Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Record Group 1: UFCW Local 81
- Record Group 2: Packinghouse Local Union 186
- Record Group 3: Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228
- Record Group 4: UFCW Local 554
- Record Group 5: UFCW Local 44
- Record Group 6: UFCW Local 1105
- Record Group 7: United Garment Workers
- Record Group 8: United Garment Workers Local 17
- Record Group 9: United Garment Workers Local 201
- Record Group 10: Temporarily Relocated Files (Open for research)
- Record Group 11: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 21 ephemera
- Names and Subjects
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 81 records, 1896-2017
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. Local 81 (Seattle, Wash.)
- Title
- United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 81 records
- Dates
- 1896-2017 (inclusive)18962017
- Quantity
- 102.5 cubic feet (121 boxes, 1 package, 1 tube, 1 vertical file)
- Collection Number
- 5694
- Summary
- Records collected and published by UFCW Local 81, earlier groups which merged into the UFCW Local 81, and UFCW Local 21
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Access to portions of the collection is restricted. Contact University of Washington Libraries Special Collections for details.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Processed with funds from the Labor Archives Fund, Labor Archives of Washington
Historical NoteReturn to Top
The Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (AMC & BW of NA), a labor union representing retail butchers and packinghouse workers, was chartered by the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1897, consolidating seven local unions in Chicago. The AMC & BW of NA was committed to craft unionism, with 56 departments representing various workers in the meat industry. Workers in each craft within a city had their own council, executive board, business agent and contract. In early 1900, nine Seattle butchers formed the Protective Union of Butchers, Local 81. This local was the first butcher trade union in Washington State, and would officially be chartered Local 81 of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America on April 2, 1900.
In the early days of the local, fines assessed to the union consumer for purchasing non-union goods and union seals worn by members were major organizing tools. The local’s first offices were housed at the Old Seattle Labor Temple on 6th and University. Early union meetings were a weekly social affair consisting of initiations, music, wine, cigars, speeches, and boxing matches between slaughterhouse and retail shop workers. By 1909, a fine was placed on members if they did not attend at least one meeting per month.
In 1902, Local 81 held its first strike in solidarity with non-union Frye-Bruhn Packinghouse workers. Although failing to organize the packinghouse, this strike set the stage for Local 81’s deep historical relationship with Packinghouse Union Local 186 (which would be formed three decades later). Local 81 and the packinghouse workers would strike again in 1917, winning some gains but again failing to organize the packinghouse. In 1904, Local 81 introduced one of its first benefits, the Amalgamated Sick and Death Benefit, which would last another 60 years. In 1906, the Amalgamated began printing celluloid Market Cards for proud display in union butcher shops.
During the 1920s, employers nationwide sought to undermine the power of organized labor by imposing the open shop under the auspices of the “American Plan”. Advocates of the plan promoted an anti-radical, anti-labor, pro-business agenda, justifying union busting and equating patriotism with unbridled capitalism. The Program’s genesis was the social context of the post-World War I United States. Many citizens felt an increased sense of nationalism in the wake of the war, and power of growing radicalism and labor strength embodied by the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Seattle General Strike of 1919 inspired a conservative backlash during the First Red Scare (1919-1921). In the context of this rightward shift, advocates of the Plan branded organized labor “un-American” and “Bolshevik”. Under this cloud, Local 81 expanded into Olympia and Bremerton and was a politically active part of the Seattle Labor Council throughout this turbulent decade. The union was strong enough to force employers to use union labor for building maintenance and repair, and to boycott goods on the Labor Council’s “unfair” list. Political tensions arose in the mid-1920s between the Washington State Federation of Labor (WSFL) and the Seattle Central Labor Council (SCLC). One of the forces impelling reconciliation between these two groups of unions was the meat cutters’ politically self-motivated re-affiliation with the WSFL. According to Dembo (1983),
Similarly, Meat Cutters Union Local No. 81 re-affiliated with the WSFL. The Meat Cutters had successfully convinced the Seattle City Council to pass a health ordinance for butcher shops and were looking for support in the expected court battles. The Meat Cutters were trying to use the ordinance to restrict Japanese meat markets whose late hours ‘gives them a chance to smuggle in bad beef,’ and had sued one of the Japanese markets for violating the ordinance, vowing to carry the case to the highest courts if necessary. This was just one of the forces impelling reconciliation between the SCLC and WSFL unions. (pp. 416-417)
After its organizing campaign and growth of over 18% in 1926 and 1927, membership in the WSFL declined in 1928. Heading into 1929, a large issue confronting the SCLC was a wave of Filipino immigration.
Throughout the 1920s, immigration from the Philippine Islands increased. While Filipino immigration was relatively small compared with past influxes of newcomers from China, Japan, Mexico, and Eastern Europe in decades past, the labor community reacted harshly. Soon, the Federal Walsh bill (SB 13900) was proposed, with the goal of repealing legislation permitting Filipinos who had served in the United States military from becoming naturalized citizens. Both the SCLC and WSFL supported this anti-immigration legislation. The Seaman’s Union immediately demanded restrictions on Filipino employment from the WSFL. Conflict surrounding Filipino immigration came to a head during the Great Depression.
While many locals participated in scapegoating Filipino workers for the economic downturn, Local 81 showed its solidarity with all workers, and refused to join other unions in their anti-Filipino crusade. When reports came in that Filipino workers at Frye, a notoriously anti-union meat packing plant with a long battle history with Local 81, had participated in a strike with other workers against intolerable working conditions, Local 81 thanked these workers, acknowledging their contribution to the labor movement in Washington State. This more progressive mentality with regard to immigration put Local 81 at odds with the general labor movement in Washington State during the 1920s and 1930s, and pushed for more enlightened policies for the future. Dembo (1983)
In 1929, Local 81 helped to establish the Washington State Council of Butchers.
Despite the rise of grocery chains and the formation of the Food Dealers Association, the union managed to gain important ground during the Great Depression. While union membership shielded workers from the worst conditions associated with the Depression somewhat, membership in SCLC-affiliated unions declined by 35.47% from 1930 to 1934 and unemployment rose by 230%. Local 81 assessed members to provide unemployment benefits to out-of-work members to ease the effects of growing unemployment during the Depression. The union also continued to organize despite an unfavorable economic climate. In a display of militancy lacking in the labor movement for a number of years, Local 81 won an important four-year struggle with the Frye Meat Packing Company, longtime-open shop packinghouse employers, successfully forming Packinghouse Union Local 186 in the mid-1930s. Local 81’s long, bitter strike to organize packinghouse workers at Frye in the midst of the Depression and in light of their previous failed organizing attempts is indicative of the militant spirit of “The Fighting 81st” during the era. Local 81 was also successful in establishing a meat inspection program, ensuring that only licensed meat cutters could work in city markets. The program eventually spread to the rest of King County and served as a tool for controlling working conditions.
While Local 81 was on strike at Frye, the United Garment Workers Local 17 (which would merge with Local 81 in 1994) fought lockouts by A.V. Love Dry Goods Company. The company’s new owners, refusing to meet union demands, chose to lock out all union employees. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected, the National Recovery Administration demanded wage and hour standards in the retail grocery industry, opening the door for Local 81 to temporarily establish an 8-hour workday.
Soon, other industries in the Puget Sound organized, representing dock workers packinghouse workers, transport workers, steel mill workers, and aircraft workers. This widespread organizing in the Puget Sound area shifted economic and political power in favor of trade unions like Local 81. World War II’s labor shortages brought female meat cutters and sausage workers into Local 81; the first female meat cutter was Francis Kennedy. Other results of the economic power shift resulting from war labor shortages included the introduction of time and a half overtime compensation and a manager’s premium.
The 1940s saw further Local 81 successes. In 1946, Local 81 became the first union local in Washington State to strike for a five-day, forty-hour workweek. After striking for just a week, they won both a five-day, forty-hour workweek and a second week of paid vacation annually. During the same year, Local 81 moved its offices into the new Labor Temple at 2800 1st Avenue. Meetings held in this space included weekly executive board meetings and bi-weekly union membership meetings. Members living within the city limits were required to attend at least one meeting per month, while those living outside Seattle were required to attend meetings at least once per quarter. Fines for missing meetings could be substituted for contributions to the Local’s blood bank. In September 1947, meat cutter Art Astmus guided the local into forming the Edison School, a union-sponsored apprenticeship school which would help the Local to define its jurisdiction and set apprenticeship and food safety standards. Later in the 1940s, Local 81 first defined its jurisdiction in its contract language as “the cutting and handling of all meat, fish, poultry, and rabbit products” to protect their bargaining unit work from being given to clerks. Female deli workers were unionized in 1950, ending Local 81 members’ prohibition from cutting and wrapping meat for self-service cases. The first female meat wrapper, Vivian Keeler, was paid on a lower scale than her male counterparts for working the same job at the same rank, a tradition that would last even after 1967’s non-discrimination contract clause. In 1955, under a newly elected slate of officers including Business Agent Freddie Frey, Assistant Business Agent Ed White and Recording Secretary Charlie Sandvidge, Local 81 established a Health & Welfare Trust and Plan with the Retail Dealers. They also joined with the national labor movement to defeat two right-to-work initiatives aimed at destroying the closed shop and undermining union power. In 1955, the Amalgamated merged with the International Fur and Leather Workers Union. The Fish Workers’ Union joined Local 81 in the 1950s, at the height of post-WWII power for the local. They were up two thousand members and won significant improvement in working conditions going into the 1960s.
Contract negotiations in fall 1959 were strong for Local 81, but they felt pressure from the weaker agreements the Retail Clerks Union was signing and increases in chain dominance and meat production technology. In 1960, the Amalgamated merged with the National Agriculture Workers Union. The 1960s saw internal tension within Local 81. Political tensions were evident in the 1962 election of Mel Roundhill to replace Ed White as Recording Secretary of the Local. Following the 1964 strike, a hotly contested election for chief executive officer resulted in a narrow victory for Conrad “Connie” Johnson over the incumbent Freddie Frey. Conrad Johnson had run many unsuccessful campaigns for office in Local 81 and was a fierce supporter of the apprenticeship program. In spite of the rise of Allied Employers, Inc. and the dominance of grocery chains during this time period, Local 81 defended and strengthened its contract. After a strike in 1964, Local 81 strengthened its contract by including company-wide seniority language and protections for the 40-hour workweek. In the same situation in 1967, Local 81 added journeyman-on-duty language to further protect its members from deteriorating working conditions under Allied Employers and grocery chains. Critical arbitrations also occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s, namely the Peck (1966) and Gillingham (1970) arbitrations which strengthened the 40 hour guaranteed workweek and foundations for seniority language, respectively. In 1968, the Amalgamated merged with the United Packinghouse Workers of America, with whom they had been participating in coordinated bargaining against national meat packing companies since 1953.
In addition to problems caused by Allied Employers and grocery chain dominance, this period presented special challenges stemming from the rising power of the Retail Clerks Union. Because of their weaker contracts, Local 81 experienced pressures to adjust work agreements to their more liberal practices, especially regarding working hours and part-time vs. full-time employment. In addition to permitting part-time employment more readily in their contract language, the Retail Clerks required store-wide rather than company-wide seniority policies. These pressures, in addition to the devastating inflation of the 1970s and movement of packinghouse work to right-to-work states, were not enough to stop Local 81 from maintaining strong contracts.
The late 1970s were burdened with inflation, employers moving labor to right-to-work states, a conservative backlash against organized labor, and hard struggle with Allied Employers consisting of a series of short, successful strikes. Under these conditions, the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America and the Retail Clerks International Union merged to become the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, the largest union affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Significantly, Local 81 was the only Amalgamated local to vote against this merger. With the Retail Clerks’ contracts effectively working against the progress of Local 81 over the past decade, it is no surprise that Local 81 members were hesitant to join their ranks. The President of the new UFCW International Union was William H. Wynn, President of the Retail Clerks Union and one of the designers of the merger.
Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980 signified the dawn of an even more conservative and anti-labor era. Local 81 suffered losses of over three hundred members in jobbing house de-certifications. Taking advantage of palpable tensions between the meat cutters and retail clerks, employers settled negotiations with the clerks and attacked Local 81’s meat cutter contract. The resultant 1983 strike at Lucky Stores resulted in widespread lockouts at other Allied Employers companies and 71 bitter days on the picket line for Local 81 members. Lucky members were forced to return to work under threats of permanent replacement. The local came away from this strike demoralized, having lost their cost-of-living escalation clause, reductions in Sunday and holiday premiums and a smaller pension contribution rate than the retail clerks received. Beneficial meat production restrictions were lifted, and the meat cutters’ health plan was merged with the weaker retail clerks’ plan. Strike expenses nearly depleted Local 81’s assets.
In contrast, the UFCW International grew aggressively during the 1980s. They merged with the Barbers, Beauticians and Allied Industries International Association in 1980, the United Retail Workers Union in 1981, the Insurance Workers International Union in 1983, organized 136,000 workers between 1984 and 1985, the Canadian Brewery Workers Union in 1986, organized another 81,000 workers in 1986, almost 100,000 in 1987, and over 100,000 in 1988.
The grocery strike of 1989 yielded much better results for Local 81 than the strike at Lucky six years earlier; they altered their strategy to coordinate bargaining with other Puget Sound locals, teaming up against employers. In May, a strike at Food Giant resulted in lockouts in other King County Allied stores. Local 81 held their ground, and the strike lasted 81 days. In the end, Local 81 kept their Sunday wage increases, increased pension contributions, increased wages, and improved health and welfare benefits. The immense public support for Local 81’s picket lines sent a clear message to employers and ushered in a time of relative peace for labor unions during the 1990s.
After the 1989 strike, Local 81 President Anthony Abeyta led the Local to invest its hard-won surpluses successfully, allowing the local to purchase its own office space in Auburn. In 1992, 1995, and 1998, early contract settlements were reached by the Local with significant improvements to health and welfare benefits. In 1998, an early retirement program was put in place allowing members with 30 years of experience to retire with full benefits at age 55. In 1998, under the new leadership of President Michael Williams, Local 81 merged with the packinghouse union representing workers in the Associated Grocers centralized meat cutting plant in Tukwila, UFCW Local 554. Local 81 also took over contracts representing workers at the Safeway and Associated Grocers warehouses, Draper Valley Poultry, Lennons Casing Plant, Turner & Pease, and newly-merged garment factories Item House and C.C. Filson, Co. In 1999, a full-time organizer came on board to expand Local 81 in the discount grocery, food processing, and textile industries. Threats from the discount grocery industry and centralized meat cutting and prepackaging practices were addressed, and continued to be an important issue after the year 2000.
In 2003, 80,000 UFCW members nationally went on strike to protect their wages and benefits. In 2004, President Dority retired and the International Executive Board appointed the third International President of the UFCW, Joseph T. Hansen. In 2005, along with the Teamsters, SEIU, UNITE-HERE, Laborers, and the United Farm Workers and Carpenters, the UFCW left the AFL-CIO to form the Change to Win Federation. On August 8, 2013, the UFCW International re-affiliated with the AFL-CIO in a statement from its President, Joe Hansen.
On April 1, 2012, UFCW Local 81 merged into UFCW Local 21.
Centennial celebration: Official program. Seattle, WA: Steve Conway.
Dembo, J. (1983). Unions and politics in Washington state: 1885-1935. New York: Garland Pub.
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 81 Records. (2000).
Local 81 Presidents
- William Warren 1900-1908
- Joe Hofmann 1909-1944
- Harry Hansen 1945-1949
- Al Jussett 1950-1954
- Fred Frey 1954-1964
- Konrad Johnson 1965-1975
- Sid Casey 1976-1984
- Esther Baxter 1985-1987
- Anthony Abeyta 1988-1999
- Michael Williams 2000-2012
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The United Food and Commercial Workers Local 81 Records includes records created and collected by the UFCW Local 81 (previously the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Local 81), as well as records created and collected by organizations that have merged with this local over the years. The collection is divided into 10 Record Groups based on the creating or collecting organization, with a Temporary Record Group at the end for previously restricted-access files only.
Record Group 1 contains records created and collected by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 81 (previously the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Local 81). The Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on general organizational activity. The scope of Record Subgroup A is claims, arbitrations, and grievances. This subgroup is broken down into Parts based on specific record types, which are arranged alphabetically as follows: Arbitration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Complaints, Grievances (which did not lead to arbitrations), Human Rights Commission Complaints, Labor and Industries Claims, Legal Documents, and National Labor Relations Board Charges. These Parts are further subdivided into Series determined by the creating or collecting officer or committee. Series are organized hierarchically by rank, and then chronologically from most recent to least recent. Each series is further subdivided into Subseries based on Employer. Subseries are arranged alphabetically. Files within subseries are arranged chronologically from earliest to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is financial records, divided into Parts based on specific record types, which are arranged alphabetically as follows: Employer Audit, Member Dues, Financial (general records, ledgers, statements, administration records for financial operations, and budgets), Store Closures, Store Sales, and Union Mergers. These Parts are Subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroup A. The scope of Record Subgroup C is contract administration, divided into Parts based on specific record types, arranged alphabetically as follows: Apprenticeship, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Contract Negotiations, Field Notes (including union staff route sheets, reports, notes on personnel issues, contract enforcement, and personal records of other elements of their work), Insurance, Job Injury, Policy (employer work policies), Seniority, Steward, Strike, Union Policy, and Work Issues (which were not brought to the grievance level). These Parts are Subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A and B. The scope of Record Subgroup D is interpersonal activities and public engagement, divided into Parts based on specific record types, arranged alphabetically as follows: Conferences and Conventions, Correspondence, Elections (union elections), Minutes, Organizing, Political, Press, Publication, Union Social Events, and Training. These Parts are subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A-C. The scope of Record Subgroup E is union office administrative files, divided into Parts based on specific record type arranged alphabetically as follows: Personal Papers, Reference Files, and Union Personnel. These Parts are subdivided, as applicable, into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A-D. The scope of Record Subgroup F is physical Artifacts, which are divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically if items are dated. Undated items are arranged at the end in original order.
Record Group 2 contains records created and collected by Packinghouse Local Union 186. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type. The scope of Record Subgroup A is financial documents. Files within this subgroup are arranged chronologically. The scope of Record Subgroup B is minutes. This subgroup is further divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Within each part, files are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup C is physical Artifacts. This Subgroup contains one item.
Record Group 3 contains records created and collected by Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type. The scope of Record Subgroup A is minutes, which are arranged chronologically. The scope of Record Subgroup B is financial documents, which are further divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer, organized hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Records within each Part are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Group 4 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 554. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type or groups of record types. The scope of Record Subgroup A is arbitration. This subgroup is further subdivided into parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. These Parts are further subdivided into Series based on employer. Series are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is grievances. This Record Subgroup is further divided into Parts based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each Part are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup C is Legal Documents. Record Subgroup C contains only one file. The scope of Record Subgroup D is Employer Audit. This Record Subgroup also contains only one file. The scope of Record Subgroup E is member dues. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup F is financial documents. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup G is union mergers. This subgroup contains only one item. The scope of Record Subgroup H is contract administration. This Subgroup is divided into parts based on specific record type arranged alphabetically as follows: collective bargaining agreements, contract negotiations, job injuries, policy (employer workplace policies), strike, and work issues (not taken to the grievance level). As applicable, these parts are further divided into series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup I is interpersonal activities and public engagement. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically as follows: correspondence, elections (union elections), and minutes. As applicable, these parts are further divided into series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup J is union office administrative files. These are subdivided into Parts based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically as follows: Personal Papers, Reference Files. Files within these Parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup K is physical artifacts. Items are arranged chronologically when dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Record Group 5 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 44. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically. The scope of Record Subgroup A is arbitration. This Subgroup is divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically and then chronologically from most to least recent. These Parts are divided into Series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is grievances. This Record Subgroup contains only one file. The scope of Record Subgroup C is work issues. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Record Group 6 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1105. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record types. The scope of Record Subgroup A is collective bargaining agreements. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these Parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is contract negotiations. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Record Group 7 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type. The scope of Record Subgroup A is financial documents. This Record Subgroup contains only one file. The scope of Record Subgroup B is collective bargaining agreements. This Record Subgroup contains only one file. The scope of Record Subgroup C is organizing. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup D is reference files. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup E is physical artifacts. Because all files in this Record Subgroup are undated, they have been left in their original order.
Record Group 8 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers Local 17. This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on record type groups or specific record types. The scope of Record Subgroup A is grievances. Files within this Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is financial documents. This Record Subgroup is further divided into parts. Part 1, containing Member Dues, contains only one file. Part 2, financial documents, contains files arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup C is contract administration. This Record Subgroup is divided into Parts based on specific record type, and arranged alphabetically as follows: Contract Negotiations, Insurance, and Work Issues. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup D is interpersonal activities and public engagement. This Record Subgroup is divided into Parts arranged alphabetically as follows: Correspondence and Minutes. These Parts are divided into Series based on creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup E is reference files. This Record Subgroup contains only one item. The scope of Record Subgroup F is physical artifacts. Items are arranged chronologically when dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Record Group 9 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers Local 201. These records are divided into subgroups based on specific record type. The scope of Record Subgroup A is member dues. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup B is financial documents. This Record Subgroup is divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup C is minutes. creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent. The scope of Record Subgroup D is physical artifacts. Items are arranged chronologically when dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Record Group 10 contains Temporarily Restricted Files which have been removed from Record Groups 1-9 due to access restrictions. Files in boxes 91-112 have been kept in their original order, with box/folder numbers corresponding to their places within boxes 1-90. These files will be re-integrated into the collection in 2017 when the restriction on their access is lifted.
Record Group 11 contains newsletters and ephemera related to UFCW’s organizing campaigns among grocery store workers and healthcare workers in the 2010s. Materials include banners, newsletters, and yard signs.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The collection is arranged into ten record groups. Record groups 1-9 are based on the creating or collecting organization. Record group 10 is a temporary record group originally created for restricted files, which will be merged back into the collection and are now unrestricted.
Record Group 1: United Food and Commercial Workers Local 81: Records collected and published by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 81 between 1896 and 2012.
Record Group 2: Packinghouse Local 186: Records collected and published by Packinghouse Local 186 between 1900 and 1984.
Record Group 3: Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228: Records collected and published by Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228 between 1937 and 1949.
Record Group 4: United Food and Commercial Workers Local 554: Records collected and published by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 554 between 1910 and 1999.
Record Group 5: United Food and Commercial Workers Local 44: Records collected and published by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 44 between 1986 and 2001.
Record Group 6: United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1105: Records collected and published by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1105 between 1980 and 2001.
Record Group 7: United Garment Workers: Records collected and published by United Garment Workers between 1936 and 1999.
Record Group 8: United Garment Workers Local 17: Records collected and published by United Garment Workers Local 17 between 1903 and 1997.
Record Group 9: United Garment Workers Local 201: Records collected and published by United Garment Workers Local 201 between 1911 and 1979.
Record Group 10: Temporarily Restricted Files. (Open to researchers now)
Record Group 11: United Food and Commercial Workers Local 21 ephemera: Records collected and published by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 21 between 2009-2017.
Record groups 1-9 are divided into subgroups based on organizational activity. Record subgroups are further divided, where applicable, into parts based on specific record types, then creating officer or committee, followed by employer groups, and finally, arranged chronologically within these. Files in boxes 91-112 have been kept in their original order, with box/folder numbers corresponding to their places within boxes 1-90. These files will be re-integrated into the collection.
Record groups 1-10 are part of Accession No. 5694-001. Record group 11 is a part of Accession No. 5694-002.
Acquisition Information
Record Groups 1-10: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012.
Record Group 11: Donated by Tom Geiger, UFCW Director of Communications, in 2018.
Processing Note
Record Groups 1-10: Processed by Crystal Clements; processing completed in 2013.
Record Group 11: Processed by Eulalie Mathiew, April 2024.
Separated Materials
Material Described Separately:Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Record Group 1: UFCW Local 81, 1896-2012Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 1/1-67/11; 68/1-73/6; 74/1-75/13
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 1 contains records created and collected by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 81 (previously the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Local 81).
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:The Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on general organizational activity.
Record Subgroup A
- Claims, arbitrations, and grievances. This subgroup is broken down into Parts based on specific record types, which are arranged alphabetically as follows: Arbitration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Complaints, Grievances (which did not lead to arbitrations), Human Rights Commission Complaints, Labor and Industries Claims, Legal Documents, and National Labor Relations Board Charges. These Parts are further subdivided into Series determined by the creating or collecting officer or committee. Series are organized hierarchically by rank, and then chronologically from most recent to least recent. Each series is further subdivided into Subseries based on Employer. Subseries are arranged alphabetically. Files within subseries are arranged chronologically from earliest to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Financial records, divided into Parts based on specific record types, which are arranged alphabetically as follows: Employer Audit, Member Dues, Financial (general records, ledgers, statements, administration records for financial operations, and budgets), Store Closures, Store Sales, and Union Mergers. These Parts are Subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroup A.
Record Subgroup C
- Contract administration, divided into Parts based on specific record types, arranged alphabetically as follows: Apprenticeship, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Contract Negotiations, Field Notes (including union staff route sheets, reports, notes on personnel issues, contract enforcement, and personal records of other elements of their work), Insurance, Job Injury, Policy (employer work policies), Seniority, Steward, Strike, Union Policy, and Work Issues (which were not brought to the grievance level). These Parts are Subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A and B.
Record Subgroup D
- Interpersonal activities and public engagement, divided into Parts based on specific record types, arranged alphabetically as follows: Conferences and Conventions, Correspondence, Elections (union elections), Minutes, Organizing, Political, Press, Publication, Union Social Events, and Training. These Parts are subdivided into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A-C.
Record Subgroup E
- Union office administrative files, divided into Parts based on specific record type arranged alphabetically as follows: Personal Papers, Reference Files, and Union Personnel. These Parts are subdivided, as applicable, into Series, Subseries, and files arranged in the same way as Record Subgroups A-D.
Record Subgroup F
- Physical Artifacts, which are divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically if items are dated. Undated items are arranged at the end in original order.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1-11/27 | 1967-2011 | |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1-3/2 | Part 1:
Arbitrations |
1967-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1-1/6 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Subseries A: Acme Poultry |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/1 | Grievance and Arbitration
Settlement: Acme Farms, Inc: Antonio Cruz Termination Temporary Location: 91/1
1999 |
1/2-1/3 | Subseries B: Albertson's |
1999-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/2 | Arbitration: Guillory v.
Albertson's et al. Temporary Location: 91/2
1999-2000 |
1/3 | Arbitration Paperwork:
UFCW vs. Albertson's: Case # 010220-06548-7 Temporary Location: 91/3
2001 |
1/4 | Subseries C: Allied Employers |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/4 | Grievance and Arbitration
Decisions: Locals 44, 1439, 38 v. Safeway, Fred Meyer, QFC Temporary Location: 91/4
2006 |
1/5-1/6 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1988-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/5 | Beck Decision: Reduced
Dues for Organizing and Political Expenses Temporary Location: 91/5
1988-2003 |
1/6 | Beck Decision: Religious
Objector Status Materials Temporary Location: 91/6
2003-2004 |
1/7-1/22 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1970-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/7-1/9 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1970-1974 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/7 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Beef Patty Mix |
1970-1974 |
1/8 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Fine Ground and Retail Wrapped Beef Patti-Mix |
1973-1974 |
1/9 | Arbitration: Guillory v.
Albertson's, et al. |
1999 |
1/10-1/11 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1984-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/10 | Arbitration: Allied
Employers: Lucky Big Bear: Service Fish Department Job
Classification |
1984 |
1/11 | Joint Arbitration: Allied
Employers: Time Loss |
1993 |
1/12 | Subseries C: Art's Food Center |
1970-1972 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/12 | Arbitration: Art's Food
Center: Successor Sick Leave |
1970-1972 |
1/13 | Subseries D: Lucky Stores |
1981-1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/13 | Arbitration: Lucky
Stores: Glenda Micelli Termination |
1981-1982 |
1/14-1/16 | Subseries E: QFC |
1966-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/14 | Arbitration Notes: Allied
Employers: Various Cases |
1966-1983 |
1/15 | Arbitration: QFC: Fred
Cousin Layoff |
1988-1991 |
1/16 | Arbitration: QFC: Fred
Cousin Termination |
1990-1991 |
1/17-1/18 | Subseries F: Storman's |
1990-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/17 | Arbitration: Storman's,
Inc: Sonya Firkins, et al. Discharge Grievances (1 of 2) |
1990-1992 |
1/18 | Arbitration: Storman's,
Inc: Sonya Firkins, et al. Discharge Grievances (2 of 2) |
1990-1992 |
1/19 | Subseries G: Thrifty Foods |
1993-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/19 | Arbitration: Thrifty
Foods: Vendor Stocking: Local 44 |
1993-1994 |
1/20 | Subseries H: Tradewell |
1977-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/20 | Arbitration: Tradewell
Stores: Evelyn Acheson Successor Vacation Seniority |
1977-1978 |
1/21 | Subseries I: Uddenberg's |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/21 | Arbitration: Local 367:
Keith Uddenberg Pension Payment: Floral Service Center |
1994 |
1/22 | Subseries J: Unidentified |
1977-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/22 | Arbitrations |
1977-1988 |
1/23-3/1 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1967-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/23-2/5 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1967-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
1/23 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
William R. Howden Termination |
1967-1970 |
1/24 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Holiday Pay |
1974-1976 |
1/25 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Courtney Clark Termination |
1975-1987 |
1/26 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Ludwig, Wonacott, Olson Holiday Pay |
1976 |
1/27 | Grievances and
Arbitrations: Albertson's: Section 2-E Violations |
1976-1977 |
2/1 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Mike Daniels and Mike Pompeo Seniority |
1983 |
2/2 | Arbitration: Local 143-A
vs. Albertson's: Roger McDonald Hours |
1984 |
2/3 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Mike Malloy Layoff |
1987 |
2/4 | Arbitration: Mercer
Island Albertson's: Mike Malloy Layoff |
1987 |
2/5 | Arbitration: Albertson's:
Mark Cook Termination |
1990 |
2/6-2/7 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1976-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/6 | Arbitration: Allied
Employers: General Meats: James Canady Termination |
1976-1977 |
2/7 | Arbitration: Allied
Employers: Cost of Living Increase for Meat Wrappers |
1978 |
2/8 | Subseries C: Buttrey Food Stores |
1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/8 | Arbitration: Local 33:
Jewel Companies: Buttrey Food Stores: Warner Evenson
Qualifications/Hours |
1984 |
2/9-2/11 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
1970-1983 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/9 | Arbitration: Fred Meyer:
Work Jurisdiction Dispute |
1970-1978 |
2/10 | Arbitration: Fred Meyer:
Fine Grind |
1970-1983 |
2/11 | Arbitration: Work
Jurisdiction Dispute: Fred Meyer, Retail Clerks, Local 81 |
1977 |
2/12 | Subseries E: King's Command Foods |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/12 | Arbitration: King's
Command Foods: Vicky Tolfstad Termination |
1998 |
2/13-2/16 | Subseries F: Lucky Stores |
1975-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/13 | Arbitration: Lucky
Stores: Jack Priestman Termination |
1975-1976 |
2/14 | Arbitration: Lucky
Stores: Tom Brochalk Sick Leave |
1976-1978 |
2/15 | Arbitration: Lucky
Stores: Linda Kohn Termination (1 of 2) |
1983-1984 |
2/16 | Arbitration: Lucky
Stores: Linda Kohn Termination (2 of 2) |
1983-1984 |
2/17 | Subseries G: Rosauers Supermarket |
1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/17 | Arbitration: Local 1439
vs. Rosauers Supermarket: Qualifications and Ability and Seniority |
1982 |
2/18-2/23 | Subseries H: Safeway |
1976-1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/18 | Arbitration: Safeway:
Larry Perry Suspension |
1976-1981 |
2/19 | Arbitration: Local 606
vs. Safeway: Head Meat Cutters |
1978 |
2/20 | Arbitration: Safeway:
Larry Perry Termination |
1979-1980 |
2/21 | Arbitration: Safeway:
James Roger Merkel: Seniority and Time Loss |
1984 |
2/22 | Arbitration: Safeway:
Calleja, Stritzel, Nelson Qualifications |
1984 |
2/23 | Arbitration: Safeway:
Calleja et al. Seniority |
1987 |
2/24 | Subseries I: Thrifty Foods |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/24 | Arbitration: Thrifty
Foods v. Local 44: Salesman Stocking |
1994 |
2/25 | Subseries J: Town and Country |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/25 | Arbitration: Auburn,
Kenmore, Skyway Market Places: Journeyman Meat cutter on Duty |
1998 |
2/26-2/29 | Subseries K: Tradewell |
1978-1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
2/26 | Arbitration: Tradewell
Stores: John Binns Termination |
1978-1979 |
2/27 | Arbitrations/Grievances:
Tradewell Stores: Vacation Scheduling |
1979-1982 |
2/28 | Arbitration: Allied
Employers/Tradewell Stores: Bobby LaFontaine Suspension and Funeral
Leave |
1982-1983 |
2/29 | Arbitration: Tradewell
Stores: Warren Young Termination |
1987 |
3/1 | Subseries L: Uddenberg's |
1977-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/1 | Arbitration: Uddenberg's:
Jan Hepworth Constructive Discharge |
1977-1978 |
3/2 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1994-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/2 | Grievance and Arbitration:
UFCW #81 and Vicky Tofstad v. King's Command Foods, Inc |
1994-1998 |
3/3-3/9 | Part 2:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Complaints |
1975-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/3-3/4 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1998-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/3 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/3 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case, Human Rights Commission Charges: Albertson's:
Patricia Guillory |
1998 |
3/4 | Subseries B: Local 81 |
2000-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/4 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case: Local 81: Emma Faidley Temporary Location: 91/7
2000-2001 |
3/5-3/8 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1975-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/5 | Subseries A: Furr's Super Market |
1975-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/5 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case: Tagert vs. Furr's Super Market #43 and Local
606 |
1975-1978 |
3/6 | Subseries B: QFC |
1995-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/6 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case: Johanna Studabaker v. QFC and Local 81 |
1995-1997 |
3/7 | Subseries C: Thriftway |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/7 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case: Kim O'Hearn v. Admiral Thriftway |
1992 |
3/8 | Subseries D: Tradewell |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/8 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Charges: Tradewell Wrappers |
1988-1989 |
3/9 | Series
III: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1998-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/9 | Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission Case: Albertson's: Griswold |
1998-1999 |
3/10-9/72 | Part 3:
Grievance |
1968-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/10-5/73 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1970-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/10-4/6 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1989-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
3/10 | Albertson's
Grievances |
1989 |
3/11 | Albertson's: Grievances
and Issues |
1991-1993 |
3/12 | Albertson's: Resolved
Grievances and Member Issues |
1992-1993 |
3/13 | Grievance and Private
Lawsuit: Albertson's: Kathy Anderson Sexual Harassment |
1992-1995 |
3/14 | Grievance: Albertson's:
Frederick Smith Seniority and Time-Loss |
1994-1995 |
3/15 | Albertson's
Grievances |
1994-1996 |
3/16 | Albertson's
Grievances |
1995-1999 |
3/17 | Grievance: Albertson's #
436: Guillory/Griswold Terminations (1 of 2) |
1996-1998 |
3/18 | Grievance: Albertson's #
436: Guillory/Griswold Terminations (2 of 2) |
1996-1998 |
3/19 | Albertson's Grievances
and Related Notes (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 91/8
1996-2003 |
3/20 | Albertson's Grievances
and Related Notes (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 91/9
1996-2003 |
3/21 | Grievance: Albertson's
Store 424: Blair Raymond Pay |
1997 |
3/22 | Grievance: Albertson's
Store 462: Tami Newby Work off the Clock |
1997 |
3/23 | Grievance: Albertson's
Store 415: Entire Bargaining Unit: Work off the Clock |
1997 |
3/24 | Grievance: Albertson's:
Linda Lund Work off the Clock |
1997 |
3/25 | Grievance: Albertson's
#451: Debra Yuckert Termination |
1997 |
3/26 | Grievance: Albertson's
Store 480: Larry Bunting Work off the Clock |
1997 |
3/27 | Grievances: Albertson's:
QFI Production by Service Counter Personnel |
1997-1999 |
3/28 | Notes, Correspondence,
Documentation: Guillory v. Albertson's: Termination |
1997-1999 |
3/29 | Grievance: Albertson's #
447: Ray Schumsky Time Loss and Suspension |
1999 |
3/30 | Grievance: Albertson's #
415: Pam Isom and David Spurrier Terminations |
1999 |
3/31 | Grievance: Albertson's #
445: James Bradwell Termination |
1999 |
3/32 | Grievance: Albertson's #
473: Fred Cousin Termination Temporary Location: 91/10
1999-2000 |
3/33 | Grievance: Albertson's
#470: Loren Langston Termination Temporary Location: 91/11
2001 |
3/34 | Grievance: Albertson's
#450: Patricia Cornelius Termination Temporary Location: 91/12
2001 |
3/35 | Grievance: Albertson's #
450: Ryan Hart Termination Temporary Location: 91/13
2001-2002 |
3/36 | Michael Landa vs.
Albertson's (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 91/14
2001-2002 |
3/37 | Michael Landa vs.
Albertson's (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 91/15
2001-2002 |
3/38 | Albertson's Grievance
Against UFCW: Off the Clock Work Information Request Temporary Location: 91/16
2001-2003 |
3/39 | Grievance: Albertson's
#439: Kim Landa Constructive Discharge Temporary Location: 91/17
2002-2003 |
3/40 | Albertson's Grievance
Meeting and Retiree Health Plan Temporary Location: 91/18
2002-2005 |
3/41 | Grievances:
Albertson's Temporary Location: 91/19
2004-2005 |
4/1 | Grievance: Albertson's #
415: Vincent Sheffels Service Counter Scheduling Temporary Location: 91/20
2005 |
4/2 | Grievance: Albertson's #
0466: Russell (Chad) Clark Termination Temporary Location: 91/21
2005-2007 |
4/3 | Grievance: Albertsons:
Michael Smith Termination Temporary Location: 91/22
2006 |
4/4 | Grievance: Albertson's #
407: Sandra Hamilton Suspension Temporary Location: 91/23
2006 |
4/5 | Grievance: Albertson's:
Seniority List: Lori Watt Seniority Date Temporary Location: 91/24
2006 |
4/6 | Grievance: Albertson's #
475: Gene Bailey Termination Temporary Location: 91/25
2006-2007 |
4/7 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/7 | Grievance: Allied
Employers: Lump Sum Bonus Temporary Location: 91/26
2005 |
4/8-4/13 | Subseries C: Associated Grocers |
1970-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/8 | Grievances: Associated
Grocers: Worker Displacement: Central Cutting |
1970-1999 |
4/9 | Associated Grocers
Grievances and Related Notes Temporary Location: 91/27
1998-2003 |
4/10 | Grievances: Associated
Grocers Temporary Location: 91/28
2004-2005 |
4/11 | Associated Grocers
Grievances Temporary Location: 91/29
2004-2006 |
4/12 | Grievance: Associated
Grocers: John Bogstie Termination Temporary Location: 91/30
2005 |
4/13 | Grievance: Associated
Grocers Warehouse: Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 91/31
2006-2007 |
4/14 | Subseries D: Bavarian Meats |
2001-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/14 | Grievance: Bavarian
Meats: Heather Stewart Lee Termination Temporary Location: 91/32
2001-2002 |
4/15 | Subseries E: Cache Foods |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/15 | Grievance: Cache Foods,
Inc.: Don Ward Work Off the Clock |
1988 |
4/16-4/17 | Subseries F: Draper Valley Farms |
1999-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/16 | Draper Valley Farms
Grievances Temporary Location: 91/33
1999-2006 |
4/17 | Grievance Settlement:
Draper Valley Farms: Javier Ramoz Termination Temporary Location: 91/34
2008 |
4/18-4/36 | Subseries G: Fred Meyer |
1993-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/18 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Burien: Scott Florek Termination |
1993-1995 |
4/19 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Federal Way: Ben Sandor Suspension |
1994 |
4/20 | Fred Meyer
Grievances |
1994-1996 |
4/21 | Grievance: Issaquah Fred
Meyer: Service Counter Seniority Temporary Location: 91/35
1994-2006 |
4/22 | Fred Meyer
Grievances |
1996-2008 |
4/23 | Grievances: Fred Meyer:
Scheduling: Denise Williams and Edward Richards |
1998-1999 |
4/24 | Grievance: Lacey Fred
Meyer: Judy Sherman Termination |
1999 |
4/25 | Fred Meyer Grievances and
Related Notes Temporary Location: 91/36
1999-2003 |
4/26 | Grievance: Auburn Fred
Meyer: Michael Smith Termination Temporary Location: 91/37
2002 |
4/27 | Fred Meyer Meat Policies
and Job Descriptions; Albertson's Grievance Temporary Location: 91/38
2002-2008 |
4/28 | Grievance: Kitsap Fred
Meyer: Kathy Shanholtzer Termination Temporary Location: 91/39
2003-2004 |
4/29 | Grievance: Renton Fred
Meyer: Cheryl Beno Termination Temporary Location: 91/40
2004 |
4/30 | Grievance: Fred Meyer:
Judy Donohue Termination Temporary Location: 91/41
2005 |
4/31 | Fred Meyer
Grievances Temporary Location: 91/42
2005-2006 |
4/32 | Fred Meyer
Grievances Temporary Location: 91/43
2005-2010 |
4/33 | Grievance: Covington Fred
Meyer: Aaron Shelby Job Injury Pay Adjustment Temporary Location: 91/44
2006 |
4/34 | Grievance: Burien Fred
Meyer: Michael Veloni Wages Temporary Location: 91/45
2006 |
4/35 | Grievance Settlement:
Fred Meyer: Judy Donohue Termination Temporary Location: 91/46
2006 |
4/36 | Grievance: Burien Fred
Meyer: Debra Gloster Termination Temporary Location: 92/1
2010-2011 |
4/37-4/38 | Subseries H: Golden Steer |
2005-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/37 | Grievance: Golden Steer:
Jeff Geithman Termination Temporary Location: 92/2
2005 |
4/38 | Grievance: Golden Steer:
Julie Eastman Sick Pay Temporary Location: 92/3
2008-2009 |
4/39-4/40 | Subseries I: Haggen |
1994-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/39 | Haggen
Grievances |
1994-1999 |
4/40 | Grievance: Lacey
Haggen's: Darrell Clark Termination Temporary Location: 92/4
2005 |
4/41-4/43 | Subseries J: Hytek Finishes |
2006-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/41 | Grievance: Hytek
Finishes: Christina Cabello and Clara Amaro Suspension Temporary Location: 92/5
2006 |
4/42 | Grievance: Hytek
Finishes: David Hughes Termination Temporary Location: 92/6
2006 |
4/43 | Hytek Finishes
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/7
2007-2008 |
4/44-4/51 | Subseries K: King's Command Foods |
1998-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/44 | King's Command Foods
Grievances and Related Notes Temporary Location: 92/8
1998-2003 |
4/45 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Payroll Changes Temporary Location: 92/9
2002 |
4/46 | King's Command Foods:
Grievances and Press Temporary Location: 92/10
2002-2006 |
4/47 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Tamara McLennan Workplace Violence Termination Temporary Location: 92/11
2005 |
4/48 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Maria Revollar Termination Temporary Location: 92/12
2006 |
4/49 | Grievances: King's
Command Foods: Rodney Lackland and Anthony Ganiron Terminations Temporary Location: 92/13
2006 |
4/50 | King's Command Foods
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/14
2006-2010 |
4/51 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Sanitation Crew Temporary Location: 92/15
2008 |
4/52-4/61 | Subseries L: Larry's Market |
1990-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/52 | Grievance: Larry's
Markets: Tim Merrick Wage Progression |
1990 |
4/53 | Grievance: Larry's Market
at Totem Lake: Brian Kerr Termination |
1992 |
4/54 | Larry's Market
Grievances |
1994-1995 |
4/55 | Grievance: Larry's
Market: Michael Mitchell Layoff and Time Loss |
1998 |
4/56 | Grievance: Larry's
Markets # 7: Shay Goodlund Termination |
1998 |
4/57 | Grievances and Notes:
Larry's Market Temporary Location: 92/16
2001 |
4/58 | Larry's Market
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/17
2004-2006 |
4/59 | Grievance: Oaktree
Larry's Market: Terry Charawell Termination Temporary Location: 92/18
2006 |
4/60 | Grievance:
Post-Bankruptcy: Larry's Market Temporary Location: 92/19
2006-2007 |
4/61 | Grievances: Larry's
Market: Vacation Pay Temporary Location: 92/20
2007 |
4/62 | Subseries M: Local 81 |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/62 | Settlement Agreement and
Release: Kathryn Castonguay, Union Representative Temporary Location: 92/21
2006 |
4/63-4/65 | Subseries N: Metropolitan Market |
2004-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/63 | Grievance: Sand Point
Metropolitan Market: Dennis Jones Termination Temporary Location: 92/22
2004-2005 |
4/64 | Information File: Sand
Point Metropolitan Market: Dennis Jones Termination Temporary Location: 92/23
2005 |
4/65 | Metropolitan Market
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/24
2006-2008 |
4/66-4/67 | Subseries O: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2000-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/66 | Grievance: Puget Consumer
Co-op: Mark Sielsky Seniority Temporary Location: 92/25
2000 |
4/67 | Grievance: Puget Consumer
Co-op: Tony Mack Termination Temporary Location: 92/26
2004-2005 |
4/68-5/12 | Subseries P: QFC |
1994-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
4/68 | QFC
Grievances |
1994-1996 |
4/69 | Grievance: QFC: Product
Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 92/27
1994-2000 |
4/70 | QFC
Grievances |
1996-1998 |
4/71 | QFC: Paul Mesaros
Suspension |
1996-1997 |
4/72 | QFC Grievances and
Related Notes Temporary Location: 92/28
1999-2003 |
4/73 | Grievance: QFC # 869: Tim
Hofto Termination Temporary Location: 92/29
2001-2002 |
4/74 | Grievances:
QFC Temporary Location: 92/30
2002-2005 |
4/75 | Grievances: QFC Customer
Service Program: Secret Shop Disciplines Temporary Location: 92/31
2003 |
4/76 | Grievance: QFC: Timothy
Flaherty Termination Temporary Location: 92/32
2003-2004 |
4/77 | Grievance: QFC: Anthony
Wilson Termination Temporary Location: 92/33
2004 |
4/78 | Grievance: QFC #862: Jeff
Derby Termination Temporary Location: 92/34
2004 |
4/79 | Grievance: QFC #871: Rob
Robinson Suspension Temporary Location: 92/35
2005 |
4/80 | Grievance: QFC # 827:
Mike Fast Termination Temporary Location: 92/36
2005 |
5/1 | Grievance: QFC #705:
Robert Bryner Termination Temporary Location: 92/37
2005 |
5/2 | Grievance: Covington QFC:
Dave Schublon Warning Notice Temporary Location: 92/38
2005-2006 |
5/3 | Grievance: QFC: Lindy
Holmes Sick Pay Temporary Location: 92/39
2005-2006 |
5/4 | Grievance: QFC # 847:
Michael Batton: Retroactive Pay Temporary Location: 92/40
2006 |
5/5 | Grievance: QFC # 823:
Karlene Vazquez Termination Temporary Location: 92/41
2006 |
5/6 | Grievance: QFC # 878:
Jeffrey McVicker Termination Temporary Location: 92/42
2006 |
5/7 | Grievance: Redmond Ridge
QFC: Jennie De leuw Sick Leave Temporary Location: 92/43
2006 |
5/8 | QFC
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/44
2006-2007 |
5/9 | Grievance: QFC N. Mercer:
Roland Tomokiyo Termination Temporary Location: 92/45
2007 |
5/10 | Grievance: QFC #839:
Product Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 92/46
2007 |
5/11 | Grievance: QFC: Tim
Merrick Termination Temporary Location: 92/47
2011 |
5/12 | Grievance: QFC # 803:
Ronell Ramos Suspension Temporary Location: 92/48
2011 |
5/13 | Subseries Q: Ravenscraft |
2007-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/13 | Independents: Ravenscraft
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/49
2007-2009 |
5/14 | Subseries R: Red Apple |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/14 | Grievance: Sunnydale Red
Apple: Barbara Schlaitzer Tardiness Termination |
1989 |
5/15-5/58 | Subseries S: Safeway |
1987-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/15 | Safeway Grievances and
Related Notes Temporary Location: 92/50
1987-2003 |
5/16 | Grievance: Safeway #372:
Brian Phelan Journeyman Reclassification |
1988 |
5/17 | Safeway
Grievances |
1989 |
5/18 | Grievance: Safeway #387:
Danaice Posner Suspension |
1990 |
5/19 | Grievances: Safeway: Lost
Wages |
1990-1991 |
5/20 | Safeway
Grievances |
1994-1995 |
5/21 | Settlement Agreement:
Safeway: Mike Kaiser Termination and Unemployment |
1995 |
5/22 | Grievance: Safeway #1508:
Derrick Manning Termination |
1996-1998 |
5/23 | Safeway
Grievances |
1996-1999 |
5/24 | Michael Landa vs.
Safeway: Hearing Impaired Settlement Temporary Location: 92/51
1996-2000 |
5/25 | Grievance and Lawsuit:
Safeway # 1439: David Moore Write-Up Temporary Location: 92/52
1997-2001 |
5/26 | Grievance: Safeway #1524:
Kimberli Miller Termination |
1997-1998 |
5/27 | Documentation and
Settlement: Safeway #1062: Gerry Wieg Termination |
1998 |
5/28 | Grievance: Safeway #
1467: Marcie J. Shuler Termination |
1999 |
5/29 | Grievance: Safeway #
1524: Michael D. Swisher Termination |
1999 |
5/30 | Grievance: Safeway #
1524: Rodger Burns, Documented Verbal Warning Temporary Location: 92/53
2000-2009 |
5/31 | Documentation and
Correspondence: Safeway # 1439: David Moore Write-Up Temporary Location: 92/54
2001 |
5/32 | Grievance: Safeway Store
1551: Marjorie Bush Suspension Pending Investigation Temporary Location: 92/55
2001 |
5/33 | Grievances:
Safeway Temporary Location: 92/56
2001-2005 |
5/34 | Grievance: Safeway: Mary
Bliss Seniority Violation Temporary Location: 92/57
2002 |
5/35 | Grievance: Safeway
Warehouse: Seniority Violation Temporary Location: 92/58
2004 |
5/36 | Grievances: Safeway
Warehouse Temporary Location: 92/59
2004-2005 |
5/37 | Safeway
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/60
2004-2007 |
5/38 | Grievance: Safeway
Warehouse: Randy McGuire Termination Temporary Location: 92/61
2005 |
5/39 | Grievance: Safeway #1082:
Oden Bernsten Termination Temporary Location: 92/62
2005 |
5/40 | Grievance: Safeway #
1923: Fred Landon Termination Temporary Location: 92/63
2005-2006 |
5/41 | Grievance and Time Study:
Safeway Meat Warehouse: Alaska Standards Temporary Location: 92/64
2005-2006 |
5/42 | Grievance: Safeway # 496:
Martha Figueroa Seniority Temporary Location: 92/65
2005-2006 |
5/43 | Grievance: Safeway #
3500: Tim Flaherty Termination Temporary Location: 92/66
2006 |
5/44 | Grievance: Safeway #
1664: Zijad Hirkic Termination Temporary Location: 92/67
2006 |
5/45 | Last Chance Agreement:
Safeway: A.J. Salogo Temporary Location: 92/68
2006 |
5/46 | Grievance: Safeway #
1680: Robert Atwood Personal Holidays Temporary Location: 92/69
2006 |
5/47 | Last Chance Agreement:
Safeway: Patricia Tapia Temporary Location: 92/70
2006 |
5/48 | Grievances: Safeway Meat
Warehouse Temporary Location: 92/71
2006-2007 |
5/49 | Grievance: Safeway #1923:
Carolyn Akers Termination Temporary Location: 92/72
2006-2007 |
5/50 | Grievance: Safeway #
0519: Union Jurisdiction/Bargaining Unit Work Temporary Location: 92/73
2006-2007 |
5/51 | Grievance: Safeway
#1142-26: Noorulla Baqizada Termination Temporary Location: 92/74
2006-2007 |
5/52 | Safeway Warehouse
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/75
2007 |
5/53 | Grievance Denial: Safeway
Meat Warehouse: Thomas Barfuse Seniority Temporary Location: 92/76
2008 |
5/54 | Grievance: Safeway #
1294: David L. Craig Wage Garnishment Temporary Location: 92/77
2009 |
5/55 | Grievance Documentation:
Safeway #1294: David L. Craig Wage Garnishment Temporary Location: 92/78
2009 |
5/56 | Grievance: Safeway # 459:
Kimberly Cook Termination Temporary Location: 92/79
2009 |
5/57 | Grievance: Safeway #
1252: Mark Watson Termination Temporary Location: 92/80
2010 |
5/58 | Grievance: Safeway #
1508: Gelacio Valenzuela Wages Temporary Location: 92/81
2011 |
5/59-5/60 | Subseries T: Thriftway |
1992-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/59 | Grievance: Thriftway:
Teena Graham Overtime Without Compensation |
1992 |
5/60 | Grievance: Admiral
Thriftway: Ismael Rabago Termination |
1998 |
5/61 | Subseries U: Thrifty Foods |
1994-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/61 | Thrifty Foods
Grievances |
1994-1996 |
5/62-5/66 | Subseries V: TOP Foods |
1989-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/62 | Grievances: TOP Foods:
Scheduling and Floor Repair |
1989-1990 |
5/63 | Grievances and Notes:
Haggen/Top Foods Temporary Location: 92/82
1999-2003 |
5/64 | TOP Foods
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/83
2001-2006 |
5/65 | Grievance: Top Foods:
Joshua Steffens Termination Temporary Location: 92/84
2004 |
5/66 | Grievances: TOP Foods:
Product Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 92/85
2005-2006 |
5/67-5/69 | Subseries W: Town and Country |
2000-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/67 | Grievance: Madison
Market: Mike Schindler Termination Temporary Location: 92/86
2000 |
5/68 | Grievance and Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission Complaint: Town and Country Markets: Michael
Landa Temporary Location: 92/87
2000 |
5/69 | Grievance: Town and
Country Markets: Shoreline Central: Jonathan Savick Termination Temporary Location: 92/88
2004 |
5/70 | Subseries X: Uddenberg's |
1994-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/70 | Uddenberg's
Grievances |
1994-1997 |
5/71-5/73 | Subseries Y: Unidentified |
1988-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/71 | Grievances, Complaints,
Settlement Notes |
1988-1990 |
5/72 | Grievances: Multiple
Employers |
1994-1998 |
5/73 | Past Practices:
Grievances Temporary Location: 92/89
2000 |
5/74-6/19 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1968-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/74-5/78 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1982-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/74 | Grievance: Albertson's
#453: Bargaining Unit Work |
1982 |
5/75 | Grievance: Albertson's:
Pre-Packaged Lamb |
1983-1986 |
5/76 | Grievance: Albertson's
#446: Bargaining Unit Work |
1984 |
5/77 | Grievance: Albertson's #
462: Ray Battraw Vacation Pay |
1989 |
5/78 | Grievance: Albertson's #
439: Paul Durham Termination |
1994 |
5/79-5/80 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
1991-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/79 | Grievance: Fred Meyer:
Jeff Dale Seafood Seniority Date |
1991 |
5/80 | Grievance: Bellevue Fred
Meyer: Tim Merrick Termination |
1996 |
5/81 | Subseries C: King's Command Foods |
1999-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/81 | Grievance: King's
Command: Yolanda Eskridge Termination Temporary Location: 92/90
1999-2000 |
5/82-5/85 | Subseries D: Larry's Market |
1985-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/82 | Larry's Markets:
Negotiations and Grievances |
1985-1995 |
5/83 | Grievance: Tukwila
Larry's Market: Seafood Product Jurisdiction |
1987 |
5/84 | Grievance: Larry's
Market: Allison Rattray Termination |
1996 |
5/85 | Grievance: Larry's Market
#3: Pete Lyons Termination |
1995 |
5/86 | Subseries E: Lucky Stores |
1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
5/86 | Grievance: Lucky Stores:
Manager Stocking Meat Counters |
1979 |
6/1 | Subseries F: Market Basket Stores |
1968 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/1 | Grievance and Lawsuit:
Market Basket Stores: Roundup Company: Jurisdiction |
1968 |
6/2 | Subseries G: Olson's |
1975 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/2 | Grievance: Olson's Totem
Lake and Bellevue Stores: Wage and Benefits, Jurisdiction |
1975 |
6/3 | Subseries H: QFC |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/3 | Grievance: QFC # 807:
Fred Cousin Suspension |
1994 |
6/4-6/9 | Subseries I: Safeway |
1982-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/4 | Grievance: Safeway #539:
Courtesy Clerk Stocking Meat Cases |
1982 |
6/5 | Grievance: Bellevue
Safeway: Nancee Clark Time Loss |
1983-1985 |
6/6 | Grievance: Olympia
Safeway: Fish Clerks Seniority |
1983-1985 |
6/7 | Grievances: Safeway:
Service Fish Markets: Wage Rates |
1984-1985 |
6/8 | Grievance: Safeway: Fish
Department Time Loss |
1984-1985 |
6/9 | Grievances: Safeway:
Brian McArdle and Greg Solberg Terminations |
1995 |
6/10 | Subseries J: Storman's |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/10 | Grievance: Stormans:
David Travers Seniority |
1989 |
6/11-6/12 | Subseries K: Thriftway |
1984-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/11 | Grievance: Shelton
Thriftway: Successorship (1 of 2) |
1984-1986 |
6/12 | Grievance: Shelton
Thriftway: Successorship (2 of 2) |
1984-1986 |
6/13-6/14 | Subseries L: Tradewell |
1977-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/13 | Grievance: Tradewell
Stores: Successorship Dispute |
1977-1978 |
6/14 | Grievance: Tradewell
Stores: Ownership Change and Seniority |
1986 |
6/15-6/16 | Subseries M: Uddenberg's |
1985-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/15 | Grievance: Bridle Trails
Uddenberg's: Fish |
1985 |
6/16 | Grievance: Uddenberg's:
Agnes Misek Seniority |
1991-1992 |
6/17-6/19 | Subseries N: Unidentified |
1984-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/17 | Seniority Lists and
Grievances |
1984-1987 |
6/18 | First Step Grievances:
Investigation |
1989-1991 |
6/19 | First Stage Grievances:
Health and Welfare Problems |
1991 |
6/20-7/13 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1969-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/20-6/27 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1969-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/20 | Grievance and Seniority
Lists: Albertson's: Seniority |
1969-1976 |
6/21 | Grievance: Albertson's:
Pre-Sliced Veal |
1985 |
6/22 | Grievances: Albertson's
#450: McDonald, Hartman, Chaffin Suspensions |
1986 |
6/23 | Grievance: Albertson's #
242: Barbara Fleming Rate of Pay |
1990 |
6/24 | Grievance: Albertson's #
409: Barbara Schornak Harassment/Intimidation |
1992 |
6/25 | Grievance: Albertson's #
466: John Fort Apprentice Wage Progression |
1993-1994 |
6/26 | Grievance: Albertson's #
408: Geraldine Murray Termination |
1993-1994 |
6/27 | Grievance: Albertson's #
425: Michael Houlihan Suspension |
1998 |
6/28 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/28 | Allied Employers: Central
Meatcutting Grievances |
1997 |
6/29-6/30 | Subseries C: Food Giant |
1984-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/29 | Grievance: Food Giant
Stores: Holiday Personal Days |
1984 |
6/30 | Food Giant
Grievances |
1989-1990 |
6/31 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/31 | Grievance: Fred Meyer:
Sunday Premium |
1987 |
6/32-6/34 | Subseries E: King's Command Foods |
1997-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/32 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Cathy Wyckoff Termination |
1997 |
6/33 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Cathy Wyckoff Termination |
1997 |
6/34 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Deborah Hart Promotion |
1998-1999 |
6/35 | Subseries F: Larry's Market |
1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/35 | Grievance: Larry's Market
#4: Sheila Denny Termination |
1987 |
6/36 | Subseries G: Market Connection |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/36 | Grievance: Market
Connection: Phil Haider Termination |
1990 |
6/37 | Subseries H: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/37 | Grievance: Puget Consumer
Co-op: Melvin Hamamoto Termination |
1998 |
6/38 | Subseries I: Puget Sound Marketing |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/38 | Grievance: Puget Sound
Marketing: Roger Denton Termination |
1992 |
6/39-6/40 | Subseries J: QFC |
1993-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/39 | Grievance: Midway QFC:
Kassie Sherman Termination |
1993 |
6/40 | Grievance: QFC # 813:
Mary Wieg Harassment |
1998 |
6/41-7/1 | Subseries K: Safeway |
1978-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
6/41 | Grievances: Safeway:
Product Jurisdiction |
1978-1979 |
6/42 | Grievance: Safeway: Dick
Gilbert Suspension |
1983 |
6/43 | Grievance: Safeway
District 7 Lynnwood: Marian Hart Seniority |
1983 |
6/44 | Grievance: Safeway:
Roberta Smith Owen Time Loss |
1983-1984 |
6/45 | Grievance: Safeway
District 7 Lynnwood: Part Time Wrapper Seniority |
1985 |
6/46 | Grievances: Safeway:
Rates of Pay |
1987 |
6/47 | Grievance: Safeway: Ron
Salud Seniority Date |
1988 |
6/48 | Grievance: Northlake
Safeway: Bill Frederickson Termination |
1990 |
6/49 | Grievance: Bellevue
Safeway: Richard Ronfeldt Pay |
1990-1991 |
6/50 | Grievance: Safeway # 592:
Tina Jensen Sexual Harassment |
1990-1991 |
6/51 | Grievance: Safeway # 542:
Barbara Kravich Warning Letter |
1991 |
6/52 | Grievance: Northlake
Safeway: Andrew Palmer Reclassification |
1991 |
6/53 | Grievance: Safeway #
1467: Terry Moore Termination |
1995-1996 |
6/54 | Safeway: Grievances,
Superior Customer Service Policy, Store Openings and Closures |
1996-1998 |
6/55 | Grievance: Safeway # 483:
Sexual Harassment by Meat Manager Scott Florek |
1997 |
6/56 | Grievance: Safeway: Larry
Perry Termination |
1998 |
7/1 | Grievance: Safeway # 531:
Julie Daniels Termination |
1998 |
7/2 | Subseries L: Sunnyside Food Center |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/2 | Grievance: Sunnyside Food
Center: Bill Boedecker Sick Leave |
1989 |
7/3-7/4 | Subseries M: Thriftway |
1981-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/3 | Grievance: Roger's
Thriftway: Larry Perry Termination |
1981-1989 |
7/4 | Grievance: Jackman's
Thriftway: Ray Southard Floating Holiday |
1990 |
7/5-7/6 | Subseries N: TOP Foods |
1989-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/5 | Grievance: Olympia TOP
Foods: Time Loss |
1989 |
7/6 | Grievance: Lacey TOP
Foods: Scott Connelly Termination |
1994 |
7/7-7/10 | Subseries O: Tradewell |
1987-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/7 | Grievance: Tradewell:
Helen Brunsdon Seniority |
1987 |
7/8 | Grievance: Tradewell
Stores: Manager Stocking Deli Case |
1987-1988 |
7/9 | Grievance: Tradewell:
Seniority |
1988 |
7/10 | Grievance: Tradewell:
Sandra Myers Seniority |
1988 |
7/11-7/13 | Subseries P: Uddenberg's |
1983-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/11 | Grievance: Uddenberg's
Thriftways: Fine Grind |
1983 |
7/12 | Grievance: Uddenberg's:
Gary Berntson Seniority |
1989-1990 |
7/13 | Grievance: Uddenberg's:
Cindee Berntson Suspension |
1992 |
7/14-7/56 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1982-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/14-7/27 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1996-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/14 | Robert Baray v.
Albertson's: Termination |
1996-1998 |
7/15 | Marilyn E. Burkhart, Meat
Manager, Grievance and Lawsuit: Albertson's Temporary Location: 92/91
1996-2000 |
7/16 | Gerald Johnson Suspension
Grievance: N. Auburn Albertson's |
1998 |
7/17 | Guillory v. Albertsons
and UFCW Local 81: Legal Documents and Correspondence (1 of 4) |
1998-1999 |
7/18 | Guillory v. Albertsons
and UFCW Local 81: Legal Documents and Correspondence (2 of 4) |
1998-1999 |
7/19 | Guillory v. Albertsons
and UFCW Local 81: Legal Documents and Correspondence (3 of 4) |
1998-1999 |
7/20 | Guillory v. Albertsons
and UFCW Local 81: Legal Documents and Correspondence (1 of 4) |
1998-1999 |
7/21 | Fred Cousin: Albertson's
Suspension and Termination Temporary Location: 92/92
1998-2000 |
7/22 | Pam Cockle: Albertson's
Grievance and Fair Representation Charge Against Local 81 |
1999 |
7/23 | Mario Torres Grievance:
Burien Albertson's |
1999 |
7/24 | Lisa Ishler Termination
Grievance: Albertson's Temporary Location: 92/93
1999-2000 |
7/25 | Grievance: Albertson's
#473: Graciela Garcia Termination Temporary Location: 92/94
2002 |
7/26 | Grievance: Albertson's
#492: Brad Savage Termination Temporary Location: 92/95
2005 |
7/27 | Grievance: Albertson's
Store 407: Tamara Parten Suspension Temporary Location: 92/96
2007 |
7/28 | Subseries B: Bavarian Meats |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/28 | Grievance: Bavarian Meat
Products, Inc: Colleen Costello Termination Temporary Location: 92/97
2004 |
7/29 | Subseries C: Diedrichs Enterprises Inc. |
1995-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/29 | Jackie Hamilton
Grievance: Diedrichs Enterprises Inc |
1995-1996 |
7/30-7/34 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
1998-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/30 | Fred Meyer Scheduling
Grievance |
1998-1999 |
7/31 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Covington Store: Yvonne Wallen Termination Temporary Location: 92/98
2002 |
7/32 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Totem Lake: Rodger McCoy Termination Temporary Location: 92/99
2004 |
7/33 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Burien: Aaron Shelby Termination Temporary Location: 92/100
2007-2008 |
7/34 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
Lacey: Anita Steier Termination Temporary Location: 92/101
2008 |
7/35-7/36 | Subseries E: Haggen |
1997-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/35 | Mark Graham Grievance:
Haggens Lacey: Working off the Clock |
1997 |
7/36 | Grievance: Haggen #49:
Management Doing Bargaining Unit Work Temporary Location: 93/1
2009 |
7/37-7/38 | Subseries F: Hytek Finishes |
1998-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/37 | Grievance: Hytek: Tanya
Carr Job Classification and Pay Rate |
1998-1999 |
7/38 | Grievance: Hytek: Doris
Johnson Job Classification and Back Wages Temporary Location: 93/2
2000-2001 |
7/39 | Subseries G: King's Command Foods |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/39 | Katijo Leamer Grievance:
King's Command Foods, Inc |
1999 |
7/40 | Subseries H: Local 81 |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/40 | Settlement Agreement and
Release Between Christine Martin and Local 81 |
1995 |
7/41-7/43 | Subseries I: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1991-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/41 | Grievance: Puget
Consumers' Co-op: Wear, Adams, and Peete Discharges |
1991 |
7/42 | Grievance: Puget
Consumers' Co-op: Erin Fitzgerald Termination Temporary Location: 93/3
2006 |
7/43 | Grievance: Puget
Consumers' Co-op Redmond: Bryant Baur Termination Temporary Location: 93/4
2009 |
7/44 | Subseries J: QFC |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/44 | Grievance: Bremerton QFC:
Beverly Lott Termination Temporary Location: 93/5
2002 |
7/45-7/53 | Subseries K: Safeway |
1988-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/45 | Grievances:
Safeway |
1988-1990 |
7/46 | Grievances:
Safeway |
1989-1991 |
7/47 | Settlement Agreement:
Safeway #585: Donald Thietje Termination |
1992 |
7/48 | Grievance: Safeway:
Sharon Robinson Temporary Location: 93/6
2000 |
7/49 | Grievance: Bremerton
Safeway: Robert Richards Write up and Suspension Temporary Location: 93/7
2002 |
7/50 | Grievance: Safeway #585:
Arthur Common Suspension and Termination Temporary Location: 93/8
2003 |
7/51 | Grievance: Madison
Safeway: Greg Aghjayan Temporary Location: 93/9
2005 |
7/52 | Grievance: Safeway #504:
Amy Dockstader Termination Temporary Location: 93/10
2007-2008 |
7/53 | Grievance: Safeway #1173:
Mischell Galvez Termination Temporary Location: 93/11
2008-2009 |
7/54 | Subseries L: Town and Country |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/54 | Grievance: Port Orchard
Market Place: Karen Love Layoff |
1999 |
7/55 | Subseries M: Uddenberg's |
1982-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/55 | Grievance: Uddenberg's,
Inc.: Clifford Rosecrants Pension |
1982-1992 |
7/56 | Subseries N: Unidentified |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/56 | Richard Ronfeldt
Settlement Temporary Location: 93/12
2000 |
7/57 | Series
V: Recording Secretary Steve Anderson |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/57 | Grievance: Notes:
Albertson's: Guillory and Griswold |
1997 |
7/58-8/10 | Series
VI: Union Representative Ruth Erickson |
2003-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
7/58 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (1 of 13) Temporary Location: 93/13
2003-2010 |
7/59 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (2 of 13) Temporary Location: 93/14
2003-2010 |
7/60 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (3 of 13) Temporary Location: 93/15
2003-2010 |
8/1 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (4 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/1
2003-2010 |
8/2 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (5 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/2
2003-2010 |
8/3 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (6 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/3
2003-2010 |
8/4 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (7 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/4
2003-2010 |
8/5 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (8 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/5
2003-2010 |
8/6 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (9 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/6
2003-2010 |
8/7 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (10 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/7
2003-2010 |
8/8 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (11 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/8
2003-2010 |
8/9 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (12 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/9
2003-2010 |
8/10 | Union Representative Ruth
Erickson: Grievances and Issues (13 of 13) Temporary Location: 94/10
2003-2010 |
8/11-9/71 | Series
VII: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1986-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/11-8/25 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1986-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/11 | Grievance: Albertson's #
480: Jim Henke Termination Temporary Location: 94/11
1986-2002 |
8/12 | Grievance: Albertson's #
424: Daniel Pleasants Termination Temporary Location: 94/12
1990-2001 |
8/13 | Grievance: Albertson's #
450: Patricia Cornelious Termination Temporary Location: 94/13
1992-2001 |
8/14 | Grievance: Albertson's
#444: Joe Landerville Termination Temporary Location: 94/14
1994-2002 |
8/15 | Grievance: Albertson's #
486: Barbara Kinsman Termination Temporary Location: 94/15
1999-2003 |
8/16 | Grivance: Albertson's #
418: Ann Deshazer Vacation Pay Temporary Location: 94/16
2001 |
8/17 | Grievance: Albertson's
#470: Cory Monaghan Termination Temporary Location: 94/17
2001 |
8/18 | Grievance: Albertson's #
450: Ryan Hart Termination Temporary Location: 94/18
2001-2002 |
8/19 | Grievance: Albertson's #
439: Ben Petree Suspension Temporary Location: 94/19
2001-2003 |
8/20 | Grievance: Albertson's #
410: Mike Brown Termination Temporary Location: 94/20
2002 |
8/21 | Grievance: Albertson's #
410: Orv Fuller Termination Temporary Location: 94/21
2002 |
8/22 | Grievance: Albertson's
#415: Alfonso Botano Termination Temporary Location: 94/22
2002 |
8/23 | Grievance: Albertson's #
474: Linda Bunker Suspension Temporary Location: 94/23
2002 |
8/24 | Grievance: Albertson's #
443: Greg Thackeray Termination Temporary Location: 94/24
2005 |
8/25 | Grievance: Albertson's #
470: Carolyn Beverly Termination Temporary Location: 94/25
2005 |
8/26-8/28 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/26 | Grievance: Associated
Grocers Meat Warehouse: Mike Cyr Suspension Temporary Location: 94/26
2002 |
8/27 | Grievances: Associated
Grocers Temporary Location: 94/27
2004 |
8/28 | Grievance: Associated
Grocers: Seniority Violation Temporary Location: 94/28
2005 |
8/29-8/33 | Subseries C: Draper Valley Farms |
2001-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/29 | Grievance: Draper Valley:
Octavio Raul Santoyo Villasenor Termination Temporary Location: 94/29
2001 |
8/30 | Grievance: Draper Valley:
Ali Abdullah Termination Temporary Location: 94/30
2002 |
8/31 | Grievance: Draper Valley
Farms: Trinidad Rodriguez Vacation Pay Temporary Location: 94/31
2003 |
8/32 | Grievance: Renton Draper
Valley Farms: Terry Tracey Termination Temporary Location: 94/32
2004 |
8/33 | Grievance: Draper Valley
Farms: Salim Sulaiman Termination Temporary Location: 94/33
2004 |
8/34-8/48 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/34 | Grievance: Issaquah Fred
Meyer: Tim Ferry Termination Temporary Location: 94/34
2001 |
8/35 | Grievance: Lake City Fred
Meyer: Tim Dorosko Termination Temporary Location: 94/35
2001 |
8/36 | Grievance: Bellevue Fred
Meyer: Rene Ortiz Termination Temporary Location: 94/36
2001-2004 |
8/37 | Grievance: Burien Fred
Meyer: Jose Calleji Verbal Warning Temporary Location: 94/37
2002 |
8/38 | Grievance: Federal Way
Fred Meyer: Glen Gable Termination Temporary Location: 94/38
2002 |
8/39 | Grievance: Ballard Fred
Meyer: Carrie Holmes Termination Temporary Location: 94/39
2002 |
8/40 | Grievance: Bellevue Fred
Meyer: Mike Kaiser Termination Temporary Location: 94/40
2002-2003 |
8/41 | Grievance: Midway Fred
Meyer: Delane Hinzpeter Termination Temporary Location: 94/41
2002-2003 |
8/42 | Grievance: Bremerton Fred
Meyer: Anthony Young Termination Temporary Location: 94/42
2002-2003 |
8/43 | Grievance: Fred Meyer:
Peter Stewart Termination Temporary Location: 94/43
2003 |
8/44 | Grievance: Ballard Fred
Meyer: Holly McCoy Termination Temporary Location: 94/44
2003 |
8/45 | Grievance: Fred Meyer
#0186: Lindsey Harris Termination Temporary Location: 94/45
2003-2005 |
8/46 | Grievance: Fred Meyer #
659: Luke Monroe Termination Temporary Location: 94/46
2004 |
8/47 | Grievance: Fred Meyer:
Jeremy White Pay Temporary Location: 94/47
2005 |
8/48 | Grievance: Issaquah Fred
Meyer: Linda Tidball Termination Temporary Location: 94/48
2005 |
8/49 | Subseries E: Hytek Finishes |
1999-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/49 | Grievance: Hytek: Mike
Caldwell Demotion Temporary Location: 94/49
1999-2000 |
8/50-9/5 | Subseries F: King's Command Foods |
1997-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
8/50 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Ernie Mailhot Termination Temporary Location: 94/50
1997-2003 |
8/51 | Grievance: King's
Command: Reginald Harris Termination Temporary Location: 94/51
2002-2003 |
9/1 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Gabe Atler Termination Temporary Location: 95/1
2002-2003 |
9/2 | Grievance: King's
Command: Sherrica Morgan Termination Temporary Location: 95/2
2003 |
9/3 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Celeste Burnett Hostile Work Environment Temporary Location: 95/3
2003 |
9/4 | Grievance: King's Command
Foods: Mike Lynch Termination Temporary Location: 95/4
2003-2004 |
9/5 | King's Command: Payroll
Grievances Temporary Location: 95/5
2002 |
9/6-9/12 | Subseries G: Larry's Market |
2001-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/6 | Grievance: Aurora Larry's
Market: Anthony Hood Termination Temporary Location: 95/6
2001 |
9/7 | Grievance: Queen Anne
Larry's Market: Helen Dubar Seniority Temporary Location: 95/7
2002 |
9/8 | Grievance: Larry's Market
#6: Ralph Morris Termination Temporary Location: 95/8
2003-2005 |
9/9 | Grievance: Larry's Market
#6: Ralph Morris Termination Temporary Location: 95/9
2003-2005 |
9/10 | Grievance: Tukwila
Larry's Market: Eric Wilkerson Termination Temporary Location: 95/10
2004 |
9/11 | Grievance: Oaktree
Larry's Market: Janet Lipsou Termination Temporary Location: 95/11
2004 |
9/12 | Grievance: Larry's Market
# 3: Mike Miller Termination Temporary Location: 95/12
2004 |
9/13 | Subseries H: Mega Foods |
2004-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/13 | Grievance: Mega
Foods/Fuller Inc: Chris Sandridge Termination Temporary Location: 95/13
2004-2005 |
9/14 | Subseries I: Metropolitan Market |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/14 | Grievance: Metropolitan
Market: Vacation out on an Employee's Anniversary Date Temporary Location: 95/14
2005 |
9/15 | Subseries J: Oversea Casing |
1999-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/15 | Grievance: Oversea
Casing: Veronica Hernandez Termination Temporary Location: 95/15
1999-2004 |
9/16-9/17 | Subseries K: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2000-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/16 | Grievance: Puget Consumer
Co-op: William Aylward Termination Temporary Location: 95/16
2000-2003 |
9/17 | Grievance: Puget Consumer
Co-op: Christine Calderbank Termination Temporary Location: 95/17
2001 |
9/18-9/32 | Subseries L: QFC |
1995-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/18 | Grievance: Wallingford
QFC: Mitch Adams Termination Temporary Location: 95/18
1995-2003 |
9/19 | Grievance: QFC # 827:
Carter Burnett Termination Temporary Location: 95/19
1998-2004 |
9/20 | Grievance: QFC # 102:
Dennis Jones Termination Temporary Location: 95/20
2000 |
9/21 | Grievance: QFC # 107:
Amirah Messiah Termination Temporary Location: 95/21
2001 |
9/22 | Grievance: Richmond Beach
QFC: John Lander Suspension Temporary Location: 95/22
2001-2002 |
9/23 | QFC #871: Charles Clark
Shorted 30 Minutes Temporary Location: 95/23
circa 2001-2002 |
9/24 | Grievance: QFC # 869:
Gregg Kessner Termination Temporary Location: 95/24
2002 |
9/25 | Grievance: QFC # 825:
John Bailey Termination Temporary Location: 95/25
2002 |
9/26 | Grievance: Factoria QFC:
Arnie Schneider Verbal Warning Temporary Location: 95/26
2003 |
9/27 | Grievance: QFC # 872:
Dean Hood and Kevin Gillihan Written Warnings Temporary Location: 95/27
2003 |
9/28 | QFC # 805: Larry Evans
Written Warning Temporary Location: 95/28
2003 |
9/29 | Grievance: QFC # 823:
Christine Calderbank Written Warning Temporary Location: 95/29
2003 |
9/30 | Grievance: QFC: Robert
Robinson Termination Temporary Location: 95/30
2004-2005 |
9/31 | Grievance: QFC # 807:
Jason Kelly Tardiness Write-Up Temporary Location: 95/31
2005 |
9/32 | Grievance: QFC # 846:
Robert Breuklander Termination Temporary Location: 95/32
2005 |
9/33 | Subseries M: Red Apple |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/33 | Grievance: Bremerton Red
Apple: Martha West Termination Temporary Location: 95/33
2003 |
9/34-9/60 | Subseries N: Safeway |
2000-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/34 | Grievance: Shelton
Safeway: Michael Frye Termination Temporary Location: 95/34
2000-2001 |
9/35 | Grievance: Shelton
Safeway: Tom Fellis Termination Temporary Location: 95/35
2001 |
9/36 | Grievance: Safeway Meat
Warehouse: Tim Vandecar Termination Temporary Location: 95/36
2001 |
9/37 | Grievance: Safeway: Don
Tameno Termination Temporary Location: 95/37
2001 |
9/38 | Grievance: Lynnwood
Safeway: Mary Bliss Seniority Temporary Location: 95/38
2002 |
9/39 | Grievance: Safeway: Bryce
Buzzell Termination Temporary Location: 95/39
2002 |
9/40 | Grievance: Safeway Meat
Warehouse: Festus Sowah: Bargaining Unit Work Temporary Location: 95/40
2002 |
9/41 | Grievances: Safeway Meat
Warehouse: Time Theft Issue: 12 Employees Temporary Location: 95/41
2002-2003 |
9/42 | Grievance: Safeway # 368:
Carole Balow Termination Temporary Location: 95/42
2003 |
9/43 | Grievance: Issaquah
Safeway: Frances Figaro Termination Temporary Location: 95/43
2003 |
9/44 | Grievance: Rainier
Safeway: Robert Gallardo Termination Temporary Location: 95/44
2003 |
9/45 | Grievance: Safeway #
1477: Constance Reneau Termination Temporary Location: 95/45
2003-2004 |
9/46 | Grievance Settlement:
Safeway: Mary Flaherty Termination Temporary Location: 95/46
2004 |
9/47 | Grievance: Safeway:
Vincent A. Marin Termination Temporary Location: 95/47
2004 |
9/48 | Grievance: Safeway #
1508: Juan Garcia Termination Temporary Location: 95/48
2004 |
9/49 | Grievance: Safeway #
1294: Scott Blank Termination Temporary Location: 95/49
2004 |
9/50 | Grievance: Safeway # 555:
Peggy Green Termination Temporary Location: 95/50
2004 |
9/51 | Grievance: Safeway:
Service Counter Seniority/Lead Meat Service Temporary Location: 95/51
2004-2005 |
9/52 | Grievance: Safeway #1664:
Jeff Derby Written Warning Temporary Location: 95/52
2004-2005 |
9/53 | Grievance: Safeway #1977:
James Bloom Termination Temporary Location: 95/53
2004-2005 |
9/54 | Grievance: Safeway #
1664: Barbara Merrill Holiday Pay Temporary Location: 95/54
2004-2005 |
9/55 | Grievance: Safeway #
1477: Randy Chaffin Termination Temporary Location: 95/55
2005 |
9/56 | Grievance: Safeway #2734:
Patrice Gaitan Termination Temporary Location: 95/56
2005 |
9/57 | Grievance: Safeway #1680:
Sonia Ruffin Termination Temporary Location: 95/57
2005 |
9/58 | Grievance: Safeway Meat
Warehouse: Gabriel Atler Termination Temporary Location: 95/58
2005 |
9/59 | Grievance: Safeway # 531:
Lynn Berkell Verbal Warning Temporary Location: 95/59
2005 |
9/60 | Grievance: Safeway #
1664: Deanna Russell Suspension Temporary Location: 95/60
2005 |
9/61 | Subseries O: Thriftway |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/61 | Renton Thriftway: Jeff
Hofer Final Warning Temporary Location: 95/61
2003 |
9/62-9/68 | Subseries P: TOP Foods |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/62 | Grievance: Kent TOP
Foods: Nicole Sanderson Termination Temporary Location: 95/62
2002 |
9/63 | Grievance: West Olympia
TOP Foods: Alfonso Botana Termination Temporary Location: 95/63
2002 |
9/64 | Grievance: TOP Foods #65:
Nancy Wright Termination Temporary Location: 95/64
2003 |
9/65 | Grievance: Federal Way
TOP Foods: Gary Dutcher Termination Temporary Location: 95/65
2004 |
9/66 | Grievance: Auburn TOP
Foods: Cheryl Pearson Termination Temporary Location: 95/66
2004 |
9/67 | Grievance: TOP Foods:
Pete Millson Termination Temporary Location: 95/67
2005 |
9/68 | Grievance: Federal Way
TOP Foods: Wayne Weidenbach Written Warning Temporary Location: 95/68
2005 |
9/69-9/70 | Subseries Q: Town and Country |
2004-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/69 | Grievance: Town and
Country # 215: Jay Trinidad Termination Temporary Location: 95/69
2004 |
9/70 | Grievance: Town and
Country: Bruce (Marshall) Bishop Written Warning Temporary Location: 95/70
2005 |
9/71 | Subseries R: Unidentified |
1986-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/71 | Grievances: Member Gary
Berntson: Multiple Employers Temporary Location: 95/71
1986-2004 |
9/72 | Series
VIII: Union Representative Tim Phelan |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/72 | Loose: Grievances Handled
by Tim Phelan Temporary Location: 95/72
2003-2004 |
9/73-9/74 | Part 4:
Human Rights Commission Complaint |
1985-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/73 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1995-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/73 | Human Rights Commission:
Joanna Studabaker Complaint vs. Local 81 |
1995-1997 |
9/74 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/74 | Human Rights Commission
Complaint: Tradewell Stores: Bette Church |
1985 |
9/75-9/78 | Part 5:
Labor and Industries |
1990-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/75-9/77 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1990-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/75 | Subseries A: QFC |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/75 | L and I Claim: QFC:
Beccie Gillihan |
1997 |
9/76-9/77 | Subseries B: Safeway |
1990-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/76 | Labor and Industries
Denial: Carmel Tucker v. Safeway |
1990-1991 |
9/77 | Labor and Industries
Claim: Safeway: Bobby Lafontaine |
1992 |
9/78 | Series
II: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/78 | Dennis Dimico Labor and
Industries Claim: "Worker was not Medically Certified" |
1999 |
9/79-10/38 | Part 6:
Legal Documents |
1970-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/79-10/17 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1989-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/79-10/3 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1995-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
9/79 | Multi-Local Albertson's
Litigations (1 of 4) |
1995-1999 |
9/80 | Multi-Local Albertson's
Litigations (2 of 4) |
1995-1999 |
9/81 | Multi-Local Albertson's
Litigations (3 of 4) |
1995-1999 |
9/82 | Multi-Local Albertson's
Litigations (4 of 4) |
1995-1999 |
9/83 | Class Action Lawsuit:
Albertson's Employment Practices (1 of 3) Temporary Location: 95/73
1995-2002 |
9/84 | Class Action Lawsuit:
Albertson's Employment Practices (2 of 3) Temporary Location: 95/74
1995-2002 |
9/85 | Class Action Lawsuit:
Albertson's Employment Practices (3 of 3) Temporary Location: 95/75
1995-2002 |
10/1 | Idaho District Court Case
# CIV 96-0398-S-BLW: Albertson's vs. UFCW Temporary Location: 96/1
2001 |
10/2 | Lawsuit: Albertson's:
Off-the Clock Work Temporary Location: 96/2
2004-2005 |
10/3 | Correspondence: Mailing
of Checks to Claimants in Albertson's Litigation Temporary Location: 96/3
2007 |
10/4-10/5 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
1991-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/4 | Superior Court Case: Fred
Meyer: Lloyd Owings Sexual Discrimination and Harassment |
1991-1992 |
10/5 | Subpoena: Documents
Pertaining to Raine Hatch v. Fred Meyer Temporary Location: 96/4
1999-2000 |
10/6 | Subseries C: Jackman's |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/6 | Jackman's Bankruptcy:
Michael McCann Appeal |
1992 |
10/7-10/8 | Subseries D: Larry's Market |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/7 | Larry's Market Bankruptcy
(1 of 2) Temporary Location: 96/5
2006 |
10/8 | Larry's Market Bankruptcy
(2 of 2) Temporary Location: 96/6
2006 |
10/9 | Subseries E: Lennon Foods |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/9 | Legal Correspondence:
Lennon Foods, Inc. Plant Closure Temporary Location: 96/7
2001 |
10/10-10/12 | Subseries F: QFC |
1995-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/10 | Subpoena: Lindal and
Fisher v. QFC Superior Court Case |
1995-1999 |
10/11 | Lawsuit: Paula Stroud v.
QFC: Discrimination |
1997-1998 |
10/12 | Deposition: Lindal and
Fisher v. QFC Superior Court Case |
1999 |
10/13 | Subseries G: Seneca Foods |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/13 | Lawsuit: Seneca Foods:
Employee Back Pay: Unjust Suspension Temporary Location: 96/8
2004 |
10/14 | Subseries H: Skyway Warehouse Market |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/14 | William Thomason
Bankruptcy: Skyway Warehouse Market |
1994 |
10/15-10/17 | Subseries I: Unidentified |
1989-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/15 | Legal Documents: Marilyn
Fisk, John Burns |
1989-1993 |
10/16 | Daniel Gautschi Lawsuit:
Religious Objector Status and Representation Costs Temporary Location: 96/9
2001-2006 |
10/17 | Schwerin Campbell
Barnard: Legal Case Updates Temporary Location: 96/10
2004 |
10/18-10/25 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1970-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/18 | Subseries A: Food Markets Northwest |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/18 | Lawsuit Against Markets
Northwest and Thomason |
1994 |
10/19-10/20 | Subseries B: King's Command Foods |
1998-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/19 | Superior Court Case:
Larry Pittman et al. v. King's Command: Reclassification Temporary Location: 96/11
1998-2002 |
10/20 | Subpoena and Records
Request: Larry Pittman et al. v. King's Command Case Temporary Location: 96/12
2001 |
10/21 | Subseries C: Martin Luther King Market |
1995-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/21 | Litigation: Retail Clerks
Pension Trust et al. vs. Martin Luther King Market |
1995-1999 |
10/22-10/24 | Subseries D: QFC |
1992-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/22 | Subpoena: Fred Cousin
Lawsuit: Atty: Francis L. VanDusen Jr. |
1992-1996 |
10/23 | Notes, Correspondence,
Documentation: Grievance: QFC # 807: Fred Cousin Suspension |
1993-1995 |
10/24 | Grievance and Lawsuit:
QFC # 807: Fred Cousin Suspension |
1994 |
10/25 | Subseries E: Safeway |
1970-1972 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/25 | Legal Documents: Local 81
vs. NLRB vs. Safeway: Supervisory Personnel |
1970-1972 |
10/26-10/35 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1975-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/26 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1975-1976 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/26 | Litigation: Allied
Employers: Meat Wrapper Cost of Living Adjustment |
1975-1976 |
10/27 | Subseries B: Bi-Lo |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/27 | Bi-Lo
Bankruptcy |
1990 |
10/28 | Subseries C: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1995-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/28 | Attorney General of
Washington: Labor and Industries: Puget Consumers Co-op Citations |
1995-1996 |
10/29 | Subseries D: QFC |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/29 | QFC: Robert Jensen
Lawsuit |
1997 |
10/30-10/31 | Subseries E: Safeway |
1976-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/30 | Lawsuit: Safeway: Jose
Caleja: Protected Minority Seniority |
1976-1979 |
10/31 | Superior Court Case:
James Jones vs. Safeway: Demotion from Market Manager to Journeyman
Meatcutter |
1982-1984 |
10/32 | Subseries F: Thriftway |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/32 | Hearing: Delridge
Thriftway: Frank Mcneil Issue |
1991 |
10/33 | Subseries G: Town and Country |
1975-1976 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/33 | Civil Lawsuit: Local 81
v. Town and Country Markets Viking Market Foods |
1975-1976 |
10/34 | Subseries H: Tradewell |
1985-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/34 | Legal Correspondence and
Documentation: Tradewell Stores: Bette Church |
1985-1986 |
10/35 | Subseries I: Unidentified |
1985-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/35 | Legal Documents: Ki Up
Lee and Yong Ja Lee vs. Locals 81 and 1105 |
1985-1986 |
10/36-10/38 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1984-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/36 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1999-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/36 | Albertson's Employment
Practices Litigation Temporary Location: 96/13
1999-2002 |
10/37 | Subseries B: Larry's Market |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/37 | Larry's Market
Bankruptcy: Legal Documents, Correspondence Temporary Location: 96/14
2006 |
10/38 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
10/38 | Administrative Hearings:
State of Washington Employment Security Department [Employees of: Albertson's,
Food Giant, Fred Meyer, Haggens, Holiday Foods, Keith Uddenburg, Lucky Stores,
Olsons Foods, Safeway, Thrifty Foods, Tradewell] |
1984 |
11/1-11/27 | Part 7:
National Labor Relations Board Charge |
1968-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/1-11/9 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1993-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/1-11/2 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1993-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/1 | National Labor Relations
Board Decision: UFCW, Teamsters, et al. vs. Albertson's Temporary Location: 96/15
1993-2002 |
11/2 | NLRB Post-Hearing Brief:
Albertson's vs. UFCW Case# 27-CA-13390, et al. Temporary Location: 96/16
2001 |
11/3-11/5 | Subseries B: QFC |
1995-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/3 | Grievance, Charges
against UFCW and QFC: Robert Jensen Termination (1 of 2) |
1995-1998 |
11/4 | Grievance, Charges
against UFCW and QFC: Robert Jensen Termination (2 of 2) |
1995-1998 |
11/5 | National Labor Relations
Board Charge: QFC: Mark Sielsky Termination |
1998-1999 |
11/6 | Subseries C: Surftech |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/6 | National Labor Relations
Board Case: Surftech Finishes Ronnie Richards Case 19-RC-14023 Temporary Location: 96/17
2000 |
11/7 | Subseries D: Thriftway |
1998-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/7 | National Labor Relations
Board Charge: Thriftway # 193: Joseph Lombardo Pension Change
Notification Temporary Location: 96/18
1998-2001 |
11/8-11/9 | Subseries E: Unidentified |
1999-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/8 | National Labor Relations
Board Complaint: Brian Harrington v. UFCW Temporary Location: 96/19
1999-2000 |
11/9 | National Labor Relations
Board Case 27-CA-13390: Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Temporary Location: 96/20
2005 |
11/10-11/17 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1968-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/10 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1990-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/10 | Unfair Labor Practice:
Albertson's Modified Work Program |
1990-1994 |
11/11 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/11 | Grievance and National
Labor Relations Board Charge: Associated Grocers: Randy Sillmon
Termination |
1988 |
11/12 | Subseries C: Item House |
1995-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/12 | Item House, Inc:
Negotiations and National Labor Relations Board Charges Temporary Location: 96/21
1995-2000 |
11/13-11/14 | Subseries D: King's Command Foods |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/13 | National Labor Relations
Board Charges: King's Command Foods: Dental Plan Changes |
1998 |
11/14 | National Labor Relations
Board Charges: King's Command Foods: Union Stickers |
1998 |
11/15 | Subseries E: Safeway |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/15 | National Labor Relations
Board Unfair Labor Practice Charge: Safeway: Kathy Kniffen |
1989 |
11/16-11/17 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1968-1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/16 | Hardship Cases: National
Labor Relations Board |
1968-1972 |
11/17 | National Labor Relations
Board Cases |
1987 |
11/18-11/26 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1975-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/18 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/18 | Albertson's National
Labor Relations Board Charges |
1997-1998 |
11/19 | Subseries B: Anco |
1978-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/19 | National Labor Relations
Board Charge: Anco: Debbie Dobson |
1978-1979 |
11/20 | Subseries C: Bavarian Meats |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/20 | National Labor Relations
Board Case: Robert Dannatt: Bavarian Meats |
1993 |
11/21 | Subseries D: Larry's Market |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/21 | Grievance and National
Labor Relations Board Case: Larry's Market: Kevin Neary Layoff |
1990-1991 |
11/22 | Subseries E: Lucky Stores |
1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/22 | National Labor Relations
Board Charge: Beverly Olson: Lucky Foods |
1984 |
11/23 | Subseries F: Payless |
1983 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/23 | Unfair Labor Practice
Charge: PayLess Drug Stores |
1983 |
11/24-11/25 | Subseries G: Safeway |
1985-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/24 | Unfair Labor Practice
Charge: Safeway: John Swanson |
1985 |
11/25 | National Labor Relations
Board Charge: Tina Jensen Safeway # 792 v. UFCW Local 81 |
1991 |
11/26 | Subseries H: Local 81 |
1975 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/26 | National Labor Relations
Board Complaint Against Local 81: Lewis Chris Thompson Unfair Labor
Practice |
1975 |
11/27 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/27 | Unfair Labor Practice: Clif
Johnson of Hytek: Direct Bargaining Temporary Location: 96/22
2001 |
11/28-23/2 | 1901-2009 | |
Box/Folder | ||
11/28-12/15 | Part 1:
Employer Audits |
1989-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/28-11/31 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1989-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/28 | Beck Audits Temporary Location: 96/23
1989-2000 |
11/29 | Local 81 Budget
Audit |
1990-1992 |
11/30 | Financial Statements and
Audits |
1996-1998 |
11/31 | UFCW/National Labor
Relations Board Beck Audit Case: Disclosure of Financial Audits to
Membership Temporary Location: 96/24
2008 |
11/32 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1992-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/32 | Allied Employers Meat
Pension Contribution Issue |
1992-1995 |
11/33-12/5 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1993-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/33 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/33 | Albertson's: Payroll
Audit Issue |
1996 |
11/34 | Subseries B: B and C Foods |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
11/34 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust v. B and C Foods Martin Luther King Market |
1997-1998 |
12/1 | Subseries C: Frank and Guy Meats |
1993-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/1 | Frank and Guy's Market:
Pension Audit |
1993-1994 |
12/2 | Subseries D: Hobart |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/2 | Hobart Custom Meats:
Heinz Meier: Retail Clerks Payroll Audit |
1998 |
12/3 | Subseries E: Market House Meats |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/3 | Market House Meats: Mike
Akrish: Retail Clerks Pension Contribution Issue |
1998 |
12/4 | Subseries F: Uddenberg's |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/4 | Keith Uddenberg:
Pension/Payroll Audit |
1996-1998 |
12/5 | Subseries G: Unidentified |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/5 | American Income Life
Insurance: Audit of Group Life Policy |
1998 |
12/6-12/15 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1990-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/6 | Subseries A: Thrifty Foods |
1994-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/6 | Thrifty Food Stores:
Appeal of Vacation Time Audit |
1994-1996 |
12/7-12/14 | Subseries B: Uddenberg's |
1990-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/7 | Keith Uddenberg Pension
Audit: Correspondence and Documentation |
1990-1996 |
12/8 | Uddenberg's, Inc: Pension
Contributions |
1991-1992 |
12/9 | Uddenberg's, Inc: Pension
Contribution Audit |
1991-1992 |
12/10 | Results/Resolution:
Uddenberg's Pension Contribution Audit |
1991-1997 |
12/11 | Continued Pension
Contribution Issues with Uddenberg's Inc: Audit Request |
1994-1995 |
12/12 | Uddenberg's: Vacation
Hour Contributions: Washington Meat Industry Pension Trust |
1995 |
12/13 | Keith Uddenberg Pension:
Payroll Audit Issues |
1996 |
12/14 | Uddenberg's Follow-Up,
Financial Documentation, Political Action Committee |
1997-1998 |
12/15 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
2008-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/15 | Department of Labor
Audit Temporary Location: 96/25
2008-2009 |
12/16-18/12 | Part 2:
Member Dues |
1901-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/16-12/23 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1972-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/16 | Retiree Dues Temporary Location: 96/26
1972-2005 |
12/17 | Dues Collection
Procedures Temporary Location: 96/27
1997-2003 |
12/18 | Unclaimed Dues Envelope:
"New Beck Person" R. Scott Florek Temporary Location: 96/28
2003-2004 |
12/19 | Membership Resignation:
Cindy M. Neeley: Nonrepresentation Costs Temporary Location: 96/29
2004 |
12/20 | Member Resignation: Zijad
Hirkic: Beck Decision Temporary Location: 96/30
2004 |
12/21 | Dues Refund Request: Robert
Florek: Beck Decision Temporary Location: 96/31
2004 |
12/22 | Membership and Dues
Information Temporary Location: 96/32
2008 |
12/23 | Dues Temporary Location: 96/33
2009 |
12/24 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1952 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/24 | Membership Card and Dues
Register: Local 364B: Julius Schmidt |
1952 |
12/25-16/2 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1932-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/25 | Subseries A: QFC |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/25 | QFC: Dues
Issues |
1996-1998 |
12/26-16/2 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1932-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
12/26 | Dues Book |
1932-1933 |
12/27 | Dues Book |
1934-1935 |
13/1 | Dues Book |
1936-1937 |
13/2 | Dues Book |
1938-1939 |
13/3 | Dues Book |
1940-1941 |
14/1 | Dues Book |
1942-1943 |
15/1 | Dues Book: Fish
Workers |
1949-1950 |
16/1 | Dues/Equal Employement
Opportunity Commission Charge: Humberto Aguilera |
1993-1995 |
16/2 | Dues
Check-Off |
1998 |
16/3-18/6 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1901-1981 |
Box/Folder | ||
16/3 | Dues Book |
1905-1910 |
16/4 | Dues Book |
1980-1981 |
16/5 | Dues Book |
1901-1902 |
16/6 | Dues Book |
1903-1905 |
16/7 | Dues Book |
1906-1907 |
16/8 | Dues Book |
1910-1914 |
16/9 | Dues Book |
1915-1917 |
16/10 | Dues Book |
1919 |
16/11 | Dues Book |
1920-1922 |
16/12 | Dues Book |
1920-1923 |
17/1 | Dues Book |
1924-1925 |
17/2 | Dues Book: Local
21 |
1931-1932 |
17/3 | Dues Book |
1932-1933 |
17/4 | Dues Book |
1933-1934 |
17/5 | Dues Book |
1935-1936 |
17/6 | Dues Book |
1937-1938 |
17/7 | Dues Book |
1938 |
17/8 | Dues Book |
1939 |
17/9 | Dues Book |
1939 |
17/10 | Dues Book |
1940 |
17/11 | Dues Book |
1940 |
17/12 | Dues Book |
1941 |
17/13 | Dues Book |
1941 |
18/1 | Dues Book |
1942 |
18/2 | Dues Book |
1942 |
18/3 | Dues Book |
1942 |
18/4 | Dues Book |
1942-1944 |
18/5 | Dues Book: Fish Workers
Local 91 |
1942-1949 |
18/6 | Dues Book |
1944 |
18/7-18/10 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1997-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/7 | Dues Increase |
1997 |
18/8 | Tonja Sanchez
Dues |
1999 |
18/9 | Letter from Member: Dues
and Benefits Question |
1999 |
18/10 | Dues Increase Temporary Location: 96/34
2005 |
18/11-18/12 | Series
VI: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2003-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/11 | Subseries A: King's Command Foods |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/11 | King's Command: Jose
Claros Dues Temporary Location: 96/35
2003 |
18/12 | Subseries B: Saar's Pearl Street Market Place |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/12 | Saar's Pearl Street
Market Place: New Hire: Kennith Beaver Temporary Location: 96/36
2005 |
18/13-22/5 | Part 3:
Financial |
1926-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/13-19/5 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1926-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
18/13 | Ledger |
1926-1927 |
19/1 | Ledger |
1928-1929 |
19/2 | Ledger |
1930-1931 |
19/3 | Ledger: Relief
Fund |
1932-1933 |
19/4 | International Financial
Reports Temporary Location: 96/37
1982-2000 |
19/5 | Sarah Hopkins:
Administrative: Dues, Collections, Memos |
1997-1998 |
19/6-19/11 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1939-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
19/6 | Financial Statements (1 of
2) |
1939-1946 |
19/7 | Financial Statements (2 of
2) |
1939-1946 |
19/8 | Ledger |
1980 |
19/9 | Financials (1 of
3) Temporary Location: 96/38
1985-2009 |
19/10 | Financials (2 of
3) Temporary Location: 96/39
1985-2009 |
19/11 | Financials (3 of
3) Temporary Location: 96/40
1985-2009 |
20/1-22/1 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1968-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
20/1 | Local 652 Receipt Book and
Check Ledger |
1968-1972 |
20/2 | Financial Core: Conrad
Tjemsland |
1984 |
21/1 | Check Ledgers and
Receipts |
1990-1996 |
22/1 | Sunshine Fund |
1998 |
22/2 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1935-1942 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/2 | Ledger |
1935-1942 |
22/3-22/5 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1995-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/3 | Subseries A: Esterline Technologies |
1995-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/3 | Esterline
401-K |
1995-1996 |
22/4-22/5 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1996-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/4 | Local Budget and Budget
Forecast |
1996 |
22/5 | Local Budget |
1996-1997 |
22/6-22/8 | Part 4:
Store Closure |
1986-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/6 | Series
I: Johnny's |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/6 | Correspondence: Store
Closure: Sea-Tac Johnny's |
1991 |
22/7-22/8 | Series
II: Red Apple |
1986-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/7 | Store Closing Notices:
Lakecrest Red Apple Market and Kenmore Market Place |
1996 |
22/8 | Contract, Signature Page,
and Notice of Closure: Sunnydale Red Apple Market Temporary Location: 96/41
1986-2000 |
22/9-22/34 | Part 5:
Store Sale |
1985-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/9-22/12 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1994-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/9 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/9 | Press and Correspondence:
Sale of Albertson's Temporary Location: 96/42
2006 |
22/10 | Subseries B: Draper Valley Farms |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/10 | Sale of Draper Valley
Farms to Booth Creek Management Corporation Temporary Location: 96/43
2007 |
22/11 | Subseries C: QFC |
1995-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/11 | QFC: Seniority,
Acquisitions, Policy Changes Temporary Location: 96/44
1995-2002 |
22/12 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1994-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/12 | Sales of Stores: Market
Industrial Relations Service Notifications |
1994-1996 |
22/13-22/26 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1985-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/13 | Subseries A: A and J Meats and Seafood |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/13 | Sale: A.J. Mega Stores:
Olympia |
1991 |
22/14 | Subseries B: DiTamaso Foods |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/14 | DiTamaso Foods
Acquisition of Auburn Market Place |
1992 |
22/15 | Subseries C: Greenwood Market |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/15 | Greenwood Market Asset
Sale Temporary Location: 97/1
2001 |
22/16 | Subseries D: Lucky Stores |
1985-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/16 | Lucky Stores:
Sale |
1985-1986 |
22/17 | Subseries E: North Bend Market Place |
1998-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/17 | Contract Setup, Contract,
Asset Sale: North Bend Market Place |
1998-1999 |
22/18 | Subseries F: Piggly Wiggly |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/18 | Puget Sound Marketing,
Inc: Piggly Wiggly Sale |
1988 |
22/19-22/20 | Subseries G: Red Apple |
1989-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/19 | Correspondence, Contract,
Asset Sale: Auburn Red Apple/K and S Markets |
1989-1998 |
22/20 | Asset Sale: Hilltop Red
Apple |
1996 |
22/21 | Subseries H: Thrifty Foods |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/21 | Thrifty Foods: Sales of
Stores |
1994 |
22/22 | Subseries I: Tradewell |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/22 | Tradewell: Final
Dissolution |
1988 |
22/23 | Subseries J: Uddenberg's |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/23 | Keith Uddenberg Store
Sales |
1988-1989 |
22/24-22/26 | Subseries K: Unidentified |
1991-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/24 | Stores Sold |
1991-1996 |
22/25 | Sale of Skyway Warehouse
Market to Stolz NW, Inc.; Store Closure Temporary Location: 97/2
1994-2000 |
22/26 | Sale of Tony's Market to
Supermarket Management Corporation Temporary Location: 97/3
1999-2000 |
22/27-22/32 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1991-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/27 | Subseries A: Fred Meyer |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/27 | Fred Meyer: New
Stores |
1997-1998 |
22/28 | Subseries B: Uddenberg's |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/28 | Keith Uddenberg: Notices
of Sale |
1997 |
22/29-22/32 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1991-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/29 | Asset Sale: Storman's to
Thrifty Foods (Hawk's Prairie/Food Pavilion) |
1991-1996 |
22/30 | QFC Purchase of Johnny's
Store, Des Moines, WA |
1994 |
22/31 | Correspondence: QFC
Purchase of Johnny's Store, Des Moines, WA |
1994 |
22/32 | Store Sales or
Transfers |
1996-1998 |
22/33-22/34 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/33 | Subseries A: King's Command Foods |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/33 | King's Command Foods Inc.
Sale |
1997-1998 |
22/34 | Subseries B: QFC |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/34 | QFC Merger |
1997-1998 |
22/35-23/2 | Part 6:
Union Merger |
1986-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/35-22/41 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/35 | Merger Discussions: 81,
201, 171, 554 |
1986-1996 |
22/36 | Merger: 81 and
554 |
1992-1999 |
22/37 | Merger and Tax
Instructional Documents |
1994-1999 |
22/38 | Merger Documents: Proposed
Merger of Locals 81, 554, 17G, 201G |
1995-1996 |
22/39 | Merger Discussions: 81,
554, 17G, 201G |
1995-1999 |
22/40 | Merger: 554, 17G,
201G |
1996 |
22/41 | Correspondence: Merger of
Locals 81 and 554 |
1999 |
22/42-22/43 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/42 | Subseries A: King's Command Foods |
1993-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/42 | King's Command Employee
Associaton Affiliation Merger |
1993-1996 |
22/43 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/43 | Bylaws and Merger
Documents |
1986-1999 |
22/44 | Series
III: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/44 | Merger: Creation of UFCW
Textile and Garment Council Temporary Location: 97/4
2000 |
22/45-23/2 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
22/45 | Merger |
1986-1987 |
22/46 | Proposed Merger: Locals 81,
554, 17G, 201G |
1996 |
23/1 | Mergers: 551, 554, 17G,
201G |
1996-1997 |
23/2 | Merger: Meetings and
Correspondence |
1999 |
23/3-46/74 | 1927-2011 | |
Box/Folder | ||
23/3-23/16 | Part 1:
Apprenticeship |
1972-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/3-23/10 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1987-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/3 | Apprenticeship Standards:
Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council |
1987-1995 |
23/4 | Standards and Regulations:
Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Department of Public Health |
1990-1995 |
23/5 | Apprenticeship Standards:
Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council |
1990-1998 |
23/6 | Meatcutter Apprenticeship
Program Temporary Location: 97/5
1992-2008 |
23/7 | Meat Cutting Apprenticeship
Program Temporary Location: 97/6
2003-2008 |
23/8 | Apprenticeship
Program Temporary Location: 97/7
2003-2009 |
23/9 | Local 81 Meatcutters
Apprenticeship Program, Meeting Announcements, Events, Updates Temporary Location: 97/8
2005-2010 |
23/10 | John Dick Apprentice
Evaluation: Presented to College Employee Gary Shew Temporary Location: 97/9
2010 |
23/11-23/12 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1989-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/11 | Subgroup A: Safeway |
1989-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/11 | Seafood Training Program,
Seafood Market Research, Safeway Issues |
1989-1990 |
23/12 | Subgroup B: Unidentified |
1992-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/12 | Seafood Training
Program |
1992-1994 |
23/13-23/14 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1972-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/13 | Apprenticeship
Standards |
1972-1975 |
23/14 | Seattle Meatcutters
Apprenticeship Committee |
1980-1996 |
23/15 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1976-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/15 | Meatcutters
Apprenticeship |
1976-1996 |
23/16 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/16 | Letter Requesting
Enrollment in Apprenticeship Class: Kapiolani Faagai Temporary Location: 97/10
2002 |
23/17-25/12 | Part 2:
Collective Bargaining Agreements |
1955-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/17-24/1 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1955-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/17-23/19 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1989-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/17 | Meat Dealers Contract:
Allied Employers (1 of 2) |
1989 |
23/18 | Meat Dealers Contract:
Allied Employers (2 of 2) |
1989 |
23/19 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Allied Employers |
1998-2007 |
23/20 | Subseries B: Fletcher's |
1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/20 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Fletcher's: Local 283P |
1984 |
23/21 | Subseries C: Hygrade |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/21 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Hygrade Foods: Local 554 |
1989 |
23/22-24/1 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1955-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
23/22 | Retail and Wholesale
Working Agreement |
1955 |
23/23 | Retail Working
Agreements: Amalgated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America Local
81 |
1956-1977 |
23/24 | Labor Law and Collective
Bargaining Agreements |
1967-1987 |
23/25 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Meat Dealers |
1980-1995 |
23/26 | Contract, Member Mailers,
International Constitution Amendments Temporary Location: 97/11
1980-2003 |
23/27 | Contracts and Benefit
Plans (1 of 2) |
1984-2004 |
23/28 | Contracts and Benefit
Plans (2 of 2) |
1984-2004 |
24/1 | Meat Dealers
Contract |
1995 |
24/2-24/37 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1962-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/2-24/6 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1974-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/2 | Allied Employers
Contracts |
1974-1999 |
24/3 | Allied Employers Fish
Agreements: Locals 81, 44, 553, 143A |
1984 |
24/4 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Addendum: Mason/Thurston Counties Allied Employers |
1986-1990 |
24/5 | Contracts: Allied
Employers |
1990-1995 |
24/6 | Meat Dealers Contract:
Allied Employers |
1995 |
24/7 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1983-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/7 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Associated Grocers Warehouse |
1983-1990 |
24/8 | Subseries C: B and E Meats |
1992-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/8 | Contracts: B and E
Meats |
1992-1998 |
24/9 | Subseries D: Bi-Lo |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/9 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Lacey Bi-Lo |
1989 |
24/10 | Subseries E: Bob's Quality Meats |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/10 | Contract: Bob's Quality
Meats |
1992 |
24/11 | Subseries F: Dunham's Supermarket |
1986-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/11 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Dunham's Supermarket |
1986-1992 |
24/12 | Subseries G: Food Pavilion |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/12 | Contract Setup: Auburn
Food Pavilion |
1997 |
24/13 | Subseries H: Johnny's |
1986-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/13 | Contracts: Johnny's
Meats |
1986-1995 |
24/14 | Subseries I: Larry's Market |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/14 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Larry's Markets |
1989 |
24/15 | Subseries J: Les-T Foods |
1986-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/15 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Les-T Foods |
1986-1992 |
24/16 | Subseries K: Massey's Food Center |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/16 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Massey's Food Center |
1986-1989 |
24/17 | Subseries L: Piggly Wiggly |
1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/17 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Piggly Wiggly Stores |
1986 |
24/18 | Subseries M: Puget Sound Marketing |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/18 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Puget Sound Marketing |
1989 |
24/19 | Subseries N: Red Apple |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/19 | Contracts: Poulsbo Red
Apple |
1986-1999 |
24/20-24/21 | Subseries O: Shop Rite |
1989-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/20 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: North Shore Shop Rite |
1989 |
24/21 | Contracts: First Hill
Shoprite: D'Ambrosio and Associates |
1992-1999 |
24/22 | Subseries P: Skyway Warehouse Market |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/22 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Skyway Warehouse |
1989 |
24/23-24/24 | Subseries Q: Thriftway |
1986-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/23 | Contracts: Thriftway: Cap
Foods |
1986-1989 |
24/24 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Jackman's Thriftway |
1986-1992 |
24/25 | Subseries R: TOP Foods |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/25 | Contract: Olympia TOP
Foods |
1988 |
24/26 | Subseries S: Town and Country |
1986-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/26 | Contracts: Hilltop
Market, Rainier Valley Market, Columbia City Market |
1986-1992 |
24/27 | Subseries T: Turner and Pease |
1983-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/27 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Turner and Pease |
1983-1995 |
24/28 | Subseries U: United Grocers |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/28 | United Grocers:
Innes-Arden Sentry Market Meat Agreement |
1990-1991 |
24/29-24/37 | Subseries V: Unidentified |
1962-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/29 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements, Bylaws, Insurance Plans |
1962-2007 |
24/30 | California Meatcutters
Contracts |
1985-1989 |
24/31 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Shelton Pricesetter, Skyway Warehouse Market, Markets Northwest
Inc. |
1986 |
24/32 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements (1 of 2) |
1986-1989 |
24/33 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements (2 of 2) |
1986-1989 |
24/34 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Safeway, Turner and Pease, Uwajimaya |
1987-1998 |
24/35 | Contracts: Service
Meats |
1992-1998 |
24/36 | Contracts: Stevens Family
Grocer |
1995-1998 |
24/37 | Uwajimaya Contracts and
Hytek Open Enrollment |
1998-2002 |
24/38 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/38 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Meat Dealers: Allied Employers |
1989 |
24/39-25/3 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1957-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/39 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1992-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/39 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Meat Dealers, Allied Employers |
1992-2004 |
24/40-25/3 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1957-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
24/40 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Insurance Plans |
1957-2001 |
25/1 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Health Plan |
1964-1986 |
25/2 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements |
1967-1989 |
25/3 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements, Constitution and Bylaws |
1986-2004 |
25/4-25/11 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1980-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/4 | Subseries A: Aladdin Plating Co. |
1980 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/4 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Aladdin Plating Co. and Metal Polishers, Platers, Buffers and Allied
Workers Int. Union Local 14 |
1980 |
25/5 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/5 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Allied Employers and Local 81 |
2001 |
25/6 | Subseries C: Hytek Finishes |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/6 | Hytek Finishes
Contract |
1996 |
25/7 | Subseries D: King's Command Foods |
1996-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/7 | King's Command Foods:
Collective Bargaining Agreement, Employee Handbook |
1996-2005 |
25/8 | Subseries E: Market House Meats |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/8 | Market House Meats, Inc.
Collective Bargaining Agreement |
1998 |
25/9-25/11 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1988-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/9 | Northern California
Agreement |
1988-1992 |
25/10 | Southern California
Agreement |
1990-1992 |
25/11 | Southern California Labor
Agreements |
1993-1996 |
25/12 | Series
VI: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/12 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Hytek Finishes |
2002 |
25/13-34/21 | Part 3:
Contract Negotiations |
1927-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/13-26/26 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1964-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/13 | Subseries A: A and J Meats |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/13 | Contract Opening: A and J
Meats Temporary Location: 97/12
2007 |
15/14-25/16 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1985-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/14 | Contract Negotiations
with Allied Employers |
1985-1998 |
25/15 | Allied Employers:
Contract Openings Temporary Location: 97/13
2001 |
25/16 | Contract Openings: Allied
Employers Temporary Location: 97/14
2007 |
25/17-25/18 | Subseries C: Associated Grocers |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/17 | Associated Grocers
Negotiations |
1998 |
25/18 | Associated Grocers
Negotiations |
1998 |
25/19-25/20 | Subseries D: Bavarian Meats |
2001-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/19 | Bavarian Meats: Contract
Opening Temporary Location: 97/15
2001 |
25/20 | Contract Opening:
Bavarian Meats Temporary Location: 97/16
2007 |
25/21 | Subseries E: Bluher's Market |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/21 | Contract Opening:
Bluher's Market Temporary Location: 97/17
2007 |
25/22 | Subseries F: Dominic's |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/22 | Contract Opening:
Dominic's Temporary Location: 97/18
2007 |
25/23 | Subseries G: Don and Joe's |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/23 | Contract Opening: Don and
Joe's Meats Temporary Location: 97/19
2007 |
25/24 | Subseries H: Fletcher's |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/24 | Memorandum of Agreement:
Fletcher's Fine Foods Temporary Location: 97/20
2006 |
25/25 | Subseries I: Fred Meyer |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/25 | Fred Meyer Mason/Thurston
Contract Openings Temporary Location: 97/21
2001 |
25/26 | Subseries J: Golden Steer |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/26 | Contract Opening: Golden
Steer Temporary Location: 97/22
2007 |
25/27-25/28 | Subseries K: Hytek Finishes |
1992-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/27 | Mike Williams: File on
Hytek Contract Negotiations |
1992-1995 |
25/28 | Hytek Contract
Ratification |
1996-1999 |
25/29 | Subseries L: King's Command Foods |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/29 | Contract Negotiations:
King's Command Foods |
1996-1998 |
25/30 | Subseries M: Larry's Market |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/30 | Contract Opening: Larry's
Market Temporary Location: 97/23
2007 |
25/31 | Subseries N: Minder Meats |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/31 | Minder Meats: Contract
Opening Temporary Location: 97/24
2001 |
25/32-25/34 | Subseries O: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2001-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/32 | Puget Consumers' Co-op:
Contract Opening Temporary Location: 97/25
2001 |
25/33 | Unified Grocers Contract
Ratification and Puget Consumers' Co-op Pre-Bargaining Meetings Temporary Location: 97/26
2007 |
25/34 | Contract Opening: Puget
Consumers' Co-op Temporary Location: 97/27
2007 |
25/35-25/36 | Subseries P: Red Apple |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/35 | Contract Opening: Paulsbo
Red Apple Temporary Location: 97/28
2007 |
25/36 | Contract Opening: Kirby
Company/Shelton Red Apple Temporary Location: 97/29
2007 |
25/37 | Subseries Q: Rose and Associates |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/37 | Contract Opening: Rose
and Associates, LLC Temporary Location: 97/30
2007 |
25/38 | Subseries R: Saar's Pearl Street Market Place |
2003-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/38 | Organizing and Contract
Negotiations: Saar's Marketplace, SAHARA, Inc. Temporary Location: 97/31
2003-2007 |
25/39 | Subseries S: Safeway |
2003-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/39 | Safeway Warehouse
Bargaining Temporary Location: 97/32
2003-2006 |
25/40 | Subseries T: Storman's |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/40 | Contract Opening:
Storman's Temporary Location: 97/33
2007 |
25/41-25/43 | Subseries U: Town and Country |
2001-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/41 | Madison Market Contract
Opening Temporary Location: 97/34
2001 |
25/42 | Contract Opening: Town
and Country Markets Temporary Location: 97/35
2004-2007 |
25/43 | Contract Opening: Madison
Market Temporary Location: 97/36
2007 |
25/44 | Subseries V: Uwajimaya |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/44 | Contract Opening:
Uwajimaya Temporary Location: 97/37
2007 |
25/45-26/26 | Subseries W: Unidentified |
1964-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
25/45 | Retail Negotiations:
Union Proposals |
1964-1980 |
25/46 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Negotiations Correspondence: Locals 81, 120, 143,
274 |
1973-1977 |
25/47 | Contract Negotiations:
Locals 81, 1105, 186 |
1977 |
25/48 | Contract Notes and
Employer Notices |
1980-1993 |
25/49 | Grocery Negotiations:
Correspondence and Proposals Temporary Location: 97/38
1980-2004 |
25/50 | Interim Agreement:
Ratification |
1989-1990 |
25/51 | Contract Netotiations:
Meat Cutters |
1991 |
26/1 | Retail Meat Agreement:
Proposals and Questions for Poll |
1992-1994 |
26/2 | Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service: Contract Opening Forms: Originals |
1993-1996 |
26/3 | Contract
Priorities |
1994-1995 |
26/4 | Letters to Independent
Employers: Intent to Renegotiate |
1995 |
26/5 | Correspondence:
Independent Employers Contract Negotiations |
1995 |
26/6 | Letters to Independent
Employers: Intent to Renegotiate |
1998 |
26/7 | Contract Opening Letters:
Extras |
1998 |
26/8 | Contract Negotiations:
Member Surveys Temporary Location: 97/39
2000 |
26/9 | D'Ambrosio and
Associates: Contract Opening Temporary Location: 97/40
2001 |
26/10 | Letters to Independent
Employers: Intent to Renegotiate Temporary Location: 97/41
2001 |
26/11 | Letters to Independent
Employers: Intent to Renegotiate Temporary Location: 97/42
2001 |
26/12 | Contract
Openings Temporary Location: 97/43
2001 |
26/13 | Bargaining Tools: Member
Survey, Info Request Letter, Etc. Temporary Location: 97/44
2002-2007 |
26/14 | Wilson Center for Public
Research, Inc: Region 7 Bargaining Poll Report (1 of 3) Temporary Location: 97/45
2003 |
26/15 | Wilson Center for Public
Research, Inc: Region 7 Bargaining Poll Report (2 of 3) Temporary Location: 97/46
2003 |
26/16 | Wilson Center for Public
Research, Inc: Region 7 Bargaining Poll Report (3 of 3) Temporary Location: 97/47
2003 |
26/17 | Retail Meat/Seafood
Contract Settlement, Benefits Implementation Temporary Location: 97/48
2004 |
26/18 | Bargaining
Meeting Temporary Location: 97/49
2006 |
26/19 | Retail Food Strategic
Bargaining Group Meeting: St. Louis Temporary Location: 97/50
2006 |
26/20 | List: Ahold, Albertson's,
Kroger and Safeway Contracts Expiring in 2006 or 2007 Temporary Location: 97/51
2006 |
26/21 | Contract Openings: All
Employers Represented by D'Ambrosio and Associates Temporary Location: 97/52
2007 |
26/22 | Interim Agreement
Letters Temporary Location: 97/53
2007 |
26/23 | Contract Openings:
SAHARA, Inc. Temporary Location: 97/54
2007 |
26/24 | DVD: Contract
Campaign Temporary Location: 97/55
2007 |
26/25 | Eugene Grocery and Meat
Netotiations: Fully Recommended Settlement Temporary Location: 97/56
2008 |
26/26 | Special Reports: Program
on Negotiation: Harvard Law School Temporary Location: 97/57
2009 |
26/27-28/11 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1971-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/27 | Subseries A: A and J Meats and Seafood |
1992-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/27 | Negotiations and
Contract: A and J Meats and Seafood |
1992-1999 |
26/28-26/35 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1971-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/28 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements: Allied Employers |
1971-1994 |
26/29 | Collective Bargaining and
Settlement Agreements: Allied Employers |
1984-1992 |
26/30 | Allied Employers: Meat
Dealers Contract |
1986 |
26/31 | Changes to Agreement:
Allied Employers: Meat Dealers |
1986 |
26/32 | Negotiations: Allied
Employers (1 of 2) |
1986-1998 |
26/33 | Negotiations: Allied
Employers (2 of 2) |
1986-1998 |
26/34 | Early Negotiations:
Allied Employers |
1989-1991 |
26/35 | Negotiations: Allied
Employers |
1991 |
26/36 | Subseries C: Art's Food Center |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/36 | Contract: Art's Food
Center |
1992 |
26/37 | Subseries D: Associated Grocers |
1992-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/37 | Associated Grocers:
Negotiations and Contracts |
1992-1998 |
26/38-26/43 | Subseries E: Bavarian Meats |
1980-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/38 | Negotiations: Bavarian
Meats |
1980 |
26/39 | Negotiations: Bavarian
Meat Company: Letter of Understanding |
1987 |
26/40 | Negotiatons: Bavarian
Meat Company |
1987-1998 |
26/41 | Negotiations and Member
Issues: Bavarian Meats |
1987-1999 |
26/42 | Negotiations: Bavarian
Meat Company |
1989-1991 |
26/43 | Addendum: Bavarian Meat
Products, Inc. |
1994 |
26/44 | Subseries F: C.C. Filson |
1997-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
26/44 | Contract Bargaining: C.
C. Filson Company and Local 554 Temporary Location: 97/58
1997-2002 |
27/1 | Subseries G: Central Co-op |
1999-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/1 | Negotiaitons: Central
Co-op: Madison Market Temporary Location: 97/59
1999-2002 |
27/2 | Subseries H: Cost Cutter Foods |
1992-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/2 | Negotiations and Contract
Setup: Consumer's Choice, Inc: Cost Cutter Foods |
1992-1994 |
27/3 | Subseries I: Draper Valley Farms |
1997-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/3 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Negotiations: Draper Valley Farms |
1997-1999 |
27/4 | Subseries J: Food Giant |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/4 | Contract Setup: Kenmore
Food Giant Temporary Location: 97/60
2002 |
27/5 | Subseries K: Food Markets Northwest |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/5 | Correspondence:
Negotiations: Food Markets Northwest, Inc. |
1989 |
27/6 | Subseries L: GSL Foods |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/6 | Contract Setup: Issaquah
Market: GSL Foods |
1996 |
27/7 | Subseries M: Haggen |
1992-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/7 | Haggen's, Inc: Signed
Agreements |
1992-1995 |
27/8-27/10 | Subseries N: Hytek Finishes |
1992-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/8 | Negotiations: Esterline:
Hytek Finishes |
1992-1996 |
27/9 | Contract Negotiations:
Hytek Finishes (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 97/61
1999-2001 |
27/10 | Contract Negotiatons:
Hytek Finishes (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 97/62
1999-2001 |
27/11 | Subseries O: Innis Arden Sentry Market |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/11 | Contract Bargaining:
Innis Arden Sentry Market |
1989-1991 |
27/12 | Subseries P: J and S Markets |
1986-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/12 | J and S Markets:
Contracts, Acquisitions, Repossession by Associated Grocers and Failure to Pay
Vacation Temporary Location: 98/1
1986-2000 |
27/13-27/14 | Subseries Q: King's Command Foods |
1977-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/13 | Negotiations: King's
Command |
1977-1990 |
27/14 | King's Command: Contract
and Proposals for Negotiations |
1984-1986 |
27/15-27/17 | Subseries R: Larry's Market |
1989-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/15 | Negotiations: Larry's
Markets |
1989-1990 |
27/16 | Negotiations and
Contracts: Larry's Markets |
1989-1998 |
27/17 | Letter of Understanding:
Larry's Markets: Green River Sausage Operation |
circa 1995-1998 |
27/18 | Subseries S: Lennon Foods |
1986-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/18 | Lennon's Packing Company:
Negotiations: Correspondence and Notes |
1986-1990 |
27/19-27/20 | Subseries T: Olson's |
1985-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/19 | Olson's Foods:
Negotiations, Member Issues, Merger with QFC |
1985-1995 |
27/20 | Negotiations and
Acquisitions: Olson's Foods |
1989-1994 |
27/21-27/22 | Subseries U: Oversea Casing |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/21 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements and Negotiations: Oversea Casing Company |
1986-1999 |
27/22 | Negotiations: Oversea
Casing Company |
1989-1995 |
27/23-27/26 | Subseries V: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1991-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/23 | Negotiations and
Contracts: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1991-1998 |
27/24 | Negotiations: Puget
Consumers' Co-op |
1992-1995 |
27/25 | Negotiations: Puget
Consumers' Co-op |
1998 |
27/26 | Negotiations and
Contracts: Puget Consumers' Co-op Temporary Location: 98/2
1998-2001 |
27/27-27/28 | Subseries W: Red Apple |
1989-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/27 | Miller Foods: Contract
and Change to Lakecrest Red Apple |
1989-1992 |
27/28 | Zumek's Family Grocer and
Black Diamond Red Apple: Contracts and Contract Setups |
1992-1995 |
27/29 | Subseries X: Safeway |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/29 | Negotiations: Safeway:
Scheduling |
1988-1989 |
27/30 | Subseries Y: Shop Rite |
1990-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/30 | Negotiations and
Contract: Northshore Shoprite |
1990-1992 |
27/31 | Subseries Z: SuperValue |
1992-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/31 | Contract and Notes for
Bargaining: Shelton Super Value |
1992-1994 |
27/32 | Subseries AA: Thriftway |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/32 | Negotiations and
Contract: Thriftway: Queen Anne and Admiral |
1986-1989 |
27/33-27/35 | Subseries BB: TOP Foods |
1989-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/33 | TOP Foods
Bargaining |
1989 |
27/34 | Negotiations and
Contracts: Haggen's, Inc: TOP Foods: Includes Gulf War Mailers |
1989-1998 |
27/35 | TOP Foods
Bargaining |
1990-1995 |
27/36 | Subseries CC: Town and Country |
1994-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/36 | Contract Setup: Promenade
Market Place |
1994-1997 |
27/37-28/11 | Subseries DD: Unidentified |
1980-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
27/37 | Wages: Cost of
Living |
1980 |
27/38 | Coordinated
Bargaining |
1980 |
27/39 | Locals 81, 44, 554:
Contract Negotiations: Seafood Language |
1983-1985 |
27/40 | Negotiatons and
Contracts: Southgate Shoprite Supermarket |
1986-1992 |
27/41 | Silverdale Red Apple
Negotiations and Store Liquidation; Johnsons Shoprite Contract Temporary Location: 98/3
1986-2000 |
27/42 | Haggen's, Inc: TOP Foods
Acquisitions and Negotiations |
1988-1997 |
27/43 | Bargaining Research:
Wages: Cost of Living |
1989 |
27/44 | Research for
Negotiations |
1989 |
27/45 | Contract Negotiatons and
Set-ups |
1989-1993 |
27/46 | Collective Bargaining and
Settlement Agreements: Independent Employers |
1990-1993 |
27/47 | Contract Revisions:
D'Ambrosio and Associates |
1991-1998 |
27/48 | Contract: Sunset
Thriftway |
1992 |
27/49 | Contract and Contribution
Setup: Randish Red Apple |
1992-1994 |
27/50 | Thrifty Foods, Inc.:
Olympia Acquisitions and Contract Setup |
1992-1994 |
28/1 | Contract Negotiations (1
of 2) |
1993-1995 |
28/2 | Contract Negotiations (2
of 2) |
1993-1995 |
28/3 | Local 81: Contracts,
Notes, Ratification Flyers (1 of 2) |
1994-1998 |
28/4 | Local 81: Contracts,
Notes, Ratification Flyers (2 of 2) |
1994-1998 |
28/5 | Contract and Contract
Setup: Skyway Super-Valu Foods |
1994-1998 |
28/6 | Contract Setup: Storman's
Inc: Lacey Price Right |
1995 |
28/7 | Negotiations: Notes and
Resources |
1995-1998 |
28/8 | Item House, Inc.
Negotiations Temporary Location: 98/4
1995-2000 |
28/9 | Meat Negotiations (1 of
3) Temporary Location: 98/5
1999-2001 |
28/10 | Meat Negotiations (2 of
3) Temporary Location: 98/6
1999-2001 |
28/11 | Meat Negotiations (3 of
3) Temporary Location: 98/7
1999-2001 |
28/12-30/10 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1977-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/12 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/12 | Albertson's: Contract
Negotiations |
1989-1991 |
28/13-28/21 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1980-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/13 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Allied Employers |
1980-1983 |
28/14 | Meat Dealers Contract
Negotiations: Allied Employers: Daily Notes |
1983 |
28/15 | Meat Dealers Contract
Negotiations: Allied Employers: Opening Proposals |
1983 |
28/16 | Allied Employers:
Correspondence and Labor Agreements |
1986-1991 |
28/17 | Allied Employers:
Contract Negotiations |
1989 |
28/18 | Contract Negotiations:
Allied Employers |
1989 |
28/19 | Allied Employers: Health
and Welfare Agreements |
1989-1991 |
28/20 | Allied Employers Contract
Negotiations Summaries |
1991 |
28/21 | Allied Employers
Negotiaitons |
1998 |
28/22 | Subseries C: Associated Grocers |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/22 | Associated Grocers:
Central Cutting and Negotiations |
1997-1998 |
28/23-28/24 | Subseries D: Bavarian Meats |
1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/23 | Contract Negotiations:
Bavarian Meats |
1987 |
28/24 | Bavarian Meats
Bargaining |
1987 |
28/25 | Subseries E: Everybody's Store |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/25 | Everybody's Store:
Contract Opening |
1989 |
28/26-28/28 | Subseries F: Fred Meyer |
1990-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/26 | Fred Meyer: Contract
Negotiations |
1990-1991 |
28/27 | Lacey Fred Meyer:
Negotiaitons |
1992 |
28/28 | Opening Letters: Lacey
Fred Meyer |
1998 |
28/29-28/30 | Subseries G: Hytek Finishes |
1992-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/29 | Anthony Abeyta's File and
Notes: Hytek Bargaining |
1992-1996 |
28/30 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Negotiations |
1996-1998 |
28/31-29/3 | Subseries H: King's Command Foods |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
28/31 | King's Command Foods:
Contract Negotiations: Member Survey (1 of 2) |
1998 |
28/32 | King's Command Foods:
Contract Negotiations: Member Survey (2 of 2) |
1998 |
29/1 | King's Command Foods:
Contract Negotiations |
1998 |
29/2 | Correspondence:
Preparation for King's Command Foods Negotiations |
1998 |
29/3 | Contract Opening: King's
Command Foods |
1998 |
29/4 | Subseries I: Pacific Fish |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/4 | Contract Negotiations:
Pacific Fish |
1993 |
29/5-29/6 | Subseries J: Safeway |
1979-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/5 | Allied Employers and
Safeway Contract Negotiations Correspondence: Seniority, Layoffs,
Discharges |
1979-1980 |
29/6 | Safeway Warehouse
Contract |
1988-1994 |
29/7 | Subseries K: Shoprite |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/7 | Peterson's Shoprite:
Contract Negotiations |
1989 |
29/8-29/9 | Subseries L: TOP Foods |
1986-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/8 | Contract Negotiations:
Haggen's: Olympia TOP Foods |
1986-1988 |
29/9 | TOP Foods:
Bargaining |
1997-1998 |
29/10 | Subseries M: Uddenberg's |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/10 | Keith Uddenberg Inc:
Contract Opening |
1989 |
29/11-29/15 | Subseries N: Uwajimaya |
1984-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/11 | Contract Negotiations:
Uwajimaya |
1984-1988 |
29/12 | Contract Negotiations:
Uwajimaya |
1986-1987 |
29/13 | Contract Negotiations:
Uwajimaya |
1986-1987 |
29/14 | Uwajimaya
Negotiations |
1992-1995 |
29/15 | Uwajimaya
Negotiations |
1995 |
29/16-30/10 | Subseries O: Unidentified |
1977-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
29/16 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Employer Proposals |
1977 |
29/17 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiaitons: Multiple Employers and Locals |
1977-1979 |
29/18 | Coordinated
Bargaining |
1978-1994 |
29/19 | Contract Negotiations:
Retail Meat |
1980 |
29/20 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Correspondence and Notes |
1980 |
29/21 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Union Proposals |
1980 |
29/22 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Notes |
1980 |
29/23 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations |
1980 |
29/24 | Meat Dealers Contract
Negotiations: Employer Proposal |
1980 |
29/25 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiatons: Union Proposals |
1980 |
29/26 | Coordinated Bargaining
Issues |
1980-1981 |
29/27 | Food Negotiation Caucus
Notes and Position Paper on Job Discrimination |
1983 |
29/28 | Union Proposals: Section
11: Seniority, Lay-Offs and Discharges |
1985 |
29/29 | Collective Bargaining
Policy and Committee |
1985 |
29/30 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Union Proposals |
1986 |
29/31 | Retail Meatcutter
Contract Negotiations: Notes, Proposals, Scorecards |
1986 |
29/32 | Retail Meatcutters
Contract Negotiations: Analysis and Notes |
1986 |
29/33 | Contract Negotiations:
'Spirit of '86: We are the People' |
1986 |
29/34 | Original Drafts: Contract
Proposals |
1988-1989 |
29/35 | Early Negotiations:
Meeting Notes, Correspondence, Press |
1988-1997 |
29/36 | Contract
Proposals |
1989 |
29/37 | Puget Sound Meatcutter
Proposals |
1989 |
29/38 | Independent Agreements:
Copies |
1989-1990 |
29/39 | Contract
Negotiations |
1989-1993 |
29/40 | Settlement Proposal for
1992-1995 Contract |
1991 |
29/41 | Extension of Area Meat
Agreement Forms |
1991 |
29/42 | Contract Opening
Letters |
1992 |
30/1 | Bargaining Notebook:
Contract Proposals, Negotiation Resources: Tony Abeyta Notes |
1995 |
30/2 | Agreement with Market
Industrial Relations Service |
1995 |
30/3 | Opening Letters: Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service and Public Employment Relations
Commission |
1995-1998 |
30/4 | Contract Negotiation
Goals |
1997-1998 |
30/5 | Opening Letters:
D'Ambrosio |
1998 |
30/6 | Allied Employers:
Contract Openings |
1998 |
30/7 | Opening Letters: UFCW
International |
1998 |
30/8 | Opening Letters: Market
Industrial Relations Service |
1998 |
30/9 | Contract
Improvements |
1998 |
30/10 | D'Ambrosio
Negotiations |
1998 |
30/11-30/12 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1927-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
30/11 | Subseries A: H and E Meats |
1980-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
30/11 | Contract Negotiations: H and E Meats |
1980-1988 |
30/12 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1927-1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
30/12 | Contract Negotiations and
Memorabilia |
1927-1985 |
30/13-30/44 | Series
V: Local President Sid Casey |
1963-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
30/13 | Minutes: Contract
Negotiations |
1963-1964 |
30/14 | Contract
Negotiations |
1964 |
30/15 | Seniority Clause:
Negotiations |
1964 |
30/16 | Legal Correspondence:
Contract Negotiations |
1964-1965 |
30/17 | Notes: Contract
Negotiations |
1964-1965 |
30/18 | Negotiations: Lawsuits and
All Other Matters |
1964-1967 |
30/19 | Employer
Proposals |
1967 |
30/20 | Joint Labor Management
Committee Meeting Notes |
1967 |
30/21 | Negotiations: Meeting Dates
and Notes |
1967 |
30/22 | Memoranda |
1967-1971 |
30/23 | Employer
Proposals |
1971 |
30/24 | Notes: Individual
Clauses |
1971 |
30/25 | Contract Proposals:
Jobbers |
1971 |
30/26 | Negotiation Meetings:
Notes |
1971 |
30/27 | Allied Employers
Agreements: Jobber and Retail |
1971 |
30/28 | Cost of Living
Articles |
1973-1974 |
30/29 | Allied Employers
Proposal |
1974 |
30/30 | Union Proposal for Allied
Employers Contracts: Jobbers and Retail |
1974 |
30/31 | Cost of Living
Clause |
1974 |
30/32 | Notes: Retail Contract
Negotiations |
1974 |
30/33 | Notes: Safeway
Negotiations |
1974 |
30/34 | Notes: Retail Contract
Negotiations Continued |
1974 |
30/35 | North End Steering
Committee: Retail and Jobbers Negotiations |
1974 |
30/36 | Meeting Notes: Salesmen:
Allied Employers: Contract Proposals |
1974 |
30/37 | Jobbers: Contract
Negotiations (1 of 2) |
1974 |
30/38 | Jobbers: Contract
Negotiations (2 of 2) |
1974 |
30/39 | Notes: Jobbers: Contract
Negotiations |
1974 |
30/40 | New Contract--Employer
Notices |
1977 |
30/41 | Correspondence: Employer
Contract Termination |
1977 |
30/42 | Signed Interim
Agreements |
1977 |
30/43 | Joint Labor Management
Committee |
1977 |
30/44 | Contract Opening
Notes |
1977-1978 |
31/1-33/14 | Series
VI: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1977-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/1-31/3 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1980-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/1 | Contract Negotiations:
Allied Employers, Inc. Agreement: Seniority and Scheduling Issues |
1980-1999 |
31/2 | Allied Employers
Negotiations |
1991 |
31/3 | Contract Agreements and
List of Employers Represented by Allied Employers |
1998 |
31/4-31/7 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1997-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/4 | Associated Grocers
Negotiations |
1997-1998 |
31/5 | Associated Grocers
Negotiations: Mediation |
1997-1998 |
31/6 | Associated Grocers
Bargaining (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 98/8
1999-2003 |
31/7 | Associated Grocers
Bargaining (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 98/9
1999-2003 |
31/8 | Subseries C: C.C. Filson |
1997-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/8 | Filson's Contract
Negotiations Temporary Location: 98/10
1997-2002 |
31/9-31/10 | Subseries D: Esterline Technologies |
1989-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/9 | Health and Retirement
Benefits Bargaining: Esterline Corporation (1 of 2) |
1989-1995 |
31/10 | Health and Retirement
Benefits Bargaining: Esterline Corporation (2 of 2) |
1989-1995 |
31/11-32/8 | Subseries E: Hytek Finishes |
1977-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
31/11 | Hytek Negotiations:
Pension Temporary Location: 98/11
1977-2001 |
31/12 | Hytek Bargaining:
Bargaining Team and Past Contracts Temporary Location: 98/12
1977-2001 |
31/13 | Hytek: Contract
Negotiations Resources |
1985-1995 |
31/14 | Hytek Finishes Contract
Negotiations (1 of 2) |
1989-1995 |
31/15 | Hytek Finishes Contract
Negotiations (2 of 2) |
1989-1995 |
31/16 | Hytek Finishes
Contracts |
1992-1995 |
31/17 | Hytek Contract
Bargaining: 1998 Employee List, 1992 Contract, Correspondence |
1992-1998 |
31/18 | Hytek: Contract
Proposals |
1993-1995 |
31/19 | Hytek: Employer Proposal:
Employee Vote |
1995 |
31/20 | Hytek Vote Ballots:
Contract Ratification and Strike Authorization |
1995-1996 |
31/21 | Hytek Negotiations: Press
and Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1995-1996 |
31/22 | Hytek Negotiations: Press
and Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1995-1996 |
31/23 | Hytek Contract
Negotiations: Minutes, Correspondence, Leaflets, Notes |
1995-1996 |
31/24 | Hytek: Contract
Proposals Temporary Location: 98/13
1995-2001 |
31/25 | Unfair Labor Practice:
Hytek Finishes: Direct Bargaining |
1996 |
31/26 | Hytek: Strike
Authorization: Correspondence |
1996 |
31/27 | Hytek Finishes: Contract
Drafts: February and August |
1996 |
31/28 | Hytek Finishes:
Contract |
1996 |
31/29 | Hytek Finishes:
Negotiations Temporary Location: 98/14
1998-2002 |
31/30 | Hytek Wage Rate
Proposals Temporary Location: 98/15
2001 |
32/1 | Hytek Finishes: Contract
Language Proposals (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 98/16
2001 |
32/2 | Hytek Finishes: Contract
Language Proposals (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 98/17
2001 |
32/3 | Hytek Contract
Negotiations: Final Temporary Location: 98/18
2001 |
32/4 | Hytek
Bargaining Temporary Location: 98/19
2001-2002 |
32/5 | Contract Negotiations,
Decertification Campaign, Strike Authorization: Esterline: Hytek Finishes
Co. Temporary Location: 98/20
2001-2006 |
32/6 | Negotiations: Hytek
Finishes Co. Health Plan Temporary Location: 98/21
2001-2006 |
32/7 | Hytek Finishes
Bargaining Temporary Location: 98/22
2006 |
32/8 | Hytek Finishes
Bargaining Temporary Location: 98/23
2006-2007 |
32/9-32/13 | Subseries F: King's Command Foods |
1990-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/9 | King's Command Foods:
Dues, Discipline, Safety Committee |
1990-1998 |
32/10 | King's Command Foods
Disciplinary Occurrences and Contract Copy |
1996-1999 |
32/11 | Notes and Correspondence:
King's Command Foods Negotiations |
1997-1999 |
32/12 | King's Command Foods Inc:
Contract Negotiations |
1998 |
32/13 | King's Command Foods:
Contract Negotiations |
1998 |
32/14-32/15 | Subseries G: Minder Meats |
2001-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/14 | Minder Meats, Inc
Bargaining Temporary Location: 98/24
2001 |
32/15 | Minder Meats, Inc.
Contract Bargaining Temporary Location: 98/25
2001-2004 |
32/16-32/17 | Subseries H: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/16 | Puget Consumers' Co-op:
Contract Negotiations |
1989-1991 |
32/17 | Puget Consumers' Co-op:
Contract Negotiations |
1991 |
32/18 | Subseries I: TOP Foods |
1989-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/18 | Haggen/Top Foods Contract
Negotiations |
1989-1992 |
32/19 | Subseries J: Turner and Pease |
1999-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/19 | Turner and Pease Contract
Negotiations Temporary Location: 98/26
1999-2001 |
32/20-33/14 | Subseries K: Unidentified |
1988-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
32/20 | Market Share Issues:
Reference for Contract Negotiations Temporary Location: 98/27
1988-2004 |
32/21 | Contract
Issues Temporary Location: 98/28
1989-2001 |
32/22 | Resources for 1992
Contract Negotiations |
1990-1991 |
32/23 | Bargaining Memos, Rulings
and Strategies (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 99/1
1993-2004 |
32/24 | Bargaining Memos, Rulings
and Strategies (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 99/2
1993-2004 |
32/25 | Master Contract
Negotiations |
1994-1995 |
33/1 | Master Negotiations:
Settlement Agreements and Correspondence |
1994-1995 |
33/2 | Puget Sound Negotiations:
Meat and Grocery (1 of 2) |
1996-1998 |
33/3 | Puget Sound Negotiations:
Meat and Grocery (2 of 2) |
1996-1998 |
33/4 | Master Negotiations:
Correspondence, Copies of Contract, Proposals |
1997-1998 |
33/5 | Contract Negotiations:
Research and Strategy (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 99/3
1997-2001 |
33/6 | Contract Negotiations:
Research and Strategy (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 99/4
1997-2001 |
33/7 | Member Input: Contract
Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/5
2000 |
33/8 | Member
Brainstorm/Meeting: Contract Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/6
2000 |
33/9 | Contract Negotiations
Survey: Retail Meat and Seafood Members (Meat Managers) Temporary Location: 99/7
2000 |
33/10 | Contract Negotiations
Survey: Retail Meat and Seafood Members (Seafood Clerks) Temporary Location: 99/8
2000 |
33/11 | Contract Negotiations
Survey: Retail Meat and Seafood Members (Meat Wrappers) Temporary Location: 99/9
2000 |
33/12 | Warehouse Contract
Negotiations and Disciplinary Letters Temporary Location: 99/10
2000 |
33/13 | Collective Bargaining:
Notes and Correspondence Temporary Location: 99/11
2001-2002 |
33/14 | Puget Sound Negotiations:
Press, Presentations, Statistics Temporary Location: 99/12
2003-2007 |
33/15-33/18 | Series
VII: Recording Secretary Steve Anderson |
1975-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
33/15 | Steve Anderson: Notes and
Reference File: Contract Negotiations |
1975-1983 |
33/16 | Contract Negotiations:
Steve Anderson's Notes and Employer Proposals (1 of 2) |
1989 |
33/17 | Contract Negotiations:
Steve Anderson's Notes and Employer Proposals (2 of 2) |
1989 |
33/18 | Contract Negotiations:
Notes: Steve Anderson |
1989 |
33/19-34/21 | Series
VIII: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1987-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
33/19 | Subseries A: Draper Valley Farms |
1991-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
33/19 | Draper Valley Farms:
Independent Contract Bargaining Temporary Location: 99/13
1991-2003 |
33/20-34/8 | Subseries B: Hytek Finishes |
1995-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
33/20 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (1 of 3) |
1995-1996 |
33/21 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (2 of 3) |
1995-1996 |
33/22 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (3 of 3) |
1995-1996 |
33/23 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract |
1996 |
33/24 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (1 of 3) Temporary Location: 99/14
1996-2001 |
33/25 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (2 of 3) Temporary Location: 99/15
1996-2001 |
33/26 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations (3 of 3) Temporary Location: 99/16
1996-2001 |
33/27 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Worksharing Information Request |
1999 |
34/1 | Scottie Graser: Hytek
Finishes Organizing and Bargaining Temporary Location: 99/17
2000-2003 |
34/2 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Proposal Temporary Location: 99/18
2001 |
34/3 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Vote Temporary Location: 99/19
2001 |
34/4 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Seniority List Temporary Location: 99/20
2001 |
34/5 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations Surveys Temporary Location: 99/21
2001 |
34/6 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Skill Based Wage Plan Temporary Location: 99/22
2002 |
34/7 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Temporary Location: 99/23
2002-2003 |
34/8 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Contract Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/24
2005-2006 |
34/9 | Subseries C: Market House Meats |
2001-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/9 | Market House Meats
Bargaining Temporary Location: 99/25
2001-2003 |
34/10-34/12 | Subseries D: Surftech |
1987-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/10 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Information Request |
1987-1999 |
34/11 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Seniority Rosters |
1999 |
34/12 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Contract Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/26
2000 |
34/13-34/18 | Subseries E: Turner and Pease |
1998-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/13 | Turner and Pease Company
Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/27
1998-2001 |
34/14 | Turner and Pease Company
Negotiations Temporary Location: 99/28
1998-2001 |
34/15 | Turner and Pease:
Contract Negotiations Survey: English and Spanish Temporary Location: 99/29
1999-2001 |
34/16 | Turner and Pease
Bargaining Notes: Scottie Graser Temporary Location: 99/30
2001 |
34/17 | Turner and Pease
Bargaining Temporary Location: 99/31
2001-2004 |
34/18 | Turner and Pease
Bargaining: Contract Opening Temporary Location: 99/32
2001-2004 |
34/19-34/21 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/19 | Bargaining: Other Locals:
Notes and Correspondence Temporary Location: 99/33
2001 |
34/20 | Yakima
Agreement Temporary Location: 100/1
2002-2005 |
34/21 | Sacramento
Settlement Temporary Location: 100/2
2004 |
34/22-37/1 | Part 4:
Field Notes |
1951-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/22-34/31 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1990-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/22-34/23 | Subseries A: Local 81 |
2000-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/22 | Organizing Materials and
Route Sheets: Scottie Graser Temporary Location: 100/3
2000-2002 |
34/23 | Route Sheets: Tim
Phelan Temporary Location: 100/4
2001-2002 |
34/24-34/31 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1990-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/24 | Mike Williams: Route
Sheets |
1990 |
34/25 | Mike Williams: Route
Sheets |
1991 |
34/26 | Michael Williams: Daily
Route Sheets |
1993 |
34/27 | Mike Williams: Route
Sheets and Field Notes |
1994-1996 |
34/28 | Mike Williams: Route
Sheets and Field Notes |
1994-1997 |
34/29 | Mike Williams: Route
Sheets |
1995 |
34/30 | Mike Williams: Desk
Notes |
1995-1996 |
34/31 | Mike Williams: Field
Notes |
1995-1996 |
34/32 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
34/32 | Hand-Written Field Notes:
Member Issues and Bargaining |
1989 |
35/1-35/20 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1951-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/1-35/11 | Subseries A: Local 81 |
1951-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/1 | Business Agents' Reports
(1 of 4) |
1951-1963 |
35/2 | Business Agents' Reports
(2 of 4) |
1951-1963 |
35/3 | Business Agents' Reports
(3 of 4) |
1951-1963 |
35/4 | Business Agents' Reports
(4 of 4) |
1951-1963 |
35/5 | Esther Baxter
Reports |
1980-1983 |
35/6 | Mel Savage Reports (1 of
2) |
1980-1983 |
35/7 | Mel Savage Reports (2 of
2) |
1980-1983 |
35/8 | Sid Casey
Reports |
1980-1983 |
35/9 | Steve Anderson Reports (1
of 2) |
1980-1987 |
35/10 | Steve Anderson Reports (2
of 2) |
1980-1987 |
35/11 | Steven Conway: Route
Sheets |
1989-1990 |
35/12-35/20 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1980-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/12 | Field Notes |
1980 |
35/13 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (1 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/14 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (2 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/15 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (3 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/16 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (4 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/17 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (5 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/18 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (6 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/19 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Notes (7 of 7) |
1988-1996 |
35/20 | Tony Abeyta Hand-Written
Field Notes |
1989 |
35/21 | Series
IV: Local President Sid Casey |
1974-1976 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/21 | Notes for
Newsletters |
1974-1976 |
35/22-36/8 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/22-35/23 | Subseries A: TOP Foods |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
35/22 | Notes: TOP Foods: Brian
Siljeg |
2001 |
35/23 | Field Notes: TOP Foods
Federal Way |
2005 |
36/1-36/8 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
36/1 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes Temporary Location: 100/5
2001 |
36/2 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (1 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/6
2001-2005 |
36/3 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (2 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/7
2001-2005 |
36/4 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (3 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/8
2001-2005 |
36/5 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (4 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/9
2001-2005 |
36/6 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (5 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/10
2001-2005 |
36/7 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (6 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/11
2001-2005 |
36/8 | Union Representative
Scottie Graser: Hand-Written Field Notes (7 of 7) Temporary Location: 100/12
2001-2005 |
36/9-36/25 | Series
VI: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1990-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
36/9 | Subseries A: Fletcher's |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
36/9 | Steve Conway: Field
Notes: Fletcher's Temporary Location: 100/13
1990 |
36/10-36/25 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1997-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
36/10 | Steve Conway: Field
Notes |
1997-2000 |
36/11 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 100/14
1998 |
36/12 | Steve Conway: Notes on
Correspondence Temporary Location: 100/15
1999-2000 |
36/13 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 100/16
2001 |
36/14 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 100/17
2001 |
36/15 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 100/18
2001-2003 |
36/16 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 101/1
2002 |
36/17 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 101/2
2002-2003 |
36/18 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 101/3
2004-2005 |
36/19 | Field Notes: Steve
Conway Temporary Location: 101/4
2005 |
36/20 | Steve Conway Field
Notes Temporary Location: 101/5
2005 |
36/21 | Field Notes: Steve
Conway Temporary Location: 101/6
2006-2008 |
36/22 | Field Notes: Steve Conway
(1 of 2) Temporary Location: 101/7
2006-2009 |
36/23 | Field Notes: Steve Conway
(2 of 2) Temporary Location: 101/8
2006-2009 |
36/24 | Field Notes: Phone Calls:
Steve Conway Temporary Location: 101/9
2007 |
36/25 | Steve Conway Field
Notes |
2008-2009 |
37/1 | Series
VII: Local Executive Board |
1976-1977 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/1 | Executive Board
Reports |
1976-1977 |
37/2-39/46 | Part 5:
Insurance |
1959-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/2-38/20 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1959-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/2 | Subseries A: Hobart |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/2 | Hobart Custom Meats
Corporation: Pension Contributions |
1992 |
37/3 | Subseries B: Kroger |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/3 | Kroger Pension Benefit
Income Replacement Study Temporary Location: 101/10
2003 |
37/4 | Subseries C: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1991-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/4 | Puget Consumers' Co-op
Pension Contributions |
1991-1993 |
37/5 | Subseries D: Safeway |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/5 | Pension Payroll Issue:
Safeway: Mun-Mei C. Chen Temporary Location: 101/11
2005 |
37/6-37/8 | Subseries E: Sara Lee |
1982-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/6 | Premium Raise:
Hygrade-Tacoma Plant Closure: Sara Lee Corporation Temporary Location: 101/12
1982-2006 |
37/7 | Hygrade/Sara Lee Letters:
Health Plan Premium Temporary Location: 101/13
1989-2009 |
37/8 | Sara Lee Letter: Retiree
Health Care Plan Changes Temporary Location: 101/14
2004 |
37/9-38/20 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1959-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
37/9 | Washington Meat Industry
Welfare Trust: Dental, Vision, and Prescription Drug Plans |
1959-1980 |
37/10 | Pension Plan (1 of
2) |
1966-1993 |
37/11 | Pension Plan (2 of
2) |
1966-1993 |
37/12 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust: Retirement Plans |
1966-1993 |
37/13 | Pension Plan |
1976-1996 |
37/14 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Medical Plans |
1977-1992 |
37/15 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Dental Care Plans |
1979-1993 |
37/16 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust: Pension Plans |
1982-1987 |
37/17 | Pension Disability: Carl
Gorgey |
1983-1993 |
37/18 | Death Benefit
Plan |
1983-2006 |
37/19 | DentiCare of Washington:
Individual Dental Plan |
1984 |
37/20 | Pension/Reciprocal
Agreements and Inquiry Forms |
1988-1997 |
37/21 | Pension Shortage: Hal
Rennaker |
1989-1992 |
37/22 | Request for Dental
Benefit Expansion for David Rae |
1990-1992 |
37/23 | Booklet: Retail Clerks
Pension Trust: Pension Plan |
1991 |
37/24 | Pension Plan |
1993-1996 |
37/25 | Health and Welfare Plan:
United Garment Workers #17 |
1994 |
37/26 | 401(k) Plan |
1995 |
37/27 | Death Benefit |
1995 |
37/28 | Benefits: Research,
Correspondence, Press |
1996-1998 |
37/29 | Pension Trust Special
Agreement: Labor Employees |
1998 |
37/30 | Publication: Retail
Clerks Welfare Trust Benefit Update |
1999-2005 |
37/31 | Booklet: Retirement
Plan |
2000 |
37/32 | Booklet: Retirement Plan
of the Washington Meat Industry Pension Trust |
2000 |
37/33 | Mary Shields: Dental Work
Appeal Temporary Location: 101/15
2003 |
37/34 | Senate Bill: Health Care
Coverage: Report by G. F. Landers Temporary Location: 101/16
2003 |
37/35 | Pension Participants:
Retired: Contact Information Temporary Location: 101/17
2003-2005 |
37/36 | Dental Claim: Dan
Anderson Temporary Location: 101/18
2004 |
37/37 | UFCW Retirees Club:
Affiliation Paperwork for Washington Alliance for Retired Americans Temporary Location: 101/19
2004 |
37/38 | Publication: Cheiron
Client Advisory: Vol. 2, No. 2: Medicare-Employer Advantage Temporary Location: 101/20
2004 |
37/39 | Retirees Club Temporary Location: 101/21
2004-2009 |
37/40 | Colette Cox Dental
Appeal: Authorization to Disclose Records Temporary Location: 101/22
2005 |
37/41 | Lakeside-Milam Recovery
Centers Service Evaluation Temporary Location: 101/23
2005 |
37/42 | Pension Plan:
Employee/Employer Contribution Manual |
2005 |
37/43 | UFCW Pension Plan for
Employees: Employee Contribution Implementation Manual |
2005 |
37/44 | Enrollment Packet: Retail
Clerks Retiree Welfare Trust |
2005-2007 |
37/45 | UFCW Pension Plan:
Employer Contribution Manual |
2005-2007 |
38/1 | Puget Sound Health
Alliance Temporary Location: 101/24
2006 |
38/2 | Forever Dental and
Vision: Retiree's Benefit Program Temporary Location: 101/25
2006 |
38/3 | Dean Hoff: American Pride
Home Services: Financial and Insurance Seminar Temporary Location: 101/26
2006 |
38/4 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Update Flyers Temporary Location: 101/27
2006-2007 |
38/5 | Sound Health and Wellness
Trust: Implementation Information Temporary Location: 101/28
2006-2008 |
38/6 | Union Plus
Benefits Temporary Location: 101/29
2006-2008 |
38/7 | Union Liability
Insurance: Union Insurance Group Temporary Location: 101/30
2006-2009 |
38/8 | Subpoena: Corashio Allen
Pension Records Temporary Location: 101/31
2007 |
38/9 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Enrollment Packet Temporary Location: 101/32
2007 |
38/10 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Plan Switch from B to A Temporary Location: 101/33
2007 |
38/11 | Correspondence: American
Income Life Insurance Temporary Location: 101/34
2007 |
38/12 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust Temporary Location: 101/35
2007-2008 |
38/13 | Health Benefits
Information: Open Enrollment Temporary Location: 101/36
2007-2008 |
38/14 | Publication: In Sound
Health Quarterly |
2008 |
38/15 | Electronic Newsletter:
Puget Sound Health Alliance Temporary Location: 101/38
2008 |
38/16 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust Temporary Location: 101/39
2008 |
38/17 | Multiemployer Pension
Project Temporary Location: 101/40
2009 |
38/18 | Sound Health and Wellness
Trust Temporary Location: 101/41
2009 |
38/19 | Wellness Champion
Volunteer Guide Temporary Location: 101/42
2009 |
38/20 | Savings and Retirement
Plan Temporary Location: 101/43
2009-2010 |
38/21-38/30 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1966-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/21 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1995-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/21 | Allied Employers: Health
and Welfare Agreements |
1995-1998 |
38/22 | Subseries B: CAP Foods |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/22 | Setup Paperwork:
Washington Meat Industry Trust and CAP Foods |
1988 |
38/23-38/30 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1966-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/23 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust: Special Agreement for Owner/Operator Participation |
1966-1993 |
38/24 | Union Retirement Plan for
Employees |
1982 |
38/25 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Insurance Coverage Appeals |
1986-1989 |
38/26 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust: Reciprocity |
1988 |
38/27 | More than Medicare:
Network Health Plan, Inc |
1989 |
38/28 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust |
1993-1997 |
38/29 | Pension Contributions:
Ballinger Village Market |
1997 |
38/30 | Future Service Pension
Plan: Summary Plan Description |
1998 |
38/31-38/43 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1980-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/31 | Subseries A: Thriftway |
1991-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/31 | Unemployment Appeal:
Delridge Thriftway: Barbara Penor |
1991-1992 |
38/32-38/43 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1980-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/32 | Speech Therapy Coverage:
Loyal Ness |
1980-1982 |
38/33 | Insurance Appeals: Meat
Industry Trust: Ron Nelson |
1980-1982 |
38/34 | Pension
Merger |
1986-1997 |
38/35 | Correspondence: Paulsbo
IGA: Washington Meat Industry Pension Trust Contribution Rates |
1988 |
38/36 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust: Death Benefit Applications |
1988-1998 |
38/37 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust: Death Benefit Applications |
1988-1998 |
38/38 | Family and Medical Leave
Act |
1993-1994 |
38/39 | Mary Madison: Early
Retirement Disability Application |
1993-1994 |
38/40 | Individual Pension
Issues |
1995-1996 |
38/41 | Long Term
Care |
1996 |
38/42 | Retail Clerks Trust
Agreement |
1997-1998 |
38/43 | Manpower Education
Institute: Ready or Not: Your Retirement Planning Guide |
1999 |
38/44-38/45 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1971-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/44 | Washington Meat Industry
Welfare Trust: Dental, Vision, and Prescription Drug Plans |
1971-1980 |
38/45 | Multi-Local Insurance
Plans |
1973-1984 |
38/46-39/25 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1976-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/46-38/47 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1990-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/46 | L and I: Pension Issues:
Paulsbo Albertson's: Dora Knopfel Temporary Location: 101/44
1990-2001 |
38/47 | Albertson's #407:
Vacation Benefit Reporting: Tina Ashenbrenner Temporary Location: 101/45
1997-2003 |
38/48-38/53 | Subseries B: Esterline Technologies |
1990-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/48 | Esterline Corporation:
Employee Benefit Plan and Related Tax Forms (1 of 2) |
1990-1995 |
38/49 | Esterline Corporation:
Employee Benefit Plan and Related Tax Forms (2 of 2) |
1990-1995 |
38/50 | Esterline Corporation
Employee Benefit Booklets |
1995 |
38/51 | Esterline Technologies
Corporation: Benefits Temporary Location: 101/46
1996-2000 |
38/52 | Esterline Technologies:
Retirement Plan Temporary Location: 101/47
1996-2000 |
38/53 | Esterline Technologies:
Retirement Plan Temporary Location: 101/48
1999-2001 |
38/54-38/55 | Subseries C: Hygrade |
1976-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/54 | Hygrade Food Porducts
Corporation: Retirement Plan |
1976-1993 |
38/55 | Hygrade Retiree
Pension Temporary Location: 101/49
2009 |
38/56 | Subseries D: Hytek Finishes |
1998-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
38/56 | Esterline Technologies:
Retirement Plan Temporary Location: 101/50
1998-2000 |
39/1 | Subseries E: Local 81 |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/1 | UFCW Employee
Pension Temporary Location: 102/1
2002-2005 |
39/2-39/25 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1987-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/2 | Retirement Plan of the
Washington Meat Industry Pension Trust Temporary Location: 102/2
1987-2008 |
39/3 | Pension: Reciprocal
Plans |
1989-1997 |
39/4 | Health and Welfare Trust
Changes Temporary Location: 102/3
1989-2002 |
39/5 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Dental Plans Temporary Location: 102/4
1990-2003 |
39/6 | American Income Life
Insurance |
1995-1998 |
39/7 | Cassini Appeal: Dental
Coverage Denial |
1996-1998 |
39/8 | Northwest UFCW Health and
Welfare Trust: Summary Plan Description |
1997 |
39/9 | Employer Participation in
Trusts |
1997 |
39/10 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust: Pension Plan |
1998 |
39/11 | Employer Contributions
and Benefit Accruals |
1998-1999 |
39/12 | Trust
Agreements Temporary Location: 102/5
1998-2000 |
39/13 | Retirees Health and
Welfare Temporary Location: 102/6
1998-2005 |
39/14 | Health and Welfare
Changes (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 102/7
1998-2006 |
39/15 | Health and Welfare
Changes (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 102/8
1998-2006 |
39/16 | Walter Bergseth Pension
Inquiry |
1999 |
39/17 | Diane Rayner
Pension Temporary Location: 102/9
2001-2002 |
39/18 | Kathleen Witzel:
Disability Retirement Benefits Appeal Temporary Location: 102/10
2001-2002 |
39/19 | Booklets: Strategies for
Multiemployer Health and Retirement Plans Temporary Location: 102/11
2002 |
39/20 | Retail Clerks Pension
Trust: Memoranda Temporary Location: 102/12
2002-2005 |
39/21 | Healthcare Information:
Plans and Costs (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 102/13
2004 |
39/22 | Healthcare Information:
Plans and Costs (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 102/14
2004 |
39/23 | Retail Clerks Health and
Welfare Temporary Location: 102/15
2004-2006 |
39/24 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Health and Welfare Plans A and B Temporary Location: 102/16
2006 |
39/25 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust: Group Health Cooperative Plan: Plans A and B Temporary Location: 102/17
2006 |
39/26-39/46 | Series
VI: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2000-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/26 | Subseries A: King's Command Foods |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/26 | King's Command Foods:
Valerie Riehl Medical Treatment Temporary Location: 102/18
2001 |
39/27 | Subseries B: QFC |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/27 | QFC: Roland Tomokiyo and
Gilbert Espenson Pension Issues Temporary Location: 102/19
2001 |
39/28-39/30 | Subseries C: Safeway |
1995-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/28 | Safeway: Tom Barfuse
Pension Problem |
1995-1996 |
39/29 | Safeway: Ruihua Zhem
Pension Issue Temporary Location: 102/20
2002 |
39/30 | Safeway: Carol Hanson
Pension Issue Temporary Location: 102/21
2002 |
39/31-39/46 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
2000-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/31 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust: Notices of Benefit Changes Temporary Location: 102/22
2000 |
39/32 | Harry Singh Medical
Treatment Temporary Location: 102/23
2001 |
39/33 | Charles Sanchez: Medical
Claim Appeal Temporary Location: 102/24
2001 |
39/34 | Randon Stempkowski:
Dental Coverage Issue Temporary Location: 102/25
2001 |
39/35 | Correspondence: Bright
Now! Dental: Randon Stempkowski Issue Temporary Location: 102/26
2001 |
39/36 | Laura Ward: Disability
Leave Issue Temporary Location: 102/27
2001 |
39/37 | John Hurteau Dental Claim
Issue Temporary Location: 102/28
2002 |
39/38 | Member Medical
Information Temporary Location: 102/29
2002 |
39/39 | Karen Oster Lost Pension
Benefit: Car Accident Temporary Location: 102/30
2003 |
39/40 | Paula Boyd: Issue with
Zenith Covering Time Loss for Maternity Temporary Location: 102/31
2004 |
39/41 | Request for Waiver of
Waiting Period: Insurance: Walter Skinner III Temporary Location: 102/32
2004 |
39/42 | Request for Waiver of
Waiting Period: Insurance: Greg Brady Temporary Location: 102/33
2004 |
39/43 | Request for Waiver of
Waiting Period: Insurance: Tim Flaherty Temporary Location: 102/34
2004 |
39/44 | Retail Clerks Welfare
Trust Appeal: Walter Skinner Temporary Location: 102/35
2004-2005 |
39/45 | Health Care
Contributions: Jerry Wiggins Temporary Location: 102/36
2004-2005 |
39/46 | Margo Kuykendall HIPPA
Waiver Temporary Location: 102/37
2005 |
39/47-39/62 | Part 6:
Job Injury |
1984-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/47-39/50 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1989-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/47 | Subseries A: Fred Meyer |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/47 | Correspondence: Jeanette
Brown Injury: Fred Meyer Temporary Location: 102/38
2006 |
39/48 | Subseries B: Johnny's |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/48 | Back Injury: Johnny's
Food Centers: Mark Shields |
1990-1991 |
39/49 | Subseries C: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/49 | Injury, Retaliation,
Harassment: PCC: Carl Grossman Temporary Location: 102/39
2003-2004 |
39/50 | Subseries D: Safeway |
1989-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/50 | Safeway: Belinda Price
Carpal Tunnel |
1989-1992 |
39/51 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1992-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/51 | Safeway: Bobby LaFontaine
Industrial Injury |
1992-1996 |
39/52-39/57 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1984-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/52 | Subseries A: Baker Produce |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/52 | Baker Produce Inc:
Gabriela Gonzalez Labor and Industries Claim |
1998 |
39/53 | Subseries B: Oberto Sausage |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/53 | Oberto Sausage: Leonor
Garcia Injury and Time Loss |
1998 |
39/54 | Subseries C: Safeway |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/54 | Safeway: Alan Roos On the
Job Injury |
1990 |
39/55-39/56 | Subseries D: Tradewell |
1984-1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/55 | On-the-Job Injury:
Tradewell Stores: Bobby Lafontaine |
1984 |
39/56 | On-the-Job Injury:
Tradewell Stores: William Holder |
1984-1985 |
39/57 | Subseries E: Unidentified |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/57 | Elaine Schexnider: Injury
and Suspension |
1989 |
39/58 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1994-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/58 | Barbara Clinton: Industrial
Injury and Work Eligibility |
1994-1995 |
39/59-39/62 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
2001-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/59 | Subseries A: Don and Joe's |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/59 | Don and Joe's: Tom
Kleinfelter Injury Issue Temporary Location: 102/40
2002 |
39/60 | Subseries B: King's Command Foods |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/60 | King's Command: Pallet
Jack Incident: Witness Reports Temporary Location: 102/41
2002 |
39/61 | Subseries C: QFC |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/61 | North Bend QFC: Nadine
Vanderveer Foot Injury Temporary Location: 102/42
2001 |
39/62 | Subseries D: Safeway |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/62 | Safeway: Paula Boyd
Injury Temporary Location: 102/43
2003 |
39/63-40/20 | Part 7:
Policy |
1972-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/63-40/5 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1994-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/63 | Subseries A: Associated Grocers |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/63 | Workplace Policies:
Generic and Associated Grocers Temporary Location: 102/44
2000 |
39/64 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
1995-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/64 | Fred Meyer Drug and
Alcohol Policy Negotiations Temporary Location: 102/45
1995-2006 |
39/65-39/68 | Subseries C: Safeway |
2002-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
39/65 | Safeway Warehouse:
Engineering Standards Temporary Location: 102/46
2002 |
39/66 | Safeway's Drug and
Alcohol Testing Policy Temporary Location: 102/47
2005 |
39/67 | Press and Correspondence:
Safeway: 'Spoiled Meat Trick' Temporary Location: 102/48
2007 |
39/68 | Safeway: Pricing, Dating,
Safety Policies Temporary Location: 102/49
2010 |
40/1 | Subseries D: Town and Country |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/1 | Town and Country Markets:
Vacation Policy Changes Temporary Location: 102/50
2005 |
40/2-40/5 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1994-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/2 | Procedures for
Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs |
1994 |
40/3 | Conflict of Interest
Policy Temporary Location: 102/51
2001-2006 |
40/4 | Food Policy
Changes Temporary Location: 102/52
2008-2009 |
40/5 | Whistleblower and
Conflict of Interest Policies Temporary Location: 102/53
2009-2011 |
40/6-40/9 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1972-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/6-40/7 | Subseries A: Safeway |
1972-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/6 | Safeway: Policies and
Procedures |
1972-1989 |
40/7 | Safeway Policy Against
Sexual Harassment |
1991 |
40/8-40/9 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1976-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/8 | Denver Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission: Consent Decree: Seniority |
1976-1979 |
40/9 | Independent Store
Policies |
1993 |
40/10-40/16 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1981-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/10 | Subseries A: Fred Meyer |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/10 | Fred Meyer Drug and
Alcohol Policy |
1995 |
40/11 | Subseries B: Haggen |
1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/11 | Haggen's: Clarification
of Dress Code Bulletin |
1982 |
40/12-40/13 | Subseries C: Safeway |
1982-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/12 | Safeway Stores:
Absenteeism and Tardiness Policy |
1982 |
40/13 | Safeway Vacation Policy:
Correspondence |
1996 |
40/14 | Subseries D: TOP Foods |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/14 | Correspondence: TOP
Foods: Unreasonable Production Standards |
1996 |
40/15-40/16 | Subseries E: Unidentified |
1981-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/15 | Policy
Statements |
1981-1990 |
40/16 | Progressive
Discipline |
1989 |
40/17 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/17 | King's Command Meats, Inc.
Employee Handbook |
1992 |
40/18-40/20 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1999-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/18 | Subseries A: Associated Grocers |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/18 | Associated Grocers:
Activity Based Compensation System Temporary Location: 102/54
2005 |
40/19 | Subseries B: C. C. Filson's |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/19 | Filson Production
Reports: Productivity Bonus Pay Plan Temporary Location: 102/55
2003-2004 |
40/20 | Subseries C: Fred Meyer |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/20 | Correspondence: Fred
Meyer Drug and Alcohol Policy |
1999 |
40/21-41/7 | Part 8:
Seniority |
1978-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/21-40/50 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1985-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/21-40/23 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1988-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/21 | Albertson's Seniority
Lists and Related Press |
1988-1998 |
40/22 | Albertson's Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/56
1989-2006 |
40/23 | Albertson's Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/57
2010 |
40/24 | Subseries B: Draper Valley Farms |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/24 | Draper Valley Farms
Seniority Temporary Location: 102/58
2003 |
40/25-40/27 | Subseries C: Fred Meyer |
1990-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/25 | Fred Meyer Seniority
Lists and Related Press |
1990-1998 |
40/26 | Fred Meyer Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/59
1999-2006 |
40/27 | Fred Meyer Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/60
2008-2010 |
40/28 | Subseries D: Hytek Finishes |
2001-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/28 | Hytek Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/61
2001-2003 |
40/29 | Subseries E: King's Command Foods |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/29 | King's Command Foods
Seniority List Temporary Location: 102/62
2006 |
40/30 | Subseries F: Larry's Market |
1994-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/30 | Larry's Market Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 102/64
1994-2006 |
40/31 | Subseries G: Metropolitan Market |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/31 | Metropolitan Market
Seniority List Temporary Location: 102/65
2007 |
40/32-40/34 | Subseries H: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1995-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/32 | Puget Consumers' Co-op
Seniority Lists Temporary Location: 102/66
1995-2006 |
40/33 | Puget Consumers' Co-op:
Employee Schedules and Seniority List Temporary Location: 102/67
2005 |
40/34 | Puget Consumers' Co-op
Seniority List Temporary Location: 102/68
2010 |
40/35-40/40 | Subseries I: QFC |
1991-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/35 | QFC: Seniority
Lists |
1991-1993 |
40/36 | QFC Seniority Lists,
Obituaries, and Related Press |
1993-1997 |
40/37 | QFC Seniority Lists and
Related Press |
1993-1998 |
40/38 | QFC Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/1
2003-2006 |
40/39 | QFC Seniority
List Temporary Location: 103/2
2007 |
40/40 | QFC Seniority Lists,
Policies and Store Closures Temporary Location: 103/3
2007-2011 |
40/41-40/44 | Subseries J: Safeway |
1988-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/41 | Safeway: Seniority
Lists |
1988-1991 |
40/42 | Safeway Seniority
Lists |
1992-1997 |
40/43 | Safeway Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/4
1998-2005 |
40/44 | Safeway Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/5
2008-2010 |
40/45-40/46 | Subseries K: TOP Foods |
1996-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/45 | Haggen and TOP Foods
Seniority Lists Temporary Location: 103/6
1996-2005 |
40/46 | TOP Foods Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/7
2006-2008 |
40/47 | Subseries L: Town and Country |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/47 | Town and Country Markets
Seniority List Temporary Location: 103/8
2007 |
40/48 | Subseries M: Uddenberg's |
1985-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/48 | Uddenberg's, Inc:
Seniority Lists |
1985-1993 |
40/49-40/50 | Subseries N: Unidentified |
1991-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/49 | Seniority Lists:
Independents Temporary Location: 103/9
1991-2004 |
40/50 | Retail Seniority List
Requests Temporary Location: 103/10
2007-2008 |
40/51-40/63 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1978-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/51 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1993-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/51 | Albertson's: King County
Meat Seniority |
1993-1994 |
40/52-40/53 | Subseries B: Lennon Foods |
1988-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/52 | Lennon's Packing Company:
Seniority Project |
1988-1989 |
40/53 | Lennon's Packing Company:
Seniority Rosters |
1988-1990 |
40/54 | Subseries C: QFC |
1991-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/54 | QFC Seniority
Lists |
1991-1993 |
40/55 | Subseries D: Safeway |
1980-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/55 | Safeway Seniority
Rosters |
1980-1984 |
40/56 | Subseries E: Uddenberg's |
1985-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/56 | Uddenberg Stores:
Seniority Roster |
1985-1990 |
40/57-40/63 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1978-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/57 | Seniority
Lists |
1978-1985 |
40/58 | Seniority
Lists |
1979-1986 |
40/59 | Seniority
Lists |
1984-1985 |
40/60 | Seniority
Lists |
1984-1987 |
40/61 | Larry's Market Seniority
List |
1987 |
40/62 | Seniority
List |
1987 |
40/63 | Safeway: Master Seniority
List |
1989 |
40/64-40/72 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1981-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/64 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/64 | Albertson's: Seniority
List |
1988 |
40/65 | Subseries B: Johnny's |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/65 | Johnny's Food Centers:
Seniority List |
1988 |
40/66 | Subseries C: Larry's Market |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/66 | Larry's Market Seniority
Roster |
1990 |
40/67-40/69 | Subseries D: Safeway |
1981-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/67 | Part
Time Seniority Application: North District Safeway |
1981-1983 |
40/68 | Part Time Seniority
Application: South District Safeway |
1983 |
40/69 | Seniority Issue: Safeway:
Earl Meldahl |
1988 |
40/70 | Subseries E: TOP Foods |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/70 | TOP Foods
Seniority |
1995 |
40/71-40/72 | Subseries F: Uddenberg's |
1985-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
40/71 | Seniority Lists: Keith
Uddenberg Stores and Holiday Food Stores, Inc. |
1985 |
40/72 | Keith Uddenberg Inc.
Seniority Lists |
1985-1990 |
41/1-41/6 | Subseries G: Business Representative and Organizer Steve
Conway |
1994-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/1 | Subseries H: QFC |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/1 | QFC Seniority and
Establishment of Districts Temporary Location: 103/11
2003-2004 |
41/2-41/6 | Subseries I: Unidentified |
1994-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/2 | Seniority
Lists |
1994-1998 |
41/3 | Seniority Lists: King
County |
1999 |
41/4 | Seniority Lists and
Routes: King County Temporary Location: 103/12
2000 |
41/5 | Retail Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/13
2001-2003 |
41/6 | Seniority
Lists Temporary Location: 103/14
2002 |
41/7 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/7 | Esterline: Hytek Finishes:
Seniority, Phone Bank, Breakfast |
1999 |
41/8-41/9 | Part 9:
Steward |
2002-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/8 | Steward Update and Steward
Lists Temporary Location: 103/15
2002-2003 |
41/9 | Stewards Temporary Location: 103/16
2008-2009 |
41/10-43/6 | Part 10:
Strikes |
1964-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/10-41/18 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1989-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/10 | Contract Negotiations and
Strike |
1989 |
41/11 | Picket Captain
Handbook |
1989 |
41/12 | Dues: Strike Fund
Resolution Vote Temporary Location: 103/17
2001 |
41/13 | Special Strike Dues
Increase Temporary Location: 103/18
2003 |
41/14 | Dues Strike
Assessment Temporary Location: 103/19
2003 |
41/15 | Strike Assistance and
Preparedness Temporary Location: 103/20
2003-2008 |
41/16 | Strike Instructions and
Forms Temporary Location: 103/21
2004 |
41/17 | Strike, Boycott, and Hired
Picket Manual Temporary Location: 103/22
2006 |
41/18 | Local 99 Strike
Preparation Temporary Location: 103/23
2009 |
41/19-42/5 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1983-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/19 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/19 | A and J Mega Foods:
Contract and Withdrawal from Allied Employers |
1989 |
41/20 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/20 | Associated Grocers:
Strike Negotiations |
1988-1989 |
41/21 | Subseries C: Bi-Lo Foods |
1986-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/21 | Contract Setup, Contract,
and Bankruptcy: Cache Foods: Bi-lo Foods |
1986-1990 |
41/22 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Bremerton Bi-Lo |
1989 |
41/23 | Subseries D: Hormel |
1985-1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/23 | Hormel Strike: Press and
International Correspondence |
1985-1987 |
41/24 | Subseries E: Island Market |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/24 | Agreement Signature Page:
Island Market |
1989 |
41/25 | Subseries F: Jim's Family Grocer |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/25 | Contract and Agreement
Signature Page: Jim's Family Grocer |
1986-1989 |
41/26 | Subseries G: L and R Foods |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/26 | L and R Foods: New
Ownership and Multiple Contracts |
1989 |
41/27 | Subseries H: Lucky Stores |
1985-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/27 | NLRB Charges: Lucky
Stores: 1983 Strike |
1985-1986 |
41/28 | Subseries I: Matthew's Family Grocer |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/28 | Contract and Agreement
Signature Page: Matthew's Family Grocer |
1986-1989 |
41/29 | Subseries J: QFC |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/29 | Signed Collective
Bargaining Agreements: Service Meats, QFC, Allied Employers |
1986-1989 |
41/30 | Subseries K: Red Apple |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/30 | Contract Opening and
Store Sale: Harrison Red Apple |
1997-1998 |
41/31 | Subseries L: Safeway |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/31 | Spokane Safeway Strike:
Press, Leaflets, Correspondence |
1990-1991 |
41/32-41/33 | Subseries M: Thriftway |
1986-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/32 | Contracts: North Bend
Thriftway |
1986-1989 |
41/33 | Agreement Signature Page:
Gary's Thriftway |
1989 |
41/34-41/35 | Subseries N: Town and Country |
1989-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/34 | Agreement Signature Page:
Auburn Market Place |
1989 |
41/35 | Agreement Signature Page,
Negotiations, Store Closure: Kenmore Market Place |
1989-1998 |
41/36-42/5 | Subseries O: Unidentified |
1983-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
41/36 | Strike: Press and Letters
from Employers |
1983 |
41/37 | Contracts and Signature
Pages: Various Employers |
1986-1992 |
41/38 | VHS Tape: UFCW Strike in
Aberdeen: Fight of a Lifetime |
1987 |
41/39 | Negotiations: Storman's
Inc. |
1987-1990 |
41/40 | Multi-Employer Lockout
Bill: Senate Special Committee |
1987-1991 |
41/41 | Recognitional/Organization Picketing and Other Indirect
Techniques |
1989 |
41/42 | Press and Leaflets:
Strike (1 of 2) |
1989 |
41/43 | Press and Leaflets:
Strike (2 of 2) |
1989 |
42/1 | Administrative Hearings:
Grocery Workers Strike Unemployment |
1989 |
42/2 | Superior Court Hearing:
Grocery Workers Strike Unemployment |
1989-1990 |
42/3 | Unemployment Insurance
Appeals: Strike |
1990 |
42/4 | Portland Strike: Trust
Payments for Scabs |
1993 |
42/5 | Portland Grocery
Strike |
1994 |
42/6-42/29 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1985-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
42/6-42/7 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
42/6 | Withdrawal Notices from
Allied Employers, Inc. |
1989 |
42/7 | Allied Employers:
Negotiations and Interim Agreements |
1989 |
42/8 | Subseries B: Food Giant |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
42/8 | Food Giant Scab
Grievance |
1989 |
42/9 | Subseries C: Safeway |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
42/9 | Local 44: Oak Harbor
Safeway: Strike |
1988 |
42/10-42/29 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1985-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
42/10 | Strike Assistance
Literature and Hardship Requests |
1985-1989 |
42/11 | Grocery Strike (1 of
2) |
1988-1989 |
42/12 | Grocery Strike (2 of
2) |
1988-1989 |
42/13 | Grocery Strike:
Correspondence, Press, Leadership Updates |
1988-1991 |
42/14 | Interim Agreement
Forms |
1989 |
42/15 | Interim Agreements (1 of
2) |
1989 |
42/16 | Interim Agreements (2 of
2) |
1989 |
42/17 | Signed
Agreements |
1989 |
42/18 | Jerry D'Ambrosio
Associates |
1989 |
42/19 | Signed Interim
Agreements |
1989 |
42/20 | Strike Negotiations:
Steve Conway Notes and Contract Proposals |
1989 |
42/21 | Grocery Strike: Press,
Notes, Forms |
1989 |
42/22 | Picket Captain Routes:
South District (1 of 2) |
1989 |
42/23 | Picket Captain Routes:
South District (2 of 2) |
1989 |
42/24 | Thank-You Letters for
Strike Donations |
1989 |
42/25 | Unemployment Law
Campaign: Rank and File Committee: Strike Lockouts |
1989-1990 |
42/26 | Grocery Workers Labor
Dispute: Unemployment Hearing |
1989-1990 |
42/27 | Unemployment
Compensation |
1989-1990 |
42/28 | Correspondence: Strike
Billing |
1991 |
42/29 | Arbitration Award: Health
and Welfare Contributions on Scabs |
1991-1992 |
43/1 | Series
IV: Local President Sid Casey |
1964 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/1 | Picket List Information and
Press: Negotiations |
1964 |
43/2-43/6 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1985-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/2 | Manual of Procedures for
Administration of Strike/Boycott Activities |
1985 |
43/3 | Strategic Information:
Supermarket Sales: 1989 Strike |
1987-1990 |
43/4 | Portland Food and Grocery
Strike and Agreement |
1988-1992 |
43/5 | Southern California Strike
(1 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/24
2003-2004 |
43/6 | Southern California Strike
(2 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/25
2003-2004 |
43/7-43/12 | Part 11:
Union Policies |
1977-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/7-43/9 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/7 | Constitution and By-Law
Changes |
1988-1992 |
43/8 | Bylaws and District Council
17 Temporary Location: 103/26
1993-2001 |
43/9 | Grievance Handling
Model Temporary Location: 103/27
2004-2006 |
43/10-43/12 | Series
II: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1977-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/10 | Constitution and Bylaws:
Proposals, Correspondence, Copies of Documents |
1977-1999 |
43/11 | 2001 Revision of Bylaws:
Drafts and Correspondence (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/28
1986-2001 |
43/12 | 2001 Revision of Bylaws:
Drafts and Correspondence (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/29
1986-2001 |
43/13-46/74 | Part 12:
Work Issues |
1950-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/13-44/16 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1989-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/13-43/20 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1989-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/13 | Albertson's #447: Work
off the Clock Violations |
1989-1991 |
43/14 | Notes: Albertson's
Termination: Joe Butler Theft |
1990 |
43/15 | Harassment Issue:
Alberston's: Lois Davis |
1991 |
43/16 | Robert Jensen vs. Mercer
Island Albertson's: Working Off the Clock |
1991-1994 |
43/17 | Retroactive Raise
Request: Albertson's: Robert Lybbert |
1992 |
43/18 | Albertson's: Sue Coleman
Warnings |
1992 |
43/19 | Albertson's #431: Lisa
Goodwin Termination Temporary Location: 103/30
2001 |
43/20 | Investigation:
Albertson's #474: Linda Bunker Harassment Temporary Location: 103/31
2001 |
43/21-43/25 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1996-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/21 | Associated Grocers:
Centralized Cutting and Wrapping Issue |
1996-1997 |
43/22 | Associated Grocers:
Compensation for Unpaid Work: Michael Batchelder |
1997 |
43/23 | Associated Grocers
Activity Based Compensation System Temporary Location: 103/32
2003-2005 |
43/24 | Field Notes: Ryan LeJake:
Associated Grocers: Leaving Shift Early Temporary Location: 103/33
2006 |
43/25 | Renton Warehouse:
Associated Grocers: Bypassing Selectors Temporary Location: 103/34
2006 |
43/26 | Subseries C: C. C. Filson's |
2005-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/26 | C.C. Filson's: Grievance
RE: Christian Ladd Termination; Fundraiser; Luncheon Temporary Location: 103/35
2005-2008 |
43/27 | Subseries D: Food Markets Northwest |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/27 | Queen Anne Food Markets
Northwest: Greg Dart Issue Temporary Location: 103/36
2002 |
43/28-43/31 | Subseries E: Fred Meyer |
1991-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/28 | Zenith Administrators:
Pension Contributions from Totem Lake Fred Meyer to Stephan Swadley |
1991 |
43/29 | Resignation: Bellevue
Fred Meyer: Jean Cedergreen |
1992 |
43/30 | Portland Fred Meyer:
Travel Time Issue: Meat Managers |
1992-1993 |
43/31 | Lake City Fred Meyer:
Sandra Smith Issue Temporary Location: 103/37
2001 |
43/32 | Subseries F: Haggen |
1994-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/32 | Haggen's: Product
Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 103/38
1994-2002 |
43/33 | Subseries G: Larry's Market |
1991-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/33 | Larry's Market: Frederick
Smith Seniority Issue |
1991-1992 |
43/34 | Subseries H: Larry's Smokehouse |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/34 | Records Request:
Harassment Investigation: Larry's Smokehouse: Alois Ammann |
1991 |
43/35 | Subseries I: Mega Foods |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/35 | Issue: Mega Foods: Devon
Raliegh Health and Wellness Temporary Location: 103/39
2006 |
43/36 | Subseries J: Metropolitan Market |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/36 | Admiral Metropolitan
Market: Martin Daul Written Warning Temporary Location: 103/40
2002 |
43/37 | Subseries K: Miller Foods |
1990-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/37 | Seniority Issue: Miller
Foods Inc. Lisa Norgan |
1990-1992 |
43/38-43/41 | Subseries L: QFC |
1995-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/38 | Reasonable Accommodation:
QFC: Lorraine Best |
1995-1996 |
43/39 | Investigation: QFC #845:
Gary Berntson Termination Temporary Location: 103/41
2004 |
43/40 | QFC: Family Tree Project
(1 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/42
2006 |
43/41 | QFC: Family Tree Project
(2 of 2) Temporary Location: 103/43
2006 |
43/42-44/9 | Subseries M: Safeway |
1991-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
43/42 | Safeway #488: Market
Relief Manager: Scheduling and Seniority Issue |
1991 |
43/43 | Safeway: Elevate Walter
Skinner to Journeyman Meatcutter |
1991 |
43/44 | Safeway #558: Eric
Pearson Suspension |
1992 |
43/45 | Safeway: Termination:
T.J. Roberts |
1993 |
43/46 | Attendance Documentation:
Safeway: Ted Chambers |
1993-1995 |
43/47 | Safeway Ergonomic
Cases |
1995-1996 |
44/1 | Safeway: Barbara (Wilsie)
Freelove: Pension Contributions |
1998 |
44/2 | Safeway: Superior
Customer Service Program Implementation and Issues Temporary Location: 103/44
1998-2001 |
44/3 | Issue: Safeway: Frozen
Breakfast Items Moving to Grocery Department Temporary Location: 103/45
2001-2007 |
44/4 | Investigation: Safeway:
David Moore Write Up Temporary Location: 103/46
2002 |
44/5 | Safeway: Phil Edwards:
Language and Insubordination Issue Temporary Location: 103/47
2003-2004 |
44/6 | Safeway: Martha Figueroa
Social Security Number Temporary Location: 103/48
2004-2005 |
44/7 | Performance Appraisal
Issue: Safeway Store 519: Cheryl Yeater Temporary Location: 103/49
2005 |
44/8 | Meeting Notes: Jennifer
McWhirter v. Safeway Warehouse Temporary Location: 103/50
2006 |
44/9 | Field Notes: Jennifer
McWhirter: Safeway Warehouse: Evaluation Temporary Location: 103/51
2006 |
44/10 | Subseries N: Sara Lee |
2005-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/10 | Premium Raise:
Hygrade-Tacoma Plant Closure: Sara Lee Corporation Temporary Location: 103/52
2005-2006 |
44/11-44/12 | Subseries O: Town and Country |
2006-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/11 | Town and Country Markets:
Pre-Employment Drug Screening Temporary Location: 103/53
2006 |
44/12 | Town and Country Markets:
FSLA Overtime Error Temporary Location: 103/54
2007 |
44/13 | Subseries P: Unified Grocers |
2004-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/13 | Unified Grocers, Inc:
Issues Temporary Location: 103/55
2004-2011 |
44/14-44/16 | Subseries Q: Unidentified |
1990-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/14 | Member Issue
Resolutions |
1990-1991 |
44/15 | Albertson's and QFC:
Product Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 103/56
1999-2003 |
44/16 | Medical Leave Issue: QFC
#807: Patrick Thomas Temporary Location: 103/57
2003-2004 |
44/17-44/38 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1984-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/17-44/19 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1990-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/17 | Albertson's Task Force:
Work off the Clock |
1990-1993 |
44/18 | Theft Issue: Albertson's
# 408 |
1994-1995 |
44/19 | Settlement Agreement:
Issaquah Albertson's: Sue Arneson Resignation |
1996 |
44/20 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1984-1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/20 | Work Classification
Issue: Allied Employers: Fish Markets |
1984-1985 |
44/21 | Subseries C: B. Freshman's |
1985-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/21 | Locals 81 and 1105:
Jurisdiction of B. Freshman's Butcher Block |
1985-1986 |
44/22 | Subseries D: Johanson's |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/22 | Johanson's Fine Meats:
Fred Cousin Time Loss Issue |
1995 |
44/23-44/25 | Subseries E: King's Command Foods |
1994-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/23 | Phone Messages and Member
Issue Notes: King's Command |
1994 |
44/24 | King's Command Foods:
Karen Oster Seniority Issue |
1995 |
44/25 | King's Command: Nathan
Kilcrease Demotion Issue Temporary Location: 103/58
1998-2001 |
44/26 | Subseries F: Larry's Market |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/26 | Totem Lake Larry's
Market: Sally Vogle Termination |
1995 |
44/27 | Subseries G: Promenade Marketplace |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/27 | Employment Agreement:
Promenade Marketplace: Joe Sundal |
1996 |
44/28 | Subseries H: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/28 | Puget Consumers Co-op:
Time Expenditures |
1991 |
44/29-44/30 | Subseries I: QFC |
1994-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/29 | QFC # 807: Fred Cousin
Suspension |
1994 |
44/30 | QFC # 819: Bob Clark
Warning Letter |
1995-1996 |
44/31 | Subseries J: Safeway |
1989-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/31 | Safeway: Ross Boccamazzo
Medical Leave Issue |
1989-1993 |
44/32 | Subseries K: Shop Rite |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/32 | Tanglewild Shoprite: Pay
Cut for Meat Department |
1988 |
44/33-44/34 | Subseries L: Thriftway |
1985-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/33 | Service Fish and Service
Meat: Lacey Thriftway |
1985 |
44/34 | Rogers Thriftway: Dan
Fish Resignation Letter |
1994 |
44/35 | Subseries M: Thrifty Foods |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/35 | Settlement Agreement and
Investigation: Thrifty Foods: Larry Perry Suspension |
1996 |
44/36 | Subseries N: TOP Foods |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/36 | Lacey Top Foods: Orlena
Schroeder Layoff Issue |
1994 |
44/37-44/38 | Subseries O: Unidentified |
1995-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/37 | First Step Member
Issues |
1995 |
44/38 | Layoffs and Terminations
of Michael Scheibe and Jason Blankenship |
1996 |
44/39-44/82 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1950-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/39-44/43 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1986-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/39 | Working off the Clock:
Magnolia Albertson's: Dan Timmerman and Kalena Baldridge |
1986 |
44/40 | Albertson's # 409:
Bernadine Dunn Seniority Issue |
1991-1992 |
44/41 | Lake Forest Park
Albertson's: Scott Robinson Issue |
1992 |
44/42 | Albertson's #445: Johanna
Studabaker Termination |
1992-1993 |
44/43 | Albertson's # 464: Dan
McMahill Scheduling Issue |
1998 |
44/44 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/44 | Allied Employers: Member
Issues |
1997-1998 |
44/45-44/46 | Subseries C: Associated Grocers |
1996-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/45 | Associated Grocers:
Central Cutting (1 of 2) |
1996-1997 |
44/46 | Associated Grocers:
Central Cutting (2 of 2) |
1996-1997 |
44/47 | Subseries D: Bavarian Meats |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/47 | Bavarian Meats: Randy
Martin Termination |
1994 |
44/48-44/50 | Subseries E: Food Giant |
1987-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/48 | Food Giant,
Inc. |
1987-1996 |
44/49 | Food Giant: Martin Dahl
Termination |
1990 |
44/50 | Food Giant
Layoffs |
1996 |
44/51 | Subseries F: Fred Meyer |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/51 | Fred Meyer: Kathy
Stoddard Time Loss |
1991 |
44/52 | Subseries G: Haggen |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/52 | Haggen's: Tammy Brown
Racial Discrimination by Mark Horkey |
1993 |
44/53 | Subseries H: Hilltop Market |
1991-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/53 | Hilltop Market: Health
Rule Violations |
1991-1992 |
44/54 | Subseries I: Hytek Finishes |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/54 | Hytek Finishes: Kevin
Woodard Performance Planning and Review |
1997 |
44/55 | Subseries J: King's Command Foods |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/55 | King's Command Foods:
David Cassatt Issue |
1996 |
44/56-44/57 | Subseries K: Larry's Market |
1992-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/56 | Kirkland Larry's Market:
Brian Pedersen Termination |
1992 |
44/57 | Larry's Market: Pete
Lyons Termination |
1995 |
44/58 | Subseries L: Local 81 |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/58 | Local 81: Fight for Staff
Representation; Resignation; Unemployment Claim: Betty Devereaux: Office
Manager |
1997-1998 |
44/59 | Subseries M: Lucky Foods |
1983-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/59 | ESD Cases: Lucky Stores:
Larry Tax and Tim Flaherty Terminations |
1983-1984 |
44/60-44/62 | Subseries N: QFC |
1990-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/60 | Broadway QFC: Hugh Heil
Sexual Harassment |
1990 |
44/61 | QFC: Corina Morser
Termination |
1991 |
44/62 | QFC: Paula Stroud:
Discrimination Issue |
1997 |
44/63-44/72 | Subseries O: Safeway |
1950-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/63 | Warehouse Jurisdiction:
Associated Grocers: Safeway: Local 186 and Local 81 |
1950-1967 |
44/64 | Safeway: Transfers
Between Bargaining Units |
1981 |
44/65 | Safeway Time
Loss |
1984 |
44/66 | Work Issues: Safeway:
Larry Domish |
1986-1987 |
44/67 | Safeway
Issues |
1989-1997 |
44/68 | Safeway # 435: Charlotte
McCallum Sexual Harassment Issue: Stan Harris |
1990-1991 |
44/69 | Safeway # 368: Donna
Polson Warning Letters |
1992 |
44/70 | Local 44: Safeway Turkey
Pricing Jurisdiction |
1993 |
44/71 | Safeway: Brian Cockbain
Termination |
1994 |
44/72 | Correspondence: Safeway #
368: Carmel Tucker Issue |
1997 |
44/73-44/76 | Subseries P: Thriftway |
1991-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/73 | Sunset Thriftway: Julie
Dugan: Lost Wages and Reimbursement |
1991 |
44/74 | Admiral Thriftway: Ismael
"JR" Rabago: Notes and Warning Letters |
1991 |
44/75 | Greenwood Thriftway:
Joyce Iman Termination |
1993 |
44/76 | Rogers Thriftway: Dan
Fish Termination |
1994 |
44/77-44/78 | Subseries Q: Town and Country |
1994-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/77 | Town and Country:
Employee Recovery Agreement |
1994 |
44/78 | Town and Country Markets:
Linda Cook Statement: Calvin Kroll Issue |
1998 |
44/79-44/82 | Subseries R: Unidentified |
1980-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/79 | Loose Notes: Lists of
Issues |
1980 |
44/80 | Disciplinary Appeals:
Barry, White, and Sullivan |
1983 |
44/81 | Donna Polson Time Loss
Request |
1993 |
44/82 | Eric Smith
Agreement |
1998 |
44/83-45/39 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1980-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/83 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1990-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/83 | Albertson's #447: Time
Clock Violations |
1990-1996 |
44/84 | Subseries B: Allied Employers |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/84 | Allied Employers: Central
Cutting |
1997 |
44/85-44/86 | Subseries C: Associated Grocers |
1994-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/85 | Associated Grocers: Meat
Warehouse Bargaining |
1994-1999 |
44/86 | Associated Grocers
Issues Temporary Location: 103/59
1999-2000 |
44/87-44/89 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
2004-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/87 | Investigations: Fred
Meyer Totem Lake: Terminations of Arthur Fletcher and Rodger McCoy Temporary Location: 103/60
2004 |
44/88 | Connie Greene
Termination: Information Request: Fred Meyer Temporary Location: 103/61
2005 |
44/89 | Sexual Harassment
Complaint: Port Orchard Fred Meyer: Jennifer Pugh vs. Axel
Straklejahn Temporary Location: 103/62
2007 |
44/90-45/2 | Subseries E: Hytek Finishes |
1995-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
44/90 | Hytek: Maintenance
Department Issues Temporary Location: 103/63
1995 |
45/1 | Hytek Issues |
1997-1998 |
45/2 | Kent Hytek: Skill Based
Pay/Job Classifications Temporary Location: 104/1
2001 |
45/3 | Subseries F: Larry's Market |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/3 | Rober Vosper Termination:
Larry's Temporary Location: 104/2
2006 |
45/4 | Subseries G: Lowe's Food Co. |
1990-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/4 | Lowe's Food Co.: Failure
to Pay Wages |
1990-1997 |
45/5 | Subseries H: Mega Foods |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/5 | Notes: Juan Estevez:
MegaFoods: "Sexual Harassment Meeting" Temporary Location: 104/3
2004 |
45/6 | Subseries I: QFC |
1995-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/6 | Paul Durham Seniority:
1995-1996 |
45/7-45/8 | Subseries J: Red Apple |
2000-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/7 | Kelly Probst Layoff: Meat
Manager, Shelton Red Apple: Kirby Company Temporary Location: 104/4
2000 |
45/8 | Garguille's Red Apple:
Letter: Tanya Sanchez Vacation Pay Temporary Location: 104/5
2007 |
45/9-45/19 | Subseries K: Safeway |
1980-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/9 | Safeway
Redistricting Temporary Location: 104/6
1980-2000 |
45/10 | Safeway: Sherry Barnes
Assault Case: Field Notes |
1988-1990 |
45/11 | Safeway: Pre-Cut
Meat |
1989 |
45/12 | Safeway Vacations:
Bellevue |
1992-1996 |
45/13 | Cut-on-Site Disputes:
Auburn Market Place, Safeway, Central Cutting and Wrapping in
Tukwila |
1995-1997 |
45/14 | Survey: Superior Customer
Service Secret Shopper Program: Safeway |
1997-1998 |
45/15 | Correspondence: Superior
Customer Service Secret Shopper Program: Safeway |
1997-1998 |
45/16 | Barbara Freelove
Termination: Safeway: Seafood Dating |
1999 |
45/17 | Floyd Peterson: Warning
Letter from Safeway Temporary Location: 104/7
2000 |
45/18 | Safeway# 1619: Crew vs.
Meat Manager Mitch Mccomb: Employee Complaints Temporary Location: 104/8
2002 |
45/19 | Martha Figuerioa:
Seniority Issue: Safeway Store 496 Temporary Location: 104/9
2005 |
45/20 | Subseries L: Thriftway |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/20 | J.R. Rabago Disciplinary
Write-Up and Suspension from Admiral Thriftway: Meeting with Union |
1996 |
45/21-45/23 | Subseries M: TOP Foods |
1995-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/21 | Clint Miller Termination:
Kent TOP Food and Drug |
1995-1999 |
45/22 | T.J. Derrick, TOP Food
and Drug Store 51, Sexual Harrassment Suspension and Demotion Temporary Location: 104/10
2003 |
45/23 | TOP Foods: Olympia Store:
Michelle Matson Barrett Termination |
2004 |
45/24 | Subseries N: Uddenberg's |
1985-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/24 | Detailed Pay and Benefit
Documents: Barbara Meyers: Uddenberg's Employee |
1985-1994 |
45/25-45/39 | Subseries O: Unidentified |
1986-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/25 | Wages: Cost of Living:
Press, Reports, Notes |
1986-1989 |
45/26 | Member Issues |
1992-1994 |
45/27 | Member Issues |
1996-1997 |
45/28 | Steve Qualman
Termination |
1997 |
45/29 | Scott Grout
Termination Temporary Location: 104/11
1999 |
45/30 | Miscellaneous Member
Issues (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 104/12
1999-2002 |
45/31 | Miscellaneous Member
Issues (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 104/13
1999-2002 |
45/32 | Member Issues:
Immediate Temporary Location: 104/14
2000-2001 |
45/33 | Member Issues Temporary Location: 104/15
2000-2002 |
45/34 | Member Issues Temporary Location: 104/16
2003 |
45/35 | Drug Testing: Safeway and
Town and Country Markets Temporary Location: 104/17
2004-2006 |
45/36 | Member Issues (1 of
2) Temporary Location: 104/18
2004-2010 |
45/37 | Member Issues (2 of
2) Temporary Location: 104/19
2004-2010 |
45/38 | Food Safety
Issues Temporary Location: 104/20
2005-2006 |
45/39 | Meeting Notes: Zach
Kronos Separation: Metro Temporary Location: 104/21
2006 |
45/40-46/74 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1981-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/40-45/61 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/40 | Silverdale Albertson's:
Michelle O'Dell Suspension Temporary Location: 104/22
2001 |
45/41 | Mercer Island Albertson's
Patricia Cornelius Issues Temporary Location: 104/23
2001 |
45/42 | Panther Lake Albertson's:
Linda Bunker Issues Temporary Location: 104/24
2001 |
45/43 | Albertson's # 474: Mike
Milden Issue Temporary Location: 104/25
2001 |
45/44 | Albertson's # 475:
Patrick Trahan Issue Temporary Location: 104/26
2001 |
45/45 | Silverdale Albertson's:
Michelle O'Dell Issue Temporary Location: 104/27
2001 |
45/46 | Albertson's # 431: Lisa
Goodwin Termination Temporary Location: 104/28
2001 |
45/47 | Albertson's # 474: Linda
Bunker Voluntary Resignation Temporary Location: 104/29
2002 |
45/48 | Juanita Albertson's:
Kimberly Landa Resignation Temporary Location: 104/30
2002 |
45/49 | Albertson's: Bonnie
McMann Issue Temporary Location: 104/31
2003 |
45/50 | Albertson's # 415:
Kalista Gardner Termination Temporary Location: 104/32
2003 |
45/51 | Auburn Albertson's: Suzon
Heider Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/33
2003 |
45/52 | Albertson's: Ivan Reyna
Suspension Temporary Location: 104/34
2003 |
45/53 | Loose Notes: Albertson's:
Tracy Parker Termination Temporary Location: 104/35
2003 |
45/54 | Albertson's # 473: Milred
Munoz Pay Issue Temporary Location: 104/36
2004 |
45/55 | Albertson's: Grace Hong
Termination Temporary Location: 104/37
2004 |
45/56 | Greenlake Albertson's:
Cindy Anonson Resignation Temporary Location: 104/38
2004 |
45/57 | Albertson's # 462: Paula
Bernhoft Warning Notices Temporary Location: 104/39
2004-2005 |
45/58 | Scheduling Issue:
Albertson's #496: Service Counter Temporary Location: 104/40
2005 |
45/59 | Albertson's #415: Jacklin
Brown Meeting: Meat Manager Comments Temporary Location: 104/41
2005 |
45/60 | Tumwater Albertson's: Ray
Wells Suspension Temporary Location: 104/42
2005 |
45/61 | Albertson's # 492: Brad
Savage Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/43
2005 |
45/62 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/62 | Associated Grocers: John
Bogstie Suspension Pending Time Theft Temporary Location: 104/44
2005 |
45/63 | Subseries C: Bavarian Meats |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/63 | Bavarian Meat Products,
Inc: Eugene O'Brien Probation Temporary Location: 104/45
2005 |
45/64-45/66 | Subseries D: C.C. Filson |
1998-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/64 | C.C. Filson: Haywood
Brown Termination Temporary Location: 104/46
1998-2002 |
45/65 | Filson's Warehouse: Steve
Homblette Write-Up Temporary Location: 104/47
2003 |
45/66 | C.C. Filson: 4th Quarter
Averages: Productivity Bonus Pay Plan Temporary Location: 104/48
2005 |
45/67-45/75 | Subseries E: Draper Valley Farms |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/67 | Draper Valley: Khamtanh
Pholwapee Termination Temporary Location: 104/49
2002 |
45/68 | Draper Valley: Samnieng
Sayasack Issues Temporary Location: 104/50
2002 |
45/69 | Draper Valley Farms: Leo
Donaciano Perez Termination Temporary Location: 104/51
2003 |
45/70 | Draper Valley Farms:
Francisco Perez Warnings Temporary Location: 104/52
2003-2004 |
45/71 | Draper Valley Farms:
Tetele Emelio Resignation Temporary Location: 104/53
2004 |
45/72 | Draper Valley Farms:
Kelesia Tagataese Payroll Issue Temporary Location: 104/54
2004 |
45/73 | Field Notes: Draper
Valley Farms: Molia and Francisco Issue Temporary Location: 104/55
2004 |
45/74 | Draper Valley Farms:
Terry Tracy Termination Temporary Location: 104/56
2004-2005 |
45/75 | Draper Valley Farms:
Jeromy Wardman Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/57
2004-2005 |
45/76-45/95 | Subseries F: Fred Meyer |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/76 | Fred Meyer: Mariana Lake
Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/58
2001 |
45/77 | Lacey Fred Meyer: Mark
Fisher Issues Temporary Location: 104/59
2001 |
45/78 | Lacey Fred Meyer: Alex
Liberty Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/60
2001 |
45/79 | Fred Meyer #23: Bill
Carry Issue Temporary Location: 104/61
2001 |
45/80 | Lacey Fred Meyer: Ed
Richards Issue Temporary Location: 104/62
2001 |
45/81 | Silverdale Fred Meyer:
Connie Green Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/63
2001 |
45/82 | Fred Meyer: Chris Smith
Issues Temporary Location: 104/64
2002 |
45/83 | Tumwater Fred Meyer: Tim
Rodriguez Termination Temporary Location: 104/65
2002 |
45/84 | Auburn Fred Meyer: Kim
Kirkwood Suspension Temporary Location: 104/66
2002 |
45/85 | Auburn Fred Meyer:
Kathleen Schutte Issues Temporary Location: 104/67
2002 |
45/86 | Issaquah Fred Meyer: Joe
Lord Termination Temporary Location: 104/68
2002 |
45/87 | Midway Fred Meyer: Delane
Hinzpeter Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/69
2002 |
45/88 | Ballard Fred Meyer: Mike
Pampeo Suspension Temporary Location: 104/70
2002 |
45/89 | Issaquah Fred Meyer: Phil
Bus Issues Temporary Location: 104/71
2003 |
45/90 | Aurora Fred Meyer:
Beauregard Breaux Termination Temporary Location: 104/72
2003 |
45/91 | Kent Fred Meyer: Betty
Fields Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/73
2003 |
45/92 | Fred Meyer: Pete Milson:
Working off the Clock Issue Temporary Location: 104/74
2004 |
45/93 | Fred Meyer # 13: Jeremy
White Warning Notice Temporary Location: 104/75
2004-2005 |
45/94 | Notes: Federal Way Fred
Meyer: Michelle Barnes Dr. Note Issue Temporary Location: 104/76
2005 |
45/95 | Bellevue Fred Meyer:
Laura Ward Termination Temporary Location: 104/77
2005 |
45/96 | Subseries G: Golden Steer |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/96 | Notes: Golden Steer: Jeff
Geithman Attendance Issue Temporary Location: 104/78
2005 |
45/97 | Subseries H: H.P. MegaFoods |
2000-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/97 | Fuller Markets: H.P.
Megafoods: Larry Lake Seniority Issue Temporary Location: 104/79
2000-2002 |
45/98-45/99 | Subseries I: Haggen |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/98 | Haggen: Priscilla Gale
TOP Foods Work Recall Temporary Location: 104/80
2002 |
45/99 | Haggen: Kim Landa
Issues Temporary Location: 104/81
2005 |
45/100-45/108 | Subseries J: Hytek Finishes |
1981-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/100 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Jed Jackson Job Performance and Medical History Temporary Location: 104/82
1981-2001 |
45/101 | Hytek: Robert Reeder
Issues Temporary Location: 104/83
2001 |
45/102 | Hytek: Scheduling
Issue Temporary Location: 104/84
2001 |
45/103 | Hytek Finishes: Three
Employees Terminated for Alcohol Violation Temporary Location: 104/85
2002 |
45/104 | Hytek: Djamel Tlemsani
Request for Medical Leave Temporary Location: 104/86
2003 |
45/105 | Hytek: Paula Stevens
Issues Temporary Location: 104/87
2004 |
45/106 | Hytek: Brian Sweet
Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/88
2004 |
45/107 | Hytek: Djamel Tlemsani
Issue Temporary Location: 104/89
2004 |
45/108 | Hytek Finishes: Djamel
Tlemsani Annual Review Temporary Location: 104/90
2004 |
45/109-45/121 | Subseries K: King's Command Foods |
1995-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/109 | King's Command Foods:
Alan Watson Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/91
1995-2005 |
45/110 | King's Command Foods:
Sergio Carmona Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/92
1998-2001 |
45/111 | King's Command Foods:
Jason Fulkerson Light Duty Temporary Location: 104/93
2001 |
45/112 | King's Command Foods:
Changing Labor Between Shifts Temporary Location: 104/94
2001 |
45/113 | King's Command Foods:
Mercelina Davila-Torres Family Medical Leave Temporary Location: 104/95
2001 |
45/114 | King's Command Foods:
Steve Monak Issue Temporary Location: 104/96
2001 |
45/115 | King's Command Foods:
Esterina DiPietro Termination Temporary Location: 104/97
2002-2003 |
45/116 | King's Command Foods:
Chris Martinez Termination Temporary Location: 104/98
2003 |
45/117 | King's Command Foods:
Last Chance Rehabilitation Agreement Temporary Location: 104/99
2003 |
45/118 | King's Command Foods:
Randon Stempkowski Reclassification Temporary Location: 104/100
2004 |
45/119 | King's Command Foods:
Arthur Forest Termination Temporary Location: 104/101
2004 |
45/120 | King's Command Foods:
Donna Quinlivan Doctor's Note Temporary Location: 104/102
2005 |
45/121 | King's Command Foods:
Tamara McLennan Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/103
2005 |
45/122-45/125 | Subseries L: Larry's Market |
2002-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/122 | Oaktree Larry's Market:
Ed Eklund Issue Temporary Location: 104/104
2002 |
45/123 | Redmond Larry's Market:
Reed Rasmoton Issues Temporary Location: 104/105
2003 |
45/124 | Larry's Markets: Lionel
Suguira: Vacation Issue Temporary Location: 104/106
2003 |
45/125 | Queen Anne Larry's
Market: Michael Miller Write-Up Temporary Location: 104/107
2004 |
45/126 | Subseries M: Mega Foods |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/126 | Mega Foods/Fuller Inc:
Anthony Thompson Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/108
2004 |
45/127-45/129 | Subseries N: Metropolitan Market |
2002-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/127 | Metropolitan Market #151:
Veronica Marler Termination Temporary Location: 104/109
2002-2003 |
45/128 | Dash Point Metropolitan
Market: Jeff Hofer Issue Temporary Location: 104/110
2004 |
45/129 | Admiral Metropolitan
Market: Rick Cavanaugh Suspension Temporary Location: 104/111
2004 |
45/130-45/131 | Subseries O: Oversea Casing |
1997-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/130 | Oversea Casing: Roberto
Beckford Issue Temporary Location: 104/112
1997-2004 |
45/131 | Oversea Casing Company:
Seng Salee Health and Safety Issue Temporary Location: 104/113
2001 |
45/132-45/135 | Subseries P: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2001-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/132 | Puget Consumer Co-op:
Robert Gong Issue Temporary Location: 104/114
2001 |
45/133 | Puget Consumer Co-op:
Rich Phillips Issues Temporary Location: 104/115
2001-2002 |
45/134 | Puget Consumer Co-op:
Fremont: Ron Cox Performance Plan Temporary Location: 104/116
2002 |
45/135 | Puget Consumer Co-op:
Rich Phillips Issues Temporary Location: 104/117
2003 |
45/136-46/5 | Subseries Q: QFC |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
45/136 | QFC # 5467: Nancene
Hendrickson Issues Temporary Location: 104/118
2001 |
45/137 | Renton QFC: Michael Han
Issue Temporary Location: 104/119
2001 |
45/138 | QFC # 820: Patrick Parris
Issues Temporary Location: 104/120
2001 |
45/139 | Yelm QFC: Jo Garding
Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/121
2001 |
45/140 | Broadway QFC: Jeff
McJicker Issue Temporary Location: 104/122
2001 |
45/141 | North Seattle QFC: Ed
Strobeck Issue Temporary Location: 104/123
2001 |
45/142 | QFC: Debbie Whitfield
Issue Temporary Location: 104/124
2001 |
45/143 | QFC: Kevin Sidebottom
Issues Temporary Location: 104/125
2001 |
45/144 | QFC # 871: Charles Clark
Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/126
2001-2002 |
45/145 | Westwood Village QFC: Joe
Buttler Termination Issue Temporary Location: 104/127
2002 |
45/146 | QFC: Chris Caulderbank
Issue Temporary Location: 104/128
2002 |
45/147 | QFC: Alicia Brittian
Attendance Issue Temporary Location: 104/129
2002 |
45/148 | Woodinville QFC: Mirhan
Adetian: Harrassment by Seafood Manager Temporary Location: 104/130
2002 |
45/149 | Manhattan Village QFC:
Eilene Carter Issue Temporary Location: 104/131
2002 |
45/150 | Notes: Westwood QFC
Meeting: Pam and Debbie Issue Temporary Location: 104/132
2002 |
45/151 | Fairwood QFC: Debbie Dunn
Issue Temporary Location: 104/133
2002 |
45/152 | Queen Anne QFC: Mike
DeCaro Issue Temporary Location: 104/134
2002 |
45/153 | QFC # 821: Ron Hinesley
Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/135
2002 |
45/154 | Queen Anne QFC: Roger
Wood Issue Temporary Location: 104/136
2002 |
45/155 | QFC # 803: Lyle Deneau
Issue Temporary Location: 104/137
2003 |
45/156 | North Seattle QFC: Ed
Strobeck Issue Temporary Location: 104/138
2003 |
45/157 | Crown Hill QFC: Karleen
Vasquez Issue Temporary Location: 104/139
2003 |
45/158 | Auburn QFC: Art Workman
Investigaton Temporary Location: 104/140
2003 |
45/159 | QFC # 807: Jason Kelley
Written Warnings and Notes Temporary Location: 104/141
2004 |
45/160 | QFC # 849: Issue Between
Kelly Voelker and Greg Gable Temporary Location: 104/142
2004 |
45/161 | Kirkland QFC: Bruce Baker
Issue Temporary Location: 104/143
2004 |
46/1 | QFC: Park Adams
Termination Temporary Location: 104/144
2004 |
46/2 | Notes: QFC Bellevue: Greg
Gable Issue Temporary Location: 104/145
2004 |
46/3 | QFC #849: Greg Gable
Issues Temporary Location: 104/146
2004 |
46/4 | Federal Way QFC: Debra
Deen Pay Issue Temporary Location: 104/147
2004 |
46/5 | QFC # 806: Sam Murphy
Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/148
2005 |
46/6-46/7 | Subseries R: Red Apple |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/6 | Promenade Red Apple:
Harry Sandifer Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/149
2003 |
46/7 | Promenade Red Apple
Market: Harry Sandifer Termination Temporary Location: 104/150
2004 |
46/8-46/42 | Subseries S: Safeway |
1993-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/8 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Tim Jandecar Issue Temporary Location: 104/151
1993-2001 |
46/9 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Dan Elmer Termination Temporary Location: 104/152
1996-2004 |
46/10 | Safeway # 1062: Delane
Hinzpeter Medical Leave Issue Temporary Location: 104/153
2000-2003 |
46/11 | Safeway # 1294: Kathy
Spence Suspension Temporary Location: 104/154
2001 |
46/12 | Olympia Safeway: Todd
Grout Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/155
2001 |
46/13 | Safeway: Doug Ehli
Issue Temporary Location: 104/156
2001 |
46/14 | Kenmore Safeway: Jared
McLaughlin Issue Temporary Location: 104/157
2001 |
46/15 | Rainier Safeway: Issue:
Carolynn Acres and Paul Gerhardt Temporary Location: 104/158
2001 |
46/16 | Safeway: Diana Hammond
Dental Coverage and Scheduling Issues Temporary Location: 104/159
2001 |
46/17 | Grievance: Safeway #1508:
Anthony Mack Suspension Temporary Location: 104/160
2001-2004 |
46/18 | Safeway: Cornelius
Zegstroo Pay Issue Temporary Location: 104/161
2002 |
46/19 | Safeway #496: Halyna
Debus Issues Temporary Location: 104/162
2002 |
46/20 | Safeway # 442: Marlene
Witte Suspension Temporary Location: 104/163
2002 |
46/21 | Safeway #490: Cheryl
Yeater Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/164
2002 |
46/22 | Safeway # 1923: Shawn
Pomaroy Issue Temporary Location: 104/165
2002 |
46/23 | Safeway : Dave Webb
Issues Temporary Location: 104/166
2002 |
46/24 | Safeway: Kim Austin
Termination During Probationary Period Temporary Location: 104/167
2003 |
46/25 | Safeway # 1680: Rebecca
McDiarmid Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/168
2003 |
46/26 | Safeway # 488: Parke
Adams Issues Temporary Location: 104/169
2003 |
46/27 | Safeway # 1508: Dennel
Heck Suspension Temporary Location: 104/170
2003 |
46/28 | Safeway: Confirmation of
Voluntary Resignation: Halyna Debus Temporary Location: 104/171
2004 |
46/29 | Safeway: Glenda Kroll
Issue Temporary Location: 104/172
2004 |
46/30 | Broadway Safeway: Lon
Morrow Issue Temporary Location: 104/173
2004 |
46/31 | Admiral Safeway: Jackie
Hamilton Issue Temporary Location: 104/174
2004 |
46/32 | Safeway: Brian Phelan
Payroll Issue Temporary Location: 104/175
2004 |
46/33 | Jackie Ray Moon: Issue
with Safeway Human Resources Temporary Location: 104/176
2004 |
46/34 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Paul Landgraf Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/177
2004 |
46/35 | Safeway: Marty Linane
Suspension Temporary Location: 104/178
2004 |
46/36 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Festus Sowah Issues Temporary Location: 104/179
2004 |
46/37 | Metro Safeway: Glenda
Kroll Issue Temporary Location: 104/180
2004 |
46/38 | Safeway: Sergio Gonzalez
Earnings Temporary Location: 104/181
2005 |
46/39 | Safeway # 1923: Salvador
Rodriguez Suspension Temporary Location: 104/182
2005 |
46/40 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Mario Peterson Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/183
2005 |
46/41 | Safeway Meat Warehouse:
Michael Ransaw Last Chance Agreement Temporary Location: 104/184
2005 |
46/42 | Safeway #1524: Barbara
Brown Customer Service Meeting Temporary Location: 104/185
2005 |
46/43 | Subseries T: Sara's |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/43 | Notes: Sara's Port
Orchard: Larry McCann Resignation Temporary Location: 104/186
2005 |
46/44-46/45 | Subseries U: Thriftway |
2003-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/44 | Ballinger Thriftway:
Janice Jackson Termination Temporary Location: 104/187
2003 |
46/45 | Grievance: Sahara:
Magnolia Thriftway: Lisa Becker Termination Temporary Location: 104/188
2004 |
46/46-46/57 | Subseries V: TOP Foods |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/46 | Olympia TOP Foods: Carrie
Rucshner Scheduling Request Temporary Location: 104/189
2001 |
46/47 | Lacey TOP Foods: Jeff
Gabrielse Scheduling Issue Temporary Location: 104/190
2001 |
46/48 | TOP Foods #67: Richard
Springer Issue Temporary Location: 104/191
2001 |
46/49 | TOP Foods #67: Charles
Jenkins Termination Temporary Location: 104/192
2001 |
46/50 | TOP Foods # 67: Monte
Tarp Termination Temporary Location: 104/193
2002 |
46/51 | Woodinville TOP Foods:
Scott Fix Seniority Issue Temporary Location: 104/194
2002 |
46/52 | Federal Way TOP Foods:
Kapiolani Faagai Issue Temporary Location: 104/195
2003 |
46/53 | TOP Foods #67: David
Barrett Written Warning Temporary Location: 104/196
2003 |
46/54 | TOP Foods # 13: Pete
Milson Suspension Temporary Location: 104/197
2003 |
46/55 | Woodinville TOP Foods:
Shannon Rosen Pay Issue Temporary Location: 104/198
2004 |
46/56 | Documentation: Bellevue
TOP Foods: Mike Fast Off the Clock Temporary Location: 104/199
2004 |
46/57 | TOP Foods #39: Lisa
Valenzuela Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/200
2005 |
46/58-46/64 | Subseries W: Town and Country |
1993-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/58 | Town and Country: Central
Market Poulsbo: Moritz Roos Issues Temporary Location: 104/201
1993-2002 |
46/59 | Town and Country: Central
Market # 216: Cindy Anderson Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/202
2002 |
46/60 | Town and Country: Central
Market: Dorry Johnson Issues Temporary Location: 104/203
2002 |
46/61 | Town and Country:
Shoreline Central Market: Jason Danner Write-Ups Temporary Location: 104/204
2003 |
46/62 | Town and Country: Central
Market: Jonathan Savik Termination Temporary Location: 104/205
2003-2004 |
46/63 | Paulsbo Central Market:
Amy Cooper Issue Temporary Location: 104/206
2004 |
46/64 | Town and Country Market:
Bruce (Marshall) Bishop Written Warnings Temporary Location: 104/207
2005 |
46/65 | Subseries X: Uwajimaya |
2002-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/65 | Bellevue Uwajimaya: James
Quach Suspension and Termination Temporary Location: 104/208
2002-2003 |
46/66-46/74 | Subseries Y: Unidentified |
2001-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/66 | Joe Webb: Issue with
Supervisor's Treatment of Female Coworkers Temporary Location: 104/209
2001 |
46/67 | Mike Waters Wage Increase
Issue Temporary Location: 104/210
2001 |
46/68 | Jackie Roach Scheduling
Issue Temporary Location: 104/211
2001 |
46/69 | Dan Broncheau Written
Warning Temporary Location: 104/212
2001 |
46/70 | Tina Ashenbrenner:
Nametag Writing Issue Temporary Location: 104/213
2002 |
46/71 | Employee Warning
Letters Temporary Location: 105/1
2003 |
46/72 | Employee Warning
Letters Temporary Location: 105/2
2003-2005 |
46/73 | Employee Warning
Notices Temporary Location: 105/3
2004 |
46/74 | Nancy Rabago
Issues Temporary Location: 105/4
2005 |
46/75-60/17 | 1901-2012 | |
Box/Folder | ||
46/75-48/9 | Part 1:
Conferences and Conventions |
1947-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/75-47/9 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1988-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/75 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/75 | Albertson's and American
Stores Retail Chain Meeting Temporary Location: 105/5
2000 |
46/76-46/77 | Subseries B: Wal-Mart |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/76 | Conference: Wake-Up
Wal-Mart: A Strategy to Win: St. Louis, MO (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/6
2005 |
46/77 | Conference: Wake-Up
Wal-Mart: A Strategy to Win: St. Louis, MO (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/7
2005 |
46/78-47/9 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1988-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
46/78 | Conventions and Union
Functions |
1988-1993 |
46/79 | Conference Materials:
UFCW Education Conferences: Oak Brook, IL (1 of 2) |
1990 |
46/80 | Conference Materials:
UFCW Education Conferences: Oak Brook, IL (2 of 2) |
1990 |
46/81 | International Convention:
Ontario, CA |
1993 |
46/82 | Official Proceedings: 3rd
Annual International Convention: Toronto, Ontario, CA |
1993 |
46/83 | Region 7 and 8
Conference |
1996 |
46/84 | Pre-Retirement
Seminar |
1996 |
46/85 | Report to the 4th Regular
UFCW International Union Convention |
1998 |
46/86 | Report to the 4th Regular
International Union Convention |
1998 |
46/87 | Region 7 Steward
Summit |
1999 |
46/88 | Annual UFCW Convention
and UFCW Women's Network Biennial Convention |
1999 |
46/89 | Convention: Sun
Valley Temporary Location: 105/8
2000 |
46/90 | Convention:
Correspondence and Presentations: Chelan, WA Temporary Location: 105/9
2001 |
46/91 | Horizons: Voices For
Change Conference Temporary Location: 105/10
2004 |
46/92 | Constituency Groups
Summit; Local 1036 Retail Food, Meat, Bakery, Candy and General Merchandise
Agreement Temporary Location: 105/11
2004-2007 |
46/93 | Washington State Council
Meeting at Sun Mountain Lodge Temporary Location: 105/12
2005 |
46/94 | Wake-Up Wal-Mart: A
Strategy to Win Conference: St. Louis, MO (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/13
2005 |
46/95 | Wake-Up Wal-Mart: A
Strategy to Win Conference: St. Louis, MO (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/14
2005 |
46/96 | Founding Convention: New
Hope for American Workers: Change to Win Coalition: St. Louis, MO Temporary Location: 105/15
2005 |
46/97 | Washington State Council
Convention: Chelan Temporary Location: 105/16
2005 |
46/98 | Northwest District
Council Convention: Chelan, WA Temporary Location: 105/17
2006 |
46/99 | Attorney David Rosenfeld:
Seminar: Offensive Bargaining Temporary Location: 105/18
2007 |
46/100 | OSHA Voluntary Compliance
Outreach: 10-Hour General Industry (1 of 4) Temporary Location: 105/19
2007 |
46/101 | OSHA Voluntary Compliance
Outreach: 10-Hour General Industry (2 of 4) Temporary Location: 105/20
2007 |
46/102 | OSHA Voluntary Compliance
Outreach: 10-Hour General Industry (3 of 4) Temporary Location: 105/21
2007 |
46/103 | OSHA Voluntary Compliance
Outreach: 10-Hour General Industry (4 of 4) Temporary Location: 105/22
2007 |
47/1 | Convention of Textile and
Garment Council of the UFCW Temporary Location: 105/23
2007-2008 |
47/2 | Labor/Management Workers'
Compensation Conference: Seattle, WA (1 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/24
2008 |
47/3 | Labor/Management Workers'
Compensation Conference: Seattle, WA (2 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/25
2008 |
47/4 | Labor/Management Workers'
Compensation Conference: Seattle, WA (3 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/26
2008 |
47/5 | A Meeting of the Minds:
Workers' Compensation Conference: Shoreline, WA (1 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/27
2008 |
47/6 | A Meeting of the Minds:
Workers' Compensation Conference: Shoreline, WA (2 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/28
2008 |
47/7 | A Meeting of the Minds:
Workers' Compensation Conference: Shoreline, WA (3 of 3) Temporary Location: 105/29
2008 |
47/8 | UFCW International: Sixth
Regular Convention: Montreal Temporary Location: 105/30
2008 |
47/9 | Local 21 Shop Stewards
Conference: Seattle Center Temporary Location: 105/31
2009 |
47/10-47/22 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1947-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/10-47/11 | Subseries A: Kroger |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/10 | Kroger Store Retail Chain
Meeting: Rosemont, IL (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/32
2000 |
47/11 | Kroger Store Retail Chain
Meeting: Rosemont, IL (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/33
2000 |
47/12-47/13 | Subseries B: Safeway |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/12 | Safeway Retail Chain
Meeting: Portland, OR (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/34
2000 |
47/13 | Safeway Retail Chain
Meeting: Portland, OR (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 105/35
2000 |
47/14-47/22 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1947-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/14 | Portfolio: Golden
Anniversary Convention |
1947 |
47/15 | Official Proceedings: 3rd
International Union Convention: Toronto, Ontario |
1993 |
47/16 | Washington State Labor
Council: Third Annual Workers' Compensation Conference (1 of 3) |
1993 |
47/17 | Washington State Labor
Council: Third Annual Workers' Compensation Conference (2 of 3) |
1993 |
47/18 | Washington State Labor
Council: Third Annual Workers' Compensation Conference (3 of 3) |
1993 |
47/19 | International Poultry
Meeting: Food Processing, Packing and Manufacturing Division: Organizing and
Representing the New Immigrant Workforce Temporary Location: 106/1
2002 |
47/20 | Report to the 5th Regular
Convention: San Francisco, CA Temporary Location: 106/2
2003 |
47/21 | Pension Summit:
Rethinking Pension Design and Managment: Keith Ambachtsheer Temporary Location: 106/3
2009 |
47/22 | Pension Trustees Summit:
Fundamentals of a Variable Defined Benefit Plan: Kalwarski and
Hardcastle Temporary Location: 106/4
2009 |
47/23-47/26 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1979-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/23 | Proceedings: Founding
Convention of UFCW and Special Conventions of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and
Butcher Workmen of North America and the Retail Clerks International
Union |
1979 |
47/24 | International Convention:
Chicago, IL |
1993-1998 |
47/25 | AFL-CIO Convention:
Manhattan, NY, NY |
1996 |
47/26 | President Anthony Abeyta:
International Convention: Chicago, IL |
1997-1998 |
47/27 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1977-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/27 | Packinghouse Convention and
Contract Bargaining |
1977-1979 |
47/28-48/9 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1996-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/28-47/29 | Subseries A: Safeway |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
47/28 | Safeway Retail Chain
Meeting (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 106/5
2000 |
47/29 | Safeway Retail Chain
Meeting (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 106/6
2000 |
48/1-48/9 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1996-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/1 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust Fund Meeting |
1996 |
48/2 | Legislative and Political
Action Conference |
1996 |
48/3 | AFL-CIO Conference for
Members Elected to Public Office |
1997 |
48/4 | Union Leadership Summit:
First Annual Puget Sound Stewards Conference |
1998 |
48/5 | Pre-Retirement
Seminar Temporary Location: 106/7
1999-2000 |
48/6 | International Convention:
Notes and Delegate Materials Temporary Location: 106/8
2003 |
48/7 | Northwestern District
Council Convention: Delegate Packet Temporary Location: 106/9
2004 |
48/8 | Founding Meeting for
Washington State Council: Seaside Convention Temporary Location: 106/10
2004 |
48/9 | International Convention
Proposals Temporary Location: 106/11
2008 |
48/10-50/37 | Part 2:
Correspondence |
1901-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/10-49/27 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1982-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/10-48/16 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1995-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/10 | Correspondence and Press:
Albertson's Task Force (1 of 4) |
1995-1998 |
48/11 | Correspondence and Press:
Albertson's Task Force (2 of 4) |
1995-1998 |
48/12 | Correspondence and Press:
Albertson's Task Force (3 of 4) |
1995-1998 |
48/13 | Correspondence and Press:
Albertson's Task Force (4 of 4) |
1995-1998 |
48/14 | Correspondence: Randall
Zeiler: Allied Employers: Guillory/Griswold v. Albertson's |
1997 |
48/15 | Correspondence:
Albertson's Off-the-Clock Litigation Hearings Temporary Location: 106/12
2004 |
48/16 | Electronic
Correspondence: Albertson's Employment Practices Litigation Temporary Location: 106/13
2009 |
48/17 | Subseries B: Diane's Foods |
1982-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/17 | Correspondence: Diane's
Foods Organizing Jurisdiction Temporary Location: 106/14
1982-2003 |
48/18 | Subseries C: Hytek Finishes |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/18 | Letter from Hytek
Finishes: Affirmative Action Compliance Temporary Location: 106/15
2006 |
48/19 | Subseries D: Local 81 |
2003-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/19 | Correspondence: Puget
Sound Locals Temporary Location: 106/16
2003-2006 |
48/20 | Subseries E: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/20 | P.C.C.: Correspondence:
Jim McGuinness and Humberto Aguilera Temporary Location: 106/17
2011 |
48/21 | Subseries F: Reap Inc. |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/21 | Reap Inc. vs. UFCW:
Anti-UFCW Literature Temporary Location: 106/18
2002 |
48/22 | Subseries G: Safeway |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/22 | Report to Executive
Officers from L and I Advisory Committee: Safeway Job Injuries |
1991 |
48/23 | Subseries H: Wal-Mart |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/23 | Correspondence: Attorney
General of Washingon Rob McKenna: Wal Mart Stores Temporary Location: 106/19
2005 |
48/24-49/27 | Subseries I: Unidentified |
1989-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
48/24 | Inter-Office
Memoranda |
1989 |
48/25 | Inter-Office
Memoranda |
1990 |
48/26 | Inter-Office Memoranda (1
of 2) |
1991-1994 |
48/27 | Inter-Office Memoranda (2
of 2) |
1991-1994 |
48/28 | Publication: Union
Pacesetter; Member Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/20
1993-2001 |
48/29 | Local 81 Office
Correspondence |
1994-1996 |
48/30 | Region 7
Correspondence |
1994-1998 |
48/31 | Local 81
Correspondence |
1994-1998 |
48/32 | Cascade Coalition
Fund Temporary Location: 106/21
1995-2001 |
48/33 | Local 81
Correspondence |
1996-1998 |
48/34 | United Council of Food
and Commercial Workers Temporary Location: 106/22
1999-2000 |
48/35 | President Michael
Williams: Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/23
1999-2003 |
48/36 | Correspondence: Safety,
Health, Ergonomic Contract Language Temporary Location: 106/24
2000 |
48/37 | International Union
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/25
2001-2005 |
48/38 | International
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/26
2002-2003 |
48/39 | Region 7
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/27
2003-2005 |
48/40 | Draft: Letter Response to
Member Religious Objector Inquiries Temporary Location: 106/28
2004 |
48/41 | Pierce County Central
Labor Council Temporary Location: 106/29
2004 |
48/42 | New Member
Letters Temporary Location: 106/30
2004-2005 |
48/43 | United Council of UFCW
Local Unions Temporary Location: 106/31
2004-2008 |
48/44 | Member Concerns: Letter
to Representatives: Jeri A. Peninger Temporary Location: 106/32
2005 |
48/45 | Region 7 and Region 8:
Memoranda Temporary Location: 106/33
2005-2006 |
48/46 | Grievance Directors
Meeting Announcement Temporary Location: 106/34
2006 |
49/1 | Teamsters
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/35
2006 |
49/2 | Internal Correspondence:
Wildcat Strike Temporary Location: 106/36
2006 |
49/3 | International Union
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/37
2006-2007 |
49/4 | Correspondence:
Washington State Labor Council Temporary Location: 106/38
2006-2008 |
49/5 | Martin Luther King County
Labor Council Temporary Location: 106/39
2006-2011 |
49/6 | Electronic
Correspondence: CNN Money on Tesco Invasion Temporary Location: 106/40
2007 |
49/7 | Correspondence: Recent
NLRB Decision Concerning Voluntary Recognition Temporary Location: 106/41
2007 |
49/8 | Member
Mailings Temporary Location: 106/42
2007-2008 |
49/9 | Region 8
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/43
2007-2008 |
49/10 | Correspondence: James
McGuinness: Attorney at Law Temporary Location: 106/44
2007-2008 |
49/11 | UFCW Local 367
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/45
2007-2011 |
49/12 | UFCW Local 1439
Correspondence Temporary Location: 106/46
2007-2011 |
49/13 | Pierce County Labor
Council Temporary Location: 106/47
2007-2011 |
49/14 | Records Release Request
for Civil Action: Gene Mesker/Zenith Temporary Location: 106/48
2008 |
49/15 | Jonathan Lewis/Sunshine
Fund Temporary Location: 106/49
2008 |
49/16 | Marketing Correspondence:
Trisha Baker and Terry Taylor Temporary Location: 106/50
2008 |
49/17 | Correspondence:
Employment Security Department Temporary Location: 106/51
2008-2009 |
49/18 | Washington State Labor
Council: Food and Beverage Committee Temporary Location: 106/52
2008-2009 |
49/19 | Washington State Labor
Council Temporary Location: 106/53
2008-2010 |
49/20 | Parking Privileges Letter
to Neighboring Business Temporary Location: 106/54
2009 |
49/21 | Member
Mailings Temporary Location: 106/55
2009 |
49/22 | Sunshine Fund
Requests Temporary Location: 106/56
2009 |
49/23 | Mailings to
Members Temporary Location: 106/57
2009 |
49/24 | Correspondence: Local
555 Temporary Location: 106/58
2009 |
49/25 | Washington State United
Council: Locals 81, 141, 365, 367 and 1439 Temporary Location: 106/59
2009-2010 |
49/26 | UFCW Region 8 Temporary Location: 106/60
2009-2011 |
49/27 | Seattle Meatcutters'
Apprenticeship Committee Temporary Location: 106/61
2011-2012 |
49/28-49/48 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1901-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/28 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1980-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/28 | Correspondence:
Albertson's |
1980-1992 |
49/29 | Subseries B: CAP Food Services |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/29 | Correspondence: CAP Food
Services: West Seattle, Sandpoint, Mercer Island Thriftways |
1988-1989 |
49/30 | Subseries C: Fred Meyer |
1988-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/30 | Fred Meyer:
Correspondence |
1988-1990 |
49/31 | Subseries D: Larry's Market |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/31 | Correspondence: Larry's
Market Temporary Closure: West Seattle |
1995 |
49/32 | Subseries E: Olson's |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/32 | Olson's: Correspondence:
Merchandiser Trainers |
1992 |
49/33-49/34 | Subseries F: QFC |
1987-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/33 | QFC: Correspondence and
Seniority Lists |
1987-1991 |
49/34 | Correspondence and
Summary of Events: QFC # 807: Fred Cousin Suspension |
1990 |
49/35 | Subseries G: Safeway |
1980-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/35 | Correspondence:
Safeway |
1980-1992 |
49/36 | Subseries H: Sentry Markets |
1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/36 | Correspondence: Sentry
Markets and Allied Employers |
1988 |
49/37 | Subseries I: Town and Country |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/37 | Correspondence: Auburn
Market Place |
1995 |
49/38 | Subseries J: Tradewell |
1977-1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/38 | Correspondence: Tradewell
Stores Inc. |
1977-1985 |
49/39-49/48 | Subseries K: Unidentified |
1901-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/39 | Traveling Card:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America: Local 81: Member
Ed Wilderman: July 10 |
1901 |
49/40 | Fred Cousin: Contract
Application Inquiry |
1983 |
49/41 | Health Department (1 of
3) |
1986-1994 |
49/42 | Health Department (2 of
3) |
1986-1994 |
49/43 | Health Department (3 of
3) |
1986-1994 |
49/44 | Donation Thank-You
Letters |
1989 |
49/45 | Correspondence: Carousel
Foods, Skyway Marketplace, Political |
1994 |
49/46 | Correspondence: Contracts
for Independent Employers |
1995 |
49/47 | United Latinos of the
UFCW Temporary Location: 106/62
1997-2003 |
49/48 | Correspondence: National
Health and Welfare Fund Temporary Location: 106/63
2003 |
49/49-50/20 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1978-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/49 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/49 | Albertson's
Correspondence |
1997-1998 |
49/50-49/51 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/50 | Associated Grocers
Correspondence |
1996-1998 |
49/51 | Correspondence:
Associated Grocers Central Cutting |
1997 |
49/52 | Subseries C: Food Giant |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/52 | Food Giant:
Correspondence and Lists: Full Member/Financial Core Member |
1989 |
49/53 | Subseries D: Frank and Guy Meats |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/53 | Correspondence: Frank and
Guy Meats Agreement |
1998 |
49/54 | Subseries E: Haggen |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/54 | Correspondence: Haggen
Payroll |
1989 |
49/55 | Subseries F: Hytek Finishes |
1996-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/55 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Meeting Notes, Correspondence, Press |
1996-1997 |
49/56 | Subseries G: King's Command Foods |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/56 | Correspondence and
Meeting Notes: King's Command Foods |
1996-1998 |
49/57-49/59 | Subseries H: Larry's Market |
1984-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/57 | Correspondence: Larry's
Markets: Contract-Personal Holidays Application |
1984 |
49/58 | Letter of Understanding:
Oak Tree Larry's Market: Chef Cut Meat Department |
1988 |
49/59 | Correspondence: Larry's
Markets Corporate Offices Relocation |
1996 |
49/60 | Subseries I: QFC |
1996-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/60 | QFC: Correspondence,
Press, Seniority Lists |
1996-1998 |
49/61 | Subseries J: Safeway |
1978-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
49/61 | Correspondence:
Seniority: Safeway |
1978-1979 |
50/1-50/20 | Subseries K: Unidentified |
1983-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/1 | Anthony Abeyta:
Correspondence, Press Clippings, Personal Papers |
1983-1992 |
50/2 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Correspondence |
1985-1990 |
50/3 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Correspondence |
1985-1990 |
50/4 | Anthony Abeyta:
Correspondence, Press Clippings, Personal Papers |
1985-1994 |
50/5 | Anthony Abeyta: General
Correspondence |
1986-1990 |
50/6 | Correspondence: Pension,
Safety, Medical, Member Issues |
1986-1994 |
49/62 | Letter to President
Anthony Abeyta from Kendall B. McKee, Sequim Mural Society: Thanks for Loan of
Photographs |
circa 1990 |
50/7 | Rita Crutchfield
Executive Board Resignation |
1990 |
50/8 | Local 1439
Trusteeship |
1992 |
50/9 | United Council of Food
and Commercial Workers |
1992-1998 |
50/10 | International
Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1993-1998 |
50/11 | International
Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1993-1998 |
50/12 | Position Appointment:
Executive Board Vice President |
1994 |
50/13 | Correspondence from Other
Locals |
1994-1998 |
50/14 | Anthony J. Abeyta:
General Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1995-1996 |
50/15 | Anthony J. Abeyta:
General Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1995-1996 |
50/16 | Correspondence: Pension
Meetings |
1996-1997 |
50/17 | Correspondence: John
Rinehart |
1996-1997 |
50/18 | General Correspondence (1
of 2) |
1996-1998 |
50/19 | General Correspondence (2
of 2) |
1996-1998 |
50/20 | Correspondence: Local
367 |
1997 |
50/21-50/33 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1982-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/21 | Subseries A: Associated Grocers |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/21 | Correspondence:
Associated Grocers Human Resources: Employee Policies Temporary Location: 107/1
2007 |
50/22 | Subseries B: Haggen |
1994-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/22 | Haggen: Correspondence
and Meeting Notes |
1994-1997 |
50/23-50/24 | Subseries C: Local 81 |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/23 | Correspondence: Sarah
Hopkins Resignation Temporary Location: 107/2
2000 |
50/24 | Sarah Hopkins
Resignation Temporary Location: 107/3
2000 |
50/25-50-33 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1982-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/25 | Department of Health:
Notes, Memos, Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1982-1998 |
50/26 | Department of Health:
Notes, Memos, Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1982-1998 |
50/27 | Mass-Communications to
UFCW Executive Officers Temporary Location: 107/4
1998-2002 |
50/28 | Steve Conway Field Notes
and Correspondence |
1999 |
50/29 | Employment Security
Department Information Requests: Steve Conway Temporary Location: 107/5
2000-2001 |
50/30 | Employer
Memoranda Temporary Location: 107/6
2001-2004 |
50/31 | Meat
Memoranda Temporary Location: 107/7
2001-2006 |
50/32 | Correspondence: Steve
Conway: Member Issues Temporary Location: 107/8
2005 |
50/33 | Online Press and
Correspondence: Pension Reform Temporary Location: 107/9
2006 |
50/34-50/37 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1997-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/34 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
1997-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/34 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Safety Correspondence |
1997-1999 |
50/35 | Subseries B: Metropolitan Market |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/35 | Metropolitan Market New
Hires Temporary Location: 107/10
2004 |
50/36-50/37 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1999-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/36 | Loose Phone
Message |
1999 |
50/37 | Warning Letters: Various
Employers Temporary Location: 107/11
2002 |
50/38-50/46 | Part 3:
Elections |
1958-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/38-50/39 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
2008-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/38 | True Ballot Inc: Union
Ballot Service Temporary Location: 107/12
2008 |
50/39 | BallotPoint Election
Services for Unions: Information Packet Temporary Location: 107/13
2010 |
50/40-50/41 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1990-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/40 | Vacant Executive Board
Positions: Gordy Maggs and Rita Crutchfield |
1990 |
50/41 | Local Officer
Elections |
1993 |
50/42 | Series
III: Local President Sid Casey |
1958-1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/42 | Elections:
Meatcutters |
1958-1982 |
50/43-50/45 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1998-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/43 | Leaflet: Re-Elect Steve
Anderson to Recorder/Business Representative |
1998 |
50/44 | Joe Crump,
Secretary-Treasurer for Local 951, Background Information: Political
Legislative Director Position Temporary Location: 107/14
2001-2005 |
50/45 | General Election
Issues Temporary Location: 107/15
2004 |
50/46 | Series
V: Local Executive Board |
2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/46 | Executive Board Vacancy
Candidates Temporary Location: 107/16
2004 |
50/47-53/12 | Part 4:
Minutes |
1927-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/47-51/15 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1935-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/47 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
50/47 | Hytek Finishes: General
Meeting with Union Representatives Temporary Location: 107/17
2007 |
51/1-51/15 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1935-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
51/1 | Meeting Minutes (1 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/2 | Meeting Minutes (2 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/3 | Meeting Minutes (3 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/4 | Meeting Minutes (4 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/5 | Meeting Minutes (5 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/6 | Meeting Minutes (6 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/7 | Meeting Minutes (7 of
7) |
1935-1947 |
51/8 | Officer Attendance Book:
Regular Meetings Temporary Location: 107/18
1953-2003 |
51/9 | Roll Call Log: Officers
and Apprentices Temporary Location: 107/19
1962-2000 |
51/10 | Poultry Chain Meetings:
Memphis, Tennessee Temporary Location: 107/20
2002 |
51/11 | Washington State Council
and Northwest District Council Temporary Location: 107/21
2003-2005 |
51/12 | Martin Luther King, Jr.
County Labor Council Temporary Location: 107/22
2003-2006 |
51/13 | State Council: Meeting
Agenda, Minutes, Press, Summaries Temporary Location: 107/23
2007 |
51/14 | Region 8
Meeting Temporary Location: 107/24
2009 |
51/15 | Hand-Written Notes: Food
Council Meeting Temporary Location: 107/25
2011 |
51/16-51/18 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1978-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
51/16 | Subseries A: Lennon Foods |
1987-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
51/16 | Lennon's Packing Company:
Union Meeting Notes and Pension Contribution Issue |
1987-1988 |
51/17-51/18 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1978-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
51/17 | Executive Board Meeting
Notes |
1978-1982 |
51/18 | Executive Board Meeting
Notes |
1982-1984 |
51/19-52/2 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1969-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
51/19 | Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1969-1973 |
51/20 | Regular Meeting Minutes (1
of 3) |
1974-1982 |
51/21 | Regular Meeting Minutes (2
of 3) |
1974-1982 |
51/22 | Regular Meeting Minutes (3
of 3) |
1974-1982 |
51/23 | Executive Board (1 of
2) |
1996-1999 |
51/24 | Executive Board (2 of
2) |
1996-1999 |
51/25 | Minutes, Budgets,
Agreements, Press (1 of 4) |
1963-1999 |
51/26 | Minutes, Budgets,
Agreements, Press (2 of 4) |
1963-1999 |
51/27 | Minutes, Budgets,
Agreements, Press (3 of 4) |
1963-1999 |
51/28 | Minutes, Budgets,
Agreements, Press (4 of 4) |
1963-1999 |
52/1 | Anthony Abeyta: Meeting
Notes (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 107/26
1988-2003 |
52/2 | Anthony Abeyta: Meeting
Notes (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 107/27
1988-2003 |
52/3-52/12 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1948-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
52/3 | Meeting Minutes (1 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/4 | Meeting Minutes (2 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/5 | Meeting Minutes (3 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/6 | Meeting Minutes (4 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/7 | Meeting Minutes (5 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/8 | Meeting Minutes (6 of
6) |
1948-1968 |
52/9 | Minutes |
1981-1983 |
52/10 | Minutes |
1983-1985 |
52/11 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1985-1987 |
52/12 | Meeting Minutes |
1985-1988 |
52/13-52/14 | Series
V: Local President Sid Casey |
1967 |
Box/Folder | ||
52/13 | Minutes:
Conciliation |
1967 |
52/14 | Meeting Notes:
Jobbers |
1967 |
52/15 | Series
VI: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
52/15 | Executive Board Temporary Location: 107/28
2002 |
52/16 | Series
VII: Recording Secretary Steve Anderson |
1992-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
52/16 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes: Stephen P. Anderson |
1992-1997 |
52/17-53/12 | Series
VIII: Local Executive Board |
1927-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
52/17 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1927-1932 |
52/18 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1932-1934 |
52/19 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (1 of 5) |
1935-1950 |
52/20 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (2 of 5) |
1935-1950 |
52/21 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (3 of 5) |
1935-1950 |
52/22 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (4 of 5) |
1935-1950 |
52/23 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (5 of 5) |
1935-1950 |
53/1 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (1 of 4) |
1951-1975 |
53/2 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (2 of 4) |
1951-1975 |
53/3 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (3 of 4) |
1951-1975 |
53/4 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (4 of 4) |
1951-1975 |
53/5 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (1 of 2) |
1978-1983 |
53/6 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes (2 of 2) |
1978-1983 |
53/7 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1980-1983 |
53/8 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1983 |
53/9 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1983-1985 |
53/10 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1984-1987 |
53/11 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes |
1987-1989 |
53/12 | Executive Board Temporary Location: 107/29
2005-2011 |
53/13-55/39 | Part 5:
Organizing |
1977-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/13-53/31 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1996-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/13-53/14 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/13 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Decertification Campaign (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 107/30
2006 |
53/14 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Decertification Campaign (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 107/31
2006 |
53/15-53/17 | Subseries B: Local 81 |
1997-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/15 | Work, Correspondence, and
Press: Tom Bernard, Organizer/Union Representative Temporary Location: 107/32
1997-2000 |
53/16 | Analtha Moroffko:
Organizing Temporary Location: 107/33
2006-2007 |
53/17 | Work Reports: Nicole
Miller-Organizer Temporary Location: 107/34
2008-2010 |
53/18 | Subseries C: Mega Foods |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/18 | New Bargaining Unit:
Lacey Megafoods Temporary Location: 107/35
2005 |
53/19 | Subseries D: Sea Print and Mail House Center |
2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/19 | Organizing File: Sea
Print and Mail House Center Temporary Location: 107/36
2008 |
53/20 | Subseries E: Super Kmart |
1996-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/20 | Oakland Meatcutters
Organizing at Super Kmart Temporary Location: 107/37
1996-2000 |
53/21-53/23 | Subseries F: Wal-Mart |
2001-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/21 | Wal-Mart Articles and
Handbook Temporary Location: 107/38
2001-2006 |
53/22 | Correspondence and
Location Lists: Wake Up Wal-Mart Temporary Location: 107/39
2005-2006 |
53/23 | Wal-Mart: A Manager's
Toolbox to Remaining Union Free Temporary Location: 107/40
2007 |
53/24 | Subseries G: Woodinville Route Relievers, Inc |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/24 | Organizing: Woodinville
Route Relievers, Inc Temporary Location: 107/41
2005 |
53/25-53/31 | Subseries H: Unidentified |
1998-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/25 | Organizing for the
Future |
1998 |
53/26 | NLRB: Beck Decision:
Organizing Expenses Temporary Location: 107/42
2000 |
53/27 | Local 81
Organizing Temporary Location: 107/43
2002-2003 |
53/28 | Get Active Web Campaign
Service and New Member Applications Temporary Location: 107/44
2005 |
53/29 | American Federation of
Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization: Solidarity Charter Temporary Location: 107/45
2005-2006 |
53/30 | Organizing:
General Temporary Location: 107/46
2008-2010 |
53/31 | Region 8
Organizing Temporary Location: 107/47
2010 |
53/32-54/5 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1983-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/32-53/37 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1988-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/32 | Card Check: Organizing:
Albertson's # 403 |
1988-1994 |
53/33 | Card Check: Organizing:
Albertson's # 487 |
1988-1996 |
53/34 | Card Check: Organizing:
Albertson's # 459 |
1992 |
53/35 | Card Check: Organzing:
Albertson's # 483 |
1993 |
53/36 | Card Check: Organizing:
Albertson's # 653 |
1994-1995 |
53/37 | Card Check: Organizing:
Albertson's # 419 Temporary Location: 107/48
2000 |
53/38 | Subseries B: Alfalfa's |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/38 | Alfalfa's
Organizing |
1996 |
53/39 | Subseries C: Cost Cutter Foods |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/39 | Organizing: Opening of
Auburn CostCutter Market |
1994 |
53/40-53/43 | Subseries D: Fred Meyer |
1983-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/40 | Allied Employers
Negotiations and Snohomish Fred Meyer Grievance: Holiday Pay |
1983-1996 |
53/41 | Card Check: Organizing:
Lake City Fred Meyer |
1995 |
53/42 | Organizing: Silverdale
Fred Meyer |
1996 |
53/43 | Organizing: Ballard Fred
Meyer |
1999 |
53/44 | Subseries E: Haggen |
1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/44 | Haggen's: Kent TOP Foods:
Card Check and Contract Setup |
1995 |
53/45 | Subseries F: Pace |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/45 | Organizing: Pace
Warehouse |
1993 |
53/46 | Subseries G: Product Development Corporation |
1993-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/46 | Organizing: Product
Development Corporation |
1993-1995 |
53/47 | Subseries H: Uddenberg's |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
53/47 | Associated Grocers:
Uddenberg's: Lake Meridian Stock Market: Recognition |
1990 |
54/1-54/5 | Subseries I: Unidentified |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/1 | Organizing |
1988-1990 |
54/2 | Anthony Abeyta:
Organizing |
1988-1996 |
54/3 | Central Meat Cutting:
Research and Correspondence |
1996-1999 |
54/4 | Central Meat Cutting
Campaign and Organizing Consumer Ready Products |
1997 |
54/5 | Campaign Activists Rally
Together: A Guide to Organizing UFCW Members in the Grocery Store Temporary Location: 108/1
2006 |
54/6-54/27 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1977-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/6-54/16 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1977-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/6 | Store Openings,
Organizing, Grievances, Arbitrations: Albertson's (1 of 2) |
1977-1982 |
54/7 | Store Openings,
Organizing, Grievances, Arbitrations: Albertson's (2 of 2) |
1977-1982 |
54/8 | Store Opening and
Organizing: Albertson's #460 |
1982-1983 |
54/9 | Store Opening and
Organizing: Albertson's #462 |
1983-1984 |
54/10 | Store Opening and
Organizing: Albertson's #464 |
1983-1984 |
54/11 | Organizing: Card Check:
Albertson's #466 |
1984 |
54/12 | Store Opening and
Organizing: Albertson's #466 |
1984-1985 |
54/13 | Organizing: Recognition:
Albertson's #447 |
1988 |
54/14 | Organizing: Union
Recognition: Albertson's #470 |
1988 |
54/15 | New Store Representation
Recognition: Albertson's |
1988 |
54/16 | Recognition/Cross Check:
Albertson's # 480 |
1992 |
54/17 | Subseries B: Dick's Food Center |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/17 | Dick's Food Center:
Organizing |
1989-1991 |
54/18-54/19 | Subseries C: Food 4 Less |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/18 | Organizing: Local 367:
Ken Adams Tacoma Food 4 Less |
1988 |
54/19 | Local 555 Campaign
Against Foods 4 Less |
1989 |
54/20 | Subseries D: King's Command Foods |
1994-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/20 | Department of Labor File:
King's Command Meat Employees Association |
1994-1999 |
54/21 | Subseries E: Local 81 |
1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/21 | NLRB Petition:
Representation for Union Office Staff |
1997 |
54/22 | Subseries F: Lucky Foods |
1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/22 | Organizing: Card Check:
Lucky Foods Northern Division: Big Bear |
1984 |
54/23 | Subseries G: TOP Foods |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/23 | Organizing: Local 367:
Lacey TOP Food and Drug |
1994 |
54/24 | Subseries H: Tradewell |
1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/24 | Organizing: Card Check:
Tradewell |
1985 |
54/25 | Subseries I: Uddenberg's |
1983 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/25 | Organizing:
Representation Cards and Correspondence: Keith Uddenberg's Thriftway
Kingsgate |
1983 |
54/26-54/27 | Subseries J: Unidentified |
1986-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/26 | Ownership Transfers, New
Union Shops, Contracts, Correspondence |
1986-1989 |
54/27 | Cascade Organizing
Fund |
1987-1998 |
54/28-55/13 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1987-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/28 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1988-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/28 | Albertson's Recognition:
Panther Lake |
1988-1992 |
54/29 | Subseries B: Alfalfa's |
1994-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/29 | Alfalfa's
Organizing |
1994-1995 |
54/30 | Subseries C: Draper Valley Farms |
1999-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/30 | Draper Valley Farms:
Renton Temporary Location: 108/2
1999-2001 |
54/31-54/32 | Subseries D: Esterline Technologies |
1998-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/31 | Research: Esterline
Technologies Corporation |
1998 |
54/32 | Esterline Corporation
Data Temporary Location: 108/3
2006 |
54/33 | Subseries E: Fred Meyer |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/33 | Representation
Authorization Cards and Recognition Letters: Fred Meyer |
1989-1991 |
54/34-54/39 | Subseries F: HFI Foods |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/34 | HFI Foods Inc. Organizing
(1 of 2) |
1990 |
54/35 | HFI Foods Inc. Organizing
(2 of 2) |
1990 |
54/36-54/39 | Subseries G: Hytek Finishes |
1991-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/36 | Hytek: Organizing,
Recognition, Merger |
1991-1995 |
54/37 | Hytek Membership
Lists |
1995-1998 |
54/38 | List: Hytek
Employees |
1996-1998 |
54/39 | Hytek: Maintenance of
Membership Temporary Location: 108/4
2001 |
54/40 | Subseries H: Oversea Casing |
1999-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/40 | Organizing and Contract
Bargaining: Oversea Casing Company, LLC Temporary Location: 108/5
1999-2001 |
54/41 | Subseries I: Puget Consumers' Co-op |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/41 | Puget Consumers Co-op:
National Labor Relations Board: Union Recognition |
1990-1991 |
54/42 | Subseries J: Smithco Meats |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
54/42 | Organizing: Smithco
Meats |
1990 |
55/1 | Subseries K: Surftech |
1996-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/1 | Esterline: Surftech
Organizing Temporary Location: 107/49
1996-2001 |
55/2-55/3 | Subseries L: Uwajimaya |
1985-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/2 | Uwajimaya
Organizing |
1985-1989 |
55/3 | Uwajimaya Organizing
Campaign and Union-Busting Response Temporary Location: 107/50
2000 |
55/4 | Subseries M: Wal-Mart |
1999-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/4 | Wal-Mart Organizing:
Notes, Press, Correspondence Temporary Location: 107/51
1999-2001 |
55/5 | Subseries N: WINCO Foods |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/5 | Stop WinCo Campaign:
Press, correspondence, legal documents Temporary Location: 107/52
2000 |
55/6-55/13 | Subseries O: Unidentified |
1987-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/6 | Authorization for
Representation Cards |
1987-1994 |
55/7 | Organizing: Notes and
Correspondence |
1994 |
55/8 | Organizing
Projects |
1995 |
55/9 | Organizing
Projects Temporary Location: 107/53
1996-2001 |
55/10 | Washington Apple Industry
Organizing Campaign |
1997 |
55/11 | Organizing
Resources |
1998 |
55/12 | Organizing
Projects |
1998 |
55/13 | Steve Conway: Organizing
Field Notes Temporary Location: 107/54
2000 |
55/14-55/39 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1993-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/14 | Subseries A: Duvall Family Grocers |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/14 | Organizing: Duvall Family
Grocers Temporary Location: 107/55
2005 |
55/15-55/16 | Subseries B: Esterline Technologies |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/15 | Esterline Research (1 of
2) |
1999 |
55/16 | Esterline Research (2 of
2) |
1999 |
55/17-55/30 | Subseries C: Hytek Finishes |
1993-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/17 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: One-on-One: First Survey (1 of 2) |
1993-1999 |
55/18 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: One-on-One: First Survey (2 of 2) |
1993-1999 |
55/19 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Preliminary Research, Correspondence, Press |
1995-1999 |
55/20 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Organizing and Steward Resources |
1998 |
55/21 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Meal Periods and Vendor List |
1998 |
55/22 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Employee List by Department |
1999 |
55/23 | Mailings to Hytek
Activists |
1999 |
55/24 | Hytek: Everett
Facility |
1999 |
55/25 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Vendors and Customers |
1999 |
55/26 | Research: Benzene
Exposure |
1999 |
55/27 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: List of Employees by Department |
1999 |
55/28 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Employee List by Zip Code (1 of 2) |
1999 |
55/29 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Employee List by Zip Code (2 of 2) |
1999 |
55/30 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Solidarity Buildup Temporary Location: 107/56
2005-2006 |
55/31-55/35 | Subseries D: Surftech |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/31 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Organizing Temporary Location: 107/57
2000 |
55/32 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Organizing Campaign Temporary Location: 108/6
2000 |
55/33 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Anti-Union Literature Temporary Location: 108/7
2000 |
55/34 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Petition and Representation Cards (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 108/8
2000 |
55/35 | Esterline: Surftech
Finishes: Petition and Representation Cards (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 108/9
2000 |
55/36 | Subseries E: Wal-Mart |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/36 | Wal-Mart National Day of
Action Temporary Location: 108/10
2002 |
55/37-55/39 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1994-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/37 | Funding Proposal: Metal
Finishing |
1994-1999 |
55/38 | Proposal: Subsidy to
Organize the Metal Finishing Industry in Puget Sound |
1999 |
55/39 | Bulletin Board
Postings |
1999 |
55/40-57/13 | Part 6:
Political |
1973-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/40-56/26 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1973-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/40-55/41 | Subseries A: Wal-Mart |
2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
55/40 | Field Representative
Position Opening and Wake Up Wal-Mart Campaign Temporary Location: 108/11
2005 |
55/41 | Wake Up Wal-Mart: "A
Strategy to Win" Conference Temporary Location: 108/12
2005 |
56/1-56/26 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1973-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
56/1 | Fair Labor Standards
Act Temporary Location: 108/13
1973-2009 |
56/2 | Worker Adjustment and
Retraining Notification Act |
1989 |
56/3 | Labor
Legislation |
1992-1993 |
56/4 | Political
Action |
1992-1993 |
56/5 | Disability
Legislation |
1992-1998 |
56/6 | Family Medical Leave Act:
Federal and Washington State Temporary Location: 108/14
1993-2009 |
56/7 | Political |
1996-1999 |
56/8 | Letter to Gov. Gary
Locke: Veto Senate Bill 6699 |
1998 |
56/9 | Election
Procedures Temporary Location: 108/15
1998-2008 |
56/10 | Political Expenditures:
PDC's and Segregated Funds Temporary Location: 108/16
2000-2010 |
56/11 | WA Citizen
Action Temporary Location: 108/17
2004 |
56/12 | Labor
Neighbor Temporary Location: 108/18
2004-2005 |
56/13 | Active Ballot Club:
Forms, Applications, Guidelines, Education Temporary Location: 108/19
2004-2005 |
56/14 | Elections Temporary Location: 108/20
2005 |
56/15 | Legislative: Workers Comp
Pilot: Center of Occupational Health and Education Temporary Location: 108/21
2005 |
56/16 | Health Care
Responsibility Act: Lobby Letter Packet Temporary Location: 108/22
2005 |
56/17 | Federal Meat Inspection
Act Temporary Location: 108/23
2005-2007 |
56/18 | Legislative: Fair Share
Health Care Bill Temporary Location: 108/24
2006 |
56/19 | Pension Protection Act:
Mercer Human Resource Consulting Report Temporary Location: 108/25
2006 |
56/20 | Political
Education Temporary Location: 108/26
2008 |
56/21 | Political/Election
Law Temporary Location: 108/27
2008 |
56/22 | Dearborn Street Project:
Dearborn Street Coalition for Livable Neighborhoods Temporary Location: 108/28
2008 |
56/23 | Employee Free Choice
Act Temporary Location: 108/29
2008-2009 |
56/24 | Americans with Disability
Act: Federal Temporary Location: 108/30
2009-2010 |
56/25 | Press: Federal Health
Care Reform Temporary Location: 108/31
2010 |
56/26 | Federal Health Care
Reform Law Temporary Location: 108/32
2010 |
56/27 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1991-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
56/27 | North American Free Trade
Agreement: Effects on Mexico |
1991-1994 |
56/28-56/30 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1995-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
56/28 | Political
Action |
1995-1998 |
56/29 | Correspondence: Legislative
and Political Action |
1996 |
56/30 | Senate Bill 5739: Employee
Uniforms |
1996-1997 |
56/31-57/11 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1989-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
56/31 | Political Action: Reports,
Press, Correspondence, Leaflets |
1989-1992 |
56/32 | Rally: House Bill 2432:
Unemployment for Locked-Out Workers |
1990 |
56/33 | Washington State Primary
Election |
1990 |
56/34 | Lobbying: Lockout Bill:
House Bill 1279 |
1991 |
56/35 | Political Action: Strategy,
Leadership, Correspondence |
1991-1992 |
56/36 | Lobbyist
Reports |
1992 |
56/37 | Political Action
Committee |
1992-1993 |
56/38 | Political
Organizing |
1994-1996 |
56/39 | Campaign Contributions;
Legislative Update |
1996 |
56/40 | Political
Action |
1996-1997 |
56/41 | Elections |
1996-1999 |
56/42 | Washington State Labor
Council: Political Action Committee |
1997-1998 |
56/43 | Economics for Working
Families: SEIU and AFL-CIO |
1997-1998 |
56/44 | Political Endorsements;
Political Action Committee |
1998 |
56/45 | Political
Pamphlets |
1998-1999 |
56/46 | World Trade Organization
(WTO) |
1999 |
56/47 | Participant Packet: UFCW
Legislative and Political Affairs Department Seminar |
1999 |
56/48 | Elections (1 of
2) Temporary Location: 108/33
1999-2000 |
56/49 | Elections (2 of
2) Temporary Location: 108/34
1999-2000 |
57/1 | Political Action:
General Temporary Location: 108/35
2000-2002 |
57/2 | Political Fundraising:
Soliciting Member Donations Temporary Location: 108/36
2000-2004 |
57/3 | Political Action:
General Temporary Location: 108/37
2001 |
57/4 | Political
Action Temporary Location: 108/38
2001-2005 |
57/5 | Political Action:
Contribution Information, Targeted Races, Correspondence Temporary Location: 108/39
2002-2003 |
57/6 | Washington State Council
1st Quarter Board Meeting Political/Legislative Report Temporary Location: 108/40
2005 |
57/7 | Washington State Council
August 28 Board Meeting Political/Legislative Report Temporary Location: 108/41
2005 |
57/8 | Political-Press Clippings,
Correspondence, Reports Temporary Location: 108/42
2006 |
57/9 | Political Action: Leaflets
and Letters to Members Temporary Location: 108/43
2007 |
57/10 | Politics: General
Elections Temporary Location: 108/44
2008 |
57/11 | Political
Correspondence Temporary Location: 108/45
2010 |
57/12 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/12 | Workforce Investment
Act |
1998 |
57/13 | Series
VI: Political Action Committee |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/13 | Political Action Committee:
General Election |
1992 |
57/14-57/43; 76/1 | Part 7:
Press |
1907-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/14-57/18 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1995-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/14 | Subseries A: Wal-Mart |
2002-2005 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/14 | Press and Correspondence:
Anti-Wal-Mart Campaign Temporary Location: 108/46
2002-2005 |
57/15-57/18 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1995-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/15 | Press; Article Drafts;
Withdrawal Card Request Forms |
1995-1996 |
57/16 | Food Safety
Press Temporary Location: 109/1
2003-2006 |
57/17 | Press: The End of
Pensions and The Great Retirement Ripoff Temporary Location: 109/2
2005 |
57/18 | UFCW International: Press
and Correspondence Temporary Location: 109/3
2007-2008 |
57/19-57/23 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1907-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/19 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
1988-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/19 | Albertson's: Press and
Research |
1988-1991 |
57/20 | Subseries B: Boeing |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/20 | Press: Boeing |
1988-1989 |
57/21 | Subseries C: Safeway |
1989-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/21 | Safeway: Press and
Research |
1989-1990 |
57/22-57/23 | Subseries D: Unidentified |
1907-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/22 | Photographs and News
Clippings |
1907-1997 |
57/23 | Publications and Press
Clippings |
1988-1989 |
57/24-57/25 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/24 | Subseries A: Bavarian Meats |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/24 | Bavarian Meats:
Press |
1998 |
57/25 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
1997-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/25 | Fred Meyer:
Press |
1997-1998 |
57/26-57/27 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1933-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/26 | Press |
1933-1979 |
57/27 | Press |
1954-1955 |
57/28-57/43 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1988-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/28 | Subseries A: The Natural Meat Company |
1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/28 | Bob Markholt and The
Natural Meat Company |
1989 |
57/29-57/33 | Subseries B: Wal-Mart |
1995-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/29 | News Articles:
Wal-Mart |
1995 |
57/30 | Press:
Wal-Mart Temporary Location: 109/4
2001 |
57/31 | Wal-Mart Issues: Press
and Correspondence Temporary Location: 109/5
2002-2004 |
57/32 | Wal-Mart Campaign: Press
and Correspondence Temporary Location: 109/6
2004-2005 |
57/33 | Wal-Mart Campaign:
Press Temporary Location: 109/7
2006-2007 |
57/34-57/43 | Subseries C: Unidentified |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/34 | Seafood Processing: Press
and Commercial Training |
1988-1990 |
57/35 | Leaflet: Martin Luther
King Jr on Unions and Pickets |
1990 |
57/46 | News Clipping: 'Thank
Gray for 5-Day Workweek' by Frank Bilovsky, Gannett News Service |
December 31, 1991 |
57/36 | Legislative Review:
Representative Steve Conway: 29th District |
1995 |
57/37 | Labor Coalitions Outside
the UFCW: Press and Correspondence (1 of 2) |
1995 |
57/38 | Labor Coalitions Outside
the UFCW: Press and Correspondence (2 of 2) |
1995 |
57/39 | News Articles of
Interest: Steve Conway Temporary Location: 109/8
2000-2001 |
57/40 | Quarterly UFCW
Publication: Working America: Vol. 3 No. 4: Features Steve Conway as Member
Holding Political Office Temporary Location: 109/9
2001 |
57/41 | Press: Seattle
Post-Intelligencer: "Protecting beef supply- one cow at a time" Temporary Location: 109/10
2004 |
57/42 | Press: "AFL-CIO's 50-Year
Organizing Record..."; "Report blasts meat companies" Temporary Location: 109/11
2005 |
57/43 | Press: Labor Law and
Bargaining Temporary Location: 109/12
2005-2006 |
76/1 | Series
VI: Local President Sid Casey |
1948-1980 |
Box/Folder | ||
76/1 | Scrap Book: Press
Clippings, Correspondence, Photographs |
1948-1980 |
57/44-59/20 | Part 8:
Publication |
1901-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/44-58/19 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1901-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
57/44 | Handbooks and Rules of
Order: Local 81, Garment Workers, Labor Council |
1901-1985 |
57/45 | Book and Photographs:
Tribute to Patrick E. Gorman, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher
Workmen |
1976 |
58/1 | Publication:
Pacesetter |
1988-1994 |
58/2 | Pacific Northwest Labor
History Association: Labor History Calendar |
1992 |
58/3 | Local 81
Newsletter Temporary Location: 109/13
1999-2009 |
58/4 | Official Program:
Centennial Celebration |
2000 |
58/5 | Publication: Steward Update
Newsletter (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 109/14
2001-2011 |
58/6 | Publication: Steward Update
Newsletter (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 109/15
2001-2011 |
58/7 | Pamphlets: Pro-Union and
Anti-Wal-Mart; Picnic Pictures and Training Video Temporary Location: 109/16
2002-2008 |
58/8 | Bulletins: Union Contract,
Workers Compensation, Unfair Labor Practice and Labor Law Temporary Location: 109/17
2003-2011 |
58/9 | Teamsters Newsletter
Article: Pension Security in the Spotlight Temporary Location: 109/18
2004 |
58/10 | Publication: Washington
State Labor Council: Legislative Report Temporary Location: 109/19
2004 |
58/11 | Publication: Legal and
Legislative Reporter: Benefits and Compensation Temporary Location: 109/20
2004-2008 |
58/12 | Sarah Bright: Article on
Bargaining Temporary Location: 109/21
2005 |
58/13 | State Labor Council Women's
Committee: Sexual Harassment Leaflet Temporary Location: 109/22
2005 |
58/14 | Flyer: Arbitration Costs,
Stewards Needed, Rainiers Tickets, Safeway Contract Temporary Location: 109/23
2006 |
58/15 | Anti-Union Press and
Responses Temporary Location: 109/24
2006 |
58/16 | Newsletter: Unemployment
Law Project Temporary Location: 109/25
2006 |
58/17 | Newsletter: Harry Bridges
Center for Labor Studies: University of Washington Temporary Location: 109/26
2009 |
58/18 | Publication:The Cyber
Safety Handbook Temporary Location: 109/27
2009 |
58/19 | Book: Yockey, R. (2010).
People are # 1. Bloomington, IN?: Xlibris Corp. Temporary Location: 109/28
2010 |
58/20-59/4 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1956-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
58/20 | Subseries A: Boeing |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
58/20 | Publication: Boeing
Company: Prime Time: A preretirement planning workbook for Boeing employees and
their spouses |
1990 |
58/21-59/4 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1956-2004 |
Box/Folder | ||
58/21 | Book: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Students Labor Law Report |
1956 |
58/22 | Meat Cutting Tests by
weight and percent on all meat classification by Al Mannebach |
1959 |
58/23 | Instructional Pamphlets,
Constitutions, Contract, Bank Ledgers |
1964-1984 |
58/24 | Publications, Bargaining
Agreement, Labor History Calendar Temporary Location: 109/29
1973-2004 |
58/25 | Publication: Bureau of
National Affairs: Union Labor Report (1 of 3) |
1987-1988 |
58/26 | Publication: Bureau of
National Affairs: Union Labor Report (2 of 3) |
1987-1988 |
58/27 | Publication: Bureau of
National Affairs: Union Labor Report (3 of 3) |
1987-1988 |
58/28 | Publication: Labor
Dispute Law |
1988 |
58/29 | Publication: UFCW
Leadership Update (1 of 2) |
1993-1994 |
58/30 | Publication: UFCW
Leadership Update (2 of 2) |
1993-1994 |
59/1 | Newsletter
Awards |
1994 |
59/2 | Publication: National
Pension Fund: Future Service Pension Plan: Summary Plan Description |
1998 |
59/3 | Publication: Super
Servicing Strategies that Work: A UFCW Guide to Effective Local Union
Representation Temporary Location: 109/30
2001 |
59/4 | Publication: Group
Health: Group Health Options Directory of Providers Temporary Location: 109/31
2002 |
59/5-59/11 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Conway |
1983-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/5 | Publication: We Dare Be
Free: US Labor History: Colonial-WWI: Dr. Philip S. Foner |
1983 |
59/6 | Anthony Abeyta:
Newsletters |
1988-1998 |
59/7 | The Meat Board's Lessons on
Meat |
1991 |
59/8 | Publication: The Union
Pacesetter |
1991-1994 |
59/9 | Meat Buyers Guide by the
National Association of Meat Purveyors |
1992 |
59/10 | Publications and Press
Releases |
1995-1998 |
59/11 | Publications: Leadership
Update; Labor Law Review |
1996-1998 |
59/12 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1921-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/12 | Publications and
Photographs Temporary Location: 109/32
1921-2001 |
59/13 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1989-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/13 | Meeting Minutes, Pacesetter
Publication, Financial Reports |
1989-1991 |
59/14-59/19 | Series
VI: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1997-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/14-59/18 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
1997-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/14 | Hytek Newsletter and Dues
Policy |
1997-1998 |
59/15 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Newsletters and Logo Drafts |
1998-1999 |
59/16 | Drafts: Publication:
Hytek Happiness Vol. 1 Issue 3 |
1999 |
59/17 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Newsletter Drafts |
1999 |
59/18 | Esterline: Hytek
Finishes: Bargaining Newsletters Temporary Location: 109/33
2001 |
59/19 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/19 | Paper: Dennis J. Brown,
Ph.D.: Characterising Risk at Metal Finishing Facilities |
1998 |
59/20 | Series
VII: Unidentified |
1991-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/20 | UFCW Publications:
Calendars, Steward Newsletters, Leaflets Temporary Location: 109/34
1991-2012 |
59/21-59/50 | Part 9:
Union Social Events |
1909-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/21-59/38 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/21 | Subseries A: King's Command Foods |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/21 | King's Command Foods:
Union Spring Celebration Temporary Location: 109/35
2006 |
59/22-59/38 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1988-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/22 | Golf Tournament
Scorecards |
1988 |
59/23 | Local 81 Golf
Tournament |
1990 |
59/24 | Golf Tournament
Fund |
1991 |
59/25 | Golf Tournament
Fund |
1992 |
59/26 | Picnic at Woodland
Park |
1992 |
59/27 | Picnic at Woodland
Park |
1993 |
59/28 | Meatcutter's Invitational
Golf Tournament |
1994 |
59/29 | Local 81 Golf
Tournament |
1994 |
59/30 | Golf Tournament
Fund |
1995 |
59/31 | Oktoberfest
Celebration |
1996 |
59/32 | Local 81 Golf
Tournament |
1997 |
59/33 | Holiday Gala |
1997-1998 |
59/34 | Tickets: Centennial
Celebration Temporary Location: 109/36
2000 |
59/35 | Jobs with Justice Honoree
Dinner Temporary Location: 109/37
2006 |
59/36 | Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society Benefit: Puget Sound Golf Tournament Temporary Location: 109/38
2006 |
59/37 | Working Families Party:
Fusion Voting Temporary Location: 109/39
2006 |
59/38 | End of Summer
Picnic Temporary Location: 109/40
2006 |
59/39 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/39 | Centennial Celebration:
Ticket and Program Temporary Location: 109/41
2000 |
59/40-59/41 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Conway |
1985-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/40 | Retirees' Club |
1985-1998 |
59/41 | P.A.C. Northwest Person of
the Year Dinner |
1995 |
59/42 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1909-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/42 | Centennial Celebration
Materials Temporary Location: 109/42
1909-2000 |
59/43 | Series
V: Local President Sid Casey |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/43 | Centennial Celebration:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America Temporary Location: 109/43
2000 |
59/44-59/50 | Series
VI: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1995-2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/44 | Centennial Celebration:
Press, Guest Lists, Planning Notes Temporary Location: 109/44
1995-2000 |
59/45 | Anthony J. Abeyta
Retirement Party |
1999 |
59/46 | Local 81 Centennial
Committee Temporary Location: 109/45
1999-2000 |
59/47 | Centennial Committee:
Financials, Correspondence, Press, Local History Temporary Location: 109/46
1999-2000 |
59/48 | Centennial Celebration:
Invoices Temporary Location: 109/47
1999-2000 |
59/49 | Centennial Celebration:
Invitations Temporary Location: 109/48
2000 |
59/50 | Centennial Celebration:
Promotional Design Temporary Location: 109/49
2000 |
59/51-60/17 | Part 10:
Training |
1965-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/51-60/7 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1965-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
59/51 | Meatcutting Instructions
and Meat Cutter Examination |
1965-1983 |
59/52 | Seminars: Public Speaking,
Stress Management, Time Management |
1989-1996 |
59/53 | Pre-Retirement Workshop by
Kevin Patrick, Merrill Lynch |
1992 |
59/54 | Union Representation and
Servicing |
1993-1996 |
59/55 | CD's and Pamphlets:
Training for Delegates, Safety Committee, Stewards Temporary Location: 109/50
2002-2008 |
59/56 | Handbooks and Training
Materials: Electing Delegates and Other Responsibilities: International
Convention Temporary Location: 109/51
2003-2007 |
59/57 | National Labor Relations
Board Training Opportunities Temporary Location: 109/52
2004-2007 |
59/58 | Workshop: Schwerin Campbell
Bernard LLP: Arbitration Without Lawyers (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/1
2005 |
59/59 | Workshop: Schwerin Campbell
Bernard LLP: Arbitration Without Lawyers (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/2
2005 |
59/60 | Political Action
Committee/Separate Segregated Fund Training Temporary Location: 110/3
2005 |
60/1 | Strategic Bargaining Group
Meeting: St. Louis, MO Temporary Location: 110/4
2006 |
60/2 | Region 7: Safety and
Health: Train the Trainer Workshop: Seattle, WA (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/5
2006 |
60/3 | Region 7: Safety and
Health: Train the Trainer Workshop: Seattle, WA (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/6
2006 |
60/4 | Retail Seafood Advanced
Training Temporary Location: 110/7
2007-2008 |
60/5 | Delegate Education Program
Presentations, Handouts; Editorial: Employee Free Choice Act Temporary Location: 110/8
2008-2009 |
60/6 | Shop Steward Training
Materials (1 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/9
2009 |
60/7 | Shop Steward Training
Materials (2 of 2) Temporary Location: 110/10
2009 |
60/8-60/12 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1983-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/8 | Subseries A: Safeway |
1987-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/8 | Safeway: Management
Trainees |
1987-1992 |
60/9-60/12 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1983-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/9 | New Member Program: Meat
Cutters: Overview of Rights, Steward Roles |
1983 |
60/10 | UFCW Women's Affairs
Department: Pre-Retirement Coordinator Training Manual |
1986 |
60/11 | Shop Steward
Program |
1988 |
60/12 | Steward Education
Program: English/Spanish Version |
1989 |
60/13-60/14 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Conway |
1989-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/13 | Seafood Training
Program |
1989-1993 |
60/14 | L and I: Joint
Labor-Management Cooperation |
1992 |
60/15-60/17 | Series
IV: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1989-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/15 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/15 | One-on-One Training:
Hytek |
1998 |
60/16 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1989-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/16 | Subject Matter:
Organizing Workshop: Chicago |
1989-1990 |
60/17 | Series
V: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1993-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/17 | Hytek: Shop Steward
Training |
1993-1999 |
60/18-66/23 | 1896-2011 | |
Box/Folder | ||
60/18-60/24 | Part 1:
Personal Papers |
1964-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/18-60/20 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
2004-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/18 | Subseries A: Wal-Mart |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/18 | Award to Movement for
Justice at Wal-mart from Jobs with Justice Temporary Location: 110/11
2007 |
60/19-60/20 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
2004-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/19 | Michael Williams:
Calendar Temporary Location: 110/12
2004 |
60/20 | Deceased Members and
Friends Temporary Location: 110/13
2004-2006 |
60/21 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/21 | Personal Calendars:
Monthly |
1990-1991 |
60/22 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Conway |
1992-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/22 | Tony Abeyta: Day
Planners |
1992-1995 |
60/23 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1964-1974 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/23 | Minutes Book: General and
Board Meetings: Evergreen Chapter: Model A Ford Club of America |
1964-1974 |
60/24 | Series
V: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/24 | Steve Conway Desk Files:
General |
1996 |
60/25-66/1 | Part 2:
Reference Files |
1896-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/25-62/65 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1904-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/25 | Subseries A: Albertson's |
2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/25 | Albertson's Incorporated
Benefit Package Temporary Location: 110/14
2003 |
60/26 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/26 | Fred Meyer Meat Order
Guides Temporary Location: 110/15
2006 |
60/27-60/28 | Subseries C: Local 81 |
1999-2009 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/27 | Union Representative and
Executive Board Interviews Temporary Location: 110/16
1999-2000 |
60/28 | Cataloging/File
Room Temporary Location: 110/17
2009 |
60/40 | Descriptive chart and
photocopies of photographs |
November 11, 1999 |
60/41 | Notes: Plans for
Photograph Use |
1999 |
60/29 | Subseries D: Shawn and Ted's Quality Meat Market |
2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/29 | Shawn and Ted's Quality
Meat Market Temporary Location: 110/18
2006 |
60/30 | Subseries E: Town and Country |
2003-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/30 | Town and Country Markets:
Job Openings and Descriptions: Meat Cutter and Seafood Clerk Temporary Location: 110/19
2003-2006 |
60/31-62/65 | Subseries F: Unidentified |
1904-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
60/31 | Book: Robert's Rules of
Order: Published by Scott, Foresman and Co. |
1904 |
60/32 | Bylaws of United Garment
Workers #17 |
1919-1977 |
60/33 | Working Agreement:
Hormel: United Packinghouse Workers #9 |
1940 |
60/34 | Constitution and Bylaws:
United Garment Workers #201 |
1940 |
60/35 | Reference File:
Multi-Unit Collective Bargaining Agreements (1 of 2) |
1950-1969 |
60/36 | Reference File:
Multi-Unit Collective Bargaining Agreements (2 of 2) |
1950-1969 |
60/37 | Reference File: Old Area
Contracts: Multi-Local |
1960-1977 |
60/38 | Constitutions:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America |
1964-1972 |
60/39 | Constitutions: Washington
Federation of Butchers |
1967-1973 |
61/1 | Reference File: Old Area
Contracts: Jobber |
1968-1977 |
61/2 | Constitution of the
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America |
1972 |
61/3 | Union Agreement: American
Income Life Insurance: Office and Professional Employees Local 277 |
1972 |
61/4 | Department of Public
Health |
1972-1997 |
61/5 | Bylaws, Meat Dealers
Contract, L and I Laws, U.S. Budget Temporary Location: 111/1
1972-2002 |
61/6 | Advertisement Cards:
Puget Sound Stamp Works |
1974 |
61/7 | Constitutions: United
Garment Workers of America |
1977-1991 |
61/8 | Membership Reporting
Manual for Local Unions |
1980 |
61/9 | Bylaws of District
Council No. 33 |
1981 |
61/10 | Bylaws Temporary Location: 111/2
1981-2002 |
61/11 | Booklets: International
Constitutions, Strike Manual, Mergers, Benefits Temporary Location: 111/3
1983-2008 |
61/12 | Booklets: International
Constitutions, Service and Strike Manuals, Benefits, Bylaws Temporary Location: 111/4
1983-2008 |
61/13 | Address Listings:
Employers and Local Unions |
1984-1995 |
61/14 | Miscellaneous Press,
Office Records, Certificates |
1985-1992 |
61/15 | Instructional Materials
for Publication Writing Temporary Location: 111/5
1986-2002 |
61/16 | Retention of Union
Records Temporary Location: 111/6
1987-2009 |
61/17 | The Just Cause Standard
in Discipline and Discharge Cases |
1988-1992 |
61/18 | Worker's Compensation:
Research and Committee (1 of 2) |
1989-1994 |
61/19 | Worker's Compensation:
Research and Committee (2 of 2) |
1989-1994 |
61/20 | Health and
Safety |
1989-1999 |
61/21 | Health Department: Meat
Wrapper License |
1990 |
61/22 | Quotes, Anecdotes,
Educational Information |
1990-1993 |
61/23 | Seminars, Educationals,
Member Mailers Temporary Location: 111/7
1990-2008 |
61/24 | Educational Booklet:
Contract Negotiations: Private Sector |
1991 |
61/25 | Labor and Industries:
Employers' Guide to Industrial Insurance |
1992 |
61/26 | American Banner and
Sign |
1992 |
61/27 | Department of Health
Workgroup: Partners in Food Safety Temporary Location: 111/8
1992-2003 |
61/28 | Union Rep Guidelines,
Press, and Policy Correspondence Temporary Location: 111/9
1992-2004 |
61/29 | Labor and Industries:
Fitting the Job to the Worker: An ergonomics program guideline |
1994 |
61/30 | Substance Abuse Recovery
Centers: Info |
1994-1998 |
61/31 | Health and Safety on the
Job Temporary Location: 111/10
1994-2009 |
62/1 | National Labor Relations
Board: Employment Law Reference |
1995-1999 |
62/2 | Panasonic Phone Messaging
System Temporary Location: 110/20
1995-2005 |
62/3 | Sandblasted
Sign |
1996 |
62/4 | Booklet: Communities @
Work: Guide to Restoring our Right to Organize |
1996 |
62/5 | UFCW Attorneys: Discount
Program Temporary Location: 110/21
1996-2003 |
62/6 | Special Project Union
Representative Program |
1997-1998 |
62/7 | Health Code
Revisions Temporary Location: 110/22
1997-2000 |
62/8 | Arbitration Services and
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Temporary Location: 110/23
1997-2005 |
62/9 | Labor and Industries:
Educational Pamphlets for Injured Workers Temporary Location: 110/24
1998-2001 |
62/10 | International
Constitution and Guide to Preventing Amputations in the Workplace Temporary Location: 110/25
1998-2002 |
62/11 | Constitution, Bylaws,
Political Updates Temporary Location: 110/26
1998-2007 |
62/12 | Labor and Industries:
Musculoskeletal Disorders, Risk Factors and Prevention Steps: A Survey of
Employers in Washington State |
1999 |
62/13 | Educational Newsletter
Materials Temporary Location: 110/27
1999-2003 |
62/14 | Labor and Industries
Office Ergonomics: Practical Solutions for a Safer Workplace Temporary Location: 110/28
2000 |
62/15 | Labor and Industries:
Lessons for Lifting and Moving Materials Temporary Location: 110/29
2000 |
62/16 | The ABC's of Labor and
Employment Law: UFCW Organizer's Reference Manual Temporary Location: 110/30
2000 |
62/17 | Language Translation:
Babel Fish Temporary Location: 110/31
2000 |
62/18 | Local Union
Administration: Audit, Bonds, Reporting Requirements Temporary Location: 110/32
2000-2003 |
62/19 | Steps to Safety: Learning
Opportunities from L and I Temporary Location: 110/33
2001 |
62/20 | Booklet: Super Servicing:
Guide to Effective Local Union Representation Temporary Location: 110/34
2001 |
62/21 | Workplace Solicitation
and Distribution Rights Temporary Location: 110/35
2001 |
62/22 | Unemployment: Information
and Education Materials Temporary Location: 110/36
2001-2005 |
62/23 | Resources for Union
Management: Financial Management and Reporting Temporary Location: 110/37
2002-2003 |
62/24 | The ABC's of Labor and
Employment Law: UFCW Representative's Reference Manual Temporary Location: 110/38
2003 |
62/25 | Special Political
Expenditures Report: Manual and Correspondence Temporary Location: 110/39
2003 |
62/26 | HIPPAA: Health
Information Privacy Temporary Location: 110/40
2003-2005 |
62/27 | Health Department
Licensing Temporary Location: 110/41
2004 |
62/28 | Contract Campaign: Picket
Preparation Book Temporary Location: 110/42
2004 |
62/29 | King County Labor
Council Temporary Location: 110/43
2004-2005 |
62/30 | King County Food
Licensing Temporary Location: 110/44
2004-2005 |
62/31 | Northwest District
Council: Vendor List Temporary Location: 110/45
2005 |
62/32 | Employment Security
Department: Referral Union Program Temporary Location: 110/46
2005 |
62/33 | Unemployment Law Project:
Lynn Greiner Temporary Location: 110/47
2005 |
62/34 | Union Plus Immigration
Attorneys Temporary Location: 110/48
2005 |
62/35 | Stones'
Phones Temporary Location: 110/49
2005-2006 |
62/36 | American Computer and
Communications Technology, LLC: Services Temporary Location: 110/50
2005-2010 |
62/37 | Labor and Industries
Publication: Workplace Bullying: What Everyone Needs to Know Temporary Location: 110/51
2006 |
62/38 | Center of Occupational
Health and Education Information Temporary Location: 110/52
2006 |
62/39 | Contact Information:
Steven A Brannon: Principal: Advanced Consulting Group, LLC Temporary Location: 110/53
2006 |
62/40 | Shop Card: Maple Valley
Signs Temporary Location: 110/54
2006 |
62/41 | Taft-Hartley
History Temporary Location: 110/55
2006 |
62/42 | Member E-Mail
Addresses Temporary Location: 110/56
2006 |
62/43 | Modified Atmostphere
Packaging and King County Health Department Temporary Location: 110/57
2006-2008 |
62/44 | MSN Encarta and Evergreen
State College: Historic and Intellectual Look at Labor Temporary Location: 111/11
2006-2008 |
62/45 | King County Reemployment
Support Center: Charlie Best Temporary Location: 111/12
2006-2009 |
62/46 | 501 (c) (3)
Organization(s) Tax Exempt Status Temporary Location: 111/13
2006-2009 |
62/47 | UFCW Directory by
Department Temporary Location: 111/14
2006-2011 |
62/48 | Publishers Mailing
Service Temporary Location: 111/15
2008 |
62/49 | UFCW International:
Expense Policy/Forms Temporary Location: 111/16
2008-2009 |
62/50 | Bylaws and Constitution
Updates Temporary Location: 111/17
2008-2009 |
62/51 | Constitution and
Bylaws Temporary Location: 111/18
2008-2009 |
62/52 | Newsletter Research
Materials Temporary Location: 111/19
2008-2009 |
62/53 | Drug Testing 101:
Interaction with Medicines and Foods Temporary Location: 111/20
2009 |
62/54 | Bylaws Update Temporary Location: 111/21
2009 |
62/55 | Visi Printing: Union
Printer Temporary Location: 111/22
2009 |
62/56 | WishList Software
Products Temporary Location: 111/23
2009 |
62/57 | Employer List, Contacts
and Phone Numbers Temporary Location: 111/24
2009 |
62/58 | Publishers Mailing
Service Temporary Location: 111/25
2009 |
62/59 | Letterhead/Envelope Logo
Changes Temporary Location: 111/26
2009 |
62/60 | Flood Preparation: Green
River: Howard Hanson Dam Temporary Location: 111/27
2009 |
62/61 | NLRB E-Filing System:
Tri-Fold Flyer Temporary Location: 111/28
2010 |
62/62 | NEC DT700 Phone
Manual Temporary Location: 111/29
2011 |
62/63 | King County Meatcutter
Licences: History Temporary Location: 111/30
2011 |
62/64 | Employer List and
Data Temporary Location: 111/31
2011 |
62/65 | Food Processing Industry
Research by Research Intern Dan Gomez Temporary Location: 111/32
2011 |
62/66-64/2 | Series
II: Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1933-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/66-62/67 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1978-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/66 | Allied Employers
Contract, Retail/Services Labor Report Special Supplement on Age Discrimination
Act Amendments Temporary Location: 111/33
1978-2007 |
62/67 | NLRB: Apprenticeship and
Allied Employers |
1989 |
62/68 | Subseries B: Fred Meyer |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/68 | Research: Fred
Meyer |
1988-1989 |
62/69 | Subseries C: Hygrade |
1986-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/69 | Hygrade Contract,
Industrial Appeals, Arbitrations, Investment Seminar |
1986-1998 |
62/70 | Subseries D: QFC |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/70 | Research: QFC |
1988-1989 |
62/71-64/2 | Subseries E: Unidentified |
1933-2012 |
Box/Folder | ||
62/71 | Collective Bargaining
Agreements, Bylaws, Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act Temporary Location: 111/34
1933-2001 |
62/72 | Handbooks, Parliamentary
Rules, Bylaws, Contracts, Songbook |
1952-1994 |
62/73 | Legal Handbook on Fringe
Benefit Programs, Contract Enforcement, Strikes, and Wages; Department of Labor
Broschures |
1965-1971 |
63/1 | Meat Buyers Guide by the
National Association of Meat Purveyors |
1976 |
63/2 | Don Osborne Field
Reports; Chemical Safety Information |
1976-1981 |
63/3 | Union Officer Report
Forms |
1981 |
63/4 | Store
Locations |
1981-1991 |
63/5 | Member
Pamphlets Temporary Location: 111/35
1982-2007 |
63/6 | Financial Handbook (1 of
3) |
1985 |
63/7 | Financial Handbook (2 of
3) |
1985 |
63/8 | Financial Handbook (3 of
3) |
1985 |
63/9 | Local Constitutions and
Bylaws |
1986 |
63/10 | Draft: Local Constitution
and Bylaws |
1986 |
63/11 | International
Constitutions and Bylaws |
1986-1988 |
63/12 | Changes in Constitutions
and Bylaws (1 of 2) |
1986-1993 |
63/13 | Changes in Constitutions
and Bylaws (2 of 2) |
1986-1993 |
63/14 | Food Marketing Institute:
Management Compensation Study for Wholesalers and Large Retailers |
1988 |
63/15 | Signature Pages,
Correspondence, Pension Summit Literature, Press Temporary Location: 111/36
1988-2009 |
63/16 | Membership
Breakdown |
1989 |
63/17 | Health Care: Labor Market
Review and Pension Merger |
1989 |
63/18 | Recognitional/Organizational Picketing and Other
Indirect Techniques |
1989 |
63/19 | Union Privilege Legal
Services Program: Directory |
1989-1991 |
63/20 | Health Care |
1989-1992 |
63/21 | Business Card: Harlan H.
Chin: Vice President of Sales and Marketing: Aliment Concept Express, Inc.
Group |
1990 |
63/22 | Field Notes and Voter
Registration List: Committee on Political Education |
1991 |
63/23 | White River School
District Staff Directory, Safety Pamphlets, Unemployment Hearing
Notice Temporary Location: 111/37
1992-2000 |
63/24 | Pamphlet: Foster Higgins:
Social Security Benefits Including Medicare |
1995 |
63/25 | Procedures for Handling
Department of Labor I-CAP Investigation |
1995 |
63/26 | Guidelines: Labor
Management Reporting, Elections, Financials, Political, Policies Temporary Location: 111/38
1996-2009 |
63/27 | King County Board of
Health: Meat Advisory Committee |
1997-1998 |
63/28 | Publication: Ready or
Not: Your Retirement Planning Guide |
1999 |
63/29 | Department of Labor:
Revised Form LM-2 Compliance Guide Temporary Location: 111/39
2003 |
64/1 | Department of Labor: Form
LM-2 Reporting Requirement Changes Temporary Location: 112/1
2003-2004 |
64/2 | Washington State Layoff
Information and Resources Temporary Location: 112/2
2010-2012 |
64/3-64/21 | Series
III: Local President Anthony Conway |
1977-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
64/3 | Subseries A: Wal-Mart |
1977-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
64/3 | Wal-Mart and Warehouse
Clubs |
1977-1996 |
64/4-64/21 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1977-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
64/4 | Constitution and Bylaws
Revision |
1977 |
64/5 | Hershey Chocolate:
Malcolm Simpson Financial Core |
1981 |
64/6 | Union
Privilege |
1982-1998 |
64/7 | Contracts: East Side
Quality Meats, The Farm Connection, Frontier Meats |
1986 |
64/8 | Quarterly Regional
Reports |
1987-1988 |
64/9 | Unemployment Compensation
Law |
1987-1997 |
64/10 | Labor Dispute Study:
Department of Employment Security |
1988-1990 |
64/11 | Financial Core:
International Procedure |
1988-1990 |
64/12 | International
Constitutions |
1988-1993 |
64/13 | Employment Security
Department: Labor Dispute Status Questionnaire (1 of 4) |
1989 |
64/14 | Employment Security
Department: Labor Dispute Status Questionnaire (2 of 4) |
1989 |
64/15 | Employment Security
Department: Labor Dispute Status Questionnaire (3 of 4) |
1989 |
64/16 | Employment Security
Department: Labor Dispute Status Questionnaire (4 of 4) |
1989 |
64/17 | Outline: Labor Dispute
Study: Department of Employment Security |
1989-1990 |
64/18 | Health and Safety
Issues |
1990 |
64/19 | Business Card: Bryan
Wilson: Democratic Caucus Policy Analyst |
1990 |
64/20 | Washington State Labor
Council: Harborview Chemical Related Illness Center |
1996 |
64/21 | Eric Smith:
Consultant |
1998 |
64/22-65/7 | Series
IV: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1896-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
64/22 | Press, Social,
Contracts |
1896-1994 |
64/23 | Contracts, Insurance,
Social |
1914-1989 |
64/24 | Labor Contracts: Locals 81,
151, 186 |
1930-1970 |
64/25 | Dues Book: Japanese/Chinese
Meat Cutters |
1936-1938 |
64/26 | Reference File:
History |
1937-1986 |
64/27 | Membership List |
1940 |
64/28 | Executive Board
List |
1940 |
64/29 | Contracts, Bylaws, Press,
Retirees' Card, Procedures Manual |
1940-1980 |
65/1 | Elections, Collective
Bargaining Agreements: Local 81 and Garment Workers |
1947-1999 |
65/2 | Contracts, Bylaws,
Procedures Manual |
1955-1980 |
65/3 | Washington Meat Industry
Pension Trust, Garment Workers Convention |
1957-1984 |
65/4 | Contracts, Bylaws, Press,
Retirement Plan, Benefits Programs |
1957-2001 |
65/5 | Washington Meat Industry
Trust Plans, Collective Bargaining Agreements |
1958-1983 |
65/6 | United Garment Workers of
America: University of Wisconsin Time Study (1 of 2) |
1979 |
65/7 | United Garment Workers of
America: University of Wisconsin Time Study (2 of 2) |
1979 |
65/8 | Series
V: Local President Sid Casey |
1977 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/8 | Resignations |
1977 |
65/9-65/28 | Series
VI: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1973-2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/9 | Subseries A: Allied Employers |
1991-2003 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/9 | Seafood Pay Rates:
Safeway, QFC, Fred Meyer Temporary Location: 112/3
1991-2003 |
65/10 | Subseries B: Associated Grocers |
2007 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/10 | Associated Grocers:
Employee Policies Temporary Location: 112/4
2007 |
65/11 | Subseries C: Fred Meyer |
1989-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/11 | Fred Meyer Drug and
Alcohol Policy Temporary Location: 112/5
1989-2001 |
65/12 | Subseries D: Hytek Finishes |
1977-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/12 | Hytek Job Classification
and Leave Issues; Historic Metal Trades Contracts Temporary Location: 112/6
1977-2001 |
65/13 | Subseries E: Turner and Pease |
2001-2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/13 | Turner and Pease
Production Standard Policy Temporary Location: 112/7
2001-2002 |
65/14 | Subseries F: Wal-Mart |
1988-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/14 | Information:
Wal-Mart |
1988-1992 |
65/15-65/28 | Subseries G: Unidentified |
1973-2006 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/15 | State of Washington:
Labor Standards |
1973-1998 |
65/16 | Labor Committees:
Unemployment Law |
1986-1990 |
65/17 | Workers Compensation:
Labor and Industries and Job Hazards |
1989-1997 |
65/18 | Seafood Marketing
Research |
1990-1991 |
65/19 | Organizing Techniques 1:
Western Semester: George Meany Center for Labor Studies |
1991 |
65/20 | Employee
Practices Temporary Location: 112/8
1994-2006 |
65/21 | Rolodex:
Contacts |
1995 |
65/22 | Meat, Poultry, Rabbit and
Aquatic Foods (MPRAF) code: Board of Health |
1997-1998 |
65/23 | Ergonomics Temporary Location: 112/9
1999-2000 |
65/24 | Document: History of UFCW
Local 81 |
2000 |
65/25 | Newsletter Information:
Relevant Current Events Temporary Location: 112/10
2001 |
65/26 | Publication: Legal
Updates Vol. 2: Assisting Workers with Unemployment Benefits Temporary Location: 112/11
2003 |
65/27 | Bargaining Poll Analysis
through Wilson Center for Public Research, Inc. Temporary Location: 112/12
2003 |
65/28 | Health Care
Reform Temporary Location: 112/13
2004-2006 |
65/29-65/32 | Series
VII: Union Representative Scottie Graser |
1989-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/29 | Subseries A: Hytek Finishes |
1989-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/29 | Hytek: Health, Safety and
Environmental Research |
1989-1999 |
65/30-65/32 | Subseries B: Unidentified |
1999-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
65/30 | Membership Information:
Washington State Association of Metal Finishers |
1999 |
65/31 | Bylaws
Updates Temporary Location: 112/14
2001-2002 |
65/32 | Committee of Concerned
Locals, Constitution Proposals, Mergers, Funding Temporary Location: 112/15
2008 |
66/1 | Series
VIII: Recording Secretary Steve Anderson |
1968-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/1 | Steve Anderson: Reference
File |
1968-1979 |
66/2-66/14 | Part 3:
Union Personnel |
1995-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/2-66/9 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
2001-2008 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/2 | Route
Assignments Temporary Location: 112/16
2001-2006 |
66/3 | Applications for Union
Staff Jobs Temporary Location: 112/17
2003 |
66/4 | Resume and Correspondence:
Lance Sentman: English/Spanish Translator Temporary Location: 112/18
2003-2004 |
66/5 | Vacation and Sick Requests:
Udella Burnham Temporary Location: 112/19
2004 |
66/6 | Staff Goals: Long and
Short-Term Temporary Location: 112/20
2005 |
66/7 | Organizer: Analtha
Moroffko: Work and Correspondence with Mike Williams Temporary Location: 112/21
2005-2006 |
66/8 | Resume: Allan R. Jacobson:
Union Rep/Organizer Temporary Location: 112/22
2006 |
66/9 | Staff Vacation
Schedules Temporary Location: 112/23
2008 |
66/10-66/11 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Conway |
1995-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/10 | UFCW Office Staff
Representation: Federation of Agents and International
Representatives |
1995-1998 |
66/11 | Membership Related
Bookkeeping and Internal Staffing Issues Temporary Location: 112/24
1996-1998 |
66/12-66/14 | Series
III: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1996-2011 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/12 | New Bookkeeper
Search |
1996 |
66/13 | Steve Conway's Notes on
Meetings with Accountant and Front Office Personnel |
1996 |
66/14 | Staff Union: Salary
Agreement and Related Documents Temporary Location: 112/25
2000-2011 |
66/15-66/23 | Part 4:
Website Administration |
1999-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/15-66/22 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
2001-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/15 | John Welsh: Local 81
Network Temporary Location: 112/26
2001-2004 |
66/16 | John Welsh: Computer
Maintenance and Web Design Temporary Location: 112/27
2005 |
66/17 | Computers and Website Work:
John Welsh Temporary Location: 112/28
2007 |
66/18 | Website Content Temporary Location: 112/29
2009 |
66/19 | Website
Maintenance Temporary Location: 112/30
2009-2010 |
66/20 | Domain Renewal Temporary Location: 112/31
2010 |
66/21 | Mike Williams: Google
Message Security Service Temporary Location: 112/32
2010 |
66/22 | Site
Registration Temporary Location: 112/33
2010 |
66/23 | Series
II: Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/23 | Website
Development |
1999 |
66/24-66/28; 67/1-67/11; 68/1-69/9; 70/1-70/9; 71/1-71/2; 75/1-75/13; 72/1; 73/1-73/6; 74/1-74/4 | 1900-2010 | |
Box/Folder | ||
66/24-66/25 | Part 1:
Local President Michael Williams |
2007-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/24 | Framed Award: Presented to
Movement for Justice at Wal-mart from Washington State Jobs with
Justice Temporary Location: 112/34
2007 |
66/25 | Buttons: Local 81 Over 100
Years: Design and Orders Temporary Location: 112/35
2009-2010 |
66/26 | Part 2:
Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/26 | Framed Certificate of
Appreciation: United Latinos of UFCW |
1999 |
66/27-66/28 | Part 3:
Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
circa 1940-circa 1940 |
Box/Folder | ||
66/27 | Blank Figuring
Book |
circa 1940-circa 1940 |
66/28 | Blank Figuring
Book |
circa 1940-circa 1940 |
67/1-67/11; 68/1-69/9; 70/1-70/9; 71/1-71/2; 75/1-75/13; 72/1; 73/1-73/6; 74/1-74/4; VF3130 | Part 4:
Unidentified |
undated- |
Box/Folder | ||
67/1-67/3 | Series
I: Acorn Market |
undated- |
Box/Folder | ||
67/1 | Apron: Acorn
Market |
undated- |
67/2 | Apron: Acorn
Market |
undated- |
67/3 | Apron: Acorn
Market |
undated- |
67/4 | Series
II: Wal-Mart |
2002 |
Box/Folder | ||
67/4 | Shirt-Sign: "People's
Campaign: Justice @ Wal-Mart:" |
2002 |
67/5-67/11; 68/1-69/9; 70/1-70/9; 71/1-71/2; 72/1; 73/1-73/6; 74/1-74/4; 75/1-75/13; VF3130 | Series
III: Unidentified |
1900-2010 |
Box/Folder | ||
68/1 | Certificate of Affiliation:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America: Local 81: April
2 |
1900 |
67/5 | Bone Saw: Donated by Curtis
"Bud" Worley in 1997 |
1900 |
68/1 | Meat Cleaver, knife
sharpener with antler handle, Steel UFCW seal, Traveling Card for Amalgamated:
All in Display Case |
1901-1972 |
69/1 | Bread Crumber/Meat and Nut
Grinder: Universal No. 2: New Britain, CONN, USA |
1907 |
69/2 | Framed Flyer: Meat Dealers
and Meat Cutters Annual Picnic: Fortuna Park: Photo of Spencer Oliver
Raab |
1928 |
69/3 | Union Shop Signs and
Keepsake Books |
1929-1972 |
69/4 | Meat Grinder: Metal: Magic
Hostess |
1940-1959 |
69/5 | Sign: International Union
Market: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North
America |
1942-1980 |
69/6 | Sign: International Union
Market: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North
America |
1942-1980 |
69/7 | Sign: International Union
Market: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Union of North America |
1942-1980 |
69/8 | Pocket Knife: Silver:
Engraved "UFCW Local 81 Fighting 81st": Harry Hansen |
1945-1949 |
69/9 | Brown and Bigelow:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen Playing Cards |
1952 |
70/1 | Plaque: Award of Merit:
Local 81 60th Anniversary, Presented by Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher
Workmen of North America |
1960 |
70/2 | Slides and Lecture
Presentation: Sausage: A Tradition in Good Eating: Sausage Council fo the
National Live Stock and Meat Board |
1966 |
71/1 | Keepsake Glass Plate: 24th
General Convention in San Francisco, CA |
1976 |
75/11 | Plaque: UFCW Local #81
Honors Melvin Roundhill, Recording Secretary, For His Untiring and Devoted
Service to the Membership of Local #81 |
1976 |
75/12 | Plaque: UFCW Local #81
Honors Konrad Johnson, Sec./Treasurer, For His Untiring and Devoted Service to
the Membership of Local #81 |
1976 |
70/3 | Sign: International Union
Market: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Union of North America |
1976 |
70/4 | Wood Pen Holder:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America: Special Merger
Convention: June 5-6, Washington, DC |
1979 |
72/1 | Wooden Plaque: In Memoriam:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen: Local Union 81 |
1979 |
73/3 | Charter: United Food and
Commercial Workers Union: Local 554 |
1984 |
70/5 | Buttons |
1990 |
70/6 | Steve Conway: Cassette
Tapes: Earl LeFebure, Ellen and Thomas DiDonato |
1991-1992 |
70/7 | Cardstock Sign: Local 81:
3rd Convention: Washington, DC |
1993 |
70/8 | Retirees Club
Certificate |
1996 |
70/9 | Food Mold: Chicken Without
Poultry: Owned by Bud Worley |
1997 |
71/2 | Keepsake Toasting Glass:
Local 81 Centennial Celebraion |
2000 |
73/2 | Local 81
Photographs |
circa 2000-2003 |
Color Portrait of Unidentified Man |
circa 2000-2003 | |
Group Photograph: UFCW 5th Regular Convention,
San Francisco, CA |
2003 | |
73/5 | Local 81 Oversized Signs:
Conventions, Centennial, and Political Campaigns |
2000-2008 |
Printed Sign: Local 81
Centennial Celebration |
2000 | |
Printed Sign with
signatures: Local 81 2008 6th Regular Convention, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada |
2008 | |
Printed Sign: "UFCW
Together: A Voice for the Future," Local 81 Northwestern |
circa 2000-2008 | |
Signs: "I'm Prepared to
Protect my Health Benefits": Locals 44, 81, 367, 381, 1105 |
2003 | |
Printed Sign: "UFCW 81
Meat/Seafood" |
circa 2000-2008 | |
Cardstock Sign with
signatures: Local 81 5th Regular Convention, San Francisco, CA |
2003 | |
Printed Sign: "Employees
Locked Out: Please Respect Our Picket Lines" [probably from 1989
strike] |
circa 1989 | |
Printed Sign: "Share the
Success: Tell Supermarkets to support our communities" [probably from 1989
strike] |
circa 1989 | |
74/1 | Large Printed Paper Banner:
UFCW Locals 81 and 21, Teamsters Local 38: "Stand Up for a Future We Can All
Depend On" |
2010 |
74/2 | Large Printed Paper Banner:
UFCW Locals 81 and 21, Teamsters Local 38: "Stand Up for a Future We Can All
Depend On": Photos of Grocery Workers |
2010 |
74/3 | Large Printed Paper Banner:
UFCW Locals 81 and 21, Teamsters Local 38: "Stand Up for a Future We Can All
Depend On": Photos of Grocery Workers |
2010 |
74/4 | Large Printed Paper Banner:
UFCW Locals 81 and 21, Teamsters Local 38: "Stand Up for a Future We Can All
Depend On": Union Logos |
2010 |
75/1 | Wood Gavel |
undated- |
75/2 | Wood Gavel |
undated- |
75/3 | Wood Food
Pusher |
undated- |
75/4 | Iron Meat Tenderizer with
Wood Handle |
undated- |
75/5 | Meat Cleaver: Robinson
Knife Co.: Carbon Steel: Wood Handle |
undated- |
75/6 | Boning Knife: Dexter 1375
N |
undated- |
75/7 | Boning Knife: A and R
Cutlery |
undated- |
75/8 | Long Boning Knife: Dexter
32710: Birkenwald: Seattle |
undated- |
75/9 | Paperclip Holder:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America |
undated- |
75/10 | Small Box of
Buttons |
1979-2003 |
75/13 | Meeting Brainstorm: Large
construction paper sheet |
undated- |
67/6 | Baseball Cap: Blue: "81UFCW
a VOICE for Working Families" |
undated- |
67/7 | Baseball Cap: Blue: "UFCW
undated- |
67/8 | Baseball Cap: Blue: "UFCW
undated- |
67/9 | Shirt-Sign: "This Meat
Market UNFAIR TO MEAT CUTTERS LOCAL 81" [probably from 1989 strike] |
circa 1989-circa 1989 |
67/10 | Shirt-Sign: "This Meat
Market UNFAIR TO MEAT CUTTERS LOCAL 81" [probably from 1989 strike] |
circa 1989-circa 1989 |
67/11 | White Butcher Coat: Green
Embroidery: "Meat Cutters Local 81" |
undated- |
68/1 | Metal Seal: UFCW
International |
undated- |
73/1 | Plaque: "The Creed of the
Butcher Workman" |
circa 1940-1960 |
73/4 | Cover Page: UFCW
International Document |
undated |
73/6 | Mounted Painting:
International Headquarters of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen
of North America |
circa 1960-circa 1970 |
VF | ||
VF3130 | Assorted Union Bumper
Stickers |
circa 2000-2008 |
VF3130 | Print: "History of the Word
'Scab'" With "The Scab" by Jack London |
undated |
VF3130 | Certificate of Appreciation
to UFCW Local 81 President Michael Williams from the United Latinos of
2001 |
VF3130 | Print: "The Good Old Days:
Next to her HUSBAND, a Butcher is a Wife's BEST FRIEND!" |
circa 1910-circa 1920 |
Record Group 2: Packinghouse Local Union 186 , 1900-1984 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 77/1-77/7
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 2 contains records created and collected by Packinghouse Local Union 186.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type.
Record Subgroup A
- Financial documents. Files within this subgroup are arranged chronologically.
Record Subgroup B
- Minutes. This subgroup is further divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Within each part, files are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup C
- Physical Artifacts. This Subgroup contains one item.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
77/1-77/2 | 1900-1939 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/1 | Dues Book: Local
186 |
1900 |
77/2 | Dues Book: Local
186 |
1939 |
77/3-77/6 | 1965-1984 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/3-77/4 | Part 1:
Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1965-1975 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/3 | Packinghouse Union Local 186:
Minutes |
1965-1972 |
77/4 | Packinghouse Union Local 186:
Minutes |
1972-1975 |
77/5 | Part 2:
Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1975-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/5 | Minutes: Packinghouse Union
Local 186 |
1975-1979 |
77/6 | Part 3:
Local Executive Board |
1978-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/6 | Packinghouse Union Local 186:
Executive Board Meeting Minutes |
1978-1984 |
77/7 | 1972 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/7 | Plaque: Convention Award: Civil
Rights Committee of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North
America to Local Union No. 186 |
1972 |
Record Group 3: Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228 , 1937-1949 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 77/8-77/14; 78/1
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 3 contains records created and collected by Meat and Provision Salesmens Union Local 228.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type.
Record Subgroup A
- Minutes, which are arranged chronologically.
Record Subgroup B
- Financial documents, which are further divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer, organized hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Records within each Part are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
77/8 | 1937-1945 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/8 | Meeting Minutes: Meat and
Provision Salesmen's Union Local 228 |
1937-1945 |
77/9-78/1 | 1938-1949 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/9-77/14 | Part 1:
Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1938-1945 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/9 | Dues Book: Local
228 |
1938 |
77/10 | Dues Book: Meat and
Provisional Salesmen Local 228 |
1940 |
77/11 | Dues Book: Meat and
Provisional Salesmen Local 228 |
1941 |
77/12 | Dues Book: Meat and
Provisional Salesmen Local 228 |
1942 |
77/13 | Dues Book: Meat and
Provisional Salesmen Local 228 |
1943 |
77/14 | Dues Book: Meat and
Provisional Salesmen Local 228 |
1944-1945 |
78/1 | Part 2:
Local President Ernie Montoya |
1946-1949 |
Box/Folder | ||
78/1 | Dues Book: Packinghouse and
Provision Salesmens Union Local 228 |
1946-1949 |
Record Group 4: UFCW Local 554 , 1910-1999 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 77/15-77/28; 79/1; 80/1-80/4; 81/1; 82/1 ;83/1-83/3; 84/1-84/38; 85/1-85/6; 73/3; 86/1-86/3
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 4 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 554.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type or groups of record types.
Record Subgroup A
- Arbitration. This subgroup is further subdivided into parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. These Parts are further subdivided into Series based on employer. Series are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Grievances. This Record Subgroup is further divided into Parts based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each Part are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup C
- Legal Documents. Record Subgroup C contains only one file.
Record Subgroup D
- Employer Audit. This Record Subgroup also contains only one file.
Record Subgroup E
- Member dues. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup F
- Financial documents. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup G
- Union mergers. This subgroup contains only one item.
Record Subgroup H
- Contract administration. This Subgroup is divided into parts based on specific record type arranged alphabetically as follows: collective bargaining agreements, contract negotiations, job injuries, policy (employer workplace policies), strike, and work issues (not taken to the grievance level). As applicable, these parts are further divided into series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup I
- Interpersonal activities and public engagement. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically as follows: correspondence, elections (union elections), and minutes. As applicable, these parts are further divided into series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup J
- Union office administrative files. These are subdivided into Parts based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically as follows: Personal Papers, Reference Files. Files within these Parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup K
- Physical artifacts. Items are arranged chronologically when dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
77/15-77/22 | 1976-1999 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/15-77/16 | Part 1:
Local President Ernie Montoya |
1993-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/15 | Series
I: Acme Poultry |
1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/15 | Local 554: Arbitration:
Acme Poultry: Holiday Pay |
1994 |
77/16 | Series
II: Pederson's Fryer Farms |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/16 | Local 554: Arbitration:
Pederson's Fryer Farms: Marilyn Daniels Termination |
1993 |
77/17-77/20 | Part 2:
Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1976-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/17 | Series
I: Associated Grocers |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/17 | Arbitration: Local 554 vs.
Associated Grocers: Randy Sillmon Termination |
1988-1989 |
77/18 | Series
II: Hygrade |
1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/18 | Arbitration: Local 554 vs.
Hygrade: Ja Wolfgram Termination |
1982 |
77/19-77/20 | Series
III: Unidentified |
1976-1988 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/19 | Local 554: Arbitrations and
Merger Agreement (1 of 2) |
1976-1988 |
77/20 | Local 554: Arbitrations and
Merger Agreement (2 of 2) |
1976-1988 |
77/21 | Part 3:
Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1981 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/21 | Local 554: Arbitration:
Safeway: Joe McAllister |
1981 |
77/22 | Part 4:
Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
1997-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/22 | Arbitration: Local 554 vs.
Acme Poultry: Antonio Cruz Discharge |
1997-1999 |
77/23-77/26 | 1982-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/23 | Part 1:
Acme Poultry |
1994-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/23 | Local 554: Grievance: Acme
Poultry: Alba Garcia (Castellon) Termination |
1994-1995 |
77/24-77/26 | Part 2:
Pederson's Fryer Farms |
1982-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
77/24 | Local 554: Grievance:
Pederson's Fryer Farms: Marilyn Daniels Seniority |
1982-1997 |
77/25 | Local 554: Pederson's Fryer
Farms: Grievances |
1991-1992 |
77/26 | Local 554: Grievance:
Pederson's Fryer Farms: Bambi May Termination |
1992-1993 |
77/27 | 1996-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/27 | Local 554: Legal Documents:
Acme Poultry: Luis Cano Wage Garnishment |
1996-1997 |
77/28 | 1992-1993 | |
Box/Folder | ||
77/28 | Local 554: Payroll Audit:
Torino Sausage Co. |
1992-1993 |
79/1; 80/1-80/4 | 1932-1987 | |
Box/Folder | ||
79/1; 80/1 | Part 1:
Local President Ernie Montoya |
1932-1987 |
Box/Folder | ||
79/1 | Dues Book: Local
554 |
1932-1946 |
80/1 | Local 554: Dues Checkoff
Booklets for Member John M. Tripplett |
1934-1987 |
80/2-80/4 | Part 2:
Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1937-1946 |
Box/Folder | ||
80/2 | Dues Book: Local
554 |
1937 |
80/3 | Dues Book: Local
554 |
1943 |
80/4 | Dues Book: Local
554 |
1945-1946 |
81/1;82/1;83/1-83/3;84/1-84/2 | 1940-1985 | |
Box/Folder | ||
81/1;82/1;83/1-83/3 | Part 1:
Local President Ernie Montoya |
1940-1985 |
Box/Folder | ||
81/1 | Local 554 Receipt
Book |
1940-1961 |
82/1 | Book: Cash Receipts and Check
Disbursements: Local 554 |
1961-1968 |
83/1 | Local 554 Attendance Booklet
and Ledger |
1966-1985 |
83/2 | Local 554 Receipt
Book |
1969-1979 |
83/3 | Local 554 Receipt
Book |
1980-1982 |
84/1 | Part 2:
Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1949-1983 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/1 | Bank Ledgers and Receipts:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of N.A. Local 554 |
1949-1983 |
84/2 | Part 3:
Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1969-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/2 | Receipt Book: Local
554 |
1969-1979 |
84/3 | 1997-1999 | |
Box/Folder | ||
84/3 | President Ernie Montoya, Local
554: Merger Discussions |
1997-1999 |
84/3-84/24 | 1983-1999 | |
Box/Folder | ||
84/4 | Part 1:
Collective Bargaining Agreements |
1986-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/4 | Local 554 Collective
Bargaining Agreements |
1986-1992 |
84/5-84/7 | Part 2:
Contract Negotiations |
1983-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/5 | Series
I: Acme Poultry |
1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/5 | Local 554: Contract
Negotiations: Drug Policy: Acme Poultry |
1993 |
84/6 | Series
II: Pederson's Fryer Farms |
1983-1984 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/6 | Pederson's Fryer Farms:
Contract Negotiations |
1983-1984 |
84/7 | Series
III: Red Apple |
1989-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/7 | Noah's Red Apple: Contract
Negotiations |
1989-1992 |
84/8-84/9 | Part 3:
Job Injury |
1991-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/8 | Workers' Compensation
Committee: Safeway and Workplace Injury Claims |
1991 |
84/9 | Workplace Injury: Safeway:
Glenn Vosper |
1993-1996 |
84/10 | Part 4:
Policies |
1991-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/10 | Local 554: Pederson's Fryer
Farms, Inc: Attendance Policy Review |
1991-1993 |
84/11 | Part 5:
Strikes |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/11 | Strike Request
Forms |
1991 |
84/12-84/24 | Part 6:
Work Issues |
1983-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/12-84/15 | Series
I: Associated Grocers |
1986-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/12 | Local 554: Associated
Grocers: Employee Warnings |
1986-1999 |
84/13 | Local 554: Associated
Grocers: Sean Murphy Termination |
1991-1995 |
84/14 | Local 554: Associated
Grocers Meat Warehouse: Steve Dailey Work Issues |
1996 |
84/15 | Local 554: Associated
Grocers: Employee Warnings |
1998-1999 |
84/16 | Series
II: Hygrade |
1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/16 | Local 554: Hygrade OSHA
Report |
1990 |
84/17 | Series
III: Oversea Casing |
1983-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/17 | Local 554: Oversea Casing:
Employee Warnings |
1983-1999 |
84/18-84/19 | Series
IV: Pederson's Fryer Farms |
1993-1995 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/18 | Local 554: Pederson's Fryer
Farms: Wage Deductions |
1993 |
84/19 | Local 554: Employee
Warnings: Pederson's Fryer Farms |
1995 |
84/20 | Series
V: Safeway |
1989-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/20 | Local 554: Warnings:
Safeway |
1989-1997 |
84/21-84/23 | Series
VI: Turner and Pease |
1988-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/21 | Local 554: Turner and Pease
Company: Work Issues |
1988-1999 |
84/22 | Local 554: Turner and Pease
Company: Attendance Issues |
1992-1997 |
84/23 | Local 554: Grievance:
Turner and Pease Company: Donna McBryde and Bea DeLeon
Discrimination |
1996-1997 |
84/24 | Series
VII: Unidentified |
1987-1998 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/24 | Local 554: Oversea Casing
and Acme Poultry: Work Issues |
1987-1998 |
84/25-84/38 | 1952-1999 | |
Box/Folder | ||
84/25-84/31 | Part 1:
Correspondence |
1985-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/25 | Series
I: Acme Poultry |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/25 | Local 554: Correspondence:
Acme Poultry: Mai Nguyen Reinstatement |
1996 |
84/26 | Series
II: Oversea Casing |
1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/26 | Local 554: Correspondence:
Oversea Casing Company LLC |
1999 |
84/27 | Series
III: Safeway |
1989-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/27 | Local 554: Correspondence:
Safeway |
1989-1999 |
84/28-84/29 | Series
IV: Turner and Pease |
1985-1999 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/28 | Local 554: Turner and Pease
Company: Correspondence: Attendance and Bonus |
1985-1997 |
84/29 | Local 554: Turner and Pease
Company: Correspondence and Notes: Work Issues |
1986-1999 |
84/30-84/31 | Series
V: Unidentified |
1988-1989 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/30 | Local 554: Meeting
Notices |
1988 |
84/31 | Local 554: Meeting
Notices |
1989 |
84/32 | Part 2:
Elections |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/32 | Local 554:
Elections |
1992 |
84/33-84/37 | Part 3:
Minutes |
1952-1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/33-84/35 | Series
I: Local President Ernie Montoya |
1959-1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/33 | Local 554 Meeting
Minutes |
1959-1965 |
84/34 | Local 554 Executive Board
Meeting Minutes |
1974-1978 |
84/35 | Minutes: Local
554 |
1981-1982 |
84/36 | Series
II: Local Presidents Sid Casey and Esther Baxter |
1952-1958 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/36 | Minutes: Amalgamated Meat
Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America Local 554 |
1952-1958 |
84/37 | Series
III: Local Executive Board |
1972-1974 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/37 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes: Local 554 |
1972-1974 |
84/38 | Part 4:
Press |
1982-1986 |
Box/Folder | ||
84/38 | Press Clippings |
1982-1986 |
85/1-85/6 | 1910-1993 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/1 | Part 1:
Personal Papers |
1967-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/1 | Ernie Montoya Calendar;
Collective Bargaining Agreements |
1967-1990 |
85/2-85/6 | Part 2:
Reference Files |
1910-1993 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/2 | Publications, Photographs,
Correspondence: Butchers |
1910-1986 |
85/3 | Handbooks on Parliamentary
Rules and Stewardship; Collective Bargaining Agreements: Hygrade and
Fletcher's |
1944-1991 |
85/4 | Amalgamated Meat Cutters
Receipts, Elections Handbook, Hygrade Collective Bargaining
Agreements |
1967-1990 |
85/5 | Ernie Montoya Reference File:
Collective Bargaining Agreements, Receipt Book |
1969-1990 |
85/6 | Material Safety Data: AvGard
Trisodium Phosphate Salmonella Reduction Process |
1993 |
73/3; 86/1-86/3 | 1933-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
73/3 | Certificate of Affiliation:
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America: Local 554: July
20 |
1933 |
86/1 | Large Plaque: Local 554: For
Outstanding Achievement: Largest Percentage Organized: Region 7 |
1997 |
86/2 | Local 554: Seal: Paper
Embosser |
undated |
86/3 | Local 554: Seal: Paper
Embosser |
undated |
Record Group 5: UFCW Local 44 , 1986-2001 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 85/7-85/12
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 5 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 44.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type, arranged alphabetically.
Record Subgroup A
- Arbitration. This Subgroup is divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically and then chronologically from most to least recent. These Parts are divided into Series based on employer, which are arranged alphabetically. Files within each series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Grievances. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Record Subgroup C
- Work issues. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
85/7-85/10 | 1990-2001 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/7-85/8 | Part 1:
Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
1990-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/7 | Series
I: Haggen |
1990-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/7 | Arbitration: Local 44 v.
Haggen's: Work Assignment: Seafood Self-Service Case |
1990-1991 |
85/8 | Series
II: Thrifty Foods |
1993-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/8 | Arbitration: Local 44:
Thrifty Foods: Product Jurisdiction |
1993-1994 |
85/9-85/12 | Part 2:
Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1991-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/9 | Series
I: Allied Employers |
1993-2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/9 | Arbitration: Local 44:
Allied Employers: Tinning Decision |
1993-2001 |
85/10 | Series
II: Haggen |
1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/10 | Arbitration: Haggen's and
Local 44: Service Fish Counter Employees Wrapping Self-Service
Products |
1991 |
85/11 | 1993-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/11 | Grievance: Albertson's: Local
44: Butcher Block Representation and Card Checks |
1993-1997 |
85/12 | 1986-1987 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/12 | Local 44: Job Duties for New
Smoke Shop: Safeway #523 |
1986-1987 |
Record Group 6: UFCW Local 1105 , 1980-2001 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 85/13-85/15
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 6 contains records created and collected by United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1105.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record types.
Record Subgroup A
- Collective bargaining agreements. This subgroup is divided into Parts based on the creating or collecting officer, arranged hierarchically and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these Parts are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Contract negotiations. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
85/13-85/14 | 2000-2001 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/13 | Part 1:
Local Presidents Anthony Abeyta and Michael Williams |
2001 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/13 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: Local 1105 and Allied Employers: Grocery |
2001 |
85/14 | Part 2:
Business Representative and Organizer Steve Conway |
2000 |
Box/Folder | ||
85/14 | Collective Bargaining
Agreement: WINCO Foods and Local 1105 |
2000 |
85/15 | 1980 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/15 | Retail Clerks Contract
Negotiations: Local 1105 |
1980 |
Record Group 7: United Garment Workers , 1936-1999 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 85/16-85/22; 73/7; 73/9
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 7 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on specific record type.
Record Subgroup A
- Financial documents. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Record Subgroup B
- Collective bargaining agreements. This Record Subgroup contains only one file.
Record Subgroup C
- Organizing. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup D
- Reference files. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup E
- Physical artifacts. Because all files in this Record Subgroup are undated, they have been left in their original order.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
85/16 | 1947-1977 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/16 | Attendance and Expense Ledgers:
United Garment Workers |
1947-1977 |
85/17 | 1992-1995 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/17 | Garment Workers
Contracts |
1992-1995 |
85/18-85/19 | 1936-1999 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/18 | Organizing: United Garment
Workers of America (1 of 2) |
1936-1999 |
85/19 | Organizing: United Garment
Workers of America (2 of 2) |
1936-1999 |
85/20-85/21 | 1965-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/20 | United Garment Workers of
America: Executive Board Seal |
1965 |
85/21 | United Garment Workers:
Research |
1996-1997 |
85/22; 73/7; 73/9 | undated | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/22 | Roll of Tags: United Garment
Workers of America General Executive Board: Seal |
undated |
73/7 | Painted Sign: Seal of United
Garment Workers of America General Executive Board |
undated |
73/9 | Mounted, Printed Sign:
International Ladies Garment Workers Union |
undated |
Record Group 8: United Garment Workers Local 17 , 1903-1997 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 85/23-85/24; 87/1-87/24; 88/1-88/4; 73/3; 88/5; 89/1; 67/12
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 8 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers Local 17.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:This Record Group is divided into Record Subgroups based on record type groups or specific record types.
Record Subgroup A
- Grievances. Files within this Subgroup are arranged chronologically from oldest to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Financial documents further divided into parts: Part 1, containing Member Dues, contains only one file; Part 2: Financial Documents, contains files arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup C
- Contract administration divided into Parts based on record type, and arranged alphabetically as follows: Contract Negotiations, Insurance, and Work Issues. Files within these parts are arranged chronologically from olders to most recent.
Record Subgroup D
- Documents interpersonal activities and public engagement, and is divided into Parts arranged alphabetically as follows: Correspondence and Minutes. These Parts are divided into Series based on creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from oldest to most recent.
Record Subgroup E
- Reference files.
Record Subgroup F
- Physical artifacts. Items were arranged chronologically when they could be dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
85/23-85/24; 87/1-87/2 | 1993-1994 | |
Box/Folder | ||
85/23 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Grievance: Roffe Inc.: Lan Owe Wong Medical Leave |
1993-1994 |
85/24 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Grievance: Roffe Inc.: Sarah J. Mason |
1993-1994 |
87/1 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Grievances: Roffe Inc.: Carol Winter |
1993-1994 |
87/2 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Grievance: Roffe Inc.: Wan Lian Lei Ma Warning |
1994 |
87/3-87/5 | 1947-1994 | |
Box/Folder | ||
87/3 | Part 1:
Member Dues |
1991-1994 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/3 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Dues Cards |
1991-1994 |
87/4-87/5 | Part 2:
Financial |
1947-1982 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/4 | United Garment Workers of
America: Local 17: Ledger |
1947-1957 |
87/5 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Receipt Books |
1972-1982 |
87/6-87/14 | 1973-1997 | |
Box/Folder | ||
87/6-87/7 | Part 1:
Contract Negotiations |
1993-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/6 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Contract Negotiations: Roffe Inc. |
1993 |
87/7 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Contract Negotiations: Roffe Inc. and C.C. Filson's |
1997 |
87/8-87/13 | Part 2:
Insurance |
1973-1997 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/8 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Death Benefit Certificates |
1973-1992 |
87/9 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Death Benefit (1 of 2) |
1979-1997 |
87/10 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Death Benefit (2 of 2) |
1979-1997 |
87/11 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Blank Forms: Certificates of Death |
1980 |
87/12 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Death Benefit (1 of 2) |
1982-1995 |
87/13 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Death Benefit (2 of 2) |
1982-1995 |
87/14 | Part 3:
Work Issues |
1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/14 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Employee Files: C.C. Filson |
1996 |
87/15-87/24; 88/1-88/3 | 1903-1996 | |
Box/Folder | ||
87/15-87/16 | Part 1:
Correspondence |
1939-1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/15 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1939 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/15 | United Garment Workers
Local 17: Correspondence Between Isabel Noble and T.A. Rickert |
1939 |
87/16 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Conway |
1992 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/16 | United Garment Workers
Local 17: Correspondence: Bargaining Unit Work |
1992 |
87/17-87/24; 88/1-88/3 | Part 2:
Minutes |
1903-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/17-87/23 | Series
I: Local President Michael Williams |
1903-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/17 | Minutes Book: United
Garment Workers Local 17 |
1903-1907 |
87/18 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1948-1956 |
87/19 | Meeting Minutes and
Correspondence: United Garment Workers Local 17 |
1957-1967 |
87/20 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1968-1973 |
87/21 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1974-1980 |
87/22 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1980-1988 |
87/23 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1988-1996 |
87/24; 88/1-88/2 | Series
II: Local President Anthony Conway |
1922-1990 |
Box/Folder | ||
87/24 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1922-1925 |
88/1 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1936-1948 |
88/2 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1990 |
88/3 | Series
III: Local Executive Board |
1992-1996 |
Box/Folder | ||
88/3 | Executive Board Meeting
Minutes: United Garment Workers Local 17 |
1992-1996 |
88/4 | 1958-1994 | |
Box/Folder | ||
88/4 | Label Book: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
1958-1994 |
73/3; 88/5; 89/1; 67/12 | 1903-undated | |
Box/Folder | ||
73/3 | Charter: United Garment Workers
of America: Local 17: January 27 |
1903 |
88/5 | Mini-Flag: United Garment
Workers Local 17 |
undated |
89/1 | United Garment Workers Local
17: Seal: Paper Embosser |
undated |
67/12 | Blue Banner: "UGW Local
17" |
undated |
Record Group 9: United Garment Workers Local 201 , 1911-1979 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 88/6-88/14; 90/1-90/19; 73/3; 73/8; 89/2-89/3
Accession No: 5694-001
Scope and Content: Record Group 9 contains records created and collected by the United Garment Workers Local 201.
Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.
Restrictions on Use: Creator's copyrights transferred to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
Acquistion Info: United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 81, 04/17/2012
Arrangement:These records are divided into subgroups based on specific record type.
Record Subgroup A
- Member dues. Files within this Record Subgroup are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup B
- Financial documents. This Record Subgroup is divided into Parts based on creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup C
- Minutes. creating or collecting officer or committee, arranged hierarchically by rank and then chronologically from most to least recent. Files within these series are arranged chronologically from least to most recent.
Record Subgroup D
- Physical artifacts. Items are arranged chronologically when dated, and left in their original order if undated.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
88/6-88/7 | 1934-1962 | |
Box/Folder | ||
88/6 | Dues Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1934-1935 |
88/7 | Dues Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1941-1962 |
88/8-88/13 | 1937-1978 | |
Box/Folder | ||
88/8-88/12 | Part 1:
Local President Michael Williams |
1937-1978 |
Box/Folder | ||
88/8 | Ledger |
1937 |
88/9 | Ledger |
1938 |
88/10 | Ledger |
1943 |
88/11 | Treasurer's Cash Book: United
Garment Workers Local 201 |
1971-1972 |
88/12 | Treasurer's Cash Book: United
Garment Workers Local 201 |
1976-1978 |
88/13 | Part 2:
Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1964-1965 |
Box/Folder | ||
88/13 | Local 201: Paycheck
Witholdings: Social Security, Employment Security, Income Tax |
1964-1965 |
88/14; 90/1-90/19 | 1944-1979 | |
Box/Folder | ||
88/14; 90/1-90/13 | Part 1:
Local President Michael Williams |
1944-1979 |
Box/Folder | ||
88/14 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1944-1950 |
90/1 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1950-1951 |
90/2 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1952-1954 |
90/3 | Minutes Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1954-1955 |
90/4 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1955-1956 |
90/5 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1957 |
90/6 | Awards Log Book: United
Garment Workers Local 201 |
1957-1962 |
90/7 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1959-1961 |
90/8 | Minutes Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1961-1963 |
90/9 | Minutes Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1963-1965 |
90/10 | Minutes Book: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1965-1966 |
90/11 | Meeting Minutes: Garment
Workers #201 |
1973-1975 |
90/12 | Meeting Minutes: Garment
Workers #201 |
1975-1976 |
90/13 | Meeting Minutes: Garment
Workers #201 |
1976-1979 |
90/14-90/19 | Part 2:
Local President Anthony Abeyta |
1967-1991 |
Box/Folder | ||
90/14 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1967-1968 |
90/15 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1968-1969 |
90/16 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1968-1991 |
90/17 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1969-1971 |
90/18 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1971-1972 |
90/19 | Minutes: United Garment
Workers Local 201 |
1972-1973 |
73/3; 73/8; 89/2-89/3 | 1911-undated | |
Box/Folder | ||
73/3 | Duplicate Charter: United
Garment Workers of America: Local 201: September 9 |
1911 |
89/2 | United Garment Workers Local
201: Seal: Paper Embosser |
undated |
89/3 | United Garment Workers Local
201: Seal: Paper Embosser |
undated |
73/8 | Painted Sign: United Garment
Workers of America Local 201 |
undated |
Record Group 10: Temporarily Relocated Files (Open for research) , 1909-2012 Return to Top
Container(s): Box-folder 91/1-112/35
Record Group 10 contains files that were temporarily restricted and removed from Record Groups 1-9 due. The restriction period expired in 2017, and these files will be re-integrated into the collection. They are now open for research.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box/Folder | ||
91/1 | Arbitration: Guillory v.
Albertson's et al. |
1999-2000 |
91/2 | Arbitration Paperwork: UFCW vs.
Albertson's: Case # 010220-06548-7 |
2001 |
91/3 | Grievance and Arbitration
Decisions: Locals 44, 1439, 38 v. Safeway, Fred Meyer, QFC |
2006 |
91/4 | Beck Decision: Reduced Dues for
Organizing and Political Expenses |
1988-2003 |
91/5 | Beck Decision: Religious Objector
Status Materials |
2003-2004 |
91/6 | Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission Case: Local 81: Emma Faidley |
2000-2001 |
91/7 | Albertson's Grievances and
Related Notes (1 of 2) |
1996-2003 |
91/8 | Albertson's Grievances and
Related Notes (2 of 2) |
1996-2003 |
91/9 | Grievance: Albertson's # 473:
Fred Cousin Termination |
1999-2000 |
91/10 | Grievance: Albertson's #470:
Loren Langston Termination |
2001 |
91/11 | Grievance: Albertson's #450:
Patricia Cornelius Termination |
2001 |
91/12 | Grievance: Albertson's # 450:
Ryan Hart Termination |
2001-2002 |
91/13 | Michael Landa vs. Albertson's (1
of 2) |
2001-2002 |
91/14 | Michael Landa vs. Albertson's (2
of 2) |
2001-2002 |
91/15 | Albertson's Grievance Against
UFCW: Off the Clock Work Information Request |
2001-2003 |
91/16 | Grievance: Albertson's #439: Kim
Landa Constructive Discharge |
2002-2003 |
91/17 | Albertson's Grievance Meeting and
Retiree Health Plan |
2002-2005 |
91/18 | Grievances:
Albertson's |
2004-2005 |
91/19 | Grievance: Albertson's # 415:
Vincent Sheffels Service Counter Scheduling |
2005 |
91/20 | Grievance: Albertson's # 0466:
Russell (Chad) Clark Termination |
2005-2007 |
91/21 | Grievance: Albertsons: Michael
Smith Termination |
2006 |
91/22 | Grievance: Albertson's # 407:
Sandra Hamilton Suspension |
2006 |
91/23 | Grievance: Albertson's: Seniority
List: Lori Watt Seniority Date |
2006 |
91/24 | Grievance: Albertson's # 475:
Gene Bailey Termination |
2006-2007 |
91/25 | Grievance: Allied Employers: Lump
Sum Bonus |
2005 |
91/26 | Associated Grocers Grievances and
Related Notes |
1998-2003 |
91/27 | Grievances: Associated
Grocers |
2004-2005 |
91/28 | Associated Grocers
Grievances |
2004-2006 |
91/29 | Grievance: Associated Grocers:
John Bogstie Termination |
2005 |
91/30 | Grievance: Associated Grocers
Warehouse: Jurisdiction |
2006-2007 |
91/31 | Grievance: Bavarian Meats:
Heather Stewart Lee Termination |
2001-2002 |
91/32 | Draper Valley Farms
Grievances |
1999-2006 |
91/33 | Grievance Settlement: Draper
Valley Farms: Javier Ramoz Termination |
2008 |
91/34 | Grievance: Issaquah Fred Meyer:
Service Counter Seniority |
1994-2006 |
91/35 | Fred Meyer Grievances and Related
Notes |
1999-2003 |
91/36 | Grievance: Auburn Fred Meyer:
Michael Smith Termination |
2002 |
91/37 | Fred Meyer Meat Policies and Job
Descriptions; Albertson's Grievance |
2002-2008 |
91/38 | Grievance: Kitsap Fred Meyer:
Kathy Shanholtzer Termination |
2003-2004 |
91/39 | Grievance: Renton Fred Meyer:
Cheryl Beno Termination |
2004 |
91/40 | Grievance: Fred Meyer: Judy
Donohue Termination |
2005 |
91/41 | Fred Meyer Grievances |
2005-2006 |
91/42 | Fred Meyer Grievances |
2005-2010 |
91/43 | Grievance: Covington Fred Meyer:
Aaron Shelby Job Injury Pay Adjustment |
2006 |
91/44 | Grievance: Burien Fred Meyer:
Michael Veloni Wages |
2006 |
91/45 | Grievance Settlement: Fred Meyer:
Judy Donohue Termination |
2006 |
92/1 | Grievance: Burien Fred Meyer:
Debra Gloster Termination |
2010-2011 |
92/2 | Grievance: Golden Steer: Jeff
Geithman Termination |
2005 |
92/3 | Grievance: Golden Steer: Julie
Eastman Sick Pay |
2008-2009 |
92/4 | Grievance: Lacey Haggen's:
Darrell Clark Termination |
2005 |
92/5 | Grievance: Hytek Finishes:
Christina Cabello and Clara Amaro Suspension |
2006 |
92/6 | Grievance: Hytek Finishes: David
Hughes Termination |
2006 |
92/7 | Hytek Finishes
Grievances |
2007-2008 |
92/8 | King's Command Foods Grievances
and Related Notes |
1998-2003 |
92/9 | Grievance: King's Command Foods:
Payroll Changes |
2002 |
92/10 | King's Command Foods: Grievances
and Press |
2002-2006 |
92/11 | Grievance: King's Command Foods:
Tamara McLennan Workplace Violence Termination |
2005 |
92/12 | Grievance: King's Command Foods:
Maria Revollar Termination |
2006 |
92/13 | Grievances: King's Command Foods:
Rodney Lackland and Anthony Ganiron Terminations |
2006 |
92/14 | King's Command Foods
Grievances |
2006-2010 |
92/15 | Grievance: King's Command Foods:
Sanitation Crew |
2008 |
92/16 | Grievances and Notes: Larry's
Market |
2001 |
92/17 | Larry's Market
Grievances |
2004-2006 |
92/18 | Grievance: Oaktree Larry's
Market: Terry Charawell Termination |
2006 |
92/19 | Grievance: Post-Bankruptcy:
Larry's Market |
2006-2007 |
92/20 | Grievances: Larry's Market:
Vacation Pay |
2007 |
92/21 | Settlement Agreement and Release:
Kathryn. Castonguay, Union Representative |
2006 |
92/22 | Grievance: Sand Point
Metropolitan Market: Dennis Jones Termination |
2004-2005 |
92/23 | Information File: Sand Point
Metropolitan Market: Dennis Jones Termination |
2005 |
92/24 | Metropolitan Market
Grievances |
2006-2008 |
92/25 | Grievance: Puget Consumer Co-op:
Mark Sielsky Seniority |
2000 |
92/26 | Grievance: Puget Consumer Co-op:
Tony Mack Termination |
2004-2005 |
92/27 |