Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Collection
Historical Note
- Content Description
- Use of the Collection
- Administrative Information
Detailed Description of the Collection
- Australia
- Papua, New Guinea
- Sanananda, New Guinea
- Salamaua, New Guinea
- Saidor, New Guinea
- Aitape, New Guinea
- Hollandia, New Guinea
- Wakde / Toem, New Guinea
- Biak Island, New Guinea
- Palawan, Philippines
- Zamboanga, Philippines
- Bongao / Tawi Tawi, Philippines
- Davao, Mindanao, Philippines
- Jolo / Sulu
- South Philippines
- Japan
- Multi-Campaign / Unit History
- Personal
- Names and Subjects
Hargis Westerfield Research Collection : 41st Infantry Division, 1941-1994
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Westerfield, Hargis, 1909-1998
- Title
- Hargis Westerfield Research Collection : 41st Infantry Division
- Dates
- 1941-1994
- Quantity
- 10 linear feet of shelf space
- Collection Number
- MC 364
- Summary
- This collection consists of materials collected by Hargis Westerfield in his capacity as historian for the U.S. Army 41st Infantry Division. The 41st Infantry was an activated National Guard Division serving in the South Pacific during World War II. Westerfield served in the 163rd Infantry Regiment of the 41st Division and acted as historian for the Division. The collection consists of subject files (1942-1945; 1971-1987) arranged by campaign and military unit, containing copies of official documents, diaries, writings and letters, lists of casualties, maps, and reports concerning the experiences serving in the South Pacific during World War II.
- Repository
Montana Historical Society, Library & Archives
Montana Historical Society Research Center Archives
225 North Roberts
PO Box 201201
Helena MT
Telephone: 4064442681
Fax: 4064445297 - Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
- Languages
- English
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Hargis Westerfield was born in Richmond, Kentucky, on November 1, 1909. He received military training at Army Finance School at Ft. Harrison, Indiana. During World War II he served as a private first class in the Pacific Theater of operations, and earned, among other awards, a Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. Westerfield received a Ph.D. from Indiana State University, and served as a professor of English at the University of Nebraska. He was Division historian for the U.S. Army 41st Infantry Division from 1949 until his death in 1998, collecting diaries and reminiscences describing Division members' experiences in the Pacific Theater during World War II. These materials, in conjunction with his own research, form the basis for articles published in the Jungleer, a magazine produced by the 41st Infantry Division Association.
The 41st Infantry Division was composed of Army National Guard units from Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. These units were activated for service during World War II. During the war, recruits from around the nation were assigned to the various regiments of the 41st Infantry Division. The primary elements of the Division were its three infantry regiments: 162nd (Oregon), 163rd (Montana), and 186th (Idaho and Washington). The 41st also contained several smaller combat and support units including several Field Artillery Battalions, the 116th Engineer Battalion, the 116th Medical Battalion and the 163rd Combat Team.
The Division participated in many major battles and campaigns. Included among its major engagements were the battles of Salamaua and Sanananda during the New Guinea campaign; invasions of Wakde, Hollandia, Biak, Aitape and Jolo islands; conquest of Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindinao Island, in the South Philippine Archipelago; and occupation of Japan.
The entire 41st Division was deactivated on December 31, 1945.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The collection consists of subject files (1942-1945; 1971-1987) arranged by campaign and military unit, containing copies of official documents; diaries, letters, and reminiscences; lists of casualties and awards; and maps; all concerning the experiences of the Division serving in the South Pacific during World War II. There is a subgroup for each military campaign, including Australia, Papua, Sanananda, Salamaua, Aitape, Hollandia, Wakde-Toem, Biak, Palawan, Zamboanga, Bongao, Davao, Jolo, Sulu, the occupation of Japan, and multi-campaign unit histories. Within each subgroup there are files for each military unit involved. Among the more important units are the 41st Infantry Division, the 162nd, 163rd, and 186th infantry regiments, and several other units including the 116th Engineers and the 116th Medical Battalions. The unit files include copies of declassified military documents; diaries, letters and reminiscences from veterans; lists of casualties and awards; and Hargis Westerfield's notes and writings. There are also files on Japanese regiments and Philippine insurgent groups. There is also a card index for recipients of medals. [OVERSIZE MATERIALS: Map case.]
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
The Montana Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library before any reproduction use. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.
Preferred Citation
item description and date. Collection Title. Collection Number. Box and Folder numbers. Montana Historical Society Research Center, Archives, Helena, Montana.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
By military campaign, then by unit
Location of Collection
MC 364Acquisition Information
Acquisition information available upon request
Processing Note
This collection was formerly MC 244, but due to the donation of a much larger accession, the collection had to be moved to a new location. The processor made the difficult decision to organize the files by campaign, rather than by unit. There are major advantages and disadvantages to each approach. The chief deciding factor was the better understanding of the war in the Pacific resulting from organizing the collection by campaign. The multi-campaign subgroup at the end of the collection includes valuable unit histories, which follow the activities of specific units throughout the war, plus writings and diaries of individuals covering more than one campaign.
Westerfield organized file folders in preparation for writing articles in the Jungleer, magazine. Letters and writings from specific individuals are often fragmented by what topic they were writing about. Many writings are unidentified or poorly identified. Many handwritten signatures were difficult to read, so spellings may be wrong.
Related Materials
Microfilm 507: U. S. Adjutant General's Office, purchased by Hargis Westerfield and donated with the collection, contains 37 reels of "Morning Reports" July-Aug.1943, April-July and Sept.-Oct. 1944, and Mar.-June 1945, listing location of each military unit and the soldiers on active duty in that unit. There is also 1 reel of "Annexes to Operations Reports, 186th, Biak"
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Australia , 1942-1943 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 1 | Provisional Engineers Company (re atabrine mosquito experiment, by
Burdette W. Priefert) |
1943 |
1 / 2 | Special Services (re entertainment, by Merle Edmunds) |
1942 |
1 / 3 | "Australia's Pearl Harbor: Darwin 1942" by Douglas Lockwood; letters
(Danny to Florence, Willard Heath), awards |
1942-1943 |
Papua, New Guinea , 1942-1943 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 4 | 41st Infantry Division: letters (Bruce Hoy, National Museum and Art
Gallery, Papua, New Guinea) |
1981-1988 |
1 / 5 | 116th Engineer Battalion: officers, awards |
1943 |
1 / 6 | 116th Engineer Battalion: writing (William Andel) |
undated |
1 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: letter; 163rd Infantry Regiment. 2nd
Battalion: writing (Hargis Westerfield) |
undated |
1 / 8 | 186th Infantry, Service Company: "Our Papuan Angels" and letters
(Herbert C. Johnson) |
1971? |
1 / 9 | 186th Infantry, Service Company: writings and clippings |
undated |
1 / 10 | Japanese Armed Forces: "Operations of the Imperial Japanese Armed
Forces in the Papua, New Guinea, Theater during World War II", by Kengoro Tanaka; "Statement concerning the New Guinea
Operations in 1942", by Shuichi Miyazaki |
1950, 1980 |
1 / 11 | Map of Buna in oversize folder |
1942 |
Sanananda, New Guinea , January-March 1943 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
1 / 12 | 41st Infantry Division. Headquarters. official documents: history,
journal, orders, training notes, etc. |
1943 |
1 / 13 | 116th Medical Battalion: letters, etc. (Mark D. Holcomb, Milton
Drexler, Franklin J. Cray, George Jackson) |
1991, undated |
2 / 1 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. 1 Headquarters. official documents: "The
Battle of Sanananda," untitled history from Office of Company Commander; journal, etc. |
1943 |
2 / 2 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, writings by Hargis Westerfield. |
undated |
2 / 3 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion: letter by Chaplain Joseph H.
Castle |
1968 |
2 / 4 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. B: letters and writings (includes James
J. Eder re Fort Peck Reservation enlistments and history of Company) |
1965-1982 |
2 / 5-6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. B: letters and writings (includes Bill
Dolan, Ray Gorishek, Robert Hamilton, Howard McKinney, Bernard Marley, Mort Rubens, K. B. Schooley) |
1959-1984 |
2 / 7 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. C: diaries, letters and writings
(includes Clifford Busse, Stanley C. Davison diary, Don Dixon, Robert Hamilton diary, Frank Kundert, Walt Larson,
Russell Stevens, Don Torgerson diary); casualties |
1943, 1968-1977 |
2 / 8 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. E: letters and writings (includes Donald
F. Hulin, [___] Oswald, Don Woods), notes |
1962-1982 |
2 / 9 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. F: letters and writings (includes Leeon
F. Aller, Conway L. Ellers, J. A. Fallstick) , notes |
1959-1971 |
2 / 10 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. G: letters and writings (includes Walter
L. McKenzie) |
1984 |
2 / 11 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. G: letters and writings (includes Roy
Bennett, Art Braman, Charles Dawley, Joe Murphy, Art Sahs, Frank Steblay, George Weller), notes |
1963-1973 |
2 / 12 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. G: sketch maps |
1943 |
2 / 13 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. H: writing and diary (unidentified)
1943 |
2 / 14 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. I: notes |
1943 |
2 / 15 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. K: letters and writings (includes Noble
T. Murray, Edward Reams), notes |
1965-1976 |
2 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. L: diary and letters (includes Lt. Art
Merrick, Ralph Westerman), notes |
1942-1943, 1974-1979 |
2 / 17 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Co. M: letters and writings (includes Harold
Ingle, Robert Moyer, unidentified), notes |
undated |
2 / 18 | 163rd Infantry Regiment, Combat Team: diary ®. L. Arnett) |
1942-1943 |
2 / 19 | 186th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion: official journal |
1943 |
2 / 20 | 186th Infantry Regiment, Co. G: letters (includes Henry P. Carsner)
1971, 1974 |
2 / 21 | Papuan 1st Infantry Regiment: note cards |
1943 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 22 | Poem by Don E. Rohrig |
1943 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
2 / 23 | "The Story of New Guinea and Yank Jungle Fighters" (by George Weller,
series in unidentified paper) |
1943 |
Salamaua, New Guinea , April-September 1943 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
3 / 1-2 | 41st Infantry Division: Official documents (includes unit history,
journal, intelligence summary, "Tactical Study of the Terrain," by A. R. Mackechnie) |
1943 |
3 / 3 | 41st Infantry Division: Official documents (includes payroll,
casualties) |
1943 |
3 / 4 | 116th Engineers Battalion: Official documents (includes unit, history,
awards, casualties) |
1943 |
3 / 5 | 116th Engineers Battalion: letters and writings (includes Kenneth
Deacon, George "Tony" Rohlffs) |
1943, 1961 |
3 / 6-7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (reports,
mostly by Col. A. R. McKechnie, including "Report of Operations...", "Leadership", "The Salamaua Campaign of the 162nd
Infantry...", "Notes on Campaign 162nd Infantry in New Guinea...", "The Problems of Bases and Supply in the Southwest
Pacific", "Rifle Company in Jungle Combat", "Training for Combat in the Jungles", cooperation with Australians, etc.)
1943 |
3 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: memos, orders, awards,
casualties, sketch maps |
1943 |
3 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: pamphlet on infantry combat
(good summary of New Guinea campaigns) |
1944 |
3 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: letters and writings (includes
MacArthur Memorial Archives, Gen. Ralph W. Coane, Col. Arthur Fertig, Alvin F. Grauerholz, Sam B. Huntting, Edward J.
Spannier) |
1966-1969 |
3 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: notes |
undated |
3 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters, Intelligence and Reconnaissance
Platoon: reports, etc. |
1943 |
3 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters, Intelligence and Reconnaissance
Platoon: clippings and notes |
1943 |
3 / 14 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: miscellaneous |
undated |
3 / 15-16 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Joe Bradshaw re Australians, Kenneth Dillery, Bob Paprocki, unidentified) |
1980-1981 |
3 / 17 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
A. F. Grauerholz, Carl Webber), notes |
1984 |
3 / 18-19 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. A: letters and writings (includes A. F.
Burkhartsmeyer, John D. George, James M. Gray, Robert Little, Hargis Westerfield), notes |
1971-1981 |
3 / 20 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. A: letters and writings (includes George
Brozik, Richard C. Camp, Kent S. Freeman, I. A. Kuring, Marvin B. Noble, re Mt. Tambu, also includes Co. C. and D),
notes |
1980-1993 |
4 / 1 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: letters and writings (includes Lt. Sam
N. Johnston, Lt. Wendell C. Messec); notes |
undated |
4 / 2 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes George
Brozik, Richard C. Camp, A. B. Roosevelt, Fred J. Devenney, re Mt. Tambu); notes |
1943, 1979-1980 |
4 / 3 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: official documents (includes journals,
morning reports, casualties, officers) |
1943 |
4 / 4 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: letters and writings (includes Donald
Carlson, Les Dunkin, Floyd West) |
1967-1985 |
4 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: letters and writings (includes Garlym
Munkres, Jack Roy, Chester Young, unidentified) |
1961, 1970 |
4 / 6 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: notes and maps |
undated |
4 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: letters and writings (includes Samuel
Beitler, Gaetano de Mayo, Thomas J. Gildea, Earl Morey, Grant Ramey, Herman Steenstra) |
undated |
4 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: notes, journal excerpts,
awards |
undated |
4 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings (includes Alvin
F. Grauerholz, M. H. Kelley, Richard C. Watson, Assistant Chaplain Sidney Stafford, James D. Clarke), notes, journal
excerpts, list of men |
1943, 1959-1982 |
4 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: letters and writings (includes Elmer
D. Erickson, Frank Hurliman, John Feely, James Litke, Ed Wildfong) |
1943, 1967-1987 |
4 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: notes |
undated |
4 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: letters and writings (includes Harwood
Boggs, James Kindt, Donald Nelson, Robert Pope) |
1967, 1976 |
4 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: notes and chronologies |
1943, undated |
4 / 14 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. M: letters (Marden Shaw)
chronologies |
1943, 1980-1981 |
4 / 15 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Medical Detachment: letters and writings (
includes Chester Clark, Robert Dakin), notes and casualty lists |
1989-1990 |
4 / 16 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Service Company: letters (L. Eugene
Crampton), notes |
1967 |
4 / 17 | 205th Field Artillery: official documents (unit history, artillery
action) |
1943 |
4 / 18-19 | 205th Field Artillery: letters and writings (includes [___] Foulke,
Tom Helmer, Russell B. Merritt, N. E. Poinier, Don Schroeder) |
1965-1984 |
4 / 20 | 218th Field Artillery: official documents (unit journal, awards,
report) |
1943 |
4 / 21 | 218th Field Artillery: letters and writings (includes Lt. Col. Arthur
B. Burelbach, Gorrell Norman, James Preston, Charles Ricks), notes |
1971-1972 |
4 / 22 | 540th Amphibian Engineers: official documents (report of operations)
1959 |
4 / 23 | 641st Headquarters: photocopy of diary (John Slocum) |
1943 |
4 / 24 | Australian 17th Brigade: letters and writings (Joe Bradshaw)
1983 |
4 / 25 | Japanese 33rd Naval Guard. Co. 5: letters and writings (includes
Makoto Ikeda, Shinji Suzuki); notes |
1986, undated |
4 / 26 | Papuan Infantry Battalion: notes |
undated |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 27 | Hand-drawn sketch maps [additional maps in Oversize Folder]
1943 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 28 | Photo snapshots, Japanese money |
undated |
4 / 29 | Watercolor drawings by unknown artist [additional drawings in Oversize
Folder] FRAGILE! |
1943 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
4 / 30 | Articles by Hal O'Flaherty, Robert Cromie, and Col. A. R. MacKechnie
1943 |
Saidor, New Guinea , Jan.-Apr. 1944 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 1 | 25th Liaison Squadron: writing "Saidor in '44: Little Planes, Big
Men", by C. Harvey Gardner, with excerpts from T/Sgt L. E. Gleason flight log and S/Sgt J. L. Henkle diary |
undated |
Aitape, New Guinea , Apr.-Aug. 1944 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
5 / 2 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (historical
report, journal, awards), mailing list |
1943 |
5 / 3 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Walter McKenzie, Bernard Marley, Arthur Merrick) |
1959, 1984 |
5 / 4 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. B, H: writings (includes James J. Eder,
William C. Davidson, Raymond H. Wilcopolski, Ralph Marlow), notes |
undated |
5 / 5 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. H: mortar attack casualties |
1944 |
5 / 6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. M: letters and writings (includes Jack
Arnold, M. Kelley, Vernon Magee), notes |
1958-1959 |
5 / 7 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Intelligence and Reconnaissance: writings
(Pete Gianopoulos) |
1947? |
Hollandia, New Guinea , Apr.-Aug. 1944 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
6 / 1 | 41st Infantry Division. Headquarters: official documents "History of
the Hollandia Operation" |
1944 |
6 / 2 | 41st Infantry Division. Signal Corps: official documents "History of
the Hollandia Operation", by Maj. Samuel F. Lambert |
1944 |
6 / 3 | 41st Infantry Division. Special Services: writing "New Guinea
Scandals", by Merle Edmunds |
1944 |
6 / 4 | 98th Chemical Mortar Division: official documents (reports)
1944 |
6 / 5 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents (historical record)
1944 |
6 / 6 | 146th Field Artillery: official documents (report) |
1944 |
6 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: official documents (journal,
report of operations) |
1944 |
6 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Cos. F and K: letters and writings (includes
Charles Brockman, Chester Young, Hargis Westerfield), notes |
1971-1981 |
6 / 9 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (historical
record, casualties) |
1944 |
6 / 10 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. B: writings ®. E. Klink, Robert Ross
Smith) |
undated |
6 / 11 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. C: transcript of diary (Bruce Lathrop)
1944 |
6 / 12 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes Ted
Cotter, Harold Glaisyer, William Granville Levick, John Matchinsky, Durand Mandoline, Stan Rampala, George Yarbrough),
notes, casualties |
1974-1977 |
6 / 13 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. D: writings ("Hollandia and the Dutch New
Guinea Campaign", by LeRoy Wheeler) |
1987 |
6 / 14 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. E: unidentified writing ("First to
Hollandia") |
1944 |
6 / 15 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. G: official documents (record of events)
1944 |
6 / 16 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings (includes Emerson
Koenig, unidentified), notes, casualties |
1980 |
6 / 17 | 205th Field Artillery: official documents (narrative report)
1944 |
6 / 18 | 218th Field Artillery: letters and writings (Hargis Westerfield),
casualties |
1980 |
6 / 19 | 532nd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment [EBSR]: letters and writings
(D. Hedburg, unidentified published article) |
undated |
6 / 20 | 947th Field Artillery: letters and writings (Hugh Kennedy)
1980 |
Wakde / Toem, New Guinea , May 1944 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
7 / 1 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (awards) |
1944 |
7 / 2 | 116th Engineer Battalion: letters and writings (includes George Moore,
Tony Rholffs) |
1944 |
7 / 3 | 116th Medical Battalion: letters and writings (includes Col. K. Van
Buskirk, Louis Weis) |
1982 |
7 / 4 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: writings (transcript of diary of Jack
Arnold); awards; notes |
1944 |
7 / 5 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. article in Infantry Journal |
1945 |
7 / 6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters [Co. A]: official documents
("History of Tornado Task Force", journal, "Infantry and Tank Coordination in the Attack", awards) |
1944 |
7 / 7 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Sonny Sonnenfeld, Ray Heinitz, Chaplain Joseph Castle) |
1982 |
7 / 8 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: official documents (journal,
awards) |
1944 |
7 / 9 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: official documents (report on invasion
of Wakde, journal, casualties, awards) |
1944 |
7 / 10 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: official documents ("Infantry Assault
Teams", casualties, awards) |
1944 |
7 / 11 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes diary
of Robert J. Burns, Harold Ingle, Walter Larson) |
1944 |
7 / 12 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. D: letters and writings (includes James
J. Eder, William Lawler), notes, awards, casualties |
1958-1962 |
7 / 13 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: official documents (journal,
casualties) |
1944 |
7 / 14 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: letters and writings (includes Ralph
B. Marlow, Clyde Plummer, Lloyd Schulte, Robert Ross Smith); casualties, awards |
1944, 1971, 1978 |
7 / 15 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: writings (Hargis Westerfield), map in
Oversize Folder |
1944 |
7 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. H: letters and writings (includes Robert
J. Burns, Harold Ingle, unidentified diary) |
1944, |
7 / 17 | 167th Field Artillery: official documents (unit history); letters and
writings (Ralph Spencer) |
1944, 1986-1989 |
7 / 18-19 | 218th Field Artillery: official documents (annual historical report,
reports, casualties); mailing lists |
1944 |
7 / 20 | 218th Field Artillery: letters and writings (includes John S. Panek,
Grant Greene, Lloyd E. Willis) |
1982 |
7 / 21 | 542nd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment [EBSR]: official documents
(report), writing (Hargis Westerfield) |
1944 |
7 / 22 | 836th Engineer Aviation Battalion: letters and writings (Larry
Rickert) |
1986 |
7 / 23 | Japanese 36th Army: notes |
undated |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
7 / 24 | "Storming the Beach at Wakde Island" |
1944 |
Biak Island, New Guinea , May-Aug. 1944 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
8 / 1 | "History of the Biak Operation", by Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger
1944 |
8 / 2 | 6th Army Headquarters: letters (Douglas MacArthur and Walter Krueger),
notes |
1944 |
8 / 3 | 31st Infantry Division: official documents (journal) |
1944 |
8 / 4 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents ("Narrative Report of Biak
Island Operation," several versions) |
1944 |
8 / 5 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents ("Narrative Report of Biak
Island Operation," several versions) |
1944 |
8 / 6 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (photocopies from Federal
Records Center and elsewhere) |
1944 |
8 / 7 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents ("Artillery Observations in
the Jungle" casualties, awards) |
1944 |
8 / 8 | 41st Infantry Division: writings (Chapter 13 of unidentified
manuscript) |
undated |
8 / 9 | 41st Infantry Division. Quartermaster Corps: official documents
(historical record), articles, casualties, letters and writings (includes John Graham Dowling, H. B. Cary) |
1944, 1976 |
8 / 10 | 41st Infantry Division. Reconnaissance Troop: official documents
(narrative history); letters and writings (includes George Andrew, Walter R. Rankin, Jens A. Doe) |
1944, 1963 |
8 / 11 | 41st Infantry Division. Signal Corps: official documents (histories by
William C. Moore, Carl T. Hallis, and James R. Tilbury) |
1944 |
8 / 12 | 41st Infantry Division: 50th Anniversary |
1994 |
8 / 13 | 26th Quartermaster War Dog Platoon: official documents (historical
report, "Report on Capabilities and Limitations of War Dogs", notes |
1944 |
8 / 14 | 98th Chemical Mortar Battalion [CML]: official documents (journal re
motorized flamethrowers) |
1944 |
8 / 15 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents ("Engineers of the
Southwest Pacific" by Kenneth J. Deacon, Historical Division of Office of Chief of Engineers) |
1960 |
8 / 16-17 | 116th Engineer Battalion: letters and writings (includes Argyle
Armstrong, Mel Brooks, William Andel, Kenneth Deacon, Burdette Priefert, unidentified), awards |
1961-1981 |
8 / 18 | 116th Engineer Battalion. Co. F: history by unidentified person
1960 |
9 / 1 | 116th Medical Battalion: official documents (historical report,
battalion history by Dale D. Cornell) |
1944 |
9 / 2 | 116th Medical Battalion: official documents (medical history)
1944 |
9 / 3 | 116th Medical Battalion. Co. C: letters and writings (includes Leeon
F. Aller, Randall R. Balch, Milton Drexler, Mervin Eseola, James Gleeson, George Jackson), casualties, notes
1972-1980 |
9 / 4 | 146th Field Artillery: official documents (unit history, casualties,
awards) |
1944 |
9 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents ("Regimental
Journal: Biak Island Operation", report of operations, awards) |
1944 |
9 / 6 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents
(interrogation of Japanese prisoners, "Japanese Tactics") |
1944 |
9 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (patrol
reports) |
1944 |
9 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: letters and writings (includes
Gen. Harold Haney, unidentified) |
1967-1969 |
9 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters. Intelligence and
Reconnaissance: official documents (journal, training notes) |
1944 |
9 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters. Intelligence and
Reconnaissance: letters and writings (includes Alvin F. Grauerholz, Devid LeBaron, Arnold C. Neerman, Milan W. Peel,
Raymond R. Russell, John Justin Smith, John W. Willis, Gould "Tex" Whaley) |
1961-1978 |
9 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: letters (Fred J.
Devenney) |
1958 |
9 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: letters and writings (Joe
Bradshaw) |
1980 |
9 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. A.: letters and writings (includes Robert
W. Little, Ambrose F. Burkhartsmeyer, extracts from documents) |
1968-1969 |
9 / 14 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: official documents (operations report,
addendum, journal, history) |
1944 |
9 / 15 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: letters and writings (includes Jim
Gray, Bob Jacobs), notes) |
1978 |
9 / 16 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes William
Manley, Louis Krist), notes) |
1967-1982 |
10 / 1 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: official documents (journal, payroll,
casualties) |
1944 |
10 / 2 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: official documents (journal,
operations report, report extracts, casualties) |
1944 |
10 / 3 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: letters and writings (includes Walter
Stelter, Fowler W. Summers, Chester Young, unidentified) |
1970-1971 |
10 / 4 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: letter (Harold Dougan) |
1976 |
10 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. H: letter and writings (includes Samuel
Beitler, Joseph D. Evans, Charles Jachim, David Rogers), notes |
1986-1987 |
10 / 6-7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings (includes Alvin
Bell, William Thomas Brown, Ambrose F. Burkhartsmeyer, M. H. Kelley, Tom Smith interview), notes |
1964-1965, undated |
10 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: letters and writings (includes Charles
F. Brockman diary, Louis Botta letters) |
1944, 1979-1981 |
10 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: official documents (journal,
casualties, awards) |
1944 |
10 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. M: letters and writings (includes Louis
Botta, Jack Eipper, James Southard), notes |
1977-1980 |
10 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Antitank Co.: letters and writings (includes
Steve Counts, Ralph Crawford, Glen Fuller, Johnny Hayock, Fred Kielsgard, [___]Schatzman), notes |
1973-1980 |
10 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Cannon Co.: letters (Al Morrow),
notes |
1972 |
10 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Supply operations: official documents,
notes |
1944 |
10 / 14 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents (journal, some pages
missing) |
1944 |
10 / 15 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents (narrative report)
1944 |
10 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents (awards and casualties)
1944 |
10 / 17-18 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: letters and writings (unit
history by Hargis Westerfield and Joe Rebone, Robert L. Irving H. C. Tracy letters), notes |
undated |
10 / 19 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Louis Botta, Bill Poole, Dante Priand, Ed Reams, John Sullivan: re Ibde Pocket), notes |
1965-1978 |
10 / 20 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. A: official documents ("History of A
Company", awards), writings (Richard J. Satran diary) |
1944 |
10 / 21 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: letters and writings (includes Arthur
W. Merrick, unidentified) |
1961, undated |
10 / 22 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: letters and writings (includes E. J.
Hula, Ernest Johnson, Don Torgerson), notes, casualties |
1983, undated |
11 / 1 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: letters and writings (includes Jerry
Burrell, Bert Ecklund, E. J. Hula, Ralph Marlow, Earl Mills), notes, extracts from journal |
1944, 1982-1983 |
11 / 2 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: writings (Ralph Marlow, pp. 210-293
from manuscript) |
1983? |
11 / 3 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: letters and writings (includes Art
Braman, Kermit Dulian, Robert Irving, Arthur W. Merrick, Tom Milford, Joseph Rebone, Hargis Westerfield), notes, awards
1970-1990 |
11 / 4 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings (includes Huldah
Doran, Robert Eichenberger, C. A. Holmgren, Dante F. Prandi, Ballard Stanchfield, Charles Steffen, John Sullivan, Walt
Timm) awards |
1961-1974 |
11 / 5 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: extracts from Jack Arnold diary and
official journal |
1944 |
11 / 6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Ammunition and Pioneer Platoon: letters and
writings (Norman F. Mathews) |
1982 |
11 / 7 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Antitank Co.: notes |
undated |
11 / 8 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Cannon Co.: letters (William C.
Ponzo) |
1978 |
11 / 9 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Intelligence and Reconnaissance: letters and
writings (Pete Gianopoulos), notes |
1947, 1981 |
11 / 10 | 167th Field Artillery: official documents (unit history and unit
journal) |
1944 |
11 / 11 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (journal,
report by Gen. O. P. Newman missing p. 1, casualties) |
1944 |
11 / 12 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: letters and writings (includes
Gen. Robert L. Eichenberger, Maj. Gen. O. P. Newman, Gen. Horace Fuller, Kenneth Sweeny) |
1961-1972 |
11 / 13 | 186th Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: official documents (history,
"Preparatory Phase", sketch maps) |
1944 |
11 / 14 | 186th Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: official documents (record of
events) |
1944 |
11 / 15 | 186th Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Jim Draper, Casimir Hebda, A. H. Hoffmeister, Roger J. Jensen, Frank Kraska, Kenneth L. Wheeler, "Closing the Gap" by
Walter R. Rankin) |
1961-1986 |
11 / 16 | 186th Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: official documents ("Jap
Attack on 3rd Bn, 186th Inf. June 8-9th"); letters (includes Joe Bradshaw, John E. Lapham, Joseph Poshka) |
1944, undated |
11 / 17 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. A: official documents (operation report,
record of events, casualties), letters and writings (includes John Pennington, Charles Platko) |
1944, 1977 |
11 / 18 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. B: letters (Durand Mandoline, George B.
Shindurling) |
1944 |
11 / 19 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. C: official documents ("Use of Pocket
Launcher", "Infantry Battalion in Advance Against successive Delaying Enemy Groups") |
1944 |
11 / 20 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes Edward
Anklam, Walter Bish, Glenn Gilmore, Francis Snell) |
1964-1980 |
11 / 21 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. D: official documents (operation report,
casualties, awards), letters (Nick Wheeler) |
1944, 1967-1969 |
11 / 22 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. E: official documents (record of events,
casualties, awards) |
1944 |
11 / 23 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. E: letters and writings (includes D. E.
Carlson, Joe Crawford, Charles Foltz, unidentified) |
1965-1968 |
11 / 24 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. F: official documents (record of events,
general orders), letters and writings (includes Roy D. Bennett, Sam Hunting, William E. Jesse, Bob Windling), clipping
1944, 1974 |
12 / 1 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. G: official documents (record of events),
letters and writings (includes Jordan W. Davis, Paul A. Jenkins, Albert R. Miner), notes |
1944, 1964, 1976 |
12 / 2 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. H: official documents (record of events,
payroll, casualties, awards), letters and writings (includes Frank Kraska, Darrel Leabo, John Otten), mailing
list |
1944, 1961, 1986 |
12 / 3 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. I: official documents ("History of Biak
Campaign" by William B. Foster) |
1944 |
12 / 4 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings and poems
(Charles M. Solley) |
1987-1991 |
12 / 5 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. K: official documents ("History of Biak
Campaign" and other partial documents [original deteriorated, best copy possible]) |
1944 |
12 / 6 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. K: letters and writings (includes Bill
Ague, Vernon L. Barkhurst) |
1962-1964 |
12 / 7 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. L: official documents (record of events)
1962-1964 |
12 / 8 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. M: official documents (record of events,
casualties), letters and writings (includes Dick Blattner, John Lapham, Clarence Malcolm, Grady Scott), notes
1962-1964 |
12 / 9 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Antitank Co.: official documents (record of
events), letters re reunion |
1944, 1980 |
12 / 10 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Cannon Co.: writing (Hargis Westerfield re
Walter Moore) |
undated |
12 / 11 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Intelligence and Reconnaissance:
transcription of interview with Allen Locke |
1958 |
12 / 12 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Medical Detachment: official documents
(record of events) |
1944 |
12 / 13 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Patrols: official documents ("Reconnaissance
Patrols"), letters and writings (Neeno Schena), notes |
1944, 1977 |
12 / 14 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Service Co.: letters and writings (includes
Don Culp, Bud Lewis, Ray Pasvogel, Frank Rudie, Roger Scofield, Gordon Trif and Edward Linklater), mailing list,
notes |
1982-1988 |
12 / 15 | 205th Field Artillery: official documents (narrative report, log of
operations, journal, casualties |
1944 |
12 / 16 | 205th Field Artillery: letters (Russell Knobbs), notes |
1960-1968 |
12 / 17 | 542nd Amphibian Engineers: pp. 356-380 of unidentified publication,
map, notes |
undated |
12 / 18 | 603rd Tank Destroyer Battalion: official documents (historical record,
operations report, notes on Japanese tank defense methods and lessons learned) |
1944 |
12 / 19 | 641st Tank Destroyer Battalion: official documents (journal,
authentication chart, codes, commendation) |
1944 |
12 / 20-21 | 641st Tank Co.: letters and writings (includes J. Richard Gerttula,
Riley Maxwell, Bennett M. Saunders), notes |
1960-1979 |
12 / 22 | 947th Field Artillery: letters and writings (includes Thomas Hoolan,
Col. Hugh H. Kennedy, William Lenzner, Nick Russo), notes |
1980, undated |
12 / 23 | 947th Field Artillery: articles and booklets |
undated |
12 / 24 | CG Alamo Force: official documents (letter from Lt. Gen. Walter
Krueger to Gen. Douglas MacArthur) |
1944 |
12 / 25 | U. S. Navy: official documents (operations on Biak) |
1944 |
12 / 26 | Japanese Army: diaries and letters (includes Rikio Kuzume, Koyama
Rikinojo, Toshio Morimatsu, unidentified) |
1944, 1987 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
12 / 27 | Maps of the Schouten Islands, including Biak [photocopies; additional
original color maps in Oversize Folder] |
1944 |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
12 / 28 | "Buffaloes at Biak", "Buffalo Victory" |
1944 |
Palawan, Philippines , Feb.-Aug. 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
13 / 1 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents (Palawan, Victor III)
1945 |
13 / 2 | 167th Field Artillery: letters and writings (William B. Morse)
1988 |
13 / 3 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (reports,
casualties) |
1945 |
13 / 4 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: letters and writings (includes
Jordan Davis, Joe Montore, Franklin Sawyer, Frank Trayler), notes |
1961-1978 |
13 / 5 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. D and E: letters and writings (includes
Dwight E. Shonyo), notes |
undated |
13 / 6 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. G and H: letters and writings (includes
Roy D. Bennett, Roy T. Dever, Hargis Westerfield), notes |
1971 |
13 / 7 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon:
writings (Bert DuBois) |
undated |
13 / 8 | 273rd Chemical Service Platoon: official documents ("History of
Palawan Operation V-3" by Robert K. Gilchrist) |
undated |
Zamboanga, Philippines , Mar.-June 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
14 / 1 | "History of the City of Zamboanga" by Adolfo C. Navarro, City
Commissioner of Tourism, City of Zamboanga |
1971 |
14 / 2 | U. S. 8th Army: official documents (operational monograph)
1945 |
14 / 3 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (history by William C.
Branton, "Zamboanga Recaptured", narrative report, general orders, intelligence reports, awards, aerial maps [in
Oversize Folder]); photos |
1945 |
14 / 4 | 41st Infantry Division. Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop: official
documents (historical report, awards, casualties) |
1945 |
14 / 5 | 41st Infantry Division. Military Police Platoon: official documents
(unit history) |
1945 |
14 / 6 | 41st Infantry Division. Military Police Platoon: letters and writings
(includes Lewis E. Clark, Don Hedburg, Don Robinson) |
1976-1981 |
14 / 7 | 41st Infantry Division. Quartermaster: official documents (historical
record) |
1945 |
14 / 8 | 41st Infantry Division. Reconnaissance: letters and writings (includes
Bill Alsup, Ray McKinsey, E. S. "Curly" Mitchell, Bill Rundle, unidentified) |
1987-1988 |
14 / 9 | 41st Infantry Division. Signal Co.: official documents (historical
record, by Capt. Carl T. Hellis) |
1945 |
14 / 10 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents (historical report)
1945 |
14 / 11 | 146th Field Artillery: official documents (historical report)
1945 |
14 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment: official documents (journals) |
1945 |
14 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment: writings (includes "How We Broke the Japanese
Codes", review of Edward Drea's book "MacArthur's Ultra" by Hargis Westerfield) |
1993? |
14 / 14 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: writings ("Battalion Two and
the Philippine Liberation", by Joe Bradshaw) |
1982 |
14 / 15 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Vincent Bickel, Robert C. Smith, Sidney Stafford, John D. Young) |
1982 |
14 / 16 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. A: letters (Roy S. Thrall), casualties,
notes |
1985 |
14 / 17 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. B: letters and writings (includes Donald
C. Biedebach, Allen Cook, James Gray), notes |
1969-1970 |
14 / 18 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes Tom
Bolt, John Feeley, Tom Griger, Louis Krist, R. W. "Bob" Peters, Tom Quaiver, Floyd West) |
1984-1987 |
14 / 19 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: official documents (journal extracts)
1945 |
14 / 20 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: letters and writings (includes Elwood
Carlson, William Doescher, John N. McNulty, Archie F. Smith, ) |
1994-1995 |
15 / 1 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: notes |
undated |
15 / 2 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: official documents (roster of enlisted
men) |
1945 |
15 / 3 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: letters and writings (Richard T.
Federson), casualties, map |
1945 |
15 / 4 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. H: letter (Dan Salvatore), notes
1982 |
15 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. I: letters and writings (includes Ed
Debelak, Harold Glaisyer, John Hood, Karl Kistner, Ovene J. Moore, John D. Williams), notes |
1979-1983 |
15 / 6 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: letters and writings (includes Charles
F. Brockman, Robert A.Irick, Walter R. Rankin), notes |
1981 |
15 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: letters and writings (David W.
Camack), journal extracts, notes |
1945, 1959-1977 |
15 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. M: letters and writings (Louis Botta,
also includes a sketch drawing of a village), journal extracts |
1945, 1959-1977 |
15 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Antitank Co.: letters and writings (includes
Steve Counts, Fred Kielsgard) |
1979-1980 |
15 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Cannon Co.: official documents (company
history), letters and writings (Harold Arkoff) |
1945, 1983 |
15 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Combat Team: official documents (report of
operations, casualties) |
1945, 1983 |
15 / 12 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (journal
officers list, casualties) |
1945 |
15 / 13 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: official documents (journal)
1945 |
15 / 14 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: letters and writings (includes
Donald Biedebach, Henry G. Castin, Jens Doe, Robert W. Helman, Sam Huntting, George B. Irish, Clifton James, Arthur
Merrick, Marion Mijal, William Schacht) |
1945 |
15 / 15 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion: notes and miscellany
undated |
15 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. C: letters and writings (includes Milo
"Mike" Belshan, R. J. Burns, Clifton James), mailing list |
1969-1977 |
15 / 17 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. E: letters (Robert E. Sams) |
1972-1975 |
15 / 18 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: letters and writings (includes Jack
Arnold diary pp. 35, 72, 91-111, Kermit Dulian, Hargis Westerfield, unidentified), notes |
1945, 1972-1975 |
15 / 19 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: writings (pp. 154-196 of unidentified
manuscript [Kermit Dulian?]) |
undated |
15 / 20 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. H: letters and transcript of diary
(Harold Ingle) |
1944-1945, 1991 |
15 / 21 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: writings (William Schacht)
undated |
15 / 22 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. M: writings (Robert Moyer), aerial photo
by John R. Jacobucci |
undated |
15 / 23 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Antitank Co.: letters (includes Phil Norris,
Ramon Galvan) notes |
1980 |
15 / 24 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Service Co.: writings (Robert B. Campbell),
notes |
1980 |
16 / 1 | 167th Field Artillery: official documents (history, also includes
Palawan), letter (William B. Morse) notes |
1945, 1988 |
16 / 2 | 186th Infantry Regiment: official documents (casualties), notes,
mailing lists |
1945 |
16 / 3 | 186th Infantry Regiment, Co. D and I: official documents (report
"Zamboanga Operation V-4"), notes |
1945, undated |
16 / 4 | 186th Infantry Regiment, Co. K and M: letters (Phil Kechele, John
Lapham), notes |
1965, 1982 |
16 / 5 | 205th Field Artillery: official documents (operations narrative,
intelligence summary, communications narrative) |
1945 |
16 / 6 | 205th Field Artillery: letter (Russ Knobb), notes |
undated |
16 / 7 | 218th Field Artillery: official documents (historical report, unit
journal) |
1945 |
16 / 8 | 273rd Chemical Service Platoon: official documents (report)
1945 |
16 / 9 | 543rd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment [EBSR]: pp. 626-631 of
unidentified book |
undated |
16 / 10 | 716 Tank Battalion. Co. A: official documents (report) |
1945 |
16 / 11 | Amphibian Group 6: official documents (report, "Amphibious Attack on
Zamboanga, Mindanao") |
1945 |
16 / 12 | U. S. Army Air Force: letter (Raymond Perry) |
1987 |
16 / 13 | Japanese Army: letters (Tokuhira Chida, Makota Ikeda), captured diary
(Rinnosuke Maya) |
1945, 1987 |
16 / 14 | Philippine 121st Infantry Regiment: letters (Angel D. Dayot, Baliwasan
Barangay Council) |
1987 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
16 / 15 | Maps of Zamboanga in Oversize Folder |
1945 |
Bongao / Tawi Tawi, Philippines , Mar.-Apr. 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
16 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: official documents ("Sulu
White V-4 Historical Report", narrative report, journal, misc.) |
1945 |
16 / 17 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. F, G, and H: writings (Hargis
Westerfield, pp. 197-211 of unidentified manuscript [Kermit Dulian?]), notes, maps |
1981 |
Davao, Mindanao, Philippines , May-June 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
17 / 1 | 116th Engineer Battalion. Co. B: official documents (company history)
1945 |
17 / 2 | 116th Engineer Battalion. Battery C: official documents (report)
1945 |
17 / 3 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (report of
operations, journal, awards, etc.) |
1945 |
17 / 4 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: official documents (V-4
operations) |
1945 |
17 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: official documents (journal)
1945 |
17 / 6 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. K: letters and writings (includes Charles
F. Brockman, Robert Irick), casualties, notes (journal) |
1981 |
17 / 7 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: letters and writings (includes David
W. Camack, Bill Schacht diary, Richard W. Sterling, James A. Wood) |
1945, 1961-1977 |
17 / 8 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. L-M: notes |
undated |
17 / 9 | 100th Division: official documents (operations) |
1945 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
17 / 10 | Map of Davao in Oversize Folder |
1945 |
Jolo / Sulu , 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
18 / 1 | Sixto Y. Oroso. "The Sulu Archipelago and its People" [portion]
1923 |
18 / 2 | 41st Infantry Division: awards |
1945 |
18 / 3 | 41st Infantry Division. Sulu Task Force |
1945 |
18 / 4 | 146th Field Artillery: writings (Alfred E. Hintz, unidentified)
undated |
18 / 5 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Headquarters: official documents (journals,
reports), writings |
1945 |
18 / 6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Companies A to D: letters (includes Ward H.
Beley, Clifton James), notes re casualties etc. |
1975 |
18 / 7 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company E: official documents (morning
reports) |
1945 |
18 / 8 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company G: writings and notes (Hargis
Westerfield) |
undated |
18 / 9 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company I: letters and writings (includes
Dominic Gonzales, John Zanier) |
1981-1984 |
18 / 10 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company K: letter (Herman Methfessel re
Norman Mackiewicz, executed in 1961 for killing policeman in Florida) |
1960 |
18 / 11 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company L: letters and writings (includes
Roger J. Benson, Otto Matejka, Carl Phillips, Bill Schacht) |
1976 |
18 / 12 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Company L: notes re awards and casualties
undated |
18 / 13 | U. S. S. Saufley: official documents (action reports) |
1945 |
18 / 14 | Japanese Army: writings re surrender by Maj. Tokichi Tenmyo (in
Japanese) |
1945 |
18 / 15 | Japanese Army. 55th Independent Mixed Brigade: interrogation of Maj.
Tokichi Tenmyo, Maj. Hanada |
1947 |
18 / 16 | Japanese Army: letters (Akiyoshi Fujioka) Tenmyo, Maj. Hanada
1986-1989 |
18 / 17 | Philippine guerrillas: messages by Alejandro Suarez; chronology
1943-1945 |
18 / 18 | Allied Geographical Section: Terrain Study no. 102 (includes maps and
photos, many pages missing) |
1945 |
18 / 19 | Holcomb General Hospital (Dr. Mark Holcomb) |
1945 |
Maps |
Box/Folder | ||
18 / 20 | Maps of Jolo/Sulu area (additional maps in Oversize Folder)
1945 |
South Philippines , 1944-1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
19 / 1 | 41st Infantry Division. Reconnaissance: letters and writings (includes
William Alsup, Everett W. Charlson, Roymond McKinney, Edwin S. Mitchell, William Rundle), awards, clippings
1945, 1987 |
19 / 2 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents (operations) |
1945 |
19 / 3 | 148th Field Artillery: official documents (history), letters and
writings (includes Cliff C. Causton, Mrs. Leonard Wirtz, unidentified) |
1945 |
19 / 4 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion: official documents (report of
Chaplain Robert C. Smith |
1945 |
19 / 5 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Co. F: letters and book chapter by Don
Cortright, medic |
1988-1989 |
19 / 6 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. D: book chapter ("The Philippine
Campaign", compiled by LeRoy Wheeler, contributing authors include George Gage, Ross Kraeger, Marion Criswell, Lloyd
Sabby, Albert Hannegan) |
undated |
19 / 7-9 | Philippine guerrillas: memos (to General Douglas MacArthur from Lt.
Col. Alejandro Suarez and [___] Young) |
1944 |
19 / 10 | Philippine guerrillas: reports |
1945 |
19 / 11 | Monthly reports of enemy ground and guerrilla strength, intelligence
reports |
1945 |
19 / 12 | "Triumph in the Philippines", by Robert Ross Smith, pp.
584-629 |
1945 |
19 / 13 | Miscellaneous |
undated |
Japan , 1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
19 / 14 | Hiroshima: writings (Pete Gianpulos); clippings (re German Catholic
missionaries) |
1945 |
19 / 15 | Japanese Army: official documents (statements of Japanese officers on
defense of Kyushu) |
1945 |
19 / 16 | U. S. Army of the Pacific. General Headquarters: official documents
("G-2 Estimate of the enemy Position with Respect to an Operation against Southern Kyushu in November
1945") |
1945 |
19 / 17 | Published material on invasion of Japan; photos |
1945, 1965, 1985 |
Multi-Campaign / Unit History , 1942-1945 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Subject Files |
Box/Folder | ||
20 / 1 | U. S. Army "Roster of organizations" |
1990 |
20 / 2 | U. S. Army. Services of Supply: official documents (memo military
justice) |
1942 |
20 / 3 | U. S. Army. Surgeon General's Office: official documents (circular
letters re medical news, etc.) |
1943-1944 |
20 / 4 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (awards, including
Distinguished Service Cross and Bronze Medals |
1943-1944 |
20 / 5 | 41st Infantry Division: bibliography (includes letters with libraries,
historical sources, etc.) |
undated |
20 / 6 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (casualties) |
1944 |
20 / 7 | 41st Infantry Division: official documents (chronology of
campaigns) |
1941-1945 |
20 / 8 | 41st Infantry Division. Fuller's Navy: letters (includes R. W. Coane,
John M. Myers) |
1944, 1955, 1974 |
20 / 9 | 41st Infantry Division. Headquarters: letters and writings (re Gen.
Horace Fuller, by Charles Ruoco, his barber, Ted W. Senff) |
1975 |
20 / 10 | 41st Infantry Division. Headquarters: official documents (report by
Kenneth Sweany |
1942 |
20 / 11 | 41st Infantry Division: Japanese-American former members who served in
Europe in the 442nd Infantry |
1986-87 |
20 / 12 | 41st Infantry Division: mailing lists |
undated |
20 / 13 | 41st Infantry Division. Military Police: letters (includes Lewis E.
Clark, Don Robinson) |
1976, 1981 |
20 / 14 | 41st Infantry Division reunions |
1992, undated |
20 / 15 | 41st Infantry Division. Signal Corps: official documents (journal)
1943-1945 |
20 / 16-17 | 41st Infantry Division: writings (Lew Turner manuscript "Recall: a
Story of the 41st Butchers", pp. 1-200) |
1984 |
21 / 1-9 | 41st Infantry Division: writings (Lew Turner manuscript "Recall: a
Story of the 41st Butchers", pp. 201-930) |
1984 |
21 / 10 | Clippings re 41st Infantry Division |
undated |
22 / 1 | 116th Engineer Battalion: official documents (unit history, roster)
1943-1944 |
22 / 2 | 116th Engineer Battalion. Co. A: letters and writings (includes
Kenneth Gwin, Tony Rohlff, Frank Turosik) |
1989-1990 |
22 / 3 | 116th Medical Battalion: writings (history by Franklin J. Cray)
1959 |
22 / 4 | 116th Medical Battalion: letters and writings (Dr. Mark D. Holcomb,
letters and notebooks) |
1944-1945 |
22 / 5 | 116th Medical Battalion: "The Pill Roller", newsletter of 116th
Medical Chapter of 41st Division Association |
1966-1982 |
22 / 6 | 146th Field Artillery: official documents (rosters, casualty lists)
1944-1945 |
22 / 7-8 | 148th Field Artillery: letters and writings (includes Willard Heath,
O. L. Dugan, Horace Brown), casualties |
1989 |
22 / 9 | 162nd Infantry Regiment: official documents (casualties) |
1944-1945 |
22 / 10 | 162nd Infantry Regiment: official documents (casualties) |
1944-1945 |
22 / 11 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. 3rd Battalion: letter (Steve Counts)
1944-1945 |
22 / 12 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Medical Detachment.: writings (Chester F.
Clark diary) |
1943 |
22 / 13 | 162nd Infantry Regiment. Service Co.: mailing list |
undated |
22 / 14 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents (casualties) |
1943 |
22 / 15 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents (chronology) |
1943 |
22 / 16 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: Montana National Guard history |
undated |
22 / 17 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: official documents
(payroll/roster) |
1944-1945 |
22 / 18 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: Soldiers' Chapel at Lone Mountain |
1955 |
22 / 19 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: writings (history by Hargis Westerfield,
incomplete) |
1975 |
23 / 1 | 163rd Infantry Regiment: writings (history by Ralph Marlow))
1983 |
23 / 2 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion. Ammunition and Pioneer
Platoon: writings (Norman F. Mathews) |
1982 |
23 / 3 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion. Medical Section: letters and
writings (history by Kenneth Schooley, letter by George Jackson), clippings, poetry, illustrations |
1978-1982 |
23 / 4 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. A: writings (unidentified) |
undated |
23 / 5 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. E-F: official documents (payroll/roster)
1944-1945 |
23 / 6 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: official documents (payroll/roster)
1944 |
23 / 7-8 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. G: writings (Harold Ingle diary, original
and partial transcript; original also includes rosters and inter-company baseball game statistics) |
1941-1945 |
23 / 9 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Co. L: writings (Ralph Westerman diary,
photocopy) |
1941-1945 |
23 / 10 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Cannon Co.: writings ("A History of Cannon
Company, 163rd Infantry" by Cpl. M. Rudner) |
undated |
23 / 11 | 163rd Infantry Regiment. Regimental Surgeon: official documents
(medical history by John B. White, Mark D. Holcomb) |
1943-1945 |
23 / 12 | 186th Infantry Regiment: official documents (payroll/roster)
1944 |
23 / 13 | 186th Infantry Regiment: writings (history by Hargis Westerfield)
undated |
23 / 14 | 186th Infantry Regiment. Co. D, F: letters and writings (includes
Marion Criswell, Herman Hudnall, Reuben Klink, Ross Kreager, Gerald LaHaie, Lloyd Sabby) |
1980-1982 |
23 / 15 | 218th Infantry Regiment: official documents (payroll/roster)
1944 |
24 / 1 | 947th Field Artillery: official documents ("History of the 947 Field
Artillery Battalion," by Paul G. Hollister) |
1945 |
24 / 2 | Unidentified diary |
March-December 1944 |
24 / 3 | Unidentified writing |
undated |
24 / 4 | United States Navy: writings (Hargis Westerfield, Robert J. Bulkeley,
excerpts from Samuel Eliot Morrison's "History of United States Naval Operations in World War II" vol.8) |
undated |
24 / 5 | Japanese Army. 55th Independent Mixed Brigade: writings (Hargis
Westerfield, based on Akiyoshi Fujioka) |
undated |
24 / 6 | Japanese Army. official documents (interrogations and reports)
1943-1950 |
24 / 7 | Japanese. Iva Toguri ("Tokyo Rose") |
undated |
24 / 8 | New Guinea natives |
undated |
Box | ||
Card Box | Index to medal recipients |
undated |
Maps |
Folder | ||
Oversize Folder 1 | Sanananda, Salamaua |
1943 |
Oversize Folder 2 | Salamaua watercolor pictorial maps |
1943 |
Oversize Folder 3 | Wakde, Toem, Biak |
1944 |
Oversize Folder 4 | Zamboanga |
1945 |
Oversize Folder 5 | Jolo/Sula, Davao, Mindanao |
1945 |
Published Material |
Box/Folder | ||
24 / 9 | "Introduction to New Guinea Pidgin" by Father F. Mihalic [re language]
undated |
Clippings |
Box/Folder | ||
24 / 10 | "The Bloody Jungle Road to Tokyo," by Robert L. Eichenberger and Milton
MacKaye, Saturday Evening Post |
1949 |
24 / 11 | "The Forty First," newsletter published in Australia |
1943 |
24 / 12 | "The Fighting 41st in Review," by Herman Edwards in The Oregonian
1945 |
Tape Recordings |
Box/Folder | ||
24 / 10 | G. Clare Thomas, 186th Infantry from Sept. 16 thru 1st Papuan Campaign"
tapes, 1, 2 transferred to CD; tape 4 barely audible |
1949 |
Personal , 1956-1993 Return to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Biographical Material |
Box/Folder | ||
25 / 1 | Appointment of Dr. Westerfield to faculty of Iowa Wesleyan
College |
1956 |
General Correspondence [a mixture of personal and military
content] |
Box/Folder | ||
25 / 2 | B-H (correspondents include Joe Bradshaw, Doyle and Helen Bruce, Jens
A. Doe, Edward J. Drea, Alvin Fritz Grauerholz, Christian P. Hald, Willard A. Heath, Karl L. Heiman) |
1959-1993 |
25 / 3 | Makoto Ikeda |
1986-1993 |
25 / 4 | J-N (correspondents include George Jackson, Dick Lund, Harold J. Lyon,
Douglas MacArthur, Arthur W. Merrick, John H. Neilson) |
1969-1991 |
25 / 5 | Marilyn Owen |
1982-1992 |
25 / 6 | Herb Risley |
1991 |
25 / 7 | R-W (correspondents include Nick and Charlene Russo, Douglas Sikes,
Irwin Soliday, Frank A. Turosik, Tex Whaley, Nick Wheeler, unidentified) |
1987-1991 |
Diaries |
Box/Folder | ||
25 / 8 | Hargis Westerfield diary |
1991-1993 |
Miscellany |
Box/Folder | ||
25 / 9 |
Fighting Jungleer book publication, first and
second editions |
1977-1988 |
25 / 10 |
Fighting Jungleer table of contents (lists
campaigns in order) |
undated |
25 / 11 | Makoto Ikeda photo albums "My Pilgrimage to Zamboanga" |
1991-1993 |
25 / 12 |
Jungleer chronological list of articles by Hargis
Westerfield and distribution |
1957-1987 |
25 / 13 | Non-military writings by Westerfield |
undated |
25 / 14 | notebook |
Undated |
25 / 15 | Photocopying projects |
1967-1983 |
25 / 16 | Plan for last rites for Westerfield, as designed by him well ahead of
time |
1980 |
25 / 17 | Play "Meet the Soldier" by Special Service Office |
undated |
25 / 18-19 | Poems by Westerfield, Leeon F. Aller, and others |
1944, undated |
25 / 20 | Religion |
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Biak Island, Battle of, Indonesia, 1944
- World War, 1939-1945--Chaplains.
- World War, 1939-1945--New Guinea.
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives.
- World War, 1939-1945--South Pacific.
- World War, 1939-1945.
Corporate Names
- United States. Army. Infantry Division, 41st.
Geographical Names
- Philippines--History --1898-1946.
- Sanananda (Papua, New Guinea)
- Zamboanga Peninsula (Philippines)