Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Navajo Research Files and Manuscripts
- Navajo Research Files and Manuscripts
- Santa Ana Tribal Archive Document File, Spanish Documents, Photo File, 1538-1847
- Santa Ana Tribal Archive Document Files, 1848-1980
- Santa Ana Pueblo Text Manuscripts
- Santa Ana Pueblo Text Manuscript Drafts
- Santa Ana Pueblo Text Manuscript Drafts, Indian Reports and Histories
- Oversize Santa Ana Maps
- Santa Ana Maps
- Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America , Hart Exhibits, 1-968
- Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America , Miscellaneous Exhibits
- Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America , Exhibit Signs
- Kohlu/wa la:wa Exhibits, 1-301
- Stanley D. Lyman, Journal Entries and Other Writings, 1959-1973
- Lyman, Journal Entries and Manuscripts
- Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas , Course Materials
- Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas , Course Materials
- Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas , Course Materials
- Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas , Course Materials
- Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas , Course Materials
- "Peoples of Utah" Calendar
- "Peoples of Utah" Calendar
- Sun Valley Conference, Event Literature and Transcripts
- Sun Valley and Women's West Conferences Materials
- S. Lyman Tyler, History Department files, Governor Robert E. Lewis Interview, Women of the West Museum and Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscript
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscript
- Hopi Tribe, Reports and Manuscript
- Hopi Tribe, Reports and Manuscript
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscripts, Articles and Reports
- Hopi Tribe, Reports and Research Materials
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscript, Articles and Reports
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscript, Articles, Reports and Correspondence
- Hopi Tribe, Manuscripts and Notes
- Hupa Tribe, 1850-1983
- Hupa Tribe, 1983-Present
- Hupa Tribe
- Hupa Tribe, Research Materials and Manuscripts
- Hupa Tribe, Manuscript
- Hupa Tribe, Manuscripts
- Hupa Tribe, Manuscripts
- Hupa Tribe, Manuscript Materials
- Hupa Tribe, Research Materials and Drafts
- Hupa Tribe, Document Summaries and Oral Histories
- Hupa Tribe, Manuscript, Articles and Court Documents
- Northern Paiute, Filmstrip, Research Materials and Draft
- Northern Paiute, Research Materials and Reports
- Northern Paiute, Numa Manuscript Drafts
- Northern Paiute, Research Materials and Manuscript Drafts
- Owen's Valley Paiute
- Pueblo Tribe, Archival Materials and Water Rights Documents
- Pueblo Tribe, Water Rights and Government Documents and Interviews
- Pueblo Tribe, Research Materials and Reports
- Pueblo Tribe, Correspondence, Court Documents and National Archive Materials
- Pueblo Tribe, National Archive and Land Claim Materials
- Pueblo Tribe, Research Materials
- Pueblo Water Rights, Document Inventory
- Southern Paiute Tribe, Articles
- Southern Paiute Tribe, Research Materials and Reports
- Southern Pueblo, Reports, 1930-1937
- Walker River Paiute, Teacher's Guide and Book Materials
- Walker River Paiute, Research
- War of the Rebellion
- Washo Tribe, Manuscript
- Washo Tribe, Research Materials, Manuscript and Bibliography
- Washo Tribe, Research Materials
- Western Shoshone, Drafts and Miscellaneous Materials
- Western Shoshone, Research Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Correspondence and General Materials
- Zuni Tribe, General Materials
- Zuni Tribe, General Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Institute of North American West (INAW), General Files
- Zuni Tribe, INAW, General Files
- Zuni Tribe, INAW, Correspondence
- Zuni Tribe, INAW, Miscellaneous Files
- Zuni Tribe, E. Richard Hart, Oral Histories
- Zuni Tribe, Manuscript Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Source Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Court Documents
- Zuni Tribe, Depositions
- Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Statement and Report
- Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Articles and Research Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Articles and Report
- Zuni Tribe, Reports
- Zuni Tribe, Articles and Maps
- Zuni Tribe, Miscellaneous Articles and Papers
- Zuni Tribe, Articles and Reports, 19th Century to 1989
- Zuni Tribe, National Archives Research
- Zuni Tribe, National Archives and Smithsonian Institute Materials
- Zuni Tribe, Assorted Notes
- Names and Subjects
American West Center research projects records, 1970s-1990s
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- American West Center
- Title
- American West Center research projects records
- Dates
- 1970s-1990s (inclusive)19701990
- Quantity
- 117 boxes, (70.75 linear feet)
- Collection Number
- ACCN 1939
- Summary
- The American West Center research projects records (1970s-1990s) include materials pertaining to the projects of various researchers who worked on behalf of the center, on topics in Western Native American history and culture. Included are source documents, scholarly articles, reports, research notes, drafts and book manuscripts. The collection is organized by subject, according to the tribe with which the materials are concerned.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818863 - Access Restrictions
Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The American West Center at the University of Utah was founded in 1964. The first organization of its kind, the center sponsors interdisciplinary scholarship on the cultural heritage of the West.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The American West Center research projects records (1970s-1990s) include materials pertaining to the projects of various researchers who worked on behalf of the center, on topics in Western Native American history and culture. Included are source documents, scholarly articles, reports, research notes, drafts and book manuscripts. The collection is organized by subject, according to the tribe with which the materials are concerned.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The library does not claim to control copyright for all materials in the collection. An individual depicted in a reproduction has privacy rights as outlined in Title 45 CFR, part 46 (Protection of Human Subjects). For further information, please review the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Use Agreement and Reproduction Request forms.
Preferred Citation
Collection Name, Collection Number, Box Number, Folder Number. Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, The University of Utah.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Navajo Research Files and ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 1
Navajo Research Files and ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 2
Santa Ana Tribal Archive Document File, Spanish Documents, Photo File, 1538-1847Return to Top
Container(s): Box 3
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 | 1538-1852 |
5 | Photo File |
6 | Indexing Archives |
Santa Ana Tribal Archive Document Files, 1848-1980Return to Top
Container(s): Carton 4-6
Santa Ana Pueblo Text ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 7-9
Santa Ana Pueblo Text Manuscript DraftsReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 10-11
Santa Ana Pueblo Text Manuscript Drafts, Indian Reports and HistoriesReturn to Top
Container(s): Carton 12
Oversize Santa Ana MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 13
Santa Ana MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Tube 14
Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America, Hart Exhibits, 1-968Return to Top
Container(s): Box 15-21
Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America, Miscellaneous ExhibitsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 22
Zuni Indians of New Mexico v. United States of America, Exhibit SignsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 23
Kohlu/wa la:wa Exhibits, 1-301Return to Top
Container(s): Box 24-27
Stanley D. Lyman, Journal Entries and Other Writings, 1959-1973Return to Top
Container(s): Box 28
Includes Lyman's personal writings from his time as Superintendent of the Pine Ridge office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) during the American Indian Movement's (AIM) occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
Lyman, Journal Entries and Manuscripts, 1973Return to Top
Container(s): Box 29
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | June-December, 1973 |
3 |
Poor Bear Trail
4 | Drafts and Revisions |
5 | Register of Documents |
Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas, Course Materials, 1977Return to Top
Container(s): Box 30
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | History 382,History of the Indians of the Americas, Course Outline |
1977 |
2 | Style and Format, Lists and Maps |
3 | Unit Introductions |
4-5 | Outlines and Notes, Lectures 1-8 |
Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas, Course MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 31
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 | Outlines and Notes, Lectures 9-47 |
Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas, Course MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 32
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-3 | Unit I, Lectures 1-11 |
4-5 | Unit II, Lectures 12-17 |
6 | Unit III, Lectures 18-21 |
Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas, Course MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 33
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Unit III, Lectures 22-25 |
2-3 | Unit IV, Lectures 26-37 |
4 | Unit V, Lessons 38-43 |
Lyman, History of the Indians of the Americas, Course MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 34
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Unit V, 44-48 |
"Peoples of Utah" Calendar, 1978-1981Return to Top
Container(s): Box 35
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bibliography, Indians of Utah |
2-3 | Ethnic Files |
4 | Format |
5 | Notes and Research |
6 | Photo Information |
7 | Printing |
1978-1981 |
"Peoples of Utah" Calendar, 1980-1981Return to Top
Container(s): Box 36
Sun Valley Conference, Event Literature and Transcripts, 1981-1982Return to Top
Container(s): Box 37
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Sun Valley Conference |
1981 |
2-3 | The West: Who Governs? |
1981 |
4 | The Western Past: A Bitter Romance |
1981 |
5 | Colonies Within Colonies: The West in Revolt |
1981 |
6 | Sun Valley Conference |
1982 |
7 | Vision and Myth |
1982 |
8 | Women and Work |
1982 |
Sun Valley and Women's West Conferences Materials, 1982-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 38
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Land, Water and Wealth |
1982 |
2 | Tradition and Invention |
1982 |
3-5 | Women's West Conference |
1983 |
S. Lyman Tyler, History Department files, Governor Robert E. Lewis Interview, Women of the West Museum and Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) , 1982-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 39
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | S. Lyman Tyler, Department of History Files |
1970s-1980s |
3 | Interview, Governor Robert E. Lewis, Zuni Pueblo |
1982 |
4 | Women of the West Museum |
1995-1996 |
5 | Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) |
Hopi Tribe, ManuscriptReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 40
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-7 | Hopi Manuscript, S. Lyman Tyler |
8 | "History of Hopi Use of Land, Water and Other Resources within the Little Colorado Water Shed", Table of Contents |
9 | Introduction, pp. 13-34 |
Hopi Tribe, Manuscript Return to Top
Container(s): Box 41
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Chapter One, "Establishment of Hopi Territory and Use of Land and Water Therein", pp. 1-17 |
2 | Chapter Two, "First Information from Spaniards Concerning the Pueblo Indians", pp. 18-35 |
3 | Chapter Three, "Oñate, and the Settlement of New Mexico" |
4 | Chapter Four, "Missionaries Sent to the Hopi Indians; Rebellion and Reconquest" |
5 | Chapter Four, Draft |
6 | Chapter Five, "The Hopi Situation after 1700" |
7 | Chapter Five, Draft |
8 | Chapter Six, "Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, the Franciscans Garces and Escalante, Commandant General Croix, Governor Anza, and the Spanish Program for the Hopi Indians" |
9 | Chapter Seven, "The Navajos After Mid-18th Century" |
10 | Chapter Eight, "The Rights of Indians as Vassals, Subjects and/or Citizens of Spain and Mexico: Late Spanish and Mexican Period" |
11 | Chapter Eight, Draft |
12 | Chapter Nine, "The Hopis and Their Indian Neighbors" |
13 | Chapter Ten, "Programs Developed for the Navajo by the United States" |
14 | Chapter Eleven, "Hopi and Navajo, 1860s-1885" |
15 | Chapter Eleven, Draft |
16 | Chapter Twelve, "Hispanic and Anglo Settlements in the Little Colorado River Watershed" |
17 | Chapter Eight, Draft |
18 | Chapter Fourteen, Appendices |
Hopi Tribe, Reports and Manuscript , 1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 42
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Report to the Hopi Tribal Council on the Little Colorado Water Case," Harry Sachse |
2 | "Aspects of Hopi Land Use and Occupancy," Robert C. Euler, Ph.D. |
1986 |
3 | "A Historical Study of Non-Federal Water Claims in the Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona," Volume One |
1986 |
4 | Volume One, With Notes |
5 | "Study of Non-Federal Water Claims in the Little Colorado River Basin, Volume Two" |
1986 |
6 | "Spanish Law for the Indians," Manuscript |
7 | Water Rights Court Documents |
Hopi Tribe, Reports and Manuscript , 1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 43
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Water Rights Articles, Thomas F. Glick |
2 | "Statement of Claims of the Hopi Tribe," No. 6417, Harry R. Sachse |
3 | "Land and Water Tenure in New Mexico: 1821-1846" |
4 | "Memo Regarding Jurisprudence Under the 'Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Settlement between the U.S. and the Mexican Republic'" |
1986 |
5 | Articles, Peter M. Whiteley |
6 | "Hopi Use and Occupancy of the Navajo Indian Reservation Defined by the Act of June 14, 1934," Allan D. Ainsworth |
1986 |
7 | "Preliminary Report on Documentation of Hopi Land Claims Outside the 1882 Executive Order Reservation," Anthony Godfrey |
8 | "Hopi Agricultural Report," Anthony Godfrey |
1986 |
Hopi Tribe, Manuscripts, Articles and Reports, 1975-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 44
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Editorial Materials Concerning "Spanish Law for Indians" |
1991 |
3-4 | "First, Second, Third Mesa and Moenkopi Livestock Grazing Outside the 1882 Hopi Reservation" |
1986, 1988 |
5 | "Hopi Agricultural Report, 1540-1934," Anthony Godfrey |
1988 |
6 | "Appendices III-XI" |
1975 |
Hopi Tribe, Reports and Research Materials, 1987-1991Return to Top
Container(s): Box 45
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Hopi Concepts and Uses of Water in the Little Colorado River Watershed," Richard Ford |
1989 |
2-5 | Hopi Materials |
1987-1991 |
6-8 | "Hopi Water Case," E. Charles Adams, Chapters 1-3 |
Hopi Tribe, Manuscript, Articles and ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 46
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 |
" Hopi Water Case" , Chapters 4-7 |
5 |
" Spanish Law for Indians" , S. Lyman Tyler |
6 | Indian Claims Commission, Findings |
7 |
New Mexico Historical Review, Frank Reeve, Editor |
8 | Water Irrigation, English, Spanish |
9 |
" Appendices to History of Hopi Use of Land, Water and Other Resources Within the Little Colorado River Watershed and Spanish Law for the Indians" , S. Lyman Tyler |
10 |
" History of Hopi Use of Land, Water and Other Resources Within the Little Colorado River Watershed" , Materials |
Hopi Tribe, Manuscript, Articles, Reports and CorrespondenceReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 47
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 |
The Great Father, The United States Government and the American Indians, Francis Paul Prucha |
2 | Hopi Articles |
3 | Hopi Tribe |
4 | Spanish Conquest, Articles |
5 | Title 15 and 16 |
6 |
" Summary Under the Criteria and Evidence for Proposed Findings for Federal Acknowledgment"
7 |
" From the Sands to the Mountain" , Pamela A. Bunte and Robert J. Franklin |
8 | Correspondence, S. Lyman Tyler and Harry Sachse |
Hopi Tribe, Manuscripts and Notes, 1989-1992Return to Top
Container(s): Box 48
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 |
" History of Hopi Use of Land, Water and Other Resources Within the Little Colorado River Watershed"
1991-1992 |
4 |
" Spanish Law For the Indians"
5 | Notes, S. Lyman Tyler, Hopi Chronology |
1989 |
Hupa Tribe, 1850-1983Return to Top
Container(s): Box 49-56
Hupa Tribe, 1983-PresentReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 57
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-2 | Hupa Files, 1983-Present |
3 | Hupa Files, No Date |
4-9 | Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1850-1931 |
10 | War of the Rebellion |
11 | Treaties and Executive Orders |
Hupa TribeReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 58
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Publicity |
2-3 | Document Summaries, 1865-1890 |
4 | Document Summaries, 1881-1894 |
5-6 | Document Summaries, 1911-1944 |
7 | Military |
8 | Trappers and Explorers |
9 | California Indian Policy |
10 | Anthropological Articles |
11 | California History |
12 | Drafts |
Hupa Tribe, Research Materials and ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 59
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Maps, Originals |
2 | Statistics and Lists |
3 | Hupa Cover Art |
4 |
Our Home Forever: A Hupa Tribal History, Manuscript Materials |
5-6 |
Our Home Forever: A Hupa Tribal History, Manuscript |
7 | Hupa Drafts, Chapter One Cultural Materials |
Hupa Tribe, ManuscriptReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 60
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Drafts, Chapter One Cultural Materials |
2 | Drafts, Chapter Two, " Something is Coming" |
3-4 | Drafts, Chapter Three, " Let it be Faithfully Observed-The Treaty of 1851" |
5 | Drafts, Chapter Five, " A Soldier For Every Indian-The Fight For Hoopa Valley" |
Hupa Tribe, ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 61
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Drafts, Chapter Six, " They Want to Live Peaceably': Reservation Beginnings" |
2 | Drafts, Chapter Seven, " Their Compulsory Change of Life: The Agency at Hoopa, 1877-1890" |
3 | Drafts, Chapter Eight, " We Have Waited Now Thirty Years: The Reservation in Transition" |
4 | Drafts, Chapter 9, " The Agency in the Twentieth Century" |
5 | Drafts, Chapter 10, " Obliterating the Lines of Demarcation: Early Twentieth Century Attempts to Assimilate the Hupa" |
6 | Drafts, Chapters 9 and 10 |
7 | Drafts, Chapter 13 |
8 | Draft 1, Partial Rough Copy |
Hupa Tribe, ManuscriptsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 62
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Draft 1, Partial Rough Copy |
2-3 |
" Our Home Forever: A Hupa Tribal History"
4 | Hupa Book |
1930s and 1940s |
5 | Hupa Drafts, Notes, Bibliography and Appendices |
Hupa Tribe, Manuscript Materials, 1989Return to Top
Container(s): Box 63
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Drafts, Notes and Bibliography, Appendices |
2 | Photos, Credits, Caption and Placement |
3 | Hupa II, Pat's Preliminary Outline |
4 | Hupa II, Correspondence |
5 | Hupa II, Chapter One |
6 | Hupa Book, Chapters 2-3 |
7-11 | Hupa II, Chapter 2-6 |
12 | Hupa II, Princeton Draft |
1989 |
13 | Hupa Outline, Albers |
14 | Notes for Hupa Book |
15 | Chapter Outlines |
Hupa Tribe, Research Materials and DraftsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 64
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Basket Designs |
2 | Maps |
3 | Research |
4 | Miscellaneous Notes |
5-6 | Hupa Notes |
7-8 |
A Hupa Tribal History, First Draft |
Hupa Tribe, Document Summaries and Oral HistoriesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 65
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Summaries of Hupa Documents, 1933-1944 |
2-3 | Summaries of Hupa Documents, 1962-1988 |
4 | Hupa Oral Histories |
5 | Hupa Tape Log and Route Sheets |
6 | Jimmy Jackson Oral History |
7 | George Nelson, Sr. Oral History |
8 | Jack Scott Oral History |
9 | Outlines of Scott, Jackson, Sherman and Other Information |
10 | Herman Sherman, Jimmy Jackson and Byron Nelson Oral Histories |
Hupa Tribe, Manuscript, Articles and Court Documents, 1979Return to Top
Container(s): Box 66
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 |
The Land and the O'odham
2 | Hupa Articles |
3 | Hupa Articles and Book, David Lewis |
4 | Court of Claims |
1979 |
5 | Newspaper Articles, Pre-1960 |
6 | Newspaper Articles, 1960s |
7 | Newspaper Articles, 1980s |
Northern Paiute, Filmstrip, Research Materials and Draft , 1970sReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 67
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Southern Paiute Filmstrip |
2 | Lummi Research |
3 | Treaties |
4 | Narratives |
1970s |
5 | Indian Claims Commission Transcript, 1951 |
6 | Richard Hart Draft |
Northern Paiute, Research Materials and Reports Return to Top
Container(s): Box 68
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Nevada Forts |
2 | Native Plants/ Overland Trail |
3 | Mormons, 1848-1928 |
4 | Hearings, Senate Subcommittee, 1934 |
5-6 | Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1846-1895 |
Northern Paiute, Numa Manuscript Drafts Return to Top
Container(s): Box 69
Northern Paiute, Research Materials and Manuscript DraftsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 70
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Background Material, 1905-1974 |
2 | Indian Claims Commission, 1959 |
3 | Research, 1879-1971 |
4 | Miscellaneous |
5 |
Numa: A Northern Paiute History, Manuscript Drafts |
Owen's Valley Paiute Return to Top
Container(s): Box 71
Pueblo Tribe, Archival Materials and Water Rights Documents , 1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 72
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Pueblo Archives |
1994 |
2-5 | Documents Index |
6 | Inventory of Documents Relating to Pueblo Water Rights |
Pueblo Tribe, Water Rights and Government Documents and Interviews, 1994Return to Top
Container(s): Box 73
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-3 | Inventory of Documents Relating to Pueblo Water Rights |
4 | Government Documents, 1850-1900 |
5 | Interview, Herbert Yates |
1994 |
6 | Interview, Joe Sando |
1994 |
7 | Interview, James Hena |
1994 |
8 | Index Cards |
Pueblo Tribe, Research Materials and ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 74
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Index Cards |
2 | Report to the Ford Foundation |
3 | Research Files, 1851-1968 |
4-6 | Paul Hodges Report on Irrigation and Water Supply, 1938 |
7 | "Equitable Distribution of the Waters of the Rio Grande", 1898 |
Pueblo Tribe, Correspondence, Court Documents and National Archive MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 75
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Pueblo Correspondence |
2 |
Victor de la O v Pueblo of Acoma, 1857 |
3-5 | Documents from the National Archives, 1920s-1930s |
Pueblo Tribe, National Archive and Land Claim MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 76
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Documents from the National Archives, 1920s-1930s |
2-3 | Private Land Claims under Act of Congress July 22, 1854 |
4-5 | Index to Pueblo Lands Board Microfilm Rolls |
Pueblo Tribe, Research MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 77
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 | Research Files, 1846-1986 |
5 | Pueblo II, Acoma-Laguna |
Pueblo Water Rights, Document InventoryReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 78-80
Southern Paiute Tribe, Articles, 1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 81
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Articles, 1926 and Undated |
2-3 | Articles, 1960s-1980s |
4 | San Juan Paiutes |
1987 |
5 | Southern Paiute Ethnohistory, 1887-1966 |
Southern Paiute Tribe, Research Materials and ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 82
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Miscellaneous Research |
2 | Congressional Reports, 1856-1954 |
3 | Cedar City, 1954-1975 |
4 | Paiute and Goshute Annual Reports, 1917-1932 |
5 | Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Files |
6 | Laws and Treaties, 1860s-1970s |
7 | Staff, 1980s |
Southern Pueblo, Reports, 1930-1937Return to Top
Container(s): Box 83-84
Walker River Paiute, Teacher's Guide and Book MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 85
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Teacher's Guide |
1974-1975 |
2 |
Walker River Paiutes: A Tribal History
1975 |
3-4 | Walker River Drafts |
5 | Lyman Correspondence |
1974 |
6 | Walker River Research |
Walker River Paiute, ResearchReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 86
" War of the Rebellion" Return to Top
Container(s): Box 87
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | "Operations on the Pacific Coast" |
1860s |
Washo Tribe, ManuscriptReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 88
Washo Tribe, Research Materials, Manuscript and BibliographyReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 89
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-2 | Washo Research |
3 |
Wa She Su: A Washo Tribal History, Final Draft |
4-5 | Nevada Bibliography |
Washo Tribe, Research MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 90
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Bibliography and Mormon Settlements |
2-3 | Washo Research |
4 | Washo Claims Case |
1950s-1960s |
5 | House Documents |
1912 |
Western Shoshone, Drafts and Miscellaneous MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 91
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-3 | Western Shoshone Drafts |
4 | Unapproved Drafts |
5 | Miscellaneous |
Western Shoshone, Research MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 92
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Box Elder and Toole Counties, 1909 |
2 | Western Shoshone Fur Trapping |
3 | Fur Trapping |
4 |
NEWE: A Western Shoshone History, Final Draft |
1976 |
5 | Western Shoshone Filmstrip Narrative |
6 | Western Shoshone Research |
7-8 | Western Shoshone Research Notes |
9 | Western Shoshone National Archives Microfilm, 1850s-1920s |
10 | News Clippings, 1850s |
Zuni Tribe, Correspondence and General Materials, 1971-1987Return to Top
Container(s): Box 93
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Addresses and Correspondence |
2 | Correspondence, University of New Mexico |
1972 |
3 | Receipts |
1972 |
4 | 1924 Investigation |
5 | Bannock Shoshone |
6-7 | Bureau of American Ethnology Reports |
8-9 | Congressional Documents |
10 | Disease Notes |
11 | Environmental and Energy Study Institute |
1986-1987 |
12 | Executive Orders, Laws and Decisions |
Zuni Tribe, General Materials, 1960-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 94
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Governors of Zuni |
2 | Illustrations |
3 | Indexes to Collections |
4 | Indian Claims Commission |
5 | Kokuwala:wa Pilgrimage |
1980s |
6 | Logan Case |
7 | "Motion of Zuni Indian Tribe for Leave to Intervene as a Plaintiff", 1988 |
8 | Navajo Land Claim |
9 | New Mexico Documents |
10 | New Mexico Superintendency |
11 | Objects Taken From Zuni |
12 | Pamphlets and Maps |
1960s-1970s |
Zuni Tribe, General Materials, 1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 95
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Population Notes |
2 | Proposed Zuni Tribal Constitution |
3 | Salt Lake Notes |
4 | Statements from Experts Relative to S.2203 |
1990 |
5 | Titles to Lands in New Mexico, 1885 |
6 | S.L. Tyler Files |
7 | Utah Indian Matters |
8 | Vocabulary Glossary |
9 | Chronology |
10 | Vocabulary Notes |
11 | Land Notes |
Zuni Tribe, Institute of North American West (INAW), General Files, 1980-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 96
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Organizational Bylaws |
1988 |
2 | Statements of E. Richard Hart |
1990 |
3 | Reports |
1988 |
4 | Projects and Proposals |
1980s |
5 | Research and Papers |
1980s |
7-8 | Research |
1980s |
Zuni Tribe, INAW, General Files, 1980s-1990Return to Top
Container(s): Box 97
Zuni Tribe, INAW, Correspondence, 1980s-1995Return to Top
Container(s): Box 98-100
Zuni Tribe, INAW, Miscellaneous Files, 1980sReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 101
Zuni Tribe, E. Richard Hart, Oral Histories, 1963-1986Return to Top
Container(s): Box 102
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Albert S. Anderson |
1986 |
2 | Dewey Dismuke |
3 | Theodore Edakie and Chester Gaspar |
1973 |
4 | Spencer D. Ellesworth |
1986 |
5 | J. Walter Fewkes |
6 | Mabel Hinkson |
1986 |
7 | H.J. Platt |
1986 |
8 | Alex Seowtewa |
1986 |
9 | Zuni Religious Leaders |
1986 |
10 | Interviews and Meeting Transcript |
1963-1986 |
11 | "Review and Discussion of Certain Statements Concerning Oral History" |
Zuni Tribe, Manuscript MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 103
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Draft |
2 | Miscellaneous Manuscript |
3-5 | Manuscript Materials |
6-7 | Material From Books |
8 | Bibliographies and Note Cards |
9 | Appendix C |
10 | Cover Illustrations |
11 | Citations and Bibliography |
Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Source MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 104-105
Zuni Tribe, Court Documents, 1985-1989Return to Top
Container(s): Box 106
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Civil Number 85-1478 PCT WPC, 1985 |
3 | 1985-1986 |
4 | 1988 |
5 | Proposed Pretrial Order |
1989 |
6 | 1989 |
Zuni Tribe, DepositionsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 107
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Tom Awelagte |
2 | Fred Bowannie, Sr. |
3 | Theodore Edaakie |
4 | Seff Erachio, Sr. |
5 | Chester H. Gasper |
6 | Alonzo Hustido |
7 | Chester Mahooty |
8 | Alvin Lynn Nastacio |
9 | Oscar Nastacio |
10 | Earl Platt |
11 | Ralph Quam |
12 | Frank Vacit |
13 | Mescalito Wyatsalucy |
Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Statement and Report, 1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 108
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Richard Hart Statement |
1988 |
2-5 | "Damage to Zuni Trust Lands" |
Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Articles and Research MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 109
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Factors Relating to Zuni Land, 1900-1951" |
2 | "A Preliminary Review of Documents Relating to Original Boundaries of Zuni Land" |
3 | "Zuni Relations, 1846-1876" |
4 | "Zuni Relations, 1846-1876", With a Note as to the Zuni "Spanish Land Grand" |
5 | Field Notes and Research |
1989 |
6 | Reports |
1989 |
7 | Assorted Documents |
8 | Articles, Notes and Reports |
Zuni Tribe, Richard Hart, Articles and ReportReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 110
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Zuni Articles |
Volume | |
2 | "A Preliminary Examination of Documents Relating to Zuni Land: 1846-1951" |
Zuni Tribe, Reports, 1986-1988Return to Top
Container(s): Box 111
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Ferguson Report |
1986 |
2 | Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office |
1913 |
Volume | ||
3 | Zuni Indian Reservation Historic Photographs |
1988 |
Folder | ||
4 | Ferguson/Hart Rebuttal |
1988 |
5 | Government Documents and Reports |
1870-1951 |
Zuni Tribe, Articles and MapsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 112
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | "Children of the Sun", William E. Curtis |
2 | "Diary of a Journey From the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific", Baldwin Möllhaussen |
3 | "Documentary History", A.F. Bandelier |
4 | Bandelier Manuscript |
5 |
Harper's Weekly
6 | "Labors in the Vineyard" |
7 |
Millennial Star
1879 |
8 |
Zuni Ethno-Ornithology, Edmund J. Ladd |
9 | Magazine Articles to 1875 |
10 | Newspaper Articles |
1869-1963 |
11-14 | Maps |
Zuni Tribe, Miscellaneous Articles and PapersReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 113
Zuni Tribe, Articles and Reports, 19th Century to 1989Return to Top
Container(s): Box 114
Zuni Tribe, National Archives ResearchReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 115
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1 | Record Group 92 and 94, 1855-1893 |
2-4 | Record Group 393, 1851-1904 |
5 | Record Group 75, BIA, 1881-1907 |
6 | Record Group 75, BIA, 1885-1890s |
7 | Record Group 75, BIA, Pre-1912 |
8 | Record Group 75, Federal Records Center, Denver Colorado |
Zuni Tribe, National Archives and Smithsonian Institute MaterialsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 116
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-4 | National Archives Documents |
5 | Smithsonian Institute Articles |
6 | Smithsonian Notes |
Zuni Tribe, Assorted NotesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 117
Container(s) | Description |
Folder | |
1-7 | Research Notes |
8-10 | Field Notes |