Bissett-Witherspoon Lincoln Collection: Ephemera, 1830-1958

Overview of the Collection

Bissett-Witherspoon Lincoln Collection: Ephemera
1830-1958 (inclusive)
9 containers., (5 linear feet of shelf space.)
Collection Number
Cage 174
Manuscripts, holograph and facsimile; magazine articles, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, programs, brochures, illustrations and other material by and about Abraham Lincoln and his times.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research use.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

This collection consists of miscellaneous ephemera, primarily printed material, about Abraham Lincoln. It is part of the larger Bissett-Witherspoon Collection. It includes a manuscript that was, until 2007, identified as an original Abraham Lincoln holograph manuscript (please see "Forgery" note below); a small amount of other manuscript material relating to Lincoln, his era, or Lincoln collecting; facsimiles of Lincoln materials; magazine articles; newspaper clippings; photographs and illustrations; programs; pamphlets; brochures and other items with a Lincoln theme; and several Lincoln bibliographies.

Forgery note (added November 6, 2008): In 2007, the manuscript "On Administration" was identified as a forgery, rather than an authentic Abraham Lincoln holograph document. The Director and Editor of The Papers of Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Daniell W. Stowell, confirmed this conclusion in a letter dated September 5, 2007 (this letter is now on file in the collection. See folder 8.1).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]. Cage 174, Guide to the Bissett-Witherspoon Collection of Abraham Lincoln Ephemera. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


This collection is arranged in nine series: Series 1, Manuscripts; Series 2, Magazine Articles; Series 3, Newspaper Clippings; Series 4, Illustrations; Series 5, Programs; Series 6, Pamphlets; Series 7, Miscellaneous; Series 8, Biographies and Bibliographies; and Series 9, Oversized materials.

Acquisition Information

Mrs. A. W. Witherspoon (Eda Mauseth Witherspoon) donated the Bissett Collection of Lincolniana, of which these materials are a part, to the Washington State University Libraries in 1941. Clark Prescott Bissett, former owner of the collection, subsequently donated more materials (books, periodicals, and printed ephemera), and these were added.

Processing Note

This portion of the Bissett-Witherspoon Lincoln Collection was arranged and described by Torchie Corey and Terry Abraham in April and May of 1974.

Separated Materials

The monographs in the Bissett-Witherspoon Collection were cataloged separately, and several items from the list below have been removed for separate cataloging: items 15-24, 27-28, 30-40, and 42-55.

Related Materials

Clark Prescott Bissett papers on Abraham Lincoln (Cage 782)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series 1: ManuscriptsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1
Forged Lincoln manuscript, "On Administration" (formerly identified as a Lincoln manuscript. Please see "Forgery" note for explanation)
1 2
Facsimiles of Lincoln's letters, speeches, notes and other papers
24 items.
1 3
University of Kentucky Library. Lincoln Facsimiles, no. 10 1/2-30. (incomplete)
10 items.
April, 1961-May, 1965
1 4
Todd, George B. Letter, to brother Harry S. Todd, giving an account of Lincoln's assassination.
April 15, 1865
1 4
Portrait of George B. Todd, view of the turret of USS Montauk, and Lincoln's funeral car.
1 4
Memo concerning the George B. Todd Letter and how it was photographed, signed by E. L. Bangs
1 5
Typescript addresses, copies of articles, poems and essays, including several prepared or compiled by Charles C. Boland, and a Lincoln Day address by Judge Malcolm Douglas, at Wenatchee
19 items.
February 12, 1926.
1 6
Bissett, Clark Prescott. Correspondence, notes and other papers concerning Lincoln collecting. Correspondents include: E. L. Bangs, Carl Sandburg, Henry B. Rankin, and Lord Charnwood
61 items.
1 7
Witherspoon, Archibald William. Correspondence of A. W. and Eda M. Witherspoon, the State College of Washington (E.O. Holland and C. R. Armstrong) and C. P. Bissett, Jr. concerning the acquisition of the Bissett Collection
66 items.
1 8
Abraham Lincoln Book Shop. Correspondence between the WSU Library and Ralph Newman, other collectors and dealers, re: the acquisition of Lincoln materials
102 items.
1 8.1
Added material: Letter from Daniel Stowell, and DVD with digital images (.tif format) of WSU Lincoln documents

Series 2: Magazine ArticlesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
Mechlin, Leila. "The Proposed Lincoln Memorial." The Century Magazine
Bartlett, Truman H. "The Physiognomy of Lincoln." [n.p.]
Piety, C. R. "A Song to the Sangamon." poem clipping
Johnson, Rem. A. "Ballade of Victory." poem clipping
Allen, Lyman Whitney. "Lincoln's Pew." poem clipping
Bangs, John Kendrick. "Lincoln's Birthday." poem clipping
Lincoln on Negro Suffrage. [n.p.]
Mathison, Minna. "Abraham Lincoln." [poem clipping]
Gard, Wayne. "Carl Sandburg Interprets Young Lincoln." The Literary Digest International Book Review
Moran, Frank E. "Colonel Rose's Tunnel at Libby Prison." [n.p.]
Wightman, Richard. "Lincoln 1809-1865." [poem clipping]
Zane, Charles S. "Lincoln As I Knew Him." Sunset, the Pacific Monthly
Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. "A Midnight Conference and other passages from the papers of Secretary Salmon P. Chase." [n.p.]
Atkinson, Eleanor. "Lincoln's Alma Mater." Harper's Monthly Magazine
"Centenary Tributes." p. 509; Huidekoper, Gen. H. S. "On Guard at White House." pp. 510-512; Montgomery, Benjamin F. "Lincoln's Richmond Visit." pp. 513-514; Dolman, Mahlon T. "With Lincoln Every Night." pp. 514-515; Proctor, Edna Dean. "The Grave of Lincoln." p. 516; Beck, W. H. "As Seen by Soldier Boys." p. 516; Ayers, Daniel W. "From an old Friend." pp. 517-519; Proctor, Edna Dean. "At a Lincoln Reception." p. 519; "Lincoln's Proposal." p. 520; Predigo, W. C. "A Battlefield Cane." p. 521; "Address at Gettysburg." p. 521; Taylor, Tom. "Tom Taylor's Tribute." p. 521; "Tributes to Lincoln." pp. 523-524. The Living Lincoln, [n.p.]
Gleason, Arthur H. "Lincoln." [n.p.]
Chapin, Katherine Garrison. "Nancy Hanks." [poem clipping]
Rutledge, Archibald. "A Southerner Views Lincoln." [n.p.]
Quinn, Hon. James H. "Lincoln, the Lawyer." Case and Comment [n.p.]
Two Recent Tributes to Lincoln. [McClure's Magazine] [n.p.]
Lambert, William H. "A Lincoln Correspondence Twenty-two letters of historical interest here published for the first time." The Century Magazine [n.p.]
Hay, John. "A Young Hero: Personal Reminiscences of Colonel E. E. Ellsworth." [n.p.]
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. "Chapters From a Life.
Crane, James L. "Grant As A Colonel. Conversations between Grant and his Chaplin. - Reminiscences and Anecdotes.
Miss Tarbell's Life of Lincoln. McClure's Magazine
An unpublished letter by Lincoln regarding his defeat by Douglas in 1858: [n.p.]
Ayres, Philip W. "Lincoln as a Neighbor." The American Review of Reviews, [n.p.]
Bullard, F. Lauriston. "The New England Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln." New England Magazine, [n.p.]
Teillard, Dorothy Lamon. "Lincoln in Myth and In Fact." The World's Work, [n.p.]
Kaine, John Langdon. "Lincoln as a Boy Knew Him." The Century Magazine, [n.p.]
Lincoln's Pledge. His secret promise to cooperate with McClellan to Save the Union if the Latter should be Elected. The Century Magazine, [n.p.]
Skinner, Otis. "The Last of John Wilkes Booth: the story of how Edwin Booth, in the dead of night, burned his brother's papers and costumes." The American Magazine, [n.p.]
McLean, Mrs. Eugene. "When the States Seceded." Harper's Monthly Magazine, [n.p.]
Van Rennselaer, M. G. "Saint-Gaudens's Lincoln." [n.p.]
Knapp, George L. "Lincoln." [n.p.]
Steell, Willis. "Mrs. Abraham Lincoln and Her Friends." Munsey's Magazine, [n.p.]
Woodrow Wilson's Tribute to the Spirit of Abraham Lincoln. [n.p.]
Synon, Mary. "The Bounty-Jumper." [n.p.]
Perry, James Raymond. "The Poetry of Lincoln." The North American Review. [n.p.]
Remensnyder, Junius B. "With Lincoln at Gettysburg." Hearst's Magazine, [n.p.]
Wiley, Alma Adams. "The Lincoln Memorial." [poem clipping]
Williams, Jesse Lynch. "The Guerin Decorations for the Lincoln Memorial; How they were done." [n.p.]
Berger, W. M. "Making a Great Statue; How French's Lincoln was put into marble." [n.p.]
Strunsky, Rose. "Abraham Lincoln's Social Ideals." The Century Magazine, [n.p.]
Payne, Frank O."Lincoln in Bronze." Munsey's Magazine, [n.p.]
Morgan, Arthur E. "New Light on Lincoln's Boyhood." [n.p.]
The Lincoln Farm Association. [n.p.]
The Speed Memorial to Abraham Lincoln. [n.p.]
Willsie, Honore. "Benefits Forgot." [n.p.]
Stanton, Robert Brewster. "Abraham Lincoln: Personal memories of the man." [n.p.]
Charles H. Spilman, 33°, Reveals Interesting Lincoln Story. Chicago Scottish Rite Magazine
Lemmon, George T. "The Feminine Element in Lincoln." The DeZineater
Nicolay, John G. & John Hay. "Abraham Lincoln: A History." [n.p.]
Der Sammler, Ein Blatt zur Unterhaltung and Belehrung. v. 34; Augsburger Abendzeitung Beilage. [Contains articles on Lincoln and Booth.]
The Assassination of Mr. Lincoln. The Economist
April 29, 1865
The Earliest Portrait of Lincoln. McCZure's Magazine
Tarbell, Ida M. ed. "Abraham Lincoln." [thirteen parts] McClure's Magazine
Nov. 1895-Nov. 1896
Calver, Dr. Thomas. "The Lincoln National Museum." Women's Home Companion
Roper, R. C. "The Religious Beliefs of Abraham Lincoln." The Open Court
February, 1903
Thompson, Seymour D. "Lincoln and Douglas: The Great Freeport Debate." American Law Review
March-April, 1905
Moores, Charles W. "The Career of a Country Lawyer." [two parts] American Law Review, Nov.-Dec.
Montgomery, Harry Earl. "Abraham Lincoln, The Lawyer." American Law Review
Powell, Lyman P. "Washington and Lincoln: A Comparative Study." The American Monthly Review of Reviews
[Abbott, Dr.] "The Agnosticism of Abraham Lincoln." The Outlook
Parker, George F. "The Possible Origin of a Lincoln Phrase." The American Monthly Review of Reviews
Markham, Edwin. "Lincoln, The Man of the People." [poem clipping]
Strunsky, Rose. "Abraham Lincoln's Social Ideals." The Century Magazine
Orr, Lyndon. "The Courtships of Abraham Lincoln." Munsey's Magazine
Tarbell, Ida M. "The Story of Lincoln's Nomination in 1860. Based on the personal reminiscences of the men who were most instrumental in securing the nomination." [n.p.]
Tarbell, Ida M. "The Later Life of Lincoln. Embracing unpublished letters and reminiscences, and other new documents and material, relating to Lincoln's personal life during the war." [n.p.]
Tarbell, Ida M. "Lincoln's Method of Dealing with Men." [n.p.]
Atkinson, Eleanor. "Lincoln's Boyhood: reminiscences of his cousin and play-mate, Dennis Hanks." [n.p.]
Tarbell, Ida M. "He Knew Lincoln." The American Magazine, 63
Feb. 1907
In the Interpreter's House. A Talk about Lincoln. The American Magazine, [n.p.]
Tarbell, Ida M. "Father Abraham, Another 'He Knew Lincoln' Story." The American Magazine, 67
Feb. 1909
Lehmann, Frederick W. "Abraham Lincoln." The Mirror
Feb. 1908
Laughlin, Clara E. "Lincoln and Booth: A chronicle of their last days." Hampton's Magazine,
Feb. 1909
Shaw, E. R. "The Assassination of Lincoln: The hitherto unpublished account of an eye-witness." [n.p.]
Laughlin, Clara E. "Our American Cousin." [n.p.]
Allen, James Sidney. "Abraham Lincoln in 1848." [n.p.]
Kaiser, P. H. "Lincoln at Fort Stevens." [n.p.]
Williams, George H. "Abraham Lincoln: Reminiscences of the martyr President by one who knew him personally, and who was associated with him in public life." The Pacific Monthly
Chapple, Joe Mitchell. "Affairs at Washington." National Magazine, 29
Feb. 1909
Gilder, Richard Watson. "Lincoln the Leader." The Century Magazine, 77
Feb. 1909
Taylor, Hannis. "The Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Their Application to Present Problems." North American Review, 189
Feb. 1909
Dole, Nathan Haskell. "Banner Memories." The North American Review, 189
Feb. 1909
Lincoln and Darwin, Emancipators. Appleton's Magazine, 13
Feb. 1909
Dodge, Grenville M. "What I Saw of Lincoln." Appleton's Magazine, 13
Feb. 1909
Watterson, Henry. "Abraham Lincoln." Cosmopolitan Magazine, 46
Mar. 1909
Brownlow, W. P. "Defense and Vindication of Andrew Johnson." The Taylor-Trotwood Magazine
Tarbell, Ida M. "Father Abraham. Another 'He Knew Lincoln' Story." The American Magazine, 67
Feb. 1909
Gerry, Margarita Spalding. "Lincoln and the Boy Regiment." Hampton's Magazine, 22
May 1909
Creelman, James. "Why we love Lincoln." [n.p.]
Grant's Appointment as Lieutenant General. [n.p.]
Gerry, Margaria Spalding. "Lincoln and the Boy Regiment." Hampton's Magazine, 22
May 1909
Barnes, John S. "With Lincoln from Washington To Richmond in 1865." Appleton's Magazine, 9
May, 1907
Ferris, George T. "Lincoln's 'Must'." The Columbian Magazine, 3
Feb. 1911
Dwyer, James Francis. "The Bust of Lincoln." The February American, 73
Feb. 1912
Nicolay, Helen. "Characteristic Anecdotes of Lincoln." The Century Magazine
Forgotten Lincoln Caricatures. The Literary Digest
Thayer, William Roscoe, ed. "Lincoln and Some Union Generals from the unpublished diaries of John Hay." Harper's Monthly Magazine
Dec. 1914
Thayer, William Roscoe, ed. "With Lincoln at the White House." Harper's Magazine, 130
Jan. 1915
Abraham Lincoln in Contemporary Caricature. Record of Current Events
Lee, James Melvin. "Lincoln as Vanity Fair Saw Him." [n.p.]
Remensnyder, Junius B. "With Lincoln at Gettysburg." [n.p.]
Gilder, Richard Watson. "Lincoln the Leader." The Century Magazine, 77
Feb. 1909
Lambert, William H. "A Lincoln Correspondence, twenty-two letters of historical interest here published for the first time." The Century Magazine, [n.p.]
Milice, Charles. "Abraham Lincoln." The Index
Feb. 13, 1915
National Magazine, 43
Feb. 1916
Clark, Herma N. "When Local 'Lights' Outshone Lincoln." The Continent
Feb. 3, 1916
I Saw Lincoln One Day When - The Continent
Feb. 3, 1916
H. 0'H. "Lincoln in Life and in Caricature." Pearson's Magazine
April, 1917
Starrett, Vincent. "Lincolniana." Reedy's Mirror
Feb. 8, 1918
Wiley, Franklin B. "Lincoln - The First American." The Ladies' Home Journal,
Feb. 1920
Pence, L. S. "Life Sketches of Rev. Jesse Head, Who Married President Lincoln's Parents." [n.p.]
Eggers, George William. "Chicago as an Art Center." Art and Archaeology, 12
Sept.-Oct., 1921
Taft, Lorado. "The Monuments of Chicago." Art and Archaeology, 12
Sept.- Oct. 1921
Lincoln Folder Campaign Begun by H. B. Rankin. Illinois State Journal
Jan. 29, 1922
Stoddard, William 0., Jr. "How Lincoln Came to School No. 300." The Atlantic Monthly,
Feb. 1922
Barton, William E. "Lincoln, the Young Rail-Splitter." Association Men,
Feb. 1922
Abraham Lincoln and the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific Magazine,
Feb. 1922
Oursler, J. M. "A. Lincoln." The Union Pacific Magazine,
Feb. 1922
Hodges, Leigh Mitchell. "The Tail of the Army Calls on Lincoln." The Outlook
Feb. 15, 1922
Remensnyder, Junius B. "Lincoln at Gettysburg." McClure's Magazine,
Mar. 1922
Lockley, Fred. "The Birth of Lincoln as told by the grandson of Nancy Lincoln's Nurse." McClure's Magazine,
Feb. 1923
Lincoln's Mother, how American Historians regard Nancy Hanks. McClure's Magazine,
Feb. 1923
Booth, John Wilkes II. "The Secret of My Life." True Confessions,
Feb. 1923
Rankin, Henry B. "Was Lincoln Capable and Sincere?" Illinois State Journal
Feb. 11, 1923
How Lincoln Heard News of Nomination in Journal Office Told in Magazine. Illinois State Journal
Feb. 26, 1923
Mencken, H. L. "The Style of Lincoln." The Nation
May 16, 1923
Ferguson, William J. "I Saw Lincoln Shot!" The American Magazine
Aug. 1920
Crowell, Merle. "Ferguson - Who Saw the Greatest Murder in Modern History." The American Magazine
Aug. 1920
Kuper, Theodore F. "Abraham Lincoln, Attorney-At-Law." Columbia,
Feb. 1924
The Romantic Life of Abraham Lincoln. Photoplay,
Mar. 1924
Why Abraham Lincoln was Melancholy. Good Health, 59
May, 1924
Carter, Mary D. "Abraham Lincoln, A Supporter of John Brown." The Libertarian
October, 1924
Stoddard, William 0. "A Journalist Sees Lincoln." The Atlantic Monthly,
Feb. 1925
Lincoln, Abraham. "The Bear Hunt; An original Ballad never before printed." The Atlantic Monthly
Feb. 1925
Hertz, Emanuel. "Abraham Lincoln - The Seer." The Jewish Forum,
Feb. 1925
Hertz, Emanuel. "Abraham Lincoln - Seer. Some Biblical and Hebraic Traits of the Great Emancipator." The American Hebrew
Feb. 6, 1925
The Dearborn Independent
[several articles.]
Feb. 7, 1925
Smoot, Hon. Reed. "Abraham Lincoln." Congressional Record
Feb. 12, 1925
Black, F. L. "How Lincoln Met Death." The Dearborn Independent
Mar. 28, 1925
Black, F. L. "The Flight of Lincoln's Assassins." The Dearborn Independent
April 4, 1925
Hamilton, J. B. De Roulhac. "The Many-Sired Lincoln." The American Mercury
June, 1925
Sandburg, Carl. "The Unfathomed Lincoln. Lincoln's Early Days in Congress and how Mary Todd influenced his career." Pictorial Review,
Feb. 1926
Hertz, Emanuel. "Abraham Lincoln - Prophet-Militant." The Jewish Tribune
Feb. 13, 1925
DePunk, John V. "Lincoln Applesauce." Columns
Feb. 1926
Lincoln Depended on the Telegraph. The News Sheet,
Feb. 1926
Townsend, William H. "Lincoln on the Circuit." American Bar Association Journal,
Feb. 1926
The Dearborn Independent
[several articles]
Feb. 6, 1926.
Rankin, Henry B. "Lincoln's Law Office." [n.p.]
Feb. 1926
Hammond, John Hays. "Lincoln Memorial University at Cumberland Gap Educates the Sturdy Mountain People from Whom Abraham Lincoln Sprang." [n.p.]
Feb. 21, 1926
Hertz, Emanuel. "Abraham Lincoln - The Seer." The Libertarian News, ll
Mar. 1926
Barton, William E. "The Town That Lincoln Put on the Map." The Dearborn Independent
May 8, 1926
Maxey, Ed. E. "The Effect of Impaired Vision on Lincoln's Personal Habits." Northwest Medicine
June, 1926
Fox, Edward J. "The Influence of the Law in the Life of Abraham Lincoln." Case and Comment, 33
Jan-Mar., 1927
Barton, William E. "Washington or Lincoln - Which was greater? Lincoln, says Dr. William E. Barton." Liberty
Feb. 12, 1927
Sanford, Albert B. " A New & True Story of Lincoln." Municipal Facts
Jan.-Feb. 1927
Lord Shaw of Dunfermline. "Lincoln as a Lawyer." Forum,
Feb. 1927
Blakeslee, F. D. "The Boy Who Wore Lincoln's Hat." Zion's Herald
Feb. 2, 1927
Borah, William E. "Lincoln on Nullification." Zion's Herald
Feb. 2, 1927
Sandburg, Carl. "Lincoln Writes Home." Colliers
Feb. 11, 1928
Briggs, Morris H. "Lincoln Literature: Its Nature and Extent." The Publisher's Weekly
Feb. 25, 1928
Abraham Lincoln. Agenda,
Feb. 1928
Minor, Wilma Frances. "The Discovery, A new storehouse of Lincoln material: Lincoln the Lover." The Atlantic Monthly Dec. 1928. pp. 834-856; Jan. 1929, pp. 1-14; Feb. 1929. pp. 215-225
Dec. 1928- Feb. 1929
Green, William. "Lincoln's Analysis of the Relative Importance of the Producing Factors in Industry." The American Teacher,
Mar. 1929
Angle, Paul M. "The Minor Collection: A Criticism." The Atlantic Monthly
April, 1929
Tarbell, Ida M. "Lincoln's First Love." Collier's
Feb. 8, 1930
How the Federal Government Taught Secession. Tyler's Quarterly Historical,
Oct. 1930
After Sixty Five Years. Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 12
Oct. 1930
The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly
[several articles]
Sept. 1943
Gray, Ralph. "Vacation Tour Through Lincoln Land." The National Geographic Magazine, 101
Feb. 1952
Michigan State University Friends of the Library News, 14
Fall, 1958

Series 3: Newspaper ClippingsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
4 13
122 items.
4 14
42 items.
4 15
16 items.
4 16
28 items.

Series 4: IllustrationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
5 17
10 items.
5 18
Lincoln Family
11 items.
5 19
Lincoln statues
7 items.
5 20
Lincoln locations
8 items.

Series 5: ProgramsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
5 22
35 items.

Series 6: PamphletsReturn to Top

* Please note: items 15-24, 27-28, 30-40, and 42-55 have been removed for separate cataloging.

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
Matthews, Robert Orville. Lincoln Memorial University. Harrogate, Tennessee
Abraham Lincoln, The little library of biography. London, The Religious Tract Society
The Lincoln Centennial Association. Its Objects. Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln Public School Bible Plan. Los Angeles, The Lincoln Government League
Words of Abraham Lincoln. Evanston, National W.C.T.U. Publishing House
Warren, Louis A. Addresses on Abraham Lincoln, Fort Wayne, The Lincoln National Life Foundation
Morgan, Joy Elmer. Selections from Abraham Lincoln. Washington, D.C., The National Education Association
Illinois. The Home of Abraham Lincoln. [Springfield]
Illinois. Dept. of Public Works & Buildings. The Abraham Lincoln Home. [Springfield]
Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Buildings. New Salem State Park. Springfield
Illinois. Dept. of Public Works and Buildings. The Lincoln Tomb. Springfield
Illinois. The Lincoln Country New Salem State Park. Springfield
The Lincoln National Life Foundation. Fort Wayne, The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company.
Ney, Marshall. Welcome our Gallant 69th. New York. H. Demarsan, Publisher
Lieber, Francis. Nationalism. A Fragment of Political Science. New York, Fisher & Field
A Kentuckian. Power and Policy of Exclusion. [n.p.]
Horace Greeley Unmasked. New York, Issued for Republican Campaign Clubs
The Constitutional Amendment. [n.p.]
One Hundred Reasons why every man who loves good government, human rights, economy, honesty, progress, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, liberty, equality and fraternity, should vote for the re-election of President Grant. [n.p.]
Democratic Falsehoods Exposed. Facts for the People. Washington, D.C. Gibson Brothers.
The Russian Contracts. Washington, D.C. McGill & Witherow.
A Vindication of Republican Statesmanship, Fidelity, and Economy. [n.p.]
Free Negroism. [n.p.]
The National Thanksgiving Day. [n.p.]
Bradbury, William B. "Hold on Abraham! Uncle Sam's Boys are Coming Right Along." Song brochure, words only. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co.
Speeches of Lincoln. Girard, Kansas, Appeal Publ. Co.
A Few Facts Respecting the American Colonization Society and the Colony at Liberia. Washington, D. C., The American Colonization Society
Answer of the Whig Members of the Legislature of Massachusetts, constituting A Majority of both branches, to the Address of His Excellency Marcus Morton, delivered in the convention of the two houses, January 22, 1840. Boston, Perkins & Marvin
Letter of Ex-President Van Buren. Philadelphia, William Rice, Printer
Crittenden, John J. The Union, The Constitution, and the Laws. Washington, D. C., National Union Executive Committee
Speech of President Buchanan. Washington City, National Democratic Executive Committee
Fischel, Eduard. Palmerston Unmasked. London, Robert Hardwicke.
Letters of the Hon. Joseph HoZt, the Hon. Edward Everett, and Commodore Charles Stewart, on the Present Crisis. Philadelphia, William S. & Alfred Martien
Disunion and its Results to the South. Washington, D. C. H. Polkinhorn
Owen, Robert Dale. The Future of the North-West: in connection with the Scheme of Reconstruction Without New England. [n.p.] Crisiy & Markley
Addresses of Rev. Drs. Wm. Hague and E. N. Kirk, at the annual meeting of the Educational Commission for Freedmen, at the Old South Church, Boston, David Clapp
Our National Constitution: Its Adaptation to a State of War or Insurrection. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, Son & Co.
Lord, C. E. The Irrepressible Conflict: A Sermon for the Times. Boston, John Wilson and Son
Dodge, W. C. Breech-Loaders versus Muzzle-Loaders: or, How to Strengthen our Army and Crush the Rebellion, with a Saving of life and Treasure. Washington, D.C., W.C. Dodge
A Few Thoughts on Senator Sherman's Funding Bill. [n.p.]
Impeachment of the President. Washington, Government Printing Office.
[several speeches]
Reavis, L. U. Facts and Arguments in favor of the Removal of the National Capital to the Mississippi Valley. St. Louis, E. P. Gray
The Resumption of Specie Payments, and the Funding of the Public Debt. New York, Lange, Hillman & Lange
Motley, John Lothrop. Historic Progress and American Democracy. New York, Charles Scribner and Co.
Speech of Hon. James Hughes. Indianapolis, Sentinel Printing and Binding Establishment
The National Finance. Washington, Democratic Resident Executive Committee
The Greeley Record. Washington, D.C., Union Republican Congressional Executive Committee
The Presidential Campaign. Speech of Governor Jewell of Connecticut, delivered at Cooper Institute. Hartford, Case, Lockwood & Brainard
Speech of Sir John A. Macdonald on ...Treaty of Washington as regards Canada. [n.p.]
Speech of Roscoe Conkling of New York. New York, [n.p.]
Conkling, Roscoe. The Presidential Battle of 1872. Utica, Roberts
Speech of Hon. Matt. H. Carpenter on the Back Pay Bill. Milwaukee, J. H. Yewdate & Sons
Bannan, Benj. Our National Currency; How to Improve it. [n.p.]
The Southern Question. Washington, D.C., [n.p.,]
Lincoln Memorial Commission Report. Washington, Committee on the Library
Abraham Lincoln. [n.p.]
Lucky Abe Lincoln. Chicago American
A Call to a New Crusade. Seattle, Lincoln Foundation
Seventy Years of Service. 1852-1922. Rock Island Magazine
A Calendar for Americans for the year 1925. Boston, Unite Shoe Machinery Corp.
Indiana History Bulletin. Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Commission
January, 1925
Lincoln Memorial University. [n.p.]
Warren, Louis A. Abraham Lincoln: A Concise Biography. Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.
Warren, Louis A. Little Known Lincoln Humor. Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.
Warren, Louis A. Little Known Lincoln Episodes, Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
Warren, Louis A. Little Known Facts About the Gettysburg Address. Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
New Salem Village. Petersburg, The Petersburg Observer Co.
Lincoln's Springfield. Springfield, The Abraham Lincoln Association
Illinois. Sec. of State. Guide to Illinois State Buildings
King, Bess, ed. The Tomb of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Lincoln Souvenir & Gift Shop
:..The finest network program on the air. New York, The Mutual Broadcasting System
Barton, Fred B. Robert S. Barton Memorial. Boston, The Lincoln Group of Boston
Pratt, Harry E. Lincoln's Springfield. [n.p.] State of Illinois
Pratt, Harry E. Abraham Lincoln Chronology 1809-1865. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Library
Pratt, Harry E. Lincoln's Inner Circle. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Society
Bernard, Kenneth A. Lincoln and the Music of the Civil War 1862. Boston, Boston University
Harkness, David J. Lincoln and the Land-Grant Idea. University of Tennessee
February 1962

Series 7: MiscellaneousReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
6 26
Book announcements and jackets, letterheads, stamps, and printing block for Witherspoon book-plate.
13 items.

Series 8: Biographies and BibliographiesReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
Lincolniana from the Home of Lincoln. Springfield, McDonald Art and Book Store
Townsend, William H. Lincoln the Litigant. New York, Houghton Mifflin CO.
Tarbell, Ida M. Abraham Lincoln the Man. New York, Lincoln History Society
Oldroyd, Osborn H. Abraham Lincoln. Washington, D.C., Oldroyd
Oldroyd, Osborn H. The Words of Lincoln. Assassination of Lincoln. The Poets' Lincoln. Washington, D. C., Oldroyd
Freeman, Edward A. A List of First Editions. San Francisco, John Howell
Battey, George Magruder, Jr. Abraham Lincoln in the Conspiracy Web. New York, Schulte's Book Store, Inc.
Lincolniana Subject Headings
Beginners Lincoln Book List. Fort Wayne, Lincolniana Publishers
Lincoln Bibliography (Supplement).
Bargain Book Sale. New York, Standard Book Company
The Book-Hunter. Boston, Calvin F. S. Thomas
Stewart, Judd. Want List Abraham Lincoln. Plainfield, N.J.
The Autograph Bulletin. New York, Thomas F. Madigan
Books and Authors. Maine Library Bulletin
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Second Inaugural. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.
Battey, George Magruder, Jr. Abraham Lincoln in the Conspiracy Web. New York, [n.p.]
Fifth Annual Lincoln Birthday List. Chicago, Morris H. Briggs
Lincolniana. Chicago, Morris H. Briggs
Lincolniana. Chicago, Morris H. Briggs
Lincolniana. Seattle, Clark P. Bissett Library
Raney, M. Llewellyn. The Lincoln Library. Chicago, [n.p.]
Lincoln Lore. Fort Wayne, Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. [several issues],
Angle, Paul M. The Lincoln Collection of the Illinois State Historical Library. Springfield, State of Illinois
Lincolniana. Chicago, The Home of Books, Inc.
State College of Washington Library Bibliography of Lincolniana items in the Library
Raney, M. Llewellyn. Famous Lincoln Collections. Chicago, University of Chicago
Angle, Paul M. Reference Work in the Rare-book room. Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Illinois Libraries
May and June, 1943
Pratt, Harry E. Lincolniana in the Illinois State Historical Library. Springfield, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
The Lincoln Group of Boston. Boston, Lincoln Group of Boston
Bissett-Witherspoon Collection of Lincolniana; Ephemera Container List

Series 9: Oversized materialsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
Photographs, signed documents, Wallpaper edition of the Vicksburg Daily Citizen (facsimile), prints and photos.