Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
John Lucian Savage papers, 1903-1961
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Savage, John Lucian
- Title
- John Lucian Savage papers
- Dates
1903-1961 (inclusive)Date of CollectionDate of Collection
- Quantity
- 9.60 cubic ft. (11 boxes)
- Collection Number
- 02852
- Summary
- Contains materials relating to Savage's career as a dam design engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation and other special projects.
- Repository
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
American Heritage Center
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3924
Laramie, WY
Telephone: 3077663756 - Access Restrictions
Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on the materials for research purposes, and the collection is open to the public.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- The creation of the EAD-version of this finding aid has been made possible through a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
John Lucian Savage, 1879-1967, was a dam design engineer, who worked for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, from the turn of the 19th century until his retirement, and then served as their chief consultant. In 1924 he was appointed chief design engineer. He supervised the design of more than 60 major dam projects including: the Hoover Dam, Grand Coulee Dam, Parker and Shasta Dams, some of the first dams of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the Columbia Basin Project in Washington State, projects in Mexico and Australia, and the Yangtze Gorge Dam in China in 1944.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The collection consists of correspondence (1943-1968), project reports, blueprints, charts, maps, and notebooks compiled for projects such as Kumano River, Tadami River, Shihmen, and Taiwan among others. Included are field guides and design data for Salmon River, American Falls, and Arrowrock Dams. Photographs of Bhakra Dam Project, Dead Sea, Jordan River, Miboro, Sakuma, TVA, Upper Yarra Dam in Australia and others are included. There are also numerous newspaper clippings and personal artifacts.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Copyright InformationThe researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
Preferred Citation
Preferred CitationItem Description, Box Number, Folder Number, Collection Name, Collection Number, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Related Materials
Related MaterialsThere is one other known archival collection created by John Lucian Savage located at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition InformationThis material was received from Olga M. Savage in 1968 with accretions from Warren McBirney in 1980-1982 and the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Office, 1980-1986.
Processing Note
Processing InformationThe collection was processed by Kathryn Brooks in February 2011.
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I. Domestic ProjectsReturn to Top
Contains notes, blueprints, reports, and research materials.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
2 | Binder - dam research |
1909-1921 |
2 | Binder - Design Data |
1914-1921 |
2 | Blueprints - El Vado Dam |
undated |
9 | Bureau of Reclamation Organization Charts |
1945 December 1 |
4 | Denver Office Standard Design |
1905-1923 |
2 | The Design and Manufacture of Lock Joint Reinforced Concrete
Pipe |
1919 |
2 | Embedding Turbine Scroll Cases: Bull Shoals Dam, Arkansas; Clark
Hill Project, Georgia |
1951 |
2 | Experimental Jetties - Camp Perry, Ohio |
1953 |
2 | Hydraulic Turbine Selection Computation Outline |
1946 June 6 |
2 | Industrial Water Supplied of the Tennessee Valley
Region |
1943 February |
2 | Intrusion - Prepakt literature |
1950-1955 |
2 | Kemano Penstock - Prepakt Progress Pictures |
undated |
2 | Minidoka Project, Idaho: Alternative Designs and
Estimates |
1924 February 1 |
11 | Partners in Progress: The Report of the International Development
Advisory Board |
1951 March |
7 | Photographs: Minidoka Dam |
1906 June |
4 | Photographs: people |
undated |
2 | Prepakt Bridge Piers: Northwest Miramichi River Bridge, New
Brunswick, Canada; Great Northern Railway, Whitmarsh,
Washington |
1951-1954 |
2 | Prepakt Concrete Sluiceway Plugs - Chief Joseph Dam
(2) |
1953 |
2 | Proposed Procedure for Prepakt Concrete in Mackinac Straits
Bridge Peers (2) |
1954 |
2 | Repair and Rehabilitation (2) |
1953-1954 |
2 | Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Fifth Annual and Final Project
Report |
1957 |
2 | Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Fourth Annual Report |
1956 |
Series II. International ProjectsReturn to Top
This series contains materials pertaining to Savage's work abroad, including research materials, reports, photos, scrapbooks, and related publications.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
6 | 1953 Annual Report - The Shihmen Reservoir Project |
1954 January |
7 | Bhakra Board of Consultants meeting (photo book) |
1952 October |
11 | Burrinjuck Dam Remedial Works |
1938 |
6 | Chu-Keng Hydroelectric Project Preliminary Report |
1953 May |
3 | Drawing for Preliminary Report on Ta-Tu-Ho and Ma-Pien-Ho
Projects, Upper Ming-Kiang and Kwan-Hsien Projects, Lung-Chi-Ho
Projects, and Tang-Lang-Chuan Projects |
1945 September |
6 | Electric Power in Taiwan To-day |
1952 August |
5 | Geological Report on Dam Site 3A on the Warragamba River with 8
Plans and Geological Report on Dam Site 3B, 3C, 3D, and 3E on the
Warragamba River with 5 Plans |
1946 |
5 | Geological Report on Proposed Dam Site on the Warragamba
River |
1945 |
1 | Informe de Labores de la Secretaria de Recursos
Hidraulicos |
1948 |
4 | Ingenieria Hidraulica en México, vol. I - nos. 2-3 |
1947 |
6 | Isawa Project |
undated |
6 | Kumano River Power Investigation for the Public Utilities
Commission of the Government of Japan |
1952 June |
6 | Kumano River Power Investigation for the Public Utilities
Commission of the Government of Japan |
1952 May |
4 | Manchuria (including Jehol) Principal Electric Power Facilities
as of July 1945 |
1946 March |
5 | Master Plan for Development of Irrigation and Hydroelectric Power
in the State of Israel, vols. I-II |
1955 December |
6 | Memorandum Regarding Design and Construction of Sakuma
Dam |
1952-1953 |
4 | Messungen, Beobachtungen und Versuche an Schweizerischen
Talsperren |
1919-1945 |
1 | Palestine: Chemical Analyses of Water from Rivers, Springs Wadis,
and Wells |
1948 |
4 | Photographs: Bhakra Dam |
undated |
4 | Photographs: Dead Sea and Jordan River |
undated |
4 | Photographs: Miboro Project |
1954 |
4 | Photographs: Sakuma Dam |
1956 |
4 | Photographs: Yangtze Project |
undated |
3 | Preliminary Report on Ta-Tu-Ho and Ma-Pien-Ho Projects, Upper
Ming-Kiang and Kwan-Hsien Projects, Lung-Chi-Ho Projects, and
Tang-Lang-Chuan Projects |
1945 September |
6 | "A Preliminary Study on Multi-Purpose Reservoirs for the Cho Shui
River" by W. H. Tang |
1953 March |
5 | Report of Remedial Measures for Burrinjuck Dam and other
Dams |
1946 October |
5 | Report of Remedial Measures for the Burrinjuck Dam
(2) |
1938 |
5 | Report on Program for the Development of Iran |
1947 |
1 | River Control in New Zealand and Victoria |
1941 |
10 | Scrapbook - clippings - from Shihmen Planning
Commission |
undated |
6 | Scrapbook - Sakuma Project |
1955 |
7 | Scrapbook (Japan?) |
undated |
6 | Shihmen and Wu-Sheh Projects |
1953-1955 |
6 | Ta-Chien Dam Project Preliminary Report |
1953 May |
6 | Ta-Chien Reservoir Project Definite Plan Report |
1959 October |
6 | Taiwan Power Company General Outline |
after 1951 |
5 | The Hirakud Dam Project |
1947 |
6 | Tung-Men Hydroelectric Project |
1953 May |
5 | Warragamba Dam: Stress Analysis by the Lattice Analogy
Method |
1945-1946 |
6 | Wu-Sheh Dam Project Preliminary Report |
1953 February |
6 | Wu-Sheh Project Final Report |
1953 July |
Series III. Printed MaterialsReturn to Top
Contains newspaper clippings, periodicals, and various publications.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
4 | Biographical |
1939 |
4 | Dams - British Columbia |
undated |
4 | Dams - Ceylon |
1947 |
4 | Dams - Hoover |
1930-1936 |
4 | Dams - Panama Canal |
undated |
4 | Dams - Upper Yarra (Australia) |
1941-1942 |
4 | Dams - Yangtze River |
1945-1946 |
4 | Dams- Bhakra (India) |
undated |
4 | Dams- Roxburgh Gorge (New Zealand) |
1941, 1949 |
1 | Hoover Dam Power and Water Contracts, Part 1, Bulletin
2 |
1950 |
4 | Miscellaneous |
1944-1949 |
3 | Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soil and
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, vols. I-VI |
1948 June |
4 | Reber Plan (San Francisco) |
1950 |
1 | Resources for Freedom, vols. I-V |
1952 June |
4 | Sydney Today |
undated |
1 | Symposium on the Chemistry of Cements - Stockholm
1938 |
1939 |
4 | Tennessee Valley Authority |
1934-1940 |
4 | The Engineers' Bulletin, The Illinois Technograph |
1934-1937 |
4 | The Reclamation Era |
1932-1936 |
1 | United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
Concrete Manual, Sixth Edition |
1955 |
Series IV. PersonalReturn to Top
Contains awards, scrapbooks, photos, correspondence, and notes.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
7 | Award - Department of the Interior Distinguished
Service |
1950 August 4 |
4 | Biographical information |
1928-1961 |
7 | Business cards (of Savage and associates) |
undated |
7 | Hazen-Williams hydraulic slide rule |
undated |
4 | Manuscripts |
1955-1963 |
7 | Medal - Boulder Dam |
undated |
7 | Medal - Henry C. Turner |
1946 |
7 | Medal - John Fritz |
1945 |
7 | Name pin |
undated |
1 | Notebook binders (4) |
1908-1911 |
4 | Photographs: Savage, J. L. |
1953-1954, undated |
8 | Plaque - The Washington Award for Notable Contributions to the
Public Welfare through Engineering and Science |
1949 |
4 | Professional correspondence |
1943-1956 |
7 | Regis College Civis Princeps Award |
1958 |
10 | Scrapbook - photos, certificates, awards |
1903-1955 |
9 | Sketchbook/scrapbook |
circa 1958-1961 |
7 | The Beavers Special Award for Outstanding Achievement in Heavy
Engineering Construction |
1961 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
Corporate Names
- Bhakra Nangal Project.
- Columbia Basin Project (U.S.)
- Tennessee Valley Authority. Water Resources.
- United States. Bureau of Reclamation.
Geographical Names
- Grand Coulee Dam (Wash.)
- Hoover Dam (Ariz. and Nev.)
- Parker Dam (Ariz. and Calif.)
- West (U.S.) -- History.
- Yangtze River Gorges (China)