Lionel Hampton papers, 1918-2002

Overview of the Collection

Hampton, Lionel
Lionel Hampton papers
1918-2002 (inclusive)
90 cubic feet
Collection Number
IJC MG 001
Lionel Hampton was a jazz vibraphonist, drummer, pianist, composer, and bandleader. The materials in this collection span most of his musical career. The collection includes personal papers and business records, photographs, musical compositions, audiotape master recordings (in a variety of formats), and six musical instruments, including a vibraphone.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. Researchers must use the collection in accordance with the policies of the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Lionel Hampton was born in Louisville, Kentucky on April 20, 1908. He died on August 31, 2002 in New York City. He showed a talent for music at an early age and by high school, was playing drums with a jazz band organized by his employer, a newspaper called the Chicago Defender. Later, he attended classes in music theory at the University of Southern California and gained a reputation as a great drummer on the West Coast. In 1930, Louis Armstrong, when working for Les Hite's band, asked Hampton to fill in at an engagement at Sebastian's Cotton Club in Los Angeles. Then, while at a recording session, Hampton discovered a vibraharp in an adjoining room and began experimenting with the instrument. He would later become recognized as the "King of Vibes."

In 1936, Benny Goodman invited him to join his newly formed quartet and this relationship lasted for four years until Hampton decided to strike out on his own, forming the Lionel Hampton Orchestra in New York City in 1940. After the demise of the big band sound in the 1960s, Hampton changed the size and structure of his band and called it "The Inner Circle." His professional presence in the music industry helped hit a new milestone as blacks and whites began to integrate the scene, breaking barriers that had existed before that time. In 1936, Hampton married Gladys Riddle who became his business manager, running all aspects of the enterprise until her death in 1971.

Besides touring worldwide and playing engagements at home, Hampton developed a working relationship with the University of Idaho in 1984 and the annual jazz festival became a huge success. The university honored Hampton in 1987 by dedicating its school of music as the "Lionel Hampton School of Music." The festival continued to grow with jazz artists from around the world participating. Hampton remained active in the festival until his death in 2002.

For further information on Hampton's life, see Hamp: An Autobiography by Lionel Hampton and James Haskins, Warner Books, 1989.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The materials in the Lionel Hampton collection span most of his musical career, 1926–2002, with the bulk of the collection dating 1940–1990. There are obvious gaps and a narrow focus of some parts of the collection. The absence of many personal papers and much memorabilia that one might expect in a collection of this sort is likely due to a fire that destroyed Hampton's New York City apartment in early 1997. Most of the records in this collection were given to the University of Idaho in 1992, another portion of them were in Hampton's possession but stored elsewhere at the time of the fire, and some survived that fire because they were in a back closet. Other records were either destroyed or are still in the possession of business managers and publicists.

Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top

This manuscript group is part of the International Jazz Collections (IJC).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

Please look at the Lionel Hampton digital collection for materials that have been digitized.

Restrictions on Use

Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives on permissions for use.

Preferred Citation

Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Photographer, "Title," date. Collection name, object ID. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection came to the University of Idaho in parts and original order was difficult to discern for much of it. Where it was apparent, as in the case of files (incomplete as they are) for the various businesses, we maintained that order. Folder titles were copied to new folders but additional headings and dates which were added to clarify the contents for ease of research.

The collection is organized into ten series: 1. Business Records. 2. Personal Papers and Ephemera. 3. Photographs. 4. Drawings. 5. Arrangements. 6. Video and Sound Recordings. 7. Plaques and Awards. 8. Clothing and Accessories. 9. Musical Instruments. 10. Memorabilia.

Location of Collection

Special Collections and Archives of the University of Idaho Library and at the Student Union Building. Forty-eight hours advance notice is required to access artifacts housed offsite.

Acquisition Information

Gift, Lionel Hampton, 1992-2003.

Processing Note

Michael Tarabulski was the archivist for this collection until 2008. Laura Guedes processed the posters, drawings, discs, plaques and awards, and memorabilia. The photographs were rearranged because some groups of related photographs were dispersed among the collection; once regrouped, these related photos enhanced identification of a specific event, concert, etc. From 2008 to 2010, Ms. Guedes also revised the arrangement of the collection and the finding aid.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: Business Records, circa 1938-1991Return to Top

The business records include tax returns, royalty statements, bank statements, contracts, payroll records, agreements, copyrights, and annual reports of the Lionel Hampton record and music publishing companies.

This series also includes fourteen pieces of sheet music. Most of the sheet music was published by Swing and Tempo Music, between 1944-1945 and 1948-1949 and features Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra. It includes: Evil Gal Blues; Goldwyn Stomp, from the film A Song is Born; Gone Again; Homeward Bound; I Feel Like You Already Know; Pick Up on the Ree Bop Kick; Robbins in Your Hair; Salty Papa Blues; Sky Blue; Who am I to Say; Your Guess is as Good as Mine; and Hey! ba-ba-re-bop (published by Leeds Music in 1946). Other pieces of sheet music are Gladys, recorded by Tiny Hill (Luristan Music, 1962) and Hello Ronnie, Good-bye Jimmy (for Ronald Reagan), (Passantino Music, 1980).

Other materials related to copyrights and contracts in this series include Broadcast Music Industry (BMI) payment schedule, 1975; compositions, owners list, 1945-1963; copyrights awaiting clearance, 1990-91; copyrights list, 1938-71; copyright registration information and forms; phonograph record trust agreement, 1969; writers and publishers clearance forms, BMI; receipts of notice of use of copyrights; recording licenses, clearances, 1945-1988; Swing and Tempo Copyright renewals list (1963), 1991; and transfer of copyrights, 1945, 1963. They also include some original lead sheets accompanied by copyrights and contracts forms.

Below is an alphabetical list of the titles of the lead sheets included in copyrights and contracts.

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Glad-Hamp Music Corporation
Box Folder
1 1
1: Tax Returns 1
50 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains corporation income tax returns, receipts, balance sheets, deductions, and corporate franchise tax reports, a timeline of company names and changes with years, reports and correspondence on statement of royalties and payment records with correspondence on songs published for royalties, writer royalties reports, and paperwork on tax extension and corporation delinquency correspondence.
1 2
Tax Returns 2
37 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains corporation income tax returns, balance sheets for business expenses, occupancy tax returns, notice of employer identification number form, corporation franchise tax reports, tax extension correspondence, and gross receipts for the calendar year
1 3
Tax Returns 3
56 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains corporation franchise tax reports, corporation income tax reports, correspondence for tax extensions, and work balance sheets, automatic extension of filing taxes paperwork, and correspondence of deficiency.
1 4
Royalties Statements 1
28 items : Contains worksheet balances and receipts of payments for royalties both domestic and foreign, copyright correspondence for taxes and payments, and paperwork on performances, payments, and invoices.
1 5
Royalties Statements 2
62 items : Contains worksheet balances and receipts of payments for royalties both domestic and foreign, copyright correspondence for taxes and payments, paperwork on performances, payments, invoices, and distribution.
1 6
Royalties Statement 3
49 items : Contains worksheet balances and receipts of payments for royalties both domestic and foreign, copyright correspondence for taxes and payments, paperwork on performances, payments, invoices, and distribution, as well as newsletters from copyright society-limited.
1 7
Bank Statements
125 items : Contains deposit slips, company checks and book balances, and account balances statements.
Subseries 2: Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra
Box Folder
1 8
19 items : Contains contracts and invoices for various venues across America and payments.
1 9
Union vs. Hampton Orchestra
29 items : Contains documents and correspondences about labor, wages, labor unions, and court documents and correspondences of legal services and invoices about Hamptons orchestra unionizing, as well as a signed, handwritten contract of 14 out of the 17 members signing of a wish not to represented by the union, with a press release, and domestic and foreign contracts of labor, union, and wages.
Subseries 3: Lionel Hampton Enterprise
Box Folder
1 10
Tax Returns 1
21 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains corporation and small business tax reports, income and return tax reports, work balance sheets, and extension request correspondences.
1 11
Tax Returns 2
14 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains corporation and small business tax reports, income, return, and failure tax reports, work balance sheets, and audit reports.
1 12
Royalties Statements
6 items : Documents of foreign and domestic royalties statements
1 13
Payroll Statements 1
38 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheets of monthly, quarterly, and yearly payment statements to employees and musicians across various states and cities, employers quarterly tax returns, and an itinerary of Japan tour and payment worksheets for the Japan tour (some items were removed from collection for containing confidential and restricted information).
1 14
Payroll Statements 2
80 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheets of monthly, quarterly, and yearly payment statements, subpoena notice, tax reports, disability benefits paperwork, commercial rent tax reports, unemployment tax return, employers quarterly tax returns, employee payments across various states and cities (some items were removed from collection for containing restricted and confidential information).
1 15
American Federation of Musicians Sheets
11 items : Contains correspondence of payment requests and receipts for various venue locations around the United States.
Subseries 4: Glad-Hampton Records
Box Folder
1 16
Tax Returns 1
92 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheet balances, tax returns, telephone invoices and call records, U.S Treasury correspondence, airline terminal invoices, and income, profit, and loss statements.
1 17
Tax Returns 2
32 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheet balances, tax reports and returns, correspondence with New York State Division of Employment, and census of manufactures report (some items were removed from collection for containing restricted and confidential information).
1 18
Tax Returns 3
30 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheet balances, tax reports and returns, and correspondence with department of taxation and finance.
1 19
Tax Returns 4
37 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheet balances, tax reports and returns, unaudited and audited business statements, subpoena summoning's, export sale reports, invoices, correspondence with tax bureau, and tax extension forms.
Subseries 5: Glad-Hampton Records Corporation
Box Folder
1 20
Royalty Statements
108 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains royalty worksheet balances, songs and their writers sheets, royalty advances sheets, recording contracts, travel engagements, tape inventory worksheets, license agreements, and correspondence on royalty payments.
1 21
Agreement Paperwork
5 items : Contains agreement with Who's Who in Music, Inc., and payment spreadsheets and worksheets.
Subseries 6: Swing and Tempo Music Publishing
Box Folder
2 22
Tax Returns
24 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents related to tax returns, reports, requests for tax extensions, and end of the year reports.
2 23
Royalty Statements 1
75 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains worksheets on payable royalties, statement of royalties, invoice statements, tape payments, publisher statements and invoices, and domestic and foreign copyright payments.
2 24
Royalty Statements 2
76 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents, receipts, statements, and worksheets pertaining to royalties and publishing, both domestic and foreign
2 25
Royalty Statements 3
69 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents, receipts, statements, and worksheets pertaining to royalties and publishing, both domestic and foreign
2 26
Royalty Statements 4
32 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents related to foreign and domestic royalty statements and copyright protection society distribution summaries and payments.
2 27
Royalty Statements 5
101 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains royalty statements, invoices, worksheets, memos, and summaries across multiple companies, both domestic and foreign, and copyright protection summary statements.
2 28
Royalty Statements 6
92 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains copyright summaries, royalties statements, worksheets, and correspondence both domestic and foreign.
2 29
Royalty Statements 7
98 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains royalty worksheets, domestic and foreign statements, correspondence, and deposit receipts.
2 30
Royalty Statements 8
63 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents both domestic and foreign related to royalty statements, copyright statements, and correspondence.
2 31
Royalty Statements 9
146 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains document related business agreements, copyright statements, domestic and foreign royalty receipts, invoices, statements, and correspondence.
2 32
Royalty Statements 10
10 items : Contains worksheets on music publication summaries.
2 33
Royalty Statements 11
5 items : Contains worksheets on music publication summaries.
Subseries 7: Hampton Fund Inc.
Box Folder
2 34
Certification of Incorporation
4 items : Contains a clean and signed copy of the certification of incorporation
2 35
Tax Returns 1
63 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains documents and correspondence on tax exemption and extensions, correspondence on sales, interest income receipts, pledge receipts, information return, charitable organization forms, balance sheets, speed letters, and correspondence from JFK Center for Performing Arts on payment.
2 36
Tax Returns 2
61 items : *may contain restricted materials* Contains balance worksheets, tax extension forms, charity organization forms, charges and rates for performances, scholarship news-clipping and correspondence, performance correspondence, organization registration cancellation, and grant correspondence (some items were removed from collection for containing restricted and confidential information).
3 37
Bank Statements 1
78 items : *contains restricted materials* Contains documents related to banking statements.
3 38
Bank Statements 2
50 items : *contains restricted materials* Contains documents related to banking statements.
3 39
Bank Statements 3
90 items : *contains restricted materials* Contains documents related to banking statements.
3 40
Bank Statements 4
102 items : *contains restricted materials* Contains documents related to banking statements.
3 41
Annual Reports
41 items : Contains documents and correspondence related to reports on charitable organization and handwritten worksheets.
3 42
Worksheets and Summaries
11 items : Contains handwritten year ending worksheets, correspondence with Xavier University of Louisiana on scholarships, documents related to Harlem Athletic Association sports team creation, agreement of performance with McDonald's, and a payment slip.
3 43
Certificates of Incorporation
65 items : Contains various documents and correspondence on certifications of incorporation for the various businesses of Lionel Hampton, documents related to shareholders, business bank documents, Glad-Hamp Records By-Laws, and meeting minutes.
3 44
Stock Certificates
38 items : Contains blank and filled out stock certificates under various names of Lionel Hampton companies, stock ledger, and a stock certificates filled with stock sheets and various correspondence on stock certificates.
Subseries 8: General Copyright and Contracts
Box Folder
21 459
Broadcast Music Industry Payment Schedule
7 items : Contains publisher payment schedule with Broadcast Music inc.
17 June 1957
21 460
Compositions, Owner's List
22 items : Contains cards with composition information and book with composition and copyright information.
21 461
Copyrights Awaiting Clearance
18 items : Contains certificates of copyright registration and forms for copyright clearance.
21 462
Copyrights List
72 items : Contains copyright list, 3 copies.
21 463
Copyright Registration Info, Writer's Clearance Forms
18 items : Contains a copy of Public Law 94-553 on Copyright Law, copyright registration information, and blank copies of writer's clearance forms.
19 October 1976-1 January 1978
21 464
Phonograph Record Trust Agreement
1 item : Contains a booklet of the Photograph Record Trust Agreement from April, 1969, signed by Gladys Hampton.
April 1969
21 465
Publisher Clearance Forms (Broadcast Music Industry)
4 items : Contains blank Broadcast Music Inc. publisher clearance forms.
21 466
Receipts of Notice of Use
19 items : Contains Acknowledgements of Receipts of a Notice of Use forms for Lionel Hampton's music.
30 November 1960-16 December 1963
21 467
Recording Licenses, Clearances
26 items : Contains various documents for recordings licenses, permissions for mechanical reproduction, and clearance forms.
26 September 1945-1 November 1990
21 468
Swing and Tempo Copyright Renewals List
4 items : Contains swing and tempos copyright renewals list, 1963.
21 469
Transfer of Copyrights, 1945, 1963
5 items : Contains various documents for copyright and transfer of copyrights.
9 June 1944-15 April 1963
21 470
Tour Correspondence (Japan, 1992)
1 item : Contains document of correspondence between Bill Titone and Yoshiro Kambara concerning the Lionel Hampton Big Band's Japan tour.
02 September 1982
Subseries 9: Sheet Music
Box Folder
21 471
Sheet Music 1
62 items : Contains sheet music for fourteen pieces of sheet music. Most of the sheet music was published by Swing and Tempo Music, between 1944-1945 and 1948-1949 and features Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra. It includes: Evil Gal Blues; Goldwyn Stomp, from the film A Song is Born; Gone Again; Homeward Bound; I Feel Like You Already Know; Pick Up on the Ree Bop Kick; Robbins in Your Hair; Salty Papa Blues; Sky Blue; Who am I to Say; Your Guess is as Good as Mine; and Hey! ba-ba-re-bop (published by Leeds Music in 1946). Other pieces of sheet music are Gladys, recorded by Tiny Hill (Luristan Music, 1962) and Hello Ronnie, Good-bye Jimmy (for Ronald Reagan), (Passantino Music, 1980).
Subseries 10: Song Copyright, Contracts, and Lead Sheets
Box Folder
22 472
A and T
19 items : Contains copyright forms, clearance forms, and lead sheets for the song "A and T".
29 April 1969-19 October 1970
22 473
ABC's of Black History (The)
1 item : Contains Registration of a Claim to Copyright form for the song "The ABC's of Black History".
1 April 1974
22 474
Adam Blew His Hat
5 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Adam Blew His Hat".
17 May 1948-8 April 1976
22 475
After Loving a Woman
6 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "After Loving a Woman".
15 July 1946
22 476
Ain't Gonna Fall in Love No More
5 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Ain't Gonna Fall in Love No More".
23 October 1962-9 May 1966
22 477
Ain't Never Had It So Good
4 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "Ain't Never Had It So Good".
1 February 1946
22 478
And When She Left
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "And When She Left".
15 September 1971
22 479
The Asiatic Call
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "The Asiatic Call".
17 February 1948-12 February 1976
22 480
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Akirfa".
19 August 1963-23 December 1991
22 481
5 items : Contains publisher and licensing contracts for the song "Alone".
11 May 1951-11 October 1990
22 482
Another Day
9 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Another Day".
25 August 1969
22 483
The Apple Jack
5 items : Contains copyright forms lead sheets for the song "The Apple Jack".
25 May 1948-8 April 1976
22 484
Baby Don't Love Me
3 items : Contains copyright and licensing forms for the song "Baby Don't Love Me".
28 November 1955-18 March 1983
22 485
Baby You're Great
1 item : Contains an information form for the song "Baby You're Great".
22 486
Bad Talk
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Bad Talk".
27 April 1966-17 April 1967
22 487
5 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Bam-Ma-Lam-Ma-Lam".
15 March 1947
22 488
Baritone Concerto
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Baritone Concerto".
12 November 1947
22 489
Benson's Boogie
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Benson's Boogie".
11 April 1949-15 April 1949
22 490
Bermuda is Another World
1 item : Contains a lead sheet for the song "Bermuda is Another World".
22 491
Beulah's Boogie
25 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Beulah's Boogie".
22 492
Beulah's Sister's Boogie
3 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Beulah's Sister's Boogie".
11 April 1949-10 May 1949
22 493
Biding My Time
3 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Biding My Time".
22 494
Big Brass
8 items : Contains copyright forms, licensing forms, renewal forms, and lead sheets for the song "Big Brass".
16 December 1963-23 December 1991
22 495
Big Slide
8 items : Contains copyright forms, renewal forms, and lead sheets for the song "Big Slide".
27 September 1963-23 December 1991
22 496
Blue Boy
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Blue Boy".
12 November 1947-25 March 1963
22 497
Blue Perfume (King Cool)
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Blue Perfume (King Cool)".
30 March 1966-13 June 1967
22 498
Blues For Gerty
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Blues For Gerty".
4 March 1975-11 March 1975
22 499
Blues For Jazz Beaux
2 items : Contains a clearance form and lead sheet for the song "Blues For Jazz Beaux".
1 November 1990
22 500
Blues For Wade
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Blues For Wade".
9 December 1966-12 April 1967
22 501
Blues in Gold
5 items : Contains copyright forms, renewal registration, and lead sheets for the song "Blues in Gold".
1 October 1963-23 December 1991
22 502
Blues One
5 items : Contains incomplete publishing contract forms for the song "Blues One".
22 503
Boogie Woogie Beat
5 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Boogie Woogie Beat".
15 July 1946
22 504
2 items : Contains publishing contract forms for the song "Bopology".
6 May 1946
22 505
Bosanova Jazz
9 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Bosanova Jazz".
11 May 1962-29 June 1962
22 506
Brand New Baby
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Brand New Baby".
23 January 1956
22 507
Broadway's Boping Now
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, lyrics, and lead sheets for the song "Broadway's Boping Now".
30 January 1950-23 March 1950
22 508
Buck's Idea
6 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Buck's Idea".
22 509
Bus Stop
1 item : Contains a copyright form for the song "Bus Stop".
27 October 1976
22 510
Bye Bye
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Bye Bye".
19 July 1965-20 October 1967
22 511
Café Expresso
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Café Expresso".
14 June 1967-17 July 1969
22 512
Cancion De Los Bongos (Bongo Interlude)
3 items : Contains publishing contracts for the song "Cancion De Los Bongos (Bongo Interlude)".
24 September 1951
22 513
Cantar's Canteen
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Cantar's Canteen".
20 June 1953-7 January 1954
22 514
Carlena Blues
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, lyrics, and lead sheets for the song "Carlena Blues".
22 515
Changed Man
7 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Changed Man".
22 516
Chasin' With Chase
3 items : Contains standard uniform popular songwriters contract for the song "Chasin' With Chase".
21 August 1941
22 517
Chi Chi Papa
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Chi Chi Papa".
30 April 1963-20 May 1963
22 518
Chicken Gizzards
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Chicken Gizzards".
15 June 1967-26 June 1967
22 519
Children At Play
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Children At Play".
15 September 1971
22 520
4 items : Contains publishing contract forms and an application by The Compo Company Limited for permission for mechanical reproduction of the song "Chop-Chop".
22 521
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Chord-A-Re-Bop".
7 March 1946-12 August 1975
22 522
Cobb's Idea
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Cobb's Idea".
25 September 1945-31 July 1975
22 523
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Co-Existence".
25 October 1961-30 October 1961
22 524
Coming Home To You
4 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Coming Home To You".
24 May 2945
22 525
Cookin' With Love
11 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Cookin' With Love".
26 July 1945-10 November 1947
22 526
Cool Charlie
9 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Cool Charlie".
19 March 1969-10 December 1976
22 527
Cool Train
6 items : Contains copyright forms, letters, and lead sheets for the song "Cool Train".
31 May 1951
22 528
10 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Corrine".
22 529
Crawdad Hole
19 items : Contains copyright certificate and lead sheets for the song "Crawdad Hole".
21 November 1962-3 December 1962
22 530
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and licensing forms for the song "Crying".
6 October 1951-18 March 1983
22 531
Cutter's Corner
8 items : Contains copyright forms, registration forms, licensing forms, and lead sheets for the song "Cutter's Corner".
16 December 1963-23 December 1991
22 532
Dah Dah Dah
8 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Dah Dah Dah".
13 February 1969-24 July 1969
22 533
Dig That Woogie
3 items : Contains publishing contract forms for the song "Dig That Woogie".
22 534
Disgusted Blues (Help Me)
2 items : Contains copyright certificate forms for the song "Disgusted Blues (Help Me)".
10 June 1952
22 535
Do The Monkey
3 items : Contains copyright certificate forms, renewal registration, and lead sheet for the song "Do The Monkey".
18 September 1963-23 December 1991
22 536
Don't Be So Mean
12 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Don't Be So Mean".
18 November 1966-28 July 1969
22 537
Don't Flee the Scene
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, license forms for the song "Don't Flee the Scene".
6 October 1951-18 March 1983
22 538
Don't Sing Your Blues to Me
4 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheet for the song "Don't Sing Your Blues to Me".
14 March 1946
22 539
Double With Doubles
2 items : Contains publishing contract for the song "Doubles With Doubles".
22 May 1945
22 540
Down As Can Be
7 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Down As Can Be".
18 April 1946
22 541
Drag Strip
9 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Drag Strip".
3 July 1963
22 542
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Drum-Hi".
31 July 1957
22 543
Dues in Blues
4 items : Contains publishing contracts for the song "Dues in Blues".
19 February 1948
22 544
Easy With Me
14 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Easy With Me".
26 July 1945
22 545
Elaine and Daffy
8 items : Contains copyright forms, recording license, and lead sheets for the song "Elaine and Daffy".
1 November 1963-23 December 1991
22 546
Empty Glass (Normania)
2 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheet for the song "Empty Glass (Normania)".
22 547
Estranho (Estrano)
23 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Estranho (Estrano)".
22 October 1962-7 November 1962
22 548
Evening Breeze
5 items : Contains publishing contracts for the song "Evening Breeze".
22 549
Everybody's Somebody's Fool
58 items : Contains copyright forms, licensing correspondence, publishing contracts, licensing forms, and lead sheets for the song "Everybody's Somebody's Fool".
5 January 1950-31 July 1975
22 550
Evil Gal Blues
11 items : Contains copyright forms, registration forms, licensing forms, and lead sheets for the song "Evil Gal Blues".
27 April 1944-1 March 1979
22 551
Fabulous Flamingo Twist (The)
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Fabulous Flamingo Twist (The)".
19 February 1962-23 February 1962
22 552
Fanning the Cover
3 items : Contains standard uniform popular songwriters contract for the song "Fanning the Cover".
21 August 1941
22 553
Feelin' Kind A Lonesome
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Feelin' Kind A Lonesome".
23 April 1962-14 May 1962
22 554
Feezle Beak
4 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Feezle Beak".
22 555
Flea (The)
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Flea (The)".
15 September 1971-10 January 1972
22 556
Flying On
12 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Flying On".
30 July 1965
22 557
Freedom Horse (The)
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets with the song "Freedom Horse (The)".
10 April 1948-8 April 1976
22 558
Full Circle
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Full Circle".
30 May 1966-24 July 1969
22 559
"Furst" Affair
5 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "'Furst' Affair".
25 March 1969-18 February 1970
22 560
G.H.2 (GHQ)
5 items : Contains copyright forms, licensing forms, and lead sheets for the song "G.H.2".
12 September 1955-18 March 1983
22 561
Gabby's Gabbin
4 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contracts for the song "Gabby's Gabbin".
17 October 1951-10 June 1952
22 562
Gap Takes A Nap
5 items : Contains copyright forms, copyright correspondence, and lead sheet for the song "Gap Takes A Nap".
30 July 1955-10 August 1955
22 563
Gates Arenee (Arnee) Blues
5 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Gates Arenee (Arnee) Blues".
22 564
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Gay-Ge-Zunther-Haid".
16 June 1947-12 November 1947
22 565
Generation Gap
7 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Generation Gap".
5 February 1970
22 566
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Giddy-Up".
24 July 1947-12 November 1947
22 567
Gin and Tonic
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Gin and Tonic".
8 May 1962-23 December 1991
22 568
1 item : Contains copyright form for the song "Gingerbread".
10 December 1976
22 569
Gizmo Blues
12 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Gizmo Blues".
25 January 1956-11 September 1963
22 570
Git It And Go
5 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Git It And Go".
18 February 1970
22 571
Give Me Time
2 items : Contains publishing contracts for the songs "Give Me Time" and "If I Had Known".
30 November 1947
22 572
11 items : Contains copyright forms, licensing forms, licensing correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Gladys".
30 December 1955-31 August 1966
22 573
Glad Hamp
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Glad Hamp".
24 May 1965-28 November 1968
22 574
Goldwyn Stomp
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence with Samuel Goldwyn Productions, and lead sheets for the song "Goldwyn Stomp".
24 July 1947-12 November 1947
22 575
Gone Again
48 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, licensing correspondence, correspondence with Quality Records Limited, correspondence with Mercury Record Corporation, licensing forms, and lead sheets for the song "Gone Again".
28 January 1946-31 July 1975
22 576
Good Evening Corinne
3 items : Contains information form and publishing contracts for the song "Good Evening Corinne".
22 577
Greasy Greens
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, clearance correspondence, clearance forms, and lead sheets for the song "Greasy Greens".
30 March 1966-23 January 1974
22 578
Half Way to My Heart
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Half Way to My Heart".
27 October 1944-24 May 1945
22 579
Ham Hock Blues
7 items : Contains copyright forms, clearance forms, license forms, licensing correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Ham Hock Blues".
29 October 1974-17 April 1975
22 580
Hamp Goes Re-Bop
3 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp Goes Re-Bop".
15 March 1947-12 November 1947
22 581
Hamp Stamps
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp Stamps".
8 July 1965-5 December 1966
22 582
Hamp's Boogie
13 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Boogie".
22 583
Hamp's Boogie Woogie
2 items : Contains publishing contract for the song "Hamp's Boogie Woogie".
22 584
Hamp's Boogie Woogie No. 2
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Boogie Woogie No. 2".
11 April 1949-27 April 1949
22 585
Hamp's Got a Duke
17 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Got a Duke".
31 March 1947-16 October 1953
22 586
Hamp's Gumbo
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence, and lead sheets for the songs "Hamp's Gumbo".
15 March 1947-23 December 1991
22 587
Hamp's Mambo
7 items : Contains copyright forms, recording license, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Mambo".
1 November 1963-23 December 1991
22 588
Hamp's New Swim
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's New Swim".
4 December 1961
22 589
Hamp's Rocking Twist
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Rocking Twist".
3 December 1961-4 December 1961
22 590
Hamp's Salty Blues
8 items : Contains copyright forms, correspondence with MCA Records, and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Salty Blues".
14 May 1946-8 February 1973
22 591
Hamp's Walking Boogie
5 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Hamp's Walking Boogie".
22 592
Happy Hooligan
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Happy Hooligan".
10 February 1950-23 March 1950
22 593
Happy Monk (The Happy Priest)
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Happy Monk (The Happy Priest".
30 April 1963-23 December 1991
22 594
Hawk's Nest
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence with Samuel Goldwyn Productions, and lead sheets for the song "Hawk's Nest".
5 August 1947-12 November 1947
22 595
Head Work
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Head Work".
26 October 1945
22 596
He That Don't Like It
7 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "He That Don't Like It".
15 July 1946
22 597
Hello Folks
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hello Folks".
12 June 1957-17 June 1957
22 598
3 items : Contains information form and publishing contracts for the song "Helpless".
6 October 1951-31 October 1951
22 599
Here I Go Again
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Here I Go Again".
3 July 1963-23 December 1991
22 600
Hey! Ba Ba Re Be
5 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Hey! Ba Ba Re Ba".
22 601
Hey Popa Dop
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hey Popa Dop".
17 June 1957-27 June 1957
22 602
Homeward Bound
9 items : Contains copyright forms, registration forms, lyrics, and lead sheets for the song "Homeward Bound".
27 April 1944-21 December 1945
22 603
Hop, Skip, and Jump
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Hop, Skip, and Jump".
22 604
How You Sound
1 item : Contains copyright form for the song "How You Sound".
24 April 1950
22 605
I Don't Mind the Rain
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "I Don't Mind the Rain".
29 March 1947-12 November 1947
22 606
I Feel Like You Already Know
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "I Feel Like You Already Know".
5 May 1946-7 June 1948
22 607
I Like You
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the long "I Like You".
3 March 1966-27 June 1967
22 608
I Want You
12 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing forms, and lead sheets for the song "I Want You".
23 January 1956-23 December 1991
22 609
I Wonder If She Misses Me To-night
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing forms, and lead sheets for the song "I Wonder If She Misses Me To-Night".
25 September 1945
22 610
Idol of My Dreams
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Idol of My Dreams".
3 July 1963-23 December 1991
22 611
If I Had Known
2 items : Contains publishing contract for the songs "If I Had Known" and "Give Me Time".
30 November 1947
22 612
I'll Be True
3 items : Contains information form and publishing contract for the song "I'll Be True".
14 February 1946
22 613
I'm A Man, Baby
7 items : Contains information form and publishing contracts for the song "I'm A Man, Baby".
15 July 1946
22 614
I'm Gonna Find My Baby
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, lyrics, and lead sheets for the song "I'm Gonna Find My Baby".
14 June 1950-24 August 1950
22 615
I'm Sad and I'm Lonely
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, lead sheets, and lyrics for the song "I'm Sad and I'm Lonely".
3 May 1945-20 June 1945
22 616
I'm Taking No Chances
6 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contracts for the song "I'm Taking No Chances".
23 October 1951-10 June 1952
22 617
I'm Trying to Understand
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "I'm Trying to Understand".
23 April 1962-14 May 1962
22 618
In the Bag
5 items : Contains publishing contracts and correspondence with The Compo Company Limited for the song "In the Bag".
September 1941-13 August 1969
22 619
In the Evening Blues
4 items : Contains publishing contract for the song "In the Evening Blues".
22 620
Ingenue (The)
4 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "The Ingenue".
22 621
Inner Circle
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Inner Circle".
14 June 1967-27 June 1967
22 622
In Side Out
14 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "In Side Out".
12 September 1963-23 December 1991
22 623
It Hurt My Heart to See You Pass Me By This Way
3 items : Contains information form and publishing contract for the song "It Hurt My Heart to See You Pass Me By This Way".
15 July 1946
22 624
It's So Fine
4 items : Contains publishing contract and lyrics for the song "It's So Fine".
22 625
I've Come to You
3 items : Contains copyright forms for the song "I've Come to You".
27 May 1952-10 June 1952
22 626
I've Got My Man
4 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "I've Got My Man".
23 April 1962-11 May 1962
23 627
Jack the Fox Boogie
6 items : Contains United States and Canadian copyright license contracts for the song "Jack the Fox Boogie".
8 May 1975-31 July 1975
23 628
5 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Jennie".
23 629
Jodie's Dream
3 items : Contains information form and publishing contract for the song "Jodie's Dream".
23 630
Jumpin' With G.H.
2 items : Contains mechanical license for the song "Jumpin' With G.H."
18 March 1983
23 631
Just A Taste
12 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Just A Taste".
15 November 1961-7 December 1961
23 632
Just You And I
3 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "Just You And I".
24 December 1948-11 January 1949
23 633
Kidney Stew
5 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Kidney Stew".
23 634
Kim's In Town
4 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Kim's In Town".
15 September 1971
23 635
King David Suite
3 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "King David's Suite".
11 March 1957
23 636
King Fish
4 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contracts for the song "King Fish".
17 October 1951-10 June 1952
23 637
King Soul
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "King Soul".
9 December 1966-12 April 1967
23 638
Kip's Blues
7 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Kip's Blues".
23 December 1963-23 December 1991
23 639
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence with The Compo Company Limited, and lead sheets for the song "Lamplighter".
9 May 1945-13 August 1969
23 640
Latin Silk
3 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contract for the song "Latin Silk".
10 June 1976-10 December 1976
23 641
Let Me Be Your Man
6 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Let Me Be Your Man".
15 July 1946
23 642
Letter From My Baby
6 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Letter From My Baby".
15 July 1946
23 643
Lion's Den
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Lion's Den".
23 644
Little Annie
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Little Annie".
23 April 1962-31 August 1966
23 645
8 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Loneliness".
3 October 1947
23 646
Long Shoes Blues (The)
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "The Long Shoes Blues".
27 October 1961-1 December 1961
23 647
Loose Wigs
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Loose Wigs".
12 October 1944-13 August 1969
23 648
Love Is A Gift
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Love Is A Gift".
26 June 1967-27 June 1967
23 649
Lovin' And Livin'
5 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Lovin' And Livin'".
18 February 1970
23 650
Lullaby to Benny Goodman
8 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Lullaby to Benny Goodman".
22 June 1953
23 651
Mama Don't Love Me No More
4 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "Mama Don't Love Me No More".
23 652
Mama Knows
6 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Mama Knows".
9 July 1969
23 653
Master And My Guide
16 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Master And My Guide".
14 November 1962
23 654
17 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "McGhee".
10 June 1960-5 May 1965
23 655
Mess Is Here (The)
5 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "The Mess Is Here".
23 656
Michael's Cichael
3 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "Michael's Cichael".
15 September 1971
23 657
Midnight Prowl
5 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Midnight's Prowl".
24 May 1945
23 658
Mingus Fingers
19 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Mingus Finger".
5 February 1948-26 October 1995
23 659
Money Ain't Everything
2 items : Contains information form and copyright form for the song "Money Ain't Everything".
10 June 1952
23 660
Monsieur Gates
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Monsieur Gates".
12 June 1957-17 June 1957
23 661
Mr. Collard Greens
2 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheet for the song "Mr. Collard Greens".
15 September 1971
23 662
Mr. X
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Mr. X".
10 April 1948-8 April 1976
23 663
The Music ABC's of Black History
17 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "The Music ABC's of Black History".
23 664
My Cuban Serenade
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "My Cuban Serenade".
6 July 1943-13 May 1947
23 665
My Favorite Fox
7 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "My Favorite Fox".
27 June 1967
23 666
My Friend My Friend
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "My Friend My Friend".
17 February 1948-12 February 1976
23 667
My Pretty Song
9 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "My Pretty Song".
5 February 1970
23 668
New Central Avenue Breakdown
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "New Central Avenue Breakdown".
11 April 1949-31 July 1975
23 669
New Look (The)
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "The New Look".
12 February 1948-12 February 1976
23 670
Newcombe's Bounce
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Newcombe's Bounce".
15 February 1950-23 March 1950
23 671
No Better For You
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "No Better For You".
17 February 1948-12 February 1976
23 672
No Regrets
5 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "No Regrets".
23 673
No Say No
6 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "No Say No".
15 June 1967
23 674
Nothing In View
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Nothing In View".
5 March 1948-8 April 1976
23 675
Now I Know
4 items : Contains information form and publishing contracts for the song "Now I Know".
October 1941
23 676
No. 2 Re-bop and Be-bop
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "No. 2 Re-bop and Be-bop".
25 May 1948-8 April 1976
23 677
Oh Why
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Oh Why".
18 July 1947-12 November 1947
23 678
Opening (The)
3 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "The Opening".
15 September 1971-10 January 1972
23 679
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence with The Compo Company Limited, and lead sheets for the song "Overtime".
25 May 1942-17 February 1975
23 680
P. Weepin' Blues (The)
6 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "The P. Weepin' Blues".
15 March 1947
23 681
Pencil Broke (The)
8 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "The Pencil Broke".
31 March 1947-17 February 1975
23 682
Pick Up Jack
5 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Pick Up Jack".
25 September 1945
23 683
Pick Up On The Ree Bop Kick
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Pick Up On The Ree Bop Kick".
17 May 1947-11 January 1949
23 684
Pig Ears and Rice
4 items : Contains copyright form, licensing form, a copy of Schedule "A", and lead sheet for the song "Pig Ears and Rice".
30 December 1955-18 March 1983
23 685
Please Give Me A Chance
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Please Give Me A Chance".
22 September 1947-12 November 1947
23 686
Polka Dot Stretch Pants
7 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Polka Dot Stretch Pants".
14 June 1967-27 June 1967
23 687
Punchin' Judy (Punching/Punch and)
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, publisher clearance form, and lead sheet for the song "Punchin' Judy (Punching/Punch and)".
22 May 1945-13 August 1975
23 688
Que Pasa
6 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Que Pasa".
19 January 1966-7 February 1966
23 689
A Quiet Love
4 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "A Quiet Love".
15 September 1971
23 690
Railroad No. 1
2 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheet for the song "Railroad No. 1".
29 February 1960
23 691
Re-Bop's Turning Blue
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Re-Bop's Turning Blue".
25 May 1948-8 April 1976
23 692
Red River
12 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, correspondence, clearance forms, licensing forms, and lead sheet for the song "Red River".
12 November 1955-18 May 1983
23 693
Reminiscent Moods
4 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Reminiscent Moods".
23 694
Reverend Briggs
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Reverend Briggs".
12 September 1963-16 October 1963
23 695
Ribs and Hot Sauce
3 items : Contains copyright form, correspondence with The Compo Company Limited, and lead sheet for the song "Ribs and Hot Sauce".
27 April 1949-13 August 1969
23 696
Ridin' On The L and N
8 items : Contains publishing contracts, correspondence with Mercury Record Productions Inc., and mechanical license form for the song "Ridin' On The L & N".
7 March 1946-19 April 1971
23 697
7 items : Contains publishing contract, correspondence with Horizon Music Company, and lead sheet for the song "Riverboat".
21 February 1966
23 698
Robbins In Your Hair
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Robbins In Your Hair".
31 May 1947-12 November 1947
23 699
Rocking With G.H.
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, lyrics, and lead sheet for the song "Rocking With G.H.".
31 July 1949-15 August 1949
23 700
7 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Rocky".
14 June 1967-17 August 1967
23 701
Sad Feeling
7 items : Contains copyright form, lyrics, and lead sheet for the song "Sad Feeling".
15 August 1949
23 702
4 items : Contains information form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "Sa-Froan-ia".
15 January 1946
23 703
Saint Thomas
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Saint Thomas".
16 October 1963-23 December 1991
23 704
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Sakura".
18 September 1963-23 December 1991
23 705
Salty Cat Blues
5 items : Contains information form and publishing contracts for the song "Salty Cat Blues".
7 March 1946-11 March 1946
23 706
Salty Papa Blues
11 items : Contains copyright forms, mechanical license agreement, lyrics, and lead sheets for the song "Salty Papa Blues".
27 April 1944-1 March 1979
23 707
Sampson's Boogie
4 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contracts for the song "Sampson's Boogie".
16 October 1951-10 June 1952
23 708
Sargent Mess
3 items : Contains publishing contract and notarized agreement for the song "Sargent Mess".
23 709
Sax's On 7th Avenue
6 items : Contains copyright forms and publishing contracts for the song "Sax's On 7th Avenue".
12 February 1948-12 February 1976
23 710
Say Forward, I'll March
1 item : Contains lead sheet for the song "Say Forward, I'll March".
23 711
Senor Pepito
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Senor Pepito".
12 June 1957-17 June 1957
23 712
She Set My Soul On Fire
2 items : Contains copyright forms for the song "She Set My Soul On Fire".
10 June 1952
23 713
6 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "Shebna".
23 714
4 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Shojoji".
18 September 1963-23 December 1991
23 715
Shu Be Doo
1 item : Contains copyright form for the song "Shu Be Doo".
10 June 1952
23 716
Sketch of Gladys (A)
9 items : Contains copyright forms, correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "A Sketch of Gladys".
20 November 1968-13 November 1969
23 717
Ski Party
4 items : Contains publishing contract, correspondence with Horizon Music Company, and lead sheets for the song "Ski Party".
21 February 1966
23 718
Sky Blue
19 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Sky Blue".
24 November 1944-19 November 1976
23 719
Slick Chick (A)
7 items : Contains information form and lead sheets for the song "A Slick Chick".
01 May 1945
23 720
Slide Hamp Slide
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Slide Hamp Slide".
25 September 1945-31 July 1975
23 721
So Great
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, publishers clearance form, and lead sheets for the song "So Great".
8 November 1961-23 December 1991
23 722
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Someday".
27 October 1944-24 May 1945
23 723
Some Where
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Some Where".
23 April 1962-14 May 1962
23 724
Star Rocket
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet foe the song "Star Rocket".
31 July 1957
23 725
Stuff's Round the Corner (The)
8 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "The Stuff's Round the Corner".
15 July 1946
23 726
Sunday Go To Meetin' Blues
9 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, recording license, correspondence with Prestige Records Inc., and lead sheets for the song "Sunday Go To Meetin' Blues".
9 December 1966-11 December 1967
23 727
Sweet Beulah Brown
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Sweet Beulah Brown".
12 November 1947
23 728
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Swiftly".
25 October 1961-30 October 1961
23 729
Swingin' On C
2 items : Contains mechanical license and a copy of Schedule "A", containing the song "Swingin' On C".
18 March 1983
23 730
Swingle Jingle
7 items : Contains copyright forms, licensing agreements, and licensing correspondence for the song "Swingle Jingle".
11 November 1964-28 January 1966
23 731
Symphony Sid
4 items : Contains information form for the song "Symphony Sid" and standard uniform popular songwriters contract for the songs "Symphony Sid" and "John A. Bur-ton".
27 May 1942
23 732
Take It, Mr. Jones
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Take It, Mr. Jones".
4 January 1941-14 May 1948
23 733
Take Me As I Am
6 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Take Me As I Am".
15 July 1946
23 734
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Tangible".
15 November 1961-24 November 1961
23 735
Teddy Bear Blues
5 items : Contains publishing contract and lead sheets for the song "Teddy Bear Blues".
23 736
Tempo's Birthday
14 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, licensing agreements, correspondence with Swing and Tempo Music, and lead sheet for the song "Tempo's Birthday".
29 March 1947-4 June 1968
23 737
Tempo's Boogie
7 items : Contains copyright forms, correspondence with The Compo Company Limited, and lead sheets for the song "Tempo's Boogie".
31 May 1947-13 October 1969
23 738
Tempo's Exercise
4 items : Contains publishing contract for the song "Tempo's Exercise".
14 January 1946
23 739
Thai Silk (Blue Mannequin)
7 items : Contains standard popular songwriters contract, correspondence with Horizon Music Company, and lead sheet for the song "Thai Sil (Blue Mannequin)".
21 February 1966
23 740
Three (3) Bones
5 items : Contains information form and standard uniform popular songwriters contracts for the song "Three (3) Bones".
27 May 1942
23 741
Three Minutes on 52nd Street
3 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheet for the song "Three Minutes on 52nd Street".
12 November 1947
23 742
Tigress (The)
8 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "The Tigress".
26 June 1967-27 June 1967
23 743
Till's Bag
3 items : Contains copyright form and correspondence with Patrick J. Fabbio for the song "Till's Bag".
11 October 1971
23 744
Tom Collins
17 items : Contains copyright forms, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Tom Collins".
10 February 1966-12 December 1967
23 745
Too Late
17 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Too Late".
5 November 1962-14 November 1962
23 746
Trane of Thought
4 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "Trane of Thought".
15 September 1971
23 747
Travelin' Up
15 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheets for the song "Travelin' Up".
14 November 1962
23 748
Triple Super Duper
6 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "Triple Super Duper".
8 December 1941-24 May 1945
23 749
True Love Blues
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheet for the song "True Love Blues".
17 February 1948-12 February 1976
23 750
Turn Off The Moonlight
4 items : Contains publishing contract for the song "Turn Off The Moonlight".
27 May 1945
23 751
Two Finger Boogie
5 items : Contains United States and Canadian copyright license contracts for the song "Two Finger Boogie".
8 May 1975-31 July 1975
23 752
Under Tow
2 items : Contains publishing contracts for the song "Under Tow".
24 September 1951
23 753
7 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "V.I.P.'s".
23 December 1963-23 December 1991
23 754
Vibe Boogie
13 items : Contains copyright forms, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Vibe Boogie".
19 August 1963-23 December 1991
23 755
6 items : Contains copyright forms and lead sheets for the song "Vibraholiday".
4 October 1963-23 December 1991
23 756
Was It Like That!
14 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Was It Like That".
24 September 1941-10 May 1973
23 757
Weak Broken Hearted Fool
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Weak Broken Hearted Fool".
12 June 1957-17 June 1957
23 758
Wee Albert
7 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Wee Albert".
11 April 1949-19 November 1976
23 759
Week Day Woman
6 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Week Day Woman".
15 July 1946
23 760
West's Mess
2 items : Contains copyright form and lead sheet for the song "West's Mess".
2 September 1949
23 761
We've Waited Long Enough
7 items : Contains copyright certificate, standard uniform popular songwriters contracts, and lead sheets for the song "We've Waited Long Enough".
June 1942-24 May 1945
23 762
What Can You Lose
10 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "What Can You Lose".
3 June 1946-5 February 1947
23 763
What You Call It?
7 items : Contains lead sheets for the song "What You Call It?"
23 764
When's Daddy Coming Home
5 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "When's Daddy Coming Home".
9 December 1966-12 April 1967
23 765
When Will I See You Again?
4 items : Contains signed contracts and lead sheets for the song "When Will I See You Again?"
23 766
Who Am I To Say?
18 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contract, correspondence between Gladys Hampton and John Willison, and lead sheets for the song "Who Am I To Say".
15 June 1944-28 February 1966
23 767
Who Cares
11 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Who Cares".
25 July 1946-19 November 1976
23 768
Why Can't You Care
14 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Why Can't You Care".
10 May 1951-10 June 1952
23 769
Why Can't You Cool Your Nervous Nerves
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Why Can't You Cool Your Nervous Nerves".
30 September 1957-9 March 1966
23 770
Why Do I Cry
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Why Do I Cry".
23 April 1962-14 May 1962
23 771
Why Not Now
7 items : Contains copyright certificate, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "Why Not Now".
11 June 1941-19 June 1945
23 772
Willow Trees
3 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheet for the song "Willow Trees".
15 June 1971
23 773
Worried Life Blues
2 items : Contains information form and copyright form for the song "Worried Life Blues".
10 June 1952
23 774
Writing's On The Wall (The)
13 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, and lead sheets for the song "The Writing's On The Wall".
3 March 1966-24 July 1969
23 775
You're A Nasty Ape
6 items : Contains copyright forms, publishing contracts, publishers clearance form, and lead sheets for the song "You're A Nasty Ape".
30 March 1966-27 July 1966
23 776
You're the Doctor of the Blues
7 items : Contains publishing contracts and lyrics for the song "You're the Doctor of the Blues".
23 777
Your Buddy
9 items : Contains publishing contracts and lead sheets for the song "Your Buddy".
6 April 1950
23 778
Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
6 items : Contains copyright forms, standard uniform popular songwriters contract, copyright correspondence, and lead sheets for the song "Your Guess Is As Good As Mine".
2 March 1943-26 July 1945
23 779
You've Broken My Heart
9 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contract, and lead sheets for the song "You've Broken My Heart".
3 March 1966-10 March 1966
23 780
5 items : Contains copyright form, publishing contracts, and lead sheet for the song "Zoo-Ba-Be-Da-Oo-Ee".
25 May 1948-14 February 1949

Series 2: Personal Papers and Ephemera, circa 1946-1998Return to Top

Personal papers (1953-1998) in this series include cover letters for photographs and awards, membership cards, invitations and event programs (some related to the awarding of academic honorary degrees), birthday and thank you cards, and letters of sympathy after the death of Gladys Hampton.

Also included in this series are national and foreign newspaper clippings (1958–1997), programs and publications (1946–1998), and twenty-four posters.

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Lionel Hampton News Clippings
Box Folder
3 45
Miscellaneous Correspondence
124 items : Contains letters, postcards, condolences, correspondence, drawings, membership cards, and personal tokens from various persons, institutions, cities, shows, and the White House.
3 46
News Clippings (Domestic and Dated) 1
65 items : Contains various clippings of newspapers pertaining to Lionel Hampton from various publications.
3 47
News Clippings (Domestic and Dated) 2
146 items : Contains various clippings of newspapers pertaining to Lionel Hampton from various publications.
3 48
News Clippings (Domestics and Undated)
23 items : Contains various clippings of newspapers pertaining to Lionel Hampton from various publications.
3 49
News Clippings (Foreign and Dated)
64 items : Contains various clippings of newspapers pertaining to Lionel Hampton from various foreign publications.
3 50
News Clippings (Foreign and Undated)
27 items : Contains various clippings of newspapers pertaining to Lionel Hampton from various foreign publications.
Subseries 2: Publications
Box Folder
3 51
Programs and Publications (Domestic) 1
15 items : Contains various booklets, programs, and flyers pertaining to Lionel Hampton, his orchestra, their music, and concerts.
3 52
Programs and Publications (Domestic) 2
24 items : Contains various booklets, programs, and flyers pertaining to Lionel Hampton's music, concerts, workshops, and legacy. Also includes a letter from a friend who saw him in New York tucked into great performance booklet.
3 53
Programs and Publications (Domestic) 3
21 items : Contains various booklets, programs, and flyers pertaining to Lionel Hampton, his orchestra, their music, concerts, events, and benefits.
3 54
Programs and Publications (Foreign) 1
21 items : Contains various booklets, programs, and magazines pertaining to Lionel Hampton, his orchestra, their music, and concerts.
3 55
Programs and Publications (Foreign) 2
6 items : Contains various booklets, programs, and magazines pertaining to Lionel Hampton, his music, and his events.
3 56
Programs and Publications (Foreign) 3
7 items : Contains various booklets regarding Lionel Hampton's music, career, evets, and European tours.
3 57
Programs and Publications (Foreign) 4
65 items : Contains various booklets, programs, newspaper clippings, and magazines pertaining to Lionel Hampton, his music, orchestra, and events.
Subseries 3: Lionel Hampton Concert Posters
Box object
4 58
Poster 1
1 item : This poster is for a concert for Hampton and his Big Band in Stadtcasino Basel [Switzerland]. April 18, 1994 (poster #9). 45 x 33 inch poster.
4 59
Poster 2
2 items : These are identical posters about Hamptons Big Band European tour with a concert in Berlin, Germany at the Hochschule der Künste (College of Arts), hosted by the Berliner Theater Club (poster #14). 33 x 23 inch poster. Berliner Theater club [Berlin, Germany]. April 26, 1994
26 April 1994
4 60
Poster 3
7 items : These are identical posters about a Lionel Hampton and his Big Band's concert in Berlin, Germany on the 26th of April at the Konzerthaus concert hall. (poster #15). 33 x 23 inch poster. [Berlin, Germany?]. April 29, [1994?]
4 61
Poster 4
5 items : These are extras of poster #15 (item 60)
4 62
Poster 5
1 item : This is a poster for a Lionel Hampton and his Big Band's concert in Düsseldorf, Germany for April 20th, 1994 (poster #16). 33 x 23 inch poster. Tonhalle Dusseldorf [Düsseldorf, Germany]. April 20, 1984
20 April 1994
4 63
Poster 6
1 item : This poster is for a Lionel Hampton concert on July 7th, 1994, from the Fano "Jazz By The Sea" annual festival, held in Fano, Italy (poster #17). 39 1/2 x 27 inch poster. Fano 7 Luglio. [Italy]. September 1994.
7 July 1994
4 64
Poster 7
2 items : This poster is for Lionel Hampton and his Big Band for a concert in Hanover, Germany at the Theater am Aegi for April 25th, 1994 (poster #18). 33 x 23 inch poster. Hannover [Germany]. April 25, 1994.
25 April 1994
4 65
Poster 8
2 items : This poster is for Lionel Hampton and his Big Band for a concert at Brucknerhaus in Linz, Austria on April 30th, 1994 (poster #19). 33 x 23 inch poster. Brucknerhaus [Linz, Austria]. April 30, 1994
30 April 1994
4 66
Poster 9
2 item : This poster is for Lionel Hampton and his Big Band for a concert at Jahrhunderthalle (Centennial Hall) in Frankfurt, Germany on April 12th, 1994 (poster #20). 33 x 23 inch poster. Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt [Germany]. April 12, 1994.
12 April 1994
4 67
Poster 10
1 item : This poster is for Lionel Hampton and his Big Band for a concert at Kongerßhalle (Kongresshalle) in Berlin, Germany (poster #21). 33 x 23 inch poster. KongreBhalle (Congress Hall) [Germany]. April 23, 1994.
23 April 1994
4 68
Poster 11
4 items : Contains three identical orange posters for Lionel Hampton as part of the "Jazz en Bale" jazz festival located in various cities in France in 1994 and one black poster for "Jazz en Bale" jazz festival from June to July in 1993 (posters #22 and 23). 27 x 20 inch posters. Douarnenez [France]. July 15-17, 1994 and June 28-July 11, 1993.
4 69
Poster 12
1 item : This poster is for Lionel Hampton and his Big Band for a concert at Teatro Regio in Parama, Italy on July 13th, 1984 (poster #24). 35 x 24 inch poster. Parma, Italy. July 13, 1984
13 July 1984
4 70
Poster 13
19 items : These posters are advertisements from Motown Record for various artists records or recordings with Lionel Hampton as a the main point.

Series 3: Lionel Hampton Photographs, circa 1918-2002Return to Top

The earliest photographs in this series are of members of Lionel Hampton's maternal family, including portraits of grandmother Louvenia Morgan and uncle Richard Morgan, from early 1900s. The bulk of the photographs relate to Lionel Hampton's musical career. Hampton is pictured performing with groups with which he was associated throughout his career, such as the Benny Goodman Sextet, the Jazz Inner Circle, the Lionel Hampton Orchestra, the Golden Men of Jazz, and Big Band reunions with his alumni. Events shown in this collection include his private audience with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican in 1968; his last appearance with Benny Goodman at Carnegie Hall in 1978; receiving awards and honorary degrees at several universities; the dedication of the Lionel Hampton School of Music at the University of Idaho in 1987; the celebration of his 90th birthday at the Blue Note in New York in 1998; and performances around the world including Japan, Israel, and several European countries. As an active campaigner for the Republican Party, he is shown with U.S. Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and other political figures of the period. Lionel Hampton is also portrayed with personalities from sports, religion, military, advertising, and show business.

This series also includes a collection of portraits of Gladys Hampton.

Photographers represented in this collection are Ashton of Hollywood, Bruno of Hollywood, Coopel of Los Angeles, Eddie Rocco of Hollywood, Gordon Parks of Chicago, Jesse Smith of Los Angeles, Lindblom of Indianapolis, Maurice of Chicago, Monroe S. Frederick II of New York, and Popsie of New York, among others.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
5-19 71
Lionel Hampton's Family and Early Life
12 items : This folder contains family pictures photos from as early as 1914 when Lionel Hampton was 6 up to being a young adult, there are pictures of his grandmother, Mama Louvenia, also has original, copies, and retouched pictures.
5-19 72
Photos 1
9 items : This folder contains various photos of Lionel Hampton circa 1990's of headshots, playing instruments, and with others.
5-19 73
Photos 2
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton accepting a scholarship from the Los Angeles Chapter of Hadassah for his devotion to the State of Israel and him in various situations at the acceptance events with various persons.
5-19 74
Photos 3
14 items : This folder contains photos taken from The White House of Lionel Hampton meeting then President Nixon and his family and includes an official White House photo taken in the oval office from February 19th, 1971.
19 February 1971
5-19 75
Photos 4
3 items : This folder contains images from a Playboy event in New Orleans and two pictures of Lionel Hampton and Joan Crawford.
5-19 76
Photos 5
14 items : This folder contains photographs from the 48th Annual Convention of Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Calver and photos Lionel Hampton in various situations at a religious event.
7 February 1968-7 August 1968
5-19 77
Photos 6
14 items : This folder contains pictures of Lionel Hampton accepting an award from Harlem Hospital of Nursing and performing.
17 January 1968
5-19 78
Photos 7
10 items : This folder contains various photos related to baseball and Lionel Hampton at baseball games.
5-19 79
Photos 8
2 items : This folder contains pictures of Lionel Hampton and a singer performing on stage.
5-19 80
Photos 9
6 items : This folder contains Lionel Hampton at a ceremony accepting an award.
5-19 81
Photos 10
10 items : This folder contains headshots and resumes of different women singers, negatives, and pictures of them preforming on stage.
5-19 82
Photos 11
11 items : This folder contains headshots from men singers and pictures of them performing
5-19 83
Photos 12
2 items : This folder contains pictures of Lionel Hampton speaking at an event
5-19 84
Photos 13
6 items : This folder contains various pictures of male musicians.
5-19 85
Photos 14
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing and mingling at Aurora Super Fair '74
5-19 86
Photos 15
18 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at a club and taking group pictures with his band
5-19 87
Photos 16
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton on a radio show
5-19 88
Photos 17
49 items : This folder contains various action shot photos of Lionel Hampton while performing
5-19 89
Photos 18
6 items : This folder contains photos from an event where Lionel Hampton is receiving a medal in France.
5-19 90
Photos 19
3 items : This folder contains relaxed photos of Lionel Hampton.
5-19 91
Photos 20
8 items : This folder contains images of Lionel Hampton at an event and performing.
5-19 92
Photos 21
11 items : This folder contains images of Lionel Hampton at an event.
5-19 93
Photos 22
10 items : This folder contains images of Lionel Hampton at a Carpano event.
5-19 94
Photos 23
18 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a performance.
5-19 95
Photos 24
18 items : This folder contains pictures from one of Lionel Hamptons birthdays.
5-19 96
Photos 25
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton accepting a Jazz Ministry award and a community award.;This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton accepting a Jazz Ministry award and a community award.
5-19 97
Photos 26
9 items : This folder contains photos from studio sessions and recordings with Lionel Hampton and other singers.;This folder contains photos from studio sessions and recordings with Lionel Hampton and other singers.
5-19 98
Photos 27
13 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in the Tap Room of Altes Brewing Company
5-19 99
Photos 28
13 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an event mingling.
5-19 100
Photos 29
18 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an Medina Temple No.19 event where he spoke at and attended.
5-19 101
Photos 30
4 items : This folder contains commencement photos of Lionel Hampton at a construction site for a new building.
21 November 1971
5-19 102
Photos 31
11 items : This folder contains photos of the grand opening of Lionel Hampton houses.
7 January 1973
6 103
Photos 32
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Bangkok meeting the mayor and exploring the city.
6 104
Photos 33
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band meeting and performing for the King of Thailand.
6 105
Photos 34
9 items : This folder contains photographs from Lionel Hampton's visit to Thailand with his "Jazz Inner Circle" as the Ambassador of Good-Will from then president Nixon where you can see him at temples, a market in Bangkok, the palace, canals of Bangkok, and performing.
6 106
Photos 35
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton shaking hands with Princess Suga of Japan at the reception held in the then residence of the U.S ambassador to Japan in Tokyo, eating in, exploring, and visiting a temple in downtown Tokyo.
21 April 1969-25 April 1969
6 107
Photos 36
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing at a venue in Japan, meeting various guests, and candid photos at a train station.
6 108
Photos 37
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Japan, wearing a robe and relaxing while reading the newspaper, and posing with musicians he performed with.
24 February 1964
6 109
Photos 38
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton being greeted at the airport by fans with flowers in Japan and sitting with a group of people having a discussion.
6 110
Photos 39
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various people and children in Japan and headshots of Hampton himself.
6 111
Photos 40
4 items : This folder contains photos from Lionel Hampton and his band performing at the 'Hampton' show.
6 112
Photos 41
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Japan signing autographs, posing with children, and candid of photos of Hampton outside a hotel and with a woman under an umbrella.
6 113
Photos 42
12 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Tokyo, Japan with various musicians, singer Yukari Kuroda, and candid photos of Hampton on stage.
6 114
Photos 43
15 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in candid situations of having discussions, sitting by a small plane, with aviation persons, and signing items for fans.
February 1967
6 115
Photos 44
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at Aurex Jazz Festival in Tokyo, Japan.
September 1981-May 1982
6 116
Photos 45
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various peoples and musicians in Japan in September of 1981.
07 September 1981
6 117
Photos 46
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in China performing by himself, with others, and posing with various persons.
6 118
Photos 47
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Japan performing, receiving flowers on stage, and posing with various persons.
6 119
Photos 48
16 items : This folder contains various headshots of Miyoko Hoshino for Glad-Hamp Records Inc.
6 120
Photos 49
2 items : This folder contains two photos of Lionel Hampton having a conversation with a Lieutenant General.
6 121
Photos 50
9 items : This folder contains various women in professional photographs who worked with Lionel Hampton throughout time, named are Helen McClelland and Billie Mahoney.
6 122
Photos 51
12 items : This folder contains various headshots of women musicians, singers, and dancers that worked with Hampton, named are Elsie Smith, Bertice Reading, Valerie Carr, Emily Yancy, Anita Halidae, Donna Loren, and Helena Hollings.
6 123
Photos 52
6 items : This folder contains signed photos of a matador, Judy Severinsin, crew of USS Forrestal commanding officer, and an indistinguishable name of a John L.
6 124
Photos 53
7 items : This folder contains signed photos of thanks to Lionel Hampton from women musicians, singers, and dancers, named are Carol Ohmart, Dale Winthrop, Monica Lewis, the Mastelli Trio, Terry Gonzalez, and some unidentified women.
6 125
Photos 54
5 items : This folder contains signed headshots from Benito Carruthers, Al Peachy, Frankie Tasso, George Kenkins, and an unidentified man.
6 126
Photos 55
8 items : This folder contains a polaroid photo of a wall, Lionel Hampton performing, and posing with a U.S. Air Force solider
6 127
Photos 56
3 items : This folder contains a newspaper clipping of Lionel Hampton at the annual JVC Jazz Festival playing with the New York City mayor and correspondence with Hampton about the enclosed high definition photo from the same event.
24 June 1988-04 August 1988
6 128
Photos 57
8 items : This folder contains photos from Lionel Hampton and his band playing at a military event.
20 July 1951
6 129
Photos 58
17 items : This folder contains images of Jeanie Bennett, The Petites, Stella Marrs, Madeline Green, Tiny Topsy, Trudy Johnson, an unidentified woman, and images of Hampton performing on stage with an unidenfied singer.
6 130
Photos 59
9 items : This folder contains images of Jacques Cordon, Elia Mauzo, Wild Bill Davis, Stomp Gordon, an unidentified man, Johnny Bulfair, Teddy Wilson, and a flyer George Burnye and His Flying Feet.
6 131
Photos 60
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton visiting the Lionel Hampton Fan-Club and posing with the president of the club and a picture of the clubs board with images of Hampton on it.
6 132
Photos 61
3 items : This folder contains a small photo of the Lionel Hampton and His Orch. Truck and two photos of Hampton performing on percussion instruments with his orchestra.
7 133
Photos 62
7 items : This folder contains various headshots of Gladys Hampton photographed by Maurice Chicago.
7 134
Photos 63
5 items : This folder contains various headshots of Gladys Hampton photographed by Bruno of Hollywood NYC.
7 135
Photos 64
5 items : This folder contains images of an older Gladys Hampton in a fur coat, posing on a stage.
7 136
Photos 65
10 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys Hampton walking her dog in various locations at a park and her standing with flowers in a park by the water.
7 137
Photos 66
11 items : This folder contains photographs of Hampton with Miyoko Hoshino, performing in front of a crowd, and meeting and posing with various persons.
7 138
Photos 67
2 items : This folder contains two photos of Gladys Hampton by Gordan Parks.
7 139
Photos 68
6 items : This folder contains photographs of Gladys Hampton posing with her dog.
7 140
Photos 69
4 items : This folder contains photographs of Gladys Hampton in various poses in a fur coat, photographed by Gordon Parks.
7 141
Photos 70
1 item : This folder contains a hand drawn picture of Gladys Hampton in charcoal, signed by S. K. Nee-
7 142
Photos 71
5 items : This folder contains photographs of Gladys Hampton in various poses and settings from Hale Haberman and PoPsie photographers.
7 143
Photos 72
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Gladys Hampton in a hat and sitting on a table.
7 144
Photos 73
2 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys Hampton on the beach and holding a lion cub in 1970.
7 145
Photos 74
3 items : This folder contains photographs of Gladys Hampton on vacation, with her dog Candy, photos of Candy alone, pictures of a living room, and posing with a Cheeta.
7 146
Photos 75
3 items : This folder contains a photo of Gladys Hampton holding a ticket with an unidentified woman.
7 147
Photos 76
4 items : This folder contains three identical photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton posing with two guests at a dinner table at the cabaret Lido in Paris, France and a photo of them posing with others at a cabaret, El-Djazaïr in Paris, France.
7 148
Photos 77
13 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton posing with two military men and signed photos of them holding a New York City flag with two other men.
7 149
Photos 78
8 items : This folder contains pictures of a car, Gladys and Lionel Hampton and others as a postcard, Gladys and Lionel Hampton posing in a lobby Gladys Hampton cutting a ribbon at a ceremony, Gladys with a parrot in Paris, France, Gladys and Lionel Hampton posing with two other unidentified persons, and photo of Lionel gently touching Gladys' face captioned "God gave me the talent...but my beloved Gladys gave me the inspiration."
7 150
Photos 79
5 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys Hampton in various candid situations of walking, talking with others, being by a car, watching something in the distance, and a picture of her dog, it also contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with an unknown person, Gladys Hampton holding a check at The House of Morgan with a clerk, and her walking her dog on the street.
7 151
Photos 80
5 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys Hampton posing with an unknown woman stepping off a plane, candid photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton talking to press, Gladys posing in front of a brick house, Gladys walking around Brussels, Belgium during the Brussels world Fair in march of 1958, and Gladys posing on the streets for a postcard.
7 152
Photos 81
6 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys Hampton at a desk, with two other unidentified women opening a gift of a hat, posing with two other unidentified women, her holding a lion cub, and Gladys and Lionel Hampton posing together for the PoPsie camera.
7 153
Photos 82
7 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton a get together with friends, Gladys at dinner with friends, Gladys and Lionel posing on the street for the camera, Gladys with two men, Gladys and Lionel and four others holding a large key at an event, them pointing to Hamp-Tone record held by an unknown woman, and Gladys sitting while holding the Hamp-Tone record with Lionel and two other men standing above her.
7 154
Photos 83
3 items : This folder contains photos of a woman and two men, unknown.
7 155
Photos 84
6 items : This folder contains photos of the drummer in Hampton's Orchestra doing various poses for the camera.
7 156
Photos 85
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with two unknown men posing with and joking playing tug of war with drumsticks.
7 157
Photos 86
7 items : This folder contains various musicians recording songs for a record.
7 158
Photos 87
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his orchestra performing in an outside venue for a large crowd, a photo of two children sitting on the curb with a drink and a balloon, pictures of the crowd, and people walking in a fountain.
7 159
Photos 88
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing in shorts, Hampton posing with two unknown men pointing at his exposed knee, and Hampton wearing an unknown woman's hat while she holds his percussion stick.
7 160
Photos 89
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at an event for the vice president of the United States, posing with pianist Dimitri Mitropoulos, posing with various unknown persons, and Gladys Hampton being captured candidly while sitting and then posing with Lionel for the camera.
7 161
Photos 90
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton shaking hands with and performing with Arthur Fidler and the Boston Pops.
7 162
Photos 91
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton receiving and giving various awards, one Hampton is presenting a young boxer with a 'Most Courageous' athletic award on May 14th, 1957, posing with the boxer as a percussion drummer and Hampton in boxing gloves, Hampton accepting an unknown award, and receiving a plaque from the Junior Police & Citizens Corp. for "his outstanding and meritorious services to the youth of this city" in January of 1950.
7 163
Photos 92
13 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton at an event and speaking with others at the event and holding Hamptons record "Hamp".
7 164
Photos 93
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton presenting awards to various men on behalf of the Lionel Hampton Fan Club.
7 165
Photos 94
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage with his band.
7 166
Photos 95
25 items : This folder contains multiple copies of Gladys and Lionel Hampton at a breakfast table and Gladys Hampton sitting with an unknown man.
7 167
Photos 96
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton taking group pictures with members in his band and with friends at clubs.
7 168
Photos 97
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with various persons at restaurants and Gladys Hampton taking a candid photo with an unknown woman at a restaurant.
8 169
Photos 98
25 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the Jerry Lewis Show in the 1960's, Hampton playing instruments with children, playing with his band at an event, and posing with various persons.
8 170
Photos 99
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton wearing a Native headdress captioned, "Eddie Adams makes Hamp an honorary Indian Chief," Hampton performing percussion on drums at an event in Las Vegas with various other performances taking place on stage, and Hampton posing with various persons.
8 171
Photos 100
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at an event captioned, "Govt. Secretary + Mrs. King +Lionel Hampton," and posing and taking candid pictures with those at the events.
14 December 1964
8 172
Photos 101
17 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, composer and arranger Gerry Mulligan, candid photos of Hampton meeting and performing with various persons.
8 173
Photos 102
34 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the University of Idaho unveiling of the Lionel Hampton School of Music and the dedication plaque for it.
28 February 1987
8 174
Photos 103
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the unveiling of the Lionel Hampton School of Music at the University of Idaho and Hampton putting on Doctoral gown and speaking at a podium at the University of Idaho.
8 175
Photos 104
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at the University of Idaho along with Benny Powell, Al grey, Carl Fontano, Dianne Reeves, Mickey Roker, Ray Brown, and a photo of Hampton and Lynn "Doc" Skinner signed by Skinner.
27 February 1987
8 176
Photos 105
8 items : This folder contains photos of Hampton posing with various persons, a few with Lynn Skinner, ne of which Skinner signed, and Hampton performing.
8 177
Photos 106
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various locations and persons, meeting with and performing for the Nez Perce Indians in Idaho on February 19th, 1997, and Hampton sitting with Dan O'Brien in 1996.
8 178
Photos 107
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing at Walt Disney World.
03 August 1976
8 179
Photos 108
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and the Inner Circle Band rehearsing at the Piano Bar on American Airlines Jet 747 for his concert in Philharmonic Hall on July 5th while airline hostess Valroie Gabriel sits and listens and photos of Hampton performing signed by a Maucella and Alberta.
05 July 1987-16 July 1987
8 180
Photos 109
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various locations with his band and posing with an unknown woman.
8 181
Photos 110
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and members of his band performing at an unknown event.
8 182
Photos 111
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an event for the Knights of Columbus where he is seen mingling, speaking on stage, in a circle with leaders of the group with shovels, and various candid moments.
8 183
Photos 112
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a religious based event with children, speaking and handing things out on stage, and posing in group photos with the children and religious leaders.
8 184
Photos 113
23 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton and Hampton's band boarding flights for Europe in the 1960's. Gladys and Lionel can be seen posing with each other and various persons of the flight crew.
8 185
Photos 114
3 items : This folder contains photos of Leo Moore, one of which he is with a woman named Yukani Kuroda (as shown in her signing of the piece) and addressed to Gladys San (Gladys Hampton).
8 186
Photos 115
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with two unknown men, Gladys Hampton posing with an unknown man in an office, and a group photo featuring Gladys Hampton.
8 187
Photos 116
25 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton on stage with a woman wearing a "Miss Indian American" , a photo of the Native men who are presenting for the event, and Hampton with various other persons on stage.
8 188
Photos 117
15 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton at an airport, on the plane steps, and coming off the plane in the 1970's.
8 189
Photos 118
20 items : This folder contains photos of Red and Curly in action shots, headshots, and performing.
8 190
Photos 119
2 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton boarding a plane.
8 191
Photos 120
32 items : This folder contains professional photos of Lionel Hampton in various places and poses.
8 192
Photos 121
32 items : This folder contains professional photos of Lionel Hampton in various places and poses.
8 193
Photos 122
36 items : This folder contains professional photos of Lionel Hampton in various places and poses, a signed image of Herbie Fields, and the saxophone section from Hamptons band.
8 194
Photos 123
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band at the Pori Jazz event.
8 195
Photos 124
3 items : This folder contains photos of Gladys and Lionel Hampton together, one of the images captioned "Best of luck to the finest teams in show business, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hampton" signed by an unknown persons.
8 196
Photos 125
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton receiving an honorary Doctorate of Music from Allen University, Columbia S.C. on August 14th, 1953 where he is pictured with just Bishop Frank Madison Reid, one with his wife Gladys Hampton, Bishop Frank Madison Reid, and Mrs. S.R. Higgins, a photo of Hampton receiving an honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Daniel Hale Williams University in 1976, and other images of Hampton at other various unidentified graduation ceremonies.
8 198
Photos 126
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma, performing with his band and receiving a Distinguished Honorary Alumnus award for performing arts on November 7th, 1964, and images of Hampton and his band practicing.
8 199
Photos 127
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with various persons at a dinner captioned, "To Gladys Hampton, with love and good wishes," signed by an unintelligible name, a group photo of Lionel Hampton, Alonorya Carter, Mildred Norman, Pitt Jerry, Barbara Jones, and a group photo of Roger Simkine, Marguerite Wendell, Robert Rose, South Bend Johnnie, and Jas Stanford.
9 200
Photos 128
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at Swiss Village in Israel speaking and playing drums with children.
9 201
Photos 129
46 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton and the Hampton band at an event in Israel (inferred single day as audience is the same in images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
9 202
Photos 130
27 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton and the Hampton band at an event in Israel where Hampton is signing a book (inferred single day as everyone is the same in images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
9 203
Photos 131
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing and interacting with the crowd in Israel.
9 204
Photos 132
19 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing in Israel and images of candid moments taken at a gathering.
9 205
Photos 133
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton in Israel with various persons.
9 206
Photos 134
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing and interacting with the crowd in Israel (inferred single day as audience is the same in images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
9 207
Photos 135
20 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band at a dinner type event, some pictures are of their female vocalist and an unidentified man, Hampton speaking to the entire room, and candid moments from the night (inferred single day as all persons seen are the same in all images as well as clothing by all featured in photos)..
9 208
Photos 136
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing, posing with persons, images of the crowd at an event, Gladys and Lionel Hampton speaking with unidentified individuals, Hampton signing a book, and other candid moments of their time in Israel.
10 209
Photos 137
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton, the Hampton band, and the performer "Sugar" on board the R.M.S Nieuw Amsterdam 'Holland-America Line' cruise ship where "Sugar" is performing, and other performances.
10 210
Photos 138
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Sweden and images of Lionel and Gladys Hampton walking around Germany with Gladys' pet parrot.
10 211
Photos 139
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing in Düsseldorf, Germany.
10 212
Photos 140
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with Anez [?] Montesino [?] in Düsseldorf, Germany, a photo of Brigitte Tandsberg [?] from 1953, and then photos of the female vocalist posing with an unidentified man, images of the horn section f the band, and Hampton posing with unidentified individuals.
10 213
Photos 141
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton wearing a crown, being crowned, and performing at an event with one image of Hampton playing drums being dedicated to Hampton from "Willy" and another photo depicting an unidentified man called "piano man".
10 214
Photos 142
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing and posing with an unidentified man while in Sweden.
10 215
Photos 143
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an unknown event, smoking and drinking with unidentified persons (inferred single day as all persons seen are the same in all images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
10 216
Photos 144
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing on stage in Germany (inferred single day as all persons seen are the same in all images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
10 217
Photos 145
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band in Germany, a picture of the female singer, Gladys Hampton, and Leo Moore sitting at a dinner table while in Germany.
10 218
Photos 146
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing percussion at the Deutschlaudhalle in Berlin, Germany.
05 March 1961
10 219
Photos 147
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton signing magazines and meeting fans in a restaurant (inferred single day as all persons seen are the same in all images as well as clothing by all featured in photos).
10 220
Photos 148
11 items : This folder contains photos of various shots of Lionel Hampton while he is performing.
10 221
Photos 149
5 items : This folder contains photos of various shots of Lionel Hampton while he is performing.
10 222
Photos 150
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing in various locations, one location being in Berlin, Germany on February 21st, 1980.
10 223
Photos 151
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing, one in April of 1982 in Paris, France, and the others in an unknown location, and a photo of an unidentified man captioned "It's a picture to remember yourself" signed by an undisguisable name.
10 224
Photos 152
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Paris, France playing percussion instruments, taking souvenir photos with Gladys Hampton and others with two unknown men.
10 225
Photos 153
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in various locations in Paris, France.
10 226
Photos 154
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Austria performing with Vienna City Ramblers and posing with a certificate of honorary membership for Lionel Hampton into the Vienna City Ramblers club on March 16th, 1961, and a headshot of Hampton himself.
10 227
Photos 155
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with Josi Bonoma and Joan Miller in Montreal, Josi Bonoma in London, various headshots of Hampton, and a picture of Hampton performing on stage in Canada, with a short letter on the back from Pat [?] and Marei Padbury from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
10 228
Photos 156
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Germany, performing in various locations, appearing on Radio Free Europe, posing with unknown men, and two labels removed from the backs of the RFE photos
10 229
Photos 157
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Paris, France posing with unknown persons in 1953, action shots of Hampton performing with one being signed by an unknown person, and Hampton meeting Mrs. Simon Veil, the president of the European Parliament on May 5th, 1981.
10 230
Photos 158
8 items : This folder contains photos Lionel Hampton in Italy performing in various candid shots, Hampton and his wife Gladys Hampton and friends posing in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy.
10 231
Photos 159
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival and other unknown locations.
10 232
Photos 160
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in various candid shots at various unknown locations, and a picture of Hampton blowing out candles on a cake with an unknown woman.
10 233
Photos 161
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Salon-De Provence, France, in July of 1976 and another unknown location in France.
10 234
Photos 162
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Rome, Italy in 1961 with his band and his wife, Gladys Hampton, and a small poster for the music event of Hampton and his band.
10 235
Photos 163
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton at a restaurant in Italy.
10 236
Photos 164
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton taking candid photos at an airport in Paris, France, Hampton performing at a Hamp event, candid photos of Hampton in London, England, meeting fans, and Hampton in Brussels, Belgium with Milton Mezzrow, Mrs. J. Artis, Hugues Panassie, Margo Van Besin, and Madedeline Gautier (famous French Poetess and translator) in front of the Fountain Iron Mistress, a photo of Hampton and Joe Pelsmaeker in Antwerp, Brussels, and a photo of Hampton and to unknown persons from 1971.
10 237
Photos 165
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and various unknown persons.
10 238
Photos 166
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with unidentified persons after getting an unknown medal, a candid photo of Hampton, and Hampton posing with a percussion instrument.
10 239
Photos 167
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an unknown event with cake, unidentified persons, and meeting the chef of the cakes.
10 240
Photos 168
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with product placements and/or endorsements, posing with three unidentified persons and a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hampton posing with an unknown man with Cutty Sark Scottish Whiskey, and Hampton out drinking with friends and throwing a beer into the air.
10 241
Photos 169
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the WBGO 88.3 FM radio event.
10 242
Photos 170
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton in Las Vegas, Nevada, for an event.
10 243
Photos 171
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at various events.
11 244
Photos 172
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton taking a group photo with unidentified persons.
11 245
Photos 173
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with fans at Hamptons book sale.
11 246
Photos 174
18 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and Jean Claude Forrestier in various situations, Forrestier with his youth group, the Hamptones, Hampton meeting the Hamptones, and Forrestier and Hampton on a boat and dock.
11 247
Photos 175
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with the sea lion, Sleeky, playing the vibraphone at the Marineland in Antibes, French Riviera, on July 9, 1979, also pictured is Hampton walking around a zoon, and Hampton with dolphins.
11 248
Photos 176
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with an unidentified woman.
11 249
Photos 177
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with two unidentified persons.
11 250
Photos 178
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with then President George H. W. Bush in the White House, and two other photos with unidentified persons.
11 251
Photos 179
2 items : This folder contains a letter from Frank Gihan, the Field Public Relations Supervisor for McDonalds, sending goof thoughts and a photo of Hampton at the McDonald's All American High School Band event.
15 July 1980
11 252
Photos 180
16 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing for then President Ronald Regan and his wife and others.
11 253
Photos 181
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing at Disneyland at various years (1985, '86, and '88).
11 254
Photos 182
18 items : This folder contains photos from Lionel Hamptons 90th birthday featuring Bill Cosby and there is an image of Hampton performing with then President Bill Clinton at the White House on July 23rd, 1998.
11 255
Photos 183
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a music event, in New York, and other unidentified persons.
11 256
Photos 184
2 items : This folder contains two identical photos of Hampton with photo journalist, Gilda Mosigi[?]in 1978.
11 257
Photos 185
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at events where is being given unidentified plaques and performing, one of which being on November 22nd, 1989.
11 258
Photos 186
21 items : This folder contains photos from a single event of Lionel Hampton meeting the then Chief of Detectives and headshots of Hampton himself and posing with other unidentified persons.
11 259
Photos 187
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at Teatro el Circulo, Rosario, Argentina with the photos all signed by Ruben González.
September 1979
11 260
Photos 188
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at an unknown event, featuring many photos of unidentified persons.
11 261
Photos 189
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with the band, Les Buccinateurs Reunis, in a restaurant in Bordeaux , France.
11 262
Photos 190
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton on stage performing with various instruments.
11 263
Photos 191
23 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton speaking and performing on stage at the Fredrick Douglass Creative Art Center in New York with students and teachers.
11 264
Photos 192
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage in Canada.
11 265
Photos 193
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with New Work City mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, being given a seal of the city pin in a box in Hampton's apartment on July 3rd, 1995. And again with Giuliani, shaking hands on December 10th, 1996.
03 July 1995- 10 December 1996
11 266
Photos 194
16 items : This folder contains photos of Hampton at various unknown events. One being an event in Italy where Hampton was given a medal and poses with four unidentified men, holding a bottle of wine. Two is an event with Hampton wearing a red robe with an unidentified man wearing a Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival pin. Three is Hampton posing with an unidentified man on Juene, 1990. Three and four are Hampton posing with unidentified persons. And five is Hampton being given an unidentified certificate from an unidentified group of persons.
11 267
Photos 195
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at various events in restaurants, posing with unidentified persons, focused headshots of Hampton, and two small headshots of unidentified women.
11 268
Photos 196
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton speaking at an unknown event.
11 269
Photos 197
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton speaking at a panel for the Congressional Black Caucus 'Members Joint Plenary' "Black America: Generations in Transitions".
11 270
Photos 198
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a wedding and performing outdoors in 1987.
11 271
Photos 199
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with unidentified persons at a restaurant and posing with unknown persons at a outdoors event.
11 272
Photos 200
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing as "American's Goodwill Ambassador of Jazz" at the Overseas Club of America and Hampton performing at an outdoors event on July 2nd, 1989 and also signing autographs.
11 273
Photos 201
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a Marine's air base boarding a plane and posing with varying ranking officers and also includes Hampton in Kingston, Jamacia meeting the Right Honorable Edward Seaga, the Prime Minister of Jamacia on June 4th, 1985 and then performing at Bill Davis's home on the same day.
11 274
Photos 202
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton posing in front of a slot machine at the Lido Hotel and casino in a commemorative photo sleeve titled "Stardust" featuring them performing of the Stardust show.
12 275
Photos 203
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the 214th Marine Cros Officers' Ball with CMC at the Washington Hilton in Washington D.C.
10 November 1990
12 276
Photos 204
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at two unknown events, one being at the Dance [?] Garden and another where Hampton is outside with an unidentified man in January 1982.
12 277
Photos 205
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton playing the drums at an outdoors event on 52nd St. and 7th Avenue on Sunday, June 15th, 1975, Hampton performing at the Birdland Café in Wallingford, CT on Saturday, July 26th, 1975, Hampton performing at Vernon Middle School in Vernon CT on Sunday, February 29th, 1976, and Hampton posing with an unidentified man and woman.
15 June 1975-29 February 1976
12 278
Photos 206
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing and mingling at an unknown event.
12 279
Photos 207
13 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band at an unknown event.
12 280
Photos 208
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with Navy men.
12 281
Photos 209
6 items : This folder contains photos of Hampton performing at various locations and taking photos and signing things for fans.
12 282
Photos 210
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in New Yorkon July 9th, 1985 and other unidentified times and locations with unidentified persons Hampton poses with.
12 283
Photos 211
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various locations.
12 284
Photos 212
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at a JVC Jazz Festival and other unknown events, one picture being captioned "OOOOOOH! Love XXX Terry".
12 285
Photos 213
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at the U.S.A Jazz Sessions Club in Belgium with one photo being captioned "It don't mean a thing… Lionel Hampton and 'Big Joe'" and Hampton signing a ;arger sign with his name on it and other candid shots from that day.
12 286
Photos 214
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various locations, a photo of Hampton in Nice, France at the Le Mesle Blance [?] on July 12th, 1978, Hampton playing drums with the photo caption of "Domnique Fouin [?] 24. Place. de la Resistance - Tours. 37 -", Hampton in Nice in 1988, a photo captioned "A standing ovation for Hampton after two and a half hours at Delgado opera House Guadalajara, July 1981", Hampton in Switzerland posing with an unidentified man, Hampton at a dinner, and other candid moments of Hampton.
12 287
Photos 215
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton being given flowers by a woman and inviting her on stage, Hampton performing on a stage, and members of Hampton's band performing (the saxophone section).
12 288
Photos 216
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton playing the drums and other percussion instruments at various events, and backstage at an outdoor event.
12 289
Photos 217
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with Vashtie [?] Jenkins (Dinah Washington's Great Granddaughter) and her family and pictures of Hampton with Ron, Angela, and Matthew in April of 2000 with one photo being on Hampton's birthday.
12 290
Photos 218
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with fans (L. Gordon, Charlene Price Patterson, Jean Webber) at the Webber residence after a show in Charlotte, North Carolina on February 24th, 1990, another photo with Kevin and Charlene Price Patterson after a show on March 24th, 1990, and Hampton at a club with unidentified persons getting champagne .
12 291
Photos 219
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton drinking champagne with a group of people and photos of Hampton holding an old events flyer for a past performance in France.
12 292
Photos 220
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a food stand with two others in September of 1979 as well as posing with some unidentified persons, and photos of Hampton wearing a leather hat with a red tab on it with a white cross in the middle.
12 293
Photos 221
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton wearing red and white hat in September of 1970. candid moments, the Lionel Hampton Manor sign, and a 1995 event where Hampton is posing with various persons.
12 294
Photos 222
12 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with fans, all photos were sent to Hampton and signed by the giver of the image.
12 295
Photos 223
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at a Gala for the then President, George H. W. Bush.
12 296
Photos 224
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton wearing a "Bush '88" Campaign Staff Badge at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana on August 17th, 1988, cutting cake, playing instruments, and posing with New York State Minority Leader Clarence "Rapp" Rappleyea, New York State Senator Tarky Lombardi Jr., and his wife, Marianna Lombardi.
17 August 1988
12 297
Photos 225
4 items : This folder contains photos of men and women singing on March 8th, 1951, images of women's chorus from May 15th, 1951, two other photos of a group of women singing.
08 March 1951-16 May 1951
12 298
Photos 226
4 items : This folder contains photos of a group of young men in the woods listening to a young man read something signed "To my pal Lionel, -Jill", three young women who won trophies for the 1959 Miss America contest, two women and a man in a car signed "The Silver Pigeon meets" in Trans-Canada, and a photo of a mother and her children standing and watching something in the distance.
12 299
Photos 227
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at an event with his band, a piano player, and images of the crowd at the event, and various shots of the performance.
12 300
Photos 228
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at the É Ora Di America event in Italy performing and playing instruments along with other artists such as Chester Whitmore.
12 301
Photos 229
12 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage at various locations, with other performers, images of the Hampton band in the tour bus, the reserved seats for the band, the band performing, and photos of a poster for the Jubilee concert of Hampton being a "Good Will Ambassador of Jazz" somewhere in the Netherlands.
12 302
Photos 230
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing for professional photos as well as candid ones while her performs on stage with his band and other musicians, one image is dated May 30th, 1977 and features a short letter on the back from a fan.
12 303
Photos 231
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at an AT&T event in Berkley Height, New Jersey and poses with chairman James E. Olson and his wife Jean Olson and other persons, one of which presents Hampton with a gift.
04 April 1987
12 304
Photos 232
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with members of his band, a man and child, and an event on Friday, November 13th, 1959 in Biloxi, Mississippi.
12 305
Photos 233
18 items : This folder contains photos from fans that were sent to Hampton and a group photo of Hampton and his orchestra.
12 306
Photos 234
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band and Jeanie Bennet and two photos of Hampton with unknown officers.
12 September 1981
12 307
Photos 235
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with Cauon Colleens [?] from St. Paul's Cathedral with two other unidentified men in October, 1957 and Hampton with three unknown persons.
12 308
Photos 236
17 items : This folder contains photos of Doug Duke, a member of the Hampton Orchestra, with a written note on the back of "first discovered by Lionel Hampton at Leuox Lounge in Harlem + first of pianist [?] with Hampton Band (early 1940's)", Hampton posing with various persons, other images of band members and singers, and other images of Duke in the photos, some of which are with Hampton himself.
12 309
Photos 237
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing for headshots and other candid moments while performing alone or with others on stage.
13 310
Photos 238
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing in various ways for the camera.
13 311
Photos 239
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at and event at the New York City Major's office with a photo signed "best wishes, Dave" and an undated picture with Mayor Harold Washing, Publisher John Sengstacke, and Judge Russell R. DeBow.
19 April 1990
13 312
Photos 240
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band, posing with fans, and taking a picture with a chimpanzee in a stripped shirt and overalls.
13 313
Photos 241
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing in Seattle, Washington in 1940 with Evelyn Williams [?] (Royal) at the Paloman Ballroom.
13 314
Photos 241
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with Mike Hall, with a life preserver ring that says "liberté le havre" on a ship, and Hampton posing with various members of his band.
13 315
Photos 242
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with an unidentified man, Hampton at an outdoor event, Hampton with Illinois Jacqueet, Buddy Rich, and Lucille Armstrong as they visit him in the hospital where he is recovering from surgery in 1976, a behind the scenes of setting up a photoshoot, and Hampton and his wife Gladys with two other unidentified persons.
13 316
Photos 243
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various events and venues.
13 317
Photos 244
10 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at his home, performing with others, and a photocopied note for Hampton's birthday.
13 318
Photos 245
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band and another unknown at a U.S Army event.
13 319
Photos 246
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with a Naval officer and also performing at a U.S. Navy event.
13 320
Photos 247
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with an unknown man and pictures of an unidentified young woman.
13 321
Photos 248
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with two military officers, performing on stage, and other candid moments of Hampton speaking with others.
13 322
Photos 249
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton with a large group of people and Hampton at a radio event for NBC with an unknown woman he is speaking to and posing with.
13 323
Photos 250
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various U.S Army Air Force officers.
13 324
Photos 251
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton at a n event giving out an award.
13 325
Photos 252
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with another musician, at a dinner event with two unknown men, and a picture of an older gentlemen and a child playing the piano.
13 326
Photos 253
14 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing, posing as a group, Hampton performing with the Trio Sextette, and performing for Warner Bros. Pictures from July through August of 1937 where he performed with Benny Goodman and his orchestra.
13 327
Photos 254
5 items : This folder contains photos of a sign that says "Welcome To-Nite K-F-W-B- "S-S-S-Frolic" Guest Stars, Lionel Hampton, Fred Loury, Frajnie Crle, Phyllis Johnson", a picture of a man and two young women in tiaras riding in a car for a parade, a sign for Hampton's performance at the Moulin Rouge, and two pictures of the Lionel Hampton and his Orchestra's truck being damaged.
13 328
Photos 255
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his wife Gladys Hampton in Las Vegas, Nevada, posing with an unknown man and a picture of Hampton stand in front of a sign for the Riviera of his upcoming performance there.
13 329
Photos 256
1 item : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with four unknown men with instruments.
13 330
Photos 257
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage, standing in front of an unknown hotel with a man in a top hat, and Hampton sitting with his wife Gladys.
13 331
Photos 258
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various unidentified women at events he is at.
13 332
Photos 259
2 items : This folder contains two identical photos of Lionel Hampton and his wife Gladys Hampton posing with two unidentified U.S Navy officers.
13 333
Photos 260
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Hampton talking to mayor J.A Rhodes with a signed, short letter on the image from Rhodes as well and a photo sent to Hampton featuring three unidentified military officers.
13 334
Photos 261
4 items : This folder contains photos of three U.S military persons, two of which signed the photos for Hampton, and an image of a Marine's plane in flight.
22 July 1959-10 November 1965
13 335
Photos 262
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton throughout the years, posed in various ways.
13 336
Photos 263
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton speaking with fans on the street, performing at various unknown locations, one of which was in Ontario on July 27th, 1974.
13 337
Photos 264
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton holding a piece of paper with unidentified men, posing for the camera on December 11th, 1970, and two images of Hampton performing and interacting with the crowd.
13 338
Photos 265
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton leaving a press conference October 30th, 1978 and images of at an event in December with unidentified persons.
13 339
Photos 266
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various unidentified persons.
13 340
Photos 267
9 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various events.
13 341
Photos 268
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton receiving an award of recognition Mark Twain Riverboat Restaurant from the American Federation of Musicians with a small blurb about the photo, Hampton receiving an unknown award at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, Hampton receiving an award of merit from the George Washington Carver Memorial Institute, and finally Hampton receiving the first annual "Strike Up the Band" achievement from Paul Jonas, the entertainment director of Downingtown Inn.
13 342
Photos 269
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing in front of various signs for his shows in different locations and meeting fans on the street.
13 343
Photos 270
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with a group of unidentified persons at two different events.
13 344
Photos 271
5 items : This folder contains photos of the Hampton band performing at different events, focused mainly on the brass section and musicians.
14 345
Photos 272
9 items : This folder contains photos of the Hampton band performing at different events, focused mainly on close-ups of Lionel Hampton.
14 346
Photos 273
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at different events and posing with a group of unidentified persons.
14 347
Photos 274
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing and performing with different groups, as well as a photo post card sent to Lionel Hampton and two photographs of Hampton performing percussion for Glad-Hamp Records Inc.
24 March 1965
14 348
Photos 275
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at various events in front of large crowds, with one close shot of an unidentified saxophone player, and one close shot of an unidentified woman singing.
5 March 1961
14 349
Photos 276
9 items : The folder contains photos of the Hampton band performing on stage at various events in front of large crowds.
5 March 1962
14 350
Photos 277
2 items : This folder contains a photo of an unidentified man helping Lionel Hampton with his tie and a photo of an unidentified man writing in a notebook backstage at a performance.
14 351
Photos 278
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various unidentified groups of people, a photograph of four unidentified persons eating a meal, and a photo of the Hampton band performing.
4 October 1951-11 October 1951
14 352
Photos 279
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various groups of people; among them, some are identified as Ludlow, Sam Donahue, and Freddie Slack.
14 353
Photos 280
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his band, focused mainly on close-ups of Lionel Hampton.
14 354
Photos 281
6 items : This folder contains photos and one slide of various, unidentified women posing to have their pictures taken.
February 1968-December 1987
14 355
Photos 282
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton holding a banner reading "KDAY 1580".
14 356
Photos 283
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various unidentified persons, two of which are duplicates. It also contains a printed image advertising The Rainbow Ballroom in Denver.
14 357
Photos 284
7 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton signing autographs for fans, taking a visitor in the hospital, and posing with Governor Nelson Rockefeller, photographer Bertrand Miles, and various other unidentified persons. One photograph is signed.
14 358
Photos 285
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton signing autographs for fans, meeting with former New York State Commerce Commissioner George Dempster, and posing with various unidentified persons.
14 359
Photos 286
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing, receiving The Lord Calvert Award, and posing with a group of unidentified persons.
17 November 1962
14 360
Photos 287
6 items : This folder contains photos of the ambient scene surrounding an outdoor performance, Lionel Hampton posing with a group of unidentified persons, and Lionel Hampton dressed as Santa Claus performing for a group of children.
14 361
Photos 288
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton at a dinner event in Garden City.
14 362
Photos 289
12 items : This folder contains close-up photos of Lionel Hampton. Items 10-12 contain duplicates.
14 363
Photos 290
6 items : This folder contains close-up photos of Lionel Hampton.
14 364
Photos 291
7 items : This folder contains close-up photos of Lionel Hampton. Contains duplicates.
14 365
Photos 292
8 items : This folder contains close-up photos of Lionel Hampton posing and performing.
14 366
Photos 293
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage.
14 367
Photos 294
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage.
14 368
Photos 295
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage.
14 369
Photos 296
5 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton backstage, holding a baby, and posing for the camera.
14 370
Photos 297
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing onstage at various events.
14 371
Photos 298
11 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing onstage at various events.
14 372
Photos 299
3 items : This folder contains photos of multiple children, including David Edge Jr., Lionel Hampton's godson.
12 February 1987
14 373
Photos 300
9 items : This folder contains photos of locations and a ship Lionel Hampton visited on a trip.
14 374
Photos 301
9 items : This folder contains close-up photos of Lionel Hampton and members of the Hampton band.
14 375
Photos 302
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton jumping on a drum and of the parrot image on the side of the drum.
14 376
Photos 303
3 items : This folder contains photos of the Hampton band performing onstage (inferred same event from same background decorations).
14 377
Photos 304
5 items : This folder contains duplicate color postcards of Lionel Hampton performing.
14 378
Photos 305
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing on stage at various events.
14 379
Photos 306
6 items : This folder contains a collection of rural, autumn photos, a photo of Lionel Hampton's certificate for earning a Doctor of Music degree, photos of various groups of unidentified persons, and photos of two documents recording the Corner Stone Laying of a Magen David Adom First Aid Center in Jaffa, Israel.
15 380
Jerusalem Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his wife, Gladys, on a trip to Jerusalem in January of 1955.
19 January 1955
15 381
Photos 307
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton posing with an unidentified woman, and a photo wallet from the Empire Room at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, NY.
15 382
Photos 308
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton posing with two unidentified persons, and a photo wallet from The Starlight Room at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, NY.
15 383
Photos 309
2 items : This folder contains a photo of a group of unidentified persons smiling for the camera at a Lionel Hampton concert, and a souvenir photo wallet from Basin Street, 513s Street and Broadway..
15 384
Photos 310
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton posing with four unidentified persons, and a souvenir photo wallet for Birdland Nightly Concerts of Jazz in New York, NY.
15 385
Photos 311
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing onstage.
15 386
Photos 312
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Bill Clinton awarding Lionel Hampton with the National Medal of the Arts award at the White House.
15 387
Photos 313
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton performing.
15 388
Photos 314
2 items : This folder contains two duplicate portrait photos of Lionel Hampton.
15 389
Photos 315
2 items : This folder contains signed photos of Lionel Hampton posing with Governor of California, Peter Wilson.
15 390
Photos 316
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing at the Castle Hotel.
19 September 1975
15 391
Photos 317
8 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton and his band performing at the 18th Annual Tri-State Jazz Festival at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa.
7 February 1991-9 February 1991
15 392
Photos 318
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton laughing with an unidentified woman.
15 393
Photos 319
1 item : This folder contains a photograph portrait of Lionel Hampton.
15 394
Photos 320
1 item : This folder contains a photograph portrait of an unidentified woman.
15 395
Photos 321
4 items : This folder contains photos of the band The Spectras, the Hampton band performing, a ship with a written message to Lionel Hampton, and a signed portrait of young Lionel Hampton.
7 May 1958
15 396
Photos 322
2 items : This folder contains photos of two different unidentified women.
15 397
Photos 323
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing, the Hampton band practicing, and a photo of an American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel ambulance donated by the Gladys and Lionel Hampton Fund.
July 1979
16 398
Photos 324
3 items : This folder contains color photos of Lionel Hampton performing onstage at various events.
16 399
Photos 325
6 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various groups of unidentified persons, Lionel Hampton performing, and a collaged photo of Lionel Hampton and his orchestra.
16 400
Photos 326
2 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton speaking with president Richard Nixon and Lionel Hampton on stage.
19 February 1971
16 401
Photos 327
4 items : This folder contains photos of the Hampton band performing.
16 402
Photos 328
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton meeting with various groups of unidentified men.
16 403
Photos 329
4 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton posing with various groups of people; among them, some are identified as Serigo Endrigo and Marisa Sannia.
16 404
Photos 330
6 items : This folder contains photos of the Lionel Hampton School of Music, the dedication plaque for the Lionel Hampton School of music, Lionel Hampton posing next to the plaque, and Lionel Hampton performing onstage at an unidentified event.
28 February 1987
16 405
Photos 331
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan from the 1994 RNC Annual Gala and a photo dedicated to Lionel Hampton of Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan standing together at the White House.
16 406
Photos 332
3 items : This folder contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing onstage with his band.
16 407
Photos 333
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton performing with his band at a dark, elegant venue.
16 408
Photos 334
1 item : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton posing with Flip Wilson as he receives the Big Brothers Sidewalks of New York Award on the occasion of the M. C. Awards Dinner in New York, NY.
16 409
Photos 335
2 items : This folder contains a photo of Lionel Hampton and a calendar from 1991.
16 410
Photos 336
1 item : A framed photo of Lionel Hampton with Ronald Reagan at the White House.
26 July 1983
17 411
Brown Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of students and members of The Orange Board of Education and The Orange Public Library paying tribute to Lionel Hampton at the Orange Middle School Auditorium and photos of Lionel Hampton performing on stage at the tribute.
16 November 1997
17 412
Red Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing, at a ribbon cutting, and posing with various groups of unidentified persons. The album is dedicated to Lionel Hampton, from Olatunji.
25 March 1997
17 413
Green Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of Lionel Hampton visiting and performing at Disneyland, visiting Redondo Beach in California, and visiting Hawaii.
18 414
Photos 337
1 item : A framed photo Lionel Hampton with Herbie Hancock and Francis W. Preston.
18 415
Photos 338
1 item : A framed photo of Lionel Hampton being presented with a framed photograph by Frances W. Preston.
18 416
Photos 339
1 item : A framed photo of Lionel Hampton with an unidentified man.
28 February 1998
19 417
Small Green Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains German newspaper clippings and a flyer about one of Lionel Hampton's performances, as well as photographs of posters for his performance hanging up in a German city.
18 April 1977-8 May 1977
19 418
Brown Photo Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of Lionel Hampton performing with his orchestra in Glucksburg, Germany.
June 1986
19 419
Black "Photographs" Album
1 item : This photo album contains photos of Lionel and Gladys Hampton visiting different cities across the continental United States.
Subseries 2: Lionel Hampton Contact Sheets and Negatives
Box Folder
20 420
Negative #1210
1 item : Negative for band on tour.
20 421
Negative #2052-A
1 item : Negative from 3-5-51.
20 422
Negative #0974
1 item : Negative for Lionel Hampton with political figures.
20 423
Negative #0190
1 item : Negative for Lionel Hampton publicity photos.
20 424
Negative #1039-A
1 item : Negative from Lionel Hampton with sports figures.
20 425
Negative #2539
1 item : Negative for Lionel Hampton Promo.
20 426
Negative #1787
1 item : Negative for Bette Midler.
20 427
Negative #1779
1 item : Negative for Jerry Lewis.
20 428
Negatives #0101-0104
5 items : Lionel Hampton family negatives.
20 429
Contact Sheets #0826
9 items : Lionel Hampton with Arthur Fiedler contact sheets.
25 May 1978
20 430
Contact Sheets #4
4 items : Lionel Hampton contact sheets
20 431
Contact Sheets #0509-0971
16 items : Lionel Hampton with people contact sheets.
20 432
Contact Sheets #1281-1630
9 items : Band shots contact sheets.
20 433
Contact Sheets #1804-1873
1 item : Other artists promo contact sheets.
20 434
LH Promotional Contact Sheets
1 item : Lionel Hampton promotional contact sheets.
20 435
Contact Sheets #0440-0444
2 items : Lionel Hampton with celebrities contact sheets.
20 436
Contact Sheets #0001-0023
1 item : Lionel Hampton alone contact sheets.
20 437
Contact Sheets #0445-0508
8 items : Lionel Hampton with guest artists contact sheets.
20 438
Contact Sheets #1773-1775;0707
6 items : Lewis, Jerry contact sheets.
20 439
Contact Sheets #1783
1 item : Lewis, Joe contact sheet.
20 440
Contact Sheets #2357;0974
3 items : A concert at the White House contact sheets.
September 1981
20 441
Contact Sheets #0530;2043-2044
2 items : Lionel Hampton contact sheets.
20 442
Contact Sheets #0522
1 item : Lionel Hampton in his hospital room contact sheets.
4 October 1974
20 443
Bennett, Jeannie Negatives
4 items : Negatives of Jeannie Bennett.
20 444
Contact Sheets - No prints in collection
13 items : Lionel Hampton and various unidentified persons contact sheets. No prints in the collection.
20 445
Contact Sheets #1548-1558
16 items : Lionel Hampton with people, Lionel Hampton at presidential inaugurations, and band performances contact sheets.
September 1981
20 446
Contact Sheets #0509-0971
1 item : Lionel Hampton with people contact sheets, color.
20 447
Negative #0452
2 items : Negatives for Benny Goodman.
20 448
Negative #0183
2 items : Negatives for Lionel Hampton at drum set.
20 449
Negative #0189
1 item : Negatives for Lionel Hampton publicity promo.
20 450
Negative #1633
2 items : Negatives for Gladys and Lionel Hampton.
20 451
Negative #0529
1 item : Negatives for Lionel Hampton with people.
20 452
Lionel Hampton Negative
1 item : Negatives for Lionel Hampton.
20 453
Negatives #0509-0971
10 items : Negatives for Lionel Hampton with people.
20 454
Negatives #1-4 w/Contact Sheets
10 items : Negatives and contact sheets for Lionel Hampton performing onstage.
20 455
Contact Sheet #2
1 item : Lionel Hampton contact sheet for negative #2.
20 456
Contact Sheet #3
1 item : Lionel Hampton contact sheet for negative #3.
20 457
Contact Sheets and Negatives w/no prints
10 items : Negatives for Hampton photos.
20 458
Unknown Negative #1
1 item : Unknown negative.

Series 4: Arrangements, 1997Return to Top

This series consists of Lionel Hampton's musical arrangements. It includes scores and sheet music composed and arranged by Lionel Hampton, as well as other musicians. There are musical arrangements by Milton Buckner, Chris Gulhaugen, Frank Como, Gerry Cappuccio, Edward O. Bland, A.K. Salim, Quincy Jones, and other jazz artists.

Many of the arrangements have been digitized and can be viewed on the Lionel Hampton Collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Score Sheets
Box Folder
24 781
"A" Train (Take the) unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "'A' Train".
24 782
Ace in the Hole unknown
16 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Ace in the Hole".
24 783
Adam Blew His Hat Arranged by Bill Doggett
23 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Adam Blew His Hat", arranged by Bill Doggett and scored/edited by Joe James.
24 784
Advent Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Advent" by Johnny Walker, arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
24 785
After You've Gone Arranged by R.M. Enevoldsen
23 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "After You've Gone". The second copy is arranged by R.M. Enevoldsen Orchestra.
24 786
Air Mail Special Arranged by Frank Como
32 items : Contains two photocopies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Air Mail Special". The first copy is arranged by Frank Como.
24 787
Alexander's Ragtime Band Created by Pinnochio James
19 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Alexander's Ragtime Band". The second copy is arranged by Pinnochio James.
24 788
Almost Like Being in Love Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
11 items : Contains photocopy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Almost Like Being in Love", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
24 789
Almost Paradise unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Almost Paradise".
24 790
America: 200 Years Young Arranged by John Warrington
19 items : Contains one copy of the score sheet arrangement and one copy of the lyrics for the song "America: 200 Years Young".
24 791
Amosaya Arranged by David M. Shumacher
1 item : Contains one bound copy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Amosaya", arranged and composed by David M. Shumacher.
24 792
Another Day Arranged by Frank Como
10 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Another Day", arranged by Frank Como.
13 March 1969
24 793
Any Way Arranged by Frank Como
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Any Way", arranged by Frank Como.
24 794
April in Paris Arranged by Steve Amour
23 items : Contains photocopy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "April in Paris", arranged by Steve Amour for Lionel Hampton's Orchestra.
24 795
Aquarius Arranged by Frank Como
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement of the song "Aquarius", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton's Orchestra.
24 796
Armed Forces Medley unknown
18 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Armed Forces Medley".
24 797
As Long As We're Here unknown
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "As Long As We're Here".
24 798
Avalon Arranged by Peter Yellin
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Avalon", arranged by Peter Yellin.
25 799
Bb Blues unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Bb Blues".
25 800
Baby Dream Your Dream Arranged by Edward O. Bland
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Baby Dream Your Dream", arranged by Edward O. Bland.
25 801
Baritone Concerto Arranged by Al Hays
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement of the song "Baritone Concerto", arranged by Al Hays.
25 802
Bei Mir Bist Du Schon/Bashana Haba'ah unknown
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Bei Mir Bist Du Schon/Bashana Haba'ah".
25 803
Beulahs Boogie unknown
1 item : Contains one bound copy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Beulahs Boogie".
25 804
Bilah As Sudan (Land of the Blacks) Arranged by Rene McClean
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement of the song "Bilah As Sudan (Land of the Blacks)", arranged and composed by Rene McClean.
25 805
Billie Jo Arranged by Frank Como
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Billie Jo", arranged by Frank Como.
25 806
Birmingham Bounce (Boogie) unknown
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Birmingham Bounce (Boogie)", arranged for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
25 807
Birth of the Blues unknown
9 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangements for the song "Birth of the Blues".
12 July 1977
25 808
Black Bottom Dance unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Black Bottom Dance".
25 809
Blowin' in the Wind Arranged by Larry Lucie
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blowin' in the Wind".
25 810
Blue Boy (Muchacho Azule) unknown
41 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Blue Boy (Muchacho Azule)".
31 August 1947
25 811
Blue Dream Arranged by Ben Kynard
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blue Dream".
25 812
Blue Eyes unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blue Eyes".
25 813
Blue Mannequin Arranged by Johnny Morris
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blue Mannequin", arranged by Johnny Morris.
25 814
Blue Skies (Trumpets No End) unknown
1 item : Contains one bound copy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Blue Skies (Trumpets No End)".
25 815
Blueberry Hill Arranged by T. Gambino
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blueberry Hill", arranged by T. Gambino.
25 816
Blues in Bb Arranged by A.K. Salim
27 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Blues in Bb". The second copy is arranged by A.K. Salim.
25 817
Blues in Eb Arranged by A.K. Salim
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blues in Eb", arranged by A.K. Salim.
25 818
Blues in F Arranged by A.K. Salim
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blues in F", arranged by A.K. Salim for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
25 819
Blues In the Night Arranged by Doug Miller
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Blues In the Night", arranged by Doug Miller and composed by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer.
25 820
Bojangles Arranged by McClendon
8 items : Contains photocopy of the score sheet arrangement of "Bojangles", arranged by McClendon.
25 821
Bop Boogie Woogie Boy Arranged by Jack Diamant
12 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Bop Boogie Woogie Boy". The first copy is arranged by Jack Diamant.
26 822
Brand New Baby Arranged by Quincy Jones
24 items : Contains two copies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Brand New Baby", arranged by Quincy Jones for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
2 January 1956
26 823
A Brand New World Composed by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton
13 items : Contains one copy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "A Brand New World", words and music by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton.
26 824
Broadway Arranged by Buddy Childers
25 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Broadway", arranged by Buddy Childers for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
11 January 1963
26 825
Brother, Where Are You? unknown
4 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Brother, Where Are You?", one for bug band, one for small band.
26 826
Bunny's Blues Dance (Blues Dance For Bunny) Arranged by Dick Vance
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Bunny's Blues Dance (Blues Dance For Bunny)", arranged by Dick Vance.
26 827
Bunny's Solo Dance Arranged by Dick Vance
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Bunny's Solo Dance", arranged by Dick Vance.
26 828
But Beautiful Arranged by Doug Miller
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "But Beautiful", arranged by Doug Miller.
26 829
Café Expresso Arranged by Ed Bland
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Café Expresso", composed and arranged by Ed Bland.
26 830
California Here I Come unknown
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "California Here I Come".
26 831
Caravan Arranged by Claude Bolling; Dick Vance
5 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Caravan". Copy one is arranged by Claude Bolling and composed by Duke Ellington; copy two is arranged by Dick Vance.
26 832
Carinhoso Pixinguinha Arranged by Thomas Chapin
15 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Carinhoso Pixinguinha", arranged by Thomas Chapin.
26 833
Carol Lynn Keki Mingus unknown
10 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Carol Lynn Keki Mingus".
26 834
Chance to Live Arranged by Charles Calello
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Chance to Live" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Charles Calello.
26 835
Charade Arranged by M. Kotani
5 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Charade". Copy one is arranged by M. Kotani for Lionel Hampton.
26 836
Charleston Dance (Charleston Number) Arranged by Dick Vance
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Charleston Dance (Charleston Number)", arranged by Dick Vance.
26 837
Chicago Arranged by Slide Hampton
40 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Chicago". Copy one is arranged by Slide Hampton.
26 838
Chicken Gizzards Arranged by Ed Bland
18 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Chicken Gizzards", arranged and composed by Ed Bland.
26 839
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Arranged by M. Kotani
5 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", arranged by M. Kotani.
26 840
Close To You Arranged by Fank Como
9 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Close To You", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged for big band; copy two is arranged for small band.
26 841
Coal Mine (Working in the Coal Mine) unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Coal Mine (Working in the Coal Mine)".
26 842
Co-Existence Arranged by O.K.
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Co-Existence".
26 843
Collard Greens Man Arranged by T. Gambino
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Collard Greens Man", composed by Lionel Hampton and T. Gambino and arranged by T. Gambino.
27 844
Come Back to Sorrento Arranged by Giampiero Boneschi
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Come Back to Sorrento", arranged by Giampiero Boneschi for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
12 April 1964
27 845
Comme Ci Comme Ca Arranged by Quincy Jones Jr.
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Comme Ci Comme Ca".
27 846
Compton Turnpike Arranged by Paul Compton
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Compton Turnpike", arranged by Paul Compton and copyrighted by Randy Van Horne.
27 847
Con Alma Arranged by John B. Gillespie
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Con Alma", arranged by John B. Gillespie and copyrighted by Dizlo Music.
27 848
Con Todo Ardor (ChaChaCha) Arranged by Julio Rivero
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Con Todo Ardor (ChaChaCha)", arranged by Julio Rivero for Lionel Hampton.
27 849
Cool Autumn Wind Arranged by Frank Como
6 items : Contains small band score sheet arrangement for the song "Cool Autumn Wind", arranged by Frank Como.
27 850
Cool Charlie Arranged by Frank Como
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Cool Charlie", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
13 March 1969
27 851
Cotton Fields unknown
21 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Cotton Fields".
27 852
CTA unknown
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "CTA".
27 853
Curtain Raiser Arranged by Milton Buckner
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Curtain Raiser", arranged by Milton Buckner.
27 854
Dååhoud (New Year's Medley) Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
14 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dååhoud (New Year's Medley)", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
27 855
Darn That Dream Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Darn That Dream", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
27 856
Deep River Arranged by Charlie Mariano
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Deep River", arranged by Charlie Mariano.
27 857
Dexter Arranged by Ricky Ford
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dexter", arrange by Ricky Ford.
27 858
Dizzy Spells Arranged by F. Foster
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dizzy Spells", arranged by F. Foster.
19 July 1977
27 859
Do Nothing Until U Hear From Me (Do Nothin Till You Hear From Me) unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Do Nothing Until U Hear From Me (Do Nothin Till You Hear From Me)".
27 860
Do You Love Me? Arranged by Vanig Hovesplan
22 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Do You Love Me?", arranged by Vanig Hovesplan.
27 861
Dr. Lambchop (Doctor) Arranged by Beth E. Lee
23 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dr. Lambchop (Doctor)", arranged and composed by Beth E. Lee, with changed penciled in. Also contains a letter between Beth E. Lee and Charlie noting changes to the score.
27 862
Doin' the New Lowdown (New Lowdown) Arranged by Dick Vance
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Doin' the New Lowdown (New Lowdown)", arranged by Dick Vance.
27 863
Dolphin Dance Arranged by T. Gambino
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dolphin Dance", arranged by T. Gambino for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
27 864
Don't Be So Mean Arranged by Frank Como
13 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Don't Be So Mean". Copy one is composed by Edlin "Buddy" Terry. Copy two is arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
13 March 1969
27 865
Don't Cry My Heart Arranged by Tiny Kahn; Emile Charlap
10 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Don't Cry My Heart". Copy one is arranged by Tiny Kahn; copy two is arranged by Emile Charlap.
27 866
Don't Cry Out Loud (Just the Two of Us) Arranged by Clare Bathé
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Don't Cry Out Loud (Just the Two of Us)", arranged by Clare Bathé.
27 867
Don't Get Around Much Anymore Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
10 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Don't Get Around Much Anymore", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
27 868
Don't Let the Landlord Gyp You Arranged by Jerry Feldman
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Don't Let the Landlord Gyp You", arranged by Jerry Feldman. Page 9 is missing.
27 869
Drum Duo Arranged by Milton Buckner
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Drum Duo", arranged by Milton Buckner.
27 870
Dues and Blues (Dues in Blues) Arranged by F.K.
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Dues and Blues (Dues in Blues)", arranged by F.K.
18 October 1947
28 871
Eb Blues unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Eb Blues".
28 872
Easy Living Arranged by A. McGhee
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Easy Living", arranged by A. McGhee.
28 873
Easy to Love, Everything I Love, When Your Lover Has Gone (Medley) Arranged by Art Lyons
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the medley "Easy to Love, Everything I love, When Your Lover Has Gone", arranged by Art Lyons.
28 874
Evening in Paris (An Evening in Paris) Arranged by Richard Price
7 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Evening in Paris (An Evening in Paris)", composed by Quincy Jones and arranged by Richard Price.
28 875
Everybody Knows When I'm Happy Composed by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Everybody Knows When I'm Happy".
28 876
Everybody Loves My Baby unknown
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Everybody Loves My Baby".
28 877
Everybody's Somebody's Fool unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Everybody's Somebody's Fool".
28 878
Everyday unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Everyday".
28 879
Fables of Faubus unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Fables of Faubus".
28 880
Face It Arranged by Sal Spicola
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Face It", by Joe Harnell and arranged by Sal Spicola.
August 1969
28 881
Fanfares Arranged by Milton Buckner
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Fanfares", arranged by Milton Buckner.
28 882
Find a Way Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
27 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Find a Way", by Johnny Walker and arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
28 883
Flamingo Twist Arranged by R.M. Enevoldsen
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Flamingo Twist", arranged by R.M. Enevoldsen.
May 1961
28 884
Flea (Mosquito's Tweeter) unknown
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Flea (Mosquito's Tweeter)".
28 885
Fly Me to the Moon unknown
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Fly Me to the Moon".
28 886
Flying Home Arranged by John C. Cotter; Milton Buckner
33 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Flying Home". Copy one is arranged by John C. Cotter; copies two and three are arranged by Milton Buckner.
28 887
Fool For You (A Fool For You) Created by Pazant
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Fool For You (A Fool For You)".
28 888
For You (Vocal Arrangement) Arranged by Henri Woode
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "For You", arranged by Henri Woode.
28 889
Forgive and Forget Composed by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Forgive and Forget", composed by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton.
28 890
Four or Five Times unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Four or Five Times".
28 891
4th Blue Monday Created by Pinochhio
6 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "4th Blue Monday". Copy one is created by Pinochhio for big band. Copy two is for small band.
28 892
Freedom Horse (The) Arranged by Milton Buckner
31 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Freedom Horse", arranged by Milton Buckner.
28 893
Freedom Jazz Dance Arranged by Sal Randazzo
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Freedom Jazz Dance", arranged by Sal Randazzo.
28 894
French Arranged by M. Kotani
4 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "French", arranged by M. Kotani for Lionel Hampton.
28 895
From Russia With Love Arranged by M. Kotani
4 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "From Russia With Love", arranged by M. Kotani for Lionel Hampton.
28 896
Full Circle Arranged by Edward O. Bland
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Full Circle", arranged by Edward O. Bland.
29 897
Gentle on My Mind Arranged by Frank Como
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Gentle on My Mind", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
29 898
Girl From Ipanema (The) unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Girl From Ipanema" by Lionel Hampton.
29 899
Gigolette (Giolette) Arranged by A.K. Salim
29 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Gigolette (Giolette)", arranged by A.K. Salim.
29 900
Gizmo Blues Composed by Duke Anderson
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Gizmo Blues", composed Duke Anderson for Lionel Hampton.
29 901
Glad Hamp (Glad-Hamp) unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Glad Hamp (Glad-Hamp)".
18 July 1977
29 902
God Bless the Child unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "God Bless the Child", arranged for Lionel Hampton.
29 903
Goin' Out of My Head Arranged by Frank Como
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Goin' Out of My Head" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Frank Como.
29 904
Goldwin Stomp (The) Arranged by Milton Buckner
19 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Goldwin Stomp" from A Song Is Born, composed by Lionel Hampton and arranged by Milton Buckner.
21 August 1947
29 905
Gone Again Arranged by Bill Doggett; Joe James
13 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Gone Again" by Curtis Lewis, Gladys Hampton, and Curley Hamner. Copy one is arranged by Bill Doggett; copy two is arranged by Joe James.
29 906
Good Bait Created by Todd Dameron
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Good Bait".
29 907
Graffiti Express Arranged by Ralph Yaw
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Gradditi Express", arranged by Ralph Yaw.
29 908
Green Door (The) unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Green Door".
29 909
Green Green Grass of Home Arranged by Frank Como
7 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Green Green Grass of Home" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Frank Como.
29 910
Gypsy Greens Arranged by Edward O. Bland
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Gypsy Greens", arranged by Edward O. Bland.
29 911
Hamabe No Uta unknown
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamabe No Uta".
29 912
Hamp and Dex Arranged by Ernie Wilkins
23 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp and Dex", composed and arranged by Ernie Wilkins for the Lionel Hampton band.
29 913
Hamp's Blues Arranged by Lionel Hampton and Scott Whitfield
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Blues", arranged and composed by Lionel Hampton and Scott Whitfield.
29 914
Hamp's Eb Blues (Hamp's Blues in Eb) Arranged by Gerry Cappuccio
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Eb Blues (Hamp's Blues in Eb)", composed and arranged by Gerry Cappuccio for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
9 April 1973
29 915
Hamp's Blues in F Arranged by Gerry Cappuccio
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Blues in F", composed and arranged by Gerry Cappuccio for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
13 April 1973
29 916
Hamp's Boogie unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Boogie".
29 917
Hamp's Boogie Woogie unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Boogie Woogie".
29 918
Hamp's Bugaloo Arranged by Sal Spicola
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Bugaloo", arranged by Sal Spicola.
29 919
Hamp's Got A Duke Arranged by Bill Doggett
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Got A Duke", arranged by Bill Doggett.
29 920
Hamp's Rock Arranged by Haleem Rasheed
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hamp's Rock", arranged by Haleem Rasheed.
30 921
Hampton's Two-Finger Boogie (Hamp's) Composed by Lionel Hampton; Scored by Edgar Battle
37 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for "Hampton's Two-Finger Boogie (Hamp's)" by Lionel Hampton. Copy two is scored by Edgar Battle.
30 922
Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe unknown
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe".
30 923
Happy Birthday unknown
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Happy Birthday".
30 924
Hark to the Tune unknown
13 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hark to the Tune".
30 925
Havanagila unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Havanagila".
30 926
Hebrew BeBop Arranged by Frank Como
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hebre BeBop" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Frank Como.
30 927
Hello Folks unknown
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hello Folks".
30 928
Here's Happiness Arranged by Billie and Duke Anderson
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Here's Happiness", arranged by Billie and Duke Anderson.
30 929
Hey Papa Dop unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hey Papa Dop".
30 930
High Society Arranged by Frank Como; Fred Norman
29 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "High Society" by Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged by Frank Como; Copy two is arranged by Fred Norman.
30 931
Home on the Range unknown
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Home on the Range".
30 932
How High the Moon, Introducing Ornithology Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen; Bill Waid
33 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "How High the Moon, Introducing Ornithology". Copy one is arranged by Chris Gulhaugen; copies two and three are arranged by Bill Waid.
30 933
Hucklebuck (The) Arranged by Danny Mendelsohn
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Hucklebuck", arranged by Danny Mendelsohn.
30 934
Hush Up (Hush Up Buckner) Arranged by Stan Molan
14 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Hush Up (Hush Up Buckner)", arranged by Stan Molan.
30 935
I Believe in You and Me unknown
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Believe in You and Me".
30 936
I Can't Give You Anything But Love Arranged by Frank Foster
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Can't Give You Anything But Love" by Lionel Hampton, Arranged by Frank Foster.
13 July 1977
30 937
I Don't Know How To Love Him Arranged by Joel Kaye
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Don't Know How To Love Him", arranged by Joel Kaye.
30 938
I Got Love Arranged by Chuck McClendon
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Got Love", arranged by Cuck McClendon.
January 1972
30 939
I Love You unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Love You".
30 940
I Love You, Yes I Do Arranged by Bobby Plater
18 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Love You, Yes I Do", arranged by Bobby Plater.
30 941
I Remember Benny (A Tribute to Benny Goodman) Composed by Wade Marcus
1 item : Contains bound score sheet arrangement for the song "I Remember Benny (A Tribute to Benny Goodman)", composed by Wade Marcus.
30 942
I Remember Clifford Arranged by Horace Tapscott
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I Remember Clifford", composed by B. Golson and arranged by Horace Tapscott.
11 December 1961
31 943
If I Could Be With You unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "If I Could Be With You".
31 944
If I Had A Hammer Arranged by Larry Lucie
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "If I Had A Hammer", arranged by Larry Lucie, possibly composed by Pinocchio James.
31 945
If I Were A Rich Man Arranged by Gerry Cappucchio
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "If I Were A Rich Man", arranged by Gerry Cappucchio for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
30 June 1973
31 946
Il Ferroviere Arranged by M. Kotani
6 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Il Ferroviere". The first copy is arranged by M. Kotani.
31 947
I'll Remember April Arranged by Julian A. Priester
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I'll Remember April", arranged by Julian A. Priester.
31 948
I'm A Telling You Sam (Tellin') Arranged by Sonny Burke
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I'm A Telling You Sam (Tellin')", arranged by Sonny Burke for Lionel Hampton.
31 949
I'm Mindin' My Business Arranged by Jay Feldman
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I'm Mindin' My Business", arranged by Jay Feldman for Lionel Hampton. One page is missing.
31 950
I'm So Glad Composed by Lionel Hampton
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I'm So Glad" by Lionel Hampton.
31 October 1968
31 951
I'm Still In Love With You Arranged by Larry Lucie
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I'm Still In Love With You", arranged by Larry Lucie.
31 952
Impossible Arranged by Chuck McClendon
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Impossible", arranged by Chuck McClendon.
January 1972
31 953
In The Basement (Chips) unknown
12 items : Contains partial score sheet arrangement for the song "In The Basement (Chips)".
31 954
Indiana Arranged by Dave Grusin
16 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Indiana". Copy two is a commercial arrangement by Ballard McDonald and James Hanley, arranged by Dave Grusin.
31 955
Infra-Red Arranged by T. Gambino
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Infra-Red", composed and arranged by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton.
31 956
Ingenue (The) Arranged by Ruby Fisher and Johnny Warrington
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Ingenue", arranged by Ruby Fisher and Johnny Warrington for Lionel Hampton.
31 957
Inner Circle Arranged by Edward O. Bland
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Inner Circle", composed and arranged by Edward O. Bland.
31 958
Inside Out unknown
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Inside Out".
31 959
Interpretations Arranged by Ricky Ford
13 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Interpretations", arranged and composed by Ricky Ford.
31 960
It Ain't Necessarily So (It Ain't Necessary So) Arranged by A. McGhee
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It Ain't Necessarily So (It Ain't Necessary So)", by Lionel Hampton and arranged by A. McGhee.
31 961
It Doesn't Hurt To Say You're Sorry (Doesn't Hurt) Arranged by Charles Fox
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It Doesn't Hurt To Say You're Sorry (Doesn't Hurt)", composed by Roberta Sherwood and Lionel Hampton and arranged by Charles Fox.
31 962
It Don't Mean A Thing Arranged by Mike Lewis
18 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It Don't Mean A Thing" by Sylvia Bennett and arranged by Mike Lewis.
31 963
It's A Dandy Composed by Andy Wood
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It's A Dandy" by Andy Wood.
31 964
It's All Over Now (All Over Now) Arranged by Milton Buckner
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It's All Over Now (All Over Now)", arranged by Milton Buckner.
31 965
It's All Right With Me (Cole Porter's) Arranged by Mike Lewis
18 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "It's All Right With Me (Cole Porter's)". Copy two is a photocopy arranged by Mike Lewis.
31 966
It's You Or No One Arranged by Doug Miller
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "It's You Or No One", arranged by Doug Miller.
31 967
I've Got Good Vibes Arranged by T. Gambino
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I've Got Good Vibes" by Lionel Hampton and Sid Smith, arranged by T. Gambino.
31 968
I've Gotta Be Me Arranged by Frank Como
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "I've Gotta Be Me" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Frank Como.
32 969
Japanese Cradle Song (or Lullaby) Arranged by Edward O. Bland
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Japanese Cradle Song (or Lullaby)" by Princess Michiko, arranged by Edward O. Bland.
32 970
Jazz At the Plaza Nine Arranged by Frank Como
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Jazz At the Plaza Nine" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by Frank Como.
32 971
Jazzland Arranged by Wedo's Music Writing Service
14 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Jazzland" by Lionel Hampton, arranged through Wedo's Music Writing Service.
32 972
Jeannine Arranged by Jerry Weldon
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Jeannine", composed by Duke Pearson and arranged by Jerry Weldon.
32 973
Jihad Arranged by Rene McLean
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Jihad", composed and arranged by Rene McLean.
32 974
Just A Taste Arranged by John Ed Neely
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Just A Taste", arranged by John Ed Neely.
32 975
Just In Time unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Just In Time".
32 976
Just The Two Of Us (Don't Cry Out Loud) Arranged by Clare Bathé
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Just The Two Of Us (Don't Cry Out Loud)", arranged by Clare Bathé.
32 977
Just You, Just Me (Just Me, Just You) Arranged by Milton Buckner
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Just You, Just Me (Just Me, Just You)", arranged by Milton Buckner.
32 978
Kidney Stew unknown
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Kidney Stew".
32 979
King David Suite Arranged by Eddie Williams; Frank Como; unknown; Jack Easton
177 items : Contains five copies of score sheet arrangements and sheet music for the song "King David Suite" by Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged by Eddie Williams. Copy two is arranged by Frank Como. Copy three is a folder of loose music, arranger unknown. Copy four is a partial composition (pages 1-90 missing), arranger unknown. Copy four is arranged by Jack Easton.
33 980
King Kat Arranged by Ken Gallo
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "King Kat", arranged by Ken Gallo.
33 981
Ko-Ko Arranged by Ray Knehnetsky
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Ko-Ko", arranged by Ray Knehnetsky.
33 982
Lady Is A Tramp (The)/Sylvia Arranged by Mike Lewis
14 items : Contains photocopies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Lady Is A Tramp (The)/Sylvia", arranged by Mike Lewis.
33 983
Lambeth Walk Arranged by Frank Como
6 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Lambeth Walk". Copy one is arranged by Frank Como for small band. Copy two is a photocopy of a published score from Me and My Girl; it is composed by Noel Gay and Douglas Furber.
33 984
Lavender Coffin unknown
2 items : Contains Sonny and chorus lyrics for "Lavender Coffin".
33 985
Let's Stay Together Arranged by McClendon
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Let's Stay Together", arranged by McClendon (presumably Chuck McClendon).
33 986
Like Young (Like Love) unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Like Young (Like Love)".
33 987
Little Green Apples Arranged by Frank Como
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Little Green Apples", arranged by Frank Como.
33 988
Long Night Arranged by Piero Rizza
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Long Night" by Ed Smart Milano, music and arrangement by Piero Rizza.
33 989
Long Shoes Blues unknown
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Long Shoes Blues".
33 990
Love For Sale Arranged by Quincey Jones
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Love For Sale", arranged by Quincey Jones for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
33 991
Love Is A Gift Arranged by Edward O. Bland
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Love Is A Gift", arranged and composed by Edward O. Bland.
33 992
Lover Has Gone Arranged by Ben Kynard
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Lover Has Gone", arranged by Ben Kynard.
33 993
Lullaby of Birdland Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
17 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Lullaby of Birdland", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
33 994
Lullaby of Forrealville Arranged by Richard Evans
1 item : Contains bound score sheet arrangement for the song "Lullaby of Forrealville", composed and arranged by Richard Evans.
33 995
Mack the Knife Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Mack the Knife", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen and adapted for small band by Doug Miller.
November 1987
33 996
Magdalena Arranged by Willy Marambio
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Magdalena", arranged by Willy Marambio.
22 October 1970
33 997
Make It With You Arranged by T. Gambino
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Make It With You" by Lionel Hampton, arranged by T. Gambin, vocalist Valerie Carr.
33 998
Mangos Arranged by Wade Marcus
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Mangos", arranged by Wade Marcus.
33 999
Manisero Arranged by Julio Rivero
13 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Manisero", arranged by Julio Rivero.
33 1000
Marie unknown
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Marie". Last page is torn.
33 1001
Mary Lou Arranged by Sonny Burke
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Mary Lou", arranged by Sonny Burke. Final sheet includes portrait drawings on the back.
33 1002
Mas Que Nada unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Mas Que Nada".
33 1003
Maybe This Time (From Cabaret) Arranged by Gerry Cappuccio
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Maybe This Time (From Cabaret)", arranged by Gerry Cappuccio for the Lionel Hampton Band with vocalist Valerie Carr.
16 April 1973
33 1004
Mi Va Di Cantare Created by Lionel Hampton; S. Remo
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Mi Va Di Cantare" by Lionel Hampton/S. Remo.
20 January 1968
34 1005
Midnight Blues unknown
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Midnight Blues".
34 1006
Midnight Sun Arranged by Ernie Wilkins
25 items : Contains four copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Midnight Sun". Copies two and three are arranged by Ernie Wilkins for Lionel Hampton.
15 December 1983
34 1007
Milestones Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
17 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Milestones", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
34 1008
Minha Esperanca Morreis (Mina Esperanca Muorres) Arranged by Julio Rivero
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Minha Esperance Morreis (Mina Esperanca Muorres)", arranged by Julio Rivero.
34 1009
Moanin' Arranged by Onzy Matthews
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Moanin'", arranged by Onzy Matthews for small band.
34 1010
Moments Notice Arranged by Paul Moen
24 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Moments Notice", composed by John Coltrane and arranged by Paul Moen.
34 1011
Monsieur Gates Arranged by Johnnie Bamford
5 items : Contains partial score sheet arrangement for the song "Monsieur Gates", arranged by Johnnie Bamford.
34 1012
Mule Boogie Arranged by Freddie; Irma Curry
11 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Mule Boogie".
34 1013
Must Be Born Again unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Must Be Born Again".
34 1014
My Favorite Fox Arranged by Edward O. Bland
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Favorite Fox", arranged and composed by Edward O. Bland.
34 1015
My Favorite Things Arranged by L. Robertson
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Favorite Things", arranged by L. Robertson.
April 1962
34 1016
My Foolish Heart unknown
1 item : Contains bound score sheet arrangement for the song "My Foolish Heart".
34 1017
My Kind of Town unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Kind of Town".
34 1018
My Love Will Always Be You unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Love Will Always Be You", arranger unknown, composed by Wood.
34 1019
My Prayer unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Prayer".
34 1020
My Pretty Song Arranged by Frank Como
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "My Pretty Song", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
34 1021
Never Can Say Goodbye Arranged by Gerry Cappuccio
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Never Can Say Goodbye", arranged by Gerry Cappuccio for the Lionel Hampton Band with vocalist Valerie Carr.
21 April 1973
34 1022
Neutron Dance Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Neutron Dance", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing).
34 1023
New Rhumba Arranged by Horace Tapscott
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "New Rhumba", arranged by Horace Tapscott.
34 1024
New Year's Medley (Melody) Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
19 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "New Year's Medley (Melody)", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen. The medley consists of the songs "Auld Lang Syne", "Hail Hail, the Gang's All Here", "Beer Barrel Polka", and "Happy Days Are Here Again".
34 1025
New York, New York Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "New York, New York", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing).
34 1026
Night Train unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Night Train".
34 1027
Nixon's the One unknown
12 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Nixon's the One". Copy one is arranged for big band; copy two is arranged for small group for Lionel Hampton.
31 October 1968
34 1028
No Love, No Nothin Arranged by George Siravo
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "No Love, No Nothin", arranged by George Siravo.
35 1029
O What A Feeling (Oh) unknown
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "O What A Feeling (Oh)".
35 1030
Once in a While unknown
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Once in a While".
35 1031
One Man Blues Created by Thomas Chapin
10 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "One Man Blues" by Thomas Chapin.
35 1032
One Mint Julep Arranged by Onzy Matthews
4 items : Contains small band score sheet arrangement for the song "One Mint Julep", arranged by Onzy Matthews.
35 1033
One Night Stand Arranged by T. Gambino
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "One Night Stand", arranged by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton.
35 1034
Opening (The Big Slide) Arranged by A.K. Salim
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Opening (The Big Slide)", arranged by A.K. Salim for Lionel Hampton.
35 1035
Our Love Is Here to Stay unknown
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Our Love Is Here to Stay".
35 1036
Over The Rainbow (Once In A While) unknown
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Over The Rainbow (Once In A While)".
35 1037
Pampered Hamp Arranged by Gene Rizzo
15 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Pampered Hamp", composed and arranged by Gene Rizzo.
35 1038
Patriotic Medley Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
22 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Patriotic Medley", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
35 1039
Peggy's Blue Skylight unknown
9 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Peggy's Blue Skylight". Copy one includes five pages taped together. Copy two includes arrangements for eight instruments: piano, alto sax, 1st tenor sax, 2nd tenor sax, baritone sax, 1st trumpet, 2nd trumpet, and bass.
35 1040
Percussion Oddysey Created by Jan Anthonis
12 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Percussion Oddysey", by Jan Anthonis.
3 February 1985
35 1041
Playboy's Theme (Playboy Theme) unknown
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Playboy's Theme (Playboy Theme)".
35 1042
Please Be Kind unknown
9 items : Contains sheet music for the song "Please Be Kind".
35 1043
Poinciana Arranged by Wade Marcus
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Poinciana", arranged by Wade Marcus.
35 1044
Polka Dot Stretch Pants Arranged by Edward O. Bland
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Polka Dot Stretch Pants", arranged and composed by Edward O. Bland.
35 1045
Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (Corcovado) unknown
10 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (Corcovado)", arranged for Lionel Hampton.
35 1046
Rag Mop unknown
11 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Rag Mop", transcribed by Steve Armour, arranger unknown.
35 1047
Rail Road No I Arranged by Dave McRae
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Rail Road No I", arranged by Dave McRae.
35 1048
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head Arranged by Frank Como
35 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My head", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band. Arrangements include two big band arrangements and one small band arrangement.
35 1049
Raunchy Rita Arranged by Gerry Cappuccio
14 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Raunchy Rita". Copy two is arranged by Gerry Cappuccio and composed by Frank Foster.
24 August 1973
35 1050
Raven Hair - Mikado Arranged by Wade Legge
3 items : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Raven Hair - Mikado", arranged by Wade Legge.
35 1051
Re-Bop Kick (Pick Up on the) unknown
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Re-Bop Kick (Pick Up on the)", lyrics on back.
35 1052
Recado Arranged by Buddy Childers
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Recado", arranged by Buddy Childers for Lionel Hampton.
36 1053
Red Top (B.K.'s Bounce) Arranged by Ben Kynard; Doug Miller
24 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Red Top (B.K.'s Bounce)". Copy one is composed and arranged by Ben Kynard; copy two is arranged by Doug Miller.
36 1054
Reverend Briggs Arranged by Bob Freedman
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Reverend Briggs", arranged and composed by Bob Freedman.
36 1055
Rise Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
16 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Rise", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
36 1056
Robbins in Your Hair Arranged by Joseph H. James
14 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Robbins in Your Hair", arranged by Joseph H. James.
13 February 1947
36 1057
Rock A Bye Your Baby Arranged by Frank Como
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Rock A Bye Your Baby", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
36 1058
Rocky Arranged by Claude Bolling
5 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Rocky". Copy one is by Pierre Gossez and Claude Bolling, and is arranged by Claude Bolling. Arranged for copy two is unknown.
36 1059
Sad Feeling Arranged by Gladys Hampton; Lawrence Larry Lucie
5 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sad Feeling". Copy one is a vocal arrangement attributed to Gladys Hampton; copy two is arranged by Lawrence Larry Lucie.
36 1060
St. Thomas (Saint) Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
13 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "St. Thomas (Saint)", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing). Page 11 is missing from the arrangement.
36 1061
Salute to Duke Arranged by Chris Towns
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Salute to Duke", arranged by Chris Towns for Lionel Hampton.
36 1062
Sakura Rescored by Floyd A. Williams
18 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sakura", rescored by Floyd A. Williams.
26 August 1963
36 1063
Sans Souci (Sans Succi) Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sand Souci (Sans Succi)", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen,
36 1064
Satin Doll Arranged by Dennis E. Wilson
23 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Satin Doll". Copy one is arranged by Dennis E. Wilson for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra; page 7 is missing.
36 1065
Savoy unknown
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Savoy".
36 1066
Sayonara Arranged by Vic Ares
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sayonara", arranged by Vic Ares.
36 1067
Scorpio Transcribed by T. Gambino
14 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Scorpio". Copy one is transcribed by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton Big Band.
36 1068
Sea Journey Arranged by Paul Moen
23 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Sea Journey", arranged by Paul Moen.
36 1069
See Saw Arranged by Frank Como
18 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "See Saw", arranged by Frank Como. Copy one is arranged for Lionel Hampton Small Band. Copy two is arranged for Lionel Hampton Big Band.
36 1070
Self Twisting Arm (The) Created by David M. Schumacher
1 item : Contains bound, folded, photocopy of a score sheet arrangement for the song "The Self Twisting Arm" by David M. Schumacher.
36 1071
September Song Arranged by Milt Buckner
16 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "September Song", arranged by Milt Buckner.
36 1072
Shaft Arranged by McClendon
20 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Shaft", arranged by McClendon. Page 5 is missing.
37 1073
Shalom Shalom Arranged by N. Hefti
23 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Shalom Shalom", arranged by N. Hefti. Some pages are damaged.
37 1074
Shojoji Arranged by Pepe Merto
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Shojoji", arranged by Pepe Merto for Lionel Hampton.
37 1075
Sing Sing Sing Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
26 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sing Sing Sing", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
37 1076
Sinno Me Moro Arranged by M. Kotani
4 items : Contains photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Sinno Me Moro", arranged by M. Kotani for Lionel Hampton.
37 1077
Sketch of Gladys (A) Arranged by Frank Como
28 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "A Sketch of Gladys". Copy one is a concert score, arranger unknown. Copies two and three are arranged by Frank Como.
13 March 1969
37 1078
Smile School Arranged by David M. Schumacher
1 item : Contains bound photocopy of score sheet arrangement for the song "Smile School", composed and arranged by David M. Schumacher.
37 1079
Snakey Feeling (Sneaky Feelin') unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Snakey Feeling (Sneaky Feelin')".
37 1080
Sneakin' Around Arranged by Larry Lucie
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sneakin' Around", arranged by Larry Lucie.
37 1081
Some Day Arranged by Buddy Childers; Frank Como
41 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Some Day". Copy one is arranged by Buddy Childers. Copy two is a big band concert score arranged by Frank Como. Copy three is a small group score, arranged by Frank Como.
29 January 1963
37 1082
Some One to Love (Someone) unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Some One to Love (Someone)".
37 1083
Something Arranged by Frank Como
16 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Something", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged for Big Band; copy two is arranged for Small Band.
37 1084
Son of a Preacher Man Arranged by Frank Como
27 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Son of a Preacher Man". Arranger for copy one is unknown. Copy two is arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton Big Band. Copy two is arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton Small Band.
37 1085
Song of the Negev Arranged by Frank Griffith
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Song of the Negev", arranged by Frank Griffith for Big Band.
25 December 1988
37 1086
Sophisticated Lady Arranged by Doug Miller
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sophisticated Lady", arranged by Doug Miller.
February 1986
37 1087
Sorrento Arranged by Frank Como
10 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sorrento", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
37 1088
Soul Agent Arranged by Johnny Morris
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Soul Agent", by Ruby Fisher and Lionel Hampton, arranged by Johnny Morris for Lionel Hampton.
37 1089
Southern Ballad Medley Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
15 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sothern Ballad Medley", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing).
37 1090
Speedball Arranged by Randazzo
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Speedball", arranged by Randazzo.
37 1091
Spring Is Here unknown
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Spring Is Here".
37 1092
Stairway to the Stars unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Stairway to the Stars".
37 1093
Stella (Stella by Starlight) unknown
31 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Stella (Stella by Starlight)".
37 1094
Stolen Moments Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Stolen Moments", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
38 1095
Summer Calls Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Summer Call", composed and arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
38 1096
Summertime Arranged by A. McGhee; unknown; Milt Buckner
10 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Summertime". Copy one is arranged by A. McGhee for Lionel Hampton. The arranger for copy two is unknown. Copy three is arranged by Milt Buckner.
38 1097
Sunday Go to Meetin' Blues Arranged by Edlin "Buddy" Terry
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sunday Go to Meetin' Blues", arranged and written by Edlin "Buddy" Terry.
38 1098
Sunny Arranged by Ed Bland
17 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sunny", arranged by Ed Bland. Copy one is arranged for Small Band; copy two is arranged for Big Band.
38 1099
Sunny Side of the Street (On the) Arranged by Quincy Jones
27 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sunny Side of the Street (On the)", arranged by Quincy Jones.
12 October 1956
38 1100
Sunshine Superman unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Sunshine Superman".
38 1101
Sweethearts on Parade Arranged by Ernie Wilkins
14 items : Contains three copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Sweethearts on Parade", arranged by Ernie Wilkins for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
38 1102
Swingin' Gates Arranged by Frank Como
13 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Swingin' Gates", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
38 1103
Tall Hope unknown
19 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Tall Hope".
38 1104
Tangible Arranged by O.K.
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Tangible", arranged by O.K.
38 1105
Tap Step Arranged by Ray Knehnetsky
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Tap Step", arranged by Ray Knehnetsky for Lionel Hampton, music by Chick Corea.
38 1106
Taste of Honey unknown
8 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Taste of Honey". Copy two is a photocopy.
38 1107
Tempo's Birthday unknown
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Tempo's Birthday". A second copy is labeled as "missing" on the folder.
38 1108
That's How I Feel unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "That's How I Feel".
38 1109
That's Life Arranged by Pinocchio
9 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "That's Life". Copy one is for Small Band; Copy Two is for Big Band.
38 1110
Them Changes Arranged by T. Gambino
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Them Changes", arranged by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton.
38 1111
Theme from Love Story Arranged by Frank Como
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Theme from Love Story", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
38 1112
This Is Us Arranged by Milton Buckner
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "This Is Us", arranged by Milton Buckner. Page twelve includes a note from "Charlie" to "Buck" on the back.
38 1113
Tigress (The) Arranged by Edward O. Bland
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "The Tigress", composed and arranged by Edward O. Bland.
38 1114
Toen Onze Mop Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
8 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Toen Onze Mop", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing).
38 1115
Tom Collins Arranged by Joe James
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Tom Collins" by Lionel and Gladys Hampton, arranged by Joe James.
38 1116
Traffic Light Arranged by Frank Como
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Traffic Light", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
38 1117
Trane of Thought unknown
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Trane of Thought", arranged for Lionel Hampton Big Band.
38 1118
Truckin' Arranged by Dick Vance
6 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Truckin'", arranged by Dick Vance.
39 1119
Turkey Hop unknown
18 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Turkey Hop".
39 1120
12th St. Rag (Twelfth Street) unknown
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "12th St. Rag (Twelfth Street)".
12 July 1977
39 1121
20th Century Fox (The Twentieth) Arranged by Edward O. Bland
22 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "20th Century Fox (The Twentieth)", arranged and composed by Edward O. Bland.
39 1122
Two Brothers Created by Andy and Rob Middleton
12 items : Contains taped photocopies of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Two Brothers", by Andy and Rob Middleton.
April 1988
39 1123
2001 (Two Thousand One) Arranged by Jeff Davis
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "2001 (Two Thousand One)", arranged by Jeff Davis.
39 1124
Undecided Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
14 items : Contains photocopy for the score sheet arrangement for the song "Undecided", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
39 1125
Unknown Titles Arranged by Joe James; Sonnie Parker; Boyd Raeburn; unknown
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangements for various unknown, untitled songs. Arrangement one is arranged by Joe James. Arrangement two is arranged by Sonnie Parker. Arrangement three is arranged by Boyd Raeburn. Arranger for arrangements four-six is unknown.
39 1126
Up Tight Arranged by Frank Como
26 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Up Tight", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged for Small Band; copy two is arranged for Big Band.
39 1127
Vegana Afro Arranged by Cornelio Lambert
38 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Vegana Afro", arranged and composed by Cornelio Lambert.
39 1128
Vibe Boogie unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Vibe Boogie".
39 1129
Vibramatic Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
21 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Vibramatic", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
39 1130
Wait No More Arranged by Frank Como
13 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Wait No More", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
13 March 1969
39 1131
Walking My Baby Back Home Arranged by Teo May
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Walking My Baby Back Home".
39 1132
Watch What Happens Arranged by Frank Como
10 items : Contains small band score sheet arrangement for the song "Watch What Happens", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
39 1133
Weak Broken Hearted Fool (Broken Hearted) Arranged by Johnnie Bamford
17 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Weak Broken Hearted Fool (Broken Hearted)". Copy one is arranged by Johnnie Bamford and composed by Gladys Hampton and Leo Moore. Copy two is arranged for small band.
39 1134
Wedding unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Wedding".
39 1135
Weedle Blues Arranged by Haleem Rasheed
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Weedle Blues", arranged by Haleem Rasheed.
39 1136
We've Only Just Begun Arranged by T. Gambino
2 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "We've Only Just Begun", arranged by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton.
39 1137
What a Little Moonlight Will Do unknown
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "What a Little Moonlight Will Do".
39 1138
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life Arranged by Frank Como
18 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton. Copy one is arranged for Big Band; copy two is arranged for Small Band.
39 1139
What Can You Lose? Arranged by Billy and Duke Anderson
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "What Can You Lose?", arranged by Billy and Duke Anderson.
39 1140
What's New Created by Lionel Hampton
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "What's New" by Lionel Hampton.
40 1141
Wheel of Hurt unknown
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Wheel of Hurt".
40 1142
When (Rock n' Roll) Composed by Silvestre Blair
11 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "When (Rock n' Roll)" by Silvestre Blair and a letter between Lionel Hampton and Michael J. Canny.
19 April 1961
40 1143
When I Fall in Love Arranged by Lance Bryant
10 items : Contains photocopy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "When I Fall in Love", arranged by Lance Bryant.
20 September 1994
40 1144
When Ya Gotta Man unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "When Ya Gotta Man".
40 1145
When the Saints Go Marching In (Saints) Arranged by John C. Cotter
9 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "When the Saints Go Marching In (Saints)", arranged by John C. Cotter.
40 1146
When's Daddy Coming Home? Composed by Buddy Terry
1 item : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "When's Daddy Coming Home?" by Buddy Terry.
40 1147
Where or When unknown
13 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Where or When".
40 1148
Who Am I to Say unknown
15 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Who Am I to Say".
40 1149
Whole World unknown
11 items : Contains two copies of score sheet arrangements for the song "Whole World". Copy one is arranged for Big Band; copy two is arranged for Small Band.
31 October 1968
40 1150
Willow Trees Arranged by T. Gambino
3 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Willow Trees", arranged by T. Gambino for Lionel Hampton.
40 1151
Yac and Back Arranged by D. Schumacher and R. Boquac (?)
7 items : Contains photocopy of the score sheet arrangement for the song "Yac and Back" by Sam Turwier and E. Turkel, arranged by D. Schumacher and R. Boquac.
40 1152
Yankee Doodle Medley Arranged by Frank Como
12 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Yankee Doodle Medley", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
40 1153
Yellow Rose of Texas Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing)
4 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "Yellow Rose of Texas", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen (presumed based on writing).
40 1154
You're A Nasty Ape Arranged by Edward O. Bland
5 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "You're A Nasty Ape", arranged by Edward O. Bland.
40 1155
Young Man Despair - Mikado Arranged by Wade Legge
1 item : Contains taped score sheet arrangement for the song "Young Man Despair - Mikado", arranged by Wade Legge.
40 1156
You've Changed unknown
7 items : Contains score sheet arrangement for the song "You've Changed", arranged for tenor solo.
Subseries 2: Sheet Music
Box Folder
41 1157
Air Mail Special Arranged by Frank Como
68 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Air Mail Special", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
41 1158
Air Mail Special Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
129 items : Contains bound score sheet and sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Air Mail Special", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen for the Lionel Hampton Band. Some pages of sheet music are photocopies.
41 1159
Blues for Gertie Arranged by A.K. Salim
3 items : Contains trombone sheet music for the song "Blues for Gertie", arranged and composed by A.K. Salim.
41 1160
Body and Soul Arranged by Cedar Walton
5 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Body and Soul", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
41 1161
Cherokee Arranged by Roberta Como
12 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Cherokee", arranged by Roberta Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
41 1162
Everybody's Somebody's Fool unknown
1 item : Contains photocopy of bass sheet music for the song "Everybody's Somebody's Fool".
42 1163
Flyin' Home, Folder I Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
71 items : Contains two bound score sheets and sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Flyin' Home", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen for the Lionel Hampton Band.
42 1164
Flyin' Home, Folder II Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
61 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Flyin' Home", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen for the Lionel Hampton Band.
43 1165
Flying Home Arranged by Frank Como
3 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Flying Home", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
43 1166
40's Swing Medley Arranged by Frank Como
2 items : Contains trombone sheet music in the song "40's Swing Medley", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
43 1167
Georgia Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Georgia", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
43 1168
Hallelujah Again Composed by Doug Miller
13 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Hallelujah Again", composed by Doug Miller.
43 1169
Hamp Arranged by Ernie Wilkins
17 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Hamp", arranged by Ernie Wilkins for the Lionel Hampton Band. Sheet music in this folder is fragile.
43 1170
Hamp's Boogie Arranged by Frank Como
29 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Hamp's Boogie", arranged by Frank Como. Some sheet music in this folder is fragile.
43 1171
Hamp's Boogie (Hamp's Boogie Woogie) Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
129 items : Contains bound score sheet and loose sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Hamp's Boogie (Hamp's Boogie Woogie)", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen for the Lionel Hampton Band.
43 1172
How High the Moon Arranged by Frank Como
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "How High the Moon", arranged by Frank Como for Lionel Hampton.
43 1173
I'm Confessin' Arranged by Frank Como
1 item : Contains trombone sheet music for the song "I'm Confessin'", arranged by Frank Como for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1174
In the Mood Arranged by Frank Como; Chris Gulhaugen
71 items : Contains two bound score sheets and sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "In the Mood", arranged by Frank Como/Chris Gulhaugen for the Lionel Hampton band.
44 1175
Inner Urge Arranged by Doug Miller
4 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Inner Urge", composed by Joe Henderson and arranged by Doug Miller.
44 1176
Isn't She Lovely Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "Isn't She Lovely", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1177
Jersey Bounce Arranged by Frank Como
2 items : Contains 3rd trombone sheet music for the song "Jersey Bounce", arranged by Frank Como.
44 1178
Limehouse Blues Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instruments for the song "Limehouse Blues", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1179
Midnight Sun Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen; Cedar Walton; Ernie Wilkins
173 items : Contains bound score and sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Midnight Sun", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen/Cedar Walton/Ernie Wilkins for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1180
New York, New York Arranged by Chris Gulhaugen
3 items : Contains 3rd trombone sheet music for the song "New York, New York", arranged by Chris Gulhaugen.
44 1181
On The Sunnyside of the Street Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts in the song "On The Sunnyside of the Street", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1182
Perdido Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Perdido", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1183
Satin Doll unknown
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instruments for the song "Satin Doll".
44 1184
September Song Arranged by Milt Buckner
1 item : Contains 3rd trombone sheet music for the song "September Song", arranged by Milt Buckner for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
44 1185
Stompin' At The Savoy Arranged by Frank Como; Cedar Walton
7 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Stompin' At The Savoy", arranged by Frank Como/Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1186
Sweet Tooth Arranged by Doug Miller
4 items : Contains piano sheet music for the song "Sweet Tooth", arranged by Doug Miller.
44 1187
The Very Thought of You Arranged by Cedar Walton
6 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "The Very Thought of You", arranged by Cedar Walton for the Lionel Hampton Band.
44 1188
Miscellaneous (Springfield Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert)
33 items : Contains various sheet music and rehearsal schedule for the Springfield Symphony Orchestra Christmas Gala Concert.
10 December 1994
44 1189
Miscellaneous (Programs/Set Lists)
5 items : Contains programs and set lists for various jazz performances.
28 March 1992-13 September 1995
44 1190
Miscellaneous (Unidentified Music Pages)
3 items : Contains miscellaneous, unidentified sheet music.
45 1191
King David Suite Arranged by Frank Como; Jack Easton
1 items : Frank Como; Jack Easton.
46 1192
King David Suite Arranged by Jack Easton
1 items : Jack Easton
47 1193
Book (Drums)
37 items : Contains inventory sheets and 34 arrangements of drum sheet music for various songs.
47 1194
Book (Guitar)
43 items : Contains inventory sheets and 38 arrangements of guitar sheet music for various songs.
47 1195
Book (Piano)
39 items : Contains inventory sheets and 36 arrangements of piano music for various songs.
47 1196
Book (1st Alto Sax, lead)
33 items : Contains inventory sheet and 32 arrangements of 1st alto saxophone sheet music for various songs.
47 1197
Book (2nd Alto Sax)
36 items : Contains inventory sheet and 35 arrangements of 2nd alto saxophone sheet music for various songs.
47 1198
Book (Baritone Sax)
42 items : Contains inventory sheet and 38 arrangements of baritone saxophone sheet music for various songs.
47 1199
Book (Tenor Sax, lead)
41 items : Contains inventory sheet and 37 arrangements of tenor saxophone sheet music for various songs.
47 1200
Book (Tenor Sax, 2nd Part)
34 items : Contains inventory sheet and 33 arrangements of tenor saxophone sheet music for various songs.
48 1201
Book (1st Trombone, 2nd Trombone)
69 items : Contains inventory sheet, 35 arrangements of 1st trombone sheet music for various songs, and 33 arrangements of 2nd trombone sheet music for various songs. Some contents are water damaged.
48 1202
Book (3rd Trombone, 4th Trombone)
57 items : Contains inventory sheet, 32 arrangements of 3rd trombone sheet music for various songs, and 24 arrangements of 4th trombone sheet music for various songs. Some contents are water damaged.
48 1203
Book (1st Trumpet, lead)
38 items : Contains inventory sheets, 35 arrangements of 1st trumpet sheet music for various songs, and 1 sheet of 3rd trumpet sheet music for the song "Oh Johnny". Some contents are water damaged.
48 1204
Book (2nd Trumpet)
39 items : Contains inventory sheets and 35 arrangements of 2nd trumpet sheet music for various songs. Some contents are water damaged.
48 1205
Book (3rd Trumpet, 4th Trumpet)
68 items : Contains inventory sheets, 34 arrangements of 3rd trumpet sheet music for various songs, and 29 sheets of 4th trumpet sheet music for various songs. Some contents are water damaged.
49 1206
Alfie (Ballad) Arranged by Sandy Manuel Quevedo
18 items : Contains score sheet and sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Alfie (Ballad)", arranged by Sandy Manuel Quevedo.
18 June 1968
49 1207
Bill's Will unknown
1 item : Contains 2nd tenor saxophone sheet music for the song "Bill's Will".
49 1208
Blues Suite Arranged by Doug Miller
54 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Blues Suite", arranged by Doug Miller and composed by Lionel Hampton.
49 1209
Bush unknown
12 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Bush".
49 1210
Freedom's Comin' Up; Grand Night Composed by E.N. Scott and D.M. Ward; unknown
9 items : Contains lyrics for the song "Freedom's Comin' Up" by E.N. Scott and D.M. Ward. Also contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Grand Night", arranged for the Lionel Hampton Orchestra.
7 January 1976
49 1211
Hatikva unknown
8 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "Hatikva".
49 1212
Is That You?; Mr. Sunshine (Lady) Composed by Ray Roman; Sid Wayne and Ben Weisman
3 items : Contains bass and piano sheet music for the song "Is That You?", composed by Ray Roman; contains sheet music for the song "Mr. Sunshine (Lady)", composed by Ben Weisman and Sid Wayne (lyrics).
49 1213
Mostly Blues; Walkin' Uptown Composed by Lionel Hampton
2 items : Contains sheet music for the songs "Mostly Blues" and "Walkin' Uptown", composed by Lionel Hampton.
49 1214
Music to Watch Girls By unknown
2 items : Contains score sheet and trumpet sheet music for the song "Music to Watch Girls By".
49 1215
Old Man River Arranged by T. Gambino
7 items : Contains score sheets and sheet music for various instruments for the song "Old Man River", arranged by T. Gambino for the Lionel Hampton Inner Circle.
49 1216
Shake Rattle and Roll Arranged by Ernie Wilkins
3 items : Contains guitar, tenor sax, and trumpet sheet music for the song "Shake Rattle and Roll", arranged by Ernie Wilkins for Lionel Hampton.
49 1217
There Will Never Be Another You Arranged by Oliver Nelson
15 items : Contains sheet music for various instrument parts for the song "There Will Never Be Another You", arranged by Oliver Nelson and arranged by Valerie Carr.
49 1218
Parts of Book (12 Songs) Arranged by Frank Hunter
20 items : Contains sheet music for various instruments in a partial book of twelve songs, arranged by Frank Hunter.

Series 5: Video and Sound RecordingsReturn to Top

Included in this series are videotapes, discs, reel-to-reel tapes, and recording studio schedules.

There are eleven videotapes in this collection. Eight videotapes are identified as Lionel Hampton in Europe, one dated December 1987. The other tapes are identified as Bob Kirby's retirement from Westinghouse with Lionel Hampton participation in 1993, entitled The Man Who Would Be Chairman (see user digital copy box 1 CD 28); Angela De Niro with Ron Aprea live in New York (undated); and Jean-Louis Bompoint musical in 1998.

The fifteen discs in this collection are undated. Discs 1-3 are original recordings by Rudy Van Gelder of The Jackie McLean Quintet, vol. I. Discs 4-6 original recordings identified as GHS 1021 (disc 4); Taste of Hamp/Glad Hamp GHS 10098/S4RS 6600 (disc 5); and Kip Walton (disc 6). Discs 7-15 are test pressings identified as Hamp Stamps (disc 7); (Banjo and tuba) One side: Cabaret -- Eleanor rigby -- Once in my life -- On a clear day -- Throughly modern millie -- Penny candy. Other side: To be continued -- Call me -- MacArthur park -- Robert E. Lee -- Finale (disc 8); Sentimental journey/1025 (discs 9 and 10); Outrageous/1022 (disc 11); and One of a kind/1026 (discs 12 to 15). Access to the discs is restricted for technical reasons; no digital copies available.

The reel-to-reel tapes (masters) 1 to 66 are 10.5 inch reel of 1/4 inch tape; 67 to 117 are 7.5 inch reel of 1/4 inch tape; 118 to 124 are 10.5 inch reel of 1/2 inch tape. Digital copies of these tapes are available for use in repository only.

The reel-to-reel tapes 125-148 are 10.5 inch reel of 2 inch tape. Titles include: Family Atraction (tape 125); Chameleon (tape 126); Speak Low -- America My Home (tape 127, tape 1 of 6); Jazzy Hamp (tape 128, tape 2 of 6); Romantic Story (tape 129, tape 3 of 6); It's You Or No One -- When the Saints (tape 130, tape 4 of 6); Romantic Story -- Latin Rose (tape 131, tape 5 of 6); Starry Night (tape 132, tape 6 of 6); Avalon -- Sentimental Journey (tape 133, tape 1 of 4); Ellington Time (tape 134, tape 2 of 4); Lady Is a Tramp -- Blues (tape 135, tape 3 of 4); Saxophone Blues (tape 136, tape 4 of 4); Tones -- Inner Urges (tape 137, tape 1 of 8); Little Chicago Fire (tape 138, tape 2 of 8); Sweet Tooth -- Two Brothers (tape 139, tape 3 of 8); Invincible (tape 140, tape 4 of 8); Centrifugal Force -- Shining Hour (tape 141, tape 5 of 8); Mack the Knife -- Mud Hole (tape 142, tape 6 of 8); Blues Up and Down -- Speak Low (tape 143, tape 7 of 8); Speak Low (tape 144, tape 8 of 8); Pad Tones -- Feels Good (tape 145, tape 1 of 4); Sometimes I'm Happy (tape 146, tape 2 of 4); If (tape 147, tape 3 of 4); Sleep -- Joshua Tree -- Three Little Words (tape 148, tape 4 of 4). Approximate dates are 1979-1991. Access to these tapes is restricted for technical reasons; no digital copies available.

Below is a list of user digital copies of the tapes 1-124 included in this series. Songs marked with an asterisk are not included in the cd.

Title/Contents User Digital Copy Box/CD Masters (Date)
A taste of Hamp/Batida diferente -- Depuis longtemps -- How insensitive -- I love you porgy -- Jazz at the fair* -- Jazzland -- La nuit de mon amour -- Little girl blue -- Minha esperanca** -- Prelude to a kiss -- The ingenue -- Twilight in the city -- What's new 1/1 (mono master), 2* (mono safety), 3** (stereo master), 4** (stereo safety) 1-5 (undated)
All that twistin' jazz/At the met -- Encore -- Hamp's twist -- Railroad 1 and 2 -- Railroad twist (The fabulous flaming twist) -- Wild Bill 1/5 (mono master), 6 (mono safety), 7 (stereo master) 6-8 (1961)
Ambassador at large/Find a way -- Keep on tryin' -- Matilda -- Smoke gets in your eyes -- Caravan -- Freedom jazz dance -- So good -- Stella by starlight 1/8 (stereo master) 9-10 (undated)
Bossa nova jazz/Bossa nova jazz* -- Bossa nova york -- Estrana* -- Palhacada -- Recado -- Sombolero -- Someday -- St. Thomas -- The same to you -- Una nota sole -- Unidentified Basie track** 1/9** (mono master), 10* (stereo) 13-14 (1962)
Chameleon/Barbara -- Chameleon -- Psychedelic Sally -- Raunchy Rita 1/11 (stereo master) 15 (1979)
Como mack/Blues for gerty -- Glad Hamp -- Meet Ben Bailey -- Flyin' home -- How high the moon -- McGhee -- Vibe boogie -- Chamaleon -- Hamp stamps -- Recado -- Stardust edit -- A taste of honey -- Jazz land -- Sambolero -- Stardust 1/12 (stereo master) 16-19 (1976)
East meets west/Easy Livin' -- Hamre no uta -- Here's happiness -- Indiana -- Just in time -- Please be kind -- Please don't talk about me when I'm gone -- So great -- What a little moonlight can do -- What can you lose 1/13 (mono master), 14 (mono safety), 15 (stereo copy), 16 (stereo safety) 20-23 (1963-1964)
Everybody loves my baby/Blues part 1 and 2 (stereo) -- Danny boy (stereo) -- Darktown strutters ball -- Everybody loves my baby -- Like young (stereo) -- Momma don't love me no more -- Sometimes I'm happy -- St. Louis blues (stereo) -- Wailing -- We can live off love 1/17 (mono master) 24 (undated)
Exciting Hamp in Europe/Flyin' home -- How high the moon -- Mr. Jay -- Mr. John -- But beautiful -- Going out of my head -- Hamp's bugaloo -- 1/18 (mono master) 25 (1961)
Going out of my head/But beautiful -- Going out of my head -- Hamp's bugaloo -- Love story -- Satin doll -- Sorrento -- Sorrento encore -- Sunny -- Taste of honey -- Georgia -- How high the moon -- I got rhythm -- I wish you love -- Introduction -- Misty -- Stardust -- Uptight -- Watch what happens -- You've got a friend 1/19 (mono master), 20 (mono master) 26 (undated)
Hamp stamps/A and T -- A taste of honey* -- By by -- Don't be so mean -- Drum intro** -- Georgia -- Greasy greens -- Hamp stamps -- Ingenue -- Japanese lullaby -- Jazz at the fair -- King cool -- Sunshine superman** -- Tom Collins 1/21* (mono master), 22** (stereo master 2) 27, 30 (undated)
Kip walton/By myself -- For all we know -- I cover the waterfront -- Someone to watch over me -- Spring is here -- When your love has gone -- Kip's blues -- My funny valentine -- One more for the road -- This can't be love -- When the world was young -- Where or when 1/23 (mono master) 33-34 (undated)
Lionel Hampton big band live/Blues for gerty -- Glad Hamp -- Meet Ben Bailey -- Flyin' home -- Sakura -- Vibe boogie 1/24 (stereo master) 35-36 (undated)
Lionel Hampton in Japan/Akirfa -- Midnight sun -- Opening theme -- Sakura -- Vibe boogie -- What'd I say -- Georgia -- Happy monk -- Presentation* -- Shojoji -- Sunny side -- After you're gone 1/25 (mono master), 26* (stereo master), 27 (stereo safety) 37-39 (1963), 40-41 (undated)
Lionel Hampton in Japan (edited)/Akirfa -- Midnight sun -- Opening theme -- Sakura -- Vibe boogie -- What'd I say -- Georgia -- Happy monk -- Presentation of flowers (edit) -- Shojoji -- Sunny side -- After you're gone 2/1 (stereo safety) 42 (undated)
Lionel Hampton on tour/After you've Gone -- America by night -- Answer me my love* -- Come my love** -- How high the moon -- It's all right with me -- Little bitty pretty one -- McGhee -- Summertime -- Take my word -- They say it's wonderful 2/2* (mono master), 3* (stereo master), 4** (stereo safety) 43-45 (1963)
Little Annie/Bossa nova -- Bossa nova edit -- Corrine -- Feelin' kinda lonesome -- Gladys -- Gladys edit -- I'm trying to understand -- I've got my man -- Little Annie -- Somewhere -- Weak, brokenhearted fool -- Why do I cry 2/5 (mono master) 46 (1962)
Made in Japan/Advent -- Evidence -- Minor thesis -- Interpretations 5 -- Jo do -- Sans souci 2/6 (stereo master) 47-48 (1983)
Many sides of Hamp/Exodus -- Hava nagila -- Juice and more juice -- Lonesome nights -- McGhee -- Playboy theme -- Railroad -- Song of the negev -- Wild Bill -- Wine song 2/7 (mono master), 8 (stereo master) 49-50 (1961)
Outrageous/Koko -- Tap step -- Wail for the cat -- Dr. Lambchop -- Hamp and Dex -- Heavy hearted blues 2/9 (stereo master 1), 10 (stereo master 2) 52-55 (undated)
Portrait of a woman/Brand new world -- Easy living -- Here's happiness -- Palhacada -- Please don't talk about me -- When I fall in love -- Bossa Nova York -- Hamre no uta -- It doesn't hurt to say you're sorry -- Just in time -- Please be kind -- The nearness of you 2/11 (stereo master), 12 (stereo safety) 56-57 (undated), 58 (1969)
Recado/Bossa Nova York -- Everybody's somebody's -- Inside out -- Mama don't leave me -- Midnight sun -- Recado -- Song of the cowboy -- Weak and brokenhearted 2/13 (mono master) 59 (undated)
St. Quentin 1972/Blues boogie -- Flyin' home end -- In the mood -- Midnight sun -- Shortnin' bread -- Sunny -- Sunny side of the street -- Sunny side of the street reprise 2/14 (stereo master) 60 (undated)
Sentimental journey/Don't get around much anymore -- It don't mean a thing -- Sentimental journey -- The lady is a tramp -- Undecided -- Almost like being in love -- Avalon -- It's all right with me -- Lullabye of birdland 2/15 (stereo master) 61-62 (undated)
Starry night/787-1222 -- Starry night instrumental -- Starry night vocal 2/16 (stereo master) 63 (undated)
The boogie-woogie/Unavailable 2/17 (stereo master) 64-65 (1982)
Vibramatic/Vibramatic 2/18 (stereo master) 66 (undated)
All aces/Have you heard Miss Jones -- Southern -- Unavailable 2/19 (mono master) 68 (undated)
As long as we are here/Takes 1-13 2/20 (mono safety) 69-71 (undated)
Blues/Blues -- C minor blues -- Commercial -- Dream's on me 2/21 (mono master) 72 (undated)
Brazilian summer/Brazilian summer 2/22 (mono master) 73 (undated)
Caravan/Caravan -- Idaho -- Sophisticated swing -- Stardust -- When you're smiling -- You've got your troubles 2/23 (stereo copy) 74 (undated)
Chameleon/Barbara -- Chameleon -- Psychedelic Sally -- Raunchy Rita -- Song fragment 2/24 (stereo copy) 75 (undated)
Denny/A Penny for a kiss -- Different -- Glory of love -- I'm never gonna tell it -- I'm never gonna tell it vocal -- It wasn't me -- Knock yourself out -- March, march down the aisle -- Pain -- Please bring her daddy back -- Sing a song of sadness -- Stepping stone -- Strike -- Tag along -- Who knows it -- You're gonna hang the wrong man 2/25 (mono master) 76 (undated)
East meets west edited/Easy livin' -- Hamre no uta -- Here's happiness -- Indiana -- Just in time -- Please be kind -- Please don't talk about me when I'm gone -- So great -- What a little moonlight can do -- What can you lose 2/26 (stereo safety) 77 (undated)
France/Broadway -- Flyin' home -- Introduction -- Midnight sun -- Our love is here to stay -- Sunny side of the street -- Vibe boogie 2/27 (mono master) 79 (undated)
Freedom jazz dance/Blue sunday -- Caravan -- Freedom jazz dance -- Matilda -- Smoke gets in your eyes 2/28 (stereo copy) 80 (1977)
Great adventure/Hamre no uta; Please be kind -- Sunshine of my life -- Unavailable 3/1 (stereo master) 81 (undated)
Hamp stamps/Drum intro* -- Hamp stamps -- King cool -- Don't be so mean -- Ingenue -- Tom Collins -- Japanese lullaby -- Greasy greens -- Jazz at the fair -- Georgia -- By by -- Sunshine superman -- A and T 3/2 (stereo master), 3* (stereo copy) 82-84 (undated)
Hampton on tour/Two finger piano -- After you've gone -- Blues for gerty ensemble -- Bossa nova jazz -- It's all right with me -- They say it's wonderful 3/4 (stereo copy) 85 (undated)
I'm alone/Georgiana -- Great escape -- I can't stop lovin' you -- I'd love to spend my life with you -- I'm alone -- In the mood -- Lose him -- My prayer -- One summer love -- The stolen hours -- There's nothing out there -- This lover's prayer -- Waitin' -- What's so good about the good 3/5 (mono master) 86 (undated)
Jazz part blues suite/Unavailable 3/6 (stereo copy) 87 (undated)
Jazz showcase/Blackout/Unavailable -- After you've gone -- I can't give you anything but love -- Stompin' at the Savoy 3/7 (stereo copy) 88-89 (undated)
Johnny Walker/Unavailable 3/8 (stereo copy) 90 (undated)
Juice and more juice/Juice and more juice -- Railroad -- Wild Bill 3/9 (stereo copy) 91 (undated)
King David suite/Air mail special -- Cherokee -- Flyin' home -- In the mood -- Misty 3/10 (stereo copy) 92 (undated)
Lionel Hampton broadcast and interview/I wish you love/interview part 2 -- Introduction -- Misty -- Ring dem bells/interview part 1 -- Satin doll -- St. Louis blues -- Wave/interview part 3 3/11 (stereo master) 93 (1975)
Many sides of Hamp/Exodus -- Hava nagila -- Juice and more juice -- Lonesome nights -- McGhee -- Playboy theme -- Railroad -- Song of the negev -- Wild Bill -- Wine song 3/12 (stereo copy) 94 (undated)
Mastertone quintet/Minor blues -- Tenderly -- Tenderly (take two) -- Unavailable 3/13 (stereo master) 95 (undated)
Miscellaneous/Air mail special (Japan 1961) -- Apple Core (edited) -- Japanese announcement -- Somewhere -- Who am I to say 3/14 (stereo master) 96 (undated)
NPR/Ain't misbehavin' -- Air mail special -- Hamp's boogie -- Interview -- St. Louis blues -- Sunny side of the street -- C jam -- Closing -- Flyin' Home -- Hamp's boogie -- I can't get started with you -- In the mood -- Interview -- Love for sale -- Promo -- The nearness of you 3/15 (stereo copy), 16 (stereo copy) 97-98 (undated)
Orange 76/Hey ba-ba-re-bop -- I got rhythm -- In the mood -- Misty -- Blues (with Buddy Rich) -- Buddy Rich speaks -- I can't give you anything but love -- Misty (fragment) -- Sweet Georgia Brown -- Swing face (with Buddy Rich) 3/17 (stereo copy) 99-100 (undated)
Original Japan tapes/Midnight sun -- Piano blues -- Sunny side -- After you're gone -- Unavailable -- Drums -- Fast blues -- Hava nagila -- Sakura -- San Francisco -- What'd I say -- Broadway -- Flyin' Home -- Georgia -- Happy monk -- Roll 'em Pete -- Shojoji -- Drum boogie -- Presentation -- Recado -- When the saints go marching in 3/18 (mono master), 19 (mono master) 101-104 (undated)
Quadro and generation/Find a way -- Keep on tryin' -- Matilda -- Smoke gets in your eyes -- Caravan -- Freedom jazz dance -- So good -- Stella by starlight 3/20 (stereo copy) 105-106 (undated)
Rehearsal/Unavailable 3/21 (stereo master) 107 (undated)
School daze/Blue sunday -- Idaho -- Jo do -- School daze -- Sea breeze 3/22 (stereo copy) 109 (undated)
September 68/A taste of honey -- A taste of honey 2 -- A taste of honey solo -- A taste of honey solo 2 -- Ain't misbehavin' -- Unavailable 3/23 (mono safety) 110 (undated)
Southern/As long as we're here -- C minor blues -- Estranha -- Fantastique -- Midnight blues -- Running home -- Stardust -- Tenderly -- A and T -- By by -- Don't be so mean -- Georgia; Greasy greens -- Hamp stamps -- Ingenue -- Japanese lullaby -- Jazz at the fair -- King cool -- Sunshine superman -- Tom Collins 3/24 (mono safety), 25 (mono safety) 111 (undated)
Sylvia/Sentimental journey -- Unavailable 3/26 (stereo master) 113 (1984)
TV como mack/Blues for gerty -- Glad Hamp -- Meet Ben Bailey -- Flyin' Home -- How high the moon -- McGhee -- Vibe boogie -- Chameleon -- Hamp Stamps -- Recado -- Wave 3/27 (stereo copy) 114-116 (1976)
4 Tunes/Unavailable 3/28 (stereo copy) 117 (undated)

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Videotapes
Hamp In Europe (white video case)
1 item : 30 minute videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe.
11 December 1987
Hamp in Europe (orange video case)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe, runtime unknown.
Hamp in Europe (black video case)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe, runtime unknown.
Hamp in Europe (black video case)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe, runtime unknown.
Hamp in Europe (Maxell video case)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe, runtime unknown.
Hampton In Europe (PDMagnetics case)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton in Europe, runtime unknown.
Angela De Niro with Ron Aprea Live In New York Cite (Master II)
1 item : Videotape containing footage of recording artist Angela DeNiro and Ron Aprea live in New York City, runtime unknown.
One Night Stand
1 item : Videotaped labeled "One Night Stand", contents and runtime unknown.
Lionel Hampton Live In Europe (Part I of II)
1 item : NTSC/Dolby videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton live in Europe, runtime unknown.
Lionel Hampton Live In Europe (Part II of II)
1 item : NTSC/Dolby videotape containing footage of Lionel Hampton live in Europe, runtime unknown.
Westinghouse - The Man Who Would Be Chairman
2 items : Contains Bob Kirby's retirement videotape (runtime 29:12) and a letter from Carole C. Kimball of Westinghouse Electric Corporation to Lionel Hampton.
31 October 1983
Subseries 2: Recording Studio Schedules
Box Folder
51 1219
Recording Studio Schedules 1
26 items : Contains photocopies of recording studio forms and recording studio schedules for Lionel Hampton and the Lionel Hampton Orchestra at Sound at Sound Recording Inc., First Choice Recording Studio, Beethoven Studios, and Sound Idea Studios.
21 April 1979-6 February 1991
51 1220
Recording Studio Schedules 2
56 items : Contains written lyrics for an unknown song, recording notes, photocopies of recording studio forms, and photocopies of recording studio schedules for Lionel Hampton and the Lionel Hampton Orchestra at RCA Recording Studios, Sound on Sound Recording Inc., Power Station, Bell Sound Studios, First Choice Recording Studio, and Beethoven Studios.
13 February 1983-6 February 1991
51 1221
Recording Studio Schedules 3
62 items : Contains recording notes, photocopies of recording studio forms, and photocopies of recording studio schedules for Lionel Hampton and the Lionel Hampton Orchestra at Sound Ideas Studios, Power Station, Beethoven Studios, First Choice Recording Studio, and Sound on Sound Recording Inc.
26 April 1979-15 June 1988
Subseries 3: Discs and Reel-to-reel Tapes
Reel to Reel Tapes 1-124
124 items
Reel to Reel Tapes 125-148 (Access restricted)
23 items
Discs (Access restricted)
15 items

Series 6: Clothing and AccessoriesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Accessories
Box object
52 Unknown
Apple Cufflinks (square black box)
1 item : Black square box containing two golden cufflinks shaped like apples, each inset with a small white gemstone.
52 Unknown
Dime Cufflinks (rectangular black box)
1 item : Black rectangular box containing two silver cufflinks shaped like dimes and one silver pin shaped like a dime.
52 Unknown
LH Cufflinks (Tiffany & Co. box)
1 item : Tiffany & Co. box containing two round metallic cufflinks with red circles around the edges and the letters "LH" in the centers.
52 Unknown
Scalloped Cufflinks (rectangular blue box)
1 item : Blue rectangular box containing two round, scalloped, metallic cufflinks.
52 Unknown
Rectangular Blue and Black Cufflinks (dark gray box)
1 item : Dark gray box containing two rectangular cufflinks. Cufflinks are black with one thick blue stripe and one thin blue stripe through the centers.
52 Unknown
Onyx Cufflinks (brown box)
1 item : Brown box containing six onyx cufflinks/pins.
52 Unknown
Collar Bars (beige box)
1 item : Small beige box containing four golden collar bars.
Subseries 2: Clothing
Pants, sports coat, waistcoat, and sweater
Shoes and hats

Series 7: Musical InstrumentsReturn to Top

The musical instruments in this collection include a kalimba, a gift to Lionel Hampton from Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee in 1978; two balafons of different sizes and two gum-rubber mallets, created by craftsman of West Africa, probably a gift to him when he visited Nigeria in 1961; and an ivory drum. Also, a Kurzweil digital piano, a gift to Lionel Hampton from Kurzweil Corporation in 1997 after a fire destroyed his apartment, a Musser vibraphone (M75 Century Vibe), and three yarn mallets.

Container(s) Description Dates
Yarn Mallets
3 items : Contains three mallets with wooden sticks and yarn tops. Strong odor.
Ivory Drum
1 item : Cylindrical drum the size of a small tree stump, ivory base and rawhide batterhead.
1 item : Kalimba shaped like a large wooden box with metal keys (green) and a silver handle on one side. On the top, a message has been carved, reading: "To Hamp! With all our love!! Ossie, Ruby, and the rest of New York August 10, 1978".
10 August 1978
Large Balafon
1 item : Large balafon made of dark wood and string.
Small Balafon with Mallets
3 items : Small balafon made of dark wood and string and two dark wooden mallets.
1 item : Black Kurzweil electric keyboard.
1 item : Black and gold Musser vibraphone.

Series 8: MemorabiliaReturn to Top

Memorabilia includes hotel keys; carnival necklaces and medals (some scratched with the words: In the name of Jesus); a Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival name tag; a Lilly Dache mirror frame; a 1984 Election Night pin; empty photo frames; a bottle opener; a basketball signed by University of Idaho Vandal team: Ricardo Boyde, Calvin Ward, Deon Watson, Leonard Perry, Lance Irvin, Mike Gustavel, Clifford Martin, Sammie Freeman, and Otis Mixon; a duffel bag; six empty binders from the business records; empty photo albums from Israel; a Good Will Ambassador wood plaque used as a cake decoration; a Hey Ba Rebop license plate; a small Limoges bowl by Jean Picart de Doux for Air France; drawings from students of PS 79Q School in December 1991; a guest book of the Lionel Hampton celebration in April 2002; a framed print from the Zulu Design Group; a batik painting by Lott; an open edition of the print It Was This Big by Annie Lee; an American flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol on October 24, 1987, at the request of Senator Pete Wilson; a ceremonial shovel used in groundbreaking ceremonies; and some miscellaneous.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
54 1222
Bottle Opener
1 item : Contains large, metallic bottle opener shaper like an ornate key.
54 1223
Connoisseur Frame
1 item : Contains small, decorative Connoisseur photo frame.
54 1224
Chromium Frame
1 item : Contains small, green chromium picture frame.
54 1225
Promart Frame
1 item : Contains small, wooden Promart picture frame.
54 1226
Burnes Frame
1 item : Contains small silver frame with delicate engravings of flowers around the edges.
54 1227
Hotel New Japan Key
1 item : A key for Hotel New Japan. Key is attached to a thin, translucent rectangular keychain engraved with "952" and "Hotel New Japan".
54 1228
Hotel Elite Key
1 item : A key attached to a plastic green keychain reading "53 Hotel Elite Cassarate".
54 1229
Mardi Gras Necklaces
3 items : Three plastic Mardi Gras necklaces; one necklace is black with a face medallion, one is purple with a Bacchus medallion, and one is multicolored with a charm shaped like a crown.
54 1230
Amsterdam Hilton Key
1 item : A key attached to a white keychain for room 703 at the Amsterdam Hilton.
54 1231
Kastens Hotel Key
1 item : An ornate key attached to a bulky silver and brown keychain for Kastens Hotel.
54 1232
Wooden V Key
1 item : A key attached to a small wooden keychain with a metal "V" on one side and a metal "22" on the other side.
54 1233
Miscellaneous Trinkets
5 items : Five miscellaneous small trinkets: three plastic Mardi Gras coins, one election night pin shaped like an elephant, and a silver cross with an image of Jesus reading "Apostleship of Prayer; League of the Sacre Heart".
54 1234
Lilly Daché Paperweight
1 item : A heavy metal hand holding a magnifying glass (broken, missing the glass), inscribed with the name of milliner and fashion merchandiser, Lilly Daché.
54 1235
Paradise Island Key
1 item : A key attached to a teal plastic keychain for Paradise Island Hotel and Villas in Nassau, Bahamas. A return address for the key is included on the back of the keychain.
54 1236
Hotel Siam Inter-Continental Key
1 item : A key attached to a red plastic keychain for Hotel Siam Inter-Continental in Bangkok, Thailand.
54 1237
Palace Hotel Key
1 item : A key attached to a heavy metal keychain for room 820 at the Palace Hotel in Stockholm.
54 1238
Frankfurt Intercontinental Key
1 item : A key attached to a green and white plastic keychain for room 1432 at the Frankfurt Intercontinental hotel in Frankfurt, Germany.
54 1239
Singapura Intercontinental Key
1 item : A key attached to a green plastic keychain for room 501 at the Singapura Intercontinental hotel in Singapore.
54 1240
Bahia Palace Key
1 item : A key attached to a large, round translucent plastic keychain for room 505 at the Bahia Palace in Mallorca.
54 1241
Name Tag
1 item : Lionel Hampton's nametag for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. Nametag is a pin with a red ribbon attached to it.
54 1242
Key with Green Keychain
1 item : A key attached to a heavy green keychain for room 12 at an unknown hotel.
54 1243
Georgian Towers Key
1 item : A key attached to a wooden keychain for room 1704 at Georgian Towers Motor Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia.
54 1244
HT Key
1 item : A key attached to an oval-shaped wooden keychain. One side of the keychain has an "HT", the other side has the number "103".
54 1245
Frankfurt Intercontinental Key
1 item : A key attached to a green and white plastic keychain for the Frankfurt Intercontinental hotel in Frankfurt, Germany.
54 1246
Stadshotellet Örnsköldsvik Key
1 item : A key attached to a black and silver metal keychain for room 218 at Stadshotellet Örnsköldsvik in Sweden.
54 1247
Jolly Hotel Key
1 item : A key attached to a metal keychain for room 603 at the Jolly Hotel in Milan.
54 1248
Albergo Dei Cavalieri Key
1 item : A key attached to a metal keychain for room 405 at Albergo Dei Cavalieri in Milan.
54 1249
Hotel Elite Key (55)
1 item : A key attached to a plastic green keychain for room 55 at Hotel Elite in Cassarate, Switzerland.
54 1250
Hotel Metropole Key
1 item : A key attached to a green and silver metal keychain for room 403 at Hotel Metropole in Brussels, Belgium.
54 1251
Grand Hotel Key
1 item : A key for room 646 at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden. The key is attached to a red and white ribbon.
54 1252
Excelsior S. Marco Key
1 item : A key attached to a round, plastic keychain for room 403 at the Excelsior S. Marco in Italy.
54 1253
Grand Hotel De Londres Key
1 item : A key attached to a metal keychain for room 136 at the Grand Hotel De Londres in Anvers (Antwertpen), Belgium.
54 1254
Radisson Empire Keycard 1
1 item : A plastic keycard for the Raddison Empire Hotel in New York.
54 1255
Radisson Empire Keycard 2
1 item : A plastic keycard for the Raddison Empire Hotel in New York.
55 1256
1 item : A Molten basketball, silver in color, signed by University of Idaho Vandal team: Ricardo Boyde, Calvin Ward, Deon Watson, Leonard Perry, Lance Irvin, Mike Gustavel, Clifford Martin, Sammie Freeman, and Otis Mixon
55 1257
Duffel Bag
1 item : A fabric duffel bag, gray/green in color.
56 1258
Glad-Hamp Records Binder
1 item : An empty brown binder in a case, spine reading "Glad-Hamp Records Inc."
56 1259
Lionel Hampton Enterprises Binder
1 item : An empty black binder in a case, spine reading "Lionel Hampton Enterprises Inc." and cover reading "Corporate Records".
56 1260
Lionel Hampton Realty Binder
1 item : An empty black binder with no case, spine reading "Lionel Hampton Realty Corp." and cover reading "Corporate Records".
56 1261
Lionel Hampton Enterprises Binder
1 item : An empty brown binder in a black case, spine reading "Lionel Hampton Enterprises Inc." and cover reading "Corporate Records".
56 1262
Lionel Hampton Orchestra Binder
1 item : An empty brown binder in a black case, spine reading "Lionel Hampton Orchestra Inc." and cover reading "Corporate Records".
56 1263
Lionel Hampton Big Band Binder
1 item : An empty brown binder in a case, spine reading "Lionel Hampton Big Band Inc." and cover reading "Corporate Records".
57 1264
Israel Photo Album 1 (brown)
1 item : An empty brown photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with writing and brick buildings.
57 1265
Israel Photo Album 2 (brown)
1 item : An empty brown photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with writing, flags, and other images.
57 1266
Israel Photo Album 3 (red)
1 item : An empty red photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with a palm tree, buildings, and the word "Jerusalem".
57 1267
Israel Photo Album 4 (blue)
1 item : An empty blue photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with writing, flags, and other images.
57 1268
Israel Photo Album 5 (brown)
1 item : An empty brown photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with writing and a farmer working in a field.
57 1269
Israel Photo Album 6 (brown)
1 item : An empty brown photo album from Israel. The cover contains a metal insert embossed with a mountain, the word "Israel", and other writing. On the inside, there is a note written from the "Fire Gang" to Lionel Hampton. Some pages includes written captions for photographs, though the photographs are no longer present.
57 1270
Israel Photo Album 7 (light blue)
1 item : An empty light blue photo album from Israel. One cover has a sticker reading "Photo 'Zion", The most up to date studio in Jerusalem".
58 1271
Cake Decor
1 item : Contains wooden plate, painted with an image of Lionel Hampton in the center and the words "Lionel / Hampton / Vibes / President / Ambassador / Good Will" around the rim.
58 1272
License Plate
1 item : Contains license plate embossed with the image of Lionel Hampton performing and the words "Hey Ba Rebop".
58 1273
Name Meaning Sheet
1 item : Contains sheet with the meaning and origins of the name "Lionel".
58 1274
Ceramic Bowl
1 item : Contains small white ceramic bowl with blue and gold decorations.
58 1275
Friendship Decor
1 item : Contains circular décor with image of birds, mountains, and a message about friendship. On the back, the item is signed "Love Always, Lacey".
58 1276
Piano Decor
1 item : Contains wooden décor with images of pianos and the phrase "Life is like a Piano". The bottom of the item is signed "Love, Lacey".
58 1277
Children's Drawings and Letters
36 items : Contains various drawings and letters thanking Lionel Hampton for a visit and performance he had at PS 79Q School in 1991.
4 December 1991
58 1278
Guest Book
1 item : Contains guest book from a Lionel Hampton Celebration in 2002.
17 April 2002
58 1279
Photos and Postcards
5 items : Contains various postcards and photographs.
59 1280
Annie Lee Framed Print
1 item : Contains framed copy of the print "It Was This Big" by Annie Lee.
59 1281
Group Photo
1 item : Contains a group photo on a large piece of plastic with written articles/information on the back.
59 1282
1 item : Contains batik artwork by Lott on a large piece of cloth. Artwork pictures a group of people in boats and in the water.
59 1283
Zulu Framed Print
1 item : Framed print of an elegant dining room by Zulu Design Group.
117 1523
2 items : Flag and certificate stating flag was flown over the U.S. Capitol Building upon the request of Senator Pete Wilson from California.
24 October 1987
1 item : Shovel used in ground breaking ceremonies. Located Off-site.

Series 9: AwardsReturn to Top

Plaques and awards in this series include the 1996 National Medal of Arts presented by U.S. President Bill Clinton; the Grammy Hall of Fame presented to Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences-NARAS, for Flying Home in 1996; awards from different branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-NAACP in the 1980s; the National Association of Jazz Educators-NAJE Hall of Fame in 1988; a plaque from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of the placement of his star in the Walk of Fame in 1982; the Handel Medallion and the Bronze Medallion presented by New York Mayors John V. Lindsay in 1966 and Edward I. Koch in 1978, respectively; the medal of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters (Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres), awarded by France's Minister of Culture and Communication François Leotard, in 1988; awards and honorary degrees from several universities, among others.

Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Plaques, Certificates, Proclamations
Box Folder
60-109 1284
People of SanRemo Plaque
1 item : Contains award from the People of SanRemo to Lionel Hampton.
31 January 1968
60-109 1285
National Council for Culture and Art Award
2 items : Contains plaque with artwork of a monarch, presented by the National Council for Culture and Art to Lionel Hampton and holder for the plaque.
9 February 1981
60-109 1286
The Musicians Union of Singapore Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque given to Lionel Hampton from The Musicians Union of Singapore.
27 December 1966
60-109 1287
Jefferson County Democratic Party Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque for the Jefferson County Democratic Party in Birmingham.
15 February 1982
60-109 1288
Locality Mayors Committee Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque dedicated to Lionel Hampton from the Locality Mayors Committee of Suffolk County.
20 October 1967
60-109 1289
Pascack Valley H.S. Music Dept. Plaque
1 item : Contains appreciative plaque from the Pascack Valley H.S. Music Department.
24 March 1980
60-109 1290
Jazz Critics Poll Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque dedicated to Lionel Hampton from the Jazz Critics Poll.
60-109 1291
The New York Club Merit Award
1 item : Contains merit award awarded to Lionel Hampton by The New York Club.
16 May 1982
60-109 1292
United Airlines Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque given to Gladys Hampton for becoming a member of the United Air Lines 100,000 Mile Club.
60-109 1293
Down Beat Award
1 item : Contains Down Beat Award, awarded to Lionel Hampton for winning "Favorite Band, Third Place".
60-109 1294
Mama Lu Parks Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton at the Mama Lu Parks International Ball.
60-109 1295
The Deborah Hospital Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel and Gladys Hampton by The Deborah Hospital.
60-109 1296
The Long Island Guardians Plaque
1 item : Contains honorary membership plaque presented to Lionel Hampton from The Long Island Guardians.
60-109 1297
Alpha Phi Alpha Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Gamma Iota Chapter.
9 April 1980
60-109 1298
Americanism Award
1 item : Contains Americanism Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by The Pittsburgh Courier.
61 1299
Alabama Republican Council Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Alabama Republican Council.
15 February 1982
61 1300
Xi Delta Lamba Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Xi Delta Lambda Chapter.
12 September 1986
61 1301
Lionel Hampton/Chevron Festival Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton at the Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz Festival.
February 1991
61 1302
Louisiana Heart Association Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Louisiana Heart Association in appreciation for participation in the Heart Fund Jazz Concert.
7 June 1970
61 1303
The Gene Krupa Memorial Award
1 item : Contains The Gene Krupa Memorial Award, as presented to Lionel Hampton.
14 January 1974
61 1304
The Housing Authority of Louisville Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Housing Authority of Louisville.
19 September 1982
61 1305
The Living Legends Award
1 item : Contains The Living Legends Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by the Mariners' Temple Baptist Church in association with the friends of Mariners.
27 March 1988
61 1306
National Association of Black Women Attorneys Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Association of Black Women Attorneys.
February 1988
61 1307
Percussive Arts Society Award
1 item : Contains award presented to Lionel Hampton by the Percussive Arts Society, presenting him with inclusion in the PAS Hall of Fame.
61 1308
The Henri M. Deas Award
1 item : Contains The Henry M. Deas Award for Community Service, as presented to Lionel Hampton.
29 October 1981
61 1309
The University of New Haven Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Dr. Phillip Kaplan of the University of New Haven.
19 November 1981
61 1310
Clarence Concert Wind Ensemble Distinguished Artist Award
1 item : Contains Clarence Concert Wind Ensemble Distinguished Artist Award for Outstanding Performance, as presented to Lionel Hampton.
61 1311
Junior Police and Citizens Corps Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Junior Police and Citizens Corps of Washington D.C.
January 1950
62 1312
Humanitarian Award
1 item : Contains humanitarian award plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Davey Moore Culture and Arts in Springfield, Ohio.
62 1313
National Association of Black Women Attorneys Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Association of Black Women Attorneys Scholarship Fund Committee.
5 February 1983
62 1314
Summer Arts Festival Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton in commemoration of his performance at the Omaha Summer Arts Festival.
23 June 1982
62 1315
Jubilee Award
1 item : Contains Jubilee Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by the Atlanta NAACP.
5 October 1981
62 1316
Outstanding Service Award
1 item : Contains Arts and Culture Group Outstanding Service Award, awarded to Lionel Hampton.
6 September 1983
62 1317
Nexus Management Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Nexus Management Group, recognizing his contributions to the New Orleans Symphony.
9 March 1985
62 1318
Left Bank Jazz Society Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The Left Bank Jazz Society in Shreveport, LA.
February 1986
62 1319
The United States Mission to the UN Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The United States Mission to the UN, formally appointing Lionel Hampton as the Ambassador of Music to the United Nations.
9 December 1981
62 1320
Community Musicale Appreciation Award
1 item : Contains appreciation award presented to Lionel Hampton by Community Musicale, USA.
21 June 1963
62 1321
McDonald's Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the McDonald's Owner/Operators Association in recognition of his support for the McDonald's High School Jazz Ensemble.
June 1983
62 1322
Art Awareness Lifetime Achievement Award
1 item : Contains lifetime achievement award presented to Lionel Hampton by Art Awareness in Lexington, New York.
19 July 1987
62 1323
The Frederick Douglass Coalition Distinguished Service Award
1 item : Contains distinguished service award, presented to Lionel Hampton by The Frederick Douglass Coalition, Inc.
25 February 1984
62 1324
USC Plaque
1 item : Contains USC outstanding alumnus award, attributed to Lionel Hampton.
63 1325
Sidewalks of New York Award
1 item : Contains carved, wooden Sidewalks of New York Award, attributed to Lionel Hampton.
63 1326
2 items : Contains two plastic leaves, which have broken off from Object 1327.
63 1327
Special NCBM Tribute Award
1 item : A special NCBM Tribute Award presented to Lionel Hampton at the National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc. in Washington, D.C. Some of the décor has broken off the bottom of the award and is included in folder 1326.
20 October 1982
64 1328
Green Valley C.C. Plaque
1 item : Contains metal component of a plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Green Valley C.C. in Lafayette Hills, Pennsylvania. Component has broken off from the plaque frame it originally belonged to.
12 August 1978
64 1329
Green Valley C.C. Plaque Frame
1 item : Contains wood and metal frame for a plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Green Valley C.C. in Lafayette Hills, Pennsylvania.
12 August 1978
64 1330
The Mother African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Humanitarian Award
1 item : A humanitarian award presented to Lionel Hampton by The Mother African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
27 March 1983
65 1331
Search For Truth Inc. Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Search For Truth Inc.
65 1332
Orchestra Hall Distinguished Service Award
1 item : An Orchestra Hall Distinguished Service Award, presented to Lionel Hampton at the 42nd Street Ball in Detroit, Michigan.
14 March 1989
66 1333
Salem United Methodist Church Distinguished Achievement Award
1 item : Contains The Distinguished Achievement Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by the Salem United Methodist Church.
19 April 1981
66 1334
City of Los Angeles Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Tom Bradley, Mayor of Los Angeles.
25 April 1986
67 1335
Annual Showmanship Award
1 item : An Annual Showmanship Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by Warner Poster Corp.
67 1336
The Boston Jazz Society Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The Boston Jazz Society, Inc.
68 1337
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People.
8 June 1989
68 1338
Ebony Music Award
2 items : Contains Ebony Music Award in Jazz Miscellaneous Instrument - Vibes, presented to Lionel Hampton. Engraved label has broken off from the rest of the plaque.
68 1339
Gene Krupa Memoriam Plaque
1 item : Contains plaque in memoriam of Gene Krupa, presented by The United Cerebral Palsy Association of Westchester County Inc.
14 January 1974
69 1340
National Association of Black Women Attorneys Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Association of Black Women Attorneys Scholarship Fund Committee.
8 February 1985
70 1341
Freedom National Bank Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Freedom National Bank.
31 January 1980
70 1342
Louisville NAACP Plaque
1 item : A plaque by The Louisville Branch of NAACP, paying tribute to Lionel Hampton.
19 September 1982
71 1343
Musician of the Century Award
1 item : Contains Musician of the Century Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by Dr. W. Clyde Williams, president of Miles College.
15 February 1982
71 1344
Graystone International Jazz Hall of Fame Plaque
1 item : Contains Graystone International Jazz Hall of Fame Plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Graystone International Jazz Museum Inc.
71 1345
Ambassador of Jazz Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the city of Ashbury Park. Part of the top of the plaque is missing.
23 October 1985
72 1346
Congregation Ezrath Israel Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Congregation Ezrath Israel The Actor's Temple.
4 July 1960
72 1347
American Cancer Society Plaque
1 item : A certificate of appreciation plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the American Cancer Society.
72 1348
National Jazz Service Organization Plaque
1 item : A certificate of associate membership plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Jazz Service Association.
73 1349
Lionel Hampton Day Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented by the City of Louisville Office of the Mayor proclaiming January 30, 1999 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
30 January 1999
73 1350
Langston University Distinguished Honorary Alumnus Plaque
1 item : A Distinguished Honorary Alumnus plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma. Plaque has sustained slight yellowing.
7 November 1964
74 1351
University of Idaho Lionel Hampton-Chevron Jazz Festival Award
2 items : Contains rectangular piece of fabric with a printed image of Lionel Hampton performing and a slip of paper presenting the award to Lionel Hampton for his contribution to the University of Idaho Lionel Hampton-Chevron Jazz Festival.
74 1352
Francis Hopkinson Memorial Medallion
1 item : Contains Francis Hopkinson Memorial Medallion presented to Lionel Hampton by the Citizens of the Township of Dover.
10 July 1969
74 1353
Gary Common Council Official Welcoming Citation
1 item : Contains official citation by the Gary Common Council welcoming Lionel Hampton to Gary, Indiana.
26 July 1985
74 1354
City of Gary Proclamation
1 item : Contains City of Gary Proclamation by Mayor Richard Gordon Hatcher proclaiming Saturday, July 27, 1985 as "Lionel Hampton Day" in the city of Gary, Indiana.
27 July 1985
74 1355
City of Birmingham Resolution
1 item : Contains a resolution presented to Lionel Hampton by the city of Birmingham, Alabama.
74 1356
Office of the Wayne County Executive Proclamation
1 item : Contains Office of the Wayne County Executive Proclamation honoring Lionel Hampton.
22 January 1988
74 1357
Town of Babylon Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation presented to Lionel Hampton by the town of Babylon, New York.
15 April 1988
74 1358
Certificate of Appreciation
1 item : Contains certificate of appreciation presented to Lionel Hampton by Albert Lee Smith Jr., member of congress.
74 1359
City of Jackson Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation by the city of Jackson proclaiming Saturday, March 5th, 1988 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
1 March 1988
74 1360
San Francisco Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation by the San Francisco Office of the Mayor proclaiming April 25, 1986 as "Lionel Hampton Day in San Francisco".
10 April 1986
74 1361
Inaugural Committee Invitation
1 item : Contains invitation by the Inaugural Committee requesting the presence of Lionel Hampton to attend and participate in the inaugural entertainment at the inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower as president of the United States.
5 January 1953
74 1362
State of Michigan Executive Declaration
1 item : Contains State of Michigan Executive Declaration honoring Lionel Hampton.
12 March 1993
74 1363
Citation of Excellence
1 item : Contains citation of excellence presented to Lionel Hampton by the Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan of New York.
18 June 1976
74 1364
Borough of Manhattan Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation by the Office of the President by the Borough of Manhattan proclaiming July 1, 1878 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
1 July 1978
74 1365
City Council of Baltimore Resolution
1 item : Contains resolution by the City Council of Baltimore recognizing and congratulating Lionel Hampton.
15 February 1998
74 1366
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Citation
1 item : Contains citation by Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University awarding Lionel Hampton with a Doctor of Fine Arts Degree Honoris Causa.
27 July 1990
74 1367
City of San Francisco Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation by the city and county of San Francisco proclaiming August 5, 1998 as "Lionel Hampton Day in San Francisco".
5 August 1998
74 1368
City of Mount Vernon Proclamation
1 item : Contains proclamation by the city of Mount Vernon Office of the Mayor.
20 May 2004
74 1369
Clark Atlanta University Citation
1 item : Contains Clark Atlanta University Citation presenting Lionel Hampton with the degree of Doctor of Humanities, L.H.D., Honoris Causa.
20 May 1991
74 1370
City of East Orange Resolution
1 item : Contains resolution by the City of East Orange, New Jersey applauding the renaming of the Washington Academy of Music's auditorium to Lionel Hampton Concert Hall.
17 June 1998
74 1371
Assorted Certificates and Awards 1
6 items : Contains assorted certificates, awards, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton.
26 January 1955-10 February 1989
74 1372
Assorted Certificates and Awards 2
3 items : Contains assorted certificates, resolutions, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton. The paper frames on some items have come off as a result of old glue.
30 September 1946-27 October 1985
74 1373
Assorted Certificates and Awards 3
4 items : Contains assorted certificates, resolutions, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton.
25 April 1986-4 March 1993
74 1374
Assorted Certificates and Awards 4
5 items : Contains assorted certificates and citations honoring Lionel Hampton as well as a sheet of correspondence from the Ministere De La Culture Et De La Communication written in French.
9 March 1981-27 May 1995
74 1375
Assorted Certificates and Awards 5
4 items : Contains assorted certificates, resolutions, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton.
74 1376
Assorted Certificates and Awards 6
3 items : Contains certificate from the city of Huntsville honoring Lionel Hampton as an honorary citizen of Huntsville, a blank cover page, and a plastic sleeve containing letters that have fallen off the certificate.
74 1377
Assorted Certificates and Awards 7
1 item : Contains certificate honoring Lionel Hampton as a member of honor of "Nathsnya Volunteer Fire Brigade".
12 June 1956
74 1378
Assorted Certificates and Awards 8
2 items : Contains assorted certificates and citations honoring Lionel Hampton.
74 1379
Assorted Certificates and Awards 9
1 item : Contains fabric hanging for the U.S.A. Jazz Sessions Club in Antwerp, Belgium to honor Lionel Hampton.
24 May 1976
74 1380
Volunteer Fire Brigade Tube
1 item : Tube labeled for the Volunteer Fire Brigade Nathanya.
74 1381
Roma Tube
1 item : Tube from Rome addressed to Lionel and Gladys Hampton.
75 1382
Honorary Citizen Certificate
1 item : A framed certificate recognizing Lionel Hampton as an honorary citizen of Little Rock, Arkansas.
28 July 1975
75 1383
Jewish National Fund Certificate
1 item : A framed certificate from the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund presented to Gladys and Lionel Hampton.
21 February 1955
75 1384
Leukemia Society Certificate of Merit
1 item : A certificate of merit awarded to Lionel Hampton by The Leukemia Society, Inc.
75 1385
The R.N.G and M.S.M. Award
1 item : The R.N.G. and M.S.M. Award presented to Lionel Hampton by the Harlem Hospital Center School of Nursing.
18 February 1968
76 1386
The Alabama Reunion Certificate
1 item : A certificate for The Alabama Reunion, certifying the Lionel Hampton Concert as an Official Alabama Reunion Event.
28 April 1986
76 1387
The Fund for America's Future Certificate of Membership
1 item : A certificate of membership presented to Lionel Hampton by The Fund for America's Future.
15 May 1986
76 1388
City of Birmingham Proclamation
1 item : A proclamation by the city of Birmingham, Alabama proclaiming February 15, 1982 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
1 February 1982
76 1389
City of Boston Declaration
1 item : A declaration by the city of Boston proclaiming Wednesday, March 15th, 1978 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
15 March 1978
78 1401
The Los Angeles Chapter of Hadassah Plaque
1 item : A plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Los Angeles Chapter of Hadassah.
12 July 1960
78 1402
Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults Award
1 item : An award plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by the Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults.
19 October 1990
78 1403
Hadassah Vocational Education Scholarship Plaque
1 item : A Hadassah Vocational Education Scholarship plaque in honor of Lionel Hampton.
78 1404
Long Beach City College Foundation Plaque
1 item : A Long Beach City College Foundation Board of Trustees plaque recognizing Lionel Hampton as a member of Delta Phi Kappa.
79 1405
BMI Citation of Achievement (Flyin' Home)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Flyin' Home".
79 1406
BMI Citation of Achievement (Flyin' Home)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Flyin' Home".
79 1407
BMI Citation of Achievement (Blues Chantez)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Blues Chantez".
80 1408
BMI Citation of Achievement (Beulah's Boogie)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Beulah's Boogie".
80 1409
BMI Citation of Achievement (Biding My Time)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Biding My Time".
80 1410
BMI Citation of Achievement (Evil Man Blues)
1 item : A citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Evil Man Blues".
81 1411
City of Los Angeles Resolution
1 item : A resolution by the city of Los Angeles, California honoring Lionel Hampton.
11 June 1982
81 1412
American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel Citation
1 item : A citation by the American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel paying tribute to Lionel Hampton.
25 April 1955
81 1413
Masonic Organizations of Connecticut Declaration
1 item : A certificate by the Masonic Organizations of Connecticut declaring September 9th, 1990 as "Lionel Hampton Masonic Sunday". Use caution when picking up; declaration falls easily out of its frame.
9 September 1990
82 1414
Assorted Certificates and Awards 10
4 items : Contains assorted certificates, awards, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton.
14 August 1953-28 October 1987
82 1415
Assorted Certificates and Awards 11
2 items : Contains assorted certificates honoring Lionel Hampton.
29 September 1985-20 March 1986
82 1416
Assorted Certificates and Awards 12
2 items : Contains proclamation by the City of Louisville Office of the Mayor establishing September 18-19, 1982 as "Lionel Hampton Days", as well as a sleeved ribbon that has fallen off of the certificate.
17 September 1982
82 1417
Assorted Certificates and Awards 13
8 items : Contains assorted certificates, awards, proclamations, and four copies of an honorary Doctor of Music from Xavier University honoring Lionel Hampton.
25 July 1974-1 March 1986
82 1418
Assorted Certificates and Awards 14
1 item : Contains resolution by Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University honoring Lionel Hampton.
10 February 1989
82 1419
Assorted Certificates and Awards 15
1 item : Contains citation awarded to Lionel Hampton by Centenary College in Hackettstown, New Jersey.
15 April 1989
82 1420
Assorted Certificates and Awards 16
1 item : Contains certificate from the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle Senatorial Commission honoring Lionel Hampton.
14 July 1986
82 1421
Assorted Certificates and Awards 17
1 item : Contains correspondence from Mayor Edward I. Koch honoring Lionel Hampton as a recipient of The Lifetime Achievement Award of B'nai B'rith.
27 June 1989
82 1422
Assorted Certificates and Awards 18
1 item : Contains correspondence from Mayor Edward I. Koch extending greetings to guests attending a luncheon honoring Lionel Hampton.
4 September 1986
82 1423
Assorted Certificates and Awards 19
1 item : Contains correspondence from Mayor Edward I. Koch wishing Lionel Hampton a happy birthday.
7 April 1988
82 1424
Assorted Certificates and Awards 20
1 item : Contains certificate acknowledging Lionel Hampton as a National Delegate for Vice President George Bush at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans.
15 August 1988
82 1425
Whitehouse Correspondence
4 items : Contains assorted correspondence from the Whitehouse honoring Lionel Hampton.
11 May 1971-19 April 1985
82 1426
Assorted Certificates and Awards 21
4 items : Contains assorted certificates, awards, and proclamations honoring Lionel Hampton.
17 April 1997-30 January 1999
82 1427
Assorted Certificates and Awards 22
1 item : Contains certificate from the U.S. House of Representatives honoring Lionel Hampton.
3 April 2001
82 1428
Assorted Certificates and Awards 23
1 item : Contains honorary degree awarded to Lionel Hampton by the University of the District of Columbia.
11 May 2002
82 1429
Assorted Certificates and Awards 24
2 items : Contains citations from the Council of the City of New York honoring Lionel Hampton.
28 June 2002
82 1430
Assorted Certificates and Awards 25
1 item : Contains certificate presented to Lionel Hampton by Robert F. Wagner, mayor of New York City.
16 March 1964
82 1431
Assorted Certificates and Awards 26
4 items : Contains assorted certificates honoring Lionel Hampton.
22 August 1969-5 May 1990
83 1432
Playboy Music Award
1 item : Metal Playboy Music Award, awarded to Lionel Hampton for jazz vibes.
83 1433
A. Phillip Randolph Institute Award
1 item : Award shaped like a small metal bowl from the A. Phillip Randolph Institute.
22 May 1976
83 1434
Young Republican National Federation Lifetime Achievement Award
1 item : Metal, plate shaped, Young Republican National Federation Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Lionel Hampton.
15 March 1986
84 1435
Jersey City Key
1 item : Large, decorative metal key with the words "Jersey City N.J." on one side and the words "Mayor Thomas F.X. Smith" on the other.
84 1436
City of Gary Key
1 item : Award shaped like a golden key presented to Lionel Hampton by the city of Gary, Indiana.
30 May 1984
84 1437
City of Indianapolis Key
1 item : Large, decorative metal key inscribed with the seal of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana.
84 1438
Atlantic City Key
2 items : Ornate, decorative metal key for Atlantic City, New Jersey. Key is broken into two pieces.
84 1439
City of Bossier City Key
1 item : Tiny, decorative metal key in a plastic case for Bossier City, Louisiana.
84 1440
City of Newark Key
1 item : Large, decorative metal key in a wooden case for the city of Newark, New Jersey.
85 1441
Charlie Parker Foundation Lionel Hampton Portrait
1 item : Illustrated Lionel Hampton portrait by Christopher Paluso for the Charlie Parker Foundation. Artwork is signed by artist Christopher Paluso and Lionel Hampton.
85 1442
The Living Legend Award 2000
1 item : Framed "The Living Legend Award 2000", presented to Lionel Hampton by Congressman Charles B. Rangel and the Harlem Jazz and Music Festival. The top half of the award includes a Martin Luther King Jr. signed laser collage by artist Ademola Olugebefola.
6 August 2000
86 1443
New Orleans Honorary Citizen Certificate
1 item : Framed honorary citizen certificate presented to Lionel Hampton by Marc. H. Morial, mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana.
15 October 2001
86 1444
NCNW Humanitarian Service Award
1 item : Framed NCNW Humanitarian Service Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by The National Council of Negro Women. The award includes a piece of artwork by Sol Nodel.
5 June 1999
87 1445
New York City Cultural Achievement Award
1 item : Framed New York City Cultural Achievement Award presented to Lionel Hampton by The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce. The award includes a limited edition woodcut print titled "Musicians Making The Harvest Grow" by Ademola Olugebefola.
20 May 1998
87 1446
Masters of Music Award
1 item : Framed Masters of Music Award presented to Lionel Hampton by the Harlem Jazz and Music Festival and the Manhattan School of Music. The award includes a limited edition woodcut print titled "Musicians Making The Harvest Grow" by Ademola Olugebefola; print is special hand colored for Lionel Hampton.
8 February 2001
88 1447
City of East Orange Proclamation
1 item : A proclamation by Robert L. Bowser, Mayor of East Orange, New Jersey, proclaiming June 17, 1998 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
17 June 1998
88 1448
Lionel Hampton Concert Hall Dedication
1 item : Framed dedication of the Lionel Hampton Concert Hall at Washington Academy of University. Dedication includes a label, a CD titled "Washington Academy of Music", and the case for the CD.
88 1449
Lionel Hampton Concert Hall Dedication Collage
1 item : Framed photograph collage for the dedication of the Lionel Hampton Concert Hall at Washington Academy of Music.
17 June 1998
89 1450
University of Idaho Photo Frame 1
1 item : Curved piece of glass engraved with the University of Idaho seal and inset with a framed photo of Lionel Hampton and an unidentified man.
89 1451
University of Idaho Photo Frame 2
1 item : Curved piece of glass engraved with the University of Idaho seal and inset with a framed photo of the Lionel Hampton School of Music building.
90 1452
Lifetime Jazz Achievement Award
1 item : The IJHF Basie-Ellington-Fitzgerald "From The Earth To The Sky" Lifetime Jazz Achievement Award presented to Dr. Lionel Hampton by the International Jazz Hall of Fame. Award is shaped like a record and made of glass.
21 November 1997
90 1453
Lifetime Jazz Achievement Award Base
1 item : Base of Object 1452 (Lifetime Jazz Achievement Award). Base is a large piece of rectangular glass and is separated from the award.
21 November 1997
90 1454
The Amistad Arts Award
1 item : The Amistad Arts Award, presented to Lionel Hampton by the Amistad Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Award is shaped like a shallow bowl and made of glass.
6 December 1997
90 1455
The Amistad Arts Award Base
1 item : Base of Object 1454 (The Amistad Arts Award). Base is an ovular piece of wood.
6 December 1997
91 1456
Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan Proclamation
1 item : A proclamation by the Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan in New York, proclaiming Friday, November 5th, 1976 as "Lionel Hampton Day" in the borough of Manhattan.
5 November 1976
91 1457
Office of the Manhattan Borough President Proclamation
1 item : A proclamation by the Office of the Manhattan Borough President, proclaiming Thursday, May 20th, 2004 as "Lionel Hampton/University of Idaho Day" in the borough of Manhattan.
20 May 2004
91 1458
Trees for Israel
1 item : Framed Trees for Israel commemoration, honoring Lionel Hampton.
4 February 1999
92 1459
State of New York Legislative Resolution
1 item : Framed New York state legislative resolution honoring Lionel Hampton.
22 January 1997
92 1460
The Council of the City of New York Proclamation
1 item : Framed proclamation by the Council of the City of New York honoring Lionel Hampton.
8 February 2001
93 1461
African American Chamber of Commerce of Westchester and Rockland Counties Artwork
1 item : Framed piece of artwork presented by the African American Chamber of Commerce of Westchester and Rockland Counties saluting Lionel Hampton.
12 October 2000
93 1462
Framed Lionel Hampton Record
1 item : Large frame containing a Lionel Hampton record, newspaper clipping, photograph, and information card.
94 1463
"Jazz at Drew" Living Legend Music Award
1 item : Metal and wood "Jazz at Drew" Living Legend Music Award presented to Lionel Hampton by the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Alumni Association.
7 October 1995
94 1464
Hands Statue
1 item : Statue of two reaching metal hands in block of black material. Label on the statue appears to have fallen off.
94 1465
Harlem Opera Guiding Star Award
1 item : Black award statue of a man holding a gold star. Award is a Guiding Star Award, presented by the Harlem Opera in tribute to Lionel Hampton.
94 1466
Unidentified Award Base
1 item : Black, felted, ovular base for an unidentified award.
94 1467
C 130 Key
1 item : Oversized, copper colored key on a braided, red and gold rope.
94 1468
Unidentified Golden Award
1 item : Golden award statue of a man holding a star. Award is unattributed and unlabeled.
95 1469
Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz Festival 1993
1 item : Shiny, plastic award for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, celebrating Lionel Hampton for "65 years of devotion to the world of jazz".
95 1470
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival 1997
1 item : Wood and plastic stand-up award for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, honoring Lionel Hampton in the Lionel Hampton Hall of Fame.
95 1471
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival 1998
1 item : Wood and plastic stand-up award celebrating ninety years of the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival and honoring Lionel Hampton in the Lionel Hampton Hall of Fame.
95 1472
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival 2000
1 item : Wood and plastic stand-up award for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, honoring Lionel Hampton in the Lionel Hampton Hall of Fame.
95 1473
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival 2001
1 item : Wood and plastic stand-up award for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, honoring Lionel Hampton in the Lionel Hampton Hall of Fame.
February 2001
95 1474
Grammy Hall of Fame Award
1 item : Grammy Hall of Fame Award, awarded to Lionel Hampton and his orchestra for the song "Flying Home".
95 1475
UJC's Asian American Jazz Connection Award
1 item : Clear, plastic award from UJC's Asian-American Jazz Connection, saluting Lionel Hampton.
4 December 2000
95 1476
Theodor Herzl Bust
1 item : Ceramic bust of Theodor Herzl, made by Don Winton. Top half of a "Pioneer of Israel" award presented to Lionel Hampton, separated from its base. Item is fragile.
27 June 1999
95 1477
Pioneer For Israel Award Base
1 item : Wooden base of a "Pioneer For Israel" award presented to Lionel Hampton. Base is separated from its top component (object 1476).
27 June 1999
96 1478
The Peabody/Coppin Jazz Society Plaque
1 item : Wooden plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The Peabody/Coppin Jazz Society.
14 February 1998
96 1479
H. Con. Res. 363 Plaque
1 item : Wooden plaque extending birthday greeting and best wishes to Lionel Hampton from the House of Representatives.
20 March 2002
96 1480
Passaic County Community College Plaque
1 item : Framed plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by Passaic County Community College.
7 February 1997
96 1481
Lionel Hampton Day Plaque
1 item : Large wooden plaque proclaiming June 15, 1987 as "Lionel Hampton Day".
15 June 1987
97 1482
St. Elizabeth School Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award
1 item : Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award presented to Lionel Hampton by St. Elizabeth School. Award is comprised of a wooden backing, an image of the school, a label plaque, and two trophy figurines.
98 1483
The Passaic Country Community College Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award
1 item : Framed award presented to Lionel Hampton by the Passaic County Community College.
11 June 1998
98 1484
In Performance at the Governor's Mansion
7 items : Contains materials from an event titled "In Performance at the Governor's Mansion". Materials include a folder, newspaper, and various informational documents about the event.
98 1485
Kentucky Colonel Certificate
1 item : Framed certificate recognizing the commission of Lionel Hampton as a Kentucky Colonel, presented by Governor Paul E. Patton and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
30 July 1998
98 1486
National Black Sports and Entertainment Hall of Fame and Museum Class of 2001
1 item : Framed illustration of the National Black Sports and Entertainment Hall of Fame and Museum Class of 2001. Illustration is done by cartoonist Bill Gallo.
99 1487
BMI Special Citation of Achievement
1 item : Framed special citation of achievement presented to Lionel Hampton by BMI for the song "Flyin' Home".
99 1488
Idaho Office of the Governor Proclamation
1 item : Proclamation by the Idaho Office of the Governor proclaiming Saturday, February 28th, 1998 as "Lionel Hampton Day" in Idaho.
28 February 1998
99 1489
Honorary Commissioner Certificate
1 item : Certificate form the Police Department of the City of New York appointing Lionel Hampton as an honorary commissioner.
6 February 1997
100 1490
George Bush Correspondence
1 item : Framed correspondence from George W. Bush, wishing Lionel Hampton a happy 94th birthday.
17 April 2002
100 1491
New Orleans Key
1 item : Framed decorative key for the city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
100 1492
East Orange Key to the City
1 item : Framed key to the city presented to Lionel Hampton by Robert L. Bowser, mayor of East Orange, New Jersey.
17 June 1998
101 1493
City of New York Parks and Recreation Plaque
1 item : Plaque from the City of New York Parks and Recreation department honoring Lionel Hampton.
20 April 2008
101 1494
Hollywood Walk of Fame Plaque
1 item : Plaque from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce presented to Lionel Hampton in recognition of the placement of his star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
14 June 1982
102 1495
Third Annual Senate Majority Dinner Plaque
2 items : Plaque presented by the National Republican Senatorial Committee at the Third Annual Senate Majority Dinner. Plaque is broken into pieces: the wooden base and the stone label.
5 November 1997
102 1496
The Blue Note Plaque
1 item : Plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The Blue Note.
18 August 1997
102 1497
Holy Unity Ministries Plaque
1 item : Plaque presented by Holy Unity Ministries recognizing Lionel Hampton as "Entertainer of the Year".
103 1498
Humanitarian Extraordinaire Award
1 item : Humanitarian Extraordinaire Award plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by The Harold C. Burton Republican Club.
24 April 1997
103 1499
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Governors Award
1 item : Plaque presenting Lionel Hampton with the Governors Award of the Chicago Chapter National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Inc.
September 1988
103 1500
Roy Wilkins Memorial Award
1 item : Framed Roy Wilkins Memorial Award on red felt, presented to Lionel Hampton by the N.A.A.C.P. Mid-Manhattan Branch.
12 September 1987
103 1501
The Golden Image Lifetime Achievement Award
1 item : The Golden Image Lifetime Achievement Award plaque presented to Lionel Hampton by FTP Productions Inc.
2 June 1997
105 1510
National Association of Jazz Educators Award
2 items : Hall of Fame Award presented to Lionel Hampton by the National Association of Jazz Educators. Award is a large, wooden trophy with a silvery trophy cup at top. Trophy cup has been separated from the base of the award to fit in the box.
January 1988
107 1514
The Complete Lionel Hampton Jazz Tribune
1 item : Framed display of The Complete Lionel Hampton Jazz Tribune CDs 1 and 2, CD case, and a piece of artwork depicting Lionel Hampton by Eugene Mosley.
108 1515
Gold Record (Swing Classics)
1 item : Framed display of a commemorative gold record presented to Lionel Hampton for the album "Swing Classics".
108 1516
Platinum Record (Steppin' Out)
1 item : Framed display of a commemorative platinum record presented to Lionel Hampton for the album "Steppin' Out".
109 1517
Council of the City of Los Angeles Resolution
1 item : Oversized plaque displaying a resolution by the Council of the City of Los Angeles honoring Lionel Hampton.
23 September 1980
Subseries 2: Pins and Medals
Box object
77 1390
Republican Presidential Task Force Pin (blue box)
1 item : Small blue box containing a pin for the Republican Presidential Task Force.
77 1391
Republique Francaise Medal (navy box)
1 item : Rectangular navy box containing a gold and green Republique Francaise medal on a green ribbon.
77 1392
Republican National Convention Medal
1 item : Open black box containing a medal for the Republican National Convention Finance Committee in New Orleans presented to Lionel Hampton.
77 1393
Ville de Digne Medal (blue box)
1 item : Square blue box containing a silver Ville de Digne medal.
77 1394
Glucksburg Medal (blue box)
1 item : Square blue box containing a silver Glucksberg medal.
77 1395
Sao Paulo Medal (scuffed box)
1 item : Scuffed square box containing a silver Sao Paulo American Chamber of Commerce medal.
77 1396
Luzern Medal (Luzern box)
1 item : Square black box with the word "Luzern" containing a medal embossed with a cityscape.
77 1397
Ville de Grenoble Medal (blue box)
1 item : Square blue box containing a golden Ville de Grenoble medal presented to Lionel Hampton.
18 May 1988
77 1398
Aux Les Bains Medal (Hollinger metal edge box)
1 item : Hollinger Metal Edge box containing a brassy Aix Les Bains medal.
77 1399
The City of New York Medal (black box)
1 item : Black box containing a medal presented to Lionel Hampton by the city of New York and Mayor Edward I. Koch.
10 August 1978
77 1400
Vice President of the United States Medal
1 item : Vice President of the United States box containing a brassy Vice President of the United States medal.
104 1502
Republican Presidential Task Force Medal of Merit (black box)
1 item : Square black box containing a golden Republican Presidential Task Force Medal of Merit inscribed with an eagle.
104 1503
Handel Medal (black box)
1 item : Square black box containing a square medal with a sculpt of George Frideric Handel.
104 1504
Peabody Medal (black box)
1 item : Square black box containing a golden Peabody Medal. One side is inscribed to Lionel Hampton; the other side has an image of two women and phrase written in Latin.
104 1505
Republican Majority Medal (blue box)
1 item : Square blue box containing a Republican Majority Medal. One side has an image of an American flag and capitol building; the other side has an inscription of an eagle.
104 1506
Beaulieu-Sur-Mer Medal (black box)
1 item : Square, plastic black box containing a Beaulieu-Sur-Mer medal. One side has a coat of arms; the other side has an engraving of a city with palm trees.
104 1507
George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Medal
2 items : George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Medal attached to the lid of a cylindrical, stone container.
6 November 1997
104 1508
Grammy Nominee Medal (clear case)
1 item : Rectangular box with a cracked plastic lid containing a Grammy Nominee medal from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.
104 1509
Special Commendation Medal (blue box)
1 item : Large blue box containing a special commendation medal presented to Lionel Hampton by governor Dirk Kempthorne. Medal is silver with a geometric design, on a red ribbon.
106 1511
National Medal of the Arts (gray box)
1 item : Gray cardboard box containing a golden National Medal of the Arts inscribed with Lionel Hampton's name.
9 January 1997
106 1512
National Medal of the Arts Glass Label (white box)
1 item : White cardboard box containing a curved piece of glass engraved with the label for the National Medal of the Arts awarded to Lionel Hampton. Item is fragile.
9 January 1997
106 1513
National Medal of the Arts Display Case
1 item : Wooden display case for Lionel Hampton's National Medal of the Arts. Case includes an impression to place medal in, a purple ribbon, pin replica of the ribbon, and a metal frame.
9 January 1997

Series 10: ArtworkReturn to Top

The materials in this series includes sketches, caricatures, and portraits of Lionel Hampton by various artists.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
110 1518
Drawings 1
2 items : Contains copies of a caricature drawing and sketch drawing of Lionel Hampton playing the vibes.
110 1519
Drawings 2
2 items : Contains two copies of an illustration of Lionel Hampton performing.
110 1520
Drawings 3
3 items : Contains three caricature drawings of Lionel Hampton (two originals and one photocopy).
110 1521
Helmut Maly Painting
1 items : Contains painting by Helmut Maly of Lionel Hampton playing the vibes.
110 1522
Alive and Jumpin'
1 item : Oils and gauche on canvas portrait painting of Lionel Hampton by artist Ardjan Moorland.
26 April 1989