Papers on Columbia River Basin Shipping and Development, 1934-1936

Overview of the Collection

Papers on Columbia River Basin Shipping and Development
1934-1936 (inclusive)
0.25 Linear Feet of Shelf Space, (1 Box)
Collection Number
Cage 755 (collection)
In 1934 the Inland Empire Waterways Association was established as an advocacy group to represent the interests of the transportation industry, forestry, agriculture, energy producers, and local governments in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The collection includes typescripts, clippings, graphs, tables, and maps regarding the development potential of the Columbia River Basin.
Washington State University Libraries' Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC)
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections
Terrell Library Suite 12
Pullman, WA
Telephone: 509-335-6691
Access Restrictions

This collection is open and available for research use.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Quoted from Guide to the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association Records (Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA):

"In 1934 the Inland Empire Waterways Association was established as an advocacy group to represent the interests of the transportation industry, forestry, agriculture, energy producers, and local governments in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Most notably, they lobbied at the federal level for the construction of the locks and dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers."

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The collection includes typescripts, clippings, graphs, tables, and maps regarding the development potential of the Columbia River Basin. These materials were probably created or collected by (or for) the Inland Empire Waterways Association, based on information in a letter filed with the collection (folder 2). Specific topics include: potential commercial shipping ports; electric power development; irrigation; dams; flood control; industrial, agricultural, and silvicultural applications; and recreation.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Preferred Citation

[Item Description]

Papers on Columbia River Basin shipping and development, 1934-1936 (Cage 755)

Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The original arrangement of the documents has been retained.

Acquisition Information

This collection's source is unknown, and it was received in an unlabeled binder.

Processing Note

This collection was processed by Tabitha Erdey in 2010.

Related Materials

Frank Arthur Banks Papers, 1913-1957 (Cage 40)

Ralph J. Kugelman Grand Coulee Dam Construction Photographs, 1930s (Cage 5149)

North Central Washington, Columbia Basin, and Grand Coulee Reclamation, Irrigation and Farming Photographs, 1905-1954 (PC 91)

Grand Coulee Dam and Columbia Basin Project Photographs, 1935-1950 (PC 182)

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Series 1: Staff report with recommendations for the development of the Columbia River BasinReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 1
Landings and Terminals. - Discussion of landings and terminals along the Columbia River, with suggestions for commercial shipping ports throughout the river basin.
1 1
The Future of the Pacific Northwest. - Connects the value of Pacific Northwest natural resources to the wider United States. Advocates the benefits of commercial transportation on the Columbia River and regional geographic and climate benefits. Calls for development of cheap power to spur industrial growth.
1 1
The Columbia River and Its Development for Navigation, Power, Irrigation, and Flood Control. - Discussion of industry, commerce, transportation, and recreational resources as developed by Grand Coulee and Boneville dams. Includes recommendations for subsequent studies addressing transportation and electrical infrastructure development. This section also covers public works projects, including transportation improvements, trends in construction projects in the United States, and a call for federal funding.
1 1
Population. - Discusses the rapid population increase in the Pacific Northwest in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, with forecasts of future population.
1 1
The Future of the Region: General Summary, Analyses, and Recommendations. - This portion of the report addresses transportation, commerce, mineral resources, fisheries, and population migrations within the Pacific Northwest.
1 1
The Columbia River: A Unifying Bond and a Subject for Regional Planning. - Discusses the role of the Columbia River in the cultural identity of the Pacific Northwest and provides a brief history of the river.
1 1
Tables: Statistical data about wheat transportation on the Columbia River and tributaries.
1 1
Traffic Association. - Calls for a centralized traffic control agency for the Columbia River and discusses organization, costs, and responsibilities.
1 1
Tables: County-specific data regarding wheat transportation on the Columbia River and cost savings analysis of river transport compared with rail transport.
1 1
History and Geography. - Discussion of exploration of the Columbia River Basin and its tributaries. Followed by discussion of future economic welfare of the Inland Empire and development of industry, agriculture, and commerce.
1 1
Federal Investment on the Columbia and Snake Rivers to Date. - Table of government expenditures on river development.
1 1
Information Concerning Establishing Port Districts. - Discusses the advisory role of the War Department in waterway development.
1 1
Analysis of Cost of Transportation by Barge Fleet on the Columbia River between the Dalles and Portland, the Dalles and Wallula.

Series 2: Maps, statistical tables, and clippings about Columbia River shippingReturn to Top

Container(s) Description
Box Folder
1 2
Map: 1935 Columbia Basin Study maps produced for the Pacific Northwest Planning Commission.
1 2
Tables: Statistical data about transportation, including rates, lumber production and shipping, grain shipping, and apple and pear exports.