Raycide Mosher Civil War Letters, 1864-1865

Overview of the Collection

Raycide Mosher
Raycide Mosher Civil War Letters
1864-1865 (inclusive)
0.5 l.f.
Collection Number
MG118 (collection)
Forty-four letters written by a Michigan farm boy who served with the Union Army during the last year of the Civil War.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

These letters were written by Raycide Mosher of Albion, Michigan between January 15, 1864 and August 18, 1865, and relate his experiences during the Civil War. There is one undated letter in 1864 and one unrelated Mosher family letter in 1889.

All of the letters have been transcribed and while not important historically, they are very interesting and provide insights into the everyday life of the common soldier.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Arranged in chronological order.

Acquisition Information

On March 9, 1983, Jerry and Chrys VanDalsen gave to the University of Idaho Library a group of letters which they found in "The Paddock House" in Farmington, Washington, in 1978.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Description Dates
Detroit, Mich 1864 January 15
Nashville, Tenn 1864 January 31
Nashville? 1864 February 15
Nashville? 1864 February 20
Nashville? 1864 February 22
Nashville 1864 March 27
Nashville 1864 March 29
Nashville 1864 April 17
1864 April 24
1864 April 26
Tiney Crick, Alabama 1864 May 10
Tiney Crick, Alabama 1864 May 10
Tiney Crick, Alabama 1864 May 19
Tiney Crick, Alabama 1864 May 21
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 May 30
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 June 5
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 July 29
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 August 3
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 August 4
Bridgeport, Alabama 1864 August 16
Chattanooga, Tenn 1864 August 27
Dansville, Georgia 1864 August 30
Dansville, Georgia 1864 September 18
Cartersville, Georgia 1864 September 28
Atlanta, Georgia 1864 October 2
Atlanta, Georgia 1864 October 14
Atlanta, Georgia 1864 November 1
Atlanta, Georgia 1864 November 7
Savannah, Georgia 1864 December 18
Savannah, Georgia 1865 January 15
Beaufort, South Carolina 1865 January 28
Beaufort, South Carolina 1865 January 29
Goldsboro, North Carolina 1865 March 25
Goldsboro, North Carolina 1865 March 27
Goldsboro, North Carolina 1865 April 6
Raleigh, North Carolina 1865 April 24
Washington, D.C. 1865 May 27
Louisville, Kentucky 1865 June 17
Louisville, Kentucky 1865 June 29
Nashville, Tennessee 1865 July 7
Nashville, Tennessee 1865 July 16
Nashville, Tennessee 1865 July 17
Nashville, Tennessee 1865 August 18
undated (1864
Alma, Michigan (Ada May Kirby to Mrs. Adline Mosher) 1899 April 1