Potlatch Corporation Historical Archives, 1900-2007

Overview of the Collection

Potlatch Corporation
Potlatch Corporation Historical Archives
1900-2007 (inclusive)
460 cubic feet
38.9 gigabytes, (9,069 files, 298 folders)
Collection Number
MG 457
Potlatch corporate archives from Spokane, Washington and from the Lewiston, Idaho branch. Reports, correspondence, photographs, ledger books, artwork, product sales samples, and audiovisual materials.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. The access files of the digital materials in this collection are located on the archive drive. Researchers must use the collection in accordance with the policies of the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Materials in this manuscript group span the years 1900 to 2007, approximately. They include Potlatch corporate archives from Spokane, Washington and from the Lewiston, Idaho branch. Including but not limited to records and documents, reports and correspondence, photographs and slides, company newsletters and other publications, ledger books, artwork, product sales samples, and audiovisual materials.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Potlatch Corporation retains all rights in any trade name, or trademark of Potlatch Corporation related to these Items, and copyright to company magazines and newsletters until such copyrights transfer into the public domain. Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives on permission for use.

Preferred Citation

Author, Description or "Title" of item, date. Collection name, collection number, box, folder. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Photographer, "Title," date. Collection name, object ID. University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, Moscow, ID.

Alternative Forms Available

Some of the materials in this collection were digitized and added to the Idaho Historical Aerial Photographs digital collection and the Potlatch Lumber Company Photograph Collection.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Location of Collection

Special Collections and Archives of the University of Idaho Library. Except otherwise noted, all materials are in the cage area. The access files of the digital materials in this collection are located on the archive drive. Folder path: Y:\Processed Collections\Manuscript Groups\MG 457 (Potlatch Corporation Historical Archvies)\data\MG457. Contact University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives for access or questions.

Custodial History

The Potlatch corporate archives were deposited at two locations until time of donation, these being the Lewiston office of the company and its headquarters in Spokane.

Acquisition Information

Potlatch Corporation donated the materials deposited at Lewiston, ID in December 2008 and those deposited at Spokane, WA in July 2009. Other donations arrived in August and October 2013.

Processing Note

Materials were reboxed and the original order was maintained, although there is not a discernible order. The content of the boxes are described superficially and the dates approximate. Not all photographs have been processed and so number of the boxes may change. Born-digital materials were made into a stand-alone series, original electronic file order maintained.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

I:  MaterialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Card files, 10 drawers
Land Department: Dairy Service Division. Southern Lumber Co. Paper Cup Division -- Contracts. Potlatch Townsites. Pomona California. P.F.I. Twin Feathers Mills. Deer Park -- Closed Contracts (alphabetically and numerically) -- Contracts (alphabetically) -- Fee Ownership. Ranges 1E to 4E -- Fee Ownership. Ranges 5E to 6W -- Land Records -- Rights of Way Easements Special Use
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
Land Department. Potlatch Unit. Inactive Deed File (D-3 to D-1131. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Clearwater Unit. Inactive Deed File (6 to 974. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Rutledge Unit. Inactive Deed File (R-2 to R-395. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Inactive Deed File and Background DAW Purchase 10/93 (PP-134 to PP-296, and PP-320. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Forest Development Co. (F-1 to F-244. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Rutledge Unit. Disposals (P and S files)
Land Department. Out-of-State Conveyances (OS-1 to OS-30)
Land Department. Potlatch Unit. Disposals (S-1 to S-1172. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Howard Trial
Land Department. Mineral Surveys and Leases
Land Department. Potlatch Townsite Contracts (1 to 438. File numbers are noted on the labels of the boxes)
Land Department. Miscellaneous Papers. Potlatch Forests Inc. tree farm data, 1943-1973; Gold Creek fire file, 1974-1980; County consolidation; tax-school costs; State Board of Equalization; lumbering analysis; tax statistics; Real property Assessment; Real State Contracts; mica deposit; notice of pending issue of tax deed
Land Department. Miscellaneous Papers. Clearwater Timber Co. (Logging Dept., cutting budgets, headquarters buildings, citizens subscriptions, easement deed, wing dam easement, timber cruise), 1920-1930s; Report on Clearwater Timber Co.'s holdings in Clearwater County, Idaho, 1922; Western Hospital Association memorandum etc, 1927; letter discussing dam site near Avery, 1942; anti-trust investigation of Western Pine Association, 1940; McGoldrick Lumber Co. (railroad), undated; cruises at Merry Creek, 1926-1931; Comparative county and Potlatch Forests cruise, undated; documents that J. E. Babb handled over to Potlatch Forests Inc. as successor of Clearwater Timber Co. in 1934
Land Department. Miscellaneous Papers. Gold Creek fire, 1976-1980; Little North Fork management area, 1969-1984; St. Joe Boom Co., 1902-1982; Idaho Dept. of Reclamation, well digging and water supply, 1953-1965, 1973; Clearwater Timber Co. file including agreements, Charles O. Brown, etc, 1901-1922; Pond agreement with Washington Water Power Co. Mill Pond at Lewiston, 1971; Volume tables for the Western White Pine and others, 1920s-1930s; Maps (S-sales Homestead Cr., timber survey, 1938; Clearwater River Lewiston to Ahsahaka, 1925); Lewiston Pt. city ownership and lots; Nez Perce County, 1929; Rutledge log cutting schedule 1939 to 1951; Clearwater Timber Protective Association, c.1909-1930; CTPA annual reports, 1963-1964; Clearwater Fire Protective Association annual report, 1907; Clearwater Timber Co. log brand register, 1926-1952; PFI Land Account, Rutledge Unit, 1931-1935
Land Department. Miscellaneous Papers. Orogrande-Musselshell exchange, 1938-1940; Twin Feathers land, timber, 1953; Benewah County lands, 1943-1944; maps of estimates of timber: Deep Creek, West Fork Meadow Creek, and others; E. N. Brown, 1927; Latah County lands, 1943-1944; Sales tax for Idaho, 1940; Wright case, 1944; Potlatch Lumber Co. stumpage, 1930; Potlatch Forests Inc. statements, 1931-1944; Reforestation private lands
Land Department. Miscellaneous Papers. Red Collar Line; Clearwater Timber Co.'s holdings in the Clearwater District, 1918-1920; Proposed railway Elk River Logging Lines, 1923-1925; Proposed line Orofino to Headquarters Idaho, 1922; Orogrande Creek Railroad, 1947; Contracts for sale of cedar stumpage, timber deeds, memoranda of agreement, 1923-1946; The Timber and Timber Land Account of the Potlatch Forests, Inc. (merging of the three companies: Clearwater Timber Co., Potlatch Lumber Co., and Edward Rutledge Timber Co.), [1930?]; Brigham report, 1919-1921
Cruises tally sheets. Craig Mt., 1968; Casey Creek, 1949, 1954; Camp 64, 1968
Strip photos, log pond inventory, 1966; Latah County fee land records, 1975; land valuation work sheets, 1955; overall timber supply reports, notes, and data, 1956-1963; timber canceled contracts; PFI purchases, 1947-1956; budget, 1960; Jaype Mill site project, 1964; Revling Air Strip project, 1964; cruise scale comparison, 1960
North Idaho Forestry Association minute books, 1908-1971 and Soil Bank and Title IV Committee, 1956-1957
Land use legislation; 1975 Idaho Forest Practice Act; report of the natural areas workshop, Boise, 1974; 1969 Timber Supply Act; timber export legislation, forest practices, national forest timber supply (roadless area studies); Idaho Water Conference Committee
Forestry and Land Department reports, research projects; Forestry Dept. annual report, 1956, 1957, 1958-1959; "Forest Inventory Methods, Western Operations, 1958;" List of P.F.I. Forestry reports; list of forestry research projects; map index
Programs, proceedings, correspondence of meetings and congresses of several professional associations such as Western Pine Association, Inland Empire Section of the Society of American Foresters, Northwest Scientific Association, Intermountain Logging Conference, Pacific Logging Congress, National Association of State Foresters, North Idaho Forestry Association, Western Forest Pest Committee; Foresters Council minutes; Forestry and Land Department reports; etc
Forestry and Land Department reports and research projects, c.1949-1955
Forestry and Land Department reports, research projects; Pictorial history of Bertha Hill Lookout; Project 108, 1977-1978; 1966 budget; Intra Company Memo, 1976-1985; Blister Rust Control history, 1918-1936
Forestry and Land Department reports, research projects; timber management, supply, cut; growth and mortality; budgets from 1962 and table summary 1961-1962; Western Chandler Supply Co. Jaype, 1976; dendrometer records and correspondence, 1960-1980; "Selective Logging: a Study of Ten Years of Forest Management [...], 1927 to 1938" (C. L. Jack); "Preliminary Report [...] to Study the Effects of Slash Burning [...}," 1938? (C. L. Jack)
General public relations: Boy Scouts, forest research expenditures, hunting and fishing packet, Idaho 4H Club, odor and effluent control, picnic areas, presto logs, list of research projects from 1937 to 1959, speech instructions, statistics for Potlatch Forests and wilderness, stockholders displays, teaching, paper making, tours, youth camp; Forestry and utilization notebook: information on P.F.I.'s forest management and utilization programs, Idaho forest facts, certified Tree Farm program, forest products promotion material, other material available for schools; Woods tours, 1976-1978; Statistical information and publicity; Reference Book (administration, equipment, legislation, literature, name list, new products, notes, statistics); a history of Potlatch people's participation in public education programs in Idaho, 1998. Also, Inland Empire Multiple Use Committee proposals, reports, 1961-1962, etc
Society of American Foresters Inland Empire Section Woodlands Advisory Committee report of tax sub-committee, 1956; Proceedings of meeting of timber interests, 1961; North Idaho Forestry Association on the State Tax Commission's Forest Land and Timber Tax Advisory Committee, 1966; Publications on tax, tax law; Silver Anniversary Program Rededication of Idaho Tree Farms, certificates, 1966; Forestry and utilization notebook (Information on PFI's forest management, Idaho forest facts, certified tree farm program, forest products promotion material, other material available for schools), 1958; correspondence etc, 1940-1971; and other reports and studies on forest taxation
Mountain Pine Beetle notes; Douglas-fir beetle-DFB, 1972-1976; Boyce Thompson Institute-BTI, 1975-1976; BTI 1975 annual report Douglas-fir beetle pheromone research; Douglas-fir bark beetle, 1974-1976
Douglas-fir beetle-DFB, 1973; field test of DFB attractant, 1971; Northwest Forest Pest Action Council, 1975-1977; North Idaho Forestry Association, 1972; Northern Rockies Forest Pest Action Caution-NRFPAC correspondence, minutes, 1972-1973; Gypsy Moth, 1974
Boyce Thompson Mt. Pine Beetle Control Project, 1965-1970
Douglas Fir Tussock Moth Control Project: correspondence, news release, DDT, brochures, 1974; Douglas Fir Tussock Moth USDA-CFPP acceleration evaluation expert panel, 1975-1978
Mountain Pine Beetle Project, 1969-1979; Cooperative research on control of the mountain pine beetle in western white pine: progress reports, 1965-1972; Spruce Budworm Spray Project, Palouse Area, photos, 1974
Inland Empire Forest Research Advisory Committee: minutes and correspondence, 1965; DDT Douglas Fir Tussock Moth Control Project, c.1971-1978; Tussock Moth files, 1955-1957, 1962-1967 outbreaks; Douglas Fir Tussock Moth, slides, 1974
Bonners Ferry Lumber, 1960s; Potlatch Samoa, 1965-1975; Wood products: western, southern, Minnesota, 2001; Potlatch directors (bios); Forest History Society, 1960-1970; Acquisitions/mergers, 1955-1980; Potlatch history
Potlatch Photo Points. Idaho, Book 1. S-Seeding, 2. P-Plantations, 3. H-Brush Control & Cull Tree Elimination, 4. R-Overstory Removal & Regeneration Release, 5. T-Thinned Stands, 6. M-Miscellaneous
Photo Points photographs (spray, burn): East Fork Potlatch Creek-EFK, Mason Butte, Camp X, Meadow Creek, Cameron Creek, Hollywood; Mason Butte and Camp X chemical brush control 1958 experiments and results of 1959 examination; etc
National Forest Products Association-NFPA Forest chemicals task group, 1972-1975; forest insect data, 1952-1955; Aldrin/Dieldrin, 1974; big trees and rapid growth, 1946; Zellner resurvey, 1951-1952; aerial surveys, 1955-1965; insect reports, 1956-1963; Clearwater Timber Protective Association-CTPA/Potlatch Timber Protective Association-PTPA fire records on Potlatch Forest Inc. lands, 1942-1962; blister rust data (White Pine), 1949-1977; Silver Creek bug cruise, 1968; Mountain Pine Beetle-MPB photos, 1972-1973; MPB news release, 1968; mailing record (MPB, Tussock Moth), 1965; a trap
Report on experimental tree planting-Waha, 1952; Aerial photographs; reforestation on Dozer Terraces, 1971; Mason Butte spray slides,; Photo point table of content and photo index; Hildebrand plantation work book, 1980-1988; Photo point slideshow outlines; photo point history of Potlatch Corporation's forest resource management, 1995; Forestry research photo album, 1960-1963; Beaver Cr. exchange, 1997; Orofino-Coeur d'Alene mill (photos), 1966; Camp 44; Mason Butte; chemical brush control(aerial spraying), 1960; Hildebrand burn, 1975; Photo point project daily records; Photo point project correspondence, reports, 1981-2001; Photo point catalog, report, table of contents, 1989
Royce Cox's letters sent, 1975-1980
Potlatch Lumber Co. correspondence sent, 1903, 1906; Western Forestry and Conservation Association correspondence, surveys and reports, 1915, 1925-1930 and Royce Cox's questionnaire/survey, 1956; Transcript of interviews old timers, 1977; William Helmer's cruise books, 1911-1913
Correspondence of lasting value, historical data; Rapraeger's Newsletters; Wood Foremen's Council minutes
Forest management, 1940-1959; PFI Forest inventory methods Western operations, 1958; Forestry Dept. Management forms index, 1953; Zone I, Zone II aerial mapping photography, 1955; Analysis of learning capacity White Pine Site lands, 1965; miscellaneous correspondence and work sheet E. C. Rettig report, 1963; soil disturbance, ground skidding time study, 1980s
Speeches and articles, reports, correspondence, bibliography file, c.1950-1965
Northwest Forest Pest Action Council; pest control, 1964-1970; odor reduction paper mill Lewiston (Van Horne), 1958; Slash disposal project, 1954-1955; helicopter logging, 1969; PFI contract earnings and production, 1950-1961; Inland Empire Forest Research Advisory Committee, 1967-1969; land use legislation, forest practices, 1974-1975; railroad and truck roads costs, 1948-1949
PFI tours, 1955-1959; forest tree improvement, 1957-1963; Clearwater Timber Protective Association, 1953-1963; pole blight and blister rust control, 1950-1961; "Tree Crop News," 1955-1959; Northern Rockies Forest Pest Action Council, 1973-1980
Fee management plan revision as of 12-31-66; Timber supply report, 1964; Mason-Stevens reports and correspondence, 1927-1935; WP site II worth computations; Cannolly valuation, 1964; Reinventory mortality runs, 1962; Forest surveys, 1948-1949; Timberland appraisal, 1955; Inventory zones I, II, III, 1956, 1963, 1972; Deer Park Timber Trust and Deer Park Pine Industry fee ownership, 1961; etc
Clearwater Timber Co.: List of stockholders; 1935 Meeting; Stock records-correspondence, 1924-1950 (alphabetical order, A-S and T-Z); Claims notes, 1938; Income Tax returns and annual reports, 1922-1948; Construction costs, 1928
Wood Briquettes, Inc. Journal Vouchers, 1955-1956 and Patents, 1933-1939
Potlatch Forests, Inc.: Penn-Mar Division. Invoices, 1961; Journal Voucher, 1945
Edward Rutledge Timber Co. Capital Stock Taxes, 1918-1929; Plant of the company in Coeur d'Alene, 1916; Elk Basin Railroad construction costs, up to 1927; Panhandle purchase file, 1931; Potlatch Central Heating Plant and Potlatch Fuel Storage, expenditures, 1932; Potlatch Corporation, Inc. Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation, 1973; Potlatch Forests, Inc. Capital Stock Tax, correspondence, 1933; Debenture holders, correspondence, 1931-1940; Renegotiation Statement, 1945; Potlatch Lumber Co. Stock file, 1920-1926; Potlatch Mercantile Co. correspondence, inventory, 1935-1948; Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Program Executives' Meeting. New York City, Oct. 28-Nov. 5, 1935; White Pine Sash Co., 1927-1935
Allied Building Credits, Inc. Auditors' Report, 1938-1942 -- Allied Building Credits, Inc. Financial Statement, 1937, 1938 -- Allied Building Credits, Inc. General Manager's Report, 1936 -- Allied Building Credits, Inc. Report to Stockholders, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1943 -- Boise Payette, Inc. Annual Report, 1933 -- Boise Payette, Inc. Monthly Statement, Mar. and Sep. 1932 -- Clearwater Timber Co. Annual Report, 1927-1930, 1933-1935, 1937-1939, 1942-1947, 1949-1952 -- Clearwater Timber Co. Report on Examination of the Accounts, Feb. 1930 to Feb. 1931 -- Elk River State Bank. Auditors' Report, Mar. 1931 to Nov. 1932 -- General Timber Service, Inc. Annual Report,1943-1947, 1949-1951 -- General Timber Service, Inc. Auditors' Report, 1946 -- General Timber Service, Inc. President's Report, 1932-1936 -- Potlatch State Bank. Auditors' Report, 1931-1938
Humbird Lumber Co. Annual Statement, 1929, 1930, 1932 -- At Lumbermen's Lloyds. Auditor's Report, 1934 -- Lumbermen's Finance Corporation. Auditors' Report, 1945, 1946 -- Lumbermen's Finance Corporation. Report on Examination of the Accounts, 1947, 1948 -- Lumbermen's Finance Corporation. Report to the Stockholders, 1945-1947 -- Northwest Paper Co. Auditors' Report, 1931-1932 -- Potlatch Investment Co. Auditors' Report, 1931-1933 -- Potlatch Yards, Inc. Annual Report, 1931 -- St. Joe Boom Co. Auditors' Report, 1932, 1937-1950 -- Washington, Idaho & Montana Railway Co. Annual Report, 1932 -- Washington, Idaho & Montana Railway Co. General Balance Sheet, 1933-1934 -- Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. General Manager's Report, 1935-1937, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1948 -- Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Statistical Data Prepared In Connection With 1938 Budget Estimates, 1937 -- Workmen's Compensation Exchange. Annual Statement, 1924, 1925, 1927-1936 -- Workmen's Compensation Exchange. Auditors' Report, 1941-1944, 1946-1951
Potlatch Lumber Co. Annual Report, 1909-1916, 1918, 1920-1930 -- Potlatch Lumber Co. Annual Report to The State Board of Equalization, 1923-1930 -- Potlatch Lumber Co. Report to the Public Utilities Commission, 1927 -- Potlatch Forests, Inc. Balance Sheet and Summary of Profit and Loss Accounts, together with Auditors' Report, 1942-1944, 1946 -- Potlatch Forests, Inc. Consolidated Statements and Auditors' Report, 1942-1946 -- Potlatch Forests, Inc. Consolidated Financial Statements with Auditors' Certificate, 1948-1951 -- Potlatch Forests, Inc. General Manager's Production Recommendations to Board of Director with 1948 Budget
Potlatch Forests, Inc. Annual Report, 1931-1951
Edward Rutledge Timber Co. Annual Report, 1923-1930
Fernstrom Paper Mills, Inc. minute books, 1926-1950; Protecto Products Co., Inc minute book, 1942-1948
Unprocessed slides
Unprocessed "Idaho" slides
Unprocessed "miscellaneous" slides
Photographic prints and slides: "Product," "Recreation" (box 132)
Potlatch News Bureau/News Release (includes regional news), 1980-2004
Photographic prints, negatives, slides: Wood products, Idaho & Washington timber operations, Lewiston (aerial photos, operations, CPD, PBD, bark beetle, wood product research, etc), Rutledge Mill, St. Maries plant
Photographic prints: Personalities (list of individuals' names in the box)
Photographic prints, slides: Minnesota, Cloquet, Pomona, Northwest Paper Division, Kearny, Arkansas, Warren
Photographic prints, slides: Idaho (Lewiston, unspecified locations, last log drive), Minnesota, Cloquet, other states (California, New Jersey), foreign countries (Western Samoa), miscellaneous (history of Potlatch, logo)
Photographic prints, slides: Tree identification, the working trees of Potlatch (Idaho, Arkansas, Minnesota), trees (miscellaneous, scenic), wildlife-reptiles
Photographic prints, slides: Corporate annual report photos & negatives, missing children, milk cartons
The Last Sawlog Drive (news clippings, press kits)
Photographic prints, negatives: Board of directors, stockholders meetings
Photographic prints, slides: PBD Lewiston, reprint permissions, 1989-1993; wood products brochures; Mountie donation, 1981; Jewett House, 1984-1991, 1999
Photographic prints, slides: Lewiston, forest-recreation, miscellaneous slides, operation, products
Media relations, advertising agreements
Miscellaneous; Boy Scouts of America, 1967, 1969; news clippings
Unprocessed color photographs
Opinion survey among employees of Potlatch Corporation, 1985
Potlatch White Piners. Pins inside box 229
Unprocessed photographic prints and negatives
Photos and slides file listing. Also a flash drive with images of Potlatch collections
St. Joe Boom Co.
Potlatch Forests, Inc. appraisements (General Appraisal Co.) and other reports, 1964-1968
Photo albums (3): Lewiston Sawmill modernization, 1987, 1988
Stamp seals
  • (Box 173) Bonners Ferry; Edward Rutledger
  • (Box 174) American River; Art Craft; Beaver Creek; Berlunk; Brown and Kauffmann
  • (Box 175) Clearwater; Columbia
  • (Box 176) Deer Park; Finn; Fish Pier
  • (Box 177) General Logging; GLP; Idaho; Keystone; Marble Creek; Mullen
  • (Box 178) National Paper; Northwest Paper; Potlatch Samoa; Western Samoa
  • (Boxes 179, 180) Potlatch
  • (Box 181) Reed Creek; Riconada; Snake Creek; Speedspace
  • (Box 182) Prescott and Northwestern RR; St. Joe Boom; Wood Briquettes; Transcentury
  • (Box 183) Wilson Rich; Wilkata
  • (Box 184) St. Maries; Townsend; Swanee
  • (Box 185) Extras, no seal
Regional newsletters; Potlatch Newsletter (zip disk)
Equipments operating instruction manuals
Images of the Past: Potlatch Historical Photographs, 2000 (CD, 20 copies) -- Last of the Log Drives (DVD, 20 min.)
Public Relations. North Idaho Forestry Association, 1950s; Pine case, 1943, 1944; Other operators' brifs, 1944 cases; agreements and wage schedules, 1939-1942; Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union, West Coast Lumber Commission, American Federation of Labor, 1935-1945; San Francisco Fair, 1937-1941; Labor case, 1935-1938; Strike, 1936; Payroll records Elizabeth Plant; Reference material files
News clippings
Historical photographs
Oversize historical photographs
Special Collections Processing Area
Poster, calendar, "Potlatch Logging Camps, Bovill - Headquarters Sides, Idaho, 1903-1986," 1991; oversize photos for annual reports
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
News of Wood Briquettes, Inc. Patents on (The Engineer, London, 1939; Wilson Rich Paper Co. Accounts Receivable, December 1965-May 1968
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
Loggers World 1976, 1979; Timber Cuter 1976; Life 1943; Newspaper clipping "Electricity Displacing Faithful Steam Engine" CDA Press, 1963
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
Early Day Logging at Potlatch Forests illustrations (prints)
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
Potlatch bandanas (2 items), coasters (2 items), tree cookies (6 items), a slide viewer, a "Kodak Master Photoguide," a Peak 8x loupe for 35mm format, a Uvex safety glasses, a key on a Potlatch Warren Woodlands key chain
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
  • Publicity, Dec. 1971-Mar. 1972. San Francisco, CA
  • Ads, 1965-1966. San Francisco, CA
  • Product Book, May-Dec. 1972. San Francisco, CA
  • Corporate and Paper, 1972. San Francisco, CA
  • C. L. Billings' scrapbook (I.W.W. Strike Bulletin, Industrial worker, lumber worker), June 1936-Nov. 1937
  • Last Sawlog Drive. Clearwater River, Idaho, May 1971 (wood cover)
Oversize mounted photographs and artworks. Items numbered.
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
  • Color aerial photograph. Cypress Bend, Arkansas, 1970s (2009.30.08)
  • Color aerial photograph by Air View Art, July 1991 (2009.30.15)
  • Color photograph of lumber workers (2009.30.16)
  • Vincent Perez woodcuts (2009.30.17-2009.30.22)
  • Black and white photograph of tree trunks (2008.42.11)
Oversize mounted photographs. Items numbered.
Shelved at pillar 1B (cage area)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Potlatch Corporation. Lewiston, Idaho" (2009.30.01)
  • Hand tinted aerial photograph. "Keep Idaho Green" (2009.30.02)
  • Hand tinted aerial photograph. "Potlatch Forests, Inc. Clearwater Plant. Lewiston, Idaho" (2009.30.03)
  • Hand tinted aerial photograph. "Potlatch Forests, Inc. Potlatch Plant. Potlatch, Idaho" (2009.30.04)
  • Hand tinted aerial photograph. "Potlatch Forests, Inc. Rutledge Plant. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho"(2009.30.05)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Potlatch Corporation. Lewiston, Idaho," by Western Ways (2009.30.06)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Potlatch Corporation. Jaype Unit," by Western Ways (2009.30.07)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Clearwater Lumber. November, 1999" (2009.30.09)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Jaype Plywood. November, 1999" (2009.30.10)
  • Color photographs of the Cloquet Pulp and Paper Mill, 1970s (2009.30.11-2009.30.12)
  • Color photographs of the Brainerd Paper Mill, 1980s (2009.30.13-2009.30.14)
  • Hand tinted photograph. "Potlatch Forests, Inc. Clearwater Plant. Lewiston, Idaho" (2008.42.01)
  • Hand tinted photograph. "Potlatch Forests, Inc. Lewiston, Idaho" (2008.42.02)
  • Black and white photograph of (A note reads: Property of Dick Eaton, Lewiston) (2008.42.03)
  • Black and white photograph of Coeur d'Alene Plant, by Western Ways, Inc. of Corvallis, Oregon (2008.42.12)
  • Color aerial photograph. "St. Maries Complex. November, 1999" (2013.14.01)
  • Color aerial photograph. "Post Falls Particleboard. November, 1997" (2013.14.02)
  • Circular commemorative board. "Potlatch 1903-2003. Celebrating one hundred years of producing fine wood products" (2013.14.03)
Open reel films, videotapes
Southwest shelves (cage area)
  • (Box A) Films: Gypsy Moth, Pine Beetle, Tussock Moth for 1974 DFTM Control Project (Odyssey); W.F.P.A. News Release, Tussock Moth, 1973 (Odyssey); Waha burn, 9/6/1979 -- Audiotapes: Canal Gulch, 12/19/_5; Mountain Pine Beetle, 7/20/72 -- Videotape: Potlatch Projects: St. Maries River, Marble Creek, Beaver Creek, Reeds Creek, Snake Creek, 11/6/1984 -- Tussock Moth photos and egg-moss mount (display box), 1974
  • (Box B) Films: Forestry Pavilion from Expo 74; Potlatch informational film; picnic, 1945, 1946; the News Parade (IBM press conference); Galactic Garden, 1982; building a house (Boise?); unidentified
  • (Box C) Films: Potlatch Country; The Wilderness Impasse; Potlatch Story; Idaho Forest; Profits from Wood Waste (Wood Briquettes, Inc.), 1965; headquarters, 1969
  • (Box D) Videotapes: Potlatch certification, 2004 and Resources, 2003; Trees are the Answer (Patrick Moore), 2001; Potlatch Land Trust (KHQ), 2002; Salmon Debate (KREM & KHQ), 2003; Minnesota Operations; Sustainable Forestry (Parthe), 2000; Jaype Plywood, Pierce, ID; A Lot of Things Have Happened, Lewiston, 1988; Burns; Idaho Wildfires: Beyond the Flames; Particle Board Plant, Post Falls, 1999; Birds, mics, mica, 1997; Birds, 1997; Mica Creek, 1997; Toilet Paper, Trees, They Grow Back, Salmon Recovery, Elk Management, 2000; The Forest and the Trees, 1998; video conference with Penn Siegel, 2003; CRISIS: Can We Save America's Western Forests; National Perspective on Salmon vs. Dams (CBS), 1999; Landowners Fighting Back Against Strong Bark Beetle, 1999; Insects and Fire Threaten North Idaho Neighborhoods, 1999; potlatchcorp.com, 2000; Boardman Poplar Plantation, 1995; Homes for Wildlife and Fish/Paper for People; Why Our Jobs Are Important, Post Falls, 1998; Everyone Wins in New Land Agreement Between Potlatch Corporation and The Trust for Public Land; Pollution, 2003; Sale to Sappi announced, Sappi CEO meets with workers, Wellstone visits plants, Brainerd Mayor interview (Duluth Market and Minneapolis/St. Paul Market), 2002; Proctor & Gamble sues Potlatch Corp., 2002; Brainerd Mill, 2002
  • (Unboxed) Films: The Last Log Drive (7 items)
Extra woodcut prints by Vincent Perez
Shelved in the new addition area
Empty folders for casing the woodcut prints (6 items)
Shelved in the new addition area
Wood blocks by Vincent Perez (6 items)
Shelved in the new addition area
Extra (unused) gifts and prizes awarded to Potlatch employees in recognition of their service and contributions to the company. Contents noted on the labels of the boxes
Shelved in the new addition area
Extra copies of the book White Pine Route
Shelved in the new addition area
Original box packed by R. Goeden and crew with Christmas design in Nov. 8, 1960. Includes place mats, napkins, plates, and note cards
Shelved in the new addition area
Extra copies of Potlatch Annual Reports, 1990-2002 and brochures
Shelved in the new addition area
Historical photographs. Glass negatives (22 items) -- Potlatch Forests, Inc., Lewiston, ID, glass lantern slides (5 slides): No. 1 Selective logging for future generations; No. 2 Band saws and rigs in Clearwater Plant; No. 3 Loading logs on a truck (Asahel Curtis photographer, Seattle; Hutchison photo service, Pullman, WA); No. 8 Timber is a crop, a residual stand (Kansas City Slide Co.); No. 11 Aerial view of Clearwater unit plant
Shelved in the new addition area
Potlatch wooden logo
Shelved in the new addition area
Potlatch product samples
Shelved in the new addition area
unboxed (wood cover)
Aerial photographs. Index maps. 1929, 1932 5A; 1932 14A; 1932, 1933 18A; 1933 21A; 1934 23A; 1939 47A; 1936, 1937, 1939 38A; 1939 77A
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
oversize box (rolled)
Aerial photographs. Index maps. 1953 PF-3; 1955 PFI-5; 1955 and 1956 [PFI D5-L and unspecified]; 1958 PFI-8; 1959 PFI-A-9,[PFI-B-9], [PFI-X-9]; 1962 PFI-H-2; 1963 BLM-10; 1964 PFI-IU-4, PFI-BL-4; 1965 PFI-DR-5, PFI-CL-5; 1966 PFI-66; 1967 PFI-67; 1968 PFI-68; 1969 PFI-69; 1970 PFI-70; 1971 PFI-71; 1972 PFI-B-72, PFI-H-72; 1973 PC-73; 1974 PC-CUT-74, PC-74; 1975 PC-75; 1976 PC-76, PC-C-76; 1977 PC-M-77, PC-B-77, PC-O-77, PC-H-77, PC-W-77; 1978 ILC, PC-C-78, PC-W-78; 1979 PC-M-79, PC-79, C-BCC-5-153; 1980 PC-80; 1981 PC-81, PC-O-81; 1982 IP-A-82, PC-C-82; 1983 PC-83; 1984 PC-84, C-BCC5-198; 1985 PC-85; 1986 PC-86; 1987 PC-87; 1988 PC-88; 1989 PC-89; 1990 PC-90; 1991 PC-91; 1992 PC-92; 1993 PC-93; 1994 BCC-94; 1995; 1999; 2000. Also a single map noting the location of several projects: DDW 1945, CSA-CIX-DOT 1952, DEV 1948, CJ 1947-48, DDX 1946, CJ 1947, PFEP 1954, OMF 1953, PFI 1953
Shelved at pillar 3 (cage area)
Aerial photographs. Index maps. (See also more index maps among the prints below)
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1956 PFI-1: FI. 1-17 (241), FI. 18-24 (242), FI. 25-29 (243), FI. 30-33 (244), FI. 34-39 (245), FI. 40-47 (246), FI. 48-54 (247), FI. 55-61 (248), FI. 62-68 (249), FI. 69-79 (250)
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1955 PFI-5: FI. 1-9 (251), FI. 10-15 (252), FI. 16-20 (253), FI. 21-24 (254), FI. 25-29 (255), FI. 30-38 (256)
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1952 CSA 2H-3H; 1953 PFI Line 4-8; 1953 OMF-3B FI. 8-17
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1956 ECK-9; 1956 Control 1-2; 1955 NP; 1956 NP; 1957 NP; 1933 21-A; 1946 DDX; 1947 CJ; 1948 CJ; 1948 DEV
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1958 PFI-8; 1959 PFI-A-9, PFI-B-9, PFI-C-9, PFI-H-9, PFI-X-9
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1961 PFI-61 CO H; 1962 PFI-H2; 1963 BLM 10; 1964 PFI-BL-4; 1965 PFI-CL-5
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1965 PFI-CL; 1965 PFI-DR; 1965 ISF
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1954 PFR; 1954 PFEP; 1955 PSB
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1968 DPL-C; 1969 City of Pierce Watershed; 1969 PFI BC; 1969 PFI-69 A to F
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1969 PFI-69 G to Y
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1966 PFI-66; 1967 PFI-67
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1968 PFI-68 A-T
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1955 New Meadows DYU; 1962 ELD
Aerial photographs. Prints. Project 23A
Aerial photographs. Prints. Projects 23A, 38A, 47A; 1958 PFI-8; 1959 PFI-X-9, PFI-H-9; [1960 RH 15, RH 16, L 17, H 16, Camp T, Camp 11?]
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1962 ELD; 1968 DHZ
271, 272
Aerial photographs. 1969 Garden Valley, 960BB Boise Basin, 960CC Council Cruise, Clear Creek, 960NM New Meadows Cruise and Browns, 960SF Smith Ferry Cruise
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1974 PC-74; 1976 PC-76
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1975 PC-75
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1976 PC-C-76; 1977 PC-M-77
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1976 PC-76; 1977 PC-W-77; 1979 PC-79
277, 278
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1978 ILC-78
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1978 PC-W-78, PC-C-78 -- Miscellaneous prints, 1952-2003 -- Air photo or map check-out record, 1982-2007 -- Potlatch owns minerals (from Mineral Book), mining claim, 1983
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1979 PC-M-79
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1980 PC-80, Project NE-80
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1980 PC-80
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1981 PC-81
286, 287
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1981 PC-O-81
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1982 IP-A-82
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1982 IP-A-82, PC-C-82
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1983 PC-83, PC-B-83
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1984 PC-84
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1985 PC-85
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1986 PC-86
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1986 PC-86; 1988 PC-88
295, 296
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1989 PC-89
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1990 PC-90, PC-H-90
298, 299
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1991 PC-91
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1992 PC-92
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1993 PC-93
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1994 PC-94
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1995 PC-95
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1996 PC-96
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1996-96; 2004 PC-04
310, 311
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1997 PC-97
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1998 PC-98
Aerial photographs. Prints. 1999 PC-99
Aerial photographs. Prints. 2003 PC-03
Aerial photographs. Miscellaneous prints. PC-Mill-73, PC-M-79, PC-H-90, PC-97, PC-98, PC-99, PC-05, PC-02 -- Correspondence with contractors (contracts, projects), 1985-1989
Aerial photographs. Correspondence with contractors (contracts, projects), 1982-1993 -- Ownership updates, 1988-1997
319, 320
Aerial photographs. Milwaukee land, title reports, mineral rights, inventory cruise; Type acreage compilation sheet R1E-R3E, R1W-R5W -- Bennett private ownership survey -- Edwards Lumber Co. property -- HQ/Bovill photo copies. 1979-1981
Aerial photographs. Dworshak, Lewiston Mill, Headquarters, Coeur d'Alene Mill, Orofino, Bovill, Orchards Sewer District, etc. -- Study for a proposed forest resource building for the forestry dept. and lands and fiber dept., 1974 -- Forester's reference book, 1950 -- miscellaneous
Aerial photographs. Sectionized cronoflex. Negatives. PC-74, PC-76, PC-W-77, PC-O-81, PC-85, PC-86 -- Proposed map project (major ownership acres within project boundary), 1983 -- BLM land exchange -- Waha Project -- Miscellaneous prints. PC-M-79, PC-80, PC-84, PC-85, PC-86, PC-87, PC-O-81, PC-88, PC-89, etc.
324, 325
Digitized aerial photographs (CDs)
Northeast oversize shelves (cage area)
46 "X" boxes
Aerial photographs. Rolls of negatives boxed by year: 1955 (X1, X38, X39), 1956 (X2, X3, X29, X39, X40), 1957 (X40), 1958 (X4, X5, X40), 1959 (X4, X5, X40), 1960 (X4, X40), 1961 (X1, X4, X40), 1962 (X40), 1963 (X41), 1964 (X6, X41), 1965 (X6, X41), 1966 (X42), 1967 (X42), 1968 (X7), 1969 (X10, X34), 1970 (X8, X34), 1971 (X16, X34), 1972 (X9), 1973 (X8, X34, X42), 1974 (X11, X33), 1975 (X11, X33), 1976 (X11, X33), 1977 (X12), 1979 (X27, X42, X44), 1980 (X13, X25, X44, X46), 1981 (X13, X28, X44), 1982 (X13, X21), 1983 (X14), 1984 (X15, X30, X45), 1985 (X25), 1986 (X30, X46), 1987 (X17-X19), 1991 (X20, X22, X37, X45), 1994 (X42, X45), 1995 (X20, X32, X45, X46), 1996 (X20, X42), 1997 (X20, X24, X26, X42, X46), 1998 (X43), 1999 (X23, X31, X42, X43), 2001 (X35, X36), 2003 (X36)
Boxes X1 to X30 are shelved at pillar 2 and boxes X31 to X46 at pillar 3(new addition area)
Ledgers, voucher registers, land records, land contracts, cash books, cash journals, minutes of meetings, and other recordings. All dates are approximate. Items numbered and shelved in sequential order.
Shelved in the new addition area
  • Metsker's Atlas, 1938-1974: Stevens County, WA (218); Kootenai County, ID (219), Benewah County, ID (220), Latah County, ID (221), Clearwater County, ID (222), Benewah County, ID (223, 224); Ferry County, WN, 1934 index (466); Stevens County, WA, 1950s index (467); an atlas of Latah County, Idaho, by The Moscow Publishing Co., 1937
  • Map compiled from aerial photography (505)
  • North Idaho Forestry Association, 1909-1938 (163, 235)
  • American River Lumber Co.: Elk City, Idaho, new corporation, Oct. 1960 (459); Berklund International Lumber Co., 1967 (478)
  • Aksakka Lumber Co.: transfer book and general ledger, 1967-1971 (281, 284)
  • Bonners Ferry Lumber Co.: Nov. 1920-July 1945 (298); Aug. 1945-Dec.1954 (299); 1955-1961 (297); closed accounts, 1937-1966 (288); Montana land trade, 1924-1938 (266, 267); sale of Montana timberlands to J. Neils Lumber Co., 1934-1938 (265); Boundary County, land exchange, 1934-1935 (264)
  • Clearwater Timber Co.: cash and journal 1-3, Sep. 1900-June 1913 (490), Jul. 1913-Dec. 1921 (491), Jan. 1922-Apr. 1925 (492); cash journal A-C, Jan. 1927-May 1929 (041), June 1929-July 1930 (042), Aug. 1930-Aug. 1931 (043); journal A-C, Apr. 1925-Dec. 1927 (073), 1928-Aug. 1930 (074), Sep. 1930-1953 (075)
  • Clearwater Timber Co.: tax record, 1924-1933 (143), 1934-1943 (142); comparative tax statement, 1913-1925 (201); treasurer, 1925-1927 (484,485); document record, 1902-1965 (081); list of lands sold, 1918-1925 (489); payroll, 1926 (119); ownership book, 1925 (182); bonds, 1954 (358); bills receivable, 1926-1931 (482); general ledger transfer, 1925-1928 (250); assets, expenses, 1930-1948 (416); manufacturing and logging ledger, 1950-1954 (151), 1955-1956 (423); woods distribution, 1949-1952 (018); pulp and paper research work orders, 1952-1954 (017), 1955 (036), 1956 (037); cedar reports, transfer file, 1928-1930 (177), 1931-1933 (064, 233); order record book, 1927-1930 (076), 1930-1933 (077); sales register, 1927-Feb. 1930 (118), Mar. 1930-1931 (016); scale report, 1926-1931 (102, 103, 110, 174); timber record, 1906-1913 (078); land book, 1903-1913 (463, 471); voucher register, 1912 (026), Apr. 1928-June 1930 (120), July 1930-Dec. 1932 (121), 1925-1928 (009), Jul. 1931-Nov. 1937 (433); timber description, 1926 (427); ledger, 1919-1925 (453)
  • Clearwater Timber Co.: articles of incorporation, by-laws, subscription to the capital stock, meeting of incorporators, minutes of meetings of stockholders and meetings of trustees, 1900-1925 (477)
  • Deer Park Pine Industry, Inc.: miscellaneous operation, 1964-1971 (153); log journal, 1967-1971 (149); cash book, 1969-1971 (161); journal, 1969-1971 (162); payroll journal (accounting entries), 1963-1967 (384), 1968-1971 (385); payroll, 1959-1971 (469)
  • Edward Rutledge Timber Co.: office payroll, 1926-1932 (082); purchase and sales index "P", 1903-1939 (083); tax record, 1917-1926 (170), 1927-1946 (124); land record, 1931 (200); land contracts, 1921-1934 (412); timber record "A", 1905-1918 (473); expense ledger, 1957-1958 (450)
  • Elizabeth Plant: accounts receivable ledger, 1957-1958 (437), 1959-1960 (406), (Mulen sales) 1959 (407); cash receipts and disbursements, 1959-1960 (440); general ledger, 1960 (410); journal, 1957-1958 (481); sales register, 1957-1958 (404); voucher register, 1958 (405), Jan.-May 1959 (475), June-Dec. 1959, 1960 (442)
  • Forest Development Co.: [journal?], 1932-1936 (321), 1937-1941 (322); lands and timber, 1940s (255); voucher register, 1932-1945 (137); land and lot contracts, 1927-1943 (456); lands and timber transferred to, 1932-1940 (254); lands for sale, 1944 (212)
  • Hayle Paper Co.: sales journal, etc, 1962-1965 (159)
  • Idaho Timber Co.: balance book, 1963-1971 (157); transfer book, 1963-1969 (147, 424); log journal, 1964-1972 (283)
  • Inland Improvement Co.: record (agreement for incorporation, certificate of incorporation, subscription to capital stock, by-laws, waiver of notice of first meeting of stockholders, minutes, etc, 1907-1932 (487); ledger, 1906 (496); journal, 1907-1931 (488)
  • Milwaukee Land Co.: Secretary's Office. Tract Index Deeds, etc. Idaho, Montana, 1906-1963 (472)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: cash journal, Aug. 1931-Apr. 1936 (052); May 1936-Apr. 1939 (053); May 1939-Sep. 1941 (072); Oct. 1941-Sep. 1943 (070); Sep. 1943-Sep. 1945 (068); Sep. 1945-Feb. 1948 (069); Mar. 1948-July 1950 (065); Aug. 1950-Oct. 1952 (066); Nov. 1952-Dec. 1956 (067)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: check register, Apr. 1940-Oct.1941 (054); Dec.1941-July 1943 (055); July 1943-Apr. 1945 (056); May 1945-Jan. 1947 (057); Feb. 1947-Sep. 1948 (058); Oct. 1948-Feb. 1950 (059); Feb. 1950-Apr. 1951 (060); May 1951-May 1952 (061); June 1952-May 1953 (062); June 1953-Apr. 1954 (063), dividend check register, 1947-1958 (038)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc. - [Clearwater Unit?]: inventory A-C, 1931 (116), [scale report, log production?], 1932-1934 (098), 1935 (107), 1936 (104), 1937 (122), 1938 (101), 1939 (095), 1939-1940 (106), 1940 (096), 1941 (099, 112), 1942 (111), 1943 (115), 1944 (114), 1945-1946 (109), 1947 (097), 1948 (100), 1949 (113), 1950 (271), 1951 (105), 1952 (108), 1954 (344), 1955 (268), 1956 (252, 334), 1957 (244, 357); labor saving, trial balance, 1928-1933 (294, 295, 296)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: expense ledger, Jul. 1958 (373), Aug. 1958 (387), Sep. 1958 (381), Oct. 1958 (376), Nov. 1958 (388), Dec. 1958 (375), 1962 (365), Nov. 1962 (367), Dec. 1962 (366, 370, 371)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: general ledger, 1935-1941 (430), 1954 (360), 1955 (362), 1956 (272, 350, 351, 378), 1957 (348, 380), 1958 (382, 379, 361, 386), 1959 (411), 1960 (352, 383), 1961 (349, 353), 1962 (353, 248, 374, 369, 372, 399)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: journal, July 1931-Feb. 1934 (044), Mar. 1934-July 1936 (071), Aug. 1936-Apr. 1939 (045), May 1939-Feb. 1942 (046), Mar. 1942-May 1945 (047), June 1945-Oct. 1948 (048), Nov. 1948-Oct. 1951 (049), Nov. 1951-July 1954 (050), Jun. 1931-Sep. 1932 (434), Aug. 1954- Dec. 1955 (144), 1956 (145), 1957 (166), 1958 (346)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: paper test report, 1931 (190), 1954 (189), Dec. 1955 (192), Dec. 1956 (193), 1957 (197), Jan. 1957 (196), Dec. 1957 (195)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: sales register, 1910-1916 (240), 1916-1934 (448), 1945 (023), 1948 (024), 1949 (025), 1952-1957 (010), (pulp and paper) 1951-1958 (039, 027), 1960-1962 (263), 1965 (435), (Mahogany Importing Div.) 1971-1972 (285); transfer binder land contracts, 1932-1954 (207)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: voucher register, 1931-1932 (032), Jan. 1933-Feb. 1934 (015), Mar. 1934-May 1935 (085), June 1935-June 1936 (086), July 1936-May 1937 (087), June 1937-May 1938 (088), June 1938-May 1939 (089), June 1939-Mar. 1940 (090), 1953 (003), 1954 (007, 123), 1961 (345)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: woods payroll, 1954-1955 (465); 1955 (001); 1956 (013); 1957 (012); 1958 (005); 1959 (014); 1960 (011); 1961 (002); 1962 (004); 1963 (008); 1964 (006)
  • Potlatch Forests, Inc.: accounts payable, 1961 (356); yard equipment, personal property, river and boom equipment, 1926-1952 (444); inventories, 1954 (191), 1955 (188); timber contract register, 1958-1969 (504), 1966-1974 (503); woods distribution, 1956 (167); property ledger, 1939-1947 (270); Bovill woods, log scale, 1959-1962 (273, 287); Idaho Road System, 1963 (215, 216); log scale summary (TF Mills), 1957-1960 (291); land and lot contracts, 1925-1949 (449); land examination report, cutting book, 1950-1965 (210)
  • Potlatch Lumber Co.: record book, 1903 (497), 1904-1907 (498), 1907-1916 (499), 1916-1929 (500), 1929-1947 (501); dividend record, 1911-1927 (019), 1928-1947 (084); record of standing timber, 1916-? (125), 1931-1932 (169), 1935 (171); instrument record, 1915-1925 (080); Kootenai. Benewah and Shoshone Counties, undated (461); Latah, 1903-1930 (447, 462); Nez Perce, 1909-1931 (446); scrapbook land and timber transfers,1904, 1960s (401)
  • Red Collar Line, Inc.: bank reconcilements, 1959-1960 (441), interline account, 1954-1960 (508); Collar Line: Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe transportation, operating ledger, 1955-1960 (428)
  • Sanitary Paper Mills, Inc.: stock transfer journal, undated (146)(
  • St. Joe Boom Co.: journal, 1931-1946 (020); general ledger, 1940-1980 (509)
  • St. Louis plant: sales register, 1959-1960 (021); general ledger, 1958-1959 (408); cash ledger, 1960 (409); voucher register, 1960 (438); accounts receivable ledger, 1958(439); accounts payable and general ledger, 1959-1960 (154); (paper cups), cash book, 1958-1960 (474); (cups), 1960 (031)
  • Twin Feathers Mills, Inc.: land and timber purchase record, 1947-1951 (202); general ledger, 1948-1953 (336)
  • Weyerhaeuser Pole Co.: cash, 1935-Feb. 1941 (139), Mar. 1941-Feb. 1942 (140); voucher register, 1935-1939 (301); journal, 1935-1939 (320)
  • White Pine Lumber Co.: mill scale, Schmidt's and logs sold, 1936-1940 (413); logging, cut, purchased, etc, 1951-1959 (227), 1960-1961 (418); general ledger, 1931-1960 (156); insurance and medical service, machine, saw, and truck hire control, etc, 1957-1961 (164); cash journal, 1958-1961 (431); payroll journal, 1961 (035)
  • Wilson Rich Paper Co.: accounts, etc, 1965 (187)
  • Wood Briquettes, Inc.: cash journal, Jun. 1933-Dec. 1946 (138); Jan. 1947-Nov. 1957 (432); Dec. 1957-June 1970 (133); July 1970-Jan. 1975 (135)
  • Wood Briquettes, Inc.: journal, Jun. 1933-Dec. 1936 (327); 1937-1940 (324); 1941-1946 (328); 1947-1950 (323); 1951-1954 (326); 1955-Aug. 1961 (325); Sep. 1961-Dec. 1984 (117)
  • Wood Briquettes, Inc.: sales register, Jun. 1934-Dec. 1940 (307); 1941-1946 (312); Jan. 1947-Apr. 1950 (314); May 1950-Mar. 1953 (311); Apr. 1953-Mar. 1959 (302); Apr. 1959-Jan. 1963 (304); Feb. 1963-Sep. 1967 (308); Oct. 1967-Nov. 1973 (316); Dec. 1973-Dec. 1984 (309)
  • Wood Briquettes, Inc.: voucher register, June 1933-Aug. 1935 (126) Sep. 1935-Dec. 1939 (319), 1940-1944 (313), 1945-1948 (315), 1949-1954 (303), 1955-1963 (305), 1964-1975 (310)
  • Wood Briquettes, Inc.: general ledger, 1933-1955 (152), 1969-1980 (359); old sheets that are filled and accounts that are balanced, 1933-1942 (241)
  • [Wood Briquettes, Inc.?]: sales register, May 1965-Aug. 1966 (318); cash journal, 1965-1966 (317)
  • Unidentified: new cruises, 1953-1977 (173), 1954-1974 (176); old cruises, 1907-1915 (230), 1922-1937 (198), 1923-1945 (234), 1936-1947 (232), 1925-1944 (179), 1927-1953 (180); cutting records, 1925-1942 Clearwater (257), Potlatch (258); burn and cut areas, east, 1931-1963 (175, 178), west, 1944-1958 (181); cut over lands, 1907-1940 (217); [timber report?], 1954-1976 (199), 1948-1977 (204, 205, 206), 1964-1965 (231), 1926-1931 (213), undated (502); Clearwater County Idaho, timber cruise and land classification, 1914 (236, 237, 457); timber contract register, transfer book, 1940-1959 (245); timber estimates, 1921-1938 (337); timber examined, description of land, 1920s (476), 1962 (452); logging contractors, land and timber purchases, stumpage deposits, 1947-1970 (445); fire listings, 1949-1977 (211);[land examination?], (hay and grain) 1945-1967 (225), 1945-1956 (229), 1951-1960 (238), 1935-1947 (429), 1922-1934 (242), 1948-1978 (243), undated (259), 1946 (194, 209); lumber and miscellaneous operations, 1967-1971 (363); record of forest lien selections,1903-197 (454); land and lot contracts, 1942-1951 (451); [forest survey map], 1935 (400); scale report, 1966 (260); company owned timberland, 1948-1953 (228); appraised value, date sold, etc. Clearwater, Bonner, Benewah, Shoshone, Latah Counties, 1932-1936 (249); land use planning, 1946 (256); retail sales, 1938-1961 (470); commercial and non-commercial forests by ownerships, etc, 1948 (253); township plat, 1920s (203); woods separation notices, 1948 (341); East range Idaho, 1920s (464); depreciation adjustments under P.L. 539, 1920-1953 (480); [log journal?] 1963-1971 (280, 282); cruise Washington and Oregon, 1949-1977 (506)
  • Unidentified: work orders, 1950-1954 (246); Headquarters and Bovill work orders, Woods AFE's, 1955 (160); [accounts, general ledger?], 1925-1972 (155, 158, 262, 292, 293, 347, 354, 355, 377, 415, 422, 436, 455, 486, 493), June 1959-June 1961 (329), Sep. 1969-Jan. 1972 (364), Bilco, 1967 (414), Penn-Mar, 1961-1963 (290), Speedspace Corp., 1972 (286), accounts payable, 1937 (136); expense check register, Jan. 1967-July 1968 (279); check register, 1957-1958 (029), 1967-1968 (276), 1968-1971 (402), 1959-1964 (034); A/P checks and cash disb., 1965-1967 (184, 185, 186); retail sales journal, 1965-Sep. 1967 (130), Oct. 1967-Jan. 1970 (131), Feb. 1970-June 1971 (132); wholesale journal, Apr. 1966-Feb. 1968 (129), Mar. 1968-Nov. 1969 (134), Dec. 1969-June 1971 (127); Speedspace Corp., 1973-1978 (030, 051); lessee grazing, 1974-1984 (091-094); invoice register, 1965-1968 (277, 403); cash receipts, 1968 (278); invoice and charge register, 1935 (330); journal, undated (494)
  • Unidentified: voucher register, 1939-1944 (033); voucher purchase register, assets, liabilities, etc, 1975-1976 (420); interest payments on debentures journal, Oct. 1931-Oct. 1941 (079); sales register, 1967, 1968 (183, 028), local Sep. 1927-Sep. 1928 (300); salesmen's sales cards, 1965-1967 (421); cost journal, Sep. 1969-June 1971 (128); yearly cost data, 1935-1947 (417); cost ledger, 1948-1955 (022); payroll, 1958-1960 (040), Mar. 1965-June 1968 (275), 1984 (460), Industrial Accidents and Group Insurance, 1959-1971 (148), Potlatch Employees Community Benefit Fund, 1965-1969 (419), savings bond purchase record, 1966-1971 (425); miscellaneous personal, 1951-1973 (150); salary accounts, 1932-1940 (247); Premium Insurance, 1940-1950 (339), papers and cards (340); change of beneficiary, woods policy 2940, 1949-1950 (342); stamp box money account, 1971 (468); pulp and paper addition, labor and material, 1952 (168); [equipment record, asset?], 1918-1942 (333); asset record, 1958-1963 (426); assets, liabilities, surplus, income, members accounts, 1956-1964 (479); logging operations and equipment maintenance, 1968-1974 (214); highway tracts, 1920s (208); class and items of property: water transportation, manufacturing, general miscellaneous, townsite, 1907-1933 (332); property ledger posting reference, 1956 (458)
  • Miscellaneous: Headquarters, 1958-1962 (343, 338, 261, 251, 289); home office, Mar. 1965-Dec.1966 (306); record of credit or debt memos to home office (traffic, transit service), 1957-1971 (331); Louisville Plant fixed assets, 1942-1962 (335); National Council for Stream Improvement, 1955 (274); Veneer Plant Construction, undated (165); F. W. Horstkotte, construction account, June 1941-Oct. 1942 (141); CK Industries, property ledger, 1950-1954 (483); Auburn Component Center journal, 1965-1966 (495); Potlatch International (several folders), 1975-1976 (443); purchasing [De...?], 1940 (172); Traffic Service Co., Jan. 1957-Jan. 1971 (?); photo album (camps, plants, etc). Photos by J. F. Anderson of Lewiston, 1927 (269); scrapbook mining, 1957-1960 (226)
  • 404 Operations Manual, 1988 (507)
Shelved at pillars 1 and 3 (new addition area)
  • A Lufkin rule (2009.30.23)
  • Rutledge Sawmill brass whistle (2008.42.05)
  • Two Magazine Camera (2008.42.06-2008.42.07)
  • Two Photogrammetric Map Making (2008.42.08-2008.42.09)
  • Verifax Book Copying Unit (2008.42.10)
A painting by Kirkwood (2008.42.04)
On display in the Library, room 215

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