Mary Lou Dickerson papers, 1995-2012

Overview of the Collection

Dickerson, Mary Lou
Mary Lou Dickerson papers
1995-2012 (inclusive)
0.56 cubic feet (2 boxes)
Collection Number
6324 (Accession No. 6324-001)
Papers of democratic representative for Seattle's 36th Legislative District
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931
Access Restrictions

No restrictions on access.

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Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Mary Lou Dickerson was a Democratic representative of the 36th Legislative District which encompasses part of northwestern Seattle including the neighborhoods of Ballard, Magnolia, and Queen Anne. She was appointed to serve an unexpired term in November, 1994 and served until her retirement in 2013. Dickerson was born on September 3, 1946 in Salem, Oregon. She received her B.S. in Journalism from the University of Oregon, Master of Social Work from the University of Hawaii, and conducted post-graduate work in Business and Public Administration. Dickerson helped found Treehouse, a nonprofit serving youth in foster care, and the Ballard Family Center. She also served as past Chair for the Washington Coalition of Public Schools Foundation and a past board member of the Children's Alliance.

Her Legislative career focused on the needs of Washington's children and families, education, the environment, and transportation solutions. During her time in office, she served on various committees including Transportation, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Early Learning and Human Services, Ways & Means, Ecology and Parks, Environmental Health, and Human Services. She also served on the Family Policy Council and Economic Forecast Council.

Source: Women in the Washington Legislature, Washington House Democrats archived website

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection contains legislative-related materials including speeches, bills, media, and correspondence related to Mary Lou Dickerson's time as representative of the 36th Legislative District from 1994 to 2013.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyrights retained by creator. Contact University of Washington Libraries Special Collections for details.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Donated by Mary Lou Dickerson on October 14, 2019.

Separated Materials

Material Described Separately:

Mary Lou Dickerson's book Small Victories was removed and cataloged in the Special Collections Pacific Northwest book collection.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top


Container(s) Description Dates
1/1 Prime sponsored bills by Dickerson 1995-2012
1/2-1/3 Speeches 1995-2004
1/4-1/7 Media clippings and press releases A-G
"Child Abuse/Neglect; Corrections; Criminal Justice; Department of Social & Health Services; District; Education; Elections; Environment (including toxic toys); Family Leave; Family Planning; Foster Care; Gay Rights."
1/8-2/1 Media clippings and press releases H-L
"Health Care; Juvenile Justice; Leadership - Legislature; Legislative History; Low Income."
2/2-2/5 Media clippings and press releases M-Z
"Marijuana Legislation; Mental Health; Overpopulation; Professional Development; Privacy Protection; Property Rights; Sex Offenders; Substance Abuse; Taxes; Transportation; Vendor Contracting; Video Games; White House; Women's Issues."
2/6 Articles 2001-2011
2/7 Retirement 2012