Patriot Prayer Freedom Rally Photograph Collection, August 13, 2017

Overview of the Collection

Patriot Prayer Freedom Rally Photograph Collection
August 13, 2017 (inclusive)
81 digital photographs
Collection Number
Photographs from the Patriot Prayer Freedom Rally
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

The collection is entirely digital and can be viewed only on the Libraries Digital Collections website.

Request at UW


Historical BackgroundReturn to Top

On August 13, 2017, the group Patriot Prayer held a rally in Westlake Park. Their mission, according to the event Facebook page, was as follows: "Seattle is running our state with a pedophile as a mayor. The West Coast has slowly been infected with communist ideologies throughout our entire culture. It is a belief that the individual is weak and that we are all victims. This is the lie of the century. No matter who you are, we are all amazing people with the ability to do anything that we put our minds to. These liberal strongholds run off of hatred and negativity. Patriot Prayer will bring in a positive message to Seattle that the people are starving for."

The day before the rally was scheduled to take place, a terrorist drove a car into a crowd of anti-fascist protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing Heather Heyer. This event dramatically increased the tension between Patriot Prayer and a scheduled anti-fascist counter protest (called the Solidarity Against Hate Rally). Many attendees of the Patriot Prayer rally wore quasi-military gear and waved pro-Trump flags. At least four members of the white-supremacist group The Proud Boys were present, identifiable by their black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirts.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Photographs from the Patriot Prayer Freedom Rally Collection, August 13, 2017.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

View the entire collection on the Libraries Digital Collections website

Restrictions on Use

Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donor: Kristin Kinsey, 70 images, August 14, 2017; Jamie Colman, 11 images, 2018.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Jamie Colman PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online ColmanJ1 August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ2
"Halt the Alt-Right" sign, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Halt the Alt-Right"
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ3
Counter-protestors with "Black Lives Matter" banner, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Black Lives Matter" [with circle-A anarchy symbol]
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ4
Member of the Proud Boys wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again""Make America Great Again" was President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign slogan.One protestor is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization". They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ5 August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ6
Proud Boyds rally attendee wearing star-spangled bandana, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
One protestor is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization". They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ7
Demonstrator in military clothing and Three Percenters badge, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on badge reads: "American Patriot Washington" [with image of eagle head over "The III%"]Badge depicts: 3 Percenters flagThe Three Percenters is an American Militia group whose members pledge protestation and armed resistance against attempts to curtail constitutional rights, namely the Second Amendment (Wikipedia).
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ8
Demonstrator wearing helmet, tactical vest, and "Peacekeepers Joint Task Force" badge, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on badge reads: "Peacekeepers Joint Task Force - CDF" [with image of snake twined into Roman numeral III, surrounded by 13 stars (part of the Three Percenters flag)]The Three Percenters is an American Militia group whose members pledge protestation and armed resistance against attempts to curtail constitutional rights, namely the Second Amendment (Wikipedia).
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ9
Counter-protestor's "Alt Right is all wrong. Unwelcome here" sign, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on sign reads: "Alt Right is all wrong. Unwelcome here"
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ10
Demonstrator in tactical vest with "American Patriot Washington" and American flag badges and American flag patterned arm band, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Colman, Jamie (photographer)
Text on badge reads: "American Patriot Washington" [with image of eagle head over "The III$"]The Three Percenters is an American Militia group whose members pledge protestation and armed resistance against attempts to curtail constitutional rights, namely the Second Amendment (Wikipedia).
August 13, 2017
Online ColmanJ11 August 13, 2017

Kristin Kinsey PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
electronic_file item
Online KinseyK1 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK2
Demonstrator wearing army fatigues and a tactical harness carrying an American flag at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Protester is wearing a hat with the black, green, and white symbol for The Cascade Legion. The Cascade Legion is a volunteer organization who described themselves as "a warre-band... of the political right" who's primary purpose is to "[preserve] peace and order... from left-wing terrorist organizations such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK3
Protester holding sign reading "Antifa = terrorists", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Protester is wearing a hat with the black, green, and white symbol for The Cascade Legion. The Cascade Legion is a volunteer organization who described themselves as "a warre-band... of the political right" who's primary purpose is to "[preserve] peace and order... from left-wing terrorist organizations such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK4
Two demonstrators with The Cascade Legion holding a Trump flag, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Both protester are wearing the black, green, and white symbol for The Cascade Legion. The Cascade Legion is a volunteer organization who described themselves as "a warre-band... of the political right" who's primary purpose is to "[preserve] peace and order... from left-wing terrorist organizations such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK5
Pro-Trump demonstrators listening to Patriot Prayer speeches at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "There is no 'they', there is only US"; "Strength through diversity." Text on clothing reads: "Trump"; "Army Veteran Daughter - Most people never meet their Heroes - I was raised by mine." Protesters are carrying and wearing various forms of the American flag.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK6
Demonstrator in an American flag baseball cap recording the rally on their phone, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Army veteran Daughter - Most people never meet their Heroes - I was raised by mine."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK7
Three demonstrators wearing American flag clothing listening to Patriot Prayer speeches at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Army Veteran Daughter - Most people never meet their Heroes - I was raised by mine."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK8 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK9
Demonstrator wearing an American flag bandana and a Proud Boys polo shirt, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
This individual is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK10
Protester wearing a Proud Boys polo and American flag bandana, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Stomp my flag [with an image of the American flag] - I'll stomp your ass - V/R Patriotic American." One individual is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK11
Demonstrator wearing shirt reading "Stomp my flag, I'll stomp your ass", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Stomp my flag [with an image of the American flag], I'll stomp your ass. V/R Patriotic American."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK12
Demonstrator in quasi-military gear, wearing American flag stickers, a Gadsden flag bandana, and a Three Percenters patch, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Two patches feature the roman number three surrounded by stars. This is the symbol for the Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers). The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK13
Sign reading "When they come for any of us... We must ALL SPEAK OUT!", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "When they come for any of us... We must ALL SPEAK OUT."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK14
Demonstrator wearing a helmet, quasi-military chest gear, and American flag stickers, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Protester is wearing a patch reading "Peacekeepers Joint Task Force - CDF" surrounding the roman number three, which is in turn surrounded by stars. The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK15 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK16
Demonstrator wearing a military style backpack and "Make America Great Again" baseball cap, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again." "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK17
Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer's chief organizer, speaking at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Joey Gibson is a Vancouver, Washington native who leads the group Patriot Prayer. The group has been described variously as alt-right, far right, and conservative.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK18
Demonstrator wearing a shirt reading "DANGER - Cis-gendered, straight, white, male - How else may I offend you?", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again"; "DANGER - Cis-gendered, straight, white, male - How else may I offend you?." "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK19
Protester wearing a camouflage baseball hat with orange letters reading "Make America Great Again", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again"; "DANGER - Cis-gendered, straight, white, male - How else may I offend you?." "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK20
Table of Trump related merchandise for sale at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "If I had a brick for every Hillary [Clinton] lie, we could build the wall [with an image of President Donald Trump in front of a brick wall]"; "TRUMP - No more bullshit"; "Quit crying snowflakes - The choice has been made [with an image of President Donald Trump]"; "Law & Order - Vote Trump"; "Keep America Great - Re-elect Trump 2020." Also for sale is a vial of pepper spray.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK21
Demonstrator holding signs of President Trump's face, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Trump - The man who has put aside his great life to be scrutinized, mocked, ridiculed, slandered and humiliated for the American people."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK22
Demonstrator carrying signs of President Donald Trump's face, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Trump - The man who has put aside his great life to be scrutinized, mocked, ridiculed, slandered and humiliated for the American people."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK23 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK24 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK25
Sign reading "When they come for any of us... We must ALL SPEAK OUT", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "When they come for any of us... We must ALL SPEAK OUT."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK26 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK27 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK28 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK29 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK30 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK31
Speaker wearing a Proud Boys polo, on stage at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Joey Gibson is also on stage. Joey Gibson is a Vancouver, Washington native who leads the group Patriot Prayer. The group has been described variously as alt-right, far right, and conservative.One protester is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK32
Speaker in a Proud Boys polo with Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer's chief organizer and others on stage at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Joey Gibson is a Vancouver, Washington native who leads the group Patriot Prayer. The group has been described variously as alt-right, far right, and conservative.One protester is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK33
Speakers, one in a Proud Boys polo, on stage with Patriot Prayer organizer Joey Gibson, Seattle, Washington
Joey Gibson is a Vancouver, Washington native who leads the group Patriot Prayer. The group has been described variously as alt-right, far right, and conservative.One protester is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK34 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK35
Demonstrator wearing a helmet with a sticker reading "F_CK ANTIFA", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sticker reads: "F_CK ANTIFA [with blood spatter] -" Protester is wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape. The thin blue line flag is meant to represent support for law enforcement.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK36
Demonstrator wearing a "F_CK ANTIFA" sticker gives the peace sign to a speaker from the Proud Boys, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sticker reads: "F_CK ANTIFA [with blood spatter] -" Protester is wearing a thin blue line flag as a cape. The thin blue line flag is meant to represent support for law enforcement.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK37
Protester wearing a red hat reading "Make America Great Again", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again." "Make America Great Again", abbreviated to MAGA, is a campaign slogan used by President Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK38
Groups of demonstrators in quasi-military gear and Proud Boys polos gathered at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on signs read: "[Drawing of the confederate battle flag as a roll of toilet paper] Good for two things - Surrendering and wiping my ass"; "Stop white supremacist terrorism!." Text on clothing reads: "Fuck racism, punch nazis"; "Make America Great Again." Two protesters are wearing black Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK39 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK40
Sign reading "Freedom is for everyone", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Freedom is for everyone - ACLU."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK41
Demonstrator wearing a Proud Boys polo stands in front of another protester holding a sign reading "Destroy racism", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Free yourself from hate - Destroy racism." Text on clothing reads: "Make America Great Again." One protester is wearing a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes on the collar and sleeves. This shirt has been adopted by the alt-right group The Proud Boys. This group, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK42 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK43
Demonstrator wearing a thin blue line patch and a Cascade Legion patch, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
This protester is also wearing a Thors Hammer pendant on a necklace. The traditional origins of this symbol are not racist, but the symbol has long been appropriated by neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups.The Thin Blue Line flag is often meant to represent support for law enforcement.The Cascade Legion is a volunteer organization who described themselves as "a warre-band... of the political right" who's primary purpose is to "[preserve] peace and order... from left-wing terrorist organizations such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK44 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK45
Sign reading "Strength through diversity", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Strength through diversity."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK46 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK47
Sign reading "Take down the statue", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Take down the statue." This sign refers to a growing movement in the United States to remove public monuments to Confederate figures.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK48 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK49 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK50 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK51 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK52
Demonstrator wearing a quasi-military gear and a Three Percenter's patch, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Peacekeepers joint task force - CDF" surrounding the roman numeral three which is in turn surrounded by stars. This is the symbol for the Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers). The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK53 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK54
Demonstrator in a quasi-military vest wearing a Three Percenter's patch, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Peacekeepers joint task force - CDF" surrounding the roman numeral three which is in turn surrounded by stars. This is the symbol for the Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers). The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK55
Demonstrator in quasi-military body armor wearing a Three Percenter's patch, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
This individual is wearing a patch of a thin blue line flag, which is usually meant to represent respect for law enforcement. They are also wearing a patch that reads "Peacekeepers Joint Task Force - CDF" surrounding the roman numeral three, which in turn is surrounded by stars. This is the symbol for the Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers). The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights. Finally, they are wearing a red and black Jerusalem cross. This Jerusalem cross represents Christ's command to spread the Gospel around the world.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK56
Speakers on stage with Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer's chief organizer, at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Strength through diversity." Text on clothing reads: "Based grandmas"; "Black Lives Matter." One protester is wearing two Three Percenter patches. The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK57 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK58
Two demonstrators engaged in conversation, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
This individual is wearing a patch of a thin blue line flag, which is usually meant to represent respect for law enforcement. They are also wearing a patch that reads "Peacekeepers Joint Task Force - CDF" surrounding the roman numeral three, which in turn is surrounded by stars. This is the symbol for the Three Percenters (also styled "3%ers). The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights. Finally, they are wearing a red and black Jerusalem cross. This Jerusalem cross represents Christ's command to spread the Gospel around the world.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK59 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK60
Protester holds an anti-Klu Klux Klan sign, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign depicts a stylized Klan member under a "NO" symbol, made to look like the logo from the movie Ghostbusters.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK61
Demonstrator wearing a shirt with President Donald Trump holding a gun on it, Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on clothing reads: "Trump [with an image of President Trump holding a gun]."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK62 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK63 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK64
Three demonstrators wearing quasi-military body armor at Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Two of the three demonstrators pictured are wearing Three Percenter patches. The Three Percenters describe themselves as an American "patriot movement" which pledges resistance against the United States government regarding infringement of the United States Constitution. The group's stated primary purpose is to protect constitutional rights. One protester is also wearing a patch of a thin blue line flag, which is often used to represent support for law enforcement. Finally, one protester is also wearing a black and red Jerusalem Cross patch which Christ's command to spread the Gospel around the world.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK65 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK66
Counter-protester holding sign reading "Proud Boys = Treason", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Proud Boys = Treason." The Proud Boys, founded in 2016, describe themselves as a "pro-Western fraternal organization." They have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as the Royal Canadian Navy, as a white supremacist group.
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK67
Sign reading "Don't fuck with immigrants", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "Don't fuck with immigrants - NO! In the name of humanity, refuse to accept a fascist America. #NoFascistUSA."
August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK68 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK69 August 13, 2017
Online KinseyK70
Sign reading "[The Confederate flag] is good for two things - surrendering, wiping my ass", Westlake Park, Seattle, Washington
Text on sign reads: "[Drawing of the confederate battle flag as a roll of toilet paper] Good for two things - Surrendering and wiping my ass."
August 13, 2017

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

  • Demonstrations--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs
  • Visual Materials Collections (University of Washington)
  • White supremacy movements--Washington (State)--Seattle--Photographs

Geographical Names

  • Seattle (Wash.)--Photographs

Other Creators

  • Personal Names
    • Colman, Jamie (photographer)
    • Kinsey, Kristin (photographer)