Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations, 1511-1929

Overview of the Collection

Butler, Robert Cushman
Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations
1511-1929 (inclusive)
15 Linear feet of shelf space, (60 Oversize folders + 3 Boxes)
Collection Number
Cage 430 (collection)
Engravings, lithographs, manuscripts, music covers, books and other printed materials primarily relating to 18th and 19th century English and American theatre.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use. Researchers will be instructed to wear gloves.


Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Robert Cushman Butler, cousin of the famed actress Charlotte Cushman, lived in Chestnut Hill, near Philadelphia. As an avocation, he collected theatrical illustrations, manuscripts, and books, apparently with the intention of binding published theatrical material from his personal collection into new, or "Grangerized" editions of theatrical books. Grangerized books consist of casual inserts or published texts ("extra-illustrated texts") combined together in new covers to make idiosyncratic versions of texts that were not actually published together (or even published at all). This "scrapbook assembly within a book" is named after James Granger, who promoted such practices in his Biographical History of England (1769). Although Butler completed two volumes in this fashion, there exist about seven others that needed only certain illustrations before being sent to the binder. For this reason, the bulk of Butler's collection consists of engravings, lithographs, and a few photographs of theatrical performers. Butler's collecting appears to have started in a serious fashion around 1880. Possibly as a result of ill health, he abandoned his efforts in the late 1920s. During this period, however, he avidly followed auction sales, patronized dealers, and corresponded with other collectors: the result of Butler's efforts is a premier archive of theatrical materials. After his death in the mid 1930s his widow placed the entire collection in the attic of their home. There it sat undisturbed until the early 1970s, when Dr. Terry Theodore, then of the Washington State University Department of Speech, learned of its existence. He negotiated with Mrs. Butler for its purchase, eventually acquiring the Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations for the Washington State University Libraries.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations consists of over 3,000 items relating chiefly to eighteenth and nineteenth century British and American theater. Original materials include engravings, lithographs, photographs, books, playbills, programmes, music sheets and covers, pamphlets, play manuscripts, prompt books, letters and other theatrical papers. For the theatre historian of this period this archive is a treasure trove. The illustrations of the different actors and actresses in their famous roles, the well-known and little known portraits of the great stars and the little comets in all aspects of theatrical history ranging through the minstrel stage to the "legitimate" theatre--from Broadway to as far off-Broadway as London and San Francisco--represent an a unparalleled theatrical research collection. Although theatrical illustrations were Butler's main interest, he managed to acquire a rich array of materials for scholarly study in a variety of disciplines, including cultural and social history in Britain and America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Foremost among these resources are the illustrations themselves, which provide a rich resource of iconographical history in American and English life in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. For scholars in art history and the history of printing, the multitude of engravings, etchings and lithographs are a vital source of information on schools, influences, techniques, and skills.

Included are many proof plates and limited editions and a large selection of the works of John H. Bufford, A. B. Durand, David Edwin, Samuel Hollyer, D. C. Johnston, R. J. Lane, and Albert Newsam. As is evident, the collection is not just limited to American artists, but also includes many of the British or Continental extraction, some of whom emigrated to swell the growing number of native artists who produced these materials.

The music sheets also represent a significant field of study. Of the over four hundred music covers in the collection approximately one fourth are completed with all the words and music, have the first page of music, or list all contemporary publications of that publisher. Unfortunately, Butler's interest in the cover illustrations meant that much of the music that might have been originally available is missing here.

Bibliographers will find much of interest in the over two hundred theatrical volumes in the Butler collection. Fine bindings, first editions, extra-illustrated volumes and other examples of book production and book crafts are evidenced in the archive.

The small collection of manuscripts in Series 5 is also a treasure trove of primary source material for research. In addition to Edward Robin's manuscript of his Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield (Chicago, 1898), there is also William Francis' prompt book (once owned by Charles Durang) and Edwin Forrest's manuscript copy of Robert Montgomery Bird's The Broker of Bogota. The other manuscripts (over one hundred) consist of letters and autographs of actors, actresses and managers. Among them are fragments of the papers of manager Thomas McKeon, playwright A. E. Lancaster, and theatrical collector Alexander S. Graham.

Rounding out this collection is a significant sampling of original programmes and playbills from many well-known American and British theatres as well as other memorabilia, pamphlets, and announcements.

Please note: This collection includes examples of blackface minstrelsy, a style of performance originally developed in the United States in the mid-19th century. Blackface minstrel shows mocked African Americans using racist language and parodies of dialects and music. White performers often wore black face paint during minstrel performances to portray African Americans in a disrespectful fashion. Blackface was a dominant form for theatrical and musical performances for decades, both on stage and in private homes. WSU Libraries provides access to these materials for the benefit of scholars seeking to better understand the role racial performance have had in shaping Western culture. In this guide we have retained the original language used to title these performances in the interest of facilitating access to these materials.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

Item entries consist of a main entry (author or artist), title, imprint (place, date, and with published items, publisher) and a note on physical description consisting of size, number of pages or the number of pieces. Some notes supply information about illustrative matter, provenance, attribution or other singular characteristics. For books, Library of Congress classification numbers are given. The format of entries in this guide is based in part on the bibliographic format devised for English Theatrical Literature 1559-1900: A Bibliography (London: The Society for Theatre Research, 1970). References to "Stauffer" (e.g., Stauffer 611) throughout this guide refer to item number entries (not page numbers) in David McNeeley Stauffer, American Engravers Upon Copper and Steel: Part II Check-list of the Works of the Earlier Engravers (New York: Burt Franklin, 1966), originally published in New York in 1907.

When identified, other forms of reproduction are indicated in full.

Size of illustrations is given in centimeters rounded to the nearest half centimeter. Height and width are measured, where possible, either at the engraved border, the plate mark, or at the edge of the image. However, duplicate prints, where one is bound into an extra-illustrated "Grangerized" volume and an identical copy exists elsewhere in the collection among the loose illustrations, may show divergent measurements because of how each item was measured.

Although most of the items in Series 2: Music Covers consist of only the illustrated title page or cover (for Butler was interested in the picture but apparently not in the music), there are several complete scores. These are indicated by the designation "music score". In some cases the cover does not have a portion of the music on the verso; this is indicated in the description by "music sheet". In other words, a music sheet indicates a cover with a portion of the score on the verso and a music score indicates a cover and more than one leaf of the music. The music cover alone, the majority of the items, is not designated in any special way. The entry follows the format for the illustrations, the main entry being the artist rather than the composer, because the emphasis of the collection is on the illustration.

The Card Catalog Index

For those researchers who consult The Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations in Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, a comprehensive index keyed to the item entry numbers covering all the items in the collection is available in a separate 3-box card catalog that is shelved with the collection in the archives. Those consulting the digitized version of this guide on the World Wide Web may do full text searches of the electronic text.

The entries in this index consist of persons contributing to the illustration, including both the original artist and the ultimate engraver (normally the main entry); those writing letters (including both author and recipient); book authors (including inscriptions and bookplates); music cover illustrations (including composers and lyricists who, while listed on the cover, their work--the music score--may have been detached from this copy); and the subject of the item whether actors, actresses, playhouses, or plays.

For most actors and actresses their usual stage name is used, but there are cross-references to other names by which they might be known. The comprehensiveness of the index has been designed to enhance access.

Books have been shelved by call number in the rare book stacks of the Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections department in Holland Library.

The content and presentation of data in this guide for items in Series 8: Books (items numbered 1819 to 2018) requires some explanation, partly because of the provenance of this archive.

Entries for the items numbered 1819 to 2018 are listed by the main entry, which can take the form of the primary (publication) author, or by publication title. Main entries for authors are in bold italics; main entries for titles are in italics.

Some entries feature a numbering notation that includes both an item number and a parenthetical number. The first number is the item number for the main entry. The parenthetical number is keyed to page numbers in the item number, and includes a separate bibliographic description of specific contents found in the main entry. These entries are in plain text (i.e., not in italics or bold italics), are indented, and refer to illustrations following the page numbers in the main entry.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

A portion of this collection has been digitized and is available as the Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item description]

Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations, 1511-1929 (Cage 430)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations has been divided into eight series:

Series 1: Illustrations

Series 2: Music Covers

Series 3: Playbills

Series 4: Clippings

Series 5: Manuscripts

Series 6: Programmes

7: Miscellaneous Papers

Series 8: Books.

Acquisition Information

The Robert Cushman Butler (d. 1935?) collection was purchased by the Washington State University Libraries from Mrs. Elizabeth T. Butler by Dr. Terry Theodore in 1973.

Processing Note

The collection was arranged, described, and indexed by Terry Abraham, with assistance from Margone Clement, Ruth Jean Shaw, Torchie Corey and Janalee Walters.


For more information on the historical context of materials in the Butler collection, see the exhibit brochure titled Prints and Personalities: The American Theater's First Hundred Years (Washington, D. C.: National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 1979).

For engravings, a thorough description regarding the technical differentiation between process line engraving and white-line wood engraving that is developed in Estelle Jussim's Visual Communication and the Graphic Arts (New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1974) has not been supplied in this descriptive inventory. Generalized descriptions of a given process should be sufficient to assist in identifying the illustration. The precise technical determination of particular engraving techniques is a task for future researchers to undertake. The physical description of the illustrations in this guide has been simplified through the use of standardized abbreviations:

col colored
dag daguerreotype
eng in taglio process, engraving and etching
facs facsimile(s)
frontis frontispiece
illus illustrations
l leaf or leaves
lith, Lith planographic prints
ms manuscript or manuscripts
photo photographic prints
port(s) portrait(s)

The table below correlates item number entries in the Robert Cushman Butler Collection of Theatrical Illustrations with the same items (and their bibliographic description) listed in English Theatrical Literature 1559-1900: A Bibliography (London: The Society for Theater Research, 1970). All numbers refer to item numbers, not page numbers. "A" for American edition and "v" for variant edition.

Butler Theatrical Bibliography
1819 2593
1822 2388A
1823 2497
1824 3318
1825 3199
1828 2620
1829 2445
1830 829
1831 2496
1837 3115
1838 3206A
1840 2224
1847 3542A
1853 2560
1854 2563
1857 2516A
1865 2994
1869 2947
1871 2935A
1873 854A
1874 4103
1875 915
1877 2646A
1880 2110
1881 3384
1884 2384
1887 2951
1888 3351
1893 2233
1900 2465
1919 3103A
1922 3389
1928 2955
1930 2702
1941 3168
1943 3784
1945 3349
1952 3384
1953 3509
1956 3553
1958 2643
1974 1074
1975 3386A
1976 3462v
1977 3778
1982 1130
1991 4188
1992 42
1998 3600
1999 997
2001 3623A
2002 3623

For more about blackface minstrelsy, please see:

Brown, T. Allston, and Charles Day. (1975). “Black Musicians and Early Ethiopian Minstrelsy.” The Black Perspective in Music 3, no. 1: 77-99. doi:10.2307/1214382.

Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, ed. (2011). Beyond Blackface: African Americans and the Creation of American Popular Culture, 1890-1930. University of North Carolina Press.

Johnson, Stephen, ed. (2012). Burnt Cork: Traditions and Legacies of Blackface Minstrelsy. University of Massachusetts Press.

Lott, Eric. (2013). Love & Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press

Mahar, William John. (1999). Behind the Burnt Cork Mask: Early Blackface Minstrelsy and Antebellum American Popular Culture. University of Illinois Press.

Orton, Richard. (1978). “Black Folk Entertainments and the Evolution of American Minstrelsy.” Negro History Bulletin 41, no. 5: 885-87.

Peterson, Bernard L. (1993). A Century of Musicals in Black and White: An Encyclopedia of Musical Stage Works by, about, or Involving African Americans. United Kingdom: ABC-CLIO.

Pickering, M. (2008). Blackface Minstrelsy in Britain (1st ed.). Routledge.

Springhall J. (2008). “Blackface Minstrelsy: The First All-American Show.” In The Genesis of Mass Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Toll, Robert C. Blacking up: The Minstrel Show in Nineteenth-Century America. Oxford University Press, 1974.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

1:  Illustrations Return to Top

Description Dates
1: Billy Emerson
Achert, T. (author)
lith in color; 24.5x19 cm
2: [Adah Issacs Menken]
lith; 12x8.5 cm
proof before lettering
3: Mrs. Robinson, the celebrated Perdita
Adlard, H. (author)
eng; 12.5x16 cm
Stroehling, artist from Huist Memoirs of George IV
4: Mrs. Billington as Rosetta in Love in a Village. London, J. Roach
Alais (author)
eng; 14x10.5 cm
eng by Alais from an original Min. by Linsell
5: Miss Hallande of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden
Alais (author)
eng; 15x9.5 cm
from a painting by R. E. Drummond
6: Mr. Kean as Richard 2nd. London, J. Roach
Alais (author)
eng; 15x9.5 cm
Cruikshank, artist
7: Mr. Kean as Richard 3rd. J. Roach
Alais (author)
eng; 15.5x10 cm
Cruikshank, artist
8: Mr. Charles J. Rogers, the celebrated American equestrian, displaying his unrivalled powers in pantomime upon his splendid mare, Maneokee, the maneuvers of a Moore contending in battle ... Philadelphia, Jacob Long
Algin, J (author)
lith; 18x20 cm
9: Joseph, Jefferson as Dr. Pangloss in the Heir at Law. N. Y., Harper's Weekly
Almquist, O (author)
eng; 29x22 cm
from the painting by John S. Sargent
October 24, 1891
10: Mr. Cooke as Richard III. New York
Anderson, Alexander, 1775-1870 (author)
lith; 14x8 cm
DeWilde, artist Stauffer 49
11: The assassin's vision.
Andrieu, Mathew Arthur, d. 1896 (author)
photo lith; 18.5x25.5 cm
[circa 1865]
12: [The discovery of Jeff Davis. Providence, R. I.]
Andrieu, Mathew Arthur, d. 1896 (author)
25.5x21 cm
13: Mr. Holman. Cornhill, I. Sewell
Angus, William, 1752-1821 (author)
eng; 15x9 cm
Dodd, artist for European Magazine
14: Ann Oldfield
Ann Oldfield (author)
from a picture by J. Richardson
15: [Anna Cora Mowatt]
Ann Oldfield (author)
lith; 12.5x9.5 cm
proof before letters and border
16: [Anne Seguin, New York], E. Dexter
Ann Oldfield (author)
eng; 22x15 cm
Artist's initials: AB
17: [Edwin Forrest]
Ansel, G. L. (author)
eng; 11x7.5 cm
engraver's trial proof second copy is signed proof
18: Lillian Russell. New York
The Ansel-Struck Eng. Co. (author)
eng; 23.5x17 cm
19: Jefferson, as Rip Van Winkle. [clipping from Harper's Weekly]
Anthony, Andrew Varick Stout, 1835-1906 (author)
wood eng; 29.5x22 cm
Drawn by S. Eytinge, Jr.
20: Lavinia Fenton, afterwards Duchess of Bolton. London, S. Ireland
Apostool, C. (author)
lith in brown; 13.5x11 cm
Hogarth, artist
21: Agnes Robertson. (Mrs. Dion Boucicault) Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 41.5x32 cm
[circa 1855]
22: Edwin Booth as Richelieu. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 26x16.5 cm in color
after painting by Chas. S. Abbe
23: [Henry Irving as Mephistopheles] Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 26x16.5 cm in color
after painting by Chas S. Abbe
24: [Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres] Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith in color; 21x12 cm image
after painting by Chas S. Abbe
25: [Lawrence Barrett as Count Lanciotto] Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith in color; 36x28 cm image
after painting by Chas S. Abbe
[circa 1870]
26: Salvini as Macbeth. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith in color; 23.5x17 cm
after painting by Chas S. Abbe
27: Hesperus. London, Henry Graves & Co.
Artlett, R. A. (author)
eng; 40.5x30 cm
after painting by S. B. Waugh Added imprint: New York, M. Knoedler, 1860
28: [Arthur Murphy]
Artlett, R. A. (author)
eng; 18x13.5 cm
29: [Mary Anderson] London, C. E. Gifford
Atkinson, T. L. (author)
42.5x33 cm
Mary Anderson as Parthenia
30: Thomas W. Keene. New York
Atlantic Publishing and Engraving Co. (author)
eng; 10x10.5 cm
facsimile autograph
31: Mr. J. S. Clarke
Austin, F. (author)
lith in color; 14.5x7 cm
32: Charles John Kean. Kentish Town, H. E. Dawe
Bacebe, C. (author)
lith; 25x21.5 cm
drawn by C. Bacebe, from a study for a whole length; painted from the life by H. E. Dawe, printed by L.M. Lefevre
33: Lekain
Baguoy, L. (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
J. B. LeNoir, artist
34: Baker, Alfred E.
Baguoy, L. (author)
lith in color; 22x21.5 cm image
35: Carlotta Leclerq. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21x15.5cm
drawn and printed for Dexter Smith's Paper
36: Clara Morris. Boston, Drawn and Printed for Dexter Smith's Paper
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 28.5x18.5 cm
artist's initials: JB facsimile autograph
37: Frank Mayo. Boston, J. H. Bufford's Lith.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 34x30 cm
artist: JB
38: Gus Williams, the American star comique
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
drawn by JB
39: Helena Modjeska
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21x16 cm
from a photo by Mora artist: JB
40: John T. Raymond as Col. Sellers. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21x15.5 cm
port signed J. E. Baker Drawn and printed for Dexter Smith's Papers
41: Lotta. Boston, Armstong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 22x17 cm
drawn and printed for Dexter Smith's Paper
42: Lotta. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith in color.; 28.5x23 cm
43: Maggie Mitchell. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21x15.5 cm
drawn and printed for Dexter Smith's Paper by Armstrong & Co. port signed by J. E. Baker
44: Mary Anderson. Cambridge, Riverside Press
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21.5x16 cm oval
drawn and printed expressly for the Folio
[circa 1870]
45: Mary Anderson. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 33x23.5 cm
Mary Anderson as Parthenia
[circa 1880]
46: Mary Anderson. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 33x23.5 cm
drawn by JB
[circa 1880]
47: Salvini. Boston, Armstrong & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 29x19 cm
drawn and printed for Dexter Smith's paper
48: Edwin Forrest as Metamora.
Bannister, James, 1821-1901 (author)
eng; 24x16 cm
another copy is engraver's proof
[circa 1840]
49: [Edwin Booth as Richelieu]
Barry, A. (author)
eng; 25x19 cm
proof before lettering
50: George Anne Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. London, Printed for John Bell British Library
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1725-1813 (author)
eng; 9.5x7 cm
The face copied after a picture by Coates; the figure modernized by Ramberg and the whole engraved by Bartolozzi
June 5, 1785
51: Mr.Henderson, in the character of Iago
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1725-1813 (author)
eng; 12x9.5 cm
Stuart, artist
52: [Mr. Hartley]
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1725-1813 (author)
eng; 14x11 cm
"only one trial plate of Mrs. Hartley. MM" also proof of whole plate
53: The farmer's return
Basire, James (author)
eng; 25x21.5 cm
Wm. Hogarth, artist
54: [Irving and Terry in Faust.] London, The Belgravia Fine
Batley, H. W. (author)
eng; 30.5x18 cm
55: Madame Celeste, Directress of the Theater Royal Adelphie. London, Day and Son
Baugniet, C. (author)
lith; 39x31 cm
from life on stone by C. Baugniet
56: Mrs. Charles Kemble.
Bell, John (author)
lith; 9.5x7 cm
57: Marie Taglioni. Paris, Delpech
Belliard, Z. (author)
lith; 24.5x20 cm image
port signed Z. Belliard
58: Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. (first act)
Beneck (H.) and Scott (author)
chromo litho on textured paper.; 44.5x34 cm
59: Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. (last act)
Beneck (H.) and Scott (author)
chromo litho on textured paper.; 44.5x34 cm
60: New York, Virtue and Yorston
Benedick (characterized by Mr. Lester Wallack) (author)
eng; 17x12 cm image
61: Mr. Johnstone. London
Bestland, C. (author)
eng; 18x11.5 cm
painted and eng by C. Bestland
62: David Garrick
Biasioli, A. (author)
eng; 22x15.5 cm
Sargent Marceau, artist
63: Mrs. D. P. Bowers, as Camille. Philadelphia T. Sinclair's Lith.
Bigot, Alphonse, circa 1828-ca. 1873 (author)
colored lith; 27x20 cm
from a photograph by J. E. McClees; A. Bigot, del.
circa 1855
64: [Billy Courtright as Camille]
24x19.5 cm
sticker at bottom: WM. Courtright & Co.
65: [Billy Courtright, the silly stuttering kid]
17x12.5 cm
inscription: To Robert C. Butler with best Wishes. Wm. Courtright Jan 26, 1910
66: Mr. Alexander Drake in The song of love and sausages
Birch, William Russell, 1755-1834 (author)
eng; 12x10 cm
drawn by Joseph Bush Fielding 157
67: Charlotte Cushman a Mrs. Haller. London, Fores
Black, G. B. (author)
lith; 37x30 cm
painted by William Henry Watkins facsimile autograph
68: [Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres]
Blum, Robert Fredrick, 1957-1903 (author)
lith; 30.5x15 cm
proof on Japanese vellum
69: F. S. Chanfrau.
Bonar, Thomas (author)
eng; 12x9 cm
Engraved for the Minor Drama
[circa 1855]
70: Mrs. Shaw
Bonar, Thomas (author)
eng; 19x11 cm
from a dag for M. Douglass
71: Geo. H. Barrett
Bonar & Cumming (author)
eng; 10.5x9 cm
eng for the Modern Standard Drama
72: Junis Brutus Booth. New York, F. P. Stephanoff
Bond, W. (author)
eng; 30x23.5 cm
drawn by F. P. Stephanoff
73: John Howard Payne as Young Norval watching the troops. London
Bond, William (author)
eng; 15.5x10 cm
after painting by C. R. Leslie another copy proof before lettering
74: Boston Museum. circa 1847
lith; 11.5x15.5 cm image
music cover fragment
75: L.V.H. Crosby.
Bouve, Elisha W. (author)
lith; 16.5x13.5 cm
[The original Pompy with the Harmoneons in 1840]
[circa 1840]
76: W. G. Jones, as Ben, the boatswain. Boston
Bouve, Elisha W. (author)
lith; 30.5x23.5 cm
W. Lydston, artist
[circa 1837]
77: James Fennell
Boyd, John (author)
eng; 17x11 cm
Wood, artist Stauffer 251 frontis. from Fennell's Apology, 1814 (see Butler 1885)
78: [Braham, John]
Boyd, John (author)
engraved 15x10 cm
79: Mr. Langtry as Rosalind in As you like it as the St. James Theatre.
Brentwall, E. F. (author)
30.5x22.5 cm
magazine clipping
80: Mrs. J. R. Vincent
Brett, William H. (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
facsimile autograph
81: Cowell as Crack [in] The Turnpike Gate. Philadelphia
Bridport, Hugh, 1794-ca. 1868 (author)
lith; 26.5x19.5 cm
on stone H. Bridport: Lucas's lith
[circa 1820]
82: Mr. Quin. Cornhill, J. Sewell
Bromley, William, 1769-1842 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
painted by Thomas Hudson from European Magazine
83: [Brooke as Shylock].
eng 18.5x14 cm
[circa 1855]
84: Edwin Forrest. New York, Butler & Brown
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith; 28x20.5 cm
American copy of the French lith by Van Geel E. Brown, Jr., artist N. Currier's Lith.
85: Mr. Barney Williams as Ragged Pat in Ireland as it is
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith; 11x7 cm
86: Mrs. Barney Williams as Jemima Lacarapee
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith; 11x7 cm
87: Mr. Pelby as Fernando do Lara, in the new prize tragedy of De Lara of The Moorish Bride. Boston, Pendleton's Lithogy
Brown, George Loring, 1814-1889 (author)
lith; 20.5x19 cm image
from life & on stone by Geo. L. Brown
88: Andover Theater. [London] T. Woodfall
Brown, J. (author)
17x23.5 cm
89: Grantham Theater. London, T. Woodfall
Brown, J. (author)
17x24 cm
90: Lewes Theater. London, T. Woodfall
Brown, J. (author)
17.5x23.5 cm
91: Newbury Theater. London, T. Woodfall
Brown, J. (author)
17x23.5 cm
92: Portsmouth Theater. London, T. Woodfall
Brown, J. (author)
17x23.5 cm
93: [Buckstone as Spado in The Castle of Andalusia]
engraving 15x10 cm proof before lettering
94: French spy. Boston
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 28x21 cm
95: J. L. Toole, comedian. Boston
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 30x23 cm
drawn expressly for the Folio
96: J. Wilkes Booth. Boston, Bufford's Print Publishing House
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 39.5x29 cm image
97: [Joseph Jefferson] Boston
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 21x17.5 cm
drawn and printed expressly for The Folio facsimile autograph
98: Miss Kate Reignolds. Boston, Bufford's Lithographic & Publishing House
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 36x30.5 cm
after photo by Black
99: Mrs. C. Mestayer as Haserac. Boston
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith in color; 31x23 cm
drawn by Silverquill
100: Mrs. Shaw as Cordelia. New York, Bufford's Lith
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 28.5x30 cm
from life and on stone by J. H. Bufford 2 copies
101: [Scene of three drinking around table with sign Atwill's Music Saloon.] New York, J. H. Bufford's Lithog.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 17x24 cm
102: W. Pelby
Bufford, & Co. (author)
lith; 30.5x21.5 cm
103: Charles Barron. Boston
Bufford's Sons (author)
lith; 23x19 cm oval
(photo by Warren) drawn and printed expressly for the Folio
104: Mrs. W. J. Florence. Boston, Mass.
Bufford's Sons (author)
lith; 26x19 cm
[circa 1855]
105: Miss Nelson as Rose in the Recruiting Office. London, Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot
Busby, T. L. (author)
eng; 19x12 cm
Robert Cruikshank, artist
106: [Joseph Jefferson]
Buttre, John Chester, 1821-1893 (author)
eng; 10x11 cm image
printed with inscription: Faithfully yours, J. Jefferson Bertin, artist two copies
107: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Hamlet. New York, Martin and Johnson
Buttre, John Chester, 1821-1893 (author)
eng; 28x20 cm
drawn by H. Ulke
[circa 1860]
108: Ernesto Rossi, nella parte d'Amleto. Milan, Leopoldo Calvi
Calvi, Leopoldo (author)
lith; 35.5x26 cm
109: Miss Denvil, as Marianna. New York
Cameron & Walsh (author)
lith; 31x25.5 cm
110: [Edwin Booth]
Campbell, J. K. (author)
27.5x20 cm
111: Miss Clifton; the distinguished American Tragic actress. N.Y. Lith. of Pendleton
Campbell, T. (author)
lith; 36.5x27 cm
112: Capture of Harrold [sic] and the shooting of Booth in the barn of Garath's [sic] farm by a detachment of the 16th New York Cavalry under the order of Col. Baker
lith in color; 23.5x28 cm
113: Capture of Harrold [sic] and the shooting of Booth in the barn of Garatts [sic] farm by a detachment of the 16th New York Cavalry under the order of Col. Baker. New York, Chr. Kimmel & Forster [ca. 1865] F. Finks, artist
lith in color; 25x36 cm
114: Mrs. Jordan in the Character of the Romp. London, J. Cary
Carey, J. (author)
eng; 34x23.5 cm
Miller, artist
115: The celebrated Mr. Liston as Paul Pry. Hope I don't intrude: just dropped in to say, if you want to draw a prize in the next lottery, go to Wemyss, no. 163.5 Chestnut Street
13x10 cm
116: J.B. Rice. Chicago, Century Publishing & Engraving Co.
Century Publishing & Engraving Company (author)
eng; 22x13.5 cm
117: Mrs. Langtry. London, Fine Art Society
Chant, J. J. (author)
eng; 39.5x31 cm
after painting by E. J. Poynter printed by T. Booker
118: Charles H. Duprez
lith; 21.5x13.5 cm
119: Charles Melton Walcot, comedian. circa 1868
Charles Melton Walcot, comedian. circa 1868 (author)
eng; 23x15 cm
artist: AB
120: [No title]
Charlotte, Cushman (author)
eng; 15.5x12 cm
(mounted with autograph, dated 1852)
121: Melle. Taglioni, role de Zoloe. Acad. R. De Musique
Chartier (author)
eng; 19.5x14.5 cm
drawn by Wattier
122: Frances Ann Kemble
Cheney, John, 1801-1885 (author)
eng; 19x14 cm
from painting by T. Sully notation in pencil: Presentation copy by Cheney to W. G. Armstrong, the engraver.[see Butler 1895]
123: Mrs. Garrick (wife of the celebrated David Garrick) who died at the advanced age of 99 years.
Cheesman (author)
eng; 13x11 cm
engraved for the Lady's Magazine
124: Mr. Hill (the celebrated American comedian) as Hiram Dodge in the Yankee Pedlar. [London] J. Childe
Childe, James Warrren, 1778-1862 (author)
lith; 38x20 cm
125: Madame Malibran Garcia. Philadelphia, R.H. Hobson
Childs, Cephas Grier, 1793-1871 (author)
on stone by C. G. Childs; lith;34x25.5 cm
ascribed to A. Newsam
[circa 1828]
126: Madlle Sontag. Philadelphia, R. H. Hobson
Childs, Cephas Grier, 1793-1871 (author)
lith; 16x13 cm image
on stone C.G. Childs ascribed to A. Newsam
127: Miss Clara Fisher. Philadelphia, R. H. Hobson
Childs, Cephas Grier, 1793-1871 (author)
lith; 16x11 cm image
Hubard, artist
[circa 1870]
128: [Fanny Kemble] Philadelphia, Childs & Inman
Childs & Inman (author)
lith; 39.5x29 cm
T. Sully, artist ascribed to A. Newsam
129: Richard Perkins
Clamp, R. (author)
eng; 16x14 cm
130: Theophilus Cibber, comedian
Clamp, R. (author)
eng; 20x16 cm
From an original drawing by Worlidge
131: William Cartwright, comedian
Clamp, R. (author)
eng; 17.5x14.5 cm
S. Harding, artist from an original picture in Dulwich College
132: Miss Poole, as Marcelline, in the opera of Fidelio, Park Theater, New York. New York, Lithy of John Childs.
Clay, Edward Williams, 1799-1857 (author)
lith; 12.5x6 cm
133: Mrs. Barney Williams. New York, C.O. Clayton Engr. Lith Print.
Clayton, C. O. (author)
colored lith; 23x20 cm
134: Mr. Johnson as Crack [in] Turnpike Gate
Cocking, Raffaelle (author)
lith; 22x15 cm image
drawn on stone by Mr. Raffaelle Cocking from a sketch by Tintoretto Mavrikadarti
135: Souvenir of Tony Pastor's 25th anniversary as a manager in New York City
Cohn (author)
lith; 15.5x12.5 cm
poem on verso
136: Miss Ada Gray
Collang (author)
lith bronzed; 48.5x36 cm
137: David Garrick. London, G. Kearsly
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
eng; 21.5x16 cm
T. Gainsbourough, artist
138: Mr. John Palmer, of the Theater Royal Drury Lane and of the Royalty Theater Wellclose Square to the lovers of the drama, this plate engraved from the original picture is inscribed by their obedient humble servant J. Collyer. London, W. Dickenson
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
after painting by J. Russell
139: Menu. N.Y., Gravure-Photochrome, Eng. Co.
Colonial Club (author)
lith; 22x18.5 cm
Four portraits of Jefferson in various roles
March 31, 1898
140: Colored illustrated card print no. 1
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of May Irwin, Dixey, Fay Templeton, Ellen Terry, Henry Irving, Stuart Robson, Selina Fetter, William Crane, Janauscheck in costume
141: Colored illustrated card print no. 2
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Lilian Grubb, Joe Jefferson, Theo, Frank Wilson, Sadi Martinot, Dion Boucicault, Mrs. Langtry, Pauline Hall, Louise James in costume
142: Colored illustrated card print no. 3
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Fanny Davenport, Edwin Booth, Clara Morris, Georgie Cayvan, Minnie Conway, Tearle, Belle Archer, Nat Goodwin, Lillian Russell in costume
143: Colored illustrated card print no. 4
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Annie Pixley, Denman Thompson, Helen Dauvray, Maurice Barrymore, Kate Claxton, Dewolf Hopper, R. B. Mantel, Louise Dillion, Henry Miller in costume
144: Colored illustrated card print no. 5
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Mary Anderson, Salvini, Sarah Bernhardt, Rose Coghlan, Lester Wallack, Marie Burroughs, Mrs. McKee Rankin, McKee Rankin, Mme. Cottrelly in costume
145: Colored illustrated card print no. 6
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Jane Hading, Estelle Clayton, Alice Hood, Marie Prescott, W.J. Florenof, Irene Verona, Courtney Thorpe, Eben Plympton, Miss Billy Barlow in costume
146: Colored illustrated card print no. 7
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Miss Forescue, Richard Mansfield, Annie Summerville, Modjeska, Lawrence Barrett, Margaret Mather, Effie Ellsler, John T. Raymond, Marie Wainwright in costume
147: Colored illustrated card print no. 8
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Leslie Chester, Isabella Everson, Josie Hall, Mollie Fuller, Geraldine Ulmer, Agnes Folsom, Annie Robe, Isabella Irving, Marie Sutit in costume
148: Colored illustrated card print no. 9
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Ada Rehan, John Drew, Virginia Dreher, Minnie Palmer, J. K. Emmet, Lotta Marie Jansen, Daboll, Belle Urquhart in costume
149: Colored illustrated card print no. 10
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Mme Rhea, Louis Paulllin, Cora Tanner, Mabel Jordan, Mark Smith, Mrs. James Brown Potter, Agnes Miller, Herbert Kelsey, Laura Burt in costume
150: Colored illustrated card print no. 11
lith in color; 17x25 cm
includes ports (7x3.5 cm) of Grace Henderson, Effie Shannon, Kyrle Bellew, Maud Branscombe, Blanche Rosevelt, May Bardell, Helen Standish, Miss Johnson, Jennie McNulty, Grace Barton in costume
151: Charles Macklin, Comedian, in his 93rd year. London, Printed for the author by John Bell
Conde, I. (author)
lith; 17.5x14 cm
Opie, artist
152: Mrs. Robinson. London, T. Sewell
Conde, I. (author)
eng; 15x10.5 cm
153: Arthur Murphy, age 72.
Conde, P. (author)
eng; 10x8 cm
modeled by Poole
154: Mr. Kemble. London, S. A. Cuberlege
Cook (author)
eng; 11x9 cm
engraved for the Universal Magazine
155: Mrs. Ellyn Guyn, mistress of Charles 2nd. [London] Fielding & Walker
Cook (author)
eng; 17.5x11 cm
Dod, artist
156: Mr. Charles Kemble a Sebastian. [London] C. Chapple
Cook, H. R. (author)
eng; 14x9 cm
DeWilde, artist engraved for the Theatrical Inquisitor
157: Mrs. Baddely. [London] I.W.H. Payne
Cook, H. R. (author)
eng; 17x11.5 cm
Zoffany pinxt
158: Miss Brunton. [London] Wm. Bent
Cook, Thomas, 1744-1818 (author)
eng; 12.5x9 cm
159: Miss Fenton. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook, Thomas, 1744-1818 (author)
eng; 9x8 cm
Hogarth, artist
160: [David Garrick. London, E. Evans.]
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 18.5x15.5 cm
trial proof from port by Robert Edge Pine also final print 37x27 cm
161: George Colman, the younger. London, T. Richardson
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 19.5x12 cm
[circa 1820]
162: George Frederick Cooke, Esq. London, Henry Colburn
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Engraved by Cooper from an original miniature
163: Mr. Horn in the character of the Seraskier [London] R. Cooper
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 33x23 cm
inscribed: Charles E. Horn 6 Nov.
164: Mr. Kean, as Gloster in Richard 3rd. [London] H. Berthoud
Cooper, Robert (author)
19.5x15 cm
painted by G. Clint
165: Mr. Sinclair. [London] S. Robinson
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 21x51 cm
painted by Sharp
166: Mrs. Siddons (as Lady Macbeth). [London] H. Berthound, Jr.
Cooper, Robert (author)
eng; 19.5x14 cm in color
After a painting by Harlow
167: Mrs. Merry in the character of Calista. London, J. Bell
Corner, John (author)
eng; 29.5x21x5 cm
from the original picture which was painted from life by DeWilde
168: Julia Marlowe. Buffalo
Courier Lith. Co. (author)
lith; 14.5x10 cm
169: Madame Modjeska. Buffalo
Courier Lith. Co. (author)
lith; 16x11.5 cm
170: Margaret Mather. Buffalo
Courier Lith. Co. (author)
lith; 12x8 cm
171: Miss Tree as Julia, [in] Two Gentlemen of Verona. [London] F. Humphrey
Cruikshank, Isaac Robert, 1789-1856 (author)
21x14.5 cm
172: Mr. Braham as Don Alphonso [in] Castle of Andalusia
Cruikshank, Isaac Robert, 1789-1856 (author)
eng; 21x12 cm
173: E. Forrest as Metamora. New York, N. Currier
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith; 31x22.5 cm
174: The assassination of President Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1865. New York, Currier & Ives
Currier & Ives (author)
lith; 20x31 cm
175: Edwin Forrest. New York, Currier & Ives
Currier & Ives (author)
lith; 37x30.5 cm image
another copy in color
176: The original General Tom Thumb, the smallest man alive (22 years old, 33 inches high) as he appeared before her Majesty Queen Victoria. New York, Currier & Ives
Currier & Ives (author)
lith in color
"Compliments of Charles S. Stratton know as General Tom Thumb."
177: Edwin Forrest as Hamlet
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
eng; 23.5x16 cm
also two trial proofs
178: Edwin Forrest as King Lear
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
179: Mr. Hamblin as Richard Darvil in Ernest Maltravers
Dacre, H. (author)
lith in color; 34x24.5 cm
180: James E. Murdoch. New York
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 29x23 cm
from a dag by McClees & Germon
181: Miss Julia Dean. New York
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 34x27.5 cm
after a daguerreotype by Root
182: Mlle. Hermine Blangy
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 38x29 cm
183: Mr. J.E. Murdoch as Hamlet. Philadelphia, McClees & Germon
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 31x25.5 cm
dag by McClees & Germon
184: Joseph Harris. London, W.J. White
Dawe, Henry, 1790-1848 (author)
31x22 cm
185: The Siamese youths (age 18) as now exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. London, R. Ackerman & Co.
Day, W. (author)
lith in color; 25x15 cm
186: Portrait de Mlle Sarah Bernhardt. Paris, A. Salmon
De Los Rios, R. (author)
eng 20x14 cm
Jules Bastien-Lepage, artist
187: Sol Smith of the Southern & Western theaters. [New York] Endicott's Lith.
Derose (author)
lith; 23.5x14.5 cm
188: Mr. Barratt as Sir Gilbert Pumpkin. London, J. Tayleure
Dewilde, Samuel, 1748-1832 (author)
eng; 26x19.5 cm
[circa 1796]
189: D. Setchell. [New York], E. Dexter
Dexter, Elias (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
artist: AB
190: J.M. Vernon, [New York], E. Dexter
Dexter, Elias (author)
eng; 22x14 cm
facsimile autograph
191: John Howard Payen. [New York]
Dexter, Elias (author)
eng; 6x4 cm image
192: Miss Ellen Tree in the Character of Ion
Dick, Archibald, b. circa 1805 (author)
eng; 30.5x23 cm
drawn by Miss Gillies
193: Dion Boucicault; the greatest of living actors, the master spirit of the stage.
color lith port ; 43.5x30.5 cm
[circa 1875]
194: The Modjeska Hat. Five Points, N.Y.
Donaldson Bros. (author)
lith; 17x11.5 cm bronzed
from a photo by Mora
195: Geo. L. Fox as Wee Willie Winkle. Boston
Drummond, D. (author)
lith; 28.5x21.5 cm
port signed: D. Drummond Drawn and printed especially for The Matinee
196: [Henry Alexander] London, Thomas McClean
Drummond, William (author)
lith; 19.5x16 cm
Athenaeum portraits no. 21 facsimile autograph Day & Huges, lith
197: Mr. Hodgkinson in the character of Baron Wellinghorst. Published for the German Theatre by Wm. Dunlap
Dunlap, William, 1766-1839 (author)
eng; 7x6 cm
drawn by Wm. Dunlap, the face engraved by C. Tiebout, and the drapery by G. Fox
198: Georgius Jones. Histrio
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 11 cm diam
drawn by F.S. Agate Stauffer 603
199: [Macready, as] William Tell
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
from a painting by H. Inman; printed by J. Burton another copy inscribed: Miss Clara Fisher with H. Inman's compliments etc... Stauffer 612
200: Mr. Barnes as Billy Lackaday. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 556
201: Mr. Cowell as Crack. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 573
202: Mr. Duff, as Marmion. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 580
203: Mr. E. Forrest as Rolla. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle proof and four prints Stauffer 584
204: Mr. Hackett.
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 22.5x16.2 cm first impression
Inman, artist another version inscribed: To J. P. Harley Esq. with Compts of his fd. Thursday December 13, 1832 Jas. H. Hackett engraved for the New York Mirror, 1832 Stauffer 591
[circa 1832]
205: Mr. Hilson as Tyke. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 595
206: Mr. Macready as Macbeth. Philadelphia, Thos T. Ash
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x8 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 611
207: Mrs. Barnes as Isabella. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 557
208: Mrs. Hilson as Margaret Overreach. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 594
209: The resurrection. Nuremberg
Durer, Albrecht, 1471-1528 (author)
12.5x10 cm
Kurth 251
210: [E. L. Davenport as Benedict]
eng; 16x13 cm
proof before lettering and border also a second proof before lettering
211: Eleanor Gwynne; actress and mistress of Charles 2nd. London, S. Woodburn
Earlom, Richard, 1743-1822 (author)
eng; 15.5x11 cm
from a miniature by S. Cooper
212: [No title]
Edward S. Willard, 1903 (author)
13x10 cm
facsimile autograph
213: Fanny Kemble
Edwards, E. (author)
eng; 18.5x13 cm
after a painting by Alonzo Chappel pencil notation: engraved by E. Edwards of London. Proof before going to Press facsimile autograph
214: [Edwin Booth] New York, Wm. Clawson & Co.
Edwards, S. Arlent, b. 1862 (author)
17x13.5 cm
215: Cooke as King Lear
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 21x12 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist; engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 734
216: Cooke as Richard III
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 21x12 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist; engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 735
217: Cooke as Sir Pertinax Macsycophant
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 21x12 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist Engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 733
218: Cooper as Leon.
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 16x5.5 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist Engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 737
[circa 1800]
219: Kemble
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
Stauffer 795
220: Le Kain
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9x7 cm
Stauffer 805
221: Macklin
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 10x8 cm
engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 816
222: Mr. Cooke
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9.5x8 cm
Sully, artist Stauffer 733
[circa 1800]
223: Mr. Duff as Hamlet
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 12.5x7.5 cm
drawn by Williams, engraved by Edwin and Boyd Stauffer 751
224: Mr. Jefferson [and] Mr. Blissett in the characters of Dr. Smugface and Dr. Dablancour in the Budget of Blunders
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9x15 cm image
C. R. Leslie, artist engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 786
225: Mr. Jefferson as Solus
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 785
226: Mr. Warren
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Sully, artist Staufer 890
227: Mr. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 21.5x14 cm
T. Sully, artist Stauffer 919
228: Mrs. Darley
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 8.5x7 cm
Doyle, artist Stauffer 745
229: Mrs. Siddons
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 874
230: Mrs. Warren
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 10.5x9 cm
Stauffer 889
231: Mrs. Wignell
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 7x6 cm
W. Dunlap, artist Stauffer 913
232: Mrs. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
R. Peale, artist Stauffer 918
233: Thos Cooper.
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng; 11x9 cm
Stauffer 736
[circa 1800]
234: [Edwin Booth]
eng; 27.5x20.5 cm
235: [Edwin Booth].
eng; 25x17.5 cm
proof before lettering
[circa 1856]
236: [Edwin Booth]
eng; 25x20.5 cm
["The rare B. L. plate; only a few known. Plate destroyed by fire-Anderson" three copies, one autographed
237: [Edwin Booth as Iago]
eng; 15.5x12.5 cm
proof before lettering
238: [Edwin Forrest]
eng; 15x12.5 cm
private plate, 100 impressions
239: [Edwin Forrest]
12.5x9 cm oval
240: Edwin Forrest, tragedian. Boston, N. Dearborn
eng; 27x20.5 cm
241: Edwin Booth
Egbert, Henry, 1826-1900 (author)
lith; 24x18.5 cm
[circa 1872]
242: Mr. Booth, as Brutus
Ellis, George B (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 964 2 copies
243: Mr. Wood as Stephen Foster. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Ellis, George B (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 974
244: Mr. Edwin Forrest, as Carwin. Philadelphia, Turner & Fisher
Ellis, William Harvey (author)
eng; 14x9.5 cm
drawn and engraved by W. Harvey Ellis two copies
245: The enchanting Lola distributing medals to the children of the Boston schools
lith in color; 19.5x25 cm
246: G. H. Hill; the unrivalled personator of Yankee characters-as Solomon Swop in the comedy of Jonathan in England
Endicott, William, 1816-1851 (author)
lith; 7x6 cm image
247: John Brougham. New York, Jacques & Bros.
Endicott, William, 1816-1851 (author)
lith; 28.5x23 cm
248: Henrietta Sontag. Paris, Maurice Schlesinger
Engelman (author)
lith; 25x21.5 cm
Vigneron, artist
249: Ann Catley. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Evans, William (author)
eng; 17x10 cm
from a painting by Lawrenson
250: Betterton. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Evans, William (author)
eng; 17.5x10.5 cm
portrait by Sir G. Kneller
251: Mr. John E. Owens as Solon Shingle from the original picture painted by Constant Mayer. New York, Endicott & Co. Print
Fabronius, Dominique L. (author)
lith; 38x29.5 cm
No. 1 of the Theatrical Album of Stars of the American Stage
252: Mrs. Cibber, from the original painting in the possession of Chas.
Fairn, John (author)
eng 17x11.5 cm
Bedford, London, J. Sewell, 1791 from European Magazine portrait by Orchard, eng by Fairn
253: Miss Cushman and Miss Susan Cushman. London, Thomas McLean
Fairland, Thomas, 1804-1852 (author)
lith; 44.5x30 cm
Miss Gillies, artist
254: N.A.
255: [Fanny Davenport].
eng; 22x15 cm image only
proof before lettering
[circa 1870]
256: [Fanny Davenport as Rosaling].
eng; 30.5x23.5 cm
proof before lettering
[circa 1870]
257: [Fanny Kemble]
eng; 15.5x10.5 cm
258: [Fanny Sterling]
lith; 15x11 cm
259: Arcade, Philadelphia. London, Hilton & Simkin & Marshall
Fenner, Sears & Co. (author)
eng; 15x12 cm
drawn by C. Burton, New York
260: Chesnut Street Theater, Philadelphia. London, J. T. Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall
Fenner, Sears & Co. (author)
eng; 20x26.5 cm
drawn by W. Goodacre
261: Theatre, Newport. London, Hinton & Simpkin & Marshall
Fenner, Sears & Co. (author)
eng; 10.5x26.5 cm
drawn by W. Goodacre, Jr.
262: Theater, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. London, Hinton, Simpkin & Marshall
Fenner, Sears & Co. (author)
eng; 10x15.5 cm
drawn by C. Burton
263: [James E. Murdoch]
Ferris, Stephen James, 1835-1915 (author)
eng; 20x16 cm
proof before letters another copy engraved: Truly yours, James E. Murdoch
264: [Joseph Haworth as Rinaldo]
Ferris, Stephen James, 1835-1915 (author)
eng; 18x13 cm
265: [Julia Marlowe as Chatterton]
Ferris, Stephen James, 1835-1915 (author)
eng; 18x12.5 cm
266: Fanny Janauscheck als Medea. Munich, Peter & Fedoroff
Fleischman, A. (author)
eng; 32x22 cm
A. Fleischmann, artist
267: [Lola Montez. Munich]
Fleischman, A. (author)
40x31 cm
268: Folies-Bergere. La Loie Fuller. Paris, CHAIX
lith in color; 32x32.5 cm
Endres Ch. Lorilleux & Cie.
269: Fords Theatre
Fleischman, A. (author)
eng; 17x12.5 cm
proof before lettering
270: Autograph, with flower border
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
October 22, 1856
271: [Forrest as King Lear.]
lith in color; 27x16 cm
272: Frank E. Aiken
lith; 21x13 cm
273: Mrs. Woffington. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
eng; 14x9 cm
A. Pond, artist from The Cabinet
274: Chas. Fechter as Hamlet. Boston, New England Lith Co.
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 34.5x25 cm
275: Clara Morris. Boston, J. H. Bufford's Sons
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 28.5x21.5 cm
drawn and printed expressly for the Folio
276: Dan Bryant. Chas H. Crosby & Co.
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 29.5x20 cm
drawn and printed expressly for The Matinee
[circa 1864]
277: F. S. Chanfrau, comedian. Boston, J. H. Bufford's Sons
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 29x21 cm
drawn and printed expressly for the Folio Warren, Phot.
[circa 1860]
278: Fanny Devenport. Boston, J. H. Bufford's Sons
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 28x22 cm
drawn and printed expressly for the Folio
[circa 1875]
279: [G. F. Cooke as Richard 3rd]
eng; 18.5x11.5 cm
proof before lettering
280: [No title]
Gabriel Ravel. [New York], E. Dexter, 1875 (author)
eng; 18.5x14.5 cm
port by AB
281: Le Comte Antoine Hamilton. [London] E. & S. Harding
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
eng; 12x10 cm
S. Harding, artist from the original picture in the collection of Lord Beaulieu at Ditton Park
282: Mr. Kemble of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London, John Sewell
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
eng; 14.5x12 cm
S. Harding, artist for European Magazine
283: Mr. Warren as Shadrach. [Portsmouth]
Gear, Joseph, 1768-1853 (author)
eng; 20.5x14.5 cm
circa 1848
284: A distinguished comedian in one of his popular characters. [London] T. McLean
General Lith. Establishment (author)
lith; 29x21 cm
H. B. Sketches no. 676 artist: HB
285: General Tom Thumb's bridal party (Mr. and Mrs. Genl Thom Thumb, Commodore and Mrs. Nutt.)
lith in color; 11.5x15 cm
port signed: Haerting
circa 1863
286: [Cinderella] Scene 1, Act 1. N.Y., Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
lith of Pendleton, N.Y. [Mr. Jones in Cinderella]
287: [Cinderella] Scene 1, Act 2. N.Y., Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
lith of Pendleton, N.Y. [Messrs Jones and Thorne and Mmes Blake and Vernon in Cinderella]
288: [Cinderella] Scene 1, Act 3. N.Y., Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
lith of Pendleton, N.Y. [Messrs Thorne and Placide in Cinderella]
289: [Cinderella] Scene 3, Act 1. N.Y. Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
lith of Pendleton, N.Y. [Mrs. Austin as Cinderella, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Vernon]
290: [Cinderella Scene 5, Act 3. N.Y., Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
lith of Pendleton [Mrs. Austin and chorus in Cinderella]
291: [Cinderella] Scene 5, Act 5. N.Y., Bourne
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 24x31.5 cm
[lith of Pendleton] [Mrs. Austin and Mr. Jones in Cinderella]
292: Henry Placide. New York, Gimber
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
20.5x18 cm
drawn and engraved by Stephen H. Gimber autograph of Placide
293: Mrs. S. Chapman
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
eng; 23x22 cm
E.D. Marchant, artist
294: Mrs. Siddons. Harper & Bros.
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
eng; 18.5x10.5 cm
after painting by T. Lawrence
295: Thos. S. Hamblin, tragedian. [New York] J. Neale
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 26x22.5 cm
drawn on stone from life by S.H. Gimber, C. G. Graham's lith
[circa 1825]
296: The young Roscius in the character of Douglas. London, Edward Orme
Godby, James (author)
eng; 23x17.5 cm
Engraved by Godby from the original drawing in the Possession of his royal highness, the Prince of Wales
297: Mr. Holman in the character of Chamont. London, J. Bell British Library
Godfrey, Richard B., b. 1728 (author)
eng; 29x21 cm
from the original picture pained from life by DeWilde
298: Mr. Wm. Parsons, comedian
Goldar, John 1729-1795 (author)
eng; 16x10.5 cm
from a miniature by Hayter
299: Frederick Leslie as Rip in the comedy of Rip Van Winkle. London, C. Goodall & Son
Goodall (C.) & Son (author)
lith in color; 25x16 cm
Society Bijou portraits, no. 24
300: Mr. Kean as Shylock. Philadelphia
Goodman, Charles, 1796-1835 (author)
eng; 21x12.5 cm
drawn by Neagle Stauffer 1121
301: When the strangers homeward fly (our guests have flown o'er the roaring tide-to spend our gold on the other side.) New York, Puck
Graetz, F. (author)
lith in color; 21.5x30 cm
Mayer, Merkle & Ottmann, Lith.
302: Wm. B. Wood
Graham, A. W. (author)
eng; 20.5x13 cm
from a dag by M. P. Simons
303: Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Farewell to the state. Miss Charlotte Cushman, one week only, commencing Monday evening, November 9th, 1874
The Graphic Co., New York (author)
lith; 37x32 cm
304: The great fight for the championship of America between John Morrissey and John C. Heenan for $2500 a side at Long Point Island, Canada
lith in color;22x33 cm
305: Mme Malibran-Garcia. Paris, C. Motte
Grevedon, H. (author)
lith; 32.5x25.5 cm
circa 1829
306: Miss Taglioni. London, C. Motte
Grevedon, H. (author)
lith in color; 30x26 cm
307: John B. Rice-actor & manager. New York
Gribayedoff, V. (author)
eng; 19x14 cm
proof before lettering
308: [Mitchell of Mitchell's Olympic-Brdway]
Gribayedoff, V. (author)
eng; 17.5x8.5 cm
309: Davenport
Grotecloss (author)
15x10.5 cm
verso contains note: To my dear friend Mrs. Noring from Mr. Affectd-Henry Davenport. Dec. 25th/85
circa 1885
310: Charlotte Cushman. Boston, S. W. Chandler & Bros.
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1865 (author)
lith; 12.5x10 cm
artist: LG facsimile autograph
[circa 1840]
311: Charlotte Cushman. Philadelphia, Lith of P. S. Duval
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1865 (author)
lith; 28x23.5 cm
[circa 1835]
312: [Maude Branscombe]
Guerand, H. T. (author)
lith; 12x8 cm
313: [Edwin Forrest]
Gutekunst, F. (author)
45x38.5 cm
314: Lawrence Barrett
Gutekunst, F. (author)
37x31 cm
315: Mrs. John Drew
Gutekunst, F. (author)
39x33 cm
316: Mr. John S. Clarke. London, Sprague & Co.
Gutekunst, F. (author)
photo lith; 27.5x18 cm
from a photo by F. Gutekunst Society Bijou portraits, no. 139
317: E. L. Davenport as Brutus
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 16.5x11 cm
Artist: CBH
318: [Edwin Booth as Iago]
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 17.5x13 cm
signed proof before lettering
319: Edwin Booth as Pescara
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 15.5x10 cm
drawing signed by C.B.H.
320: Edwin Forrest as Coriolanus
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 16x11 cm
321: [J. B. Booth as Hamlet].
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
signed proof before lettering
[circa 1825]
322: [Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 18x12.5 cm
signed proof
323: [Lawrence Barrett].
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 25x17 cm
6/100 signed proof
[circa 1870]
324: [Statue of Edwin Booth as Hamlet].
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 24x17 cm
D. B. Sheahan, Sculptor signed proof before lettering
[circa 1876]
325: W. R. Blake, comedian. New York, T. W. Lawrence
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
facsimile autograph
326: Cassius (Characterized by Mr. Lawrence Barrett). New York, Virtue & Yorston
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
eng 35x25.5
[circa 1865]
327: Edwin Forrest as Othello.
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
eng; 14x10 cm
another copy is engraver's proof on India paper
[circa 1850]
328: John Howard Payne, author of Home, Sweet Home and the tragedy of Brutus
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
eng; 33.5x25 cm
from a dag by Brady "Allen Forman Esq. with compliments of Gabriel Harrison, 1883"
329: Sir John Falstaff (Characterized by Mr. Ben de Bar). New York, Virture & Yorston
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
eng; 35x25 cm image
F. Wolcker, artist
[circa 1859]
330: [Edwin Booth]
Hall, H. E. (author)
eng; 20x13 cm
331: Alexina Baker. New York, D. Appleton & Co.
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 27.5x19 cm
from a crystalotype by McClees & Germon
[circa 1850]
332: Edwin Forrest as Virginius
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
[only 35 copies printed and plate destroyed]
333: [George Holland]
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
proof on India paper; another copy has facsimile autograph; third copy is inscribed: "George Leroy Holland, Eldest Son, April 1902."
334: [Mary Gannon]
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 25x18 cm
private plate
335: Matilda Heron
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 25x18 cm
from a dag by J. M. Ford
336: Stephen Price. New York, T. H. Morrell
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
"100 impressions only taken and plate destroyed. T. H. Morrell, N. Y., 1872." "T. J. McKee Esq. with the regards of T. H. Morrell. Only 20 unlettered proofs. October 21, 1872." [from a painting by S. W. Reynolds]
337: Edwin Forrest as Richard III.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
eng; 23x16 cm
five copies: with lettering; 1st proof; 2nd proof; engraver's proof on India paper; final without lettering
[circa 1860]
338: Edwin Forrest at 65.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
eng; 24.5x16.5 cm
facsimile autograph another copy in engravers trial proof on India paper without lettering
[circa 1871]
339: Junius Brutus Booth.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
25x17.5 cm
Bust by T. R. Gould
[circa 1840]
340: [Lawrence Barrett] New York
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
eng; 24.5x16 cm
facsimile autograph
[circa 1860]
341: J. K. Emmet. New York, H. B. Hall's Sons
Hall's (H. B.) Sons (author)
eng; 24.5x16.5 cm
facsimile autograph
[circa 1870]
342: Mrs. Abington in the character of Charlotte [in The Hypocrite] [London] W. Lowndes
Hall, John, 1739-1797 (author)
eng; 17.5x12 cm
Ryley ad vivam, del.
343: Edwin Forrest, at 21
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
eng; 24x15.5 cm
344: Edwin Forrest at 45
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
eng; 24x16 cm
four copies, three of which are trial proofs
345: Edwin Forrest as The Gladiator
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
eng; 13.5x10.5 cm
346: Adah Isaacs Menken in her extraordinary equestrian act
Hamilton, R. J. (author)
lith in color; 29x22 cm
347: Joseph Harris, comedian
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
eng; 19x14 cm
S. Harding, artist "From the original picture in the collection of the Earl of Oxford at Strawbery Hill."
348: Spranger Barry. [London] E. & S. Harding, Pall Mall
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
eng; 19x14 cm
From an original picture by Sr. Joshua Reynolds in the collection of Portis, Esq.
349: Juliet standing at the window. Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co.
Harding, James Duffield, 1798-1863 (author)
lith; 23.5x19 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by J. D. Harding
350: Richard Burbage, the first performer of King Richard III. London, E. Harding
Harding, Sylvester, 1745-1809 (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
engraved from an original picture in Dulwich College
351: Mr. Bernard.
Harris, Samuel (author)
14x9 cm
two copies
[circa 1790]
352: Mr. Benjamin G. Rogers, the Philadelphia comedian, as Dr. Pangloss
Harrison, Richard G. (author)
eng; 22.5x14.5 cm
dag by Phillippi
353: Anderson in his presentation entertainments. New York
Hart, Charles (author)
eng; 25.5x20 cm image
[circa 1860]
354: Broadway Theatre; Mr. Chanfrau as Sam. New York
Hart, Charles (author)
lith in color; 25x20.5 cm
[circa 1855]
355: John E. Owens as Paul Pry. New York
Hart, Charles (author)
lith in color; 29.5x21 cm
356: John E. Owens as Solon Shingle. New York
Hart, Charles (author)
lith in color; 29.5x21 cm
357: Mlle Caroline Acosta, premier Danseuse from the Royal Opera Madrid. New York
Hart, Charles (author)
lith in color; 26.5x20.5
358: Keeley as Robin in The Sergeant's Wife. Engelmann & Co.
Hayes, J (author)
lith; 25x18.5 cm
painted & drawn on stone by J. Hayes
359: Frances Ann Kemble as Juliet. Philadelphia, Childs & Inman
Hayter, John (author)
lith; 14x8 cm image
John Hayter, del. [on stone by A. Newsam]
360: Mr. Holman. London, J. P. Thompson
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
eng; 25x21 cm
Engraved. . . from an enamel by Bone, painted in the year 1800
361: Mr. John Bannister. [London] James Heath
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
eng; 12x10 cm
Engraved by James Heath from a picture by J. Russell
362: Mrs. Billington in the character of Mandane. London, W. Lowndes
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5
Stothard ad vivam del.
363: Mrs. Jordan. [London] J. Heath
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
eng; 11.5x9 cm
from a picture by J. Russell
364: Mrs. Siddons. [London], J. Heath
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
eng; 12x9.5 cm
from a picture by T. Lawrence
365: Portraits of Monsr. Alexandre, in his various characters of the Rogueries of Nicholas. Birmingham
Heath, William, 1795-1840 (author)
eng; 34x25 cm
366: Augusta in the role of the Bayadere. [New York] W. A. Colman
Heidemans, Henri Ph (author)
lith in color; 30.5x23 cm
Henri Heidemans, artist N. Currier's lith
367: The Rainers. New York, J. F. Atwill
Heidemans, Henri Ph (author)
lith; 23x34 cm
From life and on stone by Henri Ph. Heidemans, printed by Endicott
368: [No title]
Henry E. Johnston (author)
eng; 18.5x11.5 cm
369: Mr. E. L. Davenport (Theatre Royal Haymarket) as William. [London] Reeve & Nichols
Herve, C. S. (author)
lith; 32x20.5 cm
370: Mr. Placide, in the character of Frederick 2nd, in "St. Patrick's Eve." New York, Linen, Horn & Co.
Hewitt, William Keesey, 1817-1893 (author)
lith; 28.5x20.5 cm
Heidemans, H., artist; N Currier's Lith.
371: Mrs. George Jones, the tragic actress. New York, Linen & Fennell
Hewitt, William Keesey, 1817-1893 (author)
lith; 29x23 cm
F. S. Agate, del., N. Currier's Lith. two copies
372: Mr. Mathew in his various characters in A Wild Goose Chace or the Inn at Baltimore. [London] Hodgson & Co.
Hodgson & Co. (author)
11x49 cm
G. Ck, artist mounted with: Mathew's trip to America. [London] Hodgson & Co., 1824 eng with color 11.5x33.5 cm
373: Miss Augusta Dargon; the great tragic actress, supported by J. H. Taylor and Geo. Beck's select company, Baltimore, A. Hoen & Co.
Hoen (A.) & Co. (author)
lith; 21x16 cm
374: Ellen Tree in the character of Mariane in The wreckers daughter. New York, C. Shepard
Hoffy, Alfred M., b. circa 1790 (author)
lith; 23x19 cm image
Drawn on stone by Hoffy, from the original sketch, taken from life by Heidemens; J.T. Bowen's Lith. facsimile autograph
375: Mr. Garrick in the character of Richard the 3d
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764 (author)
eng; 42x52.5 cm
painted by Wm. Hogarth; engraved by Wm. Hogarth & C. Grignion
376: J. P. Kemble
Holl, B (author)
eng; 12x10.5 cm
Engraved by Holl from a drawing of Sir Thomas Lawrence in the possession of Charles Mathews
377: J. W. Wallack
Holl, B (author)
eng; 20.5x14.5 cm
A. Wivell, artist facsimile autograph
378: Mr. Macready as Henri Quatre. [London] Beale
Holl, B (author)
eng; 20x13.5 cm
379: Sir Robert Walpole
Holl, B (author)
eng; 5x4 cm
text of biographical sketch, p. 19
380: A. I. Menken
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 16.5x11 cm
signed proof
381: Adelaide Neilson
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
signed by Hollyer; Sarony, artist
382: Agnes R. Boucicault.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14.5 cm
signed proof
[circa 1855]
383: Burton's Theater
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 12x17.5 cm
signed proof
circa 1910
384: C. W. Couldock
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 21.5x15 cm
Falk, artist signed proof; another copy in unfinished state
circa 1896
385: Charles Fechter
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
signed proof
386: Charles Fisher
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 24.5x16.5 cm
signed proof
387: Chas. R Thorne, Sr.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 24x16 cm
proof before lettering
388: Charlotte Cushman
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
also first state proof; signed proof
circa 1895
389: Clara Morris
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14.5 cm
first state proof; signed unfinished state proof; and signed proof autographed by Clara Morris
390: Dion Boucicault
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x15 cm
signed proof
circa 1895
391: E. A. Southern as Lord Dundreary
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 18x13 cm
signed proof; signed unfinished state
392: Edwin Booth.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
signed proof
[circa 1894]
393: Edwin Booth
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 18x13 cm
Sarony, artist two copies: signed first trial proof, signed proof
[circa 1894]
394: [Effie Germon].
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x15.5 cm
signed proof, signed first state
[circa 1870]
395: Elizabeth Ponisi
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 9x8 cm image
signed proof
396: Ellen Terry
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12.5 cm
signed proof; signed first state
397: Fanny Davenport.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12.5 cm
signed proof
[circa 1894]
398: [F. C. Bangs]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 21.5x14.5 cm
signed proof
399: Helena Modjeska
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14.5 cm
signed proof
circa 1894
400: J. Lester Wallack. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
facsimile autograph signed proof
401: J. H. Stoddart
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14 cm
signed proof
402: [J. H. McVicker]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 10.5x9.5 cm
proof before letters
403: [Jefferson as Bob Acres in The Rivals].
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17x12 cm
one of two impressions from first state, signed
[circa 1900]
404: John Brougham. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
signed proof
[circa 1875]
405: John Gilbert. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
signed proof; signed first state; signed second state
406: John McCullough
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
signed proof; signed unfinished state
407: J. Jefferson
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17x12.5 cm
Sarony, artist signed proof; singed first state
408: J. Jefferson [as Bob Acres]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 16x10.5 cm
signed proof
circa 1900
409: J. Jefferson
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12.5 cm
signed proof
410: J. Jefferson. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17x12 cm
singed proof
[circa 1900]
411: J. Jefferson [as Rip Van Winkle]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17x12 cm
proof, first state, second state, second state on India paper; all signed
412: Laura Keene
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
signed proof
circa 1896
413: [Louisa Drew]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22.5x14.5 cm
Sarony, artist singed proof
[circa 1870]
414: [Mary Anderson].
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12 cm
singe proof another copy colored facsimile autograph
[circa 1880]
415: Mrs. G H Gilbert
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 21.5x14 cm
singed proof
416: Mrs. Hodginson
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 21.5x14 cm
W. Dunlap, artist after C. Tiebout's engraving of Dunlap's drawing signed proof
417: [Mrs. Hoey]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
singed proof
418: Rose Coghlan [as Lady Teazel]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17x12 cm
autograph: Rose Coghlan 1907 singed proof
419: Thomas Barry
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 25x18 cm
private plate singed proof
420: [Thomas H. Hadaway]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 18x12.5 cm
proof before letters
421: Thomas Wignell
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
singed proof before letters "private plate: (the entire issue consisted of only 25 copies. û McKeel cat. part 9, page 1371)"
422: W. J. Florence
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14 cm
singed proof; [private plate]
423: W. J. Florence [as Sir Lucius O'Trigger]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12 cm
singed proof
424: William Davidge
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 22x14.5 cm
Sarony, artist singed proof
425: William Warren
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
eng; 17.5x12 cm
signed proof
426: Colley Cibber. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
eng; 16.5x10 cm
Vanloo, artist
427: Macklin. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
eng; 17.5x9.5 cm
Opie, artist
428: Mr. Elliston. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
eng; 17.5x10.5 cm
DeWilde, artist
429: Mrs. H. Johnston. [London] J. Bell
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
eng; 23.5x14.5 cm
Moses Haughton, artist Proof
430: Mrs. Hartley. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
eng; 18.5x10 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist
431: Mr. Vandenhoff in the character of Hamlet. Edinburgh, Edward West & Co.
Horsburgh, John, 1791-1869 (author)
eng; 25x17 cm
after painting by William Stewart Watson proof
432: J. Kemble in the character of King Richard the third. [Philadelphia, Freeman & Co., 1696]
Houston, H. (author)
eng; 10x8 cm
Steward, artist Stauffer 1460
433: [Edwin Booth]
Howard (author)
eng; 25x20 cm
434: [No title]
[Hughey Dougherty] (author)
17.5x12.5 cm
435: Mrs. Sloman of Covent Garden Theater in the character of Belvidera. Printed by B. Rogers
Humphreys, William, 1784-1865 (author)
eng; 25x20.5 cm
W. Chatfield, artist
436: [Abraham Lincoln] City Point, Va.
Hunt, Albert (author)
18.5x12 cm
March 27, 1865
437: [Abraham Lincoln] July
Hunt, Albert (author)
18x12 cm
438: Edmund Simpson Esq. New York, E. M. Murden
Illman, Thomas, d. circa 1859 (author)
eng; 16x10 cm
from a painting by Jarvis; G. Neale, printer proof
439: James H. Caldwell.
Illman, Thomas, d. circa 1859 (author)
eng; 12x10.5 cm
Engraved by Illman & Pilbrow from a painting by Jarvis
[circa 1825]
440: Macready as Coriolanus
Imbert, Anthony (author)
lith; 20.5x16 cm
G. Catlin, artist
441: Monsr. and Mad. Vestris
Imbert, Anthony (author)
lith; 28.5x21 cm
Canova, artist
442: Charles Kean. [Childs & Inman]
Inman, Henry, 1801-1846 (author)
lith; 18x14 cm
H. Inman, artist autograph on proof without letters: Charles John Kean to Miss Caroline Fisher two copies
443: Wm. Hogarth
Ireland, Samuel, d. 1800 (author)
eng; 24.5x20.5 cm
etched by Sam Ireland from an original portrait in oil by Hogarth in his possession
444: Miss Louisa V. Parker, as Eva in G. L. Aikens' celebrated dramatic version of Uncle Tom's Cabin, as performed by her at The Chestnut Street Theater. [Philadelphia]
Ising, Charles (author)
lith; 21.5x17 cm image
J L. Magee, artist from a dag
445: J. B. Booth [as Richard 3rd]
eng; 23x15 cm
from an original drawing by Rouse in the possession of Edwin Booth
446: [J. B. Booth as Richard 3rd]
lith in color; 26.5x17.5 cm
[from an original drawing by Rouse]
447: J. B. Booth
eng; 10.5x8.5 cm
[circa 1815]
448: [J. Kemble]
eng; 22.5x14.5 cm
proof before lettering
449: J. W. Wallack
lith; 18x13.5 cm
450: J. W. Wallack Jr. as Mercutio
eng; 16x13 cm oval
proof before letters and border
451: J. W. Wallack, Jr. New York, E. Dexter
eng; 22x15 cm
artist: AB
452: J. W. Wallack, Sr. as Jacques
eng; 16x13.5 cm
proof before lettering and border
453: J. Wilkes Booth
eng; 17.5x12.5 cm
454: Edwin Booth. New York, Charles S. Bernard & Co.
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 19x12.5 cm
from a photograph
455: Edwin Forrest as Virginius.
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 24x15.5 cm
another copy is trial proof
[circa 1860]
456: Edwin Forrest. New York, Moore & Bernard
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 19.5x13 cm
from a photograph
457: Kate Fisher
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 21.5x14 cm
another copy is unfinished proof Engraved for French's Standard Drama
458: Maggie Mitchell
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 5.5x3.5 cm image
459: [Mrs. Charles M. Walcot, Sr.] New York, Charles S. Bernard & Co., of the American Dramatic Institute
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 17x11 cm
460: W. E. Burton. New York, D. Appleton & Co.
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 22x14 cm
dag by Brady
[circa 1859]
461: W. E. Burton.
Jackman, William G (author)
eng; 22.5x15 cm
[circa 1859]
462: Jane Placide
eng; 12x10.5 cm
463: Jenny Lind
eng; 12x10.5 cm
trial proof
464: Jim Crow, the American Montebank performing at the Grand Theater. London, W. S. Fores
lith; 31x24 cm
no: 14; artist: D. B.
465: John Drew. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Co.
Job, Leon (author)
lith; 34x26 cm
dag by Wm. L. Germon port signed L Job
466: [John Brougham] New York, Wm. A. Pond
lith; 27x20.5 cm
467: [John Drew, Sr.]
15x11.5 cm
two states
468: [John Gilbert as "Sir Peter Teazle]
eng; 22.5x15 cm
proof before lettering also preliminary pen drawing artist: AB
469: John Gilbert, the veteran actor, and his principal characters
37.5x24 cm
biography and seven portraits
470: John Howard Payne
eng; 9x8.5 cm image
471: [John S. Clarke as Major DeBoots].
lith; 14.5x10.5 cm
artist: A. C.
[circa 1867]
472: [Bookplate of E. S. Willard]
Johnson, Thomas George, 1844-1904 (author)
eng; 17x12.5 cm
singed proof
473: [Edwin Booth]
Johnson, Thomas George, 1844-1904 (author)
13.5x24.5 cm image
not finished; plate destroyed verso has etching fragment
474: [Joseph Jefferson]
Johnson, Thomas George, 1844-1904 (author)
eng; 16.5x10.5 cm
proof without lettering
475: [Mary Anderson]
Johnson, Thomas George, 1844-1904 (author)
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm
singed first state; second state; singed proof in red
[circa 1875]
476: [Mary Anderson]
Johnson, Thomas George, 1844-1904 (author)
eng; 31x23.5 cm
singed proof
477: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Othello. New York, Johnson, Fry & Co.
Johnson, Fry & Co. (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
478: Goldfinch, as represented in the principal southern theaters by A. J. Allen, the American costumer. Pendleton's Lith.
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith in color; 25x18 cm
479: [Group] Andrews, Forrest, Macready, Holland, Cooper, Sloman, Blissett, and Master Burke
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
eng; 9x14.5 cm
480: [Group in costume] Boston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
eng; 7x13 cm
includes: Kean, Barnes, Brown, Finn, Kilner, Jefferson, Mathews
481: The late Mrs. Morris
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition drawn and engraved by D. C. Johnston Stauffer 1493
482: Mr. E. Forrest as Metamora in Mr. Stone's new prize tragedy. Boston, Lith of Pendleton
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith; 27.5x21.5 cm
483: Mr. Hamblin, of the Theatre Royal Drury-Lane. Lith of Pendleton.
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith;14x13 image
H. J. Finn, artist note: "This is one of the 1st lithographs made in this country. H. W. Bryant (given to me by Mr. Johnston.)"
[circa 1822]
484: Mr. Jefferson as Logic [in] Tom & Jerry
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
19x11 cm
sketched 7 eng by D. C. Johnston two copies Stauffer 1488
485: Mr. Mathews as Monsieur Morbleu
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
eng; 19x15 cm
Stauffer 1491
486: Mr. Sloman [signing] Sweet Kitty Clover. Lith of Pendleton
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith; 18.5x14 cm
circa 1828
487: Mr. Wilson, as Pierre. Lith of Pendleton
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith; 24x15 cm
488: Paul Pry and Col. Hardy as represented by Mr. Finn and Mr. Kilner. Lith of Pendleton
Johnston, David Claypool, 1798-1865 (author)
lith; 23.5x19.5 cm
489: Mr. Henderson. [London] J. Jones
Jones, John, 1740-1797 (author)
34x27.5 cm
painted by T. Gainsborough
490: Miss Hughes, as Reiza in the celebrated opera of Oberon. London, Moon, Boys, and Graves
Jones, Thomas (author)
eng; 31x23 cm
painted by W. McCall
491: [Joseph Jefferson]
eng; 31x23 cm
492: [Joseph Jefferson]
lith; 16.5x15 cm image
493: [Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Two different poses sitting on table]
lith in color; 24x19 cm each sheet
494: Geo. H. Hill, comedian. R Miller, Printer
Kelly, Thomas, circa 1795-ca. 1841 (author)
eng; 23.5x17 cm
painted and engraved for the New York Mirror Geo. W. Twibill, artist Stauffer 1605
495: Mr. Wallack as the Earle of Leicester in the new play of Kenilworth. [London] Edward Duncombe
Kennerly (author)
eng; 14.5x17.5 cm image
496: E. A. Sothern [as Fitzaltimont], the crushed tragedian
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 33.5x24 cm
from Puck
497: Janauscheck as Klio in dem zur Friedensfeir am 12. Marz aufgefuhrten Festgedicht: Das letzte Jahrzehnt. Peacefestival in St. Louis
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 22x28 cm
498: J. Jefferson
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 31x22 cm
port of Jefferson and four sketches from Rip Van Winkle from Puck
499: A leading lady; a picture of Contemporaneous human interest
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 30.5x22 cm
caricature of Fanny Davenport and Augustin Daly from Puck
500: Mrs. D. P. Bowers, actress.
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 27x21.5 cm
[circa 1860]
501: Our British beauty. "The King is but a man as I am."-Henry the Fifth. [G. Rignold]
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 30.5x22 cm
from Puck
502: Our leading juvenile. [J. Lester Wallack]
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 31x22 cm
from Puck
503: The prairie phenomenon (reversible portrait) [Mary Anderson]
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 31x21.5 cm
Puck's stage sketches, no VIII
504: Sarah Bernhardt, the modern Pizpah, protecting her son from the clerical vultures. A little variation on M. Becker's famous picture. [New York]
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith in color; 29.5x21.5 cm
for Puck caricature of Bernhardt and Rev. Dr. Talmage
[circa 1880]
505: The taking of St. Louis, by Ralph Keeler and A. R. Waud, special correspondent and artist of "Every Saturday"
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 18.5x15 cm
506: Mr. Redman, of the Theater Royal Covent Garden
Kersting (author)
eng; 13x11 cm
507: [Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres]
King, Francis Scott, 1850- (author)
wood eng; 17.5x10 cm
signed proof
508: Mr. D. Marble as Jacob Jewsharp and Mr. D. Marble as Sampson Hardhead
Klauprech & Menzel (author)
lith; 20.5x38.5 cm
B. W. Jenks, artist
509: Edwin Booth as Richelieu. Boston, Chas. H. Crosby & Co.
Kluiken, G. (author)
lith; 29x21.5 cm
Drawn and printed expressly for The Matinee
510: Elizth Barry. [London] E. & S. Harding
Knight, Charles (author)
eng; 19x13 cm
from an original picture by Sr Godfrey Kneller S. Harding, artist
511: G. B. Swaine of the celebrated and Original New Orleans Serenaders, Ethiopian Operatic Troupe. Philadelphia. P. S. Duval's lith steam press
Kramer, Peter, 1823-1907 (author)
lith port (13.5x11 cm) and 4 port (13.5x11.5 cm) in character portraits from a dag by McClees and Germon
512: Mrs. Thayer, as Aunt Ophelia in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Co.
Kramer, Peter, 1823-1907 (author)
lith; 31x26 cm
from a dag by Lyons; on stone by P. Kramer
513: Fanny Essler. Paris, Marchant
Lacauchie, Alexandre (author)
lith; 25x16 cm
Alexandre Lacauchie, artist, lith. de Rigo freres
[circa 1850]
514: Mme Damoreau Cinti. Paris, Marchant
Lacauchie, Alexandre (author)
lith; 25.5x15.5 cm
Alex. Lacauchie, artist; Lith de Rigo Freres
515: Rachel. Paris, Marchant
Lacauchie, Alexandre (author)
lith; 25.5x15.5 cm
Alexandre Lacauchie, artist; Lith. Rigo Freres
516: [Griffin & Johnson as Tribulation and Ananias]
Lalauze, Adolphe (author)
eng; 7.5x9.5 cm
apres Peter van Bleech
517: E. L. Davenport.
Landy, J (author)
15x10 cm
autograph of E. L. Davenport verso contains note: "Miss Tillie Thorney with sincere regards of the sitter. 1876."
[circa 1876]
518: James E. Murdoch
Landy, J (author)
51x40 cm
inscription: Landy, Cin., O.
519: C. Kemble. London, Colnaghi & Puckle
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 21.5x16 cm
Plate 15 (Proof)
520: Eliza Vestris [as] Lucy Morton. London, J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 21x15 cm (face tinted)
J. Graf, printer facsimile autograph
521: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Juliet: By whose direction found'st thou out this place [Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co.]
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 23.5x18.5 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by R. J. Lane proof
522: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Juliet: Sweet, good night! Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co.
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 23.5x18.5 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by R. J. Lane proof
523: George Jones, author of The Histories of Ancient America. London, J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
drawn from life by the Count D'Orsay and stone by R. J. Lane; C. Graf, Lith
524: Madame Vestris as a Broom Girl. J. Dickinson
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 21x16 cm in color
designed and drawn on stone by Richard J. Lane; printed by C. Hullmandel
525: M. A . Warner
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 20x15 cm
526: Miss Adelaide Kemble. London, J. Dickinson
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 11.5 cm diam
drawn on stone by R. J. Lane; M. & N. Hanhart, Lith.
527: Miss Vandenhoff as Juliet
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
eng; 14x10.5 cm
engraved for Burton's Magazine
circa 1838
528: Miss Vandehoff, as Juliet. London, J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 26.5x21 cm (face tinted)
drawn on stone by R. J. Lane; Printed by M. & N. Hanhart Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Sc.2
circa 1838
529: Mr. Fetcher in the character of Hamlet. My father--methinks I see my father. London, J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
eng; 32x24.5 cm
proof drawn from life by R. J. Lane
530: Mr. Macready in the character of King Henry 4th. London, R. Ackermann
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 20x16 cm
from a picture by John Jackson
531: Mrs. Keeley in the character of Jack Sheppard as represented at the Adelphi Theatre. N. Y., J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 29.5x21 cm
532: Taglioni. London, J. Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
eng; 41x27 cm
proof M. & N. Hanhart, Lith.
533: Lolla Montes, Comtesse de Lansfeld. [Paris] Decan et Lebref
Lanta, L (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
Le Voleur Le Cabinet de Lecture Reunis. Journal Litteraire
534: The last act in the popular comedy of The Divorce Case. [Caricature portraits of Forrest and his attorney, John Van Buren] New York
lith; 42.5x30.5 cm
[circa 1851]
535: Miss Harper. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
536: Miss Pope. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
W. Dighton, artist
537: Mr. Dodd. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
538: Mr. Garrick. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
14x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
539: Mr. Palmer. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
540: Mr. Parsons. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist (2 copies)
541: Mr. Wroughton. [London] Wm. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
542: Mrs. Mattocks. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
W. Dighton, artist (another copy is proof before name)
543: Mrs. Wrighten. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist (another copy is proof before name)
544: Mrs. Yates. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
14x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist
545: Lawrence Barrett in Francesca da Rimini
lith; 28x20 cm
[circa 1870]
546: Eleanor Gwynne, from a painting by Sir Peter Lely
Lely, Sir Peter, 1618-1680 (author)
eng; 20x11.5 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
547: G. F. Cooke, Esquire.
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Engraved from an original miniature painted by W. Dunlap Stauffer 1735
[circa 1800]
548: John Hodgkinson
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 11x15 cm
Groombridge, artist Stauffer 1780 two copies
549: Master Betty; the young Roscius. London, Clay & Scriven
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 26.5x20 cm
after a drawing taken from life by J. Ramsey Imprint varies from Stauffer 1715
550: Master Payne
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 7.5x6 cm
from the original miniature by Wood Stauffer 1830
551: Mrs. Darley
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 7x6 cm
Dunlap, artist Stauffer 1742
552: William Henry West Betty.
Leney, William S (author)
eng; 16x11.5 cm
Stauffer 1714
[circa 1810]
553: Cooper as Piere [in] Venice preserved. Philadelphia, W. H. Morgan
Lewis, James Otto, 1799-1858 (author)
eng; 16.5x12.5 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist Stauffer 1914
554: Richard Mansfield
Liebler & Maass (author)
photolithograph; 36x28 cm
555: Mr. Liston as Paul Pry -- I hope I don't intrude. [London] I. Limbird
Limbird, I (author)
eng; 14x8.5 cm (hand colored)
556: Lola coming! Europe Farewell! America I come
Limbird, I (author)
lith; 18.5x25.5 cm
557: Lola has come! Enthusiastic reception of Lola by American audience
lith; 19x24.5 cm
558: Lola in Boston! - - she visits the public schools
lith in color; 19.5x26 cm
559: London's latest lunacy. [London]
tinted lith; 21.5x30 cm
"Puck, to John Bull: - We've made fools of ourselves over many a lord, ætis true; But aren't these new gods now making fools of you" clipping from Puck
[circa 1880]
560: Miss Kelly, as Beatrice. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 2029
561: Mr. Francis, as Sir George Thunder. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Staufer 1974
562: Mr. Macready as Virginius. [Philadelphia] Neal & Mackenzie
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 22.5x14 cm
from a drawing by J. Jackson Stauffer 2045
563: Mr. Warren, as Sir Peter Teazle. [Philadelphia, Poole]
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 18.5x11.5 cm
after a painting by J. Neagle Lopez and Wemyss' edition Stauffer 2102 (2 copies, and a proof without letters)
564: Mr. Wemyss, as Rolando. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2115 (also proof without lettering)
565: Mrs. Duff, as Mary. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' Edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1967 (also proof without lettering)
566: Mrs. Francis, as Miss Harlow. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' Edition from a paining by J. Neagle Stauffer 1975
567: Miss Bartolozzi. London, Engelmann, Graf, Comdet & Co.
Lynch, J. H. (author)
lith; 10.5x8.5 cm
drawn on stone by J. H. Lynch from a painting by J. Warrington
568: Mr. Woodwarde in the character of ye fine gentlemen in Lethe. London, I . Ryall & R. Withy
McArdell, James, 1710-1765 (author)
33x25 cm
F. Hayman, artist
569: Josephine Clifton. New York, Endicott
McDougall, John Alexander, 1810-1894 (author)
lith; 24.5x18.5 cm
On stone by J. A. McDougall
570: Edmon S. Conner as Wallace. [New York] Turner & Fisher
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 16.5x10.5 cm
"engraved by J. Magoffin"
571: John Drew as Handy Andy. Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 20x12.5 cm
[circa 1850]
572: John S. Clarke (as Major Wellington de Boots.) Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 24x16.5 cm
[circa 1867]
573: John T. Raymond as Col. Sellers in The Gilded Age. Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 25.5x17.5 cm
574: Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
575: Miss Alexina Fisher as Desdemona. New York, Turner & Fisher
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 14x19.5 cm
printed by E. W. Rogers
[circa 1850]
576: Miss Ellen Terry as Letitia Hardy. Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 24x16.5 cm
577: Mr. Booth as Richard 3rd. New York, Turner & Fisher
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 15x9.5 cm
J. Magoffin, artist
[circa 1821]
578: Mr. T. H. Hadaway as Caleb Quotem. New York, Turner & Fisher
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 16.5x10.5 cm
printed by E. W. Rogers
[circa 1830]
579: Robson and Crane (as the two dromios) Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 24x16.5 cm
580: [Wm. E. Burton as Toodles. Gebbie & Co.]
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng 25x17.5 cm
[circa 1859]
581: [Wm. J. Florence as Bardwell Slote in The mighty dollar. Gebbie & Co.]
McGoffin, John, 1813- (author)
eng; 11.5x8 cm
proof before lettering
582: [Macklin]
eng; 18x13 cm
from a painting by Opie
583: William Warren, comedian. Boston
McLellan, H. B. (author)
eng; 25x21.5 cm
facsimile autograph from a picture by Sarony
584: [James Hudson. London.]
Maclure & Macdonald (author)
lith; 19.5x12 cm
[circa 1849]
585: Jane Reynolds. London
Maclure & Macdonald (author)
lith; 19.5x12.5 cm
circa 1839
586: Mr. Dion Boucicault (in The Shaughraun). London
Maclure & Macdonald (author)
lith in color; 36.5x24 cm
artist's signature: AB No. 11
[circa 1875]
587: Mr. Henry Irving (Hamlet). London
Maclure & Macdonald (author)
lith in color; 33x24 cm
artist: A. B. No. 2
[circa 1875]
588: George Jones (The American tragedian) in the character of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane upon the occasion of his complimentary benefit from the Friends of Literature and the Drama. [London] Ackerman & Co.
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 23.5x20.5 cm
from a painting by C. Martin
589: J. B. Booth, Esq. of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London, Cowie and Strange
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 13x9 cm
from an original painting Ingrey & Madely, Lithog.
[circa 1817]
590: Mr. Edwin Forrest (The American Tragedian) as Spartacus, The Gladiator. London, G. E. Madeley
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 31x23 cm
591: Mr. Edwin Forrest, the American tragedian as The Gladiator. London
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 20.5x13.5 cm
Sold with No. 256, Figaro in London
592: Mr. Hackett as Falstaff. [London]
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 22x21 cm
King Henry 4th, Act 2, Sc 4
[circa 1840]
593: Mr. Hackett, as Monsr. Mallet (an exil'd General of Napoleon) [London] Madely
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 31x19.5 cm
594: Mr. Hill as Major Wheeler in the farce of New Notions. London, J. W. Childe
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith in color; 29x18 cm image
J. W. Childe, artist
595: Mr. Rice, the Jim Crow [London]
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 28.5x22 cm
596: William Mitchell, comedian. (Late of Theatre Royal Covent Garden, London) Proprietor of the Olympic Theatre, New York. London
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 35x21.5 cm
597: A. H. Purdy, National Theater
Magee, John L. (author)
lith; 23x19.5 cm
facsimile autograph
598: Illustrations of the Dramatists: no. 1 [Edwin Forrest as] Coriolanus. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee
Magee, John L. (author)
lith in color; 14.5x9 cm
599: Illustrations of the Dramatists: No. 2 [Edwin Forrest as] Spartacus. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee
Magee, John L. (author)
lith in color; 14.5x9 cm
600: Junius Brutus Booth. Philadelphia, P. E. Abel
Magee, John L. (author)
lith; 23x17 cm
Boell, pr.
601: Little Cordelia Howard, the child of nature, aged 5 years in the character of Eva, the original personator of the part.
Magee, John L. (author)
lith; 20x16 cm image
[circa 1853]
602: Fanny Vining. M & N Hanhart
Maguire, Henry C Jr. (author)
lith; 28.5x23.5 cm
from a dag by Mayall inscription: Truman Esqr. with compliments of F. V. facsimile autograph
603: J. William Wallack. M & N Hanhart
Maguire, Henry C Jr. (author)
lith; 19.5x16 cm
facsimile autograph
604: Old Joe. London, John Mitchell
Maguire, T. H. (author)
lith; 20x16 cm image
M & N Hanhart lith facsimile autograph
605: Barrett as Richelieu. New York
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
toned lith; 15x10 cm
[circa 1870]
606: Joseph Jefferson. New York
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 16.5x11 cm
facsimile autograph
607: Lawrence Barrett. New York
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 15x10 cm
verso: Announcement of Barrett in Richelieu at Harley's Fifth Avenue Theatre, commencing Monday, Oct. 3
[circa 1867]
608: Edwin Forrest [as Spartacus in The Gladiator]
Mansell, F (author)
lith; 23x15.5 cm
609: Mrs. Woffington
Marchand, James (author)
eng; 16x10.5 cm
610: Sol Smith of the theatres Saint Louis & Mobile. St. Louis, E. Dupré
Merchant, Edward Dalton, 1806-1887 (author)
lith; 24x18.5 cm
611: Margaret Mather, J. M. Hill's new tragic star
Merchant, Edward Dalton, 1806-1887 (author)
lith in color; 42x29.5 cm
612: Philadelphia Theatre, in Chesnut Street. London, Albion Press
Marigot, M (author)
eng; 13.5x19 cm (aquatint)
613: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Coriolanus. New York, Martin, Johnson & Co.
Martin, Johnson & Co. (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
614: Mr. Edwin Forrest as King Lear. New York, Martin, Johnson & Co.
Martin, Johnson & Co. (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
615: Miss Adams in the character of Zulima.
Martyn, J (author)
eng; 17.5x10.5 cm
616: Master Betty, surnamed Young Roscius, in the character of Norval, on his first appearance at Drury Lane Theatre on Monday, December 10, 1804. London, Tomkins
17x12.5 cm
617: Master Betty; surnamed Young Roscius, in the character of Selim on his first appearance at Covent Garden Theatre on Saturday, December 1, 1804. London, Tompkins
18.5x14.5 cm
618: Lotta. New York
Mayer (Ferdinand) & Sons (author)
lith; 33x27 cm
619: Mrs. James Brown Potter
Menpes, Mortimer (author)
25x20 cm
620: [Madge Kendal]
Merritt, Anna Lea, 1844- (author)
eng; 28x20 cm
signed by Merritt and Kendal
621: Edwin Forrest. London, J. Childe
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
eng; 29.5x24 cm
J. W. Childe, artist copy inscribed Edwin Forrest to his friend, R. M. Bird, Esq; another copy with lettering and no inscription; another copy inscribed Edwin Forrest to his friend Hephn Price 1836. imprint varies
622: Mr. Charles Mathews, comedian. London, J. Asperne
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
eng; 19.5x13 cm
published for the European magazine from a painting by S. Drummond
623: Mrs. Oldfield. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
eng; 17.5x9.5 cm
[from The Cabinet] Richardson, artist
624: T. A. Cooper
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
eng; 33x24.5 cm
after Joseph Wood proof before letters
625: Thomas Hamblin
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
eng; 29.5x21.5 cm proof
Childs, artist
626: Miss Ada Rehan
lith; 23x18 cm
627: Miss Bellamy, celebre actrice de Londres
eng; 14x8.5 cm
[circa 1805]
628: Miss Caroline Richings
lith; 18x13.5 cm
629: Miss Fanny Kemble. Artiste dramatique
lith; 16x15 cm image
[A. Deveria, artist]
630: [Miss Inverarity]
eng; 23x16.5 cm
631: Miss Julia Smith, as Madge
lith; 28.5x21 cm
632: Miss Kelly, H. Sontag, Made. M. Garcia, Miss Rock, Mrs. Barnes
eng; 7x24.5 cm
633: Miss Maggie Harold
lith; 21x15.5 cm
634: Miss M. A. Gannon; the dramatic wonder, 12 years of age, at the Boston Museum, as Little Pickle in the sketch of the Spoiled Child. Boston
lith; 26x17 cm
635: [Miss Mellon as Anne Paige]
eng; 17.5x11.5 cm; proof
636: Miss Pope in the character of Doll Ship in Harlequin's Invasion. London printed for Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9x7.5 cm
another copy hand colored
637: Mr. Baddeley in the character of Canton in The clandestine marriage. London, Published by I. H.; sold by R. Wilkinson, no. 125 Fenchurch Street
eng; 19x13.5 cm
638: Mr. Barnes as Mawworm. New York, Elton's Theatrical Print Store
13.5x8 cm
639: Mr. Barry in the character of Hotspur in the first part of Henry IV. London, John Smith & Robt. Sayer
eng; 14x9 cm hand colored
Done from an original picture the same size in the possession of Her Grace the Duchess of Northumberland
640: Mr. Beard in the character of Hawthorn in Love in a village. [London]
R. Sayer & J. Smith, 1769
641: Mr. Chanfrau as Mose in Glance at New York. New York
lith in color; 34x26 cm
[circa 1849]
642: Mr. Charles Dillon as Othello
eng; 18.5x14 cm
643: Mr. Cherry in Lazarillo
eng; 9x7 cm
644: Mr. Clarke in the character of Anthonio in the Merchant of Venice. [London]
eng 9.5x7.5 cm
J. Smith & R. Sayer, 1769
645: Mr. Dibden in the character of Mungo in the celebrated opera of the Padlock. London, R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
646: Mr. Dodd as a lady
eng; 15.5x10.5 cm
proof before lettering
647: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Richard III. N.Y., Martin and Johnson
eng; 24.5x17.5 cm
648: Mr. Foote in the character of Mrs. Cole in The minor. London, Printed for J. Smith and R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
[circa 1769]
649: Mr. Foote in the character of the Devil upon two sticks. London, printed J. Smith and R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
650: Mr. Foote in the character of The Doctor in The devil upon two sticks
eng 9.5x7.5 cm colored
London, Printed for J. Smith and R. Sayer, [1769]
651: Mr. Forrest as The Gladiator. New York, John Lawrence
colored lith; 19x20 cm image
artist: L. H. G.
[circa 1835]
652: Mr. F. S. Chanfrau as Mose. New York
lith; 33x25 cm
[circa 1848]
653: Mr. F. S. Chanfrau as Mose & Miss M. Taylor, as Lize, in A glance at New York in 1848.
lith; 31.5x23 cm
second copy in color
[circa 1848]
654: Mr. F. S. Chanfrau, as Mose, rescuing the child in New York as it is.
lith; 38x27 cm
[circa 1848]
655: Mr. Garrick in the character of Sr. John Brute. London, R. Sayer & J. Smith
eng; 9.5x8 cm
656: Mr. Garrick in the character of Sr. John Brute in the Provok'd Wife
9.5x8.5 cm
London, R. Sayer & J. Smith, 1769 Done from an original picture of the same size in the possession of Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland
657: Mr. G. Dixon as Major Longbow
eng; 16.5x10.5 cm
658: Mr. Gomersal as Captain Morton in Casco Bay
colored eng; 21x17 cm
659: Mr. G. V. Brooke as King John. London, Sold by E. Morgan, Printer, next door to the Marylebone Theatre
eng; 25x19 cm
[circa 1845]
660: Mr. Hackett as Nimrod Wild-fire
lith in color; 28x22.5 cm
presentation inscription and annotations to Mr. Roden by Hackett artist: E. W. Clay
661: Mr. Hackett as Solomon Swap
lith; 28.5x22.5 cm
another copy in color with presentation inscription to Mr. Roden by Hackett artist: E. W. Clay
662: Mr. Hammond as Filch in the Beggars Opera.
20x11.5 cm
[circa 1847]
663: Mr. H. Placide, as the King of Clubs
15.5x10 cm
664: Mr. Hilson as Paul Pry. New York, Elton's Theatrical Print Store
13.5x8 cm
665: Mr. Holland in the character of Jachimo in Cymbeline. [London] J. Smith & Robert Sayer
eng; 9x7.5 cm
666: Mr. Hyatt as Billy Black. New York, Elton's Theatrical Print Store
13x7.5 cm
W.H.T., artist
667: Mr. Jefferson. Dogb.-Heaven save the foundation!
eng; 10.5x7 cm
pencil inscription: "Fielding, no. 1826-the only known copy."
668: Mr. John Kemble of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London, B. Crosby
eng; 8x6 cm
669: Mr. Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle
eng; 10x8.5 cm
670: Mr. J. Proctor in his great original character of the Jibbenainosay (in Nick of the Woods)
lith in color; 29.5x21 cm
Insc: Youse truly, Joseph Proctor, Boston, Mass. June 4th, 1891
671: Mr. Kean, as Richard, Duke of Gloster
12x10.5 cm image
672: Mr. King in the character of Ld. Ogleby in the Clandestine Marriage done from an original picture of the same size, in the possession of Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland. London, J. Smith and R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x6.5 cm
another copy in color
673: [Mr. Liston as Endless]
eng; 15.5x10.5 cm
proof before lettering
674: Mr. Macklin in the character of Shylock. London, Printed for J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9x7 cm
circa 1769
675: Mr. Maywood as Baron Trevasi
eng; 28x20 cm
676: Mr. Moody in the character of Simon in Harlequin's Invasion. London, J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
another copy colored "Done from an original picture of the same size, in the possession of Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland."
677: Mr. Powell in the character of Cyrus. London, R. Sayer & J. Smith
9.5x8 cm
Done from an original picture of the same size in the possession of Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland
678: Mr. Powell in the character of Lovewel in the Clandestine Marriage. London, R Sayer & J. Smith
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
679: [Mr. Power as Murtoch Delany.]
eng; 15x10.5 cm
proof before letters
680: Mr. Quick
eng; 15x10.5 cm
proof before lettering
681: Mr. Quick
eng; 15x10.5 cm
proof before lettering
682: Mr. Ransford, of the Theater Royal Covent Garden, as singing (in character) the celebrated song The sea! The sea! London, Duncombe
eng; 20x11.5 cm
683: Mr. Reddish in the character of Posthumus in Cymbeline. London, R. Sayer and J. Smith
eng; 9x7.5 cm
684: Mr. Rice as Johnny Atkins. New York, Elton & Perkins
13.5x10.5 cm
685: Mr. Richings in the character of Dashwood (in the Drama of the Times or Life in New York)
lith; 20x17 cm
686: Mr. Shuter in the character of Justice Woodcock in Love in a village. London, R. Sayer and J. Smith
9.5x8 cm
687: Mr. Sloman, as dressed in character for his Three part Medley
eng; 17x11.5 cm
688: Mr. T. P. Cooke, as Norad [in] In the spirits of the moon. London, W West
25x18.5 cm
689: Mr. T. Rice as the original Jim Crow
lith image; 27x17.5
690: Mr. W. H. Williams, as Flank in Two Wives. London, T. & I. Elvay
eng; 20x13.5 cm
691: Mr. Wallack as Dougal in Rob Roy
8.5x5.5 cm
692: Mr. Weston in the character of Dr. Last in The Devil upon two sticks. London, R. Sayer & J. Smith
eng; 9.5x7.5 cm
circa 1769
693: Mr. Woodward in the character of Razor in the Upholsterer. London, J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9x7 cm
another copy in color
694: Monument to Margaret Woofington in the church at Teddington
eng; 23x15.5 cm
695: Miss J. M. Davenport in her celebrated character of Camille. Philadelphia, D. Chillas, Lith.
Moras, Ferdinand, 1821-1908 (author)
lith; 24x18 cm
696: Alice D. Lingard. Philadelphia, Ledger Job Print
Morgan, Mathew Somerville, 1839-1890 (author)
lith; 30x24 cm
697: John McCullough. Philadelphia, T. Sinclair & Son
Morgan, Mathew Somerville, 1839-1890 (author)
lith; 33x24.5 cm
698: Mary Anderson. Ledger Job Print
Morgan, Mathew Somerville, 1839-1890 (author)
lith; 30x23 cm
[circa 1875]
699: Corinne. Cleveland
Morgan (W. J.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 38.5x27.5 cm
700: Pauline Hall
Morgan (W. J.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 41x27.5 cm
presented by Christmas Dramatic News 1890
701: W. J. Scanlan, Friend and foe
Morgan (W. J.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 25.5x16 cm
702: J. Vandenhoff. London, J. Dickinson
Morton, Edward (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
G. Freeman, artist; printed by Graf and Soret facsimile autograph proof
circa 1826
703: Mr. W. J. Hammond in the character of Bill Buzbottle in Henry Brownrigges new drama The Bill Sticker. London, J. Mitchell
Morton, Edward (author)
lith; 30.5x23.5 cm
R. R. Scanlan, artist
704: Edwin Forrest. M. & H. Hanhart
Morton, Edwin (author)
lith; 29.5x23.5 cm
S. Laurence, artist
705: Fanny Elssler. David Bogue
Mote, W. H. (author)
eng; 25.5x17 cm
Edwin D. Smith, artist
706: Signor Paganini. London, Mori & Lavenu
Motte, C (author)
lith; 23x18 cm
R Hamerton, artist The Musical Gem, 1832
707: Mrs. Bellamy in the character of Clarinda in The suspicious husband. [London], J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 10.5x8.5 cm
708: Mrs. C. Sinclair, in the character of Lady Teazle in the School for Scandal
lith; 19x24 cm
circa 1852
709: Mrs. Clive in the character of Mrs. Heidelberg. London, R. Sayer and J. Smith
9.5x8 cm
Done from an original picture of the same size in the possession of Her Grace, the Dutchess of Northumberland
710: Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Philadelphia, Ledger Job Printing, [ca. 1852] Printing, [ca. 1852]
lith; 25x17 cm
711: Mrs. Garrick, from the original picture by Cath. Reid in the possession of S. Edwards. G. Sherlock
eng; 14x11 cm
[eng by W. P. Sherlock]
712: Mrs. George Ann Bellamy, taken at the age of 30
eng; 16x11 cm
circa 1761
713: Mrs. Langtry as Kate Hardcastle in She stoops to conquer.
eng; 30x22.5 cm
[circa 1881]
714: Mrs. Mattocks as Mrs. Warren in the Road to Ruin
eng; 13.5x9 cm
from the Attic Miscellany
715: Mrs. Merry
eng; 13x10.5 cm
716: Mrs. Merry as Horatia in the Roman Father. Philadelphia, T. Condie
eng; 16.5x10 cm
717: Mrs. Siddons from a crayon painting in her own possession. John Walker
eng; 17.5x10.5 cm
718: Mrs. Sterling as Arabella Beaumont
eng; 10x15 cm
proof before letters
719: Mrs. Thomas Flynn as Louise in the grand drama of Norman Leslie now acting at the Walnut Street Theatre. Philadelphia
lith; 30.5x22 cm
initials on port: G. L.
720: Mrs. Woffington
hand-painted lith; 12.5x10 cm
721: Mrs. Yates in the character of Lady Macbeth. London, J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9.5x5 cm
722: Mrs. Yates in the character of Mandane in Cyrus. London, J. Smith & R. Sayer
eng; 9x7.5 cm
circa 1769
723: Leslie Carter. Cincinnati, Strobridge Lith. Co.
Mucho (author)
lith in color; 30.5x10 cm
drawn by Mucho
724: The murderers doom; miserable death of J. Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln. Shot through the head by Sergeant Boston Corbett in a barn on Garrett's Farm, near Port Royal, near the Rappahannock, April 25, 1865. Philadelphia, J. L Magee
lith; 19.5x32 cm
725: Robt. Fridenberg has removed to No. 22 West 56th Street N. Y.
Newman, Victor Winthrop, 1881- (author)
eng; 12.5x17.5 cm
726: A. L. Pickering, Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 31x24 cm
on stone by A. Newsam; painted by Parker
727: Anna Cruise, comedienne. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Son
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 35.5x28 cm image
728: Ch. Carroll of Carrollton. Philadelphia, T. Sully & Childs & Inman
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 23x17.5 cm
painted by T. Sully in 1826
729: Edmon S. Conner of the Philadelphia Theatres as Romeo. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 37x26.5 cm image
T. Sully, artist; on stone by A. Newsam
730: Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, C. Alexander
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 20x17 cm image
T. Sully, artist Jr. on stone by A. Newsam
731: Francis C. Wemyss, manager of the American Theaters, Philadelphia & Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 19.5x17 cm
T. Sully, artist facsimile autograph
732: Henry Clay from Neagle's original painting executed by A. Newsam under the immediate supervision of the painter, from the full length portrait in the Hall of the National Clay Club, painted at Ashland by John Neagle for the Whigs of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, John Neagle
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 26x23 cm
facsimile signature Lith. of P. S. Duval, Philadelphia
733: J. E. Owens in his original character of Jakey, in A glance at Philadelphia. [Philadelphia]
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 34.5x27.5 cm
from a dag by McClees & Germon P. S. Duval, Lithog.
734: J. S. Silsbee in the character of Sam Slick, the clockmaker. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 29.5x20.5 cm
presentation copy to Thos. McKean by Silsbee
735: J. S. Silsbee. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 24x21 cm image
from a dag & on stone by A. Newsam presentation copy to Thos. McKean by Silsbee
736: J. W. Wallack. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 12.5x10.5 cm
facsimile autograph engraved for Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, Philadelphia Wageman, artist 2 copies
737: Jenny Lind. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's Steam Lith. Press
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 33.5x27 cm
738: L. Cherubini. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 22x15 cm
The Parlour Review No. 7
739: The late Madame Malibran de Beriot. Philadelphia, Fiot, Meignen & Co.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 32x22.5 cm
on stone by A. Newsam Lehman & Duval, Lithrs.
[circa 1838]
740: Madame Anna Bishop. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith image; 24x27 cm
from a dag by McLees & Germons; on stone by A. Newsam; P. S. Duval's Steam Lith. Press
[circa 1850]
741: Mme. Catalani. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 22x15 cm
on stone by A. Newsam The Parlour Review No. 4
742: Miss F. A. Kemble. Philadelphia, Childs & Inman & S. M. Stewart
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 30x23 cm
on stone by Newsam from painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence
743: Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Co.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 24x10 cm
on stone by Albert Newsam; dag by W. L. Germon
744: Mr. Collins as McShane in The Nervous Man. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 37x25.5 cm
On stone by A. Newsam, from a daguerreotype by M. A. Root
[circa 1846]
745: Mrs. Wood as Amina in the opera La Sonnambula. Philadelphia, James S. Earle
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 36x28.5 cm
after a painting by Neagel; Lehman & Duval, Lithrs.
746: N. M. Sudlow, comedian & manager of the Mobile and St. Louis Theaters. Philadelphia, Lehman & Duval, Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 19x15 cm
747: N. Post Mortem. St. Helena, May 5, 1821. Philadelphia, R. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 20.5x17.5 cm
748: Paganini. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval's Lith.
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 21x15 cm
The Parlour Review No. 3
749: Rob. Campbell Maywood as Tam O'Shanter. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 35.5x27.5 cm
painted by T. Sully, Jr.
750: Robert M. Bird. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Co. steam lith. press
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 36x26 cm
on stone by A. Newsam from a dag by M. A. Root
751: Talma. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 15x13.5 cm image
For the Parlour Review
752: Tyrone Power. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 27x23 cm
Merrill, artist; on stone by A. Newsam
753: William Francis Brough. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 30.5x24.5 cm
[circa 1835]
754: Mr. John Sefton, as the Wandering Piper. Pittsburgh
Newton (author)
lith; 27.5x18 cm
755: Booth. Mr. Booth in the character of Richard 3rd as he first appeared in the United States in the year 1821. New York, W. H. Norton
Norton, W. H. (author)
lith in color; 30.5x23 cm image
756: John Lowin. London, Harding
Nugent, Thomas (author)
eng; 18.5x14 cm
757: Actresses and advertising. Some suggestions, a la Bernhardt, to supplant the old diamond dodge. N. Y., Puck
Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937 (author)
lith in color; 30x21.5 cm
758: The Bernhardt boom in New York. New York, Puck
Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937 (author)
lith in color; 22x30 cm
Mayer, Merkel & Ottmann, Lithog.
[circa 1880]
759: Edwin Forrest
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 13x11 cm
produced for Modern Standard Drama Brady, Dag.
760: [F. M. Dent]
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 10.5x8.5 cm
761: Mrs. J. Sefton as Grace Peabody in Ladies Beware
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 28x17.5 cm
"Purchased from Mr. John Sefton. The only India proof I ever saw. M." [pencil note by T. H. Morrell]
762: Rose Telbin
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 11x8.5 cm
Brady, Dg'e W.L. Ormsby, Sc two copies
763: [Thomas S. Hamblin].
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 10.5x8.5 cm
proof without lettering
[circa 1835]
764: Tyrone Power. London, John Mitchell
Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Comte d', 1801-1852 (author)
lith; 21x16.5 cm
J. Graf, printer
765: Mrs. Mary Robinson. London, Jones & Co.
Page (author)
eng; 10.5x8.12 cm
from the picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds
766: C. J. Mathews as Prince Riquet. London
Page, W. T. (author)
eng; 12.5x8.5 cm
drawn by R. Page
767: [Nell Gwyn]
Parkes, R. B. (author)
eng; 27.5x21 cm
proof before lettering
768: The Gladiator (a facetious sketch) New York, E. Parsloe
Parsloe, E. (author)
lith; 21x17.5 cm
769: Mr. W. E. Burton, as Toodle. New York, E. Parsloe
Parsloe, E. (author)
lith; 29x21 cm
photograph by J. Gurney artist: A. Fay
770: Mrs. Barry. Cornhill, printed for John Bowles
Paul, S. (author)
15.5x11.5 cm
from a drawing by Kettle
[circa 1770]
771: Mrs. Woofington. Cornhill, J. Sewell
Pearson (author)
eng; 17.5x11 cm
from an original painting by Eckhart another copy: "European Magazine"
772: Miss Ellen Tree as Iron. New York, Turner & Fisher
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 15x10.5 cm
drawn by Miss Gillies
773: Tyrone Power as Major O'Dogherty. New York, Turner & Fisher
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883 (author)
eng; 13.5x10.5 cm
drawing by Clay
774: Peter Richings
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883 (author)
lith; 24x16 cm
775: [Peter Richings as Richard 2nd.]
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883 (author)
lith in color; 30.5x22.5 cm
776: Miss Ellen Tree as Violante. London, W. Kenneth
Phillips, Charles, 1737-1845 (author)
eng; 27.5x23 cm
Abm. Wivell, artist printed by Bishop & Co.
777: Mr. Abbott of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden. London, Published for the Proprietor by Colnaghi & Co.
Picart, Charles, 1780-1837 (author)
eng 35x25 cm
proof From an original drawing by I. C. Thurston
778: Mr. Macready as Virginius. [London] Colnaghi & Co.
Picart, Charles, 1780-1837 (author)
eng; 33x25 cm proof
from a drawing by J. Jackon
779: Plays of the week; poster listing titles of plays including ports
eng 7x38.5 cm
(6x4 cm of Henry Irving and Ellen Terry)
780: W. C. Macready. London, J. S. Welch
Ploszczynski, N (author)
lith; 45x34 cm
J. Deffett Francis, artist; M & N Hanhart, Lith facsimile autograph
781: [Pony Moore.] [London, Fradelle & Marshall]
lith; 22x18.5 cm
"From a photo mezzotint."
782: Edwin Forrest. London, London Printing and Publishing Co.
Pound, D (author)
eng; 18.5x15 cm
from a daguerreotype by Root of New York
783: Miss Clara Fisher, as Richard 3rd. [London] Wm. Fletcher
Priscott, T (author)
eng; 27.5x18.5 cm
DeWilde, artist
784: Samuel Foot, esqr. London, C. Dyer
Priscott, T (author)
eng; 25x18 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist
785: "Albert Newsam, the deaf & mute artist". Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, Son & Co.
Queen, James, 1824-ca. 1877 (author)
lith; 17x11 cm
786: Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, John H. Steck
Queen, James, 1824-ca. 1877 (author)
lith; 24.5x17 cm
on stone by J. Queen; from a sky-light daguerreotype by T.P. & D. C. Collins; Lith. of Wagner & McGuigan
787: Gladiator arena scene, Haupt and Forrest
Randle, H. A. (author)
22.525.5 cm
Sketch by H. A. Randle presented to L. R. Shewell
788: Bowery Theater, New York. N. Y., New York Mirror and Ladies Literary Gazette
Rawdon, Wright & Co. (author)
eng; 16.18 cm
A. J. Davis, artist; W. Hooker, printer Fielding 1261
789: Metamora. Boston, D. H. Williams
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Smillie (author)
eng; 12x8.5 cm
Frederick S. Agate, artist
790: [J. Jefferson]
Reich, Jacques, 1852-1923 (author)
eng; 20.5x13 cm
proof before lettering signed by Reich
[circa 1901]
791: [Portraits of Washington Irving and Joseph Jefferson; adv. for an autograph edition of Rip Van Winkle. N. Y., G. P. Putman's Sons]
Reich, Jacques, 1852-1923 (author)
eng; 14x10.5 cm
792: [unidentified portrait] G. P. Putman's sons
Reich, Jacques, 1852-1923 (author)
eng; 23x18 cm
793: Stephen Price. Bayswater, S. W. Reynolds
Reynolds, S. W. (author)
36x25.5 cm
S. W. Reynolds, Jr., artist proof
794: Mary Anderson as Pauline in the Lady of Lyons [Philadelphia]
Rice, James R., 1824- (author)
eng 23x14 cm
engraved expressly for Godey's Lady's Book another copy titled: The Lady of Lyons
795: [Richard Mansfield]
eng; 18.5x13 cm
proof before lettering
796: The Church of the Transfiguration. [description of Joseph Jefferson's reasons for all honor to the little church around the corner]
Richardson, Benjamin, 1835-1926 (author)
eng; 4.5x7.5 cm image
Partial page 70 from Memoir of George Holland N. Y., T. H. Morrell, 1871
797: Mr. Bernerd. [London] J. Parsons
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
eng; 11.5x6.5 cm
from a drawing by Barry Parsons Minor Theatre
798: Mr. Charles Incledon. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
eng; 16.5x11.5 cm
M. Brown, artist
799: Mr. Jefferson. London, Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
eng; 16.5x11.5 cm
Vanderburg, artist Also a similar portrait from Hibernian Magazine by an unknown engraver curiously titled: "Mr. Thomas Jefferson, late President of the United States of America."
800: Mr. Parsons as Caius Silius. New Orleans, Lith. de Theuret
Risso, Charles (author)
lith; 36x24 cm
presentation autograph; attached obituary
801: Mr. Conway as the King in Henry the Fifth. London, C. Chapple
Rivers (author)
eng; 21.5x14 cm
DeWilde, artist Engraved for the Theatrical Inquisitor
802: Master Burke as Jack Ratline. London, William Kenneth
Roberts, P (author)
eng; 25x17 cm (colored)
Drawn by Wageman; etched by R. Cruikshank, engraved by P. Roberts
[circa 1828]
803: Mr. Watkins Burroughs as Jerry Hawthorn in Tom and Jerry or Life in London.
Roberts, P (author)
eng 14.5x10 cm
Cruikshank, artist
[circa 1825]
804: Edwin Forrest as Macbeth.
Robin, Augustus (author)
eng; 14x10 cm
[circa 1845]
805: Mr. Power as Major O'Dogherty in St. Patrick's Eve. New York, H. R. Robinson
Robinson, Henry R. (author)
lith in color; 30.5x23 cm
806: Colley Cibber, from a picture by Grisoni in the collection of Charles Mathews. London, W. Walker
Robinson, John Henry, 1796-1871 (author)
eng; 20x14 cm
G. Clint, artist
807: Mrs. Egerton as Joan of Arc
Roffe, John, 1770-1851 (author)
eng; 26x18 cm
Brown, artist
808: Hamlet (characterized by Mr. Edwin Booth)
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 37x27.5 cm
809: King Richard III (characterized by Mr. John MacCullough) New York, Virtue & Yorston
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 16x12 cm
810: Lola Montez. New York, Rubb & Carleton
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 7x6 cm image
from a photograph by Meade See frontis. to Montez's Arts of Beauty, 1858 (Butler 1942)
811: Miss Clara Fisher, as Madame Josephine, in the Actress of all work. London, T. & I. Elvey
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 18x12.5 cm
drawn by T. Wageman
812: Miss F. Kemble as Belvidera. London, Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 22.5x13.5 cm
R. Cruickshank, artist
813: Mr. Booth as Brutus. [London] G. Virtue
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 7.5x5 cm
T. Wageman, artist
814: Mr. C. Kemble as Romeo. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 20x11 cm
R. Page, artist
815: Mr. Wallack, as Alessandro Massaroni in The Brigand. London, Whittaker Treacher & Co.
Rogers, John, circa 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng; 13.5x9.5 cm
[R. Cruikshank, artist]
816: Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth
Rolls, C (author)
eng; 19x12.5 cm
after painting by G. H. Harlowe proof before letters
817: Garrick dans le role de Richard III
Romanet, A (author)
eng; 12.5x8 cm
Hogarth, artist
818: Chief Justice John Banister Gibson
Rosenthal, Albert, 1863- (author)
eng; 40x33 cm
trial proof before lettering
819: Thomas Jefferson
Rosenthal, Albert, 1863- (author)
eng; 43x35 cm
trial proof before lettering
820: Catorn's Warbler. [Kate Horn] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 18.5x12 cm
another copy in color leaf from Henry L. Stephens' Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
821: C-Bass. [E. Seguin] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 11.5x20.5 cm
another copy in color leaf from Henry L. Stephens' comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
822: Cuttle Fish. [W. E. Burton] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith in color; 26.5x17.5 cm
leaf from Henry L. Stephens Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
823: Hum-bug. [P. T. Barnum] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
27x17 cm
another copy in color leaf from Henry L. Stephens' Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
824: Rice's crow. [T. D. Rice] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 20x15 cm
another copy in color leaf from Henry L. Stephens' Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
825: Star-Fish [Edwin Forrest] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 9x10.5 cm port facing left
2nd copy in color facing left; 3rd copy in color facing right leaf from Henry L. Stephens' Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
826: Taylor Bird. [M. C. Taylor] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 15.5x11 cm
another copy in color leaf from Henry L. Stephens' Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
827: William Dunlap. 1897, New York, Dunlap Society
Rosenthal, Max, 1833-1918 (author)
17.5x12.5 cm
edition of 250 singed proofs. 202/250 from painting by Charles C. Ingham
828: J. Burdett Howe, tragedian. London, Thomas Hailes Lacy
Rosenthal, Simon (author)
lith in color; 19x15.5 cm
from a photograph by J. R. Coney
829: La Redowa polka, danced by Madelle. Cerito and Mons. St. Leon. New York, G & W Endicott
Rouvier, J (author)
lith in color; 32x23.5 cm
830: Mrs. Farren, tragedienne. [Boston] L. H. Bradford & Co.
Rowse, Samuel Worcester, 1822-1901 (author)
lith; 39x32 cm
Rowse, artist
831: George Anne Bellamy. [London] Vernor & Hood
Sands, J (author)
eng; 8.5x7 cm
832: Sarah Bernhardt. Vanity Fair
lith in color; 31x19 cm
artist: C. T.
833: J. A. J. Neafie. New York, W. Corbyn Dramatic Agent
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith; 25x21.5 cm
834: Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres in The Rivals. N. Y., Harper's Weekly
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
eng; 29x23.5 cm
from a photograph by Sarony Harper's weekly, no. 1714
835: Madlle. Jenny Lind as Adina L'Elixir d'Amore. New York, Fifth, Pond & Co.
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith in color; 28x20 cm
836: Mr. Burton as Captain Cuttle. New York
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 26x20 cm
from a dag by Meade Bros.
[circa 1850]
837: Caroline M. Richings. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 49.5x40 cm
from photo by Fredericks
838: Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith in color; 43.5x32 cm
839: Jerry Bryant, Ethiopian comedian. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 43.5x35.5 cm
from dag by Gurney
840: Lord Lovell by Mr. Sam Cowell. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 26x14 cm
[circa 1845]
841: Mr. Jefferson as Bob Acres. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith in color; 43.5x32 cm
842: Mr. Jefferson as Newman Noggs. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith tinted; 43.5x32.5 cm
843: The old Bowery Theater, 1860. New York, For D. T. Valentine's Manual
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith in tints; 14.5x8.5 cm
844: Peter Richings. New York
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 49.5x40 cm
from photo by Fredericks
845: [Edwin Forrest]
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
eng; 33x24.5 cm
proof before lettering [another copy with Forrest signature is the copy given to M. Garretson by Forrest, see inscription Butler 1566]
846: Jenny Lind. Philadelphia, Richards
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
eng; 21x18.5 cm
from a dag by Richards; printed by Jas. Irwin [proof from the collection of Richards, the publisher]
847: Miss Fanny Kemble in the character of Portia. Philadelphia, R. H. Hobson
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
eng; 19x14.5 cm
painted by C. F. Taylor of Bath, printed by D. Stevens 2 copies
848: Miss Matilda Heron as Bianca in Milman's tragedy of Fazio. J. Irwin
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
eng; 32x24.5 cm
from a dag from life by McClees & Germon; printed by J. Irwin two copies
[circa 1853]
849: Mr. Chas. Kemble, in the character of Cromwell. Philadelphia, R. H. Hobson
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
eng; 18x14.5 cm
after painting by Harlow
850: Forrest medals
Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906 (author)
eng; 23.5x15.5 cm
another copy is proof without lettering
[circa 1834]
851: Satan tempting Booth to the murder of the President. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee
lith; 20.5x14.5 cm
852: Mr. Conway. London, W. Say
Say, William, 1768-1834 (author)
43x33 cm
after painting by G. H. Harlow
853: Mrs. Abington in the character of Estifania, in Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. [London] Printed for J. Smith and R. Sayer
Sayer, R (author)
eng; 10x8 cm
another copy in color
854: Mrs. Barry in the character of Rosalind in As you like it. [London] Printed for J. Smith & R. Sayer
Sayer, R (author)
colored eng; 10.5x7.5 cm
855: A scene from the laughable comedy of the divorce suit. Philadelphia, P. E. Able
lith; 37x25.5 cm
[Edwin Forrest as Othello with his attorney, John Van Buren.] verso: The grand bloomer foot race. J. L. Magee, 1851
856: Thos. Davis. London, E. & S. Harding
Schiavonetti, Lewis, 1765-1810 (author)
12.5x10.5 cm
Hickey, artist
857: E. L. Davenport. Philadelphia, T. Sinclair & Son
Schlaghp, A (author)
lith; 41x39 cm
858: Burning Genannt der junge Roscius geb zu Schrewbury d. 13 Sept. 1791.
Schmitz, M. S. (author)
eng; 21x15.5 cm
[circa 1803]
860: Mr. Matthews in his various characters in Travels in air, earth & water. New York, E. M. Murden
Scoles, John, 1793-1844 (author)
10.5x32 cm
Stauffer 2793
[circa 1822]
861: Arthur Murphy. London, T. Cadell & W. Davies
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
eng; 20x20 cm image
engraved by E. Scrive, drawn by J. Jackson from picture by N. Dance
862: George Colman. London, T. Cadell & W. Davies
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
eng; 38x29 cm
From an original picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds, drawn by J. Jackson; engraved by E. Scriven
863: Miss O'Neil. London, J. Souter
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
eng; 10.5x9.5 cm
W. Haines, artist British Lady's Magazine, no. 9
864: Nell Gwynn. London, Published for the Rev. T. F. Dibdin
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
eng; 29.5x20 cm
from a painting by Sir P. Lely, drawn by T. Uwins
865: Richard Cumberland, Esq. London, T. Cadell & W. Davies
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
eng; 36.5x27.5 cm image
Drawn by J. Jackson from an original picture by J. Clover, engraved by E. Scriven
866: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] act 1, scene 5. Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 25.5x19.5 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by W. Sharp proof
867: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] act 1, scene 5. Engelmann, Graff, Coindet & Co
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 23x19 cm
John Hayter, artist: on stone by W. Sharp
868: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Sene 6: Romeo disquised at the masquerade. Englemann, Graf, Coinet & Co.
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 26x21 cm
John Hayter, artist: on stone by W. Sharp proof
869: Frances Ann Kemble. Engelmann, Graff, Coindet & Co.
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 23.5x18.5 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by W. Sharp
870: [John Philip Kemble. London]
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
eng; 30.5x23.5 cm
after M. A. Shee proof before lettering
871: Miss Inverarity. [London] Mori & Lavenu
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 12x10 cm
drawn on stone by W. Sharp from the original by Wm. Booth The Musical Gem, 1832
872: Mr. G. Bennette as Cassius. London, J. Dickinson
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 33x24 cm
Proof Drawn on stone by W. Sharp from the original by G. F. Stroehling
873: Mrs. Wood, late Miss Paton. [London] Mori & Lavenu
Sharp, William, circa 1802- (author)
lith; 32.5x18.5 cm
from the original by J. W. Childe The Musical Gem 1832
874: Nell Gwyn. E & S. Harding
Sheneker (author)
eng; 12.5x10.5 cm
S. Harding, artist; from a painting by Sir Peter Lely
875: Shooting of Booth. New York, Chr. Kimmel & Forster
lith in color; 23x28.5 cm
[circa 1865]
876: Edwin Forrest
Silverquill, Sylvester (author)
lith; 17.5x14 cm
877: David Garrick, from an undoubtedly original picture in the possession of the widow of the late George Wilson. London, Colnaghi & Co.
Skelton, William, 1763-1848 (author)
eng; 46x31 cm proof
Robert Edge Pine, artist
878: Maria Turpin of the T. R. Haymarket. London, J. Dickerson
Slater, Isaac W (author)
lith; 28x20 cm
Drawn on stone by Isaac W. Slater from a sketch by Joseph Slater expressly for the Musical Keepsake, 1834
879: Miss Jarman. London, I. W. Slater
Slater, Isaac W (author)
lith; 25x20.5 cm
drawn and lith by Isaac W. Slater printed by C. Hullmandel
880: Barton Booth. [London]
Smith, Edward (author)
eng; 20x14 cm
[Drawn by G. Clint A. R. A.; engraved by E. Smith from an original picture in the collection of Charles Mathews, Esq.]
881: Mr. Twaits as Sir Adam Contest in The Wedding Day
Smith, John Rubens, 1775-1849 (author)
eng; 16.5x10 cm
Stauffer 2933
882: Mr. Wills, as Billy Barlow
Snell, P (author)
lith; 19.5x19.5 cm image
883: Lotos Club to Jos. Jefferson, April 4th, 1896; menu [including five portraits of Jefferson in various roles. New York]
Snell, S (author)
lith; 21x16.5 cm
E. C. Meinecke, Gravure autograph of Jefferson
884: Are we so soon forgot when we are gone [Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 10.5x8 cm
magazine clipping
885: Get on; I'll follow you. [Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 11.5x8 cm
magazine clipping
886: Is dat de village of Falling Water [Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 11.5x7.5 cm
magazine clipping
887: I've swore off. [Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 11.5x7.5 cm
magazine clipping
888: Jefferson in his studio
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 8.5x10.5 cm
magazine clipping
889: Mr. Fennell
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 8x6.5 cm
Doyle, artist Stauffer 2991
890: Mr. Jefferson's house
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 8x11 cm
magazine clipping
891: Mrs. Stanley.
Snyder, Henry M (author)
eng; 13.5x8 cm
Stauffer 2993
892: Barney Williams
Soper, Richard F., circa 1810-1862 (author)
eng; 8x6 cm
engraved for French's American Drama
893: Edwin Forrest
Soper, Richard F., circa 1810-1862 (author)
eng; 6x6.5 cm
engraved for French's American Drama from a Daguerreotype by Meade & Bro.
894: John Brougham.
Soper, Richard F., circa 1810-1862 (author)
eng; 18x11 cm
Engraved for French's American drama
[circa 1850]
895: David Garrick [London, Robt. Sayer]
Spooner, Charles, circa 1717-1767 (author)
15x11.5 cm
Thos. Hudson, artist also first state of this plate
896: The stage. Christmas number 1891
lith in color; 37.5x27.5 cm
cover only-ports of Mary Anderson, Sara Bernhardt, Joseph Jefferson, Salvini, Edwin Booth, Ellen Terry, Patti, Henry Irvin
897: The late Mr. Burke. [Philadelphia] F. C. Wemyss
Steel, James W., 1799-1879 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss edition drawn & engraved by J. W. Steel from a sketch by J. Wood Stauffer 3002
898: Mrs. Darley as Amelia
Steel, James W., 1799-1879 (author)
eng; 9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. C. Darley Stauffer 3004
899: The favorites of the ballet: Madle. Fanny Elsler-The Cachuca. London, Wm. Spooner
Steer, William C. (author)
lith; 24x17 cm in color
900: [No title]
Stephen Price (author)
lith; 16.5x10.5 cm
port signed: W. A. F.
901: Frances Anne Kemble
Stodart, J. G. (author)
eng; 10x8 cm
from painting by Sully
902: Garrick's monument, Westminster Abbey
Storer, Henry Sargant, d. 1837 (author)
eng; 15x10.5 cm
drawn and eng by H. S. Storer for Cole's Residence of Actors
903: Residence of the late Mrs. Cleve, Twickenham
Storer, Henry Sargant, d. 1837 (author)
eng; 10.5x15 cm
drawn and engraved by H. S. Storer for Cole's Residence of Actors
904: Garrick's birth place, Hereford
Storer, James, 1781-1853 (author)
eng; 16x10 cm
For Cole's Residence of Actors
905: Edmund Kean in the dress presented to and worn by him on the occasion of his being chosen Chief and Prince of the Huron Tribe of Indians by the name of Alanienouidet. London, William Kenneth
Storm, G. F. (author)
eng; 37x25 cm
painted by Fredrick Meyer another copy published: Philadelphia, Neal & Machenzie, 1828 another copy is proof before lettering
906: Madame Eliza Dockrill, empress of the arena, riding and driving tandem 4 horses at one time.
Strobridge & Co. Lith. (author)
lith; 13x21.5 cm
[circa 1878]
907: Lincoln & McClellan
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888 (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
908: A practical reminder. [Lincoln & McClellan]
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888 (author)
15x10.5 cm
909: Charles Budd
Stuart, Janet L. (author)
20x18 cm
910: Mr. Kean, in the character of Lucius Junius Brutus. London, S. J. Stump
Stumps, S. J. (author)
eng; 27.5x21 cm
painted and eng by S. J. Stump proof
911: Miss F. Kemble in the character of Louisa of Savoy. C. Hullmandel
Talbot, Mrs. John (author)
lith; 11x7 cm image
912: The burning of the theater in Richmond, Virginia, on the night of the 26th December 1811, by which awful calamity upwards of one hundred of its most valuable citizens suddenly lost their lives, and many others, were much injured. Philadelphia, B. Tanner
Tanner, Benjamin, 1775-1848 (author)
32.5x33 cm
913: Mr. J. B. Booth, Jr. as Mike Martin alias Lightgoot, in Wm. B. English's original equestrian drama, Mike Martin, the bold robber and highwayman, written for the National Theatre, Boston. Boston
Tappan & Bradford's Lith (author)
lith; 30x39 cm
914: Mrs. Langtry, at the Haymarket Theatre, in She stoops to conquer.
Taylor, R. & E (author)
eng; 24x20.5 cm
W. H. [Ovamna] artist
[circa 1881]
915: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Act 2, scene 5. Juliet: Come, what says Romeo Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co.
Templeton, J. S. (author)
lith; 23x26.5 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by J. S. Templeton
916: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Act 3, scene 2. Juliet O, break, my heart! poor bankrupt, break at once! Engelmann, Graf, Coindet & Co.
Templeton, J. S. (author)
lith; 23.5x18 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by J. S. Templeton
917: [Fanny Kemble as Juliet] Scene 4. Nurse: "God mark the to his Grace, Thou was't the prettiest babe that e'er I nurst. Engelmann, Graf, Coidet & Co.
Templeton, J. S. (author)
lith; 22.5x18 cm
John Hayter, artist; on stone by J. S. Templeton
918: There's millions in it [Raymond as Col. Sellers] New York, Geo. W. Averell & co.
Templeton, J. S. (author)
lith; 24x19.5 cm
three items-different poses
919: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Macbeth. New York, Martin, Johnson & Co.
Thew, R (author)
eng; 16x13 cm
920: Thomas Cooper Esq.
eng; 27.5x22.5 cm
American copy of Meyer
921: Ths. D. Rice; the celebrated Jim Crow
lith; 26x21 cm
922: E. L. Davenport as Sir Giles Overreach. New York, T. H. Morrell
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 40x32 cm
Engraved by H. A. Thomas after the original photograph from life by Suddards & Fennemore
923: George Edgar as Othello. New York
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 25x20.5 cm
magazine clipping
924: H. J. Montague. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 36x28 cm
from photo by Sarony
925: J. K. Emmet's New Fritz. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 30.5x24.5 cm
[circa 1870]
926: Maggie Mitchell. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 22x17.5 cm
927: W. J. Florence. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 45x37.5 cm
after photo by Mora
928: The Worrell sisters in Otto. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 45x37.5 cm
929: [Mary Anderson]
Thomas, Percy (author)
eng; 30x18 cm
1st state of etching before reduction in size signature of artist
930: [Mary Anderson]
Thomas, Percy (author)
eng; 19x13 cm after reduction in size
signature of artist
931: Edwin Forrest as Shylock
Thompson, D. George, d. 1870 (author)
eng; 23.5x16 cm
another copy is trial proof
932: Eleanor Gwynn. [London] John Bell
Thompson, J. (author)
eng; 8x6.5 cm
933: Mrs. Alsop as Rosalind. London, C. Chapple
Thompson, J. (author)
eng; 22x14 cm
Partridge, pinx "But you are no such man."-As you like it, Act 3, scene 2 Engraved for the Theatrical Inquisitor
934: Mrs. Siddons from the orig. drawing by Mr. Brown in the possession of John Home to whom this print is respectfully inscribed by the engraver P. Thompson. [London] Alexr. Hogg
Thompson, P (author)
eng; 14x11 cm
935: Mr. Hodgkinson
Tiebout, Cornelius, circa 1773-1832 (author)
eng; 8.5x6 cm
from Hodgkinson's Dramatic Works Stauffer 3176
936: Mrs. Hodgkinson in the character of Cora. [London] Published for the German Theatre by Wm. Dunlap
Tiebout, Cornelius, circa 1773-1832 (author)
eng; 8.5x6 cm
Wm. Dunlap, artist Stauffer 3178
937: [No title]
Tom Bond, comedian (author)
eng; 18.5x13.5 cm
from an original picture in Dulwich College
938: [John Philip Kemble] London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Co.
Turner, Charles, 1773-1857 (author)
23x14.5 cm
proof after painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence
939: Miss O'Neil in Juliet. London, C. Turner
Turner, Charles, 1773-1857 (author)
eng; 29x20.5 cm
940: Mrs. Siddons. London, Henry Colburn
Turner, Charles, 1773-1857 (author)
22x14 cm
after painting by Sir Thos. Lawrence
941: [Joseph Jefferson]
Turner, W. E. (author)
eng; 7x6 cm
942: Mr. Kean as Richard the third. New York, Imbert & Co.
Tuthill, William H. (author)
lith; 11.5x20 cm
943: Mr. Roberts as Wormwood. New York, Eltons Theatrical Print Store
Tuthill, William H. (author)
eng; 15x8.5 cm (color)
944: Mrs. Cibber. London, Robert Sayer
Umfrey (author)
35x25 cm
Pine, artist
945: Mr. J. R. Scott as Macbeth. New York, Nagel & Mayer, Lith.
Vache (author)
lith; 23x13 cm
circa 1865
946: Mrs. Billington. [London]
Van Asson, A (author)
19.5x12 cm
947: Mrs. Clive in character of Philida
Van Bleeck, Peter, d. 1794 (author)
36x25 cm
P. Van Bleek, artist
948: Miss Lucy Waters, from an original drawing in the possession of the Right Honorable the Earl of Bute. [London, E & S Harding]
Van Den Berghe, J. J. (author)
eng; 13.5x11 cm
S. Harding, artist
949: Mr. Colley Cibber
Vandergucht, Gerard, 1696-1776 (author)
eng; 21x15 cm
Vanloo, artist
circa 1738
950: Edwin Forrest. Paris, Kaeppelin
Van Geel, P. C. (author)
lith; 25x20.5 cm
P. C. Van Geel, artist; Kaeppelin, Lith
951: Jefferson, as Rip Van Winkle
Vaningen-Snyder (author)
eng; 15x10 cm
B. J. B. in lower corner of port
952: Miss DeCamp in the character of Urania. London, John P. Thompson
Vendramini, John 1769-1839 (author)
eng; 29.5x21 cm
P. Jean, artist
953: Mr. Incledon, London, John P. Thompson
Vendramini, John 1769-1839 (author)
eng; 12x9.5 cm
engraved by John Vendramini from a miniature by J. T. Barber
954: Vestris
Vendramini, John 1769-1839 (author)
eng; 33x24 cm
proof before lettering
955: Vestvali
Vendramini, John 1769-1839 (author)
6x6 cm image
956: Mme Malibran Garcia, lithographiee d'apres nature par Vaigneron. Paris, Gihaut Freres
Vegneron (author)
lith; 31x24.5 cm
Lithog. de Villain
957: William Warren
Vinton, Frederick Porter, 1846-1911 (author)
eng; 10x9 cm
facsimile autograph
[circa 1882]
958: Lola Montes, Comtesse de Lansfeld. Paris, Lith de Thiery Freres
Vogt, C. H. (author)
lith; 44x35 cm
presentation autograph: Presented to George Heister from Mrs. de Landsfled Heald. Lola Montez, New York, 29th May 1852
959: Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. W. J. Wilson
Volk, Douglas (author)
eng; 13.5x10 cm
960: James W. Wallack as Alcibiades
Wageman, Thomas Charles, 1787-1863 (author)
eng; 21.5x13.5 cm
circa 1817
961: E. L. Davenport. Philadelphia, Ledger Job Print
Wagner (author)
lith; 30x22 cm
962: John E. Owens. Philadelphia, Wagner & McGauigan's Lith
Wagner & McGuigan's Lith. (author)
lith; 27x23 cm
drawn by Traubel
963: [Sarah Bernhardt] Boston, C. A. Walker
Walker, Charles Alvah, 1848-1925 (author)
eng; 33x20 cm
no. 26 signed by artist
964: Wallacks old theater
Wallace, William H (author)
eng; 11.5x17.5 cm
circa 1892
965: Mr. Edwin Forrest as Damon. Pendletons lith
Warrell, James, circa 1780- (author)
lith; 26.5x18.5 cm
[circa 1830]
966: Church of the Transfiguration, Twenty-ninth Street
Warren, R. D. (author)
lith; 10x6 cm
magazine clipping
967: [John S. Clarke]
Weckerly, C (author)
eng; 26.5x23 cm image
proof before lettering
968: [John S. Clarke]
Weckerly, C (author)
lith; 17x5x12 cm
proof before lettering
969: Edwin Booth. [Leipzig] Durrscher
Weger, A (author)
eng 21x15 cm
from a photograph
[circa 1850]
970: Lydia Thompson. [Leipzig] Baumgartner's
Weger, A (author)
eng; 24x16.5 cm
971: Mr. Wallack, as Richard Cour De Leion. London, W. West
West, W (author)
26x19.5 cm
West's Theatrical Portraits, No. 199
972: Crosby Opera House. Chicago, Western Engraving Co.
Western Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 24.5x23.5 cm
973: Mr. Cooke. London, T. Simpson & Thompson
Whessell, John (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
from a drawing by J. Corbett another copy published: London, John P. Thompson, 1804
974: Mr. Garrick in the character of Mackbeth. [London] Published for Bell's edition of Shakespeare
White, Charles, 1751-1785 (author)
eng; 19x11.5 cm
T. Parkinson, artist
975: The effigies of the Right Honorable Charles Beauclaire, Baron of Heddington & Earle of Burford and of Rt. Honorable James Ld. Beauclaire, brother and heir to Right Honorable Charles Earle of Burford
White, Robert, 1645-1704 (author)
eng; 29x18.5 cm
976: Mother of Edwin Forrest
Whitechurch, Robert, 1814-ca. 1880 (author)
eng; 12x9.5 cm image
977: W. A. Barnes in his original character of Noucum in the French pantomime of the Black Raven of the Tombs played upwards of 300 nights at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia; Bowery, New York; and Holiday St. Theatre, Baltimore
lith; 40x30 cm image
[circa 1847]
978: [William Dowton].
eng; 20.5x11.5 cm
proof before lettering
[circa 1790]
979: William E. Sheridan [as Louis XI]
lith; 23.5x12 cm
980: William Henry West Betty, (justly styled the young Roscius) London, Laurie & Whittle
eng; 19x16.5 cm
My mother's voice! I can protect thee still. Douglas Act 5 His first appearance at Drury Lane, in the character of Douglas-on Monday, Dec. 10, 1804
981: A. M. Palmer. N. Y., The New York History Co.
Williams, E. G. (author)
eng; 24.5x17.5 cm
982: Edwin Booth. New York
Williams, E. G. (author)
eng; 20.5x13.5 cm
983: Henry Irving. New York
Williams, E. G. (author)
eng; 12x16.5 cm
984: Charlotte Cushman
Willis, H. Brittan (author)
lith; 34x26 cm
drawn on stone by H. Brittan Willis from a painting by Wilhelm Trautschold inscribed: To Mrs. Webb with the kind regards of Charlotte Cushman
985: Peg Woffington.
Wilson, Benjamin, 1721-1788 (author)
11.5x7.5 cm
Painted and etched by B. Wilson
986: Mrs. Abingdon. London, Printed for Carington Bowles
Wilson, T (author)
16x12.5 cm
after Sir Joshua Reynolds
[circa 1700]
987: Mr. Hill, in his popular Yankee Stories. Childs & Inmans Press
Wiser, I (author)
lith; 21.5x11.5 cm
[circa 1830]
988: Joseph Jefferson as Dr. Pangloss in The Players
Wolf, Henry, 1852-1916 (author)
eng; 16.5x12 cm
painted by John S. Sargent
989: Mr. Cooke as Sir Pertinax Macsycophant. London, John Cawthorn
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
eng 42x28 cm
after a drawing of the same size by DeWilde another copy is trial proof 17x14.5 cm
990: Mr. Emery. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
eng; 14.5x9.5 cm
DeWilde, artist
991: Mr. Fawcet. Mathews & Leigh, 1808. [London]
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
eng; 14.5x9.5 cm
DeWilde, artist
992: Suett. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
eng; 17.5x10.5 cm
drawn by DeWilde
993: Caricature of Lester Wallack
Woolf, Theo (author)
37.5x26.5 cm
inscription: A thing of shreds and patches!!! T. H. Morrell-to J W. Poiner, Jr. May17th 1875 Graphic statues, no. 14-Seems; nay, is!
994: Mr. Wallack as Hamlet
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
eng; 25x17.5 cm
drawing by T. Wageman
995: Mr. Wallack, of the Theater Royal, Drury Lane. London, W. Crib
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
eng; 28.5x22 cm
drawn by T. Wageman
996: J. B. Booth as Sir Edward Mortimer.
Wright, G (author)
eng; 34x25 cm
from drawing by Neagle another copy in color
[circa 1825]
997: Nell Gwynn. [London] D. R. Murphy
Wright, Thomas, 1792-1849 (author)
eng; 33x23 cm
painted by Sir Peter Lely another copy proof without letter
998: Arch Street Theatre. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Album
Yeager, Joseph, circa 1792-1859 (author)
eng; 15x19 cm image
drawn and engraved for the Philadelphia Album by J. Yeager

2:  Music Covers Return to Top

Description Dates
999: Abraham's daughter as sung by Ben Cotton; arranged by F. H. H. Oldfield
lith; 34x25 cm
San Francisco, N. Gray, [n. d.] from a photo by Bryan & Johnston
1000: The Somnambulist's song, composed for and sung by Madlle. Jenny Lind; works by Chas. Jefferys. New York Jollie
Ackerman, Samuel (author)
lith; 21x17.5 cm
music sheet E. Brown, Jr., artist
1001: Old Black Joe [sung by] Dan Bryant. Song & chorus written and composed by Stephen C. Foster. New York, Wm. A Pond & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 21x16 cm
1002: Maggie Mitchell's songs. Boston, G. D. Russell
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 20x17.5 cm
1003: W. H. Delehanty's new songs as sung by Delehanty and Hengler. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Armstrong & Co. (author)
lith; 36x26 cm
1004: Alice Dunning's songs. Boston, G. D. Russell Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 35x26 cm
1005: Bessie Barker, composed by W. J. Florence as sung by Mrs. W. J. Florence. Arranged for piano by F. W. Peterschen. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 22x18 cm
Baker, artist port of Mr. Florence
1006: Bessie Barker, as sung by Mrs. W. J. Florence; composed by W. J. Florence and arranged for piano by F. W. Peterschen in all the principal theaters of England & America. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith image; 16.5x16.5
1007: Cupid, the little archer as sung by Miss Kitty Blanchard in the Black Crook at the Continental Theatre. Written by W. Dexter Smith, Jr., music by N. Lothian. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 20.5x17 cm image
1008: DePol's Grand Ballet Troupe at the Theatre Comique: Mlles. Morlacchi and Baretta dancing, by A. Predigam. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 20x19 cm
F. N. Carter, Lith
1009: The Foy sisters favorite songs. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 21x21 cm image
1010: Gentle spring waltz dedicated to Fanny Davenport. Boston, White & Goullaud
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 23x17 cm
1011: Kittie Blanchard's songs. Boston, G. D. Russell Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 35x26.5 cm
J. Baker, artist F. N. Carter, Lith
1012: Lina Edwin's compositions. Boston, White, Smith & Perry
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 23x19 cm
Baker, artist
1013: Lord Dundreary polka, by J. W. Turner. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 26.5x16 cm
port of E. A. Sothern signed J. E. Baker
1014: Lotta's favorite nocturne for piano by J. W. Turner. Boston, White & Goullaud
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 22x17 cm
1015: The man o'Airlie, as sung with great applause by Mr. Barrett at Booth's Theatre. New York, C. H. Ditson & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 19x14.5 cm oval
Drawn by J. E. Baker
1016: Miss Adelaide Phillipps' songs. Boston G. D. Russell & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 27.5x21.5 cm
New England Lith. Co.
1017: Solon Shingle's grand march, composed and dedicated to John e. Owens by E. Mack. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 34x25.5 cm
1018: Those laughing eyes, waltz song, as sung by Miss Eliza Weathersby. Boston, Louis P. Boullaud
Baker, Joseph E. (author)
lith; 25.5x20 cm
1019: Minnie Warren waltz, composed by Max Horter. San Francisco, Bancroft, Knight & Co.
Bancroft (A. L.) & Co. (author)
lith; 15x10.5 cm
1020: Hypatia waltz, dedicated to Miss Mary Anderson, composed by May Ostlere. Boston, Oliver Ditson Co.
Beacon Lith. Co. (author)
lith; 16.5x17 cm image
1021: Billy Morris' songs as sung by Morris Bros., Pell and Trowbridge. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
lith; 34x24 cm
port of Morris & four small ports in character Photo by Black
1022: Cherry and fair star; a favorite dance as danced at Park Theatre by Mrs. Hilson and Miss Kelly. Arranged for the piano forte by T. W. H. B. B. New York, T. Birch
Birch, T. (author)
lith; 7x7 cm with half page score
circa 1825
1023: The Hunters of Kentucky written by S. Woodworth as sung in character of Mr. Petrie at Chatham Garden theatre, the symphonies & accompaniments by William Blondell. Philadelphia, Geo. Willig
Birch, T. (author)
port of Petrie 7x6 cm (2 images) engraved by T. Birch
1024: The celebrated songs and dances of Delehanty and Hengler, with all their original introductions & dances compiled and arranged by T. Brigham Bishop. Cincinnati, O., J. J. Dobmeyer & Co.
Bising & Co. (author)
lith; 34x27 cm
1026: Songs of the Florences: Ridin' in a railroad keer, written and composed by W. J. Florence and sung by Mrs W. J. Florence. St. Louis, Jacob Endres
Bottger, A. (author)
lith; 14 cm diam
port of Mr. Florence by A. Bottger. A. McLean, Lith.
1027: Old Dan Emmit's original banjo melodies never before published. 2nd ser. Boston, Keith's Music Publishing House
Bouve, Elisha W. (author)
lith; 11x9.5 cm
port of Emmett by E. W. Bouve One copy (music cover) for "De wild goose nation"; another (entire song of 4 p.) for voice and piano, "Pompy o'smash"
1028: Songs & glees of the Baker family of the White mountains, composed and arranged by John B. Baker. Boston, Keiths Music Pub. House
Bouve, Elisha W. (author)
lith; 16x22 cm image
1029: The boys of Kilkenny, adopted to an Irish Air and sung by Mr. Power. Baltimore, Geo. Willig
lith; 17x16 cm
music sheet
1030: Britannia the pride of the ocean! -- the red, and blue. Sung by Mr. E. L. Davenport at all the principal theatres in the drama of Black-eyed Susan. London, Musical Bouquet Office
eng; 31x24 cm
1031: Horace Waters' New Year's gift for 1854; a collection of popular waltzes, dances, polkas, etc. New York, Horace Waters
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith tinted; 16x20 cm
E Brown, Jr., artist; printed by Endicott & Co.
1032: Whitlock's collection of Ethiopian melodies, as sung ... by William Whitlock at the principal theaters in the United States, New York, C. G. Christman
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith; 24x26.5 cm
Printed by Endicott
1034: The merry girl of Portici; a medley ballad as sung by Mrs. Rowbotham, introducing the most popular melodies from Masaniello, arranged by Alexander Lee; the symphonie by J. C. Vierreck. Philadelphia, Kretschnar & Nunns
Brown, M. E. D. (author)
lith; 15x21 cm image
1035: Emerson's great sensation drum major, arranged by George T. Evans. San Francisco, M. Gray
Brown, (G. T.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 32x21 cm
music sheet
1036: Dost thou love me, Sister Ruth a comic duet sung by Madame Vestris and Mr. Harley at the Theater Royal, Drury Lane, N. Y., Lith of Pendleton
Browne, William R. (author)
lith; 23x16 cm
1037: Ah do not forget love; ballad sung ... by Mrs. Watson at Niblos Garden, Concerts, etc. written... by J. Watson. New York, Endicott
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith in color; 14x14 cm
on stone by Bufford, Lith of Endicott
1038: Ah! don't mingle; the celebrated finale sung by Mrs. Wood in the opera of La Sonnambula. New York, Atwill's Music Saloon
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 17x18 cm
on stone by J. H. Bufford; Endicott Lith
1039: Buckley's comic songs as sung by R. Bishop Buckley of Buckley's Serenaders. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
[circa 1850]
1040: Buckley's songs and dances. G. Swaine Buckley, Ethiopian comedian. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
1041: Comedy galop dedicated to William Warren. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 21x17.5 cm
1042: Davy Crockett March, by the composer George Loesch and played by the orchestra between the 4th and 5th acts of the Exquisite American Idyl, Davy Crockett. Boston, White, Smith & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 21x21 cm
1043: The Dublin jaunting car, as sung by Master Spalding MacEvoy, in the Hibernicon or A Tour in Ireland. Music by Charles MacEvoy. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 25x20 cm
"view of the old parliament building, Daublin, with the jaunting car standing in front."
1044: Land Ho; or, Fill high the brimmer; a quartette, as sung... by Euterpean Vocalists. Words by Geo. P. Morris; music composed... by John M. White. Boston, Henry Prentis
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 13x16 cm image
B. W. Thayer's lith
1045: Mlle. Fany Elssler in La Cachucha. Boston, H. Prentiss [n. d.]
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 34x24.5 cm
another copy in color Thayer's Lithogy, Boston
1046: Pas Styrien as danced by Mlle. Fanny Elssler & Mons. Sylvain. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 30x24.5 cm
Bufford, artist; Thayer's Lith
1047: Petruchio waltz; marceau de salon composed... by W. K. Batchelder. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
port of Edwin Booth
1048: I'm a merry Zingara as sung by Madame Anna Thillion in Auber's celebrated opera of the Crown diamonds. Words by Fitzball, music by Balfe. Boston, Geo. P. Reed & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith bronzed; 18.5x15 cm
1049: "The invalid corps, song and chorus, sung by Buckley's Minstrels." Boston, Henry Tolman & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 35x26.5 cm
1050: "Jim Crow jubilee; a collection of negro melodies as sung by A. F. Winnemore and his band of serenaders. Arranged for the piano forte by Augustus Clapp." Boston, Geo. P. Reed
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 26.5x20 cm
1051: The little frauds, Harrigan & Hart's songs and sketches. Boston, White & Goullaud
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 36x28.5 cm
1052: Marietta Ravel Galop, as danced by Mademoiselle in the Black Crook at the Continental Theatre, Boston, composed by A. Jannotta. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 33x25 cm
from a photo by T. R. Burham
1053: May God bless that little church around the corner; music by Edwin Christie. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith tinted; 20.5 diam.
1054: Melodies of Bancker's troupe of Sable Brothers as sung by them at their concerts in New York, Boston, and all the principal cities of the United States. Boston, A. & J. P. Ordway
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 33.5x26 cm
1055: Miss Watson as Celio in the opera of Native Land. New York, Firth & Hall
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 30.5x18 cm
on stone by J. H. Bufford, from a sketch by Stewart Watson, Lith of Endicott
1056: Modjeska Waltzes, by Albert H. Fernald [and] Caroline Lowthian. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 17 cm diam
another copy lith by Beacon Lith Co.
1057: Mrs. Barrow's schottisch, as performed by the Howard Athenaeum orchestra and Boston Military bands. Composed ... by John Holloway. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 18x14 cm
artist: LG
1058: Ossian's serenade, as sung by Ossian E. Dodge at most of his fashionable entertainments throughout the Union. Boston, Oliver Ditoson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 19x21 cm
port of P. T. Barnum introducing Jenny Lind to Ossian E. Dodge
1059: Pete Morris' celebrated comic melodies, arranged with piano forte accompaniment by Pete Morris. Boston, Russell & Richardson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith in bronze; 22x17 cm
photo by Masury, Silsbee & Case
1060: Polly Perkins of Paddington Green or The broken hearted milkman written and sung by Harry Clifton. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 24.5x20 cm
1061: Rip Van Winkle Galop. Composed by W. T. Wellman, Jr. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 14.5x15.5 cm image
port of Jefferson 2 copies
1062: Sally come up; the popular song and dance as performed with applause by G. Swaine Buskley of the Buckley Serenaders. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 24x16 cm image
1063: Songs and ballads as sung by R. Bishop and G. Swain Buckley of Buckley's Minstrels. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 31x25 cm
1064: The songs of the celebrated Cordelia Howard with a likeness of Mrs. G. C. Howard from a photo. Written and composed by her father. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 12x10.5 cm
from a photo by Sarony
1065: The songs of the celebrated Cordelia Howard, written and composed by her father. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 21.5x17 cm
1066: Songs of the Florences, as sung by them in the principal theaters of Europe and America. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 17x10.5 cm image
1067: Songs of the Florences as sung by Mrs. W. J. Florence throughout the various theatres in Europe and America. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 24x18 cm image
1068: Songs of the Florences as sung by Mrs. W. J. Florence throughout the various theatres in Europe and America. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith with sepia; 25x19.5 cm
1069: Souvenir de ballet. Polka Mazurka. Boston, Russell & Richardson
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 25x21 cm
photo by Silsbee, Case & Co.
1070: That little church around the corner. Song and chorus-words by Dexter Smith, music by C. A. White. Boston, White, Smith & Perry
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith in color; 17.5x20
two other copies (clippings)
1071: Two beautiful waltzes; Globe waltz and Dora waltz, by Georges Lantelme, Boston, White Smith & Perry
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 20x18 cm image
music sheet port of J. W. Wallack
1072: Valsha as performed by Mrs. Pelby. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 34x24.5 cm
drawn by Bufford; B. W. Thayer's Lith.
1073: The Vokes family, belles of the kitchen polka humoresque, composed by Eugene Cavello. Detroit, C. J. Whitney & Co.
Bufford, John H., 1810-1870 (author)
lith; 26.5x22 cm
1074: The fine ould Irish gintleman, written and sung by John Brougham. Boston, Geo. P. Reed
Bufford & Co. (author)
lith; 33x25 cm image
2 copies
1075: Pete Morris' celebrated comic melodies arranged for the piano forte by Geo. W. Peabody. Boston, Geo. P. Reed
Bufford & Co. (author)
lith; 18x12 cm
port from a dag by Plumbe and five sketches
1076: Songs of the Virginia serenaders, as sung by them with distinguished success in the principal cities of the Union; arranged for the piano forte, by J. W. Turner. Boston, Keith's Music Publ. House
Bufford & Co. (author)
lith; 33x25.5 cm
ports in plain dress and in character of J. Sanford, Jr. Meyers, J. P. Carter, Master R. Edwards and C. White
1077: I'll be watching for you at the window; words by Geo. Cooper, music by C. M. Pyke. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford (J. H.) & Sons (author)
lith; 16.5x12 cm
1078: The songs of G. C. Howard [as sung by] Mrs. G. C. Howard, the original Topsey. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford (J. H.) & Sons (author)
lith; 34.5x27 cm
1079: The bashful girl as sung... by Miss Pauline Markham, written & arranged by Launce Lennox. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Bufford Bros. (author)
lith; 25.5x20 cm
1080: Hamlet Galop: Homage to Edwin Booth, by Da Costa. New York, S. T. Gordon
Bufford Bros. (author)
lith; 19x17 cm
from a photo by Gurney 2 copies
1081: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul's songs. New York, Thaddeus Firth
Bufford Bros. (author)
lith in color; 29x22 cm
1082: The style of thing, sung by Mr. Howard Paul in his popular entertainment. New York, Thaddeus Firth
Bufford Bros. (author)
lith in color; 35x27 cm
1083: Mid flame and smoke; a descriptive song of the burning of the Brooklyn Theater. Words & Music by J. W. Turner. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Col
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
cover is illus. of Brooklyn Theater in flames lith by J. H. Bufford's Sons
1084: Mrs. Langtry, the beauty of England. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith; 20x20 cm
2 copies
1085: Perdita waltz, dedicated to Miss Mary Anderson, composed by Andrew Levey played in the production of The Winter's Tale by Lothians Boston Theater Orchestra. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith; 24x29 cm
1086: Our boys march, composed by J. C. Mullaly. Boston, W. H. Cundy
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith; 22.5x19 cm
port of George Honey
1087: Buy a broom The Bavarian girl's song sung by Madame Vestris. Philadelphia, G. E. Blake
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith; 7x6 cm image
music sheet
1088: Castle Garden Schottisch. New York, Jaques & Bother
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith in color; 20.5x30 cm
1089: The celebrated Ethiopian melodies as the Ethiopians of the southern states a sung by the six original Ethiopian serenaders or Boston minstrels. New York, C. G. Christman
Bufford's (J. H.) Sons Lith. (author)
lith; 33.5x25 cm
Spoodayks, artist
1090: Gems of the minstrelsy, Perham's opera vocalists, written an composed by H. S. Cartee. Portland, J. S. Pine
Chandler, J. G. (author)
lith bronzed; 34.5x25.5 cm
ports include: Old Uncle Epherum, Bobbin around, Stand thus, The railroad gallup & terrific explosion, Perham's opera house interior Lee Mallory, del.
1091: Chaunting Benny: a batch of ballads, a comic song as sung with great applause by Mr. Chapman, arranged by G. Lo Bianco. New York, Firth & Hall
Chandler, J. G. (author)
lith; 33x23.5 cm image
1092: The fairest in the dell, an original song and dance sung by Lew Benedict of Dupre & Benedict's minstrels. Toledo, Ohio, W. W. Whitney's Palace of Music
Chicago Lith. Co. (author)
lith; 14.5x10.5 cm image
1093: Jenny Gossen; song and dance as sung by the Buffalo boys of Carncross & Dixeys minstrels. Composed by Cheever & Kennedy Rudolph, arranged for piano by J. S. Cox. Buffalo, Cottier and Denton
Clay, Cosack & Co. (author)
lith tinted; 20x17.5 cm
1094: Leslie polka, dedicated to Harry Leslie, the American hero of Niagara, by J. E. Hartel. Buffalo, J. R. Blodgett
Clay, Cosack & Co. (author)
lith in color; 29.5x21.5 cm
1095: Le petit Faust (Opera Bouffe de Herve) as performed by Kelly & Leon's minstrels, arranged by Fred W. Zaullig. New York, A. Wundermann
Clayton, C. O. (author)
lith; 21x10.5 cm
music sheet
1096: My native home as sung by Mrs. Barney Williams in Mr. John Brougham's drama The Emerald ring. Music by Madame Adeline Murio-Celli. New York, J. Schuberth & Co.
Clayton, C. O. (author)
lith; 22x33 cm
1097: Society's spasm; or, Come and take a drink sung by Miss Lydia Thompson at Wood's Museum, written by Edmund Webb. New York, C. M. Tremaine
Clayton, C. O. (author)
lith; 15.5x14 cm
artist: G. G. Bremen
1098: Genius, written by C. O. Clayton and composed by M. Harrison. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Cochran, C. G. (author)
lith; 30x19.5 cm
C. O. Clayton, Eng. Lith & Print 2 copies
1099: De ole jaw bone, as sung by Mr. J. W. Sweeny, the celebrated banjo player. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Cooke, Robert (author)
lith; 15.5x16 cm
R. Cooke, artist; B. W. Thayer's Lithogy music sheet
1100: Jonny Boker, or De broken yoke in de coaling ground... by J. W. Sweeny. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Cooke, Robert (author)
lith; 13x16 cm image
R Cooke, artist; B. W. Thayer's Lith. music sheet
1101: "Jumbo Jum, an original nigger ballad as sung... by Mr. John Smith, The celebrated delinietor of Etheopian character at the New York Circus." Boston, Henry Prentiss
Cooke, Robert (author)
lith; 14.5x17 cm
R Cooke, artist; Thayer's Lithy. music sheet
1102: The pirate's serenade sung. . .by Mr. Horncastle; composed by J. Thomson of Edinburgh. Boston, Henry Prestiss.
Cooke, Robert (author)
lith; 12.5x15 cm
two copies
1103: The cork leg, a celebrated comic song, sung. . .by Mr. Latham, Niblo's Garden. New York, William Hall & Son
lith; 16x19 cm
music sheet
1104: The Commodore Nutt Polka, composed & dedicated to P. T. Barnum by Thomas Baker. New York, Horace Waters
Crow, Thomas & Eno. (author)
lith in color; 30.5x25 cm
from photographs by D. Appleton & Co. In center Commodore Nutt standing beside P. T. Barnum; on sides four portraits ofthe Commodore in different characters
1105: The Crow quadrilles. 3rd ed. Arranged for the piano forte by Robert Ashley. New York, William Hall & Son.
lith; 24.5x20 cm
music sheet
1106: Beauties of the ballet. The Greek Romaika, danced by Mademoiselle Celeste. [n.p.]
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith in color; 29.5x22 cm
1107: The Cracovienne danced by Mdlle Funny Elssler in the grand ballet of the Gypsey, composed by N. D. Bochsha. New York, Hewitt & Jaques
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith in color; 32x21 cm
1108: The Crow Quadrilles, arranged with Figures for the piano forte by John H. Hewitt. Philadelphia, John F. Nunns
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith; 31x24.5 cm
music sheet
1109: Land of the free sung by Mr. H. Phillips, composed by G. Herbert Rodwell. New York, James L. Hewitt
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith; 13.5x12 cm
1110: My father land; a favorite Swiss national air, as sung by Madame Otto, at the Park Theater & public concerts. Music arranged by Anthony Rieff. New York, Millets Music Saloon
Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-1888 (author)
lith; 12x10 cm image
1111: Fortunate Tadesco. N. Y., Atwill
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 27.5x21 cm
dag by P. Haas
1112: Yankee song, Bobbin' around; words & music by Mr. W. J. Florence as sung by Mrs. W. J. Florence in the principal theatres throughout the United States. New York, W. J. Florence
D'Avignon, Francis, circa 1814- (author)
lith; 19x20 cm image
1113: Frank Lewis polka by Jas. Bellak. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Duval, Peter S. (author)
lith; 35x26.5 cm
music sheet with center port and four side ports in costume P. Kramer, artist
1114: Melle. Fanny Elssler's quadrilles arranged for the piano forte by Ch. Jarvis. Philadelphia, a. Fiot
Duval, Peter S. (author)
lith; 35x24 cm
five ports by: E. J. P[oynter].
1115: One day while workin' at my plough; a comic duet, as sung with unbound applause at Mr. Shaw's concerts in the Philadelphia Museum by the Misses Shaw. The words compiled from an old English ballad, arranged for the piano forte by J. Newland. Philadelphia, George Willing
Duval, Peter S. (author)
lith; 17.5x20 cm
1117: Wearing of the green as sung by J. W. McDonough, in Arrah Na Pogue. Philadelphia, Chas. W. A. Trumpler
Duval (P. S.) & Son (author)
lith in color; 28x20.5 cm
1118: Effie Germon galap by S. Hassler. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
lith tinted; 17.5x13.5 cm
1119: That little church around the corner; song and chorus by Eastburn. Cleveland, S. Brainard & Sons
Ehrgott & Krebs (author)
lith; 19x20.5 cm image
1120: Songs of Mrs. Florence as sung by her at the principal theaters in Europe and America. Cincinnati, W. C. Peters
Ehrgott & Forbriger (author)
lith; 29.5x23.5 cm
ports of Mrs. Florence
1121: Billy Emerson's songs and dances. Cincinnatti, J. Church, Jr
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. (author)
lith; 34x27 cm
facsimile autograph 2 copies
1122: Lotta Polka by Th. Remlab. St. Louis, Mo., Balmer & Weber
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. (author)
tinted lith; 22x17.5 cm
1123: My happy home far o'er the sea inscribed to Edwin Forrest; composed by Miss Julia Daly. St. Louis, Mo., Balmer & Weber
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. (author)
lith; 27.5x22 cm
port of Daly
1124: My Jenny Jerusha Jane as sung by Dave Reed of Hooley's minstrels. Words by A. G. Chase, music by W. M. Phelps. Marshall, Mich., J. S. White & Co.
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. (author)
lith; 33.5x26 cm
1125: Pretty Kitty Kline; song & dance as sung by Dave Reed of Hooley's Minstrels, Brooklyn. Words by A. G. Chase; music by C. F. Shattuck. Marshall, Mich., J. S. White & Co.
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. (author)
lith; 17x14.5 cm
1126: Elssler quadrilles arranged by Ch. Zeuner. Philadelphia, Geo. W. Hewitt
lith; 30.5x21 cm
six ports
1127: As I view these scenes as sung by Mr. Brough in the opera of La Sonnambula New York, Atwills Music Saloon
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 12.5x18 cm
music sheet
circa 1835
1128: La Cachucha, as danced by Fanny Elssler. 2nd ed. New York, Charles T. Geslain
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 17.5x15 cm
music sheet
1129: Corn Cobs, a popular comic song and chorus as sung by Messrs Hill and Bower. New York, Endicott
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 18x20 cm
port of Hill and Bower
1130: "Dandy Jim from Carolina; a popular negro melody, as sung by B. Williams." New York, Firth & Hall
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 15x13 cm
1131: Ethiopian quadrilles, danced and sung by the Virginia minstrels. Arranged by A. Nagerj Onyqjva. New York, Firth & Hall
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 32x24.5 cm
ports of: John N. Smith singing "Jumbo Jum: John N. Smith singing "Jim along Josy", J. W. Sweeny singing "Jonny Boker:", J. W. Sweeny singing "Knock a nigger down", J. W. Sweeny singing "Ole Tare River", R. W. Pelham and Master G. W. Pelham singing "Massa is a stingy man"
1132: Les Gymniasts, five waltzes a la Strauss, composed for the piano forte and respectfully dedicated to Mr. R. Sands and his sons Masters Maurice and Jesse, by E. K. Eaton. New York, Firth & Hall
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 34.5x26.5 cm
1133: I'm not such a fool as I look; comic song sung by Mr. W. Rogers, at the London Theaters, written by W. T. Wilcox, adapted by T. Munroe. New York, Firth & Hall
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 17.5x16.5 cm
music sheet
1134: List thee, Dear Lady;. . .song sung by Mr. Wood, in Auber's grand opera of "Fra Diavolo" arranged by Charles Heidelberg. New York, Endicott
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 20.5x17 cm
1135: The merry mountain lasses: The song of Madge of the hills sung by Miss Julia Smith in French Refugee, composed by Frederick Smith. Philadelphia, Fiot, Meignen & Co.
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 33x23 cm
music sheet artist: R. T.
1136: Out!, a comic song sung by Charles Matthews, written and composed by Thomas Haynes Bayly. New York, E. Riley & Co.
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
1137: Rory O'Moore or, Tis all for good luck as sung. . .by Mr. Power. Written & adapted to an Irish Melody with symphonies & accompaniments by Samuel Lover. New York, E. Riley
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 16x17 cm
1138: Signora Pico's Spanish song. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 23x17.5 cm
1139: Songs of the Hutchinson family. New York, Firth & Hall
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 15.5x19 cm image
music sheet
1140: When we were out a fishing! a comic song as sung. . .[by] Mr. W. F. Johnson, at the National Theatre. Music by J. C. White, words by T. Ball. New York, Endicott
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 32x23 cm
1141: Zip coon; a favorite comic song. Sung by Mr. G. W. Dixon. New York, J. L. Hewitt & Co.
Endicott, George, 1802-1948 (author)
lith; 32x22.5 cm
[circa 1834]
1142: Favorite dances of the Rousset family, arranged for the piano by John C. Scherpf. New York, Wm. Vanderbeek
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith;23x30.5 cm port of four dancing plus oval ports (3.5x3 cm) in each corner
1143: Johnny's equal is not here sung at Wood's minstrels, by C. K. Fox. New York, Wm. Hall & Son
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith; 30.5x22 cm
1144: Our American Cousin polka performed at Laura Keene's Theatre, composed by Thomas Baker. New York, Endicott & Co.
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith; 31.5x24.5 cm
ports of Jefferson and Laura Keene plus six ports in character of Mr. Burnette and Mr. Couldock, Mr. and Mrs. Sothern, Mr. Levick and Miss Keene, Miss Stephens and Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Peters and Mr. Jefferson
1145: Piccolomini polka. N. Y., Horace Waters
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith; 28.5x22.5 cm
1146: The Pipes at Lucknow; a descriptive song to Miss Agnes Robertson. Composed by Edw. Wiebe. New York, S. T. Gordon
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith; 35x27 cm image
1147: The songs of Shamus O'Brien, sung by Mr. Dan Bryant in his original drama of Shamus O'Brien or the Bould Boy of Glengall. Written and composed by E. G. B. Holder. New York, Wm. Hall & Son.
Endicott & Co. (author)
lith; 20x18 cm
1148: With thee beside me oh my love, sung by Mrs. Wood, composed by G. A. Hodson. New York, E. Riley
Endicott & Swett (author)
lith; 15x14.5 cm
from original drawing by Mrs. Colonel Ansley
1149: Ethiopian melodies of White's Serenaders, as sung by them at their concerts. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
lith; 34x24.5 cm tinted
ports of: Charles White, Master Markes, White's Serenaders
1150: Adelina waltz as sung... by Adelina Patti in the Barber of Seville composed by Signore Muzio. New York, Scharfenberg & Luis
Evans, Charles A. (author)
lith; 15x13 cm
Silsbee, Case & Co., Photo
1151: Piccolino polka, composed expressly for and respectfully dedicated to Miss Kate Reignolds by Chas. Fradel. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Fabronius, Dominique C. (author)
35x26.5 cm
port of Reignolds (12x12 cm) plus four small full length ports F. N. Carter, Lith.
1152: The fascinating nig, song & dance. Words & music written for Billy Emerson; composed and arranged by R. Frank Cardella. St. Louis, Compton & Doan
lith; 33.5x26 cm
1153: The Cracovienne danced by Madlle. Fanny Elssler in the grand ballet of the "Gypsey" composed by N. C. Bocsha. New York, Firth & Hall
Fleetwood, Anthony, circa 1800- (author)
lith in color; 33x21.5 cm
1154: The Metamora grand march dedicated to Edwin Forrest, composed for the piano forte by an eminent professor. New York, Firth & Hall
Fleetwood, Anthony, circa 1800- (author)
lith (port of Forrest); 16x13.5 cm
music sheet û 2 l. score also detached cover
1155: The Danicheffs, composed & ... dedicated to A. M. Palmer by Henry Tissington. New York, William A. Pond & Co.
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 35x27.5 cm
S. S. Frizzell, artist; J. H. Bufford's Sons Lith. port & 4 small scenes
1156: Delehanty and Hengler original songs and dances. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
J. H. Bufford's lith
1157: Maggie Mitchell's songs & dances, arranged by F. Suck. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Frizzell, S. S. (author)
lith; 15x15.5 cm
photo by Black & Case; S. S. Frizzell, artist, F. N. Carter, Lith.
1158: Gay & festive boy from the south and There's no such foot as mine as sung by Frank Wood, the champion song and danceman of America, arranged by C. T. Beauman. Nashville, Tennessee, C. D. Benson
lith in color; 27x24 cm
1159: Gently sighs the breeze, the popular duet written for Madlle. Jenny Lind and Madlle Marietta Alboni, by Stephen Glover. New York, William Hall & Son
lith; 27x22 cm
music sheet
1160: Our American cousin polka respectfully inscribed to Messrs Wheatly & Clarke. Composed by the late Charles Jarvis; port of Mr. J. S. Clarke as he appears in "Asa Trenchard". Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Germon, William (author)
lith; 36x27 cm image
Herline & Hensel, Lith. 2 copies
1161: Hark! Hark! through the wild wood, celebrated Tyrolese war song as sung by Madame Vestris. Composed by Alexander Lee. Baltimore, Geo. Willing
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 17x16 cm
music sheet
1162: Recitative and air from the celebrated opera of Masaniello, with the English words as sung by Mrs. Austin, selected and arranged by Signior Pons. Baltimore, G. Willig
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
lith; 19x16.5 cm
1163: Fifth Avenue George, a popular song sung... by Tony Pastor, Written & composed by J. P. Skelly. New York, E. H. Harding
Goullaud, L. P. (author)
lith in color; 15x6 cm
1164: Barney Brallaghan, as sung by Mr. Todd. . . arranged for the piano forte by P. K, Moran. New York, Firth & Hall
Grain, Frederick (author)
lith; 16x20 cm
F. Gain, artist; Pendleton's Lith.
1165: Fred Wilson's clog dances. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Green & Walker (author)
eng; 27.5x20 cm
music sheet from photograph by Hamilton
1166: Intelligent Contraband, an original song & dance by Charlie Pettingill. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Greene, H. F. (author)
eng; 18x18.5 cm
1167: Nicodemus Johnson as sung by Charley Pettingill at the Morris Bros. Opera House, Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Greene, H. F. (author)
eng; 17x19 cm
1168: Rip Van Winkle Galop, by W. F. Wellman, Jr. New York, C. H. Ditson & Co.
Greene, H. F. (author)
1169: Dreaming ever dreaming, written and composed for Mrs. J. H. Long by George F. Root. Boston, Russell & Tolman
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1965 (author)
lith; 19.5x18.5 cm
L. Grozelier, artist photo by Silsbee, Case & Co., J. H. Bufford's Lith
1170: Songs and ballads of the New Orlean's operatic troupe, sung by Mr. J. H. Collins. Philadelphia A Fiot.
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1965 (author)
lith; 17x16 cm
L. Grozelier, Lith; P. S. Duval's Lith Steam Press
1171: Souvenir de ballet. Lamoureux Galop du Gaust. Boston, Russell & Richardson
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1965 (author)
lith; 25x12.5 cm
on stone by L. Grozelier; J. H. Bufford's Lith. photo by Silsbee, Case & Co.
1172: Souvenir de ballet. Polka Diabolique de Faust. Boston, Russell & Richardson
Grozelier, Leopold, 1830-1965 (author)
lith; 25.5x21 cm
photo by Silsbee, Case & Co. J. H. Bufford's Lith.
1173: Billy Emerson. St. Louis, Mo., Kunkel Brother's
Hamilton (C.) & Co. (author)
lith; 22x17 cm tinted
from a photo by Jno. A. Scholten artist: [H.H.G]; C. Hamilton, Lith
1174: The young couple polka; composed and dedicated to Kate & Ellen Bateman (whose interesting performances created such a sensation at St. James Theatre and in the provinces). [London?]
Hanhart (M. & N.) Lith (author)
lith in color; 32x24 cm
[circa 1851]
1175: Harriet, the match girl, sung by Miss Love; the poetry by Rosamond Wadams, the music altered and arranged by W. Kirby. New York, J. L. Hewlit
lith; 14.5x19 cm
music sheet
1176: The colored grenadier, composed and sung with great success by Johnny Carroll, arranged by Ned Straight. Boston, White, Smith & Co.
Haskell (F. M.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 27x15 cm image
1177: Songs and pieces of the Chapman sisters. Songs by J. W. Parson Price; pieces by Chas. L. Ward. Louisville, Ky., Louis Tripp
Hegoi, J (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
music sheet Hart & Mapother, Lith.
1178: That little church around the corner, by Alice Hawthorne. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Herline & Co. (author)
lith; 17x19.5 cm
1179: Folks that put on airs as sung by E. F. Dixey. Words by H. Angelo; music by Wm. H. Coulston. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Herline & Hensel (author)
lith; 16.5x13.5 cm
music sheet another copy pub. by Wm. H. Coulston
1180: All the world is scheming, or Oh, times are really very hard; a comic song written by J. E. Carpenter, sung by Mr. Fitzwilliam. The music arranged by J. Harroway. New York, James L. Hewitt & Co.
Hewitt, William Keesey, 1817-1893 (author)
lith; 18x19 cm
W. K. Hewitt, artist. N. Currier's Lith.
1181: La Gitana (the new Cachoucha) danced by Madlle. Taglioni in the grand ballet, La Gitana at her Majestys Theater, the Courts of Paris & St. Petersburgh. Arranged for the piano forte by C. W. Clover. New York, Hewitt & Jaques
Hewitt, William Keesey, 1817-1893 (author)
lith; 17x21 cm
W. K. Hewitt, artist; N. Currier's Lith
1182: March away! March away! Buckler and bonnet blue!; a celebrated Scotch ballad sung by Mr. Wood; the poetry and melody by George Croal. The symphonies & accompaniements by G. A. Hodson. New York, James L. Hewitt
Hewitt, William Keesey, 1817-1893 (author)
lith; 15x12 cm
N. Currier's Lith
1183: Edwin Booth Schottische. Baltimore, Henry McCaffrey
Hoen (A.) & Co. (author)
lith; 27.5x16.5 cm
music sheet (3 l.); music cover; and proof of cover before lettering
1184: Maryland, my home! respectfully inscribed to John T. Ford; sung by Kunkel's Nightingale Opera Troupe, the music by Steward Macaulay. Baltimore, J. E. Boswell
Hoen (A.) & Co. (author)
lith; 34.5x27 cm
port of Ford
1185: My Mary Ann: the Yankee girl's song as sung by Mrs. Barney Williams in all the principal theaters in the U. S. and California. Words by Barney Williams, music by M. Tyte. Baltimore, Henry McCaffrey
Hoen (A.) & Co. (author)
lith; 34.5x27 cm
1186: Vocal gems as sung by Annie Pixley in the popular play of Meliss, composed by T. Brigham Bishop. Philadelphia, Wm. T. Smith
Hunter, Thomas (author)
lith; 14x12 cm image
music sheet from photograph by Gilbert & Bacon
1187: Awake, awake mine own love; a serenade as sung at the Park Theatre with great applause by Mr. G. Dixon. New York, Firth & Hall
Imbert, Anthony (author)
lith; 30.5x24 cm
music sheet Lithography of Imbert, New York
1188: Sweet bird that shun'st the noise of folly from L. Allegro ed il Penseroso of G. F. Handel as sung by Miss E. Gillingham at the Oratorios of the New York Scared Music Society, for the piano forte, flute accp't. New York, Firth & Hall
Imbert, Anthony (author)
lith; 14.5x21.5 cm image
music sheet
1189: Mrs. Howard Paul's grand entertainment waltz. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Inger, Christian (author)
lith; 19x16.5 cm image
C. Inger, artist; T. Sinclair's Lith.
1190: Original Dutch songs sung by G. S. Knight. Philadelphia, J. L. Carncross & Co.
Inger, Christian (author)
lith; 14x14.5 cm
Sinclair's Lith, Philadelphia
1191: The Irish mother's Lament; song introducing The Irish cry for the dead as sung by Mrs. Seguin, composed by John Barton. New York, Firth & Hall
lith; 22x18 cm
music sheet
1192: Jim along Josy sung by Mr. John N. Smith, arranged by an eminent professor. New York, Firth & Hall
lith; 21x14 cm
music sheet
1193: Coal Black rose, new version. Boston, D. C. Johnston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
lith; 10.5x18.5 cm
music score for guitar and piano (2 p.)
1194: The log house; a song presented to the Western Minstrel by John Mills Brown. Boston. Boston [n.p.]
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
lith; 14x21 cm
Pendleton Lith.
1195: Quad Meme dediée à Sarah Bernhardt par Alexander Spencer. New York, Hitchcock's Music Store
Joliet, Ch (author)
lith; 35.5x26.5 cm
R. Teller Lith.
1196: Kate Reignold's songs. Boston, G. D. Russel & Co.
Joliet, Ch (author)
lith; 13.5x14 cm image
1197: Kathleen Machree, song and chorus. Sung by J. L. Carncross; composed by Frank Stanley. Philadelphia, John L. Carncross & Co.
Joliet, Ch (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
[circa 1870]
1198: The keepsake; a sequel to the celebrated song, The cavalier sung by Miss Poole. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Joliet, Ch (author)
lith; 24.5x18 cm
1199: The Coal Black Rose; words written by White Snyder and sung... by Mr. W. Kelley. Philadelphia, J. L. Frederick
Kelley, W (author)
eng port of Kelley (10x5cm) on second leaf
1200: She played on 9 pianos, written and sung by William Arlington of Arlington's Minstrels; music composed by Geo. W. Brown. St. Louis, Mo., Balmer & Weber
Keppler, Joseph, 1838-1894 (author)
lith; 34x27 cm
1201: Oh! cruel, a comic song, as sung by Mr. Jefferson, in the character of a female ballad singer accompanied by Mr. Blissett, on the evenings of their respective benefits at the Philadelphia Theatre. Philadelphia, J. G. Klemm
Klemm, J. G. (author)
eng; 6x10.5 cm
music score (3 p.) cover port of Jefferson and Blissett
1202: Beautiful songs sung by Carroll Johnson in The Fairies Wall. New York, Willis Woodward & Co.
Kneppler, Charles M. (author)
lith; 19x20 cm image
1203: The wife's dream ballad, as sung by J. L. Carncross, arranged for the piano by M. H. Cross. Philadelphia, Wm. H. Coulston
Knirsch, Otto (author)
lith; 21x16 cm
music sheet artist: Otto Knirsch from a photograph by Jones & Bro.; Herline & Hensel, Lith 3 copies, one published by Lee & Walker, 1860
1204: Annie Ray, written expressly for and sung by Kunkel's Nightingale Opera Troupe. Words by Andy W. Francisco... music by Stewart Macaulay. Baltimore, Henry McCaffrey
Kohn, Julius (author)
lith; 17x14.5 cm
port of Kunkel Lith by A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore
[circa 1854]
1205: Compositions of Ole Bull Jr. Philadelphia, E. Ferrett & Co.
Kramer, Peter, 1823-1907 (author)
lith; 33x23 cm image
Lith of P. S. Duval
[circa 1840]
1206: Frou-frou waltz, composed and dedicated to Mrs. Augustin Daly by Robert Stoepel as performed at the Fifth Avenue Theater. New York, O. H. Dodworth
Kramer, Peter, 1823-1907 (author)
lith; 35x26.5 cm
P. Kramer, artist; from photography by Howell; Fred, Mayer & Sons, Gen. Lith.
1207: Music of the Continental vocalists. Philadelphia, J. E. Gould
Kramer, Peter, 1823-1907 (author)
lith; 36x26 cm
music sheet with cover port of J. W. Smith, C. W. Huntington, W. R. Frisbie, J. A. Sterry, W. D. Franklin Lith of P. S. Duval & Co. 2 copies
1208: The hackney coachman; a comic song. Philadelphia, Fiot, Meignen & Co.
Lehman & Duval (author)
lith; 32x23 cm image
music sheet (W. E. Burton)
1209: My daughter Fan; my son Tom's sister; a comic song sung by Mr. J. Burton, written by Thos. Hayes Bayly. The music composed by J. Blewitt. Philadelphia, Fiot, Meignen & Co.
Lehman & Duval (author)
lith; 20x18 cm
music sheet
1210: Oh! this love! sung... by Mrs. Sutton and Mr. Dempster. Words by George P. Morris, music by Henry Russell. New York, Atwill
Lewis, George W. (author)
lith bronzed; 22x17.5 cm
1211: Jenny Lind. New York, Atwill
Lewis & Brown (author)
lith; 28x21 cm
1212: The literary dustman; a comic song, written and song [sic] by Mr. Glindon. The accompaniments arranged by J. T. Craven. Philadelphia, Osbourn's Music Saloon
lith; 14.5x15.5 cm image
1213: Lize and Jakey polka, dedicated to Mose, Sykesy & Dutchy. Music by one of the B'Hoys. Philadelphia, Edward L. Walker
lith; 8.5x8.5 cm image
Piano score (2 p.) - port of Mrs. C. Howard as "Lize" and John E. Owens as "Jakey"
1214: Love's review, sung by Mrs. Austin; the poetry by W. B. Bernard, the music composed by John Barnett. New York, Firth & Hall
lith; 16x17 cm
music sheet
1215: Billy Emerson's Oh How is that for High? Cincinnati, John Church & Co.
Macbrair & Co. (author)
lith in color; 35.5x27 cm
1216: Songs of America's humorist and character vocalist, Sol Smith Russell, as sung at the Berger family bell ringers concerts. Cincinnati, John Church & Co.
Macbrair & Co. (author)
lith (four portraits in character at sides of lager port); 30.5x22 cm
music sheet
1217: Fred Wilson's songs. St. Louis, Compton & Doan
McLean, Alexander (author)
lith; 20x16 cm
photograph by Jno. A. Scholten
1218: She's lovely as a rose as sung. . . by Billy Allen at Wilson's opera House. Music by Eddy Fox; words by Bobby Newcomb, arranged by Frank Cardella. St. Louis, R. J. Compton
McLean, Alexander (author)
lith; 19x16 cm image
1219: "Lucy Long, the celebrated nigger song as sung by Mr. Sweeny, arranged with new symphonies and an accompaniment for the piano forte." London, T. E. Purday
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 32x22 cm
Madeley, del. et lith
1220: The invinvibles, written expressly for Made. Vestris by J. M. Rycott; sung by Miss Clara Fisher. New York E. S. Mesier
Mesier, Edward S. (author)
lith; 16x23 cm
music sheet (4 p.) cover port - Clara Fisher, John Barnes as Gen. Verdun, Jacob Woodhull as O'Slash
1221: The bridal morn, sung by Miss Fannie Stockton in the White Fawn, at Niblo's Garden, composed by Howard Glover. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith bronzed; 29x21 cm
1222: The Colleen Bawn, originally sung... by Mr. Dan Bryant in his great character Myles Na Coppaleen. Words by Dion Bourcicault, arranged by Frank Drew. N. Y., Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 20x18 cm
1223: The favorite dances of the celebrated Clodoche Troupe, as danced in Sindbad the Sailor at Niblo's Garden. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith in color; 17x23 cm
1224: I'll never forget thee, dear Mary, sung with rapturous applause at Wallacks Theatre by Dan Bryant. Words by Geo. Cooper. Music by T. Brigham Bishop. New York, Thaddeus Firth
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 30x21.5 cm
1225: I'm happy as the day is long. Written by John Brougham, composed by Clemet White. N. Y. Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith toned; 25x20.5 cm
1226: The Irving polka, composed expressly for and inscribed to Miss Henrietta Irving by Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 21x19 cm
1227: Jean Hosmer Mazurka as performed at Winter Garden, New York City, composed by Rovert Stoepel. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith tinted; 19x17.5 cm
2 copies
1228: The Lester Wallack polka, as performed at Wallacks new theater composed by Robert Stoepel. Boston, O. Ditson & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 21.5x20 cm
1229: Love Waltzes [composed by] Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith bronzed; 29x21.5 cm
port of Fannie Stockton
1230: Minstrel melodies by James W. Long, as sung by Billy Emerson of Emerson, Allen, & Mannings minstrels. Louisville, Ky., D. P. Faulds
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 31x21.5 cm
1231: Nancy Fat and My Polly Ann, two songs written and sung ... by Dave Reed. Music by T. McNally. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 21.5x16.5 cm
1232: Oh! let him rest, words by James T. Dudley, music by Henry Tucker. A tribute to the memory of the late Stephen C. Foster. New York, Wm. A. Pond
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 24x19.5 cm
1233: Pat Malloy, originally sung... by Mr. Dan Bryant, in his inimitable character of the Irish Emigrant at Wallack's Theater. Words by Dion Bourcicault, arranged by John P. Cook. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 29.5x21.5 cm
1234: Presentation polka, respectfully dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Genl. Tom Thumb, composed by Francis H. Brown. Rochester, N. Y., Geo. H. Ellis
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 18x25 cm
circa 1863
1236: Solon Shingle How do you doo? A characteristic ditty dedicated to the popular comedian, John E. Owens. Words by Old Si Ellsley; music by The Peoples Lawyer. New York, Firth, Son & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith in color; 34x21.5 cm
1237: Songs and ballads, sung by D. S. Wambold of the San Francisco Minstrels. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 16x15 cm
1238: Transformation polka from The Black Crook by Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith in color; 30x21 cm
1239: The Zampillaerostation waltz, composed by Alfred Hanlon, arranged by Charles Koppitz, and dedicated to William Hanlon. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith in color; 27.5x21 cm
1240: Mary Anderson concert polka composed by Louis Wallis. n.p.
lith; 22x20 cm
music sheet artist initials: DR entwined
1241: Massa is a stingy man, composed and sung by Mr. R. W. Pelham, and pupil, Master G. W. Pelham. New York, Firth & Hall
lith; 13x17 cm
music sheet
1242: Fifth Avenue galop, as played at the Firth Avenue Theatre, respectfully dedicated to Augustin Daly and composed by Myron A. Cooney. New York, J. N. Pattison
Mayer (Ferdinand) and Sons (author)
lith; 35x25 cm
artist's initials: O. K. small oval ports of: Mr. Davidge, Miss Agnes Ethel, Geo. Holland, Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. Lewis as Major DeBoots, Miss F. Davenport, D. H. Harking, Geo. Parks
1243: Popular songs as sung by Mr. Jos. K. Emmet. New York, John L. Peters
Mayer (Ferdinand) and Sons (author)
lith; 34x26 cm
1244: Enterprise march composed and ... dedicated to James Fisk, Jr. by Harvey B. Dodworth. New York, O. H. Dodworth
Mayer & Merkel (author)
lith; 25.5x22
1245: New music of the Lydia Thompson Troupe. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Mayer, Merkel & Ottman, Lithographers (author)
lith in color; 23x22 cm
1246: Piper Heidsieck; words by Geo. Cooper, music by Chas. E. Pratt, as sung by Tony Pastor. New York, Chas. H. Ditson & Co.
Mayer, Merkel & Ottman, Lithographers (author)
lith in color; 33.5x24.5 cm
1247: Cricket Polka, composed for the piano by Wm. Withers, Jr. To Miss Maggie Mitchell. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Metzerott, W. G. (author)
eng; 10.5x8 cm
1248: "Jim along Josey; a new American nigger extravaganza written and originally sung by Mr. Edmund R. Harper (the celebrated American comedian) at the Principal Metropolitan & Provincial Theatres in . . . The Free Nigger of New York, arranged by J. Monro." London
Monro & May (author)
lith; 14x11 cm
1249: Col. Sellers polka, by J. S. Drake. Cincinnati, Ohio, F. W. Helmick
Monsch & Co. (author)
lith; 36x26 cm
port of Raymond (12x9.5 cm) with additional illus.
1250: The ratcatcher's daughter, composed and sung by Sam Cowell. Buffalo, J. Sage & Sons
Mooney, Lawrence (author)
lith; 26x19 cm
music sheet
1251: One of our girls polka, composed by Helen Dauvray, dedicated to Mr. Bronson Howard. New York, Published for Miss Helen Dauvray, Lyceum Theater
Morgan (W. J.) & Co. (author)
lith in color; 24.5x26 cm
music sheet (port of Helen Dauvray)
1252: Up in a mulberry tree, song written for & Sung by Miss Annie Pixley in the popular drama, M'Liss by E. H. Winchell. Cleveland, S. Brainard's Sons
Morgan (W. J.) & Co. (author)
lith; 22x21 cm
1253: Mr. T. Rice as the original Jim Crow. New York, E. Riley
lith 26x18 cm image-port of rice another copy without imprint or music
1254: The Mulligan guard, composed, arranged & performed ... by Harrigan & Hart. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
lith; 22x18 cm
1255: Mulligan guard galop, composed, arranged & performed ... by Harrigan & Hart; music by David Braham, arranged by Charles E. Pratt. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
lith; 18x19.5 cm
music score (3 p.) T. Teller, lith
1256: Music of the Ethiopian Serenaders. New York, William Hall & Son
lith; 12.5x22 cm
port on cover of Pell, Harrington, White, Stanwood, Germon music sheet (4 p.) also another copy of cover
1257: "Negro song, Long time ago; as sung by Mr. T. Rice in the Ethiopian opera." Baltimore, G. Willig
lith; 17x9 cm
music sheet port of T. Rice
1258: Fred Wilson's popular comic songs. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Nelke, Louis (author)
lith in color; 22.5x18 cm
1259: New and popular songs written for and sung in the arena by Mr. Herbert B. Williams, Shakesperian clown and jester. New York, E. H. Harding
eng; 18x14 cm
music sheet
1260: Lingard's new songs. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
New England Lith. Steam Ptg. Co. (author)
lith; 26x20 cm
1261: Lydia Thompson Quadrilles... by Charles E. Pratt. Boston O. Ditson & Co.
New England Lith. Steam Ptg. Co. (author)
lith; 20x15 cm
1262: Why not love thee, Darling? song and chorus. Poetry and music by John P. Ordway. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
New England Lith. Steam Ptg. Co. (author)
lith; 20x16.5 cm
1263: The admired Cavatina. Cherish still fond heart those moments, composed expressly for and sung by Mme Anna Bishop at Naples in the opera, Francesca Donato. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 34x24 cm image
P. S. Duval's Steam Lith Press
1264: The bold Brigand from Our Rocky Tow'r on High, sung in the opera Fra Diavolo. . . by Mr. Seguin, composed by Jules Benedict. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 31x20 cm
on stone by A. Newsam P.S. Duval Lith. Print
1265: La Cracovienne, pas danse dans la Gipsy, par Fanny Elssler; arrangee pour le piano L. Gomion. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 32x25 cm
on stone by A. Newsam; P. S. Duval, Lith.
1266: Danse Consaque, composee pour le piano et dediee a Madmoiselle Fanny Elssler, par Gustave Blessner. Philadelphia, George Willit
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith in color; 32x25 cm
on stone by A. Newsam; P. S. Duval, Lith.
1267: Dreams of Home, as sung by Madame Anna Thillon. Words by Thomas J. Diehl; music by A. B. Durand. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 22x17.5 cm in tint
on stone by A. Newsam from a dag by M. Clees & Geromon; P. S. Duval & Co.'s Steam Lith Press.
1268: Jenny Lind's songs. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 27x22 cm
on stone by Albert Newsam, P. S. Duval, Lith.
1269: The Redowa waltz; a new Bohemian waltz as danced in the Parisian Saloons and taught by Monsieur Jules Martin, composed by F. Burgmuller. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith in color; 18x14 cm
on stone by A. Newsam, P. S. Duval, Lith.
1270: Souvenir d'Ole Bull; Fantaisie sur Il Carnavale di Venezia, arrangee pour le piano... par J. C. Viereck. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 30.5x24 cm
Drawn on stone by A. Newsam; P. S. Duval's Lith. also another version without music title
1271: Our Brutus, words from the La Grosse Democrat; music by E. B. Armand [pseud.] New Orleans, A. E. Blackmar
lith; 18.5x13 cm
music score, 3 l. ; also music cover port of J. W. Booth
1272: Owen Fawcett's songs! as sung by the popular comedian, Owen Fawcett. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
lith in color; 25.5x20.5 cm
1273: Music of the great southern original Sable Harmonists, the best band of singers in the United States, arranged & sung by them at all their concerts. New York, Millets Music Saloon
Palmer, F & S (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
ports of: Plumer, Roark, Archer, Benson, Bond, Farrell
1274: The Invincibles, written for Made. Vestris, by J. M. Rycott; sung by Miss Clara Fisher. New York, Bourne's Depository of Arts
Pendleton's Lith. (author)
lith; 31x24 cm
sketch of Fisher, Barnes, and Woodhull
1275: Love from the heart; or, Yes, I will leave my father's halls as sung by Madame Vestris. Composed and arranged by Sidney Waller. Boston, C. Bradlee
Pendleton's Lith. (author)
lith; 17x18.5 cm
music sheet
1276: Gombo Chaff, as sung by Mr. T. Rice. Baltimore, John Cole & Son
Penniman, John, circa 1817-1850 (author)
lith; 14x18.5 cm
1277: Dockstader's own collection of popular songs, by Chas. R. Dockstader. Philadelphia, J. W. Pepper
Pepper, J. W. (author)
lith; 36x23 cm tinted
1278: The plate waltz, composed and played nightly at the entertainments of Sigr. Blitz by J. A. Janke, Jr. Philadelphia, Edward L. Walker
eng; 9x14.5 cm image
taken from a dag by M. A. Root
1279: Popular songs as sung in Sweatnam, Rice & Fagan's minstrels. New York, Willia Woodward & Co.
lith; 34x26.5 cm
1280: Sally come up [as performed by Dave Reed with Buckley's Serenaders] composed and arranged by Frederick Buckley. Boston, Russell & Patee
Prang & Co. (author)
lith; 34x25.5 cm
1281: Hermann polka & quadrille. N. Y., S. T. Gordon
Queen, James, 1824-ca. 1877 (author)
lith; 26x17 cm
lith of P. S. Duval & Son
1282: Pas Styrian, as danced by Mr. and Miss Wells, arranged for the piano forte by Francis Wieland. Philadelphia, George Willig
Queen, James, 1824-ca. 1877 (author)
lith; 15x19.5 cm
P. S. Duval, Lith.
1283: Upon my sacred honor, as sung by the Great Lingard. Words by A. L. Cook; music by T. B. Bishop. New York, J. L. Peters 1866
Ratellier, F. (author)
lith; 27x22 cm
1284: The Invincibles as sung by Miss Clara Fisher. New York, E. Riley
Riley, E. (author)
eng; 18.5x13.5 cm
music sheet
1285: Camille polka arranged by Henry Robyn... dedicated to Miss Matilda Heron as played by the St. Louis Theatre orchestra during her engagement. St. Louis, J. Ballhouse
Robyn, Edward, 1820-1862 (author)
lith; 16x15 cm
1286: The Roman fall, written by Hugh Willoughby Sweny and composed by Alfred Lee as sung by the great Milburn. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
lith in color; 26.5x20.5 cm
1287: Reuben Wright and Phoebe Brown; a tale of a dismal swamp, composed and sung by Sam Cowell. London, Davidson's Musical Treasury
Rosenthal, S. (author)
lith; 23x18 cm
from a photograph by La Roche
1288: I really shall expire as... performed... by Hogan and Hughes, composed by G. W. H. Griffin. New York, C. M. Tremaine
Russell, Thomas (author)
lith in color; 23x18.5 cm
1289: My Adelaide, written & composed by G. W. H. Griffin. New York, C. M. Tremaine
Russell, Thomas (author)
lith; 19x15.5 cm
port of Griffin
1290: Honest old Abe; song and chorus. Words by D. Wentworth, music by A Wide Awake. Buffalo, Blodgett & Bradford
Sage (J.) & Sons (author)
lith; 15x12.5 cm
port of Lincoln
1291: Time! thou cheat of human bliss as sung by Mr. Wilson in Rookes grand opera of Amilie, or The live test (as performed at the National Theater). New York, Firth & Hall
Sanford, George T. (author)
lith; 23.5x23 cm
on stone by Sanford, Lith. of Endicott
1292: Yes, methings I see her smiling sung by Mr. Wilson in Rooke's grand opera of Amilie, or the love test (as performed at the National Theater). New York, Firth & Hall
Sanford, George T. (author)
lith; 23x22.5 cm
on stone by Sanford, Lith of Endicott
1293: Jenny Lind. New York, Firth Pond & Co.
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith; 26x20.5 cm
includes small ports of Giovanni Bellelly and Jules Benedict music cover without title
1294: [Jenny Lind] New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith; 21x17 cm
music cover without title
1295: Barnum's national poultry show polka. New York, Berry & Gordon
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 26.5x21.5 cm
[circa 1855]
1296: Buckley's melodies. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 34x26.5 cm four ports
two copies
1297: Christy's The other side of Jordan, as sung by Earl H. Peirce, at Christy's American Opera House. New York, William Hall & Son
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 22x18 cm image
1298: The favorite Gypsy songs in Il Trovatore sung by Signa. Vestvali with English words, composed by G. Verdi. New York, Wm. Hall & Son
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 20.5x17 cm
1299: The good for nothing polka dedicated to Miss Annie Lonsdale, composed by Thomas Baker. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 19.5x14 cm
1300: Grisi Schottisch composed by Franklin L. Harris. New York, Berry & Gordon
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 19x15 cm
1301: I will not dream thee faithless; romance sung by Madlle. Nau in Auber's opera The Syren arranged by Thomas Baker. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 18.5x20 cm
1302: Oh! I'se so wicked as sung by Mrs. G. C. Howard in her original character of Topsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Words and music written expressly for her by Geo. C. Howard. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 20x17 cm
port of Mrs. Howard
1303: Rachel polka, composed by George R. Cromwell. New York, Cook & Brother
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 30x20.5 cm
1304: St. Clare to Little Eva in heaven, composed, written and sung by Mr. G. C. Howard in his original character of St. Clare in Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 16.5x13.5 cm
dag by Brady
1305: Sanfords songs, as sung at his drawing room entertainments, arranged for the piano forte by Stephen Glover. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 19x16 cm
two copies
1306: Songs & ballads sung by T. B. Prendergast at the concerts of the Campbell's Minstrells. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 21x17 cm
dag by Fitzgibbon, St. Louis
1307: The Strawberry girl, song by Geo. C. Howard, sung by little Cordelia Howard in the dramatised version of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens popular work, Fashion and famine. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 25.5x15 cm
dag by Brady
1308: Tomorrow! Tomorrow!, written by Morris Barnett, composed by John Barnett. Monsieur Jacques [as played by Morris Barnett] New York, Horace Waters
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith in color; 36x27 cm
1309: The Vestvali polka-Redowa, composed by William Dressler. New York, William Dressler
Sarony & Co. (author)
lith; 24x22 cm
1310: The Alleghanians; songs, duets, glees, etc. arranged for the piano forte. New York Firth, Pond, & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; (4 ports: 8x6.5 ea.) 34x26 cm
1311: Campbell's melodies, arranged for the piano-forte. New York, Wm. Hall & Son
Sarony & Major (author)
lith bronzed; 28.5x22.5 cm
1312: Christy's melodies as composed and sung by them at their concerts with distinguished success. New York, Jaques & Brother
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 30.5x22.5 cm
five ports of G. N. Christy, T. Vaughn, Edwin P. Christy two copies
1313: "The dark sett; the celebrated negro quadrilles, as played by all the quadrille bands, arranged for the piano forte by S. O. Dyer." 3rd edition. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 17x20 cm
music score 5 p. with cover
1314: Elise Biscaccianti, bridal scene of Lucia de Lammermoor. New York, Atwill
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 23.5x18 cm tinted
circa 1848
1315: Giovanna di Napoli, grand opera, by Maurice Strakosch. New York, Wm. Hall & Son
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 20x17 cm bronzed
music sheet
1316: The harvest dance of the Viennoise children. New York
Sarony & Major (author)
lith in color; 30x24 cm
1317: Hippodrome polka, composed for the piano forte, by P. H. Van Der Weyde. New York, T. S. Berry
Sarony & Major (author)
lith in tints; 16x21.5 cm
1318: Melodies of Buckley's New Orleans Serenaders. New York, Firth Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 20.5x16.5 cm
1319: Melodies of the New Orleans Serenaders Operatic troupe. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 34x26 cm
ports of S. Sandford N. Kneass, Max Zorer, J. Burk, J. H. Collins, Mast. Ole Bull, G. Swaine, and J. C. Rainer
1320: Melodies of the New Orleans Serenaders operatic troupe. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 34x26 cm
ports of S. Sandford, C. D. Brown, N. Kneass, Max Zorer, J. Burk, J. H. Collins, Mast Ole Bull, J. C. Rainer, and manager Charles D. Brown
1321: Music of the original Christy Minstrels, the oldest established band in the United States, as arranged and sung by them at all their concerts. New York, William Hall & Son
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 27x23 cm bronzed
another copy with imprint: New York, C. Holt, 1848
1322: The opera schottisch. (The Italian opera at Castle Garden) composed by H. Kleber. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 16x22.5 cm
1323: The Ravenswood waltzes in Lucia di Lammermoor. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony & Major (author)
lith in color; 25.5x21 cm
from dags by Gurney and Whitehurst
1324: Willie, or I'm dreaming pleasant dreams, Willie. Words by Mrs. Harriet Marion Ward, sung by Miss Jane A. Andrews. Composed by John C. Andrews. New York, Firth & Hall
Sarony & Major (author)
lith; 18.5x16.5 cm
1325: American comic melodies, as sung by Pete Morris. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 34x25.5 cm
dag by Gurney
1326: Dearest sister, think of me, ballad as sung by Master Wood of Wood's Minstrels. Words by Ella Gordon; music composed and arranged by Fredk. Widdows. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 19.5x16 cm tinted
music sheet
1327: The drama march, composed & respectfully dedicated to Edwin Forrest by Sep: Winner. Philadelphia, Winner & Kerk
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 22x17 cm (port of Forrest)
1328: Hinkley Galop by Helmsuller. New York, Firth, Son & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 22x20 cm
1329: Humorous songs, as sung by Master Alonzo of the Fremaine family. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 20.5x16.5 cm
1330: I am not the wild creature I seem, composed by Miss Julia Daly. Philadelphia, William H. Shuster
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
from a photo by Germon
[circa 1858]
1331: I have a heart, sung by Madlle. Frezzolini. Composed by Dr. Gustav Schilling. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith tinted; 17x12.5 cm
1332: Leon Schottisch, composed by F. Cardella and danced by Master Leon of George Christy's Minstrels. New York, Firth, Pond & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 20x16.5 cm
1333: Mary of Tipperary; the Irish milkmaid's song, as sung by Miss E. L. Williams (the Welch nightingale) written & composed by Samuel Lover. New York, William Hall & Son
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith in color; 21.5x15 cm
1334: Reminiscences of Leah, composed and arranged for the piano forte by Robert Stoepel... to Miss Bateman. New York, Wm. A. Pond
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 27.5x21.5 cm
two copies
1335: Row, fisherman, row; the song of the fisherman's wife as sung by Miss E. L. Williams (the Welch nightingale) written & composed by Samuel Lover. New York, William Hall & Son
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith in color; 2.5x15 cm
circa 1857
1336: Thalia waltz, composed for Mrs. John Wood by Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 23x19 cm
1337: "Tom, the blind negro boy pianist (only 10 years old)." New York, Horace Waters
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith bronzed; 25x18 cm
1338: Tom Tit, as sung by little Cordelia Howard. Words and music written ... by her father. New York, Horace Waters
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
tint lith; 20.5x11.5 cm
from ambrotype by Brady
1339: Songs and ballads as sung by Mrs. Charles Howard. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber
Schaerff & Bro. (author)
lith; 18.5x14.5 cm
dag by E. Long
[circa 1850]
1340: Dandy Jim, from Caroline, as celebrated Ethiopian song sung by the Virginia Minstrels, arranged by J. T. Norton. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 20x17 cm
M. Schmitz, artist; P. S. Duval, Lith.
1341: Madame Anna Bishop as Madame Carillon in La Sfogato. New York, A. Fiot
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 33x25.5 cm image
from a dag by McClees and Germon
1342: My good old darkey home. Words by T. Eckstein; music composed for and sung by Harry Lehr of Kunkel's Opera Troupe by John A. Janke. Philadelphia, Wm. F. Duffy
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 13x10.5 cm
T. Sinclair's Lith, Philadelphia
1343: Pick-pocket; quadrille des exercices de Mme. LeJars. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 5x14 cm image
M. Schmitz, artist port of Mme LeJars as equestrian performer P. S. Duval's Lith. Press
1344: Songs of the Moravian singers. Philadelphia, A. Fiot
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 15x16 cm
music sheet
1345: Topsy polka, composed by Wm. J. Kennedy and ... dedicated to Rose Merrifield by W. B. Harvey. Philadelphia, W. B. Harvey & Co.
Schmitz, M (author)
lith; 32.5x23 cm
port of Rose Merrifield as Topsy Chillas Lith., Philadelphia
1346: Wheatley polka, composed and dedicated to William Wheatley, lessee & manager of the Arch Street Theater by Charles R. Dodworth. Philadelphia, Beck & Lawton
Schnable & Finkeldey (author)
lith; 16x12.5 cm
two copies
1347: The Sea, a sea song as sung by Miss C. Cushman [n.p.]
lith; 27x19 cm
[circa 1835]
1348: Songs and glees of the Bakers of New Hampshire; music composed and arranged by John C. Baker. Boston, C. H. Keith's Music Pub. House
Sharp, Peirce & Co. (author)
lith; 11x19 cm
1349: Harmoneons, Carolina melodies, arranged for the piano forte. Boston, A. & J. P. Ordway
Sharp, William (author)
lith; 12x20 cm
music sheet - ports of James Power, M. S. Pike, L. V. N. Crosby, F. Lynch, Jno. Power in costume
1350: The Robert Briarly Schottisch, composed & respectfully dedicated to Frank E. Aiken in admiration of his masterly personation of that character in the Ticket of leave man at Col. Woods Museum by Geo. Stevens, leader of orchestra. Chicago, Root & Cady.
Shober, Charles (author)
lith; 14.5x12 cm
1351: Young Eph's Jubilee (answer to young Eph's lament); song and dance as performed by Thomas Gettings of Kelly & Leon's Minstrels. Words by J. B. Murphy, music composed by W. H. Brockway. Chicago, Root & Cady
Shober, Charles (author)
lith in color; 34x25.5 cm
1352: Sich a gitting up stairs, sung by Mr. Bob Farrel. The original Zip Coon. Baltimore, G. willing Jr.
Shober, Charles (author)
cover port of Bob Farrel (lith 14x19 cm)
1353: Come here to waltz as played at the Walnut Street Theater. To Madame Janauscheck. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair (Thos.) & Son (author)
lith; 27.5x22.5 cm
1354: Ristori Gallop. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair (Thos.) & Son (author)
lith bronzed; 29.5x23.5 cm
1355: Written for and sung by Little Nell., The California diamond, Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair (Thos.) & Son (author)
lith; 24x20 cm image
1356: The Annie Waltz by E. Mack. Philadelphia. Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 18.5x14 cm
circa 1855
1857: Bright be thy dreams, composed for and sung by Miss Ada Webb by H. P. Danks. Cleveland, O. B. Boise & Co.
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 26x20 cm
from photograph by W. C. North
1358: The Charlotte Thompson polka, composed. . . by W. P. Cunnington. Philadelphia, Marsh
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 20x15.5 cm
from a photograph by W. L. Germon
1359: Dog and cat, dialogue song for two voices, by Mrs. Howard Paul in the entertainment Patchwork written and arranged by Henry Walker. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith in color; 25x20.5 cm
1360: Gazzaniga polka Redowa, composed by Luciano Albites [for A. B. Durand] Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 27x20 cm
music sheet
1361: Hoppity Kickity -- High and Low; or, A regular cure, as sung by Frank Drew at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, and Arch Street Theatre. Philadelphia [n.p.]
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith in color; 19x15.5 cm
1362: The Kate Bateman Schottisch. Philadelphia, Lee and Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 18x13.5 cm
another copy in color
[circa 1870]
1363: Leon Polka, composed and . . . dedicated to Mr. John Dolman of Wheatley's Arch St. Theatre by Melville Malcom. Philadelphia, Duffy & Lawton
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 19.5x13.5 cm tinted
from a ambrotype by Charles M. Ising
1364: Lotta Gallop, by E. Mack. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 21.5x16.5 cm
1365: Only waiting, dedicated to Miss Caroline Richings by Geo. Kunkel of Richmond, Va. and sung that accomplished vocalist at her popular entertainments. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 33x24.5 cm
artist: H. W.
1366: Owen Fawcett's songs. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 16x13 cm
1367: Patrick Cazey; a comic duetto as sung... at the Philadelphia Museum by the Misses Shaw. Written by Mr. Shaw; arranged for the piano forte by T. Carr. Philadelphia, Osburn's Music Saloon
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 13x18 cm
1368: Peach Blossom Waltz, to Miss Effie E. Ellsler, by Edward Skillett, Jr. Cleveland, O., J. T. Wamelink
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 21.5x16.5 cm
1369: Pierre de Medicis, composed by Musard. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 22.5x18.5 cm
music sheet û port of Mdlle Julie Haage-Bey
1370: Pin money, sung by Mrs. Howard Paul in the character of Mrs. Consols, written and composed by Henry Walker. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith in color; 26.5x21 cm
1371: When you win a maiden's heart, sung by Miss Lizzie Willmore in the spectacle of The White Fawn at Niblos Garden, N. Y. Words by George Cooper; music by E. G. B. Holder. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Sinclair's (T) Lith (author)
lith; 19x17 cm
1372: Snyder & Black
lith; 15x21 cm image
1373: The songs and ballads sung by Miss Catharine Hayes. Boston, Oliver Ditson
lith; 15x14.5 cm
music sheet
1374: The Sontag polka, arranged by Chas. D'Albert. New York, Firth, Son & Co.
lith bronzed; 27x25.5 cm
1375: "Spoodayks, Whar did you cum from?, Knock a nigger down, the celebrated banjo song as sung with great applause at the Broadway Circus by Mr. J. W. Sweeny." New York, Firth & Hall
lith; 18x20 cm
music sheet
1376: Beautiful songs as sung by Miss Caroline Richings. Lousiville, Ky., D. P. Faulds & Co.
Stangel, W (author)
lith; 34x27 cm
1377: Shakespeare's festival quadrille, by W. H. Montgomery. London, Joseph Williams
Stannard & Dixon (author)
lith; 35x26 cm
port of Fechter as Hamlet drawn from life by R. J. Lane
1378: Carline by Walter Owen. Louisville, D. P. Faulds
Stark, Otto, 1859-1926 (author)
lith; 23x17 cm
Germon & Bro., Lith
1380: O! What shall I say, written by "Yuba Dam" for Miss Fannie Davenport; sung by her at the Louisville Theater. Music by Anthony Zoeller. Louisville, D. P. Faulds
Stark, Otto, 1859-1926 (author)
lith; 23x17 cm
drawn on stone by O. Stark; Germon Bro's., Lith
[circa 1875]
1381: Edwin Forrest funeral march, by E. Mack. Boston, White, Smith & Perry
Strauss, F. A. (author)
12.5x10 cm
"Richardson, Printer, Boston"
1382: The aesthetic young man, sung by F. Vokes in Too, too truly rural. Music by G. Operti. Cincinnati, Geo, D. Newhall
Strobridge & Co. (author)
lith; 18x22 cm
1383: Billy Emerson's songs and dances. Cincinnati, John Church
Strobridge & Co. (author)
lith; 33x27 cm
1384: Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines, as sung by Billy Emerson of Emerson, Allen & Manning's minstrels. Cincinnati, J. J. Dobmeyer & Co.
Strobridge & Co. (author)
lith; 45x24 cm
1385: Johnny Allen's songs and dances. Emerson, Allen & Manning's Minstrels. Cincinnati, John Church
Strobridge & Co. (author)
lith; 20.5x15.5 cm
1386: Songs of Joe K. Emmet, as sung in the popular drama of Fritz written by Chas. Gaylor. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber
Studley (R. P.) & Co. (author)
lith; 34x27.5 cm
from a photograph by J. A. Scholten
1387: The boys of Killkenny, sung by Mr. Power at the Park Theater. New York, J. L. Hewitt
Swett, Moses (author)
lith; 28.x20.5 cm
1388: T. G. Booth's celebrated comic songs arranged for the piano forte by the man about town. Boston, Oliver Ditson
lith; 19x20 cm
1389: San Francisco minstrels album of songs as sung at their Opera House. I left my love composed and sung by Wm. H. Hamilton. New York, Birch, Hamilton & Backus
Taylor & Meeker (author)
eng; 27x21.5 cm
U.S. Photo-Eng. Co., N. Y.
1390: The Dundreary polka, composed and inscribed to Mr. Sothern by Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 16x17 cm
1391: Harrigan & Hart's new song and chorus, The gallant sixty-ninth sung by Tony Hart and Cadet Corps. Words by Ed. Harrigan; music by Dave Braham. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 17x21 cm
music score 3 p., also detached cover
1392: Patrick's day parade; an original sketch and song by Ed Harrigan, Music by David Braham. Sung... by Harrigan & Hart. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 20.5x17 cm
1393: Songs and ballads as sung by Miss Eliza Weathrsby. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 16x12.5 cm
music sheet
1394: Songs of Le Grand, the popular character delineator and vocalist. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
1395: The songs of Little Jeannie Yeamans; words by Gordian K. Hyde, music by David Braham. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 10x9 cm image
1396: The two orphans waltz by Henry Tissington. New York, C. H. Ditson & co.
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 22.5x22 cm
illus. of Kate Blanchard and Kate Claxton
1397: The Wood Bird; song and chorus as sung by Miss Minnie Conway in Saratoga. Brooklyn, C. Bunce
Teller, Robert (author)
lith; 16x15 cm
1398: Carter's melodies, as sung by him and the Virginia Serenaders at their concerts throughout the United States. Boston, Keith's Music Publishing House
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 32x23 cm
1399: The celebrated Buckley family, or Congo Melodists' songs. Boston, Keith's Music Publishing House
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 30x23 cm
music sheet
1400: The celebrated melodies of the Rainer Family adapted for the piano forte. Boston, Parker & Ditson
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 13.5x18.5 cm
music sheet
1401: "The celebrated negro melodies as sung by the Virginia minstrels, adapted for the pianoforte by Thos. Comer." Boston, Geo. P. Reed
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 25x23 cm
illus. of: Dan Emmett, Frank Brower, Billy Whitlock, Dick Pelham
1402: Grand Mazurkas, composed for and dedicated to Madlle. Fanny Elssler, by Ch. Zeuner. First series. Philadelphia, John F. Nunns
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 34x23 cm
[circa 1845]
1403: Jenny Lind troupe; a collection of the most admired songs of Jenny Lind. Boston, Oliver Ditson
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 20x15 cm
port of Jenny Lind, Sig. Belletti, Sig. Benedict from a dag by Whipple
1404: Melodies of the Harmoneons. Boston, G. P. Reed
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 31x24 cm
music sheet - port of John Power, James Power, F. Lynch, F. A. Reynolds, W. H. Mower, T. B. Predergast
1405: The New Mazurka, danced at the Park Theatre, New York, by Madlle. Fanny Elssler and Madlle Des Jardaines. . .arranged by A. Fleche. New York, J. L. Hewitt
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 19x16 cm
1406: La Smolenska, as danced by Miss Mary Ann Lee. Boston, Wm. H. Oakes
Thayer & Co.'s Lithogy. (author)
lith; 32.5x25.5 cm
1407: Ole Tare River, as sung with tremendous applause at Harrington's new museum and at the principal theaters in the United States by J. W. Sweeny. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Thayer's (B. W.) Lith. (author)
lith; 15x19 cm image
music sheet
1408: Ole Virginy break down, sung by Mr. J. W. Sweeny. Boston, Henry Prentiss
Thayer's (B. W.) Lith. (author)
lith; 13.5x17.5 cm
music score (2 p.)
1409: G. L. Fox's Humpty Dumpty, Marten's cat duet. New York, H. A. Thomas
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 17.5x28 cm
after Sarony by H. A. Thomas
1410: The dandy colored waiters as sung by Birch and Backus San Francisco minstrels; words by Frank Dumont, music by W. S. Mullaly. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
music sheet ports of Birch, Johnson, Powers, French Thatcher, Backus, Dumont, Mullaly
1411: Flew-y flew-y; comic song and dance composed and sung by Wm. Courtright. New York, Wm. A. Pond
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 17x18 cm image
Thomas, artist
[circa 1875]
1412: Hogan and Hughes songs and dances, composed & arranged by E. N. Catlin, Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 26.5x22 cm
New England Lith. Co.
1413: I awsk you isn't it queer? as sung by S. W. Ashley as Green Jones in Ticket of leave man. Arranged by S. B. Villa. Albany, New York, J. H. Hidley
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 33.5x24.5 cm
Lith by Lewis & Coodwin
1414: Johnny, you're in luck, sung by Dan Bryant in Bryant's minstrels. New York J. H. Ross & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 16x12.5 cm
music sheet photo by Mora; H. A. Thomas, artist; Williams Lith
1415: Langtry Galop, as performed at Abbey's Park Theater. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 25x19 cm
1416: Laura Keene. New York
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith in color; 10.5x6.5 cm
1417: Our favorite, to Miss Annie Clarke... by J. S. Knight. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 23x17.5 cm
H. Thomas, artist Chas. H. Crosby & Co. Lith.
1418: Rose Michel waltzes, by Henry Tissington. New York, Edward Hopkins
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 16x12 cm
1419: The Shaughraun waltz by Thomas Baker. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Thomas, Henry Atwell, 1834-1904 (author)
lith; 14x10.5 cm
1420: To Miss Neilson. Boston, W. H. Gundy
lith; 24.5x20 cm
artist: L. A. B.
1421: You should see my Sarah, sung by the great Milburn. Philadelphia, J. L. Carncross & Co.
Traubel, M. H., 1820-1897 (author)
lith; 11x12 cm
1422: Trois airs de ballet arranges pour le piano par Ad. Le Carpentier. Mayence, B. Schott
lith; 30.5x21 cm
Three ports of Fanny Elssler
1423: Songs of the old homestead. Boston, Chas. D. Blake & Co.
Walker (Geo. H.) & Co. Lith (author)
lith; 36x27.5 cm
1424: That little knot of blue, composed by Frank Webb for and sung by Annie Pixley. Boston, S. W. Blair
Walker (Geo. H.) & Co. Lith (author)
lith; 23x17 cm
1425: The Captain Charlotte polka; Miss Annie Lonsdale in her... character of Captain Charlotte dedicated to W. B. Barclay by Thomas Baker. New York, Horace Waters
Waters, Horace (author)
lith in color; 21x16 cm
1426: We shall never see the like again, as sung by Mr. W. Chippindale with great applause at the Park Theatre in the character of Sir Mark Chase. Arranged for the piano-forte by Henry Timm. New York, Endicott
lith; 33.5x24.5 cm
[circa 1828]
1427: We'll go no more a roving; a ballad a sung... by Miss Emily Coad in the principal theatres of the United States and in San Francisco, California. Words by Lord Byron; the music composed by the late Alexander Lee. Boston, E. H. Wade
lith; 10x9 cm tinted
1428: Parthenia, dedicated to the great tragedienne, Mary Anderson. Fantaisie for the piano forte by G. B. Polleri. New York, Edward Schuberth & Co.
Welcke, Robert A. (author)
lith; 28x21 cm
1429: Katie Putnam-waltz, mazurka, polka, galop. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber
Welcker, F. (author)
lith; 35x27 cm
drawn by F. Welcker; A. Mclean, Lith.
1430: Songs of the Newcombs as sung by Newcombs Minstrels, composed by Bobby Newcomb. Sait Louis, Rich. J. Compton
Welcker, F. (author)
lith; 18.5x14 cm
A. Mclean, Lith.
1431: Wery ridiculous!; or, Fickle Miss Nicholas, a new comic song sung by Mr. Keeley at the Theater Royal, Covent Garden. Works by Mr. Beuler, Music by J. Blewitt Baltimore, n.p.
lith; 15x18 cm
1432: Uncle Sam, an American song, written and sung by Mr. Howard Paul in his comic & musical entertainment, Patch Work. n.p.
Whatley, H. (author)
lith; 29x22.5 cm
1433: When I'm walking down the street, serio-comic song ded. to the only Leon of Kelly & Leon's Minstrels. Written by Samuel N. Mitchell; music by Charles D. Blake. n.p., Cory Brothers
lith; 16x16.5 cm
1434: Whistling Yankee Doodle, composed by Harry Birch [and] sung by Hughey Dougherty. Boston, White, Smith & Perry
eng; 25x27 cm
inscription: Character played by me at Boston 1869 Morris Brothers Minstrels. Hughey Dougherty. Oct. 20th, 1902
1435: Lovely Nancy or the Bold Privateer as sung by Mrs. Barney Williams. Philadelphia, Winner & Shuster
Winner (author)
lith; 20.5x16 cm in color
Wagner & McGuigan Lith

3:  Playbills Return to Top

1436-1437: American Academy of Music, Philadelphia
2 items
Playbills, December 2, 1861 and August 26, 1863
1438-1453: Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia
16 items
Playbills, 1846-1863
1454-1457: Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia
13 items
Playbills, 1837-1895
1471-1473: National Theatre, Philadelphia
3 items
Playbills, 1857
1474-1491: Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia
18 items
Playbills, 1846-1862
1492-1501: Philadelphia Theatres
10 items
Playbills of the Garrick, the New Walnut Street, Wheatley's Continental, the Olympic, Philadelphia and Conner's Theatres, the Philadelphia Museum and Gilmore's Auditorium, 1830-190710 items
1502-1504: London Theatres
3 items
Playbills of the Covent Garden and Drury Lane Theatres, ca. 1886
1505-1512: New York Theatres
8 items
Playbills of the City Museum, the Gaieties Concert Room, the Fourteenth Street Theatre, Dowling Hall and Wall's Opera House, 1855-1871
1513-1518: Theatre Playbills
6 items
From Dixon's Opera House, Hamilton, Ohio; Mobile Theatre, Mobile, Alabama; Boston theatre; and an early unidentified theatre, 1822-1867

4:  Clippings Return to Top

Description Dates
1519: The evening programme.
18 items
Philadelphia Also 17 theatrical programs clipped from The Evening Programme, 1864-1873
September 18, 1867-March 7, 1877
1520: Does it pay to be famous? (D. D. Emmett) n.p., The Lamp
Hall, William D. (author)
1521: Harper's Weekly.
Hall, William D. (author)
2 items
New York port of J. W. Booth and account of assassination of Lincoln
April 29, May 6, 1865
1522: The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Hall, William D. (author)
Philadelphia port of J. W. Booth and account of assassination of Lincoln
April 17, 1865

5:  Manuscripts Return to Top

Description Dates
1523: Letter, to W. C. Baker Esq., a thank you note
Adams, Edwin, 1834-1877 (author)
April 16, 1865
1524: Letter, South Kensington, to Mr. Watterson, [Louisville, Ky.], regarding notices of her first performance November 27, 1875 to be used in her forthcoming biography
Anderson, Mary Antoinette, 1859-1940 (author)
1525: Letter, to Mr. Godwin
Anderson, Mary Antoinette, 1859-1940 (author)
re: theatre tickets, "Mary Stuart" and Mr. Booth
1526: Letter, Philadelphia, to Messrs. Simonds & Brown
Arthur, Julia, 1869-1950 (author)
re: future bookings
June 19, 1870
1527: Letter, Philadelphia, to Messrs. Simonds & Brown
Bangs, Francis C., 1837-1908 (author)
re: future bookings
June 19, 1870
1528-1530: Letters, Cincinnati, Detroit, and Memphis, to T. B. Pugh
Barrett, Lawrence, 1838-1891 (author)
[Enclosed in his Edwin Forrest, Butler 1827] re: schedules and performances
November 11, 1872-June 5, 1873
1532-1533: Letters, to Daniel Dougherty
Barrett, Lawrence, 1838-1891 (author)
re: book on Edwin Forrest, royalties, and Man o'Airline
February 13-July 20, 1880
1534: Letter, Cohasset, Mass. to Mr. Lancaster
Barrett, Lawrence, 1838-1891 (author)
re: play critique
June 1, 1885
1535: Letter, New York, to Mr. Lancaster, concerning rejection of a play
Barrett, Wilson (author)
December 11, 1899
1536: Letter, Baltimore, to Thomas McKeon
Bass, Charles, 1803-1863 (author)
re: theatre business
August 28, 1855
1537: The broker of Bogota
Bird, Robert Montgomery, 1806-1854 (author)
Title page of v. 1 inscribed: Poetry of E. Forest Esqr. Tipped in: letter from Charles R. Martin, October 24, 1913, donating volumes to Robert C. Butler with some history of the volumes
circa 1834
1538: Letter, New York to T. McKeon
Blake, William Rufus, 1805-1863 (author)
re: bookings
March 11, 1850
1539: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster, expressing antagonism to the one act play
Booth, Agnes, 1846-1910 (author)
1540: Letter, New York, to Henry Cleavland, a play critique
Booth, Edwin Thomas, 1833-1893 (author)
June 5, 1870
1541: Letter, to Alexander Drake, Cincinnati, Ohio
Booth, Junius Brutus, 1796-1852 (author)
re: bookings
May 20, 1828
1542: Letter, New York
Brown, Thomas Allston, 1836-1918 (author)
[Enclosed in his history of the American Stage, Butler 1842] re: collecting theatrical memorabilia
April 15, 1897
1543: Letter, Philadelphia, to W. H. Chippendale, Boston
Brown, William Evans, 1802-1860 (author)
re: theatre business
October 13, 1847
1544: Letter, Germantown, to R. C. Butler
Campbell, William J (author)
[Enclosed in his catalog of Franklin imprints, Butler 1948]
December 31, 1927
1545: Letter, Pontiac, Mich. To Robert C. Butler, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania
Carhart, James L (author)
re: collecting theatrical memorabilia
May 23, 1921
1546: Letter, London, to A. E. Lancaster
Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920 (author)
re: dramatic rights to "Light of Scartley."
April 21, 1900
1547: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster, a thank you note
Carter, Leslie, 1862-1937 (author)
October 11, 1899
1548-1550: Letters, Philadelphia, to Robert C. Butler
Clarke, Creston (author)
Check, August 4, 1892, to Winfred Clarke 1 item re: portrait of J. S. Clarke
1551: Letter, Buffalo, to T. McKeon
Couldock, Charles Walter, 1815-1899 (author)
re: bookings
August 12, 1855
1552: Letter, to S. Hollyer, a note of congratulations
Couldock, Charles Walter, 1815-1899 (author)
December 30, 1895
1553: Letter, Villa Boscobel, to Madame Rotta
Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876 (author)
re: doctors
March 10, 1871
1554: Letter, Philadelphia, to James A. Roberts, Boston
Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876 (author)
re: bookings
May 4, 1872
1555: Letter, New York, ordering books
Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899 (author)
December 14, 1892
1556: Letter, New York, to Mac [T. McKeon]
Debar, Ben, 1814-1877 (author)
re: theatrical business
July 21, 1953
1557: Letter, New York to Mr. Forney, a thank you note
Dickinson, Anna E (author)
November 16, 1880
1558: Letter, Toronto, to A. S. Graham
Drew, Frank N., 1831- (author)
re: McLees and Germon
November 13, 1897
1559: Letter, St. Louis, declines reading a play [of A. E. Lancaster?]
Drew, Louisa Lane, 1820-1897 (author)
January 8, 1891
1560: Letter, New York, offers 1796 Bible for sale
Eldridge, Louisa Harwood (author)
November 7, 1900
1561-1562: Letters, to Robert C. Butler
Erickson, C. I. (author)
[Enclosed in Stephen's Comic National History, Butler 1987] re: H. L. Stephen's The Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
April 23-25, 1901
1563: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster
Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 1865-1894 (author)
re: thank you note for sonnet
April 21, 1897
1564: Letter, Baltimore, to McKeon
Ford, John Thomson, 1829-1894 (author)
re: theatrical business
December 8, 1856
1565: Letter, Philadelphia, to George Wood
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
re: conditions for an engagement in St. Louis
October 2, 1857
1566: Inscription to Mrs. Margareta Garretson
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
The Sartain portrait of Forrest (Butler 845) was attached to this inscription
1567: Post Card, New York, to R. C. Butler, Philadelphia
Fridenberg, Robert (author)
re: portrait of Washington by J. Yeager which was purchased at Mitchell sale for $8
April 30, 1908
1568: Promptbook for his characters Bundle, in Waterman; Woodcock, in Love in a Village; Sir Thos. Roundhead in How to Grow Rich; and Sir Simon Rouchdale in John Bull
Francis, William, d. 1826 (author)
Given by Mrs. Francis to Charles Durang, who autographed cover
1569: Letter, New York, to Samuel Hollyer, thanking him for portrait
Gilbert, John Gibbs, 1810-1889 (author)
March 13, 1889
1570: Letter, Congress Hall, to Miss Ernestine Merrill, a thank-you note
Glaser, Lulu (author)
August 8, 1893
1571: Letter, New York to Mr. Butler, a description of the Hippodrome Theatre
Gottschalk, E (author)
October 10, 1908
1572: Letter, New York City, to A. E. Lancaster arranging a meeting
Hall, Abraham Oakey, 1826-1898 (author)
August 9, 1897
1573: Letter, Philadelphia, to Robert C. Butler, Philadelphia
Hall, George L (author)
Also envelope with 1 carved ivory finger bone re: George Christy's minstrel finger bones
December 24, 1910
1573a: Letter, Brooklyn, to Mr. Poirria, concerning publication of his Memorial of John Howard Payne
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
[Enclosed in his Memorial of John Howard Payne, Butler 1902]
May 8, 1875
1574-1578: Letters, Brooklyn, to Alexander S. Graham
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
[Two letters enclosed in his Edwin Forrest, Butler 1901] re: Forrest and other theatrical memorabilia
February 26-March 10, 1897
1579: Letter, London, to Mr. Lancaster declining production of his play
Hawthorne, Grace (author)
December 16, 1887
1580: Letter, Leadville, Colorado, to Alexander Graham
James, Louis (author)
re: a photograph
October 12, 1897
1581: Letter, Philadelphia, to Mr. Robbins
Janauscheck, Franziska Magdalena Romance, 1830-1904 (author)
re: portraits
October 17, 1896
1582: Letter, declining his invitation
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
to Isaac Fairman
1583: Letter, Boston, to Charles Fulton, letter of regret
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
March 25, 1895,
1584: Letter, West Palm Beach, Florida, to L. Clark Davies, Philadelphia
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
re: his painting
January 8, 1901
1585-1590: Letters, Germantown PA and Lenox, MA
Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893 (author)
re: theatrical business
circa 1868
1591: Letter, Philadelphia, to [W. C.?] Baker enclosing benefit tickets
Lennox, Walter S (author)
June 10, 1867
1592: Letter, New York, to Robert C. Butler, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Mahan, H. J. (author)
[Enclosed in Mahan's catalog #5, Butler, 1810] re: his sale catalog number five
October 5, 1928
1593: Letter, and Sue
Marlowe, Julia, 1866-1950 (author)
re: her scheduled appearances
undated, to Harry
1594: Letter, New York, to Robert C. Butler, Philadelphia
Matthews, James Brander, 1852-1929 (author)
[Enclosed in the Negro Minstrelsy compilation, Butler 1812] re: his essay "Banjo and bones."
April 30, 1902
1595: Letter, to W. C. Baker: "Dear Sir, I am, your obedient servant."
Mathews, Charles James, 1803-1878 (author)
November 7, 1857
1596: Letter, St. Louis, to Henry W. Cleveland
Mitchell, Margaret Julia, 1837-1918 (author)
re: declining request for a lengthy letter, perhaps a reminiscence
January 11, 1886
1597: Letter, Cleveland, Ohio, declines to read a one-act play [of A. E. Lancaster?]
Morris, Felix (author)
January 10, 1895
1598-1599: Letters, Cincinnati to "Ferdinand" [Abbey?]
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
1600: Letter, to Fairman Rogers accepting an invitation "to meet with the gentlemen of the Union Club."
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
December 24, 1883
1601: Letter, Riverdale-on-Hudson, to A. E. Lancaster
Morris, Clara, 1848-1925 (author)
re: use or purchase of "Conscience."
July 25, 1899
1602: Letter, New York City, to A. E. Lancaster, returning his scenario of Anna Karenina
Nethersole, Olga, 1870-1951 (author)
May 15, 1900
1603: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster, a thank-you note
Nieword, M. E. W. (author)
June 8, 1898
1604: Letter, Brooklyn, to Alex S. Graham
Nobles, Milton (author)
re: photos
October 29, 1897
1605: Letter, Baltimore, to [McKeon?]
Owens, John Edmond, 1823-1886 (author)
re: bookings
February 19, 1852
1606: Letter, Rottingdean, Sussex, to Mr. A. E. Lancaster
Pinero, Arthur Wing, 1855-1934 (author)
May 18, 1891
1607: Letter, to [McKeon?]
Placide, Thomas, d. 1877 (author)
re: contract negotiations
January 20, 1850
1608: Letter, New York, to A. S. Graham
Plympton, Eben (author)
re: request for photo of Romeo
October 14, 1898
1608a: Read, Harriet Denison Butler
Plympton, Eben (author)
Also clipping of T. B. Read's Men of the Tennessee Enclosed in v. 1 of T. B. Read's Poetical Works, Butler 1962
1609: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster
Reed, Roland (author)
re: reading a play manuscript
September 8, 1892
1610: Letter, Atlanta, Georgia, to A. E. Lancaster declining an unnamed play
Rhea, Hortense, 1844-1899 (author)
February 13, 1895
1611: Letter, New York, to R. C. Butler, Philadelphia
Rice, Edward Leroy, 1871- (author)
re: authorship of "Jim Along Josey" and request for information on other persons
May 16, 1909
1612: Letter, Philadelphia, to Cornelius & Baker, requesting the book Bosom Friends
Roberts, James B., 1818- (author)
April 19, 1867
1613: The golden days of Nance Oldfield
Robins, Edward, 1862-1943 (author)
"The original ms. of the Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield presented to Robert C. Butler, Esqr. by Edward Robins January 20, 1901."
circa 1897
1614-1616: Letters, Philadelphia, to Robert C. Butler, enclosing a draft of an article about Hughey Dougherty
Robins, Edward, 1862-1943 (author)
November-December, 1915
1617: Letter, Philadelphia, to Mr. Baker, a thank-you note for gift
Robson, Stuart, 1836-1903 (author)
April 8, 1865
1618: Letter, Highlands, New Jersey, to A. E. Lancaster, a thank-you note
Robson, Stuart, 1836-1903 (author)
September 1, 1900
1619: Letter, New York, to A. E. Lancaster, agreeing to read his play manuscript
Russell, Sol Smith, 1848-1902 (author)
October 30, 1893
1620: Letter, Milford, Mass., to A. E. Lancaster, returning scenario manuscript
Salvini, Alexander, 1861-1896 (author)
April 18, 1891
1621: Letter, New York, to "Friend McKeown" introducing Mr. Shirley
Scott, John R., 1808-1856 (author)
July 11, 1855
1622: Letter, to Mr. McKeon, National Theatre, Washington, seeking to engage Mr. Morton
Sefton, John, 1805-1868 (author)
March 18, 1854
1623: Letter, New York to Aunt Tillie, [Philadelphia?]
Seymour, May Davenport, 1884-1967 (author)
re: her first theatrical engagement
May 19, 1902
1624: Letter, to Miss Forney, a thank-you note
Sothern, Edward Askew, 1826-1881 (author)
1625: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster
Sothern, Edward Hugh, 1859-1933 (author)
re: plays
October 7, 1895
1626: Letter, London, to Mr. Lancaster, New York
Sothern, Samuel (author)
re: play manuscript
circa January, 1892
1627: Letter, New York to A. E. Lancaster, New York
Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932 (author)
re: musical arrangement for opera
August 30, 1895
1628: Letter, Washington, D. C. to Mr. Lancaster
Stoddart, Charles Warren (author)
re: his retirement
November 26, 1896
1629: Letter, York, to S. Hollyer
Stoddart, James Henry, 1827-1907 (author)
October 30, New
1630: Letter, to "My dear Henry,"
Taber, Robert (author)
re: theatrical news
September 8, 1898
1631: Letter, Boston, to Mrs. Stillwell, Philadelphia, a thank-you note
Tempest, Marie, 1866-1942 (author)
January 25, 1915
1632: Letter, to Mr. Graham
Thatcher, George, 1846- (author)
re: theatrical performances
July 28, 1899
1633: Letter, Philadelphia, to Mr. Lancaster
Thorne, Charles Robert, 1814 (author)
re: Lancaster's play "Fortune Love."
May 3, 1878
1634: Letter, A. E. Lancaster?]
Vokes, Rosina, 1858-1894 (author)
re: a reading of his play manuscripts
April 17, [to
1634a: Sheridan's Ride [a poem referring to T. B. Read's poem and painting of the same name]
W., C. P. (author)
Enclosed in Read's "A summer story", Butler 1963
March 16, 1878
1635: Letter, Stamford, Connecticut, to A. E. Lancaster
Wallack, John Lester, 1820-1888 (author)
re: his play "Lal."
August 5, 1887
1636: Letter, Brooklyn, to Mr. Lancaster
Walsh, Blanche, d. 1915 (author)
re: reception of "Romeo's First Love."
April 19, 1896
1637: Letter, Duluth, to Alex. S. Graham
Ward, Frederick, 1851-1935 (author)
re: photos as Hamlet
February 24, 1901
1638: Letter, to Mr. Leland
Ward, Genevieve (author)
re: sending two theater tickets
March 1, 1881
1639: Letter, Philadelphia, to Mr. E. W. Chase
Wemple, Sam W. (author)
re: stage drops for a new theatre in Reading
June 21, 1912
1640: Letter, to Mr. Lancaster
Wheeler, A. (author)
re: buying of a play
1641: Letter, Boston, to Alexander S. Graham, New Brunswick
Willard, Edward Smith, 1853-1915 (author)
re: requests for photographs
November 30, 1900
1642: Letter, to Mr. Forney
Williams, Barney, 1823-1876 (author)
re: theatre seats
1643: Letter, New York, to E. L. Merritt, responding to request for an autograph
Wilson, Francis, 1854-1935 (author)
September 18, 1889
1644: Letter, New York, to A. E. Lancaster acknowledging receipt of a commedia manuscript
Wyndham, Charles, 1837-1919 (author)
November 19, 1889
1645: Letter, Philadelphia to Mr. Lancaster
Young, John Russell, 1840-1899 (author)
re: pronunciation
August 25, 1886
1646: Miscellany
Autographs and miscellaneous manuscripts of Edwin Booth, Creston Clarke, Augustin Daly, John Drew, Della Fox, Mrs.G H. Gilbert, Edna Wallace-Hopper, Fanny Janauscheck, Maria Janssen, Lillie Langtry, Julia Marlowe, Modjeska, A. Salvini, Francis Wilson and others

6:  Programmes Return to Top

Description Dates
1647-1652: American Academy of Music, Philadelphia. Programmes
1653-1658: Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Programmes
1659-1682: Broad Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Programmes
1683-1695: Chesnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia. Programmes
1696-1708: Chesnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Programmes
1709: Chesnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. The Play-Bill, v. 2, n. 1 - v. 4, n. 32
1710-1747: Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Programmes
1748: Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. The Play
January 20, 1874
1749: Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. The Player
February 2, 1866-June 25, 1868
1750-1770: Philadelphia Theatres. Programmes of the 14th Street Theatre, the New Theatre (1810), Garrick Theatre, Park Theatre, McCaull's Opera House, Girard Avenue Theatre, the New Chestnut Street Theatre, the Eleventh Street Opera House (featuring Carncross & Dixey's Minstrels), and Morris' Brothers, Pell and Trowbridge's Minstrels
1771-1772: Chicago Theatres. Programmes of the Chicago Opera House and Crosby's Opera House
1773-1778: London Theatres. Programmes of the Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, Royal Lyceum, and Astley's Theatres
1779-1792: New York Theatres. Programmes of the Knickerbocker, Madison Square, and Fifth Avenue Theatres, and the Grand Opera House, the Metropolitan Opera House, The Players, and the Lambs Club
Young, John Russell, 1840-1899 (author)
1793-1798: Theatre Programmes from Albaugh's Holliday Street Theatre, Club Theatre, Wilmington Opera House, Burlew Opera House, Charleston, West Virginia, Olympic Theatre, St. Louis, and an unidentified theatre
Young, John Russell, 1840-1899 (author)

7:  Miscellaneous Papers Return to Top

Description Dates
1799: "Albert Newsam; the deaf and dumb artist." Philadelphia
Biography prepared by a relief committee
November 1862
1800: Old Philadelphia music, written for the City History Society of Philadelphia and read by her at the meeting of May 8, 1907. Philadelphia, City History Society
Campbell, Jane (author)
(Philadelphia History, v. 2 n. 8)
1801: Complimentary benefit ticket, Norma
Chesnut Street Theatre (author)
February 4, 1841
1802: Programme of Mademoselle Jenny Lind's concert. Philadelphia
Chesnut Street Theatre (author)
also biographies of Lind, Benedict, Belletti and Branum
1803: Jefferson and Rip Van Winkle. [Lippincott's Magazine] v. 24
Davis, L. Clarke (author)
Also extra-illustrated with ports, pictures and programs
July, 1879
1804: DeWolf Hopper and his company in a magnificent musical production entitled Mr. Pickwick based on Dicken's masterpiece. New York, The Metropolitan Printing Company
1805: Season prospectus. New York, Chasmar-Winchell Press
Daly's Theatre (author)
1806: v. 1, n. 5
Duse Art Review (author)
Philadelphia. The Duse Art Theatre 1 issue, illus.
October 1927
1807: Philadelphia v. 1, n. 16
The Figaro (author)
1 item
Contains programme for John S. Clarke in The Rivals at the Broad Street Theatre
January 15, 1878
1808: Shakespeare's gloves
Gutekunst, F. (author)
17x11 cm
1809: Testimonial to Mr. William Warren in observance of the fiftieth anniversary of his adoption of the stage. n.p.
Lowell (John A.) & Co. (author)
portrait by Fred P. Vinton, eng 10x9 cm
1810: Important and rare books, drama and the stage, offered for sale. New York
Mahan, H. J. (author)
Letter (Butler 1592) enclosed
1811: Memorabilia
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
6 items
1812: "Negro minstrelsy, a collection of magazine and newspaper clippings"
Contains: Olive Logan, "The ancestry of Brodder Bones"; Robert P. Nevin "Stephen C. Foster and negro minstrelsy"; Lawrence Hutton, "The Negro on the Stage;" Ralph Keeler, "Three years as a Negro minstrel;" Brander Mathews, "Banjo and bones;" Charles Reginald Sherlock, "from breakdown to rag-time." Letter, Butler 1812, enclosed
circa 1905
1813: Obituary. Mary Taylor Ewen.
1814: The works of Washington Irving, Joseph Jefferson Edition, prospectus. New York
Putman's (G. P.) Sons (author)
1815: New York theatres
St, John, Molyneux (author)
1816: V. 1, nos. 3 and 28; January 31, March 1, 1866. Philadelphia
The Stage (author)
1817: November 24, 29, December 4, 1833. [Baltimore]
Theatrical observer (author)
"Printed by J. W. J. Niles, at No. 110 Baltimore Street."
1818: Ticket and program, Edwin Booth memorial performance, Madison Square Garden concert Hall
Entries for the items. numbered 1819 to 2018 are listed by the main entry, which can take the form of the primary (publication) author, or by publication title. Main entries for authors are in bold italics; main entries for titles are in italics. Some entries feature a numbering notation that includes both an item number and a parenthetical number. The first number is the item number for the main entry. The parenthetical number is keyed to page numbers in the item number, and includes a separate bibliographic description of specific contents found in the main entry. These entries are in plain text (i.e., not in italics or bold italics), are indented, and refer to illustrations following the page numbers in the main entry.

8:  Books Return to Top

Description Dates
1819: An account of the life of that celebrated actress, Mrs. Susannah Maria Cibber with interesting and amusing anecdotes. Also the two remarkable and romantic trials between Theophilus Cibber and William Sloper. London, Reader
"The trails of two causes between Theophilus Cibber and William Sloper" has special t.p., dated 1740 Bookplate of Adrian Hoffman Joline PN 2598 C4 A4
1820: The actor; or; a peep behind the curtain. Being passages in the lives of Booth and some of his contemporaries. New York, Wm. H. Graham
PN 2287 B6 A3
1821: Life of Edwin Forrest, the American tragedian. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott
Agler, William Rounseville, 1822-1905 (author)
Paged continuously "Only 100 copies printed. No. 47." PN 2287 F6 A5
1822: A few memories, by Mary Anderson (Mme. de Navarro) with portraits. New York, Harper & Brothers
Anderson, Mary Antoinnette, 1859-1940 (author)
Uncut and unbound PN 2287 A6 A3 1896
1823: An answer to the memoirs of Mrs. Billington. With the life adventures of Richard Daly, Esq. and an account of the present state of the Irish theatre written by a gentleman, well aquatinted with several curious anecdotes of all parties. London, Printed for the author
Anderson, Mary Antoinnette, 1859-1940 (author)
Bound with Billington, Elizabeth. Memoirs of Mrs. Billington. London, 1792 ML 420 B5 M4
1824: Authentic memoirs of the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Coutts. Communicated by a person of the first respectability. 4th ed. London, J. Fairburn
Anderson, Mary Antoinnette, 1859-1940 (author)
PN 2598 M5 A8
1825: An authentic narrative of Mr. Kemble's retirement from the stage; including farewell address, criticisms, poems, & c. selected from various publications; with an account of the dinner given at the Freemason's Tavern, June 27, 1817; an alphabetical list of the company present; speeches of Lord Holland, biographical and critical. London, John Miller
Anderson, Mary Antoinnette, 1859-1940 (author)
PN 2598 K5 A3
1826: The life and remarkable career of Adah Menken, the celebrated actress. An account of her career as a danseuse, an actress, an authoress, a poetess, a sculptor, an editress, as Captain of the "Dayton Light Guard," as the wife of the pugilist John C Heenan, and of "Orpheus Kerr." Edited by G. Lippard Barclay, comedian. Philadelphia, Barclay & Co.
Barclay, George Lippard (author)
pp. 25-26 omitted in pagination "Celebrated actors and actresses, biographical sketches": pp. 55-63 PN 2287 M6 B3
circa 1868
1827: Edwin Forrest. Boston, James R. Osgood & Company
Barrett, Lawrence, 1838-1891 (author)
"One hundred copies printed. No. 13." Letters, Butler 1528-1530, enclosed PN 2287 F6 B3
1828: "Vis Comica;" an essay from "Belgravia," a London magazine conducted by M.E. Braddon. [London, Last. 189-?]
Braddon, M.E., 1837-1915 (author)
1829: Retrospections of the stage
Bernard, John, 1756-1828 (author)
Edited by W. Baile (afterward Bayle) Bernard PN 2593 B4 1830
1830: The history of the English stage, from the restauration to the present time, including the lives, characters and amours, of the most eminent actors and actresses. With instructions for public speaking; wherein the action and utterance of the bar, stage, and pulpit are distinctly considered by Mr. Thomas Betterton. Adorned with cuts. London, Printed for E. Curll
Betterton, Thomas, 1635?-1710 (author)
Authorship usually ascribed to William Oldys; also ascribed to the publisher, Edmund Curll. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog. With this is bound: [Oldys, William] Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. London, 1741 Interleaved bookplate: John Bouve Clapp, Boston, (November 1909) PN 2581 O4 1741
1831: An answer to the memoirs of Mrs. Billington with the life and adventures of Richard Daly and an account of the present state of the Irish theatre written by a gentleman, well acquainted with several curious anecdotes of all parties. London, printed for the author
Billington, Elizabeth Weichsel, 1768-1818 (author)
Bound with An answer to the memoirs of Mrs. Billington London, 1792 Autograph of W. E. Burton pasted on end paper; flyleaf note: "From the library of Wm. E. Burton." ML 420 B5 M4
1832: The Biographical magazine, containing portraits & characters of eminent and ingenious persons, of every age & nation. London, Printed for Harrison & Co.
CT 100 B46
1833: The Biographical magazine: containing portraits of eminent and ingenious persons of every age and nation, with their lives and characters. London, Printed for Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange; and Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, Paternoster Row
Flyleaf inscription: "Emma Chamberlayne's Book given her by Mrs. Richard Maynsford in Remembrance of Mrs. Croasdaile. 1848." CT 100 B5
1834: The biographical mirrour, or connoiseur's repertory; of ancient and modern English portraits, of eminent and distinguished persons; of every discription; to be faithfully and elegantly engraved, from original pictures which have hitherto not been engraved, or so imperfectly copied, as not to exhibit a true and correct resemblance of the originals. London, E. and S. Harding
v. 1 has added engraved t.p. v. 2 and 3 have variant sub-titles and imprints "Dorthea Lawlor" written on t.p. of v. 1 and 2 CT 102 B56
1835: An historical account of the Providence stage; being a paper read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, October 25th, 1860. (with additions.) Providence, R. I., George H. Whitney
Blake, Charles (author)
"Two hundred copies." Bookplates: Frederick W. French, Clarence S. Bement PN 2277 P6 B5
1836: Theodore Bliss, publisher and bookseller; a study of character and life in the middle period of the XIX century; edited and arranged for publication, from dictation, notes, and remembered conversations, by Arthur Ames Bliss. Printed for private circulation. [Norwalk, O., American Publishers Co.] 1911
Bliss, Theodore, 1822-1910 (author)
F8 B65
[circa 1912]
1837: The life of Mrs. Jordan; including original private correspondence, and numerous anecdotes of her contemporaries. London, Edward Bull
Boaden, James, 1762-1839 (author)
PN 2598 J6 B6
1838: Memoirs of the life of John Philip Kemble, Esq., including a history of the stage from the time of Garrick to the present period. Philadelphia, Robert H. Small
Boaden, James, 1762-1839 (author)
PN 2598 K5 B6 1825a
1839: Edwin Booth; recollections by his daughter Edwina Booth Grossman and letters to her and to his friends. New York, The Century Co.
Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893 (author)
Booth's letters: pp. [29]-284 "The Century Co. certifies that this is one of an edition of fifty copies, printed on Whatman paper at the De Vinne Press in the year 1894. This is no. 29." PN 2287 B5 G7
1840: Histrionic topography: or, the birth-places, residences, and funeral monuments of the most distinguished actors. Illustrated by engravings, executed by Messrs. J. & H. Storer, and by historical and descriptive notices, written by Mr. J. Norris Brewer. London, J. Cole
Brewer, James Norris, fl. 1799-1829 (author)
Added t.p. engraved Cover inscription: Copy read by Macready Letter tipped-in: W. C. Macready, letter, September 27, n.y., to John Cole, indicating his decline in interest in the subject of "the accompanying volume." Bookplate: John Bouve Clapp PN 2205 B5
1841: Life stories, and poems of John Brougham. Comprising : I. His autobiography--a fragment, II. A supplementary memoir, III. Sketch of his club life, IV. Selections from his miscellaneous writings. Edited by William Winter. Boston, James R. Osgood and Company
Brougham, John, 1810-1880 (author)
Contents: Autobiography of John Brougham; a fragment.-Supplementary memoir; by the editor. ûBrougham in his club life; by Noah Brooks. ûBrougham's selected writings. ûPoems PS 1124 B6 Z5 1881
1842: History of the American stage. Containing biographical sketches of nearly every member of the profession that has appeared on the American stage, from 1733-1870. By T. Allston Brown. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald
Brown, Thomas Allston, 1836-1918 (author)
Letter, Butler 1542, enclosed PN 2285 B75
1843: Some players; personal sketches. By Amy Leslie. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & Company
Buck, Lillie West Brown, b. 1860 (author)
"This edition consists of seventy-five copies on imperial Japanese vellum numbered from 1 to 75, and one hundred copies on plate paper numbered from 76 to 175. This copy is no. 140." PN 2205 B78
1844: Bibliotheca dramatica. Catalogue of the theatrical and miscellaneous library of the late William E. Burton, the distinguished comedian, comprising an immense assemblage of books relating to the stage... To be sold at auction by J. Sabin & Co... October 8, 1860, and following days. [New York, J. Sabin & Co.]
Burton, William Evans, 1802-1860 (author)
Issued in two parts; second part (p. [335-463]) has special t.p.: Shakspeariana Burtonensis; being a catalogue of the extensive collection of Shakspeariana of the late W. E. Burton, Esq. New York, Joseph Sabin & Co., 1860 6, 154 entries, classed Z 2014 D7 B9
1845: The yankee among the mermaids, and other waggeries and vagaries. By William E. Burton. With eight original illustrations by Darley. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Burton, William Evans, 1802-1860 (author)
Added t.p., illus. Original papers cover bound in PR 4349 B528 Y3 1843
circa 1843
1847: Life of Mrs. Siddons. New York, Harper & Brothers
Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844 (author)
At end: "Valuable works published by J. & J. Harper," 6 p. PN 2598 S5 C3 1834
1848: The collection of Franklin Imprints in the Museum of the Curtis Publishing Company; with a short-title check list of all the books, pamphlets, broadsides, & c., known to have been printed by Benjamin Franklin, compiled by William J. Campbell. Philadelphia, The Curtis Publishing Company
Campbell, William James, b. 1850 (author)
"of this catalogue four hundred and seventy-five copies have been printed. This copy is no. 81." Presentation inscription, Campbell to R. C. Butler, on flyleaf In 1920, the collection of Franklin imprints was presented to the University of Pennsylvania by the Curtis Publishing Company Tipped in: Portrait of Franklin by J. D. Gross. eng 12x10 cm with facs. signature Letter, Butler 1544, enclosed Z 232 F8 C9
1849: Carncross & Dixey's minstrel melodies, a collection of popular songs, comic and sentimental, as sung by them at their opera house in Philadelphia, and in their travels through the United States and British Provinces. Philadelphia, Simpson & Co., 1865
Paper cover, illus.; cover title: Carncross & Dixey's melodies M 1365 C32
[circa 1864]
1850: Carncross & Sharpley's minstrel, containing a selection of songs, duets, trios and quartettes, as sung by this popular band of minstrels, with great success. Philadelphia, Robert F. Simpson
"The illustrations of this book are engraved on wood, by Noble & Nagle, from photographs taken by Dinmore & Co." p. 68 Paper covers, illus.; cover title and imprint: Carncross and Sharpley's minstrel melodies. Philadelphia, E. Price M 1365 C31
1851: A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, esq. Written by herself. London, Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot
Charke, Charlotte Cibber, 1713-1759? (author)
PN 2598 C28 A3 1829
1852: Christy's plantation melodies. Published under the authority of E. P. Christy. Philadelphia, Fisher & Brother
Christy, Edwin Pearce, 1815-1862 (author)
PS 593 L9 C567 1855
circa 1831
1853: An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber, comedian and patentee of the Theatre Royal, written by himself; and interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries; the whole forming a complete history of the stage for the space of forty years. A new edition, with many critical and explanatory notices, by Edmund Bellchambers. London, W. Simpkin and R. Marshall
Cibber, Colley, 1671-1757 (author)
Autograph of W. E. Burton on front end leaf Flyleaf note: E. S. Whelan, jr., purchased at the sale of Wm. E. Burton's library at New York, Nov. 1, 1860. 2999 No. 2999 in the catalog of the Burton sale PR 3347 A8 1822
1854: An apology for the life of Mr. Colley Cibber, comedian. Written by himself. London, Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot
Cibber, Colley, 1671-1757 (author)
PR 3347 A8 1830
1855: A record of the Boston stage. By William W. Clapp. Boston and Cambridge, James Munroe and Company
Clapp, William Warland, 1826-1891 (author)
Bookplate of J. Hill Martin PN 227 B6 C5
1856: Booth memorials. Passages, incidents, and anecdotes in the life of Junius Brutus Booth, (the elder.) By his daughter. New York, Carleton
Clarke, Asia Booth, 1838-1888 (author)
At end: A catalogue of books issued by Carleton, Publisher, New York. 1866., 8 p. PN 2287 B6 C6
1857: The elder and the younger Booth. Boston, James R. Osgood and Company
Clarke, Asia Booth, 1838-1888 (author)
"One hundred copies printed. No. 38." PN 2287 B6 C7
1858: A concise history of the life and amours of Thomas S. Hamblin, late manager of the Bowery Theatre. As communicated by his legal wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamblin, to Mrs. M. Clarke. Philadelphia
Clarke, Mary Cowden, 1809-1898 (author)
PN 2287 C44
1859: The rival princes; or, a faithful narrative of facts, relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's political acquaintances with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, & c. & c. & c. who were concerned in the charges against the Duke of York; together with a variety of authentic and important letters, and curious and interesting anecdotes of several persons of political notoriety. By Mary Ann Clarke. Two volumes in one. New York, Published by David Longworth, at the Shakespeare Gallery, September 1810
Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson, 1776-1852 (author)
DA 506 A72 A4
1860: Peter Conklin's song and joke book together with a sketch of his life and travels. [Philadelphia, Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son]
Conklin, Peter, b. 1842 (author)
Caption title; illustrated paper cover M 1628 C65x
1861: Edwin Booth. Boston, Small, Maynard & Company
Copeland, Charles Townsend, b. 1860 (author)
Added series t.p., engraved Bibliography: p. [157]-159 PN 2287 B5 C6
1862: Thirty years passed among the players in England and America: interspersed with anecdotes and reminiscences of variety of persons, directly or indirectly connected with the drama during the theatrical life of Joe Cowell, comedian
Cowell, Joseph Leathley, 1792-1863 (author)
Written by himself. In two parts. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1844 2 pts. 103 p. Contents: Pt. I. England - Pt. II. America PN 2598 C8 A3
1863: The life of Laura Keene. Actress, artist, manager and scholar. Together with some interesting reminiscences of her daughters. Philadelphia, The Rodgers Publishing Company
Creahan, John (author)
Attached to front flyleaf: John Creahan, April 1901, Continental Hotel, to [R. C.] Butler, enclosing "with my compliments" a copy of his life of Keene. 1 l. holograph signed PN 2287 K5 C7
1864: The cabinet gallery of pictures by the first masters of the English and foreign schools, in seventy-three line engravings; with biographical and critical dissertations by Allan Cunningham. In two volumes. London, George and William Nicol and Hodgson and Graves
Cunningham, Allan, 1784-1842 (author)
ND 1170 C8
1865: The story of Nell Gwyn: and the sayings of Charles the Second. Related and collected by Peter Cunningham. London, Bradbury & Evans
Cunningham, Peter, 1816-1869 (author)
"The following story was originally published in "The Gentleman's Magazine," for the year 1851, and now appears as a separate publication for the first time: corrected throughout and enlarged. . ." "Advertisement," p. [vii] Bound by Burn, Kirby St. Clippings attached to end leaf and half-title DA 447 G9 C9 1852
1866: The story of Nell Gwyn and the sayings of Charles the Second related and collected by Peter Cunningham. To which is added Mrs. Jameson's memoir of Nell Gwyn from the "Beauties of the court of Charles II." New York, J. F. Sabin, Publishing Agent
Cunningham, Peter, 1816-1869 (author)
Disbound and extra-illustrated Edition, 500 copies 8 vo, and 56 copies on Larger Paper, 6 of which are on Whatman's Drawing Paper. [This issue on large paper] DA 447 G9 C9 1887
1866(I): Nell Gwynn. London, Published for the Rev. T. F. Dibdin
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
17x13 cm
from a painting by Sir P. Lely, drawn by T. Uwins Butler 864
1866(1): Reverendissiums in Christo Pater D. D. Thomas Tension Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis
22x15 cm
1866(2): Nell Gwynn. [London] D. R. Murphy
Wright, Thomas 1792-1849 (author)
16x12.5 cm
painted by Sir Peter Lely Butler 997
1866(4): Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst. [London] J. Scott
12.5x10.5 cm
1866(6): Charles I. London, T. Cadell
Sharp, William, 1749-1824 (author)
17.5x11 cm
1866(7): The Dukes Theatre in Lincoln Inn Fields. as it appeared in the reign of King Charles II. London, Wm. Herbert & Robt. Wilkinson
20.5x15.5 cm
1866(7): Inside of the Dukes Theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields. As it appeared in the reign of King Charles II. London, Wm. Herbert & Robert. Wilkinson
Sawyer, Richard (author)
20x15 cm
1866(7): Micheal Mohun. [London] E. & S. Harding
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
12.5x10 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(8): Mrs. Hughes, from a picture by Sir Peter Lely
Bocquet (author)
11.5x9 cm
1866(9): Cave Underhill
Parkes, R. B. (author)
11.5x8 cm
1866(10): Prince Rupert. [London] John White & John Scott
Knight, Charles (author)
12.5x10 cm
from a miniature by Cooper
1866(10): Joseph Harris. As Cardinal Wolsey. From a picture at Strawberry Hill
7x8.5 cm
Engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
1866(10): Thomas Killigrew
Van Den Bergh, H (author)
13x10.5 cm
1866(12): Aphra Behn, from a picture by Mary Beale. London, W. Walker
Fittler, James, 1758-1835 (author)
20.5x14 cm
T. Uwins, artist
1866(14): Nell Gwyn. [London, E. & S. Harding]
Scheneker (author)
12.5x10.5 cm
S. Harding, artist, from an original painting by Lely Butler 874
1866(16): Barbara Dutchess of Cleveland. Obit 1709. London, S. Woodburn
Dunkarton, Robert, 1744-ca. 1795 (author)
11x9 cm
1866(18): Earl of Feversham
Burrell (author)
12.5x10 cm
Harding, artist; from a print by Beckett
1866(20): Sam. Pepys car et lac Angl. Regio. a secretis admiraliae
W., R. (author)
13x9 cm
from v. 1 p. xv (leaf b4) of a life of Pepys
1866(20): Elizabeth Pepys. London, Henry Colburn
Thomson, T (author)
13x9.5 cm
Hailes, artist [i.e. John Hales]
1866(22): Sr. John Vanbrugh
Chambars, T (author)
15x12 cm
Kneller, artist at head: p. 394
1866(22): George Farquhar
Clamp, R (author)
8.5x7 cm
1866(24): Nell at her lodgings door in Drury Lane. The Maypole in the Strand restored
10x7.5 cm
1866(27): John Phillip Kemble. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green
Turner, Charles, 1773-1857 (author)
13x10.5 cm
painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence Butler 938
1866(27): Mrs. Siddons. London, Henry Colburn
Turner, Charles, 1773-1857 (author)
13.5x11 cm
painted by Sir Thos. Lawrence Butler 940
1866(27): Arthur Murphy Esqr. Aetatis 50.
Conde, P (author)
14x10 cm
painted by Dance
1866(28): [No title]
Mrs. Barry (author)
15x10 cm
1866(28): Anne Oldfield
Parkes, R. B. (author)
11x8 cm
1866(28): Mrs. Oldfield in the character of Rosamond. [London] J. Harrison
11x7.5 cm
1866(28): Miss Fenton. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook, Thomas, 1744-1818 (author)
12x11 cm
Hogarth, artist Butler 159
1866(31): Mrs. Ellen Gwynn. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Cook, R. H. (author)
14x9 cm
P. Lely, artist
1866(32): David Garrick. London
Warren, Charles, 1767-1823 (author)
7x5 cm
Robt. Edge Pine, artist
1866(34): Covent Garden in the reign of Charles the Second
7x9.5 cm
1866(37): Sir William Davenport London, W. Walker
Worthington, William Henry, b. ca. 1795 (author)
10x8 cm
drawn by J. Thurston
1866(39): Mrs. Jordan, as Nell
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
12x8.5 cm
Steeden, artist
1866(40): Mrs. Davis
Bocquet (author)
11.5x9 cm
1866(43): Mrs. Robinson, the celebrated Perdita. London, Kelly
Adlard, H (author)
10.5x15 cm
Stroehling, artist Butler 3
1866(43): Mrs. Mary Ann Clark. New York
Leney, William S (author)
10x6 cm
1866(44): Florizel [George IV] and Perdita [Mrs. Robinson, actress]
Colls, Walter L (author)
8.5x13.5 cm
1866(47): [No title]
George IV, King of Great Britain (author)
12.5x8 cm
1866(48): Charles II. King of England. & c. London, Engraved for Harrison's edition of Rapin
Taylor, I., Jr. (author)
19x16 cm
1866(50): Henry Duke of Grafton. Natural son of Chas. II by the Dutchess of Cleveland. Obit 1690
Dunkarton, Robert, 1744-ca. 1795 (author)
12.5x9.5 cm
1866(53): Duke of Buckingham
Van Den Burgh, H (author)
12.5x10 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(55): Thomas Otway. [London] Printed for J. Hinton
15.5x9 cm
engraved for the Universal Magazine
1866(57): [No title]
Nell Gwyns looking glass (author)
13x8 cm
AB, artist
1866(58): Nell Gwyn. [London] C. Klackner
Henderson, Will (author)
20x15 cm
1866(60): Anthony Leigh
Parkes, R. B. (author)
11x8 cm
1866(61): Residence of Nell Gwyn, Bagnigge Well
10x15.5 cm
from a drawing by J. T. Smith
1866(63): Charles the Second. [London] John White & John Scott
Bocquet (author)
12x9.5 cm
1866(64): John Earl of Rochester. [London] John White & John Scott
Bocquet (author)
11.5x9 cm
from a picture by Sr. Peter Lely
1866(65): William Penn. [Philadelphia, Rees Encyclopedia]
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
12.5x11 cm
from a drawing by Mr. Edwin Stauffer 2067
1866(67): Sr. Christopher Wren [&] Hugh Howard, esqr.
Bannerman, Alexander, b. ca. 1730 (author)
19x13.5 cm
G. Kneller, artist
1866(68): [No title]
Madam Gwin (author)
23.5x17.5 cm
P. Lely, artist
1866(70): Thomas Betterton
Wooding, T (author)
11.5x10 cm
Godfrey Kneller, artist
1866(71): Mr. Colley Cibber. [London] W. Simpkin & R. Marshall
Cook, H. R. (author)
12.5x10 cm
J. B. Vanloo, artist, 1740
1866(72): Lord Russell
Birrell, A (author)
11x8.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(74): Nell Gwyn as Cupid
10x8.5 cm
1866(76): Eleanor Gwyn. [London] John Bell
Thomson, James, 1789-1850 (author)
8.5x7 cm
inscription on verso: R.G. Brown
1866(78): Louis XIV. from a beautiful print by Nanteuil. [London] John White & John Scott
Parker (author)
13.5x10.5 cm
1866(80): [No title]
Kynaston (author)
11x8.5 cm
1866(81): "A familiar discourse between the King and Mrs. Nelly"
G., M. R. (author)
10x7.5 cm
1866(82): Charles and James Beauclaire, sons of Nell Gwyn, by Charles II. From a very rare contemporary print by Robert White
15x11.5 cm
1866(84): Duchess of Portsmouth. London, J. Carpenter and W. Miller
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
8x7 cm
Cooper, artist
1866(86): Charles Sackville Earl of Dorset & c., from a picture by Kneller
Clamp, R (author)
12.5x10.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(88): Miss Stewart, Duchess of Richmond
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
11x9 cm
from the original picture by Sr. Pr. Lely
1866(89): Dutchess of Buckingham
Claessen, L. L. (author)
10x8.5 cm
S. Harding, artist from an original picture by Cooper
1866(90): Duchess of Cleveland. [London] John White & John Scott
Bocquet, E (author)
12x9.5 cm
from an original picture by Sr. P. Lely
1866(90): George Fitzroy Duke of Northumberland, natural son of Chas. II by the Dutchess of Cleveland
Dunkarton, Robert, 1744-ca. 1795 (author)
13x9 cm
1866(90): Charles Lenox, Duke of Richmond, natural son of Chas. II by the Dutchess of Portsmouth. Obit 1723
Dunkarton, Robert, 1744-ca. 1795 (author)
12.5x9.5 cm
1866(91): The first Dutchess of Cleveland and her son, receiving their Patent from King Charles the Second
Grignion, Charles, 1716-1810 (author)
8x11 cm
S. Whale, artist
1866(92): Nell Gwyn
Art Repro. Co (author)
15x11.5 cm
1866(94): Miss Lucy Waters, from an original drawing in the possession of the Right Honorable the Earl of Bute. [London] E & S Harding
Van Den Bergh, H. (author)
13.5x11 cm
S. Harding, artist Butler 948
1866(95): Hortence Mancini, Duchesse de Mazarin, nee a Rome, a Chelsey en Angleterre le 2 Juillet 1699. [Paris]
15.5x11 cm
Leris, artist
1866(96): Jacob Hall, the rope dancer. [London] John White & John Scott
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
13x10 cm
1866(98): Lady Robarts
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1725-1813 (author)
12x10 cm
from an original by Sr. P. Lely
1866(99): Nell Gwyn. London, W. Miller & J. Carpenter
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
8x6.5 cm
Sr. P. Lely, artist
1866(100): Eleanor Gwynn. [London] George Smeeton
8x7 cm
1866(102): Mr. John Lacey, as Teague, Scruple & Galliard
10x10.5 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
1866(103): James, Lord Beauclerk
Gascar, Henry (author)
10.5x9.5 cm
1866(104): Thomas Ken. London, W. Pickering
Humphreys, William, 1784-1865 (author)
9x7 cm
from a contemporary print by Loggan facsimile signature and inscription
1866(106): Earl of Chesterfield. [London] John White & John Scott
Bocquet, E (author)
8x7 cm
1866(108): Eleanor Gwynne, from a painting by Sir Peter Lely
7.5x7 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine Butler 546
1866(111): Tillotson Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Cornish & Co.
Goldar, John, 1729-1795 (author)
19x16 cm
G. Kreller, artist
1866(112): Nell Gwyn
B., P. V. (author)
10x8 cm
P. Lely, artist
1866(114): Sir Stephen Fox, from a scarce print
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
12.5x10 cm
Harding, artist
1866(116): Old Church of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, in which Nelly was buried
1866(118): Nell Gwyn
Tompson, Richard, d. 1693 (author)
9.5x8 cm
P. Lely, artist
1866(120): Madame Ellen Groinn and her troo sons, Charles Earl of Beaufort and James Lord Beauclaire
Gascar, Henry (author)
two copies
1866(122): [No title]
Nell Gwynn (author)
10x6.5 cm
1866(124): [No title]
Nell Gwynn (author)
15.5x12 cm
1866(125): Philbert Comte de Grammont, from a picture in the possession of the Earl of Oxford at Strawberry Hill. [London] John White & John Scott
11.5x9.5 cm
1866(126): Miss Brook, Lady Denham, from an original painting in the possession of Sr. Brook Boothby Bart. the present representative of the Brook family
Brocquet (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
1866(127): Sr. John Denham, from the original in the Colln. of the Earl of Chesterfield. [London] John White & John Scott
Le Goux (author)
12x9 cm
1866(129): Miss Temple, from an unfinished miniature
Bocquet (author)
8.5x7 cm
1866(130): Aubrey de Vere, XX & Last Earl of Oxford
Scheneker (author)
12.5x10.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(132): Miss Price, from a picture by Sir Peter Lely
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1725-1813 (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
1866(134): Dutchess of York, from the original picture by Sir Peter Lely. [London] E & S Harding
Claessen, L. L. (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(136): Miss Hamilton. London, W. Miller and J. Carpenter
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
8.5x7 cm
Sr. P. Lely, artist
1866(138): Sir Charles Lyttelton. [London] John White & John Scott
Tomkins, Peltro William, 1760-1840 (author)
12x10 cm
1866(140): Le Comte Antoine Hamilton. [London] E & S Harding
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
12.5x11 cm
S. Harding, artist From an original picture in the collection of Lord Beaulieu at Ditton Park Butler 281
1866(141): Miss Jennings, from an original picture by Verlet
Cheeseman, Thomas, b. 1760 (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
1866(142): George Hamilton. [London] E & S Harding
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
12x9.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(145): Nell Gwyn speaking the epilogue to "Sir Patient Fancy." From a scarce print
B., A. (author)
16.5x12.5 cm
1866(146): Ninon De L'Enclos, from the original at Strawberry Hill. London, Richard Bentley
Greatbach, W (author)
10x8 cm
G. P. Harding, artist
1866(148): Catherine of Braganza. [London] John White & John Scott
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
13x10 cm
1866(150): John Dryden. London, J. Wilkes
Chapman, J (author)
16x11 cm
1866(152): [No title]
Ellen Gwyn (author)
11.5x9 cm
facsimile signature
1866(154): Legend of Chelsea Hospital. [Gwynn & Charles II]
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
16x13 cm
E. M. Ward, artist Engraved expressly for the Columbian Magazine
1866(156): James, Lord Beauclerk, son of Nell Gwyn [&] Charles Beauclerk, Duke of St. Albans, eldest son of Nell Gwyn
Prithorpe, J. W. (author)
8x12 cm
1866(158): Sir Peter Lely, from an original picture of himself
Birrell, A (author)
12x9.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1866(160): [No title]
Nell Gwynne (author)
11x8.5 cm
1866(162): Duke of York, from the original picture by Sr. Peter Lely. [London]
Gardiner, William Nelson, 1776-1814 (author)
eng 11.5x10 cm
E & S Harding, 1793 S. Harding, artist
1866(164): Nell Gwyn
Lely, Sir Peter, 1618-1680 (author)
10.5x8.5 cm
1866(165): Eleanor Gwynne
Sherborn, Charles William, 1831-1912 (author)
11.5x10 cm
1867: My conscience! Fanny Thimble Cutler's journal of a residence in America, whilst performing a profitable theatrical engagement: beating the nonsensical Fanny Kemble Journal all hollow!!! Philadelphia, published to purchase for the authoress a wedding-gown, being about to honor Fierce Cutler, with her hand in wedlock
Cutler, Fanny Thimble, pseud. (author)
"Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1835, by Alexander Turnbull" Paper covers PN 2217 C8
1868: Woffington. A tribute to the actress and the woman. Printed for the author. [Philadelphia, Press of the Globe Printing House]
Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899 (author)
"One hundred and fifty copies of this size have been printed. Of this edition this is no. 128." (signed by the author) Inscription on title page: "Edmund Routledge, esq. with the compliments of Augustin Daly. London Oct. 9th 1891." PN 2598 W6 D3
1869: Garrick in the green room! A bibliography and critical analysis of a picture, painted by William Hogarth, and engraved by William Ward. London, James Webb
Daniel, George, 1789-1864 (author)
ND 497 H7 D3
1870: Footlight flashes. By William Davidge, comedian. New York, The American News Company
Davidge, William Pleater, 1814-1888 (author)
Inscription on title page: "To: Danl. Dougherty esq from his friend Edwin Forrest." PN 2598 D3 A3
1871: Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, esq. interspersed with characters and anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries. The whole forming a history of the stage, which includes a period of thirty-six years. From the last London edition. Boston, Wells and Lilly
Davies, Thomas, 1712?-1785 (author)
PN 2598 G3 D3 1818
1872: Dixey songster. Philadelphia, A. Winch
Dixey, Edward Freeman, 1833-1904 (author)
Paper covers PN 4305 N6 D51 1860
circa 1860
1873: Annals of the English stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Actors, authors, audiences. By Dr. Doran. New York, W. J. Widdleton
Doran, John, 1807-1878 (author)
At head of title: "Their majesties' servants." "161 copies printed. No. 105 WJW" PN 2581 D68 1865
1874: The Dramatic censor: or, critical and biographical illustration of the British stage. For the year 1811. Involving a correct register of every night's performances at our metropolitan theatres, and published with a view to sustain the morality and dignity of the drama. Edited by J. M. Williams. London, G. Brimmer
illus: Bartolozzi's Anthony Pasquin; W. Sherlock's A correct view of the theatre at Philadelphia, drawn by A.P. Published by J. M. Williams, July 1, 1811 PN 2594 D7
1875: Dramatic table talk; or scenes, situations, & adventures, serious and comic, in theatrical history and biography. London, John Knight & Henry Lacey, 1825-1830. 3 v. frontis., plates, ports, fold-ins, facs., and charts
"List of engravings" v. 3, p. [318] Index: v. 3, pp. [299]-317 Preface signed: Richard Ryan "Reflections on the theatrical art," by M. Talma: v. 1, pp. [vii]-li PN 2583 R8
1877: Memoirs of the life of George Frederick Cooke, esquire, late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Composed principally from journals and other authentic documents left by Mr. Cooke; and the personal knowledge of the writer. New York, D. Longworth
Dunlap, William, 1766-1839 (author)
Pencil flyleaf note: "From the library of James B. Roberts, tragedian." CT 774 C6 D9 1813
1878: History of the Philadelphia stage from 1749 to 1821. By Charles Durang. Partly compiled from papers of his father, the late John Durang. As published some years ago in the Sunday Dispatch with notes from John S. Du Solle, John D. Stockton, Jas. Rees, and other acknowledged critics. Brought down to the present time. Compiled and revised by E. J. Hincken. [Philadelphia]
Durang, Charles, 1796-1870 (author)
Scrapbook of mounted newspaper clippings. Additional theater history clippings added at end, one of which is identified: "Ledger, Nov. 6, 1917." PN 2185 D8
1879: Edwin Loomis Davenport, a biography. Edited by Edwin Francis Edgett. New York, The Dunlap Society
Edgett, Edwin Francis, 1867-1946 (author)
"This is one of an edition of two hundred and sixty-five copies printed from the type for the Dunlap Society in the month of October, 1901." PN 2287 D3 E3
1880: The show folks! By Pierce Egan. Embellished with nine characteristic designs on wood, by the late Mr. Theodore Lane, and engraved by Mr. John Thompson. To which is added, a biographical sketch of the life of Mr. Theodore Lane. London, M. Arnold
Egan, Pierce, 1772-1849 (author)
Paper covers bound in Bound at end: "Splendid novelty. Lately arrived from the Town-Hall, Brighton. . .Madame Tussaud & Sons. . .splendid exhibition and promenade. Westminster, J. Phair, [May, 1834] 4 p. PR 4649 E45 S46x 1831
1881: Faithful memoirs of life, amours, and performances, of that justly celebrated, and most eminent actress of her time, Mrs. Anne Oldfield. Interspersed with several other dramatic memoirs. London
Egerton, William, fl. 1730 (author)
Appendix page separately Introduction by C. Cibber Attributed to Edmund Curll by biographer Ralph Straus, p. 145 PN 2598 O5 E4
1882: The letters and journal of Fanny Ellsler, written before and after her operatic campaign in the United States. Including her letters from New York, London, Paris, Havana, & c. & c. New York, H. G. Daggers
Elssler, Fanny, 1810-1884 (author)
Paper covers bound in ML 419 E55
1883: Memoir of Fanny Elssler: with anecdotes of her public and private life! From her childhood to the present time. Philadelphia, Turner & Fisher
Elssler, Fanny, 1810-1884 (author)
ML 419 E55 M4
1884: Mary Anderson, the story of her life and professional career by J. M. Farrar. With a portrait on steel from an original drawing by Henry Van der Weyde. London, David Bogue
Farrar, J. Maurice (author)
Autograph card of Mary Anderson attached to front end paper PN 2287 A6 F3 1884
1885: An apology for the life of James Fennell, written by himself. Philadelphia, Published by Moses Thomas, J. Maxwell, printer
Fennell, James, 1766-1816 (author)
PN 2598 F4 A3
1886: Autobiography of Clara Fisher Maeder, edited by Douglas Taylor. New York, The Dunlap Society
Fisher, Clara, 1811-1898 (author)
"This is one of an edition of two hundred and sixty copies printed from type for the Dunlap Society in the month of March, 1897." Paper covers bound in PN 2287 M2 T3
1887: The life of David Garrick; from original family papers, and numerous published and unpublished sources. By Percy Fitzgerald. London, Tinsley Brothers
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington, 1834-1925 (author)
PN 2598 G3 F5 1868
1888: The life of Author Murphy, esq. By Jesse Foot, Esq. his executor. London, Printed for J. Faulder by John Nichols and Son
Foot, Jesse, 1744-1826 (author)
Said to have been compiled by William Combe, from papers and suggestions furnished by Foot. cf. Dict. Nat. Biog., v. 11, p. 434 Includes, besides much correspondence, Murphy's parody on Garrick's Hamlet, with alterations, pp. 256-274 PR 3605 M9 F6
1889: Ford, Thomas [item is apparently missing]
91 p., plates Flyleaf inscription: "I think this æPeep' was, no doubt, written entirely by H. P. Grattan û the comedian & author. He is an Irishman, being born in Dublin. First appearance in this country in 1843 at New York û Became manager of the Greenwich Theatre in 1843 û the Memphis Theatre, Tennessee, in 1952 û He said to have been one of the original contributor's to the London æPunch.' Chas. Durang" Also other manuscript notes and annotations Sabin 59528 PN 2251 F6
1890: Oration delivered at the Democratic Republican celebration of the sixty-second anniversary of the independence of the United States in the city of New York, Fourth July, 1838, by Edwin Forrest, esq. Published by request of the Democratic Republican Committee. New York, Jared W. Bell
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
Bound in: (1) Edwin Forrest, letter, October 24, 1860, [New York] to Mrs. John W. Forney re: admission to "Dead Heart" at Niblo's Garden (2) Louis Rosenthal's caricature of Forrest from Stephen's Cosmic Natural History of the Human Race (see Butler 825). (3) New Chestnut St. Theatre, playbill, March 30, 1863 E286 N6 1838
1891: The melodies of Stephen C. Forster. Pittsburgh, T. M. Walker
Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864 (author)
"Blue grass edition. This edition is limited to three hundred copies of which this is no. __. T. M. Walker." (unnumbered copy) M3 F72
1892: Daniel Decatur Emmett, author of "Dixie." Columbus, Ohio, Press of Fred J. Heer
Galbreath, Charles Burleigh, 1858-1934 (author)
Flyleaf inscription: "To Robert C. Butler with best wishes of C. B. Galbreath, Columbus, O., Feb. 16, 1905." M 1630.3 D4 G3
1893: The lives of the players. London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley
Galt, John, 1779-1839 (author)
PN 2597 G3
1894: Some unpublished correspondence of David Garrick. Edited by George Pierce Baker. Boston, Houghton Mifflin and Company
Garrick, David, 1717-1779 (author)
"This edition consists of 430 copies of which this is no. 168." PN 2598 G3 A4 1907
1895: The Gift: a Christmas and New Year's present for 1836. Edited by Miss Leslie. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart
First publication of E. A. Poe's Manuscript found in a bottle, pp. 67-87. cf. Heartman & Rede's Census, 1930, II, 82-83 Front. is J. Cheney's engraving of Sully's painting of Fanny Kemble, "Published for the proprietors of the Gift." (See Butler 122) PS 531 G5
1896: A group of theatrical caricatures; being twelve plates by W. J. Gladding, with an introduction and biographical sketches by Louis Evan Shipman. New York, Dunlap Society
Gladding, W. J. (author)
PN 2016 D7
1897: The tragedian; an essay on the histrionic genius of Junius Brutus Booth. By Thomas R. Gould. New York, Hurd and Houghton
Gould, Thomas Ridgeway, 1818-1881 (author)
PN 2287 B6 G6
1898: Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz." embellished with a portrait. New York, William H. Colyer
Grimaldi, Joseph, 1779-1836 (author)
PN 2598 G68 A3 1838a
1899: Memoirs of the court of Charles the Second, by Count Grammont, with numerous additions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott. Also: the personal history of Charles, including the King's own account of his escape and preservation after the battle of Worcester, as dictated to Pepys. And the Boscobel tracts, or, contemporary narratives of His majesty's adventures, from the murder of his father to the restoration. Carefully edited, with additional illustrations. London, Henry G. Bohn
Hamilton, Anthony, Count, 1645?-1719 (author)
Also 32 p. Catalogue of New Books DA 447 G7 H3 1846
1900: An authentic biographical sketch of the life, education, and personal character, of William Henry West Betty, the celebrated young Roscius. Second edition. London, Printed for Richard Phillips
Harley, George Davies, d. 1811? (author)
PN 2598 B63 A885 1804b
1901: Edwin Forrest: the actor and the man. Critical and reminiscent. Brooklyn
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
"No. of copy: Press 5. Gabriel Harrison" [of 200] Letters, Butler 1574-1575, enclosed PN 2287 F6 H3
1902: The life and writings of John Howard Payne, the author of Home, Sweet Home; The Tragedy of Brutus; and other dramatic works. Albany, N. Y., Joel Munsell
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
Published by subscription, a limited edition of two hundred and fifty octavos, and fifteen quartos. [i.e. one of fifteen] Paperbound Letter, Butler 1537a, enclosed PS 2533 H3
1903: The heathen Chinee by F. Bret Harte. Illustrated by Joseph Hull. Chicago, Western News Company
Harte, Bret, 1836-1902 (author)
First edition In verse Caption title: Plain language from Truthful James PS 1831 H37 1870
1904: Jim Bludso of the Prairie Bele, and Little Breeches. By John Hay. With illustrations by S. Eytinge, jr. Boston, James R. Osgood and Company
Hay, John, 1838-1905 (author)
Poems PS 1902 J5 1871
1905: Scenes from the life of an actor. Compiled from the journals, letters, and memoranda of the late Yankee Hill. With original illustrations, engraved on wood by J. W. Orr. New York, Garrett & Co.
Hill, George Handel, 1809-1849 (author)
PN 2287 H5 A3
1906: The genial showman. Being reminiscences of the life of Artemus Ward and pictures of showman's career in the western world. By Edward P. Hingston. New York, Harper & Brothers
Hingston, Edward Peron, 1823?-1873 (author)
Paper covers bound in PS 1143 H5 1870
1907: The history of Edwin Forrest, the celebrated American tragedian, from his childhood to his present elevated station as a performer. Written by an individual who has know him from his boyhood. New York, Printed and published for the author
Paper covers PN 2287 F6 H6
1908: Hogarth moralized; a complete edition of all the most capital and admired works of William Hogarth, accompanied with concise and comprehensive explanations of their moral tendency, by the late Rev. Dr. Trusler, an introduction, and many notes. London, Printed at the Shakespeare Press, by W. Nicol, for John Major
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764 (author)
Engravings, from small plates, after Hogarth Handpainted bookplate of C. R. Taylor ND 497 H7 H7 1831
1909: Holland memorial. Sketch of the life of George Holland, the veteran comedian, with dramatic reminiscences. anecdotes, & c. New York, T. H. Morrell
"Edition limited to 250 copies, 50 of which are on quarto paper." [i.e. one of fifty] PN 2287 H6 H5
1910: A cosmopolitan actor by J. B. Howe. His adventures all over the world. London, Bedford Publishing Company
Howe, J. Burdett, 1828-1903 (author)
Paper cover bound in Bound by H. Blackwell PN 2598 H84 A3
1911: Curiosities of the American stage. New York, Harper & Brothers
Hutton, Laurence, 1843-1904 (author)
Title page stamped: Chas Dare Hays PN 2221 H8
1912: Plays and players. New York, Hurd and Houghton
Hutton, Laurence, 1843-1904 (author)
"Twenty-five quarto copies only, printed for H. H. V. Arnold. No.___" (unnumbered copy) PN 2277 N5 H8
1913: In memory of John McCullough. New York, The De Vinne Press
"The edition is strictly limited to five hundred copies. No more will be made. W. W." [i.e. William Winter] PN 2287 M15 I5
1914: Fifty years of a play-goer's journal; or, annals of the New York stage, from A. D. 1798 to A. D. 1848. With biographical sketches of all the principal performers. By H. undated New York, Samuel French
Ireland, Joseph Norton, 1817-1898 (author)
Parts 1 and 3, library lacks no. 2 Published in three parts; afterwards amplified into Records of the New York stage, from 1750 to 1860, by Joseph N. Ireland. New York, 1866. 2 vols. cf. Sabin, Bibl. Amer., v. 9, p. 137. Compare with v. 5, p. 169 "Contributed to the Evening Mirror [1853] several theatrical sketches over the signature æH.N.D.' Ireland's preface to his Records of the New York stage. (1866) Paper covers Cover of part one inscribed: "John McEllington"(?) Cover of part three inscribed: "Chas. Durang. 1860." Another note ascribes authorship to H.N. Durie "once a prompter of the Park St. Theatre and a reader of the Board of Aldermen at New York." PN 2277 N516
circa 1860
1915: Mrs. Duff, by Joseph N. Ireland with illustrations. Boston, James R .Osgood and Company
Ireland, Joseph Norton, 1817-1898 (author)
"One hundred copies printed. No. 13." PN 2287 D8 I7
1916: Biography of Adah Isaacs Menken. With selections from "Infelecia." Ed. James, author and publisher. New York
James, Edwin (author)
Cover title, paper covers PN 2287 M47 J3
1917: The beauties of the court of King Charles the Second; a series of portraits, illustrating the diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon, and other contemporary writers. With memoirs biographical and critical, by Mrs. Jameson. The portraits from copies made for her late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, by Mr. Murphy. London, Henry Colburn
Jameson, Anna Brownell Murphy, 1794-1860 (author)
Incomplete, lacking text DA 447 A3 J3 1833
1918: Stump speeches, monologues, conundrums, etc. by J. Melville Janson, comedian. Ten seasons with Carncross; Minstrels, Philadelphia, Three seasons with Primrose & West's Minstrels, Two seasons with Emerson's Minstrels in California. Played star engagements in the principal theatres of the United States. Philadelphia, David McKay, publisher
Janson, James Melville (author)
Paper covers PN 6161 J35
[circa 1900]
1919: The autobiography of Joseph Jefferson. New York, Century Company
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
Two title pages, both inscribed: (1) "Harry N. Hoxie Esq. with the regards of J. Jefferson Aug 20th/94" (2) "Faithfully yours J. Jefferson Nov 8th 1900." Bound by Pawson & Nicholson PN 2287 J4 A3 1890
circa 1889, 1890
1920: Exhibition on 55 oil paintings by Joseph Jefferson at the Fischer Galleries. Washington, D. C., Press of W. F. Roberts
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
Plates accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress Press notices: pp. [23]-49 Cover title: Catalogue of oil paintings by Joseph Jefferson Title-page cancelled with label for Earles' Galleries, Philadelphia, obscuring Fischer Galleries. Date of original exhibition lined through as well Tipped in: Invitation to exhibition at Earls' Galleries, Philadelphia, 1901 ND 237 J4
1921: "Jim Crow's vagaries, or, Black flights of fancy: containing a choice collection of nigger melodies. To which is added, the erratic life of Jim Crow." London, Orlando Hodgson
M 1628 J53
1922: Memoirs of Miss O'Neill; containing her public character, private life, and dramatic progress, from her entrance upon the stage; with a full criticism of her different characters, appropriate selections from them and some account of the plays she has preferred for her representations. By Charles Inigo Jones, esq. Embellished with a coloured and highly-finished portrait of Miss O'Neill. Second edition. London, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones
Jones, Charles Inigo (author)
PN 2598 O6 J6
1923: Vagabond adventures. Boston, Fields, Osgood, & Co.
Keeler, Ralph, 1840-1873 (author)
port of Keeler attached to front end paper CT 275 K4 A3
1924: A group of comedians, by William L. Keese. New York, The Dunlap Society
Keese, William Linn, 1835-1904 (author)
"This is one of an edition of two hundred and sixty-five copies printed from type for the Dunlap Society in the month of December, 1901." Contents: Henry Placide, William Rufus Blake, John Brougham, George Holland, Charles Fisher PN 2285 K4
1925: William E. Burton; a sketch of his career other than that of actor, with glimpses of his home life, and extracts from his theatrical journal, by William L. Keese. New York, The Dunlap Society
Keese, William Linn, 1835-1904 (author)
"This is one of an edition of one hundred and ninety copies printed for the Dunlap Society in the month of September, 1891." PN 2598 B8 K4
1926: William E. Burton, actor, author, and manager; a sketch of his career with recollections of his performances, by William L. Keese. Illustrated. New York, G. P. Putman's Sons
Keese, Willliam Linn, 1835-1904 (author)
"Fifty copies will be printed upon large paper (size 8x11 inches). These will be designed for those desiring to add special illustrations to the volume. This edition will be supplied folded. Price $5." Publisher's brochure PN 2598 B8 K4 1885
1926(i): William E. Burton... by William E. Keese. [Prepublication brochure] New York
G.P. Putman's Sons (author)
circa 1885
1926(iii): Letter, March 18, 1886, Flatbush, L. I., to Mr. Bruce asking if he had received the plate of Mary Taylor and his father's memoir
Keese, William Linn, 1835-1904 (author)
1926(v): Letter, June 29, 1840, Philadelphia, to Messrs. Carey and Hart, requesting one hundred dollars on his account
Burton, William Evans, 1802-1860 (author)
1926(viii): Playbill, November 28, 1857. Mr. Burton in A day in New York and in Paris and London
Burton's Theatre (author)
1926(3): W. E. Burton. [New York, D. Appleton & Co.]
Jackman, William G (author)
11x11 cm
dag by Brady Butler 460
[circa 1859]
1926(4): Mr. Mathews, "At Home," in "Stories."
lith; 12.5x16.5 cm
"Copied (by permission) from the Lithographic Sketch, by the author of the Entertainment."
1926(6): The adventures of Paul Pry; written expressly for Mr. Liston, by Peter Pigwiggin the younger. Baltimore, John Cole
Medairy (author)
eng 15x9.5
music sheet Medairy and Bannerman, sculpt.
1926(7): Mrs. Glover as Lady Allworth. London, C. Chapple
Thomas, J (author)
15x11 cm
Lethbridge, artist "Engraved for the Theatrical Inquisiter."
1926(10): Miss Elphinstone as Constance
9.5x8.5 cm
1926(12): Mr. Munden. [London] T. Bellamy
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
10x8.5 cm
from a picture by Shee "Bellamy's Picturesque Magazine"
1926(13): Mr. Maywood as Iago. London, C. Chapple
Thomson, J (author)
14x9 cm
Fraser, artist "Engraved for the Theatrical Inquisitor."
1926(16): Mr. W. E. Burton as Dr. Ollaphod in the comedy of The Poor Gentleman
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
11x8.5 cm
Painted by H. Inman
1926(17): Mr. Wood, as Stephan Foster. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Elllis, George B (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 974, Butler 243
1926(18): Edgar A. Poe
Graham, A. W. (author)
11.5x9 cm
from a painting by S. S. Osgood
1926(20): Wm Davidge
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8.5x8 cm
Sarony, artist Butler 424
1926(21): Mr. Wallack as Hamlet
Woolnoth, Thomas, b. 1785 (author)
19x11 cm
drawing by T. Wageman Butler 994
1926(24): William E. Burton
Welch, T. B. (author)
eng 5.5x4.5
Valentine, artist
1926(26): Mr. Wymyss, as Rolando. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x8 cm
Lopez & Wemyss edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2115, Butler 564
1926(28): William Winter
Bierstadt, E (author)
14x10 cm
from a pastel by J. Wells Champney, 1898
1926(29): Joseph N. Ireland. New York
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
11.5x10 cm
1926(33): William E. Burton. New York
Sarnoy, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith; 18x14 cm
1926(34): Burton's Theatre
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x14.5 cm
Butler 383
circa 1910
1926(37): Mr. Macready as Macbeth. Philadelphia, Thomas T. Ash
Durand, Asher, Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9.5x8 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 595, Butler 205
1926(38): Edmund Simpson. New York, E. M. Murden
Illman, Thomas, d. ca. 1859 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from a painting by Jarvis; G. Neale, printer proof Butler 438
1926(41): John Brougham. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x9 cm
Butler 404
[circa 1875]
1926(43): W. E. Burton.
Jackman, William G (author)
12.5x10 cm
Butler 461
[circa 1859]
1926(45): Mrs. John Hoey
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
22.5x15 cm
Butler 417
1926(47): Mrs. Barney Williams, as Jemima Lacarapee
Brown, Eliphalet M., 1816-1886 (author)
lith; 11.5x7.5 cm
Butler 86
1926(48): Henry Placide. New York
Williams (E. G.) & Bro (author)
10x9 cm
1926(50): [No title]
Edwin Forrest (author)
8.5x7.5 cm
1926(52): W. R. Blake, Comedian. New York, T. W. Lawrence
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
11x10.5 cm
Butler 325
1926(54): John Gilbert. [Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9.5x8 cm
Butler 405
1926(56): William E. Burton [in costume]
16x13 cm
1926(59): Wm. E. Burton
Soper, Richard F., ca. 1810-ca. 1862 (author)
5.5x7 cm image
engraved for French's Standard Drama
1926(60): Wallacks old theatre
Wallace, William H (author)
11.5x17.5 cm
Butler 964
circa 1892
1926(63): Charles Melton Walcot, comedian
10x8 cm artist: AB
Butler 119
circa 1868
1926(65): Benedick. (Characterized by Mr. Lester Wallack) New York, Virtue & Yorston
17x12 cm
1926(66): Taylor bird. [Mary Taylor] Philadelphia, [Robinson]
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith in color; 22.5x4.5 cm
from Henry L. Stephen's Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851) Butler 826
1926(69): Playbill, January 22. Mr. Burton in the Honeymoon and also in The Mummy.
Burton's New Theatre (author)
1926(70): J. Lester Wallack. Buttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x8.5 cm
Butler 400
1926(72): The burning of the National Theatre, New York, in 1839
12.5x17 cm clipping
1926(75): Geo. H. Barrett
Bonar & Cumming (author)
10.5x9 cm
eng for the Modern Standard Drama Butler 71
1926(76): [No title]
Arch Street Theatre (author)
12.5x11 cm clipping
1926(78): Charles Fisher
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Butler 386
1926(80): Adelaide Neilson
Hollery, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
10.5x9 cm
Sarony, artist Butler 381
1926(83): Patter v. Clatter [Charles J. Mathews in five costumes] London, Mitchell
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 20x13 cm
from photographs by Charles Watkins & H. B. Lee
1926(85): George Holland. Morrisania, N. Y.
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
10x9.5 cm
1926(86): Letter, March 7, 1890, New York, giving his hours "at home."
Florence, William Jermyn, 1831-1891 (author)
1926(89): W. J. Florence. [as Sir Lucius O'Trigger]
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
12.5x5.5 cm
signed proof Butler 423
circa 1900
1926(90): Agnes Boucicault.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8x8 cm
Butler 382
[circa 1855]
1926(92): Charlotte Cushman
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8x7 cm
Butler 388
circa 1895
1926(94): Tho S. Hamblin. New York
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
10.5x8.5 cm
Butler 763
[circa 1835]
1926(97): Maggie Mitchell
Jackman, William G (author)
5.5x3.5 cm
Butler 458
1926(98): Dion Boucicault
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
22x15 cm
Butler 390
circa 1895
1926(101): Edwin Booth
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
18x13 cm
Sarony, artist Butler 393
circa 1894
1926(104): Mr. Collins, the English Paganini. London, G. S. Treagar
Gleadah, J (author)
26.5x19.5 cm
1926(106): Laura Keene
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
signed proof Butler 412
circa 1896
1926(108): The Player, April 13
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia (author)
1926(110): The Player, June 4
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia (author)
1926(112): Playbill, December 26, [185-] Mr. Burton in Dimbey & Son
Burton's New Theatre (author)
1926(113): Programme, May 6. Mr. Sothern in David Garrick
Haymarket Theatre, London (author)
1926(116): Playbill, September 21, 1863. Mr. Collins and Mr. William Wheatley in The Duke's Motto.
New Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia (author)
1926(121): The cork leg, a celebrated comic song sung with great applause by Mr. Burton. Baltimore, G. Willig, Jr.
Willig, G (author)
music sheet C. A. Smith, artist
1926(123): [No title]
Longfellow (author)
8x6.5 cm
[possibly by Hollyer]
1926(125): John W. Francis
Prudhomme, J. F. E. (author)
11.5x9 cm
painted by James Herring
1926(126): Mr. Cooke. London, Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
14.5x9 cm
Stump, artist
1926(129): J. B. Buckstone. London, W. Strange
Page, R (author)
13.5x10 cm
MacClise, artist
1926(131): Augustin Daly
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
10.5x10 cm
1926(132): [Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle]
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
13x9.5 cm
signed proof Butler 322
1926(134): John T. Raymond as Col. Sellers in the Gilded Age. Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, b. 1813 (author)
25.5x17.5 cm
Butler 573
1926(136): E. A. Sothern as Dundreary
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8.5x7 cm
signed proof Butler 391
1926(138): [No title]
Burton as "Toodles" (author)
17x7.5 cm clipping
1926(140): Mr. Kemble in the character of Rolla
Dick, A. L. (author)
18x12 cm
engraved for the New York Illustrated Magazine painted by Sir T. Lawrence
1926(142): Kean, artiste dramatique Anglais. Paris, Blaisot
Ducarme (author)
lith; 13.5x13 cm
1926(144): Mr. Liston as Endless. Camden, New Town, John Cumberland
Dean (author)
10x8.5 cm
Wageman, artist
1926(147): Burton as Captain Cuttle
1926(148): Wm. E. Burton as Captain Cuttle
16.5x8.5 cm
AB, artist
1926(150): Cuttle Fish [W. E. Burton] [Philadelphia, Robinson]
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 11.5x10.5 cm
from H. L. Stephens Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)
1926(152): Cuttle Fish. [W. E. Burton] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith in color; 15x13 cm
by Rosenthal & Kramer, Phil. Butler 822
1926(156): W. E. Burton. (as Toodles) Gebbie & Co.
McGoffin, John, b. 1813 (author)
12.5x7 cm
Butler 580
[circa 1859]
1926(158): [No title]
Burton at his Olympic Theatre (author)
8x11.5 cm clipping
1926(160): Mr. William Farren of the Theatrical Royal, Covent Garden. London, Published for the proprietors of the European Magazine by the Executors of the late J. Asperne
Thomson, J (author)
10x8 cm
from the original painting by George Clint
1926(162): Richard B. Sheridan Esqr
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
8.5x7 cm
Stauffer 872
1926(164): Joseph Jefferson. New York.
Major & Knapp Engraving Co. (author)
lith; 16.5x11 cm
Butler 606
1926(166): Mr. Lewis. London, T. Bellamy
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from an original miniature by Pope
1926(168): George Colman Esqr the younger. London, T. Boys
Fry, W. T. (author)
10x6.5 cm
from a painting by F. C. Turner
1926(170): Programme, December 12, 1887, featuring Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence in The Mighty Dollar
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1926(173): Burton in the drunken scene
15x7.5 cm clipping
1926(175): Jas. H. Hackett. New York, Carleton
Jackman, William G (author)
9x6 cm
from a photograph
1926(179): Letter, June 27, 1881, Boston, to John W. Forney, Washington City, recommending Powell T. Wryman for a U. S. Army commission
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
1926(180): Letter, October 24, 1888, New York, to W. J. Bok concerning how marriage affects members of the dramatic profession
Gilbert, John Gibbs, 1810-1889 (author)
1926(182): Letter, December 22, 1883, Louisville, to H. W. Cleveland responding to request for an autograph
Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 (author)
1926(184): Letter, February 14, 1896, New York, to A. E. Lancaster thanking him for his congratulations.
Williams, Maria Pray, b. 1828 (author)
1926(186): Playbill, November 29, featuring Burton in Wig Wag
Burton's Theatre (author)
1926(188): Letter, March 13, 1889, New York, to A. E. Lancaster concerning his "managerial policy"
Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899 (author)
1926(190): Letter, January 14, 1880, Washington, D. C., to Col. Forney regretting his seeming neglect of Mrs. and Miss Forney
Sothern, Edward Askew, 1826-1881 (author)
1926(192): Letter, March 18, [1874] concerning his first appearance in America
Brougham, John, 1810-1880 (author)
1926(194): Playbill, November 4, featuring Miss Nelson in Twelfth Night
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1926(196): The Play, March 2, 1874, featuring Charlotte Cushman as Meg Merrilies in Guy Mannering
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1926(198): Playbill, February 4, 1836, Mr. Hamblin in Norman Leslie
American Theatre, Bowery (author)
1926(200): The Player, November 8, 1867, featuring John Brougham in Lotter of Life
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1926(202): James Boaden Esqr. [London] Vernor and Hood Poultry
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x8 cm
Opie, artist
1926(204): Playbill, December 28, 1861, featuring Edwin Forrest as Jack Cade
American Academy of Music (author)
1926(206): David Garrick Esqr. [London] J. Wright
Schiavonetti, Lewis, 1765-1810 (author)
13x10.5 cm
Josh Reynolds, artist
1926(208): The Player, January 22, 1868, featuring Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams in Fairy Circle
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1927: Poems. By Frances Anne Butler. Philadelphia, John Pennington
Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893 [item is apparently missing] (author)
PR 4839 K2 1844
1928: David Garrick, by Joseph Knight. With etched portrait by W. Boucher. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
Knight, Joseph, 1829-1893 (author)
"This large paper edition consists of one hundred copies, all of which are numbered. This is no. 40." Extra-illustrated. R. C. Butler's ms. partial index of extra-illustrations included PN 2598 G3 K5 1894a
1928(1): Mr. Garrick. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11 cm
R. Dighton, artist Butler 538
1928(2): Garrick's birth place, Hereford
Storer, James, 1781-1853 (author)
15x10 cm
for Cole's Residences of Actors Butler 904
1928(5): Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. [London] C. G. Dyer
Priscott, T (author)
17x11 cm
Trotter, artist
1928(6): Garrick
Barth, C (author)
11x8.5 cm
"Mc C. L. No. 807"
1928(8): Mr. Garrick [&] Mademoiselle Violetti. [London] R. Baldwin junr.
12x19 cm
Engrav'd for ye London Magazine, 1749. To face p. 282.
1928(10): Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. London, G. Kearsley
Trotter, T (author)
12.5x8.5 cm
1928(12): Sir John Hawkins. [London] E & S Harding
Clamp, R (author)
18x13 cm
S. Harding, artist from an original picture by J. Roberts, in the Music School, Oxford.
1928(14): Samuel Foote, esqr. London, C. Dyer
Priscott, T (author)
17x11 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist Butler 784
1928(16): Mr. Garrick in four of his principal tragic characters
17x11 cm
[Lear, Macbeth, Richard III, Hamlet]
1928(18): David Garrick esqr. London, G. Kearsly
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
21.5x16 cm
T. Gainsborough, artist Butler 137 ["another impression was printed in 1779"-ms. note]
1928(20): Mr. Dunstall in the character of Hodge in Love in a Village, Act I, scene 6. London, R. Saver & J. Smith
9.5x7.5 cm
1928(22): Mr. Garrick in the character of Richard the III. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook (T.) & Son (author)
13.5x17 cm
Hogarth, artist
1928(24): Elizth Barry. [London] E & S Harding
Knight, Charles (author)
19x14 cm
from an original picture by Sr. Godfrey Kneller S. Harding, artist Butler 510
1928(26): Thomas Betterton
Wooding, T (author)
11x9.5 cm
from an original picture by Sr Godfrey Kneller
1928(28): [No title]
Betterton (author)
6.5x5.5 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
1928(30): John Forster
Jeens, Charles Henry, 1827-1879 (author)
14.5x10.5 cm
1928(32): Garrick. [London]
Holl, B (author)
[circa 1820]
1928(34): Barton Booth. London, W. Walker
Smith, Edward (author)
10.5x8 cm
G. Clint, artist from an original picture in the collection of Charles Mathews esqr. Butler 880
1928(36): Mr. Mills Mrs. Porter Mr. Cibber
13x8 cm
1928(39): Facial expression of Garrick in "Romeo"
15x10 cm
1928(40): David Garrick. London, Thomas Kelly
Thomas, Phillip (author)
17x11 cm
from a painting by Sir J. Reynolds
1928(42): Colley Cibber Anno Aetatis 67
Miller, I. S. (author)
13x8 cm
Vanloo, artist
1928(44): Mrs. Bracegirdle
Slow, James (author)
7.5x6.5 cm
S. Harding, artist
1928(47): Mr. Macready as Macbeth. Philadelphia, Thos. T. Ash
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 611; Butler 206
1928(48): Henry Irving
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9.5x9.5 cm
signed proof
1928(50): Mr. Kean. Theatre Royal Drury Lane. London, J. Asperne
Blood, T (author)
13x11 cm
Engraved by T. Blood for the European Magazine, from an original painting by S. Drummond Esq A. R. A.
1928(52): Mr. Garrick in the character of Hamlet Act I, Scene 4th. [London] R. Sayer & T. Smith
9.5x8 cm
1928(55): Mrs. Woffington. Cornhill, J. Sewell
Pearson (author)
12x9 cm
from an orginal painting by Eckhart "European Magazine" Butler 771
1928(56): Giosue Reynolds. [Rome?]
Sasso (author)
17x12 cm
Bramati, artist
1928(57): Facsimile of the proportions of Garrick and Quin
16x22.5 cm
1928(59): David Garrick. [London] Longman and Co.
Evans, William (author)
10x7 cm
from a picture by Sir J. Reynolds
1928(60): Mr. Macklin in the character of Shylock, in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. This is the Jew, that Shakespeare drew. [London] T. Wright
Lodge, I (author)
20x12 cm
1928(62): Mr. Quin. [London] T. Hinton
15x9.5 cm
engraved for the Universal Magazine
1928(65): Charlotte Clarke [i.e. Charke]
Parkes, R. B. (author)
15x11 cm
proof before letters
1928(67): [No title]
Ann Oldfield (author)
17.5x12.5 cm
from a picture by J. Richardson Butler 14
1928(68): Catherine Clive
Greatbach, W (author)
10x8 cm
J. Davison, artist From the original formerly at Strawberry Hill
1928(70): William Pinketham in the character of Don Lewis in the Fop's Fortune
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
19x13.5 cm
From an original drawing by Vertue in the collection of Richd Bull Esqr. ["Spectator no. 370" û ms. note]
1928(72): Jno. Mills the elder of Drury Lane Theatre. [London] E. S. Harding
Clamp, R (author)
13.5x11 cm
S. Harding, artist
1928(74): Mr. Garrick in the character of Bayes... Act IV Sc 2. [London] T. Wenman
13x9 cm
1928(76): Mr. Macklin. Tragedian
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
9x7 cm
engraved by J. Rogers, from a model.
1928(78): Mr. Garrick in the character of Sr. Jno. Brute. [London] J. Smith & R. Sayer
9.5x7.5 cm
circa 1770
1928(80): Tate Wilkinson, Esqr. [London] Vernor and Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from an original by Fredk. Atkinson
1928(82): Garrick and his wife
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
18x13.5 cm
The original by Hogarth, in the Royal collection Engraved for the Eclectic Magazine ["Proof" û ms. note]
1928(84): Quin. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Evans, William (author)
14x9.5 cm
From an orginal painting by Hudson
1928(86): Mrs. Woffington. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
14x9 cm
A. Pond, artist Butler 273
1928(89): George Anne Bellamy. [London] Vernor & Hood
Sands (author)
8.5x7 cm
Butler 273
1928(91): [No title]
David Garrick (author)
13x10 cm
1928(92): Mr. Garrick in the character of Osmyn [in the Mourning Bride] [London] T. Lewndes & Partners
Walker, William, 1729-1793 (author)
13.5x8.5 cm
Isaac Taylor, artist
1928(95): Mrs. Glover. [London] John Bell, Weekly Messenger Office
Cardon (author)
12.5x10 cm
1928(96): Profile of Garrick and Hogarth. [London] S. Ireland
8.5x10 cm
1928(99): James Lacy esq. (Late patentee of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.)
eng 11.5x9 cm
From an original portrait in the possession of W. Lacy
1928(100): The old theatre, Drury Lane. This front which stood in Bridges Street, was built by order of Mr. Garrick, previous to parting with his share of the theatre. See Pennants London. [London] N. Smith
17.5x12.5 cm
1928(103): O'er step not the modesty of Nature. Ham. [Garrick]
Taylor, Isaac (author)
12.5x7.5 cm
1928(104): Mr. Yates in the character of Hobbinol. [London] J. Harrison
11.5x9 cm
1928(106): [No title]
Mr. Edward Shuter (author)
15.5x9.5 cm
1928(108): Mrs. Woffington
Read, W (author)
6x6.5 cm
1928(110): Spranger Barry. [London] E & S Harding, Pall Mall
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
13x11 cm
From an original picture by Sr. Joshua Reynolds in the collection of Portis Esqr. Butler 348
1928(112): Mr. Garrick in the character of Macbeth. [London] Published for Bells Edition of Shakespeare
White, Charles, 1751-1785 (author)
14.5x8.5 cm
T. Parkinson, artist Butler 974
1928(114): Mr. Garrick in the character of King Lear. [London] R. Sayer & J. Smith
9.5x8 cm
1928(116): Mr. Barry in the character of Timon. [London] Harrison & Co.
Taylor, Isaac (author)
11.5x9 cm
Dodd, artist
1928(118): Mr. Garrick in the character of Tancred. [London] I. Wenman
11.5x9 cm
1928(120): Mrs. Pritchard. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Cook, H. R. (author)
14.5x9 cm
R. E. Pine, artist
1928(122): [No title]
[David Garrick] (author)
14.5x9 cm
Proof without letters
1928(124): [No title]
Hay Market Theatre (author)
6x6 cm
1928(126): Mrs. Garrick
Sherlock, W. P. (author)
14x11 cm
from the original picture by Cath. Reid Butler 711
1928(128): [No title]
Covent Garden Theatre (author)
4x6 cm
1928(130): Mr. Palmer. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist Butler 539
1928(132): Garden scene at Mr. Rich's villa at Cowley. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook, Thomas, 1744-1818 (author)
14x17 cm
Hogarth, artist
1928(134): The residence of Catherine Clive, Twickenham. London, John Murray
Smith, Charles John (author)
6.5x9 cm
also facsimile letter: C. Clive to David Garrick, March 22, 1778
1928(137): Louis XV King of France. London, J. Wilkes
Chapman, J (author)
16x11.5 cm
1928(138): Mr. Garrick in the character of Demetrius [in The Brothers]. [London] Published for Bells British Theatre
Thornthwaite (author)
14x9 cm
J. Roberts, artist
1928(140): Miss Macklin in the character of Camillo [in The Mistake]. [London] Published for Bells British Theatre
Thornthwaite (author)
13.5x9 cm
Roberts, artist
1928(142): Robt. Wilks Esqr. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
J. Elbys, artist
1928(144): Mr. Mossop in the character of Tanga. [London] I. Wenman
eng 11.5x8.5
1928(146): David Garrick. London, W. Walker
Sharp, William, b. ca. 1802 (author)
10x8 cm
T. Uwins, artist From a picture by Gainsborough in the Town Hall at Stratford upon Avon
1928(148): Mrs. Abington.
Williamson, Thomas (author)
14x12 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist engraved expressly for No. 52 of La Belle Assemblee
1928(150): Hester Lynch Piozzi. [London] I. Stockdale
Bovi, M (author)
12x10.5 cm
P. Violet, artist
1928(152): Mrs. Clive in the character of Mrs. Heidelberg. [London] R. Sayer & J. Smith
eng 9.5x7.5
1928(154): Theatre Royal April 20th 1792 a comedy with the mock doctor for the benefit of the author of the farce. [London]
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764 (author)
13.5x13.5 cm
A.M.T., artist [T. Cibber with Mrs. Clive as Dorcas] also port of Theop. Cibber on same leaf: eng 6.5x7 cm
1928(156): Garrick
Bromley, William, 1769-1842 (author)
7x6 cm
Sir J. Reynolds, artist
1928(158): Mr. Garrick in the character of Lord Chalkstone in Lethe. [London] Robert Sayer & Jno. Smith
9x8 cm
1928(160): A view of the house of Mr. Garrick at Hampton
10.5x16.5 cm
1928(162): Mr. Barry in the character of Hotspur, in 1st part of Henry IVth. [London] Jno. Smith & Robt. Sayer
9.5x8 cm
1928(164): Mr. Garrick as Sir John Brute [in The Provok'd Wife]. London, Printed for J. Bell British Library
Thornthwaite (author)
12x8 cm
De Wilde, artist
1928(166): [No title]
Harry Woodward (author)
17.5x11.5 cm
1928(166a): David Garrick, Esqr. London, John Bowles
Hudson, Thomas (author)
15x11 cm
1928(167): David Garrick, Esqr. [London] T. Hinton
18x10.5 cm
Engraved for the Universal Magazine
1928(168): Woodward. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
Vandergucht, artist
1928(170): [No title]
Mrs. Yates (author)
16x9 cm
1928(172): Arthur Murphy Esqr. [London] James Asperne
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
16x11 cm
From an original picture by Nathl. Dance Esqr European Magazine
1928(174): [No title]
Mr. King (author)
17.5x11.5 cm
1928(176): Garrick
Read, W (author)
6.5x5 cm
1928(178): Mr. Sheridan, in the character of Cato. [London] J. Wenman
13x10 cm
1928(181): Dr. Hawkesworth
Holl, B (author)
5x4 cm
text of biographical sketch, p. 12
1928(182): The Farmers return [showing Garrick in costume]. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook, T (author)
15x12 cm
Hogarth, artisthe Farmers return [showing Garrick in costume]. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1807 eng 15x12 cm Hogarth, artist.
1928(184): Mr. Parsons. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist Butler 540
1928(187): David Garrick. London
Warren, Charles, 1767-1823 (author)
7x5 cm
Robt. Edge Pine, artist Butler 1866(32)
1928(188): Mr. Beard in the character of Hawthorn in Love in a Village. [London] R. Sayer & J. Smith
9.5x8 cm
Butler 640
1928(190): Mr. Moody as Teague, and Mr. Parsons as Obadiah. [London] T. Lowndes & Partners
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
13x8.5 cm
Dodd, artist
1928(193): The late Mr. Mossop, the celebrated tragedian. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from an original drawing by Mortimer
1928(194): Thos. Davis. late of Drury Lane Theatre. [London]
Schiavonetti, Lewis, 1765-1810 (author)
12.5x11 cm
Hickey, artist Butler 856
[circa 1794]
1928(196): Charles Churchill. London, W. Walker
Smith, Edward (author)
10x8 cm
G. Clint, artist
1928(198): [No title]
Mrs. Cibber (author)
13x10 cm
1928(201): George Colman. London, W. Walker
Smith, Edward (author)
10x8 cm
J. Thurston, artist From a picture by Zoffany
1928(202): Hyppolite Clairon
Tassaert (author)
16x10.5 cm
Bornet, artist
1928(204): Mr. Powell in the character of Cyrus
Miller, T (author)
17x10.5 cm
1928(206): Mrs. Barry and Mr. Garrick in the characters of Donna Violante and Don Felix in The Wonder. [London] J. Smith & R. Sayer
9.5x8 cm
1928(208): James Boaden Esqr. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x8 cm
Opie, artist
1928(210): Garrick
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
10x8 cm
Stauffer 766-II
1928(212): Mr. Garrick in the character of a drunken sailor, speaking the prologue to Brittania a masque. [London] T. Lowndes
Taylor, Isaac (author)
eng 12x7.5
1928(213): Voltaire
Holl, B (author)
5x4 cm
text of biographical sketch
1928(214): [No title]
D. Garrick (author)
16x6 cm
1928(216): Garrick's town house, Adelphi
Storer, James, 1781-1853 (author)
9.5x6.5 cm
Drawn & Engraved by J. Storer for Cole's Residences of Actors
1928(218): Davies House, (author of Dramatic Miscellanies.) in Russell Street
Storer, James, 1781-1853 (author)
9.5x6.5 cm
Drawn & Engraved by J. Storer for Cole's Residences of Actors
1928(220): Mr. Garrick in Richard IIId
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764 (author)
8.5x11.5 cm
1928(222): Thos. King Esqr. [London] J. Sewell
Bromley, William, 1769-1842 (author)
10x7.5 cm
Drummond, artist European Magazine
1928(224): Miss Pope. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
W. Dighton, artist Butler 536
1928(226): Hogarth. [London] Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
Cook, Thomas, 1744-1818 (author)
14x11 cm
from a burst by Roubilliac in the possession of George Baker Esqr.
1928(228): Abingdon Abbey, & the mulberry tree planted by Garrick
Storer, James, 1781-1853 (author)
6.5x9.5 cm
Drawn & Eng'd by J. Storer for Coles Residences of Actors
1928(231): Mr. Dodd. [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
R. Dighton, artist Butler 537
1928(232): Arthur Murphy
Holl, B (author)
5x4 cm
text of biographical sketch, p. 21
1928(234): David Garrick, Esqr. London, Vernor, Hood & Sharpe
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from an original picture. . .painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds
1928(236): Mr. and Mrs. Barry in the character of Jaffier & Belvidera [in Venice Preserved]. [London] Engraved for the 2nd number of Bells British Theatre
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
11.5x15 cm
J. Roberts, artist
1928(238): Mr. Garrick in the character of Ranger. [London] Harrison & Co.
13x9.5 cm
1928(241): Mrs. Barry, in the character of Lady Randolph. [London] Harrison & Co.
12x8.5 cm
1928(242): [No title]
Mr. Thomas Weston (author)
13.5x10 cm
London Mage.
1928(244): Shakespeare
Holl, B (author)
5x4 cm
text of biographical sketch
1928(246): Mr. Foote in the character of the Doctor in the Devil upon two sticks. London, J. Smith & R. Sayer
9x7.5 cm
Butler 650
1928(247): Samuel Foote, esq. [London] Harrison & Co.
Cooper, Robert (author)
5x3.5 cm
Sir J Reynolds, artist text of biographical sketch
1928(248): The rival managers[:] G. Colman [&] D. Garrick
8.5x14 cm
1928(250): Willm. Brereton comedian in the character of Douglas. [London] I. Sewell
Harding, Edward, 1776-1796 (author)
14.5x10.5 cm
S. Harding, artist from an original picture by N. Hone; European Magazine
1928(252): Mr. Holland
Miller, T (author)
13.5x9 cm
1928(254): [Mrs. Mattocks] [London] W. Richardson
Laurie, Robert, 1740-1804 (author)
15x11.5 cm
W. Dighton, artist proof before letters Butler 542
1928(256): David Garrick, Ecr.
Viel, P (author)
14x9 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist
1928(258): [No title]
Mrs. Egerton (author)
12x8.5 cm
proof before letters
1928(260): Mr. Aickin of Drury Lane Theatre. [London] J. Heath & J. P. Thompson
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
12x9.5 cm
from a picture by A. Devise
1928(262): Mrs. Abington, in the character of the comic muse. [London] Harrison & Co.
Walker, William, 1729-1793 (author)
18x11 cm
1928(264): Garrick
Miller, T (author)
11x8 cm
1928(266): Garrick
Miller, T (author)
11x8 cm
1928(269): Charles Dibdin Esqr. [London] J. Asperene
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7 cm
from an original painting by S. Drummond; European Magazine
1928(271): Mrs. Siddons. [London] Bellamy & Roberts
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
10.5x9 cm
from a painting by Beach; General Mazazine & Impartial Review
1928(272): Mrs. Cowley. [London] John Sewell
Holloway, Thomas, 1748-1827 (author)
10.5x8.5 cm
European Magazine
1928(274): Mr. Garrick and Miss Younge in the characters of Lusignan and Zara. [London] T. Lowdes & Partners
Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827 (author)
12.5x8.5 cm
Edwards, artist
1928(276): Mr. Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger in the Alchymist. [London] I. Payne
9x14.5 cm
The London Theatres. Plate II. Engraved for the Universal Museum
1928(278): Garrick dans le role de Richard III
Romanet, A (author)
12.5x8 cm
Hogarth, artist Butler 817
1928(281): Dav. Garrick. Zwickau, Gebr. Schumann
Devrient, W (author)
17x11 cm
1928(282): Garrick's house, Hampton
Storer, Henry Sargant, d. 1837 (author)
7x9.5 cm
for Coles Residences of Actors
1928(284): Mrs. Robinson. [London] T. Sewell
Conde, I (author)
15x10 cm
European Magazine Butler 152
1928(286): Mrs. Bulkley in the character of Lady Dainty [in Double Gallant]. [London] Published for Bells British Theatre
Thornthwaite (author)
13.5x9 cm
J. Roberts, artist
1928(288): Hannah More
Pelton, O (author)
16x11.5 cm
H. W. Pickersgill, artist
1928(290): Garrick's monument, Westminster Abbey
Storer, Henry Sargant, d. 1837 (author)
10.5x6.5 cm
1928(292): Mrs. Garrick. (taken Sept. 1820 etat 97.) [London] Coluagni & Co.
Chuikshank, Isaac Robert, 1789-1856 (author)
16x14 cm
1928(294): Mr. Garrick. Tragedian
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
9x7 cm
Edge, artist
1928(297): Oliver Goldsmith. London, W. Walker
Smith, Edward (author)
10x8 cm
Drawn by G. Clint. From a picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds
1928(298): Mr. Elliston. [London] T. Bellamy
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
16x11.5 cm
From a picture by Drummond; for the proprietors of the Monthly Mirror
1928(300): James Boswell, Esqr. London, A. Wivell
Huntin, G. W. (author)
20x14 cm
Sir Joshua Reynolds, artist Proof 5s
1928(302): Mrs. Barry in the character of Rosalind, in As you like it. [London] J. Smith & R. Sayer
10x7.5 cm
1928(304): Richard Cumberland Esqr. [London] J. Asperne
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x8.5 cm
Wm Lane, artist
1928(306): The celebrated fighting scene in Miss in her teens
11.5x20 cm
[Mrs. Cibber, Garrick, Mrs. Pritchard, Woodward]
1928(308): Henderson. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
Romney, artist
1928(311): David Garrick Esqr. [London] J. Asperne
Schiavanotti, Lewis, 1765-1810 (author)
13x10.5 cm
Sr. Josh. Reynolds, artist European Magazine
1928(312): Mr. Kemble. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
14x9.5 cm
DeWilde, artist
1928(314): Mr. Weston & Mr. Garrick in ye characters of Scrub & Archer in the Stratagem. [London] J. Smith & R. Sayer
9x7 cm
1928(316): Mrs. Siddons in the character of Lady Macbeth
Rolls, C (author)
19x12.5 cm
G. H. Harlowe, artist Butler 816
1928(318): Colley Cibber, from a picture by Grisoni in the collection of Charles Mathews. London, W. Walker
Robinson, John Henry, 1796-1871 (author)
9.5x8 cm
G. Clint, artist Butler 806
1928(320): Mr. Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger
14x7.5 cm
1928(322): Sr. John Vanbrugh
Chambars, T (author)
17x13 cm
Kneller, artist Butler 1866(22)ø
1928(324): John O'Keefe Esqr. [London] J. Sewell
Corner, John (author)
17x11 cm
Lawrencon, artist
1928(326): Mr. John Bannister, comedian. [London] J. Sewell
Roberts, P (author)
17.5x11 cm
European Magazine
1928(328): R. B. Sheridan, Esqr. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
16.5x11 cm
Sr. Josha. Reynolds, artist
1928(330): Mr. Garrick in the character of Macbeth. [London] R. Sayer & J. Smith
9.5x7.5 cm
1928(332): Mrs. Pritchard
Miller, T (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
1928(334): David Garrick, Esq. [London] Harrison & Co.
Bromley, William, 1769-1842 (author)
7.5x6 cm
Sir J. Reynolds, artist text of biographical sketch
1928(336): Goldsmith and his friends
Schmolze (author)
12x11 cm
1929: Adelaide Neilson, a souvenir, by Laura C. Holloway. Illustrated. New York, Funk & Wagnalls
Langford, Laura Carter Holloway, b. 1848 (author)
added illus. attached to inside of front paper cover PN 2598 N4 H7
1931: Life and battles of Yankee Sullivan, embracing full and accurate reports of his fights with Hammer Lane, Bob Caunt, Tom Secor, Tom Hyer, Harry Bell, John Morrisey, together with a synopsis of his minor battles from his first appearances in the prize ring until his retirement. Also, the battles between Tom Hyer and Country M'Clester, Chriss. Lily and Tom M'Coy, George Kensett and Ned Hammond, Alf. Walker & Joe Hoiles, the "Spider." Philadelphia, A. Winch
In double columns port on cover and title page Paper covers GV 1132 S9 L7
circa 1854
1932: History of the life, travels and incidents of Col. Hugh Lindsay, the celebrated comedian, for a period of thirty-seven years. Written by himself. Philadelphia
Lindsay, Hugh, b. 1804 (author)
Paper covers bound in Newspaper clippings attached to back end papers Bookplate of Henry May Keim with inscription: "From J. G. Hawley, esq. Oct. 1873" [Keim family named on pp. 92-93] PN 2287 L5
1933: Lola Montes: or, a reply to the "Private history and memoirs" of that celebrated lady, recently published, by the Marquis Papon, formerly secretary to the King of Bavaria, and for a period the professed friend and attendant of the Countess of Lansfeldt. New York
Paper covers bound in DD 801 B383 M65
1934: The Lorgnette. August 21, 1860-December 29, 1860. Philadelphia, U. S. Steam-power Printing Office
1 v. Daily except Sunday Caption title. Programmes PN 2277 P55 A8
1935: Dramatic life as I found it: a record of personal experience; with an account of the rise and progress of the drama in the west and south, with anecdotes and biographical sketches of the principal actors and actresses who have at times appeared upon the stage in the Mississippi Valley. By N. M. Ludlow, actor and manager for thirty-eight years. St. Louis, G.I. Jones and Company
Ludlow, Noah Miller, 1795-1886 (author)
Playbill attached to endpaper: DeBar's Opera House, St. Louis, May 18, 1869 PN 2273 S5 L8
1936: Programme for the 250th presentation of Hazel Kirke at the Madison Square Theatre. Illustrations by James E. Kelly. New York, The Art Interchange Press
MacKaye, Steele, 1842-1894 (author)
Cover title: Hazel Kirke PS 2359 M42 H344
1937: The press, the pulpit, and the stage. A lecture delivered at Central Music Hall, Chicago, November 28, 1882, by J. H. McVicker. Chicago, The Western News Company
McVicker, James Hubert, 1822-1896 (author)
PN 2049 M3
1938: "The marvelous musical prodigy, Blind Tom, the Negro boy pianist, whose performances at the great St. James and Egyptian Halls, London, and Salle Hertz, Paris, have created such a profound sensation. Anecdotes, songs, sketches of the life, testimonials of musicians and savans, and opinions of the American and English press, of "Blind Tom."" Baltimore, Sun Book and Job Printing Establishment
Paper cover; cover title: "Songs, sketch of the life [, ] testimonials from the most eminent composers, and opinions of the American and English press, of Blind Tom [, ] the marvelous musical prodigy, the Negro boy pianist, whose recent performances at the great St. James and Egyptian Halls, London, and Salle Hertz, Paris, have created such a profound sensation" ML 417 B3 M3
1939: Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States, from the days of David Garrick to the present time. Edited by Brander Mathews and Laurence Hutton. New York, Cassell & Company
Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929 (author)
Edition de luxe, on large paper, limited to one hundred (100) sets, numbered, and signed by the Editors. This is No. 64 Contents: v. 1 Garrick and his contemporaries. û v. 2 The Kembles and their contemporaries. ûv. 3 Kean and Booth; and their contemporaries. ûv. 4 Macready and Forrest; and their contemporaries. ûv. 5 The present time PN 2597 M3
circa 1886
1940: Infelicia, by Adah Isaacs Menken. Philadelphia, [J. B. Lippincott & Co.]
Menken, Adah Isaacs, 1835-1868 (author)
Engraved title page, port. Also facs. of Dickens' letter Poems PS 2389 M24 1868a
1941: The life and adventures of Edmund Kean tragedian. 1787-1833. By J. Fitzgerald Molloy. London, Ward and Downey
Molly, Joseph Fitzgerald, 1858-1908 (author)
Eng. port, in character, of Kean as Sir Giles Overreach (London, W. Strange, 1832) tipped in PN 2598 K4 M6
1942: The arts of beauty; or, secrets of a lady's toilet. With hints to gentlemen on the art of fascinating. By Madame Lola Montez, Countess of Landsfield. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald
Montez, Lola, 1818-1861 (author)
RA 778 M75
circa 1858
1943: The journal of a London playgoer from 1851 to 1866. London, George Routledge & Sons
Morley, Henry, 1822-1894 (author)
Bound by Burn, 37 & 38 Kirby St. PN 2594 M6
1944: The fabulous Forrest; the record of an American actor, by Montrose J. Moses. Boston, Little, Brown and Company
Moses, Montrose Jonas, 1878-1934 (author)
Bibliography: pp. 345-355 PN 2287 F6 M6
1945: Memoirs of Joseph Shepard Munden, comedian. By his son. London, Richard Bentley
Munden, Thomas Shepherd, 1800?-1850 (author)
PN 2598 M8 M7 1846
1946: Patriotism in poetry and pose: being selected passages from lectures and patriotic readings by James E. Murdoch. Also, poems by Thomas Buchanan Read, George H. Boker, Francis de Haes Janvier, and other American authors, commemorative of the gallant deeds of our noble defenders on land and sea. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co.
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
Eng. ports and clippings tipped in at end papers PS 509 H5 M8
1947: The stage or recollections of actors and acting from an experience of fifty years. A series of dramatic sketches by James E. Murdoch (with an appendix). Philadelphia, J. M. Stoddart & Co.
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
"No. 37 Mrs. T. Buchanan Read" "Biographical sketch of the author. By J. Bunting": pp. 13-24 port and autograph tipped in R. C. Butler is listed as a subscriber to this volume PN 2287 M8 A3
1948: "Les trois rois." By Robert P. Nevin. Pittsburgh, Jos. Eichbaum & Co.
Nevin, Robert Peebles (author)
Contents: "Les trois rois"; "Tom the tinker"; "Stephen C. Foster and Negro minstrelsy" F 159 P6 N52
1949: Plays and poems by an American author, Frederic Walter Norcross. [Philadelphia] Published for the author by the Chiswick Press
Norcross, Frederick Walter (author)
Includes the plays: "Mistress Nan" and "Hadley." Inscription on front flyleaf: "Very truly yours Frederic Walter Norcross Feb. 10, 1903." PS 3527 O42 P4
1950: Before and behind the curtain: or fifteen years' observations among the theatres of New York. New York, W. F. Burgess
Northall, William Knight (author)
PN 2277 N5 N6
1951: Life and recollections of Yankee Hill: together with anecdotes and incidents of his travels. Edited by Dr. W. K. Northall. New York, Published for Mrs. Cordelia Hill, by W. F. Burgess
Northall, William Knight (author)
PN 2287 H5 N5
1952: Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. London
Oldys, William, 1696-1761 (author)
Bound with Betterton, Thomas. History of the English stage. London, 1741 "An abridgement of Egerton's Faithful Memoirs." Arnott & Robinson 829 PN 2581 O4 1741
1953: Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant. London, MacMillan and Co.
Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant Wilson, 1828-1897 (author)
210 p. (English men of letters; ed. by John Morley) PR 3683 O5
1954: Memories of the professional and social life of John E. Owens, by his wife. Baltimore, John Murphy and Company
Owens, Mary C. Stevens (author)
PN 2287 O8 O7
1955: "Gentlemen, be seated!" A parade of the old-time minstrels by Dailey Paskman and Sigmund Spaeth, with a foreword by Daniel Froman, profusely illustrated from old prints and photographs and with complete music for voice and piano. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran & Company
Paskman, Dailey (author)
ML 3561 P2 G3
1956: A memoir of Edward Askew Sothern. By T. Edgar Pemberton. London, Richard Bentley and Son
Pemberton, Thomas Edgar, 1849-1905 (author)
inscription, p. iii: "C. McCausland" PN 2598 S7 P4
1957: Players of a century. A record of the Albany stage. Including notices of prominent actors who have appeared in America. By H. P. Phelps. Albany, Joseph McDonough
Phelps, Henry Pitt, b. 1844 (author)
"Subscriber's edition, 250 copies. No. 104. H. P. P." "A large part of what follows appeared originally, during 1879, in the Sunday edition of the Albany Argus. . ." Preface Tipped in at front: H. P. Phelps, letter, Feb 24, 1889, Becket, Mass., to J. Woods Pointer, Newark, N. J. re: leaving nine copies of "Players" uncut and their disposition PN 2277 A5 P5 1880
1958: Love letters of Mrs. Piozzi, written when she was eighty, to William Augustus Conway. London, John Russell Smith
Piozzi, Hester Lynch Salusbury Thrale, 1741-1821 (author)
PR 3619 P5 L6
1959: A portfolio of players with a packet of notes thereon, by H. C. Bunner, E. A. Dithmar, Laurence Hutton, Brander Mathews and William Winter. New York, J. W. Bouton
"One hundred and ten copies, only, have been printed of this book. Twenty-five with proof impressions of the plates, and eighty-five plain. This is no. 6 with the proof plates. R. Dorney." Bookplate: Joseph Francis Daly PN 2055 P67
1960: "Memoir of Albert Newsam, (deaf mute artist), by Joseph O. Pyatt. Philadelphia, Printed for the author [by James B. Rodgers]"
Pyatt, Joseph O (author)
NE 2415 N5 P8
1961: Poems by Thomas Buchanan Read. A new, enlarged edition, elegantly illustrated. From original designs by Richards, Schuessele, Laurie, Anderton, etc. Philadelphia, Parry & M'Millan, successors to A. Hart
Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872 (author)
Added engraved title page by G. Humphrys PS 2684 P6 1855
1962: The poetical works of Thomas Buchanan Read. Complete in three volumes. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott
Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872 (author)
Inscription, endleaf volume one: "Robert C. Butler from Harriet Denison Read." also attached is T. B. Read's autograph Letter to R. C. Butler from H. D. Read, his aunt, Butler 1608a, enclosed PS 2680 E66 1874
1963: A summer story, Sheridan's ride, and other poems. By Thomas Buchanan Read. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co.
Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872 (author)
C. P. W.'s poem on Read's painting and poem of Sheridan's Ride, Butler 1634a enclosed PS 2684 S8 1865
1964: The flight to America; or, ten hours in New York! A drama, in three acts. By William Leman Rede. The only edition correctly marked, by permission from the promoter's book: to which is added, a description of the costume -- cast of characters -- the whole of the stage business -- situations -- entrances -- exits -- properties and directions, as performed at the London theatres. Embellished with a fine engraving, by Mr. Jones, from a drawing taken expressly in the theatre. London, J. Duncombe & Co.
Rede, William Leman, 1802-1847 (author)
At head of title: Duncombe's Edition PR 5219 R18 F4
1965: The dramatic authors of America. Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber & Co.
Rees, James, 1802-1885 (author)
PS 343 R4
1966: The life of Edwin Forrest. With reminiscences and personal recollections. by James Rees. (Colley Cibber.) With portrait and autograph. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Rees, James, 1802-1885 (author)
PN 2287 F6 R4
1967: The life of Edwin Forrest. With reminiscences and personal recollections. By James Rees. (Colley Cibber.) With portrait and autograph. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Rees, James, 1802-1885 (author)
Extra-illustrated. Boxed PN 2287 F6 R4
1967(ii): Letter, July 2, 1870, Philadelphia, to Ferdinand J. Dreer, reminiscing about childhood readings from the Mirror of Taste and Dramatic Censor
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
1967(21): James Rees, American author and dramatist. 1801-1885. Only 50 impressions taken. T. H. Morrell, New York
Morrell, T H (author)
10x7.5 cm
1967(22): Letter, May 7, 1874, Philadelphia, to J. W. Poiner regretting not sending a Forrest autograph
Rees, James, 1802-1885 (author)
1967(33): [Edwin Forrest. aet. 21]
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
10x8 cm
proof without lettering Butler 343
1967(34): Edwin Forrest. aet. 21
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
10x8 cm
Butler 343
1967(36): Edwin Forrest (1835)
Cronin, David Edward, b. 1839 (author)
8.5x7 cm
1967(39): [Mother of Edwin Forrest]
Whitechurch, Robert, 1814-ca. 1880 (author)
12.5x10 cm
proof without lettering Butler 976
1967(40): Mother of Edwin Forrest
Whitechurch, Robert, 1814-ca. 1880 (author)
Butler 976
1967(43): Stephen Girard, on stone by A. Newsam. Drawn by Leon Noel from the statue by Gevelot. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval & Co's Steam Lith Press
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 14.5x9 cm
1967(44): Edwin Forrest
Soper, Richard F., ca. 1810-ca. 1862 (author)
6x6.5 cm image
engraved for French's American Drama from a dag by Meade & Bro. Butler 893
1967(46): Master Payne
Leney, William S (author)
7.5x6 cm
from the original miniature by Wood Stauffer 1830, Butler 550
1967(48): Star-Fish [Edwin Forrest] Philadelphia, Robinson
Rosenthal, Louis (author)
lith; 9x10.5 cm
Butler 825
1967(51): Mrs. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
R. Peale, artist Stauffer 918, Butler 232
1967(53): [No title]
James H. Hackett, Esq. (author)
10.5x8 cm image
eng'd for the Modern Standard Drama
1967(54): Mr. Duff as Marmion. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 580, Butler 202
1967(56): W. H. W. Betty, as Frederick in Lovers Vows. London, H. D. Symonds
Cook, H. R. (author)
8.5x7.5 cm image
R. Dighton Jr. del.
Jan 1, 1805
1967(58): Major Andre. Etched by H. B. Hall N. Y. 1879. N. Y., H. B. Hall & Sons
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
10.5x9.5 cm
1967(60): James E. Murdoch.
Ferris, Stephen James, 1835-1915 (author)
20x16 cm
Butler 263
1967(62): Mr. Warren
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Sully, artist Stauffer 890, Butler 226
1967(63): Mr. Jefferson [and] Mr. Blissett in the characters of Dr. Smugface and Dr. Dablancour in the Budget of Blunders
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x15 cm image
C. R. Leslie, artist engraved for the Mirror Taste Stauffer 786, Butler 224
1967(66): Mrs. Darley as Amelia
Steel, James W. 1799-1879 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez and Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. C. Darley Stauffer 3004, Butler 898
1967(68): Mrs. Francis, as Miss Harlow. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1975, Butler 566
1967(70): The late Mr. Burke. [Philadelphia] F. C. Wemyss
Steel, James W., 1799-1879 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition drawn & engraved by J. W. Steel from a sketch by J. Wood Stauffer 3002, Butler 897
1967(72): [No title]
Pelby!! [handbill, Baltimore] (author)
9.5x13.5 cm
1967(75): James H. Caldwell
Illman, Thomas, d. ca. 1859 (author)
12x10.5 cm
engraved by Illman & Pilbrow from a painting by Jarvis Butler 439
[circa 1825]
1967(76): Mr. Francis as Sir George Thunder. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1974, Butler 561
1967(78): Sol. Smith
Jackman, William G (author)
eng15.5x11 cm
from a dag by J. Gurney
1967(80): [No title]
Bowery Theatre, New-York (author)
8.5x12.5 cm
1967(81): Mr. Wood, as Stephen Foster. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Ellis, George B (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 974, Butler 243
1967(84): [Group] Andrews, Forrest, Macready, Holland, Cooper, Sloman, Blisset and Master Burke
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
9x14.5 cm
Butler 479
1967(86): [No title]
Sol. Smith (author)
7.5x4.5 cm
1967(88): Miss Kelly, as Beatrice. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 2029, Butler 560
1967(90): Mr. Edwin Forrest, as Carwin. Philadelphia, Turner & Fisher
Ellis, William Harvey (author)
14x9.5 cm
drawn and engraved by W. Harvey Ellis Butler 244
1967(92): Mrs. John Drew's New Arch Street Theatre Philadelphia Sept 1863
6.5x9 cm
1967(95): Mrs. Hilson as Margaret Overreach. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 594, Butler 208
1967(98): [Edwin Forrest as Metamora].
Bannister, James, 1821-1901 (author)
24x16 cm
proof without lettering Butler 48
[circa 1840]
1967(100): Mr. Wemyss, as Rolando. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2115, Butler 564
1967(103): Thos. Cooper.
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
11x9 cm
Stauffer 736, Butler 233
[circa 1800]
1967(104): Mrs. Robert Tyler. N. Y., McMenamy, Hess & Co.
16.5x11.5 cm
1967(106): Mrs. Warren
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
10.5x9 cm
Stauffer 889, Butler 230
1967(109): Cooper as Leon.
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
16x15.5 cm
engraved for the Mirror of Taste C. R. Leslie, artist Stauffer 737, Butler 218
[circa 1800]
1967(110): Washington Irving. [N. Y., James Herring]
Danforth, Moseley Isaac, 1800-1862 (author)
12x9 cm
Painted by C. R. Leslie
1967(113): [No title]
Edwin Forrest (author)
8.5x7.5 cm
1967(114): William Cullen Bryant
Buttre, John Chester, 1821-1893 (author)
8x7 cm
C. L. Elliott, artist
1967(116): Forrest as Damon
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
15x8 cm
1967(118): G. M. Dallas
Reason, P H (author)
11x9 cm
1967(120): [No title]
Edwin Forrest (author)
11.5x8 cm
1967(122): Gregoire XVI
Delpech (author)
lith; 9.5x9 cm
1967(125): Edwin Forrest as The Gladiator
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
13.5x10.5 cm
Butler 345
1967(126): [Edwin Forrest as The Gladiator]
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
13.5x10.5 cm
proof without letters Butler 345
1967(128): Mr. Osbaldiston in Hofer. [Camden, J. Cumberland]
Hollis, George, 1792-1842 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
Bliss, artist
1967(130): [No title]
Edwin Forrest (author)
8x6 cm
1967(133): Edwin Forrest as Othello
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
14x10 cm
Butler 327
[circa 1850]
1967(134): [Edwin Forrest as Othello]
Hall, George R., b. 1818 (author)
14x10 cm
proof without lettering Butler 327
[circa 1850]
1967(136): Mr. Barry. Prologue to the Earl of Essex. [London] Fielding & Walker
Cook (author)
10x5.5 cm
Doyle, artist Stauffer 2991, Butler 889
1967(142): Thomas Salvini as Othello
8.5x6.5 cm
1967(145): [No title]
[Mrs. Forrest] (author)
11x8 cm
1967(146): [No title]
Edmon S. Conner (author)
lith; 10x9 cm
1967(148): Mrs. Charles Kean. London, Richard Bentley
Brown, J (author)
10.5x8 cm
Engraved by J. Brown from a miniature
1967(150): Mr .Vandenhoff, in the character of Hamlet. [Edinburgh, Edward West & Co.]
Horsburgh, John, 1791-1869 (author)
14x11 cm
after painting by William Stewart Watson proof Butler 431
1967(152): [No title]
Wm. Dunlap (author)
7x4.5 cm
1967(154): James Fenimore Cooper. N. Y., James Herring
Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841 (author)
11.5x9 cm
painted by J. W. Jarvis
1967(156): Richard Burbadge, the first performer of King Richard III. [London, E. Harding]
[Harding, Sylvester, 1745-1809] (author)
5x6 cm
From an original picture in Dulwich College Butler 350
1967(158): Edwin Forrest as King Lear
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
13.5x10 cm
Butler 178
1967(160): Edwin Forrest as King Lear
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
13.5x10 cm
proof without letters Butler 178
1967(162): Mr. J. P. Kemble, as Rolla. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10x8 cm
drawn by Harlow
1967(164): Booth. [London] Mathews & Leigh
Evans, William (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
1967(166): Cooke as King Lear
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
14.5x8.5 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist [Engraved for the Mirror of Taste] Stauffer 734, Butler 215
1967(168): Garrick, E. Kean, Betterton, Peg Woffington, Mrs. Siddons
12.5x8.5 cm
1967(170): Leigh Hunt
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
14.5x8 cm
Engraved by H. Meyer from a drawing by J. Hayter
1967(174a): Mr. E. Forrest as Rolla. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 584, Butler 203
1967(175): Edwin Forrest at 45
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
9x8.5 cm
proof without letters Butler 344
1967(176): Edwin Forrest at 45
Halpin, Frederick W., 1805-1880 (author)
9x8.5 cm
Butler 344
1967(178): Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, M. P. Simons
Sartain, John, 1808-1897 (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
Engraved by J. Sartain, from a dag by M. P. Simons
1967(180): Edwin Forrest as Virginius.
Jackman, William G (author)
13.5x10.5 cm
Butler 455
[circa 1860]
1967(182): Edwin Forrest as Virginius.
Jackman, William G (author)
eng13.5x10.5 cm
proof without letters Butler 455
[circa 1860]
1967(184): [No title]
Edwin Booth (author)
8.5x8.5 cm
proof without letters
1967(186): Edwin Forrest as Hamlet
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
13.5x10 cm
proof without letters Butler 177
1967(188): Edwin Forrest as Hamlet
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876 (author)
13.5x10 cm
proof without letters Butler 177
1967(190): [J. B. Booth as Hamlet]
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
7.5x7 cm
proof without letters Butler 321
1967(192): Charles Young Esqr. London, A. Wivell
Wright, Thomas, 1792-1849 (author)
10.5x8.5 cm
A. Wivell, artist Proof, Plate 3
1967(194): [No title]
Edwin Booth (author)
11.5x10.5 cm
1967(196): Thos. S. Hamblin
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
10.5x8.5 cm
Butler 763
[circa 1835]
1967(199): William Davidge
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8.5x8 cm
Sarony, artist Butler 424
1967(200): Elizabeth Ponisi
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x8 cm
Butler 395
1967(201): Henry Clay
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
11.5x9 cm
Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a painting by W. J. Hubard
1967(206): Andrew Jackson Allen, old costumer of Edwin Forrest, in a favorite character
13x6 cm
1967(210): Edwin Forrest. N. Y., Photo-Gravure Co.
Brady, Mathew B., ca. 1823-1896 (author)
photoprint 16x9 cm6
circa 1858
1967(212): Edwin Forrest
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
13x9.5 cm
Butler 621 reduced
1967(214): William Shakespear. London, J. Hinton
16x10.5 cm
Engraved for the Universal Magazine
1967(216): John Dryden. London, Welton & Jarvis
Adlard, H (author)
10.5x7 cm
1967(221): Mr. Macready, as Henry Vth
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
15x8.5 cm
J. W. Gear, artist Engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
1967(223): Mr. Booth as Brutus. [London] G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
7.5x5 cm
T. Wageman, artist Butler 813
1967(226): Douglas Jerrold. London, Kent & Co. (late D. Bogue)
Mote, W. H. (author)
12.5x9 cm
Taken from the marble bust by E. H. Bailey
1967(228): Mr. Macready as Macbeth. Philadelphia, Thomas T. Ash
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 611, Butler 206
1967(230): Mr. Mitchell as Richard No. III
19.5x11 cm
AB, artist
1967(233): [Bulwer]
Schoff, S. A. (author)
6x6 cm
1967(234): C. Kean
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
4x3.5 cm
"#9 of 55 signed proofs. J. O. Wright & Co."
1967(236): Mr. Charles Kean as Sir Giles Overreach. London, J. Duncombe & Co.
Page (author)
9x8 cm
1967(238): [No title]
N. P. Willis (author)
11x9.5 cm
1967(240): Mr. Kemble. [London], Mathews & Leigh
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
14.5x9.5 cm
Stuart, artist
1967(242): Pope
Caldwall (author)
12x7 cm
Jarvis, artist
1967(244): Macklin
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7 cm
Stauffer 816, Butler 221
1967(246): [No title]
Colley Cibber Esqr (author)
9x7 cm
1967(248): Edwin Forrest as Richard III.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
13.5x10 cm
proof without letters Butler 337
[circa 1860]
1967(250): Edwin Forrest as Richard III.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
13.5x10 cm
Butler 337
[circa 1860]
1967(252): Cooke as Richard III
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
18x9.5 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist engraved for the Mirror of Taste Butler 216
1967(254): The late Mr. Mossop, the celebrated tragedian. [London] Verner & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
engraved by Ridley from an original drawing by Mortimer in the possession of W. T. Lewis, Esqr.
1967(258): Edwin Forrest as Macbeth
Robin, Augustus (author)
14x10 cm
Butler 804
[circa 1845]
1967(261): Mrs. Siddons, as Queen Catherine. [London] Simkin & Marshall
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
eng 10.5x8
1967(262): Miss C. Wemyss
Halpin, J (author)
10.5x8 cm
engraved for the Mirror Drama
1967(266): [No title]
Alex. Pope Esq. (author)
13x7.5 cm
1967(268): Mr. Charles Kemble as Giraldi Fazio. London, T. & I. Elvey
Cook, H. R. (author)
12.5x7.5 cm
1967(271): Edwin Forrest
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
18x11 cm
produced for Modern Standard Drama Brady, Dag. Butler 759
1967(272): Goldsmith. N. Y., W. Durrell
Leney, William S (author)
8x6.5 cm
painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds
1967(274): E. L. Davenport as Brutus
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
12.5x9 cm
artist: CBH Butler 317
1967(277): Richard Cumberland Esqr
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
19x12 cm
1967(278): Mr. Kean, as Sir Giles Overreach. London, J. McCormick
12x9 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
1967(280): Edwin Forrest as King Lear
Cronin, David Edward, b. 1839 (author)
7.5x8 cm
artist: DEC
1967(284): [No title]
Mr. Cooke (author)
8x6.5 cm
1967(294): Edwin Forrest as Coriolanus
Hall, Charles Bryan, 1840-1896 (author)
12.5x9 cm
Butler 320
1967(296): Mr. Kean, as Coriolanus. [London] Simkin & Marshall
Thomson (author)
11.5x7.5 cm
engraved by Thompson from an original drawing by Wageman
1967(298): Mr. Cooke
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9.5x8 cm
Sully, artist Stauffer 733, Butler 222
[circa 1800]
1967(300): Mr. John Kemble as Cato
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
7.5x5 cm
engraved by J. Rogers from a drawing by T. Wageman
1967(302): Andrew Jackson, President of the United States
Willard, A (author)
9x7 cm
1967(304): Illustrations of the Dramatists: no. 1 [Edwin Forrest as] Coriolanus. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee
Magee, John L (author)
lith in color; 14.5x9 cm
Butler 598
1967(306): John W. Forney
Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906 (author)
8.5x9 cm
1967(308): [Fort Hill, Forrest's home on Hudson]
Richardson, Russel R (author)
7x11.5 cm
1967(311): Mr. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
T. Sully, artist Stauffer 919, Butler 227
1967(312): Mr. Wallack, as Alessandro Massaroni in the Brigand. London, Whittaker Treacher & Co.
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
13.5x9.5 cm
R. Cruikshank, artist Butler 815
1967(315): Mr. Jefferson as Solus
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 785, Butler 225
1967(316): Mr. Warren as Sir Peter Teazle. [Philadelphia, Poole]
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
18.5x11.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition after a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2102, Butler 563
1967(318): Edmund Simpson. New York, Neal & Mackenzie
Illman, Thomas, d. ca. 1859 (author)
9x7 cm
from a painting by Jarvis; G. Neale, printer Butler 438 (variant imprint)
1967(320): W. C. Macready
Jeens, Charles Henry, 1827-1879 (author)
7.5x6 cm
from a miniature by R. Thorburn
1967(322): [Macready, as] William Tell
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9.5x7 cm
from a painting by H. Inman; printed by J. Burton Stauffer 612; Butler 199
1967(326): Mr. Macready, as King John. London, G. Virtue
Page, R (author)
11x7.5 cm
T. Wageman, artist
1967(333): [No title]
Macready (author)
10x9 cm
1967(340): Mr. Macready, as Orestes. [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
11.5x7.5 cm
from a painting by DeWilde
1967(346): Mr. Sinclair. [London, S. Robinson]
Cooper, Robert (author)
11.5x9.5 cm
painted by Sharp Butler 165
1967(355): Catharine N. Forrest. N. Y.
Orr, N (author)
10.5x7.5 cm
1967(369): Old National Theatre, corner of Leonard and Church Streets. N. Y.
Richardson, Benjamin, 1835-1926 (author)
8.5x11 cm
1967(370): Mrs. Catharine Sinclair, divorced wife of Edwin Forrest, in the character of "Lady Teazle"
12x9 cm
1967(372): [No title]
Charles Melton Walcot, comedian. ca. 1868 (author)
10x8 cm
artist: AB Butler 119
1967(374): John Brougham
Soper, Richard F., ca. 1810-ca. 1862 (author)
8x7 cm
engraved for French's American Drama Butler 894
[circa 1850]
1967(376): Henry Placide. N. Y.
Williams (E. G.) & Bro. (author)
10x9.5 cm
Butler 1926(48)
1967(378): Charlotte Cushman
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8x7 cm
Butler 388 (variant date)
circa 1896
1967(380): [No title]
Wallack's Theatre, Broadway at Broome Street (author)
8.5x11 cm
[Brougham Lyceum]
1967(382): Broadway Theatre, 1859. New York, for D. T. Valentine's Manual, 1861
Sarony, Major & Knapp (author)
lith; 15.5x9.5 cm
1967(384a): Edwin Forrest at 65.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
11.5x11.5 cm
proof without letters Butler 338
[circa 1871]
1967(385): Edwin Forrest at 65.
Hall (H. B.) & Sons (author)
11.5x11.5 cm
Butler 338
[circa 1871]
1967(386): [No title]
David Garrick, Esqr (author)
12.5x9.5 cm
1967(388): William Hazlitt. (Aged 30) from an original miniature on ivory painted by his brother. London, Richard Bentley
9x7.5 cm
1967(390): Edwin Forrest, from his favorite portrait, from a dag, by Brady
14.5x11 cm
1967(392): Edwin Forrest as Shylock
Thompson, D. George, d. 1870 (author)
13.5x10 cm
proof without letters Butler 931
1967(394): Edwin Forrest as Shylock
Thompson, D. George, d. 1870 (author)
13.5x10 cm
Butler 931
1967(396): [No title]
McKean Buchanan (author)
lith; 7.5x7 cm
1967(398): Thomas Betterton
Wooding, J (author)
12x10 cm
from a painting by Godfrey Kneller
1967(401): Joseph C. Neal
Jackman, William G (author)
15.5x11.5 cm
painted by John Neagle
1967(403): [No title]
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
7.5x12 cm
1967(404): Lafayette. [Paris] Lith de Delpech
lith; 9x10 cm
artist: NC
1967(406): [Group in character costumes] Boston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
7x11.5 cm
included are: Kean, Barnes, Brown, Finn, Kilner, Jefferson, Mathews Butler 480
1967(408): [Caricature of Forrest as Spartacus]
9x9 cm
1967(410): The great "American Tragedian"
Avery (author)
13x10 cm
artist: JML
1967(412): Metamora. Boston, D. H. Williams
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Smillie (author)
12x8.5 cm
Frederick S. Agate, artist Butler 789
1967(415): R. Penn Smith
Bowen, J. T. (author)
lith; 10.5x9.5 cm
Executed for Burton's Gentleman's Magazine
1967(416): Mr. Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian, as the Gladiator. London, G. E. Madeley
Madeley, G. E. (author)
lith; 14x10 cm
Butler 591
1967(418): Illustrations of the Departments: no. 2 [Edwin Forrest as] Spartacus. Philadelphia, J. L. Magee
Magee, John L (author)
lith in color; 14.5x9 cm
Butler 599
1967(421): Robt M. Bird
Roberts (author)
5x4 cm
1967(422): Playbill, December 14, 1861. Edwin Forrest in Richard III.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(424): Playbill, December 4, 1861. Edwin Forrest in Hamlet: Prince of Denmark.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(426): Playbill, December 20, 1861. Edwin Forrest in Richelieu: or, The conspiracy.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(428): John R. Scott, the tragedian, as Ingomar
19x10.5 cm
1967(431): [No title]
R. T. Conrad (author)
7x6 cm
1967(432): [No title]
The Park Theatre (author)
6x6.5 cm
1967(434): Playbill, April 8, 1867. J. E. Murdoch in School for Scandal. [newspaper clipping]
New Chestnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(436): Playbill, November 18, 1868. Edwin Forrest in Jack Cade.
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(438): Playbill, January 6, 1862. Edwin Forrest in Othello.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(440): Miss Clara Fisher. Philadelphia, R. H. Hobson
Childs, Cephas Grier, 1793-1871 (author)
lith; 16x11 cm
Hubard, artist Butler 127
[circa 1870]
1967(442): Edwin Forrest
Ferguson (author)
12x9.5 cm
1967(444): Playbill, March 23, 1863. Edwin Forrest in Lear.
New Chestnut Street (author)
1967(446): Playbill, January 8, 1862. Edwin Forrest in Macbeth.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(448): The Player. February 24, 1868. Program for J. W. Wallack in Oliver Twist
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(451): Eleanor Gwynne, from a painting by Sir Peter Lely
Lely, Sir Peter, 1618-1680 (author)
8x7 cm
engraved for the Dramatic Magazine Butler 546
1967(453): First Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, opened in 1794
10.5x13 cm
1967(455): Samuel Johnson. Boston, Willliam Andrews & Lemuel Blake
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
eng 11.5x9
1967(456): Mr. Kean in the character of Richard the Third.
Holl, B (author)
12x9.5 cm
from a picture by DeWilde Lady's Magazine, January 1819
1967(458): Mr. Kean as Richard 3rd
Kennerly (author)
10x7 cm
Marks, artist
1967(460): Edwin Forrest. New York, Moore & Bernard
Jackman, William G (author)
10x8.5 cm
from a photograph Butler 456
1967(462): Playbill, April 28, 1869. J. H. Hackett in Henry IV
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(465): [No title]
Shirley Brooks (author)
15.5x12 cm
1967(466): Dav. Garrick. Zwickau, bei Gebr. Schumann
Devrient, W (author)
9x7 cm
1967(468): Program, October 13, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Charles King in Merchant of Venice.
American Academy of Music (author)
1967(471): Cooke as Sir Pertinax Macsycophant
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
11x8 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist engraved for Mirror Taste Stauffer 733, Butler 217
1967(472): The late Mr. G. F. Cooke as Stukely, [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
11.5x8 cm
1967(474): John Gilbert. Guttenberg, N. J., S. Hollyer
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
9x8 cm
Butler 405
1967(476): Mr. Emery, as John Moody. [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
12x8 cm
from a painting by DeWilde
1967(478): Miss O'Neill. [London] G. S. Robinson
Heath, James, 1757-1834 (author)
9x7 cm
drawn from life by W. M. Craig
1967(480): Mr. John Henderson. London, J. Sewell
Jones, John, 1740-1797 (author)
18x11.5 cm
T. Gainsborough, artist European Magazine
1967(482): J. W. Forney
Ritchie, A. H. (author)
12x9 cm
1967(484): The Player. April 14, 1868 Program for Edwin Booth in Hamlet
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(486): S. D. Gross. Philadelphia, Chas. Robson
Robson, Charles (author)
11x11 cm
1967(488): Garrick
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
engraved for Mirror of Taste
1967(490): Mr. Forrest as Richelieu
Roberts, R (author)
14x11 cm
Magee, artist
1967(492): The Player.
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
Program for John Brougham in Dombey & Son
1967(494): Playbill, October 23, 1868. E. L. Davenport in Damon and Pythias
Walnut Street Theatre (author)
1967(497): [Geo. W. Childs]
Welch, Thomas B, 1814-1874 (author)
13x10 cm
proof without letters
1967(498): [No title]
John Swift, Mayor of Philadelphia (author)
lith; 8.5x8 cm
1967(500): [No title]
Forrest (author)
8x5.5 cm
1967(502): Forrest as Virginius
Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902 (author)
14.5x8 cm
1967(505): Edwin Forrest as Metamoa
Cronin, David Edward, b. 1839 (author)
8x5.5 cm
1967(506): Theatrical Observer
Printed by J. W. J. Niles at No. 110 Baltimore Street [Baltimore?]
November 21, 1833
1967(508): Autograph, June 2
Forrest, Edwin, 1806-1872 (author)
1967(510): Edwin Forrest
Ansel, G. L. (author)
11x7.5 cm
proof without letters Butler 17
1967(512): Invitation to the commemoration of the three hundred and forty-seventh anniversary of the birthday of William Shakespeare.
The Edwin Forrest Home (author)
April 25, 1911
1967(514): [Group in character costumes] Boston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
5x11 cm
includes: Francis, H. Wallack, Pelby, Warren, Burke, Wood, Hilson
1967(517): J. W. Wallack. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval Lith
Newsam, Albert, 1809-1869 (author)
lith; 13x10.5 cm
Wageman, artist Engraved for Burton's Gentleman's Magazine Butler 736
1967(518): Wm. B. Wood
Graham, A. W. (author)
9.5x8 cm
from a dag by M. P. Simons Butler 302
1967(520): Mrs. Siddons, in the character of the tragic muse
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
11x9 cm
from a picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds
1967(522): Rachel, D'apres une photographie faite en 1851. [Paris] Jouaust Ed.
Massard, L (author)
17.5x12 cm
1968: Reminiscences of Edwin Forrest, by James Rees. (Written for the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury.)
Rees, James, 1802-1885 (author)
Also 31 l. unbound, mounted newspaper clippings on Forrest, 1872-1887 PN 2287. F6 R44
[February 23, 1873]
1969: Yesterdays with actors, by Catherine Mary Reignolds-Winslow. Boston, Cupples and Hurd
Reignolds, Catherine Mary, 1836?-1911 (author)
Added title page with vignette port PN 2287 W5 A3
1970: Dan Rice's original comic and sentimental poetic effusions. Philadelphia, Robert F. Simpson
Rice, Dan, 1823-1900 (author)
Paper covers, illus. Cover title: Dan Rice's American humorist & Shaksperian jester song and joke book PS 2698 R4
1971: Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date by Edw. Le Roy Rice. New York, Kenny Publishing Company
Rice, Edward Leroy, b. 1871 (author)
ML 106 U3 R4
circa 1911
1972: 1000 men of minstrelsy and 1 woman which will include Geo. Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Compiled by Edw. Le Roy Rice. [New York]
Rice, Edward Leroy, b. 1871 (author)
Cover-title, paper covers ML 106 U3 R42
circa 1909
1973: Forty-six years of my life on the stage, by Ben T. Ringgold. [New York, Press of J. A. Whiteman]
Ringgold, Ben T., 1835-1905 (author)
Paper covers Obit. clipping on inside front cover PN 2287 R55
1974: Echos of the playhouse. Reminiscences of some past glories of the English stage. By Edward Robins, Jr. New York, G. P. Putman's Sons
Robins, Edward, 1862-1943 (author)
Flyleaf inscription from author to Robert C. Butler, May 24, 1905 Also attached letter, Edward Robins to [Robert C. Butler], n.d.: "This book is now out of print. The plates and few remaining unsold copies have been destroyed, by my order, and "Echoes" is no longer "on the market." I thought, therefore, you might like an extra copy." Another copy, with inscription [p. vii] from Robins to Butler, January 21, 1901 PN 2593 R6
1975: The palmy days of Nance Oldfield, by Edward Robins, with portraits. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & Co.
Robins, Edward, 1862-1943 (author)
Endleaf inscription: Edward Robins to Robert Cushman Butler, n. d. "I am very glad to present to you this copy of "The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield," and with it the original manuscript of the book." [Butler 1613] PN 2598 O5 R6
1976: Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, written by herself. From the edition edited by her daughter. London, Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot
Robinson, Mary Darby, 1758-1800 (author)
DA 538 A35 A18
1977: The old play-goer. London, Joseph Masters
Robson, William, 1785-1863 (author)
Written in the form of letters to Charles Kendall Bookplate of Thomas Jefferson McKee PN 2594 R6
1978: Sanford's plantation melodies, containing a selection of songs as sung by his great band of minstrels throughout the United States and British provinces, with greate success. Philadelphia, Robert F. Simpson
Sanford, Samuel S., 1821-1905 (author)
"The illustrations of this book are engraved on wood, by Noble & Nagle, from photographs, taken by Dinmore & Co., Philadelphia." Cover title and imprint: Sanford's plantation melodies. Philadelphia, E. Price Paper covers PN 3195 S3
1979: Lauriat's, 1872-1922; being a sketch of early Boston booksellers with some account of Charles E. Lauriat Company and its founder Charles E. Lauriat. Written for the "Boston Evening Transcript" by George H. Sargent. Boston, Privately printed
Sargent, George Henry, 1867-1931 (author)
Z 8622.7 S24
1980: An interviewer's album: comprising a series of chats with eminent players and playwrights. By G. O. Seilhamer. Embellished with fine portraits never engraved. New York, Alvin Perry & Co.
Seilhamer, George Overcash, 1839-1916 (author)
6 parts
[Edition limited to 300 copies; 24 parts were projected] Contents: I. Madame Achille; II. Mademoiselle Augusta; III. Mary Ann Horton; IV. Cornelius Mathews; V. Herr Cline; VI. Charles R. Thorne; VII. Henry C. Timm; VIII. John Banvard; IX. Ann Seguin; X. Alexina Fisher Baker; XI. Fitz William Rosier; XII. Edmon S. Conner; XIII. Benjamin A. Baker; XIV. Anna Bishop; XV. Thomas H. Hadaway; XVI. Alexander Allan PN 2285 S4
1981: A sketch of the life of James William Wallack, (senior, ) late actor and manager. New York, T. H. Morrell
Title vignette (port) "Edition, 250 copies, of which 50 are on large paper." Compiled "with some variations, and numerous additions, from the various obituary notices that appeared in the newspapers of the day, and more particularly in the columns of the New York Tribune and Herald." Preface PN 2287 W27 S4
1982: A narrative of the falling of the Brunswick Theatre, Wells Street, Wellclose Square. By the Rev. G. C. Smith. London, W. K. Wakefield
Smith, George Charles (author)
Six parts. Each part has added title page. (Part one is fifth edition.) Bound with the author's The Royal Brunswick; or a series of plans designed to be promoted under the direction of the Royal Brunswick Maritime Establishment, in buildings to be erected upon the ground lately occupied by the Royal Brunswick Theatre, in Wells Street, Wellclose Square. London, W. K. Wakefield, [1828?] PN 2596 L7 B7x
1983: Sol. Smith's theatrical apprenticeship. Comprising a sketch of the first seven years of his professional life; together with anecdotes and sketches of adventure in after years. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson and Brothers
Smith, Solomon Franklin, 1801-1869 (author)
Added title page: Theatrical apprenticeship of Sol. Smith Illustrations by Darley Paper covers bound in, illus. PN 2287 S6 A3 1845
circa 1845, circa 1854
1984: The theatrical journey-work and anecdotal recollections of Sol. Smith, ... comprising a sketch of the second seven years of his professional life; together with sketches of adventures in after years with a portrait of the author. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Smith, Solomon Franklin, 1801-1869 (author)
Paper covers bound in, illus. PN 2287 S6 A33
circa 1854
1985: Theatrical management in the west and south for thirty years. Interspersed with anecdotical sketches: autobiographically given by Sol. Smith, retired actor. With fifteen illustrations and a portrait of the author. New York, Harper & Brothers
Smith, Solomon Franklin, 1801-1869 (author)
[Illustrations by Darley] "I have heretofore (in 1845 and 1855) published two small volumes, which in their day had considerable circulation: some of their contents are here; and moreover, a few of the sketches which I herein give are reclaimed from Burton's Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor. . ." Preface PN 2287 S6 A5 1868
1986: Charlotte Cushman: her letters and memories of her life. Edited by her friend, Emma Stebbins. Boston, Houghton, Osgood and Company
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882 (author)
Flyleaf inscription: Maurice, New Years 1880 PN 2287 C8 S7 1879
1987: The comic natural history of the human race: designed and illustrated by Henry L. Stephens. Philadelphia, S. Robinson
Stephens, Henry Louis, 1824-1882 (author)
Colored paper cover bound in Letters, Butler 1561-1562, enclosed PS 2919 S4 C6
circa 1851
1988: Personal recollections of the drama, or theatrical reminiscences, embracing sketches of prominent actors and actresses, their chief characteristics, original anecdotes of them, and incidents connected therewith. Albany, Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons
Stone, Henry Dickinson (author)
PN 2248 S7
1989: Authentic memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, in which is portrayed the secret history and intrigues of many characters in the first circles of fashion and high life; and containing the whole of her correspondence during the time she lived under the protection of his royal highness to Duke of York, the gallant Duke's love letters and other interesting papers never before published. London, Thomas Tegg
Taylor, Elizabeth (author)
PN 2598 C45 T3
1990: Charles Dickens. The story of his life. By the author of the "Life of Thackerary." With illustrations and facsimiles. New York, Harper & Brothers
Taylor, Tom, 1817-1880 (author)
Paper covers bound in PR 4581 T4
1991: The theatrical times; a weekly magazine of thespian biography, original dramatic essays, provincial, continental, American, metropolitan theatricals; a complete record of public amusements, with original portraits of eminent living actors. v. 1-4, n. 8 (no. 1-145), June 13, 1846-March 17, 1849; n.s. 1-4, Sept. 13-Oct 4, 1851. London. S. Grieves
Endleaf note: "Lacks nos. 34 + 35; June 13, 1846 to March 25, 1848 inclusive." Library also lacks nos. 100-145; n.s. 1-4; April 1, 1848-Oct. 4, 1851 PN 2001 T6
1992: The thespian dictionary; or, dramatic biography of the eighteenth century; containing sketches of the lives, productions, & c.of all the principal managers, dramatists, composers, commentators, actors, and actresses, of the United Kingdom: interspersed with several original anecdotes; and forming a concise history of the English stage. London, Printed by J. Cundee for T. Hurst
"Bound by Bayntun Bath Eng" PN 2597 T5 1802
1993: The print of my remembrance. Illustrated with photographs and numerous drawings by the author. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons
Thomas, Augustus, 1857-1934 (author)
PS 3023 A4
1994: Thomas Buchanan Read, March 12, 1822-May 11, 1872. A memorial. [Hopewell, Pennsylvania]
Includes sketch of the life of Thomas Buchanan Read by Lewis Harley. Memorial service, Hopewell Methodist Episcopal Church, May 30, 1922 PS 2686 T45
1995: The life, crime, and capture of John Wilkes Booth, with a full sketch of the conspiracy of which he was the leader, and the pursuit, trial and execution of his accomplices. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald
Townsend, George Alfred, 1841-1914 (author)
At end: Catalogue of books published by Dick & Fitzgerald. [14] p. (page numbering irregular) Paper covers bound in E 457.5 T742
circa 1865
1996: The trail of the assasins and conspirators of Washington City, D. C., May and June, 1865, for the murder of President Abraham Lincoln. Full of illustrative engravings. Being a full and verbatim report of the testimony of all the witnesses examined in the whole trail... The whole being complete and unabridged in this volume, being prepared on the spot by the special correspondents and reporters of the Philadelphia Daily Inquirer, expressly for this edition. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
At head of title: Complete and unabridged edition. Containing the whole of the suppressed evidence Thin paper edition. Paper covers bound in E 457.7 T83
circa 1865
1997: Great artists of the American stage. A portrait gallery of the leading actors and actresses of America. With critical biographies. Part I. New York, Richard K. Fox
Trumble, Alfred (author)
No more published? PN 2285 T7
1998: Leaves from an actor's note-book; with reminiscences and chit-chat of the green-room and the stage, in England and America. New York, D. Appleton and Company
Vandenhoff, George, 1820-1884 (author)
Published also under the title: Dramatic reminiscences; or, actors, and actresses in England and America. . .Ed., with preface, by Henry Seymour Carlton. London, 1860 PN 2598 V3 A33
1999: The Shakespearean miscellany: containing a collection of scarce and valuable tracts; biographical anecdotes of theatrical performers; with portraits of ancient and modern actors (of many whom there are no prints extant) scarce and original poetry; and curious remains of antiquity... Printed chiefly from manuscripts, in the possession of, and with occasional notes by, F. G. Waldron. London, Printed by Knight and Compton
Waldron, Francis Godolphin, 1744-1818 (author)
Contents: The life, and surprising adventures, miracles, & ca. of the prophet Abraham; Miscellaneous antiquities; Miscellaneous poetry; The English stage Endpaper inscription: "Perfect copies of this book are very scarce. This copy contains all the plates, including the rare one of Theophilus Cibber and Tom Davies and all fine impressing. I have been around among the æold' book stores, and visited collectors for the last five years, and this is only the third perfect copy of this book that I have seen. Sunday night Feb 9, 1873." PR 1105 W3 1802
2000: Chronology of the American stage, from 1752-1852. New York, O. A. Roorbach
Wemyss, Francis Courtney, 1797-1852 (author)
Paper covers bound in PN 2251 W4
circa 1852
2001: Twenty-six years of the life of an actor and manager. Interspersed with sketches, anecdotes and opinions of the professional merits of the most celebrated actors and actresses of our day. New York, Burgess, Stringer and Company
Wemyss, Francis Courtney, 1797-1859 (author)
Bookplate on front endpaper: entwined WHT PN 2251 W45
2002: Theatrical biography: or, the life of an actor and manager. Interspersed with sketches, anecdotes, and opinions of the professional merits of the most celebrated actors and actresses of our day. By Francis Courtney Wemyss. Glasgow, R. Griffin & Co.
Wemyss, Francis Courtney, 1797-1859 (author)
First published under title: Twenty-six years of the life of an actor and manager PN 2251 W45x
2002(3): Mr. Wemyss, as Rolando. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-18 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2115, Butler 564 69
2002(7): [No title]
Walnut St. Theatre (author)
6x8 cm
2002(8): Mr. Bartley, as Falstaff. [London] G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
7x5 cm
Clint, del.
2002(10): Mr. H. Johnston
Mackenzie, K (author)
8.5x6.5 cm
from an original drawing by Dighton
2002(12): Miss De Camp as Foible [in Way of the World]. London, G. Cawthorn British Library
Thompson, P. (author)
11.5x8 cm
Roberts, artist
2002(15): Kemble
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
Engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 795, Butler 219
2002(16): Mr. Charles Kemble as Giraldi Fazio. London, T. & I. Elvey
Cook, H. R. (author)
6.5x5 cm
2002(18): Mr. Heny. Siddons. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
from a drawing by Edridge
2002(20): Mr. Ryder in the character of Lovegold [in The Miser]. W. Lowndes
Angus, William, 1752-1821 (author)
12.5x8 cm
Ryley, artist
2002(22): [No title]
Arch Street Theatre (author)
7.5x11.5 cm
2002(24): Robert Burns
Tiebout, Cornelius, 1773-1832 (author)
12.5x8.5 cm
2002(26): Mr. H. Johnston in the character of Hamlet. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
R. K. Porter, artist
2002(28): Mr. Liston as Tony Lumpkin. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10x7.5 cm
T. O. Steeden, artist
2002(31): Mr. Munden. [London] Vernor & Hood
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7 cm
from a miniature by Wood
2002(32): Mr. Emery, as Farmer Ashfield. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
11.5x7.5 cm
J. Kennerley, artist
2002(35): Mr. D. Meadows, as Simon Pure. [London] Duncombe, Sr.
Page (author)
9.5x7 cm
2002(37): Mr. Booth, as Brutus
Ellis, George B (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 964; Butler 242
2002(38): Mrs. Siddons
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
Stauffer 874; Butler 229
2002(41): Mr. Kean, in the character of King Richard IIId. [London] G. & S. Robinson
9x7.5 cm
No. 6. Lady's Magazine. June, 1814.
2002(42): Mr. Cowell as Crack. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 573; Butler 201
2002(45): Mr. Rayner, as Giles. [London] G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
11.5x7.5 cm
drawn by Kennerly from a picture by Hartley
2002(48): Mrs. Glover. [London] Vernor & Hood
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
8x6 cm
from an original miniature
2002(50): Mr. Macready as Macbeth. Philadelphia, Thos. T. Ash
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x8 cm
Lopez and Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Staufer 611; Butler 206
2002(52): Miss O'Neill, as Belvidera. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10x7.5 cm
Devis, artist
2002(54): Mr. Osbaldiston in Hofer. Camden New Town, J. Cumberland
Holllis, George, 1792-1842 (author)
9.5x7 cm
Bliss, artist Butler, 1967(128)
2002(56): Mr. Elliston. [London] T. Bellamy
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
9x7.5 cm
from a picture by Drummond; for the Monthly Mirror Butler 1928 (298)
2002(58): Mrs. Edwin. [London] Vernor, Hood & Sharpe
Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857 (author)
9x7 cm
De Wilde, artist
2002(61): Mr. Egerton, as Clytus
Cook, H. R. (author)
12x8 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(63): Mr. Wood, as Stephen Foster. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Ellis, George B (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffe 974; Butler 243
2002(64): Mr. Warren
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Sully, artist Stauffer 890; Butler 226
2002(66): Mr. Francis, as Miss Harlow. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez and Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1975; Butler 566
2002(68): Mr. Francis, as Sir George Thunder. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez and Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1974; Butler 561
2002(70): Thos. Cooper.
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
11x9 cm
Stauffer 736; Butler 233
[circa 1800]
2002(73): Mrs. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
R. Peale, artist Stauffer 918; Butler 232
2002(74): Mr. Lewis in the character of Hippolitus. [London] I. Wenmann
11.5x8.5 cm
2002(76): Mr .Matthews in the character of Mr. Wiggins. London, J. Virtue
Meyer, Henry, 1783-1847 (author)
10.5x7 cm
2002(79): Stephen Price, manager of Drury Lane Theatre, London, and Park Theatre, New York. [N. Y., T. H. Morrell]
Hall, Henry Bryan, 1808-1884 (author)
10.5x10 cm
from a painting by S. W. Reynolds Butler 336
2002(81): [Group in costume] Boston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
5.5x11 cm
includes: Francis, H. Wallack, Pelby, Warren, Burke, Wood, Hilson Butler 1967 (514)
2002(82): Mr. Duff, as Marmion. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 580; Butler 202
2002(85): Geo. H. Barrett
Bonar & Cumming (author)
10.5x9 cm
Eng for the Modern Standard Drama Butler 71
2002(86): Holograph signature
Wood, William B., 1779-1861 (author)
2002(89): The late Mrs. Morris.
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
8.5x7 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition Butler 481
2002(90): Miss Kelly, as Beatrice. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Brown, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle; printed by B. Rogers Stauffer 2029; Butler 560
2002(92): Mrs. Darley as Amelia
Steel, James W., 1799-1879 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. C. Darley Stauffe 3004; Butler 898
2002(94): Mr. E. Forrest as Rolla. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 584; Butler 203
2002(96): [No title]
William Rufus Blake (author)
4x3 cm
2002(99): Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Illman Brothers (author)
9.5x8.5 cm
facsimile autograph
2002(100): Mr. Kean, as King Richard the Third. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10x7.5 cm
T. O. Steeden, artist
2002(103): Mr. Macready as Rob Roy. London, T. & I. Elvey
Page, R (author)
10x7 cm
2002(105): Miss Povey. [London] Dean & Munday
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
8.5x9 cm
Miss Rose Emma Drummond, artist
2002(106): Mr. Cooke of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden. Cornhill, J. Aspern
Ridly & Co (author)
9.5x7.5 cm
European Magazine
2002(108): Cooke as Sir Pertinax Macsycophant
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
11x7 cm
C. R. Leslie, artist Engraved for Mirror of Taste Stauffer 733; Butler 217
2002(111): Mr. Wallack as Charolois. Camden, John Cumberland
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
12x7 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(113): Miss Emery as Lisette in the Sergeant's Wife
Illman, Thomas, d. ca. 1859 (author)
8.5x7 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(114): Mr. Warren, as Sir Peter Teazle
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x8 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 2102; Butler 563
2002(117): Mr. Horn, as Beauchamp. [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
12x8 cm
from a drawing by Wageman
2002(119): Mrs. Sloman, as Belvidera, in Venice Preserved. [London] Duncombe
Kennerly, J (author)
13x7.5 cm
2002(121): Mr. Sloman, as dressed in character for his Three part Medley
13.5x8.5 cm
Butler 687
2002(122): Mrs. Darley
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
8.5x7 cm
Doyle, artist Stauffer 733; Butler 222
2002(127): Miss George, in the character of Rosetta
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 1806-1862 (author)
7x7.5 cm
I. Notz, artist
2002(128): Miss Clara Fisher, as Madame Josephine, in the Actress of all work. London, T. & I. Elvey
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10x7 cm
T. Wageman, artist Butler 811
2002(130): William Henry West Betty, the extraordinary phenomena of 1804, called the Young Roscius, born 13th September 1791. London, R. S. Kirby
11x10.5 cm
2002(132): [No title]
Miss Rock (author)
6.5x4.5 cm
2002(134): Mr. Pearman, as Leander. [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
12.5x8.5 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(136): Mr. Hilson as Tyke. Philadelphia, A. R Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 595; Butler 205
2002(138): Mr. Wood
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
11x10 cm
T. Sully, artist Stauffer 919; Butler 227
2002(140): Herr Cline. New York, Mayer, Merkel & Ottman, Lith
lith; 9.5x9 cm
2002(142): Master Payne
Leney, William S (author)
7.5x 6 cm
from the original miniature by Wood Stauffer 1830; Butler 550
2002(145): [Group of individual framed portraits]
Ellis, George B (author)
10.5x7 cm
includes: Garcia, Burns, Sontag, Moore, Catalani, Sinclair, Dibdin, Paton, Braham
2002(146): Mr. Holman. [London] T. Bellamy
Ridley, William, 1764-1838 (author)
8.5x7 cm
from an original miniature by Taylor
2002(148): [No title]
Madame Achille (author)
lith; 8.5x8.5 cm
2002(150): [Group] Andrews, Forrest, Macready, Holland, Cooper, Sloman, Blissett, and Master Burke
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
6x11 cm
Butler 479
2002(152a): Mr. Jefferson as Solus
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 785; Butler 225
2002(153): Charles Fisher
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
8.5x8 cm
Butler 386
2002(154): James E. Murdoch.
Ferris, Stephen James, 1835-1915 (author)
12x10 cm
Butler 263
2002(157): Mr. Decamp, as Figaro. [London] Simpkin & Marshall
Cooke (author)
10x8 cm
from an original painting by Clint; for Oxberry's New English Drama
2002(158): Autograph signature
Murdoch, James Edward, 1811-1893 (author)
2002(160): [Group in costume] Boston
Johnston, David Claypool, 1799-1865 (author)
7x13 cm
includes: Kean, Barnes, Brown, Finn, Kilner, Jefferson, Mathews Butler 480
2002(1630: Master Burke
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
11x8.5 cm
T. Wageman, artist engraved for the Dramatic Magazine
2002(164): [No title]
Chestnut Street Theatre (author)
7.5x9 cm
2002(167): Mr. Sinclair, as Don Carlos, in the Duenna. London, T. & I. Elvey
Kennerly, J (author)
11x7 cm
2002(168): Mr. Roberts as Wormwood. New York, Eltons Theatrical Print Store
Tuthill, William H (author)
10x6 cm (color)
Butler 943
2002(170): Melle. Rachel dans Phedre
Hedouin, Edm (author)
14x9.5 cm
Jouaust, edr.
2002(172): [No title]
Josephine Clifton (author)
8x7.5 cm
2002(175): George Handel Hill. New York
Sarony, Napolean, 1821-1896 (author)
lith; 14x9 cm
2002(177): Mrs. Duff, as Mary. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 1967; Butler 565
2002(178): Mr. T. Rice as Jim Crow. London
Fairburn, J (author)
10x7.5 cm
2002(180): Mrs. Hilson as Margaret Overreach. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 594; Butler 208
2002(182): Miss Fanny Kemble as Julia in the Hunchback
11.5x7.5 cm
2002(184): Mr. C. Kemble as Romeo. London, G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
10.5x7 cm
R. Page artist; printed by J. Neale Butler 814
2002(187): C. Kean
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919 (author)
11.5x8 cm
signed by Hollyer "#8 of 55 signed proofs. J. O. Wright & Co." Butler 1967 (234)
2002(188): Mr. Wilkinson, as Bob Logic in Tom & Jerry
13x8 cm (color)
2002(190): autograph signature. Philadelphia
Kean, Charles John, 1811-1868 (author)
17 October 1865
2002(192): Mr. Wood, as The Sultan
Page, Junr (author)
10x7 cm
2002(194): Mr. John Sefton as Jemmy Twitcher
10x6 cm
engraved for the Mirror Drama
2002(196): Tyrone Power [London] Chapman & Hall
Sands, J (author)
9x7 cm
J. Simpson, artist
2002(198): Mrs. J. Sefton as Grace Peabody in Ladies Beware
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
12x9 cm
engraved for the Modern Standard Drama Butler 761
2002(201): Wm. E. Burton
Soper, Richard F., ca. 1810-ca. 1862 (author)
5.5x7 cm
engraved for French's Standard Drama Butler 1926(59)
2002(202): Miss Paton, in the character of Reiza in Weber's celebrated opera of Oberon. [London] S. Robinson
Lane, Richard James, 1800-1872 (author)
lith; 9.5x7.5 cm
from a painting by F. Meyer; printed by C. Hullmandel
2002(205): Miss Elphinstone in Constance. Camden, J. Cumberland
Hall, John, 1739-1797 (author)
9x8.5 cm
E. Walker, artist
2002(206): Mr. Knowles in Master Walter. Camden, Cumberland & Son
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
10x7 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(207): Mr. Booth, as Brutus. [London] G. Virtue
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
7.5x5 cm
T. Wageman, artist Butler 813
2002(208): autograph signature
Booth, Junius Brutus, 1796-1852 (author)
2002(210): [No title]
R. T. Conrad (author)
7x5.5 cm
2002(213): [No title]
William Sefton (author)
5x4 cm
2002(214): Celeste as the Maid of Cashmere. London, Rock & Co
6.5 cm
2002(217): Mr. Abbott as Colonel Mannering
Thomson, J (author)
13x10 cm
J. Partridge, artist Butler 1926(15)
2002(218): Mr. John Reeve as Captain Boroughcliff
Cruikshank, Isaac Robert, 1789-1856 (author)
11x7 cm
2002(220): [No title]
Sol Smith (author)
8.5x5.5 cm
2002(223): Miss Jarman as Mrs. Beverly
Rogers, John, ca. 1808-ca. 1888 (author)
7x5 cm
Wageman, artist
2002(224): autograph signature
Conner, Edmon S., b. 1809 (author)
2002(227): Mrs. Barnes as Billy Lackaday. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 556; Butler 200
2002(228): Mrs. Barnes as Isabella. Philadelphia, A. R. Poole
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (author)
9x7.5 cm
Lopez & Wemyss' edition from a painting by J. Neagle Stauffer 557; Butler 207
2002(230): Edmon S. Conner as Wallace. [New York] Turner & Fisher
McGoffin. John, 1813- (author)
12.5x7.5 cm
"engraved by J. Magoffin" Butler 570
2002(233): F. M. Kent. New York
Ormsby, Waterman Lilly, 1809-1883 (author)
10x8 cm
Butler 760
2002(235): Mr. Keeley, as Billy Black
Jones, Thomas (author)
10.5x7 cm
2002(236): Miss Ellen Tree. [London] Dean & Munday
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785- (author)
9x7 cm
Eliza Drummond, artist
2002(238): Mr. Vandenhoff as Adrastus
10.5x8 cm
engraved for Burton's Magazine
2002(241): Garrick
Edwin, David, 1776-1841 (author)
10x8 cm
Stauffer 766-II; Butler 1928(210)
2002(242): J. P. Kemble. [London] H. D. Symonds
Hopwood, James, 1752-1819 (author)
8.5x7 cm
W. Beachey, artist
2002(245): Mr. Vandenhoff in Sir Giles Overreach. Camden, J. Cumberland & Son
Woodman, Richard, 1784-1859 (author)
11x7 cm
R. W. Buss, artist
2002(246): [No title]
Mlle Augusta (author)
lith; 10x8 cm
2002(248): Edwin Forrest
Soper, Richard F., ca.