Frank Church Papers, 1941-1984

Overview of the Collection

Church, Frank
Frank Church Papers
1941-1984 (inclusive)
776 linear feet (776 boxes)
Collection Number
MSS 56 (collection)
Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, articles, press releases, reports, studies, legislation, case files, campaign files, scrapbooks, photos, films, audiotapes, and other papers, relating chiefly to Church's career as a U.S. Senator from Idaho, 1956-1980. For an easier way to search the collection, use the Frank Church Papers Search, which contains the same data as this finding aid.
Boise State University Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
1910 University Drive
Boise ID
Telephone: 2084263990
Access Restrictions

Collection is available for research with the exception of selected files. Contact Special Collections for information.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided, in part, by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Frank Church was born in Boise, Idaho on July 25, 1924, a third generation Idahoan. While in junior high school he wrote a letter to a Boise newspaper in response to an article on foreign relations by Senator William Borah. The letter appeared on the paper's front page and Church took the first step toward his goal of following in the footsteps of Senator Borah of Idaho.

As a junior at Boise High School, Church won the 1941 American Legion National Oratorical Contest with a speech titled "The American Way of Life." The prize was sufficient to provide for four years at the college or university of the winner's choice. Church chose Stanford University, enrolling in 1942. Church never forgot his debt to the American Legion and debating and became the Idaho coordinator for the contest after beginning law practice in Boise. Throughout his career, when corresponding with young debaters, he would mention his experience as a debater and encourage his correspondents to continue this activity.

In 1943, Church enlisted in the United States Army and served as a military intelligence officer in the China-Burma-India theatre. When discharged in 1946, he returned to Stanford to complete his education. In 1947, he married Bethine Clark, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Chase A. Clark, a former governor of Idaho. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Stanford, Church was diagnosed as having cancer and was given one year to live. Painful X-ray treatments spared his life and this second chance led him to later reflect that "life itself is such a chancy proposition that the only way to live is by taking great chances." In 1950, Church graduated from Stanford Law School and returned to Boise to practice law.

Frank Church became an active Democrat in Idaho and after an unsuccessful try for the State Legislature in 1952, he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1956. After a closely contested primary election, he handily defeated the Republican incumbent Herman Welker. At the age of 32, Church became the fifth youngest member ever to sit in the U.S. Senate. The newly elected junior Senator from Idaho responded to a Lyndon B. Johnson request for committee assignment preferences by asking for a place on the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee. It was a post he described as being "of great moment and importance to Idaho."

In 1958, Church was appointed to the McClellan "Rackets" Committee and received national television exposure. Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson gave Church's career a significant boost in 1959 by appointing him to the Foreign Relations Committee. In 1960, Church received additional national exposure when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. In his first term Church played key roles in civil rights legislation, wilderness preservation and statehood for Alaska and Hawaii. In 1962, he became the first Democratic Senator from Idaho to win a second term.

In 1965, Church expressed his concern about the continued U.S. involvement in Vietnam in a speech on the Senate floor. Church's constituency was to the right of the Senator on this matter and he took a political risk as a vocal opponent of the war. In spite of this position he was re-elected in 1968. In 1969, he joined with Senator John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.) to sponsor an amendment prohibiting the use of ground troops in Laos and Thailand. In 1970, the second Cooper-Church Amendment limited the power of the president during a war situation. Thereafter Church was actively engaged in efforts to force the end of the Vietnam War.

Another of Senator Church's interests was the elderly. In 1972, Church became the chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, a committee he was appointed to in 1967. To provide for the welfare of retirees, Church sponsored legislation for a cost-of-living adjustment, improved medical care, better housing and other benefits for Social Security recipients. Church's concern for the elderly played a role in winning re-election time after time.

Senator Church served on numerous other committees. From 1973 to 1976, he was co-chair of the Special Committee on National Emergencies and Delegated Emergency Powers. This committee studied the presidential emergency powers that had developed over a 40-year period. In 1973, Church was appointed chairman of the Subcommittee on Multi-National Corporations, charged with the task of exploring the political influence of multi-nationals. Church felt this appointment may have been his single most important assignment. In 1975, Church became the chairman of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. This committee investigated alleged abuses of power by the CIA and FBI.

In the spring of 1976, Church sought the nomination for the Democratic candidacy for president. He won primaries in Nebraska, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, but handicapped by his late start, he decided to withdraw in favor of Jimmy Carter.

Early in his career Senator Church struck a balance between preservation and development of the nation's dwindling wilderness areas. His sponsorship and support of the Wild and Scenic Rivers and National Wilderness Acts helped ensure the preservation of the most beautiful regions in the nation. To honor his efforts, the River of No Return Wilderness Area in Idaho was re-named the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area.

A balanced stance was one of the ingredients that helped Senator Church achieve re-election three times in an essentially conservative state. By opposing gun control legislation, supporting local agricultural interests and fighting efforts by southwestern states to export Idaho's water, Church's liberal foreign relations stances were not serious impediments - until 1980.

In 1979, Church achieved a lifelong dream when he was appointed chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In the late 1970s, and later as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Church guided the ratification of the Panama Canal Treaties through the Senate. This support was used by Church's political foes to defeat his efforts for a fifth term. He was defeated by Congressman Steve Symms by 4,262 votes - less than 1 percent of the voter turnout.

After his defeat, Frank Church practiced international law with the Washington, D.C., firm of Whitman and Ransom, specializing in Asian issues. In 1984, Church was hospitalized for a pancreatic tumor and died at home in Bethesda, MD., on April 7 at the age of 59.

Source: The Frank Church Papers: A Summary Guide, including the papers of Bethine C. Church and Carl Burke by Ralph W. Hansen and Deborah J. Roberts, assisted by Ellen Koger and David Kennedy, Boise: Boise State University Library, Special Collections Department, 1998

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, articles, press releases, reports, studies, legislation, case files, campaign files, scrapbooks, photos, films, audio tapes, and other papers, relating chiefly to Church's career in the U.S. Senate, 1956-1980. Topics include problems of the aging (from his service on Special Committee on Aging), abortion, Alaska and Hawaii statehood, Basques (in Spain and Idaho), civil rights, Crusade for Freedom, Democratic Party politics, 1960 Democratic National Convention (Los Angeles, Calif.), Church's bid for the 1976 Democratic Presidential nomination, federal aid to education, foreign relations, gun control, Indian affairs, multinational corporations, national parks and recreation areas (particularly Hells Canyon and Sawtooth national recreation areas), Panama Canal treaty ratification (1977-1978), Teton Dam collapse (1976), Vietnam War, Watergate, wild and scenic rivers, wilderness preservation, and Idaho politics, agriculture, water projects, and natural resources (particularly forests, wilderness, mining, and fish and game).

Correspondents include Cecil D. Andrus, Birch Bayh, Robert C. Byrd, Joseph S. Clark, John Sherman Cooper, Alan Cranston, Henry L. Day, Thomas J. Dodd, John V. Evans, J. William Fulbright, Mike Gravel, Ernest Gruening, Philip A. Hart, Vance Hartke, Mark O. Hatfield, Hubert H. Humphrey, Daniel K. Inouye, Henry M. Jackson, Jacob K. Javits, Lyndon B. Johnson, Len B. Jordan, and Edward M. Kennedy.

Additional correspondents include Warren G. Magnuson, Mike Mansfield, Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., James A. McClure, Gale McGee, George McGovern, Lee Metcalf, Walter F. Mondale, Frank E. Moss, Edmund S. Muskie, Gaylord Nelson, Eli M. Oboler, Claiborne Pell, William Proxmire, Jennings Randolph, Elmo Roper, Robert E. Smylie, Stuart Symington, and Harrison A. Williams.

Please include the Series number when requesting boxes.

For an easier way to search the collection, use the Frank Church Papers Search, which contains the same data as this finding aid.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[item description], Frank Church Papers, Series [number], Box [number], Folder [number], Boise State University Special Collections and Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged in eleven series: 1. Legislation files; 2. Senate committees; 3. Federal government; 4. Idaho; 5. Campaigns; 6. Political affairs; 7. Public relations; 8. Speeches, articles, trips and meetings; 9. Administration; 10. Personal; and 11. Frank Church audio-visual collection.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Senator Church, 1984, and of Bethine Church, 1984 and after.

Future Additions

Additional accruals are expected.

Processing Note

After 24 years and countless file clerks, the Church Collection presented a distinct processing challenge. Many of the older files had been in storage in a Federal Record Center in Maryland. Others had been stored in the "attic" of the Senate Office Building. Much, of course, was in the active file in the Senator's office. When these were all sent to Stanford, six boxes were lost in transit, never to be found.

How to organize all this paper was the question when processing began at Boise State. Since the Church office files were subject-oriented, it was decided to follow this arrangement and use a chronological sequence within each subject. One major problem was that over the years the file clerks gave differing interpretations to the same subject. Little effort was expended to reorganize misfiled information.

Most of the federal documents and ephemeral publications in the Church Papers are unique to the Boise State University Library and were left in their original files and included in the index. Monographic works were separated from the files.

Because index information was entered into the computer while processing was under way, it was not possible to number the boxes consecutively as is the general practice. By breaking the collection into series numbers the processing staff was able to enter the names, subjects and folder titles as each unit was processed.

The "General" section, which precedes more specific files in some parts of the Collection, seems to have been used by Church's staff to file miscellaneous material that did not fit into a more specific location. Letters coded "General" can include more than one issue, or can be on a single topic which never generated sufficient volume to need its own location. Because "General" includes such a wide variety of topics, researchers who wish an overview can consult these files first, then pursue more specific interests in the subject index and the subject areas of the files.

Related Materials

The Frank Church Papers: A Summary Guide, including the papers of Bethine C. Church and Carl Burke by Ralph W. Hansen and Deborah J. Roberts, assisted by Ellen Koger and David Kennedy, Boise: Boise State University Library, Special Collections Department, 1988, is available on Boise State University ScholarWorks. See also: MSS 226, Bethine C. Church Papers, MSS 124 Fred H. Hutchison Papers, MSS 57 Carl Burke Papers, and MSS 173 LeRoy Ashby and Rod Gramer Collection on Frank Church.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1:  Legislation, 1956-1980Return to Top

Senator Church's legislative files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Many issues will be found in more than one place in the Legislation files, depending on the aspect being treated or the volume of correspondence or the whim of the filing staff that day. For example, the Basques appear in the Legislation files as sheepherders with immigration problems and as wool raisers who want protection from foreign wool. Because of the Basques' ties to Spain, a significant amount of material is found in the Foreign Relations Committee files, and immigration problems surface in the Immigration and Naturalization Service files of the Federal Government series. In the same way, the issues of natural resources, forests and forestry, timber and lumber are so interrelated that information about wood can be found under each heading.

Container(s) Description Dates
General correspondence between the Church office and constituents, personal and political acquaintances, and other government offices (except the Senate) on a wide variety of topics. The same issues may also be filed under a specific heading. General Senate is intra-Senate correspondence on upcoming or intended legislation.
Box Folder
1 1
General -- Senate
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Davis, William P.; Sparkman, John J.; Knutson, Coya; Guthrie, A.B.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; O'Brien, Thomas J.; Kennedy, John F.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
H.R.7168 Federal Construction Contract Procedures Act; S.434 Budget Estimates; H.R.8002 Budget Estimates; S.1411 Civilian Personnel National Security; H.C.R.175 Code of Ethics for Government Service; John Sparkman Speech On S.3194
Speech On S.3194 [Mar. 1958]
1 2
General -- Senate
Magnuson, Warren G.; Cooper, John Sherman; McClellan, John L.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Fulbright, J.W.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Carroll, John A.; Keating, Kenneth B.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Smith, Margaret Chase
S.1789 Freight Car Shortage; Audit of Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, Nov. 1960; S.1585 Joint Committee On The Budget; S.153 Reorganization Act of 1949 Amended; Mutual Educational & Cultural Exchange Act of 1961; H.R.3690 Small Business Act; S.2554
1 3
Humane Treatment of Laboratory Animals; Partoun Homesteaders S.3111; Wake Island Survivors
1 4
General -- Senate
Smylie, Robert E.; Long, Russell B.; Boggs, J. Caleb; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Hayden, Carl; Kuchel, Thomas H.; Gruening, Ernest; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Kefauver, Estes; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hart, Philip A.; Baker, Robert G. (Bobby)
Urban Transit Bill; Senate Rules; S.Res.324 Senate Youth Program; H.R.11040 Space Communications Satellite Bill; Senate Rule Xxii Filibuster; H.R.12213 Particle Board Imports Amendment
1 5
General -- Senate
Curtis, Carl T.
1 6
Ottley, Earle B.
H.R.6041 Labor; H.R.7194 Jukebox; S.405 Record Copyright and Radio Broadcasting; National Federation of Independent Business; Ottley, Earle B. President, Legislature of The Virgin Islands
1 7
1 8
General -- Senate
Douglas, Paul H.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Gruening, Ernest; McGovern, George; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Smathers, George A.; Hartke, Vance; Cooper, John Sherman; Muskie, Edmund S.; Holland, Spessard L.; Ribicoff, Abraham; McClellan, John L.; Bartlett, E.L.
Council of Resource and Conservation Advisors; S.338 Income Tax Deductions for Mining Exploration; Reapportionment; S.2157 International Food and Nutrition Act of 1965; Senate Rules
1 9
Kidwell, Wayne L.
Pornography; Private Pensions; Music Copyrights; Humane Treatment of Lab Animals; Anti-Communism; Memorial On Reapportionment From The Idaho Legislature
1 10
General -- Senate
Curtis, Carl T.
S.2911 Tariff Act 1930; S.Con.Res.81 5th Anniversary of The Peace Corps; Honoring Truman's 82nd Birthday; S.3187 Fair Warning Act; Auto Safety; Direct Election of The President & Vice-President; S.3730 Foreign Service Information Officer Corps; H
1 10
General -- Senate
Griffin, Robert P.; Proxmire, William; Long, Russell B.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Pell, Claiborne; Murphy, George; Truman, Harry S.; Brewster, Daniel B.
Report: "Economic & Legal Problems of The Government Patent Agencies", Before Select Committee On Small Business
1 11
Engelking, D.F.; Teater, Patricia
Proposed Vice-Presidential Manson; Truth In Packaging and Labelling S.985; Colorado River Diversion; Wilderness Act; Incentive Pay Increases for Armed Forces Dentists H.R.14622; Organizational Conspiracy Act; Friday Night Broadcasts of Pro Football
1 12
Dominick, Peter H.
S.6 Oahe Unit Missouri River, South Dakota; S.18 Small Tax Division of Tax Court; S.2275 Truth In Lending Act; S.1674 Geothermal Steam Act; S.3616 Uniform Time Act; S.3598 Tax Credit for Pollution Control
1967 January
1 12
Mondale, Walter F.; Allott, Gordon; Magnuson, Warren G.; Bayh, Birch; Randolph, Jennings; Cooper, John Sherman; Harris, Fred R.; McGovern, George; Carlson, Frank; Tydings, Joseph D.; Bartlett, E.L.
1967 January
1 13
McGovern, George; Moss, Frank E.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Bartlett, E.L.; Gruening, Ernest; McClellan, John L.; Holland, Spessard L.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Bayh, Birch; Tydings, Joseph D.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Ke
Equal Rights Amendment
1967 February
1 14
Church, John R.; Salter, Robert L.; Powell, Adam Clayton
18 Year-Old Vote; Daylight Saving Time; Consular Treaty; Adam Clayton Powell Scandal
1967 February
1 15
General -- Senate
Dominick, Peter H.; Brewster, Daniel B.
Legislative Reorganization Act; Consular Treaty
1967 March
1 16
Oboler, Eli M.; Roper, Elmo
S.325 National Eye Institute; Legislative Reorganization Act; Veterans Affairs; "Great Society" Programs; Federal Retirement and Pay
1967 March
2 1
General -- Senate
Dominick, Peter H.
1967 April
2 2
Federal Employees; Against The "Great Society" Programs; S.679 Federal Subsidies To Health Workers' Salaries
1967 April
2 3
General -- Senate
Dodd, Thomas J.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Gruening, Ernest; Hart, Philip A; Byrd, Robert C.; Smathers, George A.; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Robert F.; Bayh, Birch; Tydings, Joseph D.; Moss, Frank E.; Jackson, Henry M.; Magnuson, Warr
Amendment of The Trade Expansion Act of 1962; S.1484 Small Business Crime Protection Insurance Act of 1967; Medical Supplies In Federal Stockpiles; Rehabilitation Demonstration Program; Supersonic Transport
1967 May
2 4
Hartke, Vance; Miller, Dryden M.; Hathaway, Stanley K.; Lorimer, Bob; Fisher, Vardis; Eccles, Marriner S.
Disability Benifits; S.113 Cost of Living Increase In Star-Route Contracts; Equal Rights Amendment; Firearms; Survivors of Guam and Cavite
1967 May
2 5
General -- Senate
Dodd, Thomas J.; Allott, Gordon; Tower, John G.; McGee, Gale; Ribicoff, Abraham; Moss, Frank E.; Kennedy, Edward M.
H.R.2508 Reapportionment
1967 June
2 6
Railroad Retirement; H.R.4706
1967 June
2 7
General -- Senate
Murphy, George; Hartke, Vance; Hayden, Carl; Bennett, George B.
1967 July
2 8
General -- Senate
Fannin, Paul J.; Smathers, George A.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Cooper, John Sherman; Hartke, Vance; Smith, Margaret Chase; Miller, Jack; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Bartlett, E.L.; McClellan, John L.
S.23 Geothermal Steam Act; Election Reform Act; S.2134 Rural Job Development Act; S.2300 Business and Employment Preferences Government Contractors; H.R.2155 Amendment (Re S.1796 Textile Bill)
1967 August
2 9
Chandler, Earl F.; Samuelson, Don; Davis, True
Monday Holidays; 10% Increase In Income Tax; Panama Canal
1967 August
2 10
Javits, Jacob K.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Randolph, Jennings; McGovern, George; Tydings, Joseph D.; Young, Stephen M.; Brooke, Edward W.; Gruening, Ernest; Magnuson, Warren G.; Thurmond, Strom; Harris, Fred R.
S. 2394 Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act; S.1880 Election Reform Act of 1967; S. 2380 Amend Economic Opportunity Amendments; S. 774, H.R. 845construct Nebraska Mid-State Division, Missouri River Basin Project
1967 September
2 11
Nagle, John F.; Trenhaile, Stanley I.; Samuelson, Don; Comstock, Ralph J., Jr.; Bianco, Joseph
Alcohol Advertising On Television; Undergraduate Social Work Education
1967 September
2 12
General -- Senate
Tydings, Joseph D.; Smathers, George A.; Proxmire, William; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Clark, Joseph S.; Prouty, Winston L.; Fulbright, J.W.; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.
S. Res. 151 Definition of "National Commitment"; S. Con. Res. 47 U.N. Peacekeeping and Peacemaking
1967 October
2 13
Samuelson, Don; Hartung, Ernest W.; McClary, James D.
H.R. 6418 Public Health Service Act; Unemployment Compensation; Alcohol Advertising On Television
1967 October
2 14
General -- Senate
Dominick, Peter H.
1967 November
2 15
Macfarlane, Robert W.; Oboler, Eli M.
Alcohol Advertising On Television; Auto Liability Insurance; Driver's Licences
1967 November
2 16
General -- Senate
Mansfield, Mike; Magnuson, Warren G.; Samuelson, Don
Railroad Merger Amendment of 1967 To Interstate Commerce Act; Truth In Lending H.R. 11601
1967 December
2 17
Samuelson, Don; Murphy, Arthur P.; Shadduck, Louise
Election Reform; Film Classification S.R. 9; Depletion Allowance; Tax Increase 10% Surtax; Door-To-Door Sales Act S. 1599; H.R. 5745 Flag Day
1968 January-March
2 18
General -- Senate
Proxmire, William; McGee, Gale; Nelson, Gaylord; Ribicoff, Abraham; Clark, Joseph S.; Tower, John G.; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.; Mondale, Walter F.; Hart, Philip A.; Brooke, Edward W.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Mansfield, Mike; Hayden, Carl; Fulbri
S. 2170 Uniformed Services Retirement Pay Equalization Act; S.2936 Amend Social Security Act...Coverage of Certain Drugs; H.R.15414 Balance of Payments and Domestic Economy Act of 1968; S. J. Res -- Freedom Sunday; S. 2857 Gold Reserves and Currency
1968 January-March
2 19
General -- Senate
Scott, Hugh; Brooke, Edward W.; McGovern, George; Hart, Philip A.; Murphy, George; Young, Stephen M.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Moss, Frank E.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Hill, Lister; Nelson, Gaylord; Harris, Fred R.; Percy, Charles H.; Javits, Jacob K.; Reus
Amendments To 1964 Civil Rights Act; Hill-Burton Program; S.J. Res. 94 Crime; S.3633 Control of Interstate Traffic In Firearms; P.L.901618 Gun Control Act of 1968; August Review of The 1968 Budget
1968 April-December
3 1
Samuelson, Don; Jordan, Len B.; Thornton, L. H.; Mills, Warner C.; Long, Russell B.
Film Rating S.R. 9; Door-To-Door Sales Act S. 1599; Race Riots and Inner City Problems; School Lunch Program H.R. 15398; Benefits for World War I Veterans H.R. 14635; Proposal for War Profits Tax; Many øBallots' From National "Write Your Congressman" Clu
1968 April-May
3 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam; Day, Henry L.; Samuelson, Don
"Hunger In America", CBS Documentary; Guaranteed Annual Income; S.927 Interstate Commerce Act; Mutual Funds S.3724; Door-To-Door Sales Act S.1599 Consumer Sales Proection Act; "Discriminatory State Taxation of Interstate Carriers"; Commerce Commission Re
1968 June-July
3 3
Yost, Max; Mcnary, James D.; Kennedy, Robert F.
House Unamerican Activities Committee H.R. 148; 18 Year Old Vote; Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy; Weed Control On Federal Lands S. 2671; Tax On Income Derived From Advertisements In Professional Journals H.R. 2767; Executive Orders; Wake Island
1968 July-September
3 4
Church, John R.; Wickberg, Ralph W.; Shepard, Allan G.; Skoro, Tony
Monday Holiday Law; Door-To-Door Sales Act S.1559; Crime Bill P.L. 90-351; Copyright Revision S.2216, S.597; Military Retirement Pay; Daylight Saving Time H.R. 14680; Vitamins and Food Supplements H.R. 11837; Postal Employees Union S. 341; Tax Ex
1968 October #1
3 5
Valenti, Jack; Oboler, Eli M.; Miles, Florence M.; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.; Silva, John D.; McClary, James D.; Troutner, Arthur L.; Rogers, J. H.; Samuelson, Don; Beck, Richard J.; Wickberg, Ralph W.
Occupational Safety and Health Act S.2864; Internal Security Act of 1968 S.2988; Copyright Revision S.597, S.2216; Vehicle Width and Weight Limitations S.2658; Nursing Education S.3095; Expanded National Airport and Airway System S.3641; S.1401
1968 October #2
3 6
1968 October #3
3 7
Motion Picture Rating; Truth-In-Lending; Occupational Safety and Health Act S.2864; Military Retirement Pay
1968 November-December
3 8
General -- Senate
Montoya, Joseph M.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Harris, Fred R.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; McGovern, George; Rigby, Ray W.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Jordan, B. Everett; Hatfield, Mark O.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Hughes, Harold
S.14 National Foundation for The Social Sciences; Prayer In Public Buildings; National Economic Conversion Commission; S.413 Cooperative Rural Fire Protection Act; S.Res.167 Authorizing A Speech Reinforcement System for US Senate Chamber; Department of P
1969 January-June
3 9
Gipson, Gordon; Hayes, William F.; Church, John R.; Mitchell, Mike P.
Prayer In Public Buildings and Schools; Department of Peace S.4019; Census Questions for 1970; Internal Security Act of 1950 Title II Emergency Detention Act Repeal By S.1872; Fairness In Franchising S.1967; Decent Literature; Japanese-American Citizen
1969 January-July
3 10
General -- Senate
Case, Clifford P.
S.2632 White House Conference On Popultion Growth and Family Planning; H.R.11271 Nasa Appropriations; Extension of West Front of Capitol; S.2893 Amend 74 Stat.220 Preservation of Historical and Archeological Data Construction of A Dam
1969 July
3 11
Samuelson, Don; Hersey, John; Macinnes, Helen; Shirer, William L.; Stout, Rex; Weidman, Jerome; Wouk, Herman; Passmore, Luther I.; Jackson, Melvin W.
Population Growth; Fairness In Franchising S.1967; Truck Length and Weight Limits H.R.11870; American War Mothers H.R.740; Bank Holding Companies H.R.6778 Banks In Travel and Insurance; Copyright Law Re: Photcopying; S.3042 Nuclear Energy for Exc
1969 July-December
3 12
Rathven, Carl Henry; Elsensohn, M. Alfreda
Attorney's Fees for Shipping Claims S.1653; Fannin Amendment To Tax Bill H.R.13270; National Endowment for The Arts
1970 January-April
4 1
Miller, Richard D.; Cerveney, Walter; Skyrm, Richard D.; Ross, Charles; Gabbard, James H.; Davidson, Fern Nolte; Bible, Alan; Swanson, Earl H.
S.721 Unsolicited Credit Cards; National Endowment for The Arts; Equal Rights Amendment; Congressional Pay Raise; Prayer In Public Schools; Prayer By Astronauts; S.2893 Antiquities Act
1970 May-August
4 2
General -- Senate
Case, Clifford P.; Curtis, Carl T.
S.1520 Neswspaper Preservation Act; S.1993 Promote Public Confidence In Government; H.R.14944 Executive Protective Service; Senator's Office Employees; Exceptions To Disclosure "Newsman's Privilege Act of 1970"; Exemption of Baseball From Anti-Trust;
1970 May-December
4 2
General -- Senate
Congressional Pay Raise; S.844 Improve The Operation of Legislative Branch; Abolish Seniority System; S.3807 "Ethnic Heritage Studies Centers Act of 1970"; S.Res.-- Declare Ukranian Independence Day; S.3619 Federal Disaster Programs
1970 May-December
4 3
Equal Rights Amendment; H.R.19333 & S.2348 Protection of Securities Investors; National Woman's Party
1970 September-December
4 4
General -- Senate
Scott, Hugh; Inouye, Daniel K.; Hruska, Roman L.; Mondale, Walter F.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Bellmon, Henry; Hansen, Clifford P.; Byrd, Robert C.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Cook, Marlow W.; Hartke, Vance; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; McGovern,
S.4453 Department of Science and Technology Act of 1970; Federal Appropriations Reform Act; S.J.Res.32 Prayer In Public Buildings; Marigold As National Floral Symbol; S.1064 Youth Participation Act of 1971; Comprehensive Child Development
1971 January-June
4 4
General -- Senate
Metcalf, Lee; Harris, Fred R.; Brock, William E.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Cranston, Alan; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Pearson, James B.; Percy, Charles H.; Young, Milton R.
S.646 Limited Copyright In Sound Recordings; Transfer of Funds Among Office Accounts; Ombudsman Experimentation Act; S.C.R.27 Termination of National Emergency; S.1311 Newsmen's Privilege Act; Full Opportunity Act
1971 January-June
4 5
Tonning, Merrill D.
Break Up of El Paso Natural Gas and Pacific Northwest Pipeline; Congressional Pay Raise; S.117 National Hunting and Fishing Day; Corps of Engineers' Projects; Copyright On Music and Sound Recordings; Golden Eagle Pass
1971 January-April
4 6
Troutner, Arthur L.; Fauntroy, Walter E.; Brooke, Edward W.
Funding of Cancer Research; S.34 Conquest of Cancer Act; Golden Eagle Pass; National Endowment for The Arts and Humanities; Metric System; Home Rule for District of Columbia; Monday Holiday Law
1971 May-October
4 7
General -- Senate
Dole, Robert; Byrd, Robert C.; Bayh, Birch; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; McClellan, John L.; Tower, John G.; Thurmond, Strom; Hruska, Roman L.; Mansfield, Mike; Scott, Hugh; Kennedy, Edward M.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
Disaster Relief Act of 1970; S.2290 Establish A Joint Committee On National Security; S.J.R.117 National Hunting and Fishing Day; "Appreciate America Day"; Incorporate Junior Achievement Inc.; Compile Unemployment Statistics for Spanish-Speaking American
"of Presidents and Caesars" April 30, 1970
1971 July-December
4 8
H.J.R.191 School Prayer Amendment; Congressional Pay Raise; Monday Holiday Law
1971 November-December
4 9
General -- Senate
Dole, Robert; Tower, John G.; Cranston, Alan; Smith, Margaret Chase; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Brock, William E.; Scott, Hugh; Mansfield, Mike; Mondale, Walter F.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Harris, Fred R.; Cook, Marlow W.; Won Pat, Antonio
S.J.Res.192 Attendance of Senators and Representatives At Sessions of Congress; Establish A Federal-State Legislative Council; H.R.11589 Foreign Sale of Certain Passenger Vessels; West Front of Capitol; S.32 National Science Policy and Priorities Act of
1972 January-December
4 9
General -- Senate
Proxmire, William; Gravel, Mike; Thurmond, Strom; Ellender, Allen J.
S.1407 Sawtooth National Recreation Area, May 11, 1972; S.1315 Ocean Mammal Protection Act of 1971; Provide Grants for Allen J. Ellender Fellowships; Establish A National Amateur Sports Foundation; Foreign Sale of Certain Passenger Vessels
1972 January-December
4 10
Crippen, H.V.; Andrus, Cecil D.; McClary, James D.; Phair, Walter T.
Monday Holidays; Space Shuttle; School Prayer; National Secretaries Week; H.R.11589 Foreign Sale of Certain Passenger Vessels
"From The President Who Brought You No Farm Message" December 2, 1971; "The State of The Elderly" February 7, 1972
1972 January-April
4 11
18 Year Old Vote; Copyright; Death Penalty; Bicentennial; National Governors' Conference 1972
1972 May-August
4 12
Automobile Emissions & Pollution; H.R.12807 Architectural and Engineering Services for The Federal Government
1972 September-December
5 1
General -- Senate
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Scott, Hugh; Chiles, Lawton; Packwood, Bob; Kennedy, Edward M.; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Cook, Marlow W.; Tunney, John V.; Hart, Philip A.; Byrd, Robert C.; Mansfiel
Impoundment Procedures Bill; Amend Rule Xxvii of Standing Rules; Sunshine Act; Enforce "Speech Or Debate" Clause of Constitution; Amend Rule Xxx; S.2510 Office of Federal Procurement Policy; S.1018 National Commission On The Olympic Games; S.J.R.117 Desi
1973 January-December
5 1
General -- Senate
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Thurmond, Strom; Gravel, Mike; Brock, William E.; Pearson, James B.; Pell, Claiborne; Haskell, Floyd K.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Metcalf, Lee; Brooks, Jack; Nelson, Gaylord
Federal Appropriations Reform Act; S.R.89 Rules of The Senate; S.J.R.24 National Hunting and Fishing Day; S.1260 Daylight Saving Time On A Year Around Basis; Weather Modification Regulation Act of 1973
1973 January-December
5 2
Wilson, Arthur
Federal Spending; Energy Crisis; Economic Aid To North Vietnam; Condemnation of Private Land In Hells Canyon; Amnesty for Draft Resisters Or Deserters; Vocational Rehabilitation
"Congress Must Reassert Itself", Originally Published In Newsday, Reprinted In Lewiston Tribune, January 21, 1973
1973 January-March
5 3
Moss, Frank E.; Park, W. Anthony
US Involvement In Vietnam; Aid To North Vietnam; Taxes; Gasoline Rationing; Energy Crisis; West Front of Capitol; FC's Courthouse Tour; American Revolution Bicentennial Commission; Abortion; F.D.A. and Food Supplements; Daylight Saving Time; Amnesty for Dr
1973 April-June
5 4
Park, W. Anthony; Jacoby, Ed; Shapp, Milton J.; Janss, William C.; Barnes, John B.; Andrus, Cecil D.
Amateur Athletic Act of 1973 S.2365; Amnesty for Draft Resisters Or Deserters; Congressional Pay Raise; Occupational Safety and Health Act; Daylight Saving Time S.1260; Gun Control; Watergate; Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1973 S.1769
1973 July-October
5 5
Leahy, Richard; Leahy, Margaret; Nixon, Richard M.
Wilderness Designation; Energy Crisis; Oil Companies; Daylight Saving Time Year-Round; Watergate; Impeachment of Nixon; Articles From Overdrive Magazine
1973 November-December
5 6
Montgomery, Robert L.; Huskey, Darryl; Knight, Gladys; Yensen, Art; Smith, Dick; Neider, C. W.; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.; Nixon, Richard M.; Dominick, Peter H.
Daylight Saving Time; Congressional Pay Increase; Church-Dominick Amendment; Energy Crisis; Occupational Safety and Health Act; Watergate; Nixon's Impeachment; Rail Service In Southwest Idaho; Amtrak; Monday Holidays; Oil Company Profits; Lieu-Lands
1974 January-March
5 7
Andrus, Cecil D.; Smith, Lyle; Reilly, Terry; Nixon, Richard M.
Amateur Athletics; Daylight Saving Time; Monday Holidays; Elderly; Social Security; No-Fault Insurance; Food Supplements; FDA; Nixon; National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
1974 April-July
5 8
Bateman, Linden B.; Rampton, Calvin L.; Anderson, Robert B.; Mitgang, Herbert; Hersey, John; Sondheim, Stephen; Wouk, Herman; Janeway, Elizabeth; Weidman, Jerome; Nixon, Richard M.
Occupational Safety and Health Act; Gun Control; Abortion; Federal Excess Property Program; Elderly; Social Security; Daylight Saving Time; Nixon's Pardon
1974 August-October
5 9
Decker, Floyd
Commision On Federal Paperwork S.3911; S.J.R.46/H.J.R.672 Hobby Month; Veterans Day On November 11; Idaho's Democratic Voice, November 25, 1974
1974 November-December
5 10
General -- Senate
Domenici, Pete V.; Pastore, John O.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Brock, William E.; Proxmire, William; Chiles, Lawton; Montoya, Joseph M.; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Symington, Stuart; Mondale, Walter F.; Goldwater,
S.Res.257 Germane Amendments; S.3006 Require..."Fiscal Note" Indicating Cost of Proposals; S.3311 Simplified Procedures In Procurement; Daylight Saving Time; Amendment To Reduce Federal Expenditures
1974 January-December
5 10
General -- Senate
McGovern, George; Clark, Dick; Hatfield, Mark O.; Hathaway, William D.; Hollings, Ernest F.
1974 January-December
5 11
General -- Senate
Domenici, Pete V.; Packwood, Bob; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Buckley, James L.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Curtis, Carl T.; Montoya, Joseph M.; McGee, Gale
1975 January-April
5 11
General -- Senate
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Abourezk, James S.; Moss, Frank E.; Stafford, Robert T.; Brock, William E.; Percy, Charles H.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Clark, Dick; Ribicoff, Abraham; Scott, William L.; Case, Clifford P.; Gravel, Mike; Nunn, Sam; Humphrey, Hubert
S.181 Financial Disclosure Bill; National Productivity Act of 1975; Returnable Beverage Container Act of 1975; S.1355 National Youth Political Participation Act; S.Res.109 Senate Committee System
Statement To Public Works Subcommittee of Senate Comm. On Appropriations, [Undated]
1975 January-April
5 12
Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
Gun Control; Oil Tariff; Gasoline Tax; Energy; Taxes; Church for President; Square Dance As National Folk Dance of US; Fuel Allocations for Ski Areas
1975 January-February
6 1
Church, John R.; Mink, Patsy T.
Handgun Ammunition; Gun Control; Land Use Planning; Consumer Product Safety Commission; S.1114/H.R.1716 Prisoner of War Camps; Wake Island Survivors
"Civilian P.O.W. Relief", In Senate, March 7, 1975
1975 March-April
6 2
General -- Senate
Stafford, Robert T.; Brock, William E.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Packwood, Bob; Scott, Hugh; Helms, Jesse; Bumpers, Dale; Buckley, James L.; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.
1975 May-October
6 2
General -- Senate
Dole, Robert; Metcalf, Lee; Jackson, Henry M.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Fannin, Paul J.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Nelson, Gaylord; Hart, Gary; Hatfield, Mark O.; Rivlin, Alice M.; Thurmond, Strom; Hollings, Ernest F.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Burdick, Quentin N.; M
Ozone Preservation Act of 1975; S.Res.157 Senate Committee Chairmen; Congressional Right To Information Act; Official Residence of Vice President; S.1361 Public Broadcast of Copyrighted Material; Sunshine Act S.5; S.2404 Public Entertainment Activities
"A Show of Restraint", In Senate, September 1975
1975 May-October
6 2
General -- Senate
Domenici, Pete V.; Clark, Dick; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Allen, James B.; Chiles, Lawton; Moss, Frank E.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Griffin, Robert P.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Mathias, Charles
S.2390 Federal Assistance Program Consolidation Act of 1975; S.2258 Effective Use of Tax Dollars; S.2407 Defense of Sovreign Immunity; S.2408 Federal Agencies More Responsive; New York City Financial Crisis; Beta Sigma Phi Week S.J.R.761/H.J.R. 517
1975 May-October
6 3
Cohen, David; Selby, Cecily C.
Copyrights of Sound Recordings; Panama Canal; Gun Control; Vietnamese Refugees; Soft Drink Franchising; S.298 Youth Camp Safety Act H.R.46; S.838 Navigable Waters; S.1111 Performance Rights Amendment of 1975; Fluorocarbons; Aerosol Cans and Depletion of
1975 May-July
6 4
Lenaghen, Robert; Hartung, Ernest W.; Decker, Floyd; Rawls, Wilson; Fisher, Opal; McClure, James A.
Congressional Pay; Government Pay; National Science Foundation; Public Broadcasting; Interstate Commerce Commission S.1235; Copyright & Unauthorized Duplication; Beta Sigma Phi Week; Sunshine Act S.5; Deep Creek Bridge, Boundry County; Senate Internal Se
1975 August
6 4
National Ski Patrol System S.1716/H.R.7239
1975 August
6 5
Lenaghen, Robert; Hartung, Ernest W.; Decker, Floyd; Rawls, Wilson; Fisher, Opal; McClure, James A.
Congressional Pay; Government Pay; National Science Foundation; Interstate Commerce Commission S.1235; Copyright Infringement; Beta Sigma Phi Week; Sunshine Act S.5; Deep Creek Bridge, Boundary County; Senate Internal Security; Youth Camp Safety Bill H.R
1975 September-August
6 6
Rhyne, Charles S.; Bright, Paul W.; Rodger, Ralph W.; Valenti, Jack
Financial Aid To New York City; Public Broadcasting; Repeal of The Fair Trade Law; Senate Internal Security; Youth Camp Safety Bill H.R.46; Beta Sigma Phi Week; 200-Mile Territorial Waters; Common Situs Picketing Bill H.R.5900; Daylight Savings Time
"Long-Range Funding for Public Broadcasting", Report On S.2548
1975 November
6 7
Jordan, Katherine M.; Oboler, Eli M.; Parry, Atwell; Bonachea, Rolando
Youth Camp Safety Bill S.46; Debt Collection Practices H.R.10191; Child and Family Service Act H.R.2966/S.626; Federal Spending; Atlantic Union Resolution; Copyright Infingement; Closure of Census Records To Genealogists H.R.2556
1975 December
6 8
General -- Senate
Tunney, John V.; McGovern, George; Cranston, Alan; Hansen, Clifford P.; Haskell, Floyd K.; Gravel, Mike; Curtis, Carl T.
1975 November-December
6 8
General -- Senate
Leahy, Patrick J.; Dole, Robert; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Fannin, Paul J.; Hart, Philip A.; Nelson, Gaylord; Chiles, Lawton; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.; Javits, Jacob K.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Baker, H
Regulatory Reform Act; Regulatory Policy Oversight Act of 1975; Genocide Convention; S.2098 Federal Conflict of Interest Act; 200 Mile Limit S.961; Fishing Rights
1975 November-December
6 9
General -- Senate
Dole, Robert; Tunney, John V.; Thurmond, Strom; Abourezk, James S.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Pell, Claiborne; Edmondson, Ed; Hart, Gary; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Stevens, Ted; Magnuson, Warren G.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Proxmire, William; Morgan, Robert
1976 January-April
6 9
General -- Senate
Byrd, Robert C.; Percy, Charles H.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Brock, William E.; Buckley, James L.; Domenici, Pete V.; Fannin, Paul J.; Garn, Jake; Hansen, Clifford P.; Helms, Jesse; McClure, James A.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.
S.2812 Regulatory Reform Act of 1976; Copyright, S.22 Jukebox Royalty Amendment; Small Business; S.2994 Outdoor Advertising Displays Income Tax; S.3318 Federal Agency Pilot Termination and Reviewing Act of 1976
1976 January-April
6 10
Gun Control; Panama Canal; S.626 Child and Family Services Act; Aid To New York City; Federal Regulations; S.422 Youth Camp Safety Act; S.1795 Balanced Growth and Economic Planning Act; H.R. Close Census Records To Genealogists; Senate Internal Security
1976 January #1
6 11
S.931 Television Pornography; S.283 Voluntary Prayer In Any Public School; H.R.10686 Census Records; S.439 Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge; S.626/H.R.2966 Child and Family Services Act; S.422 Youth Camp Safety Act; Tax Deductions for Charitable Contributions;
1976 January #2
6 12
Lodge, Edward; Crawford, Eugene R.; Eyring, Henry B.
Child and Family Services Act; S.422 Youth Camp Safety Act; Religious Broadcasting; Gun Control; Abortion; H.R.2556 Census Records
1976 February #1
6 13
Barnes, John B.; Valenti, Jack
Youth Camp Safety Act; Tax Reform Act; Charitable Contributions; Child and Family Services Act; Gun Control; Senate Internal Security; Panama Canal; CIA Investigation; S.22 Copyright; Central Intelligence Agency;
1976 February #2
7 1
Kunotz, David J.
S.6261 Child and Family Services Act; Gun Control; Daylight Saving Time; S.422 Youth Camp Safety Act; Charitable Contributions; Atlantic Union Resolution; Post Office; Census Records and Genealogical Research; Equal Rights Amendment; Welfare Abuses
1976 March #1
7 2
Eardley, Richard R.; Storey, Donald M.; Deckard, Jerry; Yamamoto, Duane; Eld, Ray; Eaton, Cyrus S.; Pedersen, S. Eddie
Beta Sigma Phi Week; Internal Security Subcommittee; Congressional Pay Raise; Census Records Open After 75 Years; Daylight Saving Time; Civil Defense; S.J.Res.43 Marigold As The National Floral Emblem
1976 March
7 3
Tracy, Mary Terese; Winkler, John C.
Child and Family Services Act; Minimum Wage; Frank Church Presidential Bid; Opposition To S.1284; S.2816 Railroad Retirement Act of 1974; Panama Canal; Liberty Amendment; Senate Internal Security Subcommittee
1976 April
7 4
General -- Senate
Magnuson, Warren G.; McClure, James A.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hansen, Clifford P.
S.R.-- Conference Committee Reform; Staff Report: An Analysis of The Future Landsat Effort
1976 May-December
7 4
General -- Senate
Mansfield, Mike; Scott, Hugh; Boggs, Lindy; Allen, Clifford; Hartke, Vance; Scott, William L.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Clark, Dick; Stafford, Robert T.; Metcalf, Lee; Ribicoff, Abraham; Percy, Charles H.; Javits, Jacob K.; Bayh, Birch; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
S.-- Congressional Cemetery; H.R.13683 Breakup Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Agenda for Government Reform Act; S.3192 Consumer Communications Reform Act of 1975; S.2477 Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1976;
1976 May-December
7 5
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; Child and Family Services; National Endowment for The Arts; Byrd Amendment; Rhodesian Chrome; Youth Camp Safety Act; Census Records Open for Research
1976 May-June
7 6
Surplus Government Property Sec.514 of Public Works Act; Teton Dam; Youth Safety Act; Parcel Post Subsidies; Census Records Open To Researchers
1976 July
7 7
Barnes, John B.; Treinen, Sylvester
Youth Camp Safety Act; Child and Family Services Act; Genocide Treaty; Postcard Voter Registration; Intelligence Agencies; Liberty Amendment H.J.R.23
1976 August-December
7 8
General -- Senate
Pell, Claiborne; Hathaway, William D.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Huddleston, Walter D.; Nunn, Sam; Roth, William V., Jr.; Curtis, Carl T.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Edward M.; Byrd, Robert C.; Percy, Charles H.; Dole,
Delivery Benefits Checks; S.1341 200 Mile Pollution Contol Zone; S.3476 George W. Norris Home National Historical Site; S.22 First Amendment Clarification Act of 1977 Re: Radio/Tv Broadcasting; Education In Science and Engineering; S.J.R.-- Line Item V
1977 January-March
7 8
General -- Senate
Mondale, Walter F.; Laxalt, Paul; Bayh, Birch; Javits, Jacob K.; Brooke, Edward W.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Glenn, John
Opportunities for Adoption Act; S.R.-- Tribute To Alex Haley; S.945 Recombinant Dna Standards Act of 1977
1977 January-March
7 9
Sugar Market; Pay Raise for Government Officials; H.R.48 and H.J.R.4 Internal Security Committees
1977 January-March
7 10
General -- Senate
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Chaffee, John H.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Scott, William L.; Glenn, John; Ribicoff, Abraham; Percy, Charles H.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Bayh, Birch
1977 April-August
7 10
General -- Senate
Wallop, Malcolm; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Huddleston, Walter D.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Carter, Jimmy; Nelson, Gaylord; Allen, James B.; Proxmire, William; Leahy, Patrick J.; Jackson, Henry M.; Stone, Richard; Chiles, Lawton; Abourezk, James S.; Hatfi
S.-- American Folklife Preservation Act; S.J.R.59 Rose As National Floral Emblem; Speech: Paul Laxalt, June 9, 1977
1977 April-August
7 11
Government Pay Raise; Youth Camp Safety Act; Right-To-Work; S.59 Monthly Tax Withholding
1977 April
7 12
Manning, Darrell V.; Trombley, Gordon C.; Sellars, Carroll H.; Linowitz, Sol M.
S.258 and H.R.1326 Child and Youth Camp Safety Act; Equal Rights Amendment; Panama Canal; Federal Pay Raise; Consumer Protection Agency; President's Energy Proposal; S.892 Areawide Planning; S.1072 and H.R.5400 Voter Registration; S.407 Prisoner-of-War C
"Civilian Pow Relief" In Senate, January 24, 1977
1977 May-June
8 1
General Correspondence
Wells, Merle W.
S.1262-Consumer Protection Agency; Panama Canal; Emergency Medical Service In National Forests; Equal Rights Amendment; S.1072-Voter Registration; Metric System; Gasoline Conservation
1977 July-August
8 1
Wells, Merle W.
Consumer Protection Agency S.1262; Panama Canal; Emergency Medical Service In National Forests; Equal Rights Amendment; Voter Registration S.1072; Minimum Wage; Metric Systemn; Gasoline Conservation
1977 July-August
8 2
General -- Senate
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Pepper, Claude; Anderson, Wendell R.; Randolph, Jennings; Dole, Robert; Stafford, Robert T.
Washington, DC Convention Center; S.Res.-- Commission On Domestic and International Hunger and Malnutrition; S.1487 Racketeering In Cigarettes
1977 September-December
8 3
Lance, Bert
Panama Canal; Gospel Hump Wilderness; Energy Costs and Policies; Minimum Wage; Electric Utility Rates
1977 September-December
8 4
Bergland, Bob; Jacoby, Ed
Metric System; Abortion; Equal Rights Amendment; Panama Canal; Displaced Homemakers Act; Child Care; International Women's Year; National Labor Relations Act
1977 November-December
8 5
General -- Senate
Heinz, H. John III; Proxmire, William; Lugar, Richard G.; Danforth, John C.; Nunn, Sam; Stone, Richard; Bentsen, Lloyd; Burdick, Quentin N.; Long, Russell B.; Hayakawa, S.I.; Hatfield, Paul; Inouye, Daniel K.; Curtis, Carl T.; Garn, Jake; Hodges, Kaneast
1978 January-December
8 5
General -- Senate
Humphrey, Muriel; Abourezk, James S.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Anderson, Wendell R.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Cannon, Howard W.; Jackson, Henry M.; Schmitt, Harrison
1978 January-December
8 5
General -- Senate
Moynihan, Daniel P.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Byrd, Robert C.; Percy, Charles H.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Hathaway, William D.; Fauntroy, Walter E.; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Stevens, Ted; Chaffee, John H.; Haskell, Floyd K.; Leahy, Patrick J.; McGovern, George; Ne
S.600-"Regulatory Reform Act of 1977"; S.-- Regulatory Control Act; S.R.-- To Express The Sense of The Senate...Baseball Team In Washington, DC; Fair Employment Relations Act
1978 January-December
8 6
Abortion; Japanese Internment H.R.9471
1978 January-February
8 6
Deckard, Jerry; Eardley, Richard R.; Eld, Ray; Storey, Donald M.; Yamoto, Duane
H.R.1289 Regarding The Reformed Calendar; S.993 Perpetual Calendar; Displaced Homemakers H.R.28; National Labor Relations Act; Panama Canal; Private Vs. Public Schools S.B.2142; Labor Unions S.1883; M-1 Rifle Sales; Postal Service H.R.7700; Equal Right
1978 January-February
8 7
Lechelt, R.K.; Gibb, Richard D.
National Labor Relations Act; Abortion; Office for Consumer Representation H.R.9718; Tax Credits for Elementary Tuition; Impact Aid To Schools P.C.874; Veterans Administration Budget; Equal Rights Amendment; Panama Canal; Child Care Legislation; Gun Cont
1978 March
8 8
Federal Employees In National Guard
1978 April
8 8
Panama Canal; Metric Conversion; Consumer Advocacy S.1262; National Labor Relations Act; Equal Rights Amendment; Abortion; M-1 Rifle Sales; Impact Aid; Displaced Homemakers Act; Head Start; Follow Through; Tuition Tax Credit; International Women's Yea
1978 April
8 9
Carter, Jimmy
Panama Canal; Right-To-Work; Gun Control; National Labor Relations Act; Equal Rights Amendment; Impact Aid P.C.874; Funding for Vocational Education; President Carter's Tax Proposals; World Peace Tax Fund H.R.4897/S.880
1978 May #1
8 10
1978 May #2
8 11
Evans, John V.; Oboler, Eli M.
World Peace Tax Fund Bill S.800; Panama Canal Treaties; Gun Control; National Labor Relations Act; Equal Rights Amendment; Reorganization of Emergency Preparedness Programs; Proposition 13
1978 June-July
8 12
Equal Rights Amendment; Tuition Tax Credit for Elementary Schools S.B.2142; Wilderness; Panama Canal
1978 August
8 13
Equal Rights Amendment; Hart Senate Office Building; National Labor Relations Act; National Opinion Poll; Wilderness; Public Works Bill Veto
1978 September-October
9 1
Hyman, Sidney
Firearms; Economics; Road Transportation; Abortion; Cloture; Senate Rules; Surface Transportation; Hart Senate Office Building
1978 November-December
9 2
General -- Senate
Jackson, Henry M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Wallop, Malcolm; Baucus, Max; Ribicoff, Abraham; Domenici, Pete V.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Cranston, Alan; Lugar, Richard G.; Brooke, Edward W.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Dole, Robert; Durkin, John A.; Armstrong, Wil
S.2- Sunset Act of 1978; Senate Rules; Hart Senate Office Building; S.-- Presidential Commission On National Service
9 2
General -- Senate
Bradley, Bill; Kennedy, Edward M.; Sasser, Jim; Thurmond, Strom; Leahy, Patrick J.; Durenberger, David; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Chaffee, John H.; Proxmire, William; Inouye, Daniel K.; Hayakawa, S.I.; McClure, James A.; Matsunaga, Sp
9 2
General -- Senate
Stafford, Robert T.; Randolph, Jennings; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Pell, Claiborne; Carter, Jimmy
9 3
Chastain, R. M.
Cloture; Trucking Deregulation; Republic of China; Taiwan; Balancing The Federal Budget; Abortion; S.800 World Peace Tax Fund Act; Food and Drug Administration Saccharin Ban; Social Security; Wake Island Survivors; S.254 Prisoner of War Camps
Statement Introducing S.254, January 29, 1979; "The Defense of Wake Island", Inserts
1979 January-March
9 4
Dole, Robert; Byrd, Robert C.; Zorinsky, Edward
Gasoline Supply; Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty; Balanced Budget Amendment; Gasoline Rationing; Hatch Act; Abortion Rights; Carry-Over Basis Dole-Byrd-Zorinsky Amendment; Bibliography of Idaho Archaeology
1979 April
9 5
Amtrak; Windfall Profits Tax; Domestic Sugar Industry H.R.2172; Wheat-Oil Price Parity; School Prayer
News Release On Wheat-Oil Prices
1979 April
9 6
Inflation; Federal Spending; Hatch Act; Congressional Pay Raise; National Health Insurance; Federal Employee Retirement; Amtrak
1979 May-June
9 7
Federal Employee Pay; Gasoline Shortage; SALT II Treaty; Amtrak; Energy Crisis; Vietnamese Refugees; Federal Procurement Law S.5
1979 July-August
9 8
Civil Service Retirement; Abortion; Continuing Appropriations Resolution; Social Security; Gasohol; Iranian Hostage Situation; National Porcelain Art Month; Wilderness
1979 September-December
9 9
General -- Senate
Mitchell, George J.; Durkin, John A.; Chaffee, John H.; Thurmond, Strom; Bentsen, Lloyd; Talmadge, Herman E.; Gravel, Mike; Durenberger, David; Byrd, Robert C.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Culver, John C.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Jackson, Henry
9 9
General -- Senate
Sasser, Jim; Tsongas, Paul E.; Cranston, Alan; Inouye, Daniel K.; Pryor, David; Chiles, Lawton; Dole, Robert; Stewart, Donald W.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Bayh, Birch; Baucus, Max; Cannon, Howard W.; Packwood, Bob; Roth, William V., Jr.; Eagleton, Thomas F.
S.Con.Res.125 American Federalism; S.J.Res.204 Convocation On American Federalism
9 9
General -- Senate
Javits, Jacob K.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Levin, Carl; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Boren, David L.; Bradley, Bill; Sarbanes, Paul S.; Danforth, John C.
9 10
Wake Island Survivors
1980 January
9 11
National Porcelain Art Month; Social Security Disability Bill H.R.3236; Ftc Authorization Act S.1991; Energy Crisis; American History Month; Draft; Abortion; Church's Re-Election Campaign; Equal Rights Amendment
1980 February-March
9 12
Bermeosolo, Gary; Emery, Vern; Gratton, Bill
Gun Control; Monday Holidays; Family Protection Act S.1808; OSHA; Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan; Six-Day Mail Delivery; Social Security; Cuban Refugees; Abortion; Food Stamps; Oil and Gas Prices
1980 April-June
9 13
Luis, Juan; Wells, Merle W.
Cuban Refugees; Sage Brush Rebellion; White House Conference On The Family; Nuclear Energy; Payments-In-Lieu-of-Taxes Program; National Day of Prayer and Fasting; Iran Hostages; Church's Campaign; Wilderness
1980 July-December
Agriculture is a major facet of Idaho's economy and Church worked tirelessly for bills that would benefit his farm constituency. Sugar and potatoes, beef and dairy prices, disaster relief and soil conservation funding were perennial issues throughout his career. Irrigation and reclamation are other issues that surface again in the Public Works and Water Resources files. Also includes files pertaining to Alaska.
Box Folder
10 1
Clark, Joseph S.
1967 November
10 2
Kennedy, Edward M.
10 3
10 4
10 5
Reuther, Walter P.; Wimmer, Ed; Murphy, George; Cooper, John Sherman; Hart, Philip A.; Gravel, Mike; Symington, Stuart; Rickover, Hyman G.
Reinforcing Military Strength; ABM
10 6
Aerojet Hydrogen Proposal
S.598 Erda
10 7
Bailey, Reed; Russell, Richard B.; Ellender, Allen J.; Patton, James G.; Carlson, Frank; Martin, L.B.; Thye, Edward J.
S.1356 Monopoly In Meat Industry; S.646 Meat Marketing; H.R.12126 Foot and Mouth Disease; H.R.9521 Chemical Preservatives; S.778 Vegetables; S.1514 Vegetables
10 8
Public Law 480 Amendments/Hearings June 2, 3, 6, and 14, 1960
10 9
Trenhaile, Stanley I.; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Baker, J.A.; Hagen, Harlan; Freeman, Orville L.
10 10
Freeman, Orville L.; Dworshak, Henry C.
Nationwide Study of Exports
1962 January-May
10 11
Proxmire, William; Kerr, Thomas; Harding, Ralph R.
H.R.-- Wheat Provisions of The Food and Agriculture Act of 1962; Irrigation
1962 June-December
10 12
Douglas, Paul H.
10 13
McGee, Gale; Hawkes, Ronald M.; Gordon, Kermit; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Brady, N.C.; Holland, Spessard L.
Farm Programs; H.R.9284/S.2487 Remove Overtime Exemption On Perishable Fruits and Vegetables; Investigation of The Food Industry/Small Business
10 14
Oppenheimer, Arthur, Jr.; Lawson, Creighton F.
1966 January-June
10 15
Brewster, Daniel B.; Bertsch, Howard; Trenhaile, Stanley I.; Middlemist, Ed
S.3751 Natural Forest Lands
1966 July-December
10 16
Trenhaile, Stanley I.; Freeman, Orville L.; Potter, K.A.; Schnittker, John A.
S.109 Farm Marketing Bill; S.925 Strategic Stockpile of Silver
1967 January-April
10 17
Nelson, Gaylord; Miller, Neil J.
S.1897 Tariff On Mink Skins; H.R.10509 Appropriations Department of Agriculture; S.109 Marketing Rights Bill
1967 May-July
10 18
McGovern, George; Mouser, Cotys M.; Nelson, Gaylord; Freeman, Orville L.
S.2217 Honey Importes; S.752 Agriculture Co-Op Assoc; S.109 Marketing Rights Bill; S.562 Potato Labeling; S.612 Dairy Imports; S.1063 Canned and Frozen Onions; S.1025 Wheat; S.1322 Fair Farm Budget
1967 August
10 18
S.1588 Beef Imports; S.1423 Watershed Protection Act; S.1504 Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act; Mink Imports;
1967 August
10 19
Farm Marketing Bill S.109
1967 September-December
11 1
Godfrey, H.D.; Miller, Neil J.; Mondale, Walter F.
S.562 Potato Labeling Bill; S.B.2600; S.8/H.R.4769 1965 Farm Act; S.B.2613; S.109 Farm Marketing Bill; S.2973/H.R.15695 National Agricultural Bargaining Act
1968 January-April
11 2
Schnittker, John A.; Mouser, Cotys M.; Redmond, Lawrence P.; Freeman, Orville L.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Shisler, Karl; Montoya, Joseph M.; Little, Walter E.
S.697 Water Development; S.752 Agricultural Co-Ops; S.3507 Food Stamp Act; S.1567 Young Farmers Investment Act; S.1063 Onions; S.2671 Weed Control
1968 May-December
11 3
Miller, Neil J.; Conte, Silvio O.; Goodell, Charles E.; Mondale, Walter F.; Trenhaile, Stanley I.; Williamson, Jack; Burdick, Quentin N.
H.R.11870 Certificate Payments To Farmers
1969 January-July
11 4
Williamson, Jack; Hollings, Ernest F.; Shuman, Charles B.; Stanley, Oren Lee; Holland, Spessard L.; Fullarton, David C.
S.1684/S.2202 Rural Electrification Act of 1936; S.2225 Food Processing; Sterile Male Codling Moth Research Program
1969 August-December
11 5
McGovern, George; Mondale, Walter F.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Bayh, Birch; Harris, Fred R.; Goodell, Charles E.; Ellender, Allen J.; Fullarton, David C.
H.R.6244 Desert Land Entrymen; S.8 Farm Bill; S.2203 Farm Labor; S.3070 Seed Rights; S.2524 Farm Bureau Bill; S.3387 Rural Telephone Bank Bills S.1684/S.2202
1970 January-April
11 6
Samuelson, Don; Jaenke, E.A.; Harris, Fred R.; Mondale, Walter F.; Javits, Jacob K.; McGovern, George; Smith, Ralph Tyler; Rockwood, W. Dale; Nelson, Gaylord; Holman, Roy
S.3387 Rural Telephone Bank Bill; S.1851 National Honey Promotion and Research Act; S.2203 Agriculture Labor; S.410 Mink Pelts; H.R.9009 Farm Subsidies; S.3608 Farmers Home Administration
1970 May-August
11 7
Smoot, Dan; Montoya, Joseph M.; Garrison, Robert; Cranston, Alan; Bowman, Ralph; Hardin, Clifford; Dechant, Tony
Dan Smoot Reports; H.R.18546 Farm Bill
1970 September-December
11 8
Humphrey, Hubert H.; McGovern, George; Percy, Charles H.; Tunney, John V.; McClellan, John L.; Pearson, James B.; Mondale, Walter F.; Talmadge, Herman E.; Holman, Roy; Hansen, Clifford P.; Burdick, Quentin N.
S.812 and S.1775 National Agriculture Marketing Act and National Agriculture Bargaining Act; S.2203 Murphy Bill; S.1057; S.1209 Weed Control Program; S.10; S.727 Agriculture Adjustment Act; S.1483 Farm Credit Act S.51 Rural Job Development; H.R.5
1971 January-June
11 9
Case, Clifford P.
H.R.9270 Agriculture Appropriations Bill; S.1483 and H.R.7138 Farm Credit Act; S.1057 Water Resources; S.2571 Rural Development and Population Dispersion Act; S.963 Fighting Fires In Rural Areas; S.2223 Consolidation Famers Home Administration A
1971 July-December
11 9
Harris, Fred R.; Dole, Robert; McGovern, George
S.1612 Extension Service; Sisk Bill; National Agriculture Marketing and Bargaining Act, 1971 R.R.7597; The Reclamation Lands Authority Act; Rural Revitalization Act of 1971; Emergency Rural Housing Act of 1971; School Lunch Program
1971 July-December
11 10
Rockwood, W. Dale; Bellmon, Henry; Cooper, John Sherman; Burdick, Quentin N.; Allen, James B.; McGovern, George; Mondale, Walter F.; Metcalf, Lee; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Fleps, Carl J.
H.R.7597 Agriculture Bargaining; S.10 National Program of Rural Areas; S.3045 Export Markets for Farm Commodities; S.1379 National Forests Program; S.1209 Weeds; Poultry H.R.11913/S.2895; Sisk Bill National Agriculture Marketing and Ba
1972 January-June
11 10
S.J.Res.172 Emergency Measures To Improve Farm Income
1972 January-June
11 11
Bayh, Birch; Greenley, Joseph C.
H.R.14987 Sale of Farm Products Sisk Bill; S.3195 and S.3138 Agriculture Act of 1970; S.3357 Price Support for Milk; H.R.10729 Federal Pesticide Control Act; H.R.13366 Ban On Cyclamates
1972 July-November
11 12
Nelson, Gaylord; Abourezk, James S.; Pearson, James B.; Holmon, Roy; Bayh, Birch
S.459 Farm Legislation; Family Farm Inheritance Act S.204 Bayh Proposal; Rural Environmental Assistance Program
1973 January-February
11 13
Hartke, Vance; Bayh, Birch; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Pearson, James B.
S.459 Rural Environment Assistance Program; S.3083 Food Consumers Protection Act Hartke Act; Soil and Water Conservation
1973 March
11 14
Craven, Ira; Mckay, John C.; Adamy, Clarence; Abourezk, James S.; Long, Robert W.
H.R.6168 Rollback On Prices; Soil Conservation; Water Conservation
1973 April
11 15
Adamy, Clarence; Buckley, James L.; Bayh, Birch; Brock, William E.; Jennings, Paul
H.R.790 Exempt Agriculture Lenders From Truth and Lending Act; Freeze On Food Prices
1973 May-June
11 16
Mcintyre, Thomas J.
H.R.16; H.R.7278 Noxious Weeds; Hay and Feed Grain Shortage
1973 August-September
11 17
Jaenke, E.A.; Rockwood, W. Dale; Tunney, John V.; McGovern, George; Magnuson, Warren G.
Truth In Lending H.R.7278; Fur Embargo
1973 October-December
11 18
McGovern, George; Abourezk, James S.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Clark, Dick; McClure, James A.
H.R.8547 Export Controls; S.2822 Estate Taxes; S.2971 Fertilizer; Jones Act; S.2871 Food Stamps; H.R.13090 Fertilizers; Indemnity Payments Poultry S.3231;
1974 January-April
12 1
Hart, Philip A.; Andrus, Cecil D.; McGee, Gale; Clark, Dick; Dole, Robert; Harvey, Craig S.; Moody, O. William, Jr.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Mendolia, Arthur I.; Holton, Linwood; Butz, Earl
S.3231 Poultry Indemnity; Jones Act; Fertilizer Shortage S.2971; Joint Menorial No. 23 To Waive Jones Act
1974 April-May
12 2
Metzenbaum, Howard M.; McGee, Gale; Parrish, C.P.; Morton, Rogers C.B.
S.3410 Food Exports; Federal Food Reserve
1974 June-August
12 3
Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Tilson, W.B.; McGovern, George; Parrish, C.P.; Korologos, Tom C.
S.3394 Foreign Assistance Act; Bailing Wire/Twine Shortage; Jones Act; Fertilizer Shortage
1974 September-December
12 4
Dole, Robert; Van Vleck, Gordon V.; McGovern, George; Koch, Robert; Evans, John V.; Hartvigsen, Lester A.; Johnson, S. Albert; Reid, Harold W.; Yoder, Amos
S.4216 Natural Gas Priority for Furtilizer Manufacturing; Food and Agriculture: Program for Stability and Abundance S.549
1975 January-February
12 5
Andrus, Cecil D.; Moss, Frank E.; Ford, Wendell H.; Huddleston, Walter D.; Hovenden, Tom; McGee, Gale
1975 March-April
12 6
Nelson, Gaylord; Abourezk, James S.; Dechant, Tony; Clark, Dick; Mondale, Walter F.; Yeutter, Clayton; Whitten, Jamie L.; Judd, Claud
1975 April-June
12 7
Chiles, Lawton; Packwood, Bob; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Culver, John C.; Dole, Robert; Mondale, Walter F.; Clark, Dick; Abourezk, James S.; Cranston, Alan; Kennedy, Edward M.; Tunney, John V.; Hart, Philip A.; Johnson, S. Albert
S.1647, S.1726, S.1956 Federal Crop Insurance; S.1646 Federal Crop Insurance; S.1719 Welfare Reform Act; S.1993 Food Stamp Reform Act; S.2578 Agriculture Commodities and Toxic Chemicals; S.17 Highway Tax; Soil/Water Conservation; H.R.370 Aquaculture
1975 July-December
12 7
H.R.1083 Protection of Fishery Resources; Thankful Giving S.Res.70 Humphrey, H.Res. 438 Simon; S.2369 Food Stamp Act of 1964; S.-- Dairy and Meat Import Act of 1975
1975 July-December
12 8
Scott, Hugh; Butz, Earl; Eastland, James O.; Stennis, John C.; Bumpers, Dale; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Hartke, Vance; Eagleton, Thomas F.; McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.; Horiuchi, Wayne; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Abourezk, James S.
S.2260 Rice Production Act; S.2751 Food Stamps; S.2867 Food & Nutrition Policy; S.J.Res.- National Food Day; S.- Committee On Food Production, Processing, Marketing and Pricing
1976 January-February
12 9
McGovern, George; McGee, Gale; Talmadge, Herman E.; Richmond, Fred; Harding, W.M.; Wampler, William C.
S.16 Inspection of Rabbit Meat; H.R.8841 Insecticide; S.3215 Census of Agriculture; Ascs Transfer of Benefits H.R.12361; Food Stamp Legislation; National Green Thumb Program Report; Elderly
1976 March-June
12 10
Moss, Frank E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.963 Ban Des; S.1466 Fluoridation; S.3570 National Food Policy; S.3215 Benefit Ascs Employees; S.3457
1976 June-December
12 11
Bellmon, Henry; Dole, Robert; Burdick, Quentin N.
S.196 Gasoline Tax; Agriculture Aircraft Operators; S.275 Farm Program; S.- Food and Nutrition Program Act of 1977
1977 January-February
12 12
Clark, Dick; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Glenn, John; Pearson, James B.; McGovern, George; Percy, Charles H.; Durkin, John A.; Wolff, Alan; Culver, John C.
S.810 Family Farm Antitrust Act; S.840 Family Farm Antitrust Act; S.413 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
1977 March-June
12 13
Dole, Robert; Leahy, Patrick J.; Kevan, James; Allen, James B.; Anderson, Joe; Katz, Julius L.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Matsunaga, Spark M.
S.1678 Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; S.297 Imported Meat; Farmer's Home Administration's Lending Authority
1977 July-December
12 14
Cranston, Alan; Abourezk, James S.; Haskell, Floyd K.; McGovern, George; Zorinsky, Edward; Hodges, Kaneaster, Jr.; Bumpers, Dale; Bergland, Bob; Talmadge, Bill
S.2626 Consumer and Agriculture Protection Act of 1978; Farm Strike- 100% Parity
1978 January-March
12 15
Muskie, Edmund S.; Randolph, Jennings; Domenici, Pete V.; Abourezk, James S.; Bumpers, Dale; Allen, James B.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Kellogg, Wilson; Simpson, Elvin; Carter, Jimmy; Bergland, Bob; Magnuson, Warren G.
S.2626 Consumer and Agriculture Protection Act; S.2146 Farmer's Home Administration Loan Program; H.R.8681 Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; H.R.10584 Export Credit Marketing Act; Insecticide Act H.R.8681
1978 April-November
12 16
Bergland, Bob
S.383 Ascs Employees; S.1125 Federal Crop Insurance Act; Leafcutting Bee; Alfalfa; S.J.Res.20 90% Parity
1979 January-June
12 17
Hamilton, Don; Long, John; Huddleston, Walter D.
Plant Variety Protection Act S.23; Amendments H.R.999
1979 July-December
12 18
Holman, Roy; Bergland, Bob; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Helms, Jesse; Talmadge, Herman E.; Volcker, Paul A.
H.R.5965 Irrigation Water Conservation Act; S.23 Plant Variety Act; S.2258 Food Security Reserve; H.R.4853 Animal Biological Production Act; S.1465 Farm Credit Act Amendment; S.2488 Broaden Soil Conservation Act
1980 January-May
13 1
Exon, J. James; Schweiker, Richard S.; Heinz, H. John III; Roth, William V., Jr.; Alexander, Bill
S.23/H.R.999 Plant Variety Protection Act; S.1465 Farm Credit Act Amendment; H.R.6815 Amend Agriculture Act 1949 Increase Loan Rates for Corn and Wheat; Soviet Grain Embargo On Idaho Wheat Farmers #2639; Bees/Honey
1980 June-December
13 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beans
Wilson, Jerome; Woozley, Edward
Map Bean Leaf Hopper Infestations; Beans
13 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beans
Smylie, Robert E.; Brocke, George F.
13 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beans
Birkhead, Kenneth M.; Thompson, Arthur
13 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
13 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1973 January-May
13 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1973 June-December
13 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1974 February-August
13 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1974 August-December
13 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1975 January-April
13 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
1975 May-December
14 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
14 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
14 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Beef
14 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Carrots
1957; 1961
14 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Clover
1957-1959; 1961
14 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
14 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Dairy
Milk Price Rise In Boise Valley
1954-1955; 1958-1960
14 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Feed Grains
1957-1959; 1961
14 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Feed Grains
S.3225 Amendments for Feed Grains and Wheat Program
14 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Feed Grains
1962-1963; 1966; 1970; 1980
14 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Fruit
1957; 1961; 1965; 1968-1970
14 19
Agriculture -- Commodities - Honey
14 20
Agriculture -- Commodities - Livestock
15 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Onions
15 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Onions
1958-1961; 1964-1967; 1970; 1975-1977; 1980
15 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Peas
15 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Peas
15 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Peas
Freeman, Orville L.; Roffler, Hal J.; Longteig, Iver; Sather, Merrill P.
15 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Peas
Roffler, Hal J.; Bergland, Bob; Anderson, Joe; Blain, Harold; McGee, Gale; Strauss, Robert S.
1968-1971; 1973-1980
15 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1964 January-April
15 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1964 May-December
15 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
15 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
Processor Exemption for Potatoes
1969 January-June
16 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1969 June
16 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1969 June-July
16 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.2214 Market Order Processing
1969 July-November
16 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1969 November
16 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1971 February-September
16 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1971 October-December
16 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1975 January-April
16 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
1975 May-December
16 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
16 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
Smith, Margaret Chase; Payne, Frederick G.
H.R.4532 Irish Potatoes; S.1393 Potato Grade Labeling Act
16 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.3050 Market Stabilization of Potatoes
16 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.2097 Potato Labeling Bill
16 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.2097 Potato Labeling Bill
16 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
Muskie, Edmund S.
S.829 Acreage Allotments On Potatoes; S.1506 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937
17 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.2097 Potato Labeling Bill
17 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Potatoes
S.1181 Potato Research and Promotion Act
17 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Poultry
1957; 1960-1963; 1966; 1971
17 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Prunes
17 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Seeds
1957-1959; 1961
17 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar
17 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
S.2526 Sugar Act
17 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
17 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
1978 January-June
17 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
Link, Arthur A.
17 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Sugar Beets
18 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1958 May-December
18 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1958 December
18 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1959 January-February
18 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1959 March-December
18 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1960 January-March
18 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
18 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
Wheat Sales To The Soviet Union
18 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1964 January-March
18 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1964 March-July
18 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1964 August-December
18 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1965 January-April
18 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1965 May-August
19 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1965 September-December
19 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1966 January-March
19 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1966 April-December
19 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1967 January-April
19 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
1967 May-December
19 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 9
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 10
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 11
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 12
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 13
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wheat
19 14
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
19 15
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
19 16
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
19 17
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
19 18
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
Wool Act S.454
19 19
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
19 20
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 1
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
Kennedy, John F.
Meeting With President Kennedy
20 2
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 3
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 4
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 5
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
1973 January-May
20 6
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
1973 June-December
20 7
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 8
Agriculture -- Commodities - Wool
20 9
Agriculture -- Distribution of Free Publications
1958; 1963
20 10
Agriculture -- Entomology
20 11
Agriculture -- Fair Potato Bargaining
S.109 Agricultural Producers Marketing Act of 1967; S.109 Agricultural Fair Practices Act; Strategic Reserve Wheat Bill
20 12
Agriculture -- Farm Bargaining
20 13
Agriculture -- Farm Bill
Martin, L.B.
1961 February
20 14
Agriculture -- Farm Bill
Haight, Lloyd E.; Hagan, A. Nelson
1961 June-December
20 15
Agriculture -- Farm Bill
1962 February-March
20 16
Agriculture -- Farm Bill
Martin, L.B.
1962 March-May
20 17
Agriculture -- Farm Bill
20 18
Agriculture -- Farm Corporations
20 19
Agriculture -- Farm Labor Contractors
Migrant Workers
20 20
Agriculture -- Food for Peace
20 21
Agriculture -- Food for Peace
20 22
Agriculture -- Forest Service
20 23
Agriculture -- Marketing of Commodities
Marketing of Agricultural Commodities
20 24
Agriculture -- Milk Program
Ribicoff, Abraham
20 25
Agriculture -- National Commission of Food Marketing
1964; 1966
21 1
Agriculture -- Pacific Northwest Research Laboratory
21 2
Agriculture -- Programs
Capehart, Homer E.; Wagner, Aubrey J.; Butz, Earl; Benson, Ezra Taft; Smylie, Robert E.; Curtis, Carl T.; Theophilus, D.R.
21 3
Agriculture -- Programs - Credit
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Credit for Agriculture
21 4
Agriculture -- Programs - Disaster Areas
21 5
Agriculture -- Programs - Disaster Assistance/Orchards
Morse, Wayne
S.1808 Provide Financial Assistance for Rehabilitation of Orchards Destroyed Or Damaged By Natural Disaster
21 6
Agriculture -- Programs
Benson, Ezra Taft; Newson, Herschel D.; Pollock, Raymond
1958 January-February
21 7
Agriculture -- Programs
Aikele, Andreas; Mclain, George; Clark, Joseph S.; Symms, R. Doyle; Irwin, Carl D.
1958 March-May
21 8
Agriculture -- Programs
1958 June-August
21 9
Agriculture -- Programs - Grange
Newsom, Herschel D.
21 10
Agriculture -- Programs - Humane Slaughter
Fay, L.E.; Knudsen, K.O.
21 11
Agriculture -- Programs - Meat Packing
Jimerson, Earl W.; Davies, Aled P.
21 12
Agriculture -- Programs - Mexican Laborers
Mexican Laborers; Migrant Workers
21 13
Agriculture -- Programs - Noxious Weeds
Hanson, Max; Welch, Ralph
21 14
Agriculture -- Programs - Proposed Farm Programs
Aikele, Andreas; Thatcher, M.W.
21 15
Agriculture -- Programs - Rural Electric Cooperative Association
21 16
Agriculture -- Programs - Soil Bank
Williams, John J.
1957-1958; 1960
21 17
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
Whyte, Lamar; Gordon, Kermit; McClellan, Earl; Fiala, Roger; Smylie, Robert E.; Williams, Arnold; Bloxhan, Thomas; Monk, Marion
1958; 1964-1965
21 18
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
Monk, Marion; Barr, Scott
21 19
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
Woodall, Parker; Morgan, Lee T.
21 20
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
Freeman, Orville L.; Woodall, J.P.
1967 January-May
21 21
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
Graham, Jackson; Jensen, Devon R.; Branstead, Robert
1967 June-December; 1968 January-March
21 22
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation
1968 March-December; 1969-1970
22 1
Agriculture -- Support to The American Farmer
100% Parity; Farm Strike
22 2
Agriculture -- Wheat/Cotton
McGovern, George
Wheat Referendum of 1963; McGovern Wheat Plan; Wheat and Feed Grain Act of 1963 H.R.6196; Compensatory Payments
22 3
Aircraft Services
Office of Aircraft Services; Office of Management and Budget; Gospel Hump
22 4
Airports and Airways
1960; 1971
22 5
Alaska -- National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Jackson, Henry M.; Andrus, Cecil D.
22 6
Alaska -- National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Tsongas, Paul E.; Jackson, Henry M.; Stevens, Ted; Durkin, John A.
22 7
Alaska -- Native Claims Settlement Act
22 8
Alaska -- Natural Gas Pipeline
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
22 9
Alaska -- Natural Gas Pipeline
Mondale, Walter F.; Glenn, John; McGovern, George; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Ribicoff, Abraham
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
22 10
Alaska -- Public Lands
22 11
Alaska -- Public Lands
22 12
Alaska -- Public Lands
22 13
Alaska -- Public Lands - Administration Positions
22 14
Alaska -- Statehood
Bartlett, E.L.
Alaskan Statehood
22 15
Alaska -- Statehood
Seaton, Fred A.; Murray, James E.; Egan, William
Alaskan Statehood
1958 January-May
22 16
Alaska -- Statehood
1958 May-June
22 17
Alaska -- Statehood
Douglas, Paul H.; Gruening, Ernest; Schoonover, John A.; Bartlett, E.L.; Holland, Spessard L.; Murray, James E.; Lehman, Herbert H.; Green, Theodore Francis; Hill, Lister; Aiken, George D.; Capehart, Homer E.; Smith, H. Alexander; Javits, Jacob K.; Humph
Alaskan Statehood
1958 July-December
22 17
Alaska -- Statehood
Sparkman, John J.; Payne, Frederick G.; Case, Francis; Rivers, Ralph J.; Kerr, Robert S.; Russell, Richard B.; Young, Milton R.; Proxmire, William
Alaskan Statehood
1958 July-December
22 18
Alaska -- Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
Natural Gas Pipeline
22 19
Alaska -- Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Mondale, Walter F.; Bayh, Birch; Haskell, Floyd K.; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Hart, Philip A.; Nelson, Gaylord; Buckley, James L.; Gravel, Mike
Natural Gas Pipeline
1973 January-June
22 20
Alaska -- Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System
Natural Gas Pipeline
1973 July-December
22 21
Alaska -- Wildlife Refuge Amendment
Alcoholic Beverages - Chrysler
Also files on alcoholism, anti-vivisection, appropriations, atomic energy, aviation, Basques, and Bible reading and prayer in public schools.
Box Folder
22 22
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism
23 1
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism
1958 January-February
23 2
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism
1958 March
23 3
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism
1958 April
23 4
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; S.582 Langer Bill
1958 May-August
23 5
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; S.1432 Prohibiting Alcohol On Airplanes; H.R.2221 Interstate Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages; Obscene Mailing
23 6
Alcoholic Beverages
McMains, W.H.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; S.1432 Alcohol On Airplanes; H.R.4853/H.R.4920 Obscene Literature
23 7
Alcoholic Beverages
Charlton, Fred
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism
23 8
Alcoholic Beverages
Thurmond, Strom; Charlton, Fred
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; H.R.7785 Alcohol In Candy; H.R.10448 Wine Duties
1962-1963; 1969; 1971-1973
23 9
Alcoholic Beverages
Webster, William H.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; S.B.1251 Liquor On Sunday; H.R.11106 Alcohol Beverages As Tax Deductions; S.356 Labeling
1974-1976; 1980
23 10
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Alcoholism; S.782 Alcohol In Candy
23 11
Hughes, Harold E.
S.-- Federal Program for The Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
23 12
Johnson, C.E.; Meany, George
23 13
Thurmond, Strom; Gravel, Mike; Hathaway, William D.
H.R.4975 Appropriations for Biomedical Research
23 14
American History Month
Cooper, John Sherman
23 15
Amnesty -- Vietnam
23 16
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Floyd, Frank W.; Soulen, Phil
H.6920 Humane Treatment; S.3985 Anti-Dog Fighting Act; S.1923/S.8811 Wild Horse Protection Act; S.1602 Prohibiting Steel Jaw Traps
23 17
Greenley, Joseph C.; McClure, James A.
S.961 Fish Management Act; S.1941 Animal Welfare Act
23 18
Zuck, Donald; McCain, Warren E.
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
23 19
Antarctic Commission
Wiley, Alexander
S.2189 Antartic Commission Act of 1957
23 20
Monahan, William; Dingell, John D.
S.1315 Sea Mammals Act; S.1116 Wild Burros and Horses
23 21
Abourezk, James S.; Schweiker, Richard S.
S.1315 Ocean Mammals Act; S.2579 Ocean Mammals Act; S.2083 Prohibit Poisoning Predators; S.1777 Prohibits Slaughter of Horses for Humans
23 22
Kennedy, John F.; Payne, Frederick G.; Morrison, H.W. Harry
Hoover Commission Recommendations; S.-- Improve Methods of Stating The Budget; Provide for Accrued Annual Expenditure Methods of Budget Presentations H.R.8002/S.434
23 23
Byrd, Robert C.
1961; 1963; 1967
24 1
Appropriations -- Agriculture
Appropriations for Meat Inspection Program
24 2
Appropriations -- Defense
Symington, Stuart
Medical Care Amendment, Sec.633 H.R.12738
24 3
Appropriations -- Executive Branch
Keating, Kenneth B.; Lausche, Frank J.
24 4
Appropriations -- Health, Education, and Welfare
Long, Russell B.; Hart, Eugene B.; Krettek, Germaine; Garrett, H. Fred
Hill-Burton Funds for 1959; Federal Library Services Act; Funding for Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training; H.E.W.
Speech:"Hospital Construction Funds and Rural Library Services Appropriations", [Before Sen. Approp. Comm.], 1958
24 5
Appropriations -- Public Works
24 6
Appropriations -- State Department
Funding for U.S. Information Agency
24 7
Artist Residuum Transposal
H.R.9103 IRS Code Concerning Literary, Musical, Or Artistic Compositions; H.R.9505/H.R.8214/S.-- IRS Code Re: Contributions of Copyrights, Artistic Compositions, Or Collections of Papers; S.1212 Irs Code of 1954 for Contributions of Ordinary Income Prope
1971; 1973; 1974
24 8
24 9
Associations and Committees
24 10
Atomic Energy
24 11
Atomic Energy
Anderson, Clinton P.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Gravel, Mike; Nelson, Gaylord; Pastore, John O.; Brooke, Edward W.; Annunzio, Frank; Bauser, Edward J.
Atomic Fallout; Atomic Waste; Pollution; Atomic Energy Commission; Atomic Testing; H.R.391 Nuclear Accelerator; S.1628 Western Interstate Nuclear Compact
24 12
Atomic Energy
Schweiker, Richard S.; Pastore, John O.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.
24 13
Authorize Reimbursement to Cities for Construction of Streets
S.654 Secretary of The Navy To Reimburse Cities for Certain Street Construction
24 14
Auto Safety
Nelson, Gaylord
S.1251 Motor Vehicle Safety Features; S.1643 Tire Regulation
24 15
24 16
Mansfield, Mike; Monroney, A.S. Mike
24 17
Hartke, Vance
S. Air Traffic Controllers; S.4067 Overtime Pay To Department of Transportation Employees
1963; 1964; 1969
24 18
Aviation -- Aeronautics and Space Activity
24 19
Aviation -- Airports
Smylie, Robert E.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Allott, Gordon
24 20
Aviation -- Federal Activities Act
Magnuson, Warren G.
Federal Aviation Act of 1958
24 21
Aviation -- Federal Airport Act
Monroney, A.S. Mike; Magnuson, Warren G.
S.1 Federal Airport Act; Federal Airport Act Hearings
24 22
Aviation -- Federal Airport Act Amendment
Monroney, A.S. Mike
S.1703 Federal Airport Act
25 1
Aviation -- Pacific Northwest Local Air Service
Smylie, Robert E.
West Coast Routing; Pacific Northwest
25 2
Aviation -- Western Airlines Strike
25 3
Sheep Herders; S.1033 Regarding 13 Basque Immigrants; S.3959 Amendment Exchanging Name; S.661, S.95, S.2223, and H.R.4798 Basque Immigrants
25 4
Eastland, James O.
25 5
Bear River Reclamation Project
25 6
Bible Reading and Prayer In Public School
25 7
Bible Reading and Prayer In Public School
1964 January-May
25 8
Bible Reading and Prayer In Public School
1964 May-December
25 9
Bible Reading and Prayer In Public School
25 10
Cooper, John Sherman; Neuberger, Maurine B.
25 11
Board of Public Lands Appeal
Gruening, Ernest
S.758 Establishment of Board of Public Lands
25 12
Boise Cascade
25 13
Boise Cascade
25 14
Boise Geothermal
Geothermal Transfer To Boise
25 15
Brooks Bill -- Selection of Surveyors
Brooks, Jack
1978 January- July
25 16
Brooks Bill -- Selection of Surveyors
Brooks, Jack
1978 August-December
25 17
Brooks Bill -- Selection of Surveyors
Brooks, Jack
25 18
S.529 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 Fiscal Requirements
25 19
S.1541 Control of Expenditures; Establishment of National Priorities
25 20
Fairfield, Idaho Budget Cuts; Water
25 21
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
25 22
Burley Irrigation District
Anderson, Clinton P.
S.2662 Burley Irrigation District
25 23
25 24
1971 April
25 25
Health; S.34
1971 April
25 26
Andrus, Cecil D.
Health; S.34
1971 May And 1974
26 1
Center for Exchange
Long, Oren E.
S.3385 Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West
26 2
CETA -- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
26 3
Chemical and Biological Warfare
26 4
S.746 Ammend Social Security Act
26 5
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.
Civil Rights
Church's stand on the jury trial amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 brought him national attention and showed him to be an articulate spokesman for causes he believed in. In 1964 Church again supported full civil rights for all citizens, despite the fears ex pressed by his Idaho constituents. These files do not have material relating to Dr. Martin Luther King, which one might expect to find here nor are there King-related materials anywhere in the collection.
Box Folder
26 6
Douglas, Paul H.; Mahoney, Joseph O.; Alger, Bruce; Reuther, Walter P.
H.R.6127 Amendment To Senate Rules; Women's Joint Legislative Committee for Equal Rights; NAACP
26 7
Douglas, Paul H.; Reuther, Walter P.; Lewis, John L.; Wilkins, Roy
H.6127 Jury Trial Amendment; Integration; NAACP
"The Jury Trial" Amendment, August 1, 1957
26 8
School Integration; Senate Rules-Cloture; Civil Rights-General
26 9
Wilkins, Roy; Malin, Patrick Murphy; Mckinley, Aretha B.; Slawson, John; Aronson, Arnold; Toubin, Issac; Lechliter, Irving; Rauh, Joseph L.; Wilson, E. Raymond; Masaoka, Mike; Weitzer, Bernard; Carey, James B.; Shane, Francis; Reuther, Walter P.; Stewart
American Jewish Congress; National Association for The Advancement of Colored People; NAACP
26 10
Equal Rights Amendment S.J.Res.80; Era
26 11
Douglas, Paul H.
Hayden Rider; Era; Equal Rights Amendment
26 12
Javits, Jacob K.; Wilkins, Roy; Clark, Joseph S.
Filibuster; Idaho State House Bill, No.217; Voting Rights; Idaho Citizens Committee for Civil Rights; Commission On Civil Rights; Department of Justice
1961 January-April
26 13
Javits, Jacob K.; Wilkins, Roy; Clark, Joseph S.
Filibuster; Idaho State House Bill, No.217; Voting Rights; Idaho Citizens Committee for Civil Rights; Commission On Civil Rights; Department of Justice
1961 May-December
26 14
Douglas, Paul H.; Keating, Kenneth B.; Wilkins, Roy
Housing Discrimination; Integration
26 15
Magnuson, Warren G.
26 16
Civil Rights S.1731
26 17
Magnuson, Warren G.
S.1731 Equal Employment Opportunity Act; Civil Rights; S.1750 Civil Rights Bill; S.1732 Civil Rights Public Accommodations
27 1
1964 January-March
27 2
1964 April-May
27 3
1964 June-December
27 4
Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Mansfield, Mike
H.R.7152 Trial By Jury; Civil Rights
"Dirkson-Mansfield Jury Trial Amendment", Senate, April 30, 1964
1964 January-May
27 5
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Mansfield, Mike; Reuther, Walter P.; Greenberg, Jack
Greenberg, Jack, "A Civil Rights Manifesto", Mobile Alabama, May 17, 1964; Civil Rights
1964 June-December
27 6
1964 January-March
27 7
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Civil Rights
1964 April-November
27 8
Kennedy, Edward M.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
1965 January-April
27 9
Wilkins, Roy; McCarthy, Eugene J.
Voting Rights Act of 1965; S.J.Res.85 Equal Rights Amendment; Era
1965 May-December
27 10
S.3296 Civil Rights Act Amendment; Fair Housing
27 11
Inouye, Daniel K.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Fair Housing Act; Race Riots; Employment Practices
27 12
Mondale, Walter F.; Strang, Alan
H.R.2516 Civil Riots; Stang, Alan, "Its Very Simple", Los Angeles, Western Islands Publishing Company, 1965
1968 January-April
27 13
H.R.2516 Civil Riots; Kerner Reports
1968 May-December
27 14
Mondale, Walter F.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; McGovern, George; Case, Clifford P.; Bayh, Birch; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Era; Full Opportunity Act; Busing; Equal Rights Amendment
28 1
Wilkins, Roy; Mondale, Walter F.
Era; Busing; Tax Reform; Judiciary; Voter Discrimination; H.R.514 Equality of Educational Opportunity; Equal Rights Amendment
28 2
Brooke, Edward W.; Bayh, Birch; Cook, Marlow W.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Stennis, John C.; Hartke, Vance; Brock, William E.; Tunney, John V.; Hart, Philip A.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Proxmire, William; Scott, Hug
S.J.Res.79 Era; H.R.9272 Subversive Activities Control Board; S.2349 Voting Rights Act; Busing; Equal Rights Amendment
28 3
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Ribicoff, Abraham
S.2515 Equal Employment Opportunity; Equal Rights Amendment; Busing
1972 January-February
28 4
McGee, Gale; Mondale, Walter F.; Mitchell, Clarence
Busing; Era; H.J.Res.208-Era; Voter Registration; Higher Education; Equal Rights Amendment
1972 March-December
28 5
Hatfield, Mark O.; Mondale, Walter F.; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
S.1128 Newsmans Privilege Act; Abortion; Busing; Era; Family Planning; Equal Rights Amendment
1973 January-May
28 6
Scott, William L.; Brock, William E.; Nelson, Gaylord; Haskell, Floyd K.
Era; S.287 Public Schools; Mexican Americans; Child Custody; Fair Housing; Individuals Rights; Equal Rights Amendment
1973 April-December
28 7
Brock, William E.; Wilkins, Roy; Hollings, Ernest F.
Busing; S.2738 Surveillance; Aging; Era; Personal Privacy; Minorities; Equal Credit; Equal Rights Amendment
28 8
Clark, Dick
Susan B. Anthony Day; Era; Prayer and Public Broadcasting; Astronauts Reading The Bible; Equal Rights Amendment
1975 January-May
28 9
Era; Polygraph Tests; Religious Broadcasting; Busing; Equal Rights Amendment
1975 June-December
28 10
Evans, John V.; Allen, James B.; Scott, William L.; Glenn, John
Religious Broadcasting; Era; Bible Reading; Busing; Gay Rights; Age Discrimination; International Womans Year; S.3077 Public Schools; Equal Rights Amendment
1976 January-May
28 11
Busing; Criminal Justice System Reform S.1; Bible Reading; School Attendence; Unions; Equal Rights Amendment
1976 June-August
28 12
Tunney, John V.
Attorney's Fee Act; Busing; Religious Broadcasting
1976 September-December
28 13
Domenici, Pete V.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
Hispanic Affairs; Equal Education; S.1035 Bail Reform Act; Busing; Equal Rights Amendment
1977 January-June
28 14
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Era Extension; Idaho Womens Commission; Martin Luther King Day; Abortion
1977 July-December
29 1
29 2
Era; Immunity From Prosecution; Abortion; Equal Rights Amendment
1978 January-February
29 3
Bell, Griffin B.
Abortion; Era Extension; S.1393 Institutionalized Individuals
1978 March-May
29 4
ERA Extension; Abortion; Equal Rights Amendment
1978 June-August
29 5
Era; Abortion; Equal Rights Amendment
1978 September-December
29 6
Leroy, David H.
Era; Era Extension; Busing; School Prayer; Gay Rights; Equal Rights Amendment
1979 January-June
29 7
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Abortion; Era; Busing; Gay Rights; School Prayer; Martin Luther King Day;
1979 July-December
29 8
Leroy, David H.; Proxmire, William
Institutionalized Individuals; Gay Rights; Era; Taxation of Private Schools; Busing
Civil Service - Craters of the Moon National Monument
Also conservation and consumer affairs.
Box Folder
29 9
Civil Service
Brawley, H.W.; McCormack, John W.
S.385 Public Employee Training; H.R.4986 Civil Service Retirement Act; Classsification
29 10
Civil Service
Reclassification; Investigations; S.3460 School Offices
29 11
Civil Service
Salaries; Retirement; Postal Pay
29 12
Civil Service
Civil Servants Pay Increase; Retirement; H.R.8716 Federal Employees Salary Act of 1963
29 13
Civil Service
Retirement; S.898 Civil Service Retirement Act Amendment; Pensions
29 14
Civil Service
Muskie, Edmund S.; Stevens, Ted; Bayh, Birch; Proxmire, William; Ellender, Allen J.; McGee, Gale
Health Benefit Plans; Retirement; Federal Pay Legislation
29 15
Civil Service
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Bayh, Birch; Nixon, Richard M.; Meany, George; Moss, Frank E.
S.782 Executive Branch Privacy
29 16
Civil Service
Moss, Frank E.
30 1
Civil Service
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Pay Raises; Privacy
30 2
Civil Service
Brock, William E.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Hartke, Vance; Tunney, John V.; McGee, Gale
H.R.15544 Treasury Department & Postal Service
30 3
Civil Service
Federal Pay Raises
1975 January-September
30 4
Civil Service
Taft, Robert, Jr.
Summer Employment; Federal Pay Raise; S.2386 Payment Freeze; Hatch Act
1975 October-December
30 5
Civil Service
Clark, Dick
Hatch Act; S.1446 Retirement Pay
1976 January-March
30 6
Civil Service
Metcalf, Lee
S.12 Federal Judge Benefits; Cost of Living
1976 April-December
30 7
Civil Service
Schmitt, Harrison; Brooke, Edward W.
S.546 Pay Raise for Congress; Top Level Federal Employees; Quotas
1977 January-March
30 8
Civil Service
Pay Raise; Hatch Act
1977 April-May
30 9
Civil Service
Hatch Act; H.R.8319 Civil Service Retirement
1977 June-December
30 10
Civil Service
S.2868 Torts
1978 January-May
30 11
Civil Service
1978 June-December
30 12
Civil Service
Cranston, Alan
H.R.3418 Canal Zone; S.802 Appointing Peace Corps Workers To Civil Service
30 13
Civil Service
Hollings, Ernest F.; Bellmon, Henry
30 14
Clear Cutting
"Our National Forests" March 24, 1972
30 15
Close-Up Program
30 16
Cranston, Alan
Trucking Industry Deregulation
30 17
Hartke, Vance; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Long, Russell B.; Smylie, Robert E.
Tobacco Ads
31 1
Omnibus Copyright Reform S.1361; Funding for Public Broadcasting; Extend Broadcast Licensing Period To Five Years S.247; Broadcast License Renewal S.267; Television Sports Blackouts
Testimony At Hearings Before The Subcommittee On Communications On Broadcast Renewal License, June 18-20, 1974
1973-1974 January-July
31 2
Bentsen, Lloyd
Omnibus Copyright Reform S.1361; Broadcast License Renewal H.R.12993; Television Sports Blackout
1974 August-December
31 3
Oboler, Eli M.; Davis, William E.; Abbott, James; Bistline, Beverly
Telephones; Public Broadcasting Financing Act H.R.6461/S.893
31 4
31 5
Telephone Monopoly; Censorship
31 6
Community Health and Sanitation
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Proxmire, William; Mondale, Walter F.; Jackson, Henry M.; Bible, Alan; Percy, Charles H.; Montoya, Joseph M.
S.88 Artificial Organs and Transplantation Act; Mental Health; Lead Poisoning; S.2523 Mental Health
31 7
Congress -- Adjournment, Reform, Conference
McGee, Gale; Monroney, A.S. Mike
S.Res.16 Adjournment, Summer Recess
1961; 1963; 1973
31 8
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Stevens, Ted; Engle, Clair
S.J.Res.139 Natural Resources; S.Res.121 U.S./Canada Conservation; S.2549 National Conservation of Natural Resource Policy; S.239 Resources and Conservation Act; Greenbelt-Boise River Beautification
Statement On S.239; Statement In Support of S.2549
31 9
Johnson, Lyndon B.
31 10
31 11
31 12
Constitution Day
S.3611 Bicentennial; Bonneville Tricentennial Commission
"Constitution Day" January, 1977
31 13
Consumer Affairs
Percy, Charles H.; Hart, Philip A.; Metcalf, Lee; Proxmire, William; Javits, Jacob K.; Nelson, Gaylord
Gasoline; Packaging; S.1092 Wholesome Fish and Fishery Products Act of 1969; Automotive Safety; S.2933 Inter-Governmental Utility Consumers
31 14
Consumer Affairs
Hart, Philip A.; Moss, Frank E.
Better Business Bureaus
31 15
Consumer Affairs
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; McGovern, George; Moss, Frank E.; Hart, Philip A.; Hartke, Vance; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Cook, Marlow W.; Hruska, Roman L.
S.1985 Labeling; S.986 Product Warranties
32 1
Consumer Affairs
Ribicoff, Abraham; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.
Consumer Affairs
32 2
Consumer Affairs
Ribicoff, Abraham; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.; Moss, Frank E.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Cook, Marlow W.; Hartke, Vance; Tower, John G.; Proxmire, William; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Brock, William E.
S.707 Consumer Protection Agency
32 3
Consumer Affairs
Cook, Marlow W.
Consumer Protection Agency
1974 March-June
32 4
Consumer Affairs
Reagan, Ronald; Domenici, Pete V.
1974 July-August
32 5
Consumer Affairs
Brooke, Edward W.
1974 September-December
32 6
Consumer Affairs
Brooke, Edward W.
S.4225 Consumer Credit Protection
1975 January-April
32 7
Consumer Affairs
Pearson, James B.; Dole, Robert; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Taft, Robert, Jr.
1975 May-June
32 8
Consumer Affairs
S.-- Consumer Protection Act of 1975
1975 July-December
32 9
Consumer Affairs
32 10
Consumer Affairs
1977 January-June
32 11
Consumer Affairs
Consumer Protection Agency
1977 July-December
32 12
Consumer Affairs
Mcintyre, Thomas J.
National Consumer Co-Op Bank
32 13
Consumer Affairs
Levin, Carl
32 14
Consumer Affairs
Brick Bill
32 15
Consumer Product Safety Commission
S.1283 Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act; S.3419 Consumer Product Safety Act; S.143 Firearms; S.1000 Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvement Act
32 16
Cowboy Hall of Fame
32 17
Craters of The Moon National Monument
Bible, Alan; Carver, John A., Jr.
S.2537 Craters of The Moon Monument
Crime - Drug stores
Contains files on defense, District of Columbia, draft, drugs and drug store robberies.
Box Folder
32 18
S.188 Explosives; H.R.12108 Juvenile Delinquency Act; S.777 Interstate Crime; S.279 Juvenile Delinquency Act of 1961; S.802 Delinquent Children's Act of 1961; H.R.7053 Exclusionary Rule
32 19
33 1
Goodell, Charles E.; Samuelson, Don; Hartke, Vance
S.2919 Criminal Offender Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Act of 1969; S.2920 Bail Reform
33 2
Tydings, Joseph D.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Dodd, Thomas J.
Omnibus Crime Control Act; DC Crime Bill; Terrorism
1970 January-June
33 3
Tydings, Joseph D.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr; Kennedy, Edward M.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Dodd, Thomas J.
Omnibus Crime Control Act; DC Crime Bill; Terrorism
1970 July-December
33 4
Bayh, Birch; Cook, Marlow W.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Roth, William V., Jr.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Percy, Charles H.; Hart, Philip A.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Tower, John G.
S.2657 Exclusionary Rule; S.120 Prohibiting Assaults
33 5
McClellan, John L.; Javits, Jacob K.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Schweiker, Richard S.
Federal Corrections Reorganization Act; S.2995 Victims of Crime Act of 1972; S.3005 Assistant Attorney General for Organized Crime; Capital Punishment
33 6
Convict Labor; Speedy Trial; Community Supervision and Services Act; Parole Commission Act of 1973
1973 January-February
33 7
Burdick, Quentin N.; Hartke, Vance; Tunney, John V.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Hruska, Roman L.; McClellan, John L.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
S.881 Exclusionary Rule; Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Act of 1973; S.1126 Drugs; S.1127 Pre-Trial Detension In Narcotics Cases; S.1796 Ammend Omnibus
1973 March-May
33 8
Voting Rights of Former Offenders; Federal Criminal Justice System Reorganization Act; No-Knock Law; Pharmacy Robbery
1973 June-December
33 9
Hart, Philip A.; Fong, Hiram L.; Docking, Robert B.
Drugs; Capital Punishment; Legal Assistants; Juvenile Delinquency; S.3603 No-Knock Laws; Community Anti-Crime Assistance Act of 1974; Model Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1974; Pharmacy Times, May 1974
"Protecting Our Pharmacies", Draft
33 10
Scott, William L.
American Telephone & Telegraph Antitrust Suit; Gambling; S.448 Immigration; DC Code of Law; Offender Employment and Training Act; Voting Rights of Former Offenders
1975 January-August
33 11
Parole; S.1 Criminal Justice Reform Act; Gun Control
1975 September-December
33 12
Nunn, Sam
S.1 Self-Protection; Rape; Law Enforcement; Capital Punishment
1976 January-March
33 13
Evans, John V.
S.B.1 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration
1976 April-December
33 14
Roth, William V., Jr.; McClellan, John L.
Victims of Crime Act of 1977; Court Reform; Domestic Crime
1977 January-August
33 15
Domestic Crime; Child Abuse; Pornography
1977 September-December
33 16
Obscenities; S.1314 Habeas Corpus
33 17
S, 2565 Rape; Victims of Crime Act of 1979; S.105 Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1979; Law Enforcement Planning Commission; S.1214 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention; Exclusionary Rule
34 1
False Indentification Crimes; Capital Punishment; Federal Criminal Code Reform; S.1843 Shelter Homes
34 2
Crime -- Criminal Code Reform Act
34 3
Crime -- Transportation of Gambling Devices
Senate Select Committee On Labor Management Relations; S.2107 Transportation of Gambling Devices In Interstate and Foreign Commerce; H.R.252 Gambling Devices; S.2206 Gambling Devices
"Introduce S.2107", June 4, 1959
34 4
Daylight Savings Time
34 5
Douglas, Paul H.; Symington, Stuart; Magnuson, Warren G.; Smith, H. Alexander
34 6
Beall, J. Glenn, Sr.; Eastland, James O.
34 7
Defense -- Appropriations
34 8
Defense -- Civil
34 9
Department of Peace
Hartke, Vance
34 10
Clark, Joseph S.
S.Con.Res.64 Planning for Peace Resolution
34 11
Proxmire, William; Long, Oren E.
Health; Disease
34 12
District of Columbia
34 13
District of Columbia
34 14
District of Columbia
Byrd, Robert C.
34 15
District of Columbia
S.J.Res.116 Pennsylvania Avenue As A National Historic Site
34 16
District of Columbia
34 17
District of Columbia
34 18
Kennedy, Edward M.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Hatfield, Mark O.
S.4013 Voluntary Military Manpower Procurement Act of 1968
34 19
Hatfield, Mark O.
34 20
Stennis, John C.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Gravel, Mike
1971 January-May
34 21
Cook, Marlow W.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Hartke, Vance; Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike; Byrd, Robert C.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Allott, Gordon; Hatfield, Mark O.
H.R.6531 Increase Military Pay
1971 June-December
34 22
Hatfield, Mark O.
35 1
Hatfield, Mark O.
Military Selective Service Act With Analysis, February 22, 1972; End of Draft; Amnesty for Resisters/Deserters
35 2
35 3
Kefauver, Estes
Regulating The Drug Industry; H.R.12485 Pharmacies and The Sale of Poisons; S.1552 Drug Industry Antitrust Act
35 4
Kefauver, Estes
Vitamins and Food Supplements; S.1552 Drug Industry Antitrust Act
35 5
35 6
Tydings, Joseph D.; Goodell, Charles E.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Legalization of Marijuana; Drug Abuse In United States; DMSO; H.R.1180 FDA Defines Food Supplements
35 7
Hughes, Harold E.; Dodd, Thomas J.; McClellan, John L.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Controlled Dangerous Substances Act of 1969; Drug Abuse In The United States; Crime and Drug Abuse; Narcotics and Marijuana Laws; DMSO; Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Prevention Act of 1970
35 8
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Jha, L.K.
National Organization To Reform Marijuana Laws; Legalization of Heroin; Importation of Illegal Drugs; S.1188 Countries Exporting Illegal Drugs
1971 January-June
35 9
Peale, Norman Vincent
Marijuana Laws Statement From Norml; Drug Abuse In Idaho and The U.S.; Drug Education Programs; Drug Smuggling; Legalization of Heroin; S.1188 Nations Exporting Illegal Drugs To U.S.; American Legion Statement of Policy On Drugs and Drug Abuse
1971 July-December
35 10
Cook, Marlow W.; Bayh, Birch; Hughes, Harold E.; Javits, Jacob K.
S.3846 Narcotic Addict Treatment Act of 1972; S.738 Immigration and Nationality Act; Drug Abuse; Marijuana Laws; Abolishment of The FDA S.983; Illegal Traffic In Drugs; Narconon-for The Reduction of Crime and Drug Abuse; Committee for A Sane Drug Policy
35 11
Barbiturate Abuse In The United States; S.277 Immigration and Nationality Act; H.R.643 FDA Controls On Vitamins and Food Supplements; Reforming National and International Narcotics Laws
1973 January-March
35 12
Hartke, Vance
H.R.643 FDA Restrictions On Vitamin and Food Supplements; Marijuana Laws; Drug Abuse; International Drug Traffic; Presidents Drug Enforcement Reorganization Plan No. 2; Community Co-Ordination of Drug Abuse Control
1973 April-May
35 13
H.R.643 FDA Regulating Vitamin and Food Supplement Content; International Drug Traffic; Drug Abuse; Marijuana Laws
1973 June-August
35 14
Proxmire, William
Cyclamates; Drug Abuse; Marijuana Laws; S.2801 Food Supplement Amendments of 1973
1973 September-December
35 15
Marijuana Laws; S.2801 Food Supplement Amendments of 1973
1974 January-February
35 16
H.R.643 and S.2801 FDA Restrictions On Vitamins and Food Supplements
1974 March
35 17
S.2801 Food Supplement Amendment; S.2373-Food Labeling Legislation; Marijuana Laws Reform
1974 April-June
36 1
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention Act; S.2801 Food Supplement Amendment; Marijuana Law Reform
1974 July-August
36 2
Kennedy, Edward M.; Javits, Jacob K.; Proxmire, William
Food Supplement Amendments S.2801
1974 September-December
36 3
Proxmire, William; Schweiker, Richard S.
S.548 Food Supplement Amendments; Marijuana Law Reform; Drug Abuse; Cyclamates
36 4
Decriminalization of Marijuana; Drug Abuse
36 5
S.1750 Ban On Use of Saccharin; Cyclamates; Laetrile
36 6
Decriminalization of Marijuana; S.2778 Penalties for Illegal Manufacture Or Distribution of PCP
36 7
Ban On Saccharin; Laetrile; Marijuana Law Reform; Report: Gains Made In Controlling Illegal Drugs, Yet The Drug Trade Flourishes
36 8
DMSO; Marijuana Law Reform; Ban On Drug Paraphernalia
36 9
Drugs -- Organizations
One-Man Organization To Prevent Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use
36 10
Drug Store and Pharmacy Robberies
H.R.5976 Penalties for Pharmacy Robberies; S.2327 Federal Penalties for The Robbery of Controlled Substances From A Pharmacy
Speech: "Protecting Our Pharmacies", [1973]
36 11
Drug Store and Pharmacy Robberies
Subcommittee Hearing Report: "Drug Abuse: The Pharmacist"
36 12
Drug Store and Pharmacy Robberies
S.1880 Gun Control Act; S.2327 Pharmacy Robberies; S.2110 Controlled Substances Act; White Paper On Drug Abuse
36 13
Drug Store and Pharmacy Robberies
S.509 Controlled Substances Act
Box Folder
36 14
Rogers, Malcolm; Kefauver, Estes
Equality of Opportunity Act S.11
1956; 1957 January
36 15
Sparkman, John J.; Eastland, James O.; Barnes, Wendell B.; Butler, John Marshall
S.11 Equality of Opportunity Act
1957 February-December
36 16
Anderson, Jack Z.; Reuther, Walter P.; Flanders, Ralph E.; O'Mahoney, Joseph C.
S.11 Equality of Opportunity Act; S.1762 Small Business Administration Loan Limit
37 1
Hart, Philip A.; Murray, James E.; Kefauver, Estes; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Sparkman, John J.
S.1083 Fair Trade Act; Small Business Administration; S.11 Clayton Act
37 2
Kefauver, Estes; Reuther, Walter P.
Fair Trade Legislation; Manufacturers Financing The Sale of Vehicles S.838 & S.839; S.2545 Exempt Professional Team Sports From Anti-Trust Laws; S.838/S.839 Automobile Finance and Insurance Agency Anti-Trust Act of 1959
37 3
Exempt Professional Team Sports From Anti-Trust Laws S.2545
37 4
Dupont Anti-Trust Case
37 5
Kefauver, Estes
Price Fixing In The Steel Industry; S.11 Equality of Opportunity Bill
37 6
Douglas, Paul H.; Proxmire, William; Kefauver, Estes
S.11 Declaration of Purpose and Policy; S.942 Clayton Act
37 7
Fowler, Henry H.; Hartke, Vance; Bayh, Birch; McClellan, John L.; Clark, Joseph S.
Buy American Legislation
37 8
37 9
Government Spending; Space; Defense
37 10
37 11
Boggs, J. Caleb; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Mundt, Karl E.
Inflation; Wage and Price Controls
37 12
Mondale, Walter F.
Cost of Living Inflation; Bank Holding Company Bill H.R.6778
1970 January-February
37 13
Bennett, Wallace F.; Eagleton, Thomas F.
Inflation; H.R. 6778 Bank Holding Company Bill
1970 March-April
37 14
Proxmire, William
Inflation; Bank Holding Company Bill H.R.6778
1970 May-September
37 15
McClellan, John L.
1970 October-December
37 16
Proxmire, William; Symington, Stuart; Brooke, Edward W.; Brock, William E.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Pearson, James B.; Sparkman, John J.; Randolph, Jennings
Nixon's Wage-Price Freeze; Credit Union Insurance; S.2413 To Establish A National Commission On Wages and Prices
1971 January-October
37 17
Javits, Jacob K.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Hartke, Vance; Harris, Fred R.
Impoundment of Funds; Wage-Price Freeze; Economic Stabilization Act of 1971
1971 November-December
38 1
Proxmire, William; Moss, Frank E.; Brock, William E.
Debt Ceiling Legislation; Wage-Price Freeze; Fair Credit Billing Act S.652; H.R.12910 Public Debt
38 2
Proxmire, William; Brock, William E.; Nunn, Sam; Stevens, Ted; Bible, Alan
Impoundment of Funds; Inflation; Nixon's Phase III Economic Program Budget Cutbacks; Equal Credit Opportunity Act
1973 January-March
38 3
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Scott, William L.; Tunney, John V.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Carter, Jimmy; Bellmon, Henry
Impoundment of Funds; Government Spending; Small Business Administration Disaster Relief; Ban On "Now" Accounts; S.1672 Small Business Act
1973 April-June
38 4
Curtis, Carl T.
Inflation; S.2215 Balanced Budget Bill
1973 July-December
38 5
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Proxmire, William; McClellan, John L.
Inflation; Budget Reform Act; S.1541 Senate Budget Committee
1974 January-March
38 6
Proxmire, William; McClellan, John L.
Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1974; (S.3032 and S.2961) Wage-Price Controls; S.3215 Professional and Technical Assistance To Exporting Act of 1974
1974 April-May
38 7
Montoya, Joseph M.; Hartke, Vance
S.3771 Economic Review Act of 1974; S.3514 Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1974; S.Res.347 Committee On Commerce
1974 June-September
38 8
1974 October-December
38 9
1975 January
38 10
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
Balance Budget
1975 February
38 11
Curtis, Carl T.
Inflation; Tax Rebate Proposals; Budget Deficit
1975 March-May
38 12
Clark, Dick; McClellan, John L.; Javits, Jacob K.
S.2067 Budget Authority
1975 June-September
39 1
Balanced Growth and Economic Planning Act S.1795; S.2597 Amendment, Emergency Municipal Financing Act of 1975; S.2617 Minority Business Development and Assistance Act of 1975
1975 October-December
39 2
Proxmire, William; Javits, Jacob K.; Brooke, Edward W.; Fannin, Paul J.; Symington, Stuart
Balanced Growth and Economic Planning Act of 1975 S.1795; Public Works Employment Act of 1976 S.3201; Interest On Checking Accounts; S.3421 Federal Trade Commission Act; S.3494 Federal Bank Examination Council Act
39 3
Curtis, Carl T.
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill; International Banking Act H.R.7325; S.1076 Emergency Product Liability Act; S.711 Federal Bank Examination Council Act; S.607 Minority Business Development Act of 1977; S.J.Res.180 Balanced Budget Amendment
39 4
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill; H.R.7516 Federal Expenditures
1978 January-May
39 5
Blumenthal, W. Michael; Clark, Joseph S.
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill; Federal Aid To New York City; Support for A Constitutional Amendment for A Balanced Budget
1978 June-December
39 6
Proxmire, William; Armstrong, William L.; Evans, John V.
Credit Control Act Repeal; Regulation of Money Market Certificates; H.R.2534 Public Debt Limit; S.119 Business Reporting Act of 1979; S.Res.59 Small Savers Equity Resolution of 1979
1979 January-March
39 7
S.600 Small and Independent Business Protection Act of 1979
1979 April-July
39 8
Schweiker, Richard S.; Levin, Carl; Pryor, David; Evans, John V.
Deregulation of Banks H.R.4986; Small Business Inovation Act of 1979
1979 August-October
39 9
Levin, Carl
Chrysler Loans; Bank Deregulation; S.2002 Consumer Credit Protection Act
1979 November-December
39 10
Magnuson, Warren G.
S.J.Res.126 Fiscal Responsibility
1980 January-March
39 11
Miller, G. William; Heinz, H. John III
S.2417 Productivity Improvement Act of 1980
1980 April-June
40 1
Boren, David L.; Levin, Carl
Sunset Bill of 1980 S.2
40 2
Economics : Aid to New York City
Motley, Arthur H.; Barnes, John B.
Aid To New York City
40 3
Economics : Small Business
Robertson, A. Willis; Sparkman, John J.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Remove Construction Industries From Sea Set Aside Program S.1363; Establish Select Committee On Small Business S.Res.30
Includes federal aid to education, parochial schools, school lunches, and student loans.
Box Folder
40 4
Hill, Lister
S.1134 Education Act of 1957
1956-1957 May
40 5
Waterman, Alan J.
S.Res.49 Rural Library Services
1957 June-December
40 6
Proxmire, William; Clark, Joseph S.
1958 January-June
40 7
National Defense Education Act of 1958
1958 July-December
40 8
Smylie, Robert E.; McGee, Gale; Mcintosh, Carl W.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
40 9
Moss, Frank E.; Clark, Joseph S.
S.8 Murray-Metcalf Bill; Federal Aid for School Construction and Teachers Salaries; Loyalty Oath From Students Who Receive Federal Aid
1960 January-February
40 10
Kerr, Robert S.; Long, Oren E.
1960 March-June
40 11
Macomber, William B., Jr.
1960 July-December
40 12
Duke, Joseph; Symington, Stuart
40 13
Moss, Frank E.
S.3477 University Extension Education Act of 1962
40 14
Walker, Donald E.
Vocational Education Act of 1963; H.R.6112 Add Title Xi To The National Defense Education Act of 1958
41 1
Walker, Donald E.
Library Service and Construction Act; S.3140 Higher Education Student Assistance Act of 1964
41 2
Kennedy, Edward M.; Gruening, Ernest; Treinen, Sylvester
Higher Education Act of 1965
1965 January-February
41 3
Javits, Jacob K.
1965 March-April
41 4
Chaffee, Eugene B.
1965 May-June
41 5
Hartke, Vance; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Davis, William E.; McClellan, John L.
1965 July-August
41 6
Muskie, Edmund S.
S.2532 Grants for Construction of Elementary and Secondary Schools
1965 September
41 7
Chaffee, Eugene B.; Keppel, Francis; Hartung, Ernest W.
"The Education Decade In America" At The Annual Idaho Education Association Meeting, September 30, 1965
1965 October-December
41 8
1966 January
41 9
S.2228 Overseas Teachers Pay; S.3076 Extend Library Services Act
1966 February
41 10
Hartung, Ernest W.
1966 March
41 11
Sargent, John T.; Williams, Arnold; Hearst, Randolph A.
1966 April
41 12
1966 May
41 13
Mink, Patsy T.; Taylor, James L.
1966 June-July
41 14
Long, Russell B.
1966 August-December
41 15
Davis, William E.
1967 January-April
41 16
Davis, William E.
1967 May-June
42 1
Randolph, Jennings
1967 July-August
42 2
Samuelson, Don; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
1967 September-December
42 3
Nelson, Gaylord; Knox, Warren B.; Hearst, Randolph A.
1968 January-May
42 4
Sterling, J.E. Wallace
S.3770 Amendment To The Vocational Education Act of 1963
1968 June-July
42 5
Hart, Philip A.
1968 August-December
42 6
Yarborough, Ralph W.; Smylie, Robert E.
S.1189 Educational Technology Act of 1969; Sex Education In Public Schools; School District Reorganization
1969 January-April
42 7
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Barnes, John B.
Sex Education
1969 May-July
42 8
1969 August-December
42 9
Dole, Robert
S.4002 Establishment of A National Information and Resource Center for The Handicapped
42 10
Griffin, Robert P.; Barnes, John B.
Speech By John Barnes, Bsu President, On Six Gaps In Higher Education In The U.S., Fall, 1971
42 11
Dominick, Peter H.
S.659 Sex Discrimination In School; Education
42 12
Dominick, Peter H.; Tower, John G.; Brock, William E.; Case, Clifford P.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Gravel, Mike; Schweiker, Richard S.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
Vocational Education; Bilingual Education; Community Schools; Nursing Education Cutbacks
1973 January-March
42 13
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Hanks, Nancy; Dominick, Peter H.; Abourezk, James S.
1973 April-June
42 14
1973 July-September
42 15
S.1490 Advisory Committee On Inter-Governmental Relations; Education
1973 October-December
43 1
Weinberger, Casper; Moss, Ted
Indian Self-Determination In Education, A Statement; School Prayer
1974 January-March
43 2
Pell, Claiborne; Buckley, James L.
1974 April-June
43 3
1974 July-September
43 4
Magnuson, Warren G.
1974 October-December
43 5
Scott, William L.; Taft, Robert, Jr.
S.3639 Children and Youth Camp Safety Act
1975 January-February
43 6
Hartung, Ernest W.
1975 March
43 7
Davis, William E.
1975 April-June
43 8
McGee, Gale; Laxalt, Paul
S.1307 Forestry Research; H.R.8548 Amendment To Social Security Act
1975 July-August
43 9
Hartung, Ernest W.
1975 September-December
43 10
1976 January-April
43 11
Glenn, John; Fannin, Paul J.; Pell, Claiborne; Barnes, John B.
1976 May-September
43 12
Hartung, Ernest W.
1976 October-December
43 13
Magnuson, Warren G.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Roth, William V., Jr.; Schweiker, Richard S.
S.701 Emergency Educational Assistance Act
1977 January-June
43 13
Lance, Bert; Coulter, Myron L.; Packwood, Bob
Tuition Tax Credit
1977 July-December
43 14
Boyer, Ernest
1978 January-March
43 15
Magnuson, Warren G.
University Year for Action Program
1978 April-June
43 16
Morgan, Robert; Bellmon, Henry; Evans, John V.
Indian Education Programs
1978 July-September
44 1
1978 October-December
44 2
1979 January-February
44 3
Moore, Frank; Magnuson, Warren G.
1979 March-June
44 4
Establishment of Cabinet Level, Department of Education
1979 July-September
44 5
Keiser, John H.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Cohen, William S.; Evans, John V.; Bentsen, Lloyd
1979 October-December
44 6
1980 January-March
44 7
Magnuson, Warren G.
Follow Through Program; School Lunch Act; Federal Surplus Property Program
1980 April-May
44 8
Treinen, Sylvester; Keiser, John H.
Education; Boise State University; Public Interest Research Group; Prig
1980 June-August
44 9
1980 September-December
44 10
Education : Colleges
Long, Oren E.; Macomber, William B., Jr.
44 11
Education : Colleges
Wilkinson, Ernest L.; Hartke, Vance; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
44 12
Education : Colleges
S.3047 Higher Education Amendment of 1966
44 13
Education : Federal Aid
44 14
Education : Federal Aid
Hill, Lister; Mcintosh, Carl W.; Murray, James E.
S.2 School Support Act of 1959; Federal Aid To Education
1959 January-June
44 15
Education : Federal Aid
Kennedy, John F.; Clark, Joseph S.
S.J.Res.127 Education for The Deaf; Federal Aid To Education
1959 July-December
44 16
Education : Federal Aid
Magnuson, Warren G.; Morse, Wayne
S.8 School Assistance Act of 1960; Federal Aid To Education
44 17
Education : Federal Aid
Goldwater, Barry M.
Federal Aid To Education
1961 January-June
44 18
Education : Federal Aid
Scott, Hugh; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Morse, Wayne; Walker, Donald E.
Federal Aid To Education
1961 July-December
45 1
Education : Federal Aid
45 2
Education : Federal Aid
45 3
Education : Federal Aid
Federal Aid To Education; Parochial Schools
45 4
Education : Federal Aid
Federal Aid To Education; Parochial Schools
45 5
Education : Federal Aid
Case, Francis; Javits, Jacob K.; Morse, Wayne; Gruening, Ernest; Cooper, John Sherman
S.1021 School Assistance Act of 1961; S.1556 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1961; Federal Aid To Education
45 6
Education : Federal Aid
McClellan, John L.
45 7
Education : Federal Aid
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Vocational Education H.R.4955
45 8
Education : Federal Aid
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Hartke, Vance; Walker, Donald E.; Parochial Schools
45 9
Education : Federal Aid
Ribicoff, Abraham; Treinen, Sylvester
45 10
Education : Federal Aid
45 11
Education : Federal Aid
45 12
Education : Federal Aid
1969 January-June
45 13
Education : Federal Aid
Javits, Jacob K.; Mondale, Walter F.; Boggs, J. Caleb
1969 July-December
45 14
Education : Federal Aid
Javits, Jacob K.
1970 January-June
45 15
Education : Federal Aid
Muskie, Edmund S.; Nelson, Gaylord; Kennedy, Edward M.; Goodell, Charles E.; Hatfield, Mark O.; McGovern, George; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Hart, Philip A.; Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.; Cook, Marlow W.; Mondale, Walter F.; Pell, Claiborne; Spong, Wiln
1970 July-December
45 16
Education : Federal Aid
Hart, Philip A.; Mondale, Walter F.; Brooke, Edward W.; Case, Clifford P.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Harris, Fred R.; Gurney, Edward J.; Hartung, Ernest W.; Tunney, John V.; Barnes, John B.; Davis, William E.
1971 January-June
45 17
Education : Federal Aid
Hartke, Vance; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
1971 July-December
46 1
Education : Federal Aid
Cranston, Alan; Harris, Fred R.
1972 January-June
46 2
Education : Federal Aid
1972 July-December
46 3
Education : Federal Aid
Wise, Helen D.; Mondale, Walter F.; Smylie, Robert E.; Pell, Claiborne; Davis, William E.; Javits, Jacob K.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III
46 4
Education : Federal Aid
McClellan, John L.
46 5
Education : Federal Aid
46 6
Education : Federal Aid
46 7
Education : Higher Education
Davis, William E.; Knox, Warren B.
S.2532 Grants for Construction of Elementary and Secondary Schools; Higher Education Act of 1965 S.600
1965 September-December
46 8
Education : Higher Education
Theophilus, D.R.; Miller. Hellen M.; Riley, John E.; Knox, Warren B.; Morse, Wayne; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Haworth, Leland J.
S.600 Higher Education Act of 1965; Report: Fortune Favors The Brave
1965 June-August
46 9
Education : Higher Education
Davis, William E.; Hartung, Ernest W.
Tax Deduction for Teacher's Educational Expenses S.1203; Cedar Flat Job Corps Center; Higher Education
46 10
Education : National Science Foundation Grant Program
Randolph, Jennings; Hill, Lister
46 11
Education : Orofino School District
Randolph, Jennings
Dworshak Dam Construction
46 12
Education : P.L. 874
Morse, Wayne
Speech: "Impact Funds Vital To Idaho", In Senate, January 13, 1966
46 13
Education : P.L. 874
Spong, William B., Jr.
S.382 Amendment To P.L.874; S.1125 Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1967; H.R.6547 Appopriation for School Assistance
46 14
Education : P.L. 874
Gravel, Mike; Spong, William B., Jr.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Montoya, Joseph M.
The Federally Impacted Areas Program In Idaho; Administration of Public Laws 81-874 and 81-815; Commissioners Report On Education
46 15
Education : P.L. 874
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Case, Clifford P.
H.R.16916 Appropriations for Office of Education
47 1
Education : P.L. 874
Dominick, Peter H.
47 2
Education : P.L. 874
Pell, Claiborne
47 3
Education : P.L. 874
47 4
Education : P.L. 874
Metcalf, Lee
47 5
Education : P.L. 874
Pell, Claiborne; Magnuson, Warren G.
Impact Aid
47 6
Education : P.L. 874
47 7
Education : School Lunches
Ribicoff, Abraham; Proxmire, William; Hart, Philip A.
S.2921 Children's Special Milk Act; S.1515 National School Lunch Act of 1961
47 8
Education : School Lunches
47 9
Education : School Lunches
Bergland, Bob
Cash-In-Lieu of Commodities; S.146 To Extend and Increase The Special Milk Program for Children; School Lunches
47 10
Education : School Lunches
Bergland, Bob
Cash-In-Lieu of Commodities In School Food Service Programs; Amend National School Lunch Act; Congressional Budget Office Report: "Feeding Children: Federal Child Nutrition Policies In The 1980's"
47 11
Education : School Lunches
"The School Lunch Local Control Act of 1980" March 6, 1980
47 12
Education : School Lunches
Cash-In-Lieu of Commodities Program for School Lunches
47 13
Education : State of Idaho
47 14
Education : Student Loans
47 15
Education : Student Loans
47 16
Education : Student Loans
Kennedy, Edward M.
47 17
Education : Student Loans
47 18
Education : Trio Program
47 19
Education : Vocational
Denman, George E.; Hill, Lister
S.4301 Area Vocational-Technical Education Act of 1956; S.1298 Area Vocational Education Act of 1957; Vocational Education Amendments, 1968-1969
Economic reform - Environment
Considerable material on energy-related topics such as coal, conservation, gasohol, geothermal, hydroelectric, natural gas, nuclear and oil.
Box Folder
48 1
Election Reform
S.J.Res.207 To Suspend Communication Act of 1934 for The 1960 Presidential Campaign; S.3171 To Provide The Use of Television for The 1960 Presidential Candidates
48 2
Election Reform
Bayh, Birch
S.J.Res.2 Direct Election of The President
48 3
Election Reform
Abolish Electoral College; 18 Year Old Vote
48 4
Election Reform
Curtis, Carl T.
Electoral College Reform; Direct Election of The President; 18 Year Old Vote; Representation for The District of Columbia; One-Man, One-Vote In Congressional Districting; S.J.Res.7 Extend Right To Vote To 18 Year Olds; S.J.Res.19; S.J.Res.20 Proposed Ame
1969 January-March
48 5
Election Reform
Mundt, Karl E.; Cordova, Jorge L.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Cannon, Howard W.
Electoral College Reform; Direct Election of The President; 18 Year Old Vote; S.J.Res.59 30 Day Residency To Vote In A Presidential Election
1969 April-December
48 6
Election Reform
Kennedy, Edward M.; Dole, Robert; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Cook, Marlow W.
Direct Election of President; 18 Year Old Vote; Representation for The District of Columbia; Abolition of The Electoral College
1970 January-May
48 7
Election Reform
Dole, Robert; Brooke, Edward W.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Fong, Hiram L.; Harris, Fred R.; Griffin, Robert P.; Kennedy, Edward M.
Political Broadcasting Bill; 18 Year Old Right To Vote (Voting Rights Act of 1970); Direct Election of The President; Electoral College Reform; Voter Turnout; Voter Registration; Representation for District of Columbia; S.J.Res.1 Amendments To Provide Di
1970 June-December
48 8
Election Reform
McGee, Gale; Inouye, Daniel K.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Gambrell, David H.; Pearson, James B.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Gilligan, John J.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Scott, Hugh; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Dominick, Peter H.; Bayh, Birch
Direct Election of The President; Political Campaign Financing Reform; Voter Registration; S.2574 National Voter Registration Administration; H.R.6852 Congressional Districting Procedures; S.4238 Universal Enrollment Act of 1970; S.1 Honest Elect
48 9
Election Reform
Cook, Marlow W.; Kennedy, Edward M.; McGee, Gale
18 Year Old Right To Vote; Voter Registration Act S.2574
48 10
Election Reform
McGee, Gale; Hart, Philip A.
Public Financing of Federal Elections; Voter Registration; Senate Pay Raises; S.352 Establish A Voter Registration Administration
48 11
Election Reform
Cannon, Howard W.; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Roth, William V., Jr.
Campaign Funding Reform; Direct Election of The President; Campaign Disclosures; S.4196 Public Financing of Election To Congress
48 12
Election Reform
League of Women Voters; Campaign Financing
48 13
Election Reform
League of Women Voters; Campaign Financing
48 14
Election Reform
Chiles, Lawton; Roth, William V., Jr.; Bayh, Birch
Voter Registration Program; Disputed Senate Seat In New Hampshire; S.260 Government In The Sunshine Act
48 15
Election Reform
McGee, Gale
Postcard Voter Registration Bill S.1177
1976 January-March
48 16
Election Reform
McClellan, John L.
Postcard Voter Registration S.1177; Federal Election Campaign Act Amendment S.3065
1976 April
48 17
Election Reform
Postcard Voter Registration Bill
1976 May-December
49 1
Election Reform
Universal Voter Registration Act S.1072; Congressional and Presidential Campaign Funding
1977 January-June
49 2
Election Reform
Hammer, Armand
Abolition of Electoral College; Voter Registration S.1072; Public Financing of Congressional Campaigns S.926; Union Dues In Elections
1977 July-December
49 3
Election Reform
Bayh, Birch; Baker, Howard H., Jr.
Abolish Electoral College S.J.Res.1
49 4
Election Reform
Hatfield, Mark O.; Bayh, Birch; Larson, Reed; Cannon, Howard W.
Political Action Committees Contributions; Direct Election of The President; District of Columbia-Voting Rights; Public Financing of Congressional Elections; S.871 Parking Fees Act of 1979; S.Res.127 To Maintain Number of Senate Employees; S.J.Re
49 5
Election Reform
Tate, S. Shepherd
Direct Election of The President
"It's Time The People Elected President!" In Senate, September 14, 1970
49 6
Election Reform
Political Action Committee Contributions; Railsback Amendment S.832
49 7
Emergency Medical Services In National Forests
H.R.10603/S.2714 Emergency Services In National Forest System
1975 November
49 8
Emergency Medical Services In National Forests
H.R.3559 Emergency Services In The National Forest System
49 9
Emissions Control
1974 February
49 10
Age Discrimination In Employment Act
49 11
Gravel, Mike; Haskell, Floyd K.; Pastore, John O.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Metcalf, Lee
Alaska Pipeline; Background Information Evaluating The National Energy Dilemma; Alaska Oil: Its Impact On The Puget Sound Region; Thermal Power Plant Siting In The Pacific Northwest; Twenty Questions On Electric Power: Loads and Resources In The Pacific
1973 January-April
49 12
Miller, Arnold; Abourezk, James S.
S.1599 Provide for Continued Sale of Gasoline To Independent Gasoline Retailers; S.1570 Emergency Allocation of Petroleum
1973 April-May
49 13
Pastore, John O.
Alaska Pipeline
1973 May-June
49 14
Fuel Shortage; Voluntary Crude Oil and Refinery Products Allocation Program
1973 June
49 15
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Haskell, Floyd K.; Abourezk, James S.; Amyx, Jay S.
Proposed Gasoline Tax Increase; Problems Obtaining Fuel By Small Independent Gas Stations and Farmers; S.-- Grant Rights-of-Way for Pipelines Under The Mineral Leasing Act; Phase Iv Regulations for Petroleum Dealers
1973 July-August
49 16
Cook, Marlow W.; Macnaughton, Alan A.; Moss, Frank E.
Alaska Oil Pipeline
1973 July-December
49 17
Fuel Shortage; Phase Iv Regulations for Retail Petroleum Sales; Fuel Allocation
1973 September-October
50 1
Dobler, Norma
Gas Tax Increase; Proposed Closing of Gas Stations On Sunday; 55 Mph Speed Limit
1973 November-December
50 2
Fuel Shortage; Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act S.1570; Energy Conservation; Proposal To Limit Operating Hours of Certain Retail Marketing Operations
1973 November-December
50 3
Fuel Use and Recreational Activities; S.2589
1973 December
50 3
Energy Crisis; Emergency Fuel Shortage Contingency Program; Arab Oil Embargo; Oil Depletion Allowance; Recycling and Conservation; Home Heating Defense Production Act; Space Program
1973 December
50 4
Energy Crisis; Proposal To Increase Taxes On Gasoline; Fuel Rationing; Oil Exports; Watergate; Public Transportation; Amtrak; Daylight Savings; Conservation
1973 December
50 5
Morton, Rogers C.B.; Spahr, Charles E.
U.S. Energy Fact Sheets By States and Regions; S.70 Energy Policy Act of 1973
50 6
1974 January
50 7
1974 January
50 8
Gas Saving Carburetor Ruled Illegal; Auto Pollution Control Devices; Fuel Efficiency; Gasoline Rationing Proposals; Proposed Gas Tax Increase
1974 January-February
50 9
Energy Crisis; Fuel Shortage; Fuel Rationing; Oil Company Profits and Regulations; Multinational Corporations; National Energy Emergency Act S.2589; Domestic Oil Exploration; Conservation; Alternative Energy Sources; Emission Control, Fuel Consumption;
1974 February-March
50 10
Cook, Marlow W.; Logan, Harry A., Jr.; Meany, George; Long, Russell B.; Hardy, George
Oil Industry; Windfall Profits Regulation; Multinational Corporations; Energy Crisis; Fuel Shortage; 55 Mph Speed Limit; Energy Transportation Security Act H.R.8193; Conservation; Oil and Gas Tax Act of 1974 H.R.14462; Alternative Energy Sources; Ener
1974 April-August
50 10
National Energy Research and Development Act S.1283; Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act
1974 April-August
50 11
Long, Russell B.; Love, W.H.
Energy Crisis; Fuel Shortage; Gas Tax; Oil Depletion Allowance Phase Out; Coal Slurry Pipeline S.2652; Multinational Corporations; Alternative Energy Sources; Natural Gas Price Deregulation; S.- Standby Energy Authorities Act; S.Res.45 Na
1974 September-November
50 12
Scott, Hugh; Schweiker, Richard S.; Hartke, Vance; Lyons, W.W.
Energy Crisis; Fuel Shortage; Deregulation of Natural Gas Prices Buckley Amendment; Conservation; Gasoline Tax; S.- Natural Gas for Essential Agricultural Purposes; S.- Natural Gas Production and Conservation Act of 1974; Standby Energy Emergency Author
1974 December
51 1
Friedersdorf, Max L.; Randolph, Jennings; Hall, Paul; Ford, Gerald R.
Energy Crisis; Fuel Shortage; Gasoline Tax; Sale of Energy Resources To Foreign Countries; Mutinational Corporations; Alternative Energy Sources; Conservation; President Ford's State of The Union Proposal On Energy; S.J.Res.-- National Energy Conse
"An Alternative To The Ford Administration Energy Program", In Senate, January 30, 1975
1975 January
51 1
S.J.Res.-- Oil Imports and Lifting of Price Controls On Domestic Oil; S.-- Interfuel Competition Act of 1975
1975 January
51 2
Ford, Gerald R.
Energy Independence Act of 1975 Omnibus Bill Porposed By President Ford
1975 January
51 3
Ford, Gerald R.
President Ford's State of The Union Energy Proposals; Multinational Corporations; Fuel Shortage; Gasoline Rationing; Gas Tax Increase; Energy Conservation
1975 February
51 4
Energy Crisis; Gasoline Rationing; Gasoline Tax; Proposal To Close Gas Stations On Sundays; $3.00 Import Tax On Foreign Oil; Automobile Excise Tax
1975 February
51 5
Proposed Sunday Closing of Gas Stations; Energy Crisis; Conservation
1975 February
51 6
Inouye, Daniel K.; Biddle, James; Moss, Ted; Randolph, Jennings; Ford, Gerald R.
Energy Crisis; Gas Rationing; Gas Tax Increase; Sunday Closing of Gas Stations; President Ford's Oil Tariff Proposal; Exempt Small Refiners From Entitlement Program; Energy Conservation; Alternative Energy Sources; H.R.2166 Residential Energy Conservatio
1975 March
51 7
Stevens, Ted
S.-- Repeal Income Tax Deduction On State Gas Taxes; Small Refiners Relief Exemption Act S.861; Emergency Allocation Act; Alternative Energy Sources; Gas Rationing Proposal; Increased Gas Tax Proposal
1975 March
51 8
Edwards, James B.; Matthews, Charles D.; Apodaga, Jerry
S.622 Standby Energy Authorities Act; Alternative Energy Sources; Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Development; Oil Depletion Allowance; Natural Gas Supplies and Prices
1975 April
51 9
Metcalf, Lee; Mansfield, Mike; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Hatfield, Mark O.
S.-- Encourage Electric Generating Utilities To Use Lowest Cost Fuels; Increase Federal Taxes On Gasoline; S.-- Nuclear Power Reappraisal Act of 1975
1975 May
51 10
Domenici, Pete V.
Proposed Increase In Gasoline Taxes; Proposed Tax On Automobiles By Weight Or Fuel Economy; Recycling Waste Used Oil; Automotive Fuel Economy and Research Development Act of 1975 S.1883
1975 June
51 11
Oil Price Decontrol; Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act S.844; Erda Authorization S.598; Clinch River Breeder Program; Energy Research and Development Administration
1975 July
51 11
Gravel, Mike; Tunney, John V.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Long, Russell B.; Hansen, Clifford P.
Alternative Energy Souces; S.2049 Conservation; S.1989 Negotiations With Oil Producing Countries; Domestic Energy Supplies H.R.7014; S.2122 Gasoline Rationing Act; S.692 Natural Gas Act 1975; Energy Supply Act of 1975 S.521; Energy Research and Developm
"The Erda Authorization Bill-S.598", In Senate, July 1975
1975 July
51 12
Mansfield, Mike; Higginson, R. Keith; Kendall, William T.
Deregulation of Natural Gas S.692; Alternative Energy Sources; Deregulation of Domestic Crude Oil S.2185; Increased Gas Prices; Energy Research and Development Administration
1975 August
51 13
Mansfield, Mike; Abourezk, James S.; Hart, Gary; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Hollings, Ernest F.; Rutledge, Gene P.; Pearson, James B.; Bentsen, Lloyd
Domestic Crude Oil; Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 S.1849; Vertical Divestiture of Major Oil Companies; S.2502 Electric Utility Regulatory Reform Act; Pearson-Bentsen Amendment S.2310 Emergency Natural Gas; S.-- Incentive Decontrol Program
1975 September-October
51 14
Domenici, Pete V.; Apodaga, Jerry; Mondale, Walter F.
Natural Gas Deregulation Bill S.2314; Kennedy-Hollings Natural Gas Deregulation S.2310; Hart Natural Gas Deregulation Bill; Alternative Energy Sources; Energy Conservation and Oil Policy Act of 1975 S.622; H.R.7727 Home Heating System Improvement Act of
1975 November-December
51 15
S.-- First Sale of Crude Oil From Stripper Wells Be Exempt From Price Controls; Coal Slurry Pipeline; S.-- Lifeline Rate Act of 1976
1976 January-February
52 1
S.3145 Energy Conservation Research and Development Act of 1976; Deregulation of Natural Gas Prices; S.3105 Appropriations To Energy Research and Development Administration Erda Authorization Bill
1976 March
52 2
Garn, Jake
S.-- Energy Savings Demonstration Act; S.3145 & S.2932 Energy Conservation Research and Development Act of 1976; S.3259-Energy Extension Service Act of 1976; Nuclear Power; Natural Gas; Oil; Church Position On Public Power; Oil Companies-Divestiture
"The Energy Savings Demonstration Act", Introduce In Senate, April 21, 1976 (?)
1976 April-May
52 3
Wickberg, Ralph W.; Pearson, James B.
Alternative Energy Sources; F.E.A. Proposal To Decontrol Price of Home Heating Oil, Diesel Fuel, and Other Middle Distillate Refined Petroleum Products; S.1864 Energy Information Act; S.2872 Federal Energy Administration Extension Act
1976 June
52 4
Domenici, Pete V.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Robbins, Paul H.
Divestiture of Major Oil Companies; S.2387 Petroleum Industry Competition Act of 1976; Decontrol of Middle Distillates; Energy Conservation Standards for New Buildings
1976 June
52 5
Divestiture of Major Oil Companies; Decontrol of Middle Distillates
1976 July
52 6
Hansen, Clifford P.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Leahy, Patrick J.
Divestiture of Major Oil Companies S.1287; Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act S.2035; Data On Consumer Expenditures for Energy
1976 July-August
52 7
Divestiture of Major Oil Companies; Decontrol of Military Jet Fuel
1976 September
52 8
Wickberg, Ralph W.
Divestiture of Major Oil Companies
1976 October-December
52 9
Leahy, Patrick J.; Bayh, Birch
S.-- Amend Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973; S.-- Rural Energy Offfice Act of 1977; Gasoline Decontrol; S.271 Natural Gas Emergency Act 1977; S.-- Authorize Federal Power Commission To Allocate Scarce Supplies of Natural Gas; Alternative Energy
1977 January
52 10
Tell, William K., Jr.
U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Revised, FY 1978, Budget To Congress; "Danger-Radioactive Waste", NBC Telecast, Nuclear Waste Managment; December 26, 1977
1977 February-March
52 11
Schmitt, Harrison; Wiesner, Jerome B.
S.J.Res.-- Establish A National Energy Policy; 25 Cent/Gallon Gas Tax To Reduce Consumption; Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor; S.--; Department of Energy Organization Act; S.-- Solar Air Rights Act of 1977
1977 March
52 12
Chase, Cyril C.
H.R.5862 Columbia Basin Energy Corporation Act of 1977; Excise Tax On New Luxury Cars; Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor; Alternative Energy Sources; Energy Conservation
1977 April
53 1
Carter, Jimmy
Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program; President Carter's Energy Plan
1977 April
53 2
Schlesinger, James R.; Carter, Jimmy
President Carter's Energy Conservation Program; Establish A Department of Energy S.826; Nuclear Power; Clinch River Breeder Reactor; Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program
1977 May
53 3
Carter, Jimmy
Clinch River Breeder Reactor; Plutonium Projects; President Carter's Energy Conservation Program; Nuclear Power
1977 May
53 4
Stevens, Ted; Metzenbaum, Howard M.
S.1623 Radioactive Waste Storage; Energy Research and Development Administration
1977 June
53 5
Breeder Reactor Development; Clinch River Breeder Reactor; Energy Research and Development Administration
1977 June
53 6
Carter, Jimmy
Clinch River Breeder Reactor; President Carter's Energy Conservation Program
1977 June-July
53 7
Carter, Jimmy
President Carter's National Energy Policy Act; Clinch River Breeder Reactor; Gas Tax Increase; Energy Taxes
1977 August
53 8
Crude Oil and Gasoline Tax Proposals; S.2057 Energy Conservation Policy; National Weatherization Program for Low-Income Americans; Electric Utility Rate Reform S.1469
"To Amend S.2057, The National Energy Conservation Policy Act, To Establish A Coordinated National Weatherization Program for Low-Income Americans" In Senate, September, 1977
1977 September
53 9
Metzenbaum, Howard M.
National Energy Policy Act; Electric Utility Rate Reform Proposal; Clinch River Breeder Reactor; Energy Ownership; Energy Conservation; Gasohol
1977 September
53 10
Evans, James H.; Carter, Jimmy
Carter Energy Plan
53 11
Gasoline and Crude Oil Prices; Alaskan Pipeline
1979 January-March
53 12
Moore, Carl C.
Gasoline Rationing Plan; Gasohol Motor Fuel Act of 1979; Alaskan Pipeline; Deregulation of Domestic Crude Oil Prices; Windfall Profits Tax
1979 April
53 13
Windfall Oil Profits/Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices; Gasohol Motor Fuel Act of 1979; Standby Gasoline Rationing Plan; Sale of Gasoline To Mexico
1979 May
53 14
Freeman, S. David
Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices; Energy Supply Act; Gasohol Motor Fuel Act of 1979 S.1308; Gasoline Rationing Plan
1979 June-July
54 1
Miller, C. Wendell; Johnston, J. Bennett; Harris, Patricia Roberts
Energy Supply Act; Gasohol Motor Fuel Act of 1979 S.1308; Gasoline Rationing Plan
"Gasoline Rationing: More Fudge" In Senate, September Or April, 1979
1979 August-September
54 2
Johnston, J. Bennett; Harris, Patricia Roberts
Energy Security Act S.932; Alternative Energy Sources
1979 October-December
54 3
Byrd, Robert C.
Hydrogen Gas As A Fuel Source; Windfall Profits Bill
Letter From Church To President Carter Re: "Impending National Economic Emergency" With "Specific Recommendations for A Change In Direction" April 4, 1980
1980 January-June
54 4
Ward, Conley, Jr.; Ford, Pat
Alternative Energy Sources; Gasohol; Geothermal; Solar; Energy Security Act S.932; Windfall Profit Tax Act
1980 July
54 5
Energy -- Coal
Energy Mobilization Board
1980 August-December
54 6
Energy -- Coal
Frizzell, Kent; Kleppe, Thomas S.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Falkie, Thomas V.
Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act S.391
54 7
Energy -- Coal
Heinz, H. John III; Kenefick, J.C.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.
Coal Usage-Boiler Conversion From Natural Gas To Coal; The Railroads, Coal and The National Energy Plan; Report: Water Problems and Slurry Pipelines
54 8
Energy -- Conservation
Duncan, John J.; Frisbee, Don
Position Paper: National Energy, By National Association of Electrical Distributors; Report: The View From Transportation, By Transportation Association of America; Energy Conservation
54 9
Energy -- Conservation
McCain, Warren E.; Whitlock, Bennett C.
Position Paper: Carter's Energy Program, By Women's National Democratic Club; Pamphlet: Energy Conservation Through Recycling; Pamphlet: Conservation In Trucking; Pamphlet: Increase Gas Mileage; Energy Conservation
54 10
Energy -- Fusion
54 11
Energy -- Gasohol
Bergland, Bob; Calvin, Melvin
Biomass Energy Institute, Gerton Anaerobic and Aerobic Alcohol Production Designs; Chemistry, Population, Resources-Fermentation and Hydrocarbons; Symposium On Utilization of Alternative Fuel for Transportation; "The Electric Car" From Today's Technology
54 12
Energy -- Gasohol
Bayh, Birch; Roe, Robert; Moore, Frank
Project Profile: Hesperia Gasohol; "Mother's Wood" From Mother Earth News; Feasibility Study: Fuel Ethanol Facility
"Growing Energy" Introduce In Senate S.750-Requiring Oil Companies To Produce and Market Gasohol, March 26, 1979
54 13
Energy -- Gasohol
Blumenfeld, Samuel L.
Report: Forest Biomass As An Energy Source; "Gasohol" By Samuel L. Blumenfeld; Pamphlet: Biomass-Solution To The Energy Crisis
54 14
Energy -- Gasohol
Bergland, Bob; Janss, William C.
A Guide for Applicants To Alcohol Fuels Development Programs; Idaho Falls Gasohol Conference, April 4, 1980
1980 January-October
55 1
Energy -- Geothermal
Geothermal Energy
Speeches:"Idahos Future-Geothermal Energy", No Date; Statement Before Energy Subcommittee-Geothermal Development, October 19, 1973; Floor Statement On The Geothermal Energy Act, No Date; Statement On The Raft River Proposal, September 1974
55 2
Energy -- Geothermal
S.- Geothermal Energy Act of 1973
Speech: Draft "Statement of Sen. Church On The Raft River Proposal", [August] 1974
55 3
Energy -- Geothermal
Geothermal Oregon Institute of Technology; Geothermal Energy Union Oil; Federal Geothermal Energy Program Western Institute Energy Board; H.R.14920 Geothermal Energy Research Development and Demonstration Act of 1974; H.R.- Geothermal Steam Act of 1970
55 4
Energy -- Hydroelectric
Eizenstat, Stuart E.; Norwood, Gus
Position Statement 1007: Northwest Public Power Assoc.; Map Idaho Power Dam Elevation On The Snake River; S.1007 Guarantee Electric Consumers In Pacific Northwest Priority On Hydropower; Hydroelectric Power
55 5
Energy -- Hydroelectric
55 6
Energy -- Idaho Projects
Archer, William; Bruce, James; Eardley, Richard R.
Preliminary Plan for Boise's Geothermal System; Boise's Energy Research Institutionalization of Low Temperature Geothermal Energy; Idaho Projects
55 7
Energy -- Natural Gas
Fannin, Paul J.; Tunney, John V.
S.2310 The Natural Gas Emergency Act of 1975; Amendments To S.2310
55 8
Energy -- Natural Gas
Pearson, James B.; Bentsen, Lloyd
Transportation of Alaskan Gas-Alcan Pipeline Project
55 9
Energy -- Natural Gas
Lederer, Raymond F.; Lenaghen, Robert; Mcmillian, John G.; Stevens, Ted
The Threat of The Natural Gas Shortage; Reports: The Impact of Projected Natural Gas Curtailment for Winter 1975-1976; The U.S.-Canadian Transit Pipeline Agreement; Lysyk Report On Alcan Pipeline Route; S.474 Presidents Emergency Natural Gas Act
55 10
Energy -- Natural Gas
Duncan, Charles; Newman, Paul; Carter, Jimmy
Deregulation; Natural Gas; Report: Redwater Coal Gasification Project Washington Natural Gas Co.
55 11
Energy -- Nuclear
Gravel, Mike
The Nuclear Debate; Eastern Idaho Nuclear Industry Council; National Reactor Testing Station Monitoring Program; Statement of Protest On Nuclear Storage; Waste Management At I.N.E.L.; Hanford Works; Nuclear Energy
55 12
Energy -- Nuclear
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Mondale, Walter F.; Davis, William E.
Govenor's Blue Ribbon Committee On Atomic Waste; Position Paper: "The Nuclear Debate"; Report: "Isolating High Level Radioactive Waste Atomic Energy Commission; Nuclear Energy
55 13
Energy -- Nuclear
Georgine, Robert A.; King, Llewellyn; Fraser, Malcolm
Nuclear Energy; Reports: Testimony of Llewellyn King-Editor of "Energy Magazine"; Energy In Japan; Civil Nuclear Power-Without Weapons Proliferation; "Australia's Urainium Decision"-P.M. Malcolm Fraser
56 1
Energy -- Nuclear
Tanabe, Toshihiko
56 2
Energy -- Nuclear
Reports: The President's Commission On The Accident At Three Mile Island; Why Not Thorium National Reserves Corp.; Nuclear Counter Balance; Waste Management At The I.N.E.L.; Injection of Nuclear Wastes Into The Snake River Aquifer
1979 March-December
56 3
Energy -- Nuclear
Conway, John T.; Hansen, Orval; McClure, James A.
Federal Storage of Spent Fuel; Spent Fuel Storage Requirements; Position Paper: I.N.E.L.-Idaho Trout Growers Assoc.; A Letter of Joint Memorial Urging The D.O.E. To Properly Manage Nuclear Wastes Idaho State House of Rep.; Analysis of Nuclear Waste Water
56 4
Energy -- Nuclear Waste Disposal
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Mondale, Walter F.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Schweiker, Richard S.
Report: The Influence of Liquid Waste Disposal On Geochemistry of Waste At The National Reactor Testing Station Idaho; Radioactive & Chemical Wastes National Reactor Testing Station; H.R.424 Management of Natural Resources; H.R.15323 and H.R.14408 Atomic
56 5
Energy -- Oil
Byrd, Robert C.; Evans, John V.; Morrison, Velma V.; Randolph, Jennings; Eizenstat, Stuart E.
Statement: Proposed Revision of S.1246, October 1979
56 6
Energy -- Oil
Eizenstat, Stuart E.; Laxalt, Paul
Oil; Fact Sheet On Church's Energy Program
56 7
Energy -- Oil Divestiture
56 8
Energy -- Oil Divestiture
Hartley, Fred L.
S.2387 The Petroleum Industry Competition Act
Speech: "Testimony Before The Subcommittee On Monopolies and Commercial Law of The House Committee On Judiciary", March 3, 1976
56 9
Energy -- Oil
Domenici, Pete V.
S.463 Encourage Use of Recycled Oils; S.551-Provide for The Recycling of Used Oil; H.R.4307 Regulations On Recycled Oil; S.1744 Resource Recycling and Conservation Act; H.R.6011, S.551; S.1482-See S.551; Oil-Recycled Waste; Recycled Waste
1975; 1977
56 10
Energy -- Solar
1975; 1980
56 11
McClure, James A.; Greenwalt, Lynn A.
Clean Air Act
1972; 1974-1975
56 12
Gravel, Mike; Hatfield, Mark O.; Scott, Hugh; Stevens, Ted
S.3149 The Toxic Substances Control Act; S.2833 Non-Returnable Containers; S.276 Beverage Container Reuse and Recycling Act of 1977; Toxic Substances Control Act; Questions Submitted To Presidential Candidates On Energy and The Environment; "All I
56 13
Baucus, Max; Cohen, William S.; Durkin, John A.; Hart, Gary; Hatfield, Mark O.; Heinz, H. John III; Leahy, Patrick J.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Stroup, Keith; Carter, Jimmy
Environmental Services Directory; Message To Congress From President Carter On The Environment; Beverage Container Deposit; Paraquat Controversy On Spraying Mexican Marijuana Fields; Acid Rain In Idaho; S.1754 Acid Rain
56 14
Carter, Jimmy; Durenberger, David; Heinz, H. John III
President Carter's Speech On The Environment; Minerals and National Security; American Mining Council
56 15
Environment -- Fluorocarbons
1975; 1977
Equal Rights Amendment - Finance
Church was an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. ERA documents before 1977 will be found in the Civil Rights files. The ERA files here reflect the volume of correspondence in 1977 and 1978 relating to the extension of time for ratification and the debate about the legality of rescission. Church felt fairness mandated allowing states to rescind an earlier ratification and was concerned about the Constitutional precedent that extension might set.
Box Folder
57 1
Equal Rights Amendment
1978 January-August
57 2
Equal Rights Amendment
1978 September
57 3
Equal Rights Amendment
1978 September
57 4
Equal Rights Amendment
H.J.Res.638 Extention of Deadline for Ratification of The Equal Rights Amendment
1978 September
57 5
Equal Rights Amendment
1978 October
57 6
Equal Rights Amendment
Garn, Jake; Black, Charles L., Jr.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Yale Law School; Equal Rights Amendment
"Extending The Deadline for Ratification of The Era", Senate, October 3, 1978; "Extention of The Deadline for Ratification of The Era", Senate, October 6, 1978
1978 October
57 7
Executive Reorganization
Muskie, Edmund S.; Roth, William V., Jr.
Executive Reorganization
57 8
Farm Parity
McGovern, George
57 9
Farmers Home Administration
S.1034 Agriculture Loans; S.709 Increasing Loan Amount; Water Supply System
57 10
Farmers Home Administration
Applicants for State Director of Farmers Home Administration
1966 January-October
57 11
Farmers Home Administration
Applicants for State Director of Farmers Home Administration
1966 November-December
57 12
Farmers Home Administration
Applicants for State Director of Farmers Home Administration
57 13
Farmers Home Administration
S.J.Res.168 Emergency Credit Revolving Fund
57 14
Federal Elections Commission
57 15
Federal Property Act Amendment
Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.1238 Federal Property Act; Surplus Personal Property Donations
57 16
Federation of American Scientists
57 17
Feed and Forage Act
57 18
Ellender, Allen J.
1963; 1979
57 19
Clark, Joseph S.
H.R.5805 Appropriations To Treasury and Post Office Departments Amendment; Government Expenses; Bankruptcy Laws
1957; 1959-1969
57 20
Finance -- Appropriations
Pastore, John O.; Javits, Jacob K.
57 21
Finance -- Banking
Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Fulbright, J.W.; Robertson, A. Willis; Douglas, Paul H.
S.3703 Frieda Herrmann; Federal Reserve Board
57 22
Finance -- Banking
Federal Reserve Act
57 23
Finance -- Banking
Sparkman, John J.; Burke, Carl P.
Banking; Bank Holding Act S.2353, S.2418, and H.R.7371; Bank Holding Company Bill H.R.6778
57 24
Finance -- Budget
McClellan, John L.
S.1585 Joint Committee On The Budget
58 1
Finance -- Budget
Day, Henry L.
Hoover Commission Recommendations; Spending
58 2
Finance -- Budget
Byrd, Harry F., Sr.
1959 January-March
58 3
Finance -- Budget
Hart, Philip A.; Batt, Philip E.
1959 April-June
58 4
Finance -- Budget
1959 June-December
58 5
Finance -- Budget
1960 January-May
58 6
Finance -- Budget
1960 April-December
58 7
Finance -- Budget
Swensen, Rulon
Schools; Farms; Foreign Nations; Housing; Welfare; National Debt; The Federal Budget; Spending
58 8
Finance -- Budget
Moore, Carl C.
Spending; National Debt
1963-1965; 1967
58 9
Finance -- Currency
Douglas, Paul H.; Robertson, A. Willis
H.R.5847 Internal Revenue Code of 1954; H.R.5777 Federal Credit Union; H.R.3674 Federal Credit Union Act
58 10
Finance -- Interest Rates - Credit
S.2755 Economic Stabilization; Interest Rates; Credit
Firearms - Frost, Robert
The issue of gun control was important to Idahoans throughout Church's tenure in the Senate and he consistently op posed legislation which would set unacceptable limits on firearms. This strong conservative stand was one of the reasons for his continued popularity with Idaho voters. Forestry files are especially strong on a 1977 Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill and the National Forest Management Act of 1976.
Box Folder
58 11
H.R.10893 Federal Pistol Registration Act; H.R.10478 Ffa Amendments; H.R.9809 Transportation and Shipment; H.R.10477 Pistols and Revolvers; H.R.9286 Transportation and Shipment; H.R.4029 Transfer Taxes; S.1150 Transfer Tax; Gun Control
58 12
1963 NRA Convention; Gun Control
Interview At NRA Convention, March 22, 1963
58 13
Dodd, Thomas J.
Dodd Bill; Response To John F. Kennedy's Death; Gun Control
58 14
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendments To The Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
58 15
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendments To The Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
58 16
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendments To The Federal Firearms Act; Cun Control
58 17
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendments To The Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
59 1
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To The Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 April
59 2
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 April
59 3
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 April And May
59 4
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 May
59 5
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 May
59 6
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
1965 May-June
59 7
Dodd, Thomas J.
S.1592 Dodd Amendment To Federal Firearms Act; Gun Control
59 8
Gun Control
59 9
Gun Control
59 10
Dodd, Thomas J.; Mondale, Walter F.
Gun Control
59 11
Gun Control
59 12
Gun Control
59 13
Gun Control
59 14
Gun Control
59 15
Gun Control
59 16
Gun Control
59 17
McGee, Gale
S.3417 Gun Control Act 0f 1968; Interstate Transport of Firearms
60 1
Kennedy, Edward M.
Gun Control
60 2
Gun Control
60 3
Gun Control
60 4
Gun Control
60 5
Gun Control
60 6
Gun Controls
"No On Federal Gun Control" March 13, 1974
60 7
Gun Control
60 8
Gun Control; Handgun Ammunition Ban
60 9
Gun Control; Handgun Ammunition Ban
60 10
Gun Control; Handgun Ammunition Ban
60 11
Gun Control; Handgun Ammunition Ban
60 12
Gun Control
60 13
Gun Control
60 14
Carter, Harlon B.
Project Identification: A Study of Handguns Used In Crimes; Gun Control
60 15
Gun Control
61 1
Gun Control
61 2
Gun Control
61 3
Gun Control
61 4
Fish and Wildlife Act of 1977 H.R.2329; S.- Internal Revenue Code of 1954; 22 Caliber Ammunition; Gun Control
"Repeal of Record Keeping Requirements...22 Caliber Ammunition" In Senate January 10, 1977
61 5
Cook, Philip J.; Nagin, Daniel
"Does The Weapon Matter?" By Philip J. Cook and Daniel Nagin; Gun Control
61 6
McEldowney, Tom D.
Gun Control
61 7
Knox, Neal
"Attitudes of The American Electorate Toward Gun Control 1978" By NRA; Firearms
61 8
Godley, Gene; Blumenthal, W. Michael; Davis, Rex D.
Gun Control
"Congress Must Respond To Regulation Run Amok" In Senate, June 27, 1978
61 9
Gun Controls
61 10
Gun Control
"Federal Handgun Controls Cannot Control Crime"
61 11
Miller, Jon; MacFarlane, Robert W.
National Forest Management Act of 1976; Forest Timber Sales; Wilderness and National Forest Lands
1977 January-July
61 12
Carter, Jimmy; Stevens, Ted; Miller, Jon; Moon, Marjorie Ruth
Cooperative Forest Resources Extension Program; Forest Timber Sales; National Forest Management Act of 1976; Redwood National Park
1977 August-December
61 13
Fery, John B.; Richards, W.T.; Evans, Brock
Timber Resources; National Forest Products Association Annual Meeting: Federal Forest Policy; US Forest Service Use of Herbacides; North Idaho Timber Lands
62 1
Madden, Richard B.
Appropriations for The Forest Service; Small Business Timber Set Aside Program; Proposed National Forest Investment Fund; S.1996 Logging Slash for Use As Fuel; Reforestation S.100 and H.R.1212
62 2
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Hansen, Clifford P.; Hatfield, Mark O.; McClure, James A.; Laxalt, Paul; Melcher, John; Deconcini, Dennis
Melcher Amendment To Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill; Justice Letter; Washington Post Article; Kerr-Talke Position Paper;
62 2
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Owens Paper; US Forest Service Bid Data; Church Statements At Hearings; S.1360 Committee On Timber Sales Proceedure
Speeches: Statement for The Record On 1977 Bid Data; S.1360 As Introduced/Introduce Sealed Bid Repealer Legislation; "Opening Statement", May 18, 1977-"Testimony", May 16, 1977
62 3
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Evans, Brock
Environmentalists; Senate Energy Committee Colloquy Cutler/Sims; Sealed Bids; Champion Court Case; Natural Resources Journal; Agriculture Committee Amendment
62 3
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Hall-Peterson Amendment; Court Decisions
62 4
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
McGuire, John R.; Hatfield, Mark O.; McClure James A.; Packwood, Bob
Joint Church-McClure Statements; Small Business; Energy Committee; Agriculture Committee
Speeches: "What S.1360 Will and Will Not Do", No Date; "National Forest Timber Sale Bidding Policy", September 12, 1977
62 4
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Kennedy, Edward M.
Agriculture Committee Floor Amendment H.R.6362; Dependent Communities; Church-Tower Colloquy; Church-Stevens Colloquy; Criminal Penalties; Justice Concerns
62 5
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Metcalf, Lee
Timber Sales
62 6
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
Forest Products; H.R.6362 Weaver Bill; Krebs Material
62 7
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
62 8
Forestry -- Forest Timber Sales Bidding Bill - Special File
62 9
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act - Special File
Clear Cutting; H.R.10364 Timber Sales From Forest Service Lands; Monongahela National Forest; Organic Act of 1897; National Forest Management Act S.3091
62 10
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act - Special File
Bumpers, Dale
Timber Bill Conference; S.3091 National Forest Management Act
62 11
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act - Special File
Road Sale Costs; Environmental Position Papers; Silviculturally Essential"
62 12
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act - Special File
Colloquy On Timber Harvest "Residual Materials"; Randolph Amendment; National Forest Management Act of 1976
63 1
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
Monongahela Decision
1976 February-March
63 2
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
S.292 National Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Act of 1974
Speeches:"Testimony Before Ag. Subcommittee On Environ., Soil Conservation, and Forestry-Interior Subcommittee On Environment and Land Resources-Joint Hearings On Legislation Concerning Forest Management Practices", March 22, 1976; Draft Statement On S.3
1976 February-August
63 3
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
S.3091, As Amended, April 29, 1976; S.3091 National Forest Mangement Act As Amended, April 29, 1976
1976 April
63 4
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
Stevens, Ted
S.3091 National Forest Management Act of 1976
1976 April-June
63 5
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
Industry Communications From Idaho
1976 April-July
63 6
Forestry -- National Forest Management Act of 1976
Committee On Agriculture and Forestry On S.3091 National Forest Management Act of 1976 As Amended, May 3-4, 1976
1976 May
63 7
Freshman Senator
63 8
Frost, Robert
S.Res.95 Extending Birthday Greetings of The Senate To Robert Frost
Governorship of Guam, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa - Health
Includes subject of Hawaiian statehood.
Box Folder
63 9
Govenorship of Guam, The Virgin Islands, and American Samoa
S.1752 Residence Requirement for Appointment As Governor of Guam, The Virgin Islands, Or American Samoa
63 10
Grange National Headquarters
General Services Administration Takeover of The Property and Building of The National Grange On Jackson Place, Washington DC; S.2740 Use of The National Grange Headquarters
63 11
Bennett, Wallace F.; Fallini, Joe T.; Kennedy, Robert F.
S.717 Grazing Rights; S.3174 Similar To S.717; H.R.1960 Jurisdiction of District Courts; S.20 Same As H.R.1960
Speech: "Introduction of S.717", January 31, 1961
63 12
Dodd, Thomas J.; Gruening, Ernest; Carver, John A., Jr; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Long, Edward V.; Keating, Kenneth B.; Hruska, Roman L.; Carroll, John A.; Kefauver, Estes; Day, Henry L.
S.- Grazing Appeals
63 13
63 14
H.R.10587 Range Conditions of Public Grazing Lands; H.R.10589 Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976; Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 S.2475
63 15
Hartke, Vance; Randolph, Jennings
Handicapped; Blind; Randolph-Sheppard Act for The Blind S.2506; Disability Insurance for The Blind; Rehabilitation for Older Blind Persons
63 16
Randolph, Jennings
Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 S.7; National Accreditation Council; Blind and Visually Handicapped; S.1058 Disability Insurance for The Blind; S.1218 Communication Act of 1934; Deaf
1973 January-May
63 17
Brock, William E.; Hartke, Vance
Randolph-Sheppard Act Amendments of 1973; Blind; Vocational Rehabilitation Act
1973 May-December
63 18
Hartke, Vance; Inouye, Daniel K.; Tunney, John V.; Adams, Andrew
Vocational Rehabilitation Act; Randolph-Sheppard Amendments
64 1
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
64 2
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
64 3
Small Business Administration Authorization and Disaster Loan Programs Act S.1442; Disability Insurance for The Blind
Speech: "Western Idaho Training Company", No Date
64 4
Randolph, Jennings; Bumpers, Dale; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
Rehabilitation and Developmental Disabilities Act S.2600
64 5
Funding for Rehabilitation Programs; Civil Rights Act Amendments for The Handicapped S.446; S.407 Congratulations To Participants In Olympic Winter Games for The Handicapped
64 6
Hawaii -- Statehood
Long, Oren E.; Murray, James E.; Thurston, Lorrin P.
S.50 Hawaiian Statehood
64 7
Hawaii -- Statehood
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Mink, Patsy T.; Mansfield, Mike; Green, Theodore Francis; Long, Oren E.
Hawaiian Statehood
Speech: [Hawaiian Statehood], No Date
64 8
Hawaii -- Statehood
Hawaiian Statehood; Alaskan Statehood
Speeches: "Alaskan and Hawaiian Statehood", March 3, 1958; "Statehood for Alaska-We Must Have It Now", May 5, 1958
64 9
Hawaii -- Statehood
Mink, Patsy T.; Murray, James E.; Burns, John A.; Jackson, Henry M.
Hawaiian Statehood; S.3054 Hawaii Omnibus Act; S.50 Admission To The State of Hawaii Into The Union
Speeches: "Statement On Hawaiian Statehood", January 14 and February 25, 1959
64 10
Gwynne, John W.; Parrish, Robert M.
Water Pollution Control; Hoxsey Treatment of Cancer
1957 February-April
64 11
Harriman, W. Averell
Rehabilitation Facilities for Mentally and/Or Physically Handicapped; Narcotics; Hoxsey Treatment for Cancer; S.2554 Warning Labels On Cigarettes
1957 May-December
64 12
Delaney Bill Chemical Additives To Food; H.R.7798 Fluoridation of Drinking Water; H.R.10046 Fluoridation of Drinking Water Supplies
64 13
Pyle, Howard
Water Pollution; Fluoridation of Drinking Water
64 14
Neuberger, Maurine B.
Cancer Prevention; Dental Health; Health Professions Educational Assistance Act; Vaccination Assistance Act
64 15
Mental Health; The Rockefeller Foundation 50th Anniversary
64 16
64 17
Mental Health; Warning Labels On Cigarettes; S.1676 Deptartment of State and Deptartment of Health and Welfare; U.S. Hunger
64 18
Jackson, Henry M.; Smylie, Robert E.
Mental Health; Paraplegic Rehabilitation; Establishing Kidney Centers; Vitamins and Food Supplements; S.3008 Public Health Services Act; S.3177 Kidney Diseases Act of 1967
64 19
Dominick, Peter H.; Nixon, Richard M.
Mental Health Legislation; Overpopulation Family Planning S.2108; Nixon Veto of H.E.W. Appropriation
1970 January-April
65 1
Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.
Mental Health; Population Control; Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Program; Legalized Abortions
1970 May-August
65 2
Yarborough, Ralph W.
Legalized Abortions; S.- National Cancer Authority
1970 September-December
65 3
Dominick, Peter H.
Conquest of Cancer Act S.34; National Health Insurance; Health Manpower Act of 1968 Extension
1971 January-May
65 4
Tower, John G.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Hart, Philip A.
Mental Health; National Health Insurance; Nurses Training Act of 1971 S.1747
1971 June-December
65 5
Dominick, Peter H.
Hill-Burton Hospital Program; National Health Insurance; S.- National Venereal Disease Prevention and Control Act
1972 January-May
65 6
Dominick, Peter H.
Hill-Burton Health Facilities Construction Act; National School Lunch Legislation; OSHA; S.3327 Health Maintenance Organizations
1972 June-December
65 7
Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Tower, John G.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Schweiker, Richard S.
National Health Act of 1973; S.4035 Kidney Transplant Act of 1972; S.17 National Diabetes Research and Education Act
1973 January-February
65 8
S.429 Children's Dental Health Act of 1973
1973 January-April
65 9
Andrus, Cecil D.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
National Health Insurance Program; Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Act; Health Care for Migrant Workers; Rural Health Care; U.S. Public Health Service Hospital
1973 March-April
65 10
Hartke, Vance; Hathaway, William D.; Tunney, John V.
National Community Health Act; Health Security Act S.3; Individual Retirement Benefit Act S.374; Work Related Respiration Diseases
1973 May
65 11
National Health Insurance Programs; Community Mental Health Centers Act; Regional Medical Programs
1973 June-August
65 12
Hartke, Vance; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Edward M.
National Health Insurance
1973 September-December
65 13
Dominick, Peter H.
National Health Insurance; Economic Stabilization Act Relating To Health Industry; Health Care for Migrants
1974 January-April
65 14
Burdick, Quentin N.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Regional Medical Programs; National Health Insurance; Health Services Act of 1974 S.3280
1974 May-July
66 1
Hartke, Vance; Kennedy, Edward M.; Javits, Jacob K.
National Health Insurance; Huntingtons Disease Assistance Act; Kennedy-Javits Health Manpower Bill S.3585; Community Mental Health Programs
1974 August-October
66 2
National Health Insurance; National Health Policy Planning and Resources Development Act S.2994; Arrest of 3 Boise Naturopaths; Vitamins and Food Supplement
1974 November-December
66 3
Kennedy, Edward M.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Nurses Training Act S.3586; National Health Insurance; Hill-Burton Hospital Construction Program
1975 January-February
66 4
Hart, Philip A.; Javits, Jacob K.
Malpractice Insurance; Health Services Act S.66 (Nurses Training Act); National Health Insurance; S.- Venereal Disease Prevention and Control Amendments of 1975; S.J.Res.39 National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
1975 March
66 5
Nurses Training Act Bartlett Amendment #86 Related To Funding for Abortions; Malpractice Insurance
1975 April
66 6
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Long, Russell B.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Proxmire, William; Schweiker, Richard S.
Vitamins and Food Supplements; Proxmire-Schweiker Bill S.548; National Health Insurance
1975 May-June
66 7
Andrus, Cecil D.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Health Manpower Act H.R.5546; National Health Insurance; Food Supplements; Lead Content In Paint; S.1905 Health Planning and Resources Development Act Amendments of 1975
1975 July-September
66 8
Andrus, Cecil D.
Health Manpower Act H.R.5546; Fluoridation of Water
1975 October-December
66 9
Health Manpower Act; Health Maintenance Organization; Emergency Medical Services
1976 January-February
66 10
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
Health Maintenance Organizations; Health Manpower Act H.R.5546; National Health Insurance; Black Lung Disease; Swine Flu Immunization
1976 March-May
66 11
Andrus, Cecil D.
National Health Insurance; Health Manpower Act H.R.5546
1976 June-December
66 12
Kennedy, Edward M.
National Health Insurance; Select Committee On Nutrition
1977 January-March
66 13
Hospital Cost Containment Act; Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
1977 April-May
67 1
Hospital Cost Containment Act; National Health Insurance; S.Res.26 War Against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
1977 June-July
67 2
Evans, John V.
National Health Insurance; Idaho Health Agencies
1977 August-December
67 3
Califano, Joseph A., Jr.
National Health Insurance; Hospital Cost Containment; H.R.1046 Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1978
1978 January-March
67 4
Long, Russell B.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Catastrophic Health Insurance and Medical Assistance Reform Act S.3105; Southeast Idaho Family Medical and Educational Services, Inc.; WAMI
1978 April-June
67 5
Califano, Joseph A., Jr.
Influenza Immunization; Hospital Cost Containment; National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974 S.2410; Health Maintenance Organization Amendments
1978 July-August
67 6
Hospital Cost Containment; National Health Insurance; Adolescent Pregnancy
1978 September-December
67 7
National Health Insurance; Nurses Training Act
1979 January-March
67 8
Evans, John V.; Stevens, Ted
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act S.590; National Health Insurance; Hospital Cost Containment S.570; Report: Health Planning
1979 April-May
67 9
Boren, David L.; Durenberger, David
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act S.590; Comprehensive Health Grants; National Health Insurance; Hospital Cost Containment
1979 June-July
67 10
Evans, John V.
National Health Insurance; Water Fluoridation; Hospital Cost Containment; Comprehensive Health Grants; Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1979; Federal Funding for Abortion; Report: Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979
1979 August-December
67 11
National Health Insurance; Hospital Cost Containment; Idaho Health Systems Agency; Federal Funding for Arthritis Research; Child Health Assistance Program S.1204; S.J.Res.132 National Medic Alert Week
1980 January-June
67 12
Abortion; Nurses Training Act; Child Health Assistance Program S.1204; National Health Insurance; National Health Services Corps
1980 July-October
Hells Canyon
Concerns legislation both to develop and preserve the canyon.
Box Folder
67 13
Hells Canyon Water Rights; Mt. Sheep and Pleasant Valley High Dams; 51333 Report No. 2275 Hells Canyon Dam; Compensation for Idaho Power In Case of Hells Canyon Construction S.555
Statement Before The Subcommittee On Irrigation and Reclamation On Behalf of The Proposed Hell's Canyon Dam, March 7, 1957; Statements At Democratic National Conference In San Francisco, February 16, 1957
67 14
Corker, Charles E.; Harding, S.T.
State of Arizona Vs. State of California Et Al In The Supreme Court of The U.S., October, 1956; State of Oregon Vs. Idaho Power Company In The Supreme Court of The State of Oregon; "The Constitutional Power of Congress On The Colorado River System" By Ch
68 1
Corker, Charles E.
Debate On Hells Canyon, Hungry Horse Dam and The Columbia River Power System; Water Rights Protection; S.555 Hells Canyon Dam; National Hells Canyon Association Vs Federal Power Commission
Draft of "Hell's Canyon, Hungry Horse Dam, and The Columbia River Power System"
68 1
"The Western Water Rights Settlement Bill of 1957" By Charles E. Corker
68 2
National Hells Canyon Association Vs Federal Power Commission; Idaho Power Co.; State of Oregon As Amicus Curiae In Support of The Petition for Issuance of The Writ
68 2
S.1333 Re Hells Canyon Dam; Agreement for Supply of Firm Power and Energy-Idaho Power Co. and Utah Power Co.; State of Arizona Vs. State of California In The Supreme Court of The U.S.
68 3
Morse, Wayne; Magnuson, Warren G.; Murray, James E.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Jackson, Henry M.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Aikele, Andreas
Hells Canyon Dam
68 4
Pfost, Gracie
Hells Canyon Dam
1957 February
68 5
Resolution of The Board of Directors of The Idaho State Reclamation Association Re S.555, H.R.5, H.R.2840, H.R.2866, and H.R.3848; Hells Canyon Dam
1957 March
68 6
Hells Canyon
Idaho Power Dams, A Statement, April 25, 1957
1957 April
68 7
Humphrey, George M.; Morse, Wayne
Hells Canyon; Utilities
Tax Write-Offs and Idaho Power, A Statement Made By Frank Church On The Senate Floor, May 1, 1957
1957 May
68 8
1957 May
68 9
Jackson, Henry M.; Sparkman, John J.; Langer, William K.; Johnston, Olin D.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Kerr, Robert S.; Clark, Joseph S.; Murray, James E.; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Morse, Wayne
Political Affairs; Natural Resources; Agriculture; Hells Canyon
"Idaho's Case for Hells Canyon Dam", June 19, 1957
1957 June
68 10
Cox, J. Ray, Jr.; Coad, Merwin Mc.
Agriculture; Soil Conservation; Political Affairs; Appropriations for Hoover Committee; Hells Canyon
1957 July 1-10
68 11
Douglas, Paul H.; Taylor, C.J.; Heath, Thomas; Kaufman, Sam; Brown, Edmund G., Sr.; Dworshak, Henry C.
Hells Canyon
Excerpts From Speech On Hells Canyon Dam Delivered On The Senate Floor, June 19, 1957
1957 July 11-31
68 12
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Clark, Joseph S.
Beverages; Atomic Energy; Hells Canyon
1957 August-December
68 13
Hells Canyon Bill S.555
68 14
Army Report 308; Public Works; Columbia River; Natural Resources; Hells Canyon
68 15
Hells Canyon Snake River National River Bill; Ten Year Moratorium On Dams On The Middle Snake River S.940
68 16
Hells Canyon Snake River National River Bill S.3329 and H.R.15455; Moratorium On Construction of Dams On The Middle Snake River
68 17
Packwood, Bob
Hells Canyon Snake River National River S.717; Moratorium S.488
69 1
Andrus, Cecil D.
State of Idaho, Senate Joint Memorial, Opposition To Seven Year Middle Snake River Moratorium; Hells Canyon Funds; Statement of Governor Cecil D. Andrus Before The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee On Interior; Summary of Alternatives for Management of
Statement of Senator Frank Church Before The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee On Interior
69 1
Proposal By The Hells Canyon Preservation Council Inc. To Create The Hells Canyon National Recreation Area
69 2
A Bill To Establish The Hells Canyon National Recreation Area In The States of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington S.2233
69 3
Andrus, Cecil D.; Reid, Rolland R.
S.2233 Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Statement of Governor Cecil D. Andrus On S.2233; Mineral Survey of The Seven Devils Mountains
1974 January-June
69 4
Pickle, J.J.; Jordan, Len B.
Hells Canyon; Jordan, Len B., Statement Before The Park and Recreation Subcommittee; Moratorium On Dams On The Middle Snake River
1974 July-December
69 5
Federal Government; Forest Service; Hells Canyon
1975 January-April
69 6
Hells Canyon
"Hells Canyon National Recreation Area", Before Senate, June 4, 1975
1975 May
69 7
1975 June-December
Heyburn Village - Immigration and naturalization
Box Folder
69 8
Heyburn Village -- Title to Streets
Bible, Alan
Title To Streets; Release The Right, Title, Or Interest, If Any, of The United States In Certain Streets In The Village of Heyburn, Idaho, and To Repeal The Reverter In Patent for Public Reserve S.2369, S.22, H.R.1087; Federal Government Interior Bureau
69 9
Highway Beautification
Nelson, Gaylord
Beautification of National Highways S.362; Billboard Control; Transportation
69 10
Hiking Trails
69 11
Treinen, Sylvester
Funds for Modernizing Hospitals S.3009; Health
69 12
Hours of Service
Bartlett, E.L.
Hours of Service Bill S.2180; Shortening Hours of Railroad Engineers S.2180; Labor; Railroads
69 13
Harriman, W. Averell
S.Res.44 Public and Private Housing; S.- Clear Title To Wilder Labor Camp
69 14
Federal Construction Contract Procedures Act H.R.7168; Housing Act of 1958 S.4035
69 15
Douglas, Paul H.; Meany, George; Clark, Joseph S.; Javits, Jacob K.; Proxmire, William
Housing Bill S.3529; Housing Act of 1959, A Report; S.57 Housing Act of 1959; S.57 Housing Act of 1959; S.194 College Housing
69 16
Sparkman, John J.
Capital Gains On Real Estate Sales; Report On International Housing Programs
69 17
Blackmon, Larry
Housing and Urban Development Act; Rent Subsidy Program
69 18
Gambrell, David H.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Chiles, Lawton; Cranston, Alan; Goodell, Charles E.; Javits, Jacob K.; Hart, Philip A.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Proxmire, William
Loans for Mobile Home Purchases; VA Financing for Mobile Homes; S.3285 Older Americans Housing Act of 1972; S.Con.Res.4 Model Cities Program; S.3685 Mortgage Credit
69 19
Brock, William E.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Cranston, Alan; McGovern, George; Proxmire, William
69 20
Sparkman, John J.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Eardley, Richard R.
Low-Cost Housing; Housing Crisis; Mobile Home Safety; Omnibus Housing Bill S.3066; Settlement Costs In Real Estate Transactions S.3164; Mortgage Credit Act; Model Cities Program
69 21
Brooke, Edward W.; Tunney, John V.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Hud "701" Funds; Middle Income Housing Bill
1975 January-May
70 1
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Proxmire, William
Emergency Housing Act of 1975; Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 S.1281
1975 June-December
70 2
Community Block Grant Program; Anti-Trust Improvements Act S.1284; S.3554 National Neighborhood Policy Act
70 3
Bumpers, Dale; Proxmire, William; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Sasser, Jim
Housing Sales; Energy Conservation Standards; Young Families Housing Act S.664; National Flood Insurance Program; Housing and Development Act of 1977 S.1523; S.1523 Community Reinvestment Act of 1977; S.1523 Indian and Alaska Native Housing and Community
70 4
Interstate Land Sales Act S.3084; S.2726 Housing Conservation Act of 1978
70 5
Evans, John V.; Stafford, Robert T.; Leahy, Patrick J.
Fair Housing Act Amendments; Rural Housing Programs; Mortgage Revenue Bonds H.R.3712
70 6
Evans, John V.
Housing and Community Development Act of 1980; Fair Housing Act Amendments H.R.5200; Builders, Lumber Prices
1980 January-June
70 7
Fair Housing Act Amendments; High Interest Rates
1980 July-October
70 8
Humane Treatment of Animals
Humane Treatment of Animals S.3088 and S.533; S.3570 Humane Treatment of Animals Used for Tests and Experiments
70 9
Humane Treatment of Animals
Javits, Jacob K.; Tydings, Joseph D.
Interstate Traffic of Animals of Endangered Species; Clark-Cleveland Bill S.1071; "Dog Napping" Story From "Life" Magazine; Laboratory Animals Welfare Act
70 10
Immigration and Naturalization
Evans, John V.
Adoption of Hungarian Orphans; Non-Quota Immigrant Visas for Orphans S.866; Basque Sheepherders; Hungarian Refugees; Greek Immigration Quotas
1957 January-May
70 11
Immigration and Naturalization
Change In Immigration Law S.2410; Non-Quota Immigration Visas for Orphans; Eusebid Asla Pinuaga S.2648; Basque Sheepherders; Fabian Families
1957 June-November
70 12
Immigration and Naturalization
70 13
Immigration and Naturalization
Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.; Eastland, James O.
Basque Sheepherders
1958 January-April
71 1
Immigration and Naturalization
1959 January-May
71 2
Immigration and Naturalization
S.1996 Immigration and Naturality Act
1959 June-December
71 3
Immigration and Naturalization
71 4
Immigration and Naturalization
Theophilus, D.R.; Eastland, James O.; Bilyeu, Charles E.
Speeches: "Introduction of S.805", No Date; "Introduction of S.1915", No Date
71 5
Immigration and Naturalization
Javits, Jacob K.; Keating, Kenneth B.
Alien Orphans Adoption Law
71 6
Immigration and Naturalization
Dworshak, Henry C.
Changing Immigration Laws
71 7
Immigration and Naturalization
Cuban Refugee Program
71 8
Immigration and Naturalization
Kennedy, Edward M.; Fong, Hiram L.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Illegal Aliens; Report: From Judiciary Committee; S.1899 Nonvisa Visitor Act of 1970; S.2531 Alien Employment Certification Act of 1975; S.1928 Alien Employment Act; H.R.981 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1975; H.R.982 Amend The Immig
71 9
Immigration and Naturalization
Harris, Fred R.; Davis, William E.; Rodino, Peter W., Jr.; Eastland, James O.; Kennedy, Edward M.
Basque Sheepherders S.3969
Speech: "Introduction of S.3969", No Date
71 10
Immigration and Naturalization
Illegal Aliens; S.158 Immigration and Nationality Act
71 11
Immigration and Naturalization
Kennedy, Edward M.
71 12
Immigration and Naturalization
Mcintyre, James T.; Kennedy, Edward M.
Cuban Refugees
General and by tribe and reservation.
Box Folder
71 13
Langer, William K.; Smylie, Robert E.; Whitman, Carl, Jr.; Garry, Joseph R.; Hart, John B.
S.331 Offenses On Reservations; S.Con.Res.3 Raising Standards of Living for Indians; S.809 Provide Economic Assistance To Indians; Jewel Bearing Plant-Rolla, N.D.
71 14
Garry, Joseph R.; Halfmoon, Richard A.; Slickpoo, Allen P.; Greenwood, W. Barton; Engelking, D.F.; Smylie, Robert E.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Neuberger, Richard L.
S.851 Indian's Water Rights; H.R.5424 Indian Lands and Heirship; Coeur d'Alene Judgement Funds; Indian Affairs
72 1
Milligan, Edward A.
White House Conference On Children and Youth March 27-April 1; S.2156 Exchange of Lands Between U.S. and Navajo Tribe
72 2
"American Indians On Reservations In The U.S." 1961; Program and Proceedings-First Annual Conference for Tribal Judges, March 2-6, 1959
1959; 1961
72 3
Milligan, Edward A.; Slickpoo, Allen P.; Whiteman, Edward P.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Allott, Gordon; Goldwater, Barry M.; Gruening, Ernest; Carver, John A., Jr.; Garry, Joseph R.; Artichoker, John, Jr.
S.323 Salmon River Preservation; S.629 Indian Blood Rights; Duck Valley Reservation School Children; Lemhi County Medical Care To Transient Indians
1961 January-May
72 4
Udall, Stewart L.; Young, Milton R.; Keeler, W.W.; Gamble, James H.
Keeler Task Force On Indian Affairs June 12, 1961; Reprint of Original Account: Custer Massacre of The Bismarck Tribune
"The Indian Program On The New Frontier" Before The 18th Annual Convention of The National Congress of American Indians, Lewiston, Idaho
1961 June-December
72 5
Murrow, Edward R.; Cree, Francis
Crow Tribe Vs. U.S. Before Indian Claims Commission; S.2899 Indian Heirship Land Problems; Testimony On S.1392; S.Res.260 Constitutional Rights of The American Indian
72 6
Boyer, Edward; Kennedy, Robert F.; Jackson, Vernon; Holdridge, Herbert C.; Metcalf, Lee; Watkins, Arthur V.; Wilson, Angus A.; Slickpoo, Allen P.; Burnette, Robert
S.1594 Land Rights of Navajo Tribe and Ute Tribe In New Mexico; S.1169 Confederated Tribes, Colville Reservation; S.1442 Close Roll, Confederated Tribes, Colville Reservation; S.1718 Trade With Indians;
72 6
S.1885 U.S. Trust of Burial Grounds for Battle Mountain Colony; S.2027 Snake Or Paiute Indians of Former Malheur Reservation, Oregon; S.2111 Ownership of Colorado River Indian Reservation In Arizona and California; Judgement Funds To Kootenai Tribe Or B
72 7
Dominick, Peter H.
Report To Accompany H.R.17794 Kinzua Dam Project
72 8
Colville Termination Bill S.1413
72 9
Harris, Fred R.; Goldwater, Barry M.
H.R.12394 Purchase, Sale, Exchange Lands On Coeur d'Alene Reservation; S.3910 White House Conference On Indian Affairs
72 10
Halfmoon, Richard A.; Kennedy, Edward M.
S.1217 Title of Lands In Mahnomen and Becker Counties, Minn. To Chiippewa Tribe, White Earth Reservation; S.1230 Lands In Shawano County, Wisc. To Stockbridge-Munsee Reservation; The Effects of Termination On The Menominee S.Con.Res.26; S.2482 Indian Edu
72 11
Moffett, Walter L.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Proxmire, William; Harris, Fred R.; McGee, Gale; Nelson, Gaylord; McGovern, George; Jackson, Henry M.
S.2478 Payment of Lemhi Claim of Shoshone-Bannock Tribes At Fort Hall; Committee Policy On Distribution of Judgement Funds; Menominee Restoration; Nez Perce Judgement Payment, Public Law 87-24; Report On Fort Belnap Reservation Builders Activities
1972 January-May
72 12
Gover, Bill P.; Packwood, Bob; Halfmoon, Richard A.; Meeks, Raymond
S.3594 Klamath Indian Forests; S.2449 Inheritance Nez Perce Reservation; S.2478 Lemhi Judgement Funds To Shoshone-Bannock Fort Hall Tribe; Amend S.1357 To H.R.14370 Metcalf Amendment Revenue Sharing; H.R.11128 Navajo-Hopi Land Bill; H.R.10436 Inheritance
1972 June-December
72 13
Edmo, Jack; Jackson, Henry M.; Trice, Amelia; Gereau, Gerald
Memorandum: Wounded Knee Observations and Recommendations By Gerald Gereau; Memorandum: Major Issues At Wounded Knee; "Trail of Broken Treaties" Protest, Sit-In of Bia Headquarters, Washington, DC; Kootenai Land Bill S.634; Chemawa Indian School
1973 January-May
72 14
Whitaker, John C.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Abourezk, James S.; Martin, Phillip; Banks, Dennis J.; Gibson, Benson; Chino, Wendell; Begay, Eugene A.
H.R.5089 Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee Boudary Dispute Act; H.R.11441 Headstart Fee Schedule; S.1786 National Indian Goals and Progress Act; Chemawa Indian School, Oregon; Indian Water Rights; S.1687 Menominee Restoration Act; S.634 Kootenai Land Bil
1973 June-December
72 15
Domenici, Pete V.; Trice, Amelia; Abourezk, James S.; Halfmoon, Richard A, ; Bible, Alan
S.634 Kootenai Land Bill Hearings, January 25, 1974; S.1017 Indian Self-Determination and Educational Reform Act; S.3552 Reacquisition of Jurisdiction By Indian Tribes Over Criminal and Civil Offenses; S.2938 Indian Health Care Improvement Act
1974 January-July
72 16
Thompson, Morris; Trice, Amelia
S.634 Kootenai Land Bill H.R.9105; Wounded Knee Trials; Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Preference Policy S.4070; S.1017 Indian Self Determination
1974 August-December
72 17
Wells, Merle W.; Halfmoon, Richard A.; Ourada, Patricia K.
S.522 Indian Health Care Improvement Act; The Indian In The 20th Century, Bsu, 1974-1975, Dr. P.K. Ourada, "The Boise Claim"
1975 January-March
73 1
Abourezk, James S.
Chemawa School and Facilities; S.522 Indian Health Care Improvement Act
1975 April-June
73 2
Trimble, Charles E.; Byrd, Robert C.; Halfmoon, Richard A.; Moffett, Walter L.; Sekaquaptewa, Abbot
American Indian Policy Review Commission; Indian Education; S.1328 State Jurisdiction Over Civil and Criminal Affairs In Tribal Areas; S.545 Wounded Knee Compensation; S.509 Retirement Benefits for Non-Indian Employees of Bureau of Indian Affairs
1975 July-December
73 3
Abourezk, James S.; Castro, Raul H.
American Indian Policy Review Commission-"Activities and Progress" and "Resolutions and Supportive Statements for Chemawa Indian School"
1976 January-March
73 4
Wells, Merle W.; Krenzke, Theodore; Kuykendall, Jerome K.; McConnell, A. Mitchell; Loder, Tom K.; Peters, Calvin J.; Skanen, Skip
S.509 Indian Employees In Bia; The American Indian School of Medicine; The Boise Claim Treaty of Fort Boise, 1864; Testimony of Shoshone-Bannock Tribes On Health Needs; "Toward Economic Development for Native American Communities"; "Federal Encroachment
1976 April
73 4
Indian Action Team Program; Chemawa School and Health Facility; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
1976 April
73 5
Slickpoo, Allen P.; Halfmoon, Richard A.; Stearns, Harold G.; Thompson, Elden
Nee-Me-Po (Nez Perce) Trail; Joseph Route; Chemewa School Closing; Appropriations for Indian Action Team Program; Progress Report, 1973-1976 Advocates for Indian Education, The Northwest Tribes; Annual Progress Report: Resource Development Project Cou
1976 May-July
73 6
Wheaton, John M.
Indian Education Act of 1972, Title Iv; "Numbers Games and Circuses and Shrinking of Niip" National Indian Youth Council
1976 August-December
73 7
Califano, Joseph A., Jr.; Evans, John V.; Abourezk, James S.
American Indian Policy Review Commission-Information Packet; Title Iv Indian Education Act; "Tribal National Park Plan" Coeur d'Alene Tribe; H.R.5701 and S.1216 Indian Claims Amendments; "Trail of Broken Promises: An Assessment of Hud's Indian Housing Pr
1977 January-May
73 7
S.522 Indian Health Care Improvement Act; S.- Indian Child Welfare Act of 1977; S.- Housing and Development Assistance for Indians and Native Alaskans
1977 January-May
73 8
Black, Michael S.; Scott, Wilfred A.; Skanen, Skip; Abourezk, James S.; Williams, C. Herb; Neubrech, Walt
Indian Treaties, American Nightmare By C. Herb Williams and Walt Neubrech; Chemawa Indian School Construction; S.Res.196 Commemorating The 100th Anniversary of The Nez Perce War of 1877; S.Res.- Select Committee On Indian Affairs A Permanent Committee
"Nez Perce War Commemorative Resolution" June 16, 1977
1977 June-December
73 9
Scanen, Hillary
Bureau of Indian Affairs Task Force; "National United Indian Action Program: Proposal for Fiscal 1979"; H.R.- Abrogation of All Treaties With American Indian Tribes; S.2502 Tribal/State Compact Act of 1978
1978 January-March
73 10
Lasarte, Bernard J.; Skanen, Skip; Felton, Warren; Scott, Wilfred A.
6, 300 Acre Coeur d'Alene Tribal Farm; Indian Action Team Program; Title Iv, Indian Education Act; S.2642 Blm/Nez Perce Land Transfer
1978 April-December
73 11
Byrd, Robert C.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Scott, Wilfred A.; Melcher, John; Hall, Robert T.; Cox, Claude A.
Fort Hall Indian School Construction; Proposed Mining Lease-J.R. Simplot Co. Fort Hall Reservation; S.1466 Distribution of Judgement Funds To Kansas and Idaho Delaware Tribes; "Resource Development Project: Annual Progress Report" Coeur d'Alene Tribe; H.
73 12
Byrd, Robert C.; Scott, Wilfred A.; Macdonald, Peter; Laxalt, Paul; Cannon, Howard W.; Paiva, James; Lasarte, Bernard J.
S.1466 Judgement Funds To Kansas and Idaho Delaware Tribes; S.2222 Extend Statute of Limitations for Filing Indian Claims Under 28 Usc 2415; S.2166 Native American Culture and Development Act; S.Res.448 Make Select Committee On Indian Affairs Permanent
73 13
Indians : Lapwai School District
S.998 Transfer of Lands To Lapwai School District; H.R.3995 Similar To S.998
73 14
Indians : Legislation
S.2945 Judgement Funds To Coeur d'Alene Tribe; S.2244 Federal Property Services Act To Promote The Welfare of Indians; S.2345 and S.2346 Transfer Submarginal Lands To Shoshone, Bannock, Ft. Hall Reservations; S.2379 Donate 11.25 Acres Federal Land In ID
73 14
Indians : Legislation
Halfmoon, Richard A.; Gruening, Ernest; Ernst, Roger; Murray, James E.
Coeur d'Alene; Shoshone; Bannock; Nez Perce; S.3683 Redevelopment Program On Indian Reservations; S.56 Provision of Sanitation Facilities and Services; S.Con.Res.12 Federal Responsibility Toward Indians; S.953 Economic Assistance To American Indians;
73 15
Indians : Legislation
Smylie, Robert E.
Title To Certain Lands Within Nez Perce Reservation, Idaho; S.2947 Land Transfer From Oregon Short Line Railroad Co. To Pocatello First Corp. of Mormon Church; S.3650 Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project
73 16
Indians : Legislation
S.3650 1960 Tribes-Shoshone, Bannock/Ft. Hall, Nez Perce; S.1294 Amend Act of June 30, 1948, Fort Hall Irrigation Project; S.1295 Authorize Use of Judgement Funds To Nez Perce Tribe; S.2298 Advisory Board On Indian Affairs
1961 #1
74 1
Indians : Legislation
Javits, Jacob K.; Campbell, Joseph; Miller, Jack; Shaw, James R.
S.J.Res.199 American Indian Day, 4th Friday In September; S.751 Indian Claims Commission Act; S.1392 Indian Heirship
1961 #2
74 2
Indians : Legislation
Bennett, Wallace F.; Burnette, Robert; Mckinnon, James E.
S.2899 Indian Heirship; S.3178 Loans To Finance Testimony of Expert Witnesses Before Indian Claims Commission; Indian Affairs; Subcommittee On Indian Affairs
74 3
Indians : Legislation
Dominick, Peter H.
S.50 Loans To Finance Testimony of Expert Witnesses Before Indian Claims Commission; S.J.Res.84 American Indian Day; S.1049 Indian Heirship
74 4
Indians : Legislation
Andrus, Cecil D.
H.R.14417 Tribal Land Consolidation; H.R.8773 Indian Education
74 5
Indian Tribes -- Coeur d'Alene
George, Oswald C.; Garry, Joseph R.; Nash, Philleo; Garry, Ignace H.; Antelope, William M.
Petition To Amend The Coeur d'Alene Tribal Constitution
1958-1965; 1979
74 6
Indian Tribes -- Idaho, Delaware and Navajo
Melcher, John
S.3251, S.2155, S.1466 Distribution of Judgement Fund To The Delaware Tribe; S.1534 Sale of Lands Along The Snake River, Idaho; S.1635 Idaho Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Act
1965; 1976; 1978-1980
74 7
Indian Tribes -- Nez Perce
Neuberger, Richard L.; Nechtner, Howard D.; Greene, Jesse; Halfmoon, Richard A.
Nez Perce Hunting and Fishing Rights
74 8
Indian Tribes -- Nez Perce
Wilson, Angus A.; Wagner, Carruth J.
H.R.11699 Use of Lands, Nez Perce County, Idaho, for Educational Purposes; S.2642 Nez Perce Land Transfer Bill
1963-1965; 1978-1979
74 9
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Duck Valley
1975; 1978-1979
74 10
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Parker, Frank W.; Zimmerman, William, Jr.
Treaty Between United States and Eastern Band of Shoshone and Bannock Indians 1868; Closing of Livestock Trail Across Reservation; S.1717 Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction; Zimmerman, William, Jr., "The Fort Hall Story-An Interpretation"
1957; 1959 January-June
74 11
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Bennett, Elmer F.; Engelking, D.F.; Boyer, Edward
School Attendance; Fort Hall Irrigation Project
1959 July-December
74 12
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Leonard, Ross
S.-- Conflict Between State of Idaho and Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall Tribes Regarding Unrestricted Rights To Hunt and Fish
74 13
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Thorpe, Joseph, Jr.; Boyer, Edward; Cosgrove, Kenneth; Littlejohn, Layton, L.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Laidlaw, Sally Jean
Laidlaw, Sally Jean, "Federal Indian Policy and The Fort Hall Indians"; Bia Banning of Indian Stick Game; S.3650 Fort Hall Indian Irrigation Project; Appointment of John A. Carver, Jr. As Asst. Sec. of The Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs
74 13
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
74 14
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Leonard, Ross; Crow, John O.
Hunting and Fishing Rights
74 15
Indian Tribes -- Shoshone, Bannock, Fort Hall
Boyer, Edward; Carver, John A., Jr.
Publication Concerning Tribal Operations: Resolutions, Ordinances, Petitions, Clippings, Constitution, and Bylaws
1962-1965; 1969; 1971
Inflation - Kaye, Danny
Includes insurance and judicial appointments.
Box Folder
74 16
74 17
74 18
Forand Bill H.4700
74 19
Insurance -- Aging - Loan Guarantees
Problems of Aging
74 20
Tydings, Joseph D.
S.3311 Crime Insurance Act of 1970; S.1754, H.R.11024 Credit Insurance
75 1
National No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance Act
75 2
Magnuson, Warren G.
75 3
Bayh, Birch
Critique of The Proposed National No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance Act; S.3598 Employee Pension and Welfare Benefit Plans
75 4
Symms, Steve
75 5
Baker, Howard H., Jr.
75 6
75 7
Moss, Frank E.; Evans, John V.
75 8
S.1587 Government Retirement Systems From Taxation; Product Liability
75 9
Pepper, Claude
75 10
Eccles, Marriner S.; Hatfield, Mark O, ; Long, Russell B.; Gollaher, Monroe; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Javits, Jacob K.
Report To Governor John V. Evans, Proposed Idaho Product Liability Reform Act; Report From Federal Trade Commission; Employee Retirement Income Security Act S.1076
75 11
Interstate Commerce Act
Magnuson, Warren G.; Summerfield, Arthur E.
S.995 Protection of Railroad Employees; S.1425 Same As S.995; S.2935 National Transportation System
75 12
Interstate Commerce Act
Magnuson, Warren G.
75 13
Lena Funding
75 14
Judicial Appointments
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.; Thurmond, Strom; Jeffrey, Mildred; Humphrey, Gordon J.; Laxalt, Paul
S.739 Venue In The District Courts and Courts of Appeals
75 15
Judicial Retirement
Humphrey, Hubert H.
H.R.985 Retirement At 75 for Chief Justices of Circuit and District Courts; Various Amendments To H.R.985 and Church Amendments
"Amend Chief Judges' Retirement Age To 70", In Senate, July 28, 1958
75 16
Juvenile Delinquency
S.2562 Strengthen Criminal Penalties for Mailing, Importing, Or Transporting Obscene Matter
75 17
Kaye, Danny
S.J.Res.97 Give Danny Kaye A Medal
Although the union men of the Idaho mines were not a large part of Church's constituency, as a Democrat he supported the union position on issues such as right-to-work, Taft-Hartley and Davis-Bacon act reform. The Labor files also include material relating to the railroad unions, the CETA program and unemployment in general.
Box Folder
75 18
Reuther, Walter P.
Labor; Trading With Enemies (This Is In Wrong Location)
75 19
Analysis of The Kennedy-Ives Bill; S.3974
1958 January-April
75 20
Wyle, Benjamin
Wyle, Benjamin, "The Unorganized Worker; Forgotten Man In Labor Relations"; Aclu-Statement of Kennedy-Ives Bill; American Airlines Strike
1958 April-December
75 21
Symington, Stuart
Senate Select Committee On Labor Management; S.1555 Labor Management Reporting Act
75 22
"Handbook of Women Workers", Department of Labor, 1958; "Manpower Reports", Department of Labor, 1958
76 1
Meany, George; Lens, Sidney
Steel Workers Legislative Program; Lens, Sidney, "The Mine-Mill Conspiracy Case"; Report of Air Carrier Labor Dispute; Conference On Economic Progress
1961 January-March
76 2
Franks, Maurice; Levine, Louis
Idaho Employment Security Agency Farm Labor Report; Changing Chracter of The Labor Force; Presidential Commission On Airline Labor; S.2134 Democratic Process Within The Labor Unions
1961 April-December
76 3
Kennedy, Robert F.
"The Competitive Challege of Steel", Iron and Steel Institute; Petition To The Subversive Activities Control Board-International Union of Mine, Smelter, and Mill Workers
76 4
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Resolution of Uaw 18th Constitutional Meeting; AFL-CIO "Labor Looks At The 87th Congress"
76 5
76 6
S.1781 Strike Breakers; H.R.8489 Civil Service Pensions; H.R.1153 Employers Contributions for Promotion of Products
76 7
76 8
Labor; Constitution of Plumbers and Pipe Fitters
76 9
Bennett, Wallace F.; Samuelson, Don
Copper Strike
76 10
Javits, Jacob K.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
H.R.453 Labor Court Act; American Enterprise Institute
76 11
Rustin, Bayard; Meany, George; Hartke, Vance
S.3526 Effective Transportation Services During National Emergencies; The Employment and Training Opportunity Act of 1970 S.3867/H.R.19519; The Hartke Amendment #967 S.2348
76 12
Harris, Fred R.; Bayh, Birch; Muskie, Edmund S.; Cook, Marlow W.; Javits, Jacob K.; Metcalf, Lee
National Economic Equity Act S.3876; Civil Service S.437/H.R.3661; S.- Amendment To The Walsh-Healey Act Allowing 4 Day Work Week; S. The National Productivity Act of 1971; S.4460 National Public Employees Relations Act
76 13
Andrus, Cecil D.; Hartke, Vance; Meany, George; Javits, Jacob K.; Taylor, George; Packwood, Bob; Brooks, Jack; Tower, John G.
Air West Strike; Transportation Strike Legislation; S.2592 Tariff and Trade Laws; Emergency Transportation; Benefit Security Act H.R.1269; Pension and Employee Benefit Act S.2; Sunshine Mine Disaster; AFL-CIO State Convention; Hospital Exemption To Natio
76 14
Inouye, Daniel K.; Tunney, John V.; Jackson, Henry M.
S.1566 Maritime Strikes; S.1861 Fair Labor Act; S.1238 & H.R.4726 Picketing; H.R.77; S.1423 Legal Services; S.2022 Flexible Hours Employment Act; Non-Profit Hospital Exemptions; S.1871 Expansion of Ycc; S.1559 Comprehensive Manpower Act; Idaho AFL-CIO Co
76 15
S.2643, H.R.8677 and 9730 National Park Labor Relations; Construction Industry Stability Board; Ceta Expansion; S.3451 Shepherd Wagons; S.3600 Wage Adjustment Act; H.R.8193 Energy, Transportation Security Act
76 16
"Americans Against Union Control of Government" By Jesse Helms; Department of Labor FY 1975 Planning Estimates
76 16
Helms, Jesse; Symms, Steve
S.1479 and S.20479 Construction Site Picketing; S.2712 Right To Work for Journalists; H.R.10130 Fair Labor Standards; H.R.8069 Employment Service Appropriations; H.R.502 Federal Employment Assistance; H.R.77 Public Employee Labor Relations; H.R.1587 Publ
76 17
Stanley, Scott, Jr.
S.2939 Opportunities Industrialization Act; S.50 Government As Employer of Last Resort; S.926 and H.R.3536; S.3201; Nfl Players Association; Labor & HEW Appropriations H.R.14232; H.R.10210
76 18
S.2239 Conscience Amendment; Coal Strike; H.R.3161 Federal Fire Fighter Hours; Masonite Strike; S.926 Minimum Wage
76 19
Dole, Robert; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hawkins, Augustus F.
General Contractor's Association; Ceta; S.50 and H.R.50 Humphrey/Hawkins Full Employment; H.R.4876 Economic Stimulus Act; Hatch Act; S.413 and H.R.3297 Overtime Pay; H.R.77 Labor Reform; H.R.314 and H.R.7388 Service Contract Act; S.1604 Illegal Aliens; H
76 20
Plebiscite Cards
76 21
S.300 and H.R.2060 Illinois Brick Bill
76 22
S.1693 Conscience Amendment
76 22
P.L.308 Fitzgerald Act; Apprenticeship; On The Job Training Contract Act; H.R.777 Labor Reform; S.2080 Public Buildings; S.1076 and S.625 Exclude Gravel Pits and Quarries From Coal Mine Safety Act; S.2823 Urban Jobs and Enterprise Zones; S.1076-Multi Em
76 23
Labor : Anti-Trust
Hoffa, Jimmy; Bridges, Harry
West Coast Maritime Strike; S.2573 McClellen Anti-Trust; Hoffa; Bridges
1961; 1962; 1966
76 24
Labor : Appalachian Development
Magnuson, Warren G.; Vegors, Stanley
S.15970 and H.R.8193 Cargo Preference Act; S.575 Appalachian Regional Development Act
1971 June-July
77 1
Labor : Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (Ceta)
Nichols, Glenn W.; Evans, John V.; Nelson, Gaylord; Chiles, Lawton; Bellmon, Henry
S.2570 Ceta Reauthorization; Youth Employment Initiatives Act; Bellmon/Chiles Reduction Amendments
77 2
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Secondary Boycott; Idaho Homebuilder's Association Membership Directory
1958-1961 January-March
77 3
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Holland, Spessard L.; Thompson, Frank, Jr.
H.R.2953 Thompson; H.R.6409 Holland; Legislative Research Service On Common Situs
77 4
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
H.R.10027 Sickles Bill; H.R.8282 52 Weeks Unemployment
77 5
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Mciary, James D.
Afl/Cio Statement; Industry Viewpoints, Business Week
77 6
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Christian Labor Association
1975 May-September
77 7
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.
Bumpers Amendment; Williams-Javits Amendment
1975 September-October
77 8
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
1975 November
77 9
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
1975 December
77 10
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
Usery, W.J.
Common Situs Picketing; Vetoes
77 11
Labor : Common Situs Picketing
77 12
Labor : Conscience Amendments
77 13
Labor : Davis-Bacon Act
Marshal, Ray
S.1319 Military Construction Authorization Act; S.224 Internal Revenue Regulations; S.1681 Cut Reporting; Jepsen Amendment; S.2080 Public Buildings Act; H.R.6041 Fringe Benefits; H.R.14370 Revenue Sharing; S.1570 Federal Construction
77 14
Labor : Emergency Employment Act
Johnston, J. Bennett; Hathaway, William D.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Macgregor, Clark; Knight, Gladys
S.1298 Public Service Employment Act, 1973; S.1560 and S.2263 Substitutes, Tower of Texas; H.R.4481 Emergency Employment Appropriations, 1975
77 15
Labor : Equal Rights - Women
77 16
Labor : Fannin Amendment - Farm Labor
Fannin, Paul J.
S.8 and H.R.4769 Agriculture Labor Relations Act; Farm Labor Contractor Act of 1963; S.2875 and S.2789 Migrant Housing; Boren Amendments
77 16
Labor : Fannin Amendment - Farm Labor
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Fannin Amendment, Union Dues for Political Purposes; Farm Labor, American Farm Bureau Federation; Share Croppers Fund, National Advisory Committee On Farm Labor; Department of Labor, Special Farm Labor Committee; National Farm Labor Users Conference
77 17
Labor : Federal Employees
King, Grace G.; Burdick, Quentin N.
Public Employees; Federal Employees; S.1322 Extend Federal Employee Compensation Act To Pay Chiropractic Treatments; H.R.9 Civil Service Retirement; S.1781 Federal Citizens Job Protection Act; Federal Salary Act
77 18
Labor : Foreign
Foreign Labor; Department of Labor Policies; Braceros Certification In Southwest Idaho; Public Law 68; Japanese Labor; Dept. of Agriculture, Daily Digest, August 24, 1960; H.R.12759 Mexican Farm Labor Bill; S.1945 Mexican Farm Labor Bill To Reform P.L.7
77 19
Labor : Foreign
Hughes, Nicholas
P.L.78-1963 Extension; House Agriculture Committee Report; Nyssa-Nampa Beet Growers Viewpoints; P.L.87692-Health Clinics; R.10440 War On Poverty; National Share Croppers Fund Report of Farm Workers Conditions; S.521 Education of Adults A
77 19
Labor : Foreign
S.524 National Advisory Council On Migratory Labor
77 20
Labor : Foreign
Chavez, Cesar; Muskie, Edmund S.; Bennet, Fay; Healy, Cletus S.J.
S.3545 Immigration and Nationality Act; State of Idaho, Department of Employment, "Idaho Farm Labor Report"; H.R.4011 Collective Bargaining for Farm Labor; S.763 Kuechel Amendment To S.1986; Share Croppers Fund, 1965 Report On Conditions O
77 21
Labor : Full Employment
Javits, Jacob K.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Job Development Act; Full Employment and Job Development Act of 1972, 1973, 1975; Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act of 1976; H.R.8053 Jobs Creation Act of 1975; S.50 Full Employment Act 1976, 1977
77 22
Labor : Hatch Act
78 1
Labor : Hawaii Commerce Bill
Fong, Hiram L.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Hawaii and US Pacific Island Commerce Act S.1566
78 2
Labor : Health and Labor
Health and Labor; S.3 National Health Security; S.4 Labor Pension Bill
78 3
Labor : Management Industry Promotion
Joint Labor; Management Industry Promotion S.1369
78 4
Labor : Manpower Development and Training Act of 1961
Stevens, Ted; Amyx, Jay S.
S.1991 Manpower Development Act of 1961; S.2346 Manpower Act of 1971; S.31 Public Service Employment Act
78 5
Labor : Minimum Wage
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, As Amended; "Forest Or Lumbering Operations Incident To Or In Conjunction With Farming Operations", Interpretive Bulletin
78 6
Labor : Minimum Wage
78 7
Labor : Minimum Wage
McNamara, Pat
S.1046 and H.R.4488 Minumum Wage; Afl/Cio Report; H.R.8305 Federal Credit Unions; 1940-1958 Idaho Population Growth and Personal Income Study
78 8
Labor : Minimum Wage
1960 January
78 9
Labor : Minimum Wage
1960 February-March
78 10
Labor : Minimum Wage
1960 April-July
78 11
Labor : Minimum Wage
S.1570 Fair Labor Act
1960 August-September
78 12
Labor : Minimum Wage
1961 January-April
78 13
Labor : Minimum Wage
1961 March 13-14
78 14
Labor : Minimum Wage
McBride, George; West, Harold; Hawkins, Earl; Kiser, Al; Walters, John G.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley
Minimum Wage; H.R.8260 and S.2486 Double Time for Overtime; Idaho Potato Processing Analysis; Labor Department Report On H.R.9824; Labor Department Report On Small Logging Operations; Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; H.R.10275 Retail Exemptions
78 15
Labor : Minimum Wage
Retail Exemptions; Agricultural Exemptions
1965 September-November
78 16
Labor : Minimum Wage
Davis-Bacon H.R.17596, H.R.13712, H.R.8282, H.R.15119, S.2671, S.2672, 3032; S.1991 Unemployment Compensation; Minimum Wage
1966 January-May
78 17
Labor : Minimum Wage
1966 June-October
78 18
Labor : Minimum Wage
1967; 1969; 1971
78 19
Labor : Minimum Wage
1972 February-June
78 20
Labor : Minimum Wage
1972 July-December
78 21
Labor : Minimum Wage
79 1
Labor : Minimum Wage
79 2
Labor : Minimum Wage
79 3
Labor : Minimum Wage
79 4
Labor : National Labor Relations Act
Dirksen Amendments; Norris-Laguerdia R.R. Labor Act
79 5
Labor : National Labor Relations Act
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
National Labor Relations Act S.3203, S.794, S.2292, H.R.13673, H.R.1236, H.R.7935, H.R.11357
79 6
Labor : National Labor Relations Act
Public Employees
79 7
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Samuelson, Don; Meany, George
OSHA; S.2193 Safe and Healthful Working Conditions; Federal Occupational Safety and Heath Act of 1968 S.2864/H.R.16783
79 8
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Curtis, Carl T.; Meany, George; Taylor, George; Beck, Carl
Small Business Exemption From OSHA H.R.12068; Select Committee On The Oversite of OSHA
79 9
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Dominick, Peter H.
Bill To Repeal OSHA H.R.7937
79 10
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Strang, Alan
Amendments To The OSHA Act S.1147 and S.1249
79 11
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Strong, Jack; Chiles, Lawton
OSHA Repeal Bill H.R.7437; John Birch Society; OSHA Legislation Summary; 1972 Occupational Accident Summary; Amendment To OSHA S.1147
79 12
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Abdnor, Jim
OSHA Reform; Policy and Administrative Revue Board; Florida Fruit Growers Et Al. Vs The Dept. of Labor; S.1147 OSHA Reform
79 13
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Chiles, Lawton
Noise Standards; OSHA Issue Brief From Library of Congress
79 14
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Thurmond, Strom; Laxalt, Paul; Taft, Robert, Jr.
Public Law 91-596 OSHA; On Site Consultation S.3182; S.- OSHA Reform Help Small Business With The Payment of Costs; OSHA Reform S.2871/H.R.4675
79 15
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Bingham, Eula; Dole, Robert; McClure, James A.
On Site Consultation; Farm and Small Business Exemptions S.179 and S.180; Repeal H.R.1348; Reform S.1177; Benzene Standards; OSHA
79 16
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Dole, Robert; Johnston, J. Bennett; Sanger, T. Daniel
OSHA; Barlow Vs Usery; Repeal H.R.7152; On Site Consultations; Cotton Dust; Performance
79 17
Labor : Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Bumpers, Dale; Schweiker, Richard S.
S.918 Exempt Farm and Small Business From OSHA; S.2153 OSHA Reform; Postal Workers H.R.826; Position Paper Re: S.1486, S.1472, S.2153, National Cattlemens Association
79 18
Labor : Organizations
Background for Coeur d'Alene Labor Movement; Mine-Mill Case Re: Subversive Activities Act of 1954; National Association for The Advancement of Colored People-International Ladies Garment Workers Union Conflicts; S.749 Exempt Unions From Taxes
79 19
Labor : Organizations
Greenspan, Alan; Percy, Charles H.; Hoffa, Jimmy
S.4505 Prohibit Food Stamps To Strikers; Wage Escalation In Construction; 1969 Chemical Workers Strike; Alliance for Labor Action; The Chicago Plan for Minority Employment; Transportation Trades Resolution On Conglomerates; S.575 Public Workers Accelerat
79 20
Labor : Organizations
Helms, Jesse; Debs, Eugene Victor; Howell, Henry E., Jr.; Woodcock, Leonard; Gorman, Patrick E.; Hoffa, Jimmy
Americans Against Union Control of Government; United Mine Workers Elections; 1974 Convention Resolutions of The International Woodworkers; Hughes Air West Strike; Human Resource Office Youth Conservation Control; S.Res.302 Committee To Investigate Jimm
79 21
Labor : Organizations
S.3595 National Labor Relations Act; S.1693 National Labor Relations Act; Minimum Wage; H.R.777 Public Employees Collective Bargaining
80 1
Labor : Organizations - Right to Work
80 2
Labor : Public Works
80 3
Labor : Railroads
S.2573 McClellan Bill; Presidential Commission On Railroads
80 4
Labor : Railroads
Meany, George; Schoene, Lester P.
"Why Labor Opposes Comulsory Arbitration" Excerpts From Testimony Before Senate Committee On Commerce
80 5
Labor : Railroads
80 6
Labor : Railroads
80 7
Labor : Railroads
Loomis, Daniel P.
West Coast Lumberman's Association Trade Mission To Europe; Promulgation of Revisions In Work Rules By Union Pacific Railroad; "The Featherbedding Impasse: Cooperation Vs. Non-Cooperation" By Daniel P. Loomis
80 8
Labor : Railroads
Railroad Labor Problems
80 9
Labor : Railroads
Loomis, Daniel P.
"The Feather Bedding Impasse: Cooperation Vs. Non-Cooperation" and "Management's Concessions In The Featherbedding Dispute: A Record of One-Way Bargaining" American Association of Railroads
80 10
Labor : Railroads
Magnuson, Warren G.
Hours of Service Act Amendments; Employees Pension-Spouses' Social Security H.R.3157
80 11
Labor : Railroads
80 12
Labor : Railroads
80 13
Labor : Railroads
80 14
Labor : Railroads
Allott, Gordon; Tydings, Joseph D.; Hartke, Vance
Report By The American Railroad Association; S.1938 Railroad Workers' Hours
80 15
Labor : Railroads
S.2004 Communications Act of 1934
80 16
Labor : Railroads
H.R.8449 Hours of Service; H.R.13300 Supplemental Pension
80 17
Labor : Railroads
H.R.8449 Hours of Service; H.R.13300 Supplemental Pension
80 18
Labor : Railroads
80 19
Labor : Railroads
80 20
Labor : Railroads
80 21
Labor : Railroads
Joint Resolution Providing for Extension of Section 10 of The Railroad Labor Act
80 22
Labor : Railroads
80 23
Labor : Railroads
80 24
Labor : Railroads
81 1
Labor : Railroads
81 2
Labor : Railroads
81 3
Labor : Railroads
81 4
Labor : Railroads
81 5
Labor : Railroads
81 6
Labor : Railroads
81 7
Labor : Railroads
81 8
Labor : Right to Work
Hartung, A.F.; Cadwallader, A.F.; Meany, George
H.J.Res.613 Constitutional Amendment To Make Former Presidents Members of The Senate; Common Situs Picketing; Secondary Boycott; Proton Accelerator; Names Appearing On Right To Work Committee
81 9
Labor : Right to Work
White, Compton I., Jr.; Day, Henry L.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Beirne, J.A.; Meany, George
H.R.77 Repeal Section 14b of Taft Hartley Act
1964 July-December
81 10
Labor : Right to Work
Curtis, Carl T.
1966 February
81 11
Labor : Right to Work
81 12
Labor : Steel Strike
S.Res.69 Steel Strike
81 13
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
81 14
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
1965 May-June
81 15
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
1965 August-October
81 16
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
81 17
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
81 18
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
1966 January-February
81 19
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b Repeal
81 20
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b
81 21
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b
81 22
Labor : Taft-Hartley
Taft Hartley 14b
82 1
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.
S.1631 Provide for Commission On Unemployment Problems; Labor Reform
82 2
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.
S.155 Amendments; Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959; S.748 Safeguards Against Improper Practices In Labor Organizations; Labor Reform
82 3
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.
Public Law-S.1555; Labor Reform
82 4
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Labor Reform; Report From Senate On Labor; Report From House of Representative On Labor
82 5
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.; McClellan, John L.
Labor Reform; S.1555 McClellan Bill
82 6
Labor : Reform - Landrum-Griffin Bill
Landrum, Phil M.; Griffin, Robert P.
Labor Reform; S.1555 Labor Organizations To Show Financial Statement; McCellan Bill; S.505 Union Organizations Financial Statement
82 7
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 8
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 9
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 10
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 11
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 12
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 13
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 14
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 15
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 16
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 17
Labor : Reform - S.1883
82 18
Labor : Reform - S.1883
83 1
Labor : Tower's Act S.3671
Tower, John G.; Smylie, Robert E.
83 2
Labor : Unemployment
McCarthy, Eugene J.
S.1631 Establishment of Commission On Unemployment; U.S. Department of Labor, Unemployment Insurance Claims
83 3
Labor : Unemployment
Bayh, Birch; Mondale, Walter F.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Cranston, Alan; Tower, John G.; Dominick, Peter H.; Montoya, Joseph H.; Percy, Charles H.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Garrett, H. Fred
83 4
Labor : Unemployment
Hartke, Vance
Report: Unemployment Insurance, Financing, and Benefit Costs
83 5
Labor : Unemployment
Heinz, H. John III; Schweiker, Richard S.
83 6
Labor : Unemployment
83 7
Labor : Welfare Fund
83 8
Labor : West Coast Dock Strike
Packwood, Bob
Transportation Crisis Act of 1972-Section By Section Analysis
83 9
Labor : West Coast Dock Strike
Timmons, William E.
83 10
Labor : Worker's Compensation
Report On The Future of State Worker's Compensation
83 11
Labor : Youth Employment
Legal - National parks and recreational areas
Also included are files on lumber, maritime industries, medical care, including Medicare, military and national parks and recreational areas.
Box Folder
84 1
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Clark, Chase A.; Jenner, William B.
Appellate Jurisdiction of The Supreme Court S.2646
84 2
Mansfield, Mike
H.R.3, S.3 "Curb The Court" Supreme Court of The US
84 3
H.J.R.534 Burnham Chemical Company; Standards of Conduct Act S.2374; H.R.12622 Court Power To Compel A Federal Officer To Perform His Duty
84 4
Keating, Kenneth B.; Kennedy, Robert F.
S.1658 Interstate Shipment of Gambling Devices; S.1268 Improved Administration; S.1564 Fugitive Felon Act; H.Res.698/S.1658; Public Defenders In District Courts; Prayer In Public School
84 5
Broyhill, Joel T.; Quinn, William F.; Smylie, Robert E.; Chaffee, Eugene B.
S.1086 Wiretapping; S.2813 Juke Box Piracy; H.R.6690 District Judge Representation On The Circuits; Prayer In Public Schools; New York Regents Prayer Case
84 6
Johnston, Olin D.
Judicial Reform S.R.61, S.R.267; Prayer In Public Schools; 11th Circuit Court S.1876; Supreme Court Decision On School Bible Reading
1963 January-July
84 7
Federal Public Defender Compensation; Public School Prayer; Citizen's Congressional Committee; Grazing Rights Appeals Venue S.717, H.R.1960; Reapportionment; S.1876 11th Curcuit Court of Appeal
1963 July-1964 December
84 8
Kennedy, Edward M.; Morrissey, Francis X.; Fortas, Abe; Capehart, Homer E.
S.610 Bench Salaries; Roscoe Pound Academy of Criminal Justice; S.J.R.1 Vice Presidential Vacancies; Prayer In School; Registration of U.S. Communist Party Members; Subversive Activities Control Act; Liberty Amendment; Morrissey Judicial Nomination; Rein
84 9
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Hruska, Roman L.; Spierer, Larry A.
Preliminary Report On Court Modernization In Idaho, Legislative Council Committee On Courts
84 10
Door, Thomas J.; Mcfadden, Joseph J.; Carmichael, Stokely; Shepard, Allan G.; Powell, Adam Clayton
Copyright Amendments; S.1033 National Court Assistance Act; Crime, Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965; Loyalty Oath; Executive Orders; Supreme Court; S.159 Judicial Administration; Capital Punishment
84 11
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Holland, Spessard L.; Tydings, Joseph D.
Soltar Case 1950 Subversive Activities Act; Judicial Appointments; Tort Claims Act; Electoral College Reform; H.R.2181 Burnham Chemical Company; Tydings Judicial Reform Act
84 12
Graham, J.F.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Buckley, James L.; Macintyre, Tom; Cook, Marlow W.; Mondale, Walter F.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Hooker, Robert E.
Judicial Appointments; J.F.Graham Versus J. Edgar Hoover; S.2039 Discipline of Attorneys; S.626 Copyright; El Paso Natural Gas Merger; Fund Impoundments; S.215 Constitutional Convention; Executive Order 11605 Subversive Activities Control Board; S.1653
84 12
Soveriegn Immunity; Quiet Title Bill; H.R.4299 Judge Advocates
84 13
Burdick, Quentin N.; Tunney, John V.; Cranston, Alan; Levi, Edward; Hansen, George V.; Hartke, Vance; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Judicial Appointments; S.408 Fair Trade; S.1136 Anti-Trust Funding; S.1362 Judge Advocates; S.2022- Riminal Loss Recovery Act; No Fault Insurance; Tort Claims Act; National Institute of Justice; S.644 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights; Bilingual Courts
1972-1975 July
84 14
H.R.4675, S.2871 Legal Fees for Successful Defendents of Government; Oklahoma Contested Senatorial Elections; "Full Faith and Credit", Child Snatching; S.1021 Runaway Youth Act, Delinquency Prevention Act; Death Sentence; Capital Punishment
84 14
Helms, Jesse; Griffin, Robert P.; Thurmond, Strom; Deconcini, Dennis; Abourezk, James S.; Laxalt, Paul; Lugar, Richard G.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Reuss, Henry S.; Stevens, John Paul; Mondale, Walter F.; McGovern, George; Scott, William L.; Carter, J
S.1001 Equal Access To The Courts Act; Financial Privacy Act; S.1874 Anti-Trust Legislation; S.3005 Citizen's Right To Stand In Federal Court Act of 1978; S.2266 Bankruptcy Reform; Lugar, Richard, "Omnibus Judgeship Bill"; Liability Ceilings; S.615 Smal
85 1
Legislative Reorganization Act
Schmitt, Harrison
Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970; Legislative Veto Amendment; Lewiston Bridge
1970; 1979-1980
85 2
S.Res.49 Library Week; Library Services and Construction Act; 29th Biennial Report of The Idaho State Library; "The Capital News" Gift To Idaho State Library
85 3
Javits, Jacob K.
Library Services and Construction Act S.3076, H.R.14050, S.2802; Boise College Designation As Depository; Pacific Northwest Library Association; S.1124 National Library Act
Statement To Subcommittee On Education Concerning College Library Funding, July 12, 1966; "Libraries: The Quiet National Resource" To Pacific Northwest Library Association, 69th Annual Conference
85 4
Lieu Lands
Dworshak, Henry C.
S.2055 Phosphate Rights; P.L.86596, H.R.9142, H.R.10102, S.3435, P.L.86786, and S.2959 State's Rights To Public Lands Subject To Mineral Leases Or Permits; S.3434 Public Lands In Alaska; P.L.85-771 and S.2517 Reports
85 5
Lieu Lands
Williams, Arnold
S.3205 Lieu Lands Bill; Idaho House Joint Memorial No.6; Public Land Statistics, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of Interior
85 6
Lieu Lands
Kleppe, Thomas S.; Payne, John B.; Evans, John V.; Ellsworth, James; Austin, H. Gregory
S.2055, S.3204, S.3205 Phosphate; The State of Utah Vs. Thomas S. Kleppe; Lieu Lands; Clear Lists; Phosphate Withdrawals; Idaho; Wyoming Vs. U.S., Supreme Court Decision Re Lieu Lands; Secretary of Interior Vs. New Mexico
1961-1963; 1974-1976
85 7
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
S.J. Res. 161 Final Report of Commission
85 8
S.2971 Registration of Lobbyists
85 9
Log Exports
Freeman, Orville L.; Montoya, Joseph M.; McGuire, John R.
Log Export Problems; Pacific Northwest Forest Industries; Exportation of Softwood Logs From Federal Lands
Statement At Log Export Hearing, July 19, 1968
85 10
85 11
85 12
West Coast Lumberman's Association; Recommendations of The Lumber Industry To The Secretary of Agriculture
85 13
Kreaner, H. Dewayne; Freeman, Orville L
Imports; West Coast Softwood Lumber Industry; S.3517 Lumber
85 14
Cliff, Edward P.
Tariff Commission; Forest Industries Yearbook, 1962
85 15
Freeman, Orville L.; Magnuson, Warren G.
86 1
86 2
86 3
S.2737 Use of American Flag Vessels; S.957 Tariff Act of 1930
86 4
Freeman, Orville L.; Mansfield, Mike; Metcalf, Lee
86 5
Freeman, Orville L.
86 6
86 7
86 8
Hodges, Luther H.
Lumber; Softwood Standards
86 9
Idaho Lumber Industry
86 10
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Special File On Hearings In Lewiston
86 11
Desilet, Phillip E.
Special File On Hearings In Lewiston; Testimony To Lumber Committee
86 12
Andrus, Cecil D.; Rettig, Edwin C.
Special File On Hearings In Lewiston; Testimony To Lumber Committee
86 13
Magnuson, Warren G.
Special File On Hearings In Lewiston; Testimony To Lumber Committee
86 14
Bonner County
86 15
Lumber Standards
86 16
Mail Seizure & Maritime Industry
Long, Edward V.; Morse, Wayne; Jackson, Henry M.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Kefauver, Estes; Door, Thomas J.
S.1597 Bureau of Submarines; Cargo Preference Act; S.1886 Opening of Mail By The IRS; S.1983 Liability In The Case of A Sea Disaster; Maritime Giveaway Scandal; Proportionment of Government Shipbuilding; S.2096 Pilotage
86 17
Maritime Fisheries
Fisheries Conservation Act of 1974 S.1988; Fisheries Conservation Act S.961/H.R.200; 200 Mile Territorial Limit; Law of The Sea; Ocean Law Treaty
86 18
Maritime Fisheries
Maw, Carlyle E.; Gravel, Mike; Kissinger, Henry A.; Levering, Samuel R.
International Commission for The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries; Law of The Sea; 200 Mi. Fishing Zone H.R.200; S.961 Emergency Marine Fisheries Act; Oceans and International Environment
86 19
Maritime Industries
Curran, Joseph
Maritime Industry; S.3192 The Consumer Communications Reform Act of 1976; Crisis In Sea Power
1968; 1976
86 20
Medical Care
Kennedy, John F.; McNamara, Pat; Bonn, Ernest J.; Cohen, Wilbur J.
Bill of Rights for Older Citizens; P.L.85-908 White House Conference On Aging; Retire Persons Medical Act; Social Security Admendments On Aging; "Financing Health Care for The Aged: The Role of Voluntary Insurance"
87 1
Medical Care
McNamara, Pat; Campbell, Rita R.; Campbell, W. Glenn; Corey, James B.
Social Security Bill H.R.12580; Health Insurance In The U.S.; "The Aged In Mental Hospitals"; Social Security Amendments of 1960; Problems of The Aged and The Aging
87 2
Medical Care
Aged and The Aging; H.R.4700 Social Security
1960 August
87 3
Medical Care
McNamara, Pat; Byrd, Robert C.
"Aging Americans: Their Views and Living Conditions"; 62 Year Old Retirement; Report: "Comparision of Current Health Insurance Proposals for Older Persons"; Report: "Health Needs of The Aged"; Report: "The Condition of Americans Nursing Homes"; S.404 Re
87 4
Medical Care
Aged and Aging In The United States
87 5
Medical Care
Javits, Jacob K.
AFL-CIO; Report: "Health Care Insurance for The Aged"
87 6
Medical Care
Aging; Social Security P.L.86-788
87 7
Medical Care
S.909/H.R.4222 Medicare
87 8
Medical Care
McNamara, Pat; Kerr, Robert S.
Health Proposals for Older Persons; Medicare S.909
87 9
Medical Care
H.R.4222 King/Anderson; Medicare S.909
87 10
Medical Care
Medicare S.909; State Finances and Medical Care Programs for The Aged
87 11
Medical Care
H.R.4222; State Finances and Medical Care Programs for The Aged; Special Staff On Aging; P.L. 86-778 1960 Social Security Amendments
87 12
Medical Care
Report: Performance of The States; H.R.4222
87 13
Medical Care
S.880 Social Security Hospital and Related Services; S.909; H.R.4222
88 1
Medical Care
Javits, Jacob K.
Federal Health Insurance for The Aged; Guaranteed Lifetime Health Insurance; Aging
88 2
Medical Care
Cohen, Wilbur J.
Aged; Aging; H.R.4222 Health Insurance Benefits Act of 1961; P.L.86-788 Kerr-Mills; Cohen, Wilbur, "Senior Citizens and How They Live"; Health Care Through Social Security
88 3
Medical Care
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Message of The President On S.880; Committee On Aging
88 4
Medical Schools
Faulkner, James M.
S.595 Medical School Grants, Student Loans, and Scholarships; H.R3140 Public Health Service Act; H.R.11631 Medical Schools; H.R.9096 V.A. Medical School Contracts; S.596 Public Health Service Act; H.R.3041; Opportunity for Medical Education In Idaho; Ida
88 5
Medical Care for The Elderly; Hospital Insurance Act of 1963; Aging; Social Security
88 6
H.R.11687 Social Security Amendments; Aging
1964 January-August
88 7
Social Security; Medicare; Aging
1964 August-December
88 8
Javits, Jacob K.; Kolouch, Fred T.
Medicare; H.R.3920 King-Anderson Medicare; H.R.3727 Eldercare; Aging; Social Security
88 9
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Ribicoff, Abraham
Eldercare H.R.3727; Medicare H.R.1; H.R.6675 Medicare; Health Insurance and Related Provisions of Public Law 89-97; Social Security Amendments of 1965; Aging
88 10
Optometry Amendment To Medicare Bill H.R.6675; Aging; Social Security
88 11
Smathers, George A.
Social Security; Aging
88 12
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
H.R.1 Medicare; H.R.3727 Eldercare; Social Security; Aging
88 13
Aging; Social Security
88 14
Dodd, Thomas J.; Hartke, Vance; Metcalf, Lee; Ribicoff, Abraham; Harris, Fred R.; Kennedy, Edward M.
Chiropractors; Osteopaths; Social Security; Aging
89 1
Murphy, George; Scott, Hugh; Carlova, John
Chiropractic Care; Medicare for Coal Miners; Carlova, John, National Health Insurance; H.R.17550 Social Security and Medicare Reform Act of 1970; Aging
89 2
Gurney, Edward J.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Cooper, John Sherman; Saxbe, William B.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Montoya, Joseph M.
American Nursing Home Association; Health Security Act of 1971; S.3333 Household Aid Under Medicare; Chiropractors; Optometrists; Social Security Prescription Drugs S.936; Aging
89 3
Hartke, Vance; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Canton, Sam; Montoya, Joseph M.; Mondale, Walter F.; Ribicoff, Abraham
H.R.3153 Lifetime Reserve and Company Insurance Rate; Petition of Commendation and Encouragement; S.631 Out-of-Hospital Medications; H.R.1 Rehabilitation; Optometrists; S.174 Drugs; Ribicoff Amendment To Include Medications; Aging; Social Secur
89 4
Bayh, Birch; Ribicoff, Abraham; Domenici, Pete V.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Talmadge, Herman E.
S.2958 Professional Standards Review Orgainizations; S.994 Kidney Transplant Act of 1973; Dominici Bill for Annual Check-Ups; S.1906 Nursing Differetial; S.3036 Chiropractic; Social Security; Aging
89 5
Inouye, Daniel K.; Stafford, Robert T.; Clark, Dick; Leahy, Patrick J.; Dole, Robert; Bumpers, Dale; Matsunaga, Spark M.
S.1008 Medicare; H.R.4444 Health Maintenance Organizations; S.489 Medicare Home Health Care Amendments of 1979; Optometrists; Community Mental Health Centers; Nursing Differential; Social Security; Aging
89 6
Social Security; Aging; Community Mental Health Centers
89 7
Symington, Stuart; Muskie, Edmund S.; Allott, Gordon; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Burns, John A.; Arnold, Elta M.
S.1381 Ozark Rivers National Monument; Freedom Memorial Act of 1960; Hennings, Thomas C., Proceedings At The Unvieling of The Portraits of Five Outstanding Senators; Cowboy Hall of Fame; S.2363 National Monument To Democracy; Pacific War Memorial USS Ari
89 8
Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Walter; Wilson, Woodrow; Bible, Alan; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
S.J.Res.51 Memorial To The Memory of Woodrow Wilson
89 9
State Memorials
89 10
Meteorology -- Metrics
89 11
Alsop, Joseph; Smylie, Robert E.; Small, Milton
Fort Sill; National Guard; Cottonwood Butte Radar Station; Surplus Sales; Pay Scales; Department of The Army, Reactivate The Congressional Training Unit; H.R.8240 Military Construction Bill
89 12
Farrel, Paul V.; Ammer, Dean S.; Hershey, Lewis B.; Morrison, H.W. Harry; Douglas, Paul H.
Cordiner Recommendations; Farrel, Paul V. and Dean S. Ammer, "The Truth About Military Buying; Bonners Ferry Armory; H.R.11470 Armed Forces Pay Bill; Boise High School Rotc; Reserve Reorganization
1957 September
89 13
Goldwater, Barry M.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Long, Russell B.
S.401 Retirement Recomputation; H.R.11318 Committee Reports
89 14
Morse, Wayne; Symington, Stuart; Russell, Richard B.; Moss, Frank E.
Boise High School Rotc; National Defense Cadet Corps
89 15
McGovern, George; Stone, Jeremy
H.R.14088 Hospitalization Insurance for Retired Personel; H.R.14622 Specialty Pay for Dentists; H.R.16646 Discharge Rehabilitation; Stone, Jeremy, "The Case Against Missile Defenses", Institute for Strategic Studies, London, April, 1968
89 16
S.2546 Troop Reductions and Limitations; Nelson-Goodell Amendments; Chemical and Biological Warfare; The F14 Billion Monument To The Past?
89 16
Pell, Claiborne; Hatfield, Mark O.; Hartke, Vance; Case, Clifford P.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Symington, Stuart; Mondale, Walter F.; Brooke, Edward W.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Cook, Marlow W.; Percy, Charles H.; Moss, Frank E.; Nelson, Gaylord
Hartke Amendments; Mondale-Case Amendment On Aircraft Carriers; ABM; Air Force Base Closures and Effectiveness; S.2546 Military Appropriations; S.2674 Special Pay for Lawyers In Services and Tax Exemptions During Service In Korea
89 17
Laird, Melvin D.; Fulbright, J.W.
Presidio Case, San Francisco; Pay Scales
90 1
McCarthy, Richard D.; Proxmire, William; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Hartke, Vance; McGovern, George; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Cooper, John Sherman; Hart, Philip A.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Cook, Marlow W.; Bayh, Birch; Eagleton, Thomas F.
Chemical and Biological Warfare; Military Sales Fund; University of Idaho, ABM Forum; Aircraft Carriers; S.2546 Military Procurement Authorization; Doubts About The F-14 At The Pentagon; Civilian Review Commission
90 2
Packwood, Bob; Elmindorf, Armin; Cranston, Alan; Bennett, Wallace F.; Gravel, Mike; Muskie, Edmund S.; Joiner, Truman; Miller, B.G.; Bellmon, Henry; Thurmond, Strom; Cooper, John Sherman; Bayh, Birch; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
Coast Guard Reserve; Military Use of Herbicides; S.3302 Defense Production Act of 1950; Sole Source Procurement Dd963's; S.4056 Fiscal Stabilization Act of 1970; Reserve Training for Members of Congress; Hart/Cooper Amendment; S.4191 Uniform Code of Mili
1970 January-August
90 3
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Muskie, Edmund S.
1970 August-December
90 4
Inouye, Daniel K.; Tower, John G.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Thurmond, Strom; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Melman, Seymour
S.1127 Military Justice; Judge Advocates Pay; S.377 Military Retirement Pay; S.325 Survivors Benefits; S.4191 Military Justice Act of 1970; H.R.6531 Military Pay and Allowance; S.2247 Discharge Procedures Act of 1971; S.Res.151 Nuclear Freeze; S.93
90 4
"Limits of Military Power for National Security, and The Path To Disarmament" By Seymour Melman
90 5
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
Retirement Compensation; Amnesty; S.3750 Martial Law Restriction; Military Housing
90 6
Gannon, E.J.
Amnesty Cards and Tally; Newsweek Gallup Poll; "Military Pay: The Proposed Salary System" By E.J. Gannon
90 7
Tunney, John V.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Tower, John G.; Hartke, Vance; Thurmond, Strom; Kennedy, Edward M.; Pell, Claiborne; Richardson, Elliot L.
S.330 Reserve Retirement; Amnesty; Army National Guard; Air National Guard; Reservists Committee To Stop The War Vs. Elliot Richardson; P.L.92-171, P.L.92-481, P.L.92-198; S.1548 Military Installation Closing Commission
1973 January-July
90 8
McClellan, John L.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Proxmire, William; Bentsen, Lloyd; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Hartke, Vance
Retirement Recomputation S.1336
1973 September-December
90 9
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Pell, Claiborne; Hartke, Vance
S.2832 Earned Immunity Act of 1974; Recomputation; S.1835 Srvicemen's Group Life for Weekend Warriors
90 10
Hart, Philip A.; Bayh, Birch; Thurmond, Strom; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Symington, Stuart; Dole, Robert
Recomputation of Retirement; Amnesty; Military Commissary Stores; Awacs Amendments; Military Procurement Ceiling; Naval Reserves
90 11
McGovern, George; Hartke, Vance; Stone, Richard; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
George Washington Peace Academy; Retirement; Idaho Nuclear Sportsmans Club; Commissaries; S.1745 McGovern/Mathias Military-Civilian Adjustment Act
90 12
Ford, Wendell H.; Proxmire, William; Scott, Hugh; Bumpers, Dale; Thurmond, Strom
Amnesty; H.R.12384 Military Procurement, Construction and Authorization; Commissaries; Unionization of Armed Forces; Congressional Amnesty Conference; Widow's Equity Bill H.R.1166 and S.2108
1976 January-August
90 13
1976 August-December
90 14
Bayh, Birch; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Thurmond, Strom; Proxmire, William; Ford, Wendell H.; Johnston, J. Bennett
Amnesty; Industrially Funded Personel; Pearl Harbor Survivors; Retirement-Annuities; Conflict of Interest; S.274 Military Unionization
1977 January-June
91 1
Chiles, Lawton; Stafford, Robert T.; Stevens, Ted
Nuetron Bombs; S.274 Unions and Military; H.R.7847 Reserves
1977 July-December
91 2
Feld, Bernard T.; McGovern, George; Morgan, Robert; Thurmond, Strom; Roth, William V., Jr.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.
S.2856 and S.623 Survivor's Benefits; M.X. Missile; Arms Control; Panama Canal Zone
91 3
Hollings, Ernest F.; Packwood, Bob; Domenici, Pete V.; Schmitt, Harrison; Thurmond, Strom; Heinz, H. John III; Hart, Gary; McCloskey, Paul N.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Tower, John G.; Bellmon, Henry; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Cochran, Thad
Retirement; Uranium Miner's Compensation Act of 1979; Military Manpower Study Act of 1979; Excess Profits; Civil Defense
91 4
Armstrong, William L.; Chiles, Lawton; Stone, Richard; Roth, William V., Jr.; Pryor, David
Recruiting; Military Pay Ceiling
91 5
Warner, John W.; Nunn, Sam; Pell, Claiborne; Humphrey, Gordon J.; Pressler, Larry; Bayh, Birch; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Thurmond, Strom; Deconcini, Dennis; Ackerman, Philip M.
Compensation; S.91 Survivor Benefits; Defense Appropriations
1980 January-August
91 6
Armstrong, William L.
Compensation; Retirement
1980 September-December
91 7
Military -- Guard and Reserves
Walsh, John E.; Bible, Alan; Byrd, Robert C.
Armory Construction In Idaho; Boise Schools Rotc; Guard Army and Air Technician Retirement; Accident Involving 25 Idaho Air National Guard Personel
91 8
Military -- Guard and Reserves
McGowan, D.W.
Annual Report Chief National Guard Bureau; 116th National Guard Location In Vietnam
91 9
Military -- Missiles
Friendly, Alfred; Jackson, Henry M.; Thurmond, Strom; Smylie, Robert E.; Alsop, Stewart
Polaris Fleet Ballistic Missile; Disarmament; "How Can We Catch Up" By Stewart Alsop, Saturday Evening Post, December 14, 1957
91 10
Military -- Missing In Action
Montgomery, G.V.; Thurmond, Strom; Hollings, Ernest F.
Missing Persons In Southeast Asia; H.R.2669, S.474, H.R.1638, and S.624 Status Changes for Mia's; S.Res.5 Presidential Council On Mia's; H.Res.81 Presidential Task Force; S.Res.48 and H.Res.131 Sense of The Senate and House That All Parties To Paris Agre
91 11
Military -- Pay and Allowances
Yarborough, Ralph W.
Cold War GI Bill; Pay; Allowances
91 12
Military -- Pay and Allowances
Inouye, Daniel K.
91 13
Military -- Space Communications
Kefauver, Estes; Yarborough, Ralph W.
S.2890 Public Corporation for Our Communications Space Satellite System; Communications Satellite Authority Act
91 14
National Advisory Commission On Interstate Crime
91 15
National Advisory Council for International Medical Research
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hill, Lister
91 16
National Building Museum
91 17
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
The New Conservation" Idaho Parks and Recreation Convention, April 22, 1969
91 18
National Foundation On The Arts and Humanities
Bikel, Theodore
91 19
National Foundation On The Arts and Humanities
Brourman, Jacques; Moe, Henry Allen; Smylie, Robert E.; Hansberger, Robert V.; Stevens, Roger L.; Davis, William E.
1966 January-October
91 20
National Foundation On The Arts and Humanities
Stevens, Roger L.
1966 November-December
92 1
National Foundation On The Arts and Humanities
Hansberger, Robert V.; Moss, Frank E.; Stevens, Roger L.
92 2
National Housing Act
Foreign Lumber; S.782
92 3
National Parks & Recreation Act of 1978
92 Stat.3467
92 4
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Cape Cod National Seashore Park
92 5
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Channel Islands National Park
92 6
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- City of Rocks National Monument
McClure, James A.
1961; 1973-1974
92 7
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- City of Rocks National Monument
Jackson, Henry M.
92 8
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- City of Rocks National Monument
92 9
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
1959; 1965; 1976
92 10
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Lehman Caves, Wheeler Peak Area
S.3587 Establishing National Park In Wheeler Peak, Lehman Caves Area, Snake Range, Eastern Nevada
92 11
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Nez Perce National Park
Woodworth, John R.
Nez Perce National Historical Park
"Introduction of S.2326", To Create The Nez Perce National Historical Park; Church Statement Before Senate Public Lands Subcommittee On S.2326; "Idaho's Case for The Nez Perce National Historical Park", In Senate, September 2, 1964
92 12
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Nez Perce National Park
Jewett, George Frederick, Jr.; Woodworth, John R.; Bianco, Joseph; Baker, Howard W.
Nez Perce National Historical Park
Church Introduction of S.60, To Establish Nez Perce National Historical Park
92 13
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- O'Mahoney Lake Recreation Area
McGee, Gale
O'Mahoney Lake and Recreation Area
92 14
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Oregon Dunes National Seashore
92 15
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Ozark Rivers National Monument
92 16
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Redwood National Park
Kuchel, Thomas H.
1966; 1968; 1977-1978
92 17
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Saugus Iron Works
92 18
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
92 19
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Adams, W.E.; Frederickson, Don G.
1960 January
92 20
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Hoff, Theodore, Jr.; Cooper, Fred M.; Donahue, Dennis
1960 February
92 21
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
1960 February
92 22
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Day, Henry L.; Willock, Westerman
1960 February
92 23
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Cook, E.F.; Frederickson, Don G.
1960 March
92 24
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Sawtooth National Park Opinion Cards
1960 March
92 25
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Obee, D.J.; Amestoy, Art M.; Brower, David R.; McCourt, P.L.; Adkins, Earl J.; Ester, Lee
1960 April-May
93 1
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
S.3353 To Study The Advisability of Establishing A Sawtooth National Park
Church Statement Regarding Feasibility Study for Sawtooth Wilderness National Park
1960 January-September
93 2
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Wells, Merle W.
1960 May-September
93 3
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
1960 January-December
93 4
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
93 5
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Carver, John A., Jr.
93 6
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Jordan, Len B.
1963 January-July
93 7
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Raynolds, Kenneth B.; Smylie, Robert E.; Jordan, Len B.
Sawtooth National Park; S.2188 Establish A Sawtooth Wilderness National Park, Idaho
Church Statement At Forest Service Hearings On Proposed Sawtooth Wilderness Designation; Introduces S.2188-Establish A Sawtooth Wilderness National Park, Idaho
1963 August-September
93 8
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Shepard, Allan G.; Ester, Lee; Engelking, D.F.
1963 October-December
93 9
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Baker, Howard W.; Nelson, M.M.; Boardman, Walter S.; Scott, John A.
Sawtooth National Park; S.913 Establish Sawtooth Wilderness National Park
Church Introduction of S.913 To Establish Sawtooth Wilderness National Park
93 10
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Cliff, Edward P.
Sawtooth National Park
Introducing Two Bills In Senate: S.3294 Create A Sawtooth National Park, S.3295 To Establish A Sawtooth National Recreation Area, April 28, 1966
93 11
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
Jordan, Len B.
S.1407 Establish Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Mining Laws
Introduction of S.1267 Establish Sawtooth National Recreation Area, March 14, 1967; Introduction of Amendment To S.853 Sawtooth Recreation Area Bill, February 4, 1969
1967; 1969-1971
93 12
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sawtooth National Park
H.R.6957 Establish Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Mining Laws; S.791 Appropriations for Acquisitions Within Sawtooth National Recreation Area
Statement Before Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs On Sawtooth National Recreation Area Legislation, April 12, 1972
1972; 1975-1978
93 13
National Parks & Recreation Areas -- Sleeping Bear Dunes Lakeshore
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan
National Service Corps - No fault insurance
The bulk of these files pertain to natural resources and are a good illustration of Church's ability to find compromise and balance both the economic and the aesthetic interests of his constituents and the nation. While the minerals and mining legislation for Church's first three terms is almost exclusively pro-mining, his work at the same time to create national parks and forests and to preserve habitats for fish and wildlife led to his being named Conservationist of the Year in 1965. Water resources were an important Idaho issue and this material fills over two boxes. It shows Senator Church's concern for the people of Idaho and their water rights.
Box Folder
93 14
National Service Corps
93 15
National Trails
93 16
National Trails -- Continental Divide Trail
Andrus, Cecil D.
93 17
National Trails -- Desert, Lewis and Clark, Mormon Pioneer Trails
Andrus, Cecil D.
Desert Trail; Lewis and Clark Trail; Mormon Pioneer Trail
1963; 1976-1978
93 18
National Trails -- National Historic Trails
Zorinsky, Edward
H.R.6900 National Historic Trails Act of 1978; H.R.6900 Oregon Trail - Historic Trail Bill; Remarks By Bethine Church At The Nauvoo Monument To Women, Nauvoo, Illinois, June 27, 1978
Opening Statement On S.2974 National Historic Trails Within The National Trails System, July 24, 1978; Mormon Pioneer Day Statement, July 24, 1978; Statement At Parks and Recreation Subcommittee Historic Trails Hearings, May 1, 1978
93 19
National Trails -- National Historic Trails
S.2659 National Trails System; Oregon Trail; S.2664 Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Act of 1978; S.2705 Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail; S.929 Iditarod National Historic Trail
94 1
National Trails -- Nez Perce Trail
S.Res.196 Commemorating The 100th Anniversary of The Nez Perce War of 1877; Nez Perce Trail
Introduction of S.3273 Nee-Me-Poo Trail As A National Scenic Trail, April 8, 1976
94 2
National Trails -- Oregon Trail
94 3
Natural Disaster Act
O'Brien, Lawrence F.
94 4
Natural Resources
Kulp, Mark R.; Brown, Edmund G., Sr.; Ankeny, Marling J.; Crookham, George L., Jr.; Swift, Ernest
Water; Mining; Opening of Reclamation Sites To Mining
94 5
Natural Resources
Hardyn, Royce A.; Follis, R.G.
Water; Mining; Humane Trapping of Animials; S.3686 Public Works On Rivers and Harbors for Navigation and Flood Control; S.3458 Lands In Boise and Payette National Forests
94 6
Natural Resources
Clark, John; Douglas, Paul H.; Johnson, Frank E.; Randolph, Jennings; Byrd, Robert C.; Clark, Allen F., Jr.
Water; Mining; H.J.Res.534 Relief of The Burnham Chemical Company, A Nevada Corporation
94 7
Natural Resources
Randall, L.J.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Murray, James E.; Schwab, Charles E.; Seaton, Fred A.
Water; Mining; S.Res.162 Domestic Lead and Zinc Industries; S.2858 National Mines Preservation Act of 1960
1960 January-July
94 8
Natural Resources
Heath, Thomas; Chavez, Dennis; Moss, Frank E.
Water; Mining; S.474 Mineral Rights
1960 August-December
94 9
Natural Resources
Lyddan, R.H.; Curtis, Carl T.; Fumich, George, Jr.
Water; Mining; S.1279 Discovery of New Minerals
94 10
Natural Resources
Hartke, Vance; Scott, Hugh
Water; Mining; Conservation
94 11
Natural Resources
Woodworth, John R.
Water; Mining
94 12
Natural Resources
Water; Mining
94 13
Natural Resources
Moss, Frank E.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Stevens, Ted
Water; Mining; S.4050 U.S. Conservation Savings Bonds
94 14
Natural Resources
Muskie, Edmund S.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Salter, Robert L.; Jayne, Gerald A.
Environment; Environmental Protection; Pesticides; Pollution
94 15
Natural Resources
Thomas, Robert G.; Bly, Steven W.
Wilderness; Conservation; Environment; Federal Pesticide Control Act of 1972 H.R.10729
94 16
Natural Resources
Bly, Steven W.; McGovern, George; Hart, Philip A.; Jayne, Gerald A.; Tibbitts, Wayne E.; Taft, Robert, Jr.
Land and Water Conservation Fund; Environment; Idaho Primitive Areas; Wilderness; S.- Working Draft of Environmental Protection Act of 1973; S.1162 National Energy Resource Development Act of 1973
94 17
Natural Resources
Andrus, Cecil D.; Bly, Steven W.
S.J.Res. Earth Week; Land and Water Conservation Fund Monies S.3413; Non-Returnable Beverage Containers S.2062
94 18
Natural Resources
Symington, Stuart; Brock, William E.; Cole, Bert L.
H.Con.Res.316 Federal Offshore Oil Leases Off The California Coast
95 1
Natural Resources
Toxic Substances; Idaho Wilderness; Conservation; S.- Authorize Additional Appropriations for Lands Acquisition Within Sawtooth National Recreation Area
95 2
Natural Resources
Christiansen, Dale R.; Evans, John V.; Starr, Ernest E.
S.2303 Resources and Conservation Act of 1978; Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
95 3
Natural Resources
Purdy, Leonard N.; Cranston, Alan; Nunn, Sam; Stevens, Ted; Whalen, William J.
S.2270 Delaware River As Wild River and Scenic; S.2306 National Reserves System Act of 1977; S.- National Trails System Act; S.- National Park System
1978 January-March
95 4
Natural Resources
Thomas, Lowell, Jr.; Stevens, Ted; Hansen, Clifford P.; Byrne, Brendan T.; Hall, Paul
S.1829 Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Reserve, Louisiana; S.2821 Grant To Guam for The Construction of Public Facilities; S.2822 Bnikini Atoll, Trust Territory, Pacific Islands
1978 April 1st-19th
95 5
Natural Resources
Lands Resources Development Funding
1978 April 20th-30th
95 6
Natural Resources
Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike; Byrd, Robert C.; Cranston, Alan
S.2876 Developing Ceiling Increases
1978 May
95 7
Natural Resources
Durkin, John A.; Cranston, Alan; Simpkins, Talmage E.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Gravel, Mike; Stevens, Ted; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Laxalt, Paul
S.88 King Valley In Sequoia National Park
1978 June-July
95 8
Natural Resources
Andrus, Cecil D.; Purdy, Leonard N.; Laxalt, Paul; Stevens, Ted
1978 August
95 9
Natural Resources
Dees, Bowen C.; Cranston, Alan; Hayakawa, S.I.; Greenley, Joseph C.; Evans, John V.; Hall, Paul
Heyburn State Park; S.3207/H.R.13253 Benjamin Franklin National Memorial Assistance Act
1978 September
95 10
Natural Resources
Hunter, Celia; Carrier, W. Dean; Christiansen, Dale R.; Purdy, Leonard N.; Stahr, Elvis J.
Jackson Hole Scenic Area, Wyoming; St, Joe Wild and Scenic River S.3052; Blm Organic Act; Alaska National Interest Lands
1978 October-December
95 11
Natural Resources
Carter, Jimmy
Environment; S.Res.71 Department of Agriculture;
1974; 1977-1979
95 12
Natural Resources
Turnage, William A.; Laxalt, Paul; Cannon, Howard W.; Guerrero, Lorenzo I.; Manglona, Benjamin T.; Rasa, Oscar C.
S.490/H.R.1825 Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979; Rare II; Alaska National Interest Lands; Public Rangelands Improvement Act; Reorganization
1979 January-March
95 13
Natural Resources
Evans, John V.; Peterson, Russell W.; Green, Thomas J.
S.490 Archaeological Resources Act of 1979; Forest Service; National Park Snowmobile Policy
1979 April-June
95 14
Natural Resources
Byrd, Robert C.; Domenici, Pete V.; Bumpers, Dale; Anderson, Paul B.
Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 S.490; Tellico Dam Construction; S.- Range Improvement
Speech: "Snowmobiling", [Recreation Colloquy], [June 7, 1979]
1979 July-December
95 15
Natural Resources
Little, Walter E.; Wells, Merle W.; Green, Thomas J.; Melcher, John
Animal Damage Control Policy; National Heritage Policy Act S.1842; Historic Presevation Act of 1966
96 1
Natural Resources -- Evaluation for Land and Water Projects
96 2
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Leonard, Ross; Callison, Charles; Leffler, Ross; Swift, Ernest; Brower, David R.
Humane Methods of Trapping Animals and Birds S.2489; Arctic Wildlife
96 3
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Marr, J.T.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Murray, James E.; Leonard, Ross
S.1240 Migratory Fish and Game; S.2167 Humane Treatment; S.2566 Andromromous Fishes
1958-1961; 1974
96 4
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Leonard, Ross; Bartlett, E.L.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Woodworth, John R.
Waterfowl Wetlands Bill H.R.7391/S.2175; Golden Eagle Under The Bald Eagle Act S.105; Yellowstone National Park Elk Herds; H.R.9882 Hunting of Morning Doves
96 5
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Woodworth, John R.; Theophilus, D.R.; Hayden, Carl; Udall, Stewart L.; Bartlett, E.L.; Garrison, Lemuel A.; Hart, Philip A.
Kooskia/Clearwater Fish Hatchery Project; Yellowstone National Park Elk Herd Reductions; Jackrabbit Control Research Program
96 6
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Woodworth, John R.; Hayden, Carl; Hart, Philip A.; Moss, Frank E.; Yarborough, Ralph W.
Wild Animals for Commercial Purposes; S.- Fish Resources; S.335 Importation of Endangered Species
96 7
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Burdick, Quentin N.; Woodworth, John R.
S.1238 Donations of Surplus Personal Property; Predator Control Dingle Bill
96 8
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Nitrogen Supersaturation; Nitrogen Bubble Disease; Lower Granite Dam; Rabbit Drives
96 9
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Moss, Frank E.; Greenley, Joseph C.; Stevens, Ted
S.522 Fish Disease Control Act; S.961 Fisheries Management and Conservation Act; S.- Funds for Fish and Wildlife Mitigation At Teton Project, Idaho
96 10
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
S.Res.4 Committee System of The Senate; State Jurisdiction In Fish and Wildlife Issues S.2951; S.3212 National Fish and Wildlife Act; S.- Federal Aid In Non-Game Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
"The Issue of Wilderness Jurisdiction", January 1977
1977 January-May
96 11
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Stevens, Ted
Improvement of Fish and Wildlife Habitat With Funds From Sikes Act; International Whaling Commission "Zero Take" Decision Regarding Bowhead Whales
1977 June-December
96 12
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Endangered Species Act; S.Res. Marine Mammal Protection; Ban Importation of Products Obtained From Illegally Killed African Wildlife; Non-Game Fish and Wildlife Habitat Improvement H.R.10255/S.1140; Slaughter of Wild Horses By Federal Land Management Age
1978 January-June
96 13
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Scott, William L.; Stennis, John C.; Nelson, Gaylord; Greenley, Joseph C.
Endangered Species Act of 1978 S.2899; H.R.12919 Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976; Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council; Section 7 of Wild, Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971; Gospel-Hump Fish and Game Research Program; Fede
1978 July-December
96 14
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Greenley, Joseph C.
Report: "The Convention On The Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals"
1979 January-May
97 1
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Greenley, Joseph C.; Meiners, William R.
S.1667 Dworshak Elk Mitigation
Introduction: "Elk Mitigation At The Dworshak Dam", In Senate, June 3, 1979; Introduction: "Idaho Anadromous Fish Habitat Resoration Act", In Senate, June 2, 1979
1979 June-August
97 2
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Greenley, Joseph C.; Meiners, William R.; Clemm, Lester; Mclaughlin, Marguerite
Elk Mitigation Dworshak Dam S.1667; Use of Leg-Hold Traps On Animals; Enlargement of The Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area
1979 September-December
97 3
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
Salter, Robert L.; Meiners, William R.; Schwarz, Richard A.; Leroy, David H.; Conley, Jerry M.
Expansion of The Birds of Prey Along Snake River, Idaho; Humane Methods Act H.R.282; Research Modernization Act H.R.4805; Fish Restoration S.1631; Snake River Omitted Lands As Wildlife Habitat; Elk Range Mitigation At Dworshak Dam Project; Restoration of
1980 January-June
97 4
Natural Resources -- Fish and Wildlife
1980 July-December
97 5
Natural Resources -- Fuel
Scott, W. Kerr; Anderson, Clinton P.; Hansen, Victor R.; Randolph, Jennings; Byrd, Robert C.
Harris-O'hara Natural Gas Bill; Gasoline and Oil Price Increases; Gasoline Tax; Oil Depletion Allowance; National Fuels Study S.Res.73
97 6
Natural Resources -- Fuel
Byrd, Robert C.; Randolph, Jennings; Saltonstall, Leverett; Douglas, Paul H.
S.Res.73 National Fuels Study; Quotas On Risidual Oil; Right of Eminent Domain To Carriers of Coal By Pipeline S.3044; S.- Petroleum Distribution Act of 1963
97 7
Natural Resources -- Fuel
Cook, Marlow W.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Macfarlane, Robert W.; Pedersen, R.K.; Boyd, Howard; Magnuson, Warren G.; Tower, John G.
El Paso Natural Gas Co.; Pacific Northwest Pipeline Corporation; Oil Pipeline From The Alaskan North Slope To Valdez; S.1846 Coal Gasification Development Corporation; S.- Natural Gas Act; Oil Imports Quota Vs. Tariff System of Control
97 8
Natural Resources -- Fuel
Hall, Paul
National Fuels and Energy Policy; Crude Oil Supplies H.R.13324 and S.3404
97 9
Natural Resources -- Fuel - National Fuels Study
Randolph, Jennings; Dunn, Stephen F.
S.Res4 National Fuels Study; S.Res.105 Establish A Special Committee On A National Fuels Study
97 10
Natural Resources -- Land
Douglas, Paul H.; Little, Andrew D.; Simpson, Milward L.; Clyde, George
Grazing; S.3471 New Mexico Land Exchange; S.2517 Public Land Statutes; H.R.10223 Fort Knox Land; S.846 Inventory of Public Land; S.4028 Wilderness; Bureau of Reclamation;
97 10
Natural Resources -- Land
H.R.5538 Military Public Land Withdrawals; Carey Act; H.R.3378 Grazing Boards, H.R.527 Public Land Withdrawals, H.R.2771 and 2781 Soil Bank To Include Grazing Land; National Wildlife Federation
97 11
Natural Resources -- Land
Stewart L. Udall On Grazing Reform; Farm Bureau Statements On Grazing Fees; Central Idaho Range Rights Protective Association
97 11
Natural Resources -- Land
Rostvold, G.N.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Udall, Stewart L.
H.R.106 Rhodes; H.R.7157 Livestock Grazing; S.859 User Fees, Land and Water Conservation Fund; S.1709; Western States Land Commissioners Association; Anderson's In Lieu Lands Bill; S.2517, H.R.11127, P.L.85771, S.992 In Lieu Lands Bill; Grazing Fees; Min
97 12
Natural Resources -- Land
Ashe, Victor; Campbell, Jack M.; Gurney, Edward J.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Case, Clifford P.; Packwood, Bob; Jackson, Henry M.; McGovern, George; Gravel, Mike
S.447 New Mexico National Forest Boundaries; Federation of Rocky Mountain States; Alaska Native Claims; Alaska Federation of Natives; Junked Motor Vehicles; National Coastal and Estuarine Management; Alaskan Oil Pipeline; Geothermal Exploration and Development
97 12
Natural Resources -- Land
S.527 Land for Wildlife; S.632 National Land Use Policy; S.992
97 13
Natural Resources -- Land
Fannin, Paul J.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Borbridge, John, Jr.; Langford, George
Taylor Grazing Act; S.866 French Pete Creek; S.3792 Eastern Wilderness; H.R.7211 Mining; AFL-CIO; Federal Environmental Pesticides Act; S.527; S.1463 Public Land for Wildlife; S.216 Quiet Title Bill; Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska; S.2390 Upper Selw
1971 November
97 13
Natural Resources -- Land
S.992 Land Use Policy; Federation of Rocky Mountain States; H.R.14146 Coastal Zone Management; Omitted Lands
1971 November
98 1
Natural Resources -- Land
S.2401 National Resource Lands Management Act of 1972; S.316 Eastern Wilderness Act
1972 September-1973 May
98 1
Natural Resources -- Land
Goldwater, Barry M.; Frizzell, Kent; Celler, Emanuel; Jackson, Henry M.; Greenley, Joseph C.
Grand Canyon; H.R.15998 Act To Provide Admission of Idaho Into The Union; S.424 Blm Organic Act; American Farm Bureau Federation On S.268; S.630 Surface Mining Reclamation Act of 1972; Committee Report On S.216; S.866 French Pete; S.268 Land Use Policy A
"The Wilderness Act Applies To The East" January, 1973
1972 September-1973 May
98 2
Natural Resources -- Land
Andrus, Cecil D.; Stevens, Ted; Helms, Jesse
Environmental and Land Use Planning Conference; Cecil D. Andrus, "Need for Land Use Planning"; S.268 Land Use Planning and Policy Assistance Act; Sierra Club Resolution; National Coastal Zone Management; S.1638 Eastern Wilderness Bill; S.424 National Res
1973 May-November
98 2
Natural Resources -- Land
Diamond International S.1111; S.2343 Quitclaim Bills
1973 May-November
98 3
Natural Resources -- Land
Bishop, Robert M.; Murphy, Jack; Udall, Stewart L.
In Lieu Lands; Idaho Cattlemens Association Resolution; National Resource Land Management; S.424, S.1041 Blm Organic Act; H.R.10294 Udall Bill; Cattlemens Association Statement On H.R.5441; Wilderness; Roadless Study Provisions; S.268 Land Use and Planni
1973 December-1974 May
98 4
Natural Resources -- Land
Udall, Stewart L.; McClure, James A.
H.R.10294 Land Use Planning Assistance; S.424 Blm Organic Act; McClure Amendment; H.R.15858 Casey; S.3057 Tennessee Valley Authority Pollution Control Financing Act; S.3839 Land and Water Conservation Act
1974 May-December
98 5
Natural Resources -- Land
S.507 National Resources Land Use Planning; H.R.3510 Land Use; S.1293 National Wildlife Ranges
98 5
Natural Resources -- Land
S.567 Blm Organic Act; National Lumber and Building Materials Dealers Association Statement On S.984; Strip Mining; Carey Act; S.1293 Wildlife Refuges; Grazing; Land; Erosion and Sedimentation; League of Women Voters; South Bingham Soil Conservatio
98 6
Natural Resources -- Land
Interior; Wilderness; Water; Land; S.507 Blm Organic Act; Wood River Resource Area; Pacific Northwest Conservation Council; Snake and Clearwater Barge Permits; Scotchman's Bluff; Culverts and Bridges; S.255 National Rangeland Rehabilitation and Protectio
98 7
Natural Resources -- Land
Land; S.507 Conference Committee Recommendations
98 8
Natural Resources -- Land
Laxalt, Paul; Stevens, Ted; McClure, James A.; Abourezk, James S.
Off-Raod Vehicle Ban; Expansion of Redwoods National Park; H.R.2380 Clean Air Act of 1970; S.657 Earth Resources and Environmental Information System; Blm Organic Act; Bear River Resource Conservation and Development Project; Alaska National Interest Lan
1977 January-May
98 8
Natural Resources -- Land
Executive Order 116444 Motorized Recreational Vehicles On Public Lands; In Lieu of Grazing; Land From INEL To Teton Flood Victims; Department of Agriculture Budget; S.1183 Provide for Rangeland Improvement By Permitting Work In Lieu of Payment for Grazin
1977 January-May
98 9
Natural Resources -- Land
Chance, Don; Gurnsey, Vern; Hart, Gary; Udall, Morris K.; Bergland, Bob; Stevens, Ted; Keppler, William J.; Johnson, James; Hansen, Clifford P.
Off Road Vehicles; Payments In Lieu of Taxes; Public Land Withdrawals; Teton Flood Transfers; Reclamation Law Reform; Aluetian Pribilof Islands; Alaskan Lands; H.R.5306 Grand Teton National Park; Conservation Funds; Blm Organic Act; Redwoods National Par
1977 May-August
98 9
Natural Resources -- Land
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; H.R.6900 National Trails System; S.242 Productive Potential of Irrigatable Lands
1977 May-August
98 10
Natural Resources -- Land
Andrus, Cecil D.
Grazing Permits; S.1976 Redwoods National Park; H.R.9110 Tall Grass Prairie National Park; H.R.8803 Appalachian Trail
1977 September-December
98 11
Natural Resources -- Land
Bergland, Bob; Larsen, Allan F.
Grazing Fee Moratorium; 1902 Reclamation Act Revisions S.2818; Public Grazing Lands Improvement Act; Larson, Allen, "S.E. Idaho Phosphate"; S.2642 Transfer Lands To Nez Perce Tribe
98 12
Natural Resources -- Land and Water Conservation Fund
Udall, Stewart L.; Jackson, Henry M.
National Recreation Area System; National Recreation Areas
98 13
Natural Resources -- Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
Udall, Stewart L.; Prendergast, Joseph; Dominick, Peter H.
Dominick Bill S.1709; Pacific Mineral Society; Public Land Law
99 1
Natural Resources -- Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
Smylie, Robert E.; Cliff, Edward P.; Udall, Stewart L.; Freeman, Orville L.
Statements On H.R.3846
99 2
Natural Resources -- Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
Committee On Energy and Natural Resources; H.R.5306 Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965
"To Amend The Land and Water Conservation Fund", In Senate, [1969]
99 3
Natural Resources -- Land Law Review Commission
Plair, Theodore B.; Curtis, Albert B.
99 4
Natural Resources -- Minerals
Smylie, Robert E.
International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers; S.J.Res.16 Long Range Mineral Proposal
99 5
Natural Resources -- Minerals
Magnuson, Harry F.; Montoya, Joseph M.; McClure, James A.; Tunney, John V.; Metcalf, Lee
Strategic Stockpiles; Rocky Mountain Petroleum Council; Surface Mining Reclamation Act of 1972; Deep Seabed Resources Act
99 6
Natural Resources -- Minerals
Bureau of Mines Commodity Data Summaries
99 7
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Antimony
Priester, Alma Dorothy; Groseclose, Elgin
99 8
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Beryllium, Cobalt
S.4146 Critical Minerals; Calera Mining Co., Cobalt, Idaho
99 9
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Copper
Goldwater, Barry M.
S.2998 Copper Import Tariff; S.Res.101 Release of Copper Supply; 1968 Strike
99 10
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Fluorspar
S.1285 Protection; H.R.11696 Suspend Duties On Fluorspar
99 11
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Jordan, George Racey; Murray, James E.; Pfost, Gracie; Huelsdonk, L.L.
S.325 Trafficking In Gold; S.J.Res.16 Gold Mining Industry; S.Con.Res.27 Gold Standard; S.2166; Double Cross of Gold; S.590 Gold Standard; H.R.3057 Free Market for Gold; Russian Gold; Can American Congress Meet The Challenge of Gold
99 12
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Bartlett, E.L.
S.1123 National Wilderness System; Sunshine Mine; S.Con.Res.27 Gold Mining Industry; H.R.10638 Free Market Gold; Gold Production Declining
Statement:for S.Con.Res.27, [May] 1959
99 13
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Kennedy, John F.; Day, Henry L.; Butler, Earl; Shoup, Merrill E.; Udall, Stewart L.
S.J.Res.44 Encourage Discovery, Development, and Production of Domestic Gold
99 14
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Gruening, Ernest
S.J.Res.44 Domestic Gold
99 15
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Gruening, Ernest; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley
S.100 Domestic Gold Mining Industry; H.R.4550/S.1273 Gold Procurement and Sales Agency; Gold Shortages
99 16
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Gruening, Ernest; Day, Henry L.; Fascell, Dante B.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.
Gold Mine Assistance Act of 1965
100 1
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Ryan, J. Patrick; Gruening, Ernest; Hines, Pierre R.; Goldstein, Simeon H.F.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Day, Henry L.
S.1377 Gold Mine Revitalization Act of 1966; Gold Prices; S.2562 Gold Mines Assistance Act of 1965
100 2
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Gruening, Ernest; Pecora, William T.; Day, Henry L.; Butler, Ernest; McClean, A.M.A.
Gold Mining S.49; H.J.M.#5 Idaho Legislative Assistance Payments; Federal Registration of Mining Claims S.1615; S.2857 Gold Reserve Requirements; Newmonts Carlin Gold Project, Mining Congress Journal
100 3
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Gold
Hatfield, Mark O.; Helms, Jesse
Gold Ownership H.R.17782; S.359/S.413 Gold Ownership; S.2665 International Development Assoc.; S.1712 Gold Coin for Bicentennial; S.79 Contract Payments In Gold
100 4
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Seaton, Fred A.; Magnuson, Harry F.
S.2376 Lead and Zinc Tariff; Zinc Metals Policy; Development of U.S. Mineral Resources
1957 January-June
100 5
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Priester, Alma Dorothy; Day, Henry L.; Magnuson, Harry F.
S.2376 Lead and Zinc Tariffs
Statement: [Lead and Zinc Mining Industry], Before Senate Finance Committee, July 22, 1957
1957 June-December
100 6
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Seaton, Fred A.
S.4036 Production of Copper, Lead, Zinc; Domestic Mines; Lead and Zinc Tariffs
Statement Concerning Lead and Zinc Tariffs
100 7
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Magnuson, Harry F.; Smylie, Robert E.; Schwab, Charles E.
S.3420 Barter; Stabilize Production of Lead and Zinc
100 8
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Murray, James E.; Day, Henry L.; Randall, L.J.; Schwab, Charles E.; Allott, Gordon; Magnuson, Harry F.; Bennett, Wallace F
S.Res.162 Domestic Lead and Zinc Industries; S.2169 Internal Revenue Code Adjusting Lead and Zinc Duties; S.1537 National Mining and Minerals Policy; S.Con.Res.63 Mining Industry; S.J.Res.107 National Minerals Policy; S.1538 Stabilize Domestic Lead & Zin
100 9
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Murray, James E.; Clark, John; Day, Henry L.
S.2601 Stabilize The Mining of Lead and Zinc; H.R.8860 Amendments To S.2601
100 10
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Day, Henry L.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Wilson, Clark L.
S.1747/H.R.3416 Lead and Zinc Act of 1961; H.R.8860 Stabilize The Mining of Lead and Zinc; H.R.84/S.115 Lead and Zinc Subsidies: S.1316/H.R.5193 Tariff On Lead and Zinc
1961 January-July
100 11
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Kelly, John M.; Day, Henry L.; Schwab, Charles E.; Wilson, Clark L.; Carroll, John A.; Magnuson, Harry F.
Lead and Zinc Depletion Allowances S.2249; Lead and Zinc Act of 1961 S.1747
1961 July-November
100 12
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Wilson, Clark L.; Magnuson, Harry F.
S.2747 Lead and Zinc Act of 1961; Lead and Zinc Tariff
100 13
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Magnuson, Harry F.; Schwab, Charles E.; Wilson, Clark L.; Anderson, Clinton P.
S.1534 Lead and Zinc Stabilization Act of 1963
1963 January-April
100 14
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Schwab, Charles E.; Conover, Julian D.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Anderson, Clinton P.
S.1534/H.R.3845 Lead and Zinc Flexible Quota
1963 May-December
101 1
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Anderson, Clinton P.; Wilson, Clark L.; Schweiker, Richard S.
S.1534 Lead and Zinc Act of 1963
101 2
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Lead and Zinc
Wilson, Clark L.
Emergency Lead/Zinc Committee S.564
101 3
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Mica and Petrified Wood
S.1147 National Forest Roads and Trails
1957; 1963-1964
101 4
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Mineral Programs
Watkins, Arthur V.; Bennett, Wallace F.
S.2376 Import Taxes On Lead and Zinc; S.2375 Development of Mineral Resources
101 5
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
S.334 Development of Phosphate In The Public Domain
Statement On Phosphate Development To Interior Committee
101 6
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Ivan, Bloch
"Analysis of The Influence of Power Costs On The Phosphate Fertilizer An Phosphorus Industries of Idaho" By Ivan Bloch; Map of Phosphate Holdings
101 7
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Haight, Lloyd E.; Metcalf, Lee; Burnet, F.E.; Harding, Ralph R.; Teske, A.J.
S.2500 Phosphate Leases On Public Land
101 8
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Phosphate Lands Conference With BLM, August 11, 1966
101 9
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Phosphate Lands; Monsanto Company, Annual Report; Bureau of Mines Report On Investigations; Meade Peak, Idaho Phosphate Samples
101 10
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Land Reclamation Regulations
101 11
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Power, O.A.; Emigh, G. Donald; Abanor, Joseph S.; Olsen, Dennis M.; Teske, A.J.; Udall, Stewart L.; Siehl, George H.
Mined Lands Conservation Act of 1968 S.3126; Surface Mining Reclamation Act of 1968 S.3132, S.217; Statement of Phosphate Lands Conference Pertaining To S.3126 and S.3132
101 12
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Phosphate
Emigh, G. Donald; Olsen, Dennis M.; Watson, Ralph
Statement of Phosphate Land Conference Pertaining To S.77, S.630, S.993, S.2455, and S.1498
101 13
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Press Releases
Day, Henry L; Teske, A.J.; Randall, A.J.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Titanium; Phosphate Lease Acreage Limit; Domestic Mineral Program; Mines As Natural Resources; Assessment Work Moratorium; Couer d'Alene District Unemployment; Foreign Imports of Mercury; Lead and Zinc Stockpiling; Quotas On Lead and Zinc Imports
Domestic Mineral Program Appropriations Speech
101 13
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Press Releases
Tariff Commission; Lead and Zinc; Cobalt; Congo; Cuba; The Calera Mine; Silver; Emergency Powers; S.J.Res.44 Incentive Payments for Gold; Treasury Silver Sales Halt; Tariff Legislation
101 14
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Bradley, John D.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.
101 15
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Feathers, D.L.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Day, Henry L.; Selby, John A.
1961 January-June
101 16
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Symington, Stuart; Teske, A.J.; Fowler, Henry H.; Selby, John A.; Dillon, Douglas; Lynch, John B.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Feathers, D.L.; Day, Henry L.
"Selling By Treasury of Silver" June 29, 1961, Protesting Silver Sales
1961 July-December
101 17
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Day, Henry L.; Teske, A.J.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Trade Expansion Act H.R.9900; S.2885 Repeal of Silver Purchase Act
101 18
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Magnuson, Warren G.; Day, Henry L.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Dominick, Peter H.; Mangan, Robert M.; Byrd, Harry F., Sr.
H.R.5389 Silver Transaction Tax S.397; H.R.5389 Hearings
101 19
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Babcock, Tim; Randall, L.J.; Magnuson, Harry F.; White, Compton I., Jr.
H.R.10559 Sale of Silver Bullion By Treasury; H.R.10560 Price of Silver
102 1
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Magnuson, Harry F.
Silver Content of Dollars; Coinage Act of 1965; S.2671; S.2080; Minerals
Statement In Support of S.2671; Statement Before The Senate Banking and Currency Committee On Saving Our Silver Coinage, Introduction To S.1297
102 1
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Smylie, Robert E.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Strauss, Simon D.; Teske, A.J.
Silver Content of Dollars S.2671; Coinage Act of 1965 S.2080
Statement In Support of S.2671, Before Senate Banking Committee, No Date; Introduction of S.1297, No Date
102 2
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Metcalf, Lee; Magnuson, Harry F.; Gruening, Ernest; Day, Henry L.
S.338 Tax Deductions for Exploration; H.R.4665; Silver and Coinage; Minerals
102 3
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
102 4
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Schwab, Charles E.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Mundt, Karl E.; Day, Henry L.; Dominick, Peter H.
S.2582 Silver Eisenhower Dollar; S.J.R.158; H.R.12744; Hecla Mining; Nonessential Government Expenditures
102 5
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Lindstrom, Philip; Nixon, Richard M.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Day, Henry L.; Teske, A.J.
102 6
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Silver
Lindstrom, Philip; Day, Henry L.; Teske, A.J.; McClure, James A.
H.R.9408 Bicentennial Coins; S.1927 Bicentennial Coins; S.1928
1973; 1975-1976
102 7
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Thorium
1957-1961; 1963; 1965-1966
102 8
Natural Resources -- Minerals - Tungsten-Uranium
Day, Henry L.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Marsh, Harry W.
Tariff On Tungsten S.2692; P.L.733 Purchase of Tungsten; Expansion of The Tungsten Supply
Statement To Senate Appropriations Committee On Tungsten, 3 Drafts
102 9
Natural Resources -- Mining
Day, Henry L.; Randall, L.J.; Mcnichols, Steve; Marsh, Harry W.; Morse, Wayne
Hecla Mining; Idaho Mining Association; Mining Patents; Mineral Rights; S.1004 Mining Claims Restoration; Mining On Public Lands
102 10
Natural Resources -- Mining
Neuberger, Richard L.; Bible, Alan; O'Mahoney, Joseph C.; Priester, Alma Dorothy; Seaton, Fred A.; Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Bradley, John D.
Depletion Allowances; Coal; Oil; Gas; Chrome; Mica; Beryl; Mercury Imports; Mineral Leasing Regulations; Timber; Mineral Rights; American Anti-Mining Committee; Bunker Hill; Mercury
1958 January-May
102 11
Natural Resources -- Mining
Mineral Leasing Act S.3764; Manganes Program S.3537; Coal
1958 May-December
102 12
Natural Resources -- Mining
Proxmire, William; Marsh, Harry W.; Murray, James E.; Teske, A.J.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Dodd, Thomas J.
Surface Managment Under P.L.167; Mineral Explortion Loan; Helium; Gasoline Tax; Mineral Lease Rate Changes S.2181; Coal Research and Development S.4248/H.R.6596; Mining
Introduction of Teske Correspondence Into Record
1959 January-September
102 13
Natural Resources -- Mining
Teske, A.J.; Conover, Julian D.
Uranium Processing; Mineral Lease Rules On Federal Wildlife Lands; Depletion Allowances; Coal; Euxenite; Bureau of Mines; Water Requirements of Idaho's Mining Industry
1959 September-December
102 14
Natural Resources -- Mining
Teske, A.J.; Cook, E.F.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.; Day, Henry L.; Randall, L.J.; Smylie, Robert E.
Mining; Mineral Exploration; S.2259 Stimulate Mining; Idaho Bureau of Mines; Law of Discovery; Idaho's Mining Industry
102 15
Natural Resources -- Mining
Teske, A.J.; Cook, E.F.; Hardy, Robert M., Jr.
Gold S.T.R.44
102 16
Natural Resources -- Mining
Teske, A.J.; Day, Henry L.; Cook, E.F.; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Haight, Lloyd E.
Petrified Wood H.R.10540/P.L.87-868; Mining Law Modernization H.R.935; Strip Mining H.R.1013; Exploration and Discovery S.1279; H.R.4415 The Clean Air Act; American Institute of Mining, Metalurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
102 17
Natural Resources -- Mining
Day, Henry L.; Lindstrom, Philip; Magnuson, Harry F.
Mine Safety S.1949; Petrified Wood; Phosphate Development S.2500; Mining Claim Marketability; Unpatented Mining Claims
103 1
Natural Resources -- Mining
Anderson, Clinton P.; Teske, A.J.; Farmin, Rollin; Randall, L.J.; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Griner, Carl; Mckiethen, John J.
Lead and Zinc Import Quotas; Gold; Exploration; Oil
103 2
Natural Resources -- Mining
Fowler, Henry H.; Teske, A.J.; Cook, Marlow W.; Boyle, W.A.; Hanson, O.T.
Coal Mine Safety S.2917; Whiteclouds
103 3
Natural Resources -- Mining
Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Kilbourne, Grant; Teske, A.J.; Randall, L.J.
Mining; S.993 Mined Area Protection Act of 1971; S.1240 Prospecting; S.1120 Surface Mining; Idaho Legislature; Domain Land Organic Act of 1971 S.921
103 4
Natural Resources -- Mining
Day, Henry L.; Teske, A.J.; Harris, Fred R.; Smith, S. Frank; Griner, Carl; Lindstrom, Philip; Cooper, John Sherman; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Randall, L.J.; Woodruff, Frank G.; Bible, Alan
Mineral Leasing Act of 1971 H.R.11696/S.2726; Surface Mining Act of 1972 S.630/H.R. 6482; Coal Mine Area Protection Act of 1972 H.R.6482; Mine Safety Standards S.2415; Mineral-Mining Policy Act S.653/H.R.6788
103 5
Natural Resources -- Mining
Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Metcalf, Lee; Day, Henry L.; Love, W.H.; Macfarlane, Robert W.; Bondurant, Bill; Symms, Steve; Schweiker, Richard S.; Scott, Hugh; McClary, James D.
Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Resources Act; Surface Mining Reclamation Act S.425/H.R.549/S.1040/S.1041; Smelting of Copper Sulfure Concentrate; Bureau of Mines Report S.7705
103 6
Natural Resources -- Mining
Teske, A.J.; Domenici, Pete V.; Chase, M.C.; Morton, Rogers C.B.
Mining Act of 1970 H.R.10294/H.R.11325/H.R.11390/S.3467
103 7
Natural Resources -- Mining
Domenici, Pete V.; Metcalf, Lee; Lindstrom, Philip; Allen, Robert H.; Packer, Paul
Phosphate; Rollover Protection Structures; Packer, Paul, "Rehabiliation Potentials and Limitations of Surface Mined Land In The Northern Great Plains", January 14, 1974; Mining
1975 January-March
103 8
Natural Resources -- Mining
Lindstrom, Philip; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Teske, A.J.
Stripmining; National Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975; Minimum Mining and Reclamation Standards
1975 March-May
103 9
Natural Resources -- Mining
Lindstrom, Philip; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Calnoyn, W.M.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Strauss, Simon D.; Teske, A.J.; Domenici, Pete V.
Coal Leasing S.391; S.1550 Treasury Sales of Gold; Federal Coal Safety and Health Act; Phosphate; Mineral Leasing Act of 1975 H.R.8435; Mine Safety H.R.9318/S.1302; Mining On Park Lands S.2371
1975 May-December
103 10
Natural Resources -- Mining
Calhoun, W.M.; Teske, A.J.; Helms, Jesse
Mineral Leasing Act; H.R.8435; Toxic Substances Control Act S.776; Mining In National Parks S.2371; Coal Leasing S.391; Black Lung Act S.3183; Phosphate; Mine Safety and Health Amendments S.1302; St. Joe River Area
103 11
Natural Resources -- Mining
Garn, Jake; Lindstrom, Philip; Calhoun, W.M.; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Knopf, Rick; Magnuson, Harry F.; Hunt, Bunker; Metcalf, Lee
H.R.2/S.7 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act; Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments S.717
1977 January-May
103 12
Natural Resources -- Mining
Metcalf, Lee; Calhoun, W.M.
Federal Land Mining Act of 1977 S.1245; Mining Law Reform; H.R.5806; H.R.5831; S.1248; Revision of 1872 Mining Law
1977 June-December
103 13
Natural Resources -- Mining
Magnuson, Harry F.; Helms, Jesse; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Smith, Norman M.; Richardson, Elliot L.; Proxmire, William; Heinz, H. John III; Symms, Steve
Mining Law Reform H.R.9292; Lead and Zinc Import Relief; Mining In The Parks Act; S.7 Stripmining; Trade Adjustment Assistance Program H.R.11711; Hells Canyon; Crooks Corral
103 14
Natural Resources -- Mining
Magnuson, Harry F.; Proxmire, William; Miller, Maynard; McClure, James A.; Melcher, John; Muskie, Edmund S.; Griffith, W.A.
Cobalt In Blackbird Region; Gravel Pit Safety S.625; Own Plus Hold Gold S.30; Surface Mining S.1403; Mine Safety and Health Act; Gold Coins; Superfund; Small Company Exemption; S.1692; S.1055; S.1341; S.1480; H.R.5790
104 1
Natural Resources -- Mining
Kellogg, Herbert H.
Gold; Mine Safety and Health Act; Gravel Pits S.625
1979 November-December
104 2
Natural Resources -- Mining
Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Laxalt, Paul; Andrus, Cecil D.; Peterson, Jack
Gold S.30; Noranda Cobalt; S.2112 Surface Mining Act; S.2112; Federal Mines Safety and Health Act of 1977 H.R.1197
104 3
Natural Resources -- Mining - Assessment Moratorium
S.3199 Mining Claims Assessment; S.3313 Suspend Assessment for 1958; S.3315 Mining Claims Assessment S.3199
Remarks To House Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
104 4
Natural Resources -- Mining - Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act
Mining; Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act S.2053
104 5
Natural Resources -- Mining - Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act
Metcalf, Lee; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Jackson, Henry M.; Sparkman, John J.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Dolgan, David; Richardson, Elliot L.; Raymond, Nicolas
Committee On Energy and Natural Resources; Declaration of Congressional Intent International Agreement Sec.201-S.2053/H.R.3350; Raymond, Nicolas, "Sealaw: The Unpleasant Options" Ocean World, January 1978; House Committee On International Relations;
104 5
Natural Resources -- Mining - Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act
House Committee On International Relations; H.R.3350; U.N. Conference On Law of The Sea; Interior and Insular Affairs Committee; S.1134; Mining; Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act-S.2053/H.R.3350
104 6
Natural Resources -- Mining - Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act
Jackson, Henry M.; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Welling, Conrad G.
Mining; Deep Seabed Mineral Resources Act S.2053/S.493; Welling, Conrad G., "Ocean Mining Systems" Mining Congress Journal, September, 1976; UN Conference On Law of The Sea;
104 7
Natural Resources -- Mining - Surface Mining Control Act of 1977
Mining; Surface Mining Control Act of 1977; Energy Committee Report
104 8
Natural Resources -- Mining - Surface Mining Control Act of 1977
Jackson, Henry M.; Hart, Gary; Metcalf, Lee; Metzenbaum, D.; Culver, John C.; Percy, Charles H.; Melcher, John
S.7 Star Print; Coal Pipeline; Interior Department Views: "Strip Mining In The Corn Belt" Environmental Policy Institute
104 9
Natural Resources -- Mining - Surface Mining Control Act of 1977
Griffin, Douglas C.; Nichols, Michael J.; Bond, H.E.; Parker, B.B.; Austin, T.L., Jr.; Gregory, Daniel W.
Energy and Economic Impacts of H.R.13950; Coal Banks S.7;
104 10
Natural Resources -- Mining - Unpatented Mining Claims
Carver, John A., Jr.; Burdick, Quentin N.
P.L.87-851; H.R.10773 Occupied Unpatented Claims In California; H.R.12761; Interior and Insular Affairs Agriculture Department; Interior Department; S.3451; Unpatented Mining Claims S.3451
104 11
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Hartung, A.F.
Parks and Forests; S.840 Forest Products; S.841 Forest Products
1957 January-May
104 12
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Scoyen, E.T.
Parks and Forests; S.4096 Recreational Use of National Forests; National Wilderness Preservation Bill S.1176
1957 June-December
104 13
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Murray, James E.; Peterson, E.L.; Neuberger, Richard L.
Parks and Forests; S.- Wilderness Preservation System; S.3247 Mining Claims On National Forests Lands; Idaho Lumber Indusry; Timber Access Roads; Meridian Mill; Dinosaur National Park S.2577
104 14
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Bennett, Wallace F.; Murray, James E.
Parks and Forests; S.1436 Amend 68 Stat. 173, 43 Usc 869; S.1797 National Forest Lands
1959 January-May
104 15
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Murray, James E.; Mansfield, Mike; Douglas, Paul H.; Stennis, John C.
Parks and Forests; National Forests; Wilderness Preservation System S.1123; H.R.5412 Acreage Limitations In National Forest Act of 1926; S.1001 Indiana Dunes National Monument; S.- Preservation of Shoreline Areas; Forestry Programs
1959 June-August
105 1
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Kennedy, John F.
S.2636 Cape Cod National Seashore; Tree Nurseries; Reseeding Forests; Timber Harvesting; Knudson/Vandenberg Act of 1930
1959 September-December
105 2
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Murray, James E.; Gruening, Ernest; Smylie, Robert E.
Forestry; Reforestation S.J.Res.95; Multiple Use of National Forests H.R.10572; S.2460 Shoreline Preservation; Indiana Dunes Park
1960 January-April
105 3
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Brower, David R.; Green, Theodore Francis; Johnson, Lyndon B.
H.R.11944 National Forest Multiple Use Bill; H.R.10572 National Forest Multiple Use Bill; S.1123 National Wilderness Preservation System; S.3830 Roger Williams National Monument; S.3044 National Forest Multiple Use
Speech: "Statement On S.3044", Draft "Proposed Statement On S.3044", June 1, 1960
1960 May-December
105 4
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Jackson, Henry M.
S.3104/S.1522e State Use of Timber Sales Proceeds From National Forests for Public Schools and Roads
Speech: "Utilization By The States of Proceeds From National Forests", In Senate, Feburary 26, 1960 (Introduction for S.3104)
105 5
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Tilden, Paul M.; Leonard, Ross; Douglas, Paul H.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Muskie, Edmund S.
S.2164 First World Conference On National Parks; Lands Across The Potomac From Mount Vernon S.J.Res.97; S.2563 State Forestry Work
105 6
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Douglas, Paul H.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Moss, Frank E.
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore S.1797; Mountain Pine Beatle; H.R.12688 Forestry Research
105 7
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Metcalf, Lee
105 8
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Grand Canyon River Running; Alaska D-2 Lands
105 9
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike; Jackson, Henry M.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Little, Walter E.; Christiansen, Dale R.
S.1176 Antiquities and Federal Land Policy and Management Acts; Alaska Public Lands Issues D-2 Lands; Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1979 H.R.39; Senate Alaska Bills S.9/S.222/S.1176; Sawtooth National Recreation Area Land Acquisition
105 9
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Land and Water Conservation Fund; Channel Island National Park, California S.1104/H.R.3757
105 10
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Merritt, Clifton R.; Peterson, Russell W.; Little, Walter E.; Heinz, H. John III; Andrus, Cecil D.; Christiansen, Dale R.
Alaska National Interest Lands; D-2 Lands; Tsongas-Roth Substitute; S.- Grand Teton National Park; National Wild and Scenic Rivers System; Bruneau River; Jarbridge River; Owyhee River; Lower Salmon River
1980 January-June
105 11
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests
Peterson, Russell W.; Hayakawa, S.I.; Fischer, Michael L.; Duke, Angier Biddle
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act H.R.39; Flooding On The Stanislaus River By New Melones Dam, California H.R.4223; Big Sur Coast National Scenic Area Act H.R.7380; Burton Omnibus Wild River Bill; Orange Coast National Urban Park Bill S.289
1980 July-December
105 12
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Alaska National
Amory, Cleveland; Pritchard, Ralph W.; Carter, Jimmy; Bergland, Bob; Nelson, Gaylord
Alaska Lands Bill-S.9/H.R.39; Tsongas-Roth Substitute; Various Amendments To The Alaska Lands Bill; Conservation Issues Connected With Bills
1980 July
105 13
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Boise & Payette National
Nock, Harry L.
S.1748/S.3458 Caribou and Targhee National Forests; S.287/H.R.2497 Boise and Payette National Forests; Cascade Reservoir; Warm Lake Landmark Road
1958-1960; 1978
105 14
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Clearwater & St. Joe National
Clearwater and St. Joes National Forests
105 15
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Fees
S.20 Related To Outdoor Recreation; Golden Eagle Program
1963; 1969; 1970; 1979
106 1
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Gifford Pinchot National
106 2
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Heyburn State Park
S.1152 Patent From The U.S. Dated June 29, 1911 Granting Certain Lands To The State of Idaho
106 3
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Policies
106 4
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Selway/Bitteroot
Randall, L.J.
Parks; Forests; Selway/Bitteroot
106 5
Natural Resources -- Parks & Forests - Targhee National
S.1748 Caribou and Targhee National Forests; H.R.3682 Small Tracts Act
106 6
Natural Resources -- Water
Neuberger, Richard L.; Engle, Clair
Columbia River Compact; S.Res.- Columbia River Basin Development; Middle Snake River
106 7
Natural Resources -- Water
Saline Water Conversion; California Water Plan Projects, Stanford Research Center
106 8
Natural Resources -- Water
Bible, Alan
S.Res.48 Water Resources; Burns Creek Project, Idaho
Statement for The Hearing Record On S.Res.48
1959 January-June
106 8
Natural Resources -- Water
S.48 Water Resources Activities; S.Res.48 Saline Water Conversion; S.863 Western Water Rights Settlement Act of 1957; Supreme Court Decisions Pertinent To The Proposed Western Water Rights Settlement Act
1959 January-June
106 9
Natural Resources -- Water
Kerr, Robert S.; Chaffee, Eugene B.
Southwest Idaho Water Plan; Water Resources
1959 July-December
106 10
Natural Resources -- Water
Allott, Gordon
Saline Water; Colorado River Basin; S.Res.48 Future Needs for Navigation; Water Pollution
106 11
Natural Resources -- Water
Metcalf, Lee; Ellender, Allen J.
S.650 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Columbia Interstate Compact; Water Resource Planning Act of 1961; S.1617 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Guffey, Long Tom, and Hillcrest Units, Mountain Home Division, Snake River Projec
106 12
Natural Resources -- Water
Hayden, Carl; Udall, Stewart L.
Water Rights
106 13
Natural Resources -- Water
Jordan, Len B.
Pacific Southwest Water Plan, Statement By Len B. Jordan; Water Pollution; Rivers and Harbors; Saline Water
106 14
Natural Resources -- Water
Moss, Frank E.
Water Rights; S.21 The Water Resources Act; H.R.1111 The Water Resources Act; Diversion of Idaho Water To The Southwest; Utah Small Reclamation Act
106 15
Natural Resources -- Water
Walenta, Thomas R.
National Rivers and Harbors Congress; S.22 Water Research; Thomas R. Walenta, Summary Report On High Water Mark Bill
106 16
Natural Resources -- Water
106 17
Natural Resources -- Water
106 18
Natural Resources -- Water
Moss, Frank E.; Jordan, Len B.; McCann, Wilber
Water Rights Act of 1969; Southwest Idaho Water Plan S.944; S.3058 Water Resources Planning Act, 1968; P.L.89-80, 79 Stat. 244, The Water Resources Planning Act; Diversion of Idaho Water To The Southwest; Land and Water Conservation Fund; Dams On The Mid
106 18
Natural Resources -- Water
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
107 1
Natural Resources -- Water
Moratorium On Middle Snake S.940; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Uinversity of Idaho Water Resource Institute
Statement Before Subcommittee On Water and Power Resources Re S.940, February 16, 1970
107 2
Natural Resources -- Water
Kennedy, Edward M.; Packwood, Bob; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Welsh, Thomas L.
Hells Canyon Snake River Moratorium; Water Pollution; Fisheries
1971 January-June
107 3
Natural Resources -- Water
Middle Snake River; Hells Canyon; Water and Power Resources S.940; Middle Snake River Moratorium
1971 July-August
107 4
Natural Resources -- Water
Randolph, Jennings
Moratorium On Middle Snake River S.488/H.3920; Hells Canyon Snake National River Hearing S.717; Wild Rivers
1971 September-October
107 5
Natural Resources -- Water
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Randolph, Jennings; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Watts, Fred J.
Water Pollution S.2770; Moratorium Middle Snake River Hells Canyon S.488; Children's Dental Health Act; Floridation of Water; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Water Quality; Water Resources
1971 November-December
107 6
Natural Resources -- Water
Bible, Alan
Swan Falls Dam; Guffy Project; Western States Water Plan Study; Salmon Falls Division Project
107 7
Natural Resources -- Water
Magnuson, Warren G.; Hart, Philip A.; Tunney, John V.
Anadromous Fisheries; S.433 Safe Drinking Water Act of 1973; National Water Commission; Salmon Falls
Statement On Senate Floor, February 26, 1973, Hearings On National Water Commission
1973 January-March
107 8
Natural Resources -- Water
National Water Commission; U.S. Water Policy"; Western U.S. Water Plan
1973 April-June
107 9
Natural Resources -- Water
Middle Snake River; National Water Commission Report
Opening Statement for A Hearing On The Report of The National Water Commission, July 17, 1973; "A Lurking Threat To Idaho Water", The National Water Commission Report, On The Senate Floor, September 25, 1973
1973 July-December
107 10
Natural Resources -- Water
Magnuson, Warren G.; Eastland, James O.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Andrus, Cecil D.
S.2797 International Joint Commission; Water Resources Development Act of 1974; National Ocean Policy Study; P.L.93-251 Water Resources Development; Boise City Council; Waste Water Treatment Projects
1974 January-October
107 10
Natural Resources -- Water
Middle Snake River Hells Canyon; Deepwater Port Act of 1974 S.4076; Diversion of Idaho Water To The Southwest
1974 January-October
107 11
Natural Resources -- Water
Anadromous Fisheries; Indian Fishing Rights; Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission; Test Drillings and Ground Water Investigations of The Snake River Plain Aquifer, Southeastern Idaho; Land Use Plan Bear Valley; Boise and Challis National Forests
1974 November-December
107 12
Natural Resources -- Water
Water; Hells Canyon; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Anadromous Fisheries; Moyie River; Priest River; Clearwater River; Emergency Marine Fisheries Protection Act S.1988; Indian Fishing Rights
1975 January-May
107 13
Natural Resources -- Water
Bellmon, Henry; Bartlett, Dewey F.; McGee, Gale; Kneip, Richard F.
Federal and Indian Water Rights; Water Resources Planning Act; Deep Creek Bridge, Boundary County, Idaho
"Bridge Over Deep Creek, Idaho", Statement On Senate Floor, November 20, 1975
1975 June-December
107 14
Natural Resources -- Water
McGovern, George
1976 January-April
108 1
Natural Resources -- Water
Wildlife Water and Fishes Act S.3425
1976 May-December
108 2
Natural Resources -- Water
Curtis, Carl T.; Link, Arthur A.
Diversion of Water To California; Water; Jones Act: River Rafts; S.- Reclamation Lands Family Farm Act; S.186 The Water Resources Research Act of 1964
"The Jones Act and Rubber River Rafts", Senate Floor, March, 1977
1977 January-June
108 3
Natural Resources -- Water
Metcalf, Lee; Curtis, Carl T.; Randolph, Jennings
Federal Water Project; 160 Acre Limit; Recreation Act
1977 July-December
108 4
Natural Resources -- Water
Johnson, Oscar
S.1791/H.R.8336 Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Ga; White Water Running Boats; American Falls Dam Safety Bill S.2820; Farm Water Act of 1978 S.2818; Oscar Johnson Reservoir
"S.2818-Farm Water Act of 1978", Introduction, Statement On Senate Floor, April 3, 1978
1978 January-May
108 5
Natural Resources -- Water
Reclamation Reform Act of 1978 S.2606; Farm Water Act of 1978 H.R.13350; Dam Safety Bill S.2820; S.J.Res.39 Reclamation Laws
1978 June-December
108 6
Natural Resources -- Water
Reclamation Reform Act of 1979 S.14; Bear River Drainage Area S.1489; S.14
"The Reclamation Reform Act of 1979", No Place, No Date
108 7
Natural Resources -- Water
Hatfield, Mark O.; Stennis, John C.; Cranston, Alan; Gravel, Mike
Water; Omnibus Geothermal Energy Development Act of 1979; Reclamation Reform Act of 1979 S.14
108 8
Natural Resources -- Water - American Falls
Allen, Joe F.
Federal Power Projects; Electric Utilities
1957; 1967-1968; 1972
108 9
Natural Resources -- Water - American Falls
American Falls Replacement Plan; Upper Snake River Project, Idaho; Environmental Statement
Statement of Introduction of Bills To Authorize The Replacement of American Falls Dam In Idaho; Replacement of The American Falls Dam, Opening Statement At The Hearing Before The Subcommittee On Water and Power Resources On S.1528 and S.1529, May 1973
108 9
Natural Resources -- Water - American Falls
American Falls Replacement Dam; Upper Snake River Basin Project, Idaho
108 10
Natural Resources -- Water - American Falls
Statement At The Hearing Before The Subcommittee On Water and Power Resources On S.1152, July 24, 1975
108 11
Natural Resources -- Water - American Falls
American Falls Project
108 12
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Morse, Wayne; Neuberger, Richard L.
Public Works; Construction of Hells Canyon Dam; Hells Canyon Bill S.555
"Idaho's Case for Hell's Canyon Dam", June 19, 1957
108 13
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Andrus, Cecil D.
Hells Canyon Middle Snake Moratorium; Private Land Acquisition
1972 January-June
108 14
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Wild and Scenic Rivers; Conservation; Interior; Private Land Acquisition
1972 July-December
108 15
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Jordan, Len B.
Wild and Scenic Rivers; Conservation; Interior; Private Land Acquisition; Federal Water Project Recreation Act; High Mountain Sheep Dam S.2233; Seven Devils; Idaho State Legislature House Joint Memorial 7
109 1
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Private Lands; Hells Canyon Recreation Area
Speech: "Legislation To Create The Hells Canyon Recreation Area", In Senate, July 23, 1973
1973 July-September
109 2
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Andrus, Cecil D.
Water Resources
1973 October-December
109 3
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
Andrus, Cecil D.
Committee Report S.2233; Report: Water Availability Snake River From Swan Falls Hells Canyon Dam, Idaho Water Resources
109 4
Natural Resources -- Water - Hells Canyon
109 5
Natural Resources -- Water - Saline Water
S.3557/S.109 Saline Water Research and Development
109 6
Natural Resources -- Water - 1000 Springs/Box Canyon
109 7
Natural Resources -- Water - 1000 Springs/Box Canyon
Bible, Alan
1000 Springs/Box Canyon National Monument
Speech: "Preserving The Box Canyon-Thousand Springs Area Near Hagerman, ID.", In Senate, June 21, 1973
109 8
Natural Resources -- Water - 1000 Springs/Box Canyon
Clear Springs Trout Company; Fauna Sites and Springs of The Hagerman Valley National Park Service; Water Resources; 1000 Springs; Box Canyon
1973 July- December
109 9
Natural Resources -- Water - Water Diversion
S.1275 Stream Waste Water; Snake River Water Diversion
Speech: "Diversion of Water From The Snake River To Southern California", No Date
109 10
Natural Resources -- Water - Water Rights
Corker, Charles E.
Western Water Rights Settlement Bill of 1957
109 11
Natural Resources -- Water - Water Rights
H.R.5078 Water Rights; H.R.151 Water Rights Within State Boundries; S.211 Water Laws West of The 98th Meridian; S.- Water Rights On Reservations of Public Lands
109 12
Natural Resources -- Water - Water Rights - Special File
S.1275 Water Rights; Western Water Law Symposium 1963
109 13
Natural Resources -- Water - Water Rights - Special File
S.1275 Water Rights
109 14
Natural Resources -- Water - Watershed
Smylie, Robert E.
Snake River; California; Land and Water Conservation Fund S.859/H.R.3846; Ionics; Fresh Water Fish From Saline Sources; Water Resource Bill S.2; Water Resource Planning Act S.1111; Water Pollution Control Act S.649
109 15
Natural Resources -- Water - Watershed
Smylie, Robert E.; Moss, Frank E.
Snake River; California; Water Pollution; Teton Basin Project Re: S.1123; Snow Surveys
Statement At Hearing On S.1123, No Date
1964 January-June
109 16
Natural Resources -- Water - Watershed
S.1766; Water Resources Research Institute At The University of Idaho
109 17
Neighborhood Youth Corps
109 18
No Fault Insurance
109 19
No Fault Insurance
S.354 National No Fault Insurance Act
109 20
No Fault Insurance
S.354 National No Fault Insurance Act
Speech: "The Time Has Come for The Congress To Act On No-Fault Automobile Insurance", March 31, 1976
1975-1976; 1978
OSHA - Population
The Occupational Safety and Health Act is also found in the Labor and Agriculture files. Most of the Population files are concerned with abortion. Because Church felt that legislation affecting personal matters should be considered at the most local level possible, he opposed federal laws and constitutional amendments banning abortion. Personally opposed to abortion, he sponsored the successful "Conscience Clause" amendment to the Social Security Act of 1973, which allowed hospitals receiving Medicare or Medicaid funding to refuse to perform abortions.
Box Folder
110 1
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Occupationa Sefety and Health Act S.976; Small Business S.1147/S.1249; S.3203 National Labor Relations Act of 1974
"Statement In Opposition To Exempting Certain Employers From O.S.H.A. Laws", [1974]; "Testimony Submitted To Labor Subcommittee of The Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee", [1974]; "Introduction of Legislation To Amend The O.S.H.A. Act", Two Drafts
110 2
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Occupational Sefety and Health Administration; H.R.12929 Appropriations for Departments of Labor and Health Education and Welfare for FY 1978
Statements: "O.S.H.A. Amendments To The HEW-Labor Appropriations Bill", August 25, 1976; Speech: "O.S.H.A.: Still More Must Be Done", May 20, 1977
110 3
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Eizenstat, Stuart E.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Statement: "The Case for Exempting Small Business From O.S.H.A.", August 2, 1978
110 4
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
1979 January-April
110 5
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Javits, Jacob K.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
S.1486/S.918 Family Farms; H.R.4389 Appropriations for Departments of Labor and Health Education and Welfare FY 1980; S.- O.S.H.A. Enforcement; Small Business; H.R.4389 Non-Hazardous Small Business; Farm Exemption From O.S.H.A.
"Exempting Family Farms and Non-Hazardous Small Business From O.S.H.A.", [June 21, 1979]; Intro. of Amendment #409-"Exempt Non- Hazardous...From O.S.H.A.", July 20, 1979; "Amending The O.S.H.A. Act", December 19, 1979; "O.S.H.A. Bill Testimony" Re: S.148
1979 May-December
110 6
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Trowbridge, Alexander B.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Gude, Gilbert; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
S.2153 Occupational Safety and Health Improvements Act of 1980; S.- Small Business; O.S.H.A.
"O.S.H.A. Testimony", Before Senate Committee On Labor and Human Resources, April 16, 1980 Seven Versions of The Speech
110 7
Andrus, Cecil D.
U.N. Conference On The Law of The Sea; S.2119 Georges Bank Protection Act; Fisheries
110 8
Off-Road Vehicles
110 9
Pacific Northwest Account S.1388
Speech: "Statement In Support of S.1388", March 12, 1959 Various Drafts With Annotations
1957; 1959-1960
110 10
Pay Raise
Morrison Pay Bill; Raises for Government Employees H.R.-
Speech: "Introduce Amendment for Adjustment of Compensation of Certain Federal Officers and Employees", June 17, 1960; "On Pay Increases for Federal Employees", July 1, 1964
1960; 1964
110 11
Pay Raise
H.R. Establish Federal Salary Review Commission
Speech: "Disclosure of Income and Assets By Frank Church", In Senate, May 4, 1967
110 12
Pay Raise
1969 January-Feburary
110 13
Pay Raise
Salary Reform for Top Officials
Speech: "Salary Recommendations Ill Timed", In Senate, Feburary 4, 1969
110 14
Pay Raise
S.Res.293 Rates of Pay for Members of Congress; Taxes Paid; Disclosure
"Voluntary Disclosure of Income, Assets, and Taxes Paid", In Senate, Feburary 11, 1974; "Stop The Pay Raise", In Senate, Feburary 4, 1974; Argument Against Pay Increases for Top Federal Officials", In Senate, March 4, 1974
1973-1974 January-March 8
110 15
Pay Raise
Taft, Robert, Jr.
S.2022 Flexible Hours Employment Bill
1974 March 9th-December
110 16
Pay Raise
111 1
Pay Raise
H.R.14238 Appropriations for The Legislative Branch for FY 1977
111 2
Pay Raise
Byrd, Robert C.
"Why I Oppose Major Pay Increases At This Time", In Senate, Feburary 2, 1977; "Violation of The Cost-of-Living Principle", In Senate, After Feburary 2, 1977; "Another No On Congressional and Executive Pay Raises", In Senate, 1977
1977; 1979
111 3
Peace Corps Medal
Scott, Hugh
S.289 Peace Corps Medal
111 4
Pesticide Laws
1971-1973; 1975
111 5
Yarborough, Ralph W.; Mcfarland, Ron; Muskie, Edmund S.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Hugh, Scott; Nelson, Gaylord
S.Res.- Cancer; S.- Small Business; Environmental Contamination; S.3388 Environmental Quality Administration; S.3484 Marine Environment and Pollution Control Act of 1970; S.- Motor Vehicle Disposal Act
111 6
Hart, Philip A.; Randolph, Jennings; Magnuson, Warren G.; Smith, Ralph Tyler; Burns, David A.
S.- Fuels and Energy
111 7
Dingell, John D.; Bormann, Herbert F.
Introduce Government Auto Purchases Bill, To The Senate, March 9, 1970
111 8
Proxmire, William; Gilbert, Fredricka; Magnuson, Warren G.; Woodruff, Frank G.; Day, Henry L.
111 9
Magnuson, Warren G.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Percy, Charles H.; Hayes, G.J.; Feathers, John E.; Worthen, Paul
111 10
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Reynolds, Earl C.; Crocker, Arthur M.; Nelson, Gaylord
111 11
Andrus, Cecil D.; Hatfield, Mark O.
111 12
Schmidt, J.E.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Hart, Philip A.; Spong, William B., Jr.; Nelson, Gaylord; Cranston, Alan; Fletcher, Katherine; Scott, William L.; Hatfield, Mark O.
S.- Non-Returnable Beverage Containers
111 13
Pollution -- Air
111 14
Pollution -- Air
Baker, John H.; Ribicoff, Abraham
S.3122 Air Rescue Service In The United States Air Force
111 15
Pollution -- Air
Nelson, Gaylord; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Edward M.; Jones, Dale R.; Hartke, Vance
H.R.14753 Environmental Issues and Policies
111 16
Pollution -- Air
Marck, Charles T.
S.3219 Clean Air Act
112 1
Pollution -- Air
Andrus, Cecil D.; Halley, James H.
1976 January-March
112 2
Pollution -- Air
Lesher, Richard L.; Scott, William L.; Otter, Butch G.L.
S.3219 Clean Air Act
1976 March-April
112 3
Pollution -- Air
Love, W.H.
1976 June
112 4
Pollution -- Air
Brown, Edmund G., Jr.; Jones, Dale R.; Randolph, Jennings
1976 July-December
112 5
Pollution -- Air
112 6
Pollution -- Air
Woodcock, Leonard
Clean Air Act
112 7
Pollution -- Air - Clean Air Act
Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Stafford, Robert T.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Haskell, Floyd K.
Clean Air Act S.252
112 8
Pollution -- Air
Hatfield, Paul
112 9
Pollution -- Water
112 10
Pollution -- Water
Muskie, Edmund S.; Church, Bethine
Speech By Bethine Church On Conservation and Water Pollution, 1969
112 11
Pollution -- Water
Andrus, Cecil D.; Randolph, Jennings
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1971 & 1972; Water Pollution Control Legislation S.2770
112 12
Pollution -- Water
112 13
Pollution -- Water
112 14
Pollution -- Water
Barker, John M.
1977 January-August
112 15
Pollution -- Water
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves; Reynolds, Earl C.
1970 September-December
112 16
Pollution -- Water
Nelson, Gaylord; Hatfield, Dan
112 17
Pollution -- Water - Clean Water Act of 1977
Muskie, Edmund S.
S.1952 Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Colloquy: Frank Church Versus Edmund Muskie
112 18
Population -- Abortion
112 19
Population -- Abortion
Packwood, Bob; Draper, William
112 20
Population -- Abortion
112 21
Population -- Abortion
1973 January-February
112 22
Population -- Abortion
1973 February
113 1
Population -- Abortion
1973 March
113 2
Population -- Abortion
1973 April
113 3
Population -- Abortion
1973 April
113 4
Population -- Abortion
1973 April
113 5
Population -- Abortion
Abortion; H.R.3153 Social Security Act; S.1136 Language Change
1973 May
113 6
Population -- Abortion
1973 July-September
113 7
Population -- Abortion
1973 November-December
113 8
Population -- Abortion
Mitchell, Mike P.
1974 January-February
113 9
Population -- Abortion
1974 March-April
113 10
Population -- Abortion
1974 May-July
113 11
Population -- Abortion
1974 August-December
113 12
Population -- Abortion
1975 January-July
113 13
Population -- Abortion
Burdick, Quentin N.; Buckley, James L.
S.J.Res.10/S.J.Res.11 Protection of Unborn Children
1975 August-December
113 14
Population -- Abortion
Helms, Jesse
1976 January-June
113 15
Population -- Abortion
1976 July-December
113 16
Population -- Abortion
1977 January-June
113 17
Population -- Abortion
1977 July-December
113 18
Population -- Abortion
1978 January-February
114 1
Population -- Abortion
1978 Feburary
114 2
Population -- Abortion
1978 Feburary-March
114 3
Population -- Abortion
H.R.7555 Appropriations for Department of Labor and Health Education and Welfare for FY 1978
1978 April-August
114 4
Population -- Abortion
1978 September-December
114 5
Population -- Abortion
1979 January-March
114 6
Population -- Abortion
Lundy, Phoebe
1979 April-July
114 7
Population -- Abortion
Hatfield, Mark O.
1979 August-December
114 8
Population -- Abortion
1980 January-December
114 9
Population -- Census
1969 Census
Pornography - Public lands
Omitted lands was an important area of concern for Senator Church and his constituents. These lands are often held without title and obtaining title to them presented problems which Church was asked to resolve. Omitted lands, as a topic, can be found throughout the collection.
Box Folder
114 10
Scott, Hugh
S.2562 Criminal Penalties for Transporting Obscene Matter
1960; 1966
114 11
Tydings, Joseph D.
S.2057 Restrict Sexually Provocative Mail; S.2381 Mailing of Pandering Advertisements To Deceased; S.1077 Criminal Actions Involving Obscenity
114 12
Goldwater, Barry M.; Murphy, George
S.1077 Anti-Pornography Bill
114 13
Postal Affairs
Increase In Annuities of Retired Federal Employees H.R.4
114 14
Postal Affairs
114 15
Postal Affairs
Bridges, Styles; Johnston, Olin D.; Morton, Thruston B.; Summerfield, Arthur E.
S.4191 Postage Rates On Publications Mailed In The County of Publication; S.3960 Transpotation of Mail By Motor Vehicle Carriers
114 16
Postal Affairs
Blount, Winton M.
Postal Affairs
1958 June-July
114 17
Postal Affairs
Bartlett, E.L.; Rhodes, George M.
H.R.8433 Publishers' Second Class Subsidies
114 18
Postal Affairs
Summerfield, Arthur E.
S.2402 Expeditious, Efficient, and Economical Transportation of Mail; H.R.9488 Transportation of Airmail
114 19
Postal Affairs
Summerfield, Arthur E.
H.R.9488/S.3214 Transportation of Airmail; H.R.540 Compensation and Rights of Postal Field Employees
1960 January-March
114 20
Postal Affairs
H.R.9488 Transportation of Airmail
1960 April
114 21
Postal Affairs
Holland, Spessard L.
H.R.9883 Officers and Employees of The Federal Government; Postal Affairs
1960 May-June
115 1
Postal Affairs
1960 July-September
115 2
Postal Affairs
Burdick, Quentin N.
H.R.6418 Postal Rates; Publication: "Cuba Socialista", 1961; Publication: "The Case Against Higher Third Class Postal Rates", 1961
115 3
Postal Affairs
115 4
Postal Affairs
115 5
Postal Affairs
Communist Literature
115 6
Postal Affairs
115 7
Postal Affairs
H.R.7552 Federal Government Employees
1963; 1964
115 8
Postal Affairs
Mundt, Karl E.
115 9
Postal Affairs
115 10
Postal Affairs
115 11
Postal Affairs
115 12
Postal Affairs
115 13
Postal Affairs
Stanley Post Office
115 14
Postal Affairs
1970 January-April
115 15
Postal Affairs
Blount, Winton M.
1970 January-May
115 16
Postal Affairs
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Yarborough, Ralph W.
1970 June-August
115 17
Postal Affairs
Tower, John G.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Gravel, Mike; McGee, Gale
Postal Affairs; S.2143 Annual Authorization of Appropriations To The Usps
115 18
Postal Affairs
Inouye, Daniel K.
H.R.5665 Labor Disputes US Postal Service; H.R2445 Financial Matters of US Postal Service and Postal Rate Commission
115 19
Postal Affairs
McGee, Gale; Fong, Hiram L.
S.872 Conservation Publications; Second Class Postage; H.R.10786 Payment of Overtime for Department of Agriculture Inspection Service
116 1
Postal Affairs
116 2
Postal Affairs
Simon, Paul; Glenn, John; Stevens, Ted; Ford, Wendell H.; Magnuson, Harry F.
H.R.7700 State of The Union; Postal Affairs
1978 January-October
116 3
Postal Affairs
Culver, John C.; Javits, Jacob K.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Stevens, Ted; Stone, Richard
Church Amendment To H.R.7700 Parcel Post Subsidies/United Parcel Service
1978 September-October
116 4
Postal Affairs
Glenn, John
Church Amendment To H.R.7700 Parcel Post Subsidies/United Parcel Service; H.R.7700 Continuation of Public Service Performed By The US Postal Service
Introducing Amendment To H.R.7700-Postal Service Amendments, Before Senate, September, 1978
1978 October
116 5
Postal Affairs
Magnuson, Harry F.; Chadband, J.F.
1978 October-December
116 6
Postal Affairs
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Sasser, Jim; Levin, Carl
U.S. Supreme Court Brief In Opposition for Respondent, National Association of Greeting Card Publishers
116 7
Postal Affairs
116 8
Postal Affairs -- Commemorative Issues
116 9
Practical Nurse Training Law
S.278 Practical Nurse Training Law
116 10
Presidential Authority
Campisi, Dominic J.
"Honored In The Breech: Presidential Authority To Execute The Laws With Military Force" By Dominic J. Campisi
116 11
Presidential Messages
Nixon, Richard M.
Inaugral Address; Reorganization Plan; Budget Message; Economic Report; Injunction of Secrecy Removed; Vietnam Reconstruction; State of The Union; Environment; Economy; Economic Stabilization; Community Development; Manpower; Drug Laws; Stockpiles; Energ
116 11
Presidential Messages
Agricultural Exports; Emergency Medical Systems; Financial Institutions; Refusal To Yield Tapes; Housing; Small Business; International Economics; Education; Transportation; Economic Adjustment; Health; Military Cash Awards; Campaign Reform; Foreign Aid
116 12
Presidential Succession
Bayh, Birch; Simpson, Milward L.; McClellan, John L.; Long, Edward V.; Keating, Kenneth B.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Hart, Philip A.; Feerick, John D.; Mcnemer, Leslie C.
Presidential Succession S.Res.111; Presidential Inability and Vice Presidential Vacancy, A National Forum Sponsored By The American Bar Association; The Vice-Presidency and The Problems of Presidential Succession and Inability By John D. Feerick;
116 12
Presidential Succession
"The Problems Inherent In Establishing The Line of Succession To The Presidency of The U.S. and The Solution" By Leslie C. Mcnemer; 25th Amendment To The Constitution
116 13
Presidential Succession
Hansen, Orval
Presidential Inability and Vice Presidential Vacancies; S.J.Res.13, S.J.Res.28, S.J.Res.35, S.J.Res.84, S.J.Res.138, S.J.Res.139, S.J.Res.140, S.J.Res.143, S.J.Res.147
116 14
Private Bills
Thomas, Mary F.; Gunnell, E.L.; Johnson, Deloy F.; Winchester, Donald J.
Naval Guard's Overtime Pay S.1700
116 15
President's Commission On The Blind
Jernigan, Kenneth
H.R.5243/S.2077 Commission On The Blind; Disability Insurance for The Blind H.R.3782; A Record By Kenneth Jernigan, President of The National Federation of The Blind
1959; 1969
116 16
Priorities -- Friends Committee On National Legislation
116 17
Proposed Legislation
Basque Sheepherders; S.129/S.1006 Amend Immigration Act of 1954
116 18
Public Lands
Bartlett, E.L.; Gruening, Ernest
H.R.7004 Public Land Administration Act; Management of Public Lands and Forests S.3044; Public Lands for Recreational Use S.2757/H.R.9750; S.873 Disposal of Federal Property In Rupert, Idaho
116 19
Public Lands
Bennett, Wallace F.
S.205; Sand and Gravel On Public Lands; Range Appraisal; Forest Service and Blm
1962; 1964
116 20
Public Lands
Schmitt, Harrison; Hatch, Orrin G.
S.- Earth Resources Information Corporation Act of 1979; Heyburn State Park; S.14 Reclamation Reform Act of 1979; Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978; Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area; Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act S.1403;
116 20
Public Lands
S.4055 Lands Held Under Color of Title; "The World Through A Space Window" By Harrison Schmitt
117 1
Public Lands
McClure, James A.; Starnes, Richard; Trueblood, Ted
Sagebrush Rebellion; Snake River Omitted Lands; Heyburn State Park; "They're Fixing To Steal Your Land" By Ted Trueblood; "The Sagebrush Rebellion" By Richard Starnes
117 2
Public Lands -- Appeals Board
117 3
Public Lands -- Carey Act
117 4
Public Lands -- Dworshak
117 5
Public Lands -- Heyburn State Park
Leroy, David H.
S.J.Res.114 Patent for Heyburn State Park, June 29, 1911; H.R.3933 Define and Clarify Terms Used In Patent From U.S., June 29, 1911, Granted To Idaho; Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe
117 6
Public Lands -- Idaho Youth Ranch
S.J.Res.172 Idaho Youth Ranch Land
117 7
Public Lands -- Lake Lowell
S.3443 Land Adjacent To Lake Lowell Along Lake Shore Drive
117 8
Public Lands -- Omitted Lands
S.1485/H.R.9097 Riparian Lands Along The Snake River, Idaho (Dworshak Bill)
117 9
Public Lands -- Omitted Lands
Andrus, Cecil D.
Omitted Lands H.R.7971; P.L. 87-469 Omitted Lands; H.R.3757 Channel Island National Park; S.- Omitted Lands Along Snake River, Idaho
" Omitted Lands In Idaho" In Senate, October 12, 1978
117 10
Public Lands -- Omitted Lands
Williams, James D.
Granting Certain Lands To Idaho S.1152; Omitted Lands S.1534; Wildlife Habitat and Dworshak Dam S.1667; The Omitted Lands Problem On The Snake River By James D. Williams
"The Snake River Omitted Lands Problem" In Senate; Statement Before The Parks and Recreation Subcommittee Re S.1534
117 11
Public Lands -- Omitted Lands
Omnibus Parks Bill H.R.3757; Omitted Public Lands Along The Snake River
117 12
Public Lands -- Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
Andrus, Cecil D.
H.R.10587 Public Range Lands Improvement Act of 1978; S.2475 Public Lands Improvement Act of 1978; S.2555 National Range Lands Policy Act of 1976
"Public Grazing Lands Improvement Act of 1978" In Senate, February 2, 1978
117 13
Public Lands -- Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
Andrus, Cecil D.; Goldwater, Barry M.
S.2475; H.R.10587; Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
Opening Statement At The Hearings of The Subcommittee On Public Lands and Resources of The Committee On Energy and Natural Resources, August 9, 1978; Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978, Statement On The Senate Floor
117 14
Public Lands -- Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
Wild Horses and Burros Act; American Horse Protection Association and Humane Society of The U.S.; Rangeland Imporovement Act of 1978
117 15
Public Lands -- Rangeland Management
Herbst, John R., Report of Range Sub-Project, Water Resource Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 1973; Water Resources; Wild and Scenic Rivers
"Prudent Management of The Public Range", Keynote Address At Convention of The International Society of Range Management, Boise, Idaho, February 5, 1973
117 16
Public Lands -- Rangeland Management
Challis Stewardship
117 17
Public Lands -- Rangeland Management
Yates, Sidney R.; Byrd, Robert C.
Challis Stewardship; Range Funding; Grazing; H.R.96-604 Appropriations for The Department of Interior
117 18
Public Lands -- Rangeland Management
Challis Stewardship
117 19
Public Lands -- Repair of State Capitol Buildings
Smylie, Robert E.
S.677/H.R.5149/S.1396/S.1794 Public Lands Granted for Repair of State Buildings; Idaho; North Dakota; South Dakota; Montana; Washington; Wyoming
117 20
Public Lands -- Silver City
117 21
Public Lands -- State Selection Lands
117 22
Public Lands -- Subcommittee On Public Lands
Cannon, Howard W.; Jackson, Henry M.; Moss, Frank E.
Public Domain; Oregon; Public Land Law
117 23
Public Lands -- Targhee National Forest Amendment
Targhee National Forest Amendment To H.R.7971
Statement On Senate Floor On The Targhee National Forest Amendment, October 12, 1978
Public works
For Church, public works meant water projects proposed and sometimes constructed by the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation for flood control, irrigation, or other purposes. Most of the Columbia Basin projects have their own subject files; the rest of the country is consolidated in General. The Public Works files are closely related to Water Resources issues, as well as Fish and Wildlife.
Box Folder
117 24
West, Herbert G.; Crookham, George L., Jr.; Murray, James E.; Mansfield, Mike
Public Use of Reservoirs S.410; Water Resource Development H.R.965/S.J.R.281; Missouri Basin Commission S.1107; Community Facilities Act S.3497; Alabama-Coosa River System; S.Res.299 Accelerated Reclamation Construction
117 25
National Reclamation Association
117 26
West, Herbert G.; Schoeppel, Andrew F.; Carlson, Frank; Proxmire, William; Hart, Philip A.; Wiley, Alexander
The Alabama-Coosa River System; Garrison Diversion; Lake Michigan Diversion Bill H.R.1; Duncan Ferry Dam; Water Policy; National Reclamation Association
117 27
West, Herbert G.; Morgenthau, Hans J.
S.2060 Federal Cost Sharing for Flood Control; Morgenthau, Hans J., Our Thwarted Republic
117 28
California Water Plan; Bureau of Reclamation
118 1
West, Herbert G.
Fish Passage Problem; S.195 Employment Act of 1961; Utah Historical Quarterly, Colorado: River of The West, July 1960
118 2
Smylie, Robert E.; Allott, Gordon; Ullman, Allen
Frying Pan, Arkansas; Knowles Project; Program of The Bureau of Reclamation for The Pacific Northwest for Fiscal Year 1962
118 3
Moss, Frank E.; West, Herbert G.
Roseworth Project, Twin Falls; Dixie Project, Utah S.26/S.655; S.283/S.46 Small Projects Act of 1956; King Hill Irrigation District; Garrison Diversion S.178/S.230; Warm River Dam; Small Reclamation Projects; Water Resource Development By The Corps of E
118 4
Collins, Leroy
Riverside Water Project, Clearwater County; Army Corps of Engineers, Budget for Civil Works
118 5
Indiana Dunes; Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Budget; Floods Walla Walla District
118 6
Douglas, Paul H.
H.R.4851/S.602 Small Projects Act
118 7
Public Works : Alaska
Gruening, Ernest
Rampart Dam; Alaska Earthquake; Albeni Falls; Alta Project
118 8
Public Works : Alta Project
118 9
Public Works : Bear River Compact
Smylie, Robert E.
S.1086 Bear River Compact
118 10
Public Works : Bear River Project
118 11
Public Works : Bear River Project
Smylie, Robert E.; Budge, Reed; Dominy, Floyd
Bear River Project; Onieda Dam
118 12
Public Works : Bear River Project
118 13
Public Works : Big Wood River
118 14
Public Works : Blackfoot Flood Control
118 15
Public Works : Boise
Smylie, Robert E.; Day, Bob
Boise River Flood Control; P.L.984-84 Congress; Lucky Peak Fire; Small Watershed Projects Under The Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act U.S.D.A. P.A.392; Flood Control District Statutes, Idaho Code, 42-3101 To 42-3124
118 16
Public Works : Bonners Ferry
Smylie, Robert E.
Bonners Ferry Flood Control
118 17
Public Works : Bonneville
Murray, James E.
Bonneville; S.2195 Dalles Project: Pacific Northwest (Bonneville) California Intertie; Columbia Basin
119 1
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
Omnibus Public Works Bill S.497
119 2
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
Neuberger, Richard L.; Magnuson, Warren G.
119 3
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
S.497 Omnibus Rivers and Harbors; Anadromous Fish
119 4
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
White, Compton I., Jr.
S.41 Public Lands; H.R.1235 Burns Creek Authorization; S.R.850 Bruces Eddy/Dworshak Land Exchange S.41
119 5
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
119 6
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
S.497 Omnibus River and Harbor Bill; Wildlife; Salmon; Steelhead; River and Harbor, Beach Erosion Control and Flood Control Projects
119 7
Public Works : Bruces Eddy
Udall, Stewart L.; Cooper, John Sherman
119 8
Public Works : Bully Creek
Bully Creek Authorization S.528/S.639
119 9
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Stinson, Howard
S.145/S.2089 Burns Creek Authorization Bills; Burns Creek Authorization Bill-S.2757; Palisades Project, Idaho
1957 January-August
119 10
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn; Budge, Hamer H.; Aspinall, Wayne N.; Leonard, Ross
Burns Creek Authorization S.2757
119 11
Public Works : Burns Creek
S.281 Burns Creek Authorization; Utah Power and Light Co.; Minidoka Project
119 12
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn; Aspinall, Wayne N.; Douglas, Paul H.; West, Herbert G.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Dorman, Darrell H.; Moss, Frank E.; Allott, Gordon
Burns Creek Authorization
Statement To House Interior Committee, No Date
119 13
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn; Roach, T.E. Tom; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Nelson, Harold T.
Burns Creek Authorization S.281; Irrigation and Reclamation
119 14
Public Works : Burns Creek
Burns Creek Authorization S.281
Speech: "Burns Creek Authorization", In Senate, No Date (Two Versions); Statement: "Supplimental Statement On Burns Creek Authorization-S.281", No Date
119 15
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn
S.66/H.R.1235 Burns Creek Authorization
119 16
Public Works : Burns Creek
Carver, John A., Jr.; Roach, T.E. Tom; Udall, Stewart L.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Moss, Frank E.
S.66/H.R.36/H.R.378 Burns Creek Authorization
Speech: "Introduction To S.66", January 5, 1961
119 17
Public Works : Burns Creek
Metcalf, Lee
Burns Creek Authorization S.66; Omnibus Public Works Bill S.3773
119 18
Public Works : Burns Creek
Udall, Stewart L.
Burns Creek Authorization S.66/S.107
120 1
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn
S.66 Burns Creek Authorization; Burns Creek $50, 000, 000 White Elephant, Utah Power and Light Report
Speech: "Introduction of Bureau of Reclamation Views Into The Record", In The Senate, March 21, 1961
120 2
Public Works : Burns Creek
Committee On Public Works; Corps of Engineers; Jackson Lake Recreation
120 3
Public Works : Burns Creek
Crandall, Lynn; McGee, Gale; Simpson, Milward L.; Harding, Ralph R.
H.R.6016 Omnibus Public Works Bill
Back Ground Speeches, In Senate, July 24, 1959 and March 21, 1961; Speech: "Burns Creek Authorization", In Senate, July, 30, 1963
120 4
Public Works : Burns Creek
Udall, Stewart L.
Burns Creek Dam To Lynn Crandall Dam
Statement Before The House Public Works Committee, 1964
120 5
Public Works : Cassia Creek
Holum, Kenneth; Moss, Frank E.
Cassia Creek Reservoir
120 6
Public Works : Central Arizona Project
S.2670/S.1658 Central Arizona Project
120 7
Public Works : Challis Project
120 8
Public Works : Colorado River Project
Udall, Stewart L.
Glen Canyon Dam; Colorado River Transmission Grids
120 9
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Morse, Wayne; Anderson, Jack Z.; Murray, James E.
S.1388 Pacific Northwest Account; S.3114 Bonneville Project; S.- Columbia River Development Corp Act 1959; Hydro-Power Projects In Columbia River Basin
120 10
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Neuberger, Richard L.; Day, Henry L.
S.3114 Columbia Basic Regional Corporation Bill; Bonneville Project Act
120 11
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Neuberger, Richard L.; Murray, James E.
Columbia Basic Regional Corporation Bill S.3114; Bonneville Project Act; International Joint Commission
1959 January-May
120 12
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Kerr, Robert S.; Murray, James E.
Columbia Basic Regional Corporation Bill S.3114; Columbia Basin Interagency Committee
1959 June-December
120 13
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Columbia Basin Compact Commission; Columbia-Bonniville Power Administration Central Valley International; Cooperative Development of The Columbia River Basin By The U.S. and Canada"
120 14
Public Works : Columbia River Basin
Chavez, Dennis
Columbia Basin Interagency Committee; S.1761 Grand Coulee
120 15
Public Works : Daniels Dam
St. John Irrigation Co.
120 16
Public Works : Dworshak Dam
Cancell, Benton R.
S.850 Bruces Eddy Dam Changes To Dworshak Dam; H.R.10625 Storage and Transportation On Flood Control Projects
121 1
Public Works : Dworshak Dam
"Dam Job Underway", Appeared In "Spokane Review", October 10, 1965
121 2
Public Works : Enaville Dam
Day, Henry L.
121 3
Public Works : Freemont-Madison Dam
121 4
Public Works : Frying Pan, Arkansas Project
Allott, Gordon; Carroll, John A.
Arkansas Project S.60
121 5
Public Works : Garden Valley
Morrison, H.W. Harry
Morrison Backs Garden Valley, Caldwell Times, December 24, 1958; Snake River Project
121 6
Public Works : Guffy Project
Wetherell, R.M.; Dworshak, Henry C.
S.- Guffy Project
121 7
Public Works : Guffy Project
Wetherell, R.M.; Williams, Arnold
121 8
Public Works : Hayden Lake
Anderson, Clinton P.
S.923/H.R.4458 Avondale, Dalton Gardens, and Hayden Lake Irrigation Districts
121 9
Public Works : High Mountain Sheep
Kuykendall, Jerome K.; Robinson, Kinsey M.; Burk, John L.; Bowler, Bruce
High Mountain Sheep Dam; Conservation of Salmon and Steelhead; Pacific Northwest Power Co.
"The Sawtooths of Idaho", In Senate, April 28, 1966
121 10
Public Works : High Mountain Sheep
Bowler, Bruce
Oregon Water Resources; Labor; Pacific Northwest Conservation Council
121 11
Public Works : Hillcrest Project
121 12
Public Works : Hillcrest Project
Gavin, Parke P.
Hillcrest Irrigation District; Boise-Meridian Irrigation District; Hillcrest Unit, Mountain Home Division, Snake River Project
121 13
Public Works : Ice Harbor
121 14
Public Works : John Day Dam
Magnuson, Warren G.
H.R.5789 John Day Dam; Inland Empires Waterways Association
121 15
Public Works : Knowles Project
Knowles, Bill
Bill Knowles Project S.1226
121 16
Public Works : Lake Michigan Diversion
Douglas, Paul H.; Potter, Charles E.
Withdrawls From Lake Michigan H.R.2/ S.1123; Chicago's Water Diversion From The Great Lakes
121 17
Public Works : Lenore Dam
121 18
Public Works : Lewiston Bridge
Gravel, Mike; Randolph, Jennings
S.439 Lewiston Bridge
A Statement Before Water Resources Subcommittee, [October, 1974]; "Second Bridge for Lewiston", In Senate, No Date
121 19
Public Works : Libby Dam
Mansfield, Mike; Murray, James E.; Magnuson, Warren G.
S.2784/S.682 Libby Dam
121 20
Public Works : Little Weiser Dam
Chance, Don; Carver, John A., Jr.
121 21
Public Works : Lower Colorado River Storage Project
Marble Canyon Dam; Bridge Canyon Dam
121 22
Public Works : Lower Granite Dam
West, Herbert G.
Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Asotin
121 23
Public Works : Lower Snake River Navigation
Johnson, Emmett; West, Herbert G.; Lorenz, E.V.; Udall, Stewart L.; Hodges, Luther H.; O'Donnell, Kenneth; Symbol, Paul H.
Port of Lewiston; Lower Monumental Dam
122 1
Public Works : Lucky Peak
Bowler, Bruce; Leonard, Ross; Chavez, Dennis; Schlender, R.W.
Lucky Peak Shutdowns; Power Generation Facilities
122 2
Public Works : Mann Creek
Browning, Lloyd L.; Gunn, Everett; Anderson, Andy; Norwood, Gus; Anderson, Clinton P.
S.405 Mann Creek Project
1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962; 1965
122 3
Public Works : Michaud Flats
Potvin, Gregg R.; Clark, D. Worth
S.1582 Michaud Flats
1957; 1963
122 4
Public Works : Middle Snake River
Bowler, Bruce
High Mountain Sheep; Nez Perce; S.35 Middle Snake Navigation
122 5
Public Works : Minidoka Project, Montpelier Creek Watershed
Morgan, Lee T.; Sneddon, Bennet; Stock, W.C.
S.873 Property Sales In Rupert, Idaho, Block 67; Irrigation District
1957-1060; 1964
122 6
Public Works : Nez Perce - Hells Canyon
Norwood, Gus; Corker, Charles E.; Bowler, Bruce; George, John M.; Day, Henry L.; Hurd, Owen W.; Hobart, Lawrence; Trueblood, Ted; Cleveland, Vincent M.; Day, Ernie; Day, Ernest E.
Idaho Wildlife Federation; Nez Perce Site
122 7
Public Works : Nez Perce
Hurd, Owen W.; Bowler, Bruce; Samuelson, Don; Wackburg, Ralph
Idaho Wildlife Federation; Nez Perce
122 8
Public Works : Niagra River
Clark, Joseph S.; Klaussen, Bjarne; Kaul, Andrew; Kellet, W.R.
S.1823 Niagra River; Committee On Public Works
122 9
Public Works : North Fremont Gravity Pressure Irrigation
H.R.7590 Public Work Appropriations Bill
Introducing An Amendment To Allow North Fremont Gravity Pressure Irrigation Project
122 10
Public Works : Pacific Northwest Account
Crookham, George L., Jr.; Murray, James E.
Northwest Public Power Association; Columbia River Basin
122 11
Public Works : Palisades Project - Palouse River, Idaho
Palisades Project; Palouse River, Idaho
122 12
Public Works : Paradise Dam, Montana
Paradise Dam, Montana S.1226
122 13
Public Works : Placer Creek - Penny Cliffs - Payette River
122 14
Public Works : Pleasant Valley
Seaton, Fred A.
Licenseing; Federal Power Commission
122 15
Public Works : Pleasant Valley
Long, Russell B.; Cooper, John Sherman; Langer, William K.; Morse, Wayne; Russell, Richard B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Leonard, Ross; Bowler, Bruce; Cannon, Clarence; Norwood, Gus
Middle Snake River Freeze; Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Act S.497
Opinion and Order Granting License
122 16
Public Works : Ririe Dam - Idaho Falls - Willow Creek
Robertson, A. Willis; Kuchel, Thomas H.
Ririe Dam; Water; Public Works
122 16
Public Works : Ririe Dam - Idaho Falls - Willow Creek
Pedersen, S. Eddie; Ellender, Allen J.; Tappan, Carl E.; Holm, Russell; Hayden, Carl; Proxmire, William; Young, Milton R.; Mundt, Karl E.; Jordan, Len B.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Mansfield, Mike; Byrd, Robert C.; Bibl
Ririe Dam; Idaho Falls
Joint Frank Church-Len Jordan Statement To Senate Committee
122 17
Public Works : Salmon River - Salmon Falls
Hayden, Carl; Murray, James E.
Salmon River; Small Projects
122 18
Public Works : Small Projects
Small Projects; Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956; Salmon Falls Tract; St. John Irrigation Company; Crystal Springs Irrigation Company
122 19
Public Works : Snake River Diversion
Garden Valley Diversion
122 20
Public Works : Snake River Recharge Project
122 21
Public Works : Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Ravenscroft, Vernon F.; Nelson, Harold T.; Van Slyke, D.A.
122 22
Public Works : Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Crookham, George L., Jr.; White, Compton I., Jr.; Cancell, Benton R.; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.; Wetherell, Mike; McClary, James D.
S.3128 Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Columbia Basin Interstate Water Resource Board
Introductory Remarks To The Senate On The Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
1966 January-March
123 1
Public Works : Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Nelson, Harold T.
S.J.M.1 Snake River Development
Statement To Subcommittee On Irrigation and Reclamation, September 9, 1966
1966 March-August
123 2
Public Works : Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Crookham, George L., Jr.; Gotsh, Carl H.
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project S.697; Swan Falls; Guffey; Idaho Water Resource Board
1966 September-1971 February
123 3
Public Works : Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Lee, Robert R.; Striet, John
Swan Falls; Guffey Project
123 4
Public Works : Tennessee Valley Authority
Morrison, H.W. Harry; Martin, Edward
Tennessee Valley Authority Expansion Funds S.1869; H.R.3236 Revenue Bonding
123 5
Public Works : Teton Basin
Ellender, Allen J.; Hollist, W.D.
Teton River; Flood Control
123 6
Public Works : Teton Basin
Lower Teton Reclamation Project, Senate Floor, March 19, 1963
123 7
Public Works : Teton Basin
Jackson, Henry M.; Eagle, H.C.; Ball, R.F.; Moss, Frank E.; Webb, William; Udall, Stewart L.
Lower Teton Division S.1123; H.R.2337 Construction of Lower Teton Division
Statement On Lower Teton Project
123 8
Public Works : Teton Basin
Byrd, Robert C.; Hansen, George V.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Hill, Lister; Bible, Alan; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Young, Milton R.; McGee, Gale; Allott, Gordon; Holland, Spessard L.; Jordan, Len B.
Statement To The Subcommittee On Public Works...Lower Teton Project, September 13, 1965; Joint Statement of Frank Church and Senator Len B. Jordan To The Senate Appropriations Committee, June 14, 1966
123 9
Public Works : Teton Basin
Jayne, Gerald A.; Bible, Alan
Wildlife Mitigation; Teton Failure-Flood; H.R.3160 Confidentiality; S.1202 Land Sales and Transfer; Bureau of Reclamation
Statement On Teton Dam Relief Assistance Program, June 15, 1976, Teton Dam Disaster Assistance Act Disclosure Amendments
123 10
Public Works : Teton Basin
Evans, John V.
P.L.94-400 S.3542 Compensation for Damages; P.L.93-423 Economic Development Administration; P.L.94-355 Public Works and Energy Act; Teton Disaster Recovery Organization; East-Central Idaho Planning and Development Association Incorporation
Teton Disaster Recovery Organization, In Senate, No Date
123 11
Public Works : Teton Reclamation Project
Crandall, D.L.; Rigby, Rapley; Young, Cy
S.2643 Lower Teton Reclamation Project; Flood Control; S.2060
123 12
Public Works : Trinity River
Crandall, Lynn
123 13
Public Works : Upper Snake River
Southwest Idaho Water Project; Burns Creek Dam; American Falls Dam
123 14
Public Works : Wieser River
Wieser River Flood Control
Radiation Hazards Act - Surplus property
Frank Church was especially concerned with the senior citizens within his constituency. This concern is reflected in the Social Security files which also deal with retirement of railway workers and civil servants. In 1972, the northern Idaho mining industry was stunned by the disaster at the Sunshine Mine in Kellogg. Church's efforts to send relief to the area are documented within these files.
Box Folder
123 15
Radiation Hazards Act
S.1628 Radiation Hazards Act of 1959
123 16
Radiation Workers Compensation Act
Price-Zalenko Bill
123 17
Frederickson, Don G.; Williams, Arnold
Idaho State Senate Joint Memorial No.1
Reapportionment, Dirksen/Rider, On Senate Floor, September 10, 1964; Civil Service Pay Raise, Senate Floor, July 1, 1964
123 18
Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Brocke, George F.; Brassey, Vern; Ryan, Harold L.; Winkler, Charles; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.
123 19
Williams, Arnold; Bayh, Birch; Smith, E.B.; Huntley, Robert C., Jr.
Idaho State Senate Joint Memorial No. 1; Apportionment of State Legislatures
Reapportionment, Announcing Introduction of Resolution, Interview Script, February, 1965; Proposed Amendments To Constitution Relating To Apportionment, Senate Floor, February 2, 1965; Statement Before The Constitutional Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee
1965 January-March
123 20
Harris, Fred R.
1965 April-December
123 21
Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Hirschi, Frank W.
S.J.Res.103; Committee for Government of The People; Reapportionment Dirksen Reapportionment Amendment
Statement On Reapportionment, A Draft
124 1
Harn, H.R.; Wolf, Peter H.
S.J.Res.103 Reapportionment; H.R.2 Idaho House of Representatives; Reapportionment; Wolf, Peter H., "An Antireapportionment Amendment: Can It Be Legally Ratified", American Bar Association Journal, April, 1966
124 2
124 3
124 4
Bayh, Birch; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley
Prayer and Bible Reading In Public Schools; Education; Legal; Dirksen Prayer Amendment; Bahais
124 5
Johnston, Olin D.
Railroad Retirement S.1313
124 6
Moore, Carl C.
S.266 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937; Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act; S.173 Alaska Railroad Payment of Overtime; Keogh-Simpson Self-Employed Retirement Bill H.R.10; Forand Bill; Social Security Law; Insurance
1959 January-April
124 7
McNamara, Pat
Insurance; Self-Employed Individuals Retirement Act of 1959 H.R.10; Railroad Retirement Bill S.226/H.R.5610
1959 May-December
124 8
Hart, Philip A.
Self-Employed Individual Retirement Bill H.R.10; Morrison Postal Federal Pay Bill; Medical Care for The Aged; Tax Treatment of Voluntary Retirement Plans Covering The Self-Employed; Insurance
124 9
Civil Service Retirement System H.R.2090/S.188; Railroad Retirement
124 10
Railroad Retirement; Early Retirement for Hazardous Industries H.R.11155; Railroad Retirement H.R.628
1962-1964; 1966
124 11
Montoya, Joseph M.
Insurance; Aged and Aging; Civil Service S.436; Civil Service Retirement S.421/S.422/S.423/S.437/S.438; Railroad Retirement Supplemental Annuities H.R.11607; Federal Retirement System S.2326/H.R.9825; Railroad Retirement Annuities Equal Treatment of Men
124 12
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Railroad Retirees Supplement Pension Bill H.R.13300; Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association In The College Retirement Equities Fund; Public Employee Retirement System H.R.1269/S.2
124 13
Revenue Sharing
McBreen, Maureen
Federal Revenue Sharing
124 14
Revenue Sharing
Duncombe, Sydney
124 15
Revenue Sharing
H.R.13367 State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972
"The Use of Revenue Sharing Funds By Local Governments In Idaho", Senate Floor, September 13, 1976
124 16
Revenue Sharing
124 17
Roosevelt (Eleanor) Foundation
Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.171 Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation
124 18
Salaries -- General and Federal
Young, Milton R.
124 19
Salaries -- Federal Employees
Ryan, William H.; Johnston, Olin D.; Campbell, James A.
S.195 Government Employees; H.R.65 Allowances and Benefits To Veterans' Administration Personnel In The Philippines; S.213/H.R.3034 Customs Officers Claims
124 19
Salaries -- Federal Employees
S.1 Federal Employees Health Insurance; S.734 Reclassification Act of 1957; S.1326 Scientific and Professional Classification Act; S.1683 Number of Government Employees
124 20
Salaries -- Federal Employees
Doherty, William C.
Pay Rate of U.S. Marshalls S.3169; Salary Increase for Federal Employees S.734
124 21
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
S.27 Postal Field Service Compensation Act of 1955
1956; 1957 January-March
124 22
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Pay Bill S.27; Retirement Benefits for Civil Servants S.72
1957 January-March
124 23
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Pay Rate S.27
1957 February
124 24
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Pay Rate S.27; Retirement Benefits for Civil Service Employees H.R.4/S.72
1957 March
125 1
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Pay Rate S.27; Retirement Benefits for Civil Service Employees H.R.4/S.72
1957 March-December
125 2
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Pay Raise S.27
1957 April-December
125 3
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
S.27/S.386 Postal Pay Raise; S.194 Organization Postal and Federal Employees
125 4
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Lyons, Eugene J.; Owen, Vaux
Pay Increase for Postal Employees S.27; Equipment Maintainance Allowance for Rural Carriers S.3050
125 5
Salaries -- Federal Employees - Postal
Postal Employees Salary Act H.R.9531/S.3029; Federal Reform Act of 1962 H.R.10480
125 6
Salaries -- Minimum Wage
Fair Labor Standard Act S.1135
125 7
Scouts -- Boy Scouts Jamboree
Shadduck, Louise; Roderick, C.R.; Smylie, Robert E.
H.R.12270 Boy Scouts World Jamboree
125 8
Scouts -- Boy Scouts Jamboree
Samuelson, Don; Thompson, Frank, Jr.; Jordan, Len B.; Jackson, Henry M.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Shadduck, Louise; Long, Edward V.; Edmonds, E.W., Jr.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Johnson, Harold T.; Scatterfield, David E. III
World Jamboree
125 9
Scouts -- Boy Scouts War On Litter
125 10
Scouts -- Girl Scouts Annual Report
125 11
Scouts -- Girl Scouts Senior Round-Up
Shadduck, Louise; Jordan, Len B.; Russell, Richard B.; Carpenter, Elizabeth
S.2425 Girl Scout Senior Round-Up
1963; 1964; 1965; 1966
125 12
Selective Service
1959; 1963; 1965; 1966 January-November
125 13
Selective Service
1966 December; 1967 January-February
125 14
Selective Service
Darden, William H.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Dodd, Thomas J.
1967 March-December
125 15
Senate Building, New
125 16
Senate -- Reorganization
Hatfield, Mark O.
Testimony Before The Committee On Committees [Re: Consolidation of for. Relations and Armed Services Committees], No Date
125 17
Senate -- Reorganization
Hartung, Ernest W.
S.Res.39 Radio and Tv Coverage of Senate Chambers
125 18
Senate -- Reorganization - Indians
125 19
Senate -- Reorganization - Postal
McGovern, George; Dole, Robert; Cannon, Howard W.; McClennan, W. Howard; Burdick, Quentin N.
Nutrition/Postal; McGovern-Dole Amendment To S.Res.4
125 20
Senate -- Reorganization - Veterans
125 21
Senate -- Reorganization - Small Business
Mckevitt, James D.
Haskell-Laxalt-Mcintyre Amendment
126 1
Senate -- Reorganization - Small Business
126 2
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
126 3
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
1952-1953; 1958
126 4
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Morse, Wayne; Neuberger, Richard L.; Douglas, Paul H.; Murray, James E.; McNamara, Pat; Reuther, Walter P.; Lehman, Herbert H.; Wilkins, Roy; Hayden, Carl; Talmadge, Herman E.; Javits, Jacob K.; West, Langdon
Democratic Declaration of 1957; Continuous Body Argument; Senate Rules
126 5
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Douglas, Paul H.; Lehman, Herbert H.; Javits, Jacob K.; Langer, William K.; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
Draft Cloture Speech, No Date
126 6
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
Clark, Joseph S.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Javits, Jacob K.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Bennett, Charles E.; Burleson, Omar
H.Con.Res.15 Ethics for Government Service; S, 1797 Easements Over National Forest Lands
126 7
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
Douglas, Paul H.; Clark, Joseph S.; Harrison, Gordon F.
126 8
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
"A Modest Change In The Cloture", In Senate, [January 1971]
1963-1964; 1967-1971
126 8
Senate -- Rules - Cloture/Rule 22
Symington, Stuart; Anderson, Clinton P.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Cranston, Alan
Senate Rules; Cloture; Rule 22; S.Res.11 Amend Rule 22
"Cloture Petition", In Senate, September 10, 1964; "Attempts To Modify Rule 22 Within Existing Rules", In Senate, [January 1969]; Motion To Amend Rule 22 In Senate, [January 1969]; "The Case of The Three-Fifths Rule", In Senate, January 10, 1969
1963-1964; 1967-1971
126 9
Senate -- Rules - Reorganization
126 10
Senate -- Rules and Procedures
Pastore, John O.; Mansfield, Mike; Fulbright, J.W.; Jordan, B. Everett; Hayden, Carl; Inouye, Daniel K.
S.Res.89 Germaneness of Debate; S.Con.Res.1 Study Organization and Operations of The Congress and Recommend Improvements; S.Res.78 Admitting Former Presidents To Sit In The Senate; S.Res.111 Rule 25 Relative To Meetings of Committee
"S.Res.89-An Amendment of Rule 8", In Senate, [January 1963]; Statement Related To S.Res.111, In Senate, January 1964; Statement Related To Constitutional Amendment for Filling Vacancies In The Office of The Vice President, In Senate, January 22, 1964
126 11
Silver City, Idaho
Historic Preservation of Properties In Silver City, Idaho
126 12
Small Business Committee
Prouty, Winston L.
S.Res.30 Small Business
126 13
Skiflation -- Haskell Bill
S.1338 Commercial Outdoor Recreation Facilities On Public Lands
126 14
Small Reclamation Projects Act
S.283 Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956
126 15
Neuberger, Maurine B.
Cigarette Labeling; Neuberger S.559
"Smoking" Senate Floor, November, 1963
1963-1965; 1967-1968
126 16
Moss, Frank E.; Brooke, Edward W.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Gurney, Edward J.; Javits, Jacob K.
Mailing of Unsolicited Cigarette Samples; Transportation; Some Seating Capacity for Non-Smokers; National Health Research and Development Act of 1976
1969-1976; 1978; 1980
126 17
Social Security
126 18
Social Security
1958 January-June
126 19
Social Security
1958 July-December
126 20
Social Security
Hartke, Vance
126 21
Social Security
1961 January-July
126 22
Social Security
1961 July-December
126 23
Social Security
Ribicoff, Abraham
1962 January-August
126 24
Social Security
127 1
Social Security
Hartke, Vance
H.R.11865 Social Security Amendments of 1964
127 2
Social Security
1965 January-June
127 3
Social Security
Hartke, Vance
Social Security Tax On Tips and Other Gratuities
1965 July-December
127 4
Social Security
127 5
Social Security
1967 January-March
127 6
Social Security
Ball, Robert M.; Moss, Frank E.
1967 April-June
127 7
Social Security
Samuelson, Don
1967 July-September
127 8
Social Security
Ball, Robert M.; Kennedy, Robert F.; Williams, John L.
1967 October-December
127 9
Social Security
Kennedy, Robert F.; Harris, Fred R.
127 10
Social Security
Hansen, George V.; Metcalf, Lee
1969 January-September
127 11
Social Security
1969 October
127 12
Social Security
H.R.14430 Social Security Act
1969 October-December
127 13
Social Security
Ball, Robert M.; Samuelson, Don
1970 January-July
127 14
Social Security
Richardson, Elliot L.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Saxbe, William B.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
1970 September-December
127 15
Social Security
Metcalf, Lee; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
1971 January-February
127 16
Social Security
Andrus, Cecil D.
1971 March-April
127 17
Social Security
Kennedy, Edward M.
1971 May-June
127 18
Social Security
Long, Russell B.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Nelson, Gaylord
1971 July-December
127 19
Social Security
1972 January-March
127 20
Social Security
1972 April
127 21
Social Security
1972 May
127 22
Social Security
1972 June-July
127 23
Social Security
1972 August-December
128 1
Social Security
Inouye, Daniel K.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Scott, Hugh; Schweiker, Richard S.
128 2
Social Security
Pell, Claiborne
S.3369 Social Security Act of 1954
"A Fact Book On Social Security, A Manuscript, By Frank Church
128 3
Social Security
128 4
Social Security
128 5
Social Security
Califano, Joseph A., Jr.; Williams, Joe R.
S.76 Social Security Act To Include Chiropractic Services
128 6
Social Security
128 7
Social Security
128 8
Social Security
S.2722/H.R.7555/H.R.5610/S.2877 Social Security Act To Prevent Inmates From Receiving Benefits
1980 January-June
128 9
Social Security
1980 July-December
128 10
Sunshine Mine Disaster
Whitaker, John C.
H.R.15692 Disaster Relief To Sunshine Mine Disaster
128 11
Sunshine Mine Disaster
128 12
Sunshine Mine Disaster
128 13
Supersonic Transport
128 14
Surplus Property
A government funds its activity through taxation and Senator Church's efforts to reply to the concerns of his constituents about taxation are reflected in this material.
Box Folder
128 15
128 16
128 17
128 18
128 19
128 20
Expense Accounts
128 21
129 1
129 2
129 3
129 4
129 5
129 6
129 7
129 8
129 9
129 10
129 11
129 12
129 13
129 14
129 15
129 16
129 17
129 18
130 1
130 2
130 3
130 4
130 5
130 6
130 7
130 8
130 9
130 10
130 11
130 12
130 13
130 14
130 15
130 16
130 17
131 1
131 2
131 3
131 4
131 5
131 6
131 7
131 8
131 9
131 10
131 11
131 12
131 13
131 14
131 15
131 16
131 17
131 18
131 19
132 1
132 2
132 3
132 4
132 5
132 6
132 7
132 8
132 9
132 10
Kennedy, Edward M.
132 11
132 12
132 13
132 14
132 15
132 16
1979 January-April
132 17
1979 May-June
133 1
1979 July-August
133 2
1979 September
133 3
1979 October-December
133 4
1980 January-March
133 5
1979 April-June
133 6
1980 July-August
133 7
1980 September-December
133 8
Taxes : Capital Gains
133 9
Taxes : Composers, Authors, and Artists
133 10
Taxes : Deductible Contributions for Federal Elective Offices
133 11
Taxes : Cooperatives
133 12
Taxes : Documentary Stamp Tax
133 13
Taxes : Deductions of Mining and Exploration Costs
133 14
Taxes : Dividends
133 15
Taxes : Dividends
133 16
Taxes : Dividends
133 17
Taxes : Education Deductions
133 18
Taxes : Estate Tax
133 19
Taxes : Excise Tax
133 20
Taxes : Excise Tax
133 21
Taxes : Independent Contractors
Independent Contractor Status; Real Estate Agents S.3007/S.3037
1978 March-October
133 22
Taxes : Income Tax Repeal
133 23
Taxes : Income Tax Repeal
133 24
Taxes : Interstate Taxation
133 25
Taxes : Jenkins-Keogh
133 26
Taxes : Jobs Tax Credit
133 27
Taxes : Poll Tax
134 1
Taxes : Priority of Federal Tax Liens
134 2
Taxes : Repeal Tax On Silver
134 3
Taxes : Revenue Sharing
134 4
Taxes : Rubber
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Excise and Fuel Taxes
134 5
Taxes : Self Employed
134 6
Taxes : Small Business Tax
1958; 1961; 1963; 1980
134 7
Taxes : Small Business Tax
134 8
Taxes : Tax Bill Amendments
134 9
Taxes : Tax Bill Amendments
1976 July
134 10
Taxes : Tax Bill Amendments
1976 August
134 11
Taxes : Tax Dodge Farming
134 12
Taxes : Tax Reform
134 13
Taxes : Tax Reform
134 14
Taxes : Telephone
134 15
Taxes : Transportation, Excise
134 16
Taxes : Truck and Bus
134 17
Taxes : Tuition Tax Credit
Technology assessment - Timber/Lumber
Idaho depends, in part, upon timber and lumber sales to support its economy. Church recognized this important area of concern and worked to maintain the economic viability of the wood pro ducts industry. He sought to balance these needs with the desire to preserve some of Idaho's scenic wild lands.
Box Folder
134 18
Technology Assessment Act of 1972
134 19
Special Timber Sales To Small Business
134 20
Depressed Condition of The Idaho Timber Products Industry; Knutson-Vandenburg Act
1961 January-March
135 1
Hart, Philip A.; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Samuelson, Don
Depressed Condition of The Idaho Timber Products Industry
1961 April-July
135 2
135 3
Dutton, Frederick G.; Hartung, A.F.; Kennedy, John F.
Lumber Industry; Canadian Competition and Softwood Lumber Imports
135 4
Canadian Lumber Imports; H.R.1979 National Housing Act
1963 January
135 5
Dillon, Douglas; Jordan, Len B.
Softwood Lumber Industry and Canadian Imports; S.J.Res.50 Quota On All Imports of Softwood Lumber; S.921/H.R.3950 Lumber and Softwood Products As An Agricultural Commodity; S.922 Secretary for Forest Resources; S.923/S.782/H.R.3955 National Housing Act
1963 February
135 5
S.924/H.R.4050 Marking of Lumber To Indicate Contry of Origin
1963 February
135 6
Jordan, Len B.; Hjort, George V.
Canadian Lumber Imports
1963 March-December
135 7
Lumber Standards
135 8
Samuelson, Don
Canadian Lumber Imports
135 9
Freeman, Orville L.; Gurnsey, Vern
Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation In White Pine Timber; Softwood Lumber Standards; Export of Timber To Japan
135 10
Jordan, Len B.
Sale of Public Northwest Timber To Japan; Log Exports Amendment To The Foreign Aid Bill; Federal Timber Sales To Other Counties
"Statement At Log Export Hearings", July 19, 1968
135 11
Prices of Lumber and Wood Products; National Timber Supply Act of 1969 H.R.12025; Timber Appraisals; Lumber and Plywood Markets
1969 January-July
135 12
Timber Supply Act S.1832; Depressed Lumber Market; National Forest Timber Conservation and Management Act of 1969 H.R.12025
"Freight Rates and The Icc-Time for A Closer Look?", December 5, 1969
1969 August-December
135 13
National Forest Timber Conservation and Management Act of 1969 S.1832
1970 January-August
135 14
Hatfield, Mark O.
S.- American Forestry Act of 1971; Timber Supply Act of 1969 H.R.12025; Mountain Pine Beetle; Forest Service
1970 April-December
135 15
Hatfield, Mark O.; Burdick, Quentin N.
S.350 American Forestry Act of 1971; Forestry Research; Mountain Pine Beetle; S.1592 Clear Cutting On Forest Service Lands; S.1734/H.R.7838 Forest Lands Restoration and Protection Act; Forest Service Payment Bonds for Log Sales
135 16
Timber Management; Rumors of A Presidential Executive Order Banning Or Restricting Clearcutting On Public Lands; Funds for Forestry Research Programs
1972 January-April
135 17
Korologos, Tom C.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Metcalf, Lee
Clearcutting On Public Lands; Funds for Forestry Reseach Programs; Forest Management and Budget
1972 May-December
135 18
Packwood, Bob
S.1033 Control Export of Timber Out of U.S.; Reduction In Forest Service Budget; Timber Supply In North Idaho
"Exporting American Timber and Idaho Jobs", February 28, 1973
1973 January-March
136 1
Tacke, E.H. Jack; Nixon, Richard M.
Cuts In Forest Service Budget; Forest Research Funds for University of Idaho; Timber Supply Shortage
1973 April
136 2
S.1033 Export of Timber From U.S.; Dwindling Timber Supply In North Idaho; Allowable Timber Cuts; Forest Service Budget; Clearcutting Practices
1973 May-July
136 3
Andrus, Cecil D.; Merlo, Harry A.; Packwood, Bob
Timber Export Bill S.1033; Tussock Moth Infestation
1973 August-October
136 4
Douglas Fir Tossock Moth Infestation; DDT
1973 November-December
136 5
Mitchell, Mike P.
Tussock Moth Infestation; Environmental Protection Agency; DDT
1974 January-March
136 6
Pamplin, R.B.
Tussock Moth Infestation; DDT; Idaho Lumber Industry
1974 April-December
136 7
McClure, James A.; Chase, Cyril C.; Steen, J. Wilson; Merrill, Israel; Ingram, Gary J.; McGee, Gale
S.364 Forest Service Timber Sales Involving Road Construction; Reforestation Programs; Forest Practices Act; Forestry Appropriations
136 8
National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091; Monongahela and Tongas National Forests Organic Act of 1897; National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 S.2926; Timber Sales In Alaskan National Forests S.2851
1976 January-March
136 9
Monongahela Decision; National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 S.2926; National Forest Managment Act of 1976 S.3091; Building Trades Industry; Public Works Projects
1976 April
136 10
Chase, Cyril C.
National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091; National Forest Timber Management Reform Act of 1976 S.2926; Forestry
1976 May
136 11
Forestry; National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091
1976 June
136 12
Forestry; National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091
1976 June
136 13
Packwood, Bob; Moll, Louis De
Forestry; National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091
1976 July-September
136 14
Fery, John B.
Forestry; National Forest Management Act of 1976 S.3091
1976 October-December
Trade - Transportation
Trade issues which concerned Senator Church and his staff were the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, and legislation forbidding trade with an enemy. The Transportation files reflect Church's concern for proper construction and maintenance of roads into and within Idaho. During the early 1970s, railroad service to Idaho was drastically reduced. Much of the correspondence in these files shows the concern felt by Idahoans who depended upon the railroads for their livelihood or for transportation.
Box Folder
136 15
Trade -- Act for Freedom of Emigration In East/West Trade
H.R.1142 Freedom of Emigration In East/West Trade
136 16
Trade -- Fair Trade
S.1356 Meat Packing Industry; Unfair Competition; Small Businesses H.R.10527; National Fair Trade Bill H.R.1253/S.1083; Anti-Trust Legislation
137 1
Trade -- Fair Trade
S.J.Res.159/H.R.10385 Quality Stabilization Act; Truth In Packaging S.387; Fair Trade
137 2
Trade -- Fair Trade
Fair Trade; Quality Stabilization Bill; Fair Packaging and Labeling Act S.985
137 3
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Kearns, Henry; Thye, Edward J.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Foreign Trade; Reciprocal Trade; New Zealand Feeder Cattle Tariff Concessions; Textile Fiber Products Indentification Act H.R.469
137 4
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Potvin, Gregg R.; Hodge, Walter I.M.; Hartung, A.F.; Keating, Kenneth B.; Manatos, Mike; Day, Henry L.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962; Reciprocal Trade Agreements; Foreign Trade;
137 5
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Magnuson, Warren G.; Hodges, Luther H.; Day, Henry L.; Dominick, Peter H.; Herter, Christian A.; Roth, William V., Jr.
Foreign Trade; Tariffs and Trade; Trade Expansion Act of 1962
137 6
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Hartke, Vance; Muskie, Edmund S.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Proxmire, William; Cotton, Norris
Foreign Trade; S.3218 Export-Import Bank; Balance of Payments; S.- Iron and Steal Mill Products; S.- Orderly Marketing Act of 1969; S.- Mink Trade; S.3363 East/West Trade Relations Act
137 6
Trade -- Foreign Trade
S.2696 Export Expansion and Regulation Act of 1969
137 7
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Moss, Frank E.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Scott, John W.
Textile and Apparel Imports; Foreign Trade; Emergency Loans for Mink Farmers S.3921
137 8
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Hartke, Vance; Scott, Hugh; Magnuson, Warren G.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Cooper, John Sherman; Timmons, William E.; Packwood, Bob; Malott, Robert H.
Foreign Trade; S.- Steel Trade Act of 1971; S.- East/West Trade Relations Act of 1971; Textile Imports; S.- Tarrif Duties On Synthetic Fish Nets; Hartke/Burke Foreign Trade and Investment Act S.2592
137 9
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Flanigan, Peter M.; Bedell, Catherine; Brock, William E.; Garland, Allen H.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Leonard, Will E.; Minchew, Daniel
Foreign Trade; Export of Petroleum Products; S.1486 Export Expansion Adctivies; Export/Import Bank; Trade Reform Act; Chrome Ore From Rhodesia
137 10
Trade -- Foreign Trade
Safire, William
S.Res.- Domestic Nonrubber Footwear Industry; Byrd Amendment; Importation of Honey; Trade Agreements Act of 1979; Safire, William, "Libya and Idaho", An Article, New York Times, February 15,
1976-1977; 1979
137 11
Trade -- Import/Export
Bell, George L.; Brossard, Edgar B.; Lausche, Frank J.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Kerns, Henry
Import/Export; Proposed National Trade Policy; Alien Property Bill Disposal of Enemy Assets S.600; Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
137 12
Trade -- Import/Export
137 13
Trade -- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1958
Import/Export; Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1958
137 14
Trade -- Trade Expansion Act of 1962
Hodges, Luther H.
H.R.11970 Trade Expansion Act of 1962; Foreign Trade; American Enterprise Association
1962 January-July
137 15
Trade -- Trade Expansion Act of 1962
Muskie, Edmund S.; Hodges, Luther H.; Fulbright, J.W.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962 H.R.11970
Trade Bill, Senate Floor, 1962
1962 August-December
138 1
Trade -- Trade Expansion Act of 1962
Hodges, Luther H.
Trade Expansion Act of 1962; Cherry Exports H.R.9900
1962; 1973
138 2
Trade -- Trade Reform Act of 1973
138 3
Trade -- Trading With The Enemy
138 4
Trade -- Trading With The Enemy
138 5
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Monroney, A.S. Mike
Mass Transit; Motor Vehicles; Motor Carriers; Motor Cycles; Automobiles; Freight Forwarding S.684
138 6
Proxmire, William; Hart, Philip A.; Gurney, Edward J.; Randolph, Jennings; Baker, Howard H., Jr.
1970 January-May
138 7
Randolph, Jennings; Proxmire, William; Magnuson, Warren G.
S.3960 Mass Transportation Financing Act; S.- Federal Aid Highway Act of 1970; Supersonic Transport
138 8
Andrus, Cecil D.
Rail Preferential Rate H.R.6242/H.R.7986/H.R.3822/S.1896; Washington DC Transportation System
138 9
Transportation -- Air
138 10
Transportation -- Air
Supersonic Transport Pollution
138 11
Transportation -- Air
Byrd, Robert C.; Proxmire, William; Bayh, Birch
Supersonic Transport; Pollution; Lockhead Loan
1971 January-March
138 12
Transportation -- Air
Moss, Frank E.; Bayh, Birch
Air Transportation; S.4266 Amend Federal Aviation Act of 1958; Supersonic Transport
1971 April
138 13
Transportation -- Air
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Packwood, Bob; Proxmire, William; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Carter, Jimmy; Baker, Howard H., Jr.
Air Transportation; Supersonic Transport
1971 May-December
138 14
Transportation -- Air
Hartke, Vance
138 15
Transportation -- Air
Magnuson, Warren G.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Gravel, Mike; Moss, Frank E.
138 16
Transportation -- Air
Andrus, Cecil D.
138 17
Transportation -- Air
Gravel, Mike; Bayh, Birch; Case, Clifford P.; Proxmire, William; Walton, William B.
Fair Competitive Practices Act H.R.14266/S.3481; Concord Supersonic Transport; Sst H.R.8365; Walton, William B., "Good Enough for Yesterday Is Not Enough Today"
1975 January-May
138 18
Transportation -- Air
1975 June-December
138 19
Transportation -- Air
Deregulation of Air Transport Industry
138 20
Transportation -- Air
Cannon, Howard W.
1976 January-June
139 1
Transportation -- Air
S.3364 Air Transportation Act of 1976; H.R.14623 Federal Aviation Act of 1958; Federal Express
1976 July-December
139 2
Transportation -- Air
Kennedy, Edward M.; Kimball, Spencer W.; Tanner, N. Eldon; Romney, Marion G.; Evans, John V.
S.- Federal Aviation Act Amendment; Reduced Fares; Senior Citizens; Children
139 3
Transportation -- Air
Riegle, Donald W., Jr.
139 4
Transportation -- Freight Cars
Magnuson, Warren G.
Freight Cars; S.3223 Interstate Commerce Act
139 5
Transportation -- Freight Cars
1970 March-December
139 6
Transportation -- Land
Randolph, Jennings; Cooper, John Sherman; Byrd, Robert C.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Allott, Gordon; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Case, Clifford P.
Land Transportation; S.- Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 1971; Highways; S.- Preservation of Historical and Archeological Sites; S.- Highway Safety Act
139 7
Transportation -- Public
S.2720 Federal Public Transportation Act of 1980; Transportation for The Handicapped
139 8
Transportation -- Railroads
Railroad Transportation; S.3897/H.R.12071 Interstate Commerce Act
1958 May
139 9
Transportation -- Railroads
Smathers, Bill
1958 June
139 10
Transportation -- Railroads
1958 June
139 11
Transportation -- Railroads
1958 June
139 12
Transportation -- Railroads
1958 June
139 13
Transportation -- Railroads
1958 June
139 14
Transportation -- Railroads
S.1964 Common Carriers Interstate Commerce Commission; S.1232 Railroad Safety; S.2302 Railroad Car Maintenance
139 15
Transportation -- Railroads
Kefauver, Estes
139 16
Transportation -- Railroads
S.Res.136 Interstate Railways; Railroad Rates S.1061; Financial Postions of The Railroads S.1138
140 1
Transportation -- Railroads
140 2
Transportation -- Railroads
Railpax Act; Passenger Train Service In Idaho; S.4463/S.4464 Railroad Equipment Obligations Insurance Act
1971 January-February
140 3
Transportation -- Railroads
Railpax Act; Passenger Train Service In Idaho
1971 February
140 4
Transportation -- Railroads
Railpax Act; Passenger Train Service In Idaho
1971 March
140 5
Transportation -- Railroads
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Railpax Act; Passenger Train Service In Idaho; Passenger Rail Service
1971 March
140 6
Transportation -- Railroads
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Young, Milton R.
Railpax Act; Passenger Train Service In Idaho
1971 April
140 7
Transportation -- Railroads
Pell, Claiborne
S.- Rail Passenger Service Act
1971 May-December
140 8
Transportation -- Railroads
140 9
Transportation -- Railroads
Tunney, John V.; Oswald, Robert L.; Dunn, Lloyd C.; Hartke, Vance
Amtrak Service To Idaho; Public Law 91-169 Railroad Safety Limiting Hours of Employee Service; Railroad Land Grants
"No More Idaho Tax Dallors for Amtrak", In Senate, April 27, 1972
140 10
Transportation -- Railroads
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Rice, Edward W.; Saxbe, William B.
140 11
Transportation -- Railroads
Andrus, Cecil D.; Simon, Norton
1974 January-May
140 12
Transportation -- Railroads
Andrus, Cecil D.
Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 S.3569
Statement Made On The Senate Floor Submitting An Amendment To S.3569 "The Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970", No Date
1974 June-September
140 13
Transportation -- Railroads
Nock, Harry L.; Rice, Edward W.
1974 October-December
140 14
Transportation -- Railroads
140 15
Transportation -- Railroads
S.1436 Rail Transportation Improvement and Employment Act of 1975
"The Amtrak Improvement Act of 1975", In Senate, No Date
1975 January-April
140 16
Transportation -- Railroads
Committee On Public Works; Omnibus Rail Act of 1975 S.1801
1975 May-June
140 17
Transportation -- Railroads
Huddleston, Walter D.; Taft, Robert, Jr.
Ownership and Operation of Railroads S.2027; S.1879 Abandoned Right-of-Way Act; Taxes Owed By Railroads; S.2459 Rehabilitation of The Nation's Railroads
1975 July-December
141 1
Transportation -- Railroads
Amtrak-Experimental Route From Portland, Ore. To Ogden, UT.
141 2
Transportation -- Railroads
Train Route To Helena To Butte To Portland; Portland Rose; Regional Reorganization Act of 1973 S.2099
141 3
Transportation -- Railroads
141 4
Transportation -- Railroads
Leahy, Patrick J.; Cannon, Howard W.
Idaho Senate Joint Res.105 Pioneer Route An Amendment To S.712 Amtrak Operations
"Amrak Improvement Act of 1979-S.712", In Senate, June 1979
1979 January-June
141 5
Transportation -- Railroads
Reorganization of A Railroad; Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad
1979 July-September
141 6
Transportation -- Railroads
Rail Transportation of Hazardous Materials
1979 October-December
141 7
Transportation -- Railroads
Goldschmidt, Neil
1980 January-February
141 8
Transportation -- Railroads
Amtrak; New Milwaukee Lines; Amtrak Reimbursment for Railroad Employees Riding Trains
1980 March-December
141 9
Transportation -- Roads
141 10
Transportation -- Roads
Gaffney, Ernest; Garry, Joseph R.; Chavez, Dennis
Public Works Committee; S.1136 Federal Highway Act Re: Forest and Roads; S.J.Res.10 Highway Traffic; Hells Canyon Road; St. Joes River Road
141 11
Transportation -- Roads
H.R.9821 Federal Aid To Highways; S.3220/S.3033 Federal Aid To Highways Act of 1956; Idaho Interstate Highway System
Statement To Introduce S.3455 In Senate, No Date
1958 January-March
141 11
Transportation -- Roads
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Mansfield, Mike; Allott, Gordon
George Washington Memorial Parkway; Advertising Along Highways S.963/S.3041/S.3218; Subcommittee On Public Works; S.3414 Federal Aid Highway Act; S.2939 Federal Highway Act of 1956
1958 January-March
141 12
Transportation -- Roads
Murray, James E.; Smylie, Robert E.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Kaufman, Sam; Neuberger, Richard L.
Billboards In Federal Highway Act of 1958; H.R.7870 Inter-American Highway
1958 April-December
141 13
Transportation -- Roads
Idaho Department of Highways
1959 January-March
141 14
Transportation -- Roads
Randolph, Jennings; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Baring, Walter S.
Granger-McCammon Cut Off; Federal Road Program; Alaska Highway; Yellowstone Park Exit Via Bechler River Canyon
1959 April-December
141 15
Transportation -- Roads
Gruening, Ernest; Smylie, Robert E.
S.- Public Law 86-70 Alaska Omnibus Act; Highways In Alaska; H.R.10495 Federal Highways Act of 1960
"H.R.10495-The Federal Highway Act of 1960 [Forest Roads]", In Senate, June 27, 1960
141 16
Transportation -- Roads
Whitworth, Herbert K.; Kennedy, John F.
Federal Pay-As-You-Go Highway Plan
142 1
Transportation -- Roads
Piggy-Backing; Federal Aid Highway Act of 1961 H.R.6713
142 2
Transportation -- Roads
Bartlett, E.L.; Randolph, Jennings
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962 H.R.12135; H.R.3846 Land and Water Conservation Act of 1963; Federal Aid for Construction Engineering
142 3
Transportation -- Roads
Highway Beautification Act of 1965
142 4
Transportation -- Roads
Burdick, Quentin N.
Automotive Safety Standards; Highway Beautification Act of 1965; S. 1811 U.S. Highway No. 2; Maximum Dimensions and Weights of Motor Vehicles
142 5
Transportation -- Roads
Randolph, Jennings
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1970
142 6
Transportation -- Roads
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Cooper, John Sherman; Andrus, Cecil D.
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1972 S.3939/H.R.16656; Highway and Related Transportation Systems Improvement Act of 1972; Kennedy/Weiker Amendment; Highway Beautification; Sign Removal
142 7
Transportation -- Roads
Bellmon, Henry
Bicycle Trails; Highway Trust Fund
142 8
Transportation -- Roads
Hartke, Vance; Jackson, Larry
Kendig Variable Venturi Carburetor; Truck Axle Weights; Unified Transportation Assistance Program (Utap); Seat Belt Restrictions
142 9
Transportation -- Roads
Gas Tax
142 10
Transportation -- Roads
Moss, Frank E.
Interstate Commerce Act S.3470; S.J.Res.- National Car Care Month; Federal Aid Highway Act of 1975; Highway Trust Fund; H.J.Res.726 National Bicentennial Highway Safety Year
142 11
Transportation -- Roads
142 12
Transportation -- Roads
Motorcycle Helmet Laws; 55 Mph Speed Limit (P.L. 93-643); Highway Trust Fund S.1300, Kennedy Wiecker Plan; S.1300 Title 23 U.S. Code Revision; Lewiston Bridge; Trucking Deregulation; Motor Vehicle Occupant Crash Protection
142 13
Transportation -- Roads
Ford, Henry II; Adams, Brock; Ford, Wendell H.
Trucking Deregulation; Mass Transportation Act To Increase Minority Employment Opportunities; Air Bags; Federal Aid Highway Act Bridges
142 14
Transportation -- Roads
Diesel Fuel Taxes H.R.8309; Truck Safety Act of 1978 S.2970; Federal Aid Highway Act of 1978 S.3073; Kootenai River Bridge
142 15
Transportation -- Roads
Urban Transportation Systems
142 16
Transportation -- Roads
Bergland, Bob; Carter, Jimmy; Eardley, Richard R.; Goldschmidt, Neil
Fuel Economy Standards; Trucking Deregulations
142 17
Transportation -- Roads - Alaska Highway
Neuberger, Richard L
S.1125 Alaska Highway Act
142 18
Transportation -- Roads - Billboards
Weeks, Sinclair
Public Roads
142 19
Transportation -- Roads - Billboards
Outdoor Advertising S.3414
142 20
Transportation -- Roads - Billboards
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1961 H.R.6713; "The Outdoor Story" Outdoor Advertising Association of America
142 21
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Morse, Wayne
S.1136 Timber Access Roads
142 22
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
S.3088 Construction; Federal Aid Highway Act; S.1136; P.L.85-381 Federal Aid Road Act; Interior Department; S.3220 Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
Statement Re Forest Highway Funds
143 1
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Nybroten, Norman; Andrews, Wade H.
H.R.3682 Caribou and Targhee National Forests; S.2240 Timber Access Roads; Forest Highways
143 2
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Cooper, John Sherman
S.3791 Forest Development, Roads and Trails
143 3
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Magnuson, Warren G.; Morse, Wayne
Forest Access Roads; S.1151 Easements and Road Right-of-Ways Over National Forest Lands
143 4
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Hayden, Carl; Smylie, Robert E.
S.1522 Forest Roads; Forest Access Roads S.2936/H.R.9725
143 5
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
Andrus, Cecil D.
143 6
Transportation -- Roads - Forest Access Roads
143 7
Transportation -- Roads - Highway 51
Hodges, Luther H.; Joslyn, A.W.; Smylie, Robert E.
143 8
Transportation -- Roads - Highway 51
143 9
Transportation -- Roads - Highway 51
Joslyn, A.W.; Sawyer, Grant
143 10
Transportation -- Roads - Highway 20
McGee, Gale
S.Res.- Highway 20
143 11
Transportation -- Roads - Idaho
Federal Aid Highway Program
143 12
Transportation -- Roads - Idaho
Williams, Arnold
House Joint Memorial No. 2, Idaho State Legislature
143 13
Transportation -- Roads - Idaho
Highway Location; Idaho Falls; St. Anthony; Rexburg
143 14
Transportation -- Roads - Idaho
143 15
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Young, James H.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Chavez, Dennis; Smylie, Robert E.
Idaho State Senate Joint Memorial #3; Lewis and Clark National Tourway S.J.Res.88; Forest Access Roads S.1136; S.2157; P.L. 627 Federal Highway Act of 1956
143 16
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Chavez, Dennis
Public Roads
Statement To Subcommittee On Public Roads In Lewiston, Idaho, December 13, 1957
143 17
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Morse, Wayne; Weeks, Sinclair
S.3088 Federal Aid Highway Act; S.2939 Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956; S.J.Res.88 Lewis and Clark National Tourway; S.3414 Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956; H.R.9821 Federal Aid Road Act
Memo To Public Works Committee, March 11, 1958
143 18
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
143 19
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
143 20
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Magnuson, Warren G.
S.J.Res.40 Lewis and Clark National Tourway
143 21
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Gore, Albert A., Sr.
Dedication of Lewis and Clark Highway; Commemorative Issue of Lewiston Morning Tribune
"Pathway To Empire" Undated Drafts
143 22
Transportation -- Roads - Lewis and Clark Highway
Jackson, Henry M.
Lewis and Clark Trail S.Res.13
143 23
Transportation -- Roads - Lowman/Stanley
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1958
143 24
Transportation -- Roads - Lowman/Stanley
State Highway 21
143 25
Transportation -- Roads - Lowman/Stanley
Shellworth, E.W.
143 26
Transportation -- Roads - St. Joe River Road
Murphy, Arthur P.
Highway 50
143 27
Transportation -- Roads - St. Joe River Road
Avery By-Pass
143 28
Transportation -- Water
Domenici, Pete V.; Harbors, Bill; Adams, Brock; Sager, Karol-Heinz; Hudson, Richard
Water; Locks and Dam At Alton, IL; Waterway User Fees S.790/ H.R.8309; East/West Shipping Relations; Law of The Sea; Ocean Mining
Truth in lending - Utilities
The Senator's staff filed a variety of subjects under the heading Utilities. These files concern regulation of public services by the federal government. Idaho issues addressed in these files are the Bonneville Power Administration, hydroelectric projects and the shipment of power generated in Idaho to California. During Church's early years in the Senate, regulation of the railroads was also filed under Utilities.
Box Folder
143 29
Truth In Lending
Finance Charge Disclosure Bill; S.1740 Truth In Lending Act; Economics and Finance
143 30
Truth In Lending
Truth In Lending S.1740
143 31
Truth In Lending
Truth In Lending S.1740
143 32
Truth In Lending
Truth In Lending S.5
143 33
Truth In Lending
Truth In Lending S.5
144 1
Tussock Moth Reports
Packwood, Bob
S.- Use of DDT To Control The Tussock Moth; Environmental Protection Agency
"Coming To Grips With The Tussock Moth", In Senate, November 7, 1973
144 2
Tussock Moth Reports
Statement To The EPA On The "Danger of The Tussock Moth To Idaho Timber", On Or Before February 7, 1974
144 3
Tussock Moth Reports
144 4
Unemployment Compensation
Pucinski, Roman C.
S.791 Unemployment Insurance; Insurance and Retirement S.791/H.R.3547
144 5
Unemployment Compensation
Comstock, Ralph J., Jr.; Day, Henry L.
H.R.8282 Unemployment Compensation; H.R.15119
144 6
United Way -- USO
144 7
Upper Priest Lake
144 8
Upper Priest Lake
Smylie, Robert E.; Soderblom, Jon E.; Hayden, Carl; Samuelson, Don
1964 January-May
144 9
Upper Priest Lake
Jackson, Henry M.; Theophilus, D.R.; Smylie, Robert E.
Kaniksu National Forest S.3067
1964 June-December
144 9
Upper Priest Lake
Public Lands; Upper Priest Lake, Idaho S.3067
1964 June-December
144 10
Upper Priest Lake
Trueblood, Ted; Manley, Art
S.435 Kaniksu National Forest
144 11
U.S.S. Utah -- American Flag
Moss, Frank E.
S.703 U.S.S. Utah
144 12
Harrison, George M.
Daylight Savings Time; H.R.3323 Transmission of Electric; S.1883 Transmission of Electric Power; Hanford S.2043
144 13
Right-of-Way Across Public Land for Electric Transmission Lines
144 14
Overcharges By Thirty-Eight Major Electric Utilities
144 15
Utilities -- Communications - Equal Time
Bernstone, Arthur H.; Fulbright, J.W.
Television Violence; Juvenile Delinqency; S.1741 Transmitting Apparatus; S.1801 Community Antenna Television Systems; H.R.6676 Hours of Operation
144 16
Utilities -- Communications - Pay Television
Langer, William K.; Pfost, Gracie; Magnuson, Warren G.; Shanks, Carrol M.
H.R.586 Paid Television; Television/Radio Advertising; National Radio Month
Statement To The Subcommittee On Communications, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, June 30, 1959
144 17
Utilities -- Communications - Telephone
H.R.7317 General Telephone Service
144 18
Utilities -- Power
Chudoff, Earl; Magnuson, Warren G.
Tennessee Valley Authority Financing Bill S.1896/H.R.4266; Federal Power Act; Propaganda and Political Expenditures Bill; Rapid Amortization Bills
144 19
Utilities -- Power
Magnuson, Warren G.
S.2847 Federal Power Commission To License Only Projects Which Will Improve Or Develop Water Resources of A River Basin; S.584 Federal Power Act
144 20
Utilities -- Power
Murray, James E.; Borah, William E.
Hells Canyon; Middle Snake; Columbia River Development; Excess Capacity Act; Tennessee Valley Authority; Nationwide Power Transmission Grid; Pacific Northwest Bonneville-California Intertie; Headwater Benefits Legislation S.1782; Borah, William E., "W
144 20
Utilities -- Power
Columbia River Power System
144 21
Utilities -- Power
Udall, Stewart L.
California Intertie; Pacific Northwest Interregional Transmission Interties S.3153/H.R.11264/H.R.11265; H.R.1989 Virgin Islands General Obligation Bonds
144 22
Utilities -- Power
High Mountain Sheep; Hells Canyon
145 1
Utilities -- Power - Bonneville Power Administration
High Hells Canyon Dam; Rural Electric Association; Brownlee Project; Idaho Power; Bonneville Reorganization Act of 1959 S.1927/S.3114
145 2
Utilities -- Power - Bonneville Power Administration/Harney Electric Co-Op
145 3
Utilities -- Power - Bonneville Power Administration/Idaho Power Company
Hells Canyon
145 4
Utilities -- Power - Bonneville Power Administration/Idaho Power Company
1958 May
145 5
Utilities -- Power - California Intertie
"Short Form Report On Audit of Columbia River Power System and Related Activities Fiscal Year 1958", Comptroller General of The U.S., December 1958
145 6
Utilities -- Power - Idaho Power
Randall, Fred G.
Brownlee Dam; Oxbow Dam
145 7
Utilities -- Power - Natural Gas
1959; 1964
145 8
Utilities -- Power - Niagara Power
Niagara Power Bill S.512
145 9
Utilities -- Power - Rural Electric Associations
Humphrey-Price Bill S.144; Tennessee Valley Authority; Interest Rates S.1926; Wheeling Bill; Rural Electric Associations Cooperatives
145 10
Utilities -- Power - Rural Electric Associations
145 11
Utilities -- Power - Rural Electric Associations
All About Northern Lights Inc.
145 12
Utilities -- Power - Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley Authority S.931/H.R.3460
145 13
Utilities -- Power - Wheeling
Moss, John E.
Transmission of Electric Power S.1883; S.Res.- Facilitation Electric Power Transmission
"The Facilitation of The Transmission of Electric Power", In Senate, May 7, 1959
145 14
Utilities -- Power - Yellowstone Power
145 15
Utilities -- Transportation
Young, James K.; Shadduck, Louise; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Monroney, A.S. Mike
Idaho State J.Res.6 Interstate Transportation; Railroad Freight Cars S.1789; California Assembly J.Res.3 Construction of Ships H.R.8093/H.R.9899; Office of International Travel and Tourism S.3102; Mass Transit S.3615/S.3126; Motorcarriers S.320; Interst
145 16
Utilities -- Transportation - Motorcarriers
Naegle, A.W.; Pieper, Don
H.R.5523/H.R.11583/S.3243 Interstate Commerce Act; Freight Rates H.R.3233/S.939; Railroad Transportation S.2553; Motor Vehicle Carrier Mail
145 17
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Neuberger, Richard L.
Railroad Passenger Service; Union Pacific; Northern Pacific; Camus Prairie; Train Brakes S.1386/H.R.5124; S.1386 Power Or Train Brakes; Freight Rates H.R.5523
145 18
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Railroad Retirement Act S.1313; Power Or Train Brakes S.1386; Freight Rates S.3778
145 19
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
McCoy, Harold D.
Railroad Freight Rates S.2553
1958 March-April
145 20
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Railroad Freight Rates S.2553
1958 May-June
145 21
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Freight Rates S.3778/S.2553
1958 May-June
145 22
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Loomis, Daniel P.
S.996 Safety On Common Carriers
145 23
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Byrd, Robert C.
S.3020 Passenger Train Service Act of 1960; S.1425 Track Motorcars
145 24
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Kefauver, Estes
S.996 Safety On Common Carriers; S.320 Interstate Commerce Act; Railroad Mergers S.3097; H.J.Res.374 Railroad Properties; S.Res.150 Railroad Mergers
Statement In Support of S.3097 Before Senate Subcommittee On Anti-Trust and Monopolies, June 12, 1961
145 25
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Piggy-Back Service of Railroads
146 1
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Murphy, William J.; Prather, Watt E.; Barron, Lloyd F.; Stebbins, Naomi E.
Piggy-Back Service of Railroads; S.1089/S.1197
146 2
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Piggy-Back Service of Railroads; S.1097 Ratemaking; Transportation Act of 1958
146 3
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Kefauver, Estes
Transportation Act of 1958 S.1197; Railroad Mergers S.3097
146 4
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Railway Express Agency H.R.2525/H.R.5795/S.433; Railroad Mergers and Financing S.942/S.1138/S.Res.136
146 5
Utilities -- Transportation - Railroads
Railroad Deregulation Bill S.1946
146 6
Utilities -- Transportation - Water
Waterway To Lewiston, Idaho
Veterans - Welfare
Church was interested in the well-being of the men and women who had served their country in the armed services and of the less fortunate members of his constituency. These files reflect the attention their problems received from the Senator and his staff.
Box Folder
146 7
Pfost, Gracie
1954 And 1956
146 8
Humphrey, Hubert H.
World War I Veterans S.1407; Spanish American War Widows H.R.358; H.R.52 Disability Compensation; S.1134 Veterans Education Act of 1957; S.667 Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952; S.726 Veterans Loans; S.714 Veterans Readjustment Assistance
1957 January-June
146 9
World War I Veterans S.1407; H.R.52 Disability Compensation Act of 1957; H.R.3630 Aid To Amputies
1957 July-December
146 10
Beall, J. Glenn, Sr.
World War I Veterans S.1407
146 11
Byrd, Harry F., Sr.
Spanish War Veteran's Benefits; S.Res.68 Senate Rule Xxv; S.2966 Widow's Pensions; World War II; Korea; World War I; S.40 Pensions To War Widows; H.J.Res.- Veterans of Philippine Insurrection; H.R.11369 Pensions of World War I Veterans
1958 March-May
146 11
Veterans Affairs
1958 March-May
146 12
Morse, Wayne
Veterans Benefits
1958 June-December
146 13
Goldwater, Barry M.; Mahan, John W.
Veterans Committee S.Res.19; S.541 Veterens Benefits
1959 January-February
146 14
Long, Russell B.
World War I Veterans Benefits H.1181; S.1113/H.R.11382 Veterans National Service Life Insurance
1959 March-May
146 15
Veterans Pensions H.R.7650; Pension Programs for Veterans, Widows and Children
1959 June
146 16
S.1138 Readjustment Assistance To Veterans
1959 July
146 17
Long, Russell B.; Moore, Preston J.
Gi Bill S.1138; H.R.7650 Veterans Pension Act of 1959
1959 August--December
147 1
S.1460 Pensions for World War I Veterans; H.R.113 Service Connected Disability; H.R.278; H.R3308 Equalize Certain Rates of Wartime Disability Compensation; H.R.9590 Veterans Administration Regulations and Ratings; H.R.9591 U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals
1960 January-June
147 1
H.R.9594; H.R.283 Compensation To Veterans for An Eye Or Limb; S.2290 Paralyzed Veterans; H.R.9948 World War I Pension Act of 1960; S.907 Veterans Benefits Act of 1957
1960 January-June
147 2
Optometric Outpatient Care for Veterans; S.2675 Veterans National Service Life Insurance; H.R.7965 Outpatient Treatment for Veterans
1960 June-December
147 3
Cannon, Howard W.
H.R.858 Salaries of Directors of VA Hospitals; S.3088 Pay for Enlisted Men; S.Res.134 Veterans Affairs Committee
147 4
Cooper, William O.; Hansen, Robert E.
National Service Life Insurance; Veterans Disability Compensation
147 5
Committee On Veterans Affairs; Cold War Veterans Readjustment Bill S.1011
1963 January-June
147 6
Smylie, Robert E.
World War I Veterans Pensions S.1918
1963 July-December
147 7
Nursing Home Care for Veterans S.8009
147 8
Yarborough, Ralph W.
Veterans Administration Hospitals; Domiciliaries
1965 January-February
147 9
Veterans Administration Hospitals; Cold War GI Education Bill S.9; Disability Compensation H.R.168
1965 April-December
147 10
Bass, Ross
Veterns Administration Hospitals; Pensions for World War I Veterans; Cold War GI Bill; Closing of Boise VA Hospital
1965 March-April
147 11
Montoya, Joseph M.
Burial Expenses of Veterans; H.R.6277 Foreign Service Act of 1946
147 12
Fry, Leslie M.
147 13
Doyle, William C.
Veterans Affairs Committee; World War I Benefits; H.R.3289 Career Compensation Act of 1949
147 14
Scott, Hugh; Hartke, Vance; Montoya, Joseph M.
Gi Bill; Prisoner of War Benefits; S.338 Educational Assistance
147 15
Pensions for World War I Veterans S.2658
1970 January-March
147 16
Rainwater, H.R.; Cranston, Alan
Educational Benefits for Vietnam Veterans; Veterans Adminstration Medical and Hospital Care Funding
1970 April-December
148 1
Pearson, James B.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Hartke, Vance; Rainwater, H.R.
Veterans Education Benefits; Vo-Tech Students and The Gi Bill; S.1593 Loans To Veterans; H.R.3344 Direct Loans To Veterans; S.1814
148 2
Vo-Tech Education for Veterans; Change Veterans Day
148 3
Carr, Patrick E.
Social Security; Veterans Pensions
1973 January-February
148 4
Social Security; Veterans Pensions
1973 March
148 5
McGovern, George
Vo-Tech Education and The GI Bill
1973 April
148 6
Social Security; Veterans Benefits; Civilian Prisoners of War; H.R.3125 National Guard Service During World War I
1973 May-August
148 7
Proxmire, William
Social Security; Veterans Benefits; GI Bill Eligibility
1973 September-December
148 8
Montoya, Joseph M.; Hartke, Vance; Abourezk, James S.; Soden, Ray R.
Social Security; Veterans Benefits; Gi Bill Eligibility; Disabled Veterans Compensation S.2710; Veterans Day
1974 January-April
148 9
Johnson, Donald E.
World War I Veterans Benefits; Time Extension for Gi Bill
1974 May-June
148 10
Gi Bill for Vietnam Veterans
1974 July-September
148 11
Wagonseller, James M.; Stang, John J.
Tax Treatment of Veterans Benefits
1974 October-December
148 12
Inouye, Daniel K.
S.858 State Veterans Cemetaries; S.4139 Eligibility Period for Gi Bill
1975 January-June
148 13
1975 July-December
148 14
Veterans and Survivors Pension Reform Act S.2635
1976 January-June
149 1
Randazzo, Frank; Smith, R.D.; Griffin, Robert P.
Veterans Affairs Committee; Poppy Program
1976 July-December
149 2
Hansen, Clifford P.
1977 January-June
149 3
Veterans Education Benefits
1977 July-December
149 4
Javits, Jacob K.
Veterans Benefits To Survivors H.R.11890
149 5
Humphrey, Gordon J.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Proxmire, William
Gi Bill Amendments; S.1523 Veteran Senior Citizen Health Care Act of 1979
149 6
Armstrong, William L.
Vietnam Memorial
149 7
Veterans -- H.R.1181 World War I Veterans Pension Bill
1959 June
149 8
Veterans -- H.R.7650 Non-Service Connected Pensions
Widows; Children
1959 July
149 9
Veterans -- Loans
Long, Russell B.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
S.726 Home Loans and Loan Entitlement From National Service Life Insurance Fund; S.3067/S.1088 National Service Life Insurance;
149 10
WAMI -- Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho Program
S.3585 Health Manpower and Shortage Area Assistance Act of 1974; WAMI Program
149 11
WAMI -- Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho Program
Mondale, Walter F.
WAMI Program
149 12
149 13
Medical Education; Health Facilities
149 14
win Falls County Food Stamps; Abundant Program
149 15
Harris, Fred R.; Javits, Jacob K.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; McGovern, George; Saxbe, William B.
Welfare; Minimum Annual Income for Poor Families H.R.16311; Public Assistance Programs
1970 January-July
149 16
Harris, Fred R.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Cooper, John Sherman; Saxbe, William B.; Treinen, Sylvester
Health Security Act; H.R.16311 Welfare Reform Bill
1970 August-December
149 17
1971 January-May
149 18
Nelson, Gaylord; Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.
Job Corps; Guaranteed Income for Poor People; Office of Economic Opportunity; Day Care Legislation
1971 June-September
150 1
Mondale, Walter F.; Harris, Fred R.; Chiles, Lawton; Ribicoff, Abraham; Hartke, Vance; Kennedy, Edward M.; Javits, Jacob K.; Brooke, Edward W.; Stafford, Robert T.; Bellmon, Henry
Guaranteed Income for Poor People; Day Care Programs S.2007
1971 October-December
150 2
Gurney, Edward J.; Tunney, John V.
Abolishing The Office of Equal Opportunity; Child Care Legislation; Day Care
1972 January-June
150 3
Welfare Reform; Day Care Legislation
1972 July-December
150 4
Weinberger, Casper; Brock, William E.; Helms, Jesse
Welfare; Child Development Legislation; Dismantling The Office of Economic Opportunity
1973 January-March
150 5
Long, Russell B.; Nunn, Sam
1973 April-December
150 6
Vocational Rehabilitation; Youth Camp Safety Legislation S.3639; Follow-Through Program; Legal Services for The Poor; S.2871 Food Program
150 7
Taft, Robert, Jr.
Day Care Legislation; Food Stamp Program Reform
1975 January-June
150 8
Food Stamp Reform Act S.2369
1975 July-December
150 9
Food Stamps; S.2905 Commodity Supplemental Food Program Act of 1976
1976 January-April
150 10
Nelson, Gaylord
Food Stamps Reform; Day Care Legislation; Community Action Agencies
1976 May-December
150 11
Evans, John V.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Roth, William V., Jr.
Food Stamps; School Lunches
1977 January-July
150 12
Food Stamps; School Lunches
1977 August-December
150 13
Evans, John V.
Aid To Dependent Children; Child Care Legislation H.R.2505; Displaced Homemakers; S.2360 Social Service Claims; Day Care
151 1
Jepsen, Roger W.
Health Research Programs; Cystic Fibrosis); 1979 Child Care Act; School Lunch Program; International Year of The Child; Day Care
1979 January-June
151 2
Evans, John V.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Boren, David L.
Economic Opportunity Office; Child Care H.R.3434/S.4; International Year of The Child
1979 July-September
151 3
Schweiker, Richard S.
Child Welfare Legislation H.R.3434
1979 October-December
151 4
Evans, John V.
Food Stamps; School Lunch Programs; Aid To Dependent Children Program; Welfare Reform S.1382; Family Protection Act S.1808
1980 January-May
151 5
Food Stamps; Legal Services; Day Care Services H.R.3434; Homemaker Services H.R.3434; Family Protection Act
1980 June-October
151 6
Welfare -- War On Poverty
Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.
Welfare; Job Corps; Economic Opportunities Act; Poverty Bill; Appalachia
151 7
Welfare -- War On Poverty
Javits, Jacob K.; Percy, Charles H.; Scott, Hugh; McGovern, George
War On Poverty; S.- Health, Nutrition, and Human Needs Act; H.R.11400 Supplemental Appropriations
Western Conference bills - Wilderness
Senator Church worked on the Endangered Wilderness Act and the Wild and Scenic Rivers System throughout much of his Senate career. The Wilderness files illustrate the evolution of these bills and the many changes made to achieve an agreement with which both sides of the controversy could live.
Box Folder
151 8
Western Conference Bills
H.R.4289 Hunting Wild Horses Or Burrows On Public Lands; H.R.4377 Domestic Cobalt Industry; S.1123 National Wilderness Preservation System
151 9
H.R.500/H.R.1960/S.1176 National Wilderness Preservation System
151 10
Murray, James E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.4028/H.R.1929/S.3809 National Wilderness Preservation System; S.1223 Wilderness Preservation Act
151 11
151 12
Murray, James E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
151 13
Wilderness Bill S.1123
151 14
Wilderness Bill S.1123
151 15
151 16
Wilderness Bill S.1123
151 17
Gruening, Ernest
S.174 Primitive Areas Amendment
Statement On Revised Primitive Areas Amendment, In The Senate, June 8, 1961
151 18
Morse, Wayne
S.174 Primitive Areas Amendment
151 19
S.174 Wilderness Bill
Opening Statement Before The Senate, September 5, 1961 Re: The Wilderness Bill-S.174
151 20
152 1
152 2
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 3
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 4
Bible, Alan; Jackson, Henry M.
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 5
Stebbins, Naomi E.; Dworshak, Henry C.
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 6
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 7
Anderson, Clinton P.; Allott, Gordon; French, Stewart
Wilderness Bill S.174
Statement In The Senate, March 28, 1961 Re: The Wilderness Bill-S.174
152 8
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 9
Metcalf, Lee; Verkler, Jerry T.; Anderson, Jack Z.
Wilderness Bill S.174/H.R.776
152 10
Wilderness Bill S.174
152 11
Stebbins, Naomi E.
Wilderness Bill S.17/H.R.776
152 12
Wilderness Bill S.17/H.R.776
152 13
Anderson, Clinton P.
State of Idaho H.J.Res.3; National Rifle Association; Wilderness Preservation
152 14
Allott, Gordon
S.4 Wilderness Bill; H.R.8070; Federal Power Commission
Remarks To The Senate, 1963 Re: The Sawtooth Wilderness National Park
152 15
Walsh, John E.
152 16
S.4 Wilderness Bill; Forest Industry; H.R.9070
152 17
Moss, Frank E.
Mallard-Larkin Area; Magruder Corridor Area; Little North Fork; Wilderness
152 18
152 19
152 20
Scott, William L.; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
H.R.12316; Hells Canyon-Middle Snake River; Idaho Primitive Area
153 1
Eagles Nest Wilderness Area, Co.; Montana Wilderness Proposals S.355/S.392/S.393; Salmon River Breaks, ID.; Sawtooth National Recreation Area, ID.
153 2
Hatfield, Mark O.
S.3630 Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1976
Introduction of "The Endangered American Wilderness Act...", In Senate, 1976
1976 June-October
153 3
S.3630 The Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1976
1976 November-December
153 4
153 5
1977 January-February
153 6
Bellmon, Henry; Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike; Hatfield, Mark O.; Magnuson, Warren G.
S.1076 Merchant Marine Act of 1920; S.375; Executive Order 11644 Banning Off Road Vehicles
"Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Framework", In Senate, March 25, 1977
1977 January-April
153 7
1977 March-December
153 8
1977 May
153 9
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves
S.1180; H.R3454; S.500
1977 May
153 10
Andrus, Cecil D.; Melcher, John
S.1986 River Raft Exemption From The Jones Act; S.1617; S.500; H.R.39
1977 June-August
153 11
S.1986 Exempt The River Rafts Fron The Jones Act; S.1180 Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1977; S.2066
1977 September-October
153 12
Wallop, Malcolm
1977 November-December
153 13
153 14
Melcher, John; Staub, Robert W.
Idaho State Joint Memorial 109 & 111
Western Wildlands Interview, December 5, 1977
1978 January-April
153 15
1978 January-August
153 16
Watt, James G.
H.R.9950/H.R.9736 Idaho Fishing Jurisdiction
1978 May-December
154 1
Watt, James G.
H.R.9950/H.R.9736 Indian Fishing Jurisdiction
1978 May-December
154 2
1978 September
154 3
1978 October
154 4
1978 November-December
154 5
154 6
154 7
154 8
Hart, Gary
U.S. Geological Service Survey Report
154 9
154 10
Wilderness -- Bureau of Land Management Review
Bureau of Land Management Review
154 11
Wilderness -- Endangered Wilderness Act of 1977 - Special File
Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike; Goldwater, Barry M.; Deconcini, Dennis; Cranston, Alan; Haskell, Floyd K.; Melcher, John; Packwood, Bob
S.66 Golden Trout Wilderness; S.67 Ventana Wilderness; Areas In Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming
154 12
Wilderness -- Endangered Wilderness Act of 1977 - Special File
S.3630 Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1976; S.1180 Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1977; S.658 Oregon Omnibus Wilderness Act of 1977
Statement Introducing The Endangered Wilderness Act of 1977, Senate Floor, March, 1977
154 13
Wilderness -- Field Inspection and Hearings
Subcommittee On Interior and Insular Affairs, Field Inspection and Hearings, June 12-19, 1966; Wilderness
1966 June 12-19
154 14
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
Cutler, Rupert; McClure, James A.; Udall, Morris K.
Release Language; Salmon River
154 15
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
Salmon River
154 16
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
Salmon River
154 17
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
Salmon River
154 18
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
Leroy, David H.; McClure, James A.; Gudger, Lamar; Seiberling, John F.
S.95; S.96; S.97; River of No Return Wilderness; Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 S.2009; Public Law 96-312 Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980; Salmon River
154 19
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
S.2009 Central Idaho Wildreness Act of 1980; S.95; S.96; S.97; River of No Return; Salmon River
154 20
Wilderness -- Idaho Primitive Area - River of No Return
S.2009 Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980; S.95; S.96; S.97; River of No Return; Salmon River
155 1
Wilderness -- Oregon Omnibus Wilderness
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Case, Clifford P.
S.658 Oregon Omnibus Wilderness Act of 1977
155 2
Wilderness -- Rare II
Colorado; Wilderness
155 3
Wilderness -- Rare II - Forestry
155 4
Wilderness -- Rare II - Forestry
155 5
Wilderness -- Rare II - Roundtable I
155 6
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 7
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 8
Wilderness -- Rare II
Opening Statement To The Rare II Colloquium, April 4, 1978
155 9
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 10
Wilderness -- Rare II - S.Con.Res.65
S.Con.Res.65 Rare II; Wilderness
Introductory Statement On The Senate Floor of The Rare II Resolution, February 7, 1978
155 11
Wilderness -- Rare II
McClure, James A.; Bergland, Bob
155 12
Wilderness -- Rare II
Bergland, Bob
California Versus Bob Bergland
155 13
Wilderness -- Rare II
roposal From Western Environmental Trade Association, Inc.
155 14
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 15
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 16
Wilderness -- Rare II
155 17
Wilderness -- Rare II
Armstrong, William L.
155 18
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Snake River-Brownlee and Oxbow Dams; Anadromous Fishes; Salmon River
155 19
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.2586 Salmon River Preservations
155 20
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.2586 Salmon River Preservation
155 21
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Salmon River Preservation S.2586
155 22
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Allen, Dan P.; Neuberger, Richard L.
S.2586 Salmon River Preservation Bill
Statement In Support of "The Salmon River Preservation Bill", In Senate, January 19, 1960
156 1
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Leonard, Ross
S.323 Salmon River Preservation Bill; Anadromous Fish
"Conservation of Anadromous Fish Spawning Areas In The Salmon River, Idaho", In Senate, January 10, 1961
156 2
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.323 Salmon River Preservation Bill; S.2586 Salmon River Preservation Bill (86th Congress)
156 3
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Murphy, Arthur P.; Smith, E.W.
S.1043 Salmon River Preservation Bill; Wilderness
Introductory Statement for "The Salmon River Preservation Bill", In Senate, March 7, 1963 (Includes Three Drafts)
156 4
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Salmon River Preservation Bill S.1043
156 5
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Hedlund, Emery E.
156 6
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Andrus, Cecil D.
Sports Illustrated Conservation Report, "America Down The Drain"
Statement On S.1446-The Wild Rivers Bill, Before The Senate Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs, April 22, 1965
156 7
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
National Wild Rivers System; Wilderness
Opening Statement At Hearing May 17, 1965, At Green River, Wyoming On S.1446, "The Wild Rivers Bill"; "Let's Save Our Wild Rivers", Statement October, 1965, Lewiston, Idaho, Before The Idaho Water Resources Board
156 8
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Anderson, Clinton P.; Holland, Spessard L.; Kennedy, Robert F.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Symington, Stuart; Andrus, Cecil D.
Area East of Selway-Bitterroot; Wilderness
Speech To The National Wildlife Federation, March 5, 1965, Washington, DC
156 9
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Wilderness and Wild Rivers Bill S.1446
"The Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill", To Senate, January 17, 1966; Opening Statement for Wild Rivers Bill, In Senate, January 17, 1966
156 10
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.1446 National Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Wilderness
Statement In Support of "The Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill", In Senate, January 17, 1966
156 11
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Woodworth, John R.
Sawtooth Primitive Area; Northern Division Sawtooth National Forest; S.1446 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
156 12
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.119 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; Wilderness
Statement In Support of "The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act", In Senate, No Date; Statement In Support of "The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act", Before The Idaho Water Resources Board, October 1965
156 13
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
P.L. 90-542 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; Colorado River Basin Project; Wild and Scenic Rivers Act S.119/H.R.18260
156 14
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
P.L. 90-542 National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
156 15
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Warnick, C.C.
Irrigation Subproject; Water Resources Institute U. of I.; Wild and Scenic Rivers
156 16
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Wehunt, Eugene P.
Salmon-Little Salmon River Corridor
156 17
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Salmon River Preservation
156 18
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Michalson, E.L.; Hamilton, Joel
Water Resources Research Institute U. of I.
156 19
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe Wild and Scenic River; Idaho Panhandle National Forests
156 20
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe Wild and Scenic River; Idaho Panhandle National Forests
156 21
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe Wild and Scenic River; Idaho Panhandle National Forests
156 22
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe Wild and Scenic River; Idaho Panhandle National Forests; Forest Service
1976 September
156 23
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe River
156 24
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
S.3052 St. Joe River Designation As Wild and Scenic River
Statement In Support of "Bill Adding St. Joe River To Scenic and Wild River System", In Senate, [1978]
156 25
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Jackson, Henry M.
S.3052 Add St. Joe River To Wild and Scenic River System
Opening Statement, Before Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Hearing On Parks and Recreation At Wallace Idaho, August 28, 1978; Draft of "Potentials for Development St. Joe Wild and Scenic River", September 21, 1979
156 26
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
St. Joe Wild and Scenic River; Forest Service
156 27
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
River of No Return Wilderness; Wild and Scenic River System
156 28
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
River of No Return Wilderness Act of 1979; Wild and Scenic River System
156 29
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers
Roberts, Deborah J.
River of No Return Wilderness Act of 1979 Signing Ceremony; Wild and Scenic River System
156 30
Wilderness -- Wild and Scenic Rivers - Warren and Landmark Plan
156 31
Wilderness Areas -- Crested Butte, Colorado
157 1
Wilderness Areas -- Gospel-Hump, Idaho
Gospel-Hump Roadless Complex; Nez Perce National Forest; S.1180; ; Wilderness Proposed Wildlife Study of Gospel-Hump Area
Opening Statement Re: Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area, Before Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, June 24, 1977
157 2
Wilderness Areas -- Gospel-Hump, Idaho
Fish and Big Game Resources; Compromise Agreement S.2051; S.2051 Gospel-Hump Roadless Area; Wilderness
157 3
Wilderness Areas -- Gospel-Hump, Idaho
Larocco, Larry
Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1978; Gospel-Hump Roadless Area
157 4
Wilderness Areas -- Idaho Primitive Areas
Forest Service; Wilderness
Testimony Re: Adequate Funding for The Forest Service, Before Senate, May 15, 1973
157 5
Wilderness Areas -- Idaho Primitive Areas
157 6
Wilderness Areas -- Idaho Primitive Areas
157 7
Wilderness Areas -- Idaho Primitive Areas
Gospel-Hump; Meadow Creek; Van Buren Creek; Idaho Primitive Area Plan
157 8
Wilderness Areas -- Salmon River Breaks
Little, David; Melcher, John
River of No Return Wilderness Act of 1975; Wild and Scenic Rivers
157 9
Wilderness Areas -- Salmon River Breaks
River of No Return Wilderness Act of 1975; Wild and Scenic Rivers
157 10
Wilderness Areas -- Selway-Bitterroot
157 11
McClure, James A.
Ocean Mammals Act S.2871; Wildlife Management H.R.11537; H.R.11537 Conservation and Rehabilitation On Public Lands
157 12
McClure, James A.
Lead Shot In Waterfowl Hunting S.144; Wildlife Refugees S.1268/ S.1293; Wild Horses and Burro's Act; H.R.12932 Appropriations for The Dept. of Interior
157 13
Youth Conservation Corps
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Randolph, Jennings; Flemming, Arthur S.
Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1957 S.871; National Defense Education Act of 1958; S.812 Youth Conservation Act of 1959
"The Youth Conservation Act of 1958" In Senate, August 13, 1958
157 14
Youth Conservation Corps
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Jackson, Henry M.
Labor and Public Welfare; S.812 Youth Conservation Act of 1959; S.404 Youth Conservation Act of 1961 H.R.110; S.1 Youth Employment Act
1960-1963; 1969; 1973
157 15
Youth Fitness
Tydings, Joseph D.; Harris, Fred R.; Scott, Hugh; Hatfield, Mark O.
158 1
Wilderness Area Maps and Postcard Opinion Surveys
Salmon River and Sawtooth National Park; Postcard Opinion Surveys Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Salmon River Preservation Act
Roll Call votes
The Roll Call votes are located in notebooks and shelved immediately after the preceding boxes of Series 1.
94th Congress
First Session
1975 January-July
94th Congress
First Session
1975 July-December
94th Congress
Second Session
1976 January-June
94th Congress
Second Session
1976 June-August
94th Congress
Second Session
1976 August- October
95th Congress
First Session
1977 January-June
95th Congress
First Session
1977 July-December
95th Congress
Second Session
1978 January-July
95th Congress
Second Session
1978 August-October
96th Congress
First Session
1979 January-September
96th Congress
First Session
1979 September-December
96th Congress
Second Session
1980 January-June
96th Congress
Second Session
1980 June-December
Congressional Record summaries
Clippings from the Record and typed brief summaries of how the Idaho delegation voted or debated the legislation before the Senate. A daily record. The summaries are located in a mix of boxes and notebooks immediately after the preceding items.
Box notebook
1 1
85th and 86th Congress
2 1
87th Congress
2 2
87th Congress
1963 October
2 3
88th Congress
2 4
88th-89th Congress
2 5
91st Congress
2 6
91st Congress
1971 January-June
2 7
91st-92nd Congress
1971 May-December
3 1
92nd Congress
1972 January-April
3 2
92nd Congress
1972 May-August
3 3
92nd Congress
1972 September-October
3 4
92nd Congress
1973 Jaunary-June
3 5
93rd Congress
1973 July-December
3 6
92nd-95th Congress
3 7
96th Congress
94th Congress
94th Congress
95th Congress
95th Congress
96th Congress
96th Congress
Sponsorship and co-sponsorship
This file contains lists of bills Church supported or rejected, correspondence with colleagues about bills they were seeking to introduce and brief notes by the staff on the merits of the proposed legislation. These files are located in a mix of boxes and notebooks immediately after the preceding items.
Box Folder
1 1
Compilation 85th-91st Congresses
Compilation of Legislation Sponsored Or Co-Sponsored
1 2
86th-89th Congress
86th Congress; 89th Congress; Filing System
1 3
87th Congress
Anderson, Clinton P.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; McGee, Gale W.; Long, Edward V.; Boggs, J. Caleb; McClellan, John L.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Cooper, John Sherman; Dodd, Thomas J.
87th Congress; S.3565 Health Care for The Aged; S.3615 Urban Mass Transportation; S.J.Res.142 Equal Rights Amendment; S.- Election Laws and Campaign Financing; Columbus Day; S.- Joint Budget Committee; Cold War Gi Bill S.349; Migratory Farm Workers; Dodd
1 4
88th Congress
S.Res.- Rule XXIII; S.- Packers and Stockyards; Anderson, Clinton P.; Douglas, Paul H.; Moss, Frank E.; Simpson, Milward L.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Symington, Stuart; Cooper, John Sherman; Clark, Joseph S.; Gruening, Ernest; Kefauver, Estes; McGovern, George; Williams, Harrison A., Jr
S.3118 Land Conservation Fund; S.1740 Truth In Lending; Impact Areas; S.- Tariff Act of 1930; S.601 Multiple Use and A Sustained Yield of Blm Lands; S.649 Clean Water Bill; S.- Communication Act; S.- National Academy of Foreign Affairs; S.666 Voting Righ
1 5
88th Congress
S.2254 Foreign Assistance Act; Farmers Home Administration Emergency Loan Authority; S.2332 Making Assassination Or An Assassination Attempt On The President Or Vice-President A Federal Crime; Hartke, Vance; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Neuberger, Maurine B.; Javits, Jacob K.; Morse, Wayne; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Proxmire, William; McGovern, George; Muskie, Edmund S.; Douglas, Paul H.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Dominick, Peter H.; Miller, Jack
Marking of Shipping Containers To Indicate Origin of Steel; Con.Res.- Joint Committee On National Security; Federal Campaign Financing; World Trade; Civil Rights; S.1689 Community Relations and Conciliation Service; S.- Small Business Act; S.- Wheat Adju
1 6
88th Congress
McGovern, George ; Kennedy, John F.
US Information Agency Film - John F. Kennedy - Years of Lightning, Day of Drums; 88th Congress
1 7
88th Congress
Keating, Kenneth B.; Simpson, Milward L.; Bayh, Birch; Morton, Thruston B.; Gruening, Ernest; Nelson, Gaylord; Tower, John G.; Scott, Hugh; Douglas, Paul H.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Hart, Philip; Prouty, Winston L.; Long, Russell B.; Ribicoff, Abraham
Compulsory Military Training; Cotton-Wheat Bill H.R.6196; Nuclear Fuel; Public Works S.1121; S.Res.305 Poverty; Health Insurance; Alaska Earthquake Damage; Egypt; Military Draft; Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; H.R.491 Iwo Jima Memorial; Polish Gr
1 8
89th Congress
Moss, Frank E.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Cannon, Howard W.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Hartke, Vance; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Bartlett, E.L.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Pearson, James B.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Fong, Hiram L.
S.Res.- Mural Decoration for Senate; S.- Department of Marine and Atmospheric Affairs; S.- Mining; S.J.Res.1 Presidential Succession; S.2228 Overseas Teacher Pay; S.- Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; S.Res. Dominican Republic; Congressional Employees; Urban; .Con.Res.50 Trust Territories of Pacific Islands; Washington Report, August 9, 1965; 89th Congress
1 9
89th Congress
S.2516 Moving Allowances for Federal Employees; Health Maintenance Program; US-Canadian Auto Agreements; S.2599 Urban Mass Transportation; Kuchel, Thomas H.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Kennedy, Robert F.; Weltner, Charles L.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Moss, Frank E.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Javits, Jacob K.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; McGovern, George; Hartke, Vance
S.- Water Rights; District of Columbia Omnibus Crime Bill; H.J.Res.620 Lower Voting Age To Eighteen; S.- Nursing Home Loans; S.2155 Compensation for Victims of Violent Crimes; S.Res.55 North American Water and Power Alliance; Farm Bill H.R.9811; India-Pa
1 10
89th Congress
S.- Congressional Approval of Aggregated Amounts In General Appropriation Act Each Year; S.1506 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964; S.J.Res.65 Art and Antiquities; Northwest Disaster Relief Program; Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; S.- Civil Rights; Williams, Harrison, A.; Javits, Jacob K.; Neuberger, Maurine B.; Sparkman, John J.; Randolph, Jennings; Nelson, Gaylord; Gruening, Ernest; Simpson, Milward L.; Symington, Stuart; Bartlett, E.L.; Bayh, Birch; Allott, Gordon; Bennett, Wallace F.; Mansfield
Cloture Rule; Export Control; S.Res.16 Nazi War Crimes Statute of Limitations; S.Res.- Consumers; S.995 Clayton Act; S.1087 Humane Animal Care Act of 1965; Coverage of Private Pension Plans; Military Pay Increase; S.812 Public Works for Economically Disa
1 11
89th Congress
Interstate System; Harris, Fred R.; Gruening, Ernest; Dominick, Peter H.; Miller, Jack; Clark, Joseph S.; Dworkis, Martin B.; Ferwerda, Vernon L.; Pell, Claiborne; Moss, Frank E.; Madden, Ray J.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Inouye, Daniel K.; Bayh, Birch; Hartke, Vance
Appropriations for Certain River Basins; Creation of Assistant Secretary Positions for Population Problems; Construction of A Bureau of Water Resources Building; S.1583 Income Tax Laws; Employment Act of 1965; Human Rights; Genocide Treaties; High-Speed
1 12
89th Congress
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Bayh, Birch; Scott, Hugh; Brewster, Daniel B.; Hartke, Vance; Hart, Philip A.; Douglas, Paul H.; Murphy, George; Metcalf, Lee; Tydings, Joseph D.; Churchill, Winston S.
Full and Fair Disclosure of Real Estate Interests; Mail Frauds; Sir Winston Churchill Day; S.J.Res.126 Four Year Terms for Members of The House; Outdo0r Recreation Areas and Facilities; National Traffic Safety Act; Civil Rights Protection Act of 1966; Ec
1 13
89th Congress
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.; Hartke, Vance; Mondale, Walter F.; Van Valkenburgh, Lois; Tydings, Joseph D.; Hart, Philip A.; Young, Stephen M.
Community Development District; Adult Health Protection; Transportation Problems; Adult Education; Emergency Food Reserve; National Unicef Day; US Commissioner System; Death Penalty; Civil Defense; S.Res.294 Urban Transportation; National Court Assistanc
1 14
90th-91st Congress
1 15
90th Congress
1 16
91st Congress
Small Reclamation Projects; Randolph-Sheppard Act for The Blind; Fair Farm Budget Act; S.J.Res.- Underground Weapons Testing; Gravel, Mike; Metcalf, Lee; Tydings, Joseph D.; Mouser, Cotys M.; Jackson, Henry M.; McGovern, George; Hartke, Vance; Brooke, Edward W.; Moss, Frank E.; Randolph, Jennings; Scott, Hugh
Alaska Highway; Social Security Defintion of Disability; Internal Revenue Service Code for Farming; S.1536 Population, Food and Family Planning; S.J.Res.108 Nuclear and Seismic Safety; FHA Funds Transfer Bill; S.2315 Golden Eagle Program; Food Stamp Refo
1 17
91st Congress
Moss, Frank E.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Bayh, Birch; Montoya, Joseph M.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Cannon, Howard W.; Young, Milton R.; Percy, Charles H.; McGovern, George; Javits, Jacob K.; Hart, Ph
John Wesley Powell Centennial Year; Workers Bill of Rights; Social Security Earnings Limitations; S.2936 Catastrophic Prescription Drug Costs; Hijacking; Multi-State Taxation Compact; S.- Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act; S.819 Entrance Fees To National Parks; Civil Service Retirement; National Potato Promotion and Research Program; Air Fares; Hospital Emergency Assistance Act; Telephone Supplemental Financing; Alcoholism Care and Control; Civil Rights; Excess War Profits
1 18
91st Congress
1 19
92nd Congress
1 20
92nd Congress
1 21
93rd Congress
1 22
93rd Congress
1 23
94th Congress
Ford, Gerald R.
S.Res. Normalization of Relations With Cuba; Secretary of Treasury A Statutory Member of The National Security Council; Foreign Assistance; Sale of Hawk Missiles To Jordon; China; Mia's; S.2468 Duties On Industrial Products; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Intern; Kennedy, Edward M.; Brock, William E.; Buckley, James L.; Mondale, Walter F.; Packwood, Bob; McGovern, George; Hart, Gary; Symington, Stuart; Stone, Richard; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Fannin, Paul J.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Sakharov, Andrei
Moratorium On Arms Sales; Persian Gulf States; U.N. Peacekeeping Forces In The Middle East; Vietnam and Refugee Relief; S.1367/S.1368 US Citizenship for Alien Children; B-1 Bomber; Arms Control; SALT II; Vietnam Evacuation; International Moritorium On Sa; Cruise Missiles; S.2115 Call-Up of Reservists; Halt All Military Support for Chilean Junta
1 24
96th Congress
Givens, Raymond C.
Bonners Ferry Community Restorium; S.2901 Social Securty Definition of A Public Institution; Ohio Wesleyan University Relief; 96th Congress
1 25
Voting Record
Smith, Bob

2:  Senate committees, 1956-1980Return to Top

Senator Church served on numerous committees and subcommittees during his four term tenure in the U.S. Congress but not all of his committee activities were filed by his staff under the committee name. Church was appointed to the Foreign Relations Committee in 1959 by Lyndon B. Johnson. He served on this committee from 1959-1980, and became chairman of it in 1979. There are extensive files coded "Foreign Relations" and includes related committee work such as the Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. Another assignment to which Church devoted considerable attention was the Special Committee on Aging, 1967-1980, of which he became chairman in 1972.

The committee assignment that gave Senator Church national exposure was his 1975 appointment as chairman of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, more commonly referred to as the Intelligence Activities Committee. There is little in the Church Papers on this subject. According to Senate rules, the files of committee chairmen are considered official Senate records, and as such, remain with the committees until transferred to the National Archives.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Special Committee on Aging
Senator Church became chair of the Special Committee on Aging in 1971 and the bulk of the files cover the years since 1971. There is substantial correspondence with constituents and considerable material on legislative matters in these files. The papers are rich in all phases of the problems faced by the aging and cover such subjects as illness and aging, cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients, the 1971 and 1981 White House Conference on Aging, nutrition for the elderly, elderly minorities, transportation problems of the elderly and Medicare. There is a separate folder of correspondence from President Jimmy Carter to the committee dated December, 1976.
Box Folder
1 1
McNamara, Pat
Report: "Aging Americans"; Report: "Oregon's Older People"
1 2
1 3
1961 August
1 4
Idaho Hearings
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Tydings, Joseph D.; McNamara, Pat
Aging; Idaho
1961 November
1 5
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; McNamara, Pat; Moss, Frank E.; Clark, Joseph S.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Morse, Wayne; Smathers, George A.; Smylie, Robert E.; Randolph, Jennings
1963 Executive Session; Special Rules of The Aging Committee
1 6
Housing and Fraud
Randolph, Jennings; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Moss, Frank E.
1 7
Smathers, George A.; Randolph, Jennings
1 8
Smathers, George A.; Randolph, Jennings; Allott, Gordon
1 9
Moss, Frank E.
Aging; H.R.8469 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund
1 10
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Smathers, George A.
1 11
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Smathers, George A.
1 12
1968 January-February
1 13
Randolph, Jennings; Kennedy, Edward M.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Aging; S.J.Res.117
1968 March-June
1 14
General -- Hearing Transcripts
"Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, and The Older American"
1968 July
1 15
Moss, Frank E.
1968 July-August
1 16
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
1968 September
1 17
Moss, Frank E.
1968 October-December
1 18
Green Thumb, Inc.
2 1
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Nelson, Gaylord
Report: "Economics of Aging"; Report: "Developments In Aging 1968"; Report: National Employ The Elderly Week"; Report: "Age Discrimination In Employment Act of 1967"; Report: "Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, and The Elderly"
1969 January-April
2 2
Moss, Frank E.; Hartke, Vance; Scott, Hugh; Ford, Gerald R.
Aging; Nutrition and The Elderly; Older Americans In Rural Areas; University of Michigan Conference "The Aging Consumer"
1969 May-December
2 3
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Saxbe, William B.; Moss, Frank E.
Green Thumb, Inc.; White House Conference On Food, Nutrition, and Health; Better Food for The Elderly
1970 January-June
2 4
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Moss, Frank E.
Social Security Act Amendments;
1970 July-December
2 5
Eagleton, Thomas F.
Transportation Problems of The Elderly; Church Named Honorary Member of Green Thumb, Inc.
Speech: On Funding, Before The Committee On Rules and Administration, February 10, 1971
1971 January-February
2 6
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Percy, Charles H.
Church Named Chairperson of
1971 March-April
2 7
Richardson, Elliot L.; Fulbright, J.W.; Percy, Charles H.
Idaho State White House Conference On Aging, May 28, 1971; 10th Annual Convention of The National Council of Senior Citizens; Insertions: "Poverty: Little Improvement for The Elderly", May 17, 1971
"1971: New Direction In Aging?", Annual Convention of Senior Citizens, June 11, 1971; Statement At Boise Hearing, May 28, 1971
1971 May-June
2 8
Kennedy, Edward M.
Testimony Before Labor-HEW Subcommittee and Senate Committee On Labor and Public Welfare; Nutrition for The Elderly; Housing; Homemaker-Home Health Services; Administration On Aging Funding and Reorganization
1971 July
2 9
Moss, Frank E.
Development of A Joint Committee On Aging; Unemployment of The Elderly; Elderly Minorities Re: Indians and Blacks; Long Term Care of The Elderly
1971 August-October
2 10
Hansen, Orval; Fong, Hiram L.; Moss, Frank E.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
White House Conference On Aging; Elderly Minorities Re: Cubans and Blacks
1971 November-December
2 11
Percy, Charles H.; Fulbright, J.W.; Mansfield, Mike
Legal Services for The Elderly; National Inter-Faith Conference On Aging; Action On Aging Bill; Crime Against The Elderly
1972 January-March
2 12
McGovern, George; Percy, Charles H.; Mansfield, Mike; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Thurmond, Strom
Report: "Arts for Idaho's Senior Citizens"
1972 April-May
3 1
1972 June
3 2
Kennedy, Edward M.; Jordan, Len B.
1972 July-August
3 3
Nelson, Gaylord; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
1972 Septmber
3 4
1972 October
3 5
Long, Russell B.; Mansfield, Mike
1972 November-December
3 6
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Fong, Hiram L.
Hearing: "Future In Social Security"
1973 January
3 7
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Medicare; Community Schools
1973 February
3 8
Muskie, Edmund S.; Pepper, Claude
1973 March
3 9
Mansfield, Mike; Chiles, Lawton; Randolph, Jennings
National Employ The Older Worker Week
1973 April
3 10
Muskie, Edmund S.
20% Social Security Increase
1973 May
3 11
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.
1973 June
3 12
Muskie, Edmund S.
1973 July
3 13
Weinberger, Casper
1973 August
3 14
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Pension Reform Bill-S.1179; Hearing: "Hearing Aids and The Older American"
1973 September
3 15
Pension Reform Bill-S.1179; Letters From Sears Profit-Sharing Members
1973 October
4 1
Clark, Dick; Lear, Norman; Long, Russell B.
Pension Reform Bill-S.1179
1973 November
4 2
1973 December
4 3
1974 January
4 4
Transportation and The Elderly
1974 February
4 5
Andrus, Cecil D.
1974 March
4 6
Muskie, Edmund S.
1974 April
4 7
1974 May
4 8
1974 June
4 9
Andrus, Cecil D.; Hruska, Roman L.
P.L. 93-296
1974 July
4 10
Chiles, Lawton
1974 August
4 11
1974 September
4 12
Ribicoff, Abraham; Mansfield, Mike
1974 October
4 13
Moss, Frank E.; Chiles, Lawton
Report "Nursing Home Care In The United States: Failure In Public Policy"
1974 November
4 14
Stafford, Robert T.; Moss, Frank E.
1974 December
4 15
1975 January
4 16
Curtis, Carl T.; Moss, Frank E.
1975 February
4 17
Mondale, Walter F.
1975 March
4 18
Kennedy, Edward M.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Tunney, John V.
1975 April
5 1
Cannon, Howard W.
1975 May
5 2
Randolph, Jennings
1975 June
5 3
Pastore, John O.
Older Americans Home Repair and Winterization Act-S.-; Cost of Living Increases In Social Security; Transportation for The Elderly; Amendments To S.644
1975 July
5 4
Chiles, Lawton
1975 August
5 5
1975 September
5 6
Women and Social Security Task Force; International Senior Citizens Day
1975 Octoberer
5 7
1975 November
5 8
1975 December
5 9
Proposed Trade Regulations In Funeral Industry
1975 December
5 10
Public Hearings
Public Hearings In Boston
5 11
1976 January
5 12
Presidential Speech "Message On Older Americans"
1976 February 9
5 13
Fong, Hiram L.; Chiles, Lawton; Javits, Jacob K.
Food Stamp Program for The Elderly
1976 March
5 14
Testimony On National Food Stamp Reform Act
1976 April
5 15
Stafford, Robert T.
1976 Idaho State Conference On Aging; 6.4% Cost of Living Increase In Social Security
1976 May
5 16
Community Action Centers
1976 June
5 17
Human Advancement, Inc.-Org. for Spanish-Speaking Elderly
1976 July
5 18
Fong, Hiram L.; Fabray, Nanette
Report of The Effects of The Teton Dam Disaster On Senior Citizens
1976 August
5 19
Chiles, Lawton
1976 September
5 20
Cannon, Howard W.; Pepper, Claude
1976 October
6 1
1976 November
6 2
Fong, Hiram L.
International Federation On Aging; Senate Reorganization of Aging Committees
1976 December
6 3
Jimmy Carter
Correspondence From Jimmy Carter;
1976 December
6 4
Transcript of Hearings Before The Executive Session
1977 January 3
6 5
History of The Special Committee On Aging
1977 February
6 6
1977 February
6 7
1977 March
6 8
Hartman, David
1977 March
6 9
1977 April
6 10
Cannon, Howard W.
Report On Medicare Fraud; S.Res.147;
1977 April
6 11
S.J.Res.-for A 1981 White House Conference On Aging;
1977 May
6 12
1977 June
6 13
1977 July
6 14
1977 August
6 15
Pepper, Claude
1977 September
6 16
Coulter, Myron L.
H.R.9436-Proposed Merger of Civil Service Pension With Social Security; Letters From Federal Employees Re: H.R.9436-Proposed Merger of Civil Service Pensions and Social Security
1977 October
6 17
Coulter, Myron L.; Domenici, Pete V.
1977 November
6 18
Testimony At Civil Rights Hearing On Age Discrimination
1977 December
6 19
Executive Meeting, January 24, 1978; United Nations General Assembly Statement On Aging; Social Security Financing Amendments of 1977
1978 January
7 1
Bills On Home Care Services-S.2288/S.2009; Budget Cutbacks In Rsvp Programs
1978 February
7 2
Idaho Aging Survey; Hearing: Tax Equity and Tax Forms for Older Americans
1978 March
7 3
Testimony On The Congregate Housing Service Act of 1978, Before The Subcommittee On Housing and Urban Affairs, April, 13, 1978
1978 April
7 4
Matheson, Scott M.
1978 May
7 5
"Over Easy"-PBS Programing On Aging
1978 June
7 6
1978 July
7 7
1978 August
7 8
1978 September
7 9
Pearce, Kelly
1978 October-December
7 10
Vance, Cyrus R.
1979 January
7 11
Byrd, Robert C.; Evans, John V.
1979 February-March
7 12
1979 April
7 13
Chiles, Lawton
1979 May-December
7 14
Chiles, Lawton; Domenici, Pete V.
1978 July-October
7 15
1980 January-June
2: Foreign Relations Committee
Box Folder
1 1
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Brademas, John; Bowles, Chester; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Fulbright, J.W.
Subcommittee Choices
1959 January-May
1 2
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
1959 June-November
1 3
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart
Passport Laws; "The United States In The United Nations: 1960, A Turning Point"
FC Speech "Restrictions On Military Aid To Western Europe" and Senate Debate, Aug 16, 1960
1960 April-December
1 4
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.
S.1646...Toll Bridges Across The Rio Grande; Staff Memorandum On The Foreign Service Institute of The Dept. of State; "Review of Administration and Use of US-Owned Foreign Currencies In Selected Countries"
1 5
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.--To Amend The Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938...; Lecture By J.W. Fulbright, "The American Agenda" May 1, 1963
1 6
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Smathers, George A.
Foreign Relations Committee
1965 January-August
1 7
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Holland, Spessard L.; Smathers, George A.
Speech-John O. Pastore On Nonproliferation of Nuclear & Thermonuclear Weapons.
1965 September-December
1 8
Minutes, Agendas, etc. -- Ad Hoc Subcommittee On Vienna Convention
Fulbright, J.W.
Vienna Convention
1 9
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Foreign Relations Committee
1966 January-April
1 10
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Edwards, Don
Foreign Relations Committee
1966 May-July
1 11
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Tax Convention With Thailand; S.2859 Amendment [By FC Reducing Amount of Development Loans]
1966 July-December
1 12
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Relations Committee
1967 January-March
1 13
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Foreign Relations Committee
1967 April-December
1 14
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.; Clark, Joseph S.
Sen. Con. Res. 47 [United Nations Peacekeeping Forces]
1968 January-February
1 15
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
H.Con.Res. 675 [US Should Not Increase Its Military Involvement In Vietnam]; "International Grains Arrangement In 1967" Report From Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
1968 March-May
1 16
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Symington, Stuart; Sparkman, John J.; Lederer, William S.
S.3092 Foreign Military Sales Act; Treaty On The Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons-Text; "United States Troops In Europe" Committee Report; "Our Own Worst Enemy" William S. Lederer, Saturday Evening Post, June 1968
1968 June-December
1 17
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Richardson, Elliot L.
Treaty On Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Report September 26, 1968 & March 4, 1969
1969 January-March
1 18
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Jordan, B. Everett; Anderson, Clinton P.; Talmadge, Herman E.; Clifford, Clark M.
"A Vietnam Reappraisal" Clark Clifford In Foreign Affairs July, 1969.
1969 April- December
2 1
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Gravel, Mike; Symington, Stuart
Foreign Relations Committee
1970 January-July
2 2
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Foreign Relations Committee
1970 August-December
2 3
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Clark, Joseph S.
Southeast Asia; S.Con.Res.21--Suspension of Military Assistance To Pakistan Until Present Conflict Resolved; S.1894--Provide That The Dept. of State and The US Information Agency Come Before The Fr Committee To Receive Appropriations
1971 January-June
2 4
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Hartke, Vance; Pell, Claiborne; Symington, Stuart
S.2295 Foreign Assistance Act of 1971; S.Res.-- Affirming The Constitiutional Prerogatives of The Senate With Respect To Foreign Relations; Congressional Access To Information & Records/Executive Privilege; S.--Special Foreign Military & Relate
1971 July-December
2 4
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
S.--Special Bilateral Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1971
1971 July-December
2 5
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Hartke, Vance; Ball, George W.; Case, Clifford P.; Ellender, Allen J.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Bayh, Birch
Radio Free Europe & Radio Liberty; S.3200 Arms Control & Disarmament Act/Appropriations; S.3108-1973 Appropriations/Armed Forces; S.3475 Separation of Powers/Executive Agreements
1972 January-April
2 6
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Nelson, Gaylord; Proxmire, William
S.Res.-- Authorize Expenditures By The Special Committee On Termination of The National Emergency
1972 May-December
2 7
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Appropriations South East Asia; Air Operations In Cambodia; Multinational Corps. Subcommittee;
1973 January-April
2 8
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Fulbright, J.W.; Pell, Claiborne
H.R.7484 Revision of Social Progress Trust Fund Agreement
1973 May-October
2 9
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Case, Clifford P.; Kissinger, Henry A.
Henry Kissinger Testimony Regarding Wiretapping; Foreign Military Assistance
2 10
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Lehman, John F. Jr.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1974; Nomination of John F. Lehman, Jr. for Deputy Director of US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
1975 January-March
2 11
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Scott, Hugh
S.- Termination of Assistance To South Vietnam; 1973 South Vietnam Cease-Fire Agreement; Evacuation of Americans From South Vietnam; S.- Restrict Funds for US Forces In Indochina; S.- Economic Assistance for South Vietnam; S.- Military Assistance for Sou
1975 April
2 12
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Javits, Jacob K.
S.- Vietnam Refugee Assistance Act of 1975; War Powers Resolution; S.795 Suspend Military Sales To Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, U.A.E., & Oman; S.Con.Res.21 Embargo Arms To Pakistan & India; S.854 Foreign Military Sales
1975 May-June
2 13
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
S.Res. Inform Fr Committee/Negotiations On Sinai Agreement
1975 July-September
2 14
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Sparkman, John J.
Foreign Relations Committee
1975 October-November
2 15
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Foreign Relations Committee
1975 December
3 1
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Laird, Melvin D.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Tunney, John V.
S.Res.400 Create Committee On Intelligence Activities
1976 January-March
3 2
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Pell, Claiborne; Moakley, John J.
Spanish Bases; Foreign Aid
1976 April-June
3 3
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Percy, Charles H.
Foreign Relations Committee
1976 July-December
3 4
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Gilligan, John J.; McGee, Gale; Burgus, Donald C.; Byrd, Robert C.; Warnke, Paul C.
Public Attitudes Toward The United Nations; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (S.A.L.T.)
3 5
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Vance, Cyrus R.; Jones, Norvill
Memo To FC From Norvill Jones On "Your Coming Chairmanship"
3 6
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Szmant, H. Harry; Fatemi, Nasrollah S.
Foreign Relations Committee
3 7
Minutes, Agendas, etc.
Carter, Jimmy; Vance, Cyrus R.; Christopher, Warren; Proxmire, William; Glenn, John; Pell, Claiborne
Soviet Anthrax Outbreak
3 8
Foreign Relations Committee
3 9
Douglas, Paul H.; Wiley, Alexander; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Gunther, John
Foreign Relations Committee
3 10
Kayes, Jesse I. Aka Sheriff Spud; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
Foreign Relations Committee
3 11
George, Albert; Mansfield, Mike; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Batista; S.Con.Res.74 International Conferences To Strengthen The Rule of Law Among Nations; International Education, Annapolis Confernece; Speeches of Hubert H. Humphrey, "Salute To The West: Democracy's Frontier Challenge:
3 12
Dillon, Douglas; Bush, Prescott; Cohen, Bernard C.; Frank, Jerome D.; Lucal, Dean S.; Underhill, David; Livingston, M. Stanley; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Gould, James W.
International Court of Justice; Cuba; Bills To Establish An Agency To Research Disarmament Problems; Interamerican Exposition; Refugees; Foreign Tax Credits H.R.10087; American Institute for Economic Research: "Twentieth Century Common Sense & The Americ
3 13
Ball, George W.; Stern, Philip M.; Salant, Richard; Mcdonald, David J.; Cramer, Camille; Javits, Jacob K.
Foreign Aid To Spain; Cuba, Bay of Pigs; Peru; Interamerican Fund for Social Progress; Peace By Investment;
1961 January-July
3 14
Sagan, Hans; Wenzel, Howard E.; Gilbert, H.E.; Seely-Brown, Horace
"Communist Menace"; International Court of Justice S.Res.39; Mexican Farm Labor; Jehovah's Witnesses In Spain; Berlin
1961 August-December
3 15
Kennedy, Archie
American Israel Public Affairs Committee; International Communist Conspiracy; World Constitution Coordinationg Committee; American Council for Judaism; Chiefs of Mission List; China; Masters, Raymond D. "A Multi-Block Model of The International System"
3 16
Fulbright, J.W.
Lectures By J.W. Fulbright: "Russia and The West, " & "A Concert of Free Nations"
1963 January-June
3 17
Swisher, Perry; Masters, Roger D.; Long, Russell B.; Scott, Hugh; McGovern, George; Hartke, Vance
Foreign Relations Committee
1963 July-December
3 18
Monroney, A.S. Mike; Sihanouk, Prince Norodom; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Clark, Joseph S.; Cleveland, Harlan; Fulbright, J.W.; Bowler, Bruce; Johnson, Lyndon B.
South Vietnam; Panama; Pacific Economic Community; Cuba; Philippines; Cyprus; Amend Foreign Agent Registration Act of 1938; "Art In War/Peace", Report By Prince Norodom Sihanouk; "The Military-Congressional Complex", By Joseph S. Clark; Speech By Lyndon
"Career of Sen. William E. Borah of Idaho, " Senate Floor March 26, 1964
1964 January-July
3 19
Dodd, Thomas J.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Rusk, Dean; Fleetwood, Wade B.; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.
Foreign Aid Authorization H.R.1130; Get Tough Policies; Cyprus; Council for A Liveable World; Foreign Claims Settlement Commision, Eighteenth Report
1964 September-December
3 20
Hughes, Thomas L.; Dubriansky, Liev E.; Schaeffer, Rick, Jr.; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Day, Henry L.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Goeritz, Thomas; MacArthur, Douglas II; Kennan, George F.; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Kennedy, Robert F.
References To Ramparts Interview; S.805 Interamerican Developement Bank; Congo; Address To The Armed Forces By Thomas L. Hughes
Foreign Affairs Outline March 1963, No.2
1965 January-April
3 21
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Osgood, Charles
South Vietnam; American Friends Service Committee; International Developement Conference; "Lower Mekong, " From The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
1965 April-July
3 22
Vienna Convention; World Government
1965 August-December
4 1
McWilliams, Carey; Cooper, John Sherman; Clark, Joseph S.; Ehrnrooth, Georg C.; Renchard, George W.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Becher, Walter
S.Res.256 Denouncing The Warsaw Convention; Airline Passenger Liability;
4 2
Clark, Joseph S.; McGovern, George; Benton, William; Driss, Rachid; Donnelley, Dixon
Information Media Guaranty Program S.1030; Middle East; Vietnam
"Arsenal Diplomacy" June 26, 1067; Recommending Un Jurisdiction Over Resources of The High Seas, In Senate, After Aug. 24, 1967;
4 3
Utsunomiya, Tokuma; Griffin, Robert P.; Hart, Philip A.
South East Asia; Vietnam War; Import Export Bank S.1155; S.J.Res.-- Reciprocal Territorial Limits In International Waters; The Pueblo Incident; Foreign Aid; Human Rights Conventions
"The Torment In The Land" Feb. 21, 1965, In Senate;
1968 January-March
4 4
Clarke, John L.; Cousins, Norman; Hansberger, Robert V.
Human Rights Conventions; South East Asia Vietnam War; Comments On "Torment In The Land" Speech; Comments On Wm. J. Lederer Article, "Our Own Worst Enemy" In Saturday Evening Post;
1968 April-July
4 5
South East Asia Vietnam War; Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty;
1968 August-December
4 6
Tydings, Joseph D.; Fulbright, J.W.
Proposed Dept. of Peace; South East Asia Vietnam War; "Thin" ABM Systems; Proposed Appointment of A US Representative To The Vatican; Diary of A Trip To Asia: Peace Corps and The Fulbright Program
1969 January-June
4 7
Foreign Relations Committee
1969 July-September
4 8
Over Population; Population Control
1969 October-December
4 9
Javits, Jacob K.; Gravel, Mike; Gore, Albert A., Sr.
Chemical and Biological Weapons; Embargo In Trade With Rhodesia
"Ambassador Arthur K. Watson's Questioned Behavior, " In Senate, No Date;
1970 January-June
4 10
Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam
1970 July-December
4 11
Rogers, William P.
South East Asia; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam
1971 January-March
4 12
Hatfield, Mark O.
Foreign Relations Committee
1971 April-December
4 13
Hart, Philip A.; Gravel, Mike; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.
Multinational Corporations
"American Foreign Policy In Transition: Who Will Shape It?" At Johns Hopkins Univ. Feb. 2, 1972;
4 14
Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid;
4 15
Aid To South Vietnam; Secretary. of State Kissinger's Role In Foreign Policy;
1975 January-April
4 16
Clark, Joseph S.; Abshire, David M.
The Role of Secy. of State Kissinger In Foreign Policy; Withdrawal of US Troops From South East Asia; Rhodesian Chrome Ore H.R.1287; Arrest of Rumanian Vasile Rascol In Rumania; Middle East/Arm Sales/Aid; Panama Canal;
1975 May-June
4 17
Cleveland, Harlan; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Lyman, Richard W.; Izaza, Gilberto Zapata; Betancourt, Albeto; Velazco, Omar Henry; Jaramilo, Gloria Gaitan
Chrome Ore From Rhodesia H.R.1287;
1975 July-September
4 18
Cleveland, Harlan; Young, Andrew; Harkin, Tom; Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Long, Oren E.
Foreign Aid/Military Aid; Basques In Spain/Franco; Human Rights- Harkin Amendment; International Development & Food Assistance Act H.R.9005; Panama Canal; Sinai Agreement; Secy. of State Kissinger Role In Foreign Policy; Select Committee Re: Intelligenc
1975 October-December
5 1
Gravel, Mike; Pell, Claiborne; Ribicoff, Abraham; Percy, Charles H.; Vicioso Soto, Horacio
Treaty To Limit Amb System; 200 Mile Fishing Zone; A Bill To Deny Tax Benefits To Taxpayers Boycotting Israel; Soviet Jewry; Declaration of Interdependence;
1976 January-June
5 2
Solarz, Stephen; Vance, Cyrus R.; O'dwyer, Paul
United Nations; Panama Canal;
1976 July-December
5 3
Ferris, Charles D.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Linowitz, Sol M.
Declaration of Interdependence; Nominations of American Ambassadors; S.Res.49 Requirement of International Environmental Impact Statements; Panama Canal-Nomination of Sol M. Linowitz; Soviet Jews, Jackson-Vanik Amendment; Polish Aviation Products;
1977 January-March
5 4
Warnke, Paul C.
Paul Warnke Nomination; US Arms Control; People of Utirik Atoll, Medical Assistance & Compensation for Victims of Nuclear Incidents S.R.1192; Declaration of Interdependence
1977 April-June
5 5
Pell, Claiborne; Sanford, Terry
Friendship, Cooperation & Navigation Treaty; B-1 Bomber; Lebanon; Trip To Cuba; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT); Panama Canal; "The Soviet Union and The Civil War In Lebanon: By Robert O. Freedman Ph.D.
1977 July-December
5 6
Humphrey, Hubert H.
World Energy Situation, Nuclear Nonproliferation Bill; Annual Report of The Ford Foundation Fiscal 1977; "OPEC's Threat To The West" By Robert S. Pindyck In Foreign Policy
1978 January-April
5 7
Humphrey, Muriel
Panama Canal Treaty; Cyprus; Emgargo Against Turkey; Relations With Cuba; SALT Treaty; International Energy Supplies; Foreign Aid Bill; H.R.12956 Peace Corps; State of Arizona House Con. Memorial 2005
1978 May-July
5 8
Barletta, Nicolas Ardito; Batten, William M.; Fry, Earl H.; Raymond, Gregory A.; James, Daniel
Fry, Earl H. & Gregory A. Raymond, "Idaho's Foreign Relations: The Transgovernmental Linkages of An American State" Boise State Univ. 1978; Panama Treaty; Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Resource Act S.2053; Daniel James "Looking South:Toward An American Foreign
1978 August
5 9
Freeman, Orville L.; Paniagua-Diez, Reinaldo; Evans, Graham; Gilinsky, Victor; McNamara, Robert S.
Victor Gilinsky Remarks Re: The Nuclear Fuel Cycle; World Bank; The Effects of The US Corporate Foreign Investment 1970-1976, Study; International Security Assistance Bill S.3075; Nestles' Boycott; World Administrative Radio Conference; "The Case for Def
1978 September
5 10
Jay, Peter
Elimination of "Deferral": The Effects of Additional Foreign Tax Payments On US Treasury Revenues & Company Tax Costs, " Study By Arthur Anderson Co. April 1978; Final Report of International Conference On Primary Health Care; "The Progressive, " Oct. 1978
1978 October
5 11
Evans, Graham; Gardner, Richard N.
International Communication Agency, Office of Research & Evaluation, Research Reports: R-22-78 & R-23-78
1978 October
5 12
Carter, Jimmy; Rickover, Hyman G.
Neutron Bomb; 1979 Policy Declaration of The National Foreign Trade Council, Inc.; Operation of US Embassies Abroad; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
1978 November
5 13
Breckinridge, John B.; Schober, Karl Herbert; Findley, Paul; Blumenthal, W. Michael
"Technical Deterrents To Proliferation, " Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc., Nov. 1978; Land Purchases By Foreign Interests
1978 December
5 14
Zablocki, Clement J.
Report of Proceedings: Polish/American Day, US Department of State
1978 December
5 15
Gardner, Richard N.; Bengelloun, Ali; Pell, Claiborne
Recognition of Mainland China; OPEC Oil Prices; Philippines; National Defense
1979 January
5 16
Recognition of Mainland China; Helms's Amendment Re: Contributions To International Organizations; Panama Canal; Arms Limitation; Iran
1979 February-March
5 17
McCorkle, Suzanne
Helms's Amendment; Middle East Peace Treaty; Somoza Government In Nicaragua; China; OPEC Cartel;
1979 April
5 18
Armstrong, William L.; Vance, Cyrus R.
Iran; China; H.J.Res.248 International Hunger Project Week; Rhodesia; International Human Rights Covenants; Panama Canal
1979 May-June
5 19
Watson, Thomas J., Jr.; Hansen, George V.
Human Rights; Panama Canal
1979 July-September
6 1
Gibb, Richard D.; Yong Shik Kim
Foreign Student Exchanges;
1979 October-December
6 2
Cosho, Louis; Masters, Edward E.
Moscow Olymipic Games Boycott;
1980 January-March
6 3
Dole, Robert; Byrd, Robert C.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Stennis, John C.; Cannon, Howard W.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Cranston, Alan; Javits, Jacob K.; Packwood, Bob; Stone, Richard; Sasser, Jim; Warner, John W.; Wolfe, George V.; Brewster, Kingman
Moscow Olympic Games Boycott
1980 April-June
6 4
Byrd, Robert C.; Helms, Jesse; West, John C.; Evans, John V.
H.C.R.306...Foreign Policy of US...; Peace Through Strength; Unfair Japanese Trade Practices
1980 July-December
6 5
Arms Export Control Act S.2662 -- Regulating Sales
6 6
Atlantic Union
Roper, Elmo; Streit, Clarence K.; Moore, Hugh; Wallace, Richard J.; Moore, Walden
S.J.Res.170 Citizens Commission On NATO; S.Con.Res.17 Convention of Delegates; "US Citizen's Commission On NATO" Senate Report, Feb. 23, 1960; Second NATO Parliamentary Conference, Dec. 31, 1956; "Greater Cooperation Among Atlantic Democracies" Hearing O
FC Speech Re: US Citizen's Commission On NATO, Senate June 10, 1960; FC Speech "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice" Tutzing, W.Germany, July 16, 1963
6 7
Atlantic Union
Dodd, Thomas J.; Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.; Streit, Clarence K.; Roper, Elmo; Blackwelder, Justin
Atlantic Union; Foreign Relations Committee
"Toward A More Perfect Union" Senate, July 12, 1965
6 8
Atlantic Union
Clark, Joseph S.; Roper, Elmo; Streit, Clarence K.; Moore, Walden; Keyserling, Leon H.; Fulbright, J.W.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Carlson, Frank; Montoya, Joseph, M.
S.Res.128 Establishing A Commisssion for A Stronger Atlantic Union; S.Con.Res.64 To Establish An Atlantic Union Delegation; S.--Financial Assistance for Education of Orphans
1966 January-March
6 9
Atlantic Union
Root, Waverly; Roper, Elmo
Foreign Relations Committee; Atlantic Union
1966 April-June
6 10
Atlantic Union
Roper, Elmo
Atlantic Union; Foreign Relations Committee
1966 July-September
6 11
Atlantic Union
McCarthy, Eugene J.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Hemsley, William S.; Roper, Elmo; Streit, Clarence K.; Blackwelder, Justin
S.Con.Res.13 To Establish An Atlantic Union Delegation
6 12
Atlantic Union
Roper, Elmo; Moore, Waldon
Atlantic Union; Foreign Relations Committee
6 13
Atlantic Union
Atlantic Union; Foreign Relations Committee
6 14
Connally Amendment Repeal
Javits, Jacob K.; Rhyne, Charles S.
S. Res.94 Relating To The Recognition of The Jurisdiction of The International Court of Justice In Certain Legal Disputes
6 15
Connally Amendment Repeal
McFadden, Joseph J.; Moss, Frank E.
Relating To The Jurisdiction of The International Court of Justice S.Res.94
Probably An Unpublished Article for American Legion Magazine, "Should We Repeal The Connally Reservation?"
6 16
Connally Amendment Repeal
World Court Jurisdiction
6 17
Connally Amendment Repeal
Hartung, A.F.; Rhyne, Charles S.; Luce, Henry R.
S.Res.39 Recognition of Jurisdiction of The International Court of Justice
6 18
Council for A Livable World
Halsted, Thomas A.; Jensen, Dwight; Crosby, H. Ashton
Council for A Livable World; Foreign Relations
6 19
Declaration of Interdependence
Hunter, Grant; Ginn, Gordon
State Department Comments On Readers Digest Reprints; Lake County (MT.) Posse Comitatus
6 20
Ottenstien, Victor H.; Schlussel, Joseph; McGovern, George
Mx Missiles; Draft Registration; B-1 Bomber
6 21
Development Financing By C. Loganathan
Development Financing
6 22
Development -- Wan Fund
Upton, T. Graydon
7 1
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Keys, Donald; Gottwald, Norman K.; Alphand, Herve; Randolph, Jennings
Sane-National Committee for A Sane Nuclear Policy; Nuclear Testing; Test Ban Negotiations
"We Must Stop Poisoning The Air" The Reporter
7 2
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Keys, Donald; Reuther, Victor G.; Beckett, Paul L.; Murray, Thomas E.; Herter, Christian A.; Price, Charles R.; Patton, James G.; Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
Nuclear Test Ban; Fr Committee Print: Fourth NATO Parliamentarian's Conference
7 3
Rudnick, Albert; Price, Charles R.; Herter, Christian A.; Jack, Homer; McCloy, John J.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Keys, Donald; Hickenlooper, Bourke B.; Ross, Mary & Allen; Aiken, Frank; Wolf, Robert Paul; Riesman, David; Macoby, Michael
United World Federalists Inc.; Un Excerpts & Subcommittee Report On 14th General Assembly; Disarmament Agency; National Planning; Frank Aiken, "Can We Limit The Nuclear Club?"; Robert Paul Wolf, "The Game of War" New Republic; "Economics of Disarmament:
7 4
Sane; Test Ban; Committe Print; Review of Operation of The Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
7 5
Dodd, Thomas J.; Foster, William C.; Rusk, Dean
S.777 Arms Control and Disarmament Act; US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Statement By Dean Rusk March 11, 1963
1963 January-June
7 6
Williams, Harrison A., Jr; Bunn, George
Disarmament; Foreign Relations
7 7
Disarmament; Foreign Relations
7 8
Ikle, Fred C.; Feld, Bernard T.; Nitze, Paul; Kennedy, Robert F.; Brezhnev, Leonid I.; Mandlbaum, Michael
Sane; SALT II Crs Issue Brief #Ib75074; Jackson Amendment; Vladivostok Protocol; Leonid Brezhnev, Victory Day Speech, May 8, 1975; Michael Mandelbaum, "of Mirv's and Men: Sizing Up Vladivostok." New Leader Jan. 6, 1975;
7 9
Nuclear Proliferation Treaty; Amrs Control and Disarmament, State Department Briefing; Strategy for American Security; Verification & Response In Disarmament Agreements; The N'th Country Problem & Arms Control; National Planning Association; Economic & S
7 10
Executive Privilege
C.R.S. Issue Brief Ib74005;
7 11
Brown, Harrison
Agency for International Development; World Population Day; Lifeboat Ethics; World Food Conference; C.R.S. Issue Brief 74142-International Food Reserves;
7 12
Food for Peace
McGovern, George
Food for Peace; Foreign Relations
7 13
Food -- Publications
Economic World, Dec. 1959; Seminars In Population Dynamics and Economic Development; International Food Reserves Oct. 1974, Committee Report; S.Res.329 US Participation In An Effort To Reduce The Risk of Famine; World Food, The Political Dim
7 13
Food -- Publications
Hunger and Diplomacy: US Role At The World Food Conference;
7 14
Food -- Publications
Nacla Report; Gao Report--"Overseas Food Donation Problem. Disincentives To Agriculture In Developing Nations"; "World Food and Nutrition Study" National Research Council; "War On Hunger" Agency for International Development; The Politics of Food;
8 1
Foreign Aid
Ellender, Allen J.; Freeman, Orville L.; Taft, Charles P.
Mutual Security Program; Economic Aid;
8 2
Foreign Aid
Dillon, Douglas; Clark, Joseph S.; Kennedy, John F.; Hansen, Orval
Mutual Security Program; Trujillo; Dominican Republic; Various Amendments To The Mutual Security Authorization Bill;
8 3
Foreign Aid
Dillon, Douglas; Kefauver, Estes; Kennedy, John F.; Bowles, Chester; Meany, George; Jorgensen, Kay L.
Mutual Security Program
"America's Role In The World Today" No Date-In Senate;
1959 January-April
8 4
Foreign Aid
Dillon, Douglas; Gruening, Ernest; Bowles, Chester
Mutual Security Program; Mutual Security Bill and Various Amendments-S.1451; Aid To Laos;
1959 May-June
8 5
Foreign Aid
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Morse, Wayne; Javits, Jacob K.; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
Mutual Security Programs; S.1451- Amend Mutual Security Act of 1954; S.Res. 323-Discrimination By A Foreign Nation Against U.S. Citizens Because of Religious Affiliation
"Mutual Security Act of 1959" In Senate July 7, 1959;
1959 July-December
8 6
Foreign Aid
Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Relations
8 7
Foreign Aid
Fulbright, J.W.
S.1983-Act for International Development of 1961;
1961 January-July
8 8
Foreign Aid
Dodd, Thomas J.; Meany, George; Chavez, Dennis; Bennett, Wallace F.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Symington, Stuart; Holland, Spessard L.; Cooper, John Sherman; Prouty, Winston L.; Young, Milton R.; Talmadge, Herman E.; Bartlett, E.L.; Mundt, Karl E.; Pell, Cla
Development Loan Funds; Foreign Aid Bill-S.1983; Church Amendment To Reduce Military Assistance To Prosperous Nations of W.Europe
"Foreign Assistance Act of 1961" In Senate August 17, 1961; "Restrictions On Military Aid To Western Europe" In Senate August 16, 1961;
1961 August-December
8 9
Foreign Aid
S.2996-Foreign Assistance Act of 1962; Church Amendment To S.2996; S.-Prohibit Aid To Countries Which Do Not Compensate U.S. Citizens for Loss of Property By Expropriation; Aid To Communist Dominated Countries
"To Amend The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961-S.2996 June 5, 1962 In Senate;
1962 January-August
8 10
Foreign Aid
Foreign Relations
1962 September-December
8 11
Foreign Aid
Brocke, George F.; Bell, David E.; Pell, Claiborne; Fulbright, J.W.; McGovern, George; Muskie, Edmund S.
S.1276-Foreign Assistance Act of 1963; Various Church Amendments To S. 1276; Military and Foreign Aid To Japan and W. Europe
F.C. Comments On Foreign Aid for Article In New Leader Magazine; "Ending Aid To Japan" In Senate April 22, 1963;
1963 January-May
8 12
Foreign Aid
Robertson, A. Willis; Keating, Kenneth B.; Hilsman, Roger; Gruening, Ernest; Fellers, Bonner
Various Amendments To S.2996-Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; S.1983- Reduce Aid To Western Europe; S.1276-Amend Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Various Speeches, Drafts of Speeches Dealing With Foreign Aid-In Senate, No Precise Date; "Amendment of The Foreign Aid Act"-In Senate June 17, 1963;
1963 June
8 13
Foreign Aid
Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Proxmire, William; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Simpson, Milward L.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Burdick, Quentin N.; Randolph, Jennings; Symington, Stuart; Hayden, Carl; Dodd, Thomas J.; Mundt, Karl E.; Long, Russell B.; McClellan, John L.
Various Amendments To S.1276; S.1276-Foreign Assistance and Japan; Aid To Western Europe and Japan;
1963 July-August
8 14
Foreign Aid
Aid To Western Europe and Japan; Short Term; Long Term Development Loans
Transcript: CBS Broadcast, "Washington Report", Comments On Foreign Aid, Vietnam, and Foreign Relations Committee, September 9, 1963; Speech On Foreign Aid, To National Reclamation Association, At Sun Valley. Undated;
1963 September
8 14
Foreign Aid
Bundy, William P.; Hartke, Vance
Aid To Western Europe and Japan; Short Term; Long Term Development Loans
Introduce Resolution To Discontinue Aid To Diem Regime In S.Vietnam In Senate, September 12, 1963;
1963 September
8 15
Foreign Aid
Javits, Jacob K.; Bayh, Birch; Sevareid, Eric
Aid To W. Europe and Japan; Aid To Yugoslavia and Poland; Wheat To Russia;
1963 October-November
8 16
Foreign Aid
Aid To W.Europe; Aid To Communist Countries;
1963 December
8 17
Foreign Aid
"Responses To Business Questionnaire Regarding Private Investment Abroad"; National Objectives and The Balance of Payments Problem"; "A New Program for A Decade of Development"; "Foreign Assistance Act of 1961"; "Foreign Assistance Act of 1963";
8 17
Foreign Aid
Report To The Congress of The US On Certain Economic Development Projects for Assistance To Central Treaty Organization Agency for International Development Department of State;
9 1
Foreign Aid
Callaway, Lew L., Jr.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Nelson, Perry; Rusk, Dean; Moscoso, Teodoro; Hutchinson, Dorothy; Stewart, Anna Lee; Paullada, Leon B.; Monroney, A.S. Mike
Alliance for Progress; White House Message On Foreign Aid; Voluntary (Private Sector) Aid;
9 2
Foreign Aid
Dodd, Thomas J.; Proxmire, William; Tower, John G.; Marcy, Carl; Hosack, Robert; Kondo, Tetsuo; Stuart, Robert J.; Fulbright, J.W.; Cousins, Norman; Battle, Lucius D.; Flynt, John J., Jr.
Saltonstall Amendment; 50% Shipping Restriction; Soviet Wheat Purchases; Balance of Payments; Cuba Amendment; Organization of American States;
9 3
Foreign Aid
Clark, Joseph S.; Gruening, Ernest; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Campbell, Walter J.; Reston, James; Miles, Clarence; Morgenthau, Hans J.
Dodd Amendment To The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; "The Great Society and American Foreign Policy, " Hans J. Morgenthau;
9 4
Foreign Aid
McGovern, George; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Caldwell, John T.; Hughes, Thomas L.; Morgenthau, Hans J.
Foreign Assistance Act of 1966; National Chamber of Commerce
"The Real Issue Between The U.S. and China";
9 5
Foreign Aid
Stuart, Mrs. Robert J.; Clark, Joseph S.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Bayh, Birch; Kennedy, Robert F.; Snyder, Harold E.; Freeman, Orville L.; Bell, David E.; Fulbright, J.W.
Eleanor Roosevelt Humanities Award; Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; Vietnam Allies; National Citizens Commission On International Cooperation;
9 6
Foreign Aid
Bell, David E.; Lynn, John C.; Snyder, Edward; Bartlett, E.L.; Bayh, Birch; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Clark, Joseph S.
Including Foreign Assistance; Tox Convention With Thailand
S.2859- Amend Further The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961-The Foreign Assistance Act of 1966;
9 7
Foreign Aid
Belk, Samuel M. III; Gaud, William S.; McClary, James D.; Long, Clarence D.
Agency for International Development Vietnam; Letter From Rep. Clarence D. Long Maryland
Maxwell Stamp Assoc."The Free Trade Option: Opportunity for Britian.";
9 8
Foreign Aid
Brooke, Edward W.; Aiken, George D.; Tunney, John V.; Clark, Joseph S.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart; Morse, Wayne; Shull, Leon
Commission On Trade and Tarriffs; Marshal Plan; Presidential Remarks;
9 9
Foreign Aid
Marten, Boyd; Symington, Stuart; Gruening, Ernest
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
Wall, David "The Third World Challenge";
9 10
Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations; Military; Soviet Union; Hunger; Human Rights
"The Changing Strategic Military Balance U.S.A. Vs. U.S.S.R."; "The Foreign Assistance Program"; "The World Food Problem"; "The Foreign Assistance Program"; "Proposed Foreign Aid Program FY 1968"; " Human Rights Are God-Given Rights";
9 11
Foreign Aid
Foreign Relations; Foreign Aid; Europe
"The American Commitment To Private International Political Communications-A View of Free Europe";
9 11
Foreign Aid
Biemiller, Andrew J.; Black, Eugene R.; Marcy, Carl; Percy, Charles H.; Nelson, Gaylord; Moss, John E.; Fulbright, J.W.
National Commitment
Conference Report On S.1872; "Foreign Aid Revisited" October 10, 1969, The Center for Interamerican Relations At New York, NY; "Development Assistance In The New Administration";
9 12
Foreign Aid
Fascell, Dante B.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Moss, John E.; Pell, Claiborne; Sabin, Albert B.; Rogers, William P.
Inspector General of Foreign Assistance;
9 13
Foreign Aid
H.R. 14580 Foreign Assistance Act of 1969; Hearing Before The Committee On Foreign Relations
9 14
Foreign Aid -- Latin America
Sabin, Albert B.; McClary, James D.
Paraguay Earthquake; Chile; Latin America
Report To President "U.S. Foreign Assistance In The 1970's"
10 1
Foreign Aid
Brock, William E.
S.1397-Prohibit The U.S. From Engaging In Propaganda Activities for Foreign Governments; Aid To Latin America; Various Amendments To S.2295; International Economic Policy Act of 1971; Cooper-Church Amendment
Introduce S.1397-U.S.I.A. Propaganda for Vietnam-In Senate March 3, 1971; Draft Introduction Bill To Establish Joint Committee On National Security In Senate No Date;
1971 January-July
10 2
Foreign Aid
Ribicoff, Abraham; Pell, Claiborne; Goldwater, Barry M.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Albert, Carl; Rogers, William P.; Bayh, Birch
Various Amendments To S.2295; S.1657-International Security Assistance; S.Res. 48-Repeal Formosa Resolution
Text of Article for American Legion Magazine To Appear January 1, 1972, By F.C.; "Closing The Door To Arsenal Diplomacy" To Council for A Livable World, Washington DC, November 4, 1971;
1971 August-November
10 3
Foreign Aid
Hannah, John A.; Irwin, John N. III; Byrd, Robert C.; Grant, James P.; Benson, Ezra Taft
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations; Arms
"A Farewell To Foreign Aid: A Liberal Takes His Leave" Washinton Post November 10, 1971; "Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomcay" November 11, 1971, In Senate; "Foreign Aid:Phase II" In Senate November 10, 1971;
1971 November
10 4
Foreign Aid
Fulbright, J.W.; Symington, Stuart
Bilateral Foreign Aid;
1971 December
10 5
Foreign Aid
Gurney, Edward J.; Hannah, John A.
Bilateral Aid
"American Foreign Policy In Transition: Who Will Shape It?"; "The Role of Congress" Delivered Febuary 3, 1972, The Christian A. Herter Lectures At The John Hopkins University, Washington DC; "The New Arms Merchants" [No Date] In Senate;
10 5
Foreign Aid
Foreign Relations
"No On Foreign Aid Appropriations" In Senate No Date;
10 5
Foreign Aid
Bilateral Aid
"American Foreign Policy In Transition: Who Will Shape It?"; "The Role of Congress" Delivered Febuary 3, 1972, The Christian A. Herter Lectures At The John Hopkins University, Washington DC; "The New Arms Merchants" No Date In Senate;
10 6
Foreign Aid
Viel, Benjamin
Letters In October and November Addressing The Helms Amendment To The Foreign Aid Bill, No Funds To Pay for Or Promote Abortion. Deleted and Replaced With Church Motion Using Substitute Language, Section 16, Included Limiting Use of Funds
"Foreign Aid: An American Illusion" In Senate On October 2, 1973;
10 7
Foreign Aid
S.837-Foreign Assistance Authorization
10 8
Foreign Aid
Hansen, Orval; McNamara, Robert S.; Casey, William J.; Proxmire, William; Harris, T. George
S. 3917-Amend Export-Import Bank Act of 1945; Bilateral Aid; Ida Replenishment; Aid To Egypt and Middle East; OPEC; Loans To U.S.S.R.; Foreign Aid Bill-S.3394; Aid To Turkey; Narcotics Trade; Aid/Police Training; Political Prisoners
"The Ida Replenishment: Idealism Gone Astray" In Senate, May 1974
1974 January-September
10 9
Foreign Aid
Aid/Developing Countries; Aid and Arms To Turkey; Foreign Assistance Act-S.3394; Aid To OPEC Countries; Ida
1974 October-December
10 10
Foreign Aid
Military Aid; S.-- Phase Out Aid To South Vietnam and Cambodia; S.920-Cut Off Military Aid To South Vietnam
1975 January-March
10 11
Foreign Aid
Clark, Dick
Aid To South Vietnam and Cambodia; Aid To Turkey; S.1816-Reduction of U.S. Armed Forces In S. Korea; S.Con.Res.66-To Express The Sense of Congress With Regard To The World Food Crisis; H.R.9005-International Disaster Assistance
1975 April-September
10 12
Foreign Aid
Packwood, Bob; Magnuson, Warren G.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
H.R.9005-International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1975; Right To Food Amendment-S.Con.Res.66
"Introduction of An Amendment To H.R.9005 (Use of Loan Reflows)" In Senate, Nov. Or Dec. 1975
1975 October-December
10 13
Foreign Aid
Clark, Dick; Hapsburg, Prince Franz Joseph; Pell, Claiborne
Food-for-Peace-S.Con.Res.66; Aid To Greece and Turkey
10 14
Foreign Aid
Funds for International Financial Institutions-Dole Amendment
10 15
Foreign Aid -- Cambodia
Cambodian Aid; Emergency Assistance To Cambodia-S.663; S.920- Military Aid To South Vietnam
1975 March-April
10 16
Foreign Aid -- Cambodia/Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam Aid; Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Television Appearances-National News Programs Jan 10-13, 1975 and "Today Show" Jan 22, 1975
1975 January
11 1
Foreign Aid -- Cambodia/Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam; Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Church's Appearances On "The Today Show" Jan. 22, 1975 "Face The Nation" Feb. 2, 1975 "Meet The Press" Feb. 1975
1975 January-February
11 2
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Kennedy, Edward M.; Ford, Gerald R.
Anti Aid; Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Pres. Ford's Foreign Policy Address "State of The World" April 10, 1975 and Press Conference of April 3, 1975
1975 January-April
11 3
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Orphan and Refugee Relief
"Mortgaging Our Future With War" In Senate April 14, 1975; "Humanitarian Aid for Vietnam" In Senate April 22, 1975
1975 January-April
11 4
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Symington, Stuart; Dine, Tom; Stennis, John C.; Javits, Jacob K.; Duke, Paul
Committee Print "Vietnam Aid-The Painful Options"; "Limiting United States Involvement In The Indochina War
"The Meaning of The Indochina Crisis" Senate Floor April 9, 1975; "War In Vietnam" April 18, 1975; Harvard Political Review Spring 1975; Duke, Paul. "A Pullback To Pragmatism" Washington Post April 4, 1975
1975 January-April
11 5
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Byrd, Robert C.
Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Pres. Ford's Televised Foreign Policy Address, April 10, 1975, "State of The World"; F. Church Gives Commentary Afterwards, Along With Sen. McGovern, Byrd, Buckley, and Others
1975 April
11 6
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Pres. Ford's Foreign Policy Address "The State of The World" April 10, 1975
1975 April 14-15
11 7
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
Cambodia; Military Vs. Humanitarian Aid; Pres. Ford's Foreign Policy Address "The State of The World" April 10, 1975
1975 April 15-18
11 8
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam/Southeast Asia
Cavarnos, John P.; Dellums, Ronald V.
Cavarnos, John, "Positive and Constructive American Foreign Policy"; Anti Aid
1975 May-December
11 9
Foreign Aid -- Vietnam
1975 Mainly April
11 10
Foreign Policy
Balafrej, Ahmed
Outline of Moroccan Policy By Mr. Ahmed Balafrej Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco
11 11
Foreign Policy
Douglas, Paul H.; Mcdonnell, William A.; Javits, Jacob K.; Brunt, William R.; Butler, Paul M.; Green, Theodore Francis; Day, Henry L.
Cyprus; Senate Report No. 2-Studies of Foreign Policy; A Bill To Create An Antarctic Commission; S-493-Appropriation Bill for The Pan American Games; Report of The International Cooperation Workshop; Study of United States Foreign Policy: First Interim
1959 January-March
11 11
Foreign Policy
"New Perspectives In Foreign Policy", The League of Women Voters of The US, 1958
1959 January-March
11 12
Foreign Policy
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Ward, Harry F
Ward, Harry F., "The Story of American-Soviet Relations: 1912-1959, NY: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, 1959
1959 April
11 13
Foreign Policy
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Roper, Elmo; Javits, Benjamin A.; Keyserling, Leon H.
"The Russian Motives", The New Republic, May 18, 1959; Javits, Benjamin A. and Leon H. Keyserling, "The World Development Corporation A Giant Peace and Prosperity Plan, April 1959
1959 May
11 14
Foreign Policy
Wiley, Alexander; Moss, John E.; Fernos-Isern, A.; Fulbright, J.W.
S.2096-Residency Requirement for Governor of The Virgin Islands; Senate Study of US Foreign Policy; International Claims Settlement Act of 1949-S.706
1959 June-July
11 15
Foreign Policy
Fulbright, J.W.; Wilson, Kenneth L.; Armstrong, Hamilton Fish; Steinem, Gloria; McCone, John A.
International Claims Settlement Act-S.1918; Senate Report No. 980 Toll Bridges Across St. Marys River and The Rio Grande; Testimony of John A. McCone On Geneva Test Ban Negotiations; Committee Print-Worldwide and Domestic Economic Problems and Their Impa
1959 August-December
11 16
Foreign Policy -- United States
Senate Study of United States Foreign Pooicy
"US Foreign Policy Report", Senate Floor, No Date
12 1
Foreign Policy
Cooper, John Sherman; Bowles, Chester; Kennedy, John F.
S. Con. Res. 17-Delegates To North Alantic Treaty Organization; Committee Print-US Foreign Policy, USSR and Eastern Europe; S.2989-National Peace Agency; Bowles, Charles, "The Foreign Policy of Senator Kennedy", America, October, 1960
12 2
Foreign Policy
Rockefeller, David
Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference Report 1961; David Rockefeller; "Strategy for The 60's", Prepared for The US Senate By Foreign Policy Clearing House, 1961
12 3
Foreign Policy
Kefauver, Estes; D'eguille, Howard; Dutton, Frederick G.
Declaration of Paris Adopted By The Atlantic Convention of NATO, January 19, 1962; "An Answer To The Dilemma of The West", Proposal of The Atlantic Citizens Convention, Paris, 1962; "Rostow Paper", Sino-Soviet Relations
12 4
Foreign Policy
Rusk, Dean
1963 Great Decisions Program; Report Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, April 1963; The Making of Foreign Policy: An Interview With Secretary of State Dean Rusk
12 5
Foreign Policy
Hoppe, Arthur; Wouk, Herman
S.Res. 151-Commitment of US Forces; Vietnam; Trade With Eastern Europe; Presidential Authority; Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, January, 1962
12 6
Foreign Policy
US Troop Levels In Europe-Mansfield Amendment
12 7
Freedom Academy
Hartke, Vance; Symington, Stuart; Pell, Claiborne; Mundt, Karl E.
Senate Report No. 1812 The Freedom Commission and The Freedom Academy; S.822-Freedom Commission Act; S.865-National Academy of Foreign Affairs Act of 1963
12 8
Health for Peace
Patterns of Incidence of Certain Diseases Throughout The World
12 9
Human Rights
Amnesty International; Argentina-Jehovah's Witnesses; Bolivia; Paraguay
1978 January-August
12 10
Human Rights
McGovern, George; Shaw, Rodney
Argentina-Jehovah's Witnesses; Nicaragua; Paraguay; Russian Pentecostal Families Vashchenko and Chmykhalov; Vietnam; Amnesty International; Shaw, Rodney, "None Shall Make Them Afraid", Washington, DC: Methodist Board of Christian Social Concerns, 1962
1978 September-December
12 11
Human Rights
Treinen, Sylvester; Bondarenka. Joseph; Vashchenko, Peter; Vashchenko, Augustina; Chmykhalov, Maria; Ogurtsov, Igor V.; Wallenberg, Raoul
Paraguay; Philippines; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Open Doors With Brother Andrew, January, 1979
12 12
Infant Formula
Nestle Boycott; Infact
1978 January-March
12 13
Infant Formula
Nestle Boycott; Infact
1978 April-May
12 14
Infant Formula
Nestle Boycott; Infact
1978 April; October-December
12 15
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-American Development Bank; Foreign Relations
13 1
Inter-American Development Bank
Foreign Relations
13 2
Inter-American Development Bank
Benson, Lucy Wilson; Herrera, Felipe; Ortiz Mena, Antonio
"Progress Made Towards Independent and Comprehensive Audits of The Inter-American Development Bank"-Report To Congress By The Comptroller General of The U.S.
13 3
International Cooperation Administration
Foreign Relations
13 4
International Cooperation -- Publications
Foreign Relations
13 5
International Cooperation -- Publications
Foreign Relations
13 6
International Cooperation Year
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Roper, Elmo; Sisco, Joseph J.
Foreign Relations
13 7
International Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund-H.R.13955
13 8
International Organization Affairs Subcommittee
Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Relations
13 9
International Organizations
H.Con.Res.109-International Living Museum
1961; 1963
13 10
Klein, Julius -- S.2136
Fulbright, J.W.; Klein, Julius
S.2136-Amend The Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938
13 11
Military Aid/Foreign Aid
Dieter, Alice; Cooper, John Sherman
Military Assistance Facts, 1 May 1966; Military Assistance and Foreign Sales Facts, May 1967; Advance Congressional Briefing Document Security Assistance Program FY 1977
1960; 1962-1963; 1966-1967; 1970; 1975-1976
13 12
Military Assistance
Yarborough, Ralph W.; Mondale, Walter F.; Holland, Spessard L.; Javits, Jacob K.
Military Assistance, Military Aid, Foreign Aid, Defense
1960-1967; 1975
13 13
Military Assistance -- Japan
13 14
Military Assistance -- Latin America
"The Case for Cutting Military Assistance"
13 15
Military Assistance -- Latin America
Nelson, Gaylord; Symington, Stuart; Service, Robert; Hart, Philip A.
Latin America
Transcript of Speech Frank Church Made In Mexico City On Sept. 10, 1969
1969; 1971
13 16
Military Assistance -- Middle East
1966; 1974; 1978
13 17
Military Assistance -- Southeast Asia
Background Material; Burma; Sale of Military Supplies To Pakistan and India
"Has The Guiding Principle of The Alliance for Progress Become øBuy American'" Senate Floor 0ct. 1967
13 18
Military Sales
Arms; Foreign Relations
13 19
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Rosenthal, Benjamin S.; Mason, Francis L.; Tugendhat, Christopher; Symington, Stuart; Pell, Claiborne
Overseas Private Investment Corp.
13 20
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Billings, Donald; Symington, Stuart
Itt In Chile
"The Multinational Corporation--Why The Need for A Congressional Inquiry?" Washington DC 1973; Statement By Frank Church At Opening of Hearings of The Subcommittee On Multinational Corps. March 1973
1973 January-March
13 21
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Symington, Stuart; Jacoby, Neil H.
Itt In Chile; Overseas Private Investment Corp.; Jacoby, Neil H. "The Multinational Corporation" The Center Magazine Vol.3 No.3 May 1970
Church, Frank "The Multinational Corporation: A New International Force" Nuevo Diario June 1976
1973 April-June
13 22
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Itt In Chile; Overseas Private Investment Corp.
1973 July-September
13 23
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Mays, Marshall T.; Aiken, George D.; Percy, Charles H.; Haskell, Floyd K.
Itt In Chile; Overseas Private Investment Corp.; Libyan Oil Negotiations
1973 October-December
13 24
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); Overseas Private Investment Corp. (0pic); Multinational Petroleum Companies and Foreign Policy: Testimony
Opening Statement of Sen. Church, Chairman Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee On Multinational Corporations Jan. 1974
1974 January
14 1
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Udall, Stewart L.; McCloy, John J.; Peterson, Avery F.; Mays, Marshall T.; Franklin, W.H.; Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Earnings of Oil Companies; Overseas Private Investment Corp.; Caterpillar Tractor Co.
"Opic Floor Speech" Feb. 25, 1974
1974 February-March
14 2
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Haskell, Floyd K.; McCloy, John J.; Janeway, Eliot; Chandler, William R.; Proxmire, William; Rush, Kenneth; Hanley, James M.; Curtis, Carl T.
Big Oil Companies; Brazil/Mexico Investment Questionaire; East/West Trade Policy
Congressional Record Reprint "The Story Behind Big Oil" April 1974; "Oil, The Created Crisis" Reprinted By The Philadelphia Inquirer
1974 April-June
14 3
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Jones, Michael; Javits, Jacob K.; Mays, Marshall T.
Overseas Private Investment Corp.; East/West Trade Policy; Oil Companies; CIA--Chile; Senate Committee Print-Foreign Oil Contracts Act of 1974; Central Intelligence Agency
Press Release Re: Aramco Investigation
1974 July-September
14 4
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Begin, Monique; Hoge, James; Lifton, Robert K.; Oboler, Eli M.; Vanderwicken, Peter
U.S. Petroleum Import Act; Itt In Chile; Banking Investigation; Vanderwicken, Peter. "P & G's Secret Ingredient" Reprint From Fortune July 1974
Press Release Jan. 10, 1975 Re: Subcommittee Report On "Multinational Oil Companies and U.S. Foreign Policy"; "Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corps." Jan. 23, 1975
1975 January-April
14 5
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Smathers, George A.; Fulbright, J.W.
Chile; Committee Print: Investment By Multinational Companies In The Communist Bloc Countries; Trade Reform Act
1974 October-December
14 6
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Stennis, John C.
Foreign Military Sales Act; Tax Neutrality Act; Survey of Foreign Banking Activities; Northrop; Indians In The Amazon Basin; Corporate Bribery; Exports To Disc; Committee On Armed Services
Draft of Frank Church Testimony To Rules Committee, May 13, 1975; Opening Statement By Frank Church
1975 May-August
14 7
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Ribicoff, Abraham; Percy, Charles H.
Lockheed; Ribicoff, Long, Church Senate Resolution S.Res.265; Banking Questionaire; United Church of Christ
Testimony Re: S.Res.265 Oct. 6, 1975
14 8
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Northrop Corporation
14 9
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Northrop Corporation
14 10
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Percy, Charles H.
Lockheed; Multinational Business Enterprise Information Act of 1976 S.3151
Introduction of The Multinational Business Enterprise Information Act of 1976 March 16, 1976; Floor Statement On Deferral, Foreign Tax Credit and Disc June 23, 1976
1976 January-June
14 11
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
1976 July-September
14 12
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Report Presented By The Bi-Cameral Commission Which Is Investigating The Occidental Petroleum Corporation In Reference To The Denunciation of Alleged Bribes Paid By This Company To Venezuelan Public Officials, Politicians, and Members of Parliament; Lock
1976 October-December
14 13
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Background Material-Newspaper Clippings 1975-1976
14 14
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
December 1976 OPEC Conference
1977 January-March
14 15
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Javits, Jacob K.; Evans, John V.
Evans, John; Gulf Corporation; Statement of The Chamber of Commerce of The USA On Major International Economic Interests; The Schmitt Amendment S.69; Oil Companies; United Kingdom Tax Treaty; Javits, Jacob K. USS, "President Carter's Mideast Peace Propos
1977 April-June
14 16
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Hammer, Armand
Rhodesian Sanctions Violations; United States and United Kingdom Amended Income; Tax Treaty; Oil Company Taxes; OPEC Taxes; Tax Provisions: Disc and Deferral; Nuclear Export Policy
1977 July-September
14 17
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Tax Reform Act
1977 October-December
14 18
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Link, Arthur A.; Gravel, Mike; Weiss, Ted; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation; United States-United Kingdom Tax Treaty; OPEC Income Taxes On U.S. Oil Companies; Sales of Infant Formula To Third World Countries; Witteveen Facility Legislation
1978 January-March
15 1
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Mansfield, Mike; Park, W. Anthony; Bartlett, Dewey F.
US-Uk Tax Treaty; Sale of Infant Formula In The Third World; US Relations With Uganda; Feasibility of A Sea Level Canal-Panama
1978 April-August
15 2
Multinational Corporations/Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee
Blumenthal, W. Michael
Witteveen Facility-International Monetary Fund; Harkin Amendment; Decline of The Dollar
1978 September-December
15 3
Mutual Security Act
Foreign Aid
15 4
Mutual Security Act
Foreign Aid; Mutual Security Program; S.1451-Mutual Security Act of 1959; Four Amendments To S.1451
15 5
Mutual Security Act
Testimony To Senate Foreign Relations Committee
1959 May 21
15 6
Mutual Security Act
Douglas, Paul H.; Gruening, Ernest; Keating, Kenneth B.; Young, Milton R.; Holland, Spessard L.; Smathers, George A.; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.
Various Amendments To S.3058; S.3058-Mutual Security Act of 1960; Also Mutual Security Programs; Congressional Budget and Accounting Controls Amendment; Freedom of Seas Amendment; Limit On Funds for Defense; Foreign Aid; Committee Prints; Bilateral Grant
1960 January-May
15 7
Mutual Security Act
Foreign Aid; Mutual Security Programs/Appropriations
1960 June-December
15 8
Mutual Security Act
Recapitulation of Foreign Aid Funds Available To The Mutual Security Program; Foreign Aid Funds
1961; 1963-1964
15 9
National Commitments -- S.Res.85
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Stevens, Ted; Hatfield, Mark O.; Cranston, Alan; Anderson, Clinton P.; Cooper, John Sherman; Symington, Stuart; Pearson, Drew; Metcalf, Lee; Sparkman, John J.; Russell, Richard B.; Holland, Spessard L.; Reston, James; Knight, John S.
National Commitments; Foreign Relations; S.Res.85
"of Presidents and Caesars", In Senate, June 19, 1969
15 10
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Kefauver, Estes
Council for A More Livable World; S. Con. Res. 17; US Citizens Commission On NATO; NATO Citizens Exploratory Convention-S.J. Res. 170; Western Europe
15 11
North Atlantic Treaty Orginazation
Wallace, Richard J.; Norstad, Lauris; Dutton, Frederick G.
Nuclear Weapons; US Troops In Europe; S. Con. Res. 64-Establish An Atlantic Union Delegation; Western Europe
15 12
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Findley, Paul; Symington, Stuart; McGovern, George; Clark, Joseph S.
France and NATO; Frank Church Fact Finding Mission To Europe; H. Con. Res. 373-Create A Permanent Un Peacekeeping Force; S. Con. Res. 109-Un Emergency Force; NATO Hearings Chaired By Frank Church
"Europe Today", Committee Print, May 1966; "Meet The Press", Transcript, May 15, 1966, C.R. Tearsheet, June 21, 1966
15 13
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Gruening, Ernest; Long, Edward V.
NATO Hearings Chaired By Frank Church
15 14
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Brundage, Percival Flack; Mundt, Karl E.; Mansfield, Mike; Javits, Jacob K.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Cromer, Earl of
Spanish Bases; Greece; Hartke Amendment; Foreign Relations Atlantic Union, Foreign Aid; North Atlantic Assembly; S.Res. 49-US Troop Deployment In Europe; S.Res.-- Consultations On The Role of NATO In The 1970's; US Troops In W. Europe; S.Res.--Agreements
"The Spanish Ransom", In Senate, 1970
16 1
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Atlantic Controls
1974-1975; 1978; 1980
16 2
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Citizens Commission
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Elsbree, Hugh L.; Hartke, Vance; Hickenlooper, Bourke B.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Macclean, John; Kefauver, Estes; Clark, John; Cleveland, Harlan
S.Con.Res.17-Favoring A Convention From Atlantic Democracies Looking To Greater Cooperation and Unity of Purpose; S.J.Res.170- Establishing A NATO Citizens Commission
1956; 1959-1962; 1964
16 3
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Oecd)
Foreign Relations; OECD
16 4
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Oecd)
Bowles, Chester
OECD; Foreign Relations
16 5
Overseas Development Council
Javits, Jacob K.; Oliver, Covey T.
Interamerican Social Development Institute; Overseas Private Investment Corp.; Peru; Latin America; International Monetary Fund; Foreign and Human Relations With Latin America, By Covey T. Oliver
16 6
Overseas Development Council
"The United States and The Developing World: Agenda for Action"
16 7
Pacific Trust Territories
Long, Oren E.; Lee, H. Rex; Hart, Gary
American Samoa; South Pacific Commission; H.J.Res.549-Marianas Resolution-Also S.J.Res.107
1960; 1963-1964; 1974-1975; 1978
16 8
Peace Corps
Moyers, Bill; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Wiggens, Warren W.; Wall, Harry
Using Lds Mission Experience In Setting Up The Peace Corps; S.2000- Peace Corps Act; Domestic Peace Corps
16 9
Peace Corps
Peace Corps; Publications
16 10
Peace Corps
Moyers, Bill; Vaughn, Jack; Celeste, Richard F.
S.-- Exchange Peace Corps (Amend S.3418)
[On The Peace Corps], 1966; "The Peace Corps: From Idea To Reality", 1966 [After 6/7/66]
1966; 1980
16 11
Police Force
Interamerican Police Force; Nicaraugua; Guatemala; O.A.S.; Latin America
1954; 1959
16 12
State Department
Greenfield, James L.; Otepka, Otto
Internal Security
16 13
State Department -- Operations
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Fulbright, J.W.
16 14
Mansfield, Mike
Monitor Restrictions On Soviet Trade-S.2491
17 1
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.; Tower, John G.
Executive N (86th 1st)
17 2
Treaties -- Antarctic Treaty
Treaty Signed December 1, 1959; Antarctic
17 3
Treaties -- Bolivian Prisoner Exchange
Boeker, Paul H.
17 4
Treaties -- Columbia River Treaty
Co-Operative Development of Water Resources
1961 January 17
17 5
Treaties -- Consular Convention US/Soviet Union
Reuther, Walter P.
17 6
Treaties -- Geneva Protocol
Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare
1969; 1971; 1974; 1977
17 7
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Proxmire, William; Cranston, Alan; Hauser, Rita; Day, Henry L.
1970 Frank Church Chairs Subcommittee On Genocide
1962-1963; 1966-1968; 1970 April
17 8
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
1970 May 1-13
17 9
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Valenti, Jack; Pell, Claiborne; Javits, Jacob K.
1970 May 13-31; June-July
17 10
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
1970 August-December
17 11
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Goldberg, Arthur J.; Stulberg, Louis; Javits, Jacob K.
17 12
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Foreign Relations; Genocide Treaty
1971 April-June
17 13
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Human Rights; Genocide Treatie; Opinion Ballot of Idaho Constituents, "Should The Senate Approve The Genocide Treaty?" December, 1972
17 14
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
17 15
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Goldberg, Arthur J.; Fulbright, J.W.; Dine, Tom
S.1758-Implement The Genocide Convention
1973 January-June
17 16
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Library of Congress Research/Analysis On Various Draft Reservations To The Genocide Convention
"Statement On The Genocide Convention" To The Senate December, 1973
1973 July-December
17 17
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
"The Genocide Convention and Reservations" In Executive Session-Senate, February 1, 4, and 5, 1974
17 18
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
1974 January 1-28
17 19
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Reservation and Amendments To Genocide Convention
1974 January 29-31
17 20
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Wilkins, Roy; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Dine, Tom
Letter From Tom Dines Re: Idaho Mail On The Genocide Convention, January 21, To February 21, 1974: 398 Against/0 for; February 31, 1974 Received First Letter From Idaho Constituent In Favor of Genocide Convention Since File First Started In 1962
1974 February-December
17 21
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
18 1
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
1976 April 20-31
18 2
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
Raush, James A.; Alpern, Robert Z.
U.S. Catholic Council; Unitarian Universalist Association; Genocide Convention
1976 May
18 3
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
1976 June-September
18 4
Treaties -- Genocide Convention
18 5
Treaties -- Human Rights Conventions
Forced Labor Convention; Migratory Waterfowl
1967; 1980
18 6
Treaties -- Law of The Sea
Piel, Gerard; Pell, Claiborne; Fulbright, J.W.; Metcalf, Lee; Marcy, Carl; Shepherd, G. Frederick; Stanley, C. Maxwell; Bowler, Bruce; Goldie, L.F.
Bed of Sea; Ocean Floor; Sea Bed Treaty; Sea Bed Arms Control Treaty; Outer Continental Shelf; Law of The Sea; Oceans and Internations Environment; Ocean Space; Regional Fisheries Management; Outer Continental Shelf - Subcommittee Report
18 7
Treaties -- Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Strause-Hupe, Robert; Kitner, William R.
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Department of State Bulletin July 1, 1968; Strausz-Hupe, Robert "Analysis of The Non-Proliferation Treaty"; Presidential Address To Un General Assembly; Presidential Introduction of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
18 8
Treaties -- Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Fulbright, J.W.; Trimble, Paul; Clifford, Clark M.; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Marcy, Carl; Dillon, Douglas; Ball, George W.; Nitze, Paul; Case, Clifford P.; Aspin, Les; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Cranston, Alan; Pell, Claiborne; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Cla
Group of 34 Letters Dated September 14, 1976 From Church To Prominent Professors, Politicians, Publishers, Attorneys, Economists, Directors of Foundations, Etc.; S.1439 Export Reorganization Act; Nuclear Explosive Proliferation Control Act of 1976; S.Res
"Statement In Support of Ratification of The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty"; Speech Introducing Amendments To The Nuclear N0n-Proliferation Treaty (With Rewrite) Delivered During First Week of February 1978
1969; 1976-1978
18 9
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Cousins, Norman
Friends Committee On National Legislation
18 10
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Farley, Philip J.; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Wiley, Alexander; Sparkman, John J.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Fulbright, J.W.
Foreign Relations; Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
1959 January-February
18 11
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Herter, Christian A.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Blum, Bob; Kefauver, Estes; Engle, Clair; Symington, Stuart; Smathers, George A.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Lausche, Frank J.; Talmadge, Herman E.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Robertson, A. Willis; Holland, Spessard L.; Pro
Disarmament Subcommittee Proceedings
"Negotiations for Peace"
1959 March
18 12
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Bowler, Bruce; Cousins, Norman; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Keys, Donald; Pearson, Drew; Reuther, Walter P.; Meany, George; Swisher, Perry; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Khrushchev, Nikita; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Murray, Thomas E.
S.Res. 96 Hubert Humphrey and Frank Church; Soviet Note On Test Ban; Murray, Thomas E. "East and West Face The Atom"; Nuclear Test Ban
"We Must Stop Poisoning The Air"
1959 April-June
18 13
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Herter, Christian A.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Rabinowitch, Eugene; Keys, Donald; Pearson, Drew; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Strategic Trade Control Program; Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists; Nuclear Test Ban
1960 January-August
18 14
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Dodd, Thomas J.; Inglis, David R.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Federation of American Scientists; Geneva Conference Report, Committee Staff Study; Dodd, Thomas J. "The Eight Fallacies of The Nuclear Test Ban"
"The Need for A Test Ban Agreement"
18 15
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Dodd, Thomas J.; Keys, Donald; Symington, Stuart; Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Summary of Draft Treaty
18 16
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Dodd, Thomas J.; Rusk, Dean; Proxmire, William
Presidential Remarks; Nuclear Test Ban
Untitled Senate Speech, Never Delivered
18 17
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
1963 August
18 18
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Dodd, Thomas J.
1963 August
19 1
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert; Dorman, Darrell H.
1963 July-September
19 2
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
Foster, William C; Hansen, George V.; Vinz, Warren L.
"Statement of Understanding" (5) for Incorporation Into Resolution of Ratification
"The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty", In Senate, September 11, 1963
1963 September-October
19 3
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban/Opinion S.Res. 148
S. Res. 148-To Express The Sense of The Senate On Banning All Nuclear Tests That Contaminate The Atmosphere Or Oceans
19 4
Treaties -- Nuclear Test Ban
1964-1967; 1971-1972
19 5
Treaties -- Okinawa Reversion
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
H.R. 12964-Territories With Respect To The Treaty of Peace With Japan
1959; 1969; 1971
19 6
Treaties -- SALT Talks
Brooke, Edward W.; Gottlieb, Sanford; Symington, Stuart; Drell, Sidney D.; Jackson, William E., Jr.
SALT Talks
19 7
Treaties -- SALT II
Jackson, William E., Jr.
S. Res. 39-Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction; SALT II
1973; 1976-1978
19 8
Treaties -- SALT II
Wilson, Charles H.; Vance, Cyrus R.
Foreign Relations; SALT II Treaties; Arms Limitation
"SALT and The Senate: Principles for Decision", To The International Research and Exchanges Board (Irex), May 19, 1979
1979 January-July
19 9
Treaties -- SALT II
Moynihan, Daniel P.; Carter, Jimmy; O'connor, Carroll
1979 August-October
19 10
Treaties -- SALT II
Soviet Combat Troops In Cuba
19 11
Treaties -- SEATO and Southeast Asia Collective Defense
S.R.-- Notice To The Philippines of US Denunciation of South East Asia Collective Defense Treaty; Seato
To Introduce S.R. 174-Regarding US Commitment To Seato, In Senate, September 25, 1973
19 12
Treaties -- Status of Forces
Jenner, William E.; Smathers, George A.; Girard, William S.
Case of Army Specialist William S. Girard/Proposed Trial By Japanese Government; S. Res. 163-Jurisdiction In Respect To Trials/Treaties/Armed Forces and Foreign Countries
Statement On Far East Relations, In Senate, June 11, 1957
19 13
Treaties -- UN Treaty On The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
Outer Space Treaty
"The Outer Space Treaty", In Senate, No Date [1979]
1958; 1979
19 14
Treaties -- US-UK Tax
Judge, Thomas L.; Olsen, Allen I.; Link, Arthur A.; Cory, Kenneth; Evans, John V.; Hammond, Jay S.; Corddry, Paul I.
Letters From Businessmen and Industrialists
1965; 1977-1979
19 15
Ugly American Film
Humphrey, Hubert H.
"Ugly American"
19 16
United Nations
Javits, Jacob K.; Kefauver, Estes; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Clark, Joseph S.
S. Res. 146-With Respect To Negotiation of Treaties; S. Con. Res. 25-Conference To Review Un Charter; Unesco; H. Res. -- World Law Resolution; Strengthen NATO Alliance-S. Con. Res. 17; Connally Amendment-S. Res. 94; S. Con. Res. 52-To Review Un Charter;
19 17
United Nations
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Clark, Joseph S.
S.Con.Res.83-To Strengthen The Authority of The U.S. To Prevent War; S.Con.Res.--U.N. Charter Review; Pres. Kennedy's Proposals To U.N.
19 18
United Nations
Cleveland, Harlan; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Dutton, Frederick G.
U.N. Bonds
1962 January-March
20 1
United Nations
Dutton, Frederick G.
Foreign Relations
1962 April-December
20 2
United Nations
Dutton, Frederick G.; Clark, Joseph S.
United Nations Bonds; Peace Bonds-S.2818; Anti-Communism; Finance
1962 January-February
20 3
United Nations
Scott, Hugh; Fulbright, J.W.; Rusk, Dean
U.N. Bonds-Amend S.2768 (Various Amendments); General Anti- U.N. Sentiments; Finance
"United Nations Bonds Purchase" In Senate 4/3/62
1962 March-December
20 4
United Nations
Dutton, Frederick G.; Cleveland, Harlan; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Long, Edward V.; Fulbright, J.W.
Subcommittee On International Organizations; U.S. Membership In The United Nations; Radical Right
Draft On U.N. Financing- for Senate May 23, 1963; Opening Statement--Public Hearing On U.N. Affairs- In Senate March 13, 1963
20 5
United Nations
Benton, William; Battle, Lucius D.; Clark, Joseph S.; Cleveland, Harlan
Unesco; United Nations Special Funds Agricultural Research Project In Cuba; Subcommittee On International Organizations Hearings; The Congo United Nations Peacekeeping Force;
20 6
United Nations
Williams, Arnold; Dutton, Frederick G.; Day, Henry L.; Bartlett, E.L.; Cleveland, Harlan; Fulbright, J.W.
U.S.S.R.--Payment of United Nations Dues; Congo; United Nations Peacekeeping Force
20 7
United Nations
Cleveland, Harlan; Stevenson, Adlai E.
Cyprus; Comments On F.C. Speech, "A Foreign Policy Imperative" June 23, 1964
20 8
United Nations
Clark, Joseph S.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Cleveland, Harlan
H.Con.Res.343-Efforts Toward Securing Payment By Members of The United Nations of Their Assessments In Arrears; S.Con.Res.93-Efforts Toward Securing Payment By Members of The United Nations of Their Assessments In Arrears
"The Changing Role of The United Nations" At Annual Meeting of National Assoc. of Wool Manufacturers May 5, 1964; "A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The U.N." In Senate June 23, 1964
20 9
United Nations
Javits, Jacob K.; Kefauver, Estes
S.Con.Res.36-U.S. Rededication To The Principles of The United Nations; International Cooperation Year
Introduce S.Con.Res.36 In Senate June 8, 1965
20 10
United Nations
Macarthur, Douglas II; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Moyers, Bill; Bundy, McGeorge; Cleveland, Harlan
Redeication To The Principles of The United Nations; S.Con.Res.36
20 11
United Nations
Douglas, Paul H.; Chatburn, A.H.
Whitehouse Conference On The International Cooperation Year; Comments On F.C. Speech At Univ. of Idaho; Rededication To The Principles of The United Nations S.Con.Res.36
"The United Nations After 20 Years" In Senate November 8, 1965
20 12
United Nations
Mondale, Walter F.; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Sisco, Joseph J.
S.J.Res.144-Designate Oct.31 As National Unicef Day
"The U.N. and Peacekeeping" In Senate January 17, 1966
20 13
United Nations
Sisco, Joseph J.
Human Rights Conventions; Security Council Consideration of Vietnam-S.Res.180; Mineral Resources of The Ocean Floor
"International Day for The Elimination of Racial Discrimination" In Senate [March 21, 1967]; On The U.N.- Not In Senate, No Date
20 14
United Nations
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Clark, Joseph S.
Peacekeeping; S.Con.Res. 47
Opening Statement for Hearings On S.Con. Res. 47
20 15
United Nations
Dodd, Thomas J.
Peacekeeping Force; S.Con. Res. 47; Population Control; Universal Human Rights; International Human Rights Year
20 16
United Nations
20 17
United Nations
Yarborough, Ralph W.; Symington, Stuart
United Nations; Foreign Relations
21 1
United Nations
Javits, Jacob K.; Gallagher, Cornelius E.; Upton, T. Graydon
Vietnam; UNESCO; United Nations Development System
21 2
United Nations
Cranston, Alan
United Nations; Foreign Relations
"The United Nations: A Practical Necessity" Kansas City, MO October 27, 1971
21 3
United Nations
Anti--Tiawan-Peoples Republic of China
1971 October 27-28
21 4
United Nations
Herter, Christian A.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Fulbright, J.W.; Case, Clifford P.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Gravel, Mike
Taiwan Vs. Peoples Republic of China; U.S. Financial Obligations; U.N Conference On The Environment
21 5
United Nations
Population Control-Third World
21 6
United Nations
"The Interdependent"; Commission To Study The Organization of Peace; Stockholm Conference On The Human Environment
21 7
United Nations
Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Percy, Charles H.; Witter, William D.; Moynihan, Daniel P.
Law of The Seas Conference; S.Res. 214 Israel; S.2262 Commission On Membership In The U.N.; "Human Rights" The Senator's Position; U.S. Position On U.N. Issues; Congressional Survey Report On Foreign Policy Attitudes of Members of The U.S. House of Repre
21 8
United Nations
Moynihan, Daniel P.; Won Pat, Antonio B.
United Nations; Foreign Relations
21 9
United Nations
U.N. Finances
21 10
United Nations
Whalen, Charles W., Jr.; Day, Henry L.
United Nations; Foreign Relations
21 11
United Nations
Margenthau, Ruth Schachter; Symms, Steve; Young, Andrew; Whalen, Charles W., Jr.
United Nations University; Mid-Atlantic Conference On President Carter's Report On The Reform and Restructuring of The U.N. System; Human Rights Covenants; Disarmament; Aspen Institute
21 12
United Nations
Helms Amendment-U.N. Finance; Human Rights Covenants
21 13
United Nations
Crime Prevention; Iran; Afghanistan
21 14
United Nations -- UNESCO
Unesco Convention and Recommendation Against Discrimination In Education
21 15
United World Federalists
Coalition On National Priorities and Military Policy; Arms Control and Disarmament
21 16
Foreign Relations
21 17
War Powers
Fulbright, J.W.; Cooper, John Sherman; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Bickell, Alexander M.; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.
H.R. 317 War Powers Act of 1973; S. 440 War Powers Act of 1973
1969-1973 March
21 18
War Powers
Bingham, Jonathan B.; Fulbright, J.W.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Zablocki, Clement J.
H.R. 5669 War Powers Act of 1973; H.J. Res. 542 War Powers Act of 1973; Bibliography; Presidential Veto Message; Committee Reports By Fulbright and Zablocki
1973 April-1974 April
21 19
Warnke Nomination
Warnke, Paul C.
Foreign Relations
1977 February-March
21 20
White Fleet
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
S.Con. Res. 66 To Provide for The Establishment of A White Fleet of Aid and Mercy; Report On S.Con. Res. 66 From Department of State; Report On S.Con. Res. 66 From Department of Defense; S.324 To Amend The Mutual Security Act of 1954 To Provide for The E
21 21
World Bank
Fulbright, J.W.; Forgash, Morris; Fried, Edward R.; Brand, Vance
1978 Annual Report
21 22
Kennedy, John F.
Foreign Relations
22 1
Williams, G. Mennen; Oboler, Eli M.; Blackwelder, Justin; Satterthwaite, J.C.; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Brademas, John; Harriman, W. Averell; Rusk, Dean; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Morrow, John H.
Africa; Foreign Relations
"Study Mission To Africa, November-December, 1960"
1961 January-February
22 2
Agree, George E.; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Williams, G. Mennen
Remarks of G. Mennen Williams
1961 March-May
22 3
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Symington, Stuart; Fulbright, J.W.; Westerfield, Samuel Z.; Kennedy, John F.; Kennedy, Edward M.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Bowles, Chester; Rusk, Dean; Williams, G. Mennen; Esteves Fernandez, Luis; Mayer, Ernest De W.; Tomlinson, John D
Mention of Sending Copies of Africa Speech
1961 June-November
22 4
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Hart, Philip A.; Neuberger, Maurine B.
Report of Senators Albert Gore, Philip A. Hart, and Maurine B. Neuberger "Study Mission To Africa, September-October 1961"
22 5
Garin, Vasco Vieira; Peal, S. Edward
Africa; Foreign Relations
1964-1966; 1968
22 6
McCloskey, Robert J.; Kennan, George F.
Angola; Sahel-Sahara Drought
1969-1971; 1973-1975
22 7
Hayakawa, S.I.; Clark, Dick; Young, Andrew; Nelson, Gaylord
Jehovah's Witness; Byrd Amendment
22 8
Rhodesia; Byrd Amendment
22 9
Africa -- Algeria
Kennedy, John F.; Gruening, Ernest
Algeria; John F. Kennedy Speech On Algeria, July 1957
22 10
Africa -- Angola
Stebbins, Naomi E.; Tunney, John V.; Clark, Dick; Brooke, Edward W.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Hatfield, Mark O.
Methodist Missionaries In Angola
22 11
Africa -- Cameroon
Lorimer, Bob
22 12
Africa -- Central African Republic
22 13
Africa -- Chad
22 14
Africa -- Congo
Dodd, Thomas J.; McGee, Gale; Williams, G. Mennen; Humphrey, Hubert H.
22 15
Africa -- Congo
Magnuson, Harry F.; Cleveland, Harlan; Clark, Joseph S.; Tschombe, Moise; Lee, Robert E.; Taft, Robert, Jr.
"Show Me A Man Whose Views Never Change, and I'll Show You A Man Who Has Stopped Thinking" Sen. Robert A. Taft; Congo
"United Nations Bond Purchase" In Senate April 3, 1962; Draft of Church Speech "U.S. Policy In The Congo"
22 16
Africa -- Ethiopia
Richards, Arthur L.; Dutton, Frederick G.; McGovern, George
22 17
Africa -- Ghana
Volta River Project; Ghana
22 18
Africa -- Guinea
1959-1960; 1970
22 19
Africa -- Katanga
Cleveland, Harlan; Smylie, Robert E.
"Katanga, The Untold Story", Television Program
22 20
Africa -- Kenya
1962; 1965
22 21
Africa -- Liberia
Tolbert, W.R., Jr.; Mathews, Elbert G.; Dennis, Francis A.; Tolbert, A. Benedict
Monrovia-Port of Monrovia Project; Liberia
1961; 1976
22 22
Africa -- Libya
Jones, John Wesley; Steiger, William A.
1961; 1978
23 1
Africa -- Malagasy Republic
King, David S.
23 2
Africa -- Malawi
Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses
1968; 1975-1976
23 3
Africa -- Morocco
Mayer, Ernest De W.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Bengelloun, Ali; Dey Oull Sidi-Baba
Foreign Relations
23 4
Africa -- Namibia
Retief, W. R.
1960; 1966; 1974; 1976; 1978
23 5
Africa -- Nigeria/Biafra
Dodd, Thomas J.; Nnamdi, Azikiwe; Palmer, Joseph II; O'sheel, Patrick; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Case, Clifford P.; Javits, Jacob K.; Sparkman, John J.; Roth, William V., Jr.; Bayh, Birch; Gravel, Mike
Statement By Frank Church On Biafra, July 11, 1969
23 6
Africa -- Portuguese Territory
23 7
Africa -- Rhodesia
Brooke, Edward W.; Williams, G. Mennen
British Policy Toward Rhodesia; US Embargo On Trade With Rhodesia-H. Res. 274; US Policy Toward Rhodesia; Importation of Rhodesian Chrome/Amendment To Military Procurement Authorization; Un Sanctions Against Rhodesia; Repeal Byrd Amendment
1961-1962; 1965-1967; 1970-1973
23 8
Africa -- Rhodesia
Ichord, Richard H.
Move To Repeal Byrd Amendment; Chrome; Racial Policies In Rhodesia and South Africa; Helms Amendment-Repeal Trade Embargo; Javits-Moynihan Amendment-Case-Lift Sanctions Conditionally; Black Majority Rule; Democracy Vs. Marxism As Represented By Mugabe An
23 9
Africa -- Rhodesia
Helms, Jesse; Mugabe, Robert; Hudson, Miles; Kennedy, Edward M.; McGovern, George
Shoot Down of Rhodesian Airliner By Patriotic Front Guerrillas; Sanctions Against Rhodesia; Elections In Rhodesia
23 10
Africa -- Rwanda
23 11
Africa -- Sierra Leone
23 12
Africa -- South Africa
Naude, W. C.; Taswell, H. L. T.; Mendelson, John; Williams, Shirley; Judd, Frank
Apartheid; United Kingdom Arms Sales To South Africa
1961; 1963-1967; 1970-1971; 1975-1977
23 13
Africa -- South Africa
Bennet, Douglas J., Jr.; Goldwater, Barry M.
23 14
Africa -- Tanganyika
23 15
Africa -- Togo
Walsh, Robert D.; Macknight, Jesse M.; Akakpo, Andre
23 16
Africa -- Transkei
23 17
Africa -- Tunisia
Bourguiba, Habib, Jr.; Driss, Rachid; Ammar, Hamed
1961; 1967-1969
23 18
Africa -- Uganda
Pease, Don S.; Amin, Idi
S. Res. -- Condemning The Regime of Idi Amin
1961; 1972; 1978
23 19
Africa -- Zaire
Bulumba, Ndagano; Kasongo, Mutuale
1976; 1978
23 20
Africa -- Publications
1961-1963; 1969-1970; 1976; 1978
23 21
Dominick, Peter H.
Dept. of State Background; American Press Institute; Corregidor/Bataan Memorial; Tibet; Report From The Congressional Research Service, "Land War In Asia, Views of Generals Macarther, Bradley, and Eisenhower"; The Progressive, November 1971
23 22
Asia -- Afghanistan to Tibet
Reuther, Victor G.; Fulbright, J.W.; Marcy, Carl; Rousseau, Rudy
Bangaladesh; S.J.Res.48 Repeal Authorization for Protection of Formosa and Pescadores; Ceylon; Kashmir; Report:"Commody Storage Conditions In Bangladesh" By Rudy Rousseau; Tibet
23 23
Asia -- China/Taiwan
23 24
Asia -- China/Taiwan
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Acheson, Dean; Morse, Wayne; Sparkman, John J.
Quemoy Affair; China; Taiwan
23 25
Asia -- China
Dodd, Thomas J.; Kohlberg, Alfred; Wriggins, Howard; Eaton, Cyrus S.; Bowles, Chester
American China Policy Institute
23 26
Asia -- China
23 27
Asia -- China
Recognition of China
24 1
Asia -- China
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Several Articles/Background Material; Recognition of China; Admission To United Nations
24 2
Asia -- China
Kennedy, Edward M.
Recognition of China; Admission To United Nations; Speeches By Edward Kennedy
24 3
Asia -- China
Javits, Jacob K.
Asia; China; Foreign Relations
24 4
Asia -- China
Tunney, John V.; Nixon, Richard M.
Formosa Resolution; Admission of China To United Nations; Pingpong Diplomacy; Nixon Visit To China
24 4
Inouye, Daniel K.; Rabin, Yitzhak; Kollek, Teddy; Sapir, Pinhas; Shazar, Zalman; Meir, Golda; El-Mallakh, Ragaei
Declaration of Support of Peace In The Middle East; Middle East Crisis Map; Jewish Heritage; S.3142-Resettlement of The Soviet Jewish Refugees In Israel; Iranian Students Association; "The Suez Canal: Its Significance for The United States", March 1971
24 5
Asia -- China
Javits, Jacob K.; Shen, James C.H.
Normalize Relations Between U.S. and China-S.1315; Taiwan; Nuclear Weapons Tests In China
24 6
Asia -- China
Recognition of China; Taiwan Interests
1978 March-November
24 7
Asia -- China
Recognition of China; Taiwan Interests
1978 December
24 8
Asia -- China
Crane, Philip M.; Price, Melvin
Nuclear Capability of China; Recognition of China; Taiwan Interests
1979 January
24 9
Asia -- China
Humphrey, Gordon J.; Moore, Frank
Recognition of China; Taiwan Interests
1979 February-March
24 10
Asia -- China
Trade Delegation and Foreign Relations Committee Trip To China; Reciprocal Trade With China
1979 April-December
24 11
Asia -- China
Trade With China; Taiwan Relations Act of 1979
24 12
Asia -- India
Nehru, B.K.; Ghosh, Sudhir; Banerjee, P.K.; Singh, Dhawant; Radharkrishnan, Saruepalli; Bowles, Chester; Douglas, William O.
1960; 1962-1964
24 13
Asia -- India
Bowles, Chester; Macarthur, Douglas II; Banerjee, P.K.; Nehru, B.K.
U.S. Aid
24 14
Asia -- India
Harris, Fred R.; Mondale, Walter F.; Frelinghuysen, Peter; Dhillon, G.S.; Haddad, Symbol; Marcy, Carl; Venkateswarn, A.P.; Khanti, M.S.; Bowles, Chester; Banerjee, P.K.; Ahmed, K.M.; Desai, C.C.; Jha, L.K.; Palkhivala, Nani A.
Bangladesh; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; India
1967-1969; 1971-1978; 1980
24 15
Asia -- Japan
Clark, Joseph S.; Kawasaki, Hideji; Yasui, Yoshiro; Mansfield, Mike
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation; Japanese American Citizen League; Bonin Island Payments; Ryukyus Island
24 16
Asia -- Japan
Utsunomiya, Tokuma; Nakayama, Taro; Matsumuro, Fujio; Matsunaga, Spark M.
Lockheed Scandal; Businessmen's Conference
25 1
Asia -- Korea
Yang, You Chan; Chung, IL Kwon; Pil, Kim Jong; Fulbright, J.W.; Pai, Ei Whan; Kim, Un Yong
25 2
Asia -- Korea
Park, Paul B.; Paik, Too Chin
Institute for International Policy
25 3
Asia -- Korea
Glenn, John; Paik, Too Chin; Kim, Yong Shik
R. O. K. Troop Withdrawl
25 4
Asia -- Korea - Pueblo Affair
Streit, Clarence K.; Bucher, Lloyd M.; Chaffee, John H.
USS Pueblo
25 5
Asia -- Korea - Questionnaire Ethics Committee
Kramer, Victor H.; Levinson, Jerome I.; Blum, Jack; Habib, Philip; Fatemi, Nasrollah S.
1977 October
25 6
Asia -- Pakistan
Ahmed, Aziz; Khan, Mohammad Ayub; Rohde, Jon E.; Timmons, William E.; Rogers, William P.
Civil War; Kashmir Dispute; Biafra; Arms Sales; India; Bangladesh; Pakistan Ship "Padma"
25 7
Asia -- Pakistan
Case, Clifford P.; Abshire, David M.; Harris, Fred R.; Rogers, William P.; Taylor, Richard K.; Riza, S.I.; Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali; Saxbe, William B.
Pakistan Civil War; Bangaladesh; Saxbe-Church Amendment; United Nations; Pakistan Ship "Padma"
"War Between India and Pakistan and The Ineptitude of U.S. Policy" In The Senate December 6, 1971
1971-April 1972
25 8
Asia -- Philippines
Jerome Bros.-Legaspi Oil Company; Copra Exports
25 9
Asia -- Philippines
Mutuc, Amelito R.; Sevilla, Porfirio U.; Price, C. Hoyt; Romualdez, Eduardo Z.; Vance, Cyrus R.; Won Pat, Antonio B.; Romulo, Carlos P.; Jones, Thomas C.
War Damage Claims; Military Pullout; "The Philippines and The New Society"
25 10
Southeast Asia
Walker, Donald E.; Symington, Stuart; Sparkman, John J.; Bayh, Birch; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Dutton, Frederick G.
South Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos; Cooper-Church Amendment
Frank Church Report "Study Mission To Southeast Asia" 1963
1959; 1961-1965; 1969-1970
25 11
Southeast Asia
Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos
1971 January-March
25 12
Southeast Asia
Kerry, John F.; Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos
Transcript of ABC's Isues and Answers, Frank Church and J.S. Cooper, April 4, 1971
1971 April
25 13
Southeast Asia
Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Jordan, B. Everett; Mcdermott, Patricia L.
Thailand; Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos
1971 May-July
25 14
Southeast Asia
Montoya, Joseph M.; Taft, Robert, Jr.
War; POW's
1971 August-December
25 15
Southeast Asia
Mondale, Walter F.; Gravel, Mike; Brooke, Edward W.; Okrent, Daniel; Kerry, John F.
Cease Bombing and Withdraw Troops From Indochina; Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos
Equal Time Remarks In Response To Nixon's State of Union Address, January 21, 1972; "Senator Muskie and The War" In Senate 1972
25 16
Southeast Asia
Case, Clifford P.
Vietnam; POW's
Introduce Case-Church Amendment
1973 January-March
25 17
Southeast Asia
Symington, Stuart; Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.
Case-Church Amendment; Aid To N. Vietnam
"The Case-Church Amendment" In Senate May 14, 1973; Joint Statement On Case-Church Amendment By Case and Church, June 28, 1973; In Support of The Modified Case-Church Amendment, June 29, 1973
1973 April-December
26 1
Southeast Asia -- Cambodia
Westing, Arthur H.; Pfeiffer, E.W.
S.E.A.T.O.; Defoliation In The "Fishhook" Region; Letters From Idaho Against Dissent and Civil Disobedience In Connection With Sending Troops Into Cambodia
26 2
Southeast Asia -- Cambodia
Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.
Defense Spending; Cooper-Church Amendment; President's Constitutional Authority To Bomb Cambodia; Bombing; Case-Church Amendment
"Bombing Utterly Illegal: Church-Question and Answer", In Chicago Tribune, April 9, 1973 (Part of Reprint Missing)
1973 January-May
26 3
Southeast Asia -- Cambodia
Symington, Stuart; Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.
Bombing; Cooper-Church; Case-Church; Cambodia
1973 June-December; 1974
26 4
Southeast Asia -- Cambodia
Doolin, Dennis J.
Aid To Cambodia
"Breaking The Law In Cambodia", In Senate, March 13, 1974
26 5
Southeast Asia -- Cambodia
Walker, Joseph W.
Aid; Migration and Refugee Assistance Act; Cambodia
26 6
Southeast Asia -- Indonesia
McGee, Gale; Keating, Edward M.
1963-1964; 1971; 1979
26 7
Southeast Asia -- Laos
Marcy, Carl; McCloskey, Paul N.; Selander, Glenn E.
Covert Opertions In Laos; The Plain of Jars
"The Only Alternative", Reprint In Lewiston Morning Tribune, February 8, 1970
26 8
Southeast Asia -- Laos
Houser, W.D.
"Ending Foreign Aid To Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos", In Senate, July 7, 1975; Statement On Southeast Asia and Aid, In Senate, 1975; Statement On Military and Foreign Aid and Southeast Asia; In Senate, 1975; Statement On The Foreign Aid Budget, In Senate,
1974-1975; 1978; 1980
26 9
Southeast Asia -- Mayaguez Crisis
1975 May-July
26 10
Southeast Asia -- Prisoners of War
26 11
Southeast Asia -- Prisoners of War
Dole, Robert; Bayh, Birch; Brock, William E.; Brooke, Edward W.; Macgregor, Clark
Missing In Action; "National Week of Concern for Americans Who Are Pow's and Mia's"; Vietnam
26 12
Southeast Asia -- Prisoners of War
McClure, James A.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Case, Clifford P.
Case-Church Amendment; Kissinger and Mia's; Aid To N, Vietnam/Mia's and Pow's; S.3753-Benefits To Families of Mia's and Pow's; S.3471 Military Consruction Act (Amend); Trade Reform Bill/Mia's
26 13
Southeast Asia -- Prisoners of War
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
Mia's; Status of Mia's; S.Res.251-Request President Ford During China Trip Enlist Help To Account for Pow's and Mia's; S.Con. Res.-Establish A Presidential Task Force On Mia's
26 14
Southeast Asia -- Refugees
Wiesel, Eli
Vietnam Children's Care Agency; S.1661-Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act; Boat People; Resettlement of Indochinese Refugees
"War In Vietnam" April 18, 1975
1973; 1975; 1978-1979
26 15
Southeast Asia -- Thailand
Military Contingency Plans Between US and Thailand; The Pentagon
"I Cannot Sit By", In Senate, August 12, 1969; "The People Have The Right To Know", Statement At Press Conference, August 14, 1969
1965-1967; 1969-1970
26 16
Southeast Asia -- Thailand
1975; 1978; 1980
26 17
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Jameson, Guilford; Hilsman, Roger
1959-1960; 1962
26 18
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Hilsman, Roger; Tung, Tran Van; Nguyen Phuong Thiep; Oboler, Eli M.; Dutton, Frederick G.
1963 January-August
26 19
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dominick, Peter H.
1963 September
26 20
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Fulbright, J.W.; Tung, Tran Van; Lechi, Mrs. Tran; Nhu, Madame Ngo Dinh
Info On Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu; Vietnam
1963 October-December
27 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dodd, Thomas J.; McGovern, George; Nhu, Madame Ngo Dinh
1964 January-April
27 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Oboler, Eli M.; Thomas, Norman; Ford, Gerald R.
Ford, Gerald, "U.S. Military Situation In Southeast Asia", June 1, 1964; Ford, Gerald, "Report On American Strategy and Strength", June 29, 1964; Vietanm
1964 May-July
27 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Tung, Tran Van; Fulbright, J.W.; Simpson, Milward L.; Talmadge, Herman E.
S. Res. 196-Opposing Conditional-Assitance-South Vietnam; Ramparts Interview With Frank Church; Frank Church Wire To Ap/Upi On Gulf of Tonkin; Frank Church-His Position On Vietnam, Long Letter
1964 August-December
27 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Freedman, Max
Special File; Freedman, Max, "Senator Church Calls for Caution", Evening Star, December 30, 1964; Vietnam
"On The Record; More Flexible Foreign Policy?", Interview, Sunday Star, March 15, 1964; "A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The Un", In Senate, June 23, 1964; "Senator Church Sees Need for A Major Shift On Asia", Ne
27 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Long, Edward V.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Tower, John G.; Pell, Claiborne; Symington, Stuart; Day, Henry L.; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Kissinger, Henry A.
Comments On Ramparts Interview; Comments On Look Article; Vietnam
1965 January
27 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dodd, Thomas J.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Lippmann, Walter; Gross, Leonard; Holland, Spessard L.; Pearson, Luvie (Mrs. Drew); Eaton, Cyrus S.; Bayh, Birch; Bartlett, E.L.
1965 February
27 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1965 February
27 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pro and Anti Vietnam Policy
1965 February
27 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Luria, S. E.
1965 February
27 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eccles, Marriner S.; Benning, A.E.; Auchincloss, Eve; Oboler, Eli M.; Mansfield, Mike; Taylor, Suzanne Dabney
Pro Church-Anti Vietnam
1965 March
27 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Valenti, Jack
Anti Policy Correspondence
1965 March
27 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Mansfield, Mike; Fulbright, J.W.; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Lippmann, Walter
Speical File; Dinner for Hans Morgenthau; LBJ/FC Conversation Misreported; Mansfield, Mike Et Al, "Vietnam and Southeast Asia", Report, 1963; CBS Reports, "Walter Lippman, 1965", 1965
"Vietnam: The Burning Fuse", "We Are In Too Deep" ..., Washington Report; "We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Script
1965 January-March
27 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pell, Claiborne; Lawrence, Lawrence M.; Spock, Benjamin; Baty, Harvey F.; Gunther, Richard S.
American Friends Service Committee; Negotiated Peace
1965 March
28 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Bennet, William M.; White, Gilbert F.
White, Gilbert F., "Lower Mekong", Bulletin of Atomic Scientists;
1965 March
28 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kilpatrick, James J.; Russell, Bertrand; Alsop, Stewart; Zimbardo, Philip G.
Reactions To Saturday Evening Post Article; Alsop, Stewart, "Affairs of State, The Meaning of The Dead", Saturday Evening Post
"We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam:, Saturday Evening Post, April 24, 1965
1965 March-April
28 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Lattimore, Owen
"We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Saturday Evening Post, April 24, 1965
1965 April
28 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Macarthur, Douglas II; Chandrasekhar, S.
1965 April
28 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Symms, Steve; Fulbright, J.W.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Day, Henry L.; Mcfadden, Joseph J.; Sisco, Joseph J.; Udall, Morris K.; Martin, Henry S.; Oakes, John B.; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Williams, G. Mennen; Park, W. Anthon
Western Political Quarterlym
1965 April
28 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Pell, Claiborne; Macarthur, Douglas II
1965 May
28 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dodd, Thomas J.; Eccles, Marriner S.; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Fulbright, J.W.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Javits, Jacob K.
"World Crisis In Vietnam"
28 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Javits, Jacob K.
S.J.Res.--[Sen. Javits To Trigger Debate On Vietnam]; News Clippings and Press Releases Related To F.C. Speech: "The Vietnam Imbroglio"
Speech:"The Vietnam Imbroglio", In The Senate, June 24, 1965
1965 June
28 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1965 June-July
28 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGee, Gale; Morse, Wayne
Church Ammendment; Vietnam
Speeches:"Towards A More Perfect Union" and "Bomb Now Pay Later", Both In Senate, June 12, 1965
1965 July
28 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Southeast Asia; Vietnam; Foreign Relations
ABC's "Issues and Answers", Guests Frank Church and Gerald Ford, Interviewer: John Scali, July 18, 1965
1965 July
28 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pearson, Drew; Johnson, Kraft; Spock, Benjamim
1965 August
29 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Halle, Louis J.
"Our War Aims Were Wrong"
1965 August
29 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eccles, Marriner S.; Fisher, Vardis; Kiepe, Paul
Operations of The USS Bon Homme Richard
1965 September
29 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Chase, Eugene P.
1965 October
29 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Hall, Bill
1965 November
29 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eccles, Marriner S.; Pell, Claiborne; McGovern, George; Young, Stephen M.; Lundberg, Ferdinand
1965 December
29 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Duncan, Don; Hughes, Emmet John; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Ramsey, James A.
Report :"The Legality of U.S. Participation In The Defense of Vietnam", U.S. Dept. of State; "Crisis In The Atlantic Alliance"
29 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Scheur, Sidney H.; Manatos, Mike; Symington, Stuart; Neuberger, Maurine B.; Pease, Don S.; Gruening, Ernest
1966 January
29 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eccles, Marriner S.; Gruening, Ernest; Spock, Benjamin; Morse, Wayne
Out of State Pro Church Correspondence
1966 January
29 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1966 January
29 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kennan, George F.; Toynbee, Arnold
1966 January-February
29 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Resumption of Bombing of North Vietnam; Block of Telegrams From Stanford Univ. (Church Stanford Address)
1966 January-February
29 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kiepe, Paul; Fisher, Bernard
Idaho Pro Church Correspondence
1966 January-December
29 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pro-Church Correspondence
1966 February
29 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Taylor, Kenneth L.; Toynbee, Arnold
Pro-Church Correspondence; Vietnam
"Today Show" Appearance February 11, 1966
1966 February
29 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pro-Church Correspondence
1966 February
29 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1966 February
29 17
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Douglas, Paul H.; Breitner, Thomas C.; Javits, Jacob K.; Randolph, Jennings; Kennan, George F.; McReynolds, David
Televised Foreign Relations Committee Hearings; Breitner, Thomas C. "Towards A Common Wealth of Man"
1966 February
30 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eccles, Marriner S.; Woodward, Ross; Costigan, Giovanni
Honolulu Pledge; Televised Hearings; "A New Approach To Southeast Asia" Quaker Working Party Paper On Vietnam
1966 February
30 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam Correspondence
1966 February
30 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McKeage, Everret C.
Televised Hearings
1966 February
30 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Beck, Paul B.
1966 February
30 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Idaho, Anti-Vietnam; Televised Foreign Relations Committee Hearings
1966 February 0
30 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam War, Out of State; Televised Hearings of Foreign Relations Committee
Appearance On The "Today Show"
1966 February 1
30 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam, Out of State; Televised Foreign Relations Committee Hearings
Appearance On The "Today Show"
1966 February 2
30 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Gruening, Ernest; Javits, Jacob K.; Symington, Stuart; Tower, John G.
Anti-Vietnam, Out of State; Transcript of Radio and Television Broadcast, "Vietnam Perspective: Congress After Honolulu" February 13, 1966
1966 February 3
30 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam Correspondence, Out of State; Televised Foreign Relations Committee Hearings
Appearance On The "Today Show'
1966 February 4
30 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam Correspondence, Out of State; Televised Foreign Relations Committee Hearings
Appearance On The "Today Show'
1966 February 5
30 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Manley, Art; Morse, Wayne
Idaho; Morse Amendment; Evans and Novak Syndicated Column; Vietnam
"In Reply To A Smear" In Senate After March 21, 1966
1966 March
30 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Fannin, Paul J.; McGee, Gale; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Oakes, John B.; Cousins, Norman; Knight, John S.; Bayh, Birch; Riesman, David; McGovern, George; Case, Clifford P.; Fulbright, J.W.; Young, Milton R.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Clark, Joseph S.; Ball, G
Establish Committee On Human Rights; George W. Ball Speech and Frank Church Rebuttal
Rebuttal To George Ball Speech Re: Establishing A Committee On Human Rights
1966 March
30 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pro-Church Correspondence, Out of State
1966 March
30 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Hughes, Emmet John; Hartke, Vance; Kuhn, Edward W.; Shiba, Kimpei
Bombing; Proposed Peace Plan; Hughes, Emmet John, "A View of Vietnam", Newsweek, May 30, 1966
"Vietnamese Priests Call for Peace", In Senate, April 20, 1966
1966 April-June
30 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Rubin, Morris H.; Hoppe, Arthur; De Gaulle, Charles; Thant, U
H. Con. Res. -- Relating To Prisoners of War; Threatened Execution of US POWS In North Vietnam; Newspaper Articles Saved By Frank Church and Staff; Hoppe, Arthur, "The Making of A Senator", San Francisco Chronicle, July 25, 1966; Address By General Charl
"New Moves Toward Unity", Current Magazine, July 1966; "American Prisoners In Hanoi-A Plea for Sanity", In Senate, July 15, 1966; "Washington: The Deadlock of Suspicion", In Senate, After July 31, 1966
1966 July-December
30 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
A Proposal To Maximize Political Support for An End To The War In Vietnam; Declaration of War On North Vietnam
1967 January-March
30 17
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Vaughn, Robert; Spock, Benjamin; Cooper, John Sherman
1967 April-May
30 18
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Ball, George W.; Stearns, Richard G.; Shaul, W. Dennis; Koppel, Ted
Ball, George W., "Fighting The Problem", An Opinion, Mademoiselle, August 1967; "A Modern Dilemma: Two Views of The Nsa-CIA Crisis By Present and Former Nsa Officers": Stearns, Richard G., "We Were Wrong"; Shaul, W. Dennis, "We Were Right"; Koppel, Ted,
1967 June-July
30 19
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Javits, Jacob K.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hartke, Vance; Kennedy, Robert F.; Ky, Nguyen Cao
1967 August
31 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Penniman, Howard R.; Reischauer, Edwin O.; Sevareid, Eric; Friedman, Wolfgang
Penniman, Howard R., "Decision In South Vietnam", Transcript, Free Society Assn.; Reischauer, Edwin O., "What Choices Do We Have In Vietnam?", September 19, 1967; Sevareid, Eric, "Dissent Or Destruction?", Look, September 5, 1967; Friedman, Wolfgang, "La
1967 September
31 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Symington, Stuart; Mansfield, Mike; Cooper, John Sherman
Remarks On Vietnam By Senator John S. Cooper, October 2, 1967; Committee Print, Investigation of The Preparedness Program
1967 October
31 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Javits, Jacob K.; Sorensen, Theodore C.
S. J. Res. -- Superseding Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Sorensen, Theodore C., "The War In Vietnam: How We Can End It", Saturday Review, October, 1967; "China, The United Nations, and United States Policy", A Second Report of A National Policy Panel
1967 November
31 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGovern, George; Gavin, James M.; Bunker, Ellsworth; Westmoreland, William C.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Transcript: Meet The Press With Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin (USA Ret.), November 12, 1967; Transcript: Meet The Press With Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker and Gen. William C. Westmoreland, November 19, 1967; Transcript: Meet The Press With Vice President Huber
1967 December
31 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Case, Clifford P.; Percy, Charles H.; Heller, Walter W.
Transcript: Meet The Press With Sen. Charles H. Percy, January 7, 1968; Transcript: Meet The Press With Dr. Walter W. Heller, January 14, 1968; The Department of State Bulletin, February 5, 1968
1968 January-February
31 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Committee Print: Background Information Relating To Southeast Asia and Vietnam (4th Revised Edition); The Department of State Bulletin, March 11, 1968; Committee Print: Stalemate In Vietnam, February, 1968
1968 March
31 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Gruening, Ernest; Kissinger, Henry A.; Galbraith, John Kenneth
"The Sharpened Crisis In Vietnam", Statement By The AFL-CIO Executive Council, February 20, 1968; Galbraith, John Kenneth, "How To Get Out of Vietnam: The War We Cannot Win, Should Not Wish To Win, Are Not Winning", New York: Signet, 1967; Vietnam Persp
Statement In Response To L. B. Johnson's Announcement That He Would Not Seek Re-Election, March 31, 1968
1968 March
31 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1968 April-May
31 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Willens, Harold; Coffin, William Sloane
Willens, Harold, "The Price of 'Victory' In Vietnam", Reprinted From The Saturday Review, July 20, 1968; Coffin, William Sloane, Playboy Interview, July 1968
1968 June-September
31 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Falk, Richard A.
Falk, Richard A., "A Vietnam Settlement: The View From Hanoi", Center of International Studies, Princeton University
1968 October
31 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1968 November
31 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Ramparts Article
1968 December
31 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Humphrey, Hubert H.
"Assessment of Refugee Program", Report By Cords/Refugee Division, 1968
1969 January-April
31 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Javits, Jacob K.; Pham The Truc
1969 May-June
31 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGovern, George; Javits, Jacob K.; Cranston, Alan
Resolution To Print A List of Servicemen Who Had Died In Vietnam-S. Res. 208; ABM
1969 July-September
31 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Bayh, Birch; Symington, Stuart; Allott, Gordon; Clarke, John L.; Rogers, William P.; Harriman, W. Averell; Bikel, Theodore; Knopf, Alfred A.; Thurmond, Strom; Miller, Daniel A.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Suggested Questions for Secretary William P. Rogers
1969 October
31 17
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dole, Robert; Tydings, Joseph D.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Stivers, T.W.; Udall, Morris K.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Hughes, Harold E.; Cooper, John Sherman; Goodell, Charles E.
Script: ABC's Issues and Answers, October 12, 1969, Frank Church and Charles Goodell
1969 October
31 18
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Pro-Church; Anti-Church; Robos
1969 October
31 19
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Robo Letters
1969 November
32 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Fulbright, J.W.
Mylai; "Briefing On Vietnam", Hearings Before The Committee On Foreign Relations, November 18-19, 1969
1969 November-December
32 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam - My Lai
Mylai Massacre; Robo
32 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam
"Vietnam: The Other Alternative", San Juan Star, December 14, 1969
1970 January
32 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 February
32 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam - Policy Proposals
Policy Proposals
1970 February-March
32 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 March
32 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eaton, Cyrus S.
1970 April
32 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Smith, Ralph Tyler; Davis, William E.; Cooper, John Sherman
Vietnam; Southeast Asia; Foreign Relations
Statement On Cooper-Church Amendment Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
1970 May
32 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Clarke, John L.; Symington, Stuart; Bennett, Wallace F.; Young, Milton R.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Holland, Spessard L.; Torbert, Elise
"War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line", May 1, 1970
1970 May
32 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Conway, William S.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.
Individual View of Senator Thomas J. Mcintyre Upon The Return of The Presidential Fact-Finding Mission
1970 June
32 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Johnson, S. Albert; Onweiler, William C.; Cranston, Alan; Cooper, John Sherman
Prisoners of War; The Amendment To End The War; Report of The Steering Committee of The Congressional Committee for A Vote On The War; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam
"Cooper-Church Amendment: The Time Has Come To Vote", In Senate, June 3, 1970
1970 June
32 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 July
32 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Preliminary Analysis of Church Dissent; Cambodia
1970 July
32 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.; Allott, Gordon; Hoopes, Townsend
Cambodia; Hoopes, Townsend, "Legacy of The Cold War In Indochina"; Vietnam
"Creeping Involvement In Southeast Asia: Another Step", August 14, 1970; Remarks of FC In Support of The McGovern-Hatfield Amendment, August 31, 1970
1970 August
32 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Luppi, Hobart; Hatfield, Mark O.; Cooper, John Sherman; Kinsley, Michael E.; Averill, John
Cooper-Church Amendment; Amendment To End The War Committee; Kinsley, Michael E., "The Harvard Brain Trust: Eating Lunch At Henry's", Washington Monthly, September 1970; Averill, John, "Eating Crow At Mike's", Washington Monthly, September 1970; Vietnam
"The Doves Have Won and Don't Know It", CBS Television, September 5, 1970
1970 September
32 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Russell, Richard B.; Percy, Charles H.; Young, Stephen M.
1970 October
32 17
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 November
32 18
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 December
32 19
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Callis, Helmut G.; McGovern, George
Nixon Peace Plan
1970 January-March
32 20
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 February
32 21
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 April
32 22
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 April
32 23
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Weber, Milan G.
Jamaica, New York
1970 April
32 24
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Vietnam; Expansion of War Into Cambodia; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May
33 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May
33 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; McGovern-Hatfield Amendment To H.R.17123-Military Authorization
1970 May 0
33 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; McGovern-Hatfield Amendment To H.R.17123-Military Authorization; Renewed Bombing of North Vietnam; Senators' Tv Program "To End The War"
1970 May 1
33 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"; Repeal of The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Repression of Student Protests; Vietnam
1970 May 2
33 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGovern-Hatfield Amendment To H.R.17123-Military Authorization; Escalation of The War Into Cambodia
1970 May 3
33 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
"End The War Amendment"; Escalation of The War Into Cambodia
1970 May 4
33 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"
1970 May 5
33 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"
Introduction of The Cooper-Church Amendment May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 6
33 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970 Introduction of The Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 7
34 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970 Introduction of The Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 8
34 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; "End The War Amendment"; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970 Introduction of The Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 9
34 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 0
34 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 1
34 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 2
34 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 3
34 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 4
34 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 5
34 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 6
34 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 7
34 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 8
34 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of The War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 9
34 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Kent State and Student Unrest
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 0
34 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 1
34 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; H.R.15628-Amend The Foreign Military Sales Act; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 2
34 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 3
35 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 4
35 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 May 5
35 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Move To Repeal The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; War Powers; Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Amendment To End The War; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 6
35 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
S.Res.351-Mutual Cease-Fire and Political Settlement In Vietnam; Kent State; Escalation of War Into Cambodia
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 7
35 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State; Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Amendment To End The War; Vietnam
"Amendment To End The War" Senate Floor May 7-11, 1970
1970 May 8
35 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Griffiths, Warren
1970 May 9
35 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 0
35 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 1
35 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 2
35 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 3
35 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Phillips Exeter Academy; Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 4
35 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Rivers, Mendel
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 5
35 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Harris, Fred R.
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 6
35 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 7
35 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Lippman, Jacob
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 8
35 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 9
36 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 0
36 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"; CBS Televison Appearence May 18, 1970
1970 May 1
36 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"; May 4, 1970 Dinner In Wilmington
1970 May 2
36 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
May 12, 1970 NBC Television Appearance "Amendment To End The War"
1970 May 3
36 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Kent State
"Amendment To End The War" Introduction of The Cooper- Church Amendment May 7-11, 1970 Senate Floor
1970 May 4
36 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Amendment To End The War; Kent State
1970 May 5
36 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
1970 May 6
36 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; Student Unrest; Kent State
1970 May 7
36 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Kent State
1970 May 8
36 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Day, Henry L.; Young, Virgil M.
Student Unrest; Communists; Patriotism; 18 Year Old Vote; Kent State
1970 May 9
36 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 0
36 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 1
36 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Stivers, T.W.
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 2
36 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Clarke, John L.
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 3
36 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 4
36 16
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Student Unrest; Communists; Cambodia; Kent State
1970 May 5
37 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 6
37 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 7
37 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendmentm
1970 May 8
37 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 9
37 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 0
37 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 1
37 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 2
37 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendmentm
1970 May 3
37 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 9
37 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May 0
37 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May-June
37 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Petitions; Cooper-Church Amendment
1970 May-June
38 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Escalation of War Into Cambodia; "Amendment To End The War"; Vietnam
"Meet The Press" Appearance
1970 June
38 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 June
38 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cambodia; Byrd Amendment-Defeatm
1970 June
38 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cambodia; Byrd Amendment-Defeat
1970 June
38 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
1970 June
38 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Contributions From Abroad for "End The War Committee"; Cooper-Church Amendment; Idaho Petitions In Support of The National Guard and Armed Forces Reserves
1970 June-August
38 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
Instructions for Replies; Cooper-Church Amendment
38 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Calley, William L.; Cooper, John Sherman
Mylai/Lt. Calley; Cooper-Church Amendment
1971 January-April
38 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Moss, Frank E.; Stevens, Ted; Hatfield, Mark O.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Berrigan, Philip
S.1125-Executive Privilege-Pentagon Papers; H.R. 8687-[Withdraw US Forces From Vietnam...]
1971 April-October
38 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Special File
Javits, Jacob K.
38 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Dole, Robert; Muskie, Edmund S.; Gramer, Rod E.; Tracy, Paul
Today Show Appearance; Case-Church Amendment; "Vietnam Commitments, 1961", A Staff Study, Pentagon Papers, No. 1, March 20, 1972; "The United States and Vietnam: 1944-1947", A Staff Study, Pentagon Papers, No. 2, April 3, 1972
Praising Muskie, Inserting Articles In Cr, Draft
1972 February-April
38 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Bushnell, Robert Addison, Jr.; Kehne, Rolf; Pavesic, Max; Spock, Benjamin; Peterson, F. Ross; Case, Clifford P.; Mansfield, Mike
Case-Church Amendment; Mansfield Amendment
1972 May
38 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Hull, T. Clark
Today Show Appearance; Case-Church Amendment; Prisoners of War
1972 May
38 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Nixon, Richard M.
Pro-Nixon; Anti Church
1972 January-May
38 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Doolin, Dennis J.; Tunney, John V.; Bowman, Rose Marie; Hartke, Vance
Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Case-Church Amendment
1972 June-December
39 1
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Special File
Cranston, Alan; Nguyen Thi Binh; Case, Clifford P.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Tunney, John V.; Cooper, John Sherman; Nixon, Richard M.
Transcript of Dean Rusk Press Conference, October 12, 1967; Legislative History of Cooper-Church Documents, October 5, 1970 and October 20, 1970; Text of Cooper-Church Amendment; Bombing Hanoi and Haiphong, April 17, 1972; Case-Church Amendment; Nixon's
"American Foreign Policy In Transition", February 3, 1972; Stmt On Case-Church, May 8, 1972; Stmt On Nixon's Speech, May 8, 1972; Byrd's Modification of Case-Church Amendment, Press Release, May 11, 1972; "Vietnam: In The Eighth Year of The American Ord
39 2
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Muskie, Edmund S.; Fulbright, J.W.; Cooper, John Sherman; Case, Clifford P.
Cooper-Church Amendment-Background Material; S.-- To End The War In Indochina/Fulbright; S. 1248-Require Congressional for Involvement of US Forces In Further Hostilities In Indochina, and for Extending Assistance To North Vietnam
"Limitations On Military Involvement In Indochina and The Cooper-Church Amendment", In Senate, December 29, 1970; "Vietnam: In The Eighth Year of The American Ordeal", In Senate, May 5, 1972; "The Case-Church Amendment:...", May 14, 1973
39 3
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Special File
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Case, Clifford P.; Fulbright, J.W.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
S.578-Requiring Congressional Authorization; End The War Amendment; Case-Church Amendment; War Powers Act-S. 440; S. 1248-Case-Church Amendment No Funds, May 14, 1973; H.R. 3259-Requiring Congressional Authorization; Vietnam
"American Military Involvement In Indochina Ends August 15, 1973", In Senate, June 29, 1973; Excerpts From Speech On End-of-War/Case-Church, June 29, 1973
39 4
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Jones, Michael; Jones, Diane; Spock, Benjamin; Barnes, John B.
Aid To North Vietnam for Reconstruction; Prisoners of War
1973 March-April
39 5
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Aid To North Vietnam for Reconstruction; Prisoners of War
"Let Us Have No Illusions About Peace", Article, [February 1973]
1973 January-February
39 6
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Jones, Michael; Jones, Diane; Case, Clifford P.
Aid To North Vietnam for Reconstruction; Prisoners of War; Case-Church Amendment
1973 May-December
39 7
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
Possibility of Resumption of US Involvement; Missing In Action; Prisoners of War; S. Res. -- [Missing In Action]
39 8
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
McGovern, George; Stafford, Robert T.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Brooke, Edward W.; Abourezk, James S.
Foreign Aid To Rebuild Vietnam
39 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam
Cooper, John Sherman
H.R.15628-Amend The Foreign Military Sales Act; Various Drafts and Versions of Cooper-Church Amendment; H.R.17123-Amendment To End The War; Dole Amendment On Prisoners In Cambodia; S.Res.-Regarding The Combat Use of U.S. Forces As Intruments of Foreign P
Statement On Cambodia, April 29, 1970; T.V. Broadcast Transcript, "The Amendment To End The War" May 12, 1970; On The Cooper-Church Amendment In Senate, May 11, 1970; "Cambodia" In Senate, May 7, 1970; Introduce Amendment To S.3367-Military Procurement Au
1970 January-May
39 9
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Cooper-Church Amendment
Cooper-Church Amendment
In Senate, May 7, 1970; "An Explanation of The Cooper-Church Amendment" In Senate, May 13, 1970
1970 January-May
39 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Cooper Church Amendment
McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.
Various Amendments To The Foreign Military Sales Act; H.R.15628 Amend The Foreign Military Sales Act; S.4542-Amend The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; S.4543-Provide Additional Foreign Assistance Authorization; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietanm
"Cooper-Church Amendment-The Time Has Come To Vote" In Senate, June 3, 1970; "On The Byrd Amendment" In Senate, June 9, 1970; "War By Proxy" In Senate, June 29, 1970; "On Cooper-Church Amendment, The Byrd Amendment, and Constitutional Powers" In Se
1970 June-December
39 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Cooper-Church Amendment
"Out of Indochina In 18 Months" In Senate, July 7 1970; Interview With James McCartney, August 11, 1970; "Fresh Danger In Cambodia" In Senate, August 11, 1970; "A Momentous Vote" In Senate, August 12, 1970; "Idaho Understands" In Senate, After June 30, 1
1970 June-December
39 10
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Cooper-Church Amendment

Press Conference, August 21, 1970; "The Cooper-Church Amendment Must Be Retained" In Senate, After July 19, 1970; "Barring American Forces In Cambodia" In Senate, After October 14, 1970
1970 June-December
39 11
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Conference File
S.J.Res.-Withdraw U.S. Troops From Indochina; Prohibit Invasion of N. Vietnam Without Congressional Authority; H.J.Res.462-Withdraw U.S. Troops From Indochina; Various Drafts and Versions of Cooper-Church Amendment; Mansfield Amendment
Statement Given On NBC Special On The Congress, March 21, 1971; "Wasted People" In Senate, March 23, 1971; On The Plan To Introduce A New Cooper-Church Amendment, July 7, 1971; "In Support of The Cooper-Church Amendment" In Senate, Autumn 1971
39 12
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Evacuation of Saigon
Vietnamese Refugees In US
39 13
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Peace Agreement
39 14
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Special File
39 15
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Claims Settlement Amendment
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Postcards
Cooper-Church Amendment "To End The War"
1970 May
Southeast Asia -- Vietnam Postcards
Cooper-Church Amendment "To End The War"
1970 May
42 1
Eastern Europe -- Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary
Javits, Jacob K.; Lovestone, Jay; Pell, Claiborne; Muskie, Edmund S.; Dutton, Frederick G.; Eaton, Cyrus S.; Reiter. Richard W.; Re, Edward P.; Galganowicz, J.
USSR; Hungary Under Soviet Rule III; Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Report, No. 24; Czechoslavakian Claim Fund-Hearings On S.3008-An Appeal To End The Occupation of Czechoslavakia, 1960
42 2
Eastern Europe -- Rumania, Yugoslavia
Burnbaum, Jacob; Kennan, George F.; Heffner, Richard D.; Mondale, Walter F.; Brooke, Edward W.; Lausche, Frank J.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Findley, Paul; Tito, Josip Broz
Conference On Security; Radio Free Europe; Rumania-Most Favored Nation; Yugoslavia; Knights of Columbus; Tito Visit, 1957; Claims Against Yugoslavia
42 3
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Salsbury, Harrison; Baker, Edgar R.; Zablocki, Clement J.; Nixon, Richard M.; Dillon, Douglas; Hughes, Thomas L.; Dutton, Frederick G.; Morgenthau, Hans J.
Sino-Soviet Foreign Aid Figures; Cultural, Technical, and Educational Exchange; H Con Res 633-Freedom for The "Captive Nations"; U-2 Flights; Executive Privilege; Morgenthau, Hans J., "The Last Years of Our Greatness", New Republic, December 29, 1958; Ni
"Failures of The Commnist Camp", State Department
42 4
Eastern Europe -- USSR - Visit of Nikita Khrushchev
Dodd, Thomas J.; Nixon, Richard M.
Foreign Relations; Soviet Union; Europe
42 5
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Eaton, Cyrus S.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Lausche, Frank J.; Cabell, Glen; Waldrop, Frank C.; Khrushchev, Nikita
Khrushchev Appearance Before The United Nations
42 6
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Hays, Brooks; Magnuson, Harry F.; Gavin, James M.; Khrushchev, Nikita; Bronfenbrenner, Urie
Khrushchev, Nikita Un Visit; Vienna Summit; Reprint of Khrushchev's Speech of January 6, 1961; Bronfenbrenner, Urie, "The Mirror Image In Soviet-American Relations"; Report On Exchanges With The Soviet Union and East Europe, Department of State
42 7
Eastern Europe -- USSR - Jewish Leadership
Dodd, Thomas J.; Brezhnev, Leonid I.; Kosygin, Aleksy; Day, Henry L.; Fulbright, J.W.
Brezhnev Biography; Kosygin Biography; "The Many Crisis of The Soviety Economy, US-S Committee Printing
42 8
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Kennan, George F.; Tunney, John V.; Case, Clifford P.; Day, Henry L.; Irwin, John N. III; Clark, Joseph S.
S.3127-Gravel Act; Jewish Immigration; USSR
"Detente: Shadow Or Substance", In Senate, August 19, 1974
42 9
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Buckley, James L.
Amnesty International
42 10
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Dobrynin, Anatoly F.; Sparkman, John J.; Meany, George
42 11
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Smirnov, Nikolay D.; Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander I.; Doctorow, Gilbert S.; Day, Henry L.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Nitze, Paul
Jewish Immigration; US-Soviet Military Balance; "Soviet Dynamics-Political, Economic, Military; "Securing The Seas: Soviet Naval Challenge"
42 12
Eastern Europe -- USSR
Marcy, Carl; Vashchenko, Peter; Vashchenko, Augustina ; Wallenberg, Raoul
Sale of Computer Technology To USSR; Vashchenko Family, Raoul Wallenberg
42 13
Eastern Europe -- USSR
"Case Histories of The Refusniks"
42 14
Western Europe
Platzer, Wilfried; Kriesky, Bruno; Gischnitzer, Franz; Scheyvan, Baron; Austro, Mark; Ramsbotham, Peter; Molloy, John J.; Streit, Clarence K.; Leifland, Leif; Wachtmeister, Wilhelm
Austria; Belgium; Finland; Great Britain; Ireland; Netherlands; Switzerland; Sweden; "Facts About Finland"; British Embassy Views of Prominent Americans In 1939;
42 15
Western Europe
Debre, Michel; Mansfield, Mike
Mansfield Amendment
43 1
Western Europe -- Berlin
Dodd, Thomas J.; Kennan, George F.; Mansfield, Mike
Chronological Summary, March-June, 1959
43 2
Western Europe -- Berlin
Mansfield, Mike; Fromm, Erich; Riesman, David; Warner, Fred Neal; Kennedy, John F.
"The Berlin Crisis", Reprint, President Kennedy's Televised Speech, Tuesday, July 25, 1961; Department of State-Background
1961 January-July
43 3
Western Europe -- Berlin
Bowles, Chester; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Hays, Brooks; Pell, Claiborne
The Berlin Crisis; H. Con. Res. 362-International Adjudication of Berlin Rights; Berlin Kit, Revised-Materials On The Berlin Crisis, Gathered By The Department of State
"Berlin and The West Berlin Elections", Broadcast In Idaho, August 6-12, 1961, Text of Radio-Television Transcript
1961 August-December; 1962
43 4
Western Europe -- Berlin
"Berlin Kit", Department of State
1961 June 27
43 5
Western Europe -- Common Market
Javits, Jacob K.; Kennan, George F.; Fulbright, J.W.; Glesinger, Egon; McCarthy, Terence; Day, Henry L.
43 6
Western Europe -- Cyprus
McCall-Judson, Allan; Keating, Kenneth B.; Allan, Robert M.
"Cyprus: The Problem In Perspective"
43 7
Western Europe -- Federal Republic of Germany
Coudenhove-Kelergi, Count Richard; Mansfield, Mike; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Berg, Rolf; Stone, Wm.T.
"German Rearmament" By Stone, Wm.T.
43 8
Western Europe -- France
Le Grande, Charles; Alphand, Herve; Bohlen, Charles; Symington, Stuart; Mitterand, Francois; Fecanuet, Jean; Giscard D'estaing, Valery
"Freedom and Union" By De Gaulle
43 9
Western Europe -- France
43 10
Western Europe -- German Democratic Republic
Ulbricht, Walter; Wright, Calvin E.
43 11
Western Europe -- Greece
Reuther, Victor G.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
43 12
Western Europe -- Italy
Pella, H.E. Giuseppe; Gardner, Richard N.; Luce, Clare Booth
"Italy After 100 Years", Foreign Affairs Press, January 1967;
43 13
Western Europe -- Spain
Alba, Jaime; Sparkman, John J.
Pact of Madrid-Revision
43 14
Western Europe -- Spain - Basques
Eiguren, Joe; Rovira, Juan Jose; Bieter, Pat
"Iberia for A Free Spain"
F.C. Insertions:"The Brave Spirt of The Basques", August 8, 1969; "The Proud Heritage of Idaho Basques", June 4, 1970
43 15
Western Europe -- Spain - Basques
Franco, Francisco
Franco Oppression of Basques; Spain
Speech:"The Basques Dancers", In Senate, July 1, 1976
43 16
Western Europe -- Turkey - Cyprus
Dimitriou, N.G.; Byrd, Robert C.; Christopher, Warren
44 1
North America -- Canada International Joint Commission
Magnuson, Warren G.; Mansfield, Mike; Murray, James E.
S.2594-Commissioners On The International Joint Commission Must Be Appointed By The President; S.2602-Commissioners of The International Joint Commission Must Be Appointed By The President; International Joint Commission
44 2
North America -- Canada
Pearson, Lester B.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Peterson, Avery F.; Hagen, Gradon; Wickberg, Ralph W.; Ritchie, A.E.; Smith, Sydney; Gravel, Mike; Towe, P.M.; Cadieux, Marcel
"Oil and Canada-U.S. Relations"; "Wheat Surpluses and Canada-U.S. Relations"; Senate Debate
44 3
North America -- Canada
Abshire, David M.; Head, Ivan L.; Dickey, Sloan John; Hollings, Ernest F.; Kuhl, Arthur; Lamoureux, Lucien; Cadieux, Marcel
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary; S.Con.Res.14-Urging Canadian Govt. To Reassess Policy of Permitting Killing of Newborn Harp Seals, 1977
1971-1973; 1979
44 4
South America
Morse, Wayne; Armstrong, Hamilton Fish; Pearson, Drew; Nuveen, John; Fulbright, J.W.; Gray, William P.
Panama Canal; S.3058 Mutual Security Act; Arms Sales; Interamerican Congress of Working Newspaper Organizations; "Commodity Problems In Latin America"; US Aid and Latin America
"An Interamerican Police Force: Will It Work?"
44 5
South America
Chile; Chilean Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program; Interamerican Program for Social Justice
44 6
South America
Frei, Eduardo
44 7
South America
Mansfield, Mike; Nolte, Richard H.; Gierrity, E.J.; Mora, Jose A.
Oas Punta Del Este; Alliance for Progress, Pan American Union
44 8
South America
Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Moscoso, Teodoro; Gruening, Ernest; Dutton, Frederick G.; Guggenhiem, Harry F.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hodges, Luther H.
Alliance for Progress
44 9
South America
Rockefeller, David; Grace, Peter
Subcommittee On Interamerican Relations; Alliance for Progress
44 10
South America
Quijano, Raul A.; Tinoco, Luis Demetrio
S.2347 Foreign Assistance Act of 1969; Alliance for Progress
"The Latin American Challenge" Senate, March 24, 1969
1969 January-May
44 11
South America
Grace, Peter; Plaza, Galo; Fox, John M.
"Toward A Strategy of Interamerican Development"
1969 June-August
44 12
South America
Seldman, Benjamin; Elbrick, C. Brook; Ramirez, Hernando; Sparkman, John J.; Greene, James R.; Fascell, Dante B.; Mercado, Jose Benchimol; Door, Thomas J.; Evens, John K.
Ditribution of Wealth; Overseas Private Investment Corp.; Social Progress
1969 September-December
44 13
South America
Mcbride, Robert H.
Economic and Military Aid
1969 December
45 1
South America
Porreco, Rocco E.; Cochrane, James D.; Payne, James L.; Poats, Rutherford M.; Ferguson, Yale H.; Manning, Bob M.; Gearings, Rocky
Chronicle of Organization of American States
"Toward A New Policy In Latin America", Chronicle of The O.A.S.
1969 January-May
45 2
South America
Hannah, John A.; Day, Henry L.; Brothers, Dwight S.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Herrera, Felipe; Gruening, Ernest; Fulbright, J.W.; Linowitz, Sol M.; Sloan, John W.; Glade, William; Caldera, Rafael; Morris, David; Wheaton, Philip
Agency for International Development; Morris, David and Philip Wheaton, "Questions About Latin American Policy: A Reply To Senator Frank Church"
1969 June-September
45 3
South America
Skacel, Milan B.; Prichard, Philip; Pescatello, Ann; Cunneen, Joseph; Cubas, Jose De; Jova, Joseph John; Mecham, L. Ralph; Sloan, John W.; Bayh, Birch
Amdean Common Market; Convention of Terrorism
45 4
South America
Wallender, Harvey W. III; Boesen, Richard N.
Foreign Relations; Latin America
"The Other Twenty Americas Today", Berkeley Lecture; "Latin America-Long Time Loser", Berkeley Lecture
45 5
South America
Clark, Ross A.; Kaplan, Stephen S.; Linowitz, Sol M.
Foreign Relations
45 6
South America
Ortiz Mena, Antonio; Fritzsche, A. Keith; Velez, Fernando; Housley, John B.
Housley, John B., "After Chile: The US and Latin America"
45 7
South America
Skacel, Milan B.
Foreign Relations
45 8
South America
The World Bank In Latin America; Publications
1960; 1969; 1977
45 9
South America -- Argentina
Barrenechea, Norberto; Levine, Laurence; Vance, Cyrus R.; Kaplan, Marcos
Jehovahs Witness; Background Information On Government Actions Against Swift, "Argentina Under Peron"
45 10
South America -- Bolivia
Fulbright, J.W.; Boeker, Paul H.
Report: "Bolivia--An Assessment of The U.S. Policies and Programs"
45 11
South America -- Brazil
Green, Harold S.
Amnesty International; Terror and Torture; Report:"Survey of The Brazilian Economy, 1960"
45 12
South America -- Brazil
Clark, Bronson P.; Ferguson, Yale H.; Leddy, Raymond J.
Amnesty International; Torture, Terror, and Civil Rights; American Friends Service Committee
45 13
South America -- Brazil
Torture Hearings
45 14
South America -- Brazil
Wexler, Haskell
Manuscript Accounts of Torture Etc.
45 15
South America -- Brazil
Rodgers, William P.; Silveira, Enio; Abshire, David M.
Torture Hearings; Opening Statement for The Subcommittee Hearings
46 1
South America -- Chile
Ibanec, Pedro; Valenzuela, Arturo; Petras, John E.; Laporte, Robert
U.S. Visit of Chilean Congresswomen; Anaconda Company; Exclusion of Chile From U.S. Aid Programs; Report: U.S. Response To Economic Nationalism In Chile
46 2
South America -- Chile
Petition Calling for Opposition To U.S. Policy
1973 May
46 3
South America -- Chile
Heitman, Walter; Silva, Erich Schnake; Trucco, Manuel
Legal System and The Protection of Civil Rights; Amnesty International; National Coordinating Center In Solidarity With Chile
Speech:"In The Aftermath of The Chilean Affair"
1974 May
46 4
South America -- Chile
1975 September-1979
46 5
South America -- Columbia, Costa Rica
46 6
South America -- Cuba
Francis, Jesse E.; Bonsal, Philip W.; Carlton, W.F.
"Charco Redondo Mine"; Expropriated Estate of W.F. Carlton
46 7
South America -- Cuba
Morse, Wayne; Castro Ruz, Fidel
Report:"Why We Fight" By Fidel Castro
46 8
South America -- Cuba
Lippmann, Walter; Cleveland, Harlan
Background-L.R.S.-Cuba Guantanamo; Tractors for Freedom; Report: "Cuba and Batista"
46 9
South America -- Cuba
Selected Chronology On Cuba and Castro; Tractors for Freedom
1961 June-October
46 10
South America -- Cuba
Dutton, Frederick G.; Rusk, Dean; Day, Henry L.; Smathers, George A.
"Castro Regime In Cuba" Department of State; Cuban Revolutionary Council
46 11
South America -- Cuba
Day, Henry L.; Gonzalez, Henry B.
Source Material-Department of State; O.A.S. Special Consultative Committee Against Communism; Guantanamo Inspection Tour; Committee Reports and Hearings; Cuba
1962 September
46 12
South America -- Cuba
Fulbright, J.W.; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Betancourt, Romulo; De Varona, Manuel A.; Marsh, John O.; Biemiller, Andrew J.
U.N. Assistance To Cuba; U.N. Special Funds; U.N.-Cuban Farms; "New Alignments of The 88th Congress"
Church Statement On The U.S. Quarantine of Cuba
1963 January-March
46 13
South America -- Cuba
Dutton, Frederick G.; Sargent, Dwight T.; Rusk, Dean
United Nations Aid To Cuba; C.B.S. Radio Appearance April 4, 1963; Chayes, Abram "Law and The Quarantine of Cuba" Foreign Affairs April, 1963
47 1
South America -- Cuba
Dodd, Thomas J.; Fulbright, J.W.; Hoff, Harvey D.; Small, Milton; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Bethel, Paul D.
Bethel, Paul D. "The Havana Conference" The Reporter March 24, 1966
"The Korean Paralysis" The Nation April 6, 1964
47 2
South America -- Cuba
Tretiak, Daniel; Fascell, Todd; Kennedy, Edward M.; Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Kenneth "Aid and Alienation"; Tretiak, Daniel "Cuban Relations With The Communist System"
47 3
South America -- Cuba
Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Roa, Raul
Church's Cuban Visit; Immigration
47 4
South America -- Cuba
Dole, Robert; Solarz, Stephen; Fascell, Dante B.
47 5
South America -- Cuba
47 6
South America -- Cuba
47 7
South America -- Dominican Republic, Haiti
Marcy, Carl; Dungan, Ralph A.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Bundy, McGeorge; Javits, Jacob K.; Fulbright, J.W.; Duvalier, Francois; Reasoner, Harry
"The Reasoner Report"
47 8
South America -- Ecuador, El Salvador
S.Res--To Protect The Tunas and Other Species In The Eastern Tropical Pacific; NACLA Report
47 9
South America -- Guatemala
Bertrand, Ernesto Viteri; Behrhorst, Caroll; Pinkerton, Lawrence; Rosenfeld, Joshua
Amnesty International; Belize
47 10
South America -- Guyana - Jim Jones People's Temple
Dodd, Thomas J.
1962; 1978
47 11
South America -- Honduras, Jamaica
Becker, Ralph E.; Mathews, Wade B.
Kaiser Bauxite
1969; 1974; 1977-1978
47 12
South America -- Mexico
Mateos, Adolfo Lopez; Arroyo, Luna Antonio; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Foreign Aid; Mexico Visit By Frank Church; Centennial; Sesquicentennial; North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement (Narba)
47 13
South America -- Mexico
Margain, Hugo B.; Ruiz, Carlos A.; Serrano, Jose H.; Fenster, Leo; Cloherty, William M.; Echeverria, Luis; Marroquin, Hector; Tunney, John V.
Lower Rio Grande Water Quality; Morillo Drain Diversion Canal; Alliance of National Workers of Mexico In The U.S.; International Boundary and Water Commission; "Interparliamentary Group Report"
47 14
South America -- Mexico
Olympic Games
47 15
South America -- Nicaragua
47 16
South America -- Panama
St. Malo, Carlos; Pippin, Larry L.
Pippin, Larry L. "The Ramon Era" Hispanic American Report"; Panama
47 17
South America -- Panama
Proposed Sea Level Canal; Flying Panamanian Flag Alongside U.S. Flag and H.Con. Res. 105; U.S. Interests In The Canal and Area
1964; 1966; 1970
48 1
South America -- Panama/Boise Cascade
Hansberger, Robert V.
Panama Power and Light
48 2
South America -- Panama
Treaties; Panama Canal Treaty; Trips-Panama, January 15-18, 1978; Panama Canal In Pictures
48 3
South America -- Paraguay
Stroessner, Alfredo; George, Bruce; Arens, Richard
Human Rights; Forest Indians; Arens, Richard, "Death Camps In Paraguay", Inquiry, January 2, 1978
48 4
South America -- Peru
Eccles, Marriner S.; Conrad, William W.; Morse, F. Bradford; O'leary, Jeremiah; Fulbright, J.W.; Petras, James; Rimensnyder, Nelson
200 Mile Sea Limit-Fishing; Hickenlooper Amendment; International Petroleum Company; Land Reform; Cyprus Mines; Marcona Corporation; Announcement of Subcommittee Hearings On US-Peru Relations; The Military and Modernization of Peru; Subcommittee Hearings
48 5
South America -- Peru
Dew, Edward; Powelson, John P.; Bowler, Robin; Loring, David C.
Arms Sales; Powelson, John P., "US Policy Toward Peru"; Loring, David C., "The US-Peru Fisheries Dispute", Stanford Law Review, February 7, 1971
"Hickenlooper Amendment Should Be Modified", A Statement, May 28, 1970
48 6
South America -- Puerto Rico
Jackson, Henry M.; Munoz Marin, Luis; Cordova, Jorge L.; Hernandez- Colon, Rafael; Nogueras, Nicolas; Ferre, Maurice; Romero-Barcelo, Carlos; Corrada, Baltasar; Diaz, Reinaldo Paniagua
Statehood; Independence; "Puerto Rico and The World Community", A Lecture Series By The Hon. Rafael Hernandez-Colon
48 7
South America -- Uruguay
Inouye, Daniel K.; Bennet, Douglas J., Jr.
Amnesty International
48 8
South America -- Venezuela
Betancourt, Romulo; Jiminez, Perez; Pearson, Drew; Hurd, John; Perez La Salvia, Hugo; Caldera, Rafael; Hammer, Armand; Hannah, John A.
"The Wrong Man for Venezuela", A Statement
48 9
South America -- Publications
48 10
South America -- Panama Canal
Chavez, Dennis; Flood, Daniel; Day, Henry L.; Martin, Henry S.; De La Ossa, Jose Antonio; Mcbirnie, W.S.
Maps; Panama Canal Company Annual Report, 1956; Mcbirnie, W. S., "The Coming Theft of The Panama Canal"
48 11
South America -- Panama Canal
Thurmond, Strom; Linowitz, Sol M.
Panama's Position
48 12
South America -- Panama Canal
McGee, Gale; McCloskey, Robert J.; Bunker, Ellsworth; Valdes, Eduardo
Council On Foreign Relations; Valdes, Eduardo, "The Roots of The Problem"
48 13
South America -- Panama Canal
"Don't Give Away My Canal"
48 14
South America -- Panama Canal
Geyelin, Henry R.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Nitze, Paul; Fraser, Douglas; Zumwalt, Elmo R., Jr.; McGee, Gale; Jordan, Len B.; Brown, George S.; Stratton, Samuel S.
Foreign Relations; South America
48 15
South America -- Panama Canal
Sparkman, John J.; Marti, Thomas J.; Gutierrez, Leo; Herlihy, James P.; Slosberg, William J.; Langford, Carl J.
The Panama Canal Spillway, July 29, 1977; Panama Canal Review, Winter, 1977; Panama Canal Review, Special Edition
1978 January-February
49 1
South America -- Panama Canal
Morris, C. Gordon
The Idaho Legislature; National Labor Relations Act Amendments S.1883
1978 March
49 2
South America -- Panama Canal
Byrd, Robert C.
1978 April
49 3
South America -- Panama Canal
Knight, Gladys
Encyclopedia Americana
1978 May
49 4
South America -- Panama Canal
Helms, Jesse; Christopher, Warren
1978 June
49 5
South America -- Panama Canal
Foreign Relations; South America
1978 July-December
49 6
South America -- Panama Canal
South America; Foreign Relations
49 7
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Percy, Charles H.; Linowitz, Sol M.
Panama 1964; Sol Linowitz As Negotiator In Treaty Talks
49 8
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
49 9
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
49 10
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
49 11
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Soviet Combat Troops In Cuba
1979 November-December; 1980
49 12
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
"The Panama Canal Treaties: A Diplomacy of Change, A Politics of Justice", In Senate, February 10, 1978; "Idahoans and The Panama Treaties", In Senate, March 2, 1978; "Facts On Panama", In Senate, March 8, 1978
49 12
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Mailing List
49 13
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Mailing List
49 14
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
49 15
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Printed Material; Fliers; Pamphlets
1964; 1976-1978
50 1
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Linowitz, Sol M.
50 2
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 3
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 4
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 5
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 6
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 7
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 8
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 9
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
South America; Foreign Relations
50 10
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
1977 0
50 11
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 12
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
50 13
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
51 1
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
51 2
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
South America; Foreign Relations
51 3
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
51 4
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
51 5
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
Foreign Relations; South America
51 6
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
51 7
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
1978 0
51 8
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
1978 1
51 9
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
1978 2
51 10
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
News Clippings
51 11
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties
South America -- Panama Canal Treaties - Petitions and Post Cards
Post Cards and Petitions; Eastern Idaho; Southwest Idaho; Northern Idaho; California
53 1
Middle East
Douglas, Paul H.; Javits, Jacob K.; Fulbright, J.W.; Reuss, Henry S.; Porter, Charles O.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Kuchel, Thomas H.; Zahedi, Ardeshir; Ahmed, G.
S.J.Res. 19-To Authorize The President To Undertake Economic and Military Cooperation With Nations In The General Area of The Middle East In Order To Assist In The Strengthening and Defense of Their Independence; Questions for Mr. Rostow; Suez Canal; Ara
53 2
Middle East
Murphy, George
Subsidizing Sales of French Jets To Jordan; Suez Cannal; Sale of Phantom Jet Fighters To Israel-Senate Resolution; "Hard Questions & Answers On The Middle East", American Jewish Congress; "Iranian-American Economic Survey 1967", Manhattan Publishing Comp
53 3
Middle East
Foreign Relations
53 4
Middle East
Cranston, Alan
Arab Refugees
53 5
Middle East
Sharaf, Abdul Hamid; Rabin, Yitzhak; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Case, Clifford P.
Arab-Israeli Conflict U.S. Intervention; Sales of Jets To Israel
53 7
Middle East
Foreign Relations
53 8
Middle East
Asper, I.H.; Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques; Javits, Jacob K.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Dinitz, Simcha
Arab Oil Embargo; Arab Pipeline Loan; Nuclear Proliferation; Cyprus-U.S. Aid To Turkey; Palestine Liberation Organization
"Prohibiting Nuclear Assistance", Senate Floor, June 20 1974
53 9
Middle East
Hatfield, Mark O.; Barnett, Frank R.
Mideast War; Aid To Syria; "Seven Tracks To Peace In The Middle East" National Strategy Information Center, 1975
1975 January-April
53 10
Middle East
Foreign Relations; Israel
Speech:"Israel: American Principles and Economic Coercion", New York Hilton, United Jewish Appeal, May 8 1975
1975 May-June
53 11
Middle East
Salah, Abdullah; Hussein Ibn Talol, King of Jordan
The Gallup Opinion Index, "The Public's Mid-East Policy...", February 1975
"Statement By Frank Church Concerning The Sinai Agreements" September 23, 1975
1975 July-September
53 12
Middle East
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
The Arab Embargo:Two Years Later; Federal Energy Administration October 20, 1975; House of Rep. Report No. 94-532: "To Implement The United States Proposal for The Early-Warning System In The Sinai"
Speech: "Israel: Policy & Principle", Before B'naib'rith Anti-Defamation League, December 7, 1975
1975 October- December
53 13
Middle East
Zahedi, Ardeshir; Dobler, Norma
Idaho Trade Mission To Iran
"Israel: Twenty-Nine Years of Independence A Celebration of Life", Washington DC, April 25, 1977
53 14
Middle East
Jackson, Colin
Sale of F-15 Fighters To Saudi Arabia
1978 January-February
53 15
Middle East
Al Faisal, Prince Turki; Javits, Jacob K.
Sale of F-15 Fighters To Saudi Arabia; Arab-Israeli Peace Settlement
1978 March-April
53 16
Middle East
Foreign Relations
1978 April
53 17
Middle East
Lipshutz, Robert J.
Military Sales To The Middle East; Vulnerability of Israel; F.C. "Face The Nation" Appearance
1978 May
53 18
Middle East
Alireza, Ali A.
Arms To The Middle East; Jet Fighters To Saudi Arabia; Vulnerability of Israel
1978 May
54 1
Middle East
Middle East Peace Negotiations; Sales of Arms and F-15 Jet Fighters To Saudi Arabia and Egypt; Vulnerability of Israel
1978 May
54 2
Middle East
Middle East Peace Process; Arms Sales To The Middle East; F-15 Jet Fighter Sales To Saudi Arabia; F-5e Fighter Sales To Egypt; Vulnerability of Israel
1978 May
54 3
Middle East
Carter, Jimmy; Begin, Menachem; Sadat, Anwar
Camp David Peace Process; Arms Sales To The Middle East; Copies of Letters Between Carter, Begin, and Sadat; Lebanon
1978 June-September
54 4
Middle East
Christopher, Warren; Moore, Frank; Alireza, Ali A.; Salah, Abdullah; Hassan, Crown Prince of Jordan; Rafiah, Zvi
Christian Refugees In Lebanon; Camp David Peace Accords; Lebanon; Israel; Iran; Interview of F.C. By "Le Matin", Paris, September 16, 1978 (In French)
1978 October-December
54 5
Middle East
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Lewis, Samuel W.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.
Iranian Students In U.S.; Israel; U.S. Paying Costs of Peace Treaty; Foreign Aid To Middle East
Florida Speech On Camp David Accords
1979 January-August
54 6
Middle East
Hansen, George V.; Togo, Fumihiko; Jackson, Henry M.
American Citizens Working In Saudi Arabia; Destruction of Bahais' Religious Shrines In Iran; Closure of P.L.O. Offices In U.S.; U.S. Hostages In Iran
1979 August-December
54 7
Middle East
Hansen, George V.; Sali, Gregory
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan; Iran Hostages; Oil Resources In Persian Gulf; Olympic Games Boycott; Iran Assets In U.S.
Introduction of S.2581 and S.2582-Relief Benefits To U.S. Hostages In Iran and Colombia. In Senate April 17, 1980
1980 January-April
54 8
Middle East
McMurren, W.H.
U.S. Hostages In Iran; Iranian Assets In U.S.
1980 May-June
3: Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
This committee assignment was one Church desired because the Senator felt that participation on it would help him to be of service to his constituents in Idaho. These committee files contain a broad range of topics such as water resources, gold mining, reclamation projects, rock collecting and outdoor recreation. Specific areas covered are Pacific Trust Territories, Indiana Dunes, Lower Colorado Basin Project, Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Redwood National Park. Other issues are grazing fees on public lands, Golden Eagle Passport, various Snake River projects, wilderness preservation, Alaskan Native Land Claims, firing of Walter J. Hickel, clear-cutting of timber, wild horses and burros, geothermal resources, deep water ports, fuels and energy, parks, surface mining, water marketing, Virgin Islands, Guam, and Teton Dam failure. In 1977 this committee was renamed the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
Box Folder
1 1
H.R.2073-Certain Submerged Lands Within Jurisdiction of Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa; S.1111-Water Resources Planning Act of 1963- Including Hearing Print; S.2125-Revitalize American Gold Mining Industry- Including Report; S.1685-Cancel Irr
1 1
Neuberger, Richard L.
H.R.839; H.R.816; H.R.7690; H.R.8587; S.1352; S.1889; S.1485; S.2156; S.2485; S.2565; Indian Affairs
1 1
Jackson, Henry M.; Douglas, Paul H.; Gruening, Ernest
S.227-Construct, Operate, Maintain Oneida Division, Bear River Reclamation Project, Idaho; Rock Collecting By Hobbyists In Relation To Proposed Wilderness Bill; Hearing Reprint On S.20-Outdoor Recreation Act of 1963; S.859-Land and Water Conservation Fun
1 2
Moss, Frank E.; Hart, Philip A.; Paiewonsky, Ralph M.
Interests In Waters of Certain Streams-S.1275; H.R.1988-Settlement of Claims of Pacific Trust Territories; H.R.3198-Promote Economic and Social Development of Pacific Trust Territories; H.R.9628-Lower Colorado River Agricultural Lands Act of 1964
Speech On The Virgin Islands and Governor, Ralph Paiewonsky, In Senate, February 13, 1964
1 2
Indian Affairs; Publications
1 3
Brewster, Daniel B.; Muskie, Edmund S.; McGovern, George; Proxmire, William; Randolph, Jennings; Gruening, Ernest; Clark, Joseph S.; Tower, John G.; Simpson, Milward L.; Harris, Fred R.; Case, Clifford P.; Bible, Alan; Douglas, Paul H.; Dirksen, Everett
S.-Establish Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia; List of 17 Bills Co-Sponsored By Church During 88th, 1st Session; S.-To Extend The Voluntary Wheat Certificate Plan; S.252-To End Senate Confirmation of Postmasters; S.-To C
1 3
S.-To Provide Humane Treatment for Experimental Animals; S.360- Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; S.24-Saune Water Conversion; S.32- Southern Nevada Water Project; Concern Over Possible Restrictions On Rock Collecting; H.R.4671-Lower Colorado River Basi
1 3
Milligan, Edward A.; Locke, Robert A.; Hart, Philip A.
Indian Affairs; S.2307; S.2456; S.2877; S.2878; S.2804; S.2962; S.3266; S.3265; H.R.24; H.R.6136; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
1960 January-May
1 4
Barnes, E.K.; Clifford, Jack; Jackson, Henry M.
Agenda for Executive Session, June 10, 1965; Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan-S.936; Grays Lake Wildlife Refuge, Idaho; Lower Colorado Basin Project/Marble Gorge Dam; Phase Out of Private Cabin Permits In
1 4
H.R.2091-Concession Policies In National Parks
1 4
Javits, Jacob K.; Gruening, Ernest; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Garry, Joseph R.
Indian Affairs; H.R.11813-Act To Amend The Menominee Termination Act With Related Correspondence
1960 June-December
1 5
Jackson, Henry M.; Kirwan, John J.; Cramer, Robert P.
Naval Properties, Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands
1 5
Grignon, Jerome A.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Gruening, Ernest
Indian Affairs; S.1924-Amend Act of August 27, 1954 With Respect To Uintah and Ouray Reservations In Utah; S.201-Donate To Zuni Tribe Approximately 1, 610 Acres Federal Land; S.322-Make Funds Available To Nez Perce Tribe; S.1768-Provide for Restoration T
1961 January-June
1 5
S.1208-Amend 86-506, Approved June 11, 1960; S.1309-Authorize Confederated Tribes, Warm Springs To Acquire Land Within Reservation; S.1719-Amend Title 23 US Code-Reservation Roads; H.R.2195-Convey Lands of Pala Band To Diocese of San Diego Edu
1961 January-June
1 5
Bourgonnais, Anthony
H.R.4500-Donate To Heirs of Anthony Bourgonnais Approximately 36/100 Acre In Pottawatomie County, OK
1961 January-June
1 6
Valk, Garry; Mundt, Karl E.; Wright, Melvin B.; Tuller, C.M.; Pershing, John J.
S.602-Amend Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956; Lower Colorado Basin Project/Marble Gorge Dam; Redwood National Park-S.2962; Colville Termination Bill; S.J.Res.116-Develop Pennsylvania Avenue As A National Historic Site; S.2338-Erect Memorial To Gen.
1 6
S.1055/H.R.2600-Acquire and Preserve Ansley Wilcox House, Buffalo, NY As National Historic Site; S.3295-To Establish Sawtooth National Recreation Area, ID
1 6
Carver, John A., Jr.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Moss, Frank E.
Initial Hearings On Constitutional Rights of The American Indian, August 29-September 1, 1961; Correspondence On H.R.4130-Menominee Termination; H.R.8236/S.2123-Funds From Judgements In Favor of Confederated Tribes of Colville Reservation; H.R.567-Longer
1961 July-December
1 6
H.R.3575-Longer Term Leases On Dania Reservation, FL
1961 July-December
1 7
Tunney, John V.; Gruening, Ernest; Carver, Terrell O.; Buxton, O.J.; Jackson, Henry M.
Redwood National Park, CA; S.1607-Increase Appropriations for Point Reyes National Seashore, CA; S.250-Establish Oregon Dunes National Seashore; Colrado River Basin Project Act/Grand Canyon Dams; Tualatin Federal Reclamation Project, Oregon; Oregon Dunes
1 7
Watkins, Arthur V.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Allott, Gordon; Bennett, Wallace F.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Mechem, Edwin L.; Carver, John A., Jr.
S.3250/H.R.11590-Disposition of Judgement Funds, Cherokees, OK; H.R.12355-Disposition of Property, Choctaw Tribe; H.R.5144/H.R.5156-Big Bend Dam and Reservoir Project; S.3178-Loans To Finance Testimony of Expert Witnesses Before Indian Claims Commission
1 7
Correspondence Dealing With Various Irrigation and Other Water Projects, Navajo Project; Review of The 49 Indian Bills Enacted Or Passed During 1961-1962, 87th Congress; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
1 8
Jackson, Henry M.
Mary Minerva McCroskey State Park; S.270-Construction and Operation of A Large Prototype Desalting Plant In California; S.J.Res.18-Develop Pennsylvania Avenue As National Historic Site; S.827-Establish A National System of Trails; S.1004-Central Arizona
1 8
Burnette, Robert; Pierre, George; Edmondson, J. Howard
S.48-To Amend Indian Long Term Leasing Act; S.50-Authorize Sec. of Interior To Make Loans To Finance Testimony of Expert Witnesses Before Indian Claims Commission; S.912-Settlement Agreement for Navajos To Execute Oil and Gas Leases; H.R.2635-Amend Act O
1963 January-July
1 8
S.1564-Correct Land Discription Act, 87-828: 76 Stat. 954; S.1582- Amend Act, 68 Stat. 1026-Michaud Flats Irrigation Project; S.1685-Cancel Irrigation Charges Against Non-Indian Owned Lands, Wind River Irrigation Project, Wy; H.R.5883-See S.1564; H.R.6
1963 January-July
1 9
Legislative Notebook/Analysis; S.1004/H.R.3300-Central Arizona Project; Report of The Magruder Corridor Review Committee
1 9
Nelson, Gaylord; Metcalf, Lee; McGovern, George; Mansfield, Mike; Jackson, Henry M.
S.2139-Disposition of Judgment Funds To Kootenai Tribe, Idaho; S.156-Membership In Indian Tribal Organizations; S.1565-Amend Act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stat. 857: 25 U.S.C. 406, 407) Sale of Indian Timber; H.R.2635-Amend Act of August 9, 1955 To Exclude Ft
1963 August-December
1 9
S.140-Government Harvesting of Indian Timber; S.1718-Amend Law With Respect To Trade With Indians; H.R.844-Land In Trust for Oglala Sioux Tribe of Pine Ridge Reservation; H.R.845-See H.R.844; H.R.6496-Lands In Trust for Cherokee Tribe, OK; H.R.2905-Donat
1963 August-December
1 9
S.410-Receive Property From Devils Lake Sioux Tribe, Ft. Totten Reservation, Nd; S, 1425-Lands In Trust To Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, White Earth Reservation; S.1452-Donate Lands To Stockbridge-Munsee Community (Reservation); H.R.1713-Cancel Irrigation Cha
1963 August-December
1 10
Bartlett, E.L.
S.3343-Designate Lands In Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL, As Wilderness; H.R.3300-Colorado River Basin Project; S.-Water Quality Improvement Act of 1968
1 10
Kennedy, Edward M.; Taylor, Walter; Case, Clifford P.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Clark, Joseph S.; Pitts, Paul; Garry, Joseph R.; Mundt, Karl E.
S.2961-Disposition of Funds From Judgement To N. Cheyenne Tribe, Tongue River Reservation, Montana; H.R.7215-Convey Lands for Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians and Absentee-Shawnee Tribe, Oklahoma; H.R.6496-Convey Lands To Cherokee Tribe, Oklahoma; H.R.
1 10
S.3035-Disposition of Funds From Judgement To Red Lake Band, Chippewa Indians; S.3079-Disposition of Judgement Funds, Quinaielt Tribe; S.3114-Assess Lands Lummi Diking Project, Washington; Correspondence Re Seneca Indians/Kinzua Dam Project; S.2482-Dispo
1 10
S.2532-Administration of Pribilof Island, Alaska, To Provide for Self-Sufficiency of Inhabitants; S.2608-Disposition of Funds of Lower Pend D'oreille Or Kalispel Tribe; H.R1794-Acquisition and Payment for Easement and Rights-of-Way, Allegany Reservation,
1 10
S.2752-Convey 19 Acres White Earth Reservation, Federal Land To Minnesota Methodist Church; H.R.7833-Amend 72 Stat. 619, August 18, 1958, Distribution of Land and Assets In Certain California Reservations; S.2811-Declare 80 Acres Acquired for Flandreau B
1 10
H.R.5837-Amend Act of July 28, 1955, Purchase, Sale, Exchange Yakima Reservation; S.1531-Increase Appropriations for Irrigation and Power, Flathead Project, Montana; S.2829-Disposition of Funds From Judgement To Nehalem and Tillamook Bands; S.2753-Dispos
1 10
S.2027-Disposition of Funds From Judgement To Snake Or Apiute Indians Formerly of Malheur Reservation, Oregon; S.2210-Exchange of Lands, SALT River Pima-Maricopa Reservation; H.R.1713-Cancel Charges Non-Indian Owned Land, Klamath Irrigation Project, Oreg
1 11
Burdick, Quentin N.; Jackson, Henry M.
Area E and The Magruder Corridor/Upper Selway River; Grazing Fees On Public Lands; Southwestern Idaho Water Development Project; Dworshak Dam; S.853-Sawtooth National Recreation Bill; Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; Asotin Dam, Idaho; National Parks Golden E
1 11
S.1076-To Establish A Youth Conservation Corps; Mining Development In White Cloud Mountains, Idaho; S.1830-Settlement of Land Claims of Alaska Natives; Proposed Forest Service Road From Canyon Ranger Station To Collins Creek, ID
1 11
Garry, Joseph R.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Hartke, Vance
Agenda, Executive Session, March 22, 1972
1965; 1966; 1972
1 12
Stevens, Ted; Gravel, Mike
Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956; White Cloud/Sawtooth National Recreation Area, ID; Middle Snake River, ID-S.940 Moratorium Bill; Golden Eagle Passport; S.1830-Alaska Native Land Claims Bill; S.2072- Differentiate Between Private and Public Owner
"Amendment To Sawtooth Recreation Area Bill", In Senate, July 2, 1969; "Introductory Statement for Quiet Title Suit Legislation", Memorandum To Stewart French
1 12
H.R.11609-Amend Authorization for Entrance Road To Great Smoky Mountains National Park
1 13
Lee, Robert R.
S.1830-Alaska Native Land Claims Bill; Dams In Hell's Canyon of Middle Snake River, ID; Classification of Middle Fork, Salmon Under Wild and Scenic Rivers Act; Trans Alaska Pipeline System
1 14
Anderson, Clinton P.; McGee, Gale; Stevens, Ted; Russell, Fred J.
Middle Fork of The Salmon River, ID; Upper Snake River Project, ID; Middle Fork/Snake River Bill-10 Year Moratorium New Dams-S.940; S.1530- Point Reyes National Seashore, CA; Anadromous Fish Conservation Act-S.2396; Grazing Fees and Rights; Greenacr
1 14
Golden Eagle Pass-S.2315; Salmon/Priest Wilderness Area; Expansion of Craters of The Moon National Monument; Alaska Native Land Claims; Amend Water Resources Planning Act-S.3354
2 1
Jackson, Henry M.; Robison, W.L.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Stevens, Ted; Harris, Fred R.
Salmon Falls Project, ID-S.3709; Alaskan Native Land Claims; S.1732-Designate A Portion of Craters of The Moon National Monument As Wilderness; S.3428-East Greenacres Unit, Rathdrum Prairie Project, ID; Sawtooth National Recreation Area/White Cloud Mount
2 1
Yarborough, Ralph W.
S.2062-Differentiate Between Private and Public Ownership of Lands, Acreage Limitations, Reclamation Law; Craters of The Moon National Monument/ Wilderness Preservation System; Publication, Big Thicket Bibliography, Sent To Frank Church From Sen. Ralph
2 2
Cranston, Alan; Hart, Philip A.; Hansen, Clifford P.
S.3547-Construct Narrows Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Co; Minum River Canyon/National Wilderness Sytem-S.1142; Pacific N.W. Salmon and Steelhead Runs On Columbia and Snake Rivers; Sawtooth Mountain National Park, ID-S.4212; S.3354-Amend Water Reso
Introduction of S.3790-Construct Salmon Falls Division, Upper Snake River Project, ID
2 3
Harris, Fred R.; Kennedy, Edward M.; McGovern, George; Anderson, Clinton P.; Mathews, William L.; Amidon, G.B.; Nixon, Richard M.; Hickel, Walter J.
H.R.471-Amend Section 4 of Act of May 31, 1933 (48 Stat.108); Saint Anthony/Omitted Lands-Blm; Sawtooth National Park and Recreation Area; Firing By President Nixon of Walter J. Hickel As Secretary of The Interior
2 4
Mansfield, Mike
S.J.Res.207-To Establish A Joint Committee On The Environment
2 5
Osborn, Elburt F.
Pollution Free Production of Electrical Energy From Low-Grade Coal; Magnetohydrodynamics (Mhd), Part 2; S.4092-Establish A Commission On Fuels and Energy; S.3505-Amend The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act; The Nomination of Dr. Elburt F. Osborn
2 6
S.-Indian Education Act; S.-To Restore The Golden Eagle Passport Program; S.1407-Establish The Sawtooth National Recreation Area...; S.- Amend 74 Stat. 220 Relating To Preservation of Historical and Archeological Data
2 6
Moss, Frank E.; Packwood, Bob; Kennedy, Edward M.; Allott, Gordon; Jackson, Henry M.
S.Res.45-To Study National Fuels and Energy Policy; Hearings On Management Practices of Public Lands; Magruder Corridor/Upper Selway; East Greenacres Unit of Rathdrum Prairie Project; Sawtooth Recreation Area/White Clouds, ID; Grazing Fees On Public Land
"The 1971 Sawtooth/White Cloud Bill", March 30, 1971; "Omitted Lands Amendments Act of 1971", Introduction of S.721, February 10, 1971
2 7
Ellender, Allen J.; Jackson, Henry M.; Haight, Lloyd E.; Conley, Clare; Sparkman, John J.; Metcalf, Lee; Johnson, Luvern
Management Practices of Public Lands; S.1571-Settlement of Land Claims of Alaska Natives; S.721-To Amend Omitted Lands Act; Forest Clearcutting Practices; S.1407-Sawtooth National Recreation Area Bill; Hearings-Salmon Falls Division; Wild Horses and Burr
2 8
Golden Eagle Passports
2 9
McGee, Gale; Packwood, Bob; Jordan, Len B.; Griffin, Robert P.; Jackson, Larry; Jackson, Henry M.
Timber Clearcutting On Federal Lands-S.1592 and Public Hearings; Golden Eagle Passport Program; S.1116-Protection of Wild Horses and Burros On Public Lands; Salmon Falls Division-Upper Snake Project; Upper Selway Wilderness Bill-S.2390/Magruder Corridor;
2 10
Jackson, Henry M.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Bennett, Wallace F.
Upper Selway Wilderness/Magruder Corridor-S.2390; Omitted Lands Bill; S.1893-Restore Golden Eagle Passport Program; S.-Establish A National Indian Education Program
2 11
Cranston, Alan; Bennett, Charles E.
S.1846-Establish A Coal Gasification Development Corporation Hearings November 18, 1971; S.2390-Upper Selway Wilderness Area/Magruder Corridor; Omitted Lands/Snake River-S.721/S.216/S.579; Golden Eagle Passport Program
2 12
Stevens, Ted; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.
Golden Eagle Passport Program; Upper Selway Wilderness Area/Magruder Corridor
2 13
Reynolds, S.E.; Piszek, Edward J.; Gerrells, Walter; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Jordan, Len B.; Allott, Gordon; Hart, Philip A.
President's Proposal for A Department of Natural Resources/Hearing On An Energy and Mineral Resources Administration; Clearcutting On Federal Timberlands; S.2028-Grazing Fee Bill/Hearing; Deep Water Port and Terminal Facilities Policy/Hearing; H.R.13752-
1972 January-April
3 1
Stevens, Ted; Hatfield, Mark O.; Bellmon, Henry; Lee, Robert R.; Allott, Gordon; Curtis, Carl T.; Trombley, Gordon C.; Schwarz, Richard A.
S.681-State Environmental Center Act of 1972; S.3164-National Islands Conservation and Recreation Act; Omitted Lands/Snake River, Idaho; Clearcutting of Timber On Federal Lands; 1976 Winter Olympics
"Statement On The Golden Eagle Passport Program" Before Conference Committee To Study S.1893/H.R.6730-To Restore The Golden Eagle Program To The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act; Remarks...To Add Certain National Park Areas To Wilderness System, May
1972 May-December
3 2
Andrus, Cecil D.; Jayne, Gerald A.
S.Res.45-A Study of National Fuels and Energy Policy
1973 January
3 3
Chiles, Lawton; Jayne, Gerald A.; Bly, Steven W.; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Haskell, Floyd K.
S.425-Strip Mining; Trans-Alaska Pipeline; Rights-of-Way On Federal Lands-S.1081; Land and Water Conservation
"Hearings On The Report of The National Water Commission" In Senate, February 26, 1973
1973 February-March
3 4
Taylor, Suzanne Dabney; Dodworth, Allen; Lauterbach, Charles E.; Ericson, Robert E.
S.Res.45-Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation; S.268-Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act; American Falls Dam Replacement/Hearings; Funding for The National Endowment for The Arts; Title V ESEA Funds
1973 April
3 5
Buckley, James L.; McClure, James A.; Troutner, Arthur L.; Abourezk, James S.; Allred, C. Stephen; Andrus, Cecil D.; McClellan, John L.
Funding for The Office of Saline Water-S.1386; National Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1973-S.268; Predator Control Hearings Sun Valley, ID. June 1, 1973; Power From Geothermal Resources Hearing, June 13, 1973; Lake Powell; Glenn Canyon D
Statement Before Public Works Subcommittee Re Appropriations; "Guess Who Profits From The Gasoline Shortage?" June 14, 1973; "The Forest Service Needs Adequate Funding" May 15, 1973; Opening Statement At Hearing To Investigate Potential for Geothermal Po
1973 May-June
3 6
Surface Mining-S.425; Colorado River Storage Project Act; Salmon Falls Division of Upper Snake River Project, ID.
1973 July-August
3 7
Reed, Nathaniel P.; Fannin, Paul J.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Felton, James D.; Higginson, R. Keith; Biddle, James
National Fuels and Energy Conservation Policy; Development of Geothermal Energy Resources-S.2465; Committee Print-National Fuels and Energy Policy Study
"The National Water Commission Report: A Lurking Threat To Idaho Water" In Senate, September 25, 1973
1973 September-December
3 7
Jackson, Henry M.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Abourezk, James S.; Bible, Alan
Hearings On S.2135-To Establish A Department of Energy and Natural Resources; Geothermal Energy Development; S.1751-Deepwater Port Facilities Act of 1973; S.316-Eastern Wilderness Areas Act; Colorado River Storage Project Act/Rainbow Bridge National Monu
1973 September-December
3 8
S.2729-Repeal 89-605(80 Stat. 47)Concerning Development of A Hudson River Compact; S.2844-Clarify Recreation Use Fees Under Land and Water Conservation Act; S.424, S.1041-National Resource Lands Management Acts; H.R.11212-Geothermal Energy Research Devel
1974 January-February
3 8
Keeton, Paul C.; Tower, John G.; Churchill, Stephanie D.; Hartung, Ernest W.; Gladwell, John S.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Salinity Control On Colorado River-S.1807/S.2940/S.3094; Funding for Water Resources Research Institutes
1974 March
3 9
Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Evans, Brock; Andrus, Cecil D.; Symms, Steve
S.-Amend Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965; Salinity of Colorado River-Hearings; Geothermal Energy Development; Federal Water Resources Research; Bonneville Power Administration-S.3362; Incorporation of Page, Arizona-S.767; S.2877-Meeting Hous
1974 March
3 10
H.R.4683-Amend Idaho State Admission Act for Exchange of Public Lands
1974 April-June
3 11
Pedersen, S. Eddie; Fairchild, Warren D.; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Fannin, Paul J.
S.1119-Pool At Elephant Butte Reservoir; S.3568-Construct Cibolo Project, Texas; Wct-Mono Nite-Geothermal Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1974 (H.R.14920) Mark-Up; S.3536-Nantucket Sound Islands Trust
1974 July-August
3 12
Montoya, Joseph M.; Case, Clifford P.; Tunney, John V.; Andrus, Cecil D.
S.3234-Solar Energy Reserach, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1974; S.-Deepwater Port Act of 1974; Grand Canyon Expansion Bill; Land and Water; S.3615-Extend Boundaries of Arapaho National Forest, Co; S.3518- Remove Cloud On Title To Lands In Ne
1974 September-December
4 1
S.505-U.S. Petroleum Import Act; Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1975; S.Res.45-National Fuels and Energy Policy Study
1975 January-February
4 2
Standby Energy Authorities Act of 1975-S.622; National Fuels and Energy Policy Study
1975 February
4 3
Greenwalt, Lynn A.; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Outer Continental Shelf Legislation-S.426/S.521; Nomination of Stanley K. Hathaway As Sec. of The Interior; Replacement of American Falls Dam, Upper Snake River Project, Idaho-S.1152; S.896-Volunteers In The Parks Program; Migratory Bird Hunting Regulati
"Enhanced Recovery of Oil and Gas From Existing Fields", Opening Statement, Hearing of Subcommittee On Energy Resarch and Water Resources
1975 March-April
4 4
Milliken, William G.; Evans, Brock; Kendall, William T.; Hough, John D.; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Nomination of Stanley K. Hathaway for Secretary of The Interior; San Juan-Chama Project
1975 May
4 5
Higginson, R. Keith
S.759/S.1640-Establish Santa Monica Mountains and Seashore Urban National Park, CA; S.1794-Amend Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956; S.598-Authorization Bill for Energy Resarch and Development Administration; S.327-Amend Land and Water Conservat
1975 June
4 5
S.324/S.1486-Potomac Heritage Trail Act of 1975; S.1390-Study Pacific N.W. Trail As National Scenic Trail
1975 June
4 6
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Horton, Jack; Kleppe, Thomas S.
S.391-Federal Lands Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 1975; S.1327-Submarginal Lands Held In Trust for Certain Indian Tribes and Made Part of The Reservations; Nomination of Thomas S. Kleppe for Secretary of The Interior
1975 June-July
4 7
Jackson, Henry M.; Straub, Robert W.
Water Marketing In The Missouri River Basin; Amend S.598 The Erda Authorization for Loan Gaurantees To Commercialize Synthetic Fuels; S.621- Petroleum Price Increase Limitation Act of 1975 (H.R.4035)
1975 July
4 8
Bartlett, Dewey F.; Schaefer, William; Hartung, Ernest W.; Hughes, Thomas L.
Water Marketing In Missouri River Basin/Hearings August 26-28, 1975
1975 August
4 9
Gravel, Mike; Kennedy, Edward M.; Greenley, Joseph C.; Moss, Frank E.; Gladwell, John S.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Young, Milton R.
Testimony Before The Subcommittee On Environment and Land Resources Regarding S.726-Convey Lands To Valley County, ID; Location for Proposed Valley County Landfill; S.2089-Improvements At Dickinson Unit of Missouri River Division, Pick-Sloan Plan
1975 September
4 10
Abourezk, James S.; Mansfield, Mike; Byrd, Robert C.; Greenley, Joseph C.
S.1725-Establish Chickasaw National Recreation Area, OK; S.1776- Establish Valley Forge National Historical Park, PA; Public Field Hearings Regarding Geothermal Energy Development/Raft River Project, Idaho Falls, October 17, 1975; S.661-Establish Chattah
Public Field Hearings Regarding Water Resources Planning Act of 1965 (P.L.89-80), Opening Statement, Las Vegas, October 16, 1975
1975 October
4 11
Greenley, Joseph C.; Pepper, Jack W.; Fong, Hiram L.; Sparkman, John J.; Byrd, Robert C.
Conflict of Interest Hearings Regarding A Research Contract To Bechtel, Inc. By Office of Coal Research of Department of Interior; American Falls Dam Bill-H.R.9968; S.392-Great Bear Wilderness Proposal, MT
1975 November-December
4 12
Phelps, John E.; Kidwell, Wayne L.; Kidd, Garnet; Gladwell, John S.; Stevens, Ted; Cranston, Alan; Tunney, John V.; Brower, David R.; Metcalf, Lee; Mansfield, Mike
Wilderness Hearings, Februay 5, February 19, and March 2, 1976; Kaiser Ridge, Sierra National Forest-S.75; S.1092/S.72-Lands In Pinnacles National Monument, CA, As Wilderness; S.1093/S.2472-Lands In Point Reyes National Seashore, CA, As Wilderness; S.109
1976 January-February
4 13
Bly, Steven W.; McGuire, John R.; Finn, Donald F.; Higginson, R. Keith; Haskell, Floyd K.; Gladwell, John S.
S.507-Revise Grazing Fee Formula; Oversight Hearing On Park Concessions; S.2981-Appropriations for Indian Claims Commission for 1977
1976 February-March
5 1
Mansfield, Mike; Scott, Hugh; McClure, James A.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Abourezk, James S.
S.J.Res.126-Extend and Renew Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas; Valley Forge State Park-S.1776; S.3031-Erect Statue of Bernardo De Galvez On Public Grounds In DC; S.2996-Relocate John Witherspoon Statue; S.828-Add Salt Cairn Used By Lewis and
1976 March
5 2
S.3145-Energy Conservation Research and Development Act of 1976, Hearing; S.3259-Energy Extension Service Act of 1976, Hearing
1976 April
5 2
Daddario, Emilio Q.; Barnett, Jack A.; Manning, Darrell V.; Hathaway, William D.; Cannon, Howard W.
S.2932-Energy Conservation Act of 1976; S.1864-Energy Information Act; Frederick Law Olmstead Home As A National Historic Site-S.400; Construction of American Falls Dam; H.R.9460-Establish A Constitution for The Virgin Islands; H.R.9491-Establish A C
1976 April
5 3
Gladwell, John S.; Rosholt, John A.; Inouye, Daniel K.
S.3357-Loan Funds for The Government of The Virgin Islands; Energy Research and Development Administration Authorization Bill-S.1305; S.-Fish and Wildlife Studies of Upper Mississippi and Illinois Waterways; Frederick Law Olmstead Home As A National Hist
1976 May
5 4
Hatfield, Mark O.
S.3329-Amend Act Establishing Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore To Provide for Expansion of The Lakeshore; S.661-Establish Chattahoochee River National Urban Park and Recreation Area, Ga; Small Refiner Exemption Act of 1975-S.861
1976 May
5 5
Johnston, J. Bennett
Frederick Law Olmstead Home As A National Historic Site-S.400; S.- Building Energy Conservation Standards Act of 1976; S.-Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976; S.2630-Amend Youth Conservation Corps Act; Enlargement of Indiana Dunes National Lak
1976 June
5 6
H.R.9460-Establish A Constitution for The Virgin Islands; H.R.9491- Establish A Constitution for Guam; New River Preservation, Nc-S.158; S.3357- Authorize Loan Funds for The Virgin Islands; Englarge Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; H.R.10138-Create Th
1976 June
5 6
S.2125-Issue Permits On Public Domain National Forest Lands for Commerical Outdoor Recreation Facilities
1976 June
5 7
Byrd, Robert C.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Johnston, J. Bennett
Review of The Energy Research and Development Administration's National Energy Plan; Policy Position of The Federation Governor On Payment of Lieu of Taxes Act; Wild Scenic River Study; Transportation of Alaskan Gas, Fairbanks Corridor Route; Fea Conditi
1976 June-July
5 8
Brock, William E.; Holland, Jasper L.; Gravel, Mike
Teton Dam Disaster; S.3651-Amend Alaska Claims Settlement Act To Withdraw Lands From Klukwan Village
Remarks At The Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area Dedication, July 20, 1976; Testimony Before Subcommittee On Parks and Recreation On S.3373-Nez Perce National Historical Park
1976 July
5 9
Barnett, Jack A.; Fairchild, Warren D.; Peterson, R.P.; Gladwell, John S.; Bayh, Birch; Hartke, Vance; Bentsen, Lloyd; Cannon, Howard W.; Fannin, Paul J.
S.3498/S.3497-Establish Congaree Swamp National Preserve, S.C.; Teton Dam Collapse; Additional Lands To Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore- S.3329; Endangered American Wilderness Bill-S.3630; New River, N.C.-S.158
1976 August
5 10
Fannin, Paul J.; Fong, Hiram L.; Udall, Stewart L.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Moss, Frank E.; Edisten, Rufus L.; McGuire, John R.; Thurmond, Strom
S.3468-Payment In Lieu of Taxes Act; S.2801-Siletz Restoration Act; S.521-Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1976; Hawaiian Native Land Claims Settlement -S.J.Res.155
Statement Concerning A Bill To Protect The New River, Nc
1976 September
5 11
Mathews, William L.; Wanlass, Lawrence C.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Chadwick, Wallace L.; Barker, John M.; Gladwell, John S.
Teton Dam Failure-Independent Panel To Review Cause; Payment In Lieu of Taxes Legislation; S.1214-Establish City of Rocks National Monument, ID; Class 1 Equivalency Bill-S.3263
1976 October-December
5 12
Bayh, Birch; Hartke, Vance; Jackson, Henry M.
S.3329-Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; H.Con.Res.225-Washington- Rochambeau Historic Route; S.3287-Iditarod Trail Establishment; S.3528- Desert Trail Establishment
4: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Many of the subjects that appear in these committee files are continued from the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee files. Unique topics are home heating oil, natural gas, oil shale technology, synfuels, Continental Shelf Land Act of 1977, and documentation from the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development.
Box Folder
1 1
Jackson, Henry M.; Baucus, Max; Byrd, Robert C.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Pressler, Larry; Cohen, David
Committee On Energy and Natural Resources--Appropriations
1 2
Bakes, Robert E.
The Helium Act; Letter From Justice Bakes Supporting Cecil Andrus As Interior Secretary; Creation of Two New National Monuments-City of Rocks and Hagerman Fossil Beds; Strip Mining; Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975; Home Heating Oil/Price and
1 3
Report -Coal Conversion and Amendment To Clean Air Act; The Palau Super Port Feasibility
1 3
Metcalf, Lee; Herbst, Robert L.; Martin, Guy
Task Force On Natural Gas Supply; P.L.94-565, Payment In Lieu of Taxes Act; Nomination of Guy Martin As Sec. of Interior for Land and Water Resources; Nomination of Robert L. Herbst As Assistant Sec. of Interior for Land and Water Resources; Report On S.
1 4
H.R.5306-Amend The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965
1 4
Historic Preservation and The Pennsylvania Development Corporation; Payment In Lieu of Taxes; Gathering Authority and Natural Gas Supplies; Report-Congress On Public Lands; Report On Outer Continental Shelf Land Act of 1977; Paper On INEL, Waste and Ener
1 5
Nuclear Fusion Hearing-Magnetic Confinement Fusion; Report: Evaluating Forest Biomass As A Natural Resource; Report: Raw Material and Energy; Interstate Conference On Water Problems; Position Statement: S.3142-Amend Water Resources Planning Act; S.743-To
1 5
H.R.130-Petroleum Marketing Practices; S.975-Improve The Administration of The National Park System; S.1338-Provide for The Issuance and Administration of Permits for Outdoor Recreation Facilities and Services
1 6
Mendelsohn, Robert
Position Paper On The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments; Nomination of Robert Mendelsohn As Assistant Sec. of Interior for Policy, Budget, and Administration; Report Re S.1468-Coal Conversion; Analysis of Coal Utilizaton Act of 1977; Position
1 7
Metcalf, Lee
Committee On Energy and Natural Resources
1 8
S.9-Amendment To Establish Oil and Gas Management Policy for The Outer Continental Shelf
1 8
Metcalf, Lee; Carter, Jimmy; Wunnicke, Esther C.
Briefing Materials: Overview of Energy Conservation and Regulations; Nomination of Esther C. Wunnicke As Co-Chair of Joint Federal-State Land Use Plan; Position Paper Re President Carter's Energy Policy; S.1699-Energy Conservation By Alleviating Current
1 9
Edger, Robert W.; Fernandez, Anthony; Gravel, Mike; Hansen, Clifford P.; Loughrey, Robert; Palomo, John; Scott, William L.; Stevens, Ted; Teague, Olin E.; Walske, Carl
Annual Report-Reactor Research; Article On National Parks; S.1338-Issue and Administration of Outdoor Recreation Facilities and Services (Ski Resorts); H.R.2985-Ride Sharing Programs
1 10
Durkin, John A.; Jackson, Henry M.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Case, Clifford P.
Correspondence On Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project; S.975-Park Transportation Bill; S.9-Management of Oil and Gas On The Outer Continental Shelf; Senate and House Proposals To Establish A Pinelands National Reserve, New Jersey
1 11
Daman, Ernest; Lawrence, George A.
Correspondence Re Energy and Natural Resources
1 12
Griffin, Robert P.; Byrd, Robert C.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Whalen, William J.
Committee On Energy and Natural Resources
1 13
Evans, John V.
Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources; Subcommittee On Energy Research and Development
1 14
Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources; Subcommittee On Energy Research and Development
1 15
Bergland, Bob; Dune, Dale A.; Panetta, Leon E.; Smith, W.E.
Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources; Subcommittee On Energy Research and Development; Energy Solution of The American People- Synfuels; Fluiddyne
1 16
Domenici, Pete V.
Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources; Subcommittee On Energy Research and Development
1 17
Whip Iran With Electricity; Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources
1 18
Calvo, Paul M.
Correspondence On Energy and Natural Resources
5: Subcommittee on Indian Affairs
These files contain various House and Senate bills related to Indian lands, land claims, distribution of judgment funds, termination of leases to Indian lands, exchange of lands and other issues concerned with Indian land rights.
Box Folder
1 1
Neuberger, Richard L, USS
Hr 839; Hr 816; Hr 7690; Hr 8587; S 1352; S 1889; S 1485; S 2156; S 2485; S 2565
1 2
1957; 1959
1 3
Milligan, Edward A., Executive Director of North Dakota Indian Afairs Commission; Locke, Robert A., President of Indian Rights Association; Hart, Philip A., USS
S 2307; S 2456; S 2877; S 2878; S 2804; S 2962; S 3266; S 3265; Hr 24; Hr 6136
1960 January-May
1 4
Javits, Jacob K., USS; Gruening, Ernest, USS; McCarthy, Eugene J., USS; Garry, Joseph R, Chairman Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council
Hr 11813
1960 June-December
1 5
Grignon, Jerome A., Chair Menominee Advisory Council; Goldwater, Barry, USS; Gruening, Ernest, USS
S 1924; S 201; S 322; S 1768; S 507; S 1208; S 1309; S 1719; Hr 2195; Hr 3572; Hr 4500; Hr 4130
1961 January-June
1 6
Carver, John A., Assistant Secretary of The Interrrior; Ervin, Sam J. Jr., USS; Moss, Frank E., USS
Initial Hearings On "Consitutional Rights of The American Indian"; Hr 4130; Hr 8236; S 2123; Hr 567; Hr 3575
1961 July-December
1 7
Watkins, Aruthr V., Chief Commissioner of Indian Claims Commission; Anderson, Clinton P, USS; Allott, Gordon, USS; Bennett, Wallace F., USS; Monroney, A.S., USS; Mechem Edwin L., Governor of New Mexico; Carver, John A., Assistant Seretary of The Interior
S 3250; Hr 11590; Hr 12355; Hr 5144; Hr 5156; S 3178; Hr 3529; Crow Tribe Vs United States; Irrigation; Water Issues; Indian Bills 1961-1962, 87th Congress
1 8
Burnette, Robert, Executive Director, National Congress of American Indians; Pierre, George, Chief, Colville Confederated Tribes; Edmondson, J. Howard, USS
S 48; S 50; S 912; Hr 2635; S 1564; S 1582; S 1685; Hr 5883; Hr 6710; S 1868; S 90
1963 January-July
1 9
Nelson, Gaylord, USS; Metcalf, Lee, USS; McGovern, George, USS; Mansfield, Mike, USS; Jackson, Henry M., USS
S 2139; S 156; S 1565; Hr 2635; S 140; S 1718; Hr 844; Hr 845; Hr 6496; Hr 2905; S 136; S 410; S 1425; S 1452; Hr 1713
1963 August-December
1 10
Kennedy, Edward M., USS; Taylor, Walter, Representitive To Seneca Nation; Case, Clifford, USS; Monroney, A.S. Mike, USS; Clark, Joseph S., USS; Pitts, Paul, Chief, Osage Tribal Council; Garry, Joseph R., Chair, Coeur d'Alene Tribal Coucil; Mundt, Karl E.
Hr 8080; S 2961; Hr 7215; Hr 6496; Hr 2927; Hr 10204; S 3035; S 3079; S 3114; S 2482; S 2532; S2608; Hr 1794; S 2752; Hr 8834; Hr 7833; S 2811; Hr 5837; S 1531; S 2829; S 2753; S 2027; Hr 10483; S 2210; Hr 1713
1 11
Garry, Joseph R., Chair, Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council; Monroney, A.S. Mike, USS; Hartke, Vance, USS
Agenda, Executive Session
1965; 1966; 1972
6: Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities
This file does not contain official committee records which Senator Church, Committee Chairman, left in Washington as required by law. The box contains such diverse items as transcripts of Senator Church's appearance on "Face the Nation", correspondence with constituents and interested citizens and printed matter concerning the hearings.
Box Folder
1 1
Fulbright, J.W.; Kelley, Clarence M.; Mansfield, Mike
Transcript: Face The Nation, February 2, 1975; Intelligence Activities
"Neither A Vendetta Nor A Whitewash" Before The National Press Club, February 27, 1975
1966; 1974; 1975 January-March
1 2
Hughes, Harold E.; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Ethel; Crosby, Bing
Intelligence Committee; CIA; FBI; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Report To The Senate" October 10, 1975
1975 March-December
1 3
Hart, Gary; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Crosby, Bing
Intelligence Activities
Statement Proposing A Bill To Establish A Standing Committee of The Senate On Intelligence Activities, January 29, 1976
1976 January-April
1 4
Attwood, William; Oswald, Marguerite C.; Browne, Malcolm
1976 May-June
1 5
Kelley, Clarence M.
1976 July-August
1 6
Walker, Edwin A.
1976 September-October
1 7
Bush, George
Peoples Temple (Jim Jones)
1976 November-December
1 8
Korry, Edward W.; Shelton, Vaughan; Manning, Bayless
Intelligence Activities; Letters To FC and Robo Reply Re Case of Edward W. Korry, Ambassador To Chile; Correspondence Re Book Prepared By Gerard Corporation Entitled "Overseeing The Intelligence Community" In Which FC Wrote The Introduction
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" In The Book "Overseeing The Intelligence Community"
1977 January-March
1 9
Hester, Hugh B.; Letelier, Isabel; Moffitt, Michael; Shelton, Vaughan; Letelier, Orlando; Moffitt, Ronni
Institute for Policy Studies Writing In Regards To Their Spouses, Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Their Assassinations and Smear Campaign By Lobby for Chilean Government; Analysis By Vaugh Selton of The Idaho State Journal-Aspects of Warren Commissio
Draft Speech-One Year After Conclusion of Findings of The Select Committee, July 12, 1977; Transcript of Thames Television Program "This Week" June 30, 1977
1977 April-December
1 10
1 11
Report to The President By The Commission On CIA Activities In The Uni
Central Intelligence Committee
Annoted By Frank Church
1975; June
7: Select Committee on Labor-Management Relations
Church was appointed to this committee by Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson. While on the committee Church received his earliest recognition outside Idaho when the hearings were broadcast on television.
Box Folder
1 1
McClellan, John L.
Opening Statement of John L. McClellan, May 14, 1958 and July 8, 1958; Witness Sheets; Statements By Various Witnesses; Closing Statement of John L. McClellan, July 18, 1958
1 2
Goldwater, Barry M.; Reuther, Walter P.
S.1555-Financial Disclosure for Labor Unions; S.1137; S.505; H.R.3540; H.R.3028
1958-March 1959
1 3
Select Committee On Labor-Management Relations
"Summary of Major Provisions of Labor-Management Reform Bill", In Senate, June 17, 1959
1959 April-December
1 4
Kennedy, Robert F.; McClellan, John L.
Extend The Time of Committee's Investigation By One Year; Schedules of Hearings; Booklet: "Rules of Procedure (Select Committee)"; Opening Statement, By John McClellan, November 13, 1958
1 5
Select Committee On Labor-Management Relations
1960 February-1962 September
8: Post Office and Civil Service Committee
Additional material related to this subject can be found in the Legislation Files.
Box Folder
1 1
Johnston, Olin D.; Summerfield, Arthur E.; Morton, Thruston B.
Postal Committee and Civil Service
1 2
Postal Committee and Civil Service
1 3
Monroney, A.S. Mike
Postal Committee and Civil Service
1 4
Summerfield, Arthur E.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Hayden, Carl
Postal Committee and Civil Service
1 5
Carlson, Frank
Postal Committee and Civil Service
1 6
Johnston, Olin D.
Postal Committee and Civil Service
9: Select Committee on Termination of National Emergency
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Cannon, Howard W.
1 3
1 4
1 5
Jones, Jim
Letter From Peoples Temple- Rev. Jim Jones
1 6
1 7
Mansfield, Mike; Cannon, Howard W.
1 8
1 9
1 10

3:  Federal government, 1958-1980Return to Top

The Federal Government files consist of correspondence, memoranda, studies pertaining to Idaho projects and/or proposed legislation or regulations, annual reports of agencies and some clippings. They are organized alphabetically by agency name. A large part of the Senator's work was interceding with government agencies to cut through red tape and help constituents solve problems. Much of the correspondence in the Federal Government series deals with such problems.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: General
The general files consist of a miscellany of issue correspondence with constituents. Each letter may deal with one issue or with a variety. These files can be used as an overview of the material contained in the Federal Government series.
Box Folder
1 1
Chavez, Dennis; Bennett, Wallace F.; Smith, H. Alexander; Flanders, Ralph E.; Hayden, Carl
Bills: S.3335, S.1985, S.2579; "A Celebration In 1958 of The 100th Anniversary of The Birth of Theodore Roosevelt"; Report of The President's Advisory Commission On Presidential Office Space, May 31, 1957; Subcommittee of The Committee On Public Works Un
1 2
Ellisworth, Harris; Johnston, Olin D.
Federal Government--General
1 3
Muskie, Edmund S.; Maris, Albert B.
H.R.6904; U.S. Information Agency; The Legislative Reference Service of The Library of Congress
1 4
Federal Government Programs-Helping Iowa; National Science Foundation Grants for Graduate Research Facilities
1 5
Mcdermott, Edward A.
S.5990; Federal Disaster Assistance Handbook; Federal Funds for Science Xi
1 6
White House Fellows
1 7
Silva, John D.; Brenner, Edward J.
Federal Government--General
1967 January
1 8
U.S. Department of Employment
1967 August-December
1 9
Rhoads, James B.
Federal Government--General
1 10
Decline of America's Historical Planes; "Flying" March 1969; Consumer Education Bibliography
1969 January-May
1 11
Samuelson, Don
Federal Government--General
1969 June-December
1 12
Peterson, Avery F.; Glickstein, Howard A.; McClellan, John L.
Pocatello Industrial Park Co.; Technical Training Services Resume and Staff Summary
1970 January-September
1 13
Amendment To Regulation "Z"; John Deere Tractor Company
1970 October-December
1 14
Jordan, Len B.; McClellan, John L.
Puyallup Indian Tribe; Community Development Proposal
1971 January-August
1 15
The Federal Reserve
1971 September-December
1 16
Reserve Funds; Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Committee (ORVAC); Orvac Proceedings
1972 January-August
1 17
Off-Road Vehicle Usage; Outdoor Activities In Cascade, ID; Denali Artic Environment Project
1972 September-December
2 1
Bistline, Don
Re Don Bistline Attorney Not Being Paid
1973 January-May
2 2
Carleton, William F.
Pocatello's Request for A Waiver for Designation of The Counties of Bannock and Bingham; Idaho Water Resource Board; William F. Carleton Suing Cuba for Lost Claims
1973 June-August
2 3
Australia and Canada Dumping Lead On The American Markets
1973 September-December
2 4
Federal Government--General
1974 January-April
2 5
McClellen, Wayland D.; Proxmire, William
Invention To Take Wheel Chairs Up and Down Stairs
1974 July-August
2 6
Sawhill, John C.
Amendment Re Export-Import Bank
1974 September-December
2 7
Eardley, Richard R.
Boise Urban Observatory, Work Program for The Period
1975 January-April
2 8
Morrison, Velma V.; Yoder, Amos
S.1798; "Stopping The Race for Missile Accuracy" By Amos Yoder
1975 May-December
2 9
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.
Federal Government--General
1976 January-April
2 10
International Trade--Canada and Australia; Catholic Relief Services
1976 May-December
2 11
Andrus, Cecil D.; Byrd, Robert C.
Teton Dam; "From Chaos To Responsibility"
2 12
Teton Dam
2 13
Callister, Marion J.; Zahedi, Ardesmir; Meeds, Lloyd
Teton Dam; S.3542; H.R.13283; H.R.13285; H.R.13286; H.R.13287
2 14
Federal Government--General
1977 January-May
2 15
Hansen, Connie
Federal Government--General
3 1
Watson, Jack H., Jr.; Carter, Jimmy
Jimmy Carter-State of Union Speech; Daily Congressional Notification of Grants and Contracts Awarded, April 12-13, 1978
1978 January-April
3 2
Federal Government General
1978 May-September
3 3
White Paper: President's Anti-Inflation Program; "Fact Book: Wage and Price Standards"
1978 October-December
3 4
Annual Review of Project Performance, Audit Results
1979 January
3 5
Federal Government General
1979 February-March
3 6
Humphrey, Gordon J.
Federal Government General
1979 April-September
3 7
Flight Attendents Over 40 Years Old
1979 October-December
3 8
Bergland, Bob
National Endowment of The Arts; Citizens Against Toxic Herbicides; Merit System Protection Board
1980 January-March
3 9
Proposed Water and Pump Project for Twin Falls; Federal Aid for Civil Defense
1980 April-June
3 10
Federal Government General
1980 July
3 11
Ifjl Problems With Airforce Disability
1980 August
3 12
Federal Government General
1980 September-October
3 13
Fund Raisers for The Intermountain Cultural Center; Workman's Compensation; "Media and Methods-Kids and Cults", An Article
1980 November-December
2: Independent agencies
The Independent Agencies of the Federal Government regulate the activities of specific segments of society. These files contain correspondence from Senator Church's constituents generated when they came into conflict with a particular agency and asked the senator's staff to intervene on their behalf. Files are arranged alphabetically by agency.
Action - Environmental Protection Agency
The Action files concern the Peace Corps, Vista and related files of other volunteer agencies. Also in this section are the Atomic Energy Commission files. These follow the development of the National Reactor Testing Station, near Idaho Falls, as it evolved into the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. In 1974, the duties of the AEC were divided between the Energy Research and Development Administration and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. In this series, the files covering the Central Intelligence Agency are contained within two folders. The Environmental Protection Agency files reflect the concern of Idaho's agricultural industry pertaining to the regulation of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Box Folder
1 1
Action -- Peace Corps, Vista, etc.
Tunney, John V.; Blatchford, Joseph H.
Prior To July 1971 for Peace Corps See: Federal Government-Department of State-Peace Corps; Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1971
1 2
Action -- Peace Corps, Vista, etc.
1 3
Action -- Peace Corps, Vista, etc.
1 4
Atomic Energy Commission
Neuberger, Richard L.; Ramey, James T.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Lieberman, Joseph A.
Acquisition of Additional Public Lands At The National Reactor Testing Station; Message From The President of The U.S. Re: The Statute of The International Atomic Energy Agency, March 22, 1957; Pole Line Road-Butte County; Notes for Aec Testimony; Summar
Statement At The Public Hearing of The Bureau of Land Management On The Request of The Atomic Energy Commission To Withdraw 149, 700 Acres of Land In Bingham, Bonneville, Jefferson, Butte and Clark Counties, In Idaho
1 4
Atomic Energy Commission
Lieberman, Joseph A.
Lieberman, Joseph A., "Engineering Aspects of The Disposal of Radioactive Wastes From The Peacetime Applications of Nuclear Technology; University of California Radiation Laboratory, The Underground Nuclear Detonation of September 19, 1957, Rainier Opera
1 5
Atomic Energy Commission
Ramey, James T.; Martin, Henry S.
Atomic Legislation-S.3165, H.R.10348; Plowhare Series, "Industrial Uses of Nuclear Explosives", University of California Radiation Laboratory
"Suggested Remarks On Ratification Debate", Draft, No Date
1 6
Atomic Energy Commission
Young, Cy; Williams, Arnold; Martin, Henry S.; Jorgensen, Kay L.
Idaho State Senate Joint Memorial No. 10-Withdrawal of Public Lands By The Atomic Energy Commission; Employment Policy At Aec At Arco
"Declaration of Purpose By Democrats On Behalf of A Program for Clean Air"; "We Must Stop Poisoning The Air", The Reporter: The Magazine of Facts and Ideas, April 16, 1959; "New Republic Piece", May 1959
1 7
Atomic Energy Commission
1 8
Atomic Energy Commission
Smylie, Robert E.; Sandberg, J.C.; Joslyn, A.W.
Direct Cycle Nuclear Propulsion Project; General Electric 1960 Annual Report
1961 January-May
1 9
Atomic Energy Commission
Hickenlooper, Bourke B.; Smylie, Robert E.; Ramey, James T.; Nelson, Curtis A.
Memorandum From Chairman Curtis A. Nelson, Sl-1 Board of Investigation: Second Interim Report On The Sl-1 Reactor Accident of January 3, 1961; Press Release-Aec Issues Findings of Board of Investigation On Sl-1 Reactor Accident
Statement On Nonpayment of Idaho Motor Fuels Tax By The Aec, No Date
1961 June-July
1 10
Atomic Energy Commission
Ramey, James T.
Idaho Motor Fuels Tax Controversy; Selection of A Contractor for Construction of The World's Largest Test Reactor
1961 August-December
1 11
Atomic Energy Commission
Snap-50 Advanced Reactor; Nuclear Powered Maritime Propulsion; Organic Reactor Program; General Electric, Summary Report 630, Maritime Nuclear Steam Generator Scoping Study, March 1962; Thumbnail Sketch, National Reactor Testing Station
1 12
Atomic Energy Commission
United States Atomic Energy Commission, Plowshare Program
1 13
Atomic Energy Commission
S.1745-Appropriations for The Atomic Energy Commission; "Idaho and The Atom"; Engineering Experiment Station, University of Idaho, Project Proposal for Investigations of The Use of Gamma Radiation for Measuring The Water Equivalent of A Snowpack, Moscow,
1 14
Atomic Energy Commission
Nevada, Nuclear Rocket Development Station; Project Schooner, Plowshare Program; Organic Reactor Program
1 15
Atomic Energy Commission
Doan, Richard L.
Nomination of Dr. Richard L. Doan To The Atomic Energy Commission; Bus Transportation of Aec Employees
1964 January-May
2 1
Atomic Energy Commission
Harding, Ralph R.; Rickover, Hyman G.; Gordon, Kermit; Carpenter, Elizabeth; Valenti, Jack; Seaborg, Glenn T.; Aiken, George D.; Russell, Richard B.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Jenkins, Walter; Welsh, E.C.; Manatos, Mike
Report To Congress Uneconomical Security; Guard Force Operations At The National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho
1964 June-December
2 2
Atomic Energy Commission
Seaborg, Glenn T.; Conway, John T.
Project Schooner; Stronger Science Department Needed At Idaho Universities, Use of National Reactor Testing Station As A Research and Educational Facility; Requirements Used To Evaluate Sites for A Proposed New National Accelerator Laboratory
Transcript of Filmed Press Release On Nrts
1965 January-June
2 3
Atomic Energy Commission
Ramey, James T.; Boyle, W.A.; Seaborg, Glenn T.
Proton Accelerator; Price-Anderson Act; World's First Mobile Power Plant; General Dynamics-Synopsis, Proposal for Nrts Operating Contract Private Information; A Report On General Atomic Division of General Dynamics; Transcript By "Prism", A Strike At The
"Oregon Malignancy Pattern Physiographyically Related To Handford, Washington Radioisotope Storage", Reprint From The Journal of Environmental Health
1965 July-December
2 4
Atomic Energy Commission
Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.; Ginkel, W.L.; Radin, Alex
Proton Accelerator; Remarks By W.L. Ginkel, Manager, Aec, Idaho, "The Atom and Eastern Idaho"; Aec, Idaho Operations Office, Health and Safety Division, Nrts Environmental Monitoring Report No. 17, 3rd and 4th Quarter, Annual 1965; Remarks By Alex Radin,
1966 January-June
2 4
Atomic Energy Commission
"Thumbnail Sketch", National Reactor Testing Station, U.S. Aec, Idaho Falls, Idaho
1966 January-June
2 5
Atomic Energy Commission
Parks, Michael; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Parks, Michael, "Cities On Strike", America, October 15, 1966, P.455; Hanford Steam Generating Plant; Visit To Nrts By President Lyndon B. Johnson; Disignation of Aec's Experimental Breeder Reactor No.1 At Nrts As A National Historic Landmark; Strike At
1966 July-December
2 5
Atomic Energy Commission
Idaho State University To Receive State's First Training Reactor
1966 July-December
2 6
Atomic Energy Commission
Rickover, Hyman G.; Seaborg, Glenn T.
Fast Flux Test Facility; Idaho Nuclear Corporation; Labor Relations; Glenn Seaborg, Plans, Programs, and Future of Nrts; Report From General Manager, Cost and Employment; Data Hanford and Idaho; Hittman Associates, "Scientific and Engineering Services To
1967 January-June
2 7
Atomic Energy Commission
Seaborg, Glenn T.; Nabrit, Samuel M.
Advanced Test Reactor; Remarks By Glenn Seaborg, Chairman Aec, "Nuclear Energy-A Generation of Progress"; Remarks By Dr. Samuel M. Nabrit, Commissioner Aec, "The Peaceful Atom Comes To Hawaii"; Press Release: "The First Nuclear Chain Reaction"
1967 July-December
2 8
Atomic Energy Commission
Conway, John T.; Rutledge, Gene P.
Labor Relations At Nrts; Attachment To Request for Proposals To Conduct Test Reactor and Chemical Processing Operations and To Furnish Common Services for Nrts, Aec; "A Beam Research Reactor for The Western U.S.", By Idaho Nuclear Corp.; "Western Interst
1968 January-March
2 8
Atomic Energy Commission
Research Report, "Nuclear Power Plant Siting In The Pacific Northwest for Conneville Power Ad"
1968 January-March
2 9
Atomic Energy Commission
Rutledge, Gene P.; Freund, George A.; Keller, Charles A.
"Civilian Nuclear Power: What Should Be The Governments Future Participation In Commercial Atomic Generating Station Development", Reprinted From U.S. Energy Policies, An Agenda for Research, 1968, By Resources for The Future, Inc.; Kelle
1968 April-December
2 9
Atomic Energy Commission
Annual Report To The Governor By The Idaho Nuclear Energy Commission, Report No. 1, 1967; Employment Characteristics of Atomic Energy Work, 1967, U.S. Department of Labor; Nrts Environmental Monitoring Report, No. 22 (January-June 1968); An Agronuclear C
1968 April-December
2 10
Atomic Energy Commission
Enviromental Survey Prepared By The Illinois Science Advisory Council; Reprot To The Congress By The Comptroller General of The U.S. "Analysis of Estimated and Actual Costs of Certain Major Research Facilities of The Aec." Feb. 20, 1969; Report To The Jo
1969 January-April
2 10
Atomic Energy Commission
Equipment By Th Ace." March 14, 1969.; Annual Report of The Idaho Nuclear Energy Commission Report No. 2, 1968.; Employee Relations At Nrts
1969 January-April
2 11
Atomic Energy Commission
"Economic Appraisal & Evaluation of Thorium Deposits In The Lemhi Pass Area of Idaho & Monatana." Nuclear Fuels & Golden Pleasures Inc.; Materials Testing Reactor; Maerger Proposal Involving Nrts Programs; Employee Layoffs
1969 May-August
2 12
Atomic Energy Commission
Russell, Richard B.; Rutledge, Gene P.; Samuelson, Don; Holifield, Chet.
Materials Test Reactor; Storage of Nuclear Wastes Above The Snake River Aquifer; Senate Report No. 91-244 Appropriations for The Atomic Energy Commission, Fiscal Year 1970; Annual Report Spert Project, Oct. 1968-Sept. 1969, Idaho Nuclear Corp.
1969 September
3 1
Atomic Energy Commission
Seaborg, Glenn T.; Hansen, Orval
Study of The Long Term Effects of Nuclear Waste Storage Above The Snake River Aquifer; A Proposal To Sustain The Material Testing Reactor As The Western Beam Research Reactor for A Two-Year Period; Employee Relations At Nrts (Areo-Jet); Layoffs
"Scientist Grabs The Spotlight" Scientific Research. Oct. 13, 1969; Sternglass, Ernest J., "Controversial Prophet of Doom" Science. Oct. 10, 1969.
1969 October-December
3 2
Atomic Energy Commission
Rutledge, Gene P.; Seaborg, Glenn T.; Pastore, John O.
Materials Testing Reactor; Annual Report of The Idaho Nuclear Energy Commission; The Peaceful Atom; Employee Layoffs At Nrts
1970 January-April
3 3
Atomic Energy Commission
Materials Testing Reactor; Environmental Considerations In The Nuclear Field; Atomic Waste Disposal; Employee Relations
1970 May-December
3 4
Atomic Energy Commission
Employee Relations; Written Testimony Which Was Presented Before The Senate Interior & Insular Affairs Committee Pursuant To S. Res 45.
Radiation Accident Statement, May 26, 1971.
1971 January-June
3 5
Atomic Energy Commission
Fast Breeder Reactor; Employee Layoffs; Loft (Loss of Luid Tests); Survey Report Idaho Sites Fast Breeder Reactor Demonstration Plant, Oct. 4, 1971; Idaho Nuclear Corporation Retirement Plan; Draft Environmental Statement Power Burst Facility National
1971 June-December
3 6
Atomic Energy Commission
Rutledge, Gene P.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Erlewin, John A.
Materials Testing Reactor; Liquid Fast Metal Breeder Reactor; Loft Project; Draft-Environmental Statement Loss of Fluid Test (Loft); Labor Relations; Nuclear Reactor Safety Program
3 7
Atomic Energy Commission
Labor Relations, Layoffs, Hazardous Occupation Retirement; Environmental Statement, Calcined Solids Storage Additions, Nrts April 1973, Aec.
1973 January-May
3 8
Atomic Energy Commission
Andrus, Cecil D.
Labor Relations; Aec Nrts Independent Assessing Environmental Radiation; Radiation Surveillance Project; Aerojet Nuclear Company President's Report 1973
1973 June-December
3 9
Atomic Energy Commission
Annual Report of The Idaho Nuclear Energy Commission Report #7, 1973; Geothermal Development
1974 January-May
3 10
Atomic Energy Commission
Disposal of Nuclear Wastes, Contaminated Materials; Name Change for National Reactor Testing Station To Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
1974 June-December
3 11
Atomic Energy Commission -- Material Testing/Western Research Reactor
Rutledge, Gene P.
Materials Testing/Western Research Reactors
3 12
Atomic Energy Commission -- Mobile Low Power, 1st Prototype Reactor
Allott, Gordon; Stennis, John C.; Bible, Alan; Hruska, Roman L.; Kuchel, Thomas H.; Saltonstall, Leverett; Byrd, Robert C.; Young, Milton R.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; McGee, Gale; Russell, Richard B.; Robertson, A. Willis; Mundt, Karl E.; Proxmire, William
Ml-1 (Mobile Low Power, First Prototype) Reactor; Ml-1 Appropriations Bill H. R. 9220
Statement On Funding for The Ml-1 1965
3 13
Atomic Energy Commission -- Project 630-A
Seaborg, Glenn T.; Pastore, John O.; Joslyn, A.W.
Atomic Energy Commission--Project 630-A
3 13
Atomic Energy Commission -- Project Schooner
100-Ton Chemical High Explosive Detonation--Pre-Schooner II; Project Plowshare; Underground Nuclear Testing
3 15
Atomic Energy Commission -- Ship Reactor
Rutledge, Gene P.; Seaborg, Glenn T.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Barnett, Steele
"United States Nuclear Merchant Fleet" Committee Print
4 1
Central Intelligence Agency
Russell, Richard B.; Symington, Stuart; Warner, John S.; Hanawalt, Ted E.; Badillo, Herman; Colby, William E.; Drinan, Robert F.; Cranston, Alan; McCone, John A.; Lugoosky, Yu
John A. McCone Appointment; S.R.283-To Create A Committee On Intelligence Operations; Angola; Mozambique; Portugal; Chile--Allende/Pinochet Coup; Lugoosky, Yu "Under The Thunder of Guns In Vietnam" CIA Interception
4 2
Central Intelligence Agency
Burke, Carl P.; Oestreich, David; Manshel, Warren D.; Brown, Edmund G., Jr.; Bush, George; Stennis, John C.; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Helms, Richard; Bayh, Birch
Oversight of Intelligence Activities; Bush Nomination To Directorship; Foreign Intelligence Surveilance-S.1566
4 3
Civil Aeronautics Board
Airline Service To: Gooding, Coeur d'Alene, Salmon, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Phoenix, AZ, Great Falls, MT; Federal Aid Airport Program; Vortac for Lewiston; 1955 Department of Commerce Policies and Procedures
4 4
Civil Aeronautics Board
Air Service To: Kellogg, Twin Falls, Spokane, Wa, Calgary, Elko and Las Vegas, NV; Customs Service for Bonners Ferry; Southern Rocky Mountain Area Service Case; Cab 1958 Annual Report
Statement To Cab On Mountain Local Service Case, October 13, 1959
4 5
Civil Aeronautics Board
Air Service To Ontario, Or; Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Service Case; Boise-Las Vegas Service
4 6
Civil Aeronautics Board
Smylie, Robert E.
Boise-Las Vegas Service; West Coast Airlines "Use It Or Lose It"
4 7
Civil Aeronautics Board
West Coast Airlines Route Hearings; Southern Rocky Mountain Area Local Service Case; Boise-Las Vegas Service; Blatz Airlines Inc.
4 8
Civil Aeronautics Board
Frontier "Use It Or Lose It" Investigation
4 9
Civil Aeronautics Board
Roberts, Vance; Burke, Carl P.; Paiewonsky, Ralph M.; Murphy, Charles S.
Vance International Airways; Pacific Northwest/Southwest Service Investigation; Frontier-North Central Route Transfer "Use It Or Lose It"; Northwest Inc. Application for Suspension of United; Routes From Spokane To Boise To San Francisco; New York To The
1965 January-November
4 10
Civil Aeronautics Board
Smylie, Robert E.; Murphy, Charles S.
Northwest/Southwest Service Investigation
1965 September-December
4 11
Civil Aeronautics Board
Western Montana Service Investigation; Sun Valley Airlines; New England Regional Airport Case
4 12
Civil Aeronautics Board
Murphy, Charles S.; Wilkins, D.J.
Lewiston Airport Expansion; Pacific Northwest/Southwest Service Investigation; Transpacific Route Investigation; Class Rate Subsidy Payment--National Air Taxi Conference; Sun Valley Airlines; Beechcraft D18s Operating Figures
4 13
Civil Aeronautics Board
Wilkins, D.J.
Weekend Discover America Fares; Frontier Air Service To Coeur d'Alene; Aging Committee--Reduced Fares; West Coast Airlines; United Airlines; Sun Valley, Burley, Salt Lake City Service; Pacific Nw/Sw Service Investigation; Nw Orient Proposal for U.S. Flag
4 13
Civil Aeronautics Board
Effects of Sonic Booms of Varying Overpressures On Snow Avalanches, Faa Publication
4 14
Civil Aeronautics Board
Service To Twin Falls; Sun Valley Airlines Demise; Senior Citizens Fare Reduction; Hughes Tool Company-Airwest; Transpacific Route Investigation; Student Standby Fares; Pacific Northwest/Southwest Service Investigation
5 1
Civil Aeronautics Board
Routes From Spokane To Chicago, Pocatello Service; Air West; Idaho Falls, Blackfoot; Air Micronesia; United European American Club; Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970; Department of Transportation Statement On International Aviation Policy
5 1
Civil Aeronautics Board
"IATA: Domination of Airline Fares" By Ralph Nader, Washington Post, January 5, 1970
5 2
Civil Aeronautics Board
Air West Service and Fares; Trout Freight Rates; Western Service; American Western Merger; Air West Strike; Overselling Flights; Charter Rules; Idaho Senate Joint Memorial No. 114; Air Service To Bear Lake; Credit for Political Candidates; North Idah
5 2
Civil Aeronautics Board
Baker, Ontario, Or/Payette, ID, Roseburg Oregon Deletion Case
5 3
Civil Aeronautics Board
Spokane To: Montana, Denver; Frontier: Boise To Denver; Western: Minneapolis To St, Paul
5 4
Civil Aeronautics Board -- Montana Service Case
Smylie, Robert E.
Montana Service Case
Statement To Civil Aeronautics Board
5 5
Civil Aeronautics Board -- West Coast Airlines
Smylie, Robert E.; Shadduck, Louise
Coeur d'Alene To Boise Service; Moscow Pullman Lewiston Service; Ontario/Payette Sun Valley/Hailey Coeur d'Alene Rupert Service; Coeur d'Alene Roseburg Service; Boy Scout Jamboree
Statement To Civil Aeronautics Board On Coeur d'Alene Air Service
5 6
Commodities Futures Trading Commission
Bagley, William T.
Commodities Futures Trading Commission
5 7
Community Services Administration
5 8
Community Services Administration
5 9
Community Services Administration
"The Amazing Adventures of Winter Person"
5 10
Consumer Product Safety Commission
5 11
Cost of Living Council -- Economic Stabilization Program
Health Care Rules--Phase Iv; Economic Stabilization Program
5 12
Cost of Living Council -- Economic Stabilization Program
Health Care Rules--Phase Iv; Economic Stabilization Program
5 13
Energy Research and Development Administration
Rutledge, Gene P.; McCormack, Mike
Designation of INEL As An Environmental Research Park; Storage of Nuclear Wastes; Geothermal Research; Hr 5470 Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1975; Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
1975 January-July
5 14
Energy Research and Development Administration
Hays, Wayne L.; Bayh, Birch
Clean Fuel From Coal; Devonian Shale; Authorization Bill for Erda S.598; Stricter Auto Emission Standards; Development of Solar Energy Systems; "Wind As An Alternative To Nuclear." David Rittenhouse Inglis, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Universit
1975 August-December
6 1
Energy Research and Development Administration
6 2
Energy Research and Development Administration
Cultural Resource Inventory of INEL; Security Clearances for Employees At INEL; Management of Nuclear Waste Materials
1976 January-May
6 3
Energy Research and Development Administration
Miller, C. Wendell
Loss of Fluid Tests At INEL; Solar Energy; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Employee Relations At INEL (Aerojet); Institutionalizing Geothermal Energy Use In Boise, ID.; Study Done By The University of Pittsburgh "Radiation Exposures of Hanford Workers Dying Fro
1976 June-December
6 4
Energy Research and Development Administration
Pedersen, S. Eddie; Seamans, Robert C., Jr.; Evans, John V.
INEL Waste Management Hearings; Solar Energy; Geothermal Energy; Transition From Erda To Department of Energy; Thorium Resources; Participation of The State of Idaho In The Energy Extension Proposal: Idaho--Energy Extension Service Submitted By Governor
1977 January-July
6 4
Energy Research and Development Administration
Authorizing Appropriations for The Energy Research and Development Administration for Fiscal Year 1978
1977 January-July
6 5
Energy Research and Development Administration
Hall, George R.
Geothermal Energy; Funding for Intermountian Science Experience Center (Intersec)
1977 August-December
6 6
Environmental Protection Agency
Andrus, Cecil D.
1971 January-June
6 7
Environmental Protection Agency
Andrus, Cecil D.
1971 July-December
6 8
Environmental Protection Agency
1972 January-February
6 9
Environmental Protection Agency
Andrus, Cecil D.
1972 March-July
6 10
Environmental Protection Agency
1972 August-December
6 11
Environmental Protection Agency
1973 January
6 12
Environmental Protection Agency
1973 January-April
7 1
Environmental Protection Agency
1973 May-June
7 2
Environmental Protection Agency
1973 July
7 3
Environmental Protection Agency
Rampton, Calvin L.
1973 August-September
7 4
Environmental Protection Agency
Andrus, Cecil D.
1973 October-December
7 5
Environmental Protection Agency
Goode, Buster; Idaho Automobile Dealers Association
Idaho Automobile Dealers Association
1974 January-February
7 6
Environmental Protection Agency
Train, Russell E.; Blain, Harold
Use of DDT for Pea Leaf Weevil
1974 March-April
7 7
Environmental Protection Agency
OSHA/EPA Pesticide Field Re-Entry Time; DDT Effect--Steelhead Grant; EPA Advanced Auto Propulsion System-Martin Preferential Expansion Engine; Lear Steam Engine Effluent Standards, L.D. Mcfarland Company, Sandpoint; Waste Water Disposal Systems, Paris;
1974 May-June
7 8
Environmental Protection Agency
Batt, Philip E.
Complaints On Regulations; Complaints and Congratulations On Grants
1974 July-August
7 9
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Silviculture Prospect; Logging Roads; Citizen Participation
1974 September
7 10
Environmental Protection Agency
Parking Regulations; Emission Standards; Effluent Limitations Guidelines for Fish Hatcheries and Farms
1974 October-November
7 11
Environmental Protection Agency
Minico High School Sewer Facilities, Rupert, ID
1974 December
7 12
Environmental Protection Agency
Andrus, Cecil D.
Discharge Permits for Irrigation Districts
1975 January-February
7 13
Environmental Protection Agency
Letters About Fuel Conservation; Letters About Fuel Conservation, Recycling Auto Emission, Pesticide Applicator Standards; Drinking Petition, Niagara Pollution
1975 March-April
7 14
Environmental Protection Agency
Action To Ban Aerosols Containing Fluorocarbon Propellant; "Fifra" Pesticide Application Regulations Certification; Kidd Island Bay Sewer, Lake Coeur d'Alene; Standards for Procurement Under Sewage Treatment Grants
1975 June-August
8 1
Environmental Protection Agency
McClary, James D.; Mitchell, Mike P.
Returnable Beverage Containers; Clean Air Act; Morrison Knudsen/Armco Steel; Abolish EPA Letters; Super Carburetor Patent Bought By Oil Company; Suspending Pesticides Use, Heptachlor Or Chlordane
1975 September-December
8 2
Environmental Protection Agency
Abolish EPA Letters; Oppose Returnable Containers
1976 January-March
8 3
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Profile, New Staff Handbook; Abolish EPA Letters
1976 April
8 4
Environmental Protection Agency
1976 May-June
8 5
Environmental Protection Agency
Abolish EPA Letters
1976 July
8 6
Environmental Protection Agency
Abolish EPA Letters; Oppose Regulation of Xylene and Magnacide øH'(De-Mossing Chemicals)
1976 August-September
8 7
Environmental Protection Agency
Abolish EPA Letters; Oppose Regulation of Xylene and Magnacide øH'(De-Mossing Chemicals)
1976 October-December
8 8
Environmental Protection Agency
Mcmurren, W.H.
Seabrook Nuclear Power Station; Abolish EPA
1977 January-February
8 9
Environmental Protection Agency
Lanham. L.E.
Seabrook Nuclear Power Station; Oppose Ban On Strychnine
1977 March-May
8 10
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulations of Grain Elevators
1977 June
8 11
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulations of Grain Elevators
1977 July-October
8 12
Environmental Protection Agency
1977 November-December
8 13
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Non-Attainment Designation of Silver Valley
1978 January-March
9 1
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulation of 2, 4, 5, -T Herbicide (Phenoxy Based); Oppose Regulation of Motorcycles (Noise Control Act of 1972)
1978 April-July
9 2
Environmental Protection Agency
R Larry; Booe, Wayne
1978 August-October
9 3
Environmental Protection Agency
1978 November-December
9 4
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulation of "R Par Process" Wood Preservatives
1979 January-April
9 5
Environmental Protection Agency
1979 May-July
9 6
Environmental Protection Agency
1979 August-September
9 7
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulation of "Waste Oil"
1979 October-December
9 8
Environmental Protection Agency
Oppose Regulation of "Waste Oil"
1980 January-April
9 9
Environmental Protection Agency
Church, Frank
1980 May-November
Federal Aviation Administration - Housing and Home Finance Agency
The Federal Communications Commission files address the issue of pay television, TV booster stations and cable TV. This was an issue of importance to Idahoans during Church's tenure in the Senate since Idaho is a mountain state and television reception was negligible in many areas. The Federal Energy Office and its successor Federal Energy Administration files deal with the energy crisis and concerns about fuel allocation which constituents addressed to Senator Church.
Box Folder
9 10
Federal Aviation Agency
Rossman, Arthur A.; Gibson, Ralph F.; Freeman, Gordon M.; Keenan, Joseph D.; Morrison, H.W. Harry; Wilbur, Lyman D.
Air Safety Rules and Regulations; Oppose Mechanics Exception for "Airman" Certification; S.3880 Create Federal Aviation Agency, To Provide for Safe and Efficient Use of Air Space By Civil and Military Operations and To Regulate and Promote Development An
9 10
Federal Aviation Agency
S.1 Amend Federal Airport Act. Extend Grant Time
9 11
Federal Aviation Agency
9 12
Federal Aviation Agency
9 13
Federal Aviation Agency
10 1
Federal Aviation Agency
10 2
Federal Aviation Agency
10 3
Federal Communications Commission
Paid Television (Subscription T.V.); Licensing of Subscription Television Station; Telephone Tariff
10 4
Federal Communications Commission
Magnuson, Warren G.
Antenna Television (Cable); Applications To F.C.C. for Construction and Licencing Television and Radio Stations; S.1886 Ammending Communications Act of 1934 With Respect To Antenna Television Systems
10 5
Federal Communications Commission
Emergency Broadcast System--Civil Defense; N.B.C. Terminated Its Affiliation With Ktle of Pocatello; Citizen Band
10 6
Federal Communications Commission
Magnuson, Warren G.; Walker, Donald E.
N.B.C. Termination Its Affilation With Ktle of Pocatello; Licencing of Radio and T.V. Stations; S.2400--Regulation of Networks; Idaho State College Facilities
10 7
Federal Communications Commission
Applications To F.C.C. for Radio and Television To Broadcast; Aviation--Opposed To Regulations
10 8
Federal Communications Commission
Citizen Band; Carl McIntire's International Broadcasts; Soundbarrier Jets Interferring With Radio Waves; Cable Television; Microwaves; Applications for Licence To Broadcasts
1963 January-September
10 9
Federal Communications Commission
Broadcast Licencing; Radar Broadcasts Interferring With Private Stations; Carl Mcintire Broadcasts
1963 October-December
10 10
Federal Communications Commission
Sermon Censorship; Application for Broadcast Fees; Fairness Doctrine; Carl Mcintire Sermons
1964 January- April
10 11
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission
1964 May-December
10 12
Federal Communications Commission
Hansen, Orval
Applications for Broadcasting; Cable Television
10 13
Federal Communications Commission
Applications for Broadcasting
11 1
Federal Communications Commission
Personal Attacks Broadcasted; Fairness Doctrine--Equal Broadcast Time; Copyright Bill
11 2
Federal Communications Commission
S.J.Res.172--Copyright Laws Revision; H.R.2512-S.597--Copyrights
11 3
Federal Communications Commission
Applications for Broadcast
1969 January-March
11 4
Federal Communications Commission
Pay Television--Cable--Subscription T.V.
11 5
Federal Communications Commission
Samuelson, Don
American Telephone and Telegraph Company; Pay Telephone
1969 June-December
11 6
Federal Communications Commission
Catv--Community Antenna T.V.; Small Market Broadcasters
1970 January-March
11 7
Federal Communications Commission
Licence Rates for Broadcasting
11 8
Federal Communications Commission
Hughes, Harold E.
Broadcast Licences
11 9
Federal Communications Commission
Mansfield, Mike
Federal Communications Commission
1970 September-December
11 10
Federal Communications Commission
1971 January-June
11 11
Federal Communications Commission
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Amyx, Jay S.
Cable; F.C.C. Rules Waiver--Lethbridge
1971 July-September
11 12
Federal Communications Commission
Anti Nixon T.V. Slant
1971 September-October
12 1
Federal Communications Commission
1971 November-December
12 2
Federal Communications Commission
1972 January-May
12 3
Federal Communications Commission
Catv; Political Broadcast Catechism
1972 June
12 4
Federal Communications Commission
1972 November- December
12 5
Federal Communications Commission
Gravel, Mike
1973 January-March
12 6
Federal Communications Commission
X-Rated Movies--Cable; Sports and Special Programs On Air (Bonners Ferry)
1973 March
12 7
Federal Communications Commission
Moss, Ted; Domenici, Pete V.
Citizens Band
1973 April-December
12 8
Federal Communications Commission
1974 January-May
12 9
Federal Communications Commission
Program Duplication On Multiple Stations; Cable T.V.
1974 June-October
12 10
Federal Communications Commission
1974 November-December
12 11
Federal Communications Commission
Proxmire, William
Exclusivity; Obscene Material On T.V.
1975 January
12 12
Federal Communications Commission
1975 February
12 13
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission
1975 March-April
12 14
Federal Communications Commission
1975 May-August
13 1
Federal Communications Commission
1975 September-December
13 2
Federal Communications Commission
Kim, Nate
Construction of New Noncomercial Fm Radio Station (Kbsu); "Competition In Telecommunications" Background Information; Consumer Communications Reform Act of 1976 S.3192 and H.R.12323
1976 January-May
13 3
Federal Communications Commission
Censorship; Complaint Filed By Dr. John Howard Against N.B.C.; Consumer Communications Reform Act of 1976 S.3192, H.R. 12323; "Television Violence: Effects On Children" Issue Brief No. Ib75061; The Library of Congress Congressional Research Service Major
1976 June-December
13 4
Federal Communications Commission
Citizen Band Radio Regulation
13 5
Federal Communications Commission
Religious Programming--Madalyn Murray O'hair; Usolicited Telephone Calls "Junk Phone Calls"
13 6
Federal Communications Commission
Regulations Re: Cable Television Systems; Inclusion of Homosexuals In A Broadcasters Community Ascertainment Study; Religious Broadcasting On Television
1979 January-April
13 7
Federal Communications Commission
Sasser, Jim
The Ban of Religious Programming On T.V. and Radio Move By Madelyn Murry O'hare; Investigation of The Praise The Lord Club (Robo)
1979 May-December
13 8
Federal Communications Commission
Investigation of The Praise The Lord (Ptl) Club Program and Wjan T.V. (Robo); Ban of Religious Broadcasting Petition #2493 Before The F.C.C.
13 9
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Doerfer, John C.
Docket No. 12443 Before The F.C.C. In The Matter of Inguiry Into The Impact of Community Antenna Systems, T.V. Translators, T.V. Satellite Stations, and T.V. Repeaters On The Orderly Development of Television Broadcasting; Docket No 12116 Amendment of Pa
13 10
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Carroll, John A.; Allott, Gordon; Doerfer, John C.; Fulbright, J.W.
Senate Concurrent Resolution #4 Whf Television Repeater Or Booster Stations; Senate Concurrent Resolution #26 T.V. Boosters; H.R. 6676 A Bill To Amend The Communications Act of 1934-Broadcasting Hours; S.1741 A Bill To Amend The Communications Act of 193
1959 January-May
13 10
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
S.1739 A Bill To Amend The Communications Act of 1934--Licensing Rebroadcasting Stations; S.1886 A Bill To Amend The Communications Act of 1943--Community Antenna T.V. Systems; Senate Report No. 908 Re:S.1886; "Television Repeating Devices" A Symposium O
1959 January-May
13 11
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Doerfer, John C.
S.1886 Amendment In The Nature of A Substitute; Senate Report No 908 Communications Acts Amendments--Assisting Booster Operations September 4, 1959 To Accompany S.2653; Senate Report No. 923 Licensing of Community Antenna Television Systems Septemeber 8,
1959 June-December
13 11
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
S.2653--Report No.923 T Establish Jurisdiction In The F.C.C. Over Community Antenna Television Systems (Catv); H.R. 3743 "Community Television Act of 1959"
Statement of F.C. Before The Subcommittee On Communications, Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee June 30, 1959
1959 June-December
13 12
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Public Law 86-27h 86 Th Congress S.2424 September 14, 1959; H.R. 3743 "Community Television Act of 1959"; Senate Report No 908 Communications Act Amendments--Assisting Booster Operations; S.1886 To Amend The Communications Act of 1934, Community Antenna
13 12
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Television Booster Stations--Hearings Before The Subcommittee of The House Committee On Interstate and Foreign Commerce On S. 1886 June 6-7, 1960
13 13
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
Lough, Harold; Wasilewski, Vincent T.; Dee, William J.
"The History, Nature and Scope of Catv" By Robert D. L'heureux
13 14
Federal Communications Commission -- Community Antenna Television
13 15
Federal Communications Commission -- TV Antenna
Johnson, Lyndon B.
S.2653 To Amend The Communications Act of 1934 To Establish Jurisdiction In The Fcc. Over Community Antenna Systems September 8, 1959; S.2653 Amendments May 1960; Senate Report No. 923 Licensing of Community Antenna Television Systems
Statement By F.C. To The Subcommittee On Communications, Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, June 30, 1959
13 16
Federal Communications Commission -- TV Booster Hearings
Senate Report No.932 Licensing of Community Antenna Television Systems To Accompany S.2658
1959 October 28
14 1
Federal Election Commission
14 2
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Johnston, Donald E.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
1980 October
14 3
Federal Energy Office
Fuel Shortages; Fuel Allocations; Energy Crisis; Gasoline Rationing; H.R.7187 National Flag Commission
1974 January-February
14 4
Federal Energy Office
Brown, Richard L.
Fuel Shortages; Gasoline Allocations; Idaho Office of Energy
1974 March-May
14 5
Federal Energy Office Becomes Federal Energy Administration
Fuel Allocation; Petroleum Product Allocation for Styrene and Other Petrochemicals; Costa Rican Oil Fields; Agricultural Fuel Problems
1974 June-September
14 6
Federal Energy Administration
Montgomery, Robert E., Jr.; Robertson, Jack B.; Sawhill, John C.; Abourezk, James S.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Conant, Melvin A.
First Draft of Fea's "Conservation White Paper"; Use of Coal In Idaho; Project Independence Hearing, Boise, ID September 20, 1974; American Institute of Architects Position Statement of Standards for Energy Conservation; Nomination Hearings for Administr
1974 October-December
14 7
Federal Energy Administration
Lenaghen, Robert; Zarb, Frank G.; Smith, Gorman C.
Natural Gas Curtailments; "Impact of Increased Natural Gas Curtailments On Alternate Fuel Supplies & Demand Levels In Idaho, Oregon & Washington for The 1974-1975 Heating Season"; Recycled Oil
1975 January-April
14 8
Federal Energy Administration
Zarb, Frank G.
Fea Nominations; Fuel Allocations; Presidential Suspension of The $2-Per-Barrel Oil Import Fee
1975 May-December
14 9
Federal Energy Administration
Zarb, Frank G.; Malin, Clement B.; Hess, Leon
Distribution of Petroleum Products; Fuel Allotments; Energy and Home Fuel Costs; Testimoney At Fea Hearing Aug. 19, 1976 By Leon Hess Chairman of The Board of Amerada Hess Corp.; Weekend Ban On Gasoline Sales; Testimoney At Fea Hearing Nov. 3, 1976 By Le
1976 (January & February Are Missing)
14 9
Federal Energy Administration
Federal Energy Administration, March 1975
1976 (January & February Are Missing)
14 10
Federal Energy Administration
O'leary, John F.
Federal Energy Administration
14 11
Federal Energy Administration -- Bennion Case File
Kleppe, Thomas S; Bennion, Sam H.; Bennion, Mark J.
Federal Energy Administration--Bennion Case File
14 12
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Savings and Loans; Spokane Office; Coeur d'Alene; Home Loan Bank Board
1959-1963; 1980
14 13
Federal Housing Administration
Mud Lake; Rapid Resolution of Housing Laws; Land Purchase; Apartment Projects; Glenns Ferry
14 14
Federal Housing Administration
Joslyn, A.W.
Ririe; Home Sewage Disposals; Boise College; Construction Defects
14 15
Federal Housing Administration
Housing Loan Delays; Idaho FHA Transactions; Mortages; Personnel; Minimum Propery Requirements
14 16
Federal Housing Administration
Construction Design; Mortgage Insurance; Lumber Qualifications; Boise Homes
15 1
Federal Power Commission
Harding, Ralph R.
Power Project 912 Disuse; Power License Application; Power Rates; Property Management; Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basin
15 2
Federal Power Commission
Carver, John A., Jr. ; Magnuson, Warren G.; Miller, Niel J.; Laxalt, Paul; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Kootenai River Basin; License and Project Applications; Alberta-California Gas Pipeline; Power Vs. Conservation; S. 1687, Natural Gas Act Amendment
"John A. Carver Appointment", Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Jan. 12, 1965; "John A. Carver Appointment", Committee On Commerce, Sept. 8, 1966
15 3
Federal Power Commission
License and Project Applications; Upper Snake River Basin; Electric Power Reliability Act of 1967
15 4
Federal Power Commission
Pipeline Rates; Project Progress Reports;
1969 January-May
15 5
Federal Power Commission
Future of Western US Power Resources
1969 June-December
15 6
Federal Power Commission
Packwood, Bob
Environment Vs Electric Power; Middle Snake Development; Project Approval
15 7
Federal Power Commission
Moss, Frank E.
Bear River Flooding; Spokane River; Gas Reserves
15 8
Federal Power Commission
Abourezk, James S.
Lower Swift Creek Dam; License Applications
15 9
Federal Power Commission
Solar/Geothermal Power; Licence and Project Applications
15 10
Federal Trade Commission
O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Parrish, Robert M.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Kefauver, Estes
Pricing Practices of Food Canners; Misrepresenting By "Natural Wave" Spray
15 11
Federal Trade Commission
Shea, Joseph W.
Unfair Trade Practice By Idaho Beverages of North Lewiston
15 12
Federal Trade Commission
Morgan, Howard; Shea, Joseph W.
New Jersey Zinc Closing Mine In Hanover, New Mexico; Judgement of Certificates; El Paso Natural Gas Co.; Pacific Northwest Pipeline Co.; Colorado Interstate Gas Co.
15 13
Federal Trade Commission
Shea, Joseph W.; Dixon, Paul Rand; Floersheim, Sydney N.
Hearings On Sydney N. Floersheim
1969 January-May
15 14
Federal Trade Commission
Shea, Joseph W.; Sandoval, Hilary Jr.
Federal Trade Commission Act
1969 June-December
16 1
Federal Trade Commission
Shea, Joseph W.
16 2
Federal Trade Commission
16 3
Federal Trade Commission
Tobin, Charles A.
Fact Sheet for The Soft Drink Industry
16 4
Federal Trade Commission
Tobin, Charles A.
Response of The American Pharmaceutical Assn. To The Inquiry By The FTC
16 5
Federal Trade Commission
Sharp, Phillip W.
Canning Lid Shortage; FTC-Food Advertising
1975 January-July
16 6
Federal Trade Commission
Tobin, Charles A.
Canning Lid Shortage; Canning Lid Quality; FTC Disclosure Concerning Retail Prices for Prescription Drugs
1975 August-December
16 7
Federal Trade Commission
Trade Rules Regarding Hearing Aid Industry; Virginia Board of Pharmacy Vs. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council; Energy Inc. Financial Statements
1976 January-April
16 8
Federal Trade Commission
FTC Trade Regulation Rule-Holder In Due Course Doctrine; Preservation of Consumers' Claims and Defenses
1976 May-December
16 9
Federal Trade Commission
Truth-In-Lending Laws; Ball Corporation "No Further Shortage of Canning Lids"
16 10
Federal Trade Commission
Soward, Wayne L.; Struder, John
John Struder-American Express Co. Billing; Mistreatment By Ford Motor Co. of Small Auto Dealers
1978 January-June
16 11
Federal Trade Commission
FTC Case Against Auslander Decorator Furniture; FTC Complaint Against Mobile Homes Multiplex Corporation
1978 July-December
16 12
Federal Trade Commission
Ferris, Charles D.
Volvo of America False Advertising
1979 January-May
16 13
Federal Trade Commission
Commodity Futures Trading Commision
1979 June-October
16 14
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission
1979 October-December
16 15
Federal Trade Commission
Shiben, Richard J.; Levin, Carl; Pertschuk, Michael
FTC-Federal Register
1980 January-October
17 1
Federal Trade Commission
Pertschuk, Michael
FTC Used Car Trade Rule
1980 October-December
17 2
General Services Administration
Smylie, Robert E.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Day, Robert L.; Chavez, Dennis
Surplus Government Equipment; Federal Agency Office Space In Private Buildings; Construction/Location of Federal Buildings
17 3
General Services Administration
Hummel, Charles F.; Shellworth, E.W.; Burke, Carl P.; Klein, Sandor S.; Swinney, H.J.
Purchase of Government Surplus Equipement/Machinery; Office Space for Federal Agencies In Private Buildings; Boise Federal Building-VA Site Vs. Office Site
17 4
General Services Administration
Donatable Surplus Property Programs; "Donation of Surplus Personal Property To Educational Institutions" House Committee On Government Operations Hearing August 1, 1962; "Donation of Surplus ... Department of Defense" House Committee On Government Operat
17 5
General Services Administration
McGinnis, Roger
Construction of Federal Buildings; Leasing Space To Federal Agencies; Moscow Post Office Remodeling; Bonners Ferry Paving Project; Selection of Architects for Federal Construction Projects; St. Maries Post Office
17 6
General Services Administration
Hummel, Charles F.; Shellworth, E.W.; Burke, Carl P.
American Vocational Assoc. Building Damage; Boise Federal Building; Boise Downtown Street Lighting
17 7
General Services Administration
Brauner, William J.; Samuelson, Don; Amyx, Jay S.; Smylie, Robert E.
Employment In Federal Buildings; Purchase of Government Surplus Equipment; Twin Falls Airport; Office Space In Driggs; 4h Park In Kamiah; Pumps At Brueneau Titan Missile Site; New Boise Federal Building; Sale of Federal Land At VA To Idaho; St Maries Fed
17 8
General Services Administration
Amyx, Jay S.
Parking for Boise Federal Building and Court House; GSA As Purchasing Agent for Local Governments; Titan Missile Site; Location of Federal Office Buildings
17 9
General Services Administration
McClellan, John L.
Purchase of Surplus Government Equipment/Supplies; Boise Cascade Mobile Homes for Government Offices; Sex Discrimination In Toast Mistress Club; Construction/Remodeling of Federal Buildings
17 10
General Services Administration
Mondale, Walter F.; Proxmire, William; Gravel, Mike; Hughes, Harold E.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Discontinuation of GSA Services To Federal Grantees S.3882...Use of Excess Property By Certain Grantees; Surplus Dome for Payette High School; Purchase of Government Surpluse Equipement; Announcements of Government Constuction Projects
1972 #1
17 11
General Services Administration
Moscow Federal Building/Post Office (1967-1972); Airline Service To Moscow-Pullman; Sandpoint Federal Building Project; S.2479/H.R.10488 The Public Buildings Amendments of 1971
1972 #2
17 12
General Services Administration
Wells, Merle W.; Mondale, Walter F.
Purchase of Government Surplus Property; Announcements of Government Construction Projects; Surplus VA Buildings for Boise School District Alternative School; Sandpoint Federal Building Exterior Design; Use of Excess Property By Federal Grantees
18 1
General Services Administration
Military Service Records; Location of Pocatello Post Office; Announcements of GSA Contracts, Surplus, Etc.
1974 January-June
18 2
General Services Administration
Military Service Records; Television Translator Station for Oneida County; Announcements of GSA Contracts, Declaration of Surplus, Etc.
1974 July-December
18 3
General Services Administration
Disposition of Old Moscow Post Office; Pocatello Post Office Location; Military Service Records; Purchase of Government Surplus Equipment; Announcements of GSA Contracts, Declaration of Surplus, Etc,
1975 February-July
18 4
General Services Administration
Pocatello Post Office; Announcements of GSA Contracts, Declarations of Surplus, Etc.
1975 August-December
18 5
General Services Administration
Pocatello Post Office Location; Pocatello New Federal Building; Retrieval of Missing Military Records; Announcement of GSA Contracts, Declaration of Surplus, Etc.
18 6
General Services Administration
Military Service Records
18 7
General Services Administration
GSA Bidding Procedures; Military Service Records
18 8
General Services Administration
Evans, John V.
Military Service Records; Sandpoint Library Building (Perpetual Use Restrictions)
1979 January-June
18 9
General Services Administration
Surplus Government Property; GSA Bidding Procedures; Military Service Records
1979 July-November (December Missing)
18 10
General Services Administration
Pryor, David
Federal Employees' Parking In Boise; GSA Bidding Procedures; Regional Facilities for National Archives; Purchasing Government Surplus Property/Equipment
1980 January-May
18 11
General Services Administration
Carson City Silver Dollars; Surplus Government Property; Military Service Records
1980 June-October (November & December Missing)
18 12
Housing and Home Finance Agency
Clark, Joseph S.
Home Finance for Elderly; Georgetown Water System; Loans
18 13
Housing and Home Finance Agency
Wessels, Tony
Cottonwood Street Improvements; Mountain Home Highway; Shoshone County Sewage
18 14
Housing and Home Finance Agency
Housing Defects; Lapwai Sewage
19 1
Housing and Home Finance Agency
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Housing for Elderly; Water Pollution Control
International Cooperation Administration - Small Business Administration
The Interstate Commerce Commission files indicate Senator Church's concern for continuing railroad service to Idaho. This section also contains the one folder specifically handling issues regarding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found within the collection.
Box Folder
19 2
International Cooperation Administration
Fulbright, J.W.
Mutual Security Act; Afghan Regional Transit Program
19 3
International Cooperation Administration
Afghan Regional Transit Program; Tapioca Starch
1961 January-September
19 4
International Cooperation Administration
Afghan Regional Transit Program
1961 October-December
19 5
Interstate Commerce Commission
Magnuson, Warren G.; Goff, Abe McGregor
Ex Parte No. 206: Increased Freight Rates, Eastern, Western and Southern Territories; Railroad Request Rate Reduction
19 6
Interstate Commerce Commission
Discontinuance of Train Service Between Minneapolis and Tacoma; Railroad Merger; Increased Express Rates On Fish and Seafood
19 7
Interstate Commerce Commission
Meeting--National Reloading Mfg. Association Committee With Senator Church and Members of The Interstate Commerce Commission 1962, Subject: Shipping Powder
19 8
Interstate Commerce Commission
Walrath, Lawrence K.
Investigation To Prevent Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Accidents Involving Railway Trains and Motor Vehicles; Bill Converning Acquisitions of and By Freight Forwarders
19 9
Interstate Commerce Commission
19 10
Interstate Commerce Commission
19 11
Interstate Commerce Commission
Northern Pacific Railway Discontinuance Between Spokane-Lewiston 1966; Box Car Shortage-1966; Proposed Condemnation of Camas Prairie Line; Railroad Operating Regulations--Freight Car Movement
1966 January-April
19 12
Interstate Commerce Commission
Great Northern Pacific-Burlington Merger
1966 May-December
19 13
Interstate Commerce Commission
Statement By Senator Church In Protest U.P.R.R. Discontinue Trains
1968 January-April
20 1
Interstate Commerce Commission
1968 May-July
20 2
Interstate Commerce Commission
Hearing--Increased Freight Rates
1968 August-December
20 3
Interstate Commerce Commission
Merger--Chicago and North Western Railway and Milwauke Road; I.C.C. Annual Report
20 4
Interstate Commerce Commission
Hearing--I.P.U.C. In Matter of U.P.R.R. To Make Changes
20 5
Interstate Commerce Commission
1970 January-May
20 6
Interstate Commerce Commission
1970 June-August
20 7
Interstate Commerce Commission
1970 September-December
20 8
Interstate Commerce Commission
1971 January-March
20 9
Interstate Commerce Commission
1971 April-June
20 10
Interstate Commerce Commission
Hartke, Vance
Senator Vance Hartke's Statement To Icc 1971
1971 July-December
20 11
Interstate Commerce Commission
May Trucking Company
1972 January-March
20 12
Interstate Commerce Commission
1972 April-December
20 13
Interstate Commerce Commission
20 14
Interstate Commerce Commission
United Parcel
1974 #1
21 1
Interstate Commerce Commission
1974 #2
21 2
Interstate Commerce Commission
1975 January-May
21 3
Interstate Commerce Commission
1975 June-December
21 4
Interstate Commerce Commission
21 5
Interstate Commerce Commission
21 6
Interstate Commerce Commission
21 7
Interstate Commerce Commission
21 8
Interstate Commerce Commission
Bergland, Bob
Interstate Commerce Commission
21 9
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Coeur d'Alene Bus
21 10
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Discontinuance U.P. Trains 35-36
Interstate Commerce Commission--Discontinuance U.P. Trains 35-36
1967 October-1968 August
21 11
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Discontinuance U.P. Trains 35-36
Interstate Commerce Commission--Discontinuance U.P. Trains 35-36
1970 April-1971 December
21 12
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Freight Car Supply
Interstate Commerce Commission--Freight Car Supply
21 13
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Freight Rate
Interstate Commerce Commission--Freight Rate
21 14
Interstate Commerce Commission -- Trains Northern & Union Pacific
Trains 1&2 Northern Pacific; Trains 17&18 Union Pacific (Portland Rose)
22 1
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Proxmire, William; Anderson, Clinton P.
H.R.7500 Satellite Appropriation Bill
1962-1967 1969
22 2
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Gurney, Edward J.; Mondale, Walter F.
22 3
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
22 4
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
22 5
National Council On Arts & Humanities
Letters for Full $39 Million Funding for The National Endowment for The Arts; H.R.11308 An Act To Amend The National Foundation On The Arts and The Humanities Act of 1965; Hearings On H.R.11308 In Joint Committee By The Special Subcommittee On Arts and H
22 6
National Endowment for The Arts
22 7
National Labor Relations Board
Foodland Union; Diamond National; Bunker Hill; Copper Industry
22 8
National Labor Relations Board
L. Cardiff, Inc.; Union Failure To Back Workers
22 9
National Labor Relations Board
National Reactor Testing Station; Bunker Hill; Case Delays
22 10
National Science Foundation
Abstracting and Index Services
22 11
National Science Foundation
Funding Cuts; 1967 Annual Reports; Aptitude Testing
22 12
National Science Foundation
Pest Control Grant; Satellites
22 13
National Science Foundation
Andrus, Cecil D.
Spectroscopy; Sugar Beet Nematode; Boise Geothermal
22 14
National Science Foundation
Hansen, Orval
Radiation Enhanced Electrocatalysis; Solar Cells; Environment and Sociology
22 15
National Science Foundation
Geothermal; Limnology Laboratory; Statistics Group; Grants
22 16
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
23 1
Office of Economic Opportunity
1964 February; 1965
23 2
Office of Economic Opportunity
1965 March
23 3
Office of Economic Opportunity
1965 April-May
23 4
Office of Economic Opportunity
1965 June-July
23 5
Office of Economic Opportunity
1965 August-September
23 6
Office of Economic Opportunity
1965 October-December
23 7
Office of Economic Opportunity
1966 January-March
23 8
Office of Economic Opportunity
United States Postal Service
1966 April-June
23 9
Office of Economic Opportunity
1966 July-August
23 10
Office of Economic Opportunity
1966 September-December
23 11
Office of Economic Opportunity
1967 January-February
23 12
Office of Economic Opportunity
1967 March-April
23 13
Office of Economic Opportunity
1967 May-August
23 14
Office of Economic Opportunity
1967 September-December
23 15
Office of Economic Opportunity
1968 January-December
24 1
Office of Economic Opportunity
1969 January-March 1969
24 2
Office of Economic Opportunity
1969 April-June
24 3
Office of Economic Opportunity
1969 July-October
24 4
Office of Economic Opportunity
Need for Subsidized Family Planning Service: United States, Each State and County, 1968
1969 November-December
24 5
Office of Economic Opportunity
Cap Form 7
24 6
Office of Economic Opportunity
Indian Community Action Project, University of Montana Foundation, Missoula, MT
24 7
Office of Economic Opportunity
Cap 7d, Conduct and Administration, Basic Functions of Central Staff; Checkpoint Procedure for Coordination of Cap Activities With State Economic Opportunity Office Activities; Cap 81, Planning Process Narrative
24 8
Office of Economic Opportunity
Western Idaho Community Action Program, Inc., P.O Box 37, Emmett, ID, Budget Year D, 1970
24 9
Office of Economic Opportunity
1970 January-March
24 10
Office of Economic Opportunity
1970 April-June
24 11
Office of Economic Opportunity
1970 July-December
24 12
Office of Economic Opportunity
1971 January-June
24 13
Office of Economic Opportunity
1971 July-December
24 14
Office of Economic Opportunity
1972 January-June
24 15
Office of Economic Opportunity
1972 July-December
25 1
Office of Economic Opportunity
1973 January-March
25 2
Office of Economic Opportunity
A Proposal To Community Action Agency, Inc. From Community Construction Co-Op, Inc.
1973 April-December
25 3
Office of Economic Opportunity
25 4
Office of Economic Opportunity
25 5
Office of Personnel Management
1979 January-February
25 6
Office of Personnel Management
1979 March-July
25 7
Office of Personnel Management
1979 August-September
25 8
Office of Personnel Management
1979 August-September
25 9
Office of Personnel Management
1980 January-March
25 10
Office of Personnel Management
1980 April-June
25 11
Office of Personnel Management
1980 July
25 12
Office of Personnel Management
1980 August-October
25 13
Office of Personnel Management
1980 November-December
25 14
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
1970-1972; 1980
Railroad Retirement Board -- Case Files
27 1
Securities and Exchange Commission
Publication On Adoption of Rule 136 and Amendment of Rule 140; Intermountain States Mining Association Memorandum
27 2
Securities and Exchange Commission
Dubois, Orval L.; Gadsby, Edward N.
Amendment To Securities Act of 1933; Notice of Proposed Rules and Regulations Relating To Assessable Stock; Statement of Northwest Mining Association; Hearings Before The Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
1959 #1
27 3
Securities and Exchange Commission
Dubois, Orval L.; Gadsby, Edward N.; Clark, Edward B.
Case Study of Edward B. Clark
1959 #2
27 4
Securities and Exchange Commission
Barnes, E.K.; Dubois, Orval L.
Mining Reform
27 5
Securities and Exchange Commission
Dubois, Orval L.; Budge, Hamer H.
Western Livestock Services, Inc.-Publication
27 6
Securities and Exchange Commission
Dubois, Orval L.; Budge, Hamer H.
Statements To The House Subcommittee On Commerce and Finance By Hamer H. Budge, Chairman of The Securities and Exchange Commission
27 7
Securities and Exchange Commission
Dubois, Orval L.; Hunt, Ronald F.; Fitzsimmons, George A.
27 8
Securities and Exchange Commission
Donoghue, Dennis J.; Fitzsimmons, George A.
Securities and Exchange Commission Actions Against Spokane Stock Exchange
27 9
Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission vs. American Institute Counselors, Inc.; Court Case of S.E.C. vs. American Institute Counselors, Inc.
27 10
Securities and Exchange Commission
Hunt Brothers Selling of Silver
27 11
Selective Service System
Hershey, Lewis B.; Wolf, Leonard G.
27 12
Selective Service System
27 13
Selective Service System
1966 January-July
27 14
Selective Service System
1966 August-December
27 15
Selective Service System
Hershey, Lewis B.
28 1
Selective Service System
Hershey, Lewis B.
1968 January-August
28 2
Selective Service System
1968 September-December
28 3
Selective Service System
1969 January-May
28 4
Selective Service System
1969 June-December
28 5
Selective Service System
1970 January-September
28 6
Selective Service System
1970 October-December
28 7
Selective Service System
1971 January-May
28 8
Selective Service System
1971 June-December
28 8
Selective Service System
28 10
Selective Service System
28 11
Small Business Administration
Barnes, Wendell B.; Buck, Robert F.; Sparkman, John J.
Cottonwood Butte Radar Station Housing Unit/Proposed Motel; 1957 Report: 12th Report of Advisory Commission; Branch Offices of SBA-Seattle/ Helena, Boise; Report #3-Bill Analysis/Proposals To Extend Activities and Provide Tax Relief of S.B.A.; Teton Dam/
28 12
Small Business Administration
Barnes, Wendell B.
Report of Hearing-SBA Participation In Timber Disposal Program; "Cow Pools"
28 13
Small Business Administration
Neuberger, Maurine B.; McCallum, Phillip; Hurlbut, R.M.
Guidelines/SBA Loans To Privately Owned Health Facilities, Key Features of SBA Lending Programs; Listing of Field Offices/Regional Offices
1960 January-June
28 14
Small Business Administration
Stults, Walter B.
86th Congress/Report of Hearing On Set-Aside/Sale of Government Timber; Weekly Staff Report To Senate-Sb Committee-October
1960 July-December
29 1
Small Business Administration
Horne, John E.; Tourtellotte, Neal E.
1961 March-July
29 2
Small Business Administration
Roderick, C.R.; Iverson, Floyd; Horne, John E.; Chase, Cyril C.
1961 August-December
29 3
Small Business Administration
Horne, John E.; Morse, Wayne
Nominations and Appointments; SBA Advisory; Volunteers From Different Areas of Idaho
1962 January-April
29 4
Small Business Administration
Schumacher, William S.; Horne, John E.
1962 May-August
29 5
Small Business Administration
Jackson, Henry M.; Harding, Ralph R.; Horne, John E.; Davidson, Marion D.J.
1962 September
29 6
Small Business Administration
Lanman, C.R.; Horne, John E.
1963 January-March
29 7
Small Business Administration
All Letters and Robo Response Regarding St. Maries Plywood Application for A Loan From SBA As Part of Benewah County Area Redevelopment Program
1963 February
29 8
Small Business Administration
Horne, John E.; Davidson, Marion D.J.; Maness, Irving
Construction Set-Asides-S.757; Address By Irving Maness, Deputy Administor SBA for Contract Procurement Course In Washington, DC
1963 April-August
29 9
Small Business Administration
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Report/Subcommittee On Retailing, Distribution, and Marketing Practices To The Select Committee On Small Business-Impact of Defense Spending On Labor/Surplus Areas; Reappointments Sb Advisory Council
1963 September-December
29 10
Small Business Administration
1964 January-May
29 11
Small Business Administration
Chase, Cyril C.
1964 June-December
29 12
Small Business Administration
Suggested Names for Idaho Advisory Council and Members Names; Report of The Attorney General-Pursuant To Sec.10(C) of SBA Act of 1958, As Amended
1965 January-June
29 13
Small Business Administration
Proxmire, William; Davis, Ross D.
Brief Description-SBA's Local Development Company Program; Butterfield Creek Ski Area (Vengreen Idaho County)-See Also Forest Service
1965 July-December
29 14
Small Business Administration
1966 January-June
29 15
Small Business Administration
1966 July-December
30 1
Small Business Administration
Parsley, Merle D.
1967 January-April
30 2
Small Business Administration
1967 May
30 3
Small Business Administration
1967 June-October
30 4
Small Business Administration
1967 November-December
30 5
Small Business Administration
1968 January-June
30 6
Small Business Administration
1968 July-December
30 7
Small Business Administration
1969 January-June
30 8
Small Business Administration
1969 July-December
30 9
Small Business Administration
1970 January-June
30 10
Small Business Administration
1970 July-December
30 11
Small Business Administration
1971 January-September
30 12
Small Business Administration
1971 October-December
30 13
Small Business Administration
30 14
Small Business Administration
30 15
Small Business Administration
31 1
Small Business Administration
"Economic Opportunity Loan Program"; "SBA, What It Is...What It Does"; "SBA Business Loans"; "Selling To The US Government"; "Starting A Small Business Investment Company"
1975 January-June
31 2
Small Business Administration
1975 July-December
31 3
Small Business Administration
31 4
Small Business Administration
31 5
Small Business Administration
1978 January-July
31 6
Small Business Administration
1978 August-December
31 7
Small Business Administration
1979 Jaunary-September
31 8
Small Business Administration
1979 October-December
31 9
Small Business Administration
1980 January-June
31 10
Small Business Administration
1980 July-December
United States Civil Service Commission - United States Tariff Commission
Box Folder
31 11
United States Civil Service Commission
Johnston, Olin D.; Branley, H.W.
S.1638 Personal Administration for Executive Branch; Federal Administration and Management Examination; Eleventh Annual Report of The Administration of General Services
31 12
United States Civil Service Commission
Johnston, Olin D.
31 13
United States Civil Service Commission
31 14
United States Civil Service Commission
Hechtner, Howard D.
"Plan for A Senior Staff College"
32 1
United States Civil Service Commission
Williams, Harrison A., Jr; Barrie, S.P.
S.P. Barrie Application for Work In Civil Service
32 2
United States Civil Service Commission
Hearing On Subcommittee of US Civil Service Commission
1964 January-April
32 3
United States Civil Service Commission
"Navigational Scientist"; Hearing Examiner
1964 May-December
32 4
United States Civil Service Commission
H.R.8469; "An Instrument for Progress." Federal Executive Board
1965 January-September
32 5
United States Civil Service Commission
1965 October-Novemeber
32 6
United States Civil Service Commission
1966 January-August
32 7
United States Civil Service Commission
1966 September-December
32 8
United States Civil Service Commission
32 9
United States Civil Service Commission
1968 January-June
32 10
United States Civil Service Commission
1968 July-December
32 11
United States Civil Service Commission
Grubb, Sterling
Sterling Grubb Complaint Against Civil Service; S.160; S.438
1969 January-June
32 12
United States Civil Service Commission
1969 July-December
32 13
United States Civil Service Commission
1970 January-July
32 14
United States Civil Service Commission
1970 August-December
32 15
United States Civil Service Commission
1971 January-June
32 16
United States Civil Service Commission
1971 July-December
32 17
United States Civil Service Commission
1972 January-March
32 18
United States Civil Service Commission
Downgrading of Pay Scale In Civil Service
1972 April-September
33 1
United States Civil Service Commission
1972 October-December
33 2
United States Civil Service Commission
1973 January-June
33 3
United States Civil Service Commission
1973 July-December
33 4
United States Civil Service Commission
1974 January-July
33 5
United States Civil Service Commission
1974 August-December
33 6
United States Civil Service Commission
1975 January-May
33 7
United States Civil Service Commission
1975 June-October
33 8
United States Civil Service Commission
1975 November-December
33 9
United States Civil Service Commission
1976 January-April
33 10
United States Civil Service Commission
1976 May-July
33 11
United States Civil Service Commission
1976 August-September
33 12
United States Civil Service Commission
1976 October-December
33 13
United States Civil Service Commission
1977 January-February
33 14
United States Civil Service Commission
1977 March-May
33 15
United States Civil Service Commission
1977 June-August
34 1
United States Civil Service Commission
1977 September-October
34 2
United States Civil Service Commission
1977 November-December
34 3
United States Civil Service Commission
Abourezk, James S.
1978 January-March
34 4
United States Civil Service Commission
1978 April-June
34 5
United States Civil Service Commission
1978 July
34 6
United States Civil Service Commission
Career Opportunities In The Environmental Protection Agency; Working for The U.S.A.; Career Choices
1978 August-September
34 7
United States Civil Service Commission
1978 October-December
34 8
United States Information Agency
USIA 14th Report; Latin American Communism; Distinguished Young Americans; Montreal Expo Exhibit
34 9
United States Information Agency
USIA 30th Report and 35th Report; German Pilot Training; Voice of America
"Usia, Vietnam Propoganda", Senate, March 29, 1971
34 10
United States Information Agency
Stephens, Robert G., Jr.
1972 Annual Report; Western Writer's Series; International Broadcasting
34 11
United States International Trade Commission
Sugar Imports; Plastic Ski Boots; Potato Tariffs; Car Imports
34 12
United States Postal Service
34 13
United States Postal Service
1957 January-July
34 14
United States Postal Service
1957 August
34 15
United States Postal Service
1957 September-December
34 16
United States Postal Service
1958 January-March
35 1
United States Postal Service
1958 April-July
35 2
United States Postal Service
1958 August-December
35 3
United States Postal Service
1959 January-March
35 4
United States Postal Service
1959 April-June
35 5
United States Postal Service
1959 July-August
35 6
United States Postal Service
1959 September-December
35 7
United States Postal Service
1960 January-March
35 8
United States Postal Service
1960 April-May
35 9
United States Postal Service
1960 June-August
35 10
United States Postal Service
1960 September-December
35 11
United States Postal Service
1961 January-March
35 12
United States Postal Service
1961 April-June
35 13
United States Postal Service
1961 July-December
35 14
United States Postal Service
1962 January-March
35 15
United States Postal Service
1962 April-June
36 1
United States Postal Service
1962 July-August
36 2
United States Postal Service
1962 September-December
36 3
United States Postal Service
1963 January-March
36 4
United States Postal Service
1963 April-May
36 5
United States Postal Service
1963 June-July
36 6
United States Postal Service
1963 August-September
36 7
United States Postal Service
1963 October-December
36 8
United States Postal Service
1964 January-April
36 9
United States Postal Service
1964 May-August
36 10
United States Postal Service
1964 September-December
36 11
United States Postal Service
1965 January-March
36 12
United States Postal Service
1965 April-May
36 13
United States Postal Service
1965 June-September
36 14
United States Postal Service
1965 October-December
37 1
United States Postal Service
1966 January-March
37 2
United States Postal Service
1966 April-March
37 3
United States Postal Service
1966 July-September
37 4
United States Postal Service
1966 October-December
37 5
United States Postal Service
1967 January-March
37 6
United States Postal Service
1967 April-June
37 7
United States Postal Service
1967 July-September
37 8
United States Postal Service
1967 October-November
37 9
United States Postal Service
1967 December
37 10
United States Postal Service
37 11
United States Postal Service
37 12
United States Postal Service
1968 January
37 13
United States Postal Service
1968 February
37 14
United States Postal Service
1968 March-April
37 15
United States Postal Service
1968 May
38 1
United States Postal Service
1968 June-July
38 2
United States Postal Service
1968 August
38 3
United States Postal Service
1968 September-December
38 4
United States Postal Service
1969 January-March
38 5
United States Postal Service
1969 April-May
38 6
United States Postal Service
1969 June-August
38 7
United States Postal Service
1969 September-October
38 8
United States Postal Service
1969 November-December
38 9
United States Postal Service
1970 January-March
38 10
United States Postal Service
1970 April-June
38 11
United States Postal Service
1970 July-August
38 12
United States Postal Service
1970 September-October
38 13
United States Postal Service
1970 November-December
38 14
United States Postal Service
1971 January-February
38 15
United States Postal Service
1971 March
38 16
United States Postal Service
1971 April-May
38 17
United States Postal Service
1971 June-July
38 18
United States Postal Service
1971 August-October
38 19
United States Postal Service
1971 November-December
39 1
United States Postal Service
1972 January-March
39 2
United States Postal Service
1972 April-June
39 3
United States Postal Service
1972 July-December
39 4
United States Postal Service
1973 January-March
39 5
United States Postal Service
1973 April
39 6
United States Postal Service
1973 May-June
39 6
United States Postal Service
1973 July-September
39 7
United States Postal Service
1973 October-December
39 8
United States Postal Service
1974 January-March
39 9
United States Postal Service
1974 April-May
39 10
United States Postal Service
1975 June-July
39 11
United States Postal Service
1974 August-October
39 12
United States Postal Service
1974 November-December
39 13
United States Postal Service
1975 January-March
39 14
United States Postal Service
1975 April-May
39 15
United States Postal Service
1975 June-July
39 16
United States Postal Service
1975 August
40 1
United States Postal Service
1975 September
40 2
United States Postal Service
1975 October
40 3
United States Postal Service
1975 November-December
40 4
United States Postal Service
1976 January-February
40 5
United States Postal Service
1976 March-April
40 6
United States Postal Service
1976 May-June
40 7
United States Postal Service
1976 July-August
40 8
United States Postal Service
1976 September-December
40 9
United States Postal Service
1977 January-February
40 10
United States Postal Service
1977 March-April
40 11
United States Postal Service
1977 May-June
40 12
United States Postal Service
1977 July-September
40 13
United States Postal Service
1977 October-December
40 14
United States Postal Service
1978 January-March
40 15
United States Postal Service
1978 April-June
40 16
United States Postal Service
1978 July-September
41 1
United States Postal Service
1978 October-December
41 2
United States Postal Service
1979 January-April
41 3
United States Postal Service
1979 May-September
41 4
United States Postal Service
1979 October-December
41 5
United States Postal Service
Farnsworth, Pailot
Pioneer TV Museum
1980 January-March
41 6
United States Postal Service
1980 April-June
41 7
United States Postal Service
1980 July-August
41 8
United States Postal Service
1980 September-December
41 9
United States Postal Service -- Apprenticeship Commemorative Stamp
1960 May-December 1961
41 10
United States Postal Service -- Apprenticeship Commemorative Stamp
1962-1963 January
41 11
United States Postal Service -- Idaho Centennial Stamp
41 12
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1965-1966 January-February
41 13
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1966 March-December; 1967
41 14
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 January-February
41 15
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 March
41 16
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 April
41 17
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 May
41 18
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 June-July
41 19
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 September-October
42 1
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 November
42 2
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1968 December
42 3
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1969 January
42 4
United States Postal Service -- Postmasterships
1969 January-February
42 5
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
42 6
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
1968 January-April
42 7
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
1968 May-July
42 8
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
1968 August
42 9
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
1968 September-December
42 10
United States Postal Service -- Rural Carriers
42 11
United States Tariff Commission
Onions; Particleboard; Weapons; Hops
Veterans Administration case files (Boxes 43-54)
These files contain correspondence from veterans who wrote Church regarding benefits and pensions. They are closed.
Executive branch
The Executive Branch subseries contain those departments which are headed by a Cabinet secretary. Each department within the series has been divided into sections according to the organizational plan of that department.
Department of Agriculture
The Department of Agriculture has extensive involvement within Idaho because of its jurisdiction over agriculture and forestry. This section also includes three boxes of closed case files from the Farmers Home Administration.
Box Folder
1 2
Report No. 1438 To Accompany H.R.11767; Legislative Policies and Programs of The National Grange, 1959; Farm Bureau Policies for 1959, American Farm Bureau Federation
1959 January-March
1 3
Report On Farm Labor; Public Hearings of The National Advisory Committee On Farm Labor February 1959
1959 April-June
1 4
Paarlberg, Don
Address By Hon. Dpm Paarlberg In Support of The Administration's Farm Policy
1959 April-December
1 5
Symington, Stuart
S.2862 Farm Bill of 1960; Statement Introducing S.2862 By Stuart Symington; 1960 Policy: Idaho Farm Bureau Federations
1960 January-April
1 6
United States Department of Agriculture, Summary of Report
1960 May-December
1 7
Farm Bureau Policies for 1961
1961 January-March
1 8
Department of Agriculture
1961 May-July
1 9
Freeman, Orville L.
1961 August-December
1 10
Department of Agriculture
1962 January-April
1 11
Department of Agriculture
1962 May-June
1 12
Department of Agriculture
1962 August-December
1 13
Department of Agriculture
1963 January-March
1 14
Department of Agriculture
1963 April-May
1 15
Policies and Programs of The National Grange; Wheat Situation
1963 June-September
2 1
Department of Agriculture
1963 October-December
2 2
Department of Agriculture
1964 January-March
2 3
Department of Agriculture
1964 June-September
2 4
Department of Agriculture
1964 October-December
2 5
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Lyndon B. Johnson's Speech On Agriculture, February 4, 1965; Congressional Guide To Information Services, United States Department of Agriculture
1965 January-March
2 6
Department of Agriculture
1965 April-June
2 7
Department of Agriculture
1965 July-August
2 8
Department of Agriculture
1965 September-December
2 9
Department of Agriculture
1966 January-April
2 10
Department of Agriculture
1966 May-December
2 11
Department of Agriculture
1967 January-May
2 12
1967 Policy of The National Farmers Union
1967 June-December
2 13
Department of Agriculture
1968 January-March
2 14
Department of Agriculture
1968 April-June
2 15
Department of Agriculture
1968 July-September
2 16
Department of Agriculture
1968 October-December
3 1
Department of Agriculture
1969 January-May
3 2
Department of Agriculture
1969 June-December
3 3
Department of Agriculture
1970 January-April
3 4
Department of Agriculture
1970 May-August
3 5
Department of Agriculture
1970 September-December
3 6
Department of Agriculture
1971 January-March
3 7
Department of Agriculture
1971 April-July
3 8
Department of Agriculture
1971 July-September
3 9
Department of Agriculture
1971 October-November
3 10
Department of Agriculture
1971 December
3 11
Department of Agriculture
1972 January-March
3 12
Department of Agriculture
1972 April-May
3 13
Department of Agriculture
1972 June-July
3 14
Department of Agriculture
1972 August
4 1
Department of Agriculture
1972 September-December
4 2
Department of Agriculture
1973 January-April
4 3
Department of Agriculture
1973 May-July
4 4
Department of Agriculture
1973 August-October
4 5
Department of Agriculture
1973 November-December
4 6
Department of Agriculture
1974 January-March
4 7
1974 April-July
4 8
Department of Agriculture
1974 August-December
4 9
Snow Pack Monitoring; Supplemental Food Program for Nez Perce; Beef Standards; Personnel; Food Exports; Sugar Prices
1975 January-February
4 10
Andrus, Cecil D.
Canning Jars; Pea Standards; Snow Pack Monitoring; Supplemental Food Program for Nez Perce
1975 March-June
4 11
Saylor Creek Experimental Station; Youth Conservation Corps; Food Stamps; Agriculture Council of America; National Potato; Consumer-Grower Relations
1975 July-September
4 12
Andrus, Cecil D.
Peas To Brazil; Wheat To Russia; Food Stamps; Pea Standards
1975 October-December
4 13
Bayh, Birch
Wheat To Russia; Land and Water Conservation Fund; Packers and Stockyards Act; School Lunch Program; Palm Oil Imports; Beef Standards; Beef Imports; Teton Dam
1976 January-October
4 14
Commercial Fishing; Honey Standards; Timber Sales; Dairy Operators
"Honey and Honey Products Inspection and Identification Act", No Date Or Location
1976 November-December
5 1
Talmadge, Herman E.; Hayakawa, S.I.
Crop Insurance; Research Funding; Meat Inspection; 1977 Corn Annual; Anhydrous Ammonia; Milk Prices
1977 January-July
5 2
Melcher, John; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Bergland, Bob
Snowpack Monitoring; Personnel; Crop Insurance; Salmon River; Food Additives
1977 August-December
5 3
Bergland, Bob
Wheat Acreage Allotments; Crop Insurance
1978 January-February
5 4
Burdick, Quentin N.; Chiles, Lawton; Tower, John G.; Melcher, John; Bergland, Bob
Farm Regulations; Area Development Assistant Planning Grant Program; Imported Beef; Irrigation Needs, Gasohol; Crop Insurance
1978 March-December
5 5
Bergland, Bob; Evans, John V.
Food Stamps; School Lunch; Dairy Prices; South Bingham Soil Conservation District; Railroad Shipping
1979 January-March
5 6
Bergland, Bob
Potatoes To South Korea; Grain Inspection; Label Inspection; Crop Insurance; Botulism
1979 April-July
5 7
Bergland, Bob
Railroad Shipping; Milk Order; Milk Prices; Food Stamps; Grain Inspection
1979 August-October
5 8
Bergland, Bob
Mosquito Flat Reservoir; FHA Loans; Wheat Market
1979 November-December
5 9
Bergland, Bob
Soil and Water Conservation 1980 Report; Petrified Wood; Spearmint Oil; South Bingham Soil Conservation District; Federal Milk Marketing Order
1980 January-March
5 10
Bergland, Bob
Dairy Farming; Cattle Branding; Private Rangeland; Dome Hill Wilderness Study
1980 April-July
5 11
Bergland, Bob
Food Stamps; Ethanol; Mount St. Helens
1980 August-December
5 12
Agriculture -- Agriculture Research
5 13
Agriculture -- Agriculture Research
5 14
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
6 1
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
6 2
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
Department of Agriculture--Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service; "Yellowstone Soil Conservation District"
6 3
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
Jordan, Len B.
Department of Agriculture--Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service; "Annual Activity Summary", 1968, Second and First Congressional District; "Ascs Annual Report"; "Annual Activity Summary, 1969
6 4
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
6 5
Agriculture -- Stabilization and Conservation Service
6 6
Agriculture -- Commodity Stabilization Service
6 7
Agriculture -- Crop Reporting Board
6 8
Agriculture -- Drought Relief
1961; 1978
6 9
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1961 January-July
6 10
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Report On The Activities of The Farmers Home Administration, State of Idaho
1961 August-December
6 11
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard; Gruening, Ernest; Kingsley, Joseph T.
6 12
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
6 13
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
6 14
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Freeman, Orville L.
6 15
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
Sewer System for The City of Fairfield; Crane Creek Reservoir
6 16
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
1967 January-May
6 17
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Sewer System Grant for Cascade; FHA Loan for Weippe, Idaho; Woodland Park Water and Sewer Project; "Technical Suitability for Products", FHA
1967 June-August
6 18
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Repair of Crane Creek Reservoir
1967 September-December
6 19
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Klein, George
Fred's Mountain Development
1967 January-December
6 20
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
1968 January-May
7 1
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
1968 June-September
7 2
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
New Sewer System for Hailey, Idaho; Engineers Report On Sewer System for Hailey, Idaho; Aerial Photo of Hailey, Idaho; Proposed System for Hailey, Idaho
1968 October
7 3
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
New Sewer and Water System for The City of Santa, Idaho; FHA Loan and Grant for Star Sewer and Water System
1968 October
7 4
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bertsch, Howard
1968 November-December
7 5
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Smokey Dome Ski Area
1968 January-December
7 6
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1969 January-June
7 7
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Winder, Donald L.
List of All FHA Funded Community Projects In Idaho; FHA Information Report To Frank Church By Donald L. Winder, State Director
1969 July-December
7 8
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
St. Maries Golf Club; The Green Thumb Project; List of FHA Emergency Loans
1970 January-May
7 9
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Lee, Robert E.
FHA Not Financing Pre-Fab; Loans for Potato Farmers; Drainage System for Emmett, Idaho; Sub-Standard FHA Housing; FHA Assistance for The Greater Shoshone County, Idaho; Georgetown Creek Watershed Project; FHA Report On Advances of Loans and Grants
1970 June-December
7 10
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Timmons, William E.; Metcalf, Lee; Smith, James V.
Current Rural Community Projects In Idaho Funded By FHA
1971 January-September
7 11
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1971 October-December
7 12
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Jordan, Len B.
FHA List of All Rural Projects of Idaho
1972 January-June
7 13
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bonner County Economy; New Sewer System for Fernwood, Idaho; Southside Water and Sewer System
1972 July-December
7 14
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Cutbacks At The FHA; Proposal To FHA for Self-Help Technical Assistance Funds
1973 January
7 15
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Moving The FHA Office From Malad
1973 February-December
7 16
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Grand Targhee
1973 January-December
7 17
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Elliott, Frank B.
Aztlan Housing Development Corporation Application
1974 January-May
7 18
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Elliott, Frank B.; Andrus, Cecil D.
FHA, "The County Office-Functions, Staffing and Location"
1974 June
7 19
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bingham County Courthouse; Bingham County Senior Citizens Housing Project
1974 July
7 20
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Latah County's Application for Rural Development Loan
1974 August-December
8 1
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Elliott, Frank B.
FHA Contract Insurance Program
1975 January-February
8 2
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Municipal Water Project In Eden, Idaho
1975 March-June
8 3
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
FHA Policies and Their Effect Upon Local Land Use Control
1975 July-September
8 4
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Packwood, Bob
1975 October-December
8 5
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Andrus, Cecil D.
Home Loan Program In State of Idaho
1976 January-March
8 6
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1976 April-July
8 7
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1976 August-October
8 8
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1976 November-December
8 9
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
McGee, Gale
Trail Creek Sprinkler Irrigation Company
1976 January-December
8 10
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1977 January-March
8 11
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
A Comparison of Building Materials
1977 April-May
8 12
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Problems With FHA Housing In Meridian, Idaho
1977 June-August
8 13
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Problems With FHA Housing At Meridian, Idaho; Drought Relief for Idaho Towns
1977 September-December
8 14
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1978 January-March
8 15
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1978 April-June
9 1
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Water System for Sandpoint, Idaho
1978 July-September
9 2
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1978 October-December
9 3
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1979 January-February
9 4
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Bergland, Bob
1979 March-May
9 5
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Loan Application for Ivy Energy Corporation
1979 June-August
9 6
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1979 September-October
9 7
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1979 November-December
9 8
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1979 January-December
9 9
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1980 January
9 10
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1980 February-March
9 11
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1980 April
9 12
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Improved Water System for Tetonia, Idaho
1980 May
9 13
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
Wendell Housing Association
1980 June-July
9 14
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1980 August-September
9 15
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration
1980 October-December
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration - Case Files
Agriculture -- Farmers Home Administration - Case Files
12 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Carver, John A., Jr.
Soil Conservation; Minnetonka Cave; 1956 Annual Report; Homestead Claims; Ski Shelter, Lookout; Christmas Trees; Big Springs Summer Homes; Seven Devils; Grazing Applications; Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness; Desmet Mill Fire; Spruce Budworm
12 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Dworshak, Henry C.; Carver, John A., Jr.
Gold Mining; Clearwater River; Morgan Creek Telephone Line; Forest Service Roads; Multiple Use Mining Law; Forest Service Budget; Small Timber Operators; Banks-Lowman Road; Timber Sales; Sawtooth Summer Homes; Booklet, "New Uses for Farm Products"; Recre
1959 January-July
12 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Pierce Ranger Station; Grazing Allotments; Timber Bids and Sales
1959 August-December
12 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Dworshak, Henry C.; Carver, John A., Jr.
Primitive Area Airports; Knutson-Vandenberg Act; Sawtooth Wilderness; Land Lease; Land Claims; Stanley-Lowman Road; Coeur d'Alene National Forest; Cascade Reservoir; Mining Claims; Smoke Jumpers
1960 January-April
12 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Carver, John A., Jr.
Timber Sales; Smoke Jumpers; Land Sales; Howell Canyon; Mining Claims
1960 May-August
12 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Sales; Summer Homes; Multiple Use; Personnel; Atlanta Land Purchase
1960 September-December
12 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Cooper, Fred M.
Recreation Facilities; Road Upkeep; Homesteading; Palouse Ranger District; National Forest Wildlife; Selway-Bitterroot Primitive Area; Timber Sales; Payette National Forest
1961 January-March
12 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Cattle Allotments; Multiple Use; Road Maintenance; Helicopters; 1960 Annual Report
1961 April-July
12 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Orv's Use; Forest Service Fires; Recreation Facilities; Gold Dredging; Homestead; Timber Infestations
1961 August-November
12 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Canadian Timber; Timber Sales; Caribou National Forest
1961 December
12 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Bean, Woodrow W.
Summer Homes; Timber Sales; Mining Claims; Forest Service Roads; 1963 Budget; Special Use Permits
1962 January-April
12 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
White, A.L.
Grazing Permits; Forest Service Roads; Primitive Area Timber; Grazing Allotments; Forest Service Personnel; Timber Sales
1962 May-July
12 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Special Use Permits; Summer Homes; Timber Sales; Forest Service Personnel; Air Tanker Aircraft; Grazing Allotments; Orv Restrictions
1962 August-December
12 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
White, Compton I., Jr.; Smylie, Robert E.
Special Use Permit; Forest Service Roads; Sawtooth; Priest Lake; Forestry Cooperation; Tanker Aircraft; Mining Claims
1963 January-April
13 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
National Forests and Community; Homestead; Timber Sales; Infestations; Summer Homes; Boise National Forest
1963 May-July
13 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Status; Summer Homes; Grazing Allotment; Land Claims; Timber Appraisal
1963 August-September
13 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Forest Service Personnel; Grazing Allotment; Summer Homes; Timber Appraisals; Telephone Lines
1963 October-December
13 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Winkler, Charles; Glenn, Fred; Hayden, Carl
Forest Service Roads; Grazing Allotments; Cabinet Mountain Wild Area; Forest Service Personnel; Payette National Forest; 1963 Progress Report; Coeur d'Alene Activity Report; Timber Sales
1964 January-March
13 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
White, A.L.
Air Tankers; Coeur d'Alene Tree Nursery; Spruce Budworm; Grazing Allotments; National Grasslands; Forest Service Personnel; DDT; Forest Service Roads
1964 April-June
13 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Aerial Spraying; Recreation Facilities; Wilderness Classification; Forest Service Roads; Hemlock Looper
1964 July-December
13 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads; Timber Sales; Spruce Budworm; Forest Service Public Relations
1965 January-February
13 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
White, A.L.; Samuelson, Don
Bogus Basin; Forest Service Personnel; Pest Control; 1964 Coeur d'Alene Status Report; Land and Water Conservation Fund Act; Historical Sites; Multiple Use
1965 March-April
13 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Kootenai River Bridge; Forest Service Roads; Timber Sales
1965 June
13 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
White, Compton I., Jr.; Jordan, Len B.
Forest Service Roads; Priest Lake; Forest Service Personnel; Timber Sales; Forest Management; Special Use Permit
1965 July-December
13 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Vulcan Hot Springs; Oil In Wilderness Areas; Dwarf Mistletoe; Special Use Permit; Timber Sales; Butterfield Creek Ski Area; Range Improvement
1966 January-March
13 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Smylie, Robert E.
Moose Creek Lodge; Mineral Rights; Grazing Rights; Forest Service Roads; Trespasses; Ski Resorts; Campgrounds; Trails
1966 April-August
14 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Canadian Thistle; Herd Driveway; Moscow Research Facility; Campgrounds; Sawtooth Recreation; Wilderness Airfields; Land Claims; Timber Appraisals; Multiple Use
1966 September-December
14 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Hayden, Carl
Moose Creek Ranch; Homestead Applications; Timber Sales; Moscow Research Facility; Summer Homes; Forest Service Roads
"Moscow Forestry Sciences Laboratory", March, 1967
1967 January-March
14 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Multiple Use; Campsites; Sawtooth; Grazing Rights; Timber Sales
"Idaho Forest Land Exchange Bill", (S.3751), August 22, 1966
1967 April-June
14 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Samuelson, Don
Forest Service Roads; Summer Homes; Hitt Mountain Ski Area; Rockhounding; Mining Rights; Campground; Summer Homes; Grazing Rights; Land Disputes; Wilderness Airfields
1967 July-September
14 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Johnson, Harold T.
Homesteads; Power Lines; Summer Homes; Forest Service Roads; Grazing Rights; Irrigation Projects; Campgrounds
1967 October-December
14 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Ski Areas; Forest Service Roads; Mining Claims; Wilderness Airfields; Summer Homes
1968 January-March
14 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Cuts; Recreation Facilities; Forest Service Personnel; Timber Exports; Wilderness Airfields; Mining Claims; Grazing Rights; Forest Service Roads
1968 April-July
14 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Bean, Woodrow W.
Forest Service Roads; Graduated Fees; Forest Service Fires; Mining Claims; Timber Sales; Land Claims
1968 August-December
14 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Sales; Mining Claims; Forest Service Trails; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Advertising; Clear Cutting; Smoke Jumpers
1969 January-March
14 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Fees for Lease; Multiple Use; Timber Sales; Mackay Ski Area; Forest Service Trails; Mining Claims; Ranger Districts; Forest Service Roads
1969 April-June
14 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Priest Lake; Garbage Dumping; Campgrounds; Forest Service Personnel; Alturas Lake Lodge; Forest Service Roads; Special Use Permits; White Clouds; Fire Hazards
1969 July-September
14 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Clear Cutting; Land Sales; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Trails; St. Joe National Forest; Campgrounds
1969 October-December
15 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Slash Burning; Forestry Research Budget; Forest Service Roads; Summer Homes; Forest Service Objectives; Cedar Flats Job Corps Center; Butterfield Creek Ski Area; Mining Claims
1970 January-March
15 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Management; Wildlife Research; Timber Harvesting Moratoriums; Forest Service Personnel; Water Rights
1970 April-May
15 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Disputes; Multiple Use; User Fees; Forest Service Roads; Special Use Permits; Timber Cuts; Buffalo Hump
1970 June-August
15 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Exchange; Hell's Canyon; Orv's; Forest Service Roads; User Fees; Timber Sales; Recycled Wood
1970 September
15 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Summer Homes; Orv's; Mineral Rights; Recycled Wood; Forest Service Roads
1970 October-December
15 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Orv's; Special Use Permits; Ski Areas; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Management
1971 January-February
15 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Recreation Facilities; Timber Harvest; Curlew National Grassland; Summer Homes
1971 March-April
15 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Airports; Controlled Burns; Wildfires; Youth Conservation Corps; Summer Homes
1971 May-June
15 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Campsites; Outfitters; Forest Service Personnel; Land Exchange; Tree Seedlings; Dumpsites
1971 July
15 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Fencing; Motorized Construction Equipment; Float Trips; Timber Cuts; Campgrounds; Mining Claims
1971 August
15 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Mining Claims; Campgrounds; Orv's; Trails; Forest Service Personnel; Slash Burning
1971 September-October
15 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Snowmobile Facilities; Summer Homes; Forest Service Personnel; Mallard-Larkins Pioneer Area; Forest Management; Timber Cuts
1971 November-December
15 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Disputes; User Fees; Special Use Permits; Priest Lake; Wilderness Research; Forest Service Roads; Summer Homes; Campsites; Clear Cutting
1972 January
15 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Multiple Use; Timber Cuts; Priest Lake; Kaniksu National Forest
1972 February
16 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
McClure, James A.
Teton National Forest; Timber Sales; Forest Service Roads; Youth Camps; Orv's; Multiple Use
1972 March
16 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Bible, Alan
Wilderness Inventory; Timber Sales; Orv's
1972 April
16 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Idaho Wilderness Inventory
1972 April 18
16 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Idaho Wilderness Inventory
1972 April 18
16 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Summer Homes; User Fees; Timber Sales
1972 May
16 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Clearwater National Forest; Orv's; Summer Homes
1972 May
16 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Lava Beds National Monument; Teton Wilderness; Cable Television Lines; Targhee National Forest; Wilderness Inventory
1972 June
16 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory
1972 June
16 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Slash Burning; Forest Service Personnel; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Forest Service Budget
1972 July
16 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Wilderness Inventory
1972 July
16 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Mineral Rights; Water Rights; Grasshopper Control; Wilderness Inventory; Special Use Permit; Timber Sales; Golden Eagle Passport; Clear Cutting; Kaniksu Timber Management
1972 August
16 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Multiple Use; Forest Service Personnel
1972 August
16 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Yellowstone; Salmon River Basin; Land Disputes; Wilderness Structures
1972 September
16 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Youth Conservation Corps; Forest Fires; Land Disputes; Special Use Permits; Mining Claims; Hells Canyon; Controlled Burns
1972 October
16 15
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Hebicides; Timber Sales; Mining Claims; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads; Recreation Lots
1972 November
17 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Mining Claims; Forest Service Roads; Butterfield Ski Areas; Dead Salmon; Recreation Sites
1972 December
17 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Easements; Wilderness Inventory; Land Disputes; Herbicides; Mining Claims
1973 January
17 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Orv's; Wilderness Inventory; Multiple Use; Summer Homes; Kaniksu National Forest
1973 February
17 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Chase, Cyril C.
Big Game Habitat Improvement; Timber Sales; Emerald Creek Planning Unit
1973 March
17 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Float Trips; Clear Cutting; Fence Maintenance; Silviculture Systems
1973 March
17 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Salmon River; Land Disputes; Herbicides
1973 April
17 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Disputes; Timber Cuts; Forest Service Roads; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Personnel; North Idaho Forests
1973 April
17 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Targhee Wilderness; Slash Burning; Forest Service Personnel
1973 May
17 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Elk Summit Multiple Use; Wilderness Inventory; Orv's; Headquarter's Changes
1973 May
17 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.
Wilderness Inventory; Timber Sales; Herbicides; Land Disputes
"The Forest Service Needs Adequate Funding", May 1973
1973 May
17 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Orv's; Big Game Winter Areas; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads
1973 June
17 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Personnel; Big Game Winter Range
1973 June
17 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Centennial Mountain Planning Unit; Mining Technology; Forest Service Personnel; Power Lines; Timber Sales
1973 July
17 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Dumpsites; Slash Burning; Pot Mountain Planning Unit
1973 August
18 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Campsites; Float Trips; Mining Claims
1973 August
18 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory; Pest Control; South Fork Plunge; Forest Service Roads; Multiple Use
1973 September
18 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory; Land Ownership; Predator Control
1973 October
18 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
South Boise-Wood River Planning Unit
1973 October
18 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Centennial Mountain Planning Unit; EPA Rules; Wilderness Inventory; Horseback Riding
1973 October
18 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Kaniksu National Forest; Wilderness Inventory; Grazing Rights; Special Use Permit
1973 October
18 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Horseback Riding; Idaho Stud Mill
1973 November
18 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
McClure, James A.
Deadwood Planning Unit; Timber Sales; Horseback Riding
1973 December
18 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Deadwood Planning Unit; Mining Rights; Multiple Use; Wilderness Inventory
1973 December
18 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Big Game Winter Range; Ski Areas; Wilderness Inventory; Float Trips; Timber Sales
1974 January
18 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Stoicheff, James F.
Forest Service Funding; District Organization; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Timber Cuts
"The Forest Service Needs Adequate Funding", Before Congress, May 15, 1973
1974 February
18 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Sales; Mining Claims; Airfields; Big Game; Timber Supplies
1974 March
18 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Slash Burning; Gravel; Big Game
1974 April
18 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Soldier Ski Area; Forest Service Roads; Timber Sales
1974 May
19 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Wilderness Inventory; Land Disputes; Campsites
1974 June
19 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Mining Claims; Targhee National Forest; Wilderness Inventory; Bear River; Forest Service Roads; Forest Management
1974 July
19 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Summer Homes; Land Exchange; Land Disputes; DDT; Forest Service Roads; Multiple Use; Wilderness Inventory; Idaho Batholith; Forest Service Personnel
1974 August
19 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Fences; Ranger Stations; Grazing Rights
1974 September
19 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Collier, Randolph; Bible, Alan
Mining Rights; Golden Age Passport; Cascade Planning Unit; Campsites; Timber Sales; Float Trips
1974 October-November
19 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Management; Land Disputes; Timber Sales; Grazing Rights
1974 December
19 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Bighorn Winter Sports Site
1974 December
19 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Wilderness Inventory; Land Disputes; Summer Homes; Fertilizer
1975 January
19 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Talmadge, Herman E.
Timber Sales; Mining Claims
1975 February
19 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
DDT; Bear Valley Planning Unit; Targhee National Forest; Forest Service Contracts
1975 March
19 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Special Use Permits; Bighorn Ski Areas; Big Game Feeding; Range Management; Forest Service Personnel; Outdoor Magazines; Timber Sales
1975 April
19 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Timber Sale; Forest Service Personnel; Grazing Rights; Summer Homes; Outfitters
1975 May
19 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.; Emery, Dan; Snyder, Thomas M.
Forest Service Personnel; Mining Claims; Timber Harvest; Repeaters; Big Game Management; Vandalism; St. Joe National Forest; Tree Planning; Float Trips; Forest Service Roads
1975 June-July
19 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Grazing Permits; Timber Sales; Forest Service Roads; Log Hauling Costs; Tree Planting
1975 August-September
20 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Woodrat Mountain; Property Sale
1975 October-November
20 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.; Kendall, William T.
Mining; Land Sales
1975 December
20 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Snyder, Thomas M.; Randolph, Jennings
Forest Service Roads; Particleboard; S.2926-Forest Management; Timber Sales
1976 January-February
20 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Forest Service Personnel; Wilderness Inventory; Timber Sales; Wildlife Protection
1976 March
20 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Management; Wilderness Inventory; Grazing Fees; Timber Sales; Forest Service Roads
1976 April
20 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Forest Service Roads; Grazing Rights; Garnet Collecting Fees; Forest Service Personnel; Logging Waste; Mining Claims
1976 May-June
20 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Grazing Rights; Grizzly Bears; Mining Waste Revegetation; Forest Service Roads
1976 July
20 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Orv's; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Personnel; Endangered American Wilderness Act
"Endangered American Wilderness Act", Congress, June 29, 1976
1976 July
20 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Manley, Art
Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Personnel; Gold Dredging; Land Disputes
1976 August
20 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Winterhawk Ski Area; Land Disputes
1976 August
20 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Timber Sale; Mill Closures; S.9719- Employee Protection; Land Exchange
"Forest Service Employee Protection", Senate, September 15, 1976
1976 September
20 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Sales; Trails; Land Disputes; Freight Charges; Endangered Wilderness Act; Land Exchange
1976 October
20 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Mining Claims; Forest Service Roads; Wilderness Inventory; Land Disputes; Historic Structures; Timber Hauls; Campgrounds
1976 November
20 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Moon, Marjorie Ruth
Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Big Game Winter Range
1976 December
21 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Orv's; Wilderness Inventory; Timber Sales; Summer Homes; Forest Fires; Grizzly Bears; Airfields; Forest Service Personnel
1977 January-February
21 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Talmadge, Herman E.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Steen, J. Wilson
Timber Sales; Snowmobiles; Forest Service Roads; Payment-In-Lieu-of- Taxes; Wilderness Inventory; Special Use Permits
1977 March
21 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Orv's; Trails; Hydro Projects; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Roads; Dworshak Dam
1977 April
21 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Timber Sales; Wilderness Inventory; Hydro Projects; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads; Summer Homes; Big Game Habitat
1977 May
21 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Rural Homes; Timber Sales; Buffalo Hump; Land Disputes; Timber Exports; Wilderness Inventory; Forest Service Personnel; Mineral Rights; Hell's Canyon
1977 June-July
21 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Wilderness Inventory; Tree Planting; Boulder Creek Planning Unit; Summer Homes
1977 August
21 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Grazing Rights; Stolen Timber; Outfitters; Land Disputes; Orv's; Special Use Permits; Forest Service Personnel
1977 September
21 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Hell's Canyon; Firewood; Ski Areas; Forest Service Roads
1977 September
21 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Road Kills; Rare II; Land Disputes; Timber Sales; Deep Gold Mining; Easement; Mill Closures
1977 October-November
21 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
S.1384-Oregon Omnibus Wilderness Bill; Forest Service Roads; Forest Service Personnel; Grizzly Bears; Timber Sales; Timber Harvest
1977 December
21 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Westerberg, Russell A.
Whitebird Road; Summer Homes; Land Disputes; Forest Service Roads; Rare II
1978 January-February
21 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Island Park; Forest Service Roads; Forest Management; Gospel Hump; Hell's Canyon; Mining Rights; Wilderness Inventory; Water Use Fees; Elk Summit Planning Unit
1978 March-April
21 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Grazing Permits; Forest Service Roads; Trails
1978 May
21 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Grazing Rights; Summer Homes; Herbicides; Historic Sites
1978 June
22 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Disputes; Forest Service Personnel; Mining Claims; Sanitation Improvement; Rare II; Forest Service Roads; Timber Bids
1978 July
22 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Recreation Fees; Forest Service Roads; Timber Sales; Subsidized Logging; Hell's Canyon; Mining Claims; Firewood; Land Exchanges
1978 August
22 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Herbicides; New Mills; Summer Homes; Forest Service Roads; Forest Service Personnel; Warren Planning Unit; Timber Sales
1978 September
22 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Larocco, Larry
New Mills, Forest Service Roads; Timber Cuts; Archaeological Sites; Timber Sales; Land Sales; Land Disputes; Warren Planning Unit
1978 October
22 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Larocco, Larry
Float Trips; Vandalism; Gospel Hump; Timber Cuts; Historic Sites; Forest Service Personnel
1978 November
22 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Rare II; Grazing Permits; Strong Creek Watershed
1978 December
22 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Power Boats; National Forest Management Act; Snake River; Timber Sales
1979 January
22 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Power Boats; Forest Service Personnel; Smoke Jumpers; Mineral Rights
1979 February-March
22 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; 1978 Wildlife Report; Rare II; Snake River; Grazing Rights
1979 April
22 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Archaeological Sites; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads; Special Use Roads; Geothermal Areas; Timber Cuts; Timber Sales
1979 May
22 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Land Sales; Herbicides; National Forest Management Act
1979 June
22 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Float Trips; Grasshoppers; Forest Service Personnel; Clearwater River
1979 July
22 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Roads; Forest Service Personnel; Timber Salvage; Timber Supply; Timber Sales; Big Springs Resort; Grazing
1979 August
22 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Forest Service Personnel; Timber Bids; DDT; Water Supply; Power Boats; Rare II; Mining Claims; Chain Saws
1979 September
22 15
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Seedling Sales; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads
1979 October
22 16
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Long, Russell B.
Water Rights; Ycc; 2, 4-D; Forest Service Personnel; Forest Service Roads; Timber Sales; Grazing Permits; Big Springs Resort; Land Exchange
1979 November-December
23 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Mining Claims; Forest Service Roads; Land Disputes; Forest Service Personnel; Seeding; Rare II; Skiflation; Smoke Jumpers
1980 January-February
23 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Kiebert, Kermit; Beitelspacher, Ron
Predator Control; Hell's Canyon; Illegal Cuts; Firewood; Pierce Work Center; Sewer System; Timber Forecast and Planning; Forest Service Personnel; Grazing Permits; Power Boats
1980 March-April
23 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Firewood; Big Game Habitat; Mining Rights; Timber Salvage; Timber Sales; Forest Service Personnel; Skyline Logging
1980 May-June
23 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Land Exchange; Easements; Timber Salvage; Forest Service Personnel
1980 July
23 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Evans, John V.
Forest Service Roads; Firewood; Easements; Recycled Wood; Mining Claims
1980 August
23 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Grazing Rights; Timber Cuts; Forest Service Roads; Power Boats; Summer Homes; Forest Service Personnel
1980 September-October
23 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service
Sanitary Landfills; Mining Claims; Timber Sales; Forest Service Personnel; Firewood; Land Exchange
1980 November-December
23 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Buckskin Bill
Hart, Sylvan A.
Department of Agriculture--Forest Service--Buckskin Bill
23 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Elk City
Cooper, Fred M.
23 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Grant Green
Green, Grantn
23 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Roads
23 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Roads
Smylie, Robert E.
Department of Agriculture--Forest Service--Roads; S.3155-Road Funding
"A New System for Forest Roads Financing", Senate, March 15, 1966; Statement On Forest Service Roads To The Subcommittee On Public Roads, May 18, 1966
23 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Roads
Burgdorf; French Creek Road
23 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1973 February-June
23 15
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1973 July
23 16
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1973 July
23 17
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1973 August
24 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
"Sawtooth Dedication", Redfish Lodge, September 1, 1972
1973 September-December
24 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1974 January-August
24 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1974 September-December
24 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
1975 January-March
24 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
Andrus, Cecil D.
1975 April-December
24 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Sawtooths
24 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
"Sawtooth National Recreation Area", Senate, July 2, 1969
24 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
1970 January-August
24 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
1970 September
24 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
"S.4212, S.4213-Sawtooth Basin", Senate, August 11, 1970
1970 October-December
24 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
"1971 Sawtooth-White Clouds Bill", Senate, March 30, 1971
1971 January-May
24 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
Andrus, Cecil D.; McClure, James A.
1971 June-December
24 13
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
1972 January
24 14
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
Stoicheff, James F.
1972 February-March
25 1
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
McClure, James A.; Hansen, Julia Butler; Yarbrough, Walter H.
1972 April
25 2
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
Bivens, David W.; Manley, Art
1972 May-June
25 3
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- White Clouds
Hansen, Orval
1972 July-December
25 4
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Salmon River Breaks Wilderness; Hell's Canyon-S.2233; Testimony Submitted for The Hearing Record; Idaho Primitive Area; River of No Return Wilderness; American Falls Dam
1974 January
25 5
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Salmon River Breaks Wilderness; Hell's Canyon-S.2233; Idaho Primitive Area
1974 January
25 6
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Aiken, George D.
Salmon River Breaks/Idaho Primitive Area; St. Joe River; Eastern Wilderness Area Act of 1974; Outfitters and Guides On The River of No Return
1974 February-May
25 7
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Chase, Cyril C.; Andrus, Cecil D.
St. Joe River; Primitive Area
1974 June-August
25 8
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
St. Joe River; Primitive Area; Grand Canyon; Phosphate Mining; See Also: Legislature-Wilderness; See Also: Legislature-Hell's Canyon
1974 September-December
25 9
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Primitive Area; Hell's Canyon; See Also: Legislation-Wilderness; See Also: Legislation-Hell's Canyon
1975 January-March
25 10
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Phosphate Mining; Salmon Wilderness
1975 April-July
25 11
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
Primitive Area; River of No Return; See Also: Legislation-Wilderness
1975 August-December
25 12
Agriculture -- Forest Service -- Wilderness
River of No Return; See Also: Legislation-Wilderness; S.75-Kaiser Wilderness Study Bill
25 13
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
1956 Report; Northern Lights; Rural Phone Rates
25 14
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Telephone Loan Programs; Rural Extensions; Power Markets; REA Bulletin; Rural Electrification Act of 1936
26 1
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Moss, Frank E.
Public Power Bulletin; REA History; Power Construction Contracts; REA Export
26 2
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
1964 REA Report; Phone Rates
26 3
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Metcalf, Lee
H.R.14000-Electrification Loans; Rural Electric Financing; S.3337- Electrification Funding; 1965 Report; Phone Rates
26 4
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Rural Electrification Policies; Phone Rates; Pole Construction
26 5
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Schlesinger, James R.; Mansfield, Mike; Burdick, Quentin N.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Metcalf, Lee; Jordan, B. Everett; Harris, Fred R.; McGovern, George; Nelson, Gaylord; Magnuson, Warren G.; Mondale, Walter F.; Allen, James B.; Moss, Frank E.; Hughes, Haro
Power Project Loans; Power Projects Markets
26 6
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Andrus, Cecil D.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
REA Cutbacks; Power Construction Loans
26 7
Agriculture -- Rural Electrification Administration
Gravel, Mike; Hartke, Vance; Clark, Dick; Stevens, Ted; Domenici, Pete V.; Thurmond, Strom; Mansfield, Mike; Metcalf, Lee
Power Construction Loans
26 8
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Murray, James E.
Annual Reports; Accelerated Reclamation Program
26 9
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.
Annual Reports; Research Facilities; Northwest Laboratory; Magnuson, Warren G. and Henry M. Jackson, "Agriculture Research", Subcommittee On Agriculture, October, 1958
"Soil and Water Research Facilities", Boise Public Hearing, October 16, 1958
26 10
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Prather, Watt E.
Annual Reports; Funding Needs
26 11
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Harding, Ralph R.
Annual Reports; Soil Conservation Service Personnel
1962 January-February
26 12
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Harding, Ralph R.
Prison Inmate Use; Annual Reports; Funding Needs
"Conservation Funding", Statement To The Subcommittee On Agriculture, March 1, 1962
1962 March-December
26 13
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Water Levels
1963 January-March
27 1
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Engle, Clair
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Boulder Flat Dam Project
"Agriculture Research Service Funding", Subcommittee On Agriculture, 1963
1963 April-December
27 2
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Harding, Ralph R.
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Resource Conservation and Development Program
1974 January-March
27 3
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Montpelier Creek Watershed Work Plan; P.L.566-Small Watershed Development
1964 April-June
27 4
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
1964 SCS Directory; Wheat Allotments and Stabilization Program
1964 July-December
27 5
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; P.L.566-Small Watershed Development
"Soil Conservation Budget", Committee On Agriculture, 1965; "Against Soil Conservation Cuts", Senate, April 30, 1965
27 6
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Trail Creek Project; Montpelier Creek Project; Small Watershed Projects
27 7
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Bancroft Project; Trail Creek Project; Surface Mined Land; P.L.566-Small Watershed Development; Cedar Creek Project; Annual Reports
27 8
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Montpelier Creek Project
1969 January-March
27 9
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Environmental Studies; Annual Reports
"The New Conservation", Association of Soil Conservation Districts, November 14, 1969
1969 April-December
27 10
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Bayh, Birch
Soil Conservation Service History; Publications; S.-Disaster Relief; Annual Reports
"Soil Conservation Service Budget", Subcommittee On Agriculture, February 27, 1970, Rough Draft; "Soil Conservation Comes First", In The Daily Idahonian, February, 1970
1970 January-March
27 11
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Soil Conservation Service Idaho Directory; Funding Requests; Annual Reports
1970 April-May
27 12
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Packwood, Bob
Idaho-Washington Resource Conservation and Development Project
1970 June-December
27 13
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Packwood, Bob
Annual Reports; Funding Requests
Speech Draft On Soil Conservation Service Funding, April 1, 1971
1971 January-March
27 14
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Sand Creek Project
1971 April-May
28 1
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests
1971 June-December
28 2
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Erlenborn, John N.
Annual Reports; Long Range Programs
1972 January-February
28 3
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Watershed Rehabilitation
1972 March
28 4
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Annual Reports; Funding Requests; Long-Range Programs; Richmond Highline Canal Project
"The Soil Conservation Service-It's Time for Full Funding", Senate, April 26, 1971
1972 April-December
28 5
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Wood River Resource Conservation and Development Project
28 6
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Hatfield, Mark O.
Funding Requests; Annual Reports; Manpower Needs
Statement Before The Yellowstone Soil Conservation District, March 1974
1974 January-March
28 7
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Weiser River
1974 April-December
28 8
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Garn, Jake; Moss, Frank E.; Fannin, Paul J.; Montoya, Joseph M.; Hart, Gary; Goldwater, Barry M.; Domenici, Pete V.; Haskell, Floyd K.
Funding Requests; Equipment Shortage; Usda Service Center; Excess Ground Water; Clearwater Area Resource Conservation and Development Program
28 9
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
McGee, Gale
Annual Reports; Bee Colonies
28 10
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Bear River Rc&D Area; Flood Damage; Annual Report
Statement Before The Subcommittee On Agriculture About SCS Funding, March 24, 1976
1977 January-June
28 11
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Drought, Funding Requests
1977 July-December
28 12
Agriculture -- Soil Conservation Service
Funding Requests; Annual Reports; Snowpack; Grass Seeding; Soil Conservation Service Personnel; Crop Acreage; Drainage Problems
28 13
Agriculture -- Surplus Food
Smylie, Robert E.
Accumulating Surplus Food
Department of Commerce
The jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce is subdivided into Area Redevelopment Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Census Bureau, Economic Development Administration and Weather Bureau.
Box Folder
29 1
Airport Fund; Patent Information; Census Forms; International Wages
29 2
Foreign Excess Property; Canadian Wood Imports; International Trade Documents; Copyright Laws; Earthquakes; United States Fishing Fleet
29 3
McClellan, John L.
Balance of Trade; Export License; Water Supply Forecasts; Economic Growth
29 4
Salmon Confluence Highway; Idaho Industrial Development
29 5
Travel Advisory
29 6
Census; Lewiston Vo-Tech Center
29 7
Minorities In Business; Latin American Trade; Lumber Trade
29 8
South East Asian Exports; Leather Market
29 9
Proxmire, William
Flammability Standards; Climatology
29 10
1974 January-March
29 11
Patents; Anadromous Fish
1974 April-December
29 12
Census; Seal Killing
29 13
Agriculture Census
29 14
Evans, John V.
Census Data
29 15
Metropolitan Statistical Areas
30 1
Wagner, Joe E.
Department of Commerce
1979 January-March
30 2
Schmitt, Harrison
National Weather Service; National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
1979 April-December
30 3
Fish Industry
1980 January-June
30 4
Evans, John V.
Weather Stabilization; Idaho Economic Strategy
1980 July-December
30 5
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Douglas, Paul H.
Area Redevelopment Legislation
1961 January-May
30 6
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Rural Development; North Idaho Economic Development Association
1961 June-December
30 7
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Cox, J. Ray, Jr.
North Idaho Economic Development Association; Redevelopment Area List
1962 January-November
30 8
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Accelerated Public Works Program; Funding Requests
1962 December
30 9
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Chase, Cyril C.; Hedlund, Emery E.
Funding Requests
1963 January-February
30 10
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Smylie, Robert E.; Harding, Ralph R.
P.L.87-658-Accelerated Public Works Program; Idaho Funding Projects
1963 March-April
30 11
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Ara Projects In Idaho
1963 May
30 12
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Ara Information Booklets; Ara Ceilings
1963 June
30 13
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Chase, Cyril C.; Morse, Wayne; White, Lee C.
Project Requests; Ara Loans
1963 July-October
30 14
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Smylie, Robert E.
Ara Eligibility Map
1963 November-December
30 15
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Directory of Approved Projects; Progress Report 1964
1964 January-June
30 16
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Project Applications
1964 July-December
31 1
Commerce -- Area Redevelopment Administration
Redevelopment Area List; Particleboard Plant
31 2
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Federal Aid for Highways; Highway Approval; Land Needs
31 3
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Road Improvement; Howell Canyon Road; Road Approvals
31 4
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Road Approval; Contracting
31 5
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Smylie, Robert E.
Road Funding; Road Proposals
31 6
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Jordan, Len B.; Smylie, Robert E.
Highway Location; Interstates
31 7
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Road Projects; Road Proposals
1966 January-September
31 8
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Water Quality Damage From Road Construction; Protests
1966 October-December
31 9
Commerce -- Bureau of Public Roads
Road Funding
31 10
Commerce -- Census Bureau
Shellworth, E.W.
Farm Census
31 11
Commerce -- Census Bureau
Congressional District Data; Genealogical Data; Census Planning
31 12
Commerce -- Census Bureau
Census Forms; Form Completion Questions
31 13
Commerce -- Coast and Geodetic Survey
1956; 1960
31 14
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Regional Economic Development Commission; Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965; Project Approval
1966 January-August
32 1
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Distressed List; Projects Approved
1966 September-December
32 2
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Cost Estimates; Projects Approved
1967 January-May
32 3
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Feasibility Studies; Projects Approved
1967 June-December
32 4
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Directory of Approved Projects
32 5
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Sessions, John O.
Teton Valley Ski Area; Projects Approved
1969 January-July
32 6
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Idaho Tree Products Loan; Projects Approved
1969 August-December
32 7
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Unemployment Areas; Projects Approved
1970 January-June
32 8
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects; Business Loans; Manpower Surveys
1970 July-December
32 9
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects
32 10
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects
32 11
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Andrus, Cecil D.
Approved Projects; Tamarack Valley Project
1973 January-May
32 12
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Randolph, Jennings
Approved Projects; Particleboard Plant Feasibility Study
1973 June-December
32 13
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects
32 14
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
McClure, James A.
Development Areas; Project Disputes; Approved Projects
1975 January-June
32 15
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Treasure Valley Development; Preston Water Line; Approved Projects
1975 July-December
33 1
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Stone, Richard
Approved Projects
33 2
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Andrus, Cecil D.
Approved Projects; Eda Funding
1977 January-April
33 3
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects; Project Planning
1977 May
33 4
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Evans, John V.
Approved Projects; Indian Tribes Planning Targets
1977 June-July
33 5
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements
1977 August
33 6
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements; Post Falls Planning
1977 September #1
33 7
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements
1977 September #2
33 8
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements
1977 September #3
33 9
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects; Local Public Works Program; Minority Business; Lpw Awards
1977 October-December
33 10
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Funding In Idaho; Approved Projects
1978 January-May
33 11
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Larocco, Larry
Approved Projects; Amendment To Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965
1978 June-July
33 12
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements
1978 August-December
33 13
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Disapproved Projects; Approved Projects
33 14
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Approved Projects
1980 January-May
34 1
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Evans, John V.
Project Announcements
1980 June-August
34 2
Commerce -- Economic Development Administration
Project Announcements
1980 September-December
34 3
Commerce -- Environmental Science Services Administration
Environmental Science Services Administration
34 4
Commerce -- Garden City Corruption (CETA Grant)
Westerfield, Pat
Garden City Corruption (CETA Grant)
34 5
Commerce -- Patent Office
Patent Policies
34 6
Commerce -- Patent Office
Patent Policies
34 7
Commerce -- Weather Bureau
Harding, Ralph R.; Budge, Hamer H.
Water Supply Forecasts
"Weather Bureau Funding", Statement Before Senate Appropriations Committee, June 19, 1961
Department of Defense
The Department of Defense is divided into the four branches of the military. Within the Air Force files researchers will find the Mountain Home Air Force Base, and the issue of the B-1 bomber. The subdivision Army includes Army Corps of Engineers, which is further subdivided into named projects. The corps played an important part in the development of Idaho's water resources and flood control. There are also some case files pertaining to military personnel who wrote Senator Church for assistance.
Box Folder
34 8
President's Speech Delivered To The Senate Or House of Representatives, April 3, 1958; The National Plan for Civil Defense and Defense Mobilization, October, 1958
34 9
H.R.2568; Department of Defense
34 10
Department of Defense
1960 January-July 10
34 11
Congressional Record, Senate, 1960-P.5635-5642; H.R.9092
1960 July 11-December
34 12
Department of Defense--General
34 13
National Shelter Program, Independent Specialists
1962 January-March
34 14
Department of Defense--General
1962 April-December
34 15
Department of Defense--General
34 16
McNamara, Robert S.
Statement of Robert S. McNamara; National Guard Annual Report, 1963
1964 January-May
34 17
Department of Defense--General
1964 June-December
35 1
Department of Defense--General
35 2
Department of Defense--General
35 3
Department of Defense--General
1967 January-April
35 4
Department of Defense--General
1967 May-December
35 5
Department of Defense--General
35 6
Department of Defense--General
35 7
Conus Intellegence: The Army Watching Civilian Politics
1970 January-March
35 8
Department of Defense--General
1970 June-December
35 9
Department of Defense--General
1971 January-March
35 10
Department of Defense--General
1971 April-December
35 11
Department of Defense--General
1972 January-August
35 12
Environmental Quality Program
1972 September-December
35 13
Department of Defense--General
1973 January-April
35 14
Department of Defense--General
1973 May-July
35 15
Department of Defense--General
1973 August-December
36 1
U.S. Strategic R & D Initiative
1974 January-June
36 2
Defense Information Briefs for Members of Congress
1974 July-December
36 3
Department of Defense--General
1975 January-May
36 4
Department of Defense--General
1975 June-December
36 5
Information for Members of Congress, Special Discharge Review Program
1976 January-July
36 6
Rumsfeld, Donald
Department of Defense--General
1976 August-December
36 7
Department of Defense--General
1977 January-March
36 8
Department of Defense--General
1977 April-September
36 9
Department of Defense--General
1977 October-December
36 10
The Need for Two-Place A-7d's for The Air National Guard
1978 January-March
36 11
Department of Defense--General
1978 April
36 12
Department of Defense--General
1978 May
36 13
Department of Defense--General
1978 June #1
36 14
Rickover, Hyman G.
Department of Defense--General
1978 June #2
37 1
Department of Defense--General
1978 July-September
37 2
Department of Defense--General
1978 September-December
37 3
Annual Report, FY 1980, Executive Summary
1979 January-April
37 4
Department of Defense--General
1979 May-December
37 5
Department of Defense--General
37 6
Defense -- B-1 Bomber
B-1 Bomber
1976 May 26
37 7
Defense -- Civil Defense
Ryan, William Fitts
Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization; Fallout Shelters; Tax Breaks for Home Shelters; Radiological Defense; Federation of American Scientists Statement On Shelters
37 8
Defense -- Civil Defense
Civil Defense
37 9
Defense -- Civil Defense
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Shaffer, Jim O.; Samuelson, Don
H.R.8200-The Civil Defense Shelter Bill
37 10
Defense -- Defense Industry
Rathdrum Prairie (Idaho) Industrial Site
37 11
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
37 12
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
Kerner, Otto
Kerner, Otto, Report, Advisory Committee On The National Guard
37 13
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
37 14
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
37 15
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
38 1
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
38 2
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
38 3
Defense -- Military Reserve Program
38 4
Defense -- Surplus Property
38 5
Defense -- Thiokol
Space Booster Capabilities. Thiokol Chemical Corporation. Wasatch Division
Defense -- Case Files
Department of Defense--General--Closed Case Files
40 1
Defense -- Air Force -- Cottonwood Air Force Base
40 2
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 3
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 4
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 5
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
Mountain Home Air Force Base
"Idaho Missile Deployment and Manufacture Program", Transcript of Tv Sound Film, February 5, 1962
40 6
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 7
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 8
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 9
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 10
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 11
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 12
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 13
Defense -- Air Force -- Mountain Home Air Force Base
40 14
Defense -- Air Force -- Sonic Booms
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
1978-1980 January-August
Defense -- Air Force -- Case Files
Department of Defense--Air Force--Closed Case Files
1980 September-December
48 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
48 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Starbird, Alfred D.; West, Herbert G.; Eberle, W.D.
Eaton & Gray Construction-Missile Sites; Libby Dam; Missiles At Mountain Home, Idaho
48 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
West, Herbert G.
Lake Pend O'rielle; Libby Dam; China Garden; Fremont Dam; Malad City Flood Control
48 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Holm, Russell
Ririe Dam; Bruneau River; February 1962 Floods In Southeastern Idaho
1962 January-June
48 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Benson, Ezra Taft
Bruces Eddy; Ririe Dam; Green River, Utah-White Sands, New Mexico Missile Firings; Little Wood River; Post Flood Report, June 1963
Statement Before The Public Works Subcommittee of The Senate Appropriations Committee, June 17, 1963
1963 June-December
48 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Bowler, Bruce; Ellender, Allen J.; Park, W. Anthony; Trueblood, Ted; Graham, Jackson; West, Herbert G.
Pataha Valley Lumber Company-Dworshak Dam Land Acquistions; Davis- Bacon Rulings On Bruce's Eddy Construction; Boise River Flood Control; Floods; Pollution Problems In The Boise River, Idaho Department of Health
1964 January-July
48 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Lee, Lynn C.; Schnackenberg, J.J.
1964 August-December
48 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Russell, Talmon Mager
Portneuf River Flood Control; Payette River Flood; Lower Snake River; Placer Creek, Wallace, ID; Pine Creek, Pinehurst, ID
1965 January-June
48 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Boise Floods, Cottonwood Creek; Palisades; Portneuf Channel Project; Bonners Ferry Levee
1965 July-December
48 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Dryden, Franklin P.; Kristoferson, R.S.; Murphy, Roy; Amyx, Jay S.; Shellworth, E.W.; Hawkins, William S.
Boise Flood, Watershed Project; Johnson Creek Park, Clark Fork, Idaho; St. Maries To Canyon Block, Clearwater National Forest, ID; Portneuf River
1966 January-June
48 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Eastern Idaho Flood Control Project; Lower Granite Dam; Camas Prairie Railroad; Columbia Basin Interagency Committee; Civil Works Program; Boise Front Watershed Report
1966 July-December
48 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Chance, Don; Hartung, Ernest W.; McGregor, Gordon
Weiser River; Spokane River Basin; Blackfoot, Snake River; Portneuf Flood Control Project, ID; St. Joe River, ID; Libby Dam, MT; Hiesse-Roberts Extension, ID; Morton Slough, ID; Ontario, Or-Brownlee Channel Improvements; Water Resources Development In ID
1967 January-March
48 13
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Holm, Russell; Chance, Don
St. Joe River; Dworshak Dam; Kootnai River Flood Threat Trip, May 20, 1967; Ririe Flood Way; Willow Creek Flood Way; Ontario, Or-Brownlee Pool Channeling; Sandpoint, ID City Docks; Placer Creek, Wallace, ID; Moscow- Hanoi Highway, Asia To Europe Nonstop
1967 April-December
49 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Stephens, L.E.
Cottonwood Creek, Boise; Stuart Gulch, Boise; Ririe, ID; Portneuf, Pocatello, ID; Little Bear Creek, Kendrick, ID; Libby Re-Regulating Dam; Potlatch River Idaho; Crane Creek, Boise; Lucky Peak Power Plant; Twin Springs Ranch; Dworshak Dam, ID; Dent Bridg
1968 January-June
49 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Bruneau Canyon Nuclear Dam; Weiser River, ID; Pend O'reille, ID; Placer Creek, ID
1968 July-December
49 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Hatfield, Mark O.
Inland Empire Waterways Association; Dworshak Dam; Bear Creek, Kendrick, ID; Ririe Dam, ID; Lucky Peak Repair Work; Flood Control; Kooskia, ID; Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Lower Snake Moratorium; Canoe Camp Historical Site
1969 January-June
49 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
McClary, James D.
Dworshak Dam, Multi Level Outlet; Electric Training Aid; Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Den Bridge; Lake Coeur d'Alene
1969 July-October
49 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Korack Company Labor Dispute
1969 November-December
49 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Green, Jesse
Dworshak Fish Facilities, Name Change; Ririe Dam, ID; Libby Dam, MT; Upper Columbia Navigation; Steelheaders Vs. Army Corps of Engineers; Lenore Dam, ID; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Lower Granite Lock and Dam, Wa
1970 January-March
49 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Lee, Robert R.
Dworshak Dam Powerhouse; Twin Springs-Lucky Peak, ID; Port of Lewiston; Pend O'rielle
1970 April-June
49 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Lee, Robert R.
Lower Granite Dam; Clearwater River; Dworshak Archeology; Wood River Basin
1970 August-September
49 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Holm, Russell
Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Runs, ID; Wood River Basin; Anadromous Fishes; Camas Prairie Railroad; East Hope, ID
1970 October-December
49 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Ririe Dam; Lower Granite Dam, Snake River; Penny Cliffs, ID; Anadromous Fish; Nitrogen Supersaturation
1971 January-March
49 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Cayahoga River, Ohio; Lower Clearwater River Hearing; Dworshak; Inland Empire Waterways Association, Testimony To Public Works Committee
1971 April
49 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
1971 April-June
49 13
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
White, William Wigfall; Tussing, Annette
Nitrogen Super Saturation; Portneuf River Floods; Lower Granite Dam, Snake River; Asotin Dam, Snake River; Dworshak Dam; Tussing Annette, "The Fight To Save The Snake", Field and Stream, October 1977
1971 June-December
50 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Holm, Russell
Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Asotin Dam, Snake River; Dworshak Dam; Anti-Ballistic Missile Installation, Conrad, MT; Coeur d'Alene; Latah County Flood Control
1972 January-March
50 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Randolph, Jennings; Guerin, Thomas P.; Anderson, H. Calvert; McCormack, Mike
Operation Foresight; Asotin Dam, Snake River; Placer Creek, Wallace, ID; Pend O'rielle Elevation; Nitrogen Super Saturation
1972 April-June
50 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Jackson, Henry M.
Water Resources Planning; Lucky Peak; Nitrogen Super Saturation; Ririe Dam, Bonneville County, ID; Twin Lakes Bridge, Rathdrum, ID
1972 June-December
50 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Andrus, Cecil D.; Holm, Russell
Asotin Dam; Dworshak Reseeding; Lower Granite; Sweetwater, ID; Kootenai Flats, ID; Goat Island, ID; Goodrich Dam Site, Weiser, ID; Lewiston Bridge, ID; Hiesse-Roberts Flood Control, ID; Lewiston Levee; Public Works Committee Report On Flood Control Act O
1973 January-March
50 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Bowler, Bruce; Trueblood, Ted
Dworshak Visitors Center; Pacific Northwest Waterways Association; Kootenai Flats; Golden Eagle; Coeur d'Alene Regulation; Pend O'rielle Regulation; Goat Island Geese; Recreation Fees and Development; Nitrogen Super Saturation
1973 April-August
50 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Hiesse-Roberts Flood Control; Nitrogen Super Saturation; Spokane River; St. Joe River Bank Erosion; Pend O'reille Regulation; Fish Creek Dam, ID; Lenore Dam; Lucky Peak Outlet Valves
1973 August-December
50 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Kootenai River; Coeur d'Alene Flood; Kootenai Flats, ID; Boise River
1974 January-March
50 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Benewah and Kootenai Counties, Flood Repairs; Barber Dam, Boise River; Goat Island, Aka Hog Island, ID; Pend O'rielle Regulation; Dworshak Reservoir; Wallace Courthouse Trip; Stuart Gulch, ID; Kootenai River; Coeur d'Alene Jurisdiction
1974 April-June
50 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Eardley, Richard R.
Pend O'reille Regulation; Lower Granite Dam; Dworshak Dam; Coeur d'Alene Regulation; Lucky Peak Flow Maintenance Study
1974 July-September
50 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Coeur d'Alene Lakeshore Owners, Inc.; Lucky Peak Flow Maintenance Study; Lucky Peak Lighting
1974 September
50 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Slickpoo, Allen P.
Salmon River Flood, Challis, ID; Challis Post Office Trip; Coeur d'Alene Regulation; Cataldo Flood, Spokane River, ID
1974 October-December
50 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Nitrogen Super Saturation; Coeur d'Alene Regulation; Blackfoot Reservoir; Big Wood River; Weiser River
1975 January-March
50 13
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Andrus, Cecil D.; Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Smith, Dick
Lower Granite Dam; Hell's Gate State Park; Heisse-Roberts, ID; Pend O'reille Regulation; Jurisdiction Over "Waters of The United States"; Environmental Defense Council; S.1846-Authorize State To Excercise Some of The Corps Functions; S.1843-To Amend Cert
1975 April-June
51 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Bellmon, Henry; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Greenley, Joseph C.
Lower Monumental Dam; Lower Granite Dam; Lucky Peak Power Generation; Portnuef; Ririe Dam; S.2300-Lakeshore Management; Dworshak Reservoir Debri; S.404-Permits for Activities In Navigable Waters
1975 July-September
51 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Dworshak Reservoir, Group Youth Camp; Payette River Flood; Lewiston Levee Beautification; S.404-Dredge and Fill Regulations
1975 October-December
51 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Andrus, Cecil D.
Rathdrum Prairie; Dredge and Fill Regulations-S.404; Civil Works List; Hell's Gate Recreation Area; Ririe Dam Outlet; Palouse Pump Storage Study; American Falls Powerhouse; Water Pollution Control Act; Dworshak Reservoir Debris; Boise Storage Project; Am
1976 January-April
51 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Jurisdiction Expansion; S.404-Regulations, Dredge and Fill; Water Pollution Control Act Amendments; Dworshak Game Mitigation
1976 May-June
51 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Section 404-Tower-Wright Amendment, Dredging and Filling; Teton Disaster; Federal Water Pollution Control Act; Pacific Northwest Power Rate Employees Grievance
1976 July-December
51 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Lucky Peak Dam Modification Study; Mud Lake Project; Pend O'reille Regulation; Placer Creek Flood Control, Wallace; Boise Greenbelt
1977 January-March
51 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Mud Lake Project; Menan Buttes-Rigby Flood Control; Housing and Urban Development, Sandpoint; Section 404-Permit Program
1977 April-May
51 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Section 404-Regulations; Big Wood River Flood Control; Hog Island, Lewiston
1977 June-September
51 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Tisdale, E. Dean
Boise Valley Idaho Regional Water Management Study; Wolf Lodge Creek and Tributaries, Coeur d'Alene; Big Wood River Basin; Lucky Peak Modifications
1977 October-December
51 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Tisdale, E. Dean; Kiebert, Kermit
Dworshak Dame Powerhouse Completion; Pend O'rielle Regulation; Dworshak Group Camp; Teton Dam Disaster; Dworshak Log Passing Facility; Kootenai River Flats; Libby Dam, MT; Dent Campground, Orofino; Lewiston Bridge; Albeni Falls; Heisse-Roberts Floodway
1977 January-December
51 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Magnuson, Harry F.
Dworshak Reservoir; Tennessee Tombigbee; Lewiston Bridge; Lucky Peak Hydroelectric; Henry's Fork Conservation Plan; Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Hell's Gate Park Fee Schedule
51 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers
Coy, David S.; Bowler, Bruce
Dworshak Construction; Andromodous Fish Mitigation; Enaville, ID
52 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Big Lost River
Big Lost River
52 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Blackfoot Reservoir
Hom, Russell; Budge, Reed
Blackfoot Reservoir
1970 July-September
52 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Blackfoot Reservoir
Holm, Russell; Lee, Robert R.
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Shoshone-Bannock Tribes; China Hat Dam, Blackfoot
1970 September-December; 1971-1973
52 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Blackfoot Reservoir
Corps Hearing, May 1, 1974; An Estimate of Leakage From Blackfoot Reservoir To Bear River Basin
1974 April-June
52 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Boise Flood
Murphy, Roy
Boise River; Corps of Engineers
52 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Camas Prairie
George, Walter F.
Relocation of Railway Flooded By Corps of Engineers Reservoirs; Lower Granite Lock and Dam; Little Goose, Washington; Camas Prairie Railroad
52 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Cottonwood Creek Dam
Amyx, Jay S.; Harris, Fred R.
Boise Flood Protection; Public Works Funding; Idaho Flood Control Project; Cottonwood Creek Dam Project
1966; 1971-1972
52 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Dam
Big Game Management
52 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Debris
Dworshak Debris Cleanup
52 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Mitigation
Wild Game Habitat; Bureau of Land Management; Bureau of Reclamation
1967-1969 October
52 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Mitigation
Big Game Habitat
1969 November-December
52 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Mitigation
Hickel, Walter J.
Big Game Habitat; Potlatch Forests
52 13
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Dworshak Mitigation
Big Game Animals; Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
52 14
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Floods
Post Flood Report, March 1965; Water Supply Outlook, March, 1965; Flood Control Projects Effects In The Pacific Northwest, December, 1964; Bureau of Reclamation; Office of Emergency Planning
52 15
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Floods
Office of Emergency Preparedness; Flood Potential Report; Federal Disaster Assistance Program Handbook
52 16
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Hells Canyon
Lee, Robert R.; Jordan, Len B.
Rivers Navigation Vs. Idaho Power Company; Long Tom-Mountain Home Idaho Project; Excess Water Releases; Asotin Dam; Federal Power Commission; Navigation Requirements; Report of Effects of Idaho Power Company On Navigation and Flood Control
1970-1971 #1
52 17
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Hells Canyon
Jordan, Len B.; Hansen, Orval; Davis, H. Thomas; Lee, Robert R.; Kackley, Evan M.; Anderson, H. Calvert; McClure, James A.
Anadromous Fish; Upstream Water Users; Idaho Water Diversion Debate; Bonneville Power Administration Power Outlet; Wild and Scenic Rivers Symposium, University of Idaho
1970-1971 #2
53 1
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Kootenai Flats
Libby Dam and Koocanusa Project; Albeni Falls Dam; Storage and Release of Water From Libby Dam
53 2
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Kootenai Flats
Eagleton, Thomas F.; Jordan, B. Everett
Libby Dam/Lake Koocanusa Affects On Kootenai Flats; Deep Creek Bridge Reconstruction; S.4018-Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill of 1972; Libby Dam Authorization Act; Compensation for Boundary County
53 3
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Kootenai Flats
Gravel, Mike; Scott, William L
Libby Dam; Reimburse Drainage Districts for Expected Damages From Libby Dam; Reconstruction of Deep Creek Bridge Near Bonners Ferry; 1972 Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Act; Flood Control Act of 1972; Water Resources Development and River Basin Monetary Auth
53 4
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Lake Pend Oreille
Woodward, John R.
Lake Pend O'reille Regulation; Newport Miner, May 2, 1968
1968; 1971
53 5
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Lake Pend Oreille
Lake Pend O'reille Regulation; Construction Permits for Lake Shore Development Projects
53 6
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Lenore Dam
Woodworth, John R.; Parkening, Duke; Russell, Richard B.
Lenore Dam; Association of Northwest Steelheaders; Environmental Survey of The Lower Clearwater River
53 7
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Northland Camps
Nike 2 Research
53 8
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Northland Camps
53 9
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Portneuf River
Portneuf River; Flood Control for Village of Bancroft, Bannock County, and Caribou County
"On The Need for Additional Funds for The The Portneuf Flood Project", No Place, No Date
53 10
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Ririe Dam
Holm, Russell; Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Ellender, Allen J.
Ririe Dam
53 11
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Ririe Dam Outlet
Public Works
53 12
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- St. Joe River Dams
Flood Control On The St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene Rivers; Proposed Dams
53 13
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Twin Springs Project
Publication: "Upper Snake River Basin Interim Report", No. 6: "Lucky Peak Power Plant, Twin Springs Dam and Reservoir", Vol. I and II
1968 March
53 14
Defense -- Army Corps of Engineers -- Twin Springs Project
Jordan, Len B.
Lucky Peak Power Plant; Twin Springs Dam and Reservoir/Middle Fork, Boise River; Public Hearings-Idaho Water Resource Board; Weiser River Basin; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Twin Springs Nuclear Cratering Experiments (Proposed); Schooner Ev
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1962-1967 August
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1967 September-1969 April
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1969 May-1970 August
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1970 September-1971 July
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1971 August-1972 October
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1972 November-1974 April
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1974 May-1975 July
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
1975 August-1976
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Army Case Files
Department of Defense--Army--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Marines Case Files
Department of Defense--Marines--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Marines Case Files
Department of Defense--Marines--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
1972-1974 October
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
1974 November-1977 May
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
1977 June-1979
Defense -- Navy Case Files
Department of Defense--Navy--Closed Case Files
73 1
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
73 2
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
1959 January-February
73 3
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
1959 March-June
73 4
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
1959 July-December
73 5
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant; Several Hundred Letters Protesting The Action of The Navy In Announcing Intention To Close All But Routine House- Keeping Functions of The Naval Ordnance Plant As of June 30, 1959
1959 January-December
73 6
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
73 7
Defense -- Pocatello Ordinance Plan
Naval Ordnance Plant
Department of Energy
The Department of Energy was established by President Carter in 1977. These files continue Idaho's energy story from the earlier files on the Atomic Energy Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration.
Box Folder
73 8
Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (INEL); Labor Relations At INEL
1978 January-February
73 9
Andrus, Cecil D.; Lessing, Lawrence
Removal of Radioactive Wastes From Above The Snake River Aquifer; Lessing, Lawrence, "The Coming Hydrogen Economy", Fortune, November, 1972
1978 March
73 10
Amity School Solar Energy Proposal, 4 Volumes
1978 March
73 11
Campbell, Thomas V.
Construction At INEL-Morrison-Knudsen Company
1978 April-July
73 12
Labor Relations At INEL; Inspection of Retail Gasoline Stations
1978 August-December
73 13
Bonneville Power Administration-Rate Increase; INEL Site Construction Jurisdictional Procedural Agreement; Gasohol; Alternative Energy Grants
1979 January-April
73 14
Gasohol; Labor Relations At INEL; Mandatory Petroleum Allocation Regulations; Boise Geothermal Project; Nuclear Energy
1979 May-June
73 15
Gasohol; Fuel Allocations
1979 July
74 1
Schlesinger, James R.
Gasohol; Gasoline Allocations; Gasoline Allocations Regulations
1979 August
74 2
Gasoline Allocations Regulations
1979 August
74 3
Mandatory Petroleum Price Regulations; Excerpt From National Energy Plan II, Chapter 5: Coal and Nuclear: The Transitional Energy Sources
1979 September
74 4
Bardin, David J.
Gasoline Allocations
1979 October
74 5
Campbell, Thomas V.
Emerging Careers In Energy: A Proposal; Application for Preliminary Permit, Gem State Dam and Power Plant, By The City of Idaho Falls, August 1979
1979 November
74 6
Bonneville Power Administration; Department of Energy, Economic Regulatory Administration; Standby Gasoline Rationing Plan
1979 December
74 7
Nuclear Power; BPA Transmission Lines Through The Hoodoo Valley; Personnel Practices At INEL; Gasohol; Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
1980 January-February
74 8
Labor Relations At INEL; Construction Contracts At INEL; Western Airlines Service To Pocatello; Reorganization Plan for The Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Alcohol Fuels; Transuranic Waste Treatment; Slagging Pyrolysis Incinerator; Gasoline Allocations; P
1980 March
74 9
Alcohol Fuels; Solar Energy; Atomic Workers-Site Radiation Exposure, Davis-Bacon Act; Gasoline Allocations; Labor Relations
1980 April
74 10
Stern, Daniel; Blain, Michael
Solar Energy
1980 May
74 11
Solar Energy; Geothermal Heating System for Grand View, Idaho; Alcohol Fuels; OSHA Complaint, Re: Working Conditions At INEL-Fast Project
1980 June
74 12
Engineering Evaluation, Conversion of The Lincoln Sugar Beet Plant To A Fuel-Grade Ethanol Production Facility, Prepared By Bechtel National Inc.
"Nuclear Safety Research and Development Act of 1980", Floor, No Date
1980 July
74 13
Energy and Conservation Needs of Migrant Farm Workers; Gasoline Allocations
1980 August-September
74 14
Disparities In Refiners Crude-Oil Costs (Aramco); Cenex Robo Letters; Alcohol Fuels; Energy By Wind Power
1980 October
75 1
Department of Energy
Alcohol Fuels Technology: Information Packet, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Alcohol Fuels; A Feasibility Study for A Grain Based Alcohol Production Plant, Purple Sage Growers Co-Op, Inc., Caldwell, Idaho; Alcohol Fuels; Safety Standards At INEL
1980 November-December
75 2
Energy -- Visit to Argonne-West Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
Visit To Argonne-West; Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL)
Department of Health, Education and Welfare
The HEW files are sub-divided under Food & Drug, Mental Health, Office of Education, Public Health Services, and include 18 boxes of Social Security Case Files.
Box Folder
75 3
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Krebiozen As A Treatment for Cancer; Booklet: "The West's Medical Manpower"
75 4
Booklet: "Instructions for Dealing With Rabbits"; Booklet: "Public Assistance"
75 5
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
75 6
Report On National Mental Health
1962 January-April
75 7
Booklet: "Idaho Hospital and Medical Facilities Construction Plan
1962 April-August
75 8
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1962 September-1963 June
75 9
Pieper, Don
Residents of Challis Write About Need for Hospital
1963 July-December
75 10
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
75 11
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1965 January-April
75 12
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1965 April-December
75 13
Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1966 January-June
76 1
Smylie, Robert E.
Food and Drug Regulations On Vitamins
1966 June-December
76 2
Discovery of The Mystery of Aging
1967 January-June
76 3
Ravenscroft, Vernon F.
Inquiries Re: Drug D.M.S.O.
1967 June-December
76 4
Paiewonsky, Ralph M.
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1968 January-March
76 5
Steenson, Nellie Cline
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1968 March-May
76 6
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1968 July-September
76 7
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1968 October-December
76 8
Financial Aid To College Students Cut
1969 January-May
76 9
Cyclamate Issue
1969 June-December
76 10
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1970 January-June
76 11
Jordan, Len B.
Department of Health, Education & Welfare
1970 June-December
76 12
Medical Research and Facility Funding; National Census of The Deaf; Youth Service Bureau; Educational Budget Cuts; Manpower Development Act; Headstart
1971 January-April
77 1
Early Childhood Education Funds; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1971 May-July
77 2
Student Office for Opportunity Project; Indian Health; Day Care
1971 August-October
77 3
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Economic Stabilization Program
1971 November-December
77 4
Day Care; Medical Research and Facility Funding; Senior Citizen's Art Program; Hospital Reimbursement for Medicare
1972 January-April
77 5
Andrus, Cecil D.
Day Care; Nursing Homes
1972 May
77 6
Health Standards; Medical Research and Facility Funding; Youth Services Bureau
1972 June
77 7
Shoshone County Nursing Home
1972 June
77 8
Shoshone County Nursing Home; Drug Crisis Team; Impact Program; Medicine Man
1972 June
77 9
Programs for The Blind; Social Services To Children; Youth Service Bureau; Mexican American Projects
1972 July-August
77 10
Medical Research and Facility Funding
1972 September-December
77 11
Magnuson, Warren G.
Child Development and Mental Retardation
1973 January
77 12
Andrus, Cecil D.; Jackson, Henry M.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Mondale, Walter F.
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Social Service Rule Making
1973 February-July
77 13
Medical Research and Facilities Funding; Co-Op Marts; Child Support
1973 August-December
77 14
Scherle, William J.
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Bureau of Education for The Handicapped
1974 January-June
77 15
Migrant Health Care; Nez Perce Youth Service Systems; S.3280-Health Delivery Programs
1974 July-August
78 1
Barnes, John B.
Research and Facility Grants; Migrant Health and Education
1974 September-December
78 2
Alcoholic Indians; Medical Laboratory Regulations
1975 January-April
78 3
Andrus, Cecil D.; Mansfield, Mike
Idaho Center for Local Government; Mountain Plains Education and Economic Development Program; Migrant Health
1975 May
78 4
Weinberger, Casper; Andrus, Cecil D.
Native American Programs; Medical Research and Facility Funding; Pl93-638-Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
1975 June-August
78 5
Pl93-641-National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974; Mountain States Health Corporation; Student Loan
1975 October-December
78 6
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Foreign Language Studies; Funding Misuse
1976 January-March
78 7
Moss, Frank E.
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Pl93-641-National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974
1976 April
78 8
Packwood, Bob
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Advanced Institutional Development Program; Pl93-638-Indian Education Act of 1972
1976 May-June
78 9
Health Systems Plan for Southeast Idaho; Idaho Migrant Council
1976 July-October
78 10
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Elementary and Secondary Education Act
1976 November-December
78 11
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; National Institutes of Health
1977 January-February
78 12
Civil Rights Survey; HEW Reorganization; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1977 March
78 13
Discrimination Against Handicapped
1977 April
79 1
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Idaho Health Systems Agency, Inc.; Civil Rights of Disabled People
1977 April
79 2
Idaho Health Systems Agency, Inc.; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1977 May
79 3
Evans, John V.
Idaho Health Systems Agency, Inc.; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1977 June
79 4
Facilities for Handicapped; Medical Research and Facility Funding; Compensation for The Disabled
1977 July-October
79 5
Clark, Dick
Medical Research and Facility Funding; National Health Planning Guidelines; Headstart
1977 November-December
79 6
Health Planning Guidelines; Drug Abuse Prevention
1978 January
79 7
Human Development Services; Flu Immunization; Health Planning Guidelines
1978 February-March
79 8
Health Planning Guidelines; Medical Research and Facility Funding; Computer Use for Medicaid
1978 April-May
79 9
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Handicap Facilities; Tty-Teletypewriter; HEW Personnel
1978 June
79 10
Health Man Power Shortage; Alcohol Abuse; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1978 July-September
79 11
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Health Care Financing Administration Programs; Medicare; Medical Regulations
1978 October-December
79 12
Office of Civil Rights, Re: Capitol High School Drill Team, "The Golden Girls"
1979 January-February
79 13
Idaho Flexible Intergovernmental Grant (Fig) Project; Executive Summary of Fig, Pacific Northwest Regional Commission
1979 March
80 1
Gibb, Richard D.
Athletic Programs Under Title Ix-Robos
1979 March-April
80 2
Athletic Programs Under Title Ix-Robos; System for Hospital Uniform Reporting (Shur); "Why Ernst & Ernst Opposes Shur", 1978
1979 May
80 3
Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Athletic Programs Under Title Ix; Direct Apportionment of Malpractice Costs To Medicare
1979 June
80 4
State Medical Facilities Plan; Family Education Program; Naturopathic Physicians, Alternate Health Care Program-Robos; System for Hospital Uniform Reporting, Notice of Proposed Rule Making
1979 July-August
80 5
Keiser, John H.
Child Development Associates Program; Cutbacks In The Weiser Headstart Program; Research In Human In Vitro Fertilization
1979 September
80 6
Glenns Ferry Clinic; Laboratory Personnel Standards; Foreign Medical Students
1980 January-February
80 7
Medical Research Grants; University Biomedical Research Grants; House Calls To Blind Diabetics; 1980 Annual Hospital Report
1980 March
80 8
Keiser, John H.
Interferon; Medical Research Grants; Radiating Foods
1980 April-May
80 9
Medical Research and Facility Funding; Appropriateness Reviews; Student Loans; Nursing Homes
1980 June-August
80 10
Hospital Payment Regulations; Medical Research and Facility Funding
1980 September-October
80 11
Drug Abuse; Health Care Financing Administration Regulations
1980 November-December
80 12
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Magnuson, Warren G.; Goddard, James L.
Goddard, James L., "Closing Neighborhood Drug Stores", Statement; Use of Antibiotics In Food-Producing Animals; Cyclamate Sweeteners
81 1
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Laetrile; Drugs In Fixed Combinations
81 2
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Saccharin Ban; DSMO-Dimethyl Sulfoxide; Des-Diethylstilbestrol
81 3
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Amphetamine Restrictions
81 4
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements-Hr643; Saccharin Restrictions
81 5
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Schmidt, Alexander M.
Brief Filed In The U.S. Court of Appeals for Food & Drug Administration, Re: New Regulations Relating To Dietary Supplements of Vitamins and Minerals; Schmidt, Alexander M., Statement On The Definition of Food Supplements, Before The Subcommittee On Publ
81 6
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Schmidt, Alexander M.
Status of FDA's Vitamin and Mineral Regulations; Vitamin B-19, Laetrile; Schmidt, Alexander M., Statement On The Oral Hyploglycemic Drugs, Before The Senate Subcommittee On Monopoly
81 7
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Regulation of Food Supplement Claims and Definition-S.548; Des-Diethylstilbestrol; Fluoridation; Laetrile; Cyclamates; Red Dye No. 4; Vitamin and Mineral Regulations
81 8
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Laetrile; Cyclamates-Saccharin Ban
1979 January-April
81 9
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Kennedy, Donald
Saccharin Ban; Antibiotics In Animal Feeds (Tetracycline & Penicillin); Kennedy, Donald, Statement On The Ban On Saccharin, Before The House Subcommittee On Health and The Environment; FDA's Position On Herbs
1977 May-July
81 10
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Lechelt, R.K.
Saccharin Ban; Antibiotics In Animal Feeds (Tetracycline & Penicillin); FDA's Position On Herbs; Food Additives
1977 August-December
81 11
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
Gardner, Sherwin
Depakene (Sodium Valproate); Protein Supplements; Vitamin and Mineral Products Sold As Nonprescription Drugs; Pcb's; Gardner, Sherwin, Statement On Pcb's, Before The House Subcommittee On Oversight and Investigations
81 12
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration
81 13
HEW -- Food & Drug Administration -- Chiropody
81 14
HEW -- Mental Health
Webster, William H.; Barlow, Rampton; Murphy, William J.; Squires, John; Lincoln, Ray; Brauner, William J.
New Mental Health Centers Act; Idaho Congressional Members Request Support for S.B.2836
81 15
HEW -- Office of Child Development
Headstart; Child Care; Care for Children of Migrant Families
1970 January-November
81 16
HEW -- Office of Child Development
Headstart Training
1970 December
82 1
HEW -- Office of Child Development
82 2
HEW -- Office of Education
82 3
HEW -- Office of Education
Fiscal Entitlements for School Districts
82 4
HEW -- Office of Education
82 5
HEW -- Office of Education
82 6
HEW -- Office of Education
Fiscal Entitlements; National Defense Student Loan Program
82 7
HEW -- Office of Education
1964 January-April
82 8
HEW -- Office of Education
7th Grade Course Proposal: American Vs. Communism; Financial Assistance for Students
1964 May-December
82 9
HEW -- Office of Education
82 10
HEW -- Office of Education
1966 January-March
82 11
HEW -- Office of Education
Learning Center Project
1966 April
82 12
HEW -- Office of Education
1966 May-July
82 13
HEW -- Office of Education
1966 August
82 14
HEW -- Office of Education
1966 September-December
83 1
HEW -- Office of Education
1967 January-June
83 2
HEW -- Office of Education
1967 July-December
83 3
HEW -- Office of Education
Teacher Corps
1968 January-March
83 4
HEW -- Office of Education
1968 April
83 5
HEW -- Office of Education
1968 May
83 6
HEW -- Office of Education
1968 May
83 7
HEW -- Office of Education
1968 June
83 8
HEW -- Office of Education
1968 September-December
83 9
HEW -- Office of Education
1969 January-May
83 10
HEW -- Office of Education
1969 June
83 11
HEW -- Office of Education
1969 July
83 12
HEW -- Office of Education
1969 August-December
83 13
HEW -- Office of Education
1970 January-March
83 14
HEW -- Office of Education
1970 April-June
83 15
HEW -- Office of Education
1970 July-December
84 1
HEW -- Office of Education
1971 January-March
84 2
HEW -- Office of Education
Grant Proposal for High School Drop-Out Rehabilitation Program With Environmental Focus
1971 April-May
84 3
HEW -- Office of Education
1971 June
84 4
HEW -- Office of Education
1971 June
84 5
HEW -- Office of Education
1971 July
84 6
HEW -- Office of Education
1971 August
84 7
HEW -- Office of Education
Barnes, John B.
1971 September-December
84 8
HEW -- Office of Education
1972 January-March
84 9
HEW -- Office of Education
1972 May-June
84 10
HEW -- Office of Education
1972 July-November
84 11
HEW -- Office of Education
Proposal-Teachers for The Rural World
1972 December
84 12
HEW -- Office of Education
Proposal-Teachers for The Rural World
1972 December
84 13
HEW -- Office of Education
1973 January-May
84 14
HEW -- Office of Education
1973 June
84 15
HEW -- Office of Education
Mondale, Walter F.
1973 July
84 16
HEW -- Office of Education
1973 August-December
84 17
HEW -- Office of Education
Goldwater, Barry M.
1974 January-March
85 1
HEW -- Office of Education
Basic Educational Grant Award Notices; Various Grant Awards
1974 April-August
85 2
HEW -- Office of Education
Inquiries for Federal Educational Assistance
1974 September-December
85 3
HEW -- Office of Education
Weinberger, Casper
Basic Educational Grants; Grants for Federally Affected Areas; Chicano Mobile Institute
1975 January-April
85 4
HEW -- Office of Education
1975 May-June
85 5
HEW -- Office of Education
1975 July
85 6
HEW -- Office of Education
1975 July
85 7
HEW -- Office of Education
1975 August-December
85 8
HEW -- Office of Education
Grants for Federally Affected Areas
1976 January-March
85 9
HEW -- Office of Education
Grants for Federally Affected Areas
1976 April-June
85 10
HEW -- Office of Education
1976 July-September
85 11
HEW -- Office of Education
1976 October-December
85 12
HEW -- Office of Education
1977 January-April
85 13
HEW -- Office of Education
1977 May-July
85 14
HEW -- Office of Education
1977 August-December
86 1
HEW -- Office of Education
1978 January-April
86 2
HEW -- Office of Education
1978 May-July
86 3
HEW -- Office of Education
1978 August-December
86 4
HEW -- Office of Education
1979 January-May
86 5
HEW -- Office of Education
Department of Education Formed, October 17, 1979; First Secretary Sworn Into Office, December 6, 1979
1979 June-December
86 6
HEW -- Office of Education
86 7
HEW -- Office of Education -- Vocational Education
86 8
HEW -- Percentage Allowance
1969 May-August
86 9
HEW -- Public Health Service
Distler, E.K.
Nursing Home for Indigents In Gem County; The Children's Home Funding and Aid Society of North Idaho
86 10
HEW -- Public Health Service
Air Pollution; Krebiozen; Water Pollution; Research Grants
86 11
HEW -- Public Health Service
Lewis-Clark Nursing Program; Tuberculous Indians; Water Pollution; Boise Sewer District
86 12
HEW -- Public Health Service
Indian Health; DDT; Accident Prevention; Public Health Publications; Kidneys
86 13
HEW -- Public Health Service
St. Anthony Hospital; Indian Health
86 14
HEW -- Public Health Service
Samuelson, Don; Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.; Javits, Jacob K.; Joslyn, A.W.
L-Dopa; Alcoholism; Paraplegia; DMSO; S.2482-Kidney Disease; Indian Health
1969 January-July
86 15
HEW -- Public Health Service
Kidneys; Research Costs
1969 August-December
87 1
HEW -- Public Health Service
Solberg, Nels L.
Rubella; Health Funding; National Health Summary; Indian Health
1970 January-October
87 2
HEW -- Public Health Service
Air Pollution; Life Safety Code
1970 November-December
87 3
HEW -- Public Health Service
H.R.8629-Health Science Funding
87 4
HEW -- Public Health Service
Personal Medical Assistance; Hill-Burton Funds; Farm Worker Clinics
1972 January-April
87 5
HEW -- Public Health Service
Panhandle Comprehensive Mental Health Center; Medical Center Physicians
1972 May-July
87 6
HEW -- Public Health Service
Nursing Education; Edgemeade of Idaho
1972 August-December
87 7
HEW -- Public Health Service
Eyre, John
Mountain States Tumor Institute; Alcoholism
87 8
HEW -- Public Health Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Drug Education; Hill-Burton Funds; Ethylene Oxide; Nursing Facilities; Alcoholism
87 9
HEW -- Public Health Service
Cancer Treatment; Mobile Dentists; Indian Health; Mental Health
87 10
HEW -- Public Health Service
Cancer Research; Soda Springs
87 11
HEW -- Scope
87 12
HEW -- Scope
Hansen, Orval; McClure, James A.; Jordan, Len B.
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1966-1969 July
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1969 August-1971
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1972-1973 March
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1973 April-December
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1974 January-September
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1974 September-1975 February
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1975 March-August
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1975 September-1976 February
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1976 February-August
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1976 August-1977 March
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1977 April-September
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1977 October-1978 March
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1978 April-November
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1978 December-1979 July
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1979 August-1980 March
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1980 March-May
HEW -- Social Security Case Files
HEW--Social Security Administration--Closed Case Files
1980 June-December
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Box Folder
106 1
106 2
1966 January-May
106 3
1966 June-October
106 4
1966 November-December
106 5
106 6
1967 August-December
106 7
1968 January-September
106 8
1968 October-December
106 9
1969 January-May
106 10
1969 June-December
106 11
1970 January-March
106 12
1970 April-June
106 13
1970 July-November
106 14
1970 December
107 1
1971 January-May
107 2
1971 June-October
107 3
1971 November-December
107 4
1971 December
107 5
1972 January-March
107 6
1972 April-May
107 7
1972 June
107 8
1972 June
107 9
1972 July-October
107 10
1972 November-December
107 11
1973 January-March
107 12
1973 April-July
107 13
1973 April
107 14
1973 August-December
107 15
1974 January-April
107 16
1974 May-July
108 1
1974 August-September
108 2
1974 October-December
108 3
1975 January-March
108 4
1975 April-July
108 5
1975 August-November
108 6
1975 December
108 7
1976 January-February
108 8
1976 March-April
108 9
Andrus, Cecil D.; Proxmire, William
1976 May-July
108 10
1976 August-September
108 11
1976 October-December
108 12
1977 January-March
108 13
1977 January
108 14
1977 April-June
108 15
1977 July-August
109 1
1977 September
109 2
1977 October
109 3
1977 November-December
109 4
1977 December
109 5
1978 January-March
109 6
1978 April-May
109 7
1978 June-July
109 8
1978 August
109 9
1978 September-October
109 10
1978 November-December
109 11
1979 January-April
109 12
1979 May-July
109 13
1979 August
110 1
1979 September
110 2
1979 October-December
110 3
1980 January-March
110 4
1980 April
110 5
1980 April
110 6
1980 May
110 7
1980 June-July
110 8
1980 August
110 9
1980 September-October
110 10
1980 November-December
Department of the Interior
The Department of Interior holds jurisdiction over many of Idaho's resources. These files include the Bonneville Power Administration, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. The Bureau of Reclamation, in this section, includes the Teton Dam files, regarding both the approval and financing of the project and aid to the victims of the dam's failure. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which regulates some of Idaho's hunting and fishing, is also found in this section.
Box Folder
110 11
Bender, George H.; Proxmire, William; Woozley, Edward
Department of Interior--General
110 12
Wetherell, R.M.; Proxmire, William; Carver, John A., Jr.
Department of Interior--General
110 13
Udall, Stewart L.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Jackson, Henry M.; Daniels, Russel
Department of Interior--General
110 14
Udall, Stewart L.
Department of Interior--General
111 1
Gruening, Ernest; Carver, John A., Jr.; Udall, Stewart L.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Sparkman, John J.
Department of Interior--General
111 2
Joslyn, A.W.; Udall, Stewart L.
Department of Interior--General
111 3
Laugh, Harold; Won Pat, Antonio B.; Jackson, Henry M.
Department of Interior--General
111 4
Jackson, Henry M.; Udall, Stewart L.
Water and Land Use Map of Idaho
111 5
Department of Interior--General
111 6
Virgin Islands, Election of First Representative
111 7
Udall, Stewart L.; Murphy, Arthur P.; Webster, William H.; Crutiker, William; Andrus, Cecil D.; May, John; Rigby, Ray W.; Sandberg, J.C.; Mcateer, Thomas F.; Egbert, Richard
Department of Interior--General
111 8
Department of Interior--General
111 9
Department of Interior--General
111 11
Case, Clifford P.; Hart, Philip A.; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Egan, William
Department of Interior--General
111 12
Antone, Steve
Department of Interior--General
112 1
Saxvik, Robert; Antone, Steve; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Watt, James G.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.
Department of Interior--General
112 2
Morton, Rogers C.B.; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Indian Affairs, Some Correspondence
112 3
Santini, James O; Frizzell, Kent
Department of Interior--General
112 4
Andrus, Cecil D.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Durkin, John A.
Department of Interior--General
112 5
Andrus, Cecil D.
Orv Restriction
112 6
Department of Interior--General
112 7
Larocco, Larry; Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1978 January-May
112 8
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1978 June-December
112 9
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1979 January-April
112 10
Department of Interior--General
112 10
Andrus, Cecil D.
Indian Affairs, Bill for Descendents of Kansas & Idaho Delaware Indians
1979 May-June
112 11
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1979 July-August
112 12
Roth, William V., Jr.; Evans, John V.
Renaming Mt. Knapp To Mt. Loening
1979 September
113 1
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1979 October-December
113 2
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1980 January-May
113 3
Department of Interior--General
1980 August-December
113 4
Andrus, Cecil D.
Department of Interior--General
1980 June-July 1980
113 5
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Portland General Electric Company; Federal Power By States, Through Bonneville Power Administration, Actual 1939-1956: Forecast 1957-1967; Equitable Allocation of Power Between States
113 6
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Federal Power Commission, Typical Electric Bills, 1961
113 7
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Udall, Stewart L.
Bonneville Power Administration
1962 January-March
113 8
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Customer Service Policy, Bonneville Power Administration; 1961 Report On The U.S. Columbia River Power System
1962 April
113 9
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1962 May-June
113 10
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1962 August-September
113 11
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1961-1971 Power Outlook
1962 October-December
113 12
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1963 January-April
113 13
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1963 May-July
113 14
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1963 August-September
113 15
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1963 October-November
113 16
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1963 December
114 1
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1964 January-February
114 2
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1964 March-April
114 3
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1964 May
114 4
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration; Anti and Pro Letters and Postcards, None Contained A Reply
1964 May
114 5
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1964 June-August
114 6
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1964 September-December
114 7
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration; Anti BPA; Pro BPA
Statement In Support of BPA Transmission Line Into Southern Idaho, No Place, No Date
114 8
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1965 January-April
114 9
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1965 May
114 10
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
U.S. Federal Power Commission, Formal Protest On Behalf of The Northwest Public Power Association
1965 June
114 11
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Public Works Appropriation Bill, 1966, No.615; H.R.9220
1965 July-September
114 12
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1965 October-December
114 13
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Minutes of Meeting In Joint Session, Bonneville Regional Advisory Council, December 2, 1965; Report, Public Works and Atomic Energy Commission Appropriation Bill, 1968
114 14
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
114 15
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Minutes of Joint Session, Bonneville Regional Advisory Council Meeting; Review of Power Planning In The Pacific Northwest, 1968
1969 January-April
114 16
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1969 May
115 1
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1969 July
115 2
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
1969 August-September
115 3
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration, Load and Resource Schedules, 1970/1971 Through 1990/1991
1969 October-December
115 4
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
U.S. Department of The Interior, Bonneville Power Administration, 1969 Annual Report; Bonneville Regional Advisory Council, January 9, 1970; Report To The Congress, Department of The Interior, Department of Army, January 13, 1970
115 5
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Review of Power Planning In The Pacific Northwest, 1970; "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Bonneville Power Administration"; Power Outlook, BPA, Conference Notes
115 6
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
115 7
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
S.3362-To Enable The Secretary of The Interior To Provide for The Operation, Maintenance, and Continued Construction of The Federal Transmission System In The Pacific Northwest
Statement for Hearing On S.3362, June 6, 1974
115 8
Interior -- Bonneville Power Administration
Stoicheff, James F.
U.S.A. Federal Power Commission, Opinion and Order Confirming and Approving Rate Schedules
115 9
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
115 10
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1961 February-July
115 11
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Humphrey, Hubert H.
1961 August
115 12
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1961 September-December
115 13
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
P.L.75-45-Use of Tribal Judgement Funds; Public Concern Over Conditions for Indians and Government Action Geared Toward Improving Those Conditions
1962 January-June
115 14
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1962 July-November
115 15
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Museum Shop Project At Fort Hall
1963 February-July
115 16
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation
1963 August-December
116 1
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
116 2
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jackson, Henry M.
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation
116 3
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jackson, Henry M.
Several People Express Concern About Poor Living Conditions of Indians and About The Governments Actions Regarding Those Conditions
116 4
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Slickpoo, Allen P.
Some Controversy Over Moving The Indian Agency Away From Lapwai, Idaho
116 5
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Reprint of Hearings Before The Subcommittee On Indian Affairs On H.R3306, S.1624, and S.1625
1968 January-May
116 6
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1968 June-December
116 7
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Mcateer, Thomas F.; Sandberg, J.C.
S.3163-To Provide for A White House Conference On Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation; Paiute Indians Formerly of Malheur Reservation, Oregon
116 8
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island; Duck Valley Indian Reservation
1970 January-August
116 9
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Hickel, Walter J.
Controversy Over Ban By Fort Hall Business Council On Aerial Spraying On The Reservation
1970 September-December
116 10
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Controversy Over Proposed Changes In The Bureau of Indian Affairs Structure and Policy
1971 January-July
116 11
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1971 August-December
116 12
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Evans, John V.
Debate Over Passing of S.2042, Providing for Apportionment of Judgement Funds To Shoshone Tribe, and Over The Effect of These Monies On Indian Eligibility for Public Assistance Programs; Controversy Over Impoundment of Cattle Trespassing On Fort Hall Res
1972 January-July
117 1
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Questions About Return To The Yakima Tribe of 21, 000 Acres of Land In The Gifford Pinchot National Forest; Controversy of Demonstration By Indians That Resulted In Theft and Destruction of Bia Property; Concern About Antioch School of Law; S.23-Bill To P
1972 August-December
117 2
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
1973 January-June
117 3
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Abourezk, James S.; Mckay, Gunn
Bureau of Indian Affairs
1973 July-December
117 4
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
1974 January-June
117 5
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Kootenai Declaration of War On Federal Government; Coeur d'Alene Farm Enterprise
1974 July-December
117 6
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Scona Claim
117 7
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Scona Claim
117 8
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Duck Valley Indian Reservation;
117 9
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
117 10
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; Education: Johnson-O'Malley Funds
1975 December
117 11
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Petition Requesting Investigations of Nez Perce Tribal Commission, Re: Operating Procedures
117 12
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Andrus, Cecil D.
Letters Opposing Johnson-O'malley Fund Cuts
117 13
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Letters Regarding Klepp's Zoning Ordinance
118 1
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
118 2
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs; S.3251
118 3
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
118 4
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
118 5
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Duck Valley Indian Reservation
118 6
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Duck Valley Indian Reservation
118 7
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs
Owyhee Gym
Interior -- Bureau of Indian Affairs -- Case Files
Bureau of Indian Affairs--Closed Case Files
120 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Woozley, Edward
Aec Land Use; Mahaffey Case; Grazing Privileges; Homestead Claims
120 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Small Tract Applications; Aec Land Use
1958 January-May
120 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Woozley, Edward
Aec Land Use; Small Tracts; Anderson Ranch Reservoir Hydroelectric
1958 June-December
120 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Pope, James R.
Title 43-Public Lands; Grazing Land Cutbacks; Public Land Sales
1959 January-March
120 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Land Cutbacks; Public Land Sales
1959 April-June
120 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Land Cutbacks
Speech On Public Lands and Grazing, Twin Falls, September, 1959
1959 July-September
120 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Land Cutbacks; Property Inventory Report; National Advisory Board Council
1959 October-December
120 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Murray, James E.
H.R.10089-Civil Action Vs. Officer of U.S.; S.3174-Subcommittee Hearing On Public Lands; Grazing Land Cutbacks
Speech On S.3174-Grazing, March 10, 1960
1960 January-March
120 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
S.3714-Subcommittee Hearing On Public Lands; Grazing Land Cutbacks; Small Tracts
1960 January-March
120 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
H.R.12622-Federal Employee Duty; H.R.10089; Grazing Lands Cutbacks
1960 April-June
120 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Taylor Grazing Act; Federal Range Code; Pl86-649; Land Applications; Grazing Land Cutbacks
1960 July-September
120 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
H.R.1960; Grazing Land Cutbacks
1960 October-December
120 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Proposed Withdrawals; Small Tract Applications
1961 January-March
120 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Range Use; Homestead Application
1961 April-June
120 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Carver, John A., Jr.; Sutton, Clay
Small Tract Applications; Small Tract Loans; Homesteads; Desert Land Applications
1961 July-September
120 16
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Blm Range Code; National Advisory Board Council; Small Tracts
1961 October-December
121 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Public Land Sale-011535; Desert Land Entries
1962 January-March
121 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
World War II Memorial Statue; Grazing Land Cutbacks; Mining Claims
1962 April-June
121 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Goose Egg Island; Small Tracts; Desert Land Entries; Public Land Fair Pricing; Land Ownership Decisions
1962 July-September
121 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Forest Service Expenditures; Riparian Lands
1962 October-December
121 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries
1963 January-March
121 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Cattle Allotments; Desert Land Entries
1963 April-June
121 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Cattle Allotments; Desert Land Entries
1963 April-June
121 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
S.2580-Railway Lands; Fire Report, 1962; Desert Land Entries
1963 July-September
121 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Land Claims
1963 July-September
121 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Fire-Fighting Increase; Placerville Townsite; Resource Conservation Areas; Recreation and Public Purposes Act
1963 October-December
121 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Pesticide Damage; Idaho Veteran's Home Land; Youth Ranch Land
1964 January-March
121 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries
1964 January-March
121 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Advisory Board Meeting, 1964; Bruneau; S.2465- Railroad Right-of-Way; Grazing Applications
1964 April-June
121 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Washington Office Reorganization
1964 July-September
121 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Mining Claim Sales; Interstate Association of Public Land Counties
1964 October-December
122 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Boise Fire Center; Classification and Multiple Use Act
1965 January-March
122 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Sales
1965 April-June
122 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Applications; Land Classifications
1965 July-September
122 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Homestead; Valor Award, George L. Presley; Knox-Ball Road
1965 July-Septembe
122 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries
1962 October-December
122 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Saylor Creek; "Our Public Lands"
1966 January-March
122 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Elmore County; Grazing Land Cutbacks
1966 April-June
122 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mining Claims; Desert Land Entry; Hill City Ski Area; Agriculture Land Law Facts
1966 July-September
122 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Fire Control Research
1966 October-December
122 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Survey Errors, Idaho Falls; Riparian Land; Desert Land Entries
1967 January-March
122 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Survey Errors, Idaho Falls; Riparian Lands; Desert Entries; Mining Claims
1966 January-March
122 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Dodd Bill; Geothermal Land Grab; Crystal Ice Cave Road; Desert Land Entries
1967 April-June
122 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Classification and Multiple Use Act; Lot 49 In Coeur d'Alene; Desert Land Entries
1967 April-June
122 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
National Guard Gunnery Range; Grazing Regulations; Surface Mining Regulations; Desert Land Entries; Snake River Birds of Prey Area
1967 July-September
122 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Goose Egg Island; Phosphate Lands; Wildfire Land Rehabilitation
1967 October-December
122 16
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Reseeding Contracts
1967 October-December
122 17
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Public Land Statistics; Desert Land Entries; Homestead Entries; Mining Claims
1968 January-March
122 18
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Caribou County Zoning; Desert Land Entries
1968 January-March
122 19
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Shoshone Range Survey; Grazing Allotments; Desert Land Entries; Mining Claims
1968 April-June
123 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Bell Rapids Desert Entry
1968 July-September
123 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; "Potatoes In Thailand"
1968 July-September
123 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Regulations; Desert Land Entries
1968 October-December
123 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
"Our Public Lands"; Blm Facts; Mining Claims; Desert Land Entries
1969 January-March
123 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Idaho Youth Ranch; Lot 49; "Room To Roam" Recreation Guide
1969 April-June
123 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Boise Land Trade; Multiple Use Classification
1969 July-September
123 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Pulic Land Sale I-73; Desert Land Entries
1969 October-December
123 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Beggs Recreational Area; Multiple Use; Land Entry Regulations; Job Corps Camp, Mountain Home; Desert Land Entries; Homestead Lands
1970 January-March
123 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries
1970 January-March
123 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Job Terminations; Desert Land Entries; Hunting Preserves
1970 April-June
123 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Public Land Classification
1970 July-September
123 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Advisory Board; Land Improvement; Land Classification
1970 June-September
123 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Lot 49; Desert Land Entries
1970 July-September
123 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Classification; Homestead Entry; Desert Land Entries
1970 October-December
123 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Blm Facts; Birds of Prey Area; Land Classification
1971 January-March
123 16
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Black Mountain Grazing; Desert Land Entries; Wild Horses
1971 April-June
123 17
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mining Claims; Birds of Prey Area; Advisory Board; Box Canyon
1971 April-June
123 18
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Recreational Sites; Land Classification; Desert Land Entries; Omited Lands; Hagerman Fossil Beds; Wild Horses
1971 July-December
124 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Sales; Advisory Board; Desert Land Entries; Wild Horses; Omitted Lands; Fire Fighting Practices; Stanley Settling Ponds
1971 January-March
124 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Fire Damage; Deer Flat Refuge; Kelly Lake; Silver City; Desert Land Entries; Land Classification; Blm Personnel; Snake River Islands
1972 April-June
124 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Omitted Lands; Helicopter Use
1972 April-June
124 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Saylor Creek; Mining Lands; Land Classification; Desert Land Entries
1972 July-December
124 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Mining Claims; Work Contracts
1973 January-March
124 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Wild Horses
1973 January-March
124 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mineral Collection; St. Joe National Forest
1973 April-June
124 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Whitebird Landfill; Grazing Regulations; Desert Land Entries; Owyhee Foundation
1973 April-June
124 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Challis Planning Unit; Desert Land Entries; Orv Regulations; #1041 Public Land Law Enforcement; Kmfe Broadcasting Sites
1973 July-September
124 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Silver City; Land Classification; Land Exchange; Blm Personnel
1973 October-December
124 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Well Drilling; Desert Land Entries; Bingham County Peace Officers
1974 January-March
124 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mountain View Irrigation Project
1974 January-March
124 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Pahsimeroi Planning Unit; Desert Land Entries; Idaho City Landfill
1974 January-March
124 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Eviction; Grazing Management; Blm Nepa Violations; Carey Act; Desert Land Act; Land Exchange
1974 April-June # 1
124 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mining Lands; Land Exchange; Birds of Prey Area; Desert Land Act; Grazing Lands
1974 April-June
125 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Grazing Rights; Geothermal Rights; Desert Land Entries; Lookout Facilities; Wild Horses; Blm Personnel
1974 July-September
125 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Owyhee High Desert; Desert Land Entries; Land Claims; Land Rehabilitation; Mining Claims; Challis Planning Unit
1974 July-September
125 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Withdrawal; Wild Horses; Desert Land Entries
1974 October-December
125 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Wild Horses; Desert Land Entries; Grazing Effects; Bennet Mountain Lookout
1974 October-December
125 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Wild Horses and Burros Act; Sheep Poisoning; Irrigation Projects; Land Withdrawals
1975 January-March
125 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Fort Boise Park; Land Classification; Ellis Planning Unit; Srv Firefighters; Alunite Mining
1975 April-June
125 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Crystal Ice Caves; Range Rehabilitation; Lemhi Planning Unit
1975 July-September
125 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
"Coal Age"; Mining Withdrawals; Homesteading Entries; Desert Land Entries; Mining Land Homesteads
1975 July-September
125 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Act; Desert Land Entries; Public Land Sales; Conservation Report; Black Canyon Planning Unit
1975 October-December
125 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Public Land Information; Desert Land Entries; Mining Claims; Idaho Rangeland Committee
1976 January-March
125 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Ten Year Grazing Permits; Desert Land Entries; Increase Grazing Fees
1976 April-June
125 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Rehabilitation; Desert Land Entries; Increased Grazing Fees; Alunite Mining
1976 April-June
125 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Challis Planning Unit; Hr. 9719 Grand Canyon School District Taxes; Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act; Wild Horses; Mormon Crickets
1976 July-September
125 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Challis Planning Unit Impact Statement; Carey Act; Land Claims
1976 October-December
125 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Range Management; Desert Land Entries
1976 October-December
126 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Stock Driveway; Blm Personnel; Desert Land Act; Orv's Restriction
1977 January-March
126 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entry; Mining Regulations; Wild Horses
1977 January-March
126 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Withdrawal; Orv's Restrictions; Wild Horses
1977 April-June
126 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mining Regulations; Mining Claims; Desert Land Entries
1977 April-June
126 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Exchange, Desert Land Entries; Wild Horses; Young Adult Conservation Corps; Grazing Rights; Indian Water Rights; Macon Flat
1977 July-December
126 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Grazing Lands; Payment In Lieu of Taxes
1977 July-December
126 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Nez Perce Lands; Grazing Lands; Land Rehabilitation; Carey Act Projects; Grazing Fees
1978 January-March
126 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Entries; Silver City; Grazing Land; Land Improvement; Land Trespass
1978 April-June
126 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Omitted Land; Box Canyon; Pp & L Powerlines
1978 April-June
126 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Desert Land Act; Grazing Rights; Desert Land Entries
1978 July-December
126 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Orv's Restrictions; Silver City; Wild Horses; Desert Land Entries
1978 July-December
126 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Blm Personnel; Desert Land Entries; Wilderness Inventory
1979 January-March
126 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Wilderness Inventory; Desert Land Entries; Land Trespass
1979 April-June
126 14
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Wilderness Inventory; Wild Horses; Railroad Right-of-Way; Mining Claims
1979 April-June
126 15
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Marsing Rod & Gun Club; Desert Land Entries; Mining Claims; Wilderness Inventory
1979 July-September
127 1
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Range Managers; Silver City; Helicopter Operations; Land Applications Map
1979 July-September
127 2
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Blm Four-Year Authorization; Silver City; Desert Land Entries; Timber; Payments In Lieu of Taxes
1979 October-December
127 3
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Shoshone Rangeland; Wilderness Inventory; Grazing Rights; Desert Land Entries
1980 January-March
127 4
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Land Trespass; Grazing Rights; Range Improvements; Desert Land Entries; Orv's Restrictions
1980 April-June
127 5
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Mining Claims; Silver City; Areas of Critical Environmental Concern; Land Trespass; Weiser Landfill; Blm Personnel
1980 July-September
127 6
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management
Powerline Right-of-Way; Land Trespass; Land Sales; Birds of Prey Area
1980 October-December
127 7
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 8
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 9
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 10
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 11
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 12
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries; Bell Rapids Project
127 13
Interior -- Bureau of Land Management -- Snake River Desert Land
Snake River Desert Land Entries
127 14
Interior -- Bureau of Mines
Cuban Mines; Federal Mining Assistance; Mining Applications; Small Mining Operators; Mineral Markets
128 1
Interior -- Bureau of Mines
Federal Mining Assistance; Mine Ventilation
128 2
Interior -- Bureau of Mines
Zinc Tariff; Annual Report 1971; Mine Safety; Mining Research
128 3
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Neuberger, Maurine B.
H.R.3846-Land and Water Conservation Fund Bill; Trout Fishing Recreation; Lewis and Clark Trail; National Forest Recreation
128 4
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Recreation Project Funding; Tubbs Hill
128 5
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Recreation Project Funding; Washington County Recreation
128 6
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Watt, James G.
Surface-Mined Land; Recreation Project Funding; Off-Road Vehicles; Public Law 90-542-Wild and Scenic Rivers; Bor 1973 Report
128 7
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Bor Publications; Recreation Project Funding; Oregon Trail
1974 January-March
128 8
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Watt, James G.
Lewis and Clark Trail; Land and Water Conservation Fund; Surface- Mined Land Reclamation; Bor Publications; Swimming Pool Committee
1974 April-December
128 9
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Tubbs Hill; Bor Publications; Recreation Project Funding
1975 January-April
128 10
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Andrus, Cecil D.
Recreation Demand; Hydropower; Recreation History
1975 May-December
128 11
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Bor Status Report; Recreation Project Funding; 1977 Annual Report
128 12
Interior -- Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Bor Project Funding
128 13
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Crookham, George L., Jr.
Well Regulations; Reclamation Accomplishments and Contributions; 1958 Crop Report
128 14
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Council Project; Water Rights
1960 January-February
128 15
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Potvin, Gregg R.
Island Park; Deer Flat Reservoir; Ririe Project; King Hill Irrigation
1960 March-December
129 1
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Land Exchange, Raft River Valley; Well-Drilling; Burns Creek Project; Reclamation Projects In Idaho
129 2
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Bor Project Construction Summary
129 3
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Reclamation 1963 Annual Report
1963 January-May
129 4
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Snake Plain Recharge Project; 1962 Crop Report
1963 June-July
129 5
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Hydro Power Lines; Challis Project; Los Angeles Project
1963 August-December
129 6
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Reclamation Budget; 1964 Annual Report; Water Rights
129 7
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Moss, Frank E.
Boise River Flooding; Minidoka Flooding; H.R.281-Civil Defense Shelters
1965 January-April
129 8
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Smylie, Robert E.
Mann Creek Irrigation District; Water Rights
1965 May-December
129 9
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Jackson, Henry M.
Rathdrum Prairie Project; Bear Valley; Riverton Project; Emmett Drainage District; National Reclamation Association
1966 January-May
129 10
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Bartlett, E.L.; Jackson, Henry M.
Small Reclamation Project Loans; Cascade Reservoir
1966 June-December
129 11
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Ellender, Allen J.; Hayden, Carl
Desert Land Entry; American Falls Irrigation; Bureau of Reclamation Budget; Bureau of Reclamation Personnel
129 12
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.
S.1251-Non-Reimbursable Project Expenses; Michaud Flats Project; Columbia Basin Lands
1968 January-June
129 13
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Upper Snake River Project; Irrigation Project Loans
1968 July-December
130 1
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Shoshone Project; Arrowrock Dam
130 2
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Jordan, Len B.
Minidoka Project; Hell's Canyon Dam; Garden Valley Complex
130 3
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
San Creek Watershed; Mann Creek Project; Teton Dam; Bureau of Reclamation Personnel; Western United States Water Plan
1971 January-August
130 4
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Andrus, Cecil D.
Teton Project; Snake River Flooding
1971 September-December
130 5
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Columbia Salmon; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
1972 January-April
130 6
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Teton Dam Project; Long Tom Diversion Dam; Salmon Falls Project; Lower Snake River Basin; East Greenacres Unit
1972 May-December
130 7
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Andrus, Cecil D.; Tower, John G.; Bible, Alan
Teton Dam; Geothermal Investigations; Grazing Leases; American Falls Dam
"American Falls Dam: 46 Years Old and Deteriorating", Senate, April 10, 1973
130 8
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Anderson Ranch Dam; Water Rights; Boise River Flooding; Montour Valley Flooding; Surface-Mined Lands
130 9
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Andrus, Cecil D.
Hydroelectric Power; Barber Dam
1975 January-February
130 10
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Hydroelectric Power; Twin Lakes
1975 March-April
130 11
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Twin Lakes; Homestead Application; Teton Dam
1975 May-December
130 12
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Kendall, William T.
Teton Dam; American Falls Dam; Small Project Loans
1976 January-October
130 13
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Boise River Hydro Power; Teton Dam
1976 November-December
130 14
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Equipment Use Rates; Teton Dam; Montour; Lake Cascade; Western Energy Expansion
1977 January-May
131 1
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Bateman, Linden B.
Dam Safety; Teton Dam; Boise River Bikeway
1977 June-July
131 2
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Andrus, Cecil D.; Hayakawa, S.I.; Deconcini, Dennis
Land Disputes; Frying Pan-Arkansas Project; Teton Dam; Imperial Valley; Small Reclamation Projects; 1902 Reclamation Act
1977 August-October
131 3
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Reclamation Land Regulations; 1902 Reclamation Act
1977 November-December
131 4
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Teton Dam; Mann Creek Project; Reclamation Budget
1978 January-March
131 5
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Land Use; Power Lines
1978 April-July
131 6
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Water Rights
1978 August-December
131 7
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Land Disputes; Island Park Dam
1979 January-March
131 8
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation
Land Disputes; American Falls Dam
1979 August-December
131 9
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Bert Ruud
Ruud, Bert; Clark, Ramsey; Harding, Ralph R.; Popple, Paul M.
Bert Ruud
131 10
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Columbia Basin
Columbia Basin
"S.3034: Irrigation Feasibility Studies", Senate, July 13, 1966
131 11
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Devils Creek
Jackson, Henry M.
Devils Creek
131 12
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Salmon Loss
Udall, Stewart L.
Salmon Loss
"Key To Future of Idaho's Salmon and Steelhead", Senate, July 12, 1966
131 13
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Salmon River Canals
Salmon River Canals
131 14
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Snake River
Snake River; Hells Canyon Bill
131 15
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Teton Dam
1971 January-June
131 16
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Teton Dam
1971 July-December
131 17
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Teton Dam
1976 January-July
131 18
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Teton Dam
1976 August-December
131 19
Interior -- Bureau of Reclamation -- Teton Dam
Andrus, Cecil D.; Ford, Gerald R.; Summers, H. Dean
Teton Dam
131 20
Interior -- Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
City Sewer Improvements; Snake River; Interstate Water Quality
132 1
Interior -- Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
Training Grant Application
132 2
Interior -- Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
Sewer Project Funding; University Research
132 3
Interior -- Geological Survey
Idaho 7.5 Quadrangle Mapping; Alaska Earthquake Effects; Helicopter Contracts; Mineral Surveys
132 4
Interior -- Geological Survey
Surface-Mined Lands; Mineral Surveys, Map Orders
132 5
Interior -- Geological Survey
Mcbirney, Ruth
Salmon River Breaks Survey; Buffalo Creek Flood; Boise State University Map Collection
132 6
Interior -- Geological Survey
Idaho Flooding; Mineral Surveys
132 7
Interior -- Hathaway Nomination
O'donnell, Patrick E.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Stone, Richard; Hart, Gary; McGee, Gale; Hansen, Clifford P.; Barker, John M.; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Hathaway Nomination, Letters, Pro and Con
"A Vote for Hathaway", Senate, June 11, 1975
1975 May
132 8
Interior -- Hathaway Nomination
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Stanley K. Hathaway History
1975 May
132 9
Interior -- Hathaway Nomination
Hathaway, Stanley K.
Stanley K. Hathaway History
1975 May
132 10
Interior -- National Park Service
Seaton, Fred A.; Murray, James E.
Yellowstone Lake
132 11
Interior -- National Park Service
National Park Service Areas; Yellowstone Lake; Yellowstone National Park
132 12
Interior -- National Park Service
Udall, Stewart L.; Douglas, Paul H.
American Falls Archeological Site; Grand Teton National Park; Nez Perce National Park
132 13
Interior -- National Park Service
Udall, Stewart L.
Ellis Island; Breeder Reactor No.1; Guide To National Parks; Nez Perce National Park
132 14
Interior -- National Park Service
McGovern, George; McGee, Gale
National Park Regulations; Nez Perce National Park; Fort Sherman Chapel; Yellowstone Park
132 15
Interior -- National Park Service
Yellowstone Park; Grand Teton National Park; Park Regulations; NPS Personnel
1968 January-August
133 1
Interior -- National Park Service
Craters of The Moon National Monument; Yellowstone Park; Olympic National Park
1968 September-December
133 2
Interior -- National Park Service
Camping; Nez Perce National Park; Cataldo Mission; Grand Teton National Park
133 3
Interior -- National Park Service
Yellowstone Park; Jefferson Memorial; Crystal Ice Cave; National Parks Centennial
133 4
Interior -- National Park Service
Box Canyon-Thousand Springs; Yellowstone Park; Wilderness Areas In Parks
1972 January-July
133 5
Interior -- National Park Service
Mt. Vernon Park; Yellowstone Park; Elk In Yellowstone Park
1972 August-December
133 6
Interior -- National Park Service
Mt. Vernon Park; Nez Perce National Park
1973 January-April
133 7
Interior -- National Park Service
Wilderness Areas In Yellowstone Park; Mt. Vernon Park; U.S. Territorial Expansion Commission; Grand Teton National Park
1973 May-December
133 8
Interior -- National Park Service
Manley, Art
Grizzlies In Yellowstone Park; Nez Perce National Park
1974 January-February
133 9
Interior -- National Park Service
Jackson Hole Airport; City of Rocks
1974 March
133 10
Interior -- National Park Service
Morton, Roy
Sierra Club Bulletin; Mt. Vernon Park; Historical American Buildings
1974 April-July
133 11
Interior -- National Park Service
Metzenbaum, Howard M.
Park Reservation System; Grizzly Bears; Yosemite National Park; Yellowstone Lake
1974 August-December
133 12
Interior -- National Park Service
Hagerman Fauna Sites; Yellowstone Park; Jackson Hole Airport
1975 January-June
133 13
Interior -- National Park Service
Nez Perce National Park; Cataldo Mission; National Landmarks; Grand Teton National Park; Yellowstone National Park; Snake River Plain Volcanic Region; Sawtooth National Park
1975 July-December
133 14
Interior -- National Park Service
Spaulding Post Office; NPS Personnel
1976 January-April
133 15
Interior -- National Park Service
Grand Teton National Park; Yellowstone National Park; Spaulding Post Office; Management Policies
1976 May-December
133 16
Interior -- National Park Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Grand Teton National Park; Spaulding Post Office; NPS Personnel
134 1
Interior -- National Park Service
NPS Personnel
134 2
Interior -- National Park Service
Yellowstone National Park; Snowmobiles; Rescue Service; Camping Facilities; Fps Personnel
134 3
Interior -- Office of Territories
Hodge, Walter I.M.; Daniel, Bill
S.Res.330-Eastern Samoa; Guam Legislature; 1962 Guam Annual Report
134 4
Interior -- Office of Territories
Daniel, Bill; Won Pat, Antonio B.; Guerrero, Manuel F.L.
Sixth Guam Legislature; Virgin Islands Salt Distillation Company; S.1495-Guam Rehabilitation; H.R.6481-Guam Urban Renewal; H.R.1989-Virgin Islands General Obligation Bonds; H.R.2073-Submerged Lands
1963 January-November
134 5
Interior -- Office of Territories
Paiewonsky, Ralph M.; Fernos-Isern, A.; Guerrero, Manuel F.L.
Puerto Rico Status; H.R.5945, H.R.5948, H.R.6047, H.R.6076, H.R.6083-Puerto Rico Political Status; Pacific Profile, Newsmagazine; Virgin Islands 1963 Annual Report
1963 December
134 6
Interior -- Office of Territories
Paiewonsky, Ralph M.
Virgin Islands Leasing of Naval Properties; Customs Exemptions
1964 January-February
134 7
Interior -- Office of Territories
Paiewonsky, Ralph M.; Won Pat, Antonio B.; Anderson, Clinton P.
Virgin Islands World's Fair Exhibit
1964 March-December
134 8
Interior -- Office of Territories
Jackson, Henry M.; Paiewonsky, Ralph M.
Seventh Guam Legislature; Tourist Import Duty, Virgin Islands
134 9
Interior -- Office of Territories
Virgin Islands Corporation Financial Statements; College of Virgin Islands
134 10
Interior -- Office of Territories
Evans, Melvin Herbert
College of Virgin Islands; Dominica; Micronesia
134 11
Interior -- Office of Territories
Virgin Islands Financial Management; Micronesia; College of Virgin Islands
134 12
Interior -- Office of Territories
College of Virgin Islands
134 13
Interior -- Office of Territories
Haydon, John M.
Virgin Islands Annual Report; College of Virgin Islands
134 14
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Williams, Arnold
Minidoka Wildlife Refuge
134 15
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Smylie, Robert E.
Anadromous Fish; Duck Bands; Hepatoma In Fish; Fish Planting; Jack Rabbit Control; Predator Control
135 1
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Monroe Creek; Hepatoma In Fish; Predator Control; Hagerman Fish Hatchery; Clearwater Fish Hatchery
135 2
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Smylie, Robert E.; Davidson, Marion D.J.
Salmon Runs; Fish and Wildlife Service Personnel; Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge
135 3
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Dunn, Lloyd C.
Bald Eagle; Pancreatic Necrosis In Fish; Big Loop Project; Fish Runs; Dingle Swamp; Kootenai Wildlife Refuge; Duck Depredation
135 4
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Morse, Wayne; Manley, Art; Samuelson, Don; Smylie, Robert E.; Udall, Stewart L.
National Wildlife Refuges; Fish Disease; Fish Foods; Rodent Control; FWS Personnel
135 5
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Gravel, Mike
Fish Food; Bear Lake Wildlife Refuge; Horsethief Lake; Lake Walcott Refuge
135 6
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Barker, John M.; Antone, Steve; Stoicheff, James F.; Hedlund, Emery E.
Rodent Traps; Deer Flat Refuge; Steelhead and Salmon; Squaxine; Blackfoot Reservoir
135 7
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Poisoned Eagles; Sandhill Cranes; Pend O'Reille Shoreline
135 8
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Andrus, Cecil D.
Predator Control; Sockeye Salmon; Deer Flat Refuge; Lower Granite Dam
135 9
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Grays Lake; Sandhill Cranes; National Wildlife Federation; Gray's Lake
135 10
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Davidson, Marion D.J.
Wolves; Kootenai Refuge
135 11
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Grizzly Bears; Pend O'reille; Injurious Wildlife; Migratory Birds
135 12
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Game Feeding; Steel Shot; Birds of Prey; FWS Personnel; Deer Flat Refuge
135 13
Interior -- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Myrtle Creek; Unique Wildlife Ecosystems Program; Coyotes; Grizzly Bears
135 14
Interior -- Water and Power Resources Service
King Hill Irrigation Project
Department of Justice - Department of Labor
Justice includes a small amount of correspondence on the Bureau of Prisons and three boxes of Immigration and Naturalization closed case files. Labor includes the Bureau of Employee's Compensation and Occupational Safety and Health Act files.
Box Folder
136 1
Department of Justice
Hoover, J. Edgar; Kefauver, Estes
S.2646-Correspondence and Petition; Federal Prison Correspondence
136 2
Department of Justice
Chase, Cyril C.; Benson, Frank L.
136 3
Department of Justice
Kefauver, Estes; Magnuson, Warren G.; Dee, William J.; Yeagley, J. Walter
136 4
Department of Justice
Harding, Ralph R.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Katzenbach, Nicholas
136 5
Department of Justice
Moss, Frank E.
136 6
Department of Justice
Hoover, J. Edgar; Vinson, Fred M.; Samuelson, Don
Law Enforcement Assistance Act-Grant To Boise State University for Education; Police Science Program
136 7
Department of Justice
Celler, Emanuel
Federal Gun Control Legislation
136 8
Department of Justice
136 9
Department of Justice
136 10
Department of Justice
McFadden, Joseph J.
Idaho Requests for Financial Assistance Under Part "E" of Omnibus Crime; Control and Safe Street Act and Grants Awarded
136 11
Department of Justice
136 12
Department of Justice
McKevitt, Mike
136 13
Department of Justice
Law Enforcement Funding for Northern Idaho for Expo '74
137 1
Department of Justice
Andrus, Cecil D.; Meskill, Thomas J.
Conscience Clause Amendment; Letters Protesting Appointment of Thomas J. Meskill To United States Court Appeals
137 2
Department of Justice
Kelley, Clarence M.
137 3
Department of Justice
Proxmire, William
137 4
Department of Justice
1976 May-August
137 5
Department of Justice
1976 August-October
137 6
Department of Justice
Rovira, Juan Jose; Hruska, Roman L.
1976 November-1977
137 7
Department of Justice
137 8
Department of Justice
Evans, John V.; Webster, William H.
137 9
Department of Justice
Bell, Griffin B.; Atler, Jim; Morris, Norval
Letter From Jim Atler; Protests To Nomination of Norval Morris To Leaa
137 10
Department of Justice
Moon, Marjorie Ruth
137 11
Department of Justice
137 12
Department of Justice
138 1
Justice -- Bureau of Prisons
138 2
Justice -- Bureau of Prisons
138 3
Justice -- Bureau of Prisons
138 4
Justice -- Federal Bureau of Investigation
Hoover, J. Edgar; Byrd, Robert C.; Kelley, Clarence M.
FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation;
Justice -- Immigration & Naturalization Service -- Case Files
Immigration & Naturalization--Closed Case Files
1957-1958; 1960-1973
Justice -- Immigration & Naturalization Service -- Case Files
Immigration & Naturalization--Closed Case Files
Justice -- Immigration & Naturalization Service -- Case Files
Immigration & Naturalization--Closed Case Files
142 1
Department of Labor
Bureau of Employee Compensation; Wake Island Survivors
142 2
Department of Labor
Southern Airways Pilots Strike, 1960-1962
1962 January-April
142 3
Department of Labor
Hartung, A.F.
1962 May-December
142 4
Department of Labor
142 5
Department of Labor
1964 January-April
142 6
Department of Labor
Neighborhood Youth Corps
1964 May-December
142 7
Department of Labor
142 8
Department of Labor
Potato Growers' Telegrams Against Railway Strike
1966 January-July
142 9
Department of Labor
Telegrams for Teton County Manpower Tng Project
1966 August-December
142 10
Department of Labor
142 11
Department of Labor
Petition From Spanish-American Agricultural Workers, Anti-Upgrade of Camps; Manpower Development and Training Act
1968 January-June
142 12
Department of Labor
1968 July-December
142 13
Department of Labor
1969 January-July
143 1
Department of Labor
Fair Labor Standards Act; Potato Processors' Exemption From Overtime Pay Rates
1969 August-December
143 2
Department of Labor
143 3
Department of Labor
Nixon, Richard M.
Letters Against President Nixon's Construction Wage Freeze
1971 January-March
143 4
Department of Labor
Constituent Correspondence On Department of Labor Apprentice Regulation
1971 April-May
143 5
Department of Labor
1971 June-December
143 6
Department of Labor
Hodgson, Jim
1972 January-April
143 7
Department of Labor
Hodgson, Jim
1972 May-August
143 8
Department of Labor
Samuelson, Don
Agc Operating Engineers Training
1972 June
143 9
Department of Labor
1972 September-December
143 10
Department of Labor
1973 January-April
143 11
Department of Labor
1973 May-December
143 12
Department of Labor
Letters Urging Continuance of Cottonwood Job Corps Center; Letters Against OSHA Being Applied To Agricultural Workers and Their Proximity To Pesticides
1974 January-May
143 13
Department of Labor
1974 June-August
143 14
Department of Labor
Andrus, Cecil D.
1974 September-December
144 1
Department of Labor
1975 January-February
144 2
Department of Labor
1975 April-May
144 3
Department of Labor
Andrus, Cecil D.
1975 June-July
144 4
Department of Labor
1975 August-October
144 5
Department of Labor
1975 November-December
144 6
Department of Labor
1976 January-February
144 7
Department of Labor
1976 March
144 8
Department of Labor
1976 April-May
144 9
Department of Labor
1976 June-July
144 10
Department of Labor
1976 August-September
144 10
Department of Labor
1976 October-December
144 11
Department of Labor
1977 January-March
144 12
Department of Labor
1977 April-May
144 13
Department of Labor
1977 June-July
145 1
Department of Labor
1977 August-October
145 2
Department of Labor
1977 November
145 3
Department of Labor
1977 December
145 4
Department of Labor
1978 January-February
145 5
Department of Labor
1978 March-April
145 6
Department of Labor
1978 May-June
145 7
Department of Labor
1978 July
145 8
Department of Labor
1978 August-September
145 9
Department of Labor
1978 September-October
145 10
Department of Labor
1978 November-December
145 11
Department of Labor
1979 January-February
145 12
Department of Labor
1979 March
145 13
Department of Labor
1979 April-May
146 1
Department of Labor
1979 June
146 2
Department of Labor
1979 July
146 3
Department of Labor
1979 August-September
146 4
Department of Labor
1979 October-December
146 5
Department of Labor
Evans, John V.
1980 January
146 6
Department of Labor
1980 February-March
146 7
Department of Labor
1980 March-April
146 8
Department of Labor
1980 May
146 9
Department of Labor
1980 June
146 10
Department of Labor
1980 July
146 11
Department of Labor
1980 August-September
146 12
Department of Labor
1980 October-December
146 13
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
146 14
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 1
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 2
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 3
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 4
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 5
Labor -- Bureau of Employees Compensation
147 6
Labor -- Certification of Foreign Labor
Basque Shepherds Vs. Domestic Shepherds
147 7
Labor -- Job Corps
1969 April
147 8
Labor -- Job Corps -- Rehabilitation
Cranston, Alan
Rehabilitation; Resolution With Senator Alan Cranston To Defer Job Corps Budget Cuts
1969 May-September; 1962 April-July
147 9
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
147 10
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
147 11
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
147 12
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
147 13
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
1977 January-October
147 14
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
1977 November-December
148 1
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
148 2
Labor -- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
Department of State - Department of Transportation
The State Department files include the Agency for International Development and the Peace Corps. Subtopics in Transportation include Amtrak, Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration.
Box Folder
148 3
Department of State
Hill, Robert C.; Whelan, Thomas E.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Green, Theodore Francis
148 4
Department of State
Zellerbach, James David; Whitney, John Hay; Willis, Frances E.; Houghton, Amory; Moreland, Allen B.; Lodge, John Davis; Macomber, William B., Jr.
Idaho State University Theater Trip With U.S.O. To N. Zealand and The Orient
148 5
Department of State
Byroade, Henry A.; Young, Philip; Reid, Ogden R.; Rankin, K.L.; Dowling, Walter; Houghton, Amory; Zellerbach, James David; Matthews, Freeman H.; Thompson, Llewellyn E.; Burden, William A.M.; Beam, Jacob D.; Macomber, William B., Jr.
Department of State
148 6
Department of State
Higer, C.H.; Hays, Brooks
1960-1961 January-July
148 7
Department of State
Hays, Brooks; Farland, Joseph S.; McSweeney, John M.; Dutton, Frederick G.
1961 August-1962 March
148 8
Department of State
Dutton, Frederick G.
Letters About Repression of Protestants In Spain
1962 April-July
148 9
Department of State
Macarthur, Douglas II; Cabot, John M.; Torbert, H.G.; Lyon, Cecil B.; Lightner, E. Allan, Jr.; Dutton, Frederick G.
1962 August-1963 January
148 10
Department of State
Dutton, Frederick G.; Shelton, Turner B.; Poullada, Leon B.
1963 February-December
148 11
Department of State
White, Ivan B.; Jackson, Henry M.; Rusk, Dean; Dutton, Frederick G.
1964 January-March
148 12
Department of State
Clarke, Wallace; Jackson, Henry M.; Mcbride, Robert H.; Riddleberger, James W.; Reinhardt, Frederick; Dutton, Frederick G.
1964 April-July
148 13
Department of State
Lee, Robert E.; Sims, Edward H.; Rice, Edward E.; Reinhardt, Frederick; Bruce, David
1964 August-December
148 14
Department of State
Lee, Robert E.; Riddleberger, James W.
1965 January-April
149 1
Department of State
Duke, Angier Biddle; Kohler, Foy D.
1965 May-October
149 2
Department of State
Elting, Howard, Jr.; Creel, Robert C.; MacArthur, Douglas II
1965 November-December
149 3
Department of State
MacArthur, Douglas II; Gordon, Lincoln
1966 January-March
149 4
Department of State
MacArthur, Douglas II; White, Katharine E.; Smylie, Robert E.
1966 April-July
149 5
Department of State
Tobin, Irwin M.; Kellerman, Henry J.; Knight, Ridgeway B.; Gleek, Lewis E., Jr.
1966 August-September
149 6
Department of State
MacArthur, Douglas II; Coleman, Aaron R.
Letters About When Are We Going To Win In Viet Nam and Why Not
1966 October-November
149 7
Department of State
1966 November-December
149 8
Department of State
1967 January-February
149 9
Department of State
1967 March
149 10
Department of State
1967 April-June
149 11
Department of State
1967 July-September
149 12
Department of State
1967 October
149 13
Department of State
1967 October-December
149 14
Department of State
1968 January-July
150 1
Department of State
Lodge, Henry Cabot
1968 July-December
150 2
Department of State
Hearst, Randolph A.
1969 January-May
150 3
Department of State
Tydings, Joseph D.
1969 June-September
150 4
Department of State
1969 October-December
150 5
Department of State
150 6
Department of State
150 7
Department of State
1972 January-June
150 8
Department of State
Bundy, McGeorge
1972 July-December
150 9
Department of State
1973 January-June
150 10
Department of State
1973 July-August
150 11
Department of State
1973 September-December
150 12
Department of State
Douglas, William O.
1974 January-June
151 1
Department of State
1974 July-December
151 2
Department of State
1975 January-March
151 3
Department of State
Zahedi, Ardeshir
1975 April-June
151 4
Department of State
Eagleburger, Lawrence S.
1975 June-August
151 5
Department of State
1975 September
151 6
Department of State
1975 October-December
151 7
Department of State
Hosack, Robert
1976 January-March
151 8
Department of State
1976 April-June
151 9
Department of State
McFadden, Joseph J.
1976 July-September
151 10
Department of State
1976 October-December
151 11
Department of State
1977 January-February
152 1
Department of State
1977 March-April
152 2
Department of State
Hansen, Orval; Kaiser, Philip M.; Wolf, Milton A.; Herz, Martin F.; Eagleburger, Lawrence S.
1977 May-July
152 3
Department of State
1977 August
152 4
Department of State
1977 September-October
152 5
Department of State
1977 November
152 6
Department of State
Vance, Cyrus R.
1977 December
152 7
Department of State
Mansfield, Mike
Panama Canal Treaty; Crown of St. Stephens In Hungary; Cuban Emmigration
1978 January-February
152 8
Department of State
Hartman, Arthur; Holdridge, John; Palkhivala, Nani A.
1978 March-April
152 9
Department of State
S.1120-To Amend The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 To Expand The Comprehensive Systems Approach To Treatment of Spinal Cord Injuries and for Other Purposes; Medical Treatment In The U.S.S.R.
1978 May
152 10
Department of State
Goodling, Bill; Christopher, Warren
Department of State
1978 June
152 11
Department of State
Hosack, Robert
H.R.9466-Bill To Establish A Commission On Security and Cooperation In Europe
1978 July-August
152 12
Department of State
Ghorbal, Ashraf A.
1978 September-October
153 1
Department of State
Eilts, Herman Frederick; Oduber, Daniel; Weissman, Marvin
1978 November-December
153 2
Department of State
1979 January-March
153 3
Department of State
Javits, Jacob K.
1979 April-May
153 4
Department of State
1979 June-July
153 5
Department of State
1979 August-October
153 6
Department of State
Newell, Barbara
1979 November-December
153 7
Department of State
1980 January-February
153 8
Department of State
1980 March-May
153 9
Department of State
1980 June-August
153 10
Department of State
1980 September-December
153 11
State -- Agency for International Development
153 12
State -- Agency for International Development
153 13
State -- Agency for International Development
153 14
State -- Agency for International Development
153 15
State -- Agency for International Development
154 1
State -- Agency for International Development
154 2
State -- Agency for International Development
154 3
State -- Kissinger Confirmation
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Kissinger, Henry A.
Henry Kissinger Confirmation
1973 September
154 4
State -- Passports
Eastland, James O.
S.3038-Bill for The Release of Eng Ton Ho; Passports
154 5
State -- Peace Corps
154 6
State -- Peace Corps
Javits, Jacob K.; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.
Peace Corps
154 7
State -- Peace Corps
154 8
State -- Peace Corps
Blatchford, Joseph H.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Reorganization: Peace Corps Moves From Department To State To Action, July 1, 1971; Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1971; Hearing On S.3430 and H.R.16327-Peace Corps Act Amendments of 1970
1970-1971 June
154 9
State -- Thyagarajan
154 10
State -- Visa Office
154 11
State -- Visa Office
154 12
State -- Visa Office
154 13
State -- Visa Office
1970 January-May
154 14
State -- Visa Office
Abshire, David M.; Bunker, Ellsworth
Visa Office
1970 June-December
State -- Case Files
Closed Case Files
156 1
Department of Transportation
Moss, Frank E.; Mansfield, Mike; Jordan, Len B.; Cannon, Howard W.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Metcalf, Lee; Fannin, Paul J.; McGee, Gale; Montoya, Joseph M.
Department of Transportation Personnel
1967 January-August
156 2
Department of Transportation
Samuelson, Don
Vehicle Standards; Rocky Mountain Transportation Project; Traffic Safety Reports
1967 September-December
156 3
Department of Transportation
Joslyn, A.W.
Passenger Train; Time Zones; Idaho Railroad Development
156 4
Department of Transportation
Samuelson, Don; Proxmire, William
Metro; High Speed Ground Transport; Motor Carrier Code
156 5
Department of Transportation
Samuelson, Don; Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Shepard, Allan G.
Smoking On Buses; Black Creek Rest Area; High Speed Ground Transport; Highway Safety
156 6
Department of Transportation
Idaho Rail Net; Curtis Road Extension
"Yes To Passenger Service, Senate, February 26, 1971
1971 January-February
156 7
Department of Transportation
Drunk Driving; Driver Qualifications
1971 March-April
156 8
Department of Transportation
Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations; Alcohol Safety
1971 May
156 9
Department of Transportation
Hartke, Vance
Farm Drivers; Traffic Safety; Military Assistance In Safety; Amtrak
1971 June-November
156 10
Department of Transportation
1971 December
156 11
Department of Transportation
Coast Guard On Idaho Rivers; Aircraft Accident Report
156 12
Department of Transportation
Branson, Dale R.
Amtrak; Private Aircraft; Forest Highway Funding
1973 January-August
156 13
Department of Transportation
Ullman, Allen
Yellowstone Pipeline Leak; Amtrak
1973 September-December
156 14
Department of Transportation
Packwood, Bob; Hansen, Orval; Andrus, Cecil D.; Magnuson, Warren G.; McClure, James A.
Military Assistance To Safety and Traffic (Mast)
1974 January-May
156 15
Department of Transportation
Andrus, Cecil D.
Highway 93; Railroad Crossing Safety
1974 June-December
157 1
Department of Transportation
Traffic Safety; Coast Guard On Navigatable Waters; Bus Funding
157 2
Department of Transportation
Andrus, Cecil D.
St. Joe River Road; Fiscal Report
157 3
Department of Transportation
Odometers; Metric Conversion
1977 January-June
157 4
Department of Transportation
Amtrak; Interstate 90
1977 July-September
157 5
Department of Transportation
Amtrak; Diabetic Pilots; Contracting; Retirement Travel Pass
1977 October-December
157 6
Department of Transportation
Dole, Robert
Highway 95; Amtrak; Guardrails
1978 January-May
157 7
Department of Transportation
Antilock Braking Systems; Amtrak; Coast Guard; Highway 95
1978 June-December
157 8
Department of Transportation
U.S. Environmental Standards; Boise County Roads; Aviation Safety
1979 January-June
157 9
Department of Transportation
Steel-Belted Tires; EPA Funding for Car Emission Reduction; Ketchum Transport Funding
1979 July-December
157 10
Department of Transportation
Commuter Buses; Amtrak; Steel-Belted Tires
1980 January-May
157 11
Department of Transportation
Amtrak; Transportation Regulations
1980 June-December
157 12
Transportation -- Amtrak
Amtrak Petitions
158 1
Transportation -- Coast Guard
Molyneaux, John; Maynard, Don L.
Transfers; Documents; Pend O'reille River; Discharge
158 2
Transportation -- Coast Guard
Navigatable Waters Regulations; Coast Guard Personnel; Lewiston- Clarkston Bridge
158 3
Transportation -- Coast Guard
Coast Guard Personnel; Clearwater Memorial Bridge
158 4
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Annual Report of Federal Airport Act; Federal Aviation Administration Personnel
158 5
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Airport Act Report; Mechanics; Lewiston County Airport; High Density Airports
158 6
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Air-Taxis; Fanning Field; Boise Airport
158 7
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Moscow Airport; Air Traffic Control; Twin Falls Airport; Lewiston Airport
158 8
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Mckinney, Helen; Andrus, Cecil D.
Twin Falls Airport; Salmon Air Traffic
158 9
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Pocatello Airport; Aerial Spraying
1972 January-September
158 10
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Evans, John V.
Malad Service Station
1972 October-December
158 11
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Aviation Fuels; Southern Idaho Regional Airport; National Airport System Plan
158 12
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Mondale, Walter F.
Lewiston Control Tower; Caldwell Airport; Regulations
158 13
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Sessions, John O.
Nampa Airport; Driggs Airport; Parachutes
159 1
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Easements; Federal Aviation Administration Regulations
159 2
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Easements With Nampa; Diabetic Pilots
159 3
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Hearing-Impaired Pilots
159 4
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Caldwell Airport Easements
1979 January-February
159 5
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Required Electronics
1979 March
159 6
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Controlled Visual Flight Rules; Alcoholic Pilots
1979 April-December
159 7
Transportation -- Federal Aviation Administration
Strawberry Glen Airport; Licensing; Reinstatement of License
159 8
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Bivens, David W.
Wilderness Roads; 80-44 Intersection; Public Land Funds; Yellowstone-Sun Valley Highway
159 9
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Conte, Silvio O.; Kennedy, Edward M.
Motor Vehicle Size and Weight Laws; Public Lands Highway Fund; Idaho Highway Proposals
159 10
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Cenarrusa, Pete T.
Interstate 90; Interstate 80
159 11
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Joslyn, A.W.; Koch, Karl E.
Highway 90 Frontage Road; Highway Funding; Interstate 80; Elk City Road
1970 January-August
159 12
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Forest Highway Funding; Public Lands Highway Funds; Highway 64
1970 September-October
159 13
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Public Lands Highway Funds; Crystal Ice Caves Road
1970 November-December
159 14
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Andrus, Cecil D.
Highway 10; Perrine Bridge
160 1
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Contractors; Interstate 90; Highway 191; Highway 9; Highway 50
160 2
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
American Falls Bridge; Curtis Road Extension
160 3
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Overland Road; Ellis Bridge
1974 January-July
160 4
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Lava To Bancroft Project; Overland Road
1974 August-December
160 5
Transportation -- Federal Highway Administration
Gifford, William L.
Rock Creek Road; Highway 20; St. Joe City Bridge; Highway 95
Department of Treasury - White House
Most of the Treasury files are subdivided under Internal Revenue. The White House files include Office of Emergency Preparedness and the Office of Management and Budget.
Box Folder
160 6
Department of Treasury
Terrel, T.F.
Firearm Control; Customs; Internal Revenue Service
160 7
Department of Treasury
Internal Revenue Service; U.S. Mints; Firearms
160 8
Department of Treasury
Silver; Customs; Gold Standard
160 9
Department of Treasury
H.R.9596-To Establish United States Mint In Shoshone County, Idaho
160 10
Department of Treasury
Fowler, Henry H.
U.S. Currency
160 11
Department of Treasury
Fowler, Henry H.
Internal Revenue Service; Customs
160 12
Department of Treasury
Canadian Coins; Customs; Highway Taxes
160 13
Department of Treasury
Silver Prices
161 1
Department of Treasury
Fowler, Henry H.
Mining; Silver Prices; Customs
161 2
Department of Treasury
Savings Bonds; Silver Futures; Firearms; Customs
161 3
Department of Treasury
Internal Revenue Service; Customs; Silver; Alcohol; Tabacco; Firearms
161 4
Department of Treasury
161 5
Department of Treasury
Kennedy, David M.; McGee, Gale
Eisenhower Silver Dollar; Savings Bonds; U.S. Mints
161 6
Department of Treasury
Customs; Eisenhower Silver Dollar
1971 January-June
161 7
Department of Treasury
1971 July-December
161 8
Department of Treasury
Customs; Gold; Silver; Revenue Sharing
161 9
Department of Treasury
161 10
Department of Treasury
Mcdermott, Patricia L.
Firearm Control; Revenue Sharing
1974 January-June
161 11
Department of Treasury
Revenue Sharing; Social Security
1974 July-December
161 12
Department of Treasury
Customs; Revenue Sharing
162 1
Department of Treasury
Simon, William
Revenue Sharing; Firearm Control
162 2
Department of Treasury
Revenue Sharing; Customs; Firearm Control
162 3
Department of Treasury
Blumenthal, W. Michael
Revenue Sharing; U.S. Mints; Customs
162 4
Department of Treasury
Alcohol; Tobacco; Firearms; Gasohol
162 5
Department of Treasury
162 6
Treasury -- Bureau of Customs
162 7
Treasury -- Coast Guard
Smylie, Robert E.
Coast Guard
162 8
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
162 9
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
162 10
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
162 11
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Senate Finance Committee Hearings
1963 January-May
162 12
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Dillon, Douglas
1963 June-December
162 13
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
162 14
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1965 January-May
163 1
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1965 June-December
163 2
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
H.R.14363-To Amend The Internal Revenue Code of 1954 To Provide Rules Relating To The Deduction for Personal Exemptions With Respect To The Children of Divorced Parents and To Make Related Amendments
1966 January-July
163 3
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1966 October-December
163 4
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
H.R.47-To Exclude From Income Certain Reimbursed Moving Expenses
1967 January-May
163 5
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1967 June-December
163 6
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1968 January-June
163 7
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1968 July-December
163 8
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1969 January-June
163 9
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1969 July-December
163 10
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
163 11
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1971 January-April
163 12
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Connally, John B.
1971 May-August
163 13
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1971 September-December
163 14
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1972 January-April
163 15
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1972 May-August
163 16
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1972 September-December
164 1
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1973 January-March
164 2
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1973 April-June
164 3
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1973 July-October
164 4
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1973 November-December
164 5
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1974 January-May
164 6
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.
1974 June-August
164 7
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1974 August-December
164 8
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1975 January-April
164 9
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Morton, Rogers C.B.
1975 May
164 10
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1975 June-October
164 11
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1975 November-December
164 12
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1976 January-June
164 13
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1976 July-December
164 14
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1977 January-April
164 15
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1977 May-June
165 1
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1977 July-September
165 2
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1977 October-December
165 3
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1978 January-March
165 4
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Warner, Mont M.
1978 April-June
165 5
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1978 July-September
165 6
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Tax Credits for Private Schools
1978 October-November
165 7
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1978 December
165 8
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1979 January-March
165 9
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1979 April-June
165 10
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Metzenbaum, Howard M.
1979 July-September
165 11
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1979 October-December
165 12
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 January-March
165 13
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 April
165 14
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
Chance, Don
165 15
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 June
166 1
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 July-August
166 2
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 September-October
166 3
Treasury -- Internal Revenue Service
1980 November-December
166 4
Office of Emergency Preparedness
Northern Idaho Fire, 1967
166 5
Office of Emergency Preparedness
166 6
Office of Emergency Preparedness
Cooper, John Sherman
S.3745-Federal Disaster Assistance
166 7
Office of Emergency Preparedness
Mcquade, Henry F.
Idaho Water Company Increase
166 8
Office of Emergency Preparedness
1973 January-May
166 9
Office of Emergency Preparedness
1973 June-December
166 10
Office of Emergency Preparedness -- Snow/Flood
166 11
Office of Emergency Preparedness -- Snow/Flood
166 12
White House
Manatos, Mike
Consumer Relations; Food Marketing Commission; Balance of Payments; Council On Physical Fitness
166 13
White House
Harlow, Bryce N.; Knaver, Virginia; Moynihan, Daniel P.
White House Conference On Children; Federal City Bicentennial Development Corporation; President's Commission On White House Fellows
166 14
White House
Korologos, Tom C.; Timmons, William E.; Nixon, Richard M.; Kissinger, Henry A.
Office of Management and Budget; Select Committee On Nutrition and Human Needs; President Nixon Briefing; Henry Kissinger Briefing and Question and Answer Session
167 1
White House
Idaho Coalition Supporting Wounded Knee
167 2
White House
Nixon, Richard M.
Office of Management and Budget; Bonneville Dam; Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1974; Presidential Memorials; President Nixon's Address: Veterans of Foreign Wars; White House Fellows
167 3
White House
O'Donnell, Patrick E.; Friedersdorf, Max L.; Ford, Gerald R.
Middle East; Office of Management and Budget; White House Fellowships; Office of Telecommunications Policy; U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; President Ford Letters; Presidential Inaugural Committee, 1977
167 4
White House -- Office of Management and Budget
Bakes, Robert E.; Carter, Jimmy
President Carter Speech; President's Committee On Mental Health; 1977 Inaugural Committee; President Carter's First Year Domestic Accomplishments
167 5
White House -- Office of Management and Budget
White House Conference On Families
4: Judicial branch
Supreme Court. These files pertain specifically to H.G. Carswell, William O. Douglas, Abe Fortas and Clement Haynsworth.
Box Folder
1 1
Supreme Court
1 2
Supreme Court
1 3
Supreme Court
Douglas, William O.
Senate Concurrent Resolution-57; El Paso-Pacific Northwest Pipeline
1 4
Supreme Court
Rehnquist, William
Nomination of William Rehnquist
1 5
Supreme Court
Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.
1 6
Supreme Court -- Carswell, H.G.
Carswell, H.G.; Mitchell, Clarence; Wilkins, Roy
Supreme Court--Carswell, H.G.
1970 January-March
1 7
Supreme Court -- Carswell, H.G.
Carswell, H.G.; Bayh, Birch
Supreme Court--Carswell, H.G.
1970 March-April
1 8
Supreme Court -- Douglas, William O.
Douglas, William O.
Misconduct Charges Against William O. Douglas; Demands for Impeachment; Robo Response
1970 April-May
1 9
Supreme Court -- Fortas, Abe
Fortas, Abe
Nomination of Abe Fortas
1 10
Supreme Court -- Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.; Wilkins, Roy
Afl/Cio; Supreme Court--Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
1 11
Supreme Court -- Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.; Nofziger, Lyn; Bayh, Birch; Cook, Marlow W.
Supreme Court--Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
1 12
Supreme Court -- Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.; Nofziger, Lyn; Bayh, Birch; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Jordan, Len B.
Supreme Court--Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.
5: Legislative branch
Controller, General Accounting Office and Library of Congress. The Library of Congress files contain Senator Church's overdue book notices.
Box Folder
1 1
Bastion, J.E., Jr.
Report To The Congress of The United States About Business Actions of Morrison-Knudsen
1 2
General Accounting Office
Staats, Elmer B.
Over Charge By Garret Shipping Lines of U.S. Air Force
1 3
General Accounting Office
Keller, R.F.
U.S. Air Force Claim of Overcharge By Garrett Freightlines
1 4
General Accounting Office
Eschwege, Henry; Keller, R.F.
General Accounting Office
1 5
General Accounting Office
Ball, Robert M.; Staats, Elmer B.; Keller, R.F.
Report To The Special Committee On Aging; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1 6
General Accounting Office
1 7
Government Printing Office
Free Pamphlets; Printing Requests; Maps
1 8
Library of Congress
Mumford, L. Quincy
1 9
Library of Congress
1 10
Library of Congress
S.1026-To Establish Requirements for Air Traffic Controllers
1 11
Library of Congress
1 12
Library of Congress
1 13
Library of Congress
1 14
Library of Congress

4:  IdahoReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
These issues pertain to state, county and city affairs and should have been brought to the attention of local government officials. When the Church office could not intervene, a letter was written directing the correspondent to the appropriate state or municipal official. This series is a veritable cornucopia of Idaho information, albeit of a disparate nature. Includes case files.
Box Folder
1 1
Idaho Issues
1 2
Secretary of State Reports, 1955-1956, 1959-1960; Strike In North Idaho; Idaho Theme Songs
"Pioneer Day", Senate, July 24, 1961
1 3
Smylie, Robert E.; Benson, Frank L.; Prather, Watt E.; Harding, Ralph R.; Buckley, Carper W.
National Guard; Idaho Tax Structure; Idaho Consumer Price Index; Surplus Foods; Governor Smylie's Opening Message To The 36th Idaho Legislature
"Anniversary of Idaho Territory", Senate, March 4, 1963
1 4
O'donnell, Kenneth; Smylie, Robert E.; Shepard, Allan G.
H.R.12390-Veterans Administration Contracts; Pacific Seedmen's Roster; Boy and Girl Scouts
1964 January-June
1 5
Idaho Issues
1964 July-December
1 6
Shepard, Allan G.
Antique Festival Theatre; Alliance for Progress
1965 January-March
1 7
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Youth Legislature; Ada County Report
1965 April-December
1 8
Brademas, John
Sun Valley Institute; Idaho Constitution
1 9
Samuelson, Don; Amyx, Jay S.
Don Samuelson's Inauguration
1 10
Murphy, Arthur P.; Samuelson, Don
County Officials' Salaries; Medical Attention for Sparsely Settled States
1968 January-September
1 11
Idaho Librarians
1968 October-December
1 12
Joslyn, A.W.; Samuelson, Don
Idaho Issues
1969 January-August
1 13
Samuelson, Don
Idaho's Future In Education
1969 September-October
1 14
Crookham, W.L.; Udall, Morris K.; Barnes, John B.; Samuelson, Don
Idaho Constitutional Revision
1969 November-December
1 15
Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Olsen, Arnold
Idaho Labor News; Idaho Constitutional Revision; Mountain States Regional Medical Program
2 1
Andrus, Cecil D.; Udall, Morris K.; Snow, Harold
Migrant Programs; Fremont County Water; Election Laws
1971 January-April
2 2
Andrus, Cecil D.; Park, W. Anthony
Idaho Issues
1971 May-December
2 3
Andrus, Cecil D.
Senior Citizen's Bills
2 4
Andrus, Cecil D.; Peavey, John
Annual Report, 1972
2 5
Andrus, Cecil D.
CH2M Hill, Inc.
2 6
Wagner, Joe N.
Community Development Corporation Planning Grant
1975 January-March
2 7
Idaho Issues
1975 April-May
2 8
Kidwell, Wayne L.
Appaloosa Stud At Large
1975 June-August
2 9
Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency
1975 September-December
2 10
Andrus, Cecil D.
Cattle Grazing; Southeastern Idaho Center for Health Resources
1976 January-April
2 11
Andrus, Cecil D.; Moon, Marjorie Ruth
Gem Boy's State
1976 May-December
2 12
Evans, John V.
World Cup Races
1977 January-April
3 1
Idaho Women's Meeting
1977 May-September
3 2
Idaho Housing Agency
1977 October-December
3 3
Proposed Womens Prison At Gooding; Invention: Economy Tablet To Be Used In Schools
3 4
Idaho Issues
1978 May-August
3 5
Idaho Issues
1978 September-December
3 6
Borah, William E.
Article About Senator William E. Borah
1979 January-February
3 7
Idaho Issues
1979 March-May
3 8
Idaho Issues
1979 May-August
3 9
Idaho Issues
1979 August-December
3 10
Evans, John V.
Idaho Issues
1980 January-July
3 11
Evans, John V.
Idaho Issues
1980 August-November
4 1
Idaho Issues--Aging
4 2
Idaho Issues--Aging
4 3
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
Watershed Work Plan; Montpelier Creek Watershed; Bear Lake County, Idaho, February, 1964
4 4
Department of Agriculture
Idaho State Grange 61st Annual Session, Twin Falls, Idaho
4 5
A Report On Airport Facilities In The Magic Valley
4 6
Atomic Energy Commission
Idaho Atomic Energy Commission
4 7
Attorney General
Idaho Attorney General
4 8
Banks and Banking
Idaho Banks and Banking
1961; 1966-1967; 1970
4 9
Idaho Basques
4 10
State of Idhao Bicentennial Commission, Annual Report
4 11
Idaho Blind
4 12
Boise City
Comprehensive General Plan, Boise City, for 1985
4 13
Boise City Greenbelt Project Proposal
4 14
Boise Urban Renewal
4 15
S.3160-Bill To The Striking of Medals In Commemoration of The 100th Anniversary of The Founding of The State of Idaho As A Territory
4 16
Idaho Commerce
4 17
Committee On Arts and Humanities
Idaho Committee On Arts and Humanities
4 18
Consumer Protection
Idaho Consumer Protection
4 19
Community Emergency Drought Relief Program, Final Report, 1977
5 1
Economic Development
Industrial Parks In Indian Areas; Idaho Manufactoring Directory
5 2
Economic Development
1967 Input-Output Model of The Idaho Economy; Economics of Varying Timber Harvest Levels On U.S. Forest Service Lands In Idaho
5 3
Economic Development
A Feasibility Study On The Economic Potential for Developing Vineyards and A Wine Industry In Idaho; Wood River Resource Area Council of Governments Resource Conservation and Development Project Plan, Idaho
1973 January-July
5 4
Economic Development
Natural Gas Update
1973 August-December
5 5
Economic Development
Ground-Water Occurrence and Movement In The Athol Area and The Northern Rathdrum Prairie, Northern Idaho; Idaho Resource Conservation and Development Project, Plan; Wood River Resource Area, Short Term Plan
5 6
Economic Development
Idaho Economic Development
5 7
Idaho School Trustees Association, Finance Study
5 8
Financial Summaries, Idaho School Districts, July 1, 1967 To June 30, 1968; Indian Education, Annual Report, 1967-1968
5 9
Title I ESEA Evaluation Report On Migrant Education, 1969; Survey of Drug Use Among Junior & Senior High School Students In Idaho; Idaho State Report, 1966-1970; Title I Ease Evaluation Report, 1970
5 10
An Analysis of Educational Concerns In The State of Idaho; Critical Educational Needs In Idaho, 1970; Recommended Action Emerging From Project Ideas
5 11
Title II ESEA Evaluation Report, Migrant Education, 1971
5 12
Title II ESEA Evaluation Report, Migrant Education, 1972; Pacesetters, 1973 Evaluation, Idaho Emphasis, Title III ESEA
5 13
Your School Taxes At Work; Title I ESEA Migrant Education, Evaluation Report, 1975
6 1
Migrant Education Evaluation Report, 1977-1978, Title I ESEA; Idaho State Advisory Council On Vocational Education, 1978
6 2
State of Idaho Employment Security Law, 30th Session, 1949; Summary Report On The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 In Idaho
6 3
Idaho Employment
6 4
Idaho Employment
6 5
Idaho Employment
6 6
Idaho Employment
6 7
Employment Security Agency
State of Idaho Employment Security Agency, 1963-1964
6 8
Idaho Energy
6 9
Idaho Air Quality Methods of Measurement and Analysis of Recent Data
6 10
Idaho Environment
6 11
Equal Rights
Idaho Equal Rights
6 12
Fifty-First State
51st State, Dividing Idaho Into Two States
6 13
Idaho Finance
6 14
Fish and Game
Idaho Fish and Game
6 15
Fish and Game
Idaho Wildlife Review, 1974
6 16
Fish and Game
Idaho Fish and Game
6 17
Fish and Game
Water Quality In An Idaho Stream Degraded By Acid Mine Waters
7 1
Flood Review of The State of Idaho, 1963
7 2
Preliminary Post Flood Report, U.S. Army Engineer District, Walla Walla Corps of Engineers, January, 1965; American National Red Cross Annual Report for The Year End, June 30, 1973
7 3
Idaho Floods
7 4
Idaho Grants
7 5
New Grants and Awards, Department of Health and Human Services, 1980
7 6
Growth Possibilities
Idaho Growth Possibilities
7 7
Health, Education, and Welfare
Bartlett, E.L.
7 8
Health, Education, and Welfare
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Outreach and Upward Bound Programs, Proposed By Idaho State University
7 9
Health, Education, and Welfare
Andrus, Cecil D.
Idaho Health, Education, and Welfare
7 10
Health, Education, and Welfare
Idaho Health, Education, and Welfare
7 11
Health, Education, and Welfare
Pumice Plant Problems Malad, ID
7 12
Health, Education, and Welfare
Idaho Health, Education, and Welfare
1975 January
7 13
Health, Education, and Welfare
Idaho Health, Education, and Welfare
1975 February-September
7 14
Health, Education, and Welfare
Idaho Health, Education, and Welfare
1975 September-December
8 1
Health, Education, and Welfare
Hay Study and Impact On Salary Classification for Eligibility Examiners, Letters
8 2
Health, Education, and Welfare
8 3
Health, Education, and Welfare
8 4
Health, Education, and Welfare
8 5
Health, Education, and Welfare--Mental Health
Letters Commending Students At College of Idaho for Participation In Work-Study Program At Nampa State Hospital With Mentally Retarded; Draft Letter: Federal Efforts In The Fight Against Mental Illness
8 6
Historical Preservation Council
Report of The Idaho City Historic Preservation Commission, 1978
8 7
Historical Society
Idaho Yesterdays, The Quarterly Journal of The Idaho Historical Society, Volume 5, Number 2, Summer, 1961
8 8
Housing Agency
Idaho Housing Agency Annual Report, 1977-1978
8 9
Human Rights
Idaho Human Rights
8 10
Human Resources
Idaho Human Resources
8 11
Human Services
Idaho Human Services
8 12
Imperium Engineering
Wild Rivers Bill; Idaho State Water Resources Agency; Water Resources Development; Office of Emergency Planning; A.I.D.; Foreign Agricultural Service; Bulgur Wheat; Taiwan
8 13
Industrial Committee
Idaho Industrial Committee
8 14
Idaho Insurance
8 15
Internal Revenue Service
Idaho Internal Revenue Service
8 16
State of Idaho Judicial Report, 1971; Application By The Judiciary of The State of Idaho To The Pay Board, 1972
8 17
Kootenai County Hydrographic Map Survey
Kootenai County Hydrographic Map Survey
8 18
Labor and Industrial Services
Idaho Labor and Industrial Services
8 19
Land Board
Idaho Land Board
8 20
Land Management
Idaho Land Management
8 21
Lands Department
Idaho Lands Department
8 22
Law Enforcement
Comprehensive Plan for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1971
8 23
Law Enforcement
Idaho Falls Police, Annual Report, 1972
8 24
Law Enforcement
Idaho Law Enforcement
8 25
Law Enforcement
Idaho Law Enforcement
8 26
Idaho Legislature
8 27
Medicine Board
Idaho Medicine Board
8 28
Medical Association
Idaho Hospital and Medical Facilities Construction Plan, 1961; Report To The Idaho State Medical Association, June, 1968
8 29
Migrant Council
Idaho Migrant Council
8 30
Mining Association
Conference Report, Idaho Mining Association, October, 1974
9 1
Olympia Beer Labels
9 2
Outfitters and Guides Board
Idaho Outfitters and Guides Board
9 3
Parks and Recreation
Idaho Parks and Recreation
9 4
Idaho Penitentiary
9 5
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Athol, Bancroft, Bayview, Bear, Bonners Ferry, Bovil
9 6
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Boise
9 7
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Burke, Calder, Caldwell, Cambridge, Challis
9 8
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Clark Fork, Clayton, Cobalt, Coolin
9 9
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Coeur d'Alene
9 10
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Coeur d'Alene
9 11
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Coeur d'Alene
9 12
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Conkling Park, Council
9 13
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Craigmont, Crouch, Culdesac, Cuprom, East Port, Emmett, Fruitland
9 14
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Gem, Genesee, Gifford, Gooding
9 15
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Golden, Grangeville, Hammett, Hazelton, Headquarters, Homedale, Hope
9 16
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Idaho Falls, Jerome, Kamiah
9 17
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Kellogg, Ketchum, Keuterville, Kootenai, Laclede, Leadore, Letha, Lewiston, Loman, Lucile
10 1
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: McCall, McCammon, Malad, May
10 2
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Meadows, Medimont, Mesa, Midvale, Montour, Montpelier, Moore
10 3
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Moscow, Mullin, Nampa
10 4
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Nez Perce, New Plymouth, North Fork, New Meadows, Orofino, Parma
10 5
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Payette, Pierce, Placerville, Plummer, Pocatello Montpelier, Moore
10 6
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Post Falls, Potlatch, Rathdrum
10 7
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Rexburg, Riggins, Rockford Bay
10 8
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Salmon, Sandpoint
10 9
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Shoup, Silver City, Smelterville, Smith's Ferry, Stanley, St. Maries
10 10
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices; Spaulding; Sunbeam; Tamarack; Tensed; Troy; Twin Falls; Vay
10 11
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Wallace, Weiser
11 1
Post Offices
Idaho Post Offices: Weippe, Whitebird, Wilder, Winchester, Worley, Yellow Pine
11 2
Public Assistance
Idaho Public Assistance
11 3
Public Assistance
Annual Meeting of The Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, October, 1963; Apwa Washington, Report; "Intervention In Disintegrating Families", Youth Rehabilitation Division, Idaho Department of Health
11 4
Public Utilities Commission
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
11 5
Idaho Reclamation
11 6
Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho, 14th Annual Report, 1979
11 7
Idaho Roads
11 8
Whitebird Hill, U.S.95, Route Study and Determiniation, State of Idaho, Department of Highways
11 9
"Highway Location and Archaeological Salvage", 43rd Annual Meeting of The Highway Research Board, Washington DC, January, 1964; "St. Anthony To Ucon Route Study", State of Idaho, Department of Highways; "Idaho Falls To Ucon Route Study", State of Idaho
11 10
Idaho Roads
11 11
Idaho Traffic Safety Commission, Reports
1969 January-August
11 12
Camas Prairie Location Study, State of Idaho, Department of Highways
1969 September-December
11 13
Nezperce To Kamiah, State Highway 64, Location Hearing; Nezperce To Orofino, State Highway 7, Location Hearing; Lewiston Hill, U.S. 95, Relocation, June, 1970; Highway Location and Design Hearing, Chester, Southwest, U.S.20-191 Project F-6471 (47); State
11 14
National Transportation Needs Study, 1972
11 15
U.S. Highway 95 Study, Lewiston Hill, February, 1972
11 16
Idaho Roads
11 17
Idaho Roads
11 18
Idaho Roads
11 19
Senior Citizens
Idaho Office On Aging, The Status and Needs of Idaho's Aged
12 1
Senior Citizens
The Eastern Idaho Special Services Agency, Title III, Funding Proposals; The Department of Special Services, A Management Study
12 2
Senior Citizens
Idaho Senior Citizens
12 3
Senior Citizens
Idaho Senior Citizens
12 4
Senior Citizens
Idaho Senior Citizens
12 5
Senior Citizens
Idaho Senior Citizens
12 6
Senior Citizens
Idaho Senior Citizens
12 7
Social and Rehabilitation Services
Idaho Social and Rehabilitation Services
12 8
Soil Conservation
Idaho Soil Conservation
12 9
Special Services
Idaho Special Services
12 10
State Government
Idaho State Government
12 11
State Government
Smylie, Robert E.
Summary of The Major Provisions of Proposed Changes In The Idaho Primary Law; State Journal of The Idaho Legislature, 35th Session, 4th-18th Legislative Days; Smylie, Robert E., Recommendations, Veto Messages and Approvals, and Messages On 1959 Legislati
12 12
State Government
Idaho State Government
12 13
Idaho Taxes
12 14
Idaho Taxes
12 15
Idaho Taxes
12 16
Idaho Taxes
12 17
Idaho's Tourist Industry; Today's Northwest Passage, June, 1975
13 1
Idaho Transportation
13 2
Idaho Treasury
13 3
Twin Falls Development
13 4
Twin Lakes
13 5
Unemployment Compensation
Idaho Unemployment Compensation
13 6
Vocational Rehabilitation
An Analysis of Services Provided By Idaho's Rehabilitation Facilities; Idaho State Advisory Council On Vocational Education, 7th Annual Report, 1976; Public Hearings On Vocational Education, 1976
13 7
Water Resources Board
Proposal To The Idaho Water Resources Board; Technical Advisory Committee Report, Family Size Farms, 1969
13 8
Water Resources Board
Idaho Water Resources Board
13 9
Water Resources Board
State of Idaho, State Water Plan, Pt. 1, June, 1974; Water Supply Outlook for Idaho, June, 1975
13 10
Water Resources Board
Idaho Water Resources Board
13 11
Idaho Wildlife
13 12
Workman's Compensation
Idaho Workman's Compensation
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Issues -- Case Files
Idaho office files
North Idaho Office 1972-1980. South Idaho Office 1973-1980. Most of these files are from the office in Northern Idaho. The files concern issues germane to the region served by the office. Where the files overlapped those in the Washington Office, the regional files were removed. Box 6 is all case files, closed.
Box Folder
1 1
Idaho Office Files
1 2
North Idaho Office
1 3
North Idaho Office
1 4
North Idaho Office
North Idaho Office Files; Educational Directory, 1974-1975; Directory of Contacts for International Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Exchange Programs
1 5
North Idaho Office
North Idaho Office Files; Campaign Disclosures; State and Local Democrats; Historical Information-Snake River Area; Hells Canyon Raft Trip; Senior Citizens Groups
1 6
North Idaho Office
1 7
North Idaho Office
Hatch Act; Gun Control; Aging; Congressional Research Service, "Federal Programs and Assistance Benefitting The Elderly"; 1978 High School Graduates; Borah Symposium, 1977-1978
1 8
North Idaho Office
Magnuson, Harry F.; Day, Henry L.
1 9
North Idaho Office
Refinancing Regulations; Inventory; Mobile Office Promotion; Energy; Office Procedures; Office Equipment; Phones; Record Summaries; Ibm/Xerox; Christmas Parties, 1977-1978
1 10
North Idaho Office
Frank Church for President Articles; Employees; Correspondence From Tommie; Telephone
1 11
North Idaho Office
Administration; 1976 Expenses; Office Furniture Frieght Slips; General Office Information
1 12
North Idaho Office
1 13
North Idaho Office -- Benawah County
1 14
North Idaho Office -- Bonner County
2 1
North Idaho Office -- Latah County
2 2
North Idaho Office -- Latah County
2 3
North Idaho Office -- Nez Perce County
Werle, Armand E.; White, Vera
Draft of A News Release, Decemeber 14, 1973
2 4
North Idaho Office -- Army Reserve Center, Wallace
Army Reserve Center, Wallace
2 5
North Idaho Office -- Assorted Projects
Assorted Projects
2 6
North Idaho Office -- Assorted Projects
Assorted Projects; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Meadow Creek Planning Unit; Burlington Northern Railroad; Caustic Soda Pipeline Easement In Lewiston; Dixie Electricity Plan
2 7
North Idaho Office -- Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration
2 8
North Idaho Office -- Bonners Ferry Restorium
2 9
North Idaho Office -- Cedar Transportation
2 10
North Idaho Office -- Congressional Voting
2 11
North Idaho Office -- Department of Labor
2 12
North Idaho Office -- Dole and Talmadge Bills
Dole, Robert; Talmadge, Herman E.
Dole and Talmadge Bills
2 13
North Idaho Office -- Duck Valley Indian Tribe
2 14
North Idaho Office -- Dworshak Youth Facility
2 15
North Idaho Office -- Editorials
2 16
North Idaho Office -- Enaville Dam and Moscow City Development
2 17
North Idaho Office -- Exotic Noxious Weeds
3 1
North Idaho Office -- Farmers Strike
3 2
North Idaho Office -- Farmers Strike
3 3
North Idaho Office -- G.S.A. Inventory
3 4
North Idaho Office -- Hells Canyon Management
3 5
North Idaho Office -- Hells Canyon National Recreation Area
3 6
North Idaho Office -- Herbicide - 2, 4, 5-T
3 7
North Idaho Office -- Herbicide - 2, 4, 5-T
3 8
North Idaho Office -- Herbicide Usage
U.S. Forest Service, "Draft Environmental Statement"
3 9
North Idaho Office -- Herbicide Usage
Letter From Dow Chemical Company
3 10
North Idaho Office -- Heyburn State Park
Tribal National Park Plan; Coeur d'Alene Tribe, Annual Progress Report
3 11
North Idaho Office -- Historical Register
3 12
North Idaho Office -- Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge
3 13
North Idaho Office -- Kootenai River
3 14
North Idaho Office -- Kootenai River Dam
3 15
North Idaho Office -- Lewiston
Lewiston Trip; Port of Lewiston
3 16
North Idaho Office -- Lewiston
Corps of Engineers, "Granite Feis, Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge", Final, April 1979
3 17
North Idaho Office -- Middle Snake Stream Flow
3 18
North Idaho Office -- Milk Orders
3 19
North Idaho Office -- Milo Creek
4 1
North Idaho Office -- Milwaukee Railroad
4 2
North Idaho Office -- Milwaukee Railroad
4 3
North Idaho Office -- Mine Safety and Health
4 4
North Idaho Office -- Moscow City Revitalization Plan
Lauer, Jerry L.
Lauer, Jerry L., "Reconnaissance Survey of Bighorn Sheep Populations and Habitats"; "Priest River, Wild and Scenic River", A Study; Corps of Engineers, "Pumped- Storage In The Pacific Northwest,
4 5
North Idaho Office -- Moscow City Revitalization Study
Sharp, Lee A.; Crosthwaite, E.G.
"Quartz Mountain Planning Unit", A Study; "Hells Canyon", A Study Plan; Crosthwaite, E.G., "Basic Ground-Water Data for The Moscow Basin, Idaho", Report; Sharp, Lee A., "Rangeland Resources of I
4 6
North Idaho Office -- Moscow City Revitalization Study
"Revitalization Study for Moscow Idaho", A Report; Fund Report for Moscow's Y.M.C.A.; "Minerals In The Economy of Idaho", A Study
4 7
North Idaho Office -- Moscow Downtown
"Downtown Revitalization", A Project Appendix; "3rd and Main", A Study
4 8
North Idaho Office -- Moscow Downtown
"Downtown Revitalization", A Project Appendix; "Downtown Revitalization", A Study
4 9
North Idaho Office -- Northern Tier Pipeline
Proposed Pipeline for North Idaho
4 10
North Idaho Office -- Old Moscow Post Office
"Historic Preservation Legislation In The Ninety-Fourth Congress: A Final Report", A Special Issue Report
4 11
North Idaho Office -- Pend Oreille Lake Drawdown
4 12
North Idaho Office -- Placer Creek
4 13
North Idaho Office -- Political
4 14
North Idaho Office -- Post Falls Irrigation District
4 15
North Idaho Office -- Scat Creek
Illegal Dredging On Scat Creek
4 16
North Idaho Office -- Shoshone Lead
4 17
North Idaho Office -- Silver Valley Attainment Area
5 1
North Idaho Office -- South Fork Siltation
5 2
North Idaho Office -- Spalding Post Office
1975 January-August
5 3
North Idaho Office -- Spalding Post Office
1975 September-December
5 4
North Idaho Office -- Spalding Post Office
5 5
North Idaho Office -- Speech Material
5 6
North Idaho Office -- St. Joe River Study
"Analysis of Public Response", A Study; "Report On Public Response To St. Joe River Study"
5 7
North Idaho Office -- Steve Symms
5 8
North Idaho Office -- Washington Post Article
5 9
North Idaho Office -- White Bird Ridge Road
5 10
South Idaho Office
5 11
South Idaho Office -- Bannock County
5 12
South Idaho Office -- Bingham County
5 13
South Idaho Office -- Bonneville County
5 14
South Idaho Office -- Twin Falls County
5 15
Christmas Party
5 16
Christmas Party
5 17
Christmas Party
5 18
Christmas Party
Church's nominations to the Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, Navy and Army service academies. Only the files of nominees who were appointed and accepted were saved.
Box Folder
1 1
General -- Examinations
1 2
General -- Examinations
1 3
General -- Examinations
1 4
General -- Examinations
1 5
General -- Examinations
1 6
Air Force
1 7
Air Force -- Leach
Leach, Larry L.
1 8
Air Force -- Nominations
1 9
Air Force
1 10
Air Force -- Terrell
Terrell, Thomas
1 11
Air Force
1 12
Air Force -- Loftus
Loftus, William R.
1 13
Air Force -- Riggs
Riggs, Russel D.
1 14
Air Force -- Nominations
1 15
Air Force -- Nominations
1 16
Air Force
Air Force Academy; Analysis of Usaf Academy Nominees for Class of 1963 From Idaho
1 17
Air Force -- Nominations
1 18
Air Force -- Wilson
Wilson, Joe
1 19
Air Force -- Nominations
1 20
Air Force -- Nominations
1 21
Air Force -- Olson
Olson, Michael L.
1 22
Air Force -- Nominations
1 23
Air Force -- Sidwell
Sidwell, Larry
1 24
Air Force -- Holbrook
Holbrook, Joseph C.
1 25
Air Force -- Nominations
1 26
Air Force -- Williams
Williams, Alan O.
1 27
Air Force -- Miller
Miller, Arthur
1 28
Air Force -- Nominations
1 29
Air Force -- Borup
Borup, Blake
1 30
Air Force -- McGuire
McGuire, William R.
1 31
Air Force -- Passmore
Passmore, Stephen B.
1 32
Air Force -- Shaver
Shaver, Jeffrey
1 33
Air Force -- Nominations
1 34
Air Force -- Babcock
Babcock, John R.
1 35
Air Force -- Bedke
Bedke, Curtis
1 36
Air Force -- Branch
Branch, Weldon
1 37
Air Force -- Carrier
Carrier, Delos D.
1 38
Air Force -- Cheney
Cheney, Steven G.
1 39
Air Force -- Hale
Hale, Anthony
1 40
Air Force -- Johnson
Johnson, William M.
1 41
Air Force -- Keith
Keith, Steven J.
1 42
Air Force -- Kibble
Kibble, Alan M.
1 43
Air Force -- Nielsen
Nielsen, Harold K.
1 44
Air Force -- Parker
Parker, Douglas
1 45
Air Force -- Quick
Quick, Don
1 46
Air Force -- Sexton
Sexton, Ken W.
1 47
Air Force -- Siple
Siple, Kelly
1 48
Air Force -- Stone
Stone, Thomas J.
1 49
Air Force -- Tracy
Tracy, Michael
1 50
Air Force -- Wyatt
Wyatt, Scott
1 51
Air Force -- Arnold
Arnold, Herb
1 52
Air Force -- Bly
Bly, James T.
1 53
Air Force -- Carlson
Carlson, James
1 54
Air Force -- Glaze
Glaze, Jeff S.
1 55
Air Force -- Harland
Harland, Bruce D.
1 56
Air Force -- Hendrix
Hendrix, Lonnie D.
1 57
Air Force -- Hermann
Hermann, Curtis
1 58
Air Force -- Jones
Jones, Patrick
1 59
Air Force -- Laumann
Laumann, Donald C.
1 60
Air Force -- Machamer
Machamer, Douglas
2 1
Air Force -- Meis
Meis, Kurt
2 2
Air Force -- O'Donnell
O'Donnell, Timothy
2 3
Air Force -- Olson
Olson, David W.
2 4
Air Force -- Peterson
Peterson, Charles
2 5
Air Force -- Pletcher
Pletcher, Robert
2 6
Air Force -- Porritt
Porritt, George
2 7
Air Force -- Reeves
Reeves, Kenneth
2 8
Air Force -- Schmidt
Schmidt, Randy
2 9
Air Force -- Smith
Smith, Mark C.
2 10
Air Force -- Undhjem
Undhjem, Lance
2 11
Air Force -- Wilfong
Wilfong, Basel
2 12
Air Force -- Cotton
Cotton, David C.
2 13
Air Force -- Dickson
Dickson, Stephen
2 14
Air Force -- Ehrensing
Ehrensing, Daryl
2 15
Air Force -- Matlock
Matlock, Jimmy C.
2 16
Air Force -- Neddo
Neddo, Roger C.
2 17
Air Force -- Alldritt
Alldritt, Eddie D.
2 18
Coast Guard -- Nominations
2 19
Coast Guard -- Nominations
2 20
Coast Guard -- Nominations
2 21
Coast Guard -- Nominations
2 22
Coast Guard -- Nominations
2 23
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 24
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 25
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 26
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 27
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 28
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 29
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 30
Merchant Marine -- Brackenbury
Brackenbury, Phillip J.
2 31
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 32
Merchant Marine -- Young
Young, Barzilla
2 33
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 34
Merchant Marine -- Brennan
Brennan, Thomas J.
2 35
Merchant Marine -- Adams
Adams, Charles J.
2 36
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 37
Merchant Marine -- Calhoon
Calhoon, Gerald L.
2 38
Merchant Marine -- Nominations
2 39
Merchant Marine -- Lenker
Lenker, John E.
2 40
Merchant Marine -- Beumeler
Beumeler, Michael
2 41
Merchant Marine -- Howell
Howell, Kelly B.
2 42
Merchant Marine -- Mccullen
McCullen, Kevin
2 43
Merchant Marine -- Mcminn
McMinn, Tim
2 44
2 45
Navy -- Nominations
2 46
Navy -- Nominations
2 47
Navy -- Smith
Smith, Brad
2 48
Navy -- Nominations
2 49
Navy -- Slemenda
Slemenda, J. James
2 50
Navy -- Nominations
2 51
Navy -- Wright
Wright, Oril D.
2 52
Navy -- Nominations
2 53
Navy -- Nominations
2 54
Navy -- Nominations
2 55
Navy -- Dethomas
Dethomas, John V.
2 56
Navy -- Nominations
2 57
Navy -- Burnett
Burnett, Roger
2 58
Navy -- Mintun
Mintun, Tom
2 59
Navy -- Nielsen
Nielsen, Bob M.
2 60
Navy -- Nominations
2 61
Navy -- Smith
Smith, G. Bruce
2 62
Navy -- Arnold
Arnold, Thomas E.
2 63
Navy -- Fastabend
Fastabend, Gerald E.
2 64
Navy -- Nominations
3 1
Navy -- Brock
Brock, J. Anderson
3 2
Navy -- Nominations
3 3
Navy -- Bethke
Bethke, Gary W.
3 4
Navy -- Jackson
Jackson, Richard K.
3 5
Navy -- Church
Church, John R.
3 6
Navy -- Craig
Craig, Lile
3 7
Navy -- Hoogland
Hoogland, Steven J.
3 8
Navy -- Kelly
Kelly, L. Zane
3 9
Navy -- Kokes
Kokes, John T.
3 10
Navy -- McDonald
Mcdonald, Ken
3 11
Navy -- Morton
Morton, Ron
3 12
Navy -- Vaughan
Vaughan, Patrick
3 13
Navy -- West
West, Gordon
3 14
Navy -- Broadbent
Broadbent, Steven
3 15
Navy -- Butcher
Butcher, Craig
3 16
Navy -- Clarkson
Clarkson, Danny L.
3 17
Navy -- Davis
Davis, Ronald S.
3 18
Navy -- Demitropoulos
Demitropoulos, Steven
3 19
Navy -- Harris
Harris, Michael J.
3 20
Navy -- Haynes
Haynes, T. Lansing
3 21
Navy -- Jacobi
Jacobi, Michael C.
3 22
Navy -- Jarvis
Jarvis, John
3 23
Navy -- Mills
Mills, Wesley
3 24
Navy -- Gross
Gross, Carl J.
3 25
Navy -- Schultz
Schultz, Kelly
3 26
Navy -- Slater
Slater, Albert C.
3 27
West Point -- Information
3 28
West Point -- Nominations
3 29
West Point -- Waggoner
Waggoner, Ivan
3 30
West Point -- Nominations
3 31
West Point -- Oxley
Oxley, Roy A.
3 32
West Point -- Yamashita
Yamashita, Ted
3 33
West Point -- Nominations
3 34
West Point -- Viani
Viani, Michael L.
3 35
West Point -- Baily
Baily, Charles M.
3 36
West Point -- Nominations
3 37
West Point -- Nominations
3 38
West Point -- Gilbert
Gilbert, Timothy
3 39
West Point -- Hartley
Hartley, Robert M.
3 40
West Point -- Nominations
3 41
West Point -- Erickson
Erickson, Matthew
3 42
West Point -- Nominations
3 43
West Point -- Souther
Souther, Stephen
3 44
West Point -- Nominations
3 45
West Point -- Henderson
Henderson, Robert H.
3 46
West Point -- Nominations
3 47
West Point -- Nominations
3 48
West Point -- Nominations
3 49
West Point -- Carleton
Carleton, Matthew
3 50
West Point -- Charlton
Charlton, Patrick
3 51
West Point -- Coman
Coman, Gregory C.
3 52
West Point -- Dameron
Dameron, Michael
3 53
West Point -- Kinghorn
Kinghorn, Gary J.
3 54
West Point -- Lee
Lee, Douglas D.
3 55
West Point -- Moate
Moate, Randy
3 56
West Point -- Roaden
Roaden, Darrell
3 57
West Point -- Tibor
Tibor, Jerrold F.
3 58
West Point -- Warburton
Warburton, Edward
3 59
West Point -- White
White, Steve
3 60
West Point -- Winzeler
Winzeler, Stephen
3 61
West Point -- Balbi
Balbi, Dieter
3 62
West Point -- Camm
Camm, Thomas W.
3 63
West Point -- Commander
Commander, Mark
3 64
West Point -- Darnell
Darnell, David T.
3 65
West Point -- Duncan
Duncan, Timothy
3 66
West Point -- Ford
Ford, Charles K.
3 67
West Point -- Hubbard
Hubbard, James R.
3 68
West Point -- Reed
Reed, Paul
3 69
West Point -- Riggers
Riggers, Timothy P.
3 70
West Point -- Sabala
Sabala, Douglas P.
3 71
West Point -- Weston
Weston, John L.
3 72
West Point -- Williamson
Williamson, Roger L.
3 77
West Point -- Fullmer
Fullmer, Ronald

5:  CampaignsReturn to Top

This series contains campaign files of Senator Church and his staff. It includes material on advertising, volunteers, fund raising and donors, issues, clippings, speech material and speeches, files on opponents, polls, press releases and financial disclosures. See also Campaign Manager Carl Burke's collection and the Audio Visual materials for campaign media.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Campaign 1956 (Senate)
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Draft - No Title - No Date
1 3
Stunted Growth; We're Not Proud of Welker Because; Foreign Policy; Economic Development
1 4
Advertising -- Radio
1 5
Advertising -- Television
1 6
1 7
Campaign Brochures
1 8
Agree, George E.; Lehman, Herbert H.; Smathers, George A.; Burke, Carl P.; Taylor, Glen H.
1 9
Agree, George E.; Cranston, Alan; Harris, Louis; Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
National Committee for An Effective Congress; Campaign Strategy; Lou Harris Poll; Contributions; Campaign 1956
1 10
Contributions -- Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Contributions; Democtratic Senatorial Compaign Committee; Campaign 1956
1 11
Contributions -- Fund Raisers
Knights of Columbus; League of Women Voters; Contributions; Fundraisers; Campaign 1956
1 12
Contributions -- Labor
Public Power; Railroads; Labor Relations; Labor Plank - 1956 Democratic Platform; Contributions; Campaign 1956
Speech for Labor Day; Statement for International Woodworkers, Portland, Or, November 7, 1956
1 13
Correspondence -- Ada County
1 14
Correspondence -- Adams County
1 15
Correspondence -- Bannock County
Mcnichols, Ray
1 16
Correspondence -- Bear Lake County
County Votes for 1956 Primary; Bear Lake County; Campaign 1956
1 17
Correspondence -- Benewah County
1 18
Correspondence -- Bannock County
Taylor, Glen H.
Primary Election Recount; Bannock County; Campaign 1956
1 19
Correspondence -- Blaine County
1 20
Correspondence -- Boise County
1 21
Correspondence -- Bonner County
Derr, Alfred M.
1 22
Correspondence -- Bingham County
1 23
Correspondence -- Bonneville County
1 24
Correspondence -- Boundary County
1 25
Correspondence -- Butte County
1 26
Correspondence -- Camas County
1 27
Correspondence -- Canyon County
1 28
Correspondence -- Caribou County
1 29
Correspondence -- Cassia County
1 30
Correspondence -- Clark County
1 31
Correspondence -- Clearwater County
Mcnichols, Ray; Butler, Vernon
1 32
Correspondence -- Custer County
1 33
Correspondence -- Elmore County
Wetherell, R.M.
1 34
Correspondence -- Franklin County
1 35
Correspondence -- Fremont County
1 36
Correspondence -- Gem County
1 37
Correspondence -- Gooding County
1 38
Correspondence -- Idaho County
Ailor, Glenn; Ailor, Sue
1 39
Correspondence -- Jefferson County
1 40
Correspondence -- Jerome County
Hartshorn, A.H.; Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
Jerome County; Master List of Names; Campaign 1956
1 41
Correspondence -- Kootenai County
Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
1 42
Correspondence -- Latah County
Taylor, Glen H.
1 43
Correspondence -- Lemhi County
1 44
Correspondence -- Lewis County
1 45
Correspondence -- Lincoln County
Taylor, Glen H.
Recount; Lincoln County; Campaign 1956
1 46
Correspondence -- Madison County
1 47
Correspondence -- Minidoka County
1 48
Correspondence -- Nez Perce County
Taylor, Glen H.
1 49
Correspondence -- Oneida County
Evans, John V.
1 50
Correspondence -- Owyhee County
1 51
Correspondence -- Payette County
Payette County; Sample Ballots; Election Results; Campaign 1956
1 52
Correspondence -- Power County
1 53
Correspondence -- Shoshone County
1 54
Correspondence -- Teton County
1 55
Correspondence -- Twin Falls County
1 56
Correspondence -- Valley County
Valley County; Sample Ballots; Campaign 1956
1 57
Correspondence -- Washington County
Carter, D.L.; Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
Washington County; Taylor's Write-In Campaign; Campaign 1956
1 58
Correspondence -- Out of State
Announcement of Senate Candidacy; Campaign 1956
1956 January-August
1 59
Correspondence -- Out of State
Pell, Claiborne; Taylor, George H.R.; Douglas, Paul H.; Sparkman, John J.; Jackson, Henry M.; Kefauver, Estes; Neuberger, Richard L.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Welker, Herman
Contributions; Thank You's; Primary Victory Congratulations; Campaign 1956
1956 September-November
1 60
Democratic National Committee Campaign Aids
Campaign Aids; Democratic National Committee; Campaign 1956
1 61
Democratic Party Candidates
Curtis, George; Hicks, Francis H.; Bunting, Richard W.; Jeppesen, Sylvan A.; Bollar, Louis P.; Stein, Amy; Haymond, Mary Cosho; Hawley, James H., Jr.; Talbott, M.L.; House, C.L.; Harriman, W. Averell; Pfost, Gracie; Hamilton, Clark
Democratic Party Candidates; Campaign 1956
1 62
Democratic Party -- National
Stevenson, Adlai E.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Symington, Stuart
Democratic National Party; Campaign 1956
1 63
Democratic Party -- State Convention
1 64
Democratic Party -- Workers By County
2 1
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
2 2
Election Congratulations
2 3
Election Congratulations -- Idaho
Smylie, Robert E.; Small, Milton
2 4
Election Congratulations -- Idaho
2 5
Election Congratulations -- Out of State
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Church, John; Green, Theodore Francis; Harris, Louis; Hill, Lister; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Jackson, Henry M.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Kefauver, Estes; Kennedy, John F.
Congratulations; Campaign 1956
2 6
Election Congratulations -- Out of State
Magnuson, Warren G.; Morse, Wayne; Murray, James E.; Neely, Matthew M.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Odom, Lewis G.; Pastore, John O.; Pell, Claiborne; Pepper, Claude; Scott, W. Kerr; Sparkman, John J.; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Taber, John K.; Thomas, Charles S.
Campaign 1956
2 7
Election Sample Ballots
Sample Ballots; Campaign 1956
2 8
Election Laws
Gore, Albert A., Sr.
Candidate Information; Primary Election; League of Women Voters; Recount Procedures; Campaign 1956
1954; 1965
2 9
Election Results -- Primary
2 10
Finance -- Bills
2 11
Invitations to Speak
2 12
2 13
Issues -- Agriculture
Kefauver, Estes
Democtratic Farm Program; Farmer's Union; Campaign 1956
2 14
Issues -- Education
2 15
Issues -- Idaho's Growth
Industrial & Economic Development; Campaign 1956
2 16
Issues -- Korean Prisoners of War
Korean Prisoners of War; Campaign 1956
2 17
Issues -- Public Power
Public Power; Brownlee Dam; Oxbow Dam; Bonneville Power Administration; Campaign 1956
2 18
Issues -- Taxes
2 19
Issues -- United World Federalists
Welker, Herman
2 20
Issues -- Voting Records
Welker, Herman; Dworshak, Henry C.; Pfost, Gracie; Budge, Hamer H.
Voting Records of Idaho's Congressional Delegation 1954-55; Campaign 1956
2 21
Mailing Lists
2 22
Taylor, Glen H.
Idaho Labor; Democratic Platform, 1954; Voter Information; Glen Taylor; Political Publicity; Campaign 1956
1949; 1954; 1956
2 23
Taylor, Glen H.; Kefauver, Estes
Labor; Campaign 1956
2 24
Newspaper Coverage
Newspaper Coverage; Campaign 1956; More Clippings From This Folder Were Photocopied Onto Legal Size Paper and Placed In Series 5.1, Box 3 Folder 1. Oversize Newsprint Has Been Removed To Oversize Drawers. Listing Inside This Folder.
2 25
Newspaper Coverage
Newspaper Coverage; Campaign 1956; More Clippings From This Folder Were Photocopied Onto Legal Size Paper and Placed In Series 5.1, Box 3 Folder 2. Oversize Newsprint Has Been Removed To Oversize Drawers. Listing In Series 5.1, Box 2 Folder 24; Gossett
2 26
Newspaper Coverage
Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
Newspaper Coverage; Herman Welker; Glen H. Taylor; Pictures; Campaign 1956
2 27
Campaign Notebook; Campaign 1956; Many Clippings, Photostatted Onto Large Newsprint Size Sheets, Have Been Removed To Oversize Drawers
2 28
Opposition -- Democrats
2 29
Opposition -- Glen H. Taylor
Taylor, Glen H.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.
Recount; "The False Issue, " Glen H. Taylor; ; Campaign 1956
2 30
Opposition -- Herman Welker
Welker, Herman
Welker's Voting Record; Campaign 1956
2 31
Opposition -- Herman Welker
Welker, Herman
2 32
Opposition -- Republicans
2 33
Petitions --Senatorial Race
Petitions; Campaign 1956; Petitions Moved To Series 5.1, Box 3, Folder 3
2 34
Post Office Survey
2 35
Press Releases
Press Releases; Campaign 1956
Speech Given At The Bonners Ferry Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet, May 13, 1956
2 36
Press Releases
Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
Agriculture; Water Rights; Economic Growth; Campaign 1956
2 37
Press Releases
Taylor, Glen H.; Welker, Herman
Agriculture; Water Rights; Economic Growth; Bibliographic Material; Campaign 1956
2 38
Schedule; Campaign Calendar; Campaign 1956
3 1
Newspaper Coverage
Newspaper Coverage; Campaign 1956; These Clippings Were Once Filed With Those In Series 5.1, Box 2, Folder 24
3 2
Newspaper Coverage
Campaign 1956; Newspaper Coverage; These Clippings Were Once Filed With Those In Series 5.1, Box 2, Folder 25
3 3
Petitions--Senatorial Race
Campaign 1956; Petitions; Related To The Petition Correspondence In Series 5.1, Box 2, Folder 33
2: Campaign 1962 (Senate)
Box Folder
1 1
Advertising -- Broadcasting
Campaign 1962; Advertising; Broadcasting; Equal Time Provision
October 1958
1 2
Advertising -- Correspondence
1 3
Advertising -- Correspondence
1 4
Advertising -- Media
1 5
Advertising -- Postal
1 6
Advertising -- Volunteers
Campaign 1962; Advertising; Volunteers; Tabloid; Television; Radio
1 7
Advertising -- Volunteers
1 8
Campaign -- Finance
1 9
Campaign -- Frank Church Story
1 10
Campaign -- Handbook
1 11
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 12
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 13
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 14
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 15
Campaign -- Paraphernalia - Idaho
1 16
Correspondence -- Operation 62
1 17
Campaign -- Volunteers
1962 October
1 18
Campaign -- Young Volunteers
1962 October
1 19
Correspondence -- Ada County
1 20
Correspondence -- Bannock County
1 21
Correspondence -- Congratulations
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Wyatt, Wilson W.; Peterson, Esther; Alphand, Herve; Maiwandwal, M.H.; Brown, Edmund G.; Sterling, J.E. Wallace; Bowles, Chester; Wagner, Robert F.; Moffett, Harry L.; Overton, J. Allen, Jr.; Farley, James A.; Kraft, John F.; West, He
Campaign 1962; Correspondence--Congratulations
1 22
Correspondence -- Congratulations
Theophilus, D.R.; Sparkman, John J.; Baker, Robert G.(Bobby); Bartlett, E.L.; Moss, Frank E.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Freeman, Orville; Pastore, John O.; Fowler, Henry H.; Williams, G. Mennen; Fay, Paul B., Jr.; Nehru, Bray Kumar; Celebrezze, Anthony J.; B
Campaign 1962; Correspondence--Congratulations
1 23
Correspondence -- Congratulations
Reuther, Walter P.; Mora, Jose A.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Carey, James B.; Benton, William; Horne, John E.; Roper, Elmo; Aiken, George D.; Holum, Kenneth; Day, J. Edward; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Symington, Stuart; McGee, Gale W.; Cannon, Howard W.; Rand
Campaign 1962; Correspondence--Congratulations
1 24
Correspondence -- Idaho
Campaign 1962; Correspondence--Idaho Letters
1 25
Correspondence -- Invitations to Speak
Hartke, Vance
1 26
Correspondence -- Out-of-State
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Pell, Claiborne; Roper, Elmo; Gruening, Ernest; Dixon, George; Scoble, Harry M.
Campaign 1962; Political Money: A Study of Contributors To The National Committee for An Effective Congress, By Harry M. Scoble, University of Wisconsin
2 1
Correspondence -- United Nations Speech
Reuther, Walter P.; Forbes, Malcolm S., Sr.; Johnston, Eric; Benjamin, Robert; Canfield, Cass; Roper, Elmo; Golden, Harry; Heinz, Henry J. II; Paley, William S.; Sarnoff, David; Watson, Thomas J., Jr.; Shapp, Milton J.
Campaign 1962; Correspondence--United Nations Speech
2 2
Democratic Party
2 3
Democratic Party -- Campaign Literature On Opposition
Magnuson, Warren G.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hawley, Jack; Clark, Joseph S.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Morse, Wayne; Pell, Claiborne; Kennedy, John F.
2 4
Democratic Party -- Donkey Club
2 5
Election Procedures
Williams, Arnold; Smylie, Robert E.
2 6
Election Results
Williams, Arnold
2 7
Hartke, Vance; Pell, Claiborne; Inouye, Daniel K.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Kennedy, Robert F.
2 8
Mailing Lists -- Agriculture
2 9
Mailing Lists -- Contributors
2 10
Mailing Lists -- Education
Campaign 1962; Mailing Lists--Education; Libraries; Educators; Boys State
2 11
Mailing Lists -- Labor Unions
Campaign 1962; Mailing Lists--Labor Unions; Contractors; AFL-CIO; Nurses; Sawmills; Pilots
2 12
Mailing Lists -- Young Democrats
2 13
Newspaper Clippings
2 14
Newspaper Clippings
2 15
Newspaper Clippings
2 16
Nomination -- Correspondence
2 17
Nomination -- Petitions
2 18
Nomination -- Petitions
2 19
Nomination -- Petitions
2 20
Nomination -- Petition Conclusions
2 21
Pictures -- 1959 Tour
2 22
Speech Material -- Aids
2 23
Speech Material -- Articles
2 24
Speech Material -- Broadcasting
2 25
Speech Material -- Democratic Party Memos
2 26
Speech Material -- Magazines
3 1
Speech Material -- Magazines, Articles, and Brochures
3 2
Speech Material -- Miscellaneous
Campaign 1962; Speech Material--Miscellaneous
Intorduction To National Chamber of Commerce Convention 04/28/64; The Role of The Democratic Pary In The Coming National Elections, Highlights
3 3
Speech Material -- Opposition
3 4
Speech Material -- Press Releases
3 5
Speeches -- Address
3 6
Speeches -- Battle Call for The Republic
Battle Call for The Republic, Salt Lake City, UT, Utah State Democratic Convention, June 26, 1964
1964 June 26
3 7
Speeches -- Congressional
Campaign 1962; Speeches--Congressional
Mutual Security Act Amendments of Excessive Secrecy, Senate 05/28/59; Interstate Commerce-Gambling Devices, Senate 06/04/59; Mutual Security Act, Senate 04/28/60; Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Senate 08/17/61; The Indian Program On The New Frontier, Se
3 8
Speeches -- County Clerks/Commissioners
Address To County Clerks and Commissioners
3 9
Speeches -- Free Press
Campaign 1962; Speeches--Free Press
Two Threats To A Free Press, Indiana Democratic Editorial Association and Indiana Democratic State Central Committee At French Lick, In 08/31/57
1957 August 31
3 10
Speeches -- Goldwater, Barry
Goldwater, Barry M.
Campaign 1962; Speeches--Barry Goldwater
Stemming The Goldwater Flood: A Western Responsibility, 03/16/63
3 11
Speeches -- Jackson Day Banquet
Jackson Day Banquet, Springfield, MO 03/14/64
1964 March 14
3 12
Speeches -- July 4, 1957
Address At Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA 07/04/57
1957 July 4
3 13
Speeches -- Lewiston, Idaho
Address At Lewiston, ID 08/00/60
1960 August
3 14
Speeches -- More Than They Took
More Than They Took, Grangeville, ID, Fourth of July Centennial Program of The Idaho County Historical Society, July 4, 1962
1962 July 4
3 15
Speeches -- Public Education
Public Education At The Crossroads, Before The Illinois Association of Secondary School Principals University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 10/03/61
1961 October 3
3 16
Speeches -- Senate Appropriations
1963 April 2
3 17
Speeches -- Some Proposals Concerning Berlin
Some Proposals Concerning Berlin, Chicago, IL, Temple Beth-El Congregation, October 8, 1961
1961 October 8
3 18
Speeches -- The Scourge of Giantism In Business and Politics
The Scourge of Giantism In Business and Politics, Washington, DC, Retail Clothiers and Furnishers Convention, February 12, 1962
1962 February 12
3 19
Speeches -- State Platform
Keynote Address At Idaho State Democratic Platform Convention, Boise, ID 09/02/52
1952 September 2
3 20
Speeches -- There Is No War Party
There Is No War Party, No Place Or 08/00/59
3 21
Speeches -- Unknown Draft
Keynote Speech - Drafts for Democratic National Convention 07/11/60
3 22
Speeches -- Women's National Democratic Club
Address To Women's National Democratic Club 02/25/60
1960 February 25
3 23
Speeches -- Worcester, Massachusetts
Address On Labor Day, Worcester, MA 09/06/60
1960 September 6
3 24
Testimonial Banquet
Kennedy, Edward M.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Hayden, Carl; Metcalf, Lee; Jackson, Henry M.; Harding, Ralph R.; Moss, Frank E.; Trueblood, Ted; Hemingway, Mary
Campaign 1962; Testimonial Banquet Correspondence, Pre-Banquet
3 25
Testimonial Banquet
Campaign 1962; Testimonial Banquet Correspondence, Pre-Banquet
3 26
Testimonial Banquet -- County Finances
3 27
Testimonial Banquet -- Finances
3 28
Testimonial Banquet -- Mailing Lists
3 29
Testimonial Banquet -- Preparations
Brief Resume of The Idaho Political Situation
3 30
Voice of Idaho
3: Campaign 1968 (Senate)
Box Folder
1 1
Cenarrusa, Pete T.
Certificates of Election
1 2
Operation '68; Advertising; Billboard Locations; Voting Statistics
1 3
1 4
Advertising -- Broadcasting
1 5
Advertising -- Broadcasting
1 6
Birmingham, Stephen; Roper, Elmo
Birmingham, Stephen, "Senate Wives Speak Out." In Cosmopolitan, April 1964; "The Candidates Speak Out" In Idaho Farmer Oct. 1968; Roper, Elmo. "A Tale of Two Senates." Reprint Form Lithopinion 10
"What Is A øLiberal'? A øLiberal' Senator Answers" Reprint From US News & World Report May 3, 1963.
1 7
Citizens for Church
1 8
Anderson, Clinton P.; Moss, Frank E.; Linowitz, Sol M; Hammer, Armand
Operation '68
1 9
"Dominican Landing Necessary, " Senate Floor May 5, 1965; "Conspiracy USA." Reprint From Look January 20, 1965
1965 January-July
1 10
Andrus, Cecil D.
"Toward The Great Society"
1965 August- December
1 11
Hansberger, Robert V.; Smylie, Robert E.; Wallach, Eli; Jackson, Anne; Schiff, Dorothy
1966 January-June
1 12
Chaffee, Eugene B.; Magnuson, Harry F.; Parsley, Merle D.; Dieter, Alice; Dieter, Les
1966 July-October
1 13
Amyx, Jay S.; Koch, H. Ferd; Rice, Edward W.; Perry, Sherman A.; Frazer, Ralph F.; Hettinger, Anna; Onweiler, William C.
1966 November-December
1 14
Pedersen, S.Eddie; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Allen, Steve; Killion, George
1967 Jaunary-March
1 15
Johnson, O.W.; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Wilkins, Roy
1967 April-May
1 16
Chaffee, Eugene B.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Mondale, Walter F.; Tuchman, Barbara W.; Harriman, W. Averell
1967 June
1 17
1967 July-September
2 1
1967 October-December
2 2
Simplot Operations-1966 Edition
1968 January-May
2 3
Wagner, Joe N.; Pell, Claiborne; Brooke, Edward W.
Gun Control
1968 June-July
2 4
Wagner, Joe N.
Simplot Annual Report
1968 August
2 5
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Muskie, Edmund S.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Pastore, John O.; Roper, Burns W.; Roper, Elmo; Eccles, Marriner S.; Byrd, Robert C.; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Tuchman, Barbara W.
Senority List for 90th Congress
1968 September
2 6
McCarthy, Eugene S.; Pastore, John O.
1968 October
2 7
Kennedy, Edward M.; Clifton, Tony; Al-Ghoussein, Talat; Muskie, Edmund S.; Day, Henry L.; Budge, Hamer H.; Koelsch, M. Oliver; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Rhodes, George M.
Good Luck In The Election; Election Congratulations
1968 November
2 8
Lucet, Charles; Cooper, John Sherman; Halaby, N.E.; Eccles, Marriner S.; Killion, George; Hoffmann, Frank N.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Talmadge, Herman E.; Ryan, William Fitts
Election Congratulations
1968 December
2 9
Ali, V. Amjad; Driss, Rachid; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Young, Milton R.; McGovern, George; Watson, W. Marvin
Election Congratulations
1968 December
2 10
1968 December
2 11
Correspondence -- Archibald Macleish
Macleish, Archibald
2 12
Correspondence -- Contributions
Roper, Elmo; Muskie, Edmund S.; Douglas, Paul H.
2 13
Correspondence -- Contributions
Metcalf, Lee; Roper, Elmo
2 14
Correspondence -- Contributions
Roper, Elmo
3 1
Correspondence -- Contributions
3 2
Correspondence -- Contributions
3 3
Correspondence -- Contributions
3 4
Correspondence -- Contributions
3 5
Correspondence -- Contributions
3 6
Correspondence -- Contributions Troutner
Troutner, K.
3 7
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
3 8
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
1968 January-March
3 9
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Hansen, George V.
Statement of Candidacy for The United States Senate By George V. Hansen, April 24, 1968; Ciruna-Idaho State University Area Model United Nations (Security Council) March 16, 1968 Handbook; 1968 Platform-Idaho State Democratic Party
1968 May-June
3 10
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Eardley, Richard R.; Muskie, Edmund S.
1968 July-September
3 11
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Harris, Fred R.; McCarthy, Eugene J.
1968 October
3 12
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Moss, Frank E.; Moon, Marjorie Ruth
1967 November
3 13
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Byrd, Robert C.
1968 December
3 14
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
Eagleton, Thomas F.
1968 December
4 1
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
4 2
Correspondence -- Political Affairs Idaho
4 3
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
Gruening, Ernest; Walker, E.S. Johnny; Thurmond, Strom; Fong, Hiram L.; Randolph, Jennings; Metcalf, Lee; Aiken, George D.; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Harris, Fred R.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Pastore, John O.; St. Claire, Darrell; Holt, Pat M.; Long, Russell B.;
4 4
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
Allott, Gordon
4 5
Declaration of Candidacy
Declaration & Announcement of Candidacy
Announcement of The Candidacy of Sen. Frank Church May 7, 1968
4 6
Democratic Party
4 7
Democratic Party Fact Book
4 8
Democratic Party Fact Sheets
4 9
Democratic Party Spanish
4 10
Democratic Party Volunteers for Church
4 11
Documentary--"Idaho's Voice of Independence"
4 12
Election Procedures
4 13
Election Results
Nelson, Gaylord; Mansfield, Mike
4 14
Election -- Sample Ballots
4 15
Election -- Sample Ballots
4 16
4 17
Finance -- Bills
Campaign Bills
4 18
Finance -- Blank Checks
Campaign Blank Checks
4 19
Finance -- Budget
Campaign Budget
4 20
Finance -- Committee
Campaign Finance Committee
4 21
Fund Raisers
4 22
Idea File
4 23
Issues -- Agriculture
4 24
Issues -- Atomic Energy
4 25
Issues -- Education
4 26
Issues -- Fiscal Years 1956-1966
4 27
Issues -- Gun Control
4 28
Issues -- Military
4 29
Issues -- Peace Officers
4 30
Issues -- Recall
4 31
Issues -- Social Security
4 32
Issues -- Vietnam
4 33
Issues -- Water
4 34
Issues -- Wilderness
5 1
Mailing Lists
5 2
Mailing Lists
5 3
Mailing Lists -- Contributors
5 4
Mailing Lists -- Happiness & Helpers
5 5
Neighborhood Headquarters
5 6
Newspaper Clippings
Dieter, Alice
5 7
Newspaper Clippings
5 8
Newspaper Clippings
5 9
Newspaper Clippings
5 10
Newspaper Clippings
5 11
Newspaper Clippings
5 12
Newspaper Clippings -- Historical
5 13
Nomination To Senate 1968
5 14
Nomination -- Petitions
5 15
Nomination -- Petitions
5 16
Nomination -- Petitions
5 17
Nomination -- Petitions
6 1
Nomination -- Petitions
6 2
Nomination -- Petitions
6 3
Nomination -- Petitions
6 4
Nomination -- Petitions
6 5
Office -- Employee Tax Forms
6 6
Office Management -- Equipment
6 7
Operation '68
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Baer, John M.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Travis, Richard; Herzstein, Mortimer H.; Harris, George B.; Killion, George; Cancell, Benton R.
List of Bills Introduced & Co-Sponsored By FC; Plan for Voter Identification and Registration; Notes for Upi Interview; San Fransisco Fund Raiser
6 8
Opposition -- George Hansen
Hansen, George V.; Park, W. Anthony
Hr12062 Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies
6 9
Opposition -- John Birch Society
6 10
Opposition -- Republicans
6 11
Opposition -- Ron Rankin
Rankin, Ron
6 12
Paraphernalia -- Preparatory
6 13
Andrus, Cecil D.
6 14
6 15
6 16
6 17
Roper, Burns W.; Kraft, John
Gallup Political Index Report No. 1 June 1965
6 18
Polls -- John Kraft Poll
Kraft, John
6 19
Precinct Registration Figures Idaho Counties
Precinct Registration Figures for Idaho Counties
1968 April
6 20
Press Releases
6 21
6 22
6 23
6 24
Keynote Speech Delivered To Idaho Democratic State Assembly, Idaho Falls, ID June 14-15, 1968
6 25
Weilemann, Milton T.
6 26
Campaign Volunteers Twin Falls
6 27
Voting Record
Voting Record 1957-1968
4: Campaign 1974 (Senate)
Box Folder
1 1
Advertising -- Advertisements
1 2
Advertising -- Advertisements
1 3
Advertising -- Advertisements
1 4
Advertising -- Broadcasting
1 5
Advertising -- Filming
1 6
Advertising -- Transcripts
1 7
Advertising -- Transcripts
1 8
1 9
Campaign -- Committees
1 10
Campaign -- Coordinators
1 11
Campaign -- Engagements
1 12
Campaign -- Engagements
1 13
Campaign -- Operations
Andrus, Cecil D.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Trueblood, Ted
1974 January-July
1 14
Campaign -- Operations
Barnes, Verda
1974 August-September
1 15
Campaign -- Operations
McClellan, John L.; Roper, Burns W.
1974 October-December
1 16
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 17
Campaign -- Reports
1 18
Campaign -- Reports
1 19
Campaign -- Schedule
1 20
Campaign -- Statewide
Andrus, Cecil D.
Statewide; Cecil Andrus Candidacy Speech and Campaign Information; Other Candidates From Idaho; Legislature
1 21
1 22
2 1
2 2
Correspondence -- Congratulations
Bayh, Birch; Kennedy, Edward M.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Humphrey, Hubert H.; McGovern, George; Magnuson, Warren G.; McGee, Gale; Holt, Pat M.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Allen, James B.; Abzug, Bella S.; Bradley, Tom; Garn, Jake; Huddleston, Walter D.; Mosk
Campaign 1974; Congratulations
2 2
Correspondence -- Congratulations
Fong, Hiram L.; Rangel, Charles; Won Pat, Antonio B.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Minshall, William E.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Shapp, Milton J.; Johnson, Harold T.; Hathaway, William D.; Moss, Ted; Byrne, Brendan T.; Smylie, Robert E.; Bur
2 3
Correspondence -- Contributions
2 4
Correspondence -- Contributions
2 5
Correspondence -- Contributions
2 6
Correspondence -- Contributions
2 7
Correspondence -- Contributions - Council for A Livable World
2 8
Correspondence -- Contributions - Council for A Livable World
2 9
Correspondence -- Political Affairs
2 10
Robo Letters
2 11
Robo Letters
2 12
Correspondence -- Thank You Letters
2 13
Correspondence -- Thank You Letters
2 14
Correspondence -- Thank You Letters
2 15
Elections -- Federal Laws
2 16
Elections -- Procedures
2 17
Finances -- Disclosure
2 18
Finances -- Disclosure
2 19
Finances -- Disclosure
3 1
Finances -- Disclosure
3 2
Finances -- Expenses
3 3
Fund Raisers
3 4
Fund Raisers -- Business Executives Move Banquet
3 5
Fund Raisers -- Gala
3 6
Fund Raisers -- Gala
3 7
Fund Raisers -- Gala
3 8
Fund Raisers -- Gala
3 9
Fund Raisers -- Gala Mailing Lists
3 10
Fund Raisers -- Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
3 11
Fund Raisers -- Mailday
3 12
Fund Raisers -- Mailday - Ada-Jerome Counties
3 13
Fund Raisers -- Mailday - Kootenai-Valley Counties
3 14
Issues -- Baker, Robert G. (Bobby)
3 15
Issues -- Senior Citizens
3 16
Mailing Lists
3 17
Mailing Lists -- Helpers
3 18
Mailing Lists -- Helpers
3 19
Newspaper Clippings
3 20
Newspaper Clippings
3 21
Newspaper Clippings
3 22
Newspaper Clippings
4 1
Newspaper Clippings
4 2
Newspaper Clippings
4 3
Newspaper Clippings
4 4
Newspaper Clippings
4 5
Newspaper Clippings -- Lettuce Boycott
4 6
Newspaper Clippings -- Sawtooth National Recreation Area
4 7
Newspaper Clippings -- Smith, Bob
4 8
Newspaper Clippings -- Smith, Bob
4 9
Nomination -- Candidacy
4 10
Nomination -- Petition Circulators
4 11
Nomination -- Petition Circulators
4 12
Nomination -- Petition Information
4 13
Opposition -- Cox, Ray
4 14
Opposition -- Hansen, George
4 15
Opposition -- Hansen, George
4 16
Opposition -- Hansen, Orval and Hanson, Max
4 17
Opposition -- John Birch Society
4 18
Opposition -- Smith, Bob
4 19
Opposition -- Symms, Steve
4 20
4 21
4 22
Polls -- Statistics
4 23
Press Releases
4 24
Speech Material
4 25
5 1
Eardley, Richard R.
Thank You Letters To Volunteers
5 2
Volunteers -- Farmers and Ranchers
5 3
Volunteers -- Staff
Smith, Bob; Burke, Carl P.
Staff Involvement With The Campaign
5 4
Voting Record
5: Campaign 1976 (President)
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Advertising -- Broadcasting
1 3
Advertising -- Media
1 4
Advertising -- Scripts
1 5
Advertising -- Television
1 6
1 7
Campaign -- County Headquarters
1 8
Campaign -- Direct Mail Plan
1 9
Campaign -- Headquarters
1 10
Campaign -- Material Request Form
1 11
Campaign -- Paraphernalia
1 12
Campaign -- Planning
1 13
Campaign -- Schedule
1 14
Campaign -- Schedule
1 15
Campaign -- Schedule
1 16
Campaign -- Schedule
1 17
Campaign -- Schedule/Datebook
1 18
Campaign -- Staff
1 19
Campaign -- Strategy
1 20
Campaign -- Strategy
Campaign 1976; Strategy. This Folder No Longer Exists. The Contents Were Moved To Series 5.6, Box 7, Folder 10, Because They All Relate To The 1980 Campaign.
2 1
Campaign -- Strategy
2 2
Campaign -- Strategy - Out-of-State
2 3
Campaign -- Synopsis
2 4
Campaign -- Synopsis
2 5
Candidacy -- Announcement
2 6
Candidacy -- Announcement
2 7
Candidacy -- Announcement/Withdrawal
2 8
Contributions -- California
2 9
Contributions -- Finances
2 10
Contributions -- Indirect/Jewish Funds
2 11
Contributions -- Over $100.00
2 12
Contributions -- Returned
2 13
Contributions -- Washington, DC
2 14
2 15
2 16
2 17
2 18
Correspondence -- Alabama - Georgia
2 19
Correspondence -- California
3 1
Correspondence -- Colorado
3 2
Correspondence -- District of Columbia
3 3
Correspondence -- Idaho
3 4
Correspondence -- Idaho
3 5
Correspondence -- Idaho - Boise
3 6
Correspondence -- Illinois - Louisiana
3 7
Correspondence -- Maryland
3 8
Correspondence -- Massachusetts - Nebraska
3 9
Correspondence -- Nevada - New Mexico
3 10
Correspondence -- New York - Ohio
3 11
Correspondence -- Oregon
3 12
Correspondence -- Pennsylvania - South Carolina
3 13
Correspondence -- South Dakota - Wisconsin
3 14
Correspondence -- Virgin Islands and The Canal Zone
3 15
Correspondence -- Virginia
3 16
Correspondence -- Kimmelman, Henry
3 17
Correspondence -- Pending
3 18
Correspondence -- Personal
3 19
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 1
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 2
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 3
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 4
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Bentsen, Lloyd
4 5
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 6
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 7
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 8
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
4 9
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 0
4 10
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Valenti, Jack; Hemingway, Mary
1976 1
4 11
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 2
4 12
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 January
4 13
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 February
4 14
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Moon, Marjorie Ruth; Eardley, Richard R.
1976 March
4 15
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 April
4 16
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Peschatelets, Jean Paul
1976 May
5 1
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Tunney, John V.
1976 June
5 2
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
Bird, Robert C.
1976 June
5 3
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 July
5 4
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 July
5 5
Correspondence -- Presidential Future
1976 August
5 6
Correspondence -- Robo Letters
Pell, Claiborne
5 7
Correspondence -- Robo Letters
5 8
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
5 9
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
5 10
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
5 11
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
5 12
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - California
5 13
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Colorado
5 14
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Montana
5 15
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Nebraska
5 16
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Nevada
5 17
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - New Jersey
5 18
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Ohio
5 19
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Oregon
5 20
Correspondence -- Thank Yous - Rhode Island
6 1
Democratic Party -- Delegates
6 2
Democratic Party -- Democratic National Committee
6 3
Democratic Party -- Democratic National Convention
6 4
Democratic Party -- Democratic National Convention
6 5
Democratic Party -- House and Senate Races
Trip Schedules October 23, 26 & 27
6 6
Democratic Party -- Inauguration Plans
Carter, Jimmy
Peanut Brigade
1976 January
6 7
Democratic Party -- State Chairpersons
6 8
Election Laws
6 9
Federal -- Disclosure
6 10
Federal -- Election Commission
6 11
Federal -- Election Commission
6 12
Federal -- Finance Committee
6 13
Finances -- Checks
6 14
Finances -- Expenses
6 15
Fund Raisers
6 16
Fund Raisers
6 17
Fund Raisers -- Artists and Celebrities
6 18
Fund Raisers -- Madeleine Haas Russell Cocktail Party
Russell, Madeleine Haas
6 19
Fund Raisers -- McGovern Letter
McGovern, George
6 20
6 21
Issues -- Biography of Frank Church
6 22
Issues -- Education
6 23
Issues -- Interior
6 24
Issues -- Israel
6 25
Issues -- Presidential Positions - Common Cause
Issues--Presidential Positions--Common Cause; Integritiy and Accountability In Government; Inernational Problems and Security; Role of The Federal Government; Inflation; Jobs and Unemployment
6 26
Issues -- Presidential Positions - Common Cause
Issues--Presidential Positions--Common Cause; Taxes; Energy; Environment; Discrimination; Income Support; Crime, Justice, and Personal Liberties
6 27
Issues -- Senior Citizens
6 28
Mailing Lists
7 1
Mailing Lists
7 2
Mailing Lists
7 3
Mailing Lists
7 4
Mailing Lists -- Out-of-State
7 5
Mailing Lists -- Out-of-State - Trail-Blazers
7 6
News Releases
7 7
Newspaper Clippings
7 8
Newspaper Clippings
7 9
McGovern, George
7 10
7 10
Opposition -- Republicans
7 12
7 13
Press -- Geographically - Alabama - New Jersey
7 14
Press -- Geographically - Nebraska - Ohio
7 15
Press -- Geographically - South Dakota - Washington, DC
7 16
Press -- Issues and Speeches
Abortion; Aging; Angola; Bicentennial; Brussells; Budget; Agriculture; Campaign Materials/Reform; Civil Rights; Confidence; Consumer; Delegates; Economy; Education; Election Laws; Employment; Energy
7 17
Press -- Issues and Speeches
Foreign Publications; Foreign Policy; Insurance; Income Disclosure; Gun Control; Indians; Intelligence Committe
7 18
Press -- Issues and Speeches
Israel; Labor; Letters; Marijuana; Mining; Multinations; Newsletters; New York; Presidents; Press; Secrecy; Small Business; Taxes; Vietnam
8 1
Press -- People
Anderson, Jack Z.; Barnes, Verda; Church, Bethine
8 2
Requests for Campaign Literature
8 3
8 4
  • "Testimony of Senator Frank Church Before the Democratic Platform Committee,” May 19, 1976, Senate Caucus Room, Wash. D.C.
  • ”Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy,” Pacem Terris IV Conference, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Wash. D.C., December 4, 1975
  • ”Israel: Policy and Principle,” B’Nai B’Rith Anti-Defamation league, December 7, 1975
  • ”An Alternative to the Ford Administration Energy Program,” January 30, 1975
  • ”Soviet Jewry: A Call to Conscience,” Second World Conference on Soviet Jewry, Brussels, Belgium, February 17, 1976
  • ”Statement in Support of the Ratification of the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty”
  • ”A Liberal Takes His Leave [Farewell to Foreign Aid],” October 29, 1971
  • ”Détente: Shadow or Substance,” August 19, 1974
  • ”Oil and Confrontation,” July 13, 1975, The Washington Post
  • ”Statement Before the Senate Government Operations Committee,” February 25, 1976
  • ”Federal Policy on Aging: Progress and pitfalls – Public Policy Forum: Programmatic Concerns and Political Issues,” Western Gernological Society, March 28, 1976
  • ”A New Faith in Freedom,” Washington Press Club, March 26, 1976
  • ”Rediscovering America,” California League of Cities Meeting, October 20, 1975
  • ”Announcement of Candidacy for President of the United States,” Idaho City, Idaho, March 18, 1976
  • ”Address to the Nation,” CBS Television, April 19, 1976
  • ”Record on Israel, United Nations (UN), the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Israel, Vietnam, Arab Boycott,” 1975-1976
  • ”Presidential Infallibility,” Las Vegas, Nevada, April 10, 1976
  • Network discrimination letter, April 6, 1976
  • Doane College, April 13, 1976
  • Jesse Jackson Dinner, November or December, 1975
  • Floor of the Senate, January 29, 1976
  • ”An Imperative for the CIA: Professionalism Free of Politics and Partisanship,” November 11, 1975
  • Keynote speech, Democratic National Convention, July 11, 1960
  • CIA Speech on Intelligence Oversight Bill, 1976
8 5
Speeches -- Statements
8 6
Staff -- Employment/Resumes
Adams, Brian
8 7
Staff -- Memos
8 8
Staff -- Senate Office
8 9
8 10
Voting Record
8 11
Voting Record
6: Campaign 1980 (Senate)
Box Folder
1 1
Advertising -- Media
1 2
1 3
1 4
Campaign -- Brochures
1 5
Campaign -- Coordinators
1 6
Campaign -- Frank Church Story
1 7
Campaign -- Mobile Office
1 8
Campaign -- Strategy
1 9
Campaign Strategy -- Targeting and Election Analysis By County
Gersh, Mark; McClister, Michael
Targeting and Election Analysis Commissioned By The National Committee for An Effective Congress By Mark Gersh and Michael McClister June 1, 1980
1 10
1 11
1 12
Correspondence, A-C
1 13
Correspondence, D-G
1 14
Correspondence, H-K
1 15
Correspondence, L-M
1 16
Correspondence, N-R
1 17
Correspondence, S
2 1
Correspondence, T-Z
2 2
Contributions -- Disclosure
2 3
Contributions -- Idaho for Church Committee
2 4
2 5
2 6
1978 September
2 7
2 8
McGee, Gale
1979 September-October
2 9
1980 April-June
2 10
1980 May-July
2 11
Correspondence -- Thank Yous
2 12
Democratic Party -- Campaign Committee Reports
2 13
Election -- Federal Election Commission
2 14
Election -- Federal Election Commission
Reports To and From The Federal Election Commission; Anybody But Church Pac; Moral Majority; Idaho Committee for Positive Change; National Conservative Pac; Oxypac; Occidental Petroleum; Americans for Life, Inc.
2 15
Election -- Law/Legal Issues
2 16
Election -- Results
2 17
1979 January-May
2 18
1979 June-July
3 1
1979 August-September
3 2
1979 October
3 3
1979 November
3 4
1979 December
3 5
1980 January
3 6
1980 February
3 7
1980 March
3 8
1980 April
3 9
1980 May
3 10
1980 June
3 11
1980 June
3 12
1980 July
3 13
1980 July
4 1
1980 July
4 2
1980 August
4 3
1980 September
4 4
1980 September
4 5
1980 October
4 6
1980 October
4 7
1980 October
4 8
1980 November
4 9
1980 November
4 10
1980 December-1981 February
4 11
Finances -- Expenditures
4 12
Finances -- Expenditures
5 1
Finances -- Idaho for Church Committee Report
1980 May
5 2
Fund Raiser Guidelines
5 3
Fund Raisers
Bialkin, F.R.; Hack, Bill
Fundraisers In Boise and Boston; Bar-Ilan University
5 4
Fund Raisers
Burdman, Joel I.
Fundraisers In Boston; Breakfast Meeting At The Regency
5 5
Fund Raisers
Smith, Charles E.; Downe, Edward Reynolds, Jr.
Fundraisers In Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit
5 6
Fund Raisers
Harriman, W. Averell
Fundraisers In Washington, DC and Fairleigh Dickenson University, Teaneck, NJ
5 7
Fund Raisers
Tacke, John B.; Kotok, David R.
Fundraisers In Washington, DC, New Jersey, and A Jamboree
5 8
Fund Raisers
Harriman, W. Averell
Fundraisers In Washington, DC
5 9
Fund Raisers
Landau, William M.; Davis, Leonard; Manshel, Ernest; Fill, Leon; Metzenbaum, Howard M.
Fundraisers In Las Vegas, Boston, and New York
5 10
Fund Raisers
Ansell, Nathan S.
Fundraisers In Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, and New York
5 11
Fund Raisers
Fundraisers In Missouri; Letters; Jewish Appeal
5 12
Fund Raisers
Brownstein, Norman; Hansen, Orval
Fundraisers In Oregon, Florida; Pennsylvania; Arizona
5 13
Fund Raisers
Resnick, Louis; Rosenwald, Nina; Roitenberg, Harold
Fundraisers In Oregon, California, and Washington
5 14
Fund Raisers
Shorenstein, Walter H.; Stern, Jerome L.
Fundraisers In Tennessee, California, and New York
5 15
Fund Raisers
Fundraisers In Arizona and Washington, DC
6 1
Fund Raisers
Weinberg, Lawrence; Yamagata, Ben; Garside, Grenville
Fundraisers In Ohio and Washington, DC
6 2
Education; Panama Canal Treaty; Agriculture; Conservation; Abortion; Aging; Energy Crisis; Military Spending; Natural Resources; Intelligence Activities; Defense; Gun Control
6 3
Issues -- Library Item Encyclopedia
Issues; Library Item Encyclopedia; Position Statement Reference Tool
6 4
Issues -- Library Item Encyclopedia
Issues; Library Item Encyclopedia; Position Statement Reference Tool
6 5
Issues -- Library Item Encyclopedia
Issues; Library Item Encyclopedia; Position Statement Reference Tool
6 6
Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists; Democratic House and Senate Council
6 7
Mailing Lists -- Contributors
6 8
Mailing Lists -- Opinion Molders
6 9
Newspaper Clippings
6 10
Newspaper Clippings
6 11
Operation 1980
6 12
Opposition -- National Conservative Pac, Expenditures
6 13
Opposition -- National Conservative Pac, Expenditures
6 14
Opposition -- National Conservative Pac, Expenditures
6 15
Opposition -- National Conservative Pac, Expenditures
6 16
Opposition -- Republican Money
7 1
Opposition -- Rightwing Groups
7 2
Opposition -- Steve Symms Expenditures
7 3
7 4
7 5
Political Action Committees
7 6
7 7
Press Releases
7 8
Press Releases
7 9
Press Releases
7 10
Campaign 1980; Strategy; American Legion; Flag
7: Campaign polls
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
Poll - Framing The Choice of A President
1 6
Preliminary Polls
1 7
Preliminary Polls
1 8
Peter Hart Poll - Idaho Voter Attitudes July 1979
1 9
Peter Hart Poll - Idaho Voter Attitudes March 1980
1 10
Peter Hart Poll - Idaho Voter Attitudes July 1980
1 11
Peter Hart Poll -- Idaho Voter Attitudes July 1980
1 14
Peter Hart Poll -- Survey

6:  Political affairsReturn to Top

Political affairs are primarily files on party politics on both the local and national level, including material on the various elections and delegate selection for the various Democratic National Conventions. Most are dated 1957-1969, with some exceptions such as Watergate, which dates from 1973-1974. Also included are files on prominent Idaho Democrats and Church's political opponents. The Political Affairs series complements the Issue Books in the Public Relations series, the Special Files in the Personal series and the Campaign series.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Groups, Organizations, Associations
1 2
Voting of The Utah Senators; Senate Political Records
1 3
Gruening, Ernest; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Porter, Charles O.; Randolph, Jennings; Proxmire, William; Byrd, Robert C.
Third Annual Fdr Dinner; Reader's Digest, "Must We Tax The Railroads Out of Business?"
1 4
House Political Records
1 5
Sparkman, John J.; Brawley, H.W.; Franke, William B.; Hartke, Vance
"The Democrat", 1961, April 27, May 11, May 25, August 28, September 4, September 18, October 23, November 6
1 6
1 7
1 8
Proxmire, William; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Young, Stephen M.; Symington, Stuart; Hartke, Vance; Jordan, B. Everett; Jackson, Henry M.; Mansfield, Mike; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Cannon, Howard W.; Pastore, John O.; Moss, Frank E.; Chavez, Dennis; McCarthy
Presidential and Congressional Election, 1956; Senate
1 8
Ullman, Allen; Robertson, A. Willis; McNamara, Pat; Kefauver, Estes; Case, Clifford P.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Kerr, Robert S.; Sparkman, John J.; Randolph, Jennings; Frear, J. Allen, Jr.; Douglas, Paul H.; Bartlett, E.L.; McClellan, John L.; Pell, Claib
1 9
Clark, Joseph S.; Engle, Clair; Mcnichols, Steve; Neuberger, Maurine B.
"Proposed Reform of The Electoral College", The Library of Congress; "The Electoral College and Recent Proposals for Its Reform Or Obolitions"
1 10
Symington, Stuart; Frear, J. Allen, Jr.; Kefauver, Estes; Hartke, Vance; Harrison, James; Smylie, Robert E.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Aspinall, Wayne N.; Fulbright, J.W.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Gruening, Ernest; Inouye, Daniel K.; Burns, John A.; Keating, Ke
Commendations; Endorsements;
1 11
Johnston, Bill
Voting Information, Office of Armed Forces; Election of 1960
1 12
House of Representatives Vacancies; S.J.Res.39
1 13
Political Relations
1 14
Fulbright, J.W.; Truman, Harry S.; Morse, Wayne; Proxmire, William
Democrat, 1962, February 12, May 10
1 15
Cavanaugh, Jerome P.; McGovern, George; Whitener, Basil L.
Political Affairs--General
1963 January-May
1 16
McGee, Gale; Hart, Philip A.; Freeman, Orville L.; Young, Stephen M.; Inouye, Daniel K.; McGhee, George C.
Factual Campaign Information
1963 June-October
1 17
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Rusk, Dean; Javits, Jacob K.; Hayden, Carl; Guerrero, Manuel F.L.; Young, Stephen M.; Clark, Joseph S.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Symington, Stuart
Resolution and Pertinent Data Relative To Security In The Department of State
1963 November-December
1 18
Political Affairs--General
1 19
White, Compton I., Jr.; Harding, Ralph R.; Bartlett, E.L.; Harris, Frederick Brown; Fulbright, J.W.; Bayh, Birch; Walters, Herbert S.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Douglas, Paul H.; Mansfield, Mike
Political Affairs--General
2 1
Political Affairs--General
2 2
Political Affairs--General
2 3
Chelf, Frank
Why Politics Is for You; Inauguration 1965 Guidebook
2 4
Hornig, Donald F
Democratic Platform-- "One Nation, One People"; "Mr. President, The Office, The Man"; "At Issue: The Vice President A Conversation With Hubert H. Humphrey; Patent Rights In Federally Financed Research and Development;
1965 June-September
2 5
Capital Capsule, September-October, 1965; Financial Report for State Headquarters, 1965; The Visit To The White House, The President Greets Young Americans and Answers Their Questions
1965 October-December
2 6
Magnuson, Warren G.; Proxmire, William; Bayh, Birch; Long, Russell B.
"From Doorbell To Roll Call", 89th Congress; The Democrat, September, 1966
2 7
McCarthy, Eugene J.
Gallup Opinion; Eugene McCarthy;
2 8
Morse, Wayne; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Hughes, Harold E.; Muskie, Edmund S.
Political Affairs--General; Democratic National Convention Delegates;
2 9
Peterson, Esther; Percy, Charles H.; Gravel, Mike; Brown, Harold; Case, Clifford P.; Jordan, Len B.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Cooper, John Sherman; Kennedy, Edward M.; Cranston, Alan; Bellmon, Henry; Young, Stephen M.; Pearson, James B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
"To Heal A Nation", Time; Humphrey, Hubert H., "My Hope for The Future"
1969 January-August
2 10
Montoya, Joseph M.; McGovern, George; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Hartke, Vance; Gravel, Mike
Council for A Livable World; "Gold-The Natural Enemy of Socialism", California Mining Journal; White Clouds; U.S.--USSR Political Exchanges;
1969 September-December
2 11
Federal Register; Ada; Duffy Wins Primary
2 12
Symington, Stuart; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Proxmire, William; Cranston, Alan; Tydings, Joseph D.; Moss, Frank E.; Ashbrook, John M.; Tower, John G.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Edwards, Don; Inouye, Daniel K.
Art Pearl In General; The National Committee for An Effective Congress; "One World", Questions and Answers for Student Peace Campaigners
1970 January-September
2 13
Randolph, Jennings; Mansfield, Mike; Kennedy, Edward M.; Proxmire, William; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Jackson, Henry M.; Hartke, Vance; Muskie, Edmund S.; Holland, Spessard L.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Young, Stephen M.; McCarthy, Eu
Elections, 1970;
1970 October-December
2 14
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Cooper, John Sherman; Gravel, Mike
Democratic National Committee; Should Frank Church Run for President
2 15
Muskie, Edmund S.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III
Vice Presidential Nomination To Replace Spiro Agnew;
2 16
Borah, William E.
Bill of Rights, Opposition;
2 17
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
Listen, A Journal of Better Living; "Liberty-Going To Church At The White House"; "Let Us Continue..."; Watergate; Impeachment; Democratic Party Delegate Selection; Politics
2 18
Johnston, J. Bennett
1975 Democratic Congressional Victory Dinner; Elections
2 19
Muskie, Edmund S.
1976 January-August
2 20
Strauss, Robert S.; Carter, Jimmy; Mondale, Walter F.
Elections; Carter-Mondale
1976 September-December
3 1
Mansfield, Mike; Buckley, James L.; Stone, Richard; Bundy, McGeorge; Bradley, Tom; Ford, Wendell H.
Senate Organization; Rules;
3 2
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Evans, John V.
Idaho Democratic Parties; Right To Work; American Party of Idaho;
3 3
Andrus, Cecil D.
Elections; Fund Raising;
Box Folder
3 4
Democratic Party
Moss, Frank E.; McGovern, George; Young, Stephen M.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Green, William J.; Burke, James A.; Muskie, Edmund S.
Elections, 1972, Progressive Controll of The Senate; Democratic Party
1971 January-July
3 5
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Nader, Ralph; Muskie, Edmund S.; Barnes, Verda
Verda Barnes Campaign Handbook; Vietnam
"Nixon's Righteous Baloney", Article Read Into The Record; "Senator Muskie and The War", Article Read Into The Record
3 6
Halpern, Seymour; McClellan, John L.; Moss, Frank E.; McGovern, George
Delegate Turnover At National Party Conventions; Vietnam; Committee To Re-Elect The President; George McGovern's Nomination Acceptance Speech
Statement On American Foreign Policy Read Into Record
3 7
Abourezk, James S.; Metcalf, Lee; Hathaway, William D.; McGovern, George; Guy, William L.; Nelson, Gaylord; Harris, Fred R.; Clark, Dick
Elections; Vietnam;
3 8
Smith, Margaret Chase; Pell, Claiborne; Brademas, John; Moss, Frank E.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Abourezk, James S.; Sparkman, John J.; McGovern, George
"George McGovern-The Kind of Man He Is", Booklet; Robo: Congrats To Congressmen On Election Victory
"George McGovern for President", Address; "The McGovern Foreign Policy", Address
1972 October-December
3 9
Abourezk, James S.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Buckley, James L.; Byrd, Robert C.; Clark, Dick
Watergate; Campaign Financing; The American Jewish Committee
1973 May-June
3 10
Spirou, Chris; Wyman, Louis C.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Bartlett, Dewey F.; Sparkman, John J.
New Hampshire Election Dispute; Contested Oklahoma Senate Election 1974; Rockefeller Nomination To The Vice Presidency
"Nelson Rockefeller", Original Copy of Speech
3 11
Bellmon, Henry; Fannin, Paul J.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Pastore, John O.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Zorinsky, Edward; Scott, Hugh; Symington, Stuart; Schroeder, Patricia; Beard, Ed; Pell, Claiborne
Oklahoma Election Challenge; Candidacy of Frank Church for President; Women's Politcal Organisations;
3 12
Bayh, Birch; Inouye, Daniel K.; Hansen, George V.; McClure, James A.
Democratic Party Reform; Democratic National Committee Agenda
3 13
Elections -- Strategy
Cranston, Alan; Cotton, Norris
3 14
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Handwritten Statement About President Lyndon B. Johnson; "I Choose Not To Run"
3 15
Presidential Election
Burdick, Quentin N.; Moss, Frank E.; Inouye, Daniel K.
Republican Platform, 1964; Vote Democratic In 1964; National Convention Delegates
Western States Democratic Conference, "Stemming The Goldwater Flood; A Western Responsibility;
3 16
Presidential Inauguration
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Nixon, Richard M.
Presidential Inauguration Dwight D. Eisenhower
3 17
Presidential Inauguration
Burke, Carl P.; Kennedy, John F.
Invitations To Inauguration of Kennedy/Johnson; Invitation To The Inaugural Ball; Inaugural Parade
4 1
Presidential Inauguration
Inaugural Guests; Parade; Invitations
4 2
Presidential Inauguration -- Lyndon B. Johnson
Jordan, B. Everett; Smylie, Robert E.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Official Inaugural Program, January 20, 1965; Idaho Citizens for Johnson and Humphrey
4 3
Harding, Ralph R.; Valeo, Francis R.; Smathers, George A.
Elections; Primary Opposition of Incumbents; Congressional Returns, 1962
4 4
Leader, George Michael; Hughes, Harold E.; Pell, Claiborne; Dole, Robert; McGovern, George; Ellender, Allen J.; Mondale, Walter F.; Muskie, Edmund S.
Tribute To Allen J. Ellender On 81st Birthday, Booklet; Vietnam War; Muskie Election Committee; Democratic Study Group
1971 August-November
4 5
Tunney, John V.; Miller, Jack; Albert, Carl; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Hollings, Ernest F.
Steering Committee Election; Church Presidential Qualifications; Elections, Watergate; Republican Fund Raisers; Senate Organization
1973 January-April
Democratic National Committee
Box Folder
4 6
Anniversary of The Democratic Party
Muskie, Edmund S.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Aniversary of The Democratic Party; Copy of President Lyndon B. Johnson's State of The Union Address
4 7
Democratic National Convention
Butler, Paul M.
Idaho Delegates Lists; Call for The Convention;
4 8
Democratic National Convention
Symington, Stuart; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Carroll, John A.
Democratic Party; Democratic National Convetion
4 9
Democratic National Convention
Inouye, Daniel K.; Smith, Neal; Bayh, Birch; Wall, Harry; Carter, Cliff
National Convention; Youth
4 10
Democratic National Convention
Muskie, Edmund S.; Pell, Claiborne
Elections and Campaigns
4 11
Democratic National Convention
Inouye, Daniel K.; Harris, Fred R.
Membership Lists; New Committees; Women; Rules; "Issues and Alternatives", Democratic National Convention; Demo Memos April 22, May 5, June 16, June 30, July 14, August 11 and 25, October 29
4 12
Democratic National Convention
1972 Democratic National Convention, Booklet
4 13
Democratic National Convention
1976 Committee On Rules Report; 1976 National Democratic Platform; Call for The Convention
4 14
Democratic National Convention -- Keynote Speech
Kennedy, John F.
Keynote Speech; Congratulations
"Keynote Address By Senator Frank Church"
4 15
Democratic National Convention -- Keynote Speech
Responses; Republicans; Moderate Right; Unfavorable; Youth
4 16
Democratic National Convention -- Keynote Speech Responses
Keynote Speech Responses; Complaints; Youth;
4 17
Democratic National Convention -- Keynote Speech Responses
Responses; Complaints
5 1
Democratic National Convention -- Los Angeles Guest Information
5 2
Democratic National Convention -- Meetings
Wall, Harry; Butler, Paul M.
Creditials Committee; Finance; Site Jobs for Republicans
5 3
Democratic National Convention -- Policy Committee
Hartke, VancePolicy;
5 4
Democratic Party Documents
Brown, Charlie; Disalle, Michael V.; Butler, Paul M.
"Democratic Digest"
5 5
Democratic Party Literature
Democratic Publications; Women; Democratic Digest, Silver Aniversary of The New Deal Economic Recession
5 6
Democratic Party Literature
Bailey, John M.; Price, Margret; Keel, William; Wall, Harry
"The Democratic Campaign Manual, 1964"; Democrat, June, 1963, and July, August, September, 1965; Democratic Party Platform; Convention; Women
5 7
Democratic Party Organization
Campaign Conference for Democratic Women; Roper Report, 1974-1976
5 8
Democratic Party Organization and Reform
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Strauss, Robert S.
"1973 Guide To Nationality Observances"; "Toward Fairness and Unity for '76"; Democratic Letter; Delegate Selection; Democratic Planning Group;
5 9
Democratic Party Reform
McGovern, George; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Symington, Stuart; Burdick, Quentin N.; McGee, Gale; O'Brien, Lawrence F.
"Mandate for Reform"; "That All May Vote"; "Promises, Promises"; "Let Me Make On Thing Perfectly Clear"; Delegate Selection; Organisation
5 10
Elections and Campaigns -- Senate
Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Nixon, Richard M.
Fact Sheets and Campaign Materials
5 11
Elections and Campaigns -- Senate
Senate Elections & Campaign; 1964 Speech Cards; Building for The Great Society; The Johnson Administration Record
5 12
Elections Strategy
Butler, Paul M.; Kent, Roger; Carver, John A., Jr.; Clark, Joseph S.; Carroll, John A.; Foley, E.H.
Strategy; Credentials; The "Idaho Democrat"; Western States Democratic Conference; Election of John F. Kennedy; Republican Platform, 1960
5 13
Elections Strategy
Chotiner, Murray; Burns, James Macgregor; Nixon, Richard M.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.
"Fundamentals of Campaign Organization", March, 1960; Civil Rights; Middle East; Eisenhower Absences; Public V. Private Electric Power; Farm Prices; Sputnik; Social Security; Economic Stability; National Security; Richard Nixon; "Two Party Stalemate: The
5 14
Truman, Harry S.
Whitener, Basil L.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Mayner, Robert B.; Truman, Harry S.
"The Truman Diamond Jubilee"
Box Folder
5 15
Equal Rights
Box Folder
5 16
Voting Record of Idaho Since 1932
5 17
Constitutional Reform
Constitution for The State of Idaho Proposed By Constitutional Revision Commission, November 25, 1968; Brief Synopsis of Reasons for Changes In Retention of Or Deletion of Provisions of The Constitution of 1840, In Proposed Constitution of November 25, 1
5 18
Murphy, Richard J.
6 1
Democratic Party
Higher, Dale
The Idaho Quarterly; "Elect Higher", Pamphlet for Dale Higher; Article With Dale Higher, The Idaho Observer; Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks, Convention, 1964
6 2
Democratic Party -- Headquarters
Ricci, Frederic A
State Central Committee; Roster; Central Committee Meeting; Message From The President of The United States
6 3
Democratic Party -- Platform
King, David S.
Idaho State Democratic Platform and Resolutions; Presidential Campaign
6 4
Democratic Party -- Platform
The Voting Record; 1962 Platform, Idaho State Democratic Party
6 5
Democratic Party -- State Central Committee
Walters, John; Hawley, James H., Jr.; Wall, Harry; Kennedy, John F.
Women; Elections; State Platform; County Committees; Kennedy Appearence In Pocatello
6 6
Democratic Party -- State Central Committee
Howe, Allen T.; Truman, Harry S.; Harding, Ralph R.
State Committee Chairmanship; Elections
6 7
Democratic Party -- State Central Committee
Tydings, Joseph D.
State Democratic Committee
6 8
Democratic Party -- State Convention
Walker, Lloyd
Elections; County Committees;
6 9
Harding, Ralph R.; Brunt, William R.; Weatherall, Mike
Elections; Volunteers; Senate; House; Local;
6 10
"Idaho and Federal Election Laws for U.S. Senators"
6 11
Healy, Ellen
Elections; Democrat Paper, 1962, February 26, March 12, March 26, April 12
6 12
Idaho State Democratic Platform, 1962
6 13
Municipal Elections
6 14
Harding, Ralph R.; O'donnell, Kenneth; Jackson, Henry M.; Pastore, John O.; Salinger, Pierre; Kennedy, Edward M.; McGee, Gale; Keating, Kenneth B.; Bass, Ross; Montoya, Joseph M.; Mansfield, Mike
Election Statistics In Idaho, 1932-1960; The Intermountain, September 17; The Idaho Observer, September 17; The Saturday Evening Post, September 19; "Keep Ralph Harding Working for You", Pamphlet for Election In 1964; The Election Outcome
6 15
Election Returns
6 16
Handbook for Elected Municipal Officials In Idaho; Election Laws of 1962 In The State of Idaho; Report of The Tax Structure Committee, 33rd Session; Idaho, Jefferson-Jackson Journal, 1965; Statement of Policy 1965, Greater Boise Chamber of Commerce; By L
6 17
Smylie, Robert E.; Healy, Ellen; Waters, E.T.
Women, Jefferson-Jackson Journal, 1965-1966; John Birch Society; Democratic Party; Finance
6 18
White, Compton I., Jr.; Brunt, A.W.; Harding, Ralph R.; Herndon, Charles; Smylie, Robert E.; Andrus, Cecil D.
Tax Cut; Campaign Materials Catalog; Election; Primary
7 1
Vietnam; Election; Campaign, 1968
7 2
Muskie, Edmund S.
Vietnam; Agriculture; Timber; Mining; Econmic Development; State Central Committee; State Democratic Convention; National Democratic Convention (Chicago, 1968)
7 3
Advertising, Broadcast; Federal Communications Commission
7 4
Carr, Walter H.; McClure, James A.
McClure Voting Record;
7 5
Andrus, Cecil D.
Democratic Candidates; District Chairmen; Democratic County Officials; Mailing Lists;
7 6
Muskie, Edmund S.; Hansen, Orval
Robo: To Delegates and Alternates 1972 Democratic Convention
7 7
Platform Adopted At Sun Valley; Robo: 1972 Demo Campaign (McGovern/Shriver); Robo: To New Members On Demo Central Committee; Robo: To New County Chairmen; Robo: To New Demo Legislative District; Selected Bibliography On Politics and Government In Idaho;
7 8
Robo: Congratulations To Idaho Democratic Legislature Winners
7 9
Kennedy, Edward M.; Hansen, Orval; Andrus, Cecil D.
Robo: Winners of Local Races; Robo: Condolences To Local Loosers
7 10
Byrd, Robert C.
Sunshine Initiative; Robo: Congrats To Delegates
7 11
Robos: Congratulations To Winner
7 12
Pearce, Kelly
Church for President;
7 13
Mailing Lists
7 14
Elections -- Primary
Harris, Louis; Inouye, Daniel K.
Primary Elections
7 15
Elections -- Voting In Idaho
Election Returns
7 16
Elections and Functions
Foley, Thomas S.; Brauner, William J.; Jordan, Len B.
Vietnam; Local and Statewide Planning
"The Only Alternative--A Reply To The President On Vietnam, " Washington Monthly;
1970 January-July
7 17
Gubernatorial Political Records
7 18
Murphy, Arthur P.; Cox, Ray J.; Palmer, Lester; Buxton, O.J.; Doolittle, Robert
Dentristry; Water; Budgets; Taxes
8 1
Mcfarland, Ernest W.; Tawes, Millard; Disalle, Michael V.; Crookham, G.L. Jr.
Idaho Post Tribune, Idaho Falls, 1956; National Reactor Testing Station
8 2
Andrus, Cecil D.; Jordan, Len B.
Robo: To Ticket Sellers for Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
8 3
Mondale, Walter F.
Idaho Jefferson-Jackson Banquet; Washington County Courthouse Visit;
8 4
Adams County Meeting; "The Utah Independent-Dare None Call It Treason"
8 5
Ives, Burl
Valley County Courthouse Meeting;
8 6
Andrus, Cecil D.
Democratic Central Committee
8 7
Campaign Finance
8 8
Howe, Lloyd; Jordan, Len B.; Grimes, Judith H.
Party Finance, ; Office Holders, ;
8 9
Bartlett, E.L.; Burke, Carl P.; Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Patrick, William Penn
Vietnam; "Dove In Trouble" Article; John Birch Society; "Treason";
8 10
Jordan, Len B.; Bayh, Birch
Senator Len B. Jordan's Statement On Recall; Editorials From Idaho Newspapers; News Release From Victory In Viet Nam Committee; Losing Cool At Couer d'Alene Press Conference, Explained
8 11
Republicans -- McMurray, John
Mcmurray, John
State Republican Political Infighting, Clippings
8 12
Republicans -- Samuelson, Don
Samuelson, Don
Samuelson, Don, Corespondence
Box Folder
8 13
Federal Laws Affecting Newspapers; Mailgram for Political Campaigns
8 14
The Call, Republican Newsletter; Political Computer Expertise
8 15
Campaign Advertising
8 16
9 1
Andrus, Cecil D.
9 2
Bowman, Rose Marie; Davis, William E.; Ludlow, Willis; Ravenscroft, Vernon F.; Williams, Ed; Kidwell, Wayne L.
9 3
Candidates -- Hansen, George
Hansen, George V.; Jacobs, Ray T.
Idaho Students for Hansen Organization Manual
9 4
Candidates -- Harding, Ralph
9 5
Candidates -- Hawley, John T.
Hawley, John T.(Jack)
Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices; Bonneville Power Administration
July 4, 1957: Independence Hall, Philadelphia PA.
9 6
Candidates -- McClure, James A.
McClure, James A.
McClure, James A.
9 7
Candidates -- Swisher, Perry
Swisher, Perry
Governorship, Nomination
9 8
Congressional Fund-Raising Dinner
Ullman, Allen; McGovern, George; Kirwan, J. Michael; Bowles, Chester; Hughes, Thomas L.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Congressional Fund-Raising Dinner
9 9
Debate: Campaign and The Candidates
Television; Debate: "Campaign and The Candidates"
9 10
Democratic Party -- National Campaign Committee
O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Hartke, Vance
Report To The President-White House Regional Conferences; White House Reports On Certain Subjects; 1964 Republican Platform-White House Report
9 11
Democratic Party -- National Campaign Committee
"One Nation, One People", Democratic Platform, 1964; Factual Campaign Information; 1966 Campaign Conference for Democratic Women; The Democrat, 1966, February 28, March 28, June, November, December; Capital Capsule; Route To Victory, Registration and Get
9 12
Democratic Party -- National Campaign Committee - Senate
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Kefauver, Estes
"Facts and The Record", Women's Committee for Kefauver, Tennessee
1956; 1960-1961
9 13
Elections -- Presidential
Stevenson, Adlai E.; Kefauver, Estes
9 14
Elections -- Presidential
Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
9 15
Elections -- Presidential
Kennedy, John F.; Nolf, Leonard G.; Jackson, Henry M.; Kennedy, Robert F.; Fulbright, J.W.
The Electorial College and Recent Proposals for It's Reform Or Abolition
9 16
Elections -- Presidential
Presidential Campaign
9 17
Elections -- Presidential
Truman, Harry S.; McGovern, George
Presidential Campaign
9 18
Elections -- Presidential
Udall, Stewart L.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Goldwater Contradictions and Shifts; Facts and Quotes, 1964, October 12, October 19, October 26; The Goldwater Primer
9 19
Elections -- Presidential
Johnson, Lyndon B.
9 20
Elections -- Presidential
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Remarks On Senator Humphrey's Nomination for The Vidc Presidency, 31 Aug. 1964
9 21
Elections -- Presidential
McGovern, George
National Campaign
9 22
Mcfarland, Ernest W.
Information of Importance To Candidates for Office of United States Representative In The 87th Congress
9 23
Roncalio, Teno; Randolph, Jennings; Sparkman, John J.; Bass, Ross; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.; Saltonstall, Leverett; Metcalf, Lee; McClellan, John L.; Douglas, Paul H.; Jordan, Len B.; Harding, Ralph R.; Bartlett, R.L.; Russell, Daniel; Jordan, B. Everett; Pel
Smear Campaign Against Cecil D. Andrus; Letter of Condolence To Ralph Harding; Letter of Concern, Re: Opposition of Elderly Voters; Letter of Condolence To Cecil D. Andrus
10 1
Symms, Steve; Blatnik, John A.; Kidwell, Wayne L.; Williams, Ed
10 2
Idaho Volunteers
"Thank Yous"
10 3
Idaho Volunteers
"Thank Yous"
10 4
Issues -- Natural Resources
Kennedy, John F.
Democratic Advisory Council, Committee On Natural Resources;
10 5
Issues -- Public Power
Dworshak, Henry C.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Pieper, Don
Public Power; Atomic Power; Burns Creek
10 6
Material, Issues, Problems, Suggestions
Congressional Report, January 20, 1959; Democratic Fact Sheet, July, 1959
10 7
"Never Write Your Congressman-Send Him A Check"; Op ø74
10 8
10 9
Brown, Edmund G., Sr.; Smylie, Robert E.; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.; Williams, Arnold
10 10
Political Affairs Speeches
10 11
1974 Campaign; Staff
10 12
Appointments and nominations
Box Folder
10 13
Brademas, John; Harding, Ralph R.
Junior Chamber of Commerce Top Ten Young Men of 1962
10 14
Johnston, Olin D.; Baker, Robert G. (Bobby); Magnuson, Warren G.; Fulbright, J.W.; Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Robert F.; Reid, Ogden R.
S.420-Provide for Additional Circuit and District Judges; The Nation, May, 1959; Hearings On The Appointment of Ogden R. Reid As Ambassador To Israel
10 15
S.1339-Limiting Age of Chief Justice and Circuit Judges To Seventy
10 16
Fanning, Robert J.
Towles, James G.; Fanning, Robert J.
Fanning Appointment, U.S. Attorney for Idaho
10 17
Flanagan, Bernard
Flanagan, Bernard
Flanagan Appointment As U.S. Civil Service Commissioner
10 18
Goff, Abe McGregor
Brawley, H.W.; Goff, Abe McGregor
Nomination of Abe Goff
10 19
Jaycee's Outstanding Young Man
Baker, Robert G. (Bobby)
Nomination By Senator Jaycee's Outstanding Young Man
10 20
Mclaughlin, Robert
Mclaughlin, Robert; Brawley, H.W.; White, Byron R.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.
U.S. Attorney for Idaho
10 21
Symington, Stuart; Moss, John E.; Strauss, Lewis L.; Reid, Ogden R.
Congressional Record, Monday, July 22, 1957; Nomination of Lewis L. Strauss for Secretary of Commerce; Nomination of Ogden R. Reid for Ambassador To Israel
10 22
Senate Committee Assignments
Mansfield, Mike; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Democratic Senate Policy Committee
10 23
U.S. Marshall of Idaho
William, John W.; Perkins, James D.; Shaffer, Howard; Bernard, Calvin; Zeal, George
Nominations for U.S. Marshall of Idaho
10 24
U.S. Marshall of Idaho
Oppenheimer, Gideon H.; Herman, Ross I.; Hoggan, Reid J.; Blake, Bruce J.; Harris, George; Balding, C.L.; Maughan, Guy; Moore, E. Cash; Ragsdale, Tindall; Maynard, Don L.; Mcmillan, S.J.; Miller, Oscar; Palmer, W.W.
Individual Nominations for U.S. Marshall of Idaho
Box Folder
11 1
Nixon, Richard M.
Explanation From General Services Administration On Expenditures At Nixon's Private Residence's.
11 2
Nixon, Richard M.
Robos: Not Identified; Robo: To Those Who Support The Investigation; Robo: To Those Who Want Nixon Impeached; Robo: Opposed To Continuation of Hearings, and Get Back To Work; Constituants Suggest Frank Church Run for President
11 3
Nixon, Richard M.
Robo: To Those In Opposition of Impeaching The President; Robo: Impeach The President
11 4
Taft, Robert, Jr.; Cox, Archibald; Ford, Gerald R.
Robo: Firing of Archibald Cox; Robo: Legislation Against Gerald R. Ford for Vice President; American Bar Association Resolutions Re: Watergate
11 5
11 6
Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon's Press Releases Re: Watergate, May-November 1973
11 7
Nixon, Richard M.
Robo: Those Who Want Nixon Impeached; Robo: Disclosures About Missing President Tapes; Robo: Support of President Nixon
11 8
White, Kevin; Nixon, Richard M.
Statement of Nixon's Finances; Robo: Independent Prosecutor
11 9
Nixon, Richard M.
Petition: Support Nixon From Twin Falls City; Robo: Support Nixon; Robo: Impeach Nixon
11 10
Nixon, Richard M.; Kissinger, Henry A.
Petition for Impeachment of Nixon From Northern Idaho; Henry Kissinger's Testimony; Petition for Fairness To The President From Ada County
11 11
Nixon, Richard M.; Tyne, Jim
Petition To Impeach Nixon, Moscow, Idaho; Letter From Jim Tyne
11 12
Byrd, Robert C.; Nixon, Richard M.
Petition: Fairness To President Nixon From Twin Falls, Idaho; Robo: Pro-Impeachment; Report Prepared By A Panel of National Academy of Public Administration; Petition: Impeach Nixon From International Association of Machinists Local 1425
11 13
Nixon, Richard M.
Robo: Pro Nixon, Update; Petition: Support Nixon From Ada City; Petition: Support Nixon From Twin Falls City
12 1
Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.
Petition: Support Nixon, Twin Falls, Idaho; Petition: Support Nixon, Caldwell, Idaho; Robo: Pro-Impeachment; Robo: Pro-Nixon
12 2
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Nixon, Richard M.
Robos: Oppose Rockefeller, Impeach, No Benefits for Nixon, Favor Amnesty, No Amnesty, Anti-Rockefeller (No.2), Support Nixon, Oppose Amnesty
12 3
Nixon, Richard M.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Robos: No Benefits for Nixon, Anti-Rockefeller, Oppose Nixon Benifits, Oppose Nixon Pardon
12 4
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Nixon, Richard M.
Robos: Oppose Pardon and Benefits, Oppose Amnesty for Nixon; Petition: Oppose Rockefeller for Vice President, Northern Idaho
12 5
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Nixon, Richard M.
Robos: No for President; General Anti-Rocky; Anti-Rocky-Abortion; Anti-Pardon, Oppose Both Pardon and Request for $850, 000, Benefits
12 6
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Robos: Anti-Rocky, Anti-Rocky-Abortion, Anti-Goldwater-Abortion
Radical right
Box Folder
12 7
Harding, Ralph R.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Files Appear To Contain Materials With Information About Radical Right for Reference Purposes: Clippings, Pamphlets, Letters, Etc.; Gulf of Tonkin; None Dare Call It Treason; Free Enterprise
12 8
Files Appear To Contain Materials With Information About Radical Right for Reference Purposes: Clippings, Pamphlets, Letters, Etc.;
12 9
Mcintire, Carl
Congressional Record, May 2, 1963; Mcintire, Carl, "The Answer To Look"
12 10
Reagan, Ronald
Loock Article; Anti-Defamation League
13 1
Reagan, Ronald; Shelton, Robert
Letter About Ronald Reagan; Playboy Magazine Interviews Robert Shelton
13 3
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Symington, Stuart; Proxmire, Ellen; Proxmire, William; Edmondson, J. Howard
Address of The President of The United States; Democratic Platform, The Rights of Man; Women of The U.S.A.; Facts and Quotes
13 4
Anti-Frank Church
13 5
Anti-Frank Church
13 6
Anti-Frank Church
1963 January-April
13 7
Anti-Frank Church
Nuclear Test Ban; Cuba; United Nations
13 8
Anti-Frank Church
Nuclear Test Ban; Bonneville Power; Civil Rights; United Nations; Kennedy Assassination
13 9
Hoover, J. Edgar
FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation;
13 10
John Birch Society
John Birch Society Letters
13 11
Look Article--Pro
McGee, Gale; Nelson, Gaylord; Vogel, Lee; Chase, Stuart
Vogel, Lee, Wqam, 11 Pm, Monday Through Saturday
13 12
Look Article--Pro
Daughters of The King
13 13
Look Article--Pro
Hart, Philip A.; Douglas, Paul H.; Bayh, Birch; Hartke, Vance; Bell, David E.; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Foster, William C.; Seaborg, Glenn T.; Lee, H. Rex; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.; Manatos, Mike; Case, Clifford P.; Henry, E. William
"Conspiracy-U.S.A.", Look, January 26, 1965; Textile Labor; Reprint of Look Article Is In Series 8.3, Box 2, Folder 31
"The Radical Right Is Still On The Rampage", Senate, January 12, 1965; Conspiracy U.S.A. Look, January 26, 1965
13 14
Look Article--Pro
Gronouski, John A.
"Report On The Ku Klux Klan", Anti-Defamation League
13 15
None Dare Call It Treason
Harpers and Atlantic Monthly
"None Dare Call It Treason, " Working Papers for Article
13 16
Pro-Frank Church
13 17
Radical Right

7:  Public relationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1: General
The files labeled Public Relations by the Church staff consist of an amalgam of constituent correspondence, much of which is in response to the writer's inquiry. The Public Relations files exemplify Senator Church's inclination to answer all mail and to preserve the entirety of the records created by his office. PR General contains letters requesting government publications, tickets to the White House, U.S. flag, an autograph or photograph (sometimes both) of the Senator or the President, information for term papers or a debate topic, and occasionally letters of appreciation or disparagement for the Senator's political activity. In addition to such request letters, there were voluminous files in which the Church office wrote to constituents when their names appeared in the newspapers. Weddings, deaths, honors or awards, anniversaries, and elections to office (political, school or service groups) - in a word, any mention, other than for a criminal activity, generated a brief letter of congratulations from the Senator. While the Senate Records Manual suggests that such letters need not be saved, it was decided that a selection from each year might be useful as an example of how a senatorial office functioned. In addition, an examination of the material indicated that the PR files also contain the minutia of Congressional life such as thank-you letters from senators for the exchange of gifts (usually home-state products) and thank-you notes for alerting a senator to a forthcoming speech by Church on the Senate floor. Because of these discoveries, all PR files were carefully reviewed before they were weeded.
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
Kennedy, Edward M.
1 5
Fisher, Vardis; Hartshorn, A.H.; Edarda, Keith; Stoddard, I.W.
Public Relations-Frequent Writers
1 6
1 7
Reagan, Ronald; Byrd, Robert C.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
1 8
Hays, Brooks; Hart, Philip A.; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Douglas, William O.; Anderson, Clinton P.
1961 June; October
1 9
Talmadge, Herman E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Boggs, Hale; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Butler, Paul M.; Tower, John G.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Moss, Frank E.; Devoto, Bernard
Sawtooth National Park
1962 January-June
1 10
Brady, John G.; Harding, Ralph R.; Freeman, Orville L.; Proxmire, William; McGee, Gale; Kennedy, Robert F.; Agree, George E.
1962 July-December
1 11
Smylie, Robert E.; McGovern, George; Pearson, Drew; Harriman, W. Averell; McGee, Gale; Andrus, Cecil D.; Harding, Ralph R.; Mudd, Roger
Impressions Gained From Idaho Trip, July 15, 1963, By Church Staff; Roger Mudd Letter/CBS Program; River of No Return Article, Charleston, WV, October 6, 1963
1 12
Kennedy, Robert F.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Kennedy, John F.; Spaak, Paul-Henri
John Kennedy's Memorial Service, Washington, DC, November 21, 1964; John Kennedy's Assassination Correspondence, 1963-1964
1 13
Neuberger, Maurine B.; Moon, Marjorie Ruth; Shurtliff, M. Karl
1 14
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Kennedy, Robert F.; Daley, Richard J.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Ribicoff, Abraham; McGovern, George; Proxmire, William; Murphy, George; Kuchel, Thomas H.
Jumping Frog Jubilee Calaveras County, California
1 15
Proxmire, William; Kennedy, Robert F.; Smylie, Robert E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Tydings, Joseph D.; McGovern, George; Kennedy, Edward M.; Saltonstall, Leverett; Byrd, Harry F., Jr.; Armstrong, Hamilton Fish; Bayh, Birch; Marcos, Ferdinand E.
1 16
1 17
Thurmond, Strom; Harris, Fred R.; McGovern, George; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.; Landers, Ann; Harding, Ralph R.; Craig, Larry E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Oboler, Eli M.; Byrd, Robert C.; Jordan, Len B.; Murphy, George; Hatfield, Mark O.; Yarborough, Ralph W.
Vietnam War-Opinions
2 1
Leary, Timothy
Vietnam Opinion Letters; Timothy Leary At Idaho State University
1968 February
2 2
Byrd, Robert C.; Fisher, Opal; Borah, Mamie
1968 October
2 3
Hayden, Carl; Mansfield, Mike; Thurmond, Strom; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Wilkins, Roy
Vietnam War-Poem
2 4
Borah, Mamie;
1969 March
2 5
Jordan, Len B.; Symington, Stuart; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Kuhn, Bowie K.
1969 October
2 6
Muskie, Edmund S.; Hansen, Orval; Hollings, Ernest F.; Russell, Richard B.; Gould, Charles L.; Gottlieb, Paul; Stevens, Ted; Bond, Julian; Metcalf, Ted; Hughes, Harold E.; Dodd, Thomas J.; Young, Milton R.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Hartke, Vance; Cooper, John
Newspaper Preservation Act; Henry Cabot Lodge and The League of Nations
2 6
Hatfield, Mark O.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Holland, Spessard L.; Sparkman, John J.; Jordan, B. Everett; Symington, Stuart; Inouye, Daniel K.; Fong, Hiram L.; Percy, Charles H.; Proxmire, William; Javits, Jacob K.
2 7
1970 April
2 8
1970 October
2 9
Dole, Robert
2 10
2 11
2 12
2 13
Peterson, Peter G.; McQuade, Henry F.; Trueblood, Ted; Andrus, Cecil D.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Hansen, Orval; Pearson, James B.; Stennis, John C.; Jordan, Grace E.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Dole, Robert; Symington, Stuart; Johnson, Loch
Robo On The Shooting of John Stennis; Robo for April Newsletter
2 14
Haskell, Floyd K.; Andrus, Cecil D.
1973 July
2 15
McGee, Gale
1973 October
3 1
Moon, Marjorie Ruth; McGee, Gale; Javits, Jacob K.; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Abourezk, James S.; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Symington, Stuart; Trueblood, Ted
Trueblood, Ted, "Struggle On The Salmon", Living Wilderness, Summer, 1974; Northwest Federation of Senior Citizens; Thank Yous
3 2
"The City and The Elderly Community"
1974 August
3 3
Korda, Michael; Helms, Jesse
1974 October
3 4
Jackson, Henry M.; Muskie, Edmund S.
1975 September
3 5
1975 October
3 6
1975 October
3 7
3 8
Hatch, Orrin G.; Eyring, Henry B.; Pell, Claiborne; Huddleston, Walter D.; Kress, Stan
Thanks; Ballet Folk of Moscow, Idaho; Polish Anti-Defamation League; Advisory Committee On National Growth Policy Processes, October, 1976 Report; Face-To-Face
3 9
1977 November
3 10
1977 December
3 11
1978 January
3 12
1978 October
3 13
3 14
1979 March
3 15
1979 October
4 1
1980 January
4 2
1980 January
4 3
1980 March
4 4
1980 April
4 5
Kennedy, Edward M.; Bayh, Birch; Kassebaum, Nancy Landon; Bumpers, Dale
1980 May
4 6
1980 June
4 7
Hayakawa, S.I.; Bonker, Don
1980 July
4 8
1980 August
4 9
1980 September
4 10
1980 September
4 11
1980 September
4 12
1980 October
4 13
1980 November-December
5 1
Selected Correspondence
Bartlett, E.L.; Bayh, Birch; Clark, Joseph S.; Fong, Hiram L.; Hartke, Vance; Javits, Jacob K.; McGovern, George; Moss, Frank E.; Mundt, Karl E.; Muskie, Edmund S.; McGee, Gale; Sparkman, John J.; White, Compton I.; Benton, William; Rusk, Dean; Smylie, R
5 2
Selected Correspondence
Anderson, Clinton P.; Bartlett, E.L.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Clark, Joseph S.; Edmondson, J. Howard; Goldwater, Barry M.; Harriman, W. Averell; Hill, Lister; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Javits, Jacob K.; McGee, Gale; McGo
Basques; Sun Valley Ski Resort
5 2
Selected Correspondence
Symington, Stuart; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Hoppe, Art; Drevlow, W.E.; Bowles, Chester; Dungan, Ralph A.; Kimelman, Henry L.; O'Brien, Lawrence; Walsh, Ira; Stoddard, A.E.; Humphrey, Muriel; Magnuson, Warren G.; Ingalls, James W.; Roper, Elmo
5 3
Selected Correspondence
Harriman, W. Averell; Collingwood, Charles; Wyatt, Wendell; Gruening, Ernest; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Proxmire, William; Young, Milton R.
Keynote Speech To Idhao Democratic State Assembly
2: General - congratulations
Primarily brief letters of congratulation from prominent Democratic senators on a Church accomplishment.
Box Folder
1 1
Long, Russell B.; Morse, Wayne; Johnson, Lyndon B.
1 2
Bennett, Wallace F.; Blakley, William A.; Kennedy, John F.; Douglas, Paul H.; Eastland, James O.
1 3
Butler, John Marshall
1 4
Gore, Albert A., Sr.
1 5
Inouye, Daniel K.; Sevareid, Eric; Fasi, Frank F.
1 6
Jordan, Len B.; Mckay, David O.
1 7
Battle, Lucius D.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Tower, John G.
Debate Between Frank Church and John Tower, 1964 Election Issues
1 8
Knox, Warren B.; Mondale, Walter F.; Valeo, Frances R.; Goldberg, Arthur J.
1 9
Pearson, James B.; Morse, Wayne; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Abel, I.W.; McGovern, George
1 10
Yarborough, Ralph W.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Byrd, Robert C.; Murphy, George; McGee, Gale; Volpe, John A.; Cannon, Howard W.
Frank Church Birthday, July 25
1969 July
1 11
Spivak, Lawrence E.
1 12
1 13
Hansen, Orval; Aiken, George D.; Bird, Annie Laurie
1 14
Lovell, James
1 15
Kissinger, Henry A.
1 16
1 17
1 18
Trueblood, Ted; Cranston, Alan
3: Press
These files contain letters to and from the media, especially but not exclusively Idaho. While the files cover many issues, the letters are often a response by Church to an editorial or a letter to the editor. Sometimes Church's position is presented in some detail.
Box Folder
1 1
Carver, John A., Jr.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Hammes, Robert M.; Butler, Paul M.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Shadduck, Louise; Flanders, Ralph E.; McGovern, George
Meet The Press Transcript, 07/07/57; Interview In Washington DC 01/12/57; Radio Recording Young Democrats Club, Duke University 03/00/57; Response To Editor of Harper's Article, The American West, Perpetual Mirage 04/25/57
1 2
McGovern, George; Neuberger, Richard L.; Sevareid, Eric; Graham, Philip L.
Newspaper Coverage Survey
1 3
Brighton, Samuel C.; Swisher, Perry; Malmquist, O.N.; Jensen, Dwight; Flannery, Harry W.; Fletcher, Henry; Morgan, Neil
The Adult West By Neil Morgan In Esquire
Washington Reports To The People 06/21/61
1 4
McGee, Gale; Moscoso, Teodoro; Reston, James; McGrory, Mary; Albright, Robert; Pearson, Drew; Baker, Russell; Spivak, Lawrence E.; Koop, Theodore F.; Kastenmeier, Robert W.; Cousins, Norman
Vietnam; Story of Owyhee In Idaho
Meet The Press 09/10/62
1 5
Swisher, Perry; Podhoretz, Norman; Mcintire, Carl; Cousins, Norman; Benton, William; Stone, I.F.; Broder, David; Moss, Frank E.
On The Record, Interview With Senator Frank Church, March 10, 1964, Transcript, Interview With Council for A Livable World, May 5, 1964
1964 January-June
1 6
Smith, H. Alexander; Ascoli, Max; Tower, John G.
Tower-Church Debate, October 2, 1964; Many Letters To Well Known Columnists and Tv Reporters In Re: Their Statement On Extremists
1964 July-December
1 7
Lippmann, Walter; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Spivak, Lawrence E.; Krock, Arthur; Kennedy, Robert F.; Wicker, Tom; Alsop, Stewart; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.; Pearson, Drew
Public Relations--Press
1 8
Hoppe, Arthur; Shriver, R. Sargent, Jr.; Spivak, Lawrence E.; Goodman, Julian
Today Show Transcript 02/11/66; Meet The Press Transcript 05/15/66
1 9
Fisher, Vardis
Letter To The Editor Regarding Morality of This Generation 12/21/67; Reply To Redbook Survey 10/19/67; Today Show Transcript 06/22/67
1 10
1968 Election Campaign; News Releases; Television and Radio Appearances
Television and Radio Appearances
1 11
Shaw, Irwin; Reston, James; Samuelson, Don; Forbes, Malcolm S., Jr.
Vietnam; Electoral Reform
Editorial for The Coyote, College of Idaho Newspaper, On Electoral Reform 03/27/69; Column On Vietnam for King Features Syndicate 08/08/69
1 12
"Who Invited Us", Television Show On Public Tv
Who Invited US National Educational Television Program; Give Earth A Chance 04/15/70; Toward A New Policy for Latin America, 04/10/70
1970 January-May
1 13
Anderson, Jack Z.; Morgan, Edward P.
"Shape of One Man's Opinion", Transcript, July 6, 1970; Cambodia; McCall's Magazine Inquiry On Women Running for Vice-President and Frank Church's Response, July 7, 1970; Cooper-Church
Response To McCall's Inquiry On Women Running for Vice-Presidency 07/07/70; Problems Facing The Nation - State, Idaho - Proposals and Bright Spot In The Nation for Spokesman Review, Spokane, Wa 10/28/70; of Presidents and Caesars 11/10/70
1970 June-December
1 14
Wicker, Tom
American Jewish Committee
1971 January-February
2 1
Borah, William E.
18 Year-Old Vote
Borah of Idaho, Video Used FC's Voice Only, March 22, 1971; Issues and Answers Transcript 04/04/71; The 18 Year-Old Vote and Our Young People for The Community Forum, South Idaho Press 05/10/71
1971 March-May
2 2
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs
Sho-Ban News Blackfoot Indian Newspaper
Issues and Answers Transcript 08/19/71
1971 June-August
2 3
Holmes, Alexander; Morgan, Edward P.; Moyers, Bill
Basques; Cooper-Church; Council On Foreign Relations
Thirty Minutes With Frank Church Transcript PBS
1971 September-December
2 4
Stevens, Ted; Cousins, Norman; Rusk, Dean; McCaffrey, Joseph
Aging; Background On Church for Meet The Member Wmal News House Radio-Tv Gallery; Transcript Meet The Member Broadcast, Wmal Radio, Joseph McCaffrey
Answers To Field and Stream for Rate Your Candidate 03/23/73
1972 January-May
2 5
Morgan, Edward P.; Spivak, Lawrence E.; Celeski, Sal; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Golden, Harry; Borah, William E.
Federal Expenditures; Obligations for Agriculture; Foreign Policy; Upcoming National Geographic Story
American Foreign Policy: Agenda for Congress 12/22/72
1972 June-December
2 6
McGrory, Mary; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Broder, David; Graham, Katharine; McNeil, Robert; Nader, Ralph
Vietnam; Dworshak Dam
Statement On Dworshak Dam 06/08/73; Answers To Ralph Nader's Congress Project 06/08/73; Let US Have No Illusions About Peace 02/05/73
1973 January-June
2 7
Broder, David; Douglas, William O.
Geothermanl Energy; Congressional Attendance and Absenteeism
Geothermal Energy for Idaho's Future 07/20/73
1973 July-December
2 8
Buchwald, Art
News Releases: Thanking Voters for Support In 1974 Election; Sunshine Law; Radical Right: John Birch Society; Limiting Presidential Powers; Constitutional Government
A Return To Normal Constitutional Government 10/04/74; Column for Gazette-Record St. Maries, ID
2 9
Morgan, Edward P.
Vietnam; Hearts and Minds; Bicentenial Program; Presidential Bid
Face The Nation Transcript 04/03/75; Interview With U.S. News and World Report 01/29/75 and 02/06/75; Issues and Answers Transcript 04/27/75
1975 January-April
2 10
McGrory, Mary; Lewis, Anthony; Paley, William S.; Buchwald, Art
1975 May-July
2 11
Harvey, Paul; Trueblood, Ted; Anderson, Jack Z.; McGoff, John P.; Morgan, Edward P.; Spivak, Lawrence E.
Public Relations--Press
1975 August-December
2 12
Hall, Bill; Watkins, Don
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence
2 13
Valenti, Jack; McGrory, Mary; Reagan, Ronald
1977 Visit To Cuba; Panama Canal Treaties; Reagan, Ronald, "Cuba II", Radio Program
3 1
Ashton, Wendell
Panama Canal Treaty
Remarks Made On Capitol Cloakroom 06/08/78
3 2
Anderson, Jack Z.; Gramer, Rod E.; McGrory, Mary; Cooper, John Sherman; Trudeau, Garry; Hatch, Orrin G.; Greenfield, Meg
1979 Campaign; Abortion; Committee for Positive Change; Gun Control; "Anyone But Church" Committe
Taking Exception for Sugar 09/24/79
3 3
Harvey, Paul
Letters To The Editor
4: Press releases
Releases are in chronological order. The Church staff also produced a subject index to this material.
Box Folder
1 1
1957 January-September
1 2
1957 October-December
1 3
1958 January-August
1 4
1958 September-December
1 5
1959 January-June
1 6
1959 July-December
1 7
1960 January-June
1 8
1960 July-December
1 9
1961 January-May
1 10
1961 June-December
1 11
1962 January-June
1 12
1962 July-December
2 1
1963 January-June
2 2
1963 July-December
2 3
1964 January-March
2 4
1964 April-June
2 5
1964 July-December
2 6
1965 January-April
2 7
1965 May-July
2 8
1965 August-December
2 9
2 10
1966 January-May
2 11
1966 June-December
3 1
3 2
1967 January-May
3 3
1967 June-December
3 4
3 5
1968 January-April
3 6
1968 May-June
3 7
1968 July-August
3 8
1968 September-December
3 8
1968 September-December
3 9
3 10
1969 January-March
3 11
1969 April-June
4 1
1969 July-October
4 2
1969 November-December
4 3
4 4
1970 January-April
4 5
1970 May-July
4 6
1970 August-December
4 7
4 8
1971 January-March
4 9
1971 April-May
4 10
1971 June-July
4 11
1971 August-October
4 12
1971 November-December
5 1
5 2
1972 January-April
5 3
1972 May-July
5 4
1972 August-December
5 5
1973 January-March
5 6
1973 April-June
5 7
1973 July-September
5 8
1973 October-December
5 9
1974 January-March
5 10
1974 April-May
6 1
1974 June-July
6 2
1974 August
6 3
1974 September-December
6 4
6 5
1976 March-June
6 6
1976 July-December
6 7
1977 January-February
6 8
1977 March
6 9
1977 April
6 10
1977 May
6 11
1977 June
6 12
1977 July-August
6 13
1977 September
6 14
1977 October
7 1
1977 November-December
7 2
1978 January-February
7 3
1978 March-April
7 4
1978 May
7 5
1978 June
7 6
1978 July-August
7 7
1978 September-October
7 8
1978 November-December
7 9
1979 January
7 10
1979 February-April
7 11
1979 May
7 12
1979 June
7 13
1979 July-August
7 14
1979 September
7 15
1979 October
8 1
1979 November-December
8 2
1980 January-February
8 3
1980 March-April
8 4
1980 May-June
8 5
1980 July-August
8 6
1980 September-November 5
8 7
Press Releases -- Subject Index
8 8
Press Releases -- Subject Index
8 9
Press Releases -- Subject Index
5: Radical right
Senator Church was under constant attack by ultra-conservative letter writers who took issue with his public positions. These letters were filed by the Church staff under the heading Radical Right.
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
1969 January-April
1 3
1969 May-August
1 4
Benson, Ezra Taft
Benson, Ezra Taft, "Trade and Treason", Address; Institute for American Democracy, Inc., Committee Handbook
1969 October-December
1 5
Mao, Tse-Tung
Tse-Tung, Mao, "Serve The People", Peking, Foreign Language Press
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
Children's Dental Health Act-S.429
1 10
1 11
1974 January-April
1 12
Strang, Alan
Stang, Alan, "Frank Church The Chameleon In The Senate"; The American Opinion Attack On Senator Frank Church: A Fact Sheet
1974 May-July
1 13
Allen, Gary
Allen, Gary, "Rockefeller: Campaigning for The New World Order"; John Birch Society Smear
1974 August-December
1 14
Allen, Gary; Flynn, John T.
Allen, Gary, "Alan Cranston, The Shadow In The Senate"; Flynn, John T., "The Lattimore Story", New York, Devin-Adair, 1962
2 1
2 2
2 3
H.J.Res.23-Proposing An Amendment To The Constitution of The United States Relative To Abolishing Personal Income, Estate, and Gift Taxes...
2 4
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Jackson, Henry M.; Stennis, John C.
Organizing for National Security, Final Statement of Senator Henry M. Jackson, Chairman Subcommittee On National Policy Machinery, November 15, 1961; Aid To Yugoslavia
1961 September-December
2 5
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Magnuson, Harry F.
Katanga; Free Trade
1962 January
2 6
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Magnuson, Harry F.
1962 February
2 7
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
1962 March-April
2 8
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Magnuson, Harry F.
Radical Right--Anti-Communist
"United Nations Bond Purchase", Senate, April 3, 1962
1962 May-September
2 9
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Radical Right--Anti-Communist
1962 October-December
2 10
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Kuchel, Thomas H.
Kuchel, Thomas H., "The Fright Peddlers", Speech Given On The Senate Floor, May 2, 1963
1963 January-May
2 11
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Magnuson, Harry F.; Hoover, J. Edgar
Hoover, J. Edgar, "Communist Target-Youth: Communist Infiltration and Agitation Tactics", House Committee On Un-American Activities, July, 1960
1963 June-December
2 12
Radical Right -- Anti-Communist
Harding, Ralph R.
Harding, Ralph, "Ezra Taft Benson's Support of The John Birch Society Is Criticized", Speech Given In The House of Representatives, September 25, 1963
2 13
Radical Right -- John Birch Society
Sale of Aircraft To Yugoslavia; "Map of Communism", Film Strip
2 14
Radical Right -- John Birch Society
Welch, Robert
"Operation Abolition"; "Map of Communism"; Transcript of Meet The Press Interview of Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society
2 15
Radical Right -- John Birch Society
2 16
Radical Right -- Nuts
2 17
Radical Right -- Nuts
2 18
Radical Right -- Nuts
2 19
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 1
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 2
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 3
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 4
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 5
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 6
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 7
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 8
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 9
Radical Right -- Nuts
3 10
Radical Right -- Nuts
Eastland, James O.; Stromberg, Merle R.
1+1 Threatening Nuts; Multinational Corporation; Presidential Campaign; Kennedy Assassinations; Stromberg, Merle R., Transcript of Tape; Intelligence Activities; "School Stopper's Textbook: Handbook for School Disruption and Violence"
3 11
Radical Right -- Nuts
Byrd, Robert C.; Scott, Hugh
1976 Presidential Election; Intelligence Hearings
3 12
Radical Right -- Nuts
4 1
Radical Right -- Nuts - Helen King
King, Helen
3-4 Inches of Postcard Sent To Display Coordinator
4 2
Radical Right -- Unamerican Activities
Smith, Graydon W.; Mundt, Karl E.; Robertson, A. Willis
Freedom Academy; Disclaimer Affidavit Provision On The National Defense Education Act and The National Science Foundation Act
4 3
Radical Right -- Unamerican Activities
"Operation Abolition", Film; "Communism On The Map", Film
6: Recommendations
A selection of the letters and responses to writers seeking Senator Church's support for admittance to a college or university, or job seekers who thought his influence would aid their cause.
Box Folder
1 1
Monroney, A.S. Mike; Fulbright, J.W.; Curtis, Carl T.; Lee, H. Rex; Cancell, Benton R.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Jordan, B. Everett; Randolph, Jennings; Mumford, L. Quincy; White, Compton I.; Hruska, Roman L.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Russell, Richard B.; Talmad
Singing K's of Burley; William E. Borah Centennial
1 2
Cooper, John Sherman; Day, Henry L.; Cancell, Benton R.; Fulbright, J.W.; Eccles, Marriner S.; Abourezk, James S.; McGovern, George; Hansen, Ralph W.
War On Litter Week, Frank Church Honorary Chair In Idaho; The United Peregrine Society
1970; 1972-1973
1 3
Evans, Mark; Somoza, Anastasio; Callaway, Howard H.; Mcnichols, Ray; Brooks, Karl; Davis, Nathaniel; Magnin, Cyril; Richards, Herbert E.
1 4
King, David S.; Cannon, Mark W.; Schwartz, Robert; Kimelman, Henry L.; Llewellyn, J. Bruce; Clarke, John L.; Clusen, Ruth C.
1 5
McGee, Gale; Saltzman, Arnold A.; Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.; Truby, Roy; King, David S.; Blumenthal, W. Michael; Stuart, Mrs. E. Hadley, Jr.; Schwartz, Robert; Kennedy, David M.
1 6
Upston, John E.; Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.; Huff, Helen; Jones, Robert Trent; Pell, Claiborne; Percy, Charles H.; Javits, Jacob K.
Radio Free Europe; Board for International Broadcasting; Caribbean Council
7: Reprints
Copies of articles by and about Church, copies of the newsletter issued by the Church staff and off-prints of Church addresses from the Congressional Record.
Box Folder
1 1
Reprint : Church's Record
"Church's Record On Peace and Disarmament", [After 1960]; Foreign Aid; Africa; Mutual Security; Geneva Conference; NATO; Berlin; "Church's Record On Economy" [1960-1961]
"The Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour", Senate, March 2, 1959; "Excessive Secrecy In Connection With The Mutual Security Program", Senate, May 28, 1959; "Summary of Major Provisions of Labor-Management Reform Bill", Senate, June 17, 1959
1 1
Reprint : Church's Record
"Mutual Security Act of 1959", Senate, July 7, 1959; "New Proposal To Prevent A Deadlock In The Geneva Negotiations", Senate, January 11, 1960; "Mutual Security Act of 1960", Senate, April 28, 1960; "Our New African Policy", Senate, June 29, 1961
1 1
Reprint : Church's Record
"Protesting The Abstention of The U.S. On The Tunisian Resolution At The U.N. August 25th", Senate, August 28, 1961; "On The Katanga Province of The Republic of The Congo", Senate, September 18, 1961; "Restrictions On Military Aid To Western Europe", Sen
1 1
Reprint : Church's Record
"Foreign Assistance Act of 1961", Senate, August 17, 1961; "U.N. Bonds Purchase", Senate, April 3, 1962; "Amendment of The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961", June 5, 1962
1 2
Reprint : Congressional Record
1 3
Reprint : Congressional Record
1 4
Reprint : Congressional Record
1 5
Reprint : Congressional Record
1 6
Reprint : for Newsletter
Church's Fight for Hell's Canyon
1 7
Reprint : for Newsletter
What They Say About Frank Church, News Clips and Quotes; Church's Record of Concern for People; Alaska and Hawaiian Statehood
"Idaho's Case for A Hell's Canyon Dam", Senate, June 19, 1957; "Statehood for Alaska: We Must Have It Now", Senate, May 5, 1958; "The Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour", Senate, March 2, 1959; "Proposed Banning of Nuclear Weapons Tests", Se
1 7
Reprint : for Newsletter
Democratic National Convention Keynote, July 11, 1960; "Establishment of National Wilderness Preservation System", Senate, September 5, 1961; Urging Congress To Act Upon Statehood Bills for Alaska and Hawaii Seperately, Senate, February 24, 1958
1 8
Reprint : for Newsletter
Role In Civil Rights; Work for Conservation; Peace and Disarmament; Economy; Educational Assistance; Power and Reclamation; What Church Has Done for Small Business
"In Support of The O'mahoney-Kefauver-Church Jury Trial Amendment To The Pending Civil Rights Bill-H.R.6127", Senate, August 1, 1957; "School Assistance Act of 1961", Senate, May 17, 1961; "Public Education At The Crossroads", Urbana, Illinois, September
1 8
Reprint : for Newsletter
"Statement Before The Subcommittee On Flood Control, Rivers, and Harbors of The Committee On Public Works, Relative To Bruces Eddy Project", February 5, 1957
1 9
Reprint : for Newsletter
Idaho's Potato Industry; Livestock Industry; Lumber Industry; Indians; S.322-Funds To Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho; S.1297-Per Diem Compensation To Members of Indian Arts and Crafts Board; S.1294-Amend Fort Hall Irrigation Project Act; S.1295-Judgement Funds
"The Indian Program On The New Frontier", National Congress of American Indians, Lewiston, Idaho, September 22, 1961
1 9
Reprint : for Newsletter
S.1300-Mining Leases On Tribal Indian Lands; S.1719-Indian Reservation Roads; S.1768-Restore Unclaimed Tribal Trust Funds; S.2183-Donate To Tribes Submarginal Lands; S.2298-Establish An Advisory Board On Indian Affairs; Victory for The Feed Grain Growers
1 10
Reprint : for Newsletter
What Church Has Done for Southern Idaho; Assistance In The Disastrous Southeastern Idaho Floods; Thiokol and The Pocatello Naval Ordnance Plant Story; Acceleration of The Lower Snake River Projects
1 11
Reprint : for Newsletter - Drafts
1 12
Reprint : for Newsletter - Drafts
1 13
Reprint : for Newsletter - Drafts
2 1
Reprint : for Newsletter - Drafts
2 2
Reprint : Newsletters
2 3
Reprint : Newspaper Articles
2 4
Reprint : Newspaper Articles By Frank Church
2 5
Hearings On Revision of The Farmers Home Administration. No Date
2 5
Progress Report From The Senate Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities. No Date; Address Before The Democratic National Convention. July 1976; "Government Adherence To The Law: A Call for A Temporary Spe
2 5
Intelligence Abuses. No Date; Statement Before The Senate Government Operations Committee. Feb. 26, 1976; Testimony Before The US International Trade Commission Re: Sugar Importation Dec. 9, 1976; Testimony Before The Subcommittee On Agriculture Credit &
2 6
Speeches : Undated Material
Reprints--Undated Material
8: Requests
A selection of letters filed by the Church staff under Public Relations. Requests are similar in content to PR General.
Box Folder
1 1
Chaffee, Eugene B.
1 2
McBirney, Ruth
1 3
1 4
1 5
Barnes, John B.
1 6
Andrus, Cecil D.
1 7
Andrus, Cecil D.
1 8
1976-1977 January-October
1 9
1977 December
9: Issue books
Scrapbook-style arrangement filled with clippings, notes, and pages of the Congressional Record. They seem to be a quick reference record of the Senator's stand on specific issues. An outstanding feature of the Issue Books 'one that distinguishes them, was the number of speeches and speech drafts they contained. For ease of access, Issue Books have been transferred from their oversized looseleaf notebooks to archival boxes.
Box Folder
1 1
Multiple Hazards of Age and Race: The Situation of Aged Black In The U.S., A Working Paper, September 1971; Older Americans In Rural Areas, Opening Statement, Emmett and Boise, ID, February 24, 1970; Better Food for The Elderly, Senate, April 9, 1970
1 1
Address Before The White House Conference On Aging, December 1, 1971; "The State of The Aging", Senate, February 7, 1972; "Students and Aging", Senate, April 25, 1972; "Future Directions In Social Security", Senate Special Committee On Aging, January 15,
1 1
Testimony Before The Special Subcommittee On Human Resources June 15, 1972; Address To Senior Citizens' Host Subcommittee of The Democratic National Convention, Miami Beach, FL, July 8, 1972
1 1
"Death With Dignity: An Inquiry Into Related Public Issues", Opening Statement, August 7, 1972; "Congress and Aging", Senate, March 8, 1973
1 2
Bill To Remove Age 65 Limitation for Application of The Age Discrimination In Employment Act
1 2
Aging; "Protecting Older Americans Against Over Payment of Income Tax", Prepared By The Special Committee On Aging, February 1974 and January 1975
Testimony At The Oversight Hearing On The IRS Taxpayers Assistance and Compliance Programs, April 9 Or 10, 1974; "Aging: The Limitations of Legislation", Concern Magazine, June 21, 1974; Statement Before The Subcommittee On Labor and HEW Committee On App
1 3
"Programmatic Concerns and Political Issues", Western Gerontological Society, San Diego, CA, March 28, 1976; "Stepping Up The Pace On Aging", National Council of Senior Citizens, Chicago, IL, June 4, 1976
1 4
Aging -- Social Security - Retirement
Aging; Social Security; Retirement
"Social Security Amendments To The Debt Ceiling Bill", Senate, June 28, 1971; Testimony On Hour 1, Before The Senate Committee On Finance, January 31, 1972; "Nixon Administration: Misleading The Public About Social Security", Senate, September 19, 1972
1 4
Aging -- Social Security - Retirement
Aging; Social Security; Retirement
"Seven-Percent Social Security Increase Effective In January", Senate, September 10, 1973; "Social Security: A Sound and Durable Institution of Great Value, Senate, February 20, 1975; American Press Interview Lincoln, Ne April 12, 1976
2 1
Aging -- Social Security - Transportation
Aging; Social Security; Transportation
"The Aging 'Burden'--Or Uplifting Challenge?", Association for Gerontology In Higher Education, Dallas, TX, March 10, 1978; "Getting Ready for Age", American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington, DC, March 21, 1978; Guest Opinion for The States
2 1
Aging -- Social Security - Transportation
People, Not Segments", City of Hope, Pittsburg, PA, May 3, 1978; "Energy Assistance for The Elderly: Impact of The 1980 Heat Wave", Special Committee On Aging, July 25, 1980
2 2
Potato Labeling Legislation Needed, 01/23/67
2 2
Sugar Act; Potato Controls; Labeling Potatoes As To Point of Origin; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Drought Relief; Dairy Import Quotas; Farmers Home Administration Emergency Loan Funds
The Farm Problem, Senate 02/24/58; Idaho Wheat Growers Association, Boise, ID 11/30/59; Idaho's Case Against Potato Controls, Senate 04/26/61; Farming for The World, Idaho State Grange 10/28/65; Government and Agriculture: The Changing Pattern
2 3
Butz, Earl
Farmers Home Adminstration Loans; Soil Conservation Service; Freight Car Shortage; Predator Control; Range Management; Potato Futures; Farm Wives; Family Farms; Jones Act; Fertilizer Shortage; Cattle Industry; Beef Prices; Milk Prices; Agricultural Impor
Soil Conservation Service Funding Testimony 03/17/70; Western Freight Car Shortage, Senate 03/25/70; Adequate Funding for The Soil Conservation Service 03/30/72; Prudent Management of The Public Range, Boise 02/05/73; Who Says Everythins Is Fine Down On
2 3
The Cattle Industry In Idaho Threatened With A Shutdown, Senate 06/18/74; The Dairy Farmer Needs Help, Senate 08/15/74; Dairy Farmers Need Positive Government Action, Senate 10/02/74
2 4
Beef Research; Potatoes; Feed and Forage Act; Cricket and Grasshopper Control; Fertilizer Shortage; Honey; Sugar Imports; Potato Futures; Dairy Farmers; Foreign Agricultural Workers; Family Farm Credit Act S.2126
Potatoes for Peace, Senate 05/21/75; Repeal of Feed & Forage Act 06/05/75; Testimony Before International Trade Commission Re Imported Sugar 12/09/76; The Potato Futures Trade: A Stacked Deck, Senate 01/28/77; Let's Give The Dairy Farmer An Even Break, S
2 4
The Family Farm Credit Act, Senate 09/22/77
2 5
Public Grazing Land Improvement Act of 1978; Reclamation Reform Act of 1978; S.2818 Farm Water Act of 1978; S.2990 Sugar Stabilization Act of 1978; Reclamation Reform Act of 1979
Address To Utah Idaho Farmers Union 01/12/79; Let Justice Be Done, National Association of Wheat Growers 01/16/80
3 1
Campaign 1976
Speeches Made March 23, 1976 In Denver, Co; Press Conference, Colorado State Capitol, Denver, March 23, 1976; Transcript of Today Show Interview March 25, 1976; "A New Faith In Freedom", Washington Press Club, March 26, 1976; Question/Answer Transcripts,
3 1
Campaign 1976
Question/Answer Transcripts, Portland, Or, April 3, 1976; Transcript From Bob Cox Radio Show, Rhode Island, April 7, 1976; Transcript From Interview On Dmtv, Omaha, NE, April 7, 1976
3 1
Campaign 1976
Cox, Bob; Barron, James; Arons, Marjorie; McGrory, Mary
Issue Books; Campaign 1976; Barron, James and Marjorie Arons, "Frank Church: The Flexible Liberal", Reprint, Congressional Record, November 20, 1975; McGrory, Mary, "Senator Church's Topic: The Nation's Soul", Reprint, The Washington Star, December 1, 19
Announcement of Candidacy for President of The United States, Idaho City, ID, March 18, 1976; Speeches Made March 18, 1976 In Portland, Salt Lake, and Sacramento; Interview Transcripts From Los Angeles, March 20, 1976; Speech for Colorado Women's Organiz
3 2
Campaign 1976
Holman, Dick; Costello, Dominick; Walton, Don
Speech Before The Colorado Convention of Building Trades Convention, Colorado Springs, April 9, 1976; Press Conference, Colorado Springs, April 9, 1976; Remarks To Democratic Party Officials, Colorado Springs, April 9, 1976; Press Conference, Pueblo, Co,
3 2
Campaign 1976
Speech At Doane College, Crete, NE, April 13, 1976
3 2
Campaign 1976
Remarks At Senior Citizen's Home, Pueblo, Co, April 9, 1976; Colorado State University Speech, Ft. Collins, Co, April 9, 1976; Press Conference, Holiday Inn, April 10, 1976; Speech At The Wasau County Convention, Reno, NV, April 10, 1976
3 2
Campaign 1976
Speech At The Omsby County Democratic Convention, Carson City, NV, April 10, 1976; Speech At A Las Vegas Dinner, Hilton Hotel, April 10, 1976; Press Conference, Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, April 10, 1976; Lincoln Journal Star Interview, April 12, 1976
3 2
Campaign 1976
Arizona Democratic Party Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Phoenix, AZ, April 10, 1976; Article for The American Retail Federation, April 12, 1976; Nebraska Interview With Dick Holman, Dominick Costello, Don Walton, Etc, April 12, 1976
3 3
Campaign 1976
Issues Books, Campaign 1976
Press Conference, Butte, MT, April 19, 1976; Text of CBS Television Speech, April 19, 1976; "Face The State", Butte, MT, April 19, 1976; Press Conference, Boise, ID, April 19, 1976; Fundraising Reception, April 19, 1976; Remarks, Bozeman, MT, April 19, 1
3 3
Campaign 1976
Old Serbian Chruch Senior Citizen's Center, Anaconda, MT, April 19, 1976; Yaquina Elementary School, Newport, Or, April 20, 1976; Comments On Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, April 20, 1976; Issues and Answers Transcript, April 25, 1976; Fundraising Dinner, S
3 3
Campaign 1976
Senior Citizen's Center, Watts Labor Community Hot Lunch Program, Los Angeles, April 27, 1976; Mt. Hood College, Gresham, Or, April 28, 1976; Chresham Outlook Interview, April 28, 1976; Tectronics, Portland, Or, April 29, 1976; Community Press, Tigard, O
3 3
Campaign 1976
Oregon City Chamber of Commerce, April 29, 1976; Kathleen Walford Senior Citizen's Center, Missoula, MT, April 30, 1976; Kalispell, MT, April 30, 1976; Westside High School, Omaha, NE, May 7, 1976; Omaha World Herald Lunch, May 7, 1976
3 4
Campaign 1976
Issue Books; Campaign 1976
Courthouse, Schuyler, NE, May 8, 1976; Duffy's Tavern, Omaha, NE, May 8, 1976; Senior Citizen's Meet The Candidates Forum, Omaha, NE, May 10, 1976; Capitol Steps, Lincoln, NE, May 10, 1976; Kmtv-Tv Question and Answer Session, Omaha, NE, May 10, 1976
3 4
Campaign 1976
Church Victory Celebration, Lincoln, NE, May 12, 1976; Cleveland Fundraising Breakfast, May 14, 1976; Press Conference, Cleveland, OH, May 14, 1976; City Club of Cleveland, May 14, 1976; Nbo Radio, Cleveland, OH, May 14, 1976; NBC/Were Radio, Cleveland,
3 4
Campaign 1976
Outstanding High School Students Meeting, Cleveland, OH, May 14, 1976; Interview With Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 14, 1976; Testimony Democratic Platform Committee, May 19, 1976; Airport Press Conference, Portland, Or, May 19, 1976; Kptv Question/Answer,
3 4
Campaign 1976
Democratic Mock Convention, Oregon, May 20, 1976; Portland Community College, Portland, Or, May 20, 1976; Editorial Board Conference, Portland, Or, May 20, 1976; Lloyd Center, Senior Citizen's Center, Oregon, [May 19-22, 1976]
3 5
Campaign 1976
Issue Books, Campaign 1976; Bicentenial Wagon Train, June 5, 1976; Campaign Brochures; List of State Press Secretaries
Longshore Men, Portland, Or, May 21, 1976; Fundraiser, Portland, Or, May 21, 1976; Airport Crowd, Medford, Or, May 21, 1976; Kcmx Radio, Ashland, Or, May 21, 1976; Phoenix High School, Phoenix, Or, May 21, 1976; Veteran's Conference, Ashland, Or, May 21,
4 1
Central Intelligence Agency/ Federal Bureau of Investigation
Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities S.R.21; When No News Is Good News By David S. Broder In The Washington Post 02/23/75; Npact Special: The Rockefeller Commission Report On The CIA 06/10/75
Neither A Vendetta Nor A Whitewash National, Press Club 02/27/75; Washington Straight Talk 04/28/75
1975 January-July
4 2
Central Intelligence Agency/ Federal Bureau of Investigation
Kissinger, Henry A.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Huston, Tom Charles; Tower, John G.
Women's National Democratic Club; Huston Plan; Assasinations of Foreign Officals; Covert Action; Angola
Issues and Answers 10/05/75; Face The Nation 11/09/75; Address To The Commonwealth Club 09/29/75; An Imperative for The CIA: Professionalism Free of Politics and Partisanship, Senate 11/11/75; Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy 12/04, 08,
1975 August-December
4 3
Central Intelligence Agency/ Federal Bureau of Investigation
Kennedy, John F.; Richardson, Elliot L.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1976
Today Show 01/14/76; Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy In Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists 02/00/76 and At Idaho State University 02/18/77; Government Adherence To The Law: A Call for A Temporary Special Prosecutor On Intelligence Abuse
4 3
Central Intelligence Agency/ Federal Bureau of Investigation
Which Secrets Should Be Kept Secret? In Washington Post 03/14/77
4 4
Issue Books; Defense; Congressional Record, Press Releases Inserts, and Floor Debate, By Date
"The ABM? Not Now?", August 5, 1969
4 5
Issue Books; Defense; Press Releases Inserts, and Floor Debate, By Date
"Man Against The Bomb", September 21, 1976; "Curbing Nuclear Proliferation", February 24, 1977; "Arms, Energy and The Atom", May 2, 1977; "SALT and The Senate", May 10, 1979; Article In The Baltimore Sun On Planes To Israel, May 17, 1978; Article In The
5 1
Economics and Taxation
Issue Books; Economics and Taxation; Labor; Manpower Programs; Minimum Wage; Regulatory; Revenue Sharing; Budget; Anti-Trust; Tax Programs
Speech On Labor, Senate, June 10, 1958; Speech On Amendments To Kennedy-Ervin Bill, Senate, No Date; "Minimum Wage Should Eliminate The 'Working Poor'", Senate, July 20, 1972; "We Can't Share What We Don't Have", Senate, September 11, 1972
5 1
Economics and Taxation
Film Script On Increased Timber Sales Revenue for Idaho, April 14, 1967; "Tax Reform: The Alternative To The Administration's National Sales Tax", Senate, February 16, 1972; Testimony At Hearing On Tax Revision and Extension of The Expiring Tax Cut Provision
5 1
Economics and Taxation
Testimony At The Oversight Hearings On The IRS Taxpayers Assistance and Compliance Programs, April 9 Or 10, 1974; Introduction To S.4011-Estate Tax Exemption's, Senate, September 17, 1974; Introduction To S.568-Estate Tax Exemptions, Senate, February 5, 1
5 1
Economics and Taxation
"Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corporations: The Need for Revision", Before The International Fiscal Association, January 23, 1975
5 2
Economics and Taxation
Issue Books; Economics and Taxation; Banking and Business; Currency; Import/Export
Recorded Statement Released To Idaho Radio Stations, July 23, 1974; "Guaranteed Loan To Lockheed", Film, News Release; "Loan Guarantees for Big Business" Senate, July 1971; "The Need for Legislation Authority", Senate, Small Business Committee, March 10,
5 2
Economics and Taxation
Statement Before The Hearings On Dairy Price Supports Before The Senate Subcommittee On Agricultural Production, Marketing, and Stabilization of Prices, 1974; "The Dairy Farmer", Senate, 1974; Testimony Before The U.S. International Trade Commission's H
5 3
Economics and Taxation
Issue Books; Economics and Taxation; Inflation and Unemployment
"Locomotives To Convoys: The Search for A Viable Foreign Economic Policy", 56th Annual Meeting of The Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade, No Date; "U.S. and Developed Countries: The Rich Vs. The Rich", Moscow, ID, March 6, 1979
5 3
Economics and Taxation
"A Legislator's Perspective for The Turbulent Eighties", Seattle, Wa, June 23, 1980; "The Expansionary Budget, Who Pays?, Senate, February 5, 1971; "Unemployment In The Lumber Industry", Audio Cassette Sent As A News Release To All Idaho Radio Stations,
5 4
Issue Books; Education; Numerous Press Releases Filed By Date
Rural Library Service Extension of Remarks, June 18, 1957; "The Role of Education In A Free Society", Idaho Education Association, October 28, 1957; "Public Education At The Crossroads", American Association of School Administration, March 9, 1958
5 4
"The Role of College Education In A Free Society", Lafayette College, May 8, 1958; "School Assistance Act of 1961", Senate, May 17, 1961; "Federal Aid To Education", Senate, December 12, 1963; "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965", Senate, April
5 4
"The Education Decade In America", Pocatello, ID, September 30, 1965; "Let US Keep The School Aid Program Intact", Senate, January 14, 1966; "Don't Cut Land-Grant College Funds", Senate, February 21, 1966; "Impact Funds Are Vital To Idaho, Senate, March
5 4
"Aiding Developing Institutions", Senate, April 19, 1966; "Higher Education Amendments of 1966", Senate, May 30, 1966; "Rural School District Bill", Senate, January 17, 1967; "The Federal Impacted Areas Program In Idaho", Senate, August 13, 1969
5 4
"A Bill To Provide Equal Treatment for Reservists Under The GI Bill", Senate, September 12, 1969; "Education Needs Funding-Not Platitudes", Senate, October 28, 1969
5 5
"Impact Aid for Idaho, Senate, August 2, 1973; Accepting Chair At Idaho State University, October 6, 1973; "Fair and Equal Treatment for Vietnam Veterans" Committee On Veteran's Affairs, May 1, 1974; "Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1974
5 5
Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1974, Senate, September 24, 1974; Education Appropriations, Senate, June 27, 1975; "A New Commitment To Education", Mary 8, 1976; "Postal Reorganization Act", Senate, August 24, 1976; "Community Education"
5 5
Issue Books; Education; Numerous Press Releases and Congressional Record Inserts Filed By Date; Church for President Brochure On Education Stance; Letter To Idaho State University On Their 75th Anniversary
"Community School Center Development Act", Senate, October 12, 1971; Address To National Community School Education Association, Miami, December 3, 1971; Testimony Before Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee, March 23, 1972
5 6
Andrus, Cecil D.; McClure, James A.; Hansen, Orval
Mass Media; Television Time for Presidential Candidates; Community Antenna Systems; Freedom of The Press; Postal Service; Time Zones; Daylight Savings Time; Uniform Time Act of 1966; Murphy Post Office; Pornography; Pocatello Post Office
Two Threats To A Free Press, French Lick, IN 08/31/57
6 1
Emergency Powers
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
Executive Powers; Formosa Resolution; National Emergency Powers; Feed & Forage Act
of Presidents and Caesars: The Decline of Constitutional Government In America, Stanford University 04/30/70; Ending Emergency Government, National Association of Attorneys General 07/23/74; Urging Passage of National Emergencies Act;
6 1
Emergency Powers
Ending Emergency Government, California State Bar Association 09/30/76; Ending Emergency Government, American Bar Association Journal 02/00/77
6 2
Energy and Energy Facilities
Issue Books; Energy and Energy Facilitates
"Southwest Idaho Water Development Project", Senate, January 26, 1967; Film Transcript, Meeting With Aec Commissioner, March 22, 1967; "The Atom: Its Dangerous Aftermath", Senate, February 20, 1970; "To Tap Idaho's Geothermal Energy", Senate, March 19, 1
6 2
Energy and Energy Facilities
"Guess Who Profits From The Gasoline Shortage", Senate, June 14, 1973; "Geothermal Energy for Idaho's Future", Subcommittee On Water and Power Resources, June 1973; "Phase Iv and The Oil Crunch: The Rich Get Richer", Senate, October 3, 1973
6 2
Energy and Energy Facilities
Kinsolving, Lester
Radio Transcript Distributed, November 7, 1973; Color Video On Geothermal Energy Development, November 8, 1973; State for Lester Kinsolving, November 19 and 28, 1973; Color Video On Energy Crisis, November 26, 1973
6 3
Energy and Energy Facilities
Celnick, Bob
Issue Books; Energy and Energy Facilities; S.3789-[Conservation of Energy Resources]; S.3221-Energy Supply Act of 1974; S.3234-Solar Research Development and Demonstration Act of 1974
Radio Actuality Distributed On Fuel Shortages, Mary 15, 1974; Radio Actuality Distributed On Geothermal Energy, July 11, 1974; "An Alternative To The Ford Administration Energy Program", Senate, January 30, 1975; Interview With Bob Celnick of National Pu
6 3
Energy and Energy Facilities
"Coping With The Cartel: An Alternative Program", Washington Post, February 23, 1975; "Small Refiners Relief Act", Senate, February Or March 1975; "Enhanced Recovery of Gas and Oil From Existing Fields, To Subcommittee On Energy Research and Water Resources
6 3
Energy and Energy Facilities
"The Electrical Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1975", Senate; "The Motor Vehicle Efficiency Improvement Act of 1975", May 1975; "Automotive Research and Development", Subcommittee On Energy Research and Water Resources, May 5, 19
6 3
Energy and Energy Facilities
"Oil and Confrontation", Article In The Washington Post, July 13, 1975; "Energy Research and Development Funds Approved", Senate, July 31, 1975
6 4
Energy and Energy Facilities
Plastino, Ben
Issue Books; Energy and Energy Facilities
"The Nuclear Dilemma: Energy, The Atom and Survival", Banbury, England, Wroxton College, June 18, 1977; Introduction To S.2057, September 9, 1977; Statement for Ben Plastino, January 23, 1979; "Recovering A Portion of The Oil Windfall", Senate, March 27,
6 5
Federal Government
Committee Meetings; Rule Xxv Standing Committees; Germaneness of Debate; Choice of Vice President
The President's Successor In Progressive May 1964; What About Creeping Socialism? Georgetown University 04/07/65
6 6
Federal Government Executive Branch
Nixon, Richard M.
A Radical Theory of The Presidency Is Opposed, Senate 06/05/70; It Is Time The People Elected The President, Senate 09/14/70; Separation of Powers, Judiciary Subcommittee 01/30/73; Interview With CBS Morning News 08/13/75
7 1
Foreign Aid
Issue Books; Foreign Aid; Congressional Record Inserts, Debates, Press Releases By Date
"Food for Peace", August 24, 1959; Speech On Japan, Senate, April 22, 1963; "Our Over involvement In Africa and Asia", February 17, 1965
7 2
Foreign Aid
Issue Books; Foreign Aid; Congressional Record Inserts, Debates, Press Releases By Date
"Case for Cutting Military Aid", N.D.; Statement Before The Foreign Relations Committee, July 1, 1971; "Foreign Aid: A Liberal Takes His Leave, October 29, 1971; "Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomacy", November 4, 1971; "Foreign Aid: Phase II", November
7 3
Foreign Aid
Issue Books; Foreign Aid; Congressional Record Inserts, Debates, Press Releases By Date
"The Foreign Aid Bill: Borne On A Wave of Illusion", October 2, 1973; News Release Video Transcript, December 3, 1973, August 9, September 27, and October 16, 1974; "Amendment To Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, July 29, 1974; Radio Actuality Text, October
7 3
Foreign Aid
Amendment To Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, September 24, 1974; "The Foreign Aid Program No Longer Serves American Interests", October 2, 1974; Amendment To H.R.9005-Foreign Aid Bill, [1976]
7 4
Foreign Relations
Kennedy, John F.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Foreign Relations
U.S. Foreign Policy and Disarmament, Senate, February 4, 1958; Senate Debate On Disarmament, March 8, 1960; Senate Comments On Kennedy Speech, June 14, 1960; Comment On Humphrey's Speech On Nuclear Arms, March 1963; Kennedy Achievements In Foreign Affair
7 4
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations
Debate On Location of Chanceries In The District of Columbia, July 24, 1963; Comments On Junior Senator From South Dakota's Speech, August 2, 1963; "On The Record and More Flexible Foreign Policy", St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1964; Speech On Heroin, March 1
7 4
Foreign Relations
Defense; Africa; Asia; International Organizations; Foreign Relations
Staffing of International Organizations, September 8, 1964; Our Over-Involvement In Africa and Asia, Senate, February 17, 1965
7 4
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; Presidential Power; Currency
of Presidents and Caesars, June 19, 1969; Introduction of A Bill To Create An Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere-S.3347, January 28, 1970; Debate On Currency Under P.L.486, January 24, 1970
7 4
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; Presidential Power; Virgin Islands
Book Review of Power and Impotence, Congressional Record, September 14, 1966; Comments On Virgin Islands Election Debate, July 18, 1967; President and Congress In Foreign Policy: The Threat To Constitutional Government, October 29, 1967
7 5
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations
The Elections In Spain June 15, 1977
7 5
Foreign Relations
Foreign Policy; Nuclear Proliferation
Foreign Policy Address for Lewis and Clark College, May 12, 1976; Revolution and World Order, 1977; Speech At Temple Beth Shalom, January 23, 1977; Curbing Nuclear Proliferation, February 24, 1977; Paul Warnke: The Right Man..., March 14, 1977
7 5
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; Opic; Intelligence Activities
Opic Floor Speech, February 25, 1974; A New American Foreign Policy-As If The People Mattered, Campaign Speech, 1976; Interview On Washington Straight Talk, April 28, 1975; Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy, December 4, 1975
7 5
Foreign Relations
McGovern, George; Kissinger, Henry A.; Percy, Charles H.; Warnke, Paul C.
Foreign Relations; Letter To Henry Kissinger About Secret Sinai Agreement; Foreign Policy
American Foreign Policy In Transition, February 17, 1972; The Role of Congress In Foreign Policy, April 14, 1972; A Democratic Foreign Policy for The Seventies, June 22, 1972; The McGovern Foreign Policy, November 3, 1972
7 5
Foreign Relations
Byrd, Robert C.
Foreign Relations; Byrd Amendment; Basques; Human Rights; Nuclear Proliferation
Repeal of The Byrd Amendment, March 14, 1977; The Basques and International Concerns for Human Rights, March 15, 1977; International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation, March 22, 1977; Transcript of Interview With Council for A Livable World, May
7 6
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; Middle East
Incentives for Peace In The Middle East, October 5, 1978
7 6
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; International Development Act of 1978; Human Rights; Panama Canal; Uganda
The International Development Act of 1978, January 25, 1978; Food and Foreign Policy, March 4, 1978; Human Rights and The National Interest March 11, 1978; The Panama Canal Treaties: A Diplomacy of Change..., February 10, 1978; Ugandan Connection, May 3,
7 6
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; Cuba; Cambodia; Africa; USSR
The U.S. and Cuba: Time To Heal Our Wounds, April 27, 1978; Locomotives To Convoys, May 15, 1978; The Holocaust In Cambodia, June 12, 1978; In Africa, Are The Russians Coming, Newsday, July 10, 1978
8 1
Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations; S.245 Taiwan Relations; Camp David; Recognition of China
The Future of American Relations With Taiwan, 01/23/79; Return To The Path of Camp David 02/01/79; Opening Statement of Recognition of China 02/05/79
1979 January-June
8 1
Foreign Relations
Arms Control; Disarmament; Taiwan; Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1980 & 1981
Introducing S.660 Arms Control and Disarmament Authorization Act, March 4, 1979; Remarks At Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan, April 23, 1979
1979 January-June
8 1
Foreign Relations
Foreign Policy; China
Between Two Decades: The Advance of Reason and The Unfinished Business of American Foreign Policy, April 30, 1979; After The Accords: Washington and The West Bank, June 11, 1979
1979 January-June
8 1
Foreign Relations
"International Development Assistance Act of 1979", June 18, 1979
1979 January-June
8 1
Foreign Relations -- Latin America
Castro Ruz, Fidel
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Latin America; Incidental Debate, Press Releases, and Additional Remarks, By Date
Press Release To Fidel Castro, Times-Picayune, New Orleans, September 9, 1959; Debate On Bosch Regime In The Dominican Republic, September 30, 1959; Executive Session Debate On Mutual Security Program, May 28, 1959; Remarks In Record On O.A.S. Summit, MA
8 2
Foreign Relations
"Domingo Laino of Paraguay", Additional Comments, October 22, 1979; "Arrests of Soviet Dissenters", Additional Comments, November 8, 1979; S.2012-Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, November 15, 1979; "Political Kidnappings Are Terrorism", Additional Comment
1979 July-December
8 2
Foreign Relations
"Iran", Additional Comments, November 29, 1979; S.493- Deep Seabed Mining, Statement, December 14, 1979; "Rhodesia", Additional Statements, December 19, 1979; S.Res.320-Modernization of NATO, December 20, 1979; Baltic States and Soviet Citizenship, December
1979 July-December
8 2
Foreign Relations
Issues Books; Foreign Relations; Congressional Record Inserts; Press Releases, Brief Committee Reports, and Floor Debates, By Date; Energy Expo 1982 Conference Report, December 20, 1979
S.1773-U.S. Passports As Proof of Citizenship, September 19, 1979; Afghanistan Additional Statement, September 26, 1979; "The Russian Brigade: Challenge and Response", October 11, 1979; "The Lessons of Camp David", October 18 and 20, 1979
1979 July-December
8 3
Foreign Relations
Anatoly Shcharansky, Additional Statements, March 24, 1980; Statement On International Sugar Agreement, April 2, 1980; "Israel: A Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East", April 30, 1980; Death of Tito, Additional Statements, May 6, 1980
8 3
Foreign Relations
Sakharov, Andrei; Scharansky, Anatoly Borisovich; Muskie, Edmund S.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Congressional Record, Speech Texts, Debates, and Committee Reports, By Date
In Defense of Andrei Sakharov, Additional Statements, January 22, 1980; To Move 1980 Olympics, January 24, 1980; Summer Olympics- S.Con.Res.70, January 28, 1980; S.2271-U.S. Quota To International Monetary Fund, February 6, 1980; Peru Treaty, March 25,
8 3
Foreign Relations
"American Law and Cuban Refugees", Additional Statements, June 4, 1980; Bretton Woods Agreements Act, June 16, 1980; Debate On Department of State Authorizations, June 16, 1980; Foreign Aid Bill-S.2422, June 16, 1980; Diplomatic Reciprocity Act-S.2866,
8 3
Foreign Relations
International Security and Development Act of 1980-S.2714, June 17, 1980; Maritime Treaties, July 2, 1980; Human Rights Must Remain A Major Issue At Madrid Conference, Additional Statements, September 9, 1980; Sale of Trident To Great Britain, September
8 4
Foreign Relations -- Africa/Asia/Canada
Issue Books; Foreign Relations: Africa/Asia/Canada
Study Mission To Africa Report, February 12, 1961; "Factors Which Shape U.S. Policy In Africa and The Near East", May 29, 1961; "Our New African Policy", June 29, 1961; Senate Remarks and Congressional Record Inserts On The Congo, September 19, 1961; Pos
8 4
Foreign Relations -- Africa/Asia/Canada
Remarks On Covert Action In Angola, December 15, 1975; "Repeal of The Formosa Resolution", February 23, 1971; "War Between India and Pakistan and The Ineptitude of U.S. Policy", December 6, 1971; "American Recognition of Bangladesh", February 1, 1972
8 4
Foreign Relations -- Africa/Asia/Canada
Opening Statement On Hearings To Recognize Bangladesh, March 6, 1972; File Memo On Food for Bangladesh, July 9, 1973; "Deficits, Debts, and OPEC", September 13, 1977
8 5
Foreign Relations -- Latin America
Debate On Latin American Summit Conference, April 5, 1967; "Toward A New Policy for Latin America", April 10, 1970; Statement At Subcommittee On Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brazil, July 25, 1971; Spanish Translation of A Church Statement, October 29, 197
8 5
Foreign Relations -- Latin America
"In The Aftermath of The Chilean Affair", December 13, 1974; Opening Statement of Hearings On Covert Activities In Chile, December 4, 1975; "Praise for Conference On Prohibiting Military Assitance To Uruguay", September 22, 1976
8 6
Foreign Relations -- Latin America
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Latin America; Inserts, Press Releases, and Hearing Announcements, By Date
Transcript of Brief Radio Announcement On Panama Canal, October 5, 1977; Debate On Panama Canal Treaty Extensively Covered, March, 1977
9 1
Foreign Relations -- Mia/POWs
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; MIA/POWs; Press Releases By Date
"A Plea for Sanity", July 15, 1966
9 2
Foreign Relations -- Middle East
"Israel: 27 Years of Independence", April 15, 1975; "Israel: American Principles and Economic Coercion", March 8, 1975; Letter To Henry Kissinger On Secret Sinai Agreements, September 23, 1975; "Israel Policy and Principle", December 7, 1975
9 2
Foreign Relations -- Middle East
"Israel and American Principles", December 19, 1976; Speech At Beth Sholom Congregation, January 23, 1977; "Israel: 29 Years of Independence", April 25, 1977
9 2
Foreign Relations -- Middle East
Dine, Tom; Kissinger, Henry A.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Middle East; Press Releases and Floor Debates, By Date; H.R.14832-To Amend A Minimal Tax of Foreign Oil; Position Statements On Israel, 1976
Press Releases On Israel Fact Finding Mission and Report To Congress, 1972; Transcript of News Tape On Middle East Conflict, October 24, 1973; Memo From Tom Dine On Military Credits for Israel, November 16, 1973; "Face The Nation", Congressional Record,
9 3
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; MIA/POWs; Press Releases, Floor Debate, and Additional Remarks, By Date
"Inquiry On The Multinational Corporation and Its Relationship To U.S. Foreign Policy", December 5, 1972; "The Multinational Corporation: A Perception of America", January 16, 1973; "The Multinational Corporation: Why The Need for A Congressional Inquiry
9 3
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
Opening Statement At Subcommittee Hearings, March 20, 1973; "Prohibition of Intervention In Foreign Political Affairs", A Report, July 24, 1973; Opening Statement Multinational Corporation Hearings, January 30, 1974; "Foreign Oil Contracts Act of 1974, B
9 3
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
McGhee, George C.
Testimony At Hearings of Ambassador George McGhee, February 5, 1974; Release of Committee Testimony, August 7, 1974
9 4
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations; Congressional Record Inserts and Press Releases, By Date
"The Multinational Corporation-A Trial Balance", No Date; "Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corporations: The Need for Revision", January 23, 1975; Introducing S.651-Foreign Income, February 11, 1975; "Testimony...Before Senate Committee On Finance", Octo
9 4
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
Opening Statement On Northrop Corporation, February 1976; Testimony At Subcommittee On Monopolies and Commercial Law, March 3, 1976; S.3151-Multinational Business Enterprise Act of 1976, Congressional Record, March 18, 1976; "Multinational Corporation An
9 4
Foreign Relations -- Multinational Corporations
"U.S. Foreign Policy and The Future of The Multinational Corporations, February 17 and 22, 1977
9 5
Foreign Relations -- Panama Canal Treaty
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Panama [Canal Treaty]; Panama Canal Debate, Congressional Record, March 1978
9 6
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; S.Res.196 Stop Aid To Diem Government; Vietnam
"The Korean Paralysis", The Nation, April 6, 1964; Interview With Washington Sunday Star and St. Louis Post Dispatch, March 15, 1964; "We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Saturday Evening Post, April 24, 1965; "Vietnam Imbroglio", June 24, 1965
9 6
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Meet The Press, June 21, 1966; Interview On ABC's From The Capital, February 7, 1966; "A Plea for Sanity", Statement On Vietnam Prisoners-of-War, July 15, 1966
9 6
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Vietnam; Southeast Asia
"Bomb Now, Pay Later", July 12, 1965; Issues and Answers, July 18, 1965; Transcript of Interview On Vietnam, 1966; Response To President Johnson's Speech On Vietnam, January 1966; Press Release Supporting Johnson, (Not Sent), February 21, 1966
10 1
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Hatfield, Mark O.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Press Releases, Floor Debate, Remarks, and Inserts of Congressional Record, By Date
"The Torment In The Land", February 21, 1968; Transcript of Radio Spot On Vietnam, 1969; Today Show, May 15, 1969; "of President's and Caesars", June 20, 1969; Statement for King Features Syndicate, August 8, 1969; "I Cannot Sit By", August 12, 1969
10 1
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Press Statement On Thailand Contingency Plan, August 14, 1969; Radio Spot Transcript, October 8, 1969; Church-Hatfield Resolution To Disengage, October 8, 1969; Issues and Answers, October 12, 1969; Radio Spot Transcripts, October 21, 1969
10 2
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Cooper, John Sherman; Nixon, Richard M.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Inserts Into The Record, Incidental Debate, and Press Releases, By Date
"American Role In Laos Contradicts Nixon Doctrine", February 19, 1970; "War Without End", May 1, 1970; Telegram To Students Urging Non-Violence, May 5, 1970; Statement On Cooper-Church, May 11, 1970; Explanation of Cooper-Church, May 13, 1970
1970 January-May
10 3
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Debate and Press Releases, By Date
Meet The Press, June 4, 1970
1970 June
10 4
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Debate and Press Releases, Inserts, By Date
"The Doves Have Won and Don't Know It", CBS, September 5 Or 6, 1970; "The Doves Have Won", September 11 and 26, 1970; Today Show, October 8, 1970; "Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", December 3, 1970
1970 July-December
10 5
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Vietnam
Washington Straight Talk Interview, [1971]; Face The Nation, February 7, 1971; "Let Us Come Out Together", April 2 and 20, 1971; Issues and Answers, April 4 and August 1, 1971; "Farewell To Foreign Aid: A Liberal Takes His Leave, October [29], 1971; Toda
10 5
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
"Vietnam: In The 8th Year of The American Ordeal", May 5, 1972; Memo and Los Angeles Times News Release, May 8, 1972
10 6
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
"Beyond Vietnam" June 6, 1973
10 6
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Case, Clifford P.
Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Press Releases, Inserts Into Congressional Record, and Floor Debate, By Date
Introduce The Church-Case Bill, January 26, 1973; Statement Printed In Idahonian, January 24, 1973; News Release On Aid To Vietnam, February 16, 1973; Chicago Tribute Interview Transcript, April 9, 1973; Speech On Case-Church Bill, May 14 and June 29, 19
11 1
Foreign Relations -- Southeast Asia
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Southeast Asia; Statements, Inserts In The Congressional Record, and Press Releases, By Date; The Bill (No Unknown)-To Amend Part V of The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Interview On Washington Straight Talk, April 21 Or 27, 1975
11 2
Foreign Relations -- Treaties
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Treaties; Press Releases, Floor Debate, and Additional Remarks, By Date
Statement In Support of Ratification, [March 1959]; "The Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour", March 2, 1959; "We Must Stop Poisoning The Air", The Reporter, April 16, 1959; "Negotiations for Peace", May 15, 1959; "Nuclear Test Ban Treaty", S
11 2
Foreign Relations -- Treaties
"Geneva Conference: A New Proposal", January 11, 1960
11 3
Foreign Relations -- Treaties
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Treaties; Congressional Record, Additional Remarks, and Press Releases, By Date
"American Foreign Policy In Transition", February 3, 1971
11 4
Foreign Relations -- U.S.S.R./Eastern Europe
Nixon, Richard M.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; U.S.S.R.; Eastern Europe; Inserts To The Congressional Record, Floor Debate, and Press Releases, By Date
"Some Proposals Concerning Berlin", [September 15, 1961] and October 8, 1961; "Two Sentinels of The Status Quo", July 11, 1969; "A Democartic Foreign Policy for The 1970's", June 22, 1972; "The Waffling Performance of President Nixon", Comment On ABM Tre
11 4
Foreign Relations -- U.S.S.R./Eastern Europe
"Soviet Jewry: A Call To Conscience", February 17, 1976; Statement On Soviet Grain Deal, April 14, 1976; S.Con.Res.7-Freedom of Emigration, January 26, 1977; "Israel: 29 Years of Independence", April 25, 1977
11 5
Foreign Relations -- United Nations
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; United Nations; Notice of Hearings, Inserts In The Congressional Record, and Press Releases, By Date
"The Changing Role of The U.N.", May 7, 1964; Introduction of S.Con.Res.93-U.N. Members In Arrears of Assessment, August 12, 1964; "The U.N. After 20 Years", Pre October 22, 1964; Film Transcript of Church Named Deputy To Ambassdor Goldberg, [April 20, 1
11 5
Foreign Relations -- United Nations
Speech To United Nations, October 25, 1966; Statement At U.N. On Finances, November 8, 1966; Statement At U.N. On Korean Seating Problem, December 13, 1966; "The U.N. At 21", Foreign Relations Committee, February 1967; "The U.N.: A Practical Necessity",
11 6
Foreign Relations -- Western Europe/NATO
Meet The Press, [May Or June], 1966; "U.S. Policy and The New Europe", Foreign Affairs, October, 1966
11 6
Foreign Relations -- Western Europe/NATO
Issue Books; Foreign Relations; Western Europe; NATO; Floor Debate, Press Releases, Inserts In The Congressional Record, Additional Remarks, By Date
"A Reappraisal of American Foreign Policy In Western Europe", May 15, 1963; "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice", July 16, 1963; "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice", Harper's, November 1963; "The View From Europe", The New Leader, June 20, 1966
11 7
Health Programs
Issue Books; Health Programs
"Hill-Burton Hospital Funds...Their Importance To Idaho", Senate, March 26, 1973; "Submission of A Resolution To Improve Medicare Coverage", Senate, June 7, 1973; "Coverage of Essential Out-of-Hospital Prescription Drugs Under Medicare", Senate, March 19
11 7
Health Programs
"Medi-Gap Insurance: Cities Consumer Confusion About Medicare", Draft, News Release, December 20, 1974
11 8
Health Safety
Health Safety; Drugs, Abortion; Consumber Affairs; Canning Lid Shortage
Need for Federal Assistance To Curb Pharmacy Thefts, Senate, 1972; Letter To The Editor of Newsweek, June 26, 1975; Statement On So-Called Hyde Amendment, Senate, August 25 Or September 17, 1976
11 9
Health Safety -- Gun Control
Issue Books; Health Safety; Gun Control
"Church Battles Gun Control", Film, May 8, 1968; "No! On Gun Control", Senate, August 7, 1972; Color Video Re: Sale of .22 Caliber Ammunition, April 2, 1974; "Let's Repeal Restrictions On Sales of .22 Ammunition", Senate, January 10, 1977
12 1
Health Safety -- Social Welfare
Issue Books; Health Safety; Social Welfare; Library of Congress, Issue Brief, No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance
"Americans and The Law", Mountain States Businessmen's Association, Charleston, WV, November 8, 1975; "Federal No-Fault Insurance", Senate, 1974; "No-Fault Automobile Insurance", Senate, September 29, 1975; "Disaster At The Sunshine Mine", Senate, May 22
12 1
Health Safety -- Social Welfare
Suggested Format for Kwal-Wallace and Kfxd-Nampa Re: Sunshine Mine Disaster, May 8, 1972; Testimony Before The Select Subcommittee On Labor of The House Education and Labor Committee, May 15, 1972; "Rediscovering America", California League of Cities, Oc
12 1
Health Safety -- Social Welfare
"The Future of Urban America: Salvation Through Decentralism" Milwaukee, Wi, June 30, 1976
12 2
Health Safety -- Social Welfare
Issue Books; Health Safety; Social Welfare
"The øWhy' of Health Care", National Biennial Convention, City of Hope, Beverly Hills, CA, July 16, 1977; "Rediscovering America", California League of Cities Meeting, October 20, 1975
12 3
Issue Books; Impoundment
"of President's and Caesars", April 18, 1970; "Impoundment of Appropriated Funds", Stanford Law Review, June 1970; Testimony Before Senate Judiciary Committee On Separation of Powers, January 30, 1973
12 4
George, Phillip William
Indians; Native Americans
12 5
Fortas, Abe; Carswell, H.G.
Carswell Nomination
Senator Church Announces Against Carswell 03/30/70
12 6
Natural Resources
Johnson, Lyndon B.
President Johnson's Conservation Message 02/10/65; National Wildlife Federation Award
The New Conservation 04/22/69 Coeur d'Alene, ID
12 7
Natural Resources -- Environment
Conventional Fuels, The Coming Power Crisis and The Atom, Senate 08/28/70
12 7
Natural Resources -- Environment
Hickel, Walter J.
Atmospheric Nuclear Testing; Conservation; Water Pollution; White Clouds; Nuclear Waste; Lead Free Fuel; National Reactor Testing Station Idaho Falls, ID; Snake River Aquifer
Confirmation of Walter J. Hickle As Secretary of Interior 01/22/69; The New Conservation, Coeur d'Alene, ID 04/22/69; The Atom: Its Dangerous Aftermath, Senate 02/20/70; Atomic Waste Problem Disclosed, Senate 03/06/70; Give Earth A Chance, Pocatello, ID
12 7
Natural Resources -- Environment
A Suppressed Report Is Released, Senate 04/30/70; Waste Disposal Practices of The Atomic Energy Commission Above The Snake Plain Aquifer, Senate 05/01/70; Importance of Environment In Atomic Power Development, Senate 05/13/70
12 8
Natural Resources -- Forests
Timber Sales; Upper Priest Lake; Kaniksu National Forest; Forest Roads; Forest Fires; Forest Management; Clear-Cutting; Timber Exports; Forest Service Funding; Tussock Moth; DDT
Federal Forest Policy: Balance, Foresight & Stewardship, Washington DC 05/08/78; Last Chance To Save Upper Preist Lake 03/04/65; Testimony Before Agriculture Subcommittee 03/22/76 Re: Forest Management
12 9
Natural Resources -- Land - Hells Canyon
Pfost, Gracie; Trueblood, Ted
Hells Canyon; Middle Snake River Moratorium; Columbia River Power; System; Sawtooths; White Clouds; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Army Corps of Engineers; Water Rights; Ted Trueblood's You May Never Know The Middle Snake Reprinted In The Congres
Reply To Editorial Charges By The Idaho Daily Statesman That The Proposed Hells Canyon Dam Threatens Upstream Water Rights 07/15/56; Construction of Hells Canyon Dam ( Maiden Speech) Senate 06/19/57; Statement To The Interior Subcommittee 04/12/72
13 1
Natural Resources -- Land - Parks and Recreation
Jordan, Len B.; McClure, James A.; Symms, Steve; Hansen, Orval
National Park User Fees; Nez Perce National Historic Park S.2326/S.60/S.3373; Craters of The Moon; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Skiing; Land and Water Conservation Funds; National Trails System; Golden Eagle Passport Program; Thousand Springs; Box
Golden Eagle Passport Program, Senate Subcommittee On Parks & Recreation 1971; Nez Perce Historical Park S.3373 Park and Recreation Subcommittee 07/26/76; Statement Re: Nee-Me-Poo Trail 08/02/76
13 2
Natural Resources -- Land - Public Land
Udall, Stewart L.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Jordan, Len B.; McClure, James A.; Hansen, Orval
Boise National Forest; Payette National Forest; Nez Perce Indian Tribe; National Reactor Testing Station; Grazing; Land & Water Conservation Fund; Idaho House Memorial 1; Idaho Senate Memorial 1; Mining; Geothermal Resources; Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe
Range Management Speech, Boise, Ida 02/05/73; Introduction of S.3248 Quiet Title; Introduction of S.1057 Equitable Doctrine of Adverse Possession; Statement To Subcommittee On Appropriations Re: Land & Water Conservation Funds 04/12/72
13 2
Natural Resources -- Land - Public Land
Equitable Doctrine of Adverse Possession S.1057; Desert Land Act; Bureau of Land Management Organic Act; Kootenai Indian Tribe; City of Rocks; Sagebrush Rebellion; Mt. St. Helens Ash
13 3
Natural Resources -- Land - Rural Improvement
Jordan, Len B.
Farmers Home Administration; Desert Land Entry; Army Corps of Engineers; Rural Electrical Associations; Rural Development Act of 1972; Deep Creek Bridge; Water and Sewer Grants
13 4
Natural Resources -- Land - Sawtooth Recreation Area
Jordan, Len B.; McClure, James A.; Hansen, Orval; Merriam, John H.
Sawtooth National Park Feasibility Study S.3353; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; White Clouds; Sawtooth Basin Bills S.4212/S.4213; Idaho Primitive Area; Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area; Gospel-Hump
Feasibility Study for A Sawtooth National Park, Senate 04/07/60; Sawtooth National Recreation Area 04/12/72
13 5
Natural Resources -- Land - Wilderness
Metcalf, Lee; Merriam, John H.; Trueblood, Ted; Brown, Carl
Wilderness Bill S.174; Wilderness Act S.4; National Wild Rivers Bill; Watershed; Wildlife; Craters of The Moon Wilderness Area/National Monument; Magruder Corridor; Upper Selway; Hells Canyon Moratorium; Idaho Primitive Area; White Clouds; Wilderness Act
Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1977, Senate 03/30/77; Gospel-Hump Roadless Area, Grangeville, ID 08/24/77; Wilderness: The Challenge of Stewardship, Senate 03/25/77; Establishment of The National Wilderness Preservation System, Senate 09/05/61
13 5
Natural Resources -- Land - Wilderness
Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1976 & 1977; Gospel-Hump; Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (Rare); Wood Products Industry
Wilderness Act Applies To The East, Senate 01/16/73; America's Endangered Wilderness, Senate 06/29/76
13 6
Natural Resources -- Land - Wilderness
Trueblood, Ted
Salmon River; River of No Return; Sawtooths; Rare II; National Historic Trails; Gospel-Hump; Alaska; Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980
Western Wildlands Interview March 1977; Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Framework, Moscow, ID March 21, 1977
13 7
Natural Resources -- Mining
Cliff, Edward P.; Jordan, Len B.; Hansen, Orval; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
Lead & Zinc; Copper; Mineral Claims; Cobalt; Silver; Mining Exploration; Gold; Mining Claims; White Clouds; Molybdenum; Sunshine Mine Disaster; Mine Safety; Occupational Safety and Health Act; OSHA
Lead and Zinc Versus Tarrif Commission 11/19/57; Testimony Before The House Subcommittee On Labor 05/15/72
14 1
Natural Resources -- Water
Jordan, Len B.; Hansen, Orval; McClure, James A.; Morton, Rogers C.B.; Andrus, Cecil D.
Bruces Eddy Dam; Dworshak Dam; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Hells Canyon; Middle Snake River S.2315; Flood Control; Reclamation S.3424; Rathdrum Prairie Reclamation Project; Army Corps of Engineers; Salmon Falls Project; Ririe Dam; Colorado
American Falls Dam Subcommittee On Water & Power Resources 10/06/73; Statement Re Burns Creek Dam S.281 1959; Statement Re American Falls Dam S.1529 06/19/73; The National Water Commission Report: A Lurking Threat To Idaho's Water, Senate 09/25/73
14 1
Natural Resources -- Water
Burns Creek S.281; Kootenai Flats; Small Reclamation Projects Loan Program; Deep Creek Bridge
14 2
Natural Resources -- Water
McClure, James A.; Evans, John V.
Water Resource Planning S.3142; Lewiston/Clarkston Bridge; Dworshak Dam; Idaho Batholith; American Falls Dam; Colorado River Basin; Small Reclamation Projects Act; Army Corps of Engineers; Teton Dam; Deep Creek; Drought; Inflatable River Rafts; Rivers An
Funds Needed for Reforestation Program, Senate 02/05/75; The Future Role of Government In Water Resources, Boise, ID 10/26/77
14 3
Natural Resources -- Water - Flooding
North Idaho; Army Corps of Engineers; Lewiston/Clarkston Bridge
14 4
Natural Resources -- Water - Reclamation
Dworshak Dam
14 4
Natural Resources -- Water - Reclamation
Watkins, Arthur V.; Dworshak, Henry C.
Bruces Eddy; Burns Creek; Middle Snake; Hells Canyon; Maiden Speech; Columbia River System; Fort Hall; Irrigation; Mann Creek; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Teton Basin Federal Reclamation Project; Conservation; American Falls Dam; Riri
Bruces Eddy Project, Subcommittee On Flood Control 02/05/57; Burns Creek Project, ID, Senate 07/24/59; Champions of Reclamation In Current News; Southwest Idaho Water Development Project, Senate 03/25/66
14 5
Natural Resources -- Water - Teton Dam
McClure, James A.
Energy Research and Water Development; Compensation; Relief Funds; Teton Dam Failure
Statement On The Teton Dam Relief Program 06/15/76; Statement At The Hearings On The Teton Dam Failure 1977
14 6
Natural Resources -- Water - Wild Rivers
Jackson, Henry M.; Udall, Stewart L.
Anadromous Fish; Salmon River; Wild Rivers Bill S.1446; Clearwater River; St. Joe River; Colorado River Basin S.1004; Bruneau River; Priest River; Selway River; Lochsa River; Middle Snake River; River Rafts; Jones Act; River of No Return Wildernesss
The Wild Rivers Bill Senate 10/22/65; Rivers, Recreation & You In Field & Stream Interview 03/31/66; Film Transcript Wild Rivers Hearings 04/13/67
14 7
Natural Resources -- Wildlife
Salmon River Preservation; Anadromous Fisheries; Kooskia National Fish Hatchery; Lower Snake River; Columbia River; Ocean Mammals; Salmon & Steelhead Runs; Idaho Batholith
14 8
Issue Books; Political; Inserts of The Congressional Record and Floor Debate, By Date
Meet The Press, July 7, 1957; "Independence Day Address", July 4, 1957; "Face The Nation", July 6, 1958; Keynote Speech At The Democratic National Convention, July 11, 1960; "Your Government, You Future", June 1, 1961; "What Is A Liberal...", U.S. News,
14 8
"Sawtooth Wilderness National Park", September 30, 1963; "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice", Harper's, November 1963; "On The Record: More Flexible Foreign Policy", The Sunday Star, March 15, 1964; "The Role of Borah In American Foreign Policy", Marc
14 8
"The Korean Policy", The Nation, April 6, 1964; "Disclosure of Income and Assets By Senator Church", May 18, 1964; "Battle Call for The Republic", August 1, 1964
15 1
Issue Books; Political; Articles, Speeches, Press Releases, and Floor Debate, By Date
"We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Saturday Evening Post, 1965; "The Radical Right Is Still On The Rampage", January 12, 1965; "Conspiracy USA", Look, January 26, 1965; "Establishment of The Sawtooth National Park In Idaho", February 1, 1965
15 1
"Point-of-Origin Labeling", February 9, 1965; "Champions of Reclamation", The Current News, February 1965; "The Borah Centennial Year", June 29, 1965; "Toward A More Perfect Union", July 12, 1965; "Pioneer Day", July 23, 1965; Statement for Parade Magazi
15 1
Pioneer Days
"Toward A More Perfect Union", The Atlantic Community Quarterly, Fall 1965; "The Educational Decade In America", October 7, 1965; "What About Creeping Socialism", April 7, 1965; "The U.N. After 20 Years", October 24, 1965; "Nez Perce National Historic Park
15 1
Statement On Wild Rivers Bill To Public Land Subcommittee, October 25, 1965; "How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Take On?", NY Times Magazine, November 28, 1965; "Impact Funds Vital To Idaho", January 13, 1966; "The Sawtooths In Idaho", Apr
15 1
"American Prisoners In Hanoi-A Plea for Sanity", July 15, 1966
15 1
Foreign Aid; Agriculture; Vietnam
"To Amend The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961...", February 4, 1966; "Farming In Idaho: A Look Ahead", December 16, 1965; "The Basic Flaw In Our Asian Strategy", The Washington Post, February 20, 1966; "Rivers, Recreation, and You", Field and Stream Inter
15 2
Issue Books; Political; Inserts of Congressional Record, Floor Debate, and Press Releases, By Date
Statement Draft, Times-News, February 14, 1968; "Keynote To The Idaho Democratic Assembly, June 14-15, 1968; Scripps League Newspaper Statement Draft, February 11, 1969; "Impoundment of Appropriated Funds...", Stanford Law Review, June 1970
15 2
"Senator Church Introduces First Bicentennial Coinage Legislation", Coin World, May 5, 1971; "Salute To Congress Dinner", Washington Press Club, January 26, 1972; Video News Release Text, May 21, 1973, February 27, June 20, August 16 and 22, 1974; Editor
15 3
Issue Books; Political; Press Releases and Stories About Church, By Date
Script for Mutual Broadcasting Bicentennial Program, April 8, 1975; "Frank Church: The Hottest Liberal Dark Horse", Vogue, June 2, 1975; "The Political Spotlight Swings Toward Frank Church", Washington Star, June 15, 1975; Audio News Release Text, Septem
15 3
"Church: Can 'A Gentleman's Candidacy' Fly?", Washington Post, June 15, 1975; "Frank Church Is Moving Center Stage", The Nation, June 15, 1975; "Senator Church Vs. Rocky On The CIA", People, June 30, 1975; "A Big Chance for Church", U.S. News, June 30, 1
15 3
Jackson, Jesse
Cover Article On Frank Church, Parade, September 21, 1975; "The Flexible Liberalism of Frank Church", Boston Phoenix, November 20, 1975; Questionnaire Citizen's for Participation In Political Action, 1975; Speech At Jesse Jackson's Church, December 20, 1
15 3
Waters, Phil
Speech At Democratic National Convention, July 1976; Interview With Phil Waters, CBS, January 4, 1977; Speech Broward County Democratic Party, August 12, 1978
15 4
Javits, Jacob K.; Streiff, John; Ross, Stanford G.; Holm, Debbie; Young, Brenda L.; Hoshide, Kathy; Martin, Grace
Libraries: The Quiet National Resource Boise, ID Aug. 22, 1979
15 4
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Sparkman, John J.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Frances, Helen; Allen, James; Macleish, Archibald; Hansen, Orval; Calhoun, Cecil; Abourezk, James S.; Case, Clifford P.; Humphrey, Muriel; Pearson, James; Bartlett, E.L.; Hansen, Clifford P.; Sava
Tributes; National Historic Trails; National Emergency Act; Wartime Relocation of Japanese-Americans S.1647
Commencement Address 1978 & 1979; Broward County Democratic Party August 12, 1978; Jefferson-Jackson Day Speech Boise, ID Feb. 24, 1979; Minidoka Relocation Camp Aug. 18, 1979 Hunt, ID; Cancer Research Institute Award To Chinese Doctors New York, NY Oct.
15 5
A Legislator's Perspective for The Turbulent Eighties Seattle, Wa June 23, 1980
15 5
Phillips, Glenn; Lowenstein, Allard; Cruikshank, Nelson; Barnes, Verda; Byrd, Robert C.
Tributes; Sesquicentennial of The Lds Church; Mt. Home Air Force Base; Mormon Pioneer Day 1980
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet Feb. 9, 1980; Keepers of The Law Moscow, ID May 17, 1980; Commencement Address 1980; AFL-CIO Speech June 10, 1980; Idaho Democratic State Convention June 13, 1980 Pocatello, ID; Memorial Service for Verda Barnes Washington D
15 6
Political -- Abortion
02/15/73 Freedom of Religion and The Abortion Issue, Senate; 11/15/73 Social Securty Amendment; 07/07/75 The Abortion Issue, Senate
15 7
Political -- Campaign Reform
McGovern, George
Disclosure; National Education Association; Presidential Campaign; CIA; Sunshine Initiative; ; Electoral Reform; Central Intelligence Agency
08/17/75 Meet The Press Transcript; George McGovern for President 06/16/72; The Case for Electoral Reform, Judiciary Committee 02/00/69; Campaign Money-How Much? From Whom?, New York Times 08/26/62
15 8
Political -- Campaigns
Muskie, Edmund S.; Goldwater, Barry M.
The Flexible Liberalism of Frank Church, James Baron & Marjorie Arons In The Boston Phoenix 11/18/75
Keynote Speech, Idaho Democratic State Assembly 06/14-15/68; The Role of The Democratic Party In The Coming National Elections 04/03/60; Keynote Speech, Democratic National Convention 07/11/60; The Private World of Barry Goldwater In Frontier 11/00/63
15 8
Political -- Campaigns
Battle Call for The Republic, Utah Democratic Convention 06/26/64; Keynote Address To Biennial Convention of Young Democratic Clubs 11/07/57
16 1
Political -- Individual Liberties
Jury Trial Amendment; Civil Rights; Age Discrimination; CIA Activities; National Emergencies Act; Women; Social Security; Feed and Forage Act; Central Intelligence Agency
01/22/58 Woman's Democratic Club of Virginia; 09/14/59 Interparliamentary Union Speech, Warsaw, Poland; 03/08/60 Civil Rights Amendment; 06/05/75 Repeal of Feed and Forage Act
16 2
Political -- Nominations
Hawkins, William S.; Udall, Stewart L.; Carver, John A., Jr.; Warren, Earl; Jordan, Len B.; Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.; Hickel, Walter J.; Carswell, H.G.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Ford, Gerald R.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Anderson, Blaine; Hathaway, Stanley K.
Vietnam; US Service Academy Nominations
Political Neutrality and Professionalism In The CIA: On Preserving A Noble Tradition Senate Jan. 27, 1976; Paul Warnke: The Right Man for The Right Job At The Right Time Senate March 7, 1977; Nominating William S. Hawkins Grand Exalted Ruler of The Elks
16 2
Political -- Nominations
Bell, Griffin B.; Warnke, Paul C.; Higginson, R. Keith; Blackburn, Harland K.; Goldwater, Barry M.
Stemming The Goldwater Flood: A Western Responsibility Salt Lake City, UT Sept. 19, 1963; Customary Confirmation Test Is Not Suitable for Supreme Court Nominees Senate March 23, 1970; On Gerald Ford's Vice Presidential Nomination 10/30/1973; Vote for Hat
16 2
Political -- Nominations
Nelson Rockefeller's Vice Presidential Nomination Senate 12/10/74
16 3
Political -- Tributes
Smith, A. Robert; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Gruening, Ernest; Bartlett, E.L.; Mansfield, Mike; Fulbright, J.W.; Hemingway, Ernest; Drevlow, William E.; Dworshak, Henry C.; Udall, Stewart L.; Hoover, Herbert; Cousins, Norman; Kennedy, J
Hells Canyon; Maiden Speech; Mormon Pioneers; Utilities
Mormon Pioneers Senate 07/24/57; Tribute To John F. Kennedy Bethesda, MD 11/24/63; Tribute To Borah Senate 06/29/65
16 3
Political -- Tributes
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Morgan, Edward P.; Churchill, Winston S.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; White, William S.; Anderson, Jack Z.; Jordan, Len B.; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Hayden, Carl; Kennedy, Robert F.; Remington, Charles E.; Carver, John A., Jr.
16 4
Political -- Tributes
Fitzgerald, Minnie; Bartlett, E.L.; Duscha, Julius; Jackson, Henry M.; Derr, Alfred M.; Moss, Frank E.; Borah, Mary McConnell; Tydings, Joseph D.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Edwards, John; Smith, Joseph Fielding; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Truman, Harry S.; Stennis, Joh
League of Women Voters; Basques; Mormon Pioneers; Assasination Attempt On President Gerald Ford; American Family Business
Mary McConnell Borah Is 100 Years Old, Senate 10/14/70; Tribute To Lyndon B. Johnson, Senate 01/24/73; Tribute To American Family Business, New York, NY 10/14/76; Remarks On Mary Hemingway, National Women's Democrats Club 01/18/77
16 4
Political -- Tributes
Hemingway, Mary; Eardley, Richard R.; Fulbright, J.W.; Gruening, Ernest; Morse, Wayne; Ford, Gerald R.; Drevlow, William E.; Corlett, John; Barthelmes, Wes; Evans, John V.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Reid, Agnes Just; Murphy, Arthur P.
16 5
Reapportionment and Cloture
Dirksen, Everett Mckinley
Issue Books; Reapportionment and Cloture; News Releases From 1966 On Dirkson Reapportionment Amendment; Inserts of Congressional Record, Debate, and Press Releases, By Date
"On Modifying Rule Xxii", January 10, 1969
16 6
Nixon, Richard M.
Issue Books; Salaries; Floor Debate and Press Releases, By Date
"Income and Assets Disclosed By Senator F. Church", May 18, 1964; "Kappel Commission Recommendations Ill-Timed", February 4, 1969; News Releases On Nixon's Proposed Salary Increases, February 4, February 27, and March 1, 1974; Radio News Release On Pay
16 6
"The Case Against A Salary Increase for Congress", March 4, 1974
16 7
Space Program
Issue Books; Space Program; Inserts of Congressional Record, By Date
Script for Mutual Broadcasting System Bicentennial Program, April 8, 1976
16 8
Transportation -- Air and Water
Johnson, Dave; Shultz, George; Butz, Earl; Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.; Schlesinger, James R.
Civil Aeronautics Board; Labor; Senior Citizens; Sst; Supersonic Transport Plane; Fertilizer; Jones Act; Commerce Committee; Interstate Commerce Commission; Frederal Aviation Administration; Sonic Booms; Pocatello; Blackfoot; Air Cargo Carriers; Airline
16 9
Transportation -- Highways
Magnuson, Warren G.; Jackson, Henry M.; McClure, James A.
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1958; Seat Belts; Interstate Highways; Interstate Commerce Commission; Young Farm Drivers; Forest Roads; Safety Standards; Lewiston/Clarkston Bridge; Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Act of 1977
16 10
Transportation -- Railroads
Metcalf, Lee; Jordan, Len B.; Tierney, Paul J.; Volpe, John A.; Magnuson, Warren G.
Boxcar Shortage; Freight Rates; Labor; Layoffs; Passenger Train Service; Interstate Commerce Commisssion; Portland Rose; Salt Lake City, UT; Butte, MT; National Rail Passenger System; Railpax; Amtrak; Postal Service
Rail Passenger Service 03/07/68 Icc; Freight Car Shortages, Commerce Committee 03/24/70; Railroad Passenger Service A National Disgrace, Senate 05/05/70; Amtrak, Senate 08/08/74; Amtrak Testimony, Subcommittee On Surface Transportation O3/03/70
16 11
Issue Books; Veterans; Inserts of Congressional Record and Press Releases, By Date
Statement To Veteran's Affairs Committee, July 13, 1971; Fair and Equal Treatment for Vietnam Veterans, May 1, 1974
16 12
Voting Issues
Direct Election of Presidents; National Presidential Primary; Electoral College; 18 Year Old Vote
Statement On Not Attending 1968 Democratic Convention 08/26/68; It's Time The People Elected The President, Senate 09/14/70; You Can Bet Your Free Life, Commencement Address 1971
16 13
Watergate Impeachment
Issue Books; Watergate Impeachement; Press Releases, By Date
"The American Crisis", November 2, 1973
10: Newspaper clippings and scrapbooks
These clippings are generally filed chronologically in annual groups and later as the volume increased in segments of a year. Within each chronological unit the clippings are filed by subject. The subjects changed over the years but usually consisted of files on political opponents, the incumbent governor in Idaho, general Idaho politics, op-ed materials, and issues that were of particular concern to Church such as the Panama Canal Treaty, education, water, agriculture, wilderness and Watergate. In later years the clippings were circulated among the staff before filing for future reference.

8:  Speeches, articles, trips and meetingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Speeches
Frank Church's political career germinated with his award winning speech, "The American Way of Life", given in 1941 at the American Legion National Oratory Speech Contest. This award provided Church with four years of tuition at Stanford University where he competed as a member of the debate squad and received his law degree in 1950. Church was only four years into his long senatorial career when he gave the keynote address to the 1960 Democratic National Convention. This address brought Church to the public's attention as an eloquent speaker. His public speaking skills had been honed during the first years of his Senatorial service where he gave several hundred addresses on the Senate floor and to various civic groups. There are 11 boxes of Church's speeches which represent his staff's efforts to maintain a speech file. The processing staff added photocopies of speeches found elsewhere in the collection. For the purpose of this listing, interviews for which a printed copy exists were included as speeches. Chronological and title listings of the speeches have been prepared. Additional speeches were found in the post-Senate Church Papers. There is considerable duplication between this file and the Senate file for speeches made during Church's Senate years but none for the post-Senate years. A listing of the post-Senate speeches has been prepared.
Box Folder
1 1
Idaho, Lewiston
Radio and Television; World Policy; Public Relations
1 2
[Democratic Ladies Club]
Democratic Ladies Club
Democratic Party; Foreign Policy; Economics; Mining; Timber; Lumber; Industry; Farming; Dairy
1 3
Merchant Marine Act
1 4
View On "Best Speeches"
McGovern, George
1 5
American Way of Life
American Legion National Oratorical Contest
Charleston, Sc
American Legion High School Speech
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 5; 10.1 Box 1/8; 10.1 Box 5
1 6
Speech Material, Personal
Boise, ID and Other Sites
Farming; Agriculture
1 7
[Meetings In Idaho]
Whillock, Westerman; Kirwan, Michael
No Speech Or Press Release
1 8
Fayetteville Jaycees/Young Democrats of North Carolina
Fayetteville, Nc/Durham, Nc
Jaycees; Democratic Party; Hodges, Luther; Alexander, Hugh; Ervin, Sam
Hodges, Luther; Alexander, Hugh; Ervin, Sam
No Speech; There Are Notes and A Press Release
1 9
Response to The Outstanding Young Man Award"
U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce
Phoenix, AZ
Outstanding Young Man Award; Chamber of Commerce
1 10
New Views In The Senate
NBC, The American Forum
General; NBC
1 11
Bruces Eddy Dam-S.497
Subcommittee On Flood Control
Public Works
Bruces Eddy Dam; Public Works; Flood Control
1 12
Senate Appropriations Committee
Tungsten; Mining; Senate Appropriations Committee
1 13
Address Before Outstanding Young Men of Michigan Banquet
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Grand Rapids, MI
War and Peace
Jaycee Award Banquet Declamation; Chamber of Commerce; War and Peace
1 14
Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
Boise, ID
Speech By James Roosevelt In Honor of Frank Church and Gracie Pfost; Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
Roosevelt, James; Pfost, Gracie
Not A Speech By Church
1 15
2 Minute Remarks
Democractic National Conference
San Francisco, CA
The Role of The West; Democratic Party; Democratic National Conference
1 16
Radio Speech to Duke University Democratic Club
Duke University
General; Democratic Party; Duke University
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 22 01-12 Addition
1 17
Hell's Canyon Dam
Subcommittee On Irrigation and Reclamation
Senate Committee On Interior and Insular
Public Works
Hell's Canyon Dam; Public Works; Senate Committee On Interior and Insular
1 18
Role of College Education In A Free Society
American Association of Junior Colleges
Salt Lake City, UT
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Chaffee, Eugene; Education
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Chaffee, Eugene
1 19
Young Democrats Banquet
Salt Lake City, UT
Democratic Party
No Speech
1 20
Excerpts from The Address
Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Denver, Co
Democratic Party; Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
01-12 Addition
1 21
Transportation Excise Tax Repeal
Excise Tax Repeal; Transportation; Taxation
1 22
Leaders of Tomorrow Banquet
Bellaire, OH
Statehood; Hays, Wayne L.
Hays, Wayne L.
No Speech
1 23
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
New Philadelphia, OH
Taxes; Taxation
No Speech
1 24
Hell's Canyon Dam Debate
Washington, DC
Public Works
Hell's Canyon Dam; Public Works
1 25
Statement On Idaho Power Amortization
Washington, DC
Idaho Power; Amortization; Energy
1 26
Rural Library Services Act-Pl597
Rural Library Services Program; Appropriations
1 27
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Parkersburg, WV
Dams; Democratic Party
No Speech
1 28
Oral Argument to Cab
Civil Aeronautics Board
Air Service Idaho; Transportation; Civil Aeronautics
1 29
Excerpts from Address
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
Hagerstown, Maryland
Democratic Party; Jefferson-Jackson Day
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 22
1 30
Post High School Graduation
Quantico, VA
No Speech Or Press Release
1 31
Untitled [Page Boy School]
Page Boy School
Washington, DC
No Speech Or Press Release
1 32
[On Stereotypes of Japanese-Americans]
Washington, DC
Media; Japanese Americans; Foreign Relations; Treaties
1 33
Hell's Canyon Dam-S.555
Washington, DC
Public Works
Hell's Canyon Dam; Public Works
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 1
1 34
Wckt Interview
Miami, FL
No Speech, But There Is A Question List
1 35
Independence Day Speech
Philadelphia, PA
Independence Day
1 36
Meet The Press Interview
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
2 1
Statement On Atomic Energy Commission's Request for Acres In Idaho Counties
Bureau of Land Management Hearings
Public Lands
Atomic Energy Commission; Public Lands; Bureau of Land Management; Idaho
2 2
Senate Finance Committee
Lead; Zinc; Mining
2 3
Anderson-Aiken Amendment to Civil Rights Bill
Washington, DC
Civil Rights
Anderson-Aiken Amendment; Civil Rights
2 4
Civil Rights Speeches
Washington, DC
Civil Rights
Civil Rights; Shumate, Gene
Shumate, Gene
2 5
Jury Trial Amendment
Washington, DC
Civil Rights
Jury Trial Amendment; Civil Rights
2 6
Jury Trial Amendment
Washington, DC
Jury Trial Amendment
Empty Folder
2 7
Decline and Fall of American Freedom
Indiana Democrat Editorial Association
French Lick, In
Free Press
2 8
Untitled [Pocatello Trip]
Pocatello, ID
Withington, W.F.
Withington, W.F.
No Speech
2 9
[Cancelled Due to NAACP Objections]
Minneapolis, MN
Humphrey, Hubert H.; NAACP
Humphrey, Hubert H.
2 10
Civil Rights: The Moral Dimension/The Political Dimension
Wooster College
Wooster, OH
Civil Rights
Moral Dimensions; Civil Rights
2 11
[Idaho Meetings]
Hollis, R.P.; Indian Affairs
Hollis, R.P.
No Speech
2 12
[North Idaho Trip]
No North Idaho Speech, But There Is An Outline for One Labled "Ida. Falls"
2 13
[Idaho Falls Trip]
Idaho Falls, ID
No Speech [Poss It's The One In Folder 12?]
2 14
Role of Public Education In A Free Society
Idaho Education Association
Boise, ID
Mission of Public Schools; Education; Small, Milt
Small, Milt
2 15
[Eastern Idaho Trip]
No Speech
2 16
[Keynote] to Young Democrat Clubs of America
Young Democrat Clubs of America
Reno, NV
Arms Race; Burns, John A.; Democratic Party
Burns, John A.
01-12 Addition
2 17
Our Quest for Peace
Ricks College Leadership Conference
Rexburg, ID
War and Peace
Cold War; Ricks College
Speech Outline Only
2 18
Lead-Zinc vs Tariff Commission
Washington, DC
Lead; Zinc; Minerals; Tariffs
2 19
[Civil Rights] College of Idaho
College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID
Civil Rights
No Speech
2 20
[Idaho Meetings]
Stebbins, Naomi; Gore, Albert
No Speech
2 21
Armistice Day Speech
Jerome, ID
Farming; Democratic Party; Armistice Day
Speech Outline Only
2 22
Kellogg, ID
Mining; Farming; Lumber
Speech Outline Only
2 23
Idaho Senate Subcommittee On Public Roads
Lewiston, ID
Public Roads; Transportation
2 24
Hawaii Statehood
Washington, DC
Hawaii; Statehood
1958 ?
2 25
Forest Highway Funds
Forest Roads; Transportation; Highways
2 26
Rural Hospital and Rural Library Funds
Washington, DC
Rural Hospitals; Rural Libraries; Budgets
2 27
Response to Recognition, Toym Award
Toy M Award Banquet
Phoenix, AZ
Award Acceptance; T.O.Y.M. Banquet
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 13
2 28
Untitled [Civil Rights]
10th District Democratic Club of Virginia
Civil Rights
Civil Rights; Democratic Party
2 29
[Farm Problems]
Farm Broadcast Days, Radio KRXK
Upper Snake River Valley
Farm Problems; Upper Snake River Valley; Agriculture
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 14
2 30
[Unpatented Mineral Claims to Amend Section 2324]
Washington, DC
Unpatented Claims; Mining
2 31
U.S. Foreign Policy and Disarmament
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
Disarmament; Foreign Relations
2 32
Washington's Farewell Address to The People of The U.S. (Traditional Ceremony)
Washington, DC
Washington's Farewell Address
2 33
Alaska and Hawaii Statehood
Washington, DC
Alaska; Hawaii; Murai, Ernest I.; Burns, John A.; Statehood
Murai, Ernest I.; Burns, John A.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4
2 34
Stance On Farm Policy Questions
Washington, DC
Farm Policy; Agriculture
2 35
Small Business Bill
2 36
Congressional Dinner for New Mexico Democrats
Albuquerque, Nm
Democratic Party; Montoya, Joseph; Anderson, Clinton
Montoya, Joseph; Anderson, Clinton
01-12 Addition
2 37
Alaska and Hawaii Statehood
Washington, DC
Alaska; Hawaii; Statehood
See Also Seris 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4
2 38
Transportation-Forest Highways
Washington, DC
Forest Highways; Transportation; Roads
2 39
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day
Boise, ID
Jefferson-Jackson Day; MacKaye, Mike
No Speech
2 40
Public Education At The Crossroads
National Association of School Administrators
San Francisco, CA
Education; Coldwar; Soviet Union
01-12 Addition
3 1
Untitled [Alabama League of Municipalities]
Alabama League of Municipalities
Mobile, AL
Democratic Party
3 2
Untitled [Gridiron Dinner]
Gridiron Dinner
South Bend, In
Spoofs; Democratic Party; Kennedy, John F.
3 3
Untitled [Knox County Democratic Women's Club]
Knox County Democratic Women's Club
Knoxville, Tn
Democratic Party; Kefauver, Estes
01-12 Addition
3 4
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Toledo, OH
Ashley, Thomas Ludlow; Democratic Party
3 5
Statehood for Alaska--We Must Have It Now
Washington, DC
Alaska; Statehood
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4 and Box 7 Folder 1
3 6
Role of College Education In A Free Society
Lafayette College
Easton, PA
Cold War; Education; Colleges
01-12 Addition
3 7
Statement At The Idaho Power Company Hearings
Washington, DC
Idaho Power Company; Dams; Public Works; Utilities
3 8
Untitled [Young Democrats of Arizona
Young Democrats of Arizona
Yuma, AZ
Democratic Party
01-12 Addition
3 9
Public Education--Freedom's Weapon
Arizona State College Commencement
Tempe, AZ
Cold War; Education; Colleges
3 10
Light of Hope Shines Through
Foreign Policy; Vietnam
3 11
Volunteers Honored
Volunteerism; Refield, Frank O.; Finkelnburg, E. A.
3 12
Idaho's Wonderful Shortcut
Roads; Highways; Senic Biways
3 13
Untitled [Commencement]
Idaho Falls, Idaho High School Commencement
No Speech
3 14
Change Interior Department Assessment
Mines and Minerals Subcommittee
House Committee On Insular Affairs
Assessment Dates; Mining; Mines and Minerals
3 15
Statement On James P. Mitchell Comments On Labor
Washington, DC
Condemn Mitchell's Political Tactics; Labor; Mitchell, James P.
3 16
Amend 1956 Highway Act
Washington, DCn
1956 Highway Funding Act; Transportation; Roads; Highways
3 17
Transportation-Federal Highway Act of 1956
Senate Committee On Public Works
Moore, Irving E.; Federal Highway Act of 1956
3 18
Untitled [Brookings Institute]
Brookings Institute
Williamsburg, VA
Powers of Congress
Legislative Policy; Powers of Congress; Calkins, Robert
Only Speech Notes
3 19
Transportation Excise Tax
Washington, DC
Excise Tax; Transportation; Taxation
3 20
Statehood-Alaska-Legal Responsibility
Washington, DC
Alaska; Statehood; Leagal Responsibility
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4
3 21
Washington, DC
Alaska; Statehood
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4
3 22
On Ernest Gruening As Pioneer of Alaska Statehood
Washington, DC
Alaska; Statehood; Gruening, Ernest; Bartlett, E.L.; Pastore, John; Humphrey, Hubert; Payne, Frederick G.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4
3 23
Face The Nation
Dooley, Edwin; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Proxmire, William
No Speech Or Transcript
3 24
Stabilization of...Minerals...
Washington, DC
Mining; Copper; Lead; Zinc; Minerals
3 25
Onion Futures
Washington, DC
Onion Futures; Agriculture; Pfost, Gracie
3 26
Burns Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Public Works; Dams; Irrigation
3 27
Untitled [Young Democrat Clubs of District Columbia
Young Democrat Clubs of Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Deomcratic Party
No Speech
3 28
Chief Judges' Retirement Bill
Washington, DC
Judicial Retirement
3 47
Keynote Speech Materials
Los Angeles, CA
Agree, George
4 1
Social Security Amendments
Washington, DC
Social Security Amendments of 1958; Public Welfare
4 2
Labor--Kennedy-Ives Bill
Washington, DC
Kennedy-Ives Bill; Labor
4 3
Untitled [Missouri Federation Women's Democratic Clubs]
Missouri Federation Women's Democratic Clubs
Jefferson City, MO
Labor; Democratic Party; Symington, Stewart; Blair, James T.
01-12 Addition
4 4
Untitled [Boise Trip]
Boise, ID
No Speech
4 5
Untitled [Tim Brennan Rally Banquet]
Tim Brennan Rally Banquet
Pocatello, ID
Brennan, Tim
No Speech
4 6
Untitled [Eastern Speaking Tour]
Eastern Idaho Speaking Tour
Eastern Idaho
No Speech
4 7
Untitled [Democratic State Convention, Alaska]
Democtratic State Convention, Alaska
Fairbanks, AK
Alaska; Statehood; Democratic Party
Speech Draft Only; See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 4 01-12 Addition
4 8
Montana Local Air Service
Civil Aeronautics Board
Washington, DC
Montana Local Air Service; Transportation; Aeronautics
4 9
Untitled [Everett Swing]
Everett Swing
Everett, Wa
Democratic Club
No Speech
4 10
Baker, Or
No Speech
4 11
Soil and Water Research Facilitites
Public Hearing
Boise, ID
Soil; Water; Conservation
4 12
Untitled [Illinois Chamber of Commerce]
Illinois Chamber of Commerce
Chicago, IL
No Speech
4 13
Untitled [Democratic Tide]
Tampa, FL
Cold War; Democratic Party
4 14
St. Petersburg, FL
No Speech
4 15
Untitled [Democratic Tide]
Salisbury, MD
Cold War; Deomcratic Party
4 16
My Answers, More Democrats
Monesson Chamber of Commerce
Monesson, Pennsylvania
Democratic Party; Elections; Racketts Committee
New Speech 01-12 Addition
4 17
Untitled [Democratic Tide]
Middletown, OH
Cold War; Democratic Party
4 18
South Bend, In
Brademus, John
No Speech
4 19
Madison/Green Bay, Wi
No Speech
4 20
Sioux Falls, Sd
McGovern, George
No Speech
4 21
Gracie Pfost Banquet Rally
Caldwell, ID
01-12 Addition
4 22
Post Falls/Sandpoint/Bonner's Ferry, ID
No Speech
4 23
St. Anthony/Blackfoot, ID
No Speech
4 24
Untitled [Veteran's Day Lunch]
Veteran's Day Lunch
Pocatello, ID
No Speech, See Twin Falls 11/11/59 for Draft
4 25
Untitled [Boise Federal Business Association]
Boise Federal Business Association
Boise, ID
No Speech
4 26
Untitled [Civitan Club]
Civitan Club, Owyhee Hotel
Boise, ID
No Speech
4 27
[On Cloture]
1958 Or 1959
4 28
Foreign Policy Report 1959
Foreign Policy
1959 ?
4 29
America's Role In The World Today
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
1959 ?
4 30
Washington, DC
Hawaii; Statehood
Empty Folder
4 31
Hawaii Statehood
Hawaii; Statehood
4 32
Television Booster Stations
Washington, DC
Communications; Television
Empty Folder
4 33
Untitled [Jaycees Annual Award Dinner]
Jaycees Annual Awards Dinner
Miami, FL
War and Peace
Speech Draft Only
4 34
Hawaii Statehood
Washington, DC
Hawaii; Statehood
4 35
Quest for Peace
Knox College
Galesburg, IL
War and Peace
Cold War
01-12 Addition
4 36
Reply to Senator McGee's Maiden Speech
Washington, DC
McGee, Gale
4 37
Washington, DC
Hawaii; Statehood
4 38
Negotiations for Peace
War and Peace
Cold War
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
4 39
Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour
Washington, DC
Nuclear Arms
Geneva Test Ban Conference; Nuclear Arms; Roberts, Chalmers
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folders 20, 23 and Box 5 Folders 2, 3
4 40
Untitled [New York City Trip]
New York City, NY
Agree, George
No Speech
4 41
Washington, DC
Nuclear Arms
Geneva Test Ban Conference; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 3
4 42
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Boise, ID
Kennedy, John F.
4 43
Washington, DC
Hawaii; Statehood
Empty Folder, Draft of Speech In "Alaska-Hawaii Statehood Box"
4 44
Pacific Northwest Account (Dams)
Washington, DC
Pacific Northwest Account; Public Works; Dams
5 1
Water Resources
Interior Committee
Water Resources; Conservation
5 2
Untitled [Berkeley Co. Jn. Board of Trade]
Berkeley County Junior Board of Trade
Martinsburg, WV
War and Peace
Cold War
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 13
5 3
Negotiations for Peace
B'nai B'rith
Miami, FL
Cold War; War and Peace
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 12 01-12 Addition
5 4
Negotiations for Peace
American Savings and Loan Association
War and Peace
Cold War; War and Peace
5 5
Nuclear Test Ban-Atmosphere Tests
Washington, DC
Atmospheric Tests; Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Testing
Speech Draft Only
5 6
Washington, DC
Amendment To Kennedy-Ervin Bill; Labor; Racketeering; Kennedy, John F.; Ervin, Sam
5 7
Negotiations for Peace
International Relations Council
South Bend, In
War and Peace
Cold War; Brademus, John
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20 01-12 Addition
5 8
Untitled [Louisville, KY]
Louisville, KY
No Speech
5 9
Public Lands-Utility Lines, Wheeling Bill
Washington, DC
Public Lands
Utility Line Crossings; Public Lands; Seaton, Fred A.; Aandahl; Wheeling Bill
Seaton, Fred A.
5 10
Wheeling of Federal Power Lines
Washington, DC
Federal Power Lines; Public Lands; Bonneville Power Administration; Bureau of Reclamation; Electrical Energy
01-12 Included
5 11
Untitled [Mutual Security Act & Secrecy]
Jefferson-Jackson Day
Wilmington, DE
Mutual Security Program; Deomcratic Party; Mcdowell, Harris; Frear, J. Allen
01-12 Addition
5 12
Negotiations for Peace
Whig-Cliosophic Society
Princeton, NJ
War and Peace
Cold War; Geneva Conference; Nuclear Arms
5 13
Untitled [Boise Trip]
Boise, ID
No Speech
5 14
Untitled [Commencement]
Marshing High School Commencement
Marsing, ID
Education; Commencement
No Speech
5 15
Untitled [Commencement]
Emmett High School Commencement
Emmett, ID
Education; Commencement
No Speech
5 16
Untitled [Commencement]
Arco High School Commencement
Arco, ID
Education; Jorgensen, Kay; Commencement
No Speech
5 17
Untitled [Commencement]
Montpelier High School Commencement
Montpelier, ID
Education; Commencement
No Speech
5 18
Mutual Security Act Amendments On Excessive Secrecy
Washington, DC
Mutual Security Act; Latin America; Defense
5 19
Washington, DC
Idaho Mining Association; Mining
5 20
Interstate Commerce-Gambling Devices
Washington, DC
Gambling Devices; Commerce; Taxation
5 21
Negotiations for Peace
B'rith Shalom Convention
Kiamesha Lake, NY
Cold War; War and Peace
01-12 Addition
5 22
Labor Management Reform Bill
Washington, DC
Labor Management Reform Bill; Unions
5 23
Television Booster Stations
Washington, DC
Television Booster Stations; Media; Kadletz, Ronald; Communications
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 6
5 24
Burns Creek Dam
Public Works
Burns Creek Dam;Dams
1959/07 Or 08 ?
5 25
Nominating Candidate for Grand Elk
Chicago, IL
William Hawkins
01-12 Addition
5 26
Mutual Security Act-Defense Support Budget
Washington, DC
Mutual Security Act; Defense Support Budget
5 27
Inter-American Police Force
Economics; Foreign Aid; Military Aid; Inter-American Police Force
5 28
Pioneer Day In Idaho
Washington, DC
Idaho Pioneers
5 29
Return of Freight Cars to Western Railroads
Washington, DC
Railroad; Transportation
No Speech
5 30
Youth Conservation Corps
Washington, DC
Conservation; Youth Corps
No Speech
5 31
Anadromous Fish-Salmon River
Washington, DC
Salmon; Natural Resources; Salmon River
5 32
Food for Peace
Washington, DC
Farming; Foreign Relation
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 14
5 33
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Washington State
Magnuson, Warren
No Speech
5 34
Grazing On Public Lands
Public Lands Committee
Twin Falls, ID
Grazing; Public Lands
5 35
Role of Parliament In The Protection of The Rights of The Individual
Interparliamentary Union
Warsaw, Polands
Self-Government; Foreign Relations; Human Rights; Civil Rights; Communism; Poland; Soviet Union
01-12 Included See Also 8.2/1/22
5 36
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Its Portent for Peace
Washington, DC
Nuclear Test Ban; Foreign Relations; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folders 2, 3
5 37
Untitled [Ada Co Democratic Picnic]
Ada County Democratic Picnic
Boise, ID
Democratic Party
No Speech
5 38
Untitled [Democratic Tide]
Young Democrats
Rawlins, Wy
Democratic Accomplishments; McGee, Gale; Democratic Party
5 39
Idaho Meetings
No Speech
5 40
Untitled [Education]
District B Elementary Administration
Boise, ID
Funding; Education
No Speech
5 41
Wheeling Federal Power Over Utility Lines Crossing Public Lands
Senate Floor
Washington, DC
Bonneville Power Administration; Bureau of Reclamation; Electrical Energy
01-12 Addition
6 1
[Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Tours]
Southern Idaho
Forestry; Bureau of Land Management
No Speech
6 2
[Idaho State Grange Convention]
Idaho State Grange Convention
Sandpoint, ID
No Speech
6 3
[Business and Professional Women]
Business and Professional Women
Meridian, ID
Womens Issues; Business
No Speech
6 4
Moss, Frank; Small, Milt
No Speech
6 5
Untitled [Public Events Committee]
Public Events Committee
Moscow, ID
Lough, Harold; Theophilus, D.R.
No Speech
6 6
Untitled [State Young Democrats Convention]
State Young Democrats Convention
Pocatello, ID
No Speech
6 7
Untitled [Unitarian Fellowship]
Unitarian Fellowship
Pocatello, ID
No Speech
6 8
Buhl High School Student Body
Buhl, ID
No Speech
6 9
Rupert, ID
No Speech
6 10
Veteran's Day Address
Twin Falls, ID
Veteran's Day; Cold War; Memorial
Speech Draft Only
6 11
Untitled [Women's Democrats Club Fundraising Dinner]
Women's Democratic Club Fund Raising Dinner
Gooding, ID
Democratic Party; Fundraising
No Speech
6 12
Untitled [Burley Chamber of Commerce]
Burley Chamber of Commerce
Burley, ID
No Speech
6 13
Untitled [Humphrey to Visit Idaho]
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Humphrey, Hubert; Colleges
No Speech
6 14
Untitled [Institute of Government]
Institute of Government
Pocatello, ID
No Speech
6 15
Untitled [Committee On Foreign Relations]
Committee On Foreign Relations
Boise, ID
Small, Milt
No Speech
6 16
Partisanship and Foreign Policy
Political Day At College of Idaho Campus
Caldwell, ID
Partisan Politics; Foreign Policy; Pfost, Gracie
Pfost, Gracie
6 17
Untitled [Phi Betta Kappa Breakfast]
Phi Beta Kappa Breakfast
Boise, ID
No Speech
6 18
Untitled [General Election & League of Women Voters]
General Election and League of Women Voters
Idaho Falls, ID
Garrison, Lemuel
No Speech
6 19
Untitled [Foreign Policy]
Upper Snake River Kiwanis Club
Idaho Falls, ID
Mutual Security Act; Foreign Policy
No Speech
6 20
Untitled [Payette County Democrats]
Payette County Democrats
Payette, ID
Democratic Party
No Speech
6 21
Notes On ... Address to The Idaho Wheat Growers Association
Idaho State Wheat Growers
Boise, ID
Economics; Farming; Federal Farm Policy; Agriculture; Gabby, Charles
Gabby, Charles
6 22
Civil Rights
1960 ?
6 23
Interest Rates; Democratic Party
6 24
Proposal for Progress In Geneva
Washington, DC
Atmospheric Test Ban; Nuclear Test Ban; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 3
6 25
New Proposal to Prevent Deadlock In Geneva Negotiations
Washington, DC
Atmospheric Test Ban; Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Test Ban; International Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 3
6 26
Conservation and Anadromous Fish
Washington, DC
Salmon; Salmon River; Natural Resources
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 28
6 27
Untitled [Harriman Dinner]
Harriman Dinner
New York City, NY
Harriman, Averell
No Speech
6 28
Untitled [No Speech]
Young Democrats of Kentucky
Columbia, KY
Wyatt, Wilson; Agriculture
Wyatt, Wilson
No Speech
6 29
Banning Nuclear Weapons Test
Washington, DC
Nuclear Test Ban; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 3
6 30
Untitled [Introduction of Symington]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Boise, ID
Symington, Stuart; Democratic Party
6 31
Communist Challenge
Women's National Democratic Club
Speech Draft Only; See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 10
6 32
Untitled [Women's National Democratic Club]
Women's National Democratic Club
Anti-Republican; Republican Party; Foreign Policy
Speech Draft Only
6 33
National Forest Funds for Public Education
Washington, DC
National Forest Funds; Education
6 34
Untitled [Smather's Presentation Dinner]
Smather's Presentation Dinner
Miami, FL
Smathers, George; Herlong, Sydney; Holland, Spessard; Fascell, Dante
No Speech
6 35
World Court-Connally Amendment
Washington, DC
World Court
World Court-Connally Reservation Amendment
6 36
Grazing-Venue of Cases
Washington, DC
Grazing; Taylor Act; Public Lands
6 37
Civil Rights-Jury Trial
Washington, DC
Jury Trial; Civil Rights
6 38
Sugar Act Extension
Washington, DC
Sugar Act; Agriculture
6 39
Role of Democratic Party In The Coming National Election
Notre Dame Mock Congress
South Bend, In
Woffard, Harris; Brademas, John; Elections; Democratic Party; Voting
7 1
Sawtooth National Park Feasibility Study
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Park; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 1
7 2
Untitled [Greenbrier County Dinner]
Greenbrier County Dinner
Frankford, WV
No Speech
7 3
Mutual Security Act
Washington, DC
Mutual Security Bill; Foreign Relations
7 4
Untitled [Dubois County Rally]
Dubois County Rally
Huntingburg, In
Foreign Relations
Kennedy, John F.
No Speech
7 5
Commencement Speech
Glenns Ferry High School Commencement
Glenns Ferry, ID
Education; Commencement
No Speech
7 6
Untitled [Rexburg Democratic Dinner]
Rexburg Democratic Dinner
Rexburg, ID
No Speech
7 7
Commencement Speeches
High School Commencements: Salmon, Leadore, Mt. Home, Snake River
Education; Commencement
No Speech
7 8
Introduction of Lyndon B. Johnson
Idaho Falls, ID
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Democratic Party
7 9
Untitled [Candidates Dinner]
Candidates Dinner
Pocatello, ID
No Speech
7 10
Untitled [Democratic Club Meeting]
Democratic Club Meeting
Huntington, NY
No Speech
7 11
National Forest Use, Statement On S.3044
National Forest Administration; Natural Resources
7 12
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Minneapolis, MN
Humphrey, Hubert
No Speech
7 13
U.S. Citizen's Commission On NATO
Washington, DC
U.S. Citizen's Commission On NATO; Foreign Relations
7 14
Praise for Kennedy Speech
Washington, DC
Kennedy, John F.
7 15
Postal Pay Raise
Washington, DC
Pay Raises; Civil Service; Postal Service
7 16
Tax Extension Act of 1960
Washington, DC
Tax Extension Act of 1960; Taxation; Taxes
7 17
Keynote Speech [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Rockland, ME
Anti-Republican; Democratic Party; Muskie, Edmund S.
7 18
Forest Roads
Washington, DC
Forest Roads; Transportation; Highways
7 19
Fort Hall Indian Reservation Irrigation
Washington, DC
Fort Hall Reservation; Irrigation; Indians
1960/06 Or 07
7 20
Keynote Speech
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
1960 Keynote; Democratic Party
7 21
Social Security Amendment of 1960
Washington, DC
Anderson Amendment; Social Security
7 22
Campaign Trips for Others 1960
No Speech
7 23
Labor Day Speech
Worchester, Massachusetts
Labor Unions; Minimum Wage; Democratic Party
Kennedy, John F.
01-12 Addition See Also 8.2/01/28
7 24
Communist Challenge
Women's National Democratic Club
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 10
7 25
Mason's Youth Award Acceptance
Philadelphia Mason
Democracy; Communism
01-021 See Also 8.2/01/29
7 26
Untitled [Electric Utility Union]
Electric Utility Union
Washington, DC
No Speech
7 27
Norfolk, VA
No Speech
7 28
Untitled [United Steel Workers of America
United Steel Workers of America
Youngstown, OH
No Speech
7 29
Untitled [The American Forum]
The American Forum
Empty Folder
7 30
Sioux Falls, Sd
McGovern, George
No Speech
7 31
South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah
No Speech
7 32
Salt Lake City, UT
No Speech
7 33
Government and Human Welfare
Pocatello, ID
Government Operations; Human Welfare
7 34
Atomic Energy Commission Contractors Not Paying Idaho Gas Tax
Atomic Energy Commission; Idaho Gas Tax; Taxation; Taxes
7 35
Burns Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Burns Creek Dam; Public Works; Dams
7 36
Anadromous Fish On Salmon River
Washington, DC
Salmon; Natural Resources; Salmon River
7 37
Grazing Rights
Washington, DC
Grazing; Public Lands
7 38
Indian Claims Act Amendment
Washington, DC
Indian Claims Act; Indians
7 39
Introduction of Wayne Morse
Junior Democractic Banquet
Boise, ID
Morse, Wayne
7 40
Emerging Africa: A New Dimension In World Affairs
Idaho Falls, ID
Africa; Foreign Relations
7 41
Burns Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Burns Creek Dam; Public Works; Dams
7 42
Burns Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Burns Creek Dam; Public Works; Dams
7 43
Wilderness Bill Amendments
Washington, DC
Wilderness Legislation; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
7 44
Sugar Act of 1948
Washington, DC
Sugar Act; Agriculture
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 14
8 1
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Wolf Point, Montana
Wilderness Areas; Democratic Party; Agriculture
McGee, Gale; Metcaft, Lee; Mansfield, Mike
New Speech 01-12 Addition
8 2
Factors Which Shape vs Foreign Policy In Africa and The Near East
2nd Session of Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference
Africa; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
01-12 Addition
8 3
1st 100 Days of President John Kennedy
United Steel Workers
Columbus, OH
Kennedy, John F.
8 4
Commencement Speeches
High School Commencements
Being Good Citizens; Education; Commencements
New Speech 01-12 Addition
8 5
Your Government-Your Future
Commencement At Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
Being Good Citizens; Education; Commencements
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 27
8 6
School Assistance Act 1961
Washington, DC
School Assistance Act; Education
8 7
Your Government-Your Future
Commencement At College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID
Being Good Citizens; Education; Commencements
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 27
8 8
100th Anniversary of Founding Day
Lewiston, ID
Legislative Aids
01-12 Addition
8 9
Your Government-Your Future
Commencements At Ricks College, North Idaho College, and Boise Junior College
Being Good Citizens; Education
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 27
8 10
Report from Washington
Idaho; Government Spending; Wilderness; Timber Industry
01-12 Addition New Speech
8 11
Your Government--Your Family"
Boise Junior College Commencemetn
Boise, ID
8 12
Railroad Mergers
Washington, DC
Railroad Mergers; Transportation
8 13
Weather Bureau Project
Washington, DC
Agriculture Weather Forecast
8 14
Idaho City: Magic In The Great Basin
Gold Rush Days
Gold Rush; The West--History; Idaho City, Idaho; Tourist Trade
8 15
Our New African Policy
Washington, DC
Africa; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 22
8 16
Selling Silver
Washington, DC
Silver; Mining; Minerals
8 17
Emerging Africa: A New Dimension In World Affairs
Idaho Medical Association
Sun Valley, ID
Africa; Foreign Relations
01-12 Addition
8 18
4th of July Speech
American Legion, John Regan Post No. 2
Boise, ID
War and Peace
01-12 Addition
8 19
Tribute to Idaho Pioneers
Washington, DC
Tribute To Idaho Pioneers
8 20
Silver Sales
Washington, DC
Silver; Mining; Minerals
8 21
Mutual Security Act
Washington, DC
Mutual Security Act; Foreign Relations
8 22
Berlin Radio-Television Speech
Berlin; Foreign Relations; Communitcations; Radio and Television
8 23
Amendment to Foreign Relations Act/Limit Military Aid
Washington, DC
Aid To Western Europe; Foreign Aid
8 24
Aiding Developing Institutions
Washington, DC
Higher Education; Higher Education Act of 1965
8 25
On Foreign Spending
8 26
Senate Appropriations Committee On Agriculture
Washington, DC
8 27
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Washington, DC
Foreign Assistance Act; Communist Countries; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
8 28
U.N. Tunisian Resolution
Washington, DC
United Nations; Tunisia; Foreign Relations
8 29
Wilderness Bill
Washington, DC
National Parks/Interior
Wilderness Bill; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
8 30
Some Proposals Concerning Berlin
Certifying Secretaries
Washington, DC
Berlin; Foreign Relations
01-12 Addition
8 31
Case for Debate-A Call for A General Public Debate On All Possible Solutions to The Berlin Crisis
Foreign Relations
1961 ?
8 32
Some Proposals Concerning Berlin
Foreign Relations
8 33
Washington, DC
Congo; Foreign Relations; Adoula
8 34
Indian Program On The New Frontier
18th Convention of National Congress of American Indians
Lewiston, ID
Indians; Management of Federal Programs; Health Care
01-12 Addition
8 35
Public Education At The Crossroads
Illinois Association of Secondary School Principals
Urbana, IL
Cold War; Education
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 10 01-12 Addition
8 36
Some Proposals Concerning Berlin
Temple Beth-El
Chicago, IL
Berlin; Foreign Relations
8 37
Politics of Water Resource Development
Moscow, ID
Water Resource Development; Public Works; Water
8 38
Mann Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Mann Creek Dam; Public Works; Dams
1961 Or 1962
9 1
Campaign Speeches
Democratic Tide
9 2
Trade Bill
Washington, DC
Trade Bill of 1962; Trade; Economics
9 3
Bonneville Power Administration Lines
Washington, DC
Bonneville Power Dam; Dams
9 4
Wilderness Program With Secretary Udall
Wilderness; Natural Resources
9 5
Youth Conservation Corps
Youth Conservation Corps; Conservation
9 6
Scourge of Gigantism In Business and Politics
Retail Clothiers and Furnishers
Washington, DC
Tax Policy; Small Business; Commerce
01-12 Addition
9 7
Soil Conservation Service Budget
Washington, DC
Soil Conservation Service Budget; Conservation
9 8
U.S. Purchase of U.N. Bonds
Washington, DC
Purchase of United Nations Bonds; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
9 9
Disarmament: Solution Or Distraction
Lafayette College, PA
Disarmament of Nuclear Weapons; Defense; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20 01-12 Addition
9 10
Phosphate Lieu Lands
Washington, DC
Phosphate Lieu Lands Title; Natural Resources
9 11
Indian Heirship
Washington, DC
Heirship of Lands; Indians
9 12
Disarmament: Solution Or Distraction
Chamber of Commerce
Lawrence, MA
Disarmament of Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons; Chamber of Commerce; Defense
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
9 13
Potato Controls
Washington, DC
Potato Controls; Agriculture; Farming
New Speech 01-12 Addition
9 14
Foreign Relations Act of 1961
Washington, DC
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
9 15
Housing Discrimination In Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Housing Discrimination; Civil Rights
9 16
Mining Claims and Residents' Relief
Washington, DC
Mining; Mines
9 17
More Than They Took
Grangeville, ID
Fourth of July
9 18
Untitled [Boise High School Reunion]
Boise High School Reunion Class of 1942
Boise, ID
Boise High School Notables
9 19
Washington, DC
Medicare; Medical
9 20
Death of Henry Dworshak
Washington, DC
Dworshak, Henry
01-12 Addition New Speech
9 21
Tribute to Mormon Pioneers
Washington, DC
Mormon Pioneer Tribute
9 22
Tribute to Judge John A. Carver
Pocatello, ID
John A. Carver
9 23
Foreign Aid: The Need for Congressional Direction
National Reclamation Association
Sun Valley, ID
Liberal Revolt; Foreign Aid
9 24
Lieu Lands
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
Phosphate Lieu Lands
9 25
Standing Committee Rules
Washington, DC
Standing Committees; Senate Rules
9 26
Cuba Foreign Policy
Washington, DC
Cuba; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 2
9 27
Water Diversion to California
Water Diversion; Water Quality
1963-1968 ?
9 28
Agriculture Research Service
Washington, DC
9 29
Land and Water Conservation
Washington, DC
Land and Water Conservation Act; Natural Resources
9 30
Lieu Lands
Washington, DC
Lieu Lands; Public Lands
1963-1964 ?
9 31
Military Assistance to Western Europe
Washington, DC
Military Assistance; Foreign Aid
9 32
Sale of Silver
Washington, DC
Silver Sales; Mining
9 33
Welfare State and The Warfare State
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Big Government and Warfare
01-12 Addition
9 34
Praise for Hubert Humphrey
Washington, DC
Hubert Humphrey
9 35
Idaho Territory Anniversary
Washington, DC
Territorial Anniversary
9 36
Anadromous Fish In Salmon River
Washington, DC
Salmon; Natural Resources; Salmon River; Anadromous
9 37
Welfare State and The Warfare State
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Government; Warfare
9 38
Adlai Stevenson Welcomed
Washington, DC
Stevenson, Adlai; Foreign Relations
Stevenson, Adlai
9 39
Stemming The Goldwater Flood: A Western Responsibility
Western Democratic Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
Goldwater, Barry
9 40
Kennedy Achievements In Foreign Policy
Young Democrats of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Kennedy Foreign Policy; Kennedy, John F.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 21 01-12 Addition
9 41
Kennedy Achievements In Foreign Affairs
Young Democrats Clubs of Massachusetts
Framingham, MA
Kennedy Foreign Policy; Kennedy, John F.; Foreign Affairs
Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 21
9 42
St. Patrick's Day
Boston, MA
St. Patrick's Day
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 22
9 43
Internal Revenue Service Personnel
Washington, DC
Internal Revenue Service; Civil Service
9 44
Lower Teton Dam
Washington, DC
Lower Teton Dam; Public Works; Dams
9 45
Campaign Contributions
Washington, DC
Political Contributions; Taxes
9 46
Ending Aid to Japan
Washington, DC
Japan; Foreign Aid
9 47
Michaud Flat Irrigation Project
Washington, DC
Michaud Flat Irrigation; Public Works
9 48
Reappraising American Policy In Western Europe
National War College
Washington, DC
Foreign Policy; NATO; Foreign Relations; Degaulle, Charles
Degaulle, Charles
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 1, Box 5 Folder 6 and Box 6 Folder 22 01-12 Addition
9 49
U.N. Faces Political, Not Just Financial Crisis
Washington, DC
Political and Financial Crisis; United Nations Bond Issue; United Nations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
9 50
Foreign Aid Cuts
Washington, DC
Cutting The Budget; Foreign Aid
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 17
9 51
Public Power In Southern Idaho
Washington, DC
Bonneville Power Administration; Enegy
No Speech
9 52
Gold Rush Days
Idaho City, ID
Idaho City History
01-12 Addition
10 1
Germany: Tutzing Academy
01-12 Addition
10 2
Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice
Political Club of Evangelical Academy
Tutzing, Bavaria, Germany
NATO; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 1 and Box 6 Folder 22
10 3
Change Bruce's Eddy to Dworshak
Naming Dworshak Dam; Public Works
10 4
Burns Creek Dam
Washington, DC
Burns Creek Dam; Public Works; Dams
10 5
Potato Controls
Washington, DC
Potato Controls; Agriculture; Farming
10 6
Praise for Junior Senator from South Dakota
Washington, DC
Junior Senator From South Dakota
10 7
Sawtooth National Forest
Forest Service Hearings
Sawtooth National Forest; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
10 8
CBS Washington Report
Washington, DC
No Speech
10 9
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Washington, DC
Test Ban Treaty; Nuclear Weapons Testing; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
10 10
Aid to Vietnam
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Ngo Dinh Diem; Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations
Ngo Dinh Diem
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23 and Box 8 Folder 1
10 11
Stemming The Goldwater Flood
Western States Democratic Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah
Conservatism; Liberalism; Presidential Elections
Goldwater, Barry
10 12
Sawtooth National Wilderness
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Wilderness; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Wilderness Areas
10 13
Democratic Fundraiser Speech
Lancaster PA
Republican Party; Democratic Party; Communism; Liberalism
Goldwater, Barry
New Speech 01-12 Addition
10 14
Aid to Vietnam
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations
10 15
Current Affairs Forum [Foreign Aid]
College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID
Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy
No Speech
10 16
[Liberal Revolt Against Foreign Aid]
National Reclamation Association
Sun Valley, Idaho
Foreign Policy; Interanational Assistance
10 18
Stemming The Goldwater Flood
Democratic Club
Easton, Pennsylvania
Democratic Party; Liberalism; Conservatism; Republican Party
Goldwater, Barry
01-12 Addition New Speech
10 19
Disarmament: Collusion Or Distraction
Symposium On Arms Control, University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Disarmament of Nuclear Arms; Defense; Nuclear Weapons
01-12 Addition
10 20
Liberal Revolt Against Foreign Aid
Women's National Democratic Club
Liberal Revolt; Foreign Aid
10 21
Smoking Harms
Washington, DC
Smoking Harms; Medical
10 22
Nez Perce National Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Park; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
10 23
In Memory of John F. Kennedy
River Road Unitarian Church
Bethesda, MD
John F. Kennedy Eulogy
10 24
Eulogy of John F. Kennedy
Washington, DC
John F. Kennedy Eulogy
10 25
Federal Aid to Education
Washington, DC
Funding; Education
10 26
Bonneville Power Administration Line Budget
Bonnevile Power Administration Line
1964 ?
10 27
Burns Creek Dam
Public Works Committee
Burns Creek Dam; Dams; Public Works
10 28
Portneuf Project
Washington, DC
Portneuf Flood Project; Public Works
10 29
Naval War College
Newport, Rhode Island
Foreign Relations; Cold War; NATO; Nuclear Power
01-12 Addition
10 30
Vacancy In Vice-Presidency, Constitutional Amendment
Washington, DC
Vice-Presidential Vacancy; Constitutional Amendments
10 31
On Virgin Islands and Governor Paie Wonsky
Washington, DC
Virgin Islands; Foreign Relations; Wonsky, Paie
Wonsky, Paie
10 32
Changing Role of The United Nations
La Pacific Chapter of U.N./Stanford Mock Assembly
Stanford, California
United Nations; United States Foreign Aid
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folders 10, 11
11 1
Lower Teton Dam
Lower Teton Dam; Public Works; Dams
11 2
Stuart Symington
Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinner
Springfield, Missouri
Democratic Party; The Presidency
Symington, Stuart; Kennedy, John F. Johnson, Lyndon Baines
01-12 Addition New Speech
11 3
Indian Affairs-Allegheny River
Washington, DC
Indian Affairs; Rivers
Speech Is Incomplete
11 4
Role of Borah In American Foreign Policy
Borah Foundation Lecture, University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Borah, William; Foreign Policy
01-12 Addition
11 5
Sportsman Jamboree
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Outdoor Recreation; Environmental Policy; Priest Idaho; Tourist Trade
New Speech File 01-12 Addition
11 6
Civil Rights-Jury Trial
Washington, DC
Jury Trial Amendment; Civil Rights
01-12 Addition
11 7
The Changing Role of The United Nations
Colby College Student Body
Waterville, Maine
United Nations
New Speech 01-12 Addition
1964 May 1
11 8
Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Lines Into Southern Idaho
House of Representatives; Subcommittee On Public Works
Washington, DC
Bonneville Power Transmission
New Speech 01-12 Addition
11 9
Changing Role of The U.N.
Wool Manufacturers
New York City, NY
United Nations; United States Foreign Aid
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 01-12 Addition
11 10
Income Disclosure
Washington, DC
Income Disclosure; Senate Rules
See Also Seris 10.4 Box 1 Folder 7
11 11
Introduction of Adlai Stevenson
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Stevenson, Adlai
11 12
United Nations: Foreign Policy Imperative; Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The U.N.
Washington, DC
United Nations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 22 and Box 7
11 13
Today Show
No Transcript
11 14
11 15
Battle Call for The Republic
Utah State Democratic Convention
Salt Lake City, UT
Goldwater, Barry
01-12 Addition
11 16
Employee Pay Raises
Washington, DC
Pay Raises; Civil Service
11 17
No Text
Brookings Institute
Washington, DC
New Speech 01-12 Addition
11 18
[Rural Electrification]
Northern Lights Meeting
Sandpoint, Idaho
Rural Electrification Administration
New Speech 01-12 Addition
11 19
Mormon Pioneer Day-Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Washington, DC
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
01-12 Addition
11 20
International Organization Staffing
Washington, DC
International Staffings; Civil Service
01-12 Addition
11 21
[Upper Priest Lake/National Forest]
National Parks
Upper Priest Lake; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
01-12 Addition
11 22
Battle Call for The Republic
Proxmire Testimonial Dinner
Milwaukee, Wi
Goldwater, Barry; Proxmire, William
Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
01-12 Addition
11 23
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
Washington, DC
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act; Natural Resources
01-12 Addition
11 24
Nez Perce National Historic Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Park; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
11 25
Idaho's Case for The Nez Perce National Historic Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Historic Park; National Parks, Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
01-12 Addition
11 26
Staffing International Organizations
Washington, DC
Staffing International Organizations; Foreign Relations
01-12 Addition
11 27
Cloture-Dirkson Reapportionment Amendment
Washington, DC
Dirkson Reapportionment Amendment
11 28
Northwest Nazarene College
Nampa, Idaho
Public Relations; Presidential Campaign, 1964
01-12 Addition
11 29
Reflections On John F. Kennedy: A Year After The Muffled Drums
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Kennedy, John F.
11 30
Water Conservation In Pacific Northwest
11 31
Educational Television Dedication
Education; Radio and Television
1965 ?
11 32
Higher Education Act
Higher Education Act; Education; Colleges
1965 ?
11 33
Letter On Death of Navy Pilot
War and Peace
Death of Navy Pilot
1965 ?
11 34
Water Projects In Idaho
Washington, DC
Water; Public Works
1965 ?
11 35
Soil Conservation Service
Soil Conservation
1965 ?
11 36
Grassroots Crime
1965 ?
11 37
Everybody's Business (Not Used)
Junior League
Urban Renewal
1965 ?
11 38
Constitutional Amendment
Reapportionment; Constitution
1965 ?
12 1
Soil Conservation Service Budget
Washington, DC
Soil Conservation; Budgets
1965 ?
12 2
1965 Girl Scout Senior Round-Up
Girl Scouts
12 3
On Reapportionment
Television Transcript
Constitutional Amendment
Apportionment; Constitution
12 4
Mobile Nuclear Power Plant
Washington, DC
Nuclear Power; Energy
12 5
Nez Perce National Historic Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Historic Park; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
12 6
Nez Perce National Historic Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Historic Park; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
12 7
Radical Right
Washington, DC
Radical Right; John Birch Society
12 8
Introduction of John Carver
Washington, DC
Carver, John
12 9
Sawtooth National Park
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Park; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
12 10
Apportionment Constitutional Amendment
Washington, DC
Constitutional Amendments
Apportionment; Constitution
12 11
Point of Origin Labeling
Washington, DC
Potatoes; Agriculture
12 12
Going from Bad to Worse In Vietnam Reprinted Statesman 4/15/1984 Orginally Titled "Our Over Involvement In Africa and Asia
Idaho Statesman
Foreign Relations
Asia; Africa; Vietnam
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23
12 12
Our Over Involvement In Africa and Asia: A Critical Reappraisal of American Foreign Policy In Es-Colonial Regions of The World
Washington DC
Africa and Asia; Foreign Relations; Vietnam
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23
12 13
Silver Coinage Crisis
Washington, DC
Silver; Mining
12 14
Idaho Falls, ID
Africa; Foreign Relations
12 15
We Are In Too Deep In Africa & Asia
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Africa; Asia; Foreign Policy
12 16
Representation By Population In States
Constitutional Amendments Subcommittee
Judiciary Committee
Constitutional Amendments
Apportionment; Constitution
12 17
Ernie Day Award Dinner
National Wildlife Federation
Day, Ernie; Wilderness; National Wildlife Federation
12 18
National Wild Rivers Bill
Washington, DC
National Wild Rivers Bill; Conservation; Natural Resources; Water Quality
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 1
12 19
Position On Vietnam
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
12 20
Conspiracy, U.S.A
National Committee for Civic Responsibility
Cleveland, Ohio
Radical Right; Socialism; Liberalism
12 21
Asotin Dam
District Engineers Hearings
Asotin Dam; Public Works; Dams
12 22
Conspiracy, U.S.A.
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Los Angeles
Radical Right; Socialism; Liberalism
01-12 New
12 23
What About Creeping Socialism?
Gaston Lecture, Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Government; Domestic Programs
12 24
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
Washington, DC
Budgets; Educations; Funding; Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
12 25
Wild Rivers Bill
Washington, DC
Wild Rivers Bill; Natural Resources; Water Quality
12 26
Against Soil Conservation Cuts
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
Soil Conservation; National Resources
12 27
Dominican Republic Invasion
Washington, DC
Dominican Republic; Defense
12 28
Teton Basin
Washington, DC
Teton Basin; Public Works
12 29
Wild Rivers Bill
Hearings At Green River, Wyoming
Green River, Wy
Natural Resources
Wild Rivers Bill; National Resources; Water Quality
12 30
Education: The Key to Idaho's Future
Boise Education Association
Boise, ID
12 31
Commencement Basic Text
Youth and Citizenship; Education; Commencement
12 32
Silver Shortage
Washington, DC
Silver; Mining
12 33
20th Anniversary of The United Nations
Washington, DC
United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
12 34
Pioneer Day
Washington, DC
12 35
Foreign Relations
Washington, DC
Hiroshima; Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
12 36
Vietnam Imbroglio
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations; Moyers, Bill
Moyers, Bill
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23 and Box 8 Folder 11
12 37
Tribute to Borah
Washington, DC
Borah, William E.
12 38
Vietnam-Bomb Now, Pay Later
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23 and Box 8 Folder 1
12 39
Washington, DC
NATO; Foreign Relations
12 40
Girl Scout Round-Up
Idaho; Farragut State Park
Girl Scouts
12 41
On Ted Kennedy
Washington DC
Senate Ethics
Kennedy, Ted
Kennedy, Edward M.
See Also Series 10.3 Box 1 Folder 6
12 42
ABC's Issues and Answers
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
12 43
[Farm Exports]
Farm Policy; Food Supply; Farm Exports; Agriculture
12 44
In Memory of Adlai Stevenson
Washington, DC
Stevenson, Adlai
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 7
12 45
[Vietnam Debate]
International Platform Associations
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
12 46
United Nations-India/Pakistan Peace; United Nations Triumph
Washington, DC
Pakistan; India; War and Peace; United Nations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
12 47
Gracie Pfost Tribute
Washington, DC
Pfost, Gracie
12 48
Education Decade In America
Idaho Education Association
Pocatello, ID
Education; Budgets
13 1
Nez Perce National Historic Park
Washington, DC
Nez Perce National Historic Park; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
13 2
American Society of Agriculture Engineers
Island Park, Idaho
Agriculture; Soil Conservation; International Trade; Agriculture Society
McGovern, George
01-12 New
13 3
Balanced Development: The Trust We Hold
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
Moscow, ID
Natural Resources
Water Development; National Resources
13 4
U.N. After 20 Years
College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID
United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
13 5
U.N. After 20 Years
Gonzaga University
Spokane, Wa
Foreign Aid; Hunger; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
13 6
Wild Rivers Bill
Washington, DC
Wild Rivers Bill; National Parks; Water Quality
13 7
Farming for The World
Idaho State Grange
Gooding, ID
Water Projects; Hunger; Farming; Agriculture
13 8
Bonneville Power Administration Lines
Washington, DC
Bonneville Power Administration; Public Lands; Utilities
13 9
How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Stand
Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Vietnam; Military Intervention; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 19 and Box 8 Folder 14
13 10
Farming In Idaho: A Look Ahead
Kiwanis Club
Twin Falls, ID
Water; Farming; Agriculture; Lowell, J.H.; Jordan, Len
Lowell, J.H.; Jordan, Len
13 11
Untitled [National Forest Roads]
Idaho Conference On Conservation
Forest Roads; National Parks; Roads; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
13 12
Education: Compared to What
01-12 New
13 13
Airline Service to North Idaho
Airline Service; Transportation
13 14
Somebody Must Be Doing Something Right
Unemployment; Industry; Income; Wages; Poverty; Health Care; Economics; Education
13 15
Partners In Humanity
Idaho Medical School
Doctors In Idaho; Pollution; Medical Practice
13 16
Peace Corps In Brazil
Foreign Relations
Peace Corps; Brazil; Foreign Relations
13 17
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Public Works
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Public Works; Water
Series 11 Acc No: 66008 Box 6
13 18
Foreign Policy
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Third World Countries; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 2
13 19
Untitled [YMCA Youth Legislation]
Ymca Youth Legislation
Youth; Education
13 20
Education Funding Cuts
Washington, DC
Education; Funding; Budgets
13 21
Let US Keep The School Aid Program Intact
Washington, DC
School Aid Program; Education; Funding; Budgets
13 22
U.N. and Peacekeeping
Washington, DC
Peace; United Nations
13 23
Wild Rivers Bill
Washington, DC
Wild Rivers Bill; Natural Resources; Water Quality
13 24
New American Policy for The Age of Revolution
Institute of Foreign Relations
Stanford, University
International Relations; Militarism
01-12 New
13 25
to Amend The Foreign Assistance Act
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
13 26
from The Capital-ABC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
13 27
Toward A New Asian Policy
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
13 28
Don't Cut Land Grant College Funds
Washington, DC
Land Grant; Education; Colleges; Funding; Budgets
13 29
Vietnam Perspective: Congress After Honolulu
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
13 30
U.N. After 20 Years
Boise State College
Boise, ID
United Nations; Stevenson, Adlai; Goldberg, Arthur; Pope Paul; Black, Eugene; Rusk, Dean
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
13 31
In Reply to A Smear By Evans & Novak
Washington, DC
Smear By Evans & Novak
13 32
Funding Cuts to Education
Washington, DC
Funding Cuts; Education
13 33
Forest Road Financing
Washington, DC
Forest Roads; Financing; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
13 34
Veterans Medical Benefits
Washington, DC
Medical Benefits; Veterans; Social Security
13 35
Mining-Federal Assistance
Washington, DC
Federal Assistance To New Mines; Mining; Federal Aid
13 36
U.N. After 20 Years
Ricks College
Rexburg, ID
United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
13 37
Recreation: Idaho's New Eldora Do
Lions Club
Idaho Falls
Recreation; Tourist Trade
01-12 New
13 38
Breakthrough Era
Jaycees Convention
Idaho Falls
International Relations; Agriculture; Sugar Beets
01-12 New
13 39
Beyond Vietnam: The Need for A New Asian Policy
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
14 1
Education Funding Cuts
Washington, DC
Funding Cuts; Educations; Budgets
14 2
Sawtooth National Park & Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
14 3
Meet The Press
Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations; Cold War
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 17
14 4
Statement On Wild & Scenic Rivers Bill-S.1446
Interior Committee Task Force
Boise, ID
Wild Rivers Bill; Natural Resources
14 5
National Forest Road
Washington, DC
Forest Roads; Roads; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
14 6
Educational Funding Statement
Washington, DC
Vocational Education; Budgets; Libraries; Land Grant
14 7
Higher Education Amendments of 1966
Washington, DC
Higher Education; Education; Colleges
14 8
Silver Shortage
Washington, DC
Silver; Mining
14 9
Teton Dam
Washington, DC
Teton Dam; Public Works; Dams
14 10
Meet The Press
NATO; Foreign Relations
14 11
Military Spending
Washington, DC
Military Spending; Foreign Relations
14 12
Irrigation Project Feasibility Studies
Washington, DC
Irrigation Feasibility Studies; Public Works
14 13
College Library Funds-Idaho State University
Washington, DC
College Library Funds; Education; Budgets; Libraries; Colleges
14 14
Anadramous Fish Loss
Washington, DC
Anadramous Fish
14 15
American POWs In Vietnam; American Prisoners In Hanoi-A Plea for Sanity
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Pow's; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20 and Box 8 Folder 7
14 16
Airline Strike
Washington, DC
Airline Strikes; Transportation
14 17
Beyond Vietnam: The Need for A New Asian Policy
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
14 18
Fly Fishing Federation
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Fishing; Water--Law and Legislation; Dams--Environmental Aspects
Trueblood, Ted
14 19
Military Assistance Cuts/Military Assistance Act of 1967
Washington, DC
Military Aid Cuts; Budgets; Foreign Aid
14 20
Forest Land Exchange
Washington, DC
Land Exchange; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
14 21
Insured Savings & Loans
Savings & Loans
14 22
Anadramous Fish Loss At Dams
Washington, DC
Anadramous Fish
14 23
National Reactor Testing Station
Idaho Falls
National Reactor Testing Station; Nuclear Energy
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
14 24
Nomination of John Carver to Federal Power Commission
Civil Service
Carver, John; Federal Power Commission
Carver, John
14 25
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Subcommittee On Irrigation & Reclamation
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project; Irrigation; Public Works
14 26
Nampa Sewage Plant Dedication
Nampa, ID
Sewage Disposal
14 27
U.N. General Assembly
Administrative & Budget Committee
Budgets; United Nations
14 28
U.S. Non-Proliferation Policy: An Evaluation
World Affairs Council of Northern California
San Francisco, CA
Non-Proliferation Strategy; Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folders 2, 6 and Box 6 Folder 23
14 29
Beyond Vietnam: The Need for A New Asian Policy
Long Island, New York
Vietnam; National Council of Jewish Women
14 30
U.N. Finances
U.N. General Assembly
New York City, NY
Financial Aspects; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 16
14 31
United Nations General Assembly
Korea; United Nations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 16
14 32
United Nations General Assembly
Korea; United Nations; Foreign Relations
14 33
International Year
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations; Foreign Relations
14 34
U.N. Is 21
Governor's Conference On United Nations
Concord, NH
United Nations
Accomplishments; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
14 35
Korean Seating Question
United Nations General Assembly
Korea; United Nations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 16
14 36
United Nations General Assembly
Korea; United Nations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 16
14 37
Foreign Military Aid for Fiscal 1968
Washington, DC
Foreign Military Aid; Foreign Relations
14 38
United Nations
14 39
Our Present Predicament
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
14 40
Wild Rivers Bill
Washington, DC
Wild Rivers Act; Natural Resources
14 41
Rural School District Bill
Washington, DC
Rural School District Bill; Education
14 42
U.N. At Twenty-One
Women's National Democratic Club
United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
14 43
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Washington, DC
Southwest Idaho Water; Water Quality; Conservation
15 1
U.N. Is 21
United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
15 2
Moscow Forestry Sciences Laboratory
Moscow Forestry Laboratory; Forestry; Wilderness; Conservation
15 3
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
Washington, DC
National Parks
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
15 4
International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Discrimination; Foreign Realtions
15 5
Organization of American States
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Punta Del Este
15 6
Geothermal Land Grab
Geothermal; Energy
15 7
Where Do Farmers Go from Here?
Idaho National Grange
1967/04 ?
15 8
Social Security Retirement Test
Washington, DC
Retirement Test; Social Security
15 9
Outer Space Treaty
Washington, DC
Outer Space Treaty; Foreign Relations
15 10
Commencement Speeches
Future of Youth; Commencement
15 11
Voluntary Disclosure of Assets
Washington, DC
Voluntary Disclosure
15 12
Agricultural Producers Marketing Act
Washington, DC
Potato; Agriculture
15 13
Peace Corps: from Idea to Reality
Peace Corps
15 14
Arsenal Diplomacy: Failure of A Policy
Foreign Arms; Defense
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 17 and Box 6 Folder 22
15 15
Atomic Energy
15 16
Gun Control
Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee
Gun Control; Firearms
15 17
Arsenal Diplomacy: The Failure of Policy
Idaho Press Association
Burley, Idaho
International Relations; Vietnam; Space Exploration; Space Treaty
15 18
Why I'm A Democrat
Young Democrats State Convention
McCall, ID
Democratic Party
15 19
U.N. Jurisdiction On High Seas
Washington, DC
United Nations Jurisdiction
15 20
Gem County Democratic Picnic
Western Community Action Agency; Poverty; Southwest Idaho Water Development; Democratic Party
15 21
Mann Creek Project Dedication
Mann Creek Project Committee
Weiser, Idaho
Mann Creek; Irrigation; Spangler Dam
15 22
Untitled [Idaho Economic Growth]
Idaho Food Dealers
Sun Valley, ID
Idaho Economics; Economic Growth
15 23
Catholic 100 Anniversary Banquet
Lewiston, Idaho
Cataldo Mission; Catholic Church
15 24
Potato Labeling Act
Washington, DC
Potato Labeling; Agriculture
15 25
President & Congress In Foreign Policy: The Threat to Constitutional Government
Idaho Press Club
Boise, ID
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folde 19 and Box 7 Folder 12
15 26
Alliance for Progress-Arms Sales
Washington, DC
Arms Sales; Peru; Foreign Relations
15 27
Where Do Farmers Go from Here
for Cattlemen Association
Idaho Falls and Rexburg
Agriculture; Cattle Industry
01-12 Not Used
15 28
Beyond The Call of Duty
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Rigby, Idaho
Veteran's Day
01-12 Not Used
15 29
I Know How to Think
Idaho School Trustees
Moscow, ID
Education; Domestic Problems
15 30
Crime-President's Crime Message
Washington, DC
Crime; Defense
15 31
Torment In The Land
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
Vietnam; Foreign Relations; Kennan, George; Symington, Stuart; Bennett, Wallace; Huntley, Chet; Schlesinger, Arthur; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Udall, Morris; Long, Edward; U Thant; McGovern, George; Fulbright, J.W.; Lippman, Walter
16 1
Vietnam Flag News Story
Capital City Kiwanis Club
Boise, ID
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
16 2
Railroad Passenger Service
Interstate Commerce Commission
Railroad; Union Pacific; Transportation
16 3
Recreation In Idaho's Future
Jamboree's Throughout The State
Idaho Recreation
16 4
Untitled [Jefferson-Jackson Day]
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Twin Falls, ID
Jefferson-Jackson Day
16 5
Agriculture-Soil Conservation
Washington, DC
Soil Conservation; Agriculture
16 6
Education Decade In America
Association of Idaho School Superintendents
Boise, ID
Future; Education
16 7
Opening Statement [International Organization Subcommittee]
International Organization Subcommittee
United Nations; Peacekeeping
16 8
Gun Control
Gun Control; Firearms
16 9
Commencement Speeches
Generation Gap; Commencement
16 10
Keynote Speech [Idaho State Democratic Assembly]
Idaho State Democratic Assembly
Idaho Falls, ID
Violence; Kennedy, Robert F.
16 11
Foreign Aid Bill
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
16 12
Basque Dancers
Washington, DC
Basque Dancers
16 13
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms
16 14
Log Exports
Log Exports; Lumber
16 15
[Foreign Aid Bill: Floor Speech
16 16
Robert F. Kennedy Eulogy
Kennedy, Robert F.; Eulogy
16 17
Foreign Aid
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations; Foreign Aid
16 18
Colorado River Basin Project
Washington, DC
Colorado River Basin; Natural Resources;
16 19
Gun Control
Gun Control; Dodd Bill; Firearms
16 20
Untitled [Idaho Press Club]
Idaho Press Club
Boise, ID
State of The Nation
16 21
Untitled [Boise State College Memorial Mall Dedication]
Boise State College Memorial Mall Dedication
Boise, ID
Boise State College;
16 22
Radio Spot-Vietnam
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
16 23
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 22
16 24
Foreign Assistance Act-Peru
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Peru; Foreign Relations
16 25
Walter Hickel Nomination to Secretary of The Interior
Washington, DC
Walter Hickel Nomination for Interior; Civil Service; Hickel, Walter
16 26
Vietnam Is Not Yet A Republican War
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
16 27
Voting Age
Washington, DC
Constitutional Amendment
Voting; Constitution
16 28
Washington, DC
Senate Rules
16 29
Case for The Three-Fifths Rule
Washington, DC
Senate Rules
16 30
Electoral Reform-Direct Presidential Election
Washington, DC
Constitutional Amendment
Elections; Constitutional
16 31
Kappel Commission Salary-Recommendations Ill Timed
Washington, DC
Salary Raises; Civil Service
16 32
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation, Outdoor Recreation
16 33
Revolution & World Order
Council On Foreign Relations
Chicago, IL
United States; Soviets; Nationalism; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 18. Nationalism Theme Further Developed In 1984 Article, Series 8.3, Box 4, Folder 57
16 34
Revolution and World Order
Empire Club of Canada
Toronto, Canada
United States; Soviets; Nationalism; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23 and Box 8 Folder 18. Nationalism Theme Further Developed In 1984 Article, Series 8.3, Box 4, Folder 57.
16 35
Rejoining The Union
Victory Dinner for Governor Forest Anderson
Helena, MT
Forest Anderson Victory Dinner; Anderson, Forest
16 36
Federally Impacted Areas
Washington, DC
Federally Impacted Areas; Economics
16 37
Tax Reform
Washington, DC
Tax Reform; Taxation
16 38
Revolution & World Order
World Affairs Conference, University of Illinois
Champaign, IL
United States; Soviets; Nationalism; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 18. Nationalism Theme Further Developed In 1984 Article, Series 8.3, Box 4, Folder 57.
16 39
Crisis of Spirit
British-American Parliamentary Conference
State of Nation
16 40
Crisis of Spirit
Kootenai Democratic Central Committee
Coeur d'Alene, ID
State of Nation
16 41
New Conservation
Idaho Parks and Recreation Convention
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Pollution; Conservation; Environment; Parks and Recreation
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 28
16 42
I Shall Remember Dwight David Eisenhower
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
16 43
Military-Rebuttal to Hanks
Washington, DC
Military; Defense; Hanks, Robert J.
Hanks, Robert J.
16 44
Today Show-NBC
Foreign Relations
Vietnam; Relations
16 45
of Presidents & Caesars
Washington, DC
Congressional Power; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 12
16 46
New Cuban Crisis Wanes
Cuban Crisis
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 21
1970 ?
16 47
Mormon Statement-Pioneer Day
Pioneer Day
16 48
On The War In Laos
War and Peace; Laos
16 49
Mary Mcconnell Borah Is 100 Years Old
Borah, Mary McConnell
16 50
Steve Young: A Legislative Warrior
Washington DC
Young, Steve
See Also Series 10.3 Box 1 Folder 7
16 51
Ricks College
Higher Education; Colleges
Incomplete Speech
17 1
Pioneer Day 1969
Pioneer Days
Idaho Falls, ID
Tribute To Mormon Pioneers
17 2
Rockefeller Latin American Tour
Washington, DC
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Latin American; Entertainment; Foreign Relations
17 2
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
17 4
Two Sentinels of The Status Quo: An Analysis of The Parallel Foreign Policies of The U.S./Soviet Relations
United States; Soviets; Nationalism; Foreign Relations; Macleish, Archibald
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 22 and Box 8 Folder 18
17 5
White Clouds-Statement to The Press
Boise, ID
White Clouds; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
17 6
Military Aid-Latin America
Washington, DC
Military Aid; Latin America; Foreign Relations
17 7
Honduras-El Salvador War
Washington, DC
Honduras-El Salvador War; Military Aid; Foreign Relations
17 8
Honduras-El Salvador War
Washington, DC
Honduras-El Salvador War; Military Aid; Foreign Relations
17 9
Wrong Man for Venezuela
Washington, DC
Venezuela; Foreign Relations
17 10
ABM? Not Now
Washington, DC
Antiballistic Missile (ABM); Defense
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 6
17 11
I Cannot Sit By
Washington, DC
Thailand; Foreign Relations
17 12
Federally Impacted Areas Program In Idaho
Washington, DC
Federal Impact Areas; Education
17 13
Military Plans In Thailand
Press Conference
Military Contingency Plans-Thailand; Defense
17 14
On Returning Idaho Combat Engineers
Idaho Falls, ID
Combat Engineers
17 15
U.S. and Latin America-Call for A New Policy
Pacem In Terris Seminar
Mexico City, Mexico
Latin America; Foreign Relations
17 16
Voluntary Disclosure of Income
Washington, DC
Senate Rules
Income Disclosure
17 17
Equal Treatment for Reservists Under Gi Bill
Washington, DC
Gi Bill; Education; Equal Treatment
17 18
Hearing Aids
Washington, DC
Hearing Aids; Medical
17 19
Land & Water Conservation Act
Washington, DC
Land & Water Conservation Fund Acts; Golden Eagle Passport; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
17 20
Vietnam-Radio Tape
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 21
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 22
Gun Control-Ammunition Registration
Washington, DC
Gun Control; Ammunition; Firearms
17 23
Foreign Aid Revisited
Center for Inter-America Relations
New York City, NY
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
17 24
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
New York City, NY Or Boston, MA
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 25
Issues and Answers
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
See Aslo Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
17 26
Radio Spots
Vietnam; Silver; Foreign Relations
17 27
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
Foreign Policy Association
New York City, NY
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 28
New Prescription for Latin America
Washington, DC
Latin America; Foreign Relations
17 29
Education Funding
Washington, DC
17 30
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 31
for Alan Cranston
Santa Clara Democrat Dinner
Saratoga, CA
Cranston, Alan
17 32
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
University of Maine
Orono, ME
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
17 33
New Conservation
Association of Soil Conservation Districts
Idaho Falls, ID
Soil Conservation
17 34
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Vietnam; Foeign Relations
17 36
Introduction of Nelson Rockefeller
Subcommittee On Western Hemisphere Affairs
Committee On Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations
Rockefeller, Nelson
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 21
17 37
Honoring Ralph Paiwonsky of Virgin Islands
St. Thomas/St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Paiwonsky, Ralph
17 38
Freight Rates and The Icc (Interstate Commerce Commission)
Washington, DC
Freight Rates; Transportation
18 1
Only Alternative: A Reply to Nixon (Washington Monthly Article)
Washington DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
18 2
Land & Water Conservation Fund
Land and Water Conservation Fund
1969 Or 1970
18 3
Does The U.N. Have A Future?
Pacific Chapter, United Nations Association
Los Angeles, CA
Future of The United Nations; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
18 4
Ambassador Arthur Watson's Behavior
Watson, Arthur; France; Foreign Relations
18 5
Our National Forests
Washington, DC
Clear Cutting; Forestry
18 6
2nd Bridge Over Snake River Near Lewiston
Washington, DC
Bridges; Snake River; Public Works
18 7
Bill to Create An Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs
Washington, DC
Undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 21
18 8
Untitled [Latin America]
Catholic Inter-America Cooperation Program
Latin America; Foreign Relations
18 9
Prohibit Dams On Middle Snake River
Washington, DC
Dams; Snake River; Public Works
18 10
U.S. Involvement In Laos
Washington, DC
Laos; Foreign Relations
18 11
Radioactive Nuclear Waste
Washington, DC
Radioactive Nuclear Wastes; Pollution
18 12
Older Americans In Rural Areas
Special Committee On Aging
Emmett, ID
Rural; Aging
18 13
Atom-It's Dangerous Aftermath
Washington, DC
Waste; Atomic Energy
18 14
Air Pollution-Government Car Purchases
Washington, DC
Air Pollution
18 15
Farm Aid Bill
Washington, DC
Farm Aid; Farm Policy; Farming
18 16
Western Freight Car Shortage
Washington, DC
Freight Car Shortage; Transportation
18 17
Better Food for The Elderly
Washington, DC
Food; Aging; Elderly
18 18
Latin America Policy-Agency for International Development
Washington, DC
Latin America; Agency for International Development; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
18 19
of Presidents and Caesars
50th Anniversary Political Science Department
Stanford, CA
Congress-Executive Power Clash; War Powers; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 12
18 20
Untitled [Nez Perce County Fundraiser]
Nez Perce County Fundraiser
Lewiston, ID
Democratic Party; Fundraising
18 21
Give Earth A Chance
Ricks College and Idaho State University
Rexburg and Pocatello, ID
Air Pollution; Water Pollution; Air Quality; Water Quality; Environment; Conservation; Global Warming; Climate Change
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 28 and Box 6 Folder 22
18 22
War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line
Pacem In Terris
Wilmington, DE
Vietnam; Foeign Relations
No Speech; See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
18 23
Cambodia; Foeign Relations
18 24
Atomic Energy Waste Disposal
Washington, DC
Waste Disposal; Atomic Energy
18 25
War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foeign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
18 26
Atomic Energy Waste Disposal
Washington, DC
Waste Disposal; Atomic Energy
18 27
Railroad Passenger Service: A National Disgrace
Washington, DC
Railroads; Transportation
18 28
Cooper-Church Amendment
Washington, DC
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 29
Amendment to End The War
NBC Show
Vietnam; Foeign Relations
18 30
Cooper-Church Amendment
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 31
Hickenlooper Amendment to Foreign Assistance Act
Washington, DC
Hickenlooper Amendment; Foreign Aid; Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
18 32
Byrd Amendment to Cooper-Church
Washington, DC
Byrd Amendment To Cooper-Church; Byrd, Robert C.
18 33
Cooper-Church Amendment
Washington, DC
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 34
Southeast Asia
Meet The Press
Southeast Asia; Vietnam; Cambodia; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20 and Box 8 Folder 1
18 35
Byrd Amendment
Washington, DC
Byrd Amendment To Cooper-Church; Foreign Relations; Byrd, Robert C.
18 36
Untitled [Senior Citizen Housing Dedication]
Senior Citizen Housing Dedication
Nampa, ID
Dedication Ceremonies; Elderly; Housing
18 37
America: Reclaim Your Birthright, Renew Your Ancient Faith
Northwest Nazarene College Commencement
Nampa, ID
State of America; Commencement
18 38
Educational Opportunity Grants
Washington, DC
Grants; Education
18 39
War By Proxy (Griffin Amendment)
Washington, DC
Griffin Amendment To Cooper-Church; Foreign Relations; Griffin, Robert P.
18 40
On Cooper-Church
Washington, DC
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 41
Announcement Cooper-Church
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 42
Cooper-Church Amendment Must Be Retained
Washington, DC
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
18 43
Salmon Falls Division of Upper Snake River
Salmon Falls Division; Public Works
18 44
Sawtooth National Park
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Park; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
18 45
Fresh Danger In Cambodia
Washington, DC
Cambodia; Foreign Realtions
18 46
Interview With James Mccartney
Cambodia; Foreign Relations; McCartney, James
18 47
Arms Control (Hughes-Cranston Amendment)
Washington, DC
Hughes-Cranston Amendment; Nuclear Arms; Hughes, Harold S.; Cranston, Alan
18 48
Press Conference: Cambodia
Washington, DC
Cambodia; Foreign Relations
18 49
Spanish American Agreement: The Story of A Double Event
Washington, DC
Spain; Foeign Realtions
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 20
18 50
McGovern-Hatfield Amendment
News Conference
Vietnam; Foreign Realtions; McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
18 51
Vietnam; Foreign Realtions
18 52
Doves Have Won and Don't Know It
Mills College
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20 and Box 8 Folder 8
18 53
Time People Elected The President
Washington, DC
Constitutional Amendment
Elections; Constitution
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 11
18 54
U.S.-Spain Agreement
Washington, DC
United States; Spain; Nationalism; Foreign Relations
18 55
Doves Are Winning
National Politcs Institute, Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Co
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
18 56
Untitled [Today Show]
The Today Show
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
18 57
Barring American Forces In Cambodia
Washington, DC
Cambodia; Foreign Relations
18 58
Idaho P.T.A. (Parent-Teacher Association)
Burley, ID
War and Peace
State of The Nation
18 59
American Foreign Policy and The Caribbean
American Assembly Conference On Caribbean
New York City, NY
Carribean; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
19 1
American Foreign Policy and The Caribbean
Washington, DC
Carribean; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
19 2
Tribute to Departing Senators
Departing Senators; Gore, Albert; McCarthy, Eugene; Williams, John J.; Tydings, Joe; Yarborough, Ralph
19 3
Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap
Thomas C. Hennings Lecture, Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Foreign Policy; Hennings, Tom
Hennings, Tom
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folders 20, 27 and Box 7 Folder 1
19 4
Cooper-Church Amendment
Washington Post
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
19 5
Washington Straight Talk
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
19 6
Loan Guarantee for Big Business
Washington, DC
Lockheed Loan; Economics; Business
19 7
Modest Change In Cloture
Washington, DC
Senate Rules
19 8
Snake River Dam Moratorium
Washington, DC
Dams; Snake River; Public Works
19 9
American Foreign Policy In Transition
John Hopkins University
Washington, DC
Congress; Foreign Relations
19 10
Expansionary Budget-Who Pays?
Washington, DC
President's Budget; Aging; Economics
19 11
Transcript Face The Nation
Face The Nation
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
19 12
Omitted Lands
Washington, DC
Omitted Lands; Public Works
19 13
Untitled [Aging]
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
19 14
Repeal Formosa Resolution
Washington, DC
Formosa Resolution; Foreign Relations
19 15
Social Security and Medicine
Washington, DC
Benefits; Social Security; Medicine
19 16
Railroad Passenger Service
Washington, DC
Railroads; Transportation
19 17
Soil Conservation
Soil Conservation; Agriculture
19 18
Railroads; Transportation
1971/03-05 ?
19 19
Heroin Trade
Washington, DC
Heroin; Drug Trade
19 20
Senator Muskie and The War
Washington DC
Vietnam; Foreign Policy; Muskie, Edmund S.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 13
19 21
Soil Conservation Service-Its Time for Full Funding
Soil Conservation, Agriculture; Natural Resources; Environment
19 22
Democratic Party and Israel
Washington DC
Middle East; Israel; Foreign Policy; Political Affairs; Democratic Party
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 28
19 23
Pioneer Day
Pioneer Day
19 24
19 25
Voluntary Disclosure of Income, Assets, and Taxes Paid
Ethics; Senate Rules; Disclosure; Income; Taxes; Taxation
See Also Series 10.4 Box 1 Folder 13
19 26
Tax Law: Artist Residum Transposal
Washington, DC
Taxes; Taxation
19 27
Mining Law
Washington, DC
Prospecting; Mining; Mining Law
19 28
NBC Special On The Congress
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
19 29
Indochina Refugees
Washington, DC
Indochina Refugees; Foreign Relations
19 30
U.S. Information Agency Propaganda for Vietnam
Washington, DC
Propaganda; Foreign Relations
19 31
American POWs In Vietnam
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Pow's; Foreign Relations
19 32
Sawtooth-White Cloud Bill
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
19 33
Tax Law On Artists Residum Transposal
Washington, DC
Taxes; Taxation
1971/03/? [After]
19 34
Let US Come Out Together
Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace
New York City, NY
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
19 35
Cooper-Church On Vietnam
Issues and Answers
Vietnam; Cooper-Church; Foreign Relations
19 36
Let US Come Out Together
Kennedys Memorial Lecture On International Affairs
Baltimore, MD
Vietnam; Foeign Relations
19 37
Credit Unions
Idaho Credit Union League
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Credit Unions; Commerce
19 38
Income Supplements for Older Americans
Washington, DC
Social Security
Income Benefits; Social Security
19 39
Reversal of Policy On Funding for Administration On Aging
Washington, DC
Administration On Aging; Aging; Elderly
19 40
Reversal of Policy On Funding for Administration On Aging
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly; Funding; Budgets
19 41
Income Supplements for The Elderly
Washington, DC
Income Supplements; Social Security
19 42
End The Draft Now (Not Delivered)
Draft; Defense
19 43
You Can Bet Your Free Life
State of The Nation
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 27
19 45
Newman Navy
Washington, DC
Newman Family
19 46
Special Olympics
Idaho State Special Olympics Banquet
Boise, ID
Special Olympics
19 47
Radiation Accident Statement
Washington, DC
Radiation Accident; Atomic Energy
19 48
1971: New Directions In Aging
10th Annual Convention of National Council On Senior Citizens
Washington, DC
Legislation; Aging; Elderly
19 49
Arms to Pakistan Revealed
Washington, DC
Pakistan; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 11
19 50
Formosa Resolution
Washington, DC
Formosa Resolution; Foreign Relations
19 51
Social Security Benefits
Washington, DC
Debt Ceiling; Social Security
19 52
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
19 53
Cooper-Church Amendment
Dartmouth-American Telephone and Telegraph Seminar
Hanover, NH
Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
19 54
In Support of Cooper-Church Amendment
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
19 55
Joint Committee to Oversee Foreign Relations
Washington, DC
National Security; Foreign Relations
19 56
Subcommittee On Western Hemisphere Affairs
Brazil; Foreign Relations
19 57
Untitled [Issues & Answers]
Issues and Answers
Vietnam; Lockheed; Foreign Relations
19 58
Toronto Declaration On Pakistan
Washington, DC
Pakistan; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 11
19 59
Washington, DC
19 60
Community School Center Development Act
Washington, DC
Community Schools; Education; Community School Center Development Act
19 61
U.S.-Canada Friction
Washington, DC
Canada; Foreign Relations
19 62
U.N.: A Practical Necessity
Mayor's U.N. Day Banquet
Kansas City, MO
Peacekeeping; United Nations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7
19 63
Untitled [North Carolina Young Democrats]
North Carolina Young Democrats Convention
Greensboro, Nc
Policy; Democratic Party; Nixon, Richard M.
19 64
Farewell to Foreign Aid
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations; Galbraith, John Kenneth
19 65
McGovern Foreign Policy
National Press Club
Washington, DC
General Election
McGovern, George; Election
19 66
Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomacy
Council for A Livable World
Washington, DC
Arms Sales; Foreign Relations
19 67
Foreign Aid: Phase II
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
19 68
Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomacy
Washington, DC
Military Sales and Aid; Foreign Relations;
19 69
Practicing What We Preach
National Conference On Christians and Jews
Philadelphia, PA
Bunting, John; State of Nation
19 70
[White House Conference On Aging]
White House Conference On Aging
Washington, DC
Legislation; Aging; Elderly
19 71
from The President Who Brought You No Farm Message
Washington, DC
Butz, Earl; Farm Policy
19 72
Untitled [Education]
National Community School Education Association
Miami, FL
Higher Education; Education; Colleges
19 73
War Between India and Pakistan and The Ineptitude of U.S. Policy
Washington, DC
India; Pakistan; Foreign Relations, War and Peace
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 11
19 74
U Thant Testimonial
New York City, NY
United Nations; U Thant
19 75
McGovern and Israel
Washington, DC
General Election
McGovern, George; Israel; Elections
1972 ?
19 76
New Arms Merchants
Washington, DC
Arms; Foreign Aid
1972 ?
20 1
No, On Foreign Aid Appropriations
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Budgets
1972 ?
20 2
Response to Nixon
National Television
Vietnam; Nixon, Richard M.; Democratic Party
20 3
Is This Trip Necessary
Washington Press Club
Washington, DC
Nixon, Richard M.; Democratic Party
20 4
Social Security
Washington, DC
Social Security
20 5
Aid & Trade: Our Responsibility In The Caribbean & Latin America
Church Women United
Washington, DC
Caribbean; Latin America; Foreign Aid
20 6
Bangladesh Recognition
Washington, DC
Bangladesh; Foreign Relations
20 7
Role of Congress In Future Policymaking
Christian Herter Lecture Series, Johns Hopkins
Washington, DC
Congress; Executive Power; Foreign Relations; Policy
20 8
State of The Elderly
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly; Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
20 9
Asian Triangle: Japan-U.S.-China
5th Annual World Affairs Conference
Peoria, IL
Asia; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations
Nixon, Richard M.
20 10
Tax Reform
Washington, DC
Tax Reform; Taxes; Taxation
20 11
Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Ottowa, Canadalb/>Canada; Foreign Relations
20 12
Introduction of Ed Muskie
J-J Banquet
Boise, ID
Muskie, Edmund S.
20 13
Ottowa, Canada
Radio and Television
20 14
Bangladesh Hearings
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
20 15
Land & Water Conservation Funds
Washington, DC
Land and Water Conservation Funds; Conservation; Funding; Budgets; Water Conservations
20 16
Need for Change In Gi Bill
Washington, DC
Gi Bill; Education
20 17
Sawtooth National Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
20 18
Rule of Congress In Foreign Policy
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Powers of Congress; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations
20 19
U.S. Foreign Policy After Vietnam
Bryn Mawr College
Haverford, PA
Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Realtions; Foreign Policy; Vietnam
20 20
Students and Aging: More Talk On The Forbidden Subject
Kansas State Citizen's Council On Aging
Aging; Elderly
20 21
Untitled [Today Show]
The Today Show
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
20 22
Untitled [Bloomsburg State College]
Bloomsburg State College
General; Deomcratic Party
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 22
20 23
No More Idaho Dollars for Amtrak
Washington, DC
Amtrak; Railroads; Transportation
20 24
Vietnam: In The 8th Year of The American Ordeal
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Case-Church Amendment; Foreign Aid
20 25
McGovern In The White House
Washington, DC
General Election
McGovern, George; Elections
20 26
Nixon's Mission to Moscow
Allied Education Foundation
New York City, NY
Nixon, Richard M.; United Soviet Socialist Republic; Foreign Relations
20 27
Sunshine Mine Disaster
Washington, DC
Sunshine Mine; Mining
20 28
Added Park Areas to Wilderness
Washington, DC
Wilderness Areas; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
20 29
Love, Liberty & Never Be Afraid
Patriotism; Commencement
See Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 27
20 30
Action On Aging
1972 State Conference On Aging
Boise, ID
Policy; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
20 31
Action On Aging
1972 State Conference On Aging
Boise, ID
Legislation; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
20 32
for George McGovern
General Election
McGovern, George; Elections
1972/05/31 Or 1972/06/14
20 33
Golden Eagle Passport Program
Washington, DC
Golden Eagle Passport Program; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
20 34
Untitled [AFL-CIO Convention]
AFL-CIO Convention
Idaho Falls, ID
Labor; Unions
20 35
Foster Grandparent Program
Washington, DC
Foster Parents; Aging; Elderly; Children
20 36
George McGovern for President
Idaho Democratic Assembly
Sun Valley, ID
General Election
McGovern, George; Elections
20 37
Democratic Foreign Policy for The Seventies
New York Platform Committee of Democratic Party
New York City, NY
Arms Sales; Foreign Relations
20 38
American Foreign Policy & The Rule of Law
Idaho State Bar Association
Sun Valley, ID
War Powers; Executive Power; Congress; Foreign Relations
20 39
[Republican Failings On Aging Issues]
Senior Citizen's Host Subcommittee of 1972 Democratic National Convention
Miami, FL
Aging; Social Security; Democratic Party; Elderly
20 40
Minimum Wages Should Eliminate The øWorking Poor'
Washington, DC
Minimum Wage; Economics
20 41
New Prospectives for Private Utilities
Idaho Public Utilities Executives Council Seminar
Moscow, ID
Utilities; Energy
20 42
Gun Control-Saturday Night Specials
Washington, DC
Saturday Night Specials; Gun Control; Firearms
20 43
Death With Dignity
Washington, DC
Right To Die; Aging
20 44
Gun Control
Washington, DC
Gun Control; Firearms
20 45
Waffling Performance of President Nixon
Washington, DC
Defense; Nixion, Richard M.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
1972/08/8-10 ?
20 46
to The New India-Happy 25th Birthday
Washington, DC
India; Foreign Relations
20 47
Untitled [Remarks At Israel's Foreign Ministers Dinner for F.C.
Abba Eban Dinner
Jerusalem, Israel
Israel; Foreign Relations
20 48
Sawtooth National Recreation Area Dedication
Redfish Lake, ID
National Parks
Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
20 49
We Can't Share What We Don't Have
Washington, DC
Tax Loopholes; Revenue Sharing; Economics; Taxation; Taxes
20 50
Nixon Administration Misleading The Public About Social Security
Washington, DC
Cost-of-Living Increase; Social Security; Nixon, Richard M.
20 51
Nixon Failure On Aging
Washington, DC
Nixon, Richard; Policy; Aging; Elderlyb/>See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
20 52
George McGovern for President
McGovern, George
20 53
McGovern Foreign Policy
National Press Club
Washington, DC
McGovern, George; Foreign Policy
20 54
Inquiry On The Multinational Corporation & Its Relationship to U.S. Foreign Policy
Business Financing Conference
New York City, NY
Multinationals; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy; International Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
20 55
Military Appropriations (Not Delivered)
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
Washington, DC
Military Appropriations; Defense
20 56
Wilderness Act Applies to The East
Washington, DC
Wilderness; Environment
20 57
Future Directions In Social Security
Washington, DC
Benefits; Social Security; Aging
20 58
Multinational Corps: A Perception of America
Chicago Council On Foreign Relations
Chicago, Ilb/>Multinational Corps; Foreign Relations
20 59
Case-Church Amendment
Washington, DC
Case-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations
20 60
Separation of Powers
Washington, DC
Powers of Congress
Impoundment; Congress
20 61
Medicare-Prescription Coverage
Washington, DC
Medicare; Social Security
20 62
Technology and The Environment
Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
Boise, ID
Technology; Conservation; Technology; Environment
20 63
Introduction of Walter Mondale
Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Boise, ID
Deomcratic Party; Mondale, Walter; Jefferson-Jackson
20 64
Prudent Management of The Public Range
International Society of Range Management
Boise, ID
Range Management; Public Lands
20 65
Multinational Corp-Why The Need for A Congressional Inquiry
Washington Public Affairs Council
Washington, DC
Multinational Corps; Foreign Relations
20 66
Water Commission Report
Washington, DC
National Water Commission; Water Quality; Conservation
20 67
Exporting American Timber and Idaho Jobs
Washington, DC
Lumber; Employment; Trade; Environment
20 76
Listening to Older Americans
Massachusetts Legislative Council for Older Americans
Boston, MA
Social Security; Aging; Elderly
21 1
Congress and Aging
American Association of Homes for The Aged
Rosslyn, VA
Policy; Aging; Elderly
21 2
Multinational Corporation: A Trial Balance
Houston, TX
Multinationals; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 12
21 3
Energy Research
Washington, DC
21 4
Multinationals In Chile
Washington, DC
Multinationals; Chile; Foreign Relations
21 5
Hill-Burton Hospital Funds
Washington, DC
Hill-Burton Hospital; Budgets; Medical; Funding
21 6
American Falls Dam: 40 Years Old and Deteriorating
Washington, DC
American Falls Dam; Dams; Public Works
21 7
Separation of Powers
Boise Junior College
Boise, ID
Separation of Powers; Powers of Congress
No Speech, Outline Only
21 8
[Separation of Powers]
Pocatello Chamber of Commerce
Pocatello, ID
Separation of Powers; Powers of Congress; Chamber of Commerce
21 9
Multinational Corporations
Diebold Dinner
New York City, NY
Multinational; Corporations; Foreign Relations
21 10
Public Works Budget
Washington, DC
Budgets; Public Works
21 11
Church-Case Amendment
Washington, DC
Church-Case Amendment; Foreign Relations
21 12
Forest Service Funding
Washington, DCs
Forest Service; Budgets; National Parks; Funding
21 13
Action and The Aged: 1973
National Caucus On Black Aged
Policy; Aging; Elderly
No Speech, See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
21 14
[Separation of Powers]
Boise Chamber of Commerce
Boise, ID
Separation of Powers; Powers of Congress; Chamber of Commerce
21 15
[Receive Uldine Thelander Award]
National Federation of The Blind
Uldine Thelander Award
21 16
New Fashioned Patriotism
High School Commencements
Patriotism; Commencements
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 24 and Box 2 Folder 27
21 17
Lions Club
Sun Valley, ID
Idaho Environment
No Speech, Outline Only
21 18
Beyond Vietnam
World Affairs Council of Wilmington, DE
Wilmington, DE
Vietnam; SALT; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 20
21 19
Opposing Medicare Cutbacks
Washington, DC
Medicare; Social Security
21 20
Geothermal Power
Washington, DC
Geothermal Power; Energy; Utilities
21 21
Gasoline Shortage Profits
Oil; Economics; Commerce
21 22
Box Canyon-Thousand Springs
Washington, DC
Box Canyon-Thousand Springs; Natural Resources; Environment
21 23
Church-Case Amendment
Washington, DC
Church-Case Amendment; Foreign Relations
21 24
No Aid to North Vietnam
Washington, DC
Aid To Vietnam; Foreign Relations
21 25
Geothermal Energy
21 26
National Water Commission
Washington, DC
National Water Commission; Water Quality
21 27
Issues Facing Multinational Corporations
Brooking Institution
Washington, DC
Corporations; Foreign Relations
21 28
Hell's Canyon Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Hell's Canyon; National Parks; Outdoor Recreation; Parks and Recreation
21 29
Full Disclosure Is A Must
Washington, DC
Disclosure of Assets
21 30
Impact Aid for Idaho
Washington, DC
Impact Aid; Education
21 31
Barriers to Health for Older Americans
Subcommittee On Health of The Elderly
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Health; Aging; Elderly
No Speech
21 32
Geothermal Resources
Water and Power Resources Subcommittee
Idaho Falls, ID
Geothermal Resources; Natural Resources; Energy
21 33
Community Education for Idaho
Statewide Seminar On Community Education
Boise, ID
21 34
Untitled [National Youth Conference On Mental Retardation]
National Youth Conference On Mental Retardation
Boise, ID
Mental Retardation; Mentally Disabled; Learning Disabled
21 35
Kissinger Nomination Hearing
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
Kissinger Nomination Hearings; Foreign Relations; Kissinger, Henry
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 21
21 36
Social Security Increase
Washington, DC
Cost-of-Living Increase; Social Security
21 37
Seato (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
Washington, DC
Seato (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization); Foreign Relations
21 38
National Water Commission Report
Washington, DC
National Water Commission; Water Quality
21 39
American Falls Dam
Washington, DC
American Falls Dam; Dams; Public Works
1973 [Fall]
21 40
Geothermal Energy
Washington, DC
Geothermal Energy; Energy; Natural Resources
21 41
Foreign Aid: An American Illusion
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid Program; Foreign Relations
21 42
Oil Crunch: The Rich Get Richer
Washington, DC
Oil Company Profits; Commerce
21 43
No to Condemnation of Private Property
Private Property Condemnation; Public Lands
No Speech
21 44
University Chair
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Church Chair; University Chair
21 45
American Falls Dam
Subcommittee Water and Power Resources
Burley, ID
American Falls Dam; Public Works; Dams; Water Resources; Natural Resources; Power Resources
21 46
New Opportunities for U.S. Foreign Policy-Multinational Corps.
Pacem In Terris III
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Policy
21 47
Report On OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation)
Press Conference
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
1973/10/17 [Or 1974]
21 48
Geothermal Energy
Energy Subcommittee
House of Representatives
Geothermal Energy; Natural Resources; Energy Resources
21 49
Watergate Fallout
University of Washington
Seattle, Wa
Watergate; Ethics; Democratic Party; Nixon, Richard
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 20
21 50
Watergate: An American Crisis
North Idaho Chamber of Commerce
Sandpoint, ID
Nixon, Richard; Presidential Impeachment; Chamber of Commerce
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 20
21 51
[Aging/Health Care]
Bonner County, ID
Health; Aging; Elderly
21 52
Tussock Moth
Washington, DC
Tussock Moth; Lumber; Forestry
21 53
Overseas Private Investment Corporations
Subcommittee On Multinational Corporations
Overseas Private Investment Corporations; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11 and Box 5 Folder 10
21 54
Social Security Amendments of 1973
Washington, DC
Medicare; Abortion; Social Security
21 55
Keep Up The Search for Our Mia's
Washington, DC
Indochina; Mia's; Foreign Relations
21 56
Watergate and The American Foreign Policy
University of Deleware
Newark, DE
Foreign Policy; Watergate
21 57
Multinational Corporations, The Energy Debate and U.S. Foreign Policy: An Overview
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Energy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
21 58
Statement On The Genocide Convention
Washington, DC
Genocide Treaty; Foreign Relations
21 59
1974 Public Works Budget
Washington, DC
Public Works; Budgets
1973 Or 1974
21 60
Railroad Passenger Service
Washington, DC
Amtrak; Transportation; Railroads
1974 ?
21 61
1975 Budget and Cuts for The Elderly
Subcommittee On Appropriations
Budgets; Aging; Elderly
1974 ?
21 62
International Development Association Replenishment
Washington, DC
International Development Association; Foreign Aid
1974 ?
21 63
Occupational Safety and Health Laws
Washington, DC
Occupational Safety and Health Laws; Labor
1974 ?
21 64
Occupational Safety and Health Laws
Labor Subcommittee of Labor and Senate Welfare
Occupational Safety and Health Laws; Labor
1974 ?
21 65
OPEC (Oil Producing Exporting Countries) and Foreign Aid
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Oil Producing Exporting Countries; Foreign Relations
1974 ?
21 66
National Labor Relations Act
Washington, DC
National Labor Relations Act; Labor
1974 ?
21 67
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Washington, DC
Occupational Safety and Health Act; Labor
1974 ?
21 68
Statement Releasing James Aikens
Multinational Corporation Subcommittee
Aikens, James; Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations
Aikens, James
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
21 69
Video Actuality On Genocide Treaty
Genocide Treaty; Foreign Relations
21 70
Opening Statement At Multinational Hearings
Multinational Corporations Subcommittee
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
21 71
Radio Actuality On Genocide
Genocide; Foreign Relations
21 72
Genocide Convention
Washington, DC
Genocide; Foreign Relations
21 73
Stop The Pay Raise
Washington, DC
Pay Raises; Salaries; Civil Service
21 74
Federal Pay Raises
Pay Raises; Civil Service; Salaries
21 75
Fiscal 1975 Budget and The Elderly
Washington, DC
Budgets; Aging; Elderly
21 76
Tussock Moth
Washington, DC
Tussock Moth; Forestry; Lumber
21 77
Voluntary Disclosure of Income, Assets, and Taxes Paid
Washington, DC
Voluntary Disclosure; Taxes; Taxation
See Also Series 10.4 Box 1 Folder 13
21 78
Disclosure of Assets
Radio Actuality
Disclosure of Assets
21 79
Opic (Overseas Private Investment Corporation)
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Overseas Private Investment Corporation)
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
21 80
Multinational Corporation: A Trial Balance
Grumman Technology Conference
New York City, NY
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
21 81
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Energy Crisis;
21 82
Faith of The Mormon Pioneers
21 83
National Emergencies Act
National Emergencies Act
21 84
Coverage of Essential Out-of-Hospital Prescription Drugs Under Medicare
Washington, DC
Medicare; Drug Presriptions; Medical
21 85
Washington, DC
Détente; Foreign Relations
21 86
Yellowstone Soil Conservation District
Soil Conservation; Yellowstone; Farming; Agriculture
21 87
Energy Crisis: Causes, Duration, Solutions
American Land Developers Association
Colorado Springs, Co
Energy Crisis; Energy
21 88
Federal Pay Raises
Washington, DC
Pay Raises; Civil Service; Budgets
No Speech
21 89
Breaking The Law In Cambodia
Washington, DC
Powers of Congress; Cambodia; Foreign Relations
21 90
Gun Control-No
Gun Control; Firearms
21 91
Assessing The Greater Years
Kiwanis Club of Filer
Filer, ID
Kiwanis; Community Programs; Aging; Elderly
21 92
World: Aging Gracefully
The Franklin Institute
Philadelphia, PA
21 93
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Watergate; Powers of Congress
22 1
Untitled [Face The Nation]
Face The Nation
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
22 2
Washington, DC
Internal Revenue Service; Aging; Elderly
22 3
.22 Caliber Ammunition
Washington, DC
Gun Control; Firearms;
22 4
Second Bridge for Lewiston
Washington, DC
Lewiston Bridge; Public Works; Bridges
22 5
New Fashioned Patriotism
High School Commencements
Patriotism; Commencements
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 24 and Box 2 Folder 27
22 6
At 91, Mrs. Rigby Is Talent Show Winner
Washington, DC
Talent Show; Aging; Rigby, Pearl
Rigby, Pearl
22 7
No Fault Automobile Insurance
Washington, DC
No Fault Automobile Insurance; Insurance; Transportation
22 8
Fair and Equal Treatment for Vietnam Veterans
Washington, DC
Veterans; Education; Vietnam
22 9
Miner's Memorial Dedication
Wallace, ID
Sunshine Mining Disaster; Mining; Miners
22 10
Inflation and The Oil Industry
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
Palm Beach, FL
Oil; Foreign Relations; Inflation; Economics
22 11
Future Directions In Social Security
U.S. Committee On Aging Hearing
Twin Falls, ID
Social Security
22 12
Keynote [State Conference on Aging]
State Conference On Aging
Twin Falls, ID
Social Security; Health; Aging; Elderly
22 13
Who Says Everything's Fine Down On The Farm
Washington, DC
Farm Prices; Agriculture
22 14
Dairy Farming
Washington, DC
Dairy Farmer; Farming; Agriculture; Litton, Jerry
Litton, Jerry
22 15
Senate Rules
1974/06/? [After]
22 16
Hydroelectric Power
Water and Power Subcommittee
Hydroelectric; Energy; Natural Resources
22 17
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1974
Washington, DC
Elementary Education; Secondary Education; Colleges
22 18
[Inflation & Election Reform After Watergate]
Afl/Cio Convention
Boise, ID
Election Reform; Inflation; Watergate
22 19
National Council Senior Citizen's Award
National Council of Senior Citizen's
Washington, DC
Senior Citizen's Award; Aging; Elderly
22 20
Broadcast License Renewal
Washington, DC
Broadcast License Renewal; Media; Radio and Television
22 21
Prohibiting Nuclear Assistance
Washington, DC
Nuclear Assistance; Foreign Relations;
22 22
Ending Emergency Government
National Association of Attorney General
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Emergency Government; Powers of Congress
22 23
Untitled [Idaho State Democratic Convention]
Idaho State Democratic Convention
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Idaho Issues; Democratic Party
Speech Notes Only
22 24
[Farming In Idaho]
Idaho Dairy-Cattlemen
Rupert, ID
Idaho Farming; Farming; Farm Policy; Agriculture
22 25
Retirement Income Credit
Washington, DC
Retirement; Aging; Elderly
22 26
Accessibility and The Law
Washington, DC
Buildings; Aging; Elderly; Architectural Barriers Act of 1968
22 27
Need for World Action for The Aging
Conference On Aging and Mankinds World Problem
Nairobi, Kenya
World Policy; Aging; Elderly
No Speech, See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
22 28
City of Rocks National Monument
Washington, DC
City of Rocks National Monument; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
22 29
GAO Report On Federation of Experienced Americans
Washington, DC
Gao Report; Aging; Elderly
22 30
Mormon Pioneer Day Tribute
Washington, DC
Pioneer Day
22 31
Foreign Assistance Act 1961
Washington, DC
Foreign Assistance Act; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
22 32
Substance and Shadow of Detente
Washington, DC
Détente; United States-Soviet Relations; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 9
22 33
Dairy Price Supports; Also Reprinted As Dairy Farmers Need Positive Government Action
Subcommittee On Agricultural Production, Marketing and Stabilization of Prices
Committee On Agriculture and Forestry
Dairy Supports; Dairy Farmers; Agriculture; Farming
1974/08 Or 09
22 34
Raft River Geothermal Project
Geothermal Energy; Geothermal Resources; Raft River Geothermal Project
22 35
Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1974
Washington, DC
Education; Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1974
22 36
Foreign Assistance Act of 1974
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations; Foreign Assistance Act of 1974
22 37
Foreign Aid Program No Longer Serves America's Interest
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
22 38
Community Education: A Bargain
Community College; Education
22 39
Mixed Feelings: Progress On Aging
American Nursing Home Association
Honolulu, HA
Social Security; Aging; Elderly
22 40
Religious Precepts In Abortion Sterilization Cases
Washington, DC
Abortion; Sterilization; Religion; Medicine
22 41
On The Eve of The Future
Beloit College
Energy Crisis; Population
22 42
Community Response to Aging
National Forum On Aging for Local Officials
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
22 43
In The Aftermath of The Chilean Affair
Washington, DC
Central Intelligence Agency; Chile; Foreign Relations; Intelligence Activities; Foreign Policy
22 44
Foreign Aid Budget
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Aid; Budgets
1975 ?
22 45
Amtrak Improvement Act of 1975
Washington, DC
Amtrak Improvement Act of 1975; Transportation; Railroads
1975 ?
22 46
[Military and Foreign Aid to Southeast Asia]
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Military Aid; Foreign Aid;
1975 ?
22 47
[Vietnam Victory]
Washington, DCs
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
1975 ?
22 48
Opening Statement Multinational Corporations
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
1975 ?
22 49
Age Discrimination In Employment Act
Washington, DC
Age Discrimination In Employment Act; Aging; Elderly
22 50
Aftermath of Chilean Affair
Washington, DC
Chile; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations; Intelligence Activities; Foreign Relations
22 51
Foreign Relations Subcommittee
Multinationals; Foreign Relations
No Speech
22 52
Statement At Release of Report On Oil Companies and U.S. Foreign Policy
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy; Oil; Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
22 53
Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corporations: The Need for Revision
International Fiscal Association
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Taxes; International Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
22 54
Hell's Canyon Recreation Area
Washington, DC
Hell's Canyon Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
22 55
Older American Tax Counseling Assistance Act of 1975
Washington, DC
Tax Assistance; Aging; Elderly; Taxation; Older American Tax Coundeling Asistance Act of 1975
22 56
Alternative to The Ford Administration Energy Program
Washington, DC
Ford Energy Program; Energy; Fored, Gerald, R.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 12
22 57
CBS Face The Nation
Central Intelligence Agency/Federal Bureau of Investigations
Senate Investigation
22 58
Estate Taxes
Washington, DC
Estate Taxes; Taxation
22 59
1976 Budget and The Aging
Washington, DC
Budgets; Aging; Elderly
22 60
Social Security
Washington, DC
Social Security
22 61
Small Refiners Relief Act
Washington, DC
Small Refiners Relief Act; Oil; Energy; Refineries
1975/02/26 ?
22 62
Neither A Vendetta Nor A Whitewash
National Press Club
Washington, DC
Covert Activities; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
22 63
CBS Cambodia Special
Cambodia; Foreign Relations
22 64
Legislative Authority for Small Business Committee
Washington, DC
Small Business Committee; Commerce
22 65
America's Insurance Policy for OPEC
Energy Seminar
Jacksonville, FL
OPEC; Energy; Oil
22 66
Israel and International Concerns
American-Jewish Congress
Philadelphia, PA
Israel; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
22 67
Older American Community Service Employment Act
Washington, DC
Employment; Aging; Older Americn Community Service Employment Act; Community Service; Volunteerism
23 1
Frank Moss Bills R.E. Aging
Washington, DC
Reform Bills; Moss, Frank E.; Aging
Moss, Frank E.
23 1
Political Neutrality and Professionalism In The CIA: On Preserving A Noble Tradition
Bush Nomination; Bush, George; Central Intelligency Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
23 2
Abuses In Nursing Homes
Washington, DC
Nursing Homes; Aging; Elderly; Elder Abuse; Health Care
23 3
Community's Response to Aging
E.B. Nedry Lecture Series
Boise, ID
Poverty; Aging; Elderly; Economics
23 4
Arabs and Oil
Public Affairs Council
Washington, DC
Oil; Foreign Relations; Foreing Policy; Energy
No Speech
23 5
Older American Home Repair and Winterization Act
Washington, DC
Home Repair; Aging; Bulidings; Elderly; Older American Home Repair and Winterization Act
23 6
Meaning of The Indochina Crisis
Washington, DC
Indochina; Foreign Relation
23 7
Mortgaging Our Future With War
Vietnam War; Foreign Relations
23 8
Older American Amendment of 1975
Washington, DC
Older American Act of 1975; Aging; Elderly
23 9
Washington Straight Talk
National Public Affairs Center for Television
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
23 9
Democrats and Republicans
Presidential Campaign; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 12
23 10
Israel: 27 Years of Independence
American Zionist Federation
Miami Beach, FL
Israel; Independence; Foreign Relations
23 11
Consumer Product Commission
Jurisdiction Over Ammunition Committee
Consumer Product Commission; Jurisdiction; Forearms
23 12
War In Vietnam
Vietnam War; South Vietnamese Evacuation; Foreign Relations
23 13
Humanitarian Aid for Vietnam
Washington, DC
Vietnam; Foreign Aid
23 14
Gas and Petroleum Gas Field Recovery
Subcommittee On Energy Research and Water
Petroleum; Natural Gas; Gas Recovery; Energy; Natural Resources
23 15
Washington Straight Talk
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
23 16
Untitled [Issues & Answers]
Issues and Answers-ABC
Issues and Answers
No Speech
23 17
Motor Vehicle Efficiency Improvement Act of 1975
Washington, DC
Automobile; Transportation; Conservation
23 18
Electric Vehicle Research...Act of 1975
Washington, DC
Electric Cars; Automobile; Energy; Transportation; Conservation
23 19
Untitled [Farleigh-Dickenson College]
Farleigh-Dickenson College
Teaneck, NJ
23 20
Automobile Technology
Washington, DC
Automobiles; Conservation; Transportation
23 21
Israel: American Principles and Economy Coercion
United Jewish Appeal
New York City, NY
Israel; Foreign Relations; Economics
23 22
Research On Aging Act Amendment
Washington, DC
Research On Aging Act Amendment; Aging
23 23
Israel: American Principles and Economic Coercion
Chicago, IL
Israel; Foreign Relations; Economics
23 24
Multinational Bribes
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Bribes; Foreirn Relations; Bribes
1975/05/? [After]
23 25
Beliefs In Conflict: A Commentary On Freedom of Religion and Abortion
Medical Center Foundation, St. Joseph's Hospital
Lewiston, ID
Abortion; Medical; Religion
23 26
Hell's Canyon Recreation Area
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
23 27
Medicare-Nursing Cost Differential
Washington, DC
Social Security; Nursing Care; Medical Costs
23 28
Re-Election Candidacy Announcement
Campaign; Political Affairs; Elections
23 28
Vote for Hathaway
Washington, DC
Hathaway, Stanley; Secretary of Interior
23 29
Port of Lewiston Dedication
Lewiston, ID
23 30
to Medical Center Foundation of St. Joseph's Hospital
Lewiston, ID
23 31
Education Appropriations
Washington, DC
23 32
Toward A New Policy In Latin America
Foreign Relations
23 32
Energy Research & Development Administration
Washington, DC
Non-Nuclear Energy Development; Energy
23 33
Ending Foreign Aid to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
Washington, DC
1975/07/07 ?
23 34
Press Briefing With Kissinger
Kissinger; Henry; Democratic Party
23 35
Crisis of Party, A
Presidential Campaign; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 27
23 35
Tax Exempt Bonds for American Falls Residence
Washington, DC
American Falls Residence; Public Works; Tax Exempt Bonds; Bonds
23 36
On Ford Rejection of Council On Older Americans Report
Washington, DC
Council On Older Americans; Aging; Elderly
23 37
Abolishing Poverty for The Aged
Washington, DC
Poverty; Aging; Elderly
23 38
Land and Water Conservation Funds Appropriations
Committee On Interior, Senate
Washington, DC
Soil Conservation; Natural Resources; Funding; Budgets
23 38
Energy Research & Development Funds
Washington, DC
Budgets; Energy
23 39
Foreign Relations
CBS Morning News Interview
CBS Interview; Foreign Realtions
23 40
Meet The Press
23 41
Americans & The Law
National Democratic Club
23 42
Valley County Land
Subcommittee On Environment and Land Resources
Land Value; Public Lands
23 43
Americans & The Law
American Newspaper Publisher's Association
Washington, DC
Violence; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
23 44
Labor-HEW Appropriations
Washington, DC
Labor; Health; Education; Welfare; Budgets; Aging
23 45
U.S. Obligations Under Sinai Agreement
Sinai Agreement; Israel; Egypt; Foreign Relations
23 46
Washington, DC
Select Committee; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
23 47
No Fault Automobile Insurance
Washington, DC
Insureance; Transportation
23 48
Americans and The Law
Commonwealth Club of California
Violence; Law; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
23 49
Honoring Alfred Fromm
Brandeis University Dinner
San Francisco, CA
Violence; Law; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Fromm, Alfred
23 50
Federal Pay Increase
Washington, DC
Federal Pay Raise; Civil Service; Salaries
23 51
Research On Aging Director
Washington, DC
Research On Aging; Elderly
23 52
Testimony On Bribes
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
23 53
Senate Intelligence Committee
Washington, DC
Assassination; Foreign Relations
23 54
Toward A National Energy Policy
Interstate Conference On Water Problems
Las Vegas, NV
Energy Crisis; Natural Resources
23 55
Political Aspects of Geothermal Resources
General Shortcourse On Geothermal Resources
Boise, ID
Geothermal Energy
23 56
Subcommittee Energy Research and Water Resources
Idaho Falls, ID
Geothermal Energy; Geothermal Resources
23 57
Rediscovering America
California League of Cities
Covert Activities; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
23 58
Americans and The Law
Mountain State Businessmen's Association
Charleston, WV
Violence; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
23 59
Untitled [Face The Nation]
Face The Nation-CBS
23 60
The Imperative for The CIA: Professionalism Free of Politics & Partisanship
Washington, DC
Central Intelligence Agency; Bush, George, Appointment; Senate Investigation
23 61
Water Resources Development Act of 1974
Washington, DC
Deep Creek Bridge; Public Works; Bridges
23 62
Multinational Corporations
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
Scranton, PA
Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations
23 63
International Food Assistance Act
Washington, DC
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations
1975/11 Or 12 ?
23 64
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
Pacem In Terris
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Foreign Relations
23 65
Opening Statement
Washington, DC
Covert Activities; Chile; Foreign Relations
23 66
Multinational Corporations
Estes Kefauver Dinner
Chattanooga, Tn
Central Intelligency Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations; Foreign Relations; Kefauver, Estes
Kefauver, Estes
23 67
National Food Stamp Reform Act for Elderly
Washington, DC
Food Stamps; Aging; Elderly
23 68
Israel: Policy & Principle
B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League
Foreign Policy
23 69
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
World Affairs Council
Los Angeles, CA
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Central Intellegence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
"Text In Nov 4 + Nominations"; Empty Folder
23 70
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Board
New York City, NY
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; Central Intellegence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Text In Nov 4 + Nominations"; Empty Folder
23 71
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
National Progressive Dinner
New York City, NY
Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Foreign Realtions
23 72
Untitled [At Jessie Jackson's Church]
23 73
Multinational Business Enterprise Information Act of 1976
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations
1976 ?
23 74
New American Foreign Policy: As If The People Mattered
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Foreign Policy
1976 ?
23 75
[Israel-Policy Stance]
Israel; Foreign Relations
23 77
Hebrew University: The Celebration of Life
American Friends of The Hebrew University
West Palm Beach, FL
Israel; Foreign Relations
23 78
Intelligence Activities: to Establish A New Standing Committee
Washington, DC
Senate Rules
Intelligence Committee
23 79
Future Directions In Social Security
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
24 2
U.S. Foreign Policy Precepts: A Reconsideration
Harmonie Club
New York City, NY
Central Intelligence Agency; Middle East; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
24 3
to Establish Standing Committee On Intelligence
Washington, DC
Committee On Intelligence; Foreign Relations
24 4
Multinational Hearings
Multinational Corporations; Northrop Corporations; Foreign Relations
24 5
Government Adherence to The Law: A Call for A Temporary Special Prosecutor On Intelligence Abuses
Intelligence Abuses; Special Prosecutor Call; Law; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
24 6
Soviet Jewry: A Call to Conscience
2nd World Conference On Soviet Jewry
Brussels, Belgium
United States-Soviet Relations; Foreign Relations
24 7
Oil Industry
Subcommittee On Monopolies and Commercial Law
House Committee On Judiciary
Oil; Natural Resources
24 8
Washington, DC
Railroads; Transportation
24 9
New Commitment to Education
Public Education
24 10
Energy Conservation Act
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
24 11
Announcement of Candidacy for President
Idaho City, ID
General Election
Elections; Presidency
24 12
Making It Happen In Aging
Bi-Centennial Celebration
Sacramento, CA
Education; Elderly
24 13
Church for President Speech
Press Club of Sacramento
Sacramento, CA
General Election
Elections; Presidency
24 14
Church for President Interview
KNBC TV News Conference
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Elections; Presidency
24 15
New Commitment to Education
California Teacher's Association
Los Angeles, CA
24 16
Church for President
Issues and Answers-ABC
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 17
Church for President
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 18
Church for President
Colorado Women's Organizations
Denver, CO
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 19
Forest Management
Agriculture Subcommittee
Interior Committee
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Forests
24 20
Tax Revision and Extension of The Expiring Tax Cut Provisions
Washington, DC
Taxation; Taxes
24 21
Press Conference
Denver, CO
General Election
Church for President; Elcetions; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 22
Interviews; Waters, Phil
24 23
What Price Secrecy?
24 24
Disclosure: A Vital Ingredient of A New Senate Ethics Code
Washington DC
24 25
Solution to Environmental and Economic Problems (Steep)
Washington, DC
Environmental Policy
Conservation; Environment; Economics
24 26
New Faith In Freedom
Washington Press Club
Washington, DC
General Election
Church for President; State of Nation; Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 27
Church for President Press Conference
Editorial Board-San Diego Union
San Diego, CA
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 28
Federal Policy On Aging: Progress & Pitfalls
Western Gerontological Society
San Diego, CA
24 29
Israel: Basic Principles and American Foreign Policy
Jewish Federation
New Brunswick, NJ
Foreign Relations
24 30
No-Fault Automobile Insurance
Washington, DC
Transportation; Insurance
24 31
Church for President Interviews
Portland and Salem, Or
General Campaign
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 32
Nee-Me-Poo Trail
Washington, DC
Nez Perce; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
24 33
Church for President Press Conference
Pueblo and Colorado Springs, CO
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 34
1976 Presidential Campaign
Colorado Springs and Fort Collins, CO
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 35
Church for President Press Conference
Phoenix, AZ
General Election
Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 36
1976 Campaign Speeches
Reno and Carson City, NV
General Election
Church for President; Elections; Democratic Party; Campaigns
24 37
American Retail Federation
Free Market; Economics; Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
24 38
Boise Press Conference
Boise, ID
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 39
Address to The Nation
CBS Television
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Radio and Television
24 40
Face The Senate Interview
Butte, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 41
Press Conference
Butte, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 42
Campaign Speech ; Folder A
Bozeman, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 43
Remarks ; Folder B
Old Serbian Church Senior Citizens Center
Anaconda, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 44
Remarks At Fundraising Reception
Fundraising Reception
Butte, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 45
Campaign 1976
[Portland], OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 46
Campaign 1976-Humphrey
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
24 47
Campaign 1976
Portland, Or
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 48
Untitled [Yaquina Elementary School]
Newport, Or
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 49
New Jersey Jaycees
New Jersey
Free Market; Economics; Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
24 50
Energy Savings Demonstration Act
Washington, DC
Energy Pricing; Energy
24 51
Untitled [Issues & Answers]
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 52
Untitled [Fundraising Dinner]
San Francisco, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Funraising; Democratic Party
24 53
Untitled [Watts Labor Community Action Committee]
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Aging; Elderly
24 54
Untitled [Campaign: Los Angles City Council]
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 55
Interview With Gresham Outlook
Gresham, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party;
24 56
Campaign Speech [Campaign Speech]
Mt. Hood College
Gresham, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 57
Press Conference
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
1976/04/28-29 ?
24 58
Campaign Speech [Oregon City Chamber of Commerce]
Oregon City, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 59
Interview [Community Press]
Tigard, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 60
Remarks At Tectronics
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 61
Untitled [Community Press Board]
Tigard, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 62
Campaign Remarks
Kathleen Walford Senior Citizens Center
Missoula, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 63
Campaign 1976
Kalispell, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 64
Kgvo Radio
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 65
Campaign 1976
Democratic Platform Committee
New York City, NY
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 66
Campaign 1976
Caucus of Black Democrats
Charlotte, Nc
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 67
KSL Radio Talkshow
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 68
Campaign 1976
Ski Television
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 69
Senior Political Involvement
Governor's Conference On Aging
Salt Lake City, UT
Government Programs; Aging; Elderly
24 70
Untitled [Face to Face]
Face To Face-KSL/Tv
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 71
Campaign 1976
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Local 22
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 72
Campaign 1976
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers-Local 1974
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 73
Campaign 1976
Omaha Airport Press Conference
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 74
Campaign 1976
Carpenter's Local
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Unions
24 75
Church for President Headquarters
Salt Lake City, UT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 76
Campaign 1976
Nebraska Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 77
Campaign 1976
Kmtv-Television Interview
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 78
Campaign 1976
Westside High School
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 79
Campaign 1976
Omaha World Herald Lunch
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 80
Campaign 1976
Duffy's Tavern
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 81
Campaign 1976
Schuyler, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 82
Press Speech
Press Conference
Lincoln, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 83
Black Community Meeting-Greater New Hope Baptist Church
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 84
Senior Citizens Meet The Candidates Forum
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 85
Campaign 1976
Kmtv Television
Omaha, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 86
Church Victory Celebration
Lincoln, NE
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 87
Foreign Policy
Lewis and Clark College
Portland, OR
Foreign Relations
Campaigns; Elections; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
24 88
Funding Older Americans Act
Washington, DC
Funding Older Americans Act; Budgets; Aging; Elderly
24 89
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 90
Ohio Fundraising Breakfast
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Fundraising
24 91
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
24 92
Outstanding High School Students
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 1
Press Conference
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 2
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 3
Campaign 1976
WERE Radio Interview
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 4
Cleveland City Club
Cleveland, OH
Economics; Campaigns; Elections
25 4
Beef Import Act of 1978
Washington, DC
Commerce; Economics
25 5
Boise State University Commencement
Boise, ID
Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy; Commencement
25 6
Making It Happen In Aging
Senior Bi-Centennial Celebration
Sacramento, CA
Campaigns; Elections; Elderly
25 7
Campaign Taping
Washington, DC
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 8
Democratic Platform Committee
Washington, DC
General Election
Platform; Elections; Campaigns; Democratic Party
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
25 9
Airport Press Conference
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 10
Bar-Ilan-A U.S. and Israel Triumph (Delivered By Mrs. Church)
Bar-Ilan University Dinner
New York City, NY
Middle East; Foreign Relations; Israel; Church, Bethine
25 12
Campaign 1976
Portland Community College
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 13
Oregonian Editorial Board Conference
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 14
Democratic Mock Convention
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 15
Kptv Television
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 16
Veteran's Conference
Ashland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 17
Airport Press Conference
Medford, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 18
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 19
Church Fundraiser
Portland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Fundraising
25 20
Campaign 1976
Phoenix High School
Phoenix, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 21
Press Conference
Medford, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 22
Kcmx Radio
Ashland, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 23
National Forest Management Act of 1976
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Forests
25 24
Covert Action; Swampland of U.S. Foreign Policy
Temple Beth Israel
Portland, OR
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations; Foreign Policy
25 25
Deep Channel Dedication
Coos Bay, OR
Coos Bay Dedication
25 26
Campaign 1976
Central Oregon Timber Festival
Prinville, OR
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 27
Press Conference
Butte, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 28
Campaign 1976
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
Butte, MT
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Jefferson-Jackson Day
25 29
Press Conference
Reno, NV
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 30
Campaign 1976
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 31
Press Conference
Pendleton, Or
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 32
Weyerhauser Plant
Springfield, Or
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 33
KGW-TV Press Conference
Portland, Or
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 34
Energy and The Environment: Priorities
Presidential Forum
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Environment; Energy
25 35
Victory Statement
Boise, ID
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 36
Election Night Statement
Press Conference
Boise, ID
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 37
Victory Speech
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 38
Campaign 1976
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 39
Campaign 1976
Bob Brown Show
Cincinnati, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 40
Convention Center Press Conference
Cincinnati, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 41
Campaign 1976
AFL-CIO Convention
Cincinnati, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 42
Press Conference
Boston, MA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 43
Campaign 1976
Westminster Mall
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 44
Campaign 1976
Warwick Teacher's Union
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 45
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 46
Kilmartin Manor Senior Citizen's Meeting
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 47
Wwon Radio
Winsockett, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 48
Campaign 1976
Sweet Meadows Inn
Point Judith, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 49
Campaign 1976
Notre Dame Church
Central Falls, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 50
Colonial Hilton Hotel Press Conference
Rhode Island
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 51
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 52
WICE Radio
Rhode Island
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 53
Campaign 1976
Memorial Day Parade
Cranston, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 54
Providence, RI
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 55
Airport Press Conference
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 56
Dayton Journal Herald Editorial Board
Dayton, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 57
Courthouse Press Conference
Dayton, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 58
Campaign 1976
Democratic and Labor Leaders Dinner
Canton, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 59
Campaign 1976
Democratic Fundraising Reception
Canton, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 60
Airport Press Conference
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 61
Campaign 1976
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; Fundraisers
25 62
Press Conference
Los Angeles, CA
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 63
Stepping Up The Pace On Aging
National Council of Senior Citizen's
Chicago, IL
Federal Law; Aging; Elderly
25 64
WTOL Television
Toledo, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 65
Campaign 1976
Democratic Party Rally
Toledo, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 66
Campaign 1976
Paco's Restaurant
Toledo, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 67
Bicentennial Wagon Train
25 68
Cleveland, OH
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 69
Teton Dam Relief Assistance Program
Washington, DC
Dams; Flood Relief; Public Works; Floods;
25 70
Untitled [Idaho State Democratic Convention]
Twin Falls, ID
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 71
Voluntary Disclosure of Income and Assets
Washington, DC
25 72
Foreign Tax Credits
Washington, DC
Multinational Corporations; Taxation; Taxes
25 73
Endangered American Wilderness Act
Washington, DC
Wilderness; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
25 74
Future of Urban America: Salvation through Decentralism
U.S. Conference of Mayors
Milwaukee, Wi
Social Welfare; Local Government
25 75
Carter-Church Press Conference
Democratic National Convention
New York City, NY
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party; National Convention; Carter, Jimmy
25 76
Democratic National Convention
New York City, NY
General Election
Foreign Policy; Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 77
Montana Delegation Appearance
Democratic National Convention
New York City, NY
General Election
National Convention; Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 78
Delegate Brunch
Democratic National Convention
New York City, NY
General Election
National Convention; Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
25 79
Remarks [Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Dedication]
Hell's Canyon Recreation Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
25 80
Tax Credit for Elderly
Washington, DC
Tax Credits; Taxation; Taxes; Aging; Elderly
25 81
Nez Perce Historic Park
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
25 82
Postal Reorganization Act
Washington, DC
Civil Service
25 83
Let's Not Regulate Family Farms & Small Business Out of Business
Washington, DC
OSHA; HEW-Labor Appropriation Bill; Family Farms; Labor
25 84
[Tree Planting Worker Protection]
Washington, DC
Tree Planters' Protection; Forestry
25 85
[Abortion-Hyde Amendment]
Washington, DC
25 86
New River, South Carolina Protection
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
25 87
Freedom and World Peace: Curbing The Spread of Nuclear Weapons
[American University]
Washington, DC
Nuclear Arms; Defense
25 88
Opening Statement of Sale of F-14 Aircraft
Washington, DC
F-14 Sales; Iran; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
25 89
Use of Revenue Sharing Funds By Local Government In Idaho
Washington, DC
Revenue Sharing; Taxes; Taxation
25 90
[Tree Planting Worker Protection]
Washington, DC
Tree Planters' Protection; Forestry
1976/09/15 Or 1976/09/25
25 91
Erosion of Principle In American Policy: A Call for A New Morality (Not Delivered)
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, Ms
Foreign Relations; Morality; Personal Ethics; American Policy; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
25 92
Ending Emergency Government
California State Bar Association
Fresno, CA
Executive Powers; National Emergencies Act; Foreign Policy
25 93
Man Against The Bomb: Curbing The Spread of Nuclear Weapons
Chicago Council On Foreign Relations
Chicago, IL
Nuclear Arms; Foreign Relations
25 94
Praise for Prohibiting Military Aid to Uruguay
Washington, DC
Uruguay; Foreign Relations
25 95
American Imported Automobile Dealers Association
25 96
Failure In Ford Policy On Aging: The Overview
Washington, DC
Social Security; Elderly
25 97
Ollie Randall Award Acceptance
National Council On Aging
Chicago, IL
25 98
Poverty/Insurance Deductions Rise for Aged
Washington, DC
Medical Deduction; Aging; Elderly
25 99
Arms and The Congress, 1976 (Not Used)
Fred Landau Interntional Accountants Luncheon
Arm Sales; Foreign Relations; Landau, Fred
Landau, Fred
25 100
Multinational Corporations and East Asia: The Foreign Policy Implications of The Lockheed Affair
Harvard East Asia Conference
Cambridge, MA
Lockheed; Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
25 101
Water Resources Planning Act
Washington, DC
Water Quality; Natural Resources
26 1
Honey and Honey Productions Inspection and Identification Act
Washington, DC
Commerce; Business
26 2
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
Center for Democratic Institution
Chicago, IL
Covert Action; American Foreign Policy; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
26 3
Israel and American Principles
United Jewish Appeal
Pottsdown, PA
Foreign Relations
26 4
Israel and American Principles
Jewish National Fund
San Francisco, CA
Foreign Relations
26 5
Western Idaho Training Company (Witco) Board of Directors Banquet
Handicapped; Aging; Elderly
1977 ?
26 6
Funding Cuts to Programs for Elderly
Washington, DC
Aging; Budgets; Program Funding
26 7
Timber Sales Bidding Policy
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreations; Outdoor Recreation;
26 8
Federal Pay Raises
Washington, DC
Pay Raise; Civil Service; Salaries
26 9
Teton Dam Failure
Dams; Public Works; Flooding
26 10
Covert Intelligence Operations
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
1977 ?
26 11
Wilderness Jurisdiction
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Wilderness
26 12
[Remove Duties On Certain Items]
International Trade Commission
Import Duties; Trade
26 13
.22-Caliber Ammunition Records
Washington, DC
Firearms; Guns
26 14
Constitution Day
Washington, DC
26 15
Jewish Community Relations Council
Philadelphia, PA
Israel; Terrorism; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations; Cohen, Jules
Cohen, Jules
26 16
Introduction of Mary Hemingway
Women's National Democratic Club
26 17
[Reflections of Last 20 Years of Foreign Policy]
Temple Beth Shalom
Foreign Relations
26 18
Freedom of Immigration
Washington, DC
Soviet Jews; Foreign Relations;
26 19
Committee System Reorganization Amendment of 1977
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
26 20
Committee System Reorganization Amendment of 1977
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
26 21
to Continue Special Committee On Aging
Washington, DC
26 22
Federal Pay Increases
Washington, DC
Civil Service; Salaries
26 23
Water Diversion
Washington, DC
Colorado River Basin Project; Water Quality; Natural Resources
26 24
Competition and Morality In International Business: The Foreign Policy Interest
7th European Management Symposium
Davos, Switzerland
Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations; International Business; Ethics
26 25
U.S. Foreign Policy and The Future of The Multinational Corporations
University of Toledo Hodge Memorial
Toledo, OH
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
26 26
Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Foreign Policy; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
26 27
Teton Dam
Subcommittee Energy Research and Water Resources
Idaho Falls, ID
Dams; Public Works; Water Resources; Folooding
26 28
U.S. Foreign Policy and The Future of The Multinational Corporations
Denison University
Granville, OH
Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
26 29
Curbing Nuclear Proliferation
Washington, DC
Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons
26 30
Federal Pay Raise
Washington, DC
Civil Service; Salaries
26 31
Endangered Wilderness Act of 1977
Washington, DC
Wilderness; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
26 32
Jones Act and Rubber River Rafts
Washington, DC
Rubber River Raft and Jones Act; Rafting; Rivers; Commerce; Business
26 33
Older American Tax Counseling Assistance
Washington, DC
Tax Assistance; Aging; Elderly; Taxation; Taxes
26 34
Paul Warnke Nomination
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
26 35
Repeal of Byrd Amendment
Washington, DC
Rhodesia; Chrome; Foreign Relations
26 36
Basques and Human Rights
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
26 37
Case for A Principled Foreign Policy
Global Living Lecture Series-United Methodist Church
Palo Alto, CA
Morality; Nuclear Arms; Foreign Relations; Ethics
26 38
Food and Foreign Policy
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Foreign Relation
26 39
Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Frame Work
1st Annual Wilderness Resource Lecture Series-University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
26 40
International Cooperation to Curb Nuclear Proliferation
1977 Borah Symposium-University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
26 41
Nation's Rural Elderly
Special Committee On Aging
Denver, CO
26 42
International Cooperation to Curb Nuclear Proliferation
Impact Symposium-Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tn
Nuclear Arms; Nuclaer Weapons
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 1
26 43
Case for A Principled Foreign Policy: Human Rights and Helsinki
Baltimore Jewish Council
Baltimore, MD
Helsinki Accords; Foreign Policy
26 44
Alien Farm Worker Regulations
Washington, DC
Immigration; Agriculture; Farm Workers
26 45
Opening Statement
[Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)]
26 46
Today Show
26 47
Face The Nation
26 48
Remarks Concerning The Sugar Stabilization Act of 1978
26 49
Need for An American Policy In Regard to The Civil War In Nicaragua
Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations
26 50
26 51
American Nuclear Society Meeting
Idaho Falls, ID
26 52
Position On Abortion
1979 ?
26 53
Issues and Answers
26 54
26 55
CBS-Phil Waters
Aging; Water, Phil
Waters, Phil
26 56
International Cooperation to Curb Nuclear Proliferation
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, Nc
Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
26 57
1977 Food Stamp Reform Act for Elderly
Washington, DC
Aging; Public Assistance
26 58
National Council On Aging
Washington, DC
State of The Nation; Aging; Elderly
26 59
Multinational Corporations
General Food Company Executives
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11
27 1
[Intelligence, CIA-FBI]
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Covert Action; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations
27 2
Israel: 29 Years of Independence-A Celebration of Life
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
27 3
Sealed Bids In Forest Management
Washington, DC
Bids; Forestry
27 4
Northwest Public Power Association
Coeur d'Alene, ID
27 5
Arms, Energy and The Atom: The Lethal Dilemma
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Atomic Technology; Nuclear Weapons; Atomic Energy; Nuclear Arms
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
27 6
Roselyn Carter's White House Conference
Washington, DC
Carter, Roselyn; Elderly
27 7
Forest Service Management
Washington, DC
Forest Management; Forestry; National Parks; Parks and Recretion; Outdoor Recreation; Public Works
27 8
Forest Service Management
Washington, DC
Forest Management; Forestry; National Parks; Parks and Recretion; Outdoor Recreation; Public Works
27 9
OSHA: Still More Must Be Done
Washington, DC
Labor Regulations
27 10
Commencement Speeches
High School Commencements
Pioneers; Commencements
27 11
Idaho Disabled Veterans
War and Peace
27 12
Timber Supply Problems
Subcommittee On Public Lands and Resources
McCall, ID
Forestry; Public Lands; Natural Resources
27 13
Teton Dam Volunteer Appreciation Day
Rexburg, ID
Teton Dam; Dams; Public Works;
27 14
Election In Spain
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Elections
27 15
Nez Perce War Commemorative
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
27 16
Nuclear Dilemma: Energy, The Atom and Survival
Wroxton College
Banbury, England
Atomic Technology; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms; Atomic Energy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
27 17
Control of Nuclear Arms
Council for A Livable World
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT); Nuclear Weapons
27 18
National Issues Affecting Senior Citizens
Governor's Conference On Quality of Life for Senior Citizens
Raleigh, NC
Policy; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 3
27 19
Intelligence Abuse
Intelligence Legislation; Secret Service; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
27 20
Why of Health Care
Biennial Convention, City of Hope Convention
Beverly Hills, CA
Policy; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 3
27 21
Tribute to Mormon Pioneers
Washington, DC
27 22
Western Idaho Training Company (Witco)
27 23
Gospel-Hump Roadless Area
Washington, DC
Roads; Wilderness; Forestry; Forests
27 24
Northwest Opera Guild
Twin Falls, ID
27 25
National Weatherization Program for Low Income
Washington, DC
Conservation; Low Income Housing; Welfare; Public Assistance; Energy
27 26
Washington, DC
Timber Sales; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Forestry
27 27
Deficits, Debts & OPEC: Cutting The Gordian Knot
President's Commission On Personnel Interchange
Washington, DC
OPEC; Economics
See Also Series 10.6 Box 4 Folder 11 and Box 5 Folder 8
27 28
U.S. and International Monetary Fund
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Economics
27 29
Delusions and Reality-The Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations;
27 30
United Nations World Assembly On Aging
Washington, DC
27 31
Face The Nation
Panama; Foreign Relations
27 32
Israel and The Middle East
Jewish National Fund
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
27 33
1977 Age Discrimination Act
Washington, DC
Employment Discrimination; Aging; Elderly
27 34
Future Role of Federal Government In Water Resources
National Water Resources Association
Boise, ID
Federal Policies; Water Quality
27 35
Tax Credit for Elderly
Washington, DC
Tax Credit; Aging; Taxation; Taxes
27 36
Amend Earning Limitations for Over 70 Years of Age
Washington, DC
Earning Limitation; Aging; Elderly
27 37
Nuclear Energy and The Prospects for Peace
Atomic Industrial Forum
San Francisco, CA
Atomic Technology; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms; Atomic Energy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 5 Folder 6
27 38
Potato Growers of Idaho
Boise, Ide
Potato; Farming
27 39
Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
Washington, DC
Rangelands; Public Lands
27 40
Education-Hollings Amendment
Washington, DC
Hollings, Ernest F.
1978 ?
27 41
Outer Space Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
1978 ?
27 42
[Middle East], Speech Draft
Foreign Relations
1978/01/09 ?
27 43
Prospects for Peace In The Middle East
National Jewish Community Relations
Tucson, AZ
War and Peace; Foreign Realtions
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 16
27 44
International Cooperation Act
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
27 45
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms
27 46
Public Grazing Land Improvement Act of 1978
Washington, DC
Public Lands; Public Grazing Land Improvement Act
27 47
Human Rights and The National Interest
Salkin Memorial Lecture-1st Unitarian Society of Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN
Human Rights; Foreign Relations
27 48
There's A Future In Aging
Zestful Generation Conference
Minneapolis, MN
Policies; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 3
27 49
Rare II-Wilderness Review of Roadless Areas
Washington, DC
Roads; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Forestry; Timber
27 50
Panama Canal Treaty
Foreign Relations; Treaties
27 51
International Sugar Agreements and Policy
Foreign Relations Committee
Burley, ID
Foreign Relations
27 52
Reclamation Reform Act of 1978
Washington, DC
Water; Natural Resources
27 53
Idahoans and The Panama Canal
Washington, DC
Panama Canal Treaties; Foreign Relations
27 54
Food and Foreign Policy
National Farmers Union Meeting
Salt Lake City, UT
Foreign Relations
27 55
Factsheet On The Panama Canal Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Treaties
27 56
Aging Burden-Or Uplifting Challenge
Association for Gerontology In Higher Education
Dallas, TX
Policy; Elderly
27 57
Human Rights and The National Interest
Inauguration of President Jack Kolbert, Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies
Monterey, CA
Human Rights; Foreign Relations
27 58
Community Education
Washington, DC
27 59
Getting Ready for Age
American Personnel and Guidance Association
Washington, DCg
Policy; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 3
28 1
Federal Reclamation Law
Washington, DC
Farm Water Act; Public Lands; Water
28 2
Colloquium On Roadless Area Review
Washington, DC
Wilderness; Roadless Areas; Rare II; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 3
Panama Canal Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Treaties
28 5
National Historic Trails Act of 1978
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 6
U.S. and Cuba: Time to Heal Our Wounds
John Sparkman Symposium On Foreign Policy-University of Alabama
Huntsville, AL
Foreign Relations
28 7
National Historic Trails Systems
Washington, DC
; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Oudoor Recreation
28 8
People, Not Segments
City of Hope
Pittsburg, PA
Policies; Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 3
28 9
Ugandan Connection
Washington, DC
Uganda; Foreign Relations
28 10
Federal Forest Policy: Balance, Foresight and Stewardship
National Forest Products Association
Washington, DC
Forest Policy; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Forests; Forestry
28 11
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Power Assembly
Washington, DC
Breeder Reactor; Atomic Energy; Nuclear Power; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Reactor
28 12
Wild and Scenic Status for St. Joe River
Washington, DC
National Parks; Wilderness; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 13
from Locomotives to Convoys
Banker's Association for Foreign Trade
World Economy; Inflation; Economics; Trade
28 14
Commencement Speeches
Idaho High School Commencements
Nature of Democracy; Commencements
28 15
Jefferson-Jackson Day
Salt Lake City, UT
Energy; Democratic Party
28 16
Campaign Opener
National Association of Retired Federal Employees
Idaho Falls, ID
Tax Credit; Taxes; Taxation; Aging; Elderly
28 17
General Issues Interview
KLEW-TV Spectrum
Lewiston, ID
28 18
KWSU Community Express
[Pullman, WA]
Gasohol; Energy
28 19
CBS Radio Network Cloakroom
Washington, DCs
Foreign Relations
28 20
Holocaust In Cambodia
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
28 21
Gun Control By Treasury Department
Washington, DC
Fire Arms
28 22
National Historic Trails
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 23
National Historic Trails/Mormon Pioneers
Washington, DC
Mormon Pioneer Trail; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 24
Tribute to Mormon Pioneers
Washington, DC
28 25
Turkish Arms Embargo
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Weapons
28 26
Why We Need The Democratic Party More Than Ever
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Dinner Honoring Frank Church
Cleveland, OH
Pro-Democrat; Foreign Policy; Deomcratic Party
28 27
Small Business Exemption from OSHA
Washington, DC
28 28
Federal Engineering
Washington, DC
Engineering Regulations; Public Works
28 29
Public Grazing Lands
Subcommittee On Public Lands and Resources
Public Lands; Natural Resources; Hardy, Robert, Jr.; Dillon, Douglas
28 30
Broward County Democratic Party
Hollywood, FL
Foreign Policy; Democratic Party
28 31
Floyd Haskell Fundraiser
Denver, CO
General Election
Pro-Democrat; Democratic Party; Elections; Haskell, Floyd
Haskell, Floyd
28 32
St. Joe River Wild and Scenic Status
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
28 33
Postal Service Amendments
Washington, DC
Civil Service
28 34
President's Commission On Personnel Interchange
Washington, DC
Foreign Trade; Foreign Relations
28 35
Terrorism: No Easy Answers
Allied Daily Newspapers Fall Meeting
Sun Valley, ID
Foreign Relations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23 and Box 7 Folder 8
28 36
Sugar Stabilization Act of 1978
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
28 37
E.R.A. Extension
Washington, DC
Equal Rights Amendment; Constitutional Amendments; Civil Rights
28 38
Incentives for Peace: In The Middle East
American Friends for Haifa University
New York City, NY
Middle East; Foreign Relations
28 39
E.R.A. Time Extension
Washington, DC
Equal Rights Amendment; Constitutional Amendment; Civil Rights
28 40
Incentives for Peace In The Middle East
Minnesota Federation of Jewish Services
Middle East; Foreign Relations
28 41
Wendell Anderson Fundraiser
Minneapolis, MN
Anderson, Wendell; Democratic Party; Fundraisers
28 42
Targhee National Forest
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation; Forests
28 43
Omitted Lands In Idaho
Washington, DC
Public Lands
28 44
Stan Kress Campaign
Pocatello, ID
Kress, Stan; Democratic Party
28 45
[Agriculture and Trade]
Food Producers of Idaho
Boise, ID
Food Production
28 46
Yen to Make A Mark With The Dollar: A Franc Look At Our International Economic Policy
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
International Economy; Economics
28 47
Nuclear Energy Is A Must
American Nuclear Society
Idaho Falls, ID
Nuclear Arms; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Waste; Atomic Energy; Nuclear Power
28 48
Snake River Omitted Lands Problem
Washington, DC
Public Lands; Snake River
28 49
Outer Space Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Treaties
28 51
Exempt Small Business and Farms from OSHA
1979 ?
28 52
Utah Farms Union Convention
Idaho Falls, ID
Agriculture; Ranching
28 53
Constitution Day
Washington, DC
28 54
American Relations With Taiwan
Washington, DC
oreign Relations
28 55
Architectural-Engineering Project
Washington, DC
Engineering Procurement; Public Works
28 56
Taiwan Relations
Washington, DC
oreign Relations
28 57
Lessons of Iran
Middle East; Foreign Relations
28 58
Return to The Path of Camp David
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Palm Beach, FL
Middle East; Foreign Relations
28 59
B'nai Zion American Israel Friendship Award
Middle East; Foreign Relationa
29 1
Opening Statement-Taiwan Relations
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
29 2
Return to The Path of Camp David-and Beyond
B'nai Zion Annual Award Dinner
New York City, NY
Middle East; Foreign Relations
29 3
Sugar Stabilization Act of 1979
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
29 4
Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
Boise, ID
State of The World; Foreign Relations; Jefferson-Jackson Day
See Also Series 10.3 Box 1 Folder 12 and Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 25
29 5
Terrorism: No Easy Answers
South Cook County World Affairs Conference, University of Illinois
Harvey, IL
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23, Box 6 Folder 25, and Box 7 Folder 8
29 6
U.S. and The Developed Countries: The Rich vs The Rich
Borah Symposium
Moscow, ID
International Economy; Economics
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23 and Box 6 Folder 25
29 7
Sugar Stabilization Act of 1979
Finance Committee
Foreign Relations
29 8
Extension of The Public Debt Limit
Washington, DC
29 9
Gasohol: Growing America's Future
Washington, DC
29 10
Opening Statement for International Security Assistance Mark-Up
29 11
SALT and The Senate: Principles for Decision
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 12
Floor Statement to Amendment
29 13
Meet The Press
29 14
Exempting Family Farms and Non-Hazardous Small Businesses from OSHA
29 15
Opening Statement
Committee Hearings On SALT II
Nuclear Weapons; SALT
29 16
Opening Statement
Committee Hearings On SALT II
Nuclear Weapons; SALT
29 17
Face The Nation
29 18
Floor Statement
Washington, DC
29 19
United Nations Association of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
29 20
Opening Statement
29 21
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Miami, FL
29 22
29 23
Statement On Olympic Games
29 24
Statement On Olympic Games
29 25
Relevance of Andrei Sakharov
29 26
Face The Nation
29 27
Transcript of Steve Symms/Frank Church Debate
29 28
River of No Return
Wilderness Areas; National Parks; Parks and Recreations; Outdoor Recreation
29 29
Urging People to Vote
1980 Before Election
29 30
Concession Speech
29 31
NATO Alliance In Midlife Crisis
Dorchester Hotel, London, England
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 20
29 32
Future Energy for Japan: An American Role
Business Week Corporate Planning 100 International Roundtable
New York, NY
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 5 and Box 7 Folders 1, 12
29 33
Saints and Sinners Luncheon
29 34
Taiwan Relations Act
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
29 35
North-South Dialogue: A False Division
Seattle, WA
3rd World Countries; Foreign Relations
29 36
Japan for Correspondents Club
Tokyo, Japan
Japan; Foreign Relations
29 37
Organization of American States
Organization of American States; Foreign Relations
29 38
Between Two Decades: The Advance of Reason and Unfinished American Foreign Policy
Leverton Lecture Series, Graduate International Institute of International Studies, Farleigh-Dickson University
Teaneck, NJ
General State of World; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 39
Foreign Relations Authorization Act
Washington, DC
Funding; Foreign Relations; Budgets
29 40
SALT and The Senate: Principles for Decision
International Research and Enchange Board
Washington, DClb/>Soviet Union; Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 41
Welcome to President Royo (Panama)
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
29 42
Commencement Speeches
Idaho High School Commencements
29 43
Amtrak Improvement Act of 1979
Washington, DC
Transportation; Railroads
29 44
How to Do Business With China
New York Law Journal
Business; Foreign Relations; International Business
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 45
After The Accords: Washington and The West Bank
Bar-Ilan University Convocation
New York City, NY
Middle East; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 46
International Assistance Act of 1979
Washington, DC
International Development Act; Foreign Relations
29 47
Exempt Farms and Small Business from OSHA
Washington, DC
29 48
Washington, DC
National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
1979/07/05 ?
29 49
SALT II Hearings
SALT II Treaty
Reservations On SALT II; Nuclear Weapons
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 12
29 50
Pioneer Day 1979
Washington, DC
Mormon Pioneers
29 51
Anadramous Fish
Washington, DC
Salmon; Natural Resources
29 52
Elk Mitigation At Dworshak Dam
Washington, DC
Elk Migration; Dams; Natural Resources; Wildlife
29 53
Rangelands-Shoshone District
Shoshone Environmental Impact
Public Lands; Environment
29 54
Libraries: The Quiet National Resource
Pacific Northwest Library Association
Boise, ID
29 55
Gasoline Rationing
Washington, DC
Gas Rationing; Energy
29 56
Reclamation Reform Act of 1979
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
29 57
Reclamation Reform Act of 1979
Natural Resources
29 58
On The Occasion of The Cancer Research Institute's Award to 3 Chinese Doctors
New York City, NY
Medical; Foreign Relations
29 59
Russian Brigade
Washington, DC
Cuba; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
29 60
Omitted Lands
Washington, DC
Public Lands
29 61
Lessons of Camp David
United Jewish Appeal
Boston, MA
Middle East; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
30 1
Lessons of Camp David
United Jewish Appeal
Cleveland, OH
Middle East; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 2 Folder 23
30 2
Energy Policy-Windfall Profits
Washington, DC
Oil; Energy
30 3
[Nuclear Power]
Argonne National Laboratory Picnic
Idaho Falls, Idy
Atomic Energy
30 4
International Economic Policy In The 1980's: The Real National Security Issue
John F. Kennedy Library
Boston, MA
Foreign Relations; National Security
30 5
Orson Hyde Memorial Garden
Washington, DC
Gardens; Parks and Recreation
30 6
[River of No Return Wilderness]
Idaho Wildlife Federation
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Wilderness Area; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
No Text Here. Text Located In Series 8.2, Box 19, Folder 32.
30 7
National Forest Administration
Washington, DC
Sagebrush Rebellion; Budgets; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
30 8
Deep Seabed Mining
Foreign Relations
30 9
OSHA Exemptions
Washington, DC
30 10
Modernization of NATO
Foreign Relations
30 11
Chrysler Loan
Washington, DC
30 12
On Hanson's Iran Trip
Hanson, George; Foreign Relations
Hanson, George
30 13
Statement At Signing River of No Return Wilderness Bill
Washington, DC
Wilderness Areas; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
1980 ?
30 14
In Defense of Andrei Sakharov
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
Sakharov, Andrei
1980 ?
30 15
National Conference On Soviet Jewry
United States-Soviet Relations; Foreign Relations
30 16
Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980
Washington, DC
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
30 17
Legislative Veto and F.T.C.
Washington, DC
Federal Trade Commission; Senate Rules
30 18
Let Justice Be Done
National Association of Wheat Growers
Phoenix, AZ
Gasohol; Famine Relief; Agriclture
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 19
U.S. In The 80's: The Commitment to Principles
Jewish Federation
Miami, FL
Middle East; Foreign Relations
30 20
Gun Control
Washington, DC
30 21
Introduction of Bill Bradley
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
Boise, ID
Democratic Party; Jefferson Jackson Day
30 22
Trade Luncheon, Boise State University
Boise, ID
Trade With Orient; Commerce
30 23
School Lunch Control Act of 1980
Washington, DC
30 24
Announcement Speech
General Election
30 25
Treaty With Peru
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Treaties
30 26
National Status for China
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 27
Small Business OSHA Exemption
Washington, DC
30 28
Hostage Relief Act of 1980
Washington, DC
30 29
Israel, A Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East
American Jewish Congress, Women's Division
Washington, DC
Middle East; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 30
Muskie Nomination to Secretary of State
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
Muskie, Edmund S.
30 31
Home Center Institute
Economic Aspects; Foreign Relations
30 32
Israel: Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East
Talmudical Academy of Baltimore
Baltimore, MD
Middle East; Foreign Relations
30 33
Keepers of The Law
Law School Commencement, University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Government; Law; Commencement
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 34
Commencement Speeches
Idaho High School Commencements

30 35
Conference On Aging
Twin Falls, ID
Elderly; Legislation
30 36
AFL-CIO State Convention
Coeur d'Alene, ID
General Election
Barnes, Verda; Elections
See Also Seris 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 37
Pre-Draft Registration
Washington, DC
30 38
Idaho State Democratic Convention
Pocatello, ID
Symms, Steve; Barnes, Verda
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 39
Memorial for Verda Barnes
Washington, DC
30 40
Legislator's Perspective for The Turbulent Eighties
International Consumer's Credit Association
Seattle, Wa
State of The World; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 26
30 41
Generic Nuclear Safety Research
Washington, DC
Light Water Reactors; Atomic Energy; Nuclear Power
30 42
Pioneer Day 1980
Washington, DC
Mormon Pioneer
1980/07/24 ?
30 43
Energy Assistance for The Elderly
Washington, DC
Aging; Public Welfare
30 44
Idaho Education Association, Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Policies; Education
30 45
Washington, DC
Irrigation; Public Works
30 46
Jewish National Fund
San Francisco, CA
General Election
Symms, Steve; Right Wing; Israel; Elections; Foreign Relations
30 48
Keynote Speech Drafts
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Democratic Party
30 49
Keynote Interviews
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Koehler, James; Kennedy, John F.
31 1
Master Schedule
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 2
People to See At The Los Angeles Convention
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Furness, Betty
Furness, Betty
31 3
Firm Commitments
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 4
Tentative Commitments
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Terrell, T.F.; Roper, Elmo
31 5
Want Tickets
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 6
Press Clips
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 7
People to Call
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 8
Leadership of The National Democratic Party, 1920-1956
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 9
Letter of Formal Appointment As Keynoter
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 10
Keynote Speech: Teleprompter and Delivery Copies
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Democratic Party
31 11
Keynote Speech: Printed Versions
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Democratic Party
Congressional Record, Vol 106 Part 12 Pg 16539+; Official Report of The Proceedings of The Democratic National Convention...
31 12
Keynote Letters
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Cooley, Harold D.
31 13
Keynote Letters
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Williams, Harrison; Moeller, Walter H.; Udall, Stuart; Symington, Stuart; Bowles, Chester; Yarborough, Ralph; Moss, Frank E.; Williams, Joe R.
31 14
Keynote Thanks
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
31 50
Keynote Drafts from Stanford University Library
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
32 1
Keynote Thanks
Democratic National Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Brown, Pat
32 2
American Way of Life, The
American Legion National Oratorical Contest
Charleston, S.C
Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.1 Box 1 Folder 8
32 3
Like Hell We're Soft
Second War College of American Industry
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, NY
World War II; Fascism; Foreign Relations
32 4
Keynote Address
Democratic State Platform Convention
Boise, ID
Democratic Party; Political Affairs
32 5
Jefferson-Jackson Day
Boundary County Democrats
Bonners Ferry, ID
Campaign; Political Affairs
32 6
One Hundred and Tenth Anniversary of The Arrival of Mormon Pioneers In The West
Washington, DC
32 7
Burns Creek
Water; Natural Resources
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 6
32 8
Farm Problem, The
Washington, DC
Agriculture; Farms
32 10
There Is No "War Party"
Presidential Campaign; Political Affairs
32 11
Labor Day Speech
Worcester, MA
32 12
Report from Washington
Washington, DC
Timber; Logging; Wilderness; Salmon; Natural Resources
32 13
Visitors In Washington
Video Script
Washington, DC
Public Relations
No Video Tape In Collection
32 14
Gene Shumate Radio Show
KRXK Radio
Wheat; Agriculture
See Also Series 10.6 Box 3 Folder 6
32 15
Our New African Policy
Washington, DC
Africa; Foreign Relations; Foreign Realtions
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 1
32 16
Establishment of National Wilderness Preservation System
Washington, DC
Natural Resources; Conservation
32 17
County Clerks and Commissioners
Campaign; Political Affairs
32 18
Senate Appropriations Committee
Washington, DC
Conservation; Agriculture; National Resources
32 19
Jackson Day Banquet
Springfield, MO
Presidential Campaign; Political Affairs
32 20
National Chamber of Commerce
Washington, DC
Presidential Campaign; Politcal Affairs
32 21
Government and Agriculture: The Changing Pattern
32 22
Last Chance to Save Upper Priest Lake
Washington, DC
Natural Resources; Water; Conservation
32 23
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Television Script
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
See Also Series 11 (Video) Acc No: 66o08 Box 6
32 24
Southwest Idaho Water Deveopment Project
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
32 25
Consideration of Korea
United Nations
New York, NY
United Nations; Foreign Relations
32 26
International Cooperation Year
United Nations
New York, NY
United Nations
32 27
Meat Import Quotas
Sheep; Lambs; Agriculture; Imports
32 29
Wrong Time to Deploy Safeguard, The
Washington, DC
Arms; Safeguard System; Defense
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 6
32 30
United States and Latin America: Call for A New Policy
Foreign Relations
32 31
Supreme Court of The United States Nomination of H. G. Carswell
Washington, DC
Supreme Court Nominations; Carswell, H.G.; Judicial Branch
See Also Series 3.4.1 Box 1 Folder 7
32 33
Give Earth A Chance
Pollution; Environment; Conservation
32 34
Doves Have Won and Don't Know It
Vietnam; Foreign Relations
32 36
Tribute to John Edelman
Rememberance Service, Senate Caucus Room
Washington, DC
Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
32 37
Adequate Funding for The Soil Conservation Service
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
32 39
Vietnam: The 8th Year of The American Ordeal
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations
32 40
We Can't Share What We Don't Have
Washington, DC
National Debt; Political Affairs; Presidential Campaign 1972; Revenue Sharing; Economics; McGovern, George
See Also 10.6 Box 3 Folder 27
32 41
Release of Multi-National Subcommittee Report
Washington, DC
Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Opic; Multinational Corporations
32 42
Beyond Vietnam
World Affairs Council of Wilmington, Delaware, Inc.
Wilmington, DE/>Foreign Relations
32 43
Cattle Industry In Idaho Threatened With A Shut Down, The
Washington, DC
Beef; Agriculture
32 44
Who Says Everything Is Fine Down On The Farm
Washington, DC
32 45
Rail Passenger Service -- Amtrak
Washington, DC
Railroads; Transportation
32 46
Dairy Farmer Needs Help, The
Washington, DC
Dairy Farmers; Agriculture
32 47
Nelson Rockefeller
Washington, DC
Vice Presidential Nomination; Executive Branch
32 48
Funds Needed for Reforestation Programs
Washington, DC
Forest Service; Natural Resources; Forestry; Budgets; Funding
32 49
Neither A Vendetta Nor A Whitewash
Washington, DC
Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigations; Intelligence Activities
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 21
32 50
Repeal of The Feed and Forage Act
Washington, DC
32 51
Progress Report -- Select Committee On Intelligence Activities
Washington, DC
Intelligence Activities
Central Intelligence Act; Federal Bureau of Investigations
32 52
Testimony Before The Senate Committee On Finance
Senate, Committee On Finance
Washington, DC
Multi-National Corporations
Kickbacks; Shakedowns; Bribery
32 53
Ford Record, The
Political Affairs
Campaign; Political Affairs; Ford, Gerald R.
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 17
32 54
Statement Before The Government Operations Committee
Senate, Government Operations Committee
Washington, DC
National Emergencies Act; Presidential Powers
32 55
Withdrawal from The 1976 Presidential Campaign
Campaign; Politcal Affairs; Carter, Jimmy
32 56
Nee-Me-Poo Trail
Senate, Interior and Insular Affairs Committee
Washington, DC
Nez Perce Tribe; National Trails System; National Parks; Parks and Recreation; Outdoor Recreation
32 57
Crisis In Confidence: The Impact of Watergate
University of Delaware
Watergate; Political Affairs; Nixon, Richard M.; Ethics
32 58
Testimony Before The International Trade Commission
Sugar; Agriculture; Trade
32 59
Potato Futures Trade: A Stacked Deck, The
Washington, DC
Potatoes; Agriculture; Farming
32 60
Let's Give The Dairy Farmer An Even Break
Washington, DC
Dairy Farmers; Agriculture
32 61
Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Framework
Washington, DC
Natural Resources
32 62
Interview With George Cheek
Wilderness; Natural Resources
See Also Series 1.1 Box 61 Folder 13
32 63
Breakfast With Godfrey
Christian Science Monitor Reporters
Sheraton-Carlton Hotel
Foreign Relations
Soviet Union; Foreign Relations
32 64
Reclamation Reform Act of 1979
Washington, DC
Reclamation Act; Natural Resources; Relcamation Reform Act
32 65
Face The Nation
Washington, DC
Middle East; Iran; Foreign Policy
32 66
This Number Not Used
32 67
Let US Remember
Dedication Ceremonies of Minidoka Relocation Center
Japaneses American Citizens; World War II Relocation; National Historic Monuments
32 68
Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
Idaho Democrats
Boise, ID
Campaign 1980
ABC Committee; Campaigns; Symms, Steve
32 69
United Jewish Appeal
Atlanta, Ga
Israel; Foreign Relations; Reagan, Ronald
Reagan, Ronald
See Also United Jewish Appeal, Pinellas, FL.; Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 23 and Box 6 Folder 2
32 70
New Right
New York Society for Ethical Culture
New York, NY
Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 7
32 71
New Right
Harmonie Club
New York, NY
Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 4
33 1
United Jewish Appeal
Pinellas County, FL.
Israel; Foreing Relations; Reagan, Ronald
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 23
33 2
Villanova University Speech
Villanova, PA
Foreign Policy; Latin America; Reagan, Ronald
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 7 and Box 7 Folder 28
33 3
Future of Direct Foreign Investment In The United States
Whitman and Ransom
Washington, DC
Economy; Foreign Investments; Foreign Relations; Economics
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 11 and Box 5 Folder 6
33 4
Congregation B'nai Israel
Rumson, NJ
Israel; Soviet Union; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 44
33 5
Thomas C. Hennings Memorial Lecture
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Ronald Reagan; Foreign Policy; Reagan, Ronald
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 40
33 6
Now Is Your Turn to Assist Us: Overwhelming Wave of Conservatism
Dialogure Between FC and Prof. Fuji Kajiya of Keio University
Tokyo, Japan
Unfair Business Practices; Multinational Corporations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 24
33 7
New Right
Democratic Town Meeting
Westport, Ct.
Moral Majority; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 19
33 8
Moral Majority: Friend Or Foe?, The
B'nai Emet Synagogue
Minneapolis, Minn
Campaign; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 38
33 9
Critique of Current U.S. Foreign Policy: The Reagan Turnabout
Women's National Democratic Club
Washington, DC
Reagan, Ronald ; Arms Limitations; Foreign Policy
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 6 and Box 7 Folder 41
33 10
Israel After Beirut and The Reagan Initiative
Middle East; Lebanon; Reagan, Ronald; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 14 and Box 7 Folder 19
33 11
Israel: Asset Or Liability
Congregation Adath Jesh Urun
Philadelphia, PA
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 26 and Box 4 Folder 22
33 12
War Or Peace: The American Role
Frank Church Chair On Public Affairs
Boise State University, Boise, ID
Foreign Policy; Hawks; Doves; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 7
33 13
Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Speech
Idaho Democrats
Boise, ID
Political Affairs
33 14
America and The New Right; Breadth, Tolerance, Sanity
North Carolina Symposium
Campaign; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 6 and Box 6 Folder 15
33 15
Breadth, Tolerance, Sanity
St. Xavier College
Chicago, IL
New Right; Campaign; Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 15
33 16
Covert Intervention: Contradiction With Democratic Principles
Campaign for Political Rights
Washington, DC
Latin America; Central Intelligence Agency; Nicaragua; Foreing Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 40
33 17
Remarks About Debate for A Film Produced By Idaho High School Activities Association
Film Script
High School Extracurricular Activities; Education
See Also Series 10.7 Box 1 Folder 13
33 18
Nuclear Freeze Or Nuclear Holocaust: The American Response to Arms Control
Austin College
Sherman, TX
Arms Control; Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 6
33 19
Middle East After Beirut, The
Park Synagogue
Cleveland, Ohio
Israel; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 14 and Box 7 Folder 19
33 20
Facing Down The Critics of Israel
United Jewish Appeal
Green Acres Country Club, Chicago, Illb/>Middle East; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 6 Folder 17
33 21
U.S. Foreign Policy: What Is It? What Should It Be?
AAUW Convention
San Francisco, CA
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 13
33 22
Middle East: Can A Diplomatic Dialogue Be Revived?, The
Denver United Jewish Appeal Workers Retreat
Denver, CO.
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 17
33 23
Quest for Peace Must Continue, The
Fund for Peace
New York, NY
Soviet Union; Peace; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 3
33 24
Domestic Constraints On American Foreign Policy
92nd Street Young Men and Women's Hebrew Assn.
New York, NY
Congressional Powers; Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 7 Folder 8
33 25
Interview On Vietnam
Asia; Foreign Relations
From Ramparts, Jan-Feb 1965. See Also Series 8.3, Box 4, Folder 2
33 26
Alternative Middle East Strategy, An (Draft)
OPEC; Iran; Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations
33 27
African Trade Union Movement, The
Africa; Foreign Relations; Trade Unions
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 1
33 28
Cutting Back On Foreign Spending
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.3 Box 1 Folder 15
33 29
Introducing A Bill to Allow A Deduction of $100 for Political Contributions
Washington, DC
Political Affairs
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 14
33 30
Let The Sunshine In
Social Problems
Poverty; Pollution; Population; Wilderness; Ecology; White Clouds
33 31
Non-Military Safeguards for The Limited Test Ban Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Nuclear Weapons; Nuclear Arms
33 32
Ratification of The Non-Proliferation Treaty
Washington, DC
Foreign Relations; Treaties
33 33
Statement On Amending Senate Rule Twenty-Two
Washington, DC
Political Affairs
Senate Rules; Political Affairs
33 34
Statement Re: Legislation to Revise The Farmers Home Administration Lending Authority
33 35
Aging; Elderly
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 2
33 36
Staff List of Speeches By Subject and Title
33 37
Myth of A Nascent Democracy Under The Nationalists
From Wooden File Box
33 38
Price Control
Office of Price Stabilization; Economics
Notecards for 6 Speeches From The Wooden File Box
33 39
Crusade for Europe
Radio Free Europe; Political Affairs
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 40
Public Speaking
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 41
World Government
United Nations
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 42
World Government
United Nations
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 43
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 44
Commencement Address
Washington, DC
Capitol Page School
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 45
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 46
Constitution, The
Constitution (U.S.)
Notecards for 2 Speeches From The Wooden File Box
33 47
Democratic Party
Republican Party; Presidential Campaign; Political Affairs
Notecards for 2 Speeches From The Wooden File Box
33 48
Democratic Party
Campaign 1956; Presidential Campaign 1956; Political Affairs
Notecards From The Wooden File Box
33 49
Democratic Party
Political Affairs
Notecards From The Wooden File Box; Cards 5 and 6 Only
33 50
Notes from The Wooden File Box
Notes From The Wooden File Box, Which Is Museum Item 024
33 51
Oakland, CA
Jewish National Fund; Middle East; Foreign Policy; Moral Majority
Jewish National Fund; Middle East; Foreign Policy; Moral Majority
Reagan, Ronald; Swig, Ben
1980 ?
33 52
St. Petersburg, FL
Jewish Federation; Middle East; Foreign Policy; Israel; Plo; Saudi Arabia, OPEC
Jewish Federations; Middle East; Foreign Policy; Isreal; Plo; Saudi Arabia; OPEC
Reagan, Ronald
1981 ?
33 53
Israel: A Strategic Asset? Or Liability
Yeshiva University
Sydney, Australia
Israel; Middle East; Oil; Saudi Arabia; Arms
33 54
Ideology and Reality: The Reagan Dilemma In Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy; Soviet Union; Military Aid; Arms; Human Rights
Foreign Policy; Soviet Union; Millitary Aid; Arms; Human Rights; Regan, Ronald; Carter, Jimmy; Kirkpatrick, Jeanne; Weinberger, Casper
1981 ?
33 55
Israel; OPEC; Saudi Arabia; Middle East; Foreign Policy
Reagan, Ronald
1981 ?
33 56
Israel: Asset Or Liability?
American Friends of Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital
Brooklyn, NY
Middle East; Oil; Foreign Policy; American Friends of Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital
33 57
Law School Speech
Advocate, The "To Wit: The World According To Gulp"; Law Practice
Advocate, The
33 58
Facing Down The Critics of Israel
Green Acres Country Club
Chicago, IL
Foreign Policy; Middle East; Saudi Arabia
33 59
Detroit, MI
Foreign Policy; Isreal; Lebanon
33 60
Wilderness Needs No Defense -- It Needs More Defenders
Idaho Conservation League
Boise, ID
33 61
Quest for Peace Must Continue
Boise State University; Russian Awareness Week
Boise, ID
Foreign Policy
Nuclear Weapons; Cold War; Soviet Union; Middle East
Received From Dean Robert Sims, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs.
33 62
Strategic Position of The Middle East In World Politics
Boise State University; Frank Church Chair
Boise, ID
Israel; Foreign Relations
33 62
Strategic Position of The Middle East In World Politics
Idaho State University
Pocatello, Idaho
Israel; Foreign Relations
52 11
Campaign 1976
Lloyd Senior Citizen's Center
General Election
Campaigns; Elections; Democratic Party
71 35
New Conservation
Yakima, WA
91 44
Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee
Foreign Relations
1971/05/04 ?
282 50
Conference Report On OSHA Exemptions for Small Business and Farms
Washington, DC
1979 ?
2: Trips
Chronological file of Senatorial, personal and vacation trips taken by the Senator and his family. Trips are identified by the destination and sponsor.
Box Folder
1 1
Buenos Aires, Argentina/O.A.S. States-Economic Conference
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Achilles, Theodore C.; Anderson, Robert B.
South America; Organization of American States; Economics;
1957 August 15-28
1 2
Phoenix, AZ/U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce
Smathers, George A.; Pfost, Gracie; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Rubottom, R. R.
Ten Outstanding Young Men Award; Nomination for The Award; Congratulatory Letters; Press Kit
1958 January 16-18
1 3
Miami, Fla./Vacation
1957 April; 1957 May; 1957 October
1 4
Harrisburg, PA/Pennsylvania State Bar Association
1958 January 30
1 5
Philadelphia, PA/American Jewish Congress
1950 March 16
1 6
Trenton, NJ / Jaycees
1958 February 15
1 7
Cambridge, Mass./Harvard University
1958 May 9
1 8
New Orleans, La/Democratic Fund Raiser
1958 May 31
1 9
Casper, WY/Democratic Party
1958 February-April
1 10
Shelby, N.C. / Young Democrats
1958 July 26
1 11
Ocean City, MD/Tom Johnson Campaign
1958 August 14
1 12
Clarens, Switzerland/Conference for Members of Parliaments
1958 August 24-31
1 13
London, England/Lead-Zinc Conference
1958 September 5-6
1 14
Detroit, MI/Young Democrats State Convention
1958 September 6
1 15
New Orleans, LA/Democratic Dinner
1958 September 27
1 16
Lafayette, LA/Southwest Louisiana Institute
1958 September 29
1 17
Alaska Trip
Steppovich, Mike; Gruening, Ernest
Alaska Statehood
1958 October 3-9
1 18
Hawaii Trip
Hawaii Statehood
1958 November
1 19
Honolulu, Hawaii
Murray, James E.
Hawaiian Statehood; Labor Activities; Rackets Committee
1958 November 18 - December 1
1 20
Elizabeth City, NC/Vacation
1959 March 26 - April 1
1 21
Canada/Canada--U.S. Inter-parliamentary Group
St. Lawrence Seaway Dedication; Water Resources of The Columbia River (Abstract); Background of The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Projects; Congressional Briefing Material; U.S. Embassy Handbook On Ottawa and Canada;
1959 June 25-26
1 22
Canada/Canada--U.S. Inter-parliamentary Group
Hellyer, Paul T.; Drouin, Mark; Roberge, Denyse
1959 June 25-28
1 23
Warsaw, Poland/48th Conference of The Inter-Parliamentary Union
Background Information; Participating Countries; International Trade; International Security and Disarmament; Individual and Human Rights; Preliminary Documents; Agenda; Draft Resolutions; Reports;
1959 August 27-September 4
1 24
Warswaw, Poland/48th Conference of The Inter-Parliamentary Union
1959 August 27-September 4
1 25
Clarens, Switzerland/Conference for Members of Parliaments
1959 September 6-13
1 26
Boise, ID
1959 September 16
1 27
San Francisco, CA/Commonwealth Club of California
1959 November 6
1 28
Portland, Oregon/Funeral--Senator Richard L. Neuberger
Funeral of Senator Richard L. Neuberger
1960 March 13
1 29
Master Schedule
1960 May 19-26
1 30
New York City/Johannsen-Patterson Fight
1960 June 20
1 31
Worcester, MA, ID, and Colorado Springs, CO
Lemay, Curtis E.
1960 September 5-8
1 32
Philadelphia, PA/21 Jewel Square Club
Annual Youth Award Presentation To FC
1960 September 13
1 33
Idaho Falls, ID/Conference On Natural Resources
1960 September 27
1 34
1960 November 16-December 22
1 35
1960 November 16-December 22
1 36
1960 November 16-December 22
1 37
1960 November 16-December 22
2 1
New York City: Roper Dinner
Roper, Elmo
1961 March
2 2
Boise, Idaho Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1961 March 1
2 3
New York City CBS "Un In Action"
1961 March 12
2 4
New York City, New York
1961 March 29
2 5
Wolf Point, Montana, Roosevelt CO. J-J Dinner
1961 April 6
2 6
Logan, Utah, Robins Award Presentation
1961 April 7
2 7
1961 4/9-10
2 8
Twin Falls, TV Program and Service Lunch,
1961 4/13-14
2 9
Medford Oregon Roosevelt Memorial Dinner
Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Douglas, Helen Gahangan; Morse, Wayne
Democratic Party
1961 4/15
2 10
Denver CO. Assembly On African Affairs
1961 4/16
2 11
New York City Lexington Democratic Club
Democratic Party
1961 4/19
2 12
Idaho: Commencement Address
1961 May/June
2 13
Idaho: High School Commencement
1961 May/June
2 14
Idaho: North Idaho Jr. College, Commencement
1961 May/June
2 15
Idaho: Ricks College Commencement
1961 May/June
2 16
Columbus Ohio United Steelworkers
1961 May 5
2 17
Stillwater, Oklahoma Government Week
1961 May 5
2 18
Twin Falls, Idaho TV Program
1961 June 30
2 19
Idaho, Possible Meetings
1961 Fall
2 20
Seattle WA Indian Tour
1961 September
2 21
Cleveland OH "At Random" TV Program
1961 September
2 22
Idaho Itinerary
2 23
Boise ID; Church Dinner
1961 October
2 24
Buhl Tour
1961 October
2 25
Rupert/Hansen, Idaho: Tour
Minidoka Project
1961 October
2 26
Lewiston ID; Indian Congress and Fair
1961 September
2 27
Utah: Thiokol Tour
NASA; Nova Project; Apollo Moon Landing
1961 October
2 28
Chicago; Temple Banquet
1961 October
2 29
Urbana, Illinois; Illinois Association of School Administrators
1961 October
2 30
Idaho: Meetings
1961 November
2 31
Pocatello ID; Institute of Government
1961 November
2 32
Seattle: Magnuson's Dinner
Magnuson, Warren
1961 November
2 33
North Idaho: Meetings
1961 December
2 34
Virgin Islands
1962 March
2 35
Easton, Pennsylvania Lafayette College: Disarmament: Solution
1962 April 6
2 36
Boston and Lawrence Massachusetts; Greater Lawrence Chamber of Commerce
1962 April 25
2 37
Meetings 4 Potential and Confirmed
2 38
Washington DC War College
2 39
Montgomery, Alabama: Maxwell and Gunter Air Force Base; War College
National Security
1962 April 29
2 40
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama; National Security Forum
1962 April 30
2 41
Master Schedule
1962 May 8-27
2 42
Walla Walla, WA Ice Harbor Dam
1962 May 9
2 43
Lewiston: Boat and Air to Boise
1962 May 10
2 44
Glenns Ferry: Commencement
1962 May 11
2 45
Gooding Post Office and Dinner
1962 May 12
2 46
Wendell: Commencement
1962 May 13
2 47
Fairfield: Commencement
1962 May 14
2 48
American: Falls Commencement
1962 May 15
2 49
Marsing: Commencement
1962 May 16
2 50
Potlatch: Commencement
1962 May 17
2 51
Moscow: University of Idaho and Young Democrats
Democratic Party
1962 May 17
2 52
Kendrick: Commencement
1962 May 18
2 53
Cottonwood: Radar Station
Air Force
1962 May 19
2 54
Mccall-Donnelly: Commencement
1962 May 20
2 55
Hailey: Commencement
1962 May 21
2 56
Payette: Commencement
1960 May 22
2 57
Boise ID, Chamber of Commerce Schooner Day
1962 May 23
2 58
Council: Commencement
1962 May 23
2 59
Fruitland: Commencement
Hawley, John
Political Compaighs
1962 May 24
2 60
TV Program Boise ID
1962 May 25
2 61
Parma: Commencement
1962 May 25
2 62
Lewiston to Boise to Baltimore
1962 May 27-28
2 63
Idaho: Campaign Appearances
Political Capaign
1962 June/July
2 64
Lewiston: -Clark Highway Dedication
1962 August 19
2 65
New York: Elmo Roper Dinner
1962 August 21
2 66
Bovill and Lewiston, Idaho
Political Campaign; Labor Unions
1962 September 3
2 67
Cuba; Bay of Pigs
1962 September 29-30
2 68
Far East
McGee, Gale
Itinerary for Congressional Delegation Headed By Senator Gale McGee; Vietnam; South East Asia
1962 November 18-December 21
2 69
Far East
Hand Written Notebook Kept By FC Covering The Following: American Samoa, Port Moresby-Australian New Guinea, Bali, Djkarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Phnom Penh, Saigon, Vientianne, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Okinawa
1962 November 18-December 21
2 70
Trips- Far East
McGee, Gale
Vietnam; South East Asia;
1962 November 18-December 21
3 1
Idaho/Including Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1963 February 23-27
3 2
Salt Lake City, UT/University of Utah
McGovern, George
Salt Lake City Trip
"The Welfare State" February 28, 1963 [Speech Not In File]
1963 February 28
3 3
Idaho: Meetings
1963 May 4
3 4
Washington, DC: National War College; Aid Cuts: Europe Before
Mellman, Seymour
Military Spending
3 5
Washington DC National War College
1963 May 15
3 6
Idaho: Meetings for June
3 7
Idaho: Itinerary
Public Relations
1963 June
3 8
Salt Lake City
1963 June 20
3 9
Post Office
1963 June 22
3 10
1963 June 22
3 11
1963 June 28
3 12
1963 July 3
3 13
Idaho Meetings
1963 July 4
3 14
Austin, Texas Yarbrough Dinner
Yarbrough, Ralph
1963 October 19
3 15
Idaho Trip: Sun Valley; Reclamation Meeting
National Reclamation Association: Foreign Policy: International Assistance
1963 October 23
3 16
Virgin Islands
Proof Copy of Hearings, October 29 and October 30, 1963, "Disposal of Naval Properties In The Virgin Islands"
1963 November 28-December 4
3 17
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Second Special Inter-American Conference
Gordon, Lincoln; Morales-Carrion, Arturo; Sanz De Santamaria, Carlos
1965 November 17-30
3 18
Oxfordshire, England: Ditchley Foundation
Foreign Relations
1964 January 10-14
3 19
Oxfordshire, England: Ditchley Foundation
Foreign Relations
1964 January 10-14
3 20
Los Angeles: Pacific Chapter of United Nations
Foreign Relations
1964 February 18
3 21
Sanford, CA: United Nations
1964 February 19
3 22
Pocatello: Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner:
Nelson, Gaylord
Democratic Party
1964 February 29
3 23
Washington DC American Legion United Nations
Democratic Party
1964 March 3
3 24
Montana: Great Falls and Helena, Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Democratic Party
1964 March 13
3 25
University of Idaho, Borah Foundation
Borah, William
1964 March 26
3 26
Emory, Virginia: Emory and Henry College
United Nations
1964 April 3
3 27
San Bernardino, CA: Air Force Operations Research Symposium
1964 April 9
3 28
Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Mock Politic
Democratic Party
1964 April 17
3 29
New York: National Wool Manufacturers Association
Wool Industry: New York World's Fair: United Nations: Foreign Affairs
1964 May 7
3 30
Salt Lake City: State Democratic Convention
Moss, Frank
Democratic Party
1964 June 27
3 31
Sandpoint: Natural Lights Inc; Annual Meeting and Party
White, Compton; Swisher, Perry; Harding, Ralph
Northern Lights; Democratic Party: Electrical Energy; Rural Elecrification Administration; Bonneville Power Administration
1964 July 16
3 32
Pacific Northwest
Schweitze Basin, Idaho: Sandpoint, Idaho: Kellogg, Idaho: Seattle, Washington
1964 April 4-9
3 33
Miami, University of Miami Cancelled
1964 April 29
3 34
Easton, Pennsylvania: Lafayette College; Honorary Degree
1964 June 5
3 35
Denver CO., Jefferson Co., Canceled Due to Civil Rights Cloture Vote
1964 June 11
3 36
Torrington, WY: Democratic Fund Raiser
McGee, Dale
Democratic Party
1965 July 18
3 37
Atlantic City, Democratic Convention
Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Morgan, Edward P
Democratic Party; Women In Politics; The Great Society
1964 August 24
3 38
Vienna, Austria: Peaceful Purposes Conference
Arms Control
1964 September 13-22
3 39
White House Conference On International Cooperation
Johnson, Lyndon Baines: Morgan, Edward P
International Relations: International Cooperation Year: United Nations
1965 December 2
3 40
Idaho: Campaign Meetings
Public Relations: Campaign, 1964: Democratic Party
3 41
Helena, Montana; Democratic Convention
Democratic Party
1964 September 12
3 42
Idaho Falls Nuclear Reactor Training Site
Harding, Ralph; Ramey, James T.
Energy Development; Nuclear Energy; Atomic Energy; Democratic Party; National Reactor Testing Site; Coumission
3 43
Teaneck, New Jersey Farleigh Dickinson University
Radical Right
1965 July 1
3 44
Detroit Michigan; Wayne State University Economic Club
International Relations: United Nations: Vietnam: Human Rights
Are We In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
1965 Febuary 22
3 45
Sanford University Distinguished Alumni Award
Drury, Allen
International Relations
Our Over-Involement In Africa and Asia: Title Changed: We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
1965 March 2
3 46
Pocatello Idaho Potato Growers Conference
Moss, Frank
Post Office: Great Salt Lake: Potatoes
1965 March 16
3 47
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Vietnamese Conflict 1965-1971; International Relations
1965 March 25
3 48
Virgin Islands
International Relations
1965 April 11-18
3 49
Idaho: Commencements and Other Public Appearances
Public Relations
1965 May
3 50
Challis Idaho: Commencement Address
1965 May 21
4 1
4 2
4 3
State University of Iowa
4 4
4 5
San Francisco
4 6
4 7
Idaho Falls, Idaho
4 8
Pocatello, Idaho
4 9
Sun Valley, Idaho
4 10
Caldwell Idaho; Commencement Address
4 11
New Plymouth, Idaho; Commencement Address
4 12
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
4 13
Idaho: Resource Tour
4 14
Hanover, New Hampshire Dartmouth College-Management Development Conf
4 15
Northern Idaho: Land Board Tour
4 16
Idaho: Visit Correspondence
4 17
Idaho: Boise Appointments
4 18
Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State University
Obler, Eli
Vietnam; Foreign Relations; Democratic Party; Education
4 19
Idaho: Trips Schedule
4 20
Moscow, Idaho: Educational TV
4 21
Moscow, Idaho: American Society of Agricultural Engineers
4 22
Idaho Falls: Episcopal Church
Foote, Norman
4 23
Caldwell, Idaho: College of Idaho Convocation
4 24
India and Japan
Humphrey, Hubert H.
S.Res.145-Provide for Responding To Invitations From Foreign Parliamentary Bodies; [FC Did Not Attend Due To Conflict In Schedule]
1965 November 24-December 22
4 25
White House: International Cooperation Year
1965 November 29-December 2
4 26
Boise Idaho: December Itinerary
4 27
Wieser, Idaho
4 28
Meridian, Idaho Dairy Association
4 29
Twin Falls, Idaho: Kiwanis's Club
4 30
Pocatello, Idaho: Bob Montgomery Reception
Montgomery, Robert
4 31
Boise Idaho: Jerome, Idaho: Post Office Dedication Speech
4 32
Boise, Idaho: Idaho Conservationist of The Year
Bowler, Bruce: Zern, Ed
4 33
Madrid, Spain: World Forestry Congress
4 34
Brookings Institute Congressional Hotel, Washington DC
4 35
Stanford, California: Institute of Foreign Relations
4 36
Chicago: Possible Meetings
4 37
Idaho Trip: Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet
4 38
Bermuda/British-American Parliamentary Conference
Renchard, George W.; Fulbright, J.W.; Martonmere, Roland Robinson; Cox, John W.; Spearman, Alexander
S.Res.128-Establishing A Commission for A Stronger Atlantic Union; S.Res.64-Establish An Atlantic Union Delegation
1966 March 7-11
4 39
Easter In Miami, Florida
4 40
Rexburg, Idaho: Ricks College
4 41
Boise, Idaho: Compton White
4 42
4 43
Oxfordshire, Ditchley Foundation: Inter-parliamentary Meeting On Africa
4 44
Idaho Commencements
4 45
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Democratic State Convention
4 46
Snake River Inspection Trip
4 47
Salmon River Trip
4 48
Canadian Trip
1966 September
4 49
Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Fly Fisherman Federation
Trueblood, Ted
4 50
Mountain Home, Idaho: Air Force Day
4 51
New York, New York: United Nations
1966 September-December
4 52
New York, New York: Columbia University
4 53
4 54
San Francisco.: World Affairs Council of Northern California
4 55
Concord, New Hampshire-Governor's Conference On The United Nations
4 57
Boise, Idaho
1967 January 29-Febuary 4
4 58
Mexico City, Mexico: 9th Interdisciplinary Conference
1967 Febuary 8-15
4 59
Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University
1967 Febuary 17
4 60
Pocatello, Idaho: League of Women Voters
1967 Febuary 25
4 61
Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State University
1967 Febuary 27
4 62
Idaho Falls, Idaho: Chamber of Commerce
1967 Febuary 28
4 63
Tetonia, Idaho Democratic Convention
Rampton, Calvin
1967 March 1
4 64
Pocatello, Idaho: Chamber of Commerce
1967 March 1
4 65
New York City, NY/Robert Kennedy's Fund-Raising Dinner
1967 March 5
4 66
Washington DC; Brookings Institute; The United Nations At Twenty One
1967 March 7
4 67
Grinnell, IA/Grinnell College
"The UN At 21"
1967 March 14
4 68
Moscow, Idaho; University of Idaho; United Nations Day
1967 March 15-17
4 69
Moscow, ID/University of Idaho United Nations Day
Hartung, Ernest W.
Meets Also With The Legislative Committee and The General Membership of The Moscow Chamber of Commerce
1967 March 16
4 70
San Francisco, United World Federalist World Peace Thru World Law
1967 March 18
4 71
Cambridge, England; Bilderberg Meeting; Cambridge Endowment for Intern
1967 March 30-April 2
4 72
Garden City New York; Nassau Community College
1967 April 18
4 73
Idaho: Coeur d'Alene and Shoshone County: Meetings
1967 April
5 1
Idaho; Commencements
1967 May
5 2
Washington, DC/U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1967 May 1
5 3
Idaho Falls Speech Democratic Workshop
1967 May 20
5 4
Idaho Trips, Commencements, etc..
1967 May 20-June 6
5 5
Moscow, Idaho: Commencement
1967 June 4
5 6
Sun Valley Idaho: Bankers Convention
1967 June 12
5 7
Dartmouth, New Hampshire; Labor and Management Conference: AT&T
1967 July 2-5
5 8
Idaho: Minidoka Court House Tour, Rupert
1967 July 21-23
5 9
Idaho: Meetings
1967 July 22
5 10
Boise Idaho: Ada County Court House
1967 August 3-7
5 11
Twin Falls: Urban Renewal Workshop
1967 August 18
5 12
Young Democratic Convention; Shane Loge, McCall
1967 August 18-19
5 13
Valley Court House
1967 August 19
5 14
Idaho: Meetings; Labor Day Recess
1967 September 4-11
5 15
Blaine County Court House Hailey
1967 September 16
5 16
Jerome County Court House Lincoln County Court House
1967 October 30
5 17
Pocatello; Bannock County Court House; Idaho Health Association
1967 October 31
5 18
Eastern Idaho: Meetings
1967 November 1
5 19
Idaho: Ricks College County Court House
1967 November 2
5 20
Caldwell: College of Idaho; Orientation In Politics, Vietnam
1967 November 3
5 21
Moscow: University of Idaho; Associated Women Students
1967 November 4
5 22
35 Year Anniversary of Wilderness Bill
1967 November 10
5 23
Jefferson County; Veterans Day Speech, Vietnam
1967 November 11
5 24
Nampa; Northwest Nazarene College; Canyon County Court House
1967 November 13-15
5 25
Boise Junior League Banquet Speech; Capital High School, Boise
1967 November 14
5 26
American Falls Idaho Magistrate Association, Boise
1967 November 15
5 27
Blackfoot Court House; Idaho Farm Bureau
1967 November 16
5 28
Frank Church Fundraising Banquet; Senator Ted Kennedy, Boise
Kennedy, Edward "Teddy"; Udall, Stuart
1967 November 18
5 29
Boise, Thanksgiving Holidays
1967 November 19-22
5 30
New York City; Elmo Roper Reception A Robert Kennedy Dinner
1967 December 6-10
5 31
Virgin Islands
1967 December 19-30
5 32
Idaho/Courthouse Tour
Fort Hall Tribal Council Meeting; Press Conference; Fmc Phosphate Plant In Pocatello; Port Neuf River Flood Project; Lions Club; Union Pacific Shops; Basketball Game; Bear Lake County Courthouse, Paris; Montpelier; Oneida County Courthouse, Malad City; B
1968 January 2-7
5 33
Idaho/Courthouse Tour
Batt, Philip E.
Cassia County Courthouse, Burley; Central Committee; Minidoka County Beet Growers, Rupert-Speech; Hop Growers Annual Convention, Boise-Speech; Twin Falls Jaycees-Speech
1968 January 25-31
5 34
Idaho/Courthouse Tour
Specter, Arlen; Gore, Albert A., Sr.
Canyon County Courthouse, Caldwell; Dedication Clinic, Parma-Speech; Nampa Jaycees and Elks Annual Banquet-Speech; Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union, Lewiston-Speech; Clearwater County Courthouse, Orofino; Chamber of Commerce Luncheon; Dworshak Dam Vis
1968 January 25-31
5 35
Malta, ID/Rural Electric Co-Ops
Rural Electric Co-Ops Annual Meeting; Raft River Electric Company; BPA; Idaho Power Company; Wheeling Agreement
1968 February 24
5 36
Boise, ID
McGee, Gale; Hatfield, Mark O.
Federal Executives Association Luncheon-Speech; Reception; Boise College, Breakfast; Nampa Kiwanis Luncheon; Boise Kiwanis Luncheon; Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
"The Torment In The Land" February 21, 1968; Statement-Upon A Newspaper Account of An Incident In Vietnam, Probably To The Capital City Kiwanis Club, Boise, March 1, 1968
1968 February 26-March 3
6 1
Pocatello, ID/Idaho State University
Idaho State University-Institute of Government (19th Annual), F.C. Did Not Participate
1968 March 25
6 2
Idaho/Courthouse Tour
Parsley, Merle D.
Bonner County Courthouse-Sandpoint; Federal Employees Executive Assn., Boise; World Affairs Council, Boise; Camas County Courthouse, Fairfield; Twin Falls County Courthouse, Twin Falls; Kiwanis-Rotary Luncheon, Buhl; Gooding County Courthouse, Gooding
Speech: Sportsmen's Jamboree, Idaho Falls, March 15, 1968; Speech: Sportsmen's Jamboree, Coeur d'Alene, March 16, 1968; Speech: Wildlife Jamboree, Priest Lake, March 17, 1968; Speech: South Idaho Development Conference (S.B.A.), Twin Falls, March 19, 196
1968 March 15-24
6 3
San Francisco and Idaho/Easter Recess
Killion, George
Sportsmen's Fair , Boise; Junior-Senior Banquet, Mountain Home; Presbyterian Church, Church Classes On Vietnam, Boise; Idaho Nursing Home Training Seminar, Pocatello; Rotary Convention, Pocatello
Speech: Idaho Assn. School Superintendents, Boise, April 18, 1968
1968 April 11-23
6 4
Hartford, CT and New York, NY
1968 April 27
6 5
Idaho/Bannock County
National Assn. of Letter Carriers; Bannock County Democrats Dinner-Young Democrats
1968 May 18
6 6
Idaho/Commencements and Courthouse Tour
Speech: Generic 1968 Idaho Commencement, May 1968
1968 May 19-30
6 7
Idaho/Courthouse Tour
Muskie, Edmund S.
Speech: Idaho Democratic State Assembly, Idaho Falls, June 14-15, 1968
1968 June 12-16
6 8
New York, NY
1968 June 20
6 9
Kennedy, Edward M.; Udall, Stewart L.
Mostly Pending Engagements; Flight Schedules for Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall and Senator Edward Kennedy-To Appear At A Frank Church Dinner In Boise, November 18, 1967
6 10
Philadelphia, PA./Joe Clark Testimonial
Clark, Joseph S.
1968 June 28
7 1
Speech: Short Statements On Various Topics "Vietnam", "Farming", "Conservation-Recreation", "Courthouse Tours", May Belong With Draft of Shooting Script for 1968 Campaign, No Date; Speech: "This Is Frank Church's Idaho", July 5-7, 1968 (Draft Shooting Sc
1968 July 3-14
7 2
1968 July 26-29
7 3
Samuelson, Don
Five Schedules of Proposed Stops In Idaho During August 1968; Whistle Stops and County Fair Visits; Plans To Attend 1968 Democratic Convention, Which F.C Didn't Attend
1968 August 3-25
7 4
Chicago, IL/Democratic Convention
Muskie, Edmund S.; Hartke, Vance
1968 Democratic Convention Which F.C. Did Not Attend
1968 August 26-29
7 5
Davis, William E.
Various Schedules of Proposed Stops In Idaho During September 1968; Whistle Stops
1968 September
7 6
Amended Schedule of Proposed Stops In Idaho for October 1968; Whistle Stops
"Opening Remarks Before The Idaho Press Club", Boise, October 8, 1968; "Dedication-Memorial Mall-Boise State College", October 22, 1968
1968 October
7 7
Smith, E.B.; Clarke, John L.
1968 October
7 8
1968 November
7 9
Idaho, California, Washington DC, and The Virgin Islands
1968 December
7 10
Chicago and Toronto
Davey, Keith
Foreign Relations; Revolution
Speeches: "Revolution and World Order", To The Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, February 4, 1969 and To The Empire Club of Canada, February 6, 1969
1969 February 4-6
7 11
Chicago and Montana
Anderson, Forrest H.; Judge, Thomas L.
Trips--California and Montana
"Revolution and World Order", Delivered To Six California College Campuses, Februry 17-22, 1969; "On Western Issues", To The Montana Democratic State Central Committee Victory Dinner for Gov. Forrest H. Anderson, February 24, 1969
1969 February17-25
7 12
Washington DC/National Convocation On Christian Social Concerns
Luncheon Address At The National Convocation On Christian Social Concerns
"Revolution and World Order", Short Version (35 Min.), March 5, 1969
1969 March 5
7 13
Rock Island, IL/University of Illinois
"Revolution and World Order", To University of Illinois-Extension In International Affairs Conference, March 14, 1969
1969 March 14
7 14
Bermuda/British-American Parliamentary Conference
Whitelaw, William
British-American Parliamentary Conference-Bermuda
"Crisis of Spirit", British-American Parliamentary Conference, March 17-19, 1969
1969 March 15-20
7 15
Washington DC/Brookings Institution
Brookings Institution-Seminar On Federal Government Policy and Operations
1969 March 25
7 16
New York, NY/Easter Recess
1969 April 8-9
7 17
Idaho and Salt Lake City, UT
Moss, Frank E.
Trips--Idaho and Salt Lake City, UT
"Crisis of Spirit", Kootenai Democratic Committee, Coeur d'Alene, April 21, 1969; "The New Conservation", Northwest Parks and Recreation Convention, Coeur d'Alene, April 22, 1969;
1969 April 17-26
7 18
All Declined Do To Heavy Workload
1969 May-June
7 19
Canada/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Spong, William B., Jr.; Javits, Jacob K.
1969 June 3-8
7 20
Canada/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Aiken, George D.; Cameron, Donald; Morris, William G.; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Willis, Harry A.; Faulkner, Hugh; Leonard, T. D'Arcy; Leblanc, Fernand E.; Gallagher, Cornelius E.; Lewis, David; Groos, David
1969 June 3-8
7 21
Canada/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Seamans, Robert C., Jr.; Buchanan, J. Judd; Fortin, Andre; MacNaughton, Alan A.; Macdonald, David; Aird, John B.; O'Leary, M. Grattan; Goyer, Jean-Pierre; Stanbury, Robert; Prud'homme, Marcel
F.C. Chairs U.S. Senate Delegation
1969 June 3-8
7 22
Ann Arbor, MI/Aging Hearings
Subcommittee On Consumer Interests of The Elderly-Hearings
1969 June 9
7 23
Dartmouth, NH/AT&T Management Development Program
"Two Sentinels of The Status Quo", AT&T Management Development Program, July 11, 1969
1969 July 14-16
7 24
Freeman, George C.
"Pioneer Day 1969", Idaho Falls Pioneer Day Celebration, July 22, 1969; Statement About The White Clouds Controversy, Boise Press Conference, July 22, 1969
1969 July 16-25
7 25
"Remarks On The Return of Idaho's 116th Combat Engineers From Vietnam", Idaho Falls, August 30, 1969
1969 August 29-September 4
7 26
Mexico City/Pacem In Terris
Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions-Pacem In Terris Seminar On Latin American Social and Economic Change; Position Papers By Various Latin American Scholars
"Foreign Aid Revisited", Pacem In Terris Seminar, September 11, 1969 (Also Includes Edited Version of Speech for Publication In "Center" Magazine)
1969 September 9-11
7 27
New York City, NY and Boston, MA
"Foreign Aid Revisited", The Center for Interamerican Relations, October 10, 1969; "Vietnam: It Is Time To Come Home" (Previously Titled "Vietnam: Disengagement Now"), At Tufts University Lecture Series, October 10, 1969
1969 October 10
8 1
Washington DC/Brookings Institution
Brookings Institution-Washington Seminar, F.C. Discussion-"Issues Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee", No Notes Or Text
1969 October 15
8 2
New York City, NY/Foreign Policy Association
"Vietnam: Disengagement Now", To Foreign Policy Assoc, October 22, 1969
1969 October 22
8 3
Washington DC/Woman's National Democratic Club
"Vietnam: Disengagement Now", Woman's National Democratic Club, October 30, 1969
1969 October 30
8 4
California/Including Alan Cranston Dinner
Killion, George
Speech Honoring Alan Cranston and On Conservation, To Santa Clara Co. Democrats In Saratoga, CA, November 1, 1969
1969 November 1-4
8 5
Orono, Maine/University of Maine
Curtis, Kenneth M.
University of Maine, Orino-Moratorium Days
" Vietnam: Disengagement Now" At University of Maine, Orino, November 13, 1969; "The Only Alternative: A Reply To The President On Vietnam" Cr Reprint, December 19, 1969
1969 November 13
8 6
Pocatello, ID/Idaho State University
Vietnam; Southeast Asia; Foreign Relations; Conservation; Natural Resources
" Vietnam: Disengagement Now" Idaho State University, Pocatello, Vietnam Moratorium Day, November 14, 1969; "Conservation Is Everybody's Business" To Convention of Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts, November 14, 1969
1969 November 14
8 7
Yakima, WA/Democratic Fund-Raiser
Jackson, Henry M.
Conservation; Natural Resources
On Senator Henry M. Jackson and Conservation Issues, 4th Congressional District Democratic Council Fund-Raiser for Jackson, Yakima, Wa, November 15, 1969
1969 November 15
8 8
Virgin Islands
Paiewonsky, Ralph M.
Virgin Islands
Honoring Ralph M. Paiewonsky, Former Governor of The Virgin Islands, At The Democratic Party 1970 Inaugural Dinner, St, Thomas, Virgin Islands, November 21, 1969
1969 November 21-29
8 9
Idaho Trip
1969 December 23-1970 January 11
8 10
Idaho Commencements
All Declined
8 11
Nassau, Bahamas
Deltec International Ltd., Annual Shareholders Meeting
1970 January 20-25
8 12
Washington DC/Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program
Inter-American Cooperation Program; Latin America; Foreign Relations
"U.S. Perception of Latin America" To The Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program, Seventh Annual National Conference, February 6, 1970
1970 February 6
8 13
Idaho and San Francisco
Mondale, Walter F.; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Hearst, Randolph A.
Aging Hearings At Emmett, ID, February 24, 1970
Narration of Aaron Copeland's "A Lincoln Portrait" With University of Idaho Symphony Orchestra, Moscow, February 22, 1970
1970 February 21- March 2
8 14
Washington DC/Center for Democratic Institutions
Douglas, William O.; Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Center for Democratic Institutions/Symposium On Latin America (FC Did Not Attend); "Quality of Life In The Americas" Report of U.S. Presidential Mission for The Western Hemisphere, Nelson A. Rockefeller
1970 February 26-27
8 15
Boise, ID/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Cranston, Alan
1970 March 7
8 16
Washington, DC/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Timmons, William E.; Lamoureux, Lucien
Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference (13th)
1970 March 10-15
8 17
Washington, DC/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Lewis, David; Yewchuk, Paul; Baldwin, Gerald W.; Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Francis, Lloyd; Lefebvre, Thomas H.; Cadieux, Marcel; O'leary, M. Grattan; Deakon, Walter C.; McGrath, James A.; Faulkner, Hugh; Leonard, T. D'arcy; Macnaughton, Alan A.; Macdonald
Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference (13th)
1970 March 10-15
8 18
New York City, NY
1970 March 27-28
8 19
University Park, PA/Pennsylvania State University
Latin America; Foreign Relations
"Toward A New Policy for Latin America" At Pen State University, Institute for Public Administration, April 6, 1970
1970 April 6
8 20
Stanford, CA and Idaho
Mitchell, Mike P.; Davis, William E.
Political Affairs; Constitution; Natural Resources; Enviornoment
"of Presidents and Caesars: The Decline of Constitutional Government In America" At Stanford University, Department of Political Science-50th Anniversary, April 17, 1970; "Give Earth A Chance" At University of Idaho and Ricks College, April 22, 1970
1970 April 17-23
8 21
Wilmington, DE/Pacem In Terris
War; Congressional Powers
"War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line" To Delaware Pacem In Terris Inter-Religious Council, April 29, 1970
1970 April 29
8 22
Los Angeles, CA/World Affairs Day
War; Congressional Powers
"War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line" At Pierce College, California, May 2, 1970
1970 May 2
8 23
Williamstown, MA/Roper Research Center
Roper, Elmo
Roper Research Center Board of Directors Meeting
1970 May 19
8 24
San Francisco, CA/Forrest's Wedding
Goldberg, Arthur J.; Church, F. Forrest III
1970 May 26-30
8 25
Riley, John E.; MacFarlane, Robert W.
"America: Reclaim Your Birthright, Renew Your Ancient Faith" NNC Commencement, Nampa, June 8, 1970; "The Dream Realized" At Dedication of Senior Citizen Housing, Nampa, June 8, 1970
1970 June 6-8
8 26
Lebanon, NH/Dartmouth University
1970 July 5-7
8 27
Miami, Florida
Family Trip Including Nassau and Other Islands
1970 July 10-17
8 28
Hughes, Harold E.
1970 September 2-9
8 29
Washington, DC/Young Professionals for Political Action
"The Doves Have Won" To Congress of Young Professionals for Political Action, September 10, 1970
1970 September 10
8 30
New York City, NY/Mills College
"The Doves Have Won" At Mills College, September 11, 1970
1970 September 11
8 31
Fort Collins, CO/Colorado State University
"The Doves Have Won" At Colorado State University, September 26, 1970
1970 September 26
8 32
Pittsburg, PA/Carnegie-Mellon University
"of Presidents and Caesars" At Carnegie-Mellon University, October 6, 1970
1970 October 6
9 1
Davis, William E.; Joslyn, A.W.; Brady, James; Andrus, Cecil D.; Hartung, Ernest W.
"This Nation Divided" Also Called "The Generation Gap" At Pta Convention, Burley, October 30, 1970
1970 October 16-November 4
9 2
Los Angeles, CA/Un Association
Clark, Joseph S.
United Nations Day
"Does The UN Have A Future" To Pacific Chapter Un Association, October 23, 1970
1970 October 23
9 3
Harriman, NY/The American Assembly
Nelson, Clifford C.
Various Papers Presented At Seminar
"United States Policy In The Caribbean" Also Titled "American Foreign Policy and The Caribbean" At The American Assembly, Columbia University, October 29, 1970
1970 October 29
9 4
Harriman, NY/The American Assembly
Nelson, Clifford C.
1970 October 29
9 5
Puerto Rico/Atlantic Conference
Anderson, John B.; Irwin, John N. III; Meyer, Charles A.; Jova, Joseph John; Huntington, Samuel P.; Krause, Lawrence; Grondona, Mariano; Windsor, Philip
Atlantic Conference Steering Committee (Church Co-Chair); Center for Inter-American Relations; Overseas Development Council; Papers Presented At Atlantic Conference
1970 November 12-15
9 6
Puerto Rico/Atlantic Conference
Bassetti, Piero; Hatfield, Mark O.; Jova, Joseph John; Head, Ivan L.; Veliz, Claudio; Manning, Bayless; Bundy, McGeorge; Kerstiens, Thomas; Fontaine, Andre
Trips--Puerto Rico/Atlantic Conference
Introduction To Proposed Publication, No Date; "American Foreign Policy and The Caribbean", In Senate, November 25, 1970
1970 November 12-15
9 7
Mexico City/Inauguration of President Echeverria
Gonzalez, Julio A.
Translation of Speech Presented By President Luis Echeverria Alvarez
1970 November 29-December 2
9 8
St. Louis, MO/Washington University
Thomas C. Hennings Lecture
"Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", for Thomas C. Hennings Lecture Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO, December 3, 1970 (Also Includes Original Draft)
1970 December 3
9 9
1970 December-1971 January
9 10
Philadelphia, PA./La Salle College
La Salle College Lecture
"Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", At La Salle College, Philadelphia, PA, Febrary 11, 1971
1971 February 11
9 11
Frederick, MD/Hood College
Hood College, Town Hall
"Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", At Hood College, Frederick, MD, February 19, 1971
1971 February 19
9 12
Texas and Idaho
Hansen, Orval
Texas A&M; Idaho-Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1971 March 4-7
9 13
Washington DC/NRTA/AARP
1971 March 10
9 14
Washington DC/J.C. Penney Executives
1971 March 18
9 15
Durham, NC/Duke University
"Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", At Duke University, Durham, Nc, March 22, 1971
1971 March 22
9 16
Atlantic City, NJ/College and University Conference
College and University Conference and Exposition
1971 March 26
9 17
Philadelphia, PA/Bonds for Israel
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Bonds for Israel/Louis Stein Testimonial Dinner
1971 March 28
9 18
New York, NY/Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace
"Let Us Come Out Together", To Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace, Plaza Hotel, New York NY, April 2, 1971
1971 April 1-4
9 19
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
1971 April 8-18
9 20
Baltimore, MD/John Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University/Kennedy Memorial Lectureship
"Let Us Come Out Together", At The John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Lecture On International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, April 20, 1971 (Also Draft Version)
1971 April 20
9 21
Berea, OH/Baldwin-Wallace College
1971 April 22
9 22
Coeur d'Alene, ID/Idaho Credit Union League
"Credit Unions" Draft Speech, To 35th Annual Meeting of Idaho Credit Union League, North Shore Lodge, Coeur d'Alene, ID, April 23, 1971
1971 April 23
9 23
"You Can Bet Your Free Life", Various Places and Dates
1971 May
9 24
Canada/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Schmidt, Adolph W.
Postponed Until 1972 Due To "Draft" Vote In Senate
"U.S.-Canadian Friction", In Senate, October 19, 1970
1971 May 18-23
9 25
"Introductory Comments About The Special Olympics", At Idaho State Special Olympics Banquet, Boise, May 27, 1971; "You Can Bet Your Free Life", Bear Lake High School Commencement, May 27, 1971; "S.1645-Social Security-Welfare Reform", In Senate, April 26
1971 May 24-29
9 25
"Summary of S.1645", In Senate, April 30, 1971
1971 May 24-29
10 1
Washington DC/National Council of Senior Citizens
1971 June 11
10 2
Ditchley, England/British-American Parliamentary Conference (11th)
Fulbright, J.W.; Spearman, Alexander; Lever, Harold
British-American Parliamentary Conference (11th), Ditchley, England
1971 June 16-22
10 3
Hanover, NH/Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College, AT&T Conference
Speech Concerning The Cooper-Church Amendment and Vietnam, At Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, July 5, 1971
1971 July 5-6
10 4
England and Russia/ Dartmouth Conference IV
Gavin, James M.
Summary Record of Sessions
1971 July 7-18
10 5
England and Russia/ Dartmouth Conference IV
Rockefeller, David; Clark, Joseph S.; Silkin, John; Arbatov, Georgii Arkadyevich; Yost, Charles W.; Zukov, Yuri; Gavin, James M.
"Interview With Kosygin", Appeared In Post Conference Publication and Committee Print, Also Draft Version
1971 July 7-18
10 6
England and Russia/ Dartmouth Conference IV
Hand, Lloyd N.; Harris, Patricia Roberts; Gavin, James M.; Eisenhower, Milton S.; Pauls, Rolf; Noel-Baker, Philip
1971 July 7-18
10 7
Tokyo, Japan/Center for Democratic Institutions Meeting
Cranston, Alan; Kawasaki, Hideji
1971 August 19-21
10 8
Morton, Rogers C.B.
Trips--Idaho; August Recess; Hearings In Pocatello On Employment of Older Workers
1971 August 17-September 4
10 9
Selander, Glenn E.
1971 August 17-September 4
10 10
Kansas City, MO/U.N. Day
Wheeler, Charles B., Jr.
United Nations Day
"The United Nations: A Practical Necessity", At Mayor's U.N. Day Banquet, Kansas City, MO, October 27, 71
1971 October 27
10 11
Greensboro, NC/Young Democrats Convention
Jordan, B. Everett
Outline of A Speech for Nc Young Democrats Convention, October 29, 1971
1971 October 29
10 12
Washington DC/Council for A Livable World
"Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomacy", To The Council for A Livable World In Washington DC, November 4, 1971
1971 November 4
10 13
Philadelphia, PA/National Conference of Christians and Jews
H.R.9910-Foreign Assistance Act of 1971
"Practicing What We Preach", To The National Conference of Christians and Jews Award Dinner Honoring John R.Bunting, Philadephia, PA, November 18, 1971 Also Various Drafts
1971 November 18
10 14
India/Air India Inaugural Flight
Bowles, Chester; Hartke, Vance; Aiken, George D.; Fulbright, J.W.; Raza, Nawabzada A.M.; Kaul, T.N.; Lall, K.B.; Sahai, Inder; Gupta, N.C.; Rockefeller, David; Keating, Kenneth B.
1971 November 20-28
10 14
Washington DC White House Conference On Aging
Flemming, Arthur S.
Air India Inaugural Flight
Speech Before The White House Conference On Aging, December 1, 1971 Also Draft and Summary Statement
1971 November 28- December 3
10 15
India/Air India Inaugural Flight
1971 November 20-28
10 17
Miami, FL/National Community School Education Association
Speech Before The 6th Annual Convention of The National Community School Education Association, Miami, FL, December 3, 1971 Also Includes A Draft Version
1971 December 3
10 18
New York, NY/U Thant Testimonial
Cousins, Norman; Yost, Charles W.
Statement At U Thant Farewell Testimonial Luncheon, New York, NY, December 14, 1971
1971 December 14
10 20
Washington DC/Washington Press Club
Glaser, Vera
"Is This Trip Necessary?", Before The Washington Press Club, January 26, 1972 Also Six Draft Versions and A Transcript of Henry Kissinger's Speech
1972 January 26
10 21
Evanston, IL/Northwestern University
"A Farewell To Foreign Aid", At Northwestern University Political Forum, Evanston, IL, January 27, 1972
1972 January 27
10 22
Washington DC/Church Women United
"Aid and Trade: Our Responsibility In The Carribean and Latin America", To Church Women United, National Workshop On Citizen Action In Washington DC, January 31, 1972
1972 January 31
10 23
Washington DC/Johns Hopkins University
"American Foreign Policy In Transition: Who Will Shape It? The Role of Congress", At Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC, February 3, 1972
1972 February 3
10 24
Peoria, IL/World Affairs Conference (5th)
University of Illinois-Extension In Internation Affairs; World Affairs Conference (5th)
"The Asia Triangle: Japan, U.S., and China", At World Affairs Conference, University of Illinois, Extension In International Affairs, Peoria, IL, February 11, 1972
1972 February 11-12
10 25
Boise Trip/Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
McCarter, Joe
Jefferson-Jackson Banquet
Introduction of Sen. Edmund Muskie, In Boise, February 19, 1972; Endorsement of Edmund Muskie for The Democratic Nominee for President, In Boise, Febrary 19, 1972
1972 February 19-22
10 26
Ashland, VA/Randolph-Macon College
"Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", Randolph-Macon College, Ashland VA, March 2, 1972
1972 March 2
11 1
Canada Trip/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Hees, George
Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Toast/Introduction At Official Dinner-Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference, Ottawa, February 17, 1972; Transcript of Television Appearance In Ottawa, February 20, 1972
1972 February 16-20
11 2
Canada Trip/Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul; Hees, George; Francis, Lloyd; Baldwin, Gerald W.; Trudeau, Pierre; Yewchuk, Paul; Cooper, John Sherman; Everett, D.D.; Kaplan, R.; Abshire, David M.; Danson, Barnett J.; Fairweather, R.G.L.; Beaubien, Louis; Stafford, Harold E.
Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Conference
1972 February 16-20
11 3
Washington, DC/Washington International Center
Washington International Center of The Meridian House Foundation/Fulbright-Hays Scholars
1972 March 21
11 4
Haverford, PA/Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges
"The Role of Congress In Foreign Policy" Haverford College, April 14, 1972; "U.S. Foreign Policy After Vietnam" Bryn Mawr College, April 15, 1972
1972 April 14-15
11 5
Manhattan, KS/Kansas State University
"More Talk On A Forbidden Subject" Kansas State University, April 18, 1972
1972 April 18
11 6
Bloomsburg, PA/Bloomsburg State College
Speech, Notes, and Draft for Simulated Democratic National Convention, April 22, 1972
1972 April 22
11 7
Martinsburg, WV
Randolph, Jennings
1972 April 28
11 8
"Love, Liberty and Never Be Afraid"
11 9
New York City, NY/Allied Educational Foundation
S.1407-Establish Sawtooth National Recreation Area
"Nixon's Mission To Moscow" To Allied Educational Foundation, May 12, 1972 (Notes Only)
1972 May 12
11 10
Cenarrusa, Pete T.; Shriver, Eunice Kennedy; Pell, Kay
Special Olympics; Conference On Aging
"Action On Aging" At 1972 State Conference On Aging, Boise, May 24, 1972
1972 May 19-27
11 11
Idaho/Wallace-Kellogg Sunshine Mine Disaster Memorial Service
1972 May 19
11 12
Hartung, Ernest W.
University of Idaho Commencement; Kendrick High School Commencement
"Love, Liberty and Never Be Afraid" At University of Idaho, May 21, 1972 and At Kendrick High School, May 21, 1972
1972 May 21
11 13
Idaho/Caldwell High School Commencement
Knox, Warren B.
"Love, Liberty and Never Be Afraid" At Caldwell High School Commencement, May 23, 1972
1972 May 23
11 14
Idaho/Snake River High School Commencement
"Love, Liberty and Never Be Afraid" At Snake River High School Commencement, May 24, 1972
1972 May 24
11 15
Idaho, Idaho Falls
Television Spot About Drugs
Television Spot About Drugs
1972 May 25
11 16
Idaho, Twin Falls
Mental Health Banquet In Twin Falls
1972 May 25
11 17
California/Campaign Trip for George McGovern
McGovern, George
Vietnam; Campaign Trip for McGovern
"McGovern and Israel" In Senate, 1972; McGovern In The White House" In Senate, May 10, 1972; "On Behalf of The Candidacy of George McGovern" In California, May 31-June 4, 1972
1972 May 31-June 5
11 18
Idaho/Idaho Democratic Assembly
Macfarlane, Robert W.; Sanford, Terry
Address To AFL-CIO, Idaho Falls, June 14, 1972; "George McGovern for President" At Idaho Democratic Assembly, Sun Valley, June 16, 1972; "Final Address To The Idaho Democratic Assembly" Sun Valley, June 17, 1972
1972 June 13-18
11 19
New York City, NY/Platform Committee of The Democratic Party
(FC Did Not Go Due To Flood)
"A Democratic Foreign Policy for The Seventies" Read Into The Record of Proceeding of The Platform Committee of The Democratic Party, New York City, June 22, 1972
1972 June 22
11 20
Stanford, CA and Idaho
Draft Introduction and Closing To Speech Given At Nez Perce County, Democratic Fund-Raiser Dinner, Lewiston, April 18, 1970; "One Liner Jokes"
1970 April 17-23
11 20
Idaho, Sun Valley/Idaho State Bar Convention
Caylor, John A.; Kull, Ronald L.
"American Foreign Policy and The Rule of Law" June 30, 1972
1972 June 30
11 21
Miami Beach, FL/Democratic National Convention
Chiles, Lawton; Askew, Rubin
"McGovern On Israel"; George McGovern for President"; "On Behalf of The Candidacy of George McGovern"
1972 July 10-13
11 22
Idaho/Salmon River Float Trip
O'Callaghan, Mike; Packwood, Bob
1972 July 27-30
11 23
Moscow, ID/University of Idaho
Public Utilities Executives' Course
On The Prospectives for Private Utilities, August 2, 1972
1972 August 2
11 24
Israel/Briefing Books
11 25
Israel Trip
Zurhellen, J. Owen, Jr.
1972 August 22-28
11 26
Israel Trip
Rabin, Yitzhak; Harman, Avraham; Ne'eman, Yuval; Elazar, Rav Aluf David; Zurhellen, J. Owen, Jr.
Informal Remarks At Dinner Given By Foreign Minister Abb Eban, Jerusalem, August 23, 1972; Report: "Prospects for Peace In The Middle East: The View From Israel" Seven Page Personal Diary Entry; Memorandum To George McGovern
1972 August 22-28
11 27
Idaho/Sawtooth National Recreation Area Dedication
1972 September 1
12 1
Ann Arbor, MI/University of Michigan--Conference On Aging
(FC Did Not Attend Due To War Powers Conference)
1972 September 13
12 2
Newark, NJ/Campaign Trip for McGovern
McGovern, George
1972 September 14
12 3
Bethesda, MD
1972 October 3
12 4
Campaign for McGovern
McGovern, George
"George McGovern for President"
1972 October 5-7
12 5
Rhode Island/Campaign Trip for Pell and McGovern
McGovern, George; Pell, Claiborne
"George McGovern for President"
1972 October 5
12 6
Connecticut/Campaign Trip for McGovern and Hilsman
McGovern, George; Hilsman, Roger
"George McGovern for President"
1972 October 6
12 7
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey/Campaign Trip for McGovern
McGovern, George
"George McGovern for President"
1972 October 7
12 8
Pittsburgh, PA/Campaign Trip for McGovern
McGovern, George
"George McGovern for President"
1972 October 9
12 9
Idaho/Campaign Trip
1972 October 12-28
12 10
Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles/Campaign Trip for McGovern
McGovern, George
"The Nixon Failure On Aging"
1972 October 30-31
12 11
Washington, DC/National Press Club
Rogers, Warren; McGovern, George
Campaign Speech for George McGovern Before National Press Club
"The McGovern Foreign Policy" National Press Club, Washington, DC, November 3, 1972
1972 November 3
12 12
Venezuela/Atlantic Conference
Grant, James P.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Manning, Bayless; Anderson, John B.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Meyer, Charles A.; Chiles, Lawton; Weicker, Lowell P., Jr.; Tuthill, John W.; Buckley, James L.; Taft, Robert, Jr.; Peterson, Peter G.
File Covers: 1971-1972; Venezuela Trip To Atlantic Conference
1972 November 9-12
12 13
Venezuela/Atlantic Conference
Dyal, William M.; Bassetti, Piero; Manning, Bayless; Caldera, Rafael
File Covers: 1972 October-1973
1972 November 9-12
12 14
New York City, NY/Business Financing Conference
Bush, George
"Inquiry On The Multinational Corporations and Its Relationship To United States Foreign Policy" Before Business Financing Conference, New York City, December 5, 1972
1972 December 5
12 15
1972 December-1973 January
12 16
Baltimore, MD
1973 January
12 17
Chicago, IL/Council On Foreign Relations
Chicago Council On Foreign Relations
"The Multinational Corporation-A Perception of America" Before Chicago Council On Foreign Relations, January 16, 1973
1973 January 16
12 18
"Technology and The Environment" To The Idaho Society of Professional Engineers, Boise, February 2, 1973; Notes On Introduction of Walter Mondale At Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Boise, February 3, 1973; "Rangelands and Politics" To Society for Range Managem
1973 February 1-9
12 19
Washington, DC/Public Affairs Council
"The Multinational Corporation-Why The Need for A Congressional Inquiry?" Before Public Affairs Council, Washington, DC, February 22, 1973
1973 February 22
12 20
Washington, DC/American Association of Homes for The Aged
"Congress and Aging" Before The American Association of Homes for The Aged, Washington, DC, March 1, 1973
1973 March 1
12 21
Houston, TX/Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions
"The Multinational Corporation-A Trial Balance" Before The Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions, Houston, March 2, 1973
1973 March 2
12 22
Idaho/Easter Recess
1973 April 18-29
12 23
Idaho Trip To Adams County Courthouse, Council, and New Meadows
1973 April 19
12 24
Peterson, Avery F.
Idaho Trip To Boise and Gooding County
"On Shared Powers" At Boise State College, April 23, 1973
1973 April 23-24
12 25
Pocatello, Idaho
"On The Constitutional Crisis" Before Pocatello Chamber of Commerce, April 25, 1973
1973 April 25
12 26
Idaho/Oneida County
1973 April 25
12 27
Idaho/Caribou County--Soda Springs
1973 April 26-27
12 28
New York City
Diebold, John
"Remarks On Multinational Corporations", for John Diebold, Group Dinner, May 7, 1973
1973 May 7
12 29
Washington, DC/National Caucus On The Black Aged
"Action and The Aged: 1973"
1973 May 16
12 30
Idaho Trip/Memorial Recess
"The Timber Crisis In Idaho", In Senate, February 28, 1973; "Prudent Management of The Public Range", In Boise, February 5, 1973; "Geothermal Energy for Idaho's Future", Np, Nd; "The New Fashioned Patriotism", Generic Commencement Speech for 1973
1973 May 22-June 2
12 31
Schuler, Barry G.
"The New Fashioned Patriotism"
1973 May
12 32
Idaho/Boise Chamber of Commerce
1973 May 23
12 33
Idaho/Idaho Falls Press Conference and Commencement
"The New Fashioned Patriotism", S. Fremont High, St. Anthony, May 24, 1973
1973 May 24
12 34
Idaho/National Federation of The Blind
Thelander Award Presentation
On Presenting The Thelander Award and On Legislation Effecting The Blind, In Boise, May 26, 1973
1973 May 26
12 35
Idaho/Latah County Courthouse and Commencement
1973 May 28-29
12 36
Idaho/Blaine County
Hartvigsen, Lester A.; Hansen, Orval
Blaine County/Courthouse, Lions Club Convention, Sun Valley, Predator Control Hearings
1973 May 31-June 1
12 37
Wilmington, DE/World Affairs Council
"Beyond Vietnam"
1973 June 6
13 1
1973 June 30-July 9
13 2
Washington, DC/Brookings Institute
International Management and Development Institute
"The Issues Facing The Multinational Corporation In Today's International Environment"
1973 July 19
13 3
Idaho/August Recess
1973 August 2-September 4
13 4
Idaho/Boundary County--Courthouse
1973 August 3
13 5
Idaho/Coeur d'Alene--Aging Hearings--Boy Scout Jamboree--Farragut
Farragut; "Fact Book", Background Material To Aging Hearings, With Idaho Emphasis
"Barriers To Health Care for Older Americans", Hearing At North Idaho College, Coeur d'Alene, August 4, 1973
1973 August 4
13 6
Idaho/Pierce 1860 Days and Community Center Dedication
1973 August 5
13 7
Idaho/Benewah County--Courthouse
1973 August 6
13 8
Idaho/Lewis County Courthouse
1973 August 7
13 9
Idaho/Valley County Courthouse
1973 August 8
13 10
Idaho/Geothermal Field Hearings, Idaho Falls
"Statement At Hearing To Investigate The Potential for The Production of Energy From Geothermal Resorces of The Pacific Northwest", At Idaho Falls, August 10, 1973
1973 August 10
13 11
"Community Education for Idaho", Statewide Seminar On Community Education, Boise, August 13, 1973
1973 August 13
13 12
Idaho/Elmore County Courthouse
1973 August 14
13 13
Keynote To 7th Annual Conference of Youth National Association for Retarded Children (Narc) At Boise State University, August 15, 1973
1973 August 15
13 14
Idaho/Sawtooth Pack Trip
1973 August 16-20
13 15
Idaho/Franklin County Courthouse
Condie, Angus
1973 August 21-22
13 16
Idaho/Teton County Courthouse
1973 August 23
13 17
Idaho/Fremont County Courthouse
1973 August 24
13 18
San Francisco
1973 September 13
13 19
Los Angeles
1973 September 14
13 20
Idaho Trip/Pocatello--Idaho State University
American Falls Dam Hearings
On Accepting Award At Idaho State University, Pocatello, October 6, 1973; Statement At Hearing On Replacement of American Falls Dam, At Burley, October 6, 1973
1973 October 5-8
13 21
Washington, DC/Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions
Clifford, Clark M.
Pacem In Terris III; Various Speeches By Convocation Participants
Remarks Before Center Convocation
1973 October 10
13 22
Idaho/Boise--Frank Church Appreciation Banquet
Redford, Robert; Engelking, D.F.; Davis, William E.; Bakes, Robert E.
1973 October 20
13 23
Washington/Seattle--University of Washington
"The Watergate Fallout"
1973 October 22
13 24
Idaho/Bonner County
On Home Health Care; "Watergate: An American Crisis", At North Idaho Chamber of Commerce, November 2, 1973
1973 November 2-3
13 25
Newark, DE/University of Delaware
H.J.Res.697/H.J.Res. 666-Relating To Checks and Balances; H.J.Res.596-Relating To Election of The President and Vice President
1973 November 19
13 26
"The Newman Navy", In Senate, May 10, 1971; "You Can Bet Your Free Life", 1971 Commencement Address Given At Various Times and Places
1971 May 24-29
13 26
New York City
1973 November 20
13 27
Ames, IA/World Affairs Institute, Iowa State University
"Multinational Corporations, The Energy Debate and US Foreign Policy: An Overview"
1973 December 3
13 28
Idaho/Christmas Recess
1973 December 12-January 6; 1974
13 29
Idaho/Clearwater County Courthouse
White, A.L.
1973 December 13
13 30
Idaho/Lewiston--Hell's Canyon Hearings
Jordan, Grace E.
1973 December 14-15
13 31
1973 December 15
13 32
Idaho/Jerome County Courthouse
1973 December 17
13 33
Idaho/Camas County Courthouse
1973 December 18
13 34
Idaho/Boise County Courthouse
1973 December 19
13 35
Jordan, Len B.
1973 December 20-21
14 1
1974 January 14-18
14 2
Idaho/Minidoka County Courthouse
1974 January 15
14 3
Idaho/Butte County Courthouse
1974 January 16
14 4
Idaho/Lincoln County Courthouse
1974 January 16
14 5
Idaho/Madison County Courthouse
1974 January 17
14 6
Washington, DC/J.C. Penney
1974 January 30
14 7
Washington, DC/Union Carbide
1974 January 30
14 8
1974 February 11-16
14 9
Idaho/Payette County Courthouse
1974 February 11
14 10
Idaho/Gem County Courthouse
(Cancelled Because Frank Church Ill With Flu)
1974 February 12
14 11
Idaho/Bingham County Courthouse
(Cancelled Because Frank Church Ill With Flu)
1974 February 14
14 12
Washington, DC/Woman's National Democratic Club
"US National Interest and The Multinational Petroleum Companies"
1974 February 28
14 13
Colorado Springs, CO/ Condominium Conference
"The Energy Crisis: Causes, Duration, Solutions
1974 March 1
14 14
Idaho/Cassia County Courthouse
1974 March 14-18
14 15
Idaho/Twin Falls County
1974 March 15
14 16
Idaho/Lewiston--Wildlife Federation--Governor Andrus Dinner
Andrus, Cecil D.
1974 March 16
14 17
Philadelphia, PA/Franklin Institute
"The World: Aging Gracefully?"
1974 March 20
14 18
Washington, DC/Woman's National Democratic Club
On Watergate
1974 March 30
14 19
Perkins, B.L.
Speech On The Renewed Bombing of North Vietnam, At Idaho Press Association Luncheon, Boise, December 29, 1971
1971 December 23-1972 January 1
14 19
Miami (Nassau)/Easter Vacation
1974 April 6-15
14 20
1974 April 16-20
14 21
Idaho/Bingham County Courthouse
1974 April 17
14 22
Idaho/Jefferson County Courthouse
1974 April 18
14 23
Idaho/Bear Lake County Courthouse
1974 April 19
14 24
New York City
1974 April 29
14 25
1974 May
14 26
Idaho/Shoshone County
Remarks At Dedication of Miners' Memorial, Wallace, Idaho, May 2, 1974
1974 May 1-3
14 27
Palm Beach, FL/National Association of Chain Drug Stores
On Inflation and The Oil Industry, May 6, 1974
1974 May 3-6
14 28
Idaho/Twin Falls--Select Committee On Aging, Field Hearing
"Future Directions In Social Security", Opening Statement At The Select Committee On Aging, Field Hearing
1974 May 16
14 29
Idaho/Twin Falls--State Conference On Aging
"At 91, Mrs. Rigby Is Talent Show Winner", In Senate, May Or June 1974; Keynote Address At The State Conference On Aging, May 17, 1974
1974 May 17
14 30
Idaho/Boise--Career Education Program
"Community Education for Idaho", In Boise, August 13, 1973; "Community Education-Section 406: Elementary and Seconday Education Act", In Senate
1974 May 18
14 31
"A New Fashioned Patriotism"
1974 May 20-21
14 32
Idaho/Gem County Courthouse
1974 May 22
14 33
Idaho/Idaho County
1974 May 23-24
14 34
Idaho/Sun Valley Arts Festival
Yellow Pine Bell Dedication
1974 May 25
14 35
Memorial Day
1974 May 27
14 36
California/San Francisco, Los Angeles
1974 June 7-9
14 37
Idaho/Canyon County
Cassell, William C.
1974 June 10
14 38
Idaho/Boise--AFL-CIO State Convention
Inflation and Election Reform After Watergate
1974 June 11
14 39
Washington, DC/National Council of Senior Citizens
Upon Acceptance of National Council of Senior Citizens Award
1974 June 14
14 40
1974 June 22-July 8
14 41
Idaho/Hagerman--Bell Rapids Project Dedication
1974 June 23
14 42
Idaho/Coeur d'Alene--Nat. Association of Attorney's General Convention
Park, W. Anthony
"Ending Emergency Government"
1974 June 25
14 43
Idaho/Kootenai County
1974 June 26
14 44
Idaho/State Democratic Convention
At Idaho State Democratic Convention, June 28, 1974
1974 June 27-30
14 45
Idaho/Custer County
1974 July 3
14 46
Idaho/Idaho Falls--Parade, Bonneville County Courthouse
1974 July 4-5
14 47
Idaho/Rupert--Dairy and Cattlemen
Frank Church Background Material Notebook
On Idaho Farmers
1974 July 6
14 48
New York City
1974 July 21-22
14 49
Idaho/Boise, Caldwell, Nampa--Primary Election
1974 August 2-7
14 50
New York City
1974 August 12-13
14 51
1974 August 24-September 10
15 1
Idaho/Power County Courthouse
1974 August 26
15 2
Idaho/Bannock County Courthouse, McCammon City Hall
1974 August 26-27
15 3
Idaho/Clark, Lemhi, and Canyon County Courthouses
1974 August 28-30
15 4
Idaho/Boise, Lewiston, and Nez Perce County Courthouse
1974 August 31-September 2
15 5
Idaho/Twin Falls Co., Blackfoot, Mountain Home, Ada Co.
Twin Falls County Courthouse, Eastern Idaho State Fair, Blackfoot, Mountain Home, and Ada County Courthouse
1974 September 4-10
15 6
Magnuson, Warren G.; Moss, Frank E.
1974 October 2-November 6
15 7
Idaho/Idaho State University, Pocatello, and Idaho Falls
"Community Education--A Bargain", To Idaho Center for Community Education, At I.S.U., October 3, 1974
1974 October 3-5
15 8
Idaho/ Eastern Idaho
1974 October 6-10
15 9
1974 October 10
15 10
Idaho/Boise Area
Cassell, William C.
1974 October 11-14
15 11
"Political Aspects of Geothermal Resources", To Geothermal Resources Council, October 16, 1974
1974 October 16-17
15 12
Idaho/University of Idaho, Moscow
1974 October 19
15 13
Idaho/North Idaho
1974 October 21-22
15 14
Idaho/Canyon County and Eastern Idaho
1974 October 23-30
15 15
Idaho/Boise Area
Ericson, Robert E.
1974 October 31-November 5
15 16
Hawaii/American Nursing Association
"Mixed Feelings:Progress On Aging", To American Nursing Association, November 9, 1974
1974 November 9-11
15 17
Sicily, Italy/Atlantic Conference
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
1974 November 14-17
15 18
Washington DC/National Executive Conference
1974 November 20
15 19
Kansas City MO/Mid-Term Conference On Demo. Policy and Organization
Mansfield, Mike; Strauss, Robert S.; Anderson, Wendell R.; Mondale, Walter F.
Trips--Kansas City MO/Mid-Term Conference On Democratic Policy and Organization--F.C. Did Not Attend
1974 December 6-8
15 20
Wisconsin/Beloit College
"On The Eve of The Future", To Beloit College, December 6, 1974
1974 December 6
15 21
Washington DC/National Forum On Aging
Community Responses To Aging
1974 December 11
15 22
Washington DC/International Fiscal Association
"Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corporations: The Need for Revisions", To International Fiscal Association, January 23, 1975
1975 January 23
15 23
Scarsdale, NY
1975 February 2
15 24
Washington DC/ Phillips-Van Heusen Corp.
1975 February 18
15 25
Washington DC/ National Press Club
Broom, William
"Neither A Vendetta Nor A Whitewash", National Press Club, February 27, 1975
1975 February 27
15 26
Manshel, Warren D.
1974 December 20-1975 January-
15 27
New York City/Grumman Technology Conference
"The Multinational Corporation: A Trial Balance", Grumman Technology Conference, February 28, 1975
1975 February 28
15 28
Jacksonville, FL/Energy Seminar
"The World Energy Conference: America's Insurance Policy for OPEC", To Energy Seminar, Jacksonville, FL, March 1, 1975
1975 March 1
15 29
Philadelphia, PA/American Jewish Congress
"Israel and International Concerns", National Jewish Congress, March 3, 1975
1975 March 3
15 30
Washington DC/Washington Journalism Center
1975 March 12
15 31
New Orleans, La/Tulane University Direction '75
Boggs, Lindy
F.C. Did Not Attend Because Jefferson-Jackson Banquet Same Night
1975 March 15
15 32
"The Community's Responsibility To Aging", March 16, 1975
1975 March 15-16
15 33
Washington DC/Public Affairs Council
Outline for Talk On Energy, March 20, 1975
1975 March 20
15 34
Florida/Easter Recess and Nassau
1975 March 22-30
15 35
Norfolk, VA/United Jewish Appeal
They Cancelled The Meeting
1975 April 6
15 36
Boston, MA/Forrest's Ordination
1975 April 11-13
15 37
Miami, FL/American Zionist Federation
"Israel: 27 Years of Independence", American Zionist Federation, April 15, 1975
1975 April 15
15 38
1975 May
15 39
Teaneck, NJ/Farleigh-Dickenson College
Fatemi, Nasrollah S.
"The Multinational Corporation:Challange and Responce", Farleigh-Dickenson College, May 1, 1975 (Speech Done Off The Top of Head--No Prepared Text)
1975 May 1
15 40
New York City/United Jewish Appeal
"Israel: American Principles and Economic Coercion", United Jewish Appeal, May 8, 1975
1975 May 8
15 41
Washington DC/Democratic Forum/Review-National Press Club
1975 May 14
15 42
Chicago, IL/American Jewish Committee
Nelson, Bryce
"Israel: American Principles and Economic Coercion", National Press Club, May 20, 1975
1975 May 20
15 43
New York City/Democratic Telethon
Strauss, Robert S.; Albert, Carl
1975 June 12
15 44
Remarks At The Port of Lewiston Dedication, June 20, 1975
1975 June 19-22
15 45
Idaho/Lewiston-St Joseph's Hospital Foundation
"On Health Care and Abortion", June 20, 1975
1975 June 20
15 46
Idaho/Coeur d'Alene-Kootenai County Senior Center Dedication
1975 June 20
15 47
Israel/10th International Congress of Gerontology
It Appear F.C. Did Not Attend
1975 June 27
16 1
Los Angeles, CA/Democratic National Telethon
1975 July 25-28
16 2
Percy, Charles H.
(FC Cancelled Due To Work of Select Committee)
1975 August 1-17
16 3
Westhampton, NY
1975 August 9-11
16 4
Washington, DC/Woman's National Democratic Club
Burton, Sala
"Americans and The Law" Woman's National Democratic Club, Washington, DC, September 8, 1973
1975 September 8
16 5
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands/Recess
1975 August 18-29
16 6
Washington, DC/American Newspaper Publishers Association
>"Americans and The Law" American Newspaper Publishers Association, Washington, DC, September 16, 1975
1975 September 16
16 7
1975 September 26-October 1
16 8
California/Commonwealth Club of California
"Americans and The Law" Commonwealth Club of California, September 29, 1975
1975 September 29
16 9
California/Brandeis University and Stanford Law School
Americans and The Law" Brandeis University and Stanford Law School, September 30, 1975
1975 September 30
16 10
Las Vegas, NV/Hearings On Water Resources
Trips--Las Vegas/Hearings On Water Resources Planning Act and Interstate Conference On Water Problems
"Coping With The Cartel: An Alternative Program" Washington Post, February 23, 1975; "Oil and Confrontation" Washington Post, July 13, 1975; "An Alternative To The Ford Administration Energy Program" In Senate, January 30, 1975; "Toward A National Energy
1975 October 16
16 11
Idaho Falls, ID/Geothermal Hearings
Statement At Geothermal Hearings, Idaho Falls, October 17, 1975
1975 October 17
16 12
Idaho/Idaho Press Association
1975 October 18
16 13
New Orleans, La/International Conf. Financial Executives Institute
(FC Cancelled Due To Select Committee Hearings)
1975 October 20
16 14
San Francisco, CA/League of California Cities
Bethine To The Wives of California Mayors "Living In A Political Environment"; "Rediscovering America"
1975 October 20
16 15
Boston, MA/Citizens for Participation In Political Action
1975 October 26
16 16
Charleston, WV/Mountain State Businessmen's Association
Byrd, Robert C.
"Americans and The Law" Mountain State Businessmen's Association, Charleston, WV, November 8, 1975
1975 November 8
16 17
Washington, DC/Association of American Publishers
"Americans and The Law" Association of American Publishers, Washington, DC, November 11, 1975
1975 November 11
16 18
Scranton, PA/Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Dinner Speech To Labor Leaders and Workers, Scranton, PA, November 21, 1975
1975 November 21
16 19
Boston, MA
1975 November 22-23
16 20
Portland, OR/Aging Field Hearings
1975 November 24-25
16 21
Boise, ID/Thanksgiving Recess
1975 November 25-December 3
16 22
Boise, ID/Boise Philharmonic - Lincoln Portrait
Stern, Daniel
Trips--Boise, ID/Boise Philharmonic "Lincoln Portrait"
1975 December 2
16 23
Washington, DC/Pacem In Terris IV
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Pacem In Terris Iv, Washington, DC, December 4, 1975
1975 December 4
16 24
Tennessee/Estes Kefauver Dinner and Aging Field Hearings
Brock, William E.
Nashville, TN/Aging Field Hearings
Speech for 2nd Annual Kefauver Memorial Dinner, December 5, 1975
1975 December 5-6
16 25
Los Angeles, CA
1975 December 6-8
16 26
Los Angeles, CA/ADL Distinguished Service Award
"Israel: Policy and Principle" ADL Distinguished Service Award, Los Angeles, December 7, 1975
1975 December 7
16 27
Los Angeles, CA/World Affairs Council
Smith, William French
"Covert Action: The Swampland of American Foreign Policy" World Affairs Council, Los Angeles, December 8, 1975
1975 December 8
16 28
New York City, NY/Foreign Policy Board
"Covert Action: The Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Foreign Policy Board, New York City, December 10, 1975
1975 December 10
16 29
New York City, NY/Nation-Progressive Dinner
Knoll, Erwin
"Covert Action: The Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Nation-Progressive Dinner, New York City, December 16, 1975
1975 December 16
16 30
Boston, MA/Aging Field Hearings
1975 December 18-19
16 31
Philadelphia and Chicago
Jackson, Jesse
Transcript From Tape of Rev. Jesse Jackson Speech At "Operation Push" December 20, 1975
1975 December 19-20
16 32
Boise, ID
1975 December 21-1976 January 7
16 33
Oregon and California
McCarthy, Leo T.
1976 January 2-6
16 34
Boston, MA/Legislative Council for Older Americans, Inc.
"Listening To Older Americans" Legislative Council for Older Americans, Inc., Boston, January 16, 1976
1976 January 16
16 35
Lexington, KY/Kentucky Press Association
Huddleston, Walter D.
1976 January 17
16 36
West Palm Beach, FL/American Friends of The Hebrew University
"The Hebrew University: The Celebration of Life" American Friends of The Hebrew University, West Palm Beach, FL, January 18, 1976
1976 January 18
16 37
New York City, NY/NBC Tomorrow Show
1976 January 20
16 38
Washington, DC/State of Israel Bonds
1976 January 25
16 39
Providence, RI/Aging Hearings
Pell, Claiborne
Opening Statement At Aging Hearings, Providence, RI, January 26, 1976
1976 January 26
16 40
New York City, NY/Harmonie Club
"U.S. Foreign Policy Precepts: A Reconsideration" Harmonie Club, New York City, January 28, 1976
1976 January 28
17 1
Washington DC/Rosenthal Fund Raiser
1976 February 6
17 2
Mclean, VA/Fund-Raiser
1976 February 8
17 3
New Jersey and New York City
1976 February 10-11
17 4
Chicago, Detroit, Denver, and Oregon
1976 February 11-13
17 5
Brussels, Belgium/2nd World Conference of Jewish Communities
Silkin, John
Brussels, Belgium/2nd World Conference of Jewish Communities On Soviet Jewry
"Soviet Jewry: A Call To Conscience", 2nd World Conference of Jewish Communities, February 17, 1976
1976 February 14-18
17 6
Hartford, CT/Fund Raiser
1976 February 22
17 7
South Carolina/Columbia and Richland Co. Fund Raisers
1976 February 24
17 8
Nebraska/Omaha and Lincoln
1976 February 27
17 9
Iowa/Cedar Rapids and Des Moines
1976 February 27
17 10
Boise, Idaho/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1976 February 28
17 11
Montgomery Co., MD/Jefferson-Jackson Day Dessert
1976 March 1
17 12
Washington DC/American Newspaper Women's Club
1976 March 2
17 13
Washington DC/J.C. Penney Conference
1976 March 2
17 14
New York City
1976 March 4
17 15
Rhode Island/New Democratic Coalition of RI Convention
1976 March 7
17 16
New York City and New Jersey
1976 March 11
17 17
Montana/Billings, Great Falls, and Helena (J-J Dinner)
1976 March 12-14
17 18
Washington DC/Senator Pell Fund Raiser Reception
Pell, Claiborne
1976 March 16
17 19
Idaho City, ID/Presidential Announcement
"Announcement of Senator Frank Church As A Candidate for The Democratic Nomination for President", Idaho City, ID, March 18, 1976
1976 March 18
17 20
"Making It Happen In Aging", At The Senior Bi-Centennial Celebration, Sacramento, CA, March 20, 1976; "A New Commitment To Education", To State Council of Education, [Los Angeles?], March 30, 1976; Knbc Tv, Los Angeles "New Conference", March 20, 1976
1976 March 18-22
17 20
Press Club of Sacremento, CA, March 19, 1976
1976 March 18-22
17 21
Salt Lake City, UT
Partial Transcript--Introduction Present, Q and A Not, March 22, 1976
1976 March 22
17 22
Denver, CO
Transcript: CO; Orado Women's Organizations, March 22, 1976; Transcript: Denver Press Club Luncheon, March 23, 1976; Transcript: Press Conference-Colorado State Capitol, March 23, 1974
1976 March 22-23
17 23
1976 March 24
17 24
Washington DC/Washington Press Club
"A New Faith In Freedom", Washington Press Club, Washington DC, March 26, 1976
1976 March 26
17 25
California/San Francisco and The East Bay
1976 March 26-29
17 26
San Diego, CA
Abernethy, R.G. (Bob)
"Federal Policy On Aging: Progress and Pitfalls", At 22nd Annual Meeting of The Western Gerontological Society, March 28, 1976; Transcript: Q and A--Press Conference-Editorial Board-San Diego Union, March 28, 1976
1976 March 28
17 27
New Brunswick, NJ/Jewish Federation of Raritan Valley

"Israel: Basic Principles of American Foreign Policy", Jewish Federation of Raritan Valley, New Bruswick, NJ, March 31, 1976
1976 March 31
17 28
New York City/National Conference of Democratic Mayors' Urban Forum
Beame, Abraham D.
Accepted Then Cancelled, April 31, 1976, Due To S.S. Meeting
1976 April 11
17 29
Oregon/Portland and Salem
Transcript: Q and A-"Oregon Asks Forum", Portland State University, April 4, 1976; Transcript: Q and A-Oregon High School Press Conference, April 3, 1976; Transcript: Q and A-Editorial Board Conference With Editors of Oregon Statesman & Oregon Journal, P
1976 April 2-4
17 29
Oregon/Portland and Salem
Transcript: Q and A-Holiday East Senior Citizens Center, Portland, Or, April 3, 1976
1976 April 2-4
17 30
Wilmington, DE/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Tribbitt, Sherman W.
1976 April 7
17 31
Colorado and Nevada
Transcript: Q and A-Press Conference-Church for President Headquarters, Pueblo, CO, April 9, 1976; Transcript: Q and A-Press Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, April 9, 1976; Speech To Democratic Party Officials, Colorado Springs, CO, April 9, 1976
1976 April 9-10
17 31
Colorado and Nevada
To Colorado Convention of Building Trades, Colorado Springs, CO, April 9, 1976; To Colorado State University, Fort Collins, April 9, 1976; To Omsby Co. Democratic Convention, April 10, 1976; To Wasau Co. Democratic Convention, Reno Nevada, April 10, 1976
1976 April 9-10
17 32
West Haven, CT/CCD Endorsing Convention
1976 April 10
17 33
Phoenix, AZ
Transcript: Q and A-Press Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 10, 1976
1976 April 10
17 34
Washington DC/US News and World Reports
Cancelled By Them
1976 April 16
17 35
1976 April 16-17
17 36
Montana Via Boise
Transcript: Q and A-Boise Airport Press Conference. April 19, 1976; Transcript: Q and A-"Face The State", Butte, MT, April 19, 1976; Transcript: Q and A-Press Conference, Butte, MT, April 19, 1976; Speech At Fundraising Reception, Butte, MT, April 19, 19
1976 April 19
17 36
Montana Via Boise
Speech At The Old Serbian Church Senior Citizens Center, Anaconda, MT, April 19, 1976; Speech At Bozeman, MT, April 19, 1976
1976 April 19
17 37
Oregon/Portland, Lincoln City, Corvallis
Speech At Portland, Or, April 20, 1976; Speech [Somewhere] In Oregon, April 20, 1976; Speech On Humphrey's Statement- Impromptu Press Conference, April 20, 1976; Speech At Yaquina Elementary School, Newport, Or, April 20, 1976
1976 April 20
17 38
1976 April 21-24
17 39
Pittsburgh, PA/Committee for National Health Insurance
1976 April 24
17 40
Philadelphia, PA and Rhode Island
[Also Connecticut?]
1976 April 25
17 41
California/San Francisco and Los Angeles
Speech At Fundraising Dinner, San Francisco, April 26, 1976; Speech At Los Angeles City Council, April 27, 1976; Speech At Senior Citizens Center, Los Angeles, April 27, 1976
1976 April 26-28
17 42
Transcript of Press Conference; Transcript of Community Press Board Meeting, Tigard, OR, April 29, 1976; Gresham Outlook Interview, April 28, 1976
At Mt. Hood College, Gresham, OR, April 28, 1976; At Techtronics, Portland, Or, April 29, 1976; At The Oregon City Chamber of Commerce, April 29, 1976
1976 April 28-29
17 43
KGVO Radio Interview, April 30, 1976
At The Kathleen Walford Senior Citizens Center, Missoula, MT, April 30, 1976
1976 April 29-30
17 44
Denver, CO
1976 April 30-May 1
17 45
17 46
Charlotte, NC/Caucus of Black Democrats
Transcript of Question and Answer Session; Speech To The Caucus of Black Democrats On Various Topics
1976 May 2
17 47
Chicago, IL/1976 Presidential Forum and CBS Live Interview
1976 May 3
17 48
Salt Lake City, UT/Governor's Conference On Aging
Rampton, Calvin L.
Transcript of Ksl Radio Talk Show, May 5, 1976; ; Transcript of Press Conference At Church for President Headquarters, May 6, 1976; Transcript of Face The Nation, May 6, 1976; Live Interview With Skl; "Senior Political Involvement, May 6, 1976; To Carpent
1976 May 5-6
17 49
Exon, J. James
Omaha Airport Press Conference, May 6, 1976; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1974, Omaha, May 6, 1976; Ibew 285w-Local 22, Omaha, May 6, 1976; Omaho World Herald, May 7, 1976; Kmtv Interview, Omaha, May 7, 1976
1976 May 6-10; 12
17 49
Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Omaha, May 7- 1976; Westside High School, Omaha, May 7, 1976; Schuyler Courthouse, May 8, 1976; Duffy's Tavern, Omaha, May 8, 1976; Capitol Steps, Lincoln, May 10, 1976; Black Community Meeting, Greater New Hope Baptist Church,
1976 May 6-10; 12
17 49
Senior Citizens Forum, Lucas Hall, Omaha, May 10, 1976; Kmtv Question and Answer Session, Omaha, May 10, 1976; Victory Celebration, May 12, 1976
1976 May 6-10; 12
17 50
Port Chester, NY/Westchester County Democratic Dinner
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
(Helen Gahagan Douglas Acts As Stand-In)
1976 May 8
17 51
New York City, NY/Coalition for International Cooperation and Peace
(Speech To Be Delivered for FC)
"The Multinational Corporation: Challange and Response" New York City, Coalition for International Cooperation and Peace, May 8, 1976
1976 May 8
17 52
Portland, OR/Lewis and Clark College
Remarks On The State of The Economy, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR, May 12, 1976
1976 May 12
17 53
Cleveland, OH
Fuldhiem, Dorothy; Rice, Joe; Carlson, Bill; Price, Bob
Outstanding High School Students Meeting, Cleveland, May 14, 1976; Fund-Raiser Breakfast, Cleveland, May 14, 1976; Press Conference, Cleveland, May 14, 1976; Wgws-Tv Interview With Dorothy Fuldhiem, Cleveland, May 14, 1976; City Club, Cleveland, May 14,
1976 May 13-14
17 53
Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Plain Dealer With Joe Rice and Bill Carlson; NBC Radio With Bob Price, Cleveland, May 14, 1976
1976 May 13-14
17 54
Billings, Miles City, Great Falls MT
1976 May 14-15
17 55
Boise, ID/Boise State University Commencement
Barnes, John B.
"Foreign Policy" Boise State University Commencement, May 16, 1976
1976 May 16
17 56
Washington, DC/Weta Campaign Taping
"Making It Happen In Aging" Senior Bi-Centennial Celebration, Sacramento, CA, May 18, 1976 (Cancelled Due To Cloture Vote On S, Res, 410); WETA Campaign Taping, Washington, DC
1976 May 18
17 57
Lloyd Senior Citizen Center; Portland Community Center; Portland Airport, May 19, 1976; Portland Community College, May 20, 1976; Portland Oregonian, Editorial Board Conference, May 20, 1976; Democratic Mock Convention, May 20, 1976; Kptv, Portland, May
1976 May 19-22
17 58
New York City, NY/Bar-Ilan University
"Bar-Ilan: A United States and Israel Triumph" At Bar-Ilan University, May 19, 1976 (Speech Delivered By Bethine)
1976 May 19
17 59
Butte, MT/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
At Butte, Montana Airport; At Jefferson-Jackson Banquet, Butte, Montana, May 22, 1976
1976 May 22
18 1
Nevada Via Pendleton, Or
Press Conference, Pendleton, May 23, 1976; Commencement At University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 32, 1976; Press Conference, Reno, May 23, 1976
1976 May 23
18 2
Los Angeles, CA/Presidential Forum
"Energy and The Environment: Priorities" Presidential Forum, May 24, 1976
1976 May 24
18 3
At Weyerhauser Plant, Springfield, Or, May 24, 1976; Press Conference, Kgw-Tv, Portland, Or, May 24, 1976
1976 May 24
18 4
Oregon and Idaho/Primaries
Oregon Victory Speech, May 25, 1976; Election Night Press Conference, Boise, May 25, 1976; Victory Speech, Boise, May 25, 1976
1976 May 25
18 5
Los Angeles, CA/UCLA
Speech At UCLA, May 26, 1976
1976 May 26
18 6
Convention Center, Cincinnati, May 27, 1976; At AFL-CIO Convention, Cincinnati, May 27, 1976; Bob Brown Show, Cincinnati, May 27, 1976; Dayto Journal Herald-Editorial Board, June 1, 1976; Dayton Courthouse, June 1, 1976; Democratic and Labor Leaders Dinn
1976 May 27; June 1-4
18 6
Democratic Fund-Raising Reception, Canton, June 1, 1976; Packo's Resturant, Toledo, June 4, 1976; Wtol-Tv, Toledo, June 4, 1976; Democratic Party Rally, Toledo, June 4, 1976
1976 May 27; June 1-4
18 7
Rhode Island Via Boston, MA
Press Conference In Boston, May 28, 1976; Westminster Mall, Providence, May 28, 1976; Warwick Teachers Union-20 Week Club, Providence, May 28, 1976; Wwon Radio, Winsockett, RI, May 29, 1976; Senior Citizens Meeting, Kilmartin Manor, Providence, May 29, 1
1976 May 28-31
18 7
Rhode Island Via Boston, MA
WPRI-TV "Call-In" May 29, 1976; Sweet Meadows Inn, Point Judith, RI, May 30, 1976; Project Hope, Notre Dame Church, Central Falls, RI, May 30, 1976; Colonial Hilton Hotel, RI, May 30, 1976; WTEV-TV, Providence, May 31, 1976; WICE-Radio Talk Show Call-In,
1976 May 28-31
18 7
Rhode Island Via Boston, MA
Memorial Day Parade, Cranston, RI, May 31, 1976; WPRI-TV, Providence, May 31, 1976
1976 May 28-31
18 8
Los Angeles, CA
Airport Press Conference, Los Angeles, June 2, 1976; Los Angeles Fund-Raiser, June 2, 1976; Press Conference, Los Angeles, June 4, 1976
1976 June 1-2; 4
18 9
Chicago, IL/National Council of Senior Citizens
1976 June 4
18 10
Cleveland, OH/ABC Issues and Answers
1976 June 6
18 11
Washington, DC/National Education Association -- Videotaping
1976 June 9
18 12
Vishnevsky, Zina
WKTU-Kent State University Interview By Zina Vishnevsky, Akron, Ohio; Call In Question and Answer, Cleveland, Ohio
1976 June 10
18 13
New York City, NY/New York State Delegation
1976 June 14
18 14
Idaho/Idaho Democratic Convention
Andrus, Cecil D.
Statement At Hearing On The Teton Dam Relief Assistance Program, June 15, 1976; At Idaho State Democratic Convention, Twin Falls, June 20, 1976
1976 June 18-21
18 15
Lewiston, ID/Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Dedication
1976 June 20
18 16
Milwaukee, WI/U.S. Conference of Mayors
Landrieu, Moon; Rosen, Harold; Melton, Buckner F.; Murphy, Lewis C.; Mcnichols, W.H.; Jackson, Maynard; Uhlman, Wes; Hudnut, William
U.S. Conference of Mayors (FC Cancelled Due To Teton Dam Legislation and Multinational Corporation Tax Bill)
"The Future of Urban America: Salvation Through Decentralism"
1976 June 30
18 17
1976 June 30-July 10
18 18
Cedar Rapids, IA/Federal Court--FBI vs Aim
Cannon, Howard W.
1976 July 10
18 19
New York City, NY/Democratic National Convention
Watson, George; Parker, Maynard; Beame, Abraham D.; Watson, Anne; Strauss, Robert S.; Kennedy, Peter B.; Gart, Murray J.
Before Democratic Platform Committee, Denver, CO, May 1, 1976; Testimony Before The Democratic Platform Committee, Senate Caucus Room, May 19, 1976; At Delegate Brunch, Dnc, July 13, 1976; To Montana Delegation, Dnc, July 13, 1976; To Convention; Press C
1976 July 12-16
18 20
Teton Dam Disaster
1976 August 12-22
18 21
Nice and Cap d'Antibes, France
1976 August 27-September 6
18 22
Washington, DC/American University--Kennedy Political Union
"Freedom and World Peace: Curbing The Spread of Nuclear Weapons" American University, September 7, 1976
1976 September 7
18 23
Chapel Hill, NC/University of North Carolina
(Cancelled Due To Illness)
1976 September 15
18 24
Hattiesburg, Ms/University of Southern Mississippi
(Cancelled Due To Flu)
"The Erosion of Principle In American Foreign Policy: A Call for A New Policy" University of Southern Mississippi, September 16, 1976
1976 September 16
18 25
Boise, ID/Weekend With Family
1976 September 17-19
18 26
Fresno, CA/Morrison Lectureship--California State Bar Association
"Ending Emergency Government" California State Bar Association, September 20, 1976
1976 September 20
18 27
Chicago, IL/Council On Foreign Relations
"Man Against The Bomb: Curbing The Spread of Nuclear Weapons" Council On Foreign Relations, September 21, 1976
1976 September 21
18 28
Washington, DC/American Imported Automobile Dealers Association
1976 September 27
18 29
Chicago, IL/National Council On Aging--Ollie A. Randall Award
Statement On Accepting The 1976 Ollie A. Randall Award
1976 September 29
18 30
Great Neck, NY/Nassau County Democratic Fund-Raiser
(FC Cancelled Due To Illness of Mrs. Clark)
1976 September 30
18 31
Boise, ID
1976 October 2-7
18 32
Atlanta, GA/Carter-Mondale Aging Advisory Council
Carter, Jimmy
"Failure In The Ford Policy On Aging: The Overview" In Senate, September 28, 1976; "Poverty Increases By 200, 000 for Older Americans" In Senate, September 1, 1976
1976 October 9
18 33
New York City, NY/Judd and Landau Accountants
On Multinational Corporations, Judd and Landau Accountants, October 14, 1976
1976 October 14
18 34
Teaneck, NJ/Fairleigh-Dickinson University
Fatemi, Nasrollah S.
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Fairleigh-Dickinson University, October 14, 1976
1976 October 14
18 35
Cambridge, MA/Harvard East Asia Conference
Bok, Derek C.
"Multinational Corporations and East Asia: The Foreign Policy Implications of The Lockheed Affair" Harvard East Asia Conference, October 15, 1976
1976 October 15
18 36
Omaha and Lincoln, NE
1976 October 18
18 37
Salt Lake City, UT/University of Utah
Moss, Frank E.
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" University of Utah, October 19, 1976
1976 October 19
18 38
Portland and Eugene, OR
1976 October 20
18 39
1976 October 21-24
18 40
1976 October 24-26
18 41
Colorado and Wyoming/Campaigns
1976 October 27
18 42
1976 October 28
18 43
Washington, DC/Association of Institutional Distributors
1976 November 9
18 44
Chicago, IL/Center for Democratic Institutions
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Center for Democratic Institutions, November 12, 1976
1976 November 12
18 45
Pottstown, PA/United Jewish Appeal
"Israel and American Principles" United Jewish Appeal, November 13, 1976
1976 November 13
18 46
Ithaca, NY/Cornell Forum
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy" Cornell Forum, November 15, 1976
1976 November 15
18 47
New York City
1976 November 23
18 48
New Orleans La/Jewish Community Center
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Policy", Jewish Community Center, New Orleans, La, December 1, 1976
1976 December 1
18 49
Washington DC Fund Raiser
1976 December 7
18 50
San Francisco, CA
1976 December 10-12
18 51
Reilly, Terry
1976 December 13-1977 January 2
18 52
Idaho/Interior Hearings: City of Rocks
Background for The City of Rocks National Monument; S.1214- Establish City of Rocks National Monument
1976 December 14
19 1
San Francisco, CA/Jewish National Fund-Raiser
"Israel and American Principles", Jewish National Fundraiser, San Francisco, CA, December 19, 1976
1976 December 19
19 2
San Francisco, CA/Fund-Raiser
1976 December 20
19 3
Philadelphia, PA/Jewish Community Relations Council
Speech Before The Democratic National Convention, In MA, July 1976; Speech On Israel, January 13, 1977 (Also Draft and Transcript)
1977 January 13
19 4
Washington DC/American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Speech At Temple Beth Sholom, Washington DC, January 23, 1977
1977 January 23
19 5
Davos, Switzerland/7th European Management Symposium
Davis, Nathaniel
Davos, Switzerland/7th European Management Symposium-Cancelled Due To Senate Business
"Competition and Morality In International Business: The Foreign Policy Interest", 7th Annual European Management Symposium, Davos, Switzerland, February 3 1977
1977 February 3
19 6
Amsterdam, The Netherlands/Het Parool Newspaper Seminar
Van Der Hart, Bart
F.C. Cancelled
1977 February 4-6
19 7
Toledo, Ohio/University of Toledo
"U.S. Policy and The Future of The Multinational Corporation", University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, February 17, 1977
1977 February 17
19 8
Idaho/Idaho State University
Oboler, Eli M.
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy", Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, February 18, 1977
1977 February 18
19 9
Boise, ID/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1977 February 19
19 10
Idaho Falls, ID/Teton Dam Hearings
Statement At The Hearing On The Failure of The Teton Dam, A Feature On The Teton River Basin Project, Idaho Falls, ID, February 21, 1977
1977 February 21
19 11
Granville, OH/Denison University
"Multinational Corporations and U.S. Foreign Policy", Denison University, February 22, 1977
1977 February 22
19 12
Washington DC/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
S.Res.400-Establish A Standing Committee On Intelligence
1977 February 24
19 13
Palo Alto, CA/3rd Annual Global Living Lecture Series
Lyman, Richard W.
1977 March 20
19 14
Moscow, ID/University of Idaho Gamma, Sigma, Delta
"Food and Foreign Policy", University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, March 21, 1977 (Includes Q and A Session Transcript)
1977 March 21
19 15
Moscow, ID/Wilderness Resource Distinguished Lectureship
Background Information Notebook On Gospel-Hump, Meadow Creek, Van Buren Sale, Ipa Plan, and Maps
"Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Framework", Moscow, ID, March 21, 1977
1977 March 21
19 16
Moscow, ID/University of Idaho-Borah Symposium
Agnew, H.M.
"International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation", Borah Symposium, Moscow, ID, March 22, 1977
1977 March 22
19 17
Denver, CO/Western Gerontological Society
Report: "Summary of Evidence Collected By The Senate Committee On Aging Relating To Kickbacks Amoung Medicare Providers"
Opening Statement At Hearing On "The Nation's Rural Elderly", Western Gerontological Society, Denver, CO, March 23, 1977
1977 March 23
19 18
Washington DC/European Management Forum
1977 March 24
19 19
Nashville, TN/Vanderbilt University
Herman, George
"International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation", Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tn, March 25, 1977
1977 March 25
19 20
Baltimore, MD/Baltimore Jewish Council
Human Rights Correspondence-Senate; Soviet Jewry; Related Material From TASS In English; Baltimore Jewish Council
"Reflections of The Last 20 Years of Foreign Policy", Before Temple Beth Sholom, January 23, 1977; Introduction S.Con.Res.7-Relating To Freedom of Emigration, In Senate, January 26, 1977
1977 March 27
19 20
Baltimore, MD/Baltimore Jewish Council
"The Case for A Principled Foreign Policy: Human Rights and Helsinki", March 27, 1977
1977 March 27
19 21
Washington DC/Boynton-Harvard Divinity School Luncheon
1977 April 4
19 22
Charlotte, NC/University of North Carolina-Great Decisions '77
>"International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation",
1977 April 1
19 23
Washington DC/National Town Meeting - Our Elderly-Today and Tomorrow
1977 April 6
19 24
Nassau/On The Islander
1977 April 8-17
19 25
Washington DC/National Council On Aging-27th Conference
Speech On The Problems of The Elderly, Washington DC, April 20, 1977
1977 April 20
19 26
New York City/General Foods International
F.C. Did Not Attend Due To Scheduling Error
"Om Multinational Corporations" Not Delivered
1977 April 22
19 27
New Haven, CT/Yale Political Union
Evans, John V.
F.C Receives A. Whitney Griswold Award
Speech On FBI, CIA, and Covert Action, Yale Political Union, New Haven, CT, April 24, 1977
1977 April 24
19 28
Washington DC/American Israel Public Affairs Committee
"Israel: Twenty-Nine Years of Independence: A Celebration of Life", American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Washington DC, April 25, 1977
1977 April 25
19 29
Coeur d'Alene, ID/Including N.W. Power Association
"President Carter's Energy Program", Coeur d'Alene, ID, April 27, 1977
1977 April 27
19 30
Grangeville, ID/Gospel-Hump Proposal Discussions

"The Question of Sealed Bids", In Senate, April 25, 1977
1977 April 28
19 31
Boise, ID
Keppler, William J.
1977 April 29
19 32
Cambridge, MA/MIT - World Change and World Security
Wiesner, Jerome B.
"Arms, Energy, and The Atom: The Lethal Dilemma", Mit "World Change and World Security", Cambridge MA; Transcript: Q and A Session After Speech
1977 May 2
19 33
Washington DC/White House Roundtable On Aging
Rosalynn Carter's Opening Remarks; F.C. Notes From Roundtable
F.C. Statement At Roundtable, White House Roundtable On Aging, Washington DC, May 10, 1977
1977 May 10
20 1
Speech Commencement Address 1977, Various Places and Dates
1977 May 23-June 6
20 2
Issues In The State of Idaho
1977 May 23-June 7
20 3
Idaho/Lincoln Co. Courthouse and Shoshone Drought Meeting
1977 May 24
20 4
Idaho/Power Co. and Lava Hot Springs
1977 May 25
20 5
Idaho/Caribou Co. and Idaho Falls
1977 May 26
20 6
Idaho/St Anthony Fisherman's Breakfast
1977 May 27
20 7
1977 May 29-31
20 8
Idaho/Shoshone Co. and Wallace
1977 June 1
20 9
Idaho/Boise, McCall, Nampa
Evans, John V.

"Wilderness In A Balanced Land Use Framework", University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, March 21, 1977; Outline/Notes for A Speech To Idaho Disabled American Veterans, Nampa, ID, June 6, 1977
1977 June 2-3
20 9
Idaho/Boise, McCall, Nampa
Opening Statement On Timber Supply Problems, Subcommittee On Public Lands Hearing, McCall, ID, June 3, 1977
1977 June 2-3
20 10
Rexburg, ID/Teton Volunteer Appreciation Day
Speech At Volunteer Appriation Day, Rexburg, ID, June 4, 1977
1977 June 4
20 11
Idaho/Ontario, Nampa, Boise, Pocatello/Amtrak Inagural Run - Pioneer
Reistrup, Paul L.; Evans, John V.
1977 June 5-6
20 12
Washington DC/American Enterprise Institute
1977 June 9
20 13
London, England/Wroxton College
Dinitz, Simcha; Fatemi, Nasrollah S.; Togo, Fumihiko; Renouf, Alan; Wachtmeister, William; Fulbright, J.W.; Dillon, Douglas; Ramsbotham, Peter; Benedict, Manson; Bakker, A.R. Tammenoms; Chappell, N.R.; Gaja, Roberto; Choue, Young Seek; Probst, Raymond; Rovira
Speech By O.A.S., Secy Gen. Alejandro Orfila "The Impact of The Energy Crisis On U.S.-Latin American Relations", May 23, 1977; Speech By U.K. Foreign Secy David Owen On Nuclear Proliferation and Energy, May 19, 1977; Energy; Human Rights; Helsinki Review
"The Nuclear Dilemma: Energy, The Atom, and Survivial", At Wroxton College, London, England, June 18, 1977
1977 June 17-20
20 14
Coeur d'Alene, ID/United Transportation Union
Cancelled Due To Votes Pending In Senate
1977 June 23
20 15
Raleigh, NC/Governor's Conference On Aging
Hunt, James B., Jr.

"National Issues Affecting Senior Citizens", Governor's Conference On Aging, Raleigh, Nc, July 7, 1977
1977 July 7
20 16
Los Angeles, CA/City of Hope
Cranston, Alan
"The Why' of Health Care", City of Hope, Los Angeles, July 16, 1977
1977 July 15-17
20 17
Roa, Raul; Sidey, Hugh; Zahedi, Ardeshir; Castro Ruz, Fidel
Summary of Major Points Discussed Between F.C. and Castro; Points Castro Wanted Conveyed To President Carter; Topics Which Could Be Covered On Issues and Answers; Bethine's Article for The Portland Oregonian
"Cuba In Perspective", Drafts for L.A Times Article, No Date
1977 August 8-11
20 18
SALT Lake City, UT/Utah Democratic Organizing Convention
Cancelled Due To Trip To Cuba
1977 August 12-13
20 19
1977 August16-September 6
20 20
Idaho/Including Western Idaho Training Company
Speech To Witco, Nampa, ID, August 17, 1977
1977 August 17
20 21
Weiser, ID/KQED-TV At Senior Center
1977 August 19
20 22
Idaho/Gospel-Hump Tour and Hearings
Opening Statement At Hearings On Gospel-Hump, ID, August 24, 1977
1977 August 21-24
20 23
Idaho Falls, ID/INEL Tour and Bonneville Co. Democratic Picnic
1977 August 26
20 24
Idaho/Caldwell and Hagerman
1977 August 28
20 25
Idaho/Twin Falls
Bethine's Speech To N.W. Opera Guild, Twin Falls, ID, August 30, 1977
Speech On Arts and Neh, To The N.W. Opera Guild, Twin Falls , ID, August 30, 1977
1977 August 29-30
20 26
Hot Springs, VA/Cbema
Foreign Trade; Energy
"Deficits, Debts, and OPEC: Cutting The Gordian Knot", Cbema, Hot Springs, VA, September 11, 1977
1977 September 11
20 27
Washington DC/President's Commission On Personnel Interchange
"Deficits, Debts, and OPEC: Cutting The Gordian Knot", President's Commission On Personnel Interchange, Washington DC, September 13, 1977
1977 September 13
20 28
Washington, DC/Woman's National Democratic Club
"The U.S. and Cuba: Time To Heal The Wounds?" Woman's National Democratic Club, Washington, September 26, 1977
1977 September 26
20 29
Columbia, SC/James Clyburn Dinner
Hollings, Ernest F.
(FC Did Not Attend, Bethine Went In His Place)
"Comments On Jim Clyburn Dinner" By Bethine Church At James Clyburn Dinner, September 23, 1977
1977 September 23
20 30
Boston, MA/New Century Club

"Deficits, Debts, and OPEC: Cutting The Gordon Knot" New Century Club, October 2, 1977
1977 October 2
20 31
Portland, OR/National Association of Home Health Agencies
(FC Did Not Attend, Bethine Accepts Lois C. Lillick Award On His Behalf)
1977 October 4
20 32
Washington, DC/Jewish National Fund
Background Material On The Middle East
On Israel and The Middle East, Jewish National Fund, October 9, 1977
1977 October 9
20 33
Indiana, PA/Indiana University of Pennsylvania
1977 October 24
20 34
Boise, ID/National Water Resources Association
Background Material On Water Resources
"The National Water Commission Report: A Lurking Threat To Idaho Water" In Senate, September 25, 1973; "Water Diversion: A Continuing Threat" In Senate, February 2, 1977; "The Future Role of Federal Government In Water Resources" NWRA, October 26, 1977
1977 October 26
20 35
Washington, DC/George Washington University
1977 November 16
20 36
San Francisco, CA/Atomic Industrial Forum
Background Material On Nuclear Energy/Clinch River Breeder Reactor
1977 November 30-December 2
20 37
San Francisco, CA/Atomic Industrial Forum
"Nuclear Energy and The Prospects for Peace" Atomic Industrial Forum, November 30, 1977
1977 November 30-December 2
20 38
1977 December 9
20 39
Coeur d'Alene, ID/Panhandle Area Council
1977 December 10
20 40
Boise, ID/Potato Growers of Idaho
On Farming and Farmers
1977 December 15
21 1
Background Material/Notebook: Travel Information, Panama Canal Treaties, Fact Sheets
Transcript of Face The Nation, October 9, 1977
1978 January 15-18
21 2
1978 January 15-18
21 3
Idaho Falls, ID/Utah-Idaho Farmers Union
1978 January 12
21 4
Tucson, AZ/National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council
"Prospects for Peace In The Middle East: A View From The Capitol" Njcrac, January 22, 1978
1978 January 22
21 5
Minneapolis, MN/1st Unitarian Society--Salkin Memorial Lecture
Trips--1st Unitarian Society--Salkin Memorial Lecture
"Human Rights and The National Interest: Balancing Principle With Pragmatism" 1st Unitarian Society--Salkin Memorial Lecture, February 2, 1978
1978 February 2
21 6
Minneapolis, MN/Aging Conference
"There's A Future In Aging" Minneapolis, Aging Conference, February 3, 1978
1978 February 3
21 7
Idaho Falls, ID/Idaho Housing Agency
1978 February 4
21 8
Boise, ID/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1978 February 4
21 9
Larsen, Allan F.
Opening Statement At Hearings of FC Committee On The International Sugar Agreement and U.S. Sugar Policy, Burley, February 13, 1978
1978 Febraury 11-16
21 10
Salt Lake City, UT/National Farmers Union
"Food and Foreign Policy" National Farmers Union, March 4, 1978
1978 March 4-5
21 11
Dallas, TX/Aging Conference
"The Aging Burden--Or Uplifting Challange?" Dallas, Aging Conference, March 10, 1978 (Speech Delivered By Bethine)
1978 March 10
21 12
Monterey, CA/Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies
Trips--Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies
"Human Rights and The National Interest" Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies, March 11, 1978
1978 March 11
21 13
Washington, DC/American Personnel and Guidance Association
"Getting Ready for Age" American Personnel and Guidance Association, March 21, 1978
1978 March 21
21 14
Miami, FL/American Jewish Congress
(FC Cancelled Due To Trip To Spain)
1978 March 25
21 15
Anasagasti, Inaki; Rovira, Juan Jose; Lekson, John M.
1978 March 22-April 2
21 16
Des Moines, IA/Senator Dick Clark Fund-Raiser
1978 April 15
21 17
Huntsville, AL/University of Alabama
Sparkman, John J.; McGovern, George
"The U.S. and Cuba: Time To Heal Our Wounds?" University of Alabama, April 27, 1978
1978 April 27
21 18
Pittsburgh, PA/City of Hope
"People, Not Segments" Pittsburgh, City of Hope, May 3, 1978
1978 May 3
21 19
Washington, DC/National Forest Products Association
"Federal Forest Policy: Balance, Foresight, and Stewardship", Washington, DC, National Forest Products Association, May 8, 1978
1978 May 8
21 20
Washington, DC/Nuclear Power Assembly
On Nuclear Power
1978 May 9
21 21
Hot Springs, VA/Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade
"Locomotives To Convoys: The Search for A Viable Economic Policy", Hot Springs, VA, Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade, May 15, 1978
1978 May 12-15
21 22
Salt Lake City, UT/Jefferson-Jackson
"The Reclamation Reform Act of 1978", In Senate, February 28, 1978; Speech At The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Salt Lake City, UT, May 20, 1978
1978 May 20
21 23
1978 May 21-27
21 24
Idaho/Mobile and Boise Office Visits
1978 May 21-June 2
21 25
Hazelton, ID/Valley High School Commencement
"The Beef Import Act of 1978, In Senate, April 19, 1978; Speech Given At Commencement At Valley High School In Hazelton, ID, May 21, 1978
1978 May 21
21 26
Rupert, ID/Minico High School Commencement
Commencement Speech Given At Minico High School Commencement, Rupert, ID, May 22, 1978
1978 May 22
21 27
Richfield, ID/Richfield High School Commencement
Commencement Speech Given At Richfield High School Commencement, Richfield, ID, May 23, 1978
1978 May 23
21 28
Blackfoot, ID/Blackfoot High School Commencement
Commencement Speech Given At Blackfoot High School Commencement, Blackfoot, ID, May 24, 1978
1978 May 24
21 29
Firth, ID/Firth High School Commencement
Commencement Speech Given At Firth High School Commencement, Firth, ID, May 25, 1978
1978 May 25
21 30
Idaho Falls, ID/National Association of Retired Federal Employees
Background Information for Speech and Outline for Speech Given At The National Association of Retired Federal Employees, Idaho Falls, ID, May 26, 1978
1978 May 26
21 31
Troy, ID/Troy High School Commencement
Commencement Speech Given At Troy High School Commencement, Troy, ID, May 27, 1978
1978 May 27
21 32
Boise, ID/Idaho Society of Professional Engineers
1978 May 30
21 33
Boise, ID/Northwest Utilities Hearings
1978 May 30
21 34
1978 June 16-17
21 35
Geneva, Switzerland and Athens, Greece
1978 June 28-July 12
21 36
Cleveland, OH/Democratic House and Senate Council
1978 July 27
21 37
Cleveland, OH/Democratic House and Senate Council
Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Ford, Wendell H.; Randolph, Jennings
"Why We Need The Democratic Party Today More Than Ever", Democratic House and Senate Council, Cleveland, OH, July 27, 1978
1978 July 27
22 1
Hollywood, FL/Democratic Dinner
Before The Broward Company Democratic Party, Hollywood, FL, August 12, 1978
1978 August 11-13
22 2
Denver, CO/Floyd Haskell Fund Raiser
Haskell Background Material and Notes for Speech
To Haskell Fundraiser, Denver, CO, August 26, 1978
1978 August 26
22 3
1978 August 27-September 6
22 4
Washington, DC/President's Commission On Personnel Interchange
To The President's Commission, Washington, DC, September 13, 1978
1978 September 13
22 5
Sun Valley, ID/Allied Daily Newspapers
1978 September 17
22 6
New York City/American Friends of Haifa University
1978 October 5
22 7
Minneapolis, MN/W. Anderson Fund Raiser and Minn. Fed. for Jewish Service
"Incentives for Peace In The Middleast", To The Minnesota Federation for Jewish Services, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 1978; A Speech At Wendell Anderson Fundraiser, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 1978
1978 October 8
22 8
Helena, MT/Pat Williams Fund Raiser
Hatfield, Paul
Guest Opinion for The Statesman Op-Ed Page, No Date
1978 October 19
22 9
for Stan Kress Candidacy, In Pocatello, October 20, 1978
1978 October 20-22; 1978 October 26-November 9
22 10
New York City/Forrest and Amy
1978 November 11-13
22 11
Middle East
Blumenthal, W. Michael
1978 November 16-22
22 12
Idaho and Utah
1978 December 8-17
22 13
Boise, ID/Food Producers of Idaho
On Agri-Politics, Food Producers of Idaho, Boise, ID, December 11, 1978
1978 December 11
22 14
Provo, UT/Brigham Young University
Oaks, Dallin H.; Hatch, Orrin G.; Kimball, Spencer W.
1978 December 12
22 15
Idaho Falls, ID/American Nuclear Society
Speech Suggestions From Orval Hansen
Article By F.C. for The National Review, No Date; "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Breeder In Our Nuclear Future", Idaho Falls, ID, American Nuclear Society, December 14, 1978; "Nuclear Energy Is A Must", Idaho Falls, ID, American Nuclear Society, December 14,
1978 December 14
22 16
Virgin Islands
1978 December Or 1979 January
22 17
1979 Engagement Calendar
22 18
Pearsall, Kenneth H.
1979 January 5-14
22 19
Palm Beach, FL/Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
1979 February 1-4
22 20
New York City/B'nai Zion Award Dinner
Receives The 1979 American-Israel Friendship Award
"Return To The Path of Camp David-and Beyond", New York City, B'nai Zion Award Dinner, February 18, 1979
1979 February 16-18
22 21
Boise, ID/Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
1979 February 12-16; 1979 February 23-25
22 22
Chicago, IL/Fund Raiser
1979 February 25
22 23
Harvey, IL/5th Annual South Cook County World Affairs Conference
Proposal for Computer Services for 1980 Campaign
"Terrorism: No Easy Answers", Harvey, IL, 5th Annual South Cook County World Affairs Conference, March 2, 1979
1979 March 2
22 24
Tucson, AZ/Fund Raiser
1979 March 4
22 25
Las Vegas, NV/Fund Raiser
1979 March 5
22 26
Idaho/Including Borah Symposium
"The United States and The Developed Countries: The Rich Vs. The Rich", Moscow, University of Idaho, March 6, 1979
1979 March 5-6
22 27
Washington, DC/Pioneer Women
F.C. To Receive The Washington Council Golda Meir Award
1979 March 25
22 28
Washington, DC/Circus Saints and Sinners Club
Wright, Jim; Smith, Charles E.
1979 March 28
22 29
Seattle, WA/Nw Regional Conference On The Emerging International Economic Order
"The Sugar Stabilization Act of 1979", In Senate, February 22, 1979; "The Yen To Make A Mark With The Dollar: A Franc Look At Our International Economic Policy", At Brigham Young University, December 12, 1978
1979 March 31
22 30
Lewiston, ID/IPA Hearings
1979 April 2
22 31
Washington, DC/Fay Seminar--Novak Forum
1979 April 4
22 32
Emmitsburg, MD/Mount St. Mary's College
1979 April 8
22 33
China and Japan
Nuclear Power/Breeder Reactors--Background Studies
Remarks Before The Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan In Tokyo, April 23, 1979
1979 April 13-23
22 34
New York and New Jersey
"Between Two Decades: The Advance of Reason and The Unfinished Business of American Foreign Policy" Leverton Lecture Series, Farleigh Dickenson University, Teaneck, NJ, April 30, 1979
1979 April 27-30
22 35
Commencement Address: Idaho Falls, May 20, 1979, Salmon, May 21, 1979, Pocatello, May 22, 1979
1979 May
22 36
Washington, DC/Commonwealth Ambassadors
Jay, Peter
1979 May 9
23 1
Washington, DC/International Research and Exchange Board

"SALT and The Senate: Principles for Decision" International Research and Exchange Board, Washington, May 10, 1979
1979 May 10
23 2
Pocatello, ID/10th Annual State Conference On Aging
1979 May 23
23 3
1979 May 26-June 4
23 4
Washington, DC/Center for Defense Information
1979 June 6
23 5
New York City, NY/Law Journal Seminars-Press
"Sino-American Relations In Perspective" Law Journal Seminars-Press, New York, June 11, 1979
1979 June 11
23 6
1979 June 15-18
23 7
New York, NY/Bar-Ilan University Convocation

"After The Accords: Washington and The West Bank" Bar-Ilan University Convocation, NY, June 11, 1979
1979 June 11
23 8
1979 June 30-July 8
23 9
Pittsburgh, PA/Dravo Business Review
1979 July 11
23 10
Packard, David
1979 August 8-September 5
23 11
Washington, DC/6th Annual Economic Council of The Snowmobile Industry
1979 October 4
23 12
New York, NY/Cancer Research Institute
1979 October 9
23 13
Washington, DC/Gfi-Knoll International Symposium
1979 October 12
23 14
Boston, MA/United Jewish Appeal
1979 October 18
23 15
Cleveland, OH/United Jewish Appeal
1979 October 20
23 16
Detroit, MI/Fund-Raisers
Levin, Carl
1979 October 21
23 17
Salt Lake City, UT/United Nations Association
Matheson, Scott M.
1979 October 26
23 18
Idaho Falls, ID/Argonne National Laboratory Staff Dinner
On Nuclear Power, Idaho Falls, ID, Argonne National Laboratory Staff Dinner, October 26, 1979
1979 October 26
23 19
Boise, ID/The Jamboree
1979 October 27
23 20
San Francisco, CA/Fund Raisers
Eu, March Fong
1979 October 28
23 21
Los Angeles, CA/Fund Raisers
1979 October 29
23 22
Norfolk, VA/United Jewish Appeal
1979 October 31
23 23
Philadelphia, PA/Federation of Jewish Agencies
1979 November 4
23 24
Boston, MA/John F. Kennedy Library
Fenn, Dan H., Jr.; Thomson, James C., Jr.; Goldman, Marshall I.
Trips--Boston, MA/John F. Kennedy Library; Thomson, James C., Jr., "Discussion Paper On U.S.-China Relations 1949-1979"; Goldman, Marshall I., "The U.S. and The U.S.S.R.: Three Decades of American Foreign Policy In The Nuclear Age"
"International Economic Policy In The 1980's: The Real National Security Issue", Boston, MA, John F. Kennedy Library, November 9, 1979
1979 November 9
23 25
Washington, DC/Georgetown University Lecture Fund
1979 November 28
23 26
New York City/U.N.Security Council
1979 December 1
23 27
Chicago, IL/Man of The Year Award
1979 December 2
23 28
New York City/National Home Furnishings
1979 December 3
23 29
New York City/Fund Raiser
1979 December 4
23 30
Pocatello, ID/Cattlemen's Association
1979 December 7
23 31
Idaho Falls, ID/Seniors Party
1979 December 7
23 32
Coeur d'Alene, ID/Idaho Wildlife Federation and Seniors Party
On Wilderness, Coeur d'Alene, ID, Idaho Wildlife Federation and Seniors Party, December 8, 1979
1979 December 8
23 33
Coeur d'Alene, ID/North Idaho College
1979 December 9
23 34
Pocatello, ID/Seniors Party
1979 December 10
23 35
Twin Falls and Boise, ID/Seniors Parties
1979 December 14-15
23 36
Dean, James L.
1980 January 3-10
23 37
Phoenix, AZ/National Wheat Growers Convention and Fund Raisers
Udall, Stewart L.
"Let Justice Be Done", Phoenix, AZ, National Wheat Growers Convention and Fundraisers, January 16, 1980
1980 January 16
23 38
1980 January 24-27
23 39
Washington, DC/B'nai B'rith International
1980 January 29
23 40
Ruller, Wayne P.; Federsen, Robert K.
"The North-South Dialog: A False Division", At A Seattle, Wa Conference, March 31, 1979; "International Trade, The United States and The Orient", At Boise State University, February 12, 1980; At Jefferson- Jackson Banquet, Boise, ID, February 9, 1980
1980 February 7-15
23 41
Seattle, WA/University of Washington
1980 February 15
23 42
Washington, DC/J.C.Penney
1980 February 21
23 43
New York City
1980 February 21-23
23 44
1980 March 7-15
23 45
Idaho Via New York City
"The Orson Hyde Memorial Gardens", In Senate, December 6, 1979; "Pioneer Day 1979", In Senate, July 24, 1979
1980 March 27-April 13
23 46
New York City
1980 April 25-29
23 47
Washington, DC/American Jewish Congress/Women's Division
"Israel, A Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East", Washington, DC, American Jewish Congress/Women's Division, April 30, 1980
1980 April 30
23 48
Idaho/Jaycee Convention
1980 May 3-5
23 49
Washington, DC/Home Center Institute
1980 May 6
23 50
Baltimore, MD/Talmudical Academy of Baltimore
"Israel: Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East", Baltimore, MD, Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, May 13, 1980
1980 May 13
23 51
"Keepers of The Law", Moscow, ID, University of Idaho, Law School Commencement, May 17, 1980
1980 May 16-June 1
23 52
Commencement Address, Various Locations In Idaho, May 18-22, 1980
1980 May 18-22
23 53
Twin Falls, ID/State Aging Conference
Evans, John V.
Keynote To State Aging Conference, Twin Falls, ID, May 28, 1980
1980 May 28
23 54
Minnesota/Fund Raiser
1980 June 1-2
23 55
Kinghorn, Bob
To The Idaho State AFL-CIO Convention, Coeur d'Alene, ID, June 10, 1980; To The Idaho State Democratic Convention, Pocatello, ID, June 13, 1980
1980 June 6-15
23 56
1980 June 20-22
23 57
Seattle, WA/International Consumer Credit Association

"A Legislator's Prespective for The Turbulent Eighties", Seattle, Wa, International Consumer Credit Assocation, June 23, 1980
1980 June 23
23 58
1980 July 3-20
23 59
On Education and Policies, Idaho Education Association, 3rd Annual Leadership Conference At Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, August 4, 1980
1980 July 23-August 5
23 60
1980 August 16-September 6
23 61
1980 September 19-22
23 62
Washington, DC/Fund Raiser
1980 September 23
23 63
New York City
1980 September 25-30
24 1
Taylor, James L.; Burke, Larry
1980 October 2-November 4
24 2
Collery, Arnold
1980 October 2-November 4
24 3
San Francisco, CA/Including Jewish National Fund
Symms, Steve
Letters About Trip; Press Release Saying Church Won; Dinner Tickets; General Election; Steve Symms Campaign Tactics/Right Wing/Israel
Speech Text About Reagan's Victory and Church's Loss, Including Reagan On Israel, December 6, 1980
1980 December 5-8
3: Articles and magazines
This file contains articles written by Senator Church, some of which were based upon speeches he had given that were expanded for publication. The article files are indexed in three ways: alphabetically by the title of the article, the name of the publication in which they appeared, and by date. The controversial January 26, 1965 Look article, "Conspiracy USA", can be found in this portion of the collection.
Box Folder
1 1
Foreign Policy and The Rule of Law
Foreign Relations
1 2
Panama Canal Treaties, The
Foreign Relations
Panama Canal
1 3
Ending Emergency Government
Akron Law Review
Presidential Authority
Separation of Powers
1 4
Bi-Centennial Message
America: Vision and Promise
1 5
of Presidents and Caesars
American Association of University Women Journal
Presidential Authority
Separation of Powers
1 6
Ending Emergency Government
American Bar Association Journal
Presidential Authority
Separation of Powers
1 7
Whither Wilderness
American Forests
1 8
Should We End Our Foreign Aid Program?
American Legion Magazine
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
1 9
American Retail Federation Journal
1 10
Look Homeward America
Andrew Tulley Column
Domestic Spending
1 11
Interview Transcript
Associated Press
Foreign Relations
1 12
Let Us Have No Illusions About Peace
Associated Press
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 13
1 13
Toward A More Perfect Union
Atlantic Community Quarterly
Foreign Relations
1 14
Review - None Dare Call It Treason
Atlantic Monthly
1 15
War Plane Sales to Mideast
Baltimore Sun
Foreign Relations
Middle East
1 16
Creating Incentives for Peace In The Middle East
Washington Post
Foreign Relations
Middle East
1 16
Creating Incentives for Peace In The Middle East
Boston Globe
Foreign Relations
Middle East
1 17
Detection of Underground Nuclear Explosions
Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists
Nuclear Weapons
1 18
Disengagement from Vietnam: A Reply to President Nixon
Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists
Foreign Relations
1 19
Call for A New Latin American Policy, A
Foreign Relations
Latin America
1 20
Multinational Corporations: Will They Usher In A New World Order
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corps.
1 21
Chicago Tribune
Foreign Policy
Cambodia; Bombing
1 22
Aging: The Limitations of Legislation
1 23
Question and Answer Transcript
Council for A Livable World
Foreign Relations
1 24
Secrecy and Secutiry
Crisis In Confidence: The Impact of Watergate
1 25
Divided Europe: New Moves Toward Unity
Foreign Relations
1 26
Making Foreign Policy
Presidential Authority
Foreign Relations
1 27
Toward A New Policy In Latin America
Christianity In Crisis
Foreign Relations
Latin America
1 27
Toward A New Policy In Latin America
Foreign Relations
Latin America
1 28
Review - Global Reach
Democratic Review
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corps.
1 29
Farewell to Foreign Aid
Development Today
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
1 30
Trail Blazed By Lewis and Clark, The
1 31
from The USA to All The World With Love
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
1 32
from The U.S.A. to All The World With Love
Foreign Aid
Arsenal Diplomacy
1 33
Multinational Corporations and East Asia
Ethical Perspectives On Business and Society
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corporations
1 34
Europa Und Die Zukunst Der Atlantischen Gemeinschaft
Europa Archiv
Foreign Relations
1 35
Face To Face
Foreign Relations
1 36
Borah As Fc Hero from The Childhood Hero Series
Family Weekly
Childhood Hero Series Appeared In The Family Weekly of Oct 3, 1971 But FC's Article Was Not Included. Series Did Not Run On Oct 10. F.Wy. Was A Nationally Syndicated Sunday Supplement; Came With The Idaho Statesman.
1 37
Old Folks As "Them"
Family Weekly
1 38
Rivers, Recreation and You
Field and Stream
National Parks
Wild Rivers
1 39
US Policy and The New Europe
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Relations
1 40
Foreign Policy
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corporations
1 41
Spread of Nuclear Weapons: Can It Be Stopped, The
Foreign Policy Association
Nuclear Weapons
2 1
Senatorial Opinion Symposium
Forensics Quarterly
2 2
Man of This Century - Elmo Roper, A
Freedom and Union
Elmo Roper
2 3
Private World of Barry Goldwater, The
2 4
Review - Vietnam and The US
Foreign Relations
2 5
Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
Great Decisions Series - Radio
Nuclear Weapons
2 6
Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice, The
Foreign Relations
2 7
Critique of Lipset Article On Two Party System
Two Party System
2 8
Slice of Treason, A
2 9
Interview On Aging
Harvest Years
2 11
Idaho Democratic Newsletter
2 12
Idaho and Federal Gun Law
Idaho Fishing and Hunting Guide
Gun Control
2 13
Federal Timber Harvest
Idaho Forester
Timber Harvest
2 14
of Presidents and Caesars
Idaho Law Review
Presidential Authority
Powers of Congress
2 15
Libraries and Lifelong Learning
Idaho Librarian
2 16
Bomb Now, Pay Later
Idaho State Journal
Foreign Relations
2 17
Interview With Steve Ahrens
Idaho Statesman
Revenue Sharing
2 18
Guest Opinion
Idaho Statesman
Budget Deficit
2 19
Guest Opinion
Idaho Statesman
2 20
Reclamation Act
Idaho Statesman
Public Lands
Reclamation Act
2 21
Foreign Relations
2 22
Torment In The Land, The
Intermountain Observer
Foreign Relations
2 23
International News Service
Political Affairs
First Days In The Senate
2 24
Marianne Means' Washington
King Features Syndicate
Foreign Relations
2 25
Interview By James Mccartney
Knight Newspapers
Foreign Relations
2 26
Future of Coal, The
Landmark Magazine
2 27
Only Alternative: A Response to Nixon, The
Lewiston Morning Tribune
2 28
This Divided Nation
Lewiston Morning Tribune
Domestic Tension
2 29
Congress Must Reassert Itself
Lewiston Morning Tribune
Foreign Relations
Vietnam; Presidential Powers
2 30
Conspiracy USA
2 31
Conspiracy USA
Reprint of Article In This Folder 31
2 32
Conspiracy USA
2 33
Conspiracy USA
2 34
Conspiracy USA
2 35
Conspiracy USA
2 36
Conspiracy USA
2 37
Conspiracy USA
2 38
Conspiracy USA
2 39
Conspiracy USA
2 40
Conspiracy USA
3 1
How Many More Lives Shall We Sacrifice
Los Angeles Times
Foreign Relations
3 2
Cuba In Perspective
Los Angeles Times
Foreign Relations
3 3
Korean Paralysis, The
Foreign Relations
3 4
Impounding Congressional Policy
Presidential Authority
Impoundment of Funds; Separation of Powers
3 5
National Council of Jewish Women
3 6
Aging In America
National Council On Aging
3 7
Population and Our Ravaged Environment
National Reporter
Zero Population
3 8
Who Invited U.S.?
Net Public Television
Foreign Relations
Latin America
3 9
View from Europe, The
New Leader
Foreign Relations
3 10
Review - Power and Impotence
New Leader
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 1
3 11
Russian Motives, The
New Republic
Foreign Relations
3 12
Why I Voted No On Aid
New Republic
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
3 13
Letter to Editor
New York Herald Tribune
3 14
Inter-American Police Force, An
New York Times
Foreign Relations
Police Force
3 15
Case for Debate, A
New York Times
Foreign Relations
3 16
Campaign Money--How Much? from Whom?
New York Times
See Also Series 10.6 Box 7 Folder 1
3 17
We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
New York Times
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
3 18
We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
New York Times
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
1965/02/14 #2
3 19
We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
New York Times
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
1965/02/14 #3
3 20
We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia
New York Times
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
1965/02/14 #4
3 21
How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Take On?
New York Times
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5, 14
3 22
President and Congress In Foreign Policy, The
New York Times
Foreign Relations
Presidential Authority
3 23
Helping The Elderly Avoid Tax Overpayment
New York Times
3 24
New York Times
3 25
Face to Face Series
Foreign Relations
3 26
Are The Russians Really Coming In Africa
Foreign Relations
Soviet Union; Africa
3 27
Search for A Viable Foreign Economic Policy, The
Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
Foreign Policy
Economic Policy
3 28
Multinational Corporations: A New International Force, The
Nuevo Diaro
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corporations
3 30
Creative Contributions of Older Americans
Oregon Democrat
3 31
Foreign Relations
3 32
On Pension Act
Pension and Welfare
Social Security
Pension Act
3 33
How We Can Protect The Retail Pharmacists from Drug Abuse Crime
Pharmacy Times
3 34
Global Crunch, The
Foreign Relations
1969/08/00 #1
3 35
Global Crunch, The ( Scanned On Mss Photos Database)
Foreign Relations
3 36
President's Successor
Presidential Succession
3 37
US and USSR: Two Sentinels of The Status Quo
Foreign Relations
3 38
Crisis of Survival Statement
3 39
Two of A Kind
Foreign Relations
4 1
Needs of Elderly
Public Welfare
4 2
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 6 Folder 23
4 3
What Is A Liberal?
Reader's Digest
Pro Democrat
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
4 4
We Must Stop Poisoning The Air
Nuclear Weapons
Atmosphere Tests
4 5
War Without End
Representative American Speeches
Foreign Relations
4 5
Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap
Representative American Speeches
Foreign Relations
4 6
Restricting Hand Guns - The Liberal Skeptics Speak Out
Gun Control
4 7
Multinationals Invest Overseas
Retail Clerks Advocate
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corporations
4 8
American Foreign Policy In Transition
Sais Review
Foreign Relations
Congressional Powers
4 9
San Diego Law Review
Foreign Relations
Multinational Corps.
4 10
Vietnam: The Other Alternative
San Juan Star
Foreign Policy
4 11
We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam
Saturday Evening Post
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 11, 14
4 12
United Nations Is Twenty-One
Saturday Review
Foreign Relations
4 13
Unsung Victory of The Doves, The
Saturday Review
Foreign Relations
4 14
Dam Job Underway
Spokesman Review
Public Works
Dworshak Dam
4 15
Impoundment of Appropriated Funds
Stanford Law Review
Powers of Congress
4 16
Reappraising American Policy
Foreign Relations
4 17
US Policy and The New Europe
Foreign Relations
4 18
Stubborn War, The
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 1
4 19
Gunboat Diplomacy and Colonial Economics
Foreign Relations
Latin America
4 20
Urgent Need for Legislative Relief, An
Typographical Journal
4 21
Watergate Fallout, The
UCLA World Review
Powers of Congress
4 22
U.S. Congress: Men Who Steered Its Course 1787-1867
4 23
Is The US Turning Toward Isolationism
U.S. Information Agency
Foreign Relations
4 24
What Is A Liberal?
U.S. News and World Report
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 5
4 25
U.S. News and World Report
Foreign Relations
4 26
Liberal Revolt Against Foreign Aid, The
United Press International
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
4 27
United Press International
Foreign Relations
4 28
One Senator Against Christmas Tree Policy
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
4 29
US and USSR: Two Sentinels of The Status Quo
Vital Speeches of The Day
Foreign Relations
4 30
Vietnam: Disengagement Now
Vital Speeches of The Day
Foreign Relations
4 31
Latin America: Toward A New Policy
Vital Speeches of The Day
Foreign Relations
Latin America
4 32
Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap
Vital Speeches of The Day
Foreign Relations
4 33
Farewell to Foreign Aid
Vital Speeches of The Day
Foreign Relations
Third World
4 34
State of The Aging, The
Vital Speeches of The Day
4 35
Only Alternative: An Answer to Nixon, The
Washington Monthly
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 2
4 36
Basic Flaw In Our Asian Policy, The
Washington Post
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.6 Box 8 Folder 10
4 37
Coping With The Cartel
Washington Post
Oil Boycott
4 38
Oil and Confrontation
Washington Post
4 39
What Secrets Should Be Kept?
Washington Post
4 40
Taking Exception
Washington Post
4 41
On The Record
Washington Sunday Star
Foreign Relations
4 42
Weekly Groene Amsterdam
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid
4 43
Western Wildlands
4 44
Letter to The Editor
Idaho Daily Statesman
Natural Resources
Water; Hells Canyon Dam
4 45
The One Dam Plan
Christian Science Monitor
Natural Resources
Water; Hells Canyon Dam
See Also Series 10.10 Box 1 Folder 2
4 46
of Presidents and Caesars
AAUW Journal
Political Affairs
Presidential Power; War Powers Act
4 47
A Farewell to Foreign Aid
Washington Post, Outlook,
Foreign Relations
Foreign Aid; Third World
4 48
Why I Am Coming to Westport to Discuss The New Right
New York Times (Connecticut Section)
Political Affairs
New Right; Moral Majority
See Also Series 10.7 Box 5 Folder 19; Corresponding Speech Series 8.1
4 49
America's New Foreign Policy
New York Times Magazine
Foreign Relations
Soviet Union; Ronald Reagan
Reagan, Ronald
4 50
SALT II Revisited
Washington Post
Foreign Relations
SALT II; Jimmy Carter
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 21
4 51
The Rapid Deployment Force: Time to Stop and Think
New York Times
Foreign Relations
Arms; Rapid Deployment Force
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 20
4 52
A Senator's Thoughts of A Bitter Campaign
USA Today
Political Affairs
Negative Campaign Advertising; Campaign 1980
4 53
John F. Kennedy: A Parable for Our Times
With Jerome Levinson
John F. Kennedy
Kennedy, John F.
4 54
Cold Warrior Who Could Change Horses
San Jose Mercury News
John F. Kennedy
Cold War
Kennedy, John F.
4 55
Can The Henry Kissinger of The Chile Coup Adapt?
Foreign Relations
Latin America; Henry Kissinger; Ronald Reagan
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 20
4 56
Changing America's Future
Idaho Statesman
Foreign Relations
Third World; Revolution; Soviet Union
4 57
We Must Learn to Live With Revolutions; It's Time We Learned to Live With Third World Revolutions
Washington Post
Foreign Relations
Latin America; Nicaragua; Nationalism
Theme of Nationalism Also Expressed In 1969 Speech, "Revolution and World Order" Series 8.1. Box 5, Folder 140 Etc.
1984/03/11; 1984/03/26
4 58
Do We Still Plot Murders? Who Will Believe We Don't?
Foreign Relations
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 21
4 59
Crusade of Senator Church, The
About FC
4 60
An Ounce of Lead: Gunning for Senator Church
About FC
4 61
Sam Day Book On Frank Church
About FC
4 62
Frank Church Profile
About FC
4 63
At 32, Church of Idaho, Is Thrilled By Senate
Washington Evening Star; Mary McGrory
About FC
McGrory, Mary
4 64
Youngest U.S. Senator: Thirty-Two Year Old Frank Church Elected Junior Senator from Idaho
Unicorn, The
About FC
Campaign 1956
See Also Series 10.10 Box 1 Folder 2
4 65
Champions of Reclamation
Current News, The
Natural Resources
Water; Reclamation; Dams; Bonneville Power
4 66
Tale of Two Senates, A
Lithopinion 10
About FC
4 67
Frank Church: Democratic Senator from Idaho
Citizens Look At Congress; Ralph Nader Congress Project
About FC
Senate Career
4 68
Frank Church: The Chameleon In The Senate
American Opinion
Foreign Relations
Foreign Policy; Vietnam
4 69
The Idaho Yahoos: Frank Church and The Birchers
Political Affairs
John Birch Society
4 70
Senator Church vs Rocky On The CIA
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Operations
4 71
Senator Church's Topic: The Nation's Soul
Washington Star; Mary McGrory
Campaign 1976
CIA; Senate Select Committee On Intelligence
McGrory, Mary
4 72
Frank Church: The Hottest Liberal Dark Horse
Village Voice; Mary Perot Nichols
Campaign 1976
Nichols, Mary Perot
4 73
Political Spotlight Swings Toward Frank Church
Washington Star; Norman Kempster
Campaign 1976
Kempster, Norman
4 74
Running Slowly for President: Will America Come to Church?
Washington Post; Myra MacPherson
Political Affairs
Campaign 1976
MacPherson, Myra
4 75
Shameful Show, A
Lewiston Morning Tribune, Opinion
Select Committee On Intelligence Activities
CIA; FBI; Gerald R. Ford
Ford, Gerald R.
4 76
From Senator Borah to Senator Church
Lewiston Morning Tribune; George Will
About FC
Will, George
5 1
Geneva Talks
Foreign Relations
Nuclear Testing
5 2
Myths That Plague America Foreign Policy
Foreign Relations
Cold War; Soviet Union
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 1
5 3
President Johnson: An Able Architect of American Foreign Policy
Foreign Relations
Lyndon B. Johnson
See Also Series 10.6 Box 1 Folder 16
5 4
Foreign Policy
Coward-McCann. Inc.
Foreign Relations
5 5
Good Housekeeping
5 6
Human Rights and Congress
Harvard Law School Bulletin
Foreign Relations
Human Rights
5 7
Possible Book
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Book Prospects
5 8
Book Prospects
5 9
Book Prospects
Foreign Relations
5 10
Review - The Bitter Heritage
Foreign Relations
5 11
Separate Peace, A
Foreign Relations
5 12
Soil Conservation Comes First
5 13
Stanford Pageant
University Experience
5 14
Return of The Lone Ranger, The
Foreign Relations
Latin America
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 20
5 15
On Revolution In Latin America
Foreign Relations
Latin America
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 20
5 16
On Beating Swords Into Plowshares
Foreign Relations
Arms Limitation
10.7 Box 4 Folder 20
5 17
Cloak Over Nicaragua, A
Foreign Relations
Latin America; Nicaragua; Ronald Reagan
See Also Series 10.7 Box 4 Folder 21; Reagan, Ronald
5 18
Post Vietnam Foreign Policy, A
Foreign Relations
4: Meetings
Over the years the Church staff gave different interpretations to the heading "meetings." Therefore, this series includes records of official Senatorial committee meetings, invitations to social functions and meetings in Idaho, as well as social functions in Washington, D.C., and requests for individuals to meet the Senator.
Box Folder
1 1
Roper, Elmo
1956 October-December
1 2
Meet The Press Appearance
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Boland, Edward P.
Meetings; Meet The Press Appearance With Other Freshman Senators
1 3
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
Allott, Gordon; Lineweaver, Goodrich W.; Murray, James E.
1957 January-August
1 4
Committee On Post Office and Civil Service
1 5
Williams, G. Mennen
1957 April-December
1 6
Meet The Press Appearance
Potter, Charles E.
Meetings; Meet The Press Appearance; S.21-Increases In Annuities of Annuitants Under The Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930
1957 July-August
1 7
Stennis, John C.; Morse, Wayne; Lesinski, John; Mundt, Karl E.; Kefauver, Estes; Murray, James E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Pastore, John O.; Douglas, Paul H.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Bennett, Wallace F.
1 8
Wagner, Robert F.; Robertson, A. Willis; Anderson, Jack Z.; Mundt, Karl E.; Graham, Billy; Brucker, Wilber M.; Kennedy, John F.
1957 April-June
1 9
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Rhodes, John J.; Jackson, Henry M.
1957 July-December
1 10
Smathers, George A.; Carlson, Frank; Cooper, John Sherman; Long, Russell B.; Coffin, Frank M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; King, Cecil R.
1957 January-February
1 11
Long, Russell B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Mumford, L. Quincy
1957 March-November
1 12
1 13
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
Murray, James E.; Adams, Francis L.; O'Mahoney, Joseph C.
H.R.12662 Acquisition of Lands Missouri River; S.Con.Res.3 Raising The Standard of Living for American Indians; S.809 Economic Assistance To The American Indians; S.2530 Transfer of Lands To The Indian Tribes of Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation
1958 January-August
1 13
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
S.331 Jurisdiction To The States for Acts of Civil Disobedience Arising Or Committed On Indian Reservations; S.3468 Construction and Improvement of Roads On Navajo and Hopi Reservations; S.2592 Execution of Contracts With Indian Tribes; H.R.5624 Clear Ti
1958 January-August
1 13
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
S.2594 Transfer of Property and Functions From FHA To Secretary of Interior; H.R.8524 Authorize Preparation of Roll of Persons Whose Ancestors Were Members of Otoe and Missouria Tribes Dispersal of Funds; H.R.8544 Ownership of Land On Certain Indian
1958 January-August
1 13
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
H.R.8958-Authorization To Convey Certain Indian Lands To The Diocese of Superior for Cemetary Purposes; H.R.2824-To Provide for Distribution of Certain Indian Rancherias and Reservations In California
1958 January-August
1 14
Committee On Post Office and Civil Service
Monroney, A.S. Mike; Clark, Joseph S.
H.R.10320 Increase Postage for Certain Business Mail; S.1864 Authorize Increased Size of The Board of Appeals and Increase Certain Salaries At The Patent Office; H.R.10504 Extend Certain Provisions of The Longshoremen's Act To Certain Civil Service Emplo
1958 March-August
1 14
Committee On Post Office and Civil Service
S.4004 Encourage and Authorize Transfer of Federal Employees for Service With International Organizations; H.R.9407 Provide Government Employee Better Conditions for Career Advancement; H.R.13404 Postal Field Service Compensation Act of 1955 Panama C
1958 March-August
1 14
Committee On Post Office and Civil Service
H.R.10495 Extending Limits for Establishment of Postal Stations and Branch Offices; H.R.1168 Preservation of Basic Compensation In Downgrading Actions
1958 March-August
1 15
Committee On Public Works
Chavez, Dennis; Javits, Jacob K.; Ives, Irving M.
Meetings; Committee On Public Works
1 16
1958 January-September
1 17
Murray, James E.; Anderson, Clinton P.
1958 October-December
1 18
Capehart, Homer E.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Cooper, John Sherman; Pfost, Gracie; Sikes, Bob; Sparkman, John J.; Potter, Charles E.; Green, Theodore Francis; Thye, Edward J.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Hastings, John A.; Proxmire, William; Johnson, Lyndon B.
Office Meetings; S.Res.259-Providing Assistance To Members of The Senate...Connected Visiting Dignitaries
1958 January-August
2 1
Rosellini, Albert D.; Case, Clifford P.; Summerfield, Arthur E.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
1958 February-August
2 2
1958 September-November
2 3
Douglas, William O.
1958 January
2 4
Long, Russell B.; Monroney, A.S. Mike; Kerr, Robert S.; Douglas, William O.
1958 February-March
2 5
Butler, Paul M.; Chaffee, Eugene B.; Byrd, Harry F., Sr.
1958 April-May
2 6
1958 June-October
2 7
2 8
Committee On Foreign Relations
Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Fulbright, J.W.; Brandt, Willy; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Stennis, John C.; Clark, Joseph S.; Murray, James E.
1959 January-August
2 9
Committee On Interior and Insular Affairs
Allott, Gordon; Murray, James E.; Anderson, Clinton P.
2 10
Committee On Post Office and Civil Service
Clark, Joseph S.
1959 July-August
2 11
2 12
Eastland, James O.; Douglas, Paul H.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Saltonstall, Leverett; Stennis, John C.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Dworshak, Henry C.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; McGee, Gale
2 13
Chaffee, Eugene B.; Smylie, Robert E.; Clark, Joseph S.; Scott, Hugh
2 14
McCarthy, Eugene J.; Udall, Stewart L.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Smylie, Robert E.; Mcquade, Henry F.
2 15
2 16
White, Compton I., Jr.; Smylie, Robert E.
1963 January-July
2 17
1963 August-November
2 18
1963 January-September
2 19
1963 October-December
2 20
2 21
Clark, Joseph S.; Brewster, Daniel B.; Byrd, Harry F., Sr.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Bible, Alan
1964 January-May
3 1
Randolph, Jennings; Udall, Stewart L.; Bayh, Birch; Spock, Benjamin; Galbraith, John Kenneth
1964 June-December
3 2
Randolph, Jennings; Jordan, B. Everett
3 3
Mansfield, Mike; Neuberger, Maurine B.; Hayden, Carl; Inouye, Daniel K.; Fong, Hiram L.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Udall, Morris K.; Brademas, John; Hertzog, George B., Jr.; Clark, Joseph S.; Dominick, Peter H.; McGovern, George; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Gruening,
Meetings; National 4-H Conference; S.21-Development of National Resources
3 4
3 5
Magnuson, Warren G.
3 6
Craig, Larry E.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Hartke, Vance; Bible, Alan; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Palar, L.N.; Fulbright, J.W.; Moss, Frank E.
3 7
Bayh, Birch; Boggs, Hale; Proxmire, William; French, Stewart; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Mansfield, Mike
3 8
Tydings, Joseph D.; Randolph, Jennings; Samuelson, Don; Kennedy, Edward M.; McGovern, George; Mathias, Bob; Hartke, Vance; McGee, Gale; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Smylie, Robert E.; Clark, Joseph S.
3 9
Muskie, Edmund S.; McGovern, George; Metcalf, Lee; Kennedy, Robert F.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Bible, Alan; Moss, Frank E.; Clark, Joseph S.; Mansfield, Mike; Tydings, Joseph D.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Ellender, Allen J.; Magnuson, Warren G.;
3 10
Dirksen, Everett Mckinley; Muskie, Edmund S.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Kennedy, Edward M.; Moss, Frank E.; Symington, Stuart; Brooke, Edward W.; McGovern, George; Clark, Joseph S.; Harris, Fred R.; Randolph, Jennings; Smylie, Robert E.; Baker, Howard H., J
3 10
Williams, Harrison A., Jr.; Ellender, Allen J.; Harris, Fred R.; Hartke, Vance; Jordan, B. Everett
3 11
Hartke, Vance; Javits, Jacob K.; McGovern, George; Montoya, Joseph M.; Nelson, Gaylord; Hart, Philip A.; Mondale, Walter F.; Tydings, Joseph D.; Symington, Stuart; Cooper, John Sherman; Hearst, Randolph A.; Hansen, Orval; Hatfield, Mark O.; Samuelson, Do
3 12
Boggs, J. Caleb; Jordan, B. Everett; Pearson, James B.; Lucet, Jacob K.; Javits, Jacob K.; Cooper, John Sherman; McClure, James A.; Pell, Claiborne; Cranston, Alan; McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.; Schweiker, Richard S.; Stevens, Ted; Packwood, Bob;
3 12
Hart, Philip A.; Case, Clifford P.; Murphy, George; Morse, F. Bradford; Kennedy, Edward M.; Goldwater, Barry M.; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Symington, Stuart; Nelson, Gaylord; Hansen, Orval; Aiken, George D.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Kissinger
3 13
Ribicoff, Abraham; Hatfield, Mark O.; Fulbright, J.W.; Packwood, Bob; McGee, Gale; Saxbe, William B.; Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Williams, Harrison A., Jr.
1971 January-September
3 13
Jackson, Henry M.; Case, Clifford P.; Mondale, Walter F.; Gambrell, David H.; Scott, Hugh; Cooper, John Sherman; Cochrane, William M.; Symington, Stuart; Anderson, Clinton P.; Stevens, Ted; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Allen, James B.; Sparkman, John J.; Andrus,
"You Can Bet Your Free Life", May, 1971, Commencements
1971 January-September
4 1
Jordan, B. Everett; Moss, Frank E.; Sparkman, John J.; Javits, Jacob K.; Gravel, Mike; Cranston, Alan; Kennedy, Edward M.; Symington, Stuart; Packwood, Bob
Meetings; In The Business International/U.S.S.R. Roundtable
"Closing The Door On Arsenal Diplomacy", Council for A Livable World, November 4, 1971
1971 October-December
4 2
Cenarrusa, Pete T.
4 3
Symms, Steve; Andrus, Cecil D.
4 4
Zhukov, Y.
4 5
Jackson, Henry M.; McGovern, George; Stokes, Louis; Kennedy, Edward M.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
4 6
Helms, Jesse; Douglass, Frederic; Case, Clifford P.; Mondale, Walter F.; Dole, Robert; Pearson, James B.; Nunn, Sam; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
4 7
Foreign Relations
Javits, Jacob K.; Pearson, James B.; Pell, Claiborne; Spong, William B., Jr.
4 8
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.; Glenn, John; Kennedy, Edward M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Welch, Glenn E., Jr.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Cranston, Alan; Trueblood, Ted; Hansen, George V.; Larocco, Larry
4 9
Foreign Relations
McGee, Gale
4 10
Ribicoff, Abraham; Percy, Charles H.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Javits, Jacob K.; Aaron, Hank; Thurmond, Strom; Bellmon, Henry; Muskie, Edmund S.; Hearst, Randolph A.; Dobkins, Knute; Moss, Frank E.; Morris, Bill
4 11
Foreign Relations
Kissinger, Henry A.; Hearst, Randolph A.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
4 12
Cranston, Alan; Deconcini, Dennis; Laxalt, Paul; Magnuson, Warren G.; Pearson, James B.; Ford, Wendell H.; Bentsen, Lloyd; Hoffmann, F. Nordy; O'neill, Thomas P., Jr.; Dole, Robert; Thurmond, Strom; Carter, Rosalynn; McClure, James A.
4 13
Hart, Gary; Muskie, Edmund S.; Carey, John M.; Schlesinger, James R.; Cranston, Alan; Hayakawa, S.I.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Peretz, Martin; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
4 14
O'neill, Thomas P., Jr.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Denver, John; Lindsay, Beth; Cannon, Howard W.; Tunney, John V.; Chisholm, Shirley; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Javits, Jacob K.; Jackson, Henry M.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Kemeny, John G.; Simpson, Alan K.
4 15
Foreign Relations
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
4 16
Foreign Relations
Morgan, Robert
4 17
Palkhivala, Navi A.; Trueblood, Ted; Cranston, Alan; Lear, Norman
4 18
Foreign Relations
Hollings, Ernest F.
4 19
Leahy, Patrick J.; Jackson, Henry M.; Cranston, Alan; Evans, John V.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Agosto, Miguel A. Hernandez; Kampelman, Max M.; Ireland, Andy; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Clark, Dick; Culver, John C.
4 20
Foreign Relations
Glenn, John; Pell, Claiborne; Cranston, Alan
4 21
Foreign Relations
5 1
Moynihan, Daniel P.; Bradley, Bill; Lugar, Richard G.; Rogers, William P.; Cranston, Alan; Byrd, Robert C.; Rusk, Dean; Bayh, Birch; Laxalt, Paul; Deconcini, Dennis; Carter, Rosalynn; Percy, Charles H.; Sasser, Jim
5 2
Foreign Relations
Cranston, Alan; Tsongas, Paul E.
5 3
Foreign Relations

9:  AdministrationReturn to Top

An amalgamation of office operational records mostly for the 1950s, and incomplete files on the Church staff and interns for the same period. Included are also copies of "Multiple Letters", 1957-1960, which now would be called ROBO's (form letters) and some unrelated subject files. Subject to further retention review.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: General
Box Folder
1 2
Byrd, Robert C.; Jordan, B. Everett; Proxmire, William; Scott, Hugh; Moss, Frank E.; Mansfield, Mike
1 3
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Cannon, Howard W.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.; Byrd, Robert C.; Mansfield, Mike; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; McClure, James A.; Jordan, B. Everett; Cook, Marlow W.; Johnston, J. Bennett; Cranston, Alan; Brock, William E.; Biden, Joseph R., J
P.L.93-191, S.3210-Prank Mail Transmitted By The Vice President, Members of Congress, and Congressional Officials; S.2500-Establish An Office of Constituent Assistance
1 4
Metcalf, Lee; Moss, Frank E.; Fulbright, J.W.; Cannon, Howard W.
Threat of Bodily Harm By A Nut
1 5
Byrd, Robert C.; Pell, Claiborne; Cannon, Howard W.; Hathaway, William D.; Laxalt, Paul
Note By Ralph W. Hansen: "This Folder Seems To Me To Typify The Administration Files and Should Be Saved As A Sample of What One Looked Like". (Contents Were Sorted Into One Chronological Sequence By Month)
1977 January-June
1 6
1977 July-December
1 7
Byrd, Robert C.
Roll Call Attendence
1 8
Boise Office
Boise Office Memos
1 9
Boise Office
1 10
Filing System
1 11
Moscow Office
Larocco, Larry
Closing of Moscow Office
1 12
Report and Statistics
Martin, Thomas
Administration Report and Statistics
1 13
Washington National Records Centers
2: Job applications
Box Folder
1 1
Peterson, F. Ross
1 2
Picard, Fred
1 3
1 4
1 5
Wouk, Herman; Chance, Don
1 6
1 7
VIP Resumes
1 8
Walker, Martin
3: Mail
Box Folder
1 1
Distribution of Materials
1 2
Distribution of Materials
Mail--Distribution of Materials
"Let US Keep The School and Program Intact", January 13; "Let's Save Our Wildrivers", Lewiston, October 1965; "Farming In Idaho: A Look Ahead"; "Aiding Developing Insitutions", Senate, April 19, 1966; "Irrigation Project Feasibility Studies", July 12
1 2
Distribution of Materials
Statement To Apporpriations Committee On Agriculture, March 10, 1966; "A New System for Forest Roads Financing", March 15, 1966; "U.S. Policy and The New Europe", Article, Foreign Affairs, October, 1966
1 3
Distribution of Materials
Mail--Distribution of Materials
"The United Nations At Twenty-One", Report, February, 1967; "Disclosure of Income and Assets By Senator Frank Church", May 4, 1967
1 4
Multiple Letters
1957 January-April
1 5
Multiple Letters
1957 May-December
1 6
Multiple Letters
1 7
Multiple Letters
Counts of Multiple Letters (Robos) Sent Out Weekly Includes Copies of Some Letters
Statement At Mines and Minerals Subscommittee, House, June 9, 1958
1958 February-June
1 8
Multiple Letters
Counts of Multiple Letters (Robos) Sent Out Weekly Includes Copies of Some Letters
1958 July-December
1 9
Multiple Letters
Counts of Multiple Letters (Robos) Sent Out Weekly Includes Copies of Some Letters; Small Business Investment Act, September 5, 1958, Text, Explanation, Questions and Answers; S.1883-...Transmission of Electric Power...[Wheeling]
"We Must Stop Poisoning The Air", Article, The Reporter, April 16, 1959; Statement On The Introduction of A Bill for Wheeling of Federal Power Over Utility Lines Crossing Public Lands, May 6, 1959
1959 January-June
1 10
Multiple Letters
Sr452-Freight Car Supply; Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, Conference Report
"Excessive Secrecy In Connection With The Mutual Security Program", May 28, 1959; "Role of Parliament In The Protection of The Rights of The Individual", Warsaw, Interparliamentary Union, September 2, 1959;
1959 July-December
1 10
Multiple Letters
"The Food for Peace Act Would Make The Farmer A Key Figure In American Foreign Policy, Senate, August 24, 1959
1959 July-December
1 11
Multiple Letters
"Proposed Banning of Nuclear Weapons Tests, Senate, February 11, 1960; "Amendment of The Sugar Act", Senate, March 30, 1960
1960 January-April
1 12
Multiple Letters
H.R.7379-...Detention of Mail...In The Public Interest...
"Adjustment of Compensation of Certain Federal Officers and Employees", Senate, June 17, 1960
1960 May-November
1 13
Multiple Letters
"Extension of Sugar Act of 1948", Senate, March 29, 1961; "Our New African Policy", Senate, June 29, 1961
1961 January-November
1 14
Multiple Letters
Message From The President of The United States Relative To An Agriculture Program, January 31, 1962
1962 January-September
1 15
Multiple Letters
2 1
Multiple Letters
"Borah Centennial Year", June 29, 1965; "The Vietnam Imbroglio", June 24, 1965; "What About Creeping Socialism?", Georgetown University, April 7, 1965; "Bomb Now, Pay Later", July 12, 1965
1965 January-September
2 2
Multiple Letters
1971; 1978-1980
2 3
Multiple Letters--Correspondence Management System
"Reference Guide for Operation of The Senate, Correspondence Management System"
4: Office operations
Box Folder
1 1
Bills, Inventory, Postage, and Travel
1 2
Boise Office
1 3
Office Memos
1 4
Office Party Efforts
Political Parodies
1 5
Stationery Records
1 6
Stationery Records
1959-1962; 1969
1 7
Telephone and Telegraph
1 8
Telephone and Telegraph
1960-1963; 1968-1969
5: Political appointments
Box Folder
1 1
B to W
Letters Asking for Work; General Patronage Regulations
1 2
B to H
Johnston, Olin D.; White, Byron R.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Monroney, Michael; O'Brien, Lawrence F.
Idaho Related Letters; Applications and Endorsements for Government Appointments, Alphabetically Arranged
1 3
J to M
Williams, Joe R.; White, Byron R.
Idaho Related Letters; Applications and Endorsements for Government Appointments, Alphabetically Arranged
1 4
N to V
Kennedy, Robert F.; Williams, Joe R.; Dillon, Douglas; Pfost, Gracie; Burke, Carl P.
Idaho Related Letters; Applications and Endorsements for Government Appointments, Alphabetically Arranged
1 5
A to M
Bowler, Di; Hower, Ward; Brady, Jerry; Goldberg, Arthur J.
Political Appointments
1 6
N to Z
Purce, Thomas L.
Idaho Related Letters
1 7
Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service
Blackburn, Harland K.; Coates, Ralph; Buttars, Charles
1977 #1
1 8
Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service
1977 #2
1 9
Bonneville Power Administration
Hodel, Don
1 10
Farmers Home Administration
1 11
United States Attorney
Shurtliff, M. Karl;
1 12
United States Marshall
Burke, Carl P.; Evans, John V.; Skoro, Tony
6: Senator
Box Folder
1 1
McCarthy, Joseph; Welker, Herman
Personal Correspondence About The Election; Housing and Office Arrangements; McCarthy's Senate Statement On The Defeat of Herman Welker
1 2
Hays, Wayne L.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Burns, Stanley M.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Killion, George; Green, Theodore Francis; Flanders, Ralph E.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Oppenheimer, Gideon H.; Herndon, Charles; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Anderson, Clinton P.
Congratulations and Invitations; Letters From Friends and Family; Letter From Frank Church To Staff About Chase's Name; Background On United States Capital Building
1 3
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Eastland, James O.; Biemiller, Andrew J.; Smylie, Robert E.; Hill, Lister; Wylie, Philip; Agree, George E.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Bowler, Bruce; Baker, Robert G. (Bobby); Langer, William K.; Young, Milton R.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Tal
Acknowledgements for Gifts of Senators States' Agricultural Products; Frank Church Appointed To Public Works Committee
1958 January-March
1 4
Wylie, Philip; Agree, George E.; Hennings, Thomas C., Jr.; Langer, William K.; Young, Milton R.; Thye, Edward J.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Bowles, Chester; Proxmire, William; Oppenheimer, Gideon H.; Brown, Edmund G., Sr. ; Bowler, Bruce; Hickenlooper, Bourke
Acknowledgements for Gifts of Senators States' Agricultural Products; Correspondence With Friends and Family
1958 April-June
1 5
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Martin, Edward; Wiley, Alexander; Gore, Albert A., Sr.; Mansfield, Mike; Smith, H. Alexander; Macomber, William B., Jr.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Frear, J. Allen, Jr.; Butler, Paul M.; Murray, James E.; Green, Theodore
Several Birthday Greetings
1958 July-November
1 6
Anderson, Clinton P.; Proxmire, William; Neuberger, Maurine B.; Clark, Joseph S.
Who's Who In America; Borah Photo; Committee Assignments; Ad Hoc Committee
1 7
Pell, Claiborne; Byrd, Robert C.; Mansfield, Mike; Smathers, George A.; Clark, Joseph S.
Democratic Leadership Conference
1 8
Anderson, Wendell R.; Bumpers, Dale; Burdick, Quentin N.; Deconcini, Dennis; Durkin, John A.; Glenn, John; Gravel, Mike; Leahy, Patrick J.; Melcher, John; Metzenbaum, Howard M.; Moynihan, Daniel P.; Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Sasser, Jim; Zorinsky, Edward
Committee Assignment
1 9
Ethics Committee
1 10
Folder Contains Four of Frank Church's Passports, Issued 1969, 1974, 1979, and 1980
7: Staff
Box Folder
1 1
Barnes, Verda
Monroney, A.S. Mike; Montoya, Joseph M.; Bayh, Birch; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Muskie, Edmund S.
1 2
Barnes, Verda
Butler, Paul M.
1 3
Carver, John
Neuberger, Richard L.; Wolfe, George V.; Carver, John A., Jr.
Colorado River Litigation; Hell's Canyon Dam
1 4
Carver, John
Richards, Herbert E.; Magnuson, Warren G.; Flanders, Ralph E.; Carver, John A., Jr.
1 5
Carver, John
Carver, John A., Jr.
1 6
Field Offices
1 7
Hower, Phyllis
Agree, George E.
1 8
Legislative Assistant
1 9
Liaison Secretary--Brennan, Ed C.
1 10
Ungar, Sanford J.; Schmitt, Harrison; Stevenson, Adlai E. III
1974; 1976-1978
1 11
Miscellaneous--A to G
Brady, Jerry; Brennan, Ed C.; Corlett, Cleve; Dine, Tom
1 12
Miscellaneous--H to N
McDermott, Patricia L.; Mosher, Dean; Nelson, Bryce
1 13
Miscellaneous--P to W
Raphael, Rick; Sasser, Myrna; Underhill, David; Wenske, Gary
1 14
Staff Interns
1 15
Staff Interns
Andrus, Cecil D.
1 16
Staff Pages
1972; 1974
1 17
1 18
Ward, Porter
Swinney, H.J.
1 19
Ward, Porter
Kefauver, Estes
9: Appointment books
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
1 10
1 11
1 12
1 13
1 14
1 15
1 16
1 17
1 18
1 19
Appointment Secretary's
1 20
1 21
1 22
(Penciled In)
1 23
1 24
1 25
2 1
Visitor Registers, Senate Office
2 2
Visitor Registers, Senate Office
2 3
Visitor Registers, Senate Office
2 4
Visitor Registers, Senate Office

10:  PersonalReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Pre-Senate
Pre-Senate files include biographical material on Church and various family members, financial information, and materials dating to his school days, both in public school and law school.
Box Folder
1 1
Birth Certificates
Birth Certificates Frank Church; F. Forrester Church
1924; 1948
1 2
Grandfather -- F.F. Church Property, Idaho City, ID
Church, F.F., I
Sheriff's Sales/Ff Church Purchaser
1 3
Parents -- Frank F. Church & Laura Bilderback Church
Church, Frank F.; Church, Laura Bilderback
Wedding Announcement; World War II Food Ration Certificate
1912; 1943
1 4
Engagement to Jean Bethine Clark
1 5
Junior High Writing
1 5
Junior High Writing
Capital News
Junior High Writing; Letter To Capital News; 1939 On US Foreign Policy
1 6
High School and College
Debate Honors and Awards; Boise High School; Stanford University
1 7
Poetry Collected By Frank Church
1939-circa 1940
1 8
The American Way of Life -- American Legion Oratorical Contest
American Way of Life; American Legion Oratorical Contest
The American Way of Life, American Legion High School Oratorical Contest Winner, Charleston, S.C., April 18, 1941
1 9
Military Service/Army Reserve
Caine, A.H.; Foy, Zed L.; Clark, Chase A.
Merger of Army Reserve and National Guard; Chinese Citations; Selective Service Cards; Discharge Papers
1 10
Veterans Administration
National Service Life Insurance
1 11
Property -- California
1 12
Property -- Logan Street (Boise)
1 13
Housing (Washington, DC)
Folks With Houses for Sale Or Rentals Soliciting F.C.; House Rental Lease; Mayflower Moving Damage Claim
1 14
Income Taxes
1 15
1 16
Boise Junior College Teaching Notes
1 17
Speech Notes
1 18
Sulke, A.; Clark, Chase A.; Holden, Edwin M.
1 19
Clark, Jean Bethine; Borah, William E.
1 20
Report Cards
Boise Public Schools; Stanford University. Addition, Accession 93-24
1 21
Military Papers (Additional)
Banfill, Charles Y.; Seigle, H. W
China; Military Appointments; Discharge Papers; Deployments;
2 1
Law School - Administrative Law
2 2
Law School - Bills and Notes
2 3
Law School - Briefs
2 4
Law School - Code Pleading
2 5
Law School - Conflicts
2 6
Law School - Constitutional Law
2 7
Law School - Conveyancing
2 8
Law School - Corporations
2 9
Law School - Creditors Rights
2 10
Law School - Equity
2 11
Law School - Evidence
2 12
Law School - Future Interests
2 13
Law School - Persons
2 14
Law School - Sales
2 15
Law School - Taxation
2 16
Law School - Trusts
2 17
Law School - Wills
3 1
Law School - Contracts
3 2
Law School - Criminal Law
3 3
Law School - Judicial Review
3 4
Law School - Property
Casner, A. James
Property; Three Annotated Textbooks By A. James Casner
3 5
Law School - Torts
4 1
Ada County Democratic Party
4 2
Young Democrats
4 3
Crusade for Freedom -- Correspondence
Ford, Henry, II
4 4
Crusade for Freedom -- General
Jordan, Len B.; Ford, Henry, II;
4 5
Crusade for Freedom -- County Chairmen
4 6
Crusade for Freedom -- Honorary State Committee
4 7
Crusade for Freedom -- Freedom Bell Trip
Freedom Bell Trip; Berlin, Germany
4 8
Crusade for Freedom -- Freedom Scrolls
4 9
Crusade for Freedom -- Press Clippings
4 10
Crusade for Freedom -- Press Clippings
Scrapbook -- American Legion Oratorical Contest
2: Law practice
These files indicate that Church's early law practice was quite routine. He handled divorce proceedings, personal injury cases, sale of property, breach of contract, child support and wills.
Box Folder
1 1
Alexander, Ray and L.D. Anderson
1 2
1 3
Apache Mines Company
1 4
Apache Mines Company
1 5
Apache Mines Company
1 6
Atteberry, J.E.
1 7
Baker, Donald
1 8
Barnes, Leland W. vs Barbara A. Barnes
1 9
Baxter Foundry & Machine Works
1 10
Beaman, Frank R.
1 11
Bennett, Ernest
1 12
Berry, Thomas L.
1 13
Berry, W.K. vs Lucy M. Berry
1 14
Berry & Cook
1 15
Bilbrey, Bryan
1 16
Bilderback, Iva C.
1 17
Birdeye Mines, Inc.
1 18
Birdeye Mines, Inc.
1 19
Bradham, Addie (Estate)
1 20
Bromley, Leo L.
1 21
Brown, Blanche R.
1 22
Brown, Jesselene I. vs Earl Everett Brown
1 23
Bryer, Mrs. Roger
1 24
Bunting, Richard W. and Dorothy C.
1 25
Campbell, Thomas E.
1 26
Carter, Pasco B.
1 27
Case, Harold
1 28
Church, Albert T. (Estate)
1 29
Church, Evangeline
1 30
Church, Evangeline (Property)
1 31
Church, Frank F. -- Cancelled Checks
1 32
Transferred to Series 10.1 Box 1 Folder 14
1 33
Transferred to Series 10.1 Box 1 Folder 11
1 34
Transferred to Series 10.1 Box 1 Folder 12
1 35
Transferred to Series 1o.1 Box 1 Folder 9
1 36
Church, Frank F., Sr. (Estate)
2 1
Church, Laura B.
2 2
Church, Margaret Evangeline (Estate)
2 3
Clark, Chase A. and Jean E.
2 4
Clensay, Arthur vs Larry Mucken
2 5
Cloverdale Memorial Park Association
2 6
Commercial Television Company
2 7
Comstock vs Chrysler Sales Corporation
2 8
Consumers' Water Company
Protest Against Application for Rate Increase
2 9
Coughlin, Christopher Timothy
2 10
Crecilius, Verlin
2 11
Peck vs Cronk
2 12
Cupp, Walter R. (Estate)
2 13
Davidson, J.L.
2 14
Davies Bankruptcy
2 15
Davis, Dale N. and Betty Lou
2 16
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 1
2 17
Deonier, Alan D.
2 18
Diggs, Ronald (Child Custody)
2 19
Downend, Mark V. vs Union Pacific Railroad
2 20
Duerock, Alfred, Garage
2 21
Duerock, Hort -- Claim Against Oregon State Industrial Accident Comm.
2 22
Duncan, Robert R.
2 23
Ed & Jim's Markets
2 24
Edmunds, Rupert Chesley vs Mollie Edmunds
2 25
Elam & Burke
2 26
Elam & Burke
2 27
Electrical Products vs P.R. Booth
2 28
Encyclopedia Britannica vs Baldwin, Bert P.
2 29
Enterprise Company
2 30
Epperson, J.W. (Voluntary Bankruptcy)
2 31
Equitable Life Assurance Society of The United States
2 32
Eskew, Paul
2 33
Everett, Carl (Bankruptcy)
2 34
Everett, Bessie Jean vs Union Pacific Railroad Company
2 35
Falkner, Henry (Sale of Real Property)
2 36
Famous Brands Appliances of Idaho, Inc.
2 37
Farmers Insurance Group
2 38
Farmers Insurance Group
2 39
Farmers Insurance Group
2 40
Farris, Walter L.
2 41
First National Bank of Oregon -- Coleman Judgement
2 42
Fitzgerald-Broadie (Sale of Real Property)
2 43
Fly, Leo vs Voorhies, C.J.
2 44
Folwell, Leslie G.
2 45
Forrest Belle and White Knob Mining Company
2 46
Fouts, Shirley Maxine vs Loren Dean Fouts
2 47
Gale, Wesley
2 48
Gallagher & Gallagher, Ontario, Oregon
2 49
Gates, Charles T. vs Erwen Construction Company
2 50
Gates, Charles T. & H. & K. Construction Company -- Settlement
2 51
Gates, F. Quincy & John R. Gates
2 52
Geisinger, C.E.
2 53
Gem Construction Company
2 54
Gem Construction Company -- Bunting Tractor Company Claim
2 55
Gem Construction Company -- Exhibits
2 56
Gem Construction Company -- Gates, Charles T. vs Edmund P. Erwen
2 57
Gem Construction Company -- St. Paul Mercury & Indemnity Company
2 58
Gem Construction Company -- United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company
3 1
Gem State Consumers League
3 2
George Apartments (Sale)
3 3
Gini, Juanita Mae vs Mike Gini, Jr.
3 4
Goertzen, Victor C.
3 5
Greathouse, Cecil R.
3 6
Greathouse & Church -- Partnership Liquidation Account
3 7
Groom, Raymond (Promissory Note)
3 8
Hamilton, Ronald J. and Naomi M.
3 9
Hawkes, E.S. vs Ben Otter
3 10
Hawkins, Clair S. vs George W. Grisham
3 11
Henry, Oscar (Estate)
3 12
Hicks, Vivian M.
3 13
Hill, Annice Louise
3 14
Hinton, W.J.
3 15
Holden, Ethel Thomas
3 16
Hollenbeck, Edward M. and Sterling M. Alexander (Promissory Note)
3 17
Hon Motor Company
3 18
Hon, Roland
3 19
Hosford, L. H. (Vacating Street)
3 20
House, O.J. vs Soilife, Inc.
3 21
House, O.J. vs Soilife, Inc. -- Summons
3 22
Idaho First National Bank
3 23
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 2
3 24
Intermountain Credit and Collection Agency
3 25
Intermountain Credit and Collection Agency -- Bad Checks
3 26
Intermountain Credit and Collection Agency -- Card Cases - Boise
3 27
Intermountain Credit and Collection Agency -- Card Cases - Boise
3 28
Jacobs, E.E. & B.A.
3 29
Jacobson, Emery W. (Will)
3 30
Jackson Estate
3 31
Jedlick, Myrtle Belle Re: Junior Ernest Glee (Name Change)
3 32
Jefferson, Robert George vs Joan Marie Jefferson
3 33
Jenkins, J.T.
3 34
Jensen, Murray (Exchange of Real Property)
3 35
Jewell, Daisy
3 36
Johnson, Gladys B. (Last Will and Testament)
3 37
Jones, Joyce J. vs Otis M. Jones
3 38
Joy & Collard -- Vacating Street
3 39
Kennedy, George B.
3 40
Kinch, Kenneth C. and L.W. Bushby -- Purchase of Property
3 41
Kinney, Dwaine vs L.D. Haws -- Promissory Note
3 42
Kirkland, Lonnie Norman
3 43
Klingsmith, Harry E. vs Klingsmith, Mary Margaret (Divorce)
3 44
Klingsmith, Harry E. -- Personal Finance Company
3 45
Knottingham, Donna vs Tik Tok Restaurant
3 46
Kochis, Wendell A.
3 47
Kohley, Lawrence A. and Caroline
3 48
Lamb, F.G. Company vs Boise Cold Storage
3 49
Lamza, Norman L.
3 50
Langroise and Sullivan
3 51
Layton, Norman
3 52
Layton, Reno T.
4 1
Leary, Fullerton and Sweeney
4 2
Leverett-Blair Mortgage
4 3
Levesque, Annette (Purchase of Realty)
4 4
Lippincott, Mary Isabell
4 5
Lyda, Eleanora Roff (Mrs. Phillip M.) Agreement With Walter Roff
4 6
McDaniel, Mrs. L.R.
4 7
McGonigull, Eva Gean vs H.S. McGonigull
4 8
Mackey, Walter vs Mackey, Elsie M.
4 9
McKercher, Claude
4 10
McMonigle, Frances L.
4 11
Marchmonte, D'Orr Hunter
4 12
Martindale, Virginia Anne vs Martindale, Duane Kay
4 13
Miller, Phillip G. -- Real Property Sale
4 14
Miller, Shirley Florence vs Miller, Reinhold Raymond
4 15
Mitchell, Kathryn Eckhardt -- Last Will and Testament
4 16
Mooney & Angel Partnership
4 17
Morse, Dean W. -- Real Estate Purchase
4 18
Morris Distributing Company
4 19
Murray vs Blevins -- Damages from Auto Collision
4 20
Myers, Marguerite C.
4 21
Nash, Nancy vs Nash, Harold E.
4 22
Onweiler, William C. -- Divorce
4 23
Oster, Donald K.
4 24
Oster, Donald K. vs State of Idaho
4 25
Panzer, Ernest Arthur vs Panzer, Mary Alice
4 26
Parker, Joseph Robert vs Parker, Ruth Ellen -- Divorce
4 27
Pendergrass, Spackman, and Bullivant
4 28
Pendergrass, Spackman, and Bullivant
4 29
Peterson, Phillip T.
4 30
Peterson, William V. vs Stibor, Grant
4 31
Peterson, William W.
4 32
Poe, Kenny (Bankruptcy)
4 33
Porter, Evard E. vs State of Idaho
4 34
Porter, P.W.
4 35
Porter, Ronald
4 36
Post, Fred Joshua -- Deceased
4 37
Post, Fred Joshua -- Estate
4 38
Potter, Cecil -- Child Support
4 39
Powell, Ed
4 40
Quality Finance Corporation of Idaho
4 41
Radford, Raymond M. vs Bates, W.R.
4 42
Rasmussen, Nelson vs J.R. Simplot Company
4 43
Robertson, William A.
4 44
Rogers, Mary -- Divorce
4 45
Root, Bernice -- for The George W. Ghent Estate
4 46
Ross, Earl
4 47
Rowe, George
4 48
S -- Miscellaneous
4 49
Savage, John
4 50
Schiedel, Jesse vs Bowers, Beverly J. and Mrs. E.H.
4 51
Schuback Jewelry Company
4 52
Schubert, Ben W.
4 53
Scully, Martin V.
4 54
Secord, Charles W. vs Nielson, Don C.
4 55
Secretarial Deductions
4 56
Sellers, Roberta Inez vs Sellers, Roscoe A.
4 57
Shaw, John H. and Jessie
4 58
Transferred to Sereis 10.1 Box 1 Folder 2
4 59
Skates, W.Z.
4 60
Smith, L.P. vs Lema, Jerry
4 61
Snyders, Paul L.
4 62
Spencer, Lewis and King, Donald (Purchase of Real Estate)
4 63
Stang, Bessie Elizabeth -- Procurement of Birth Certificate
4 64
Stanley, Alice
4 65
Stevens, L.A. -- Apache Mines Company Bankruptcy Proceedings
4 66
Stump, L.R. -- Sale of Better Book Shop to Henry E. Burk
5 1
Summaries (Monthly)
5 2
Sunset Life Insurance Company
5 3
Swain, Mrs. A.J.
5 4
Swank, John -- CSK Auto
5 5
Swearingen, Earl vs Earl Sivey and J.E. Drabble, Jr.
5 6
T -- Miscellaneous
5 7
Tatro, Mr. and Mrs. William -- Lease and Option Agreement
5 8
Terry, Illis Irene
5 9
Thomas, George
5 10
Thompson, Eugene (Aluminate Distributors)
5 11
Trenkle, Margaret M. vs Trenkle, James J.
5 12
Tripp, Maureen vs Tripp, Wayne Clinton
5 13
Tucker, Roger J.
5 14
Tucker, Roger J. and Wingard, V.
5 15
Turner, Lester -- Income Tax Refund
5 16
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
5 17
Van Meter, Robert E. vs Hymas, Dean W.
5 18
Vance, Mrs. S.E.
5 19
Vaughan, John and Patrick
5 20
Transferred to Series 10.1 Box 1 Folder 10
5 21
Voorhies, Sherman O.
5 22
Walters, Rex (Trust Agreement)
5 23
Ward, G.E.
5 24
Warnke, Ruth
5 25
Wells, E.B. -- Estate
5 26
West Coast Collection Company
5 27
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company
5 28
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company
5 29
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company
5 30
Wilcox, Clay E.
5 31
Wiles, Vera L. vs Wiles, Herman L.
5 32
Williamson, Melvin K.
5 33
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
5 34
Winsky, Albert C.
5 35
Winsky, Catherine E. vs Winsky, Albert C.
5 36
Wood, Thomas H. vs Hormachea and Van Slyke
5 37
Yandle, Jack and Bowen, Bill
5 38
Young, Custer Joe vs The Cash Bazaar Department Store
5 39
Young, Ernest
5 40
Appeal, Form
5 41
Approved Instruction
5 42
5 43
Bank Accounts, Corporate Resolutions, Forms
5 44
5 45
Bear Lake County
5 46
Bill of Sale, Forms
5 47
Change of Venue
5 48
Chattel Mortgages, Forms
5 49
Clomlan Company, Inc.
5 50
Complaint, Forms
5 51
Corporate Forms
5 52
Court Procedures (Divorce)
5 53
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 3
5 54
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 5
5 55
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 4
6 1
6 2
6 3
Divorce Forms
6 4
Easements Forms
6 5
Executions Forms
6 6
Fictitious Name Certificate Form
6 7
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 7
6 8
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 8
6 9
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 6
6 10
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 4
6 11
Jury Selection Forms
6 12
Leases, Form
6 13
Lewis County
6 14
6 15
6 16
Mortgages and Mortgage Satisfactions Forms
6 17
Note of Issue Form
6 18
Notes Forms
6 19
Notice to Quit Forms
6 20
Oil and Gas Lease Forms
6 21
Oneida County
6 22
6 23
Patents, Trade-Marks, Copyrights
6 24
Pleadings, Miscellaneous
6 25
Power of Attorney
6 26
Pre-Senate Ledgers, A-L
6 27
Pre-Senate Ledgers, M-Z
6 28
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 9
6 29
Transferred to Series 10.1.2 Box 4 Folder 10
6 30
Probate Forms
6 31
Programming through American Legion
6 32
Real Property Purchase and Sale Contracts Forms
6 33
6 34
Reporter's Transcript, No. 3173
6 35
Reporter's Transcript, No. 3173
6 36
Satisfactions Forms
6 37
6 38
Stock Assignment Forms
6 39
Subpoena Forms
6 40
Summons Forms
6 41
Trademark-Name-Or Label Application
6 42
Vacating Street
6 43
Wage Assignments
6 44
Washington County
6 45
Wills Forms
3: Correspondence
The contents of this box are letters, clippings and memoranda on a wide variety of seemingly unrelated topics such as carry-over cases from Church's pre-Senate law practice, family correspondence, script of office birthday party for Church, a memo relating to the meeting in which the DeConcini reservations to the Panama Canal Treaty were settled, draft letter to President Carter and Secretary of State Vance concerning selling aircraft to Middle East states, and letters from people with the surname Church seeking genealogical information. Once again the reader is advised to refer to the computer index in order to pull together all related material found in various series.
Box Folder
1 1
Personal Correspondence
Stennis, John C.; Clark, Chase A.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Disposition of Law Cases Pending From Pre-Election; Family Correspondence
1 2
Personal Correspondence
Rayburn, Sam; Clark, Chase A.; White, William S.; Neuberger, Richard L.; Agree, George E.; Dison, George; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Lindley, Ernest K.; Butler, Paul M.; Acheson, Dean; Green, Theodore Francis
1 3
Personal Correspondence
Edstrom, Ed; Pell, Claiborne; Pfost, Gracie; Lippmann, Walter; Acheson, Dean; Pearson, Drew; Murray, James E.; O'mahoney, Joseph C.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Rayburn, Sam
Lengthy Letters Between Frank Church and Bryce Nelson (Former Aid) Studying In Europe, Personal and Political; 1960 Keynote Speech
1 4
Personal Correspondence
Rayburn, Sam; Kennedy, Edward M.; Clark, Chase A.; Hoover, J. Edgar; McGovern, George; Dayal, Rajeshwar; Fulbright, J.W.; Williams, G. Mennen; Hartke, Vance; Blackwelder, Justin; Kamel, Mostafa; Kefauver, Estes; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; O'Brian, Hugh
Inaugural Week; Chase's Eye Injury
1961 January-July
1 5
Personal Correspondence
1961 August-December
1 6
Personal Correspondence
Ehrnrooth, Georg C.; Lincoln, Evelyn; Wouk, Herman; Kennedy, Robert F.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Durante, Jimmy; Cranston, Alan; Muskie, Edmund S.; Bengelloun, Ali; Cleveland, Harlan; Johnson, Lyndon B.; McGee, Gale; Miller, Jack; Fannin, Paul J.; Manatos, M
Correspondence; Birthday Felicitations To Frank Church
In Support of Ted Kennedy After Chappaquiddick, Place Not Given; July 24, 1969
1 7
Personal Correspondence
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Cousins, Norman; Sevareid, Eric; Anderson, J. Blaine; Bayh, Birch; Muskie, Edmund S.; Hansen, Orval; Hatfield, Mark O.; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Young, Stephen M.
Gage Telegrams From Frank Church Staff for 1971 Birthday
"Steve Young: A Legislative Warrior With The Sting of A Wasp", Senate, First Draft Dated December 30, 1970
1 8
Personal Correspondence
Silkin, John; Jordan, Len B.; Morse, F. Bradford
Script of Office Birthday Party for Frank Church, 1973
1 9
Personal Correspondence
Hartke, Vance; Johnston, J. Bennett; McClellan, John L.; Sparkman, John J.; Griffin, Robert P.; Inouye, Daniel K.; Hansen, Orval; Kaul, T.N.; Pell, Claiborne; Silkin, John; Davis, William E.
50th Birthday Congratulations
1 10
Personal Correspondence
Fatemi, Fariborz S.; Cooper, John Sherman; Barrett, Gwyn; Woolsey, R. James; Mansfield, Mike; Muskie, Edmund S.
Democratic Presidential Nomination
"La Croisade Du Senateur Church", L'express, February 16-22, 1976
1 11
Personal Correspondence
Memo Relating Meeting In Which The Deconcini Reservation To The Pananama Canal Treaties Was Settled; Turkish Arms Embargo; Legal Suit Against 68 Senators for Disposing of U.S. Property Interests
1 11
Personal Correspondence
Swenson, Eric P.; Carter, Jimmy; Jorden, William J.; Leahy, Patrick J.; Alexandrakis, Menelas; Vance, Cyrus R.
Memorandum-Role On Committee On Energy and Natural Resources Vs. Commitments On Foreign Relations; Draft Letter To Carter/Vance Concerning Ploy of Selling Aircraft To Middle East As A "Package"; Panama Canal; Letters Commending Frank Church's Rol
1 12
Personal Correspondence
Byrd, Robert C.; Jackson, Henry M.; Mansfield, Mike; Carter, Jimmy; Silkin, John; Strauss, Robert S.; Kates, Don B., Jr.; Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Memorandum On Committee On Energy and Natural Resources: "Committee Jurisdiction and Reorganization" and "Subcommittee Jurisdiction"; S.Res.- Amend Certain Rules of The Senate; Relations With Japan; Note By Frank Church Relating Story of Seeing Franklin
Position On Abortion, No Place Or Date Given [1979]; Notes for Speech On Foreign Relations At Jj Dinner, Boise, February 24, 1979; Keynote Address To The Biennial Convention of Young Democratic Club of America, Reno, NV, November 7, 1957
1 13
Personal Correspondence
Hatmaker, Begie
"In Senator Church's Corner", Newspaper Columns for 1980 By Begie Hatmaker for The Lincoln County Journal
1 13
Personal Correspondence
King, Carole; Carter, Jimmy; Torrijos, Omar; Roeder, Edward; Ourada, Patricia K.; Borah, William E.; Barnes, Verda
Exchange of Lengthy Letters Between Carole King (Evers) and Frank Church Over The Nuclear Issue, His Campaign, and Campaigns In General; Death of Verda Barnes; Post Election Letters and Calls; Post Election Calls To Be Made; County Coordinator List; "Why
Pre-Election Speech Urging People To Vote, No Place Or Date Given; Election Day Concession Speech, No Place, November 4, 1980
1 14
Church Family Tree
Swinney, H.J.
People Inquiring If Frank Church Is Related To Them Through An Ancestor-Almost Invariably Not; Correspondence Between Frank Church and The Society of Mayflower Descendants, Includes Frank Church Geneology, Frank Church Became A Member
1958-1963; 1965; 1967-1978
1 15
Posterity Letters/Memorabilia
Mansfield, Mike; Mcintyre, Thomas J.; Taylor, Glen H.; Borah, William E.
Ruth Mcbirney Solicits Frank Church's Papers for Boise State University; Letter of Admiration From John Sherman Cooper After Cooper- Church Floor Debate; Reprint, "Conscription", By William E. Borah, Senate, April 28, 1917
1959; 1962; 1964-1970; 1976; 1978
1 15
Posterity Letters/Memorabilia
Fulbright, J.W.; Harvey, Paul; Manatos, Mike; Valenti, Jack; O'Brien, Lawrence F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Goldberg, Arthur J.; Sisco, Joseph J.; Rusk, Dean; Fortas, Abe; Clark, Joseph S.; Udall, Stewart L.; Mcbirney, Ruth; Wells, Me
Copy of Letter From Glen Taylor Requesting Him To Take A Polygraph Test To Say He Had Won The Nomination Honestly; Letter Between White House and Frank Church About Look Magazine Article and Vietnam/Lippman Story; Letters Regarding Frank Church's Rolle A
On Cutting Back On Foreign Spending, No Place Or Date Given
1959; 1962; 1964-1970; 1976; 1978
4: Financial disclosure
Senator Church supported financial disclosure for public officials and he voluntarily disclosed his finances before such a course was mandated by federal law. The collection contains disclosure information for 1961-1980. Further financial disclosure records can be found in the Campaign files.
Box Folder
1 2
Disclosure and Reports of Committees
1 3
Disclosure and Reports of Committees
1 4
Disclosure and Reports of Committees
Procedural Changes At Election Commission; Campaign Guide for Committees
1 5
Disclosure and Reports of Committees
1 6
Walker, Donald E.
Letters Commending Frank Church for His Personal Disclosure; Several Letters Regarding Pay Raise Legislation for Congress-Anti
"Disclosure of Income and Assets", Senate, May 18, 1964
1964; 1967
1 7
Disclosure Statements
Cenarrusa, Pete T.
S.372-Amend Communications Act of 1934 and The Campaign Communications Reform Act
"Disclosure of Income and Assets", Senate, May 18, 1964 and May 14, 1967, Drafts; "Kappel Commission Salary Recommendations Ill-Timed", Senate, February 4, 1969; "Voluntary Disclosure of Income and Assets, Senate, September 12, 1969 and June 22, 1976
1964; 1967-1969; 1973; 1976
1 8
Disclosure Statement
S.Res.265-Amend S.Res.110, 95th Congress, To Establish January 1, 1978 As Effective Date for Public Financial Disclosure
1 9
Disclosure Statement
1 10
Idaho Honorarium Scholarships
Donation of Frank Church Speaking Honorariums In Idaho for Idaho Scholars
1 11
Medical and Financial Report
Tabbed Binder-Material In Tax Returns 1972, 1973, 1974 Missing; Material Contained At Back of Original Binder, But Not Incorporated, May Not Have Originally Been With Binder
1 12
Statement of Expense and Income/Trips
1 13
Voluntary Personal Disclosure of Finances
Voluntary Personal Disclosure of Finances
"Voluntary Disclosure of Income and Assets", Senate, June 22, 1976 and The Draft; "Voluntary Disclosure of Income, Assets, and Taxes Paid", Final, February 7, 1974; "Disclosure: A Vital Ingredient of A New Senate Ethics Code", Senate, March 18, 1977
1974; 1976-1977
5: Organizations
Includes groups to which Church belonged and supported, either financially or by endorsing their programs. Specifically named files include the American Legion, CARE, the Hansard Society, the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission and The National Committee for an Effective Congress.
Box Folder
1 1
American Legion
1957-1960; 1964
1 2
Associations and Committees
Mundt, Karl E.; Mcfarland, Ernest W.
Stanford University Material
1 3
Associations and Committees
Vance, Cyrus R.; Macdonald, James G.; Yarborough, Ralph W.; Theophilus, D.R.; Day, Henry L.; Morse, Wayne
1 4
Associations and Committees
Hansen, Orval; Spock, Benjamin
1 5
1958; 1964
1 6
Club Internationale
Pastore, John O.
1967-1968; 1970-1971
1 7
Hansard Society
King-Hall, Stephen
The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government
1964-1966; 1974
1 8
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Johnson, Lyndon B.
1 9
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Cooper, John Sherman
Start-Up Organization; Commission Members; Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Reports; Proposals and Plans for Projects; Honorary Membership- Qualifications and Nominations
1958 January-June
1 10
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Cooper, John Sherman
Appropriations and Justification; Agendas, Minutes, and Reports; Appointment of Honorary Members; Frank Church, Chair of Mass Media Committee
1958 July-December
1 11
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Smylie, Robert E.; Drevlow, W.E.; Cooper, John Sherman; Bottolfsen, C.A.; Grover, Wayne C.
Agendas, Minutes, and Reports; Lincoln Quotes; Idaho Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
1959 January-February
1 12
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Agendas, Minutes, and Reports of Commission; Public Relations
1959 March-December
1 13
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Cooper, John Sherman; Smylie, Robert E.
S.J.Res.161-Extend Time for Filing Final Report of Commission
1 14
1 15
Davis, Sammy, Jr.; Rockefeller, David
1 16
1 17
Hellyer, Paul T.; Bond, Julian
1 18
Hearst, Randolph A.
1 19
Memberships and Sponsorships
Minow, Newton; Evans, John V.
Decline Senior Power Hall of Fame; Endorsed A Declaration of Interdependence; Phi Beta Kappa; Boise Philharmonic; Sane; Press Release- Bethine Elected To Board of Directors of Children's Hospital National Medical Center; Jefferson Awards; American Nucle
1 19
Memberships and Sponsorships
Georgetown University Community Health Plan; Tribute Committee for Israel Bonds; Breast Disease Association; 1976 Public Service Award Nominee; Phi Alpha Delta; Declined Board of Better Hearing Institute; Idaho Citizens Endorsement Committee for Red Cros
1 19
Memberships and Sponsorships
Hillcrest Country Club; Eastern Idaho Regional Council On Alcoholism; Washington Capitals Season Ticket Sales and Puck Power Sticker; Forgotten 10 Year Veterans; Declined-Rudolph Diesal Memorial Fund; Declined- American Judicature Society
2 1
Memberships and Sponsorships
Neal, Pat; Humphrey, Hubert H.
National Committee for Labor Israel; Friends of Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center; Salute To Families; International Special Olympics; Fund for New Priorities for America; Israel's 30th Anniversary; Theodore Hazel Award for George Meany; National
2 1
Memberships and Sponsorships
American-Israel Friendship League; Grenville Clark Fund At Dartmouth College; International Management and Development Institute; Senate Staff Club; National Wildlife Federation; "Famous Persons" On A Mug for Frank Church
2 2
National Committee for An Effective Congress
McGovern, George
2 3
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Hartung, Ernest W.; Dirksen, Everett Mckinley
2 4
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Bayh, Birch; Hartung, Ernest W.; Percy, Charles H.; Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
University of Idaho National Advisory Council
2 5
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Metcalf, Lee
2 6
Sponsorships and Endorsements
2 7
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Robertson, Cliff; Bond, Julian
2 8
Sponsorships and Endorsements
Bond, Julian
6: Special files
Files containing background material on then-current legislation, topics for which Church had committee assignments or topics which he wished to be informed about. Some of this material was in expanding files making them easy to extract for a committee meeting or ready reference. Dates on the files are for limited chronological periods further suggesting their immediate utility. See also Issue Books.
Box Folder
1 1
Africa -- Background Material - Foreign Policy
"Our Over Involvement In Africa and Asia-A Critical Reappraisal of American Foreign Policy In Ex-Colonial Regions of The World", In Senate, February 17, 1965; Speech Given To The Idaho Falls Kiwanis- Rotary, March 1, 1961; "Spain", (Handwritten Notes On)
1 1
Africa -- Background Material - Foreign Policy
Hyman, Sidney
"The African Trade Union Movement"; From FC To Sidney Hyman, Accompanied By Outline for Nyt Article On Foreign Policy, May 22, 1961, June 15, 1961; Draft and Letter From Sidney Hyman, June 14, 1961; "Our New African Policy", In Senate, June 29, 1961
1 2
"The Need for World Action for The Aging", Conference On Aging, Mankinds World Problem, Nairobi, Kenya, July 18, 1974
1 2
Edelman, John; Nixon, Richard M.
News Release, April 18, 1972; News Release, March 1, 1973; National Conference On Aging. Could Not Attend. Sent Message Which Was Paraphrased
"A Reversal of Policy On Funding for Aoa", Remarks, April 29, 1971; State of The Aging Message, Outline, 1972; Untitled, 1972; A Tribute To John Edelman, January 1972; Congressional Dinner, American Association of Retired Persons, January/February 19
1 2
"Action On Aging", Address, 1972 State Conference On Aging, Boise State College, May 24, 1972; "The Nixon Failure On Aging", October 4, 1972; "Action and The Aged: 1973", National Caucus On The Black Aged, May 16, 1973
1 3
Church, Bethine, "The Aging 'Burden'-Or Uplifting Challenge", March 10, 1978
"National Issues Affecting Senior Citizens", Address, Governor's Conference On Quality of Life for Senior Citizens, July 7, 1977; "The øWhy' of Health Care", City of Hope Convention, July 16, 1977; "There's A Future In Aging", Conference On The Zestful
1 3
"Getting Ready for Age", March 21, 1978; "People, Not Segments, " May 3, 1978
1 4
Alaska/Hawaii Statehood
1956 Democratic and Republican Platforms, Oct. 19, 1956
Handwritten Notes for Alaska Speech; Several Undated Typescripts of Alaska Speeches; "Breeding Distrust On A National Basis", Editorial From The Honolulu Advertiser, March 2, 1958; "Statehood for Alaska", Draft, May 5, 1958
1 4
Alaska/Hawaii Statehood
"Fairbanks", Democratic Convention Banquet, October 3, 1958; Statement On Floor R.E.50, March 10, 1959; "Statehood for Alaska-We Must Have It Now", In Senate, May 5, 1958; "Alaskan Statehood-The Legal Responsibility", In Senate, June 24, 1958; "Statehood
1 5
American Legion National Oratory Speech
Boise High News Coverage; Letters R.E. Speech
"The American Way of Life", American Legion National Oratory Speech Contest, April 18, 1941
1941 April 18
1 6
Anti-Ballistic Missile
Pearson, James B.; Marcy, Carl; Fulbright, J.W.
Form Letter On ABM, Amended, April 16, 1969; Fulbright, J.W., "The ABM In Political Context", Statement, August 5, 1969
"The Torment In The Land", Congressional Record, February 21, 1968; "ABM: Yes Or No?", An Occasional Paper of The Center for The Study of Democratic Institutions, February 1969; "The Wrong Time To Deploy Safe- Guard", In Senate, 1969; "The ABM? Not Now"
1 7
Arab Countries -- Foreign Aid
Ritch, John
Press Release On Energy Crisis, November 30, 1973; Press Release On Military Aid To Arab Countries, December 3, 1973; John Ritch Memo On American Aid To Arab Countries
"Arab Builds An Empire-Without Oil", Washington Post, September 29, 1974
1 8
Birth Control
Bostrom, Harold W.; Eccles, Marriner S.; Black, Eugene R.; Pirie, Robert B.; Moore, Hugh
Eccles, Marriner, "Citizen Responsibility In The Population Crisis", Address, May 11-12, 1961; Articles On Birth Control, Washington Post, August 2, 1959; Remarks of Vice Admiral R.V. Pirie Before The National Aeronautic Association, Nov. 16, 1960 & Befo
1 8
Birth Control
The Population Bomb, Published By The Hugh Moore Fund
1 9
Boise, Thomas W./Death of
1966 October
1 10
Borah, William E.
Borah Pages of Congressional Record 1910 Plus
1 10
Borah, William E.
Borah Pages of Congressional Record, 1910
1 11
Borah, William E.
Young, James H.; Fulbright, J.W.; Muir, John W.; Wells, Merle W.
Borah, William E., "Why Statemen Straddle", Collier's, March 21, 1931; Articles About Borah; Committee To Commemorate 50th Anniversary of Start of Borah Senate Career, 1957; Borah Conference; Speeches By Borah; Speeches About Borah
"The Borah Centennial Year", Senate, June 29, 1965
1 11
Borah, William E.
"Why Statesmen Straddle", Collier's, March 21, 1931; Articles About Borah; Committee To Commemorate 50th Anniversary of Start of Borah's Senate Career, 1957; Borah Conference; Speeches By Borah; Speeches About Borah
"The Borah Centennial Year", In Senate, June 29, 1965
1 12
Borah, Mrs. William E.
McConnell, Mary
"Mary McConnell Borah Is 100 Years Old", In Senate, October 14, 1970
1 13
Budget Deficits
"Deficits, Debts, & OPEC: Cutting The Gordian Knot", The President's Commission On Personnel Interchange, September 13, 1977
1977 September 13
1 14
Campaign Contributions
Political Contributions As A Tax Deduction; L.C. Reference "Statutory Limits On Party Activities; C.R. Tear Sheets 1955-1962, On Campaign Contributions; L.C. Reference-Campaign Contributions: Selected Bibliography; "Fair Play In Politics" Fair Campaign P
"Campaign Money-How Much? From Whom?" New York Times, August 28, 1962; Introduction of A Bill To Allow A Deduction of $100 for Political Contributions, In Senate, [After August 28, 1962]
1 14
Campaign Contributions
S.251-Suspend for The 1964 Campaign The Equal Opportunity Requirements of Section 315 of Communications Act of 1934 for Nominees for President and Vice President; S.252-Section 315 Shall Not Apply To Candidates for President, Vice President, Congressmen,
1 15
Campaign -- 1972
McGovern, George
1972 Campaign; Diary of 1972 McGovern Campaign and FC Trip To Israel
1 16
Campaign -- 1972
Harding, Ralph R.; Selander, Carolyn; Terra, Jean; Moon, Marjorie Ruth; Bistline, Beverly; Donart, Jim
FC As Possible Vice President; News Clippings Re McGovern's Choice for Vice President; "Call To Order" Narrative Report By The Commission On Rules of The Democratic National Convention; Memo To McGovern From FC Re Vietnam and The Campaign
"Prospects for Peace In The Middle East: The View From Israel" Committee Print, Report By FC
1 17
Campaign -- 1976
Ford, Gerald R.; Mondale, Walter F.; Carter, Jimmy
1976 Campaign; Notes On Ford's Record On Aging, Agriculture, and Jobs; Drafts of October 25, 1976 FC Press Release About Ford' Positions; Carter Campaign Issue Statement; FC Remarks About Carter, October 26, 1976; Memo On Tax Bill; Summary Report of Subc
Announcement of Candidacy for President, March 18, 1976; "The Erosion of Principle In American Foreign Policy"; Anti-Ford Campaign Speech; "Government Adherence and The Law: A Call for A Temporary Special Prosecutor On Intelligence Abuses; Statement O
1 17
Campaign -- 1976
Adlai Stevenson Report On Senate Committee System, September 29, 1976; Ford and Elderly Brief; Notes On September 27 Speech Before American Imported Auto Dealers
Testimony Before Democratic Platform Committee, May 19, 1976; "Ending Emergency Government" September 20, 1976; Senate Speech On OSHA, August 25, 1976; Multinational Corporations and East Asia: The Foreign Policy Implications of The Lockeed Affair" Octob
1 18
Campaign -- 1976 Vice Presidential Hopes
Hubbard, Carroll
Letters Advocating FC for Vice President; Brief On Talking Points for FC; FC's Tax Forms; Exhibits Re Vp Application
1 19
Nixon, Richard M.; Trudeau, Pierre; Laird, Melvin D.
Nixon Visit To London, February 1969; Newsclippings From The Observer On Nixon, Vietnam, and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, February-March 1969; Pierre Trudeau Campaign for Prime Minister; Newsclippings From Baltimore Sun Series On Canada, 1969; Me
1959; 1969; 1977
1 19
Visit of Canadian Parliamentarians To Washington, DC-Biographies; U.S.-Canadian Negociations On Maritime Boundaries: Memorandum, Reports, and Background, 1977
1959; 1969; 1977
1 20
Carter Administration
Carter, Jimmy; Moore, Frank; Rutty, Kip
Carter Appointments; Commission On Ambassadorial Appointments-Names and Titles; White House Congressional Liason Staff-Background and Areas of Responsibility; Carter's Inagural Address, January 20, 1977
Statement Assessing Carter's First Year for The Statesman, January 19, 1978
1 21
CIA/FBI Investigation
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Bundy, William P.; Tower, John G.; Levi, John; Goldwater, Barry M.; Ryan, Leo; Jackson, Henry M.; Downing, Thomas; Wetherell, Mike; Schweiker, Richard S.; Mondale, Walter F.; Ford, Gerald R.; Colby, William E.; Kelley, Clarence M
CIA/FBI Investigation; Staff Matters: Integrety, Rules Parking, Reports; Letters Re Committee Activites; Press Releases Sent To FC Re Committee Activities and What Committee Would Release; Intelligence Oversight Act of 1976
"Americans and The Law" Women's National Democratic Club, September 8, 1975; "Government Adherence and The Law" Senate, February 5, 1976; Statement On S.Res.400, January 29, 1976; "Political Neutrality and Professionalism In The CIA" Re Bush Nomination,
1 21
CIA/FBI Investigation
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Neither A Whitewash Nor A Vendetta" Cr, February 28, 1975; Interim Report To The Senate, July 22, 1975; CBS Morning News, August 13, 1975
1 22
CIA/FBI Investigation
CIA/FBI Investigation (See Folder 21); Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation;
1 23
CIA/FBI Investigation
CIA/FBI Investigation (See Folder 21); Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation
"Covert Action: Swampland of American Foreign Policy"
1 24
Civil Rights
King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Bowles, Chester; Tanner, James; Kennedy, John F.
Civil Rights; "A Frenchman Looks At U.S. Unpopularity" Lewiston Tribune, April 29, 1956; "A Letter From The Bermingham Jail" M.L. King, Sunday Star, June 16, 1963; "A Century Later: The New Commitment" Chester Bowles, Saturday Review, April 13, 1963; "In
"A New Fashioned Patriotism" 1973 Commencement Address
1 25
Cloture/Rule 22
The Filibuster Rule; S.Res.4
"The Case for The Three-Fifths Rule" In Senate, January 10, 1969; "Rule 22 Revisited" In Senate, September 29, 1971; Statement On Amending Rule 22
1969; 1971; 1975
1 26
Cold War
Morgenthau, Hans J.; Sevareid, Eric
Cold War; "Arguing About The Cold War" H.J. Morenthau, Encounter, May 1967; American Security Council "Guidelines for Cold War Victory" August 12, 1964; Council for Correspondence Newsletter, May 1963; "The Cold War-What It Is and What To Do About It" Fo
1 27
College of The Virgin Islands
Wanlass, Lawrence C.
Pamphlets, Booklets, Catalog, Etc. From The College of The Virgin Islands; Cover Letters From Lawrence C. Wanlass; FC Responds To Those Letters
1 28
"Can The World Be Saved", New York Times Magazine, March 31, 1968; "Earth National Park", Sierra Club Advertisement In New York Times, January 14, 1969; Nelson, Gaylord, "DDT", In Congressional Record, July 12, 1966; Nelson, Gaylord, "Conservation Act of
1 28
Kennedy, John F.; Anderson, Clinton P.; Nelson, Gaylord
President Kennedy's Message To Congress On Conservation, March 1, 1962; Anderson, Clinton, "Why We Need The Land and Water Conservation Fund Bill", American Forests, March 1964; "Responsibility In Outdoor Recreation", American Forests, March 1964; "Dawn
"Conservation and Anadramous Fish", January 19, 1960; "The New Conservation", April 22, 1969; "Give Earth A Chance", April 22, 1970
1 28
Nelson, Gaylord, "Revitalizing Economy of Wisconsin", Congressional Record, September 10, 1963; Nelson, Gaylord, Newsletter, March 1964; Quotes From Gaylord Nelson Speeches; Gaylord Nelson News Releases, September 16, N.Y., April 2, 1964, and November 20
2 1
Council On Foreign Relations
Kirk, Grayson L.; Maceachron, David W.; Franklin, George S.; Small, Milton
"A Reappraisal of American Policy In Western Europe", National War College, May 15, 1963; "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice", In Senate, June 17, 1963
2 2
Council On Foreign Relations
McCloy, John J.; Clark, Joseph S.; Franklin, George S.; Boardman, Harry; Fulbright, J.W.; Johnson, Joseph E.; Gilder, George
Gilder, George, "A Re-Examination of American Foreign Policy", C.F.R. Study Group Report, June 20, 1966 and November 28, 1966
2 3
Council On Foreign Relations
Spong, William B., Jr.; Vance, Cyrus R.; McCloy, John J.; Rockefeller, David
Proposed Response To Criticism of Frank Church's Membership
2 4
Council On Foreign Relations
Rockefeller, David; Vance, Cyrus R.; Swing, John Temple; McCloy, John J.
Council On Foreign Relations Procedures Committee
2 5
Council On Foreign Relations
Rockefeller, David
Council On Foreign Relations; Letter of Resignation; Annual Report- September 1972 To August 1973
2 6
Council On Foreign Relations
Frye, Alton; Rielly, John E.
Council On Foreign Relations; Fellowship Program
2 7
Anderson, Jack Z.; Daniel, James; Hubbell, John; Steel, Ronald
Anderson, Jack, "CIA Attempt To Assassinate Castro", Advance Column, January 18, 1971; Daniel, James and John Hubbell, "While America Slept", Reader's Digest Condensed Book; "Latin America Swings To U.S.", Ap, N.D.; Several Articles On Cuba, Washington S
Senate Speech On Cuba, [1963]; Exerpts, March 16, 1963
2 8
Cubans In Africa
Dockery, Bob
Washington Post, January 5, 1978; The New York Times, November 23, 1977; Brief To Foreign Relations Committee On Cuba In Zaire (Classified); Bob Dockery Memo and Article On Cuba
2 9
"Substance and Shadow of Detente", In Senate, August 19, 1974
1974 August 19
2 10
Jones, Jenkins; Strout, Richard
Jones, Jenkins, "Get New Textbooks, America!", N. Publisher, N.D.; Strout, Richard, "The Big School Scandal", The New Republic, N.D.; "Education for What?", Transcript of CBS, 1958; "Euphoria and The Scythians", An Editorial; Notes On "Kelly" Bill
"Education At The Crossroads", Draft
2 11
Electoral Reform
"It's Time The People Elected The President!", In Senate, September 14, 1970
1970 September 14
2 12
"An Alternative To The Ford Energy Program", January 30, 1975
2 13
Ethics Issues
Senate Code of Ethics, Honoraria, Excess Campaign Funds; S.Res.110- Official Conduct Amendments of 1977; Manual On Code of Official Conduct; Honoraria; Campaign Financing Laws; Reporting Obligations; F.E.C. Campaign Guide; Foreign Gifts; Staff Participation
2 14
Farm Speech Material
Bazelon, David T., "Facts and Fictions of U.S. Capitalism", The Reporter, September 17, 1959; Meyer, Karl, "Too Much Food In A Starving World", The Reporter, September 17, 1959; Robo On Wheat Petition; Idaho Image, May 1962; "Why Farmers Are So Rich", Ne
2 14
Farm Speech Material
Udall, Stewart L.; Glasmann, Gordon O.; Bazelon, David T.; Meyer, Karl; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Advance With Pictures of Potatoes; News Clips R.E. Agriculture; Washington Newsletter, July 17, 1959 and October 2, 1959; S.2502-To Provide for Development of A Comprehensive Family Farm Program..., August 6, 1959; Congressional Record On Humphrey Submis
"Extension of 1948 Sugar Act", Senate, March 29, 1961; Several Drafts, No Titles, N.D.; "Food for Peace", Senate, August 24, 1959; "The Farm Problem", In Senate, February 24, 1958
2 14
Farm Speech Material
1961 Message From President of U.S. To House On "American Agriculture", March 16, 1961; Various Washington Farmletters; National Milk Producers News, July 10, 1959; Humphrey, Hubert, "Food for Peace 1959", In Senate, April 16, 1959; Humphrey, Hubert, "To
2 15
Foreign Affairs
Kennan, George F.; Macarthur, Douglas II; Russell, Richard B.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Kennedy, Robert F.
"Red China", Look, December 1, 1964; President Johnson's Message On Foreign Aid, January 1965; Johnson's Speech On Vietnam At John Hopkins University, April 7, 1965; Articles From The Nation On Vietnam; News Clips On China, Cuba, Latin America, Vietnam;
2 15
Foreign Affairs
Ship Ramming Incident In The Sea of Japan (U.S.S. Walker and Soviet Destroyer)
2 16
Foreign Affairs -- Press
Cleveland, Harlan; Drummond, Roscoe; Hunt, John; Oakes, John B.; Wicker, Tom; Sanders, Marion
Letters From Various Editors Thanking Church With Praise, Information Sent Or Articles Submitted. (No Originals From Church); Letters To Various Editors Complimenting Them On Articles They Published; Letters From Journalists Thanking Church for Inserting
"for Possible Future Reference Materials", Articles Saved By Church, On Korea and Vietnam; "President Johnson: An Able Architect of American Foreign Policy, Draft Article, [1964]
2 17
Foreign Aid
Bowles, Chester, "Why Foreign Aid", April 24, 1963; Bowles, Chester, "The Domestic Prerequisites for Effective Foreign Policy, May 17, 1963
2 17
Foreign Aid
Fatemi, Nasrollah S.; Paddock, William C.; Morse, Wayne; Bowles, Chester
Fatemi, Nasrollah, Statement Before House Foreign Relations Committee, June 5, 1963; Various Brochures On Foreign Aid With No Sources; Paddock, William C., "Foreign Aid Without Aid" Congressional Record, June 4, 1973; Morse, Wayne, "Foreign Aid Should Be
"Amendment of The Foreign Aid Act", Senate, June 17, 1963; "Arsenal Diplomacy", Senate, June 26, 1967
2 18
Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid-Bilateral Aid
2 19
Foreign Policy
Pfaff, William, "The Case Against Interventionism", Dissent, September-October, 1967; Benson, Lee, "The Irrespressible World Revolt, N.D.; Brenner, Michael, "Today's Cold War: Pretense To Power", N.D.; Miscellaneous News Clippings; Toynbee, Arnold, On Vi
2 19
Foreign Policy
Hersh, Seymour; Barnet, Richard; Thompson, James C.; Pfaff, William; Benson, Lee; Brenner, Michael; Toynbee, Arnold; Mcwilliams, Carey; Sevareid, Eric; Kristol, Irving; Fulbright, J.W.; Kennan, George F.; Khrushchev, Nikita
Text of Khrushchev's Address To American People, Idaho Statesman, September 28, 1959; "A Case Against The War In Vietnam", Ad Hoc Faculty Committee On Vietnam, University of Illinois; S.Res.187-The Bill Resolved; Barnet, Richard, "The Last Act In Vietnam
"President and Congress On Foreign Policy", October 29, 1967; Draft of Unknown Speech, Never Used; "How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Take On?", December 11, 1965
2 19
Foreign Policy
Mcwilliams, Carey, "Protest, Power, and The Future of Politics", The Nation, January 15, 1968; Text of Study Group's Memo To Johnson On Vietnam, New York Times, January 17, 1968; Aiden On "Demilitarization of Vietnam Policy", Congressional Record, Januar
2 19
Foreign Policy
McGee In Congressional Record On "Far East Policy", January 23, 1968; Kristol, Irving, "We Can't Resign As 'Policeman of The World'", New York Times Magazine, May 12, 1968; Fulbright, William, "for A New Order of Priorites At Home and Abroad, Playboy, [1
2 20
Foreign Policy -- Speeches
"Disarmament: Solution Or Distraction", Lafayette College, PA, April 6, 1962; "How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Take On?", Western Reserve University, OH, December 11, 1965; "Beyond Vietnam: The Need for A New Asian Policy", CA. Inst. of
2 20
Foreign Policy -- Speeches
"American Prisoners In Hanoi-A Plea for Sanity", Senate, July 15, 1966; "The Torment In The Land", Senate, February 21, 1968; "The Only Alternate: A Reply To The President On Vietnam", Senate, December 19, 1969; "The People Have The Right To Know", Press
2 20
Foreign Policy -- Speeches
On Vietnam. Issues and Answers-ABC/Tv, October 12, 1969; "Vietnam Is Not Yet A Republican War", Senate, 1969; "War Without End: Congress Must Draw The Line", Senate, May 1, 1970; On Vietnam and Cambodia. NBC-Meet The Press, June 4, 1970; On Geneva Talks,
2 20
Foreign Policy -- Speeches
"The Doves Have Won and Don't Know It", CBS/Tv, September 6, 1970; "Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", Washington University, MO, December 7, 1970; "Remarks In Support of The McGovern-Hatfield Amendment", [News Conference], August 31, 1970; On The N
2 20
Foreign Policy -- Speeches
"Toward A New Latin America Policy", Senate, April 10, 1970; "American Foreign Policy and The Caribbean", Senate, November 25, 1970; "The Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour", Senate, March 2, 1959; "Negotiations for Peace", South Bend, In, A
2 21
Foreign Relations Committee
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Stobaugh, Robert; Yergin, Daniel; Carter, Jimmy; Deng, Xiaoping
Stobaugh, Robert and Daniel Yergin, "After The 2nd Shock: Pragmatic Energy Strategies", Foreign Affairs, Spring 1979; Memo On Consequences of Carter's Decision To Normalizae Relations With Prc; Remarks of Carter and Deng Xiaoping At Signing of Normalizae
2 21
Foreign Relations Committee
Galbraith, John K., "The Trouble With Economics", New Republic, January 14, 1978; Galbraith, John K., "Retrospect and Recessional", June 11, 1975; Galbraith, John K., "On History, Political Economy and Vietnam", May 30, 1975; Galbraith, John K., "Commence
2 22
Foreign Relations Committee
Chon Du-Hwan; Percy, Charles H.; Hamilton, Lee H.; Muskie, Edmund S.; McCall, Richard; Kim Dae-Jung
Kim Dae-Jung Case; Letters From Congressmen On Miscellaneous Vague Issues; Letter From U.S. Delegation To U.N. Mid-Decade Conference On Women; Radisson-Oasis Hotel and Tariffs; Memos On Iran Background, Nicaragua Aid, Budget, Committee's, 1980 Legislati
2 23
Foreign Relations Speeches
"How To Do Business With China", June 11, 1979; "After The Accords: Washington and The West Bank, " June 11, 1979; "Terrorism: No Easy Answers", March 2, 1979
2 23
Foreign Relations Speeches
"The U.S. & Developed Countries", March 6, 1979; "Between Two Decades: The Advance of Reason and The Unfinished Business of American Foreign Policy, April 30, 1979; "The Lessons of Camp David", October 18-20, 1979; "The Russian Brigade", Oct. 11. 1979; "
2 24
Geneva Conference
Joint Statement of President of The U.S. and Prime Minister of United Kingdom, August 27, 1962; Declaration of Purpose By Democrats On Behalf of Program To End Poisoning of The Air By Fallout, April 1959; "More Drive for A Test Ban", Editorial, Christian
"The Geneva Conference: A Proposal for The 11th Hour", March 2, 1959
2 25
Goldwater, Barry M.
"Goldwater Contraditions and Shifts", August 12, 1964; "The Campaign: Goldwater", The New Yorker, October 3, 1964; Duscha, Julius, "The Costly Systeries of Defense Spending", Harpers, April 1964; Endorsement of Johnson, Saturday Evening Post, September 1
2 25
Goldwater, Barry M.
Morgenthau, Hans J., "Goldwater-The Romantic Regression", Public Affairs, September 1964; Lippmann, Walter, "The Goldwater Movement", Newsweek, August 5, 1963
2 25
Goldwater, Barry M.
Goldwater, Barry M.; Baskin, Robert; Duscha, Julius; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Lippmann, Walter
"Glossary of Goldwater Opinionata"; "Barry Goldwater Quotations and Press Excerpts"; "Barry Goldwater On The Issues", February 1964; Goldwater Campaign Issue Brochure; "Goldwater Is Not Fit To Be President Because..."; Baskin, Robert, "Storm Brewing On M
2 26
Goldwater, Barry M. -- Statement
Fulbright, J.W.; Lincoln, Gould
Fulbright, William, "The Conscience of A Conservative", August 15, 1964; Lincoln, Gould, "Another Loss for Goldwater", Washington Star
"The Private World of Barry Goldwater", Article, Frontier, November 1963
2 27
Graduation Address
Roper, Elmo; Banerjee, P.K.; Bolling, Landrum; Cowles, John; Wirtz, W. Willard; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Toole, K. Ross; Gardner, John W.
Graduation Addresses Given By Various Men
"A New Fashioned Patriotism", 1974; "Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap", December 3, 1970; Commencement, 1977; "Your Government- Your Future", 1961; "You Can Bet Your Free Life", 1971; "Love Liberty and Never Be Afraid", 1972
3 1
Great Society Speech Material
Great Society Speech Material
3 2
Guns/Congressional Record
Guns/Congressional Record; List of Firearms Bills-90th Congress, 1st Session; H.R.10091-Amend Title 18, U.S.Code, To Prohibit The Use In Commission of Certain Crimes of Firearms Transported In Interstate Commerce
3 3
Hickel, Walter J.
Jackson, Henry M.; Stevens, Ted
Research On Walter J. Hickel
3 4
Hickel, Walter J.
Questioning and Verdict of Walter J. Hickel
3 5
Human Rights
Human Rights; The Inter-Parliamentary Union
3 6
Idaho Reference Material
Memo On Idaho Political Situation, October 13, 1961; Krxx Editorial On Wheat, February 5, 1961; Council of Economic Advisers, July 27, 1961, Report On First 6 Months of Kennedy Administration; List of Ada County Tax Revenues, 1954-1962; List of Federal E
Salmon Report From Washington, 1961; Draft About Wheat, N.D.; Draft About Idaho, N.D.; Press Release, Coeur d'Alene, October 16, N.Y.; Statement To Subcommittee On Communications, June 30, 1959; "Report From Washington", Text, Idaho Outdoors, N.D.; State
3 7
Berger, Raoul; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Impeachment As Represented By James K. Polk, Gpo 1897; Title 18- Crimes and Criminal Procedure; Presidential Resignation and Succession; Berger, Raoul, "Impeachment: The Constitutional Problems", Speech and Review; Cr Tear Sheets-Impeachment, House and
3 8
Casper, Gerhard; Nixon, Richard M.
Political Affairs-Watergate; "High Crimes and Misdemeaners: What They Are, What They Aren't", Booklet, American Civil Liberties Union; Various Speeches By Others Than Church; Various Newspaper Clippings and Editorials; Committee Print, Constitutional Gro
3 8
CR Tear Sheets, Statements and Debates In The House and Senate; Excerpts (Marked "Exhibit") From Nixon White House Tapes, March 13-21, 1973; Supreme Court, Syllabus, United States Vs. Nixon Et Al; "Proposed Rules of The Senate When Sitting As A Court of
3 9
Congressional Record, No. 130, Part III, House of Representatives, Privileged Report On Impeachment
3 10
Mink, Dairy, Beef/Cattle; Lamb; Facts On The U.S. and Foreign Raw Mink Skin Industry, Report, October 9, 1967; Import Quota Legislation
On Meat Import Quotas, Senate, 1967
3 11
Kahn, Sahabzada Yaqub
Democracy In India; Newspaper Clippings, June-August 1975; Kahn, Sahabzada Yaqub, Address To The Commonwealth Club of California, July 25, 1975; Civil Liberties In India; State of Emergency In India
"Arms To Pakistan Revealed", Senate, June 22, 1971; "The Toronto Declaration On Pakistan", Senate, September 14, 1971; "War Between India and Pakistan and The Ineptitude of U.S. Policy", Senate, December 6, 1971
3 11
"The Road To Jessore: India's Refugee and Security Crisis", Original Draft of Committee Print, December, 1971
3 12
Interest Rate Ceiling -- Taxes
Proposed Senate Democratic Conference; Report of The Joint Economic Committee; Figures On Interest On Public Debt; Legislative Recommendations; Interest Rate Ceiling-General Points; Interest Charges On Home Mortgages and Taxes
On The Democratic Party, The Republican Party, and Interest Rates, No Place Or Date Given, [1960]
3 13
Jaycees Speech Material
J.N. Board of Trade, Martinsburg, WV, April 6, 1959; Response At Toy M Award Banquet, Phoenix, AZ, January 18, 1958; Outstanding Young Men of Michigan, February 9, 1957
3 14
Jefferson-Jackson Day
Muskie, Edmund S.
Press Release, May 14, N.Y.; Muskie Speech At Michigan Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Congressional Record, March 29, 1966
3 15
Johnson, Lyndon B. -- Death
Death of Lyndon B. Johnson, January 24, 1973; Press Release; Washington Post, December 1, 1963, Issue On Kennedy Death and Johnson As President
1973 January 24
3 16
Johnson, Lyndon B. -- Oral History Interview
University of Texas Oral History Project
Interview: His Thoughts and Reminiscence of Lyndon B. Johnson
1968; 1969; 1977
3 17
Johnson, Lyndon B. -- President
Esquire Magazine Article On Lyndon B. Johnson As President
3 18
John F. Kennedy's Death
Kennedy, John F.
J.F. Kennedy's Death; List of Kennedy Appointees and Administration; Constituent Letters Re Jfk Death; Idaho Democrat Memorial Issue, December 1963; Press Clippings After Jfk Death; Letter Re Jfk Oral History Project; Jfk Speeches: State of The Union, Ja
Eulogy In Senate, December 11, 1963; In Memorium To Jfk, November 24, 1963
3 19
J.F. Kennedy's Speeches
"Survival" By John Hersey, Readers Digest; "Will Foreign Policy Be Devisive In 1960?" By Chester Boyles, April 21, 1959; "The First Hundred Days" Draft, May 5, 1961
3 19
J.F. Kennedy's Speeches
"Natural Resources" February 23, 1961, "Recommendations Relating To Our Defense Budget" March 28, 1961, "American Education" February 20, 1961, "Federal Pay-As-You-Go Highway Program" February 28, 1961, "State of The Union Message" January 28, 1961; "The
3 19
John F. Kennedy's Speeches
Kennedy, John F.; Hersey, John; Bowles, Chester
J.F. Kennedy's Speeches: "Establishment of Permanent Peace Corps" March 1, 1961, "Health Program" February 9, 1961, "Budget and Fiscal Policy" March 24, 1961, "Our Nation's Housing" March 9, 1961, "American Agriculture" March 16, 1961, "Foreign Aid" Marc
3 20
The Kennedy Record
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy Press Releases and Issue Statements; Kennedy Kit; Kennedy Brochures; Democrat, September 25, 1961
3 21
Henry A. Kissinger
Sisco, Joseph J.; Kissinger, Henry A.
Confirmation Hearings for Kissinger As Secretary of State; Transcript of Kissinger Press Conference In Salzburg, Austria; Background for Confirmation Hearings; Suggested Areas of Inquiry; Lengthy Memo Re Kissinger's Past, Present and Possible Future Posi
Exchange Between FC and Kissinger At Confirmation Hearings, September 7, 1973
1965; 1973; 1974; 1976
3 22
Latin America
Chart of Total Assistance To Latin America; Department of State Information On Latin America; History of Mexico; The New Leader, October 14, 1963; Inter-American Development Bank Data; The New Republic, September, 1960; "The Cry for Land In Latin America
3 22
Latin America
Culver, John C.; Flatow, Bernard; Nixon, Richard M.; Sanders, Thomas G.; Campos, Roberto De Oliveira
"A Suggestion for Meeting The Communist Threat In Latin America" By Bernard Flatow; "Action for Progress In The Americas" Richad M. Nixon, October 31, 1969; "The Church In Latin America" Thomas G. Sanders, Foreign Affairs, January, 1970; "Gringos and Gen
"U.S. and Latin America" Cr, November 11, 1969
3 23
The End of Liberalism
Lowi, T.J.
The End of Liberalism, By T.J. Lowi
3 24
McCarthy, Joseph
The McCarthy Record-1952 Booklet; News Clippings From McCarthy Era
3 25
George McGovern
3 26
George McGovern
McGovern Background Material; McGovern Speeches and News Releases
3 27
George McGovern
Material FC Carried On Trips While Stumping for McGovern
"George McGovern for President" Idaho Democratic Assembly, Sun Valley, ID, June 16, 1972; "A Crisis of Party" Various Places and Times; "Where Is The Outrage?" In Senate, September 18, 1972; "We Can't Share What We Don't Have" In Senate, September 11, 19
3 28
George McGovern
O'Brien, Lawrence F.
FC Backs McGovern After Muskie Withdraws, May 1972; FC Role In McGovern Campaign; Correspondence Between FC, McGovern, and His Election Headquarters; "The McGovern Record: A Critical Appraisal"; "McGovern Policy Statement: The Environment"
"The Democratic Party and Israel" In Senate, July 21, 1972
4 1
Members of Congress for Peace through Law
Clark, Joseph S.; McGovern, George; Hatfield, Mark O.; Hughes, Harold E.; Brooke, Edward W.; Morse, F. Bradford; Udall, Morris K.
H.R.Res.-Support of Congress for The World Conference On World Peace Through Law; FC Becomes Member In 1970; Various Meetings and Activities of...; Report: "Taiwan and U.S. Defense In East Asia" By Morris K. Udall; "Feasible Timetable for Peace" In Vie
1963-1965; 1968; 1970
4 2
Members of Congress for Peace through Law
Cranston, Alan; Hatfield, Mark O.; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.; Proxmire, William; Hart, Philip A.
Biannual Report: 1969-1970 and 1971-1972; Report: "Foreign Aid for The Second Development Decade: A Mcpl Report On The Foreign Aid Reorganization of 1971"; Foreign Policy; Military Spending; Report On Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
4 3
Middle East
Ball, George W.
"Suez Is The Front To Watch" By George W. Ball, New York Times Magazine, June 28, 1970
4 4
Middle East
Riegle, Donald W., Jr.; Carter, Jimmy; Vance, Cyrus R.; Dutton, Frederick G.; Ahrens, Moshe
U.S. Arms Sales To Israel and Arab Countries; F-15 Sales; Political Cartoons On U.S. Arms Sales; Hearings Before Committee On Foreign Relations On Middle East Arms Sales, May 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1978; P.L.94-329 Military Assistance Program; Brief On Plane Sa
4 5
Middle East
Siegel, Mark A.
New Clippings On Middle East Arms Sales; AFL-CIO Position Statement On Middle East; Transcript of Al-Faisal On CBS Evening News; Fact Sheet--Church Energy Proposal
"Alternative To Ford Administration Energy Program" Greater Miami Jewish Federation, January 23, 1980
4 6
Military Budget
"A Rational National Defense"; Military Construction Projects
4 6
Military Budget
FY 1975-1977; Committee Print--U.S.-U.S.S.R. Strategic Policies; Library of Congress Research Service Report--Cost Growth In Weapon Programs; Committee Print--Briefing On Counterforce Attacks; Newspaper Reprints On Military Budget and Programs; Trident S
4 7
Military Budget
Brown, George S.
"U.S. Military Posture for FY 1977" By George S. Brown
4 8
Multinational Corporations
Anderson, Jack Z.; Fulbright, J.W.; Percy, Charles H.; Case, Clifford P.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Sparkman, John J.; Reston, James; Levinson, Jerome I.
Memo On Purpose of Committee; Memo Re Jack Anderson Getting Confidential Documents; Letters On Starting-Up Committee; Letters About Committee Staff; Material Re Itt and Chile and Itt and Russians; Letter From Levinson To Reston Re Watergate; Letters Re A
4 8
Multinational Corporations
Materials Re Lockheed; Memos On Arms Sales; Survey of Travel To Korea; Bechtel Corporation News Release Re Committee; Memos On Staff
4 9
George Mische/Catonsville Nine
4 10
Military Information
Shoup, David
Military Information; "The New Militarism" By General David Shoup, Atlantic (No Date); Congressional Report, June 18, 1969; List of FC Votes for Military Funds, 1958-1969; "In Military Strength" U.S. News, March 14, 1960
1960; 1969
4 11
Multinational Corporations
"An Alternative To The Ford Administration Energy Program" In Senate, January 30, 1975; "Tax Subsidies and Multinational Corporations: The Need for Revision" International Fiscal Association, January 23, 1975; "An Alternative Middle East Strategy" Draft
4 12
Multinational Corps Speeches
Alsop, Joseph, "A River of Money", Washington Post, April 10, --; Hart, Philip, Press Release On Oil Costs, April 26, 1974; Press Release On Mnc Hearing Resumption, May 28, 1974; Sommer, A.A., Jr., "Crisis and Corporate Community", As Offered To F.C. To
4 12
Multinational Corps Speeches
Sampson, Anthony; Pisar, Samuel; Alsop, Joseph; Hart, Philip A.; Sommer, A.A., Jr.; Rapaport, Bernard
Press Release, March 28, 1973, About Release of William Brow, CIA, Testimony; Press Release, May 8, 1973, About February Dollar Devaluation; Sampson, Anthony, "The Geneen Machine", New York, N.D.; Samuel Pisar Testimony On Multinationals Before Committee
"The Multinational Corp-A Trial Balance", Houston, March 2, 1973; Washington Post, Drafts, February 23, 1975
4 13
Muskie, Edmund S.
Muskie, Edmund S.
Memorandum of Conversation With Edmund S. Muskie At A Luncheon Meeting, December 13, 1971; Letter From FC To Muskie With Advice On The Farm Issue; Muskie To FC Informing Him of His Plan To Formally Announce Candidacy
"Senator Muskie and The War", Senate, February 23, 1972
4 14
Nader (Ralph) Congress Project/Member of Congress Questionnaire
Nader, Ralph
Congress Project-Member of Congress Questionnaire. 633 Questions Ranging Overall Aspects of Congressional Activity To Be Answered By The Member and Used By Nader Organization In The Compilation of A Booklet On Each Member In The "Ralph Nader Congress Pro
1972 June-October
4 15
Nader (Ralph) Congress Project/Member of Congress Questionnaire
James A. McClure, Republican Representative From Idaho, Ralph Nader Congress Project
1972 June-October
4 15
Nader (Ralph) Congress Project/Member of Congress Questionnaire
Nader, Ralph; McClure, James A.
Congress Project-Member of Congress Questionnaire. 633 Questions Ranging Overall Aspects of Congressional Activity To Be Answered By The Member and Used By Nader Organization In The Compilation of A Booklet On Each Member In The "Ralph Nader Congress Pro
1972 June-October
4 16
Narkin, Paul
Narkin, Paul
Allegations By Attorney Paul Narkin That He Is Working With FC On A Bill To Compensate Survivors of The Mylai Massacre; Newspaper Reports of Narkin's Story; Correspondence and Efforts To Deny and Distance Himself From The Story; Newspaper Reports of Deni
1970 January-March
4 17
"Avoiding Armageddon"; Bundy, McGeorge, Statement On U.S. Policy Toward NATO; Bundy, McGeorge, "Policy for The Western Alliance-Berlin & After", March 12, 1962; Bundy, McGeorge, "Friends and Allies"; NATO Hearings Materials; NATO Chronology 1948-1965; Th
4 17
Warburg, James P., Testimony Before Foreign Relations Committee, March 23, 1966; Noel, Emile, "How European Economic Community's Institutions Work"; Time, July 5, 1963; Europe Today, A Report On Study Mission, May 1966
4 17
Gruening, Ernest; Bader, W.B.; Allen, Charles; Bundy, McGeorge; Paul, Henri; Warburg, James P.; Noel, Emile
Gruening, Ernest, "Our Obsolete Concepts About NATO", August 23, 1966; Newspaper Clippings; Bader, W.B., "Nuclear Weapon's Sharing and The German Problem", Foreign Affairs, July 1966; Allen, Charles, "German Hand On The Nuclear Trigger"; National Plannin
Toward A More Perfect Union, July 12, 1965; NATO Speech Draft, No Date; Meet The Press, May 15, 1966; Unknown Draft
4 18
Neuberger, Richard L.
Neuberger, Richard L.
Memorials and Statements On The Death of Richard L. Neuberger; Newspaper Clippings
1960 March
4 19
Nixon Administration
Nixon, Richard M.; Smith, Howard K.; Agnew, Spiro T.
Newsday Articles; New York Times Magazine, April 1971; Smith, Howard K., "Conversation With The President By Howard K. Smith", March 22, 1971; Democratic National Committee Publications On Nixon; Press Clips On Nixon
"One Too Many Gaps", August 11, 1970; Question Asked About Agnew, November 17, 1969
5 1
Nuclear -- Disarmament
Springarn, Jerome C., Memo On Disarmament To Disarmament Task Force; Kennedy, John F., Disarmament Speech, March 7, 1960; Kurtz, Howard G., "War Safety Control", National Catholic Weekly Review; Humphrey, Hubert H., Germ Warfare Control, August 29, 1960,
5 1
Nuclear -- Disarmament
Matteson, Robert; Mcvitty, Marion; Foster, William C.; Springarn, Jerome C.; Kennedy, John F.; Kurtz, Howard G.; Humphrey, Hubert H.
Pro-Con On Atomic Power, The American Legion Magazine, February 1959; Matteson, Robert, Speech On Diarmament's Response In Washington Post, February 21, 1958; Army Magazine, December 1963; Mcvitty, Marion, Speech On Disarmament, September 1957; Foster
Draft On Disarmament Speech, 1960; "International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation", March 25, 1977
5 2
Nuclear -- Non-Proliferation
Lausche, Frank J.; Dodd, Thomas J.
Legal Opinion On Right of U.S. To Withdraw From Treaty, August 12, 1963; List From Senator Frank Lausche of Who Should Testify On Treaty; Robo To Anti-Test; Poll On Test-Ban, Washington Post, July 8, 1963; Christian Monitor, May 2, 1963; Does Test-Ban Tr
5 2
Nuclear -- Non-Proliferation
Dodd, Thomas J.
Dodd, Thomas J., "The Nuclear Test-Ban Negotiations and The Quest for Peace", Senate, February 21, 1963; "A Psychoanalyst Looks At The Nuclear Arms Race", Frontier, June 1963; Statement On Test-Ban Treaty, Washington Post, April 9, 1963
5 2
Nuclear -- Non-Proliferation
Lippmann, Walter
McNamara Statement On Test Ban Pact, Washington Post, August 14, 1963; Lippmann, Walter, "A Hard Treaty", Newsweek, August 19, 1963; Secretary of State, Statement In Behalf On Treaty, August 12, 1963; "Teller Has New Reasons for Opposing A Test-Ban", Was
"The Geneva Conference, Senate, March 2, 1959; "U.S. Non- Proliferation Policy: An Evaluation", November 10, 1966; "The Nuclear Test- Ban Treaty: It's Portent for Peace", Sept. 11, 1959; Remarks On Non-Military Safeguards for The Limited Test-Ban Treat
5 3
Nuclear Power
Rickover, Hyman G.; Hill, David
Rickover, Hyman G., "The Admiral Speaks His Mind" No Source, N.D.; Letter To Secretary Harter On Test-Ban Treaty and Drafts, January 8, 1960; Hill, David, Remarks On The Theme of Disarmament, N.D.; Unknown Letter, June 24, 1960
Nuclear Test-Ban Speeches, 1959-1960; "A New Proposal To Prevent Deadlock In Geneva, Senate, January 11, 1960; On Nuclear Testing, February 16, 1960
5 4
Nuclear Power
Lippmann, Walter
List of Materials On Underground Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, March 22, 1959; Lippmann, Walter, "Lippmann On The Frustration of Our Time", Washington Post, January 11, 1962
Draft of Senate Speech On Atmospheric Testing, N.D.
5 5
Nuclear Proliferation
Miscellaneous Press Clippings; Harrison, Stanley, "Nth Nation Challenges", Orbis, Spring 1965; U.N. Press Release, October 26, 1966; Younger, Kenneth, "The Spectre of Nuclear Proliferation", International Affairs, V.42; Aron, Raymond, "The Spread of Nucl
5 5
Nuclear Proliferation
Harrison, Stanley; Younger, Kenneth; Aron, Raymond; Viorst, Milton; Bobrow, Davis B.; Stone, Jeremy
"The Spread of Nuclear Weapons-Can It Be Stopped?", Outline; "Vision Letter", Analysis of Latin American Affairs, November 9, 1966; Amendment To U.S. Treaty, August 17, 1965, Conference of The 18-Nation Committee On Disarmament; Final Record of Above Con
"U.S. Non-Proliferation Policy: An Evaluation", November 10, 1966
5 5
Nuclear Proliferation
Bobrow, Davis B., "Realism About Nuclear Spread", Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, December 1965; Stone, Jeremy, "On Proliferation: Where's The Danger?", Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, November 1965
5 6
Nuclear Proliferation
Hansen, Orval; Yergin, Daniel; Streit, Clarence K.
Hansen, Orval, "Atoms for Peace", April 25, 1977; Yergin, Daniel, "The Terrifying Prospect", Article, N.D.; Streit, Clarence K., "Facing Another Bomb", Pamphlet; Subcommittee On Disarmement Report, "Economic Impact of Arms Control Agreement", Secret, Aug
"Nuclear Energy and The Prospects for Peace", Atomic Industrial Forum, San Francisco, November 30, 1977; "The Nuclear Dilemma", Banbury, England, June 18, 1977; "International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation", University of North Carolina, Apri
5 6
Nuclear Proliferation
Kennedy, John F., Report On Nuclear Weapons Policy, September 2, 1960
"Arms, Energy and The Atom, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2, 1977; "International Cooperation To Curb Nuclear Proliferation", Borah Symposium, Moscow, ID, March 22, 1977; Senate Statement In Support of The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, [
5 6
Nuclear Proliferation
Nixon, Richard M.
The Waffling Performance of President Nixon, Senate Remarks In Favor of The Interim SALT Treaty, [August 8, 1972]; Keynote 9th Annual National Security Forum, War College, [May 15, 1963]
5 7
Nuclear Proliferation
Nuclear Proliferation Background Material
5 8
"Deficits, Debts, and OPEC", President's Commission On Personnel Interchange, September 13, 1977
1977 September 13
5 9
Oppenheimer, Gideon
Agree, George E.; Potofsky, Jacob S.; Clark, Joseph S.
Efforts To Help Gideon Oppenheimer Secure Financial Backing for The Caldwell Times
5 10
Overseas Private Investments Corp (Opic)
"International Petroleum Industry", Background Material; "Is The Oil Shortage Real?"; Report On Fulbright's Trip To Cayman Islands; "The Oil Crisis: This Time The Wolf Is Here"; "An Atlantic Japanese Energy Policy"; Brief On Letter From Comptroller Gener
5 10
Overseas Private Investments Corp (Opic)
Mays, Marshall T.; Meenaghan, James J.; Albaum, Martin; Fitzgerald, Mary Clare; Staats, Elmer B.; Fulbright, J.W.
Letter To Senators About Opic; Letter To FC From Opic President; Memo Opic & Indochina War; Memo On Hearings On Opic; Outline of Oil Hearings and On Mnc's; Draft of Response To Meenaghan Letter; Memo of Conversation With Albaum of Prudential; Congression
Remarks At Opic Committee Meeting, November 13, 1973
5 11
Panama Canal -- Brief of Costs
1980 August
5 12
Fulbright, J.W.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Himler, Martin
Fulbright, J.W., "What Students Can Do for Peace", Progressive, June 1970; Johnson, Lyndon B., "A New Approach To Solve The Problems of Peace", Congressional Record, January 31, 1958; Himlet, Martin, "If I Were The President", Hungarian Miners Journal, J
"Negotiations for Peace", April 13, 1959
5 13
Pfost, Gracie -- Memorial
Newspaper Clippings of The Life and Death of Gracie Pfost; C.R. Tearsheets
"A Tribute To Gracie Pfost", Senate, September 22, 1965
1965 August-September
5 14
Pisar, Samuel
Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques
Pisar, Samuel, "With Weapons of Peace: Changing East-West Economic Relations", At The North Atlantic Assembly, West Germany, November 21, 1972; Pisar, Samuel, "The Challenge of Multinational Enterprise", Testimony Before Committee On Finance, Subcommitte
5 14
Pisar, Samuel
East-West Trade; Multinational Corporations; Soviet Jewry; Pravda Interview With Pisar, "Commerce-The Weapon of Peace", April 10, 1973; International Commentary On Pisar Book, "Co-Existence and Commerce"; Correspondence Dealing With FC Endorsement of Pis
5 15
Political -- Speech Background Files
Humphrey, Hubert H.; Udall, Morris K.; Adams, J.Q.; Benton, William; Keating, Kenneth B.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Stevenson, Adlai E.
Udall, Morris K., "The Democratic Party: Where Do We Go From Here?", The New Republic, November 24, 1973; Humphrey, Hubert, Letter and December 13, 1958 Victory Challenge Speech; Keating, Kenneth, "The Democratic Party", January 7, 1959; Various Other Sp
1957-1958; 1973
5 16
Presidential Aspirants
Harris, Fred R.; Proxmire, William; Bayh, Birch; Chisholm, Shirley; Hughes, Harold E.; Jackson, Henry M.; Muskie, Edmund S.; Nixon, Richard M.; Sanford, Terry; Stevenson, Adlai E. III
1972 Campaign Fund To Elect Liberal Democratic Senators-Sponsored By FC and Adlai Stevenson
5 17
Public Affairs Institute (PAI)
What The PAI Is and What They Do; Withdrawal of Funds To and Subsequent Financial Difficulty of Pai; Appeal To FC
1960; 1963
5 18
Radical Right
Hoover, J. Edgar; Pearson, Drew; Harris, T. George; Dodd, Thomas J.; Selover, William C.
Hoover, John Edgar, "Shall It Be Law Or Tyranny?", Aba Journal, February 1962; Pearson, Drew, "Radio Program Deals In Hate", Washington Post, December 5, 1963; Harris, T. George, "A New Conservative Manifesto", Look, December 29, 1964; Dodd, Thomas J., "
5 18
Radical Right
Selover, William C., "Morton, Dirksen, Ford Hit John Birch Society", Christian Science Monitor, October 2, 1965; "Welch Is The Birch Society", Editorial, The Post-Register, October 8, 1965; A Check-List for Community Action To Fight Extremism; "Gop Vs. B
5 19
Recall--Newspaper Clippings (Not Photocopied)
5 20
Rankin, Ron
Material On Ronald Rankin, One of The Organizers of Recall Movement; 1971 Letter With Follow-Up Newsclippings On Rankin
5 21
Rockefeller Mission
Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Weiss, Peter
New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller's Four Fact Finding Trips To Latin America At President Nixon's Request; Press Releases On Mission and Report; Ordinary Correspondence With Commentary and News Clippings; Rockefeller Appearance Before The Senate Su
"Opening Statement", At Meeting of Senate Subcommittee On Western Hemisphere Affairs, November 20, 1969
1969-1970; 1975
5 21
Rockefeller Mission
Analysis of Report With Suggested Questions To Ask Rockefeller At November 20, 1969 Meeting; Testimony (Opening Statement) of Governor Rockefeller Before Subcommittee; Rockefeller, Nelson A., "Quality of Life In The Americas", Annotations By FC
1969-1970; 1975
5 22
Roper, Elmo
Dutton, Frederick G.; Hastings, Philip K.; Haworth, Leland J.
Copies of Articles Elmo Roper Wrote; Various Reports Issued By The Roper Public Opinion Research Center, At Williams College, Williamstown, MA; Center Activities; NATO; National Science Foundation Grants Funding
5 23
Roper, Elmo
Roper Research Associates, Inc.; FC Becomes A Member of The Board of Roper Public Opinion Research Center, Spring 1969; for 1969-1971-See Also- RPORC-Board of Directors
5 24
Roper, Elmo
Blackwelder, Justin; Babbitt, Bruce E.; Moss, Frank E.
for 1971 See Also-RPORC-Board of Directors; Various Newsletters and Reports
"A Man of This Century-Elmo Roper", Freedom and Union Magazine, May 1971
6 1
Roper, Elmo -- Memorial Fund
Hastings, Philip K.
FC Appeal To Past and Present Board Members To Contribute The Elmo Roper Memorial Fund
6 2
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC)
RPORC Bibliography; "International Youth Study Inventory"; Roper Reports/Newsletter
6 3
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC)
The Roper Report; Current Opinion-Digest; Newsletter;
6 4
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC)
RPORC Newsletter; Roper Reports;
6 5
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC)
Hastings, Philip K.
Roper Organization; Ropers Newsletter/Report
6 6
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC) -- Board of Directors
November Board Meeting Agenda, Reports, Newsletter; "Preliminary Draft Proposal: Popultion Control Project" and "Illustrative Questions"; "Preliminary Draft Proposal: Majority/Minority Relations Project" and "Illustrative Questions"
6 7
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC) -- Board of Directors
Hastings, Philip K.
Population Research Proposal; RPORC Newsletter/Report; "Population Control-A Bibliography of Survey Data: 1938-1970
1970 January-June
6 8
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC) -- Board of Directors
Hastings, Philip K.
RPORC Newsletter/Report; October Meeting Agenda and Report
1970 July-December
6 9
Roper Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC) -- Board of Directors
Hastings, Philip K.
Population Control; November Newsletter/Report
6 10
Mckinney, Robert, "The Red Challenge To Technological Renewal In The West"
6 10
"Victory Without Total War", The American Weekly, August 24, 1958; Morgenthau, Hans J., "Asia: The American Algeria", Commentary; Boulding, K.E., "The U.S. and Revolution", Center for Study of Democratic Insititutions; Fromm, Erich, "The New Communist Pr
6 10
Ribicoff, Abraham; Fromm, Erich; Wallace, Robert; Price, George; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Boulding, K.E.; Mckinney, Robert; Khrushchev, Nikita
"A Proposal for A Giant Step"; Wallace, Robert, "All Russian Sciences"; Price, George, "Arguing and The Case for Being Panicky", Notes of Meeting With Khruschev; Summary of January 6, 1961 Khruschev Speech; Ribicoff, Abe, Letter and Speech On Soviet Jews
"The Communist Challenge", The Women's National Democratic Club, January 22, 1960, February 23, 1960, February 25, 1960, and September 23, 1960
6 11
Leonid Breshnev Visit To The U.S., June 1973; Summary of Luncheon Comments, June 19, 1973
1960-1961; 1964; 1973
6 11
Dulles, Allen W.; Brezhnev, Leonid I.
Memorandum To Allen Dulles On FC Meeting With Ambassador Menshikov (U.S.S.R.) On Soviet Jewry, Africa, E. Europe, W. Europe, Cuba, Balance of Power, Weapons, Testing, Antarctica, 1960; Timescale of Soviet Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program, 1961; State
1960-1961; 1964; 1973
6 12
Carter, Jimmy; Cranston, Alan; Newsom, Eric; Glenn, John
Newsom, Eric, Memo To FC On SALT II and Backfire Bomber With John Glenn Observations; Article In Washington Post, October 21, 1979; John Glenn Observations On Telemetry and Other Subjects; Carter, Jimmy, Address To Joint Session Congress On SALT II; Memo
On SALT II, July 12, 1979; Updated Draft; Text To Put Article From Christian Science Monitor Into Congressional Record
6 13
Sandburg's Lincoln Speeches
Sandburg, Carl
Meet The Press With Carl Sandburg, October 27, 1957; Miscellaneous Press Clippings, 1959
6 14
Sanjuan, Pedro
Sanjuan, Pedro
Latin American Development; Interlandia Corp.; Study: The Development of A Systematized Approach To The Marketing of Aircraft To Aircraft To Airlines In Latin America and Africa; Inter-American Airline Finance Association; Oceanic Development Corp-Marine
6 14
Sanjuan, Pedro
Inter-American Social Development Institute (Isdi); FC Member of Board of Advisors-Close-Up
6 15
Sanjuan, Pedro
Close Up Perspectives-Report; FC Resigns As Member of Board of Directors-Close-Up
6 16
Scharansky, Anatoly Borisovich
Dobrynin, Anatoly F.; Bennet, Douglas J., Jr.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Vance, Cyrus R.
Efforts On Behalf of Three Families of Soviet Citizens To Emigrate To Israel: Scharansky, Lotvin, and Taratuta; Letters To Henry Kissinger, Anatoly F. Dobrynin, Cyrus Vance In Connection With Scharansky; Scharansky Background Material; Newspaper Clipping
6 17
Dean Acheson's Reply To George Kennan On The Withdrawal of U.S., British, and Soviet Troops From Europe, and A Nuclear Free Zone; Newspaper Clippings On Keenan, Sputnik, Unification of Germany, and Security
1958 January-February
6 17
Acheson, Dean; Carver, John A., Jr.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Bulganin, Nikolai; Kennan, George F.
Dean Acheson On A Career In Government; John Carver As Possible Candidate for Congress; Congressional Record Tearsheets On: 1. Free Import Policy, 2. The President's Budget, 3. Economic Assistance To India, 4. Letter From The President To Nicolai Bulgani
1958 January-February
6 18
Soil Conservation -- Speech Drafts
Soil Conservation
Hand Draft On Soil Conservation; "Soil Conservation Comes First"; P.10 of Unknown Speech; "Let The Sunshine In"; "Poverty, Pollution, and Population"
6 19
Southeast Asia
Banerjee, P.K.; Thieu, Nguyen Van
Confidential Report: Neutralization In Southeast Asia: Problems and Prospects, Prepared At Request of Foreign Relations Committee, June 24, 1966; Text of Speech By President Thieu, July 31, 1970; CIA Covert Actions In Laos; Central Intelligence Agency
On CIA Covert and U.S. Military Actions In Laos, Written Sometime After October 1970
1966; 1969-1970
6 20
Merry Del Val, Alfonso; Payne, Stanley G.; Alba, Jaime
"Franco's Spain", Look Magazine, July 31, 1962; ETA, The Basque Movement, and Franco's Response, 1968; Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation-Military Bases, 1970; French Basques; Conference On Basque Studies, 1973; Death of Eustaquio Mendizabal
"The Spanish American Agreement: The Story of A Double Event", Senate, August 25, 1970; "Guernica", Senate, April 10, 1973
6 21
Speeches and Miscellaneous
No Dates, No Occasions
6 22
Speeches and Miscellaneous
Foreign Policy-Europe
"Europe Today", Committee Print, May 1966; "A Reappraisal of American Policy In Western Europe", Naval War College, May 15, 1963; "The Atlantic Future: Europe's Choice", At Tutzing Germany, July 16, 1963; "Our New African Policy", Senate, June 29, 1961
6 22
Speeches and Miscellaneous
"Statement In Support of Ratification of The Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty", Senate, 1969; "Give Earth A Chance", Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, April 22, 1970; "A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The U.N.", Senate,
6 22
Speeches and Miscellaneous
"Two Sentinels of The Status Quo: An Analysis of The Parallel Foreign Policies of The U.S. and Soviet Union", Senate, July 11, 1969; Keynote Speech. Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles, July 11, 1960; "Arsenal Diplomacy: Failure of A Policy, Senate
6 23
Speeches and Miscellaneous
"Statement On Senate Resolution To Discontinue Aid To Diem Regime In South Vietnam", Senate, September 12, 1963; Interview On Vietnam. Ramparts, January-February 1965; "Our Over-Involvement In Africa and Asia", Senate, February 17, 1965
1963; 1965-1966; 1969
6 23
Speeches and Miscellaneous
"The Vietnam Imbroglio", Senate, June 24, 1965; "Bomb Now, Pay Later", Senate, July 12, 1965; "United States Non-Proliferation Policy: An Evaluation", At San Francisco, CA, November 10, 1966; "Revolution and World Order", Toronto, February 6, 1969
1963; 1965-1966; 1969
6 24
Speeches and Miscellaneous
Szulc, Tad; Wills, Garry; Damon, Allan; McGhee, George C.; Kristol, Irving
Speeches and Miscellaneous; Boston Phoenix, November 18, 1975, Story About Frank Church, "The Flexible Liberalism of Frank Church"; Szule, Tao, "Why Kissinger's Time Is Up", New York Magazine; Wills, Garry, "Ford Looks Under The Bed", N.D.; Wills, Garry,
6 24
Speeches and Miscellaneous
Damon, Allan, "Lots of Defense, How Much Security", Washington Star, March 2, 1975; McGhee, George, "Ford's Program Misses The Mark", Washington Star, February 16, 1975; Kristol, Irving, "The Politics of Appeasement", The Wall Street Journal
6 25
Speeches and Miscellaneous
On The Occasion of The Cancer Research Institute's Award To Three Chinese Doctors, October 9, 1979; Commencement 1979; "Terrorism: No Easy Answers" March 2, 1979; "The U.S. and Developed Countries: The Rich Vs. The Rich" March 6, 1979; Jefferson-Jackson
6 26
Speeches and Miscellaneous
Commencement 1980, May 18-22; "Keepers of The Law" May 17, 1980; "Most Favored Nation for The Peoples Republic of China" April, 1980; "Israel: A Cornerstone of Stability In The Middle East" April 30, 1980
6 26
Speeches and Miscellaneous
Speeches, Misc.; Notecards On River of No Return Wilderness Becoming Reality (N.D.)
Pioneer Day, 1980; Remarks At Idaho State Democratic Convention, June 13, 1980; Remarks At Memorial for Verda Barnes, June 17, 1980; "A Legislator's Perspective for The Turbulent 80's" June 23, 1980; AFL-CIO Convention, June 10, 1980; "Let Justice Be Don
7 1
Speeches, Articles, Miscellaneous
"Construction of Hells Canyon Dam" In Senate, June 19, 1957; "Statehood for Alaska: We Must Have It Now" In Senate, May 5, 1958; "A Feasibility Study for A Sawtooth National Park" In Senate, April 7, 1960; "Campaign Money: How Much? From Whom?" Nyt Magazine
1957-1958; 1960; 1962; 1964-1967; 1970-1971
7 1
Speeches, Articles, Miscellaneous
"Conspiracy USA" Look Magazine, January 26, 1965; National Wild Rivers Bill" In Senate, March 8, 1965; "William Borah: A Tribute" In Senate, June 29, 1965; "The Wild Rivers Bill" Idaho Water Resources Board, September, 1965; "Wild Rivers Act" Senate, Jan
1957-1958; 1960; 1962; 1964-1967; 1970-1971
7 1
Speeches, Articles, Miscellaneous
"The Wild Rivers Bill" In Senate, January 11, 1967; "Wild and Scenic Rivers Act" In Senate, August 8, 1967; "Give Earth A Chance" Idaho State University, April 22, 1970; "Impoundment of Appropriated Funds: The Decline of Congressional Control Over Executive
1957-1958; 1960; 1962; 1964-1967; 1970-1971
7 1
Speeches, Articles, Miscellaneous
"American Foreign Policy and The Generation Gap" Washington University, MO, December 3, 1970
1957-1958; 1960; 1962; 1964-1967; 1970-1971
7 2
Stanford University
Sterling, J.E. Wallace
Two Appeals From Harvard Law School Fund, 1963 and 1964; Stanford University
On Foreign Policy, Stanford University [1966]
7 3
Stanford University
Various Stanford Law School Publications
7 4
Stanford University
Campus Unrest
7 5
Stanford University
Lyman, Richard W.
7 6
Stanford University
Hoover Institute-S.1418 (1973)
1971-1973; 1975-1976
7 7
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Adlai Stevenson; "The Darkest Shadow" By Adlai Stevenson, American Bar Association, October, 1964; Correspondence Re Adlai Stevenson Papers; Telegram, Stevenson To FC; Misc. Press Clippings; Program for U.N. Memorial Ceremony for Stevenson, July 19, 1965
"In Memory of Adlai Stevenson" Cr, August 2, 1965
7 8
Drafts of "Terrorism: No Easy Answers" September 17, 1978
7 9
Tight Money
"Panel Report On Tight Money and Small Business" Democratic National Conference, February 15-16, 1957; Democratic National Committee Memo On 1958 Budget; Democratic Advisory Council Statement, October 20, 1957; Weekly Report To Senate Small Business Committee
7 10
United Nations
United Nations; India and Pakistan Dispute
"A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving Support for The U.N." In Senate, June 23, 1964; "The Changing Role of The U.N." 1964; "The U.N. Triumph" In Senate, September 22, 1965; "The U.N. At 20" 1965
7 11
United Nations
"The U.N.: A Practical Necessity" October 27, 1971; "The U.N. At 21" [1966]; "A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The U.N." June 23, 1964; "The Changing Role of The U.N." N.D.
7 12
United Nations
"The U.N. After 20 Years" Gonzaga University, October 24, 1965; "The U.N. Is 21" Concord, NH, December 12, 1966; "The U.N. At 21" Committee Print, 1967; "Does The U.N. Have A Future?" U.N. Association, December, 1970; In Support of U.N. Bond Issue, In Se
1962-1963; 1965-1967; 1969-1970
7 12
United Nations
"U.N. Faces Political, Not Just Financial Crisis" In Senate, April 27, 1963; "President and Congress In Foreign Policy: The Threat To Constitutional Government" Idaho Press Club, October 29, 1967; "of Presidents and Caesars" In Senate, June 19, 1969 and
1962-1963; 1965-1967; 1969-1970
7 13
United Nations -- Church As Delegate
Foster, William C.; Gardner, Richard N.; Johnson, Lyndon B.
U.N. Charter; Information for U.N. Delegates; Ngo List of 1966 U.S. Mission To U.N.; Information On Rusk Speech About U.N.; Letters Re "Beyond Vietnam Speech"; U.N. Pamphlet; "How To Get A Date for Getting Out of Vietnam" Nyt Magazine, May 9, 1971; "Beyo
"Does The U.N. Have A Future" N.D.; Statement To U.N., November 14, 1966; "The U.N. After 20 Years" October 24, 1965 and February 28, 1966; "A Foreign Policy Imperative: Unswerving American Support for The U.N." June 23, 1964; U.N. Bond Purchase, April 3
7 13
United Nations -- Church As Delegate
Text of U.N. Approved Non-Proliferation Treaty; LBJ Address To U.N., June 12, 1968; LBJ "Great Society" Speech, May 22, 1964
"The Changing Role of The U.N." May 7, 1964; "The U.N. Triumph" September 22, 1965
7 14
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
7 15
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
Davis, William E.
FC As Delegate To U.N.
7 16
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Statement On Budget Estimates for FY 1967, At U.N., November 14, 1966; Statement On The Korean Item, At U.N., December 1, 1966; Statement On Consideration of Korea, At U.N., February 2, 1966; Statement On International Cooperation Year, February 7, 1966
7 16
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
"The U.N. At 21" Governor's Conference On The U.N., Concord, NH, December 12, 1966; Statement On The Korean Seating Question, At U.N., December 13, 1966; Statement On Korea, At U.N., December 14, 1966
7 17
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
Caradon, Hugh Mackintosh Foot
United Nations--21st General Assembly; "Representation"; Invitations To Social Gatherings of Various Delegations, Some Accepted and Some Refused; Guest List, Menu, and Invoices Connected With Reception Given By FC and Clifford Case, November 16, 1966; "R
7 17
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
Guest List for Cocktail Party Given FC and Bethine, December 8, 1966; Guest Lists for Other Delegations' Receptions
7 18
United Nations -- 21st General Assembly
Anderson, Eugene; McCain, John S.; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Estabrook, Robert H.; Witman, William; Bancroft, Harding F.; Pederson, Richard M.; Finger, Seymour M.; Foster, William C.; Case, Clifford P.; Buffum, William B.
7 19
U.N. Bonds
Dulles, John Foster; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Jackson, Henry M.
S.2768-Authorizing The Purchase of U.N.-Bonds; List of Countries Buying Bonds; Analysis of Senator Jackson's Speech; Adali Stevenson, Excerpts On The U.N.; Brief On Who Controls The U.N.; Excerpts of John Foster Dulles Speech, August 26, 1953
"The Changing Role of The U.N." N.D.; "U.N. Faces Political, Not Just Financial Crisis" May 27, 1963; Draft of Senate Speech On U.N. Bond Issue, April 3, 1962
7 20
Veterans Day
Breitenberg, Eugene
"Lest We Forget" By Eugene Breitenberg, November 11, 1963
8 1
Transpacific Relations By Edwin O. Reischauer
8 1
Eccles, Marriner S.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Knebel, Fletcher; Cohen, Benjamin; Reischauer, Edwin O.; Alsop, Stewart
Rhetorical Criticism of Frank Church Vietnam Speeches; Notes of Henry Kissinger Television Appearance, January 24, 1973; Editor's Note On Intervention, Life Magazine; Knebel, Fletcher, "The Winds of Change", Look, July 23, 1968; Eccles, Marriner, "Vietnam
Statement About Foreign Policy; Interview With Frank Church On "Vietnam"; "Bomb Now, Pay Later", July 12, 1965; Review of Stillman and Pfaff's, "Power and Impotence"; "The Stubborn War", Talent Magazine, Copy, August 5, 1965; Meet The Press, June 4, 1970
8 1
Reischauer, Edwin, "What Choices Do We Have In Vietnam", Look, September 19, 1967; Alsop, Steward, "Almost All Generals Are Almost Always Wrong About All Wars", No Date; Washington Star Editorial and Other Newspaper Articles, May 21, 1967; Notes Taken At
Statement On Resolution To Discontinue Diem Aid, September 12, 1963
8 2
Fulbright, J.W.
Vietnam Questions, Late 1968 Or 1969, Source Not Noted; S.Res.- Foreign Relations Committee To Study Policy Alternatives for Ending War and Report To Senate By December 31, 1969; Preliminary Analysis of Church Dissent, July 1970; Some Important Dates In
"Torment In The Land", Senate, February 21, 1968; "U.S. Involvement In Vietnam", Draft, Senate, [1969]; "The Only Alternative: A Reply To The President On Vietnam, The Washington Monthly, December, 1969
8 3
"Communication Gap: LBJ's Monologue With The Intellectuals"; Alsop, Stewart, "The Jam We Are In"; Galbraith, John Kennedy, "Vietnam: The Moderate Solution"; The New Leader, November 6, 1967; Morse, F. Bradford, "Graduated Reciprocal Identifiable De-Escala
Various Dates
8 3
Ramsey, James A., "The Crisis In The Atlantic Alliance", March 1966; Nation, July 25, 1966; Vietnam Manifesto, No Date; New Republic, July 2, 1966; Mansfield, Mike, Statement, June 22, 1971; Foreign Policy, Winter 1970-1971; Halberstam, David, "The Vietn
Various Dates
8 3
University of Chicago Center for Policy Study, "Vietnam: Which Way To Peace?"; Nguyen Van Thieu, Speech, July 31, No Year; Larson, Arthur, "The Real Nature of The World Revolution", Saturday Review, June 3, 1967; Hartke, Vance, "U.S. Becomes Foster Paren
Various Dates
8 3
Morgenthau, Hans J., "Communism and Foreign Policy", September 26, 1967; Scholastic Map, 1967-1968; King, Martin Luther, "Speak On The War In Vietnam", April, 1967
Various Dates
8 3
Oberdorfer, Don; Thieu, Nguyen Van; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Alsop, Stewart; Galbraith, John Kenneth; Morse, F. Bradford; Ramsey, James A.; Mansfield, Mike; Halberstam, David; Gravel, Mike; Larson, Arthur; Hartke, Vance; Morgenthau, Hans J.; King, Martin Luth
Oberdorfer, Don, "Noninterventionism: 1967 Style", New York Times Magazine; Miscellaneous Congressional Record Issues With South East Asia Topics; Embassy of Vietnam Press Release, November 2, 1968; Foreign Relations Committee Brief On May 1968-Vietnam S
"The Only Alternative-A Reply To The President On Vietnam", Washington Monthly, Congressional Record, December 19, 1969
Various Dates
8 4
Vaughn, Robert; Galbraith, John Kenneth
Miscellaneous News Clippings; New York Times Magazine, Vietnam Cover, March 10, 1968; The Ripon Forum, "The Realities of Vietnam", September, 1967; Galbraith, John K., "How To Get Out of Vietnam", Signet Booklet
Statement On American Prisoners of War, Statement In The Vietnamese Language
Various Dates
8 5
Vietnam -- Background
New Republic Articles On Vietnam, 1955-1962; "Declaration of Conscience On South Vietnam", By Ben, September 7, 1963; "Vietnam: The Burning Fuse", Washington Report 89-1-1
"Conspiracy USA", Look, January 26, 1965; "We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia", New York Times Magazine, February 14, 1965; "How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Take On?", New York Times Magazine, November 28, 1965; "What Is A Liberal?",
8 6
Vietnam -- Background
Hilsman, Roger; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Flemming, Arthur S.; Nixon, Richard M.; Field, Meyer; McGovern, George; Thieu, Nguyen Van; Pell, Claiborne
H.Con.Res.378-On Troop Withdrawal From Vietnam By December 31, 1970; New Yorker, November 1, 1969; New Leader, October 27, 1969; War/Peace Magazine, June/July, 1969; Vietnam Statistics, 1969; Note Relating Nixon Vietnam Policy To "Doublethink"; "Vietnam
8 6
Vietnam -- Background
Pell, Claiborne On Vietnam In Congressional Record, July 17, 1969; Johnson, Lyndon B., Quotes; U.S. News, Vietnam Article, August 11, 1969; Memo On Vietnam Moratorium; Flemming, Arthur C. of National Council of Churches Letter To President Nixon; Nixon,
8 6
Vietnam -- Background
Field, Meyer, "The Vietnam Farce and The Ruin At Home", Brochure; Miscellaneous Press Clippings; President's Speech On Vietnam, May 14, 1969; McGovern, George, "Vietnam and The Declaration of Independence", Speech, July 2, 1969; McGovern, George, Press R
8 7
Vietnam -- Diaries and Speeches
Rusk, Dean; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Freedman, Max
July 21, 1966, Visit With Johnson Aboard "Sequoia"; Position On Vietnam; Position Statement On North Vietnam Bombing, February 8, 1965; Position Statement On Kosygin's View of Peace Talks, February 26, 1965; Johnson's John Hopkins Speech, 8 April 19
"We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia", March 2, 1965; "How Many Dominican Republics and Vietnams Can We Stand?", December 11, 1965; Draft of Dove Statement On Vietnam
8 7
Vietnam -- Diaries and Speeches
Freedman, Max, "Senator Church Defends President", January 12, 1965
"Europe Today", Report To Foreign Relations Committee, May 1966; Meet The Press, May 15, 1966; Ramparts Interview, February 1965; Statement Deferring Vietnam Speech Until After Johnson's John Hopkins Speech
8 8
Vietnam -- The Doves Have Won
Vietnam War Speech, Given On Senate Floor, Mills College, New York City, September 11, 1970, and Young Professionals for Peace, September 10, 1970; "The Doves Have Won", Mills College, September 11, 1970; "The Doves Are Winning: Don't Despair", Unknown S
1970 September
8 9
Vietnam -- 8th Year of The American Ordeal
"8th Year of The American Ordeal"
1972 May 5
8 10
Vietnam -- Foreign Aid
Bradley, Omar; Rusk, Dean
Vietnam--Foreign Aid; Bradley, Omar, Statements At Wake Island Conference, October 15, 1950; Unknown Hand Comments On Senate Paper; Rusk, Dean, Statement Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, February 18, 1966
Washington Post, Draft, On Vietnam, February 20, 1966
8 11
Vietnam -- Foreign Relations
Warburg, James P.; Richardson, Elliot L.
Warburg, James P., Testimony Before Senate Committee On Foreign Relations, May 11, 1965; Richardson, Elliott P., "The Latered Shape of World Power", Department of State Bulletin, July 14, 1969; Vietnam
8 11
Vietnam -- Foreign Relations
Brademas, John; Clark, Joseph S.; Rusk, Dean; Freedman, Max; Lippmann, Walter; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Clos, Max; Morgan, Edward P.; Rovere, Richard
Notecards With Vietnam Quotes; Rusk, Dean, On Issues and Answers, Transcript, July 11, 1965; Clos, Max, "Americas Don't Like Vietnam"
"We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Saturday Evening Post; Interviews On Vietnam, 1965; "The Vietnam Imbroglio", June 24, 1965; "Our Over Involvement In Africa and Asia", February 17, 1965
8 11
Vietnam -- Foreign Relations
Washington Report, No. 89-1-1: Press Release, Re: Johnson Confrontation Stories, March 9, 1965; Morgan, Edward P., Broadcast On Johnson Confrontation Stories, March 5, 1965; Observer, March 28, 1965; Rovere, Richard, "Letter From Washington", New Yorker,
8 12
Vietnam -- Letter to Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam--Letter To Ho Chi Minh; Petition Signed By Numerous Senators
1966; July 15
8 13
Vietnam -- Peace Speeches
Ball, George W.
Ball, George, "The Lessons of Vietnam", New York Times Magazine, April 1, 1973; Vietnam Robo-Reconstruction Funds To North Vietnam
Press Conference Statement, April 18, 1975; "A Post Vietnam Foreign Policy", N.D.; "Let Us Have No Illusions About Peace", N.D.; "Beyond Vietnam", June 3, 1973
8 14
Vietnam -- Speech
Ball, George W.; Morgenthau, Hans J.; Gruening, Ernest; Bowles, Chester; McGovern, George; Eccles, Marriner S.; Mansfield, Mike; Gavin, James M.; Kennan, George F.; Gottlieb, Sanford; Symington, Stuart; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Hughes, Emmet John; Hilsman, Ro
Eccles, Marriner, Statement of U.S. Position In Vietnam, December 22, 1965; "Painful Lesson In Vietnam", U.S. News, January 17, 1966; "The Keep The Peace-Gi's On Duty...", U.S. News, January 3, 1966; Mansfield, Mike, "The Vietnam Conflict: The Substance
"How Many Dominican Republic and Vietnams Can We Take On?", New York Times, November 28, 1965 and Speech December 11, 1965; "We Should Negotiate A Settlement In Vietnam", Saturday Evening Post; "We Are In Too Deep In Africa and Asia", New York Times Magazine
8 14
Vietnam -- Speech
Symington, Stuart, "Effects of North Vietnam Bombing", Supplemental Defense Authorizations and Appropriations; President Johnson's Speech On Asian Development Bank, January 18, 1966; Hughes, Emmet J., "The Diplomacy of Drift", Newsweek, January 24, 1966;
8 14
Vietnam -- Speech
Hilsman, Roger, Statement Before Subcommittee On Far Eastern Affairs; Washington Report, No. 89-1-1; Newsweek, December 27, 1965; U.S. News, January 3, 1966; McGovern, George, Vietnam Speech, January 20, 1966; Morgenthau, Hans J., "Globalism", The New Re
8 14
Vietnam -- Speech
Miscellaneous Press Clippings; Kennan, George F., "Our Push-Pull Dilemma In Vietnam", Washington Post, December 12, 1965; Kennan, George F., Statement Before Foreign Relations Committee, February 10, 1966; Gottlieb, Sandy, Assessment of Vietnam Involveme
8 14
Vietnam -- Speech
"Asia and The Communist Challenge", Vital Issues, December, 1965; Gavin, James, "A Communication On Vietnam", Harper's, 1966; Ball, George, "The Hanoi Myth of An Indigenous Rebellion", Congressional Record, February 7, 1966 and Copy of Speech; Review of
8 15
Vietnam -- Speech
8 16
Vietnam -- Speech Material
Johnson, Lyndon B.
"50 Years of Foreign Loans and Foreign Aid By The U.S. 1917-1967", Library of Congress, May 16, 1967; Schlesinger, Arthur M., "McCarthyism Is Threatening U.S. Again", Saturday Evening Post, August 13, 1966; Lippmann, Walter, "The Temptation of Lyndon Joh
8 16
Vietnam -- Speech Material
Cooper, John Sherman; Thant, U; Maffre, John; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.; Lippmann, Walter; Schoenbrun, David; Lamont, Corliss; Lodge, Henry Cabot; Kennedy, Robert F.; Goldberg, Arthur J.
"U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants and Assistance From International Organizations", for House Foreign Affairs Committee; Cooper, John, Kentucky Remarks, May 15, 1967; U Thant, "What Could We Build If We Worked Together?"; Maffre, John, "Old Soldier Becomes
"Plea for Realism", Statement
8 16
Vietnam -- Speech Material
Schoenbrun, David, "Vietnam: The Case for Extraction", Columbia University Forum, Fall, 1966; U.N. Security Council Letter, November 16, 1966; Kennedy, Robert, Press Release, February 19, 1966; Goldberg, Arthur, Press Release, September 22 and 28, 1966
8 17
Vietnam -- Torment In The Land
Robo Sent To College Graduates As Reprinted From Observer, July 1968; Robo To Go With "Torment..." Speech and Drafts; Library of Congress Information; Pueblo Incident; North Korea
"The Torment In The Land", Speech and Draft, February 21, 1968; Speech About Pueblo [Welfare, Warfare State?], Also Draft, No Title and No Date; Statement, February 19, --
8 18
Vietnam -- Two Sentinels of The Status Quo
"Two Sentinels of The Status Quo", 1969; "Revolution and World Order", Address, No Date
8 19
Wallenberg, Raoul
Wachtmeister, Wilhelm; Kennedy-Minott, Rodney; Dobrynin, Anatoly F.; Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander I.; Brezhnev, Leonid I.; Wallenberg, Raoul
Letters To Anatoly Dobrynin, Alexksander I. Solzhenitsyn, and Leonid I. Brezhnev; News Clippings Telling Wallenberg Story and Continueing Efforts To Determine His Fate; The Free Raoul Wallenberg Committee, Frank Church Co-Chair With Four Other Congress
8 20
Byrd, Robert C.
Newspaper Clippings; Staff Pool, Guessing Date and Time House Will Vote for Impeachment
"The Watergate Fallout", University of Washington, Seattle, Wn, October 20, 1973; "Watergate: An American Crisis", North Idaho Chamber of Commerce, Sandpoint, ID, November 2, 1973
8 21
Western Hemisphere Affairs
Foreign Policy Towards Latin America-Analysis, Including Proposal To Establish An Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Nelson Rockefeller Proposed Con. Res.-Reaffirm Special Relationship Between Western Hemisphere Countries, Confidence
1969-1970; 1974; 1977
8 21
Western Hemisphere Affairs
Abshire, David M.; Enrique, Tejera Paris; Estenssoro, Victor Paz; Restrepo, Carlos Lleras; Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Short Biography of Victor Paz Estenssoro, Former President of Bolivia; Protocol and Background of Republic of Colombia Delegation To U.S. Including President Carlos Lleras Restrepo; U.S. Delegation To The Latin American Parliament, Frank Church Declined
"New Cuban Crisis Wanes", Senate, No Date; Introduce S.3347-A Bill To Create An Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Senate, January 28, 1970
1969-1970; 1974; 1977
8 21
Western Hemisphere Affairs
Memorandum: Ideas for Hearings By Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, Nationalism In Latin America, Peterson Task Force Recommendations, Democracy In Latin America, February, 1970; Analysis-Situation In The Caribbean, April, 1970; Sales of Jet Aircraft To A
1969-1970; 1974; 1977
8 21
Western Hemisphere Affairs
Committee Print-Delusions and Reality: Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations, October, 1977
1969-1970; 1974; 1977
8 22
Young Democrats
Kefauver, Estes; Vaughn, Robert
Press Release, Durham, Nc, January 11, --; Kefauver, Estes, Speech At The Hamilton County Young Democrats Club, Chattanooga, Tn, April 26, 1958; Vaughn, Robert, Speech At The Marion County Young Democrats Club, Indianpolis, January 29, 1966
"Kennedy Achievements In Foreign Affairs", No Date; Bloomburg State College, April 22, 1972, No Title; St. Patrick's Day Speech, March 16, 1963; Freedom and Peace, No Title, No Date; Hand Draft, Salt Lake City, UT, No Title, No Date; Hand Draft, Toledo,
8 22
Young Democrats
Rawling Trip, September 21, 1959; Knox College Democrat Women's Club, No Date; Democratic Speech, Albuquerque, Nm, No Title, No Date; Young Democrat Club of North Carolina, No Date; Democratic Party Western Conference, Remarks, February 16, 1957
8 22
Young Democrats
March 1957, Radio Recording for Democratic Club At Duke University; Young Democrats, Hagerstown, May 25, 1957
7: Post-Senate
In 1981, Senator Church entered the Washington, D.C., firm of Whitman and Ransom to practice international law. These are his personal files from the period with Whitman & Ransom. This series also contains a substantial quantity of letters from friends and admirers after Church lost the 1980 election and his non-legal correspondence for 1981-1984.
Box Folder
1 1
American Committee On The East-West Accord
Macy, Carl
Newsletters, Correspondence
1 2
Americans for Common Sense
McGovern, George; Carlson, Robert B.; Hopkins, Kevin R.
Americans for Common Sense Newsletter; "How George McGovern Became A Millionaire", The Washingtonian, February 1983; Carlson, Robert B., "Whose Responsibility Is Social Responsibility", Public Welfare, Fall 1981
1 3
International Chamber of Commerce Arbitrators; Whitman and Ransom Arbitrators
1 4
Boise Peace Quilt
Chetverikov, Sergy B.
Boise Peace Quilt Project
1 5
Book -- America Without Fear
Levinson, Jerome I.
Book Prospectus and Chapter Outline, America Without Fear, By Jerome I. Levinson
1 6
CIA Testimony
Central Intelligence Agency;
1 7
Center for Democratic Policy
Barnes, Michael; Kennedy, Edward M.
Center for Democratic Policy Correspondence; News Articles Concerning The Center; Center for National Policy Alternatives for The 80's; Barnes, Michael, "The 1981 Democratic Party", Congressional Record, Extension of Remarks, February 6, 1981; Kennedy, E
1 7
Center for Democratic Policy
"Alternatives for The 80's", Center for National Policy, No.3 and 5; "1981 Annual Report", Center for National Policy
1 8
Center for Responsive Politics
Reuss, Henry S.
Center for Responsive Politics Prospectus, Correspondence and Press Releases; "Campaign Spending Out of Control", Center for Responsive Politics
1 9
Center for Strategic Petroleum Understanding and Research (SPUR)
Amitay, Morris J., ; Nerken, Ira
1 10
Bush, Barbara; Cooper, John Sherman; Udall, Stewart L.; Hatfield, Mark O.; Evans, John V.; Bradley, Bill; Javits, Jacob K.; Mansfield, Mike; Hart, Gary; Leahy, Patrick J.; Landers, Ann; Stennis, John C.; Strauss, Robert S.; Ribicoff, Abraham; Mathias, Cha
1 10
Manley, Art; Rollie, Donald L.; Scanlin, Steve; Cranston, Alan
1 11
Correspondence -- A
Anaya, Toney; Arneson, Mark; Abas, Pamela L.; Armstrong, J. Sinclair; Amitay, Morris J.
American Society of International Law
1 12
Correspondence -- B
Byrd, Robert C.; Burdick, Quentin N.; Balfour, Douglas J.; Bengelloun, Ali; Bradley, Bill; Brandt, Dave; Ball, George L.; Burke, Carl P.; Butler, Robert N.; Baker, Charles R.; Bergsten, C. Fred
1 13
Correspondence -- C
Wol, Sul Lee; Choue, Young Seek; Cousins, Norman; Culver, John C.; Cooper, John Sherman; Cranston, Alan; Callister, Marion J.; Chapin, Harry
Comments To Idaho High School Activities Association About Debate
1 14
Correspondence -- D
Deconcini, Dennis
1 15
Correspondence -- E
Evans, John V.; Eardley, Richard R.; Evron, Ephraim; Eagleton, Thomas F.; Ervin, Sam J., Jr.
1 16
Correspondence -- F
1 17
Correspondence -- G
Galbraith, John Kenneth; Ghorbal, Ashraf A.
1 18
Correspondence -- H
Harriman, W. Averell; Hart, Gary; Hammond, Jay S.; Hayakawa, S.I.
1 19
Correspondence -- J
Jordan, Len B.
2 1
Correspondence -- K
Kennedy, Edward M.
2 2
Correspondence -- L
Leahy, Patrick J.; Lamm, Richard D.; Leroy, David H.
2 3
Correspondence -- M
Metzenbaum, Howard M.; McGovern, George
2 4
Correspondence -- M
Moon, Marjorie Ruth; Muskie, Edmund S.; McGovern, George
Freedom of Information Act
2 5
Correspondence -- N
Nelson, Gaylord
2 6
Correspondence -- O-P
Percy, Charles H.; Peterson, Esther; Pell, Claiborne; Pryor, David
2 7
Correspondence -- Q-R
Robb, Charles S.; Rockefeller, David
2 8
Correspondence -- S
Sasser, Jim; Symington, Stuart; Susskind, David
David Susskind Program
2 9
Correspondence -- T
Trueblood, Jack; Trueblood, Ted; Twilegar, Ron J.
2 10
Correspondence -- U-V
Udall, Morris K.
2 11
Correspondence -- W
Williams, Joe R.; Waldheim, Kurt; Wouk, Herman; Wheeler, Robert
2 12
Correspondence -- X-Y-Z
2 13
Correspondence -- A
Andrus, Cecil D.
2 14
Correspondence -- B
Byrd, Robert C.; Biden, Joseph R., Jr.
2 15
Correspondence -- C
Colby, William E.; Culver, John C.; Chiles, Lawton; Cranston, Alan
2 16
Correspondence -- D
2 17
Correspondence -- E
Evans, John V.
2 18
Correspondence -- F
3 1
Correspondence -- G
Glenn, John; Goodell, Charles E.
3 2
Correspondence -- H
Hart, Gary
Committee for A Better Panama
3 3
Correspondence -- I-J
Inouye, Daniel K.
3 4
Correspondence -- K
Kennedy, Edward M.
3 5
Correspondence -- L
Lantos, Tom; Larocco, Larry; Levin, Carl
3 6
Correspondence -- M
McGovern, George; Muskie, Edmund S.; Moss, Frank E.; Morrison, Velma V.
Idaho Hunger Action Council
3 7
Correspondence -- N
3 8
Correspondence -- O-P
Pell, Claiborne
Committee On Rules and Administration Report
3 9
Correspondence -- Q-R
Rodino, Peter W., Jr.; Rosenne, Meir
3 10
Correspondence -- S
Stennis, John C.; Stahl, Lesley R.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Sarbanes, Paul S.
3 11
Correspondence -- T
Trusky, Tom; Trueblood, Jack
3 12
Correspondence -- U-V
3 13
Correspondence -- W
Warnke, Paul C.
Nez Perce Indians
3 14
Correspondence -- X-Y-Z
3 15
Morrison, Velma V.
Message To The 1984 Borah Symosium, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, March 24, 1984
3 16
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Robb, Charles S.; Jackson, Jesse; Morrison, Velma V.
3 17
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
3 18
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
3 19
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
3 20
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Reed, Scott and Mary Lou
3 21
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Nichols, Glenn W.
3 22
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Slickpoo, Allen P.; Purce, Les
3 23
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Manley, Art; Halpern, Red
3 24
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Harriman, W. Averell; Goldschmidt, Neil; Belli, Melvin H.; Holbrooke, Richard; Fortas, Abe; Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
3 25
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
1980-1981 0
4 1
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Ribicoff, Abraham; Baker, Howard H., Jr.; Valenti, Jack; Trueblood, Ted; Matsunaga, Spark M.; Stennis, John C.; Pryor, David; Inouye, Daniel K.; Stone, Richard; Hatfield, Mark O.; Kennedy, Edward M.; Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Randolph, Jennings; Haskell,
1980-1981 1
4 2
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Douglas, Melvyn; Jordan, Len B.; Severeid, Eric; Harrison, William A.; Humphrey, Muriel; Peterson, Esther; Stewart, Donald W.; Califano, Joseph A., Jr.; Abzug, Bella S.; Vance, Cyrus R.
House of Representative Letters
1980-1981 2
4 3
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
1980-1981 3
4 4
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
1980-1981 4
4 5
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
Harding, Ralph R.
1980-1981 5
4 6
Defeat Letters and Christmas Cards
1980-1981 6
4 7
Democratic National Committee
Curry, Charles, E.; Manatt, Charles T.; Buchanan, Patrick J.; Eichel, Larry
Sample of Convention Delegate Survey; Samples of Church Fund Raising Letter for Democratic Party; Buchanan, Patrick J., "A Little Hate Mail From Frank Church", Human Events, February 6, 1982; Eichel, Larry, "A Door Closed-Another Opened for Him", Philade
4 8
Democrats for The 80's
Harriman, Pamela C.; Holmes, Sven Erik
Democrats for The 80's, Newsletters, Correspondence
4 9
Donations to Idaho Libraries
4 10
Fund for Peace
Cranston, Alan
Fund for Peace, Newsletters, Agendas, Correspondence
1982 September-1983 May
4 11
Fund for Peace
Fund for Peace, Newsletters, Agendas, Correspondence
1983 June-1984 January
4 12
Foreign Gifts
Stevenson, Adlai E. III; Schmitt, Harrison; Valentine, C. Braxton; Helflin, Howell; Wallop, Malcolm; Baker, Howard H., Jr.
U.S. Code Ch73-5 S7342-Pertaining To Foreign Gifts; Correspondence Concerning Gifts Received Given To Idaho State University
4 13
Idaho Politics
4 14
Middle East
Levinson, Jerome I; Cranston, Alan
Levinson, Jerry, "Post Plo Evacuation of West Beirut", Article; Cranston, Alan, Speech To Israeli Embassy; Cranston, Alan, Speech To Iowa State Democratic Convention; Newspaper Clippings Dealing With Middle East
"Israel After Beirut and The Reagan Initiative", Article
1982 Fall
4 15
National Association for The Southern Poor
Correspondence, Articles
4 16
National Institute of Social Science
Wells, Merle W.
4 17
Newspapers-Magazine Interviews
4 18
New York Times
Kennedy, Edward M.; Austin, Anthony
New York Times; Russia: Shadow and Substance, Anthony Austin, 1981
America's New Foreign Policy, Or Ideology and Reality: The Reagan Dilemma In Foreign Policy, New York Times Magazine, August 23, 1981
4 19
News Articles (About and By)
Reagan, Ronald; Kennedy, John F.
Foreign Relations; Nicaragua; Central America; Death and Funeral Coverage; Anniversary (20 Years) of John Kennedy's Death
We Must Learn To Live With Revolutions: If The U.S. Can Befriend China, It Can Accept Nicaragua, Washington Post, March 11, 1984; Or It's Time We Learned To Live With Third World Revolutions, Washington Post, March 26, 1984; "Changing America's Future",
1984 January-April
4 20
"The Return of The Lone Ranger"; "On Beating Swords Into Plowshares"; "On Revolution In Latin America"; "Ideology and Reality: The Reagan Dilemma In Foreign Policy"; "The Rapid Deployment Force: Time To Stop and Think"
4 21
"We Must Learn To Live With Revolution"; "Do We Still Plot Murders? Who Will Believe We Done It"; "Carter On The Sinking of SALT: That's Not The Way I Remember It"; "A Senator's Thoughts On A Bitter Campaign"; "The NATO Alliance In Midlife Crisis"; "SALT
4 21
"John F. Kennedy: A Parable for Our Times"
4 22
"Israel: Asset Or Liability", Several Drafts
4 23
Resumes and Recommendations
Evans, John V.; Mcnichols, Ray; Harding, Ralph R.; Reynolds, Nancy Clark; Miller, George; Wetherell, Mike; Wiesel, Eli
5 1
Senate Office -- Closing Details
Byrd, Robert C.
Library of Congress Overdue Materials; Senate Privileges
5 2
Senior PAC
Bingaman, Jeff; Samuel, Robert
Senior PAC: News Articles, Press Releases, Mass Mailing
5 3
Speech -- Humor Anecdotes
News Articles for Speech Topics; "Comedy In Washington", Washington Post Magazine, April 24, 1983
5 4
Speech Notebooks
5 5
Japan's Trade Relations; News Articles: U.S.-Japan Trades, Pipeline, and U.S.-European Relations
"NATO Alliance In Midlife Crisis", Dorchester Hotel, March 15, 1982; "Future Energy for Japan: An American Role" Business Week, Corporate Planning 100 International Roundtable, New York City, September 15, 1982
5 6
"The Future of Direct Foreign Investment In The United States"; "America and The New Right", North Carolina Symposium, March 23, 1982; "A Critique of Current U.S. Foreign Policy", Women's National Democratic Club, December 3, 1981; "War Or Peace? The Am
5 6
"Nuclear Freeze Or Nuclear Holocaust: The American Response To Arms Control", Austin College, Sherman, Texas, October 21, 1982
5 7
Rough Drafts of Untitled Speeches
Villanova University Speech
5 8
Stanford University
5 9
Task Force for Democracy
Young, Kenneth; Baker, Charles R.
AFL-CIO; Task Force for Democracy
5 10
Trips -- Australia, Sydney
Gellner, Charles; Grender, Joseph; Grender, Gerda
Sydney, Australia Trip: Programs, Guest Lists, Travel Tickets, Press Clippings; Hand Draft To Australian Press Club; Excerpts "Israel: A Strategic Asset Or Liability", Joseph and Gerda Brender Oration; Gellner, Charles, "Reagan Administration and Strate
"The U.S. and The Middle East", Australia National University
1981 October-November
5 11
Trips -- Australia, Sydney
Biographical Notes On Parliamentary and Government Officials; Position Papers and Speeches By Parliamentary and Government Officials On The Middle East, Sinai, Peacekeeping Forces, Sadat, and Reagan; Newspaper Clippings
1981 October-November
5 12
Trips -- California, Orange County
United Jewish Appeal; Letters About Trip and Hotel, Expenses; Trip Schedule
1982 January 9
5 13
Trips -- California, San Francisco
Foreign Policy, A.A.U.W. Convention: Schedule, Expenses, Program, Materials
"U.S. Foreign Policy: What Is It? What Should It Be?", Aauw Convention, San Francisco, CA, June 24, 1983
1983 June 24
5 14
Trips -- Canada, Toronto
Canadian Academic Foundation: News Clippings, Letters About Event, Schedules
1981 May 10
5 15
Trips -- China/Japan
Kennedy, Edward M.; Lantos, Tom; Hua, Hwang; Mansfield, Mike; Zemin, Chai; Hummel, Arthur; Leahy, Patrick J.; Javits, Jacob K.; Hollings, Ernest F.; Pell, Claiborne; Sarbanes, Paul S.; Solarz, Stephen; Zorinsky, Edward
Brief On Meeting With Huang Hua; Letters About Trip; Press Clippings; Summary of Trip; Itinerary; Briefs On China Potentials and Articles On Law and Infrastructure In China Business Review, December 1981 and In Business International
1982 March-April
5 16
Trips -- China/Japan
1982 March-April
5 17
Trips -- Colorado, Denver
Denver, Colorado Trip: Expenses, Letters About Event
"The Middle East: Can A Diplomatic Dialogue Be Revived?", Denver UJA Workers Retreat, Denver, Colorado, October 27, 1983
1983 October 27
5 18
Trips -- Connecticut, New Haven
Plaut, W. Gunther
New Haven, Connecticut Trip: Expenses, Letters of Event; Writings Contributed To W. Gunther Plaut's 70th Birthday
1983 April 19
5 19
Trips -- Connecticut, Westport
New Right, Democratic Town Committee: Expenses, Letters of Event
"Why I Am Coming To Westport To Discuss The øNew Right'", Democratic Town Committee, Westport Connecticut, June 28, 1981
1981 June 28
5 20
Trips -- England, London
Woods, Donald
London, England Trip: Itinerary, Expenses, Letters About Event; Letter From Donald Woods About "Lincoln Trust"
"The NATO Alliance In Midlife Crisis", London, England, March 15, 1982
1982 March 13-16
5 21
Trips -- Europe
Brandt, Willy; Vogel, Hans-Jochen; Cranston, Alan; Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
Trip To Europe: Letters About Trip, Expenses, Press Clippings, Schedules and Persons Attending Events; Vogel, Hans-Jochen, "New Thoughts By A New Generation", Speech; Article In German; Report To Senate Foreign Relations Committee On Trip To Soviet Union
1982 August
5 21
Trips -- Europe
"Europe", Economist, August 7 and 21, 1982; "Germany's Season of Discontent", New York Times, August 8, 1982
1982 August
5 22
Trips -- Florida, Palm Beach
Palm Beach, Florida Trip: Receipts; Article On American Society for Technition; News Coverage of Speech
1981 January 18
5 23
Trips -- Florida, Pinellas County
United Jewish Appeal, Pinellas County, Florida: Letters of Event, Bar Mitzvah Invitation, Air Tickets, Invitation and Program of Event
Speech To The United Jewish Appeal, Pinellas County, Florida, March 21, 1981
1981 March 21
6 1
Trips -- Florida, Tampa
Hillsboro County Bar Association, Tampa, Florida: Letters of Event, Press Clippings, Expenses
1983 April 29
6 2
Trips -- Georgia, Atlanta
United Jewish Appeal, Atlanta, Georgia: Letters of Event
Speech To The United Jewish Appeal, Atlanta, Georgia, February 12, 1981
1981 February 12
6 3
Russian Awareness Week
Boise Women for Peace, Boise, Idaho: Letters of Event, Press Clippings, Expenses, Schedule; Russian Awareness Week; September 1983 Senate Document: "Dangerous Stalemate: Superpower Relations In Autumn 1983"
1983 October 21
6 4
Trips -- Idaho, Boise
Evans, John V.; Andrus, Cecil D.; McClure, James A.; Mondale, Walter F.
Idaho Conservation League, Boise, Idaho: Letters of Event, Expenses, League Materials, Press Clippings; McClure and Mondale Positions On Wilderness; Andrus Position On Wilderness
1983 October 22
6 5
Trips -- Idaho, Boise
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho: Letters of Event, Expenses, Press Clippings; International Issues In Middle East
1983 March 28
6 6
Trips -- Idaho, Boise
Young, Andrew
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho: Letters of Event; List of Contributors To Frank Church Chair
"Introduction of Mayor Andrew Young", Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, January 1984, Speech Was Read, Frank Church Did Not Attend
1984 January
6 7
Trips -- Idaho, Boise
Hart, Gary; Kiebert, Kermit
J.J. Dinner and Chair of Public Affairs, Boise, Idaho: Expenses, Press Clippings; Morris Center Brochure; "War Or Peace" Excerpts From Lecture To Dedicate Frank Church, Chair; Frank Church School of Public Affairs Brochure; Gary Hart Bio
Hand Draft of J.J. Dinner Speech
1982 January 28-30
6 8
Trips -- Idaho, Moscow
Borah Symposium, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho; Frank Church Did Not Attend, Paper Was Read
1984 March 26-27
6 9
Trips -- Idaho, Pocatello
Idaho State University Symposium, Pocatello, Idaho: Letters of Event, Expenses, Program, Sympathy and Christmas Card
1983 March 23
6 10
Trips -- Idaho Raft Trip
1982 August 11
6 11
Trips -- Idaho Trip
Idaho Trip: Expenses, Letters About Speech, Press Clippings
Speech for The University of Idaho, College of Law, Commencement, December 18, 1982
1982 December 19-27
6 12
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
Jewish United Fund, Chicago, Illinois: Letters of Event, Data On Group
1981 May 27
6 13
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
Laniado Hospital, Chicago, Illinois: Itinerary, Letters of Event, Information About The Hospital
1982 April 21
6 14
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
Donahue, Phil
Phil Donahue Show, Chicago, Illinois: Schedules, Thank You
1981 March 31
6 15
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
St. Xavier College, Chicago, Illinois: Letters of Event, Agenda, Expenses
"Breadth, Tolerance, Sanity", St. Xavier College, Chicago, Illinois, April 22, 1982
1982 April 22
6 16
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
United Jewish Appeal, Chicago, Illinois: Letters of Event, Air Tickets; 2 Draft Pages of Text
1982 February 25
6 17
Trips -- Illinois, Chicago
United Jewish Appeal, Chicago, Illinois: Letters of Event, Expenses
"Facing Down The Critics of Israel", United Jewish Appeal, Chicago, Illinois, June 15, 1983
1983 June 15
6 18
Trips -- Indiana, Lafayette
Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana: Letters of Event, Expenses, Press Clippings
1982 February 22
6 19
Trips -- Indiana, North Manchester
Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana: Letters of Event, Press Clippings, Schedule
1982 October 30
6 20
Trips -- Israel and Denmark
Lewis, Samuel W.; Manshel, Warren D.
Israel and Denmark Trip: Schedule From Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel, Letters of Trip, Brief On Israel, Expense Receipts, Air Tickets, Fact Sheet On Denmark and Israel
"American Policy Towards Israel and The Middle East", No Place Or Date Given
1981 January 2-11
6 21
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Yasuda, Makoto; Gleysteen, William H.; Pepper, Thomas; Lho, Shinyong
Private Investment Corp for Asia 1980 Annual Report; Pepper, Thomas, "The Continuing Japanese Challenge"; Mitsubishi 1980 Interim Report; Sanyo Report; News Clippings; Autographed Dinner Invites By Shinyong Lho, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Korea; Korea
1981 April
6 21
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Soochow University School of Law Brochure; Expense Sheets and Receipts; Hudson Institute Brief On Japan
1981 April
6 22
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
1981 April
6 23
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Kim, Yong Shik; Mansfield, Mike; Young Seek Chove
Korea Trip Schedule; Air Tickets; Laundry Tickets; List of Gifts To Buy for Business Men; Letters About Trip; Speech By Young Seek Chove, Chancellor At Kyung Hee University; Cards of People To Thank In Osaka and Tokyo; Taiwan Schedule; Articles About Jap
1981 April
6 24
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Togo, Fumihiko; Mansfield, Mike
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Trip; Dates In Japan
Dialog With Fuji Kajiya, Professor of Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, On The U.S., Foreign Policy of The U.S., U.S.-U.S.S.R, and U.S.-Japan
1981 April
6 25
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Trip; Dates In Korea
1981 April
6 26
Trips -- Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Trip; Dates In Taiwan
1981 April
6 27
Trips -- Kansas, Dodge City
Dodge City, Kansas Trip To St. Mary's College of The Plains (Cancelled)
1981 December 8-9
6 28
Trips -- Kansas, Manhattan
Manhatten, Kansas Trip To Kansas State University: Letters of Event, Schedule, Press Clippings; Information On Kansas V.I.P.'S; Nuclear Freeze
1982 October 29
6 29
Trips -- Louisiana, New Orleans
Trip To New Orleans, Louisiana, University of New Orleans In Austria (Planned Trip Only)
1984 July 1
6 30
Trips -- Maryland, Baltimore
Trip To Balitmore, Maryland To The Laniado Hospital: Letter of Event
1982 December 4
6 31
Trips -- Maryland, Bethesda
Trip To Bethesda, Maryland To The Women's Suburban Democratic Club
1982 March 2
6 32
Trips -- Maryland, Towson
Sarbanes, Paul S.
Trip To Towson, Maryland To Attend The Maryland Democratic Rally for Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
1982 October 26
6 33
Trips -- Massachusetts, Boston
Trip To Boston, Massachusetts for The Anti-Defamation League: Letters of Event, Materials; Materials On Center for Developmental Policy
1983 June 29
6 34
Trips -- Massachusetts, Fitchburg
Trip To Fitchburg, Massachusetts for The Nuclear Arms Debate At Fitchburg State College, Letters of Event; Expenses, Schedule
1983 April 20
6 35
Trips -- Michigan, Detroit
Trip To Detroit, Michigan for The United Jewish Appeal
1983 December 7
6 36
Trips -- Michigan, Houghton
Trip To Houghton, Michigan To Michigan Technology University: Expenses, Schedules
1983 March 21
6 37
Trips -- Michigan, Kalamazoo
Trip To Kalamazoo, Michigan for The Michigan Region of Hadassah: Letters of Event, Tickets, Schedule
1981 May 17
6 38
Trips -- Minnesota, Minneapolis
Trip To Minneapolis, Minnesota To Speak At The B'nai Emet Synagogue
"The Moral Majority: Friend Or Foe?", B'nai Emet Synagogue, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 15, 1981
1981 November 15
6 39
Trips -- Missouri, Kansas City
Trip To Kansas City, Missouri To Attend The Bragg Symposium: Letter of Event, Press Clippings, Expenses
1982 April 17-18
6 40
Trips -- Missouri, St. Louis
Trip To St. Louis, Missouri To Give Speech At Washington University: Expenses, Letters About Trip; Copies of Press Coverage of Speech
Speech Given At Thomas C. Hennings Memorial Lecture, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, January 21, 1980, Hand Drafted
1980 January 21
6 41
Trips -- Missouri, Springfield
Trip To Springfield, Missouri (Cancelled)
1981 December 9
6 42
Trips -- Nebraska, Omaha
Trip To Omaha, Nebraska To Attend The Harry S. Truman Dinner: Letters of Event, Expenses
1982 February 20
6 43
Trips -- New Jersey, Princeton
Trip To Princeton, New Jersey To Visit The Woodrow Wilson School: Letters of Event, Expenses, Tickets, Information On Woodrow Wilson School
1981 April 6-7
6 44
Trips -- New Jersey, Rumson
Trip To Rumson, New Jersey To Speak At B'nai Israel: Letters of Event, Tickets, Press Coverage
Speech Given Before The B'nai Israel Congregation, Rumson, NJ, June 14, 1981
1981 June 14
6 45
Trips -- New Mexico, Albuquerque
Bingaman, Jeff
Trip To Albuquerque, Nm To Be The Keynote Speaker At The New Mexico Bar Association: Letters of Event, Expenses, Program, Press Clippings
1983 October 28
6 46
Trips -- New York, Brooklyn
Trip To Brooklyn, New York To Visit The Liando Hospital: Invitation, Schedule, Letters of Event
1982 May 14
6 47
Trips -- New York, Brooklyn
Trip To Brooklyn, New York To Attend The Noach Dear Fund Raiser: Letters of Event, Information On Noach Dear
1982 June 28
6 48
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Attend American Mizrachi Women Conference: Letters of Event, Expenses
1981 November 1
7 1
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At The Business Week Corporate Planning 100: Letters of Event, Expenses, Schedule, Program, Membership List
"Future Energy for Japan: An American Role", Business Week Corporate Planning 100, International Roundtable, New York City, NY, September 15, 1982
1982 September 15
7 2
Trips -- New York, New York City
Fulbright, J.W.; Pell, Claiborne
Trip To New York City, NY To Attend The Council On International Educational Exchange: Letters of Event, Information On Council; Remarks By Senator Pell; Remarks By Honorable Fulbright
1983 November 4
7 3
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At The Fund for Peace: Letters of Event, Program Materials, Fund for Peace Data
"A Quest for Peace Must Continue", Fund for Peace, New York City, NY, November 17, 1983
1983 November 17
7 4
Trips -- New York, New York City
Javits, Jacob K.
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At The Harmonie Club: Letters of Event, Air Tickets
Speech Given At The Harmonie Club, New York City, NY, March 5, 1981
1981 March 5
7 5
Trips -- New York, New York City
Duke, Angier Biddle
Trip To New York City, NY To Attend The Japan Society Dinner: Travel Arrangements, Tickets, Dinner Program, Information On Biddle and The Society; Speech By Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke
1981 May 5
7 6
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Attend The New York Bar Association: Letters of Event, Expenses
1983 May 18
7 7
Trips -- New York, New York City
Ericson, Edward L.
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At The New York Society for Ethical Culture: Letters of Event, Press Releases On Event; Literature On The Ethical Society Group; Ericson, Edward L., "A Reply To The New Right Attack On Humanistic Ethics"
Speech Given To The New York Society for Ethical Culture, New York City, NY, February 22, 1981
1981 February 22
7 8
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At The 92nd Street Young Men and Women's Hebrew Association: Letters of Event, Expenses, Information On The "Y"
"Domestic Constraints On American Foreign Policy", 92nd Street Young Men and Women's Hebrew Association, New York City, NY, November 17, 1983
1983 November 17
7 9
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Attend The 20th Century Fund Dinner: Letters of Event; 20th Century Fund Annual Report 1981
1983 May 5
7 10
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Visit The Union Theological Seminary
1981 November 18
7 11
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At Whitman & Ransom: Travel Schedule, Whitman & Ransom Information
"The Future of Direct Foreign Investment In The U.S.", Whitman & Ransom, New York City, NY, March 25, 1981
1981 March 25
7 12
Trips -- New York, New York City
Trip To New York City, NY To Speak At Whitman & Ransom: Schedule, Expenses
"Future Energy for Japan: An American Role", Whitman & Ransom, New York City, NY, September 23, 1982
1982 September 23
7 13
Trips -- New York, Oneonta
Trip To Oneonta, NY To Speak At Corning Community College: Expenses, Schedule, Letters About Trip, Information On The College
1981 September 23
7 14
Trips -- New York, Queens
Trip To Queens, NY To The Laniado Hospital: Schedule
1983 May 31
7 15
Trips -- New York, Troy
Trip To Troy, NY To Visit The Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute: Expenses, Letters of Event
1981 November 17
7 16
Trips -- New York, White Plains
Trip To White Plains, NY To Attend The Westchester Ethical Humanist Society: Expenses, Letters of Event, Program
1982 April 24
7 17
Trips -- New York (Whitman & Ransom)
Trip To New York; Whitman & Ransom Fact Sheet
1981 January 26-28
7 18
Trips -- North Carolina, Durham
Trip To Durham, North Carolina To Attend Symposium At The University of North Carolina: Letters of Event, Press Clippings, Expenses
1982 March 23
7 19
Trips -- Ohio, Cleveland
Trip To Cleveland, Ohio To Speak At The Park Synagogue: Letters of Event, Schedule, Expenses
"The Middle East After Beirut", Park Synagogue, Cleveland, Ohio, November 21, 1982
1982 November 21
7 20
Trips -- Oregon, Portland
Trip To Portland, Oregon To Speak At The 20th Annual International Affairs Symposium At Lewis and Clark College (Cancelled): Invitation, Brochures From Lewis and Clark College
1982 May 10
7 21
Trips -- Panama
Panama Trip: Schedule, Notes On People and Companies
1982 October 11-16
7 22
Trips -- Panama
Panama Trip: Schedule, Letters About Trip, Business Cards From Trip
1983 February 1-11
7 23
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Harrisburg
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Trip: Letters of Event, Expenses
1982 February 27
7 24
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Lancaster
Kratzok, W.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania Trip: Letters of Event, Program, W. Kratzok's Remarks On Giving Frank Church The Award
1983 July 11
7 25
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Lancaster
Lancaster, Pennsylvania Trip To Speak At Commencement At Elizabeth Town College: Letters of Event, Expenses, Elizabeth Town College Information
1983 May 14
7 26
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Trip To Speak To The Congregation Adath Jeshurun: Letters of Event, Expenses, Press Clippings of Event
"Israel: Asset Or Liability", Before The Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Philadelphia, PA, January 15, 1982
1982 January 15
7 27
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Trip To Speak To The Chapter of Hadassah: Expenses
1982 November 9
7 28
Trips -- Pennsylvania, Villanova
Villanova, Pennsylvania Trip To Speak At Villanova University
Speech Given At Villanova University, Villanova, PA, March 24, 1981
1981 March 24
7 29
Trips -- Texas, Dallas
Boosey, John
Dallas, Texas Trip To Attend The Dallas Cowboy Football Game
1983 November 23-25
7 30
Trips -- Texas, Houston
Houston, Texas Trip To Speak To The Congregation Beth Israel: Letters of Event, Expenses
1982 April 18
7 31
Trips -- Texas, Sherman
Sherman, Texas Trip To Speak At Austin College: Expenses
1982 October 21
7 32
Trips -- Texas, Waco
Waco, Texas Trip To Speak At The Conference of Christians and Jews: Letters of Event, Program, Schedule
1982 October 20
7 33
Trips -- Taiwan/Korea
Lho, Shinyong; Chung, Dnog-Sung
Tiawan/Korea Trip: Letters of Event, Program for U.S.-Korea Economic Council, Schedule, Press Clippings On Korea Background; Congressional Record On Centennial of U.S.-Korea Relations; Congressional Record, May 4, 1982
1982 May 10-30
7 34
Trips -- Washington, DC
Koppel, Ted
Washington, DC Trip To Be On ABC's Nightline With Ted Koppel
1982 February 18
7 35
Trips -- Washington, DC
Washington, DC Trip To Speak At The American Baptist Peace Conference: Letters of Events
1982 November 18
7 36
Trips -- Washington, DC
Washington, DC Trip To Speak At The John Wallach Class At American University: Letters of Events
1983 September 21
7 38
Trips -- Washington, DC
Pastor, Robert A.
Washington, DC Trip To Speak At The Center for National Policy: Background Material; Robert A. Pastor's Statement On Grenada At Senate Foreign Relations Committee, November 3, 1983
1983 November 29
7 39
Trips -- Washington, DC
Washington, DC Trip To Talk With The Georgetown School of Foreign Service Group
1982 October 22
7 40
Trips -- Washington, DC
Mchugh, Matthew; Barnes, Michael; Dodd, Christopher; Conte, Silvio O.; Tsongas, Paul E.; Koppel, Ted; Wiggins, Armstrong; Reagan, Ronald
Data On Campaign for Political Rights; "U.S. Covert Operations Against Nicaragua", The Entire Proceedings; Letters From Congress Thanking Frank Church for The Speech; Briefs On Reagan Operations In Nicaragua; Wiggins, Armstrong, Statements By Brookling R
"Covert Intervention: Contradiction With Democratic Principles", Given Before The Campaign for Political Rights, May 27, 1982; Text of Appearance On Nightline With Ted Koppel, February 18, 1982
1982 May 27
7 41
Trips -- Washington, DC
Washington, DC Trip To Speak To The Women's National Democratic Club: Letters of Event, Factsheet, Washington Post Excerpt From Speech
"A Critique of Current U.S. Foreign Policy: The Reagan Turnabout", Before The Woman's National Democratic Club, Washington, DC, December 3, 1981
1981 December 3
7 42
Trips -- West Indies (Cancelled)
Trip To The West Indies To Give The Commencement Speech At The American University of The Carribbean, (Cancelled): Letters of Event and Cancellation, Information On The University
1984 January 21
7 43
Voice of Reason
Wine, Sherman; Ericson, Edward L.; Silverberg, Lynne
Voice of Reason Flyers
7 44
Washington, DC Bar Association
Oppenheimer, Arthur
Application and Admission To The Bar of The District On Columbia
7 45
Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs
Lemnitzen, L.L.
Washington Institutue of Foreign Affairs
8: Get well and sympathy messages
After the public announcement that Church was seriously ill, he received a veritable flood of get-well cards and letters. Also in this series are the expressions of sympathy received by Mrs. Church when the Senator died.
Box Folder
1 1
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Hand Selected By The Church's
1 2
Get-Well Cards
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Hand Selected By The Church's
1 3
Get-Well Cards
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Hand Selected By The Church's
1 4
Get-Well Cards
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Hand Selected By The Church's
1 5
Get-Well Cards
1 6
Get-Well Cards
1 7
Get-Well Cards
1 8
Get-Well Cards
1 9
Get-Well Cards
1 10
Get-Well Cards
1 11
Get-Well Cards
2 1
Get-Well Cards
2 2
Get-Well Cards
2 3
Get-Well Cards
2 4
Get-Well Cards
2 5
Get-Well Cards
2 6
Get-Well Cards
2 7
Get-Well Cards
2 8
Get-Well Cards
2 9
Get-Well Cards
2 10
Get-Well Letters
2 11
Get-Well Letters
2 12
Get-Well Letters
3 1
Get-Well Letters
3 2
Get-Well Letters
3 3
Get-Well Letters
3 4
Get-Well Letters, Very Special
Koch, Edward I.; Simon, Paul; Andrews, Mark; McGee, Gale; Hansen, Orval; Linowitz, Sol M.; Byrd, Robert C.; Bumpers, Dale; Bayh, Birch
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Cards, Letters, and Telegrams, Hand Selected By The Church's
3 5
Get-Well Telegrams
3 6
Sympathy Messages
3 7
Sympathy Messages
3 8
Sympathy Messages
3 9
Sympathy Messages
Thurmond, Strom
3 10
Sympathy Messages
3 11
Sympathy Messages
4 1
Sympathy Messages
4 2
Sympathy Messages
Dixon, Alan J.
4 3
Sympathy Messages
4 4
Sympathy Messages
4 5
Sympathy Messages
4 6
Sympathy Messages
4 7
Sympathy Messages
4 8
Sympathy Messages, Very Special
Glenn, John
Get-Well and Sympathy Messages; Very Special Sympathy Messages
5 1
Frank Church Conference On Public Affairs -- Get Well Guest Register
5 2
Frank Church Conference On Public Affairs -- Get Well Guest Register
5 3
Frank Church Conference On Public Affairs -- Notebook
5 4
Get-Well Guest Register
5 5
Memorial Service Guest Register -- Washington, DC
Funeral; Memorial Services
5 6
Memorial Service Guest Register -- Washington, DC
Funeral; Memorial Services
5 7
Memorial Service Guest Register -- Washington, DC and Idaho
Funeral; Memorial Services
5 8
Memorial Service Guest Register -- Idaho
Funeral; Memorial Services
5 9
Guest Register State Capitol Building
5 10
Guest Register State Capitol Building
5 11
Memorial Service Guest Register -- Moscow, ID
Funeral; Memorial Services
5 12
Memorial Service Programs, Various Places
Funeral; Memorial Services
9: Certificates and awards
Box Folder
1 1
1 2
Original Certificates
1 3
Original Certificates
1 4
Original Certificates
1 5
Original Certificates

11:  Audio-visual materialReturn to Top

The Frank Church audio-visual collection includes more than 750 audio recordings, more than 400 separate films and video recordings with a viewing time of 45 hours, and about 1,500 photographs.

Container(s) Description Dates
1: Video
Films and videos in this collection range in viewing length from 10 seconds to more than an hour. There are 13 hours of footage on video tape. The remainder of the footage is on 16 mm film. The films/videos have been indexed by speakers, those spoken about, bills discussed, government agencies named and specific historic events. Keywords have also been applied to give the user the broadest possible access to the Collection. An abstract has been prepared for each piece. The Video Collection has been processed into four major topic areas: 1. Campaigns. This series contains mostly 30-second and one minute campaign advertisements. There are a few longer - Face the Nation, Meet the Press and comparable Idaho programs. Many such appearances were only recorded on audio tape and can be found in the Audio Collection. 2. Public Relations. These consist of public service announcements made for charitable organizations, films of Church discussing the status of current legislative efforts to bring economic development to Idaho and his appearances at public functions. 3. News Programs. Appearances on Face the Nation, Meet the Press and comparable Idaho programs. Many such appearances were only recorded on audio tape and can be found in the Audio Collection. 4. Biographical. Films and videos produced after Church's death by national and local television media.
NYSCA Eagle (Rough Cut)
Issues; Bald Eagle Documentary by Lance Wisniewsk, Innervision Media Systems; Eagles
3/4; color
Cecil Andrus Interview
Public Relations; Andrus Interview by KUTV of Salt Lake City; Andrus, Cecil
3/4; color
Andrus in Washington, D.C.
Public Relations; Andrus in Washington, D.C. produced by Sal Celeski KTVB Television, Boise, Idaho; Andrus, Cecil
0:30; 3/4; color
Public Relations; Dups of Dups, include outakes of Alaska, Portland, Spokane, Idaho Fall. Produced by Sal Celeski, Channel 7 KTVB Boise, Idaho; Alaska; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington, Idaho Falls; Island Park, Idaho; Panama
3/4; color
Carter, View from the White House
Public Relations; Dups of "Carter, View from the White House" by Sal Celeski, KTVB Boise Idaho; Carter, Jimmy
3/4; color
President Jimmy Carter in Idaho Coverage
Public Relations; 1) Excerpted version of live coverage of Carter arrival and departure at Boise Airport. 2) Daily News Coverage of Carter's Idaho vacation. 3) Half hour Special Report "Carter in Idaho -- A Presidential Vaction" with Sec. of Interior, Cecil Andrus; Andrus, Cecil; Carter, Jimmy; Salmon River
3/4; color
Frank and Bethine's wedding
Family Life; No sound. Footage from Church's wedding at Robinson Bar Ranch. Church's in-laws and parents are shown visiting Frank and Bethine at Harvard. Church on horseback in the Sawtooths. Some of this material was used in Church's 1976 Campaign film "Biography";; Church, Frank Sr.; Church, Laura; Clark, Chase; Clark, Jean; Church, Bethine; Robinson Bar Ranch; Trips; Yellowstone National Park; Hells Canyon; Perrine Memorial Bridge; Family Life
5:54; 16 mm; color
Build your Idaho
Campaigns; Church at Arrowrock Dam discussing the value of public versus private dams. Church claims Senator Welker is not supportive of farmer's water rights.; Reclamation Projects; Dams; Water Rights; Welker, Herman; Irrigation; Campaign, 1956
5:16; 16 mm; b/w; Also on VHS # 19
Build your Idaho
Campaigns; Church at Arrowrock Dam discussing the value of public versus private dams. Church claims Senator Welker is not supportive of farmer's water rights. (Slightly different from 56001); Reclamation Projects; Dams; Water Rights; Welker, Herman; Irrigation; Campaign, 1956
5:29; 16 mm; b/w; Also on VHS # 19
Idaho's decade of stunted growth
Campaigns; Church in studio with various charts and graphs, expressing his concern for Idaho's stunted economic growth and population decline; Economic Development; Population; Campaign, 1956
4:35; 16 mm; b/w; Also on VHS # 19
Idaho's decade of stunted growth
Campaigns; Church in studio with various charts and graphs, expressing his concern for Idaho's stunted economic growth and population decline. (Slightly different from 56003); Economic Development; Population; Campaign, 1956
4:47; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho's economic development
Campaigns; Church in studio discussing Idaho's economic growth in comparison to the rest of the eleven Western states. Church talks of the need for new reclamation projects and the need to attract new industry to the state.; Personal Income; Reclamation Projects; Water Rights; Welker, Herman; Natural Gas; Economic Development; Dams; Campaign, 1956
4:31; 16 mm; b/w
Small business in Idaho
Campaigns; Church speaking from a lumber mill on the subject of small business. He condemns Senator Welker for his opposition to legislation which would protect small businesses. Church talks on the importance of the timber industry to Idaho.; Private Enterprise; Timber Industry; Welker, Herman; Campaign, 1956
4:49; 16 mm; b/w
The plight of small business
Campaigns; Church speaking from a plastics plant on the plight of small business. Church accuses the Eisenhower administration of being "big business" oriented.; Private Enterprise; Campaign, 1956
4:36; 16 mm; b/w
The plight of small business
Campaigns; Church speaking from a plastics plant on the plight of small business. Church accuses the Eisenhower administration of being "big business" oriented. (Slightly different from 56007).; Private Enterprise; Campaign, 1956
4:42; 16 mm; b/w
Farm problems
Campaigns; Church talking from a barnyard on the problems of the small Idaho farmer. He criticizes the current farm bill as not being beneficial to the small farmer; Farming; Welker, Herman; Agriculture--Legislation; Farm Parity; Food Surplus; Campaign, 1956
4:35; 16 mm; b/w
Farm problems
Campaigns; Church talking from a barnyard on the problems of the small Idaho farmer. He criticizes the current farm bill as not being beneficial to the small farmer. (Slightly different from 56009); Farming; Welker, Herman; Agriculture--Legislation; Farm Parity; Food Surplus; Campaign, 1956
4:34; 16 mm; b/w
Campaigns; Church gives an autobiography.; Autobiography; Campaign, 1956
4:31; 16 mm; b/w
Campaigns; Church gives an autobiography. (Slightly different from 56011).; Autobiography; Campaign, 1956
4:34; 16 mm; b/w
Our public schools
Campaigns; Church on his patio at home talking about the funding of public education; Education; Welker, Herman; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Campaign, 1956
4:31; 16 mm; b/w
Why I am a Democrat
Campaigns; Church from his living room explaining why he is "Proud to be a Democrat". Church introduces his wife, son, and dog "Smokey".; Depression Era; Welker, Herman; McCarthy, Joseph; Public Works; Democratic Party; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Smokey (family dog); Campaign, 1956
4:26; 16 mm; b/w; Also on 87002 (3/4 VHS # 24)
Why I am a Democrat
Campaigns; Church from his living room explaining why he is "Proud to be a Democrat". Church introduces his wife, son, and dog "Smokey". (Slightly different from 56014).; Depression Era; Welker, Herman; McCarthy, Joseph; Public Works; Democratic Party; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Smokey (family dog); Campaign, 1956
4:29; 16 mm; b/w
Endorsement of Frank Church by Senator Henry Jackson
Campaigns; Political endorsement of Frank Church for U.S. Senator by Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Senator from Washington.; Endorsements; Jackson, Henry; Campaign, 1956
2:40; 16 mm; b/w
U.S. foreign policy
Campaigns; Church standing in his study discussing his four proposed U.S. foreign policy goals: 1. A strong defense against communism. 2. Transfer of U.S. technology to developing nations. 3. The use of food surpluses as a foreign policy tool. 4. The overthrow of c; Communism; Foreign Policy; Food Surplus; Welker, Herman; Budget--Military; Foreign Aid; Campaign, 1956
4:43; 16 mm; b/w
American foreign policy
Campaigns; Church seated in his study discussing the Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe, the Marshall Plan, and his major goals in U.S. foreign policy.; Foreign Policy; United Nations; Communism; Foreign Aid; Campaign, 1956
4:32; 16 mm; b/w
American foreign policy
Campaigns; Church seated in his study discussing the Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe, the Marshall Plan, and his major goals in U.S. foreign policy. (Slightly different from 56018).; Foreign Policy; United Nations; Communism; Foreign Aid; Campaign, 1956
4:39; 16 mm; b/w
Flooding in southeastern Idaho
Interior; No sound. Shows a flooded rural area (southeastern Idaho ?). Footage from this film was shown in Church's 1956 Campaign films. Also footage of salmon fishermen and salmon runs. No footage of Church.; Flood Control; Reclamation Projects; Campaign, 1956 Salmon Fishing; Outdoor Recreation;
3:49; 16 mm; b/w
Meet your new Senator
Family Life; Church appears along with Senators John Carroll, Strom Thurmond, and John S. Cooper in a CBS program titled "Meet your new Senators". Each of the Senators and their families are interviewed by a different journalist. Church appears with Bethine and For; Church, Richard; Church, Laura; Church, Bethine; Clark, Chase; Church, Forrest; Cronkite, Walter; Carroll, John A.; Cooper, John Sherman; Thurmond, Strom
28:08; 16 mm; b/w; Also on 87002 (3/4 VHS # 24)
Church visits the White House
Public Relations; No sound. Church is shown making what appears to be his first visit to the White House. Church is shown walking up to a guard at the White House gates and visiting with him a bit. Church is shown walking towards and them away from the entrance of the; Washington D.C.
1:49; 16 mm; b/w
Church tours a reclamation project
Interior; No sound. Church is shown touring an unidentified reclamation project.; Reclamation Projects
0:13; 16 mm; b/w
Church on "Face the Nation"
Legislation; Church on the CBS program "Face the Nation" speaking primarily on the admission of Alaska into the union, and speculation on Hawaii becoming the next state. They also discuss the Civil Rights Act, the Sherman Adams case and political ethics, and possibl; Civil Rights Act of 1956 Democratic Party; Adams, Sherman; Political Ethics; Financial Disclosure; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Kennedy, John F.; Organized Crime; Wilderness; Alaska--Statehood; "Face the Nation" (CBS); Hawaii--Statehood; Civil Rights--Legislation
27:28; 16 mm; b/w
Frank and Bethine on vacation
Family Life; No sound. Shows Church, with wife Bethine, in a foreign city (Italy?). Also shows Church at work in his Senate office; Trips; Church, Bethine; Family Life;
1:23; 16 mm; b/w
Church talks on polio immunizations
Public Relations; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, says the Surgeon Generals office has informed him that 65% of Idaho's children have been immunized against polio. Church warns that those people between the ages of 20 and 40 years also need polio shots.; Public Service Announcements; Polio
1:44; 16 mm; b/w, negative
F.C. on the Kennedy-Ives Bill to amend the NLRA
Committees; Church discusses his findings from serving on the "ganster committee". Church says organized crime has infiltrated the unions and that the Teamsters and Jimmy Hoffa are the worst of all. Church says the Kennedy-Ives union reform bill should have passed; Organized Crime; Labor Unions; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Gangsters; National Labor Relations Act
4:54; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Personal Profiles I
Interior; Church is interviewed in the Senate Recording Studios for the "Personal Profiles" program. Church talks about what it is like to be the nation's youngest Senator. He talks of the need for higher academic standards in the U.S. and that public education s; Education; Reclamation Projects; Farming; Agriculture; Mining Industry; U.S. Postal Service; Unemployment; Food Surplus; Senate--Seniority
13:36; 16 mm; b/w, negative; This film is completely different in context from 58007.
Personal Profiles II
Public Relations; Church is interviewed in the Senate Recording Studios for the "Personal Profiles" program. Church discusses his political philosophy, gives his definition of a "liberal" and explains the differences between a Republican and a Democrat. Church says that; Education; Sputnik; Democratic Party; Republican Party; Political Philosophy; Civil Service
13:41; 16 mm; b/w, negative; This film is completely different in context from 58006.
Church named as top 10 men in the nation
Public Relations; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, says that he is deeply honored for the National Junior Chamber of Commerce Award as one of the Top 10 young men in the country and is deeply grateful for the recognition it brings to him and to Idaho.; National Junior Chamber of Commerce; Awards
0:33; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Church KLEW interview
Legislation; Church is interviewed in the Senate Recording Studios by Bob Lowd, KLEW television. Church talks on Alaska just becoming a state and Hawaii's chances for statehood in the next Congressional session. Church discusses his amendment to the Small Business; Alaska--Statehood; Hawaii--Statehood; Small Business Act; Lewis and Clark Memorial Highway; Roads; Private Enterprise
4:07; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Frank and Bethine in Brazil
International Relations; No sound. Scenes from Church's trip to Brazil as a United States representitive to a conference of the Organization of American States. Brief shots of Church and Bethine in Rio de Janero. Amateurishly filmed. This film is completely different from 58; Trips; Church, Bethine; Brazil; Organization of American States
1:23; 16 mm; b/w
Frank and Bethine in Rio
International Relations; No sound. Shows Frank and Bethine boarding a plane at the airport for their trip to Brazil for a conference of the Organization of American States, to which Church was a U.S. representitive. Shots of the Church's walking around Rio de Janero. This fil; Trips; Brazil; Church, Bethine; Organization of American States
1:24; 16 mm; color
Church and Capehart discuss Khrushchev's visit to the U.S.
International Relations; "Today Show" interview with Church and Senator Homer Capehart from Washington D.C. about Nikita Khrushchev's impending visit to the U.S. Senator Capehart feels that the U.S. should not be fraternizing with the communists, while Senator Church feels that; Khrushchev, Nikita; Capehart, Homer; Communism; Eisenhower, Dwight; Communism; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.
9:38; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2.
Church junket (possibly to Cuba)
International Relations; No sound. First part of this film shows Church saying goodbye to his family on an airport runway before boarding an air force jet. His destination is unknown. The second part of this films contains footage of Castro's triumphant entrance into Havana ju; Trips; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Castro, Fidel; Foreign Relations--Cuba
1:40; 16 mm; b/w
Church on College News Conference
International Relations; Church is interviewed in Washington D.C. on ABC program "College News Conference". The major issues discussed in this program are on the Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and attempts to organize a summit meeting in Geneva between the U.S. and Russia.; Khrushchev, Nikita; Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Aid; Kennedy, John F.; Labor Reform; Treaties; College News Conference
27:54; 16 mm; b/w
Church on College News Conference
International Relations; Church is interviewed in Washington D.C. on ABC program "College News Conference". The major issues discussed in this program are on the Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and attempts to organize a summit meeting in Geneva between the U.S. and Russia.; Khrushchev, Nikita; Atmospheric Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Aid; Kennedy, John F.; Labor Reform; Treaties; College News Conference
27:54; 16 mm; b/w
Miami Beach WCKT interview
International Relations; Church is interviewed from the WCKT studios in Miami by Harry P. Cain. Church emphasizes that people in the U.S. must come to grips with the problems with which they are confronted in a new Nuclear Age. He discusses the current Cuban Revolution, and say; Cain, Harry P.; Nuclear Weapons; Arms Control; United Nations; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Senate--Filabuster and Cloture
26:38; 16 mm; color
Endorsement of John F. Kennedy for President
Campaigns; Church addresses steel workers from a film studio. He endorses John F. Kennedy for President.; Education; Senior Citizens; Wages; Kennedy, John F.; Communism; Foreign Policy; Endorsements; Campaign, 1960
8:06; 16 mm; b/w
Endorsement of John F. Kennedy for President
Campaigns; Church addresses steel workers from a film studio. He endorses John F. Kennedy for President. (Slightly different from 60001).; Education; Senior Citizens; Wages; Kennedy, John F.; Communism; Foreign Policy; Endorsements; Campaign, 1960
8:01; 16 mm; b/w
Food for Peace program
Agriculture; Church calls the current farm program a failure that has left a $7 billion government food surplus. To reduce this surplus, to stem the spread of communism abroad, and to foster trade, he recommends the passage of the Food for Peace Act.; Agriculture--Legislation; Farming; Foreign Trade; Foreign Aid; Food Surplus; Communism; Agriculture; Food for Peace
3:02; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative film, no known positive film exists.
Idaho outdoors
Legislation; Church addresses Idahoans concerning his proposals to protect the Stanley Basin as a resource which could be used in promoting Idaho's tourist industry. Church has introduced into the Senate the Salmon River Preservation Bill, which would prohibit the b; Tourist Industry; Dams; National Parks; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Wilderness; Salmon River; Salmon River Preservation Bill; Stanley Basin
6:03; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. Copy #1 (positive), Copy #2 (negative).
Church introduces the Salmon River Preservation Bill
Legislation; Church speaks on the Salmon River Preservation Bill which he has introduced to the Congress. This bill would prohibit the construction of any dam upon the Salmon River until the fish passage problem (salmon runs) have been solved. Church feels that dam; Outdoor Recreation; Salmon River; Dams; Salmon Fishing; Salmon River Preservation Bill
1:01; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Titan missles to protect the peace
Public Relations; Church says that a strong nuclear defense is necessary as a means of deterence. He feels that the Titan missile base being constructed near Mountain Home is a necessary evil in order to "protect the peace", until such a day when disarmament occurs.; Defense; Nuclear Weapons; Mountain Home AFB; Titan Missile
0:50; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive film exists.
Church endorses Maurine Neuberger for the Senate
Campaigns; Church endorses the widow of Senator Dick Neuberger (Oregon), Maurine, for the Senate seat which he held before his death. He says Idaho and Oregon have many common problems, and that Maurine Neuberger is familiar with them and qualified to handle them; Neuberger, Maurine; Neuberger, Richard; Endorsements
0:57; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive film exists.
Discussion between Church and Maurine Neuberger
Campaigns; Studio discussion between Church and Maurine Neuberger, Democratic candidate for the Senate from Oregon, over the common problems which both Idaho and Oregon share, such as hydroelectric power and salmon runs on the Snake River. He also discusses agricu; Dams; Agriculture; Farming; Salmon Fishing; Snake River; Neuberger, Maurine; Endorsements; Wilderness
4:34; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no know positive film exists.
Discussion between Church and Ralph Harding
Campaigns; Discussion between Democrat Ralph Harding and Church, in the Senate Studios, about Harding's bid for the 2nd District Congressional seat in Idaho. Church and Harding discuss the farm problem in Idaho, as well as proposed reclamation projects, such as; Harding, Ralph; Agriculture; Farming; Reclamation Projects; Endorsements
4:44; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no know positive film exists.
Church courthouse meetings c. 1960
Public Relations; No sound. The first part of this film (approx. 2 min.) shows Church in a potato field examining a newly installed sprinkler/irrigation system. The second half of this film shows Church at one of his courthouse meetings, where he addresses a large crowd; Agriculture; Irrigation; Constituent Services
5:08; 16 mm; b/w
Church at Commerce Committee meeting
Committees; No sound. Frank Church testifies before the Senate Committee on Commerce. Subject matter unknown.; Senate Committees--Commerce
1:22; 16 mm; b/w
Cuban Missle Crisis
International Relations; First day of the Cuban missile crisis. Reporter talks to Church about his recent visit to the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay. They discuss Kennedy's ultimatum that no offensive missiles shall be allowed in Cuba. Church speculates that the deploy; Cuban Missile Crisis; Khrushchev, Nikita; Trips; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Guantanamo Bay (Cuba); West Berlin; Interviews; Cold War; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; International Relations
2:44; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
The 1961 Berlin Crisis
International Relations; Church, speaking from the Senate Recording Studios, explains to the people of Idaho why the U.S. is prepared to risk war with Russia in order to prevent the Russians from taking control of West Berlin.; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Cold War; West Berlin; Khrushchev, Nikita; International Relations
6:49; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. One positive film (Copy 1), and one negative film (Copy 2).
The 1961 Wilderness Bill
Interior; Church speaks with Secretary of the Interior Stewart K. Udall about the ramifications of the newly passed 1961 Wilderness Bill. Church seeks to quell any apprehensions that Idahoans might have about the bill.; Wilderness; Wilderness Bill of 1961; Udall, Stewart K.
14:16; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. One positive print, one negative print.
A word from Washington
Legislation; Church, from his office in Washington D.C., discussing some of the bills which he has introduced into the Senate. The Burns Creek Bill for a dam in Bonneville County, the Libby Dam in Montana as a form of flood control for Boundary County, the Salm; Dams; Irrigation; Salmon Fishing; Ranching; Public Lands; Foreign Relations--Canada; Treaties; Salmon River Preservation Bill; Burns Creek Dam; Libby Dam; Salmon River; Reclamation Projects
5:55; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. Copy 1 (positive), Copy 2 (negative).
Ice Harbor Dam dedication
Interior; No sound. Shows Church speaking at a dinner for Vice President Johnson. Footage of Church touring a hydroelectric dam on the Columbia River with Vice President Johnson. Johnson speaks at the dedication ceremony for the recently constructed Ice Harbor Da; Dams; Columbia River; Indians; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Dedications; Ice Harbor Dam
22:06; 16 mm; b/w
March of Dimes support
Public Relations; Church asks Idahoans to support the March of Dimes in its upcoming fundraising drive.; March of Dimes; Public Service Announcements
1:28; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive film exists.
Church brings business to Idaho
Campaigns; Shows various shots of Church touring factories and construction sites. Church is credited with helping re-open the Naval Ordinance Plant in Pocatello, as well as working hard to attract new industries to Idaho. The narrator also says that Church is tr; Campaign, 1962; Private Enterprise; Naval Ordinance Plant (Pocatello)
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
The Church family Campaigns
Campaigns; Shows Church at home in Bethesda, MD with his family. The narrator tells how his wife and sons have been campaigning for Church back in Idaho while he has been busy in Washington.; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest; Campaign, 1962; Family Life
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Republicans say "Stop!", Democrats say "Go!"
Campaigns; Series of 15-second shorts put out by the Democratic National Committee. This is not a Frank Church film, but was probably provided by the Committee to Democratic candidates.; Space Program; Medicare; Farming; Employment; Urban Renewal; Education; Kennedy, John F.; Democratic Party; Campaign, 1962
2:36; 16 mm; b/w
Church running for re-election
Campaigns; Church on the day of his filing his petition for candidancy to the U.S. Senate asks the support of all his friends in his bid for re-election. Contains two 60-second versions of the same film.; Campaign, 1962
1:54; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Copies 1 & 2. Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Church meets with President Kennedy
Campaigns; Contains two 60-second shorts in which Church meets with President Kennedy. Poor sound quality and editing.; Kennedy, John F.; Campaign, 1962; Foreign Relations--General
2:17; 16 mm; b/w
Church at home
Family Life; No sound. Shows Church arriving from work to his Bethesda, Md. home where he is greeted by his family. Also shows Church and his family having a backyard barbecue. Shows Church reading excerpts from the Congressional Record in his living room.; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Family Life
4:24; 16 mm; b/w
Columbia River Dam
Unrelated Films; No sound. Ground and aerial footage of a dam on the Columbia River (Ice Harbor Dam). Shows dam locks and salmon ladders. Contains no footage of Church. Footage from this film may have been used in the 1962 Campaign.; Dams; Reclamation Projects; Columbia River
5:30; 16 mm; b/w
Pocatello Naval Ordinance Plant
Public Relations; Church, from a Washington D.C. studio, giving details on Thiakol's reopening of the Naval Ordinance Plant in Pocatello. Church also informs the public about his effort to place Idaho into consideration for the deployment of Minute Man missiles in; Thiakol; Mountain Home AFB; Defense; Naval Ordinance Plant (Pocatello); Harding, Ralph; Pfost, Gracie; Nuclear Weapons
3:57; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. One positive print, one negative print.
Lobbying for the Minute Man missile
Public Relations; No sound. Shows Church along with Representitives Gracie Pfost and Ralph Harding talking with Assistant Secretary of the Air Force McCone (sic) and Brigader General Curtin, about Idaho becoming a possible deployment site for Minute Man missile silos.; Defense; Nuclear Weapons; Harding, Ralph; Pfost, Gracie; Minute Man Missile
1:14; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho seeks the Minute Man missile
Public Relations; No sound. Shows Church, along with Representitives Gracie Pfost and Ralph Harding, talking to high ranking military officers about Idaho becoming a possible deployment site for the Minute Man missile.; Defense; Nuclear Weapons; Harding, Ralph; Pfost, Gracie; Minute Man Missile
0:54; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho lobbies for the Minute Man missle
Public Relations; No sound. Shows Church, along with Representitives Gracie Pfost and Ralph Harding, talking with Assistant Air Force Secretary McCone (sic) and Brigader General Curtin, about Idaho becoming a possible deployment site for the Minute Man missile.; Defense; Nuclear Weapons; Harding, Ralph; Pfost, Gracie
0:30; 16 mm; b/w
Church tours Idaho
Personal Appearances; No sound. Shows Church in a parade (Latah County), visiting with constituents in a small town, visiting a radar installation and speaking before a group of young people in an auditorium. Church is also shown visiting a lumber mill, talking with farmer; Farming; Constituent Services; Speeches, Addresses, etc.; Parades
17:12; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho meeting with Secretary Udall
Interior; No sound. Church is shown, along with Representitives Gracie Pfost and Ralph Harding, meeting in the office of the Vice President with Secretary of the Interior Stewart K. Udall. They are reportedly discussing the Burns Creek Project in Idaho.; Udall, Stewart K.; Pfost, Gracie; Harding, Ralph
2:39; 16 mm; b/w
Church in his office
Public Relations; No sound. Shows shots of the U.S. Capitol Building. Church at work in his office.; Public Relations; Washington D.C.
0:26; 16 mm; b/w
U.S. Capitol Building, 1962
Unrelated Films; No sound. Shows various shots of the U.S. Capitol Building. Contains no footage of Church.; Washington D.C.
2:32; 16 mm; b/w
Church and Pfost in Lewiston
Public Relations; No sound. Church and Representitive Gracie Pfost, as well as two other unidentified individuals (possibly Washington state Representitives) at a public hearing in Lewiston. Church and the others hear testimony from individuals at a conference room in t; Pfost, Gracie; Public Hearings
2:44; 16 mm; b/w
Church visits Guantanamo Bay
International Relations; Church from Senate Recording Studios reporting on his visit (in Sept 1961) to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Church toured the U.S. base and the armed forces stationed there. He says the U.S. troops are in high spirits and are ready to take on anything the Cuba; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Guantanamo Bay (Cuba)
1:08; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Church & BPA
Public Relations; Church says that Idaho ought to be sharing in the cheap hydroelectric power produced by the Bonneville Power Association. Washington, Oregon and California benefit from this program and Church says he will try to rectify this situation. Church says che; Bonneville Power Administration; Hydroelectric Power; Phosphate Mines and Mining
4:41; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Water projects
Legislation; Church discusses a half a dozen water projects that he, with the help of the Kennedy administration, will bring to Idaho. The sights discussed are at Bruce's Eddy, Asotin, Mann Creek, Riries, Black foot and Cassia Creek. Because of editing there are lo; Irrigation; Public Works; Reclamation Projects
4:49; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Also on VHS # 19
Church gives tour of Capitol
Public Relations; No sound. Church shows two couples around the Capitol Building. (Church is shown wearing a Stetson cowboy hat). Later the two couples go to Church's office where he shows them around. They then sit down and discuss a problem they are having with the; Constituent Services; Staff--Personal
7:40; 16 mm; b/w
Church and staff at work
Public Relations; No sound. Shows Church at work with his staff in his Washington office dictating letters and typing letters.; Staff--Personal
4:30; 16 mm; b/w
Church and Mansfield
Public Relations; No sound. Church and Senator Mike Mansfield are shown walking together through the halls of the Capitol Building and talking in front of Mansfield's office.; Mansfield, Mike
1:07; 16 mm; b/w
Church at the U.S. Capitol Building
Public Relations; No sound. Church is shown on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building, with the dome behind him. Church is filmed from various angles.; Campaign, 1962
1:18; 16 mm; b/w
Church meets with Northwest Senators
Committees; No sound. Church in a conference room meeting with a group of Congressmen and women from the Northwest.; Jackson, Henry; Magnuson, Warren; Morse, Samuel; Green, Edith
1:38; 16 mm; b/w
Church helps Idaho timber industry
Public Relations; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, addresses the decline of the timber industry in Idaho due to increased Canadian competition. Church says he has sought direct presidential intervention in the matter which has produced a four-point program, wh; Timber Industry; Foreign Relations--Canada
1:52; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Mann Creek Project is apporoved
Legislation; Church announces that the Senate has approved the Mann Creek project near Wieser, Idaho. Church says this project will provide an ample supply of irrigation water to this area.; Irrigation; Reclamation Projects; Mann Creek Project
1:14; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Timber access roads
Legislation; Church, speaking from the Senate Recording Studios, announces that he has successfully attached an ammendment to the Interior appropriations bill that would increase federal funding for timber access roads in Idaho from $2 miilion to $6 million dollars.; Timber Industry
1:35; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Farm Bill of 1962
Legislation; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, says Idaho should have mixed emotions about the 1962 Farm Bill. He says Idaho did not benefit from the compulsary feed grain provision, but the wheat program which was supported by the Idaho Wheat Growers Assoc; Agriculture--Legislation; Farming; Farm Bill of 1962
1:30; 16 mm; b/w, negative
National Potato Marketing Order
Agriculture; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, announces that the Department of Agriculture has decided to reset its hearings on the National Potato Marketing Order. This order would establish a volume control on the production of potatoes, to which Idaho p; Agriculture; Farming; Agriculture--Potatoes; National Potato Marketing Order; Department of Agriculture
0:26; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Flood relief
Public Relations; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, addressing the major flooding which has occured in eastern Idaho. Church says he has talked with the President who has assured him that Idaho will qualify for Federal Emergency Relief in the form of both grants; Floods; Flood Relief
0:59; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Good news for potato growers
Agriculture; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, says that there is good news for Idaho. He says the President did not even mention implementing a potato control program when he addressed the current Farm Bill. Church says he personally conferred with the Pr; Agriculture; Farming; Agriculture--Potatoes; Potato Control Program
0:38; 16 mm; b/w, negative; could not locate 30 january 1989
1962 Congressional Session opens
Public Relations; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, addresses Idahoans on the opening day of the 1962 Congressional session. He says he hopes that the Congressmen will be able to rise above partisan politics so that they will be able to address the true needs of; Marshall, Peter
0:30; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Church meets with Northwest Congressmen
Committees; No sound. Church and other Senators and Representitives from the Northwest meet at a conference table, possibly over the issue of states water rights.; Magnuson, Warren; Green, Edith; Morse, Wayne; Jackson, Henry
2:00; 16 mm; b/w
Church down on the farm
Agriculture; No sound. Church is shown visiting with a farmer who has been plowing field and talks to another farmer in a barnyard full of curious cows.; Agriculture; Farming; Outtakes
2:49; 16 mm; b/w
Snake River Waterway Project nears completion
Campaigns; Shows Church touring various dam projects on the Lower Snake River. Church is attributed with the successful completion of the Snake River Waterway Project which will include four dams and allow a commercial transportation link between Lewiston and Port; Snake River; Dams; Campaign, 1962; Johnson, Lyndon B.
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Church protects Idaho's silver
Campaigns; This film describes Church's efforts to convince the Kennedy Administration to stop the government from selling surplus silver at low prices, which has depressed the silver market in Idaho. He was successful in convincing the administration from reducin; Silver Mines and Mining; Campaign, 1962; Mining Industry
0:43; 16 mm; b/w
Church supports education
Campaigns; Church is shown to be a strong supporter of public education, advocating increased federal funding for state educational programs, and loans and grants to colleges and universities.; Education; Campaign, 1962
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
TV booster stations
Campaigns; This film details Church's fight against a Federal Communications Commission proposal to outlaw television booster stations, which would leave many Idaho mountain communities without television reception. Church was successful in defeating the FCC propo; Campaign, 1962; Federal Communications Commission; Television Booster Stations
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Foreign aid budget cuts
Campaigns; This film points out Church's role on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and how he is cutting down on government spending by eliminating unnecessary foreign aid programs. This film is missing 30 seconds of original footage, but it is the only know; Campaign, 1962; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Aid
0:31; 16 mm; b/w
The Lewis and Clark Highway
Campaigns; Church is credited with bringing to successful completion both the Lewis and Clark Highway and the system of dams along the Lower Snake River. Shows Church touring various dam construction sites.; Lewis and Clark Memorial Highway; Dams; Snake River; Campaign, 1962
0:49; 16 mm; b/w
Conservationist of the year
Campaigns; Church is working to conserve Idaho's outdoor environment, and the various federally funded projects which he was instrumental in bringing to Idaho. Church is shown receiving an award as Conservationist of the Year from the Ada County Fish and Wildlife; Campaign, 1962; Conservation; Awards
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Friend of the people
Campaigns; Church is described as a friend of the people and is shown visiting with constituents in county courthouses around the state.; Campaign, 1962; Constituent Services
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Potato Control Program
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting various farms around the state. The narrator describes Church's role in leading the fight against the implementation of the Potato Control Program, which was strongly opposed in Idaho. This film is missing 7 seconds of original; Campaign, 1962; Agriculture; Agriculture--Potatoes; Potato Control Program
0:53; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho's tourist industry
Campaigns; Various shots of Church and scenic shots of Idaho. The narrator says that Church is aware of the importance of the tourist industry to Idaho's economy and that Church is Idaho tourism's most ardent supporter back in Washington D.C.; Outdoor Recreation; Tourist Industry; Campaign, 1962
0:55; 16 mm; b/w
Church and conservation
Campaigns; This film describes how Church has fought to protect Idaho's scenic beauty through his stands on conservation.; Campaign, 1962; Conservation
0:40; 16 mm; b/w
Televison booster stations
Campaigns; Church is shown at work in Washington D.C. The narrator describes how Church fought and succeeded in preventing the Federal Government from outlawing television booster stations, which would have cut off television reception to Idaho mountain communitie; Campaign, 1962; Television Booster Stations
0:32; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho's key to the White House
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting with President Kennedy at the White House. The narrator says that Church is Idaho's key to the door of the White House.; Campaign, 1962; Kennedy, John F.
0:40; 16 mm; b/w
Lewis and Clark Highway
Campaigns; 1962 Campaign film which shows Church touring dam construction sites on the Snake River. The narrator says that Church helped speed the completion of the Snake River Waterway Projects and the Lewis and Clark Highway.; Campaign, 1962; Lewis and Clark Memorial Highway
0:38; 16 mm; b/w
Foreign Relations Committee
Campaigns; Church is the first Idahoan since William E. Borah to be a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. Church is shown during a committee meeting.; Campaign, 1962; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Borah, William E.
0:40; 16 mm; b/w
A strong silver industry
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting with President Kennedy. The narrator says Church convinced Kennedy to stop the government from selling its surplus silver reserves at low prices, and that as a result, silver prices are rising.; Campaign, 1962; Kennedy, John F.; Silver Mines and Mining
0:26; 16 mm; b/w
Church and Idaho Outdoors
Campaigns; Shots of Church and recreation shots from around Idaho. The narrator says that Church has done much to promote Idaho's recreation industries.; Campaign, 1962; Tourist Industry; Outdoor Recreation;
0:26; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho's senior Senator
Campaigns; Church is shown as a member of the Interior Committee. The narrator says that Church is now Idaho's senior Senator, and that seniority is what counts in the Senate.; Campaign, 1962; Senate--Seniority; Senate Committees--Interior
0:28; 16 mm; b/w
Church supports education
Campaigns; Church is shown at home with his sons. The narrator says that Church is for a strong public education system and higher wages for teachers.; Campaign, 1962; Education
0:26; 16 mm; b/w
A real Idaho family
Campaigns; Church is shown at home with his family. The narrator says the Church family is a real Idaho family and that Church knows the importance of a good education for his two sons.; Campaign, 1962; Family Life
0:27; 16 mm; b/w
Church works for farmers
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting with farmers. The narrator says that Church succeeded in convincing President Kennedy from making any reference to a potato control program in his farm bill message.; Agriculture--Potatoes; Campaign, 1962; Farming; Potato Control Program
0:27; 16 mm; b/w
New industry
Campaigns; Shows Church touring a industrial plant in Pocatello. The narrator says that Church has worked hard to bring new industry and new payrolls to Idaho.; Private Enterprise; Campaign, 1962
0:27; 16 mm; b/w
Lower Snake River dams
Campaigns; Shows Church touring dam construction sites on the Lower Snake River. The narrator says Church was partially responsible for bringing the Snake River waterway project to a successful completion.; Dams; Snake River; Campaign, 1962
0:27; 16 mm; b/w
Church interviews Edward R. Murrow
Public Relations; Shows Senator Church interviewing Edward R. Murrow (not vice a versa) from a Washington D.C. film studio. Church talks with Murrow about his role as the head of the U.S. Information Agency and its part in diseminating information about the U.S. and demo; Space Program; Murrow, Edward R.; U.S. Information Agency; Voice of America; Communism; Democracy; International Relations
14:02; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. One positive print and one negative print.
Nanette Fabray before a committee
Committees; No sound. Actress Nanette Fabray speaks an unidentified committee hearing. The subject is believed to be on the declaration of May being the "National Better Hearing Month".; Fabray, Nanette; Carlson, Frank; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging
1:43; 16 mm; b/w
Eldercare/Medicare programs
Legislation; Church says he supports the proposals for the foundation of the Medicare and Eldercare programs.; Medicare; Senior Citizens; Medical Care--Legislation
1:03; 16 mm; b/w
Mountain Home AFB will remain open
Public Relations; Church, with Secretary of the Air Force Eugene Zuckert, explains that although Mountain Home Air Force Base is losing its Titan Missiles and B-47 bombers, it will not be shut down because a new tactical mission of RF-47 fighter-reconaissance planes are t; Zuckert, Eugene; Mountain Home AFB; Defense
2:31; 16 mm; b/w
Assassination of JFK speech
Public Relations; Church speaking a few days after the assassination of President Kennedy. Church compares Kennedy to a "young David". He asks the American public to put their support behind the new President, Lyndon Johnson, and pray that the Republic remain "sound and; Kennedy, John F.; Assassinations; Johnson, Lyndon B.
1:04; 16 mm; b/w
Snake River water will not be diverted
Interior; Church reads a letter written to him from Secretary of the Interior Stewart K. Udall in which Udall assures Church that the Johnson Administration would never condone nor allow the diversion of Snake River water to southern California.; Udall, Stewart K.; Water Rights; Water Resources; Snake River
2:32; 16 mm; b/w
Testimony on the Great Potato Fraud
Committees; No sound. Both Church and Sen. Len B. Jordan are shown testifying before the Committee on Commerce on the subject (presumed) of the mislabeling of potatoes. Church and Jordan have co-sponsored a bill requiring that all potatoes be labeled by their prop; Senate Committees--Commerce; Jordan, Len B.; Fraud; Agriculture--Potatoes; Great Potato Fraud
0:35; 16 mm; b/w
Church's shopping for spuds
Family Life; No Sound. Shows Frank Church and his wife Bethine selecting and buying potatoes in a supermarket.; Church, Bethine; Agriculture--Potatoes; Family Life
1:04; 16 mm; b/w; Negative copy available on Negative Reel #1.
U.S.-Canadian Columbia River Treaty
International Relations; Church says that the U.S. and Canada have finally ratified the Columbia River Treaty, which will pave the way for the construction of the Libby Dam in Montana. The dam will provide needed flood control and hydroelectric power to the Northwest.; Dams; Flood Control; Treaties; Foreign Relations--Canada; Columbia River; Columbia River Treaty; Libby Dam
0:49; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Senate approves the Columbia River Treaty
International Relations; Church says that the Columbia River Treaty has been passed by the Senate and now must only be ratified by Canada. This treaty will allow for the construction of Libby Dam in Montana, which will serve both as a source of hydroelectric power and as a mean; Flood Control; Dams; Libby Dam; Foreign Relations--Canada; Treaties; Columbia River Treaty; Columbia River
1:20; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Church speaks out on Vietnam
International Relations; Church declares the the government of Siagon has been losing the war with Hanoi, not from a lack of arms, but from a lack of internal cohesion. Church says that a " feud cannot be resolved by outsiders." He calls upon the U.S. to bargain from; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--North Vietnam; Foreign Relations--South Vietnam
1:11; 16 mm; b/w
1964 Potato Control Bill
Agriculture; Church says that Idaho farmers face an uphill fight in their opposition to the Potato Control Bill currently before the Senate since the majority of the potato producing states are in favor of the bill. But, Church says, regardless of the odds, he will r; Agriculture--Potatoes; Agriculture--Legislation; Farming; Potato Control Bill
0:44; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative film, no known positive film exists.
The Great Potato Fraud
Agriculture; Church addresses his audience from his office on the subject of the mislabeling of inferior out-of-state potatoes as U.S. #1 Idaho potatoes. Co-sponsors Church and Jordan are shown with Chairman of the Commerce Committee, Warren Magnuson of Washington, d; Great Potato Fraud; Agriculture--Potatoes; Jordan, Len B.; Agriculture--Legislation; Magnuson, Warren; Potato Labeling Bill; Farming; Fraud; Senate Committees--Commerce; Agriculture
2:02; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1,2,3, & [4]. Two copies with complete sound (Copies 1 & 2), one with partial sound elapse (Copy 3) and one negative film copy which can be found on Negative Reel #1.
1964 Wilderness Act
Legislation; Church explains the ramifications of the 1964 Wilderness Act, saying that ranching, lumber and mining industries will not be affected by the Act, and that Idaho will benefit from the Act in the long run.; Wilderness; Public Lands; Wilderness Act of 1964
1:43; 16 mm; b/w, negative; DVD also. Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Legislation; Church explains why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was necessary. He says while Idaho had passed a far more comprehensive Civil Rights Act years before, other states in certain parts of the country had failed to do so, so federal legislation was necessary; Civil Rights--Legislation; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights
1:58; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Timber sales revenue sharing
Legislation; Church and Senator Jordan address the decline of timber sales revenues to Idaho counties due to rising administrative costs. Since the majority of Idaho's rural counties are comprised of public lands, they do not have a large tax base to raise funds for; Jordan, Len B.; National Forests; U.S. Forest Service; Taxes; Idaho--Counties; Timber Industry; Public Lands--Legislation
1:58; 16 mm; b/w; Negative copy available on Negative Reel #1.
Teton Dam funded
Interior; Church announces that funding for the new $52 million Lower Teton Dam has just been approved by Congress. He says that this is good news for eastern Idaho because it will provide more water for irrigation and provide flood control.; Dams; Teton Dam; Irrigation; Flood Control; Reclamation Projects
0:47; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive footage exists.
Church refuses debate
Public Relations; Church refuses to debate Carl McIntire, or act as spokesman for the National Council of Churches, in response to McIntires charge that "the cause of communism is being aided and abetted from their pulpits." Church says that the clergymen of Idaho are fu; Debates; McIntire, Carl; National Council of Churches; Communism
0:33; 16 mm; b/w
Phillips Petroleum takes charge
Public Relations; Church asks the director of the Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Glen Sebar, about the future of 2000 workers when the change from Phillips Petroleum to a new contractor takes place at the National Reactor Testing Station in eastern Idaho. Senator Church s; Atomic Energy Commission; National Reactor Testing Station; Sebar, Glen; Phillips Petroleum; Labor Relations
1:02; 16 mm; b/w
1964 Campaign issues
Legislation; Church, Sen. Henry Jackson and Rep. Compton White discuss federal projects on the Columbia and Snake Rivers and reproach presidential candidate Barry Goldwater for criticizing reclamation projects in other states, but not on projects within his own state; Jackson, Henry; White, Compton I.; Goldwater, Barry; Indians; Salmon Fishing; Hydroelectric Power; Reclamation Projects; Area Redevelopment Program; Lewis and Clark Memorial Highway; Campaign, 1964; Roads
13:45; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Negative footage, no known positive film exists.
Staff at work
Public Relations; No sound. Shows Church's staff at work in their office. No footage of Church.; Staff--Personal
0:48; 16 mm; b/w
Foreign Relations hearing
Committees; No sound. An unidentified individual testifies before Church and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Pell, Claiborne
0:32; 16 mm; b/w
Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill
Committees; No sound. Church is shown chairing a Interior committee hearing on the proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill. Walter Mondale testifies before the committee.; Senate Committees--Interior; Mondale, Walter; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Wilderness
1:07; 16 mm; b/w; Also on VHS # 20
LBJ attempts negotiations with Hanoi
International Relations; Chruch describes it as "President Johnson's finest hour" in his attempted overtures to call Hanoi to the negotiating table in order to bring about a peaceful resolution to the Vietnam Conflict. Church calls Hanoi's initial response to Johnson's proposal; Foreign Relations--North Vietnam; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Vietnam Conflict
0:45; 16 mm; b/w
U.S.S. Pueblo seized
International Relations; Chruch calls the seizure of the U.S.S. Pueblo a "direct attack" against the United States and says that our national honor is at stake. After consulting with the President he says he feels the President Johnson is doing everything possible to secure the; U.S.S. Pueblo Incident, 1968; Foreign Relations--North Korea
0:43; 16 mm; b/w
Church/Harding junket
International Relations; No sound. Church is shown at an airport preparing to board a Northwest Orient airplane (destination undetermined, possibly SE Asia). Representitive Ralph Harding is also shown boarding the flight.; Trips; Harding, Ralph
1:44; 16 mm; b/w
U.N. General Assembly address
International Relations; Church addresses the U.N. General Assembly, speaking on the accomplishments attained during the U.N.'s "Year of International Cooperation".; United Nations; Speeches, Addresses, etc.; International Relations
13:15; 16 mm; b/w
Sawtooth Mountains/Stanley Basin Area hearings
Legislation; Church announces local hearings to be held in Ketchum which will help decide the status of the Sawtooth Mountain area and Stanley Basin. Church says he has put forth two proposals in his upcoming bill. One would establish a Sawtooth National Park, the; National Recreation Areas--Legislation; Outdoor Recreation; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; National Parks; Public Lands
1:47; 16 mm; b/w
Gun control
Legislation; Church, at a "staged" news conference (contains two two-minute versions with Church answering the same questions). Church talks about the proposed Anti-crime Bill. He says he is in favor of the bill, but is opposed to the gun control amendments which we; Crime; Anti-Crime Bill; Gun Control--Legislation; Gun Control; Press Conferences
3:58; 16 mm; b/w
Church opposes cuts in SCS
Legislation; Church opposes proposed cuts ($400,000 for Idaho alone) in the Soil Conservation Service's (SCS) operating budget. He also opposes a proposal which would require farmers to reimburse the Federal Government for any technical assistance supplied by the SC; Budget--United States; Farming; Soil Conservation Service; Agriculture; Conservation; Agriculture--Legislation
1:16; 16 mm; b/w
Silver content reduction in U.S. coinage
Legislation; Church, from a studio, addresses the problem of rising silver prices and their effect upon U.S. coinage. He says silver coins will soon become worth more for their silver content than their face value. Church proposes that the silver content in U.S. co; Mining Industry; Silver Mines and Mining; Mining--Legislation; Silver Coins--Law and Legislation
1:17; 16 mm; b/w
Church votes for Medicare and Social Security
Legislation; Church explains why he voted for Medicare and increases in Social Security.; Senior Citizens; Medicare; Medical Care--Legislation; Social Security
1:28; 16 mm; b/w
Help for the small farmer
Legislation; Church is concerned with the increasing migration of people from rural to urban areas because of the bad economic climate for the small farmer. To address some of these concerns, he has introduced two bills into the Senate, the first of which would rais; Farming; Agriculture--Legislation; Agriculture
0:58; 16 mm; b/w
Foreign vs. domestic cuts
Legislation; Church says he is concerned about the recent upsurge in the cost of living. Rather than raise taxes, Church says he would like to see cuts in non-essential spending in such areas as foreign aid, which he says "...must bear its share of the war in Vietna; Budget--United States; Foreign Aid; Vietnam Conflict; Taxes; Inflation
1:25; 16 mm; b/w
Washington D.C. tour
Personal Appearances; No sound. An unidentified man receives an award at a ceremony, Church and Senator Len B. Jordan are later shown giving the man and his wife a tour of Washington D.C.; Jordan, Len B.; Ceremonies
0:59; 16 mm; b/w
$30 million more for the FHA
Agriculture; Church announces that a bill (Senate Joint Resolution #168) that he introduced to the Senate for the transfer of $30 million to the Farmers Home Administration has now become law. The $30 million given to the FHA will be used to provide emergency loans; Agriculture--Legislation; Farming; Farmers Home Administration
1:20; 16 mm; b/w
U.S. Naval Medical Center visit
Personal Appearances; No sound. Church is shown visiting wounded Vietnam soldiers at the U.S. Naval Medical Center.; Vietnam Conflict; Personal Appearances
1:34; 16 mm; b/w
Church at the United Nations
International Relations; No sound/sound. Church is shown talking with members of the U.S. mission to the U.N.. Later Church is seen arriving at the U.N. building in New York and entering the General Assembly chamber. Church is then shown (sound) giving a speech before the U.N; United Nations; Speeches, Addresses, etc.
5:38; 16 mm; b/w
Gun control bill fails
Legislation; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, says all attempts at gun control have been "beaten down" in the Senate for that session and that the only control which will be applied by the Federal Government is over the interstate mail order of firearms.; Gun Control--Legislation
0:50; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Church thanks petitioners
Legislation; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, thanks the 60,000 people who signed his gun control petitions in opposition to the Dodd Amendment.; Gun Control--Legislation
0:32; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Commerce Committee hearing
Committees; No sound. Church is shown sitting with the Commerce Committee (on which he never served) interviewing a unidentified individual.; Senate Committees--Commerce
0:54; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill
Legislation; Church appears with Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall at the Senate Recording Studios. Church announces that his Wild and Scenic River Bill has passed the Congress and awaits the signature of the President. Church says the Wild and Scenic River S; Udall, Stewart K.; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Wilderness
1:24; 16 mm; b/w, negative; Positive copy on VHS # 19
Moritorium on Idaho water diversion
Legislation; Senators Church, Jordan and Henry Jackson, from the Senate Recording Studios, discuss the ramifications of the Conference on the Colorado River Basin, on which all of them served and Jackson chaired. Jackson announces they have succeeded in placing a 10; Jackson, Henry; Jordan, Len B.; Water Rights; Colorado River Basin
4:52; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Committee meeting
Committees; No sound. Church is shown at a large unidentified committee meeting.; Senate Committees--Unidentified
0:57; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Idaho's water peril
Legislation; Church, from the Senate Recording Studios, announces that the House has passed a bill which authorizes diversion studies of Idaho water to the Southwest. Church says he will not allow Idaho's future to be sacrificed for California's. He says he is dete; Water Rights
1:04; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Jackson and Church on Idaho water
Legislation; Senators Church and Henry Jackson at a psuedo news conference discuss their role in the upcoming Colorado River Conference, which has been called as a result of a bill passed by the House which authorizes feasibility studies for the diversion of Idaho wa; Jackson, Henry; Water Rights; Colorado River Basin
2:34; 16 mm; b/w, negative
Dodd Amendment petition drive
Legislation; Contains clips both with sound and without sound. Church launches a major petition drive in Idaho against an amendment to the Federal Firearms Act proposed by Senator Thomas Dodd. The amendment would require the registration of both rifles and shotguns; Gun Control--Legislation; Jordan, Len B.
8:01; 16 mm; b/w
Gun control petitions
Legislation; No sound. Church and his staff in his office, examining the gun control petitions strewn about the floor. The petitions were in response for a plea by Senator Church to Idahoans to show their opposition to the proposed Dodd Amendment to the Federal Firea; Gun Control--Legislation;
1:39; 16 mm; b/w
Church with petitions at the Capitol Building
Legislation; No sound. Church and staff with his gun control petitions on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.; Gun Control--Legislation
1:41; 16 mm; color
Interior Committee
Committees; A meeting of the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, possibly discussing water projects in Idaho. No sound.; Senate Committees--Interior; Water Resources
2:00; 16 mm; b/w
Nuclear Powered Merchant Marine Project
Public Relations; Church says that the Atomic Energy Commission, along with the National Merchant Marine Commission, have recommended that a land based experimental station be established to study the possibility of founding a nuclear powered Merchant Marine fleet. Churc; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Atomic Energy Commision; Merchant Marine
4:00; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1,2,3, & 4. One negative, no sound (A). One positive print with partial sound lapse (B). One positive print of inserts, no sound (C). One 16mm sound strip which can be run on a standard 16mm projector (D).
Foreign Relations Committee meeting
Committees; No sound. Film shows Church along with Senator Joseph Clark sitting at a meeting of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Comnmittee.; Clark, Joseph; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
0:32; 16 mm; b/w
European policy making tour
Committees; No sound. Church at a news conference with Senator Fulbright discussing the objectives of his upcoming European policy making tour. A written press release is enclosed with the film.; Press Conferences; International Relations; International Organizations; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Fulbright, William; Foreign Relations--Europe
0:49; 16 mm; b/w; Voiceover script.
Hyde nominated to chair FCC
Committees; Shows Church with Rosel E. Hyde (a native Idahoan) at the Senate Commerce Committee hearings on Hydes nomination to the chairmanship of the Federal Communications Commission.; Federal Communications Commission; Senate Committees--Commerce; Hyde, Rosel E.
0:36; 16 mm; b/w
Bobby Kennedy at Interior Committee hearing
Committees; No sound. Robert Kennedy is shown testifying before a hearing of the Senate Committee of the Interior and Insular Affairs.; Senate Committees--Interior; Kennedy, Robert; McGovern, George
0:58; 16 mm; b/w
Jim Brown autograph
Family Life; No sound. Church is shown throwing a football with his son Chase in a airport, where an arriving football player (Ray McDonald) is shown autographing Chase's football.; Church, Chase; McDonald, Ray; Family Life
1:04; 16 mm; b/w; Negative copy available on Negative Reel #1.
U.N. General Assembly address
International Relations; Frank Church, representing the United States, addresses the opening of the 21st session of the United Nations General Assembly. Church says the U.S. is hoping that the U.N. will adopt the program of financial management and fiscal responsibility that ha; United Nations; United Nations--Financing; Budget--United Nations; Speeches, Addresses, etc.
6:08; 16 mm; b/w
Vietnam Conflict press conference
International Relations; No sound. Church is reportedly speaking on the Vietnam Conflict.; Vietnam Conflict; Press Conferences
1:01; 16 mm; b/w
Southwest Idaho Water Development Project
Legislation; Church and Representative Compton White discuss their proposal for the Southwest Idaho Water Development Project, which call for the development of water resources in eight southwest Idaho counties. White and Church stress that their plan will not effec; Reclamation Projects; Dams; Reservoirs; White, Compton I.; Water Rights
5:12; 16 mm; b/w
Idaho potato crop disaster
Agriculture; Church has asked Secretary of Agriculture Freeman for emergency Farmers Home Administration loans to help Idaho recover from a $50 million potato crop disaster due to an early fall frost. Church says 11 Idaho counties are eligible for these loans and 3; Freeman, Orville; Farming; Farmers Home Administration; Agriculture--Potatoes; Agriculture
1:11; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1 & 2. Negative copy available on Negative Reel #1.
Support the Boy Scouts of America
Public Relations; Church commends the citizens of eastern Idaho for their efforts to establish the Treasure Mountain Scout Camp. Church extolls the virtures of the Boy Scouts of America and asks that people give generously to the cause.; Boy Scouts of America; Public Service Announcements
0:40; 16 mm; b/w; A negative copy of this film is available on Negative Reel #1.
Church leads cancer drive
Public Relations; Church, speaking as the American Cancer Society's honorary Crusade Chairman for Idaho, tells how he was cured of cancer 20 years earlier and that there are 1,400,000 people in the U.S. today that have been cured of cancer like himself. Church asks that; Cancer; American Cancer Society; Public Service Announcements
1:30; 16 mm; b/w; A negative copy of this film is availabel on Negative Reel #1.
Church ad for the American Cancer Society
Public Relations; Church speaks as Idaho's honorary Cancer Crusade Chairman asking that people give generously to the American Cancer Society.; Cancer; American Cancer Society; Public Service Announcements
0:26; 16 mm; b/w; A negative copy of this film is available on Negative Reel #1.
Church-Fulbright press conference
Committees; No Sound. Large press conference in which Church reports upon his fact finding tour of the international organizations of Europe. He is later joined by Senator William Fulbright.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Fulbright, William; Press Conferences; International Organizations
2:34; 16 mm; b/w; 2 copies.
Young Idahoans visit Church
Personal Appearances; No sound. Church is shown walking around Washington D.C. with two unidentified young men, who appear to be representing Idaho for some sort of mock political convention.; Constituent Services
0:53; 16 mm; b/w; A Negative copy is available on Negative Reel #1.
Bernard Fisher decorated by LBJ
Personal Appearances; No sound. Bernard Fisher, a military officer from Idaho, is decorated by President Lyndon Johnson with the Congressional Medal of Honor. Both Church and Senator Len B. Jordan and their families are in the audience, and are shown congratulating Fisher.; Jordan, Len B.; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Ceremonies; Fisher, Bernard
2:43; 16 mm; b/w
Foreign Relations Committee meeting
Committees; No Sound. Meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in a small room. No press or audience is present. William Fulbright, Wayne Morse, Mike Mansfield, Thomas Dodd and Church are shown.; Fulbright, William; Morse, Wayne; Dodd, Thomas; Mansfield, Mike; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
2:00; 16 mm; b/w
Cedar Creek Watershed Project dedicated
Interior; Church speaks at the dedication ceremonies for the Cedar Creek Watershed Project. He talks about the future of water development projects in Idaho.; Dams; Irrigation; Reclamation Projects; Agriculture; Cedar Creek Watershed Project
4:07; 16 mm; b/w
Church fights Federal land grab
Interior; Church describes the actions he took in response to the Department of the Interior's proposal of withdrawing 86 million acres of land from the public domain in order to realize the known or potential geothermal resources found there. Church was opposed; Department of the Interior; Public Lands; Geothermal Resources
4:50; 16 mm; b/w; Negative copy available on Negative Reel #1.
Congressional pay increase
Public Relations; Church says he has never voted for a pay increase for himself and he feels that the current proposal to raise federal pay for Congress, federal judges and other high government officials is "a dereliction of Congressional duty" in the face of rising infl; Taxes; Budget--United States; Inflation; Congressional Pay Raises; Wages; Vietnam Conflict
1:06; 16 mm; b/w, negative
JFK Memorial Center groundbreaking
Personal Appearances; No sound. Shows Church and Representitive James McClure at a groundbreaking ceremony for the John F. Kennedy Memorial Performing Arts Center. Bethine Church is also shown.; Church, Bethine; McClure, James; Ceremonies; JFK Memorial Performing Arts Center; Personal Appearances
0:56; 16 mm; b/w
1968 campaign collage
Campaigns; Contains complete film footage from the 1968 campaign (with the exceptions of the 27 minute version of "Idaho's voice of independence", 68008 and the 1 minute version of "Men at work", 68013).; Education; Farming; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968; Water Rights; Foreign Aid; Nuclear Energy; Budget--Military; Vietnam Conflict; Taxes; Railroads; Headstart Program; Outdoor Recreation; Gun Control; Senate--Seniority; Constituent Services; Robinson Bar Ranch
31:14; 16 mm; color; Also on 3/4 VHS #1 and VHS # 19
Collage of 1968 Campaign shorts I
Campaigns; Incomplete collage of 10, 20, 30 and 60-second shorts, the majority of which center on the theme of "What kind of people support Frank Church".; Endorsements; Nuclear Energy; Farming; Railroads; Constituent Services; Ranching; Water Rights; Education; Vietnam Conflict; Headstart Program; Outdoor Recreation; Campaign, 1968
12:56; 16 mm; color
Idaho's voice of independence
Campaigns; Church talking to youngsters at his Robinson Bar Ranch on the issues of the 1968 Campaign.; Water Rights; Wilderness; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Gun Control; Education; Foreign Policy; Taxes; Vietnam Conflict; Campaign, 1968; Senate--Seniority; Budget--Military; Lippmann, Walter
14:06; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2. See also 68008.
Collage of 1968 Campaign shorts II
Campaigns; Incomplete collage of 10, 20, 30, and 60-second shorts, the majority of which center on the theme of "What kind of people support Frank Church?". (Very similar to 68002).; Campaign, 1968; Farming; Ranching; Railroads; Constituent Services; Vietnam Conflict; Endorsements; Education; Headstart Program; Water Rights; Nuclear Energy
10:30; 16 mm; color
Collage of 1968 Campaign shorts III
Campaigns; Incomplete collage of 10, 20, 30, and 60-second shorts, the majority of which center on the theme of "What kind of people support Frank Church?". (Very similar to 68002).; Campaign, 1968; Farming; Ranching; Railroads; Constituent Services; Vietnam Conflict; Endorsements; Education; Headstart Program; Water Rights; Nuclear Energy; Outdoor Recreation
11:31; 16 mm; color
Collage of 1968 Campaign shorts III
Campaigns; Incomplete collage of 10, 20, 30, and 60-second shorts, the majority of which center on the theme of "What kind of people support Frank Church?". (Very similar to 68002).; Campaign, 1968; Farming; Ranching; Railroads; Constituent Services; Vietnam Conflict; Endorsements; Education; Headstart Program; Water Rights; Nuclear Energy; Outdoor Recreation
11:31; 16 mm; color
Robinson Bar Ranch
Campaigns; Church talking to youths on his Robinson Bar Ranch on the issues of the 1968 Campaign.; Foreign Policy; Communism; Vietnam Conflict; Education; Campaign, 1968; Robinson Bar Ranch
9:00; 16 mm; color
Robinson Bar Ranch home movie
Campaigns; No sound. Scenes with the Church family from the Robinson Bar Ranch. Filmed in the genre of home movies. Church is shown on horseback and walking around the ranch with adolescents. Church is also shown visiting with various farmers on their farms.; Campaign, 1968; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Farming; Robinson Bar Ranch
16:27; 16 mm; color
Idaho's voice of independence (extended version)
Campaigns; Church talking with youngsters on his Robinson Bar Ranch about the issues of the 1968 Campaign.; Campaign, 1968; Education; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Vietnam Conflict; Senate--Seniority; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest; Water Rights; Taxes; Budgets--Military; Gun Control; Awards; Robinson Bar Ranch
27:45; 16 mm; color; See also 68003. Also on VHS # 20.
10-second 1968 Campaign shorts
Campaigns; Contains all of the 10-second shorts from the 1968 Campaign.; Campaign, 1968
1:51; 16 mm; color
Idaho courthouse meetings
Campaigns; Footage of Church meeting with constituents at some of Idaho's county courthouses.; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1968
0:58; 16 mm; color
Idaho water
Campaigns; This short states that "Frank Church is running so that Idaho water can keep on Idaho".; Water Rights; Campaign, 1968
0:29; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
A Senator the whole country respects
Campaigns; Church is shown in committee. The narrator says that Church is Idaho's senior Senator and that seniority gets things done in the Senate.; Senate--Seniority; Campaign, 1968
0:29; 16 mm; color; Copies 1,2, & 3. See also 68075.
Men at work
Campaigns; Shows footage of men at work in small businesses, construction, etc.. Shows Church helping constituents. "If the job can be done, Frank Church will do it."; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1968
1:01; 16 mm; color; see also 68075
A Senator the whole country respects
Campaigns; Church is shown in committee. (10-second short of 68012).; Senate--Seniority; Campaign, 1968
0:10; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Church saves stockman
Campaigns; Rancher tells how Church kept the Federal Government from taking away his land.; Campaign, 1968; Constituent Services; Ranching
0:29; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Idaho water
Campaigns; "Frank Church is running so Idaho water can keep on Idaho." (10-second version of 68011).; Water Rights; Campaign, 1968
0:10; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
You bet I'll vote for Church
Campaigns; A school teacher and a "housewife" endorse Frank Church for Senator.; Education; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
A Senator who works as hard as you do
Campaigns; Various shots of Church visiting with men at work and constituents.; Campaign, 1968
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Vietnam War
Campaigns; Church speaks on the Vietnam War, his early opposition to the War, and his support of the men fighting it.; Vietnam Conflict; Budget--Military; Foreign Policy; Campaign, 1968
0:58; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church is shown standing before the Sawtooths, in a public meeting, and along the banks of the Salmon River with his son Chase.; Campaign, 1968; Church, Chase
0:10; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Mud Lake farmers
Campaigns; A Mud Lake farmer endorses Frank Church.; Farming; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Law and order
Campaigns; Church addresses an unknown audience on the subject of the civil disorder of the 1960's.; Campaign, 1968; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Speeches, Addresses, etc.
1:00; 16 mm; b/w; See also 68076.
Farmers for Church
Campaigns; A farmer endorses Church for Senator.; Farming; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
The little people
Campaigns; Two ordinary citizens endorse Frank Church.; Campaign, 1968; Endorsements
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Shows Church family and friends out of doors. (10-second version of 68033).; Campaign, 1968
0:10; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Public education
Campaigns; A woman praises "Headstart" and supports Frank Church.; Education; Endorsements; Headstart Program; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church is shown indoors and out-of-doors around Idaho. He is also shown in the U.S. Senate.; Campaign, 1968
0:28; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Nuclear industry
Campaigns; A wife of a nuclear scientist says Church has done more for the Nuclear Industry in Idaho than anyone else.; Nuclear Energy; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; A teacher says that any man who fights as hard as Frank Church for Education has her vote.; Education; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Railroad passenger service
Campaigns; A man commends Senator Church on his effort to fight curtailment of railroad passenger service in Idaho.; Railroads; Transportation; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Desperate farmers
Campaigns; An old farmer gives his support to Frank Church.; Farming; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church is shown in a Foreign Relations Committee hearing. "A Senator the whole country respects."; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Campaign, 1968
0:10; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Series of outdoor recreation shots. Mentions Church's 1965 "Conservationist of the Year Award". Church and family are seen skipping rocks on a mountain lake.; Outdoor Recreation; Awards; Campaign, 1968; Conservation
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Senior citizen for Church
Campaigns; An elderly woman endorses Frank Church for U.S. Senator.; Endorsements; Campaign, 1968
0:20; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
1968 Campaign collage of 30-second shorts
Campaigns; Contains all of the 30-second (20-second inclusive) shorts used in the 1968 Campaign.; Water Rights; Railroads; Education; Headstart Program; Nuclear Energy; Farming; Outdoor Recreation; Campaign, 1968
8:03; 16 mm; color
1968 Campaign collage of 60-second shorts
Campaigns; Contains all to the 60-second shorts from the 1968 Campaign, with the exception of "Men at Work", 68013.; Farming; Conservation; Constituent Services; Nuclear Energy; Water Rights; Vietnam Conflict; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Campaign, 1968
7:12; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; Shows Church on horseback discussing Idaho's rich outdoor heritage and what he has done to protect it.; Campaign, 1968; Outdoor Recreation; Conservation; Wilderness
0:59; 16 mm; color
His own man
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting with a farmer on a farm yard fence.; Campaign, 1968; Farming
0:11; 16 mm; color
A Senator who works as hard as you do
Campaigns; Shows Church visiting with a constituent. (10-second version of 68018).; Campaign, 1968
0:10; 16 mm; color
Water committee
Campaigns; An elderly man endorses Senator Church, and stresses the importance of Church's position on an unnamed water committee.; Campaign, 1968; Endorsements; Water Rights
0:29; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Profiles in courage
Campaigns; Senator Ted Kennedy gives a glowing testimonial to Frank Church's ability as a U.S. Senator, and feels assured that the people of Idaho will re-elect Church again and again.; Campaign, 1968; Endorsements; Kennedy, Edward
1:19; 16 mm; b/w
Four 30-second shorts of the 1968 Campaign
Campaigns; Contains four 30-second shorts of the 1968 Campaign: "Idaho Water", "Sports", "Committee", and "Introspective".; Campaign, 1968
2:40; 16 mm; color
Incomplete version of 1968 Campaign collage
Campaigns; Incomplete version of 68001. Contains the majority of the 10, 20, 30 and 60-second shorts, plus the shorter version of "Idaho's voice of independence".; Campaign, 1968
26:39; 16 mm; color
Church skipping rocks
Campaigns; No Sound. Film footage which was incorporated into Church's 1968 Campaign short "Sports". Contains longer scene of Church skipping rocks with children than is found in his other campaign films.; Campaign, 1968; Outdoor Recreation
2:22; 16 mm; color
Church with constituents
Campaigns; No sound. Film footage shot of Church visiting with constituents. Footage used for the campaign short "Idaho courthouse meetings" in the 1968 Campaign. About 60 seconds of water shots at the end of the film. Contains some footage of Church not found o; Campaign, 1968; Constituent Services
5:56; 16 mm; color
Church in a meadow
Campaigns; No sound. Footage shot for 1968 Campaign film "Idaho's voice of independence". Shows Church in a meadow talking with youngsters. Contains some, but not a great deal, of unique Church footage.; Campaign, 1968
5:47; 16 mm; color
Idaho courthouse outtakes
Campaigns; No sound. Outtakes from Church's 1968 Campaign film "Idaho courthouse meetings" (68010). Shows Church talking with constituents. Contains some footage of Church not found on other campaign films. Extremely similar to 68048.; Campaign, 1968; Constituent Services
7:00; 16 mm; color
Outtakes of Idaho courthouse meetings
Campaigns; No sound. Outtakes from Church's 1968 Campaign film "Idaho courthouse meetings" (68010). Shows Church visiting with constituents, arriving at an airport, and buying hamburgers "to go" at a local cafe. Contains a great deal of unique Church footage.; Campaign, 1968; Constituent Services
10:27; 16 mm; color
Boise State University visit
Campaigns; No sound. Appears to be footage shot for the 1968 Senatorial Campaign, most of it never used in other campaign films. Shows housing construction sites and Church visiting with constituents in an office (different constituents from those found on 68010; Campaign, 1968; Boise State University; Education; Constituent Services
13:18; 16 mm; color
Rusk with the Foreign Relations Committee
Committees; No sound. Secretary of State Dean Rusk testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Robert Kennedy testifying before Senators Church and McGovern during a hearing of the Interior Committee. Some of the Foreign Relations Committee; Rusk, Dean; Morse, Wayne; Symington, Stewart; Mansfield, Mike; Gore, Albert; Fulbright, William; McGovern, George; Kennedy, Robert; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Senate Committees--Interior; Vietnam Conflict
6:40; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Rusk with the Foreign Relations Committee I
Committees; No sound. Secretary of State Dean Rusk testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. (This film is exactly similar to 68050 with the exception that it does not contain footage of Robert Kennedy).; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Vietnam Conflict
4:10; 16 mm; color
Rusk with the Foreign Relations Committee II
Committees; No sound. Dean Rusk testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. (This film contains the same footage which is found on the longer 68050).; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
2:41; 16 mm; color
Church with Humphrey
Public Relations; No sound. Church, along with Vice President Humphrey meet in an office with two unidentified individuals.; Humphrey, Hubert
1:00; 16 mm; b/w
Robert Kennedy with the Interior Committee
Committees; No sound. Robert Kennedy before the Senate Sub-committee on Indian Affairs, testifying before Senators Church and McGovern. It is likely that Kennedy is reporting on his visit to the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho. Contains much more footage of; Kennedy, Robert; McGovern, George; Indians; Senate Committees--Interior
3:03; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Rusk before Senate Foreign Relations Committee III
Committees; No sound. Rusk before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Extremely similar to 68050.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
4:22; 16 mm; color
Unidentified committee hearing
Committees; No sound. Church at an unidentified committee hearing.; Senate Committees--Unidentified
0:34; 16 mm; b/w
Robert Kennedy with the Interior Committee
Committees; No sound. Senator Robert Kennedy testifying before the Interior Sub-committee on Indian Affairs. Shows McGovern, but Church has not yet entered the room.; Senate Committees--Interior; Kennedy, Robert; McGovern, George
0:37; 16 mm; color
Rusk at Foreign Relations Hearing
Committees; No sound. Dean Rusk before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Footage prominently features Senator Wayne Morse. There is no footage of Church in this film though he was present at the time.; Morse, Wayne; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Rusk, Dean
3:57; 16 mm; color
Church family breakfast
Family Life; No sound. Shows Church and his family eating breakfast at their Bethesda, MD. home. Several exterior shots of the Church home are also shown. The footage of this film was probably shot for the 1968 Campaign, but it was never used.; Church, Bethine; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Family Life
3:46; 16 mm; color
Cedar Creek Watershed Project
Interior; No sound. Church is shown at the dedication ceremony for the Cedar Creek Water Project. Shows footage of lumberjacks in action, some of which was used for 1968 Campaign films.; Cedar Creek Watershed Project; Reclamation Projects; Irrigation; Agriculture
4:57; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2. Copy #1 with sound, Copy #2 w/o sound.
"Idaho's voice of independence" outtakes
Campaigns; No sound. Church family and friends roasting marshmellows at Robinson Bar Ranch. Church is shown campaigning at a Indian pow wow. Shots of Frank and Bethine driving along a parade route.; Campaign, 1968; Indians; Robinson Bar Ranch; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest
17:08; 16 mm; color
Church family at Robinson Bar Ranch
Campaigns; No sound. Shots of Church family walking around Robinson Bar Ranch. Unique footage found on no other film.; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest
33:50; 16 mm; color
Fred's Mountain tour
Public Relations; John Francis, KID News, Idaho Falls, reports on Senator Church's visit to Driggs, Idaho to examine Fred's Mountain (now Tarhgee Ski Resort) on the Teton Range as a potential site for a ski resort. Church addresses a high school audience in Driggs in whi; Outdoor Recreation; Wilderness; Speeches, Addresses, etc.; Driggs, Idaho; Fred's Mountain
7:21; 16 mm; b/w
Veterans Day celebration
Personal Appearances; No sound. Church is shown at what is probably a Veteran's Day celebration ceremony. Shows Church walking among the crowd.; Ceremonies; Personal Appearances
1:32; 16 mm; color
Church visits with lumberjacks
Campaigns; No sound. Contains a number of clips shot for use in the 1968 Campaign films. Shows Church talking to a lumberjack on a hill overlooking a saw mill. A well-dressed Church is shown standing on the banks of a river. Church and unidentified man are sho; Campaign, 1968; Timber Industry
5:02; 16 mm; color
Soft on communism
Campaigns; Church rejects the claim that he is soft on communism, saying that he has greater faith in freedom than fear of communism, and asks the voters to reject the politics of fear. This film appears to be a hastily made last minute reply to counter Hansen's c; Communism; Campaign, 1968
1:51; VHS #1 0454 TO 0519; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
1968 election night interview
Campaigns; Church is interviewed on ABC's election night coverage of the 1968 Campaign by Sal Celeski, Howard K. Smith and Bill Lawrence. They discuss how a liberal Senator gets re-elected from such a conservative state. Church discusses his stand on Vietnam and; Vietnam Conflict; Campaign, 1968; Lippmann, Walter; Recall Attempts
5:06; VHS #1 0185 to 0310; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
INEL Outtake
Campaigns; No sound. Church is shown touring the Idaho Engineering Nuclear Laboratory (INEL). While touring with a guide Church stumbles, so he directs the camera to re-take the shot, and he trips again, at which point he laughs and waves off the camera.; Outtakes
0:30; 16 mm; b/w
Unrelated Films; Sound/no sound. Film footage from Vietnam, some of which was used in Church's 1968 Campaign films. No footage of Church is shown.; Vietnam Conflict
7:40; 16 mm; b/w
Dr. Law
Campaigns; No sound. Church is talking in an informal group with what appears to be college students. Location of this film is unknown.; Campaign, 1968
6:30; 16 mm; color
Church before the mountains
Campaigns; No sound. Half dozen short shots of Church standing before a beautiful mountain range. Some of these shots were used in 1968 Campaign films.; Campaign, 1968
0:40; 16 mm; color
Outtakes from Robinson Bar Ranch
Campaigns; No sound. Church and young people talking by a stream (9:30@). Church and young people talking around a campfire (10:00@).; Campaign, 1968
20:00; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; No sound. Church and young people around the campfire. Scenes shot for "Idaho's voice of independence". Different footage from 68072. Church speaking to group of kids along the river.; Campaign, 1968
20:00; 16 mm; color
Northern Idaho tour
Interior; No sound. Church visits a reclamation project on the Kootenai River in Northern Idaho. Good footage of Church. Church is latter shown addressing a young audience in a high school gym.; Reclamation Projects; Campaign, 1968; Speeches, Addresses, etc.
2:17; 16 mm; color
"Men at Work" outtakes
Campaigns; No sound. Scenes shot for Church's 1968 Campaign film, "Men at Work". This film contains a great deal of footage that is duplicated elsewhere, but there is some unique footage of Church visiting with constituents while holding a young child in his arms; Campaign, 1968
2:50; 16 mm; color; see also 68013
Law and order (extended)
Campaigns; Church addresses an unknown audience on the subject of the civil disorder on the 1960's, saying that law and order must be upheld in order to preserve a free society. This film is an extended version of "Law and order" which contains footage not found o; Campaign, 1968; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Speeches, Addresses, etc.
1:32; 16 mm; b/w; This film is an extended version of "Law and Order" which contains footage not found on 68022 which was the film used in the 1968 Campaign. The building from which Church was speaking is also shown and may be helpful in identifying the location of the s
Fishing trip
Family Life; No sound. Church takes his son Chase and a young friend on a fishing trip in the mountains (location unknown). Good outdoor footage of Church, some of which was used in 1968 Campaign films.; Church, Chase; Family Life
4:50; 16 mm; color
Horseing around
Campaigns; No sound. Church visits two different farms and talks to farmers. Shots of Church trying to pet a horse. Footage similar to this is found on other 1968 Campaign films.; Agriculture; Campaign, 1968
1:50; 16 mm; b/w
Church with snake
Campaigns; No sound. Outtakes and film footage used in 1968 Campaign film "Idaho's voice of independence". Shows Church handling a snake at the very end of the film.; Outtakes
28:05; 16 mm; color
INEL tour
Campaigns; Church is shown touring the Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached, nor are the sound contents to be found on audio cassette. Au; Campaign, 1968; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory
4:30; 16 mm; color
Cutting room floor clips
Campaigns; No sound. Short clips of original footage that were salvaged from duplicate discarded film strips.; Campaign, 1968; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest
2:30; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; This short spot asks the voters not to be fooled by last minute mudslinging, as a bucket of mud is being thrown over a Frank Church campaign poster.; Campaign, 1968; Political Ethics
0:17; VHS 3/4 #1 0519 TO 0527; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Rockefeller testifies
Committees; No sound. Nelson Rockefeller testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Sub-committee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, which Church chairs. Rockefeller is most probably relating information about his mission to Latin America.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Rockefeller, Nelson; Foreign Relations--Latin America
0:57; 16 mm; b/w; Copies 1,2, & 3. One negative film (copy 2), and one positive film (copy one).
Rockefeller testifies
Committees; No sound. Nelson Rockefeller testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Sub-committee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, which Church chairs. Rockefeller is most probably relating information about his mission to Latin America.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Rockefeller, Nelson; Foreign Relations--Latin America
2:26; 16 mm; b/w
White Cloud Peaks Area Amendment
Legislation; Church and Senator Len B. Jordan address the people of Idaho about their successful amendment to include the White Cloud Peaks Area within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area in order that the mining and prospecting taking place there will come under; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Jordan, Len B.; National Recreation Areas--Legislation; Mining Industry; U.S. Forest Service; White Cloud Peaks Area; Wilderness
3:29; 16 mm; b/w
Interior Committee hearing on the Snake River
Committees; No sound. Interior Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources hearing discussing the middle stretch of the Snake River.; Anderson, Clinton; Jordan, Len B.; Reclamation Projects; Senate Committees--Interior; Snake River
1:54; 16 mm; color
Cooper-Church Amendment
International Relations; Church is shown speaking from a studio explaining why passage of the Cooper-Church Amendment was necessary to prevent the escalation of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia.; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam Conflict
0:55; 16 mm; color; Press release enclosed (Script).
The future of the Middle Snake River
Interior; No sound. Church and Senator Jordan talking about some form of legislation which will effect the Middle Snake River.; Jordan, Len B.; Snake River; Reclamation Projects
0:52; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2. Both with no sound.
Restoring railroad passenger service
Public Relations; Church, with Govenor Andrus, discussing their attempts to restore railroad passenger service to Idaho. Both Chruch and Andrus say they have met with Secretary of Transpotation John A. Volpe and both men report that the prospects of the renewal of railroa; Railroads; Andrus, Cecil D.; Transportation; Volpe, John A.
2:05; 16 mm; color
Church press conference
Public Relations; No sound. Church is being questioned at a large news conference. Subject matter is unknown.; Press Conferences
6:25; 16 mm; color
Church heads Aging Committee
Committees; Film reports on Church's recent appointment as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committe on Aging. The film says that Church is the first Idaho Senator to chair a committee since William E. Borah.; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Senior Citizens; Borah, William E.
0:53; 16 mm; color; Press release enclosed.
Foreign aid interview
International Relations; No sound. Appears to be one of the films Church issued as a press release. Church is being interviewed in an office by a woman (possibly talking on the subject of foreign aid). There is a possibility that a copy of the transcript of the release is amo; Foreign Aid; Interviews
1:57; 16 mm; color
Church and Cooper in the CBS Studios
International Relations; No sound. Footage of Church at the CBS Studios in Washington D.C. prior to, and after, a joint appearance on "Face the Nation" with Senator John Sherman Cooper and their discussion of the Cooper-Church Amendment. Poor film quality.; Cooper, John Sherman; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam Conflict; "Face the Nation" (CBS)
1:24; 16 mm; color
The Magruder Corridor
Legislation; Church and Senator Lee Metcalf address a television audience about the bill they have co-sponsored which would incorporate the Magruder Corridor of Idaho into the Selway-Bitterroot and the Salmon River Primitive Areas.; Metcalf, Lee; Primative Areas--Legislation; Wilderness; Public Lands; Salmon River Primative Area; Selway-Bitterroot Primative Area; Magruder Corridor
2:15; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2. Copy #2 has no sound.
Lockheed bailout
Legislation; Church criticizes the Federal Government's bailout of Lockheed for $250 million. Church is quoted as saying that this bill means "...socialism for the rich, free enterpise for the poor."; Private Enterprise; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Lockheed Corporation
1:10; 16 mm; color; Press release enclosed (Script).
Upper Sanke River Project
Interior; Film produced by Len B. Jordan's office. Shows Church and Jordan in a Interior Committee hearing discussing a proposed irrigation project for the Upper Snake River near Twin Fallls.; Jordan, Len B.; Snake River; Irrigation; Reclamation Projects
0:38; 16 mm; b/w
NARP ceremony for Church
Personal Appearances; No sound. Footage from National Association of Retired Persons reception honoring Senator Frank Church as the new Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging.; Senior Citizens; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; National Association of Retired Persons; Ceremonies; Personal Appearances
1:03; 16 mm; color
Church in committee
Committees; Church speaking at a unidentified committee. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached, nor are the sound contents to be found on audio cassette. Audio can only be obtai; Senate Committees--Unidentified
0:30; 16 mm; color
Special Committee on Aging
Committees; No sound. Church chairing his Special Committee on Aging. Only a brief shot of Church. Most of the footage contains shots of people testifying and spectators in the audience.; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging
2:00; 16 mm; color
Church on Basque autonomy
International Relations; No sound. Church is interviewed in a television studio over (presumedly) the issue of Basque autonomy.; Basques; Basque Autonomy; Foreign Relations--Spain
1:09; 16 mm; color
ITT hearings
Committees; Church is shown chairing the Senate Sub-committee on Multinational Corporations, where he questions a representitive (presumed) of ITT about its involvement in the toppling of the Allende government in Chile. Senator Paul J. Fannin sits alongside Church; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations; International Telephone and Telegraph; Fannin, Paul J.
4:24; 16 mm; color
Foreign Relations press conference
Committees; No sound. Church is shown in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee room, responding to questions from a large press corps. Subject matter unknown. Possibly dealing with his role as Chair of Multinational Sub-committee, or CIA investigation.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Press Conferences
1:00; 16 mm; color
Church opposes forced abortions
Legislation; No sound. Shows Church being interviewed by an unidentified man about his bill which would prevent the Federal Government from forcing hospitals with religious affiliations from performing abortions.; Abortion--Legislation
1:23; 16 mm; color; Press release with full description enclosed. Voiceover script.
ITT Hearings
Committees; Short scenes from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's ITT hearings. This film has a corresponding sound strip (73004B). Audio can only be obtained by running this film through a inter-lock projector.; Fulbright, William; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; International Telephone and Telegraph
2:50; 16 mm; color
Church press conference
Committees; Church is shown holding a large press conference in a committee hearing room. Subject matter is unknown. This film has a corresponding sound strip (73005B). Audio can only be obtained by running this film through a inter-lock projector.; Press Conferences
1:20; 16 mm; color
Social Security Hearings II
Committees; No sound. Church sitting of the Senate Special Committee for Aging reportedly hearing testimony over Social Security Insurance.; Social Security; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging
6:08; 16 mm; color
Church meets with the press
Committees; No sound. Church answers several questions from reporters in a Senate hallway.; Press Conferences
1:23; 16 mm; color
1974 Campaign collage
Campaigns; Contains the complete footage from the 1974 Senatorial Campaign. Consists of six 30-second shorts, twelve 60-second shorts, and one 4-minute spot. State water rights, gun control, wilderness areas and public lands are the most emphasized issues in this; Water Rights; John Birch Society; Foreign Aid; Oil Industry; Timber Industry; Outdoor Recreation; Financial Disclosure; Gun Control; Quality of Life; Taxes; Economic Development; Andrus, Cecil D.; Public Lands; Trueblood, Ted; Wilderness; Farming; Ranching
20:12; 16 mm; color
1974 Campaign collage II
Campaigns; Contains all of the clips from 74001. The only notable difference between these two films is that the clips are arranged in random order and the 4-minute version of 74021 has been dubbed in twice.; Campaign, 1974
27:51; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; Church is shown in a lumber yard talking to workers. He states that, "I am for wilderness". He feels that the preservation of wilderness areas will not detract from the State's timber industry.; Wilderness; Timber Industry; Campaign, 1974
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Old folks
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting the elderly in a senior citizen center. (Completely different form 74015).; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1974
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Oil industry
Campaigns; Church puts Joseph Johnson, Vice President of Aramco, on the "hot seat" before a committee investigating the skyrocketing price of oil.; Oil Industry; Campaign, 1974; Johnson, Joseph; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church is shown in a lumber yard talking to workers about the necessity of passing the Sunshine Initiative.; Sunshine Initiative; Financial Disclosure; Campaign, 1974
0:30; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; Church is shown at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in Washington D.C.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Campaign, 1974
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Growing pains
Campaigns; Church is shown speaking with a woman (identified only as "Meg") on a Idaho City porch talking about Idaho's "growing pains". Church stresses the need to preserve the wilderness of Idaho in the face of increasing economic development.; Economic Development; Wilderness; Campaign, 1974; Idaho City, Idaho
0:30; 16 mm; color
Dirty tricks
Campaigns; Church responds to the publication by the John Birch Society titled, "The chameleon of the Senate". Church says he does not think the people of Idaho will fall for the Birchers campaign of "dirty tricks".; John Birch Society; Political Ethics; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Mr. Trueblood
Campaigns; Outdoorsman, Ted Trueblood discusses how he enjoys hunting and fishing on Idaho's public lands, and the importance of keeping those lands in the public's domain.; Public Lands; Outdoor Recreation; Endorsements; Trueblood, Ted; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church and Cecil D. Andrus are seen discussing strategy on preventing the Federal Government from usurping control of states water rights.; Water Rights; Farming; Andrus, Cecil D.; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; Church is shown at a public meeting advocating full financial disclosure of personal income and campaign contributions for political candidates.; Campaign Contributions; Campaign, 1974; Financial Disclosure; Sunshine Initiative
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Digital copy exists on DVD #7 and DVD #6, Series 11.1, Box 34
Campaigns; Church is shown with a woman (identified only as "Meg") on a porch along Idaho City's main street. He offers to give her a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol building.; Campaign, 1974; Idaho City, Idaho
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
In the car
Campaigns; Church is shown driving his car along a highway beside a Idaho mountain range discussing Idaho's quality of life.; Quality of Life; Economic Development; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Digital copy exists on DVD #6, Series 11.1, Box 34
Senior Citizens
Campaigns; Church is shown visiting with the elderly in a senior citizen center. (Completely different from 74004).; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Hit and run
Campaigns; Church denounces the ethics of Califorian "hit and run" developers who are exploiting Idaho's land and corrupting its development.; Economic Development; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Campaigns; Church talking to workers in a lumber yard about how the oil industry is not paying its fair share of taxes.; Oil Industry; Taxes; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Scare of my life
Campaigns; Church at a public meeting reaffirming his oppostion to federal gun control legislation.; Gun Control; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
High noon
Campaigns; A Salmon, Idaho resident tells how Church aided him in his struggle with the U.S. Department of Immigration to bring his family to the U.S.; Immigration; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Digital copy exists on DVD #6, Series 11.1, Box 34
Weeds in the Spring
Campaigns; Church is shown talking to workers in a lumber yard about how his position on the Committee for Power and Water Resources protects Idaho water from outside interests.; Water Rights; Campaign, 1974
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Digital copy exists on DVD #7, Series 11.1, Box 34
Campaigns; Church at the Spur Line Ranch talking to farmers and ranchers about waste in foreign aid spending, the Arab oil embargo, and the nature of representative democracy.; Foreign Aid; Middle East; Oil Industry; Democracy; Farming; Ranching; Campaign, 1974
4:00; 16 mm; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #7, Series 11.1, Box 34
Church with Mansfield
Campaigns; Church is shown talking in a Senate hallway with Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield. Some of this footage was used in the 1974 Campaign films. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound) and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sou; Mansfield, Mike; Campaign, 1974
4:18; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Church at old folks home
Campaigns; No sound. Footage shot for the 1974 Campaign films "Old folks" and "Senior citizens". Shows Church, along with his wife Bethine, seated in a room at a senior citizens center talking to "old folks". Contains unique footage of Church which is not show; Campaign, 1974; Senior Citizens; Church, Bethine
11:26; 16 mm; color; Some footage may be duplicated on 74027*
Public meeting
Campaigns; No sound. Film fotage shot for the 1974 Campaign films "Oil Industry" (74005), "Disclosure" (74012), and "Scare of my life" (74018). None of this film was incorporated in the the 1974 Campaigns films, but there is unique footage of Church.; Campaign, 1974; Senate Committees--Interior
1:40; 16 mm; color
Incomplete 1974 Campaign collage
Campaigns; Incompleted collage of 30 and 60-second shorts from the 1974 Campaign.; Campaign, 1974
10:40; 16 mm; color
High noon outtakes
Campaigns; No sound. Footage shot for the 1974 Campaign film "High noon" (74019). Salmon resident tells of how Church helped him with his problems with the U.S. Immigration Department. Contains no footage of Church.; Campaign, 1974
10:00; 16 mm; color
Senior Citizens
Campaigns; No sound. Senator and Mrs. Church meet and greet senior citizens at a seniors center during the 1974 campaign.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1974; Church, Bethine
short; 16 mm; b/w; Footage may be duplicated in 74023*
Church at airport
Public Relations; No sound. A highly animated Church is interviewed upon his arrival at an unidentified airport. Subject matter is unknown.; Interviews; Trips
0:49; 16 mm; color
Aramco oil hearing
Committees; No sound. Shows Church chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. Church is questioning Joseph Johnson, Vice President of Aramco, on the subject of rising oil prices. Footage from this film (with sound) can be fo; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Gulf Oil Corporation; Johnson, Joseph; Oil Industry; Multinational Corporations
10:08; 16 mm; color
Sub-committee on Multinational Corporations
Committees; No sound. Church is shown chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. Joseph Johnson, Vice President of Aramco, is testifying before the committee.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Johnson, Joseph; Gulf Oil Corporation; Oil Industry
1:26; 16 mm; color
With the Gov'
Campaigns; Church, with Governor Andrus, sitting out-of-doors under a cluster of shady trees discussing issues directly related to Idaho, such as water rights, financial disclosure and the Sunshine Initiative. They also comment on the Watergate Scandal. Outtakes; Andrus, Cecil D.; Watergate Affair; Water Rights; Financial Disclosure; Campaign Contributions; Sunshine Initiative; Campaign, 1974; Hells Canyon; U.S. Forest Service
18:56; 16 mm; color
With the Gov'
Campaigns; Church, with Governor Andrus, sitting out-of-doors under a cluster of shady trees discussing issues directly related to Idaho, such as water rights, financial disclosure and the Sunshine Initiative. They also comment on the Watergate Scandal. Outtakes; Andrus, Cecil D.; Watergate Affair; Water Rights; Financial Disclosure; Campaign Contributions; Sunshine Initiative; Campaign, 1974; Hells Canyon; U.S. Forest Service
18:56; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Oil Hearings I
Committees; Church Oil Hearings held by his Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. There are two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film r; Oil Industry; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Oil Hearings II
Committees; Church Oil Hearings held by his Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film rolls 4A, 5; Oil Industry; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations;
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Oil Hearings III
Committees; Church Oil Hearings held by his Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. There are two reels, one film strip, and one sund strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film roll 6A. The; Oil Industry; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations
ca 10:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Oil Hearings IV
Committees; Church Oil Hearings held by his Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film rolls 7A, 8; Oil Industry; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Mr. Trueblood interview
Campaigns; Interview with Ted Trueblood, a portion of which was used on the 1974 Campaign film 74010. Trueblood endorses Church for his stands on environmental preservation and the protection of public lands from private interests. Two reels, one film strip (w/o; Endorsements; Trueblood, Ted; Public Lands; Conservation; Campaign, 1974
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color
In the office I
Campaigns; Church meets in his office with Senators Gale McGee (WY) and Lee Metcalf (MT). One of the topics known to be discussed is gun control. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip at; McGee, Gale; Metcalf, Lee; Gun Control
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
In the office II
Campaigns; Church is shown at work in his office, answering phones, doing paperwork, talking with his staff. Church also visits with an unidentified individual. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with; Campaign, 1974; Staff--Personal
ca 15:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Church family in field
Campaigns; The Church family (Frank, Bethine, Forrest, Amy and Chase) is shown walking and talking in a mountain meadow. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached, nor are the sound; Family Life; Campaign, 1974; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest; Church, Amy
ca 12:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Interview I
Campaigns; Church is interviewed from his home. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film rolls 9A, 10A, 11A. The complete sound contents of this film can be found; Campaign, 1974; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Vietnam Conflict; Borah, William; Foreign Relations--China
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Interview II
Campaigns; Church is interviewed from his home. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film rolls 13A, 14A, 15A. The complete sound contents of this film can be found; Campaign, 1974; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Medical Care--Legislation; Watergate Affair; Nixon, Richard M.; Senior Citizens
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Interview III
Campaigns; Church is interviewed from his home. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film roll 12A. The complete sound contents of this film can be found on audio c; Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Foreign Aid; Social Security; Budget--Military; Space Program; Senior Citizens; Medicare
ca 15:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
In the car
Campaigns; Church is interviewed in his car while driving through a beautiful mountain valley. Outtakes from this film were used in Church's series of 1974 Campaign films. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one film strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this; Campaign, 1974; Public Lands; Wilderness
ca 15:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Town meeting pulls
Campaigns; Church fields questions from a large town meeting at the Custer County Courthouse. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. These are pulls from "Town meeting I & II".; Campaign, 1974; Gun Control; Financial Disclosure; Presidential Powers; Wilderness; Mining Industry; National Parks
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Town meeting II
Campaigns; Church field questions from a large town meeting at the Custer County Courthouse. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one film strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete sound contents of this film can; Campaign, 1974; Gun Control; Financial Disclosure; Presidential Powers; Wilderness; Mining Industry; National Parks
ca 12:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Lumber yard I
Campaigns; Church fields questions from a lumber mill workers at Barber Mill in Boise during their lunch break. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete sound conten; Campaign, 1974; Timber Industry; Water Rights; Sunshine Initiative; Nuclear Energy; Taxes; Crime
ca 18:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Lumber Yard II
Campaigns; Church fields questions from a lumber mill workers at Barber Mill in Boise during their lunch break. Church is also shown touring the lumber mill. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a s; Campaign, 1974
ca 18:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Mrs. Markle
Campaigns; Mrs. Markle, a senior citizen, endorses Frank Church for Senator. None of this footage was ever used in the series of 1974 Campaign films. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound str; Campaign, 1974
ca 18:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Young people I
Campaigns; Church talks with students from Boise State University in the backyard of his Boise home. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. Contains film rolls 28A, 31A, 32A, 3; Campaign, 1974; John Birch Society; Presidential Powers; Conservation; National Parks; Central Intelligence Agency; Hells Canyon; Mining Industry
ca 22:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Young people II
Campaigns; Church talks with students from Boise State University in the backyard of his Boise home. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete sound contents of this; Campaign, 1974; Federal Pay Raises; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Aid; Taxes; Budget--Military; Presidential Powers; Ocupational Safety and Health Administration
ca 13:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Miner lady in Idaho City
Campaigns; Church visits with a woman miner on the porch of a Idaho City store front and talks with her about living in Idaho. Two reels, one with film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached, nor ar; Campaign, 1974; Quality of Life
ca 8:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Senior citizens I
Campaigns; Church visits a senior citizens center and talks with old folks. Outtakes from this film were used in the series of 1974 Campaign films. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip; Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Foreign Aid; Financial Disclosure; Taxes; Senior Citizens
ca 11:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Senior citizens II
Campaigns; Church visits a senior citizens center and talks with old folks. Outtakes from this film were used in the series of 1974 Campaign films. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip; Campaign, 1974; Social Security; Medicare; Senior Citizens; Medical Care--Legislation; National Health Insurance
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Farmers I
Campaigns; Church visits the Spur Line Ranch and talks to a group of farmers and ranchers about waste in foreign aid spending, the Arab Oil Embargo, and the nature of representative democracy. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is n; Foreign Aid; Middle East; Oil Industry; Democracy; Political Philosophy; Farming; Ranching; Campaign, 1974
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Digital copy exists on DVD #7, Series 11.1, Box 34
Farmers II
Campaigns; Church visits the Spur Line Ranch and talks with farmers and ranchers about waste in foreign aid spending, the Arab Oil embargo and the nature of representative democracy. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm co; Foreign Aid; Middle East; Oil Industry; Democracy; Political Philosophy; Farming; Ranching; Campaign, 1974
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Kissinger testifies
Committees; No sound. Henry Kissinger testifies before Church's Senate Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations.; Kissinger, Henry; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations
12:07; 16 mm; color
Run out of gas
Campaigns; This appears to be a rejected campaign spot that never received television air play. Church is shown speaking at a large news conference on the subject of the energy crisis. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm; Campaign, 1974
0:30; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Social Security
Campaigns; This appears to be a rejected campaign spot that never received television air play. Church appears at a senior citizens center. The subject reportedly deals with Social Security. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is n; Campaign, 1974; Senior Citizens; Social Security
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies A & B. Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
Church with Cranston
Campaigns; Church and Senator Alan Cranston are shown walking and talking in the hallways of the U.S. Senate. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound) and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached, nor are the sound contents to; Cranston, Alan; Campaign, 1974
4:51; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
The CIA investigations
Committees; Two brief clips, with a pause in between, in which Church discusses his investigation of the CIA. Church says that he is attempting to force the CIA to destroy quantities of a highly toxic shellfish poison which it has stockpiled. In the second clip C; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency
1:46; VHS #1 0407 to 0438; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge
Legislation; Church describes the legislative status of the preposed Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge. The bill has passed through the Senate but is having difficulty in passing the House and is opposed by the Ford administration. Church is attempting to attach the bill t; Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge; Public Works;
3:31; VHS #1 0326 to 0406; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
"Face the Nation"
Committees; Church appears on CBS's "Face the Nation" to discuss his role as the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities. Church says the purpose of the investigation is not to prosecute or destroy the CIA, but to reform it if necessary.; Rockefeller, Nelson; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Helms, Richard; Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--South Vietnam; Campaign, 1976; "Face the Nation" (CBS)
29:00; VHS #1 0988 to 1345; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #4, Series 11.1, Box 34
CIA hearing with Richard Helms
Committees; No sound. Church, Walter Mondale and Richard Helms, Director of the CIA, are shown entering a closed hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Operations.; Mondale, Walter; Helms, Richard; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency
2:06; 16 mm; color
1976 Presidential Campaign collage
Campaigns; Contains four films from Church's 1976 Presidential Campaign. Church's biography is shown. There are 3 spots which were used in Church's 1974 Senatorial Campaign (74004, 74005, 74015), but which have been redubbed and used for "Church for President".; Vietnam Conflict; Oil Industry; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Wilderness; Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Biography; Campaign, 1976
6:57; 16 mm; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #7, Series 11.1, Box 34
Campaigns; Church's biography. Contains film footage of Church as a youngster, wedding footage with Bethine, scenes from Church's 1960 Democratic National Convention keynote address and footage from past campaign clips.; Vietnam Conflict; Wilderness; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Biography; Church, Bethine; Campaign, 1976
4:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1,2, & 3. Also located on 87002 (3/4 VHS # 24)
Oil industry
Campaigns; Footage from 1974 Senate Campaign (74005) shows Church in committee putting Joseph Johnson, Vice President of Aramco, on the "hot seat". Narrator says, "this kind of man belongs in the White House."; Campaign, 1976; Oil Industry; Johnson, Joseph
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Old folks
Campaigns; Footage from Church's 1974 Senate Campaign, "Old folks" (74004). Church is shown visiting with the elderly in a senior citizen center. Redubbed for the 1976 Presidential Campaign.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1976
0:30; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Senior citizens
Campaigns; Footage from Church's 1974 Senate Campaign, "Senior Citizens" (74015). Church is shown visiting with the elderly in a senior citizen center. Redubbed for the 1976 Presidential Campaign.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1976
1:00; 16 mm; color; Copies 1 & 2.
Declaration Day in Idaho City
Campaigns; No Sound. Shows Church walking through the streets of Idaho City, Idaho on the day of his declaration as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency. Shows Church supporters being bused into Idaho City.; Campaign, 1976; Idaho City, Idaho
5:17; 16 mm; color
Campaigns; Church accuses President Ford of using the farmer's crops as a political weapon against the Soviets, allowing them to sell to the Russians one day, but not the next. Church assures the farmer that, if he is elected President, he will provide them with a; Agriculture; Farming; Ford, Gerald R.; Campaign, 1976; Foreign Exchange--Law and Legislation
0:30; VHS #1 0027 TO 0043; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Estate tax
Campaigns; Church says that the estate tax was created to break up large fortunes, but instead it is breaking up small businesses and family farms, he feels that this should be stopped.; Taxes--Estate; Farming; Campaign, 1976
0:30; VHS #1 0052 TO 0067; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Senior citizens II
Campaigns; Church say that President Ford has turned his back on the elderly. Church names some of the legislation he has passes to protect and benefit senior citizens, and promises that as President, he would do even more for the elderly.; Ford, Gerald R.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1976
0:30; VHS #1 0079 to 0094; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Gun control
Campaigns; Church says that gun control should not come under the purview of the Federal Government and promises that if he is elected President he will leave gun control up to the individual cities and states.; Gun Control; Campaign, 1976
0:30; VHS #1 0104 to 0119; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Campaigns; Church disputes President Ford's claim that the unemployment rate is only 7.3%. Church says the unemployment rate is nearer 10% and the U.S. Government encourages U.S. corporations to create jobs abroad while we lose more and more jobs at home. He pro; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations; Campaign, 1976; Ford, Gerald R.
1:00; VHS #1 0129 to 0157; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Gun control
Campaigns; Church says that gun control should not come under the purview of the Federal Government and promises that if he is elected President he will leave gun control up to the individual cities and states.; Gun Control; Campaign, 1976
0:30; VHS #1 0104 to 0119; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
Foreign aid
Campaigns; Church says President Ford is giving money to over 100 foreign governments and that we can no longer throw our money away. He mentions that he made as much as $500 million in foreign aid cuts in a year on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and that; Foreign Aid; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Budget--United States; Campaign, 1976; Ford, Gerald R.
0:30; VHS #1 0166 to 0180; color
Why Church is running for President
Campaigns; Frank Church explains why he is running for President. He calls Ford a weak President for pardoning Nixon and for not punishing government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and IRS for their illegal domestice activities. He also condemns the export of U.S.; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Aid; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Ford, Gerald R.; Vietnam Conflict; Multinational Corporations;
4:28; VHS #1 0917 TO 0985; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #8, Series 11.1, Box 34
The nomination is not "in the bag"
Campaigns; Church rejects Jimmy Carter's claim that the Democratic nomination is in the bag. He points to his victory in Nebraska and say the nomination will not be decided until the last vote is counted. He points to his 20 years in the Senate as ample training; Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Panama Canal; Democratic Party
4:27; DVD; DVD #2; color; converted from VHS #2
The nomination is not "in the bag"
Campaigns; Church rejects Jimmy Carter's claim that the Democratic nomination is in the bag. He points to his victory in Nebraska and say the nomination will not be decided until the last vote is counted. He points to his 20 years in the Senate as ample training; Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Panama Canal; Democratic Party
4:27; VHS #2 0044 TO 0171; color; converted to DVD, see DVD #2
The nomination is not "in the bag" II
Campaigns; Second version of 76014, same content, second take. Church explains why he entered the race for President late, but he says that that will not deter him from seeking the nomination.; Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Panama Canal
4:27; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS #2
The nomination is not "in the bag" II
Campaigns; Second version of 76014, same content, second take. Church explains why he entered the race for President late, but he says that that will not deter him from seeking the nomination.; Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Panama Canal;
4:27; VHS #2 0186 TO 0298; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Church in Idaho City
Campaigns; Incomplete version of Church Presidential announcement in Idaho City in March of 1976. Church talks about his qualifications for the position of President. This film ends before Church actually declares his candidacy for the Presidency.; Campaign, 1976; Ford, Gerald R.; Political Ethics; Idaho City, Idaho; Multinational Corporations; Private Enterprise; Senior Citizens
20:52; VHS 3/4 #4; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
KSL Teton Dam Disaster report
Unrelated Films; News coverage of the Teton Dam disaster on the after the dam broke by KSL of Salt Lake City. Shows flood destruction, but contains no footage nor mention of Church.; Teton Dam Disaster
5:40; VHS 3/4 #3; color
The Teton: Epitaph for a fallen dam
Interior; KTVB Special Report which investigates the causes surrounding the failure of the Teton Dam. Church appears briefly in this film (at 0337) stating that some fail safe mechanism should be developed when dams like the Teton evidence problems in engineering; Teton Dam Disaster; Flood Control; Irrigation; Dams; Teton Dam; Andrus, Cecil D.; Kleppe, Thomas
29:21; VHS 3/4 #2; color
Idaho Speech
Campaigns; Church announces his candidacy for President of the United States from the steps of the Idaho City Courthouse. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete so; Campaign, 1976; Speeches, Addresses, Etc.; Idaho City, Idaho
ca 18:00; 16 mm; color; See audiotape A76011
Idaho Speech
Campaigns; Church announces his candidacy for President of the United States from the steps of the Idaho City Courthouse. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete so; Campaign, 1976; Speeches, Addresses, Etc.; Idaho City, Idaho
ca 18:00; 16 mm; color; A partial VHS version is on VHS # 21 (No sound).
Idaho Speech
Campaigns; Church announces his candidacy for President of the United States from the steps of the Idaho City Courthouse. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There is no 16 mm copy of this film with a sound strip attached. The complete so; Campaign, 1976; Speeches, Addresses, Etc.; Idaho City, Idaho
ca 20:00; 16 mm; color
Church arrives in Boise
Campaigns; Church arrives with his family at the Boise Interagency Fire Center Airport on the day before his announcement for candidacy of the President of the United States. Crowd shots, Church getting off of the plane and being surrounded by the media. Wild sou; Campaign, 1976; Church, Bethine;
ca 8:00; 16 mm; color; Also an oversize copy
Church's airport speech
Campaigns; Church gives a speech upon his arrival at the Boise Interagency Fire Center Airport on the day before his announcement for candidacy of the President of the United States. Wild sound. Two reels, one film strip (w/o sound), and one sound strip. There i; Campaign, 1976; Speeches, Addresses, Etc.
5:30; 16 mm; color; Advance arrangements are necessary to view this film.
1976 Campaign stills
Campaigns; Stills which were used for Church's 1976 Campaign film "Biography".; Campaign, 1976
4:00; 16 mm; color
Church and Andrus speak against cancer
Public Relations; Tracy Andrus is shown riding her bicycle around Washington D.C. Church is shown in front of the U.S. Capitol Building telling how they won their battles against cancer.; Andrus, Tracy; Cancer; American Cancer Society; Public Service Announcements
0:30; 16 mm; color
Wilderness impasse
Interior; Film produced by the American Forestry Institute in which Church and McClure are interviewed about RARE II, wilderness and future timber supply. Both Church and McClure express their reservations that the RARE II controversy will be resolved anytime in; Wilderness; Wilderness Act of 1964; National Forest Management Act of 1976; Timber Industry; U.S. Forest Service; McClure, James; RARE II
23:59; 3/4 #8; color
Panama Canal Zone tour
International Relations; Panamanian documentary (narrator has heavy Spanish accent) which covers a two-day visit by members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the Panama Canal Zone on a fact finding tour in regards to the ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty. The S; Panama Canal; Foreign Relations--Panama; Panama Canal Treaty; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Treaties; Wayne, John; Sparkman, John J.; Pell, Claiborne; Sarbanes, Paul; Javits, Jacob; Percy, Charles; Case, Clifford; Torrijos, Omar
13:23; VHS 3/4 #5 0000 to end; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
Church speaks on RARE II
Interior; Church being interviewed by a timber industry representitive. Church says the decision making process in designating land as wilderness or multiple use must be accelerated. He says the Congress has not faced the question of "How big of a wilderness syst; Wilderness; Timber Industry; Wilderness Act of 1964; National Forest Management Act of 1976; U.S. Forest Service;
20:10; VHS #1 after 527; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD #2
Church speaks on RARE II
Interior; Church being interviewed by a timber industry representitive. Church says the decision making process in designating land as wilderness or multiple use must be accelerated. He says the Congress has not faced the question of "How big of a wilderness syst; Wilderness; Timber Industry; Wilderness Act of 1964; National Forest Management Act of 1976; U.S. Forest Service
20:10; DVD; DVD #2; color; Converted from VHS #1
River of No Return Wilderness hearings
Interior; KAID coverage of the public hearing in Boise, presided over by Senators Church and McClure, to decide the amount of land from the Idaho and Salmon River Breaks Primative Areas to be included into the River of No Return Wilderness Area. Church has 3 piec; McClure, James; Symms, Steve; Evans, John; Wilderness; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Public Hearings
25:00; VHS 3/4 #13 0000 to end; color
Digital copy exists on DVD #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
Church fund raising jamboree
Campaigns; Fund raiser for Church in Boise which is attended by John Evans, Cecil Andrus and Vice-President Mondale. All three of these men speak before Church, and praise Church for his accomplishments. Mondale speaks for a time about arms control and the SALT I; Mondale, Walter F.; Andrus, Cecil D.; Evans, John; Church, Bethine; Endorsements; Campaign, 1980; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Treaties
48:07; VHS 3/4 #7; color
Harry Wall: "Mr. Democrat"
Public Relations; Documentary on Idaho politician Harry Wall of Lewiston. Wall served as both a State Senator and later as Idaho's National Democratic Chairman. Wall was a early supporter of both Cecil Andrus and Frank Church, and both men appear in this film (Church ap; Wall, Harry; Andrus, Cecil D.; Welker, Herman
26:15; VHS 3/4 #6; color
Don Todd on "Viewpoint"
Campaigns; Don Todd, Chairman of the Anybody But Church Committee (ABC), appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" Program. Todd says they have withdrawn their empty missile silo ad because Church was using the ad as a "red herring". Todd calls Church one of the biggest "yes; Anyone But Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Todd, Don; Campaign, 1980; "Viewpoint" (KTVB)
27:03; VHS #4 1184 TO 1515; color
Church on "Viewpoint"
Campaigns; Church attacks the "Anybody but Church" ads which accuse him of being weak on national defense. Church speaks on the recently signed SALT II Treaty and his role on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Church says he opposes both mandatory conscriptio; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Arms Control; Campaign, 1980; Wilderness; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Lybia; Symms, Steve; McClure, James; Draft Registration; Anyone But Church Committee; National Health Insurance
25:09; VHS #4 0265 TO 0759; color
Church on "Meet the Press"
Campaigns; Church appears on NBC's "Meet the Press". He discusses the role of his Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the SALT II process. Church says the U.S. must "get tough" on Saudi Arabia in terms of their role within OPEC and the Middle East. Church defen; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Abortion; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Relations--Nicaragua; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Somoza, Anastas
25:00; VHS #4 0820 TO 1170; color
ABC empty missile silo ad
Campaigns; News reports from KTVB, KIVI and KBCI of Don Todd and the Anybody But Church Committees campaign ad featuring State Representitive James Golder standing beside an empty Titan missile silo. Golder implies that it is because of Church's disregard for a st; Todd, Don; Golder, James; Arms Control; Nuclear Weapons; Anyone But Church Committee; Campaign, 1980; Defense; Titan Missile; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II
9:37; VHS #4 0000 TO 0159; color
ABC defends missile silo ads
Campaigns; Don Todd, of the Anybody But Church Committee, responds to Church's claims that ABC has distorted his position on national defense. Todd threatens to sue Boise television stations if they refuse to air his empty missile silo campaign commercials. Two o; Todd, Don; Anyone But Church Committee; Campaign, 1980; Defense
4:00; VHS #4 0765 TO 0815; color
Church's NNC lecture
International Relations; Church speaking at a question and answer period at Northwest Nazarene College discusses his visit to Cuba (0040-0170), U.S. relations with Taiwan and China (0170-0480), government deregulation of the trucking, airline, and radio broadcasting industries (; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Government Deregualtion; Arms Control; Northwest Nazarene College; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II
26:00; VHS #3 0000 to end; color; This film is also found on Beta #1.
Church is interviewed by Bill Whittom of the Idaho Farm Bureau
Agriculture; Church is interviewed in his Washington D.C. office by Bill Whittom of the Idaho Farm Bureau for a series of 6 short Public Relations shots. He discusses the need for the safe use of pesticides and chemicals in modern farming, his sucessful attempt to r; Whittom, Bill; Farming; Environmental Protection Agency; American Falls Dam; Reclamation Act of 1902; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Sagebrush Rebellion; National Forests; Public Lands; Rangeland Improvement Act; Foreign Exchange; Agriculture; Idaho Farm Bureau
Church asks for Idaho's support
Campaigns; This film starts off with various people explaining why they support Frank Church. Church explains how he has worked for Idaho's and the nations interest for the last 24 years. He says special interests are out to defeat him, but he asks the audience to; Trueblood, Ted; Church, Bethine; Oil Industry; Multinational Corporations; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980
4:59; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Church asks for Idaho's support
Campaigns; This film starts off with various people explaining why they support Frank Church. Church explains how he has worked for Idaho's and the nations interest for the last 24 years. He says special interests are out to defeat him, but he asks the audience to; Trueblood, Ted; Church, Bethine; Oil Industry; Multinational Corporations; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980
4:59; VHS #2 0591 TO 0681; color; Also 3/4 VHS #19. Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Pam Bowen, from Rexburg, describes the destruction that occured from the Teton Dam disaster, and how reassured she felt knowing that Frank Church was in Washington D.C. She felt that he was extremely effective in bringing immediate government assistance; Dams; Teton Dam; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; VHS #2 0422 TO 0434; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Pam Bowen, from Rexburg, describes the destruction that occured from the Teton Dam disaster, and how reassured she felt knowing that Frank Church was in Washington D.C. She felt that he was extremely effective in bringing immediate government assistance; Dams; Teton Dam; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Teton (60 seconds)
Campaigns; Victims of the Teton Dam disaster (Pam Bowen and John Porter, Mayor of Rexburg) describe how effective Frank Church was in bringing immediate and long term relief to the disaster victims.; Dams; Teton Dam; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services; Porter, John
1:00; VHS #2 0438 TO 0459; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Teton (60 seconds)
Campaigns; Victims of the Teton Dam disaster (Pam Bowen and John Porter, Mayor of Rexburg) describe how effective Frank Church was in bringing immediate and long term relief to the disaster victims.; Dams; Teton Dam; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services; Porter, John
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Several farmers (Ray Rigby, Bill Annest, Del Raybould) describe how effective Church is in dealing with their problems with government agencies, and winning farm programs for Idaho.; Farming; Agriculture; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0464 TO 0485; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Several farmers (Ray Rigby, Bill Annest, Del Raybould) describe how effective Church is in dealing with their problems with government agencies, and winning farm programs for Idaho.; Farming; Agriculture; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1980
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Agriculture (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Several farmers attest to the fact that Frank Church is the most effective Senator Idaho has ever had and that he is familiar with the problems of the Potato, Sugar and Forest Industries.; Farming; Agriculture; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Digital copy exists on DVD #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
Agriculture (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Several farmers attest to the fact that Frank Church is the most effective Senator Idaho has ever had and that he is familiar with the problems of the Potato, Sugar and Forest Industries.; Farming; Agriculture; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; VHS #2 0489 TO 0500; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3 and DVD #5
Campaigns; Lumberman Randy Harris and businessmen Bill Botts and Morgan Masner tell how effective Church is when they have a problem with a government agency. They say business is given a clear choice on who to vote for in this election.; Timber Industry; Private Enterprise; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Lumberman Randy Harris and businessmen Bill Botts and Morgan Masner tell how effective Church is when they have a problem with a government agency. They say business is given a clear choice on who to vote for in this election.; Timber Industry; Private Enterprise; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
1:00; VHS #2 0504 TO 0525; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Ray Rigby, Bill Botts, and Buck Ward tell how Frank Church has been a strong supporter of the Gasohol program and the INEL, and how his position as Chairman of the Interior Sub-Committee on Water and Power Resources benefits Idaho.; Gasohol; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Senate Committees--Interior; Campaign, 1980
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Ray Rigby, Bill Botts, and Buck Ward tell how Frank Church has been a strong supporter of the Gasohol program and the INEL, and how his position as Chairman of the Interior Sub-Committee on Water and Power Resources benefits Idaho.; Gasohol; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Senate Committees--Interior; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0529 TO 0549; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Speak and Stay
Campaigns; Idahoans Pat Leeds, Pam Bowen, Bill Annest, Morgan Masner and Eddie Pedersen express their admiration for Church, saying that he offers help when other members of Idaho's Congressional delegation do not. They say they cannot imagine Idaho without Senat; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
1:00; VHS #2 0553 TO 0572; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Speak and Stay
Campaigns; Idahoans Pat Leeds, Pam Bowen, Bill Annest, Morgan Masner and Eddie Pedersen express their admiration for Church, saying that he offers help when other members of Idaho's Congressional delegation do not. They say they cannot imagine Idaho without Senat; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Speak and stay (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Idahoans Pat Leeds, Edgar Lierman and Collen Krall tell how Frank Church has helped them when he was asked, and how they had gone to him for help more than once.; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; VHS #2 0577 TO 0587; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Speak and stay (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Idahoans Pat Leeds, Edgar Lierman and Collen Krall tell how Frank Church has helped them when he was asked, and how they had gone to him for help more than once.; Campaign, 1980; Constituent Services
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Church asks for Idaho's support II
Campaigns; Second version of "Church asks for Idaho's support" (80001). Extremely similar, but unique. See 80001 for complete description.; Campaign, 1980
4:46; VHS #2 0309 TO 0416; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Church asks for Idaho's support II
Campaigns; Second version of "Church asks for Idaho's support" (80001). Extremely similar, but unique. See 80001 for complete description.; Campaign, 1980
4:46; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, says that Idaho's public lands belong to all of the people, to the fisherman and family campers, as much as to the mining and lumber companies, and he promises to keep it that way.; Public Lands; Outdoor Recreation; Mining Industry; Timber Industry; Campaign, 1980
0:30; VHS #2 0684 TO 0693; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, says that Idaho's public lands belong to all of the people, to the fisherman and family campers, as much as to the mining and lumber companies, and he promises to keep it that way.; Public Lands; Outdoor Recreation; Mining Industry; Timber Industry; Campaign, 1980
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Inflation (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, asks how young couples can buy a home, how small businesses can get loans, with the high interest rates that presently exist. Church says that high interest rates are no longer a solution to the inflation prob; Inflation; Interest Rates; Campaign, 1980
0:30; VHS #2 0698 TO 0704; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Inflation (30 seconds)
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, asks how young couples can buy a home, how small businesses can get loans, with the high interest rates that presently exist. Church says that high interest rates are no longer a solution to the inflation prob; Inflation; Interest Rates; Campaign, 1980
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
The record
Campaigns; Church examines Steve Symms voting record in which he as voted against nutrition for the elderly, the school lunch program, education for the handicapped, etc.. Church says he refuses to believe that "such callous voting truly represents the viewpoint o; Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0713 TO 0731; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
The record
Campaigns; Church examines Steve Symms voting record in which he as voted against nutrition for the elderly, the school lunch program, education for the handicapped, etc.. Church says he refuses to believe that "such callous voting truly represents the viewpoint o; Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0713 TO 0731; color; From VHS #2
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, describes the work he has done to protect the interests of the elderly.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, describes the work he has done to protect the interests of the elderly.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0736 TO 0753; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Inflation (60-seconds)
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, asks how young couples can buy a home, how small businesses and farmers can get loans, with the high interest rates that presently exist. Church say high interest rates are no longer a solution to the problem; Inflation; Interest Rates; Campaign, 1980
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Inflation (60-seconds)
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, asks how young couples can buy a home, how small businesses and farmers can get loans, with the high interest rates that presently exist. Church say high interest rates are no longer a solution to the problem; Inflation; Interest Rates; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0758 TO 0775; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Oil companies
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, condemns the large profits being made by the oil companies. He asks if the voters of Idaho want a Senator from Exxon (in reference to Symms). He says the oil companies have targeted him for defeat because he; Trueblood, Ted; Gasohol; Oil Industry; Campaign, 1980
1:00; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Oil companies
Campaigns; Church, speaking in front of a large crowd, condemns the large profits being made by the oil companies. He asks if the voters of Idaho want a Senator from Exxon (in reference to Symms). He says the oil companies have targeted him for defeat because he; Trueblood, Ted; Gasohol; Oil Industry; Campaign, 1980
1:00; VHS #2 0780 TO 0797; color; Also 3/4 VHS #20, Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Church, in the forest with his grandson, explains why he has worked so hard to protect Idaho forests so that they can be enjoyed by everyone. He says that special interests are out to take control of Idaho's forests and that once the no trespassing sign; Campaign, 1980; Outdoor Recreation; Public Lands; Timber Industry
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Church, in the forest with his grandson, explains why he has worked so hard to protect Idaho forests so that they can be enjoyed by everyone. He says that special interests are out to take control of Idaho's forests and that once the no trespassing sign; Campaign, 1980; Outdoor Recreation; Public Lands; Timber Industry
0:30; VHS #2 0800 TO 0811; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Church says that partisan politics stop at his office door and that in his career as a Senator he has helped over 110,000 Idahoans. He say that should anyone ever have a problem with a government agency, that they should not hesitate to seek his help.; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1980
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Church says that partisan politics stop at his office door and that in his career as a Senator he has helped over 110,000 Idahoans. He say that should anyone ever have a problem with a government agency, that they should not hesitate to seek his help.; Constituent Services; Campaign, 1980
0:30; VHS #2 0815 TO 0824; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Church, on a porch with an elderly couple, explains how he passed a law to exempt most people over 55 from an unfair capital gains tax when they went to sell their homes.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980; Taxes--Capital Gains
0:30; VHS #2 0815 TO 0824; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
Campaigns; Church, on a porch with an elderly couple, explains how he passed a law to exempt most people over 55 from an unfair capital gains tax when they went to sell their homes.; Senior Citizens; Campaign, 1980; Taxes--Capital Gains
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Campaigns; Church is shown in his backyard with his family, and he promises he would never use his office, held by public trust, for private gain.; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest; Chase, Laura; Political Ethics
0:30; DVD; DVD #3; color; converted from VHS#2
Digital copy exists on DVD #3, Series 11.1, Box 34
Campaigns; Church is shown in his backyard with his family, and he promises he would never use his office, held by public trust, for private gain.; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Church, Forrest; Chase, Laura; Political Ethics
0:30; VHS #2 0840 TO 0849; color; Converted to DVD, see DVD#3
The Russian invasion of Afghanistan
International Relations; Church says there are not enough vital American interests in Afganistan to justify a war between the Soviet Union and the U.S.. Church says however that we can make the price of the war in Afganistan high enough for the Russians (through economic sancti; Embargoes--Grain; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Olympics
1:20; VHS 3/4 #14; color
Church on "Weekend West"
International Relations; Church appears on "Weekend West", a KBCI production. Church discusses the latest developments in the Iranian hostage crisis, the Russian invasion of Afganistan, and his support of the Olympic boycott. Church favors the enactment of the Selective Servic; Timber Industry; Wilderness; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Olympics; Draft Registration; Campaign, 1980; Abscam; Symms, Steve; "Weekend West" (KBCI); Nuclear Waste Disposal; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory
28:42; VHS 3/4 #12 0000 to end; color
Church supports Olympic boycott
International Relations; Church, speaking from the Senate Recording Studios, responds to Symms' suggestion that the U.S. should "turn out the lights" on Tehran. Church calls this kind of thinking irresponsible because it will endanger the lives of the hostages. Church explains; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Foreign Relations--Iran; Symms, Steve; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Olympics
8:30; VHS 3/4 #11 0000 to end; color
Symms enters race
Campaigns; Steve Symms announces his candidacy for the U.S. Senate. Symms accuses Church of "emasculating" the CIA, of not caring for the interests of senior citizens, and of supporting piecemeal wilderness lockups in Idaho. Symms promises to change all of this b; Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve
13:58; VHS 3/4 #10; color
Church on Symms and gasohol
Legislation; Church remarks on Steve Symms announcement to oppose Church in the upcoming election. Church says Symms is a "do nothing" Representitive and would be a "do nothing" Senator. Church also comments on his pending legislation that would require the U.S. go; Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980; Gasohol; Farming; Agriculture--Sugar Beets
2:44; VHS 3/4 #9 0015 to 0072; color
Church discusses current issues
Legislation; Church describes Symms as ineffective in representing Idaho's interest in the House. Church also says he will oppose a proposed EPA study of water diversion from Idaho to the Southwest. Church also mentions his support of the Posiden Sub/Trident Missile; Campaign, 1980; Water Rights; Symms, Steve; Posiden Submarine; Trident Missile; Enviromental Protection Agency
4:34; VHS 3/4 #9 0075 to 0146; color
Burke defends Church
Campaigns; Church's campaign manager, Carl Burke, appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. Burke addresses the out of state PACs which have targeted Church for defeat. He also discusses Church's stands on abortion, national defense, Israel, the Panama Canal, the Bi; Burke, Carl; Abortion; Israel; Symms, Steve; Lybia; Panama Canal; Castro, Fidel; Birds of Prey Area; Water Rights; Hansen, George; Campaign, 1980; "Viewpoint" (KTVB)
25:00; VHS #4 1516 TO 1785; color
Wilderness and world affairs
International Relations; Church is interviewed by Sal Celeski in Washington D.C. Church describes the status of the River of No Return Wilderness Bill which has passed the Senate, but not the House. Church says that although Iran faces the possibility of a Russian invasion thro; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Iran; Foreign Relations--China; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Wilderness
7:01; VHS 3/4 #16; color
Campaign commercials by White & Fenn
Campaigns; Compilation of 1980 campaign commercials for Senator Church produced by political consultants White & Fenn.; Campaign, 1980
15:00; VHS # 11; COLOR; Gift of Peter Fenn, 6 March 1989. Accession 89-16.
Church on "The Reporters"
International Relations; Church is interviewed by Mark Johnson on KAID's "The Reporters". Church opposes the sale of AWACS and F-16's to Saudi Arabia. He comments upon developments in the Middle East touching upon the countries of Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. He al; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Carter, Jimmy; Haig, Alexander; Campaign, 1980; Lebanon--Israeli Intervention; Arms Control; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Repo
30:00; VHS 3/4 #21; color
Church is interviewed on "Viewpoint" after the 1980 election.
CAMPAGINS; Former Senator Church is interviewed on the KTVB (Boise) television program "Viewpoint". He discusses the landslide Republican victory of 1980 and its effects upon the Democratic Party, the Reagan administration, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committ; "Viewpoint" (KTVB); Democratic Party; Campaign, 1980; Foreign Policy; Senate--Seniority; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Watt, James; Haig, Alexander; Evans, John; Foreign Relations--France; Moral Majority; Mitterand, Francios; Reagan, Ronald; Cam
27:00; VHS 3/4 #23; color; Also VHS #10.
Church's last appearence on "Viewpoint"
International Relations; Church on KTVB's "Viewpoint". The last extensive interview with Church before his death. Church gives a brilliant commentary on contemporary world affairs. Church discusses Reagan's policies in Central America and Lebanon, the downing of a KAL passeng; Campaign, 1980; Foreign Relations--Central America; Foreign Relations--Nicaragua; Foreign Relations--Lebanon; Arms Control; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; MX Missile; King, Martin Luther; Korean Air Lines Incident, 1983; Russian Awareness Week; "Viewpoint
29:20; 3/4 #15; color
Govenor's salute Church
Biographical; Govenor Evans and former Governors Andrus and Smylie discuss with Mark Johnson of KAID the political career of Frank Church following his death. They discuss his being a liberal Senator from a highly conservative state, his early opposition to Vietnam,; Church, Bethine; Johnson, Mark; Smylie, Robert; Evans, John; Andrus, Cecil D.; Vietnam Conflict; Wilderness
28:42; VHS #6 0031 TO 0683; color; A second copy of this video tape is found on VHS #8 (84006) from 0000 to 0380.
Funeral service (KAID)
Biographical; KAID coverage of Frank Church's funeral. Shows Church's body arriving at the Boise airport, being escorted by police motorcade down Capitol Boulevard. Church's coffin is shown lying in state at the State Capitol Rotunda. Basque Dancers pay special tri; Venable, Fred; Johnson, Mark; Evans, John; Burke, Carl; Burns, Stan; Read, Scott; Manshel, Warren; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Church, Bethine; Faucher, Thomas; Oinkari Dancers; Basques; Funeral Services; Eulogies
74:00; VHS #6 0727 TO 1545; color; A second copy of this video tape is found on VHS #8 (84006) from 0670 to 1140.
Funeral service (KIVI)
Biographical; KIVI coverage of the funeral services of Frank Church at the Cathederal of the Rockies in Boise. Eulogies are given by Carl Burke, Stan Burns, Scott Burns, Warren Manshel and Forrest Church. The services are conducted by the Reverends Fred Venable and; Venable, Fred; Evans, John; Burke, Carl; Burns, Stan; Read, Scott; Manshel, Warren; Church, Forrest; Church, Chase; Church, Bethine; Faucher, Thomas; Funeral Services; Eulogies
67:20; VHS #5 0000 to 1236; color; A second copy of this film is found on 3/4 VHS #18A, #18B.
Washington D.C. memorial service
Biographical; Memorial services held in the National Catherderal in Washington D.C. for Frank Church. Tributes are given by Cecil Andrus, George McGovern, Forrest Church and Edward Kennedy.; Kennedy, Edward; Spafford, William; Andrus, Cecil D.; Church, Forrest; McGovern, George; Church, Bethine; Church, Chase; Washington D.C. Memorial Service; Eulogies
27:09; VHS #5 1237 to 1560; color; A second copy of this video tape is found on VHS #8 (84006) from 1182 to 1361.
Frank Church documentary
Biographical; Documentary on Frank Church's life. Produced by KTVB and narrarted by Phil Wenstrand. Contains a great deal of footage of Church not found in the BSU Frank Church Audio/Visual Collection. The documentary traces Church's life from early childhood to his; Symms, Steve; Vietnam Conflict; Senate Committees--Seclect Committee on Intelligence Operations; Campaign, 1956 Campaign, 1976; Campaign, 1980; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Medicare; Church, Bethine; Jackson, Jesse; Eulogies
28:53; VHS #7 0000 to end; color; A second and third copy of this video tape is found on VHS #8 (84006) 0380 to 0669 and on 3/4 VHS #17.
Tribute compilation
Biographical; This video tape contains copies of KAID's Idaho Reports Special of Idaho Govenors remembering Church 0000 to 0380 (84001), the KTVB documentary on Frank Church 0380 to 0669 (84005), KAID's coverage of Church's lying in state and funeral services 0670 to
120:00; VHS #8; color
Andrew Young Speech
Church Conference; Andrew Young Speech
reel to reel ; color
Morning Session Middle East Conference
Speeches; Church speeches at Middle East Conference; Middle East Conference
reel to reel ; color
Beginning Afternoon Session Speech
Speeches; Church speeches at Middle East Conference; Middle East Conference
reel to reel ; color
Shevchenko Address
Church conference; Shevchenko address at Middle East Conference; Shevchenko
reel to reel ; color
Frank Church Clips
Clips of various campaign promos including; 1956, Why I Am A Democrat; 1962, Potato Mislabeling; 1968, Gun Control; 1974, FC with Farmers; and several of the 1976 Presidential Campaign; Campaign, 1956; Campaign, 1962; Campaign, 1968; Campaign, 1974; Campaign, 1976
Man of Vision, Man of Courage
Biographical; Documentary produced by Simplot/Micron and the library of Boise State Universty. Narrated by Carl Burke. Examines the public career of Frank Church. The Frank Church film collection was a primary source for the production of this video.; Burke, Carl; Biography
VHS #14 (2 copies); color; converted to DVD, see DVD #1
Man of Vision, Man of Courage
Biographical; Documentary produced by Simplot/Micron and the library of Boise State Universty. Narrated by Carl Burke. Examines the public career of Frank Church. The Frank Church film collection was a primary source for the production of this video.; Burke, Carl; Biography
DVD; DVD #1; color; converted from VHS # 14
Why Politicians Tell Stories
Frank Church's speeches are the examples used in a lecture by Dr. McCorkle, professor of communication at Boise State University.; McCorkle, Susan
They Knew Frank Church
Four panelists (Bill Hall, LeRoy Ashby, Mike Wetherell and Cecil Andrus) discuss Frank Church. They discuss the high and low points of his career, his humor, his intelligence and his personable qualities that made FC their friend. World Political Series; Biography; Church, Bethine; Andrus, Cecil D.; Campaign, 1976; Campaign, 1980; Ashby, LeRoy, Wetherell, Mike; Hall, Bill
60:00, VHS
(Letters to Frank Church)
Ralph W. Hansen, associate director of the BSU Library and coordinator of the Frank Church Papers processing project, talks about the collection and reads samples of letters received by Senator Church. A talk delivered to the BSU Faculty-Staff Luncheons; Hansen, Ralph W.; Boise State University
ca. 60:00; VHS # 13; color
Promotional Clips
Contains films #57001 Meet Your Senator; 76002 Personal; and 56014 Why I'm A Democrat; Family Life; Campaign, 1976; Biography; Campaign, 1956
39:17; VHS 3/4 # 24
World of Ideas
Journalist Bill Moyers interviews Rev. F. Forrester Church, son of Senator Frank Church, about religion, politics, values, morality, sin, and his book, The Seven Deadly Virtues. Broadcast on 10/15/88 as one of the programs of Moyers' "World of Ideas" te; Church, Forrest; Moyers, Bill
DVD; DVD #1; color; converted from VHS # 14
Reaching All Souls
A profile of Rev. Forrest Church, pastor of All Souls Unitarian Church in New York City (son of Senator Frank Church). Broadcast on television program, CBS Sunday Morning, in Fall of 1988.; Church, Forrest
DVD; DVD #1; color; converted from VHS # 14
CIA Investigations
Duplicate clips of 75001 concerning the CIA plus a promotional appeal by Church to voters in the 1976 Campaign; Central Intelligence Agency; Campaign, 1976
VHS #17
CIA Investigations
Duplicate clips of 75001 concerning the CIA plus a promotional appeal by Church to voters in the 1976 Campaign; Central Intelligence Agency; Campaign 1976
VHS #18
1 (continued): Digital Duplicates for Preservation
Films, videos, and audio selections in this series are duplicates of analog files that are stored on DVD-R's. These DVD-R's were created in the process of providing digital copies to patrons and this collection of digital preservation copies will expand with time.
tape DVD
86001 1
Man of Vision, Man of Courage documentary (also VHS #14)
78014 2
Press conference at the White House held by Carter (Church is not on this tape)
76014 2
The Democratic Nomination is not "in the bag"
80001 3
Church asks for Idaho's support (also VHS #2)
80002 3
Teton Dam Disaster (30 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80003 3
Teton Dam Disaster (60 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80004 3
Agriculture (60 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80005 3
Agriculture (30 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80006 3
Business (also VHS #2)
80007 3
Energy (also VHS #2)
80008 3
Speak and Stay (60 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80009 3
Speak and stay (30 seconds) (also VHS #2)
80010 3
Church asks for Idaho's support II (also VHS #2)
80011 3
Wilderness (also VHS #2)
80012 3
Inflation (also VHS #2)
80013 3
The Record (also VHS #2)
80014 3
Seniors (also VHS #2)
80015 3
Inflation (also VHS #2)
80016 3
Oil companies (also VHS #2)
80017 3
Forests (also VHS #2)
80018 3
Helping (also VHS #2)
80019 3
Elderly (also VHS #2)
80020 3
Family (also VHS #2)
75003 4
CBS "Face the Nation"
76016 5
Church in Idaho City (Announcing candidacy for president)
78003 5
Program titled "There's a future in aging" in which Church discusses issues related to aging
79001 5
River of No Return Wilderness hearings
84005 5
Frank Church documentary
74012 6
Disclosure Campaign Speech
74014 6
In the car
74019 6
High Noon Campaign Speech
74054 7
Farmers I
76001 7
1976 Presidential Campaign collage
74021 7
74020 7
Weeds in the Spring Campaign Ad
74012 7
Disclosure Campaign Speech
76007 8
Farmers (also VHS #1)
76008 8
Estate tax (also VHS #1)
76009 8
Senior citizens II (also VHS #1)
76010 8
Gun control (also VHS #1)
76011 8
Jobs (also VHS #1)
76012 8
Gun control (also VHS #1)
76012 8
Foreign aid (also VHS #1)
68067 8
1968 election night interview (also VHS #1)
75002 8
Lewiston-Clarkston Bridge (also VHS #1)
75001 8
The CIA investigations (also VHS #1)
68066 8
Soft on communism campaign speech (also VHS #1)
68082 8
Mudslinging Campaign ad (also VHS #1)
76013 8
Why Frank Church is running for President (also VHS #1)
78004 8
Church speaks on RARE II (Roadless Areas) (also VHS #1)
86001 8
Man of Vision, Man of Courage documentary (also VHS #1)
A74003 Tape #1
25 radio and video spots
A76095 Tape #1
Jesse Jackson holds a press conference outside of Church's office discussing Church's investigation of the intelligence community and the FBI's harassment of minorities.
A76103a,b Tape #1
Church delivers the Democratic platform on foreign policy at the 1976 Democratic convention. WKSU (Ohio) television report on Church campaigning among striking rubber workers in Ohio.
A74049 Tape #2
Church speaks with Boise State University students in the backyard of his Boise home.
A74051 Tape #2
Church speaks at a Custer County town meeting.
A78012 Tape #3
Church appears on a KAID-TV (Boise) program titled "The Last Stand" along with Sen. James McClure, Doug Scott and Ron Cutler. Wilderness controversy
A78022 Tape #3
Heavily spliced tape with short excerpts of a speech on the Panama Canal and an interview on the CIA's covert operations.
A76047e,f,g Tape #4
WERE Radio (Cleveland) interview, Church is interviewed by "Plaindealer" in Cleveland, Church on the cover-up of the CIA and FBI in the JFK assassination
A75011 Tape #4
Church on the cover-up of the CIA and FBI in the JFK assassination
A76004 Tape #5
Church gives a speech: "Americans and the Law"
A75009 Tape #5
Church gives a speech before a dinner of the Mountain State Businessmen's Association in Charleston, WV on the topic of "Americans and the Law"
2: Audio
As with the video Collection, the Audio Collection has been indexed by speakers, those spoken about, bills discussed, government agencies named and specific historic events. Keywords have also been applied to give the user the broadest possible access to the Collection. A brief description has been prepared for each sound recording. The Audio Collection has been processed into five categories: 1. Campaigns. The campaign recordings contain sound tracks for campaign commercials, news interviews and speeches both by Church and his supporters and Church's opponents and critics. 2. Public Relations. This section contains tapes on important issues sent by Church to Idaho radio stations. Such reporting to Idaho constituents ceased when the Fairness Doctrine was imposed on the media by the FCC. Also in this category are speeches by Church at dedications, graduation ceremonies and to local and civic groups. 3. News Programs. Church was a frequent guest on both local and national radio and television programs. It appears that the Senator was often provided with a complimentary sound copy of his TV appearance rather than a video tape. Some recordings appear to have been made on home cassette recorders. 4. Committees. There are only a small number of recordings which concern Church's actual committee work. Some recordings in this category are Church discussing his committee work on news shows and at press conferences. 5. Press Conferences. Church called press conferences often to announce passage of a major piece of legislation. The collection is especially rich in recordings of his interviews during the presidential campaign of 1976.
Church on the NBC "Today" program in a recorded telephone interview on the day after the 1956 election. Church says he opposed Welker because of his support for Joseph McCarthy.
Campaign, 1956; Welker, Herman; McCarthy, Joseph; Today (NBC); Campaigns
1:32; 1 reel
Two campaign songs sung by an unknown folk singer for Church's 1956 Campaign. The songs are titled "Weary of Welker" and "Sick of Politicians".
Campaign, 1956; Welker, Herman; McCarthy, Joseph; Campaigns
3:00; 1 reel
Two short radio spots from the 1956 campaign.
Campaign, 1956; Campaigns
0:54; 1 reel
Promotional record produced by the Crusade for Freedom to raise funds for Radio Free Europe. Church is one of numerous notable dignataries and celebraties on this record, each of whom does a 30-second spot.
Crusade for Freedom; Radio Free Europe; international Relations
20:00; 1 reel
Church and Senator Thurston Morton are interviewed on the CBS Radio program "The Leading Question". They discuss Eisenhower's upcoming legislative program for that Congressional session and more.
Farming; Civil Rights; Senate--Filabuster and Cloture; Labor Reform BIll; Budget--Military; Food Surplus; Budget--United States; Taxes; Morton, Thurston; Leading Question, The (CBS); Legislation
27:25; 1 reel
Church and Senator Bourke Hickenlooper are interviewed on the CBS Radio program "The Leading Question". They discuss the upcoming summit between the Western powers and the U.S.S.R. and more.
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Khrushchev, Nikita; Nuclear Disarmament; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; U-2 Incident, 1960; Powers, Francis Gary; Paris Summit, 1960; Leading Question, The (CBS); international Relations
27:36; 1 reel
Church and political scientist Sidney Hyman are interviewed on the CBS Radio program "The Leading Question". They discuss the possibility of the establishment of a national presidential primary system and more.
Leading Question, The (CBS); Presidential Primaries; Campaign, 1960; Campaigns
27:17; 1 reel
Hogson, Warren speaks on Oneida Project on behalf of Bureau of Reclamation. Location is Thatcher school, Thatcher county.
Hogson, Warren; Oneida Project; Water Resources; Legislation
40:05; 1 cassette
1961 February 27
Officials from USGS, Bureau of Reclamation, and Idaho Power Co. hold continued discussion concerning Oneida Project, Bear Lake. Question and answer session, particularly concerning water rights and compensation.
Oneida Project; Water Resources; Legislation
63:18; 1 cassette
1961 February 27
Church speaks before the Idaho Falls Kiwanis, Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce on his recently completed junket to Africa.
Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations--Africa; Communism; Civil Rights; Foreign Relations--Nigeria; Foreign Relations--Congo; Foreign Relations--Kenya; Foreign Relations--Algeria; international Relations
49:23; 1 reel
1961 March 1
Church and his wife Bethine appear on the NBC Television program "Today". They discuss their recent 5 week trip to Africa.
Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Kenya; Foreign Relations--Guinea; Communism; Today (NBC); Church, Bethine; international Relations
12:39; 1 reel
Church and E.M. Debra, chief ambassador of Ghana to the U.S., are interviewed on the CBS Radio program "The Leading Question". They discuss the topic of "What are the alternatives in the Congo Crisis" and more.
Congo Crisis, 1961; United Nations; Foreign Relations--Ghana; Lamumba, Patrice; Assassinations; Leading Question, The (CBS); international Relations
23:30; 1 reel
Church and Senator Bourke Hickenlooper are interviewed on the CBS Radio program "The Leading Question". They discuss the topic of "How critical are world tensions?"
Leading Question, The (CBS); Hickenlooper, Bourke; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Cuban Revolution, 1959; Foreign Relations--Latin America; Foreign Relations--China; Communism; French-Algerian War, 1954-1962; international Relations
22:48; 1 reel
An unidentified Church staff member dictates correspondence to Church constituents on a number of different subjects. Church does not speak on this tape.
Constituent Services; Public Relations
15:00; 1 reel
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom" on the subject of Cuba's expulsion from the OAS and the effect it will have on relations with the rest of Latin America and more.
TImber Industry; Foreign Trade; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Castro, Fidel; Foreign Relations--Latin America; Organization of American States; Camapgin, 1962; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); international Relations
22:40; 1 reel
30-second radio spots from the 1962 Campaign most of which are found on film in the Film and Videotape Collection. A humorous musical jingle is found at the end of this tape asking people to vote for Church.
Campaign, 1962; Campaigns
5:36; 1 reel
Series of 14 20-second radio spots from the 1962 Campaign on a variety of subjects.
Campaign, 1962; Kennedy, John F.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Silver Mines and Mining; Foreign Aid; Television Booster Stations; Budget--United States; Outdoor Recreation; Senate--Seniority; Education; Farming; Constituent Services; Lewis and C; Campaigns
6:25; 1 reel
Ten one minute radio spots from the 1962 Campaign.
Campaign, 1962; Kennedy, John F.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Silver Mines and Mining; Foreign Aid; Television Booster Stations; Budget--United States; Outdoor Recreation; Senate--Seniority; Education; Farming; Constituent Services; Lewis and C; Campaigns
11:03; 1 reel
1962 September 25
Speech given by Jack Hawley, Church's opponent in the 1962 Senatorial Campaign. Recorded in Twin Falls. Church does not speak on this tape.
Campaign, 1962; Communism; Education; Hawley, Jack; Kennedy, John F.; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Castro, Fidel; Government Spending Policy; Steel Industry and Trade; Capitalism; Campaigns
27:19; 1 reel
1962 November 4
Church is interviewed on a program titled "From the People" by Harry Clarkson (location of transcription is unknown).
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Foreign Relations--South Vietnam; Civil Rights; Taxes; Kennedy, John F.; Erving, Sam J.; Diem, Ngo Dinh; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Nuclear Weapons; Campaign, 1964; Civil Rights Bill of 1957; Civil Rights Act of 1964; international Relations
29:45; 1 reel
1963 August 23
Church gives a detailed description (a personal memorandum for his own files) on the friction that occured between Johnson and himself directly following his initial opposition to the war in Vietnam.
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Vietnam Conflict; Lippmann, Walter; Bundy, McGeorge; Nelson, Gaylord; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Direkson, Everett; Rusk, Dean; Allot, Gordon; Eastland, James; MacNamara, Robert; Mansfield, Mike; Harding, Ralph; Freedman, Max; McGee, Gale; international Relations
57:00; 1 reel
Church is interviewed by Edwin Randall for the United Church of Christ/American Jewish Committee. Church gives his personal recollections of the time he spent in the Chinese theater during WWII.
World War, 1939-1945--Personal Recollections; Church, Bethine; biography
4:30; 1 reel
Church attends a celebration of the centennial of Senator William E. Borah's birth held at the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. Church, Jordan and others deliver tributes to Borah.
Borah, William E.; Borah, Mary; White, Compton I.; Hansen, Orval; Kennedy, Edward; Jordan, Len B.; Public Relations
45:00; 1 reel
1965 June 29
Church appears on WIOD, Miami, with former Senator Harry P. Cain. The title of the program is "A review of the Presidential years 1784-1965."
Cain, Harry P.; Presidents--United States; Public Relations
31:50; 1 reel
1965 July 4
The Rev. Billy James Hargis is interviewed on the Bob Slater Show on KATN Television (Anchorage). Hargis delivers a rambling attack on Church and other liberal Democrats for being communists and subversives.
Hargis, Billy; Democratic Party; Communism; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Ku Klux Klan; Fulbright, William; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Morse, Wayne; John Birch Society; Nuclear Disarmament; Vietnam Conflict; Liberalism; Socialism; Conser; Public Relations
31:30; 1 reel
1966 February 11
Radio broadcast of KATN's (Anchorage) "Bob Slater Show". There are several references to Church following the appearence of the Reverend Billy Hargis on the same program 3 days earlier.
Hargis, Billy; John Birch Society; Public Relations
29:00; 1 reel
1966 February 14
Church appears in this public service message to announce that he is Idaho's honorary chairman for the Idaho Cancer Crusade. This annoucement is found in the Film and Video Collection on 66012.
Cancer; Public Service Messages; American Cancer Society; Public Relations
0:25; 1 reel
1967 January 25
Church appears in this public service message to announce that he is Idaho's honorary chairman for the Idaho Cancer Crusade. This announcement is found in the Film and Video Collection on 66011.
Cancer; Public Service Messages; American Cancer Society; Public Relations
1:29; 1 reel
1967 January 25
Church gives the commencement address at Lewiston High School concerning America's youth and the unrest of the 1960's.
Drug Abuse; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Kennedy, John F.; Public Relations
26:10; 1 reel
1967 May 21
Church comments on the possibility of the Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory getting a government contract to study the feasibility of a nuclear powered merchant marine fleet.
Merchant Marine; Atomic Energy Commission; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Public Relations
3:16; 1 reel
1967 December 14
Church talks with constituents in Twin Falls on the problems of unemployment and Social Security.
Campaign, 1968; Social Security; Constituent Services; Unemployment; Campaigns
4:04; 1 reel
Church interview with constituents in southern Idaho.
Vietnam Conflict; Campaign, 1968; Farming; Constituent Services; Public Relations
16:57; 1 reel
Campaign radio spot on farm problems.
Farming; Campaign, 1968; Campaigns
0:33; 1 reel
Campaign radio spot on gun control.
Campaign, 1968; Gun Control; Campaigns
0:30; 1 reel
"Red's White and Blue March". Music written by Red Skelton. This was the theme song used by Church in his 1968 Campaign radio and television spots.
Campaign, 1968; Skelton, Red; Campaigns
1:00; 1 reel
A campaign song recorded by a group of young people from Twin Falls. The Senator had them come to Boise to record this song.
Campaign, 1968; Campaigns
3:00; 1 reel
Church speaks at the PFI Credit Union in Lewiston on the day following the seizure of the U.S.S Pueblo, he addresses this issue and others. Poor sound quality.
Campaign, 1968; Vietnam Conflict; U.S.S. Pueblo Incident, 1968; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Budget--Military; Foreign Aid; Nuclear Warfare; Foreign Policy; international Relations
37:00; 1 cassette
1968 January 28
Church is interviewed by the British Broadcasting Co. on the upcoming 1968 Presidential campaign and on LBJ's efforts to end the war in Vietnam.
Campaign, 1968; Vietnam Conflict; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; McCarthy, Eugene J.; Rockefeller, Nelson; Political Conventions; Campaigns
4:20; 1 reel
1968 April 1
Senators Church, Jordan and Jackson report on the successful passage of a bill that would place a 10 year moritorium on water diversion studies from Idaho. See the Film and Video Collection (65024) for this film.
Jordan, Len B.; Jackson, Henry; Water Rights; Water Resources; Legislation
4:55; 1 reel
1968 August 2
Contains several radio spots from the 1968 Campaign.
Campaign, 1968; Water Rights; Public Lands; Foreign Aid; Civil Disobedience; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Campaigns
5:15; 1 reel
1968 October 22
George Hansen, Church's opponent for the 1968 Campaign, is interviewed on the Idaho Falls radio program "Party Line" (station unknown).
Campaign, 1968; Hansen, George; Civil Rights; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Kennedy, John F.; Farming; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Gun Control; Congress--Pay Raises; Right to Work Act; Urban Renewal; Prayer in Public Schools; Government Price Regulation; Campaigns
65:00; 1 reel
1968 April 25
KTEE (Idaho Falls) radio show "Party Line" in which callers comment on the interviews that Church and George Hansen gave at that radio station. Church does not speak on this tape.
Vietnam Conflict; Hansen, George; Wallace, George; Communism; Campaign, 1968; United Nations; Gun Control; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Nixon, Richard M.; Campaigns
2:00; 1 reel
1968 October 1
Debate between James McClure and Compton White for the U.S. Congress. Broadcast on KUID-TV (Moscow). Church does not speak on this tape.
Campaign, 1968; Education; Nixon, Richard M.; Farming; Foreign Policy; McClure, James; White, Compton I.; Crime; U.S.S. Pueblo Incident, 1968; Foreign Relations--North Korea; Campaigns
28:30; 1 reel
1968 October 24
Debate between Church and George Hansen at the University of Idaho in Moscow. Initially broadcast on KUID-TV.
Campaign, 1968; Vietnam Conflict; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Southeast Asia Treaty Organization; Education; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Foreign Aid; Gun Control; Wilderness; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Foreign Policy; Taxes; Crime; Water; Campaigns
56:30; 1 reel
1968 October 24
George Hansen, Church's opponent in the 1968 Camapaign, is interviewed on the KID-TV (Pocatello) program "People and the Times".
Campaign, 1968; Jordan, Len B.; Gun Control; Baker, Howard; Dworshack, Henry; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Civil Rights; Communism; Vietnam Conflict; Johnson, Lyndon B.; John Birch Society; Farming; Simplot, Jack; Atomic Energy Commission; Inflation; Nixon,; Campaigns
28:05; 1 reel
1968 November 3
1968 Campaign radio spot on gun control.
Campaign, 1968; Gun Control; Campaigns
0:30; 1 reel
Radio spots used for the 1968 Campaign.
Campaign, 1968; Farming; Education; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Railroads; Water Resources; Headstart Program; Senate--Seniority; Senior Citizens; Campaigns
8:05; 1 reel
Radio spots in which various individuals give their endorsements of Frank Church.
Campaign, 1968; Farming; Education; Railroads; Water Rights; Vietnam Conflict; Headstart Program; Senate--Seniority; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Campaigns
46:30; 1 reel
Radio spots from the 1968 Campaign.
Campaign, 1968; Farming; Vietnam Conflict; Water Rights; Conservation; Constituent Services; Campaigns
37:08; 1 reel
Church speaks at a Democratic dinner in the Moscow Grange Hall. He discusses the Pueblo incident with North Korea, the youth movement, military forces abroad, the government's dwindling gold supply and more.
U.S.S. Pueblo Incident, 1968; Foreign Relations--North Korea; Vietnam Conflict; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy; Military Bases, Foreign; Gold--Government Reserves; Public Relations
35:00; 1 reel
KTEE (Idaho Falls) phone-in radio show "Backtalk" in which callers comment on the interviews given by Church and his opponent George Hansen. This tape continues on A68015.
Campaign, 1968; United Nations; Hansen, George; Social Security; Wallace, George; Communism; Campaigns
63:00; 1 reel
1968 September 30
This is a continuation of A68014, the KTEE (Idaho Falls) radio show "Backtalk".
Campaign, 1968; Campaigns
7:00; 1 reel
1968 September 30
Senators Church and Jordan discuss the inclusion of the White Cloud Peaks Area within the proposed Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Jordan, Len B.; White Cloud Peaks Area; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Mining--Legislation; U.S. Forest Service; Legislation
6:27; 1 reel
1969 July 3
Radio spot in which Church gives his support for the "Golden Eagle Passport", a ticket which can be purchased to allow unlimited visits to national parks for a full year.
Golden Eagle Passport; Public Relations
0:49; 1 reel
1969 September 25
3 radio spots on Vietnam, gun control and a proposed bill to put silver in the newly authorized Dwight D. Eisenhower dollars.
Vietnam Conflict; Gun Control; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Silver Coins--Law and Legislation; Campaigns
2:37; 1 reel
1968 October 8
Radio spot in which Church gives a report on the violent demonstrations occuring around the U.S. in protest of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Vietnam Conflict; Civil Disobedience; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; international Relations
0:54; 1 reel
1969 November 10
Church and Rep. Charles Goodell appear on ABC's "Issues and Answers" program discussing Nixon's policies in Vietnam.
Nixon, Richard M.; Goodell, Charles E.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Rogers, William P.; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--China; Communism; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Issues and Answers (ABC); international Relations
23:40; 1 reel
1969 October 12
NET Television program titled "Senate Hearing: Nixon's Foreign Policy", narrated by Paul Niven. Secretary of State William P. Rodgers is questioned by the Foreign Relations Committee on Vietnam, ABM's and China.
Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Rogers, William; Fulbright, William; Antimissile Missiles; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Symington, Stuart; Aiken, George; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Gore, Alb; Committees
58:34; 1 cassette
1969 March 28
An unidentified individual has a phone conversation with Verda Barnes (who cannot be heard) concerning the Idaho Nuclear Reactor Testing Station and the Atomic Energy Commission.
Barnes, Verda; Atomic Energy Commission; Public Relations
15:00; 1 cassette
1969 June 3
Press conference at which Clair Conely, chief editor of "Field and Stream" magazine explains why he is endorsing Cecil Andrus for governor. Church does not speak on this tape.
Campaign, 1970; Andrus, Cecil D.; Conely, Clair; Campaigns
11:15; 1 cassette
Church speaks at a Democratic dinner in Blackfoot on behalf of the candidates of the 1970 Idaho state campaigns.
Democratic Party; Andrus, Cecil D.; Campaign, 1970; Campaigns
31:36; 1 cassette
1970 October 18
Editorial by Paul Scott accusing Church of having double standards when it comes to the involvement of U.S. multinational corporations in other countries. Church does not speak on this tape.
Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Chile; Central Intelligence Agency; Communism; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--South Vietnam; Kennedy, John F.; Multinational Corporations; international Relations
6:14; 1 reel
Two radio spots, one spot is concerned with studies for the recreational potential of the Hells Canyon area, the other spot is on legislation Church is working on to improve programs for the elderly.
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Wilderness; Senior Citizens; Public Relations
1:50; 1 reel
1970 February 13
Church makes a statement for the Idaho Falls Bar Association's "Law Day" message.
Civil Disobedience; Public Relations
0:50; 1 reel
1970 April 24
Messages taped by several members of the Senate (including Church) asking participants in the Spring Vietnam Mobilization Protest in Washington D.C. to refrain from violence.
Vietnam Conflict; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Javits, Jacob; Cranston, Alan; Fulbright, William; Percy, Charles; Lindsay, John; Mathias, Charles; Young, Stephen M.; Proxmire, William; Nixon, Richard M.; Public Relations
9:20; 1 reel
1970 May 9
Church declares July 4th as "Honor America Day".
Public Service Messages; Vietnam Conflict--Protest Movements; Public Relations
1:03; 1 reel
1970 June 30
Radio spot on which Church describes legislation which will limit the actions of the United States military in Cambodia.
Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations--Cambodia; Kampuchea--Civil War, 1970-1975; Cooper-Church Amendment; Legislation
0:30; 1 reel
1970 June 30
Radio spot in which Church explains the ramifications of his recently passed Cooper-Church Amendment.
Vietnam Conflict; Cooper-Church Amendment; Public Relations
0:55; 1 reel
1970 July 1
Church says that the problem of the construction of Cuban submarine bases which are capable of handling Soviet submarines must be dealt with in a responsible manner.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Public Relations
0:27; 1 reel
1970 October 1
Church speech for Earth Day 1970.
Conservation; White Cloud Peaks Area; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Population; Mines and Mineral Resources; interior
15:57; 1 reel
1970 April 16
Church speaks at the Idaho State University Eco-Alliance Conference. The topic of the conference is "Give Earth a chance."
Conservation; Population; Pollution; Nuclear Waste Disposal; White Cloud Peaks Area; Idaho State University; interior
52:31; 2 reels
1970 April 22
Fundraising banquet held for Cecil Andrus by the Idaho Enviromental Council in Pocatello. Church speaks on the open pit mining operation in the White Clouds. Many other individuals also speak.
White Cloud Peaks Area; Mining Industry; Conservation; Campaign, 1970; Andrus, Cecil D.; Jane, Jerry; Hemingway, Jack; Pollution; Evans, Brock; Bilyeu, Chick; Conely, Clair; Campaigns
88:48; 1 reel
1970 October 16
Church gives a speech at the Lewis and Clark Normal School.
Vietnam Conflict; Education; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Policy; White Cloud Peaks Area; Foreign Relations--Latin America; Foreign Aid; Economic Development; Mining--Legislation; Public Relations
37:36; 1 reel
1970 October 22
Church is interviewed on KUID (Moscow) on wide ranging topics in foreign affairs.
Foreign Relations--Latin America; Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Turkey; Foreign Relations--Brazil; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Policy; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon,; international Relations
28:56; 1 reel
1970 October 22
Church speaks before the student body at the University of Idaho on the military overthrow of the government in Chile, lowering the voting age to 18 years of age, the bombing of Cambodia and more.
Democracy; Foreign Relations--Chile; Foreign Relations--Peru; Cooper-Church Amendment; Vietnam Conflict; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Policy; Voting Age; Kampuchea--Civil War, 1970-1975; Idaho, University of; international Relations
48:10; 1 cassette
1970 October 22
Church speaks before the 35th annual meeting of the Idaho Credit Union League in Lewiston. He speaks on people's disinterest in the plight of the elderly in the U.S. and problems with the Social Security system.
Social Security; Senior Citizens; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Poverty; Credit Unions; Buckwald, Art; Supplemental Security Income; Public Relations
41:56; 1 cassette
1971 April 23
Church speaks before a meeting of a Department of Political Science (unidentified) on the Vietnam Conflict, why he opposes gun control, the constitutional powers of Congress, inflation and Social Security.
Vietnam Conflict; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Powers; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Inflation; Public Relations
22:15; 1 cassette
1971 May 24
Church speaks before a Lions Optimist Club (location unknown) on the extension of the Draft Act, improving Amtrack's service to Idaho, why Congress voted against the SST, the cost of the Vietnam War and more.
Senior Citizens; Draft Registration; Amtrack; Social Security; Inflation; Public Welfare; Revenue Sharing; Supersonic Transport Planes; Vietnam Conflict; Drug Abuse; Public Relations
30:23; 1 cassette
1971 May 24
Church speaks before a Lions Optimist Club (location unknown) on the economic effects of the Vietnam War, his chances of running for Vice President, the return of the POW's and more.
Campaign, 1972; Lockheed Corporation; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Penn Central Railroad Company; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Policy; Vice Presidents--United States; Foreign Relations--West Germany; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Strategic Arms Limitation T; Public Relations
44:41; 1 cassette
1971 May 25
Church speaks before a Boise Kiwanis Club on the Vietnam War and foreign relations with Cuba.
Foreign Policy; Vietnam Conflict; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Nixon, Richard M.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Vietnam Conflict--Prisoners of War; international Relations
39:58; 2 cassettes
1971 August 21
St. Michaels Cathedral Boise, Idaho, Church discusses the retirement of Senator Jordan, the Vietnam War, the Cooper-Church amendment, abuse of the War Powers Act and more.
Government Price Regulation; Budget--United States; Unemployment; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--China; Economic Development; Jordan, Len B.; War Powers Act; Campaign, 1972; Cooper-Church Amendment; Public Relations
45:16; 2 cassettes
1971 August 21
Church speaks at Boise State College on the subject of the widening "generation gap" which he attributes to a difference in views in foreign policy and international affairs. A Q and A session follows the speech.
Foreign Policy; World War, 1939-1945--Personal Recollections; Vietnam Conflict; Depression Era; Military Assistance--Pakistan; Foreign Relations--China; Marshall Plan, The; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Foreign Relations--Western Europe; Government; international Relations
108:45; 1 cassette
1971 September 1
Church speaks at a Rotary Club luncheon in Boise on the subject of the condition of the U.S. economy, the worldwide problem of pollution, U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and more.
Government Price Regulation; Economic Development; Budget--United States; Inflation; Unemployment; Pollution; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations--China; Presidential Powers; Public Relations
30:47; 1 cassette
1971 September 2
Church addresses the Idaho League of Women Voters, and discusses how the Congressional process works in Washington D.C. and more.
Senate--Seniority; Supersonic Transport Planes; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Presidential Powers; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Public Relations
46:40; 1 cassette
1971 September 3
Bethine Church appears on the television program "Today in Idaho" (location and network unknown). Bethine relates some of the highlights of her recent trip to Russia.
Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Church, Bethine; Public Relations
19:20; 1 cassette
1971 September 3
Church speaks at a luncheon at the Northern Idaho Community College in Coeur d'Alene.
Public Welfare; Revenue Sharing; Inflation; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Aid; Drug Abuse; Government Price Regulation; Taxes--War Excess Profits; Narcotics, Control of; Public Relations
15:00; 1 cassette
1971 September 23
Church holds a press conference at North Idaho Community College on his proposals for major revisions in the Social Security system, the normalization of relations with China, and U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam.
Social Security; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Public Welfare; Foreign Relations--China; Vietnam Conflict--Prisoners of War; Vietnam Conflict; Cooper-Church Amendment; international Relations
15:00; 1 cassette
1971 September 23
Church speaks at a senior citizen's luncheon in which he discusses the reform of the welfare system, and the drug abuse problem in the United States.
Public Welfare; Unemployment; Inflation; Economic Development; Senior Citizens; Medicare; Supersonic Transport Planes; Public Relations
30:00; 1 cassette
1971 September 23
Soundtrack to a documentary on Senator William E. Borah featuring Frank Church. Church talks about Borah and other various subjects.
Borah, William E.; Neutrality--United States; Vietnam Conflict; Civil Rights; Taxes; Foreign Relations--Nicaragua; Foreign Policy; National Recovery Act; Monopolies; Antitrust Law; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Democracy; Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential P; Public Relations
38:05; 1 reel
1971 February 20
Church and Governor Cecil Andrus discuss the status of rail passenger service to Idaho. They say the future does not look promising in gaining federal funding for the railroad service.
Amtrack; Railroads; Andrus, Cecil D.; Volpe, John; Public Relations
2:04; 1 cassette
Church appears with Senator John Sherman Cooper on the CBS Television Program "Face the Nation" where they discuss their Cooper-Church Amendment and the Vietnam War.
Vietnam Conflict; Cooper, John Sherman; Cooper-Church Amendment; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Rogers, William P.; Face the Nation (CBS); international Relations
28:40; 1 reel
1971 February 27
Mrs. Chase Clark, mother of Bethine Church, is interviewed by Sam Day in Boise on her family history, her husband's political career, and Frank and Bethine's early years together.
Clark, Chase; Clark, Mary; Church, Bethine; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; biographical
46:12; 1 cassette
Laura Church, Frank Church's mother, is interviewed in Boise by Sam Day. She discusses Church's childhood, his meeting Bethine and his early years in politics.
Church, Richard; Church, Laura; Cancer; Vietnam Conflict; Church, Bethine; Wardwell, Robert; Taylor, Glen; Campaign, 1956; Borah, William E.; Church, Frank Forrester I; biographical
48:05; 1 cassette
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom". He discusses the Pentagon Papers, the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, the POW's in Vietnam, admitting China into the U.N. and more.
Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Mansfield, Mike; Foreign Relations--China; United Nations; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Muskie, Edmund; Military Assistance--South Vietnam; Unemployment; Vietnam Conflict--Prisoners of War; Pentagon Papers; international Relations
23:25; 1 reel
1971 June 30
Church states that the findings from his Foreign Relations Committee hearings of drug trafficing shows that the foreign governments of these countries are largely at fault for not trying to stem the flow of drugs.
Drug Abuse; Foreign Aid; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Committees
1:10; 1 cassette
1971 July 1
Church criticizes the Federal Government's bailout of the Lockheed Corporation. A copy of this tape is found in the Film and Videotape Collection on 71005.
Private Enterprise; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Lockheed Corporation; Legislation
1:10; 1 cassette
Church says he led the fight to defeat the current foreign aid bill. He says the new bill will be one billion dollars below the administrations request.
Foreign Aid; international Relations
1:49; 1 cassette
Radio spot in which Church discusses his work on the Special Committee on Aging.
Senior Citizens; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Committees
1:30; 1 reel
1971 December 2
Radio spot in which a narrator announces that Church is the first Idaho senator since Borah to head a Senate committee. He announces that Church is now head of the Special Committee on Aging.
Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Borah, William E.; Committees
0:49; 1 cassette
Church appears on the ABC television program "Issues and Answers". He discusses the bailout of Lockheed, Nixon's trip to China, the Presidential elections in South Vietnam and more.
Lockheed Corporation; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Aid; Draft Registration; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Vietnam Conflict; Issues and Answers (ABC); Military--Combat Readiness; Dr; international Relations
22:30; 1 reel
1971 July 7
Church gives a speech at a Democratic fund raiser in Rexburg. He criticizes Nixon's proposed welfare reform package, the SST and Lockheed Co., the Vietnam Conflict and more. Joseph Clark speaks along with Church.
Clark, Joseph; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Nixon, Richard M.; Public Welfare; Senior Citizens; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; Revenue Sharing; Supersonic Transport Planes; Lockheed; Public Relations
70:44; 1 reel
1971 August 28
The Washington Press Club's "roasting" of Henry Kissinger, Church is the "roaster". Mostly Church poking fun at Kissinger and vice a versa.
Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--China; international Relations
41:50; 1 cassette
Church speaks at Boise State College on the subject of the recovery by Congress of its constitutional authority, the abuses of executive power, defense, the economy and Watergate.
Watergate Affair; Boise State University; Defense; Presidential Powers; Economic Development; Inflation; Government Price Regulation; Budget--Military; Committees
46:29; 1 cassette
1972 June 23
Church gives a speech before a AFL-CIO gathering (location unknown). He discusses wage and price controls, why he is opposed to the SST program and the bailout of the Lockheed Corporation and more.
AFL-CIO; Government Price Regulation; Taxes; Supersonic Transport Planes; Lockheed Corporation; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Public Welfare; Public Relations
30:13; 1 cassette
1972 June 14
Church gives a speech before a convention of the Democratic Party (location unknown). He discusses problems with the Nixon administration, and his opposition to the SST program and the Lockheed bailout.
Nixon, Richard M.; Supersonic Transport Planes; Lockheed Corporation; Lockheed Bailout Bill; Foreign Policy; Vietnam Conflict; Kampuchea--Civil War, 1970-1975; War Powers Act; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; international Relations
38:33; 1 cassette
1972 June 17
Church speaks at Ricks College in Rexburg on the issues of the 1972 Presidential campaign. Church endorses McGovern and points out the negative and positive aspects of the Nixon Administration.
McGovern, George; Campaign, 1972; Government Price Regulation; Budget--United States; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Unemployment; Inflation; Interest Rates; Nixon, Richard M.; Taxes; Defense; International Telep; Campaigns
39:00; 1 cassette
1972 October 19
Church speaks at the Upper Snake River Banquet in Rexburg on the issues of the 1972 Presidential campaign.
McGovern, George; Campaign, 1972; Budget--United States; Vietnam Conflict; Unemployment; Inflation; Interest Rates; Nixon, Richard M.; Taxes; International Telephone and Telegraph; Watergate Affair; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Agriculture--Wheat; Campaigns
36:31; 1 cassette
1972 October 19
Church speaks at a Democratic banquet in Twin Falls on the issues of the 1972 Presidential campaign.
McGovern, George; Campaign, 1972; Budget--United States; Vietnam Conflict; Unemployment; Inflation; Interest Rates; Nixon, Richard M.; International Telephone and Telegraph; Agriculture--Wheat; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Campaigns
30:57; 1 cassette
1972 October 20
Church speaks at a University of Idaho student forum at which he endorses George McGovern and Ed Williams and answers questions from students on numerous topics.
Campaign, 1972; McGovern, George; Williams, Ed; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Busing; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Taxes; Budget--United States; Defense; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.; Idaho, University of; Campaigns
47:43; 1 cassette
1972 October 24
Church speaks in Burley where he endorses McGovern and discusses some of the positive and negative aspects of the Nixon Administration.
Campaign, 1972; McGovern, George; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Busing; Budget--United States; Defense; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.; Inflation; Unemployment; Interest Rates; Government Price Regulation; Foreign Trade; International Tel; Campaigns
37:48; 1 cassette
1972 October 27
Church speaks at a potluck dinner in Pocatello where he endorses McGovern and discusses some of the positive and negative aspects of the Nixon Administration.
Campaign, 1972; McGovern, George; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Budget--United States; Inflation; Unemployment; Interest Rates; Foreign Trade; McClure, James; Campaigns
16:26; 1 cassette
1972 October 28
Church speaks at the Idaho State University Student Union Building in Pocatello with Bud Davis, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate. Church also endorses McGovern for President.
Campaign, 1972; Davis, Bud; Vietnam Conflict; McGovern, George; Presidential Powers; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Jordan, Len B.; Idaho State University; Campaigns
41:30; 1 cassette
1972 October 28
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom". He discusses the POW's in Vietnam, the 1972 Presidential campaign and more.
Vietnam Conflict; Jackson, Henry; Nixon, Richard M.; Muskie, Edmund; McGovern, George; Kissinger, Henry; Chishom, Shirley; Tonkin, Gulf of; Cooper-Church Amendment; Campaign, 1972; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); international Relations
22:30; 1 reel
1972 February 2
Church is interviewed on "Great Decisions" (network and location unknown). The program is titled "Vietnam and After". Church is questioned on the theme "What have we learned from our involvement in Vietnam?"
Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Laird, Melvin; Foreign Policy; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Foreign Relations--China; international Relations
27:05; 1 reel
1972 February 22
Radio spot in which Church gives a report on the "State of the Elderly" on what steps can be taken to improve the living conditions of the elderly in the U.S.
Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Medicare; Housing; Public Welfare; Committees
12:40; 1 reel
1972 March 1
Church says that the President's stand towards a peace agreement in Vietnam has softend but his position could be jepordized should he carry out his threat of a military blockade against North Vietnam.
Vietnam Conflict; international Relations
0:22; 1 cassette
Radio spot in which Church reports on the conditions of the Basque people who are living under the Franco dictatorship.
Basques; Foreign Relations--Spain; Franco, Francisco; Public Relations
1:10; 1 reel
1972 May 30
Church speaks on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom". He discusses Ramsey Clarks visit to Hanoi, the shortcomings of the Nixon administration, McGovern's presidential campaign and more.
Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); Clark, Ramsey; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--North Vietnam; Campaign, 1972; McGovern, George; Nixon, Richard M.; Abortion; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Jackson, Henry; Gun Control; international Relations
22:05; 1 cassette
Church gives a "Review of 1972" on KCID Radio (Caldwell). He discusses the bill which establishes the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and comments upon Senator Jordan's retirement and commends his honesty.
Social Security; Jordan, Len B.; Sawtooth National Recreation Area; Legislation
2:58; 1 cassette
1972 December 16
Radio spot which aired on KCID Radio in Caldwell. Church discusses issues which will receive his special attention in the upcoming year.
Senior Citizens; Water Rights; Social Security; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Medical Care; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Senate Committees--Interior; Water Rights; Committees
3:07; 1 reel
1972 December 12
Church speaks at the Moscow-Latah Democratic fund raiser. He discusses the 1972 Presidential campaign, the Watergate controversy in detail and makes some humorous comments about President Nixon.
Williams, Ed; Campaign, 1972; Davis, Bud; Jordan, Len B.; McGovern, George; Nixon, Richard M.; Vietnam Conflict; Watergate Affair; International Telephone and Telegraph; Agriculture--Wheat; Political Ethics; Muskie, Edmund; Presidents--United States; Campaigns
33:57; 1 cassette
Church speaks before a meeting of the Idaho Society of Professional Engineers on a wide variety of topics.
Population; Conservation; Pollution; Energy Policy; Nuclear Energy; Wilderness; Public Relations
42:30; 1 cassette
1973 February 2
Church speaks before a meeting of the Society for Range Management on the conflict surrounding, and demands made upon, public lands.
Public Lands; Public Lands--Fees; Range Management; Predatory Animals--Control; interior
26:08; 1 cassette
1973 February 5
Church holds a question and answer session on senior citizens issues.
Senior Citizens; Medicare; Social Security; Medical Care; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Public Relations
32:50; 1 cassette
1973 February 6
Church is interviewed on the radio (location and station unknown). He discusses the powerlessness the people feel about the happenings in Washington and the ceasefire agreement in Vietnam.
Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--North Vietnam; Public Relations
9:11; 1 cassette
1973 February 6
Church speaks before the Marsing Chamber of Commerce on the death of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI, the corporate takeover of farms, his ambitions for the presidency and more.
Budget--United States; Watergate Affair; Campaign, 1976; Drug Abuse; Crime; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Farming--Corporate; Taxes--Property; Hoover, J. Edgar; Social Security; Veterans Benefits; Public Relations
44:14; 1 cassette
1973 February 8
Church speaking at Homedale High School. He discusses his job on the Aging Committee, running for president, why he got into politics, peace in Vietnam lasting, the return of the POW's and more.
Vietnam Conflict; Vietnam Conflict--Prisoners of War; Campaign, 1976; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Taxes; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--India; international Relations
34:46; 1 cassette
1973 February 8
Church speaks at Council High School comparing life in the U.S. to life in Russia and India, abortions in religious hospitals, capital punishment, Watergate and more.
Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--India; Vietnam Conflict; Fonda, Jane; Wilderness; Gun Control; Abortion; Dams; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Capital Punishment; Watergate Affair; Crime; Nixon, Richard M.; Public Relations
37:33; 1 cassette
1973 April 19
Church speaks with senior citizens about the problems of the elderly and the possibility of televising the workings of the U.S. Senate.
Senior Citizens; Medicare; Senate--Television Broadcasting; Public Relations
20:36; 1 cassette
1973 April 19
Church at a non-partisan get together in New Meadows where he answers questions on the processes for classifying wilderness, the U.S. Forest Service, and predator control.
Wilderness; U.S. Forest Service; Predatory Animals--Control; interior
47:09; 1 cassette
1973 April 19
Church speaks before the Gooding Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the welfare system, the withdrawal from and rebuilding of Vietnam, public lands and grazing rights, Watergate and more.
Public Welfare; Vietnam Conflict; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Medicare; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Oil Industry; Alaska Pipeline; Social Security; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Predatory Animals--Control; Range Management; Public Lands; Abort; Public Relations
41:20; 1 cassette
1973 April 25
Church speaks on the problems of the elderly.
Social Security; Medicare; Senior Citizens; Public Relations
9:46; 1 cassette
1973 April 25
Church speaks at Malad High School on rights and freedom in America, keeping a free press, and gives his position on capital punishment, gun control and more.
Foreign Relations--India; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Quality of Life; Gun Control; Watergate Affair; Press and Politics; Capital Punishment; Inflation; Predatory Animals--Control; Meat Industry and Trade; Public Relations
29:05; 1 cassette
1973 April 25
Church speaks before the Boise Chamber of Commerce on exeuctive powers, inflation and the defict, foreign aid spending and U.S. energy policy.
Presidential Powers; Budget--United States; Inflation; Government Price Regulation; Energy Policy; Oil Industry; Foreign Aid; Public Relations
37:24; 1 cassette
1973 May 23
Church speaks to the graduating class of American Falls High School on the subject of patriotism, preserving American rights and freedoms and comparing life in the U.S. to life in Russia and India.
Patriotism; Quality of Life; Public Relations
23:59; 1 cassette
1973 May 23
Church speaks with Governor Andrus at Boise State University's "Conference of Youth" on the subject of the physically and mentally handicapped.
Andrus, Cecil D.; Handicapped Persons; Boise State University; Public Relations
30:47; 1 cassette
1973 August 15
Church questions Henry Kissinger who is testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the status of the MIA's and what pressures were exerted upon North Vietnam to account for them.
Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Vietnam Conflict--Missing in Action; Foreign Relations--North Vietnam; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Kissinger, Henry; Committees
9:21; 1 cassette
1973 September 7
A fundraising banquet held for Senator Church. Church does not speak on this tape but he does speak on the continuation of this tape A73015.
Campaign, 1974; Campaign Contributions; Democratic Party; Campaigns
56:17; 1 cassette
1973 October 20
Both Church and Senator Mansfield speak on this tape. Church speaks on the honesty of politicians. This is a Church fund raising banquet and a continuation of tape A73014.
Campaign, 1974; Mansfield, Mike; Political Ethics; Democratic Party; Campaigns
48:30; 1 cassette
1973 October 20
Over 20 radio and video sound tracks (dubbed as "actualities") of Church explaining current legislation which he has before the Senate which will effect Idaho.
Financial Disclosure; Box Canyon-Thousand Springs Area; Crime; Wilderness; Range Management; Ford, Gerald R.; Israel--Arab War, 1973; Bureau of Land Management; Geothermal Resources; Energy Policy; Amtrack; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Legislation
23:59; 1 cassette
Church speaks before the Northern Idaho Chamber of Commerce. He discusses the Watergate Affair, the vacancy of the Vice President's office because of Agnew's resignation and more.
Watergate Affair; Population; Political Ethics; Vice Presidents--United States; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Israel--Arab War, 1973; Wilderness; Agnew, Spiro; Public Relations
45:28; 1 cassette
1973 November 2
Church speaks before a gathering of the Boise Bar Association. He discusses the Middle East War and the effect it will have upon the energy crisis, that the oil companies are taking advatage of the situation and more.
Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Israel--Arab War, 1973; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Coal Resources; Geothermal Resources; Raft River; international Relations
43:02; 1 cassette
1973 December 21
Church gives a lecture (location unknown) on the loss of Congressional power to the Presidency and cites some examples of abuses of executive powers.
Nixon, Richard M.; War Powers Act; Vietnam Conflict; International Telephone and Telegraph; Foreign Relations--Chile; Multinational Corporations; Watergate Affair; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Devaluation of Currency--Dollar; public relaitons
46:30; 1 cassette
1973 April 23
Tape is labeled as "Victory statement" but none is given. There is a incomplete radio spot on Side B which concerns legislation to make bonds for replacement of American Falls Dam tax exempt.
American Falls Dam; Public Relations
0:58; 1 cassette
Radio spot in which Church discusses water and power issues.
Water resources; Legislation
1:15; 1 cassette
Church describes the objectives behind his "citizens conferences".
Constituent Services; Public Relations
2:28; 1 cassette
1973 January 26
Church discusses a bill which he passed which would prevent the Federal Government from requiring hospitals with religious affiliations from performing abortions.
Abortion--Legislation; Legislation
1:23; 1 cassette
Church says that he is opposed to a pay increase for the members of Congress.
Congress--Pay Raises; Legislation
0:41; 1 cassette
Church and James McClure speak on this sound track to a televison spot (this film is not found in the Film and Video Collection) on preventing any more dams to be built upon the Snake River and more.
Snake River; Wilderness; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; McClure, James; Ranching; Water Rights; interior
3:14; 1 cassette
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom". He discusses the ceasefire agreement in Vietnam and the increase of bombing in Laos and Cambodia and more.
Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); Vietnam Conflict; Case-Church Amendment; Military Assistance--South Vietnam; Javits, Jacob; Presidential Powers; Senate Committees--Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency; Budget--United States; Revenue Sh; international Relations
22:16; 1 cassette
Fund rasing dinner/entertainment event at which actor Dennis Weaver performs and Church, Andrus and Mansfield speak. Mansfield gives a very impassioned speech on the current Watergate controversy.
Burke, Carl; Burns, Stan; Andrus, Cecil D.; Mansfield, Mike; Weaver, Dennis; Campaign, 1974; Watergate Affair; Political Ethics; Vietnam Conflict; Campaigns
60:00; 1 reel
This is a continuation of A73024 the fund rasing dinner/entertainment event at which actor Dennis Weaver performs and Church, Andrus and Mansfield speak.
Burke, Carl; Burns, Stan; Andrus, Cecil D.; Mansfield, Mike; Weaver, Dennis; Campaign, 1974; Watergate Affair; Political Ethics; Vietnam Conflict; Campaigns
22:00; 1 reel
Church speaks at Iowa State University where he discusses the growth of the multinational corporations since WWII and their effects upon U.S. foreign policy. A question and answer period follows the lecture.
Multinational Corporations; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Energy Policy; Foreign Policy; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Chile; Transportation; Railroads; international Relations
60:00; 1 reel
1973 December 3
Church speaks at the University of Deleware on the subject of the Watergate affair and the effects it will or will not have on U.S. foreign policy. The lecture is followed by a Q and A period.
Biden, Joseph; Watergate Affair; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--Cambodia; Democracy; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Vietnam Conflict; Presidential Powers; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Impeachments; Constitutional Amendments; Energy Cri; international Relations
82:42; 1 cassette
Church speaks before a gathering of the American Nursing Home Association on the profiteering abuses in the nursing home industry, the state of health care in the U.S. and more.
Nursing Home Care; Senior Citizens; Barnes, Verda; Medical Care; Social Security; Inflation; Medicare; Medicaid; Public Welfare; international Relations
33:32; 1 cassette
Candidates for the Republican primaries speak before a large group of Republicans at an unknown location and talk about the upcoming election.
Campaign, 1974; Republican Party; Winder, Don; Symms, Steve; Hansen, George; Campaigns
60:00; 1 cassette
This tape contains roughly 25 radio and video spots (dubbed as "actualities") which deal primarily with the Watergate affair, railroad passenger service for Idaho, Congressional pay raises, gun control and more.
Amtrack; Railroads; Floods; Treaties--Genocide; Congress--Pay Raises; Financial Disclosure; DDT (Insecticide); Timber Industry; Gun Control; Agriculture; Impeachments; Watergate Affair; Energy Crisis, 1973-; Nixon, Richard M.; Farming; Water Rights; U.S; Public Relations
60:00; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #1, Series 11.1, Box 34
1974 January 10
Church is interviewed by Morely Safer for the CBS Television program "60 Minutes". Church discusses his findings from his Multinational Subcommittee oil hearings.
Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Aramco; Foreign Relations--Iran; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Faisal, Ibn Abdul-Aziz al Saud; Sixty Minutes (CBS); Committees
25:07; 1 cassette
1971 January 11
Church speaks before the Women's National Democratic Club. He discusses Nixon's handling of the energy crisis, U.S. dependence on foreign oil, the Middle East using oil as a political weapon and more.
Nixon, Richard M.; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Oil Industry; Foreign Trade--Iran; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Embargoes--Oil; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Libya; international Relations
40:34; 1 cassette
1974 February 28
Contains excerpts of an interview with Senator Inouye who discusses Church's political carrer (a complete version of this interview is found on 74032). Also contains a short excerpt from Church's oil hearings.
Inouye, Daniel; Financial Disclosure; Watergate Affair; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Aid; Vietnam Conflict; Campaign, 1974; Aramco; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Campaigns
9:45; 1 cassette
1974 April 26
Church speaks at a 50th Aniversery celebration of the Filer Kiwanis Club discussing how he joined his Aging Committee, his work with Verda Barnes, and senior citizens issues.
Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Barnes, Verda; Social Security; Inflation; Medicare; Committees
29:05; 1 cassette
1974 March 15
Church speaks before a convention of the National Wildlife Federation (location unknown). He discusses hit and run developers from California, various pieces of wilderness and public lands legislation. `
Gun Control; Wilderness Act of 1964; Timber Industry; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Dams; Bureau of Land Management; New York City--Emergency Loans, 1975; interior
58:47; 1 cassette
1974 March 16
Bob Smith, Church's opponent in the 1974 Campaign, is interviewed on KUID-TV (Moscow) explaining why he is running for Senator and discussing various campaign issues.
Campaign, 1974; Smith, Bob; Senate--Seniority; Nadar, Ralph; Public Lands; Wilderness; Pesticides; Nixon, Richard M.; Inflation; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Sadat, Anwar; Israel--A; Campaigns
28:58; 1 cassette
1974 March 18
Bethine Church speaks at a Democratic Party luncheon in Payette. She discusses her travels with the Senator, the Watergate controversy, the elderly and more.
Trips; Church, Bethine; Senior Citizens; Watergate Affair; Democratic Party; Public Relations
19:12; 1 cassette
1974 March 18
Bob Smith, Church's opponent in the 1974 Campaign, appears on KTVB's (Boise) "Viewpoint" program. He discusses the John Birch attack on Church, his personal and religious background and issues of the 1974 Campaign.
Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaign, 1974; Smith, Bob; John Birch Society; Campaign Contributions; Financial Disclosure; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Kissinger, Henry; Nixon, Richard M.; Watergate Affair; Foreign Aid; Foreign Trade; Conservat; Campaigns
27:15; 1 cassette
1974 April 7
Church speaks at the dedication of the memorial for the victims of the Sunshine Mine disaster. Church is one of many individuals who also speak at this event.
AFL-CIO; Mining Industry; Sunshine Mine Disaster, 1972; Symms, Steve; Batt, Philip; Andrus, Cecil D.; Public Relations
44:50; 3 cassettes
1974 May 21
Ron Wright, on KWIK Radio (Pocatello) discusses the lack of free enterprise in the U.S., liberal politicians who are "pulling the wool" over the people and says that Church lied about his vote on Land Use Bill #268.
Wright, Ron; Private Enterprise; Land Use; Political Ethics; Public Relations
3:17; 1 cassette
1974 May 6
Bob Smith, Church's opponent in the 1974 Campaign, is interviewed on WBRI's (Indiana) "Point of View" program speaking primarily on gun control, communism and the polititcal Left in the U.S.
Smith, Bob; Gun Control; Castro, Fidel; Kennedy, Edward; John Birch Society; Communism; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Hitler, Adolf; Cranston, Alan; Campaigns
29:37; 1 cassette
1974 May 6
Church speaks before a large group of Twin Falls senior citizens on the subject of inflation eroding away Social Security and Medicare benefits and housing and transportation for the elderly.
Urban Renewal; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Medicare; Inflation; Medical Care; Housing; Transportation; Older Americans Act; Public Relations
27:40; 1 cassette
1974 May 17
Church speaks before students, their families and their instructors of the Boise Career Education program in Municipal Park. He discusses the history of education in the U.S.
Education; Senior Citizens; Public Relations
23:20; 1 cassette
1974 May 18
Don Winder, a primary candidate for the Idaho Republican party's nomination to the U.S. Senate appears on the KTVB-TV (Boise) program "Viewpoint".
Campaign, 1974; Winder, Don; Nixon, Richard M.; Watergate Affair; Farming; Campaign Contributions; Medicare; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Wilderness; Inflation; Vietnam Conflict; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
25:02; 1 cassette
1974 May 19
Church speaks before a AFL-CIO convention (location unknown) speaking on the rising costs of gasoline and the energy crisis, defends charges of being anti-business, election reform laws and more.
Oil Industry; Private Enterprise; Watergate Affair; Sunshine Law; AFL-CIO; Public Relations
15:45; 1 cassette
1974 June 11
Charlie Bolstridge, a primary candidate for the Idaho Republican party's nomination to the U.S. Senate, discusses his personal history and why he is trying to run for the Senate.
Campaign, 1974; Campaign Contributions; Bolstridge, Charley; Campaigns
10:17; 1 cassette
1974 June 14
Press conference in Boise called by Cecil Andrus at which he announces that Church voted against the lettuce boycott.
Lettuce Boycott; Andrus, Cecil D.; Public Relations
1:17; 1 cassette
1974 June 19
Church speaks at a banquet held for Idaho Attorney General W. Anthony Park. Church discusses the emergency powers of the President, sending U.S. troops abroad, WWII Japanese-American internment camps and more.
Park, W. Anthony; Presidential Powers; Intervention (International Law); Kampuchea--Civil War, 1970-1975; Japanese Americans--Evacuation and Relocation, 1942-1945; Campaigns
31:21; 1 cassette
1974 July 3
Don Winder is interviewed on KRIC Radio (Rexburg) on his personal background in politics and other issues. Church does not speak on this tape.
Winder, Don; Public Lands; Conservation; Water Resources; Farming; Agriculture; Labor Unions; Medicare; John Birch Society; Budget--United States; Drug Abuse; Social Security; Inflation; Public Relations
44:41; 1 cassette
1974 July 3
Church and Senator Charles Mathias hold a press conference at which they discuss legislation that they have authored which would rescind many of the provisions found in the Emergency War Powers Act and other acts.
Emergency War Powers Act; Mathias, Charles; Ford, Gerald R.; Vietnam Conflict; Legislation
19:17; 1 cassette
1974 August 22
This tape contains many of Church's 1974 Campaign radio spots which cover a wide variety of topics.
Campaign, 1974; Floods; Senior Citizens; Presidential Powers; Congress--Pay Raises; Oil Industry; Interest Rates; Taxes; Abortion; Wilderness; Trueblood, Ted; Javits, Jacob; Gun Control; Water Rights; Campaigns
16:40; 1 cassette
Nationally syndicated columnist Lester Kinsolving attacks Alan Stang and the John Birch society for their "smear campaign" against Frank Church and his administrative assistant Verda Barnes.
Kinsolving, Lester; John Birch Society; Stang, Alan; Barnes, Verda; Campaign, 1974; Hall, Bill; Campaigns
4:05; 1 cassette
1974 October 4
Alan Stang, spokesman for the John Birch Society, and author of the article on Church titled "Frank Church: Chameleon of the Senate" in "American Opinion" is interviewed on KIX Radio (Twin Falls).
Campaign, 1974; Watergate Affair; Stang, Alan; John Birch Society; Inflation; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Lebanon; Rockefeller, David; Campaigns
40:10; 1 cassette
1974 November 15
Alan Stang author of the "American Opinion" article "Frank Church: Chameleon of the Senate" which attacked Frank Church and Verda Barnes is interviewed on KVSI Radio (Montpelier).
Campaign, 1974; Stang, Alan; Barnes, Verda; John Birch Society; Democratic Party; Inflation; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Rockefeller, David; Campaigns
27:15; 1 cassette
1974 November 20
Jerry Levinson talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
5:55; 1 reel
Senator Church is interviewed on Capitol Focus. He discusses various contemporary issues.
Foreign Policy; Campaign, 1974; Vietnam Conflict; Nixon, Richard M.; Impeachments; Foreign Aid; Public Relations
Unedited soundtrack shot for Church's 1974 Campaign films. Church is presiding over his Senate Foreign Relations Multinational Subcommittee which is investigating the rocketing price of fuel.
Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Campaign, 1974; Aramco; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Foreign Trade--Saudi Arabia; Johnson, Joseph; Exxon Corporation; Committees
76:74; 1 reel
1974 March 26
Church appears on the CBS program "Face the Nation". He discusses his Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Multinational Corpora- ions investigation into the oil industry and the rocketing price of fuel.
Campaign, 1974; Energy Policy; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Watergate Affair; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Oil Industry; Detente; Nixon, Richard M.; Face the Nation (CBS); Committees
26:54; 1 reel
1974 March 31
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom." He discusses the large U.S. oil companies and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, whether Nixon should resign, aid to South Vietnam and more.
Military Assistance--South Vietnam; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Foreign Relations--Israel; Nixon, Richard M.; Watergate Affair; Campaign, 1974; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Oil Depletion Allowances; Taxes--Corp; international Relations
22:20; 1 reel
1974 January 23
Senator Daniel Inouye discusses Church's political career and calls him a prophet which other Senators follow. He discusses Church's oposition to the Vietnam War, leading the fight for civil rights and more.
Endorsements; Inouye, Daniel; Campaign, 1974; Civil Rights; Vietnam Conflict; Financial Disclosure; Kennedy, Edward; Cooper-Church Amendment; Campaigns
29:00; 1 reel
1974 April 26
Church speaks on "this, that and the other". He discusses the competition of imported beef on the U.S. rancher, looking for agricultural markets in foreign countries, flood damage in Shoshone County and more.
Meat Industry and Trade; Phosphate Mines and Mining; Agriculture; Foreign Trade; Gun Control; Conservation; Wilderness; Timber Industry; U.S. Forest Service; Presidential Powers; Watergate Affair; Floods; Ranching; Campaign, 1974; Public Relations
27:58; 1 reel
1974 May 2
Church is interviewed in the backyard of his Boise home on a wide variety of subjects. Unedited sound track shot for use in the 1974 Campaign but this film was never released publically.
Campaign, 1974; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Vietnam Conflict; Borah, William E.; World War, 1939-1945--Personal Recollections; Kai-shek, Chiang; Campaigns
23:53; 1 reel
1974 May 14
Unedited sound track shot for use (never released) in the 1974 Campaign. Church is interviewed in the backyard of his home on a wide variety of subjects.
Campaign, 1974; World War, 1939-1945--Personal Recollections; Veterans Benefits; Kai-shek, Chiang; Vietnam Conflict; War Powers Act; Presidential Powers; Campaigns
23:21; 1 reel
1974 May 14
Unedited sound track shot for use (never released) in the 1974 Campaign. Church is interviewed in the backyard of his home on a wide variety of subjects.
Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Social Security; Defense; Space Program; Budget--United States; Senior Citizens; Medicare; National Health Insurance; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
1974 May 14
Unedited sound track shot for use (never released) in the 1974 Campaign. Church is interviewed in the backyard of his home on a wide variety of subjects.
Campaign, 1974; Senior Citizens; Supplemental Security Income; Watergate Affair; Nixon, Richard M.; Campaigns
19:40; 1 reel
1974 May 14
Unedited sound track shot for use (never released) in the 1974 Campaign. Church is interviewed in the backyard of his home on a wide variety of subjects.
Campaign, 1974; Watergate Affair; Nixon, Richard M.; Democracy; Campaign Contributions; Campaigns
14:28; 1 reel
1974 May 14
Church speaks with farmers and ranchers at the Spur Line Ranch in Idaho. This is the unedited sound track for the 1974 Campaign film "Farmers" found in the Film and Video Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Foreign Aid; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Foreign Relations--Syria; Foreign Relations--Africa; Federal Employees--Pay Raises; Water Rights; Inflation; Oil Industry; Lettuce Boycott; Campaigns
22:56; 1 reel
First portion of this tape contains Church discussing inflation, balancing the budget, cuts in foreign aid and more. Second portion is an interview of Ted Trueblood which is continued on A74042.
Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Budget--United States; Foreign Aid; Multinational Corporations; Federal Employees--Pay Raises; Trueblood, Ted; Campaigns
25:00; 1 reel
Continuation of the Ted Trueblood interview found on A74041. Second portion of this tape is the unedited sound track for the 1974 Campaign film "Farmers" in which Church talks to farmers at the Spur Line Ranch.
Campaign, 1974; Trueblood, Ted; Farming; Conservation; Agriculture; Taxes; Oil Industry; Campaigns
34:49; 1 reel
Church speaks with Boise State University students in the backyard of his Boise home. This is the unedited sound track for the 1974 Campaign film "Dirty Tricks" found in the Film and Video Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Campaign Contributions; Senate--Seniority; Medicare; Social Security; Inflation; Education; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Aid; Budget--Military; Conservation; National Parks; John Birch Society; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
Church and Governor Andrus discuss issues which directly concern Idaho. This is an unedited sound track for the 1974 Campaign film "Church-Andrus" found in the Film and Video Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Andrus, Cecil D.; Financial Disclosure; Watergate Affair; Campaign Contributions; Water Rights; Campaigns
18:56; 1 reel
Church speaks at a Custer County town meeting. This is an unedited sound track used for the 1974 Campaign films "Scare of my life" and "Disclosure" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Gun Control; Bureau of Land Management; Foreign Aid; Oil Industry; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Campaign, 1974; Financial Disclosure; Campaign Contributions; Presidential Powers; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
Two Church constiutents endorse Church for the Senate. This is an unedited sound track used for the 1974 Campaign film "High Noon" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Constituent Services; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
Frank and Bethine visit with the elderly at a senior citizen center. This is an unedited sound track used for the 1974 Campaign films "Old folks" and "Senior Citizens" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Budget--United States; Foreign Aid; Nuclear Energy; Veterans Benefits; Medicare; Nixon, Richard M.; Medical Care; Supplemental Security Income; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Frank and Bethine visit with the elderly at a senior citizen center. This is an unedited sound track used for the 1974 Campaign films "Old folks" and "Senior Citizens" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Inflation; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Nixon, Richard M.; Budget--United States; Foreign Aid; Energy Policy; Taxes; Financial Disclosure; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Campaign Contributions; Senior Citizen; Campaigns
23:59; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Frank and Bethine visit with the elderly at a senior citizen center. This is an unedited sound track used for the 1974 Campaign films "Old folks" and "Senior Citizens" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Senior Citizens; Veterans Benefits; Campaigns
7:16; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Church visits with employees of the Barber Lumber Mill during their lunch hour. This is an unedited sound track used for numerous 1974 Campaign films which can be found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Crime; Timber Industry; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Inflation; Conservation; Nuclear Energy; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Financial Disclosure; Water Rights; Sunshine Law; Columbia River; Economic Development; Oil Industry; Israel--Arab War, 1; Campaigns
44:30; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Church speaks with Boise State University students in the backyard of his Boise home. This is the unedited sound track used in the 1974 Campaign film "Dirty Tricks" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Campaign Contributions; Financial Disclosure; Nixon, Richard M.; Presidential Powers; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Central Intelligence Agency; Energy Policy; Mining Industry; Democracy; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Vietnam Conflict-; Campaigns
21:05; 1 reel
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #2, Series 11.1, Box 34
1974 July 1
Church speaks with Governor Andrus on issues directly related to Idaho. This is the unedited sound track used in the 1974 Campaign film "Church-Andrus" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Financial Disclosure; Andrus, Cecil D.; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; U.S. Forest Service; Campaigns
13:12; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Church speaks at a Custer County town meeting. This is the unedited sound track used in the 1974 Campaign films "Disclosures" and "Scare of my life" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Mining Industry; Wilderness; National Parks; U.S. Forest Service; Education; Presidential Powers; War Powers Act; Campaigns
25:30; 1 reel
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #2, Series 11.1, Box 34
1974 July 1
Mrs. Markle, a Church constituent, endorses Frank Church. This is the unedited sound track for campaign footage which was never used in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
12:24; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Mr. Rankin, a Church constituent, tell how Church helped his with his problems with the Immigration Department. This is the unedited sound track of "High Noon" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Constituent Services; Campaigns
8:23; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Church is interviewed while driving his car through a mountain valley. This is the unedited sound track for the 1974 Campaign film "In the car" found in the Film and Videotape Collection.
Campaign, 1974; Public Lands; Wilderness; Quality of Life; Campaigns
17:05; 1 reel
1974 July 1
Numerous radio spots used in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Senior Citizens; Campaigns
7:00; 1 reel
1974 September 9
Two radio spots. The first discusses legislation proposed by Church which would allow religious hospitals to refuse to perform abortions, the second deals with a upcoming wilderness bill.
Abortion; Wilderness; Public Relations
2:45; 1 reel
1974 April 16
Church is interviewed on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom". He discusses his work in the CIA investigation, the possibility of bringing up some witnesses on perjury charges, the energy crisis and more.
Campaign, 1974; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Chile; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Oil Industry; Detente; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Kennedy, Edward; Campaign, 1976; Committees
23:14; 1 reel
1974 September 25
Senators Mondale and Biden give testimony to Church's ability as a Senator. This is an unedited sound track shot for use in the 1974 Campaign but was never incorporated.
Mondale, Walter F.; Biden, Joseph; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Senior Citizens; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations; Financial Disclosure; Conservation; Presidential Powers; Campaigns
16:43; 1 reel
Senator Joseph Biden is interviewed on the political abilities and competency of Frank Church as a U.S. Senator. Biden calls Church the "conscious of the Senate."
Campaign, 1974; Vietnam Conflict; Presidential Powers; Financial Disclosure; Truman, Harry S.; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Nixon, Richard M.; Biden, Joseph; Campaigns
22:00; 1 reel
Rep. Morris Udall is interviewed on the political abilities and competency of Frank Church as a U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used in campaign commercials.
Udall, Morris; Conservation; Wilderness; Water Rights; Financial Disclosure; Congress--Pay Raises; Campaigns
15:41; 1 reel
Senator Dick Clark is interviewed on the political abilities and competency of Frank Church as a U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used in campaign commercials.
Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Aid; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Policy; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Financial Disclosure; Congress--Pay Raises; Clark, Dick; Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
27:15; 1 reel
Jim Lyons of Bonners Ferry talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
30:00; 1 reel
Sandy Marks and Bob Wilcox of Bonners Ferry talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
30:00; 1 reel
Glen Ford and Bob Wilcox talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
30:00; 1 reel
Don Maynard and Marion Boyd talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
30:00; 1 reel
Bob Doolittle talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
33:13; 1 reel
George McCourt talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
17:59; 2 reels
Elton Bently talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
40:38; 2 reels
Ray Hilding talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
42:51; 2 reels
Larry Looney talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
28:42; 2 reels
Art Manley talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
33:00; 2 reels
Ray Stone and Vern Lannen talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
Vern Lannen and Jan Inscore talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
Peggy Boyle, Lola Clyde, George Brooks and Lillian Inscore talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
George Brooks and John Streiff talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
32:45; 2 reels
John Bengton, Ray Stone and Kay Reilly, talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
Fred Hansen talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
Harry Wall, an early supporter of Church, talks about Church's ability as a Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Farming; Wilderness; Conservation; Dams; Financial Disclosure; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Social Security; Wall, Harry; Campaigns
18:26; 2 reels
Mike Moore talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
12:39; 2 reels
Ted Trueblood, talks about Frank Church and his stand on the wilderness issue and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Trueblood, Ted; Wilderness; Conservation; Water Rights; Financial Disclosure; Public Lands; Bureau of Land Management; Farming; Ranching; Dams; Senate--Seniority; Snake River; Campaigns
22:17; 2 reels
Dorthy Clabby talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
30:51; 2 reels
A.G. Salfen talks about Church's ability as a U.S. Senator. These testimonials were to be used as campaign commercials during the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
13:04; 2 reels
Bob Farber talks about Church's ability as a U.S. Senator. These testimonials were to be used as campaign commercials during the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
12:40; 2 reels
Mabel Coats talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
11:30; 2 reels
Dr. Reynolds talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
10:51; 2 reels
George Spencer talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
15:12; 2 reels
Wilma Patterson talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
19:06; 2 reels
Joe Nettleton talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
20:28; 2 reels
Ernie Day talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
19:30; 2 reels
Franklin Jones talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
11:21; 2 reels
A Boise environmentalist, Mercedes McCarter, discusses Church's stand on the wilderness issue. These testimonials were to be used as campaign commercials during the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; McCarter, Mercedes; Campaigns
15:44; 2 reels
An unidentified high school classmate of Church's describes Church's first campaign for Senator in 1956. These testimonials were to be used as campaign commercials during the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
13:49; 2 reels
Steve Helm talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
16:09; 2 reels
James Sintani talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 2 reels
Bill Dee talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
21:30; 2 reels
Fannie Louie talks about Church and endorses him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
10:16; 2 reels
Clay Wilcox and Robert Firman talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Robert Firman, Helen Longworthy and Louise Jones talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
31:50; 1 reel
Louise Jones and Ron Finn talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Hazel Elizabeth Maxwell and Ernie Morehouse talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Mr. and Mrs. Morehouse and Bob Garrett talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
33:57; 1 reel
Bill Davis and Clint Hoopes talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
34:17; 1 reel
Clint Hoopes, Minty Baver and John Porter talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
36:25; 1 reel
Gib Larson and John Porter talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
34:20; 1 reel
Wayne Hammond, Bill Brunt and John Porter talk about Church and endorse him for U.S. Senator. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials in the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Bill Sweeny, Russ Brown and Harold Lee talk about Church and endorse him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used in campaign commercials.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Harold Lee, Dorthey Baker and Marian Bingham talk about Church and endorse him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Marian Bingham and Cecil Sandburg talk about Church and endorse him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 30:00; 1 reel
Peter Sorenson talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
13:13; 2 reels
Dan Stocker talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 15:00; 2 reels
Hugh Horsely talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 15:00; 2 reels
Jean Nugent talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
7:01; 2 reels
Susan Fagnit (?) talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 7:00; 2 reels
Perry Swisher, talks about Frank Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Swisher, Perry; Campaigns
30:07; 2 reels
Merill Gee talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
20:05; 2 reels
Don Grace talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
13:08; 2 reels
Joe Hearst talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
15:36; 2 reels
David Adams talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
ca 15:00; 2 reels
Ed Slinder talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
17:00; 2 reels
Mrs. Gary Aceson talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
5:12; 2 reels
Clarence Parr talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
43:11; 2 reels
Arlyne Kisling talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
23:32; 2 reels
Howard Knight talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
21:11; 2 reels
Everett Danbauer talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
19:56; 2 reels
Michael Mallory talks about Church and endorses him for the U.S. Senate. These testimonials were made to be used as campaign commercials for the 1974 Campaign.
Campaign, 1974; Campaigns
12:07; 2 reels
Church appears on the CBS program "Face the Nation". A copy of this interview can be found in the Film and Videotape Collection on 75003.
Rockefeller, Nelson; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Foreign Relations--Chile; Ford, Gerald R.; Central Intelligence Agency; Helms, Richard; Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--South Vietnam; Campaign, 1976; Face the Nati; Committees
27:49; 1 cassette
1975 February 2
This tape contains over 20 of Church's public relations radio spots (dubbed "actualities"), plus 10 30-second radio spots for the Democratic Telethon.
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; American Falls Dam; Democratic Party; Vietnam Conflict--Missing in Action; Ford, Gerald R.; Government Price Regulation; Franco, Francisco; Foreign Relations--Spain; Basques; Agriculture--Peas; Foreign Trade--China; public relaitons
28:06; 1 cassette
Church press conference where he discusses the seizure of the Merchant Marine ship Mayaguez and whether President Ford would be within the limits of the law should he exercise military force to rescue the crew.
Foreign Relations--Cambodia; Mayaguez Incident, 1975; Cooper-Church Amendment; Case-Church Amendment; War Powers Act; Amtrack; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; international Relations
11:50; 1 cassette
Church on 10 30-second radio spots which he made to promote the Democratic fund raising telethon.
Democratic Party; Committees
2:50; 1 cassette
1975 July 9
Church appears on the CBS program "Face the Nation". He discusses his ongoing investigation of the U.S. intelligence community. Church is opposed to the nomination of Bush as CIA director and more.
Bush, George; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Colby, William E.; Helms, Richard; Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--Iran; Kennedy, John F.; Castro, Fidel; Hart, Gary; New York City--Emergency; Committees
27:30; 1 cassette
1975 November 9
Church appears on the ABC program "Good Morning America". He discusses the CIA's attempt to assassinate Castro, that no CIA agents will be prosecuted, the conflicting testimony of Helms and more.
Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Helms, Richard; Castro, Fidel; Kennedy, John F.; Assassinations; Ford, Gerald R.; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Good Morning America (ABC); international Relations
9:23; 1 cassette
1975 November 21
Church and the Boise Philharmonic commemorate Abraham Lincoln and the democratic ideals of the United States.
Boise Philharmonic; Lincoln, Abraham; public relaitons
7:43; 1 cassette
1975 December 12
Church speaks at the dedication of a senior citizens center in Coeur d'Alene on the problems facing the nation's elderly.
Social Security; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Unemployment; Medicare; public relaitons
31:50; 1 cassette
1975 June 20
Church gives a speech before a dinner of the Mountain State Businessmen's Association in Charleston, WV on the topic of "Americans and the Law".
Senate Committees--Interior; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Energy Research and Development Administration; Coal Resources; Civil Disobedience; Labor Unions; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Multinational Corporations; Crime; Nixon, Richard M.; Central I; Public Relations
26:57; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
1975 November 8
George Bennet, president of the United CBer's of America, sends a tape to FBI agent John de Coursey concerning the harrassment of himself and club members by the FCC. Church is not mentioned on this tape.
Federal Bureau of Investigation; Public Relations
90:00; 1 cassette
1975 June 1
Church speaks before the church congregation of the Reverend Jesse Jackson (location unknown) on the subject of his investigation of the intelligence community and their attempt to sabotage the civil rights movement.
Jackson, Jesse; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Movement; Minorities; Central Intelligence Agency; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Internal Revenue Service; Public Relations
30:37; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #4, Series 11.1, Box 34
Franklin Hayden Williams, U.S. Ambassodor for the negotiation of commonwealth status of the Mariannas Islands is interviewed by an unidentified group of reporters.
Williams, Franklin Hayden; Mariana Islands--Commonwealth Status; Caroline Islands; Marshall Islands; United Nations; Hart, Gary; Byrd, Robert; Pell, Claiborne; Military Bases, Foreign; international Relations
48:17; 1 cassette
An unidentified government official answers questions from a unidentified panel on the subject of the food stamp program and welfare system in the U.S.
Food Stamp Program; Public Welfare; Committees
13:16; 1 cassette
Church gives a speech before the National Press Club concerning his role on the Select Committee on Intelligence Operations. A question and answer session follows the speech.
Central Intelligence Agency; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Ford, Gerald R.; Mansfield, Mike; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Inflation; Energy Policy; Watergate Affair; Rockefeller, Nelson; Colby, William E.; Internal Reve; Committees
57:52; 1 reel
1975 February 27
Church speaking before the American Jewish Congress on his visit to Israel with Golda Meir.
Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Embargoes--Oil; Multinational Corporations; Meir, Golda; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; international Relations
32:54; 1 reel
1975 March 3
Les Whitten interviewed by Jim Nash on the political discreprencies of George Hansen.
Hansen, George; Campaigns
0:40; 1 reel
Church is interviewed on various personal and political subjects by Mort Sworts on a program titled "The personal world of Frank Church" on WINZ Radio (Miami).
Olympics; Ford, Gerald R.; Energy Policy; Gun Control; Abortion; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Israel; Wallace, George; Unemployment; Foreign Policy; public relaitons
27:37; 1 cassette
Church gives a speech at Portland Community College.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Medical Care--Legislation; Senior Citizens; Public Welfare; Budget--United States; Civil Rights; Unemployment; Campaigns
32:26; 1 cassette
Church speaks on American jobs being lost to foreign investment.
Multinational Corporations; Campaign, 1976; Foreign Policy; Campaigns
10:15; 1 cassette
Henry Kimmelman describes the tax deductions which can be used when making contributions to the Church campaign.
Campaign, 1976; Kimmelman, Henry; Campaign Contributions; Campaigns
4:14; 1 cassette
Church holds a press conference (location unknown).
Campaign, 1976; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Democratic Party--Delegates; Campaigns
8:34; 1 cassette
Church holds a press conference in California.
Nixon, Richard M.; Campaign, 1976--California; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Federal Communications Commission; Multinational Corporations; Senior Citizens; Campaigns
19:04; 1 cassette
Church gives a press conference in Montana.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Agriculture--Wheat; Private Enterprise; Central Intelligence Agency; Kennedy, John F.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Carter, Jimmy; Strip Mining; Campaigns
20:45; 1 cassette
Church gives a press conference in Montana.
Central Intelligence Agency; Senior Citizens; Wilderness; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Inflation; Social Security; Medicare; Taxes--Estate; Unemployment; Kissinger, Henry; Palestine Liberation Organization; Foreign Relations--Israel; Federal Aid to the A; Campaigns
23:08; 1 cassette
1976 May 18
Church gives a press conference in Montana.
Agriculture--Wheat; Taxes--Estate; Mansfield, Mike; Campaign, 1976--Montana; Campaigns
8:57; 1 cassette
Church gives a press conference in Montana.
Agriculture--Wheat; Civil Rights; Johnson, Lyndon B.; Lippmann, Walter; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Vietnam Conflict; Campaign, 1976--Montana; Campaigns
21:05; 1 cassette
Church gives a speech, "Americans and the Law". The subject deals primarily with CIA covert operations. There is also a Q and A on CIA operations.
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Ford, Gerald R.; Multinational Corporations; International Telephone and Telegraph; Lockheed Corporation; Arms Control; Gun Control; Foreign Relations--Middle East; K; Committees
46:43; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #5, Series 11.1, Box 34
Edmund G. Brown Jr. announces his candidacy for President of the United States.
Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Defense; Oil Industry; Panama Canal; Energy Policy; B-1 Bomber; Housing; Crime; National Health Insurance; Medicare; Medicaid; Taxes; Kennedy, John F.; Campaigns
28:09; 1 cassette
Church gives a speech before the Reverend Jesse Jackson's congregation.
Jackson, Jesse; Nuclear Weapons; Racism; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Nixon, Richard M.; Watergate Affair; Campaigns
23:48; 1 cassette
Church speaks at the 1976 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Cecil Andrus and Joseph Biden also speak at length on this tape.
Campaign, 1976; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Andrus, Cecil D.; Biden, Joseph; Jefferson-Jackson Banquet; Campaigns
81:08; 1 cassette
Church speaks before the "City Club" of Portland on the prevelance of "lawlessness" in the U.S. in both the public and the private sector.
Campaign, 1976; American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976; Labor Unions; Civil Disobedience; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Crime; Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Campaigns
60:00; 1 cassette
1976 January 2
Church talks about how more Congressional oversight must be exercised over the CIA.
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Committees
4:41; 1 cassette
1976 February 3
Church is interviewed on CBS Television by Walter Cronkite and Jed Duvall on the night of his primary win over Carter in Nebraska. Cronkite also reports on Democratic and Republican results in the W. Vigrinia primary.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Carter, Jimmy; Cronkite, Walter; Campaigns
8:05; 1 cassette
Church announces his candidacy for President of the United States from the steps of the courthouse in Idaho City, Idaho before a large and enthusiastic crowd.
Campaign, 1976; Andrus, Cecil D.; Idaho City, Idaho; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1976 March 18
Bill Hall of Church's campaign staff dictates letters. There is some discussion on the operations of the Secret Service. Church does not speak on this tape.
Campaign, 1976; Secret Service; Campaigns
7:11; 1 cassette
1976 March 20
KNBC coverage of a Church press conference given in Los Angeles, California.
Campaign, 1976--California; Central Intelligence Agency; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Kennedy, John F.; Assassinations; Budget--Military; Defense; B-1 Bomber; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Unemployment; Oil Industry; Organization of Petroleu; Campaigns
23:03; 1 cassette
1976 March 20
Sacramento, California press conference in which Church discusses his "late, late" strategy and issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--California; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Nixon, Richard M.; Campaigns
15:12; 1 cassette
1976 March 23
Church gives a press conference in Salt Lake City. The machine used to record this event begins to malfunction almost immeadiately hence this tape progressively becomes more and more inaudible.
Campaign, 1976--Utah; Mansfield, Mike; Campaigns
2:37; 1 cassette
Church gives a press conference in Denver, Colorado.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Defense; Nuclear Weapons; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Angola; Education; Kissinger, Henry; Campaigns
23:35; 1 cassette
1976 March 23
Church speaks at a Denver Press Club Luncheon on a favorable Jack Anderson column, and his campaign strategy for the southern primaries.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Anderson, Jack; Campaign, 1976; Campaigns
11:05; 1 cassette
Church speaking before a group of Colorado women's organizations on sex descrimination and other campaign issues. He compares his campaign strategy with Udall's. Tape ends before the speech is completed.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Social Security; Sex Discrimination; Udall, Morris; Central Intelligence Agency; Campaigns
11:48; 1 cassette
1976 March 22
Church speaking in Lincoln, Nebraska. He discusses his "late, late" strategy and asks for the voters support.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaigns
4:35; 1 cassette
1976 March 24
Church speaking at the offical opening of his campaign headquarters in Nebraska. He discusses the central issues of his 1976 Campaign, the abuses of government agencies, unemployment, etc.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Ford, Gerald R.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Nixon, Richard M.; Economic Development; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Campaigns
12:20; 1 cassette
1976 March 24
Church holds a press conference in Omaha, Nebraska. He discusses his campaign strategy, other presidential candidates, and defines what he views as the central issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; B-1 Bomber; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Carter, Jimmy; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Conservation; Civil Rights; Busing; Campaigns
23:00; 1 cassette
1976 March 24
Church makes a speech at the University of Nebraska.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Unemployment; Nixon, Richard M.; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; General Motors Corporation; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relati; Campaigns
38:33; 1 cassette
1976 March 24
Church is interviewed by reporters from the "San Diego Union". He speaks at length on the upcoming campaign and especially upon his work on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Operations.
Campaign, 1976; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Policy; Carter, Jimmy; Multinational Corporations; Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--South Africa; Senate Committees--Special Committe; Campaigns
44:44; 1 cassette
1976 March 28
Church speaks at an Oregon high school on what policies he would make a priority of in his Presidential administration. Representative Tom Marsh is the moderator.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Nixon, Richard M.; U.S. Forest Service; Timber Clearcutting; Capital Punishment; Euthanasia; Detente; Oil Industry; North Star Project; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Guinea; Foreign Relations--Angola; Central Intel; Campaigns
37:14; 1 cassette
1976 April 3
Church appears on the Portland, Oregon program "Oregon Asks". He covers a broad spectrum of the campaign issues during this hour long interview.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Foreign Aid; B-1 Bomber; Education; Energy Policy; Geothermal Resources; Coal Resources; Nuclear Energy; Tax Reform; Taxes--Estate; Social Security; Public Welfare; Unemployment; Timber Clearcutting; Federal Bureau of Investigatio; Campaigns
58:00; 1 cassette
1976 April 3
Church speaking at a Oregon Democratic dinner, discussing his campaign strategies, comparing the foreign policy views of Ford and Reagan to his own, and other campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Nixon, Richard M.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; General Motors Corporation; Foreign; Campaigns
38:49; 1 cassette
1976 April 3
Church holds a press conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Ford, Gerald R.; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Energy Policy; Budget--United States; Housing; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Campaigns
21:49; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church speaks before a meeting of the Colorado Convention of Building Trades in Colorado Springs, Colorado on the roots of the unemployment problem in the U.S.
Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Taxes; Campaigns
16:33; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church speaks before Democratic Party officials in Colorado Springs, CO. He discusses his 1964 Wilderness Act which nearly cost him the 1962 Senate election and more.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Conservation; Wilderness Act of 1964; Timber Industry; Mining Industry; Campaign, 1962; Hart, Gary; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Nixon, Richard M.; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--For; Campaigns
21:46; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church holds a press conference at his "Church for President" headquarters in Pueblo, Colorado.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Vice Presidents--United States; Gun Control; Government Bureaucracy; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Vietnam Conflict; Budget--Mili; Campaigns
18:02; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church gives a speech at a senior citizens home in Colorado, dealing with the problems of the elderly.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Medicare; Inflation; Campaigns
11:05; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church gives a speech before a Colorado Steelworkers Union meeting.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Social Security; Medicare; Senior Citizens; National Health Insurance; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Endorsements; Labor Unions--Endorsements; Ford, Gerald R.; Campaigns
19:34; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church speaks before the Nevada Democratic State Caucus.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Nixon, Richard M.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Inflation; Unemployment; General Motors Corporation; Foreign Aid; Multinational Corporations--Fore; Campaigns
30:54; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church speaks at Colorado State University on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Nixon, Richard M.; Hart, Gary; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; General Motors Corporation; Kissinger, Henry; Ford, Gerald R.; Reagan, Ronald; Energy Policy; Homosexuals; Abortion; C; Campaigns
30:54; 1 cassette
1976 April 9
Church speaks to the Washoe County Democratic Convention in Nevada.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Nixon, Richard M.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Interstate Commerce Commission; Campaigns
30:54; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church holds a press conference in Reno, Nevada.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Kennedy, John F.; Government Bureaucracy; Campaigns
9:45; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church speaks in front of Nevada's Democratic Convention in Carson City.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Nixon, Richard M.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Ford Motor Company; Campaigns
20:52; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church speaks at the Arizona Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Phoenix.
Campaign, 1976--Arizona; Udall, Stewart K.; Nixon, Richard M.; Harris, Fred; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Kissinger, Henry; Full E; Campaigns
29:52; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church is interviewed by the Lincoln Star and the Associated Press, primarily on the issues of agriculture and desegragation.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Civil Rights; Racism; Busing; Farming; Taxes--Estate; Agriculture; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Urban Renewal; Campaigns
45:39; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church is interviewed at the Lincoln Airport in Nebraska. He responds to Reagan's comment that the Social Security system in the U.S. is going bankrupt.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Social Security; Reagan, Ronald; Campaigns
3:11; 1 cassette
1976 April 12
Church holds press conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. He discusses his campaign strategies and the key issues of his campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Defense; Foreign Aid; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Ford, Gerald R.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Int; Campaigns
14:32; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church is interviewed by unknown individual. He gives his views on the size of the nuclear arsenal the U.S. needs, the B-1 bomber and gun control.
Campaign, 1976; Nuclear Weapons; B-1 Bomber; Gun Control; Campaigns
6:10; 1 cassette
1976 April 10
Church is interviewed by the Lincoln Star on his proposals of reducing the size of federal government and revenue sharing. Poor sound quality. Tape becomes inaudible after approximately five minutes.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Revenue Sharing; Government Bureaucracy; Campaigns
15:00; 1 cassette
1976 April 12
Church speaks at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. He addresses the problems confronted by the small family farm.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Farming; Agriculture; Agriculture--Legislation; Taxes--Estate; Senior Citizens; Democracy; Defense; Abortion; Kissinger, Henry; Schlesinger, James R.; Indians; Federal Reserve System; Interest Rates; Campaigns
42:47; 1 cassette
1976 April 13
Church is interviewed by the Oregon Journal and the Oregon Statesman editorial board.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Carter, Jimmy; Hatfield, Mark; Morse, Wayne; Foreign Relations--Africa; Kissinger, Henry; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Foreign Relations--Israel; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Unemploy; Campaigns
42:30; 1 cassette
1976 April 3
Church speaks at the Holiday East senior citizens home in Oregon. He speaks on improvements which can be made in the Social Security and Medicare systems.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Medicare; Campaigns
17:09; 1 cassette
1976 April 13
Church speaks at a campaign fund raiser in Butte, Montana on the 3 main issues of his campaign, preserving integrity in government, economic development, and changes in foreign policy.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Nixon, Richard M.; Ford, Gerald R.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Campaigns
21:57; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church holds a press conference in Butte, Montana. Church says he would not have Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State if he were President.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Rockefeller, Nelson; Energy Policy; Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Kissinger, Henry; Foreign Relations--Turkey; Foreign Relations--Greece; Defense; Energy Research and Development Administration; Campaigns
16:42; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church holds a press conference in Boise before leaving for Nebraska.
Campaign, 1976; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Pell, Claiborne; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Wallace, George; Ford, Gerald R.; Reagan, Ronald; Foreign Policy; Campaigns
26:06; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church is interviewed on the Butte, Montana show "Face the State".
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Nixon, Richard M.; Ford, Gerald R.; Taxes; Taxes--Estate; Coal Resources; Budget--Military; Nuclear Disarmament; B-1 Bomber; Central Intelligence Agency; Carter, Jimmy; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Campaigns
26:55; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church gives a speech followed by a question and answer seminar at a senior citizen home in Montana.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Social Security; Medicare; Urban Renewal; Senior Citizens; Taxes; Pensions; Veterans Benefits; Campaigns
30:38; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Radio spot in which Church invites voters to the opening of his campaign headquarters in Montana.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Campaigns
0:25; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church speaks at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana.
Montana State University; Campaign, 1976--Montana; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Nixon, Richard M.; Kissinger, Henry; Ford, Gerald R.; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Africa; Mansfield, Mi; Campaigns
45:33; 1 cassette
1976 April 19
Church speaks at Newport, Oregon on the issues of the 1976 Campaign. A question and answer period follows his speech.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Timber Clearcutting; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; General Motors Corporation; Taxes--Estate; Defense; Education; Nuclear Energy; Detente; National Health Insurance; Campaigns
38:00; 1 cassette
1976 April 20
Church speaks in Ogala, Nebraska on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Nixon, Richard M.; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Farming; Taxes--Estate; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Ford, Gerald R.; Gun Control; Population; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Unempl; Campaigns
59:45; 1 cassette
1976 April 21
Church speaking on two radio spots. 1. Successful passage of Hells Canyon Legislation. 2. New routes for Amtrack (partially erased).
Hells Canyon; Amtrack; Campaigns
1:21; 1 cassette
1976 April 21
Church speaks at a campaign fund raiser in San Francisco, California. Church disputes Carter's claim that he has the Democratic nomination in the bag.
Campaign, 1976--California; Unemployment; Carter, Jimmy; Economic Development; Education; Senior Citizens; Inflation; Foreign Policy; Nuclear Weapons; Nixon, Richard M.; Reagan, Ronald; Ford, Gerald R.; Campaigns
38:00; 1 cassette
1976 April 26
Church speaks before the Los Angeles City Council, primarily upon the problems of the urban areas in the U.S.
Campaign, 1976--California; Urban Renewal; Defense; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Revenue Sharing; Housing; Budget--United States; Campaigns
23:55; 1 cassette
1976 April 27
Church speaks at a senior citizens center in Los Angeles, California about the problems which concern the elderly.
Campaign, 1976--California; Social Security; Medicaid; Medicare; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Campaigns
6:29; 1 cassette
1976 April 27
Church speaks on the Larry Dunphy show in Los Angeles (station unknown).
Campaign, 1976--California; Udall, Stewart K.; Carter, Jimmy; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations--Angola; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Policy; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Kissinger, Henry; Campaigns
41:29; 1 cassette
1976 April 27
Senator Church speaks at a Jewish organization's campaign fund raiser on the plight of Soviet Jews.
Campaign, 1976--California; Foreign Relations--Israel; Jews--Soviet Union; Jews--Societies, Etc.; Campaigns
8:24; 1 cassette
1976 April 27
Church holds a press conference at the Portland, Oregon airport.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Carter, Jimmy; Central Intelligence Agency; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Economic Development; Housing; Foreign Policy; Campaigns
21:10; 1 cassette
1976 April 28
Church and his wife Bethine visit with the elderly at a senior citizen center in Gresham, Oregon.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Medicaid; Medicare; Church, Bethine; Campaigns
14:25; 1 cassette
1976 April 28
Church is interviewed on the radio program "Gresham Outlook" on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Carter, Jimmy; Timber Clearcutting; Campaigns
10:52; 1 cassette
1976 April 28
Church speaks at Mt. Hood College on the issues of the 1976 Campaign. A question and answer period follows.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Economic Development; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Unemployment; Foreign Policy; Reagan, Ronald; Ford, Gerald R.; Foreign; Campaigns
43:15; 1 cassette
1976 April 28
Tape is labeled "Techtronics statement". Church discusses the issues which he views as important in the presidential campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Unemployment; Foreign Policy; Nuclear Arms Race; Gold--Government Reserves; Gun Control; Abortion; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 April 28
Hubert Humphrey declares that he will not become a candidate for President in the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Campaigns
5:58; 1 cassette
Church speaks at a community press conference in Tigard, Oregon.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Vice Presidents--United States; Social Security; National Health Insurance; Timber Clearcutting; Energy Policy; Geothermal Resources; Solar Resources; Nuclear Energy; Campaigns
25:03; 1 cassette
1976 April 30
Church speaks at an impromptu press conference on Hubert Humphrey's announcement that he will not be seeking the Democratic nomination for President in 1976.
Campaign, 1976; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Campaigns
5:41; 1 cassette
1976 April 29
Church speaks before the Oregon City, Oregon Chamber of Commerce on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Revenue Sharing; Energy Policy; Oil Industry; Solar Resources; Conservation; Timber Clearcutting; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Economic Development; Foreign Policy; Unemployment; Lockheed C; Campaigns
28:09; 1 cassette
1976 April 29
Church is interviewed on KGUD radio in Missoula, Montana on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Policy; Economic Development; Gun Control; Timber Industry; Campaigns
10:53; 1 cassette
1976 April 30
Church speaks at the Cathleen Walford Senior Citizens Center in Montana on the problems of the elderly.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Senior Citizens; Social Security; Medicare; Medicaid; National Health Insurance; Campaigns
17:11; 1 cassette
1976 April 30
Church speaks at the Missoula, Montana Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Timber Clearcutting; Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Foreign Policy; Kissinger, Henry; Reagan, Ronald; Ford, Gerald R.; Vietnam Conflict; Angola--Civ; Campaigns
39:05; 1 cassette
1975 April 29
Church speaks at a press conference in Missoula, Montana on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Vice Presidents--United States; Gun Control; Timber Clearcutting; Taxes--Estate; Metcalf-Mansfield Bill; Campaigns
16:51; 1 cassette
1975 April 30
Church is interviewed on the KGVO television program "Accent On" by Larry Cooper in Missoula, Montana on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Multinational Corporations; Government Deregulation; Gun Control; Social Security; Senior Citizens; Budget--United States; Unemployment; Campaigns
27:08; 1 cassette
1975 April 30
Church speaks before a common market co-op in Colorado and asks for their vote.
Campaign, 1976--Colorado; Campaigns
5:05; 1 cassette
1976 May 1
Church speaks at the Anaconda Aluminum Co. in Kalispell, Montana on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Energy Policy; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Coal Resources; Geothermal Resources; Solar Resources; Nuclear Energy; Conservation; Public Welfare; Government Deregulation; Railroads; Food Stamp Program; Campaigns
16:49; 1 cassette
1976 April 30
Church holds a press conference at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell, Montana on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Carter, Jimmy; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Oil Industry; Energy Policy; Gun Control; Mansfield, Mike; Food Stamp Program; Public Welfare; Revenue Sharing; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Se; Campaigns
18:44; 1 cassette
1976 April 30
Church speaks at a rally in Kalispell, Montana in which he gives his views on foreign policy and advocates increased funding for the U.S. Forest Service.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Foreign Policy; Mansfield, Mike; U.S. Forest Service; Campaigns
8:47; 1 cassette
1975 April 30
Church speaks on what he views as the three major issues on which the Democratic platform should be based: 1. Changes in foreign policy. 2. Restoring the public confidence in government. 3. Improving the economy.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaigns
17:09; 1 cassette
1975 April 30
+hurch, Carter, Brown and Udall give short speeches before the Black Democratic Caucus (location unknown) and then answer questions from the auidence.
Campaign, 1976; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Carter, Jimmy; Udall, Morris; Civil Rights; Revenue Sharing; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Unemployment; Minorities; Senior Citizens; Education; Foreign Policy; Foreign Trade; Vietnam Conflict; Civil Rights Act of 1964; P; Campaigns
74:51; 1 cassette
1976 May 6
Church speaks before the League of Women Voters forum on foreign policy (location unknown).
Campaign, 1976; Udall, Stewart K.; Nuclear Arms Race; Detente; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Trident Submarine; B-1 Bomber; Defense; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Foreign Policy; Foreign Aid; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Forei; international Relations
53:58; 1 cassette
1976 May 3
Church speaks to a bicentennial wagon train on preserving freedom in America and on meeting Jimmy Carter in Nebraska.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Carter, Jimmy; Democracy; American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976; Campaigns
7:32; 1 cassette
1976 May 6
Church speaks (location unknown) after having just heard of the Teton Dam Disaster in Idaho. He says he will have to cut short his Presidential Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaigns
2:13; 1 cassette
Church speaking at a carpenters local meeting in Ohio immediately following the collapse of the Teton Dam in Idaho.
Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Labor Unions; Campaigns
12:37; 1 cassette
Church speaks at a aging conference in Salt Lake City, UT.
Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Social Security; Medicare; Medical Care; Campaign, 1976--Utah; Medicaid; Moss, Frank; National Health Insurance; Campaigns
34:18; 1 cassette
1976 May 6
Church holds a press conference at a Omaha airport explaining why he feels he will win the Nebraska primary, and the many similarities that exist between the states of Idaho and Nebraska.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Policy; Panama Canal; Kissinger, Henry; Udall, Morris; Multinational Corporations; Campaigns
14:57; 1 cassette
1976 May 6
Church speaks before the I.B.E.W. local in Omaha, Nebraska on the economy and unemployment.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Labor Unions; Unemployment; Economic Development; General Motors Corporation; Nixon, Richard M.; Campaigns
25:16; 1 cassette
1976 May 6
Church appears on KSL Radio and Television shows in Salt Lake City, Utah. He says that the field of candidates is boiling down between himself and Jimmy Carter.
Campaign, 1976--Utah; Carter, Jimmy; Unemployment; Budget--United States; Public Welfare; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Panama Canal; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Udall, Morris; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Campaigns
27:31; 1 cassette
1976 May 5
Church speaks at the Omaha Jefferson-Jackson Banquet on the abuses of power by government agencies and foreign policy. Poor sound quality.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Jefferson-Jackson Banquet; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Federal Bureau of Investigation; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Nixon, Richard M.; Ford, Gerald R.; Farming; Agriculture--Wheat; Taxes--Estate; Taxes--C; Campaigns
37:51; 1 cassette
1976 May 7
Church answers questions about his campaign at a luncheon sponsored by the Omaha World Herald. Church says he would accept the office of the Vice Presidency if it was offered to him.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Vice Presidents--United States; Campaigns
9:22; 1 cassette
1976 May 7
Poor sound quality. Church speaking on the findings of his Intelligence Committee and how he proposes to get the economy moving again.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Foreign Policy; Unemployment; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Foreign Relations--Africa; Panama Canal; Defense; B-1 Bomber; Cen; Campaigns
27:25; 1 cassette
1976 May 7
Church gives a victory statement in Lincoln after winning the Nebraska primary.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaigns
12:24; 1 cassette
1976 May 11
Church speaks at a senior citizens forum in Nebraska on the problems of aging, cost of living adjustments and inflation, and improving medical care for senior citizens.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; National Health Insurance; Medicaid; Medicare; Campaigns
13:44; 1 cassette
1976 May 10
Church meets with blacks at the New Hope Baptist Church on his instrumental role in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957, jobs for minorities, harrasment of minorities by the FBI and more.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Minorities; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Central Intelligence Agency; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Civil Rights; Nixon, Richard M.; Ford, Gerald R.; Unemployment; Multinational Co; Campaigns
19:55; 1 cassette
1976 May 10
Church appears on a question and answer session on KMTV (Omaha) on whether he would feel responsible for the death of a CIA agent, the bribing of government officials by Lockheed and more.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Busing; Foreign Aid; Gun Control; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations; Central Intelligence Agency; Kissinger, Henry; Abortion; Alaska Pipeline; Vietnam Conflict--Missing in; Campaigns
26:44; 1 cassette
1976 May 10
Church holds a press conference in the statehouse in Lincoln, NB. He answers questions on his campaign. He calls Ronald Reagan a dangerous candidate. He discusses the findings of his Intelligence Committee.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Assassinations; Kennedy, John F.; Warren Commission, The; Reagan, Ronald; Ford, Gerald R.; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Campaigns
10:53; 1 cassette
1976 May 10
CBS coverage of the Nebraska primary on election night. Walter Cronkite interviews Church, who expresses his surprise at his victory. Jimmy Carter is also inteviewed by Cronkite.
Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Cronkite, Walter; Carter, Jimmy; Reagan, Ronald; Ford, Gerald R.; Wallace, George; Byrd, Robert; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Jackson, Henry; Udall, Morris; Campaigns
13:13; 1 cassette
1976 May 11
Church speaks before a group of high school students in Cleveland, Ohio on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Unemployment; Foreign Policy; Panama Canal; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Public Welfare; Energy Policy; Coal Resources; Nuclear Energy; Geothermal Res; Campaigns
53:38; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
Church speaks before a group of Ohio high school students on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Budget--Military; Detente; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Military Assistance--Egypt; Military Assistance--Syria; Palestine Liberation Organization; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Chile; Campaigns
25:47; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
Fund raising breakfast held for Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Church explains why his campaign is so late in starting and what he would do if he were elected president.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Unemployment; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Israel; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Internal Revenue Ser; Campaigns
26:36; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
Church holds a press conference in Cleveland where he levels several criticisms at Jimmy Carter's campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Carter, Jimmy; Economic Development; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Jews--Soviet Union; Campaigns
18:08; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
Church does a television interview on WEWS-TV in Cleveland, Ohio. Very poor sound quality.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaigns
15:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
Interview in which Church discusses his qualifications for the Presidency, his record in the Senate and his issue oriented campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaigns
3:34; 1 cassette
1976 May 14
WERE Radio (Cleveland) interview in which Church speaks on why he wants to become President, how the race for the nomination has been narrowed to 3 candidates, what he would do to end unemployment and inflation.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Udall, Morris; Carter, Jimmy; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Inflation; Unemployment; Campaigns
6:46; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #4, Series 11.1, Box 34
1976 May 14
Church is interviewed by "Plaindealer" in Cleveland where he discusses his Intelligence Committees findings on the relation of the CIA, the Warren Commision and Lee Harvey Oswald, and other campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Oswald, Lee Harvey; Assassinations; Warren Commission, The; Kennedy, John F.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Alaska Pipeline; Energy Policy; Udall, Morris; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaigns
17:19; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #4, Series 11.1, Box 34
1976 May 14
Church on the cover-up of the CIA and FBI in the JFK assassination, and his campaign against Jimmy Carter, as well as his chances on accepting the Vice Presidency and more.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Kennedy, John F.; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Carter, Jimmy; Panama Canal; Vice Presidents--United States; Committees
9:00; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #4, Series 11.1, Box 34
1976 May 14
Church gives the issues on which he bases his platform for the Presidential Campaign.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Nixon, Richard M.; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Ford, Gerald R.; Unemployment; Panama Canal; Detente; Fo; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 19
Church gives his positions on the issues at a mock Democratic Convention.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Wilderness; Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill; Unemployment; Foreign Policy; Reagan, Ronald; Panama Canal; Nixon, Richard M; Campaigns
35:43; 1 cassette
1976 May 20
Church is interviewed on KPTV (Portland, OR) on the issues of the 1976 Campaign. He advocates normalizing relations with North Vietnam and discusses who he would choose as a running mate should he be nominated.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; B-1 Bomber; Nuclear Weapons; Busing; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Abortion; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Energy Policy; Panama Canal; Campaigns
22:03; 1 cassette
1976 May 20
Church holds a press conference in a airport in Portland. He endorses the recently completed Democratic platform, rejects charges that he used his Intelligence Committee for publicity purposes, and more.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Hells Canyon; Udall, Morris; Housing; Salmon Fishing; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Jackson, Henry; Carter, Jimmy; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Campaigns
20:53; 1 cassette
1976 May 19
Church speaks at the Portland Community College on some of the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Multinational Corporations; Internal Revenue Service; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Central Intelligence Agency; Vietnam Conflict--Missing in Action; Farming; Taxes--Estate; Gun Control; Nuclear Weapons; Panama Canal; Assassina; Campaigns
32:53; 1 cassette
1976 May 19
Church speaks before the Portland Oregonian editorial board on his campaign in Rhode Island, his win in Nebraska, and his status in Utah. He also discusses the management of national forests other issues.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Pell, Claiborne; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaign, 1976--Utah; Carter, Jimmy; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Udall, Morris; Nuclear Energy; Geothermal Resources; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations; Det; Campaigns
34:47; 1 cassette
1976 May 20
Church speaks at a high school in Phoenix, Oregon on what it would be like to have a President from the Northwest. He criticizes his opponents for running on generalities and discusses campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Gun Control; Timber Clearcutting; Abortion; Busing; Public Transportation; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Cap; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church speaks before a group of Portland longshoremen telling them how he won his primary in Nebraska and asking them to unite behind one candidate.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaigns
6:51; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church speaks at a Portland fund raiser where he criticizes his opponents, tells of his political accomplishments and asks for financial support.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaigns
13:02; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church holds a press conference at the Medford, Oregon airport where he gives his views on clearcutting and gun control. He also calls for the greater restrictions on the powers of the CIA and the FBI.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Gun Control; Timber Clearcutting; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Campaigns
10:17; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church holds a press conference at the Medford, Oregon airport where he speaks on his campaign in Oregon, explains why the tortise is the symbol for his campaign, his Intelligence Committee and relations with Asia.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Foreign Relations--Southeast Asia; Campaigns
11:06; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church gives an interview on KCMX radio in Ashland, Oregon. He speaks on a number of different issues.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; National Health Insurance; Oil Industry; Energy Policy; Public Welfare; Unemployment; Senior Citizens; Kennedy, John F.; Intervention (International Law); Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church speaks before an Ashland, Oregon veterans convention proposing equal benefits for all vets, his role on the Intelligence Committee and more.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Veterans Benefits; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Medicaid; Medicare; Foreign Relations--Africa; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Foreign Policy; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Education; Vietnam Conflict; Gun C; Campaigns
40:26; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church speaks before the Temple Beth Israel congregation (Oregon) on the abuses of many government intelligence operations. He also opposes the sale of U.S. nuclear technology (power plants) to the Third World.
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Mafia; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Foreign Relations--Chile; Foreign Relations--I; Campaigns
45:58; 1 cassette
1976 May 21
Church at the dedication of a deep channel system in Coos Bay, Oregon. Church says that the completed project will bring more jobs to the area.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Conservation; Timber Industry; Campaigns
7:43; 1 cassette
1976 May 22
Church speaking at the Central Timber Festival in Oregon on the need for a balance between the exploitation and the conservation of our natural resources.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Timber Industry; Conservation; Campaigns
4:58; 1 cassette
1976 May 22
Church holds a press conference at the airport in Butte, Montana and speaks on the campaign in general.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Panama Canal; Campaigns
6:24; 1 cassette
1976 May 22
Church speaks at the Jefferson-Jackson Banquet in Butte, Montana. He speaks highly of Mike Mansfield, on the problems of wheat farmers, alternative energy sources, the Panama Canal issue and more.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Panama Canal; Jefferson-Jackson Banquet; Energy Policy; Coal Resources; Geothermal Resources; Mansfield, Mike; Agriculture--Wheat; Ford, Gerald R.; Taxes--Estate; Central Intelligence Agency; Nixon, Richard M.; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 22
Church holds a press conference in Pendleton, OR. on the moratorium of water diversion in the Northwest, reducing government bureaucracy, his position on the farm policy and more.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Water Rights; Farming; Agriculture--Wheat; Social Security; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Campaigns
18:05; 1 cassette
1976 May 23
Church speaks at the commencement program at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. He talks about the history of foreign policy in America, the Panama Canal as a spurious campaign issue, and more.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Panama Canal; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Defense; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--Africa; Campaigns
17:22; 1 cassette
1976 May 23
Church holds a press conference in Las Vegas at which he learns that the Governor of Oregon has just endorsed him for the Democratic nomination. Church speaks on various campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Panama Canal; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Nuclear Weapons; Carter, Jimmy; Reagan, Ronald; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaigns
18:37; 1 cassette
1976 May 23
Church holds a press conference in Reno, Nevada. Church talks on the future of his campaign and his stand on the issues.
Campaign, 1976--Nevada; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Unemployment; Multinational Corporations; Public Lands; Gun Control; Vice Presidents--United States; Geothermal Resources; Coal Resources; Solar Resources; Energy Policy; National Health; Campaigns
18:44; 1 cassette
1976 May 23
Two radio spots in which Church speaks on the need of a national network debate between all of the Democratic presidential candidates in order that the issues of the campaign may be properly discussed.
Campaign, 1976; Debates; Campaigns
0:48; 1 cassette
1976 May 23
Church speaks at a Warehauser lumber mill in Springfield, Oregon. He speaks on the importance of the timber industry, the need for conservation and answers general campaign questions.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Timber Industry; Conservation; Carter, Jimmy; Timber Clearcutting; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Debates; Campaigns
17:52; 1 cassette
1976 May 24
Church is interviewed on KGW radio in Portland, Oregon. He answers current campaign issues, details who he would place in his Cabinet, talks about his religious denomination, and how cut reduce govt. bureaucracy.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Central Intelligence Agency; Farming; Defense; General Motors Corporation; Gun Control; Vietnam Conflict; Abortion; Assassinations; Nixon, Richard M.; Oil Industry; Timber Clearcutt; Campaigns
26:26; 1 cassette
1976 May 24
Election night press conference held in Boise for the Oregon primary. He speaks on the importance of his victory in Oregon, his financial situation and his campaign plans for other states.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaign, 1976--California; Campaign, 1976--New Jersey; Carter, Jimmy; Campaigns
8:31; 1 cassette
1976 May 25
Church's victory statement made on his winning the Oregon primary. He thanks his family and campaign staff, and speaks briefly on his campaigning in future primaries.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaigns
6:34; 1 cassette
1976 May 25
Church comments on his victory in Oregon, discusses his plans for future primaries and answers some questions on other campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--California; Carter, Jimmy; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Vice Presidents--United States; Campaigns
11:51; 1 cassette
1976 May 25
Church thanks the people who helped him achieve his victory in Oregon and didmisses the view that he is solely a regional candidate.
Campaign, 1976; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaigns
8:26; 1 cassette
1976 May 25
Church gives a speech at the University of California Los Angeles. He discusses many issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--California; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Multinational Corporations; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Reagan, Ronald; Kissinger, Henry; Panama Canal; Monopolies; Vice Presidents--United St; Campaigns
36:35; 1 cassette
1976 May 26
Church is interviewed on the Bob Braun show in Cincinatti, Ohio. Church talks about when he decided to run for President, arms deals to Taiwan and Israel, and other campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Udall, Morris; Carter, Jimmy; Vietnam Conflict; Angola--Civil War, 1975- ; Agriculture--Wheat; Farming; Social Security; Medicare; Medicaid; Supersonic Transport Planes; Military Assistance--Taiwan; Military Assistance--Israel; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 May 27
Church holds a press conference in Ohio where he answers criticisms of his Intelligence investigation, and denies that he has made any sort of political deal with Udall in their efforts to defeat Carter.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Carter, Jimmy; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Udall, Morris; Unemployment; Labor Unions; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Campaigns
17:03; 1 cassette
1976 May 27
Church speaks before a gathering of members of the AFL-CIO and speaks on the abuses of power in government agencies, the causes of unemployment and other campaign issues.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Unemployment; Labor Unions; Right to Work Act; Foreign Aid; Abortion; AFL-CIO; Campaigns
25:25; 1 cassette
1976 May 27
Church holds a press conference in Boston, Mass. He denies that he has made any kind of political deals with Udall or Carter. He speaks on the upcoming primary in Rhode Island, his Intelligence Committee and more.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Campaign, 1976--California; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Castro, Fidel; Kennedy, Edward; Gun Control; Tri; Campaigns
11:11; 1 cassette
1976 May 28
Pep rally held for Church in Providence, R.I. Representitive Edward Beard speaks and endorses Church. Bethine Church also speaks.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Carter, Jimmy; Beard, Edward; Pell, Claiborne; Church, Bethine; Campaigns
17:33; 1 cassette
1976 May 29
Church gives a short speech before a Warwick, R.I. teachers union on how he will improve the educational system should he be elected President. He also mentions Rep. Ed Beard and Senator Clairborne Pell.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Education; Pell, Claiborne; Beard, Edward; Campaigns
4:15; 1 cassette
1976 May 28
Church speaks at the Colonial Hilton in Rhode Island. He talks about the keys to his victory in other primaries and addresses several criticisms and issues of his campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Abortion; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Gun Control; Oil Industry; Pell, Claiborne; Beard, Edward; Campaigns
21:28; 1 cassette
1976 May 29
Church speaks before a senior citizens' meeting in Providence R.I. on his accomplishments for the elderly.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Senior Citizens; Medicare; Medicaid; Inflation; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Supplemental Security Income; Campaigns
19:06; 1 cassette
1976 May 29
Church is interviewed on WWON radio in Woonsocket R.I. Church gives his stand on current issues. Senator Clairborne Pell appears with Church and endorses him on this program.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Unemployment; Energy Policy; Busing; Panama Canal; Udall, Morris; Nuclear Weapons; Detente; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Kennedy, John F.; Warren Commission, The; National Health Insurance; Carter, Jimmy; Vice Presidents-; Campaigns
34:16; 1 cassette
1976 May 29
Church is does a phone-in interview on WPRI-TV in Providence, R.I.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Social Security; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Unemployment; Public Welfare; Right to Work Act; Detente; Kissinger, Henry; Equal Rights Amendment; Mi; Campaigns
18:40; 1 cassette
1976 May 29
Church speaks at a Judith, R.I. brunch. He talks on his campaign victories, foreign policy, the Trident Sumarine and U.S. military installations abroad.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Foreign Policy; Trident Submarine; Military Bases, Foreign; Campaigns
13:54; 1 cassette
1976 May 30
Church speaks before a group of senior citizens in Porta Dame, R.I. He mentions several policy programs he would implement for the elderly should he be elected President.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Senior Citizens; Campaigns
10:27; 1 cassette
1976 May 30
Church holds a press conference in Providence, R.I. at which a list of the unions endorsing Church is read.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Labor Unions; Military Bases, Foreign; Campaigns
12:42; 1 cassette
1976 May 30
Church delivers a Memorial Day speech in Cranston R.I.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Veterans Benefits; Campaigns
6:53; 1 cassette
1976 May 31
Church is interviewed on WTEV-TV in Providence R.I. on why he wants Rhode Island's delegates. He also talks about the Trident Submarine and U.S. military installations abroad.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Trident Submarine; Military Bases, Foreign; Campaigns
3:13; 1 cassette
1976 May 31
Church is interviewed on WICE radio in Pawtucket R.I. This interview deals primarily with the findings of his Intelligence Committee.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Carter, Jimmy; Warren Commission, The; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Kennedy, John F.; Oswald, Lee Harvey; Mafia; Castro, Fidel; Communism; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Infl; Campaigns
33:50; 1 cassette
1976 May 31
Church appears on WPRI-TV in Providence, R.I. and answers questions phoned-in from the viewing audience.
Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Veterans Benefits; unemployment; Panama Canal; Energy Policy; Abortion; Foreign Relations--Israel; Public Welfare; Tax Reform; Government Spending Policy; Equal Rights Amendment; Urban Renewal; Foreign Policy; Oil Industry; Campaigns
29:25; 1 cassette
1976 May 31
Church answers questions asked by the Dayton Journal. Church discusses his CIA investigations, how he would solve unemployment, how he would reduce the size of government, comments on Kissinger, and more.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Carter, Jimmy; Campaign, 1976--Nebraska; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Kissinger, Henry; Udall, Morris; Central Intelligence Agency; Feder; Campaigns
42:07; 1 cassette
1976 June 1
3 one-minute radio spots in which Church tells the victims of the Teton Dam Disaster that federal relief is on the way.
Teton Dam Disaster; Legislation
3:08; 1 cassette
Church, from his Washinton D.C. office, announces that he is withdrawing from the race for the Democratic nomination for President and urges all of his delegates to throw their support behind Jimmy Carter.
Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Reagan, Ronald; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Vice Presidents--United States; Campaigns
10:00; 1 cassette
1976 June 14
1-minute radio spot in which Church explains legislation which he has authored to aid the victims of the Teton Dam Disaster.
Teton Dam Disaster; Legislation
1:00; 1 cassette
Church speaking before an unidentified panel explaining why special legislation must be passed to help the victims of the Teton Dam Disaster.
Teton Dam Disaster; Legislation
12:23; 1 cassette
Broadcast of radio station KRXA (Rexburg) during the actual failure of the Teton Dam. Listeners are told to evacuate low lying areas and there are continuous reports on the dams failing condition.
Teton Dam Disaster; unrelated tapes
45:33; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #1." Teton Dam Congressional hearing in which Church explains legislation which he and Sen. McClure have introduced to Congress. McClure and Rep. George Hansen also speak at this hearing.
Teton Dam Disaster; McClure, James; Hansen, George; Committees
62:08; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #2." Church at a Congressional hearing on the Teton Dam disaster in which he questions representitives from the Bureau of Reclamation on the causes for the dams collapse.
Teton Dam Disaster; Bishop, Rod; Robertson, Robert; Bureau of Reclamation; Committees
63:56; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #3." Senator McClure questions Dr. Rod Bishop of the Bureau of Reclamation on the design and construction aspects of the Teton Dam.
Teton Dam Disaster; McClure, James; Bishop, Rod; Committees
33:48; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #4." Engineers from Morison-Knudsen give testimony on the dams construction. Russ Brown of the Idaho Enviromental Council also testifies, explaining why his organization opposed the dam.
Teton Dam Disaster; McClure, James; Buckero, Dwayne; Martin, Russel; Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc.; Brown, Russel; Idaho Environmental Council; Committees
62:20; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #5." Testimony given by Russ Brown of the Idaho Enviromental Council, Ken Dunn of the Idaho Water Resources Dept. and Jack Barnett, Western States Water Council, and other private individuals.
Teton Dam Disaster; Brown, Russel; Dunn, Kenneth; Barnett, Jack; Idaho Water Resources Department; Western States Water Council; U.S. Geological Survey; Committees
63:50; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #6." Various witnesses give testimony explaining why the Teton Dam collapsed. Local residents testify on the disaster.
Dunn, Kenneth; Barnett, Jack; Idaho Water Resources Department; Western States Water Council; U.S. Geological Survey; McClure, James; Teton Dam Disaster; Committees
65:16; 1 cassette
"Teton Dam Hearing #7." Several witnesses give testimony on why the Teton Dam collapsed. Senators Church and McClure moderate the panel.
Teton Dam Disaster; McClure, James; Committees
23:59; 1 cassette
Radio spot in which Church says that dam building procedures will be changed as a result of the collapse of the Teton Dam.
Teton Dam Disaster; Public Relations
1:31; 1 cassette
Church gives a speech before a group of unidentified "publishers". The topic centers on the findings from his CIA investigations.
Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; U.S. Postal Service; Watergate Affair; Mafia; Manhattan Project; Committees
39:34; 1 cassette
Radio spot in which Church explains pending legislation which will help aid victims of the Teton Dam Disaster. Poor sound quality. This spot is found on the beginning of Side B.
Teton Dam Disaster; Public Relations
1:12; 1 cassette
Church holds a press conference in Dayton, Ohio at the city courthouse on a number of the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Campaign, 1976--Oregon; Udall, Morris; Vice Presidents--United States; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Railroads; Veterans Benefits; Foreign Policy; Government Bureaucracy; Public Welfare; Budget--Unite; Campaigns
23:30; 1 cassette
1976 June 1
Church speaks at a dinner in Canton, Ohio for Democratic and labor leaders whose guest of honor is I.W. Able.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Labor Unions; Able, I.W.; Carter, Jimmy; Campaigns
5:10; 1 cassette
1976 June 1
Church at a Canton, Ohio Democratic Party reception where he speaks on removing tax incentives of foreign investments, Ford's pardon of Nixon, and the Federal government giving jobs to welfare recipients.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Unemployment; Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Unemployment; Taxes; Campaigns
8:38; 1 cassette
1976 June 1
Church holds a press conference at a Cleveland, Ohio airport. He discusses upcoming Rhode Island and Ohio campaigns, whether Udall should drop out of the race or not, and the key to his victories so far.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Carter, Jimmy; Udall, Morris; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Campaigns
7:05; 1 cassette
1976 June 1
Church holds a press conference in Columbus, Ohio on the issues of the 1976 Campaign. He also gives his views on religion and prayer in public schools.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Carter, Jimmy; Udall, Morris; Unemployment; Foreign Relations--Israel; Vice Presidents--United States; Religion--Philosopy; Prayer in Public Schools; Campaigns
22:26; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church is interviewed at Ohio State University on losing the Rhode Island primary and the effects it will have on his campaign. He also addresses criticisms directed at his investigation of the CIA.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaign, 1976--Rhode Island; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Kennedy, John F.; Warren Commission, The; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Busing; Civil Rights; Udall, Morri; Campaigns
12:36; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church gives a speech at Ohio State University on the issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Foreign Policy; Panama Canal; Ford, Gerald R.; Carter, Jimmy; Detente; Busing; Civil Rights; Amnesty--Draft Evasion; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Tonkin, Gulf of; Public Transportation; Abortion; Gun Control; Puerto Rico--Statehood; Polluti; Campaigns
23:59; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church holds a press conference in Los Angeles where the central topic is a proposed debate between Church, Brown and Carter, excluding Udall. Church also discusses his work on the Intelligence Committee.
Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Carter, Jimmy; Udall, Morris; Debates; Campaign, 1976--California; Campaign Contributions; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Busing; Foreign Policy; Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Central Intelligence Agency; Internal Revenue Service; Fede; Campaigns
23:59; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church speaks at a fund raising event in Los Angeles on the decline of morality in government, the Cold War and findings from his Intelligence Committee.
Campaign, 1976--California; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Mafia; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Foreign Policy; Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Foreign Relations--Chile; Foreign Relations--Iran; Campaigns
19:23; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church holds a press conference in LAX Airport in Los Angeles, CA. Church makes several strong statements about Reagan wanting to send U.S. troops to Rhodesia. He is questioned on the progress of his campaign.
Reagan, Ronald; Foreign Relations--Rhodesia; Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Kissinger, Henry; Panama Canal; Campaign, 1976--California; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Economic Development; Campaigns
15:44; 1 cassette
1976 June 2
Church speaks at a Democratic rally in Toledo, Ohio. He talks about various campaign issues and critcizes Reagan's statement that the U.S. should send combat troops to Rhodesia.
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1976; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Public Welfare; Unemployment; Right to Work Act; Taxes; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--Rhodesia; Reagan, Ronald; Campaigns
19:48; 1 cassette
1976 June 4
Church gives a speech at a rally at the Cleveland Statehouse, which primarily deals with U.S. investment abroad and the loss of U.S. jobs as a result of that investment.
Multinational Corporations--Foreign Investments; Ford Motor Company; Automobile Industry; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Campaigns
14:44; 1 cassette
1976 June 7
Church speaks on WUAB-TV in Ohio on how he must cut short his campaign because of the Teton Dam Disaster back in Idaho. He speaks on several issues of the 1976 Campaign.
Teton Dam Disaster; Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Ford, Gerald R.; Nixon, Richard M.; Economic Development; Un; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1976 June 7
Church is interviewed on a Cleveland television show where he states he is cutting short his campaign in Ohio to return to Idaho to aid victims of the Teton Dam Disaster. He speaks on several campaign issues.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Teton Dam Disaster; Carter, Jimmy; National Health Insurance; Abortion; Automobile Industry; Ford Motor Company; Unemployment; Economic Development; Inflation; Foreign Relations--Rhodesia; Right to Work Act; Agriculture--Wheat; Fore; Campaigns
27:45; 1 cassette
1976 June 7
Church, in St. Anthony, speaks on the legislation he is pushing through the Congress to aid the victims of the Teton Dam Disaster, and how the Federal relief money will be distributed.
Teton Dam Disaster; McClure, James; Legislation
27:15; 1 cassette
1976 June 18
Church speaks at the State Democratic Convention in Twin Falls. He compliments Carter on a well run campaign. He also comments on the Teton Dam Disaster and what he is doing to aid the victims.
Political Conventions; Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Teton Dam Disaster; Campaigns
26:37; 1 cassette
1976 June 19
Press conference with Jimmy Carter and Frank Church in New York. Carter suggests that there may be a cabinet position for Church in his administration. Discrepancies in Sen. Glenn's tax returns are also discussed.
Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Foreign Policy; Glenn, John; Campaigns
15:49; 1 cassette
1976 July 12
Church speaks at a reception thrown by the Montana delegates. He talks about the reasons which forced him to withdraw from the race. He compliments Jimmy Carter's campaign and thanks the delegates for their support.
Campaign, 1976--Montana; Brown, E. Gerald Jr.; Carter, Jimmy; Vice Presidents--United States; Andrus, Cecil D.; Pell, Claiborne; Beard, Edward; Campaigns
30:46; 1 cassette
1976 July 12
Church gives a speech on the proliferation of nuclear arms and reactors throughout the world, plutonium production, and the failure of the Soviets to adhere to the SALT Treaty.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Antimissile Missiles; Trident Submarine; B-1 Bomber; Nuclear Proliferation; Antimissile Missiles; Gun Control; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--India; Foreign Relations--South Korea; Foreign Relations--Pak; international Relations
44:37; 1 cassette
1976 September 7
Church speaks at a Federal Aviation Administration meeting, discussing the energy crisis, the competition in the automobile industry, the need for more fuel efficient cars, and correcting problems with OSHA.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Automobile Industry; Federal Aviation Administration; Private Enterprise; Taxes; Public Relations
26:45; 1 cassette
1976 September 27
Radio spot in which Church announces that SSI recipients will not lose any benefits due to a tax amendment which Church has introduced to the Senate.
Senior Citizens; Supplemental Security Income; Legislation
1:03; 1 cassette
1976 September 27
Church holds a press conference at a Spokane airport. He comments on Symm's statement that Earl Butz should be the next president of U of I and that he would campaign for Jimmy Carter should he win the nomination.
Symms, Steve; Butz, Earl; Carter, Jimmy; Campaign, 1976--Washington; Campaigns
11:34; 1 cassette
1976 March 23
Church comments upon George Hansen's problems with the IRS, and campaigns for Kenneth Pursley, Stan Kress and Jimmy Carter.
Campaign, 1976; Carter, Jimmy; Kress, Stan; Pursley, Kenneth; Hansen, George; Internal Revenue Service; Symms, Steve; Farming; Social Security; Ford, Gerald R.; Medicaid; Medicare; Senior Citizens; Economic Development; Poverty; Campaigns
23:59; 1 cassette
1976 October 23
Church speaks on the water moritorium and water shortage in the Northwest, wilderness legislation and the timber industry and more.
Water Resources; Water Rights; Energy Policy; Hydroelectric Power; Geothermal Resources; Coal Resources; Solar Resources; Medicare; Medicaid; Terrorism; Carter, Jimmy; Wilderness; Timber Industry; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Hussein I; Foreign Relat; interior
32:10; 1 cassette
1976 October 23
Church holds a news conference on the newly established status of the Hells Canyon Area. Church and McClure speak on wilderness issues.
Wilderness; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; McClure, James; interior
31:16; 1 cassette
1976 October 23
Poor sound quality. Church holds a news conference at a newly opened airport. Location unknown (possibly Moscow, Idaho).
Airports; Public Relations
28:42; 1 cassette
1976 October 23
Church speaks at Cornell University on the subject of covert intelligence operations. The speech is incomplete on the tape. A question and answer period begins at the point that the speech is interrupted.
Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Castro, Fidel; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Foreign Policy; Organization of Pe; Committees
72:40; 1 cassette
1976 November 15
Church speaks on Medicaid fraud.
Medicaid; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Committees
10:46; 1 cassette
1976 November 17
Church presides over a hearing of the Special Committee on Aging. The topic is the occurences of fraud within the Medicaid program.
Medicaid; Fraud; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Committees
43:34; 1 cassette
1976 November 17
Church speaks in New Orleans after the 1976 election on the illegal covert activities of the U.S. intelligence community. The title of the speech is "Covert action: swampland of U.S. foreign policy."
Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Internal Revenue Service; Foreign Relations--Guatemala; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Iran; Foreign Relations--Laos; Foreign Relations--Congo; Foreign Relations--Dominican Republ; international Relations
61:30; 1 cassette
1976 December 1
Church and Mondale speak at a fund raiser.
Campaign, 1976; Mondale, Walter F.; Church, Bethine; Campaigns
12:14; 1 cassette
1976 December 7
Church appears with several other Idaho politicians on a KBOI program titled "Year's End" in which they are asked to comment on what they feel are the most politically significant stories for the year of 1976.
Campaign, 1976; Teton Dam Disaster; Andrus, Cecil D.; Hansen, George; Taxes; U.S. Forest Service; Bureau of Land Management; Wilderness; McClure, James; Symms, Steve; Cennarusa, Pete; Kidwell, Wayne; Financial Disclosure; Capital Punishment; Steelhead Fi; Public Relations
55:30; 1 cassette
1976 December 31
This tape contains conversations between an unidentified investigative reporter and anonymous members of Congressional investigative committee staff who discuss elements necessary for a succesful investigation.
Watergate Affair; Press and Politics; Congress--Staff; Committees
75:00; 1 cassette
Jesse Jackson holds a press conference outside of Church's office, discussing Church's investigation of the intelligence community and, in particular, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI's harassment of minorities.
Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Jackson, Jesse; Minorities; Campaign, 1976; Hoover, J. Edgar; King, Martin Luther Jr.; Assassinations; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Committees
6:35; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #1, Series 11.1, Box 34
1976 May 13
An unidentified singer performs a original composition titled " Church for President". (It didn't win any Grammies folks.) It is not known to have been used in the 1976 Campaign.
Campaign, 1976; Campaigns
1:56; 1 cassette
This is a tape recorded message (letter) from Helen Tiffin, a Church constitiuent, on the need for continued federal funding of soil conservation and agricultural programs.
Constituent Services; Public Relations
3:17; 1 cassette
Joseph McCaffery of WMAL (Washington D.C.) comments upon the death of Wes Bathtalemes, a former aid to Senator Church.
Congress--Staff; Barthalemes, Wes; Public Relations
1:10; 1 cassette
An unidentified Church staffer dictates responses to letters written to Church by his constituents on a wide variety of subjects. Church does not speak on this tape.
Constituent Services; Public Relations
15:00; 1 cassette
Various radio spots from the 1976 Presidential campaign on a variety of topics. There is some duplication of commercials on this tape.
Campaign, 1976; Ford, Gerald R.; Foreign Aid; Senior Citizens; Oil Industry; Multinational Corporations; Farming; Taxes--Estate; Conservation; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Foreign Policy; Vietnam Conflict; Campaigns
26:15; 1 reel
The narrator for Church's 1976 Campaign commercials (Ed) does leaders and tags at various voice levels and intonations. This is the unedited working copy for the campaign commercials.
Campaign, 1976; Campaigns
26:13; 1 reel
Church gives a speech before the American Newspaper Women's Club.
Campaign, 1976; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Humphrey, Hubert H.; Wallace, George; Economic Development; Sinatra, Frank; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Mafia; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.; Kenne; Campaigns
33:30; 1 reel
1976 March 2
Church delivers the Democratic platform on foreign policy at the 1976 Democratic convention. He receives a boistrous welcome from his supporters who begin to chant "We want Church".
Campaign, 1976; Foreign Policy; Democratic National Convention, 1976; Campaigns
15:56; 1 reel
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #1, Series 11.1, Box 34
WKSU (Ohio) television report on Church campaigning among striking rubber workers in Ohio. Church blames the multinational corporations for the exportation of U.S. jobs abroad.
Campaign, 1976--Ohio; Labor Unions; Multinational Corporations; Foreign Trade--U.S.S.R.; Campaigns
4:10; 1 reel
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #1, Series 11.1, Box 34
Church speaks at the Borah Symposium at the University of Idaho in Moscow on the subject of the nuclear arms race, Carter's stand on Soviet dissidents, nuclear proliferation and its worldwide implications.
Nuclear Arms Race; Nuclear Proliferation; Nuclear Warfare; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Idaho, University of; international Relations
73:15; 1 cassette
Church discusses Idaho wilderness areas and timber supply, the Gospel Hump Area, the catergorization process of wilderness areas, the effectiveness of the RARE II process, and more.
Conservation; Timber Industry; Wilderness; Roadless Area Review and Evaluation II; Timber Supply Act of 1969; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; interior
20:07; 1 cassette
1977 January 12
Church testifies on behalf of Cecil Andrus during his confirmation hearings for the office of Secretary of the Interior. Andrus is endorsed by Church and others.
Andrus, Cecil D.; Department of the Interior; Committees
47:02; 1 cassette
1977 January 17
Two news reports dealing with Andrus' nomination for Secretary of the Interior. Church congratulates Andrus on his new position, and Andrus responds.
Andrus, Cecil D.; McClure, James; Department of the Interior; interior
2:52; 1 cassette
1977 January 17
Church and Senator Walter Mondale preside over a seminar on Aging and discuss a proposed plan to disassemble the Special Committee on Aging, and Carter's position on helping the elderly.
Senior Citizens; Carter, Jimmy; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Committees
9:07; 1 cassette
1977 January 19
Church presides over a special investigative hearing on the causes for the failure of the Teton Dam. A special investigative panel, headed by Wallace L. Chadwick, presents its findings.
Teton Dam Disaster; Bureau of Reclamation; Chadwick, Wallace L.; interior
90:00; 1 cassette
1977 January 24
Church appears on a program titled "The Panorama Show" (location and station unknown) with syndicated columnists Jack Anderson and David Wise. They discuss illegal intelligence activities in the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Anderson, Jack; Wise, David; Committees
27:12; 1 cassette
1977 February 14
This tape contains two different segments. The first is an interview of Church on WGTE-TV (Toledo, Ohio) and the second is a recording of Church speaking at the University of Toledo.
Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Sakarov, Andrei; Multinational Corporations; Taxes; International Telephone and Telegraph; Foreign Relations--Chile; Foreign Policy; Oil Industry; Campaign Contributions; Financial Disclosure; Lockheed Corporat; international Relations
56:57; 1 cassette
1977 February 17
This tape contains three different segments: 1. A Gamma Sigma Delta awards banquet. 2. A question and answer session on wilderness issues. 3. Church interview on reclamation projects and agricultural issuses.
Population; Agriculture; Food Surplus; Farming--Corporate; Foreign Aid; Agriculture--Wheat; Wilderness; Dams; Predatory Animals--Control; Teton Dam Disaster; Aliens, Illegal; Timber Clearcutting; Energy Policy; Conservation; Water Rights; Reclamation Pro; agriculture
78:29; 1 cassette
1977 February 21
Church speaks in detail at the University of Idaho on the wilderness issues in Idaho. His speech is followed by a question and answer session. He proposes the creation of a agency specifically for wilderness.
Wilderness; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; Conservation; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Ranching; Timber Clearcutting; Wild and Scenic Rivers; Rivers--Recreational Use; Idaho, University of; interior
82:26; 1 cassette
1977 March 21
Church attends a press panel at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennesse. Topics include the disparity of wealth between nations and the future of international affairs.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Nuclear Weapons; Dependency Theory; international Relations
26:16; 1 cassette
1977 March 25
Church speaks twice at Vanderbilt University (Nashville) first on political ethics and his Aging Committee, then on the arms race and methods which could be used to stem nuclear proliferation.
Water Resources; Political Ethics; Senate Committees--Special Committee on Aging; Senior Citizens; Wages; Nuclear Warfare; Nuclear Arms Race; Nuclear Proliferation; international Relations
54:39; 1 cassette
1977 March 25
Church is interviewed by Ben Plastino (location unknown) on the subject of Carter's proposed budget cuts in the nation's breeder reactor program.
Nuclear Energy; Breeder Reactors; Nuclear Physics--Research; Public Relations
25:00; 1 cassette
1977 April 7
Church is interviewed on KOZE Radio in Lewiston on the controversy over the establishment of the Gospel Hump Wilderness Area.
Wilderness; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Mining Industry; Timber Industry; interior
8:22; 1 cassette
1977 April 20
Church gives a speech and holds a press conference concerning America's energy policy, such as the oil shortage's effects on national security, air pollution, strip mining and more.
Energy Policy; Carter, Jimmy; Conservation; Taxes--Gasoline; Government Price Regulation; Oil Industry; Coal Resources; Nuclear Energy; Geothermal Resources; Hydroelectric Power; Solar Resources; Wind Power Industry; Irrigation; Strip Mining; Wilderness; Public Relations
68:58; 1 cassette
1977 April 27
Church speaks at Idaho State University commencement ceremonies in Pocatello on the virtues of living in Idaho and then attends a public meeting on drought management in Shoshone.
Idaho State University; Quality of Life; Geothermal Resources; Droughts; Public Relations
84:48; 1 cassette
1977 May 25
Church speaks at the commencement ceremonies in Gooding on the history and beauty of Idaho and his life in politics.
Quality of Life; Public Relations
25:26; 1 cassette
1977 May 26
Church and Tracy Andrus speak on an American Cancer Society program in which they discuss her struggle with cancer and offer advice to other cancer victims.
Cancer; American Cancer Society; Andrus, Tracy; Public Relations
10:32; 1 cassette
1977 June 28
Church appears on ABC's television program "Issues and Answers". He discusses his recent trip to Cuba, lifting the trade restrictions on Cuba, the Cuban presence in Africa and more.
Issues and Answers (ABC); Foreign Trade--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Castro, Fidel; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Israel; Begin, Menacham; Carter, Jimmy; Palestine Liberation Organization; Panama Canal Treaty; international Relations
27:27; 1 cassette
1977 August 14
Church speaks before the Western Idaho Training Council on senior citizens issues.
Senior Citizens; Public Relations
25:00; 1 cassette
1977 August 17
Church speaks before a gathering of the Boise Press Club and discusses the Panama Canal Treaty, the Gospel Hump Wilderness compromise, the effect of the Burt Lance scandal on Carter's public image and more.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Panama Canal Treaty; Wilderness; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Timber Industry; Carter, Jimmy; Lance, Burt; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Castro, Fidel; Public Relations
30:52; 1 cassette
1977 September 1
Film soundtrack of Rep. Jerry Litton's campaign film which discusses his support of farmers and the agriculture industry. Church does not speak on this tape, nor is he mentioned.
Litton, Jerry; Farming; Agriculture; Campaigns
28:31; 1 cassette
1977 September 2
Church appears on the CBS television program "Face the Nation" and is interviewed by Paul Jones, George Will and Bruce Morton. He discusses the Panama Canal Treaty, the Geneva Summit and more.
Carter, Jimmy; Energy Policy; Geneva Summit, 1977; Foreign Relations--Israel; Palestine Liberation Organization; Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--Panama; Foreign Relations--Central America; Foreign Relations--Latin America; Taxes; Foreign Relation; international Relations
25:16; 1 cassette
1977 October 9
Church gives a speech on state's water rights and Bureau of Reclamation projects.
Water Resources; Water Rights; Reclamation Projects; agriculture
36:36; 1 cassette
1977 October 26
Bethine Church speaks at a dinner in honor of Governor John Evans. She speaks of Church's voting on a Social Security matter, and John Rockefeller in West Virginia. Church does not speak on this tape.
Evans, John; Church, Bethine; Social Security; Rockefeller, John; Public Relations
48:13; 1 cassette
1977 November 4
Church speaks at a AIF/ANS banquet on Carter's energy policy, the anti-nuclear movement in Europe, nuclear research and the struggle to find alternative energy sources.
Nuclear Energy; Energy Policy; Breeder Reactors; Nuclear Proliferation; Embargoes--Oil; Nuclear Physics--Research; Public Relations
42:19; 1 cassette
1977 November 30
Church speaks before a gathering of the Idaho Potato Growers Association on the subject of farm parity, the potato trade, the efficiency of the American farmer and the controversy over the Reclamation Act of 1902.
Agriculture; Farming; Agriculture--Potatoes; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Farm Parity; Food Surplus; Reclamation Act of 1902; agriculture
39:51; 1 cassette
1977 December 15
Church speaks on the National Public Radio program "Pauline Fredrick and Friends". John Marks and Harry Rositzke also speak on the show which was titled "The CIA in Foreign Policy".
Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Policy; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Carter, Jimmy; Political Ethics; Hussein I; Marks, John; Rositzke, Harry; Committees
28:10; 1 cassette
1977 February 25
Church is interviewed by Bob (?) Collingwood on the subject of the arms race between the U.S. and Russia.
Nuclear Weapons; Budget--Military; Carter, Jimmy; Nuclear Warfare; Arms Control; Nuclear Disarmament; Nixon, Richard M.; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; international Relations
20:50; 1 reel
1977 February 16
Church appears on the CBS Radio Network's "Capitol Cloakroom" commenting on many of the agreements and disagreements between the Administration and the Congress.
Carter, Jimmy; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Civil Rights; Foreign Policy; Carter, Rosalynn; Taxes; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); Legislation
23:24; 1 reel
1977 June 15
Church gives a speech on national health care at the City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles, CA.
City of Hope Hospital; Cancer; Medicare; Medical Care; Public Relations
39:00; 1 reel
1977 July 16
Steve Symms, Church's opponent in the 1980 Campaign, does a phone-in question interview on KSPD Radio's "Talk Back" program.
Meat Industry and Trade; Ranching; Campaign, 1980; Food and Drug Administration; Foreign Relations--Israel; B-1 Bomber; Carter, Jimmy; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Symms, Steve; Panama Canal Treaty; Social Security; Abortion; Rationing, Gasoline; Campaigns
90:00; 1 cassette
On the Senate floor Church explains two amendments which have been attached to the Panama Canal Treaty.
Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--Panama; Javits, Jacob; Stone, Richard; international Relations
16:10; 1 cassette
1978 January 26
Program titled "There's a future in aging" in which Church discusses the mandatory retirement age, Social Security and pensions, the end of poverty for older Americans, Medicare, inflation and more.
Social Security; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Poverty; Inflation; Medicare; Medical Care; Retirement, Mandatory; Public Relations
45:55; 1 cassette
1978 February 4
Church speaks from the Senate floor, leading the fight for the ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty. Senators Paul Laxalt and Spark Matsunaga also speak on this issue.
Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--Panama; Laxalt, Paul; Matsunaga, Spark; international Relations
89:39; 1 cassette
1978 February 10
Church listens to a rebuttal from Senator Paul Laxalt concerning Church's fight for the ratification of the Panama Canal Treaty.
Panama Canal Treaty; Laxalt, Paul; international Relations
25:12; 1 cassette
1978 February 10
Church speaks before a session of the Idaho State Legislature. He discusses his attempts at establishing a gasohol program, the OPEC oil cartel, the proposed Reclamation Reform Act and Steve Symms.
Gasohol; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Reclamation Reform Act; Symms, Steve; Public Relations
14:30; 1 cassette
1978 February 15
Church speaks with James McClure on the CBS Radio program "Captiol Cloakroom" which is titled "Wilderness Impasse". They discuss a variety of wilderness issues.
McClure, James; Wilderness; Roadless Area Review and Evaluation II; Forest Management Act of 1976; Wilderness Act of 1964; Timber Industry; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); interior
15:00; 1 cassette
Church appears on the CBS television program "Face the Nation". He discusses arms control, the Middle East, SALT II being affected by Breznhev's ill health, the decline of Carter's popularity and more.
Arms Control; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Assistance--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Military Assistance--Turkey; Sadat, Anwar; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Brezhnev, Leonid; Foreign Relations--Ch; international Relations
26:44; 1 cassette
1978 May 7
Church speaks at a Jefferson-Jackson Day Banquet in Salt Lake City where he discusses the common problems of the intermountain region, the rise of the "New Right" in the West and their labeling him a subversive.
McKay, Gunn; Democratic Party; Campaign, 1956; Agriculture; Energy Policy; Gasohol; Carter, Jimmy; John Birch Society; Panama Canal Treaty; Welch, Robert; Public Relations
34:15; 1 cassette
1978 May 20
Church speaks on the CBS Radio program "Capitol Cloakroom" on a variety of issues including Cuba's foreign relations with Zaire and the Proposition 13 referendum in California.
Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Zaire; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Military Assistance--Turkey; Panama Canal Treaty; Proposition 13; Taxes; Campaign, 1980; Capitol Cloakroom (CBS); international Relations
22:35; 1 cassette
1978 June 7
Church speaks at a breakfast (the tape is labeled "Breakfast w/Godfrey") at which he discusses various happenings in world affairs.
Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Afghanistan; Somali-Ethiopian Conflict, 1977- ; Foreign Relations--Zaire; Military Assistance--Turkey; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Foreign Relations--South Africa; Barnes, Verd; international Relations
50:44; 1 cassette
1978 June 8
Church speaks before a Democratic Campaign committee on the Democratic majority in Congress, the Democratic Party in general, U.S. relations with the U.S.S.R., Jimmy Carter and Senator Alan Cranston.
Democratic Party; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Carter, Jimmy; Cranston, Alan; Public Relations
37:55; 1 cassette
1978 July 28
Church appears on a KAID-TV (Boise) program titled "The Last Stand" along with Sen. James McClure, Doug Scott and Ron Cutler. They discuss the wilderness controversy in Idaho.
Wilderness; Timber Industry; McClure, James; Scott, Doug; Cutler, Ron; Public Hearings; interior
58:37; 1 cassette
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #3, Series 11.1, Box 34
1978 September 5
Church appears on KTVB-TV's (Boise) "Viewpoint" program. He discusses, the Camp David Accords, a possible Soviet invasion of the Persian Gulf, the Soviet military, Carter's chances for re-election in 1980 and more.
Camp David Accords; Carter, Jimmy; Begin, Menacham; Sadat, Anwar; Persian Gulf; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Defense; Campaign, 1980; Viewpoint (KTVB); international Relations
26:10; 1 cassette
1978 September 5
Press conference at the White House held by Carter, Begin and Sadat, outlining the terms of the Middle East Peace Treaty. Church does not speak on this tape.
Carter, Jimmy; Camp David Accords; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Begin, Menacham; Sadat, Anwar; Treaties; international Relations
40:40; 1 cassette
1978 September 17
Church, in Mountain Home, speaks at a dinner for Mike Wetherell, who is running for Attorney General of Idaho. Poor sound quality. The recording is cut off near the end of Church's speech.
Wetherell, Mike; Campaigns
27:00; 1 cassette
1978 October 22
Church is interviewed at a luncheon by Associated Press editors and correspondents on U.S. foreign policy since he is to be appointed as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Iran--Revolution, 1978; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Relations--Iran; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; AWACS; Military Assistance--Saudi Arabia; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Angol; international Relations
89:00; 1 cassette
1978 December 6
Continuation of A78016. Church is interviewed at a luncheon by Associated Press editors and correspondents on U.S. foreign policy since he is to be appointed as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Foreign Aid; international Relations
2:11; 1 cassette
1978 December 6
Church is interviewed by UPI correspondents on the subject of his interest in politics as a child, his admiration of Borah, his dream of becoming Chairman on the Foreign Relations Committee and more.
Borah, William E.; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Iran--Revolution, 1978; Nicaragua--Revolution, 1978; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Camp David A; international Relations
87:20; 1 cassette
1978 December 6
Church speaks before a gathering of the Idaho Food Producers Association and speaks on expanding U.S. food markets abroad, foreign capital interests in the U.S., Iran, the OPEC oil cartel and more.
Foreign Trade; Agriculture; Agriculture--Potatoes; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Castro, Fidel; Iran--Revolution, 1978; Oil Industry; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; agriculture
40:06; 1 cassette
1978 December 11
Church gives a speech at Brigham Young University, which is followed by a question and answer period on both domestic and international affairs.
Economic Development; Budget--Military; Inflation; Carter, Jimmy; Government Deregulation; Trucking Industry; Airline Industry; Private Enterprise; Foreign Aid; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Policy; Panama Canal Treaty; For; Public Relations
44:23; 1 cassette
1978 December 12
Church speaks before a gathering of the American Nuclear Society, focusing primarily upon international affairs.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Panama Canal; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Nuclear Arms Race; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Churchill, Winston; Khrushchev, Nikita; Cruise Missile; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Iraq; Foreign Relations--I; international Relations
32:50; 1 cassette
1978 December 14
Heavily spliced tape with short excerpts of a speech on the Panama Canal and an interview on the CIA's covert operations.
Panama Canal; Central Intelligence Agency; international Relations
6:00; 1 reel
Digital copy exists on DVD Tape #3, Series 11.1, Box 34
Church appears on CBS's "Face the Nation".
Face the Nation (CBS); Foreign Relations--Iran; Central Intelligence Agency; Arms Control; Carter, Jimmy; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Budget--Military; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Budget--United States; Nixon, Richard M.; Khomei; international Relations
28:19; 1 reel
1978 January 21
Church speaking before the Idaho Farmer's Union on the subject of water rights and agriculture.
Water Rights; Reclamation Projects; Foreign Relations--Iran; Gasohol; Farming; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Grassland Act of 1978; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Foreign Trade--Cuba; agriculture
29:55; 1 reel
1978 January 12
Church is interviewed on KLIX radio, Twin Falls. He speaks primarily on the Middle East situation, Afghanistan, the nuclear arms race, and Idaho politics.
Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Oil Industry; Hansen, George; Gasohol; Farming; Embargoes--Grain; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Anyone but Church Committee; Social Security; Panama Canal Treaty; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Campaign, 1980; international Relations
30:00; 2 cassettes
1979 January 7
Church speaks before the Burley Rotarty Club on international relations and agriculture. A question and answer period follows the speech.
Foreign Relations--Middle East; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Farming; Agriculture; Gasohol; Embargoes--Grain; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Public Relations
53:00; 2 cassettes
1979 January 8
Church is interviewed by Gary Adams on KBAR radio, Burley, Idaho.
Symms, Steve; Abortion; Embargoes--Grain; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Agriculture--Wheat; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Trade--U.S.S.R.; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Chrysler Corporation; Sagebrush Rebellion; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Chu; Campaigns
27:31; 2 cassettes
1979 January 8
Church at a Boise press conference where he gives his views on abortion, the economy, foreign policy and the upcoming campaign.
Abortion; Inflation; Campaign, 1980; Government Deregulation; Internal Revenue Service; Cambodian--Vietnamese Conflict, 1977- ; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Policy; Public Lands; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Energy Policy; Oil Indus; Campaigns
40:23; 1 cassette
1979 January 9
Church appears on the KTVB-TV (Boise) program "Viewpoint". He discusses his stand on abortion, the upcoming campaign, and U.S. foreign policy.
Campaign, 1980; Abortion; Foreign Policy; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Wilderness; Foreign Relations--Southeast Asia; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
27:45; 2 cassettes
1979 January 9
Church is interviewed on CBS's "Face the Nation" program on U.S. foreign policy in Iran, Southeast Asia, China, and the proposed SALT II Treaty.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Budget--United States; Cambodian--Vietnamese Conflict, 1977- ; Nuclear Weapons; Defense; Vietnam Conflict; Foreign Relations--Iran; Face the; international Relations
25:08; 1 cassette
1979 January 21
This is the tail end of a press conference held by Church and Senator Jacob Javits following their luncheon meeting with Deng Xaioping.
Javits, Jacob; Deng, Xiaoping; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; international Relations
5:58; 2 cassettes
1979 January 30
KAID program "The Reporters", hosted by Mark Johnson, discusses the roles of single issue politics (abortion) in the upcoming Church campaign. Church does not appear, but his voice is used.
Campaign, 1980; Abortion; Reporters, The (KAID); Johnson, Mark; Campaigns
27:29; 2 cassettes
1979 February 8
Church speaks at the Northwest Nazarene Chapel in Nampa on the subject of government in general, and then upon specific issues. The speech is followed by a question and answer period.
Political Philosopy; Education; Budget--United States; Energy Policy; Draft Registration; Foreign Relations--Iran; Foreign Relations--Turkey; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Public Relations
31:30; 1 cassette
1979 February 12
Church speaking a Boise State University's high school orientation. The speech is followed by a question and answer period.
Political Philosopy; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Foreign Relations--South Africa; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Cambodian--Vietnamese Conflict, 1977- ; Foreign Relations--Greece; Foreign Rela; international Relations
66:00; 1 cassette
1979 February 14
Church speaks at a agricultural exposition in Caldwell, primarily on agriculture but also on the hostage crisis in Iran and the kidnapping of a U.S. ambassodor in Afghanistan.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Afghanistan; Reclamation Act of 1902; Ranching; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Food Stamp Program; Public Lands--Fees; Embargoes--Grain; agriculture
33:53; 1 cassette
1979 February 14
Church holds a news conference in Boise, he describes the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, the murder of a U.S. diplomat in Afghanistan, conditions for U.S. recognition of China, relations with Mexico.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Afghanistan; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Trade--Mexico; Foreign Relations--Mexico; Oil Industry; Abortion; Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; international Relations
18:36; 1 cassette
1979 February 14
Poor sound quality. Church speaks (along with many other unidentified individuals) at a dinner honoring Ted Trueblood for his work in the field of conservation. Trueblood also makes a speech at this dinner.
Trueblood, Ted; Conservation; Wilderness; Public Relations
23:00; 1 cassette
Incomplete recording of Church speaking on an unidentified radio or television program. Church discusses Russian involvement in Africa and says that the U.S. has no vital national interests in African affairs.
Foreign Relations--Africa; Foreign Relations--Zaire; international Relations
6:57; 1 cassette
Church speaks at the annual Democratic Jefferson-Jackson Dinner about his upcoming campaign and various international issues.
Anyone but Church Committee; Nuclear Weapons; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Foreign Relations--Iran; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Campaigns
26:18; 1 cassette
1979 February 24
Church press conference on U.S. recognition of China and the status of Taiwan, China's war with Vietnam, and the Iranian hostage crisis.
Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; international Relations
10:00; 1 cassette
1979 February 27
Church interview with the editors of "U.S. News and World Report." He speaks on various international issues including Russian expansionism in Africa.
Foreign Policy; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Nuclear Arms Race; Energy Policy; Carter, Jimmy; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; Foreign Relations--Middle; international Relations
72:27; 1 cassette
1979 March 1
Church is interviewed by KUID-TV in Moscow. He speaks on the terrorism found in Arab and African countries, U.S.-Lybian Relations and arms sales to Third World countries.
Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Libya; Foreign Relations--Africa; Terrorism; Military Assistance; Qaddafi, Muammar el-; international Relations
25:35; 1 cassette
1979 March 3
Church holds a press conference in Spokane, WA on the Camp David Accords, the SALT II Treaty, the Mexican oil industry, foreign trade with China, the sugar beet industry, and U.S. land purchases by foreign powers.
Camp David Accords; Foreign Trade--Mexico; Foreign Trade--China; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Oil Industry; international Relations
18:33; 1 cassette
1979 March 4
Church gives a speech on international terrorism. He talks about Idi Amin in Uganda, the bombing of the Chilean ambassador, the growth of urban terrorism, and terrorism as reported by the press.
Foreign Relations--Uganda; Amin, Idi; Terrorism; Foreign Relations--Chile; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Press and Terrorism; international Relations
40:38; 1 cassette
1979 March 7
Church speaks at a question and answer session at the Law School at the University of Idaho. He discusses tax breaks for private schools, the Alaska Lands Bill and more.
Internal Revenue Service; Foreign Trade--Mexico; Oil Industry; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Assistance--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Campa; international Relations
45:00; 1 cassette
1979 March 5
Church speaks at a breakfast in Orofino on the subject covert U.S. activities in Laos, selling arms to Iran, the Panama Canal Treaty, the condition of the sugar and farming industry in Idaho and more.
Foreign Relations--Laos; Military Assistance--Iran; Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Trade--Mexico; Oil Industry; Farm Parity; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Farming; international Relations
46:26; 1 cassette
1979 March 5
Church is interviewed by a Lewiston radio station on the Camp David Accord, and Sino-Vietnamese War.
Camp David Accords; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; Public Relations
8:05; 1 cassette
1979 March 5
Church speaks at a labor temple in Lewiston. He discusses the timber industry, labor unions, the sale of the Panama Canal, rising hospital costs, the expansion of oil exploration by the oil companies and more.
Timber Industry; Wilderness; Labor Unions; Campaign, 1980; Panama Canal Treaty; Oil Industry; Alaska Pipeline; Medical Care; international Relations
38:06; 1 cassette
1979 March 5
Church gives a press conference in Las Vegas, NV on the Iranian Revolution, the Sino-Vietnamese War, the Camp David Accords, the deregulation of oil the industry, and his response to TV cameras in the Senate.
Camp David Accords; Central Intelligence Agency; Carter, Jimmy; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; Government Deregulation; Senate--Television Broadcasting; international Relations
19:18; 1 cassette
1979 March 6
Church is interviewed by ABC Radio News on different aspects in world affairs.
Camp David Accords; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Relations--China; international Relations
27:15; 1 cassette
1979 March 18
Church briefs reporters after his visit with Chinese premier Deng Xiaoping.
Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Trade--China; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; Deng, Xiaoping; international Relations
25:13; 1 cassette
1979 March 18
Church briefs reporters following a meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Far East.
Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Military Assistance--Taiwan; Camp David Accords; Foreign Trade--China; Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, 1979; international Relations
37:03; 1 cassette
1978 March 19
Church argues the merits of his sugar bill S. 463 before the subcommittee on finances.
Agriculture--Sugar Beets; agriculture
12:43; 1 cassette
1979 March 21
Church is interviewed by Pauline Fredrick on the signing of the Camp David Accords, the PLO and other matters concerning the Middle East.
Camp David Accords; Palestine Liberation Organization; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Terrorism; international Relations
28:21; 1 cassette
1979 March 22
Church speaks at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo, Japan on U.S. relations with Asian countries, including the recognition of China, the Middle East peace agreements, the fall of the Shah and more.
Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Foreign Trade--Japan; Foreign Relations--China; Military Bases, Foreign; Foreign Relations--South Korea; Camp David Accords; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Trade--Philipines; Foreign Relations--Ph; international Relations
52:37; 1 cassette
1979 April 23
Church dedicates a development workshop.
Dedications; Public Relations
21:41; 1 cassette
Church delivers a commencement address at a Idaho Falls high school. He discusses the settlement of the West by the pioneers, the growing cynicism of Americans toward politics and more.
Nuclear Arms Race; Gasohol; Public Relations
27:00; 1 cassette
Church speaks at a commencement at an unidentified location. He gives the exact same speech as he delivers to a Idaho Falls High School graduating class on A79026a.
Nuclear Arms Race; Gasohol; Public Relations
28:53; 1 cassette
Steve Symms appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. Symms has not yet declared his candidacy for the Senate. Symms comments on Church's record, ABC, SALT II, nuclear waste, and the Carter Administration.
Viewpoint (KTVB); Nuclear Waste Disposal; Campaign, 1980; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Anyone but Church Committee; Carter, Jimmy; Rationing, Gasoline; Campaigns
26:33; 1 cassette
1979 May 11
Church and Symms preside over a Idaho public hearing on Church's proposed River of No Return Wilderness Bill. Rep. Larry Craig as well as a number of Idaho state politicians give testimony on the issue.
Wilderness; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Symms, Steve; Craig, Larry; Cennarusa, Pete; Legislation
46:04; 1 cassette
1979 May 24
Church speaks before the graduating class of Linden Business College on a variety of topics. This speech can be found on Side B of the cassette. Side A contains a second copy of A79028.
Wilderness; Nuclear Arms Race; Gasohol; Foreign Relations--China; Public Relations
27:41; 1 cassette
1979 June 15
Church is interviewed by Bill Whitton of the Idaho Farm Bureau on the subject of the water diversion threats to Idaho.
Water Rights; Reclamation Act of 1902; agriculture
2:07; 1 cassette
1979 June 8
Church appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. A videotape of this appearance can be found by refering to the Film and Videotape Collection Index under "Viewpoint".
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Draft Registration; Defense; Wilderness; MX Missile; Senior Citizens; Abortion; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
27:00; 1 cassette
1979 June 15
Church appears on the KBCI (Boise) television program "Weekend West" program.
MX Missile; Anyone but Church Committee; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Oil Industry; Abortion; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Weekend West (KBCI); Campaigns
29:54; 1 cassette
1979 June 15
Church discusses futures trading among potato growers and the economics of the potato growing industry.
Agriculture--Potatoes; agriculture
31:53; 1 cassette
1979 June 16
Church speaks at a picnic held by the Northwest Pipeline Co. He speaks on the energy crisis and the Alaskan Pipeline. He says the Northwest Pipeline Co. is an asset to Idaho.
Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Alaska Pipeline; Public Relations
12:20; 1 cassette
1979 June 16
Church is interviewed by Carl Lazenby on issues concerning Idaho as well as his comments on the SALT II Treaty.
Railroads; Amtrack; Gasohol; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Public Lands; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Reclamation Act of 1902; Reclamation Reform Act; Legislation
10:00; 1 cassette
1979 June 27
Speech before the Rexburg Kiwanis Club in which Church discusses the "omitted lands" issue, the recognition the new Rhodesian government, the energy crisis, SALT II and controling inflation.
Inflation; Public Lands; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Gasohol; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Foreign Relations--Rhodesia; Public Relations
23:32; 1 cassette
1979 July 3
Meeting held in St. Anthony concerning a dispute of "omitted lands" along a Idaho river (the name of the river is never mentioned) and whether they should receive the distinction of public or private land.
Public Lands; interior
74:15; 1 cassette
1979 July 3
Church gives a press conference on the signing of an agreement between Idaho and Taiwan for Taiwan's purchase of Idaho agricultural products, as well as the U.S.'s relationship between China and Taiwan.
Foreign Relations--China; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Trade--Taiwan; Oil Industry; international Relations
41:27; 1 cassette
1979 July 6
Don Todd, Chairman of the Anyone but Church Committee, is interviewed on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. This interview is found on video tape. Refer to "Viewpoint" in the Film and Video Collection Index.
Campaign, 1980; Todd, Don; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Symms, Steve; Evans, John; Andrus, Cecil D.; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
26:39; 1 cassette
1979 July 13
Church holds a press conference explaining the details of the SALT II Treaty and what steps are necessary in order for it to be ratified.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Backfire Bomber; Cruise Missile; international Relations
34:16; 1 cassette
1979 August 3
Carl Burke appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. This program can be found by referring to the Film and Videotape Collection Index under "Viewpoint". Church does not appear on this program.
Burke, Carl; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaign Contributions; Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Defense; Campaign, 1976; Birds of Prey Area; Wilderness; Senate--Seniority; Hansen, George; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
27:45; 1 cassette
1979 August 10
Governor John Evans appears on KTVB's "Viewpoint" program. Church does not appear on this program.
Evans, John; Camp David Accords; Wilderness; Budget--Idaho; One-percent Initiative; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
28:40; 1 cassette
1979 August 3
Church is presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Idaho Society for Rangeland Preservation in Pocatello. This event is then followed by a press conference at which Church discusses current legislation.
Range Management; Little, Bill; National Rangeland Act; Amtrack; Northwest Power Act; Bonneville Power Administration; Reclamation Reform Act; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Young, Andrew; Palestine Liberation Organization; Panama Canal; Legislation
31:00; 1 cassette
Church speaks with public officials in Preston. He discusses gasohol and the fuel shortage, the Bear River Compact, Carter's energy policy, the use of geothermal energy and more.
Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Geothermal Resources; Energy Policy; Reclamation Reform Act; Bear River Compact; interior
29:07; 1 cassette
1979 August 15
Church visits with various public officials in Preston. He discusses agricultural issues, the resignation of Andrew Young, Kissinger's comments on SALT II, charges made by the ABC Committee and more.
Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Young, Andrew; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaign, 1980; Abortion; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Gasohol; Carter, Jimmy; Nuclear Arms Race; Foreign Trade; Titan Missile; Kissinger, Henry; United Nations; agriculture
29:24; 1 cassette
1979 August 15
Church speaks before the Soda Springs Chamber of Commerce. He discusses David Leroy condemning the tactics used by the ABC Committee, the shortage of diesel fuel, the windfall profits tax and more.
Taxes--Windfall Profits; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaign, 1980; LeRoy, David; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Abortion; Titan Missile; Gasohol; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Nuclear Arms Race; Public Relations
25:00; 1 cassette
1979 August 16
Church speaks before the Soda Springs Chamber of Commerce.
Panama Canal Treaty; Vietnam Conflict; Social Security; Campaign, 1980; international Relations
13:31; 1 cassette
1979 August 16
Church holds a press conference in Boise addressing a ABC Committee newspaper ad which he calls an outright distortion, he says he opposes the normalization of relations with Vietnam and more.
Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Dolan, Terry; Todd, Don; Foreign Relations--Vietnam; Panama Canal Treaty; New York City--Emergency Loans, 1975; Congress--Pay Raises; Campaigns
37:05; 1 cassette
1979 August 17
Steve Symms, Church's opponent for the 1980 Campaign, appears on the KTVB-TV program "Viewpoint". Symms discusses the campaign methods employeed by the ABC Committee, the upcoming campaign and more.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Anyone but Church Committee; Carter, Jimmy; Abortion; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Todd, Don; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
31:52; 1 cassette
1979 August 17
Church speaks at a picnic (location unknown). He discusses the ABC and NBC committees, the Pioneer passenger train bill, the bailout for New York, the Trident submarine and more.
Reclamation Reform Act; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaign, 1980; Wilderness; Amtrack; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Trident Submarine; Congress--Pay Raises; Abortion; New York City--Emergency Loans, 1975; Nobody but Church Committ; Campaigns
21:29; 1 cassette
1979 August 20
Church speaks at a press conference (location unknown) where he discusses the activities of the ABC Committee whose tactics he predicts will backfire and cost the Republicans votes and more.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Foreign Relations--Mexico; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Backfire Bomber; Military--Combat Readiness; Defense; Cruise Missile; MX Missile; B-1 Bomber; Oil Industry; Reclamation Reform Act; Wilderness; Campaigns
29:13; 1 cassette
1979 August 21
Church appears on the KAID-TV program "The Reporters". He discusses the SALT II Treaty, the central Idaho wilderness bill, his views of Symms as a Congressman, the upcoming campaign and more.
Reporters, The (KAID); Campaign, 1980; Backfire Bomber; Defense; Cruise Missile; B-1 Bomber; Trident Submarine; MX Missile; Campaign, 1980; Campaign Contributions; Anyone but Church Committee; Symms, Steve; Carter, Jimmy; Energy Policy; Foreign Relations; Campaigns
27:38; 1 cassette
1979 August 21
Don Todd, Chairman of the ABC Committee and Helen Chenoweth, executive director of the Idaho Committee for a Positive Change appear on the KAID-TV program "The Reporters".
Reporters, The (KAID); Anyone but Church Committee; Todd, Don; Chenoweth, Helen; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Idaho Committee for a Positive Change; Panama Canal Treaty; Symms, Steve; Dolan, Terry; Campaign, 1980; Campaigns
28:16; 1 cassette
1979 August 21
Church gives a speech before a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Library Association (location unknown). He discusses funding for libraries, and the rise in the rate of illiteracy.
Education; Literacy; Libraries--Law and Legislation; Public Relations
20:07; 1 cassette
1979 August 22
Church gives a speech at a Payette County senior citizens center. He discusses insurance fraud, pay raises for federal employees, cost of living adjustments for the elderly and more.
Medicaid; Medicare; Senior Citizens--Cost and Standard of Living; Social Security; Older Americans Act; Federal Employees--Pay Raises; Public Relations
25:18; 1 cassette
1979 August 22
Church speaks at an interstate conference (location unknown) on water resources in the West.
Water Resources; Reclamation Projects; Energy Policy; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; interior
17:57; 1 cassette
1979 August 29
Church holds a press conference where he reveals that there are Russian combat troops stationed in Cuba. He urges Carter to call for their withdrawal from Cuba, the effect this will have on SALT II and more.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Nicaragua; Foreign Relations--Panama; Military Bases, Foreign; Guantanamo Bay (Cuba); Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; international Relations
20:20; 1 cassette
1979 August 30
Church dedicates a senior citizens center (location unknown).
Senior Citizens; Public Relations
43:56; 1 cassette
1979 August 31
Church is interviewed by KBCI (Boise) and the CBC on his revelation that Soviet troops are stationrd in Cuba. He says that this is a violation of the 1962 Cuban Missile Agreement, responds to NCPAC accusations.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Defense; Military Bases, Foreign; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Cuban Missile Agreement of 1962; international Relations
12:10; 1 cassette
1979 August 31
Church appears on the KTVB-TV program "Viewpoint". He discusses why he disclosed the news that there were Russian combat troops stationed in Cuba, and responds to accusations made by the ICPC.
Campaign, 1980; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Carter, Jimmy; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Panama Canal Treaty; Idaho Committee for a Positive Change; Military Bases, Foreign; Viewpoint (KTVB); international Relations
27:02; 1 cassette
1979 August 31
Church is interviewed on KBOI Radio (Boise). He discusses Russian combat troops in Cuba and their threat to national security, the Backfire bomber, the Reclamation Reform Act and more.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Backfire Bomber; Water Rights; Energy Policy; Reclamation Reform Act; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Gasohol; Campaign, 1980; international Relations
29:53; 1 cassette
1979 August 31
Church appears on the ABC program "Good Morning America". He discusses his revelation of Russian combat troops in Cuba and the effects it will have upon the SALT II negotiations process.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Carter, Jimmy; Good Morning America (ABC); international Relations
6:32; 1 cassette
1979 September 6
Church speaks on a talk show hosted by Pat Buchanan. He discusses the presence of Russian combat troops in Cuba and the effects this will have on the SALT II process.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Bases, Foreign; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; international Relations
7:52; 1 cassette
1979 September 6
Church appears on the CBS Television program "Face the Nation". He discusses why he went public with the information there were Russian combat troops stationed in Cuba and more.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Bases, Foreign; Carter, Jimmy; Face the Nation (CBS); Campaign, 1980; international Relations
25:00; 2 cassette
1979 September 9
Church is interviewed by KID Radio (Idaho Falls). He responds to Symms' charges that he was partially responsible for the presence of Russian combat troops in Cuba.
Downward Certification; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Wilderness; Gasohol; Symms, Steve; international Relations
5:51; 1 cassette
1979 September 20
Church appears on the KAID-TV (Boise) program "The Reporters". He discusses Russian combat troops in Cuba, Symms' connection with the anti-Church committees, such as the ABC Committee, and more.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Panama Canal Treaty; Symms, Steve; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.;Campaign, 1980; Press and Politics; Draft Registration; Reporters, The (KAID); international Relations
28:40; 1 cassette
1979 September 21
Church is interviewed on ABC by Cassie Macklin on the presence of Russian combat troops in Cuba and the effect it will have upon the SALT II process.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Campaign, 1980; international Relations
15:20; 1 cassette
1979 September 24
Short excerpt of what appears to be a committee hearing on obtaining an agreement from Canada for supplies of natural gas.
Foreign Trade--Canada; Gas, Natural; Committees
3:50; 1 cassette
1979 September 26
Church is interviewed by Bill Whitton of the Idaho Farm Bureau. He discusses the reconstruction of American Falls Dam, chemical pollution in the environment, trading agricultural products for oil and more.
Conservation; Pollution; American Falls Dam; Reclamation Reform Act; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Sagebrush Rebellion; Foreign Exchange; Public Relations
13:12; 1 cassette
1979 September 26
Steve Symms, Church's opponent in the 1980 Campaign, makes a speech at Idaho State University. He speaks on a wide variety of issues.
Campaign, 1980; Inflation; Economic Development; Taxes; Wilderness; Timber Industry; Sagebrush Rebellion; Public Lands; Symms, Steve; Military--Combat Readiness; Public Lands; Idaho State University; Campaigns
46:13; 1 cassette
1979 October 1
Church appears on the NBC Television program "Today". He discusses the presence of Russian combat troops in Cuba.
Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Carter, Jimmy; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Today (NBC); international Relations
17:00; 1 cassette
1979 October 2
Church is interviewed by KLEW-TV (Lewiston), KBCI-TV (Boise), and KPVI-TV (Pocatello). He discusses his position on SALT II as it relates to the Russian combat troops in Cuba and anti-Church committees.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Castro, Fidel; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Republican Party; Idaho Committee for a Positive Chang; international Relations
13:18; 1 cassette
1979 October 2
Church is interviewed by Carl Lazenby on the Reclamation Reforms Bill, the recent coup in El Salvador, the exemption of small businesses from OSHA regulations and more.
Reclamation Reform Act; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--El Salvador; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Campaign, 1980; international Relations
9:15; 1 cassette
1979 October 24
Church gives a speech (location unknown). He discusses many of the facets of U.S. energy policy.
Yamani, Ahmed Zaki al-; Oil Industry; Conservation; Gasohol; Energy Policy; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Coal Resources; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Public Relations
39:31; 1 cassette
1979 October 26
Church gives a speech to a group [the U.N. Association] on the United Nations, developments in the SALT II process and more.
Arms Control; Nuclear Warfare; United Nations;Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Public Relations
46:34; 1 cassette
1979 October 26
Church holds a press conference (location unknown) on the subject of the loss of U.S. military bases in Turkey and Iran, Russian combat troops in Cuba and declines to declare his candidate for president in 1980.
Military Bases, Foreign; Foreign Relations--Iran; Foreign Relations--Turkey; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; MX Missile; Foreign Relations--Taiwan; Foreign Trade--China; international Relations
46:34; 1 cassette
1979 October 26
Vice President Mondale holds a press conference in which he discusses Carter's reaction to Church's disclosure that Russian combat troops in Cuba and more. Church does not speak on this tape.
Energy Policy; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Public Lands; Wilderness; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; international Relations
14:50; 1 cassette
1979 October 27
Church gives a speech at Georgetown University on Russian combat troops in Cuba, verification processes in SALT II Treaty, the overthrow of the Shah in Iran and more.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Iran; Military Bases, Foreign; Cruise Missile; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Central Intelligence Agency; Yamani, Ahmed Zaki al-; international Relations
58:09; 1 cassette
Church is interviewed by KIVI on the Iranian hostage crisis, Russian combat troops in Cuba, legislation for the Idaho sugar industry and the River of No Return Wilderness Area.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Agriculture--Sugar Beets; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; international Relations
5:35; 1 cassette
1979 November 14
Church is interviewed by KID-TV (Idaho Falls) on the subject of the Alaska Lands Bill, Carter's handling of the hostage crisis, radiation contamination in the Snake River Aquifer and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Carter, Jimmy; Snake River Aquifer; Foreign Policy; Symms, Steve; Wilderness; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Inflation; Interest Rates; interior
7:12; 1 cassette
1979 November 15
Church is interviewed by KLEW-TV in (Lewiston). He discusses McClure's opposition to his wilderness bill for the River of No Return and Gospel Hump Wilderness Areas and more.
Foreign Relations--Iran; Iran--Hostage Crisis; McClure, James; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Wilderness; interior
9:45; 1 cassette
1979 November 20
Church appears on the NBC Television program "Today". He discusses the mob scene at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait, comments on the Presidential campaign in 1980, the hostage crisis and more.
Foreign Relations--Kuwait; Foreign Relations--Mexico; Foreign Relations--Iran; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Carter, Jimmy; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; United Nations; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Today (NBC); international Relations
8:05; 1 cassette
1979 November 30
Church holds a press conference with Rep. Zablocki, discussing Iran's charges the the U.N. security council is an arm of U.S. interests, and measures the U.N. council can take to resolve the hostage crisis.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Iran; United Nations; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Zablocki, Clement; international Relations
8:43; 1 cassette
1979 December 1
Church speaks before a group of cattlemen in Pocatello. He discusses the central Idaho wilderness bill, range management, the Panama Canal Treaty, the hostage crisis in regards to the U.N. and more.
Wilderness; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Sagebrush Rebellion; Range Management; Conservation; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Panama Canal Treaty; United Nations; Imperialism; Agriculture; agriculture
31:14; 1 cassette
1979 December 7
Church speaks before a meeting of the Idaho Wildlife Federation on a wide variety of legislation on wilderness and wildlife he has introduced to the Senate.
Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Wilderness; McClure, James; U.S. Forest Service; Bear River Compact; Sagebrush Rebellion; Dworshack Dam; Elk--Mitigation for Habitat; Idaho Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration; interior
38:50; 1 cassette
1979 December 7
Sound track to a television program sponsored by anti-SALT II opponents which gives arguements opposing the ratification of the SALT II Treaty. Church does not speak on this tape.
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; international Relations
30:00; 1 cassette
Church holds a press conference in Coeur d'Alene on granting asylum for the Shah, the hostage situation, Iranian students in America, the actions taken in the U.N. and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Wilderness; Mining Industry; Energy Policy; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Foreign Relations--Iran; United Nations; international Relations
31:00; 1 cassette
1979 December 8
Church speaks before a group of senior citizens in Coeur d'Alene on taxing Social Security.
Social Security; Senior Citizens; Public Relations
12:40; 1 cassette
1979 December 8
Church is interviewed by KMVT-TV (Twin Falls) in Boise on the subject of Soviet troops in Cuba and the effect it will have on the SALT II process, the central Idaho wilderness bill, the Iranian situation and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Wilderness; Panama Canal Treaty; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Bases, Foreign; Nuclear Weapons; Agriculture--Suga; international Relations
47:10; 1 cassette
1979 December 8
Church dedicates the Communication/Arts Building at the Northern Idaho Community College.
Dedications; Public Relations
23:16; 1 cassette
1979 December 9
Church speaks at a public forum in northern Idaho (location unknown). He discusses the Chrysler Bailout Bill, the hostage crisis and how to deal with the Shah, the Sagebrush Rebellion, wilderness and more.
Panama Canal Treaty; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Foreign Relations--Cuba;Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Inflation; Chrysler Corporation; Chrysler Bailout Bill; Inflation; Congress--Pay Rais; international Relations
28:11; 1 cassette
1979 December 9
Anwar Sadat addresses the Senate from the Senate Chambers on the day after the signing of the Camp David Accords. Robert Byrd, Howard Baker and Frank Church also speak at this occasion.
Sadat, Anwar; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Foreign Relations--Israel; Camp David Accords; Byrd, Robert; Baker, Howard; Treaties; international Relations
25:30; 1 reel
1979 September 18
60:00; 1 cassette
1979 November 20
90:00; 1 cassette
1979 November 20
1 cassette
1979 November 20
Frank Church testifies on behalf of S. 2009 (Idaho wilderness bill) before House Subcommittee on Public Lands. For printed version, see Congressional Information Service microfiche 81 H 441-8. ONE SIDE OF cassette.
Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness; Wilderness;
30:00; 1 cassette
1979 December 6
Continuation of hearing on tape A79080. Frank Church interchange with Congressman Steve Symms at beginning of tape; mostly testimony of Senator James McClure. ONE SIDE OF cassette ONLY.
Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness; McClure, James; Symms, Steve; Wilderness;
1 cassette
1979 December 6
Steve Symms speaks on a program titled "Opinion Please" (location and station unknown). He discusses the Birds of Prey Area, the Sagebrush Rebellion, the Panama Canal treaty, drug abuse in the army and more.
Panama Canal Treaty; Right to Work Act; Wilderness; Birds of Prey Area; Drug Abuse; Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Sagebrush Rebellion; Campaigns
12:18; 1 cassette
Church speaks at New Meadows on the topics of the Olympic boycott, Soviet troops in Cuba, the hostages in Iran, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, federal aid programs for public schools and cancer.
Cancer; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Education; Cancer; international Relations
14:55; 1 cassette
Church appears on TV-6 (location unknown) discussing the controversy arising in New Meadows in regards to the wilderness bill which would establish the River of No Return Wilderness Area and more.
Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Timber Industry; Sagebrush Rebellion; Iran--Hostage Crisis; interior
13:00; 1 cassette
1980 February 11
Steve Symms is interviewed on the KAID-TV (Boise) program "The Reporters" regarding the flaws he sees in the bill which would establish the River of No Return Wilderness Area.
Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Reporters, The (KAID); interior
25:14; 1 cassette
Katherine Keough and Louis Kennedy commend Church for authoring the Hostage Relief Act, which allows tax breaks, medical benefits and job training for the families of the Iranian hostages.
Keough, Katherine; Kennedy, Louis; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Hostage Relief Act; Legislation
3:40; 1 cassette
Excerpt of a TV news report (Channel 8, location unknown) from Idaho Falls reporting on former ambassador to Chile Edmund Korry and former Gen. Singlaub at a press conference condemning Church's CIA investigations.
Singlaub, John; Korry, Edmund; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Central Intelligence Agency; Foreign Relations--Chile; Campaign, 1980; Campaigns
5:00; 1 cassette
Steve Symms on KMVT-TV (Twin Falls) accuses Church and Andrus of opposing the Reclamation Reform Act, he also receives endorsements for his stand on the Right to Work Law from three "unions".
Symms, Steve; Andrus, Cecil D.; Reclamation Reform Act; Labor Unions; Right to Work Act; Campaigns
4:49; 1 cassette
Church speaks before a gathering of the National Wheat Growers Association and discusses the grain embargo on the Soviet Union.
Foreign Trade--U.S.S.R.; Embargoes--Grain; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; international Relations
46:10; 1 cassette
1980 January 6
Steve Symms announces his candidacy for the Senate. There is a videotape of this announcement in the Film and Audio Collection.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Campaigns
26:45; 1 cassette
1980 January 16
Church is interviewed by KLEW-TV (Lewiston) and KIFI-TV (Idaho Falls) where he discusses the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan delaying the SALT II Treaty, the Olympic boycott, cobalt mining, and trade with China.
Cobalt Mines and Mining; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Foreign Trade--China; Olympics; Embargoes--Grain; Symms, Steve; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; international Relations
14:18; 1 cassette
1980 January 23
Church and Senator Javits appear on the NBC "Today" show. They discuss whether the U.S. has enough military strength to repel a Soviet attack on the Persian Gulf, NATO, economic sactions to release the hostages.
Javits, Jacob; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Persian Gulf; Military--Combat Readiness; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Military Assistance--Pakistan; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Pakistan; Today (NBC); international Relations
12:10; 1 cassette
1980 January 24
Church speaks before the Greater Miami Jewish Federation on the subject of the hostage crisis, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Olympic boycott and the U.S. support for Israel.
Jews--Societies, etc.; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; international Relations
45:19; 1 cassette
1980 January 25
Steve Symms appears on KTVB's (Boise) "Viewpoint" program. He discusses the hostage crisis, the Russians in Afghanistan, nuclear energy, and how the Democrats have ruined the country.
Hansen, George; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Campaign, 1980; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Democratic Party; Nuclear Energy; Viewpoint (KTVB); international Relations
27:05; 1 cassette
1980 January 26
Church is interviewed by KTVB (Boise) and KMVT (Twin Falls) on Symms' political record, the EPA's planned water diversion studies to the Southwest, and the Olympics.
Campaign, 1980; Olympics; Water Rights; Symms, Steve; Environmental Protection Agency; Campaigns
14:23; 1 cassette
1980 January 29
Church and Senator Bill Bradley discuss the Abscam controversy, corruption in government, legislation to legalize gambling in New Jersey, the Olympic boycott, the Iranian hostages and draft registration.
Bradley, Bill; Abscam; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Gambling--New Jersey; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Draft Registration; Olympics; public relaitons
32:44; 1 cassette
1980 February 9
Church and State Auditor Joe Williams speak at the annual Jefferson-Jackson Banquet. Church discusses the upcoming campaign, ABC and NCPAC, as well as the hostage crisis, the Russians in Afghanistan and more.
Inflation; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Oil Industry; Evans, John; Symms, Steve; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Williams, Joe; Campaigns
40:28; 1 cassette
1980 February 9
Senator Bill Bradley and Church hold a press conference in Boise before the commencement of the annual Jefferson-Jackson Banquet. They are questioned about the Abscam scandal, draft registration for women and more.
Bradley, Bill; Abscam; Gambling--New Jersey; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Olympics; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Draft Registration; Military--Combat Readiness; Campaigns
31:00; 1 cassette
Church is interviewed on the KBCI Television program "Weekend West". A copy of this program can be found in the Film and Video Collection by referring to "Weekend West".
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Campaign, 1980; Foreign Relations--Pakistan; Symms, Steve; Weekend West (KBCI); Campaigns
22:35; 1 cassette
1980 February 12
Church faces a hostile crowd in New Meadows as he tries to explain the ramifications of his River of No Return Wilderness bill and the effects it will have upon the local economies.
Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; McClure, James; Roadless Area Review and Evaluation II; U.S. Forest Service; Cobalt Mines and Mining; Gospel Hump Wilderness Area; Magruder Corridor; Wilderness; Birds of Prey Area; National Forests; Sageb; interior
90:00; 2 cassettes
1980 February 10
Church addresses students at Boise State University's Special Events Center. He discusses the Vietnam Conflict, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the OPEC oil cartel, the draft for women and more.
Vietnam Conflict; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Inflation; Embargoes--Grain; Draft Registration; Persian Gulf; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Assistance--Pakistan; Nuclear Warfa; international Relations
45:49; 1 cassette
1980 February 12
Church addresses the International Trade Conference at Boise State University. He discusses the U.S. economy, trade with China, the shipment of U.S. arms to Taiwan and more.
Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Economic Development; Oil Industry; Foreign Trade--China; Military Assistance--Taiwan; Boise State University; international Relations
86:58; 1 cassette
1980 February 12
Church speaks at a luncheon at Boise State University. He discusses OPEC, gasohol, the hostages in Iran, the Russians in Afghanistan and the energy crisis in the U.S.
Boise State University; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; public relaitons
10:12; 1 cassette
1980 February 12
Church is interviewed by KTVB's (Boise) Sal Celeski on the hostage crisis, the Olympic Boycott, the River of No Return Wilderness Bill, nuclear waste at the INEL, and accusations that Andrus received illegal funds.
Andrus, Cecil D.; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Olympics; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Nuclear Waste Disposal; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; international Relations
11:45; 1 cassette
1980 February 13
Church gives a speech at Idaho State University. He discusses the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, NATO security and the Persian Gulf, Russian combat troops in Cuba, the MX Missile and defense spending and more.
Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Persian Gulf; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Olympics; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Gasohol; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Anyone but Church Committee; international Relations
57:05; 1 cassette
1980 February 13
Church is interviewed on the KPVI (Pocatello) program "In focus". He discusses how Carter has been handling the hostage crisis, the Equal Rights Amendment and more.
Campaign, 1980; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; Carter, Jimmy; Symms, Steve; Embargoes--Grain; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Draft Registration; Equal Rights Amendment; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1980 February 13
Church speaks before a group of nursing students at Idaho State University on health and medical care in the United States.
Nursing; Medical Care; Medicare; Idaho State University; Campaigns
42:00; 1 cassette
1980 February 14
Church is interviewed on KGBL-TV (location unknown) by Paula Wisle. He discusses his opposition to registering women for the draft, SALT II, Afghanistan and the River of No Return Wilderness.
Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Draft Registration;Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; international Relations
27:19; 1 cassette
1980 February 14
Church speaks at the Pocatello Labor Temple. He discusses issues in the 1980 Campaign, the Bacon-Davis Act, Carter's economic policy, deregualtion of the airlines and more.
Airline Industry; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Labor Unions; Bacon-Davis Act; Panama Canal Treaty; B-1 Bomber; Defense; Airline Industry; Government Deregulation; Carter, Jimmy; Symms, Steve; Oil Industry; Campaigns
42:00; 1 cassette
1980 February 15
Church appears with Senator Moynihan on NBC's "Today" show. They discuss the developments in the Iranian hostage crisis and the mixup on the voting in the U.N. on the Egypt-Israel issue.
United Nations; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Today (NBC); international Relations
7:02; 1 cassette
1980 March 6
Church is interviewed on a radio station identified as K103 on the "Sunday Session" program. He discusses the school lunch program, the Russians in Afghanistan, gasohol and the automobile industry.
National School Lunch Program; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Olympics; Gasohol; Automobile Industry; international Relations
12:55; 1 cassette
1980 March 9
Church is interviewed on the KTVB (Boise) program "Viewpoint". He comments on Symms and the ABC, his wilderness bill, restricting cobalt mining, Soviet troops in Cuba and more.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Anyone but Church Committee; Senate--Seniority; Carter, Jimmy; Nuclear Warfare; Cobalt Mines and Mining; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1980 March 14
Steve Symms gives a speech at Brigham Young University in Provo. He comments on the 1980 Campaign, the SALT II Treaty, the Panama Canal Treaty, the Sagebrush Rebellion and Carter's weak military stance.
Campaign, 1980; Panama Canal Treaty; Senate--Seniority; Symms, Steve; Carter, Jimmy; Sagebrush Rebellion; Defense; Military--Combat Readiness; Democratic Party; Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II; Campaigns
55:22; 1 cassette
1980 March 24
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance appears before Church's Senate Foreign Relations Committee discussing President Carter's foreign policy.
Foreign Policy; Vance, Cyrus; Javits, Jacob; Glenn, John; Carter, Jimmy; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Biden, Joseph; Committees
65:54; 1 cassette
1980 March 27
Church and Symms appear on the KTVB (Boise) program "Viewpoint". They discuss who is leading in the campaign in the polls, Church comments on Symms' voting record and more.
Campaign, 1980; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Senior Citizens; Symms, Steve; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
43:10; 1 cassette
1980 March 28
Church speaks before a meeting of the Teamsters Union in Caldwell. He discusses the labor union movement in Idaho, inflation caused by OPEC, flaws in the food stamp program and more.
Labor Unions; Government Price Regulation; Food Stamp Program; Inflation; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--China; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Oil Industry; international Relations
54:18; 1 cassette
1980 April 1
Church is interviewed by KTVB and KBCI (Boise). He discusses the hostage crisis and proposed economic sanctions against Iran, the Birds of Prey Area, draft registration and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; American-Arab Relations Committee; Birds of Prey Area; Nuclear Warfare; MX Missile; Draft Registration; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; international Relations
44:13; 1 cassette
1980 April 1
Church speaks before a Kiwanis Club (location unknown) about the Federal Reserve Board's interest rates, deficit spending and balancing the budget, inflation due to OPEC and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Inflation; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Budget--United States; Gasohol; Coal Resources; Railroads; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Interest Rates; Federal Reserve System; international Relations
44:10; 1 cassette
1980 April 1
Church speaks before the Boise Chamber of Commerce. He discusses the hostage crisis and Carter's decision to break off relations with Iran, and that the big oil companies are largely to blame for inflation.
Inflation; Oil Industry; Carter, Jimmy; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Iran; international Relations
45:11; 1 cassette
1980 April 7
Church appears on the KAID-TV program "The Reporters". He discusses the Foreign Relations Committee meeting with Cyrus Vance, ABC and NCPAC, Carter's economic sactions against Iran, the MX Missile and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Vance, Cyrus; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Foreign Relations--Iran; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; MX Missile; Campaign, 1980; Repo; international Relations
28:49; 1 cassette
1980 April 7
Church speaks at Idaho Falls High School. He discusses the Panama Canal Treaty, whether Puerto Rico should become the 51st state, his investigations of the intelligence community and more.
Panama Canal Treaty; Anyone but Church Committee; Olympics; Central Intelligence Agency; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Sagebrush Rebellion; Puerto Rico--Statehood; Campaign, 1980; Gasohol; Id; international Relations
91:38; 1 cassette
1980 April 8
Church appears on the KBCI-TV program "Forum" interviewed by Jack Sunday. He discusses the gasohol program and how the Department of Energy has "sold out" to big oil interests and more.
Oil Industry; Gasohol; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Department of Energy; Automobile Industry; Energy Policy; Farming; Agriculture; Public Relations
30:12; 1 cassette
1980 April 8
Church speaks at a luncheon held by the Boise Rotary Club. He discusses Carter's economic policy, the use of wage and price controls to combat inflation, the Sagebrush Rebellion and more.
Carter, Jimmy; Inflation; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Sagebrush Rebellion; Government Price Regulation; Economic Development; Public Relations
31:00; 1 cassette
1980 April 10
Church holds a news conference in Boise where he describes Iraq as being a "puppet of the U.S government", discusses balancing the budget, OPEC, the INEL, the hostage crisis and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Foreign Relations--Iraq; Carter, Jimmy; Budget--United States; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Inflation; Idaho Nuclear Engineering Laboratory; international Relations
37:25; 1 cassette
1980 April 10
Church appears on the NBC program "Today". He discusses Carter's failure to notify Congress of the failed military attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Carter, Jimmy; Javits, Jacob; Percy, Charles; Today (NBC); international Relations
4:09; 1 cassette
1980 April 25
Secretary of Defense Harold Brown gives details of the failed military attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran. Church does not speak on this tape.
Brown, Harold; Iran--Hostage Crisis; international Relations
25:52; 1 cassette
1980 April 25
Church, Javits, Jackson and Percy speak on the CBC program "Friday Morning" where they discuss Carter's failure to notify Congress of the military attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; War Powers Act; Carter, Jimmy; Percy, Charles; Javits, Jacob; Jackson, Henry; international Relations
4:59; 1 cassette
1980 April 25
KAID-TV (Boise) program "The Reporters" which covers the details of the failed military attempt to rescue the hostages. Shows reactions of Idaho Congressional delegation to the event in Washington and more
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Carter, Jimmy; War Powers Act; Symms, Steve; Hansen, George; McClure, James; Jackson, Henry; Packwood, Robert; Tozer, Warren; Zirinsky, Michael; Reporters, The (KAID); international Relations
27:19; 1 cassette
1980 April 25
Press conference at which Church and Senator Javits discuss the failed military rescue attempt of the hostages in Iran and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance's decision to resign from office.
Javits, Jacob; Vance, Cyrus; Iran--Hostage Crisis; international Relations
9:20; 1 cassette
1980 April 29
Tape contains a series of 19 radio spots which deal with various issues regarding the 1980 Campaign.
Campaign, 1980; Sagebrush Rebellion; Panama Canal Treaty; Symms, Steve; Anyone but Church Committee; National School Lunch Program; Defense; Campaign Contributions; Senior Citizens; Oil Industry; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
Dr. Mendi, President of the American-Arab Relations Committee is interviewed on KPRL Radio (Moscow). He criticizes Church for supplying military assitance to Israel. Church does not speak on this tape.
Foreign Relations--Israel; Mendi, Mohammed; American-Arab Relations Committee; Military Assistance--Israel; international Relations
11:09; 1 cassette
1980 May 1
Senators Church and Javits make opening statements at a committee confirmation hearing for Edmund Muskie's nomination for Secretary of State.
Muskie, Edmund; Javits, Jacob; Committees
32:58; 1 cassette
1980 May 7
Steve Symms, Church's opponent in the 1980 Campaign, appears on the KTVB-TV (Boise) program "Viewpoint". He discusses his relationship with Howard Hunt and more.
Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Oil Industry; Private Enterprise; Hunt, Howard; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1980 May 16
Church gives a speech in Caldwell. He discusses Social Security and the elderly and U.S. energy policy.
Social Security; Senior Citizens; Public Welfare; Energy Crisis, 1973- ; Gasohol; Oil Industry; Inflation; Taxes; Wind Power Industry; Public Relations
38:48; 1 cassette
Poor sound quality. Church gives a speech at a commencement ceremony in Melba. He speaks on the pioneer spirit that settled the West and the high quality of life in Idaho.
Quality of Life; Public Relations
23:09; 1 cassette
1980 May 19
Church gives a speech at the 3rd annual Idaho State Jaycees Convention. He discusses the high interest rates set by the Federal Reserve Board, deficit spending, balancing the budget and more.
Federal Reserve System; Budget--United States; Carter, Jimmy; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Interest Rates; Inflation; Public Relations
19:18; 1 cassette
1980 May 22
Church makes the commencement address at West Jefferson High School. He describes the pioneer spirit that settled the West and the rich quality of life that is found in Idaho.
Quality of Life; Public Relations
20:00; 1 cassette
1980 May 22
Church speaks at a Kiwanis Club meeting (location unknown). He discusses the gasohol program, the failed military attempt to rescue the hostages, the instability of the Iranian government and more.
Gasohol; Iran--Hostage Crisis; War Powers Act; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Iran; international Relations
34:10; 1 cassette
1980 May 27
Church appears on the KBCI-TV (Boise) program "Interaction". He discusses many issues of the 1980 Campaign.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Symms, Steve; Oil Industry; Gasohol; Budget--United States; Panama Canal Treaty; Campaign Contributions; Foreign Relations--Israel; Jews--Societies, etc.; Fran; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1980 May 27
Church is interviewed by KTVB's (Boise) Sal Celeski. He discusses the Iranian hostage crisis, the high interest rates of the Carter administration, and predicts Ronald Reagan will "carry" Idaho.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Carter, Jimmy; Symms, Steve; Clark, Ramsey; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Interest Rates; Reagan, Ronald; Barnes, Verda; Campaign, 1980; Celeski, Sal; international Relations
16:45; 1 cassette
1980 June 9
Church speaks before a meeting of the AFL-CIO (location unknown) and discusses the value of his Senate seniority to Idaho, endorses Glenn Nichols for Congress and more.
Labor Unions; AFL-CIO; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Senate--Seniority; Nichols, Glen; Right to Work Act; Campaign, 1980; Campaigns
37:55; 1 cassette
1980 June 10
Church speaks at the Idaho Democratic Convention in Pocatello. He endorses Glen Nichols and attacks Steve Symms voting record. He also reads several inane quotes by Symms printed in the press.
Symms, Steve; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Campaign, 1980; Timber Industry; Mining Industry; Democratic Party; Nichols, Glen; Campaigns
42:12; 1 cassette
1980 June 13
Memorial Service for Church's administrative assistant Verda Barnes. Church and Cecil Andrus deliver euolgies as do other individuals.
Funeral Services; Eulogies; Barnes, Verda; Andrus, Cecil D.; Public Relations
31:48; 1 cassette
1980 June 17
This is the last part of an interview on the KBCI-TV (Boise) program "Weekend West" in which 3 individuals named Singlaub, Graham and Loebs explain why they want to see Church defeated in the next election.
Campaign, 1980; Central Intelligence Agency; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Senate Committees--Select Committee on Intelligence Operations; Weekend West (KBCI); Singlaub, John; Campaigns
18:17; 1 cassette
1980 June 29
Church speaks at a ice cream social where he discusses government deregulation of trucking industry, the sugar industry in Idaho, the Cuban exodus to Florida, ABC and NCPAC and more.
Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Campaign, 1980; Panama Canal Treaty; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Central Intelligence Agency; Sagebrush Rebellion; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Draft Registration; Campaigns
45:43; 1 cassette
1980 July 15
Church speaks in Emmett on the depressed timber industry and the layoffs which have occured, his wilderness bill, mining in Lemhi County, high interest rates and cobalt mining in Idaho.
Cobalt Mines and Mining; Mining Industry; Timber Industry; Interest Rates; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Unemployment; interior
48:40; 1 cassette
1980 July 17
Church, Andrus, and Evans are on hand to witness President Carter's signing of Church's River of No Return Wilderness bill into law.
Evans, John; Andrus, Cecil D.; Carter, Jimmy; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Wilderness; interior
7:49; 1 cassette
1980 July 23
News release in which Church critcizes Symms proposed new "tax break".
Symms, Steve; Taxes; Campaign, 1980; Campaigns
1:38; 1 cassette
1980 July 27
Church holds a news conference in Spokane in which he requests that Symms make a full disclosure of his finances. He discusses Billy Carter receiving money from the Lybian government, relations with China and more.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Panama Canal Treaty; Foreign Relations--Libya; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Military Bases, Foreign; Carter, Billy; Financial Disclosure; Draft Registration; Pahlevi, Mohammed R; Campaigns
27:24; 1 cassette
1980 July 29
Steve Symms speaks on a program titled "Opinion Please" (location and station unknown) where he discusses Church's out of state contributions, his relationship with the Hunt brothers and more.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Budget--United States; Campaign Contributions; Foreign Relations--Libya; Hall, Bill; Oil Industry; Gasohol; Foreign Aid; Social Security; Hunt, Howard; Abortion; Labor Unions; AFL-CIO; Right to Work Act; B-1 Bomber; Panama C; Campaigns
45:48; 1 cassette
1980 August 6
Church speaks before a meeting of the Idaho Education Association where he discusses federal funding for education and Symms' voting record on education.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Education; Idaho Education Association; Campaigns
32:30; 1 cassette
1980 August 4
Carl Burke, Church's campaign manager, holds a press conference at Church's Ada County headquarters where he discusses Symms connections to ABC and NCPAC.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Symms, Steve; Burke, Carl; Campaigns
32:58; 1 cassette
1980 August 7
Symms appears on the KTVB-TV program "Viewpoint". He discusses his travels to Lybia and Church's travels to Cuba, the latest voters polls and whether the ABC Committee is helping or hurting his campaign and more.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Foreign Relations--Cuba; Foreign Relations--Libya; Private Enterprise; Abortion; Reagan, Ronald; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
27:48; 1 cassette
1980 August 8
Symms TV campaign commericial where Symms discusses senior citizens, national defense, and "25 years of defict spending".
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Budget--United States; Senior Citizens; Defense; Campaigns
4:53; 1 cassette
1980 August 19
Church appears on the KTVB-TV program "Viewpoint". A copy of this program is found in the Film and Video Collection.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Symms, Steve; Right to Work Act; Political Ethics; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Viewpoint (KTVB); Campaigns
31:45; 1 cassette
1980 August 22
Church gives a press conference where he discusses improved health care for the elderly, national health insurance, trade with China and the Soviet Union, the arms race and more.
Medical Care; Financial Disclosure; Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Nuclear Arms Race; Foreign Trade--China; Foreign Trade--U.S.S.R.; National Health Insurance; Senior Citizens; Public Relations
36:34; 1 cassette
1980 August 26
Symms appears on the KBCI-TV (Boise) program "Interaction". He accuses Church of "mudslinging" and discusses numerous campaign issues.
Campaign, 1980; Budget--United States; Anyone but Church Committee; Panama Canal Treaty; Symms, Steve; Defense; Draft Registration; New York City--Emergency Loans, 1975; Interaction (KBCI); Campaigns
28:35; 1 cassette
1980 September 29
Carl Burke, Church's campaign manager, and Phil Reberger, Symms' campaign manager, appear on the KTVB-TV (Boise) program "Viewpoint". They discuss the current campaign, the upcoming debates and more.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Debates; Political Ethics; Press and Politics; Reberger, Phil; Viewpoint (KTVB); Burke, Carl; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1980 October 10
Church speaks at a fund raising banquet in Rexburg. He discusses Ronald Reagan's visit to Idaho and more. U.S. Representative Gunn McKay and Mayor Porter Ward also speak.
Reagan, Ronald;Gasohol; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Inflation; Campaign, 1980; Farming; McKay, Gunn; Porter, John; Campaigns
85:00; 1 cassette
1980 October 16
Church with Sen. Jackson holds a press conference (location unknown) where he discusses the strategy he will use in the upcoming debates with Symms and more. Jackson pledges to help Church with his campaign.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Anyone but Church Committee; National Conservative Political Action Committee; Budget--Military; Jackson, Henry; Reagan, Ronald; Water Rights; Debates; Campaigns
25:06; 1 cassette
1980 October 22
The first debate between Symms and Church. Broadcast on KAID-TV (Boise). The debate was sponsored by the Idaho League of Women Voter's.
Debates; Social Security; Symms, Steve; Panama Canal Treaty; Campaign, 1980; Defense; Nuclear Warfare; Gun Control; Abortion; Budget--Military; Campaigns
56:31; 1 cassette
1980 October 23
The second debate between Symms and Church. Broadcast on KAID-TV (Boise). The debate was sponsored by the Idaho League of Women Voter's.
Campaign, 1980; Public Lands; Right to Work Act; Inflation; Medicare; Abortion; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Environmental Protection Agency; Campaigns
57:32; 1 cassette
1980 October 26
Church appears on the NBC television program "Today". He discusses Steve Symms negative voting record against military spending and veterans benefits.
Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; Budget--Military; Veterans Benefits; Today (NBC); Campaigns
1:25; 1 cassette
1980 October 28
Church is interviewed by KAID-TV (Boise) on the subject of his proposed Reclamation Reform Act of 1980 which would limit the size of federally subsidized farms and more.
Reclamation Reform Act; Farming; Farming--Corporate; Campaign, 1980; Campaign Contributions; Legislation
5:57; 1 cassette
1980 July 30
Church holds a press conference in Boise where he calls upon Symms to make a full disclosure of his financial holdings up to the current month to clear up the controversy surrounding his speculation in commodities.
Financial Disclosure; Campaign, 1980; Symms, Steve; McClure, James; Carter, Billy; Foreign Relations--Libya; Iran--Hostage Crisis; Pahlevi, Mohammed Riza; Anyone but Church Committee; Carter, Jimmy; Reagan, Ronald; Agriculture; Reclamation Reform Act; Gr; Campaigns
25:00; 1 cassette
1980 July 29
Church is interviewed by KTVB-TV (Boise) on the subject on the 1980 Campaign, the Chrysler Bailout Bill, cobalt mining in proposed wilderness areas and more.
Olympics; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Afghanistan; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness Area; Anyone but Church Committee; Campaign Contributions; Chrysler Bailout Bill; Cobalt Mines; international Relations
5:09; 1 cassette
1980 March 3
Church appears on the CBS Television program "Face the Nation". He discusses the hostage crisis in Iran, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, inconsistencies in U.S. foreign policy and more.
Iran--Hostage Crisis; Afghanistan--Soviet Occupation, 1979- ; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; Gasohol; Foreign Relations--Israel; Conservation; Inflation; Foreign Policy; Olympics; Oil Industry; Face the Nation (CBS); international Relations
27:27; 1 cassette
1980 April 30
Church gives a speech in Rexburg. This speech was not completely taped and has a poor sound quality. Church discusses military aid for Pakistan and India, American army bases in Europe and more.
Military Assistance--Pakistan; Military Assistance--India; Military Bases, Foreign; Foreign Aid; international Relations
16:50; 1 cassette
Church speaks before the Rabbinical Assembly of New Jersey primarily on Israel's bombing of an Iraqi nuclear weapons grade plutonium reactor and more.
Jews--Societies, etc.; Campaign, 1980; Foreign Relations--Israel; Meir, Golda; Sadat, Anwar; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Policy; Nuclear Proliferation; Foreign Relations--Iraq; Nuclear Arms Race; Military Assistance--Pakistan; Military Assis; international Relations
44:18; 1 cassette
Helen Chenoweth, Executive Director of the Idaho Committee for a Positive Change, an anti-Church committee, is interviewed on the KTVB (Boise) television program "Viewpoint".
Campaign, 1980; Idaho Committee for a Positive Change; Chenoweth, Helen; Defense; Viewpoint (KTVB); Abortion; Panama Canal Treaty; Anyone but Church Committee; Symms, Steve; Senate Committees--Foreign Relations; Campaigns
20:15; 1 cassette
George Hansen and Steve Symms speak at a town meeting in Franklin, Idaho on the subjecty of the greatness of America. They are followed by an unidentified Mormon church elder.
Hansen, George; Symms, Steve; Campaign, 1980; Campaigns
72:00; 1 cassette
Church fund raising "jamboree" held in Boise. Church gives a short speech on the ABC Committee. John Evans, Cecil Andrus and Vice President Walter Mondale also give speeches.
Campaign, 1980; Anyone but Church Committee; Evans, John; Andrus, Cecil D.; Mondale, Walter F.; Campaigns
54:03; 1 cassette
This tape contains the entertainment section of the Church fund raising jamboree found on A80088. Singer Carole King gives a concert along with other local entertainers.
Campaign, 1980; King, Carole; Campaigns
54:03; 1 cassette
Church is interviewed by Roger Bush in Austraila (location and network unknown). He discusses the cost of running a Presidential campaign, the possibility of nuclear war in Europe, the Camp David Accords and more.
Camp David Accords; Sadat, Anwar; Nuclear Warfare; Foreign Relations--Middle East; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; United Nations; Palestine Liberation Organization; Begin, Menacham; Reagan, Ronald; Presidential Powers; Campaign, 1976; international Relations
21:45; 1 cassette
1981 October 23
Church speaks on a program titled "Focus on Youth" in Princeton, NJ. He discusses his 1980 Campaign and ABC, the future of the Democratic Party, Reagan's anti-communist stance and El Salvador and more.
Campaign, 1980; Democratic Party; Economic Development; Communism; Reagan, Ronald; Foreign Relations--El Salvador; Anyone but Church Committee; Central Intelligence Agency; Gun Control; Campaigns
30:00; 1 cassette
1981 April 6
Interview by John McCarthy of Lewiston Tribune for an article that ran Dec. 19, 1982
Reagan, Ronald; Wilderness; Nuclear Weapons; Public Relations
45:00; 1 cassette
1982 December 18
Church speaks on the KBOI Radio (Boise) program "Straight Talk". He discusses a coal project between the U.S., Japan and Panama, his work outside of politics now he is not a Senator and more.
Foreign Trade; Foreign Trade--Japan; Foreign Trade--Panama; Coal Resources; Financial Disclosure; Public Relations
29:35; 1 cassette
1983 March 27
Church speaks at the Middle East Conference held at Boise State University. Poor sound quality.
Camp David Accords; Foreign Relations--Israel; Foreign Relations--Egypt; Foreign Relations--Lebanon; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; Foreign Relations--Saudi Arabia; Foreign Relations--Syria; Begin, Menacham; Palestine Liberation Organization; international Relations
59:18; 1 cassette
1983 March 28
Frank Church speaks at Russian Awareness Week at Boise State University. Advertised title of speech: Soviet-American Relations: Perceptions and Possibilities. Q and A after speech.
Boise State University; Russian Awareness Week; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; international Relations
2 sides; 1 cassette
1983 October 21
[COPY 2]. Frank Church speaks at Russian Awareness Week at Boise State University. Advertised title of speech: Soviet-American Relations: Perceptions and Possibilities. Q and A after speech.
Boise State University; Russian Awareness Week; Foreign Relations--U.S.S.R.; international Relations
2 sides; 1 cassette
1983 October 21
Frank Chruch interview with William C. Gibbons of Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, relating to the Vietnam War and Church's role. Accession 95-3.
Vietnam Conflict; Gibbons, William Conrad; international Relations
1 cassette
1983 July 5
Memorial services held in the National Cathederal in Washington D.C. for Frank Church. A copy of this service can be found in the Film and Video Collection, 84004 (VHS #5 1237 to 1560).
Kennedy, Edward; Spafford, William; Andrus, Cecil D.; Church, Forrest; McGovern, George; Washington D.C. Memorial Service; Eulogies; biographical
53:00; 1 cassette
1984 April 10
Governor Evans remarks upon the death of Frank Church.
Evans, John; Eulogies; biographical
7:21; 1 cassette
1984 April 11
Funeral Services for Frank Church held at the Cathederal of the Rockies in Boise. A copy of these services can be found in the Film and Video Collection, 84002 (VHS #6 0727 to 1545).
Venable, Fred; Evans, John; Burke, Carl; Burns, Stan; Read, Scott; Manshel, Warren; Church, Forrest; Faucher, Thomas; Funeral Services; Eulogies; biographical
71:13; 1 cassette
1981 April 12
Dedication of Senator Frank Church memorial room. Speakers include Brown, Timothy, Keiser, Dr. John, Oppenheimer, Arthur, Burke, Carl, Church, Bethine.
Franck Church Collection; Boise State University; Dedications; Public Relations
30:00; 1 cassette
1984 October 15
News announcement of creation of Senator Frank Church memorial room./ News announcement of refusal given to CIA representative wishing to review Frank Church papers.
Frank Church Collection; Boise State University; Central Intelligence Agency; Public Relations
8:00; 1 cassette
1984 June 11
KBSU radio news feature on FBI electronic surveillance. Includes brief interview with former staffer Mike Wetherell, alleging bugging of Senator Church's office. Reporter Jay Balthazar.
Wetherell, Michael; Balthazar, Jay; Federal Bureau of Investigation; KBSU;
5:00; 1 cassette
1989 February 15
Mike Wetherell, former aide to Frank Church, interviewed by Troy J. Reeves concerning Verda Barnes and her role as FC's administrative assistant. See also Reeves' paper on Verda Barnes in Series 12, Box 1, f.20
Barnes, Verda; Wetherall, Mike; Reeves, Troy; additions
1 cassette
1993 March 25
1 cassette
1993 November 6
1 cassette
1993 November 8
3: Photographs
The Frank Church photograph collection consists of approximately 1,500 photographs, slides, and negatives. The photographs are various sizes in black/white and color.
Photos of Frank Church displaying Idaho products and talking to farmers.
Frank Church receiving awards, plaques, etc.
Photos of Bethine alone or with others - for pictures of Frank and Bethine Church see "Family - Frank & Bethine."
Borah, William
Campaigns organized by year, including 1956, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976 (presidential), 1980, and the Klein Donation
Circus Saints & Sinners Club
by name and general if not identified
Photographs in this series are not numbered. They are filed in broad classifications:
  • Capitol - Photos taken on the Capitol steps in Washington D.C. Only some are identified.
  • Church Office - Photographs taken in or near Frank Church's senate office. Only some are identified.
  • General - Frank Church interacting with constituents in a variety of situations: parades, dinners, lunches, in front of a statue of William Borah, at presentations, in the Senate hallway, and a few comic poses.
  • Idaho Delegation - Mostly the Idaho Congressional delegation.
  • In Idaho - Photos with consituents that appear to have been taken in Idaho.
Dignitaries - Congressmen - General
Dignitaries - Congressmen - Idaho
Dignitaries - Foreign
Dignitaries - Government
United States except Congress and includes state government officials except Idaho
Dignitaries - Miscellaneous - General
Dignitaries - Miscellaneous - Idaho
Includes government and non-government personalities
Frank Church with disabled individuals, including March of Dimes events
Editorial Cartoons
Entertainment Personalities
Photos of Actors and actresses as well as sports figures and other notables except political figures. Includes the "Salute to Frank Church, 1962" by Jimmy Durante.
  • Frank Church as a youngster
  • Military
  • Frank & Bethine
  • "Official" Family groups
  • Forrester Church
  • Chase Church
  • Bethine Church - See "Bethine"
Graduation ceremonies in which Frank Church was the speaker or awarded an honorary degree.
Idaho Public Relations
Amateur & professional, wearing western dress, without a tie, and some office scenes. See also "Outdoorsman," "Office," and "Vacations."
Informal Portraits
Photographs of Frank Church connected to a particular theme such as gun control or Vietnam.
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission
Frank Church receiving commissions, visiting bases and interacting with the military or the Corp of Engineers flood control, etc.
Mormon Church
Office Public Relations
Frank Church in his office and public relations pictures. Candidates in office are also filed here. See also "Issues" and "Informal Portraits."
Opening of Congress (Life Magazine)
Life Magazine series on newly elected members of Congress from January 3, 1956.
  • As a youth
  • Early years in office
  • Late years in office
  • By Bachrach
  • By Fischer
  • "In front of the Microphone"
  • X Ref from campaigns, committees
  • (See also "Informal Portraits")
(For Harry S Truman, see CAM/56-067 and CAM/56-068)
Presidents - Carter Family
Presidents - Ford
Presidents - Kennedy Family
Presidents - Lyndon B. Johnson
Presidents - Richard M. Nixon
Presidents - Walter F. Mondale
Mostly photos in the Sawtooth Mountains. Includes a series concerning open-pit mining in Idaho.
Senior Citizens
Photographs in this series are not numbered. They are filed in chronological order and by the trip destination.
United Nations
Veteran's Groups
Water Projects
Teton Dam, American Falls Dam, etc.
Youth Groups
Boy & Girl Scouts, 4-H, Future Farmers of America and other organizations.

11:  Slides, 1969-1980Return to Top

The Frank Church collection contains several hundred color slides. Many of them are duplicates or slight variations of particular shots. A representative sample has been arranged in display pages for consultation by researchers. The duplicates and variations have been retained in the boxes indicated on the list below. All are stored in one large box labeled "slides."

Container(s) Description Dates
Portraits (horizontal) with flag
Portraits indoors
Frank and Bethine Church
portraits indoors (vertical)
Groups with Senator Church (horizontal)
Groups with Senator Church (horizontal)
Outdoor camping
Pollution and Non Pollution
Portraits with Capitol
Frank Church and Len B. Jordan
Frank Church and Mark Hatfield
White Cloud Mining District
News Interviews
Frank Church and Senior Citizens
Frank Church and Senior Citizens
Portraits - on phone
Interviews (copyright Black star)
portrait with gasses; full length outdoors (copyright Black Star)
Portraits for Television
With library and drape backgrounds
Various shots
Snowmobile and other shots
Newspaper Headlines, Intelligence Committee
Conservation Award - Bald Eagle Sculpture
Verda Barnes Retirement Party