 3B/7
Presbyterians, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Seattle 7/11
Preston, Harold (see also: Welfare) 3/15, 8/1
Price, John E. (see also: Rotary Club, Seattle; Playground and Recreation Association of America, Seattle) 3A/18, 3B/8, 4/21, 5/16, 6/14, 7/12, 8/14, 9/2, 9/26
Priday, P. (see also: Priday, P. and A.) 2/7, 3A/18, 4/21, 5/17, 6/15, 7/12, 8/1
Priday, P. and A. 1/11, 1/30, 2/7, 2/28, 3/16, 3/25, 3A/18, 3B/8, 4/3
Prince Photographer, Seattle 6/15
Princeton Club 5/17
Prison Reconstruction League 9/26, 10/20
Pritchard and Marquardt 1/11
Private Soldiers and Sailors Legion, Washington 9/26
Progressive Party (1912-16) 8/1, 8/14, 8/20
Progressive Party (1912-16), Roosevelt Progressive Republican League, Washington 6/15
Progressive Republican League, King County 5/17
Prohibition National Committee 9/26
Provine Lumber Company 3/16
Public Affairs Information Service, New York (City) 9/26
Public Recreation and Social Education 4/21
Public Welfare League, Incorporated, Seattle 4/21, 5/17, 6/15
Puget Land Company 5/17
Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company, Seattle 5/17, 6/15, 7/12
Puget Sound Cement and Lime Company 7/12
Puget Sound Merchandise Company 10/34
Puget Sound Realty Associates 4/21
Purcell Safe Company, Seattle 5/17
Putnam's (G.P.) and Sons 4/21
Puyallup and Sumner Fruit Growers Canning Company 9/26
Queen Anne Civic Study Club 5/17, 6/15
Quigley (A.J.) and Company 5/17
Quincy Valley Irrigation District 8/1, 8/14
Quinn, John 3B/8
"R. and S. " Bureau, New York (City) (see also: Regenhardt's (C.) Agency) 7/13
Ragenovich, Theodor 1/26
Railroad Men's Political Club, Seattle 7/13
Railway Age 3A/20
Railwaymen's Welfare League of Washington 10/21
Rainey, Henry T. 10/35
Rainier Beach-Dunlap Social Center League 5/18
Rainier Beach Improvement Club 5/18
Rainier Club 3/17, 4/22, 5/18, 6/16, 8/2
Ramsey, S. V. 4/22
Randall (G.W.) Company, Incorporated 7/13, 8/15
Rathskeller Company 5/18
Reading, S.G 8/2
Record Publishing Company 5/18
Recreation and Playgrounds League, Seattle (see: Playground and Recreation Association of America, Seattle)
Red Cross, United States American National Red Cross, Seattle 3/17, 10/1
Reed, Anna Y. 5/18, 6/16
Reed, J.M.P 10/1
Regenhardt's (C.) Agency (see also: "R. and S. " Bureau) 3A/20, 3B/9, 4/4, 4/22
Religious Education Association 5/18
Remsberg, C. E. 3B/9
Renton Hill Club 5/18
Republican Party. National Committee (see also: Gill (Hiram C.) Republican Club; Griffiths (Austin E.) for Mayor Club) 8/21, 9/3, 10/21
Republican Party, Washington, Grays Harbor County Central Committee 8/21
Republican Party, King County, Central Committee (see also: France, C. J.) 2/8, 6/16
Republican Party, King County, Swedish Republican Club 4/22, 5/18
Republican Party, Seattle, Central Committee 2/8
Republican Party, Washington, Seattle, Gill (H. C.) Republican Club 4/22
Republican Party, Washington, Committee Seattle, Taft Reception League 5/18
Republican Party, Women's National Executive Committee 10/1
Revelle, Revelle and Revelle 3/26, 3A/20, 5/18
Reynolds, C. B. 6/16
Reynolds, Henry L. 3A/20
Rhode Island Library 10/1
Rhodes Brothers Company 10/21
Rice, A. E. (see: Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum Counties Superior Court)
Rice, Stuart A. (see also: American Civil Liberties Union) 6/16, 10/1
Richardson, A.A 1/26
Richardson (T.L.) and Elmer Company 3A/20, 3B/9
Richberg (John C.) , Ickes, Davies and Lord (see: Republican Party National Committee)
Ridell, C.M 1/12
Rieke, [?] 8/15
Riggins, C.N 1/12
Riley, J.L 10/1
Risley, John E. 2/8, 2/29
Risby, John E. 2/8
Ritchie, William 1/2
Rivers and Company 8/15
Roberts, John W. 5/18, 6/16
Roberts (John W.) and Skeel 9/3, 10/1
Robertson, Robert 2/8
Robinson, J.W 3B/9
Robinson Commission Company 9/3
Rock, R.J 4/4
Rock Island-Frisco Lines 3A/20
Rockwood Kennels 8/2
Rogers, Jay H. 3B/9
Roosevelt, Theodore, United States President 9/3
Root, Milo 2/8
Rose (George W.) Theatre Company 5/18
Rosenthal, Marcus 1/12
Rosenthal, Feder and Company 1/12
Rosling, Eric Edward 1/26
Ross, (Mrs.) M. J. 3/17
Ross (Howard S.) and Angers 10/1
Rotary Club, Seattle 4/22
Roudebush, Rex S. 10/1
Rounds (E.J.) and Company 4/4
Royal Exchange Assurance, Montesano 5/18
Royal Society of Arts, London 8/2
Royal Society of Trelow 7/13
Ruggles, Brewster A. 9/3
Runner, F.H 3B/9
Russell, C.E. (see: Edgewood Cedar Shingle Company, and Russell (C.E.) Mill Company)
Russell (C.E.) , Mill Company 1/12
Russell, Edwards 2/8
Russell (J.A.) and Russell 1/12
Russell and Company 1/26
Rutherford, Arthur Robert (see also: Rutherford, Huggins and Elliott) 5/18
Rutherford (A.R.), Huggins, and Elliott (see also: Rutherford, Arthur Robert) 3/17, 3/26
Ryan, P.H 7/13
S.T.S. Heat Appliances Company, Los Angeles 7/15
Sachse, W.L 2/8, 2/29, 3A/20, 3B/9
Sage (Russell) Foundation, (see also: Playground Association of America) 3A/20, 3B/9, 4/4, 4/22, 5/18, 6/16, 8/15
Sager, Arthur N. 8/21
Saginaw Timber Company 8/15
Saint Paul, Mayor 5/18
Saint Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company (see: Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association)
Sakamoto, James Y. (see: Japanese-American Courier)
Salmon Bay Improvement Club 5/18
Salvation Army, Seattle 3/17, 3A/20, 4/22, 5/18, 8/2, 9/3
San Francisco, Board of Supervisors 5/18
San Francisco, Police Department 7/13
San Francisco, Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court 3B/9
Sandall, Robert F. 10/2
Saturday Evening Post 10/2
Saunders and Shepherd 2/8
Sauntry, W.E 1/26
Savage, John H. 5/18
Savoy Hotel, London 4/22
Saylor, Albert 1/2
Scandinavian American Bank, Seattle 4/4, 7/13
Schapirograph Company, New York (City) 1/26
Scherrer, Ulrich 10/22
Sherzer (Albert H.) Rolling Lift Bridge Company 7/13
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr 10/35
Scholl, G.W 7/13
School for Social Workers, Boston 4/4
Schwager and Nettleton 3/17, 5/19
Schwartz Company 8/2
Scientific American 3/17
Scott, Francis H. 3B/10
Scott, George D. 4/22
Scott, W.D 2/29
Scott (William D.) and Campbell 4/22
Scribner's (Charles) Sons 5/19
Seaboard Security Company 3/17
Seale, Martin 8/21
Searchlight(Bremerton) 8/2, 8/15
Sears, Roebuck and Company, Seattle 7/13, 10/2
Seattle, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition,1909 3A/20, 3B/10
Seattle, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909, Children's Day Committee 3/28
Seattle, Building Code Commission 6/16
Seattle, Buildings Department 5/19
Seattle, Charter Revision Committee (c. 1911-1914) 5/19, 8/2
Seattle, City Council 5/19, 6/16, 7/14, 8/2
Seattle, City Council, Streets and Sewers Committee 7/14
Seattle, Civil Service Department 8/15, 9/3
Seattle, Comptroller 4/22, 5/19, 6/16
Seattle, City Engineer 2/9, 3/17, 5/19, 7/14
Seattle, Finance Department 5/19, 8/15
Seattle, Fire Department 3A/20
Seattle, Health and Sanitation Department 3A/20, 4/4, 4/22, 6/16, 8/15, 9/3
Seattle, Corporation Counsel 4/22, 5/19, 6/16, 7/14, 8/2
Seattle, Light and Water Department 3/17, 4/4
Seattle, Lighting Department 6/16
Seattle, Mayor 2/9, 3A/20, 3B/10, 4/4, 5/19, 6/16, 7/14, 8/2, 8/15, 10/2
Seattle, Municipal Plans Commission 5/19
Seattle, Park Commissioners, Board of 2/9, 4/22, 5/19, 7/14
Seattle, Police Department 2/9, 8/2, 8/15
Seattle, Police, Municipal Protection for Girls and Women Division 7/14
Seattle, Port Commission 5/19, 6/16, 8/2, 9/3, 10/35
Seattle, Public Library 5/19, 6/16, 7/14, 8/2, 10/2
Seattle, Public Schools 3A/20, 4/22, 5/19, 6/16, 7/14, 10/2, 10/22, 10/35
Seattle, Public Utilities Department 7/14
Seattle, Public Works Department 3A/20, 5/19, 7/14
Seattle, Streets and Sewers Department 3A/20, 10/22
Seattle, Treasurer 2/9, 2/29, 3/17
Seattle, Water Department 5/19
Seattle Bar Association 1/26, 4/22, 5/20, 6/17, 9/3, 10/2
Seattle Base Ball Club Association, Incorporated 5/20
Seattle Brewing and Malting Company 1/12
Seattle Business College 6/17, 7/15
Seattle Cartoonists' Club 4/22
Seattle Central Council of Social Agencies (see: Central Council of Social Agencies of Seattle)
Seattle Civic Center Association 6/17
Seattle Commercial School 3B/10
Seattle Court Reporters 4/22
Seattle Day Nursing Association 5/20
Seattle Dry Campaign Committee 8/2
Seattle-Eastern Corporation 7/15
Seattle Electric Company 1/12, 2/8, 3/17, 3A/20, 3B/10, 4/4, 4/22, 5/20
Seattle Fleet Entertainment Committee 10/2
Seattle Hardware Company 8/2
Seattle Improvement Clubs 2/9, 2/29
Seattle-King County Poultry Association 5/20
Seattle Minister's Federation 5/20, 8/2
Seattle Nautical School 7/15
Seattle Post-Intelligencer 3A/20, 3B/10, 4/22, 5/20, 7/15, 8/2, 9/3, 10/2, 10/22, 10/35
Seattle Publicity Club, Incorporated 5/20
Seattle Quiz Congress 5/20
Seattle Real Estate Association 3A/20, 6/17
Seattle Republican 5/20
Seattle Retail Grocers' Association 7/15
Seattle Star 8/2
Seattle Sun 8/2, 8/15
Seattle Symphony Orchestra Society 10/22
Seattle Taxi-Cab Company 5/20
Seattle Times 2/9, 9/3, 10/2
Seattle Trust and Savings Bank 10/35
Seattle Waxine Company 8/2
Seattle Weekly News 5/20
Security Savings and Safe Deposit Company 3/17, 3A/20, 3B/10
Sedgwick, Samuel H. 3A/20, 8/3, 8/15, 9/3
Seelye, Lyman 10/35
Sellen, Mary E. 6/17, 7/15, 7/22, 8/3, 9/3, 10/2, 10/22
Seller (M.) and Company 1/26
Sellick, F.W 8/3
Selvin, Edwin (see: Business Chronicle of the Pacific Northwest)
Service Club of Washington 10/22
Seymour, A.W 4/23
Seymour, A.W. (Mrs.) 9/3
Shaffrath, Paul 3/17, 3A/21, 3B/10, 4/23, 6/17, 7/15
Shank (Corwin L.) and Smith 4/4, 7/15
Shank, W.W 6/17
Shannon and Shannon 6/17
Sharp and Alleman Company 4/23
Shasta May Blossom Copper Company Consolidated, San Francisco (see also: Ward, H.B.) 3/18, 3B/10
Sheard, W.F 4/4
Shedd, W.F 1/12
Sheehan, Jas 5/20
Sheffield, William 5/20
Sheldon, William K. 8/3, 9/3, 10/2
Shell, S.J 1/2, 1/12
Sheller, William 5/20
Shepard (Charles E.) and Flett 5/20
Shepherd, R.S 10/2
Sherman, Clay and Company (see also: Bouillon (A.V.) Club) 4/23
Shields, B.F. (see: Spokane Grain Company)
Shields (J.H.) Lumber Company (see also: Poston (A.H.) and Shields) 2/9
Shingle Mills Bureau 3/18, 3/26, 3A/20
Shinn (Will J.) and Bowen 1/26
Shippen, Joseph 2/9
Sholes (C.H.) and Person 4/4
Shorrock (E.G.) and Company (see also: Northwest Trust and Safe Deposit Company) 3A/21, 4/23, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15
Short Ballot Organization (see also: France, C.J.; National Short Ballot Association) 4/23, 6/17
Shuette, Walter E. (see: American Lutheran Survey)
Shuey (H.O.) and Company 6/17, 8/15
Shute, Anthony 1/26
Siegfried, Thorwald 7/15
Sigman, Henry 9/3
Sill, F.L 8/3
Siloam Sanatarium 5/21
Silsley, Frank M. (see: Presbyterians, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Seattle)
Simmons, Arthur 5/21
Simmons College (see: School for Social Workers. Boston)
Simons, D.P 5/21
Simpson, Edward C 7/15
Simpson Lumber Company, South Bend 2/9
Sinclair, George M. 2/9
Single Tax Club, Everett 6/17
Slater (Jno. C.) , Watt and Company 6/17
Small, B.A 6/17
Smith, Carl A. 10/22
Smith, Clarence A. 6/17
Smith, Elbert C. 7/16
Smith, Everett (see: Smith (Everett) and Cole)
Smith (Everett) and Cole 2/29, 5/21
Smith, Frank J. 5/21, 7/16
Smith, J. A. 5/21
Smith (John R.) and Woods 5/21
Smith, John Z. 4/23
Smith, (Mrs.) M.H 5/21
Smith, Robert Asa (see: Presbyterians, Lake Union Presbyterian Church)
Smith, W.B. (see: Clallam County, Sheriff)
Smith, Winfield 3A/21
Smith Premier Typewriter Company 2/29
Smith, Robertson and Moorhouse 8/3
Snowden, C.A 3A/21
Snohomish County, Clerk 1/26
Snohomish County, Sheriff 1/26
Snohomish County Abstract Company 1/26
Snook, Herbert E. 5/21
Snow Hill Normal and Industrial Institute 5/21, 6/17, 7/16, 10/2
Society of Social and Moral Hygiene of Seattle 5/21, 6/17
Somerville Brotherhoods 3/18
Soule, John F. 3/18
South-West Publishing Company 6/17
Southard, W.E 10/35
Southern Pacific Company 3/18
Southwestern Washington Farmers' Club 3/18
Spangler, J.W. (see: League to Enforce Peace, Washington)
Specht, A.F. (see also: Lumber Manufacturers' Joint Committee) 5/21
Specht, (Mrs.) Augustus F. 8/3
Speckert, A.J 6/18
Spellen, Carrie 3/18, 10/2
Spiegle, D.F 10/22
Spokane. Public Library 10/2
Spokane, Public Utilities Department 7/16
Spokane and British Columbia Railway Company 4/23, 5/21, 6/18, 8/3
Spokane County, Superior Court 1/26, 2/29
Spokane Advertising Club and Civic University 10/35
Spokane County Bar Association 2/29
Spokane Drug Company 5/21
Spokane Grain Company 6/18
Spokane Pioneer Goatery 10/22
Sprengle, L.J 5/21
Spurlock, George M. 10/35
Stadium Committee (University of Washington) 10/22
Standard Engineering Company 4/23
Standard Lumber and Shingle Company 3A/21
Standard Oil Company, Seattle 9/3, 10/3
Stanley, Charles T. 3/18
Starbuck, S.H 8/3
State Bank of Enumclaw 8/15
Statutory Law of Business Corporations, Plainfield, New Jersey 2/9
Stearns (Frederick W.) and Sweet 4/23
Steele, H. Wirt (see also: Charity Organization Society, Seattle; National Conference of Charities and Correction, Washington; Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, Maryland) 10/22
Steiner, F.E 8/21
Stephens, H.M 3A/21
Stephens, W.J 1/12
Stemfeld, Otto M. 5/22
Stevens, C.P 1/12
Stevenson Lumber Company 8/3
Stewart, Edith M. 2/9
Stewart Advertising Company 8/21
Stewart and Holmes Drug Company 1/12
Stiles, T.L. (see: Seattle, Attorney)
Stilson (Fielding J.) Company 4/23
Stone and Webster (see: Seattle Electric Company)
Stone, George 1/12
Stone (George H.) - Fisher Company 3/18
Strang (F.W.) and Prosser 7/16
Stratton, W.B. (see: Washington, Attorney General)
Strickland, H.P. (see: Vulcan Iron Works Company)
Strong, Amzi W. 4/4
Strong, J.H 10/3
Strong, Sidney (see also: Congregationalists, Queen Anne Congregational Church; Orient-Occident Club) 4/23, 8/3, 10/3
Stubley, E.H 5/22, 8/15
Stump Pulling Machines Company 8/3
Suess Art Glass Company, Seattle 4/4, 8/3, 8/15, 9/3
Suffrage Club, Seattle 8/3
Sullivan, E.B 5/22
Sullivan (P.C.) and Christian 1/26
Sumner Index 5/22
Sunday School Association, Massachusetts 10/3
Sumset Magazine 10/3
Sunset Shingle Company 3A/21
Survey 3B/10, 5/22, 6/18, 7/16, 8/3, 8/15, 9/3, 10/3
Sutton, E.B. (see: First Evangelistic Regiment of Washington)
Sutton, William E. 2/29
Swall, B.A 4/23, 5/22, 6/18, 7/16, 8/3
Swan, Edgar M. 8/3
Sweeney, E.F. (see: Seattle Brewing and Malting Company)
Sweet, A.H 6/18
Sweet, Mary A. 8/3
Sylvester, Richard 8/15
Symons, Arthur E. 10/35
Tacoma, Attorney 7/17
Tacoma, Police Court 2/10
Tacoma, Port Commission 10/36
Tacoma, Public Safety Department 7/17
Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company 3/19, 3A/22
Tacoma Mill Company 3/19
Tacoma Smelting Company 4/24
Taft, Robert A. 10/36
Taft, William Howard 10/4
Tanner, Joseph M. 1/13
Taxpayers' League of Seattle 5/23, 10/4
Taylor, A.S 4/5
Taylor, Graham (see also: Playground Association of America. Chicago; Survey) 3B/11
Taylor, H.D 5/23
Taylor, Louis D. 10/36
Teal (J.N.) and Minor (see also: Teal, Minor and Winfree) 3/19, 3A/22
Teal (J.N.), Minor, and Winfree (see also: Teal and Minor) 4/24
Teesdale, E. 9/4
Tennant, G. 3B/11
Tenth Ward Improvement Club 7/17
Texas Conference of Social Welfare 9/4
Texas University, Austin 10/4
Thaanum (William) and Frazier 4/5
Thiel Detective Service Company 8/16
Thomas, J.A 10/4
Thomas, J. Alfred 6/19
Thomas, John D. 7/17, 8/4, 10/4
Thomas, Joseph 4/24, 5/23
Thompson, A.R 10/36
Thompson (Edward) Company 1/13, 1/27
Thompson, R.N 10/23
Thompson, T.C 4/24
Thompson, Walter J. 8/19, 8/21
Thomson, H.B 1/27
Thomson, Reginald Herber (see also: Seattle, City Engineer; Seattle, Port Commission) 5/23
Thorp, H.B 3B/11
Thorson, Alice O. 8/16
Thucidor, A. 10/23
Thurston County, Superior Court 2/30
Tiffin, C.C 9/4
Times Printing Company of Seattle 4/5, 4/24, 5/23, 7/17, 8/4
Tindall, Philip 10/23
Tipi Order of America 10/4
Tipton, F.B 3/19, 10/23
Title Guaranty and Trust Company 2/10
Title Guarantee Company 2/10
Title Trust Company, Seattle 3/19, 3A/22, 3B/11
Todd, Elmer 5/23
Totten, Joseph P. 5/23
Totten (William D.) and Rozema 6/19
Tozier, Leroy 1/27
Travelers Insurance Company 2/10
Traynor, T.J 5/23
Trenholme, J.D 8/4
Trimble (William P.) Club 3/26, 7/17
Tripple, Robert A. 8/4, 9/4
Troy (Alonzo J.) and Falknor 1/13
Troy, Preston M. 10/4
Trustee Company of Seattle 2/30, 3/26, 3A/22, 4/24, 5/23, 6/19, 7/17, 10/4
Tucker (Eldred), Hanford Company 7/17
Tuffen, Robert 8/16
Tumulty, J.P 10/4
Tupple, [?] 10/4
Turner, Leander T. 3B/11, 5/23, 6/19
Tyler, Jennie Smith 4/5, 4/24
Undertakers Supply Company 3B/11
Underwood, F.R 10/23
Unemployed League, Seattle (see also: Powles, J.B.) 8/4
Union Machine Works and Iron Foundry 2/10, 3A/22, 3B/11, 5/23, 6/19
Union Oil Company of California 10/36
Union Pacific Railroad Company 3/19
Union Savings 5/23
Union Savings and Trust Company 2/10
United Press Association 4/24
United States Agriculture Department, Bureau of Plant Industry 8/16, 8/21
United States Alien Property Custodian, Bureau of Investigation 9/4
United States Army Department 10/36
United States Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General (see: United States Justice Department)
United States. Army, American Expeditionary Force 10/5
United States Circuit Court, District of Washington, Tacoma 2/10, 2/30, 3/19, 3/26, 3A/22, 3B/11, 5/23
United States Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco 2/10, 2/30, 3/19, 3/26, 3A/22, 3B/11, 8/4
United States Civil Service Commission 9/4
United States Coast Guard 10/37
United States Customs Bureau, Port Townsend 2/30
United States Defense Department, Secretary 10/36
United States District Court, Alaska Territory 3B/11
United States District Court, Washington, Western District. Northern Division 4/24
United States Engineers Office, Seattle 2/30
United States Federal Bureau of Investigation 10/37
United States Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 10/5
United States Federal Trade Commission 8/16
United States Geological Survey 10/5
United States House of Representatives, Clerk's Office 8/4
United States Immigration and Naturalization Service 2/30, 6/19, 7/17
United States Interior Department Secretary 10/36
United States Internal Revenue Service 8/4, 9/4
United States Interstate Commerce Commission 3/19, 3/26, 3A/23, 3B/11
U. . Justice Department 10/37
United States Justice Department, Marshall, Washington 2/30, 3/19, 3A/23
United States Labor Department 10/23
United States Labor Department, Soldiers and Sailors Placement Bureau 10/5
United States Land Office 2/30, 6/19
United States Library of Congress 10/37
United States Mines Bureau 10/36
United StatesUnited States Navy, Chief of Naval Operations 10/37
United States Navy, Secretary 9/4
United States Patent Office 3A/23
United States Pension Bureau 3A/23
United States Post Office Department 7/17
United States President 10/5, 10/23, 10/37
United States President, Office for Emergency Management 10/37
United States Public Health Service 8/21
United States Railroad Administration 10/5
United States Reclamation Service 10/5, 10/36
United States State Department 10/23, 10/37
United States Supreme Court 1/27
United States State Department, Passport Control Division 10/5
United States Treasury Department, Secret Service Division 9/4
United States Treasury Department, War Risk Insurance Bureau 9/4, 10/5
United States Treasury Department, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee 9/4
United States War Department 9/4
United States War Savings Committee, Seattle 9/4
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 1/13, 2/30, 5/23
United War Work Campaign 9/4
United Warehouse Company 3B/11
United Wireless Telegraph Company 3A/23
University Community Club 4/24, 5/23, 8/4
Upper, Herbert S. 10/5
Van Allen, A.M 4/24
Van Eaton, James A. 1/28
Van Nuys, M.H 9/4
Van Schuyver (W.J.) and Company 7/17
Van Sickle, N.E 8/4
Vancouver, B.C. Chief Constable 7/17
Vancouver, B.C. Comptroller 6/19
Vancouver Columbian 3B/11
Vaughan, Frank H. 10/5, 10/23
Veazie (A.L.) and Veazie 3B/11
Veazie (A.L.), McCourt and Veazie 7/17
Vilas, Calvin E. 2/30
Virginia Street Dock and Warehouse Company, Incorporated 3/26
Voorhees (C.S.) and Voorhees 3A/23
Voters' League (see: Myer, Herbert W.)
Vulcan Iron Works Company 1/13, 1/28
Wahkiakum County, Superior Court (see: Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum Counties, Superior Court)
Waiters' Union. Local Number 239 239, 5/24
Walbridge, L. 5/24
Walker, Anna S. 8/21
Walker, George H. 5/24
Walker (George H.) and Munn 3/20
Walla Walla County, Superior Court(see also: Brents, Thomas H.) 2/31
Wallgren, Mon C. (see: Washington. Governor)
Wallingford Avenue Improvement Club 5/24
Warbasse, Charles S. 2/20
Ward, A.G 2/31
Ward, Austin M. 2/11
Ward, Henry B. (see also: Shasta May Blossom Copper Company Consolidated) 2/11, 6/20, 7/18, 10/38
Ware, Edwin 10/24
Warren, W.T 2/31
Washington, Attorney General 2/11, 3/27, 3A/24
Washington, Conservation and Development Department. Mines and Mining Division 10/38
Washington, Control Board 6/20
Washington, Defense Council 10/6
Washington, Documents Superintendent 3/20
Washington, Governor 2/11, 2/31, 8/17, 9/5, 10/38
Washington, Health Board and Vital Statistics Bureau 3B/12
Washington, Industrial Insurance Commission 5/24, 6/20, 10/24
Washington, Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices Bureau 5/24
Washington, Insurance Commission Commissioner 4/6
Washington, Public Instruction Superintendent 3B/12
Washington, Public Lands Commissioner 1/14, 2/11, 2/31, 3A/24, 3B/12, 9/5, 10/24
Washington, Railroad Commission 3/20, 3B/12, 4/6
Washington, Reformatory, Monroe 8/5, 10/6
Washington, Secretary of State 1/29, 2/11, 5/24, 8/5, 9/5, 10/24
Washington, State College, Agriculture and Home Economics, Extension Service 10/6, 10/24
Washington, State College. Agriculture College, Experiment Station and School of Science 3/20, 4/6, 10/6
Washington, Supreme Court 1/14, 2/11, 3/20, 3A/24, 3B/12, 4/6, 4/25, 6/20
Washington, Tax Commissioners Board 5/24
Washington, Treasurer 2/31
Washington, University, Associated Students 8/17, 10/24
Washington, University, Chemistry Department 8/5
Washington, University, Comptroller 10/24
Washington, University, Extension Service 10/6
Washington, University, Gatzert Foundation for Child Welfare 10/6
Washington, University, Journalism School 10/24
Washington, University, Law Library 10/38
Washington, University, Physical Training Department 3B/12
Washington, University, Political Science Department 10/38
Washington, University, President 3B/12, 4/25, 5/24, 8/5, 9/5
Washington, University, Regents 9/5
Washington, Universiton, Rhetoric and Oratory Department 3B/12
Washington Abstract and Guaranty Company 3/24
Washington Anthracite Coal Company 5/24, 6/20, 7/18, 8/17
Washington Development Company, Tacoma, Washington 4/6, 4/25, 5/24, 6/20, 7/18, 8/5
Washington Fire Insurance Company 3A/24
Washington Historical Quarterly 3/20, 3A/24
Washington Land Investment Company 2/11
Washington Loan and Trust Company 6/20
Washington Match Company 1/29
Washington Mutual Savings Bank 10/38
Washington National Bank 2/31
Washington Reconstruction Congress 10/6
Washington Safe Deposit Company 2/11
Washington Savings and Loan Association 3A/24, 4/7
Washington State Art Association 4/25, 6/20, 7/18, 8/5
Washington State Association of Moving Picture Exhibitors 7/18
Washington State Bar Association 2/11, 2/31, 3/20, 3A/24, 5/24
Washington State Investment Company 8/5
Washington Trust and Savings Bank 6/20
Waterhouse (Frank) and Company 3B/12, 9/5
Watrous, H.O. (see also: Washington Development Company) 10/6
Watton (Mrs.), N.E 10/6
Wayside Mission Hospital, Seattle 2/12
Weatherby, W.F 8/17
Webb (Sidney and Beatrice) Dinner Committee 5/25
Weekly Vidette (Montesano) (see also: Chehalis County Vidette) 2/12
Weil, Chas 7/18
Weir, L.H. (see: Playground Association of America)
Welch, (Mrs.) P. 2/31
Welch (W.M.) and Company 1/14
Welfare (see also: Preston, Harold) 7/18
Welfare Union, Washington 4/25
Wellman (Francis L.) and Gooch 1/14
Welsh, Anna D. (see: "The Welsh")
"The Welsh", Middletown, Indiana 1/14
Werner Company 2/12, 2/31
Wessels (A.) Company 2/12
West, F.W 1/14, 1/29
West, Fred 1/14
West and Wheeler, Incorporated, Seattle 4/7, 4/25, 5/25, 8/5, 8/17
West Coast Lumberman 7/18
West Publishing Company 1/2, 1/14, 1/28, 2/12, 2/32, 6/21
West Queen Anne Soundview Improvement Club 5/25
West Side Women's Improvement Club 6/21
Wester, C.W 5/25
Western Automatic Fender Company 5/25
Western Union Telegraph Company 7/18, 10/6
Westerner 5/25
Westfall, B. F. 3A/24
Westfall (D.M.) and Hill 3B/12, 4/25, 5/25, 6/21
Westlake Improvement Club 2/13
Westport Beach Hotel 7/18
Weyerhaeuser Logging Company, Taylor, Washington 3/20
Weyerhaeuser Timber Company 3/20, 9/5
Whalley (John A.) and Company, General Agents, Seattle (see: Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland)
Whedon, D.D 10/24
Whippler, Frederic R. 3A/24
Whitaker, Norman T. 10/24
Whitcomb, Walter B. 8/17
White, C.F. (see also: Grays Harbor Commercial Company; Metropolitan Building Company) 4/7
White, H.D 10/24
White (J.G.) Engineering Corporation 10/38
White, Richard Mansfield 10/6
Whitehead, Fred G. 3A/24
Whitehouse, L.M 5/25
Whitham, H.H 6/21
Whitman College, Walla Walla 7/18
Whitman County, Superior Court (see also: Chadwick, S.J.) 2/32
Whitmeyer, C.S 2/32
Whitney, C.A 3B/12
Whitney, W.T 5/25
Whitney Boys Chorus, Washington. Boys Forward Movement 10/6
Whitten (R.H.) Company 2/13
Whitten, Sophie 7/18, 10/6, 10/24
Whitworth, Frederick H. (see also: Cotterill and Whitworth) 4/7
Wickstrom (Joseph E.) Company 6/21
Wiestling, Frank B. 5/25, 7/18, 8/5
Wiestling, J.M 8/5
Wildman, M.M 3A/24
Wilkes, Albert B. 5/25
Wilkie, David 2/32
Wilkin, S.W 5/25
Wilkinson, Lyle 7/18
Williams (Burt J.) and Grimshaw 2/13, 3B/12
Williams (C.M.) and Company 3/20, 5/25, 8/5
Williams, D.C 8/17
Williams, P.A 3A/24
Williams, Robert Leslie 4/7
Williams, Solon T. 8/5
Williams, W. Walter (see: Continental, Incorporated)
Williamson, Mrs. F.F 3A/24
Willis, Park Weed 5/25, 10/6
Willison, J.C 9/5
Willys-Overland, Incorporated 10/6
Wilson, A. King 1/14
Wilson, Charles R. (see: Wilson Brothers and Company)
Wilson, Edith Boiling 10/6
Wilson, J.M 3A/24
Wilson, J.W 6/21
Wilson, Rufus Rockwell (see also: Chamber of Commerce, Humboldt, California) 4/25, 6/21, 8/5
Wilson Brothers and Company 2/13, 2/31, 3/20, 3/27, 3A/24, 5/25
Wilson's Modern Business College 7/18
Wimbish (W.A.), Watkins and Ellis, Atlanta 3/21, 3A/25, 7/18
Wing (Frederick A.) and Guion, Incorporated 2/31
Wingate (John Wesley) and Dolby 5/25
Wishkah Boom Company (see also: Northwestern Lumber Company) 2/13, 2/32, 3/31, 3A/25
Witt, L.R 7/18
Woman Voter 10/38
Woman's Advisory-Ballot Committee 5/25
Woman's Club of Tacoma 3B/12, 4/7
Woman's Exchange Cafe 9/5
Woman's Legislative Council of Washington 10/6
Women of Washington 10/38
Women's Christian Temperance Union, Seattle 7/18
Women's Christian Temperance Union, Western Washington 6/21 7/18, 10/6
Women's Good Government League, Seattle 8/5
Wood, W.D 8/5
Wood and Reber 3A/25
Wood, Harmon and Company 4/25, 5/25
Woodhall, Arthur R. 5/25
Woodlands Cemetery Association 4/25
Woods, Edmund L. 1/29
Woodworth, C.P 7/18
Woolley, E. 4/7, 10/6
Woolley, Mary E. (see: Mount Holyoke College)
Wooster, A.G 8/17
Workers Alliance of Washington 10/38
Workers College Players, Seattle 10/24
Worley, George B. 7/18, 8/5
Worthington, Ellen 2/32, 4/25, 10/6
Wright, Edgar J. 10/6
Wright, George E. and Kelleher 6/21
Wright, George P. 10/38
Wright, Levi 10/6
Wurlitzer (Rudolph) Manufacturing Company 10/6
Wynooche Lumber and Shingle Company 3A/25, 4/25
Yakey, J.B 1/14
Yeaman (J.M. and G.H.), Incorporated 10/7
Young, Loyal 7/19
Young Men's Christian Association 8/17, 10/7
Young Men's Christian Association, College, Chicago-Lake Geneva (see also: YMCA, Institute and Training School) 8/5
Young Men's Christian Association, Institute and Training School (see also: Young Men's Christian Association, Chicago-Lake Geneva College) 2/13, 3A/25, 3B/12, 7/19
Young Men's Christian Association, National War Work Council 9/5
Young Men's Christian Association, Pacific Northwest 10/7
Young Men's Christian Association, Seattle 2/13, 2/33, 3/21, 3/27, 3A/25, 3B/12, 4/7, 4/26, 5/26, 6/21, 7/19, 8/5, 8/17, 9/5, 10/7, 10/24
Young Men's Christian Association, Seattle, University YWCA 5/26
Young Men's Christian Association, Washington 3/21, 3A/25, 3B/12, 4/26, 5/26, 6/21, 7/19, 8/5, 8/17
Young Women's Christian Association 5/26, 7/19, 8/5, 8/17, 10/7
Young Women's Christian Association, Prague, Czechoslovakia (see: Playground and Recreation Association of America)
Younger, M. 8/5
Zednick, Victor 7/19
Zimmerman, G.F 1/29

^ Return to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Accession No. 3119-001: Austin E. Griffiths papers, 1891-1952 (bulk 1904-1930)Return to Top

11.61 cubic feet (25 boxes )
Arrangement: Arranged into 17 series by type of document:
  • Biographical features
  • Organizations
  • Correspondence
  • Minutes
  • Financial records
  • Speeches and writings
  • Reports
  • Legal documents
  • Court papers and case files
  • Newsletters
  • Campaign materials
  • Legislation
  • Lists
  • Scrapbooks
  • Clippings
  • Ephemera
  • Notes
  • Maps
No attempt was made to organize the collection according to Griffiths's interests, since his activities as lawyer, progressive reformer, and public official often overlapped.Clippings of Griffiths's articles in the Washington Weekly Review and Municipal News have been filed under "Speeches and writings" as "Newspaper articles." Complete issues are filed in the "Newsletters" series.

Scope and Content: Correspondence, speeches and writings, financial records, clippings, scrapbooks, and ephemera of Griffiths, 1891-1952 (bulk 1904-1920). Substantial correspondence ends in 1920 and what follows does not document Griffiths's major activities during those years.

Papers concern his public career as Seattle city councilman, police chief, and judge, as leader of many charitable organizations, as founder of the Seattle Playground Association, and as attorney for the Metropolitan Building Company and the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Also documented are his interests in the Cascade Tunnel and government reform.

The papers also document Griffiths's law practice as a member/partner of various firms, including Greene and Griffiths. After moving to Seattle, Griffiths continued to represent Grays Harbor clients, including the Grays Harbor Commercial Company and other lumber companies. One of his major cases involved a rate dispute in 1907-08 between the Western Washington Lumbermen's Association and all the railroads serving the Northwest. Also documented are Griffiths's business and real estate ventures.

The papers also include outgoing letters and speeches and writings of Griffiths's wife, Margaret Ella Montgomery Griffiths, as well as financial records and legal documents of his foster family, the Pridays.

Restrictions on Access: The papers are open to all users.

Acquisition Info: Gift of Austin E. Griffiths on December 30, 1938, and January 11, 1939 (Accession No. 0489); and of Margaret McCune on August 6, 1980 (Accession No. 3119), September 25, 1980 (Accession No. 3119-002), and an unknown date (Accession No. 3119-004).

Processing Info: Accession No. 3119-001 is a merger of Accession Nos. 0489, 3119, 3119-002 and 3119-004.

Processing Info: Photographs that were originally part of these papers have been relocated to the Special Collections Portrait Collection, PHColl 563, Special Collections division, University of Washington Libraries.

A number of publications in the papers have been relocated to the Special Collections Pacific Northwest Collection, also in the Special Collections division, University of Washington Libraries.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box/Folder Accession
1/1a 3119-001
Biographical information
Box/Folder Accession
1/1b 3119-001
American Protective League, Minute Men Division
1/1b 3119-001
Committee of Forty-Eight
1/1b 3119-001
League to Enforce Peace, Northwestern Congress for a League of Nations
1/1b 3119-001
Memorial Auditorium Association
1/1b 3119-001
Municipal League, Seattle and King County
1/1b 3119-001
Playground Association, Philadelphia
1/1b 3119-001
Playground Association, Seattle
1/1b 3119-001
Playground Association, Seattle, Community Service
1919, undated
1/1b 3119-001
Prison Reconstruction League
1/1b 3119-001
Progressive Party
1912, 1916
Incoming letters
Processing Info: An alphabetical index to the correspondents in this series appears at the end of this inventory.
Box/Folder Accession
1/2 3119-001
1/2-14 3119-001
1/15-29 3119-001
1/30 3119-001
1/31-2/13 3119-001
2/14-33 3119-001
3/1 3119-001
3/2-21 3119-001
3/22-27 3119-001
3/28-30 3119-001
3A/1-25 3119-001
3A/26-3B/12 3119-001
4/1-7 3119-001
4/8-26 3119-001
4/27-5/26 3119-001
6/1-21 3119-001
6/22-7/19 3119-001
7/20-8/5 3119-001
8/6-17 3119-001
8/18-21 3119-001
8/22-9/5 3119-001
9/6-10/7 3119-001
10/8-24 3119-001
10/25-38 3119-001
10/39 3119-001
1901-1922, undated
Box/Folder Accession
11/1-15/23 3119-001
Outgoing letters
15/24 3119-001
Outgoing letters of Margaret Ella Montgomery Griffiths
Box/Folder Accession
16/1 3119-001
Playground Association of America
16/2 3119-001
Playground and Recreation Association of America
1912, 1918, 1919-1920
16/4-5 3119-001
Playground and Recreation Association of America, War Camp Community Service
Financial records
Financial records -- law practice
Box Accession
15, 16, 17 3119-001
Day books
12 volumes
1892-1915, 1937-1846
4 volumes
Box/Folder Accession
18/1 3119-001
Financial records--Seabreeze Mining Company
18/2 3119-001
Financial records -- political campaigns
18 3119-001
Financial records--Priday family
3 volumes
Speeches and writings
Speeches and writings of Austin E. Griffiths
Arrangement: Griffiths's speeches are arranged alphabetically. Speeches without titles are identified by a keyword, whereas speeches with actual titles are in quotation marks.
Box/Folder Accession
19/1 3119-001
"Great Faith: Autobiography of an English Immigrant Boy in America, 1863-1950"
Scope and Content: Griffiths's autobiography.
19/1 3119-001
"Abolish County Board"
19/1 3119-001
"Address on the League of Nations' Treaty"
19/1 3119-001
"Adjustment of Labor Controversies"
19/1 3119-001
"American British League"
19/1 3119-001
"American-British Unity"
19/1 3119-001
"Article Ten Like Ship's Keel"
19/1 3119-001
19/2 3119-001
"The Blight"
19/2 3119-001
19/2 3119-001
"The Cascade Tunnel: An Imperative Necessity of the State of Washington"
19/2 3119-001
Cascade Tunnel Association address
19/2 3119-001
"Cascade Tunnel: Move Puget Sound and Alaska to the Inland Empire"
19/2 3119-001
Cascade Tunnel: "Points on Which We are Driven to Agree"
19/2 3119-001
"Cascade Tunnel Promotion"
19/2-19/4 3119-001
Cascade Tunnel
18 items
1927-1937, undated
19/5 3119-001
Cedar River Dam
19/5 3119-001
"China's Open Door"
19/5 3119-001
"City Peace and Progress"
19/5 3119-001
"Comments on the Addresses of General Douglas MacArthur in Texas, June 13-17, 1951"
19/5 3119-001
"Community Service"
19/5 3119-001
Constitutional rights
19/5 3119-001
19/5 3119-001
"Criminal Anarchy"
19/6 3119-001
DeGaulle, Charles
19/6 3119-001
"Democracy, Its Own Worst Enemy"
19/6 3119-001
"Departmental Interference and Police Efficiency"
19/6 3119-001
"Do We Want War with Japan?"
19/6 3119-001
19/6 3119-001
Embargo Act
19/7 3119-001
Foreign policy
7 items
19/7 3119-001
"George Washington, World Court, League of Nations"
1923, 1926
19/7 3119-001
"Gospel of Achievement"
19/7 3119-001
"Great Cascade Tunnel: An Imperative Necessity"
19/7 3119-001
"The Great Cascade Double Track Electric Tunnel"
19/8 3119-001
Hughes, Charles Evans
19/8 3119-001
"The Ideal Policeman"
19/8 3119-001
Industrial Code Commission
19/8 3119-001
Industrial Workers of the World
19/9 3119-001
19/9 3119-001
"Juries, Instructions, Courts, Punishments"
19/9 3119-001
Land policy
19/9 3119-001
2 items
19/9 3119-001
"Lawlessness Becomes Alarming; Corrective Measures Proposed"
19/9 3119-001
"The Lawyer's Responsibility for Business Ability in Office"
19/9 3119-001
League of Nations
4 items
19/9 3119-001
Legal rights
19/9 3119-001
"A Light Wish"
19/9 3119-001
Lloyd, George David
19/9 3119-001
Logged-off land
19/9 3119-001
Logged-off land conference
19/10 3119-001
19/10 3119-001
Menace of strikes
2 items
19/10 3119-001
"National Hysteria or Sanity"
19/10 3119-001
"National Issues of 1928"
19/10 3119-001
National Municipal League
19/10 3119-001
"On to Genoa"
19/11 3119-001
"Patriotism and Socialism in War Time, Which?"
19/11 3119-001
"Peace or War on the Pacific"
19/11 3119-001
1910, 1933
19/11 3119-001
"Police Bill"
19/11 3119-001
"The Police and the Cafes"
19/11 3119-001
Police practices
19/11 3119-001
"Police Tyranny"
19/12 3119-001
"Progress or Blockade?"
19/12 3119-001
"Proposed Changes in Judicial Procedure"
19/12 3119-001
Public Memorial Auditorium Committee
2 items
19/12 3119-001
Public ownership
19/12 3119-001
"Public Responsibility for Crime Prevention"
19/13 3119-001
"Rapid Transit"
19/13 3119-001
"Reconstruction and Jail Reform"
2 items
19/13 3119-001
"Reconstruction of Logged-off Land"
19/13 3119-001
"Relation of Supreme and Superior Courts"
19/13 3119-001
"Relations with the Orient"
19/13 3119-001
"Report to the Supreme Court on Defects and Omissions in the Laws"
19/14 3119-001
"The Republican Convention"
19/14 3119-001
Roosevelt, Theodore
19/14 3119-001
"Roosevelt for League of Nations"
19/15 3119-001
2 items
19/15 3119-001
"Seattle and the 'Open Door' Policy as to China"
19/15 3119-001
Settlement (southern United States)
19/15 3119-001
Simplon Tunnel
19/15 3119-001
Social reconstruction in England
19/15 3119-001
States rights
19/15 3119-001
19/16 3119-001
"The 30 mile Cascade Tunnel"
19/16 3119-001
19/16 3119-001
"The Transportation Question"
19/16 3119-001
"Two Police Chiefs"
19/16 3119-001
"The Under-Mountain Highway-- The Great Cascade Tunnel, Its Necessity and Value"
19/16 3119-001
"Washington Playground Bill, Value of Playgrounds to the Public"
Box/Folder Accession
19/17-21 3119-001
Newspaper articles by Austin E. Griffiths
approximately 20 items
General Notes: See also: Newsletters series
Scope and Content: Includes clippings of Griffiths's articles in the Washington Weekly Review and Municipal News. Complete issues are in the "Newsletters" series.
1919-1951, undated
19/22-23 3119-001
Speeches and writings by Margaret Ella Montgomery Griffiths
19/24 3119-001
Speeches and writings by others
Box/Folder Accession
20/1 3119-001
Cascade Tunnel Association
7 items
1925-1928, undated
20/2 3119-001
Playground Association of America
8 items
1908-1919, undated
20/3 3119-001
Seattle (government)
10 items
20/4 3119-001
International organizations
2 items
1928, 1931
20/5 3119-001
11 items
Legal documents
Box/Folder Accession
20/7 3119-001
20/8 3119-001
20/9 3119-001
Licenses and certificates
25 3119-001
Licenses and certificates
20/10 3119-001
20/11 3119-001
Title abstracts and insurance
20/12 3119-001
25 3119-001
Legal documents -- Margaret Ella Montgomery Griffiths
20/13 3119-001
Legal documents -- Priday Family
Court papers and case files
Box/Folder Accession
20/13a 3119-001
Court paper--United States versus Hulet M. Wells, et al.
Case files
Box/Folder Accession
20/14 3119-001
Anderson (Andrew), et al. versus Steam Tug Printer
20/15 3119-001
Ashton (James M.) versus Boole (George), et al.
20/16 3119-001
Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association, et al. versus Northern Pacific Railway Company, et al.
20/17 3119-001
Ramsey (Samuel V.) versus Thorp (F.S.) and Wheeler (Litt)
20/18 3119-001
Schwager and Nettleton, Incorporated, versus Great Northern Railway Company
20/19 3119-001
Tift (H.H.), et al. versus Southern Pacific Railway Company
20/20 3119-001
Trout (Frank) versus Gilbert (John E.), et al.
20/21 3119-001
box:oversize Accession
25 3119-001
Seattle Municipal News
25 3119-001
Washington Weekly Review
21/1 3119-001
Campaign materials
Box/Folder Accession
21/2-3 3119-001
Campaign materials of Griffiths
21/4 3119-001
Campaign materials of others
Box/Folder Accession
21/5 3119-001
1907-1946, undated
Box/Folder Accession
21/6 3119-001
21/7 3119-001
Seattle Playgrounds Association
21/7 3119-001
Memorial Auditorium Association
21/7 3119-001
League to Enforce Peace
box:oversize Accession
25 3119-001
4 volumes
21 3119-001
4 volumes
1901-1923, 1913
21 3119-001
Scrapbooks--Cascade Tunnel
Box/Folder Accession
22/2-7 3119-001
Clippings about Austin E. Griffiths
1905-1951, undated
22/8-20 3119-001
Clippings -- general
1905-1951, undated
Box/Folder Accession
22/1 3119-001
Address book
23/1 3119-001
16 items
23/2-6 3119-001
23/7 3119-001
Business and membership cards
24/1-3 3119-001
1927-1939, undated
Box/Folder Accession
24/4-13 3119-001
1907-1920, undated
24/14 3119-001
1922-1939, undated

Accession No. 3119-003: Austin E. Griffiths papers, 1949Return to Top

1 microfilm reel : negative

Scope and Content: Microfilm includes an unpublished, typewritten manuscript entitled "Government in Daily Action: Comments and Suggestions" (225 pages), Seattle, Washington, 1949; a map labelled "Cascade Tunnel Association;" 5 photographs; and 5 postcards signed "Mother" and Jane Fanny Cottrell.

Restrictions on Access: The papers are open to all users.

Acquisition Info: The originals were loaned by David Griffiths for copying in June 1968.

Processing Info: Other materials originally included in this accession were integrated into Accession No. 3119-001 above.

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Personal Names

Corporate Names

Geographical Names