Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Biographical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- I. Teaching
- II. LDS Church Historical Department-Correspondence
- III. LDS Church Historical Department-Files
- IV. Professional Affiliations
- V. Colleagues
- VI. Women's History
- VII. Utah History
- VIII. The Great Depression and the New Deal
- IX. Mormon History Topics
- X. Personal Papers
- XI. Family Papers
- XII. Writings of Leonard J. Arrington
- XIII. Addendum Papers
- Names and Subjects
Leonard J. Arrington Papers, 1839-2013
Overview of the Collection
- Title
- Leonard J. Arrington Papers
- Dates
- 1839-2013 (inclusive)18392013
- Quantity
- 319.5 linear feet, (739 boxes)
- Collection Number
- Summary
- This collection consists of 13 different series which reflect his personal life, his professional career, and his research interests he conducted while a professor at Utah State University and Brigham Young University.
- Repository
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives Division
Special Collections & Archives
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Telephone: 4357978248
Fax: 4357972880 - Languages
- English.
- Sponsor
- Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant, 2007-2008
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Upon his death in February 1999, Leonard J. Arrington left behind a legacy of scholarship and mentoring that rightly earned him the title "Dean of Mormon History." Largely because of his leadership, Mormon historical studies in the second half of the twentieth century became a viable subject in the larger discipline of American history. His book Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints is still considered to be one of the classic works of Mormon history. Due to his prominent place in Mormon studies, Arrington's papers are a valuable source of information for anyone interested in Mormon history in general, but especially for those interested in the growth of the field in the twentieth century.
Leonard Arrington was born on July 2, 1917, in Twin Falls, Idaho, the second child of Noah and Edna Arrington, two devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (more commonly known as Mormons). Growing up on a chicken farm, Leonard first entertained thoughts of becoming a farmer himself. This desire was enhanced through his participation in the Future Farmers of America, where he served in both state and national positions. When the time for college came, Arrington chose the University of Idaho, where he had attended an FFA convention, hoping to major in agriculture. The chemistry requirements, however, soon led Arrington to change his mind and he concentrated instead on agricultural economics.
After graduating from the University of Idaho, Arrington continued his education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he began studies towards a doctorate in economics and began teaching classes with the aid of a Kenan Teaching Fellowship. World War II interrupted his schooling, and Arrington served overseas for the United States in both North Africa and Italy from 1943 to 1946, working first in a prisoner-of-war processing division and later performing tasks for Italy's Institute of Statistics. These years were especially difficult for Arrington since he had to be away from his wife, Grace Fort, whom he had married in the fall of 1942. Following the war, Arrington returned to the United States, where he began working as an economics professor at Utah State Agricultural College (later Utah State University) in Logan in 1946. Returning in subsequent years to the University of North Carolina to complete course work and necessary exams, he finally received his doctorate in economics in March 1952. His dissertation was entitled "Mormon Economic Policies and Their Implementation on the Western Frontier, 1847-1900." This topic led Arrington to begin studying a wide variety of issues pertaining to Mormon economic history. Following the publication of his first scholarly articles on this subject in 1951, Arrington began slowly to transform himself from an economist to a historian.
Arrington found his work at Utah State University to be very satisfying. Later in his life he would reminisce about how much he loved his years in Cache Valley and how much he enjoyed teaching and mentoring students. Arrington's professional reputation rapidly grew from his numerous articles and lectures, and in 1958 Harvard University Press published a work based on his dissertation entitled Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints. The book soon became a Western American history classic, but because the press published it on the recommendation of the Committee on Research in Economic History, Arrington received no royalties from the book until 1993, when the University of Utah Press released a second edition.
During his tenure at Utah State University in the 1950s Arrington enjoyed the company of several other budding Mormon scholars, including S. George Ellsworth, a professor of history, and Eugene E. Campbell, a staff member at the LDS Church Institute in Logan. Arrington's family grew during this time with the birth of three children: James Wesley in 1948, Carl Wayne in 1951, and Susan Grace in 1954. Arrington also participated in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in numerous leadership capacities, including second counselor in the Utah State University Stake Presidency.
From 1958 to 1959 he momentarily interrupted his Logan stay by taking his family to Italy as a Fulbright Professor of American Economics at the University of Genoa. In 1966, he again left Logan to serve as visiting professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles, for the 1966-1967 academic school year.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Arrington participated in several important professional endeavors, including the establishment of the Mormon History Association (serving as its first president) and the creation of the Western Historical Quarterly, the premier academic journal of the American West. He also served as president of the Western History Association, the Agricultural History Association, and the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association. Finally, in 1972, he became Church Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, simultaneously receiving an appointment as Lemuel H. Redd Professor of Western History and Director of the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young University.
Arrington worked as Church Historian from 1972 to 1982, when the church transferred his division to Brigham Young University, renaming it the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History. As the first (and only) professional academic to be named Church Historian, Arrington presided over a blossoming of Mormon history. His colleagues produced numerous important historical studies, and Arrington himself authored or co-authored several books, including David Eccles: Pioneer Western Industrialist (1975); Building the City of God: Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons (1976); The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-day Saints (1979); and Brigham Young: American Moses (1985).
At the same time, Arrington experienced numerous personal and professional frustrations, as he constantly combated a church hierarchy which did not regard the work of his department as "faith-promoting." Balancing his commitment to his profession and his loyalty to his church, Arrington frequently clashed with church authorities. Finally, the Church appointed G. Homer Durham as managing director of the division, and Durham worked constantly to ensure that the department produced "faith-promoting" history. This approach ultimately led to Arrington's release as Church Historian, Durham's appointment to that position, and the transfer of the entire Historical Department to Brigham Young University in 1982.
Arrington also battled a personal tragedy during this time. In March 1982, Grace, his wife of nearly forty years, succumbed to heart disease and passed away. Both personally and professionally bereft, Arrington turned to his role as educator and found solace in his classes at Brigham Young University. He also met and began dating Harriet Horne in 1983. After a quick courtship, the two were married on November 19, 1983. Harriet provided not only welcome companionship, but also aided Arrington's research and writing by entering drafts of his books on her computer and collaborating with him on occasion. As a result, Arrington remained a productive scholar throughout the 1980s and 1990s, publishing numerous works such as the commissioned two-volume History of Idaho, a memoir of his years as Church Historian, a biography of Utah rancher Charlie Redd, and biographies of Harold and Madelyn Silver. He also co-authored two books with his daughter, Susan Arrington Madsen, and collaborated on several projects with his step-daughter, Heidi Swinton. In addition, he continued to mentor numerous scholars in Mormon history by critiquing their manuscripts, write letters of recommendation, and provide encouraging words about their endeavors.
As Arrington grew older, he could look back on the numerous awards and honors he received for his prolific work. In 1962 he presented a well-received paper on the Topaz World War II Relocation Camp for Japanese-Americans as part of Utah State University's Faculty Honor Lecture series. In 1969 he received the David O. McKay Humanities Award from Brigham Young University. In 1986 he became the first Mormon and the first Utahn to be elected a member of the Society of American Historians, one of the highest honors bestowed upon American historians. Finally, in 1996 he was presented with the Governor's Award in the Humanities in Utah.
Arrington has also received numerous accolades for his writings. Great Basin Kingdom received the Award of Merit of the American Association of State and Local History and was also given the annual award of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association for the best first book by a Western historian in 1958-1959. It became the first book on the Mountain West placed in the White House's presidential library. Building the City of God: Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons, co-authored with Dean May and Feramorz Y. Fox, received the Best Book Award for 1976 from the Mormon History Association, while Brigham Young: American Moses was the first recipient of the David W. and Beatrice Cannon Evans Award for a distinguished biography of a significant personality living in Mormon country during the past 150 years. It also won the Mormon History Association Best Book Award for 1985 and was nominated by the National Book Critics Circle as a distinguished work of biography.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Leonard J. Arrington Papers are divided into 13 different series which reflect his personal life, his professional career, and his research interests. The first five series deal with his professional life, both as an educator and as Church Historian for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1972 to 1982. The first series consists of his teaching files and the research projects he conducted while a professor at Utah State University and Brigham Young University. The next two series deal specifically with his tenure as Church Historian, with one series containing his correspondence as Church Historian and the other documenting the work conducted by his staff and himself. The fourth series consists of records of his affiliations with professional organizations such as the Mormon History Association, the Utah State Historical Society, the Western History Association, and others. This series contains newsletters from the associations, correspondence with members, and documents concerning events such as the founding of the Mormon History Association and the establishment of the Western Historical Quarterly. The fifth series contains correspondence with and files about scholars, associates, and colleagues.
The next four series document Arrington's research interests. One series contains his files on women's history; another his research on Utah history; a third his work on the Great Depression and the New Deal; and a fourth his research files in Mormon history. This last group is especially important, as it contains both primary documents and secondary material. The primary documents consist of such items as minutes of the LDS Church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Brigham Young's letter books, and diaries and journals from high church leaders such as Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards and from everyday saints such as Richard Roskelley. The secondary material consists of extensive research files on a variety of topics, including the LDS Church and African Americans; the Equal Rights Amendment and the Mormons in the 1970s; and LDS Church Presidents, as well as biographies of numerous Mormons, files on authors who wrote about Mormonism, research on the Mormon Church's business enterprises, and drafts of articles, books, dissertations, and theses on Mormonism. This series ends with Arrington's extensive newspaper clippings on the LDS Church from the 1940s to 1997.
The next two series illuminate Arrington's personal life. Series ten consists of his personal papers, including correspondence, New Year's Resolutions, speeches given in junior high school and high school, drafts of autobiographies and memoirs, scrapbooks, documents about his military service, his files of newspaper and magazine clippings, his exams from the University of Idaho, his class notes from the University of North Carolina, and his extensive diary which runs from the 1930s to 1998. Series eleven consists of his family papers, including information about his wives, children, parents, and brothers and sisters, as well as his family history.
The last series in the Arrington collection consists of his writings. This contains drafts and notes of almost all of Arrington's writings, including Great Basin Kingdom (1958); a history of First Security Bank (1973); Beet Sugar in the West: A History of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company (1966); The Mormon Experience (1979); Brigham Young: American Moses (1985); History of Idaho (1994); Adventures of a Church Historian (1998); and an unpublished biography of W.W. Clyde. The collection also holds over one hundred articles and speeches that Arrington wrote or gave.
The materials in Series 13 were donated to USU Special Collections in 2006 by Susan Arrington Madsen, the daughter of Leonard J. Arrington. This sixty-five box addendum consists of Leonard J. Arrington's working files and contains his correspondence, research papers, speeches, and other similar materials. These papers span the period of 1938 to 2013 with the bulk spanning 1965 to 1997. The correspondence in this series concerns Arrington's dialogue with various Mormon history scholars, his work as Church Historian, and with various organizations. Box 64 contains research papers used to formulate The Mormon Experience and were complied and donated to USU Special Collections in 2003 by Richard Daines.
Because of Arrington's prolific career, the Leonard J. Arrington Papers provides an abundance of material about Mormon history and the history of the American West. In general it is an important resource for scholars interested in Mormon history topics. Perhaps the primary importance of the collection, however, is its documentation of the Mormon history field in the late twentieth century, a time when the discipline truly came into its own. Fifty years from now, scholars will be able to piece together why such an abundance of scholarly Mormon history was produced during this era, in large part because of the records and documents that Arrington left behind. His Church History Division files, his drafts of his own writings, his personal papers, and his files on his professional affiliations all help to tell the story of Mormon historiography. Whether one is interested in Mormon history in general, or merely in the life of one of the most prolific and outstanding scholars of American history, Leonard J. Arrington's papers provide an abundance of information.
In addition to this manuscript collection, a separate photograph collection has been created containing photographs that were donated with Arrington's papers. For preservation purposes, all intact newspapers have also been removed from this collection and replaced with a reference note.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
It is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legates, or literary executors). The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Utah State University Libraries, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all claims made by any person asserting that he or she is an owner of copyright.
Permission to publish material from the Leonard J. Arrington Papers must be obtained from the Special Collections Manuscript Curator and/or the Special Collections Department Head.
Preferred Citation
Initial Citation: Leonard J. Arrington USU_LJAHA COLL 001. Special Collections and Archives. Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library. Logan, Utah.
Following Citations:USU_LJAHA COLL 001, USUSCA.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
13 series form the Leonard J. Arrington papers:
- Series 1: Teaching (29 boxes)
- Series 2: LDS Church Historical Department: Correspondence (19 boxes)
- Series 3: LDS Church Historical Department: Files (19 boxes)
- Series 4: Professional Affiliations (40 boxes)
- Series 5: Colleagues (25 boxes)
- Series 6: Women's History (11 boxes)
- Series 7: Utah History (58 boxes)
- Series 8: The Great Depression and the New Deal (7 boxes)
- Series 9: Mormon History Topics (177 boxes)
- Series 10: Personal Papers (106 boxes)
- Series 11: Family Papers (9 boxes)
- Series 12: Writings of Leonard J. Arrington (174 boxes)
- Series 13: Addendum Papers (65 boxes)
Acquisition Information
The papers were donated to Utah State University's Special Collections & Archives by Leonard and Harriet Arrington in a February 1, 1994, agreement, supplemented by a December 14, 1998, agreement which created the Leonard J. Arrington Historical Archives. Subsequent donations by Leonard, Harriet, the Arrington children, the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History, Richard Daines, and the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies have yielded additional material.
Processing Note
Collection Processed by: Matthew C. Godfrey and Jolyn Hunting, with assistance from Bradon Morton, Kelly Cook, and David Duvall.
Separated Materials
A separate photograph collection has been created containing photographs that were donated with Arrington's papers. See Leonard J. Arrington Photograph Collection, 1830-1995 (P0316).
Related Materials
Leonard J. Arrington Photograph Collection P0316
Draft of Great Basin Kingdom (COLL MSS 019)
Draft of David Eccles: Pioneer Western Industrialist (COLL MSS 087)
View a bibliography of Leonard J. Arrington published works.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
I. TeachingReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Class Records |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | North Carolina State College
1941-1942 |
1 | 2 | North Carolina State College
1946-1947 |
1 | 3 | North Carolina State College
undated |
1 | 4 | North Carolina State College (stat notes and articles)
1937-1946 |
1 | 5 | Utah State Agricultural College
1946-1947 |
1 | 6 | Utah State Agricultural College
1946-1947 |
1 | 7 | 1947-1948
1947-1948 |
1 | 8 | 1948-1951
1948-1951 |
1 | 9 | Utah State University
1950-1951 |
1 | 10 | Utah State University
Spring 1951 |
1 | 11 | Utah State University
1951-1954 |
1 | 12 | Utah State University
1955-1958 |
1 | 13 | Utah State University
1960-1965 |
1 | 14 | UCLA
1966 |
1 | 15 | UCLA-Student Papers
undated |
1 | 16 | Utah State University
1970-1972 |
Classes-Utah State University |
Box | Folder | ||
2 | 1 | Economics 51-Lecture Notes and Exams
undated |
2 | 2 | Economics 51-Clippings
undated |
2 | 3 | Economics 106-Exams
undated |
2 | 4 | Economics 106-Exams
undated |
2 | 5 | Economics 106-Syllabus and Course Outline
undated |
2 | 6 | Economics 113-Lecture Notes
undated |
2 | 7 | Economics 150-Exams
undated |
2 | 8 | Economics 170-Exams
undated |
2 | 9 | Economics 170-Exams
undated |
2 | 10 | Economics 170-Exams
undated |
2 | 11 | Economics 170-Outlines, Syllabi, and Readings
undated |
2 | 12 | Economics 170-Mimeographed Materials
undated |
3 | 1 | Economics 174-Clippings
undated |
3 | 2 | Economics 180-Exams
undated |
3 | 3 | Economics 180-Exams and Quizzes
undated |
3 | 4 | Economics 202-Syllabi and Class Readings
undated |
3 | 5 | Economics 206-Syllabi
undated |
3 | 6 | Economics 270
undated |
3 | 7 | Economics 270-Student Papers
undated |
3 | 8 | Economics 605-Syllabi and Bibliographies
undated |
3 | 9 | History 181-Syllabi, Notes, and Exams
undated |
3 | 10 | Religion 671-Notes and Syllabi
undated |
4 | 1 | U-4 Project (Economic History of Utah) Records
1959-1960 |
4 | 2 | U-4 Project Records
1960-1961 |
4 | 3 | U-4 Project Records
1961-1962 |
4 | 4 | U-4 Project Records
1962-1963 |
4 | 5 | U-4 Project Records
1963-1964 |
4 | 6 | U-4 Project Records
1964-1965 |
4 | 7 | U-4 Project Records
1968-1969 |
4 | 8 | U-4 Project Records
1969-1970 |
4 | 9 | U-4 Project Records
1954-1972 |
Research-Utah State University |
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 1 | U-4 Project Records
1970-1971 |
5 | 2 | U-4 Project Records
1971-1972 |
5 | 3 | U-4 Project-Invoices and Correspondence
undated |
5 | 4 | U-4 Project-Invoices and Correspondence
undated |
5 | 5 | U-462 Project Records
undated |
5 | 6 | Utah State University Defense Study-Survey Forms
undated |
5 | 7 | Utah State University Defense Study-Documents
undated |
5 | 8 | Utah State University Defense Study-Expenditures
undated |
5 | 9 | Notes and Invoices for Studies of Utah's Economic History
undated |
6 | 1 | Travel Requests
undated |
6 | 2 | Notes for Economic Atlas of Utah
undated |
6 | 3 | Notes for Economic Atlas of Utah
undated |
6 | 4 | Notes for Economic Handbook of Utah
undated |
6 | 5 | Publication Series at Utah State University-Correspondence
undated |
6 | 6 | Research-The Economic Problem Newsletter
undated |
Classes-Brigham Young University |
Box | Folder | ||
7 | 1 | Syllabi, Class Lists, and Exams for Miscellaneous Classes
undated |
7 | 2 | Syllabi, Rolls, and Notes for Miscellaneous Classes
undated |
7 | 3 | Assignments, Papers, and Exams for Miscellaneous Classes
undated |
7 | 4 | Economics 500R-Records
undated |
7 | 5 | Economics 595R-Records
undated |
7 | 6 | Economic History of Mormons
undated |
7 | 7 | History 348-Papers and Exams
undated |
7 | 8 | History 348-Papers and Exams
undated |
7 | 9 | History 348-Papers and Exams
undated |
8 | 1 | History 368-Class Evaluations
undated |
8 | 2 | History 468-Exams
undated |
8 | 3 | History 468-Exams
undated |
8 | 4 | History 468-Exams
undated |
8 | 5 | History 468-Exams
1977 |
8 | 6 | History 468-Assignments
1977 |
9 | 1 | History 660-Syllabi and Class Lists
undated |
9 | 2 | History 660-Class Records and Bibliography
undated |
9 | 3 | Economics 500-Term Papers
undated |
9 | 4 | Economics 500-Term Papers
undated |
9 | 5 | Summer School Classes
1958 |
9 | 6 | Class Papers
Spring 1982 |
9 | 7 | Class Papers
Spring 1982 |
10 | 1 | Class Papers
Spring 1982 |
10 | 2 | Class Papers
Spring 1982 |
10 | 3 | Class Reports
Spring 1982 |
10 | 4 | Exams
Spring 1982 |
10 | 5 | Syllabi and Class Assignments
1984-1985 |
10 | 6 | Economics 313R and History 390R Class Papers
1986 |
Lecture Notes |
Box | Folder | ||
11 | 1 | Thorstein Veblen
undated |
11 | 2 | Ludwig von Mises
undated |
11 | 3 | John Kenneth Galbraith
undated |
11 | 4 | Kenneth Boulding
undated |
11 | 5 | John Maynard Keynes
undated |
11 | 6 | Keynesian Theory
undated |
11 | 7 | Alfred Marshall
undated |
11 | 8 | Historical School
undated |
11 | 9 | Economic Reform
undated |
11 | 10 | Henry George
undated |
11 | 11 | John Stuart Mill
undated |
12 | 1 | Robert Owen
undated |
12 | 2 | Malthus
undated |
12 | 3 | Adam Smith
undated |
12 | 4 | Mercantilism
undated |
12 | 5 | Physiocrats
undated |
12 | 6 | Utopianism
undated |
12 | 7 | Thomas More
undated |
12 | 8 | Thomas Aquinas
undated |
12 | 9 | Ancient Economics
undated |
12 | 10 | Joseph Alois Schumpeter
undated |
12 | 11 | Leading Schools of Economics
undated |
12 | 12 | Rudolph Hilferding
undated |
12 | 13 | Karl Marx
undated |
12 | 14 | Marxian Philosophy and Economics
undated |
12 | 15 | Jeremy Bentham
undated |
12 | 16 | Ricardian Economics
undated |
12 | 17 | Knut Wicksell
undated |
12 | 18 | Antoine Augustin Cournot
undated |
13 | 1 | Chicago School of Economics
undated |
13 | 2 | John A. Hobson
undated |
13 | 3 | Nikolai Lenin
undated |
13 | 4 | Jevons and Austrians
undated |
13 | 5 | Wesley C. Mitchell
undated |
13 | 6 | Neo-Classical Economists
undated |
13 | 7 | Mathematical Economics
undated |
13 | 8 | Commodity Economics
undated |
13 | 9 | Agriculture Economics
undated |
13 | 10 | Money
undated |
13 | 11 | Small Businesses
undated |
13 | 12 | Business Statistics
undated |
13 | 13 | Business Conditions and Statistics
undated |
13 | 14 | Italian Census Records
undated |
13 | 15 | Italian Census Records
undated |
13a | 1 | Agriculture: articles by Angus MacDonald
undated |
13a | 2 | Agricultural Economics
undated |
13a | 3 | Agricultural Economics (continued)
undated |
14 | 1 | Price Theory
undated |
14 | 2 | Price Theory
undated |
14 | 3 | Anti-Inflation Policy
undated |
14 | 4 | Anti-Inflation Policy
undated |
14 | 5 | Commodities
undated |
14 | 6 | European Economic History
undated |
15 | 1 | Introductory Material
undated |
15 | 2 | Economics 51-Population and Poverty
undated |
15 | 3 | Economics 150-Introductory Material
undated |
15 | 4 | Economics 150-General Notes
undated |
15 | 5 | Economics 150-Fascism
undated |
15 | 6 | Economics 150-Socialism
undated |
15 | 7 | Economics 150-Russian Agriculture and Industry
undated |
15 | 8 | Economics 150-Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe
undated |
15 | 9 | Economics 150-India
undated |
15 | 10 | Economics 150-China
undated |
15 | 11 | Economics 150-Other Countries
undated |
15 | 12 | International Aid Programs
undated |
15 | 13 | Economics 180-General Notes
undated |
15 | 14 | Economics 180-Education and Economic Development
undated |
15 | 15 | History of Economic Thought-Spurrier
undated |
16 | 1 | Price Analysis
undated |
16 | 2 | Babson's Business Service
undated |
16 | 3 | International Trade
undated |
16 | 4 | Agricultural Economics
undated |
16 | 5 | Rural Taxation
undated |
16 | 6 | The Recession of 1951-1958
1951-1958 |
16 | 7 | Trade and Tariffs
undated |
16 | 8 | Future of the American Economy
undated |
16 | 9 | Peace Corps
undated |
17 | 1 | Post-World War I-Agriculture
undated |
17 | 2 | Post-World War I-Industry
undated |
17 | 3 | Post-World War I-Labor
undated |
17 | 4 | Economics 170-World Power-1914-Present
undated |
17 | 5 | Economics 170-Since World War II
undated |
17 | 6 | Bibliographies
undated |
17 | 7 | E.F. Schumacher
undated |
17 | 8 | Gunnar Myrdal
undated |
17 | 9 | Soviet Economists
undated |
17 | 10 | Robert Lampman
undated |
17 | 11 | Simon Kuznets
undated |
17 | 12 | Paul A. Samuelson
undated |
17 | 13 | George Stigler, "The Politics of Economists"
undated |
17 | 14 | Nobel Prize in Economics
undated |
17 | 15 | Western Labor
undated |
17 | 16 | Leonard J. Arrington, "The American Economy in the Age of the Atom and Automation"
undated |
18 | 1 | Robber Barons and Thomas Edison
undated |
18 | 2 | Oliver Evans (inventor of the flour mill)
undated |
18 | 3 | Antebellum Industry and Trade
undated |
18 | 4 | Economy of the Civil War
undated |
18 | 5 | Post-Civil War-Agriculture
undated |
18 | 6 | Slavery
undated |
18 | 7 | Railroads-1861-1919
undated |
18 | 8 | Post-Civil War-Labor
undated |
18 | 9 | Andrew Carnegie
undated |
18 | 10 | Diamond Jim Brady
undated |
18 | 11 | Communal Societies
undated |
18 | 12 | Public Land Disposal
undated |
18 | 13 | History of American Agriculture
undated |
18 | 14 | Post-Civil War-Industry and Trade
undated |
19 | 1 | Economic History as a Discipline
undated |
19 | 2 | Economic History as a Discipline
undated |
19 | 3 | Economics 235-Economic History
undated |
19 | 4 | Economics 170-Exams-Colonial Period
undated |
19 | 5 | Economics 170-Colonial Period
undated |
19 | 6 | Economics 170-Revolutionary War
undated |
19 | 7 | Economics 170-Samuel Slater and Textile Manufacturing
undated |
19 | 8 | Economics 170-Ante-Bellum Agriculture
undated |
19 | 9 | Economics 170-Industrialization-1860-1914
undated |
19 | 10 | Economics 170-J.P. Morgan
undated |
19 | 11 | Economics 170-John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil
undated |
19 | 12 | Economics 170-"Oil's First Century," New York Herald Tribune
1959 September 13 |
20 | 1 | Economics 170-Westward Movement, 1789-1860
undated |
20 | 2 | Economics 170-World War II
undated |
20 | 3 | Economics 170-Income Distribution
undated |
20 | 4 | Economics 170-Walter P. Webb
undated |
20 | 5 | Economics 175-Frontier Interpretation
undated |
20 | 6 | Economics 175-Economic History of the West-Syllabi and Class Lists
undated |
20 | 7 | Marion J. Levy, Jr., "Social Obstacles to Capital Formation in Undeveloped Areas"
undated |
20 | 8 | Miscellaneous Clippings
undated |
20 | 9 | Miscellaneous Notes
undated |
21 | 1 | History of Mormon Businessmen
undated |
21 | 2 | History of the Mountain West
undated |
21 | 3 | Indian Economy
undated |
21 | 4 | Notes
undated |
21 | 5 | Interpretations of American Economic History
undated |
21 | 6 | Meat Packing
undated |
21 | 7 | Mormon Westerns
undated |
21 | 8 | Pony Express
undated |
21 | 9 | Social and Economic Organization of the West
undated |
22 | 1 | The Southwest
undated |
22 | 2 | Utah Community Histories
undated |
22 | 3 | United Order
undated |
22 | 4 | Western Agriculture
undated |
22 | 5 | The West as a Myth
undated |
22 | 6 | Western Business and Industry
undated |
22 | 7 | Western Economic History
undated |
22 | 8 | Western Episodes
undated |
22 | 9 | Western Mining
undated |
22 | 10 | Western Transportation
undated |
Lecture Notes-Utah's Economic History |
Box | Folder | ||
23 | 1 | Scofield Dam Project
undated |
23 | 2 | Moon Lake Project
undated |
23 | 3 | Weber Basin Project
undated |
23 | 4 | Echo Dam Project
undated |
23 | 5 | Hurricane Canal Project
undated |
23 | 6 | History of Reclamation Projects in Utah
undated |
23 | 7 | Equal Rights Amendment
undated |
23 | 8 | Deseret News Editorials
1946 October - 1947 July |
23 | 9 | Edmunds-Tucker Act
undated |
23 | 10 | Edmunds-Tucker Act
undated |
24 | 1 | Railroads
undated |
24 | 2 | Diamond Drill Bits
undated |
24 | 3 | Agriculture-Livestock
undated |
24 | 4 | Agriculture
undated |
24 | 5 | Electric Power
undated |
24 | 6 | Economic Equality
undated |
24 | 7 | Mormon Economy
undated |
24 | 8 | Mormon Economy
undated |
24 | 9 | Law and Order in Utah
undated |
24 | 10 | Mormon Colonization
undated |
Lecture Notes-Utah's History |
Box | Folder | ||
25 | 1 | Utah History in General
undated |
25 | 2 | Golden Spike
undated |
25 | 3 | Statehood
undated |
25 | 4 | Spanish-American Front
undated |
25 | 5 | Zion's Camp
undated |
25 | 6 | Mormon Battalion
undated |
25 | 7 | Polygamy Prosecutions-1890s
undated |
25 | 8 |
The Amateur (YMMIA of Ogden-1870s)
undated |
Lecture Notes and Classes |
Box | Folder | ||
26 | 1 | Religion
undated |
26 | 2 | Indian Agents, Interpreters, and Scouts
undated |
26 | 3 | Brigham Young University-History 468-Class Lists and Syllabi
undated |
26 | 4 | Brigham Young University-History 665-Class Lists and Syllabi
undated |
26 | 5 | Brigham Young University-Honors Course-Class Lists and Syllabi
undated |
26 | 6 | Ideas for Master's Theses
undated |
26 | 7 | BYU Geography Conference
undated |
26a | 1 | Psychology-Aggression
undated |
26a | 2 | Psychology-"Johnathan Edwards as Great Man" by Richard Bushman
undated |
26a | 3 | Psychology
undated |
Students |
Box | Folder | ||
27 | 1 | Mary Turner Adams
undated |
27 | 2 | Charles Alban
undated |
27 | 3 | Lloyd Baird
undated |
27 | 4 | Visit Boonyakesanond
undated |
27 | 5 | Maurice Braginsky
undated |
27 | 6 | Charn-Chai
undated |
27 | 7 | Mandhata Chauhan
undated |
27 | 8 | Larry Dursteler
undated |
27 | 9 | Darel Jardine
undated |
27 | 10 | Bartell Jensen
undated |
27 | 11 | Desmond Jolly
undated |
27 | 12 | Antonella Picchio
undated |
27 | 13 | Antonella Picchio
undated |
27 | 14 | Kelly Price
undated |
27 | 15 | Robert L. Pritchard
undated |
27 | 16 | Andy Rananavare
undated |
27 | 17 | David M. Rees
undated |
27 | 18 | Somkid Supyaboonrod
undated |
27 | 19 | Keith Wilde
undated |
27 | 20 | Bruce Williams
undated |
27 | 21 | Elgin Williams
undated |
27 | 22 | JoAnn Woodruff
undated |
II. LDS Church Historical Department-CorrespondenceReturn to Top
Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence. Arranged by Correspondent's Last Name.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | A-Ad
undated |
1 | 2 | Ag-Am
undated |
1 | 3 | Thomas Alexander
undated |
1 | 4 | James Allen
undated |
1 | 5 | An-Az
undated |
1 | 6 | Anderson
undated |
1 | 7 | Richard L. Anderson
undated |
1 | 8 | Joseph Anderson
undated |
1 | 9 | Wendell Ashton
undated |
2 | 1 | Ba-Bai
undated |
2 | 2 | Bak-Bap
undated |
2 | 3 | Bar-Baz
undated |
2 | 4 | Gwynn Barrett
undated |
2 | 5 | Bea-Bem
undated |
2 | 6 | Ben
undated |
2 | 7 | Ber-Bez
undated |
2 | 8 | Bi
undated |
2 | 9 | Davis Bitton
undated |
2 | 10 | Bl
undated |
3 | 1 | Bruce Blumell
undated |
3 | 2 | Bo
undated |
3 | 3 | Bookcraft
undated |
3 | 4 | Bra
undated |
3 | 5 | Bre-Bri
undated |
3 | 6 | Lanier Britsch
undated |
3 | 7 | Bro-Bry
undated |
3 | 8 | Bu-By
undated |
3 | 9 | Cab-Cam
undated |
3 | 10 | Can
undated |
4 | 1 | Cap-Car
undated |
4 | 2 | Cas-Ce
undated |
4 | 3 | Ch
undated |
4 | 4 | Christensen/Christiansen
undated |
4 | 5 | Cj-Cl
undated |
4 | 6 | Lawrence Coates
undated |
4 | 7 | Coa-Com
undated |
4 | 8 | Everett Cooley
undated |
4 | 9 | Con-Coy
undated |
4 | 10 | Cr-Cu
undated |
4 | 11 | "Cranks"
undated |
5 | 1 | Da
undated |
5 | 2 | De
undated |
5 | 3 | Di
undated |
5 | 4 | Do-Ds
undated |
5 | 5 | Du-Dy
undated |
5 | 6 | G. Homer Durham
undated |
5 | 7 | Alvin Dyer
undated |
5 | 8 | Ea-Eh
undated |
5 | 9 | El-Em
undated |
5 | 10 | En-Ez
undated |
6 | 1 | Fa-Fj
undated |
6 | 2 | Fl
undated |
6 | 3 | Fo
undated |
6 | 4 | Fr-Fy
undated |
6 | 5 | Ga-Ge
undated |
6 | 6 | Gh-Gn
undated |
6 | 7 | Lowell Glenn
undated |
6 | 8 | Go
undated |
6 | 9 | Kenneth Godfrey
undated |
7 | 1 | Gr
undated |
7 | 2 | Gu-Gw
undated |
7 | 3 | Had-Hal
undated |
7 | 4 | Ham
undated |
7 | 5 | Han
undated |
7 | 6 | Har-Haw
undated |
7 | 7 | Harris-Harrison
undated |
7 | 8 | Hart
undated |
7 | 9 | Hay
undated |
8 | 1 | Jon Haupt
undated |
8 | 2 | He
undated |
8 | 3 | Hi
undated |
8 | 4 | Martin Hickman
undated |
8 | 5 | Hil
undated |
8 | 6 | Marvin Hill
undated |
8 | 7 | Him-Hir
undated |
8 | 8 | Hoc-Hol
undated |
8 | 9 | Hon-Hov
undated |
8 | 10 | How
undated |
9 | 1 | Hu-Hy
undated |
9 | 2 | Norris Hundley
undated |
9 | 3 | I
undated |
9 | 4 | Ja
undated |
9 | 5 | Je
undated |
9 | 6 | Jo
undated |
9 | 7 | Joann Jolley
undated |
9 | 8 | Ka
undated |
9 | 9 | Ke
undated |
9 | 10 | Scott Kenney
undated |
10 | 1 | Ki-Kl
undated |
10 | 2 | Stanley Kimball
undated |
10 | 3 | Kn-Ky
undated |
10 | 4 | La
undated |
10 | 5 | Le
undated |
10 | 6 | Glen Leonard
undated |
10 | 7 | Li-Ll
undated |
10 | 8 | Lo
undated |
11 | 1 | Lu-Ly
undated |
11 | 2 | Truman Madsen
undated |
11 | 3 | Mac-Mc, A-J
undated |
11 | 4 | Mc, K-Z
undated |
11 | 5 | Mark McKiernan
undated |
11 | 6 | Mad-Mak
undated |
11 | 7 | Mal-Map
undated |
11 | 8 | Mar-Maz
undated |
11 | 9 | Neal Maxwell
undated |
11 | 10 | Dean May
undated |
11 | 11 | Me
undated |
12 | 1 | Mi
undated |
12 | 2 | Mo
undated |
12 | 3 | James Mortimer
undated |
12 | 4 | Mu-My
undated |
12 | 5 | Memoranda
undated |
12 | 6 | New Era
undated |
12 | 7 | N-Ni
undated |
12 | 8 | No-Nz
undated |
12 | 9 | O
undated |
13 | 1 | Dallin Oaks
undated |
13 | 2 | Oa-Or
undated |
13 | 3 | Olsen
undated |
13 | 4 | Olson
undated |
13 | 5 | Om-Os
undated |
13 | 6 | Ot-Oz
undated |
13 | 7 | Nedra Pace
undated |
13 | 8 | Pa
undated |
13 | 9 | Max Parkin
undated |
13 | 10 | Carol Lynn Pearson
undated |
13 | 11 | Pe-Ph
undated |
13 | 12 | Petersen
undated |
14 | 1 | Peterson
undated |
14 | 2 | Charles Peterson
undated |
14 | 3 | Pi-Pl
undated |
14 | 4 | Po-Pr
undated |
14 | 5 | Pu
undated |
14 | 6 | Q
undated |
14 | 7 | Michael Quinn
undated |
14 | 8 | Ra
undated |
14 | 9 | Rea-Red
undated |
14 | 10 | Ree-Reg
undated |
14 | 11 | Rei
undated |
15 | 1 | Rel-Rh
undated |
15 | 2 | Ri
undated |
15 | 3 | Ro
undated |
15 | 4 | Ru-Ry
undated |
15 | 5 | Sa-Sc
undated |
15 | 6 | Se
undated |
15 | 7 | Sh
undated |
15 | 8 | Gerald Sherratt
undated |
16 | 1 | Gary Shumway
undated |
16 | 2 | Si-Sl
undated |
16 | 3 | Sm-Sn
undated |
16 | 4 | Melvin Smith
undated |
16 | 5 | Smith, A-G
undated |
16 | 6 | Smith, H-Z
undated |
16 | 7 | So-Sq
undated |
16 | 8 | John Sorenson
undated |
16 | 9 | Sta
undated |
16 | 10 | Ste
undated |
16 | 11 | Sto
undated |
16 | 12 | Str-Stu
undated |
16 | 13 | Su-Sy
undated |
17 | 1 | Ta
undated |
17 | 2 | Charles D. Tate, Jr
undated |
17 | 3 | Te
undated |
17 | 4 | Th-Ti
undated |
17 | 5 | To-Tr
undated |
17 | 6 | Jay Todd
undated |
17 | 7 | Tu-Ty
undated |
17 | 8 | LaMond Tullis
undated |
17 | 9 | U
undated |
17 | 10 | V
undated |
18 | 1 | Wa
undated |
18 | 2 | We
undated |
18 | 3 | Wh
undated |
18 | 4 | Wi
undated |
18 | 5 | Ernest Wilkinson
undated |
18 | 6 | Linda Wilcox
undated |
18 | 7 | Wo-Wu
undated |
18 | 8 | X-Z
undated |
19 | 1 | First Presidency
undated |
19 | 2 | First Presidency
undated |
19 | 3 | Spencer W. Kimball
undated |
19 | 4 | N. Eldon Tanner
undated |
19 | 5 | Marion G. Romney
undated |
19 | 6 | Ezra Taft Benson
undated |
19 | 7 | Mark E. Peterson, LeGrand Richards, Howard W. Hunter
undated |
19 | 8 | Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, Boyd K. Packer
undated |
19 | 9 | Marvin J. Ashton, Bruce R. McConkie, L. Tom Perry
undated |
19 | 10 | David B. Haight, James E. Faust
undated |
19 | 11 | Copies of Letters to and from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles
undated |
III. LDS Church Historical Department-FilesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Guides to Church Historical Department
undated |
1 | 2 | Minutes
undated; 1972 |
1 | 3 | Minutes
1973 |
1 | 4 | Minutes
1974-1975 |
1 | 5 | Policy Decisions
1970-1978 |
1 | 6 | Financial Records of Savings Account
undated |
1 | 7 | Secretarial Applications
undated |
1 | 8 | Reports from the Church Historical Department, Including Requests for Access
undated |
1 | 9 | Acquisition Lists
undated |
1 | 10 | Acquisition Lists
undated |
1 | 11 | Acquisition Lists
undated |
1 | 12 | Letterhead
undated |
2 | 1 | Miscellaneous Information on Historical Department Records and Organization
undated |
2 | 2 | Organizational Charts
undated |
2 | 3 | Personnel Documents
undated |
2 | 4 | Budget Documents
undated |
2 | 5 | Budget Documents
undated |
2 | 6 | Budget Documents
1980 |
2 | 7 | Budget Documents
1980 |
2 | 8 | Travel Documents
undated |
2 | 9 | Documents Concerning Staff Retreats
undated |
2 | 10 | Documents Concerning Staff Retreats
undated |
2 | 11 | Binding Work Orders
undated |
2 | 12 | Research Goals and Ideas
undated |
2 | 13 | Archive and Library Instructions
undated |
3 | 1 | Documents Concerning Church Library
undated |
3 | 2 | Guidelines for Local Church Historians
undated |
3 | 3 | Course Prospectus for Gospel Doctrine Course of Study, 1978-79
1978-1979 |
3 | 4 | Form Letters
undated |
3 | 5 | Job Descriptions
undated |
3 | 6 | Documents Concerning Staff Business
undated |
3 | 7 | Documents Concerning Staff Business
undated |
3 | 8 | Resumes
undated |
3 | 9 | Resumes
undated |
3 | 10 | Applications for Employment
undated |
3 | 11 | Applications for Employment
undated |
4 | 1 | Selected New Book List
undated |
4 | 2 | Books
undated |
4 | 3 | New Registers
1979 |
4 | 4 | Distinctive Documents of Mormon History
undated |
4 | 5 | 26 Most Urgently Needed Theses in LDS Church History
undated |
4 | 6 | Documents Concerning Fellows
undated |
4 | 7 |
Insights and Perspectives
1977-1981 |
4 | 8 |
Insights and Perspectives
1977-1980 |
4 | 9 |
Insights and Perspectives-Miscellaneous
undated |
4 | 10 | Nauvoo Neighbors' Bulletin
1974-1980 |
4 | 11 | Nauvoo Neighbors' Bulletin-Miscellaneous
undated |
4 | 12 | Miscellaneous Newsletters and Documents
undated |
4 | 13 | Oral History Program-General
undated |
4 | 14 | Oral History Program-General
undated |
4 | 15 | Oral History Program-Church Building and Missionary Programs
undated |
5 | 1 | Oral History Program-Documents
undated |
5 | 2 | Oral History Program-Documents
undated |
5 | 3 | Oral History Program-Documents
undated |
5 | 4 | James Moyle Oral History Project-Documents
undated |
5 | 5 | James Moyle Oral History Project-Documents
undated |
5 | 6 | James Moyle Oral History Trust Fund-Financial Records
undated |
5 | 7 | Oral History Program-Health Services
undated |
5 | 8 | Church Interdepartmental Council
undated |
5 | 9 | Seminary Course in Church History
undated |
5 | 10 | Heritage Series-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
6 | 1 |
The Story of the Latter-day Saints-Reviews and Correspondence
undated |
6 | 2 | Sesquicentennial History-Prospectus and Contract Information
undated |
6 | 3 | Sesquicentennial History-Documents, Correspondence, and Agreements
undated |
6 | 4 | Sesquicentennial History-Outgoing Correspondence and Author List
undated |
6 | 5 | Sesquicentennial History-Incoming Correspondence
1972-1979 |
6 | 6 | Sesquicentennial History-Outlines
undated |
6 | 7 | Sesquicentennial History-Outlines
undated |
6 | 8 | Friends of Church History-Documents
undated |
6 | 9 | Friends of Church History-Documents
undated |
7 | 1 | Applications and Correspondence Regarding Summer Research Fellowships
1972 |
7 | 2 | Applications and Correspondence Regarding Summer Research Fellowships
1973 |
7 | 3 | Applications and Correspondence Regarding Summer Research Fellowships
1974 |
7 | 4 | Applications and Correspondence Regarding Fellowships
1974-1975 |
7 | 5 | Applications and Correspondence Regarding Fellowships
1975-1976 |
7 | 6 | Applications for Employment and Fellowships-A-H
undated |
7 | 7 | Applications for Employment and Fellowships-H-M
undated |
7 | 8 | Applications for Employment and Fellowships-N-R
undated |
7 | 9 | Applications for Employment and Fellowships-S-Z
undated |
8 | 1 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Statement of Intent and Minutes from Meetings
undated |
8 | 2 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Records
undated |
8 | 3 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Documents and Bank Statements
undated |
8 | 4 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Documents
undated |
8 | 5 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Documents
undated |
8 | 6 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Documents
undated |
8 | 7 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Financial Documents
undated |
8 | 8 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Bank Statements
undated |
8 | 9 | Mormon History Trust Fund-IRS Documents
undated |
8 | 10 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Property Tax Statements
undated |
8 | 11 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Correspondence
1985-1989 |
9 | 1 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Record of Financial Transactions
1980 |
9 | 2 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Savings Transaction Memos
1981-1982 |
9 | 3 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Record of Financial Transactions
1981 |
9 | 4 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Record of Financial Transactions
1982 |
9 | 5 | Mormon History Trust Fund-Miscellaneous Correspondence
undated |
10 | 1 | Genealogical Department Documents
undated |
10 | 2 | Genealogical Department Documents
undated |
10 | 3 | Genealogical Department-Church News
(World Conference on Records Report)
1980 August 16 |
10 | 4 | Arts and Sites Division and Activities Committee
undated |
10 | 5 | Arts and Sites Division-Documents
undated |
10 | 6 | Arts and Sites Division-Documents
undated |
10 | 7 | Translation and Temporal Affairs Department Documents
undated |
10 | 8 | Nauvoo Restoration Documents
undated |
10 | 9 | LDS Social Services Documents
undated |
10 | 10 | Documents Concerning the Church Recorder
undated |
10 | 11 | Church History and Doctrine Daily Teacher Kit
1977 |
10 | 12 | Church History and Doctrine Daily Student Kit
1977 |
10 | 13 |
Dater's Digest
(Part of Church History and Doctrine Daily Student Kit)
undated |
11 | 1 | Church Statistics
undated |
11 | 2 | "Yearbook of Facts and Statistics-Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1949 |
11 | 3 | Leonard Arrington, "Statistical and Historical Data"
undated |
11 | 4 | Howard Nielson, "Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Areas"
1971 |
11 | 5 | "Church Progress Edition" of the Church News
1960 December 31 |
11 | 6 | Articles and Documents about Growth of the Church
undated |
11 | 7 | The Church in the 19th Century
undated |
11 | 8 | General Church Organization Index
1980 |
11 | 9 | The Church in the 20th Century
undated |
11 | 10 | The Church from the 1950s to the 1970s
undated |
11 | 11 | The Church in the 1960s
undated |
11 | 12 | Documents Concerning Change in the Church in the 20th Century
undated |
11 | 13 | Notecards Regarding the Church Building Program
undated |
11 | 14 | Church Building Program File
undated |
12 | 1 | Historiography and Bibliography File
undated |
12 | 2 | Mormons in Washington, D.C. File
undated |
12 | 3 | Articles and Documents on Temples and Temple Work
undated |
12 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings about Temples and Temple Work
undated |
12 | 5 | "An Endowment for the Faithful: A Compilation of Statements Relative to the Holy Endowment"
undated |
12 | 6 | John A. Widtsoe, "Temple Worship"
undated |
12 | 7 | Don F. Colvin, "The Endowment Ceremony: Its Historical Development"
undated |
12 | 8 | Articles and Brochures on Temples and Temple Dedications
undated |
12 | 9 | Issues of the Church News about Temples
undated |
12 | 10 | Newspaper Clippings about the Oakland Temple
undated |
12 | 11 | Newspaper Clippings about the Los Angeles Temple
undated |
12 | 12 |
California Intermountain News Pictorial Edition Commemorating the Dedication of the Los Angeles Temple
undated |
12 | 13 |
California Intermountain News Los Angeles Temple Murals
undated |
12 | 14 |
California Intermountain News Los Angeles Temple Pictorial
undated |
13 | 1 | Vignettes from the Church News
1975-1977 |
13 | 2 | Vignettes from the Church News
1978 |
13 | 3 | Vignettes from the Church News
1979 |
13 | 4 | Vignettes from the Church News
1980 |
13 | 5 | Vignettes from the Church News
1981-1982 |
13 | 6 | Church Information Service-Clippings
undated |
13 | 7 | Church Information Service-Clippings
undated |
13 | 8 | Church Information Service-Documents
undated |
13 | 9 | Microfilm Publications
undated |
13 | 10 | Church Brochures and Pamphlets
undated |
13 | 11 | Church Brochures and Pamphlets
undated |
13 | 12 | Articles on Millenarianism
undated |
14 | 1 | 1972 World Conference Tour into Church History-Documents
1972 |
14 | 2 | Regional Representatives Seminar-Documents and Notes
1974 |
14 | 3 | 1975 Tour of the Far East-Documents
1975 |
14 | 4 | 1975 Tour of the Far East-Documents
1975 |
14 | 5 | European Regional Conference-Documents and Notes
1976 |
14 | 6 | Regional Representatives Seminar-Documents and Notes
1977-1978 |
14 | 7 | Regional Representatives Seminar-Documents and Notes
1978 |
14 | 8 | Regional Representatives Seminar-Documents and Notes
1979 |
14 | 9 | Institutes of Religion-Brochures
undated |
14 | 10 | Warren Burger File
undated |
14 | 11 |
Nauvoo Expositor File
1971 June 7 |
14 | 12 | Christmas Cards and Letters
undated |
14 | 13 | Church Historical Department Under G. Homer Durham
undated |
15 | 1 | Documents Concerning Joseph Anderson
undated |
15 | 2 | Programs of Historical Department
undated |
15 | 3 | Speeches about Historical Department
undated |
15 | 4 | Joseph Fielding Smith Institute Lectures
undated |
15 | 5 | Brigham Young University Church History Symposium
1981 |
15 | 6 | Documents about Transferring the Department to BYU
undated |
15 | 7 | Documents about Transferring the Department to BYU
undated |
15 | 8 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
15 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
15 | 10 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
16 | 1 | Bruce Blumell, "Remember the Poor: A History of Welfare, 1830-1979"-Documents
undated |
16 | 2 | Bruce Blumell, "Remember the Poor: A History of Welfare, 1830-1979"-Draft
undated |
16 | 3 | Bruce Blumell, "Remember the Poor: A History of Welfare, 1830-1979"-Draft
undated |
16 | 4 | Bruce Blumell, "Remember the Poor: A History of Welfare, 1830-1979"-Draft
undated |
17 | 1 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 1-3
undated |
17 | 2 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 4-6
undated |
17 | 3 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 7-9
undated |
17 | 4 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 7-9--Revised Draft
undated |
17 | 5 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 10-12
undated |
17 | 6 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 10-12-Revised Draft
undated |
18 | 1 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 13-15
undated |
18 | 2 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 13-15-Revised Draft
undated |
18 | 3 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 16-18
undated |
18 | 4 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 16-18-Revised Draft
undated |
18 | 5 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapter 19 and Appendices
undated |
18 | 6 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Tables, Notes, and Index
undated |
19 | 1 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapter 19 and Tables-Revised Draft
undated |
19 | 2 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 1-4-Short Version
undated |
19 | 3 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 5-8-Short Version
undated |
19 | 4 | Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents: The Activities of Leonard J. Arrington as Church Historian"-Chapters 9-10-Short Version
undated |
IV. Professional Affiliations, 1962-1992Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Mormon History Association |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Correspondence Relating to the Formation of the Mormon History Association
1964-1967 |
1 | 2 | Minutes and Documents of Formative Meeting of the Mormon History Association
undated |
1 | 3 | First Membership Lists
undated |
1 | 4 | Proposed and Adopted Constitution and Items Related to the First Conference
undated |
1 | 5 | Press Reports of Formation of the Mormon History Association
undated |
1 | 6 | Newsletters and Other Documents from MHA's Early Years
undated |
1 | 7 | Newsletters and Other Documents from MHA's Early Years
undated |
1 | 8 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1967, 1972-1986 |
1 | 9 | Minutes of Council and Committee Meetings
undated |
1 | 10 | Forms, Calls for Papers, and Other Documents Relating to Annual Conferences
undated |
1 | 11 | Programs from Annual Conferences
1974-1980 |
1 | 12 | Programs from Annual Conferences
1981-1983 |
1 | 13 | Programs from Annual Conferences
1984-1986, 1988 |
2 | 1 | Documents Relating to Trip to England
1986 |
2 | 2 | Documents Relating to 1987 Conference in England
undated |
2 | 3 | Documents and Correspondence Concerning 1989 Meeting
undated |
2 | 4 | Brochures
undated |
2 | 5 | Documents Relating to 1995 Conference
undated |
2 | 6 | Abstracts of Papers Given at Annual Conferences
undated |
2 | 7 | Papers Given at Annual Conferences
undated |
3 | 1 | Newsletter
1970-1980 |
3 | 2 | Newsletter
1981-1991 |
4 | 1 | Conference-Proposal Forms and Requests
1988 |
4 | 2 | Conference-Paper Proposals
1988 |
4 | 3 | Conference-Suggested Sessions
1988 |
4 | 4 | Conference-Committee Meeting Agenda and Conference Program
1988 |
4 | 5 | Conference-Printed Program Information
1988 |
4 | 6 | Conference-Program Drafts
1988 |
4 | 7 | Conference-Program Committee Information
1988 |
4 | 8 | Conference-Proposed Promotional Packet and Actual Packet
1988 |
4 | 9 | Conference-Documents Concerning Authors
1988 |
4 | 10 | Conference-Abstracts
1988 |
4 | 11 | Conference-Papers Presented at the Conference
1988 |
4 | 12 | Conference-Papers Presented at the Conference
1988 |
4 | 13 | Conference-Expenses
1988 |
4 | 14 | Conference-Letters of Appreciation
1988 |
Utah State Historical Society |
Box | Folder | ||
5 | 1 | Newsletter
1951-1962 |
5 | 2 | Newsletter
1963-1969 |
5 | 3 | Newsletter
1970-1975 |
5 | 4 | Newsletter
1976-1979 |
5 | 5 | Newsletter
1980-1982 |
5 | 6 | Newsletter
1983-1987 |
5 | 7 | Newsletter
1988-1991 |
5 | 8 | Newsletter
1992-1994 |
5 | 9 | Newsletter
1995-1998 |
6 | 1 | Chapter News
1971-1972 |
6 | 2 |
Utah History Research Bulletin
1972-1975 |
6 | 3 |
Utah History Highlights
1973-1977 |
6 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1951-1966 |
6 | 5 | Correspondence
1968-1980 |
6 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1989-1990 |
6 | 7 | Quarterly Reports
undated |
6 | 8 | Reports and Policies
undated |
6 | 9 | Reports
undated |
6 | 10 | Annual Reports
undated |
6 | 11 | Documents Relating to Annual Meeting
1990 |
7 | 1 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
7 | 2 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
7 | 3 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
7 | 4 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
7 | 5 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
7 | 6 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 1 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 2 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 3 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 4 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 5 | Board of State History-Documents
undated |
8 | 6 | National Register of Historic Places Nominations
undated |
8 | 7 | National Register of Historic Places Nominations
undated |
9 | 1 | Historic Preservation Documents
undated |
9 | 2 | Grant Applications
undated |
9 | 3 | Miscellaneous Flyers and Announcements
undated |
9 | 4 | Brochures, Pamphlets, Clippings, Mailings, Programs
undated |
9 | 5 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
9 | 6 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
9 | 7 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
9 | 8 | Headquarters Heliogram-Military History and Historic Preservation
undated |
9 | 9 | Utah Heritage Foundation-Newsletter
1970-1978 |
9 | 10 | Utah Heritage Foundation-Reports
undated |
9 | 11 | Utah Heritage Foundation-Committee Meeting Reports
undated |
9 | 12 | Utah Heritage Foundation-Cornerstone News
1973-1974 |
10 | 1 | Utah Heritage Foundation-Miscellaneous Flyers and Promotional Mailings
undated |
10 | 2 | Utah Preservation
undated |
10 | 3 |
Utah Historic Preservation News
1970-1971 |
10 | 4 | Documents Relating to Utah's Pioneer Sesquicentennial
undated |
10 | 5 | Idaho Humanities Council-Newsletter
1987-1998 |
10 | 6 | Association for the Humanities in Idaho-Newsletter
undated |
10 | 7 | Idaho Oral History Center
undated |
10 | 8 | Idaho Oral History Center
undated |
10 | 9 | Idaho Centennial Commission-Newsletter
1990 |
10 | 10 | University of Idaho
undated |
10 | 11 | University of Idaho
undated |
10 | 12 | Pacific Northwest History Association-Programs from Annual Conferences
1992-1998 |
10 | 13 | Miscellaneous Publications and Flyers Relating to Idaho and Pacific Northwest History
undated |
11 | 1 |
The Mountain Light
1962, 1969-1982 |
11 | 2 |
The Mountain Light
1982-1984 |
11 | 3 |
The Mountain Light
1985-1989 |
11 | 4 |
The Mountain Light
1990-1993 |
11 | 5 |
The Mountain Light
1994-1998 |
11 | 6 |
1997-1998 |
11 | 7 | Correspondence and Flyers
undated |
11 | 8 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
11 | 9 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
11 | 10 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
11 | 11 | Idaho Reference Series
undated |
Utah Endowment for the Humanities |
Box | Folder | ||
12 | 1 | Information from Other State Programs
undated |
12 | 2 | Executive Committee Meetings
undated |
12 | 3 | Resumes
undated |
12 | 4 | Correspondence
1974-1979 |
12 | 5 | Correspondence
1987-1989 |
12 | 6 |
Humanities and Public Policy
1975-1978 |
12 | 7 |
1972-1977 |
12 | 8 |
Utah Humanities News
1987-1989 |
12 | 9 |
Humanities Discourse
1987-1989 |
12 | 10 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
undated |
12 | 11 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
12 | 12 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
13 | 1 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
13 | 2 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
13 | 3 | Publications
undated |
14 | 1 | Publications
undated |
14 | 2 | Publications
undated |
14 | 3 | Articles
undated |
14 | 4 | Proposals
undated |
14 | 5 | Proposals
undated |
14 | 6 | Proposals
undated |
15 | 1 | Proposals
undated |
15 | 2 | Proposals
undated |
15 | 3 | Proposals
undated |
15 | 4 | Proposals for Funding From National Endowment for the Humanities
undated |
15 | 5 | Proposals for Funding From National Endowment for the Humanities
undated |
15 | 6 | Brochures and Pamphlets
undated |
15 | 7 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
undated |
15 | 8 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters |
Box | Folder | ||
16 | 1 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
16 | 2 | Programs
undated |
16 | 3 | Programs
undated |
16 | 4 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
16 | 5 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
Sunstone |
Box | Folder | ||
17 | 1 | Correspondence
1984-1994 |
17 | 2 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
17 | 3 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
17 | 4 | Promotional Mailings
undated |
17 | 5 | Programs from Sunstone Symposium
undated |
17 | 6 | Programs and Notes from Sunstone Symposium
undated |
17 | 7 | Symposium
1992 |
17 | 8 | Northwest Sunstone Symposium
undated |
17 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
17 | 10 | World Conference on Records-Reports
undated |
Mountain West Center for Regional Studies |
Box | Folder | ||
18 | 1 |
Mountain West Gazette
1987-1990 |
18 | 2 | Correspondence
1986-1991 |
18 | 3 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
18 | 4 | Board Documents
undated |
18 | 5 | Evans Biography Board Documents
1997 |
18 | 6 | Faces of Utah Project-Documents
undated |
18 | 7 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
Charles Redd Center for Western Studies |
Box | Folder | ||
19 | 1 | Correspondence and Documents
1970-1976 |
19 | 2 | Correspondence and Documents
1970s |
19 | 3 | Correspondence and Documents
1970s |
19 | 4 | Correspondence and Documents
1980s |
19 | 5 | Correspondence and Documents
1993-1997 |
19 | 6 | Proposals for Funding
undated |
19 | 7 | Proposals for Summer Fellowships
undated |
19 | 8 | Reports
undated |
19 | 9 | Annual Reports
1993-1997 |
Western History Association |
Box | Folder | ||
20 | 1 | WHA Newsletter
1974-1975 |
20 | 2 | WHA Newsletter
1988-1995 |
20 | 3 | Correspondence
1969 |
20 | 4 | Correspondence
1970 |
20 | 5 | Correspondence
1971-1972 |
20 | 6 | Correspondence
1971-1982 |
20 | 7 | Changes to Constitution
undated |
20 | 8 | Documents Concerning Arrangements for Annual Conference in Omaha
1969 |
20 | 9 | Conference Programs
1972, 1982-84 |
20 | 10 | Documents Relating to Annual Conference
1974 |
20 | 11 | Brochures and Pamphlets from Annual Meetings
undated |
Western History Association |
Box | Folder | ||
21 | 1 | Conference Programs
1962-1968 |
21 | 2 | Conference Programs
1969-1972 |
21 | 3 | Documents Relating to Annual Conference
1975 |
21 | 4 | Documents Relating to Annual Conferences
1978-1979 |
21 | 5 | Conference Programs
1985-1987 |
21 | 6 | Conference Programs
1988-1990 |
21 | 7 | Travel Documents Relating to Conference in Reno
1990 |
21 | 8 | Travel Documents and Session Proposals
undated |
21 | 9 | Banquet Invitations
undated |
21 | 10 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
21 | 11 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
21 | 12 | Miscellaneous Brochures
undated |
22 | 1 | Correspondence about the Startup of the Western Historical Quarterly
1969 |
22 | 2 | Agreements Regarding the Startup of the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 3 | Correspondence and Documents about the Startup of the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 4 | Correspondence, Documents, and Minutes Regarding the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 5 | Correspondence, Documents, and Minutes Regarding the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 6 | Correspondence, Documents, and Minutes Regarding the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 7 | Correspondence, Documents, and Minutes Regarding the Western Historical Quarterly
undated |
22 | 8 | Correspondence Regarding the Former Presidents Articles
undated |
23 | 1 | The Westerners-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
23 | 2 | The Westerners-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
23 | 3 | The Westerners-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
23 | 4 | Utah Westerners
undated |
American Historical Association |
Box | Folder | ||
24 | 1 | Newsletter
1962-1964 |
24 | 2 | Newsletter
1971, 1974-1975 |
24 | 3 | Newsletter
1976-1977 |
24 | 4 | Newsletter
1978 |
24 | 5 | Newsletter
1979-1980 |
24 | 6 | Newsletter
1980-1981 |
24 | 7 | Newsletter
1982-1983 |
24 | 8 | Newsletter
1984-1985 |
24 | 9 | Newsletter
1985 |
25 | 1 |
1986 |
25 | 2 |
1987 |
25 | 3 |
1988 |
25 | 4 |
1989 |
25 | 5 |
1990 |
25 | 6 |
1991 |
25 | 7 |
1992 |
25 | 8 |
1993 |
26 | 1 | American Historical Association-Documents and Correspondence Regarding Conference Programs
undated |
26 | 2 | American Historical Association-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
26 | 3 | Sons of the American Revolution-Correspondence
1981-1990 |
26 | 4 | Sons of the American Revolution-Utah Patriot
1980-1992 |
26 | 5 | Sons of the American Revolution-Utah Patriot
1992-1994 |
26 | 6 | Sons of the American Revolution-Salt S.A.R. News
1987-1989 |
26 | 7 | Sons of the American Revolution-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
26 | 8 | Bicentennial Commission for Utah-Documents
undated |
26 | 9 | Bicentennial Commission for Utah-Utah Bicentennial Post and Bicentennial Times
undated |
American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch |
Box | Folder | ||
27 | 1 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
27 | 2 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
27 | 3 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
27 | 4 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
27 | 5 | Programs
undated |
27 | 6 | Programs
undated |
27 | 7 | Programs
undated |
Organization of American Historians |
Box | Folder | ||
28 | 1 | Mississippi Valley Historical Association
undated |
28 | 2 | Documents
undated |
28 | 3 | Journals Committee
undated |
28 | 4 | Frederick Jackson Turner Awards Committee
1968 |
28 | 5 | Frederick Jackson Turner Awards Committee
1969 |
28 | 6 | Frederick Jackson Turner Awards Committee
1970 |
28 | 7 | Frederick Jackson Turner Awards Committee
1971-1972 |
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought |
Box | Folder | ||
29 | 1 | Correspondence
1965 |
29 | 2 | Correspondence
1966 |
29 | 3 | Correspondence
1967-1969 |
29 | 4 | Correspondence
1970-1987 |
29 | 5 | Advisory Board Documents
undated |
29 | 6 | Search Committee for Editors
1992 |
29 | 7 | Promotional Mailings and Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
29 | 8 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
Utah State University |
Box | Folder | ||
30 | 1 | Correspondence
undated |
30 | 2 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
30 | 3 | Committee on Professional Relationships and Faculty Welfare
undated |
30 | 4 | Documents Concerning Conference on the American West
undated |
30 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
30 | 6 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
30 | 7 | Correspondence Relating to USU Press
undated |
30 | 8 | "Economics Teaching at Utah State University
1888-1996 |
30 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents on Economics Department
undated |
30 | 10 | Economics Department Newsletter
1990s |
Brigham Young University |
Box | Folder | ||
31 | 1 | Correspondence
1972-1982 |
31 | 2 | Asian Studies Program
undated |
31 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
31 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
31 | 5 | Draft of Chapters in a History of Brigham Young University
undated |
31 | 6 | Glenn V. Bird, "The Student Army Training Corps at Brigham Young University"
undated |
31 | 7 | Commencement Speeches
undated |
31 | 8 | Commencement Speeches
undated |
31 | 9 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
undated |
31 | 10 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
32 | 1 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
32 | 2 |
UEA-NEA Action
undated |
32 | 3 | Activity Calendar
1973-1974 |
32 | 4 | Activity Calendar
1974-1975 |
32 | 5 |
University Bulletin
undated |
32 | 6 | Circulars
undated |
32 | 7 | Friends of the Library Newsletter
undated |
32 | 8 | BYU Patent Policy
undated |
32 | 9 | BYU Employment Newsletter
undated |
32 | 10 | Mediated Learning Systems Newsletter
undated |
32 | 11 | BYU History
undated |
32 | 12 | Economics and the Mormon Culture Conference-Papers
undated |
32 | 13 | Economics and the Mormon Culture Conference-Papers
undated |
32 | 14 | Economics and the Mormon Culture Conference-Papers
undated |
Miscellaneous Associations |
Box | Folder | ||
33 | 1 | Rocky Mountain Assembly on "The Population Dilemma"-Documents
undated |
33 | 2 | Phi Beta Kappa-The Key Reporter
1978 |
33 | 3 | Phi Beta Kappa-The Key Reporter
1989-1993 |
33 | 4 | Phi Beta Kappa-The Key Reporter
1994-1998 |
33 | 5 | Phi Beta Kappa-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
33 | 6 | Jewish Agricultural Society-News Release
undated |
33 | 7 | National Historic Communal Societies Association-Documents
undated |
33 | 8 | National Historic Communal Societies Association-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
33 | 9 | Communal Studies Association-Documents Relating to Conference in Nauvoo
1992 |
33 | 10 | Rural Sociological Society-Papers Given at Conferences
undated |
33 | 11 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
undated |
34 | 1 | Signature Books-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 2 | Signature Books-Manuscript Analysis
undated |
34 | 3 | University of Idaho Press-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 4 | University of Utah Press-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 5 | University of Illinois Press-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 6 | Oral History Program-Cal-State Fullerton
undated |
34 | 7 | Topaz Museum Board-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 8 | Topaz Museum Board-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
34 | 9 | Ellen Eccles Theater-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
35 | 1 | Future Meeting Dates of National Historical Organizations
undated |
35 | 2 | Agricultural History Society
undated |
35 | 3 | Agricultural History Society
undated |
35 | 4 | American Association for State and Local History
undated |
35 | 5 | American Association of University Professors
undated |
35 | 6 | American Council of Learned Societies
undated |
35 | 7 | American Council of Learned Societies-Grant Information
undated |
35 | 8 | American Philosophical Society
undated |
35 | 9 | American Society of Church History
undated |
35 | 10 |
Arizona and the West
undated |
35 | 11 | Association of Utah Historians
undated |
35 | 12 | Australian Mormon Studies Association
undated |
35 | 13 | Business History Association
undated |
35 | 14 | Business History Association
undated |
35 | 15 | Business History Conference
undated |
36 | 1 | Business History Conference
undated |
36 | 2 | Business History Conference
undated |
36 | 3 |
BYU Studies
undated |
36 | 4 | Cache Valley Historical Association
undated |
36 | 5 | Cache Valley Historical Association
undated |
36 | 6 | Cache Valley Magazine
undated |
36 | 7 | College of Eastern Utah
undated |
36 | 8 |
undated |
36 | 9 |
Courage (RLDS Journal)
undated |
36 | 10 | Daughters of Utah Pioneers
undated |
36 | 11 | Denver Federal Records Center-National Archives
undated |
36 | 12 | Economic and Business Historical Society
undated |
36 | 13 | Economic History Association
undated |
36 | 14 | Economic History Association
undated |
37 | 1 | Economic History Association
undated |
37 | 2 | Economic History Association
undated |
37 | 3 |
The Ensign
undated |
37 | 4 | Fielding Academy
undated |
37 | 5 | Folklore Society of Utah
undated |
37 | 6 | Folklore Society of Utah
undated |
37 | 7 | Fort Douglas Military Museum
undated |
37 | 8 | Friends of University of Utah Libraries
undated |
37 | 9 | Fulbright Alumni
undated |
37 | 10 | Fulbright Association
undated |
37 | 11 | Fulbright Association
undated |
37 | 12 | Future Farmers of America
undated |
38 | 1 | Future Farmers of America
undated |
38 | 2 | Future Farmers of America
undated |
38 | 3 | Future Farmers of America
undated |
38 | 4 | Future Farmers of America
undated |
38 | 5 |
The Growing Edge (Newsletter for Seminaries and Institutes of the LDS Church)
undated |
38 | 6 | Huntington Library
undated |
38 | 7 | Huntington Library
undated |
38 | 8 | Institute of the North American West
undated |
38 | 9 | Johns Hopkins University-Bologna Center
undated |
38 | 10 | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
38 | 11 | John Whitmer Association
undated |
39 | 1 | KTVX History Series
undated |
39 | 2 | LDS Business College
undated |
39 | 3 | The Merieult House
undated |
39 | 4 |
Mormon Anthropology
undated |
39 | 5 | Mormon Sociological Society
undated |
39 | 6 | Mormon Pioneer Trail Advisory Council
undated |
39 | 7 | Mormon Trails Association
undated |
39 | 8 | National Archives
undated |
39 | 9 |
New Era
undated |
39 | 10 | Peace Organizations
undated |
39 | 11 | Phi Alpha Theta
undated |
39 | 12 | Phi Kappa Phi
undated |
39 | 13 | Phi Kappa Phi
undated |
39 | 14 | Regional Science Association
undated |
39 | 15 | RLDS Church
undated |
39 | 16 | Ronald V. Jensen Living Historical Farm
undated |
39 | 17 | Ronald V. Jensen Living Historical Farm
undated |
39 | 18 | Rotary
undated |
40 | 1 | Salt Lake Rotary
undated |
40 | 2 | Sierra Museum Research Library
undated |
40 | 3 | Snow College
undated |
40 | 4 | Social Science Research Council
undated |
40 | 5 | Society for Religion in Higher Education
undated |
40 | 6 | Sons of Utah Pioneers
undated |
40 | 7 | Sons of Utah Pioneers
undated |
40 | 8 | South Bay Mormon Studies Group
undated |
40 | 9 | Southern History Association
undated |
40 | 10 | Southern Utah State College
undated |
40 | 11 | Utah Conference on Higher Education
undated |
40 | 12 | Utah Conference on Higher Education
undated |
40 | 13 | Utah Conference on Higher Education
undated |
40 | 14 | Western Economic Association
undated |
40 | 15 | Miscellaneous Foundations
undated |
V. ColleaguesReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Lowell Bennion-Correspondence
1952-1962 |
1 | 2 | Davis Bitton-Ancestors
undated |
1 | 3 | Davis Bitton-Articles and Advertisements on Western History
undated |
1 | 4 | Davis Bitton-Bibliography Cards and Notes
undated |
1 | 5 | Davis Bitton-Bibliography Cards and Notes
undated |
1 | 6 | Davis Bitton-Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
undated |
1 | 7 | Davis Bitton-Church History Department and Personal Notes
undated |
1 | 8 | Davis Bitton-Class Syllabi and Notes
undated |
1 | 9 | Davis Bitton-Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
undated |
1 | 10 | Davis Bitton-BYU Today
1974 April 28 |
1 | 11 | Juanita Brooks-Correspondence
1952-1960 |
1 | 12 | G. Homer Durham-Correspondence
1953-1958 |
1 | 13 | Dallin H. Oaks
undated |
2 | 1 | Ellis Armstrong-Correspondence and Writings
undated |
2 | 2 | M. Guy Bishop-Correspondence and Writings
undated |
2 | 3 | William G. Hartley-Correspondence, Writings, and Documents
undated |
2 | 4 | William G. Hartley-Correspondence, Writings, and Documents
undated |
2 | 5 | Dean Jessee-Correspondence
undated |
2 | 6 | Dean Jessee-Writings
undated |
2 | 7 | Larry Wimmer-Writings
undated |
3 | 1 | Fawn Brodie
undated |
3 | 2 | Fawn Brodie
undated |
3 | 3 | Fawn Brodie
undated |
3 | 4 | Fawn Brodie
undated |
3 | 5 | Lawrence Coates-Correspondence and Articles
undated |
3 | 6 | Thomas O'Dea
undated |
3 | 7 | Thomas O'Dea
undated |
3 | 8 | Steven Olsen
undated |
3 | 9 | Wynne Thorne
undated |
3 | 10 | Orrin Wardle
undated |
4 | 1 | Larry Foster-Correspondence
undated |
4 | 2 | Larry Foster-"The Origins of Mormon Polygamy"
undated |
4 | 3 | Larry Foster-"The Apostolic Interregnum: Problems of Succession to Joseph Smith and the Institutionalization of Mormon Polygamy, 1844-1847" with Arrington's Comments
undated |
4 | 4 | Larry Foster-Articles
undated |
5 | 1 | John Hughes-Correspondence
1949-1971 |
5 | 2 | John Hughes-Correspondence
1975-1985 |
5 | 3 | John Hughes-Correspondence
1986-1989 |
5 | 4 | John Hughes-Correspondence and Obituaries
1990-1992 |
5 | 5 | John Hughes-Funeral
undated |
5 | 6 | John Hughes-Autobiographical Essays
undated |
5 | 7 | John Hughes-Publications
undated |
5 | 8 | Mark P. Leone-Correspondence
undated |
5 | 9 | Mark P. Leone-Writings
undated |
5 | 10 | Mark P. Leone-Writings
undated |
6 | 1 | T. Edgar Lyon-Correspondence
1958-1978 |
6 | 2 | T. Edgar Lyon-Documents and Writings
undated |
6 | 3 | Jan Shipps-Correspondence
1964-1986 |
6 | 4 | Jan Shipps-Articles
undated |
6 | 5 | Jan Shipps-Articles
undated |
6 | 6 | Jan Shipps-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
6 | 7 | David J. Whittaker-Correspondence
1970-1974 |
6 | 8 | David J. Whittaker-Writings
undated |
6 | 9 | David J. Whittaker-Writings
undated |
7 | 1 | Jack Adamson-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 2 | Douglas Alder-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 3 | Thomas Alexander-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 4 | Paul Anderson-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 5 | Richard Anderson-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 6 | Paul Andrykowsky-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 7 | Clifford L. Ashton-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 8 | Milton V. Backman-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 9 | JoAnn Bair-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 10 | Kenneth Baldridge-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 11 | Ian Barber-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 12 | Betty Barton-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 13 | Dale Beecher-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 14 | Lowell Bennion, Jr.-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 15 | Sherilyn Bennion-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 16 | Gary Bergera-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 17 | M. Guy Bishop-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 18 | John Bluth-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 19 | Douglas Boyd-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 20 | Mary Bradford-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 21 | Ron Bremer-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 22 | Lanier Britsch-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 23 | Juanita Brooks-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 24 | Fred Buchanan-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 25 | Lester Bush-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 26 | Karl Butler-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 27 | Eugene Campbell-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 28 | Donald Cannon and Lyndon Cook-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 29 | Mark Cannon-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 30 | Brigham Y. Card-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 31 | Stanford Cazier-Correspondence
undated |
7 | 32 | Jim Clayton-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 1 | Rex A. Cluff-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 2 | T. Allan Comp-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 3 | Rebecca Cornwall-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 4 | Rebecca Cornwall-Papers
undated |
8 | 5 | Rebecca Cornwall-Papers
undated |
8 | 6 | Pete Crawley-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 7 | Richard Daines-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 8 | J. Kenneth Davies-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 9 | Harrison Davis-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 10 | Mario DePillas-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 11 | David Dryden-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 12 | Lowell Durham-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 13 | Paul Edwards
undated |
8 | 14 | George Ellsworth-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 15 | Eugene England-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 16 | James Enstrom-Correspondence (Cancer Society)
undated |
8 | 17 | Robert Flanders-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 18 | Larry Foster-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 19 | Edward Geary-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 20 | Jess Groesbeck-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 21 | Klaus D. Gurgel-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 22 | Gary Hansen-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 23 | Klaus Hansen-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 24 | Kathryn Hanson-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 25 | Carmon Hardy-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 26 | Marvin Hill-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 27 | Cornelius Hofman-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 28 | Mervin Hogan-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 29 | Charles H. Holmes-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 30 | Richard Howard-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 31 | Robert Hullinger-Correspondence
undated |
8 | 32 | Robert D. Hutchins-Correspondence
undated |
8a | 1 | Larry J. Halford-Correspondence
undated |
8a | 2 | Ralph Hansen-Correspondence
undated |
8a | 3 | M. Paul Holsinger-Correspondence
undated |
8a | 4 | Miscellaneous H correspondence
undated |
9 | 1 | Gordon Irving-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 2 | Dwight Israelsen-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 3 | Turrentine Jackson-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 4 | Duane Jeffery-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 5 | Lamar Jensen-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 6 | Richard Jensen-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 7 | Joe Jeppson-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 8 | Wes Johnson-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 9 | Frank H. Jonas-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 10 | Garth Jones-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 11 | Victor Jorgenson-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 12 | Stanley Kimball-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 13 | Stanley Kimball-Correspondence (Slavic Studies)
undated |
9 | 14 | Stanley Kimball-Correspondence (Heber C. Kimball Biography)
undated |
9 | 15 | Steven Knecht-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 16 | Ogden Kraut-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 17 | Neal Lambert and Richard Cracroft-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 18 | Gustive O. Larson-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 19 | George P. Lee-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 20 | Dean Louder-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 21 | Jerry Lounsberry-Correspondence
undated |
9 | 22 | Ray Luce-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 1 | Brigham Madsen-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 2 | Truman Madsen-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 3 | Truman Madsen-Correspondence (Mormon Origins Project)
undated |
10 | 4 | Dena Markoff-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 5 | Armand Mauss-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 6 | Dean May-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 7 | Adele B. McCollum-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 8 | John McCormick-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 9 | Ralph McGrath-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 10 | J. Keith Melville-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 11 | Milton R. Merrill-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 12 | Bob Mesle-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 13 | Louis Midgeley-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 14 | David Miller-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 15 | Melodie Moench-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 16 | Brad Morris-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 17 | William Mulder-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 18 | Evan B. Murray-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 19 | Lowry Nelson-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 20 | Sterling Nelson-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 21 | Earl Olson-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 22 | Vicky Burgess Olson-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 23 | Gene Pace-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 24 | Spencer Palmer-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 25 | Elinore Partridge-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 26 | Robert Paul-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 27 | Rodman Paul-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 28 | Carolyn Person-Correspondence
undated |
10 | 29 | Ross Peterson-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 1 | Richard Poll-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 2 | Guy Potter-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 3 | Michael Quinn-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 4 | Michael Raber-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 5 | Don Reading-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 6 | Thomas F. Rogers-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 7 | Edyth Romney-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 8 | William Russell-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 9 | Howard C. Searle-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 10 | Gene Sessions-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 11 | Gary Shepherd-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 12 | Morris Shirts-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 13 | A.J. Simmonds-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 14 | Phil Snyder-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 15 | Conway Sonne-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 16 | John Sorenson-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 17 | Responses to Jerald and Sandra Tanner-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 18 | Phillip A. M. Taylor-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 19 | Samuel W. Taylor-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 20 | Emma Lou Thayne-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 21 | Gordon Wagner-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 22 | Chris Croft Waters-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 23 | Merle Wells-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 24 | Maurine Whipple-Correspondence
undated |
11 | 25 | Joe Wood-Correspondence
undated |
12 | 1 | Roland Rich Woolley-Correspondence
1964-1973 |
12 | 2 | Roland Rich Woolley-Correspondence
1974 |
12 | 3 | Roland Rich Woolley-Correspondence
1975-1976 |
12 | 4 | Roland Rich Woolley-Correspondence
1977-1979 |
13 | 1 | Jack Adamson-Files
undated |
13 | 2 | Douglas Alder-Files
undated |
13 | 3 | Thomas Alexander-Files
undated |
13 | 4 | Nels Anderson-Files
undated |
13 | 5 | Paul Anderson-Files
undated |
13 | 6 | Richard Anderson-Files
undated |
13 | 7 | Hyrum Andrus-Files
undated |
13 | 8 | Maureen Arceneaux-Files
undated |
13 | 9 | Carl Arrington-Files
undated |
13 | 10 | Edward Ashment-Files
undated |
13 | 11 | Jim Backman/Clifford Ashton-Files
undated |
13 | 12 | Milton V. Backman-Files
undated |
13 | 13 | JoAnn W. Bair-Files
undated |
14 | 1 | Kenneth Baldridge-Files
undated |
14 | 2 | "Ivan J. Barrett" by Clint McCready-Files
undated |
14 | 3 | Betty Barton-Files
undated |
14 | 4 | Dale Beecher-Files
undated |
14 | 5 | Lowell Bennion, Jr.-Files
undated |
14 | 6 | Sherilyn Bennion-Files
undated |
14 | 7 | Gary Bergera-Files
undated |
14 | 8 | M. Guy Bishop-Files
undated |
14 | 9 | John Bluth-Files
undated |
14 | 10 | George Boyd-Files
undated |
14 | 11 | Mary Bradford-Files
undated |
14 | 12 | Juanita Brooks-Files
undated |
14 | 13 | Fred Buchanan-Files
undated |
14 | 14 | Claude Burtenshaw-Files
undated |
15 | 1 | Lester Bush-Files
undated |
15 | 2 | Eugene Campbell-Files
undated |
15 | 3 | Donald Cannon and Lyndon Cook-Files
undated |
15 | 4 | Mark Cannon-Files
undated |
15 | 5 | Brigham Y. Card-Files
undated |
15 | 6 | Gail Casterline-Files
undated |
15 | 7 | Stanford Cazier-Files
undated |
15 | 8 | Mike Christensen-Files
undated |
15 | 9 | Glenn W. Clark-Files
undated |
15 | 10 | Jim Clayton-Files
undated |
15 | 11 | Sue Clevenger-Files
undated |
15 | 12 | T. Allan Comp-Files
undated |
15 | 13 | Lyndon Cook-Files
undated |
15 | 14 | Rebecca Cornwall-Files
undated |
16 | 1 | Richard Cowan-Files
undated |
16 | 2 | Pete Crawley-Files
undated |
16 | 3 | Leland Creer-Files
undated |
16 | 4 | George Daines-Files
undated |
16 | 5 | Richard Daines-Files
undated |
16 | 6 | J. Kenneth Davies-Files
undated |
16 | 7 | Harrison Davis-Files
undated |
16 | 8 | Wilfried Decoo-Files
undated |
16 | 9 | Mario De Pillis-Files
undated |
16 | 10 | Richards Durham-Files
undated |
16 | 11 | Paul Edwards-Files
undated |
16 | 12 | S. George Ellsworth-Files
undated |
16 | 13 | Eugene England-Files
undated |
17 | 1 | Robert Flanders-Files
undated |
17 | 2 | Larry Foster-Files
undated |
17 | 3 | Larry Foster-Files
undated |
17 | 4 | David Gardner-Files
undated |
17 | 5 | Edward Geary-Files
undated |
17 | 6 | Leland Gentry-Files
undated |
17 | 7 | Larry R. Gerlach-Files
undated |
17 | 8 | Jess Groesbeck-Files
undated |
17 | 9 | K.D. Gurgel-Files
undated |
17 | 10 | Bruce Hafen-Files
undated |
17 | 11 | LeRoy and Ann Hafen-Files
undated |
17 | 12 | Melvyn Hammarberg-Files
undated |
17 | 13 | Gary Hansen-Files
undated |
17 | 14 | Klaus Hansen-Files
undated |
18 | 1 | Kathryn Hanson-Files
undated |
18 | 2 | Carmen Hardy-Files
undated |
18 | 3 | Barbara Higdon-Files
undated |
18 | 4 | Marvin Hill-Files
undated |
18 | 5 | Marvin Hill-Files
undated |
18 | 6 | Spencer S. Hill-Files
undated |
18 | 7 | Mervin Hogan-Files
undated |
18 | 8 | Charles H. Holmes-Files
undated |
18 | 9 | M. Paul Holsinger-Files
undated |
18 | 10 | Richard Howard-Files
undated |
18 | 11 | Gary Huxford-Files
undated |
18 | 12 | Gordon Irving-Files
undated |
19 | 1 | Dwight Israelsen-Files
undated |
19 | 2 | Turrentine Jackson-Files
undated |
19 | 3 | Duane Jeffery-Files
undated |
19 | 4 | De Lamar Jensen-Files
undated |
19 | 5 | Richard Jensen-Files
undated |
19 | 6 | Joe Jeppson-Files
undated |
19 | 7 | Clark Johnson-Files
undated |
19 | 8 | Wes Johnson-Files
undated |
19 | 9 | Clifton H. Jolley-Files
undated |
19 | 10 | Frank Jonas-Files
undated |
19 | 11 | Garth Jones-Files
undated |
19 | 12 | Stan Kimball-Files
undated |
19 | 13 | Stan Kimball-Files
undated |
19 | 14 | Arthur Henry King-Files
undated |
19 | 15 | Steven Knecht-Files
undated |
19 | 16 | Ogden Kraut-Files
undated |
19 | 17 | A.C. Lambert-Files
undated |
19 | 18 | Neal Lambert and Richard Cracroft-Files
undated |
19 | 19 | Gustive O. Larsen-Files
undated |
19 | 20 | Herbert R. Larson-Files
undated |
20 | 1 | Stan Larson-Files
undated |
20 | 2 | Mark Leone-Files
undated |
20 | 3 | Dean Louder-Files
undated |
20 | 4 | Jerry Lounsberry-Files
undated |
20 | 5 | Ray Luce-Files
undated |
20 | 6 | Brigham Madsen-Files
undated |
20 | 7 | Susan Arrington Madsen-Files
undated |
20 | 8 | Truman Madsen-Files
undated |
20 | 9 | Truman Madsen-Mormon Origins Project-Files
undated |
20 | 10 | Dena Markoff-Files
undated |
20 | 11 | Richard Marshall-Files
undated |
20 | 12 | Armand Mauss-Files
undated |
21 | 1 | Dean May-Files
undated |
21 | 2 | Adele B. McCollum-Files
undated |
21 | 3 | John McCormick-Files
undated |
21 | 4 | Ralph McGrath-Files
undated |
21 | 5 | Milton R. Merrill-Files
undated |
21 | 6 | Bob Mesle-Files
undated |
21 | 7 | Lou Midgeley-Files
undated |
21 | 8 | Olive Kimball Mitchell-Files
undated |
21 | 9 | Melodie Moench-Files
undated |
21 | 10 | Dale Morgan-Files
undated |
21 | 11 | Brad Morris-Files
undated |
21 | 12 | William Mulder-Files
undated |
21 | 13 | Lowry Nelson-Files
undated |
21 | 14 | N.L. Nelson-Files
undated |
21 | 15 | Vicky Burgess Olsen-Files
undated |
21 | 16 | Earl Olson-Files
undated |
21 | 17 | Jennings Olson-Files
undated |
21a | 1 | Dean May - "A Peoples History of Utah" (t.v. series)
undated |
21a | 2 | Dean May - "A Peoples History of Utah"- continued
undated |
21a | 3 | Dean May - "A Peoples History of Utah"- continued
undated |
22 | 1 | Gene Pace-Files
undated |
22 | 2 | Spencer Palmer-Files
undated |
22 | 3 | Mayland Parker-Files
undated |
22 | 4 | Elinore Partridge-Files
undated |
22 | 5 | Robert Paul-Files
undated |
22 | 6 | Rodman Paul-Files
undated |
22 | 7 | Ross Peterson-Files
undated |
22 | 8 | Richard D. Poll-Files
undated |
22 | 9 | Guy Potter-Files
undated |
22 | 10 | Stan Quackenbush-Files
undated |
22 | 11 | Michael Quinn-Files
undated |
22 | 12 | Michael Raber-Files
undated |
22 | 13 | Don Reading-Files
undated |
22 | 14 | Russell Rich-Files
undated |
22 | 15 | Thomas F. Rogers-Files
undated |
22 | 16 | Edyth Romney-Files
undated |
22 | 17 | Bill Russell-Files
undated |
22 | 18 | Marvin Rytting-Files
undated |
22 | 19 | Howard C. Searle-Files
undated |
22 | 20 | Gene Sessions-Files
undated |
22 | 21 | Gary Shepherd-Files
undated |
22 | 22 | Morris Shirts-Files
undated |
23 | 1 | A.J. Simmonds-Files
undated |
23 | 2 | Phil Snyder-Files
undated |
23 | 3 | Alma and Conway Sonne-Files
undated |
23 | 4 | John Sorenson-Files
undated |
23 | 5 | Sidney B. Sperry-Files
undated |
23 | 6 | Alexander Stecker-Files
undated |
23 | 7 | F.L. Stewart-Files
undated |
23 | 8 | Clark Stohl-Files
undated |
23 | 9 | Graham Stott-Files
undated |
23 | 10 | Jerald and Sandra Tanner-Files
undated |
23 | 11 | Samuel W. Taylor-Files
undated |
23 | 12 | Emma Lou Thayne-Files
undated |
23 | 13 | Gordon Thomasson-Files
undated |
23 | 14 | Gordon Wagner-Files
undated |
23 | 15 | Wesley Walters-Files
undated |
23 | 16 | Chris Croft Waters-Files
undated |
23 | 17 | Elden Watson-Files
undated |
23 | 18 | Ron Watt-Files
undated |
23 | 19 | Maurine Whipple-Files
undated |
23 | 20 | Kendall White-Files
undated |
23 | 21 | Kimball Young-Files
undated |
VI. Women's HistoryReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Articles on Women's History
undated |
1 | 2 | Writings on Women's History
undated |
1 | 3 | Writings on Women's History
undated |
1 | 4 | Page Smith, Daughters of the Promised Land: Women in American History (photocopy)
undated |
1 | 5 | Carl Degler, At Odds: Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present (photocopy)
undated |
1 | 6 | Women in Modern America: A Brief History (photocopy)
undated |
1 | 7 | Women in Modern America: A Brief History (photocopy)
undated |
2 | 1 | Euripedes, The Trojan Women-Notes and Photocopy
undated |
2 | 2 | Aristophanes, Lysistrata (photocopy)
undated |
2 | 3 | Erik H. Erikson, "Inner and Outer Space-Reflections on Womanhood" and Alison C. Thorne, "Women and Higher Education"
undated |
2 | 4 | Women in Agriculture
undated |
2 | 5 | Mormon Women-Notes and Articles about Administrations by Women
undated |
2 | 6 | Mormon Women-Polygamy-Research Notes
undated |
2 | 7 | Mormon Women-Utah Woman Suffrage Song Book (photocopy)
undated |
2 | 8 | Mormon Women-Women in Politics-Articles
undated |
2 | 9 | Mormon Women-Women in Politics-Articles and Notes
undated |
2 | 10 | Mormon Women-Women in Politics-Articles and Notes
undated |
2 | 11 | Mormon Women-Ralph Lorenzo Jack, "Woman Suffrage in Utah as An Issue in the Mormon and Non-Mormon Press of the Territory, 1870-1887"
undated |
2 | 12 | Mormon Women-Beverly Beeton, "Woman Suffrage in the American West, 1869-1896"
undated |
2 | 13 | Mormon Women-Ivan J. Barrett, Heroines of the Church
undated |
2 | 14 | Mormon Women-Articles and Writings
undated |
3 | 1 | Articles
undated |
3 | 2 | Articles
undated |
3 | 3 | Articles
undated |
3 | 4 | Articles
undated |
3 | 5 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
3 | 6 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
3 | 7 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
4 | 1 | Relief Society-Minutes
undated |
4 | 2 | Relief Society-Articles
undated |
4 | 3 | Relief Society Lessons from The Relief Society Magazine
undated |
4 | 4 | Relief Society-Ensign
1977 March |
4 | 5 | Relief Society-Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
4 | 6 | Relief Society-Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
4 | 7 | Relief Society-Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
4 | 8 | Relief Society-Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
5 | 1 | Guide to Sources for Studies of Mormon Women
undated |
5 | 2 | Bibliographies
undated |
5 | 3 | Bibliographies
undated |
5 | 4 | Miscellaneous Primary Source Material
undated |
5 | 5 | "Autobiographies of Six Pioneer Women"
undated |
5 | 6 | Emma Lucy Gates Bowen
undated |
5 | 7 | Laura Cowley Brossard
undated |
5 | 8 | Norma Cannizzaro
undated |
5 | 9 | Journal of Amelia Cannon-1891 (photocopy)
undated |
5 | 10 | Journal of Amelia Cannon-1891 (photocopy)
undated |
5 | 11 | Journal of Amelia Cannon-1892 (typescript)
undated |
5 | 12 | Annie Wells Cannon
undated |
5 | 13 | Martha Hughes Cannon
undated |
5 | 14 | Zina Young Card
undated |
6 | 1 | Susanna Goudin Cardon
undated |
6 | 2 | Maydell Cazier (Palmer)
undated |
6 | 3 | Abbie Hyde Cowley
undated |
6 | 4 | Ruth May Fox
undated |
6 | 5 | Ann Bringhurst Groesbeck
undated |
6 | 6 | Mary Coburn Hulet
undated |
6 | 7 | Alice Parker Isom
undated |
6 | 8 | Elizabeth D. Kane
undated |
6 | 9 | Eliza Shelton Keeler
undated |
6 | 10 | Hannah T. King
undated |
6 | 11 | Lydia Knight
undated |
6 | 12 | Sarah Martin Layton
undated |
6 | 13 | Catherine Lewis
undated |
6 | 14 | S. Foster Damon, Amy Lowell: A Chronicle (photocopy)
undated |
6 | 15 | Mary Ann Weston Maughan
undated |
6 | 16 | Elizabeth Claridge McCune
undated |
6 | 17 | Barbara Matilda Neff Moses Autograph Book (photocopy)
undated |
6 | 18 | Lydia Manreov Mountford
undated |
6 | 19 | Journal of Mary E. Perkes
undated |
6 | 20 | Sarah L. Chamberlain Redd
undated |
7 | 1 | Alice Louise Reynolds
undated |
7 | 2 | Journal of Sarah D. Pea Rich (typescript)
undated |
7 | 3 | Emily S. Richards
undated |
7 | 4 | Louisa Lulu Greene Richards
undated |
7 | 5 | Diary of Mary Haskin Parker Richards-1846-1848
undated |
7 | 6 | Mignon Richmond
undated |
7 | 7 | Susannah Turner Robison
undated |
7 | 8 | Hannah Hood Hill Romney
undated |
7 | 9 | Ada Dwyer Russell
undated |
7 | 10 | Ellis R. Shipp
undated |
7 | 11 | The Living Words of Alice Ann Richards Smith
undated |
7 | 12 | Alice Kimball Smith
undated |
7 | 13 | Lois Angeline Smith
undated |
7 | 14 | Lucy Mack Smith
undated |
7 | 15 | Lucy Meserve Smith
undated |
7 | 16 | Mary Ettie (Coray) Smith
undated |
7 | 17 | Eliza R. Snow
undated |
7 | 18 | Minnie J. Snow
undated |
7 | 19 | Fanny Stenhouse
undated |
7 | 20 | Mary Ann Swenson
undated |
7 | 21 | Elizabeth Xavier Tait
undated |
7 | 22 | Mary Jane Tanner (Mrs. Myron)
undated |
7 | 23 | Martha J. Tingey
undated |
7 | 24 | Nellie Unthank
undated |
7 | 25 | Sarah Vance
undated |
8 | 1 | Romania Pratt Penrose
undated |
8 | 2 | Bathsheba Smith-Typescript of "Autobiography of Bathsheba Smith"
undated |
8 | 3 | Bathsheba Smith-Typescript of "Nauvoo Memoirs of Bathsheba Smith, 1840-1846"
undated |
8 | 4 | Bathsheba Smith-Photocopy and Typescript of Bathsheba Smith's Trail Diary
undated |
8 | 5 | Bathsheba Smith-A Swarm of Bs Bringing Blessings (photocopy)
undated |
8 | 6 | Bathsheba Smith-Notes and Articles on Bathsheba Smith
undated |
8 | 7 | Bathsheba Smith-Notes on Bathsheba Smith
undated |
8 | 8 | Bathsheba Smith-Drafts of Harriet Horne Arrington, "With No Divided Heart: Bathsheba Bigler Smith"
undated |
8 | 9 | Photocopies of the Women's Exponent
undated |
9 | 1 | Harriet Horne Arrington and Leonard J. Arrington, "Alice Merrill Horne, Cultural Entrepreneur"
undated |
9 | 2 | Poems by Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 3 | Articles about and by Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 4 | Articles, Newspaper Clippings, and Correspondence about Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 5 | Biographical Sketches, Articles about, and Writings by Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 6 | Articles about, Correspondence With, and Writings by Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 7 | Writings by, Correspondence with, and Articles about Alice Merrill Horne and the Arts in Utah
undated |
9 | 8 | Articles about, Writings of, and Correspondence with Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 9 | Writings of, Correspondence with, and Articles about Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
9 | 10 | Mormon Women-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
9 | 11 | Mormon Women-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
10 | 1 | Helen Mar Whitney
undated |
10 | 2 | Leah Eudora Dunford Widtsoe
undated |
10 | 3 | Emily Hill Woodmansee
undated |
10 | 4 | Clarissa Smith Williams
undated |
10 | 5 | Zina D. H. Young Papers
undated |
10 | 6 | Zina D. H. Young-Photocopies of Correspondence and Other Documents
undated |
10 | 7 | Carolyn W.D. Peters, "Susa Young Gates: A Sketch"
undated |
10 | 8 | Susa Young Gates-Y.L.M.I.A
undated |
10 | 9 | Susa Young Gates-Writings By and About Susa Young Gates
undated |
10 | 10 | Susa Young Gates-Writings By and About Susa Young Gates
undated |
10 | 11 | Susa Young Gates-"The Woman's Exchange"
undated |
10 | 12 | Susa Young Gates-"Grain Saving," "The Sunday Schools," "Sericulture"
undated |
10 | 13 | Susa Young Gates-"Women in Industrial Enterprise," "Home Manufactures," "The Woman's Exponent," "Women Missionaries"
undated |
10 | 14 | Susa Young Gates, Brigham Young (photocopy)
undated |
11 | 1 | Writings and Notes by Leonard J. Arrington
undated |
11 | 2 | Leonard J. Arrington, " The Economic Role of Pioneer Mormon Women"
undated |
11 | 3 | Leonard J. Arrington, "Latter-day Saint Women on the Arizona Frontier"
undated |
11 | 4 | Notes and Drafts of Leonard J. Arrington, "The Place of Relief Society Minutes in Church History"
undated |
11 | 5 | Program for "The Women's West" Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho
1983 August 10-13 |
11 | 6 | "Women in the West"
undated |
VII. Utah HistoryReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Writings |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Anne Ahlstrom, "Leland Erastus Anderson: Growing Up in Ephraim, Utah"
undated |
1 | 2 | Richard Alston, "John Wesley Powell and the Transfer of Water"
undated |
1 | 3 | Almeda Perry Brown, "Memories"
undated |
1 | 4 | Ivan Call, "Banking Structure of Utah, 1845-1965"-Chapters 1-5
undated |
1 | 5 | Ivan Call, "Banking Structure of Utah, 1845-1965"-Chapters 6-end
undated |
1 | 6 | Stanford Cazier, "The Life of William Henry Hooper: Merchant Statesman"
undated |
1 | 7 | Lynne Pierson Doti and Larry Schweikart, "Banking in the American West: From Gold Rush to Deregulation
undated |
1 | 8 | JeDon A. Emenhiser (USU), "The 1968 Election in Utah"
undated |
2 | 1 | Robert Franklin Gish, "Best Men: Home and Hunting in the West"
undated |
2 | 2 | Robert Franklin Gish, "Beautiful Swift Fox: Erno Fergusson's Southwestern Writings"
undated |
2 | 3 | Jerry Jensen, "Utah's Common Law"
undated |
2 | 4 | Robert McPherson, "Prayers, Protection, and Power: Navajo Sacred Geography of Southeastern Utah"
undated |
2 | 5 | Glen L. Palmer, "Browning Arms Company: A Study of a Utah Corporation in the Sphere of International Relations"
undated |
2 | 6 | Gunther Peck, "Ethnicity and Labor Radicalism in the West: Padrones and Immigrants in Bingham, Utah, 1907-1912"
undated |
2 | 7 | D. Reid Ross, "The War for Souls in the San Luis Valley"
undated |
3 | 1 | Don Carlos Johnson, A Brief History of Springville, Utah (photocopy)
undated |
3 | 2 | Joseph Geddes, "Retarding Economic Forces in Utah's Economy"
undated |
3 | 3 | Lee Grosberg, "Treasure House: The Utah Mining Story"
undated |
3 | 4 | Wayne K. Hinton, "The New Deal Years in Utah"
undated |
3 | 5 | Richard H. Jackson, "Population Change in the Intermountain West, 1970-1980"
undated |
3 | 6 | Joseph H. Jeppson, "The Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920"
undated |
3 | 7 | Joseph H. Jeppson, "The Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920"
undated |
3 | 8 | Joseph H. Jeppson, "The Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920"
undated |
4 | 1 | Joseph H. Jeppson, "The Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920"
undated |
4 | 2 | Joseph H. Jeppson, "The Secularization of the University of Utah to 1920"
undated |
4 | 3 | University of Utah Department of Geography, Mormon Country
undated |
4 | 4 | Alma Vernon Rasmussen, "The Government Work Relief Program in Utah, 1932-1940"
undated |
4 | 5 | Charles Watson, "John Willard Young and the 1887 Movement for Utah Statehood"-Chapters 1-4
undated |
4 | 6 | Charles Watson, "John Willard Young and the 1887 Movement for Utah Statehood"-Chapters 5-end
undated |
4 | 7 | Articles about John C. Wheelon
undated |
4 | 8 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
5 | 1 | J.L. Williams, "Canyon Country"-Southwest Institute Class
undated |
5 | 2 | J.L. Williams, "Canyon Country"-Southwest Institute Class
undated |
5 | 3 | J.L. Williams, "Canyon Country"-Southwest Institute Class
undated |
Economics |
Box | Folder | ||
6 | 1 | Mormons and the Building of Utah
undated |
6 | 2 | Russel Lord Tracy, Some Experiences of Russel Lord Tracy (photocopy)
undated |
6 | 3 | "The Banking Crisis of 1933"
undated |
6 | 4 | "The Banking Crisis of 1933"
undated |
6 | 5 | Money and Banking in Utah History
undated |
6 | 6 | Zion's Bank-Minutes of Directors' Meetings and Other Documents
undated |
6 | 7 | Banking-General
undated |
6 | 8 | Articles on Economics
undated |
7 | 1 | Deseret National Bank
undated |
7 | 2 | Beginnings of Eccles/Browning Interests
undated |
7 | 3 | Eccles-Browning Banks
undated |
7 | 4 | Ogden, Utah Banks
undated |
7 | 5 | Idaho First National Bank-Boise
undated |
7 | 6 | Troy, Idaho Bank
undated |
7 | 7 | Banking Book Reviews
undated |
7 | 8 | Economy of 1920s
undated |
7 | 9 | War Finance Corporation
undated |
7 | 10 | Gary Hansen, "The First Security Corporation: A Study in Group and Branch Banking"
undated |
7 | 11 | Susan Estabrook Kennedy, "The Banking Crisis of 1933"
undated |
7 | 12 | "The Great Depression: Its Effect on Utah"
undated |
7 | 13 | Historiographical Material
undated |
7 | 14 | General Banking
undated |
8 | 1 | "The Romance, Traditions and Development of Utah's Banking System"
undated |
8 | 2 | Marcus Nadler and Jules I. Bogen, The Bank Holding Company
undated |
8 | 3 | Herman John Leusner, "Independent and Chain Banks in Idaho"
undated |
8 | 4 | C. Dale Randall, "The Historical Development of Branch Banking in Utah"
undated |
8 | 5 | Miscellaneous Banking Articles
undated |
8 | 6 | First Security Bank-Annual Report
undated; 1928 |
8 | 7 | First Security Bank-Annual Reports
1931-1934 |
8 | 8 | First Security Bank-Annual Report
1951 |
9 | 1 | Utah Banking
undated |
9 | 2 | Notes on Banking in Early Utah
undated |
9 | 3 | Notes on Banking in Early Utah
undated |
9 | 4 | Howard P. Jones, "The History of Banking in the Utah Economy, 1933-1936"
undated |
9 | 5 | Fredrick Kent Lunquist, "An Analysis of Banking in Utah's Economy, 1896-1933"
undated |
9 | 6 | Samuel Rezneck, "The Depression of 1819-1822"
undated |
9 | 7 | Howard E. Parkinson, "The History of Banking in Utah, 1847-1896"
undated |
9 | 8 | James A. Watson, "A Study of the Growth of Financial Institutions in Utah, 1940-1960"
undated |
9 | 9 | Earl W. Chapman, "A Study of the Expansion of Bank Facilities in the Salt Lake Area"
undated |
9 | 10 | Mary Dimond Brown, "Some Aspects of the Cause and Effects of State Bank Failure in Utah"
undated |
9 | 11 | Mary Dimond Brown, "Some Aspects of the Cause and Effects of State Bank Failure in Utah"
undated |
10 | 1 | Wells-Fargo Bank
undated |
10 | 2 | Tracy-Collins Bank
undated |
10 | 3 | Notes on Tracy-Collins Bank
undated |
10 | 4 | LDS Church Banks
undated |
10 | 5 | Notes and Articles on Utah Banking and Finance
undated |
10 | 6 | Miscellaneous Articles on Banking
undated |
10 | 7 | Utah's Economy
undated |
10 | 8 | Utah Economics-General
undated |
10 | 9 | Utah Economics-General
undated |
10 | 10 | Utah Economics-Statistics
undated |
11 | 1 | Utah's Economy-Statistics
undated |
11 | 2 | Utah's Economy-Statistics-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
11 | 3 | "Federal Revenues and Expenditures in the Several States"-1959-1961
undated |
11 | 4 | Committee to Study Utah's Economy-Notes
undated |
11 | 5 | Economic Development Committee of Utah-Notes
undated |
11 | 6 | Economic Development Committee of Utah-Notes
undated |
11 | 7 | Utah's Economy-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
11 | 8 | Utah's Economy-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
12 | 1 | Letters of Inquiry to and Miscellaneous Information from Utah Industries
undated |
12 | 2 | Chicago Bridge and Iron Company
undated |
12 | 3 | Pacific States Cast Iron
undated |
12 | 4 | U.S. Steel-Correspondence and Articles
undated |
12 | 5 | U.S. Steel-Pamphlets
undated |
12 | 6 | U.S. Steel-Publications
undated |
12 | 7 | Geneva Steel-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
12 | 8 | Notes and Articles on Utah Mining
undated |
12 | 9 | Notes and Articles on Daniel C. Jackling
undated |
12 | 10 | Newspaper Clippings on Utah Copper
undated |
12 | 11 | Utah Mining-"The Hill That Made History"-Salt Lake Tribune
1954 August 11 |
12 | 12 | Frederick T. Moore and James W. Petersen, "The Impact of Changing Mineral Demand on the Economy of the State of Utah"
undated |
12 | 13 | Frederick T. Moore and James W. Petersen, "Regional Analysis: An Interindustry Model of Utah"
undated |
Mining |
Box | Folder | ||
13 | 1 | Mining
undated |
13 | 2 | Correspondence and General Information
undated |
13 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
13 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
13 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
13 | 6 | Notes and Articles
undated |
13 | 7 | Utah Mining Policy
undated |
13 | 8 | General Notes and Articles
undated |
13 | 9 | General Articles
undated |
13 | 10 | Coal Industry
undated |
13 | 11 | Coal Industry
undated |
13 | 12 | Coal Industry
undated |
14 | 1 | Lead and Zinc
undated |
14 | 2 | Lead and Zinc-History
undated |
14 | 3 | Phosphates and Potash
undated |
14 | 4 | Utah Metal Mining
undated |
14 | 5 | Utah Copper
undated |
14 | 6 | Utah Copper
undated |
14 | 7 | Gary Hansen on Utah Copper
undated |
14 | 8 | Gary Hansen on Utah Copper
undated |
15 | 1 | Gary Hansen on Utah Copper
undated |
15 | 2 | Gary Hansen on Utah Copper
undated |
15 | 3 | Uranium-Notes and Correspondence
undated |
15 | 4 | Uranium-Notes and Correspondence
undated |
15 | 5 | Uranium-Notes and Articles
undated |
15 | 6 | Uranium-Notes and Articles
undated |
15 | 7 | Uranium-Notes
undated |
16 | 1 | Don Sorensen on the Uranium Industry
undated |
16 | 2 | Don Sorensen on the Uranium Industry
undated |
16 | 3 | Don Sorensen on the Uranium Industry
undated |
16 | 4 | Leonard Arrington and Don Sorensen, "The Uranium Industry in the West"
undated |
16 | 5 | Uranium-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
16 | 6 | Uranium-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
16 | 7 | Uranium-Bibliography
undated |
16 | 8 | Alta
undated |
16 | 9 | Input-Output Mining
undated |
16 | 10 | U.S. Smelting and Refining Company
undated |
16 | 11 | American Smelting and Refining Company
undated |
16 | 12 | International Smelting
undated |
Defense Industry |
Box | Folder | ||
17 | 1 | General Notes
undated |
17 | 2 | General Notes
undated |
17 | 3 | General Notes
undated |
17 | 4 | Federal Defense Spending in Utah
undated |
17 | 5 | Research Project about Defense Spending in Utah
undated |
17 | 6 | Research Project about Defense Spending in Utah
undated |
17 | 7 | Defense Spending-General Notes
undated |
17 | 8 | Impact of Defense on Utah
undated |
17 | 9 | Impact of Defense on Utah
undated |
17 | 10 | George Jensen Research
undated |
17 | 11 | George Jensen Research
undated |
18 | 1 | James L. Clayton, "A Comparative Study of Defense Spending in Utah and California Since World War II"
undated |
18 | 2 | Bruce H. Williams, "Effect of Defense on Utah Small Business"
undated |
18 | 3 | Marquardt-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
18 | 4 | Thiokol
undated |
18 | 5 | Thiokol-Notes and Articles
undated |
18 | 6 | Thiokol-Notes and Annual Reports
undated |
18 | 7 | Thiokol-Documents
undated |
18 | 8 | Thiokol-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
18 | 9 | Missiles-General Notes
undated |
18 | 10 | Minuteman Missiles
undated |
18 | 11 | Minuteman Missiles-Newspaper Clippings
1958-1960 |
18 | 12 | Utah Missiles-Newspaper Clippings
1961 |
19 | 1 | Athena and Pershing Missiles
undated |
19 | 2 | Utah Forts
undated |
19 | 3 | Camp Williams
undated |
19 | 4 | Deseret Chemical Depot
undated |
19 | 5 | Utah General Depot
undated |
19 | 6 | "A Study of the Impacts of Research and Development and Research-Base Manufacturing in Utah"
undated |
19 | 7 | Research and Development-Articles and Correspondence
undated |
19 | 8 | Research and Development-Survey Results
undated |
19 | 9 | Research and Development-Survey Results
undated |
20 | 1 | Ogden Arsenal
undated |
20 | 2 | Ogden Defense Depot
undated |
20 | 3 | Tooele Ordnance Depot
undated |
20 | 4 | Hurricane Mesa
undated |
20 | 5 | Dugway Proving Grounds
undated |
20 | 6 | Hercules Powder Co.-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
20 | 7 | Hercules Powder Co.-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
20 | 8 | Sperry Rand Corporation
undated |
20 | 9 | Sperry Rand Corporation
undated |
20 | 10 | Sperry Rand-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
21 | 1 | Clearfield Naval Supply Depot
undated |
21 | 2 | Kearns Army Air Base
undated |
21 | 3 | Wendover Air Base
undated |
21 | 4 | Hill Air Force Base
undated |
21 | 5 | Litton Industries
undated |
21 | 6 | Litton Industries
undated |
21 | 7 | Defense Industry in Utah-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
21 | 8 | Disarmament Propaganda
undated |
21 | 9 | Disarmament Propaganda
undated |
21 | 10 | Utah's Export Industries
undated |
21 | 11 | Export Tables
undated |
Industry |
Box | Folder | ||
22 | 1 | Utah Industrial Development News
undated |
22 | 2 | El Roy Nelson, "Industrial Location Study of the Mountain States Region"
undated |
22 | 3 | El Roy Nelson, "Industrial Location Study of the Mountain States Region"
undated |
22 | 4 | Utah Industry-Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
23 | 1 | Utah Power Industry
undated |
23 | 2 | Utah Power Industry
undated |
23 | 3 | Utah Power and Light History
undated |
23 | 4 | Eimco Corporation
undated |
23 | 5 | Public Works
undated |
23 | 6 | Utah Service Trades
undated |
23 | 7 | Communications
undated |
23 | 8 |
The Communications Spectrum
undated |
23 | 9 | Utah as a Spaceport
undated |
23 | 10 | Kalunite
undated |
23 | 11 | Thermoid
undated |
23 | 12 | Bushnell General Hospital
undated |
24 | 1 | Manti Parachute Plant
undated |
24 | 2 | Utah Canning Industry
undated |
24 | 3 | Del Monte Corporation
undated |
24 | 4 | Salt in Utah
undated |
24 | 5 | Freeport
undated |
24 | 6 | ICC Waybill Statistics
undated |
24 | 7 | Railroads
undated |
24 | 8 | Utah Railroads
undated |
24 | 9 | Utah Railroads-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
24 | 10 | Utah Railroads-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
24 | 11 | Utah Railroads-Southern Pacific
undated |
24 | 12 | Air Travel
undated |
24 | 13 | Air Transport
undated |
24 | 14 | Auto Travel
undated |
24 | 15 | Pacific Intermountain Express
undated |
24 | 16 | Consolidated Freightways Inc
undated |
25 | 1 | Silk Industry
undated |
25 | 2 | Silk Industry
undated |
25 | 3 | Silk Industry
undated |
25 | 4 | Home Industry
undated |
25 | 5 | Diversification and Self-Sufficiency
undated |
25 | 6 | Industrial Employment-19th Century
undated |
25 | 7 | C.G. Patterson, Business, Politics and Religion in Utah
undated |
25 | 8 | Utah Business-General Notes
undated |
25 | 9 | Utah Manufacturing
undated |
25 | 10 | Merchandising
undated |
25 | 11 | Utah Trade
undated |
25 | 12 | Utah Labor
undated |
25 | 13 | Employment Trends
undated |
25 | 14 |
The Search Light (Labor Newsletter)
undated |
25 | 15 | Utah Higher Education
undated |
25 | 16 | Intermountain School
undated |
Oil and Gas History |
Box | Folder | ||
26 | 1 | Documents
undated |
26 | 2 | Documents and Articles
undated |
26 | 3 | Documents and Articles
undated |
26 | 4 | Notes and Articles
undated |
26 | 5 | Articles and Documents
undated |
26 | 6 | Articles and Documents
undated |
26 | 7 | Articles and Documents
undated |
26 | 8 | Articles and Documents
undated |
26 | 9 | Articles and Documents
undated |
26 | 10 | Mine Inspector's Reports
undated |
27 | 1 | General Documents
undated |
27 | 2 | Correspondence
undated |
27 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
27 | 4 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
28 | 1 | Alfred James Mokler, History of Natrona County, Wyoming 1888-1922
undated |
28 | 2 | Alfred James Mokler, History of Natrona County, Wyoming 1888-1922
undated |
28 | 3 | Reports of the Governor of Wyoming
1879-1890 |
28 | 4 | "Mineral Resources of the United States"
1883-1909 |
28 | 5 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1887 March-1899 March |
28 | 6 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1889 March -1890 March |
28 | 7 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1890 March-1895 October |
28 | 8 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1895 November-1901 December |
28 | 9 | Miscellaneous Public Records
undated |
Industry Newsletters |
Box | Folder | ||
29 | 1 | Resources for the Future
1961-1966 |
29 | 2 | Utah Economic and Business Review
undated |
29 | 3 | Utah Economic and Business Review
undated |
29 | 4 | Utah Employment Newsletter
1971-1975 |
29 | 5 | Utah Development News
undated |
29 | 6 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
undated |
Utah Construction Company |
Box | Folder | ||
30 | 1 | Lester S. Corey, "Utah Construction and Mining Company: An Historical Narrative"
undated |
30 | 2 | Documents Relating to William H. Wattis and the Corey Brothers
undated |
30 | 3 | Notes, Articles, Correspondence, and Newspaper Clippings Relating to the Eccles
undated |
30 | 4 | Business Holdings of David Eccles
1922 |
30 | 5 | "First and Final Account, Report, and Petition for Distribution in the Matter of the Estate of David Eccles"
undated |
30 | 6 | Annual Reports
1966-1970 |
30 | 7 |
Winter 1969 |
30 | 8 |
Utah Report
1971 |
Utah Foundation |
Box | Folder | ||
31 | 1 | Research Reports-Nos. 1-56
undated |
31 | 2 | Research Reports
1954-1961 |
31 | 3 | Research Briefs
undated |
31 | 4 | Research Reports
undated |
31 | 5 | Research Reports
undated |
31 | 6 | Research Reports
undated |
31 | 7 | Research Reports
undated |
32 | 1 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
32 | 2 | Research Briefs
undated |
32 | 3 | Research Briefs
undated |
32 | 4 | Research Reports
undated |
32 | 5 | Research Reports
undated |
33 | 1 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 2 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 3 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 4 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 5 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 6 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 7 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
33 | 8 | Research Reports and Briefs
undated |
Anschutz Land and Livestock Co. v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., et. al
Box | Folder | ||
34 | 1 | Correspondence with Attornies Representing Union Pacific and Amoco
undated |
34 | 2 | Leonard Arrington's Diary and Notes
undated |
34 | 3 | Leonard Arrington Financial Statements
undated |
34 | 4 | Leonard Arrington, "Reflections on the Economic History of Utah, 1870-1910"
undated |
34 | 5 | Resume of John R. Alley
undated |
34 | 6 | John R. Alley's expenses
undated |
34 | 7 | Final Prepared for Court Case
undated |
34 | 8 | Select Testimony from the Court Transcript
undated |
34 | 9 | Original Land Purchasing Companies
undated |
34 | 10 | Original Land Purchasing Companies
undated |
34 | 11 | Original Land Purchasers
undated |
34 | 12 |
The Daily Tribune
1887-1889 July 3 |
34 | 13 |
Deseret Evening News
1887 January 15-1910 October 1 |
34 | 14 |
Deseret Evening News-"The Governor's Message"
1899 January 1 |
34 | 15 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1880-1882 |
35 | 1 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1883 |
35 | 2 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1884 |
35 | 3 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1885 |
35 | 4 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1886 |
35 | 5 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1887 |
35 | 6 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1888 |
35 | 7 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1889 |
35 | 8 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1890-91 |
35 | 9 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1892-1894 |
35 | 10 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1895-97 |
35 | 11 |
The Engineering and Mining Journal
1898-1901 |
35 | 12 |
The Engineering Magazine
1892-1903 |
35 | 13 |
Harper's New Monthly Magazine
1886 January |
35 | 14 |
InterMountain Mining Review
1896 |
36 | 1 |
The Mineral Industry-Volumes 1-11
undated |
36 | 2 |
Mines and Minerals
1899-1907 |
36 | 3 |
The Mining Review
1900 |
36 | 4 |
The Mining Review
1901 |
36 | 5 |
The Mining Review
1902 |
36 | 6 |
The Mining Review
1903 |
36 | 7 |
Salt Lake Herald
1882-1902 |
36 | 8 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1904 |
36 | 9 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1907 |
36 | 10 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1908 |
36 | 11 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1909 |
36 | 12 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1910 |
36 | 13 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1911 |
36 | 14 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1912 |
36 | 15 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1913 |
36 | 16 |
The Salt Lake Mining Review
1914-1915 |
36 | 17 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1887 |
36 | 18 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1888 |
36 | 19 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1889 |
37 | 1 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1890-1894 |
37 | 2 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1895-1898 |
37 | 3 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1901 December |
37 | 4 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1902 |
37 | 5 |
The Salt Lake Tribune
1903 |
37 | 6 |
Scientific American
1900-1902 |
37 | 7 |
The Wyoming Press
undated |
37 | 8 | Don D. Walker, "The Cattle Industry of Utah, 1850-1900"
undated |
37 | 9 | Clifford Westenskow, "The Economic Development of Davis County, Utah"
undated |
37 | 10 | Gerald T. White, "Formative Years in the Far West"
undated |
37 | 11 | Publications of the Union Pacific
1890-1903 |
37 | 12 | Miscellaneous Government Publications
undated |
37 | 13 | U.S. Oil Policy
undated |
37 | 14 | Drilling Records for Oil and Gas in Utah
1955 February |
37 | 15 | Department of the Interior-Cases Relating to the Public Lands
1904 |
37 | 16 | Congressional Record
1897 |
38 | 1 | United States Geological Survey
undated |
38 | 2 | Utah Gazetteer for
1884 |
38 | 3 | Miscellaneous Background on Utah Resources
undated |
38 | 4 | Miscellaneous Background Articles
undated |
38 | 5 | Miscellaneous Background on Wyoming
undated |
Agriculture |
Box | Folder | ||
39 | 1 | General Notes
undated |
39 | 2 | General Notes
undated |
39 | 3 | Notes and Articles
undated |
39 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
39 | 5 | Crops
undated |
39 | 6 | Potatoes
undated |
39 | 7 | Wheeler Farm
undated |
39 | 8 | Farmer Markets
undated |
39 | 9 | State Fairs and Agricultural Experiment Stations
undated |
39 | 10 | Modernization of Farming
undated |
39 | 11 | Farm Machinery
undated |
Reclamation |
Box | Folder | ||
40 | 1 | General Notes
undated |
40 | 2 | General Notes
undated |
40 | 3 | General Notes
undated |
40 | 4 | Reclamation History Project-Notes
undated |
40 | 5 | Notes
undated |
40 | 6 | Notes and Articles
undated |
40 | 7 | Pioneer Mormon Irrigation
undated |
40 | 8 | Last Chance Canal Company
undated |
40 | 9 | Pineview Dam and Reservoir
undated |
40 | 10 | Newton Dam Project
undated |
41 | 1 | Newton Dam Project-Notecards
undated |
41 | 2 | Moon Lake Project-Notecards
undated |
41 | 3 | Weber River Project-Notecards
undated |
41 | 4 | Sevier River Basin
undated |
41 | 5 | Strawberry Valley Project
undated |
41 | 6 | Douglas Brinley on Hyrum Reclamation Project
undated |
41 | 7 | Douglas Brinley on Hyrum Reclamation Project
undated |
41 | 8 | Reclamation and Tourism Newspaper Clippings
undated |
41 | 9 | Bureau of Reclamation-Statistical Compilations
undated |
42 | 1 | Colorado River Association Newsletter-1967-1972
undated |
42 | 2 | Conservation
undated |
42 | 3 | Conservation
undated |
Geography |
Box | Folder | ||
43 | 1 | Utah Geologic History
undated |
43 | 2 | William Elmo Coffman on Geography of Utah Valley
undated |
43 | 3 | Physical Characteristics of Utah
undated |
43 | 4 | Climate-Newspaper Clippings
1930s |
43 | 5 | Climatological Data-1930s
undated |
43 | 6 | Maps of Utah
undated |
43 | 7 | Maps of Utah
undated |
43 | 8 | Road Maps of Utah
undated |
43 | 9 | Population
undated |
43 | 10 | Utah Population Growth
undated |
43 | 11 | Utah Population and Growth Statistics
undated |
Census Records |
Box | Folder | ||
44 | 1 | 1850 Census
1850 |
44 | 2 | 1860 Census
1860 |
44 | 3 | 1870 Census
1870 |
44 | 4 | 1880 Census
1880 |
44 | 5 | 1890 Census
1890 |
44 | 6 | 1900 Census
1900 |
44 | 7 | 1910 Census
1910 |
44 | 8 | 1920 Census
1920 |
44 | 9 | 1930 Census
1930 |
44 | 10 | 1940 Census
1940 |
45 | 1 | 1950 Census
1950 |
45 | 2 | 1960 Census
1960 |
45 | 3 | Occupation Census Study-Notes
undated |
45 | 4 | Occupation Census Study-Notes
undated |
45 | 5 | Occupational Census-Statistical Tables
undated |
History |
Box | Folder | ||
46 | 1 | Early Salt Lake Valley-Notes, Articles, and Documents
undated |
46 | 2 | Early Salt Lake Valley-Notes, Articles, and Documents
undated |
46 | 3 | Early Salt Lake Valley-Articles
undated |
46 | 4 | Early Salt Lake Valley-Newspaper Histories
undated |
46 | 5 | Early Salt Lake Valley-Village Settlement
undated |
46 | 6 | Mormons in Utah
undated |
46 | 7 | Mormons in Utah
undated |
46 | 8 | Mormons in Utah
undated |
46 | 9 | Immigration
undated |
46 | 10 | Utah Politics and Government-Articles
undated |
46 | 11 | "Pioneer Military Leaders" by Hamilton Gardner
undated |
46 | 12 | "History of the Far West" by Joel E. Ricks
undated |
Cache Valley |
Box | Folder | ||
47 | 1 | General Research Notes
undated |
47 | 2 | Cache Valley Statistics
undated |
47 | 3 | Articles
undated |
47 | 4 | Newspapers
undated |
47 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
47 | 6 | Histories of Logan and Cache County
undated |
47 | 7 | Herald Journal Centennial Progress Edition
1951 July 23 |
47 | 8 | Preston Nibley, "Logan Memories"
undated |
47 | 9 | Reminiscences of John A. Hendrickson
undated |
47 | 10 | Reminiscences of Cache Valley Residents
undated |
47 | 11 | Cache Valley History
undated |
48 | 1 | Cache Valley History
undated |
48 | 2 | Cache Valley History
undated |
48 | 3 | Cache Valley History-"Mormons: In Cache Valley"
undated |
48 | 4 | Cache Valley History-"Logan Temple Golden Jubilee"
undated |
48 | 5 | Early Land Surveys
undated |
48 | 6 | Irrigation
undated |
48 | 7 | A.J. Simmonds, "Lifeblood of Western Cache Valley: The West Cache Canal"
undated |
48 | 8 | Leaders
undated |
48 | 9 | Old Ephraim
undated |
48 | 10 | Transportation
undated |
48 | 11 | Utah Northern Railroad
undated |
48 | 12 | Cache Valley Railroad Construction Crews
undated |
49 | 1 | Logan Herald Journal Centennial Edition-Clippings
1956 March 18 |
49 | 2 | Logan Herald Journal Centennial Edition-Clippings
1956 March 18 |
49 | 3 | Carol Cornwall Madsen, "A Survey of the Life of Cache Valley Women in 1890"
undated |
50 | 1 | Industry
undated |
50 | 2 | Economic Base
undated |
50 | 3 | John Welch, "Origin and Development of Electric Light and Power in Logan City"
undated |
50 | 4 | Canning
undated |
50 | 5 | Wool and Knitting Industry
undated |
50 | 6 | Mining
undated |
50 | 7 | Elbert Ernest Miller, "Agricultural Geography of Cache Valley"
undated |
50 | 8 | Dairy Manufacturing
undated |
50 | 9 | Cooperation
undated |
50 | 10 | Logan Co-op and United Order
undated |
50 | 11 | Leonard Arrington, "The Rise and Fall of the Logan Co-operative Mercantile Institution"
undated |
50 | 12 | Radio Stations
undated |
50 | 13 | Utah Tourism
undated |
50 | 14 | Tourist and Publicity Documents
undated |
50 | 15 | Tourism Pamphlets
undated |
50 | 16 | Tourism Pamphlets
undated |
50 | 17 | National Parks and Tourism-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
Biographies |
Box | Folder | ||
51 | 1 | Orval W. Adams
undated |
51 | 2 | E.G. Bennett
undated |
51 | 3 | Ralph J. Comstock, Sr
undated |
51 | 4 | Charles H. Dixon
undated |
51 | 5 | J.L. Driscoll
undated |
51 | 6 | George S. Eccles
undated |
51 | 7 | George Eccles-Interview
undated |
51 | 8 | George S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1930-1939 |
51 | 9 | George S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1950-1955 |
51 | 10 | George S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1956-1959 |
51 | 11 | George S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1960-1969 |
51 | 12 | George S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports-Death
1970 |
51 | 13 | Marriner Eccles-Interviews
undated |
51 | 14 | Marriner S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1920-1929 |
51 | 15 | Marriner S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports
1930-1939 |
51 | 16 | Marriner S. Eccles-Addresses and Reports-Death
1940 |
51 | 17 | Spencer Eccles
undated |
51 | 18 | Willard L. Eccles
undated |
51 | 19 | Hezekiah E. Hatch
undated |
51 | 20 | Joseph Quinney
undated |
51 | 21 | Jack Simplot
undated |
51 | 22 | Charles L. Smith
undated |
51 | 23 | Max Thomas-Interview
undated |
51 | 24 | Lester Farnsworth Wire
undated |
Philo Farnsworth |
Box | Folder | ||
52 | 1 | Family History
undated |
52 | 2 | Writings by Leonard Arrington on Philo Farnsworth
undated |
52 | 3 | Articles and Newspaper Clippings
undated |
Native Americans |
Box | Folder | ||
53 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
53 | 2 | Articles
undated |
53 | 3 | Writings by Omer C. Stewart
undated |
53 | 4 | Ronald Walker, "Native Women on the Utah Frontier"
undated |
53 | 5 | "Indian Self-Rule: 50 Years Under the Indian Reorganization Act"
undated |
53 | 6 | Documents Concerning Catawba Indians
undated |
53 | 7 | Addresses by Spencer W. Kimball
undated |
53 | 8 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
53 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
54 | 1 | Miscellaneous Documents and Primary Sources
undated |
54 | 2 | Miscellaneous Correspondence and Documents
undated |
54 | 3 | Notecards
undated |
54 | 4 | Joshua T. Evans, "The Northwestern Shoshone Indians"
undated |
54 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings on 19th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 6 | Papers by College Students on 19th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 7 | Articles from LDS Church Periodicals on 19th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 8 | Newspaper Clippings on 20th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 9 | Papers by College Students on 20th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 10 | LDS Church Publications on 20th Century Topics
undated |
54 | 11 | Articles by J. Edwin Baird on Indian Education and Mormons
undated |
54 | 12 | Doyle Green and the Ensign's File
undated |
54 | 13 |
Indian Liahona
1968, 1969, 1970 |
55 | 1 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Working File
undated |
55 | 2 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Data Sources
undated |
55 | 3 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Data Bank
undated |
55 | 4 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Correspondence
undated |
55 | 5 | Navajo Reservation Base Study- Overall Economic Development Program for the Navajo Redevelopment Area
undated |
55 | 6 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Reports
undated |
55 | 7 | Navajo Reservation Base Study- "An Assessment of the Barriers to Economic Development of Arizona Indian Reservations"
undated |
55 | 8 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents (Useful)
undated |
55 | 9 | Navajo Reservation Base Study-Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents (Irrelevant)
undated |
General Research Files |
Box | Folder | ||
56 | 1 | Sex Education in Logan-Minutes and Correspondence from the Logan Board of Education Advisory Committee
1969 |
56 | 2 | Sex Education in Logan-Documents from the Logan Board of Education Advisory Committee
undated |
56 | 3 | Sex Education in Logan-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
56 | 4 | Sex Education in Logan-Reports and Articles
undated |
56 | 5 | The Arts-Articles and Notes on Utah and the Arts
undated |
56 | 6 | List of Photos and Maps of Utah
undated |
56 | 7 | Prints from the Dixon Paper Company
undated |
57 | 1 | Significance of Utah History
undated |
57 | 2 | Chapter for Utah History Text
undated |
57 | 3 | Beauregard Letter on the Utah War
undated |
57 | 4 | Utah's Economy in the 1890s
undated |
57 | 5 | Dinwoodey Furniture Co
undated |
57 | 6 | The Great Basin Frontier
undated |
57 | 7 | David Keith
undated |
57 | 8 | Utah Senators
undated |
57 | 9 | Federal Judges
undated |
57 | 10 | Union Fort Preservation
undated |
57 | 11 | Union Fort Preservation
undated |
57 | 12 | Docent Guide Book-Pioneer Trail State Park
undated |
58 | 1 | Utah History-General Newspaper Clippings
undated |
58 | 2 | Golden Spike Centennial
undated |
58 | 3 | Golden Spike Centennial
undated |
58 | 4 | Utah and Western Americana
undated |
58 | 5 | Articles on the West
undated |
58 | 6 | L.H. Creer, "America Moves West: A Study of Continental Expansion"
undated |
58 | 7 | Carlton Culmsee on Western Literature
undated |
58 | 8 | Western Personalities
undated |
VIII. The Great Depression and the New DealReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | State Reports-General
undated |
1 | 2 | State Reports-The West
undated |
1 | 3 | State Reports-Arizona
undated |
1 | 4 | State Reports-Colorado
undated |
1 | 5 | State Reports-Georgia
undated |
1 | 6 | State Reports-Idaho
undated |
1 | 7 | State Reports-Iowa
undated |
1 | 8 | State Reports-Kansas
undated |
1 | 9 | State Reports-Montana
undated |
1 | 10 | State Reports-Nebraska
undated |
1 | 11 | State Reports-Nevada
undated |
2 | 1 | State Reports-New Mexico
undated |
2 | 2 | State Reports-North Dakota
undated |
2 | 3 | State Reports-Oklahoma
undated |
2 | 4 | State Reports-Oregon
undated |
2 | 5 | State Reports-South Dakota
undated |
2 | 6 | State Reports-Tennessee
undated |
2 | 7 | State Reports-Texas
undated |
2 | 8 | State Reports-Utah
undated |
2 | 9 | State Reports-Vermont
undated |
2 | 10 | State Reports-Washington
undated |
2 | 11 | State Reports-Wyoming
undated |
3 | 1 | Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in the West
undated |
3 | 2 | Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in the West
undated |
3 | 3 | Articles
undated |
3 | 4 | Ron Watt-CCC, NYA, Job Corps
undated |
3 | 5 | Notes and Articles on Great Depression Economy
undated |
3 | 6 | National Resource Committee, The Structure of the American Economy-1939
undated |
3 | 7 | Documents and Articles about Federal Spending
undated |
3 | 8 | New Deal Program Ranks: States and Regions
undated |
4 | 1 | Notes and Documents on the Great Depression in the West
undated |
4 | 2 | Notes and Documents on the Great Depression in the West
undated |
4 | 3 | Notes and Documents on the Great Depression in the West
undated |
4 | 4 | Notes and Documents on the Great Depression in the West
undated |
5 | New Deal Data by State, By Year, By Program
undated | |
6 | Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps
undated | |
7 | F.E.R.A. Projects-Utah-Statistics
undated |
IX. Mormon History TopicsReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Council of the Twelve Apostles Minutes
(Item not available. Returned to Arrington family 11/21/01.)
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | 1877-1889
1877-1889 |
1 | 2 | 1890-1895
1890-1895 |
1 | 3 | 1896-1904
1896-1904 |
1 | 4 | 1905-1913
1905-1913 |
1 | 5 | 1914-1925
1914-1925 |
1 | 6 | 1926-1946
1926-1946 |
1 | 7 | 1947-1949
1947-1949 |
2 | 1 | 1926, 1930-1937
1926, 1930/1937 |
2 | 2 | 1938-1941
1938-1941 |
2 | 3 | 1950-1951
1950-1951 |
Brigham Young Letter Books |
Box | Folder | ||
3 | 1 | Letter Book No. 1
1851 November 22 - 1853 August 25 |
3 | 2 | Letter Book No. 1
1853 August 25 - 1854 January 25 |
3 | 3 | Letter Book No. 1
1854 January 31 - 1854 August 26 |
3 | 4 | Letter Book No. 1
1854 August 28 - 1855 February 21 |
3 | 5 | Letter Book No. 2
1855 February 28 - 1855 June 26 |
4 | 1 | Letter Book No. 2
1855 June 25 - 1855 October 15 |
4 | 2 | Letter Book No. 2
1855 October 31 - 1856 April 3 |
4 | 3 | Letter Book No. 2
1856 April 3 - 1856 August 19 |
4 | 4 | Letter Book No. 4
1857 March 2 - 1858 August 6 |
4 | 5 | Letter Book No. 5
1858 November 25 - 1860 March 20 |
5 | 1 | Letter Book No. 5
1860 March 19 - 1861 March 7 |
5 | 2 | Letter Book No. 5
1861 March 11 - 1861 October 2 |
5 | 3 | Letter Book No. 6
1861 November 2 - 1863 April 1 |
5 | 4 | Letter Book No. 6
1863 April 3 - 1864 April 15 |
5 | 5 | Letter Book No. 7
1860 April 19 - 1865 March 27 |
5 | 6 | Letter Book No. 7
1865 March 27 - 1866 January 8 |
6 | 1 | Letter Book No. 8
1866 January 8 - 1866 March 17 |
6 | 2 | Letter Book No. 8
1866 March 28 - 1866 June 20 |
6 | 3 | Letter Book No. 9
1866 June 21 - 1866 October 11 |
6 | 4 | Letter Book No. 9
1866 October 11 - 1867 February |
6 | 5 | Letter Book No. 10
1867 February 26 - 1867 November 20 |
6 | 6 | Letter Book No. 10
1867 November 20 - 1868 August 28 |
7 | 1 | Letter Book No. 11
1868 August 27 - 1869 May 13 |
7 | 2 | Letter Book No. 11
1869 May 15 - 1870 February 9 |
7 | 3 | Letter Book No. 12
1870 February 9 - 1870 December 17 |
7 | 4 | Letter Book No. 12
1870 December 23 - 1872 March 15 |
7 | 5 | Letter Book No. 13
1872 March 15 - 1873 September 9 |
7 | 6 | Letter Book No. 13
1873 September 10 - 1875 November 13 |
8 | 1 | Letter Book No. 14
1875 November 15 - 1876 August 17 |
8 | 2 | Letter Book No. 14
1876 August 18 - 1877 July 13 |
8 | 3 | Letter Book No. 15
1877 July 13 - 1878 January 24 |
8 | 4 | Letter Book No. 16
1877 January 15 - 1878 July 22 |
8 | 5 | Letter Book C
1857 March 9 - 1857 June 30 |
8 | 6 | Letter Book C
1857 June 30 - 1858 January 6 |
9 | 1 | Copy Book
1844-1853 |
9 | 2 | Miscellaneous Letter Book
1855 January 29 - 1877 September 4 |
9 | 3 | Miscellaneous Letter Book
1851 November 26 - 1862 August 12 |
9 | 4 | Nauvoo Legion Letter Book
1857 September 28 - 1859 March 8 |
9 | 5 | Governor Letter Book
1853 October 31 - 1855 September 5 |
9 | 6 | Governor Letter Book
1855 September 8 - 1858 June 16 |
10 | 1 | Telegram Book
1864-1867 |
10 | 2 | Telegram Book
1867-1879 |
10 | 3 | Territorial Letter Book
1853-1858 |
10 | 4 | Drafts-Volume 1
undated |
10 | 5 | Drafts-Volume 1
undated |
11 | 1 | Drafts-Volume 1
undated |
11 | 2 | Drafts-Volume 2
undated |
11 | 3 | Drafts-Volume 2
undated |
11 | 4 | Correspondence Between Thomas L. Kane and Brigham Young
1846-1878 |
11 | 5 | Correspondence Between Thomas L. Kane and Brigham Young
1846-1878 |
Brigham Young Minutes |
Box | Folder | ||
12 | 1 | Minutes
1840-1846 |
12 | 2 | Minutes
1845 January 26 - 1846 April 15 |
12 | 3 | Minutes
1847 |
12 | 4 | Minutes
1847 |
12 | 5 | Minutes
1849 |
12 | 6 | Minutes
1848 January 4 - 1849 October 29 |
12 | 7 | Minutes
1849 October 29 - 1854 |
13 | 1 | Minutes
1855 January 7 - 1862 July 21 |
13 | 2 | Minutes
1862 October 8 - 1870 December 31 |
Brigham Young Primary Sources |
Box | Folder | ||
13 | 3 | Thomas Bullock Minutes
1848 September 2 - 1851 June 29 |
13 | 4 | Thomas Bullock Minutes
1851 July 6 - 1856 August 31 |
13 | 5 | Brigham Young Office Journal
1852-1857 |
13 | 6 | Brigham Young Office Journal
1857-1860 |
14 | 1 | Diaries
1832-1852 |
14 | 2 | Secretary Journals
1857-1860 |
14 | 3 | Secretary Journals
1861-1863 |
14 | 4 | Sermons
1861 |
14 | 5 | Sermons
1862-1865 |
Primary Sources |
Box | Folder | ||
15 | 1 | Willard Richards Diary
1837-1843 |
15 | 2 | Willard Richards Diary
1843-1846 |
15 | 3 | Willard Richards Diary
1845-1846 |
15 | 4 | Willard Richards Diary
1846-1847 |
15 | 5 | John D. Lee Journal
1844 |
15 | 6 | John D. Lee Journal
1846 |
16 | 1 | Heber C. Kimball Journal
1840-1845 |
16 | 2 | Heber C. Kimball Journal
(Item not available. Returned to Arrington family 11/21/01.)
1845-1846 |
16 | 3 | Heber C. Kimball Journal
1837-1847 |
16 | 4 | Heber C. Kimball Journal
1847 |
16 | 5 | Minutes of the School of the Prophets
1870-1871 July |
16 | 6 | Minutes of the School of the Prophets
1871 July - 1873 January |
17 | 1 | Minutes of the School of the Prophets
1873 January - 1874 |
17 | 2 | Minutes of the Grantsville School of the Prophets
undated |
17 | 3 | B.H. Roberts, "The Truth, the Way, the Life"-Chapters 1-15
undated |
17 | 4 | B.H. Roberts, "The Truth, the Way, the Life"-Chapters 16-30
undated |
17 | 5 | B.H. Roberts, "The Truth, the Way, the Life"-Chapters 31-42
undated |
17 | 6 | B.H. Roberts, "The Truth, the Way, the Life"-Chapters 43-end
undated |
18 | 1 | John Taylor Diary (photocopy)
1844 December 26 - 1845 September 17 |
18 | 2 | Journal of Bishop Edward Partridge (typescript-2 copies)
undated |
18 | 3 | "Life Story of B.H. Roberts"
undated |
18 | 4 | "Life Story of B.H. Roberts"
undated |
18 | 5 | The Godbeite Trial Transcript (photocopy)
undated |
18 | 6 | D. H. Peery's Biography (photocopy)
1884 |
18 | 7 | Nathaniel Felt Diary (photocopy)
1877-1878 |
18 | 8 | Correspondence and Other Documents Relating to the Hyrum Smith Rice Family
undated |
18 | 9 |
A Short Account of a Shameful Outrage Committed . . . Upon the Person of Elder Parley P. Pratt (photocopy)
undated |
18 | 10 | Letter and "The Anti-Mormon War in Iowa" by D.F. Miller, Sr
(pulled for restoration)
undated |
18 | 11 | Journal of John Afost (?) (photocopy)
1855 |
18 | 12 | "Book of the Records of the Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Halifax, Nova Scotia" (photocopy)
undated |
18 | 13 | Unidentified Journal
undated |
18 | 14 | Federal Heights Ward Membership List
1969 |
18 | 15 | Mathias Cowley Letters and Documents
undated |
18 | 16 | "Mormonism"-Kansas City Herald
1881 June 5 |
18 | 17 |
Deseret News Clippings
1867 |
18 | 18 | Edward Tullidge, "Biographical Sketches"
undated |
19 | 1 | Reports of Addresses Delivered at the Salt Lake Tabernacle by General Authorities
1910-1913 |
19 | 2 | J. Reuben Clark, Jr., "Gratitude for Our Heritage"
undated |
19 | 3 | Robert L. Backman, "Exploring"
undated |
19 | 4 |
Deseret News
1897 July 24 |
19 | 5 | "Stock Ledger of the Mormon Bank at Kirtland, Ohio, 1836-1837" (photocopy)
undated |
19 | 6 | "Stock Ledger of the Mormon Bank at Kirtland, Ohio, 1836-1837"
undated |
19 | 7 | The LDS Church in Hawaii Research Notes
undated |
20 | 1 | Joseph Smith III Letters to Samuel Smith-Originals, Trascripts, and Photocopies
1867, 1886, 1888, 1904, 1914 |
20 | 2 | George A. Smith Letters to Samuel H.B. Smith-1860, 1861-Originals, Typescripts, and Photocopies
undated |
20 | 3 | Jesse N. Smith Letters to Samuel H.B. Smith-1861-Originals, Typescripts, and Photocopies
undated |
20 | 4 | Letters Between Samuel H. Smith and William K. Hamilton Concerning the Martyrdom-1898-Originals, Photocopies, and Typescripts
undated |
20 | 5 | John Henry Smith Letter to Samuel H.B. Smith-Original, Photocopy, and Typescript
1875 |
20 | 6 | Joseph F. Smith and Samuel H.B. Smith Letter to Arthur Miliken-Original
1861 |
20 | 7 | Letter of Appointment from Orson Pratt to Thomas Wallace
1857 |
20 | 8 | Richard Ballantyne to Cousin Peter-Typescript and Photocopy
1867 |
20 | 9 | Excerpts from Autobiography of Henry Dixon Taylor
undated |
20 | 10 | Hugh B. Brown Family Correspondence (photocopies)
undated |
20 | 11 | John Banks, "A Document History of the Morrisites in Utah"
undated |
20 | 12 | Notes and Articles on Mormons Visiting Palestine
undated |
20 | 13 | St. George Co-Operative Meat Market Coupon
undated |
20 | 14 | Autobiography of Hannah Daphne Smith Dalton
undated |
20 | 15 | "Heber Simeon Allen: His Life and Works"
undated |
20 | 16 | "Pioneer and Personal Reminiscences"
undated |
20 | 17 | "The Alfred Cordon Diary of
1839 June - 1840 June |
20 | 18 | "Missionary Journals of Edward Gilbert Harding
1848-1859 |
20 | 19 | L.A. Bertrand, "Memoires d'un Mormon" (English)
undated |
21 | 1 | Ezra Strong Letters-Typescript
undated |
21 | 2 | Ezra Strong Letters-Typescript
undated |
21 | 3 | Ezra Strong Letters-Typescript
undated |
21 | 4 | Ezra Strong Letters-Typescript
undated |
21 | 5 | Ezra Strong Letters-Typescript
undated |
22 | 1 | Hyrum S. Woolley Autobiographical Sketch
undated |
22 | 2 | Hyrum S. Woolley Journal
1873 October 1 - 1874 April 29 |
22 | 3 | Hyrum S. Woolley Journal
1875 June 19-October 11 |
22 | 4 | Hyrum S. Woolley Journal
1876 April 30 - 1877 May 5 |
22 | 5 | Hyrum S. Woolley Journal
1877 June 11 - 1878 January 11 |
22 | 6 | Hyrum S. Woolley Family Correspondence
1874-1877 |
22 | 7 | Marie Rich Family Correspondence
1874-1875 |
22 | 8 | Hyrum S. Woolley Journal
1886 October 27 - 1887 May 8 |
22 | 9 | Hyrum S. Woolley, "Mining as a Business"
undated |
22 | 10 | The William Lyman Rich Family Chronology
undated |
22 | 11 | 1883-1884 | |
22 | 12 | 1883-1884 | |
22 | 13 | Poems by Lettie B. Rich
undated |
22 | 14 | Edward F. Rich, "Apostle Charles C. Rich"
undated |
23 | 1 | Roland R. Woolley Journal (Southern States Mission)
1911 May 28 - 1912 August 30 |
23 | 2 | Roland R. Woolley Southern States Mission Account Ledger
undated |
23 | 3 | Roland R. Woolley's Copy of "Two Letters to a Baptist Minister"
undated |
23 | 4 | Notes and a Speech by Roland R. Woolley
undated |
23 | 5 | Roland Rich Woolley-Certificates of Admission to Various Legal Positions
undated |
23 | 6 | Christmas Cards from J. Reuben Clark, Jr., to Roland R. Woolley
undated |
23 | 7 | "The Roland Rich Woolley Law Student Loan Fund"
undated |
23 | 8 | "Roll of Honor of the Rich Family-World War II"
undated |
23 | 9 | Sterling Sill, "The Men in My Life"
undated |
24 | 1 | Angus T. Wright Reminiscences
undated |
24 | 2 | Angus T. Wright Reminiscences
undated |
24 | 3 | Annie Clark Tanner Autobiography
undated |
24 | 4 | A.G. Gunn Journal, 1906
undated |
24 | 5 | Charles W. Nibley, Reminiscences (Photocopy)
undated |
25 | 1 | Horace Cummings' Autobiography
undated |
25 | 2 | Private Journal of Horace Cummings
undated |
25 | 3 | Private Journal of Horace Cummings
undated |
25 | 4 | LDS Ward Directory
1855 |
25 | 5 | "History of Brigham Young" (Photocopy from Bancroft Library)
undated |
25 | 6 | "History of Brigham Young" (Photocopy from Bancroft Library)
undated |
26 | 1 | Journal of Walter Ackroyd
undated |
26 | 2 | Journal of William Murphy
undated |
26 | 3 | Journal of William Murphy
undated |
26 | 4 | Richard Roskelley Journal
undated |
26 | 5 | Richard Roskelley Journal
undated |
26 | 6 | Richard Roskelley Journal
undated |
26 | 7 | Estate of David Eccles
undated |
26 | 8 | Life Synopsis of LeGrand Richards
undated |
26 | 9 | "Record of Business Meetings of the Bishops and Lesser Priesthood of Provo City"
undated |
26 | 10 | "Record of Business Meetings of the Bishops and Lesser Priesthood of Provo City"
undated |
26a | 1 | Patience Loader Rosa Archer
undated |
26a | 2 | Charles R. Bailey
undated |
26a | 3 | Richard Britton
undated |
26a | 4 | Isaac Chauncey Haight 1813-1862
undated |
26a | 5 | Charles A. Harper
undated |
26a | 6 | Joseph Holbrook
undated |
26a | 7 | William Hyde
undated |
26a | 8 | Andrew Sproul
undated |
26a | 9 | Joseph Yates
undated |
26a | 10 | Franklin Wheeler Young 1839-1917
undated |
27 | 1 | High Council Minutes, Far West
1838 |
27 | 2 | Salmon River Mission Records
undated |
27 | 3 | Memoirs of Rudger Clawson
undated |
27 | 4 | Memoirs of Rudger Clawson
undated |
27 | 5 | Memoirs of Rudger Clawson
undated |
27 | 6 | Memoirs of Rudger Clawson
undated |
27 | 7 | Personal Experiences in the Utah State Penitentary of Rudger Clawson |
undated |
Family Histories |
Box | Folder | ||
28 | 1 | Writings and Family History of Chloe Hess
undated |
28 | 2 | Writings and Family History of Chloe Hess
undated |
28 | 3 | History of Milo Andrus
undated |
28 | 4 | William Geddes Family Records and History
undated |
28 | 5 | Roderick Stephen Lewis, "The Crabtree Family of Wayne County, West Virginia"
undated |
Nauvoo |
Box | Folder | ||
29 | 1 | Notes and Articles
undated |
29 | 2 | Notes and Articles
undated |
29 | 3 | Articles
undated |
29 | 4 | Articles
undated |
29 | 5 | Articles
undated |
29 | 6 | Articles and Pamphlets
undated |
29 | 7 | Articles about Brigham Young
undated |
29 | 8 | Notes and Excerpts of Articles on Brigham Young
undated |
29 | 9 | The Succession Crisis-Articles
undated |
30 | 1 | Writings by J. Earl Arrington about the Nauvoo Temple
undated |
30 | 2 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
30 | 3 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
30 | 4 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
30 | 5 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
30 | 6 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
31 | 1 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
31 | 2 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
31 | 3 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
31 | 4 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
31 | 5 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
32 | 1 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
32 | 2 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
32 | 3 | J. Earl Arrington, "Story of the Nauvoo Temple"
undated |
Nauvoo and Missouri |
Box | Folder | ||
33 | 1 | The Succession Crisis-Contemporary Accounts
undated |
33 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings about Nauvoo
undated |
33 | 3 | Notes and Letters about Emma Smith
undated |
33 | 4 | Journal Excerpts and Reminiscences about Nauvoo
(Item #6 Book of Anointings not available. Returned to Arrington family 11/21/01.)
undated |
33 | 5 | Journal Excerpts and Reminiscences about Nauvoo
undated |
33 | 6 | Louisa A. Badger, "Notes of Interesting History"
undated |
33 | 7 | Typescripts of Miscellaneous Letters-1840s
undated |
33 | 8 | Typescripts and Photocopies of Brigham Young Correspondence
1844-1848 |
33 | 9 | Nauvoo Library and Literary Institute-Constitution, Bylaws, and Minutes
1844 |
33 | 10 | Minutes of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
1841-1846 |
33 | 11 | Correspondence, Newspaper Accounts, and Journals about Missouri
undated |
33 | 12 | Colonel J.M. Reid, Sketches and Anecdotes of . . . The Mormon Bandits and Danite Band (photocopy)
undated |
33 | 13 | Notes and Articles about Missouri
undated |
33 | 14 | Articles about Missouri
undated |
33 | 15 | Articles about Missouri
undated |
33 | 16 | Notes and Articles on the Haun's Mill Massacre
undated |
Missouri |
Box | Folder | ||
34 | 1 | Research on Mormon Land Ownership by Wayne Lewis
undated |
34 | 2 | Pamphlets by John Greene and John Corrill
undated |
34 | 3 | Articles in Scholarly Journals
undated |
34 | 4 | Articles from Scholarly Journals
undated |
34 | 5 | Leland Gentry, "The Danites and Mormons in Northern Missouri"
undated |
New Mexico |
Box | Folder | ||
35 | 1 | Page Proofs of Leonard Arrington's Article in Religion in Modern New Mexico
undated |
35 | 2 | Articles about Mormon Native Americans in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 3 | Articles on Mormons in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 4 | Draft of Leonard J. Arrington, " Mormons in New Mexico: Their History and Present Status"
undated |
35 | 5 | Gary Tietjen, Mormon Pioneers in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 6 | Articles about New Mexico and Mormons in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 7 | Articles about New Mexico and Mormons in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 8 | Articles about New Mexico and Mormons in New Mexico
undated |
35 | 9 | Notes and Articles about Mormons in New Mexico
undated |
Nevada |
Box | Folder | ||
36 | 1 | Nevada History Registers
undated |
36 | 2 | Copies of Arrington's Articles in the Las Vegas Sun
undated |
36 | 3 | Copies of Arrington's Articles in the Las Vegas Sun
undated |
36 | 4 | Copies of Arrington's Articles in the Las Vegas Sun
undated |
36 | 5 | Notes and Articles on Bunkerville
undated |
36 | 6 | Notes and Articles on Las Vegas
undated |
36 | 7 | Notes and Articles on the Muddy Mission
undated |
37 | 1 | Notes and Articles on the Sterling Gold Mine
undated |
37 | 2 | Notes and Articles on Nevada Land and Livestock Co
undated |
37 | 3 | Notes and Articles on Vineyard Land and Livestock Co
undated |
37 | 4 | Notes and Articles on Modern Nevada
undated |
37 | 5 | Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
38 | 1 | Notes and Articles on Samuel Brannan
undated |
38 | 2 | Notes and Articles about Blackburn, Beatie, and the Mormon Station
undated |
38 | 3 | Notes and Articles about the Carson Valley
undated |
38 | 4 | Notes and Articles about the Carson Valley
undated |
38 | 5 | Notes, Articles, and Documents about Panaca
undated |
38 | 6 | Notes and Articles on Callville and Colorado Navigation
undated |
38 | 7 | Notes and Articles on General Nevada History
undated |
38 | 8 | Notecards on General Nevada History
undated |
Great Britain |
Box | Folder | ||
39 | 1 | Notes
undated |
39 | 2 | Notes and Articles
undated |
39 | 3 | Mormon Women in Great Britain
undated |
39 | 4 | Mormon Women in Great Britain
undated |
39 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
39 | 6 | Doyle L. Green's Newspaper Clippings
undated |
Blacks and Mormons |
Box | Folder | ||
40 | 1 | General Articles about Blacks
undated |
40 | 2 | Historical Data
undated |
40 | 3 | Newspaper and News Magazine Articles
undated |
40 | 4 | Documents, Correspondence, and Clippings
undated |
40 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings and Articles
undated |
40 | 6 |
The Broad Ax 1
1974 August |
40 | 7 |
Church News-Week ending
1978 June 17 |
40 | 8 | Articles
undated |
40 | 9 | Articles
undated |
40 | 10 | Vernon Davies, "Creed versus Color: The Mormon Dilemma"
undated |
Book of Mormon |
Box | Folder | ||
41 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
41 | 2 | Darold M. Marlowe, "The Method of Translating the Book of Mormon"
undated |
41 | 3 | Stan Larson, "Some Textual Differences Between the First Three Editions of the Book of Mormon"
undated |
41 | 4 | Articles
undated |
41 | 5 | Articles
undated |
41 | 6 | Articles
undated |
41 | 7 | Articles from LDS Church Publications
undated |
41 | 8 | Ensign -Special Issue Devoted to the Book of Mormon
1976 September |
41 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
LDS Dissenters |
Box | Folder | ||
42 | 1 | Victor W. Jorgensen, Jr., "Mormon Apostles Taylor and Cowley: Out of Harmony with Their Quorum"
undated |
42 | 2 | Steven G. Barnett, "Wingfield Watson: Biography and Letters"
undated |
42 | 3 | Literature of the Church of the Firstborn of the Fullness of Times
undated |
42 | 4 | Literature of the Church of the Firstborn of the Fullness of Times
undated |
42 | 5 | Bruce R. McConkie, "Cultism as Practiced by the So-Called Church of the Firstborn of the Fullness of Times"
undated |
42 | 6 | Gilbert A. Fulton, Jr
undated |
42 | 7 | The Order of Aaron
undated |
42 | 8 | Miscellaneous Documents and Letters
undated |
Equal Rights Amendment |
Box | Folder | ||
43 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
43 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
43 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings about Sonia Johnson
undated |
43 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings about Sonia Johnson
undated |
LDS Hospitals |
Box | Folder | ||
44 | 1 | Articles
undated |
44 | 2 | Articles in LDS Publications
undated |
44 | 3 | Article on the Logan Hospital
undated |
44 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
44 | 5 | Miscellaneous Documents and Notes
undated |
Mormon Humor |
Box | Folder | ||
45 | 1 | Articles and Notes
undated |
45 | 2 | Articles and Notes
undated |
45 | 3 | Articles and Notes
undated |
Mormon Intellectuals |
Box | Folder | ||
46 | 1 | Ralph C. Hancock, "What is a 'Mormon Intellectual'?"
undated |
46 | 2 | Writings of and about Chieko Okazaki
undated |
46 | 3 | Articles about Susa Young Gates
undated |
46 | 4 | Articles by and about Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
undated |
46 | 5 | Writings by and about Melodie Moench Charles
undated |
46 | 6 | Articles by and about Claudia Bushman
undated |
46 | 7 | Writings by and about James E. Talmage
undated |
46 | 8 | Articles about Lorenzo Snow
undated |
46 | 9 | Articles about John A. Widtsoe
undated |
46 | 10 | Articles about George Q. Cannon
undated |
46 | 11 | "The Life and Labor of Orson Pratt" by Milando Pratt
undated |
47 | 1 | Articles about Brigham Young
undated |
47 | 2 | Articles and Correspondence about Alice Merrill Horne
undated |
47 | 3 | Correspondence and Writings of B.H. Roberts
undated |
47 | 4 | Articles about B.H. Roberts
undated |
47 | 5 | Writings about Joseph Smith
undated |
47 | 6 | Writings about Joseph Smith
undated |
Mysticism |
Box | Folder | ||
48 | 1 | W.R. Inge, Mysticism in Religion
undated |
48 | 2 | Articles and Notes on Mormons and Mysticism
undated |
48 | 3 | Articles and Notes on Mormons and Mysticism
undated |
48 | 4 | N.L. Nelson, "Theosophy and Mormonism"
undated |
Polygamy |
Box | Folder | ||
49 | 1 | Research Notes
undated |
49 | 2 | Articles and Pamphlets
undated |
49 | 3 | Articles
undated |
49 | 4 | Articles
undated |
49 | 5 | Articles
undated |
49 | 6 |
Have Mormons Any Rights? The New Edmunds Bill
undated |
Science, Religion, and Evolution |
Box | Folder | ||
50 | 1 | Letter from Joseph Fielding Smith to Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (photocopy)
1931 January 14 |
50 | 2 | Letters to and from General Authorities
undated |
50 | 3 | Articles from The Contributor and The Juvenile Instructor
undated |
50 | 4 | Notes, Articles, and Newspaper Clippings
undated |
50 | 5 | Pamphlets and Articles
undated |
50 | 6 | Notes, Articles, and Clippings
undated |
50 | 7 | RLDS Church-"Study Papers Prepared for the Curriculum Consultation Committee"
undated |
50 | 8 | RLDS Church-Articles about the RLDS Church
undated |
50 | 9 | RLDS Church-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
Sociology |
Box | Folder | ||
51 | 1 | Articles and Notes on the Mormon Family
undated |
51 | 2 | Articles and Notes on the Mormon Family
undated |
51 | 3 | Articles and Notes on the Mormon Family
undated |
51 | 4 | Chapters from Jill Mulvay Derr, "LDS Social Services History Module"
undated |
51 | 5 | Sociological Studies of Mormonism
undated |
51 | 6 | Armand L. Mauss, "Mormon Semitism and Anti-Semitism"
undated |
51 | 7 | John F. Galliher and Linda Basilick, "Utah's Liberal Drug Policies: Mormons, Morality and Marihuana"
undated |
Joseph Smith |
Box | Folder | ||
52 | 1 | Postcards and Brochures about Joseph Smith's Birthplace
undated |
52 | 2 | Typescripts, Copies, and Notes from Joseph Smith Letters and Documents
undated |
52 | 3 | Notes on Joseph Smith
undated |
52 | 4 | Correspondence Regarding Joseph Smith
undated |
52 | 5 | Letter from Benjamin Johnson to George Gibbs
undated |
52 | 6 | Susa Young Gates, "Joseph Smith, His Country, and His God"
undated |
52 | 7 | Articles about Joseph Smith
undated |
52 | 8 | Published Articles about Joseph Smith
undated |
52 | 9 | Historians on Joseph Smith
undated |
George A. Smith |
Box | Folder | ||
53 | 1 | "History of George Albert Smith"
undated |
53 | 2 | "History of George Albert Smith"
undated |
53 | 3 | "History of George Albert Smith" (photocopy)
undated |
53 | 4 | Journal (photocopy)
1872 |
53 | 5 | Copies of Blessings Given to George A. Smith
undated |
53 | 6 | Letter from Joseph Cain to George A. Smith (photocopy)
1851 |
53 | 7 | Notes and Articles on George A. Smith
undated |
53 | 8 | George A. Smith's Account of 1872 Palestine Tour
undated |
53 | 9 | Notes and Articles on 1872 Palestine Tour
undated |
53 | 10 | "George A. Smith: Creator of Epic History"
undated |
Spencer W. Kimball |
Box | Folder | ||
54 | 1 | Biographical Sketches
undated |
54 | 2 | Speeches
undated |
54 | 3 | Writings
undated |
54 | 4 | Transcription of Interview with Gary Shumway
1972 |
54 | 5 | Articles
undated |
54 | 6 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
54 | 7 | Reference for Five-Year Commemorative Issue of the Church News about Spencer W. Kimball
undated |
54 | 8 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
Ezra Taft Benson |
Box | Folder | ||
55 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings about Ezra Taft Benson and the John Birch Society
undated |
55 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings and Correspondence about Ezra Taft Benson and Church Theology
undated |
55 | 3 | Speeches
undated |
55 | 4 | Notes and Articles on Ezra Taft Benson's Life
undated |
55 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings and Documents about Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture
undated |
55 | 6 | Newspaper Clippings and Documents about Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture
undated |
Presidents of the Church |
Box | Folder | ||
56 | 1 |
The Presidents of the Church-Correspondence and Drafts
undated |
56 | 2 | Correspondence with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
1972-1982 |
56 | 3 | Joseph Smith-Articles
undated |
56 | 4 | Joseph Smith-Articles
undated |
56 | 5 | Joseph Smith-Appreciations
undated |
56 | 6 | Joseph Smith Collection-HDC
undated |
56 | 7 | Joseph Smith-The First Vision
undated |
Presidents of the Church |
Box | Folder | ||
57 | 1 | Joseph Smith-Articles about Joseph Smith as Husband and Father
undated |
57 | 2 | Joseph Smith-Documents about Donna Hill, Joseph Smith, the First Mormon
undated |
57 | 3 | Joseph Smith-Documents Relating to the Smith Family Reunion
undated |
57 | 4 | Joseph Smith-Articles about His Assassination
undated |
57 | 5 | Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith
undated |
57 | 6 | John Taylor
undated |
58 | 1 | Lorenzo Snow-Primary Documents
undated |
58 | 2 | Lorenzo Snow-Articles
undated |
58 | 3 | Joseph F. Smith
undated |
58 | 4 | Heber J. Grant-Biographical Information
undated |
58 | 5 | Heber J. Grant
undated |
58 | 6 | David O. McKay
undated |
58 | 7 | David O. McKay-Millennial Star 26
1963 September |
58 | 8 | Joseph Fielding Smith
undated |
58 | 9 | Counselors-Anthon H. Lund
undated |
59 | 1 | Wilford Woodruff
undated |
59 | 2 | Wilford Woodruff-Journal
undated |
59 | 3 | Wilford Woodruff
undated |
59 | 4 | George Albert Smith
undated |
59 | 5 | Harold B. Lee
undated |
59 | 6 | Harold B. Lee
undated |
59 | 7 | Harold B. Lee
undated |
59 | 8 | Harold B. Lee-Oral Histories
undated |
60 | 1 | Reference for newspaper articles at death of several church presidents
undated |
60 | 2 | Spencer W. Kimball
undated |
60 | 3 | Ezra Taft Benson
undated |
The International Church |
Box | Folder | ||
61 | 1 | International Church Unveiled
undated |
61 | 2 | To 1847
1847 |
61 | 3 | To 1877
1877 |
61 | 4 | To 1917
1917 |
61 | 5 | To 1945
1945 |
61 | 6 | 1945-1955
1945-1955 |
61 | 7 | Mexican and Canadian Colonies
undated |
61 | 8 | Europe and South Africa
undated |
61 | 9 | Native Americans
undated |
61 | 10 | Asia and South America
undated |
62 | 1 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
62 | 2 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
62 | 3 | Brad Morris, "The Internationalization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
undated |
General Research Files |
Box | Folder | ||
63 | 1 | Book of Mormon
undated |
63 | 2 | Book of Mormon
undated |
63 | 3 | Old Testament
undated |
63 | 4 | Inspired Version
undated |
63 | 5 | Doctrine and Covenants
undated |
63 | 6 | Articles of Faith
undated |
63 | 7 | Mormon Doctrine
undated |
63 | 8 | The Atonement
undated |
63 | 9 | Blood Atonement
undated |
63 | 10 | Blacks and the Priesthood
undated |
63 | 11 | Blacks and the Priesthood
undated |
64 | 1 | God
undated |
64 | 2 | Revelation
undated |
64 | 3 | Revelation
undated |
64 | 4 | Immortality
undated |
64 | 5 | Baptism for the Dead
undated |
64 | 6 | Family Home Evening
undated |
64 | 7 | Reference for Special Family Edition of the Church News-1980
undated |
64 | 8 | Fast Offerings
undated |
64 | 9 | Word of Wisdom
undated |
64 | 10 | Word of Wisdom
undated |
64 | 11 | Word of Wisdom
undated |
64 | 12 | Reference for Special Edition of Church News on the "Word of Wisdom"-1983
undated |
64 | 13 | Word of Wisdom-Brochures and Pamphlets
undated |
65 | 1 | Missionary Work
undated |
65 | 2 | Reference for Special Missionary Edition of Church News
1980 |
65 | 3 | Missionary Experiences
undated |
65 | 4 | Home Teaching
undated |
65 | 5 | Apostasy
undated |
65 | 6 | Apostasy-Nels L. Nelson
undated |
65 | 7 | Apostate Interpreters of Mormonism
undated |
65 | 8 | Dissenting Sects
undated |
65 | 9 | Anti-Mormonism in Idaho
undated |
65 | 10 | Fundamentalists
undated |
65 | 11 | Church Government
undated |
65 | 12 | Stakes and Regions of the Church
undated |
65 | 13 | Priesthood Correlation
undated |
65 | 14 | Sunday School
undated |
65 | 15 | Primary Association
undated |
65 | 16 | Primary Association
undated |
65 | 17 | Boy Scouts
undated |
66 | 1 | Young Women
undated |
66 | 2 | Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association
undated |
66 | 3 | History of Institutes and Seminaries
undated |
66 | 4 | Latter-day Saint Student Association
undated |
66 | 5 | Know Your Religion, Correspondence
1973 |
66 | 6 | Social Services
undated |
66 | 7 | Red Cross
undated |
66 | 8 | Old Folks and Special Interest Groups
undated |
66 | 9 | Church Almanac-Articles on Women
undated |
66 | 10 | Underground Church
undated |
66 | 11 | A New History of the Church
undated |
66 | 12 | Ray B. West, Jr., Kingdom of the Saints
undated |
66 | 13 | Kinderhook Plates
undated |
66 | 14 | Council of Fifty
undated |
66 | 15 | Council of Fifty and Related Matters
undated |
66 | 16 | Nauvoo Restoration
undated |
66 | 17 |
Nauvoo Independent
1954 July 22 |
66 | 18 | Interesting Facts of Utah and Mormon History
undated |
66 | 19 | The Utah Legacy
undated |
66 | 20 | The West and the Mormons
undated |
66 | 21 | Documentary History-Brigham Young Period
undated |
66 | 22 | Pioneer Life
undated |
66 | 23 | Travelers' Accounts of Utah
undated |
66 | 24 | Seagulls and Crickets
undated |
66 | 25 | Seagulls and Crickets-Note Cards
undated |
66 | 26 | Utah Government
1847-1851 |
66 | 27 | Monument Park State History
undated |
66 | 28 | Camp Floyd
undated |
66 | 29 | Battle of the Bear River
undated |
66 | 30 | Journal History of the Church
undated |
66 | 31 | Mormon Milk Fund
undated |
66 | 32 | Provo Tithing House
undated |
67 | 1 | Utah Valley
undated |
67 | 2 | Gold Mission
undated |
67 | 3 | Elk Mountain Mission
undated |
67 | 4 | The Western Standard
undated |
67 | 5 | Gutlebens' Sugar Thesaurus
undated |
67 | 6 | Sugar Beets-Information from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
undated |
67 | 7 | Reference for "Special 105th Anniversary Edition" of Church News
undated |
67 | 8 | Biographies
undated |
67 | 9 | Biographies
undated |
68 | 1 | Daniel C. Jackling
undated |
68 | 2 | Jesse Knight
undated |
68 | 3 | Joseph R. DeLamar
undated |
68 | 4 | George Hearst
undated |
68 | 5 | John Wesley Powell
undated |
68 | 6 | Simeon G. Reed
undated |
68 | 7 | William Andrews Clark
undated |
68 | 8 | John Hays Hammond
undated |
68 | 9 | Elwood Mead
undated |
68 | 10 | Marcus Daly
undated |
68 | 11 | Enos A. Wall
undated |
68 | 12 | Music
undated |
68 | 13 | Mormons in Music
undated |
68 | 14 | Mormon Exhibits in Expositions and Fairs
undated |
68 | 15 | Cyrus Dallin
undated |
68 | 16 | Mormonism and the Arts
undated |
68 | 17 | Arnold Friberg
undated |
68 | 18 | Dancing
undated |
68 | 19 | Tabernacle Organists
undated |
68 | 20 | Mormon Musicals
undated |
68 | 21 | Mormon Hymns
undated |
68 | 22 | McCune School of Music
undated |
68 | 23 | Literature
undated |
68 | 24 | Literature
undated |
68 | 25 | Female Literature
undated |
69 | 1 | Literary Symbolism
undated |
69 | 2 | Religious Poetry
undated |
69 | 3 | Plots of Anti-Mormon Novels
undated |
69 | 4 | Mormons in Fiction
undated |
69 | 5 | Haldor Laxness
undated |
69 | 6 | Virginia Sorensen
undated |
69 | 7 | Mormon Writers
undated |
69 | 8 | Mormon Novel-University of Kentucky Press
undated |
69 | 9 | Anthology of Utah
undated |
69 | 10 | Intermountain Review, Rocky Mountain Review
undated |
69 | 11 | Western Writers
undated |
69 | 12 | Mormon Folklore
undated |
69 | 13 | Mormon Folklore
undated |
69 | 14 | Utah Folklore History
undated |
69 | 15 | Mormon Folklore-Hector Lee, Wayland Hand, Wilf Bailey, Jan Brunvand
undated |
70 | 1 | Stories and Legends
undated |
70 | 2 | Austin and Alta Fife-Papers
undated |
70 | 3 | Austin and Alta Fife-Papers
undated |
70 | 4 | Mormons in Art
undated |
70 | 5 | Mormons in Art
undated |
70 | 6 | Papers on Art
undated |
70 | 7 | Mormon Sculptors
undated |
70 | 8 | Mormon Architecture
undated |
70 | 9 | Mormons in Drama
undated |
70 | 10 | Mormons in Drama
undated |
70 | 11 | Mormons in Cinema
undated |
70 | 12 | W.O. Robinson
undated |
71 | 1 | Mormon Anthropology
undated |
71 | 2 | Whither Mormonism?
undated |
71 | 3 | What is a Mormon?
undated |
71 | 4 | Studies of Mormonism from Dialogue
undated |
71 | 5 | Notes on the Nature of Mormonism
undated |
71 | 6 | Mormon Social Philosophy
undated |
71 | 7 | Mormon Philosophic Thinking
undated |
71 | 8 | Crawford-Outline of Mormon Philosophy
undated |
71 | 9 | Crawford-Mormon Philosophy
undated |
71 | 10 | Philosophy
undated |
71 | 11 | Man and His Nature
undated |
71 | 12 | LDS Animal Stewardship
undated |
71 | 13 | Angst and Mormonism
undated |
71 | 14 | Secularism
undated |
71 | 15 | Obscenity
undated |
71 | 16 | Incest
undated |
71 | 17 | Leadership
undated |
71 | 18 | Communism
undated |
71 | 19 | Marriage, Love, Sex
undated |
72 | 1 | Ethnicity and the Mormons
undated |
72 | 2 | Mormon Ethnic Groups
undated |
72 | 3 | Labor Unions and Mormonism
undated |
72 | 4 | Mormons as Myrmidons
undated |
72 | 5 | Happy Valley Concept
undated |
72 | 6 | 1200 Religions in America
undated |
72 | 7 | Puritanism and Mormonism
undated |
72 | 8 | Jewish People and Mormonism
undated |
72 | 9 | Photography
undated |
72 | 10 | List of Photographs Relating to Utah and Mormon History in the National Archives
undated |
72 | 11 | Prints
undated |
72 | 12 |
Banner of Light
undated |
72 | 13 |
Light on Mormonism
1934 April-June |
72 | 14 | Horizon
undated |
72 | 15 | Mormon History Magazine
undated |
72 | 16 | Encyclopedias
undated |
72 | 17 | Encyclopedia Articles on Mormons
undated |
72 | 18 | Encyclopedia Articles on Mormon Origins
undated |
72 | 19 | Information on Miscellaneous Books
undated |
73 | 1 | Spaulding Theory of the Book of Mormon
undated |
73 | 2 | Spaulding Theory of the Book of Mormon
undated |
73 | 3 | Handcart Companies
undated |
73 | 4 | Handcart Rescue Companies
undated |
73 | 5 | Handcart Rescue Companies
undated |
73 | 6 | Mormon Pageants
undated |
73 | 7 | Mormon Tabernacle Choir
undated |
74 | 1 | Articles about Mormonism
1830s |
74 | 2 | Articles about Mormonism
1830s |
74 | 3 | Articles about Mormonism
1840s |
74 | 4 | Articles about Mormonism
1840s |
74 | 5 | Articles about Mormonism
1850-1854 |
74 | 6 | Articles about Mormonism
1850-1854 |
74 | 7 | Articles about Mormonism
1855-1859 |
75 | 1 | Articles about Mormonism
1860s |
75 | 2 | Articles about Mormonism
1870-1874 |
75 | 3 | Articles about Mormonism
1870-1874 |
75 | 4 | Articles about Mormonism
1875-1879 |
75 | 5 | Articles about Mormonism
1880-1884 |
75 | 6 | Articles about Mormonism
1885-1889 |
75 | 7 | Articles about Mormonism
1885-1889 |
75 | 8 | Articles about Mormonism
1885-1889 |
76 | 1 | Articles about Mormonism
1885-1889 |
76 | 2 | Articles about Mormonism
1885-1889 |
76 | 3 | Epistles of the First Presidency
1880s |
76 | 4 | Articles about Mormonism
1890s |
76 | 5 | Articles about Mormonism
1890s |
76 | 6 | Articles about Mormonism
1900-1909 |
76 | 7 | Articles about Mormonism
1900-1909 |
76 | 8 | Articles about Mormonism
1910-1919 |
76 | 9 | Articles about Mormonism
1910-1919 |
77 | 1 | Articles about Mormonism
1920s |
77 | 2 | Articles about Mormonism
1930s |
77 | 3 | Articles about Mormonism
1940s |
77 | 4 | Articles about Mormonism
1950s |
77 | 5 | Articles about Mormonism
1960s |
77 | 6 | Articles about Mormonism
1960s |
77 | 7 | Articles about Mormonism
1970s |
77 | 8 | Articles about Mormonism
1980s |
78 | 1 | Record Keeping and Minute Books
undated |
78 | 2 | Mormon Ward Notes
undated |
78 | 3 | Mormon Ward Life
undated |
78 | 4 | Polygamy
undated |
78 | 5 | Religion and Freedom
undated |
78 | 6 | Council vs. Counsel
undated |
78 | 7 | Calvinism and Mormonism
undated |
78 | 8 | Jesus Christ
undated |
78 | 9 | Law of Adoption
undated |
79 | 1 | "History of Revenue System of the Mormon Church"
undated |
79 | 2 | General Tithing Office
undated |
79 | 3 | General Tithing Office
undated |
79 | 4 | General Tithing Office
undated |
79 | 5 | Economic Data from Tithing Records
undated |
79 | 6 | Mutual Improvement Association
undated |
79 | 7 |
The New Era
1931 |
80 | 1 | Dowsing, Seerstones, and Other Magic
undated |
80 | 2 | Church Magazines
1900-1909 |
80 | 3 | Priesthood
undated |
80 | 4 | Seventies
undated |
80 | 5 | Patriarchs
undated |
80 | 6 | Eilley Orrum
undated |
80 | 7 | Perpetual Emigrating Fund
undated |
80 | 8 | Government Raids
undated |
80 | 9 | Growers' Market Company
undated |
80 | 10 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles about Utah and Mormons
undated |
80 | 11 | Clippings on Mormons and Mormonism
undated |
80 | 12 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
81 | 1 | Deseret Alphabet
undated |
81 | 2 | Utah Education
undated |
81 | 3 | Education Week Topics
undated |
81 | 4 | LDS Education
undated |
81 | 5 | LDS Education
undated |
81 | 6 | Religious Education and Identity
undated |
81 | 7 | Colleges and Universities of the Church
undated |
81 | 8 | Church Education
undated |
81 | 9 | Church Education
undated |
81 | 10 | Brigham Young College (Logan)
undated |
81 | 11 | Arbitration
undated |
81 | 12 | Sports
undated |
81 | 13 | Vaccination Controversy
undated |
81 | 14 | BYU Book on the Mormons
undated |
82 | 1 | Fiscal Policy of the Church
undated |
82 | 2 | White Horse Prophecy
undated |
82 | 3 | Waldensians
undated |
82 | 4 | Waldensians
undated |
82 | 5 | Martin Harris and the Salamander Letter
undated |
82 | 6 | Martin Harris and the Salamander Letter
undated |
82 | 7 | Martin Harris and the Salamander Letter
undated |
82 | 8 | Willard Richards
undated |
82 | 9 | LDS Agricultural Scientists
undated |
83 | 1 | LDS Agricultural Scientists
undated |
83 | 2 | David Broadhead
undated |
83 | 3 | The Holy Land
undated |
83 | 4 | The Holy Land
undated |
83 | 5 | Pearl of Great Price
undated |
83 | 6 | Pearl of Great Price
undated |
83 | 7 | Book of Abraham
undated |
83 | 8 | Crossing the Plains
undated |
83 | 9 | Crossing the Plains
undated |
83 | 10 | Psychology of Apostasy
undated |
83 | 11 | Bishops and High Council Courts
undated |
83 | 12 | Religion and War
undated |
Biographies |
Box | Folder | ||
84 | 1 | William C. Allen
undated |
84 | 2 | James Allred
undated |
84 | 3 | C.C. Amussen
undated |
84 | 4 | Edward H. Anderson
undated |
84 | 5 | Joseph Jeppa Anderson
undated |
84 | 6 | Nephi Anderson
undated |
84 | 7 | Milo Andrus Family
undated |
84 | 8 | Francis Armstrong
undated |
84 | 9 | Marvin J. Ashton
undated |
84 | 10 | George Washington Gill Averett
undated |
84 | 11 | Paul Bailey
undated |
84 | 12 | Richard Ballantyne
undated |
84 | 13 | Domenico Ballo
undated |
84 | 14 | John Banks
undated |
84 | 15 | Joseph L. Barfoot
undated |
84 | 16 | M.L. Bean
undated |
84 | 17 | T.H. Bell
undated |
84 | 18 | Gilbert Belnap
undated |
84 | 19 | John C. Bennett
undated |
84 | 20 | Wallace Bennett
undated |
84 | 21 | William Hunter Bennett
undated |
84 | 22 | John M. Bernhisel
undated |
84 | 23 | Henry W. Bigler
undated |
84 | 24 | Francis Gladden Bishop
undated |
84 | 25 | Abner Blackburn
undated |
84 | 26 | Seth Blair
undated |
84 | 27 | James G. Bleak
undated |
84 | 28 | Ezra Booth
undated |
84 | 29 | Albert E. Bowen
undated |
85 | 1 | Henry G. Boyle
undated |
85 | 2 | Theodore Brandley
undated |
85 | 3 | George Brimhall
undated |
85 | 4 | A.C. Brower-Wisconsin Mission Letters-1869-1870
1869-1870 |
85 | 5 | Benjamin Brown
undated |
85 | 6 | Francis A. Brown
undated |
85 | 7 | Hugh B. Brown
undated |
85 | 8 | Captain James Brown
undated |
85 | 9 | James Stephens Brown
undated |
85 | 10 | John Brown
undated |
85 | 11 | John M. Browning
undated |
85 | 12 | Browning Family
undated |
85 | 13 | John Brush
undated |
85 | 14 | William Budge
undated |
85 | 15 | Thomas Bullock
undated |
85 | 16 | Robert T. Burton
undated |
85 | 17 | John T. Caine
undated |
85 | 18 | David O. Calder
undated |
85 | 19 | Anson Call
undated |
85 | 20 | Robert L. Campbell
undated |
85 | 21 | David Candland
undated |
85 | 22 | Abraham H. Cannon
undated |
86 | 1 | Angus M. Cannon
undated |
86 | 2 | Sylvester Q. Cannon and Tracy Cannon
undated |
86 | 3 | Erastus Carpenter
undated |
86 | 4 | David Cazier
undated |
86 | 5 | Samuel Chambers
undated |
86 | 6 | Isaac and Peter Chase
undated |
86 | 7 | Peter Christensen
undated |
86 | 8 | Joshua R. Clark
undated |
86 | 9 | Hiram B. Clawson
undated |
86 | 10 | Julion Clawson
undated |
86 | 11 | Rudger Clawson
undated |
86 | 12 | William Clayton
undated |
86 | 13 | H.H. Cluff
undated |
86 | 14 | Zebedee Coltrin
undated |
87 | 1 | Peter Conover
undated |
87 | 2 | Howard Coray
undated |
87 | 3 | Oliver Cowdery
undated |
87 | 4 | Austin Cowles
undated |
87 | 5 | Levi Cox
undated |
87 | 6 | Charles Crismon
undated |
87 | 7 | Horace Cummings
undated |
87 | 8 | Theodore Curtis
undated |
87 | 9 | Theodore Curtis
undated |
87 | 10 | Thomas R. Cutler
undated |
87 | 11 | Driggs Family
undated |
87 | 12 | Paul Dunn
undated |
87 | 13 | F. Henry Edwards
undated |
87 | 14 | Howard Egan
undated |
87 | 15 | Horace S. Eldredge
undated |
87 | 16 | E.P. Ellison
undated |
87 | 17 | Warren Foote
undated |
87 | 18 | Alma Hanson
undated |
87 | 19 | Lot Smith
undated |
87 | 20 | G.W. Taggart
undated |
88 | 1 | Edmund Ellsworth
undated |
88 | 2 | Ensign Diary
undated |
88 | 3 | Ephraim Edward Ericksen
undated |
88 | 4 | John Henry Evans
undated |
88 | 5 | Richard L. Evans
undated |
88 | 6 | Eyring Family
undated |
88 | 7 | James E. Faust
undated |
88 | 8 | Joseph Fielding
undated |
88 | 9 | Joseph Fish
undated |
88 | 10 | Harvey Fletcher
undated |
88 | 11 | Peter Forsgren
undated |
88 | 12 | John Fullmer
undated |
88 | 13 | Robert Gardner and Archibald Gardner
undated |
88 | 14 | Jake Garn
undated |
88 | 15 | Jesse Gause
undated |
88 | 16 | Geddes Family
undated |
88 | 17 | Walter Murray Gibson
undated |
88 | 18 | George Goddard
undated |
88 | 19 | Carter Grant
undated |
88 | 20 | George D. Grant
undated |
88 | 21 | Jedediah M. Grant
undated |
88 | 22 | John P. Greene
undated |
88 | 23 | Nicholas Groesbeck
undated |
88 | 24 | Groom Family
undated |
88 | 25 | Benjamin and Frank Grouard
undated |
88 | 26 | Jacob Hamblin
undated |
88 | 27 | Levi Hancock
undated |
89 | 1 | Heber Hardy
undated |
89 | 2 | Franklin S. Harris
undated |
89 | 3 | James H. Hart
undated |
89 | 4 | Abram Hatch
undated |
89 | 5 | Lorenzo Hatch
undated |
89 | 6 | Alma Heaton
undated |
89 | 7 | W.W. Henderson
undated |
89 | 8 | James Hendricks
undated |
89 | 9 | Joseph L. Heywood
undated |
89 | 10 | Hickenlooper Family
undated |
89 | 11 | Daniel B.H. Hill
undated |
89 | 12 | A.E. Hinckley
undated |
89 | 13 | Gordon B. Hinckley
undated |
89 | 14 | Shadrach Holdaway
undated |
89 | 15 | John Holladay
undated |
89 | 16 | William Horsley
undated |
89 | 17 | Joseph Howell
undated |
89 | 18 | Gideon Hulterstrom
undated |
89 | 19 | Milton Hunter
undated |
89 | 20 | P. Hurlbert
undated |
89 | 21 | Orson Hyde
undated |
89 | 22 | Zebulon William Jacobs
undated |
89 | 23 | John Jacques
undated |
90 | 1 | William Jarman
undated |
90 | 2 | William Jennings
undated |
90 | 3 | Andrew Jenson
undated |
90 | 4 | David John
undated |
90 | 5 | Henry Jolley
undated |
90 | 6 | Dan Jones
undated |
90 | 7 | Nathaniel V. Jones
undated |
90 | 8 | David M. Kennedy
undated |
90 | 9 | Scipio A. Kenner
undated |
90 | 10 | Frederick Kesler
undated |
90 | 11 | David P. Kimball
undated |
90 | 12 | Culbert King
undated |
90 | 13 | James Kirkham
undated |
90 | 14 | Newel Knight
undated |
90 | 15 | A.C. Lambert
undated |
90 | 16 | William Law
undated |
90 | 17 | Henry W. Lawrence
undated |
90 | 18 | Christopher Layton
undated |
90 | 19 | Ola N. Liljenquist
undated |
90 | 20 | John Lingren
undated |
90 | 21 | Feramorz Little
undated |
90 | 22 | Amasa Lyman
undated |
90 | 23 | John Lyon
undated |
90 | 24 | Stephen Malan
undated |
91 | 1 | J. Willard Marriott
undated |
91 | 2 | Thomas L. Martin
undated |
91 | 3 | Richard Matthew
undated |
91 | 4 | Neal A. Maxwell
undated |
91 | 5 | Wilson McCarthy
undated |
91 | 6 | Bruce R. McConkie
undated |
91 | 7 | Harry F. McCune and Alfred William McCune
undated |
91 | 8 | James Arthur McKnight
undated |
91 | 9 | William McLellin
undated |
91 | 10 | William McNeil
undated |
91 | 11 | Alexander McRae
undated |
91 | 12 | Anthony Metcalf
undated |
91 | 13 | Nephi Miller
undated |
91 | 14 | Thomas S. Monson
undated |
91 | 15 | John Morgan
undated |
91 | 16 | Moyle Family
undated |
91 | 17 | John R. Murdock
undated |
91 | 18 | A. Milton Musser
undated |
91 | 19 | Jacob Naef
undated |
91 | 20 | Alexander Neibaur
undated |
91 | 21 | James Horace Nelson
undated |
91 | 22 | Hugh Nibley
undated |
91 | 23 | Preston Nibley
undated |
91 | 24 | John Nicholson
undated |
91 | 25 | George A. Njeim
undated |
91 | 26 | Osmond Family
undated |
91 | 27 | Noah Packard
undated |
91 | 28 | Boyd K. Packer
undated |
91 | 29 | John E. Page
undated |
92 | 1 | William Palmer
undated |
92 | 2 | Edward L. Parry
undated |
92 | 3 | Edward Partridge
undated |
92 | 4 | David W. Patten
undated |
92 | 5 | Charles W. Penrose
undated |
92 | 6 | Charles W. Penrose-Pamphlets
undated |
92 | 7 | Fred Perris
undated |
92 | 8 | E.G. Peterson
undated |
92 | 9 | Canute Peterson
undated |
92 | 10 | Joseph Quinney
undated |
92 | 11 | Henry Rampton
undated |
92 | 12 | Joseph L. Rawlins
undated |
92 | 13 | Thomas Rhoads
undated |
92 | 14 | Ben E. Rich
undated |
92 | 15 | Joseph Rich
undated |
92 | 16 | George F. Richards
undated |
92 | 17 | Levi Richards
undated |
92 | 18 | Stephen L Richards
undated |
92 | 19 | Ricks Family
undated |
92 | 20 | Joseph H. Ridges
undated |
92 | 21 | William F. Rigby
undated |
92 | 22 | Sidney Rigdon
undated |
92 | 23 | O.H. Riggs
undated |
93 | 1 | W.W. Riter
undated |
93 | 2 | Ebeneezer Robinson
undated |
93 | 3 | Joseph Lee Robinson
undated |
93 | 4 | Henry H. Rolapp
undated |
93 | 5 | George Romney
undated |
93 | 6 | Marion G. Romney
undated |
93 | 7 | Miles Romney
undated |
93 | 8 | Morris Rosenbaum
undated |
93 | 9 | Samuel Roskelley
undated |
93 | 10 | Isaac Russel
undated |
93 | 11 | Joseph Russell
undated |
93 | 12 | C.R. Savage
undated |
93 | 13 | David M. Seeley
undated |
93 | 14 | M. John Sharp
undated |
93 | 15 | Isaac Sheen
undated |
93 | 16 | Peter Shirts
undated |
93 | 17 | Francis M. Shurtliff
undated |
93 | 18 | Sterling W. Sill
undated |
93 | 19 | Sirrine Family
undated |
93 | 20 | Elias Smith
undated |
93 | 21 | Hyrum M. Smith
undated |
93 | 22 | Jesse N. Smith
undated |
93 | 23 | Job Smith
undated |
93 | 24 | John Henry Smith
undated |
93 | 25 | William Smith
undated |
93 | 26 | Reed Smoot
undated |
93 | 27 | Reed Smoot
undated |
94 | 1 | Isaac Sorensen
undated |
94 | 2 | Orson Spencer
undated |
94 | 3 | Henry A. Squires
undated |
94 | 4 | William C. Staines
undated |
94 | 5 | Thomas Steed
undated |
94 | 6 | Evan Stephens
undated |
94 | 7 | Harold Stephens
undated |
94 | 8 | Edward Stevenson
undated |
94 | 9 | J.B. Stewart
undated |
94 | 10 | George Stoddard
undated |
94 | 11 | James J. Strang
undated |
94 | 12 | David M. Stuart
undated |
94 | 13 | George Sutherland
undated |
94 | 14 | N. Eldon Tanner
undated |
94 | 15 | Tanner Family
undated |
95 | 1 | George Teasdale
undated |
95 | 2 | Preston Thomas
undated |
95 | 3 | Judson Tolman
undated |
95 | 4 | Joseph Toronto
undated |
95 | 5 | Daniel Tyler
undated |
95 | 6 | Nicholas Udall
undated |
95 | 7 | Charlie Walker
undated |
95 | 8 | C.W. Wandell
undated |
95 | 9 | J.H. Ward
undated |
95 | 10 | George Wardle
undated |
95 | 11 | George D. Watt
undated |
95 | 12 | Warren Wattis
undated |
95 | 13 | Wattis Family
undated |
95 | 14 | C.G. Webb
undated |
95 | 15 | Daniel H. Wells
undated |
95 | 16 | Junius F. Wells |
undated |
95 | 17 | Nelson Wheeler Whipple
undated |
95 | 18 | Whitmer Family
undated |
95 | 19 | Newel K. Whitney
undated |
95 | 20 | Orson F. Whitney
undated |
95 | 21 | George Gordon Whyte
undated |
95 | 22 | John A. Widtsoe
undated |
95 | 23 | Lyman Wight
undated |
95 | 24 | Walter Wilcox
undated |
96 | 1 | Ernest L. Wilkinson
undated |
96 | 2 | Frederick G. Williams
undated |
96 | 3 | Benjamin Winchester
undated |
96 | 4 | John R. Winder
undated |
96 | 5 | Arthur Winter
undated |
96 | 6 | Daniel Wood
undated |
96 | 7 | William Wood
undated |
96 | 8 | John Woodhouse
undated |
96 | 9 | William Morton Woodridge
undated |
96 | 10 | Abram O. Woodruff
undated |
96 | 11 | Woolley Family
undated |
96 | 12 | Roland Rich Woolley
undated |
96 | 13 | Andrew J. Workman
undated |
96 | 14 | C.H. Worthen
undated |
96 | 15 | John Zahnd
undated |
Group Biographies |
Box | Folder | ||
97 | 1 | LDS Church Leaders
undated |
97 | 2 | LDS Church Leaders
undated |
98 | 1 | LDS Church Lawyers
undated |
98 | 2 | LDS Church Leaders-Presiding Bishops
undated |
98 | 3 | LDS Church Leaders-Seventies
undated |
98 | 4 | LDS Church Leaders
undated |
98 | 5 | LDS Church Leaders
undated |
98 | 6 | LDS Church Leaders-Patriarchs
undated |
98 | 7 | LDS Church Leaders-Young Men Leaders
undated |
98 | 8 | LDS Church Leaders-Secretaries and Clerks
undated |
98 | 9 | LDS Church Leaders-Sunday School Leaders
undated |
98 | 10 | Pioneers of Southern Utah
undated |
98 | 11 | Mormon Outlaws
undated |
Biographies |
Box | Folder | ||
99 | 1 | John Beck
undated |
99 | 2 | Richard Beck
undated |
99 | 3 | Bennion Family
undated |
99 | 4 | Charles A. Callis
undated |
99 | 5 | Cardon Family
undated |
99 | 6 | Thomas B. Cardon
undated |
99 | 7 | Joseph Christenson
undated |
99 | 8 | Corey Brothers
undated |
99 | 9 | Henry L.A. Culmer
undated |
99 | 10 | William Draper
undated |
99 | 11 | David Eccles
undated |
99 | 12 | Ernest Foote
undated |
100 | 1 | Eccles Family
undated |
100 | 2 | Haight Family
undated |
100 | 3 | Hale Family
undated |
100 | 4 | Hanks Family
undated |
100 | 5 | Harris Family
undated |
100 | 6 | John Held, Jr
undated |
100 | 7 | William H. Hooper
undated |
100 | 8 | John M. Horner
undated |
100 | 9 | Huntington Family
undated |
100 | 10 | Anthony W. Ivins
undated |
100 | 11 | Benjamin Johnson
undated |
100 | 12 | Christopher Kempe
undated |
101 | 1 | Heber C. Kimball
undated |
101 | 2 | J. Golden Kimball
undated |
101 | 3 | Solomon Kimball
undated |
101 | 4 | John D. Lee
undated |
101 | 5 | Chester Loveland
undated |
101 | 6 | Francis M. Lyman and Richard R. Lyman
undated |
101 | 7 | John Lyon
undated |
101 | 8 | Karl G. Maeser
undated |
101 | 9 | William Marks
undated |
101 | 10 | Thomas B. Marsh
undated |
101 | 11 | James H. Martineau
undated |
102 | 1 | Priddy Meeks
undated |
102 | 2 | Christopher Merkley
undated |
102 | 3 | Merrill Family
undated |
102 | 4 | George Miller
undated |
102 | 5 | Louis F. Moench
undated |
102 | 6 | Joseph Morris
undated |
102 | 7 | James H. Moyle
undated |
102 | 8 | Charles W. Nibley
undated |
102 | 9 | L. John Nuttall
undated |
103 | 1 | Francis M. Pomeroy
undated |
103 | 2 | Parley P. Pratt
undated |
103 | 3 | Parley P. Pratt-Pamphlets
undated |
103 | 4 | Franklin D. Richards
undated |
103 | 5 | Franklin D. Richards-Original Letters
(See also Box 175)
undated |
103 | 6 | Franklin D. Richards-Original Letters
(See also Box 175)
undated |
103 | 7 | LeGrand Richards
undated |
103 | 8 | Porter Rockwell
undated |
103 | 9 | Josiah Rogerson
undated |
103 | 10 | John Smith
undated |
103 | 11 | Samuel H.B. Smith
undated |
103 | 12 | Erastus Snow
undated |
103 | 13 | Hosea Stout
undated |
103a | 1 | Erastus Snow Stories by Theresa Snow Hill
undated |
103a | 2 | Erastus Snow Stories by Theresa Snow Hill
undated |
104 | 1 | Thatcher Family
undated |
104 | 2 | Moses Thatcher
undated |
104 | 3 | Moses Thatcher-Letters
1888-1890, 1902 |
104 | 4 | Moses Thatcher Letterbook
undated |
104 | 5 | Moses Thatcher-The Thatcher Episode (1896)
undated |
104 | 6 | Walker Brothers
undated |
104 | 7 | Chauncy W. West and Joseph A. West
undated |
104 | 8 | Chauncy W. West and Joseph A. West-The Amateur (YMMIA of Ogden
1878 |
104 | 9 | William Woodward
undated |
105 | 1 | Angus T. Wright
undated |
105 | 2 | Alfales Young
undated |
105 | 3 | Bicknell Young
undated |
105 | 4 | Brigham Young, Jr
undated |
105 | 5 | Eugene J. Young
undated |
105 | 6 | Feramorz L. Young
undated |
105 | 7 | Franklin Wheeler Young
undated |
105 | 8 | John R. Young
undated |
105 | 9 | John W. Young
undated |
105 | 10 | Joseph Young
undated |
105 | 11 | Levi Edgar Young
undated |
105 | 12 | Richard W. Young
undated |
Women Biographies |
Box | Folder | ||
106 | 1 | Colenda Rogers Adams
undated |
106 | 2 | Elizabeth Haven Barlow
undated |
106 | 3 | Elvira Stevens Barney
undated |
106 | 4 | Moana Bennett
undated |
106 | 5 | Minnie Peterson Brown
undated |
106 | 6 | Lois Smith Bushman
undated |
106 | 7 | Martha Jane Cannary
undated |
106 | 8 | Sarah E. Carmichael
undated |
106 | 9 | Kate B. Carter
undated |
106 | 10 | Mary Woolley Chamberlain
undated |
106 | 11 | Mary Dunster Chittenden
undated |
106 | 12 | Charlott Claridge
undated |
106 | 13 | Sarah A. Cooke
undated |
106 | 14 | Ina Donna Coolbrith
undated |
106 | 15 | Hannah Cornaby
undated |
106 | 16 | Augusta Joyce Crocheron
undated |
106 | 17 | Caroline Crosby
undated |
106 | 18 | Bardella Shipp Curtis
undated |
106 | 19 | Virginia Cutler
undated |
106 | 20 | Lucinda L. Dalton
undated |
106 | 21 | Louisa Norris Decker
undated |
106 | 22 | Maria Young Dougall
undated |
106 | 23 | Edna Ericksen
undated |
106 | 24 | Mary Lee B. Ewell
undated |
106 | 25 | Minnie Fairbanks
undated |
106 | 26 | Julia Farr (Mosehauer)
undated |
106 | 27 | Louie B. Felt
undated |
106 | 28 | Ellen B. Ferguson
undated |
106 | 29 | Margaret A. Freece
undated |
106 | 30 | Mary A. Freeze and Lillie T. Freeze
undated |
106 | 31 | Mary Field Garner
undated |
106 | 32 | Martha Spence Heywood
undated |
106 | 33 | Rodello Hunter
undated |
106 | 34 | Mary Ann Price Hyde
undated |
106 | 35 | Ellen T. Jakeman
undated |
106 | 36 | Grace Johnson
undated |
106 | 37 | Sonia Johnson
undated |
106 | 38 | Lucy Walker Kimball
undated |
106 | 39 | Vilate Murray Kimball
undated |
107 | 1 | Paulina Phelps Lyman [and wives of Edward Partridge]
undated |
107 | 2 | Alice Marriott
undated |
107 | 3 | Eliza W. McConnell
undated |
107 | 4 | Caroline Eyring Miner
undated |
107 | 5 | Elise Furer Musser
undated |
107 | 6 | Elizabeth D. Nebeker
undated |
107 | 7 | Stella Oaks
undated |
107 | 8 | Helen Papanikolas
undated |
107 | 9 | Esther Peterson
undated |
107 | 10 | Belinda Marden Pratt
undated |
107 | 11 | Elizabeth B. Pratt
undated |
107 | 12 | Louisa Barnes Pratt
undated |
107 | 13 | Mary Ann Pratt
undated |
107 | 14 | Lucile Reading
undated |
107 | 15 | Lulu Greene Richards
undated |
107 | 16 | Susannah Sangiovanni
undated |
107 | 17 | Helen Sekaquaptewa and Louise Udall
undated |
107 | 18 | Annalee Skarin
undated |
107 | 19 | Jessie Evans Smith
undated |
107 | 20 | Lucy Mack Smith
undated |
107 | 21 | Mary Fielding Smith
undated |
107 | 22 | Mary Fielding Smith
undated |
107 | 23 | Rosetta Pettibone Snow
undated |
108 | 1 | Annie Clark Tanner
undated |
108 | 2 | Katherine Thorston
undated |
108 | 3 | Sophie Valentine
undated |
108 | 4 | Ida Jane Snyder Watkins
undated |
108 | 5 | Maurine Whipple
undated |
108 | 6 | Mary Bigelow Young
undated |
108 | 7 | African-American Women
undated |
108 | 8 | Books about Mormon Women
undated |
108 | 9 | Miscellaneous Material
undated |
Writings about Mormonism |
Box | Folder | ||
109 | 1 | Biographies of Anti-Mormon Novelists
undated |
109 | 2 | British Interpreters of Mormonism
undated |
109 | 3 | French Interpreters of Mormonism
undated |
109 | 4 | German Interpreters of Mormonism
undated |
109 | 5 | American Interpreters of Mormonism
undated |
109 | 6 | W. Aitken
undated |
109 | 7 | Charles Dickens
undated |
109 | 8 | J. Cecil Alter
undated |
109 | 9 | Jules Remy and Julius Brenchley
undated |
109 | 10 | H.H. Bancroft
undated |
109 | 11 | Joseph Banigan
undated |
109 | 12 | Orville S. Belisle
undated |
109 | 13 | Alfreda Bell
undated |
109 | 14 | Henry Ward Beecher
undated |
109 | 15 | James Arlington Bennet
undated |
109 | 16 | James Gordon Bennett
undated |
109 | 17 | William P. Bennett
undated |
109 | 18 | Forrester Blake
undated |
109 | 19 | Edward Bonney
undated |
109 | 20 | General William Booth
undated |
109 | 21 | Noah Brooks
undated |
109 | 22 | Robert W. Buchanan
undated |
109 | 23 | Reverend Henry Caswall
undated |
109 | 24 | Winston Churchill
undated |
109 | 25 | California Crusoe
undated |
109 | 26 | George Phillip Cooke
undated |
109 | 27 | Dane Coolidge
undated |
109 | 28 | Ellen Dickinson
undated |
110 | 1 | Lucy Dougall
undated |
110 | 2 | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
undated |
110 | 3 | Charles H. Ellis
undated |
110 | 4 | Susan Ertz
undated |
110 | 5 | J.B. Franklin
undated |
110 | 6 | Hans P. Freece
undated |
110 | 7 | J.A. Froude
undated |
110 | 8 | Etta Luce Gilchrist
undated |
110 | 9 | C.I. Goodwin
undated |
110 | 10 | John William Gunnison
undated |
110 | 11 | Archibald Clarvering Gunter
undated |
110 | 12 | Max Haenle
undated |
110 | 13 | Reverend M.T. Lamb
undated |
110 | 14 | Charles Bertram Lewis
undated |
110 | 15 | W.A. Linn
undated |
110 | 16 | Jack London
undated |
110 | 17 | Prosper Merrimee
undated |
110 | 18 | Joaquin Miller
undated |
110 | 19 | Langdon Mitchell
undated |
110 | 20 | Justin Smith Morrill
undated |
110 | 21 | Theodor Olshausen
undated |
110 | 22 | Rosa Parepa
undated |
110 | 23 | Amédée Pichot
undated |
110 | 24 | Josiah Quincy
undated |
110 | 25 | Charles Mackay
undated |
110 | 26 | Cornelia Paddock
undated |
110 | 27 | Bayard Taylor
undated |
110 | 28 | Leo Tolstoy
undated |
110 | 29 | Utah Travelers
undated |
111 | 1 | Bernard DeVoto
undated |
111 | 2 | Bernard DeVoto
undated |
111 | 3 | William Heyworth Dixon
undated |
111 | 4 | Colonel Alexander Doniphan
undated |
111 | 5 | M.L. Dye
undated |
111 | 6 | Charles G. Ellington
undated |
111 | 7 | Emily Faithfull
undated |
111 | 8 | Benjamin G. Ferris
undated |
111 | 9 | Mark Harris
undated |
111 | 10 | Thomas Ford
undated |
111 | 11 | Josiah F. Gibbs
undated |
111 | 12 | Hawthornthwaite
undated |
111 | 13 | John Hay
undated |
111 | 14 | Dolores Hayden
undated |
111 | 15 | Alfred H. Henry
undated |
111 | 16 | Joe Hill
undated |
111 | 17 | Joseph Kennedy Hudson and Mary Hudson
undated |
111 | 18 | Howard Hughes
undated |
111 | 19 | George Wharton James
undated |
111 | 20 | Charles Kelly
undated |
112 | 1 | Alva M. Kerr
undated |
112 | 2 | Rudyard Kipling
undated |
112 | 3 | Howard Lamar
undated |
112 | 4 | William Lee
undated |
112 | 5 | Mark Leone
undated |
112 | 6 | Miriam Florence Folline Leslie
undated |
112 | 7 | Alfred Henry Lewis
undated |
112 | 8 | Catherine Lewis
undated |
112 | 9 | Frederick Marryat
undated |
112 | 10 | H.L. Mencken
undated |
112 | 11 | Donald Moorman
undated |
112 | 12 | Edgar Wilson (Bill) Nye
undated |
112 | 13 | J.C. Penney
undated |
112 | 14 | Mayne Reid
undated |
112 | 15 | John Reynolds
undated |
112 | 16 | Albert Gallatin Riddle
undated |
112 | 17 | I. Woodbridge Riley
undated |
112 | 18 | Frank C. Robertson
undated |
112 | 19 | Phil Robinson
undated |
112 | 20 | John Russell
undated |
112 | 21 | George Frederick Ruxton
undated |
112 | 22 | Samuel Schmucker
undated |
112 | 23 | Theodore Schroeder
undated |
113 | 1 | George Sexton
undated |
113 | 2 | H. Merle Smith
undated |
113 | 3 | William Loring Spencer
undated |
113 | 4 | Captain Howard Stansbury
undated |
113 | 5 | Wallace Stegner
undated |
113 | 6 | Edward J. Steptoe
undated |
113 | 7 | Robert Louis Stevenson
undated |
113 | 8 | Percy Bolingbroke St. John
undated |
113 | 9 | Jennie Bartlett Switzer
undated |
113 | 10 | Jerald Tanner
undated |
113 | 11 | Albion Tourgee
undated |
113 | 12 | Jonathan B. Turner
undated |
113 | 13 | Mark Twain
undated |
113 | 14 | Metta Victoria Fuller Victor
undated |
113 | 15 | Catherine C.V. Waite
undated |
113 | 16 | Jeanette Walworth
undated |
113 | 17 | Artemus Ward
undated |
113 | 18 | Maria Ward
undated |
114 | 1 | Cy Warman
undated |
114 | 2 | R.C. Webb (J.E. Homans)
undated |
114 | 3 | Theodore Winthrop
undated |
114 | 4 | Brand Whitlock
undated |
114 | 5 | Harry Leon Wilson
undated |
114 | 6 | Henry Wolfinger
undated |
114 | 7 | David L. Wood
undated |
114 | 8 | Wilhelm Wyl (Wymetal)
undated |
114 | 9 | Wilhelm Wyl (Wymetal)
undated |
114 | 10 | Philip Yordan
undated |
114 | 11 | Charles S. Zane
undated |
115 | 1 | John Russell Amberly
undated |
115 | 2 | Florence A. (Merriam) Bailey
undated |
115 | 3 | H.H. Bancroft
undated |
115 | 4 | Carl Bangs
undated |
115 | 5 | Peter Bart
undated |
115 | 6 | J.H. Beadle
undated |
115 | 7 | J.H. Beadle
undated |
115 | 8 | James Bonwick
undated |
115 | 9 | Orestes A. Brownson
undated |
115 | 10 | David Brundnoy
undated |
115 | 11 | Peter H. Burnett
undated |
115 | 12 | Sir Richard Burton
undated |
115 | 13 | Thomas Nixon Carver
undated |
115 | 14 | W.J. Conybeare
undated |
115 | 15 | Winifred Graham Cory
undated |
Places |
Box | Folder | ||
116 | 1 | Africa
undated |
116 | 2 | Alpine, Utah
undated |
116 | 3 | Arizona
undated |
116 | 4 | Arizona
undated |
116 | 5 | Arizona
undated |
116 | 6 | Arizona
undated |
116 | 7 | Asia
undated |
116 | 8 | Australia/Austria
undated |
116 | 9 | Bear Lake
undated |
116 | 10 | Belgium
undated |
117 | 1 | Bolivia
undated |
117 | 2 | Boston, Massachusetts
undated |
117 | 3 | Box Elder County, Utah
undated |
117 | 4 | Brigham City, Utah
undated |
117 | 5 | California
undated |
117 | 6 | California
undated |
117 | 7 | Canada
undated |
117 | 8 | Canada
undated |
117 | 9 | Canada-Temple Dedication
undated |
117 | 10 | Canada
undated |
118 | 1 | Caribbean Islands
undated |
118 | 2 | China
undated |
118 | 3 | Colorado
undated |
118 | 4 | Connecticut
undated |
118 | 5 | Corinne, Utah
undated |
118 | 6 | Duchesne, Utah
undated |
118 | 7 | Escalante, Utah
undated |
118 | 8 | Florida
undated |
118 | 9 | France
undated |
118 | 10 | Germany
undated |
118 | 11 | Greece
undated |
118 | 12 | Hawaii
undated |
118 | 13 | Hawaii
undated |
118 | 14 | Hawaii
undated |
118 | 15 | Heber Valley
undated |
118 | 16 | Hong Kong
undated |
119 | 1 | Hurricane, Utah
undated |
119 | 2 | Iceland
undated |
119 | 3 | Illinois
undated |
119 | 4 | India
undated |
119 | 5 | Indonesia
undated |
119 | 6 | Iosepa
undated |
119 | 7 | Ireland
undated |
119 | 8 | Israel
undated |
119 | 9 | Italy
undated |
119 | 10 | Japan
undated |
119 | 11 | Kansas
undated |
119 | 12 | Kanab, Utah
undated |
119 | 13 | Kaysville, Utah
undated |
119 | 14 | Korea
undated |
119 | 15 | Lamoni, Iowa
undated |
119 | 16 | Latin America
undated |
119 | 17 | Lewiston, Utah
undated |
120 | 1 | Logan, Utah
undated |
120 | 2 | Malad, Idaho
undated |
120 | 3 | Malaysia
undated |
120 | 4 | Manti, Utah
undated |
120 | 5 | Mantua, Utah
undated |
120 | 6 | Massachusetts
undated |
120 | 7 | Mexico
undated |
120 | 8 | Michigan
undated |
120 | 9 | Millard, Utah
undated |
120 | 10 | Missouri
undated |
120 | 11 | The Netherlands
undated |
120 | 12 | Nevada
undated |
120 | 13 | New York
undated |
120 | 14 | New York and New Jersey
undated |
120 | 15 | New Mexico
undated |
120 | 16 | New Zealand
undated |
120 | 17 | North Carolina
undated |
120 | 18 | Ogden, Utah
undated |
120 | 19 | Ogden, Utah
undated |
121 | 1 | Oakley, Idaho
undated |
121 | 2 | Oklahoma
undated |
121 | 3 | Orderville, Utah
undated |
121 | 4 | Oregon
undated |
121 | 5 | Pacific Northwest
undated |
121 | 6 | Pacific Northwest
undated |
121 | 7 | Park Valley, Utah
undated |
121 | 8 | Pennsylvania
undated |
121 | 9 | Philippines
undated |
122 | 1 | Pine Valley, Utah
undated |
122 | 2 | Poland
undated |
122 | 3 | Polynesia
undated |
122 | 4 | Portugal
undated |
122 | 5 | Price, Utah
undated |
122 | 6 | Price, Utah
undated |
122 | 7 | Providence, Utah
undated |
122 | 8 | Randolph, Utah
undated |
122 | 9 | Russia
undated |
122 | 10 | Salt Lake City, Utah
undated |
122 | 11 | St. George, Utah
undated |
122 | 12 | Scandinavia
undated |
123 | 1 | Richfield, Utah
undated |
123 | 2 | Small Utah Towns
undated |
123 | 3 | South Africa
undated |
123 | 4 | South Dakota
undated |
123 | 5 | Spain
undated |
123 | 6 | Summit County, Utah
undated |
123 | 7 | Switzerland
undated |
123 | 8 | Texas
undated |
123 | 9 | Utah
undated |
123 | 10 | Utah Valley, Utah
undated |
123 | 11 | Wasatch County, Utah
undated |
123 | 12 | Shoshoni
undated |
123 | 13 | Washington
undated |
123 | 14 | Washington, D.C
undated |
123 | 15 | Willard, Utah
undated |
123 | 16 | Wisconsin
undated |
123 | 17 | Wyoming
undated |
124 | 1 | Southern Mormons
undated |
124 | 2 | Biographies of Southern Mormon Women
undated |
124 | 3 | Biographies of Southern Mormon Men
undated |
124 | 4 | Southern Saints
undated |
124 | 5 | Mississippi
undated |
125 | 1 | Mississippi
undated |
125 | 2 | Raleigh, North Carolina
undated |
125 | 3 | Southern Saints
undated |
125 | 4 | Southern Saints
undated |
125 | 5 | Southern Saints
undated |
125 | 6 | Southern Saints-Abraham O. Smoot
undated |
125 | 7 | Southern Saints-Margaret T. Smoot
undated |
125 | 8 | Southern Saints-John Lowe Butler
undated |
125 | 9 | Southern Saints-Green Flake
undated |
125 | 10 | Southern Saints-James M. Flake
undated |
125 | 11 | Southern Saints-Sarah B. Frisk Allen Ricks
undated |
Church Business and Enterprise |
Box | Folder | ||
126 | 1 | Church Business and Enterprise
undated |
126 | 2 | Assembly Hall
undated |
126 | 3 | Church Auditing Department
undated |
126 | 4 | Business Interests of David Eccles
undated |
126 | 5 | AYUDA
undated |
126 | 6 | McCornick and Co. Bank
undated |
126 | 7 | Walker Bank and Trust Co
undated |
126 | 8 | Beehive House
undated |
126 | 9 | Beneficial Development Co
undated |
126 | 10 | Beneficial Life Insurance Co
undated |
126 | 11 | Bountiful Tabernacle
undated |
126 | 12 | Building Program
undated |
126 | 13 | Building Program
undated |
126 | 14 | Bullion and Beck Mining Co
undated |
126 | 15 | Cannon, Grant and Co
undated |
126 | 16 | Church Cultural Promotion
undated |
127 | 1 | Church Administration Building
undated |
127 | 2 | Church Building Program
undated |
127 | 3 | Church Building Program
undated |
127 | 4 | Church Financial Standing
undated |
127 | 5 | Church Financial Standing
undated |
127 | 6 | Church Financial Standing
undated |
127 | 7 | Church Office Building
undated |
127 | 8 |
The Contributor
undated |
127 | 9 | Deseret Book Co
undated |
127 | 10 | Deseret Gymnasium
undated |
127 | 11 | Deseret Industries
undated |
127 | 12 | Deseret Management Corporation
undated |
127 | 13 | Deseret Museum
undated |
127 | 14 | Deseret News Co
undated |
128 | 1 | Deseret Trust Co
undated |
128 | 2 | Distribution Center
undated |
128 | 3 | Flour Mills
undated |
128 | 4 | Foundation for Indian Development
undated |
128 | 5 | Genealogy
undated |
128 | 6 | Heber J. Grant Insurance
undated |
128 | 7 | Hospital System
undated |
128 | 8 | Hospital System
undated |
128 | 9 | Hotels
undated |
128 | 10 | Internal Communication Department
undated |
128 | 11 |
Juvenile Instructor
undated |
128 | 12 | Deseret Tanning Association
undated |
128 | 13 | Lumber and Sawmills
undated |
128 | 14 | Lund Home for Boys
undated |
128 | 15 | Management Systems Corporation
undated |
128 | 16 | Murdock Travel
undated |
128 | 17 | Church Museum
undated |
128 | 18 | Newspapers
undated |
128 | 19 | Paper Manufacture
undated |
129 | 1 | Hydroelectric Power
undated |
129 | 2 | Promised Valley Playhouse
undated |
129 | 3 | Public Communications
undated |
129 | 4 | Radio and Television
undated |
129 | 5 | Radio and Television
undated |
129 | 6 | Railroads
undated |
129 | 7 | Saltair
undated |
129 | 8 | Salt Lake Literary and Scientific Association
undated |
129 | 9 | Church Ranches
undated |
129 | 10 | Inland Crystal Salt Company
undated |
129 | 11 | Salt Lake Streetcar and Gas Companies
undated |
129 | 12 | Social Hall
undated |
129 | 13 | Social Services
undated |
129 | 14 | Salt Lake Tabernacle
undated |
129 | 15 | Tithing
undated |
129 | 16 | Utah Home Fire Insurance Company
undated |
129 | 17 | Utah Loan and Trust
undated |
129 | 18 | Wagon and Machine Company
undated |
129 | 19 | Wandamere Park
undated |
130 | 1 | Welfare
undated |
130 | 2 | Welfare
undated |
130 | 3 | Welfare
undated |
130 | 4 | Wholesaling in Utah
undated |
130 | 5 | Wool Industry
undated |
130 | 6 | ZCMI
undated |
130 | 7 | ZCMI
undated |
130 | 8 | ZCMI
undated |
131 | 1 | Zion's Printing and Publishing Co
undated |
131 | 2 | Zion's Securities Corporation
undated |
131 | 3 | ALMA
undated |
131 | 4 | Benson Agriculture and Food Institute
undated |
131 | 5 | Benson Agriculture and Food Institute
undated |
131 | 6 | British Museum and Library
undated |
131 | 7 | Brigham Young Academy Foundation
undated |
131 | 8 | BYU Center for Religious Studies
undated |
131 | 9 | BYU Languages Research Training
undated |
131 | 10 | Church Almanac
undated |
131 | 11 | Committee on Mormon Culture and Society
undated |
131 | 12 | Deseret News
undated |
131 | 13 |
Horizon Magazine
undated |
131 | 14 | Olympus Publishing Company
undated |
131 | 15 | United Order
undated |
131 | 16 | Weber State College
undated |
Writings |
Box | Folder | ||
132 | 1 | Mormon History Bibliographies
undated |
132 | 2 | Mormon History Bibliographies
undated |
132 | 3 | Mormon History Bibliographies
undated |
132 | 4 | Mormon History Bibliographies
undated |
132 | 5 | Mormon History Bibliographies
undated |
132 | 6 | Mormon History Bibliographies-Indexes to Newspapers in Utah State Historical Society Library and Index to LDS General Conference Reports
undated |
132 | 7 | Mormon History Bibliographies-Index to Mormon Biographies in Church Historical Department
undated |
132 | 8 | Mormon History Bibliographies-Journal List in Church Historical Department
undated |
132 | 9 | Diaries and Journals in the Library of Congress
undated |
132 | 10 | Reviews of Books on Mormonism
undated |
133 | 1 | Mormon History Bibliography
undated |
133 | 2 | Mormon History Bibliography
undated |
133 | 3 | Mormon History Bibliography
undated |
Writings-Mormon History Articles |
Box | Folder | ||
134 | 1 | A
undated |
134 | 2 | B-C
undated |
134 | 3 | G.H. Bousquet, "A Theocratic Economy: The Mormon Church"
undated |
134 | 4 | Articles about Fawn Brodie
undated |
134 | 5 | Lawrence Coates, "The Fancher Party Before Mountain Meadows"
undated |
134 | 6 | Marvin W. Cowan, "Mormon Claims Answered"
undated |
134 | 7 | Howard R. Driggs, "Historic Places in Utah"
undated |
134 | 8 | D-F
undated |
134 | 9 | Michael Homer, "The Image of Mormonism in Italy from the Risorgimento to the Republic"
undated |
134 | 10 | H-R
undated |
135 | 1 | Articles on C.C.A. Christensen by Richard Jensen
undated |
135 | 2 | Stephen Roger Knecht, "New Light on the Historical and Textual Development of the Book of Moses"
undated |
135 | 3 | Stephen Pratt, "Parley P. Pratt in Winter Quarters and the Trail West"
undated |
135 | 4 | R. Thomas Price, "Anti-Polygamy Legislation: Politics and Petitions"
undated |
135 | 5 | Paul Sampson, "What Caused the Failure of the Kirtland Safety Society?"
undated |
135 | 6 | Morris A. Shirts, "Trial Furnace: The Story of the Iron Mission, 1850-1861"
undated |
135 | 7 | Paul Thomas Smith, "John Taylor: Man of Integrity, Skillful Debater"
undated |
135 | 8 | S-T
undated |
135 | 9 | Richard Sherlock
undated |
135 | 10 | Richard Sherlock
undated |
135 | 11 | Ivan Vallier, "Church, Society, and Labor Resources: An Intra-Denominational Comparison"
undated |
135 | 12 | W
undated |
Writings |
Box | Folder | ||
136 | 1 | Drawings and Writings of Douglas Boyd (Ambassador of Yahweh) Concerning the New Jerusalem
undated |
136 | 2 | "Preliminary Study of Temple and Non-Temple Marriages"
undated |
136 | 3 | Omer C. Stewart, "Is Mormonism a Death Cult?"
undated |
136 | 4 | Ronald Walker
undated |
136 | 5 | Ronald Walker
undated |
136 | 6 | Ronald Walker
undated |
136 | 7 | Church History Club Papers
undated |
136 | 8 | R. Etzenhouser, From Palmyra, New York, 1830, to Independence, Missouri 1894(photocopy)
undated |
136 | 9 | Evan Wright, "History of South African Mission"-Chapters 1-7
undated |
136 | 10 | Evan Wright, "History of South African Mission"-Chapters 8-end
undated |
137 | 1 | Draft of Valeen Tippetts Avery, From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet-Chapters 1-3
undated |
137 | 2 | Draft of Valeen Tippetts Avery, From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet-Chapters 4-7
undated |
137 | 3 | Draft of Valeen Tippetts Avery, From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet-Chapters 8-12
undated |
137 | 4 | Draft of Valeen Tippetts Avery, From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet-Chapters 13-end
undated |
137 | 5 | Erik Barnouw, House With a Past
undated |
137 | 6 | Draft of The Images of Brigham Young
undated |
137 | 7 | Victor L. Brown Autobiography
undated |
137 | 8 | Manuscript of Frederick S. Buchanan, "A Good Time A Comin": Mormon Letters to Scotland
undated |
138 | 1 | Richard Bennett, Trek West 1847
undated |
138 | 2 | Richard Bennett, Trek West 1847
undated |
138 | 3 | Richard H. Peterson, The Bonanza Kings-Photocopy
undated |
138 | 4 | Richard H. Peterson, Bonanza Rich: Lifestyles of the Western Mining Entrepreneurs-Photocopy
undated |
139 | 1 | Woodruff J. Deem and Glenn V. Bird, The Mormon Dynamo: The Biography of Ernest L. Wilkinson
undated |
139 | 2 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 1, Chapters 1-30
undated |
139 | 3 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 2, Chapters 1-26
undated |
139 | 4 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 2, Chapters 1-26
undated |
139 | 5 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 3, Chapters 1-22
undated |
140 | 1 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 3, Chapters 23-46
undated |
140 | 2 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 4, Chapters 1-47
undated |
140 | 3 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 5, Chapters 1-30
[note: This volume can be found in Special Collections' stacks: 979.22 F527]
undated |
140 | 4 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 6, Chapters 1-38
undated |
140 | 5 | Joseph Fish, "The Pioneers of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions"-Volume 6 (marked 7), Chapters 1-38
undated |
141 | 1 | Janice Force DeMille, The St. George Temple: First 100 Years-Chapters 1-6
undated |
141 | 2 | Janice Force DeMille, The St. George Temple: First 100 Years-Chapters 7-16
undated |
141 | 3 | Nelle Spillsbury Hatch, Mother Jane's Story (photocopy)
undated |
141 | 4 | Draft of "The Honorable Mr. Clark" (J. Reuben Clark, Jr.)
undated |
141 | 5 | Draft of Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer-Chapters 1-11
undated |
141 | 6 | Draft of Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer-Chapters 12-end and Notes
undated |
142 | 1 | Draft of Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer-Chapters 1-3
undated |
142 | 2 | Draft of Stanley B. Kimball, Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer-Chapters 4-5
undated |
142 | 3 | Drafts of Chapters for Roger Launius and Linda Thatcher, eds., Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History M
1988 |
142 | 4 | Drafts of Chapters for Roger Launius and Linda Thatcher, eds., Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History
undated |
142 | 5 | Drafts of Chapters for Roger Launius and Linda Thatcher, eds., Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History
undated |
142 | 6 | Drafts of Chapters for Roger Launius and Linda Thatcher, eds., Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History
undated |
143 | 1 | Draft of Donald Moorman, Camp Floyd and the Mormons
1988 |
143 | 2 | Draft of Donald Moorman, Camp Floyd and the Mormons
1988 |
143 | 3 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
1988 |
143 | 4 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
1988 |
143 | 5 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
1988 |
143 | 6 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
undated |
143 | 7 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
undated |
144 | 1 | Draft of D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years
undated |
144 | 2 | Manuscript of Stewart L. Udall, Western Settlers/Western Myths: Reflections on the Warping of Western History with Comments by Leonard Arrington
undated |
144 | 3 | Unidentified Manuscript on 19th and 20th Century Mormon History in Utah
undated |
144 | 4 | Unidentified Manuscript on 19th and 20th Century Mormon History in Utah
undated |
144 | 5 | Unidentified Manuscript on 19th and 20th Century Mormon History in Utah
undated |
145 | 1 | Draft of Thomas G. Alexander, Mormonism in Transition
undated |
145 | 2 | Draft of Thomas G. Alexander, Mormonism in Transition
undated |
145 | 3 | Draft of Thomas G. Alexander, Mormonism in Transition
undated |
145 | 4 | Draft of Bruce Blumell and Garth Mangum, The Mormons' War on Poverty-Chapters 1-7
undated |
145 | 5 | Draft of Bruce Blumell and Garth Mangum, The Mormons' War on Poverty-Chapters 8-end
undated |
145 | 6 | Bruce Blumell and Garth Mangum, The Mormons' War on Poverty-Documents
undated |
146 | 1 | Draft of Vesta Crawford and Fay Ollorton,"An Elect Lady: A Yankee Woman Who Married the Prophet Joseph Smith"
undated |
146 | 2 | Draft of Vesta Crawford and Fay Ollorton, "An Elect Lady: A Yankee Woman Who Married the Prophet Joseph Smith"
undated |
146 | 3 | Draft of Vesta Crawford and Fay Ollorton, "An Elect Lady: A Yankee Woman Who Married the Prophet Joseph Smith
undated |
146 | 4 | Kenneth Godfrey, Audrey Godfrey, and Jill Mulvay Derr, Women's Voices-Documents and Corrections
undated |
146 | 5 | Draft of Kenneth Godfrey, Audrey Godfrey, and Jill Mulvay Derr, Women's Voices
undated |
146 | 6 | Draft of Kenneth Godfrey, Audrey Godfrey, and Jill Mulvay Derr, Women's Voices
undated |
147 | 1 | Draft of Cassie Hyde Hock, "The Mormons in Fiction"
undated |
147 | 2 | Gordon Irving, "Mormonism and the Old Testament,
1832-1838 |
147 | 3 | Juliaetta Bateman Jensen, Little Gold Pieces: The Story of My Mormon Mother's Life (Photocopy)
undated |
147 | 4 | Lavendahl, "The Mormons in Fiction"
undated |
147 | 5 |
Lucifer's Lantern (Photocopy)
undated |
147 | 6 | James D. McCabe, Cross and Crown (Photocopy)
undated |
147 | 7 |
Mormoniad (Photocopy)
undated |
147 | 8 | Lyman G. Pederson, "John Mills Whitaker"
undated |
148 | 1 | Draft of Janet Burton Seegmiller, The Life Story of Robert Taylor Burton
undated |
148 | 2 | Draft of Janet Burton Seegmiller, The Life Story of Robert Taylor Burton
undated |
148 | 3 | Draft of Janet Burton Seegmiller, The Life Story of Robert Taylor Burton
undated |
148 | 4 | Grace Talbot, Much Married Saints and Some Sinners (Photocopy)
undated |
148 | 5 | J.M. Tanner, A Biographical Sketch of John Riggs Murdock (Photocopy)
undated |
148 | 6 | "They Left Their Mark: Establishment and Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Southeastern Colorado, 1846-1976"
undated |
148 | 7 | Draft of David Whittaker and Louis Midgeley, "Mapping Contemporary Mormon Historiography: An Annotated Bibliography"
undated |
Dissertations and Theses |
Box | Folder | ||
149 | 1 | Roberta Reese Asahina, "Brigham Young and the Salt Lake Theater, 1862-1877"
undated |
149 | 2 | Dissertation by Philip Barlow
undated |
149 | 3 | Frederick Buchanan, "The Emigration of Scottish Mormons to Utah, 1849-1900"
undated |
149 | 4 | Elizabeth Calkins, "The Sense of Optimism in the Mormon Church"
undated |
150 | 1 | Lawrence G. Coates, "A History of Indian Education by the Mormons, 1830-1900"-Pages 1-175
undated |
150 | 2 | Lawrence G. Coates, "A History of Indian Education by the Mormons, 1830-1900"-Pages 176-363
undated |
150 | 3 | Clara Viator Dobay, "Essays in Mormon Historiography"
undated |
150 | 4 | Dan Erickson, "Nineteenth Century Mormon Millennialism: A Separatist Theology"-Chapters 1-5
undated |
150 | 5 | Dan Erickson, "Nineteenth Century Mormon Millennialism: A Separatist Theology"-Chapters 6-end
undated |
150 | 6 | Lawrence R. Flake, "The Development of the Juvenile Instructor under George Q. Cannon and Its Functions in LDS Religious Education"
undated |
151 | 1 | Feramorz Young Fox, "The Mormon Land System"
undated |
151 | 2 | Carl J. Furr, "The Religious Philosophy of Brigham Young"
undated |
151 | 3 | Kenneth Godfrey, "Causes of Mormon Non-Mormon Conflict in Hancock County, Illinois, 1839-1846"
undated |
151 | 4 | Bryant L. Jensen, "An Historical Study of Bluff City, Utah, from 1878 to 1906"
undated |
151 | 5 | Edward Leo Lyman, "The Mormon Quest for Utah Statehood"
undated |
151 | 6 | Alice Smith McKay, "A Psychological Examination of a Few Prophecies of the Early Founders of Mormonism"
undated |
151 | 7 | Dean Depew McBrien, "The Influence of the Frontier on Joseph Smith"
undated |
152 | 1 | Keith W. Perkins, "Andrew Jenson: Zealous Chronologist"-Chapters 1-4
undated |
152 | 2 | Keith W. Perkins, "Andrew Jenson: Zealous Chronologist"-Chapters 5-end
undated |
152 | 3 | D. Michael Quinn, "Organizational Development and Social Origins of the Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: A Prosopographical Study"
undated |
152 | 4 | D. Michael Quinn, "Organizational Development and Social Origins of the Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: A Prosopographical Study"
undated |
152 | 5 | D. Michael Quinn, "Organizational Development and Social Origins of the Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: A Prosopographical Study"
undated |
152 | 6 | D. Michael Quinn, "Organizational Development and Social Origins of the Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: A Prosopographical Study"
undated |
152 | 7 | Sanford Silverstein, "The Early Development of the Mormon Church: A Study of the Routinization of Charisma"
undated |
152 | 8 | Glen R. Stubbs, "A History of the Manti Temple"
undated |
153 | 1 | Loy Otis Banks, "Latter-day Saint Journalism"
undated |
153 | 2 | Loy Otis Banks, "Latter-day Saint Journalism"
undated |
153 | 3 | Gwynn W. Barrett, "John M. Bernhisel: Mormon Elder in Congress"
undated |
153 | 4 | Gwynn W. Barrett, "John M. Bernhisel: Mormon Elder in Congress"
undated |
153 | 5 | Arthur R. Bassett, "A Proposal for a Section of an LDS Church History Textbook for High School Students Containing the History of the Church from 1898 to 1951"
undated |
153 | 6 | Brian Q. Cannon, "Remaking the Agrarian Dream: The New Deal's Rural Resettlement Program in Utah"
undated |
154 | 1 | Gean Clark, "A Survey of Early Mormon Literature"
undated |
154 | 2 | Donald Henriques Dyal, "The Agrarian Values of Mormonism: A Touch of the Mountain Sod"
undated |
154 | 3 | Donald Henriques Dyal, "The Agrarian Values of Mormonism: A Touch of the Mountain Sod"
undated |
154 | 4 | H. Orvil Holley, "The History and Effect of Apostasy on a Small Mormon Community"
undated |
154 | 5 | Dale C. Mouritsen, "A Symbol of New Directions: George Franklin Richards and the Mormon Church, 1861-1950"
undated |
154 | 6 | Dale C. Mouritsen, "A Symbol of New Directions: George Franklin Richards and the Mormon Church, 1861-1950"
undated |
154 | 7 | Judith Ann Roderick, "A Historical Study of the Congressional Career of John T. Caine"
undated |
155 | 1 | Kenneth Winn, "Exiles in a Land of Liberty: Mormonism's Conflict with American Culture, 1830-1846"
undated |
155 | 2 | Kenneth Winn, "Exiles in a Land of Liberty: Mormonism's Conflict with American Culture, 1830-1846"
undated |
Scripts |
Box | Folder | ||
156 | 1 | Draft of "American Prophet: The Story of Joseph Smith"
undated |
156 | 2 | Draft of James Arrington, "The Prophet"
undated |
156 | 3 | Draft of Neil Jensen, "A Shadow of Fear"
undated |
156 | 4 | Draft of "Trail of Hope"
undated |
156 | 5 | Bayard Taylor, The Prophet: A Tragedy (photocopy)
undated |
"Journal History of the Church"
(Newspaper Clippings)
Box | Folder | ||
157 | 1 | Miscellaneous Early Entries
1940s-1966 |
157 | 2 | Miscellaneous Early Entries
1970-1973 |
157 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1974 January 1 - March 17 |
157 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1974 March 18 - April 30 |
157 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1974 May 1 - June 20 |
157 | 6 | Journal History of the Church
1974 June 21 - July 31 |
158 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1974 August 1 - September 18 |
158 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1974 September 19 - October 31 |
158 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1974 November 1 - December 18 |
158 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1974 December 19 - January 31 |
158 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1975 February 1 - March 22 |
158 | 6 | Journal History of the Church
1975 March 23 - April 14 |
159 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1975 April 15 - May 19 |
159 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1975 May 20 - June 20 |
159 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1975 June 21 - July 31 |
159 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1975 August 1 - September 30 |
159 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1975 October 1 - November 30 |
160 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1975 December 1 - 1976 January 31 |
160 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1976 February 1 - March 26 |
160 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1976 March 27 - April 30 |
160 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1976 May 1 - June 15 |
160 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1976 June 16 - July 31 |
161 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1976 August |
161 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1976 September |
161 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1976 October |
161 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1976 November 1 - 1976 December 31 |
161 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1977 January 1 - March 5 |
162 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1977 March 6 - April 30 |
162 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1977 May 1 - June 18 |
162 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1977 June 19 - July 31 |
162 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1977 August 1 - September 23 |
162 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1977 September 24 - October 31 |
163 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1977 November 1 - December 4 |
163 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1977 December 5 - 1978 January 31 |
163 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1978 February 1 - March 25 |
163 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1978 March 26 - April 30 |
163 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1978 May 1 - June 7 |
163 | 6 | Journal History of the Church
1978 June 8 - 30 |
164 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1978 July |
164 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1978 August |
164 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1978 September - October |
164 | 4 | Journal History of the Church
1978 November - December |
164 | 5 | Journal History of the Church
1979 January - February |
164 | 6 | Journal History of the Church
1979 March 1 -April 29 |
165 | 1 | Journal History of the Church
1979 May - June |
165 | 2 | Journal History of the Church
1979 July - August |
165 | 3 | Journal History of the Church
1979 September - October |
"Chronicles of Church History"
(Newspaper Clippings)
Box | Folder | ||
166 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1979 April 21 - 1980 April 2 |
166 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1980 April 3 -August 30 |
166 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1980 September 1 - 1981 March |
166 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1981 March - June |
166 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1981 July 1 - December 1 |
167 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1981 December 4 - 1982 July 31 |
167 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1982 August 2 - December 30 |
167 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1982 December 31 - 1983 March 31 |
167 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1983 April 1 - June 14 |
167 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1983 June 14 - August 31 |
167 | 6 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1983 September 1 - November 13 |
168 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1983 November 14 - 1984 January 31 |
168 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1984 February 2 - April 3 |
168 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1984 April 3 - June 29 |
168 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1984 July 1 - September 23 |
168 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1984 September 24 - November 30 |
168 | 6 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1984 December 1 - 1985 March 10 |
169 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1985 March 10 - May 31 |
169 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1985 June 1 - August 15 |
169 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1985 August 16 - October 30 |
169 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1985 November 1 - December 2 |
169 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1985 December 3 - 1986 January 26 |
169 | 6 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1986 February 1 - May 7 |
170 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1986 May 8 - September 22 |
170 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1986 October 5 - 1987 March 8 |
170 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1987 March 10 - August 25 |
170 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1987 September 7 - 1988 August 28 |
170 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1988 August 29 - 1990 May 31 |
170 | 6 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1990 June 3 - 1992 January 12 |
171 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1992 January 25 - September 30 |
171 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1992 October 1 - 1993 February 11 |
171 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1993 February 13 - June 5 |
171 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1993 June 8 - July 31 |
171 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1993 August 1 - November 29 |
172 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1993 November 29 - 1994 June 30 |
172 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1994 July 2 - October 20 |
172 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1994 October 22 - 1995 May 31 |
172 | 4 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1995 June 1 - September 1 |
172 | 5 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1995 September 1 - 1996 June 15 |
173 | 1 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1996 June 18 - 1997 February 3 |
173 | 2 | "Chronicles of Church History"
1997 February 6 - November 29 |
173 | 3 | "Chronicles of Church History"
Miscellaneous Dates |
19th Century Mormon History |
Box | |||
174 | Notecards on 19th Century Mormon History
undated | |
Primary Documents |
Box | |||
175 | Oversized Primary Documents
undated |
X. Personal PapersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Articles about Autobiography
undated |
1 | 2 | James Olney, ed., Autobiography: Essays Theoretical and Critical
undated |
1 | 3 | Published Articles about Writing Mormon History
undated |
1 | 4 | Drafts of Preface
undated |
1 | 5 | Draft of "Growing Up in Twin Falls County, Idaho: A Pictorial Record"
undated |
1 | 6 | Draft of "An Idahoan in the Land of the Tar Heels: A Personal Record"
undated |
1 | 7 | Draft of "A Soldier in North Africa and Italy, 1943-1946: A Pictorial History"
undated |
1 | 8 | Draft of "Early Years in Logan and Our First Sabbatical, 1946-57"
undated |
1 | 9 | Draft of "Years of Achievement and Pleasure, 1958-72"
undated |
1 | 10 | Draft of "An Illustrated History of the History Division of the LDS Church, 1972-82"
undated |
1 | 11 | Excerpts from Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Doves and Serpents"
undated |
1 | 12 | Draft of "In the Church History Circle of Salt Lake City, 1972-92"
undated |
1 | 13 | Autobiographical Essays
undated |
2 | 1 | Drafts and Notes
undated |
2 | 2 | Documents and Reminiscences
undated |
2 | 3 | Documents and Reminiscences
undated |
2 | 4 | Documents and Reminiscences
undated |
2 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, and Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
3 | 1 | "Leonard Arrington and Family: A Personal Reminiscence and Pictorial Record"
undated |
3 | 2 | Memoirs-Introduction to Life
undated |
3 | 3 | Memoirs-Ancestry and Babyhood
undated |
3 | 4 | Memoirs-Youth
undated |
3 | 5 | Report Cards
undated |
3 | 6 | Correspondence and Family History from Childhood and Adolescence
1911-1935 |
3 | 7 | "Twin Falls 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee"
undated |
3 | 8 | Articles about Twin Falls
undated |
3 | 9 | "Our Heritage"-The Times-News
1990 July 2 |
3 | 10 | "Our Lives"-The Times-News
1990 July 2 |
3 | 11 | "Our Towns"-The Times-News
1990 July 2 |
4 | 1 | Copies of Orations Given in Junior High School
undated |
4 | 2 | Memoirs-Boy Scouts
undated |
4 | 3 | Certificates, Documents, and Line of Authority
undated |
4 | 4 | Memoirs-FFA
undated |
4 | 5 | Correspondence, Speeches, and Newspaper Clippings Relating to Arrington's Service in the Future Farmers of America
undated |
4 | 6 | Correspondence and Documents Relating to Arrington's FFA Service
undated |
4 | 7 | Newspaper Clippings and Reminscences about Arrington's Participation in FFA and High School
undated |
4 | 8 | Memoirs-High School
undated |
4 | 9 | School Speeches and Themes-1934-35
undated |
4 | 10 | Memoirs-University of Idaho Student
undated |
4 | 11 | University of Idaho-Themes and Speeches
undated |
4a | 1 | FFA Project Book No. 1 |
1931-1932 |
4a | 2 | Project Record Book in Vocational Agriculture
1932-1933 |
4a | 3 | Poultry Project Record Book
1933-1934 |
4a | 4 | FFA Correspondence
1986-1989 |
5 | 1 | Clippings and Documents Relating to University of Idaho Years
1935-1939 |
5 | 2 | University of Idaho Exams and Class Notes
1935-1939 |
5 | 3 | University of Idaho Clippings and Memorabilia
undated |
5 | 4 | Pictorial Map of University of Idaho Campus
undated |
5 | 5 |
The Idaho Blue Bucket
undated |
5 | 6 |
The Idaho Argonaut
undated |
5 | 7 | University of Idaho Alumni and Reunion Information
undated |
5 | 8 | University of Idaho Alumni Correspondence
undated |
5 | 9 | University of Idaho Miscellaneous Information
undated |
5 | 10 | University of Idaho Library Associates Information
undated |
5 | 11 | University of Idaho-At Idaho
1990-1992 |
5 | 12 | Job Correspondence
1939-1946 |
5 | 13 | Memoirs-Student-University of North Carolina and North Carolina State
undated |
5 | 14 | Memoirs-Student-University of North Carolina and North Carolina State
undated |
5 | 15 | Correspondence and Documents Relating to North Carolina Years
1939-1943 |
5 | 16 | Religious Quotations
1940-1943 |
5a | 1 | Problem Notebooks 1 and 2-University of Idaho
1935-1936 |
5a | 2 | University of Idaho class notes
1935-1939 |
5a | 3 | University of Idaho exams and class notes
undated |
5a | 4 | University of Idaho-Applied General Statistics
1939 |
6 | 1 | Memoirs
1939-1943 |
6 | 2 | Documents about Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from University of Idaho
undated |
6 | 3 | E.B. White, "One Man's Meat"
undated |
6 | 4 | University Transcripts
undated |
7 | 1 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"History of Economic Thought"
undated |
7 | 2 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Business Cycles"
undated |
7 | 3 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Zimmie"
undated |
7 | 4 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Federal Finance"
undated |
7 | 5 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Population"
undated |
7 | 6 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Labor Economics"
undated |
7 | 7 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Farm Management"
undated |
7 | 8 | University of North Carolina Class Notes-"Economic History"
undated |
8 | 1 | Temple Recommends and Marriage Certificate of Leonard and Grace Arrington
undated |
8 | 2 | Memoir-Soldier
1943-1946 |
8 | 3 | Clippings and Memorabilia from Army Years
undated |
8 | 4 | Correspondence, Documents, and Notes Relating to Army Years
1943-1946 |
8 | 5 | Correspondence, Documents, and Notes about World War II Involvement
undated |
8 | 6 | Documents and Clippings from Army Service in North Africa
undated |
8 | 7 | Moroccan Newspaper
undated |
8 | 8 | Documents and Clippings Regarding Army Service in Italy
undated |
8 | 9 | "A Guide to Italy"
undated |
8 | 10 | Memorabilia from Army Service in Italy
undated |
8 | 11 | Correspondence with Italian Acquaintances
1945-1960 and Undated |
8 | 12 | Duplicates of Letters Sent from North Africa and Italy
undated |
9 | 1 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1943 January 5 - July 28 |
9 | 2 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1943 July 28-November 18 |
9 | 3 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1943 November 19-December 31 |
9 | 4 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1944 January-February |
9 | 5 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1944 February-April |
9 | 6 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1944 May-July |
10 | 1 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1944 July-October |
10 | 2 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1944 November-1945 January |
10 | 3 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1945 January-March |
10 | 4 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1945 April-July |
10 | 5 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1945 July-September |
10 | 6 | Correspondence from Grace Arrington to Leonard Arrington
1945 October-November, 1975 |
11 | 1 | Documents and Clippings from Army Service in Switzerland
undated |
11 | 2 | Dissertation Outlines and Possible Titles
undated |
11 | 3 | Memoirs-Professor
undated |
11 | 4 | Memoirs-Scholar
undated |
11 | 5 | Memoirs-Research and Writing
undated |
11 | 6 | Correspondence and Documents Relating to North Carolina and Logan, Utah, Years
1946-1951 |
11 | 7 | Correspondence and Clippings
1950-1958 |
11 | 8 | Memoirs-Fulbright to Italy
undated |
11 | 9 | Reminiscences and Chronology of Fulbright Year in Italy
undated |
11 | 10 | "An Introduction to Genoa" and "This is Rome-An Orientation"
undated |
11 | 11 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence Relating to Fulbright in Italy
1957-1958 |
11 | 12 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence Relating to Fulbright in Italy
1959 and Undated |
11 | 13 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence to Friends in Italy
1958-1964 |
11 | 14 | Memoirs-UCLA Year
undated |
11 | 15 | UCLA Year-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
11 | 16 | UCLA Year-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
11 | 17 | UCLA Year-Pacific Palisades Ward List
1967 |
12 | 1 | Campus Episcopalian (North Carolina Student Newspaper)
undated |
12 | 2 | Documents Relating to Fulbright Year in Italy
undated |
12 | 3 | Reports about Fulbright in Italy
undated |
12 | 4 | Italian Vocabulary Notebook
undated |
12 | 5 | Script and Italian Translation of "The Cache Valley Story"
undated |
12 | 6 | Leonard J. Arrington, "L'Economia Americana Nell'Era Atomica e Dell'Automazione"
undated |
12 | 7 | Fulbright Lecture Notes
undated |
12 | 8 | Italian Translations
undated |
13 | 1 | Utah State University Stake-Correspondence
undated |
13 | 2 | Utah State University Stake-Directories
undated |
13 | 3 | Utah State University Stake-Meetings
undated |
13 | 4 | Utah State University Stake-Directives
undated |
13 | 5 | Utah State University Stake-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
14 | 1 | Utah State University Stake-Thomas Alexander, "History of U.S.U. Stake"
undated |
14 | 2 | Utah State University Stake-Leonard Arrington and Thomas Alexander, "History of U.S.U. Stake"
undated |
14 | 3 | Utah State University Stake-Biographical Sketches of Bishops
undated |
14 | 4 | Utah State University Stake-Stake Conferences
undated |
14 | 5 | Utah State University Stake-Institute of Religion
undated |
14 | 6 | Utah State University Stake-Building Information
undated |
14 | 7 | Utah State University Stake-Pamphlets
undated |
14 | 8 | Utah State University Stake-Pamphlets
undated |
14 | 9 | Utah State University Stake-Mutual Improvement Association
undated |
14 | 10 | Utah State University Stake-Mutual Improvement Association
undated |
14 | 11 | Utah State University Stake-Melchizedek Priesthood
undated |
14 | 12 | Utah State University Stake-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
14 | 13 | Utah State University Stake-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
14 | 14 | Utah State University Stake-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
15 | 1 | Memoirs-Church: Ward and Stake
undated |
15 | 2 | Letters from Adams School Pupils to Leonard Arrington
1964 |
15 | 3 | Arrington Family "Ledger A"
1963-1966 |
15 | 4 | Memoirs-Family
undated |
15 | 5 | Documents
1959-1972 |
15 | 6 | Letters to Carl Arrington
1969-1972 |
16 | 1 | Memoirs-Church Historian
undated |
16 | 2 | Reminiscences about Serving as Church Historian
undated |
16 | 3 | Copies of a Blessing Given to Leonard Arrington by President Harold B. Lee
undated |
16 | 4 | Leonard Arrington's Bibliography Through 1979
undated |
16 | 5 | Copies of Other Arrington Bibliographies
undated |
16 | 6 | Arrington Biographical Information from Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History
undated |
16 | 7 | Biographical Information
undated |
16 | 8 | Newspaper Clippings and Other Writings about Leonard Arrington
undated |
16 | 9 | Reviews of Books
undated |
16 | 10 | Memoirs-Retirement
undated |
16 | 11 | Outdated Last Wills and Testaments
undated |
16 | 12 | Appendices to Biography
undated |
16 | 13 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
17 | 1 | Rebecca Cornwall, From Chicken Farm to History: The Life of Leonard Arrington, 1917-1977 -Chapters 1-6
undated |
17 | 2 | Rebecca Cornwall, From Chicken Farm to History: The Life of Leonard Arrington, 1917-1977 -Chapters 7-13
undated |
17 | 3 | Rebecca Cornwall, From Chicken Farm to History: The Life of Leonard Arrington, 1917-1977 -Chapters 14-end
undated |
18 | 1 | Appointment Books
1952 |
18 | 2 | Appointment Books
1961-1962 |
18 | 3 | Appointment Books
1964-1965 |
18 | 4 | Appointment Books
1965-1966 |
18 | 5 | Appointment Books
1966-1967 |
18 | 6 | Appointment Books
1968 |
18 | 7 | Appointment Books
1968-1969 |
18 | 8 | Appointment Books
1969-1970 |
18 | 9 | Appointment Books
1970-1971 |
18 | 10 | Appointment Books
1971-1972 |
18 | 11 | Appointment Books
1972 |
19 | 1 | Appointment Books
1973 |
19 | 2 | Appointment Books
1974 |
19 | 3 | Appointment Books
1975-1977 |
19 | 4 | Appointment Books
1977 |
19 | 5 | Appointment Books
1978 |
19 | 6 | Appointment Books
1979 |
20 | 1 | Appointment Books
1980-1981 |
20 | 2 | Appointment Books
1982-1984 |
20 | 3 | Appointment Books
1985-1986 |
20 | 4 | Appointment Books
1986-1989 |
21 | 1 | Early Life (as written by Aunt Callie Arrington) and Journal of Future Farmers of America Trips
undated |
21 | 2 | History and Journal
1919-1927 |
21 | 3 | Birth
1932 February |
21 | 4 | Diary
1932 April - 1933 October |
21 | 5 | Diary
1933 October - 1934 October |
21 | 6 | Diary
1934 November - 1935 April |
21 | 7 | Diary
1935 April-August |
22 | 1 | Diary, (University of Idaho)
1935 September 9-December 22 |
22 | 2 | Diary, (University of Idaho) photocopy
1935 September 9-December 22 |
22 | 3 | Diary
1935 September-1936 August |
22 | 4 | Diary
1936 September-1938 April |
22 | 5 | Diary
1938 April-1939 February |
22 | 6 | Diary
1939 March-September |
22 | 7 | Diary
1939 September-1941 March |
23 | 1 | Diary
1941 March-November |
23 | 2 | Diary
1941 November-1943 April |
23 | 3 | Diary
1943 May-July |
23 | 4 | Diary
1943 August-October |
23 | 5 | Diary
1943 October-November |
23 | 6 | Diary
1943 December-1944 February |
24 | 1 | Diary
1944 February-April |
24 | 2 | Diary
1944 May-July |
24 | 3 | Diary
1944 July-September |
24 | 4 | Diary
1944 October-December |
24 | 5 | Diary
1944 December-1945 February |
25 | 1 | Diary
Record of G.I. Loan; undated |
25 | 2 | Diary
1945 March-June |
25 | 3 | Diary
1945 June-September |
25 | 4 | Diary
1945 October-1946 February |
25 | 5 | Diary
1946 February-December |
26 | 1 | Diary
1947 January-1950 May |
26 | 2 | Diary
1950 June-1915 June |
26 | 3 | Diary
1951 July-1952 December |
26 | 4 | Diary
1953 January-1956 August |
26 | 5 | Diary
1956 August-1957 July |
27 | 1 | Diary
1957 August-1959 February |
27 | 2 | Diary
1959 February-1959 August |
27 | 3 | Diary, (Fulbright Journal)
1958 September-1959 July |
27 | 4 | Diary, (Fulbright Journal) photocopy
1958 September-1959 July |
27 | 5 | Diary
1959 September-1961 January |
28 | 1 | Diary
1961 January-1963 March |
28 | 2 | Diary
1963 March-December |
28 | 3 | Diary
1964 January-1965 December |
28 | 4 | Diary
1966 January-August |
28 | 5 | Diary
1966 August-1967 August |
28 | 6 | Diary
1967 August-1968 December |
29 | 1 | Diary
1969 January-May |
29 | 2 | Diary
1969 May-December |
29 | 3 | Diary
1970 January-1971 February |
29 | 4 | Diary
1971 February-December |
29 | 5 | Diary
1972 January-March |
30 | 1 | Diary
1972 April-July |
30 | 2 | Diary
1972 July-September |
30 | 3 | Diary
1972 September-November |
30 | 4 | Diary
1972 December-1973 February |
30 | 5 | Diary
1973 February-March |
30 | 6 | Diary
1973 March-April |
31 | 1 | Diary
1973 May-July |
31 | 2 | Diary
1973 July-November |
31 | 3 | Diary
1973 November-1974 March |
31 | 4 | Diary
1974 April-September |
31 | 5 | Diary
1974 September-1975 January |
31 | 6 | Diary
1975 January-April |
32 | 1 | Diary
1975 May-July |
32 | 2 | Diary
1975 July-September |
32 | 3 | Diary
1975 October-1976 March |
32 | 4 | Diary
1976 April-October |
32 | 5 | Diary
1976 October-December |
32 | 6 | Diary
1977 January-April |
33 | 1 | Diary
1977 May-October |
33 | 2 | Diary
1977 November-1978 February |
33 | 3 | Diary
1978 March-April |
33 | 4 | Diary
May 1978-June 1978 |
33 | 5 | Diary
1978 July-September |
33 | 6 | Diary
1978 October-December |
34 | 1 | Diary
1979 January-April |
34 | 2 | Diary
1979 May-August |
34 | 3 | Diary
1979 September-November |
33 | 4 | Diary
1979 December-1980 March |
33 | 5 | Diary
1980 April-May |
33 | 6 | Diary
1980 June |
35 | 1 | Diary
1980 July-October |
35 | 2 | Diary
1980 November-1981 April |
35 | 3 | Diary
1981 April-November |
35 | 4 | Diary
1981 December-1982 February |
35 | 5 | Diary
1982 March-April |
36 | 1 | Diary
1982 May-July |
36 | 2 | Diary
1982 August-October |
For November 1982 to August 1983: see Series X, Box 67, Folders 3-13
Box | Folder | ||
36 | 3 | Diary
1983 September-October |
36 | 4 | Diary
1983 November-1984 January |
36 | 5 | Diary
1984 January-April |
37 | 1 | Diary
1984 April |
37 | 2 | Diary
1984 May |
37 | 3 | Diary
1984 June-July |
37 | 4 | Diary
1984 July-October |
37 | 5 | Diary
1984 October-November |
37 | 6 | Diary
1984 December-1985 January |
38 | 1 | Diary
1985 February-March |
38 | 2 | Diary
1985 April |
38 | 3 | Diary
May 1985 |
38 | 4 | Diary
June 1985 |
38 | 5 | Diary
1985 June-July |
38 | 6 | Diary
1985 July-August |
39 | 1 | Diary
1985 August-October |
39 | 2 | Diary
1985 October-November |
39 | 3 | Diary
1985 November-December |
39 | 4 | Diary
1986 January-February |
39 | 5 | Diary
1986 March-April |
40 | 1 | Diary
1986 May-June |
40 | 2 | Diary
1986 June-July |
40 | 3 | Diary
1986 August-September |
40 | 4 | Diary
1986 October |
40 | 5 | Diary
1986 November-December |
41 | 1 | Diary
1987 January-February |
41 | 2 | Diary
1987 February-March |
41 | 3 | Diary
1987 April |
41 | 4 | Diary
1987 May |
41 | 5 | Diary
1987 June-July |
42 | 1 | Diary
1987 July-August |
42 | 2 | Diary
1987 August-September |
42 | 3 | Diary
1987 October-November |
42 | 4 | Diary
1987 November-December |
42 | 5 | Diary
1987 December-1988 January |
42 | 6 | Diary
1988 February-March |
43 | 1 | Diary
1988 March-April |
43 | 2 | Diary
1988 April-May |
43 | 3 | Diary
1988 May-June |
43 | 4 | Diary
1988 July-August |
43 | 5 | Diary
1988 September-October |
43 | 6 | Diary
1988 October-November |
43 | 7 | Diary
1988 November-December |
44 | 1 | Diary
1989 January-February |
44 | 2 | Diary
1989 March |
44 | 3 | Diary
1989 April |
44 | 4 | Diary
1989 May |
44 | 5 | Diary
1989 June |
44 | 6 | Diary
1989 June-July |
45 | 1 | Diary
1989 August-September |
45 | 2 | Diary
1989 September-October |
45 | 3 | Diary
1989 November-December |
45 | 4 | Diary
1989 December-1990 January |
45 | 5 | Diary
1990 February-April |
45 | 6 | Diary
1990 April-May |
46 | 1 | Diary
1990 June |
46 | 2 | Diary
1990 July-August |
46 | 3 | Diary
1990 September-November |
46 | 4 | Diary
1990 November-1991 March |
46 | 5 | Diary
1991 April-June |
46 | 6 | Diary
1991 July-August |
47 | 1 | Diary
1991 September-October |
47 | 2 | Diary
1991 November-December |
47 | 3 | Diary
1992 January-April |
47 | 4 | Diary
1992 April-June |
47 | 5 | Diary
1992 June-August |
47 | 6 | Diary
1992 August-November |
48 | 1 | Diary
1992 December-1993 February |
48 | 2 | Diary
1993 March-April |
48 | 3 | Diary
1993 May-July |
48 | 4 | Diary
1993 July-September |
48 | 5 | Diary
1993 September-October |
48 | 6 | Diary
1993 October-November |
49 | 1 | Diary
1993 December-1994 March |
49 | 2 | Diary
1994 April-June |
49 | 3 | Diary
1994 June-September |
49 | 4 | Diary
1994 October-December |
49 | 5 | Diary
1995 January-March |
50 | 1 | Diary
1995 April-May |
50 | 2 | Diary
1995 May-July |
50 | 3 | Diary
1995 July-October |
50 | 4 | Diary
1995 October-November |
50 | 5 | Diary
1995 November-December |
50 | 6 | Diary
1995 December-1996 March |
51 | 1 | Diary
1996 March-April |
51 | 2 | Diary
1996 April-June |
51 | 3 | Diary
1996 June-August |
51 | 4 | Diary
1996 August-November |
51 | 5 | Diary
1996 December-1997 March |
51 | 6 | Diary
1997 April-July |
52 | 1 | Diary
1997 August-September |
52 | 2 | Diary
1997 October-November |
52 | 3 | Diary
1997 December-1998 February |
52 | 4 | Diary
1998 February-March |
52 | 5 | Diary
1998 September |
52 | 6 | Diary
1998 October |
52 | 7 | Diary
1998 November-1999 January |
52a | 1 | Diary, Index
1969 January-1971 December |
52a | 2 | Diary, Index
1972 January-1982 October |
52a | 3 | Diary, Index
1982 October-1990 January |
52a | 4 | Diary, Index
undated |
53 | 1 | Diary 2, Index
1972-1982 |
53 | 2 | Will, Correspondence, and Entries
1917-1928 |
53 | 3 | Diary 2
1929-1932 |
53 | 4 | Diary 2
1933 |
53 | 5 | Diary 2
1934 |
53 | 6 | Diary 2
1935 |
53 | 7 | Diary 2
1936 |
53 | 8 | Diary 2
1937 |
53 | 9 | Diary 2
1938 |
53 | 10 | Diary 2
1939 |
53 | 11 | Diary 2
1940 |
53 | 12 | Diary 2
1941 |
53 | 13 | Diary 2
1942 |
53 | 14 | Diary 2
1943 January-April |
53 | 15 | Diary 2
1943 May |
53 | 16 | Diary 2
1943 June-July |
54 | 1 | Diary 2
1943 August |
54 | 2 | Diary 2
1943 September |
54 | 3 | Diary 2
1943 October |
54 | 4 | Diary 2
1943 November |
54 | 5 | Diary 2
1943 December |
54 | 6 | Diary 2
1944 January |
54 | 7 | Diary 2
1944 February |
54 | 8 | Diary 2
1944 March |
54 | 9 | Diary 2
1944 April 1-15 |
54 | 10 | Diary 2
1944 April 16-30 |
54 | 11 | Diary 2
1944 May |
54 | 12 | Diary 2
1944 June |
54 | 13 | Diary 2
1944 July |
54 | 14 | Diary 2
1944 August |
55 | 1 | Diary 2
1944 September |
55 | 2 | Diary 2
1944 October 1-14 |
55 | 3 | Diary 2
1944 October 19-31 |
55 | 4 | Diary 2
1944 November 1-15 |
55 | 5 | Diary 2
1944 November 16-30 |
55 | 6 | Diary 2
1944 December |
55 | 7 | Diary 2
1945 January |
55 | 8 | Diary 2
1945 February |
55 | 9 | Diary 2
1945 March |
55 | 10 | Diary 2
1945 April |
55 | 11 | Diary 2
1945 May |
55 | 12 | Diary 2
1945 June |
55 | 13 | Diary 2
1945 July |
55 | 14 | Diary 2
1945 August |
55 | 15 | Diary 2
1945 September |
56 | 1 | Diary 2
1945 October 1-15 |
56 | 2 | Diary 2
1945 October 16-31 |
56 | 3 | Diary 2
1945 November 1-15 |
56 | 4 | Diary 2
1945 November 16-30 |
56 | 5 | Diary 2
1945 December |
56 | 6 | Diary 2
1946 January-May |
56 | 7 | Diary 2
1946 June-September |
56 | 8 | Diary 2
1946 October-1947 January |
56 | 9 | Class Logs-Utah State Agricultural College
1946-1947 |
56 | 10 | Diary 2
1947 February-1949 July |
56 | 11 | Diary 2
1949 August-October |
56 | 12 | Diary 2
1950 March-1953 April |
56 | 13 | Diary 2
1954-1956 |
56 | 14 | Diary 2
1957 |
56 | 15 | Diary 2
1958 |
56 | 16 | Grace Fort Arrington
1959 January 14-1959 March 23 |
56 | 17 | Diary 2
1959 January-February |
56 | 18 | Diary 2
1959 March |
56 | 19 | Diary 2
1959 April-May |
56 | 20 | Diary 2
1959 June |
56 | 21 | Diary 2
1959 July |
57 | 1 | Diary 2
1959 September-December |
57 | 2 | Diary 2
1960 January-February |
57 | 3 | Diary 2
1960 March-April |
57 | 4 | Diary 2
1960 May-December |
57 | 5 | Diary 2
1961 |
57 | 6 | Diary 2
1962 |
57 | 7 | Diary 2
1963 |
57 | 8 | Diary 2
1964 |
57 | 9 | Diary 2
1965 |
57 | 10 | Diary 2
1966 |
57 | 11 | Diary 2
1967 |
57 | 12 | Diary 2
1968 |
57 | 13 | Diary 2
1969 January-May |
57 | 14 | Diary 2
1969 June-July |
57 | 15 | Diary 2
1969 August-December |
57 | 16 | Diary 2
1970 January-April |
57 | 17 | Diary 2
1970 May-December |
57 | 18 | Diary 2
1971 January-March |
57 | 19 | Diary 2
1971 April-July |
57 | 20 | Diary 2
1971 August-October |
58 | 1 | Diary 2
1971 November-December |
58 | 2 | Diary 2
1972 January |
58 | 3 | Diary 2
1972 February |
58 | 4 | Diary 2
1972 March |
58 | 5 | Diary 2
1972 April |
58 | 6 | Diary 2
1972 May |
58 | 7 | Diary 2
1972 June |
58 | 8 | Diary 2
1972 July 1-15 |
58 | 9 | Diary 2
1972 July 17-31 |
58 | 10 | Diary 2
1972 August 4-17 |
58 | 11 | Diary 2
1972 August 18-31 |
58 | 12 | Diary 2
1972 September 1-12 |
58 | 13 | Diary 2
1972 September 20-30 |
58 | 14 | Diary 2
1972 October 9-17 |
58 | 15 | Diary 2
1972 October 18-31 |
58 | 16 | Diary 2
1972 November 1-20 |
58 | 17 | Diary 2
1972 November 21-30 |
58 | 18 | Diary 2
1972 December 1-13 |
58 | 19 | Diary 2
1972 December 14-31 |
58 | 20 | Diary 2
1973 January 1-16 |
58 | 21 | Diary 2
1973 January 17-31 |
59 | 1 | Diary 2
1973 February 1-13 |
59 | 2 | Diary 2
1973 February 14-28 |
59 | 3 | Diary 2
1973 March 1-19 |
59 | 4 | Diary 2
1973 March 20-31 |
59 | 5 | Diary 2
1973 April |
59 | 6 | Diary 2
1973 May 1-14 |
59 | 7 | Diary 2
1973 May 15-31 |
59 | 8 | Diary 2
1973 June 1-18 |
59 | 9 | Diary 2
1973 June 19-30 |
59 | 10 | Diary 2
1973 July |
59 | 11 | Diary 2
1973 August 1-9 |
59 | 12 | Diary 2
1973 August 14-31 |
59 | 13 | Diary 2
1973 September |
59 | 14 | Diary 2
1973 October 1-16 |
59 | 15 | Diary 2
1973 October 14-31 |
59 | 16 | Diary 2
1973 November |
59 | 17 | Diary 2
1973 December |
59 | 18 | Diary 2
1974 January |
59 | 19 | Diary 2
1974 February |
59 | 20 | Diary 2
1974 March |
60 | 1 | Diary 2
1974 April 5-9 |
60 | 2 | Diary 2
1974 April 10-30 |
60 | 3 | Diary 2
1974 May |
60 | 4 | Diary 2
1974 June 1-10 |
60 | 5 | Diary 2
1974 June 11-30 |
60 | 6 | Diary 2
1974 July |
60 | 7 | Diary 2
1974 August |
60 | 8 | Diary 2
1974 September |
60 | 9 | Diary 2
1974 October |
60 | 10 | Diary 2
1974 November |
60 | 11 | Diary 2
1974 December 2-13 |
60 | 12 | Diary 2
1974 December 14-31 |
60 | 13 | Diary 2
1975 January 1-15 |
60 | 14 | Diary 2
1975 January 16-31 |
60 | 15 | Diary 2
1975 February |
60 | 16 | Diary 2
1975 March 1-25 |
60 | 17 | Diary 2
1975 March 26-31 |
60 | 18 | Diary 2
1975 April 1-20 |
60 | 19 | Diary 2
1975 April 21-30 |
60 | 20 | Diary 2
1975 May 1-14 |
60 | 21 | Diary 2
1975 May 15-31 |
61 | 1 | Diary 2
1975 June 3-14 |
61 | 2 | Diary 2
1975 June 15-30 |
61 | 3 | Diary 2
1975 July 2-14 |
61 | 4 | Diary 2
1975 July 15-31 |
61 | 5 | Diary 2
1975 August 2-12 |
61 | 6 | Diary 2
1975 August 13-31 |
61 | 7 | Diary 2
1975 September 1-14 |
61 | 8 | Diary 2
1975 September 15-30 |
61 | 9 | Diary 2
1975 October |
61 | 10 | Diary 2
1975 November |
61 | 11 | Diary 2
1975 December |
61 | 12 | Diary 2
1976 January |
61 | 13 | Diary 2
1976 February |
61 | 14 | Diary 2
1976 March 1-19 |
61 | 15 | Diary 2
1976 March 22-31 |
61 | 16 | Diary 2
1976 April |
61 | 17 | Diary 2
1976 May 1-14 |
61 | 18 | Diary 2
1976 May 15-31 |
61 | 19 | Diary 2
1976 June 1-12 |
61 | 20 | Diary 2
1976 June 15-30 |
61 | 21 | Diary 2
1976 July |
62 | 1 | Diary 2
1976 August |
62 | 2 | Diary 2
1976 September 1-11 |
62 | 3 | Diary 2
September 12-30, 1976 |
62 | 4 | Diary 2
1976 October 1-20 |
62 | 5 | Diary 2
1976 October 21-31 |
62 | 6 | Diary 2
1976 November 1-14 |
62 | 7 | Diary 2
1976 November 16-30 |
62 | 8 | Diary 2
1976 December |
62 | 9 | Diary 2
1977 January 1-16 |
62 | 10 | Diary 2
1977 January 17-30 |
62 | 11 | Diary 2
1977 February |
62 | 12 | Diary 2
1977 March |
62 | 13 | Diary 2
1977 April |
62 | 14 | Diary 2
1977 May 3-14 |
62 | 15 | Diary 2
1977 May 16-31 |
62 | 16 | Diary 2
1977 June |
62 | 17 | Diary 2
1977 July |
62 | 18 | Diary 2
1977 August |
62 | 19 | Diary 2
1977 September |
62 | 20 | Diary 2
1977 October 1-12 |
62 | 21 | Diary 2
1977 October 16-31 |
62 | 22 | Diary 2
1977 November |
63 | 1 | Diary 2
1977 December |
63 | 2 | Diary 2
1978 January 1-5 |
63 | 3 | Diary 2
1978 January 6-31 |
63 | 4 | Diary 2
1978 February |
63 | 5 | Diary 2
1978 March |
63 | 6 | Diary 2
1978 April 1-6 |
63 | 7 | Diary 2
1978 April 17-30 |
63 | 8 | Diary 2
1978 May |
63 | 9 | Diary 2
1978 June 1-7 |
63 | 10 | Diary 2
1978 June 8-18 |
63 | 11 | Diary 2
1978 June 19-30 |
63 | 12 | Diary 2
1978 July |
63 | 13 | Diary 2
1978 August 1-14 |
63 | 14 | Diary 2
1978 August 15-31 |
63 | 15 | Diary 2
1978 September 1-16 |
63 | 16 | Diary 2
1978 September 18-30 |
63 | 17 | Diary 2
1978 October 1-11 |
63 | 18 | Diary 2
1978 October 12-31 |
63 | 19 | Diary 2
1978 November 1-16 |
63 | 20 | Diary 2
1978 November 17-30 |
63 | 21 | Diary 2
1978 December |
64 | 1 | Diary 2
1979 January 1-14 |
64 | 2 | Diary 2
1979 January 15-31 |
64 | 3 | Diary 2
1979 February |
64 | 4 | Diary 2
1979 March 1-13 |
64 | 5 | Diary 2
1979 March 14-31 |
64 | 6 | Diary 2
1979 April 2-14 |
64 | 7 | Diary 2
1979 April 15-30 |
64 | 8 | Diary 2
1979 May 1-13 |
64 | 9 | Diary 2
1979 May 14-31 |
64 | 10 | Diary 2
1979 June |
64 | 11 | Diary 2
1979 July |
64 | 12 | Diary 2
1979 August 2-20 |
64 | 13 | Diary 2
1979 August 21-31 |
64 | 14 | Diary 2
1979 September |
64 | 15 | Diary 2
1979 October 1-10 |
64 | 16 | Diary 2
1979 October 11-30 |
64 | 17 | Diary 2
1979 November |
64 | 18 | Diary 2
1979 December |
64 | 19 | Diary 2
1980 January 1-7 |
64 | 20 | Diary 2
1980 January 8-31 |
64 | 21 | Diary 2
1980 February |
64 | 22 | Diary 2
1980 March 1-26 |
64 | 23 | Diary 2
1980 March 27-31 |
65 | 1 | Diary 2
1980 April 1-14 |
65 | 2 | Diary 2
1980 April 15-30 |
65 | 3 | Diary 2
1980 May |
65 | 4 | Diary 2
1980 June 1-17 |
65 | 5 | Diary 2
1980 June 19-30 |
65 | 6 | Diary 2
1980 July 1-14 |
65 | 7 | Diary 2
1980 July 15-31 |
65 | 8 | Diary 2
1980 August 1-13 |
65 | 9 | Diary 2
1980 August 14-31 |
65 | 10 | Diary 2
1980 September |
65 | 11 | Diary 2
1980 October |
65 | 12 | Diary 2
1980 November |
65 | 13 | Diary 2
1980 December |
65 | 14 | Diary 2
1981 January |
65 | 15 | Diary 2
1981 February |
65 | 16 | Diary 2
1981 March 1-8 |
65 | 17 | Diary 2
1981 March 9-31 |
65 | 18 | Diary 2
1981 April 1-5 |
65 | 19 | Diary 2
1981 April 6-30 |
65 | 20 | Diary 2
1981 May |
66 | 1 | Diary 2
1981 June |
66 | 2 | Diary 2
1981 July |
66 | 3 | Diary 2
1981 August |
66 | 4 | Diary 2
1981 September |
66 | 5 | Diary 2
1981 October |
66 | 6 | Diary 2
1981 November |
66 | 7 | Diary 2
1981 December 1-14 |
66 | 8 | Diary 2
1981 December 15-31 |
66 | 9 | Diary 2
1982 January |
66 | 10 | Diary 2
1982 February |
66 | 11 | Diary 2
1982 March 1-12 |
66 | 12 | Diary 2
Grace Arrington's Funeral Services-March 13, 1982 |
66 | 13 | Diary 2
1982 March 13-31 |
66 | 14 | Diary 2
1982 April |
66 | 15 | Diary 2
1982 May 1-13 |
66 | 16 | Diary 2
1982 May 14-31 |
66 | 17 | Diary 2
1982 June 1-5 |
66 | 18 | Diary 2
1982 June 6-30 |
66 | 19 | Diary 2
1982 July |
66 | 20 | Diary 2
1982 August |
67 | 1 | Diary 2
1982 September |
67 | 2 | Diary 2
1982 October |
67 | 3 | Diary 2
1982 November |
67 | 4 | Diary 2
1982 December |
67 | 5 | Diary 2
1983 January |
67 | 6 | Diary 2
1983 February |
67 | 7 | Diary 2
1983 March |
67 | 8 | Diary 2
1983 April |
67 | 9 | Diary 2
1983 May 1-16 |
67 | 10 | Diary 2
1983 May 17-31 |
67 | 11 | Diary 2
1983 June |
67 | 12 | Diary 2
1983 July |
67 | 13 | Diary 2
1983 August |
67 | 14 | Diary 2
1983 September 1-16 |
67 | 15 | Diary 2
1983 September 17-30 |
67 | 16 | Diary 2
1983 October 1-15 |
67 | 17 | Diary 2
1983 October 16-31 |
67 | 18 | Diary 2
1983 November 1-13 |
67 | 19 | Diary 2
1983 November 14-17 |
67 | 20 | Diary 2
1983 November 18-30 |
68 | 1 | Diary 2
1983 December |
68 | 2 | Diary 2
1984 January |
68 | 3 | Diary 2
1984 February 1-15 |
68 | 4 | Diary 2
1984 February 16-29 |
68 | 5 | Diary 2
1984 March 1-22 |
68 | 6 | Diary 2
1984 March 23-31 |
68 | 7 | Diary 2
1984 April 1-19 |
68 | 8 | Diary 2
1984 April 20-24 |
68 | 9 | Diary 2
1984 April 25-30 |
68 | 10 | Diary 2
1984 May 1-8 |
68 | 11 | Diary 2
1984 May 9-12 |
68 | 12 | Diary 2
1984 May 13-31 |
68 | 13 | Diary 2
June 1984 |
68 | 14 | Diary 2
1984 July 1-11 |
68 | 15 | Diary 2
1984 July 12-16 |
68 | 16 | Diary 2
1984 July 17-31 |
68 | 17 | Diary 2
1984 August 1-7 |
68 | 18 | Diary 2
1984 August 8-30 |
68 | 19 | Diary 2
1984 September |
68 | 20 | Diary 2
1984 October 1-15 |
68 | 21 | Diary 2
1984 October 16-31 |
69 | 1 | Diary 2
1984 November |
69 | 2 | Diary 2
1984 December 1-25 |
69 | 3 | Diary 2
1984 December 26-30 |
69 | 4 | Diary 2
1985 January 1-15 |
69 | 5 | Diary 2
1985 January 16-17 |
69 | 6 | Diary 2
1985 January 20-30 |
69 | 7 | Diary 2
1985 February 1-12 |
69 | 8 | Diary 2
1985 February 13-28 |
69 | 9 | Diary 2
1985 March 1-14 |
69 | 10 | Diary 2
1985 March 15-21 |
69 | 11 | Diary 2
1985 March 22-31 |
69 | 12 | Diary 2
1985 April 1-8 |
69 | 13 | Diary 2
1985 April 9-17 |
69 | 14 | Diary 2
1985 April 18-30 |
69 | 15 | Diary 2
1985 May 1-4 |
69 | 16 | Diary 2
1985 May 5-6 |
69 | 17 | Diary 2
1985 May 7-12 |
69 | 18 | Diary 2
1985 May 13-17 |
69 | 19 | Diary 2
1985 May 18-31 |
69 | 20 | Diary 2
1985 June 1-11 |
70 | 1 | Diary 2
1985 June 12-17 |
70 | 2 | Diary 2
1985 June 18-21 |
70 | 3 | Diary 2
1985 June 22-30 |
70 | 4 | Diary 2
1985 July 1-14 |
70 | 5 | Diary 2
1985 July 15-31 |
70 | 6 | Diary 2
1985 August 1-8 |
70 | 7 | Diary 2
1985 August 9 |
70 | 8 | Diary 2
1985 August 10-15 |
70 | 9 | Diary 2
1985 August 16-21 |
70 | 10 | Diary 2
1985 August 22-31 |
70 | 11 | Diary 2
1985 September 1-16 |
70 | 12 | Diary 2
1985 September 17-30 |
70 | 13 | Diary 2
October 1-17, 1985 |
70 | 14 | Diary 2
1985 October 18-24 |
70 | 15 | Diary 2
1985 October 25-27 |
70 | 16 | Diary 2
1985 October 28-31 |
70 | 17 | Diary 2
1985 November 1-5 |
70 | 18 | Diary 2
1985 November 6 |
70 | 19 | Diary 2
1985 November 9-18 |
70 | 20 | Diary 2
1985 November 19-30 |
71 | 1 | Diary 2
1985 December 1-4 |
71 | 2 | Diary 2
1985 December 5-24 |
71 | 3 | Diary 2
1985 December 25-30 |
71 | 4 | Diary 2
1986 January 1-13 |
71 | 5 | Diary 2
1986 January 14-23 |
71 | 6 | Diary 2
1986 January 24-31 |
71 | 7 | Diary 2
1986 February 1-14 |
71 | 8 | Diary 2
1986 February 15-18 |
71 | 9 | Diary 2
1986 February 19-28 |
71 | 10 | Diary 2
1986 March 1-9 |
71 | 11 | Diary 2
1986 March 10-18 |
71 | 12 | Diary 2
1986 March 19-31 |
71 | 13 | Diary 2
1986 April 1-11 |
71 | 14 | Diary 2
1986 April 12-30 |
71 | 15 | Diary 2
1986 May |
71 | 16 | Diary 2
1986 June |
71 | 17 | Diary 2
July 1986 |
72 | 1 | Diary 2
1986 August 1-13 |
72 | 2 | Diary 2
1986 August 14 |
72 | 3 | Diary 2
1986 August 15-20 |
72 | 4 | Diary 2
1986 August 21-31 |
72 | 5 | Diary 2
1986 September 1-13 |
72 | 6 | Diary 2
1986 September 14-30 |
72 | 7 | Diary 2
1986 October 1-9 |
72 | 8 | Diary 2
1986 October 10-16 |
72 | 9 | Diary 2
1986 October 17-25 |
72 | 10 | Diary 2
1986 October 26-31 |
72 | 11 | Diary 2
1986 November 1-8 |
72 | 12 | Diary 2
1986 November 9-30 |
72 | 13 | Diary 2
1986 December 1-24 |
72 | 14 | Diary 2
1986 December 25-30 |
72 | 15 | Diary 2
1987 January 1-14 |
72 | 16 | Diary 2
1987 January 5-12 |
72 | 17 | Diary 2
1987 January 13-20 |
72 | 18 | Diary 2
1987 January 21-25 |
72 | 19 | Diary 2
1987 January 26-31 |
72 | 20 | Diary 2
1987 February 1-15 |
73 | 1 | Galleys of David J. Whittaker, "Leonard James Arrington: His Life and Work"
undated |
73 | 2 | Ideas for Articles
undated |
73 | 3 | Documents Concerning Sunday Study Group
undated |
73 | 4 | Miscellaneous Memorabilia
undated |
74 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: A
1950-1968 |
74 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: A
1969-1972 |
74 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: B
1947-1963 |
74 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: B
1964-1968 |
74 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: B
1964-1968 |
74 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: B
1969-1972 |
75 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: C
1950-1963 |
75 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: C
1964-1968 |
75 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: C
1969-1972 |
75 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: C
undated |
75 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: D
1953-1968 |
75 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: D
1969-1972 |
76 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: E
1953-1972 |
76 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: F
1946-1968 |
76 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: G
1950-1968 |
76 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: G
1969-1972 |
76 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: H
1953-1959 |
76 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: H
1960-1964 |
76 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: H
1965-1967 |
77 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: H
1968-1970 |
77 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: I
1950-1972 |
77 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: J
1946-1968 |
77 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: J
1969-1972 |
77 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: K
1950-1968 |
77 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: K
1969-1972 |
77 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: L
1950-1961 |
77 | 8 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: L
1962-1968 |
77 | 9 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: L
1969-1972 |
78 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: M
1949-1962 |
78 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: M
1963-1969 |
78 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: M
1970-1971 |
78 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: N
1950-1968 |
78 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: N
1969-1972 |
78 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: O
1955-1969 |
78 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: O
1970-1972 |
78 | 8 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: P
1954-1963 |
78 | 9 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: P
1964-1969 |
78 | 10 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: P
1970-1972 |
79 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: Q
1968-1972 |
79 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: R
1950-1963 |
79 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: R
1964-1969 |
79 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: R
1970-1972 |
79 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: S
1947-1963 |
79 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: S
1964-1971 |
79 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: T
1947-1965 |
80 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: T
1966-1969 |
80 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: T
1970-1972 |
80 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: U
1969-1972 |
80 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: V
1949-1972 |
80 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: W
1953-1965 |
80 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: W
1966-1969 |
80 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: W
1970-1972 |
80 | 8 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: X, Y, Z
1950-1972 |
80 | 9 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1972 |
80 | 10 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence:
1973-1984 |
80 | 11 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence:
1980-1982 |
80 | 12 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence:
1983 |
80 | 13 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence:
1984 |
80 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1984-1988 |
81 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1984-1985 |
81 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1985-1986 |
81 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1985-1986 |
81 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1986-1987 |
81 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1986-1987 |
81 | 7 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1986-1987 |
82 | 1 | Correspondence Regarding 1987 Festschrift
undated |
82 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1988 |
82 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1988-1993 |
82 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1988-1993 |
82 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1988-1993 |
82 | 6 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1988-1993 |
83 | 1 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1989-1990 |
83 | 2 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1987-1990; 1994-1996 |
83 | 3 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: Lance Owens
undated |
83 | 4 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: Carole Wayman
undated |
83 | 5 | Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence: Cards Received
undated |
84 | 1 | Christmas Cards
1970s |
84 | 2 | Christmas Cards
1970s |
84 | 3 | Christmas Cards
1970s |
84 | 4 | Christmas Cards
1970s |
84 | 5 | Christmas Cards
1970s |
84 | 6 | Christmas Cards
1983 |
84 | 7 | Christmas Cards
1983 |
85 | 1 | Christmas Cards
1983 |
85 | 2 | Christmas Cards
1983 |
85 | 3 | Christmas Cards
1983 |
85 | 4 | Christmas Cards
1988 |
85 | 5 | Christmas Cards
1988 |
85 | 6 | Christmas Cards
1988 |
85 | 7 | Christmas Cards
1988-1996 |
85 | 8 | Miscellaneous Christmas Cards and Postcards
undated |
86 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington: Birth to
1956 |
86 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington
1929-1955 |
86 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington
1956-1960 |
86 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington
1960-1966 |
86 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington
1966-1969 |
86 | 6 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington
1969-1972 |
86 | 7 | Newspaper Clippings about Leonard Arrington: Miscellaneous
undated |
87 | 1 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual
undated |
87 | 2 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-How Prophets Are Called-Notes
undated |
87 | 3 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-The Apocrypha-Notes
undated |
87 | 4 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Rahab and Joshua-Notes
undated |
87 | 5 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Elijah and Elisha-Notes
undated |
87 | 6 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Nehemiah-Notes
undated |
87 | 7 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Proverbs and Ecclesiastes-Notes
undated |
87 | 8 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Song of Solomon-Notes
undated |
87 | 9 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Joel-Notes
undated |
87 | 10 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Haggai and Zechariah-Notes
undated |
87 | 11 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Zephaniah-Notes
undated |
87 | 12 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Nahum and Habakkuk-Notes
undated |
87 | 13 | Sunday School Lessons: Old Testament-Obadiah and Malachi-Notes
undated |
87 | 14 | Sunday School Lessons: Doctrine and Covenants
undated |
87 | 15 | Sunday School Lessons: Doctrine and Covenants-Articles from the Church News about Church History
undated |
87 | 16 | Sunday School Lessons: Monument Park Stake Doctrine and Covenants Family Home Study Guide
undated |
87 | 17 | Sunday School Lessons: Easter
undated |
87 | 18 | Sunday School Lessons: Parley's First Ward High Priest Quorum Home Teaching Program-1994
undated |
88 | 1 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1951, 1960-1962 |
88 | 2 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1963-1965 |
88 | 3 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1966-1969 |
88 | 4 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1960s |
88 | 5 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1960s |
88 | 6 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1960s |
88 | 7 | Magazine Clippings: Saturday Review
1960s |
88 | 8 | Magazine Clippings: Harper's
undated |
88 | 9 | Magazine Clippings: Harper's
1960s |
89 | 1 | Magazine Clippings: Time
1964, 1966-1967, 1969 |
89 | 2 | Magazine Clippings: Time
1960s |
89 | 3 | Magazine Clippings: Fortune
1960s |
89 | 4 | Magazine Clippings: Fortune
1960s |
89 | 5 | Magazine Clippings: Fortune
1960s |
89 | 6 | Magazine Clippings: Fortune
1960s |
89 | 7 | Magazine Clippings: Harvard Business Review
1957-1958 |
90 | 1 | Magazine Clippings: The Reporter
1960s |
90 | 2 | Magazine Clippings: Utah Educational Review
1960s |
90 | 3 | Magazine Clippings: Miscellaneous Magazines
undated |
90 | 4 | Magazine Clippings: Miscellaneous Clippings
1938-1941 |
90 | 5 | Magazine Clippings: Miscellaneous Clippings
1938-1941 |
90 | 6 | Magazine Clippings: American Presidents and Religion
undated |
90 | 7 | Magazine Clippings: Sleep
undated |
91 | 1 | Articles about Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19
undated |
91 | 2 | Articles about Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19
undated |
91 | 3 | Articles about Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19
undated |
92 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings on American Indians and the Bear River Massacre
undated |
92 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings on Fort Douglas and Camp Floyd
undated |
92 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings on Japanese Relocation
undated |
92 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings on Scholastic Themes
undated |
92 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings from the 1980s on Miscellaneous Topics
undated |
92 | 6 | Newspaper Clippings from the 1980s on Miscellaneous Topics
undated |
92 | 7 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
undated |
92 | 8 | Miscellaneous Newsletters
1980s |
92 | 9 | Miscellaneous Pamphlets and Postcards
undated |
92 | 10 | Notes and Articles on Education in Utah
undated |
92 | 11 | Notes and Articles on Miscellaneous Mormon Topics
undated |
92 | 12 | Notes and Articles on Miscellaneous Historical Topics
undated |
92 | 13 | Miscellaneous Bibliography Cards
undated |
93 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings for Talks
undated |
93 | 2 | Magazine Clippings for Talks
undated |
93 | 3 | Newspaper and Magazine Clippings for Talks
undated |
93 | 4 | Newspaper and Magazine Clippings for Talks
undated |
93 | 5 | Articles on Miscellaneous Subjects for Talks
undated |
93 | 6 | Notes on Christian Philosophy for Talks
undated |
93 | 7 | Humorous Anecdotes for Talks
undated |
93 | 8 | Miscellaneous Quotes for Talks
undated |
94 | 1 | Alaska
undated |
94 | 2 | Colorado
undated |
94 | 3 | Christian Religions (Not Mormonism)
undated |
94 | 4 | Protestantism vs. Catholicism
undated |
94 | 5 | European Monasticism
undated |
94 | 6 | World Religions
undated |
94 | 7 | Charisma
undated |
94 | 8 | Erasmus
undated |
94 | 9 | Political Theory
undated |
94 | 10 | Mind of Hitler
undated |
94 | 11 | Abraham Lincoln and George Washington
undated |
94 | 12 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge
undated |
94 | 13 | Paintings by Raphael
undated |
94 | 14 | Agrarianism
undated |
94 | 15 | Family History
undated |
95 | 1 | Psychological Explanations
undated |
95 | 2 | Psychological Explanations
undated |
95 | 3 | History of Medicine
undated |
95 | 4 | History of Medicine
undated |
95 | 5 | Benjamin Franklin and Medicine
undated |
95 | 6 | W. Somerset Maughan
undated |
95 | 7 | John Henry Newman
undated |
95 | 8 | Phineas T. Barnum
undated |
95 | 9 | The Peter Principle
undated |
95 | 10 | Dead Sea Scrolls
undated |
96 | 1 | Anabaptists
undated |
96 | 2 | Buddhism
undated |
96 | 3 | Christian Science
undated |
96 | 4 | Judaism
undated |
96 | 5 | Mennonites
undated |
96 | 6 | Messianic Cults
undated |
96 | 7 | Moslems
undated |
96 | 8 | Quakers
undated |
96 | 9 | Shakers
undated |
96 | 10 | Spiritualists
undated |
96 | 11 | Swedenborgians
undated |
96 | 12 | Unitarianism
undated |
97 | 1 | Notes from Talks
undated |
97 | 2 | Notes from Talks
undated |
97 | 3 | Miscellaneous Talks
undated |
97 | 4 | Master List of Leonard Arrington's Book Collection
undated |
97 | 5 | Correspondence and Newspaper Clippings Regarding Coin Collections
undated |
97 | 6 | Coin Collecting Manuals
undated |
97 | 7 | Pictures and Sayings of LDS General Authorities
undated |
97 | 8 | Miscellaneous Notes
undated |
97 | 9 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings, Documents, and Correspondence
undated |
97 | 10 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings and Documents
undated |
97 | 11 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings and Documents
undated |
97 | 12 | Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
undated |
97 | 13 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
98 | 1 | Harriette Simpson Arnow, Flowering of the Cumberland
undated |
98 | 2 | Harold Hannebaum, The Adventures of "Indiana" Hannebaum: The Magic Valley
undated |
98 | 3 | Robert Shafer, Christianity and Naturalism
undated |
98 | 4 | "Christianity" (from The International Encyclopedia)
undated |
98 | 5 | John MacMurray, The Structure of Religious Experience
undated |
98 | 6 | Betty Lynn Barton, "The Fellowship of Reconciliation: Pacifism, Labor, and Social Welfare, 1915-1930"
undated |
98 | 7 | Excerpts of Scripts from Various Plays
undated |
99 | 1 | Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind
undated |
99 | 2 | Abraham H. Maslow, Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences
undated |
99 | 3 | W. Seward Salisbury, Religion in American Culture
undated |
99 | 4 | J.B. Bury, A History of Freedom of Thought
undated |
99 | 5 | Folk Songs
undated |
100 | Scrapbooks and Postcard Collection of Leonard Arrington
undated | |
Folder | |||
100 | 1 | Warranties, trust deeds, stock certificates |
1946-1980 |
101 | Scrapbooks of Leonard Arrington
undated | |
101 | Cache County Marriage certificate for Leonard Arrington and Macy Grace Fort
1948 September 23 | |
101 | Idaho Governor's proclamation for LJA
1999 | |
Folder | |||
102 | 1 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1972 |
102 | 2 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1973 |
102 | 3 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1974 |
102 | 4 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1975 |
102 | 5 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1976 |
102 | 6 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1977 |
102 | 7 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1978 |
102 | 8 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1979 |
102 | 9 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1980 |
102 | 10 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1981 |
102 | 11 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1982 |
102 | 12 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1983 |
102 | 13 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1984 |
102 | 14 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1985 |
102 | 15 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1986 |
102 | 16 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1987 |
103 | 1 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1988 |
103 | 2 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1989 |
103 | 3 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1990 |
103 | 4 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1991 |
103 | 5 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1992 |
103 | 6 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1993 |
103 | 7 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1994 |
103 | 8 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1995 |
103 | 9 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1996 |
103 | 10 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1997 |
103 | 11 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1998 |
103 | 12 | Correspondence from Leonard Arrington to his children and grandchildren
1999 |
XI. Family PapersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Clippings from Grace Arrington's Scrapbook
undated |
1 | 2 | Clippings from Grace Arrington's Scrapbook
undated |
1 | 3 | Grace Arrington-Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
1 | 4 | Draft of "I'm Glad My House Burned Down: The Personal Story of Grace Fort Arrington"
undated |
2 | 1 | Manuscript of "I'm Glad My House Burned Down: The Personal Story of Grace Fort Arrington"
undated |
2 | 2 | Drafts of "The Grace of Our Lord Was With Her: Grace Fort Arrington"
undated |
2 | 3 | Draft of "The Grace of Our Lord Was With Her: Grace Fort Arrington"
undated |
2 | 4 | Draft of "To Jimmie, With Love: Grace Arrington and Her Experiences During World War II, As Revealed in Her Letters to Leonard While He Was Overseas"
undated |
2 | 5 | Funeral Service for Grace Fort Arrington
undated |
2 | 6 | Book from Grace Arrington's Funeral
undated |
2 | 7 | James Arrington
undated |
3 | 1 | Carl Arrington
undated |
3 | 2 | Articles by Carl Arrington
undated |
3 | 3 | Copy of US Magazine with Cover Article by Carl Arrington
1978 August 8 |
3 | 4 | Articles by Chris Rigby Arrington
undated |
3 | 5 | Susan Arrington Madsen
undated |
3 | 6 | Susan Arrington Madsen-Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence-1972-78
undated |
3 | 7 | Susan Arrington Madsen-Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence-1970-83
undated |
3 | 8 | Susan Arrington Madsen-Articles and Notes
undated |
3 | 9 | Articles and Notes about Susan Arrington Madsen
undated |
3 | 10 | Bessie Mae Emerson-Arrington-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
4 | 1 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1966-1968 |
4 | 2 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1969 |
4 | 3 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1970 |
4 | 4 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1971 |
4 | 5 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1974 |
4 | 6 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1975 |
4 | 7 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1976 |
4 | 8 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1977 |
4 | 9 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1978 |
4 | 10 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions and Financial Documents
1979 |
4 | 11 | Arrington Family New Year's Resolutions
1980 |
4 | 12 | Arrington Family Summer Reunion
1993 |
4 | 13 | Arrington Family Finances
1984 |
4 | 14 | Rental Agreement for Arrington Logan Home and Apartment
undated |
4 | 15 | Arrington Logan Home Documents
undated |
4 | 16 | Arrington Logan House Sale Documents
undated |
5 | 1 | Nina Fort-Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence
1962-1978 |
5 | 2 | Correspondence about J. Earl Arrington
undated |
5 | 3 | J. Earl Arrington-Documents and Correspondence
undated |
5 | 4 | Callie Arrington Ward-Correspondence
undated |
5 | 5 | Lois and Mildred Botkin-Correspondence
undated |
6 | 1 | Background-Records of Cooke County, Tennessee and Minutes of Slate Creek Baptist Church
undated |
6 | 2 | Oklahoma Background
undated |
6 | 3 | Oklahoma Background and Jacob F. Arrington
undated |
6 | 4 | Correspondence and Writings Regarding Early Arrington History
undated |
6 | 5 | "Arrington"
undated |
6 | 6 | The Arrington Newsletter
undated |
6 | 7 | Miscellaneous Correspondence and Documents
undated |
6 | 8 | Notes about Arrington History
undated |
6 | 9 | "Andrew Foster Kelso: History and Descendants"
undated |
6 | 10 | History of Bruce Arrington
undated |
6 | 11 | Draft of "The Corns of Kentucky and Indiana"
undated |
6 | 12 | Documents About the Corns
undated |
6 | 13 | Drawings by Everett Corn of James Corn Home and Farm
circa 1906 |
7 | 1 | Leonard J. Arrington, "Celebrating Noah and Edna Corn Arrington"
undated |
7 | 2 | Biographical Sketches of Edna Corn Arrington
undated |
7 | 3 | Documents Regarding Edna Corn Arrington
undated |
7 | 4 | Edna Corn Arrington Correspondence
1940-1959 |
7 | 5 | Memorial Service for Edna Corn Arrington
undated |
7 | 6 | Correspondence, Reminiscences, and Notes about N.W. and Edna Corn Arrington
undated |
7 | 7 | Published References to Arringtons
undated |
7 | 8 | Transcription from Arrington Family Reunion-1992
undated |
7 | 9 | Correspondence Regarding N.W. Arrington's Church Callings
undated |
7 | 10 | Postcards from N.W. and Edna Arrington Prepared by Marie and Bud Davidson
undated |
7 | 11 | N.W. Arrington-Agreements of Sale of Real Estate
undated |
7 | 12 | N.W. Arrington's Titles to Property
undated |
7 | 13 | Last Will and Testament of N.W. Arrington and Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
8 | 1 | Draft of Leonard Arrington and Rebecca Cornwall, Tar Heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: A History of the Noah and Edna Arrington Family to 1933
undated |
8 | 2 | Draft of Leonard Arrington and Rebecca Cornwall, Tar Heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: A History of the Noah and Edna Arrington Family to 1933
undated |
8 | 3 | Draft of Leonard Arrington and Rebecca Cornwall, Tar Heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: A History of the Noah and Edna Arrington Family to 1933
undated |
8 | 4 | Draft of Leonard Arrington and Rebecca Cornwall, Tar Heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: A History of the Noah and Edna Arrington Family to 1933
undated |
8 | 5 | Draft of Leonard Arrington and Rebecca Cornwall, Tar Heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: A History of the Noah and Edna Arrington Family to 1933
undated |
9 | 1 | Wayne Arrington: Life History
undated |
9 | 2 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard Arrington
1943-1949 |
9 | 3 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard Arrington
1951-59 |
9 | 4 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard Arrington
1960-1969 |
9 | 5 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard Arrington
1970-1980 |
9 | 6 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard and Harriet Arrington
1989-1992 |
9 | 7 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard and Harriet Arrington-Postcards
undated |
9 | 8 | Wayne Arrington: Correspondence with Leonard Arrington-Letters, Envelopes, and Postcards
undated |
9 | 9 | Wayne Arrington: Outgoing Correspondence to Wayne Arrington
1980-1985 |
9 | 10 | Wayne Arrington: Outgoing Correspondence to Wayne Arrington
1986-1989 |
9 | 11 | Wayne Arrington: Outgoing Correspondence to Wayne Arrington
1990-1991 |
9 | 12 | Wayne Arrington: Outgoing Correspondence to Wayne Arrington
1992-1994 |
9 | 13 | Wayne Arrington: Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
XII. Writings of Leonard J. ArringtonReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Great Basin Kingdom
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Draft
undated |
1 | 2 | Chapters 1-5
undated |
1 | 3 | Chapters 6-10
undated |
1 | 4 | Chapters 11-16
undated |
1 | 5 | Chapters 17-end
undated |
1 | 6 | Draft
undated |
2 | 1 | Correspondence
undated |
2 | 2 | Correspondence
undated |
2 | 3 | Correspondence Regarding Publication
undated |
2 | 4 | Correspondence Regarding Photographs
undated |
2 | 5 | Notes and Documents about Reprint and Paperback Editions
undated |
2 | 6 | Notes from the Journal History of the Church
undated |
2 | 7 | Notes from the Journal History of the Church
undated |
2 | 8 | Reviews and Correspondence
undated |
2 | 9 | Student Reviews
undated |
3 | 1 | Final Draft-Table of Contents
undated |
3 | 2 | Final Draft-Chapter 1
undated |
3 | 3 | Final Draft-Chapter 2
undated |
3 | 4 | Final Draft-Chapter 3
undated |
3 | 5 | Final Draft-Chapter 4
undated |
3 | 6 | Final Draft-Chapter 5
undated |
4 | 1 | Final Draft-Chapter 6
undated |
4 | 2 | Final Draft-Chapter 7
undated |
4 | 3 | Final Draft-Chapter 8
undated |
4 | 4 | Final Draft-Chapter 9
undated |
4 | 5 | Final Draft-Chapter 10
undated |
4 | 6 | Final Draft-Chapter 11
undated |
5 | 1 | Final Draft-Chapter 12
undated |
5 | 2 | Final Draft-Chapter 13
undated |
5 | 3 | Final Draft-Miscellaneous Pages
undated |
5 | 4 | Final Draft-Notes and References
undated |
6 | 1 | Great Basin Kingdom Symposium-Documents
1988 |
6 | 2 | Great Basin Kingdom Symposium-Documents
1988 |
Beet Sugar in the West: A History of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
7 | 1 | Administrative History of the Book
undated |
7 | 2 | Correspondence Regarding the Project
undated |
7 | 3 | Correspondence Regarding the Book
undated |
7 | 4 | Correspondence and Reviews
undated |
7 | 5 | Reviews
undated |
7 | 6 | Correspondence and Reviews
undated |
7 | 7 | Blank Pages for Statistics
undated |
7 | 8 | Articles and Bibliography on Sugar Industry
undated |
7 | 9 | Articles about Beet Sugar Industry
undated |
8 | 1 | Articles about the Beet Sugar Industry
undated |
8 | 2 | "Ecclesiastical Promotion of Beet Sugar Manufacturing in Utah"
undated |
8 | 3 | Walter Webb Manuscript about Beet Sugar in Utah
undated |
8 | 4 | Reed Smoot and Sugar
undated |
8 | 5 | Information on Other Sugar Companies
undated |
8 | 6 | General Notes on Sugar
undated |
8 | 7 | General Notes on Sugar
undated |
8 | 8 | Notes on Early Mormon Sugar Production
undated |
9 | 1 | Notes and Articles on Sugar Beet Seed
undated |
9 | 2 | Notes on Technical Aspects of Sugar Production
undated |
9 | 3 | Notes on the Tariff
undated |
9 | 4 | Notes on the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company in Idaho
undated |
9 | 5 | Documents about the Utah Sugar Company
undated |
9 | 6 | Notes about the Lehi Sugar Factory
undated |
9 | 7 | Notes on the Elsinore and Payson Factories
undated |
9 | 8 | Notes on Delta Sugar Factory
undated |
9 | 9 | Notes on the Fallon, Nevada, Factory
undated |
9 | 10 | Notes on the Gunnison Sugar Factory
undated |
9 | 11 | Notes on the Garland Factory
undated |
9 | 12 | Notes on the Chinook, Montana Factory
undated |
9 | 13 | Notes on the Hooper Factory
undated |
9 | 14 | Notes on the Belle Fourche, South Dakota, Factory
undated |
9 | 15 | "75 Years of Service to Rio Vista and the Delta"
undated |
10 | 1 | Minutes of the Utah Sugar Company
1893-1907 |
10 | 2 | Minutes of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company
1907-1965 |
10 | 3 | Minutes and Other Documents
undated |
10 | 4 | Annual Reports
1957, 1971-1978 |
10 | 5 | Annual Reports
1979-1980 |
10 | 6 | USDA Publications about Beet Sugar
undated |
10 | 7 | USDA Publications about Beet Sugar
undated |
10 | 8 | Sales Records of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company
undated |
10 | 9 | Statistics about Utah Factories
undated |
10 | 10 | General Statistics of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company
undated |
10 | 11 | Ditch Rider Workshop
1968 |
10 | 12 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
10 | 13 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
William Spry |
Box | Folder | ||
11 | 1 | Correspondence
undated |
11 | 2 | Reviews and Correspondence after Publication
undated |
"Bankers Extraordinary: A History of First Security Corporation, 1928-1973" |
Box | Folder | ||
12 | 1 | Outlines
undated |
12 | 2 | Revised Outline
undated |
12 | 3 | Possible Manuscript Titles
undated |
12 | 4 | Manuscript Portions
undated |
12 | 5 | Draft with Comments
undated |
12 | 6 | Bibliography
undated |
12 | 7 | Publisher's Review
undated |
12 | 8 | Correspondence with Gwynn Barrett
1970 |
12 | 9 | Correspondence with Gwynn Barrett
1971-1972 |
12 | 10 | Correspondence with George Eccles
undated |
12 | 11 | Correspondence with Marriner S. Eccles
undated |
12 | 12 | Correspondence with Mason Smith
undated |
12 | 13 | Correspondence with Max Thomas
undated |
12 | 14 | Research Correspondence-General
undated |
12 | 15 | Research Project Initiation Requests
undated |
12 | 16 | Memorandum of Understanding
undated |
12 | 17 | Contract Agreement
undated |
12 | 18 | Purchase Orders
undated |
12 | 19 | Travel Records
undated |
12 | 20 | Research Assistants
undated |
12 | 21 | Budget Printouts
undated |
12 | 22 | Papers
undated |
13 | 1 | First Security Acquisitions
undated |
13 | 2 | First Security Corporation Finances
undated |
13 | 3 | History
undated |
13 | 4 | "This I Remember" Series
undated |
13 | 5 | Bank Robberies
undated |
13 | 6 | 1930 Proceedings-Bank Managers' Convention
undated |
13 | 7 | Salt Lake City Building
undated |
13 | 8 | Research Notes-General
undated |
13 | 9 | "Round-Up News"
undated |
13 | 10 | First Security Corporation Clippings
undated |
13 | 11 | Legal Matters
undated |
13 | 12 | Consumer Credit
undated |
13 | 13 | Mortgage Credit
undated |
13 | 14 | Agriculture Credit
undated |
13 | 15 | Commercial Credit
undated |
13 | 16 | Industries Helped by First Security
undated |
13 | 17 | Boise Cascade
undated |
14 | 1 | Chapters 1-10
undated |
14 | 2 | Chapters 11-20
undated |
14 | 3 | Chapters 15-end
undated |
14 | 4 | Chapters 1-10
undated |
14 | 5 | Chapters 11-end
undated |
14 | 6 | Appendixes and Bibliography
undated |
Charles C. Rich
Box | Folder | ||
15 | 1 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
15 | 2 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
15 | 3 | Correspondence, Documents, and Reviews
undated |
15 | 4 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
15 | 5 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
15 | 6 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
David Eccles: Pioneer Western Industrialist
Box | Folder | ||
16 | 1 | Documents Relating to the Book
undated |
16 | 2 | Notes on Family
undated |
16 | 3 | Wallace Stegner's Comments on the Book
undated |
16 | 4 | Reviews
undated |
16 | 5 | Uncut Manuscript-Preface
undated |
16 | 6 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 1
undated |
16 | 7 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 2
undated |
16 | 8 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 3
undated |
16 | 9 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 4
undated |
16 | 10 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 5
undated |
16 | 11 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 6
undated |
16 | 12 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 7
undated |
16 | 13 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 8
undated |
16 | 14 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 9
undated |
16 | 15 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 10
undated |
16 | 16 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 11
undated |
16 | 17 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 12
undated |
16 | 18 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 13
undated |
16 | 19 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 14
undated |
16 | 20 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 15
undated |
16 | 21 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 16
undated |
16 | 22 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 17
undated |
16 | 23 | Uncut Manuscript-Chapter 18
undated |
16 | 24 | Uncut Manuscript-Appendix 1
undated |
16 | 25 | Uncut Manuscript-Appendix 2
undated |
16 | 26 | Uncut Manuscript-Bibliography
undated |
16 | 27 | Uncut Manuscript-Notes and References
undated |
16 | 28 | Uncut Manuscript-Index
undated |
Building the City of God: Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons
Box | Folder | ||
17 | 1 | Correspondence Regarding the Book
undated |
17 | 2 | Reviews and Correspondence
undated |
17 | 3 | Correspondence
undated |
17 | 4 | Notes on Cooperatives
undated |
17 | 5 | Notes on the United Order
undated |
17 | 6 | Notes on the Springdale United Order
undated |
17 | 7 | Feramorz Young Fox, "Experiments in Cooperation and Social Security Among the Mormons"-Chapters 1-6
undated |
17 | 8 | Feramorz Young Fox, "Experiments in Cooperation and Social Security Among the Mormons"-Chapters 7-end
undated |
17 | 9 | Feramorz Young Fox, "Experiments in Cooperation and Social Security Among the Mormons"
undated |
18 | 1 | Articles on the United Order
undated |
18 | 2 | Notes and Articles on the United Order
undated |
18 | 3 | Notes and Articles on the United Order
undated |
18 | 4 | Notes on Communitarianism
undated |
18 | 5 | Articles on the Law of Consecration
undated |
18 | 6 | Notes on the United Order
undated |
18 | 7 | Notes on the Cooperatives in Early Utah
undated |
18 | 8 | Correspondence Regarding the Orderville United Order
undated |
18 | 9 | Correspondence Regarding the Orderville United Order
undated |
18 | 10 | Articles on Orderville
undated |
19 | 1 | Notes on the United Order
undated |
19 | 2 | Notes on the Consecration Movement of the 1850s
undated |
19 | 3 | "The United Order in Pleasant Grove" and Angus M. Woodbury, "The United Order"
undated |
19 | 4 | Notes and Articles on the Richfield United Order
undated |
19 | 5 | The United Order at St. George
undated |
19 | 6 | The United Order at St. George
undated |
19 | 7 | The Kingston United Order
undated |
19 | 8 | George S. Tanner, "History of Joseph City"
undated |
19 | 9 | Records of the Joseph City, Arizona, United Order
undated |
19 | 10 | Records of the Joseph City, Arizona, United Order
undated |
19 | 11 | Eskdale, Utah's "Aaronic Order"
undated |
19 | 12 | Early Drafts of the Book
undated |
20 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 3-5
undated |
20 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 6-10
undated |
20 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 11-13
undated |
20 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 14-16 and Appendices
undated |
20 | 5 | Bibliography
undated |
From Quaker to Latter-day Saint: Bishop Edwin D. Woolley
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
21 | 1 | Notes on Pioneer Wards
undated |
21 | 2 | Notes and Articles on Edwin D. Woolley
undated |
21 | 3 | Draft
undated |
21 | 4 | Draft
undated |
21 | 5 | Index
undated |
21 | 6 | Photocopies of Photos and Maps
undated |
21 | 7 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-day Saints
Box | Folder | ||
22 | 1 | Copies of Possible Photos and Drawings
undated |
22 | 2 | Chapter 1-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
22 | 3 | Chapters 2-4-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
22 | 4 | Chapter 5-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
22 | 5 | Chapter 6-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
22 | 6 | Chapters 7-9-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
22 | 7 | Chapter 10-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
23 | 1 | Chapter 11-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
23 | 2 | Chapters 12-13-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
23 | 3 | Chapters 14-15-Preliminary Drafts
undated |
24 | 1 | Third Draft-Chapters 1-3
undated |
24 | 2 | Third Draft-Chapters 4-6
undated |
24 | 3 | Third Draft-Chapters 7-10
undated |
24 | 4 | Draft Edited by Alfred A. Knopf and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher-Chapters 1-3
undated |
24 | 5 | Draft Edited by Alfred A. Knopf and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher-Chapters 4-10
undated |
24 | 6 | Draft Edited by Alfred A. Knopf and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher-Chapters 11-13
undated |
25 | 1 | Draft Edited by Alfred A. Knopf and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher -Chapters 14-16
undated |
25 | 2 | Draft Edited by Alfred A. Knopf and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher-Chapters 17-end
undated |
25 | 3 | Draft-Chapter 1
undated |
25 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 11-13
undated |
25 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 14-15
undated |
25 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 16-17
undated |
25 | 7 | Notes and Comments
undated |
26 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 1-4
undated |
26 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 5-7
undated |
26 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 8-12
undated |
26 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 13-end
undated |
27 | 1 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
27 | 2 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
27 | 3 | Comments and Suggestions by G. Homer Durham
undated |
27 | 4 | Comments and Suggestions by G. Homer Durham
undated |
27 | 5 | Comments and Suggestions by G. Homer Durham
undated |
28 | 1 | Ribbon Copy-Chapters 1-4
undated |
28 | 2 | Ribbon Copy-Chapters 5-9
undated |
28 | 3 | Ribbon Copy-Chapters 10-11
undated |
28 | 4 | Ribbon Copy-Chapters 14-15
undated |
28 | 5 | Ribbon Copy-Chapter 16, Index
undated |
28 | 6 | Ribbon Copy-Notes and References
undated |
29 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 1-4
undated |
29 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 5-8
undated |
29 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 9-12
undated |
29 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 13-16
undated |
29 | 5 | Documentary History
undated |
29 | 6 | Documentary History
undated |
29 | 7 | Documentary History
undated |
29 | 8 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
29 | 9 | Financial Record
undated |
30 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 12-17
undated |
30 | 2 | Chapter 17-Draft and Comments
undated |
30 | 3 | Draft-Chapter 18
undated |
30 | 4 | Draft
undated |
30 | 5 | Draft
undated |
30 | 6 | Distribution Lists
undated |
30 | 7 | Reviews
undated |
31 | 1 | Reviews
undated |
31 | 2 | Reviews
undated |
32 | The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-day Saints Maps
undated | |
Saints Without Halos and Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility |
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
33 | Folder 1 | Draft of Saints Without Halos: The Human Side of Mormon History
undated |
33 | Folder 2 | Saints Without Halos: The Human Side of Mormon History-Reviews and Correspondence
undated |
33 | Folder 3 | Saints Without Halos: The Human Side of Mormon History-Reviews
undated |
33 | Folder 4 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Correspondence and Documents
undated |
33 | Folder 5 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Newspaper Clippings
undated |
33 | Folder 6 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Oral Histories
undated |
33 | Folder 7 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Notes and Documents
undated |
33 | Folder 8 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Draft
undated |
33 | Folder 9 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Index
undated |
33 | Folder 10 | Tracy Collins Bank and Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility-Photos
undated |
Sunbonnet Sisters
Box | Folder | ||
34 | 1 | Notes and Documents
undated |
34 | 2 | Draft
undated |
34 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 1-14
undated |
34 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 15-end
undated |
34 | 5 | Draft
undated |
34 | 6 | Draft
undated |
34 | 7 | Draft-Chapters 1-10
undated |
34 | 8 | Draft-Chapters 11-end
undated |
Brigham Young: American Moses |
Box | Folder | ||
35 | 1 | Brigham Young's Family History
undated |
35 | 2 | Brigham Young's Family History
undated |
35 | 3 | Brigham Young's Family History
undated |
35 | 4 | Notes on "Brigham Young and His Family"
undated |
35 | 5 | Notes on "Brigham Young and His Family"
undated |
35 | 6 | Brigham Young's Religious Roots
undated |
35 | 7 | Brigham Young's Religious Roots
undated |
35 | 8 | Brigham Young's Younger Years
undated |
35 | 9 | Richard Palmer, "Early Life of Brigham Young"
undated |
36 | 1 | Brigham Young's Early Years and Conversion
undated |
36 | 2 | Notes on Brigham Young's Conversion
undated |
36 | 3 | Notes on Mormonism in New York
undated |
36 | 4 | Notes on Mormonism in New York
undated |
36 | 5 | Brigham Young's New York Years
undated |
36 | 6 | Brigham Young's New York Years
undated |
36 | 7 | Notes on Colesville, New York
undated |
36 | 8 | Notes on Brigham Young as "Ardent Disciple"
undated |
37 | 1 | Brigham Young in Kirtland
undated |
37 | 2 | Brigham Young in Kirtland
undated |
37 | 3 | Brigham Young in Kirtland
undated |
37 | 4 | Brigham Young in Kirtland
undated |
37 | 5 | Notes on Brigham Young and Zion's Camp
undated |
37 | 6 | Notes on Brigham Young in Kirtland and Missouri-1835-1839
undated |
37 | 7 | Notes on Brigham Young in Missouri
undated |
37 | 8 | Notes on Brigham Young in Missouri
undated |
37 | 9 | Notes on Brigham Young's Mission to England
undated |
37 | 10 | Notes on Brigham Young's Mission to England
undated |
38 | 1 | Notes and Drafts of Chapters on Mission to England
undated |
38 | 2 | Notes on Mission to England
undated |
38 | 3 | Notes on Mission to England
undated |
38 | 4 | The Succession Crisis
undated |
38 | 5 | Brigham Young and Succession to the Presidency
undated |
38 | 6 | Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve Apostles
undated |
38 | 7 | Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve Apostles
undated |
39 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve Apostles
undated |
39 | 2 | Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve Apostles
undated |
39 | 3 | Notes for and Draft of Chapter on Nauvoo Interregnum
1844-1846 |
39 | 4 | Notes on Brigham Young's Family Life
1847-1857 |
39 | 5 | Notes for and Drafts of Chapter on the Trek West
1847 |
39 | 6 | Notes on the Second Trek West
1847-1848 |
40 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Move West
undated |
40 | 2 | Notes on the 1847 Crossing of the Plains
undated |
40 | 3 | Notes on the 1847 Crossing of the Plains
undated |
40 | 4 | Notes on Winter Quarters
undated |
40 | 5 | Notes on Winter Quarters
undated |
41 | 1 | Notes on Winter Quarters
undated |
41 | 2 | Notes on Winter Quarters
undated |
41 | 3 | Notes on Winter Quarters
undated |
41 | 4 | Winter Quarters-The Frontier Guardian
1852 April 15 |
41 | 5 | Winter Quarters-Mount Pisgah Journal-Typescript
undated |
41 | 6 | Brigham Young as Colonizer
undated |
41 | 7 | Special Edition of the LDS Church News on Mormon Colonization
undated |
41 | 8 | Notes on Colonization
undated |
41 | 9 | Notes on Colonization, Economy, and Family
undated |
41 | 10 | Notes on Colonization and the Environment
undated |
41 | 11 | Notes on Colonization, Immigration, and the Environment
undated |
41 | 12 | Notes on Colonization and the Family
undated |
42 | 1 | Notes on Ecclesiastical Affairs
1858-1869 |
42 | 2 | Notes on Ecclesiastical Affairs
1866-1877 |
42 | 3 | Brigham Young and Utah's Economy
undated |
42 | 4 | Brigham Young and Utah's Economy
undated |
42 | 5 | Brigham Young and Utah's Economy
undated |
42 | 6 | Political, Social, and Economic History of Utah
1869-1877 |
42 | 7 | Notes on Brigham Young
1858-1869 |
42 | 8 | Brigham Young and Mining
undated |
42 | 9 | Brigham Young and Culture
undated |
42 | 10 | L. Dwight Israelsen, "The Distribution of Personal Income in Utah Territory, 1855-1895"
undated |
43 | 1 | Brigham Young as Businessman
undated |
43 | 2 | Brigham Young as Businessman
undated |
43 | 3 | Trustee-in-Trust Records
1860-1877 |
43 | 4 | Brigham Young's Financial Records
undated |
43 | 5 | Notes on Economics of Utah
1847-1877 |
43 | 6 | Notes on Economics of Utah
1847-1877 |
43 | 7 | Brigham Young on War
undated |
43 | 8 | Brigham Young on War
undated |
44 | 1 | Brigham Young as Governor
undated |
44 | 2 | Brigham Young as President of the Church
undated |
44 | 3 | Brigham Young as Prophet
undated |
44 | 4 | Brigham Young and the First Presidency
undated |
44 | 5 | Brigham Young and Bishops
undated |
44 | 6 | Brigham Young on Physical Culture
undated |
44 | 7 | Brigham Young on Education
undated |
44 | 8 | Brigham Young and the United Order
undated |
44 | 9 | Brigham Young and the Federal Government
1858-1877 |
45 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Civil War
undated |
45 | 2 | Runaway Judges and Brocchus
undated |
45 | 3 | Brigham Young and Polygamy
undated |
45 | 4 | Brigham Young and the School of the Prophets
undated |
45 | 5 | Notes on Glossolalia
undated |
45 | 6 | B.Y. Express and Carrying Co
undated |
45 | 7 | Brigham Young and the Lion House
undated |
45 | 8 | Brigham Young and the Lion House
undated |
45 | 9 | Deseret Telegraph
undated |
45 | 10 | Brigham Young and the Godbeites
undated |
45 | 11 | Brigham Young and the Godbeites
undated |
45 | 12 | Trial of the Godbeites (Photocopy)
undated |
46 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Handcart Rescue of 1856
undated |
46 | 2 | Notes on Mormon Immigration from Europe, 1869-1877
undated |
46 | 3 | Notes on the Reformation of 1856
undated |
46 | 4 | Notes on the Utah War
undated |
46 | 5 | Notes on the Utah War
undated |
46 | 6 | Notes on Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre
undated |
46 | 7 | Notes on Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre
undated |
46 | 8 | Notes on Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre
undated |
47 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Danites
undated |
47 | 2 | Brigham Young and the Danites
undated |
47 | 3 | Brigham Young and the Danites
undated |
47 | 4 | Brigham Young and the Danites
undated |
47 | 5 | Brigham Young and the Danites
undated |
47 | 6 | Correspondence about the Nauvoo Legion
undated |
47 | 7 | The Nauvoo Legion
undated |
47 | 8 | The Nauvoo Legion
undated |
47 | 9 | The Nauvoo Legion
undated |
48 | 1 | Brigham Young as Indian Superintendent
undated |
48 | 2 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 3 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 4 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 5 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 6 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 7 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
48 | 8 | Brigham Young and the Indians
undated |
49 | 1 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
49 | 2 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
49 | 3 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
49 | 4 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
49 | 5 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
49 | 6 | Brigham Young on Doctrine
undated |
50 | 1 | Brigham Young's Family Life-1858-1869
undated |
50 | 2 | Emily Dow Partridge Young
undated |
50 | 3 | Mary Ann Angell Young
undated |
50 | 4 | Brigham Young's Wives and Children
undated |
50 | 5 | Lucy Decker Young
undated |
50 | 6 | Augusta Adams Cobb
undated |
50 | 7 | Brigham Young's Family Life
undated |
50 | 8 | Emmeline Free Young
undated |
50 | 9 | Harriet Amelia Folsom Young
undated |
50 | 10 | Zina D.H. Young
undated |
51 | 1 | Social, Political, and Economic Life
1858-1869 |
51 | 2 | Social, Political, and Economic Life
1869-1877 |
51 | 3 | Notes on Kingdom Building
1851-1857 |
51 | 4 | Brigham Young as Governor
1851-1857 |
51 | 5 | Notes on Brigham Young and Church Government
undated |
51 | 6 | Brigham Young as Public Speaker
undated |
51 | 7 | Brigham Young and the 1877 Priesthood Reorganization
undated |
51 | 8 | Brigham Young as Domestic Counselor
undated |
51 | 9 | Brigham Young and the Law
undated |
51 | 10 | Notes Regarding Brigham Young Image in the American Mind
undated |
52 | 1 | Brigham Young and Men and Women of Letters
undated |
52 | 2 | Brigham Young and Men and Women of Letters
undated |
52 | 3 | Brigham Young and Literary Figures
undated |
52 | 4 | Brigham Young and Literary Figures
undated |
52 | 5 | Brigham Young and V.I.P.'s
undated |
52 | 6 | Brigham Young and Horace Greeley
undated |
52 | 7 | Brigham Young and the Important Personalities in His Life
undated |
52 | 8 | Brigham Young and the People
undated |
52 | 9 | Brigham Young and the People
undated |
52 | 10 | Brigham Young and the People
undated |
53 | 1 | Brigham Young and the Beehive House
undated |
53 | 2 | Brigham Young's Medical History
undated |
53 | 3 | The Last Days and Death of Brigham Young
undated |
53 | 4 | Notes on Brigham Young's Death
undated |
53 | 5 | Newspaper Account of Brigham Young's Funeral
undated |
53 | 6 | "Beyond Eulogy: A Balance Sheet for Brigham Young"
undated |
53 | 7 | Notes on the Settling of Brigham Young's Estate
undated |
53 | 8 | Brigham Young's Estate Settlement
undated |
53 | 9 | Brigham Young's Estate Settlement
undated |
53 | 10 | Brigham Young's Estate Settlement
undated |
53 | 11 | Testimonies about Brigham Young
undated |
53 | 12 | Descriptions of Brigham Young and His Character
undated |
53 | 13 | Reminiscences about Brigham Young
undated |
54 | 1 | Brigham Young's Leadership-1858-1868
undated |
54 | 2 | Brigham Young's Leadership-1858-1868
undated |
54 | 3 | Brigham Young's Leadership-1858-1868
undated |
54 | 4 | Gary Bergera, "Orson Pratt and Brigham Young"
undated |
54 | 5 | Notes and Articles on Brigham Young
undated |
54 | 6 | Sources and Comments
undated |
54 | 7 | Brigham Young's Manuscript Collection-Church Archives
undated |
55 | 1 | Reminiscences about Brigham Young
undated |
55 | 2 | Excerpts from the Brigham Young Papers
undated |
55 | 3 | History of Brigham Young Manuscript
undated |
55 | 4 | Brigham Young's Addresses-1830-1849
undated |
55 | 5 | Brigham Young's Talks-1852-1853
undated |
55 | 6 | Brigham Young's Talks-1854-1855
undated |
55 | 7 | Brigham Young's Talks-1854-1855
undated |
55 | 8 | Brigham Young's Talks-1856-1859
undated |
55 | 9 | Brigham Young's Talks-1860-1861
undated |
56 | 1 | Brigham Young's Talks-1860-1861
undated |
56 | 2 | Brigham Young's Talks-1862-1864
undated |
56 | 3 | Brigham Young's Talks-1865-1875
undated |
56 | 4 | Brigham Young's Talks-1865-1875
undated |
56 | 5 | Brigham Young's Speeches
undated |
57 | 1 | Writings about Brigham Young
undated |
57 | 2 | Reviews of Biographies
undated |
57 | 3 | Bibliographies
undated |
57 | 4 | Student Papers about Brigham Young
undated |
57 | 5 | Research Notes
undated |
57 | 6 | Notes and Articles
undated |
57 | 7 | Ronald Esplin's Dissertation on Brigham Young
undated |
57 | 8 | Ronald Esplin's Dissertation on Brigham Young
undated |
58 | 1 | Preliminary Draft
undated |
58 | 2 | Correspondence Regarding the Papers of Brigham Young Project
undated |
58 | 3 | Documents Sent to Alfred A. Knopf
undated |
58 | 4 | Leonard J. Arrington, "Brigham Young"
undated |
58 | 5 | Correspondence and Documents about the Biography
undated |
58 | 6 | Correspondence and Documents about the Biography
undated |
58 | 7 | Brigham Young's Chronology
undated |
58 | 8 | Drafts of Prologue
undated |
58 | 9 | Photographs, Maps, and Artwork
undated |
58 | 10 | Table of Contents and Appendices
undated |
58 | 11 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
59 | 1 | Table of Contents and Draft of Chapters
undated |
59 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
59 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 6-10
undated |
59 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 11-15
undated |
59 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 16-20
undated |
59 | 6 | Draft-Chapter 21 and Appendices
undated |
60 | 1 | Flap Copy Title and Author, Picture Layout, and Publicity Statement
undated |
60 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
60 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 6-10
undated |
60 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 11-15
undated |
60 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 16-20
undated |
60 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 21-22
undated |
60 | 7 | Draft-Index
undated |
60 | 8 | Draft-Appendices, Notes, and Bibliography
undated |
61 | 1 | Draft-Notes and References
undated |
61 | 2 | Draft-Notes and References
undated |
61 | 3 | Draft-Notes, References, and Bibliography
undated |
61 | 4 | Draft-Index
undated |
62 | 1 | Drafts of Chapter 22
undated |
62 | 2 | Draft of Bibliography and Appendices
undated |
62 | 3 | Draft of Notes and References
undated |
62 | 4 | Research Notecards
undated |
62 | 5 | Research Notecards
undated |
62 | 6 | Research Notecards
undated |
62 | 7 | Reviews
undated |
The Hotel, Salt Lake's Classy Lady: The Hotel Utah, 1911-1986
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
63 | 1 | Documents and Notes
undated |
63 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
63 | 3 | Final Draft
undated |
63 | 4 | Final Draft
undated |
Mothers of the Prophets |
Box | Folder | ||
64 | 1 | Rachel Ivins Grant-Drafts and Notes
undated |
64 | 2 | Sarah Farr Smith-Drafts and Notes
undated |
64 | 3 | Jennette Evans McKay-Drafts and Notes
undated |
64 | 4 | Julina Smith-Notes and Articles
undated |
64 | 5 | Louisa Bingham Lee-Notes and Articles
undated |
64 | 6 | Olive Woolley Kimball-Drafts and Notes
undated |
64 | 7 | Sarah Dunkley Benson-Notes and Articles
undated |
64 | 8 | Correspondence, Publishing Agreement, and Reviews
undated |
64 | 9 | Draft
undated |
64 | 10 | Draft
undated |
65 | 1 | Notes on Abigail Howe Young
undated |
65 | 2 | Notes on John Taylor's Mother
undated |
65 | 3 | Notes on Wilford Woodruff's Mother
undated |
65 | 4 | Draft
undated |
In the Utah Tradition: A History of the Governor's Mansion
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
66 | 1 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
66 | 2 | Articles and Documents
undated |
66 | 3 | Oral History Interviews
undated |
66 | 4 | Oral History Interviews
undated |
66 | 5 | Oral History Interviews-Governors' Wives
undated |
66 | 6 | Governors of Utah
undated |
66 | 7 | Wives of Utah Governors
undated |
66 | 8 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
66 | 9 | Alfred Cumming
undated |
66 | 10 | William Spry
undated |
67 | 1 | Articles about Thomas Kearns
undated |
67 | 2 | Thomas Kearns
undated |
67 | 3 | Theodore Roosevelt
undated |
67 | 4 | Simon Bamberger
undated |
67 | 5 | Henry Blood
undated |
67 | 6 | Herbert Maw
undated |
67 | 7 | J. Bracken Lee
undated |
68 | 1 | First Rough Draft
undated |
68 | 2 | Draft
undated |
68 | 3 | Draft
undated |
68 | 4 | Draft with Eleanor Knowles' Corrections
undated |
68 | 5 | Draft
undated |
69 | 1 | Draft
undated |
69 | 2 | Draft
undated |
69 | 3 | Draft
undated |
69 | 4 | Draft
undated |
69 | 5 | Draft
undated |
69 | 6 | Final Draft
undated |
The Mormons and Their Historians
Box | Folder | ||
70 | 1 | Notes and Documents on George A. Smith
undated |
70 | 2 | George A. Smith, The Rise, Progress, and Travels of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
undated |
70 | 3 | Notes and Documents on Willard Richards
undated |
70 | 4 | Notes and Documents on Andrew L. Neff
undated |
70 | 5 | Notes and Documents on Andrew Jenson
undated |
70 | 6 | Notes and Documents on Andrew Jenson
undated |
70 | 7 | Andrew Jenson's Biographies
undated |
70 | 8 | Andrew Jenson's Biographies
undated |
70 | 9 | Andrew Jenson's Biographies
undated |
71 | 1 | Notes and Documents on Edward Tullidge
undated |
71 | 2 | Notes and Documents on Edward Tullidge
undated |
71 | 3 | Notes and Documents on Ephraim Eriksen
undated |
71 | 4 | Church Historians of the Past
undated |
71 | 5 | "Kate Field and J.H. Beadle: Manipulators of the Mormon Past"
undated |
71 | 6 | Notes and Articles on Mormon Portrayals in Literature
undated |
71 | 7 | Holdings of Rick Grunder Books
undated |
71 | 8 | Holdings of Rick Grunder Books
undated |
71 | 9 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
71 | 10 | Draft of Preface and Acknowledgments
undated |
71 | 11 | Draft and Comments
undated |
72 | 1 | Draft
undated |
72 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
72 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 6-end
undated |
72 | 4 | Draft
undated |
72 | 5 | Draft
undated |
72 | 6 | Final Draft
undated |
72 | 7 | Changes Before Submission to University of Utah Press
undated |
From Small Beginnings: A History of American Linen Supply Co. and Its Affiliates
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
73 | 1 | Company Histories
undated |
73 | 2 | Draft
undated |
73 | 3 | Draft
undated |
73 | 4 | Drafts of Chapter 10 and Epilogue
undated |
73 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
73 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 6-end
undated |
74 | 1 | Administrative History of the Book
undated |
74 | 2 | Documents
undated |
74 | 3 | Documents
undated |
74 | 4 | Documents
undated |
74 | 5 | Documents
undated |
74 | 6 | Notes and Documents for Revision
undated |
74 | 7 | Notes and Articles on Steiner Corporation
undated |
74 | 8 | Documents from Mrs. Steiner's Scrapbook
undated |
74 | 9 | Documents for Prologue or Introduction
undated |
Harold F. Silver: Western Inventor, Businessman, and Civic Leader
Box | Folder | ||
75 | 1 | Notes
undated |
75 | 2 | Notes
undated |
75 | 3 | Articles and Pictures of Inventions
undated |
75 | 4 | Harold Silver's Patents
undated |
75 | 5 | Notes, Correspondence, and Critiques
undated |
75 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
75 | 7 | Draft
undated |
75 | 8 | Draft
undated |
76 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 6-end
undated |
76 | 2 | Corrections of Barnard and Cherry Silver
undated |
76 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 1-7
undated |
76 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 8-end
undated |
76 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
76 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 6-10
undated |
76 | 7 | Draft-Chapters 11-end
undated |
76 | 8 | Administrative History of the Biography
undated |
76 | 9 | Administrative History of the Biography
undated |
77 | 1 | Draft
undated |
77 | 2 | Original Chapters
undated |
77 | 3 | Copies of Chapters
undated |
77 | 4 | Copies of Chapters
undated |
77 | 5 | Copies of Chapters
undated |
History of Idaho
Box | Folder | ||
78 | 1 | Geologic History
undated |
78 | 2 | Camas Prairie
undated |
78 | 3 | Anglo Exploration
undated |
78 | 4 | Lewis and Clark
undated |
78 | 5 | Lewis and Clark
undated |
78 | 6 | Fur Trade
undated |
78 | 7 | Emigrant Trails
undated |
78 | 8 | Oregon and California Trails
undated |
78 | 9 | Missionaries
undated |
79 | 1 | Southeastern Idaho Settlements
undated |
79 | 2 | Southeastern Idaho Settlements
undated |
79 | 3 | Bear Lake Settlements
undated |
79 | 4 | Bear Lake Settlements
undated |
79 | 5 | The Lemhi Mission
undated |
79 | 6 | Upper Snake River Mormons
undated |
79 | 7 | Oakley and Its Environs
undated |
80 | 1 | Oakley
undated |
80 | 2 | Boise
undated |
80 | 3 | Rexburg
undated |
80 | 4 | Twin Falls
undated |
80 | 5 | General Settlement History
undated |
81 | 1 | Notes on Community
undated |
81 | 2 | Notes on Community
undated |
81 | 3 | Notes on Community
undated |
81 | 4 | Notes on Community
undated |
81 | 5 | Ethnic Groups
undated |
81 | 6 | Charles Walgamott
undated |
81 | 7 | Charles Walgamott
undated |
82 | 1 | Indian Affairs
1860-1890 |
82 | 2 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 3 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 4 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 5 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 6 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 7 | Idaho Indians
undated |
82 | 8 | Sven Liljeblad, "The Idaho Indians in Transition"
undated |
82 | 9 | Robert H. Ruby and John A. Brown, A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest
undated |
83 | 1 | Creation of Idaho Territory-1863
undated |
83 | 2 | Articles on Idaho Territory-1863-1890
undated |
83 | 3 | Articles on Life in the Territory-1863-1877
undated |
83 | 4 | Articles on the Test Oath in Idaho
undated |
83 | 5 | Achieving Statehood
undated |
83 | 6 | Articles about Idaho's Statehood
undated |
83 | 7 | Idaho Governors
undated |
83 | 8 | Articles about Idaho at the Columbian Exposition-1893
undated |
83 | 9 | "Idaho at the Columbian Exposition, 1893"
undated |
83 | 10 | Railroads-Great Northern and Northern Pacific
undated |
83 | 11 | Railroads-Utah Northern Railroad
undated |
83 | 12 | Railroads-Union Pacific
undated |
83 | 13 | Railroads-Oregon Short Line
undated |
83 | 14 | Railroads-Milwaukee Road
undated |
84 | 1 | Idaho and the Spanish-American War
undated |
84 | 2 | Idaho and Woman Suffrage
undated |
84 | 3 | Early Idaho Mining
undated |
84 | 4 | Early Idaho Mining
undated |
84 | 5 | Early Idaho Mining
undated |
84 | 6 | Idaho Mining
undated |
84 | 7 | Mining-Camels in Idaho
undated |
84 | 8 | Mining-Chinese Laborers
undated |
84 | 9 | Boise Basin Mines
undated |
84 | 10 | North Idaho Mines
undated |
85 | 1 | Wood River Mines
undated |
85 | 2 | "Sagebrush and Silver: A Visitors Guide to the Comstock"
undated |
85 | 3 | Coeur d'Alene Mines-1880s
undated |
85 | 4 | Labor Strife-1899-1905
undated |
85 | 5 | Livestock Industry
undated |
85 | 6 | Agriculture-1890-1914
undated |
85 | 7 | Timber Industry
undated |
85 | 8 | Irrigation
undated |
85 | 9 | Irrigation
undated |
85 | 10 | Depression of 1893
undated |
85 | 11 | Populism
undated |
85 | 12 | Idaho-1914-1918
1914/1918 |
85 | 13 | World War I
undated |
85 | 14 | 1920s
1920s |
85 | 15 | 1920s
1920s |
86 | 1 | The Progressive Movement
undated |
86 | 2 | Ku Klux Klan in Idaho
undated |
86 | 3 | Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 4 | Notes on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 5 | Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 6 | Indians in the Civilian Conservation Corps
undated |
86 | 7 | The Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 8 | Notes and Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 9 | Notes and Articles on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
86 | 10 | Notecards on the Great Depression and the New Deal in Idaho
undated |
87 | 1 | Idaho Politics-1930-1960
undated |
87 | 2 | Idaho During World War II
undated |
87 | 3 | World War II-Donald Hausler, "History of the Japanese-American Relocation Center at Hunt, Minidoka County, Idaho"
undated |
87 | 4 | World War II-WRA Center at Minidoka
undated |
87 | 5 | Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL)
undated |
87 | 6 | INEL's 40th Anniversary Celebration
undated |
87 | 7 | Idaho's Economy-1946-1960
undated |
87 | 8 | Idaho Economic Image-1960-1965
undated |
87 | 9 | Idaho Economic Image-1966-1971
undated |
87 | 10 | Agriculture
undated |
87 | 11 | Lumber
undated |
87 | 12 | Mining
undated |
88 | 1 | Entrepreneurs-General
undated |
88 | 2 | Banks
undated |
88 | 3 | Boise Cascade
undated |
88 | 4 | Albertson's
undated |
88 | 5 | J.R. Simplot and Co
undated |
88 | 6 | Jack Simplot
undated |
88 | 7 | Ore-Ida and Heinz
undated |
88 | 8 | Idaho Power Co
undated |
88 | 9 | Morrison-Knudsen Corporation
undated |
89 | 1 | Idaho Military Bases
undated |
89 | 2 | Natural Setting of Idaho
undated |
89 | 3 | Environmental Issues
undated |
89 | 4 | National Parks and Wilderness
undated |
89 | 5 | Education
undated |
89 | 6 | Education
undated |
89 | 7 | Education-Norman Ricks, A Brief History of Ricks College (Photocopy)
undated |
89 | 8 | Art and Literature
undated |
90 | 1 | Merrill Beal and Merle Wells on Arts and Letters in Idaho
undated |
90 | 2 | Idaho Literature
undated |
90 | 3 | Idaho Literary Figures
undated |
90 | 4 | Ernest Hemingway
undated |
90 | 5 | Ezra Pound
undated |
90 | 6 | Vardis Fisher
undated |
90 | 7 | Writings of Major Sir Rose Lambert Price
undated |
90 | 8 | Writings of W.H. Dixon
undated |
90 | 9 | Writings of John Codman
undated |
90 | 10 | Writings of Charles N. Teeter
undated |
90 | 11 | Writings of Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke
undated |
90 | 12 | Writings of A.D. Richardson
undated |
90 | 13 | Idaho Historians
undated |
90 | 14 | Brochures and Pamphlets
undated |
90 | 15 | Visitor Guides
undated |
90 | 16 | Maps
undated |
91 | 1 | Newspaper Clippings
1990 April 3-October 19 |
91 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings
1990 October 20-December 31 |
91 | 3 | Newspaper Clippings
1991 January 1-December 15 |
91 | 4 | Newspaper Clippings
1991 December 18-1993 May 30 |
91 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
1993 May 30-1994 June 26 |
91 | 6 | Articles on William Borah
undated |
92 | 1 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
92 | 2 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
92 | 3 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
93 | 1 | Draft of Merle Wells, History of Idaho-Chapters 1-10
undated |
93 | 2 | Draft of Merle Wells, History of Idaho-Chapters 11-end
undated |
93 | 3 | Merle Wells, Illustrated History of Idaho-Chapters 1-25
undated |
93 | 4 | Merle Wells, Illustrated History of Idaho-Chapters 26-end
undated |
93 | 5 | Richard Etulain and Merwin Swanson, "Idaho History: A Bibliography"
undated |
93 | 6 | Kathleen Hedberg, "A Flood Cannot Happen Here: Lower Goose Creek and Reservoir"
undated |
93 | 7 | Idaho Economic Atlas
undated |
94 | History of Idaho David L. Crowder, Tales of Eastern Idaho (Photocopy)
undated | |
Folder | |||
95 | 1 | Glade F. Howell, "Early History of Malad Valley"
undated |
95 | 2 | Samuel M. Beal, The Snake River Fork Country (Photocopy)
undated |
95 | 3 | Clara Elizabeth Aldrich, "The History of Banking in Idaho"
undated |
95 | 4 | August Constantino Bolino, "An Economic History of Idaho Territory"
undated |
95 | 5 | August Constantino Bolino, "An Economic History of Idaho Territory"
undated |
95 | 6 | H.H. Bancroft, History of Idaho (Photocopy)
undated |
95 | 7 | Bates McKee, Cascadia: The Geologic Evolution of the Pacific Northwest
undated |
96 | 1 | Hiram T. French, History of Idaho-Part I
undated |
96 | 2 | Hiram T. French, History of Idaho-Part I
undated |
96 | 3 | Hiram T. French, History of Idaho-Part II
undated |
96 | 4 | David L. Crowder, Tendoy, Chief of the Lemhis
undated |
97 | 1 | Byron Defenbach, Idaho: The Place and Its People (Photocopy)
undated |
97 | 2 | Byron Defenbach, Idaho: The Place and Its People (Photocopy)
undated |
97 | 3 | Byron Defenbach, The State We Live In (Photocopy)
undated |
97 | 4 | Annie Laurie Bird, Old Fort Boise (Photocopy)
undated |
97 | 5 | Thomas Donaldson, Idaho of Yesterday (Photocopy)
undated |
97 | 6 | Thomas Donaldson, Idaho of Yesterday (Photocopy)
undated |
98 | 1 | Documents-Economics and Demography
undated |
98 | 2 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
98 | 3 | Documents and Correspondence
undated |
98 | 4 | Documents about Idaho Trips
undated |
98 | 5 | Expenses
undated |
98 | 6 | Invoices
undated |
98 | 7 | Invoices
undated |
98 | 8 | Jack Peterson's Involvement with the Book
undated |
98 | 9 | Ross Peterson's Draft of Last Chapter
undated |
98 | 10 | Photocopies of Photographs
undated |
99 | 1 | Maps
undated |
99 | 2 | Chronology
undated |
99 | 3 | Index-Vol. 1
undated |
99 | 4 | Index-Vol. 2
undated |
99 | 5 | Notes and References
undated |
99 | 6 | Bibliography
undated |
99 | 7 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
99 | 8 | Reader Comments
undated |
99 | 9 | Reader Comments
undated |
100 | 1 | Comments by Merle Wells
undated |
100 | 2 | Draft with Merle Wells' Comments
undated |
100 | 3 | Draft with Merle Wells' Comments
undated |
100 | 4 | Draft with Merle Wells' Comments
undated |
100 | 5 | Draft with Merle Wells' Comments
undated |
100 | 6 | Draft with Merle Wells' Comments
undated |
101 | 1 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 2 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 3 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 4 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 5 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 6 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
101 | 7 | Draft with Richard Etulain's Comments
undated |
102 | 1 | Draft with Judy Austin's Comments
undated |
102 | 2 | Draft with Judy Austin's Comments
undated |
102 | 3 | Draft with Judy Austin's Suggestions
undated |
102 | 4 | Draft with Judy Austin's Suggestions
undated |
102 | 5 | Draft with Judy Austin's Suggestions
undated |
102 | 6 | Draft with Judy Austin's Suggestions
undated |
102 | 7 | Draft with Judy Austin's Suggestions
undated |
103 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 1-6
undated |
103 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 7-11
undated |
103 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 12-17
undated |
103 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 18-20
undated |
103 | 5 | Draft-Volume 2 Part 1
undated |
103 | 6 | Draft-Volume 2 Part 2
undated |
103 | 7 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
104 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 6-10
undated |
104 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 11-13
undated |
104 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 14-19
undated |
104 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 20-25
undated |
104 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 26-30
undated |
104 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 31-end
undated |
105 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 5, 7-8, 11
undated |
105 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 15-20
undated |
105 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 21-25
undated |
105 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 26-29
undated |
105 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 29-31
undated |
106 | 1 | Printed Copy with Carlos Schwantes' Comments-Chapters 1-8
undated |
106 | 2 | Printed Copy with Carlos Schwantes' Comments-Chapters 9-14
undated |
106 | 3 | Printed Copy with Carlos Schwantes' Comments-Chapters 15-21
undated |
106 | 4 | Printed Copy with Carlos Schwantes' Comments-Chapters 22-27
undated |
106 | 5 | Printed Copy with Carlos Schwantes' Comments-Chapters 28-end
undated |
107 | 1 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 1-7
undated |
107 | 2 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 8-13
undated |
107 | 3 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 14-20
undated |
107 | 4 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 21-25
undated |
107 | 5 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 26-30
undated |
107 | 6 | Judy Austin Edited Final Draft-Chapters 31-end
undated |
108 | 1 | Proofs-Chapters 1-15
undated |
108 | 2 | Proofs-Chapters 16-24
undated |
108 | 3 | Proofs-Chapters 25-31
undated |
108 | 4 | Proofs-Chapters 32-end
undated |
109 | 1 | Photographs Ordered
undated |
109 | 2 | Photocopies of Photographs-Chapters 1-16
undated |
109 | 3 | Photocopies of Photographs-Chapters 17-33
undated |
109 | 4 | Photocopies of Photographs
undated |
109 | 5 | Photocopies of Photographs
undated |
109 | 6 | Photocopies of Photographs
undated |
109 | 7 | Captions for Photographs
undated |
Utah's Audacious Stockman: Charlie Redd
Box | Folder | ||
110 | 1 | Redd Genealogy Sheets
undated |
110 | 2 | Notes on Lemuel Redd
undated |
110 | 3 | Charles Redd's Parents and Siblings
undated |
110 | 4 | Notes on John C. Naegle
undated |
110 | 5 | Annaley Redd
undated |
110 | 6 | Notes on Charles Redd Children
undated |
110 | 7 | Notes and Articles about Redd's Ancestry and Childhood
undated |
110 | 8 | Redd's Missionary Journals (Photocopy)
undated |
110 | 9 | Notes on Redd's Mission to the Northwest
undated |
111 | 1 | Notes on Redd's Mission to the Northwest
undated |
111 | 2 | San Francisco in 1915
undated |
111 | 3 | Notes about Portland and Seattle
undated |
111 | 4 | Notes on Melvin J. Ballard (Mission President)
undated |
111 | 5 | Notes and Articles about Redd at BYU-1910s
1910s |
111 | 6 | Notes and Documents on Redd's Post-Mission Period-1914-1921
1914-1921 |
111 | 7 | Notes and Articles on Cattle, Cattlemen, and Cowboys
undated |
111 | 8 | Franklin Day, "The Cattle Industry of San Juan County, Utah, 1875-1900"
undated |
111 | 9 | Charles Redd and Cattle
undated |
112 | 1 | 1989 Catalog-Bull Sale
undated |
112 | 2 | Daniel K. Muhlestein, "The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Companies in San Juan, 1880-1900"
undated |
112 | 3 | Sheep
undated |
112 | 4 | Wool Industry
undated |
112 | 5 | Notes on Predators
undated |
112 | 6 | Indians and Charles Redd
undated |
112 | 7 | Uranium in Southeastern Utah
undated |
112 | 8 | Utah Power and Light Meetings
undated |
112 | 9 | La Sal Water Irrigation
undated |
112 | 10 | Howard Marshall and Richard E. Ahlborn, Buckaroos in Paradise (Photocopy)
undated |
112 | 11 | Articles and Notes on Zane Grey
undated |
112 | 12 | Notes and Articles on San Juan Country
undated |
112 | 13 | Notes and Articles on San Juan Country
undated |
113 | 1 | Essays on San Juan Country
undated |
113 | 2 | Notes on Hole in the Rock
undated |
113 | 3 | Anna Prince Redd, "Hole in the Rock"
undated |
113 | 4 | B.W. Allred
undated |
113 | 5 | J.A. Scorup
undated |
113 | 6 | F.A. Hammond
undated |
113 | 7 | Charles Redd's Bookkeepers
undated |
113 | 8 | Redd Oral Histories
undated |
113 | 9 | Redd Oral Histories
undated |
113 | 10 | Redd Oral Histories
undated |
114 | 1 | Redd Oral Histories
undated |
114 | 2 | Redd Oral Histories
undated |
114 | 3 | Oscar Jameson Oral History
undated |
114 | 4 | Fred Keller Oral History
undated |
114 | 5 | Charles Peterson Oral History
undated |
114 | 6 | Amasa Jay Redd Oral History
undated |
114 | 7 | Amy Redd Oral History
undated |
114 | 8 | Joe Redd Oral History
undated |
114 | 9 | Preston Redd Oral History
undated |
115 | 1 | Redd Ranch Information
undated |
115 | 2 | Minutes from Redd Family and Redd Ranch Meetings
undated |
115 | 3 | Published Materials Relating to Ranching
undated |
115 | 4 | Correspondence Dealing with Trips to Asia, New Zealand, and Australia
undated |
115 | 5 | Documents Dealing with Dugout Reservoir
undated |
115 | 6 | Financial Documents and Public Land Statements
undated |
115 | 7 | Miscellaneous Documents and Newspaper Clippings
undated |
115 | 8 | John Butcher Memories and Correspondence
undated |
115 | 9 | Correspondence and Documents
undated |
115 | 10 | Documents and Correspondence Regarding the Biography
undated |
115 | 11 | Documents and Correspondence Regarding the Biography
undated |
116 | 1 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
116 | 2 | Miscellaneous Documents
undated |
116 | 3 | Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
116 | 4 | Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
116 | 5 | Miscellaneous Notes and Articles
undated |
117 | 1 | Bruce Westergren's Work on the Biography
undated |
117 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 1-6
undated |
117 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 7-end
undated |
118 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 1-6
undated |
118 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 7-10
undated |
118 | 3 | Draft-Chapters 11-end
undated |
118 | 4 | Draft-Chapters 1-6
undated |
118 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 7-11
undated |
118 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 12-end
undated |
118 | 7 | Changes Made to Draft
undated |
118 | 8 | Administrative History of the Biography
undated |
Madelyn Cannon Stewart Silver
Box | Folder | ||
119 | 1 | Correspondence, Journal Entries, and Writings of Madelyn Silver
undated |
119 | 2 | Correspondence, Journal Entries, and Writings of Madelyn Silver
undated |
119 | 3 | The University Pen
1923 February |
119 | 4 | Notes and Transcripts of Interviews about Madelyn Silver
undated |
119 | 5 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
119 | 6 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
120 | 1 | Notes and Articles about Madelyn's Ancestry
undated |
120 | 2 | Notes and Articles
undated |
120 | 3 | Notes and Articles
undated |
120 | 4 | Notes and Articles
undated |
120 | 5 | Notes and Drafts of Articles about Madelyn
undated |
Adventures of a Church Historian
Box | Folder | ||
121 | 1 | Notes, Articles, and Correspondence
undated |
121 | 2 | Notes, Articles, and Correspondence
undated |
121 | 3 | Notes, Articles, and Correspondence
undated |
122 | 1 | Draft
undated |
122 | 2 | Draft with Comments by Armand Mauss
undated |
122 | 3 | Draft with Comments by Armand Mauss
undated |
122 | 4 | Draft with Comments by Sheri Dew
undated |
122 | 5 | Draft with Comments by Sheri Dew
undated |
123 | 1 | Draft-Chapters 1-6
undated |
123 | 2 | Draft-Chapters 7-12
undated |
123 | 3 | Draft
undated; 1993 |
123 | 4 | Draft
undated; 1993 |
123 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
123 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 6-9
undated |
123 | 7 | Draft-Chapters 10-end
undated |
Alta Club |
Box | Folder | ||
124 | 1 | Drafts of "Alta Club's 1983 Centennial: A Look Back"
undated |
124 | 2 | Drafts of "The Story of the Alta Club, 1975 to 1998"
undated |
124 | 3 | Howard Jorgenson's Comments
undated |
124 | 4 | Drafts of History
undated |
124 | 5 | Articles and Notes on the Alta Club
undated |
124 | 6 | Photocopies of Newsletters
undated |
124 | 7 | Minutes of Officers' Meetings
undated |
124 | 8 | Directory of Members-1996
undated |
124 | 9 | Notes and Correspondence
undated |
Untitled |
Box | Folder | ||
125 | 1 | Economic History of Cache Valley, 1856-1956-Chapters 1-2
undated |
125 | 2 | Economic History of Cache Valley, 1856-1956-Chapters 3-end
undated |
125 | 3 | A History of Salt Lake Rotary Club 24, 1911-1981
undated |
Faith and Intellect in Mormon History
Box | Folder | ||
126 | 1 | Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26 (Spring 1993)-Mormon Intellectuals
undated |
126 | 2 | Notes and Articles on Mormonism and Intellectualism for Introduction
undated |
126 | 3 | Notes on Historians and Faith
undated |
126 | 4 | Notes, Correspondence, and Articles about J. Reuben Clark, Jr
undated |
126 | 5 | Notes, Correspondence, and Articles about J. Reuben Clark, Jr
undated |
126 | 6 | Draft of "Chieko Okazaki: Educator as Humanist and Sermonizer"
undated |
126 | 7 | Draft of "Brigham Young: Practical Leader as Thinker and Visionary"
undated |
126 | 8 | Draft with Corrections by Davis Bitton
undated |
127 | 1 | Notes, Articles, and Newspaper Clippings about Lowell Bennion
undated |
127 | 2 | Notes, Articles, and Correspondence about William H. Chamberlin
undated |
127 | 3 | Articles and Newspaper Clippings about Henry Eyring
undated |
127 | 4 | Articles and Writings about and by Hugh Nibley
undated |
127 | 5 | Articles and Correspondence about Sterling McMurrin
undated |
128 | 1 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
128 | 2 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
128 | 3 | Davis Bitton's Comments
undated |
128 | 4 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
128 | 5 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
128 | 6 | Drafts of Chapters
undated |
W. W. Clyde: The Builder
Box | Folder | ||
129 | 1 | Documents Concerning Clyde's Businesses
undated |
129 | 2 | Newspaper Clippings and Articles
undated |
129 | 3 | Draft with Comments by Carol Clyde Salisbury-Chapters 1-4
undated |
129 | 4 | Draft with Comments by Carol Clyde Salisbury-Chapters 5-end
undated |
129 | 5 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
129 | 6 | Draft-Chapters 6-end
undated |
129 | 7 | Draft-Chapters 1-5
undated |
129 | 8 | Draft-Chapters 6-end
undated |
For the Perfecting of the Saints: Essays in the History of Latter-day Saint
Box | Folder | ||
130 | 1 | Writing Mormon History
undated |
130 | 2 | "For the Perfecting of the Saints: Essays in the History of Latter-day Saint Organization and Administration"-Documents and Drafts
undated |
130 | 3 | "For the Perfecting of the Saints: Essays in the History of Latter-day Saint Organization and Administration"-Drafts of Chapters
undated |
130 | 4 | "For the Perfecting of the Saints: Essays in the History of Latter-day Saint Organization and Administration"-Notes and Drafts of Chapters
undated |
130 | 5 | "For the Perfecting of the Saints: Essays in the History of Latter-day Saint Organization and Administration"-Notes and Drafts of Chapters
undated |
130 | 6 | Perkins Family History Project
undated |
"William A. Hickman: Setting the Record Straight"
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
131 | 1 | Correspondence Regarding William Hickman
undated |
131 | 2 | Articles and Notes about Hickman
undated |
131 | 3 | Articles and Notes about Hickman
undated |
131 | 4 | Articles and Notes about Hickman
undated |
131 | 5 | Articles, Notes, and Correspondence about Hickman
undated |
131 | 6 | Articles, Notes, and Correspondence about Hickman
undated |
131 | 7 | Joan Erikson, "William Adams Hickman: An Enigma in Mormon History"
undated |
131 | 8 | Draft of "William Adams Hickman: A Gentleman by the Standards of the Times"
undated |
131 | 9 | "William Adams Hickman and George Washington Hickman: The Utah Period, 1849-1893"
undated |
131 | 10 | Drafts of "William A. Hickman: Mormon Mountain Man"
undated |
131 | 11 | Drafts of "William A. Hickman: Setting the Record Straight"
undated |
131 | 12 | Copy of "William A. Hickman: Setting the Record Straight"
undated |
Speeches, Papers, and Articles |
Box | Folder | ||
132 | 1 | "Utah's Copper Industry"
undated |
132 | 2 | "Utah's Copper Industry"
undated |
132 | 3 | "The Mormon Experience in the Southwest"
undated |
132 | 4 | "The Latter-day Saint Experience in New Mexico"
undated |
132 | 5 | New Mexico Mormons
undated |
132 | 6 | "Historical Overview of Irrigation in the Snake River Valley"
undated |
132 | 7 | "Historical Overview of Irrigation in the Snake River Valley"
undated |
132 | 8 | "Achievements of Utah State University in the First Hundred Years"
undated |
132 | 9 | "Achievements of Utah State University in the First Hundred Years"
undated |
132 | 10 | "Grass Roots Entrepreneurship in the Frontier West: The Allens of Cache Valley and the Coreys and Wattises of Weber Valley"
undated |
132 | 11 | "History of the Church in Utah Valley, Utah"
undated |
132 | 12 | "History of the Church in Utah Valley, Utah"
undated |
132 | 13 | "Portrait of an Early Utah University Graduate: Alice Merrill Horne, Cultural Entrepreneur" (with Harriet Arrington)
undated |
132 | 14 | "Madelyn Stewart Silver: Twentieth Century LDS Schoolteacher, Homemaker, and Church Worker in Salt Lake City and Denver, 1901-1961"
undated |
132 | 15 | "The Mormon Utopia"
undated |
132 | 16 | "Perpetuation of a Myth: Mormon Danites in Five Western Novels" (with Rebecca Cornwall)
undated |
132 | 17 | "Men and Women of Letters Encounter Brigham Young"
undated |
132 | 18 | Foreword to Smiths by Merlo Pusey
undated |
132 | 19 | School of the Prophets and Education Speech
undated |
133 | 1 | "Camels"
undated |
133 | 2 | "Church History and Recent Forgeries: A Symposium"
undated |
133 | 3 | "Dialogue Anniversary Banquet"
undated |
133 | 4 | "Arrington Response at Festschrift Banquet"
undated |
133 | 5 | "Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year, 1987"
undated |
133 | 6 | "The Scholarly Approach to Church History"
undated |
133 | 7 | "How This Historian Has Benefitted from the Study of Rural Sociology"
undated |
133 | 8 | "The Quest for Interpretation in Local Studies"
undated |
133 | 9 | "The Mormon Family: A Historical Perspective"
undated |
133 | 10 | "The Mormon Family: A Historical Perspective"
undated |
133 | 11 | Notes and Articles Relating to "The Mormon Family"
undated |
133 | 12 | "Introduction of Carl Arrington, Sunstone Symposium"
undated |
133 | 13 | "Tribute to Jim Allen"
undated |
133 | 14 | "Nineteenth Century Southern Mormons"
undated |
133 | 15 | "The Spirit of Mormonism: The Restoration after 150 Years"
undated |
133 | 16 | "The Spirit of Mormonism"
undated |
133 | 17 | "Some Personal Impressions of Latter-day Saint History"
undated |
133 | 18 | "Latter-day Saint Men at West Point"
undated |
133 | 19 | "Reflections on Economics of Church"
undated |
133 | 20 | "The Book of Mormon as an Influence in the Life of People"
undated |
133 | 21 | "Pioneer Mormon Midwives"
undated |
134 | 1 | "Portraits of Pioneer Latter-day Saint Women"
undated |
134 | 2 | "Early Idaho Personalities"
undated |
134 | 3 | Talk for the National Range Management Society Convention-1985
undated |
134 | 4 | Talk on Brigham Young for Southern Utah State College Convocation
1983 |
134 | 5 | Delta Talk for Utah Endowment for the Humanities-1984
1984 |
134 | 6 | "Traditions"
undated |
134 | 7 | "Utah: A Land of Contrasts and Opportunity"
undated |
134 | 8 | "Utah's Pioneers Were Prospectors Too"
undated |
134 | 9 | "The Economic Role of Pioneer Mormon Women"
undated |
134 | 10 | "Martin Harris: Witness to the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon"
undated |
134 | 11 | Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook Entry-"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
undated |
134 | 12 | "Persons for All Seasons: Women in Mormon History"
undated |
134 | 13 | "Fresh Insights into the Character of Brigham Young"
undated |
134 | 14 | "The Mormon Settlement of Cassia County, Idaho, 1873-1921"
undated |
134 | 15 | "The Mormon Experience in Illinois"
undated |
134 | 16 | "Mormon Colonization of the Great Basin"
undated |
134 | 17 | "Brigham Young and the Great Basin Economy"
undated |
134 | 18 | "Utah's Emerging Metropolis: The Wasatch Front" (with George Jensen)
undated |
134 | 19 | "Sweet are the Uses of Adversity: The Story of U and I Sugar in Washington"
undated |
134 | 20 | "The U and I Sugar Company in Washington"
undated |
135 | 1 | "The Mormon Experience in Idaho"
undated |
135 | 2 | "The John Tanner Family"
undated |
135 | 3 | "History is Now-And Then: A Conversation with Leonard Arrington"
undated |
135 | 4 | "Great Basin Queendom"
undated |
135 | 5 | "The Utah War"
undated |
135 | 6 | "The Sagebrush Resurrection: New Deal Expenditures in the Western States, 1933-1939"
undated |
135 | 7 | "Horton David and Louisa Leavitt Haight"
undated |
135 | 8 | "Horton D. Haight: A Pioneer Leader in Idaho"
undated |
135 | 9 | "Memories and Traditions"
undated |
135 | 10 | "New Deal Programs and Southwestern Agriculture, 1933-39"
undated |
135 | 11 | "Of Latter-day Saint Men, Women, and Books"
undated |
135 | 12 | "Experiences of the Church's First Branch Illustrate the Early Years of LDS History" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 13 | "Latter-day Saint Sojourns in Ohio and Missouri" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 14 | "The Adventure of Migration: From England to Utah in 1851" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 15 | "In Honorable Remembrance of Thomas L. Kane, Friend of the Saints" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 16 | "Colonizing the San Juan: The Hole-in-the-Rock Expedition of 1880" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 17 | "Two Pioneers after Brigham Young" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 18 | "Another Link in the Chain of Righteousness: George F. Richards" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 19 | "Modern Mormon Women: Two Examples" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 20 | "T. Edgar Lyon: Missionary, Educator, Historian" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 21 | "The Spirit of Mormon History" Series (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 22 | "The Spirit of Mormon History" Series (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
135 | 23 | "Letter from Nicodemus"
undated |
136 | 1 | "Joseph Smith, Builder of Ideal Communities"
undated |
136 | 2 | "From Subsistence to Golden Age: Cache Valley Agriculture, 1859-1900" (with Linda Wilcox)
undated |
136 | 3 | Cache Valley Agriculture
undated |
136 | 4 | "The Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1919 in Idaho"
undated |
136 | 5 | "Coming to Terms with Mormon History: An Interview with Leonard Arrington"
undated |
136 | 6 | "Every Nation, Kindred, Tongue, and People"
undated |
136 | 7 | "The Writing of Biography"
undated |
137 | 1 | "The Looseness of Zion"
undated |
137 | 2 | "The Looseness of Zion"
undated |
137 | 3 | "The Looseness of Zion"
undated |
137 | 4 | "The Founding of the LDS Church Historical Department, 1972"-Drafts and Correspondence
undated |
137 | 5 | "The Founding of the LDS Church Historical Department, 1972"
undated |
137 | 6 | "'I Have the Grit in Me': Brigham Young, From His Private and Public Papers"
undated |
137 | 7 | Brigham City History Talk
undated |
137 | 8 | Talk on the United Order
undated |
137 | 9 | Talk on the United Order
undated |
138 | 1 | Notes for Sugar Beet Talk
undated |
138 | 2 | Notes on Sanpete Talk
undated |
138 | 3 | Mountain Meadows Article
undated |
138 | 4 | Teaching of Religion in Schools
undated |
138 | 5 | "'A Different Mode of Life': The Mormon Contribution to the Development of Agriculture in the Far West" (with Dean May)
undated |
138 | 6 | "Mormonism and the Arts: An Historical Appreciation"
undated |
138 | 7 | "Significance of the Mormon Settlement of Southern Alberta"
undated |
138 | 8 | "Significance of the Mormon Settlement of Southern Alberta"
undated |
138 | 9 | "Significance of the Mormon Settlement of Southern Alberta"
undated |
138 | 10 | "Significance of the Mormon Settlement of Southern Alberta"
undated |
138 | 11 | Articles on Brigham Young for the Research Guide to American History
undated |
139 | 1 | "From Grasshoppers and Segoes to Breaded Mountain Trout and Boiled Capon: Food in Pioneer Utah"
undated |
139 | 2 | "From Grasshoppers and Segoes to Breaded Mountain Trout and Boiled Capon: Food in Pioneer Utah"
undated |
139 | 3 | "New Deal Economic Programs in the Northern Tier States, 1933-1939" (with Don C. Reading)
undated |
139 | 4 | "New Deal Economic Programs in the Northern Tier States, 1933-1939" (with Don C. Reading)
undated |
139 | 5 | "Cliometrics-The New Economic History"
undated |
139 | 6 | "Cliometrics-The New Economic History"
undated |
140 | 1 | Three Talks Given at Economics Lecture Series at Utah State University-1982
undated |
140 | 2 | Talks Given to Cannon-Hinckley Group
undated |
140 | 3 | Talks Given to Cannon-Hinckley Group
undated |
140 | 4 | Talks Given to Cannon-Hinckley Group
undated |
140 | 5 | Talks Given to Timpanogas Club
undated |
140 | 6 | Articles Written for This People
undated |
140 | 7 | Articles Written for This People
undated |
140 | 8 | Articles Written for Church News
undated |
140 | 9 | Foreword to Differing Visions: Dissenters in Mormon History
undated |
140 | 10 |
Dictionary of American Biography Entries
undated |
141 | 1 | "The Role of the Mormon Church in the Economic Development of the Mountain West"
undated |
141 | 2 | "The Defense Industry of Utah" (with George Jensen)
undated |
141 | 3 | "The Impact of Research and Development on the Economy of Utah"
undated |
141 | 4 | "The Impact of Research and Development on the Economy of Utah"
undated |
141 | 5 | "The Impact of Research and Development on the Economy of Utah"-Administrative History
undated |
141 | 6 | "Role of the Mormon Church in the Adoption of the Deer Creek Water Project (with Wayne K. Hinton)
undated |
141 | 7 | "Water for Urban Reclamation: The Provo River Project" (with Thomas Alexander)
undated |
141 | 8 | "Water for Urban Reclamation: The Provo River Project" (with Thomas Alexander)
undated |
141 | 9 | "The 'First' Irrigation Reservoir in the United States: The Newton, Utah, Project" (with Thomas C. Anderson)
undated |
142 | 1 | "George S. Tanner: A Teaching Pioneer"
undated |
142 | 2 | "George S. Tanner: Practical-Minded Intellectual"
undated |
142 | 3 | "George S. Tanner: Practical-Minded Intellectual"
undated |
142 | 4 | "George S. Tanner: Practical-Minded Intellectual"
undated |
142 | 5 | "George S. Tanner: Practical-Minded Intellectual"
undated |
142 | 6 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
142 | 7 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
142 | 8 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
142 | 9 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
142 | 10 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
143 | 1 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
143 | 2 | "St. George Tabernacle and Temple: The Builders" (Juanita Brooks Lecture)
undated |
143 | 3 | "Handbook of Utah: Agriculture" (with George Jensen)
undated |
143 | 4 | "Handbook of Utah: Agriculture" (with George Jensen)
undated |
143 | 5 | "The Utah Press Association: One Hundred Years"
undated |
143 | 6 | Articles for The Utah Legacy
undated |
143 | 7 | Articles for Utah History Encyclopedia
undated |
143 | 8 | Articles for Encyclopedia of Mormonism
undated |
144 | 1 | Articles for Encyclopedia of Mormonism
undated |
144 | 2 |
Britannica Book of the Year-Articles on the LDS Church and Utah
undated |
144 | 3 |
Britannica Book of the Year-Articles on the LDS Church and Utah
undated |
144 | 4 |
Britannica Book of the Year-Articles on the LDS Church and Utah
undated |
144 | 5 |
Britannica Book of the Year-Articles on the LDS Church and Utah
undated |
144 | 6 |
Britannica Book of the Year-Articles on the LDS Church and Utah
undated |
144 | 7 | "Life and Labor in Chesterfield"-Notes and Documents
undated |
144 | 8 | "Life and Labor in Chesterfield"-Notes and Documents
undated |
144 | 9 | "Life and Labor in Chesterfield"-Notes and Documents
undated |
144 | 10 | Miscellaneous Articles
undated |
145 | 1 | "Intolerable Zion: The Image of Mormonism in 19th Century American Literature" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
145 | 2 | "Marriner Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
145 | 3 | "Marriner Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
145 | 4 | "Marriner Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
145 | 5 | "Marriner Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
145 | 6 | "George Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
145 | 7 | "George Eccles"-Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography
undated |
"The Price of Prejudice: The Japanese-American Relocation Center in Utah During World War II" |
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
146 | 1 | Notes and Documents
undated |
146 | 2 | Notecards
undated |
146 | 3 | Notecards
undated |
146 | 4 | Notecards
undated |
146 | 5 | Newspaper Clippings
undated |
146 | 6 | Notes and Documents
undated |
146 | 7 | Topaz Camp Papers
undated |
147 | 1 | Correspondence, Notes, and Documents
undated |
147 | 2 | Correspondence and Reviews
undated |
147 | 3 | Draft
undated |
147 | 4 | Utah's Reception of Relocated Japanese
undated |
Articles (Organized by Year and Title) |
undated; 1951-1953 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
148 | 1 | "The Deseret Telegraph: A Church-Owned Public Utility"
undated |
148 | 2 | "Brigham Young and the Transcontinental Telegraph Line"
undated |
148 | 3 | "Iron Manufacturing in Southern Utah in the Early 1880s"
undated |
148 | 4 | "The Transcontinental Railroad and Mormon Economic Policy"
undated |
148 | 5 | "The Concept of Enterprise among the Mormons in Early Utah"
undated |
148 | 6 | "Zion's Board of Trade: A Third United Order"
undated |
148 | 7 | "Property Among the Mormons"
undated |
148 | 8 | "Taming the Turbulent Sevier"
undated |
148 | 9 | "Coin and Currency in Early Utah"
undated |
148 | 10 | "The Settlement of the Brigham Young Estate, 1877-1879"
undated |
148 | 11 | "Mormon Finance and the Utah War"
undated |
148 | 12 | "The LDS Hawaiian Colony at Skull Valley"
undated |
148 | 13 | "Agricultural Price Control in Early Utah"
undated |
148 | 14 | "Trends in Mormon Economic Policy"
undated |
148 | 15 | Cache Stakehouse Vault Financial Records
undated |
148 | 16 | "The Provo Woolen Mills: Utah's First Large Manufacturing Establishment"
undated |
148 | 17 | "Life in These United States"
undated |
Articles |
1954-1957 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
149 | 1 | "How the Saints Fed the Indians"
undated |
149 | 2 | "The Mormon Tithing House: A Frontier Business Institution"
undated |
149 | 3 | "The Economic Role of Pioneer Mormon Women"
undated |
149 | 4 | "Utah's Coal Road in the Age of Unregulated Competition" and Article on the Union Pacific Railroad
undated |
149 | 5 | Cotton Mission
undated |
149 | 6 | "Taxable Income in Utah, 1862-1872"
undated |
149 | 7 | "Religion and Planning in the Great Basin, 1847-1900"
1847-1900 |
Articles |
1958-1962 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
150 | 1 | Sunday School Lessons
undated |
150 | 2 | Iron Industry
undated |
150 | 3 | "Mormon Economic Organization: A Sheaf of Illustrative Documents"
undated |
150 | 4 | Reviews
undated |
150 | 5 | "Utah and the Depression of the 1890s"
undated |
150 | 6 | "Crusade Against Theocracy: The Reminiscences of Judge Jacob Smith Boreman of Utah"
undated |
150 | 7 | "From Wilderness to Empire: The Pattern of Utah's Economic Development"
undated |
150 | 8 | "Religion and Economics in Mormon History"
undated |
150 | 9 | "From Panning Gold to Nuclear Fission: The Evolution of Idaho's Economy, 1870-1950"
undated |
Articles |
1962-1963 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
151 | 1 | "The Changing Economic Structure of the Mountain West, 1850-1950"
1850-1950 |
151 | 2 | "Utah's Spectacular Missiles Industry: Its History and Impact"
undated |
151 | 3 | "Utah's Emerging Metropolis: The Wasatch Front"
undated |
151 | 4 | "Economic Policies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1847-1962"
undated |
151 | 5 | "The Tooele Army Depot, 1942-1962"
undated |
151 | 6 | "'The Richest Hole on Earth': The History of the Bingham Copper Mine"
undated |
Articles |
1963 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
152 | 1 | Wendover Air Force Base
undated |
152 | 2 | "Camp in the Sagebrush: Camp Floyd, 1858-1861"
1858-1861 |
152 | 3 | "Comparison of Income Changes in the Western States, 1929-1960"
1929-1960 |
152 | 4 | "Anchors Aweigh in Utah: The U.S. Naval Supply Depot at Clearfield, 1942-1962"
1942-1962 |
152 | 5 | "The Significance of the Mormons in American History"
undated |
152 | 6 | "Abundance from the Earth: The Beginnings of Commericial Mining in Utah"
undated |
152 | 7 | "Paying the Tenth in Pioneer Days"
undated |
152 | 8 | Encyclopedia Articles on Utah
undated |
152 | 9 | Encyclopedia Americana Article on Utah
undated |
Articles |
1964-1965 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
153 | 1 | "Sentinels on the Desert: The Dugway Proving Ground"
undated |
153 | 2 | "Supply Hub of the West: Defense Depot Ogden"
undated |
153 | 3 | "The Commercialization of Utah's Economy: Trends and Developments from Statehood to 1910"
undated |
153 | 4 | "The Origin of the Welfare Plan of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
undated |
153 | 5 | "Cassandra in Pursuit of Clio: Or, Why Economists Become Historians"
undated |
153 | 6 | "The Utah Military Frontier, 1872-1912"
1872-1999 |
153 | 7 | "The Economic Development of Utah"
undated |
153 | 8 | "Ogden Air Materiel Area at Hill Air Force Base: Utah's Biggest Business"
undated |
153 | 9 | "Military Supply and Repair Depots"
undated |
153 | 10 | Reviews
undated |
Articles |
1965-1966 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
154 | 1 | "The U.S. Army Overlooks Salt Lake Valley: Fort Douglas, 1862-1965" (with Thomas G. Alexander)
undated |
154 | 2 | "Utah's First Line of Defense: The Utah National Guard and Camp W.G. Williams, 1926-1965" (with Thomas G. Alexander)
undated |
154 | 3 | "Cooperative Community in the North: Brigham City, Utah"
undated |
154 | 4 | "Utah's Small Arms Ammunition during World War II" (With Thomas G. Alexander)
undated |
154 | 5 | "Federally-Financed Industrial Plants Constructed in Utah during World War II" (with Anthony Cluff)
undated |
154 | 6 | "The Secularization of Mormon History and Culture"
undated |
154 | 7 | "The U and I Sugar Company in Washington"
undated |
154 | 8 | "The U and I Sugar Company in Washington"
undated |
Articles |
1966-1968 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
155 | 1 | "Western Reclamation in Three Layers: The Ogden River Project, 1934-1965" (with Lowell Dittmer)
1934-1965 |
155 | 2 | "Inland to Zion: Mormon Trade on the Colorado River, 1864-1867"
1864-1867 |
155 | 3 | "The Horn Silver Bonanza" (with Wayne K. Hinton)
undated |
155 | 4 | "The Horn Silver Bonanza" (with Wayne K. Hinton)
undated |
155 | 5 | LDS Institute History
undated |
155 | 6 | "The Intellectual Tradition of Mormon Utah"
undated |
155 | 7 | "The Intellectual Tradition of Mormon Utah"
undated |
Articles |
1968-1970 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
156 | 1 | "Arizona in the Great Depression Years"
undate |
156 | 2 | Truth and Meaning in Mormon History
undated |
156 | 3 | "The Union Pacific Railroad, the Mormon Church, and the Economic Development of Utah"
undated |
156 | 4 | "The Transcontinental Railroad and the Development of the West"
undated |
156 | 5 | "The Mormon Debt Problem of the 1890s"
undated |
156 | 6 | The Humanities-BYU Talk
undated |
156 | 7 | "Meaning of the Term Jack-Mormon"
undated |
156 | 8 | "From Apache-Hunting to Hosting America"
undated |
156 | 9 | Utahns at West Point
undated |
156 | 10 | "Willard Young: The Prophet's Son at West Point"
undated |
156 | 11 | "Western Agriculture and the New Deal"
undated |
Articles |
1970-1971 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
157 | 1 | "The New Deal in the West: A Preliminary Statistical Inquiry"
undated |
157 | 2 | "The Mormons and the Indians: A Review and Evaluation"
undated |
157 | 3 | "Women as a Force in the History of Utah"
undated |
157 | 4 | "Achievements of Latter-day Saint Women"
undated |
157 | 5 | "The Early Mormons in Fiction" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
157 | 6 | Reviews-1970-1975
1970-1975 |
157 | 7 | "The 1921 Depression in Idaho" (with Gwynn Barrett)
undated |
157 | 8 | Introduction to The Order is Love by Carol Lynn Pearson
undated |
157 | 9 | "Blessed Damozels: Women in Mormon History"
undated |
157 | 10 | "Blessed Damozels: Women in Mormon History"
undated |
157 | 11 | "Utah's Ambiguous Reception of Relocated Japanese-Americans during World War II"
undated |
157 | 12 | "Utah's Ambiguous Reception of Relocated Japanese-Americans during World War II"
undated |
157 | 13 | "First Security Bank of Idaho and the Great Depression of the 1930s" (with Gwynn Barrett)
undated |
157 | 14 | "Manipulators of the Mormon Past"
undated |
157 | 15 | "Centrifugal Tendencies in Mormon History"
undated |
Articles |
1970-1972 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
158 | 1 | "Kate Field: Victorian Dilettante and Anti-Mormon Crusader" (with Ace S. Pilkington)
undated |
158 | 2 | "Kate Field: Victorian Dilettante and Anti-Mormon Crusader" (with Ace S. Pilkington)
undated |
158 | 3 | "Community and Isolation: Some Aspects of 'Mormon Westerns'" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
158 | 4 | "Crisis in Identity: Mormon Responses in the 19th and 20th Centuries"
undated |
158 | 5 | Maps
undated |
158 | 6 | "Oliver Cowdery's Kirtland, Ohio, 'Sketch Book'"
undated |
158 | 7 | "Church Leaders in Liberty Jail"
undated |
158 | 8 | "The Human Qualities of Joseph Smith, the Prophet"
undated |
158 | 9 | Historical Materials of the Church
undated |
158 | 10 | "Church History and the Achievement of Identity"
undated |
158 | 11 | John Hyde, Jr
undated |
Articles |
1972-1973 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
159 | 1 | "The Significance of Pioneer LDS History"
undated |
159 | 2 | "How Relief Society Minutes Help Us in Writing Church History"
undated |
159 | 3 | Encyclopedia Americana Article on Salt Lake City
undated |
159 | 4 | "Achievements of Utah's Pioneering Businessmen"
undated |
159 | 5 | FFA Talk on Agriculture
1972 March 24 |
159 | 6 | "Joseph Fielding Smith: Faithful Historian"
undated |
159 | 7 | "Delights of Church History"
undated |
159 | 8 | "The Latter-day Saints in the Far West, 1847-1900" and "The Utah Church, 1847-1900"
undated |
159 | 9 | Encyclopedia Britannica Article on Utah
undated |
159 | 10 | "The Making of a Millionaire: David Eccles, Mormon Entrepreneur"
undated |
159 | 11 | "History of Boise Stake"
undated |
159 | 12 | "History of Twin Falls Ward"
undated |
159 | 13 | "History of University West Stake, Salt Lake City"
undated |
159 | 14 | "Latter-day Saint Women on the Arizona Frontier"
undated |
159 | 15 | "The Significance of the Mormons in American History"
undated |
Articles |
1973-1974 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
160 | 1 | "A Pioneer Mormon Bishop and His Ward: Edwin D. Woolley and the Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward"
undated |
160 | 2 | "A Pioneer Mormon Bishop and His Ward: Edwin D. Woolley and the Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward"
undated |
160 | 3 | "History of Bonneville Stake, Salt Lake City"
undated |
160 | 4 | "The Logan Tabernacle and Temple"
undated |
160 | 5 | "Historical Materials of Utah in LDS Church Archives"
undated |
160 | 6 | Mormonism and the Cultural Arts
undated |
160 | 7 | Mormonism and Literature
undated |
160 | 8 | "The Book of Mormon as an Influence in the Life of People"
undated |
160 | 9 | Interview by Dan L. Thrapp
undated |
160 | 10 | California and Utah Women
undated |
Articles |
1974-1975 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
161 | 1 | "All Is Well"
undated |
161 | 2 | Utah's Pioneers from the South
undated |
161 | 3 | "Joseph Smith and the Lighter View"
undated |
161 | 4 | "This is the Place"
undated |
161 | 5 | "The Mormons and the Indians"
undated |
161 | 6 | Economics and the Mormon Culture
undated |
161 | 7 | "Seven Steps to Greatness: An Overview of the History of Brigham Young University"
undated |
161 | 8 | Encyclopedia Britannica Entry on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
undated |
161 | 9 | Encyclopedia Britannica Entry on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
undated |
Articles |
1975-1976 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
162 | 1 | "Across the Great Plains"
undated |
162 | 2 | "Founding of the Lord's University"
undated |
162 | 3 | "H.L.A. Culmer-First President of Salt Lake Rotary"
undated |
162 | 4 | "Tribute to David Eccles"
undated |
162 | 5 | "The Marrow in the Bones of History: New Directions in Historical Writing"
undated |
162 | 6 | "Their Share and More: The Story of the Salt Lake Emigration Stake"
undated |
162 | 7 | "Their Share and More: The Story of the Salt Lake Emigration Stake"
undated |
162 | 8 | "The Importance of the Humanities"
undated |
162 | 9 | "Edwin D. Woolley"
undated |
162 | 10 | "Cedar City: The Building of a Community" (with Dean L. May)
undated |
162 | 11 | "Cache Valley's Bicentennial Heritage"
undated |
162 | 12 | "Cache Valley's Bicentennial Heritage"
undated |
162 | 13 | "Economic Developments in Early Utah, 1847-1869" (with Fred Gowans)
1847-1869 |
162 | 14 | Erma Hansen Burke
undated |
162 | 15 | Bessie Emerson Arrington
undated |
162 | 16 | "United States of America-Land of the Gospel's Restoration"
undated |
162 | 17 | "Agriculture and Mormonism: The Historical Perspective"
undated |
Articles |
1977 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
163 | 1 | "Historian as Entrepreneur: A Personal Essay"
undated |
163 | 2 | "The Latter-day Saints and Public Education"
undated |
163 | 3 | "The Mormon Heritage of Vardis Fisher" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
163 | 4 | "The Mormon Heritage of Vardis Fisher" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
163 | 5 | "The Mormon Heritage of Vardis Fisher" (with Jon Haupt)
undated |
163 | 6 | "The Mormons and Their Great Basin Kingdom"
undated |
163 | 7 | "The Six Pillars of Utah's Pioneer Economy"
undated |
163 | 8 | "Building a Commonwealth: The Secular Leadership of Brigham Young"
undated |
163 | 9 | "Utah and the Mormons"
undated |
163 | 10 | "Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons"
undated |
163 | 11 | Reflections on Being Church Historian
undated |
Articles |
1978-1979 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
164 | 1 | "Clothe These Bones: The Reconciliation of Faith and History"
undated |
164 | 2 | "Mormon Colonization of the Great Basin Kingdom"
undated |
164 | 3 | Western Readers Encyclopedia Articles
undated |
164 | 4 | Western Readers Encyclopedia Articles
undated |
164 | 5 | "'In Honorable Remembrance': Thomas L. Kane's Services to the Mormons"
undated |
164 | 6 | Thomas L. Kane-Three Letters to the New York Herald
undated |
164 | 7 | Richfield High School Commencement
undated |
164 | 8 | Encyclopedia Americana Article on Utah
undated |
164 | 9 | "Emma Smith: Woman of Complexity and Contrast"
undated |
164 | 10 | "Can the Family Farm Survive?"
undated |
164 | 11 | "Persons for All Seasons: Women in Mormon History"
undated |
Articles |
1979-1980 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
165 | 1 | Mission of the Historical Department
undated |
165 | 2 | "The Lessons of Church History"
undated |
165 | 3 | "The Role of the Twelve During Brigham Young's Presidency" (with Ronald K. Esplin)
undated |
165 | 4 | "The Future of Agriculture in the Rocky Mountain West"
undated |
165 | 5 | "Reflections on Keeping a Personal and Family History"
undated |
165 | 6 | "Tribute to Merrill Dee (Sam) Beal"
undated |
165 | 7 | "Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings"
undated |
165 | 8 | "Mormon Contributions to the Development of Arizona"
undated |
165 | 9 | "Remembering Utah's Industrial Achievements"
undated |
Articles |
1980 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
166 | 1 | "A Latter-day Saint Settlement of Eastern Utah"
undated |
166 | 2 | "Blessed Relief Society Sisters"
undated |
166 | 3 | "Blessed Relief Society Sisters"- 1976
1976 |
166 | 4 | Papers Given at Hawaii History Conference
undated |
166 | 5 | "Economics of Cache Valley Agriculture, 1859-1900" (with Linda Wilcox)
undated |
166 | 6 | "The Family of Brigham Young"
undated |
166 | 7 | "The Family of Brigham Young"
undated |
166 | 8 | "History of East Mill Creek Fourteenth Ward"
undated |
166 | 9 | "Across the Great Plains"
undated |
166 | 10 | "Across the Great Plains"
undated |
166 | 11 | "The Meaning of July 24 in Pioneer Utah History"
undated |
166 | 12 | "Buildings Blocks of the Kingdom, 1830-1980"
undated |
166 | 13 | "Second Generation Pioneers Founded Later Settlements" (with Davis Bitton)
undated |
Articles |
1980-1981 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
167 | 1 | "Mormon Contributions to Western Agriculture" (with Scott Kenney)
undated |
167 | 2 | "The Writing of Latter-day Saint History"
undated |
167 | 3 | "150 Years of the Restoration"
undated |
167 | 4 | "The Prayer for a Miracle"
undated |
167 | 5 | "Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies" (with Rebecca Cornwall)
undated |
167 | 6 | "Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies" (with Rebecca Cornwall)
undated |
167 | 7 | "Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies" (with Rebecca Cornwall)
undated |
167 | 8 | Brigham Young (Dean Jessee and Rebecca Cornwall)
undated |
167 | 9 | Thomas L. Kane in Iowa
undated |
167 | 10 | "A History of Salt Lake Rotary Club 24, 1911-1981"
undated |
Articles |
1982-1983 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
168 | 1 | Lectures Given at Utah State University's Economics Lecture Series
undated |
168 | 2 | Southwest Agriculture
undated |
168 | 3 | "Recalling a Twin Falls Childhood" and "The Promise of Eagle Rock: Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1863-1980"
undated |
168 | 4 | "Recalling a Twin Falls Childhood"
undated |
168 | 5 | "Historical Development of International Mormonism"
undated |
168 | 6 | "Historical Development of International Mormonism"
undated |
168 | 7 | "Historical Development of International Mormonism"
undated |
168 | 8 | "Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History"
undated |
168 | 9 | "The Quest for Interpretation in Local Studies"
undated |
168 | 10 | "Brigham Young: Colonizer, Church Leader, and Family Man"
undated |
168 | 11 | "How the West Was Won, or An Historic View of Water and Its Change in Use"
undated |
Articles |
1983-1986 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
169 | 1 | "Reflections on the Founding and Purpose of the Mormon History Association, 1965-1983"
1965-1983 |
169 | 2 | "Reflections on the Founding and Purpose of the Mormon History Association, 1965-1983"
1965-1983 |
169 | 3 | "Some Personal Impressions of Latter-day Saint History"
undated |
169 | 4 | Idaho Falls
undated |
169 | 5 | "Joseph F. Smith: From Impulsive Young Man to Patriarchal Prophet"
undated |
169 | 6 | "Traditions"
undated |
169 | 7 | "The Lehi Beet Sugar Factory"
undated |
169 | 8 | Delta Talk for Utah Endowment for the Humanities
undated |
169 | 9 | "Rural Life Among Nineteenth Century Mormons: The Woman's Experience"
undated |
169 | 10 | "Rural Life Among Nineteenth Century Mormons: The Woman's Experience"
undated |
169 | 11 | Winter Quarter Issue for BYU Studies
undated |
169 | 12 | Society for Range Management Talk
1985 |
169 | 13 | Society for Range Management Program
1985 |
169 | 14 | "Utah's Great Drought of 1934"
undated |
169 | 15 | "Utah's Great Drought of 1934"
undated |
169 | 16 | "Harold B. Lee"
undated |
Articles |
1986-1987, 1999 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
170 | 1 | "A Mormon Apostle Visits the Umatilla and Nez Perce, 1885"
undated |
170 | 2 | "A Mormon Apostle Visits the Umatilla and Nez Perce, 1885"
undated |
170 | 3 | "Mormonism and the Dream of Utopia"
undated |
170 | 4 | "Mormon Laborers on the Canadian Pacific Railroad, 1883-1886"
undated |
170 | 5 | "The Other Jack Dempsey"
undated |
170 | 6 | "Christmas Eve in Front of the Oven Door"
undated |
170 | 7 | "Why I Am a Believer"
undated |
170 | 8 | "Why I Am a Believer"
undated |
170 | 9 | "Mormon Women in 19th Century Britain"
undated |
170 | 10 | "Mormon Women in 19th Century Britain"
undated |
170 | 11 | Dialogue's Anniversary
undated |
170 | 12 | "From Subsistence to Golden Age: Cache Valley Agriculture, 1859-1900" (with Linda Wilcox)
undated |
170 | 13 | "Sketches from the Past: Manuscript Newspapers"
undated |
170 | 14 | "The Mormon Church and Nevada Gold Mines" (with Edward Leo Lyman)
undated |
Manuscript Reviews by Leonard Arrington |
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
171 | 1 | Patrick Connor (biography) by James F. Varley
1986 |
171 | 2 | Manuscript by Rex E. Lee (BYU)
1988 |
Speeches |
1959-1981 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
172 | 1 | "Report on my Fulbright to Italy"
1959 |
172 | 2 | "Cooperation Among the Mormons"
1963 |
172 | 3 | "Clio and Cassandra"
1964 |
172 | 4 | "Stages in the Economic Development of Utah and Salt Lake City"
1971 |
172 | 5 | "The Prophet Joseph Smith"
1972 |
172 | 6 | "Significance of the Mormons in American History"
1973 |
172 | 7 | "Reflections on Pioneer History"
1973 |
172 | 8 | "Portraits of Pioneer Latter-day Saint Women" |
undated |
172 | 9 | "The Many Uses of Humor" by Carl Arrington (short version)
undated |
172 | 10 | "The Many Uses of Humor" by Leonard Arrington (long version)
1974 |
172 | 11 | "Spencer Woolley Kimball"
1974 |
172 | 12 | "Brigham Young and the Gifts of the Spirit" by D. Michael Quinn
1974 |
172 | 13 | "History of Monument Park Stake, Salt Lake City"
1975 |
172 | 14 | "Cache Valley: Athens of the North"
1975 |
172 | 15 | "Reflections on Economics and the Church"
1975 |
172 | 16 | Mormon History Association Luncheon, Kirtland
1977 |
172 | 17 | "Missionaries in Church History"
undated |
172 | 18 | "Brigham Himself: An Autobiographical Recollection" by Ronald W. Walker and Ronald K. Esplin
undated |
172 | 19 | "History of the Church in the Pacific Northwest"
1977 |
172 | 20 | "Achievements of Utah Women"
1979 |
172 | 21 | "Hotel Utah: Harbinger of Harmony and Friendship"
1979 |
172 | 22 | "L.D.S. Contributions to the Agricultural Sciences"
undated |
172 | 23 | "Building Blocks of the Kingdom, 1830-1980"
1980 |
172 | 24 | "Latter-day Saint Settlement of Eastern Utah: A Story of Faith, Courage, and Tolerance"
1980 |
172 | 25 | "The Prophet Joseph Smith: The Light Within"
undated |
172 | 26 | Introduction to Utah - Rotary International Officers
undated |
172 | 27 | "Joseph Earl Arrington"
1980 |
172 | 28 | "On Writing Latter-day Saint History"
1980 |
172 | 29 | "Utah: A Land of Contrasts and Opportunity"
1981 |
Speeches |
1982-1989 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
173 | 1 | "Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History"
1982 |
173 | 2 | USU Lecture Series
1982 June-July |
173 | 3 | "N. Eldon Tanner, Man of Integrity"
undated |
173 | 4 | "Meet the Mormons"
undated |
173 | 5 | "Achievements of the 'Second Generation' of Mormon Women"
1983 |
173 | 6 | "Brigham Young: The Man"
1983 |
173 | 7 | "Pioneer Women" -Delta UEH Talk
1984 |
173 | 8 | Organ Builders of America
1984 |
173 | 9 | "Early Utah Ranching"-National Range Management Society
1985 |
173 | 10 | "Nineteenth-Century Southern Mormons"
1985 |
173 | 11 | Talk to Women Hostesses
1985 |
173 | 12 | "Advice to the Graduates"
1987 |
173 | 13 | "Mothers of the Prophets"-DUP in Mill Creek
1987 |
173 | 14 | "L.D.S. Intellectuals"
1987 |
173 | 15 | "Sketches From the Past"
undated |
173 | 16 | "Pioneer Latter-day Saint Inventors and Entrepreneurs"
1987 |
173 | 17 | "Memories, Traditions, and Achievements of Utah State University"
1988 |
173 | 18 | "Some Utahns Who Made a Difference"-History Fair
1988 |
173 | 19 | Leonard Arrington Remarks for Great Basin Kingdom Symposium Banquet
1988 |
173 | 20 | American Geography Educators, Salt Lake City
1988 |
173 | 21 | Talk on Women, Sweetheart Luncheon at the Lion House
1989 |
173 | 22 | Organization of the Church
undated |
173 | 23 | Easter Message, Sunday School in Parley's First Ward
1989 |
173 | 24 | Retirement Banquet for Charles S. Peterson, USU
1989 |
173 | 25 | "A Mormon Missionary in Portland and Seattle, 1911-1914" (Charlie Redd)
1989 |
173 | 26 | "Response to Paul Edwards"-JMHA
1989 |
173 | 27 | "The Legacy of Early Latter-Day Saint Women"
1989 |
Speeches |
1990-1998 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
174 | 1 | "Charles C. Rich"
1990 |
174 | 2 | "The Logan Tabernacle"
1991 |
174 | 3 | "Brigham Young"-BYU
1992 |
174 | 4 | "The Importance and Character of University Archives"
1992 |
174 | 5 | "The Vital Few: Historic Western Energy Entrepreneurs"
1993 |
174 | 6 | "Learning by Study and by Faith"
undated |
174 | 7 | "Life and the Love of Wisdom"
1995 |
174 | 8 | "Faith and Intellect as Partners in Mormon History"
1995 |
174 | 9 | "The Questing Spirit in Mormon History, 1880-1933"
1995 |
174 | 10 | "Three Contemporary Mormon Sister-Thinkers: Okazaki, Ulridh, and Bushman"
1995 |
174 | 11 | Funeral of LeRoy Arrington
1995 |
174 | 12 | "Faith and Intellect as Partners in Mormon History"
1995 |
174 | 13 | "A Time for Remembering"
1995 |
174 | 14 | "Young Presidents Celebration of Utah Centennial"
1996 |
174 | 15 | "Address to the Utah Humanities Council"
1996 |
174 | 16 | "Freight Train Pioneers"- for "Everyday Life in Pioneer Utah" Symposium, BYU
1997 |
174 | 17 | "Rescue of the Handcart Companies"
1997 |
174 | 18 | Utah Mining Association - in Park City
1997 September 18 |
174 | 19 | Brigham Young
1998 January 14 |
174 | 20 | Utah State Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting: on Red Butte Canyon
1998 June 13 |
174 | 21 | "Parley's Canyon Road and the Lincoln Highway"
1998 |
174 | 22 | "Pillars of my Faith"
1998 |
174 | 23 | "Ways and Means: The Organization of Tithing"
undated |
XIII. Addendum PapersReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Organizations & Publishers |
undated | ||
Box | Folder | ||
1 | 1 | Association for Mormon Letters, correspondence and newsletters |
1970-1999 |
1 | 2 | Association for Mormon Letters continued. |
undated |
1 | 3 | Birds, contains two BYU student papers from The Student Review
1989 |
1 | 4 | B.H. Roberts Society, correspondence, meeting minutes, and other |
1980-1999 |
1 | 5 | Bookcraft |
1998 |
1 | 6 | BYU Emeritus Club |
1980-1999 |
1 | 7 | BYU Hawaii, newspaper articles |
undated |
1 | 8 |
BYU Studies, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
2 | 1 | BYU Religious Studies Center newsletters |
1980-1997 |
2 | 2 | BYU- Women's Research Institute newsletters |
1980-1997 |
2 | 3 | Canadian Mormon Studies Association, founding papers, correspondence, papers, essay by the Arringtons |
undated |
2 | 4 | The Context Organization |
1990-1999 |
2 | 5 | Deseret Book, correspondence and papers |
1990-1999 |
2 | 6 |
Dialogue, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
2 | 7 | Dixie College |
undated |
3 | 1 | Ensign, correspondence |
1980-1989 |
3 | 2 | Enterprise Mentors, correspondence |
1990-1999 |
3 | 3 | Evans Award, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
3 | 4 | Evans Award, correspondence and papers (continued) |
1980-1999 |
3 | 5 |
Exponent II, correspondence and papers |
1980-1989 |
3 | 6 | Faith and Philosophy |
1990-1999 |
3 | 7 | FARMS, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
3 | 8 | Foundation for Indian Development |
undated |
3 | 9 | Genealogy |
undated |
3 | 10 | Heritage Books |
undated |
3 | 11 | Heritage Arts Foundation, St. George |
undated |
4 | 1 | Huntington Library |
undated |
4 | 2 | Idaho Historical Society |
undated |
4 | 3 | John Whitmer Historical Association |
undated |
4 | 4 | Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, meeting minutes and correspondence |
1990-1999 |
4 | 5 | Joy of Music |
undated |
4 | 6 |
Journal of Mormon History, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
4 | 7 | MESA |
1996 |
4 | 8 | Mormon Alliance |
1992-1995 |
4 | 9 | Mormonism & Science Association, correspondence |
1981-1983 |
4 | 10 | Mormon Americana |
1990-1995 |
4 | 11 | Mormon History Association, correspondence and papers |
1990s |
5 | 1 | Mormon Pacific History Association |
undated |
5 | 2 | Mormon Trails Association |
undated |
5 | 3 | Mormon Social Science Association |
undated |
5 | 4 | Mormon Women's Association |
undated |
5 | 5 | Nadauld, Stephen D |
undated |
5 | 6 | The Nauvoo Journal |
undated |
5 | 7 | OAH - Organization of American Historians |
undated |
5 | 8 | American Historical Assoc, Pacific Coast Branch, correspondence and papers |
1985-1997 |
5 | 9 | Phi Beta Kappa |
undated |
5 | 10 | Redd Center-BYU, correspondence, meeting minutes, and papers |
1999 |
6 | 1 |
Religious & American Culture
1990-1999 |
6 | 2 | Salem Foundation |
1994 |
6 | 3 | Signature Books |
undated |
6 | 4 | Society for Independent Mormon Studies, Seattle, correspondence |
1986 |
6 | 5 | Society of American Historians |
undated |
6 | 6 | Society for the Study of Mormon Theology |
1980-1989 |
6 | 7 | Society of Christian Philosophers |
undated |
6 | 8 | "Some of Our Poets," compiled from the Juvenile Instructor
undated |
6 | 9 | Sons of the American Revolution |
undated |
6 | 10 | Sons of Utah Pioneers |
undated |
6 | 11 |
Sunstone, correspondence and papers |
1990-1999 |
7 | 1 |
1995 |
7 | 2 | Twin Falls High Alumni |
undated |
7 | 3 | U of Idaho |
undated |
7 | 4 | U of Idaho Press |
undated |
7 | 5 | U of Nebraska Press |
undated |
7 | 6 | U of New Mexico Press |
undated |
7 | 7 | U of North Carolina Press, correspondence |
1980-1989 |
8 | 1 | U of Oklahoma Press, correspondence and papers |
1980-1999 |
8 | 2 | Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters |
1980-1999 |
8 | 3 | Utah Centennial History, meeting minutes and correspondence |
1980-1989 |
8 | 4 | Utah Historical Society |
undated |
8 | 5 | Utah History Fair |
undated |
8 | 6 | Utah Endowment for the Humanities, correspondence and papers |
1990-1999 |
8 | 7 | Utah Endowment for the Humanities continued |
undated |
9 | 1 | Utah State University |
undated |
9 | 2 | Utah State University Press |
undated |
9 | 3 | Utah Women's History Association, correspondence and papers |
1980-1989 |
9 | 4 | Wasatch Review International |
1992 |
9 | 5 | Wasatch Westerners |
undated |
9 | 6 | Western History Association |
undated |
9 | 7 | Wheeler Historic Farm |
undated |
Name Files, Correspondence and Papers |
1975-1997 | ||
Box | Folder | ||
10 | 1 | Tom Alexander |
undated |
10 | 2 | James Allen |
undated |
10 | 3 | Kathleen Anderson |
undated |
10 | 4 | Lavina Anderson |
undated |
10 | 5 | Valeen Avery |
undated |
10 | 6 | Will Bagley |
undated |
10 | 7 | Philip Barlow |
undated |
10 | 8 | Sherlene H. Bartholomew |
undated |
10 | 9 | Irene Bates |
undated |
10 | 10 | Maureen Ursenbach Beecher |
undated |
11 | 1 | Curt Bench |
undated |
11 | 2 | Richard Bennett |
undated |
11 | 3 | Bennetts |
undated |
11 | 4 | Gary Bergera |
undated |
11 | 5 | Davis Bitton (1957-1979) |
undated |
11 | 6 | Martha Sonntag Bradley |
undated |
11 | 7 | Newell Bringhurst |
undated |
12 | 1 | Fred Buchavan |
undated |
12 | 2 | Claudia/Richard Bushman (1970-1993) |
undated |
12 | 3 | Richard Bushman |
undated |
12 | 4 | Helen Cannon |
undated |
12 | 5 | Howard Carlisle |
undated |
12 | 6 | Stanford Cazier |
undated |
12 | 7 | Howard Christy |
undated |
12 | 8 | Lawrence Coates |
undated |
12 | 9 | Jull Mulvay Derr |
undated |
12 | 10 | David Eccles |
undated |
12 | 11 | Jessie Embry |
undated |
12 | 12 | Ron Esplin |
undated |
13 | 1 | Famous people biographies |
undated |
13 | 2 | Philo T. Farnsworth |
undated |
13 | 3 | Scott Fisher |
undated |
13 | 4 | Ken Godfrey |
undated |
13 | 5 | Richard Holzapfel |
undated |
13 | 6 | L. Dwight Israelsen |
undated |
13 | 7 | Florence Jacobsen |
undated |
13 | 8 | Richard Jensen |
undated |
13 | 9 | Roger Launius |
undated |
13 | 10 | Patty Limerick |
undated |
13 | 11 | Leo Lyman |
undated |
13 | 12 | Dennis Lythgoe |
undated |
13 | 13 | Carol Madsen |
undated |
13 | 14 | Armand Mauss |
undated |
13 | 15 | Dean May |
undated |
14 | 1 | Kahlite Mehr |
undated |
14 | 2 | Russell M. Nelson |
undated |
14 | 3 | Linda Newell |
undated |
14 | 4 | L. Jackson Newell |
undated |
14 | 5 | Lance Owens |
undated |
14 | 6 | Boyd K. Packer |
undated |
14 | 7 | Marilyn Parks |
undated |
14 | 8 | Charles S. Peterson |
undated |
14 | 9 | F. Ross Peterson |
undated |
14 | 10 | Bill Rappleye |
undated |
14 | 11 | George Reynolds |
undated |
14 | 12 | Alma Richards |
undated |
14 | 13 | Jan Shipps |
undated |
14 | 14 | Bill Smart |
undated |
14 | 15 | Heidi Swinton |
undated |
14 | 16 | Stewart Udall |
undated |
14 | 17 | Grant Underwood |
undated |
14 | 18 | Ron Walker |
undated |
14 | 19 | David Whittaker |
undated |
14 | 20 | Wm A. "Bert" Wilson |
undated |
Files and Speeches |
Box | Folder | ||
15 | 1 | Talk on History of Idaho |
undated |
15 | 2 | To be included in LJA History |
undated |
15 | 3 | Arrington family reunion |
1997 July |
15 | 4 | Red Butte Canyon |
undated |
15 | 5 | Lincoln Highway Assn |
undated |
15 | 6 | "Fifty Years Building Joseph Horne Jr.'s Pioneering Company," by Harriet Horne Arrington, drafts |
undated |
15 | 7 | "Fifty Years Building Joseph Horne Jr.'s Pioneering Company," by Harriet Horne Arrington, drafts |
undated |
15 | 8 | Henry Laub, Cache Valley Electric |
undated |
16 | 1 | Frederick P. Champ |
undated |
16 | 2 | Herschel Bullen & Businesses |
undated |
16 | 3 | E.A. Miller family of Hyrum, UT |
undated |
16 | 4 | New Cache Valley Enterprises |
undated |
16 | 5 | "Historical Development of International Mormonism," by L.J. Arrington |
1987 |
16 | 6 | Correspondence concerning Readers Encyclopedia of American West, Howard Lamar |
undated |
16 | 7 | Mountain Meadows Massacre |
undated |
16 | 8 | Fine Arts Club |
1996 |
16 | 9 | MHA in Omaha |
undated |
16 | 10 | Jubilee |
undated |
16 | 11 | Utah Humanities Talk |
undated |
17 | 1 | Mormon Trail, Groberg |
undated |
17 | 2 |
Sunstone, "Books I've Read" speech |
1996 |
17 | 3 |
Young Readers Encyclopedia
undated |
17 | 4 | Episcopal Church in Utah |
undated |
17 | 5 | Mormon History Student Assn, BYU |
1995 |
17 | 6 | Coming of Statehood |
undated |
17 | 7 | Bishops |
undated |
17 | 8 | Utah Government |
undated |
17 | 9 | Women of Southern Utah |
undated |
17 | 10 | FFA Paper |
undated |
17 | 11 | Silver Book Publication |
undated |
17 | 12 | USU Archives Talk |
undated |
17 | 13 | Ricks College talk, "The Mormon Experience in Idaho," |
1994 |
17 | 14 | Logan LDS Institute talk |
1992 |
18 | 1 | "History of the First National Bank of Logan," speech |
1992 |
18 | 2 | Salt Lake Temple |
undated |
18 | 3 |
Dialogue articles written on Great Basin Kingdom |
undated |
18 | 4 |
Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Companies, papers and correspondence concerning |
1990-1999 |
18 | 5 | Oral History Program |
undated |
18 | 6 | Olympus Stake on BYU |
undated |
18 | 7 | "The Logan Tabernacle," centennial address by Arrington |
1991 |
18 | 8 | Significance of the West Conference, Logan |
undated |
18 | 9 | American Journalism Historian's Conference |
undated |
18 | 10 | LDS Church Welfare program |
undated |
18 | 11 | Modernizing the Rural Utah Farm, USU |
1992-1993 |
18 | 12 | "The Concept of Enterprise Among the Mormons in Early Utah," by Arrington |
undated |
18 | 13 | Utah Indians: The Mailman |
undated |
18 | 14 | Atlas of Mormonism and "The Pioneer Mormon Cooperative Village," by Arrington |
undated |
18 | 15 | LJH Talks/Speeches |
undated |
18 | 16 | "Mormon Economic Idealism," by Arrington |
1968 |
18 | 17 | "The Allied Invasion of Italy," by Arrington |
1993 |
18 | 18 | Deseret Book, Christmas Book and "Christmas: An Opportunity to Serve the Lord," by Arrington |
1992 |
19 | 1 | MHA Lamoni |
1993 |
19 | 2 |
The Mormon Experience
undated |
19 | 3 | Mr. & Mrs. History, writing biography of a couple |
undated |
19 | 4 | Poetry and stories scrapbook kept by Arrington at U of North Carolina |
1938-1943 |
19 | 5 | History of LDS Women, Deseret Book |
undated |
19 | 6 | Colonization & Settlement |
undated |
19 | 7 |
Presidents of the Church, papers and correspondence concerning |
undated |
19 | 8 | Charles Redd Center 20th anniversary talk |
1991 |
19 | 9 | Crossing the plains |
undated |
19 | 10 | Tabernacle Choir speech |
1991 |
19 | 11 | Truth and meaning in Mormon history. |
undated |
19 | 12 | Western History and Literature |
undated |
19 | 13 | "The 125th Anniversay of the Organization of ZCMI," by Arrington |
1993 |
19 | 14 |
Building the City of God, correspondence concerning and royalty papers |
1990-1999 |
19 | 15 | Ensign article on Brigham Young and correspondence |
1980-1989 |
20 | 1 | Draft of "The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints," by Arrington, and correspondence concerning |
1968 |
20 | 2 |
Brigham Young: American Moses, reviews, papers, and correspondence |
undated |
20 | 3 | Papers on writing biographies |
undated |
20 | 4 | PCB annual meeting at Hawaii |
1986 |
20 | 5 | Mormon doctrine in the 19th century, chapter 14 |
undated |
20 | 6 | Mormon doctrine in the 20th century, chapter 15 |
undated |
20 | 7 | Deseret Mutual Benefit Administration |
undated |
20 | 8 | Utah mining history talks |
undated |
20 | 9 | Sunstone Symposium, Washington DC |
1995 |
21 | 1 | Brigham Young essays about and papers |
undated |
21 | 2 | Brigham copper mine |
undated |
21 | 3 | Tom Young Club |
undated |
21 | 4 | Charles Redd Talk papers |
undated |
21 | 5 | Flu Epidemic in Utah research papers and "The Influenza Epidemic of 1918-1919 in Utah," by Arrington |
1988 |
21 | 6 | J.B. Charbonneau, Sacagawea's son |
undated |
21 | 7 | Friends of U of U papers and correspondence, also "Great Basin Kingdom Revisited," by Arrington |
1992 |
21 | 8 | Submission to This People, "A Thanksgiving Time Among Idaho's Early Mormon Settlers," by Arrington |
1991 |
21 | 9 | "The Writing of Biography," by Arrington, given at Evans Award Workshop |
1992 |
22 | 1 | "The Writing of Biography," by Arrington, given at Evans Award Workshop, papers and other |
undated |
22 | 2 | Biographical studies continued |
undated |
22 | 3 | Personal & Family History Talk |
undated |
22 | 4 | "Cassandra in Pursuit of Clio: Or, Why Economists Become Historians," by Arrington |
1964 |
22 | 5 | "Church History & Recent Forgeries: A Symposium," by Arrington and papers surrounding the Mark Hoffman affair. |
undated |
22 | 6 | Amateur Historians, Journal of Mormon History
undated |
22 | 7 | "Lincoln Never Said That" |
undated |
22 | 8 |
Sunbonnet Sisters, by L.J. Arrington and S.A. Madsen |
undated |
22 | 9 | Regionalism |
undated |
22 | 10 | Church Archives, correspondence concerning usage restrictions |
undated |
22 | 11 |
Improvement Era and "Why did the Latter-day Saints Experience Persecution?" by Arrington |
1970 |
22 | 12 | DAR talk on biography |
undated |
23 | 1 | "Their Share and More: The Story of the Salt Lake Emigration Stake," by Arrington |
1976 |
23 | 2 | Psychohistory |
undated |
23 | 3 | Registers of Arrington research files |
undated |
23 | 4 | Utah's agrarian values, UEH, and "Agriculture and Mormonism: The Historical Perspective," by Arrington |
1976 |
23 | 5 | Mountain-Plains Library, Assn.-Billings |
undated |
23 | 6 | "The Questing Spirit in Mormon History, 1880-1933," Sunstone Symposium paper |
1995 |
23 | 7 | Italian Papers and Pamphlets |
undated |
23 | 8 | Log of research projects |
undated |
23 | 9 | Beehive hall of fame |
undated |
23 | 10 | Mormon social statistics |
undated |
23 | 11 | Lion House |
undated |
23 | 12 | Booksellers |
undated |
24 | 1 | "Historical Considerations on the Role of the Quorum of Twelve," by J.B. Allen |
undated |
24 | 2 | Deseret Book, rare books |
undated |
24 | 3 | Cosmic Aeroplane Books |
undated |
24 | 4 | HLT form |
undated |
24 | 5 | US presidents and Mormons |
undated |
24 | 6 | Triad Center, KSL, development |
undated |
24 | 7 | Arrington's papers on economics and agriculture |
1941 |
Arrington's Files, miscellaneous |
Box | Folder | ||
25 | 1 | Letters from friends |
undated |
25 | 2 | Letters from friends |
undated |
25 | 3 | NEH grants |
undated |
25 | 4 | JFS Institute staff correspondence and papers |
undated |
25 | 5 | Redd Center annual reports |
undated |
26 | 1 | Redd Center annual reports continued |
undated |
26 | 2 | Reviews of Mormon books |
undated |
26 | 3 | MHA in Washington DC |
1998 |
26 | 4 | Mormons in sports |
undated |
26 | 5 | Amalgamated Sugar Company |
undated |
26 | 6 | Robert Bennett |
undated |
26 | 7 | Rodney Brady |
undated |
26 | 8 | Joe Cannon |
undated |
26 | 9 | John Carmack |
undated |
26 | 10 | Harold Christensen |
undated |
26 | 11 | J. Reuben Clark, Jr |
undated |
26 | 12 | Christopher Columbus |
undated |
26 | 13 | Deseret Chair of Geol., U of U |
undated |
26 | 14 | Ken Driggs |
undated |
27 | 1 | Richard Eyre |
undated |
27 | 2 | Gary B. Hansen |
undated |
27 | 3 | Gordon B. Hinckley |
undated |
27 | 4 | Jeffery R. Holland |
undated |
27 | 5 | Norris Hundley |
undated |
27 | 6 | Howard W. Hunter (correspondence and papers) |
undated |
27 | 7 | Jon Huntsman |
undated |
27 | 8 | James Joyce |
undated |
27 | 9 | Scott Kenney |
undated |
27 | 10 | Letters of congratulation |
undated |
27 | 11 | Mike & Jaclyn Leavitt |
undated |
27 | 12 | Business History Advisory, Garth L. Mangum |
undated |
28 | 1 |
Mormons and Their Historians, drafts, papers, and other |
undated |
28 | 2 | Lance Owens |
undated |
28 | 3 | Carol Lynn Pearson |
undated |
28 | 4 | Grette Peterson |
undated |
28 | 5 | D. Michael Quinn |
undated |
28 | 6 | Bill Russell |
undated |
28 | 7 | Karl Sandberg |
undated |
29 | 1 | Conway Sonne |
undated |
29 | 2 | LeRuth Tyau |
undated |
29 | 3 | Thomas Wolfe |
undated |
29 | 4 | excommunications |
1993 September |
29 | 5 | The Creation of the Church Historical Division |
1975-1980 |
29 | 6 | Myth and religion |
undated |
29 | 7 | Indexing guide |
undated |
29 | 8 | Ricks College |
undated |
29 | 9 | RLDS Church |
undated |
30 | 1 | Social Study of Mormon life |
undated |
30 | 2 | John W. Taylor |
undated |
30 | 3 | Mormons in poetry |
undated |
30 | 4 | Lola Van Wagenen Redford |
undated |
30 | 5 | BYU file |
undated |
30 | 6 | Harriet Arrington correspondence |
1985-2010 |
30 | 7 | Harriet Arrington correspondence |
1993-2013 |
Research files by subject |
Box | Folder | ||
31 | 1 | Ida Dusenberry |
1945 |
31 | 2 | Phebe W. Woodruff |
1880-1908 |
31 | 3 | Zina D. H. Young |
1893-1988 |
31 | 4 | Young Women Leaders |
1978-1981 |
31 | 5 | LDS Women in California |
1875-1974 |
31 | 6 | University of Idaho notes on Biblical Criticism |
1925-1998 |
31 | 7 | Utah Economics |
1991 |
31 | 8 | Robert F. Smith on Book of Mormon, Etc. |
1987 |
31 | 9 | Relivious Survey |
1984-1985 |
31 | 10 | "Take to BYU" |
1985-1986 |
31 | 11 | Notebook entitled "General" |
1898-1949 |
31 | 12 | Church Historian's Library and Archives |
undated |
31 | 13 | Mormon Educators |
1904-1981 |
32 | 1 | U.C.L.A. |
1954-1967 |
32 | 2 | Legislative Bill #71 |
1978-1979 |
32 | 3 | Mormon Bibliographies |
undated |
32 | 4 | Mormon Battalion Women |
1989 |
32 | 5 | Historic LDS Women |
1858-1996 |
32 | 6 | Daughters of Mormon Battalion |
undated |
32 | 7 | Nature of Evil — Job |
1976-1984 |
32 | 8 | Stanford Women's Project |
1989 |
32 | 9 | Stanford Institute for Women |
1988-1989 |
32 | 12 | Elizabeth Ann Whitney |
1878-1908 |
33 | 1 | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney |
1881-1890 |
33 | 2 | Helen Mar Whitney Biography |
1884 |
33 | 3 | Woman Suffrage Beeton |
1904-1986 |
33 | 4-5 | Emmeline B. Wells |
1881-1993 |
33 | 7 | Eliza R. Snow |
1884-1987 |
34 | 1 | Eliza R. Snow |
1875-1985 |
34 | 2 | Hannah Sorenson |
1890-1986 |
34 | 3 | Nancy M. Tracy |
1880-1910 |
34 | 4 | Nellie Unthank |
1990 |
34 | 5 | Amy Brown Lyman — In Retrospect |
1945-1993 |
34 | 6 | Amy Brown Lyman |
1921-1978 |
34 | 7 | Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner |
1863-1982 |
34 | 9 | Index to Sutton, Centennial History of Utah |
undated |
34 | 10 | Family History Publishers |
1991-1994 |
34 | 11 | W. W. Clyde History |
1989-1999 |
34 | 12 | Clyde Genealogy Sheets |
undated |
34 | 13 | LDS Church History Encyclopedia |
1998 |
34 | 14 | Juvenile Instructor Little Folks Letters |
1897-1899 |
34 | 15 | Utah Valley College Talk |
1999 |
34 | 16 | Star Valley, Wyoming |
1975-1989 |
35 | 1 | LJ Arrington Family Reunion in 1999 |
1999 |
35 | 2 | William F. Rigby |
undated |
35 | 3 | Bullen Project |
1997 |
35 | 4 | Sunstone |
1996-1998 |
35 | 6 | Lorin Farr and Early Ogden |
undated |
35 | 7 | Barnard White |
1882-1912 |
35 | 8 | Thomas D. Dee |
undated |
35 | 9 | Nils Christian Flygare |
undated |
35 | 10 | Matthew Browning |
1923-1966 |
35 | 11 | David Eccles College of Business Talk |
1991-1997 |
35 | 12 | William H. Wright |
undated |
35 | 13 | Lester James Herrick |
undated |
35 | 14 | Sidney Stevens |
undated |
35 | 15 | D. H. Peery |
1884-1934 |
35 | 16 | William Driver |
undated |
36 | 1 | John Scowcroft and Other Scowcrofts |
1890-1951 |
36 | 2 | Chauncey W. West and Joseph A. West |
1889-1981 |
36 | 4 | Entrepreneurial Lecture |
1993-1998 |
36 | 6 | BYU Symposium, March 1998 |
1998 |
36 | 7 | Genealogy Sheets Silver |
1992-1993 |
36 | 8 | Allied Control Commission, Italy |
1998 |
36 | 10 | Entrepreneurial Lecture in Salt Lake |
1996-1998 |
36 | 11 | Scribner's American Biography |
1996 |
37 | 2 | Manuscript Chapters — Faith and Intellect in Mormon History |
1994-1995 |
37 | 3 | Preston and Jane Gaither Thomas |
1998 |
37 | 4 | Brigham Young Lessons |
1997 |
37 | 6 | Evans Biography Award |
1989-1999 |
37 | 7 | High Priest Lessons |
1996 |
38 | 1 | Ross Arrington Letters |
1991-1996 |
38 | 2-3 | Notes for Study |
1961-1980 |
38 | 6-7 | Idaho Yesterdays Article |
1986-1990 |
39 | 1-2 | Early Mormon Communitarianism |
1874-1992 |
39 | 3-4 | William Jardine Classified |
undated |
39 | 5-6 | William Jardine |
1925-1992 |
40 | 1 | William M. Jardine Nebeker |
1963 |
40 | 2-3 | "Intolerable Zion" Outline of Book |
1955-1968 |
41 | 2 | Arrington Foundation |
1982-1983 |
41 | 9 | Wayne Arrington Letters |
1975-1986 |
42 | 2-3 | Sun Valley |
1988-1989 |
43 | 1 | Notes for Talks |
1891-1980 |
43 | 2 | Religion |
1967-1973 |
43 | 3 | Parley's Ward |
1972-1988 |
43 | 4-5 | Parley's Ward Phone Books |
1972-1979 |
43 | 6-7 | Traditions |
1943-1987 |
44 | 1 | July 24 Toasts |
1880-1981 |
44 | 2-3 | Religion Essays |
1961-1977 |
44 | 4 | Religious Pamphlets |
1964-1975 |
44 | 5 | LDS Notes |
1902-1978 |
45 | 5 | Sarah B. Layton |
1900-1901 |
45 | 6 | Sarah M. Kimball |
1878-1981 |
45 | 7 | Elizabeth Howard |
1908 |
45 | 9 | Mary Bommelli Eyring |
1949 |
46 | 1-2 | Julia Farnsworth |
1893-1974 |
46 | 3 | Helen Viola Jackson Kent |
undated |
46 | 4 | Prescindia Kimball |
1883-1969 |
46 | 5 | Ida Smoot Dusenberry |
1947 |
46 | 6 | Lola Van Wagenen |
1988-1989 |
46 | 7 | Clara Stenhouse Young Agramonte |
1991 |
46 | 8 | Esther Peterson |
1996 |
46 | 9 | Alice Louise Reynolds |
1977 |
46 | 10 | Emily T. Richards |
1993 |
46 | 11 | Mignon Richmond |
1995 |
46 | 12 | Patty Sessions |
undated |
46 | 13 | Emma Smith |
1837-1997 |
47 | 1 | Emma Smith Bidamon |
1838-1978 |
47 | 2 | Maude May Babcock |
1996 |
47 | 3 | Almeda Perry Brown |
1987 |
47 | 4 | Amelia Cannon Chamberlin |
1892-1996 |
47 | 5 | Mildred Miles Dillman |
1987 |
47 | 6 | Adm. History |
1972-1989 |
47 | 7 | James Arrington |
1973-1994 |
47 | 8 | Zion's First National Bank |
1949-1990 |
48 | 1 | Utah Banks |
1873-1991 |
48 | 2 | Adventures of a Church Historian |
1972-1998 |
48 | 3 | Responses to Adventures of a Church Historian |
1998 |
48 | 4 | University of Illinois Press on Adventures |
1997-1998 |
48 | 6 | School Collections |
undated |
48 | 7 | Arrington Foundation |
1996-1998 |
48 | 8 | Readers Encyclopedia of American History |
1989-1991 |
49 | 3 | Arrington Lecture |
1995-1996 |
49 | 4 | Faith and Intellect to Bennion Study Group |
undated |
49 | 7 | American National Biography |
1906-1998 |
49 | 8 | "Three Prominent LDS Women," Sunstone Symposium |
1902-1995 |
49 | 9 | Encyclopedia of the American West |
1988-1997 |
50 | 1 | Jokes |
1969-1986 |
50 | 2 | SUP — Pioneer Magazine |
1992-1995 |
50 | 6 | Japanese-American Museum in Delta |
1997-1998 |
50 | 7 | LJA Book of Essays |
1977-1991 |
50 | 8 | Proposed Tours |
1999 |
50 | 9 | Restaurants |
1989-1996 |
50 | 10 | Book Reviews |
1982-1988 |
50 | 11 | Encyclopedia Britannica |
1994-1998 |
51 | 1-2 | Parley's Stake Monument |
1996-1997 |
51 | 3 | Essays on Women, LDS |
undated |
51 | 4-5 | Publications of Leonard Arrington |
1935-1985 |
52 | 1-2 | Possible Talks |
1935-1978 |
52 | 3 | LJA Clippings |
1935-1987 |
52 | 4 | Boulding in Religion |
1953-1993 |
53 | 4 | Haun's Mill |
1851-1983 |
53 | 6 | David Pettegrew |
1913-1969 |
53 | 7 | Zera, John Pulsipher |
1927-1980 |
53 | 8 | George D. Pyper (other Pypers) |
1924-1975 |
53 | 9 | Job Pingree |
1888-1927 |
53 | 10-11 | Orson Pratt |
1842-1973 |
Correspondence |
Box | Folder | ||
34 | 8 | Arrington Award |
1989-1999 |
36 | 3 | Charles C. Rich |
1990-1998 |
36 | 5 | Emmeline B. Wells |
1993-1998 |
37 | 1 | Faith and Intellect Hawaii Talk |
1993-1994 |
38 | 4-5 | Letters From Friends |
1980-1996 |
41 | 1 | Christmas Letters |
1966 |
41 | 4 | U.S.A.C. Letters |
1956-1957 |
41 | 5 | Christmas Cards in Italy |
1958-1959 |
41 | 6 | Insurance and Retirement Equities Fund |
1982-1987 |
41 | 7 | IRA of Leonard Arrington |
1986 |
41 | 8 | Wayne Arrington Letters |
1986-1988 |
42 | 1 | Medical |
1987-1988 |
42 | 4 | Church, Retirement, Old Articles |
1983-1989 |
42 | 5 | Savings and Investment Plan |
1978-1979 |
42 | 6 | Life Insurance Plan |
1975- 1982 |
44 | 6 | Don and Cleone |
1958-1985 |
44 | 7 | Kenneth and Doris |
1945-1992 |
44 | 8 | LeRoy and Mary |
1943-1986 |
44 | 9 | Ralph and Vergie |
1957-1991 |
45 | 1 | Ross |
1943-1980 |
45 | 2-3 | Facts about Friends |
1964-1984 |
45 | 4 | LDS Credit Union |
1983-1999 |
48 | 5 | Dr. Richard Cannon |
1995-1998 |
49 | 1-2 | Life Insurance |
1966-1986 |
49 | 5 | Guide to Mormon Writers — Arrington |
1998 |
49 | 6 | LJA Papers for Signature Books |
1989 |
50 | 3 | Mesa |
1996 |
50 | 5 | Mountain West Center, USU |
1998 |
53 | 3 | Correspondence |
1879-1985 |
53 | 5 | Ezra J. Poulsen |
1970 |
Talk or presentation transcripts |
Box | Folder | ||
32 | 10 | Women RLDS Talk |
1989 |
32 | 11 | The Legacy of Early LDS Women |
1989 |
33 | 6 | Eliza R. Snow |
undated |
35 | 5 | Christmas 1994 in Rome |
1998 |
36 | 9 | Faith and Intellect in Mormon History |
1995 |
37 | 5 | Economics at USU |
undated |
40 | 4-5 | Critchlow Lecture, Weber-Ogden Bank |
1992 |
40 | 6-7 | The Vital Few — Talk for Energy Conference |
1993 |
41 | 3 | USU Recognition Award |
1986-1988 |
45 | 8 | RLDS Talk |
1989 |
50 | 4 | Vignettes from Church History |
1995 |
52 | 5-6 | Memoirs to 1939 |
1977-1986 |
53 | 1-2 | Memoirs to 1939 |
1983-1985 |
54 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: history of Utah Territory, Indians - Karl Malone, Mormon Economic, Recent Research on Utah, the Mormons, and West, Sanpete History, Religion and Econ., "The Valley Where We Live," Significance of Pioneer History, Cannon-Hinckley 1/15/74, Joseph Smith and Emma, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith Letters, Joseph Smith Concern for Parents, Church History and Identity, United Order, Mormonism and Utopia, Joseph Fielding Smith, Joseph Smith Talk, Hyrum Smith, Historical Dept. Program, B.Y.U. Women, Church in California, Edmunds-Tucker, Mormons and the Arts, Leaders in Liberty Jail, Church History and Recent Forgery, Far East Conferences, School of Prophets, UofI Religion and Life, Repentance, Butler; God on Secular Campus, Guidelines to Happiness, Leadershipp, Obedience, Duties of Man, Proofs of God's Existence, Dead Sea Scrolls, Sects, Progress and Growth, Don't Die on Third, The Bible, My Thoughts on Religion, Conscience
undated | |
55 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: Word of Wisdom, Benjamin Franklin, Jesus, Man, Catholic, God's Relation to Us, Job, Prayer, the Family, Articles of Faith, Education, Lincoln, Religion, Liberal Mormon, Religious Quotes, Religious Poetry, Moses in Burning Bush, Self Conversion and Jesus' Temptations, Unhealthy Attitudes, Forgiveness, Love, Mature Person, Morality, Home Teaching. Sick Literature and the Church Program, Revelation, Ward Conferences, Positive Religion, Hero Stories, Definitions, Honesty, Books -Literature, Freedom, Christmas, Early Utah Ranching, Historical Dept., Cedar City, Church Finances, Money and Banking in Utah, Sugar Talk - Rotary, History of Medicine, USU Traditions, History Majors, Snake River Irrigation, Hotel Utah, Italy, Phi Alpha Theta, Cache Valley Enterprise, Phi Alpha Phi, Drouth of 1934, Church Ranches, USU Stake, Why I Don't Like Sorghum, Mormons and Indians, Twin Falls, Richfield High School, Cotton Mission, Culmer SL Rotary
undated | |
56 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: Short Talks, Waldensians, Humor Lecture, Mississippi Saints,Keep A Pitchinin, 1869 Mission of Bishops, 1877 Reorganization, Heber C. Kimball, Eliza R. Snow, Mary Fielding and Hyrum Smith, Mormonism and Literature, California Women, Joseph Smith and Humor, Changing Church, Education in Italy, LDS at West Point, Book of Mormon, Logan Hi - Humor, Rescue and Handcart Companies, Pillars of Utah's Economy - Utah Academy, Utah War, Autograph Book, Lion House, BY (Brigham Young) - Basic Talks
undated | |
57 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: Brigham Young, BY Psyche Talk Counselor, BY Classics Club, Brigham Young to Indians, A.J. Talk on BY Book, BY Quotes, BY Letters, BY Wealth, Brigham Young Profile, BY Visits Settlements, BY as Ann Landers, Brigham Young - Becky Cornwall, BY Family Talk, BY as Secular Leader, "All is Well" Pioneer Trek, Across the Plains July 24, Come Come Ye Saints, Days of '47, LJA as Historian, Utah Personalities - U Elma 1994, Pratt Parley, Adventures and Chuck Histories Talks, Great Basin Queendom, Religion and Econ. in Mormon History, Meet the Mormons, Logan LDS Institute - Cache Valley - USU, Martin Harris, Mormon Econ., Cache Valley Bicentennial, Great Basin and Mormons, Redd Lecture Intro, Hist. Emigration Stake, Clio and Cassandra
undated | |
58 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: National Purpose and Religion, Perkins - The American Way, Religion and Econ., Words and Phrases, HEH Seminar on United Order, Mormon Colonization Days of '47-1978, Faith and History, BYU Pioneer Day, Inrernational Mormonism, R + D Utah Academy, Response to Festschrift, U.P. Scholarship Winners, Women in Utah - UHS, Historic LDS Women, John D. Lee Wives, Negro Culture, Mormon Intellectuals, Idaho Personalities, Col. Kane, Church History Department Retired C.E.S., Achievement of Identity, Aaronic Priesthood, Spirit of M. History, Significance of Utah History, Historic LDS Women, 1936, Spirit of Mormonism SoCal Nov. '79, Arizona Women, N.Y. Beginnings, Jim Allen, Nevada LDS History, Welfare Plan, Temporal - Spiritual, Agr. and Econ. Develop., Rotary Occupational Talk
undated | |
59 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: The Mormons - Harvard. Ag. Scientists, Nels Anderson - Wine, Mormons in Arizona, Tanner Family, July 24 Talk Rotary, Skull Valley, The Mormon Family, Utah Industrial History, Economic Development of Utah Talk, History Fair, Utah Industrial Achievements, Delights of Church History, Religion in History - Farnham, Importance of Humanities, LDS Books, Spencer Kimball, Diaries, Price of Prejudice, Topaz, Cannon-Hinckley
undated | |
60 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: Cannon-Hinckley Continued, Temptations of Jesus, Railroad Comes to Utah, Founding of BYU, BYU History, BYU Ttraditions, 4H Club, Econ. and Church, Woolley Funeral, AAUP in Provo, Science + Religion, David Eccles, Jim Allen Retirement, Logan Historian, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas
undated | |
61 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: 5 Organizing Devices Monuments, Mother's Day, 4th of July, 24 July Celebration, American Journalism Conference - Utah + Journalism, Women in Literature, Gates - Women in Politics, Archives + Researchers, The Family, Cannon-Hinckley, Education, Utah's Pioneer Businesses, Utah Inventors, Columbus, Thanksgiving, USU Emeriti 1988, Idaho in Depression, Utah + Depression in the '30s, New Deal and the West, Utah Mining History, Mormons and Mining, History Majors BYU
undated | |
62 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: USU Memories and Traditions, Utah Economic Development, Utah and the Mormons, Advice to Grads - BYU 1987, LJA "Economic Role of Women", MHA Luncheon, Econ. Devel. Talk Rostow, Looseness of Zion, Mormon Experience in Idaho, Monument Park, Mormon Battalion, Organ Builders - Utah Introduction, Range Management Society Talk, Sig of Ms in Am Hist, The Mormons, Christmas Message UofU, Emma Smith, Women Hostesses, Women's Week BYU, Women - Dar, Women Talk - Persons for all Seasons, Daughters of Zion, Women - UEH Talk, Women - Delta, Las Vegas Women, Federation of Women and Clubs, Second Generation Mormon Women, Blessed Damozels, Great Basin Queendom
undated | |
63 | Assorted talk and note cards
Subjects include: Valentine Lunch, Women - Basic Talk, DAR on Women, Hist. Mormon Social Services, Blessed R.S. Sisters, Legacy of Early LDS Women, Mothers of Prophets, Mormon Women Las vegas, Gates - Hist. of Women, Parley's Young Adults and Women, Women in the Church, Jokes, Stories and Quotes, Stewardship and Property, Faith, Q, Ag. Econ. Club, LDS Econ. Policies, Separated Cards, K, LDS, United Order, Brigham Young, Quotes, Significance of Utah Histories, Delta Phi, USU Fac. Women's League, Logan Rotary, Price Control, Wooley - Others, By State, Mormon Seminar, Logan Lions, Notes and references on Church Welfare Plan
undated | |
Other assorted materials |
Box | Folder | ||
64 | 1 | Research papers for "The Mormon Experience," then entitled "The Roots of Modern Mormonism" |
undated |
64 | 2 | Assorted notes, drafts, unidentified fragments |
undated |
64 | 3 | Diary entry "If they don't want historical truth, what do they want?" |
1980 November 11 |
64 | 4 | Diary entry "Thinking about proposing to Harriett" |
1983 October 17 |
64 | 5 | "Dad's Big Role" remembrances written for a Christmas gift, compiled by James Wesley Arrington |
1990 |
64 | 6 | Remembrances from a few of LJA friends from the Church History Library |
2013 |
65 | 1 | Dean Brimhall Papers
The materials in this box are notes, clippings, and research from an unidentified female colleague who worked with Leonard at the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute, and given to Susan A. Madsen. The subjects deal mainly with the Church Welfare Plan.
1930-1939 |
65 | 2 | Statistical summary of expenditures |
1936 |
65 | 3 | Pamphlets, notes, references on welfare |
1936-1966 |
65 | 4 | Church Economics: Welfare Plan news clippings |
1938-1961 |
65 | 5 | Notes on the Final Statistical Report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) |
1942 |
65 | 6 | Early Mormon and Utah History: Some industry capsules, newspaper clippings |
1947 |
65 | 7 | Arrington: Economic Policies of the Church …1847-1962 |
1961 |
65 | 8 | Richard Daines paper "The Mormon Welfare Plan" |
1974 |
65 | 9 | Albert Fisher paper "Mormon Welfare Plans, Past and Present" |
circa 1976 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- African American Mormons--History--Sources.
- Beet sugar industry--West (U.S.)--History.
- Church historians--Utah--Archives.
- Defense industries--Utah--History--Sources.
- Depressions--1929--West (U.S.)--Sources.
- Economics--Utah--History--Sources.
- Equality--Religious aspects.
- Historians--Utah--Archives.
- Historians--Utah--Archives.
- Industries--Utah--History--Sources.
- Mormon Church--Finance--History--Sources.
- Mormon Church--History--Sources.
- Mormon pioneers--West (U.S.)--Biography.
- Mormon pioneers--West (U.S.)--Sources.
- Mormon women--Biography.
- Mormon women--West (U.S.)--Biography.
- Mormon women--West (U.S.)--History--Sources.
- Mormons--Biography.
- Mormons--Utah--Archives.
- Mormons--Utah--Archives.
- Mormons--Utah--Biography.
- New Deal, 1933-1939--West (U.S.)--Sources.
- Reclamation of land--Utah--History--Sources.
- United orders (Mormon Church)
- Women pioneers--West (U.S.)--Sources.
Personal Names
- Arrington, Carl Wayne, b. 1951.
- Arrington, Edna Corn, 1894-1960.
- Arrington, Grace Fort, 1914-1982.
- Arrington, James.
- Arrington, Leonard J.
- Arrington, Leonard J.--Family.
- Arrington, Noah Westley, 1889-1968.
- Bartholomew, Rebecca, 1945- From Chicken Farm to History: the life of Leonard Arrington, 1917-1977.
- Bartholomew, Rebecca, 1945- Tar heels, Hoosiers and Idahoans: a history of the Noah and Edna Arrington family to 1933.
- Chamberlain, Amelia T. Cannon.
- Clawson, Rudger, 1857-1943.
- Clyde, W. W. (Wilford Woodruff), 1889-1976.
- Eccles, David, 1849-1912.
- Farnsworth, Philo Taylor, 1906-1971.
- Gates, Susa Young, 1856-1933.
- Hess, Chloe.
- Hickman, William Adams, 1815-1883.
- Horne, Alice Merrill, 1868-1948.
- Kimball, Heber Chase, 1801-1868.
- Madsen, Susan Arrington.
- Partridge, Edward, 1833-1900.
- Redd, Charlie, 1889-1975.
- Richards, Willard, 1804-1854
- Roskelley, Richard.
- Silver, Madelyn Cannon Stewart, 1901-1961.
- Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844.
- Smith,Bathsheba Wilson, 1822-1910.
- Strong, Ezra Baldwin, 1805-1846.
- Taylor, John, 1808-1887.
- Woolley, Hyrum Smith, 1852-1936.
- Woolley, Roland Rich, 1891-1979.
- Young, Brigham, 1801-1877.
- Young, Brigham, 1801-1877. Letter books.
Corporate Names
- American Historical Association.
- Anschutz Land and Livestock Co.--Trials, litigation, etc.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Adventures of a church historian.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Alice Merrill Horne, cultural entrepreneur.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Beet sugar in the west: a history of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Brigham Young: American Moses.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Building the city of God: community and cooperation among the Mormons.
- Arrington, Leonard J. David Eccles: pioneer western industrialist.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Economic role of pioneer Mormon women.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Great Basin Kingdom.
- Arrington, Leonard J. History of First Security Bank.
- Arrington, Leonard J. History of Idaho.
- Arrington, Leonard J. In the Utah tradition: a history of the Governor's Mansion.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Latter-day Saint women on the Arizona frontier.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Mormon experience.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Place of Relief Society minutes in Church history.
- Arrington, Leonard J. Utah's audacious stockman: Charlie Redd.
- Blumell, Bruce D. (Bruce Dudley), 1943- Remember the poor: a history of welfare, 1830-1979.
- Brigham Young University. Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History.
- Chamberlain, Amelia T. Cannon. Journal of Amelia T. Cannon, 1892 Jan.-Mar.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints--History--Sources.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--Finance--History--Sources.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--Presidents--Biography.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Historical Dept.
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Historical Dept.--Records and correspondence.
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)--Utah--Records and correspondence.
- Council of the Twelve Apostles (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- First Security Bank of Utah.
- Gates, Susa Young, 1856-1933.
- Horne, Alice Merrill, 1868-1948.
- Idaho State Historical Society.
- Mormon History Association.
- Mormon History Conference (1988 : Salt Lake City, Utah)
- Relief Society (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)--History--Sources.
- Smith, Bathsheba Wilson, 1822-1910. Diary.
- Union Pacific Railroad Company--Trials, litigation, etc.
- Utah Endowment for the Humanities.
- Utah Foundation. Research report.
- Utah Governor's Mansion (Salt Lake City, Utah)
- Utah State Historical Society.
- Utah State University. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives.
- Utah State University. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives.
- Utah-Idaho Sugar Company--History.
- Western Historical Quarterly--History.
- Western History Association.