F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company Records, 1894-1959

Overview of the Collection

F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company
F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company Records
1894-1959 (inclusive)
11 containers., (7 linear feet of shelf space.), (2500 items.)
Collection Number
Cage 338
Business and financial records, including daily reports of wheat prices, tax returns, expense records, property assessments, grain orders, general ledgers cash books and other records of a flour-milling company in Cheney, Washington, with interests in real estate, farm land, rents, stocks and bonds. Company officials included F.M. Martin, C.D. Martin and Elizabeth Goerling.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company was founded in August, 1907, by Francis M. Martin (1858-1925) and J. F. Smith, with the assistance of Clarence D. Martin (1886-1955). The company was capitalized at $50,000 with 200 shares of common stock. F. M. Martin retained the controlling interest with 174 shares, Smith had twenty, C. D. Martin had one and two other investors held five shares. The founders were careful not to limit the company to operating a general grain and milling business. According to the Articles of Incorporation, the company's purpose included the ability "to buy, acquire, lease, own, control, operate, improve, sell, mortgage and convey any and all kinds of grain, mills, water power, electrical power, stocks, bonds, personal property and real estate, to borrow and loan money; and to do and perform any and all things deemed by the officers of said company as necessary in carrying out the general purposes [of the company]."

F. M. Martin was elected president and general manager and retained that position until his death in August of 1925. During the first decade of operation, the company was extremely successful. Profits were such that the company directors declared substantial dividends in the years from 1910 to 1916. In 1916 alone the dividend was $100 per share. The exception to this succession of prosperous years came in 1912 when a fire at the mill, causing over $20,000 in damage, forced the directors to defer issuing the customary dividend. The company expanded its operation in 1918 with the construction of a new and larger mill which was fortuitously completed just after the destruction by fire of the old mill.

Clarence D. Martin, son of principal founder F. M. Martin, succeeded his father as president and general manager in August, 1925. In November, 1932, C. D. Martin was elected governor of the state of Washington and, therefore, took up residence in the Governor's Mansion in Olympia. Until January, 1941, when he returned to Cheney, he left the operation of the business to his business secretary, Elizabeth Goerling, and his eldest son, William F. Martin. Early in 1943, after months of negotiation, Martin sold the mill to the National Biscuit Company for $1,000,000 cash. This was not, however, the end of the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company. The company, which retained its headquarters in Cheney, had acquired substantial real estate, business and financial interests throughout the state of Washington as well as numerous stocks and bonds. In August, 1955, C. D. Martin died and the firm passed to his three sons. The company continued in business with Elizabeth Goerling as business secretary. The last entry contained among these records of the company is for December, 1959.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The records of the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company contain financial and business records for the period 1907 to 1959. There are two series: unbound material and bound volumes. The unbound material contains daily reports of wheat prices and mill inventory for the decade of the 1920s. Income tax returns for the years 1927, 1929 and 1932 are especially interesting since they give a picture of the milling business in both the prosperous pre-Depression period and also when the Depression was at its height. A complete run of cancelled checks or check registers from December of 1941 to December of 1959 serve to document the financial dealings of the company in the 1940s and 1950s. There is no business correspondence series among the mill records. Some of that correspondence does exist, however, from the early 1930s to about 1954, included in the personal, business and political correspondence series of Clarence D. Martin Papers, 1896-1954, in the Washington State University Library. Other material in the unbound series, such as property assessments for 1920-1921 and 1925-1931, savings passbooks for January, 1943 through November, 1953, grain orders and prices, insurance forms and sample contracts, serve to enrich the financial picture of the mill.

The bound volumes include general ledgers, cash books, expense ledgers, receipt books and shipping records. The General Ledgers are the most complete financial picture of the company. They include entries dealing with apartment rents, farm rental property, accounts receivable, stocks, bonds, capital and undivided profits, capital gain and losses, insurance, expenses, taxes, dividends and interest. The General Ledger series includes volumes for the period 1923-1943 and 1949-1951, Included in the bound volume series is a ledger of dairy farm accounts and farm inventory for the years 1894 to 1901. This appears to be records of F. M. Martin's business interests prior to founding the mill. Also included in this series is a federal tax register of grain purchases of a Cheney brewery run by A. Schmid and later by J. Seible during the period January 3, 1910 to September 2, 1910.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 338, F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company Records. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The records of the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company are arranged in two major series: unbound material and bound volumes. The unbound material has been arranged in two sub-series: A) financial and wheat records; B) cancelled checks and registers. There was little discernable order to the original acquisition and therefore the processor grouped like material in chronological order, i.e., material on wheat prices and mill inventory records are placed together and then arranged chronologically within the sub-series. All dated material within the sub-series was arranged chronologically and undated material was arranged alphabetically and placed at the end of the sub-series. Cancelled checks and check registers were arranged chronologically within their own sub-series.

The bound volumes were arranged chronologically according to the earliest entry in each particular volume. Consecutive and related volumes were grouped together and then arranged according to the earliest entry within the group, i.e., cash books for April 1943- May 1945 and June 1945-August 1950 were arranged consecutively within their respective sub-series.

Together the unbound material and the bound volumes give an excellent financial picture of the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company from its founding in 1907 to late in 1959. The bulk of the records cover the period from the 1920s through the early 1950s with the most complete records from the 1940s. Prior to the 1920s the extant documentation is the Journal which includes the Articles of Incorporation, 1907-1916, and some shipping records for 1910-1913. Although the mill was sold in 1943, the Company continued its other financial interests in real estate, stocks, bonds, and outstanding loans.

Acquisition Information

The records of the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company of Cheney, Washington, were donated to the Washington State University Library in September, 1976 by Frank M. Martin of Spokane and by Mrs. Charlotte Y. Martin of Los Angeles, along with the papers of C. D. Martin.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series 1: Unbound MaterialReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Weekly Time Book
1 item.
November 1918-January 1919
1 2
2 items.
Wheat Prices and Mill Inventory
Box Folder
1 3
46 items.
December 1920-October 1921
1 4
56 items.
January 1922-January 1923
1 5
49 items.
June 1923-January 1925
1 6
13 items.
March 1925-June 1926
1 7
32 items.
May 1925-January 1926
1 8
19 items.
December 1925-April 1926
1 9
52 items.
January 1926-December 1926
1 10
19 items.
1 11
36 items.
January 1927-July 1927
1 12
53 items.
August 1927-May 1928
1 13
94 items.
December 1928-December 1929
1 14
79 items.
April 1930-December 1930
Current Wheat Prices
Box Folder
1 15
146 items.
August 20, 1919-October 9, 1923
1 16
167 items.
October 10, 1923-January 31, 1925
Box Folder
2 17
Wheat Inventory
2 items.
September 3, 1921
2 18
Wheat Inventory
37 items.
2 19
Property Assessments
98 items.
1920-1921; 1925-1931
2 20
Corporation Income Taxes
3 items.
1927; 1929; 1932
2 21
Specification and Guaranteed Analysis, Flour Bid, Sperry Flour Co.
1 item.
Spring 1935
2 22
Savings Passbooks
2 items.
January 1943-November 1953
2 23
Notebook of Grain Orders and Prices
1 item.
August 9-October 19 (n.y.)
2 24
Insurance forms
27 items.
2 25
Specifications for Fire Protection
1 item.
2 26
Standard Working Agreement for Mill (Grain contract)
23 items.
3 27
Cancelled Checks
110 items.
April 1, 1914-April 30, 1914
Check Registers
Box Folder
3 28
1 item.
December 1, 1941-April 16, 1942
3 29
1 item.
April 16, 1942-September 3, 1942
3 30
1 item.
September 3, 1942-January 13, 1943
3 31
1 item.
January 13, 1943-June 14, 1943
3 32
1 item.
June 14, 1943-May 7, 1945
3 33
1 item.
May 7, 1945-January 9, 1948
3 34
1 item.
January 9, 1948-February 28, 1951
3 35
1 item.
March 1, 1951-November 6, 1953
3 36
1 item.
November 6, 1953-December 31, 1956
Cancelled Checks
Box Folder
3 37
121 items.
January 1957-April 1957
3 38
120 items.
May 1957-August 1957
4 39
122 items.
September 1957-December 1957
4 40
114 items.
January 1958-April 1958
4 41
122 items.
May 1958-August 1958
4 42
104 items.
September 1958-December 1958
4 43
102 items.
January 1959-April 1959
4 44
107 items.
May 1959-August 1959
4 45
104 items.
September 1959-December 1959
4 46
173 items.
December 1942-February 1950
4 47
March 1950-February 1956

Series 2: Bound VolumesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Accounts (dairy)
Inventory (farm equipment and livestock)
Journal. Articles of Incorporation for F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company; Constitution and By-Laws Stockholders and Officers; Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings
August 15, 1907-August 1, 1916
Account of all materials purchased for the purpose of producing fermented liquors
January 3, 1910-September 2, 1910
Account Book
List of Insurance Policies and Companies
Grain shipping records
July 11, 1910- May 16, 1911; May 8, 1912-July 11, 1913
Sales Account Book
November 1, 1932-January 29, 1938
Daily shipping and receiving records
July 11, 1918-July 30, 1920
Account book
August 1, 1912-July 31, 1913
Ledger. Apartment rents, rents of farm land, stocks, bonds, insurance, wheat tickets, inventory, processing tax, general mill business
Ledger. Apartment rents, rents of farm land, buildings, accounts receivable, bank stock, bonds, flour sacks, interest and dividends, insurance, misc. income, purchases and sales expenses, wheat tickets, notes receivable, reserve for taxes, accounts payable
Ledger. Mill business accounts with bakeries
Ledger. Mill business accounts with bakeries; accounts with individuals
Ledger. Accounts receivable, apartment rents, rental property (farms and houses), stocks, bonds, capital and undivided provit, capital gain and loss, insurance, misc. income, expense control, notes receivable, taxes, accounts payable, wheat hedge, notes payable, dividends and interests
Apartment Rent Book. Philena Apartments, list of tenants
January 1939-December 1943
Expense Ledger. Daily, itemized entries
September 1, 1941-December 31, 1947
Wheat Prices. Daily entries
March 2,1942-January 31, 1948
Ledger. Loans outstanding by F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company (terms of loan, interest, schedule of payments); Notes Receivable
Cash Book. Daily list of income and expenses
April 1, 1943-May 30, 1945
Cash Book. Daily list of income and expenses
June 1, 1945-August 12, 1950
Receipt Book. Primarily rent receipts
August 1, 1947-October 13, 1955