Linda Chism Collection on Cloyd and Audrey Artman, 1934-2010

Overview of the Collection

Chism, Linda
Linda Chism Collection on Cloyd and Audrey Artman
1934-2010 (inclusive)
.25 linear feet, (1 box plus digital files.)
Collection Number
Linda Chism collection of documents (reproductions) related to aviators Cloyd and Audrey Artman of Oroville, Washington.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Linda Chism collection of documents (reproductions) related to aviators Cloyd and Audrey Artman of Oroville, Washington. It includes photographs, maps, and newspaper and magazine articles. The items were received as digital files, which the repository printed to produce the physical collection.

Linda Chism collected the items in this collection (reproductions) circa 2008, from a variety of sources including archival repositories. The collection also includes Chism's inventory of the items.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Siblings Cloyd and Audrey Artman of Oroville, WA were both flyers of gliders in the early 20th century in Eastern Washington. Both started flying gliders in their teens, and Cloyd had a particularly remarkable flight in 1934, soaring for over 13 hours, an endurance record at the time. As a student at Washington State College, Cloyd helped organize the WSC Aero Club. On a demonstration flight for the club in 1937, his glider crashed and he was killed.

Source: "Cloyd Artman: Pioneer Glider Pilot of the Northwest (1913-1937), RC Sport Flyer (February 2010), 40-47.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright and other restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]; Linda Chism Collection on Cloyd and Audrey Artman (Cage 926); Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections; Washington State University Libraries; Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The arrangement of the physical items in this collection corresponds to Linda Chism's organizational scheme for the electronic files.

Processing Note

Cheryl Gunselman processed this collection in 2019.

Acquisition Information

Linda Chism donated the electronic files in this collection to the Washington State University Libraries in 2019 (MS.2019.06).