Archives West Finding Aid
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Henry Suzzallo papers, 1903-1937
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Suzzallo, Henry, 1875-1933
- Title
- Henry Suzzallo papers
- Dates
- 1903-1937 (inclusive)19031937
- Quantity
- 29.63 cubic feet (76 boxes)
- Collection Number
- 0048
- Summary
- Papers of a president of the University of Washington
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Access restrictions may apply. Contact Special Collections for more information.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Henry Suzzallo was president of the University of Washington from 1915 to 1926; president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching from 1930 to 1933; arbitrator of the National War Labor Policies Board; and chairman of the Washington State Council of Defence from 1917 to1918. He also worked toward the adoption of better living and working conditions for loggers in the lumber industry. He died in 1933.
Glenn Hughes, who founded the University of Washington (UW) Dramatic Art Department under Henry Suzzallo, described him as “a brilliant man, small and dynamic--the Napoleon of higher education.” The characterization was apt; Suzzallo’s career was marked by both tremendous achievement and bitter controversies. He was born in 1875 to Croatian immigrants. Following a sickly childhood, Suzzallo began college at the State Normal School in his home town of San Jose, California, lacking both the money and the grades to attend his first choice, Stanford. After two years he graduated, taking a teaching job in a two-room school in Alviso, California. His degree from the Normal School and money from teaching removed the academic and financial barriers, allowing him to attend Stanford. For the next eighteen years, Suzzallo would shuffle between Stanford and Columbia, first pursuing his education, and later as a faculty member at both institutions. During this time, he managed to win himself an increasingly prestigious reputation. When the UW began searching for a new president in 1914, Suzzallo’s name was on the short list of candidates.
In 1914, the UW was a small frontier college undergoing the first growing pains of becoming a major university. It claimed an enrollment of more than 3,000 students, small by the standards of the major American universities of the time, but still a tremendous increase over previous years. It also suffered from a less-than-robust budget. James R. Angell, the Regents’ first choice for president, declined the job, primarily because he considered the UW underfunded. Suzzallo was the Regents’ second choice, and he accepted the challenge. Even though money never flowed freely, he did prove remarkably adept at squeezing funding from both private donors and the Legislature. Plans for a magnificent new library, patterned after a medieval cathedral, symbolized his success in expanding the size of the campus and the prestige of the university. (The library would eventually bear his name). During this time, enrollment had burgeoned to over 10,000. Suzzallo further augmented his stature in the state during World War I, when he was president of the Washington Council of Defense, which had primary responsibility for the state’s war effort. The “Napoleon of higher education” was not to be spared his Waterloo, however.
The 1924 election of governor Roland Hartley would shatter the relative calm of Suzzallo’s presidency. Hartley won on a platform promising government retrenchment and lower taxes. He also had a record of long-standing antagonism towards the UW, which he saw as a hotbed of socialism. “Education is a fine thing,” he acknowledged, “but that is not all there is to the game of life.” The year of the election, Suzzallo had published his book Our Faith in Education, written primarily to present the case for higher education against those who wanted to limit it in favor of tax reduction. Not surprisingly, Hartley’s parsimony quickly conflicted with Suzzallo’s educational vision. Suzzallo’s high salary--$18,000 a year, larger than any other state official--made him and the University especially vulnerable to attack. Not only did Hartley want to curtail university expenditures, he also proposed overhauling the funding and administration system for the state’s colleges and universities. Suzzallo did nothing to hide his strong objections to the governor’s agenda. The battle spread to the Legislature and the Board of Regents, both Suzzallo allies. Each camp insisted adamantly, if implausibly, that it represented a political virtue intent on rescuing higher education from the political machinations of its opponents.
Hartley overcame the obstacle of the recalcitrant Regents by removing members supportive of Suzzallo. The Board, now dominated by Hartley’s new appointees, put Suzzallo on indefinite leave-of-absence when he refused to resign. Suzzallo’s ouster created a political firestorm, although a petition drive for a gubernatorial recall election, despite early momentum, sputtered, and failed to collect the required number of signatures. Suzzallo was flooded immediately with job offers. He decided to accept election as chairman of the board of the Carnegie Foundation. He remained affiliated with the Carnegie Foundation until complications following a heart attack in Seattle claimed his life on September 25, 1933.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Correspondence, financial records, reports, ephemera, speeches and writings, manuscripts, syllabi, bibliography and clippings, including papers from his term as president of the University of Washington (UW).
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Preferred Citation
Henry Suzzallo papers. Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, Washington.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged in 3 accessions:
- Accession No. 0048-001, Henry Suzzallo papers, 1903-1937
- Accession No. 0048-002, Henry Suzzallo correspondence, 1919-1926
- Accession No. 0048-003, Henry Suzzallo speeches, clippings, and correspondence, 1915-1936
Jack van de Watering, “The Appointment of Henry Suzzallo: The University of Washington Gets a President,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 50 (1959): 99-107.
Margaret A. Hall, Henry Suzzallo and the Washington State Council of Defense, unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Washington, 1975
Donald T. Williams Williams, “Henry Suzzallo and the University of a Thousand Years,” History of Higher Education Annual 5 (1985): 57 -82.
Donald T. Williams, The Remarkable Dr. Henry Suzzallo: A Biography, unpublished, 1977. [A copy of the manuscript is with Donald T. Williams’s papers, Accession No. 3332-001, Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries.]
Henry Suzzallo Scrapbook, Pacific Northwest Scrapbook Collection, Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries. [Includes newspaper and magazine clippings compiled by the Libraries in 1936.]
Abel, George D. | 1/17 |
Abel, W.H | 54/3 |
Aberdeen Public Schools | 1/17 |
Ackerman, Clement | 1/17 |
Adult Education Conference San Francisco, 1926 | 1/4 |
Aero Club of the Northwest | 1/17 |
Agee, F.W | 1/17 |
Ager, Paul W. | 61/14 |
Akron, University of Akron, Ohio | 1/18 |
Alabama, University of | 1/17, 54/21 |
Alameda, California, City of | 1/17 |
Alexander, Carter | 9/1, 54/21 |
Alexander, Magnus W. | 8/36 |
Alexander, Robert | 1/17 |
Alston Fairservice & Company | 5/28 |
Alviso, California, Public Schools | 1/17 |
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America | 1/15 |
American Association for Adult Education | 70/7 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division | 1/17 |
American Association for Labor Legislation | 1/16 |
American Bankers Association | 1/7 |
American Book Company | 1/8 |
American Civil Association | 1/17 |
American Civil Liberties Union | 1/9 |
American College of Surgeons | 1/42 |
American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief | 1/17 |
American Council on Education | 1/10 |
American Economic Association | 1/17 |
American Ethical Union | 5/9 |
American Federation of Arts | 1/11 |
American Federation of Labor | 1/12 |
American Federation of Teachers | 1/17 |
American Fund for French Wounded | 3/15, 1/17 |
American Humane Association | 1/17 |
American Legion | 1/17 |
American Library Association United War Work Campaign | 1/17 |
American Relief Administration | 1/13 |
Anderson, Agnes H. | 1/14 |
Anderson, David Allen | 1/18 |
Anderson, Ed | 1/18 |
Andrews, Benjamin R. | 1/15, 70/1 |
Angel, James B. | 1/16 |
Anshutz, J. Phillip | 1/18 |
Antioch College | 54/21 |
Antonovich, William G. | 1/18 |
Armstrong, L.E | 9/1 |
Army and Navy Club of America | 1/18 |
Arney, D.E., Jr | 3/6 |
Artley, Robert | 3/22 |
Associated Employers Reciprocal Sherman and Ellis Service | 1/18 |
Association of American Colleges | 1/18 |
Association of American Universities | 1/18 |
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Spokane | 1/18 |
Association of University and College Business--Morey, Lloyd | 54/21 |
Aswell, James Benjamin | 1/16 |
Augcee, James R. | 5/32 |
Austro-American Institute of Education | 46/4 |
Babcock, Earle B. | 8/36, 46/3 |
Babcock, Thorpe | 1/41 |
Bacon, George H. | 1/19 |
Bailey, Washington, School District 123 | 1/41 |
Baker, E. Carlton | 8/36 |
Baker, Frank S. | 1/19, 8/36, 70/17 |
Baker, George | 5/28 |
Baker, James H. | 1/20 |
Baker, Newton D. | 1/21, 70/4 |
Baker, Thomas S. | 1/41 |
Ballard, Adele M. | 1/41 |
Ballard, Ellis A. | 1/22 |
Ballard, Jessie A. | 1/41 |
Ballinger, Harry | 1/23 |
Ballou, Frank W. | 70/6 |
Bar Association, Seattle War Committee | 6/20 |
Barger, W.B | 3/15 |
Barlow, T.M | 1/41 |
Bart, Henry M. | 3/45, 4/35 |
Bartlett, Barbara H. | 1/23 |
Bartlett, Murray | 8/36 |
Bausman, Frederick | 1/41 |
Bean, E.H | 1/41 |
Beardsley, W.W | 2/11, 70/1 |
Bebb, Charles H. | 1/24, 70/22 |
Beck, Brucius C. | 1/25, 4/45 |
Beech, W.K | 1/41 |
Bell, E. T. | 1/41 |
Bell, George L. | 1/26, 3/11 |
Bellingham City Schools | 1/41 |
Bellingham, Mayor | 1/41 |
Bellingham Public Market | 1/27 |
Bellingham Publishing Company | 1/41 |
Bement, Alon | 1/41, 8/36 |
Bement, Howard | 1/41 |
Benson, E.F | 1/41 |
Benton, George W. | 8/36 |
Benton, Guy Potter | 4/45 |
Berry, Fred L. | 8/36 |
Bertram, James | 70/7 |
Beta Theta Pi | 1/41 |
Bible Fellowship of Washington | 1/42 |
Bickell, William F. | 1/42, 5/14 |
Bingham, Walter V. | 8/36 |
Binnion, R.B | 70/4 |
Birmingham News | 1/17 |
Bissett, Clark P. | 1/28 |
Bissett, Clark P., Jr | 1/28 |
Bittner, Harvey P. | 1/42 |
Bixby, A.G | 1/42 |
Black, George H. | 1/42 |
Black, J.C | 1/42 |
Blackall, A.C | 1/42 |
Blaine, E.F | 4/45 |
Blaisdell, James A. | 8/36 |
Blethen, Clarence B. | 1/29 |
Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills | 1/30 |
Bloom, Fred | 1/42 |
Bloomfield, Daniel | 3/9 |
Bloomfield, Meyer | 1/42, 8/36 |
B'nai B'rith | 1/42 |
Bodman, E.J | 1/18 |
Boeing, William E. | 1/31, 70/4 |
Bohannon, Allen Gordan | 1/42 |
Bohemian Club | 1/42 |
Boies, J.W | 1/42 |
Bole, J.C | 8/36 |
Borah, Leo A. | 1/32 |
Borah, William E. | 1/32 |
Boston University, War Emergency Division | 1/42 |
Bowman, John | 8/36 |
Boy Scouts of America | 1/42 |
Boylan, D.W | 1/32 |
Brackett, O.T | 1/43 |
Bradford, Donald | 1/43 |
Bradford, James C. | 1/43 |
Bradford, M.B | 1/43 |
Brady, James H. | 1/33 |
Brainerd, Erastus | 1/34 |
Brannon, Melvin A. | 8/36, 70/1 |
Brewer, J.W | 1/43 |
Brickel, W.H | 1/43 |
Briggs, Thomas H. | 8/36 |
Brindley, Willis | 3/45 |
British Columbia Teachers' Federation | 1/43 |
British Columbia, University of | 1/35 |
British Embassy, Washington | 3/23 |
British Society of Jugoslavia | 2/35 |
Brittain, M.L | 3/23 |
Brookings, Robert S. | 1/36 |
Brooklyn Botanic Garden | 1/43 |
Broome, Edwin C. | 8/36 |
Brown, Elmer Ellsworth | 2/4, 8/36 |
Brown, J.R | 1/43 |
Brown, Tom | 1/43 |
Bruaston, J.A | 3/9 |
Brueggerhoff, Anna Marie | 1/43 |
Bryan, William Lowe | 70/4 |
Buckley, Raymond J. | 1/43 |
Bucoda Improvement Club, Washington | 1/43 |
Budd, Ralph | 1/43, 3/23 |
Buffalo, University of | 1/37, 54/21 |
Burdick, Donald | 1/43 |
Burgess, Elizabeth | 8/36 |
Burgess, May Ayres | 8/36 |
Burke, Thomas | 1/38 |
Burke, Vincent B. | 4/45 |
Business Chronicle | 1/39 |
Butler, Nicholas Murray | 1/40, 2/15, 5/32, 46/1, 46/3, 70/1, 70/18 |
Butler, William C. | 1/43 |
Caldwell, Ada | 2/33 |
Caldwell, E H. | 70/17 |
California, Department of Education | 1/44 |
California, Department of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction | 70/9 |
California, Government | 1/45 |
California School of Arts and Crafts | 2/33 |
California, Superintendent of Public Instruction | 70/17 |
California Teachers Association | 2/33 |
California, University of | 1/46, 54/21 |
Campbell, Prince L. | 2/33, 3/7, 5/8 |
Canton Christian College Trustees | 2/33 |
Capen, Samuel P. | 1/13, 1/37, 1/47, 2/29 , 3/43, 70/1, 70/4, 70/22 |
Cardiff, Ira D. | 8/36 |
Carey, Daniel H. | 2/33 |
Carey, Stephen V. | 2/33 |
Carnegie Corporation | 2/1, 70/19 |
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | 2/2, 2/4 , 61/13, 70/1 |
Carr, J.A | 2/33 |
Carter, Edward C. | 8/36 |
Casey, Ralph D. | 8/36 |
Catholic Civil Rights Association of Oregon | 2/3 |
Causey, James H. | 8/36 |
Cave, Elmer L. | 2/33 |
Century Association | 2/4 |
Chadwick, Stephen James | 2/5 |
Chamberlain, Arthur H. | 8/36 |
Chamber of Commerce, Fullerton, California | 3/15 |
Chamber of Commerce, Seattle | 5/49, 5/51 |
Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, China | 6/21 |
Chamber of Commerce, Spokane | 6/22 |
Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club, Seattle | 5/49, 5/50 , 5/51, 54/23 |
Chamber of Commerce, United States Industrial Relations Committee | 5/50 |
Champney, E. Frere | 2/33 |
Chapin, Herman | 2/33 |
Chase, H.W | 4/54, 70/4 |
Cheadle, Henry W. | 1/43 |
Cheasly's Haberdasher, Seattle | 2/33 |
Chehalis Bee-Nugget | 2/33 |
Chi Phi, Alumni Chapter | 1/42 |
Chicago Associationof Commerce | 2/33 |
Chicago Tribune | 2/33 |
Chicago, University of | 2/6, 61/16 |
China Club of Seattle | 2/7 |
Chinese Educational Mission | 54/21 |
Chittenden, Hiram Martin | 2/8 |
Church, S.H | 70/1 |
Cincinnati, University of | 1/43, 2/33 |
Claghorn, Margaret M. | 2/33 |
Clark University | 2/33 |
Clear Lake Lumber Company | 4/35 |
Cleland, Hance H. | 2/33 |
Cleveland Museum of Art | 2/33 |
Coffman, Lotus Delta | 2/9, 70/14, 70/1 |
Cole, F.J | 2/34 |
Cole, K.C | 8/36 |
Cole, Thomas R. | 8/36 |
College Club, Seattle | 2/10 |
Collen, George | 2/34 |
Collier, P.P. & Son (Collier's National Weekly) | 2/11 |
Colorado College | 70/18 |
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado | 2/34 |
Colorado, University | 2/12, 61/16 |
Columbia University | 70/22 |
Columbia University, Teachers College | 4/52, 2/14, 2/15 , 2/16, 2/17, 54/4 |
Columbus Research Association, Inc | 2-34 |
Coman, Edwin T. | 2/34 |
Commercial Company of Europe Inc | 2/34 |
Commission for Aid Civil and Military, Belgium & France | 2/18 |
Commission for Relief in Belgium | 2/34 |
Commission on Students' War Service | 2/34 |
Committee on National Aid to Education | 2/34 |
Condon, Herbert T. | 2/19, 4/45, 5/14 , 8/36, 70/22 |
Condon, John T. | 64/12 |
Condon, Marvin C. | 2/35 |
Cone, H.I | 4/25 |
Congregationalist | 2/35 |
Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage | 2/38 |
Conner, R.C | 2/35 |
Connolly, Norine | 2/35 |
Constantinople College | 2/33 |
Constitutional Government League | 2/34 |
Cook, Inez C. | 1/41 |
Coontz, Robert Edward | 2/20 |
Corbaley, Gordon | 5/49, 8/36 |
Corey, William A. | 2/35 |
Cornell University | 2/21 |
Cornell University, Alumni Association | 2/46 |
Cornwall, George M. | 2/35 |
Cory, Ethel | 5/30 |
Cory, Herbert T. | 5/30, 70/1 |
Cosser, A.J | 2/35 |
Couch, J.N | 2/35 |
Council of Defense, Benton County | 1/41 |
Council of Defense, Columbia County, Washington | 2/13 |
Council of Defense, Cowlitz County, Washington | 5/9 |
Council of Defense, Ellensburg | 3/7 |
Council of Defense, Fairbanks, Alaska | 3/15 |
Council of Defense, Okanogan County, Washington | 5/9 |
Council of Defense, Pacific County, Washington | 5/10 |
Council of Defense, Snohomish County | 6/11 |
Council of Defense, Spokane County | 6/14 |
Council of Defense, Stevens County | 6/22 |
Council of Defense, Whitman County, Washington | 8/29 |
Council of National Defense | 2/23, 2/24, 2/25 , 2/26, 2/27 |
Council of National Defense Advisory Commission | 2/28, 2/29, 2/30 |
Council of National Defense, Woman's Committee | 6/10 |
Coyle, William J. | 2/31 |
Crabtree, J.W | 70/4 |
Crane, A.G | 70/1 |
Crawford, Magnus T. | 2/38 |
Crease, James | 4/24, 8/36 |
Cubberley, Elwood Patterson | 2/32, 9/1, 70/16 |
Currie, Sir Arthur W. | 8/36 |
Curtis, Asahel | 4/45 |
Curtis, K.R | 8/36 |
Cutler, M.F | 2/35 |
Dahm, Everett Francis | 2/36 |
Daily Journal of Commerce | 2/46 |
Daniels, Joseph | 70/10, 70/23 |
Darling, L.L | 5/10 |
Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington State Society | 3/7 |
Davenport Hotel | 54/21 |
Davidson, Kenneth M. | 2/46 |
Davies, John R. | 8/37 |
Davis, James H. | 2/37, 8/37, 70/23 |
Davis, John W. College League | 2/46 |
Davison, Edgar | 5/30 |
DeBretteville, Gustav | 2/18 |
De Haas, J. Anton | 8/37 |
De Pauw University | 5/28 |
Dearborn, Ned H. | 8/37 |
Delta Sigma Phi | 2/46 |
Denny, George H. | 70/1 |
Denver Public Schools | 2/46 |
Denver, University | 70/24 |
Detroit News | 8/28 |
Devine, Sherman L. | 1/16 |
Dill, Clarence Cleveland | 2/38 |
Disque, Brice P. | 2/39 |
Dobbs, John F. | 5/27 |
Dolman, Percical | 2/46, 8/37 |
Donald, George | 2/46 |
Donovan, John Joseph | 2/40 |
Donovan, Louis P. | 2/41 |
Donovan, Percy E. | 2/46 |
Donworth, George | 2/42 |
Douglas, J.F | 5/32 |
Dover Lumber Company | 2/43 |
Dow, Arthur Wesley | 2/49 |
Downey, A.S | 2/46 |
Doyle, Henry Grattan | 8/37 |
Dragicevich, James A. | 2/46 |
Draper, O.E | 3/7 |
Drexel Institute | 2/44 |
Drew, D.R | 1/31 |
Drushel, J.A | 8/37 |
Duggan, Stephen P. | 1/13, 1/17, 2/4 , 4/11 |
Duke University | 54/21 |
Duncan, D. Shaw | 8/37 |
Duncan, James A. | 2/45 |
Duniway, Clyde A. | 2/46, 8/37 |
Dyment, Colin V. | 2/49 |
Eagleson, James B. | 3/1 |
Earl, Guy E. | 3/7 |
Eastman Teaching Films | 3/15 |
Edmiston, R.L | 3/2 |
Edmunds, Charles K. | 8/37 |
Educational Finance Inquiry | 54/21 |
Edwards C.A | 3/7 |
Elder, A.G | 3/7 |
Elder, Josephine | 3/7 |
Elder, W.H | 3/7 |
Elliott, Charles H. | 8/37 |
Elliott, Edward C. | 3/3, 4/48, 70/1 , 70/23 |
Elliott, Orrin Leslie | 3/4 |
Ellis, Floyd E. | 3/7 |
Embree, Edwin R. | 8/37, 70/1 |
Emergency Council on Education | 3/7 |
Employers' Associationof the Inland Empire, Spokane | 3/5 |
Epplen, Frederic | 3/7 |
Erickson, C.J | 3/7 |
Erikson, John | 3/7 |
Evans, John | 3/6 |
Everett Public School | 3/7 |
Frackenthal, Frank D. | 70/23 |
Farmers Banking Corporation | 3/15 |
Farrand, Livingston | 2/4, 2/12, 3/15 , 70/1 |
Farrand, Max | 2/4, 3/15, 3/45 |
Farrar, Victor J. | 3/15 |
Farrell, J.D | 3/15 |
Farrington, Frederic Ernest | 3/15 |
Feakins, William B. | 8/37 |
Fechter, Oscar A. | 3/8 |
Federated Council on Art Education | 3/15 |
Ferguson, Milton J. | 8/37 |
Ferry, Frederic C. | 70/4 |
Fertig, N.E | 3/15 |
Field, Charles K. | 70/7 |
Fife, Robert Herndon | 70/1 |
Filene, A. Lincoln | 3/15, 8/37, 70/1 |
Filene, Edward A. | 3/9 |
Finley, John Huston | 3/10 |
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle | 6/20 |
Flynn, E.F | 3/23 |
Fogham, William | 70/8 |
Foote, W.W | 3/15 |
Ford, Henry & Son, Inc | 3/15 |
Fosseen, A.B | 3/15 |
Four Minute Men, Committee on Public Information | 5/4 |
Fox, Byron | 5/2 |
France, Ambassador, Washington D.C | 3/15 |
Frankfurter, Felix | 3/11 |
Franklin, C.J | 3/12 |
Frazier, C.R | 3/7, 3/15 |
Freeman, Miller | 3/12 |
Freemasons, United States Scottish Rite, Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction | 3/13 |
French, Burton L. | 3/14 |
Fribley, W.H | 3/15 |
Fruit Growers' Association, Snohomish County | 6/22 |
Frye, T.C | 70/23 |
Gaches, Charles E. | 70/24 |
Gambrill, J. Montgomery | 3/16 |
Gardner, George L. | 3/21 |
Garfield, H.A | 5/49, 8/37 |
Garfield, H.W | 2/4 |
Gause, Emerson | 2/19 |
Geiger, William F. | 3/23 |
General Education Board | 54/21 |
George, Jerome R. | 4/50 |
Georgia State College for Women | 3/23 |
Georgia, University of | 3/23 |
Georgia, Education Department (Collins, M.D.) | 70/7 |
Gerlinger, (Mrs.) G.T | 3/23 |
Getty, Lilian B. | 3/17, 70/24 |
Giddings, Franklin H. | 3/23, 8/37 |
Gilbert, James H. | 61/15 |
Glass, Roy | 3/23 |
Glover, Mabel | 8/37 |
Goethals, George W. | None |
Golden Crust Baker, Rabech, J. | 5/45 |
Gompers, Samuel | 3/18 |
Goodner, Milton P. | 3/19 |
Goodwich, Annie W. | 70/12 |
Goodwin, E.S | 3/23 |
Gordon, Benjamin H. | 3/23 |
Gorham, William H. | 3/23 |
Could, Carl P. | 1/24, 8/37 |
Gove, George | 3/23 |
Gowen, Herbert H. | 3/23 |
Graham, Frank P. | 70/6 |
Grange (Washington State) Educational Committee | 54/22 |
Graves, F.B | 1/41 |
Graves, Frank Pierrepont | 3/20, 70/17 |
Graves, O.C | 2/33 |
Gray, C.H | 5/45 |
Great Kappa Alpha Banquet | 4/27 |
Great Northern Lumber Company | 3/21 |
Great Northern Railway Company | 3/23 |
Greene, Frank C. | None |
Greene, J.D | 2/4 |
Griggs, Edward Howard | 3/23 |
Griggs, Everett Gallup | 3/22 |
Grinstead, Laren | 3/23 |
Grosvenor, Edith Louise | 70/10 |
Guck, Homer | 8/37 |
Gude, Julie | 3/23 |
Gutmann, Addis | 3/23 |
Gwinn, J.M | 70/11 |
Hadley, Lindley Hoag | 3/24 |
Hadley, Roy O. | 3/25, 8/38 |
Hall, Arnold Bennett | 3/26, 5/8, 70/2 , 70/24 |
Hall, David Connolly | 3/27 |
Hall, John W. | 3/28 |
Hall of Fame, New York University | 3/45 |
Hall, Samuel S., Jr | 70/2 |
Hall, Sidney B. | 70/12 |
Hallquest, A.L | 8/38 |
Hanson, Howard A. | 3/28 |
Hanzlik, E.J | 3/45 |
Happy, Cyrus, Jr | None |
Hargreaves, R.T | 3/45, 8/38 |
Hartley, Roland Hill | 3/29 |
Hartman, John P. | 3/29 |
Harvard Club of Seattle | 3/45 |
Harvard University, Graduate School of Education | 3/45 |
Haskell, Henry S. | 46/1, 46/2, 46/3 |
Hasmer, Evelyn H. | 3/43 |
Havek, Arthur A. | 8/38 |
Hays, Will H. | 3/29, 5/4 |
Heacock, W.T | 3/45 |
Heath, D.C. & Company Publishers | 3/30 |
Heffernan, J.T | 3/45, 8/38 |
Heinz, Howard | 3/31 |
Hemphill, Wylie | 8/38 |
Hempstead, W.E | 8/38 |
Hendrix, H.E | 70/11 |
Hennsberg, Alexis | 3/45 |
Henry, Horace Chapin | 3/32 |
Henry, William E. | 8/38, 70/2 |
Herron, Willard | 70/2 |
Hershey, Charles Brown | 70/2 |
Higman, Nellie | 3/45 |
Hilen, A. Rube | 70/2 |
Hill, David Spence | 1/4, 2/2, 3/33 , 4/53, 70/2, 70/24 |
Hill, Ernest C. | 3/45 |
Hill, Mathew Williams | 3/34 |
Hill, Sam B. | 3/36 |
Hill, Samuel | 3/35 |
Hillbrand, Earl K. | 8/38 |
Hines, Harlan C. | 8/38 |
Holland, Ernest O. | 3/37, 70/2 |
Holloway, A.B | 3/45 |
Holt, Hamilton | 8/38 |
Hoover, Herbert | 3/38 |
Hoover, (Mrs.) Herbert | 3/38 |
Horsley, William H. | 3/45 |
Horton, P.E | 3/39 |
Hotchkiss, Willard Eugene | 3/40 |
Hotel Leopold, Bellingham | 54/21 |
Houghton Mifflin Company | 3/41 |
Hoyt, Franklin S. | 8/38, 70/4, 70/24 |
Hughes, C.A | 3/45 |
Hughes, Glenn | 3/45 |
Hull, Frank W. | 3/42 |
Humboldt State Teachers College | 3/45 |
Hume, Edward H. | 3/45, 8/38 |
Hume, Samuel J. | 3/45 |
Hunsaker, Herbert C. | 3/45 |
Hunt, C.F | 3/45 |
Hunter, Frederick M. | 3/43, 70/4, 70/24 |
Hurja, Emil Edward | 3/44, 70/2 |
Hussey, Charles | 3/45 |
Huston, S. Arthur | |
Ickes, Harold L. | 70/2 |
Idaho Education Association | 70/11 |
Idaho, Education Department | 70/11 |
Idaho, University of | 4/1 |
Illinois, University of | 4/2, 54/21, 61/16 |
Indiana Education Survey Commission | 54/21 |
Indiana, Governor's Military Staff | 4/11 |
Indiana, Public Instruction Department | 70/13 |
Indiana, State Normal School | 4/11 |
Indiana State University | 4/11 |
Industrial Association of Washington | 4/3 |
Ingels, Frank Lee | 4/4 |
Inglewood Country Club | 4/11 |
Institute of International Education | 4/11 |
Institute of Pacific Relations | 4/11 |
Intercollegiate Community Service Association, Intercollegiate Committee on Women's War Work Abroad | 4/11 |
Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau | 4/5 |
International Shingle Weavers' Union of America, Local no. 45 | 4/6 |
Interscholastic League of America | 4/11 |
Iowa State Teacher's Association | 4/11 |
Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts | 61/16 |
Iowa, State University of | 4/7, 6/20, 61/16 |
Irwin, Will | 4/8, 70/4, 70/25 |
Issacs, Walter F. | 4/9, 70/21, 70/2 |
Italy, Consulate | 4/10 |
Jacuvitz, J. | 8/38 |
James, Henry | 70/21 |
Jennings, Judson T. | 1/17, 4/19 |
Jensen, Alvin L. | 4/19 |
Jessup, Walter | 70/2 |
Jewish War Relief Committee | 4/19 |
John Hopkins University | 4/12 |
Johnson, Albert | 4/13 |
Johnson, C.W | 8/58 |
Johnson, Hiram Warren | 4/14 |
Johnson, Isabel S. | 70/4 |
Johnson, Milbank | 70/25, 70/30 |
Johnson, W. Lon | 4/16 |
Johnston, Adam Smith | 70/25 |
Johnston, Wilson | 4/19 |
Jones, Adam Leroy | 8/38 |
Jones, Fred K. | 54/5 |
Jones, R.G | 70/13 |
Jones, Richard Lloyd | 4/19 |
Jones, Wesley Livsey | 4/17, 5/51 |
Joqua, Ernest J. | 8/38 |
Journal of Electricity | 4/19 |
Judd, Charles H. | 2/6, 4/18, 70/2 |
Judson College, Marion, Alabama | 6/20 |
Kahn, Julius | 4/20 |
Kaiser, John B. | 4/27, 70/25 |
Kandel, I.L | 2/17, 8/38, 70/2 |
Kane, Thomas F. | 4/20, 8/58, 70/2 |
Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools | 4/27 |
Kansas, University of | 4/27, 54/21, 70/9 |
Kappa Delta Pi | 4/21 |
Kast, Ludwig | 8/38 |
Kelleher, Daniel | 4/19, 4/22 |
Keller, Franklin J. | 8/38 |
Kelly, John G. | 4/23, 8/38, 70/13 |
Kemp, W.W | 70/4, 70/25 |
Kendall, David | 8/38 |
Kentucky, University of | 4/27, 5/4, 54/21 |
Keppel, F.P | 2/1, 2/4, 2/15 , 2/16, 4/27, 70/2 |
Kerr, William J. | 1/4, 5/6 |
Kersey, V. | 70/4 |
Kidde, Walter | 8/38 |
Kiefauvre, Grayson | 70/2 |
King County Medical Society | 4/27 |
Kinney, (Mrs.) Martin P. | 4/27 |
Kinsman, A.G | 8/38 |
Kirkbride, Franklin B. | 2/4, 4/24, 8/38 , 70/10, 70/25 |
Kirsten, Frederick K. | 4/25, 70/25 |
Kirsten, L.G | 70/21 |
Knight Commander, Office of | 4/27 |
Knights of Columbus War Camp Fund | 4/27 |
Kuehnle, Carl F. | 5/19 |
Kuykendall, Elgin Victor | 4/26 |
LaViolette, Francis A. | 8/39 |
Labor World | 4/35 |
Ladd, W.M | 4/28 |
Lamb, Frank H. | 4/35 |
Lamb, Frank H. | 4/35 |
Landes, Henry | 4/35 |
Landsburg, Frank E. | 4/35 |
Langdon, William Henry | 4/29, 70/3 |
Laube, Frank J. | 4/35 |
Law, Frederick Lee | 70/12 |
Lawrence, Charles | 4/35 |
Lawrence, J.G | 4/17 |
Layton, Caleb Rodney | 4/30 |
Lea, Clarence F. | 4/30 |
League of Women Voters, Washington State | 4/35 |
Lear, H.B | 4/35 |
Learned, William S. | 70/16 |
Lehigh University | 4/35 |
Leib, K.E | 70/17 |
Leland, Abley Corter | 8/39 |
Leonard, Alton W. | 1/18, 5/26 |
Levy, Lewis | 4/35 |
Lewis and Clark High School, Spokane, Washington | 4/35 |
Lewis, Inez Johnson | 70/14 |
Lewis, Mary H. | 4/35 |
Liberty Loan Committee, Aberdeen, Washington | 1/3 |
Liberty Loan Committee, Coulee City, Washington | 2/22 |
Liffingwell, Russell C. | 70/5 |
Lilly, Lewis | 4/35 |
Lindley, E.H | 4/35, 8/3? |
Lindley, Walter | 4/35 |
Lindsey, Ben B. | 4/35 |
Lippincott, J.B. Company | 4/30 |
Lippold, H.F | 2/4 |
Little, Charles E. | 8/39 |
Little, Clarence C. | 4/35 |
Lively, D.O | 8/39 |
Logg, Charles P. | 4/35 |
London Board of Education | 54/21 |
Long, Logan L. | 4/31 |
Lord, C.J | 4/32 |
Los Angeles Public Library | 54/21 |
Lotus Club | 4/35 |
Lough, Thomas W. | 4/35 |
Lovejoy, Albert | 8/39 |
Lowell, Percival | 4/33 |
Lowman, Will A. | 4/34 |
Lucas, George | 4/35 |
Lutz, Ralph H. | 4/35 |
Lynch, C.J | 4/35 |
McArdle, L.D | 4/36 |
McClelland, R.F | 4/51 |
McConaughey, James L. | 8/39 |
McCornack, J.K | 4/37 |
McCoy, W.M | 4/51 |
McDonald, James G. | 8/39 |
McDonald, R.A.F | 4/51 |
McGill University | 4/51 |
McGillis, E.O | 4/51 |
McKee, Ruth Karr | 4/38, 70/5, 70/26 |
MacMichael, Paul S. | 5/4 |
MacMillan Co | 4/51 |
McVey, Frank L. | 4/27, 4/54, 5/4 |
Maclarrin, Richards | 4/51 |
Macy, V.E | 4/51 |
Magnusson, Carl E. | 4/39, 8/39 |
Maine, Education Commissioner | 70/17 |
Maine, State Auditor Department | 54/22 |
Mann, Charles Riborg | 1/10, 4/53 |
Mansbridge, Albert | 1/46 |
Markham, William T. | 1/40, 4/27 |
Marlin, Marion | 4/51 |
Marquette University | 54/22 |
Marriott, R.H | 4/51 |
Marsh, Daniel L. | 8/39 |
Martin, Charles E. | 70/26 |
Marvin, Cloyd H. | 1/4, 4/51, 70/3 |
Marzorati, Alfred | |
Mason, David T. | 4/51 |
Massachusetts, Education Department | 54/22 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 4/51, 54/6 |
Massachusetts Teachers Federation | 70/13 |
Mathews, M.A | 8/39 |
Matsen, John | 4/51 |
Maurer, Irving | 8/39 |
May, Charles C. | 70/26 |
Mayo, William J. | 4/51 |
Mayor's Office, Seattle | 5/9 |
Meany, Edmond Stephen | 4/40, 70/8 |
Meisnest, Darwin | 8/39 |
Meredith, A.B | 70/3 |
Merriam, John C. | 2/4, 5/4, 8/39, 70/3 |
Merrill, Richard Dwight | 4/41 |
Merritt, Ralph P. | 4/42 |
Messenger, J.F | 8/39 |
Mexico, Consulate, Seattle | 4/51 |
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) | 54/22 |
Michigan, University | 4/51, 54/7, 64/12, 70/8 |
Micholson, J.A | 4/51 |
Middleton, Keith J. | 4/43, 70/8 |
Military Training Camps Association | 4/51 |
Miller, A.A | 4/51 |
Miller, James G. | 4/51 |
Miller, John Franklin | 4/44 |
Miller, Mabel | 4/51 |
Miller, Winlock William | 4/45, 8/39 |
Mills, Edward C. | 4/51 |
Milwaukee, Public School | 4/52 |
Minnesota Education Association | 4/52 |
Minnesota, University | 4/52, 61/16 |
Minute Men, Seattle | 4/52 |
Missouri, University of | 4/47 |
Monday Club | 70/18 |
Monroe Independent | 4/52 |
Monroe, Paul | 2/16, 4/52 |
Montana Education Association | 70/13 |
Montana State College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts | 4/52 |
Montana, State University | 61/16 |
Montana, University of | 54/8, 4/48 |
Montesano Vidette The | 1/43 |
Moore, Ernest C. | 8/39 |
Moore, Helene | 4/52 |
Moore, O.M | 4/52 |
Moran, Frank G. | 4/52 |
Moran, Robert | 4/45, 4/49 |
Morgan Construction Company | 4/50 |
Morgan, Daniel | 4/52 |
Morganthau, Rita Wallach | 8/39 |
Morlin, George | 8/39 |
Morrow, William Carr | 8/39 |
Motzer, Pearl E. | 4/52 |
Mt. Tacoma Club | 4/52 |
Mowat, R.B | 4/52 |
Murphy, Chester G. | 4/52 |
Murphy, U.G | 4/52 |
Murray, A.M | 4/52 |
Muschenheim, Fred A. | 8/39 |
Myers, David J. | 4/52 |
Nash, G.W | 5/4 |
National Advisory Committee on Education | 4/53 |
National Association of State University | 4/54, 70/20 |
National City Bank, New York | 5/1 |
National Committee on Standard Reports for Institutions of Higher Education | 61/14 |
National Economic League, Boston | 5/4 |
National Education Association | 4/55 |
National Industrial Conference Board | 4/56 |
National Institute of Social Sciences | 70/8, 70/17 |
National Occupational Conference | 70/8 |
National Research Council | 5/4 |
National Security League | 4/57 |
National Society of Penal Information | 5/4 |
National War Work Council | 5/4 |
Nation's Business (published by Chamber of Commerce, United States) | 5/4 |
Near East Emergency Fund | 5/4 |
Near East Relief | 5/4 |
Nebraska, Public Instruction Department, State Superintendent | 70/15 |
Nevada, State Governor | 5/4 |
New Brunswick, University | 5/4 |
New Mexico, Education Department, Superintendent of Public Instruction | 70/17 |
New Republic | 4/58 |
New York Evening Sun | 5/4 |
New York State Education Department | 5/4 |
New York, State University | 1/17 |
New York Stock Exchange, Library Committee | 4/51 |
Newcomer, Robert H. | 5/4 |
Newlon, Jesse H. | 1/4, 2/46 |
Newsom, J.F | 5/2 |
Nichols, Ralph D. | 5/3 |
Nicholson, Donald A. | 2/10, 5/4 |
North American Review | 5/4 |
North Central Association of Colleges & Secondary Schools | 70/20 |
North Dakota, Minot City Schools (White, L.A.) | 70/15 |
North Dakota, State Normal School | 54/22 |
North Dakota, University | 61/16 |
Northern Clay Company | 5/4 |
Northern Pacific Irrigation Company | 5/45 |
Northern Pacific Railway Company | 5/4 |
Norton, G.C | 5/4 |
Ober, R.H | 5/9 |
Offenhauer, R.E | 70/8 |
Ogburn, William F. | 1/41, 2/16, 5/9 |
O'Hearn, James | 5/9 |
Ohio Education Association | 70/11 |
Ohio, Education Department | 70/12 |
Ohio State University | 5/9, 6/30, 54/22 |
Oklahoma Education Association | 70/12 |
Oklahoma, Education Department | 70/8 |
Oliphant, J. Orin | 8/39 |
Olympia Public Schools | 5/9 |
Omaha, Nebraska, Board of Education | 5/9 |
O'Neil, Joseph D. | 1/25, 5/9 |
Oregon Agricultural College | 5/6, 54/9 |
Oregon State Agricultural College, School of Mines | 4/35 |
Oregon State Conference of Social Agencies | 5/5 |
Oregon, State Governor | 5/4 |
Oregon State System of Higher Education | 61/15 |
Oregon, University | 5/8, 54/22 |
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company | 1/41 |
Oregonian, The | 5/9 |
Orne, Stanley | 8/39 |
Osborne, Thomas Mott | 5/4 |
Osias, Camilo | 5/28 |
Pacific Coast Coal Company | 5/27 |
Pacific Coast Company, Seattle | 5/27 |
Pacific County, Washington, Sheriff | 5/10 |
Pacific Lutheran College | 5/27 |
Pacific States Lumber Company, Styrer, John | 6/23 |
Pacific Steamship Company, Seattle | 5/27 |
Paddock, E.A | 61/16 |
Padelford, Frederick Morgan | 5/11 |
Page Lumber Company | 5/12 |
Palmer, Don H. | 5/27, 8/40 |
Panhandle Lumber Company | 5/13 |
Parents Association of American Soldiers & Sailors, Seattle | 5/14, 7/25 |
PTA, Everett | 5/27 |
Parker, Carleton Hubbell | 5/15 |
Parker, Edwin B. | 5/16 |
Parsons, J. Herbert | 5/27 |
Parsons, Reginald H. | 5/27 |
Partridge Company, Seattle | 5/27 |
Patriotic Educational Guilds | 5/27 |
Patten, William T. | 5/27 |
Payne, Bruce R. | 5/27 |
Peabody Education Fund, Trustees | 5/27 |
Pearson, Henry Carr | 5/17, 8/40 |
Pechstein, L.A | 5/28 |
Penniman, Josiah H. | 70/3 |
Pennsylvania, Public Instruction Department | 54/22 |
Pennsylvania, University | 54/22 |
Penrose, Stephen B.L | 5/27, 8/40 |
Perkins, William T. | 5/19, 70/2 |
Perry, John H. | 5/27 |
Pestalozzi Centenary Educational Convention | 5/27 |
Peters, William Allison | 5/20 |
Phi Beta Kappa | 70/5, 70/8, 70/2 |
Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Tau Chapter, Seattle | 5/28 |
Philippine Islands, Government, Education Bureau | 5/28 |
Phillip, Charles L. | 8/40 |
Phillips, Clarence A. | 46/2 |
Phillips, E.M | 70/13 |
Phillips, James Duncan | 9/1 |
Pi Gamma Mu, National Social Science Honor Society | 5/28 |
Pierrot, George F. | 5/21, 70/5 |
Pigott, William | 5/22 |
Pitkin, Walter B. | 8/40 |
Pittsburgh, University | 5/23, 6/6 |
Playter, O.B | 5/28 |
Poindexter, Miles | 5/24, 5/50, 5/51 |
Port Angeles Trust and Savings Bank | 5/28 |
Porto Rico, University | 5/28 |
Potter, J.C | 4/52 |
Presbyterian Church, Bellingham | 1/41 |
Princeton University | 5/28, 61/16 |
Pritchell, Henry S. | 2/2 |
Pritchett, Era McAllister | 5/25, 70/26 |
Pritchett, Henry S. | 5/25, 70/5 |
Prouty, Arthur G. | 5/28 |
Public Education Department San Francisco, City & County | 5/46 |
Public Health League, Washington | 8/28 |
Puerto Rico, Education Department, Commissioner (Padin, Jose) | 70/17 |
Puget Sound Cement & Lime Company | 50/2 |
Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Company | 5/26 |
Pulsifer, William E. | 3/30 |
Purdue University | 54/22 |
Quainton, Cecil S. | 5/29 |
Quigley, H.L | 8/40 |
Racine Public Schools, Racine, Wisconsin | 5/45 |
Rademaker, (Mrs.) A.W | 5/45 |
Rainer Club, Seattle, Minot, Stanley N. | 5/45 |
Raitt, Effie I. | 5/31, 70/26 |
Raloff, Waiter E. | 5/45 |
Ralston, John C. | 5/45 |
Randolph, Edgar D. | 5/30 |
Randolph, Flora A. | 3/45 |
Rathbun, Vilas R. | 2/19 |
Raymond, William G. | 4/7 |
Rayner, George | 3/15 |
Raynor, George E. | 5/45 |
Rea, John Andrew | 5/32, 70/8, 70/2 |
Red Cross, American, Howard County Chapter, Bell, T.T | 5/33 |
Red Cross, American, Institute for Crippled & Disabled Men, Heydon, H.R | 5/33 |
Red Cross, American, Military Relief Department | 5/33 |
Red Cross, American, National Director | 8/41 |
Red Cross, American, Seattle, Stimson, C.D | 5/33 |
Red Cross, American, Washington D.C., Persons, W. Frank | 5/33 |
Reed, Anna Y. | 5/45 |
Reed, August Z. | 70/11 |
Reed College, Foster, William | 5/45 |
Reed, Edgar | 2/33 |
Reed, Edward Bliss | 4/45 |
Reed, Mark Edward | 5/34 |
Reed, (Mrs.) Mark E. | 5/34 |
Redfield, William C. | 8/40 |
Reid, John | |
Reinhardt, A. Henry | 8/40 |
Reynolds, Charles A. | 5/35 |
Reynolds, Jackson E. | 5/45, 8/40 |
Reynolds, James W. | 5/45 |
Rhees, Ernst | 8/40 |
Rhodes, Scholarship Fund, Aydelotte, Frank | 5/36 |
Riddell, C.M | 5/37 |
Rieber, Charles H. | 1/46 |
Riley, R. Earl | 5/45 |
Ritchie, William | 5/45 |
Robbins, William J. | 70/5 |
Roberts, Alexander G. | 8/40, 70/2 |
Roberts, C.R | 5/45 |
Roberts College, Constantinople (Gates, C.F.) | 46/2 |
Roberts, J. Vincent | 5/45 |
Roberts, W.J | 5/45 |
Robertson, David W. | 70/16 |
Robertson, F.C | 5/45 |
Robinson, Henry Mauris | 5/38, 70/26 |
Rockefeller Foundation | 5/45 |
Rogers, A.L | 5/39 |
Rogers, Catherine | 8/40 |
Rogers, Roger & Mary | 5/45, 8/40 |
Roosevelt, Theodore | 5/40 |
Roslyn Fuel Company | 4/19 |
Roslyn-Ronald War Relief Committee | 5/45 |
Ross, James Delmage | 5/41 |
Ross, John Mason | 5/42, 70/26 |
Rotary Club | 5/45 |
Rowe, L.S | 8/40 |
Roy Public Schools | 5/45 |
Ruehl, Ernest | 5/45 |
Rush, John A. | 5/45 |
Russell, James E. | 70/18 |
Russell, William F. | 70/3, 70/17 |
Rust, William R. | 5/43 |
Rutgers College, Silvers, Earl Reed | 5/44 |
St. James Cathedral, Seattle | 6/20 |
Salem Public Schools, Salem, South Dakota | 6/23 |
Salvation Army | 6/20 |
Sampson, H.C | 6/20 |
San Francisco, State Normal School | 6/20 |
San Francisco State Teachers College | 70/17 |
San Francisco, Superintendent of Schools | 6/20 |
San Jose, State Teachers College | 6/20 |
Sanborn, R.S | 4/45 |
Santa Clara County, California, Superintendent of Schools | 6/20 |
Savage, Howard J. | 2/2, 3/43, 5/19, 46/24, 61/13, 70/26, 70/27 |
Schurman, J.G | 5/32 |
Schussler, Amy | 8/40 |
Schwager, Lewis | 6/20 |
Schwellenbach, Lewis B. | 5/47 |
Schweppe, Alfred John | 5/48, 70/21 |
Seagrave, Louis H. | 8/40 |
Seattle, Board of Education | 5/28 |
Seattle, City | 5/52 |
Seattle Community Fund | 6/20 |
Seattle Community Service | 6/20 |
Seattle Federation of Churches | 6/20 |
Seattle National Bank | 4/19, 6/22 |
Seattle, Port Commission | 6/1 |
Seattle Post-Intelligencer | 5/28, 6/4 |
Seattle Public Library, Jennings, Judson T. | 4/19 |
Seattle, Public Schools | 6/2 |
Seattle Public School, Office of Superintendent | 70/8 |
Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway Company | 6/3 |
Seattle Real Estate Association | 6/20 |
Seattle Rose Society | 6/20 |
Seattle Star | 6/5 |
Seattle Times | 1/42 |
Seattle Yacht Club | 6/20 |
Semon, F.E | 6/21 |
Semple, John M. | 6/21 |
Sexsmith, C.W | 6/21 |
Sexsmith, Harold O. | 6/21 |
Seymour, W.W | 6/21 |
Shelberg, Frank | 6/21 |
Sheppard, John S. | 8/40, 70/16 |
Shouse, Catherine Filene | 70/5 |
Showalter, N.D | 8/40 |
Siamese Consulate, San Francisco, California | 6/21 |
Siamese Legation, Washington D.C | 6/21 |
Sieg, L.P | 70/20 |
Siegfried, Thorwald | 6/21 |
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Washington Alpha | 6/21 |
Silverman, George J. | 5/30, 70/27 |
Simpson Logging Company | 6/7 |
Sixth & Kay Street Christian Church | 8/29 |
Skalabrin, Simon | 8/40 |
Skidmore, John H. | 70/16 |
Skinner, David Eddy | 6/8, 70/7 |
Slemmons, Jessie M. | 6/21 |
Smith, Addison T. | 6/9 |
Smith, Alice M. | 6/21 |
Smith, Charles W. | 2/32, 3/43, 70/7 , 70/28 |
Smith, Clarence A. | 6/21 |
Smith, David Eugene | 6/21, 8/40 |
Smith, H.L | 8/40 |
Smith, Lincoln Edward | 8/40 |
Smith, Maurice | 6/21 |
Snelling, Charles M. | 3/23, 70/9 |
Snyder, Z.X | 9/1 |
Society for Electrical Development | 54/23 |
Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education | 6/12 |
Society for Visual Education | 6/22 |
Somervell, W. Marbury | 6/22 |
Soule, Elizabeth S. | 70/21, 70/27 |
Soule, Nellie J. | 6/22 |
South Dakota Educational Association | 6/22 |
Southern California, University of | 6/12 |
Sparks, Edwin E. | 5/27 |
Speranzo, Emestina | 70/17 |
Spokane and Eastern Trust, Company | 6/22 |
Spokane Press | 5/28 |
Spokane Retail Credit Men's Association | 6/22 |
Spokane Retail Trade Bureau | 6/22 |
Spokesman - Review | 6/22 |
Sprague, C.A | 70/3 |
Sproul, Robert G. | 8/40 |
Staley, Ethel M. | 6/23 |
Stanford Alumni Association | 6/22 |
Stanford Union | 6/22 |
Stanford University | 6/15, 54/23 |
Starr, Frederick | 6/22 |
State Council of Defense, California | 1/45 |
State Council of Defense, Indiana | 4/11 |
State Council of Defense, Oregon | 5/7 |
State Council of Defense, Pennsylvania | 5/18 |
State Council of Defense, Washington | 6/20, 8/6, 8/7 |
Stedman, Livingston B. | 70/3 |
Steinweg, W.L | 6/22 |
Stephens, Eleanor S. | 6/22 |
Stephens, Phinehas Varnum | 6/22 |
Stevens, Edward B. | 6/16, 8/40, 61/16 , 70/2, 70/27 |
Stevens, Frank | 4/27 |
Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey | 6/17, 70/2 |
Stevens, W.X | 6/22 |
Stevenson, J.A | 6/22 |
Stewart, Clyde E. | 6/23 |
Stewart, Philip B. | 6/23 |
Stillman, J.M | 6/23 |
Stimson, Fred S. | 6/23 |
Strang & Prosser | 6/23 |
Strong, Sydney Dix | 6/18 |
Strong, W.E.S | 8/40 |
Struble, Mildred C. | 8/40 |
Summers, John William | 6/19 |
Sundwall, John | 4/51 |
Sunthoff, Mary | 6/23 |
Sutton, Mary | 6/23 |
Sutton, S.W | 6/23 |
Suzzallo, Edith Moore | 70/29 |
Svenska Tribunen | 6/23 |
Swathmore College | 6/23 |
Swedish-American Tercentenary Fund | 6/23 |
Sweet-Wirley, Bessie | 54/23 |
Swift, George W. | 6/23 |
Tacoma Daily Ledger | 6/30 |
Tacoma Daily News | 6/30 |
Tacoma News Tribune | 6/30 |
Tolman, Warren W. | 6/30 |
Talman, Warren W. | 6/30 |
Tanner, W.V | 64/12, 70/30 |
Tartar, H.V | 8/41 |
Taylor, Charles Perry | 6/24 |
Terry, Paul W. | 8/41 |
Texas, Agricultural and Mechanical College | 54/23 |
Texas, University of | 6/25 |
Thomas, Augustus O. | 70/14 |
Thomason, C.H | 6/30 |
Thomson, David | 8/41, 70/3 |
Thomson, David | 70/30 |
Thomson, Reginald Heber | 6/26 |
Thorndike, Edward Lee | 6/27, 70/7 |
Thorne, Chester | 6/30 |
Thwing, Charles F. | 1/19, 6/30, 8/41 , 70/15 |
Todd, Edward H. | 5/28, 6/30, 8/41 , 70/7 |
Topping, Elizabeth R. | 6/30 |
Toronto, University of | 6/28 |
Tracy, Paul S. | 6/30 |
Trumbull, Harlan L. | 6/30 |
Tugwell, Rexford Guy | 6/29 |
Tulsa University | 6/30 |
Tulsa Tribune | 6/30 |
Turck, Charles J. | 8/41 |
Turenne, Aimar Auzias de | 6/30 |
Turner, W.H | 6/30 |
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute | 6/30 |
Tuttle, G. | 8/41 |
Twohy, D.W | 1/16 |
United States, Agricultural Department | 6/31 |
United States Army, Adjutant General | 6/32 |
United States Army, Camp Lewis | 6/39 |
United States Army, Chemical Warfare Service | 6/39 |
United States Army, Coast Artillery Training Camp | 6/39 |
United States Army, Engineers | 6/33 |
United States Army, Medical Corps | 6/34 |
United States Army, National Defense Test | 6/39 |
United States Army, Ordnance Department | 6/35 |
United States Army, Presidio | 6/39 |
United States Army, ROTC | 6/37 |
United States Army, Sanitary Corps | 6/39 |
United States Army, Signal Corps | 6/38 |
United States Army, Student Army Training Corps | 9/2, 9/3, 9/4 |
United States Civil Service Commission | 6/40 |
United States Commerce Department of | 6/41 |
United States Food Administration | 6/43, 6/44 |
United States Food Administration, Washington | 6/45 |
United States Fuel Administration | 6/46, 8/28 |
United States Government | 6/47 |
United States Interior Department | 6/48, 61/16, 64/12 |
United States Interior Department, Secretary | 6/49 |
United States Justice Department | 6/50 |
United States Labor Department | 6/51 |
United States Labor Department, Secretary | 6/52 |
United States Labor Department, War League Policies Board | 6/53 |
United States Marine Corps | 6/54 |
United States National War League Board | 7/1 |
United States Navy Department | 7/2, 7/3 |
United States Navy Department, Training | 7/4 |
United States President | 7/5 |
United States, Public Information Committee | 6/42 |
United States Senate, Investigate Trespassers Upon Indian Lands Committee | 5/49 |
United States Shipping Board | 7/6 |
United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation | 7/7, 7/8 |
United States Treasury Department, Liberty Loan Committee, King County | 4/27 |
United States War Department | 7/9, 7/10 |
United States War Department, Committee on Education and Special Training | 7/11, 7/12, 7/13 , 7/14, 7/15, 7/16 |
United States War Department, Office of the Chief of Ornance | 8/28 |
United States War Department Secretary | 7/17 |
United States War Department Spruce Production Division | 7/18 |
United War Work Campaign | 7/19, 7/20 |
University Club, Seattle | 7/21 |
University Club, Tacoma | 7/23 |
University Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle | 7/23 |
University of Washington, Alumni Association, San Diego Chapter | 2/46 |
University of Washington, Associated Students | 8/10 |
University of Washington, Faculty | 8/11 |
University of Washington, Fathers' Association | 8/28 |
University of Washington, Presidency, Letters of Congratulation, 1915-1916 | 9/5, 9/6, 9/7, 9/8 |
University of Washington, Regents | 8/12 |
University of Washington, War Credentials, Faculty and Students | 9/9, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15 |
University Travel Association, Inc | 7/22 |
Urie, Clyde Wallace | 7/23 |
Urquhart, J.T | 7/23 |
Van Dyke, George E. | 61/14 |
Van den Steen de Jehay, Countess | 2/18 |
Van Horn, Robert B. | 7/25 |
Van Tine, Raymond | 8/41 |
Vancouver Sun | 7/25 |
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur | 2/4, 7/24, 70/3 |
Vassar College | 7/25 |
Vaughan, John | 70/8 |
Vecchi, Paolo de | 8/37 |
Vickrey, Charles V. | 5/4, 1/17 |
Vincent, W.D | 7/25 |
Vinson, Robert E. | 70/5, 7/25 |
Virginia, Institutions of Higher Education | 54/23 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute | 54/23 |
Vonkleimsmid, R.B | 70/3 |
Walla Walla Commercial Club | 8/28 |
War Camp Community Service | 8/28 |
War Camp Community Service, Hoquiam | 8/28 |
War History of Seattle | 8/28 |
Warburg, Felix M. | 8/28 |
Ward, H.H | 4/45 |
Ward, Harold S. | 8/41 |
Warner, Lucien Thompson | 8/28 |
Washington Coal Operators Association | 8/29 |
Washington D.C. Superintendent of Schools | 8/28 |
Washington Education Association | 8/13, 54/23, 70/17 |
Washington, Education Department | 7/26 |
Washington, Government | 54/10, 7/27 |
Washington, Governor | 8/1, 8/2, 8/3 |
Washington-Lafayette Institution | 8/28 |
Washington, Loyal League | 8/4 |
Washington Newspaper Association | 8/28 |
Washington State College, Pullman | 8/5, 3/23, 54/13 , 54/14, 54/15, 61/16, 64/12 |
Washington (State) Efficiency Department | 54/11, 54/12 |
Washington State Federation of Labor | 8/14 |
Washington State Horticulture Association | 8/15 |
Washington State Normal School, Bellingham | 8/8, 54/16 |
Washington State Normal School, Cheney | 54/17 |
Washington State Normal School, Ellensburg | 54/18 |
Washington (State) Taxation and Examination Department | 54/19 |
Washington (State) University, Alumni Association | 8/9, 70/5 |
Washington University, St. Louis | 8/16 |
Washington War History Committee, Edmond S. Meany | 8/28 |
Watson, Charles P. | 8/28 |
Watt, P.H | 54/21 |
Waxman, M.J | 8/41 |
Webb, Paul E. | 8/17 |
Weborg, Nels, | 8/28 |
Weed Landscape Nursery | 8/28 |
Weinzerl, John | 8/28 |
Weiss, Phil J. | 8/28 |
Welch, Charles B. | 8/28, 70/5 |
West Coast Lumbermen's Association | 8/18 |
West, James E. | 70/5, 70/31 |
West, Oswald | 8/19 |
West Virginia University | 8/28 |
Western Reserve University Cleveland | 8/28 |
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company | 8/28 |
Whatcom High School | 8/28 |
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide | 8/20 |
Wheeler, Eldridge | 4/45, 8/28 |
Whitcomb, Laird | 8/41 |
White, Clarence, L. | 8/28 |
White, Howard Dare | 8/41 |
White, W.B | 8/28 |
Whitfield, Jay A. | 8/29 |
Whiting, Frederic Allen | 8/21, 70/3 , 70/5, 70/31 |
Whitman College, Walla Walla | 8/22, 8/29 |
Whitman College, Library | 5/45 |
Whitney, A.S | 5/19, 8/29 |
Wichita University, Wichita, Kansas | 8/29 |
Wilbur, Ray Lyman | 3/43, 8/23 , 70/3, 70/31 |
Wilcox, Delos F. | 8/29 |
Williams, Charles | 8/29 |
Williams College, Massachusetts | 8/29 |
Williams, J.D | 70/17 |
Williamson, Ralph B. | 8/29 |
Willis, Park Weed | 8/24, 8/41, 70/31 |
Wilson, Fred N. | 8/29 |
Winkenwerder, Hugo | 8/25, 8/41, 70/31 |
Winter, Margaret | 8/29 |
Wisconsin, University | 8/29, 61/16 |
Withers, John W. | 8/41 |
Withycombe, James | 5/5, 5/7 |
Wold, Lillian D. | 8/41 |
Wolf, Hamilton A. | 8/26, 70/10, 70/31 |
Women's University Club of Seattle | 8/29 |
Wood, James A. | 8/29 |
Woodbridge, F.W | 8/41 |
Woodbridge, Frederick J.E | 2/4, 8/29 |
Woody, Clifford | 8/29 |
Wooten, Dudley G. | 54/20 |
Wright, Edward H. | 8/29 |
Wright, Robert C. | 8/29 |
Wriston, Henry M. | 70/7 |
Wyland, Ray O. | 8/27, 8/41, 70/31 |
Wyoming, University | 54/23 |
Yakima Commercial Club | 8/31 |
Yakima National Bank | 8/31 |
Yale News | 8/31 |
Yates Center City Schools | 4/27 |
Youell, May V. | 8/31 |
Young, Henry D. | 8/31 |
Young Men's Christian Association, National War Work Council | 8/30 |
Young Men's Christian Association, University of Washington | 8/31 |
Young Men's Christian Association, War Work Council | 8/31 |
Yugoslavia, (Dr. Leonide Pitamic) | 70/6 |
Zeta Psi Club, New York | 4/52 |
Zeta Psi Fraternity | 70/5 |
Ziegans, Irvin W. | 8/32 |
Zook, George Frederick | 8/33, 70/3, 70/14 |
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Accession No. 0048-001: Henry Suzzallo papers, 1903-1937Return to Top
- Biographical materials
- Correspondence
- Speeches and writings
- Lectures and syllabi
- Other personal and professional papers
- Professional affiliations
- University of Washington president papers
- Subject series
Scope and Content: Correspondence, financial records, reports, ephemera, speeches and writings, manuscripts, syllabi, bibliography, clippings, including papers from his term as University of Washington president.
Material from prior to 1910 is sparse, but the collection is quite extensive for later years. The large amount of correspondence includes UW interoffice letters. Among the many topics of special interest covered in this collection are: labor relations, including the Seattle general strike of 1919; the controversy with Hartley; the Washington Council of Defense; UW finances; and Suzzallo's travels during the late 1920s as the Carnegie Endowment’s visiting professor of international relations. The collection contains a large amount of material on Suzzallo’s educational philosophy, including syllabi from his courses and from those of other professors.
Digital Content/Other Formats: View selections from this collection in digital format.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users; however, box 74 is restricted.
Acquisition Info: Gift of Mrs. Edith M Suzzallo (widow) circa June 1938 and August 1958.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/1-3 | 0048-001 | Biographical materials |
undated |
Correspondence |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/4 | 0048-001 | Adult Education Conference, SanFrancisco 3 items
1926 |
1/5 | 0048-001 | Amalgamated Association of Street & Electric
Railway Employees of America 51 items
undated |
1/6 | 0048-001 | American Association for Labor
legislation 2 items
1916-1917 |
1/7 | 0048-001 | American Bankers Association 4 items
1921 |
1/8 | 0048-001 | American Book Company 8 items
1910, 1915, 1930-1931 |
1/9 | 0048-001 | American Civil Liberties Union 2 items
1920, 1926 |
1/10 | 0048-001 | American Council on Education 14 items
1918-1947 |
1/11 | 0048-001 | American Federation of Arts 1 item
1921 |
1/12 | 0048-001 | American Federation of Labor 1 item
1927 |
1/13 | 0048-001 | American Relief Administration 8 items
1920-1921 |
1/14 | 0048-001 | Anderson, Agnes H. 2 items
1924 |
1/15 | 0048-001 | Andrews, Benjamin R. 5 items
1932 |
1/16 | 0048-001 | Angell-Aswell 5 items
undated |
1/17 | 0048-001 | A Miscellaneous: Aa-Am 23 items
undated |
1/18 | 0048-001 | A Miscellaneous: An-Az 14 items
undated |
1/19 | 0048-001 | Bacon-Baker, Frank 2 items
undated |
1/20 | 0048-001 | Baker, James H. 6 items
undated |
1/21 | 0048-001 | Baker, Newton D. 1 item
undated |
1/22 | 0048-001 | Ballard, Ellis A. 10 items
undated |
1/23 | 0048-001 | Ballinger-Bartlett 4 items
undated |
1/24 | 0048-001 | Bebb & Gould, Architects, Seattle 6 items
undated |
1/25 | 0048-001 | Beck, Broussais C. 2 items
1918 |
1/26 | 0048-001 | Bell, George L. 3 items
1917 |
1/27 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Public Market 1 item
1918 |
1/28 | 0048-001 | Bissett, Clark P. 3 items
undated |
1/29 | 0048-001 | Blethen, Clarence B. 1 item
1929 |
1/30 | 0048-001 | Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills 2 items
1917-1918 |
1/31 | 0048-001 | Boeing, William E. 4 items
undated |
1/32 | 0048-001 | Borah-Boylan 3 items
undated |
1/33 | 0048-001 | Brady, James H. 3 items
1911-1916 |
1/34 | 0048-001 | Brainerd, Erastus 5 items
1916-1918 |
1/35 | 0048-001 | British Columbia, University of 8 items
undated |
1/36 | 0048-001 | Brookings, Robert S. 4 items
undated |
1/37 | 0048-001 | Buffalo, University of 8 items
undated |
1/38 | 0048-001 | Burke, Thomas 4 items
1914, 1916, 1918 |
1/39 | 0048-001 |
Business Chronicle, (Selvin,
Edwin) 3 items
undated |
1/40 | 0048-001 | Butler, Nicholas Murray 23 items
1907-1933 |
1/41 | 0048-001 | B Miscellaneous: Ba-Be 27 items
undated |
1/42 | 0048-001 | B Miscellaneous: Bi-Bo 18 items
undated |
1/43 | 0048-001 | B Miscellaneous: Br-Bz 22 items
undated |
1/44 | 0048-001 | California (State) Education Department 4 items
undated |
1/45 | 0048-001 | California (State) Government 4 items
undated |
1/46 | 0048-001 | California, University 34 items
undated |
1/47 | 0048-001 | Capen, Samuel P. 9 items
1923-1933 |
2/1 | 0048-001 | Carnegie Corporation 18 items
1925-1929 |
2/2 | 0048-001 | Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching 14 items
1912-1934 |
2/3 | 0048-001 | Catholic Civil Rights Association of
Oregon 9 items
1922 |
2/4 | 0048-001 | Century Association 19 items
1930-1931 |
2/5 | 0048-001 | Chadwick, Stephen James 1 item
1926 |
2/6-8 | 0048-001 | Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club,
Seattle 48 items
1917-1926 |
2/9 | 0048-001 | Chicago, University 11 items
General Notes: See also: Judd, Charles H.; Baker, Newton D.
undated |
2/10 | 0048-001 | China Club, Seattle 6 items
1919-1922 |
2/11 | 0048-001 | Chittenden, Hiram Martin 2 items
1916-1917 |
2/12 | 0048-001 | Coffman, Lotus Delta 6 items
1915-1931 |
2/13 | 0048-001 | College Club, Seattle 5 items
1916-1917 |
2/14 | 0048-001 | Collier, P.F. & Son (publishers,
Collier's National
Weekly) 8 items
undated |
2/15 | 0048-001 | Colorado, University 6 items
1917-1931 |
2/16 | 0048-001 | Columbia County, Washington Council of
Defense 3 items
1917-1918 |
2/17 | 0048-001 | Columbia University 19 items
General Notes: See also: Butler, N.M.
1902-1907 |
2/18 | 0048-001 | Columbia University 15 items
1909-1918 |
2/19 | 0048-001 | Columbia University 20 items
1926-1930 |
2/20 | 0048-001 | Columbia University (post mortem data) 5 items
1934 |
2/21 | 0048-001 | Commission for Aid Civil and Military, Belgium &
France 7 items
General Notes: See also: Hill, Samuel
1918 |
2/22 | 0048-001 | Condon, Herbert T 3 items
1923-1928 |
2/23 | 0048-001 | Coontz, Robert Edward 1 item
1919 |
2/24 | 0048-001 | Cornell University 6 items
1908, 1921 |
2/25 | 0048-001 | Coulee City, Washington, Liberty Loan
Committee 1 item
1918 |
2/26 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense 7 items
1917 |
2/27 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense 10 items
1918 January |
2/28 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense 12 items
1918 February-June |
2/29 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense 20 items
1918 July-November |
2/30 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense 2 items
1919 |
2/31 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense Advisory
Commission 8 items
1917 April-June |
2/32 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense Advisory
Commission |
1917 July-October |
2/33 | 0048-001 | Council of National Defense Advisory
Commission 3 items
1917 December-1918 September |
2/34 | 0048-001 | Coyle, Williams Jennings 6 items
1917-1918 |
2/35 | 0048-001 | Cubberly, Elwood Patterson 7 items
1907-1934 |
2/36 | 0048-001 | C Miscellaneous: Ca-Cl 32 items
undated |
2/37 | 0048-001 | C Miscellaneous: Cm-Com 12 items
undated |
2/38 | 0048-001 | C Miscellaneous Con-Cz 17 items
undated |
2/39 | 0048-001 | Dahm, Everett Francis 17 items
1917-1921 |
2/40 | 0048-001 | Davis, James H. 1 item
1918 |
2/41 | 0048-001 | Dill, Clarence Cleveland 3 items
1917-1926 |
2/42 | 0048-001 | Disque, Brice P. 11 items
General Notes: See also: United States War Department, Spruce Production
1917-1918, 1926 |
2/43 | 0048-001 | Donovan, John Joseph 4 items
General Notes: See also: Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills Ladd, William
1916-1919 |
2/44 | 0048-001 | Donovan, Louis P. 5 items
1916 |
2/45 | 0048-001 | Donworth, George 2 items
1918 |
2/46 | 0048-001 | Dover Lumber Company, Dover, Idaho, (Hornby,
B.H.) 3 items
1918 |
2/47 | 0048-001 | Drexel Institute, Philadelphia (Godfrey,
Hollis) 3 items
1917 |
2/48 | 0048-001 | Duncan, James A. 1 item
1917 |
2/49 | 0048-001 | D Miscellaneous 18 items
undated |
3/1 | 0048-001 | Eagelson, James B. 12 items
1916-1918 |
3/2 | 0048-001 | Edmiston, R.L. 3 items
1922 |
3/3 | 0048-001 | Elliott, Edward C. 7 items
1915-1925 |
3/4 | 0048-001 | Elliott, Orrin Leslie 1 item
1915 |
3/5 | 0048-001 | Employers' Association of the Inland Empire,
Spokane 7 items
1917-1918 |
3/6 | 0048-001 | Evans, John 3 items
undated |
3/7 | 0048-001 | E Miscellaneous 16 items
undated |
3/8 | 0048-001 | Fechter, Oscar A. 4 items
1917-1933 |
3/9 | 0048-001 | Filene, Edward A. 3 items
1911-1915 |
3/10 | 0048-001 | Finley, John Huston 2 items
1915, 1926 |
3/11 | 0048-001 | Frankfurter, Felix 18 items
1917-1919 |
3/12 | 0048-001 | Franklin - Freeman 4 items
undated |
3/13 | 0048-001 | Freemasons, United States Scottish Rite, Supreme
Council, Southern Jurisdiction 4 items
undated |
3/14 | 0048-001 | French, Burton L. 1 item
1933 |
3/15 | 0048-001 | F Miscellaneous 29 items
undated |
3/16 | 0048-001 | Gambrill, J. Montgomery 4 items
undated |
3/17 | 0048-001 | Getty, Lillian B. 2 items
General Notes: See also: Interoffice, post mortem
undated |
3/18 | 0048-001 | Gompers, Samuel 2 items
1916 |
3/19 | 0048-001 | Goodner, Milton P. 4 items
1918 |
3/20 | 0048-001 | Graves, Frank Pierpont 13 items
1914-1936 |
3/21 | 0048-001 | Great Northern Lumber Company (George L.
Gardner) 18 items
1917-1918 |
3/22 | 0048-001 | Griggs, Everett Gallup 5 items
1917-1918 |
3/23 | 0048-001 | G Miscellaneous 25 items
undated |
3/24 | 0048-001 | Hadley, Lindley Hoag 2 items
1917, 1926 |
3/25 | 0048-001 | Hadley, Roy O. 1 item
General Notes: See also: Seattle Chamber of Commerce
undated |
3/26 | 0048-001 | Hall, Arnold Bennett 1 item
undated |
3/27 | 0048-001 | Hall, David Connolly (University of Washington
Ambulance Unit) 14 items
1917-1918 |
3/28 | 0048-001 | Hall, John - Hanson, Howard 3 items
undated |
3/29 | 0048-001 | Hartley - Hays 4 items
undated |
3/30 | 0048-001 | Heath (D.C.) & Company, publishers New
York 3 items
1915-1916 |
3/31 | 0048-001 | Heinz, Howard 4 items
General Notes: See also: Pittsburg University
1920 |
3/32 | 0048-001 | Henry, Horace Chapin 2 items
1924-1926 |
3/33 | 0048-001 | Hill, David Spence 1 item
1926 |
3/34 | 0048-001 | Hill, Matthew William 2 items
1926 |
3/35 | 0048-001 | Hill, Samuel 4 items
General Notes: See also: Commission for Aid Civil and Military, France
& Belgium
1918, 1927 |
3/36 | 0048-001 | Hill, Samuel Billingsley 1 item
1926 |
3/37 | 0048-001 | Holland, Ernest O. 5 items
General Notes: See also: Washington State College
1911-1917 |
3/38 | 0048-001 | Hoover, Herbert 5 items
1920-1925 |
3/39 | 0048-001 | Horton, P.E. 2 items
1917 |
3/40 | 0048-001 | Hotchkiss, Willard Eugene 1 item
1918 |
3/41 | 0048-001 | Houghton, Mifflin Company, Boston 14 items
1915-1932 |
3/42 | 0048-001 | Hull, Frank Wilbur 2 items
1932 |
3/43 | 0048-001 | Hunter, Frederick M. 3 items
undated |
3/44 | 0048-001 | Hurja, Emil Edward 1 item
1917 |
3/45 | 0048-001 | H Miscellaneous 33 items
undated |
4/1 | 0048-001 | Idaho, University 3 items
1918-1926 |
4/2 | 0048-001 | Illinois, University 4 items
1909-1924 |
4/3 | 0048-001 | Industrial Association of Washington 2 items
1917-1918 |
4/4 | 0048-001 | Ingels, Frank Lee 9 items
1917 |
4/5 | 0048-001 | Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau 8 items
1917 |
4/6 | 0048-001 | International Shingle Weavers Union of America,
local no. 45 1 item
1917 |
4/7 | 0048-001 | Iowa, State University 4 items
1917-1928 |
4/8 | 0048-001 | Irwin, Will 1 item
1926 |
4/9 | 0048-001 | Isaacs, Walter F. 1 item
undated |
4/10 | 0048-001 | Italy Consulate 3 items
1924-1925 |
4/11 | 0048-001 | I Miscellaneous 11 items
undated |
4/12 | 0048-001 | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 4 items
1930 |
4/13 | 0048-001 | Johnson, Albert 3 items
1917-1926 |
4/14 | 0048-001 | Johnson, Hiram Warren 2 items
1915-1919 |
4/15 | 0048-001 | Johnson, Milbank 2 items
Scope and Content: Including Suzzallo speech, December 1928
1926, 1928 |
4/16 | 0048-001 | Johnson, W. Lon 2 items
1926 |
4/17 | 0048-001 | Jones, Wesley Livsey 6 items
1915-1926 |
4/18 | 0048-001 | Judd, Charles Hubbard 12 items
1908-1932 |
4/19 | 0048-001 | J Miscellaneous 16 items
undated |
4/20 | 0048-001 | Kahn - Kane 4 items
undated |
4/21 | 0048-001 | Kappa Delta Pi 6 items
1927-1928 |
4/22 | 0048-001 | Kelleher, Daniel 1 item
1917 |
4/23 | 0048-001 | Kelly, John G. 11 items
1917-1932 |
4/24 | 0048-001 | Kirkbride, Franklin B. 3 items
1927-1928 |
4/25 | 0048-001 | Kirsten, Frederick K. 3 items
1927-1933 |
4/26 | 0048-001 | Kuykendall, Elgin Victor 1 item
1918 |
4/27 | 0048-001 | K Miscellaneous 15 items
undated |
4/28 | 0048-001 | Ladd, William Mead 4 items
1918-1919 |
4/29 | 0048-001 | Langdon, William Henry 9 items
1911-1925 |
4/30 | 0048-001 | Layton-Lippincott (J.P.) Company, publishers,
Philadelphia 7 items
undated |
4/31 | 0048-001 | Long, Logan L. 2 items
1922 |
4/32 | 0048-001 | Lord, C.J. 2 items
1918 |
4/33 | 0048-001 | Lowell, Percival 2 items
1916 |
4/34 | 0048-001 | Lowman, Will A. 2 items
1918 |
4/35 | 0048-001 | L Miscellaneous 27 items
undated |
4/36 | 0048-001 | McArdle, L.D. 1 item
General Notes: See also: Joint Board of Higher Curricula series, Washington
(State) Taxation and Examination Department
1935 |
4/37 | 0048-001 | McCornack, J.K. 2 items
1924-1925 |
4/38 | 0048-001 | McKee, Ruth Karr 10 items
1917-1918 |
4/39 | 0048-001 | Magnusson, Carl E. 1 item
1939 |
4/40 | 0048-001 | Meany, Edmond Stephen 2 items
1916-1917 |
4/41 | 0048-001 | Merrill, Richard Dwight 2 items
1916-1917 |
4/42 | 0048-001 | Merritt, Ralph P. 3 items
1915-1926 |
4/43 | 0048-001 | Middleton, Keith J. 1 item
1918 |
4/44 | 0048-001 | Miller, John Franklin 4 items
1917, 1926 |
4/45 | 0048-001 | Miller, Winlock William 26 items
1915-1926 |
4/46 | 0048-001 | Miller, Winlock William, graphs for government
inspection 3 items
1926 |
4/47 | 0048-001 | Missouri, University 6 items
1907 |
4/48 | 0048-001 | Montana, University (Elliott, Edward; Brannon,
Nelvin) 14 items
1917-1926 |
4/49 | 0048-001 | Moran, Robert 8 items
1917-1926 |
4/50 | 0048-001 | Morgan Construction Company, Worcester,
Massachusetts (Jerome R.George) 1 item
1918 |
4/51 | 0048-001 | M Miscellaneous: McC-Mills 28 items
undated |
4/52 | 0048-001 | M Miscellaneous: Milw-Mz 21 items
undated |
4/53 | 0048-001 | National Advisory Committee on Education 2 items
1931 |
4/54 | 0048-001 | National Association of State University 2 items
1921-1923 |
4/55 | 0048-001 | National Education Association 8 items
1915-1931 |
4/56 | 0048-001 | National Industrial Conference Board 3 items
1918-1931 |
4/57 | 0048-001 | National Security League (Merrick, H.H.) 1 item
1917 |
4/58 | 0048-001 |
New Republic 2 items
1926 |
5/1 | 0048-001 | New York, National City Bank of 2 items
1916 |
5/2 | 0048-001 | Newson, John Flesher 7 items
1917 |
5/3 | 0048-001 | Nichols, Ralph D. 1 item
1917 |
5/4 | 0048-001 | N Miscellaneous 25 items
undated |
5/5 | 0048-001 | Oregon (government) 3 items
1916-1918 |
5/6 | 0048-001 | Oregon Agricultural College 5 items
1918-1926 |
5/7 | 0048-001 | Oregon State Council of Defense 9 items
1917-1918 |
5/8 | 0048-001 | Oregon, University 12 items
1915-1926 |
5/9 | 0048-001 | O Miscellaneous 14 items
undated |
5/10 | 0048-001 | Pacific County, Washington 4 items
1917-1918 |
5/11 | 0048-001 | Padelford, Frederick Morgan 1 item
1922 |
5/12 | 0048-001 | Page Lumber Company, Eagle Gorge, Washington
(Taylor, Howard) 3 items
1917-1918 |
5/13 | 0048-001 | Panhandle Lumber Company, Spirit Lake, Idaho
(Hagenbush,G.F.) 3 items
1917-1918 |
5/14 | 0048-001 | Parents Association of American Soldiers and Sailors
(Seattle), (Priest, Arthur P.) 22 items
1917-1919 |
5/15 | 0048-001 | Parker, Carleton Hubbell 5 items
1917-1918 |
5/16 | 0048-001 | Parker, Edwin B. 1 item
1927 |
5/17 | 0048-001 | Pearson, Henry Carr 4 items
1916-1931 |
5/18 | 0048-001 | Pennsylvania Council of National Defense 1 item
1918 |
5/19 | 0048-001 | Perkins, William T. 21 items
1915-1933 |
5/20 | 0048-001 | Peters, William Allison 5 items
1917-1918 |
5/21 | 0048-001 | Pierrot, George F. 2 items
1927-1932 |
5/22 | 0048-001 | Pigott, William 3 items
1917-1919 |
5/23 | 0048-001 | Pittsburgh University 4 items
General Notes: See also: Heinz, Howard
1920-1925 |
5/24 | 0048-001 | Poindexter, Miles C. 7 items
1917 |
5/25 | 0048-001 | Pritchett, Henry Smith 6 items
General Notes: See also: Carnegie Foundation
1921-1931 |
5/26 | 0048-001 | Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power
Company 2 items
General Notes: See also: Subject series: Streetcar Strike
1917-1918 |
5/27 | 0048-001 | P Miscellaneous: Pa-Pe 23 items
undated |
5/28 | 0048-001 | P Miscellaneous: Ph-Pz 20 items
undated |
5/29 | 0048-001 | Q Miscellaneous 1 item
undated |
5/30 | 0048-001 | Randolph, Edgar D. 9 items
1922-1923 |
5/31 | 0048-001 | Raitt, Effie I. 1 item
General Notes: See also folders 14/12-14 for letters from Suzzallo to
undated |
5/32 | 0048-001 | Rea, John Andrew 8 items
1915-1930 |
5/33 | 0048-001 | Red Cross, American 10 items
1917-1919 |
5/34 | 0048-001 | Reed, Mark Edward 10 items
1917-1932 |
5/35 | 0048-001 | Reynolds, Charles A. 3 items
General Notes: See also: Subject series: Streetcar Strike
1917 |
5/36 | 0048-001 | Rhodes Scholarship Trust 4 items
1926 |
5/37 | 0048-001 | Riddell, C.M. 1 item
1918 |
5/38 | 0048-001 | Robinson, Henry Mauris 4 items
1926-1932 |
5/39 | 0048-001 | Rogers, A.L. 9 items
1917-1918 |
5/40 | 0048-001 | Roosevelt, Theodore 1 item
1921 |
5/41 | 0048-001 | Ross, James Delmage (J. D.) 1 item
1916 |
5/42 | 0048-001 | Ross, John Mason 1 item
undated |
5/43 | 0048-001 | Rust, William Ross 1 item
1916 |
5/44 | 0048-001 | Rutgers College 2 items
1917 |
5/45 | 0048-001 | R Miscellaneous 31 items
undated |
5/46 | 0048-001 | San Francisco Department of Public
Education 3 items
1903-1904 |
5/47 | 0048-001 | Schwellenbach, Lewis Baxter 1 item
1930 |
5/48 | 0048-001 | Schweppe, Alfred John 3 items
1927 |
5/49 | 0048-001 | Seattle (government) 9 items
1917-1923 |
6/1 | 0048-001 | Seattle Port Commission 2 items
1917-1918 |
6/2 | 0048-001 | Seattle Public Schools 3 items
1917-1926 |
6/3 | 0048-001 | Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway
Company 3 items
1917-1919 |
6/4 | 0048-001 |
Seattle Post Intelligencer 3 items
1915-1925 |
6/5 | 0048-001 |
Seattle Star 2 items
1922-1928 |
6/6 | 0048-001 | Sies, Raymond William 2 items
1911 |
6/7 | 0048-001 | Simpson Logging Company, Shelton,
Washington 1 item
1917 |
6/8 | 0048-001 | Skinner, David E. 3 items
1924-1926 |
6/9 | 0048-001 | Smith, Addison T. 3 items
1911-1916 |
6/10 | 0048-001 | Smith, (Mrs.) Winfield R. 4 items
1917 |
6/11 | 0048-001 | Snohomish County, Washington, Council of
Defense 2 items
1917-1918 |
6/12 | 0048-001 | Society for the Promotion of Engineering
Education 2 items
1917 |
6/13 | 0048-001 | Southern California, University 4 items
1924-1927 |
6/14 | 0048-001 | Spokane County Council of Defense 4 items
1918 |
6/15 | 0048-001 | Stanford University 14 items
1902-1918 |
6/16 | 0048-001 | Stevens, Edwin B. 1 item
undated |
6/17 | 0048-001 | Stevens Institute of Technology, New
Jersey 7 items
1927-1928 |
6/18 | 0048-001 | Strong, Sidney Dix 1 item
1930 |
6/19 | 0048-001 | Summers, John William 1 item
1926 |
6/20 | 0048-001 | S Miscellaneous: S-Sea 27 items
undated |
6/21 | 0048-001 | S Miscellaneous: Seb-Sm 19 items
undated |
6/22 | 0048-001 | S Miscellaneous: Sn-Stev 22 items
undated |
6/23 | 0048-001 | S Miscellaneous: Stew-Sz 16 items
undated |
6/24 | 0048-001 | Taylor, Charles Perry 1 item
1917 |
6/25 | 0048-001 | Texas, University 6 items
1917-1927 |
6/26 | 0048-001 | Thomson, Reginald Heber 1 item
1918 |
6/27 | 0048-001 | Thorndike, Edward Lee 1 item
1907 |
6/28 | 0048-001 | Toronto, University 9 items
1917-1926 |
6/29 | 0048-001 | Tugwell, Rexford Guy 1 item
1917 |
6/30 | 0048-001 | T Miscellaneous 21 items
undated |
6/31 | 0048-001 | United States Agriculture Department 6 items
1917-1920 |
6/32 | 0048-001 | United States Army Adjutant General 8 items
1918 |
6/33 | 0048-001 | United States Army Engineers 5 items
1918 |
6/34 | 0048-001 | United States Army Medical Corps 9 items
1916-1919 |
6/35 | 0048-001 | United States Army Ordnance Department 2 items
1918 |
6/36 | 0048-001 | United States Army Quarter Master Corps 7 items
1917-1918 |
6/37 | 0048-001 | United States Army Reserve Officiers Training
Corp 10 items
1917-1921 |
6/38 | 0048-001 | United States Army Signal Corps 7 items
1917-1918 |
6/39 | 0048-001 | United States Army (miscellaneous) 22 items
undated |
6/40 | 0048-001 | United States Civil Service Commission 4 items
1918 |
6/41 | 0048-001 | United States Commerce Department 2 items
1918 |
6/42 | 0048-001 | United States Committee on Public
Information 7 items
1918 |
6/43 | 0048-001 | United States Food Administration 24 items
1917-1918 |
6/44 | 0048-001 | United States Food Administration,
enclosures 7 items
undated |
6/45 | 0048-001 | United States Food Administration, Washington
(State) 19 items
1917-1918 |
6/46 | 0048-001 | United States Fuel Administration 9 items
1917-1918 |
6/47 | 0048-001 | United States (government) 11 items
1916-1923 |
6/48 | 0048-001 | United States Interior Department 18 items
1915-1918 |
6/49 | 0048-001 | United States Interior Department Secretary (Lane,
Franklin Knight) 4 items
1918-1929 |
6/50 | 0048-001 | United States Justice Department 5 items
1918 |
6/51 | 0048-001 | United States Labor Department 5 items
1918 |
6/52 | 0048-001 | United States Labor Department Secretary (Wilson,
William B.) 4 items
1917-1918 |
6/53 | 0048-001 | United States Labor Department War League Policies
Board 6 items
General Notes: See also: Frankfurter, Felix
1918 |
6/54 | 0048-001 | United States Marine Corps 28 items
1916-1918 |
7/1 | 0048-001 | United States National War League Board 5 items
1918 |
7/2 | 0048-001 | United States Navy Department 16 items
1918 September |
7/3 | 0048-001 | United States Navy Department 19 items
1918 October-December |
7/4 | 0048-001 | United States Navy training 20 items
1917-1924 |
7/5 | 0048-001 | United States President 5 items
1917-1922 |
7/6 | 0048-001 | United States Shipping Board 15 items
1918 |
7/7 | 0048-001 | United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet
Corporation 15 items
1917-1918 June |
7/8 | 0048-001 | United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet
Corporation 8 items
1918 June-September |
7/9 | 0048-001 | United States War Department 13 items
1917 |
7/10 | 0048-001 | United States War Department 20 items
1918-1926 |
7/11 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 34 items
1918 March-August |
7/12 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 28 items
1918 September 2-19 |
7/13 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 29 items
1918 September 20-28 |
7/14 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 46 items
1918 October |
7/15 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 49 items
1918 November |
7/16 | 0048-001 | United States War Department, Committee on Education
and Special Training 22 items
1918-1919 December |
7/17 | 0048-001 | United States War Department 10 items
1917-1918 |
7/18 | 0048-001 | United States War Department Spruce Production
Division 1 item
1918 |
7/19 | 0048-001 | United War Work Campaign 12 items
1918 |
7/20 | 0048-001 | United War Work Campaign bulletins 28 items
undated |
7/21 | 0048-001 | University Club, Seattle 3 items
1915-1919 |
7/22 | 0048-001 | University Travel Association, Inc., New
York 3 items
1927 |
7/23 | 0048-001 | U Miscellaneous 4 items
undated |
7/24 | 0048-001 | Vanderlip, Frank Arthur 1 item
1918 |
7/25 | 0048-001 | V Miscellaneous 7 items
undated |
7/26 | 0048-001 | Washington, Education Department 9 items
1917-1920 |
7/27 | 0048-001 | Washington Government 10 items
1918-1924 |
8/1 | 0048-001 | Washington Governor (Lister, Ernest) 7 items
1915-1917 |
8/2 | 0048-001 | Washington Governor (Lister, Ernest) 16 items
1918 |
8/3 | 0048-001 | Washington Governor 9 items
1921-1924 |
8/4 | 0048-001 | Washington Loyal League 7 items
1920 |
8/5 | 0048-001 | Washington State College (Holland, E.O.) 11 items
1915-1923 |
8/6 | 0048-001 | Washington State Council of Defense 18 items
1917 |
8/7 | 0048-001 | Washington State Council of Defense 18 items
1918 |
8/8 | 0048-001 | Washington State Normal School,
Bellingham 9 items
1915-1926 |
8/9 | 0048-001 | University of Washington Alumni
Association 13 items
1917-1926 |
8/10 | 0048-001 | University of Washington Associated
Students 6 items
1919-1923 |
8/11 | 0048-001 | University of Washington Faculty 2 items
1926 |
8/12 | 0048-001 | University of Washington Board of
Regents 7 items
1915-1926 |
8/13 | 0048-001 | Washington Education Association 8 items
1917-1926 |
8/14 | 0048-001 | Washington State Federation of Labor 5 items
1915-1917 |
8/15 | 0048-001 | Washington State Horticulture Association (Powell,
Luke, Secretary) 4 items
1917-1918 |
8/16 | 0048-001 | Washington University, St. Louis 9 items
General Notes: See also: Brookings, Robert
1928-1929 |
8/17 | 0048-001 | Webb, Paul E. 2 items
1940 |
8/18 | 0048-001 | West Coast Lumbermen's Association 2 items
1917 |
8/19 | 0048-001 | West, Oswald 1 item
1912 |
8/20 | 0048-001 | Wheeler, Benjamin Ide 2 items
1912, undated |
8/21 | 0048-001 | Whiting, Frederic Allen 1 item
undated |
8/22 | 0048-001 | Whitman College, Walla Walla 3 items
1916-1918 |
8/23 | 0048-001 | Wilbur, Ray Lyman 11 items
1924-1930 |
8/24 | 0048-001 | Willis, Park Weed 32 items
1916-1933 |
8/25 | 0048-001 | Winkenwerder, Hugo 1 item
1939-1940 |
8/26 | 0048-001 | Wolf, Hamilton A. 1 item
1939-1940 |
8/27 | 0048-001 | Wyland, Ray O. 16 items
1923-1933 |
8/28 | 0048-001 | W Miscellaneous Wa-White 32 items
undated |
8/29 | 0048-001 | W Miscellaneous Whitf-Wz 26 items
undated |
8/30 | 0048-001 | Young Men's Christian Association, National War Work
Council (Brener, W.F., Director of Education) 8 items
1918 |
8/31 | 0048-001 | Y Miscellaneous 12 items
undated |
8/32 | 0048-001 | Ziegans, Irvin W. 3 items
General Notes: See also: Washington (State) Governor
1924 |
8/33 | 0048-001 | Zook, George Frederick 1 item
1931 |
8/34 | 0048-001 | Anonymous letters 2 items
1917, 1918 |
General correspondence |
1911-1930 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
8/35 | 0048-001 | Letters regarding: dismissal,
unidentified 4 items
1926 |
Letters of congratulation on appointment as Carnegie
Foundation President |
1930 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
8/36 | 0048-001 | A-C 32 items
1930 |
8/37 | 0048-001 | D-G 22 items
1930 |
8/38 | 0048-001 | H-K 26 items
1930 |
8/39 | 0048-001 | L-O 24 items
1930 |
8/40 | 0048-001 | P-S 26 items
1930 |
8/41 | 0048-001 | T-Z 19 items
1930 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/1 | 0048-001 | Letters of endorsement-United States Commissioner of
Education 10 items
1911 |
Student Army Training Corps, inquiries,
etc. |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/2 | 0048-001 | A-F 40 items
undated |
9/3 | 0048-001 | G-M 38 items
undated |
9/4 | 0048-001 | P-Z 47 items
undated |
University of Washington Presidency, letters of
congratulation |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/5 | 0048-001 | A-D 48 items
1915-1916 |
9/6 | 0048-001 | E-H 31 items
1915-1916 |
9/7 | 0048-001 | I-M 44 items
1915-1916 |
9/8 | 0048-001 | N-Z 59 items
1915-1916 |
University of Washington, war credentials, faculty
and students |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/9 | 0048-001 | A-C 38 items
1917-1918 |
9/10 | 0048-001 | D-G 29 items
1917-1918 |
9/11 | 0048-001 | H-K 32 items
1917-1918 |
9/12 | 0048-001 | L-M 42 items
1917-1918 |
9/13 | 0048-001 | N-R 19 items
1917-1918 |
9/14 | 0048-001 | S 21 items
1917-1918 |
9/15 | 0048-001 | T-Z 21 items
1917-1918 |
Interoffice correspondence |
1915-1926 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/1 | 0048-001 | 1915 13 items
1915 |
10/2 | 0048-001 | 1916 15 items
1916 |
10/3 | 0048-001 | 1917 10 items
1917 |
10/4 | 0048-001 | War Emergency Committee 17 items
1917-1918 |
10/5 | 0048-001 | January-May 1918 26 items
1918 January-May |
10/6 | 0048-001 | June-December 1918 21 items
1918 June-December |
10/7 | 0048-001 | Faculty war work 45 items
1918 |
10/8 | 0048-001 | Faculty war work 40 items
1918 |
10/9 | 0048-001 | Faculty war work 44 items
1918 |
10/10 | 0048-001 | Faculty war work 50 items
1918 |
10/11 | 0048-001 | Student Army Training Corps and Hospital 20 items
1918 |
10/12 | 0048-001 | Student Army Training Corps and Hospital 53 items
1918 |
10/13 | 0048-001 | 1919-1921 14 items
1919-1921 |
10/14 | 0048-001 | 1922 9 items
1922 |
10/15 | 0048-001 | 1923 8 items
1923 |
10/16 | 0048-001 | 1924 17 items
1924 |
10/17 | 0048-001 | 1925 16 items
1925 |
10/18 | 0048-001 | 1926 10 items
1926 |
10/19 | 0048-001 | Letters of recommendation 6 items
undated |
10/20 | 0048-001 | Resignation, faculty 6 items
undated |
Outgoing letters |
1903-1933 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/1 | 0048-001 | 1903 2 items
1903 |
11/2 | 0048-001 | 1904 2 items
1904 |
11/3 | 0048-001 | 1905 3 items
1905 |
11/4 | 0048-001 | 1907 32 items
1907 |
11/5 | 0048-001 | 1908 2 items
1908 |
11/6 | 0048-001 | 1910 4 items
1910 |
11/7 | 0048-001 | 1911 16 items
1911 |
11/8 | 0048-001 | 1912 3 items
1912 |
11/9 | 0048-001 | 1913 1 item
1913 |
11/10 | 0048-001 | 1914 5 items
1914 |
11/11 | 0048-001 | 1915 May-August 26 items
1915 May-August |
11/12 | 0048-001 | 1915 September-December 29 items
1915 September-December |
11/13 | 0048-001 | 1916 January-March 26 items
1916 January-March |
11/14 | 0048-001 | 1916 April-May 30 items
1916 April-May |
11/15 | 0048-001 | 1916 June-August 22 items
1916 June-August |
11/16 | 0048-001 | 1916 September-December 22 items
1916 September-December |
11/17 | 0048-001 | 1917 January-March 20 items
1917 January-March |
11/18 | 0048-001 | 1917 April 28 items
1917 April |
11/19 | 0048-001 | 1917 May 1-20 21 items
1917 May 1- 20 |
11/20 | 0048-001 | 1917 May 21-31 24 items
1917 May 21-31 |
11/21 | 0048-001 | 1917 June 24 items
1917 June |
11/22 | 0048-001 | 1917 July 28 items
1917 July |
11/23 | 0048-001 | 1917 August 27 items
1917 August |
11/24 | 0048-001 | 1917 September 1-17 27 items
1917 September 1- 17 |
11/25 | 0048-001 | 1917 September 18-30 21 items
1917 September 18-30 |
11/26 | 0048-001 | 1917 October 32 items
1917 October |
11/27 | 0048-001 | 1917 November 1-16 20 items
1917 November 1-16 |
11/28 | 0048-001 | 1917 November 17-30 18 items
1917 November 17-30 |
11/29 | 0048-001 | 1917 December 1-19 31 items
1917 December 1-19 |
11/30 | 0048-001 | 1917 December 20-31 26 items
1917 December 20-31 |
12/1 | 0048-001 | 1918 January 1-5 24 items
1918 January 1-5 |
12/2 | 0048-001 | 1918 January 7-16 23 items
1918 January 7-16 |
12/3 | 0048-001 | 1918 January 17-23 22 items
1918 January 17-23 |
12/4 | 0048-001 | 1918 January 24-29 17 items
1918 January 24-29 |
12/5 | 0048-001 | 1918 January 30-31 12 items
1918 January 30-31 |
12/6 | 0048-001 | 1918 February 34 items
1918 February |
12/7 | 0048-001 | 1918 March 1-9 21 items
1918 March 1-9 |
12/8 | 0048-001 | 1918 March 10-31 16 items
1918 March 10-31 |
12/9 | 0048-001 | 1918 April 1- 15 30 items
1918 April 1-15 |
12/10 | 0048-001 | 1918 April 16-30 24 items
1918 April 16-30 |
12/11 | 0048-001 | 1918 May 1-19 21 items
1918 May 1-9 |
12/12 | 0048-001 | 1918 May 20-31 19 items
1918 May 20-31 |
12/13 | 0048-001 | 1918 June 1- 19 30 items
1918 June 1-19 |
12/14 | 0048-001 | 1918 June 20-23 18 items
1918 June 20-23 |
12/15 | 0048-001 | 1918 June 24-30 18 items
1918 June 24-30 |
12/16 | 0048-001 | 1918 July 1-21 21 items
1918 July 1-21 |
12/17 | 0048-001 | 1918 July 22-31 19 items
1918 July 22-31 |
12/18 | 0048-001 | 1918 August 1- 22 20 items
1918 August 1-22 |
12/19 | 0048-001 | 1918 August 23-31 18 items
1918 August 23-31 |
12/20 | 0048-001 | 1918 September 1-10 26 items
1918 September 1-10 |
12/21 | 0048-001 | 1918 September 11- 22 38 items
1918 September 11- 22 |
12/22 | 0048-001 | 1918 September 23-24 41 items
1918 September 23-24 |
12/23 | 0048-001 | 1918 September 25-26 28 items
1918 September 25-26 |
12/24 | 0048-001 | 1918 September 27- 30 31 items
1918 September 27- 30 |
12/25 | 0048-001 | 1918 October 1-9 41 items
1918 October 1- 9 |
13/1 | 0048-001 | 1918 October 10-19 36 items
1918 October 10-19 |
13/2 | 0048-001 | 1918 October 21-31 37 items
1918 October 21-31 |
13/3 | 0048-001 | 1918 November 1- 8 23 items
1918 November 1-8 |
13/4 | 0048-001 | 1918 November 9-30 32 items
1918 November 9-30 |
13/5 | 0048-001 | 1918 December 30 items
1918 December |
13/6 | 0048-001 | 1919 January 29 items
1919 January |
13/7 | 0048-001 | 1919 February-March 42 items
1919 February-March |
13/8 | 0048-001 | 1919 April-August 29 items
1919 April-August |
13/9 | 0048-001 | 1919 September - December 20 items
1919 September-December |
13/10 | 0048-001 | 1920 January-March 31 items
1920 January-March |
13/11 | 0048-001 | 1920 April-May 23 items
1920 April-May |
13/12 | 0048-001 | 1920 June-December 38 items
1920 June-December |
13/13 | 0048-001 | 1921 January-April 29 items
1921 January-April |
13/14 | 0048-001 | 1921 May-October 26 items
1921 May-October |
13/15 | 0048-001 | 1921 November-December 25 items
1921 November-December |
13/16 | 0048-001 | 1922 January-March 34 items
1922 January-March |
13/17 | 0048-001 | 1922 April-June 29 items
1922 April-June |
13/18 | 0048-001 | 1922 July-October 25 items
1922 July-October |
13/19 | 0048-001 | 1922 November-December 18 items
1922 November-December |
13/20 | 0048-001 | 1923 January-February 25 items
1923 January-February |
13/21 | 0048-001 | 1923 March-May 15 items
1923 March-May |
13/22 | 0048-001 | 1923 June-October 18 items
1923 June-October |
13/23 | 0048-001 | 1923 November-December 23 items
1923 November-December |
13/24 | 0048-001 | 1924 January-February 19 items
1924 January-February |
13/25 | 0048-001 | 1924 March-April 23 items
1924 March-April |
13/26 | 0048-001 | 1924 May-August 33 items
1924 May-August |
14/1 | 0048-001 | 1924 September-December 30 items
1924 September-December |
14/2 | 0048-001 | 1925 January-March 28 items
1925 January-March |
14/3 | 0048-001 | 1925 April-June 21 items
1925 April-June |
14/4 | 0048-001 | 1925 July-September 14 items
1925 July-September |
14/5 | 0048-001 | 1925 October-December 38 items
1925 October-December |
14/6 | 0048-001 | 1926 January 42 items
1926 January |
14/7 | 0048-001 | 1926 February-June 30 items
1926 February-June |
14/8 | 0048-001 | 1926 July-December 22 items
1926 July-December |
14/9 | 0048-001 | 1927 January-May 21 items
1927 January-May |
14/10 | 0048-001 | 1927 June-December 32 items
1927 June-December |
14/11 | 0048-001 | 1928 January-June 31 items
1928 January-June |
14/12 | 0048-001 | 1928 July-December 22 items
1928 July-December |
14/13 | 0048-001 | 1929 35 items
1929 |
14/14 | 0048-001 | 1930 January-May 19 items
1930 January-May |
14/15 | 0048-001 | 1930 June 10-June 27 40 items
1930 June 10-June 27 |
14/16 | 0048-001 | 1930 June 28-June 30 41 items
1930 June 28-June 30 |
14/17 | 0048-001 | 1930 July 42 items
1930 July |
14/18 | 0048-001 | 1930 August-December 19 items
1930 August-December |
14/19 | 0048-001 | 1931 January-May 19 items
1931 January-May |
14/20 | 0048-001 | 1931 June-December 28 items
1931 June-December |
14/21 | 0048-001 | 1932 January-June 31 items
1932 January-June |
14/22 | 0048-001 | 1932 July-December 27 items
1932 July-December |
15/1 | 0048-001 | 1933 January-February 20 items
1933 January-February |
15/2 | 0048-001 | 1933 March-April 17 items
1933 March-April |
15/3 | 0048-001 | 1933 May-September 23 items
1933 May-September |
15/4 | 0048-001 | Undated 2 items
undated |
Speeches and writings |
Manuscripts |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/1 | 0048-001 | American-Patriotic 4 items
1917-1920 |
19/2 | 0048-001 | Aphorism, epigrams and mottoes 3 items
undated |
19/3 | 0048-001 | Culture 6 items
undated |
19/4 | 0048-001 | Culture 5 items
undated |
19/5 | 0048-001 | Economics 2 items
undated |
Education: philosophy of education |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/6 | 0048-001 | 1916-1922 6 items
1916-1922 |
19/7 | 0048-001 | 1925-1926 6 items
1925-1926 |
19/8 | 0048-001 | 1929-1930 2 items
1929-1930 |
19/9 | 0048-001 | Undated 3 items
undated |
19/10 | 0048-001 | Undated 3 items
undated |
19/11 | 0048-001 | Miscellany 9 items
undated |
Education: public education |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/12 | 0048-001 | 1905-1910 5 items
1905-1910 |
19/13 | 0048-001 | 1911-1917 3 items
1911-1917 |
19/14 | 0048-001 | 1919-1923 4 items
1919-1923 |
19/15 | 0048-001 | 1926 6 items
1926 |
19/16 | 0048-001 | 1930-1932 4 items
1930-1932 |
19/17-21 | 0048-001 | Undated 19 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/1 | 0048-001 | Responsibility and function of the Federal
Government in education 1 item
undated |
20/2 | 0048-001 | Education: Seattle 1 item
undated |
20/3 | 0048-001 | Henry Art Collection 3 items
undated |
20/4 | 0048-001 | Inventory of Suzzallo's writings
(partial) 1 item
undated |
Social psychology |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/5 | 0048-001 | pre-1916 5 items
pre-1916 |
20/6 | 0048-001 | 1921-1925 6 items
1921-1925 |
20/7 | 0048-001 | 1921-1925 4 items
1921-1925 |
20/8 | 0048-001 | 1926-1932 6 items
1926-1932 |
20/9 | 0048-001 | 1926-1932 2 items
1926-1932 |
20/10 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous statements 5 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
21/1 | 0048-001 | University of Washington 3 items
undated |
21/2 | 0048-001 | Miscellany 1 item
undated |
21/3 | 0048-001 | Duplicate material 21 items
undated |
Writings of Others |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
22/9 | 0048-001 | Cubberley, Elwood P. 1 item
undated |
23/1 | 0048-001 | Dewey, John 1 item
undated |
23/2 | 0048-001 | Hill, David Spence 1 item
undated |
23/3 | 0048-001 | Martin, Charles E. 1 item
undated |
Published writings |
1906-1933 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
21/4 | 0048-001 | 1906-1908 2 items
1906-1908 |
21/5 | 0048-001 | 1908-1910 3 items
1908-1910 |
21/6 | 0048-001 | 1911 2 items
1911 |
21/7 | 0048-001 | 1912-1915 2 items
1912-1915 |
21/8 | 0048-001 | 1915 1 item
1915 |
21/9 | 0048-001 | 1916-1919 5 items
1916-1919 |
21/10 | 0048-001 | 1922 1 item
1922 |
21/11 | 0048-001 | 1925 1 item
1925 |
21/12 | 0048-001 | 1926 2 items
1926 |
21/13 | 0048-001 | 1927-1929 4 items
1927-1929 |
22/1 | 0048-001 | 1930 3 items
1930 |
22/2 | 0048-001 | 1930 1 item
1930 |
22/3 | 0048-001 | 1930 1 item
1930 |
22/4 | 0048-001 | 1930 1 item
1930 |
22/5 | 0048-001 | 1930 1 item
1930 |
22/6 | 0048-001 | 1931 4 items
1931 |
22/7 | 0048-001 | 1932 2 items
1932 |
22/8 | 0048-001 | 1933 2 items
1933 |
Writings of others |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
22/9 | 0048-001 | Cubberley, Elwood P. 1 item
undated |
23/1 | 0048-001 | Dewey, John 1 item
undated |
23/2 | 0048-001 | Hill, David Spence 1 item
undated |
23/3 | 0048-001 | Martin, Charles E. 1 item
undated |
Lectures and syllabi |
By Suzzallo |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
23/5 | 0048-001 | Administration of social education 1 item
undated |
23/6 | 0048-001 | American education and its conditioning
process 9 items
undated |
23/7-24/1 | 0048-001 | Educational sociology 4 items
undated |
24/2 | 0048-001 | Educational psychology 1 item
undated |
24/3 | 0048-001 | Genetic Psychology 1 item
undated |
24/4-5 | 0048-001 | Principles of education 1 item
undated |
24/6 | 0048-001 | Social appraisal of school curricula 2 items
undated |
24/7-8 | 0048-001 | Social foundations of vocational
education 3 items
undated |
24/9 | 0048-001 | Social foundation of the school system 3 items
undated |
24/10-11 | 0048-001 | Social interpretations of educational
methods 2 items
undated |
24/12 | 0048-001 | Social interpretations of the educative
process 1 item
undated |
24/13-25/1 | 0048-001 | Social Theory of Education 3 items
undated |
25/2 | 0048-001 | Sociological factors influencing
education 1 item
undated |
25/3 | 0048-001 | Sociology applied to education 1 item
undated |
25/4 | 0048-001 | Supervision of teaching 2 items
undated |
25/5 | 0048-001 | Theory of the criticism and supervision of
teaching 1 item
undated |
25/6 | 0048-001 | Theory of elementary education 1 item
undated |
25/7 | 0048-001 | Theory of secondary education 1 item
undated |
By other professors |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
25/8 | 0048-001 | Clow: Educational sociology 1 item
undated |
25/9 | 0048-001 | Cubberley: City school administration 1 item
undated |
25/10 | 0048-001 | Cubberley: Public education in america 1 item
undated |
25/11 | 0048-001 | Dewey: Philosophy of education 1 item
undated |
25/12 | 0048-001 | Dewey: Psychological ethics 1 item
undated |
26/1 | 0048-001 | Dewey: Social psychology 1 item
undated |
26/2 | 0048-001 | Dewey: Sociology 1 item
undated |
26/3 | 0048-001 | Guthrie: State school administration 1 item
undated |
26/4 | 0048-001 | King: Social aspects of education 1 item
undated |
26/5 | 0048-001 | McVannel: Philosophy of education 1 item
undated |
26/6 | 0048-001 | Martin: Psychology of the emotions 1 item
undated |
26/7 | 0048-001 | Snedden: Education and society 1 item
undated |
26/8 | 0048-001 | Unidentified: Educational sociology 1 item
undated |
26/9 | 0048-001 | Unidentified: Elementary law 1 item
undated |
Other personal and professional papers |
Financial records, Washington State Board of
Finance |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
15/5 | 0048-001 | Estimate of expenditures 1 item
1918-1921 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
15/6 | 0048-001 | Agreement with American Book Company |
undated |
15/7 | 0048-001 | Notes on meeting and miscellaneous 5 items
1912, undated |
Reports |
1917-1918 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
15/8 | 0048-001 | General strike, Seattle and Tacoma 2 items
1919 |
15/9 | 0048-001 | Investigation into labor efficiency of steel
shipbuilding yards (minus charts) 1 item
undated |
15/10 | 0048-001 | Mediation Board for Lumber Industry 7 items
1917-1918 |
15/11 | 0048-001 | National War Labor Policies Board 7 items
1917-1918 |
16/1 | 0048-001 | Student Army Training Corps 10 items
undated |
16/2 | 0048-001 | Conference on transportation for shipyard
workers 1 item
1918 |
16/3-7 | 0048-001 | University of Washington War Services 56 items
1917-1918 |
16/8 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 3 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
16/9 | 0048-001 | Legislation 6 items
undated |
Reminiscences of Suzzallo |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
16/10 | 0048-001 | by Lillian B. Getty 10 items
undated |
16/11 | 0048-001 | by Ruth Carr McKee, 2 items
undated |
16/12 | 0048-001 | by unknown author 1 item
undated |
Ephemera |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
16/13 | 0048-001 | Brazil Centennial 2 items
undated |
16/14-18 | 0048-001 | Education 28 items
undated |
17/1-2 | 0048-001 | Labor management 22 items
undated |
17/3 | 0048-001 | Lumber 3 items
undated |
17/4-5 | 0048-001 | World War I Labor Department 5 items
undated |
17/6 | 0048-001 | World War I miscellaneous 8 items
undated |
17/7 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 6 items
undated |
Box | Accession | ||
18 | 0048-001 | Memorabilia |
undated |
Box/Folder | |||
23/4 | 0048-001 | Inauguration of Suzzallo as President of University of
Washington 1 item
1916 |
Notes |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
26/10 | 0048-001 | For doctor's dissertation 1 item
undated |
26/11-28/3 | 0048-001 | History of education in Europe 48 items
undated |
28/4-10 | 0048-001 | History of education in the UnitedStates 15 items
undated |
28/11 | 0048-001 | The Colonial period 1 item
undated |
29/1 | 0048-001 | The text book problem in the Colonial
period 1 item
undated |
29/2 | 0048-001 | Teachers college courses 1 item
undated |
30/1 | 0048-001 | Higher educational administration 1 item
undated |
30/2-10 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 55 items
undated |
Box | |||
31 | 0048-001 | Outlines for speeches 1 item : 3 x 5 file card box
undated |
Bibliography |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
30/11 | 0048-001 | Educational psychology 1 item
undated |
30/12 | 0048-001 | Elementary education 1 item
undated |
Box | |||
31 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous subjects 6 boxes : 3 x 5 file card box
undated |
31 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous subjects 1 bundle : 3 x 5 file card box
undated |
Box/Folder | |||
32/1 | 0048-001 | Graduate work study 1 box : 5 x 8 file card box
undated |
Clippings |
1910-1934 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
32/2 | 0048-001 | 1910-1911 1 item
1910-1911 |
32/3 | 0048-001 | 1913-1914 2 items
1913-1914 |
32/4 | 0048-001 | May 18, 1915 15 items
1915 May 18 |
32/5 | 0048-001 | May 19, 1915 29 items
1915 May 19 |
32/6 | 0048-001 | May 20-26, 1915 20 items
1915 May 20-26 |
32/7 | 0048-001 | May 27-November 5, 1915 17 items
1915 May 27-November 5 |
32/8 | 0048-001 | 1916 6 items
1916 |
32/9 | 0048-001 | January 1917 10 items
1917 January |
32/10 | 0048-001 | May-August 1917 8 items
1917 May-August |
32/11 | 0048-001 | September-December 1917 4 items
1917 September-December |
32/12 | 0048-001 | January-February 1918 18 items
1918 January-February |
32/13 | 0048-001 | April-June 1918 6 items
1918 April-June |
32/14 | 0048-001 | July-September 1918 8 items
1918 July-September |
32/15 | 0048-001 | October 1918 6 items
1918 October |
32/16 | 0048-001 | November 1-15, 1918 12 items
1918 November 1-15 |
32/17 | 0048-001 | November 16-December 15, 1918 14 items
1918 November 16-December 15 |
32/18 | 0048-001 | December 16-December 31, 1918 4 items
1918 December 16-31 |
32/19 | 0048-001 | January 1919 11 items
1919 January |
32/20 | 0048-001 | February-December 1919 5 items
1919 February-December |
32/21 | 0048-001 | 1920-1923 5 items
1920-1923 |
32/22 | 0048-001 | June-November 1924 7 items
1924 June-November |
32/23 | 0048-001 | December 1924 24 items
1924 December |
32/24 | 0048-001 | January 1925 22 items
1925 January |
32/25 | 0048-001 | February-June 1925 14 items
1925 February-June |
32/26 | 0048-001 | October 1-15, 1925 24 items
1925 October 1-15 |
32/27 | 0048-001 | October 16-18, 1925 16 items
1925 October 16-18 |
32/28 | 0048-001 | October 19-22, 1925 15 items
1925 October 19-22 |
32/29 | 0048-001 | October 23-25, 1925 10 items
1925 October 23- 25 |
32/30 | 0048-001 | October 26-31, 1925 22 items
1925 October 26- 31 |
33/1 | 0048-001 | November 1-4, 1925 12 items
1925 November 1- 4 |
33/2 | 0048-001 | November 5-10, 1925 14 items
1925 November 5- 10 |
33/3 | 0048-001 | November 11-12, 1925 20 items
1925 November 11-12 |
33/4 | 0048-001 | November 13-November 15, 1925 17 items
1925 November 13- 15 |
33/5 | 0048-001 | November 16-18, 1925 12 items
1925 November 16-18 |
33/6 | 0048-001 | November 19-20, 1925 14 items
1925 November 19-20 |
33/7 | 0048-001 | November 21-25, 1925 20 items
1925 November 21- 25 |
33/8 | 0048-001 | November 26-27, 1925 13 items
1925 November 26-27 |
33/9 | 0048-001 | November 28-30, 1925 7 items
1925 November 28-30 |
33/10 | 0048-001 | December 1-5, 1925 14 items
1925 December 1-5 |
33/11 | 0048-001 | December 6- 8, 1925 12 items
1925 December 6-8 |
33/12 | 0048-001 | December 9-10, 1925 9 items
1925 December 9-10 |
33/13 | 0048-001 | December 11, 1925 11 items
1925 December 11 |
33/14 | 0048-001 | December 12-16, 1925 10 items
1925 December 12-16 |
34/1 | 0048-001 | December 17-23, 1925 14 items
1925 December 17-23 |
34/2 | 0048-001 | December 24-26, 1925 15 items
1925 December 24- 26 |
34/3 | 0048-001 | December 27-31, 1925 14 items
1925 December 27-31 |
34/4 | 0048-001 | January 1926 14 items
1926 January |
34/5 | 0048-001 | February 1-15, 1926 7 items
1926 February 1-15 |
34/6 | 0048-001 | February 16-28, 1926 12 items
1926 February 16- 28 |
34/7 | 0048-001 | March 1-15, 1926 10 items
1926 March 1-15 |
34/8 | 0048-001 | March 16-31, 1926 9 items
1926 March 16-31 |
34/9 | 0048-001 | April 1-20, 1926 11 items
1926 April 1-0 |
34/10 | 0048-001 | April 21-23, 1926 15 items
1926 April 21-23 |
34/11 | 0048-001 | April 24-30, 1926 27 items
1926 April 24-30 |
35/1 | 0048-001 | May 1-5, 1926 14 items
1926 May 1- 5 |
35/2 | 0048-001 | May 6-10, 1926 11 items
1926 May 6-10 |
35/3 | 0048-001 | May 11-31, 1926 18 items
1926 May 11-31 |
35/4 | 0048-001 | June 1-2, 1926 12 items
1926 June 1-2 |
35/5 | 0048-001 | June 3-December1926 13 items
1926 June 3-December |
35/6 | 0048-001 | 1927 7 items
1927 |
35/7 | 0048-001 | 1928 4 items
1928 |
35/8 | 0048-001 | 1929 5 items
1929 |
35/9 | 0048-001 | 1952 1 item
1952 |
35/10-15 | 0048-001 | Undated 118 items
undated |
Suzzalo/Hartley controversey |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
35/16-20 | 0048-001 | April 1-May 5, 1925 75 items
1925 April 1-May 5 |
36/1-11 | 0048-001 | May 14, 1925-April 30, 1926 167 items
1925 May 14-1926 April 30 |
37/1-11 | 0048-001 | May 1-June 26, 1926 153 items
1926 May 1-June 26 |
38/1-17 | 0048-001 | July 25-August 21, 1926 196 items
General Notes: Box 38 also contains clippings with the following
dates:1925; January 1926-July 28 1926; October 4-December 1926;
January-February 1927
1926 July 25-August 21 |
39/1-18 | 0048-001 | August 22-September 30, 1926 203 items
1926 August 22-September 30 |
40/1-22 | 0048-001 | October 1-October 15, 1926 256 items
1926 October 1-October 15 |
41/1-23 | 0048-001 | October 16-November 5, 1926 234 items
1926 October 16-November 5 |
42/1-18 | 0048-001 | November 6-30, 1926 197 items
1926 November 6-30 |
43/1-14 | 0048-001 | December 1-31, 1926 143 items
1926 December 1-31 |
43/15-23 | 0048-001 | Undated 83 items
undated |
Box | Accession | ||
44 | 0048-001 | Scrapbooks 2 items
1921-1923, 1926 |
45 | 0048-001 | Scrap Books 2 items
1926, 1927-1934 |
Professional affiliations |
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
45/1-7 | 0048-001 | Minutes 37 items
1919-1926 |
45/8 | 0048-001 | Report on State Higher Education in
California |
1932 June |
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
Balkans trip |
General correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/1 | 0048-001 | May-November 1927 28 items
1927 May-November |
46/2 | 0048-001 | December 1927 12 items
1927 December |
46/3 | 0048-001 | January-October 1928 18 items
1928 January-October |
46/4 | 0048-001 | Austria 8 items
1927-1928 |
46/5 | 0048-001 | Bulgaria 3 items
1927-1928 |
46/6 | 0048-001 | Czechoslovakia 1 item
1928 |
46/7 | 0048-001 | Germany 1 item
1928 |
46/8 | 0048-001 | Hungary 9 items
1927-1928 |
46/9 | 0048-001 | Italy 4 items
1927-1928 |
46/10 | 0048-001 | Poland 1 item
1928 |
46/11 | 0048-001 | Romania 3 items
1928 |
46/12 | 0048-001 | Turkey 6 items
1927-1928 |
46/13 | 0048-001 | Yugoslavia 5 items
1928 |
46/14 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 3 items
1928 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/15 | 0048-001 | Letters of introduction 4 items
undated |
46/16 | 0048-001 | Itineraries 7 items
undated |
46/17 | 0048-001 | Visas 2 items
undated |
46/18 | 0048-001 | Invitations and guest lists 9 items
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/19 | 0048-001 | Visiting Carnegie Professor of International
Relations in Southeastern Europe 1 item
1928 |
46/20 | 0048-001 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Division of Intercourse & Education, Annual Report 1 item
1928 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/21 | 0048-001 | Clippings 9 items
undated |
46/22 | 0048-001 | Clippings 36 items
undated |
46/23 | 0048-001 | Ephemera 8 items
undated |
Colorado College, Colorado Springs |
undated | ||
Colorado College survey |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
46/24 | 0048-001 | General correspondence 1 item
undated |
46/25 | 0048-001 | Statements of purpose 2 items
undated |
46/26 | 0048-001 | Minutes 4 items
undated |
46/27 | 0048-001 | Work sheets 9 items
undated |
46/28-31 | 0048-001 | Work sheets 16 items
undated |
Colorado College survey reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
47/1 | 0048-001 | Preliminary report on student
enrollment 1 item
undated |
47/2 | 0048-001 | Provisional report of the advisory committee on
policy 1 item
undated |
47/3 | 0048-001 | Upon the records of the second
semester 2 items
1926-1927 |
Washington Council of Defense |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
47/4 | 0048-001 | Reports 15 items
undated |
47/5 | 0048-001 | Memos 13 items
undated |
47/6 | 0048-001 | Notes 30 items
undated |
47/7-12 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 57 items
undated |
47/13-15 | 0048-001 | Clippings 27 items
undated |
47/16 | 0048-001 | Duplicate material 10 items
undated |
National Advisory Committee on Education
(NACE) |
1929-1931 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
48/1-11 | 0048-001 | Suzzallo's notebook and printed material 149 items
undated |
48/12 | 0048-001 | Original draft of report (annotated by
Suzzallo) 1 item
undated |
48/13 | 0048-001 | Confidential draft for criticism 1 item
undated |
48/14 | 0048-001 | Report of NACE, confidential first draft (annotated
by Suzzallo) 1 item
undated |
49/1 | 0048-001 | Report of NACE, confidential first draft (annotated
by David Spence Hill) 1 item
undated |
49/2-3 | 0048-001 | Report of NACE, confidential second draft (annotated
by Suzzallo) 2 items
undated |
49/4 | 0048-001 | Confidential report (annotated by
Suzzallo) 1 item
undated |
49/5 | 0048-001 | Notes on political and economic aspects 1 item
undated |
49/6 | 0048-001 | Notes on political and economic aspects 1 item
undated |
49/10 | 0048-001 | Outline for part II of report 1 item
undated |
49/11 | 0048-001 | Stenotype report of June 1930 meeting 1 item
1930 June |
50/1 | 0048-001 | Stenotype report of October 1931 meeting 1 item
1931 October |
United States National War Labor Board |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
50/2 | 0048-001 | General correspondence 3 items
1918-1919 |
50/3 | 0048-001 | Press release and clippings 6 items
undated |
50/4 | 0048-001 | Printed material 5 items
undated |
50/5-15 | 0048-001 | Dockets 4-195 85 items
undated |
51/1-18 | 0048-001 | Dockets 201-594 139 items
undated |
52/1-10 | 0048-001 | Dockets 604-892 76 items
undated |
53/1-4 | 0048-001 | Dockets 913-1140 33 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
54/1 | 0048-001 | Denver, University, report of Policies
Committee 1 item
1929 |
Washington Joint Board of Higher Curricula |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
54/2 | 0048-001 | Clippings 7 items
undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
54/3 | 0048-001 | Abel, W.H. 3 items
1922-1923 |
54/4 | 0048-001 | Columbia University Teachers College 2 items
1925 |
54/5 | 0048-001 | Jones, Fred K. 15 items
1921-1923 |
54/6 | 0048-001 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 item
1923 |
54/7 | 0048-001 | Michigan University 7 items
1923 |
54/8 | 0048-001 | Montana State University 4 items
1921-1923 |
54/9 | 0048-001 | Oregon Agricultural College 6 items
1922 |
54/10 | 0048-001 | Washington (State) government 4 items
1922 |
54/11-12 | 0048-001 | Washington (State) Efficiency
Department 27 items
1921-1925 |
54/13 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 25 items
1921-1922 |
54/14 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 18 items
1922-1923 |
54/15 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 7 items
1924-1925, 1934 |
54/16 | 0048-001 | Washington State Normal School,
Bellingham 25 items
1921-1923, 1934 |
54/17 | 0048-001 | Washington State Normal School, Cheney 23 items
1921-1923, 1934 |
54/18 | 0048-001 | Washington State Normal School,
Ellensburg 21 items
1922-1923, 1934 |
54/19 | 0048-001 | Washington (State) Taxation & Examination
Department 17 items
1924 |
54/20 | 0048-001 | Wooten, Dudley G. 8 items
1922-1924 |
54/21 | 0048-001 | A-L Miscellaneous 24 items
undated |
54/22 | 0048-001 | M-P Miscellaneous 11 items
undated |
54/23 | 0048-001 | S-W Miscellaneous 13 items
undated |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
54/24-34 | 0048-001 | October 1921-October 1922 240 items
1921 October-1922 October |
55/1-10 | 0048-001 | November 1922-1926, 1934 177 items
1922 November -1926, 1934 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
55/11 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 7 items
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
55/12 | 0048-001 | Opinions of joint boards in various
states 10 items
undated |
55/13-18 | 0048-001 | University of Washington 253 items
1911-1918 |
55/19 | 0048-001 | Critique of Univiversity of Nevada
survey 1 item
1914 |
55/20 | 0048-001 | University of Washington departmental
statistics 1 item
1916-1918 |
55/21 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Normal School 1 item
1917-1918 |
55/22 | 0048-001 | Cheney Normal School 1 item
1917-1918 |
55/23 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 2 items
1917-1918 |
55/24 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 1 item
1917-1918 |
55/25 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Normal School 2 items
1918-19 |
55/26 | 0048-001 | Cheney Normal School 1 item
1918-19 |
55/27 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1918-19 |
55/28 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 3 items
1918-19 |
56/1 | 0048-001 | Minutes of Board 4 items
1919 |
56/2 | 0048-001 | First biennial report 1 item
1919 |
56/3 | 0048-001 | First biennial report, part II 1 item
1919 |
56/5-6 | 0048-001 | University of Washington 58 items
1919 |
56/7 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Normal School 1 item
1919-1920 |
56/8 | 0048-001 | Cheney Normal School 1 item
1919-1920 |
56/9 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1919-1920 |
56/10 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1919-1920 |
56/11 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 1 item
1919-1920 |
56/12 | 0048-001 | Minutes of Board 9 items
1920 |
56/13 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 5 items
1920-1921 |
56/14 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Normal School 1 item
1920-1921 |
56/15 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1920-1921 |
56/16 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1920-1921 |
56/17 | 0048-001 | General census enrollment 1 item
1920-1921 |
56/18 | 0048-001 | Third biennial report, part I 2 items
1920-1921 |
56/19 | 0048-001 | Minutes of Board 4 items
1921 |
56/20 | 0048-001 | Reports 2 items
1921-1922 |
56/21 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1921-1922 |
56/22 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1921-1922 |
56/23 | 0048-001 | Third biennial report, part II 1 item
1921-1922 |
56/24 | 0048-001 | Minutes of Board 7 items
1922 |
57/1 | 0048-001 | Report of Board 1 item
1922 |
57/2 | 0048-001 | Cost comparison charts 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/3 | 0048-001 | Cost comparison charts 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/4 | 0048-001 | Cost comparison charts working sheets 2 items
1922-1923 |
57/5 | 0048-001 | Bellingham Normal School 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/6 | 0048-001 | Cheney Normal School 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/7 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/8 | 0048-001 | Duplication of courses: University of Washington
versus Washington State College 2 items
1922-1923 |
57/9 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/10 | 0048-001 | Third biennial report, part II 6 items
1922-1923 |
57/11 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/12 | 0048-001 | Working sheets 1 item
1922-1923 |
57/13 | 0048-001 | Cost comparisons: University of Washington versus
Washington State College 1 item
1923 |
57/14 | 0048-001 | Duplication of courses 20 items
1923 |
57/15 | 0048-001 | Cheney Normal School 1 item
1923-1924 |
57/16 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 3 items
1923-1924 |
58/1 | 0048-001 | Ellensburg Normal School 1 item
1923-1924 |
58/2 | 0048-001 | Supplementary tables 2 items
1923-1924 |
58/3 | 0048-001 | Working sheets 1 item
1923-1924 |
58/4 | 0048-001 | Minutes of Board 3 items
1924 |
58/5 | 0048-001 | Washington State College 1 item
1924 |
58/6 | 0048-001 | Census enrollment 1 item
1924-1925 |
58/7 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 16 items
1924-1925 |
58/8 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 1 item
1924-1925 |
58/9 | 0048-001 | Student clock hour costs 1 item
1924-1925 |
58/10 | 0048-001 | Graphs for Governor's Conference on building
problems 1 item
1925 |
58/11 | 0048-001 | Oregon State Agricultural College
brief 1 item
1925 |
58/12 | 0048-001 | Duplication of courses, Oregon 3 items
1925 |
58/13-15 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 16 items
1925-1926 |
59/1 | 0048-001 | Major census enrollment 1 item
1925-1926 |
59/2 | 0048-001 | Student clock hour costs-work sheets 1 item
1925-1926 |
59/3 | 0048-001 | Cost comparison sharts 1 item
1926 |
59/4-5 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 15 items
1926-1927 |
59/6 | 0048-001 | Student clock hour costs-work studies 1 item
1926-1927 |
59/7 | 0048-001 | Enrollment estimates, University of
Washington 1 item
1926-1930 |
59/8 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 1 item
1927-1928 |
59/9 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1927-1928 |
59/10 | 0048-001 | University of Washington unit costs 1 item
1927-1928 |
59/11 | 0048-001 | Work sheets 19 items
1927-1928 |
59/12 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 1 item
1928-1927 |
59/13 | 0048-001 | University of Washington unit costs 1 item
1928-1929 |
59/14 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 12 items
1929-1930 |
59/15 | 0048-001 | Class census enrollment 5 items
1929-1930 |
60/1 | 0048-001 | University of Washington 2 items
1929-1930 |
60/2 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 1 item
1930-1931 |
60/3-10 | 0048-001 | Costs-work sheets 263 items
1931-1932 |
60/11 | 0048-001 | Costs per student, University of
Washington 1 item
1932-1933 |
60/12 | 0048-001 | Enrollment millage figures 23 items
1932-1933 |
60/13 | 0048-001 | Instructional units, University of
Washington 2 items
1932-1933 |
60/14 | 0048-001 | Instructional units, University of
Washington 4 items
1933-1934 |
60/15-18 | 0048-001 | Cost report, University of Washington 7 items
1934 |
60/19 | 0048-001 | Costs: actual and estimated 41 items
1934 |
60/20 | 0048-001 | Higher Education... 5 items
1934 |
60/21 | 0048-001 | Instructional units, University of
Washington 3 items
1934-1935 |
61/1-2 | 0048-001 | Instructional units, University of
Washington 2 items
1935-1936 |
61/3 | 0048-001 | Forecast of educational needs 27 items
1935-1937 |
University of Washington President Papers |
Budgets and costs |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/4-5 | 0048-001 | Annual carrying load 30 items
1900-1929 |
61/6 | 0048-001 | Appropriations to state institutions 2 items
1915-1916 |
61/7 | 0048-001 | Assessed valuation of state 8 items
circa 1891-1918 |
61/8 | 0048-001 | Books and equipment 7 items
1909-1919 |
61/9 | 0048-001 | Building usage study 1 item
1918-1935 |
61/10 | 0048-001 | Buildings: Original costs & source 16 items
undated |
61/11 | 0048-001 | Class enrollment census study 1 item
1917-1918 |
61/12 | 0048-001 | Clippings 7 items
undated |
Incoming letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/13 | 0048-001 | Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching 3 items
1933-1934 |
61/14 | 0048-001 | National Committee on Standards 9 items
1933-1935 |
61/15 | 0048-001 | Oregon (State) University 3 items
1934 |
61/16 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous A-Z 19 items
undated |
Outgoing letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/17 | 0048-001 | 1920-1921, 1926 4 items
1920-1921, 1926 |
61/18-20 | 0048-001 | February-November 1933 41 items
1933 February-November |
61/21 | 0048-001 | 1934-1936 11 items
1934-1936 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
61/22 | 0048-001 | Costs & expenditures, University of
Washington 1 item
1933-1934 |
61/23 | 0048-001 | Cost of living figures (Paul H. Douglas) 15 items
1913-1920 |
62/1-2 | 0048-001 | Instruction cost study 5 items
1917-1918 |
62/3 | 0048-001 | Costs of instruction 21 items
1919-1924 |
62/4 | 0048-001 | Costs of instruction 1 item
1925-1926 |
62/5-7 | 0048-001 | Cost per capita 26 items
undated |
62/8 | 0048-001 | Departmental room usage study 1 item
1930 |
62/9-11 | 0048-001 | Enrollment cost study 66 items
1916-1917 |
62/12 | 0048-001 | Floor space study 3 items
1919-1920 |
62/13 | 0048-001 | Income sheets 4 items
1923-1924 |
62/14 | 0048-001 | Manual: "Costs of Higher Education" (E.B.
Stevens) 1 item
undated |
62/15-17 | 0048-001 | Method of determining cost of Bachelor of Arts
degree 5 items
1915-19 |
62/18-19 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 12 items
undated |
63/1-5 | 0048-001 | Report on courses 5 items
1916-1917 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/6 | 0048-001 | Registration 2 items
undated |
63/7 | 0048-001 | Unit costs of higher education 1 item
undated |
63/8-9 | 0048-001 | University cost report 2 items
1924-1934 |
63/10 | 0048-001 | Whittle report, University of
Washington 2 items
circa 1920-1921 |
63/11 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 3 items
undated |
Statistics |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
63/12-16 | 0048-001 | Charts 88 items
undated |
63/17 | 0048-001 | Illinois University 8 items
undated |
63/18 | 0048-001 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 24 items
undated |
63/19 | 0048-001 | Princeton University 6 items
1920-1921 |
63/20 | 0048-001 | Various institutions 12 items
undated |
64/1 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 20 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/2 | 0048-001 | Summaries, Washington and others 6 items
1917-1921 |
64/3-5 | 0048-001 | Teaching load, forecast and actual 3 items
1929-1932 |
64/6 | 0048-001 | Costs of instruction 1 item
1915 |
64/7 | 0048-001 | Costs per capita 27 items
undated |
64/8 | 0048-001 | Reports: Use of reports in estimating
costs 6 items
undated |
64/9 | 0048-001 | Summaries of expenditures 4 items
1917-1920 |
University of Washington versus Washington State
College controversy |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
64/10 | 0048-001 | Building problems, graphs for Governor's
conference 36 items
1925 |
64/11 | 0048-001 | Charts, attendance and enrollment 2 items
undated |
64/12 | 0048-001 | Incoming letters 5 items
undated |
64/13 | 0048-001 | Cost comparisons, University of Washington and other
institutions 2 items
1924-1925 |
64/14 | 0048-001 | Duplication of course data 40 items
undated |
64/15 | 0048-001 | Enrollment, graphs for Governor's
Conference 19 items
1925 March 20 |
64/16 | 0048-001 | Enrollment and cost statistics, various
schools 4 items
undated |
64/17 | 0048-001 | Enrollment comparisons 32 items
circa 1915 |
64/18 | 0048-001 | Enrollment estimates 3 items
1926-1930 |
64/19 | 0048-001 | Entrance standards, California 4 items
undated |
65/1 | 0048-001 | Financial comparisons 19 items
1910-1919 |
65/2 | 0048-001 | Financial Reports, Washington State
College 2 items
1920-1921 |
65/3-4 | 0048-001 | Graph comparisons of state universities 22 items
undated |
65/5 | 0048-001 | Legislature, miscellaneous 23 items
undated |
65/6-8 | 0048-001 | Legislature, statistics 46 items
undated |
65/9 | 0048-001 | Library, miscellaneous 3 items
undated |
65/10 | 0048-001 | Library, statistics 1 item
undated |
65/11 | 0048-001 | Millage needs, special study 1 item
1925 September 21 |
65/12 | 0048-001 | Minutes of State Board of Education
meeting 1 item
1917 October 24 |
65/13 | 0048-001 | Montana, Legislature budget 1 item
1921 |
65/14-66/1 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 50 items
undated |
66/2 | 0048-001 | Report on use of analytical cost figures 1 item
undated |
66/3 | 0048-001 | Report on duplication of courses 3 items
1922 |
66/4 | 0048-001 | State tax cost comparisons 29 items
undated |
66/5 | 0048-001 | Statistical summary, University of
Washington 1 item
1924 |
66/6 | 0048-001 | Statistics: Instructional units 6 items
1933-1935 |
66/7 | 0048-001 | Statistics: Washington State College 23 items
1913-1915, 1918 |
66/8 | 0048-001 | Student credit statistics, all state
schools 5 items
undated |
66/9 | 0048-001 | Survey: Claxton report to Washington State
Legislature, Joint Committee on Education 2 items
1915 |
66/10 | 0048-001 | Survey: Landes Testimony to Washington State
Legislature, Joint Committee on Education 1 item
1915 |
66/11 | 0048-001 | University of Washington summer session, cost and
enrollment data 19 items
undated |
66/12 | 0048-001 | University of Washington summer session,
reports 3 items
1915-1917 |
Finance |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
66/13-14 | 0048-001 | Buildings, physical plant, etc. 17 items
undated |
66/15 | 0048-001 | Comparative costs, university and state
college 1 item
undated |
66/16 | 0048-001 | Comptroller's report, University of
Washington 1 item
1927 |
66/17 | 0048-001 | Estimates (millage, costs,
enrollment,etc.) 13 items
undated |
66/18 | 0048-001 | Expenditure analysis 15 items
undated |
66/19 | 0048-001 | Expenditure analysis 1 item
1925-1926 |
66/20 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 15 items
undated |
66/21 | 0048-001 | Per capita income from Washington State for current
expenses 9 items
undated |
66/22-67/2 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 23 items
undated |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/3 | 0048-001 | Illinois University 2 items
1920-1921 |
67/4 | 0048-001 | Iowa University 1 item
1935 |
67/5 | 0048-001 | Miami (Ohio) University 2 items
1916, 1920 |
67/6 | 0048-001 | Ohio State University 2 items
1917, 1919 |
67/7 | 0048-001 | United States Bureau of Education 2 items
1912 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/8-10 | 0048-001 | Statistics: Cost of distributions, etc. 39 items
undated |
67/11-12 | 0048-001 | Statistics: Other universities 29 items
undated |
67/13 | 0048-001 | Tax funds distribution 3 items
1917-1918 |
Four quarter plan |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/14 | 0048-001 | Correspondence 4 items
undated |
67/15 | 0048-001 | Notes and recommendations 4 items
undated |
Grade percentage studies |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/16 | 0048-001 | Grade percentage studies 21 items
undated |
67/17 | 0048-001 | 1933-1934 1 item
1933-1934 |
Millage |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
67/18 | 0048-001 | Clippings 2 items
undated |
67/19 | 0048-001 | Correspondence, incoming 6 items
undated |
67/20 | 0048-001 | College of mines, statistics 10 items
1919-1936 |
67/21 | 0048-001 | Music Department, statistics 3 items
1913-1918 |
67/22-23 | 0048-001 | Printed material 11 items
undated |
68/1-2 | 0048-001 | Statistics, miscellaneous 36 items
undated |
68/3 | 0048-001 | 1910-1920 20 items
1910-1920 |
68/4 | 0048-001 | Study, millage needs 1 item
1925 |
68/5 | 0048-001 | 1925-1930 11 items
1925-1930 |
Minutes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/6 | 0048-001 | Committee on Graduation 1 item
1915 |
68/7 | 0048-001 | Council of Heads of Department 1 item
1913 |
68/8 | 0048-001 | Curriculum Committee 1 item
1919-1920 |
68/9 | 0048-001 | Faculty Committee on Codification 1 item
1914 |
Normal schools |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/10 | 0048-001 | Costs, enrollment, etc. 10 items
1900-1910 |
68/11 | 0048-001 | Costs, enrollment, etc. 13 items
1910-1920 |
68/12 | 0048-001 | Printed miscellany 4 items
undated |
Normal Schools Conference |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/13 | 0048-001 | Correspondence 13 items
1929-1930 |
68/14 | 0048-001 | Memo of 1926 Conference, University of
Washington 1 item
1926 |
68/15 | 0048-001 | Memo and notes of 1929 Conference 13 items
1920 |
Salaries |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
68/16-19 | 0048-001 | Correspondence, incoming 41 items
1916-1925 |
68/20 | 0048-001 | Increment studies, publicity (clippings) 24 items
undated |
68/21 | 0048-001 | Increment studies, cost of living
statistics 22 items
undated |
68/22-23 | 0048-001 | Reports: Salaries in the 10 leading state
universities 26 items
undated |
69/1 | 0048-001 | Reports: Report on instructional salaries,
University of Washington 1 item
undated |
69/2-6 | 0048-001 | Salary division 12 items
1928-1935 |
69/7-13 | 0048-001 | Salary schedules, comparative figures 61 items
undated |
69/14-18 | 0048-001 | Salary study working sheets 46 items
undated |
69/19 | 0048-001 | Summary of findings on inquiries about salary
adjustments 11 items
undated |
69/20 | 0048-001 | Time and service comparisons 9 items
undated |
69/21 | 0048-001 | 1926-1935 1 item
1926-1935 |
69/22 | 0048-001 | Miscellaneous 27 items
undated |
Subject series |
Street Car Strike |
1917 | ||
Legal documents |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
53/5 | 0048-001 | Employee grievance statement against Puget Sound
Traction, Light and Power Company and Tacoma Railway & Power
Company 1 item
1917 |
53/6 | 0048-001 | Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Company
answer to employees grievance statement 1 item
1917 |
53/7 | 0048-001 | Tacoma Railway & Power Company answer to
employees grievance statement 1 item
1917 |
53/8 | 0048-001 | Suzzallo's notes on employees' and companies'
briefs 1 item
1917 |
Reports |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
53/9 | 0048-001 | Arbitration Board's statement and
awards 4 items
undated |
53/10 | 0048-001 | Arbitration Board's recommendations &
reports 7 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
53/11-12 | 0048-001 | Suzzallo's notes of arbitration board
hearings 13 items
undated |
Obituary letters |
undated | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
70/1-5 | 0048-001 | A - Z 80 items
1933 September 25-26 |
70/6-19 | 0048-001 | September 27, 1933-December 1933 81 items
1933 September 27-December |
70/20 | 0048-001 | 1934 4 items
1934 |
70/21 | 0048-001 | Undated 5 items
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
70/22-43 | 0048-001 | Obituary clippings
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by state.
undated |
72/1 | 0048-001 | Obituary clippings, Pacific Northwest |
undated |
72/2-6 | 0048-001 | Obituary resolutions 5 items
undated |
72/7 | 0048-001 | Obituary ephemera 8 items
undated |
Box | |||
73 | 0048-001 | Correspondence regarding collecting of Suzzallo
Archives |
undated |
74 | 0048-001 | Restricted material
Restrictions on Access: Restricted.
undated |
Accession No. 0048-002: Henry Suzzallo correspondence, 1919-1926Return to Top
Scope and Content: Correspondence regarding the University of Washington, 1932-1933; correspondence with Henry S. Pritchett, 1919-1926; clippings.
Dr. Suzzallo joined the Carnegie Institution after his dismissal as President of the University of Washington in 1926. The focus of his correspondence is the 1932 election and its aftermath in Washington state.
Restrictions on Access: Access restricted. For terms of access contact Special Collections.
Acquisition Info: Gift of the Carnegie Corporation, New York, via Professor Donald T. Williams, Jr., September 7, 1978.
Accession No. 0048-003: Henry Suzzallo speeches, clippings, and correspondence, 1915-1936Return to Top
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Acquisition Info: Unknown.
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- College presidents--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives
- Education, Higher--Washington (State)--Seattle
- General Strike, Seattle, Wash., 1919
- University Archives/Faculty Papers (University of Washington)
Personal Names
- Allen, Edward Weber, 1885-1976--Correspondence
- Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947--Correspondence
- Condon, Herbert T. (Herbert Thomas), 1870-1952--Correspondence
- Gould, Carl Freylinghuysen, 1873-1939--Correspondence
- Hartley, Roland H., 1864-1952
- Hilen, Andrew R., 1913-1982--Correspondence
- Hill, Matthew W. (Matthew William), 1894-1989--Correspondence
- Magnusson, Carl Edward, 1872-1941--Correspondence
- Martin, Charles E. (Charles Emanuel), 1891-1977--Correspondence
- Miller, William Winlock, 1822-1876--Correspondence
- Pritchett, Henry S. (Henry Smith), 1857-1939--Correspondence
- Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Lewis Baxter), 1894-1948--Correspondence
- Suzzallo, Henry, 1875-1933--Archives
- Winkenwerder, Hugo, 1878- --Correspondence
Corporate Names
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- University of Washington. President
- Washington Council of Defense
Other Creators
Corporate Names
- University of Washington. University Archives