Yuri Vermenich Collection on Jazz Ephemera, 1962-1987

Overview of the Collection

Vermenich, Yuri T., 1934-2016
Yuri Vermenich Collection on Jazz Ephemera
1962-1987 (inclusive)
1 cubic feet
Collection Number
The collection consists of fifteen signed photographs and nine letters from American jazz musicians, and seven books about jazz that were translated to Russian.
University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2350
Moscow, ID
Telephone: 2088850845
Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

English, Russian

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Yuri T. Vermenich was a Russian jazz historian and teacher, born in Voronezh on August 14, 1934. A radio engineer by profession, he graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1957. With no special musical education, he first made the acquaintance of jazz music after World War II in 1946 and grew interested in it. He was founder and president of the Voronezh Jazz Club (1966)that organized jazz festivals and concerts, a member of the Council of Russian Jazz Federation and of the Russian Union of Professional Writers, and a teacher at Voronezh City Musical College. He was a judge at many jazz festivals, authored several articles in Russian newspapers and abroad, and translated to Russian over 30 books about jazz, including Leonard Feather's The Book of Jazz. Vermenich died on December 14, 2016.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection consists of 15 signed photographs and 9 letters (box 1). The signatures on the photographs are by Pearl Bailey; Dave Brubeck, 1987; Skitch Henderson; Ted Heath; Elliot Lawrence; Billy Strayhorn; Andy Kirk, 1962; George Shearing; Gerry Mulligan; Red Norvo (2 photos); J. J. Johnson; Bob Wilber, 1975; Kai Winding (2 photos) and the letters are from Andy Kirk, 1962; Billy Strayhorn; Ted Heath, 1962; Skitch Henderson, 1962; Elliot Lawrence, 1963; Leonard Feather, 1963, 1964 (3 letters); Benny Goodman, 1962. It also includes seven books about jazz that he translated to Russian (boxes 1 and 2).

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Description of Item], Yuri Vermenich Collection on Jazz Ephemeras, IJC MG 11, Special Collections and Archives, University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho.

Restrictions on Use

Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives on permission for use.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Materials arranged in original order.

Acquisition Information

Donated by Yuri T. Vermenich in 2001.

Processing Note

Processed in 2013.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1

PhotographsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 2
The signatures on the photographs are by Pearl Bailey; Dave Brubeck, 1987; Skitch Henderson; Ted Heath; Elliot Lawrence; Billy Strayhorn; Andy Kirk, 1962; George Shearing; Gerry Mulligan; Red Norvo (2 photos); J. J. Johnson; Bob Wilber, 1975; Kai Winding (2 photos) and the letters are from Andy Kirk, 1962; Billy Strayhorn; Ted Heath, 1962; Skitch Henderson, 1962; Elliot Lawrence, 1963; Leonard Feather, 1963, 1964; Benny Goodman, 1962.

PublicationsReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 3
Russian Publications
Container(s) Description Dates
Box object
1 1
Little History of Jazz (Russian Translation)
Inside states in German: "Dr. Dietrich Schulz-Koehn, KLENINE GESCHICHTE DES JAZZ, Buecherei, "Bildung und Wissen" Bertelsmann Verlag, 1963, Printed in Germany." The rest of the book is in Russian.
1 2
Superstitions and Jazz Problems (Russian Translation)
Inside it states in Slovak: "Jan Rychlik, PVERY A PROBLEMY JAZZU, Statni nakladatelstvi, krasne literatury, hudby a umeni,Praha, 1959." The rest of the book is in Russian.
1 3
Hear Me Talkin' To Ya (Russian Translation)
Inside states in English: "Hear Me Talkin' To Ya, Edited by Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff, Rinehart & Co. Inc., New York, 1955. Penguin Books Ltd., 1962." The rest of the book is in Russian.
2 4
Composing For The Jazz Orchestra by William Russo (Russian Translation)
Inside states in English: "COMPOSING FOR THE JAZZ ORECHESTRA by William Russo, The Unviersity of Chicago Press, Chicago & London, 1961. Third impression, 1963." The rest of the book is in Russian.
2 5
Men and Problems of Jazz; Jazz: It's Evolution and Essence (Russian Translation)
This book contains the translation of two items. Inside it states in French: "Hommes et problemes du jazz" Au Portulan, chez Flammarion, Paris, 1954". It also states in English: "Jazz: its evolution and essence, Grove Press Books, Inc., New York, 1956. A Black Cat Book edition, 1961." The rest of the book is in Russian.
2 6
A History of Jazz in America by Barry Ulanov (Russian Translation)
Translated from English version.
2 7
Duke: A Portrait of Duke Ellington by Derek Jewell (Russian Translation)
Translated to Russian from English version.