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River History of Nez Perce County Slides, 1861-1980
Overview of the Collection
- Title
- River History of Nez Perce County Slides
- Dates
- 1861-1980
- Quantity
- 1 box of color slides
- Collection Number
- PG 19
- Summary
- 388 35mm color slides of Nez Perce County
- Repository
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- English
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
These slides come from The River History of Nez Perce County Slide Programs and Photographic Exhibit which was the result of the Association for the Humanities in Idaho Grant #232 Mii (2/80) issued to Carole Simon-Smolinski and was compiled March through November of 1980.
The grant includes three slideshows of approximately 120 slides each and a taped narration of the historical development of each program topic: River Navigation, River Commerce, and Life Along the River. The slides are reproductions of area photographs from the year 1861 up to the time of slack water navigation in 1975. Original photographs came from the Nez Perce County Historical Society, Inc., Asotin County Historical Society, Lewis-Clark State College Museum, Lewiston Morning Tribune, Potlatch Forest Inc., and the Oregon State Historical Society. The slides at the end of Program #3 were taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
The slide programs are available through the Nez Perce County Historical Society, Inc.
The River History of Nez Perce County Photographic Exhibit photographs were made from slides of all three slide programs. The photographs were mounted by Doug Baker of Bakerbilt Custom Picture Frames, Lewiston, Idaho. The exhibit was on an extensive display from late 1980 to late 1981.
Images heavily feature the Snake River, the Clearwater River, the Columbia River, boats, and the Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge. Other images include early street scenes in downtown Lewiston, Idaho and logging scenes of men using log peaveys on log drives.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
[description of item], PG 19 (River History of Nez Perce County Slides), Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Program 1: River NavigationReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
folder-item | ||
1/1 | sign that reads, "River History of Nez Perce County"
1980 |
1/2 | sign that reads, "Navigating the Rivers"
undated |
1/3 | Clearwater River at Lewiston, Idaho Image taken from a postcard dated June 16, 1911. Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
June 16, 1911 |
1/4 | Snake River near Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/5 | mouth of Salmon River Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/6 | person sitting on the edge of a Dugout Canoe on the Columbia River Original photograph came from Oregon Historical Society.
undated |
1/7 | man standing near Lewis-Clark canoe of Spalding Museum Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930 |
1/8 | Indigenous encampment Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/9 | Indigenous encampment Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/10 | Clearwater Cliff across river from Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/11-12 | a bateau on the Columbia River Original photographs came from Oregon Historical Society. Bateau can also be spelled as batteau. It is misspelled on slides as "batteaux."
undated |
1/13 | 3 men probably river mining Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/14 | portrait of Captain Leonard White Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/15 | portrait of Captain E.W. Banghman Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/16 | lower Snake River Canyon scene Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1975 |
1/17 | Nez Perce Indigenous village at Clarkston Fairgrounds Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1989-1912 |
1/18 | people and horses crossing the Clearwater River at Syringa Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/19 | "The Okanogan" loading wheat Original photographs came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/18 | dining room of T.J. Potter Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/21 | "The Tenino" in Columbia River rapids Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/22-23 | people standing in front of the Luna House Original photographs came from the Henry Fair Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1895 |
1/24 | "The Yakima" famous flyer on Lewiston Celilo route built in Celilo in 1864 Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/25 | map of early Lewiston Original photograph came from Ira Dole Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1890 |
1/26 | panoramic view of Lewiston and the steamer at Herzel Island Original photograph came from Nez Perce Historical Society.
1900 |
1/27 | Snake River Avenue boat landing, Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/28 | Lewiston steamboat landing area (looking east) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/29 | "Lewiston," "Spokane," and "Hannaford" Winter Quarters steamers Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/30 | bridge over Snake River and steamer underneath bridge, Lewiston Original photograph came from the Henry Fair Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
1/31 | aerial view of Hell's Canyon Original photograph came from Idaho Department of Commerce and Development and the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/32 | Imnaha Creek near mouth of Snake River above Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/33 | Seven Devils Mountain, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Webster Photo).
undated |
1/34 | Hell's Canyon from Buckhorn Springs, Idaho Original photograph came from the Henry Fair Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
1/35 | Snake River south of Asotin Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/36 | "The Norma" at Lewiston Written on slide: Blow for Landing, Frits Timmen.
undated |
1/37 | "Imnaha" landing at Eureka on the Snake River, 52 miles south of Lewiston Original photograph came above the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/38 | "The Portland's" hefty sternwheel Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1975 |
1/39 | the "Spokane" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/40 | mouth of Grande Ronde River in Idaho Original photograph came from the Henry Fair Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
1/41 | sternwheeler "Almota" with company for Spanish-American War Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (photo by E.G. Cummings).
1898 |
1/42 | Spanish-American War soldier on the "Almota" Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (photo by E.G. Cummings).
1898 |
1/43 | waterfront and docks, Snake River Avenue, Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/44 | "Spokane" and "Lewiston" loading at Lewiston Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/45 | "Spokane" and "Lewiston" on Snake River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/47 | the new "Lewiston" loading wheat at Couse Creek Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1934 |
1/48 | "Lewiston" loading wheat Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/49 | the "J. M. Hannaford" Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1900 |
1/50 | "Spokane" loading fruit at a Snake River Bar Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/51 | "Lewiston" loading wool on Snake River in Taplin, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1915 |
1/52 | "Mountain Gem" at Eureka Bay on the Snake River, 52 miles south of Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce Historical Society.
undated |
1/53 | "Twin Cities" at the mouth of the Grand Ronde River
1 photographic prints : Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/54 | steamboat arriving at Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
after 1898 |
1/55 | "John Gates" on the Snake River Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/56 | "Inland Empire" docked in Lewiston Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/57 | "Twin Cities" under an interstate bridge Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
after 1898 |
1/58 | "Inland Empire" in Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Vader Photo.
March 14, 1909 |
1/59 | "Annie Faxon" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1890 |
1/60 | "Annie Faxon" sunk after an explosion
1 photographic prints : Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
August 14, 1893 |
1/61 | "Lewiston" and "Spokane" burned down in Lewiston (still smoking) Original photograph from the Lewiston Tribune (article published on July 13, 1962).
July 12, 1922 |
1/62 | "Lewiston" and "Spokane" burned Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (photo courtesy of Robert Beale).
July 12, 1922 |
1/63 | "Lewiston" and "Spokane" after burn Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/64 | scow boat "Chinook" on lower Columbia Original photograph came from Oregon States Historical Society.
undated |
1/65 | US Corps of Engineers dredging vessel Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/66 | North Fork of Clearwater River Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (photo by Jeannette Brenner).
undated |
1/67 | "Lewiston" excursion party Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
1/68 | Orofino and Clearwater River, looking west Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo).
1920 |
1/69 | view of Kamiah Valley Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930's |
1/70 | Snake River and bridge in Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1939 |
1/71 | Robbers Roost from behind (looking north), near Lewiston Original photograph came from the Sha Dole Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/72 | upper terminal of Oregon Steam Navigation Company portage railroad on Columbia River (Washington side) Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1867 |
1/73 | riverboat traveling through the Cascade Locks on the Columbia River Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/74 | Celilo Falls on Columbia River Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1907 |
1/75 | construction of Celilo Canal Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1915 |
1/76 | Celilo Canal on Columbia River, looking east Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/77 | "J.N. Teal" and Clarkston sub-station Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1915 |
1/78 | crowd gathered for "J.N. Teal" at Cascade Locks and Celilo Canal on the Columbia River Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1915 |
1/79 | Columbia River waterfront in Kennewick/Tri-Cities area, Washington Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
May, 1915 |
1/88 | "J.N. Teal" at the Clarkston sub-station Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1915 |
1/81 | "J.N. Teal" commemorative journey up the Snake River to the mouth of the Grande Ronde River in Rogersberg, Washington during a celebration of the completion of the Celilo Canal Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May, 1915 |
1/82 | people aboard the "J.N. Teal" arriving at the mouth of the Grande Ronde River in Rogersberg, Washington during a celebration of the completion of the Celilo Canal Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May, 1915 |
1/83 | aerial view of Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
before 1950 |
1/84 | "Lewiston" leaving Lewiston for good Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1940 |
1/85 | "Lewiston's" last voyage on Snake River Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1940 |
1/86 | "Prospector" of Asotin Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1919 |
1/87 | "Clipper" on the Johnson Bar of Snake River, 100 miles south of Lewiston Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/88 | "Idaho" traveling from Lewiston to Hell's Canyon, Idaho Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
1/89 | loading supplies on unidentified boat at Pittsburg Landing on the Snake River, south of Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
February 26, 1956 |
1/90 | man in wooden canoe on Snake River Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930 |
1/91 | Nez Perce Chief (left) and Nez Perce Princess (right) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
late 1950's |
1/92 | "Wenaha" on Snake River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
after the 1940's |
1/93 | the "Almota" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
November 16, 1952 |
1/94 | men standing on a dock. Written on slide: Governor & State Officials, Holton movie camera on right
1 photographic prints : Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Al Hilton Photo).
1923 |
1/95 | men building a scow boat in Salmon, Idaho. Written on slide: National Geographic Society Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930 |
1/96-97 | National Geographic Society boat traveling from Salmon, Idaho to Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930 |
1/98 | National Geographical Society boat arrived in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/98 | National Geographical Society boat arrived in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/99 | first tug boat and barge in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May, 1940 |
1/99 | first tug boat and barge in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May, 1940 |
1/100 | modern gasoline and grain-carrying barge, the "Invader," which plies the river from Portland, Oregon to Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1940 |
1/101 | tugboat "Mary Gail" in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
May, 1970 |
1/102 | Lower Granite Lock and Dam, Washington Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/103 | "Portland" nears Lewiston. Written on slide: celebrate beginning of Slack Water Navigation Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
June, 1975 |
1/104 | "Portland" and tugboat "Tyee" during the Slackwater Celebration Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1975 |
1/105 | "Portland" and 3 tugboats with Coast Guard Escort during dedication Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1975 |
1/106 | "Portland's" sternwheel during dedication Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1975 |
1/107 | "Lewiston" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1940 |
1/108 | "River Queen" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/109 | steamboat "Spokane" at the dock with Pearcy Ferry in foreground (note cable) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
before 1913 |
1/110 | "Twin Cities" Original photograph came from the Greenburg Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/111 | 111: "Twin Cities" arriving in Lewiston on first trip Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/112 | "Spokane" on Snake River south of Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Greenberg Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society and the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/113 | people loading and unloading supplies onto the "Spokane" Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/114 | pilot house and bow of the "Spokane" Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/115 | "Twin Cities" near Asotin, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Pearson photographers).
1916 |
1/116 | "Twin Cites" Original photograph came from the Greenberg Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society and the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/117 | steamboat under the first Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/118 | "Minto" being loaded with cargo Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/119 | bow of the "Minto" Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
1/120 | riverboat and railroad train loading station Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/121 | steamboat "Spokane" on Snake River near Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
1/122 | sign that reads "Produced by Carole Simon-Smolinski"
1980 |
1/123 | sign that reads "Presented by the Nez Perce County Historical Society"
1980 |
1/124 | sign that reads "This program is supported in part by a grant from the Association For The Humanities In Idaho, a State based program for the National Endowment for the Humanities."
1980 |
1/125 | sign that reads "The conclusions or opinions of this work do not necessarily represent the view of either the Association for the Humanities in Idaho or the National Endowment for the Humanities."
1980 |
Program 2: River CommerceReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
folder-item | ||
2/1 | sign that reads "River History of Nez Perce County"
1980 |
2/2 | sign that reads "River Commerce"
1980 |
2/3 | "Old" Florence, Idaho as it looked in 1896 Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1896 |
2/4 | Newsome house on Elk City Stage Road, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (Henry Fair photographer)
1904 |
2/5 | Elk City, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1904 |
2/6 | Spalding and Nez Perce campsite (arrow shows Spalding Cabin) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/7 | view Lewiston and confluence of Snake River and Clearwater River from hill. Written on slide: note sand dune south of Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1882 |
2/8 | man standing on the Silcott Ferry Collection note says this photo is either John Silcott's Ferry at Lewiston or a ferry in Silcott, Washington. Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/9 | Clearwater Ferry at Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1911 |
2/10 | view of the Lewiston Clearwater ferry from the end of the 5th street Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1911 |
2/11 | people standing on the Lewiston-Clarkston ferry on Snake River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
2/12 | people aboard the Lewiston-Clarkston Snake River ferry (in commission 1861-1913) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/13 | Clearwater River dam and millsite. Written on slide: Ferry Road center Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May 5, 1926 |
2/15 | Hatwai Creek Ferry on Clearwater River Original photograph came from the Greeburg Collection and Lewiston Tribune.
1880s-1890s |
2/16 | cottonwood trees near Lewiston, thought to be on small grade east of Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/17 | Clearwater River from Greer Hill Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/18-19 | people aboard Wheeler Ferry on Clearwater River in front of Indigenous village Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/20-21 | men and horses on Silcott Ferry on Clearwater River in Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/22 | 22: Silcott Ferry Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/23 | view of Asotin, Washington from Hasotino Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1898 or earlier |
2/24 | pack train at Cottonwood, Idaho during unidentified war Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1877 |
2/25 | pack train in Pierce, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune in an article published on August 7, 1960.
1920's |
2/26 | looking west on Main Street in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1888 |
2/27 | loaded wagons Original photograph came from the Greenberg Collection and Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/28 | wagon train approaching unidentified bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/29 | men and horses on Craig Mountain. Written on slide: the Overland Stage Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/30 | men with a stage coach being robbed at gunpoint (fake) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/31 | old Montana placer Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/32 | old Montana flume and race Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/33 | Imnaha Mountain creek and mine tunnel Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (Henry Fair Original Photo).
1903 |
2/34 | Chinese man river mining Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/35 | Salmon River mining Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1933 |
2/36-37 | placer mining along Salmon River Original photograph came from the Bailey Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/38 | Couse Creek landing terminal for steamboats on Snake River south of Lewiston, Idaho. Written on slide: windmill pumped water. Original photograph came from Asotin County Historical Society.
undated |
2/39 | water wheel along Snake River south of Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/40 | Lewiston waterwheel Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
before 1900 |
2/41 | loading fruit onto the "Almota" at a landing spot in WaWaWait, Washington. Snake River Fruit Growers Association Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/42 | Lewiston Spiral Highway, Clearwater Timber Company Mill and Dam, looking toward Lapwai Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/43 | Lewiston-Clarkston Interstate Fair in Clarkston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
between 1898-1912 |
2/44 | Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
between 1898-1912 |
2/45 | Idaho's first territorial Governor's capital house in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1905 |
2/46 | Lewiston Main Street west of 11th Street Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
February 18, 1903 |
2/47 | Main Street, Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/48 | old Lewiston city ditch Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
1870-1900 |
2/49 | 3 buildings in Lewiston: L. to R. gristmill (then flourmill), E.A. Rowley planner mill, Masonic Hall Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1879-1904 |
2/50 | 5th Street and Main Street, Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
early 1880's |
2/51 | 5th Street and Main Street and waterwheel for ditch, Lewiston. Written on slide: Lewiston National Bank under construction and finished that year. Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1891 |
2/52 | J.M. Harrington family standing beside a ditch wheel Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
2/53 | waterwheel of old Lewiston ditch Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
2/54 | old city ditch and irrigation line into Lewiston (east of town) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/55 | Lewiston (looking west) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1900 |
2/56 | old 6th Street leads off at left from O.A. Kjos Dry Good Store, Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/57 | Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1900 |
2/58 | Clarkston substation near confluence Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/59 | a checkerboard view of Lewiston orchards showing one of two reservoirs serving the district Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/60 | Lewiston-Clarkston interstate fair in Clarkston. Written on slide: When moved to present site of Potlatch Corp. Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/61 | Lewiston confluence from hill Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/62 | Swallow's Nest Rock on Snake River between Asotin, Washington and and Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/63 | irrigation tunnel from upper Asotin Creek to Clarkston through Swallow's Nest Rock, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/64 | strawberry patch and Swallow's Nest Rock Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
1920 |
2/65 | pipeline in Clarkston Heights Original photograph came from Asotin County Historical Society.
1907 |
2/66 | North-South Highway as it traverses grain fields along the Clearwater River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1920 |
2/67 | Hell's Canyon covered in snow in winter Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/68 | railroad construction Original photograph came from a postcard from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Goldstone Collection).
undated |
2/69 | railroad track and buildings at Lewiston near confluence (looking west) Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
2/70 | men putting in railroad track south of Orofino, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1923 |
2/71 | train on bridge (first train from Portland), Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May 2, 1907 |
2/72 | men sitting and standing in front of "Grandpa Wright's" threshing machine Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1890 |
2/73 | horses hauling wagons of sacked grain in Peck, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/74 | tramway on North Pacific Railroad in Lenore, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/75 | tramway station near Kamiah on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/76-77 | Juliaetta Cable Tramway on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/79 | Mayview Tramway on Snake River, Washington Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/80 | loading wheat from warehouse onto a boat in Asotin City Original photograph came from Asotin County Historical Society.
undated |
2/81 | men and sturgeon (caught on Snake River) in front of Goldman and Son Meat Market Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/82 | fish wheel in The Dalles, Oregon. Written on slide: at least 5 such wheels in The Dalles area Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/83 | Columbia River scow and fish wheel Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/84 | fish wheel on the Columbia River Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/85 | man holding sturgeon caught on Snake River. Written on slide: Bureau Survey Crew Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/86 | boat "Inland Empire" in Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Vader Photo.
undated |
2/87 | man and horses on a trail (looking north along Snake River). Written on slide: "back to Anatone Mill for another load of lumber." Original photograph came from Asotin County Historical Society.
undated |
2/88 | water-powered power flume for Charles Brown's mill 2 miles south of Grangeville, Idaho Original photograph came from the Greenberg Collection and Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/89 | Harrington sawmill in Lewiston (built 1892, burned 1894) Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
2/90 | four men standing near log raft and cabin on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/91 | cookhouse boat "Wannigan" entering Little Canyon on the Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/92 | log jam on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/93 | moving logs by horse Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/94 | three-way flume at Benewah Creek in St. Joe National Forest, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/95 | log flume Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/96 | machines lifting logs Original photographs came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1930-1940 |
2/97 | camp along Clearwater River, Idaho. Written on slide: log wannigan Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/98 | log Wannigan Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/99 | Wannigan on rubber raft Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/100 | breaking Big Eddy Log Jam on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
March 3, 1950 |
2/101 | Big Eddy Log Jam on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
March 7, 1950 |
2/102 | moving logs with peavey Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1938 |
2/103 | probing the face of a log jam Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1938 |
2/104 | log jam and ice backup behind Clearwater Dam Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/105 | Camp T decking logs on North Fork of unidentified river Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/106 | dozer moving logs near Myrtle on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
undated |
2/107 | Clearwater Timber Company in Lewiston (now Potlatch Corp.) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
1930 |
2/108 | construction of Clearwater Dam Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
1926-27 |
2/109 | west end of dam and mill site on Clearwater River in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
May 5, 1926 |
2/110 | east end of dam and mill site on Clearwater River in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
May 5, 1926 |
2/111 | west end of dam and mill site on Clearwater River in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograhp came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo.
1928 |
2/112 | the final Clearwater River log drive Original photograph came from Potlatch Corp.
1971 |
2/113 | Dworshak Dam on Clearwater River in Ahsahka, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (Jack Imel Photo).
undated |
2/114 | Dworshak Dam, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/115 | diversion tunnel on the Dworshak Dam, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/116 | Dworshak Reservoir, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
2/117-118 | man using a log peavey Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/119 | strawberry field in Clarkston (looking southeast) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/120 | wheat loaded onto buckets near towers of Wawawait tramway Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
2/121 | 5th Street Ferry in Lewiston Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (John Silcott Photo).
undated |
2/122 | looking south along the Snake River from the Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
before 1975 |
2/123 | aerial view of Potlatch, the Clearwater River, and the Stock Car Race Track. Photo taken before highway interchange Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
2/124 | sign that reads "Presented by the Nez Perce County Historical Society" Presented by the Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1980 |
2/126 | sign that reads "This program is supported in part by a grant from the Association for the Humanities in Idaho, a state-based program for the National Endowment for the Humanities." Written on slide: AHI disclaimer
1980 |
2/129 | sign that reads, "Produced by Carole Simon-Smolinski"
1980 |
Program 3: Life Along the RiverReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
folder-item | ||
3/1 | Sign that reads, "The River History of Nez Perce County"
1980 |
3/2 | Sign that reads, "Life Along the River"
1980 |
3/3 | Indigenous lodge tent along unidentified river Original photograph came from the Albert Moore Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/4 | Indigenous encampment Original photograph came from the Albert Moore Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/5 | Indigenous family tent and horses Original photograph came from the Albert Moore Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/6 | tents and people riding horses at Nez Perce camp Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
undated |
3/7 | Nez Perce man and woman standing in front of tent Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/8 | people standing in front of possible tent in Spalding, Idaho Original photograph came from the Babb Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/9 | Indigenous women sitting near a horse Original photograph came from the Albert Moore Collection at Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/10 | State Officials crossing the Clewarater River on horseback Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Al Hilton Photo).
1923 |
3/11 | Indigenous camp in Clarkston, Idaho Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
undated |
3/12 | Luna House Hotel in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1880 |
3/13 | people standing in from of Luna House Hotel in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/14 | looking west across river and Asotin, Washington from Idaho Original photograph came from the Greenberg Collection and Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/15 | Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune (Vader Photo from Vaders at Clarkston 1908-1914).
1909 |
3/17 | view of Lewiston, Idaho during the winter from 3rd Street and Prospect Street Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/18 | Weisgerber Brewery and Saloon, Weisgerber home to the right Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/19 | brewery and riverboat near Hirzel Island around Lewiston business district. Written on slide: center building "White Bros. Fruits" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1910 |
3/20 | Main Street and Volmer Building in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1899 |
3/21 | interior of O.A. Kjos Department Store in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/23 | "Spokane" approaching Snake River Ave. dock Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/24 | "Spokane" in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/25 | people standing on and near "Almota" for picnic party at the mouth of Lapwai Creek Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1890s |
3/35 | Fort Lapwai, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/36 | Fort Lapwai, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1906 |
3/37 | Culdesac, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1890-1900 |
3/38 | Peck, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1899 |
3/39 | Spalding, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/40 | Forest, Idaho (city) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1890 |
3/41 | view of Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge from Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/42 | first interstate bridge and Snake River Avenue in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/43 | Curtis Thatcher crossing the first bridge at Lewiston, Idaho Curtis Thatcher from Lewiston business, Thatcher and Kling. Original photograph came from the Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
3/44 | first trip of electric car over the Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
May 1, 1915 |
3/45 | electric car crossing the first Lewiston bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/46 | multiple cars crossing the Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1930 |
3/47 | new interstate bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical.
1940's |
3/48-49 | dedication parade for new interstate bridge Original photographs came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1939 |
3/50 | "Lewiston" under the old Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge (construction of new bridge in background) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/51 | Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge Original photograph came from the Lewis-Clark State College Museum.
undated |
3/52 | panoramic view of east Lewiston
between 1899-1904 |
3/53 | mountains and 18th Street bridge in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/54 | bridge over Clearwater River in Orofino, Idaho Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
undated |
3/55 | looking north toward bridge in Spalding, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1920 |
3/56 | looking south toward bridge in Spalding, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/57 | school bus and truck with construction equipment on bridge in Spalding, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/58 | man with shovel at ground breaking ceremony at Lewiston Memorial Bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1948-1949 |
3/59 | aerial looking south at Memorial Bridge in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Al Munson Photo).
undated |
3/60 | aerial looking north at Memorial Bridge in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Al Munson Photo).
undated |
3/61 | road above Lake Waha, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/62 | view of hills and road down Lewiston Hill, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
between 1899-1904 |
3/63 | summit of the grade on spiral Lewiston Highway Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
1913 |
3/64 | Cottonwood Gulch on the Lewiston Hill Highway Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
undated |
3/65 | Clearwater River and North South Highway either above or east of Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo).
1925 |
3/66 | Boulder Flats on Lewis-Clark Highway site Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1950 |
3/67 | crossing to Boulder Flat ceremony at Lewis-Clark Highway site Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1957 |
3/68 | Hatwait Creek on the Clearwater River Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
June 27, 1954 |
3/69 | 18th Street bridge on Clearwater River in Lewiston Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
1911 |
3/70 | looking west along Clearwater River (Spalding, Idaho bridge in view) Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune and Idaho Department of Highways.
February 7, 1963 |
3/71 | ice breaking up at the Spalding bridge Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
January 31, 1960 |
3/72 | train wreck near Arrow Junction on Clearwater River. Written on slide: washed out bridge. Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
January 23, 1934 |
3/73 | Howard gulch bridge near Arrow Junction on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
June 23, 1934 |
3/74 | icy Arrow Junction on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Burns Photo).
January 7, 1928 |
3/75 | frozen Arrow Junction on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
January 6, 1928 |
3/76 | ice on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
December 2, 1952 |
3/77 | ice on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograhp came from the Lewiston Tribune.
January 10, 1959 |
3/78 | looking east across Hatwai Creek on Clearwater River, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
February 6, 1963 |
3/79 | ice on Clearwater River and Highway 12, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
February 7, 1963 |
3/80 | Lewiston dike before railroad and 5th Street (approach to ferry) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1898 |
3/81 | flooded street in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Lewis-Clark State College.
1894 |
3/82 | flooded street in Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1894 |
3/83 | flood water in Raymond Hotel, Lewiston Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1894 |
3/84 | canoeing on Main Street during Lewiston flood Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1894 |
3/85 | people in canoe during Lewiston flood Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1894 |
3/86 | 5th Street and Main Street during Lewiston flood Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1894 |
3/87 | Swallow's Nest Rock on Snake River in Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Engstrom).
undated |
3/88 | couple along Snake River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1890 |
3/89 | Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Kjos and James Babb in Spalding, Idaho in front of the first wooden railroad bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/90 | people fishing along banks of the Clearwater-Lewiston river (Silcott ferry in the background) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/91 | people along an unidentified river Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1890 |
3/92 | two adults and a child in swimsuits Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
early 1900's |
3/93-94 | Bell Bennett, Florence Archer, Bessie Brigle, and Blanche Canfield standing in water near the Clearwater Railroad Bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
August 22, 1915 |
3/95 | Snake River beach in Clarkston, Washington (another Snake River beach in Lewiston, Idaho in the background) Original photograph came from Oregon State Historical Society.
1917 |
3/96 | Snake River beach in Clarkston, Washington (another Snake River beach in Lewiston, Idaho in the background) Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
undated |
3/97 | Snake River beach in Clarkston, Washington (another Snake River beach in Lewiston, Idaho in the background) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1920's |
3/98 | possible diving exhibition at a Snake River beach in Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1920's |
3/99 | view of Lewiston, Idaho beach from Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1920's |
3/100 | person jumping off first interstate bridge into the Snake River Original photograph came from a Nez Perce County Historical Society postcard.
before 1940 |
3/101 | people gathered on a dock on the Clearwater River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (B. Gray Photo).
undated |
3/105 | bicycle club members on bicycles in Asotin, Washington Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/106 | people fishing in the Clearwater River Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/107 | people fishing in a creek in Asotin, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/108 | man and dog in a boat fishing on a lake Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/109 | women and dog in a canoe on Lake Waha, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
1890 |
3/110 | canoe and steamer on Snake River below Clarkston, Washington Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/111 | Hell's Canyon Dam survey party members in raft and on bank of river Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
1950's |
3/112 | boat in Snake River canyon. Written on slide: "River No Return" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society (Dick Vancise Photo).
undated |
3/113 | people on "Irene" under a bridge Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/114 | "Wenaha" on Snake River above Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/115 | women on the "Nez Perce Chief" Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
late 1950's |
3/116 | person water skiing near Lewiston, Idaho Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/117 | women hanging their feet over a boat Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/118 | Clarkston, Washington side of Snake River looking east (Lewiston, Idaho riverboat dock in background) Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/119 | photograph on the bank of Snake River confluence Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/120 | Al Hilton filming a movie on the Snake River above Asotin, Washington Original photograph came from Nez Perce County Historical Society.
undated |
3/121 | river Original photograph came from the Lewiston Tribune.
undated |
3/122 | "Big Eddy" on the Clearwater River Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/123 | view of boat on Snake River from Chief Looking Glass Park Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
June, 1980 |
3/124 | Lewiston-Clarkston interstate bridge and Clarkston green belt Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/125 | gold dredge on the Salmon River, Idaho Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/126 | fishing at the site of old Spalding bridge Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/127 | person roller skating on a path at the Clarkston green belt Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/128 | sailboat "Oscar" on the Snake River Clearwater confluence Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/129 | tugboat pulling barge on Snake River west of Red Wolf Crossing Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/130 | tugboat pulling barge hauling grain and chips on Snake River approaching Red Wolf Crossing Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/131 | jogger crossing the interstate bridge Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/132 | looking west over Clearwater River and Cherrylane Bridge Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/133 | possible aerial of river in Lenore, Idaho Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/134 | family pack train along the north shore of Clearwater River Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/135 | two boats on the Clearwater River east of Orofino, Idaho Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/136 | confluence of Clearwater River and North Fork in Ahsahka, Idaho Photograph taken by Carole Simon-Smolinski.
1980 |
3/137 | sign that reads, "Produced by Carole Simon-Smolinski"
1980 |
3/138 | sign that reads, "Presented by the Nez Perce County Historical Society."
1980 |
3/139 | sign that reads, "This program is supported in part by a grant from the Association for the Humanities in Idaho, a state-based program from the National Endowment for the Humanities."
1980 |
3/140 | sign that reads, "The conclusions or opinions of this work do not necessarily represent the views of either the Association for The Humanities in Idaho or the National Endowment for the Humanities."
1980 |