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Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection, 1875-1975
Overview of the Collection
- Title
- Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection
- Dates
- 1875-1975 (inclusive)18751975
1915-1965 (bulk)19151965 - Quantity
- 2 cubic feet, including 1000 photographs, (13 boxes, including 4 oversize boxes, and 2 map folders)
- Collection Number
- P 002
- Summary
- The Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection consists of images of military education and cadets at Oregon State from various sources and time periods. Individual images include portraits and group shots of military cadets and officers, as well as reviews, formations, training, and instructional materials. Photographs are arranged chronologically by historical era. Courses in military science have been taught at Oregon State since the early 1870s.
- Repository
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Courses in Military Science and Tactics were first taught at Oregon State in 1872. In 1873 Captain Benjamin D. Boswell was appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics (1873-1876), the first U.S. Army officer on active duty to hold such a position in any land grant college in the West. The first cadet uniforms, worn at all times by male students, were gray with caps of the Civil War type. The more familiar blue uniforms were adopted in 1893.
ROTC at Oregon State University is made up of the Departments of Military Science, Naval Science, and Air Force Studies. In 1917, the Department of Military Sciences became responsible for all military training under the National Defense Act of 1916. The act expanded and standardized the training of Army Officers by colleges and universities and established the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). During World War II, OSU became known as the "West Point of the West" for commissioning more officers than any other non-military academy in the nation. At the end of World War II, the Secretary of the Navy commissioned the Department of Naval Science (ROTC) on this campus to provide the training of both Navy and Marine Corps officers. On July 1, 1949, the U.S. Air Force activated an AFROTC unit that is now called the Department of Air Force Studies. As of 1999, OSU is one of only 48 colleges and universities that offers education for all three military departments.
Originally, two years of military science and tactics were required of all able-bodied male students, but since 1962, ROTC has been voluntary. Since 1965, two-year programs have been available for students who have finished two years of college but have not taken ROTC previously.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection contains images of Oregon State military science and tactics cadets and officers from its beginning in 1873 through the 1960s. Many photographs are prints of images found in Oregon State publications such as the Beaver yearbook, Oregon Stater alumni magazine and the Barometer campus newspaper. The development of cadet uniforms and training can be seen throughout the collection. Images include views of campus buildings and locations during various eras. The collection contains prints and original negatives, glass negatives/positives (some hand colored), and instructional lantern slides of World War I vintage.
Subject matter features cadet formations on parade fields during military inspection day events, artillery, cavalry and engineering training scenes and casual snapshots. The collection includes a large group of glass negatives of early Oregon Agricultural College cadet corps circa 1870 through 1918. A glass lantern slide collection of instructional materials for Military Tactics courses includes images from World War One, with a focus on combat engineers. Numerous images of Ulysses Grant McAlexander are included in the collection. After WWI, the Oregon Agricultural College ROTC program expanded to include the new mechanized units developed in the Great War. Photographs from this period show the new cadet artillery batteries equipped with surplus US Army equipment. The annual inspection of cadets by dignitaries was a popular event during the college year and is well documented in the collection. Dignitaries that are depicted include Oregon Governors Charles Martin and Charles Sprague and Oregon State Presidents William Jasper Kerr, George Peavy, and A.L. Strand. The US Army ROTC Pershing Rifles are well represented with photographs of drill team competitions and awards during the 1960s. Stock U.S. Military photographs and college photographs from all eras are found in the series.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection (P 002), Oregon State University Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The Oregon State University Military Photographs Collection is arranged into five series by chronological era: I. Pre World War One, 1875-1917; II. World War One, 1916-1918; III. Inter-War Years, 1919-1939; IV. World War Two, 1940-1945; V. Cold War Years, 1946-1975. The series include subseries; photographs are arranged numerically within subseries and series.
Acquisition Information
The materials were acquired from a variety of donors from the 1960s through 1990s.
Related Materials
Photographs of military cadets and their activities are found in many collections. Harriet's Collection (P HC) has prints made from the glass negatives in P 002 and other original images. Various military records and photographs are found in the following collections: Ulysses Grant McAlexander Collection; Army ROTC Photographs (P 257), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Records (RG 058), Army Specialized Training Program Records (RG 059); Student Army Training Corps Records (RG 060); and Air Force ROTC Photographs (P 281).
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Series I: Pre World War One, 1875-1917Return to Top
Photographs of OAC Cadets dating from 1875 up to 1917. Uniforms and weapons in transition are indicated in series. Campus buildings in background are of special note. US Army training Staff in photographs. Series includes prints and glass negatives of photographs appearing in various OAC publications.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Pre WWI Glass Negatives
Sub-series contains glass negatives and positives of OAC Cadets and OAC Band during the period prior to U.S. entry into World War One. Many of the negatives have been reproduced in period publications. Copies of photographs from these negatives are found elsewhere in collection.
1900-1917 | ||
Box | |||
5 | P002:357: OAC Cadet Band in front of Education Hall 11X14 glass negative
Box 5, 11X14 glass negative
Military Band in front of Education Hall (then Agriculture Hall) in 1915. The OAC Cadet Band is shown with instruments wearing the brimmed caps and canvas puttees of the 1910-1917 period. Good detail of facade of Education Hall. Ball Studio Photo, copy write 1915 does not show up on this glass plate. Also of note is a man standing to the far left of photo, he is not seen in any other prints or negatives of this image (This image has been reprinted and in various sizes throughout many OSU photo collections)
Stored in Oversize Glass Negative Box #5
circa 1915 | |
5 | P002:358: Cadet formations on inspection day 11X14 glass negative
Box 5, 11X14 glass negative
Formation of a cadet companies in review. Possibly a photograph used in OAC publication such as Orange Yearbook or Oregon Stater. Uniforms are of the 1902-1908 pattern including canvas leggings and 1902 brimmed service caps. Of note is the elaborate corded lanyards as part of uniform, not found in other period scenes. Uniforms of this type were transitional between the old blue style and the change to WWI khaki.
Stored in Large Glass Negative Box #5
circa 1910 | |
5 | P002:359: Cadet formations with Education and Benton Hall in background 11X14 glass negative
Box 5, 11X14 glass negative
Military review day. Formation of cadets to the left of wide view photo is difficult to see detail. Automobile by cadets (possibly delivering dignitaries) is of circa 1915 vintage. Education Hall (Then Ag Hall) in background, Benton Hall is seen behind trees. Original Armory (Women's Gymnasium) is visible behind Education Hall. Group of spectators to the right of photograph indicates this event was probably the annual review of Cadet Corps by Military Department.
circa 1910 | |
5 | P002:360: Cadets forming "OAC" on parade field 11X14 glass negative
Box 5, 11X14 glass negative
Large glass negative of the much used "OAC formation of cadets". Used first in the 1910-1911 OAC Catalog, the photo also shows up in the 1910 Orange Yearbook. The uniforms and instruments of the OAC band are in excellent detail. Houses and streets are in clear focus, showing fence lines and outhouses.
circa 1910 | |
5 | P002:361: OAC basketball team "Oregon Champs" 1911 11X14 glass negative
Box 5, 11X14 glass negative
OAC Basketball team posed with seated coach. The team is holding a basketball with "Oregon Champs" written on it. A small child is standing with the coach wearing a uniform shirt with "O" on it.
circa 1911 | |
6 | P002:363: Cadets in formation by Agriculture Building 8X10 glass positive
Columns of OAC Cadet officers and companies on path adjacent to Agriculture building (now Strand Ag Building). Uniforms are Olive Drab tunics with canvas puttees and brimmed caps. Good detail of Ag building facade and housing in background.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:364: Cadets in prone position with rifles 8X10 glass positive
Line of cadets laying in prone position with rifles, cadet officers with sabres behind. Location on campus is listed as "mid campus", circa 1910. Uniforms are Pre WWI with the brimmed caps and canvas puttees. Olive drab tunics on all cadets. Rifles are Krag-Jorgensen .30 of Spanish American War vintage. It is unclear whether this is a staged photograph or actual firing practice.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:365: Cadet Formation 8X10 glass positive
Formation of cadets and officers on lower campus (mid campus?) looking east. Court house and Congregational Church in background. Olive Drab uniforms with brimmed caps and canvas puttees.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:366: Cadet company standing with rifles aimed 8X10 glass positive
Cadet Company in formation with rifles at shoulders aimed. Probably lower campus with large trees in background. Olive drab uniforms with brimmed caps and canvas puttees. Cadets have bayonet scabbards on their web belts. Rifles are the Spanish American War vintage Krag-Jorgenson bolt action .30 caliber.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:367: Cadets in prone position with rifles 8X10 glass positive
Similar view to P002:364, a formation of cadets in line with rifles ready. Prone position firing and kneeling spotters behind formation. Campus location is listed as lower campus on this photo. Good detail of houses in background. Period uniforms dates scene to circa 1910.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:371: Cadet Review lower campus 8X10 glass positive
Glass Positive, hand colored. Cadets in formation for review in parade field, lower campus. Agriculture Hall (Later Education Hall) in background. Benton Hall visible. A ditch with wood plank bridge is in foreground, found on other negatives in this series. Dating is after 1902 but before 1915 based on buildings and uniforms visible. Hand coloring is of note on this artifact.
circa 1905 | |
6 | P002:372: Spectators at Military Tournament, Cadet Officer viewing 8X10 glass positive
Group of spectators with cadet officer in foreground. Original description lists Dr. Kerr in group, which is possible, but unconfirmed. Good detail of period clothing of civilians. Cadet officer is wearing brimmed cap with leather puttees. The leather puttees were issued to cavalry officers primarily.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:373: Cadets demonstrating medic techniques 6.5X8.5 glass negative
Cadets demonstrating medical techniques, stretcher bearers, two man carry. Uniforms date photo to late 1880s to 1900. Standard forage caps are worn, blue uniforms with large chevrons and striped pants. Medical corps training was part of the Military curriculum during this period, with a dedicated medical unit training coming after the turn of the century. Building in background is undetermined, but style of stonework can be used for identification. Possibly could be the 1902 Agriculture Hall facade.
6 | P002:374:
OAC Cadet Band in front of Education Hall 1915
8X10 glass positive
Military Band in front of Education Hall (then Agriculture Hall) in 1915. The OAC Cadet Band is shown with instruments wearing the brimmed caps and canvas puttees of the 1910-1917 period. Good detail of facade of Education Hall. Ball Studio Photo, copy write 1915.
1915 | |
6 | P002:375: Cadets in formation for review, Ag Hall in background 8X10 glass positive
Same view as the hand colored P002.371. Closer view, still showing bridge over ditch. Cadets in formation for review in parade field, lower campus. Agriculture Hall (Later Education Hall) in background. Benton Hall visible. A ditch with wood plank bridge is in foreground, found on other negatives in this series. Dating is after 1902 but before 1915 based on buildings and uniforms visible.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:376: OAC Cadet squad with Company F flags 8X10 glass positive
Good detail shot of cadet uniforms of the pre-WWI olive drab period. Brim caps and canvas puttees. Photo shows Company F guidon flags. Cadet officers with sabres. Houses on Monroe(?) in background.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:377: Cadets drilling inside Armory 8X10 glass negative
Interior shot of armory, built in 1911. Uniforms of cadets indicate the circa 1915 period with brim caps. Good detail of structure in parade area of Armory.
circa 1915 | |
6 | P002:378: Cadet formations on lower campus by Benton Hall 8X10 glass negative
Broad panoramic view of lower campus parade field. Formations of cadets in distance with Benton Hall to the side. Difficult to date photo based on uniforms due to lack of detail. Benton Hall possibly still in original brick (before 1899 stucco refurbishment) but detail is small. Circa date of turn of the century to early 1910s based on buildings visible in scene.
circa 1905 | |
6 | P002:379: Cadet review, lower campus, Education Hall in background 8X10 glass negative
Military review day. Formation of cadets to the left of wide view photo is difficult to see detail. Automobile by cadets (possibly delivering dignitaries) is of circa 1915 vintage. Education Hall (Then Ag Hall) in background, Benton Hall is seen behind trees. Original Armory (Women's Gymnasium) is visible behind Education Hall. Group of spectators to the right of photograph indicates this event was probably the annual review of Cadet Corps by Military Department.
circa 1915 | |
6 | P002:380: OAC Cadet Band by Education Hall 8X10 glass negative
Detailed photograph of OAC Cadet Band, posed in two rows with instruments. Background of Education Hall is confirmed by arches and details. The OAC Cadet Band bass drum is posed to the right of group. The photo is not marked Ball Studio but is of the same vintage as others in collection. Early dating of the photo is based on brimmed caps and canvas puttees of uniforms.
circa 1912 | |
6 | P002:381: Cadet Company standing with rifles 8X10 glass negative
Negative version of P002:366. Cadet Company in formation with rifles at shoulders aimed. Probably lower campus with large trees in background. Olive drab uniforms with brimmed caps and canvas puttees. Cadets have bayonet scabbards on their web belts. Rifles are the Spanish American War vintage Krag-Jorgenson bolt action .30 caliber.
circa 1910 | |
6 | P002:382:
Studio group portrait OAC Cadet officers, circa 1900
8X10 glass negative
Negative version of P002:400. Posed photograph in front of backdrop of OAC Officer Cadets. Identification of subjects based on "Alumni Files", with dating of 1898-1902 and a received date of 1960. The uniforms are of the circa 1900 vintage, including high collars and older style campaign hats. The print version has identification of subjects written in pen on reverse has been edited in red pencil. "Standing 1- (Blank), 2- Dr. Berges, 3. John Edwards 1902 class, 4 - (Blank), Sitting: 1- Alfred Saunders (Jake), 2- Grant Elgin. Note written later: #3, Standing, also identified as Major Frank Edwards, Dec. 1914."
circa 1895 | |
6 | P002:383:
OAC cadets in box formation with rifles at ready
8X10 glass negative
Negative version of print in collection P002:383. OAC Cadet "Battalion" in box formation on parade field with rifles, dated May 1895. The caption on the most original of the prints states, "OAC Cadet Battalion - May 1895 Strut Column". The box formation shown can be dated back to Napoleonic Tactics (adaptation of ancient warfare formations). Still practiced in the late 19th to early 20th century infantry training. Uniforms are of the pattern 1892 sack coats with a variety of Forage Caps shown in the group. Most of the cadets are wearing the 1895 Forage cap, which was patterned after the contemporary caps worn by firemen and train conductors, and did not find favor with the troops. There are still a few cadets with the Civil War era looking Forage Cap pattern 1872. Rifles issued to the cadets were most probably the M1884 Rifle, .45 Caliber with the Buffington Rear Sight. Buildings in the background are notable, showing the carriage house and Mechanical Hall with the railroad spur (Corvallis and Eastern RR) still in place.
circa 1895 | |
7 | P002:384: Cadets with Band in formation by Benton Hall(Related to P002:177) 8X10 glass negative
Negative version of print P002:177. Good detail photograph of cadets in formation on lower campus by administration building. Photograph is described on reverse as being 1898, notes about admin building steps. Original brick facade of Benton Hall is visible before the 1899 stucco refurbishing. Listed as page 159A, unknown publication. Cadets are in dress uniforms, showing large stripes on sleeves. OAC cadet band leading formation.
circa 1895 | |
7 | P002:385: Cadet officers with sabres in line by Benton Hall 8X10 glass negative
Line of cadet officers at parade rest with sabres. Columns of Benton Hall in background, stucco wall finish dates photo to after 1899. The uniforms in photo are of the pre-1908 style with soft campaign hat designs. Belted tunics with unexposed buttons. Possibly on graduation day waiting for commissioning.
circa 1900 | |
7 | P002:386: OAC Cadets drilling on lower campus - rifles over heads 8X10 glass negative
Negative version of photo P002:386 (duplicate #) in series. OAC Cadets drilling on field on lower campus. Benton hall in background, water tank and smokestack of power plant (now Owens hall) behind. Good detail of Education Hall to the left of photo. Men are drilling with rifles held overhead, lead by Cadet officer with sabre.
circa 1910 | |
7 | P002:387: OAC Cadet officers posing in dress uniform 8X10 glass negative
OAC Cadet officers posing in rank with dress uniforms and sabres. Early 1900s uniform style with soft campaign hats and tunics with unexposed buttons. Cadets are possibly same group as P002:385. Photo is posed probably on lower campus by Benton Hall. Larger trees in background are visible in many period photographs of this area.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:388: Cadet corps in formation, east of old Armory 8X10 glass negative
Formation of OAC Cadets in dress uniforms (Inspection day?). Old Armory (Women's Gym) in background. Good detail of buildings. Uniforms are of the turn of the century style with covered buttons and soft campaign hats. Officers with sabres, cadets in company formation with rifles.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:389: Cadet formation next to Administration Building (Benton Hall) 8X10 glass negative
Cadet formation at attention for inspection, circa 1895. Uniforms include forage caps of civil war style, large chevron stripes on sleeves. Cadets have older style Springfield Armory rifles with fixed bayonets. Of significant note with this image is the detail of Administration Building (now Benton Hall). Excellent detail of old east steps, no hands on clock and roof details. Clock tower has wrought iron(?) details on peak, possible lightning rod is visible. Further study of the details is warranted.
circa 1895 | |
7 | P002:390: Cadet formations in review, lower campus, Jefferson Street buildings visible 8X10 glass negative
OAC Cadet companies on parade field during military review. Good detail of houses and churches on Jefferson Street in background. Uniforms are of the Pre WWI vintage with brimmed caps and puttees.
circa 1910 | |
7 | P002:392: Cadet formation on lower campus, Benton Hall in background 8X10 glass negative
Cadets in review formation on lower campus with Benton Hall and windmills in background. Uniforms indicate Pre 1910 style with brimmed caps and high boots. Cadet officers with sabres. Company colors are in formation. Clock face painted on Benton Hall, brick facade.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:393: Cadet officers in dress uniforms posing with artillery piece 8X10 glass negative
Cadet officers in dress uniforms and sabres posing with early artillery piece. The muzzle loading cannons were replaced with more modern breech loaders after the turn of the century. Cadet uniforms include tunics with covered buttons, soft campaign hats and belts with square buckles. One cadet is holding a band instrument. Probably located on lower campus next to tree line. Uniforms indicate Spanish American war period.
circa 1900 | |
7 | P002:395: Cadets on lower campus, Benton, Education Halls visible 8X10 glass negative
Cadet formation in review on lower campus parade field. Benton Hall and Education Hall (Then known as Science Building, built in 1902) visible. Detail of cadets is too small to determine uniforms, but the formation appears to be the same as P002:392 circa 1905. Building details in background on this image are clear and can be used in dating scene.
circa 1902 | |
7 | P002:396: Cadets in Company formation on lower campus 8X10 glass negative
Cadets in company formations with cadet band leading. View looking east toward the city of Corvallis, Jefferson Street in foreground. Uniforms indicate circa 1905 vintage with brimmed caps. Full contingent of OAC Cadets shown in this view, probably Military Review day.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:397: Probably same view as P002:371, Cadet formation on lower campus 8X10 glass negative
Same view as the hand colored P002.371. Closer view, still showing bridge over ditch. Cadets in formation for review in parade field, lower campus. Agriculture Hall (Later Education Hall) in background. Benton Hall visible. A ditch with wood plank bridge is in foreground, found on other negatives in this series. Dating is after 1902 but before 1915 based on buildings and uniforms visible.
circa 1902 | |
7 | P002:398: Signal Corps Cadets posed in dress uniforms 8X10 glass negative
Cadets posed close to building (possibly Benton Hall) in dress uniforms, circa 1900. The emblems on the sleeves indicate US Army Signal Corps. The cadets are holding the company guidon colors. Uniforms include soft campaign hats and tunics with belts.
circa 1900 | |
7 | P002:400: Cadet Officers portrait studio image 8X10 glass negative
Posed photograph in front of backdrop of OAC Officer Cadets. Identification of subjects based on "Alumni Files", with dating of 1898-1902 and a received date of 1960. The uniforms are of the circa 1900 vintage, including high collars and older style campaign hats. The print version has identification of subjects written in pen on reverse has been edited in red pencil. "Standing 1- (Blank), 2- Dr. Berges, 3. John Edwards 1902 class, 4 - (Blank), Sitting: 1- Alfred Saunders (Jake), 2- Grant Elgin. Note written later: #3, Standing, also identified as Major Frank Edwards, Dec. 1914."
circa 1900 | |
7 | P002:401: 10 Cadet Officers portrait Studio image 8X10 glass negative
Image related to P002:400. Posed photograph in front of backdrop of OAC Officer Cadets. Identification based on "Alumni Files", with dating of 1898-1902 and a received date of 1960. The uniforms are of the circa 1900 vintage, including high collars and older style campaign hats. This image was done in the same studio as P002:400. Prints of this negative are in collection.
circa 1900 | |
7 | P002:402: Cadet formation on lower campus 8X10 glass negative
Negative related to version of photo P002:386 in series. OAC Cadets drilling on field on lower campus. Benton hall in background, water tank and smokestack of power plant (now Owens hall) behind. Good detail of Education Hall to the left of photo.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:403: OAC Cadet Band, seated 8X10 glass negative
OAC Cadet band posed in chairs on lower campus with trees in background. Photograph is similar to Ball Studio version by Education Hall. Period uniforms include brimmed caps with puttees. OAC logo on bass drum in background.
circa 1910 | |
7 | P002:404: Cadet formations on lower campus 8X10 glass negative
Cadet formation in review on lower campus parade field. Benton Hall and Education Hall (Then known as Science Building, built in 1902) visible. Detail of cadets is too small to determine uniforms, but the image appears to be the same event as P002:392 circa 1905. Building details in background on this image are clear and can be used in dating scene.
circa 1905 | |
7 | P002:405: Armory rifle storage racks 8X10 glass negative
Storage racks with rifles used by cadet corps in old armory (Women's Gymnasium). The rifles are Spanish American War vintage Krag Jorgensen .30 caliber bolt action. These weapons were issued prior to WWI. The racks also include areas to store bayonets and their scabbards. The columns and walls are probably the lower floor of the Women's Gymnasium used as an armory prior to the construction of the McAlexander Field House (Armory) in 1911.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:407: Cadet officers in line on lower campus 8X10 glass negative
Formation of cadet officers in dress tunics on lower campus by Benton Hall. Uniforms with brimmed caps and long trousers with covered buttons on tunics indicate a date prior to 1900. Brick facade on Benton Hall dates prior to renovations in 1899.
circa 1900 | |
8 | P002:408: Cadet Formation lower campus behind Education Hall 8X10 glass negative
Cadets in company formation on lower campus. The rear of Education Hall (then Science Hall) is visible at right. Uniforms appear to be of circa 1900 vintage with belted tunics and soft campaign hats. Probably the full contingent of cadets in review.
circa 1900 | |
8 | P002:409: Cadets in company formation lower campus with OAC Cadet Band 8X10 glass negative
Cadets in review formation on lower campus with Benton Hall (Brick Facade) in background. Uniforms indicate Pre 1910 style with brimmed caps and high boots. Cadet officers with sabres. Company colors are in formation. Clock face painted on Benton Hall, brick facade. Benton Hall (Administration Building) was renovated in 1899 with a stucco finish, this photo can be dated prior.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:410: Glass Positive (Hand Colored) - Cadet formations on lower campus looking east toward Corvallis 8X10 glass positive
Glass Positive, hand colored. Cadets in company formations with cadet band leading. View looking east toward the city of Corvallis, Jefferson Street in left foreground. Uniforms indicate circa 1905 vintage with brimmed caps. Full contingent of OAC Cadets shown in this view, probably Military Review day.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:111a: Portrait, Frank Edwards dress uniform 6X8 glass negative
Studio portrait of OAC Cadet officer, identified as Frank Edwards. Photo shows the 1900 era dress tunic with a web belt and dress service cap.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:411: Portrait Frank Edwards seated, dress uniform 6X8 glass negative
Studio portrait of OAC Cadet officer, identified as Frank Edwards. Photo is related to P002:411a, same studio and backgrounds. Edwards is seated in this pose with sabre out of scabbard. Photo shows the 1900 era dress tunic with a web belt and dress service cap.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:412: Color guard at attention in front of Armory 6X8 glass negative
Cadet color guard standing at attention with U.S. Flag and OAC flag. Location is listed as Armory. Possibly the main doors of the McAlexander Field House (then Armory) as built. The uniforms indicate a post 1910/pre WWI style with brimmed caps and puttees.
circa 1911 | |
8 | P002:413: Cadets marching in formation, houses in background 6X8 glass negative
Wide angle photo of formations of cadets marching on campus. Possibly lower campus looking east with homes in background. Detail of photo is too small to identify cadet's uniforms. Photo was previously identified as 1904, this cannot be confirmed without dating the homes in the background.
circa 1904 | |
8 | P002:414: Cadets in practice formations on lower campus 6X8 glass negative
Wide angle photo of formations of cadets with rifles performing military manoeuvres on campus. Possibly lower campus looking east with homes in background. Detail of photo is too small to identify cadet's uniforms. Photo was previously identified as 1904, this cannot be confirmed without dating the homes in the background.
circa 1900 | |
8 | P002:415: Spectators viewing military inspection day 6X8 glass negative
Wide view of spectators viewing military inspection day. The negative is described with a date of 5/11/04, which is possible. Education Building (then Science Hall) is seen in background along with smoke stack of power plant.
circa 1904 | |
8 | P002:416: OAC Cadet Band playing for inspection day 6X8 glass negative
OAC Cadet Band playing in formation with troops. Uniforms indicate Pre 1914 style. Education Hall (then Agricultural Hall) in background. The company formations of the cadets indicate a review day of some kind.
circa 1908 | |
8 | P002:417: Cadets in company formation for review 6X8 glass negative
Cadets in line formation by company, probably military inspection day. Apperson Hall (then Mechanical Hall) in background. Photograph is identified with the date of 3/8/1904. Based on the uniforms visible and the buildings in background this dating is possible.
circa 1904 | |
8 | P002:418: Cadet companies at attention ready for inspection 6X8 glass negative
Good detail of cadets in formation at attention with rifles. The cadets appear to be in formation for review. Agriculture Hall and Waldo Hall are visible in background. Dating of uniforms is Pre WWI
circa 1908 | |
8 | P002:419: Cadet Companies ready for inspection 6X8 glass negative
Good detail of cadets in formation at attention with officers. The cadets appear to be in formation for review. Agriculture Hall and Waldo Hall are visible in background. Dating of uniforms is Pre WWI. Negative is related to P002:418, same position/different pose.
circa 1904 | |
8 | P002:420: Cadet formations on inspection day 6X8 glass negative
Cadets in line formation by company, probably military inspection day. Apperson Hall (then Mechanical Hall) in background. Lines of cadets in company formation indicates Inspection Day. Based on other photos of this grouping, dating of circa 1904 is probable.
circa 1904 | |
8 | P002:421: Cadet companies in formation lower campus looking east 6X8 glass negative
Cadets in company formations on lower campus wide angle view. Based on other Glass Negatives in grouping, the dating is probably circa 1905. Looking east, good view of churches in background.
circa 1905 | |
8 | P002:422: Cadets marching on lower campus 8X10 glass positive
Companies of cadets marching in close order drill. Uniforms are of 1910-1914 vintage. Brimmed caps with puttees and probably olive drab tunics.
circa 1914 | |
9 | P002:423: OAC Cadet Band on lower campus 5X7 glass negative
Glass Negative 5X7. OAC Cadet Band in formation with instruments. Uniforms appear to be special Band tunics with piping and braid. Small size of band at this point is of note. The brimmed caps are not the standard 1902 issue (crown not standing). Probably circa 1900 based on long trousers and tunics. Description of negative gives date of April 13, 1904 (unconfirmed).
circa 1904 | |
9 | P002:423a: OAC Military Band, April 13, 1904 5X7 glass negative
OAC Cadet band in formation on lower campus with instruments. Posed photograph with cadets in parade rest position with instruments at ready. Uniforms of the cadets indicate the pre-olive drab tunics adopted in 1910, with forage type caps and long trousers. Date of photograph is based on archive sleeve for storage of negative.
April 13, 1904 | |
8 | P002:424a: OAC Cadet Band in parade uniforms 6X8 glass negative
OAC Cadet Band in formation with instruments. Uniforms appear to be special Band tunics with piping and braid. Small size of band at this point is of note. The brimmed caps are not the standard 1902 issue (crown not standing). Probably circa 1900 based on long trousers and tunics.
circa 1900 | |
8 | P002:425: Company of cadets with rifles south of Benton Hall and Paleo Building 8X10 glass negative
Company formation of cadets with rifles at right shoulder arms. Benton Hall and Paleo Building in background, looking north. The uniforms show brimmed forage caps with officers wearing 1898 style campaign hats. Possible dating of image is circa 1900.
circa 1900 | |
8 | P002:426:
OAC Cadet officers posing by Benton Hall staircase
8X10 glass negative
Cadet officers posing for portrait below steps of Administration Building (Benton Hall). Uniforms show large chevrons on sleeves and forage caps. The image can be dated before 1899 renovation of Benton Hall (brick facade still visible).
circa 1895 | |
8 | P002:579: Cadet formations on inspection day 6X8 glass negative
Standard image of cadet formations on inspection day. Identified as 5/11/04, the uniforms reflect this dating with brimmed caps darker tunics. Photo was probably taken on the lower campus.
circa 1904 | |
Box | |||
1 | P002:003:
Draft horses inspection formation circa 1910 8X10 photographic print
Military draft horses used to pull heavy wagons in review by cadets and officers. Good detail of the carriage house in background. Horses are dressed out with braided tails and mains for inspection. Cadet uniforms reflect brimmed field caps and high boots of the pre-WWI era. Photo is probably circa 1910. The artillery unit was not formed on OAC Campus until after WWI, but the college was issued muzzle loading field pieces for training purposes. Very clear and detailed focus on this vintage photograph.
circa 1910 | |
1 | P002:021: Military Review in front of Grand Stand
Small published print of larger panorama photo. Photo is taken from print media, no identification of date. Handwriting on bottom of photo "The Military Review in front of the Grand Stand at the annual Military Tournament". Possible dating of photo to circa 1915 is unclear, other photographs of early 1920s vintage are similar.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:032: President Kerr with military officer 2X4 photographic print
Unconfirmed photo of President Kerr wearing topcoat. Photo of a group in grass field, unknown location. Officer standing with President Kerr wearing early military officers uniform. Jodhpurs pants with high boots, brim type cap. Rank undetermined. Dating unknown, Pre WWI.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:042: OAC Cadets on Dress Parade Pre WWI 5x7 photographic print
Well detailed and clear image of cadets on parade field. Written on lower right, "O.A.C. Cadets on Dress Parade" Formations of cadets assembled on parade field. With the large area of field shown in photograph, this would indicate a early date, probably circa 1910. Uniforms and buildings in background are too small to use for dating.
circa 1910 | |
1 | P002:071: OAC Cadets in Formation Company "B" 1st Battalion
Real Photo Postcard, Velox, diamonds in 4 corners dating card to 1901-1914. Company formation of OAC cadets of Company "B", 1st Battalion. Standard uniforms with high collars and field caps. High boots with early canvas puttees. Formation is at attention with officer in front with ceremonial sword. Dating between 1901-1914 puts this photo probably in the early 1910s based on uniforms. These formation photos of the units appear in the Beaver Yearbooks of the period, postcard probably produced from stock OAC photograph.
circa 1912 | |
1 | P002:166: Formation of OAC Cadets cyannotype print circa 1890 6X10 photographic print
Cyannotype print, unknown vintage of print. Formation of cadets on field. Uniform vintage is 1890 or older, large stripes on sleeves and early brimmed forage caps.
circa 1890 | |
1 | P002:177: OAC Cadets in formation on lower campus 8X10 photographic print
Good detail photograph of cadets in formation on lower campus by administration building. Photograph is described on reverse as being 1898, notes about admin building steps. Listed as page 159A, unknown publication. Cadets are in dress uniforms, showing large stripes on sleeves. OAC cadet band leading formation. Benton Hall (then Administration Building) still has it's original brick facade which was renovated in 1899.
circa 1898 | |
1 | P002:249: OAC Cadets with rifles - Benton hall in background 1904 4X9.5 photographic print
Mounted print. Formation of OAC Cadets with rifles/bayonettes overhead. Officers with sabres around perimeter of formation. Benton Hall in background. Cadets are issued the Pre Spanish American War standard uniform from 1895 in dark blue with standard Forage Cap. Rifles are most likely Springfield 1873 Trapdoor single shot, black powder modified muskets. This was a standard issue during the Spanish American War before the more modern types were available. Clear detail in print, the label at bottom reads "OAC Cadets 1904" written in period fountain pen. Significant photo of the early 1900s use of the dark blue uniform.
circa 1904 | |
10 | P002:255: Original 1875 print of Corvallis College with Cadet formation 11X14 photographic print
Sepia print of the original image of the 1875 Corvallis College building with line of cadets in front. Identification on reverse in fountain pen "Old college building before wing was built, 1875. Military boys at drill under direction of Captain Boswell". Pencil notations along bottom of reverse "Newton Addison Thompson 6th from first end" (photo has a small X over this person). Also on bottom Right hand corner; "Eva Bailey - now Mrs. Jess Wiley with school bag, on way to school". Men do not have uniforms at this time, probably holding Civil War era long M1863 rifled muskets, surplus from the US Military. The building in the background is the original building that would become OAC. The college was originally located in downtown Corvallis on the block where City Hall and the Corvallis Moose Lodge are currently located. The first college building was a structure built in 1858 and added onto in 1876.
1875 | |
1 | P002:255a: Print of 1875 Photo of Cadets and Corvallis College bldg 2.0 b/w prints.
5X7 photographic print
Contemporary print of the circa 1875 photo of the cadet corps in line by the original Corvallis College building. Men do not have uniforms at this time, probably holding Civil War era long M1863 Springfield rifled muskets, surplus from the US Military. The building in the background is the original building that would become OAC. The college was originally located in downtown Corvallis on the block where City Hall and the Corvallis Moose Lodge are currently located. The first college building was a structure built in 1858 and added onto in 1876.
This 5x7 reprint was probably used for an article in the Oregon Stater or the Barometer and was reprinted for that purpose. 2 copies are in file with same number.
circa 1875 | |
Box | |||
10 | 11 | P002:256: OAC Cadet Officers of 1903-04 mounted 8X9 photographic print
OAC Cadet officers and commander of class of 1903-04. Group photo of cadet officers used in June 1904 Barometer (no names given in publication). Uniforms are of 1904 vintage, blue tunics with covered buttons, forage caps with cadet logos. Collar badges on cadets read OAC. Identification accompanies the photo on 2 small typed 3x5 papers. One side with 1903-04 Roster of Staff and Non-com staff, probably as listed in the OAC Catalog. The other page gives the names of the men in the photograph.
1st (row, seated) 1- Albert S. Wells, 2 - Meigs Bartmess, 3 - John W. Buster 2nd (row, seated) 1 - Albert S. Hall, 2 - Dave Hirstel, 3 - Maj. Charles B. Harden, 4 - Horace C. Brodie, 5 - Clarence W. Beaver 3rd (row, standing) 1 - John T. Witty, 2 - Cecil Staats, 3 - J. C. Clark, 4 - Teroah W. Scott, 5 - Ernst Hinrichs 4th (row, standing) 1 - Claude C. Cate, 2 - Claiborne L. Shepard, 3 - Chsester L. Proebstel, 4 - Alva O. Horton
circa 1903 |
1 | P002:291: Postcard - OAC Cadet Corps forming "OAC" on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic postcard
Real photo postcard, AZO with 4 diamonds in corners, dating to 1904-1914. Post card of the Cadet Corps forming the letters OAC on parade field. Dated to 1911-12 year based on connection to H. J. G. (Gilkey) written in fountain pen lower right corder. H. J. Gilkey was Company "C" Commander, as listed in The Orange 1912 yearbook. Postcard is related to P002:292 which also has notation about Gilkey. Photograph used in various OAC publications during the era, found in yearbook, 1920 Military Instruction brochure and in later publications.
circa 1912 | |
1 | P002:292: Company "C", OAC Cadets postcard 3.5X5.5 photographic postcard
Real photo postcard, AZO with 4 diamonds in corners, dating to 1904-1914 style. Formation photo of Oregon Agricultural College cadets, identified as Company "C". Bottom of card has H. J. Gilkey identified with x, showing the commander. This photo is found in The Orange 1912 year book. H. J. Gilkey is listed as the Captain, company commander. Of note is the poor quality of printing of this card, the photograph is not centered correctly and tilts downward.
circa 1912 | |
13 | P002:333: Military cadets on review field, company formations 5X20 panoramic print
Military review day at OAC. Formations of cadets on parade field in company order of inspection. The print is very well detailed showing the size of the compliment of OAC cadets in training. Uniforms are of the 1902-1908 pattern including canvas leggings and 1902 brimmed service caps. Of note is the elaborate corded lanyards as part of uniform, not found in other period scenes. Rifles issued are the Model 1896 .30 Caliber Krag-Jorgensen Rifle. Uniforms of this type were transitional between the old blue style and the change to WWI olive drab.
Panoramic print stored in oversize box.
circa 1910 | |
13 | P002:334: Cadet company formation in review 5X22 panoramic print
Panoramic print, sepia tone. Formation of a cadet company in review. Possibly a photograph used in OAC publication such as Orange Yearbook or Oregon Stater. Uniforms are of the 1902-1908 pattern including canvas leggings and 1902 brimmed service caps. Of note is the elaborate corded lanyards as part of uniform, not found in other period scenes. Rifles issued are the Model 1896 .30 Caliber Krag-Jorgensen Rifle based on the style of bolt action and side feeding magazine. Uniforms of this type were transitional between the old blue style and the change to WWI khaki.
Large style panoramic prints stored in separate box.
circa 1910 | |
Box | |||
10 | 11 | P002:360: Cadets forming "OAC" on parade field circa 1910 8X14 photographic print
Period print, split in half. Larger print of the much used "OAC formation of cadets". Used first in the 1910-1911 OAC Catalog, the photo also shows up in the 1910 Orange Yearbook. Although this print is split in half and has some damage around edges, it is one of the more clear copies of the original. The uniforms and instruments of the OAC band are in excellent detail. Houses and streets are in clear focus, showing fence lines and outhouses.
circa 1910 |
1 | P002:374: OAC Band in front of Education Hall 1915 7X9 photographic print
OAC Cadet band in front of Education Hall (Old Science hall) led by Capt. Harry Beard. Ball Studio, Corvallis Ore, 1915. Very clear photograph of seated band with instruments. Detail of entrance circa 1915 to Education Hall.
1915 | |
1 | P002:382: OAC Cadet officers Portrait with backdrop circa 1900 #1 8X10 photographic print
Posed photo of 5 OAC Cadet officers in portrait studio photograph. Posed with sabres in dress tunics. Men have OAC collar badges and early style campaign hats. Listing of names is not on reverse of this copy, however, there is an original in file elsewhere with men's names. This period print was probably made for OAC publication.
circa 1900 | |
10 | P002:383: OAC Cadet Battalion - box formation 3 prints
8X14 photographic print
OAC Cadet "Battalion" in box formation on parade field with rifles, dated May 1895. The caption on the most original of the prints states, "OAC Cadet Battalion - May 1895 Strut Column". The box formation shown can be dated back to Napoleonic Tactics (adaptation of ancient warfare formations). Still practiced in the late 19th to early 20th century infantry training. Uniforms are of the pattern 1892 sack coats with a variety of Forage Caps shown in the group. Most of the cadets are wearing the 1895 Forage cap, with a few cadets wearing the Civil War era Forage Cap pattern 1872. Rifles issued to the cadets were most probably the M1884 Rifle, .45 Caliber with the Buffington Rear Sight. Buildings in the background are notable, showing the carriage house and Mechanical Hall with the railroad spur (Corvallis and Eastern RR) still in place.
May 1895 | |
10 | P002:384: OAC Cadet Battalion - Close Order Column of Companies mounted 8X10 photographic print
Mounted Print, titled, "OAC Cadet Battalion - May 1895 - Close Order Column of Companies". The uniforms are consistent with the 1890 period, showing the Forage Caps and sack coat patterns in blue. Formation of cadets with the Cadet Band on parade field appears to be an inspection event, with seated observers under tree in background. The print is stamped on reverse with "Ore. State University Archives". There is a handwritten note included in sleeve stating "Found in (with title page) 1893-4 Catalog". This would put the dating of this photograph in question based on the caption written on the front. The period uniforms and Benton Hall configuration are consistent with a circa date of 1895.
circa 1895 | |
1 | P002:386: OAC Cadets drilling with rifles overheads - Benton Hall in background 8X10 photographic print
Print 8x10. OAC Cadets drilling on field on lower campus. Benton hall in background, water tank and smokestack of power plant (now Owens hall) behind. Good detail of Education Hall to the left of photo. Men are drilling with rifles held overhead, lead by Cadet officer with sabre.
circa 1907 | |
1 | P002:389: OAC Cadet formation with Benton Hall 8X10 photographic print
Cadets in review in front of Benton Hall. Uniforms date prior to 1900, probably a similar circa 1895 formation photo. Longer rifled muskets of 1880s vintage. Uniforms include the older "forage cap" still in use dating to Civil War.
circa 1895 | |
1 | P002:400: OAC Cadet officers portrait with backdrop circa 1900 #2 7X9 photographic print
Posed photograph in front of backdrop of OAC Officer Cadets. Identification of subjects based on "Alumni Files", with dating of 1898-1902 and a received date of 1960. The uniforms are of the circa 1900 vintage, including high collars and older style campaign hats. The identification of subjects written in pen on reverse has been edited in red pencil. "Standing 1- (Blank), 2- Dr. Berges, 3. John Edwards 1902 class, 4 - (Blank), Sitting: 1- Alfred Saunders (Jake), 2- Grant Elgin. Note written later: #3, Standing, also identified as Major Frank Edwards, Dec. 1914."
circa 1900 | |
1 | P002:424: OAC Cadet band, formation circa 1900
2.0 prints (2 Cyannotype prints with 2 8x10 b/w reprints of originals)
8X10 photographic print
Contemporary prints of early Cyannotype prints (2 each). OAC band in formation with instruments. Uniforms date to turn of the century with brimmed caps and blue tunics. Circa 1900 written on reverse.
circa 1900 | |
1 | P002:425: Cyannotype print cadet formation lower campus 6X8 photographic print
Cyannotype print. Formation of OAC Cadets with rifles on lower campus with Benton Hall in background circa 1895. Paleontology Bldg (Built 1892, now Woman's center) to the right of Benton Hall. Men are wearing the standard blue tunics with brimmed caps. Rifles show the older type of bayonets, probably on Rifles of Pre Spanish American war vintage.
circa 1905 | |
1 | P002:426: Portrait of cadet officers 8x10 cyannotype print, 2 4x5 b/w prints and 4x5 negative
Cadet officers posing with sabres. Tunics have the large chevrons on sleeves denoting cadets rank. Previous description states "Booklet OAC Cadets 1908-09" this dating is probably incorrect. This photo is posed at the base of Benton Hall (then Administration Bldg) steps and the facade is still in original brick. Renovations in 1899 covered brick with stucco. Photo is probably dated circa 1895. Uniforms are vintage with brimmed caps with OAC badge. Officer's uniform shows rank on shoulderboads.
circa 1895 | |
10 | P002:426: Portrait of Cadet Officers mounted 8X10 photographic print
Posed photograph of cadet officers with the military commander below steps of Benton Hall. Uniforms of the mid 1890s vintage with forage caps and OAC badges. Photograph is probably a larger print of one published in the OAC Catalog. Good detail of the old brick facade of Benton Hall prior to the 1899 renovations.
circa 1895 | |
10 | P002:427: Cadet formation - grey uniforms with rifles mounted 8X10 photographic print
Formation of OAC Cadets wearing the Pre 1893 Grey uniforms with civil war era forage caps. The uniforms of this period were of a Civil War vintage style, Grey in color based on the allegiance of the College President. Unknown date of photograph, mid 1880s is a good possibility based on the string of boxcars in background with the curved logo of the Corvallis and Eastern Railroad. Significant early photograph of OAC Cadet Corps.
circa 1880 | |
10 | P002:445: OAC Cadet Company photo 8X10 photographic print
Cadet company photograph, probably circa 1905. Cadets in standard uniforms with brimmed forage caps. Rifles appear to be the Krag Jorgensen type. The condition of the mount shows some staining and tears of mounting board. Photo is probably a larger print of a published photo in Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1905 | |
1 | P002:553:
OAC Cadets on parade in Portland to honor Teddy Roosevelt
1.0 photographic print
5X7 photographic print
OAC Cadet battalion marching in parade to honor Theodore Roosevelt in Portland Oregon. Good detail of city streets. Cadets are marching with rifles. Campaign hats are worn with uniforms.
circa 1912 | |
11 | P002:568: Formation of OAC Cadets on lower campus 8X20 panoramic print
Formation of a cadet company in review. Possibly a photograph used in OAC publication such as Orange Yearbook or Oregon Stater. Uniforms are of the 1902-1908 pattern including canvas leggings and 1902 brimmed service caps. Uniforms of this type were transitional between the old blue style and the change to WWI khaki.
circa 1910 | |
1 | P002:569: Real Photo Postcard, Inspection Co. I, 1910 3.5X5.5 photographic postcard
1910 | |
1 | P002:585: Column Right, March!, Cadets in formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet column marching on lower campus with onlookers. The uniforms of the cadets indicate Pre WWI era. This is supported by the two women's clothes watching the formation pass. 2 copies of photograph, original is stamped with E.T. Reed, College Editor, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis Oregon. There is a postage stamp style sticker also for the Hicks Chatten Co. Photo Engravers, Portland Oregon.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:590: Real Photo Postcard Cadet Regiment with Benton Hall 3.0 photographs
3.5X5.5 photographic postcard
Cadets in formation on lower field below Benton Hall. Real Photo Postcard. Based on the leggings and service caps, uniforms could be Pre WWI (era 1912-17) Dating information based on the Post Card is AZO w/4 corner triangles, dating to 1904-1918. Detail of formation shows a full regimental inspection, with entire cadet corps in attendance. This photo shows units on the lower field with Benton Hall in background.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:627: Cadet regiment forming up for review Benton Hall lower campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadets marching into formation on lower field below Benton Hall. Related to P002:628 with completed regimental formation. Based on the leggings and service caps, uniforms could be Pre WWI (era 1912-17) Real Photo Postcard P002:590 is the final result of this cadet assembly. Dating information based on the Post Card is AZO w/4 corner triangles, dating to 1904-1918. Detail of formation shows a full regimental inspection, with entire cadet corps in attendance. This photo shows units marching into the field from the rear, forming up on the lower field with Benton Hall in background.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:628: Cadet Regiment inspection formation below Benton Hall 1.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadets marching into formation on lower field below Benton Hall. Related to P002:628 with completed regimental formation. Based on the leggings and service caps, uniforms could be Pre WWI (era 1912-17) Real Photo Postcard P002:590 is the final result of this cadet assembly. Dating information based on the Post Card is AZO w/4 corner triangles, dating to 1904-1918. Detail of formation shows a full regimental inspection, with entire cadet corps in attendance. This photo shows units forming up on the lower field with Benton Hall in background.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:697:
OAC Cadet officer studio portrait circa 1900
5X10 photographic print
Posed photo of OAC Cadet officer in portrait studio photograph. Posed with sabre in dress tunic. Rank epaulets of the circa 1900 era uniform. Cadet has OAC collar badges and early style campaign hat. Photograph is mounted in oval format with decoration around edge. Portrait was done at the Gardner Photography Studio in Corvallis, Oregon. This period print was probably made for OAC publication.
circa 1900 | |
1 | P002:698: OAC Cadets with caisson/limbers Benton Hall in background 5.5X6.5 photographic print
Cadet formation on lower campus showing 2 caisson/limbers. Uniforms of the 1900-1909 period with high collars of white shirts, early style campaign hats and shoulder epaulette rank insignias. Benton hall in background has been converted to stucco from the original brick, dating to later than 1899. Early style caissons are for ceremonial purposes/training with horse teams and not set up for artillery.
circa 1905 | |
1 | P002:699: Cadet company formation Mechanical Hall in background. 5X11.5 photographic print
Smaller version of panoramic style photograph. Cadet regiment formation in dress uniforms and rifles, forage caps and high collar tunics, circa 1900-1909. Newly built Mechanical Hall in background. Smoke stack of plant now in Owen Hall behind Mechanical Hall building. Caption written in fountain pen: "OAC Cadets '05" Photograph can be attributed to Emery Photographers.
circa 1905 | |
1 | P002:700: Cyannotype print Cadets and 3 girls under tree 5X8 photographic print
Two cadets in old style grey uniform under a tree with 3 young ladies. This style of grey uniform was in use up to 1892. Large chevron rank stripes on shoulders. Pencil notation on reverse: "1-15-62 Clyde Phillips states grey uniform worn until 1892 only Before 1900" Print is probably not of the 1885 vintage and was done at a later date.
circa 1885 | |
1 | P002:701: Right Shoulder Arms, cadet company 7X9 photographic print
Cadet formation with rifles at right shoulder arms with fixed bayonets. Uniforms of the turn of the century vintage with early style campaign hats. Rifles show the older type of bayonets, probably the Trapdoor Rifles of Pre Spanish American war vintage.
circa 1900 | |
1 | P002:702: Cadet formation fixed bayonets 5X7 photographic print
Mounted print of Cadet company with fixed bayonets. Brimmed service caps of the 1911 pattern with canvas leggings date the uniforms to between 1910-1915. The rifles issued are the M1898 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action of the Spanish American War vintage, they were the first rifles to mount a modern style knife bayonet. Very clear and detailed picture of weapons and uniforms.
circa 1912 | |
1 | P002:703: Cadet company formation 7X9 photographic print
Mounted print of cadet formation in dress uniforms/white gloves. At attention in review. Uniforms indicate c1910 with brimmed caps and canvas leggings. A poor quality print, showing some silvering at edges.
circa 1910 | |
1 | P002:704:
Staff of Regimental Corps of Cadets, OAC, circa 1915
5X9.5 photographic print
Staff officers and NCOs of the Regimental Corps of Cadets, Oregon Agricultural College. Probably before WWI, but after 1911 when the Armory was constructed. Seated in the center of the front row appears to be Colonel U.G. Mc Alexander, probably during his 1915-1916 period at OAC. Officers are seated in the front row, holding sabres, uniforms are of Pre WWI vintage with brimmed caps. The leather leggings were usually worn by officers. Photo is stamped on reverse with "Return to Room 222 Agricultural Hall, OAC Corvallis, ORE" and has a Barometer photo stamp, date to run 6/2 (with no year listed)
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:706: Company Portrait, OAC Cadets with rifles 9X12 photographic print
Company portrait for yearbook. Infantry company of OAC cadets posing for yearly photo. Men are holding the M1898 Krag-Jorgensen rifle (Spanish American War vintage). The uniforms are indicative of the Pre WWI era with brimmed service caps and canvas leggings. High collars are starting to show badges of specialty and OAC emblems. The two cadet officers seated at center of first row have the cavalry style leather leggings and ceremonial sabres. Clear photograph, possibly published in OAC yearbook.
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:803: Military review of cadets in formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Inspection of cadets in formation by cadet officers and Military officer. Leggings and service caps indicate a pre-WWI uniform style. Rifles are M1896 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action of Spanish American War vintage. Dating of circa 1915 is based on early style brim on service caps and canvas leggings. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:804: OAC Cadet officer and NCO walking by Education Building 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet officer with striped on sleeve of dress uniform walking with Army NCO assigned to OAC (both with great moustaches!) walking on pathway near Education Hall (then Science Building) Dating of circa 1915 is based on early style brim on service caps and canvas leggings. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:805: Two officers with sabres, Education hall in background 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Two Army officers walking with Education Hall in background. Uniform styles show the use of the dress blue tunic with covered buttons and high collars on one officer. Rank insignia on shoulder boards. Dating of circa 1915 is based on early style brim on service caps and leggings. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:806: Informal group of officers on Inspection Day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Informal group of officers conversing on parade field, probably inspection day. Dress uniforms with Blue tunics and yellow stripes on trousers are of the pre-WWI vintage. Service caps indicate a pre-WWI uniform style as well. Rifles are M1896 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action of Spanish American War vintage. Dating of circa 1915 is based on early style brim on service caps and canvas leggings. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus
circa 1915 | |
1 | P002:807: Officers with unidentified dignitary 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Informal group of officers conversing on parade field, probably inspection day. Unidentified dignitary in overcoat and bowler hat may be Military Department representative. Dress uniforms with Blue tunics and yellow stripes on trousers are of the pre-WWI vintage. Service caps indicate a pre-WWI uniform style as well. Rifles are M1896 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action of Spanish American War vintage. Dating of circa 1915 is based on early style brim on service caps and canvas leggings. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus
circa 1915 | |
10 | P002:819: Military officer, unidentified 7X9 photographic print
Unidentified officer, wearing high collar tunic and overcoat with collar turned up. Rank insignia shows 2 vertical bars and 3 six pointed stars embroidered. Picture appears to be a published photo from book or lithographed print. Unknown origin, some foxing on edges with pin holes in corners.
circa 1890 | |
12 | P002:821: Large portrait of Capt. Woodbridge Geary 16X20 photographic print
Mounted print (lithograph ?). Large portrait of Captain Woodbridge Geary, an Oregon Native who was killed in the Philippine Insurrection of 1899. The Army named a coastal gun battery on Corregidor Island after this war hero. Large portrait is done by E. W. Moore, no date. The List of Army Officers from 1779-1900 lists Geary with the following entry:
Geary, Woodbridge (Born in Ore. Appointed from Ore.) addl. 2nd Lieut of 19th Inf., 13 June 1882. 1st Lieut. 19th Inf., 20 Feb 1891., Capt. of Inf., 30 June 1898, Ass'd to 13th Inf., 1 Jan 1899. Died of wounds received in action in Philippine Islands, 11 Oct 1899. Reference file in Memorabilia Collection (MC) on Geary, with transcripts of OAC Barometer articles.
circa 1898 | |
15 | P002:822: Group photo of OAC Spanish American War Veterans 35X25 photographic print
Print mounted on canvas. Period photograph of OAC's Spanish American War veterans, posed group of 34 men in period uniforms, c.1900. The June 1900 Barometer states that "At the outbreak of the late Spanish War, 48 of the cadets and graduates of the college shouldered the rifle to fight for the flag, and the then Commandant, Capt. Woodbridge Geary, and three of the students gave up their lives on their country's altar". Publication of the photograph is included in the Military section of the June 1900 Barometer. The June issues acted as sort of a yearbook prior to the beginning of "the Orange". Photograph is in poor condition, as transferred from the Horning Museum Collection in August 1996, with damage to the right side. Soldiers are all in period field uniforms, various unit badges are seen on the standard campaign hats. Description of item includes one identification of Harvey L. McAlister ("Pap Hayseed"). Photo does appear to be taken here in the United States, possibly Oregon, ivy and background vegetation does not appear to be tropical. Significant OAC artifact.
circa 1900 |
Series II: World War One, 1916-1918Return to Top
Photographs in this series are dated from 1916, before the U.S. entry into the war. Uniforms and training reflected the world wide conflict and are indicated in the photographs. SATC (Student Army Training Corps) and early ROTC cadets are featured. Navy ROTC had a presence on the OAC Campus during WWI and did not return until after WWII.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
WWI to early 1920s Glass Negatives
Sub-series contains glass negatives and positives of OAC cadets during WWI and post era (early 1920s) Series contains stock photographs found in OAC publications of the period. Photos include Cadets leaving for US Army service (1918) and training scenes taken just after WWI for use in promoting OAC ROTC Cadet program.
1917-1920 | |
Box | ||
5 | P002:362: General U.G. Mc Alexander in dress uniform 11X14 glass negative
Oversize glass negative. General McAlexander in dress uniform with medals. Negative version often seen prints of the "Rock of the Marne".
circa 1919 |
6 | P002:368: 1st OAC Training Detachment ready to leave for WWI, 1918 8X10 glass positive
First OAC Training Detachment in formation ready to leave for WWI, August 10, 1918. Ball Studio photograph. Formation of cadets wearing standard US Army uniforms of WWI. Campaign Hats issued with early style canvas puttees. Rifles are Krag-Jorgensen .30 cal. bolt action. Benton Hall and old bandstand in background.
August 10, 1918 |
6 | P002:369: Cadets training with rifles in field 8X10 glass positive
Line of cadets in prone position with Krag-Jorgensen rifles. Training in rural field, barn and hills in background. Officers in rear giving orders. Uniforms are of WWI vintage including campaign hats and bedrolls over shoulders. Line of prone soldiers probably of company strength. Ball Studio photo.
circa 1918 |
6 | P002:370: Cadets on training manoeuvres, rural landscape 8X10 glass positive
Cadets training infantry tactics somewhere in rural Benton County. Panorama view of troops advancing up rolling hills, with cadets in foreground playing dead. Smoke from simulated explosions visible in photograph. Cadets are in full field dress with bedrolls and equipment, WWI uniform styles. Ball Studio photo.
circa 1918 |
7 | P002:394: SATC Cadet formation on East Quad 8X10 glass negative
Cadet formation in rain on east quad with Library (now Kidder Hall) and Shepard Hall in background. The SATC program only lasted one year and was replaced with ROTC after WWI. The uniforms are of WWI vintage, with overcoats and campaign hats. Rainy weather indicates fall or winter season. Library building was completed in 1918.
circa 1918 |
7 | P002:391: Mounted OAC Cavalry cadets 8X10 glass negative
Mounted cadets in fatigue uniforms with campaign hats. Circa 1917 uniforms with some cadets wearing ties. The building in the background has a brick facade, possibly Langston Hall or Mechanical Hall. The cavalry units at OAC continued till WWII era.
circa 1917 |
8 | P002:406: Field artillery column by Waldo Hall 8X10 glass positive
Glass Positive, Hand Colored. Field artillery unit in transit in front of Waldo Hall. Six horse brace with caissons and limbers. The artillery piece in front of column is a "French" 75mm howitzer. These guns were issued at the end of WWI. Uniforms indicate olive drab style with campaign hats. Good detail of Waldo Hall in background.
circa 1918 |
Glass Lantern Slide Collection, Military training aids
Collection of glass lantern slides of various military subjects. Glass Lantern Slides 3x4. Used as educational aids in Military and Tactics classes at OAC during WWI and into the 1930s. Sub-series contains glass lantern slides of various subjects, military based content. Many slides are marked in lower left corner with "Signal Corps USA", the US Army logo for the information and photography divisions. Photographs are stock images from World War One in Europe, mostly France where the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was assigned. The US involvement in WWI, April 1917 through November 1918 is represented in the images. Subjects covered in series include engineering, bridge building, railroads and trench construction.
circa 1919 | |
Box | ||
3 | P002:074: WWI era French Portland cement factory, Lavocat & Co. glass lantern slide
Photograph of French Portland cement factory, probably related to engineer training. Lavocat & Co. plant, possibly in Neuchatel, Pas de Calais. This image was probably used for training of OAC Engineering cadets and illustrates one of the sources for building materials available in France during the period.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:0075: Loading docks of French cement factory glass lantern slide
Loading docks with storage sheds of possibly French cement plant, related to P002:074. This location appears in later images and is noted as St. Sulpice, France.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:076: Ground level view of factory in France, WWI era glass lantern slide
Ground level view of main cement plant in France. Probably related to P002:074 of the Lavocat & Co., WWI Era France.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:077: Loading docks with railroad track, Lavocat & Co. glass lantern slide
Additional view of loading docks and storage sheds with railroad spurs for shipping of French cement plant. The significance of these photos of the Lavocat & Co. Portland Cement plant is unknown. Lantern slides used for training of Engineer Battalion of OAC cadets is most probable description.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:078: Worker barracks of Lavocat & Co. Cement Plant glass lantern slide
View of worker's barracks and storage sheds at Lavocat & Co. Portland Cement factory, France, WWI Era. Trucks with Army personnel in background.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:079: Diagram of sandbag revetment glass lantern slide
Diagram of proper placement of sandbags to build a revetment. Trench warfare of WWI developed the use of earthworks and fortifications. Engineer battalion training aid. Glass Lantern slide marked "Gen. Combat #79".
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:080: Diagram of Spider Wire Entanglement, WWI era trench warfare glass lantern slide
Diagram of "Spider Wire Entanglement". Drawing showing the proper placement of barbed wire in front of trenches. Marked with "Gen. Combat No.77". Detail of drawing shows placement of wire fences and rolled barbed wire entanglements.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:081: WWI battlefield photo showing barbed wire placement glass lantern slide
Photograph taken "near Harville Woods". Caption states: "showing 75-foot band of barbed wire entanglements". Of special note is the conditions of the battlefield, mud and more mud. Open area showing barbed wire placement in practice during WWI. Glass lantern slide is marked "Gen. Combat #83"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:082: WWI Battlefield photo of tank obstructions and mines glass lantern slide
Battlefield photograph showing early tank traps, dating to late WWI. Caption on the photo reads: "Near Harville Woods, showing tank obstructions and mines. Shells 5.9" and 9.2" were used". The glass lantern slide is marked "General combat conditions no. 82".
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:083: WWI trench reveted, with bearded soldier glass lantern slide
Lantern slide is marked, "Trench reveted". Photograph shows walls of trench build up with woven branches, 7-8 feet tall. Soldier walking in trench for scale. Possibly a French officer wearing brimmed Kepi type hat. Lantern slide is marked "Gen. combat no. 85"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:084: Battlefield photo of destroyed ammunition train glass lantern slide
Battlefield photo of "Ammunition train caught on siding at loading point, by aerial bomb." Probably a late WWI photograph as aircraft were used for ground attack later in war. Destroyed railroad wagons are shown. Lantern slide is marked " Gen. Combat no. 87"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:085: WWI Battlefield photo, barbed wire placement glass lantern slide
Open battlefield showing placement of barbed wire entanglements. Lantern slide is marked "General combat conditions no. 72"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:086: Barbed wire entanglements, close up glass lantern slide
Close up detail of barbed wire entanglements. Heavy steel cable running through barbed wire is possibly a tank trap. Lantern slide is marked "General Combat Conditions no. 71"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:087: WWI Battlefield photo, barbed wire, trench in foreground glass lantern slide
Barbed wire on battlefield, walls of trench in foreground. The placement of barbed wire entanglements was standardized later in WWI and this slide instructed cadets in practices of fortifications. By the end of the Great War, the use of trenches remained in the Military, however, never again would entire armies face each other in stalemate for years at a time. Lantern slide marked " Gen. Combat conditions no.74"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:088: US Soldier in trench firing M1903 Springfield rifle glass lantern slide
US Army "dough boy" firing M1903 Springfield rifle in snow covered trench. Soldier is wearing the standard British design steel helmet. Heavy overcoat and gloves with bedroll over shoulder. The trench is in a snow covered field.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:089: Three soldiers in trench with rifles/fixed bayonets glass lantern slide
Three US Soldiers in snow covered trench with rifles and fixed bayonets. Soldiers are wearing overcoats and gloves with British style helmets. Slide is instructional in how the design of trenches would be used.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:090: Horse drawn supply wagon crossing bridge glass lantern slide
Horse-drawn supply wagons with tarped load moves onto a bridge. Unknown location in Europe, probably France. Although trucks were in use for military transport at this time, horses still provided the bulk of the supply train transport. Soldier on bridge is wearing a garrison cap and cloth puttees.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:091: Supply wagons with US Soldiers glass lantern slide
Supply wagons on road with US Soldiers. Probably in France, horse-drawn supply wagons with covered loads are preparing to cross a stone bridge. Soldiers are wearing heavy overcoats and garrison caps.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:092: Signal corps soldiers running telephone wire glass lantern slide
Three US Army Signal Corps troops hooking wire up to building while two French soldiers look on. Probably somewhere in France, late WWI, soldier on ladder connecting communications wire to a building.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:093: Horse-drawn caissons moving supplies glass lantern slide
Horse-drawn caissons loaded with supplies moving through a small French (?) town. Troops marching with convoy appear to be French soldiers. Small boy looking on at left.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:094: Army Engineers rebuilding bridge glass lantern slide
US Army engineers corps rebuilding bridge bents, probably somewhere in France. Soldiers are wearing standard British design steel helmets and have gas mask bags on chests. Bridge bents are being rebuilt out of timbers.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:095: Light artillery piece with US Army crew glass lantern slide
Light artillery piece with 3 man crew. Possibly a British design light field gun without wheeled carriage. Spotter with binoculars in heavy overcoat. Armor plate on gun indicates the later design of field pieces with protection for gun crews.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:096: Army motorcycle corps, country town road glass lantern slide
US Army personnel on motorcycles driving through small French town. Motorcycles are probably Indian or Harley Davidson manufacture. With the strategic value of motorcycles proven to the military,the War Department relied heavily upon Harley-Davidson following the entry of the United States into World War I. At war’s end, some 20,000 Harley-Davidson and Indian motorcycles had been used by the military.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:097: Soldiers washing in small creek glass lantern slide
Soldiers washing, fully clothed, in a small creek, unknown location (France?) Men are washing their boots and hands, probably to get the mud of the trenches off their uniforms.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:098: Battery of French 75mm artillery pieces, US Army glass lantern slide
A battery of US Army artillery corps with French design 75mm artillery pieces. Location unknown, heavy snow, dated to winter 1918. The US Military used the French and British cannons both in Europe during WWI and later in training at home. This type of artillery piece was assigned to OAC Artillery Battalion beginning in 1920.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:099: US Soldier in trenches, Europe glass lantern slide
Single US Soldier wearing British style steel helmet with gas mask bag on chest. Man is standing in the doorway of a bunker in the trenches, probably France. Rifle is the M1903 Springfield.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:100: Three US soldiers in trenches glass lantern slide
Three US Army soldiers in trenches, somewhere in France. Men are wearing the British design steel helmets. Standard issue web gear with bayonets and ammunition pouches for rifles.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:101: Soldiers with gas masks in trenches glass lantern slide
Three US Army infantrymen wearing gas masks in trenches. Men have the standard issue gas masks with steel helmets. Doorway of bunker and trench are visible.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:102: Soldiers in gas masks with alarm siren glass lantern slide
Four US Army infantrymen wearing gas masks crank alarm siren. Ruins of old building in background, trench appears to be newly excavated.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:103: Corvallis and Vicinity Map, ROTC compiled glass lantern slide
This glass lantern slide is of a later date than the rest in sub series. Corvallis and Vicinity special map. "Compiled by the Engineers Unit, ROTC Oregon State College, from aerial photographs and USGS maps 1938" This training aid is from a much later date than the WWI era lantern slides. The map further is dated by "29th Engineer Battalion Reproduction Plant, Portland, Oreg. 1941". The lantern slides in this sub series must have still been in use up to the beginning of WWII.
circa 1938 |
3 | P002:104: Corvallis and Vicinity Map ROTC Compiled section 2 glass lantern slide
This glass lantern slide is of a later date than the rest in sub series. Corvallis and Vicinity special map. "Compiled by the Engineers Unit, ROTC Oregon State College, from aerial photographs and USGS maps 1938" This training aid is from a much later date than the WWI era lantern slides. The map further is dated by "29th Engineer Battalion Reproduction Plant, Portland, Oreg. 1941". The lantern slides in this sub series must have still been in use up to the beginning of WWII. Section 2 of larger map.
1938 |
3 | P002:105: Corvallis and Vicinity Map ROTC compiled section 3 glass lantern slide
This glass lantern slide is of a later date than the rest in sub series. Corvallis and Vicinity special map. "Compiled by the Engineers Unit, ROTC Oregon State College, from aerial photographs and USGS maps 1938" This training aid is from a much later date than the WWI era lantern slides. The map further is dated by "29th Engineer Battalion Reproduction Plant, Portland, Oreg. 1941". The lantern slides in this sub series must have still been in use up to the beginning of WWII. Map section 3.
1938 |
3 | P002:106: Corvallis and Vicinity Map ROTC compiled section 4 glass lantern slide
This glass lantern slide is of a later date than the rest in sub series. Corvallis and Vicinity special map. "Compiled by the Engineers Unit, ROTC Oregon State College, from aerial photographs and USGS maps 1938" This training aid is from a much later date than the WWI era lantern slides. The map further is dated by "29th Engineer Battalion Reproduction Plant, Portland, Oreg. 1941". The lantern slides in this sub series must have still been in use up to the beginning of WWII. Section 4 of map.
1938 |
3 | P002:107: Horse-drawn caissons in column with walking troops glass lantern slide
Column of troops and horse-drawn caissons with artillery. Weapons are probably the French design 75mm Cannons. Unknown location, possibly winter 1918.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:108: Column of US Troops marching in review glass lantern slide
Large formation of US Army troops marching in review past US Officer and possibly French General, who is saluting. Regiment sized grouping of soldiers, with their regimental dog marching with the lead company.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:109: Bucket brigade, WWI era fire pumper glass lantern slide
Soldiers forming bucket brigade, filling pumper. Hose held by other men to right of photo. Unknown location, probably Europe.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:110: General Pershing reviewing AEF troops glass lantern slide
General John J. Pershing and two unidentified men reviewing formation of US Army troops somewhere in Europe. Officer to the far left appears to be a high ranking British Naval officer. Troops are wearing campaign hats and standard leggings. All are standing at attention with rifles.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:111: Samara man filming troops informal formation glass lantern slide
Informal grouping of soldiers being filmed by a motion picture camera, unknown location during WWI. Camera man has large box film camera set up on wooden tripod.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:112: General John J. Pershing with unidentified dignitary glass lantern slide
General John J. "Blackjack" Pershing standing with unidentified dignitary. Location unknown, possibly on wooden docks. Unknown civilian wearing top coat and bowler hat. General Pershing is wearing standard heavy overcoat and ceremonial spurs on his high top boots.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:113: US Army Sergeant with German Prisoner glass lantern slide
Unidentified US Army Sergeant with medal (Distinguished Service Cross?) standing with German prisoner. German is wearing the standard field grey greatcoat with the service cap with cockade. Unknown location, probably front lines in France.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:114: Informal group of soldiers with gas mask bags glass lantern slide
Informal grouping of US Army soldiers standing near bunker. Men are wearing the standard British design steel helmet and all have gas mask bags strapped to their uniform chests. Unknown location, fortifications appear to be around a building.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:115: Column of US Soldiers marching in European town glass lantern slide
Company sized formation of US Army troops marching through a European town, probably in France. Men are wearing campaign hats and have heavy overcoats and gloves.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:116: Street scene of European town with US Troops glass lantern slide
Small European town, probably France, dirt streets. US Army troops are informally walking in streets. One man is standing by an automobile.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:117: Intermediate bridge with 2 seven ton loads testing glass lantern slide
Photo of a pontoon bridge with two caissons loaded with sandbags for weight testing. Caption of photo, "Intermediate bridge. Two loads of 7 tons each". Wide river, location unknown.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:118: US Corps of Engineers, Soldier with surveying gear glass lantern slide
US Army Engineer with surveying equipment on tripod. Soldier had a pipe in his mouth and is wearing garrison cap. Unknown location, probably illustrating the use of surveying techniques.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:119: Political Cartoon, Spanish Revolution glass lantern slide
Political Cartoon, Spanish Revolution, published in Glasgow Evening News. Cartoon shows a Toreador "Alfonso" (King of Spain, overthrown in coup 1923) and the bull "Revolution". Significance of this cartoon as a training aid for ROTC Cadets is unclear. Probable dating to the mid 1920s.
circa 1923 |
3 | P002:120: Construction of railroad yards, St. Sulice, France glass lantern slide
A series of photos of construction projects, probably an Engineer Corps training aid. This photo is marked "St. Sulpice, Fr" and "General View of construction and yards" The group of slides are marked as "general Construction" and numbered. Of special note is the use of German prisoners of war for construction. The men unloading lumber from the European RR style flatcar are wearing German field caps. To the far left of photo is a US Army Soldier with his rifle (Guard?).
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:121: Shell Torn Buildings, Cunel. France glass lantern slide
Bombed out building in French city of Cunel. Probably a stock US Signal Corps photo or perhaps a postcard turned into a lantern slide. The devastation of cities during WWI is shown in this slide, the new concept of total war, which did not spare the civilian populations is evident in only a few of the lantern slide collection.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:122: Construction of aircraft hanger, France glass lantern slide
Construction of framework for what appears to be an aircraft hanger, somewhere in France. In the distance, a large building with large open doors could have a row of aircraft in field by it. The slide is marked "General Const. No.65". Engineer corps training aid.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:123: Construction scene glass lantern slide
Unknown location of equipment, construction scene. Four steam locomotive boilers without engineer's cabs built into a structure. Bells and steam domes of locomotives are visible, possibly used for stationary boilers for a factory. Locomotive boilers are only visible from about mid point and above, with solid flooring around them. Marked "M----33."
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:124: Bombed out railroad bridge, with soldiers underneath glass lantern slide
Bombed out railroad bridge/right of way with soldiers and supply wagons underneath. The remains of a railroad bridge with only the railroad tracks hanging in mid air are shown with soldiers and wagon underneath. Marked "M.40 (3778-242)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:125: Ruins of village with truck convoy in distance glass lantern slide
Ruins of a French (?) town with US Army cargo trucks on street. In the distance on a hillside, a large convoy of trucks can be seen lined up on a small road. Vehicles are probably US "Liberty" trucks, with Army personnel seen in the village. Marked "M.-39 (3193-168)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:126: Large drying shed for canvas or tarp covers glass lantern slide
Large open shed with rigging to hang canvas covers or tents for drying. The open shed is 40 approximately 40 feet high with pulley rigging to hang items to be dried. Women workers with brooms in foreground. One US Military soldier in picture on left. Unknown materials hanging in shed, possibly tent covers or material to be used for balloons(?). Building to the far right appears to be some type of hanger, aviation related. Marked "C.-31 (3193-79)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:127: Camouflaged storage area, unknown location glass lantern slide
Some type of storage area, with camouflage netting over piles of materials. One US Soldier with garrison cap in photo. Unknown items in the storage, but they did need to be camouflaged from the air. Training in camouflage techniques is possible use of this lantern slide. Marked: "C.-30 (3193-78)
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:128: Pontoon bride across Rhine with boats glass lantern slide
"Pontoon bridge across Rhine, open, with boats passing through, December 18, 1918" Photo shows a paddle wheel steamer on river with other boats following, bridge in background. Dating of the photo is listed in caption of lantern slide. Other slides of this bridge are marked with the location in Coblenz, Germany. Marked: "H.P.B. No.61"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:129: US Army Engineers moving pontoon for bridge glass lantern slide
Group of US Army Engineers man-handling a large (25 foot) boat like structure, probably a pontoon for a bridge. A second pontoon is at far right upside down. Marked: "H.P.B. -66 (3193-91)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:130: Shipment of pontoon equipment on flatcar glass lantern slide
Slide captioned: "Shipment of Pontoon Equipment made from Engineer Depot, Vancouver Barracks, Washington, May 1918". Wagons with beams and lumber sitting on a standard US railroad flatcar, truss rod type. C & NW (Chicago and North Western Railroad). Marked: "Heavy Pontoon Bridges No.55"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:131: Flood approach Pontoon bridge, Coblenz glass lantern slide
Slide caption: "Flood approach to pontoon(sic) bridge across Rhine, Coblenz, December 31, 1918". This bridge was a permanent structure from 1819-1945, where a ferry boat runs today. This slide is probably for use with Engineer cadet training. Marked: "H.P.B. No.60"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:132: Soldiers laying rails in Europe glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers laying rail for a narrow gauge line in Europe, probably France. The rail being used is of a light weight type, the narrow gauge railroad equipment not being as heavy. Marked: "R.N.G. _23 (3193-142)
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:133: Soldiers loading Pontoon Equipment wagon glass lantern slide
US Soldiers loading wagon load of pontoon bridge equipment onto a rail car. Loading for shipment is probably at Vancouver Barracks, Washington as seen in other slides. The gondola car being loaded is a US railroad type. Marked: "L.P.B. 35 (3820-71)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:134: Pontoon Equipment wagons in convoy glass lantern slide
Line of wagons with Pontoon bridge equipment with US Army engineers. Probably in Europe, on the way to being built. The soldiers are in work uniforms, wearing campaign hats. Of note is the use of horse drawn wagons to haul heavy pontoon bridge materials.
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:135: Flatcar with pontoon equipment wagons loaded glass lantern slide
US Railroad flatcar, truss rod type, Lehigh Valley Railroad, with a load of wagons, probably part of the Pontoon Bridge equipment section. Two wagons loaded onto a 40 foot flatcar, being shipped to the debarkation port to be used in WWI. Marked: "L.P.B. 37 (3820-73)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:136: Soldiers setting track gauge, France glass lantern slide
Soldiers setting the 2 foot gauge for rails. The small narrow gauge railroad was used to move supplies and men in France, late WWI. The smaller equipment and locomotives needed for this narrow gauge railroad was easy and quick to build. At the end of the war, all of the equipment was abandoned in place. Marked: "R.N.G.--24 (3193-143)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:137: Soldiers working on narrow gauge Railroad glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers working on railroad tracks somewhere in France, late WWI. The soldiers can be seen shoveling ballast into the completed tracks. Small railroad equipment was used to move supplies and manpower in France, late war, 1918. Marked: "R.N.G. - 22 (3193-141)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:138: US Army Railroad, hauling supplies, France glass lantern slide
The completed narrow gauge railroad used to haul supplies and men in France, late WWI. The flatcars are loaded with crated supplies and are being pulled by a US Army narrow gauge steam locomotive. The loco is probably the standard 2-6-2 Saddle Tank Type, common in photographs of US Army locomotives of WWI. Marked: "R.N.G. 21 (3193-140)"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:139: Water supply instructional slide glass lantern slide
Water supply station in the field. Photo showing two hanging water tanks on a frame, probably in France. Marked: "Water Supply no.31"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:140: Water supply station for filling trucks, Avocourt glass lantern slide
Slide caption "Cart and Tank Truck filling station at Avocourt supplied from 1350 gallon steel tank in tower filled by gasoline-pump unit pumping from spring: showing paved turnout 1343-14" Slide is marked "Water Supply No.34"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:141: Water tanks with horses drinking glass lantern slide
Pump house with two water tanks, horses drinking underneath. Horses have blankets and are attended by US soldier. Marked: "Water Supply No. 27"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:142: Tank filling station with concrete horse trough glass lantern slide
Slide caption: "Tank filling station with concrete horse trough, Boucq." Location in France, probably Northern area near front lines, town of Boucq. Marked: "Water Supply no.39"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:143: Mobile purification truck, water supply glass lantern slide
Caption of slide: "Side view of Mobile purification truck - "Sterilab". Showing pumping and filtering equipment in rear with laboratory space in front." Unique piece of US Army Engineer Corps equipment. Shown on city street, unknown location. Marked: "Water supply No.38"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:144: 60" Aluminum Construction High Power Search Light glass lantern slide
slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n66"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:145: 60" Sperry Light Weight Barrel Searchlight and carriage glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n59"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:146: 60" Aluminum Construction High Power Searchlight on truck glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n61"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:147: High Intensity Search Light, Sperry light, GE Drum glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n62"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:148: Sperry light weight Searchlight glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n64"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:149: 60" Sperry High Intensity Light, Open type 1st model glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became a necessity. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n60"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:150: Sperry High Intensity Open Type, Army Design glass lantern slide
Slide group showing different types of searchlights, mounted on trucks and wagon carts. Although not new technology to WWI, the use of searchlights to spot incoming enemy aircraft was a new tactic. German heavy bombers and airships were able to penetrate deep into France (Target Paris) and over the channel to England (Target London) and the use of large searchlights became commonplace. This group of slides shows the large lights used in WWI. Slide Marked: "Searchlights n68"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:151: Diagram of Machine Gun Emplacement glass lantern slide
Diagram of standard machine gun emplacement in trenches. Shown with sizes of openings and walkways. Marked: "F.F.37"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:152: Soldiers training in trench, unknown location glass lantern slide
Men in trench training with unknown weapons. Uniforms are standard issue with campaign hats. Tents in background suggest a stateside training base. Marked: "F.F. 32"
circa 1918 |
3 | P002:153: Trench with sandbag fortification, training base glass lantern slide
Sandbag reinforced trench design, possibly at training base stateside. Barracks and tents in background suggest a stateside training base. Marked "F.F. 40"
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:154: Temporary bridge, France glass lantern slide
Temporary foot bridge constructed by US Army Engineers, somewhere in France, late 1918. Photograph shows 2 sections of bridge needing repair, possibly from battle damage. The slide is marked with the "Bridge Construction no. 33" but in faint pencil on the label is written "Boche 4hrs". This notation has no explanation, but possibly could be that the Germans ("boche") had damaged the bridge and it was repaired in 4 hours.
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:155: Diagram of 60 foot Portable Road Bridge glass lantern slide
Line drawing of the "Portable Road Bridge 60'0" Span Class A Erection Diagram". Slide shows the complete specifications for the bridge with instructions about winches and timber derricks for building. How block and tackle was to be set up with specifications on size of wire rope and dimensions of pilings is given. Marked: "Bridge Construction No. 38" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:156: Mules with supply wagons crossing bridge glass lantern slide
Mule drawn wagon with supplies crossing a temporary wood bridge, somewhere in France, 1918. The supply column (also known as "train") can be seen on far bank of river. US Soldier leading the mule team is wearing British style steel helmet. Of note is the rifle scabbard attached to the saddle on the mule team. Marked: "Bridge Construction No. 35"
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:157: Repaired bridge, bombed out section replaced glass lantern slide
Section of old stone arch bridge being repaired by US Army Engineers. Bombed out section has been rebuilt with timber construction. Soldiers are seen on top of repaired section. Probably France, late 1918. Marked: "Bridge Construction No.40" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:158: Soldiers rebuilding bridge in bomb ravaged town glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers repairing a destroyed bridge with new heavy timber construction. Heavily bombed out buildings in background, showing the devastation of French towns on the front lines. Soldiers are wearing British design steel helmets and web gear. Probably somewhere in France, late 1918. Marked: "Bridge Construction No. 46".
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:159: 303rd Engineers foot bridge, France glass lantern slide
Simple construction of foot bridge, temporary structure. Slide caption: "1-4 Foot bridge #13 291.5-86-2 Buzancy Sheet 10-29-18 Aire River 303 Eng". Bridge constructed by the 303rd Engineering battalion, the nomenclature is possibly a standardized design number for temporary foot bridges. Marked: "F.B. No.47" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:160: 303rd Engineers foot bridge, France #2 glass lantern slide
Simple construction of foot bridge, temporary structure. Slide caption: "17 - 303rd Engrs Foot Bridge #5 294.9-85.3 Buzancy Sheet Aire R. 11-6-18". Bridge constructed by the 303rd Engineering battalion, the nomenclature is possibly a standardized design number for temporary foot bridges. Marked: "F.B. No.44"
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:161: 303rd Engineers foot bridge, France #3 glass lantern slide
Temporary foot bridge built by US Army Engineers, France, 1918. Caption of slide: "1-8 Foot Bridge #17 291.25-85.9 Buzancy Sheet, 10-29-18 Aire R. 303 Eng." Marked: "F.B. No. 49" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:162: 303rd Engineers foot bridge, France #4 glass lantern slide
Temporary foot bridge built by US Army Engineers, France 1918. Caption of slide: "1-9 Foot Bridge #23 289-8 285.5 Vouziers Sheet 10-29-18 Aire R. 303 Eng." Marked F.B. No.46" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:163: 303rd Engineers foot bridge, France #5 glass lantern slide
Temporary foot bridge built by US Army Engineers, France 1918. Caption of slide: "1-7 Foot Bridge #16 291.2-85.05 Buzancy Sheet 10-29-18 Aire R. 303 Eng." Marked F.B. No.48" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:164: Duplicate Slide of Supply Wagons on Bridge glass lantern slide
Duplicate slide of P002:091 Supply wagons on road with US Soldiers. Probably in France, horse-drawn supply wagons with covered loads are preparing to cross a stone bridge. Soldiers are wearing heavy overcoats and garrison caps.
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:165: Duplicate slide of Motor cycles in village glass lantern slide
Duplicate of slide P002:096. US Army personnel on motorcycles driving through small French town. Motorcycles are probably Indian or Harley Davidson manufacture. With the strategic value of motorcycles proven to the military,the War Department relied heavily upon Harley-Davidson following the entry of the United States into World War I. At war’s end, some 20,000 Harley-Davidson and Indian motorcycles had been used by the military.
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:166: US Soldiers inspecting French locomotive glass lantern slide
US Army railroad personnel inspecting a French steam locomotive. Soldiers are working on the running gear of this large 2-8-0 style steam engine. Officers appear to be looking on at right. In the engine's cab are two men, probably French engineer and fireman wearing civilian company uniforms with brimmed caps. The markings of the French Railroad have been painted over and "USA" is stenciled below. Steam engine appears to be a standard freight hauling engine of the era. Marked: "R.R. Sta. Gauge No.16" This denotes the standard gauge railroad equipment (4 feet, 8 1/2" wide) as opposed to the smaller 2 foot gauge used.
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:167: Soldiers playing baseball glass lantern slide
US Soldiers playing the American pass-time, somewhere in France. Men playing baseball are wearing their uniforms with campaign hats and leggings. Catcher has face mask and chest protector equipment. .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:168: FWD type truck loaded on flatcar, France 1918 glass lantern slide
US Army standard FWD truck loaded onto a French Railroad flatcar, with soldiers looking on. The truck is he F.W.D. Model B, built by the Four Wheel Drive Co. of Clintonville, Wisconsin, this was a four-wheel drive vehicle. Rated as a 3-tonner, the F. W.D. had a Wisconsin four-cylinder petrol engine with a three-speed gearbox and a two¬speed transfer gearbox. There was a shaft drive to each axle. On roads the F.W.D. was driven as a normal rear-wheel drive vehicle, but for off road driving an additional gear lever was provided on the chassis side which controlled the low gears and connected up the drive to the front axle. Slide is marked: R.S.G. no.14" The RSG indicates Railroad Standard Gauge. .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:170: Soldiers clearing ground for railroad roadbed glass lantern slide
Soldiers digging a right of way for railroad in forest, somewhere in France. Based on the label of the slide, "R.R. Sta. Gauge No.13", this excavation must be for a roadbed for trackage. Soldiers are wearing a variety of uniform pieces, including garrison caps and steel helmets. Some men have the gas mask canvas bag worn on their chests.
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:171: Soldiers erecting camouflage netting glass lantern slide
Soldiers erecting camouflage netting on short poles in field. The structure is temporary, poles appear to be tree branches. There is nothing under the netting, probably to camouflage supplies later. Soldiers are wearing field gear with helmets. One soldier is standing guard with rifle. Marked: "D.C. & M. 36" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:172: Exploded shell casings in pile glass lantern slide
Photo of twisted metal in field, possibly exploded shell casings. Unknown location or purpose of photograph. Metal appears to be torn and twisted, but they are the casings of the shells and not the projectile. Marked: "D.C. & M.36" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:173: Returning allied prisoners on road, Nov 25, 1918 glass lantern slide
The category of the slide is camouflage, which is evident by the netting over the road. The caption is more descriptive of the importance of the image, "Verdun Etain road, returning allied prisoners, November 25,1918" Almost two weeks after the Armistice, the repatriation of prisoners on both sides was a slow process. Soldiers are marching in formation on the open road, no vehicles in sight. The road is lined on both sides by camouflaged fencing and large camouflage nets are strung at intervals in the trees lining the lane. marked" Camouflage No.28" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:174: Soldiers working in sawmill, France glass lantern slide
Sawmill operations in France, manned by US Soldiers. Overall view of sawmill building and log piles. Of note is a small, narrow gauge locomotive pulling two cars with logs. The engine is not a steam locomotive, and is probably a very early type powered by a gasoline engine. Four tall smokestacks at rear of facility, probably for boilers to operate the steam powered machinery in sawmill. Marked: "Forestry No.2" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:175: Sawmill operations with US Soldiers, France glass lantern slide
US Soldiers moving a large tree with a wheeled carrier and horses. Logging operations with US Soldiers in France. US Army personnel are working with civilians to move a large log. In background are standard gauge railroad cars, waiting to be loaded. Glass lantern slide is damaged on right with black scorching from heat. Marked: "Forestry No. 3" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:176: Army Engineers building road, France glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers working on roadbed, somewhere in France during WWI. Men working with hand tools to repair ruts in dirt road. Four men working with a collection of others looking on. Truck on road in background is the FWD type cargo truck. Marked: "Highway Const. 62 Set 1" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:177: Soldiers repairing road mine crater, Nov 12, 1918 glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers repairing damage to road made by a mine. Very large crater is being hand filled and leveled by soldiers. The caption on slide reads: "Repairing road mine crater, 12 November 1918" Of special note is the date, one day after signing of the armistice, peace had been declared, no celebration for these dough boys, just more back breaking work as Army Engineers. Marked: "Highway const No. 58" .
circa |
4 | P002:178: Road repair by US Army Engineers, 12 Nov 1918 glass lantern slide
US Army 101st Engineers repairing road in France, 12 November 1918. One day after the end of WWI, no celebration for these dough boys, more work for them repairing war damaged roads. Crates of materials on side of road. Marked: "Highway construction No57" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:179: Road Construction diagram glass lantern slide
Diagram of two types of road construction used by US Army Engineers. Single-way Macadam Road, showing drainage ditches and depth of grading materials. Figure 2 shows plans for widening an existing roadway. Plans show adding 4" to 9" of wearing surface to tops of roadways. Marked: "Highway Construction No.53" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:185: Diagram of planked roadway construction glass lantern slide
US Army Engineers training diagram of roadway construction using wood planks. Fig.4 shows an 18 foot wide roadbed cross section. Fig. 5 is a cross section of a shell hole. This is to instruct Engineers on methods used to repair bomb craters in roadways. Fig. 6 is the completed repair showing a base of sandbags and material added to fill in crater. Marked: "Highway Construction no. 54" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:187: Highway near Malancourt, France glass lantern slide
Photo showing the Highway (actually dirt road with ruts) from Malancourt, France. Road leads off into the distance where a pair of military trucks can be seen. Marked: "Highway construction No.60" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:188: Soldiers pulling down ruined wall, France glass lantern slide
Crew of US Army Engineers pulling down a brick wall in a bombed out building. Ropes are attached to the crumbling wall and 2 groups of approximately 20 men each are pulling down the wall. Men are all wearing their steel helmets, which appears to be an excellent idea at the time. Marked "Highway construction 61 set 1" .
circa 1918 |
4 | P002:189: US soldiers walking through ruins of French town glass lantern slide
US Soldiers walking through a bombed out French village. The main topic of the slide appears to be the road in the town, which is little more than a muddy trail. Destruction of the buildings in the background shows the effect of total war on civilians in Europe during WWI. Marked: "Highway constn 63, set 1" .
circa 1918 |
OAC Cadets leaving for WWI, August 1918
Photos in sub series show scenes of OAC Company K formations leaving on trains for WWI. photographs can be dated between Summer 1917 and Fall 1918 based on entries in the 1919 Oregon Beaver Yearbook which has a section specially dedicated to OAC Cadets serving "Over There". The company is marching to the railroad station on sixth street, most likely a Southern Pacific dedicated troop train. Series of photographs include crowds saying goodbye to the OAC cadets as they leave for training.
August 1918 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:190: Citizens sending off OAC Company K departing train in distance 4x5 photographic print
Second photograph of citizens sending off OAC Company K to duty in WWI with train in distance. Related to P002:193, photo shows crowd breaking up as train leaves in the background. The destination for the cadets is unclear, probably training bases stateside before being transferred to France. Dating of photograph is between Summer 1917 and Fall 1918 based on entries in the 1919 Oregon Beaver Yearbook which has a section specially dedicated to OAC Cadets serving "Over There". Stamped on reverse top right with Oregon Agricultural College Library.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:191: OAC Company K Formation marching to train station 1918 4x5 photographic print
Formation of OSC Cadets marching on Corvallis Street. Previous description states Company K leaving for WWI. P002:191 and 192 show cadets marching with blanket rolls over their shoulders and the standard issue campaign hats. Men are being escorted by citizens, with many onlookers curbside. The destination for the cadets is unclear, probably training bases stateside before being transferred to France. Dating of photograph is between Summer 1917 and Fall 1918 based on entries in the 1919 Oregon Beaver Yearbook which has a section specially dedicated to OAC Cadets serving "Over There". Stamped on reverse top right with Oregon Agricultural College Library.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:192: Enlargement of Troops Company K leaving for WWI 4x5 photographic print
Enlargement of formation of OAC cadets leaving for WWI. Formation of OSC Cadets marching on Corvallis Street. Previous description states Company K leaving for WWI. P002:191 and 192 show cadets marching with blanket rolls over their shoulders and the standard issue campaign hats. Men are being escorted by citizens, with many onlookers curbside. The destination for the cadets is unclear, probably training bases stateside before being transferred to France. Dating of photograph is between Summer 1917 and Fall 1918 based on entries in the 1919 Oregon Beaver Yearbook which has a section specially dedicated to OAC Cadets serving "Over There". Stamped on reverse top right with Oregon Agricultural College Library.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:193: Citizens sending off OAC Company K for duty in WWI 4x5 photographic print
Group of citizens attending send off for the OAC Company K cadets for duty in WWI. Photo shows train about to depart from station. The destination for the cadets is unclear, probably training bases stateside before being transferred to France. Dating of photograph is between Summer 1917 and Fall 1918 based on entries in the 1919 Oregon Beaver Yearbook which has a section specially dedicated to OAC Cadets serving "Over There". Stamped on reverse top right with Oregon Agricultural College Library.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:576: OAC Cadet Band playing for departing troops 1918 4x5 photographic print
Cadet band playing for departing OAC trainees. Probably the departure of Company K as referenced in others in sub series. Citizens looking on, OAC Cadet band playing in foreground. Railroad passenger cars are of the WWI era heavy steel construction style.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:577: Corvallis citizens saying goodbye to OAC Cadets 1918 4x5 photographic print
Corvallis citizens saying goodbye to OAC Cadet Company on train. Cadets can be seen hanging out of windows. Probably the departure of Company K as referenced in others in sub series. Citizens looking on, OAC Cadet band playing in foreground. Railroad passenger cars are of the WWI era heavy steel construction style.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:578: Corvallis citizens at train with boarding cadets 1918 4x5 photographic print
Corvallis citizens saying goodbye to departing Cadet troops. Cadets are wearing campaign hats with over the shoulder bedrolls. Probably the departure of Company K as referenced in others in sub series. Citizens looking on, line of troops walking next to railroad passenger cars. Railroad passenger cars are of the WWI era heavy steel construction style.
circa 1918 |
General Ulysses Grant Mc Alexander, Rock of the Marne
Major General Ulysses Grant McAlexander photograph sub series. Born 30 August 1864 at Dundas, Minnesota and graduated from West Point in 1887. Military hero known as the Rock of the Marne, McAlexander served as Commandant of Cadets at Oregon Agricultural College from 1907 to 1911 and again from 1915 to 1916. McAlexander retired from the Army in 1924 and chose Newport, Oregon as his home. Oregon State Agricultural College conferred an honorary doctorate upon him in 1930. He was an unsuccessful candidate in the 1934 Republican gubernatorial primary election. McAlexander died at his home in Portland, Oregon, on 18 September 1936 and was buried in the Arlington National Cemetery. Many of the photographs in this sub series are large portraits, most probably displayed in ROTC Armory and campus buildings.
circa 1920 | |
Box | ||
11 | P002:362: General McAlexander in full dress uniform with medals 12X19 photographic print
General Ulysses Grant McAlexander in full dress uniform, circa 1920. Medals on uniform are from US Army service. This photo appears to be a portrait photo that appears in the Beaver Yearbook 1920 edition. Full dress uniform includes gilt on brim of hat denoting General rank. Copy of larger print (5X7) is located in Box #1, Sub Series 2d folder, full size portrait (12X19) is stored in oversize Box #4
circa 1920 |
10 | P002:362a: Large Print of Gen. Mc Alexander in full dress uniform 11X14 photographic print
General Ulysses Grant McAlexander in full dress uniform, circa 1920. Medals on uniform are from US Army service. This photo appears to be a portrait photo that appears in the Beaver Yearbook 1920 edition. Full dress uniform includes gilt on brim of hat denoting General rank. Medals are in large enough detail to determine origin. 2nd from right is the Philippine Insurrection 1899, 3rd from Right is War with Spain 1898 medal. The Distinguished Army Cross is the far left medal, highest, "close to heart"
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:428: Portrait - Mrs. U. G. McAlexander (Grace R. Palmer) circa 1920 6x8 photographic print
Portrait photo of Mrs. U. G. McAlexander, wife of General McAlexander. Posed, seated portrait of circa 1920 vintage. Marked on reverse in fountain pen.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:429: Portrait - Mrs. U. G. McAlexander seated circa 1920 6X8 photographic print
Portrait photo print of Mrs. U. G. McAlexander, wife of General McAlexander (Grace R. Palmer). Posed, seated portrait of circa 1920 vintage. Marked on reverse in fountain pen.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:430:
General Ulysses Grant McAlexander in Europe to receive medal
3.5X6 photographic print
Brigadier General Ulysses Grant McAlexander in Bernkastel-Cues, Germany, ca. 1924. McAlexander returned to Europe several times after the end of World War I, including twice to be presented with commendations. In April 1919 he received the La Croce al Merito di Guerra from the Italian government, and in April 1924 he received the Croix de Guerre from the Republic of France. Photo shows standard uniform with high collar prior to the newer issue rolled collar with lapels in 1925. Garrison cap with general star rank also seen on overcoat sleeve. Photograph by J. Funk, Bernnnkastel = Cues. This location in Germany is on the French border in the Moselle wine region.
circa 1924 |
1 | P002:431:
Brigadier Gen. McAlexander in France - WWI photo 6.5X8.5 photographic print
Stock US Army signal corps print of Brigadier General Mc Alexander during WWI in France. Stock Signal Corps photo of the General in uniform with helmet. In August 1918, he was promoted to temporary Brigadier General and given command of a Brigade in the 90th Infantry Division, which he led in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne operations and which he also commanded in occupation duty in Germany until June 1919. This photo would be dated during this period in France.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:432: Portrait U. G. McAlexander with helmet 6.5X8.5 photographic print
Portrait of Brigadier General Ulysses Grant McAlexander, ca. 1920. McAlexander had a long and illustrious military career. In 1920 he was promoted from Colonel to Brigadier General in part because of his leadership at the Battle of the Marne in July 1918. This photo is a cropped head shot from the US Army official photograph which includes his uniform details. This photograph includes his brigadier general star rank on the standard US WWI helmet.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:433: Portrait Ulysses Grant McAlexander dress uniform circa 1924 4.0 photographic prints
8X10 photographic print
Portrait of Major General Ulysses Grant Mc Alexander in dress uniform. The rank of Major General dates photograph to prior to his retirement in July 1924. Detail of award ribbons on uniform. Marked in pencil on Oregon State University Archives stamped copy, "Gen. U. G. McAlexander presented to Vane Gilison by his daughter-in-law".
circa 1924 |
1 | P002:434: Gen. U. G. McAlexander portrait in office OAC #2 6X9 photographic print
Posed portrait of Brigadier General McAlexander in his office at OAC(?). Photograph is by the same portrait photographer of his wife in P002:428/429. Soft focus, posed with McAlexander in uniform with General rank star on epaulets.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:435: Gen. U. G. McAlexander portrait in office at OAC 8X10 photographic print
Posed portrait of Brigadier General McAlexander in his office at OAC(?). Photograph is by the same portrait photographer of his wife in P002:428/429. Soft focus, posed with McAlexander in uniform with General rank star on epaulets.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:436: Gen. Ulysses G. McAlexander portrait 6.5X9.5 photographic print
Studio portrait of Brigadier General Ulysses Grant McAlexander, probably in the 1920-25 period. Photograph is by the same portrait photographer of his wife in P002:428/429. Soft focus, posed with McAlexander in uniform with General rank star on epaulets.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:437: Portrait, Tallmadge McAlexander, son of General, 16 yrs old. 8X10 photographic print
Studio portrait of the son of General Mc Alexander. Tallmadge McAlexander, at age 16 in a standard soft focus head shot of the period. Tallmadge McAlexander is listed as finishing his BA Thesis from Reed College in 1950, this photo would be of a 1942-1945 vintage. No other biographical information is included with photo.
circa 1945 |
1 | P002:446: Gen. McAlexander on horseback in Europe 4x5 Negative
Negative 4x5. General Mc Alexander and his staff on horseback somewhere in Europe. Probably taken when he was in France receiving a medal in 1924. The castle ruins in background and river valley are of special note. The General and his staff are posed on horseback with this background. Photo is published in OSU Oregon Stater.
circa 1924 |
1 | P002:447: General and Mrs. McAlexander, circa 1930 4x5 Negative
Photograph of General and Mrs. McAlexander in later years after retirement. No date is given, but it appears to be circa 1930.
circa 1930 |
1 | P002:448: Mrs. McAlexander, passport photo 1.0 4x5 negatives
4x5 photographic print
Photo of the passport of General U. G. McAlexander's wife, Grace R. Palmer. Probably circa 1930, this appears to be her passport, photographed.
circa 1930 |
12 | P002:813: General McAlexander in full dress uniform with medals 20X24 photographic print
General Ulysses Grant McAlexander in full dress uniform, circa 1920. Medals on uniform are from US Army service. This photo appears to be a portrait photo that appears in the Beaver Yearbook 1920 edition. Full dress uniform includes gilt on brim of hat denoting General rank. Large portrait copy of original stock photo.
circa 1920 |
Box | ||
1 | P002:073: Sergeant Major Dennis Hayes with automobile 4x6 photographic print
Print 4x6. Period print of Regimental Sergeant Major Denis Hayes, US Army Retired, standing with one foot on the running board of a 1918 vintage automobile. Hayes is in standard high collar coat with leather belted puttees. Photograph is described on the back with notation referencing the 1919 Beaver Yearbook with a listing of military personnel "Over There", pg. 452
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:271: OAC Cadets being addressed by Commander circa 1918 1.0 negative
6X9 photographic print
possibly contemporary reprint of original negative (accompanying photo) by the Department of Information, Oregon State University (Stamped on reverse) Original photograph described as circa 1919, this is related to the photograph of the address by dignitaries of OAC "Inaugural Exercises, Oct. 1, 1918. The first four rows of crowd are cadets, with civilian onlookers in rear. Officer in Bandstand addressing crowd is unidentified. The cadets uniforms reflect the WWI era with some exceptions that can be attributed to cadet corps being issued older uniform stock. The Campaign Hats are of correct vintage, but the canvas puttees are of older style. Rifles in the group are the older design, Model 1896 .30 Caliber Krag-Jorgensen Rifles of Spanish American War vintage. The cadets were probably issued these supplies from existing US Army stockpiles and they may or may not be upgraded in the field.
Notes on reverse of photograph are concerning the buildings in the background, "Note: Dairy (Soc. Sc.), 2 white frame building the larger of which should be part of Alpha hall; daeke(?) frame house (SPE)"
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:288:
OAC SATC cadets listening to address, WWI
6X10 photographic print
photograph of the address by dignitaries of OAC "Inaugural Exercises, Oct. 1, 1918". Caption on reverse is typed on a small tag, stating "President Kerr addressing (sic) the S.A.T.C. (Student Army Training Corps) at the Inaugural Exercises, Oct. 1, 1918". The first four rows of crowd are cadets, with civilian onlookers in rear. Officer in Bandstand addressing crowd is unidentified. The cadets uniforms reflect the WWI era with some exceptions that can be attributed to cadet corps being issued older uniform stock.
October 1918 |
1 | P002:289:
OAC SATC radio training on campus, WWI
8X10 photographic print
Contemporary reprint of an early field radio training session with OAC Cadets. Very clear and detailed photo showing the early style wireless radio with cadets and training NCO. Uniforms are Pre WWI vintage based on Puttees issued. The caption on reverse in older fountain pen states: "Field Radio - or wireless Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis" The dating in pencil of about 1915-16 is added later, as is the Department of Information, Oregon State University stamp. This type of radio equipment was in use in the Pre WW1 years, and the Signal Corps Company of OAC included this training on campus. Stock photo may have been published in the Barometer or Oregon Stater during the period.
circa 1916 |
1 | P002:363: Formation of OAC Cadets - Ag Building 4x5 negative
Formations of OAC cadets marching in front of Agriculture Building and Alpha Hall, probably circa 1918. Full complement of cadet corp on parade.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:368: First OAC Training Det. Ready to Leave 8-10-18 1.0 8x10 negatives
8X10 photographic print
Ball Studio photograph of "First OAC Training Det. Ready to Leave 8-10-18". Formation of Cadets with rifles at ready. The cadets uniforms reflect the WWI era with some exceptions. The Campaign Hats are of correct vintage, but the canvas puttees are of older style. Rifles in the group are the older design, Model 1896 .30 Caliber Krag-Jorgensen Rifles. Probably a contemporary reprint of old WWI negative. Very clear detail of buildings and parade field. Of note is the walkway foreground made of lumber.
1918 |
1 | P002:589: US Navy SATC Cadets, marching formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Formation of US Navy cadets marching on campus parade. Probably part of the SATC (which became the ROTC after WWI) unit at OAC during WWI era. Rare photograph in collection of Navy cadets. Standard US Navy Cracker Jack uniforms with WWI Era leggings.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:621: Cadet formation with Education Hall in background 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Poor quality photograph showing cadet formation on lower campus with Education Hall and old Gym in distance. Due to the poor lighting/focus it is difficult to determine age of photograph. The overall look of the photo is similar to P002:622 which shows officers in WWI Uniforms. This photograph is most likely of the same batch/time.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:622: Officers talking on parade field, WWI era uniforms 1.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Four men in uniform, possibly cadet officers and the US Army military staff, informal group on parade field. Uniforms are standard issue of the WWI period. Bloused trousers and wrapped puttees. Standard campaign hats (Pattern 1911 Service hat) and high collared tunics.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:623: Inspection Day, cadets in review 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Inspection of cadets in formation by cadet officers and visiting dignitary. Leggings and service caps indicate a WWI uniform style. Rifles are M1896 Krag-Jorgensen bolt action of Spanish American War vintage. The inspection day by the Military Department was a special event each year on the OAC Campus.
circa 1917 |
1 | P002:625:
Cadet formations in front of Men's Gymnasium WWI
1.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Formation of cadets in companies in field adjacent to the new Men's Gymnasium and Moreland Hall (then Forestry Bldg.) Stamped on reverse with E.J. Reed, College Editor, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis Oregon. Pencil notes on margin listing building names. Of note is a 1918 vintage or older flatbed truck on street behind cadets. Open wheels, no cab enclosure on truck. High magnification of the detail in photo shows uniforms of cadets to include campaign hats (Pattern 1911 Service Hat) which were in use during the WWI period.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:631: Cadet formation with Moreland Hall and new Men's Gymnasium 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Formation of cadets in companies in field adjacent to the new Men's Gymnasium and Moreland Hall (Forestry Bldg.) Uniforms are of WWI vintage showing campaign hats and leggings. Good detail of campus buildings in background. Small boy and his Scottie dog are observing the formation in foreground.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:638: OAC Cadet Band leading formations on Inspection Day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A grouping of period photographs of OAC Cadet corps in various formations probably on "Inspection Day" during WWI era. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Uniforms of the day included Campaign hats and leather or canvas leggings. OAC Cadet band leading the formation of cadet regiment onto the inspection field.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:639: OAC Cadet Band leading formations on inspection day #2 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A grouping of period photographs of OAC Cadet corps in various formations probably on "Inspection Day" during WWI era. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Uniforms of the day included Campaign hats and leather or canvas leggings. OAC Cadet band leading the formation of cadet regiment onto the inspection field.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:640: OAC Cadet formations inspection day WWI era 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A grouping of period photographs of OAC Cadet corps in various formations probably on "Inspection Day" during WWI era. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Uniforms of the day included Campaign hats and leather or canvas leggings. Cadet formations marching on parade field. Unit in background is the US Navy SATC corps assigned to OAC during WWI. Cadets are also wearing the standard issue overcoat.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:669: OAC Cadets formation Inspection day WWI era uniforms 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A grouping of period photographs of OAC Cadet corps in various formations probably on "Inspection Day" during WWI era. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Uniforms include Campaign hats and leather or canvas leggings. Heavy overcoats on cadets indicate a winter inspection of regiment. This photo is of the same grouping which includes the US Navy detachment, of WWI vintage.
circa 1918 |
1 | P002:707: President Kerr with dignitaries, Inspection Day 8X10 photographic print
Group of dignitaries including President Kerr (in black morning coat) on Inspection Day, circa 1920. Military officer conversing with group is wearing the pattern 1912 Service cap with a pattern 1918 service coat. His belt is of the Model 1910 Garrison style with the US buckle. Leather leggings worn by officers are also shown on the military uniforms in the group. Of special note is the spectacular moustache on the officer at far left. Lines on the bottom of the print indicate that the three men in the center of the group had been named and written on the original negative.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:814: Group portrait Instructors of US Army Signal Corps, 1918 8X10 photographic print
Group of US Army Signal Corps Instructors posing in front of men's gym (Now Langston Hall). Period marking on reverse: "Instructors - U.S. Training Detachment, Corvallis Oregon, Aug 15th 1918" Also includes description of unit, "US Signal Corps Radio Telegraphy & Telephony, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon." Marking at far top right corner "from Percy". Significant photograph of instructors in a new technology in warfare.
August 1918 |
11 | P002:815: Panorama marching troops, US Training Camp Presidio San Francisco, 1917 8X19 panoramic print
Panorama produced by US Army Signal Corps of "Farewell Regimental Review, US Training Camp, Presidio of San Francisco, in honor of Major General Arthur Murray, November 15, 1917." It is unknown if OAC Cadets are pictured in this image. Good detail of parade grounds of Presidio during the WWI period.
1917 |
14 | P002:816: Panorama Company A, SATC, OAC 1918 8X37 panoramic print
Period print of OAC Cadets assigned to Company A, SATC, 1918. Caption notes "Capt. Dancy Commanding." Condition of print is poor, damage to ends.
1918 |
14 | P002:817:
Panorama Company B, SATC, OAC 1918
1.0 print
8X37 panoramic print
Period print of OAC Cadets assigned to Company B, SATC, 1918. Caption reads "Lt. T.B. Van Horn commanding."
1918 |
14 | P002:818: Panorama Officers of First Field Artillery, Ft. Sill, OK 1918 8X35 panoramic print
Non OAC, active duty military (possible ties to OAC Cadet corps). Caption on print "Officers First Field Artillery, US Army (Regular) St. Sill, Okla, June 25, 1918. Names of officers are written in pencil on back of photo.
1918 |
14 | P002:820: Panorama USN unit SATC, OAC 1918 8X32 panoramic print
Seated portrait of US Navy unit SATC (Student Army Training Corps) at OAC, Corvallis OR, Ensign Wheeler in command, 1918. Photograph of entire unit seated outside, next to Education Building. Print is in fair condition, fading and foxing noted.
1918 |
Series III: Inter War Years, 1919-1939Return to Top
During the post World War I period, the ROTC program at Oregon State was nationally recognized. The Armory, built in 1911 (now McAlexander Field House) was the best equipped facility on the West Coast. Many of the photographs in the series are from the post World War I time frame, highlighting the annual Military Tournaments.
A number of the photographs in this series show cadets and military officers wearing the standard Sam Browne style leather belt and shoulder strap. The official US Army regulations for dress uniforms deleted this item to conserve on leather in a 1940 directive. From 1941 on, cloth belts attached to the dress uniform coat with metal buckles were standard issue. Many of the photographs that are found in the collection have been dated later than this 1940 cut off. Existing stocks of Sam Browne type belts were exhausted by the Quartermaster as well as officers having this type previously issued to them. Although officially not a part of the World War II era dress uniform, many photographs show officers and cadets still wearing the Sam Browne type belt in the 1941, 1942 and 1943 Beaver yearbooks. This unauthorized (not enforced, apparently) use of this type of belt can move the dating of some photographs from the interwar years to early World War II.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
OAC Motor Transport Corps
After the end of WWI, the Military built up the ROTC Training Battalion at OAC to include a Transportation Corps company. This new technology of warfare, the movement of men and materials by Trucks was to become a new science in Military and Tactics training. Original equipment provided to the OAC Armory included the WWI vintage "Liberty Trucks"and the FWD type. The 1922 Beaver yearbook describes the unit, "Equipment of the latest type and most complete nature is furnished each unit, and a large and able force of officers and enlisted men are stationed here as instructors. OAC has the third largest armory among colleges in the United States." (p.256) This unit was absorbed into the Engineers during the early 1930s.
circa 1920 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:581: US Army Staff Car leading Truck parade 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Print b/w 3.5x5.5. US Army Staff car (Dodge?) leading a column of WWI Vintage "Liberty" and FWD Trucks assigned to OAC for training in the new sciences of mobility within the military. This unit was short lived and was eventually absorbed into the Engineers Corps. These vehicles were part of a new type unit at OAC, the Motor Transport Corps.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:582: OAC Transportation Corps liberty trucks on parade 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Column of WWI Vintage "Liberty" Trucks assigned to OAC for training in the new sciences of mobility within the military. This unit was short lived and was eventually absorbed into the Engineers Corps. These vehicles were part of a new type unit at OAC, the Motor Transport Corps.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:662: OAC Transportation Corps liberty trucks in convoy 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Column of WWI Vintage "Liberty" Trucks assigned to OAC for training in the new sciences of mobility within the military. This unit was short lived and was eventually absorbed into the Engineers Corps. These vehicles were part of a new type unit at OAC, the Motor Transport Corps. Similar view of convoy of OAC Transportation Corps WWI vintage liberty trucks.
circa 1920 |
OAC Field Artillery Battalion
After WWI the US Army instituted artillery training for ROTC Cadets at OAC. During the 1920s up until the beginning of WWII, a Battalion of Field Artillery was assigned with batteries (Companies A,B, and C) of 4 French WWI design 75mm Howitzers and a M1918 155mm Heavy artillery piece. These guns were used for training in the use of artillery including transport, maintenance and tactics. The "French 75mm" was the standard artillery piece of the US Army during the interwar period. Drawn by 4 horse teams with Caissons (ammunition/parts storage carts) and Limbers (used to attach horses to harnesses), the weapons were seen around campus often. The heavy artillery piece, the M1918 155mm, was moved by a caterpillar tractor (US Army type) and accompanied by trucks with materials and ammunition. These vehicles were part of a new type unit at OAC, the Motor Transport Corps. The 1922 Beaver yearbook describes the unit, "Equipment of the latest type and most complete nature is furnished each unit, and a large and able force of officers and enlisted men are stationed here as instructors. OAC has the third largest armory among colleges in the United States." (p.256)
circa 1920 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:584: Artillery caissons parked by Armory 1.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photo shows the Artillery Battalion's caissons and limbers lined up for inspection on the side field of the Armory (Mc Alexander Field House) Good detail of building side entrance during the 1920s.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:586: Horse-drawn caissons/limbers on campus #2 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Side view of horse-drawn limber with trailing caisson moving on campus
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:587: Horse-drawn artillery caissons/limbers on campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Movement of artillery caissons/limbers through campus
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:588: Horse-drawn artillery caissons/limbers on parade 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photo shows four horse teams attached to limbers/caissons moving through campus.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:599: Horse-drawn caisson with limbers in line on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Line up of horse-drawn caissons with limbers on parade field, probably on inspection day. At right of photograph is a mock pillbox and barricade for inspection day military demonstrations.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:604: Artillery tractor and 155mm Howitzer and cadet formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph shows the M1918 155mm Heavy Artillery being pulled by the caterpillar tractor by Mc Alexander Armory. The large cannon received the name "Aggie Boy" which was painted on its barrel. Column of cadets marching beside artillery are armed with holstered pistols. Motor Transport Corps motorcycle on right with sidecar.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:624: Horse Drawn artillery pieces moving through campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photograph shows a column of artillery pieces (75mm) being moved through campus. Probably both companies of artillery during training all being moved.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:626: Horse-drawn caisson with limber on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photograph depicts a parade of horse drawn limbers and caissons on parade field. The weapons are not present in this formation. Photo is probably of the early 1920 vintage, as with others in this group highlighting the new unit on OAC.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:629: Horseback cadets with artillery in background 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Three horseback cadets by Armory with artillery in background. Photos are of the era after WWI with brimmed Pattern 1912 Service Caps and high collar tunics. The Mc Alexander Field House (then Armory) is in background. Clear photo of uniforms and horse equipment. The artillery unit was formed after WWI using surplus equipment, a number of photos in this group include artillery in content.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:654: French 75mm cannons with caissons by Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph shows the French 75mm with their caissons lined up for inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:655: French 75mm Artillery Cadets firing gun 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Detailed photograph of cadets firing artillery on open range (Probably Yakima area) The four man crew in action shows loading a shell into the gun with a cadet sitting on the framework at left. To the rear of the gun, the caisson with ammunition and supplies can be seen open and ready for action. Reverse of photograph is stamped with a Oregon State University Archives mark and the remains of an order form from the photo engravers company. Of special note is a small strip of a campus photograph. 1x4.5 inches pasted to reverse. Education Building on left with Benton Hall obscured by trees on right.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:657:
Heavy artillery on OAC Campus after WWI
3.5X5.5 photographic print
This excellent photo shows the "Aggie Boy" M1918 155mm Heavy gun being towed by the Caterpillar tractor in standard use during the period. The gun is followed by a heavy truck for supplies and ammunition. Also if note is the WWI era motor cycle with sidecar and a cadet sitting watching the parade. Great detail in shot of the "latest" equipment assigned to the new artillery training battalion on OAC beginning just after WWI. The heavy truck following is the "4WD truck" that was manufactured by Four Wheel Drive Co. in Clintonville, WI A WWI vintage US Army truck.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:659: French 75mm Artillery piece with caisson by Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A highly detailed photo of one of the Artillery Battalion French 75mm cannons with it's caisson in the field next to the Armory. Vehicles in background include a small sporty Ford Model T "Speedster" by the Armory entrance. The artillery piece is shown in clear detail with the fittings and straps of the caisson also rendered well.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:660:
Heavy artillery, affectionately known as "Aggie Boy"
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Aggie Boy was the name given to the heavy artillery training piece assigned to OAC in the 1920s. This is detailed view of the M1918 155mm Howitzer, a French design from WWI. Cadet leaning on gun carriage at right. The west side of the Armory (Mc Alexander Field House) in background. "Aggie Boy" has been hand painted in black on the barrel of the artillery piece.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:661: Horse-drawn artillery moving by Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Six horse teams are shown pulling caissons and French 75mm artillery pieces on campus to the west of Armory.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:663:
OAC Cadets demonstrating on French 75mm cannon
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photo depicts a crew of cadets working with the French 75mm cannon on campus. Uniforms are of WWI vintage, artillery cadets were still wearing the campaign hats and wrapped puttees. Caisson is open showing stowage of ammunition and supplies. Good, clear detail of uniforms and equipment.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:664: Artillery pieces being stored in Armory, children involved 2.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photo shows a line of caissons and 75mm Field guns being stored inside the Armory (Mc Alexander Field House). Of special note are the young children in photo. 2 officers/NCOs are riding on one of the caissons, and there are 6 children (Pre teen) involved with the event.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:667: M1918 155mm Howitzer, view of bore 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This view of the 155mm heavy artillery piece. Of special note the gun still shows the remnants of the WWI style camouflage (3 color type) used on equipment in the WWI through early 1920s period. The huge bore of the heavy gun is featured as well as the hard rubber wheels on the carriage. Photo is taken inside of the Armory building showing the construction of the huge open parade/training area.
circa 1920 |
OAC Military Tournament/Inspection Day - Pre 1925
This sub series of photographs includes OAC Cadet formations on Inspection Day. An annual event on the OAC Campus, Military Review or "Inspection Day" involved the entire cadet division. Representatives from the Military Department would attend the ceremonies and certify the ROTC Program and its personnel. OAC Boasted a continuous Excellent rating in these evaluations for most of the 1920s and 30s. Uniforms of cadets and officers date to Pre 1925 uniform regulations. Officers jackets have the high collar (vintage WWI) design which was changed in 1925. Many of the photos in the sub series portray marching formations of cadets on the parade field below Benton Hall.
circa 1920 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:580: Military review spectators passing Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Spectators arriving to view military day at OAC, Armory in background. Jefferson Street with auto traffic on left.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:583: Cadets walking in line by Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:591: Company of cadets marching 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadet company marching on lower campus parade field.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:593: Group of cadets seated on grass with speaker 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Speaker addressing (possibly General McAlexander) large group of cadets on lower campus below Benton Hall. Band members also seated on grass with group.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:594: Charging cadet formation, military demonstration 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadets demonstrating a bayonet charge.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:595: Inspection formation with cadets at attention 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Lines of cadets at attention waiting for inspection.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:596: Cadet formations on lower campus, inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Wide view of parade field with cadet formations. Benton Hall in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:597: Bayonet demonstration cadet formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadets with fixed bayonets in demonstration probably on inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:598: Mc Alexander Field House (Armory) with cadet formations 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadet formations marching by Armory.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:600: Group of cadets sitting on grass with speaker 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Large group of cadets on grass listening to speaker at left. Unidentified speaker in uniform, possibly McAlexander? Officers are being group standing, at right.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:601: Cadets marching past Mc Alexander Field House (Armory) 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet formations marching past Armory. Jefferson Street on left with columns of cadets marching on sidewalks.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:602: Campus view Bandstand and Pharmacy Building 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Campus view showing quad area with bandstand at right. Pharmacy bldg and Benton Hall in background. Photograph is probably vintage 1920s and appears not to show any military formations or cadets.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:603: McAlexander Field house (Armory Bldg) with Cadet formations 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Good view of the Mc Alexander Field House (then Armory) with cadets marching in parade field adjacent to Jefferson Street.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:605: Cadet formations marching past reviewing spectators with packs 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadets marching in formation with field packs. Spectator gallery in view with some small children in group.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:606: Cadets marching onto parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Company formations of cadets marching on parade field. This photo shows cadets with full field packs, a rare photo in the series.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:607: Military Department representatives reviewing cadets 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Poorly focused photo of cadets passing in review. Military Department representatives and possibly President Kerr viewing marching cadets.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:608: Cadets marching in columns, inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadet formation of companies marching in column style.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:609: Rear view, cadets marching in line 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. cadets marching in single file line, away from camera. Uniforms show the leather cartridge case on belts.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:610: Right Shoulder Arms, Forward March 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Right shoulder arms, forward march.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:611: Company D, infantry cadets flag on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadet Infantry Company D flag on parade field.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:612: Cadets on parade field, inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide, high angle shot of cadets on parade field, inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:614: Graduation day cadet formations aerial view 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Graduation day high level photograph of parade field. View shows spectators in long dresses and suits. Graduating class, in caps and gowns are lined up on left hand side of field.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:615: Graduation day cadet formations aerial view #2 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. High angle photograph, almost aerial view of parade field with cadet formations. Detail examination shows groups of cadets in graduation cap and gowns in front of their respective companies.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:616: Cadet formations ready for inspection wide shot 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A grouping of period photographs of OAC Cadet corps in various formations probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Formations of cadet companies in many of this grouping are shown on the lower campus with the Education Building (Science Bldg) and the old Gymnasium in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:617: Cadet formation ready for inspection 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Formation of cadets ready for inspection.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:618: Cadet formation with stretcher squad 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Company formations of cadets at parade rest. Squad of stretcher bearers at right. Cadet officer leaning on his sabre.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:619: Marching cadets with rifles 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. This was an annual event in the OAC year which included a review of the cadets by college and military dignitaries, parades and military demonstrations. Rifles on shoulders are still probably the Pre WWI Krag Jorgensen .30 Caliber.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:620: Cadet formation with band 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Cadet formation including OAC Cadet Band at left.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:630: Cadets marching on field by Armory 2.0 3 x 5 prints
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Formation of cadets marching in background with Mc Alexander field house (Armory) on right.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:633: Cadets walking on lower campus in formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Small group of cadets walking in formation (informally) with rifles.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:634: Movement of cadet formation on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Two cadet companies marching on parade field with rifles.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:635: Cadet Company marching on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet company marching on parade field, inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:636: Inspection Day formations wide view 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Overall view of cadet formations on lower campus, probably inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:637: Cadet formation marching on lower campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Company formation marching on lower campus
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:641: View of parade field with cadet formations 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide view of parade field with all cadet companies in formation for inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:642: View of parade field with cadet formations #2 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide view of cadet formations on parade field ready for inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:643: Company of cadets marching 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet company marching in formation to inspection day parade field
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:644: OAC Cadet Band marching with instruments 3.5X5.5 photographic print
OAC Cadet band marching with instruments at inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:645: Cadets informally marching lower campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Informal group of cadets marching back home from inspection day. Some with rifles on shoulders, some at sides, group is organized but not formally marching.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:646: Officer addressing group of cadets 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Officer talking with company of cadets. Rifles are of the newer 1903 Springfield type, replacing the Pre Spanish American War Krag-Jorgensen rifles seen issued to cadets in the 1900-1918 period.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:647: Cadets waiting for their turn to be inspected 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet formation waiting for their turn to be inspected by Military Department representatives
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:648: Line abreast formation moving on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet company moving in line abreast formation on parade field
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:649: Close order drill formation for inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet company marching on parade field in close order drill, inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:650: Company formation marching lower campus 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet company marching in formation on lower campus
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:651: Double Time! March! 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Column of cadets moving at double time in formation probably on inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:652: Parade field with cadet formations 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide view of cadet formations on inspection day. Of note is the company on left wearing the WWI era "body armor" vests.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:653: Troops marching past Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet formations moving past the Armory
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:666: Company formation of cadets at rest by Armory 3.5X5.5 photographic print
With the Armory (Mc Alexander Field House) in background, the formation of cadets are grouped with officers speaking. Flags and company colors are at rear of formation, this indicates that the group could possibly be forming up for inspection day activities.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:667: Cadet formation viewed from rear 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A view of the cadet formation from the rear showing them marching toward the Armory. Photograph is similar to many in this grouping of marching cadets on lower campus parade field. Formations are being moved into position for inspection day activities, circa 1920.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:670: Column of cadets marching past Pharmacy Building 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet formation marching past the Pharmacy Building with Benton Hall in the background. College coed dressed in exercise outfit (?) watching them pass.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:672: Wide view of cadet formations, Inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of cadet regiment marching in formation on parade field.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:673: Cadet formation on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Movement of cadets on lower campus, probably inspection day
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:676: Cadet formation marching on parade field, c1920 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph is similar to many in this grouping of marching cadets on lower campus parade field. Formations are being moved into position for inspection day activities, circa 1920.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:674: Detail of speaker to cadet formation, possibly Gen. Mc Alexander 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This detail photo is related to P002:593 and 600 showing the speaker they are listening to. The profile of the subject could be General McAlexander. While in a uniform, there is no rank insignia shown. The individual is wearing a garrison cap with plaid markings, not seen on any other cadets of the period.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:675: Group of cadets next to Old Gymnasium 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This group of cadets are informally gathering in the lower area by the Old Gymnasium. The gymnasium later became the College Playhouse and Mitchell Playhouse. Today it is the Gladys Valley Gymnastics Center.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:678: Company of cadets moving forward into formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photograph is similar to many in this grouping of marching cadets on lower campus parade field. Formations are being moved into position for inspection day activities, circa 1920.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:679: Company of cadets moving into formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Formations are being moved into position for inspection day activities, circa 1920.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:680: Company formations waiting for inspection 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. Formations are being moved into position for inspection day activities, circa 1920.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:685: Spectator crowd observing inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photograph is poorly focused, but appears to be the crowd of spectators for the formations of cadets marching on the parade field. Agriculture Hall in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:686: Spectators observing cadet formation on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Small group of spectators watching movement of cadet company on parade field, lower campus across from Education Building.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:687: Cadet regiment marching to parade field, behind Education Building 3.5X5.5 photographic print
A photograph of OAC Cadet corps in formation probably on "Inspection Day" early 1920s. View from above, of entire cadet regiment moving onto the lower campus parade field. Education Building (Science Hall) rear of building is on left.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:688: Cadet Regiment marching onto parade field #2 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Similar view to P002:687, this photograph includes color guard marching in formation. Entire cadet regiment moving onto parade field, lower campus.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:689: Spectator crowd observing inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photograph is better focused,and appears to be the crowd of spectators for the formations of cadets marching on the parade field. Agriculture Hall in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:690: Officers with man and woman inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
This photograph is poorly focused, and the man in civilian clothes might be one of the military department observers. Officers are wearing dress uniforms for inspection day.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:691: Cadets resting in field, rifles stacked, inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadets are resting in high grass field. Rifles are stacked at side of group.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:692: Spectator crowd on field with cadets, inspection day 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Spectators watching the inspection day formations of OAC Cadets
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:693: OAC ROTC Officers meeting with unidentified man 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Photo includes the US Army officers assigned to OAC ROTC Program meeting with an unidentified man in suit. Possibly Military Department representative here to review cadet regiment.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:694: Officer bending down to view baby carriage, mother looks on 3.5X5.5 photographic print
The high collar tunic was still in issue up to 1925, which places the uniform styles in the circa 1920 period. Photograph shows military officer bending down to view baby in carriage while the mother looks on. Cadet officer observes, holding megaphone in white gloved hands.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:696: Cadet color guard marching on parade field 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet color guard marching across parade field in front of large crowd of spectators.
circa 1920 |
OSC Military Tournament/Inspection Day - 1925 to 1939
This sub series contains photos of Inspection Day formations of OAC Cadets wearing later type 1925 style uniforms. Dating of sub series based on collar design of officers jackets. Many of the photos appear to be of Inspection Day Formations, all are related.
circa 1927 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:535: Inspection Day formation OAC Cadet Regiment 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of cadet formations on lower campus, possibly mid 1920s. Cadets are formed into companies with officers on right. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots.
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:536:
Trick photography way before Photoshop, OAC Cadet Band
2.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle photo of OAC Cadet band in formation on parade field, probably Inspection Day in mid 1920s. Company formation of cadets on right with officers in field. Band in marching formation with instruments. Double exposure trick photography changing perspective. Band in foreground is smaller than the band in the background.
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:537: Inspection Day formation, duplicate of P002:535 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of cadet formations on lower campus, possibly mid 1920s. Cadets are formed into companies with officers on right. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots, uniforms could date to circa 1925. Duplicate print of P002:535
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:538: Inspection Day Company formations, wide view 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of cadet formations on lower campus, possibly mid 1920s. Cadets are formed into companies with officers on right. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots, uniforms could date to circa 1925. Photo is related to P002:535
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:539: Commanding Officer inspecting color guard 3.0 3 x 5 prints
3.5X5.5 photographic print
US Army officer inspecting OAC Cadet Color Guard, probably inspection day. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots, uniforms of officers include collar design post 1925.
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:540: Inspection Day cadets moving into formation 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Cadet companies moving into formation on parade field. Inspection day, mid 1920s. Monroe street churches on left in background. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots, uniforms date to circa 1925 or later.
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:541: Negative, Inspection Day color guard, at attention 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of cadet formations on lower campus, possibly mid 1920s. Color guard formation at attention with officer saluting with sabre. Cadet company formations in background. Detail of photo indicates service caps and high leather boots, uniforms date to post circa 1925.
circa 1927 |
1 | P002:792: Cadets resting in shade, Inspection Day 3X9 photographic print
Print of larger panorama. Cadets resting in shade on campus. Notation on reverse states: "Annual Military Inspection Parade - ROTC" Also noted: "1925 Beaver p.174" and "Rec'd May 26 '64 Shriber". Cadets are wearing garrison caps and have web gear with canteens and pouches visible. High collar tunics are consistent with dating.
circa 1925 |
1 | P002:793: Annual Military Inspection Parade - ROTC 2.5X9.5 photographic print
Print of larger panoramic photograph. Formations of cadets on parade field, with spectators circa 1925. Photo is marked on reverse "Annual Military Inspection parade - ROTC" Also marked in lower right corner: "1925 Beaver p.174, Rec'd May 26 '64 Shriber". Wide angle shot of cadets on field. Spectators on right looking on.
circa 1925 |
1 | P002:794: Armory at night time with automobiles 4X9 photographic print
Print of larger panoramic photo. Night time photograph of the Armory (Mc Alexander Field House) with period automobiles. Sign over door of building "Military Tournament - April 27th" Markings in pencil on reverse: "The cadet corps at the time of the annual Military inspection has succeeded in winning the Distinguished Star rating during the past five seasons, the entire equipment of all units of ROTC is used for the parade. 1925 Beaver p.174" The photo is also marked in lower right with "Rec'd May 26 '64 Shriber".
circa 1925 |
Interwar Years - Negatives
Collection of 4x5 negatives, various subjects during the interwar years. Many of the negatives correspond with prints in this series. Some of the negatives are related to the prints as different views, same subjects. Arranged numerically within the sub series folder.
1919-1939 | |
Box | ||
1 | P002:044: Army ROTC Drill Team with M1903 Springfield Rifles 4X5 negative
10 Army Drill Team members with Officer. Rifles are 1903 Springfield bolt action. Men are wearing garrison caps in dress uniforms. Officer wearing dress tunic with Sam Browne belt and brimmed cap.
circa 1939 |
1 | P002:53: Officers and escorts procession at Military Ball 4X5 negative
The annual military ball at Oregon State was the high point of the cadet year. The elaborate backdrop with anti-aircraft guns and bombs for the band was probably erected in the Memorial Union ballroom. Officers and their escorts are being greeted by the Commandant. Circa dating of 1937 is indicated by uniforms. This photo was probably used for OSC publication.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:059: Governor Charles Martin presenting ribbon to Cadet honor guard 4X5 negative
Governor Charles Martin presenting award ribbon to cadet honor guard on their company pennant. Previous description (Unconfirmed) dates the event to 1938. Military uniforms conform to this circa date. Parade grounds adjacent to Weatherford hall.
circa 1938 |
1 | P002:060: ROTC officers in dress uniform graduation diplomas in hands 4X5 negative
4 cadet officers in dress uniform with diplomas in hands. Reviewing officer on left in full dress uniform. Parade grounds formation back ground. Uniforms date to 1935 or earlier. High boots with ceremonial spurs and riding pants (Jodhpurs) indicate cavalry officers. The Sam Browne belts worn with dress uniform were issued up to 1940. Cadets appear to be holding certificates or diplomas. Possible use in the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:061: Five cadet officers in dress uniforms circa 1938 4X5 negative
Five cadet officers in dress uniforms. Date of negative based on 1938 written on edge of negative. Photograph of cadet officers is similar to Beaver Yearbook listing of this period. Uniforms are correct for circa dating.
circa 1938 |
1 | P002:063: ROTC Cadets in formation for review on parade field 4X5 negative
Stock photograph of formations of cadets on parade grounds. Prior description lists photograph circa 1939. Similar image is included in 1938 Beaver yearbook. Negative is probably from series of photos used.
circa 1939 |
1 | P002:066: Cadet formation in front of Armory circa 1939 4X5 negative
Formation of cadets in front of McAlexander Field House Armory. Dating of photo to 1939 is possible, based on uniforms. Possible use of the negatives for the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1939 |
1 | P002:067: Drum Major cadets in dress uniform circa 1935 4X5 negative
Two drum major cadets in dress uniform on parade field. Prior description identifies men as Martin Coopy and Tom Stevenson. Uniforms indicate probable dating of 1935.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:452: Cadet companies on parade field, inspection day 4X5 negative
Overhead view (possibly from Weatherford Hall tower?) of parade field with reviewing stand. Cadet companies are marching past in review. OSC Cadet band playing in background.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:453: Reviewing stand dignitaries on inspection day 4X5 negative
Reviewing stand for cadet inspection day by Oregon Governor Martin. Various photos in this series show this stand, probably on parade field adjacent to Weatherford Hall. Cadet officer is saluting dignitaries with his sabre.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:454: Reviewing stand dignitaries, Inspection Day 4X5 negative
Reviewing stand for cadet inspection day by Oregon Governor Martin (?). Various photos in this series show this stand, probably on parade field adjacent to Weatherford Hall. President Peavy appears to be seated in group.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:455: Group of dignitaries lined up for presentations, inspection day, 4X5 negative
Reviewing stand for cadet inspection day by Oregon Governor Martin. Various photos in this series show this stand, probably on parade field adjacent to Weatherford Hall. Dignitaries are lined up for presentations (Commissions ?) circa 1937.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:456: Cadet companies on parade in front of reviewing stand, inspection day 4X5 negative
Overhead view (possibly from Weatherford Hall tower?) of parade field with reviewing stand. Cadet companies are marching past in review. OSC Cadet band playing in background. Circa 1937
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:457: Cadet formations on parade field, inspection day 4X5 negative
Cadet company in formation for review, inspection day. Of note is photographer with camera on left.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:460: Officers and dignitaries review cadets on inspection day 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Circa dating of 1937 is based on uniforms and President Peavy's attendance.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:462: ROTC Artillery pass in review 4X5 negative
Line of ROTC Artillery Unit guns pass in review on inspection day. Cadet formations in background of parade field. The artillery pieces appear to be 37mm light field artillery.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:463: Cadet formations on parade field, Weatherford Hall in background 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Good view of Weatherford Hall in background.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:464: Dignitaries reviewing cadet formations 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin(?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:466: Officers and dignitaries review artillery parade 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of OSC Artillery Unit on parade. ROTC Military Inspection Day, Governor Martin(?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:467: Officers and Dignitaries review cadet formations 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade filed. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin(?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:468: Governor Martin reviewing line of cadet officers 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade filed. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:469: Dignitaries salute as colors pass in review 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade filed. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Line of dignitaries and officers salute the colors as they pass in review.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:470: Dignitaries and Officers saluting passing colors 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade filed. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Line of dignitaries and officers salute the colors as they pass in review.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:471: Cadet corps in formation, Armory in background 4X5 negative
Entire cadet corps in formation in front of Armory, probably listening to speaker. Photo appears to belong to same group from inspection day with governor Martin in attendance.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:473: Cadet formations pass in review, inspection day 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade filed. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Line of dignitaries and officers observe cadet company marching by in formation.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:514: Inspection day, Gov. Martin and Pres. Peavy 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Circa dating of 1937 is based on uniforms and President Peavy's attendance. Photographs of "Governor's Inspection Day" appear in the 1938 and 1940 Beaver Yearbooks, photos from this group being used.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:515: Cadet formations reviewed by Gov. Martin 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Circa dating of 1937 is based on uniforms and President Peavy's attendance. Photographs of "Governor's Inspection Day" appear in the 1938 and 1940 Beaver Yearbooks, photos from this group being used.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:516: Officers and Dignitaries saluting passing colors 4X5 negative
Military officers and civilian dignitaries stand in review of cadet formations on parade field. Probably inspection day, Governor Martin (?) and President Peavy are seen in this group of photographs. Circa dating of 1937 is based on uniforms and President Peavy's attendance. Photographs of "Governor's Inspection Day" appear in the 1938 and 1940 Beaver Yearbooks, photos from this group being used.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:517: groups of cadets by Armory 4X5 negative
Groups of cadets in field in front of Armory (now McAlexander Field House). Formations appear to be moving, possibly forming up for inspection day.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:518: Artillery pieces on review 4X5 negative
Line of ROTC Artillery Unit guns pass in review on inspection day. Cadet formations in background of parade field. The artillery pieces appear to be 37mm light field artillery. This view is similar to P002:462.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:520: Dignitaries reviewing cadet formations 4X5 negative
Inspection day, cadet company formations being reviewed by dignitaries. Possibly Gov. Martin and President Peavy as seen in other photos in this grouping. Campus buildings in background, parade field adjacent to Men's Dorm (now Weatherford Hall). Photos in this grouping appear in the 1937 and 1940 Beaver yearbooks.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:521: OSC ROTC motorized corps passing in review 4X5 negative
Inspection day, OSC motorized companies being reviewed by dignitaries. Possibly Gov. Martin and President Peavy as seen in other photos in this grouping. Vintage of vehicles used to date photo to
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:522: OSC Cadet company at attention being reviewed by Gov. Martin 4X5 negative
Inspection day, cadet company formations being reviewed by dignitaries. Possibly Gov. Martin and President Peavy as seen in other photos in this grouping. Campus buildings in background, parade field adjacent to Education building on lower campus. Photos in this grouping appear in the 1937 and 1940 Beaver yearbooks.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:524: Cadet officers in formation on inspection day 4X5 negative
Inspection day,cadet company formations being reviewed by dignitaries. Possibly Gov. Martin and President Peavy as seen in other photos in this grouping. Uniforms include leather puttees, probably a cavalry unit.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:526: Cadet company in front of Armory 4X5 negative
Formation of cadets in front of McAlexander Field House Armory. This image is related to P002:066, same pose and location of photo. Possible use of the negatives in the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:527: Artillery being loaded by cadets, action shot 4X5 negative
Unit of ROTC Artillery cadets loading their field gun. Action shot showing shell being loaded. Uniforms and equipment can be dated to late 1930s. The photograph is seen in the 1940 Beaver Yearbook in a montage of military subjects.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:528: Artillery display, reviewed by officers 4X5 negative
Unit of ROTC Artillery cadets loading their field gun. Two officers observe the cadets and their gun. Uniforms and equipment can be dated to late 1930s. The photograph is seen in the 1940 Beaver Yearbook in a montage of military subjects.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:530: Artillery display, muzzle view 4X5 negative
Unit of ROTC Artillery cadets loading their field gun. View from the muzzle end of the gun. Officer inspecting performance at right. Uniforms and equipment can be dated to late 1930s. The photograph is seen in the 1940 Beaver Yearbook in a montage of military subjects.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:532: ROTC encampment on campus, with artillery 4X5 negative
Military encampment on campus adjacent to Weatherford Hall circa 1936. Period vehicles including trucks and sedans. Tents of different configurations from 2 man "pup tents" to larger personnel tents. Photographs similar to this grouping are published in Beaver Yearbook, 1936.
circa 1934 |
1 | P002:533: ROTC encampment on campus, trucks and artillery in view 4X5 negative
Military encampment on campus adjacent to Weatherford Hall circa 1936. Period vehicles including trucks and sedans. Tents of different configurations from 2 man "pup tents" to larger personnel tents. Photographs similar to this grouping are published in Beaver Yearbook, 1936.
circa 1934 |
1 | P002:534: ROTC encampment on campus, Weatherford Hall parade field 4X5 negative
Military encampment on campus adjacent to Weatherford Hall circa 1936. Period vehicles including trucks and sedans. Tents of different configurations from 2 man "pup tents" to larger personnel tents. Photographs similar to this grouping are published in Beaver Yearbook, 1936.
circa 1934 |
1 | P002:541: Formation of cadet officers on inspection day 4X5 negative
Company of cadet officers at attention with colors on inspection day. The uniforms indicated mid to late 1930s, including leather puttees and jodhpurs riding trousers.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:544: Cadet company marching on lower campus with rifles 4X5 negative
OAC Company F marching on lower campus with rifles. Probably inspection day. Men are wearing Garrison caps with class A tunics. Dating to mid 1930s based on uniforms, the OAC on the guidon is probably left over past the change to OSC.
circa 1937 |
1 | P002:545: ROTC Band drum major in dress uniform 4X5 negative
ROTC Drum major in dress uniform on parade field. Uniforms indicate probable dating of 1935. Possible use of the negatives for the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:546: two ROTC Drum Majors in dress uniforms 4X5 negative
Two drum major cadets in dress uniform on parade field. Prior description identifies men as Martin Coopy and Tom Stevenson. Uniforms indicate probable dating of 1935. Images are found in the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:547: ROTC Drum major in dress uniform 4X5 negative
ROTC Drum Major, similar to P002:545, slightly more centered shot. Uniforms indicate probable dating of 1935.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:563: Ravages of Venereal Disease cartoon 4X5 negative
Copy of the famous US Army cartoon about soldiers and VD. "Two girls I know want to meet you in the worst way." C.D. Batchelor, American Social Hygiene Association, circa 1940. This cartoon was done as a series for the military prior to WWII.
circa 1930 |
Box | ||
1 | P002:028: OSC Rifle Team in Dress Uniforms 4X5 negative
US Army Cadet rifle team and officer/NCO advisor. Photograph is Pre WWII, uniforms reflect tall boots and Sam Browne belts. Decorations and medals on US Army personnel in back row show service in WWI and top level marksman badges. There is no indication location of the photo. Based on uniforms, photo can be dated from approximately 1925-1940.
circa 1940 |
1 | P002:033: Group of seated dignitaries with mixed military officers 2.5x3 photographic print
stamped on reverse "Oregon State College Library Picture Collection" with no data included. Seated dignitaries not identified. Military uniforms date to Pre WWII vintage, cavalry officer 2nd from right wearing high leather boots with ceremonial spurs. Officers uniforms include the Sam Browne belt.
circa 1940 |
1 | P002:034: Unidentified US Army Captain, informal pose 2.5x3 photographic print
US Army Captain in dress uniform informal pose. Rack of books in background has copies of the Beaver Yearbook. Military dress uniform dates to pre-WWII vintage, including Sam Browne belt.
circa 1940 |
1 | P002:036: ROTC Cadet Dress Uniform with Sabre
Excellent study of Cadet uniform of the late 1920s. Sam Browne belt with cadet's sword, jodhpurs trousers and early style rolled collar (Lapel type) dress blouse. Emblem on left sleeve unique to OAC. Leather leggings or puttees are indicative of calvary as is the lapel badges. Identification of cadet is not given.
circa 1926 |
1 | P002:039: ROTC Rifle Team in Sweaters with Army advisor 8X10 photographic print
Oregon State College ROTC Rifle Team, wearing sweaters with logo, holding bolt action 1903 Springfield rifles. Officer and NCO in back row are in dress uniform with leather Sam Browne belts and lapel type jackets. Members of rifle team are not identified.
circa 1930 |
1 | P002:041: Unidentified Officer dress uniform Pre WWII 3X4 photographic print
Unidentified officer in dress uniform. Officer is wearing Sam Browne belt with one overseas chevron on left sleeve (WWI deployment). Uniform coat dates from 1926-1940, based on belt and lapel type.
circa 1930 |
1 | P002:061: Three cadet Colonels posing in dress uniforms circa 1932 2.0 3 x 5 photographic prints
Posed photograph of 3 cadet Colonels, circa 1932. Dress uniforms include high leather boots with ceremonial spurs with riding pants (Jodhpurs) indicating cavalry cadets officers. Sam Browne belts as issued during period. The last year that OSC had cavalry cadets was 1929, this is a more probable dating of photograph.
circa 1932 |
1 | P002:064:
Overnight encampment on campus Weatherford Hall parade field
1.0 4x5 negatives (1 4x5 negative 2 photographic prints 6x10 and 3x5)
Military encampment on campus adjacent to Weatherford Hall circa 1936. Period vehicles including trucks and sedans. Tents of different configurations from 2 man "pup tents" to larger personnel tents. Photograph is a copy of published image in Beaver Yearbook, 1936. Good detail of Weatherford Hall.
circa 1936 |
1 | P002:065: Officers reviewing cadets in formation 3.0 3 x 5 photographic prints
Formation of cadet companies being inspected by officers. Uniforms date prior to 1926 based on high collars. Cadets are equipped with 1903 Springfield Rifles. Uniforms include web belts and high laced leather boots. Officers dress uniforms indicate cavalry with high leather puttees and ceremonial spurs. Officer inspecting cadet's rifle. Good detail of post WWI uniforms and equipment during period of 1919-1925.
circa 1923 |
1 | P002:070:
Long and Short of it 2 unidentified soldiers 4X5 photographic print
Two US Army men, one cadet, wearing post WWI issue high collar jacket with brim cap and high laced leather boots. The second, an officer, probably OAC Staff personnel with later rolled collar (1926 issue) dress jacket and Sam Browne belt. This is a common theme in military photographs depicting the tallest and shortest men in a particular unit. Photograph is clear with good detail of uniforms and markings.
circa 1926 |
1 | P002:250:
OAC Cadet Cavalry company with Armory in background
8X10 photographic print
Ball Studio #14869. OAC cadet cavalry Company "B", in formation in open field by McAlexander Field House, 1922. Uniforms are correct for mid 1920s cavalry units. Muddy field with road where Kerr Admin building is at present. Stock photo used in publication for OAC, found on page 254 of the 1922 OAC Beaver Yearbook. stamped on reverse with Department of Information, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon. Later printing of original 1920s photo.
1922 |
1 | P002:253: OAC Engineering Stallions, building pontoon bridge 8X10 photographic print
Military Engineers - 1925. Building a standard pontoon bridge while on training manoeuvres. Circa mid 1920s, this photo appears to be a stock issue for publication in OAC yearbook or Oregon Stater. Reprint in this format is from later date, with stamp on reverse: "Department of Information, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon" Activities include cadets moving floating bridge components up to bank and building plank roadway. Military caterpillar tractor is pulling supplies to location. Cadets in uniforms and civilian onlookers on bank of river (probably Calapooia)
circa 1925 |
1 | P002:290:
OAC Cadets in exhibition battle - Military Tournament 1927
5X8 photographic print
OAC Cadets perform exhibition battle scene on the athletic field, during the Military Tournament 1927. This print is marked on reverse with "Beaver Page 266-1 #385 See Trim Marks". The cropped version is included in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook, page 267 under the title "Sham Battle". Of note is the use of WWI surplus equipment, this includes the style of helmet and gas masks as well.
1927 |
1 | P002:293: Gov. Charles Martin with cadet regiment formation 1935-36 5X8 photographic print
Governor Charles H. Martin addressing cadet formation, 1935-36. Photograph is probably from stock used for OSC publication, identified in pencil narration on reverse, reading like a press release; "Governor Charles H. Martin always dressed the part when he reviewed the cadet regiment and spoke to the men to receive commissions. Here in 1936 he advised the officers not to join the "grouches and radicals" when they finished college. Probably all these men are now in active service." The last comment about active service would probably speak to WWII, placing these comments of that era. There is also a fountain pen caption at the top reverse, "Military Review 1935-36"
circa 1936 |
1 | P002:518: Towed artillery passing in review 6X10 photographic print
Towed artillery pieces passing in review, inspection day, probably late 1930s. Trucks in photo of 1930s vintage. Artillery pieces are 37mm cannons, replacement equipment for the older WWI vintage French 75mm previously assigned to OAC Artillery Stallions.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:542: Officers inspecting pontoon bridge 2.0 3 x 5 photographic prints
Officers inspecting completed pontoon bridge. Practice in construction of bridge by Engineering Battalion is shown in Beaver yearbooks. The Engineering Battalion built the pontoon bridge while on summer camp manoeuvres.
circa 1923 |
1 | P002:543: Two officers inspecting pontoon bridge 3.5X5 photographic print
Two officers inspecting completed pontoon bridge. Practice in construction of bridge by Engineering Battalion is shown in Beaver yearbooks in the 1920s. The Engineering Battalion built the pontoon bridge while on summer camp manoeuvres.
circa 1925 |
1 | P002:552:
Long and Short of it, Image #2
4X5 photographic print
Two US Army men, one cadet, wearing post WWI issue high collar jacket with brim cap and high laced leather boots. The second, an officer, probably OAC Staff personnel with later rolled collar (1926 issue) dress jacket and Sam Browne belt. This was a common theme in military photographs depicting the tallest and shortest men in a particular unit. Photograph is clear with good detail of uniforms and markings.
circa 1926 |
1 | P002:613: Signal Corps cadet demonstrating semaphore signals 3.5X5.5 photographic print
Signal Corps company cadet showing the Army signal flag communication system. Cap and leggings are of the post WWI period. Oval cut photo appears to have been in a scrap book or wall display.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:632: Cadets walking line abreast below Benton Hall 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Print b/w 3.5x5.5. Group of cadets walking line abreast across field below Benton Hall. Based on uniform caps the post WWI era is indicated. Officer walking toward the group is wearing the WWI era Puttee wrap leggings. This group is probably "policing" the field (looking for trash to pick up). Benton Hall in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:656:
Machine Gun Training on campus
3.5x5.5 photographic print
Machine Gun training post WWI beside Armory. Cadets are seen training with the Browning M1917A1 .303 Water Cooled machine gun mounted on the standard M1917 tripod. This weapon saw only limited use by the US Army during WWI. This photo, probably just after WWI shows training of cadets in setting up and firing the gun.
circa 1919 |
1 | P002:658: Machine Gun Training #2 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Machine Gun training post WWI beside Armory. Cadets are seen training with the Browning M1917A1 .303 Water Cooled machine gun mounted on the standard M1917 tripod. This weapon saw only limited use by the US Army during WWI. This photo, probably just after WWI due to the uniform style with campaign hats and wrapped puttees, show training of cadets in setting up and firing the gun. This is a second view of the scene depicted in P002:656, same cadets are shown, observers have moved away. Of special note in the background next to the Armory is a cadet practicing semaphore flag signaling, also seen in the other view, but with flags now raised to form a letter.
circa 1919 |
1 | P002:665: Rifle training on campus 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Rifle training on campus by Armory. Cadets are seated with rifles, apparently live fire training into a large pile of firewood behind Armory. In the far background, the artillery company has their French 75mm guns on field for similar exercises. The large wood pile is approximately 20'x100' in size.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:668: Cadets running with rifles lower campus 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Cadets running with rifles with fixed bayonets on lower campus. Benton hall is in background. Uniforms with field caps and leggings are of the early 1920s vintage. Photograph may be related to inspection day demonstrations of military tactics.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:671: Cadets walking line abreast lower campus, cropped view 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Group of cadets walking line abreast across field below Benton Hall. Based on uniform caps the post WWI era is indicated. Officer walking toward the group is wearing the WWI era Puttee wrap leggings. This group is probably "policing" the field (looking for trash to pick up). A smaller, cropped view of P002:632 Benton Hall in background.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:681: Medical corps training on parade field 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Medical corpsmen watching demonstration on parade field. The small group of medical troops with their stretchers stacked observing a demonstration of handling wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Service caps and cloth leggings place uniforms after WWI and prior to 1925.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:682: Medical cadets demonstrate method of carrying wounded 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Medical corpsmen watching demonstration on parade field. The small group of medical troops with their stretchers stacked observing a demonstration of handling wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Lower campus parade field. The sequence of turning the man over, raising him up and putting them over the shoulder in a "fireman's" carry is depicted by the squad in this photo.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:683: Real photo postcard, OAC Cavalry Drill Team performance 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Real Photo Postcard AZO 2 triangles up/2 down (dates card to 1918-1930), OAC Cavalry Drill Team performing on their mounts on Bell Field in front of grand stand. Formation of horses performing formation drills. Riders have ceremonial lances and tall cavalry hats with standing tassel decoration. All black (dark) horses with one white steed for show. Nursing students have a first aid station set up in background, white nursing uniforms are visible.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:684: OAC Alumni Veterans(WWI), civilian clothes with rifles 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Small groups of men with rifles in civilian clothes. Possibly an alumni veterans meeting on OAC campus after WWI. Group on right seem to have medals on their chests. All men are handling bolt action 1903 Springfield rifles. Some are wearing WWI era campaign hats and have puttees. Possibly a staged photo for publication in the Oregon Stater or Barometer.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:695:
OAC Cadets girl watching in the sun
3.5x5.5 photographic print
Group of cadets laying in the grass watching the girls gym class, hubba, hubba! Men are wearing the standard 1920s style brimmed caps and canvas and leather leggings/puttees.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:705: Cavalry companies on field by Armory 4.5X11.5 photographic print
Wide angle view of OAC Cavalry Companies in formation. Uniforms indicate post WWI style. The Armory is at right. Horse companies are formed into columns, probably for some type of inspection.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:708: Portrait unidentified man in service coat 2.5x3 photographic print
Small standard military head shot of military officer, probably ROTC based on collar badges from the 1930s era. The collar on the uniform is of the post 1925 issue. Unidentified, but in very light pencil written on reverse "Ferguson Col HE". This is possibly a cadet Colonel photo for the yearbook or other ROTC publication.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:709:
OAC Band cadet drum majors
3.5x5.5 photographic print
Cadet band drum majors and majorettes in full dress uniforms. The 2 ROTC drum majors on each end of group are wearing the standard mid 30s dress coat with service breeches (jodhpurs pants). Sam Brown belts with high leather boots. The 4 "junior" drum majors and majorettes are wearing non standard uniforms, probably band issued with garrison caps. Photograph is probably produced for OAC publication.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:712: ROTC officer portrait 5X7 photographic print
Unidentified ROTC officer portrait in dress uniform. Badges on lapels indicate Artillery Corps. The style of service coat dates to after 1925 based on collar type. Standard service cap with ROTC badge. Probably a cadet officer photo used for publication in OSC yearbook or Barometer.
circa 1930 |
1 | P002:711: US Army Major with unidentified officer and horse 8X10 photographic print
Two military officers with cavalry horse. The Major is speaking with an unidentified officer holding a cavalry horse. The officer with his back to the viewer may possibly be General Mc Alexander, based on the coat sleeve markings. This photograph is possibly related to the mounted group photo of Gen. Mc Alexander when he was in Europe in 1920s to receive medals from the French government, although this is an unconfirmed description of this photo.
circa 1920 |
1 | P002:741: US Army Chaplain, unidentified 3.5x5.5 photographic print
Standard US Army portrait head shot of unidentified Chaplain. Uniform indicates Pre WWII as Sam Brown belt strap can be seen. Photograph is probably for publication in ROTC yearbook.
circa 1935 |
1 | P002:790: Group photo ROTC Staff Officers with dignitaries 6X8 photographic print
Stock 6x8 Group photo of military officers with 3 civilians on steps of campus building. Uniforms of officers date to the 1935 era, including Sam Brown belts and cavalry boots. Three unidentified civilians in suits may be the Military Department inspectors for the ROTC inspection day activities.
circa 1934 |
1 | P002:791: Group Photo of Military officers with dignitaries, duplicates of P002:790 2.0 prints
8X10 photographic print
duplicates of P002:790 Group photo of military officers with 3 civilians on steps of campus building. Uniforms of officers date to the 1935 era, including Sam Brown belts and cavalry boots. Three unidentified civilians in suits may be the Military Department inspectors for the ROTC inspection day activities. Posed photograph includes all of the military personnel at OSC. Pencil notation on reverse "Military 1934"
circa 1934 |
10 | P002:795: Portrait, unidentified man circa 1925 8X10 photographic print
Portrait of an unidentified man in suit and tie. Based on collar, 1920s vintage. Portrait by Bachrach Studios.
circa 1925 |
Series IV: World War Two, 1940-1945Return to Top
This series contains images of ROTC cadets during WWII. Oregon State was known as the "West Point of the West". OSC produced more military officers than any other institution during the period. Stock US Army photographs that were used in OSC publications are included.
A number of the photographs in this series show cadets and military officers wearing the standard Sam Browne style leather belt and shoulder strap. The official US Army regulations for dress uniforms deleted this item to conserve on leather in a 1940 directive. From 1941 on, cloth belts attached to the dress uniform coat with metal buckles were standard issue. Many of the photographs that are found in this series have been dated later than the 1940 directive.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Stock US Military Photographs WWII
Sub-series includes stock US Military photographs, mostly 8x10 glossy, of various subjects. Probably used in Oregon Stater and Barometer publications. Some photos show a connection to OSC based on personnel listed.
circa 1942 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:004: Liberty Ship being fitted out pier side 8X10 photographic print
Photo is a stock US Maritime Commission (#3356) 8X10 for publication. Very detailed photo of a Liberty Ship being fitted out at pier side. Note on back of photo: "A crane's eye view of a Liberty ship being given final touches at the outfitting dock." Built by the Kaiser Corporation at four shipyards in California and 3 in the Northwest (including Portland OR). Kaiser developed methods for prefabricating and mass producing Liberty Ships. Location of this photo is not listed.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:005: Liberty Ship construction keel being welded 8X10 photographic print
Photo is a stock US Maritime Commission (#2947) 8X10 for publication. Detailed view of the beginning of construction of a World War II Liberty ship by the Kaiser Corporation. Construction of the keel of a liberty ship is shown in this detailed photograph. Location is not listed on the photograph. Built by the Kaiser Corp at four shipyards in California and 3 in the Northwest (including Portland OR). Kaiser developed methods for prefabricating and mass producing Liberty Ships. Location of this photo is not listed however, the shipyards in Portland Oregon produced this type of ship during the war.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:006: Launch of World War II Liberty Ship 8X10 photographic print
Stock US Maritime Photograph (#2712) 8X10 for publication. Detailed photograph of the launching of a Liberty Ship with crowd of onlookers and speakers. Location of this photograph is not listed, but this scene was commonplace during the war. With the high rate of completion of these hulls, launching ceremonies were conducted on an almost daily basis during 1942-1944. During the war, a Liberty Ship could be built in a about two weeks at a Kaiser yard. In November 1942, one of Kaiser's Richmond yards built a Liberty Ship (Robert E. Peary) in 4 days, 15 hours, and 29 minutes as a publicity stunt. Nationally, the average construction time was 42 days and by 1943, three Liberty Ships were being completed each day.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:007: Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Virginia, two trainees on heavy equipment 8X10 photographic print
Stock military photo with two US Navy trainees in fatigue uniform on a military bulldozer. The location of the photo and identification of servicemen is listed on reverse: Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Virginia. Left: Madden, Byron Emerson, Lynnville Indiana, Right: Lono, Luther Albert, Alpena Michigan. The photo has Oregon State College written in pencil, possibly indicating these two individuals have a connection to Oregon State ROTC. The Amphibious Training Base (also known as "Little Creek") was the center for all types of amphibious training of crews of Amphibious craft during WWII.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:008: Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Virginia, two trainees with Radio Equipment 8X10 photographic print
Stock US Military photograph with two trainees looking at a radio set. WWII vintage photograph based on type of fatigue uniforms and radio equipment. The photograph is identified on reverse: "Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek Virginia. Left: Lono, Luther Albert, Alpena Michigan, Right: Peterson, Reuben William, Portland, Oregon. The photo also has Oregon State written in pencil across the back. Possibly sent to Oregon State College by the US Military for publicity purposes due to OSC ROTC cadets as subject matter.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:023: US Army personnel taking oath 3X4 photographic print
Small print used for Oregon Stater magazine. Military stock photo with stamp on reverse: "Processed by Headquarters "B" Detachment 164th Signal Photographic Company APO 627" The print is also marked CT-45-23831 in pencil, possibly dating photo to 1945. Beaver Engraving Co. stamp on reverse also. Military personnel in line taking Oath for field commissions are not identified, 3 men are of higher NCO ranks. Photo appears in the Oregon Stater, October 1945 page 14. Listed as Kumming China, 7 men receiving field commissions. William H. Johnson '45 is in group. Oregon Stater October 1945, page 14.
circa 1945 |
Portraits of military officers and NCOs ROTC Alumni
All photos in sub series appear to have been used in OSC publication or on display showing alumni in military service. This series of head shots appears to be Oregon State College ROTC alumni. The uniforms are mostly mid to late WWII period, with a small number of oval photos from the 1925 era. The photos have been stamped on reverse with Oregon State University Archives. Most photos have some form of identification written in pencil on reverse.
circa 1944 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:296: Portrait US Army officer - Blodgett 3X5 photographic print
stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Blodgett, Lt. J. H., ROTC #53882
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:297: Portrait US Army Officer - Ostermeier 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Ostermeier, Lt. Col. R. L. ROTC #52312
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:298: Portrait US Army NCO - Conway 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Conway, John M. #52360 ROTC
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:299: Portrait US Army NCO - Carlson 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Carlson, Edwin Jr. ROTC #57216
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:300: Portrait US Army Officer - Murray 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Murray, Col. D.B. ROTC #52213
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:301: Portrait US Army Officer - Bailey 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Bailey, N. R. ROTC #52225
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:302: Portrait US Army NCO - De Mith 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: De Mith, Sgt. Jamie ROTC #51408
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:303: Portrait US Army NCO - Ridge 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Ridge, B.B. ROTC #51404
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:304: Portrait US Army NCO - Cox 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Cox, W. O., ROTC #51407
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:305: Portrait US Army NCO - Roebnick 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Roebnick, D. J. ROTC #52222
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:306: Portrait US Army NCO - Anderson 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Anderson, Leslie ROTC #52221
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:307: Portrait US Army NCO - Roginson 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Roginson, D. S. ROTC #51409
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:308: Portrait US Army NCO - Dreis 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Dreis, Le Roy, M/Sgt ROTC #52228
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:309: Portrait US Army Officer - Smith 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Smith, Capt. H. G. ROTC #51399
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:310: Portrait US Army NCO - Gwinn 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Gwinn, John F. ROTC #52223
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:311: Portrait US Army NCO - Sloan 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Sloan, J. L. ROTC #51406
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:312: Portrait US Army Officer - Spencer 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Major Spencer (No other identification)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:313: Portrait US Army Officer - Minton 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Minton 103 Also listed as circa 1925, which is possible due to high collar tunic with Sam Browne belt, Cavalry officer This photo of Captain J T Minton, Cavalry, appears in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook pg. 256 under the group of Commissioned US Army officers at OAC.
circa 1925 |
2 | P002:314: Portrait US Army Officer - Lovett 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Lovett 103 Small oval photo, probably of 1920s vintage, officer badge for Engineers. This photo of 1st Lt. R. G. Lovett, Engineers appears in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook pg. 256 under the group of Commissioned US Army officers at OAC.
circa 1925 |
2 | P002315: Portrait US Army Officer McCormick 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: McCormick 103 Oval photo with officer cap with brim, high collar and Artillery badge. This photo of Captain T. C. Mc McCormick, Field Artillery appears in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook pg. 256 under the group of Commissioned US Army officers at OAC.
circa 1925 |
2 | P002:316: Portrait US Army officer - Russey 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Russey 103 Oval photo, high collar with artillery badge. This photo of Captain J W Russey Field Artillery appears in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook pg. 256 under the group of Commissioned US Army officers at OAC.
circa 1925 |
2 | P002:317: Portrait US Army NCO - Force 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Force, J. A. M/Sgt ROTC #52230
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:318: Portrait US Army Officer - Bryan 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Bryan #51402 (no other identification, subject is a Major or Lt. Colonel, US Army Air Corps badges)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:319: Portrait US Army NCO - Jones 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Jones, Loren ROTC #51398
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:320: Portrait US Army NCO - Johnson 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Johnson, E. W. M/Sgt ROTC #52227
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:322: Portrait USMC Officer - Skinner 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Lt. W. R. Skinner (No other identification, USMC officer, probably OSC alumni)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:323: Portrait US Army Officer - Brinkman 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Brinkman, M. N. Capt. #49959
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:324: Portrait US Navy Officer - Claudnis 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Claudnis, H. G. #49958 (US Navy uniform, officer?, ROTC?)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:321: Portrait US Army Officer - Latson 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Latson 103 (oval photo, high collar with Engineers badge, probably Pre 1925) This photo of 1st Lt. R. G. Miller, Field Artillery appears in the 1927 Beaver Yearbook pg. 256 under the group of Commissioned US Army officers at OAC.
circa 1925 |
2 | P002:326: Portrait US Army Officer - Miller 3X5 photographic print
Stock portrait from US Army. Name of person in this photograph is listed as: Miller 103 (Oval photo, high collar with artillery badge, probably Pre 1925)
circa 1925 |
Negatives - World War Two photographs 1940-1945
Collection of 4x5 negatives, various subjects during WWII years (1940-1945). Many of the negatives correspond with prints in this series. Some of the negatives are related to the prints as different views, same topics. Arranged numerically within the sub series folder. Many negatives in this sub series appear in OSC publications (Yearbook, Oregon Stater, Barometer)
1940-1945 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:045: Governor Sprague at Military Review May 1941 Color Guard with 2 Officers 4X5 negative
Military review outside Weatherford Hall on parade field. Color guard coming to halt in front of two Officers. Prior description of image dates it to May 1941 with a review by Governor Sprague. Similar photographs are seen in the 1941 OSC Beaver Yearbook, page 95.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:046: Governor Sprague at Military Review May 1941 4X5 negative
Military review of cadets marching past line of officers and officials. Prior description of photo dates it to May 1941 with a visit by Governor Sprague. Color guard with national flag and Oregon State College flag. Uniforms of officers in reviewing line are inconclusive as to dating. Buildings in the background of parade grounds are no help. Photographs can be seen in the 1941 OSC Beaver Yearbook, page 95.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:047: Governor Sprague Reviewing Cadet Officers May 1941 4X5 negative
Review of ranks of cadet officers by Governor Sprague. Reviewing line has good detail of uniforms of NCO and cadets. Weatherford Hall in background with crowd in attendance. Photographs can be seen in the 1941 OSC Beaver Yearbook, page 95, some were not used in publication.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:048: Governor Sprague Reviewing Cadets May 1941 4X5 negative
OSC Cadets in review on parade field passing Governor Sprague and other dignitaries. Prior dating of the event to May of 1941 is possible based on uniforms. Good detail of cadet drill team marching past reviewing stand, with command "eyes left". Guidon cadet lowering unit flag for review. Patch on uniforms may lead to a positive dating. Photographs can be seen in the 1941 OSC Beaver Yearbook, page 95.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:050: Army Procurement Committee on MU Steps 4X5 negative
Large grouping of students and military personnel posed on steps of Memorial Union. Prior identification of photo dates it to October of 1942. Two conifer trees adjacent to steps of MU (approx 15-20 feet) could possibly date photo. Everyone seems to be in winter clothing.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:052: Cadet officers pulling ballots for Military Ball 4X5 negative
2 cadet officers and NCO advisor pulling ballots for the Military Ball, probably 1942-43. Ballots for the "Little Colonel" queen of the ball. Dress uniforms indicate WWII vintage. Location of photograph is in the Memorial Union.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:054: Strand, August reviewing cadets at Military Review with officers 4X5 negative
President August L. Strand and military officers reviewing cadet color guard on parade, circa 1944. The Colonel is wearing the late WWII "Ike" Jacket, other officers wearing WWII vintage dress uniforms. Military review of cadet formations on parade grounds adjacent to Weatherford Hall. Possible use of these negatives for the Beaver Yearbook (this photo unpublished, but others of the same event are in 1945 Beaver)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:055: US Army Cadets on review field with military officers 4X5 negative
US Army officers reviewing cadets on parade field, circa 1944. The Colonel reviewing cadets is wearing the late WWII "Ike" jacket uniform coat. Other officers indicate late WWII dress uniform coats. Cadets are on parade field adjacent to Weatherford hall, formations are lined up for inspection by commander. Possible use for the Beaver Yearbook (this photo unpublished, but others of the same event are in 1945 Beaver)
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:056: Schuld, Marshall receiving award 4X5 negative
Officer shaking hand of man (Marshall Schuld ?) with medal. Unconfirmed identification, possibly a stock photo used in Oregon Stater during period? Military uniform of colonel is WWII or later vintage.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:057: Review for Captain Beard (Band) circa 1945 4X5 negative
Unconfirmed description of a review for Captain Beard, circa 1945. Line of military officers are in late WWII dress uniforms including the late war "Ike" jacket. Possible use of the negatives for the Beaver Yearbook (this photo unpublished, but others of the same event are in 1945 Beaver)
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:068: Group of young men swearing in ceremony 4X5 negative
Army officer swearing in a group of young men on campus
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:069: ROTC Commandants Scott and Webster 1945 4X5 negative
Two US Army officers, identified as the ROTC Commandants, 1945 named Scott and Webster. Uniforms are correct for the post 1944 issue of the short "Ike" jacket.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:448: Group of five Military officers 4X5 negative
Group shot of five military officers (2 Navy, 2 Army, 1 USMC). Possibly the assigned military personnel to OSC ROTC program.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:449: Group photo of ROTC officers with rifles, saluting 4X5 negative
Group of 11 ROTC personnel with rifles saluting, taken in front of Armory. Uniforms indicate WWII vintage, men are wearing garrison caps.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:450: ROTC Cadets with rifles at attention 4X5 negative
Squad of ROTC Cadets with company commander at attention with rifles. Men are wearing the standard garrison caps and class A tunics. The rifles are M1903 Springfield, issued to cadet units.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:451: ROTC Cadet band playing on parade field 4X5 negative
OSC ROTC Cadet band playing on parade field with conductor standing on chairs. WWII Era uniform style on conductor shows belted tunic and standard service cap.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:452: Inspection day, Gov. Sprague reviews cadets 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:459: Soldiers running on parade field with rifles 4X5 negative
Cadets running on parade field with rifles, demonstration of tactics.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:461: Dignitaries reviewing troops on inspection day 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations. Circa dating of uniforms would indicate early WWII period.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:462: Governor Sprague reviewing cadets 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations. Circa dating of uniforms would indicate early WWII period.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:465:
Dignitaries salute passing colors
4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations. Circa dating of uniforms would indicate early WWII period.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:472: Cadet formations pass in review 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:474: Governor reviewing cadet color guard 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations. Unfortunately the Governor's hat is covering his face, preventing positive identification.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:475: Dignitaries reviewing ROTC officers 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:476: Governor Sprague reviews color guard 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations. Possibly President Strand is following him (Unconfirmed).
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:477: OSC Cadet Band playing for Inspection Day 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. OSC Band playing on parade field with dignitaries in background.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:478: Dignitaries watch passing cadet formations 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | p002:479: Governor Sprague reviewing cadets 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:480: Dignitaries reviewing OSC Band 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing OSC cadet band marching.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:481: Cadet company formations march past OSC Band 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Cadet formations marching on parade field, with cadet band playing.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:483: Cadet company formation on parade field 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Cadet companies and band on parade field.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:484: dignitaries reviewing cadets, little girl in foreground 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague reviewing cadet formations in background. Small girl walking on parade field in photo foreground.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:485: Governor Sprague congratulating cadets 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague congratulating cadet officers in formation.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:489a: Navy officer swearing in new recruits 4X5 negative
US Navy officer swearing in new recruits. The Navy V-12 and Army ASTP programs on OSC campus are listed on reverse of print item P002:489. This photo appears on pg. 235 of the 1943 OSC Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1943 |
2 |
Navy officer swearing in new recruits, circa 1942
4X5 negative
Same view as P002:489a. US Navy officer swearing in new recruits. The Navy V-12 and Army ASTP programs on OSC campus are listed on reverse of photo. This photo appears on pg. 235 of the 1943 OSC Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:491: Naval officer with new recruits 4X5 negative
Navy officer seated at table speaking to group of recruits/cadets. Photograph is related to P002:490 with same group of students. Circa dating based on previous photograph being used in 1942 Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:492: Military officers speaking to group 4X5 negative
Group of military officers (Navy and Army are seen) on stage speaking to group. The location is possibly the Memorial Union Ballroom. Grand piano is seen offstage. Photo is probably in the same small group of recruit photos.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:493: OSC Women's rifle team, kneeling with weapons 4X5 negative
Four college coed females with Army rifles. Previous description dates photograph to April 1943. The rifles are US Military 1903 Springfield Bolt Action, with special after market adjustable peep sights, most likely used for the precision rifle team. Photograph appears to be staged for publicity shot, possibly in the Oregon Stater or Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:494: OSC Women's rifle team 4X5 negative
Four college coed females with Army rifles. Previous description dates photograph to April 1943. The rifles are US Military 1903 Springfield Bolt Action, with special after market adjustable peep sights, most likely used for the precision rifle team. Photograph appears to be staged for publicity shot, possibly in the Oregon Stater or Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:495: Cadet officer group pulling ballots for Military Ball 4X5 negative
Group of cadet officers and NCO advisor pulling ballots for the Military Ball, probably 1942-43. Ballots for the "Little Colonel" queen of the ball. Photograph was probably produced for the Beaver yearbook (not published). Dress uniforms indicate WWII vintage. Location of photograph is in the Memorial Union.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:496: Artillery on display outside Memorial Union 4X5 negative
One of OSC Artillery Unit's 75mm field guns on display outside
Memorial Union. This photograph was used in college publications and
was a finalist in a campus photo contest.
The cadet and his girl behind the gun and officers in background
indicate this scene may have been associated with the Military Ball
held each year in the MU. Long evening gowns and dress uniforms also
show formal affair.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:497: Parade of officers and escorts at Military Ball 4X5 negative
Military Ball procession of officers and their dates/escorts. The decorations are similar to the published photos in the 1943 Beaver annual for the Military Ball event.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:498: OSC ROTC Cadet band on parade field 4X5 negative
OSC ROTC cadet band on parade field, probably inspection day. This photograph is in the same grouping showing Governor Sprague and President Strand on reviewing field. Uniforms are consistent with circa dating of early WWII.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:499: Cadet band on parade field, 3 children follow 4X5 negative
OSC ROTC cadet band on parade field, probably inspection day. This photograph is in the same grouping showing Governor Sprague and President Strand on reviewing field. This photo includes 3 small children following the marching band.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:500: President Strand and officers reviewing cadets 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague and President Strand are seen reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:501: Cadet formations on parade field, color guard 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague and President Strand are seen reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:502: Cadet Band marching in review 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Governor Sprague and President Strand are seen reviewing cadet formations.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:503: President Strand and military officers review cadets 4X5 negative
Photo includes August Strand with ROTC officers reviewing passing cadet formations. Colonel on left is wearing the late war issue "Ike" jacket dating the photo to 1944 or later. Officers are unidentified.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:504: President Strand with Army Colonel and officers 4X5 negative
Negative of P002:015. Photo includes August Strand with ROTC Military officers. Colonel on left shaking hands is wearing the late war issue "Ike" jacket dating the photo to 1944 or later. Probably taken on Inspection Day circa 1944. Good detail of uniforms and rank insignia. Officers are unidentified.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:505: Officer making presentation to woman 4X5 negative
Officer making presentation to an older woman circa 1942. Location of photo appears to be in the Armory.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:506: Cadets marching on parade field 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Cadet companies and band on parade field.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:509: ROTC Band marching on inspection day 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date. Cadet companies and band on parade field.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:519: ROTC Cadets on parade field 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:523: Cadet formations ready for inspection 4X5 negative
ROTC Inspection Day, probably 1941. Other negatives in this grouping have notation of 1941 date.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:525: Cadet officers grouped around flags on parade field 4X5 negative
ROTC Cadet officers in group around flags (OSC ROTC banners?). Photograph appears in the 1943 OSC Beaver yearbook.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:529: ROTC Cadet formations on parade field 4X5 negative
Cadets in company formation on parade field, probably inspection day. Other photographs in this grouping show various cadets marching past reviewing stand of dignitaries.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:548: new recruits being sworn in on campus 4X5 negative
Army officer swearing in a group of young men on campus. Photograph may have been used in OSC publication. Same negative as P002:068.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:549: Three Army Officers with Cadet, Armory in background 4X5 negative
US Army Officers (probably ROTC Instructors) with a civilian clothed student (Cadet?) in front of memorial plaque to General McAlexander on Armory building.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:550: President Strand with 2 Army officers 4X5 negative
President August L. Strand (1942-1961) with two US Army officers. One officer is wearing the late WWII short "Ike Jacket". Location unknown, possibly outside Memorial Union.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:551: President Strand with 2 Army officers, view #2 4X5 negative
President August L. Strand (1942-1961) with two US Army officers. One officer is wearing the late WWII short "Ike Jacket". Location unknown, possibly outside Memorial Union. This view is related to P002:550, same subjects.
circa 1944 |
Box | ||
2 | P002:015: Strand, August L with ROTC officers 8X10 photographic print
Photo includes August Strand with ROTC officers. Colonel on left shaking hands is wearing the late war issue "Ike" jacket dating the photo to 1944 or later. Good detail of uniforms and rank insignia. Officers are unidentified.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:016: Award of Plaque to ROTC Cadet 1.0 4x5 negative
8X10 photographic print
Photograph from Oregon State College Library Picture Collection. Presentation of a plaque to Army ROTC cadet. No identification on personnel in photograph.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:017: ROTC Cadets in line at Memorial Union 8X10 photographic print
Photo marked in pen "News Bureau Photo". Photo of cadets in line to enter Memorial Union, some holding text books and folders. Uniforms indicate WWII vintage, ties tucked into shirts, all men wearing folding "Cutter" caps. Photograph appears in the 1944 Oregon State Beaver Yearbook, page 202.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:018: Army ROTC Cadet assembly in Men's Gym 8X10 photographic print
Stock photograph with marking "this belongs to John" written in pen at bottom. Large assembly of cadets, all seated in Men's Gym. Uniforms date photograph to WWII vintage.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:019: 2 Men with Jeep with child on Hood 2X3 photographic print
Two officers standing in front of WWII Jeep, small child standing on hood between them. Unknown location possibly CBI Theater. WWII vintage Jeep and uniforms, khaki, long sleeve shirts. Possibly USMC or Navy officers.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:022: Army Personnel with L-2 Grasshopper aircraft 2X3 photographic print
Three Army personnel with WWII L-2 Grasshopper Reconnaissance aircraft. Caption on reverse written in pen "I have returned - Corregidor" dating photograph to late 1944 based on quote by General MacArthur on 20 October 1944. The three officers in photo are wearing WWII vintage khaki uniforms with long sleeves. The aircraft in photo is the Taylorcraft L-2 Grasshopper, a small observation aircraft.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:024: Officers receiving medals WWII 2X3 photographic print
Small print with Oregon Stater "100 screen zinc" written in pencil on reverse. Also stamped with Beaver Engraving Co. mark. Photo shows 3 older officers receiving medal from US Army Air Corps Major General. Shoulder patches on 2 men indicate the US China-Burma-India Theater of operations. Center Officer receiving medal is of Brigadier General rank . Connection to Oregon Stater is unknown.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:025: Oregon State College Rifles Drill Team 2X3 photographic print
Oregon State College Rifles Drill Team performing in Men's Gymnasium. Photo can be dated prior to 1950 when Gill Coliseum opens. Assembly of students viewing drill team. Rifles in use are 1903 Springfield bolt action. By the end of WWII this rifle was used mainly for ceremonial drill teams and US Army Snipers.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:029: Cadet officer inspecting rifle squad 2X3 photographic print
Small photo print, poor condition reverse shows glue residue from photo album. Cadet officer, wearing dress uniform inspecting a small squad of junior cadets with rifles. The rifles are 1903 Springfield Bolt action.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:030: Parade formation with Cadet unit flags 2X3 photographic print
Small print in poor condition with a square cut out of bottom RH corner, glue residue on reverse. Parade field photo showing color guard and cadet leaders lined up with their unit pennants.
circa1942 |
2 | P002:031: USMC General Erskine congratulating Colonel 4X6 photographic print
Stock photo from "Public Relations Section, Western Procurement Division, USMC, San Francisco, CA" Also includes Beaver Engraving Co. Stamp on reverse. The Oregon Stater is written in pencil with possible identification of photo, "Maj. Gen. Erskine, Graves B., Col. Wilson, John B." In bottom RH corner, note in pencil, "Mr. Martin - This is the "courteyous colonel" mentioned" John B. Wilson was a 1917 graduate of OAC. Photograph is found in February 1945 Oregon Stater Magazine, Page 7.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:035: Seated officers attending lecture 4X7 photographic print
Seated group attending lecture. Military Captains in dress uniforms of WWII vintage. Unknown location of building, no identification of individuals in photo.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:049:
Governor Sprague with Cadets Passing in Review May 1941
1.0 4x5 negatives (Negative with print)
8X10 photographic print
This print relates to the negatives P002:046-049 of a military review of cadets by then Governor Sprague, possible date, May 1941. Military parade of cadets marching in formation past reviewing stand with dignitaries. Uniforms date to early WWII era. Weatherford Hall in background of parade field has scaffolding on center tower as seen in other photographs of this vintage. Parade field would be southwest of the rear of building. Formations of cadets marching past reviewing stand in good detail, with dignitaries in background. Photographs can be dated to the Oregon State Beaver Yearbook, 1941, page 95.
circa 1941 |
2 | P002:051:
College Women with 1903 Springfield Rifles 5X7 photographic print
Stock photo of three college coed females with Army rifles. Previous description dates photograph to April 1943. The rifles are US Military 1903 Springfield Bolt Action, with special after market adjustable peep sights, most likely used for the precision rifle team. Photograph appears to be staged for publicity shot, possibly in the Oregon Stater or Beaver Yearbook (not found in 1943 edition). The military ball in the spring of 1943 hosted a competition for women as a "Little Colonel" for the event. Previous description of this photograph lists the women as "Little Colonel selection, April 1943" The 1944 Oregon Beaver Yearbook page 53 lists the women's names.
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:295: portrait, Brig. Gen. Thomas M. Robbins 6X8 photographic print
Stock US Army head shot. Portrait of Brigadier General Thomas M. Robbins, probably early WWII. Promoted to Major General, Robbins was involved in the Manhattan Project as the head of the Corps of Engineers Construction Division, with a deputy commander, Gen. Leslie Groves (who ended up running the project to develop the Atomic Bomb). Connection to Oregon State College is unclear, this photograph is a stock US Army portrait, and may have been used by OSC publications or ROTC department.
circa 1944 |
2 | P002:489: ASTP and Navy V-12 Program swearing in ceremony 8X10 photographic print
US Navy officer swearing in new recruits. The Navy V-12 and Army ASTP programs on OSC campus are listed on reverse of photo. This photo appears on pg. 235 of the 1943 OSC Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1942 |
2 | P002:506: Army ROTC Cadets marching, Inspection day 4X6 photographic print
Army ROTC Cadets marching in formation with cadet band playing in foreground. Officers in reviewing stand have the late WWII "Ike Jackets", dress uniforms of the cadets are of WWII vintage. Parade field by Withycombe Hall, probably Inspection/Graduation day exercises.
circa 1944 |
11 | P002:554: Group photo of Company E OSC ROTC 8X17 photographic print
Seated group of ROTC Cadets, professional photograph, possibly used in OSC publications. Notation on back "Pete Vogel Company E". Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1943 |
11 | P002:555: Group photo of Company F, OSC ROTC 8X17 photographic print
Seated group of ROTC Cadets, professional photograph, possibly used in OSC publications. Notation on back "Company F". Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1943 |
11 | P002:556: Group photo of Company A, OSC ROTC 8X17 photographic print
Seated group of ROTC Cadets, professional photograph, possibly used in OSC publications. Notation on back "Company A". Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1943 |
11 | P002:557: Group Photo of Company D, OSC ROTC 8X17 photographic print
Seated group of ROTC Cadets, professional photograph, possibly used in OSC publications. Notation on back "Company D". Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1943 |
11 | P002:559: Group photo of Company B, OSC ROTC 8X17 photographic print
Seated group of ROTC Cadets, professional photograph, possibly used in
OSC publications. Notation on back "Company D". Cadets are all wearing
Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel
assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on
bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground. Of special interest is a
rather rotund NCO seated in middle of group photo, with his dog (company mascot?)
circa 1943 |
2 | P002:560: Group photo on MU Steps of Company A, Army ROTC 8X10 photographic print
Group photo of Company A, OSC ROTC Cadet corps, on steps of Memorial Union. Cadets are all wearing dress uniforms with garrison caps. Standing at attention, this group photo is probably a graduation photo.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:561: Group photo of Company G, OSC ROTC, seated, first try, someone blinked 8X10 photographic print
First try at a photograph of Company G, OSC ROTC Cadets. Solider in front row, far left is blinking...let's try another (which appears as P002:562). Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:562: Group photo of Company G, OSC ROTC, final product 8X10 photographic print
Final product of a photograph of Company G, OSC ROTC Cadets. Solider in front row, far left is did not blink this time. (which appears as P002:561). Cadets are all wearing Garrison Caps. Center subjects in front row are US Army personnel assigned to OSC for cadet training. Photo is of group seated on bleachers with wooden walkway in foreground.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:564: Army and Navy cadet officers shaking hands 4X5 photographic print
Army and Navy ROTC Cadet officers shaking hands. Uniform of Army cadet still has the cloth belt over the jacket which dates to prior 1955, Navy dress jacket is standard issue, no date possible. The reverse notation on the photo written in pen "Major Glenn W. Rodney (R) congratulating Mids Ens John C. Kempf (L). His platoon won platoon competition" No date is listed with caption.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:710: Group portrait of cadets with seated women 5X8 photographic print
Posed grouping of cadets, four seated with coed in center with 5 standing behind. Taken in the Memorial Union lounge room. Uniform coats are the standard Pattern 1941 field jackets with ties tucked into second/third button on shirts. The group photo is most likely done for yearbook or OSC Barometer publication.
circa 1940 |
Series V: Cold War Years, 1946-1975Return to Top
Photographs in this series illustrate the changes to the OSU ROTC Department after World War II. The bulk of these photographs can be found in various Oregon State publications such as the Oregon Stater alumni magazine, Barometer campus newspaper, and Beaver yearbooks. This series contains a large number of OSU ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team photos from the early 1960s. Pre-Vietnam War era military equipment is also featured from a display at Ft. Lewis, Washington during 1962. Stock US Military photographs used in OSU publications are also in this series.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
OSU ROTC Cadets visit to Ft. Lewis 1963 Negatives packaged in rolls with envelopes
Oregon State College ROTC Pershing Rifles Regiment cadet visit for training at Ft. Lewis, Washington dated April 1963. Photographs in series of activities and US Army equipment on display. Photographs of cadets and officers at Fort Lewis, Washington. Of note is displays of then state of the art US Army mechanized vehicles. Good detail in photographs of various tanks, missiles and radar equipment. Cadets are shown in chow lines, barracks and with US Army equipment for training. Pershing Rifles Cadets in drill competition photographs included in sub series.
April 1963 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:194: Cadets shaving in barracks 3X5 photographic print
Oregon State College ROTC Army cadet visit for training at Ft. Lewis, Washington dated April 1963. Cadets shaving in barracks.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:195: US Army officers inspecting barracks. 3X5 photographic print
US Army Colonel and Captain in fatigue uniforms with field caps, inspecting barracks with cadets in background. Captain has name tag "Dorsch, D." on uniform.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:196: Cadet in chow line 3X5 photographic print
Cadet in chow line at Ft. Lewis in civilian clothes, unidentified.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:197: Cadets in chow line 3X5 photographic print
Four cadets in chow line at Ft. Lewis, civilian clothes, unidentified.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:198: Officers walking in military display area 3X5 photographic print
US Army Officers walking in display area on Ft. Lewis with barracks buildings in background.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:199: Officers viewing Pershing Rifles Regimental HQS 3X5 photographic print
Officers viewing Pershing Rifles Regimental Headquarters building. Sign has the unit shield and the military command emblem. Building is the standard WWII era barracks/utility style, single story.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:200: Colonel shaking hand of cadet officer 3X5 photographic print
US Army Colonel shaking the hand of Cadet officer in front of Pershing Rifles Regimental Head Quarters.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:201: Cadets in line in civilian clothes 3X5 photographic print
OAC Cadets in line wearing civilian clothes on Ft. Lewis.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:202: 2 cadets in Ft. Lewis building on telephone 3X5 photographic print
2 cadets in fatigue uniforms in office on Ft. Lewis. One cadet is on telephone with the other looking over his shoulder.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:203: Photo of USAF C-124C on Mc Chord AFB tour 3X5 photographic print
Photograph taken through vehicle window while on tour of USAF McChord AFB, adjacent to Ft. Lewis. Photograph of a USAF C124C Globemaster cargo aircraft of the 1950-1970 era.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:208: Officers and senior NCO with M41A1 tank 3X5 photographic print
Colonel and two other officers inspect M41A1 Walker Bulldog Tank with senior NCO at attention with display.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:211: Officers and senior NCO viewing M-113 APC 3X5 photographic print
Officers viewing a M-113 APC (armored personnel carrier) with NCO attending.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:204: Display US Army 105mm Howitzer Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Two cadets viewing a US Army Howitzer 105mm M2A2 on display at Ft. Lewis training visit.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:205: Display M-52 Self Propelled 105mm Howitzer Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of US Army self propelled 105mm Howitzer M52. This was an improved version of the Self Propelled artillery on the M42 Patton Tank chassis with an enclosed (protected) turret, state of the art for the era. Used in Viet Nam and later.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:206: Display M-56 Scorpion SP Tank Destroyer Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of US Army mobile artillery, The M56 Scorpion was an unarmored American self-propelled anti-tank gun, which featured a 90mm M54 gun with a simple blast shield, and unprotected crew compartment. It was meant to be transported by helicopter or by air drop.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:207: Display of M-41tank Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of US Army standard M41A1 Walker Bulldog light tank. Developed to replace the M24 Chaffee, this vehicle was mounted with a 76mm gun.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:209:
Display M-60 Patton Tank with cadet posing Ft. Lewis
3X5 photographic print
M-60A-1 Patton Tank. A new design, produced from 1960-1987, this vehicle is brand new. The display vehicle has a unit number and shield painted on turret.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:210: Display M-35 Fire Control System with cadet viewing 3X5 photographic print
Cadet in civilian letterman's jacket viewing a Fire Control System M-35 at Ft. Lewis display. This fire control system was state of the art in 1963, used for calculating firing solutions for artillery, the ROTC Cadet could possibly use this equipment while in the military.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:212: Display M-51 Little John nuclear capable unguided Missile Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
This display of a M-51 or later designation (1963) of MGR-3A "Little John" missile is of note, as cutting edge equipment for the US military. This rocket was unguided and capable of nuclear or conventional war heads. This is a rare and clear photograph of this piece of military equipment of the cold war era.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:213: Display M-50 Honest John Ballistic Missile at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
The Honest John missile on display here (M-50) is an unguided, nuclear capable ballistic missile used by the US Army until as late as 1982. This display on Ft. Lewis shows the configuration of the heavy truck chassis and missile launcher unit.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:214: Display M-1 155mm Howitzer at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of the standard US Army heavy artillery, M1A1 155mm Howitzer. In use from WWI through the present day, this is the improved version produced in the 1950s. Senior NCO in foreground with cadets viewing.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:215: Display M-30 4.2 inch Mortar at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Cadet viewing display of the standard M-30 4.2 inch Mortar. Developed in the early 1950s, this weapon is still in use today.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:216: Display Battlefield Surveillance Radar System at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
This display of the Battlefield Surveillance Radar System is quite advanced for the period. This system could be deployed on the front lines to monitor battlefield movements.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:217: Display M-29 81 mm Light Mortar at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of the M-29 81mm light infantry Mortar. Developed in 1952 and was in service through the early 1980s. Cadet in civilian clothes is receiving instruction from Ft. Lewis soldier.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:218: Display M-40A1 106 MM Recoilless Rifle at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Display of the M-40A1 106 mm Recoilless Rifle mounted on US Army Jeep. Cadets in civilian clothes looking on as Ft. Lewis soldier gives instruction.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:219: Display M-48 Bridge Layer tank at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Series of four photographs of the operation of the M-48 AVLB "Bridge Layer" tank system (P002:219-222). Showing the extension of the 60 foot folding bridge carried on a modified chassis of the M-48/M-60 Patton Tank. Developed by the Germans during WWII, this type of engineering vehicle made it possible for heavy equipment and tanks to cross small streams. The four photographs show the deployment of the system.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:220: Display M-48 Bridge Layer tank in operation #2 3X5 photographic print
Series of four photographs of the operation of the M-48 AVLB "Bridge Layer" tank system (P002:219-222). Showing the extension of the 60 foot folding bridge carried on a modified chassis of the M-48/M-60 Patton Tank. The four photographs show the deployment of the system.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:221: Display M-48 Bridge Layer tank in operation #3 3X5 photographic print
Series of four photographs of the operation of the M-48 AVLB "Bridge Layer" tank system (P002:219-222). Showing the extension of the 60 foot folding bridge carried on a modified chassis of the M-48/M-60 Patton Tank. The four photographs show the deployment of the system.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:222: Display M-48 Bridge Layer tank in operation #4 3X5 photographic print
Series of four photographs of the operation of the M-48 AVLB "Bridge Layer" tank system (P002:219-222). Showing the extension of the 60 foot folding bridge carried on a modified chassis of the M-48/M-60 Patton Tank. The four photographs show the deployment of the system. The final photo in series showing the bridge in its extended position.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:223: Two cadets arriving at Ft. Lewis for training 3X5 photographic print
Two cadets, one in uniform carrying a 1903 Springfield Rifle and suitcase arriving at Ft. Lewis, dated April 1963.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:224: Cadets getting off bus at Ft. Lewis 3X5 photographic print
Two cadets in civilian clothes getting off bus at Ft. Lewis. Two story barracks building in background.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:225: WWI Memorial on Ft. Lewis to the 91st Division 3X5 photographic print
Photograph of World War One Memorial to the 91st Division from Ft. Lewis.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:226: Awards assembly at Ft. Lewis with cadet audience 3X5 photographic print
Award presentation with trophies on stage. Cadets in audience are in civilian clothes.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:257: Pershing Rifles Honor Society ball - Sponsors Ft. Lewis 1963 8X10 photographic print
Stock US Army Photo 8x10. Stock photo of sorority sponsors for the cadets (their escorts) at the military ball associated with the 11th Regiment of the Pershing Rifles National Honor Society, 19 April 1963, Ft. Lewis, Washington. The military photographer has identified the women in a typed description.
"11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles: Sponsors; (L-to-R) Miss Kay Huktanen, University of Gonzaga, Spokana(sic) Washington; Miss Sherry Doyle (Regimental Sponsor), Seattle University, Seattle, Washington; Miss Carol Williams, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon and Miss Michelle Morrison, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. US Army Photograph - photographer Sp4 William L. Durfee 124th Signal Battalion
April 1963 |
2 | P002:258: Pershing Rifles Honor Society Ball, Ft. Lewis WA, 1963 8X10 photographic print
Stock photo of sorority sponsors for the cadets (their escorts) at the military ball associated with the 11th Regiment of the Pershing Rifles National Honor Society, 19 April 1963, Ft. Lewis, Washington. The military photographer has identified the women and cadets in a typed description.
"11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles: Sponsors and their escorts: (L-to-R) Cadet Al S. Gallinaro, Miss Kay Huktanen, University of Gonzaga, Spokana(sic) Washington, Cadet Larry D. Fahey, Miss Sherry Doyle (Regimental Sponsor), Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, Miss Carol Williams, Cadet Fred J. Loomis, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, Miss Michelle Morrison, Cadet George F. Zimmer, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon." "US Army Photograph - photographer Sp4 William L. Durfee 124th Signal Battalion"
April 1963 |
2 | P002:259: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Bullets Drill Team (US Army) 8X10 photographic print
Stock US Army Photograph of the ROTC 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles visit to Ft. Lewis Washington, April 1963. The Pershing Rifles National Honor Society sponsors competition events for ROTC College Military Drill Teams. Oregon State attended this event with other ROTC units of the 11th Regiment of the Pershing Rifles. The US Army stock photographs is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Bullets Drill Team of the 1st Battle Group, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis Washington going though one of their drills, during the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles (ROTC) Drill Competition which was held at Fort Lewis, Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:260: ROTC visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Trophy stand 8X10 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion (spelling intact from photo): "Tropley stand, the diffen Tropleys that were given out to the diffen University of the 11th Regiment of Pershing rifles. Standing in the background is Sp4 Harold A. Sullivan, 1st Battle Group, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington." Of special note is the engraving on the large first place trophy which lists "OSU 1961-62" as winners.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:261: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - WSU Cadet photo 5X7 photographic print
Stock US Army Photograph of the ROTC 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles visit to Ft. Lewis Washington, April 1963. The Pershing Rifles National Honor Society sponsors competition events for ROTC College Military Drill Teams. The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Cadet of Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, reports to Col. John W. MacIndoe, Commanding Officer, 2nd Battle Group, 39th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis Washington, during the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Drill Competition, which was held at Fort Lewis, Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:262: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - U of O Drill team photo 5X7 photographic print
Stock US Army Photograph of the ROTC 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles visit to Ft. Lewis Washington, April 1963. The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "University of Oregon, of Eugene, Oregon, taking part in the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Drill competition which was held at Fort Lewis, Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:263: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - 2nd Place U of W 5X7 photographic print
Stock US Army Photograph of the ROTC 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles visit to Ft. Lewis Washington, April 1963. The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Second Place Winners of the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Drill competition, which was held at Fort Lewis, Washington, Drill team is, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:264: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Officers 2.0 print
5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Talking about the diffen(sic) Drill Teams, are L-to-R, Maj. Horace E. Pierce, 10th Corp ROTC Affairs Officer, Col. Walther A. Guntharp, Commanding Officer, 1st Battle Group, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis Washington and Col. John W. MacIndoe, Commanding Officer, 2nd Battle Group, 39th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:265: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - 2 Officers in Dress uniforms 5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "(L-to-R) Maj. Horace E. Pierce, 10th Corp ROTC Affairs Officer and Col. Walter A. Guntharp, Commanding Officer, 1st Battle Group, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington, talking over about the drill teams."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:266: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Mess Sgt. briefing 5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Stc Calvin Havens, Mess Sgt. Hq. Co. 12th Inf 1 st Battle Group, 4th Infantry Div Fort Lewis Washington, explains to (L-to-R) Cadet Roger Stubbs, Cadet Maj. Roger Johnson, Cadet Rod commons and Cadet Col. Dell Ball the duties of a mess Sgt."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:267:
OSU ROTC cadets Mortar inspection, Ft Lewis visit 1963
5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 Conrad R. Cheatham of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Sp4 George Howell , E Co., 1st Battle Group, 12th inf 4th Inf Div explains the 81 mm mortar to the cadets of Oregon State College."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:268: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Gonzaga drill team 5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Gonzaga University, of Spokana(sic) Washington, taking part in the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Drill Competition which was held at Fort Lewis Washington."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:269: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - 3rd place winners 5X7 photographic print
The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Third place winners of the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Drill competition, which was held at Ft. Lewis, Washington; Drill team is, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:270: ROTC Visit to Ft. Lewis, 1963 - Machine gun briefing OSC Cadets 5X7 photographic print
Collection of photographs of the ROTC 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles visit to Ft. Lewis Washington, April 1963. The US Army stock photograph is annotated on the reverse in blue carbon typing by the photographer, Sp4 William L. Durfee of the 124th Signal Battalion. "Sfc Jerald Mc Kinley (R), explains to Cadet Col. Dell Ball, Cadet Maj. Roger Johnson, Cadet Roger Stubbs of Oregon State College the 30 cal Machine Gun."
April 1963 |
2 | P002:331: Pershing Rifles sponsor, Molly Perry 1962 8X10 photographic print
Standard head shot of coed sponsor for the OSC Pershing Rifles 11th regiment. Identification on reverse: "Eleventh Regiment, Miss Molly Perry, Honorary Sponsor Eleventh Regiment, Sponsored by Company E-11, Oregon State University" The "year" 62 is written in pen on reverse as well.
circa 1962 |
ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Teams/Competitions 1960-1964
Grouping of negatives and prints showing scenes of the OSU Pershing Rifles Drill team in competitions. One group of photos is identified as: Sand Point Naval Air Station, April 1962. Negatives are of various drill team formations inside the hangar. Showing the grandstands with spectators and the large doors with windows of the hangar, the negatives may have been used in OSU Barometer or ROTC Pershing Rifles publications.
1962 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:280: University of Idaho Drill Team 5X7 photographic print
11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles, University of Idaho Drill team in formation at unidentified location. Other photographs in this series are from drill team competitions that OSC attended. This photo is probably related to P002:279 and a competition sponsored by the University of Idaho. Date unknown, circa 1962
circa 1963 |
2 | P002:328: Cadet (2) officers with Drill Competition Trophies 1962 3.5x3.5 photographic print
OSC Cadet officers displaying trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. Photo is marked on reverse: Major Lee Adams and Capt. Gary Butler, 11th Reg. Hq."
March 1962 |
2 | P002:329: Cadet (3) Officers with Drill Competition Trophies 1962 3.5x3.5 photographic print
OSC Cadet officers displaying trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. Photo is marked on reverse:"Col. Jerome Jacoby, Lt. Col. Douglas hirfe (ex O.) Capt. Gary Butler (PIO) 11th Reg Hq"
March 1962 |
2 | P002:438:
OSU ROTC Drill team march in dress uniforms and tennis shoes
8X10 photographic print
Caption on reverse: "Company E-11's crack drill team performs during the halftime intermission at a basketball game in Portland. Commanding Officer is 2nd Lt. Bill Myers." There is also a request to: "Please return this picture to: Commanding Officer, Company E-11, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon" The drill team is in full dress uniforms with white tennis shoes (to protect Gym floor).
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:571: Company E-11 OSU Varsity Drill Team, Feb 1963 3.5x3.5 photographic print
Caption on reverse: "Co. E-11 Oregon State U. Varsity Drill Team on exhibition(sic). Also marked as 62-63 RGT 395. Photo of Drill Team formation on gym floor, full dress uniforms and white tennis shoes.
February 1963 |
2 | P002:572: Company E-11 OSU ROTC Standing Inspection March 1963 3.5x5 photographic print
Company E-11 OSU Pershing Rifles standing inspection by cadet officers. Photo is marked on reverse: "Co. E-11 Oregon State Univ, Freshman Drill team standing inspection"
March 1963 |
2 | P002:574: OSU ROTC Freshman Drill Team inspection, Nov 1963 3.5x5 photographic print
Cadet officers inspection of OSU Freshman Drill Team on campus, November 1963. Photo is related to P002:572 from a different angle.
November 1963 |
2 | P002:443: Hangar at Sand Point NAS with competition location. 4X5 photographic print
Drill competition location at Sand Point Naval Air Station in 1962. Interior shot of the hangar showing where the grand stand would be located.
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:444: Hangar at Sand Point Naval Air Station exterior view 4X5 photographic print
Drill competition location at Sand Point Naval Air Station in 1962. Exterior view of the Hangar building.
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:713: Hangar at Sand Point Naval Air Station interior view #2 3X4.5 photographic print
ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill competition location at Sand Point Naval Air Station in 1962. Interior shot of the hangar. Military trailers in photo.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:714: Cadet officers in Sand Point NAS Hangar 3X4.5 photographic print
ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill competition location at Sand Point Naval Air Station in 1962. Interior shot of the hangar. 4 cadet officers of OSU ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill team in photo, three are identified on reverse. Left to Right, Rod Stubbs, John Wilson, Jack Miller, CO for B-11 (unidentified cadet officer of another college unit) Noted as "this was taken Wed 11 April in the Hangar"
April 1962 |
2 | P002:717: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #1 2x2.5 negative
Drill team with rifles in formation.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:718: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #2 2x2.5 negative
Line of cadets at attention.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:719: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #3 2x2.5 negative
Cadets in formation, passing rifles down the line.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:720: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #4 2x2.5 negative
Drill team marching in circle formation.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:721: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #5 2x2.5 negative
Close order drill formation.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:722: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #6 2x2.5 negative
Drill team passing rifles, chrome helmets.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:723: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #7 2x2.5 negative
Close order drill formation.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:724: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #8 2x2.5 negative
Marching team with rifles.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:725: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #9 2x2.5 negative
Cadet saluting officer in review. Female officer in photo.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:726: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #10 2x2.5 negative
Column of cadets marching in formation, close order drill.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:727: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #11 2x2.5 negative
Leader of drill team receiving trophy from female officer, formation in background.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:728: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #12 2x2.5 negative
Trophy presentation to drill team leader dressed in fatigue uniform. Female officer presenting.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:729: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #13 2x2.5 negative
Inspection of drill team by officer, checking rifles.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:730: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #14 2x2.5 negative
Formation of cadets at attention with rifles at right shoulder arms. Awaiting inspection by officers.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:731: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #15 2x2.5 negative
Inspection by US Army officer of cadet's M-1 Garand rifle.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:732: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #16 2x2.5 negative
Formation of drill team cadets waiting for inspection.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:733: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #17 2x2.5 negative
Another view of officer inspecting cadet's M-1 Garand rifle.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:734: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #18 2x2.5 negative
Formation of cadets at attention with rifles at side, waiting for inspection.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:735: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #19 2x2.5 negative
Rifle inspection by cadet officer with clip board.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:736: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #20 2x2.5 negative
Cadet formation saluting officer.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:737: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #21 2x2.5 negative
Group of officers reviewing cadets.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:738: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #22 2x2.5 negative
Formation of cadets at attention with rifles raised.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:739: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #23 2x2.5 negative
Cadets marching in formation with rifles.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:740: Sand Point NAS Drill competition 1962 negative #24 2x2.5 negative
Cadets marching in formation with rifles.
April 1962 |
Color 35mm Slides of Pershing Rifles Drill Team competition 1963
Series of 20 color slides of the OSU Army ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team in various formations during their performance. Photos include marching drills, with rifle "tricks", and inspections of weapons and uniforms by officers. Uniforms depicted are dress coats with chrome helmets, khakis with berets and white laced boots. It is not certain if all drill units are from Oregon State, but the different uniforms and groups are probably separate platoons or companies within the Pershing Rifles Regiment in attendance. Also included are slides of the Military Ball including coed sponsors and their escorts. Many of the slides have been reproduced for publication in OSC and Pershing Rifles periodicals. The original packaging of this series was the mailing box from the processing laboratory. Addressed to Rod Commons, 301 Waldo Hall, Corvallis Oregon. Photocopy of box label maintained in file, slides transferred to protective sleeves.
1963 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:335: Color Slide Military Ball Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Color 35mm Slide. OSU Army ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team in various formations during their performance.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:337: Color Slide Military Ball, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Military ball, Ft. Lewis WA, April 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:338: Color Slide, Coed Sponsors, 11th Regiment Pershing Rifles 35mm Color Slide
Military Ball including coed sponsors and their escorts.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:339: Color Slide, Military Ball, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Slide of the Military Ball including coed sponsors and their escorts.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:340: Color slide, Coed sponsors, military ball, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Military Ball including coed sponsors and their escorts.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:341: Color slide, Military ball, Ft. Lewis Trophy presentation 35mm Color Slide
Trophy presentation with coed sponsors, Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:342: Color Slide, trophy presentation, Military Ball, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Military Ball, Ft. Lewis trophy presentation
April 1963 |
2 | P002:343: Color Slide, Trophy presentation Military Ball, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Trophy presentation, Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:344: Color Slide, Ft. Lewis Drill Team Competition 1963 35mm Color Slide
OSU Army ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team in various formations during their performance.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:345: Color Slide, Ft. Lewis Drill Team Competition,trophy display 35mm Color Slide
Trophy display table, Ft. Lewis Drill Competition, April 1963.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:346: Color Slide, Coed Sponsors, Military Ball Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Military Ball, Ft. Lewis Coed Sponsors
April 1963 |
2 | P002:347: Color Slide, Coed Sponsors, Ft. Lewis Competition, 1963 35mm Color Slide
Military Ball, Ft. Lewis Coed Sponsors.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:348: Color Slide, Drill Team Competition, Ft. Lewis, 1963 35mm Color Slide
Drill team on floor at Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:349: Color Slide, Drill Team Competition, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Rifle inspection at competition, Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:350: Color Slide, Drill Team on Floor, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Drill team on Floor, Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:351: Color Slide, Trophy presentation, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Trophy presentation, Ft. Lewis competition, 1963.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:352: Color Slide Drill Team Competition, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
OSU Army ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team in various formations during their performance.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:353: Color Slide, Drill Team on floor, Ft. Lewis 1963 35mm Color Slide
Drill team in performance
April 1963 |
2 | P002:354: Color Slide, Trophy Presentation Ft. Lewis Competition 1963 35mm Color Slide
Trophy presentation, Ft. Lewis 1963
April 1963 |
2 | P002:355: Color Slide, Drill team competition, Ft. Lewis, 1963 35mm Color Slide
Drill team competition, Ft. Lewis 1963.
April 1963 |
2 | P002:227 - P002:244: Army ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team Competition
Group of 15 color and b/w prints of the OSU ROTC Pershing Rifles Drill Team in various formations during their performance. Photos include marching drills, with rifle "tricks", and inspections of weapons and uniforms by officers. Uniforms depicted are dress coats with chrome helmets, khakis with berets and white laced boots. Some photos show full dress uniforms and white tennis shoes (to protect gym floor?). One of the images is available online.
April 1963 |
ROTC Pershing Rifles Coed Sponsors/Military Balls/Award Ceremonies
sub series contains stock photographs of Coed Sponsors (Escorts to Military Banquets and Balls). Competition for Queens used these photographs for promotional materials. Some photographs of Cadets in dress uniforms with Coed Sponsors may have been used in OSU publications. Many of the photographs are stock 8x10 portraits, taken by US Army Photographers. Names of coeds are listed where available.
circa 1960 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:330: Pershing Rifles Sponsors - coeds 1962 8X10 photographic print
Photo shows 3 coeds in a posed portrait. Caption reads: L to R Miss Susan Schumacher, Miss Phillis Mullan, Miss Julie Holm, Pershing Rifles Sponsors" Dated 22 Jan 1962, photo by Mr. Loyal Lauritzen, Signal Photo Lab, US Army Garrison, Fort Lawton, Washington.
January 1962 |
2 | P002:273: Coed Sponsor Corps 11th Regiment, Lucille Kroll 3X5 photographic print
Studio photograph of Brenda Lucille Droll, Company B - 11th Regiment. She has honors received listed as "Honorary company commander, Company B, 11th Regt. and Cadet Captain of Coed Sponsor Corps (Newly organized). She is listed as age 19years, Sophomore, Major Education and hometown of Seattle Washington. The photo is from Walters Studio, Seattle Washington.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:272: Candidate for Queen - Pershing Rifles Ball 1.0 3 x 5 prints
8X10 photographic print
Portrait of Valerie Haener, candidate for Queen, ROTC Pershing Rifles Military Ball, Seattle University. Photographer Kay Alderson, Signal Photo Lab, US Army Garrison, Fort Lawton, Washington.
February 1961 |
2 | P002:275: Pershing Rifles Queen 8X10 photographic print
US Army photograph of Pershing Rifles Queen, Sara Griffith, Company B-11, University of Washington. Photographer Mr. Loyal Lauritzen, Signal Photo Division, US Army Garrison, Fort Lawton, Washington. This photograph may be related to the OSC visit to the 1961 Pershing Rifles Drill Team Competition and was included in a press packet sent to Oregon State. Date of photograph 21 Jan 1964 places this event in the 1963-64 ROTC year.
January 1964 |
2 | P002:274: 11th Regiment Sponsor, C-11 University of Idaho 5X7 photographic print
11th Regiment Sponsor, Miss Delores Llewellyn, C-11, University of Idaho. This photograph may be related to the OSC visit to the 1961 Pershing Rifles Drill Team Competition and was included in a press packet sent to Oregon State. Date of photograph 2 Feb 61 places this event in the 1961-62 ROTC year, which Oregon State won first place at competition of drill teams.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:276: 11th Regiment Sponsor G-11 1957-58 8X10 photographic print
Stock studio portrait of 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles coed sponsor from 1957-58 year, Kaye Tomlinson.
circa 1957 |
2 | P002:277: Pershing Rifles Queen 10 semi-finalists 1963 8X10 photographic print
Dated November 1963, US Army photo of "The ten semi-finalists for Pershing and Rifles Queen, are from left to right, Miss Linda Nielson, Miss Linda Nethercup, Miss Brenda Lee, Miss Judy Crossett, Miss Judy Burke, Miss Cindy Thal, Miss Sara Griffith, Miss Joy Prosser, Miss Betsy Roberts and Miss Jo Ann Horn; Army ROTC, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington." In pencil, "The princesses are Miss Linda Nethercup, Miss Cindy Thal, Miss Joy Prosser and Miss Jo Ann Horn." Photograph taken by SP/5 Leroy Sundberg, Signal Photo Division, US Army Garrison, Fort Lawton, Washington. Date of photograph Nov 1963 places this event in the 1962-63 ROTC year, which Oregon State College Drill Team attended competition at Ft. Lewis.
November 1963 |
2 | P002:278: Entry to Sponsor Contest Pershing Rifles 1956 8X10 photographic print
Listed as entry to Sponsor Contest 1956. Identification in lower left corner in pencil "Evelyn Ribary, sponsored by Company D, 11th Regiment, State College of Washington." Photo is stamped Midway Photo Shop, 802 Colorado, Pullman Washington.
circa 1956 |
2 | P002:279: 11th Regiment Sponsor - undated U of WA 8X10 photographic print
Studio portrait of 11th Regiment Coed Sponsor from early 1960s. Identified as Janette Rees, Sponsor Co. B-11, University of Washington. Photograph is in same series of head shots of coed sponsors, probably for candidate for Queen of Military Ball.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:566: Navy ROTC Cadet and escort, Navy Ring Dance 4X5 photographic print
Print 4x5. Navy ROTC Cadet officer, Erskine Austin and his escort Melinda Rickson at the Navy Ring Dance, circa1960. Two copies of photo, one marked on reverse with "Barometer Photo" stamp, dated 4/6 (no year).
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:744: Cadet officers at Military ball 3.5X5 photographic print
Posed photograph of ROTC officer cadets at military ball, circa 1960. All services represented, with coed sponsor at center. Uniforms of the post WWII style, with bow ties and shoulder braids. Naval officers in dress whites.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:796: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor, unidentified 5X7 photographic print
Stock studio portrait. Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus. Photos were used in competition for Queen.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:797: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor unidentified #2 4X3 photographic print
Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus. Photos were used in competition for Queen. Notation on reverse: "This photo for article in "Pershing Rifleman" from Company C-11."
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:798: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor unidentified #3 3.5X5 photographic print
Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus. Photos were used in competition for Queen.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:799: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor unidentified #4 5X4 photographic print
Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus. Photos were used in competition for Queen.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:800: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor unidentified #5 5X7 photographic print
Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:801: Portrait of Pershing Rifles sponsor, Morrison 1.0 1/2 x 3 1/2 negative
4X5 photographic print
Identified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. Listed as Michelle Morrison, OSU 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles Sponsor. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus.
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:802: Portrait of Pershing Rifles coed sponsor unidentified #6 8X10 photographic print
Unidentified coed sponsor of the 11th Regiment, Pershing Rifles. The portrait is similar to others in collection of the young women acting as escorts to the Pershing Rifles military balls held on campus.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:812: Group photo of Coed Sponsors 8X10 photographic print
Group photo of six Pershing Rifles Coed Sponsors, unidentified, circa 1960 Poor quality photo of group, some of the coeds appear in portraits attached to this sub series.
circa 1960 |
ROTC Cadet's personal misc. photos
Mixed collection of personal snapshots with negatives during 1961 year. Various photos of Army ROTC Cadets and OSU campus buildings.
1961 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:755: Formation of cadets on field with rifles 1.0 negative
3.5X3.5 photographic print
Random shot of cadet formation with cadet officer in overcoat. Photo is marked on reverse "C-11"
Nov 1961 |
2 | P002:756: Negative of private airplane with pilot checking engine 2X2 negative
Unidentified photo of private plane at airport with pilot checking engine. Control tower is in background, unable to determine if location is Corvallis Airport. Negative is in series which has prints dated to November 1961
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:757: Negative of cadets during inspections 2X2 negative
Formation of cadets being inspected, dated November 1961
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:758: Snapshot of military competition trophy 1961 1.0 negative
3.5X3.5 photographic print
Single trophy from military competition with ruler at base. Trophy base is 12 inches. Photograph is dated Sep 1961 and is in the same grouping with sub series.
September 1961 |
2 | P002:759: Negative of private Airplane with pilot 1961 2X2 negative
Similar photograph of private aircraft at unidentified location. Two negatives attached together, one appears to have the engine cowling open and one does not. Control tower in background is unidentified.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:760: Negative Pershing Rifles drill team practice 1961 2X2 negative
Negative of Pershing Rifles Drill Team practicing marching somewhere on campus, 1961. Photo is related to P002:761 print from a closer angle. Men are wearing mixed clothes, including civilian jackets.
1961 |
2 | P002:761: Pershing Rifles Drill Team practice on campus 1961 1.0 negative
3.5X3.5 photographic print
Pershing Rifles drill team practicing close order drill on campus, November 1961. Members of team are wearing uniforms and some in civilian jackets. Photo is related to negative: P002:760 print from a different angle.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:762: Negative, Cadet formation at attention with rifles 1961 2X2 negative
Unidentified location on campus showing formation of ROTC Cadets. Dating consistent with grouping from 1961.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:763: Cadets on parade field, unidentified location 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Unidentified location, possibly during ROTC visit to University of Idaho for Drill competition. In distance, the troops are on an open field near a larger hangar type building. Dated November 1961.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:764: Negative construction site (OSU Dorms?) 2X2 negative
Photo of construction site of multiple story building. Possibly OSU dorms, windows at far left are similar. Date of photo should be consistent with the 1961 grouping.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:765: Negative Construction site (OSU Dorms) #2 2X2 negative
Photo of construction site of multiple story building. Possibly OSU dorms, windows at far left are similar. Date of photo should be consistent with the 1961 grouping. View similar to P002:764 negative.
circa.1961 |
2 | P002:766: Unidentified campus buildings 1961 Negative 2X2 negative
Photo of campus buildings, possibly churches on Monroe street. Unidentified buildings
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:767: Unidentified campus buildings 1961 #2 Negative 2X2 negative
Unidentified campus buildings, possibly churches on Monroe Street. Photo is with grouping from 1961.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:768: Unidentified campus building 1961 #3 Negative 2X2 negative
Photo of campus buildings, possibly churches on Monroe street. Unidentified buildings
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:769: Unidentified campus building 1961 #4 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Photo of unidentified campus building. Not an OSU building, however, the Pershing Rifles Drill team visited other colleges for competitions, circa 1961
November 1961 |
2 | P002:770: Cadet formation with two officers in overcoats 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Cadet company formation on parade field. Of note is the two officers in front of formation wearing civilian overcoats and no uniforms. Date is consistent with 1961 grouping of photos.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:771: Aerial shot from private plane 1961 #1 2X2 negative
Aerial photograph from private plane, probably over Willamette Valley. Photo is in grouping from 1961.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:772: Aerial shot from private plane 1961 #2 2X2 negative
Aerial photograph from private plane, probably over Willamette Valley. Photo is in grouping from 1961.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:773: Aerial Shot from private plane, river in valley #3 2X2 negative
Aerial photograph from private plane, probably over Willamette Valley. Photo is in grouping from 1961.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:774: Two cadets outside hotel room 1961 1.0 negative
3.5X3.5 photographic print
Photo of two ROTC Cadets in dress uniforms outside of hotel room(?) in 1961. Taken while Pershing Rifles Drill Team was visiting another campus for competition in 1961.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:775: Negative of P002:755 2X2 negative
Random shot of cadet formation with cadet officer in overcoat. Photo is marked on reverse "C-11" Photo is printed at P002:755
1961 |
2 | P002:776: Cadet in hotel room while at Drill Team competition 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
ROTC Cadet in hotel room with cigarette. Photo from visit to another campus of Pershing Rifles Drill Team in 1961. Luggage in room, uniforms hung neatly in back ground.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:777: Drill team practice formation 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Drill team practice, some men in uniform, some in civilian clothes. Unidentified location, probably while visiting another campus for drill team competition 1961.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:778: Hotel room of cadets with beer and Look magazine 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Hotel room at unidentified location. Cadet's beer and Look Magazine are on the desk in room. Great period photograph of a typical hotel room. Black and white TV on aluminum stand, vinyl chairs. Probably taken while Pershing Rifles were at Drill Team competition at another campus of the 11th Regiment.
November 1961 |
2 | P002:779: Cadets on field at ROTC Competition 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Field of competition for Pershing Rifles Drill Teams. Some civilian spectators and formations of cadets. Some cadets are in civilian clothes in group.
November 1961 |
Negatives - Cold War Years
Collection of 4x5 negatives, various subjects during the Cold War (1946-1965) years. Many of the negatives correspond with prints in this series. Some of the negatives are related to the prints as different views, same topics. Arranged numerically within the sub series folder. Specific negatives related to sub series on Pershing Rifles drill teams are filed in those folders.
1946-1965 | |
Box | ||
2 | P002:507: Cadet Color Guard passing in review 4X5 negative
Retirement ceremony for Captain Harry L. Beard, OSC band leader. Cadet companies and band on parade field. Photograph appears on page 54, 1946 Beaver Yearbook.
1946 |
2 | P002:508: Dignitaries saluting color guard Harry L. Beard retirement 1946 4x5 negative
Retirement ceremony for Captain Harry L. Beard, OSC band leader. Cadet companies and band on parade field. Photo appears on page 54, 1946 Beaver Yearbook.
1946 |
2 | P002:510: Dignitaries in vehicle on parade field, 1946 4X5 negative
Retirement ceremony for OSC Band director Captain Harry L.Beard. Another view of this vehicle appears in 1946 Beaver Yearbook page 54. Cadet companies and band on parade field.
1946 |
2 | P002:511: Military officer shaking hands with dignitary 4x5 negative
Retirement ceremony for Captain Harry L. Beard, OSC Band leader. US Army officer wearing late WWII "Ike Jacket" style uniform shaking hands identified as Colonel Webster with Beard during event. Another view of this negative appears on page 54, 1946 Beaver Yearbook.
1946 |
2 | P002:512: Retirement of US Army NCO 4X5 negative
Unidentified US Army NCO at retirement ceremony. Uniform dates to post 1944 period. Previous description lists date of June 1947. This Army NCO has served 3 tours overseas (WWII probably) and has 9 enlistment stripes on sleeve of his "Ike" jacket dress uniform. Possible use of the negatives for the Beaver Yearbook or the Oregon Stater magazine.
circa 1947 |
2 | P002:513: Retiring NCO shaking hands with Army Colonel 4X5 Negative
US Army Colonel (possibly Webster) shaking the hand of retiring NCO. Related to P002:512
circa 1947 |
2 | P002:809: Drill Competition Trophies 2X2 negative
Display of trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. this photograph appears to show the 3 place trophies, probably before presentation. Same trophies as appear in P002:742
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:810: Drill Competition Trophies #2 2X2 negative
Display of trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. this photograph appears to show the 3 place trophies, probably before presentation. Duplicate of P002:742
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:811: Drill Competition Trophy, single 2X2 negative
Display of trophy from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. this photograph appears to show the 3 place trophies, probably before presentation. Related to photo display of trophies P002:742.
circa 1960 |
Box | ||
2 | P002:001: McAlexander Field house with Cadet formation 3.5X5 photographic print
This photograph shows the facade of the McAlexander Field house prior to the development of the Kerr Administration building and adjacent parking lot.
circa 1950 |
2 | P002:009: Strand, August L., Presenting certificate to USMC Cadet 2.0 prints
3.5X5 photographic print
Two duplicate prints. Photograph is identified with a 1951 date. Military uniforms of USMC officer and NCO are of that vintage. August L. Strand is presenting certificate to a Marine Corps cadet. Next cadet in line is US Navy.
circa 1951 |
2 | P002:011: Navy officers with Martin Mariner Seaplane 8X10 photographic print
Stock US Military publicity photo. Marked on reverse with Oregon Stater 29 pica wide, for publication in Oregon State College magazine, probably late WWII vintage, possibly could be post war, 1951 date also. Photograph is marked "Photographic Laboratory, US Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida". Photo includes 4 Naval officers , 3 wearing life vests with survival gear, talking under the wing of aircraft. Navy aircraft in back ground is the PBM Martin Mariner seaplane, in overall dark sea blue camouflage from 1945-1955 period, tail markings of "E E", also of post war vintage. Of special note is a navy seaman hanging/swinging from the rear of the fuel tank of the aircraft. (visible between seated officer on right and standing officer without life vest.) Photo is found in the Oregon Stater Magazine, February 1952, page 8.
Photograph has a 5" tear from the right hand side. Photo is in protective sleeve.
circa 1946 |
2 | P002:012: Army Corps of Engineers officers viewing model bridge 8X10 photographic print
Stock photograph marked News Bureau Oregon State College, Administration Bldg, Corvallis Oregon. Photograph is marked in pencil 21 pica wide, Oregon Stater. The model bridge appears to be of the pontoon type that is built in the field by US Army Corps of Engineers. Cadet officer to the left of the group has two metal rank diamonds (junior?) on eplettes. Photograph is found on Page 8, February 1952, Oregon Stater Magazine.
circa 1951 |
2 | P002:013: ROTC Cadets Dress Right, Dress! 8X10 photographic print
Stock photographic print of US Army ROTC Cadets on parade field. Composition of photograph is of note, with officer at lower center with the formation of cadets performing command of Dress Right, at the top of the photograph.
circa 1951 |
2 | P002:014:
Navy ROTC cadets in Memorial Union
8X10 photographic print
Stock photo with Oregon State College Libraries photo file stamp on reverse. No information is filled in on photo file. Possible circa date of 1944 when grouped with similar style photos in collection. Six students in lounge area (possibly Memorial Union?) in 6 button double breasted dress uniforms. Navy ROTC patch is visible on sleeves of uniforms. Photograph appears in the 1946 OSC Beaver Yearbook.
circa 1946 |
2 | P002:020: Naval ROTC cadet receiving diploma/certificate 5X7 photographic print
Photograph marked "14x14 picas" in grease pencil on reverse. Beaver Engraving Co. stamp and #877. US Navy Captain presenting certificate to ROTC Cadet. Unknown location, interior shot.
circa 1950 |
2 | P002:027: US Navy ROTC Cadets in Dress Uniform 8X10 photographic print
Stock photograph stamped "Oregon State College Library Picture Collection". Photo of 4 US Navy ROTC Cadets standing in doorway. Dress dark blue uniforms with garrison caps.
circa 1946 |
2 | P002:037: Diploma presentation by Dean Lemon with Weatherford Hall 5X7 photographic print
Stock photograph from Oregon State College Library Picture Collection. Presentation of diploma to cadet by Dean Lemon. Officers uniforms date to 1950s vintage, all wearing garrison caps and standard dress tunics. Weatherford hall in background with good detail of vintage windows and trim. Students in crowd observing ceremony showing period dress for early 1950s.
circa 1950 |
2 | P002:038: Strand, August L. meeting with Cadet and Officers in dress uniforms 1.0 4x5 negatives
8X10 photographic print
Stock photograph, no stamp on reverse. President August L. Strand looks on as dignitary is shaking hand of ROTC cadet. Officers in dress uniforms looking on. Good view of Cadet officer rank insignias. Year markings and cadet rank insignia clearly in view on lapel and epaulets of uniform.
circa 1950 |
2 | P002:040: Two US Navy ROTC Cadets Dress Uniforms 5X7 photographic print
Photograph, Oregon State College Library Picture Collection stamp on reverse. Two Navy cadets pointing to ROTC emblems on uniform sleeve. Photograph appears on cover of Oregon Stater November 1945.
circa 1945 |
2 | P002:043: USAF Colonel Unidentified Subject 5X7 photographic print
Official Photograph U.S. Air Force, dated 21 July 1952. Beaver Engraving Co. stamp and grease pencil size markings on reverse. Unidentified USAF Colonel, stock head shot, standard uniform shirt, with tie tucked. Officers lapel pins in good detail as is his pilot wings over left pocket.
21 July 1952 |
2 | P002:072: ROTC Engineers with Award 5X6 photographic print
OSC ROTC Engineers (US Army), with award plaque from Fort Leonard Wood. 2 cadets with dress uniforms, with officer (Lt. Colonel) and unidentified administrator looking on. Pencil marking on reverse indicate "Baro", photograph probably used in article for OSU Barometer newspaper.
circa 1955 |
2 | P002:173:
Comical photo of two USAF men and Santa on radar screen 6X8 photographic print
Stock USAF print. Two USAF sergeants looking at radar screen with
Santa and reindeer. Standard publicity stock photograph used for
Christmas Eve reports of Santa being picked up on military radar. The
Radar equipment in the photograph gives some indication to the era, probably mid 1960s.
circa 1965 |
2 | P002:245: 1962 Distinguished Military Student - J. W. Maylie 1X1 1/2 photographic print
clipped photo from print media mounted on display card. Small print, probably from yearbook photo of 4 members of the 1962 Distinguished Military Students awards. Display includes 4 cadets mounted on red and orange heavy card stock, probably displayed on bulletin board at McAlexander Field House. Cadet Joseph W. Maylie is displayed on upper left side of card.
1962 |
2 | P002:246: 1962 Distinguished Military Student - Paul E. Jarvis 1X1 1/2 photographic print
clipped photo from print media mounted on display card. Display includes 4 cadets mounted on red and orange heavy card stock, probably displayed on bulletin board at McAlexander Field House. Cadet Paul E. Jarvis is displayed on lower left side of card.
1962 |
2 | P002:247: 1962 Distinguished Military Student - D.F. Spiesschaert 1X1 1/2 photographic print
clipped photo from print media mounted on display card. Display includes 4 cadets mounted on red and orange heavy card stock, probably displayed on bulletin board at McAlexander Field House. Cadet D.F. Spiesschaert is displayed on lower center of card.
1962 |
2 | P002:248: 1962 Distinguished Military Student - N.J. McLennan 1X1 1/2 photographic print
clipped photo from print media mounted on display card. Display includes 4 cadets mounted on red and orange heavy card stock, probably displayed on bulletin board at McAlexander Field House. Cadet N. J. McLennan is displayed on lower right side of card.
1962 |
2 | P002:281: Maj. Gen. Edwin H. J. Carns inspects cadet honor guard 4X5 photographic print
Caption on reverse: "Maj. Gen. Edwin H. J. Carns inspects Pershing Rifles Honor Guard during visit to University of Idaho." Unclear as to identification of cadets in photo. Possibly an OSC unit of the Pershing Rifles attending Drill Competition in Idaho.
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:283: Pershing Rifles Drill Team wreath ceremony U of W 8X10 photographic print
Pershing Rifles Drill Team (unknown unit, possibly University of Washington ROTC) and the ROTC band in formation at the placing of wreaths ceremonies, Daughters of the Revolution celebration at the George Washington memorial statue, University of Washington, 22 Feb, 1958. Stock US Army photograph by PFC Kenneth Strohecker, Signal Photo Lab, US Army Garrison, Fort Lawton, Washington. This photo possibly used in publications at Oregon State College, markings on reverse "11-D".
February 1958 |
2 | P002:282: ROTC Officers, U of W, Company B-11 3X5 photographic print
ROTC officers of Company B-11 (Pershing Rifles, University of Washington) in dress uniforms. Photograph is marked on reverse with publication size notations "30 picas", possible use with OSC ROTC publication, or for the Pershing Rifles National Honor Society publication.
circa 1963 |
2 | P002:284: ROTC Cadets marching, Home Coming Parade - Washington State College 1957 8X10 photographic print
Company D-11 (Pershing Rifles ROTC, Washington State College) marching in home coming parade in downtown Pullman Washington, 1957. Caption reads, "Co. D-11 sounds off during Washington State College Home Coming Parade." Photo is in series with other Pershing Rifles units during the period. Of note are the clear views of downtown Pullman Washington, showing businesses on parade route. Onlookers on roofs of buildings.
1957 |
2 | P002:285: ROTC Cadet with US Army M-41 Tank display,1960 5X7 photographic print
Oregon State College ROTC Cadet Doug Hirts receives briefing on operation of the M-41 Walker Bulldog Tank at Ft. Lewis exercise in April 1960. Photograph by Pfc Joseph J. Brown, Photographic Facility, US Army Garrison, Ft. Lewis Washington.
April 1960 |
2 | P002:286: ROTC Cadet officers presenting trophy to A. Strand 1960 8X10 photographic print
Print used for publication in Oregon State College Barometer possibly. The caption on reverse reads like a press release. "Left to Right: Cadet Lt. Col. Michael E. Moore, Oregon State College President, A. L. Strand, and Cadet Lt. Robert L. Gragg. Col. Moore is presenting to President Strand on behalf of the 11th Pershing Rifle Regiment the trophies awarded to the OSC Army Drill Team who recently won the 11th Regimental Drill Competition for 1960. President Strand congratulated Lt. Gragg and asked that he keep the trophies. the trophy on the left is the rotating trophy and will be kept by OSC for one year. The right trophy is the perm. trophy and will be kept by the Company. The trophies may be seen at the second floor trophy case near the Infantry Office (OSC Armory)." This photo is a cropping of P002:287 which is a wider view including the US Army staff officers assigned to ROTC unit. The wide shot of six individuals is not annotated on reverse with information.
1960 |
2 | P002:287: Strand, August L. and ROTC Officers presentation 1960 8X10 photographic print
Print used for publication in Oregon State College Barometer possibly. The caption on reverse reads like a press release. "Left to Right: Cadet Lt. Col. Michael E. Moore, Oregon State College President, A. L. Strand, and Cadet Lt. Robert L. Gragg. Col. Moore is presenting to President Strand on behalf of the 11th Pershing Rifle Regiment the trophies awarded to the OSC Army Drill Team who recently won the 11th Regimental Drill Competition for 1960. President Strand congratulated Lt. Gragg and asked that he keep the trophies. the trophy on the left is the rotating trophy and will be kept by OSC for one year. The right trophy is the perm. trophy and will be kept by the Company. The trophies may be seen at the second floor trophy case near the Infantry Office (OSC Armory)." This photo is a cropping of P002:287 which is a wider view including the US Army staff officers assigned to ROTC unit. The wide shot of six individuals is not annotated on reverse with information.
1960 |
2 | P002:326: US Army officer assigned to OSC ROTC Program - Capt. Williford 5X7 photographic print
Photograph of US Army staff officer attached to the ROTC Program at Oregon State College in the 1960-62 era. Captain Williford is shown sitting at desk in the khaki dress uniform coat of the era. Photograph probably was used in a OSC publication or for the 11th Regiment of the Pershing Rifles.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:327: Cadet officers with Drill Competition Trophies 3.5X3.5 photographic print
OSC Cadet officers displaying trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. Photo is marked on reverse: "w/o Rodney Stubbs, Don Peerson, and Leroy Elam, 11th Reg. Hq."
1962 |
2 | P002:439: U of O Company G-11 Drill team at parade rest 1962 4X5 photographic print
Drill Team from Co. G-11, Pershing Rifles, at the University of Oregon, Eugene at parade rest. Photo is stamped on reverse: Photo by Karl Broom, Feb 8 1962"
February 1962 |
2 | P002:440: U of O Co. G-11 Drill Team overhead view 1962 4X5 photographic print
Drill Team from Co. G-11, Pershing Rifles, at the University of Oregon, Eugene at parade rest. This photo is taken from an overhead view, showing formation of cadets. Photo is stamped on reverse: Photo by Karl Broom, Feb 8 1962"
February 1962 |
2 | P002:441: U of O Freshman Training Unit, G-11, 1962 4X5 photographic print
Freshman Training Unit Company G-11, at the University of Oregon, Eugene at parade rest. This photo is taken from an overhead view, showing formation of cadets. Photo is stamped on reverse: Photo by Karl Broom, Feb 8 1962"
February 1962 |
2 | P002:570: Cadet Officers, OSU ROTC, group photo 4X5 photographic print
Posed group photo of Army ROTC Officers of the 1962-63 year. These men appear in other photos in this series. Identification of cadets is on reverse: "1st Row, L to Rt:, 1st Lt. Michael Kasner S-2, 1st Lt. Donald Pearson S-4, Col. Delbert Ball C.O., Capt. Rodney Stubbs S-3, 1st. Lt. Donald Page S-1, 2nd Row:, W/O (Warrant Officer) Duane Mahoney, W/O Rodney Commons, W/O Leigh Worthing, W/O John Watkinson, W/O Gene Sites, W/O Stephen Titus.
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:573: U. of Alaska ROTC "Pledge's Revenge" 5X5.5 photographic print
University of Alaska Pershing Rifles ROTC Company A-11 R. Painted door with Pledge flag colors. Caption on reverse explains: Pledges' Revenge: Pledges indignant over the loss of their pledge flag that was taken by the miners get revenge by painting a flag on the entrance to the University mine. P.I.O. photo."
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:575: U. of Alaska Co. A-11, pledge flag on water tower 5X7 photographic print
University of Alaska, ROTC Pershing Rifles unit A-11. Caption on reverse: Pledge flag hung proudly on the campus water tower before it was stolen by the miners. University of Alaska Company A-11th Regiment, P.I.O. Photo."
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:742: Trophy display Drill Competition 1961 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Display of trophies from the Drill Team Competition 1961-62 which the unit won first place. This photograph appears to show the 3 place trophies, probably before presentation.
1961 |
2 | P002:743: Trophy display Drill Competition 1961 #2 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Display of trophies from the Drill Team Competition
1961-62 which the unit won first place. This photograph appears to show the 3 place trophies, probably before presentation. Duplicate of P002:742
1961 |
2 | P002:745: ROTC Mock Legislature with speaker 4X5 photographic print
ROTC meeting in legislative building (unidentified). ROTC Banners at both sides of head table. Speaker at lectern at center is unidentified.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:746: ROTC cadet officers in dress uniforms 1.0 print
5X7 photographic print
Four Army ROTC officers posed photograph. Men are wearing dress uniforms of the circa 1960 time period. 3 officers are infantry and 1 Engineers based on collar badges. Seated officer name tag "Looney", two of the three standing officers, "West" and "Hirte".
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:747: ROTC Cadet officers by Pershing Rifles HQ 5X7 photographic print
Four Army ROTC officers in posed photograph outside door of the Pershing Rifles Headquarters, circa 1960. Same officers as described in P002:746; officer name tag "Looney", "West" and "Hirte". with one unidentified.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:748: Six ROTC Officers U of O, unit G-11 4X5 photographic print
Unidentified group of six Army ROTC officers, posed photograph in dress uniforms. Markings on reverse list the photo as G-11, which is the Pershing Rifles regiment for University of Oregon, Eugene. Photo appears to be of 1960 vintage.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:749: Two unidentified ROTC officers shaking hands 1963 4X6 photographic print
Two ROTC officers shaking hands, Barometer Photo 1/23/63. Stamped on back with date and marked "wed baro w/sotry" Uniforms indicate USAF Cadets based on badge on service cap on right.
1963 |
2 | P002:750: Army Colonel shaking hands with 2 men with Piper aircraft 5X7 photographic print
US Army Colonel shaking hands with two men by a Piper civil aircraft. Marked on reverse with Barometer photo stamp, date of 4/7 with no year listed. Other markings state "ROTC" and "c.1960". Dating may be consistent based on uniform and type of Piper Colt, private airplane.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:751: Cadet officers with Drill Competition trophies 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Dated March 1962, the Officers are with the drill team trophies won at the competition just prior to the Sand Point NAS meet. Unidentified cadets in this photo, others in Sand Point NAS sub series have names on reverse.
March 1962 |
2 | P002:752: Cadet officers with Drill Competition trophies 1962 3.5X3.5 photographic print
Dated March 1962, the Officers are with the drill team trophies won at the competition just prior to the Sand Point NAS meet. Unidentified cadets in this photo, others in Sand Point NAS sub series have names on reverse.
March 1962 |
2 | P002:753: Cadets on patrol, climbing hill, March 1964 3.5X3.5 photographic print
View of cadets with field packs and rifles climbing road a hill. Location is unidentified, but appears to be local based on trees/terrain. Men are wearing fatigues with field packs and carrying M-1 Garand rifles. Photo is dated March 1964.
March 1964 |
2 | P002:754: Unidentified Army ROTC Cadet, dress uniform 5X7 photographic print
Unidentified Army ROTC Cadet officer in dress uniform. Posed photograph outdoors. Uniform and badges are circa 1960, prior to issue of name badges to cadets.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:780: Testing of USAF rocket motor 8X10 photographic print
Stock military photo, stamped on reverse: "Photo by United Technology Corp. (Photographic Dept.) Sunnyvale, Calif." No date listed. Photograph of a USAF missile rocket motor being tested in bunker on the side of a wooded hill. Photo was probably used for an article in the Oregon Stater, or for USAF ROTC training.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:781: Award presentation USAF ROTC Cadets 8X10 photographic print
Five Air Force ROTC Cadets receiving award of cadet badges from USAF officer. Unidentified subjects in photo, USAF officer Colonel rand with pilots wings. Photo probably used for OSU publication.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:782: Army ROTC Cadet receiving award 8X10 photographic print
US Army officer shaking hand of ROTC Cadet at unidentified ceremony. Cadet is in dress uniform with white laces in combat boots. Officer shaking hand is of Major or Lt. Colonel rank. Possibly a Pershing Rifles Drill Team awards ceremony as the cadet has ceremonial bloused trousers and white "ladder" lacing in his combat boots.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:783: Army ROTC cadets viewing guard dog kennels 8X10 photographic print
Army ROTC Cadets viewing german shepard guard dog in kennel at unidentified base, circa 1960. Cadets are probably visiting Ft. Lewis for training. Overcoats and service caps are of the post 1955 vintage. This photograph was probably used for OSU publication.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:784: Air Force ROTC Cadets being briefed by USAF crew member 8X10 photographic print
USAF Crew Chief of military transport aircraft (Possibly C-130 Hercules) briefing OSU Cadets about cargo bay details. Air Force ROTC Cadets are wearing standard rain coats with rain covers on service caps. The USAF Crew chief is wearing flight suit with squadron badge on chest (unreadable in photo).
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:785: Cadets with heavy artillery display, Ft. Lewis 8X10 photographic print
Two cadets (OSU ROTC) viewing the bore of a 155mm
"Long Tom" Heavy Artillery piece on display at Ft. Lewis Washington.
Photo is marked in pencil on reverse with "Oregon State", probably
indicating the cadets are OSU ROTC. Stock publicity photograph, probably intended for OSU publication.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:786: Dwight Eisenhower and 2 unidentified men 8X10 photographic print
Dwight D. Eisenhower with 2 unidentified men in suits, holding book. The M.V. Seven Seas book is being looked at by the men, unknown connection to OSU. The MV Seven Seas was a cruise ship of the Europe-Canada line in the 1950s.
circa 1955 |
2 | P002:787: USMC officer swearing in recruits 6.5X9 photographic print
US Marine Corps officer swearing in a group of recruits while second officer looks on. Photograph can be dated to 1960-1963 based on the presidential photo of John F. Kennedy on wall behind cadets. Unknown location and subjects, presumably OSU cadets, in civilian clothing.
circa 1961 |
2 | P002:788: Navy ROTC Cadets viewing scale model ship in testing facility 5X7 photographic print
Stock photo for Barometer publication 4/14/1964. US Navy ROTC cadets viewing scale model ship in testing tank at OSU Lab, 1964. Photograph is stamped on reverse: "Barometer Photo, date to run: 4/14/64" and "Photo by D. McKellar"
April 1964 |
2 | P002:808: University of Alaska cadets with snow track display 5X7 photographic print
University of Alaska Company A-11 of the 11th Regiment of Pershing Rifles. Caption of photo: "Cadets of Company A-11th Regiment of University of Alaska see the motor pool at Fort Wainwright in action. P.I.O. photo"
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:565: Stock US Navy Photo of Ensign dipping water in Antarctica, Jan 1963 8X10 photographic print
Caption on reverse: Task Forse(sic) Forty Three, XAM-31768-1-63, 15 Jan. 1963, Ens. Harold S. Hemphill USN, Assistant Photographic Officer of Air Development Squadron Six gets a bottle of water out of a seal hole at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. the bottle of water is for ceremonial use in the United States. Credit line to read "Official U.S.Navy photograph by Photographers Mate Second Class (PH2) Thomas J. Regina PH2 USN" The officer in the photograph is probably an OSU ROTC Graduate, and the photo was forwarded on for publication.
January 1963 |
2 | P002:715: Freshman Platoon marching on campus 61-62 3X4.5 photographic print
ROTC Pershing Rifles freshman platoon marching on campus, 61-62 year. This photo is combined with the Sand Point Competition sub series, probably by the same photographer. Notes on reverse: "a freshman platoon of Ore. St. University E-11". Related photo to P002:442 which show this group in background behind drill team.
April 1962 |
2 | P002:442: Freshman Drill Team, OSU Co. E-11, marching on campus 4X5 photographic print
Photo of Pershing Rifles Co. E-11, Freshman drill team marching on campus in 1962. Caption on reverse states; "The freshman drill team with a freshman platoon in the background. E-11"
circa 1962 |
2 | P002:789: ROTC Cadet officers, duplicate of P002:747 5X7 photographic print
Four Army ROTC officers in posed photograph outside door of the Pershing Rifles Headquarters. Same officers as described in P002:746; officer name tag "Looney", "West" and "Hirte". with one unidentified. Second copy of photograph.
circa 1960 |
2 | P002:716: ROTC Freshmen squads by McAlexander Field House 3X4.5 photographic print
ROTC Pershing Rifles freshman platoon marching on campus, 61-62 year. This photo is combined with the Sand Point Competition sub series, probably by the same photographer. Notes on reverse: "Freshmen, two squads at E-11"
April 1962 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Military education--Oregon--Corvallis.
- World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--France.
- World War, 1914-1918--War work--Schools.
- World War, 1939-1945--War work--Schools.
Personal Names
- Kerr, William Jasper, 1863-1947.
- Martin, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1863-1946.
- McAlexander, Ulysses Grant, 1864-1936.
- Peavy, George Wilcox, 1869-1951.
- Sprague, Charles A. (Charles Arthur), 1887-1969.
- Strand, A. L. (August Leroy), 1894-
Corporate Names
- Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.)
- Oregon Agricultural College--Students.
- Oregon Agricultural College. Cadet Corps.
- Oregon State College--Students.
- Oregon State University--Students.
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Air Force Studies.
- Oregon State University. Dept. of Military Science.
- United States. Air Force ROTC.
- United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
- United States. Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps.
- United States. Army. Students’ Army Training Corps.
Geographical Names
- Fort Lewis (Wash.)
Form or Genre Terms
- Film negatives.
- Glass negatives.
- Lantern slides.
- Panoramic photographs.
- Photographic postcards.
- Photographic prints.
- Slides.